diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/01_initialize.js b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/01_initialize.js
index 30b5ac5778f45d8816c80478e8ff1795638b6b01..7f8057c02523b953371aa467523a1a3c83a0feaf 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/01_initialize.js
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/01_initialize.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
- * @file Initialize module works with the JSON config, and sets up various settings, parameters,
- * variables. After all setup actions are performed, it invokes the video player to play the
- * specified video. This module must be invoked first. It provides several functions which do not
- * fit in with other modules.
+ * @file Initialize module works with the JSON config, and sets up various
+ * settings, parameters, variables. After all setup actions are performed, it
+ * invokes the video player to play the specified video. This module must be
+ * invoked first. It provides several functions which do not fit in with other
+ * modules.
  * @external VideoPlayer
@@ -16,18 +17,8 @@ define(
 function (VideoPlayer) {
-    // In case if console.log() is unavailable for some reason.
-    //
-    // console.log() will be used to put case critical messages to the browser
-    // JavaScript console to allow for better and quicker debugging.
-    //
-    // This is placed here because '01_initialize.js' gets loaded first.
-    if (typeof window.console === 'undefined') {
-        window.console = {};
-    }
-    if ($.isFunction(window.console.log) === false) {
-        window.console.log = function () {};
-    }
+    // window.console.log() is expected to be available. We do not support
+    // browsers which lack this functionality.
     // The function gettext() is defined by a vendor library. If, however, it
     // is undefined, it is a simple wrapper. It is used to return a different
@@ -69,43 +60,54 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
      *     methods, modules) of the Video player.
     function _makeFunctionsPublic(state) {
-        state.setSpeed    = _.bind(setSpeed, state);
-        state.youtubeId   = _.bind(youtubeId, state);
-        state.getDuration = _.bind(getDuration, state);
-        state.trigger     = _.bind(trigger, state);
+        state.setSpeed      = _.bind(setSpeed, state);
+        state.youtubeId     = _.bind(youtubeId, state);
+        state.getDuration   = _.bind(getDuration, state);
+        state.trigger       = _.bind(trigger, state);
         state.stopBuffering = _.bind(stopBuffering, state);
         // Old private functions. Now also public so that can be
         // tested by Jasmine.
-        state.initialize = _.bind(initialize, state);
-        state.parseSpeed = _.bind(parseSpeed, state);
-        state.fetchMetadata = _.bind(fetchMetadata, state);
+        state.initialize          = _.bind(initialize, state);
+        state.parseSpeed          = _.bind(parseSpeed, state);
+        state.fetchMetadata       = _.bind(fetchMetadata, state);
         state.parseYoutubeStreams = _.bind(parseYoutubeStreams, state);
-        state.parseVideoSources = _.bind(parseVideoSources, state);
-        state.getVideoMetadata = _.bind(getVideoMetadata, state);
+        state.parseVideoSources   = _.bind(parseVideoSources, state);
+        state.getVideoMetadata    = _.bind(getVideoMetadata, state);
     // function _renderElements(state)
-    //     Create any necessary DOM elements, attach them, and set their initial configuration. Also
-    //     make the created DOM elements available via the 'state' object. Much easier to work this
-    //     way - you don't have to do repeated jQuery element selects.
+    //     Create any necessary DOM elements, attach them, and set their
+    //     initial configuration. Also make the created DOM elements available
+    //     via the 'state' object. Much easier to work this way - you don't
+    //     have to do repeated jQuery element selects.
     function _renderElements(state) {
-        // Launch embedding of actual video content, or set it up so that it will be done as soon as the
-        // appropriate video player (YouTube or stand alone HTML5) is loaded, and can handle embedding.
+        // Launch embedding of actual video content, or set it up so that it
+        // will be done as soon as the appropriate video player (YouTube or
+        // stand-alone HTML5) is loaded, and can handle embedding.
-        // Note that the loading of stand alone HTML5 player API is handled by Require JS. At the time
-        // when we reach this code, the stand alone HTML5 player is already loaded, so no further testing
-        // in that case is required.
