diff --git a/lms/templates/dates_banner.html b/lms/templates/dates_banner.html
index 3c79da9fbc8b9ae068c7765fc005f6fedcb3bbe4..b090cbf1d93a650e3d194a71855f68857dd16bc6 100644
--- a/lms/templates/dates_banner.html
+++ b/lms/templates/dates_banner.html
@@ -87,16 +87,18 @@ additional_styling_class = 'on-mobile' if is_mobile_app else 'has-button'
 % if not is_archived:
-    % if on_dates_tab and not missed_deadlines and getattr(course, 'self_paced', False):
+    % if on_dates_tab and not missed_deadlines:
+        %if getattr(course, 'self_paced', False):
         <div class="dates-banner">
             <div class="dates-banner-text">
                 <strong>${_("We've built a suggested schedule to help you stay on track.")}</strong>
                 ${_("But don't worry—it's flexible so you can learn at your own pace. If you happen to fall behind on our suggested dates, you'll be able to adjust them to keep yourself on track.")}
-    % endif
-    % if on_dates_tab and content_type_gating_enabled and not missed_deadlines:
-        ${upgrade_to_complete_graded_banner()}
+        % endif
+        % if content_type_gating_enabled:
+            ${upgrade_to_complete_graded_banner()}
+        % endif
     % elif missed_deadlines:
         % if missed_gated_content: