Ken Clary authored
We add 'courserun_key' (aka "course_id" though that's technically a misnomer) as an optional parameter to the /event endpoint url. If it is not present, it will still be parsed out of the url, if the url is of the right format. Additionally, Logger.log() in js adds this parameter to its /event call, pulling it from the $$course_id global. This provides opportunity for MFEs to (separately) provide the key without concern about url parsing. TNL-7752
logger_spec.js 7.94 KiB
(function() {
'use strict';
describe('Logger', function() {
it('expose window.log_event', function() {
describe('log', function() {
// Note that log is used by external XBlocks, and the API cannot change without
// proper deprecation and notification for external authors.
it('can send a request to log event', function() {
spyOn(jQuery, 'ajaxWithPrefix');
Logger.log('example', 'data');
url: '/event',
type: 'POST',
data: {
event_type: 'example',
event: '"data"',
courserun_key: 'edX/999/test',
page: window.location.href
async: true
it('can send a request with custom options to log event', function() {
spyOn(jQuery, 'ajaxWithPrefix');
Logger.log('example', 'data', null, {type: 'GET', async: false});
url: '/event',
type: 'GET',
data: {
event_type: 'example',
event: '"data"',
courserun_key: 'edX/999/test',
page: window.location.href
async: false
describe('ajax request settings with path_prefix', function() {
var $meta_tag;
beforeEach(function() {
this.initialAjaxWithPrefix = jQuery.ajaxWithPrefix;
AjaxPrefix.addAjaxPrefix($, _.bind(function() {
return $("meta[name='path_prefix']").attr('content');
}, this));
afterEach(function() {
jQuery.ajaxWithPrefix = this.initialAjaxWithPrefix;
$meta_tag = null;
it('if path_prefix is not defined', function() {
$meta_tag = $('<meta name="path_prefix1" content="">');
spyOn(jQuery, 'ajax');
Logger.log('example', 'data');
url: 'undefined/event',
type: 'POST',
data: {
event_type: 'example',
event: '"data"',
courserun_key: 'edX/999/test',
page: window.location.href
async: true
it('if path_prefix is defined', function() {
$meta_tag = $('<meta name="path_prefix" content="">');
spyOn(jQuery, 'ajax');
Logger.log('example', 'data');
url: '/event',
type: 'POST',
data: {
event_type: 'example',
event: '"data"',
courserun_key: 'edX/999/test',
page: window.location.href
async: true
it('if path_prefix is custom value', function() {
$meta_tag = $('<meta name="path_prefix" content="testpath">');
spyOn(jQuery, 'ajax');
Logger.log('example', 'data');
url: 'testpath/event',
type: 'POST',
data: {
event_type: 'example',
event: '"data"',
courserun_key: 'edX/999/test',
page: window.location.href
async: true
describe('listen', function() {
// Note that listen is used by external XBlocks, and the API cannot change without
// proper deprecation and notification for external authors.
beforeEach(function() {
spyOn(jQuery, 'ajaxWithPrefix');
this.callbacks = _.map(_.range(4), function() {
return jasmine.createSpy();
Logger.listen('example', null, this.callbacks[0]);
Logger.listen('example', null, this.callbacks[1]);
Logger.listen('example', 'element', this.callbacks[2]);
Logger.listen('new_event', null, this.callbacks[3]);
it('can listen to events when the element name is unknown', function() {
Logger.log('example', 'data');
expect(this.callbacks[0]).toHaveBeenCalledWith('example', 'data', null);
expect(this.callbacks[1]).toHaveBeenCalledWith('example', 'data', null);
it('can listen to events when the element name is known', function() {
Logger.log('example', 'data', 'element');
expect(this.callbacks[2]).toHaveBeenCalledWith('example', 'data', 'element');
it('can catch exceptions', function() {
var callback = function() {
Logger.log('exception', 'data');
Logger.listen('exception', null, function() {
throw new Error();
describe('bind', function() {
// Note that bind may be used by external XBlocks, and the API cannot change without
// proper deprecation and notification for external authors.
beforeEach(function() {
this.initialPostWithPrefix = jQuery.postWithPrefix;
this.initialGetWithPrefix = jQuery.getWithPrefix;
this.initialAjaxWithPrefix = jQuery.ajaxWithPrefix;
this.prefix = '/6002x';
AjaxPrefix.addAjaxPrefix($, _.bind(function() {
return this.prefix;
}, this));
afterEach(function() {
jQuery.postWithPrefix = this.initialPostWithPrefix;
jQuery.getWithPrefix = this.initialGetWithPrefix;
jQuery.ajaxWithPrefix = this.initialAjaxWithPrefix;
window.onunload = null;
it('can bind the onunload event', function() {
it('can send a request to log event', function() {
spyOn(jQuery, 'ajax');
url: this.prefix + '/event',
type: 'GET',
data: {
event_type: 'page_close',
event: '',
page: window.location.href
async: false