+        // Note that the loading of stand alone HTML5 player API is handled by
+        // Require JS. At the time when we reach this code, the stand alone
+        // HTML5 player is already loaded, so no further testing in that case
+        // is required.
         var onPlayerReadyFunc;
         if (
-            ((state.videoType === 'youtube') && (window.YT) && (window.YT.Player)) ||
+            (
+                (state.videoType === 'youtube') &&
+                (window.YT) &&
+                (window.YT.Player)
+            ) ||
             (state.videoType === 'html5')
         ) {
         } else {
-            onPlayerReadyFunc = (state.videoType === 'youtube') ? 'onYouTubePlayerAPIReady' : 'onHTML5PlayerAPIReady';
+            if (state.videoType === 'youtube') {
+                onPlayerReadyFunc = 'onYouTubePlayerAPIReady';
+            } else {
+                onPlayerReadyFunc = 'onHTML5PlayerAPIReady';
+            }
             window[onPlayerReadyFunc] = _.bind(VideoPlayer, window, state);
@@ -121,7 +123,8 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     //     Option
     //          this.hide_captions = true | false
-    //     represents the user's choice of having the subtitles shown or hidden. This choice is stored in cookies.
+    //     represents the user's choice of having the subtitles shown or
+    //     hidden. This choice is stored in cookies.
     function _configureCaptions(state) {
         if (state.config.show_captions) {
             state.hide_captions = ($.cookie('hide_captions') === 'true');
@@ -138,14 +141,19 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     // function _setPlayerMode(state)
-    //     By default we will be forcing HTML5 player mode. Only in the case when, after initializtion, we will
-    //     get one available playback rate, we will change to Flash player mode. There is a need to store this
-    //     setting in cookies because otherwise we will have to change from HTML5 to Flash on every page load
-    //     in a browser that doesn't fully support HTML5. When we have this setting in cookies, we can select
+    //     By default we will be forcing HTML5 player mode. Only in the case
+    //     when, after initializtion, we will get one available playback rate,
+    //     we will change to Flash player mode. There is a need to store this
+    //     setting in cookies because otherwise we will have to change from
+    //     HTML5 to Flash on every page load in a browser that doesn't fully
+    //     support HTML5. When we have this setting in cookies, we can select
     //     the proper mode from the start (not having to change mode later on).
     function _setPlayerMode(state) {
         (function (currentPlayerMode) {
-            if ((currentPlayerMode === 'html5') || (currentPlayerMode === 'flash')) {
+            if (
+                (currentPlayerMode === 'html5') ||
+                (currentPlayerMode === 'flash')
+            ) {
                 state.currentPlayerMode = currentPlayerMode;
             } else {
                 $.cookie('current_player_mode', 'html5', {
@@ -154,20 +162,32 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
                 state.currentPlayerMode = 'html5';
+            console.log(
+                '[Video info]: YouTube player mode is "' +
+                state.currentPlayerMode + '".'
+            );
     // function _parseYouTubeIDs(state)
     //     The function parse YouTube stream ID's.
     //     @return
-    //         false: We don't have YouTube video IDs to work with; most likely we have HTML5 video sources.
-    //         true: Parsing of YouTube video IDs went OK, and we can proceed onwards to play YouTube videos.
+    //         false: We don't have YouTube video IDs to work with; most likely
+    //             we have HTML5 video sources.
+    //         true: Parsing of YouTube video IDs went OK, and we can proceed
+    //             onwards to play YouTube videos.
     function _parseYouTubeIDs(state) {
         if (state.parseYoutubeStreams(state.config.youtubeStreams)) {
             state.videoType = 'youtube';
             return true;
+        console.log(
+            '[Video info]: Youtube Video IDs are incorrect or absent.'
+        );
         return false;
@@ -203,6 +223,10 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
             state.el.find('.video-player div').addClass('hidden');
             state.el.find('.video-player h3').removeClass('hidden');
+            console.log(
+                '[Video info]: Non-youtube video sources aren\'t available.'
+            );
             return false;
@@ -231,8 +255,9 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     // ***************************************************************
     // Public functions start here.
-    // These are available via the 'state' object. Their context ('this' keyword) is the 'state' object.
