From 2e2136d39ca64dc686c81f8611cf2e10aefb7d1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christine Lytwynec <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 22:19:59 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Deprecated unit tests from rake to paver

 docs/en_us/internal/            |  71 ++++----
 pavelib/                       |   3 +-
 pavelib/                        |  72 ++++++++
 pavelib/                        |  22 +--
 pavelib/                          | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++
 pavelib/utils/                     |  33 ++++
 pavelib/utils/test/            |   0
 pavelib/utils/test/suites/     |   8 +
 pavelib/utils/test/suites/   |  40 +++++
 pavelib/utils/test/suites/     |  61 +++++++
 pavelib/utils/test/suites/   | 169 +++++++++++++++++++
 pavelib/utils/test/suites/ |  48 ++++++
 pavelib/utils/test/suites/        | 123 ++++++++++++++
 pavelib/utils/test/               |  45 +++++
 rakelib/i18n.rake                         |  10 --
 rakelib/js_test.rake                      |  97 -----------
 rakelib/js_test_deprecated.rake           |  26 +++
 rakelib/tests.rake                        | 192 ----------------------
 rakelib/tests_deprecated.rake             |  45 +++++
 19 files changed, 903 insertions(+), 349 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pavelib/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/utils/test/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/utils/test/suites/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/utils/test/suites/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/utils/test/suites/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/utils/test/suites/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/utils/test/suites/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/utils/test/suites/
 create mode 100644 pavelib/utils/test/
 delete mode 100644 rakelib/js_test.rake
 create mode 100644 rakelib/js_test_deprecated.rake
 delete mode 100644 rakelib/tests.rake
 create mode 100644 rakelib/tests_deprecated.rake

diff --git a/docs/en_us/internal/ b/docs/en_us/internal/
index 5682f657128..39ecc37b89c 100644
--- a/docs/en_us/internal/
+++ b/docs/en_us/internal/
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ because the `capa` package handles problem XML.
 You can run all of the unit-level tests using the command
-    rake test
+    paver test
 This includes python, javascript, and documentation tests. It does not, however,
 run any acceptance tests.
@@ -104,44 +104,54 @@ We use [nose]( through
 the [django-nose plugin](
 to run the test suite.
-You can run all the python tests using `rake` commands.  For example,
+You can run all the python tests using `paver` commands.  For example,
-    rake test:python
+    paver test_python
 runs all the tests.  It also runs `collectstatic`, which prepares the static files used by the site (for example, compiling Coffeescript to Javascript).
 You can re-run all failed python tests by running: (see note at end of section)
-    rake test:python[--failed]
+    paver test_python --failed
-You can also run the tests without `collectstatic`, which tends to be faster:
+To test lms or cms python, use:
-    rake fasttest_lms
+    paver test_system -s lms
-    rake fasttest_cms
+    paver test_system -s cms
-xmodule can be tested independently, with this:
+You can also run these tests without `collectstatic`, which is faster:
-    rake test_common/lib/xmodule
+    paver test_system -s lms --fasttest
-other module level tests include
-* `rake test_common/lib/capa`
-* `rake test_common/lib/calc`
+    paver test_system -s cms --fasttest
 To run a single django test class:
-    rake test_lms[lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/]
+    paver test_system -t lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/
 To run a single django test:
-    rake test_lms[lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/]
+    paver test_system -t lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/
+To re-run all failing django tests from lms or cms, use the `--failed`,`-f` flag (see note at end of section)
+    paver test_system -s lms --failed
+    paver test_system -s cms --failed
-To re-run all failing django tests from lms or cms: (see note at end of section)
+There is also a `--fail_fast`, `-x` option that will stop nosetests after the first failure.
-    rake test_lms[--failed]
+common/lib tests are tested with the `test_lib` task, which also accepts the `--failed` and `--fail_fast` options. For example:
+    paver test_lib -l common/lib/calc
+    paver test_lib -l common/lib/xmodule --failed
 To run a single nose test file:
@@ -174,7 +184,7 @@ To run tests for stub servers, for example for
 [YouTube stub server](,
 you can do one of:
-    rake fasttest_cms[common/djangoapps/terrain/stubs/tests/]
+    paver test_system -s cms -t common/djangoapps/terrain/stubs/tests/
     python -m coverage run --rcfile=cms/.coveragerc `which ./` cms --settings test test --traceback common/djangoapps/terrain/stubs/tests/
@@ -183,28 +193,31 @@ Very handy: if you uncomment the `pdb=1` line in `setup.cfg`, it will drop you i
 Note: More on the `--failed` functionality
 * In order to use this, you must run the tests first. If you haven't already run the tests, or if no tests failed in the previous run, then using the `--failed` switch will result in **all** of the tests being run.  See more about this in the [nose documentation](
-* Note that `rake test:python` calls nosetests separately for cms and lms. This means that if tests failed only in lms on the previous run, then calling `rake test:python[--failed]` will run **all of the tests for cms** in addition to the previously failing lms tests. If you want it to run only the failing tests for lms or cms, use the `rake test_lms[--failed]` or `rake test_cms[--failed]` commands. 
+* Note that `paver test_python` calls nosetests separately for cms and lms. This means that if tests failed only in lms on the previous run, then calling `paver test_python --failed` will run **all of the tests for cms** in addition to the previously failing lms tests. If you want it to run only the failing tests for lms or cms, use the `paver test_system -s lms --failed` or `paver test_system -s cms --failed` commands. 
