diff --git a/common/djangoapps/student/models.py b/common/djangoapps/student/models.py
index 89e81d65292a018612f972bd54ab68fa62753d47..056b5141801c78a99d435ad91b2f9d9e6fc635e9 100644
--- a/common/djangoapps/student/models.py
+++ b/common/djangoapps/student/models.py
@@ -589,6 +589,22 @@ class LoginFailures(models.Model):
+class CourseEnrollmentException(Exception):
+    pass
+class NonExistentCourseError(CourseEnrollmentException):
+    pass
+class EnrollmentClosedError(CourseEnrollmentException):
+    pass
+class CourseFullError(CourseEnrollmentException):
+    pass
+class AlreadyEnrolledError(CourseEnrollmentException):
+    pass
 class CourseEnrollment(models.Model):
     Represents a Student's Enrollment record for a single Course. You should
@@ -795,10 +811,59 @@ class CourseEnrollment(models.Model):
                until we have these mapped out.
         It is expected that this method is called from a method which has already
-        verified the user authentication and access.
+        verified the user authentication.
         Also emits relevant events for analytics purposes.
+        # All the server-side checks for whether a user is allowed to enroll.
+        try:
+            course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(request.POST.get("course_id"))
+        except InvalidKeyError:
+            log.warning(
+                "User {username} tried to {action} with invalid course id: {course_id}".format(
+                    username=user.username,
+                    action=action,
+                    course_id=request.POST.get("course_id")
+                )
+            )
+            raise CourseEnrollmentException
+        try:
+            course = modulestore().get_course(course_id)
+        except ItemNotFoundError:
+            log.warning(
+                "User {0} failed to enroll in non-existent course {1}".format(
+                    user.username,
+                    course_id
+                )
+            )
+            raise NonExistentCourseError
+        if not has_access(user, 'enroll', course):
+            log.warning(
+                "User {0} failed to enroll in course {1} because enrollment is closed".format(
+                    user.username,
+                    course_id
+                )
+            )
+            raise EnrollmentClosedError
+        if CourseEnrollment.is_course_full(course):
+            log.warning(
+                "User {0} failed to enroll in full course {1}".format(
+                    user.username,
+                    course_id
+                )
+            )
+            raise CourseFullError
+        if CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, course_id):
+            log.warning(
+                "User {0} attempted to enroll in {1}, but they were already enrolled".format(
+                    user.username,
+                    course_id
+                )
+            )
+            raise AlreadyEnrolledError
+        # User is allowed to enroll if they've reached this point.
         enrollment = cls.get_or_create_enrollment(user, course_key)
         enrollment.update_enrollment(is_active=True, mode=mode)
         return enrollment
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/student/views.py b/common/djangoapps/student/views.py
index 093f2f5360563658d80a317c980d8f50a3c65388..c43ae54f6f05d88254ab59a6b0a5c4d0097d9bb5 100644
--- a/common/djangoapps/student/views.py
+++ b/common/djangoapps/student/views.py
@@ -661,20 +661,19 @@ def change_enrollment(request, auto_register=False):
+    # Get the user
     user = request.user
+    # Ensure we received a course_id
     action = request.POST.get("enrollment_action")
     if 'course_id' not in request.POST:
         return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("Course id not specified"))
-    try:
-        course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(request.POST.get("course_id"))
-    except InvalidKeyError:
-        log.warning("User {username} tried to {action} with invalid course id: {course_id}".format(
-            username=user.username, action=action, course_id=request.POST.get("course_id")
-        ))
-        return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("Invalid course id"))
+    # Ensure the user is authenticated
+    if not user.is_authenticated():
+        return HttpResponseForbidden()
+    # Sets the auto_register flag, if that's desired
     # TODO (ECOM-16): Remove this once the auto-registration A/B test completes
     # If a user is in the experimental condition (auto-registration enabled),
     # immediately set a session flag so they stay in the experimental condition.
@@ -686,6 +685,7 @@ def change_enrollment(request, auto_register=False):
     if request.session.get('auto_register') and not auto_register:
         auto_register = True
+    # Don't execute auto-register for the set of courses excluded from auto-registration
     # TODO (ECOM-16): Remove this once the auto-registration A/B test completes
     # We've agreed to exclude certain courses from the A/B test.  If we find ourselves
     # registering for one of these courses, immediately switch to the control.
@@ -694,34 +694,7 @@ def change_enrollment(request, auto_register=False):
         if 'auto_register' in request.session:
             del request.session['auto_register']
-    if not user.is_authenticated():
-        return HttpResponseForbidden()
     if action == "enroll":
-        # Make sure the course exists
-        # We don't do this check on unenroll, or a bad course id can't be unenrolled from
-        try:
-            course = modulestore().get_course(course_id)
-        except ItemNotFoundError:
-            log.warning("User {0} tried to enroll in non-existent course {1}"
-                        .format(user.username, course_id))
-            return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("Course id is invalid"))
-        if not has_access(user, 'enroll', course):
-            return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("Enrollment is closed"))
-        # see if we have already filled up all allowed enrollments
-        is_course_full = CourseEnrollment.is_course_full(course)
-        if is_course_full:
-            return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("Course is full"))
-        # check to see if user is currently enrolled in that course
-        if CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, course_id):
-            return HttpResponseBadRequest(
-                _("Student is already enrolled")
-            )
         # We use this flag to determine which condition of an AB-test
         # for auto-registration we're currently in.
         # (We have two URLs that both point to this view, but vary the
@@ -747,7 +720,10 @@ def change_enrollment(request, auto_register=False):
                 # by its slug.  If they do, it's possible (based on the state of the database)
                 # for no such model to exist, even though we've set the enrollment type
                 # to "honor".
-                CourseEnrollment.enroll(user, course.id)
+                try:
+                    CourseEnrollment.enroll(user, course.id, mode=current_mode.slug)
+                except Exception:
+                    return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("Could not enroll"))
             # If we have more than one course mode or professional ed is enabled,
             # then send the user to the choose your track page.
@@ -780,7 +756,10 @@ def change_enrollment(request, auto_register=False):
                     reverse("course_modes_choose", kwargs={'course_id': unicode(course_id)})
-            CourseEnrollment.enroll(user, course.id, mode=current_mode.slug)
+            try:
+                CourseEnrollment.enroll(user, course.id, mode=current_mode.slug)
+            except Exception:
+                return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("Could not enroll"))
             return HttpResponse()