diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-updates.feature b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-updates.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index f71d6c3d785c7d1cc947271b50113445bdc9b008..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-updates.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Feature: CMS.Course updates
-    As a course author, I want to be able to provide updates to my students
-    # Internet explorer can't select all so the update appears weirdly
-    @skip_internetexplorer
-    Scenario: Users can change handouts
-        Given I have opened a new course in Studio
-        And I go to the course updates page
-        When I modify the handout to "<ol>Test</ol>"
-        Then I see the handout "Test"
-        And I see a "saving" notification
-    Scenario: Static links are rewritten when previewing handouts
-        Given I have opened a new course in Studio
-        And I go to the course updates page
-        When I modify the handout to "<ol><img src='/static/my_img.jpg'/></ol>"
-        # Can only do partial text matches because of the quotes with in quotes (and regexp step matching).
-        Then I see the handout image link "my_img.jpg"
-        And I change the handout from "/static/my_img.jpg" to "<img src='/static/modified.jpg'/>"
-        Then I see the handout image link "modified.jpg"
-        And when I reload the page
-        Then I see the handout image link "modified.jpg"
-    Scenario: Users cannot save handouts with bad html until edit or update it properly
-        Given I have opened a new course in Studio
-        And I go to the course updates page
-        When I modify the handout to "<p><a href=>[LINK TEXT]</a></p>"
-        Then I see the handout error text
-        And I see handout save button disabled
-        When I edit the handout to "<p><a href='https://www.google.com.pk/'>home</a></p>"
-        Then I see handout save button re-enabled
-        When I save handout edit
-        # Can only do partial text matches because of the quotes with in quotes (and regexp step matching).
-        Then I see the handout "https://www.google.com.pk/"
-        And when I reload the page
-        Then I see the handout "https://www.google.com.pk/"
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-updates.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-updates.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 286d44848b8e1d2106b2768279beef24ef637ce9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-updates.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-from lettuce import step, world
-from nose.tools import assert_in
-from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.features.common import get_codemirror_value, type_in_codemirror
-@step(u'I go to the course updates page')
-def go_to_updates(_step):
-    menu_css = 'li.nav-course-courseware'
-    updates_css = 'li.nav-course-courseware-updates a'
-    world.css_click(menu_css)
-    world.css_click(updates_css)
-    world.wait_for_visible('#course-handouts-view')
-@step(u'I change the handout from "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$')
-def change_existing_handout(_step, before, after):
-    verify_text_in_editor_and_update('div.course-handouts .edit-button', before, after)
-@step(u'I modify the handout to "([^"]*)"$')
-def edit_handouts(_step, text):
-    edit_css = 'div.course-handouts > .edit-button'
-    world.css_click(edit_css)
-    change_text(text)
-@step(u'I see the handout "([^"]*)"$')
-def check_handout(_step, handout):
-    handout_css = 'div.handouts-content'
-    assert_in(handout, world.css_html(handout_css))
-@step(u'I see the handout image link "([^"]*)"$')
-def check_handout_image_link(_step, image_file):
-    handout_css = 'div.handouts-content'
-    handout_html = world.css_html(handout_css)
-    asset_key = world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id.make_asset_key(asset_type='asset', path=image_file)
-    assert_in(unicode(asset_key), handout_html)
-@step(u'I see the handout error text')
-def check_handout_error(_step):
-    handout_error_css = 'div#handout_error'
-    assert world.css_has_class(handout_error_css, 'is-shown')
-@step(u'I see handout save button disabled')
-def check_handout_error(_step):
-    handout_save_button = 'form.edit-handouts-form .save-button'
-    assert world.css_has_class(handout_save_button, 'is-disabled')
-@step(u'I edit the handout to "([^"]*)"$')
-def edit_handouts(_step, text):
-    type_in_codemirror(0, text)
-@step(u'I see handout save button re-enabled')
-def check_handout_error(_step):
-    handout_save_button = 'form.edit-handouts-form .save-button'
-    assert not world.css_has_class(handout_save_button, 'is-disabled')
-@step(u'I save handout edit')
-def check_handout_error(_step):
-    save_css = '.save-button'
-    world.css_click(save_css)
-def change_text(text):
-    type_in_codemirror(0, text)
-    save_css = '.save-button'
-    world.css_click(save_css)
-def verify_text_in_editor_and_update(button_css, before, after):
-    world.css_click(button_css)
-    text = get_codemirror_value()
-    assert_in(before, text)
-    change_text(after)
-@step('I see a "(saving|deleting)" notification')
-def i_see_a_mini_notification(_step, _type):
-    saving_css = '.wrapper-notification-mini'
-    assert world.is_css_present(saving_css)