-    // The magic private function that makes them available and sets up their context is makeFunctionsPublic().
+    // These are available via the 'state' object. Their context ('this'
+    // keyword) is the 'state' object. The magic private function that makes
+    // them available and sets up their context is makeFunctionsPublic().
     // ***************************************************************
     // function initialize(element)
@@ -240,17 +265,21 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     function initialize(element) {
         var _this = this, tempYtTestTimeout;
-        // This is used in places where we instead would have to check if an element has a CSS class 'fullscreen'.
+        // This is used in places where we instead would have to check if an
+        // element has a CSS class 'fullscreen'.
         this.isFullScreen = false;
         // The parent element of the video, and the ID.
         this.el = $(element).find('.video');
         this.id = this.el.attr('id').replace(/video_/, '');
-        console.log('[Video info]: Initializing video with id "' + this.id + '".');
+        console.log(
+            '[Video info]: Initializing video with id "' + this.id + '".'
+        );
-        // We store all settings passed to us by the server in one place. These are "read only", so don't
-        // modify them. All variable content lives in 'state' object.
+        // We store all settings passed to us by the server in one place. These
+        // are "read only", so don't modify them. All variable content lives in
+        // 'state' object.
         this.config = {
             element: element,
@@ -259,7 +288,10 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
             caption_data_dir:   this.el.data('caption-data-dir'),
             caption_asset_path: this.el.data('caption-asset-path'),
-            show_captions:      (this.el.data('show-captions').toString().toLowerCase() === 'true'),
+            show_captions:      (
+                                    this.el.data('show-captions')
+                                        .toString().toLowerCase() === 'true'
+                                ),
             youtubeStreams:     this.el.data('streams'),
             sub:                this.el.data('sub'),
@@ -282,62 +314,70 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
         this.config.ytTestTimeout = tempYtTestTimeout;
-        console.log('[Video info]: Try parsing YouTube IDs.');
         if (!(_parseYouTubeIDs(this))) {
-            console.log('[Video info]: Could not parse YouTube IDs. Try parsing non-YouTube video sources.');
             // If we do not have YouTube ID's, try parsing HTML5 video sources.
             if (!_prepareHTML5Video(this, true)) {
-                console.log('[Video info]: No video sources available at all.');
                 // Non-YouTube sources were not found either.
+            console.log('[Video info]: Start player in HTML5 mode.');
         } else {
-            console.log('[Video info]: Valid YouTube IDs found.');
             if (!this.youtubeXhr) {
-                console.log('[Video info]: Making request to see if YouTube responds.');
                 this.youtubeXhr = this.getVideoMetadata();
-            console.log('[Video info]: Waiting for YouTube to respond.');
-                .always(function(json, status) {
+                .always(function (json, status) {
                     var err = $.isPlainObject(json.error) ||
-                                (status !== 'success' && status !== 'notmodified');
+                                (
+                                    status !== 'success' &&
+                                    status !== 'notmodified'
+                                );
                     if (err) {
-                        console.log('[Video info]: An error happened while waiting for YouTube to respond.');
-                        console.log('[Video info]: Checking if alternate non-YouTube video sources are available.');
+                        console.log(
+                            '[Video info]: YouTube returned an error for ' +
+                            'video with id "' + _this.id + '".'
+                        );
                         // When the youtube link doesn't work for any reason
                         // (for example, the great firewall in china) any
                         // alternate sources should automatically play.
                         if (!_prepareHTML5Video(_this)) {
-                            console.log('[Video info]: No alternative non-YouTube video sources available.');
-                            console.log('[Video info]: Will try to continue loading YouTube video. Maybe the response timeout is longer than was specified.');
+                            console.log(
+                                '[Video info]: Continue loading ' +
+                                'YouTube video.'
+                            );
                             // Non-YouTube sources were not found either.
-                            _this.el.find('.video-player div').removeClass('hidden');
-                            _this.el.find('.video-player h3').addClass('hidden');
+                            _this.el.find('.video-player div')
+                                .removeClass('hidden');
+                            _this.el.find('.video-player h3')
+                                .addClass('hidden');
                             // If in reality the timeout was to short, try to
                             // continue loading the YouTube video anyways.