 ### Running Javascript Unit Tests
 We use Jasmine to run JavaScript unit tests.  To run all the JavaScript tests:
-    rake test:js
+    paver test_js
 To run a specific set of JavaScript tests and print the results to the console:
-    rake test:js:run[lms]
-    rake test:js:run[cms]
-    rake test:js:run[xmodule]
-    rake test:js:run[common]
+    paver test_js_run -s lms
+    paver test_js_run -s cms
+    paver test_js_run -s cms-squire
+    paver test_js_run -s xmodule
+    paver test_js_run -s common
 To run JavaScript tests in your default browser:
-    rake test:js:dev[lms]
-    rake test:js:dev[cms]
-    rake test:js:dev[xmodule]
-    rake test:js:dev[common]
+    paver test_js_dev -s lms
+    paver test_js_dev -s cms
+    paver test_js_dev -s cms-squire
+    paver test_js_dev -s xmodule
+    paver test_js_dev -s common
 These rake commands call through to a custom test runner.  For more info, see [js-test-tool](
@@ -334,11 +347,11 @@ To view test coverage:
 1. Run the test suite:
-        rake test
+        paver test
 2. Generate reports:
-        rake coverage
+        paver coverage
 3. Reports are located in the `reports` folder.  The command
 generates HTML and XML (Cobertura format) reports.
diff --git a/pavelib/ b/pavelib/
index 1f1af5c3af9..d2edaa42a22 100644
--- a/pavelib/
+++ b/pavelib/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 paver commands
-__all__ = ["assets", "servers", "docs", "prereqs", "quality"]
-from . import assets, servers, docs, prereqs, quality
+from . import assets, servers, docs, prereqs, quality, tests, js_test
diff --git a/pavelib/ b/pavelib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d69e60da3db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Javascript test tasks
+import sys
+from paver.easy import task, cmdopts, needs
+from pavelib.utils.test.suites import JsTestSuite
+from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
+__test__ = False  # do not collect
+    'pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs',
+    'pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir',
+    ("suite=", "s", "Test suite to run"),
+    ("mode=", "m", "dev or run"),
+    ("coverage", "c", "Run test under coverage"),
+def test_js(options):
+    """
+    Run the JavaScript tests
+    """
+    mode = getattr(options, 'mode', 'run')
+    if mode == 'run':
+        suite = getattr(options, 'suite', 'all')
+        coverage = getattr(options, 'coverage', False)
+    elif mode == 'dev':
+        suite = getattr(options, 'suite', None)
+        coverage = False
+    else:
+        sys.stderr.write("Invalid mode. Please choose 'dev' or 'run'.")
+        return
+    if (suite != 'all') and (suite not in Env.JS_TEST_ID_KEYS):
+        sys.stderr.write(
+            "Unknown test suite. Please choose from ({suites})\n".format(
+                suites=", ".join(Env.JS_TEST_ID_KEYS)
+            )
+        )
+        return
+    test_suite = JsTestSuite(suite, mode=mode, with_coverage=coverage)
+    ("suite=", "s", "Test suite to run"),
+    ("coverage", "c", "Run test under coverage"),
+def test_js_run(options):
+    """
+    Run the JavaScript tests and print results to the console
+    """
+    setattr(options, 'mode', 'run')
+    test_js(options)
+    ("suite=", "s", "Test suite to run"),
+def test_js_dev(options):
+    """
+    Run the JavaScript tests in your default browsers
+    """
+    setattr(options, 'mode', 'dev')
+    test_js(options)
diff --git a/pavelib/ b/pavelib/
index c99d012bc76..4558db37f3f 100644
--- a/pavelib/
+++ b/pavelib/
@@ -6,22 +6,6 @@ import os
 import errno
 from .utils.envs import Env
-def get_or_make_dir(directory_path):
-    """
-    Ensure that a directory exists, and return its path
-    """
-    try:
-        os.makedirs(directory_path)
-    except OSError as err:
-        if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:
-            # If we get an error other than one that says
-            # that the file already exists
-            raise
-    return directory_path
@@ -38,7 +22,7 @@ def run_pylint(options):
     for system in systems:
         # Directory to put the pylint report in.
         # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist.
-        report_dir = get_or_make_dir(os.path.join(Env.REPORT_DIR, system))
+        report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / system).makedirs_p()
         flags = '-E' if errors else ''
@@ -82,7 +66,7 @@ def run_pep8(options):
     for system in systems:
         # Directory to put the pep8 report in.
         # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist.
-        report_dir = get_or_make_dir(os.path.join(Env.REPORT_DIR, system))
+        report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / system).makedirs_p()
         sh('pep8 {system} | tee {report_dir}/'.format(system=system, report_dir=report_dir))
@@ -96,7 +80,7 @@ def run_quality():
     # Directory to put the diff reports in.
     # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist.
