diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/test_course_create_rerun.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/test_course_create_rerun.py
index 4db95d3bed12a1dcabea20b7c303ced6bf960df9..e70fc9a67142d68bd354177e10e53e44462c11c2 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/test_course_create_rerun.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/test_course_create_rerun.py
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 Test view handler for rerun (and eventually create)
 import ddt
+from mock import patch
 from django.test.client import RequestFactory
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
 from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
@@ -15,6 +17,10 @@ from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
 from contentstore.tests.utils import AjaxEnabledTestClient, parse_json
 from datetime import datetime
 from xmodule.course_module import CourseFields
+from util.organizations_helpers import (
+    add_organization,
+    get_course_organizations,
@@ -33,7 +39,7 @@ class TestCourseListing(ModuleStoreTestCase):
         self.factory = RequestFactory()
         self.client = AjaxEnabledTestClient()
         self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password='test')
+        self.course_create_rerun_url = reverse('course_handler')
         source_course = CourseFactory.create(
@@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ class TestCourseListing(ModuleStoreTestCase):
         Just testing the functionality the view handler adds over the tasks tested in test_clone_course
-        response = self.client.ajax_post('/course/', {
+        response = self.client.ajax_post(self.course_create_rerun_url, {
             'source_course_key': unicode(self.source_course_key),
             'org': self.source_course_key.org, 'course': self.source_course_key.course, 'run': 'copy',
             'display_name': 'not the same old name',
@@ -76,7 +82,7 @@ class TestCourseListing(ModuleStoreTestCase):
         Tests newly created course has web certs enabled by default.
         with modulestore().default_store(store):
-            response = self.client.ajax_post('/course/', {
+            response = self.client.ajax_post(self.course_create_rerun_url, {
                 'org': 'orgX',
                 'number': 'CS101',
                 'display_name': 'Course with web certs enabled',
@@ -87,3 +93,66 @@ class TestCourseListing(ModuleStoreTestCase):
             new_course_key = CourseKey.from_string(data['course_key'])
             course = self.store.get_course(new_course_key)
+    @patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ORGANIZATIONS_APP': False})
+    @ddt.data(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.mongo, ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split)
+    def test_course_creation_without_org_app_enabled(self, store):
+        """
+        Tests course creation workflow should not create course to org
+        link if organizations_app is not enabled.
+        """
+        with modulestore().default_store(store):
+            response = self.client.ajax_post(self.course_create_rerun_url, {
+                'org': 'orgX',
+                'number': 'CS101',
+                'display_name': 'Course with web certs enabled',
+                'run': '2015_T2'
+            })
+            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+            data = parse_json(response)
+            new_course_key = CourseKey.from_string(data['course_key'])
+            course_orgs = get_course_organizations(new_course_key)
+            self.assertEqual(course_orgs, [])
+    @patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ORGANIZATIONS_APP': True})
+    @ddt.data(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.mongo, ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split)
+    def test_course_creation_with_org_not_in_system(self, store):
+        """
+        Tests course creation workflow when course organization does not exist
+        in system.
+        """
+        with modulestore().default_store(store):
+            response = self.client.ajax_post(self.course_create_rerun_url, {
+                'org': 'orgX',
+                'number': 'CS101',
+                'display_name': 'Course with web certs enabled',
+                'run': '2015_T2'
+            })
+            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+            data = parse_json(response)
+            self.assertIn(u'Organization you selected does not exist in the system', data['error'])
+    @patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ORGANIZATIONS_APP': True})
+    @ddt.data(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.mongo, ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split)
+    def test_course_creation_with_org_in_system(self, store):
+        """
+        Tests course creation workflow when course organization exist in system.