                         } else {
-                            console.log('[Video info]: Alternative non-YouTube video sources were found and will be loaded.');
+                            console.log(
+                                '[Video info]: Change player mode to HTML5.'
+                            );
                             // In-browser HTML5 player does not support quality
                             // control.
                     } else {
-                        console.log('[Video info]: YouTube responded with OK. Loading YouTube video.');
+                        console.log(
+                            '[Video info]: Start player in YouTube mode.'
+                        );
@@ -353,23 +393,28 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     //     Take a string in the form:
     //         "iCawTYPtehk:0.75,KgpclqP-LBA:1.0,9-2670d5nvU:1.5"
-    //     parse it, and make it available via the 'state' object. If we are not given a string, or
-    //     it's length is zero, then we return false.
+    //     parse it, and make it available via the 'state' object. If we are
+    //     not given a string, or it's length is zero, then we return false.
     //     @return
-    //         false: We don't have YouTube video IDs to work with; most likely we have HTML5 video sources.
-    //         true: Parsing of YouTube video IDs went OK, and we can proceed onwards to play YouTube videos.
+    //         false: We don't have YouTube video IDs to work with; most likely
+    //             we have HTML5 video sources.
+    //         true: Parsing of YouTube video IDs went OK, and we can proceed
+    //             onwards to play YouTube videos.
     function parseYoutubeStreams(youtubeStreams) {
         var _this;
-        if (typeof youtubeStreams === 'undefined' || youtubeStreams.length === 0) {
+        if (
+            typeof youtubeStreams === 'undefined' ||
+            youtubeStreams.length === 0
+        ) {
             return false;
         _this = this;
         this.videos = {};
-        $.each(youtubeStreams.split(/,/), function(index, video) {
+        $.each(youtubeStreams.split(/,/), function (index, video) {
             var speed;
             video = video.split(/:/);
@@ -383,8 +428,8 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     // function parseVideoSources(, mp4Source, webmSource, oggSource)
-    //     Take the HTML5 sources (URLs of videos), and make them available explictly for each type
-    //     of video format (mp4, webm, ogg).
+    //     Take the HTML5 sources (URLs of videos), and make them available
+    //     explictly for each type of video format (mp4, webm, ogg).
     function parseVideoSources(sources) {
         var _this = this,
             v = document.createElement('video'),
@@ -416,16 +461,17 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     // function fetchMetadata()
-    //     When dealing with YouTube videos, we must fetch meta data that has certain key facts
-    //     not available while the video is loading. For example the length of the video can be
-    //     determined from the meta data.
+    //     When dealing with YouTube videos, we must fetch meta data that has
+    //     certain key facts not available while the video is loading. For
+    //     example the length of the video can be determined from the meta
+    //     data.
     function fetchMetadata() {
         var _this = this;
         this.metadata = {};
         $.each(this.videos, function (speed, url) {
-            _this.getVideoMetadata(url, function(data) {
+            _this.getVideoMetadata(url, function (data) {
                 if (data.data) {
                     _this.metadata[data.data.id] = data.data;
@@ -437,7 +483,7 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     //     Create a separate array of available speeds.
     function parseSpeed() {
-        this.speeds = ($.map(this.videos, function(url, speed) {
+        this.speeds = ($.map(this.videos, function (url, speed) {
             return speed;
@@ -479,7 +525,7 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
     function stopBuffering() {
         var video;
-        if (this.videoType === 'html5'){
+        if (this.videoType === 'html5') {
             // HTML5 player haven't default way to abort bufferization.
             // In this case we simply resetting source and call load().
             video = this.videoPlayer.player.video;
@@ -497,9 +543,9 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
-     * The trigger() function will assume that the @objChain is a complete chain with a method
-     * (function) at the end. It will call this function. So for example, when trigger() is
-     * called like so:
+     * The trigger() function will assume that the @objChain is a complete
+     * chain with a method (function) at the end. It will call this function.
+     * So for example, when trigger() is called like so:
      *     state.trigger('videoPlayer.pause', {'param1': 10});
@@ -514,10 +560,10 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
         tmpObj = this;
         chain = objChain.split('.');
-        // At the end of the loop the variable 'tmpObj' will either be the correct
-        // object/function to trigger/invoke. If the 'chain' chain of object is
-        // incorrect (one of the link is non-existent), then the loop will immediately
-        // exit.
+        // At the end of the loop the variable 'tmpObj' will either be the
+        // correct object/function to trigger/invoke. If the 'chain' chain of
+        // object is incorrect (one of the link is non-existent), then the loop
+        // will immediately exit.
         while (chain.length) {
             i = chain.shift();
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/03_video_player.js b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/03_video_player.js
index 25617283f59a0af08b6a162467c9586fe0adbf96..649dd9cf668d4cd5a9854a5045dbc318fe5a7319 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/03_video_player.js
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/03_video_player.js
@@ -21,35 +21,46 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
     // function _makeFunctionsPublic(state)
-    //     Functions which will be accessible via 'state' object. When called, these functions will
-    //     get the 'state' object as a context.
+    //     Functions which will be accessible via 'state' object. When called,
+    //     these functions will get the 'state' object as a context.
     function _makeFunctionsPublic(state) {
-        state.videoPlayer.pause                       = _.bind(pause, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.play                        = _.bind(play, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.update                      = _.bind(update, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onSpeedChange               = _.bind(onSpeedChange, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onCaptionSeek               = _.bind(onSeek, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onSlideSeek                 = _.bind(onSeek, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onEnded                     = _.bind(onEnded, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onPause                     = _.bind(onPause, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onPlay                      = _.bind(onPlay, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onUnstarted                 = _.bind(onUnstarted, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.handlePlaybackQualityChange = _.bind(handlePlaybackQualityChange, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onPlaybackQualityChange     = _.bind(onPlaybackQualityChange, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onStateChange               = _.bind(onStateChange, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onReady                     = _.bind(onReady, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.updatePlayTime              = _.bind(updatePlayTime, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.isPlaying                   = _.bind(isPlaying, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.log                         = _.bind(log, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.duration                    = _.bind(duration, state);
-        state.videoPlayer.onVolumeChange              = _.bind(onVolumeChange, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.pause         = _.bind(pause, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.play          = _.bind(play, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.update        = _.bind(update, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onSpeedChange = _.bind(onSpeedChange, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onCaptionSeek = _.bind(onSeek, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onSlideSeek   = _.bind(onSeek, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onEnded       = _.bind(onEnded, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onPause       = _.bind(onPause, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onPlay        = _.bind(onPlay, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onUnstarted = _.bind(
+            onUnstarted, state
+        );
+        state.videoPlayer.handlePlaybackQualityChange = _.bind(
+            handlePlaybackQualityChange, state
+        );
+        state.videoPlayer.onPlaybackQualityChange = _.bind(
+            onPlaybackQualityChange, state
+        );
+        state.videoPlayer.onStateChange  = _.bind(onStateChange, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onReady        = _.bind(onReady, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.updatePlayTime = _.bind(updatePlayTime, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.isPlaying      = _.bind(isPlaying, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.log            = _.bind(log, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.duration       = _.bind(duration, state);
+        state.videoPlayer.onVolumeChange = _.bind(onVolumeChange, state);
     // function _initialize(state)
-    //     Create any necessary DOM elements, attach them, and set their initial configuration. Also
-    //     make the created DOM elements available via the 'state' object. Much easier to work this
-    //     way - you don't have to do repeated jQuery element selects.
+    //     Create any necessary DOM elements, attach them, and set their
+    //     initial configuration. Also make the created DOM elements available
+    //     via the 'state' object. Much easier to work this way - you don't
+    //     have to do repeated jQuery element selects.
     function _initialize(state) {
         var youTubeId;
@@ -92,9 +103,10 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
         // TODO: Check the status of
         // http://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=4654
-        // When the YouTube team fixes the API bug, we can remove this temporary
-        // bug fix.