-    dquality_dir = get_or_make_dir(os.path.join(Env.REPORT_DIR, "diff_quality"))
+    dquality_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "diff_quality").makedirs_p()
     # Generage diff-quality html report for pep8, and print to console
     # If pep8 reports exist, use those
diff --git a/pavelib/ b/pavelib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c992d4f2773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+Unit test tasks
+import os
+import sys
+from paver.easy import sh, task, cmdopts, needs
+from pavelib.utils.test import suites
+from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
+    from pygments.console import colorize
+except ImportError:
+    colorize = lambda color, text: text  # pylint: disable-msg=invalid-name
+__test__ = False  # do not collect
+    'pavelib.prereqs.install_prereqs',
+    'pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir',
+    ("system=", "s", "System to act on"),
+    ("test_id=", "t", "Test id"),
+    ("failed", "f", "Run only failed tests"),
+    ("fail_fast", "x", "Run only failed tests"),
+    ("fasttest", "a", "Run without collectstatic")
+def test_system(options):
+    """
+    Run tests on our djangoapps for lms and cms
+    """
+    system = getattr(options, 'system', None)
+    test_id = getattr(options, 'test_id', None)
+    opts = {
+        'failed_only': getattr(options, 'failed', None),
+        'fail_fast': getattr(options, 'fail_fast', None),
+        'fasttest': getattr(options, 'fasttest', None),
+    }
+    if test_id:
+        if not system:
+            system = test_id.split('/')[0]
+        opts['test_id'] = test_id
+    if test_id or system:
+        system_tests = [suites.SystemTestSuite(system, **opts)]
+    else:
+        system_tests = []
+        for syst in ('cms', 'lms'):
+            system_tests.append(suites.SystemTestSuite(syst, **opts))
+    test_suite = suites.PythonTestSuite('python tests', subsuites=system_tests, **opts)
+    'pavelib.prereqs.install_prereqs',
+    'pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir',
+    ("lib=", "l", "lib to test"),
+    ("test_id=", "t", "Test id"),
+    ("failed", "f", "Run only failed tests"),
+    ("fail_fast", "x", "Run only failed tests"),
+def test_lib(options):
+    """
+    Run tests for common/lib/
+    """
+    lib = getattr(options, 'lib', None)
+    test_id = getattr(options, 'test_id', lib)
+    opts = {
+        'failed_only': getattr(options, 'failed', None),
+        'fail_fast': getattr(options, 'fail_fast', None),
+    }
+    if test_id:
+        lib = '/'.join(test_id.split('/')[0:3])
+        opts['test_id'] = test_id
+        lib_tests = [suites.LibTestSuite(lib, **opts)]
+    else:
+        lib_tests = [suites.LibTestSuite(d, **opts) for d in Env.LIB_TEST_DIRS]
+    test_suite = suites.PythonTestSuite('python tests', subsuites=lib_tests, **opts)
+    'pavelib.prereqs.install_prereqs',
+    'pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir',
+    ("failed", "f", "Run only failed tests"),
+    ("fail_fast", "x", "Run only failed tests"),
+def test_python(options):
+    """
+    Run all python tests
+    """
+    opts = {
+        'failed_only': getattr(options, 'failed', None),
+        'fail_fast': getattr(options, 'fail_fast', None),
+    }
+    python_suite = suites.PythonTestSuite('Python Tests', **opts)
+    'pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs',
+    'pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir',
+def test_i18n():
+    """
+    Run all i18n tests
+    """
+    i18n_suite = suites.I18nTestSuite('i18n')
+    'pavelib.prereqs.install_prereqs',
+    'pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir',
+def test():
+    """
+    Run all tests
+    """
+    # Subsuites to be added to the main suite
+    python_suite = suites.PythonTestSuite('Python Tests')
+    i18n_suite = suites.I18nTestSuite('i18n')
+    js_suite = suites.JsTestSuite('JS Tests', mode='run', with_coverage=True)
+    # Main suite to be run
+    all_unittests_suite = suites.TestSuite('All Tests', subsuites=[i18n_suite, js_suite, python_suite])
+def coverage():
+    """
+    Build the html, xml, and diff coverage reports
+    """
+    for directory in Env.LIB_TEST_DIRS + ['cms', 'lms']:
+        report_dir = Env.REPORT_DIR / directory
+        if (report_dir / '.coverage').isfile():
+            # Generate the HTML report
+            sh("coverage html --rcfile={dir}/.coveragerc".format(dir=directory))
+            # Generate the XML report
+            sh("coverage xml -o {report_dir}/coverage.xml --rcfile={dir}/.coveragerc".format(
+                report_dir=report_dir,
+                dir=directory
+            ))
+    # Find all coverage XML files (both Python and JavaScript)
+    xml_reports = []
+    for filepath in Env.REPORT_DIR.walk():
+        if filepath.basename() == 'coverage.xml':
+            xml_reports.append(filepath)
+    if not xml_reports:
+        err_msg = colorize(
+            'red',
+            "No coverage info found.  Run `paver test` before running `paver coverage`.\n"
+        )
+        sys.stderr.write(err_msg)
+    else:
+        xml_report_str = ' '.join(xml_reports)
+        diff_html_path = os.path.join(Env.REPORT_DIR, 'diff_coverage_combined.html')
+        # Generate the diff coverage reports (HTML and console)
+        sh("diff-cover {xml_report_str} --html-report {diff_html_path}".format(
+            xml_report_str=xml_report_str, diff_html_path=diff_html_path))
+        sh("diff-cover {xml_report_str}".format(xml_report_str=xml_report_str))
+        print("\n")
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/ b/pavelib/utils/
index 2e4b96e5cd6..4aa9f977d3c 100644
--- a/pavelib/utils/
+++ b/pavelib/utils/
@@ -20,6 +20,39 @@ class Env(object):
     # Reports Directory
     REPORT_DIR = REPO_ROOT / 'reports'
+    # Test Ids Directory
+    TEST_DIR = REPO_ROOT / ".testids"
+    # Files used to run each of the js test suites
+    # TODO:  Store this as a dict. Order seems to matter for some
+    # reason. See issue TE-415.