+        """
+        add_organization({
+            'name': 'Test Organization',
+            'short_name': 'orgX',
+            'description': 'Testing Organization Description',
+        })
+        with modulestore().default_store(store):
+            response = self.client.ajax_post(self.course_create_rerun_url, {
+                'org': 'orgX',
+                'number': 'CS101',
+                'display_name': 'Course with web certs enabled',
+                'run': '2015_T2'
+            })
+            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+            data = parse_json(response)
+            new_course_key = CourseKey.from_string(data['course_key'])
+            course_orgs = get_course_organizations(new_course_key)
+            self.assertEqual(len(course_orgs), 1)
+            self.assertEqual(course_orgs[0]['short_name'], 'orgX')
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/course.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/course.py
index e40fbe5ea7364e6517464739469d8cec7b89ad01..3e8268097150895ca657d9756c231195b0de87d0 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/course.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/course.py
@@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ from util.milestones_helpers import (
+from util.organizations_helpers import (
+    add_organization_course,
+    get_organization_by_short_name,
+    organizations_enabled,
 from util.string_utils import _has_non_ascii_characters
 from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent
 from xmodule.course_module import CourseFields
@@ -738,8 +743,17 @@ def _create_new_course(request, org, number, run, fields):
     Returns the URL for the course overview page.
     Raises DuplicateCourseError if the course already exists
+    org_data = get_organization_by_short_name(org)
+    if not org_data and organizations_enabled():
+        return JsonResponse(
+            {'error': _('You must link this course to an organization in order to continue. '
+                        'Organization you selected does not exist in the system, '
+                        'you will need to add it to the system')},
+            status=400
+        )
     store_for_new_course = modulestore().default_modulestore.get_modulestore_type()
     new_course = create_new_course_in_store(store_for_new_course, request.user, org, number, run, fields)
+    add_organization_course(org_data, new_course.id)
     return JsonResponse({
         'url': reverse_course_url('course_handler', new_course.id),
         'course_key': unicode(new_course.id),
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/organization.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/organization.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13ac777ee9096c9d3604dc95f7b5fe0be0c338f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/organization.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+"""Organizations views for use with Studio."""
+from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
+from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
+from django.views.generic import View
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from openedx.core.lib.js_utils import escape_json_dumps
+from util.organizations_helpers import get_organizations
+class OrganizationListView(View):
+    """View rendering organization list as json.
+    This view renders organization list json which is used in org
+    autocomplete while creating new course.
+    """
+    @method_decorator(login_required)
+    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Returns organization list as json."""
+        organizations = get_organizations()
+        org_names_list = [(org["short_name"]) for org in organizations]
+        return HttpResponse(escape_json_dumps(org_names_list), content_type='application/json; charset=utf-8')
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/tests/test_organizations.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/tests/test_organizations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ba81f36b4cb97de93bb5e177abe5785a1b03f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/tests/test_organizations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+"""Tests covering the Organizations listing on the Studio home."""
+import json
+from mock import patch
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.test import TestCase
+from util.organizations_helpers import add_organization
+from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
+@patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ORGANIZATIONS_APP': True})
+class TestOrganizationListing(TestCase):
+    """Verify Organization listing behavior."""
+    @patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ORGANIZATIONS_APP': True})
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestOrganizationListing, self).setUp()
+        self.staff = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
+        self.client.login(username=self.staff.username, password='test')
+        self.org_names_listing_url = reverse('organizations')
+        self.org_short_names = ["alphaX", "betaX", "orgX"]
+        for index, short_name in enumerate(self.org_short_names):
+            add_organization(organization_data={
+                'name': 'Test Organization %s' % index,
+                'short_name': short_name,
+                'description': 'Testing Organization %s Description' % index,
+            })
+    def test_organization_list(self):
+        """Verify that the organization names list api returns list of organization short names."""
