diff --git a/cms/envs/common.py b/cms/envs/common.py
index acc9b682ba6765fbd8cee73df225f475a9b1d0a0..1b2e6cd06e70f839b5a27eb5ff445f5dc1726dae 100644
--- a/cms/envs/common.py
+++ b/cms/envs/common.py
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ ADVANCED_PROBLEM_TYPES = [
         'component': 'drag-and-drop-v2',
         'boilerplate_name': None
-    }
+    },
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/xblock_django/user_service.py b/common/djangoapps/xblock_django/user_service.py
index 9ce52ca5c1c239982e74b40ecc8f1788b667c562..0ac947d63df4e535216ca2209a1da79c7f4eeefb 100644
--- a/common/djangoapps/xblock_django/user_service.py
+++ b/common/djangoapps/xblock_django/user_service.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from xblock.reference.user_service import UserService, XBlockUser
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.preferences.api import get_user_preferences
 from student.models import anonymous_id_for_user, get_user_by_username_or_email
 ATTR_KEY_IS_AUTHENTICATED = 'edx-platform.is_authenticated'
 ATTR_KEY_USER_ID = 'edx-platform.user_id'
 ATTR_KEY_USERNAME = 'edx-platform.username'
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/grades/grade_utils.py b/lms/djangoapps/grades/grade_utils.py
index b3009d2bd4a3aeeded3b377cac482926fe1abfe0..f37aaa544e7c55bdbe78fd82c63b16d5a8a1f168 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/grades/grade_utils.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/grade_utils.py
@@ -1,11 +1,143 @@
 This module contains utility functions for grading.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
+import logging
+import time
 from datetime import timedelta
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
 from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
+from courseware.models import StudentModule
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview
+from student.models import CourseEnrollment
+from super_csv import ChecksumMixin, CSVProcessor, DeferrableMixin
 from .config.waffle import ENFORCE_FREEZE_GRADE_AFTER_COURSE_END, waffle_flags
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ScoreCSVProcessor(ChecksumMixin, DeferrableMixin, CSVProcessor):
+    """
+    CSV Processor for file format defined for Staff Graded Points
+    """
+    columns = ['user_id', 'username', 'full_name', 'email', 'student_uid',
+               'enrolled', 'track', 'block_id', 'title', 'date_last_graded',
+               'who_last_graded', 'csum', 'last_points', 'points']
+    required_columns = ['user_id', 'points', 'csum', 'block_id', 'last_points']
+    checksum_columns = ['user_id', 'block_id', 'last_points']
+    # files larger than 100 rows will be processed asynchronously
+    size_to_defer = 100
+    max_file_size = 4 * 1024 * 1024
+    handle_undo = False
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        self.now = time.time()
+        self.max_points = 1
+        self.display_name = ''
+        super(ScoreCSVProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.users_seen = {}
+    def get_unique_path(self):
+        return 'csv/state/{}/{}'.format(self.block_id, self.now)
+    def validate_row(self, row):
+        valid = super(ScoreCSVProcessor, self).validate_row(row)
+        if valid:
+            valid = row['block_id'] == self.block_id
+            if valid:
+                points = row['points']
+                if points:
+                    try:
+                        valid = float(row['points']) <= self.max_points
+                        if not valid:
+                            self.add_error(_('Points must not be greater than {}.').format(self.max_points))
+                    except ValueError:
+                        self.add_error(_('Points must be numbers.'))
+                        valid = False
+                else:
+                    valid = True
+            else:
+                self.add_error(_('The CSV does not match this problem. Check that you uploaded the right CSV.'))
+        return valid
+    def preprocess_row(self, row):
+        if row['points'] and row['user_id'] not in self.users_seen:
+            to_save = {
+                'user_id': row['user_id'],
+                'block_id': self.block_id,
+                'new_points': float(row['points']),
+                'max_points': self.max_points
+            }
+            self.users_seen[row['user_id']] = 1
+            return to_save
+    def process_row(self, row):
+        if self.handle_undo:
+            # get the current score, for undo. expensive
+            undo = get_score(row['block_id'], row['user_id'])
+            undo['new_points'] = undo['score']
+            undo['max_points'] = row['max_points']
+        else:
+            undo = None
+        set_score(row['block_id'], row['user_id'], row['new_points'], row['max_points'])
+        return True, undo
+    def _get_enrollments(self, course_id, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        """
+        Return iterator of enrollments, as dicts.