-        state.browserIsFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
+        // When the YouTube team fixes the API bug, we can remove this
+        // temporary bug fix.
+        state.browserIsFirefox = navigator.userAgent
+            .toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
         if (state.videoType === 'html5') {
             state.videoPlayer.player = new HTML5Video.Player(state.el, {
@@ -117,7 +129,8 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
                 events: {
                     onReady: state.videoPlayer.onReady,
                     onStateChange: state.videoPlayer.onStateChange,
-                    onPlaybackQualityChange: state.videoPlayer.onPlaybackQualityChange
+                    onPlaybackQualityChange: state.videoPlayer
+                        .onPlaybackQualityChange
@@ -125,9 +138,10 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
     // function _restartUsingFlash(state)
-    //     When we are about to play a YouTube video in HTML5 mode and discover that we only
-    //     have one available playback rate, we will switch to Flash mode. In Flash speed
-    //     switching is done by reloading videos recorded at different frame rates.
+    //     When we are about to play a YouTube video in HTML5 mode and discover
+    //     that we only have one available playback rate, we will switch to
+    //     Flash mode. In Flash speed switching is done by reloading videos
+    //     recorded at different frame rates.
     function _restartUsingFlash(state) {
         // Remove from the page current iFrame with HTML5 video.
@@ -139,25 +153,29 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
         state.currentPlayerMode = 'flash';
+        console.log('[Video info]: Changing YouTube player mode to "flash".');
         // Removed configuration option that requests the HTML5 mode.
         delete state.videoPlayer.playerVars.html5;
         // Request for the creation of a new Flash player
         state.videoPlayer.player = new YT.Player(state.id, {
-            'playerVars': state.videoPlayer.playerVars,
-            'videoId': state.youtubeId(),
-            'events': {
-                'onReady': state.videoPlayer.onReady,
-                'onStateChange': state.videoPlayer.onStateChange,
-                'onPlaybackQualityChange': state.videoPlayer.onPlaybackQualityChange
+            playerVars: state.videoPlayer.playerVars,
+            videoId: state.youtubeId(),
+            events: {
+                onReady: state.videoPlayer.onReady,
+                onStateChange: state.videoPlayer.onStateChange,
+                onPlaybackQualityChange: state.videoPlayer
+                    .onPlaybackQualityChange
     // ***************************************************************
     // Public functions start here.
-    // These are available via the 'state' object. Their context ('this' keyword) is the 'state' object.
-    // The magic private function that makes them available and sets up their context is makeFunctionsPublic().
+    // These are available via the 'state' object. Their context ('this'
+    // keyword) is the 'state' object. The magic private function that makes
+    // them available and sets up their context is makeFunctionsPublic().
     // ***************************************************************
     function pause() {
@@ -174,9 +192,11 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
     // This function gets the video's current play position in time
     // (currentTime) and its duration.
-    // It is called at a regular interval when the video is playing (see below).
+    // It is called at a regular interval when the video is playing (see
+    // below).
     function update() {
-        this.videoPlayer.currentTime = this.videoPlayer.player.getCurrentTime();
+        this.videoPlayer.currentTime = this.videoPlayer.player
+            .getCurrentTime();
         if (isFinite(this.videoPlayer.currentTime)) {
@@ -206,19 +226,27 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
         if (
             this.currentPlayerMode === 'html5' &&
-            !(this.browserIsFirefox && newSpeed === '1.0' && this.videoType === 'youtube')
+            !(
+                this.browserIsFirefox &&
+                newSpeed === '1.0' &&
+                this.videoType === 'youtube'
+            )
         ) {
         } else {
-            // We request the reloading of the video in the case when YouTube is in
-            // Flash player mode, or when we are in Firefox, and the new speed is 1.0.
-            // The second case is necessary to avoid the bug where in Firefox speed
-            // switching to 1.0 in HTML5 player mode is handled incorrectly by YouTube
-            // API.