+        response = self.client.get(self.org_names_listing_url, HTTP_ACCEPT='application/json')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        org_names = json.loads(response.content)
+        self.assertEqual(org_names, self.org_short_names)
diff --git a/cms/envs/bok_choy.py b/cms/envs/bok_choy.py
index 20671f9c7b66b3b465348c1c276b991a6490cf34..765920aba189b360ffd582aa51315a09aeaa9d69 100644
--- a/cms/envs/bok_choy.py
+++ b/cms/envs/bok_choy.py
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ YOUTUBE['TEXT_API']['url'] = "{0}/test_transcripts_youtube/".format(YO
 SEARCH_ENGINE = "search.tests.mock_search_engine.MockSearchEngine"
 # Path at which to store the mock index
diff --git a/cms/envs/common.py b/cms/envs/common.py
index 71493e06ec427a2e50a907574bba09afadbb42f3..2f203dc4d33479552fbc15d790523cf68cd0af58 100644
--- a/cms/envs/common.py
+++ b/cms/envs/common.py
@@ -180,6 +180,8 @@ FEATURES = {
     # Special Exams, aka Timed and Proctored Exams
@@ -924,6 +926,9 @@ OPTIONAL_APPS = (
     # milestones
+    # Organizations App (http://github.com/edx/edx-organizations)
+    'organizations',
diff --git a/cms/static/js/index.js b/cms/static/js/index.js
index 243c6021251c5201b7e944fbf3dbd10d6a53d67b..8f8d74eb2f77efcd1b8b24adf78fcbd69999b4bd 100644
--- a/cms/static/js/index.js
+++ b/cms/static/js/index.js
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ define(["domReady", "jquery", "underscore", "js/utils/cancel_on_escape", "js/vie
             $('.new-course-save').on('click', saveNewCourse);
             $cancelButton.bind('click', makeCancelHandler('course'));
+            CreateCourseUtils.setupOrgAutocomplete();
diff --git a/cms/static/js/spec/views/pages/index_spec.js b/cms/static/js/spec/views/pages/index_spec.js
index e9a1d4310a4a85c3355c9d5fff648f427de5f0b6..4d857e151cf5dfd7f9ad8b3a75bff36b41d935a6 100644
--- a/cms/static/js/spec/views/pages/index_spec.js
+++ b/cms/static/js/spec/views/pages/index_spec.js
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ define(["jquery", "common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers", "common/js/spec_helpers
                 var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
                 var redirectSpy = spyOn(ViewUtils, 'redirect');
+                AjaxHelpers.expectJsonRequest(requests, 'GET', '/organizations');
+                AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, ['DemoX', 'DemoX2', 'DemoX3']);
                 fillInFields('DemoX', 'DM101', '2014', 'Demo course');
                 AjaxHelpers.expectJsonRequest(requests, 'POST', '/course/', {
@@ -53,11 +55,14 @@ define(["jquery", "common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers", "common/js/spec_helpers
                     url: 'dummy_test_url'
+                $(".new-course-org").autocomplete("destroy");
             it("displays an error when saving fails", function () {
                 var requests = AjaxHelpers.requests(this);
+                AjaxHelpers.expectJsonRequest(requests, 'GET', '/organizations');
+                AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, ['DemoX', 'DemoX2', 'DemoX3']);
                 fillInFields('DemoX', 'DM101', '2014', 'Demo course');
                 AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {
@@ -67,6 +72,7 @@ define(["jquery", "common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers", "common/js/spec_helpers
                 expect($('#course_creation_error')).toContainText('error message');
                 expect($('.new-course-save')).toHaveAttr('aria-disabled', 'true');
+                $(".new-course-org").autocomplete("destroy");
             it("saves new libraries", function () {
diff --git a/cms/static/js/views/utils/create_course_utils.js b/cms/static/js/views/utils/create_course_utils.js
index d294001291b7e0bf700316a41d8723ded382ef45..b9cc0abcdbfbdec104dc123e12e79e0be9db77ae 100644
--- a/cms/static/js/views/utils/create_course_utils.js
+++ b/cms/static/js/views/utils/create_course_utils.js
@@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ define(["jquery", "gettext", "common/js/components/utils/view_utils", "js/views/
             CreateUtilsFactory.call(this, selectors, classes, keyLengthViolationMessage, keyFieldSelectors, nonEmptyCheckFieldSelectors);
+            this.setupOrgAutocomplete = function(){
+                $.getJSON('/organizations', function (data) {
+                    $(selectors.org).autocomplete({
+                        source: data
+                    });
+                });
+            };
             this.create = function (courseInfo, errorHandler) {
diff --git a/cms/static/sass/elements/_vendor.scss b/cms/static/sass/elements/_vendor.scss
index e28ec307ce01f2a27bab4151d6269c14ea154ee4..9795e24693fbbd5ed0ebd75ff69a74f94f8d5c55 100644
--- a/cms/static/sass/elements/_vendor.scss
+++ b/cms/static/sass/elements/_vendor.scss
@@ -157,3 +157,35 @@
+.ui-autocomplete {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+  cursor: default;
+  @include linear-gradient($gray-l5, $white);
+  border-right: 1px solid $gray-l2;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-l2;
+  border-left: 1px solid $gray-l2;
+  background-color: $gray-l5;
+  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px $shadow-l1;
+  color: $color-copy-emphasized;
+  li.ui-menu-item{
+    padding: 0;
+    margin: 0;
+    a {
