diff --git a/common/test/acceptance/tests/studio/test_studio_outline.py b/common/test/acceptance/tests/studio/test_studio_outline.py
index 3ddfc9aa2b62506903cccf8b7d0c78282c83afb7..124e1fb34554deecaf46728a19787f59cc20af66 100644
--- a/common/test/acceptance/tests/studio/test_studio_outline.py
+++ b/common/test/acceptance/tests/studio/test_studio_outline.py
@@ -602,6 +602,46 @@ class UnitAccessTest(CourseOutlineTest):
         self.assertEqual(course_home_page.outline.num_units, 2)
+    def test_restricted_sections_for_enrollment_track_users_in_lms(self):
+        """
+        Verify that those who are in an enrollment track with access to a restricted unit are able
+        to see that unit in lms, and those who are in an enrollment track without access to a restricted
+        unit are not able to see that unit in lms
+        """
+        # Add just 1 enrollment track to verify the enrollment option isn't available in the modal
+        add_enrollment_course_modes(self.browser, self.course_id, ["audit"])
+        self.course_outline_page.visit()
+        self.course_outline_page.expand_all_subsections()
+        unit = self.course_outline_page.section_at(0).subsection_at(0).unit_at(0)
+        enrollment_select_options = unit.get_enrollment_select_options()
+        self.assertFalse('Enrollment Track Groups' in enrollment_select_options)
+        # Add the additional enrollment track so the unit access toggles should now be available
+        add_enrollment_course_modes(self.browser, self.course_id, ["verified"])
+        self.course_outline_page.visit()
+        self.course_outline_page.expand_all_subsections()
+        unit = self.course_outline_page.section_at(0).subsection_at(0).unit_at(0)
+        unit.toggle_unit_access('Enrollment Track Groups', [1])  # Hard coded 1 for audit ID
+        self.course_outline_page.view_live()
+        course_home_page = CourseHomePage(self.browser, self.course_id)
+        course_home_page.visit()
+        course_home_page.wait_for_page()
+        course_home_page.resume_course_from_header()
+        self.assertEqual(course_home_page.outline.num_units, 2)
+        # Test for a user without additional content available
+        staff_page = StaffCoursewarePage(self.browser, self.course_id)
+        staff_page.set_staff_view_mode('Learner in Verified')
+        staff_page.wait_for_page()
+        self.assertEqual(course_home_page.outline.num_units, 1)
+        # Test for a user with additional content available
+        staff_page = StaffCoursewarePage(self.browser, self.course_id)
+        staff_page.set_staff_view_mode('Learner in Audit')
+        staff_page.wait_for_page()
+        self.assertEqual(course_home_page.outline.num_units, 2)
 class StaffLockTest(CourseOutlineTest):
@@ -680,6 +720,28 @@ class StaffLockTest(CourseOutlineTest):
         unit = self.course_outline_page.section_at(0).subsection_at(0).unit_at(0)
+    def test_locked_subsections_do_not_appear_in_lms(self):
+        """
+        Scenario: A locked subsection is not visible to students in the LMS
+            Given I have a course with two subsections
+            When I enable explicit staff lock on one subsection
+            And I click the View Live button to switch to staff view
+            And I visit the course home with the outline
+            Then I see two subsections in the outline
+            And when I switch the view mode to student view
+            Then I see one subsection in the outline
+        """
+        self.course_outline_page.visit()
+        self.course_outline_page.section_at(0).subsection_at(1).set_staff_lock(True)
+        self.course_outline_page.view_live()
+        course_home_page = CourseHomePage(self.browser, self.course_id)
+        course_home_page.visit()
+        course_home_page.wait_for_page()
+        self.assertEqual(course_home_page.outline.num_subsections, 2)
+        course_home_page.preview.set_staff_view_mode('Learner')
+        self.assertEqual(course_home_page.outline.num_subsections, 1)
     def test_subsections_can_be_locked(self):
         Scenario: Subsections can be locked and unlocked from the course outline page