diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/html_module.py b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/html_module.py
index 02063444c05135e5711a055a522250a0fbd747d7..5f569e7fe19aa105a4535c1dfb9459cac89385cc 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/html_module.py
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/html_module.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import sys
 import textwrap
 from datetime import datetime
+from django.conf import settings
 from fs.errors import ResourceNotFoundError
 from lxml import etree
 from path import Path as path
@@ -69,6 +70,8 @@ class HtmlBlock(object):
     def student_view(self, _context):
@@ -76,13 +79,25 @@ class HtmlBlock(object):
         return Fragment(self.get_html())
+    def student_view_data(self, context=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        """
+        Return a JSON representation of the student_view of this XBlock.
+        """
+        if getattr(settings, 'FEATURES', {}).get(self.ENABLE_HTML_XBLOCK_STUDENT_VIEW_DATA, False):
+            return {'enabled': True, 'html': self.get_html()}
+        else:
+            return {
+                'enabled': False,
+                'message': 'To enable, set FEATURES["{}"]'.format(self.ENABLE_HTML_XBLOCK_STUDENT_VIEW_DATA)
+            }
     def get_html(self):
         """ Returns html required for rendering XModule. """
         # When we switch this to an XBlock, we can merge this with student_view,
         # but for now the XModule mixin requires that this method be defined.
         # pylint: disable=no-member
-        if self.system.anonymous_student_id:
+        if self.data is not None and getattr(self.system, 'anonymous_student_id', None) is not None:
             return self.data.replace("%%USER_ID%%", self.system.anonymous_student_id)
         return self.data
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/test_html_module.py b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/test_html_module.py
index ec2413907cd26333c505670e99bf8687fa8a382e..318d9df440eb5d376bfbf6569407f25eaabf120e 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/test_html_module.py
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/test_html_module.py
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 import unittest
 from mock import Mock
+import ddt
+from django.test.utils import override_settings
 from opaque_keys.edx.locator import CourseLocator
 from xblock.field_data import DictFieldData
 from xblock.fields import ScopeIds
@@ -24,6 +27,60 @@ def instantiate_descriptor(**field_data):
+class HtmlModuleCourseApiTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Test the HTML XModule's student_view_data method.
+    """
+    @ddt.data(
+        dict(),
+        dict(FEATURES={}),
+    )
+    def test_disabled(self, settings):
+        """
+        Ensure that student_view_data does not return html if the ENABLE_HTML_XBLOCK_STUDENT_VIEW_DATA feature flag
+        is not set.
+        """
+        descriptor = Mock()
+        field_data = DictFieldData({'data': '<h1>Some HTML</h1>'})
+        module_system = get_test_system()
+        module = HtmlModule(descriptor, module_system, field_data, Mock())
+        with override_settings(**settings):
+            self.assertEqual(module.student_view_data(), dict(
+                enabled=False,
+                message='To enable, set FEATURES["ENABLE_HTML_XBLOCK_STUDENT_VIEW_DATA"]',
+            ))
+    @ddt.data(
+        '<h1>Some content</h1>',  # Valid HTML
+        '',
+        None,
+        '<h1>Some content</h',  # Invalid HTML
+        '<script>alert()</script>',  # Does not escape tags
+        '<img src="">',  # Images allowed
+        'short string ' * 100,  # May contain long strings
+    )
+    @override_settings(FEATURES=dict(ENABLE_HTML_XBLOCK_STUDENT_VIEW_DATA=True))
+    def test_common_values(self, html):
+        """
+        Ensure that student_view_data will return HTML data when enabled,
+        can handle likely input,
+        and doesn't modify the HTML in any way.
+        This means that it does NOT protect against XSS, escape HTML tags, etc.
+        Note that the %%USER_ID%% substitution is tested below.
+        """
+        descriptor = Mock()
+        field_data = DictFieldData({'data': html})
+        module_system = get_test_system()
+        module = HtmlModule(descriptor, module_system, field_data, Mock())
+        self.assertEqual(module.student_view_data(), dict(enabled=True, html=html))
 class HtmlModuleSubstitutionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     descriptor = Mock()
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/tests/test_views.py b/lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/tests/test_views.py
index 5c518fa7e27a23c30318ea68a7b1c790cdaef1a4..70a6e49182016273a1a5cfa315213af6f6c0732f 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/tests/test_views.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/tests/test_views.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class TestBlocksView(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
     Test class for BlocksView
     requested_fields = ['graded', 'format', 'student_view_multi_device', 'children', 'not_a_field', 'due']
-    BLOCK_TYPES_WITH_STUDENT_VIEW_DATA = ['video', 'discussion']
+    BLOCK_TYPES_WITH_STUDENT_VIEW_DATA = ['video', 'discussion', 'html']
     def setUpClass(cls):
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/transformers/tests/test_student_view.py b/lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/transformers/tests/test_student_view.py
index b37ec88e80f4e966b96fbd44f04cfb19d1e5b1ca..f20e76c40a3dee06848e5314c9b456f65e7169f6 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/transformers/tests/test_student_view.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/transformers/tests/test_student_view.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class TestStudentViewTransformer(ModuleStoreTestCase):
         # verify html data
         html_block_key = self.course_key.make_usage_key('html', 'toyhtml')
-        self.assertIsNone(
+        self.assertIsNotNone(
                 html_block_key, StudentViewTransformer, StudentViewTransformer.STUDENT_VIEW_DATA,
diff --git a/lms/envs/common.py b/lms/envs/common.py
index 61787e1077764599cfc213eb3a6343096109e911..1477a1b429e4a5a71c85b53ecd2fc09cbec8c6c7 100644
--- a/lms/envs/common.py
+++ b/lms/envs/common.py
@@ -413,6 +413,9 @@ FEATURES = {
     # Set to enable Enterprise integration
+    # Whether HTML XBlocks/XModules return HTML content with the Course Blocks API student_view_data
 # Settings for the course reviews tool template and identification key, set either to None to disable course reviews