+      color: $color-copy-emphasized;
+    }
+    a.ui-state-focus{
+      border: none;
+      background-color: $blue;
+      background: $blue;
+      color: $white;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/cms/urls.py b/cms/urls.py
index 2439987c541d2b88599d78e9ac3abd3d2670fc0b..338d241f6f681a1d565cbd166701384ae609e6b6 100644
--- a/cms/urls.py
+++ b/cms/urls.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
 from ratelimitbackend import admin
 from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.views.program import ProgramAuthoringView, ProgramsIdTokenView
+from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.views.organization import OrganizationListView
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
     url(r'^not_found$', 'contentstore.views.not_found', name='not_found'),
     url(r'^server_error$', 'contentstore.views.server_error', name='server_error'),
+    url(r'^organizations$', OrganizationListView.as_view(), name='organizations'),
     # temporary landing page for edge
     url(r'^edge$', 'contentstore.views.edge', name='edge'),
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/util/organizations_helpers.py b/common/djangoapps/util/organizations_helpers.py
index 65f3673d1070fb0f6b0d4056a50a074d06edd834..5164ae3dd9b5e9545c8330dcebdee1b3be228d2d 100644
--- a/common/djangoapps/util/organizations_helpers.py
+++ b/common/djangoapps/util/organizations_helpers.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def add_organization(organization_data):
     Client API operation adapter/wrapper
-    if not settings.FEATURES.get('ORGANIZATIONS_APP', False):
+    if not organizations_enabled():
         return None
     from organizations import api as organizations_api
     return organizations_api.add_organization(organization_data=organization_data)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def add_organization_course(organization_data, course_id):
     Client API operation adapter/wrapper
-    if not settings.FEATURES.get('ORGANIZATIONS_APP', False):
+    if not organizations_enabled():
         return None
     from organizations import api as organizations_api
     return organizations_api.add_organization_course(organization_data=organization_data, course_key=course_id)
@@ -30,17 +30,31 @@ def get_organization(organization_id):
     Client API operation adapter/wrapper
-    if not settings.FEATURES.get('ORGANIZATIONS_APP', False):
+    if not organizations_enabled():
         return []
     from organizations import api as organizations_api
     return organizations_api.get_organization(organization_id)
+def get_organization_by_short_name(organization_short_name):
+    """
+    Client API operation adapter/wrapper
+    """
+    if not organizations_enabled():
+        return None
+    from organizations import api as organizations_api
+    from organizations.exceptions import InvalidOrganizationException
+    try:
+        return organizations_api.get_organization_by_short_name(organization_short_name)
+    except InvalidOrganizationException:
+        return None
 def get_organizations():
     Client API operation adapter/wrapper
-    if not settings.FEATURES.get('ORGANIZATIONS_APP', False):
+    if not organizations_enabled():
         return []
     from organizations import api as organizations_api
     # Due to the way unit tests run for edx-platform, models are not yet available at the time
@@ -58,7 +72,7 @@ def get_organization_courses(organization_id):
     Client API operation adapter/wrapper
-    if not settings.FEATURES.get('ORGANIZATIONS_APP', False):
+    if not organizations_enabled():
         return []
     from organizations import api as organizations_api
     return organizations_api.get_organization_courses(organization_id)
@@ -68,7 +82,14 @@ def get_course_organizations(course_id):
     Client API operation adapter/wrapper
-    if not settings.FEATURES.get('ORGANIZATIONS_APP', False):
+    if not organizations_enabled():
         return []
     from organizations import api as organizations_api
     return organizations_api.get_course_organizations(course_id)
+def organizations_enabled():
+    """
+    Returns boolean indication if organizations app is enabled on not.
+    """
+    return settings.FEATURES.get('ORGANIZATIONS_APP', False)
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/util/tests/test_organizations_helpers.py b/common/djangoapps/util/tests/test_organizations_helpers.py
index 8a93a9512908d22343412cb04f04f975f48cb71e..3c607401ea6f6aa3b4bea5f7700fd47c5ff29ed7 100644
--- a/common/djangoapps/util/tests/test_organizations_helpers.py
+++ b/common/djangoapps/util/tests/test_organizations_helpers.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class OrganizationsHelpersTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
         self.organization = {
             'name': 'Test Organization',
+            'short_name': 'Orgx',
             'description': 'Testing Organization Helpers Library',
@@ -49,3 +50,25 @@ class OrganizationsHelpersTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
     def test_add_organization_course_returns_none_when_app_disabled(self):
         response = organizations_helpers.add_organization_course(self.organization, self.course.id)
+    def test_get_organization_by_short_name_when_app_disabled(self):
+        """
+        Tests get_organization_by_short_name api when app is disabled.
+        """
+        response = organizations_helpers.get_organization_by_short_name(self.organization['short_name'])
+        self.assertIsNone(response)
+    @patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ORGANIZATIONS_APP': True})
+    def test_get_organization_by_short_name_when_app_enabled(self):
+        """
+        Tests get_organization_by_short_name api when app is enabled.
+        """
+        response = organizations_helpers.add_organization(organization_data=self.organization)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(response['id'])
+        response = organizations_helpers.get_organization_by_short_name(self.organization['short_name'])
+        self.assertIsNotNone(response['id'])
+        # fetch non existing org
+        response = organizations_helpers.get_organization_by_short_name('non_existing')
+        self.assertIsNone(response)
diff --git a/common/test/acceptance/pages/studio/index.py b/common/test/acceptance/pages/studio/index.py
index 3ced5bf2f9c7266a40959027e9547f8b2a75504e..d38172a731d147d194c556953ca8bd793738077c 100644
--- a/common/test/acceptance/pages/studio/index.py
+++ b/common/test/acceptance/pages/studio/index.py
@@ -85,6 +85,85 @@ class DashboardPage(PageObject):
         self.q(css='.wrapper-create-library .new-library-save').click()
+    @property
+    def new_course_button(self):
+        """
+        Returns "New Course" button.
+        """
+        return self.q(css='.new-course-button')
+    def is_new_course_form_visible(self):
+        """
+        Is the new course form visible?
+        """
+        return self.q(css='.wrapper-create-course').visible
+    def click_new_course_button(self):
+        """
+        Click "New Course" button
+        """
+        self.q(css='.new-course-button').first.click()
+        self.wait_for_ajax()
+    def fill_new_course_form(self, display_name, org, number, run):
+        """
+        Fill out the form to create a new course.
+        """
+        field = lambda fn: self.q(css='.wrapper-create-course #new-course-{}'.format(fn))
+        field('name').fill(display_name)
+        field('org').fill(org)
+        field('number').fill(number)
+        field('run').fill(run)
+    def is_new_course_form_valid(self):
+        """
+        Returns `True` if new course form is valid otherwise `False`.
+        """
+        return (
+            self.q(css='.wrapper-create-course .new-course-save:not(.is-disabled)').present and
+            not self.q(css='.wrapper-create-course .wrap-error.is-shown').present
+        )
+    def submit_new_course_form(self):
+        """
+        Submit the new course form.
+        """
+        self.q(css='.wrapper-create-course .new-course-save').first.click()
+        self.wait_for_ajax()
+    @property
+    def error_notification(self):
+        """
+        Returns error notification element.
+        """
+        return self.q(css='.wrapper-notification-error.is-shown')
+    @property
+    def error_notification_message(self):
+        """
+        Returns text of error message.
+        """
+        self.wait_for_element_visibility(
+            ".wrapper-notification-error.is-shown .message", "Error message is visible"
+        )
+        return self.error_notification.results[0].find_element_by_css_selector('.message').text
+    @property
+    def course_org_field(self):
+        """
+        Returns course organization input.
+        """
+        return self.q(css='.wrapper-create-course #new-course-org')
+    def select_item_in_autocomplete_widget(self, item_text):
+        """
+        Selects item in autocomplete where text of item matches item_text.
+        """
+        self.wait_for_element_visibility(
+            ".ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item", "Autocomplete widget is visible"
+        )
+        self.q(css='.ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item a').filter(lambda el: el.text == item_text)[0].click()
     def list_courses(self):
         List all the courses found on the page's list of libraries.
