diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/test_views.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/test_views.py
index dbfc8a1faf75140c5122ecd763a2fbe6494ab6ed..6c109631121442fa0115346a86be40c3890e7eb4 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/test_views.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/test_views.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ddt
 import json
 import itertools
 import unittest
-from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
 from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from certificates import api as certs_api
 from certificates.models import CertificateStatuses, CertificateGenerationConfiguration
 from certificates.tests.factories import GeneratedCertificateFactory
 from course_modes.models import CourseMode
+from course_modes.tests.factories import CourseModeFactory
 from courseware.model_data import set_score
 from courseware.testutils import RenderXBlockTestMixin
 from courseware.tests.factories import StudentModuleFactory
@@ -190,7 +191,8 @@ class ViewsTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
         self.component = ItemFactory.create(category='problem', parent_location=self.vertical.location)
         self.course_key = self.course.id
-        self.user = UserFactory(username='dummy', password='123456', email='test@mit.edu')
+        self.password = '123456'
+        self.user = UserFactory(username='dummy', password=self.password, email='test@mit.edu')
         self.date = datetime(2013, 1, 22, tzinfo=UTC)
         self.enrollment = CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.user, self.course_key)
         self.enrollment.created = self.date
@@ -270,7 +272,7 @@ class ViewsTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
-        self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password="123456")
+        self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password=self.password)
         response = self.client.get(request_url)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
@@ -283,7 +285,7 @@ class ViewsTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
-        self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password="123456")
+        self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password=self.password)
         for idx, val in enumerate(url_parts):
             url_parts_copy = url_parts[:]
             url_parts_copy[idx] = val + u'χ'
@@ -458,6 +460,136 @@ class ViewsTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
             # Verify that the email opt-in checkbox does not appear
             self.assertNotContains(response, checkbox_html, html=True)
+    def test_financial_assistance_page(self):
+        self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password=self.password)
+        url = reverse('financial_assistance')
+        response = self.client.get(url)
+        # This is a static page, so just assert that it is returned correctly
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        self.assertIn('Financial Assistance Application', response.content)
+    def test_financial_assistance_form(self):
+        non_verified_course = CourseFactory.create().id
+        verified_course_verified_track = CourseFactory.create().id
+        verified_course_audit_track = CourseFactory.create().id
+        verified_course_deadline_passed = CourseFactory.create().id
+        unenrolled_course = CourseFactory.create().id
+        enrollments = (
+            (non_verified_course, CourseMode.AUDIT, None),
+            (verified_course_verified_track, CourseMode.VERIFIED, None),
+            (verified_course_audit_track, CourseMode.AUDIT, None),
+            (verified_course_deadline_passed, CourseMode.AUDIT, datetime.now(UTC) - timedelta(days=1))
+        )
+        for course, mode, expiration in enrollments:
+            CourseModeFactory(mode_slug=CourseMode.AUDIT, course_id=course)
+            if course != non_verified_course:
+                CourseModeFactory(mode_slug=CourseMode.VERIFIED, course_id=course, expiration_datetime=expiration)
+            CourseEnrollmentFactory(course_id=course, user=self.user, mode=mode)
+        self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password=self.password)
+        url = reverse('financial_assistance_form')
+        response = self.client.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        # Ensure that the user can only apply for assistance in
+        # courses which have a verified mode which hasn't expired yet,
+        # where the user is not already enrolled in verified mode
+        self.assertIn(str(verified_course_audit_track), response.content)
+        for course in (
+                non_verified_course,
+                verified_course_verified_track,
+                verified_course_deadline_passed,
+                unenrolled_course
+        ):
+            self.assertNotIn(str(course), response.content)
+    def _submit_financial_assistance_form(self, data):
+        """Submit a financial assistance request."""
+        self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password=self.password)
+        url = reverse('submit_financial_assistance_request')
+        return self.client.post(url, json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json')
+    @patch.object(views, '_record_feedback_in_zendesk')
+    def test_submit_financial_assistance_request(self, mock_record_feedback):
+        username = self.user.username
+        course = unicode(self.course_key)
+        legal_name = 'Jesse Pinkman'
+        country = 'United States'
+        income = '1234567890'
+        reason_for_applying = "It's just basic chemistry, yo."
+        goals = "I don't know if it even matters, but... work with my hands, I guess."
+        effort = "I'm done, okay? You just give me my money, and you and I, we're done."
+        data = {
+            'username': username,
+            'course_id': course,
+            'legal_name': legal_name,
+            'email': self.user.email,
+            'country': country,
+            'income': income,
+            'reason_for_applying': reason_for_applying,
+            'goals': goals,
+            'effort': effort,
+            'marketing_permission': False,
+        }
+        response = self._submit_financial_assistance_form(data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 204)
+        __, ___, ticket_subject, ticket_body, tags, additional_info = mock_record_feedback.call_args[0]
+        for info in (country, income, reason_for_applying, goals, effort):
+            self.assertIn(info, ticket_body)
+        self.assertIn('This user HAS NOT allowed this content to be used for edX marketing purposes.', ticket_body)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ticket_subject,
+            'Financial assistance request for user {username} in course {course}'.format(
+                username=username,
+                course=course
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertDictContainsSubset(
+            {
+                'issue_type': 'Financial Assistance',
+                'course_id': course
+            },
+            tags
+        )
+        self.assertIn('Client IP', additional_info)
+    @patch.object(views, '_record_feedback_in_zendesk', return_value=False)
+    def test_zendesk_submission_failed(self, _mock_record_feedback):
+        response = self._submit_financial_assistance_form({
+            'username': self.user.username,
+            'course_id': '',
+            'legal_name': '',
+            'email': '',
+            'country': '',
+            'income': '',
+            'reason_for_applying': '',
+            'goals': '',
+            'effort': '',
+            'marketing_permission': False,
+        })
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 500)
+    @ddt.data(
+        ({}, 400),
+        ({'username': 'wwhite'}, 403)
+    )
+    @ddt.unpack
+    def test_submit_financial_assistance_errors(self, data, status):
+        response = self._submit_financial_assistance_form(data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status)
+    def test_financial_assistance_login_required(self):
+        for url in (
+                reverse('financial_assistance'),
+                reverse('financial_assistance_form'),
+                reverse('submit_financial_assistance_request')
+        ):
+            response = self.client.get(url)
+            self.assertRedirects(response, reverse('signin_user') + '?next=' + url)
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/views.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/views.py
index 34c88ec76b6b45a51b8bb5f994421922ce841629..6c2ecf1ce3bfc8972018de2d6a3a4b2f2e07d483 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/views.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/views.py
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ Courseware views functions
 import logging
-import urllib
 import json
+import textwrap
+import urllib
 from datetime import datetime
 from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
@@ -16,15 +17,18 @@ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
 from django.contrib.auth.models import User, AnonymousUser
 from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
 from django.db import transaction
+from django.db.models import Q
 from django.utils.timezone import UTC
 from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET, require_POST, require_http_methods
-from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest
+from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseForbidden
 from django.shortcuts import redirect
 from certificates import api as certs_api
 from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response, render_to_string, marketing_link
 from django.views.decorators.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
 from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control
+from ipware.ip import get_ip
 from markupsafe import escape
+from rest_framework import status
 from courseware import grades
 from courseware.access import has_access, _adjust_start_date_for_beta_testers
@@ -72,6 +76,7 @@ from shoppingcart.models import CourseRegistrationCode
 from shoppingcart.utils import is_shopping_cart_enabled
 from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
 from util.milestones_helpers import get_prerequisite_courses_display
+from util.views import _record_feedback_in_zendesk
 from microsite_configuration import microsite
 from opaque_keys.edx.locations import SlashSeparatedCourseKey
@@ -1404,3 +1409,229 @@ def render_xblock(request, usage_key_string, check_if_enrolled=True):
             'xqa_server': settings.FEATURES.get('XQA_SERVER', 'http://your_xqa_server.com'),
         return render_to_response('courseware/courseware-chromeless.html', context)
+# Translators: "percent_sign" is the symbol "%". "platform_name" is a
+# string identifying the name of this installation, such as "edX".
+    '{platform_name} now offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn verified certificates but'
+    ' who may not be able to pay the Verified Certificate fee. Eligible learners receive 90{percent_sign} off'
+    ' the Verified Certificate fee for a course.\nTo apply for financial assistance, enroll in the'
+    ' audit track for a course that offers Verified Certificates, and then complete this application.'
+    ' Note that you must complete a separate application for each course you take.'
+    percent_sign="%",
+    platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME
+FA_INCOME_LABEL = _('Annual Income')
+    'Tell us about your current financial situation, including any unusual circumstances.'
+    'Tell us about your learning or professional goals. How will a Verified Certificate in'
+    ' this course help you achieve these goals?'
+    'Tell us about your plans for this course. What steps will you take to help you complete'
+    ' the course work a receive a certificate?'
+FA_SHORT_ANSWER_INSTRUCTIONS = _('Use between 250 and 500 words or so in your response.')
+def financial_assistance(_request):
+    """Render the initial financial assistance page."""
+    return render_to_response('financial-assistance/financial-assistance.html', {
+        'header_text': FINANCIAL_ASSISTANCE_HEADER
+    })
+def financial_assistance_request(request):
+    """Submit a request for financial assistance to Zendesk."""
+    try:
+        data = json.loads(request.body)
+        # Simple sanity check that the session belongs to the user
+        # submitting an FA request
+        username = data['username']
+        if request.user.username != username:
+            return HttpResponseForbidden()
+        course_id = data['course_id']
+        legal_name = data['legal_name']
+        email = data['email']
+        country = data['country']
+        income = data['income']
+        reason_for_applying = data['reason_for_applying']
+        goals = data['goals']
+        effort = data['effort']
+        marketing_permission = data['marketing_permission']
+        ip_address = get_ip(request)
+    except ValueError:
+        # Thrown if JSON parsing fails
+        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Could not parse request JSON.')
+    except KeyError as err:
+        # Thrown if fields are missing
+        return HttpResponseBadRequest('The field {} is required.'.format(err.message))
+    ticket_body = textwrap.dedent(
+        '''
+        Annual Income: {income}
+        Country: {country}
+        {reason_label}
+        {separator}
+            {reason_for_applying}
+        {goals_label}
+        {separator}
+            {goals}
+        {effort_label}
+        {separator}
+            {effort}
+        This user {allowed_for_marketing} allowed this content to be used for edX marketing purposes.
+        '''.format(
+            income=income,
+            country=country,
+            reason_label=FA_REASON_FOR_APPLYING_LABEL,
+            reason_for_applying=reason_for_applying,
+            goals_label=FA_GOALS_LABEL,
+            goals=goals,
+            effort_label=FA_EFFORT_LABEL,
+            effort=effort,
+            allowed_for_marketing='HAS' if marketing_permission else 'HAS NOT',
+            separator='=' * 16
+        )
+    )
+    zendesk_submitted = _record_feedback_in_zendesk(
+        legal_name,
+        email,
+        'Financial assistance request for user {username} in course {course_id}'.format(
+            username=username,
+            course_id=course_id
+        ),
+        ticket_body,
+        {'issue_type': 'Financial Assistance', 'course_id': course_id},
+        {'Client IP': ip_address}
+    )
+    if not zendesk_submitted:
+        # The call to Zendesk failed. The frontend will display a
+        # message to the user.
+        return HttpResponse(status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+    return HttpResponse(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+def financial_assistance_form(request):
+    """Render the financial assistance application form page."""
+    user = request.user
+    enrolled_courses = [
+        {'name': enrollment.course_overview.display_name, 'value': unicode(enrollment.course_id)}
+        for enrollment in CourseEnrollment.enrollments_for_user(user).order_by('-created')
+        if CourseMode.objects.filter(
+            Q(expiration_datetime__isnull=True) | Q(expiration_datetime__gt=datetime.now(UTC())),
+            course_id=enrollment.course_id,
+            mode_slug=CourseMode.VERIFIED
+        ).exists()
+        and enrollment.mode != CourseMode.VERIFIED
+    ]
+    return render_to_response('financial-assistance/apply.html', {
+        'header_text': FINANCIAL_ASSISTANCE_HEADER,
+        'student_faq_url': marketing_link('FAQ'),
+        'dashboard_url': reverse('dashboard'),
+        'platform_name': settings.PLATFORM_NAME,
+        'user_details': {
+            'email': user.email,
+            'username': user.username,
+            'name': user.profile.name,
+            'country': str(user.profile.country.name),
+        },
+        'submit_url': reverse('submit_financial_assistance_request'),
+        'fields': [
+            {
+                'name': 'course',
+                'type': 'select',
+                'label': _('Course'),
+                'placeholder': '',
+                'defaultValue': '',
+                'required': True,
+                'options': enrolled_courses,
+                'instructions': _(
+                    'Select the course for which you want to earn a verified certificate. If'
+                    ' the course does not appear in the list, make sure that you have enrolled'
+                    ' in the audit track for the course.'
+                )
+            },
+            {
+                'name': 'income',
+                'type': 'text',
+                'label': FA_INCOME_LABEL,
+                'placeholder': _('income in USD ($)'),
+                'defaultValue': '',
+                'required': True,
+                'restrictions': {},
+                'instructions': _('Specify your annual income in USD.')