+        REPO_ROOT / 'lms/static/js_test.yml',
+        REPO_ROOT / 'cms/static/js_test.yml',
+        REPO_ROOT / 'cms/static/js_test_squire.yml',
+        REPO_ROOT / 'common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/js_test.yml',
+        REPO_ROOT / 'common/static/js_test.yml',
+    ]
+    JS_TEST_ID_KEYS = [
+        'lms',
+        'cms',
+        'cms-squire',
+        'xmodule',
+        'common',
+    ]
+    JS_REPORT_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'javascript'
+    # Directories used for common/lib/ tests
+    LIB_TEST_DIRS = []
+    for item in (REPO_ROOT / "common/lib").listdir():
+        if (REPO_ROOT / 'common/lib' / item).isdir():
+            LIB_TEST_DIRS.append(path("common/lib") / item.basename())
+    # Directory for i18n test reports
+    I18N_REPORT_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'i18n'
     # Service variant (lms, cms, etc.) configured with an environment variable
     # We use this to determine which envs.json file to load.
     SERVICE_VARIANT = os.environ.get('SERVICE_VARIANT', None)
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/ b/pavelib/utils/test/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3aa94bbbfd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+TestSuite class and subclasses
+from .suite import TestSuite
+from .nose_suite import NoseTestSuite, SystemTestSuite, LibTestSuite
+from .python_suite import PythonTestSuite
+from .js_suite import JsTestSuite
+from .i18n_suite import I18nTestSuite
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c079aad9ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Classes used for defining and running i18n test suites
+from pavelib.utils.test.suites import TestSuite
+from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
+__test__ = False  # do not collect
+class I18nTestSuite(TestSuite):
+    """
+    Run tests for the internationalization library
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(I18nTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.report_dir = Env.I18N_REPORT_DIR
+        self.xunit_report = self.report_dir / 'nosetests.xml'
+    def __enter__(self):
+        super(I18nTestSuite, self).__enter__()
+        self.report_dir.makedirs_p()
+    @property
+    def cmd(self):
+        pythonpath_prefix = (
+            "PYTHONPATH={repo_root}/i18n:$PYTHONPATH".format(
+                repo_root=Env.REPO_ROOT
+            )
+        )
+        cmd = (
+            "{pythonpath_prefix} nosetests {repo_root}/i18n/tests "
+            "--with-xunit --xunit-file={xunit_report}".format(
+                pythonpath_prefix=pythonpath_prefix,
+                repo_root=Env.REPO_ROOT,
+                xunit_report=self.xunit_report,
+            )
+        )
+        return cmd
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2da6ee96759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Javascript test tasks
+from pavelib import assets
+from pavelib.utils.test import utils as test_utils
+from pavelib.utils.test.suites import TestSuite
+from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
+__test__ = False  # do not collect
+class JsTestSuite(TestSuite):
+    """
+    A class for running JavaScript tests.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(JsTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.run_under_coverage = kwargs.get('with_coverage', True)
+        self.mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'run')
+        try:
+            self.test_id = (Env.JS_TEST_ID_FILES[Env.JS_TEST_ID_KEYS.index(self.root)])
+        except ValueError:
+            self.test_id = ' '.join(Env.JS_TEST_ID_FILES)
+        self.root = self.root + ' javascript'
+        self.report_dir = Env.JS_REPORT_DIR
+        self.coverage_report = self.report_dir / 'coverage.xml'
+        self.xunit_report = self.report_dir / 'javascript_xunit.xml'
+    def __enter__(self):
+        super(JsTestSuite, self).__enter__()
+        self.report_dir.makedirs_p()
+        test_utils.clean_test_files()
+        if self.mode == 'run' and not self.run_under_coverage:
+            test_utils.clean_dir(self.report_dir)
+        assets.compile_coffeescript("`find lms cms common -type f -name \"*.coffee\"`")
+    @property
+    def cmd(self):
+        """
+        Run the tests using js-test-tool. See js-test-tool docs for
+        description of different command line arguments.
+        """
+        cmd = (
+            "js-test-tool {mode} {test_id} --use-firefox --timeout-sec "
+            "600 --xunit-report {xunit_report}".format(
+                mode=self.mode,
+                test_id=self.test_id,
+                xunit_report=self.xunit_report,
+            )
+        )
+        if self.run_under_coverage:
+            cmd += " --coverage-xml {report_dir}".format(
+                report_dir=self.coverage_report
+            )
+        return cmd
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ea37497dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+Classes used for defining and running nose test suites
+import os
+from paver.easy import call_task
+from pavelib.utils.test import utils as test_utils
+from pavelib.utils.test.suites import TestSuite
+from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
+__test__ = False  # do not collect
+class NoseTestSuite(TestSuite):
+    """
+    A subclass of TestSuite with extra methods that are specific
+    to nose tests
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(NoseTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.failed_only = kwargs.get('failed_only', False)
+        self.fail_fast = kwargs.get('fail_fast', False)
+        self.run_under_coverage = kwargs.get('with_coverage', True)
+        self.report_dir = Env.REPORT_DIR / self.root
+        self.test_id_dir = Env.TEST_DIR / self.root
+        self.test_ids = self.test_id_dir / 'noseids'
+    def __enter__(self):
+        super(NoseTestSuite, self).__enter__()
+        self.report_dir.makedirs_p()
+        self.test_id_dir.makedirs_p()
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        """
+        Cleans mongo afer the tests run.
+        """
+        super(NoseTestSuite, self).__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
+        test_utils.clean_mongo()
+    def _under_coverage_cmd(self, cmd):
+        """
+        If self.run_under_coverage is True, it returns the arg 'cmd'
+        altered to be run under coverage. It returns the command
+        unaltered otherwise.
+        """
+        if self.run_under_coverage:
+            cmd0, cmd_rest = cmd.split(" ", 1)
+            # We use "python -m coverage" so that the proper python
+            # will run the importable coverage rather than the
+            # coverage that OS path finds.
+            cmd = (
+                "python -m coverage run --rcfile={root}/.coveragerc "
+                "`which {cmd0}` {cmd_rest}".format(
+                    root=self.root,
+                    cmd0=cmd0,
+                    cmd_rest=cmd_rest,
+                )
+            )
+        return cmd
+    @property
+    def test_options_flags(self):
+        """
+        Takes the test options and returns the appropriate flags
+        for the command.