@@ -102,6 +181,15 @@ class DashboardPage(PageObject):
         return self.q(css='.courses li.course-item').map(div2info).results
+    def has_course(self, org, number, run):
+        """
+        Returns `True` if course for given org, number and run exists on the page otherwise `False`
+        """
+        for course in self.list_courses():
+            if course['org'] == org and course['number'] == number and course['run'] == run:
+                return True
+        return False
     def list_libraries(self):
         Click the tab to display the available libraries, and return detail of them.
diff --git a/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_lms_course_discovery.py b/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_lms_course_discovery.py
index 8bfe04477004d0e3510c8668b5ec5c1f9f93ff49..9f232f35fe8bbbd647451b619a08bfd14a02639c 100644
--- a/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_lms_course_discovery.py
+++ b/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_lms_course_discovery.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Test course discovery.
 import datetime
 import json
+import uuid
 from bok_choy.web_app_test import WebAppTest
 from ..helpers import remove_file
@@ -34,29 +35,14 @@ class CourseDiscoveryTest(WebAppTest):
         super(CourseDiscoveryTest, self).setUp()
         self.page = CourseDiscoveryPage(self.browser)
-        for i in range(10):
-            org = self.unique_id
-            number = unicode(i)
+        for i in range(12):
+            org = 'test_org'
+            number = "{}{}".format(str(i), str(uuid.uuid4().get_hex().upper()[0:6]))
             run = "test_run"
-            name = "test course"
+            name = "test course" if i < 10 else "grass is always greener"
             settings = {'enrollment_start': datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1).isoformat()}
             CourseFixture(org, number, run, name, settings=settings).install()
-        for i in range(2):
-            org = self.unique_id
-            number = unicode(i)
-            run = "test_run"
-            name = "grass is always greener"
-            CourseFixture(
-                org,
-                number,
-                run,
-                name,
-                settings={
-                    'enrollment_start': datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1).isoformat()
-                }
-            ).install()
     def _auto_auth(self, username, email, staff):
         Logout and login with given credentials.
diff --git a/common/test/acceptance/tests/studio/test_studio_course_create.py b/common/test/acceptance/tests/studio/test_studio_course_create.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9625b3e529ccb75010919d3c82db5fe5fadf2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/acceptance/tests/studio/test_studio_course_create.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+Acceptance tests for course creation.
+import uuid
+from bok_choy.web_app_test import WebAppTest
+from ...pages.studio.auto_auth import AutoAuthPage
+from ...pages.studio.index import DashboardPage
+from ...pages.studio.overview import CourseOutlinePage
+class CreateCourseTest(WebAppTest):
+    """
+    Test that we can create a new course the studio home page.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Load the helper for the home page (dashboard page)
+        """
+        super(CreateCourseTest, self).setUp()
+        self.auth_page = AutoAuthPage(self.browser, staff=True)
+        self.dashboard_page = DashboardPage(self.browser)
+        self.course_name = "New Course Name"
+        self.course_org = "orgX"
+        self.course_number = str(uuid.uuid4().get_hex().upper()[0:6])
+        self.course_run = "2015_T2"
+    def test_create_course_with_non_existing_org(self):
+        """
+        Scenario: Ensure that the course creation with non existing org display proper error message.
+        Given I have filled course creation form with a non existing and all required fields
+        When I click 'Create' button
+        Form validation should pass
+        Then I see the error message explaining reason for failure to create course
+        """
+        self.auth_page.visit()
+        self.dashboard_page.visit()
+        self.assertFalse(self.dashboard_page.has_course(
+            org='testOrg', number=self.course_number, run=self.course_run
+        ))
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.new_course_button.present)
+        self.dashboard_page.click_new_course_button()
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.is_new_course_form_visible())
+        self.dashboard_page.fill_new_course_form(
+            self.course_name, 'testOrg', self.course_number, self.course_run
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.is_new_course_form_valid())
+        self.dashboard_page.submit_new_course_form()
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.error_notification.present)
+        self.assertIn(
+            u'Organization you selected does not exist in the system', self.dashboard_page.error_notification_message
+        )
+    def test_create_course_with_existing_org(self):
+        """
+        Scenario: Ensure that the course creation with an existing org should be successful.