+            // We request the reloading of the video in the case when YouTube
+            // is in Flash player mode, or when we are in Firefox, and the new
+            // speed is 1.0. The second case is necessary to avoid the bug
+            // where in Firefox speed switching to 1.0 in HTML5 player mode is
+            // handled incorrectly by YouTube API.
             if (this.videoPlayer.isPlaying()) {
-                this.videoPlayer.player.loadVideoById(this.youtubeId(), this.videoPlayer.currentTime);
+                this.videoPlayer.player.loadVideoById(
+                    this.youtubeId(), this.videoPlayer.currentTime
+                );
             } else {
-                this.videoPlayer.player.cueVideoById(this.youtubeId(), this.videoPlayer.currentTime);
+                this.videoPlayer.player.cueVideoById(
+                    this.youtubeId(), this.videoPlayer.currentTime
+                );
@@ -243,7 +271,9 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
         if (this.videoPlayer.isPlaying()) {
-            this.videoPlayer.updateInterval = setInterval(this.videoPlayer.update, 200);
+            this.videoPlayer.updateInterval = setInterval(
+                this.videoPlayer.update, 200
+            );
         } else {
             this.videoPlayer.currentTime = params.time;
@@ -286,7 +316,9 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
         if (!this.videoPlayer.updateInterval) {
-            this.videoPlayer.updateInterval = setInterval(this.videoPlayer.update, 200);
+            this.videoPlayer.updateInterval = setInterval(
+                this.videoPlayer.update, 200
+            );
         this.trigger('videoControl.play', null);
@@ -325,19 +357,26 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
         //   https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=840745
         //   https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/HTMLMediaElement
-        availablePlaybackRates = _.filter(availablePlaybackRates, function(item){
-            var speed = Number(item);
-            return  speed > 0.25 && speed <= 5;
-        });
+        availablePlaybackRates = _.filter(
+            availablePlaybackRates,
+            function (item) {
+                var speed = Number(item);
+                return speed > 0.25 && speed <= 5;
+            }
+        );
-        if ((this.currentPlayerMode === 'html5') && (this.videoType === 'youtube')) {
+        if (
+            this.currentPlayerMode === 'html5' &&
+            this.videoType === 'youtube'
+        ) {
             if (availablePlaybackRates.length === 1) {
-                // This condition is needed in cases when Firefox version is less than 20. In those versions
-                // HTML5 playback could only happen at 1 speed (no speed changing). Therefore, in this case,
-                // we need to switch back to Flash.
+                // This condition is needed in cases when Firefox version is
+                // less than 20. In those versions HTML5 playback could only
+                // happen at 1 speed (no speed changing). Therefore, in this
+                // case, we need to switch back to Flash.
-                // This might also happen in other browsers, therefore when we have 1 speed available, we fall
-                // back to Flash.
+                // This might also happen in other browsers, therefore when we
+                // have 1 speed available, we fall back to Flash.
@@ -352,18 +391,26 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
                 // and their associated subs.
                 // First clear the dictionary.
-                $.each(this.videos, function(index, value) {
+                $.each(this.videos, function (index, value) {
                     delete _this.videos[index];
                 this.speeds = [];
                 // Recreate it with the supplied frame rates.