+        """
+        opts = " "
+        # Handle "--failed" as a special case: we want to re-run only
+        # the tests that failed within our Django apps
+        # This sets the --failed flag for the nosetests command, so this
+        # functionality is the same as described in the nose documentation
+        if self.failed_only:
+            opts += "--failed"
+        # This makes it so we use nose's fail-fast feature in two cases.
+        # Case 1: --fail_fast is passed as an arg in the paver command
+        # Case 2: The environment variable TESTS_FAIL_FAST is set as True
+        env_fail_fast_set = (
+            'TESTS_FAIL_FAST' in os.environ and os.environ['TEST_FAIL_FAST']
+        )
+        if self.fail_fast or env_fail_fast_set:
+            opts += " --stop"
+        return opts
+class SystemTestSuite(NoseTestSuite):
+    """
+    TestSuite for lms and cms nosetests
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(SystemTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.test_id = kwargs.get('test_id', self._default_test_id)
+        self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        super(SystemTestSuite, self).__enter__()
+        args = [self.root, '--settings=test']
+        if self.fasttest:
+            # TODO: Fix the tests so that collectstatic isn't needed ever
+            # add --skip-collect to this when the tests are fixed
+            args.append('--skip-collect')
+        call_task('pavelib.assets.update_assets', args=args)
+    @property
+    def cmd(self):
+        cmd = (
+            './ {system} test {test_id} {test_opts} '
+            '--traceback --settings=test'.format(
+                system=self.root,
+                test_id=self.test_id,
+                test_opts=self.test_options_flags,
+            )
+        )
+        return self._under_coverage_cmd(cmd)
+    @property
+    def _default_test_id(self):
+        """
+        If no test id is provided, we need to limit the test runner
+        to the Djangoapps we want to test.  Otherwise, it will
+        run tests on all installed packages. We do this by
+        using a default test id.
+        """
+        # We need to use $DIR/*, rather than just $DIR so that
+        # django-nose will import them early in the test process,
+        # thereby making sure that we load any django models that are
+        # only defined in test files.
+        default_test_id = "{system}/djangoapps/* common/djangoapps/*".format(
+            system=self.root
+        )
+        if self.root in ('lms', 'cms'):
+            default_test_id += " {system}/lib/*".format(system=self.root)
+        if self.root == 'lms':
+            default_test_id += " {system}/".format(system=self.root)
+        return default_test_id
+class LibTestSuite(NoseTestSuite):
+    """
+    TestSuite for edx-platform/common/lib nosetests
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(LibTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.test_id = kwargs.get('test_id', self.root)
+        self.xunit_report = self.report_dir / "nosetests.xml"
+    @property
+    def cmd(self):
+        cmd = (
+            "nosetests --id-file={test_ids} {test_id} {test_opts} "
+            "--with-xunit --xunit-file={xunit_report}".format(
+                test_ids=self.test_ids,
+                test_id=self.test_id,
+                test_opts=self.test_options_flags,
+                xunit_report=self.xunit_report,
+            )
+        )
+        return self._under_coverage_cmd(cmd)
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ba2d845d667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Classes used for defining and running python test suites
+from pavelib.utils.test import utils as test_utils
+from pavelib.utils.test.suites import TestSuite, LibTestSuite, SystemTestSuite
+from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
+__test__ = False  # do not collect
+class PythonTestSuite(TestSuite):
+    """
+    A subclass of TestSuite with extra setup for python tests
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(PythonTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
+        self.failed_only = kwargs.get('failed_only', None)
+        self.fail_fast = kwargs.get('fail_fast', None)
+        self.subsuites = kwargs.get('subsuites', self._default_subsuites)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        super(PythonTestSuite, self).__enter__()
+        if not self.fasttest:
+            test_utils.clean_test_files()
+    @property
+    def _default_subsuites(self):
+        """
+        The default subsuites to be run. They include lms, cms,
+        and all of the libraries in common/lib.
+        """
+        opts = {
+            'failed_only': self.failed_only,
+            'fail_fast': self.fail_fast,
+            'fasttest': self.fasttest,
+        }
+        lib_suites = [
+            LibTestSuite(d, **opts) for d in Env.LIB_TEST_DIRS
+        ]
+        system_suites = [
+            SystemTestSuite('cms', **opts),
+            SystemTestSuite('lms', **opts),
+        ]
+        return system_suites + lib_suites
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..96409cb76fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+A class used for defining and running test suites
+import sys
+import subprocess
+from pavelib.utils.process import kill_process
+    from pygments.console import colorize
+except ImportError:
+    colorize = lambda color, text: text  # pylint: disable-msg=invalid-name
+__test__ = False  # do not collect
+class TestSuite(object):
+    """
+    TestSuite is a class that defines how groups of tests run.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.root = args[0]
+        self.subsuites = kwargs.get('subsuites', [])
+        self.failed_suites = []
+    def __enter__(self):
+        """
+        This will run before the test suite is run with the run_suite_tests method.
+        If self.run_test is called directly, it should be run in a 'with' block to
+        ensure that the proper context is created.
+        Specific setup tasks should be defined in each subsuite.
+        i.e. Checking for and defining required directories.
+        """
+        print("\nSetting up for {suite_name}".format(suite_name=self.root))
+        self.failed_suites = []
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        """
+        This is run after the tests run with the run_suite_tests method finish.
+        Specific clean up tasks should be defined in each subsuite.
+        If self.run_test is called directly, it should be run in a 'with' block
+        to ensure that clean up happens properly.
+        i.e. Cleaning mongo after the lms tests run.
+        """
+        print("\nCleaning up after {suite_name}".format(suite_name=self.root))
+    @property
+    def cmd(self):
+        """
+        The command to run tests (as a string). For this base class there is none.
+        """
+        return None
+    def run_test(self):
+        """
+        Runs a self.cmd in a subprocess and waits for it to finish.