+            },
+            {
+                'name': 'reason_for_applying',
+                'type': 'textarea',
+                'label': FA_REASON_FOR_APPLYING_LABEL,
+                'placeholder': '',
+                'defaultValue': '',
+                'required': True,
+                'restrictions': {
+                    'min_length': settings.FINANCIAL_ASSISTANCE_MIN_LENGTH,
+                    'max_length': settings.FINANCIAL_ASSISTANCE_MAX_LENGTH
+                },
+                'instructions': FA_SHORT_ANSWER_INSTRUCTIONS
+            },
+            {
+                'name': 'goals',
+                'type': 'textarea',
+                'label': FA_GOALS_LABEL,
+                'placeholder': '',
+                'defaultValue': '',
+                'required': True,
+                'restrictions': {
+                    'min_length': settings.FINANCIAL_ASSISTANCE_MIN_LENGTH,
+                    'max_length': settings.FINANCIAL_ASSISTANCE_MAX_LENGTH
+                },
+                'instructions': FA_SHORT_ANSWER_INSTRUCTIONS
+            },
+            {
+                'name': 'effort',
+                'type': 'textarea',
+                'label': FA_EFFORT_LABEL,
+                'placeholder': '',
+                'defaultValue': '',
+                'required': True,
+                'restrictions': {
+                    'min_length': settings.FINANCIAL_ASSISTANCE_MIN_LENGTH,
+                    'max_length': settings.FINANCIAL_ASSISTANCE_MAX_LENGTH
+                },
+                'instructions': FA_SHORT_ANSWER_INSTRUCTIONS
+            },
+            {
+                'placeholder': '',
+                'name': 'mktg-permission',
+                'label': _(
+                    'I allow edX to use the information provided in this application for edX marketing purposes.'
+                ),
+                'defaultValue': '',
+                'type': 'checkbox',
+                'required': False,
+                'instructions': _(
+                    'Annual income and personal information such as email address will not be shared.'
+                ),
+                'restrictions': {}
+            }
+        ],
+    })
diff --git a/lms/envs/common.py b/lms/envs/common.py
index 176659cf0a4a0f250e33066941b9e9529d054902..96fc5a97d6eef0ed9c927d343e2e3a0aa2ace358 100644
--- a/lms/envs/common.py
+++ b/lms/envs/common.py
@@ -2732,3 +2732,10 @@ PROCTORING_SETTINGS = {}
 # The reason we introcuced this number is because we do not want the CCX
 # to compete with the MOOC.
+# Financial assistance settings
+# Maximum and minimum length of answers, in characters, for the
+# financial assistance form
diff --git a/lms/envs/test.py b/lms/envs/test.py
index 44e4cbb2566023c172a7678a4abff0b9fc570d29..d16b022028162adbbdb9f9f605cc9d067d8e8703 100644
--- a/lms/envs/test.py
+++ b/lms/envs/test.py
@@ -549,3 +549,6 @@ AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS += ('lti_provider.users.LtiBackend',)
+# Financial assistance page
diff --git a/lms/static/sass/_build-lms.scss b/lms/static/sass/_build-lms.scss
index 8787a7b4d56393543b991bdd182a2e0b3c9046cd..9d06bd3fecdca2e8c6c6c480ea72c3c7d04628b8 100644
--- a/lms/static/sass/_build-lms.scss
+++ b/lms/static/sass/_build-lms.scss
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 @import 'views/shoppingcart';
 @import 'views/homepage';
 @import 'views/support';
+@import "views/financial-assistance";
 @import 'course/auto-cert';
 // app - discussion
diff --git a/lms/static/sass/views/_financial-assistance.scss b/lms/static/sass/views/_financial-assistance.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fc5bc69bdb8267e10dd1e7a25c7d6a70ceee467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lms/static/sass/views/_financial-assistance.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+.financial-assistance-wrapper {
+  margin: auto;
+  padding: $baseline 0;
+  max-width: 1180px;
+  .financial-assistance {
+    border-bottom: 4px solid $gray-l5;
+    h1 {
+      @extend %t-title4;
+      @include text-align(left);
+      margin: 0;
+      padding: ($baseline/2) 0;
+      border-bottom: 4px solid $gray-l5;
+      color: $m-gray-d3;
+    }
+    h2 {
+      @extend %t-title6;
+      @extend %t-strong;
+      margin-top: ($baseline/2);
+      text-transform: none;
+    }
+    p {
+      @extend %t-copy-base;
+      padding: ($baseline/2) 0;
+      margin: 0;
+      color: $m-gray-d2;
+    }
+    .apply-form-list {
+      padding: 0;
+      list-style: none;
+      .apply-form-section {
+        border-bottom: 2px solid $gray-l5;
+      }
+      .apply-form-section:last-child {
+        border: none;
+      }
+      .about-me {
+        padding: 0;
+        list-style: none;
+        .about-me-item {
+          @include margin-right(150px);
+          display: inline-block;
+          p {
+            padding: 0;
+            display: block;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .financial-assistance-footer {
+    padding: $baseline;
+    .faq-link {
+      padding: $baseline/2;
+    }
+    .action-link {
+      @include float(right);
+      padding: $baseline/2;
+      background-color: $m-blue-d2;
+      color: $gray-l7;
+      border-radius: 2px;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/lms/templates/financial-assistance/apply.html b/lms/templates/financial-assistance/apply.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b8af4cdf6ba1d2998f10ce177e78230a996a1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lms/templates/financial-assistance/apply.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<%inherit file="../main.html"/>
+import json
+from openedx.core.lib.js_utils import escape_json_dumps
+<%namespace name='static' file='/static_content.html'/>
+<%block name="js_extra">
+<%static:require_module module_name="js/financial-assistance/financial_assistance_form_factory" class_name="FinancialAssistanceFactory">
+    fields: ${escape_json_dumps(fields)},
+    user_details: ${escape_json_dumps(user_details)},
+    header_text: ${escape_json_dumps(header_text)},
+    student_faq_url: ${json.dumps(student_faq_url)},
+    dashboard_url: ${json.dumps(dashboard_url)},
+    platform_name: ${escape_json_dumps(platform_name)},
+    submit_url: ${json.dumps(submit_url)}
+<div class="financial-assistance-wrapper"></div>
diff --git a/lms/templates/financial-assistance/financial-assistance.html b/lms/templates/financial-assistance/financial-assistance.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e611f8453b4d1e5ae609150d5561e0e12449c50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lms/templates/financial-assistance/financial-assistance.html
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<%inherit file="../main.html"/>
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from edxmako.shortcuts import marketing_link
+<div class="financial-assistance-wrapper">
+  <div class="financial-assistance financial-assistance-header">
+    <h1>${_("Financial Assistance Application")}</h1>
+    % for line in header_text:
+      <p>${line}</p>
+    % endfor
+  </div>
+  <div class="financial-assistance financial-assistance-body">
+    <h2>${_("A Note to Learners")}</h2>
+    <p>${_("Dear edX Learner,")}</p>
+    <p>${_("EdX Financial Assistance is a program we created to give learners in all financial circumstances a chance to earn a Verified Certificate upon successful completion of an edX course.")}</p>
+    <p>${_("If you are interested in working toward a Verified Certificate, but cannot afford to pay the fee, please apply now. Please note space is limited.")}</p>
+    <p>${_("In order to be eligible for edX Financial Assistance, you must demonstrate that paying the Verified Certificate fee would cause you economic hardship. To apply, you will be asked to answer a few questions about why you are applying and how the Verified Certificate will benefit you.")}</p>
+    <p>${_("Once your application is approved, we'll email to let you know and give you instructions for how to verify your identity on edX.org; then you can start working toward completing your edX course.")}</p>
+    <p>${_("EdX is committed to making it possible for you to take high quality courses from leading institutions regardless of your financial situation, earn a Verified Certificate, and share your success with others.")}</p>
+    <p class="signature">${_("Sincerely, Anant")}</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="financial-assistance-footer">
+    <%
+      faq_link = marketing_link('FAQ')
+    %>
+    % if faq_link != '#':
+      <a class="faq-link" href="${faq_link}">${_("Back to Student FAQs")}</a>
+    % endif
+    <a class="action-link" href="${reverse('financial_assistance_form')}">${_("Apply for Financial Assistance")}</a>
+  </div>
diff --git a/lms/urls.py b/lms/urls.py
index 04153fa85d60d974022abb97e0e94ab3fc777d53..f0e820e79bbc74e5b3e239e06fc86f7c41f74410 100644
--- a/lms/urls.py
+++ b/lms/urls.py
@@ -774,3 +774,22 @@ urlpatterns += (
 urlpatterns += (
     url(r'^api/', include('edx_proctoring.urls')),
+    urlpatterns += (
+        url(
+            r'^financial-assistance/$',
+            'courseware.views.financial_assistance',
+            name='financial_assistance'
+        ),
+        url(
+            r'^financial-assistance/apply/$',
+            'courseware.views.financial_assistance_form',
+            name='financial_assistance_form'
+        ),
+        url(
+            r'^financial-assistance/submit/$',
+            'courseware.views.financial_assistance_request',
+            name='submit_financial_assistance_request'
+        )
+    )