+        """
+        enrollments = CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(
+            course_id=course_id).select_related('programcourseenrollment')
+        for enrollment in enrollments:
+            enrd = {
+                'user_id': enrollment.user.id,
+                'username': enrollment.user.username,
+                'full_name': enrollment.user.profile.name,
+                'email': enrollment.user.email,
+                'enrolled': enrollment.is_active,
+                'track': enrollment.mode,
+            }
+            try:
+                pce = enrollment.programcourseenrollment.program_enrollment
+                enrd['student_uid'] = pce.external_user_key
+            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+                enrd['student_uid'] = None
+            yield enrd
+    def get_rows_to_export(self):
+        """
+        Return iterator of rows for file export.
+        """
+        location = UsageKey.from_string(self.block_id)
+        my_name = self.display_name
+        students = get_scores(location)
+        enrollments = self._get_enrollments(location.course_key)
+        for enrollment in enrollments:
+            row = {
+                'block_id': location,
+                'title': my_name,
+                'points': None,
+                'last_points': None,
+                'date_last_graded': None,
+                'who_last_graded': None,
+            }
+            row.update(enrollment)
+            score = students.get(enrollment['user_id'], None)
+            if score:
+                row['last_points'] = int(score['grade'] * self.max_points)
+                row['date_last_graded'] = score['modified']
+                # TODO: figure out who last graded
+            yield row
 def are_grades_frozen(course_key):
     """ Returns whether grades are frozen for the given course. """
@@ -16,3 +148,62 @@ def are_grades_frozen(course_key):
             now = timezone.now()
             return now > freeze_grade_date
     return False
+def set_score(usage_key, student_id, score, max_points, **defaults):
+    """
+    Set a score.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(usage_key, UsageKey):
+        usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(usage_key)
+    defaults['module_type'] = 'problem'
+    defaults['grade'] = score / max_points
+    defaults['max_grade'] = max_points
+    StudentModule.objects.update_or_create(
+        student_id=student_id,
+        course_id=usage_key.course_key,
+        module_state_key=usage_key,
+        defaults=defaults)
+def get_score(usage_key, user_id):
+    """
+    Return score for user_id and usage_key.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(usage_key, UsageKey):
+        usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(usage_key)
+    try:
+        score = StudentModule.objects.get(
+            course_id=usage_key.course_key,
+            module_state_key=usage_key,
+            student_id=user_id
+        )
+    except StudentModule.DoesNotExist:
+        return None
+    else:
+        return {
+            'grade': score.grade,
+            'score': score.grade * (score.max_grade or 1),
+            'max_grade': score.max_grade,
+            'created': score.created,
+            'modified': score.modified
+        }
+def get_scores(usage_key, user_ids=None):
+    """
+    Return dictionary of student_id: scores.
+    """
+    scores_qset = StudentModule.objects.filter(
+        course_id=usage_key.course_key,
+        module_state_key=usage_key,
+    )
+    if user_ids:
+        scores_qset = scores_qset.filter(student_id__in=user_ids)
+    return {row.student_id: {'grade': row.grade,
+                             'score': row.grade * (row.max_grade or 1),
+                             'max_grade': row.max_grade,
+                             'created': row.created,
+                             'modified': row.modified,
+                             'state': row.state} for row in scores_qset}
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/grades/tasks.py b/lms/djangoapps/grades/tasks.py
index 6c10b47d22f217bc112fb0e64784184716e27b14..9329fd37c0572c0280bb19a461d43f32060f72d2 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/grades/tasks.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/tasks.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ from .subsection_grade_factory import SubsectionGradeFactory
 from .transformer import GradesTransformer
 from .grade_utils import are_grades_frozen
 log = getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/grades/util_services.py b/lms/djangoapps/grades/util_services.py
index dff8f11b5cee6638d89f123ed5daeefb21c8cf35..88be25879ef81c1880b19038fe35dc79ff340320 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/grades/util_services.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/util_services.py
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 "A light weight interface to grading helper functions"
-from .grade_utils import are_grades_frozen
+from . import grade_utils
 class GradesUtilService(object):
@@ -14,4 +12,28 @@ class GradesUtilService(object):
     def are_grades_frozen(self):
         "Check if grades are frozen for given course key"
-        return are_grades_frozen(self.course_id)
+        return grade_utils.are_grades_frozen(self.course_id)
+    def get_score(self, usage_key, user_id):
+        """
+        Return score for user_id and usage_key.
+        """
+        return grade_utils.get_score(usage_key, user_id)
+    def get_scores(self, usage_key, user_ids=None):
+        """
+        Return dictionary of student_id: scores.
+        """
+        return grade_utils.get_scores(usage_key, user_ids)
+    def set_score(self, usage_key, student_id, score, max_points, **defaults):
+        """
+        Set a score.
+        """
+        return grade_utils.set_score(usage_key, student_id, score, max_points, **defaults)
+    def get_score_processor(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Return a csv score processor.
+        """
+        return grade_utils.ScoreCSVProcessor(**kwargs)
diff --git a/lms/envs/common.py b/lms/envs/common.py
index a0ac3829e31722e4ab258a473aa3f5754dc23053..78125dafc6d2c094ca219977ac00cea9b1a73cb6 100644
--- a/lms/envs/common.py
+++ b/lms/envs/common.py
@@ -574,7 +574,6 @@ def _make_mako_template_dirs(settings):
-    'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages',
     'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth',  # this is required for admin
diff --git a/requirements/edx/base.txt b/requirements/edx/base.txt
index ada9da67552f896c0a694706c73e48461f0e6572..0a74d849ad625174d40dde7ef6a89a2ef65fa898 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/base.txt
+++ b/requirements/edx/base.txt
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ git+https://github.com/edx/edx-ora2.git@2.2.3#egg=ora2==2.2.3
 -e common/lib/safe_lxml
 -e common/lib/sandbox-packages
 -e common/lib/symmath
 -e openedx/core/lib/xblock_builtin/xblock_discussion
diff --git a/requirements/edx/development.txt b/requirements/edx/development.txt
index e47f6aaa96cf2660988f21089e2cacd016c13a6a..813f57d95853109fa9922a1c7699ceebcbb919b2 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/development.txt
+++ b/requirements/edx/development.txt
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ git+https://github.com/edx/edx-ora2.git@2.2.3#egg=ora2==2.2.3
 -e common/lib/safe_lxml
 -e common/lib/sandbox-packages
 -e common/lib/symmath
 -e openedx/core/lib/xblock_builtin/xblock_discussion
diff --git a/requirements/edx/github.in b/requirements/edx/github.in
index f9c021e6f7835573e82c7c8cf94a7bc1c856e4c8..c362d21bf3a4edea025d4093edb90970e1a6d423 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/github.in
+++ b/requirements/edx/github.in
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 -e git+https://github.com/edx/DoneXBlock.git@01a14f3bd80ae47dd08cdbbe2f88f3eb88d00fba#egg=done-xblock
 -e git+https://github.com/edx-solutions/xblock-google-drive.git@138e6fa0bf3a2013e904a085b9fed77dab7f3f21#egg=xblock-google-drive
 -e git+https://github.com/edx/xblock-lti-consumer.git@v1.1.8#egg=lti_consumer-xblock==1.1.8
+-e git+https://github.com/davestgermain/super-csv@4963bf5da5489f06369da9cce84c92e3e42fe3d2#egg=super-csv==0.1.0
 # Third Party XBlocks
diff --git a/requirements/edx/testing.txt b/requirements/edx/testing.txt
index 1274a877b57c69cb0b2148afd31063351dd5fdfe..bbc73ea0e2f82de2a29326e26feeb89938409ccd 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/testing.txt
+++ b/requirements/edx/testing.txt
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ git+https://github.com/edx/edx-ora2.git@2.2.3#egg=ora2==2.2.3
 -e common/lib/safe_lxml
 -e common/lib/sandbox-packages
 -e common/lib/symmath
 -e openedx/core/lib/xblock_builtin/xblock_discussion