+        It returns False if errors or failures occur. Otherwise, it
+        returns True.
+        """
+        cmd = self.cmd
+        sys.stdout.write(cmd)
+        msg = colorize(
+            'green',
+            '\n{bar}\n Running tests for {suite_name} \n{bar}\n'.format(suite_name=self.root, bar='=' * 40),
+        )
+        sys.stdout.write(msg)
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+        kwargs = {'shell': True, 'cwd': None}
+        process = None
+        try:
+            process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
+            process.communicate()
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            kill_process(process)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        else:
+            return (process.returncode == 0)
+    def run_suite_tests(self):
+        """
+        Runs each of the suites in self.subsuites while tracking failures
+        """
+        # Uses __enter__ and __exit__ for context
+        with self:
+            # run the tests for this class, and for all subsuites
+            if self.cmd:
+                passed = self.run_test()
+                if not passed:
+                    self.failed_suites.append(self)
+            for suite in self.subsuites:
+                suite.run_suite_tests()
+                if len(suite.failed_suites) > 0:
+                    self.failed_suites.extend(suite.failed_suites)
+    def report_test_results(self):
+        """
+        Writes a list of failed_suites to sys.stderr
+        """
+        if len(self.failed_suites) > 0:
+            msg = colorize('red', "\n\n{bar}\nTests failed in the following suites:\n* ".format(bar="=" * 48))
+            msg += colorize('red', '\n* '.join([s.root for s in self.failed_suites]) + '\n\n')
+        else:
+            msg = colorize('green', "\n\n{bar}\nNo test failures ".format(bar="=" * 48))
+        print(msg)
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        Runs the tests in the suite while tracking and reporting failures.
+        """
+        self.run_suite_tests()
+        self.report_test_results()
+        if len(self.failed_suites) > 0:
+            sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/ b/pavelib/utils/test/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82ec70915af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pavelib/utils/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Helper functions for test tasks
+from paver.easy import sh, task
+from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
+__test__ = False  # do not collect
+def clean_test_files():
+    """
+    Clean fixture files used by tests and .pyc files
+    """
+    sh("git clean -fqdx test_root/logs test_root/data test_root/staticfiles test_root/uploads")
+    sh("find . -type f -name \"*.pyc\" -delete")
+    sh("rm -rf test_root/log/auto_screenshots/*")
+def clean_dir(directory):
+    """
+    Clean coverage files, to ensure that we don't use stale data to generate reports.
+    """
+    # We delete the files but preserve the directory structure
+    # so that has a place to put the reports.
+    sh('find {dir} -type f -delete'.format(dir=directory))
+def clean_reports_dir():
+    """
+    Clean coverage files, to ensure that we don't use stale data to generate reports.
+    """
+    # We delete the files but preserve the directory structure
+    # so that has a place to put the reports.
+    reports_dir = Env.REPORT_DIR.makedirs_p()
+    clean_dir(reports_dir)
+def clean_mongo():
+    """
+    Clean mongo test databases
+    """
+    sh("mongo {repo_root}/scripts/delete-mongo-test-dbs.js".format(repo_root=Env.REPO_ROOT))
diff --git a/rakelib/i18n.rake b/rakelib/i18n.rake
index 6f2241de18e..a29439e5209 100644
--- a/rakelib/i18n.rake
+++ b/rakelib/i18n.rake
@@ -73,12 +73,6 @@ namespace :i18n do
-  desc "Run tests for the internationalization library"
-  task :test => [:install_python_prereqs, I18N_REPORT_DIR, :clean_reports_dir] do
-    pythonpath_prefix = "PYTHONPATH=#{REPO_ROOT}/i18n:$PYTHONPATH"
-    test_sh("i18n", "#{pythonpath_prefix} nosetests #{REPO_ROOT}/i18n/tests --with-xunit --xunit-file=#{I18N_XUNIT_REPORT}")
-  end
   # Commands for automating the process of including translations in edx-platform.
   # Will eventually be run by jenkins.
   namespace :robot do
@@ -95,7 +89,3 @@ namespace :i18n do
-# Add i18n tests to the main test command
-task :test => :'i18n:test'
diff --git a/rakelib/js_test.rake b/rakelib/js_test.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e15d43e8c6..00000000000
--- a/rakelib/js_test.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-    'lms' => 'lms/static/js_test.yml',
-    'cms' => 'cms/static/js_test.yml',
-    'cms-squire' => 'cms/static/js_test_squire.yml',
-    'xmodule' => 'common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/js_test.yml',
-    'common' => 'common/static/js_test.yml',
-# Turn relative paths to absolute paths from the repo root.
-JS_TEST_SUITES.each do |key, val|
-    JS_TEST_SUITES[key] = File.join(REPO_ROOT, val)
-# Define the directory for coverage reports
-JS_REPORT_DIR = report_dir_path('javascript')
-directory JS_REPORT_DIR
-# Given an environment (a key in `JS_TEST_SUITES`)
-# return the path to the JavaScript test suite description
-# If `env` is nil, return a string containing
-# all available descriptions.
-def suite_for_env(env)
-    if env.nil?