-                $.each(availablePlaybackRates, function(index, value) {
-                    _this.videos[value.toFixed(2).replace(/\.00$/, '.0')] = baseSpeedSubs;
+                $.each(availablePlaybackRates, function (index, value) {
+                    var key = value.toFixed(2).replace(/\.00$/, '.0');
+                    _this.videos[key] = baseSpeedSubs;
-                    _this.speeds.push(value.toFixed(2).replace(/\.00$/, '.0'));
+                    _this.speeds.push(key);
-                this.trigger('videoSpeedControl.reRender', {'newSpeeds': this.speeds, 'currentSpeed': this.speed});
+                this.trigger(
+                    'videoSpeedControl.reRender',
+                    {
+                        newSpeeds: this.speeds,
+                        currentSpeed: this.speed
+                    }
+                );
@@ -373,7 +420,10 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
-        if (!onTouchBasedDevice() && $('.video:first').data('autoplay') === 'True') {
+        if (
+            !onTouchBasedDevice() &&
+            $('.video:first').data('autoplay') === 'True'
+        ) {
@@ -400,19 +450,37 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
         duration = this.videoPlayer.duration();
-        this.trigger('videoProgressSlider.updatePlayTime', {'time': time, 'duration': duration});
-        this.trigger('videoControl.updateVcrVidTime', {'time': time, 'duration': duration});
+        this.trigger(
+            'videoProgressSlider.updatePlayTime',
+            {
+                time: time,
+                duration: duration
+            }
+        );
+        this.trigger(
+            'videoControl.updateVcrVidTime',
+            {
+                time: time,
+                duration: duration
+            }
+        );
         this.trigger('videoCaption.updatePlayTime', time);
     function isPlaying() {
-        return this.videoPlayer.player.getPlayerState() === this.videoPlayer.PlayerState.PLAYING;
+        var playerState = this.videoPlayer.player.getPlayerState(),
+            PLAYING = this.videoPlayer.PlayerState.PLAYING;
+        return playerState === PLAYING;
     function duration() {
         var dur;
         dur = this.videoPlayer.player.getDuration();
         if (!isFinite(dur)) {
             dur = this.getDuration();
@@ -431,7 +499,7 @@ function (HTML5Video) {
         // If extra parameters were passed to the log.
         if (data) {
-            $.each(data, function(paramName, value) {
+            $.each(data, function (paramName, value) {
                 logInfo[paramName] = value;
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/08_video_speed_control.js b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/08_video_speed_control.js
index 6a6587186da2d1316f5a7c5816e8f3d81ba178ad..9db56ffc0d9b7f4dd9644216594b862aa990e1b6 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/08_video_speed_control.js
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/08_video_speed_control.js
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ function () {
         if (state.videoType === 'html5' && !(_checkPlaybackRates())) {
+            console.log(
+                '[Video info]: HTML5 mode - playbackRate is not supported.'
+            );
@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ function () {
-        $.each(state.videoSpeedControl.speeds, function(index, speed) {
+        $.each(state.videoSpeedControl.speeds, function (index, speed) {
             var link = '<a class="speed_link" href="#">' + speed + 'x</a>';
@@ -78,26 +82,27 @@ function () {
-    * @desc Check if playbackRate supports by browser.
-    *
-    * @type {function}
-    * @access private
-    *
-    * @param {object} state The object containg the state of the video player.
-    *     All other modules, their parameters, public variables, etc. are
-    *     available via this object.
-    *
-    * @this {object} The global window object.
-    *
-    * @returns {Boolean}
-    *       true: Browser support playbackRate functionality.
-    *       false: Browser doesn't support playbackRate functionality.
-    */
+     * @desc Check if playbackRate supports by browser.
+     *
+     * @type {function}
+     * @access private
+     *
+     * @param {object} state The object containg the state of the video player.
+     *     All other modules, their parameters, public variables, etc. are
+     *     available via this object.
+     *
+     * @this {object} The global window object.
+     *
+     * @returns {Boolean}
+     *       true: Browser support playbackRate functionality.
+     *       false: Browser doesn't support playbackRate functionality.
+     */
     function _checkPlaybackRates() {
         var video = document.createElement('video');
-        // If browser supports, 1.0 should be returned by playbackRate property.
-        // In this case, function return True. Otherwise, False will be returned.
+        // If browser supports, 1.0 should be returned by playbackRate
+        // property. In this case, function return True. Otherwise, False will
+        // be returned.
         return Boolean(video.playbackRate);
@@ -128,7 +133,7 @@ function () {
             .on('click', state.videoSpeedControl.changeVideoSpeed);
         if (onTouchBasedDevice()) {
-            state.videoSpeedControl.el.on('click', function(event) {
+            state.videoSpeedControl.el.on('click', function (event) {
                 // So that you can't highlight this control via a drag
                 // operation, we disable the default browser actions on a
                 // click event.
@@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ function () {
         this.videoSpeedControl.speeds = params.newSpeeds;
-        $.each(this.videoSpeedControl.speeds, function(index, speed) {
+        $.each(this.videoSpeedControl.speeds, function (index, speed) {
             var link, listItem;
             link = '<a class="speed_link" href="#">' + speed + 'x</a>';