+        Given I have filled course creation form with an existing org and all required fields
+        When I click 'Create' button
+        Form validation should pass
+        Then I see the course listing page with newly created course
+        """
+        self.auth_page.visit()
+        self.dashboard_page.visit()
+        self.assertFalse(self.dashboard_page.has_course(
+            org=self.course_org, number=self.course_number, run=self.course_run
+        ))
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.new_course_button.present)
+        self.dashboard_page.click_new_course_button()
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.is_new_course_form_visible())
+        self.dashboard_page.fill_new_course_form(
+            self.course_name, self.course_org, self.course_number, self.course_run
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.is_new_course_form_valid())
+        self.dashboard_page.submit_new_course_form()
+        # Successful creation of course takes user to course outline page
+        course_outline_page = CourseOutlinePage(
+            self.browser,
+            self.course_org,
+            self.course_number,
+            self.course_run
+        )
+        course_outline_page.visit()
+        course_outline_page.wait_for_page()
+        # Go back to dashboard and verify newly created course exists there
+        self.dashboard_page.visit()
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.has_course(
+            org=self.course_org, number=self.course_number, run=self.course_run
+        ))
+    def test_create_course_with_existing_org_via_autocomplete(self):
+        """
+        Scenario: Ensure that the course creation with an existing org should be successful.
+        Given I have filled course creation form with an existing org and all required fields
+        And I selected `Course Organization` input via autocomplete
+        When I click 'Create' button
+        Form validation should pass
+        Then I see the course listing page with newly created course
+        """
+        self.auth_page.visit()
+        self.dashboard_page.visit()
+        new_org = 'orgX2'
+        self.assertFalse(self.dashboard_page.has_course(
+            org=new_org, number=self.course_number, run=self.course_run
+        ))
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.new_course_button.present)
+        self.dashboard_page.click_new_course_button()
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.is_new_course_form_visible())
+        self.dashboard_page.fill_new_course_form(
+            self.course_name, '', self.course_number, self.course_run
+        )
+        self.dashboard_page.course_org_field.fill('org')
+        self.dashboard_page.select_item_in_autocomplete_widget(new_org)
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.is_new_course_form_valid())
+        self.dashboard_page.submit_new_course_form()
+        # Successful creation of course takes user to course outline page
+        course_outline_page = CourseOutlinePage(
+            self.browser,
+            new_org,
+            self.course_number,
+            self.course_run
+        )
+        course_outline_page.visit()
+        course_outline_page.wait_for_page()
+        # Go back to dashboard and verify newly created course exists there
+        self.dashboard_page.visit()
+        self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.has_course(
+            org=new_org, number=self.course_number, run=self.course_run
+        ))
diff --git a/common/test/db_fixtures/edx-organizations.json b/common/test/db_fixtures/edx-organizations.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f16fe7afc601e78da77d291d22df2aa61327a112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/db_fixtures/edx-organizations.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  {
+    "pk": 99,
+    "model": "organizations.organization",
+    "fields": {
+      "name": "Demo org 1",
+      "short_name": "orgX",
+      "description": "Description of organization 1",
+      "logo": "org1_logo.png",
+      "active": 1
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "pk": 100,
+    "model": "organizations.organization",
+    "fields": {
+      "name": "Demo org 2",
+      "short_name": "orgX2",
+      "description": "Description of organization 2",
+      "logo": "org2_logo.png",
+      "active": 1
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "pk": 101,
+    "model": "organizations.organization",
+    "fields": {
+      "name": "Demo org 3",
+      "short_name": "orgX3",
+      "description": "Description of organization 3",
+      "logo": "org3_logo.png",
+      "active": 1
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "pk": 102,
+    "model": "organizations.organization",
+    "fields": {
+      "name": "Demo org 4",
+      "short_name": "test_org",
+      "description": "Description of organization 4",
+      "logo": "org4_logo.png",
+      "active": 1
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/requirements/edx/github.txt b/requirements/edx/github.txt
index f0a4de005106a99c8491746c3359acb4435b2fe9..b3e0ea0085d9d8cb27b3ba2036a9998f10ade353 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/github.txt
+++ b/requirements/edx/github.txt
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ git+https://github.com/edx/xblock-utils.git@v1.0.0#egg=xblock-utils==v1.0.0
 -e git+https://github.com/edx-solutions/xblock-google-drive.git@138e6fa0bf3a2013e904a085b9fed77dab7f3f21#egg=xblock-google-drive
 -e git+https://github.com/edx/edx-reverification-block.git@0.0.5#egg=edx-reverification-block==0.0.5
 -e git+https://github.com/edx/edx-user-state-client.git@30c0ad4b9f57f8d48d6943eb585ec8a9205f4469#egg=edx-user-state-client