-        return{|key, val| val}.join(' ')
-    else
-        return JS_TEST_SUITES[env]
-    end
-# Run the tests using js-test-tool
-# See js-test-tool docs for description of different
-# command line arguments
-def js_test_tool(env, command, do_coverage)
-    suite = suite_for_env(env)
-    xunit_report = File.join(JS_REPORT_DIR, 'javascript_xunit.xml')
-    cmd = "js-test-tool #{command} #{suite} --use-firefox --timeout-sec 600 --xunit-report #{xunit_report}"
-    if do_coverage
-        report_dir = File.join(JS_REPORT_DIR, 'coverage.xml')
-        cmd += " --coverage-xml #{report_dir}"
-    end
-    test_sh("javascript", cmd)
-# Print a list of js_test commands for
-# all available environments
-def print_js_test_cmds(mode)
-    JS_TEST_SUITES.each do |key, val|
-        puts "    rake test:js:#{mode}[#{key}]"
-    end
-# Paver migration hack: because the CoffeeScript-specific asset command has been deprecated,
-# we compile CoffeeScript ourselves
-def compile_coffeescript()
-    sh("node_modules/.bin/coffee --compile `find lms cms common -type f -name \"*.coffee\"`")
-namespace :'test:js' do
-    desc "Run the JavaScript tests and print results to the console"
-    task :run, [:env] => [:clean_test_files, JS_REPORT_DIR, :install_node_prereqs] do |t, args|
-        compile_coffeescript()
-        if args[:env].nil?
-            puts "Running all test suites.  To run a specific test suite, try:"
-            print_js_test_cmds('run')
-        end
-        js_test_tool(args[:env], 'run', false)
-    end
-    desc "Run the JavaScript tests in your default browser"
-    task :dev, [:env] => [:clean_test_files, :install_node_prereqs] do |t, args|
-        compile_coffeescript()
-        if args[:env].nil?
-            puts "Error: No test suite specified.  Try one of these instead:"
-            print_js_test_cmds('dev')
-        else
-            js_test_tool(args[:env], 'dev', false)
-        end
-    end
-    desc "Run all JavaScript tests and collect coverage information"
-    task :coverage => [:clean_reports_dir, :clean_test_files, JS_REPORT_DIR, :install_node_prereqs] do
-        compile_coffeescript()
-        js_test_tool(nil, 'run', true)
-    end
-# Default js_test is js_test:run
-desc "Run all JavaScript tests and print results the the console"
-task :'test:js' => :'test:js:run'
-# Add the JS tests to the main test command
-task :test => :'test:js:coverage'
diff --git a/rakelib/js_test_deprecated.rake b/rakelib/js_test_deprecated.rake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb136d35b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rakelib/js_test_deprecated.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# js_test tasks deprecated to paver
+require 'colorize'
+def deprecated(deprecated, deprecated_by,  *args)
+    task deprecated, [:env] do |t,args|
+        args.with_defaults(:env => nil)
+        new_cmd = "#{deprecated_by}"
+        if !args.env.nil?
+            new_cmd = "#{new_cmd} --suite=#{args.env}"
+        end
+        puts("Task #{deprecated} has been deprecated. Using #{new_cmd} instead.".red)
+        sh(new_cmd)
+    end
+# deprecates all js_test.rake tasks 
+deprecated('test:js', 'paver test_js')
+deprecated('test:js:coverage', 'paver test_js -c')
+deprecated('test:js:dev', 'paver test_js_dev')
+deprecated('test:js:run', 'paver test_js_run')
diff --git a/rakelib/tests.rake b/rakelib/tests.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 49aabcaea0c..00000000000
--- a/rakelib/tests.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# Set up the clean and clobber tasks
-CLOBBER.include(REPORT_DIR, 'test_root/*_repo', 'test_root/staticfiles')
-# Create the directory to hold coverage reports, if it doesn't already exist.
-directory REPORT_DIR
-def test_id_dir(path)
-    return File.join(".testids", path.to_s)
-def run_under_coverage(cmd, root)
-    cmd0, cmd_rest = cmd.split(" ", 2)
-    # We use "python -m coverage" so that the proper python will run the importable coverage
-    # rather than the coverage that OS path finds.
-    cmd = "python -m coverage run --rcfile=#{root}/.coveragerc `which #{cmd0}` #{cmd_rest}"
-    return cmd
-def run_tests(system, report_dir, test_id=nil, stop_on_failure=true)
-    # If no test id is provided, we need to limit the test runner
-    # to the Djangoapps we want to test.  Otherwise, it will
-    # run tests on all installed packages.
-    # We need to use $DIR/*, rather than just $DIR so that
-    # django-nose will import them early in the test process,
-    # thereby making sure that we load any django models that are
-    # only defined in test files.
-    default_test_id = "#{system}/djangoapps/* common/djangoapps/*"
-    if system == :lms || system == :cms
-        default_test_id += " #{system}/lib/*"
-    end
-    if system == :lms
-        default_test_id += " #{system}/"
-    end
-    if test_id.nil?
-        test_id = default_test_id
-    # Handle "--failed" as a special case: we want to re-run only
-    # the tests that failed within our Django apps
-    elsif test_id == '--failed'
-        test_id = "#{default_test_id} --failed"
-    end
-    cmd = django_admin(system, :test, 'test', test_id)
-    test_sh(system, run_under_coverage(cmd, system))
-task :clean_test_files do
-    desc "Clean fixture files used by tests, .pyc files, and automatic screenshots"
-    sh("git clean -fqdx test_root/logs test_root/data test_root/staticfiles test_root/uploads")
-    sh("find . -type f -name \"*.pyc\" -delete")
-    sh("rm -rf test_root/log/auto_screenshots/*")
-task :clean_reports_dir => REPORT_DIR do
-    desc "Clean coverage files, to ensure that we don't use stale data to generate reports."
-    # We delete the files but preserve the directory structure
-    # so that has a place to put the reports.
-    sh("find #{REPORT_DIR} -type f -delete")
-[:lms, :cms].each do |system|
-    report_dir = report_dir_path(system)
-    test_id_dir = test_id_dir(system)
-    directory test_id_dir
-    # Per System tasks/
-    desc "Run all django tests on our djangoapps for the #{system}"
-    task "test_#{system}", [:test_id] => [
-        :clean_test_files, :install_prereqs,
-        "#{system}:gather_assets:test", "fasttest_#{system}"
-    ]
-    # Have a way to run the tests without running collectstatic -- useful when debugging without
-    # messing with static files.
-    task "fasttest_#{system}", [:test_id] => [test_id_dir, report_dir, :clean_reports_dir] do |t, args|
-        args.with_defaults(:test_id => nil)
-        begin
-            run_tests(system, report_dir, args.test_id)
-        ensure
-            Rake::Task[:'test:clean_mongo'].reenable
-            Rake::Task[:'test:clean_mongo'].invoke
-        end
-    end
-    task :fasttest => "fasttest_#{system}"
-    TEST_TASK_DIRS << system
-Dir["common/lib/*"].select{|lib|}.each do |lib|
-    report_dir = report_dir_path(lib)
-    test_id_dir = test_id_dir(lib)
-    test_ids = File.join(test_id_dir(lib), '.noseids')
-    directory test_id_dir
-    desc "Run tests for common lib #{lib}"
-    task "test_#{lib}", [:test_id] => [
-        test_id_dir, report_dir, :clean_test_files, :clean_reports_dir, :install_prereqs
-    ] do |t, args|
-        args.with_defaults(:test_id => lib)
-        ENV['NOSE_XUNIT_FILE'] = File.join(report_dir, "nosetests.xml")
-        cmd = "nosetests --id-file=#{test_ids} #{args.test_id}"
-        begin
-            test_sh(lib, run_under_coverage(cmd, lib))
-        ensure
-            Rake::Task[:'test:clean_mongo'].reenable
-            Rake::Task[:'test:clean_mongo'].invoke
-        end
-    end
-    TEST_TASK_DIRS << lib
-    # There used to be a fasttest_#{lib} command that ran without coverage.
-    # However, this is an inconsistent usage of "fast":
-    # When running tests for lms and cms, "fast" means skipping
-    # staticfiles collection, but still running under coverage.
-    # We keep the fasttest_#{lib} command for backwards compatibility,
-    # but make it an alias to the normal test command.
-    task "fasttest_#{lib}" => "test_#{lib}"
-task :report_dirs
-TEST_TASK_DIRS.each do |dir|
-    report_dir = report_dir_path(dir)
-    directory report_dir
-    task :report_dirs => [REPORT_DIR, report_dir]
-    task 'test:python' => "test_#{dir}"
-namespace :test do
-    desc "Run all python tests"
-    task :python, [:test_id]
-    desc "Drop Mongo databases created by the test suite"
-    task :clean_mongo do
-        sh("mongo #{REPO_ROOT}/scripts/delete-mongo-test-dbs.js")
-    end
-desc "Build the html, xml, and diff coverage reports"
-task :coverage => :report_dirs do
-    # Generate coverage for Python sources
-    TEST_TASK_DIRS.each do |dir|
-        report_dir = report_dir_path(dir)
-        if File.file?("#{report_dir}/.coverage")
-            # Generate the HTML report
-            sh("coverage html --rcfile=#{dir}/.coveragerc")
-            # Generate the XML report
-            sh("coverage xml -o #{report_dir}/coverage.xml --rcfile=#{dir}/.coveragerc")
-        end
-    end
-    # Find all coverage XML files (both Python and JavaScript)
-    xml_reports = FileList[File.join(REPORT_DIR, '**/coverage.xml')]
-    if xml_reports.length < 1
-        puts "No coverage info found.  Run `rake test` before running `rake coverage`."
-    else
-        xml_report_str = xml_reports.join(' ')
-        diff_html_path = report_dir_path('diff_coverage_combined.html')
-        # Generate the diff coverage reports (HTML and console)
-        sh("diff-cover #{xml_report_str} --html-report #{diff_html_path}")
-        sh("diff-cover #{xml_report_str}")
-        puts "\n"
-    end
-# Other Rake files append additional tests to the main test command.
-desc "Run all unit tests"
-task :test, [:test_id] => 'test:python'
diff --git a/rakelib/tests_deprecated.rake b/rakelib/tests_deprecated.rake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..36ee24ab7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rakelib/tests_deprecated.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# test tasks deprecated to paver
+require 'colorize'
+def deprecated(deprecated, deprecated_by, use_id, *args)
+    task deprecated, [:test_id] do |t,args|
+        args.with_defaults(:test_id => nil)
+        new_cmd = "#{deprecated_by}"
+        if !args.test_id.nil? && use_id
+            new_cmd = "#{new_cmd} --test_id=#{args.test_id}"
+        end
+        puts("Task #{deprecated} has been deprecated. Using #{new_cmd} instead.".red)
+        sh(new_cmd)
+    end
+# deprecates all test.rake tasks
+deprecated("test", "paver test", false)
+deprecated('test:python', 'paver test_python', false)
+deprecated("test_cms", "paver test_system -s cms", true)
+deprecated("test_lms", "paver test_system -s lms", true)
+deprecated("fasttest_cms", "paver test_system -s cms --fasttest", true)
+deprecated("fasttest_lms", "paver test_system -s lms --fasttest", true)
+Dir["common/lib/*"].select{|lib|}.each do |lib|
+    deprecated("test_#{lib}", "paver test_lib --lib=#{lib}", true)
+    deprecated("fasttest_#{lib}", "paver test_lib --lib=#{lib}", true)
+deprecated("coverage", "paver coverage", false)
+# deprecates i18n:test from i18n.rake
+deprecated("i18n:test", 'paver test_i18n', false)
+deprecated("clean_reports_dir", "paver clean_reports_dir", false)
+deprecated("clean_test_files", "paver clean_test_files", false)
+deprecated("test:clean_mongo", "paver clean_mongo", false)