diff --git a/common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/provider.py b/common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/provider.py
index 98a3a1f1ccd766513ad442c847ecc0f2074dfb32..c2a95e34837a1a269c722085cb27e07b5e7adf53 100644
--- a/common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/provider.py
+++ b/common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/provider.py
@@ -4,11 +4,8 @@ Third-party auth provider configuration API.
 from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
-import edx_django_utils.monitoring as monitoring_utils
-from more_itertools import unique_everseen
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.theming.helpers import get_current_request
-from openedx.core.lib.cache_utils import request_cached
 from .models import (
@@ -20,29 +17,6 @@ from .models import (
-CACHE_NAMESPACE = 'third_party_auth.provider'
-def current_configs_for_site(provider_cls, site_id):
-    """
-    Like ConfigurationModel.current() but returns the current config in every
-    partition as delineated by KEY_FIELDS, but only looking at configs in the
-    specified site.
-    This is a hack to support these provider configs, which do not include site
-    in their KEY_FIELDS but need to be partitioned on site. See comment in
-    ``_enabled_providers`` for more details.
-    """
-    def partition_key(obj):
-        """Compute the partition key for this object."""
-        return tuple(getattr(obj, k) for k in provider_cls.KEY_FIELDS)
-    configs = provider_cls.objects.filter(site_id=str(site_id))
-    # Get the most recent record in each partition
-    return unique_everseen(configs.order_by('-change_date'), partition_key)
 class Registry(object):
@@ -53,40 +27,9 @@ class Registry(object):
     def _enabled_providers(cls):
-        Generator returning all enabled providers of the current site.
-        Provider configurations are partitioned on site + some key (backend
-        name in the case of OAuth, slug for SAML, and consumer key for LTI).
+        Helper method that returns a generator used to iterate over all providers
+        of the current site.
-        try:
-            old_values = set(cls._enabled_providers_old())
-        except:
-            # Make sure we have an error baseline to compare to
-            monitoring_utils.increment("temp_tpa_enabled_all_dark_launch_old_threw")
-            raise
-        # Dark launch call and metrics
-        try:
-            new_values = set(cls._enabled_providers_new())
-            try:
-                if old_values != new_values:
-                    data = "old[%s]new[%s]" % (
-                        ','.join([str(p.id) for p in old_values]),
-                        ','.join([str(p.id) for p in new_values]))
-                    monitoring_utils.set_custom_metric("temp_tpa_enabled_all_dark_launch_mismatch", data)
-            except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
-                pass
-        except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
-            monitoring_utils.increment("temp_tpa_enabled_all_dark_launch_new_threw")
-        # Could return old_values, but lets keep it a generator for consistency
-        for config in old_values:
-            yield config
-    @classmethod
-    def _enabled_providers_old(cls):
-        """Old implementation of _enabled_providers"""
         oauth2_backend_names = OAuth2ProviderConfig.key_values('backend_name', flat=True)
         for oauth2_backend_name in oauth2_backend_names:
             provider = OAuth2ProviderConfig.current(oauth2_backend_name)
@@ -103,45 +46,6 @@ class Registry(object):
             if provider.enabled_for_current_site and provider.backend_name in _LTI_BACKENDS:
                 yield provider
-    @classmethod
-    def _enabled_providers_new(cls):
-        """New implementation of _enabled_providers for dark launch"""
-        site = Site.objects.get_current(get_current_request())
-        # Note that site is added as an explicit filter. 'site_id' isn't in the
-        # KEY_FIELDS for these models, but it should be, since we want "the most
-        # recent version of the config" to be most recent for a given key *and*
-        # site. Since site is not in KEY_FIELDS, looking up a config by just its
-        # key could result in finding a config for a different site. (The
-        # previous code here would then have returned nothing, having had a
-        # site-filtering step.) In short, we need to be careful not to let two
-        # configs belonging to two different sites but with the same key
-        # "shadow" one another.
-        #
-        # It's not clear if we can safely add site_id to the KEY_FIELDS, and
-        # it's also not clear if we're even going to want to keep support for
-        # sites here long term, so in the meantime we just only ask for
-        # configs within the current request's site.
-        # Get all OAuth2 provider configs for this site...
-        for config in current_configs_for_site(OAuth2ProviderConfig, site.pk):
-            # Ignore the config if it's disabled or we don't have a backend
-            # class for it. (Not having a backend class for a config should
-            # be pretty rare if it happens at all.)
-            if config.enabled and config.backend_name in _PSA_OAUTH2_BACKENDS:
-                yield config
-        if SAMLConfiguration.is_enabled(site, 'default'):
-            # ...followed by SAML configs, if feature is enabled...
-            for config in current_configs_for_site(SAMLProviderConfig, site.pk):
-                if config.enabled and config.backend_name in _PSA_SAML_BACKENDS:
-                    yield config
-        # ...and finally LTI configs
-        for config in current_configs_for_site(LTIProviderConfig, site.pk):
-            if config.enabled and config.backend_name in _LTI_BACKENDS:
-                yield config
     def enabled(cls):
         """Returns list of enabled providers."""
@@ -209,36 +113,6 @@ class Registry(object):
             Instances of ProviderConfig.
-        try:
-            old_values = set(cls._get_enabled_by_backend_name_old(backend_name))
-        except:
-            # Make sure we have an error baseline to compare to
-            monitoring_utils.increment("temp_tpa_by_backend_dark_launch_old_threw")
-            raise
-        # Dark launch call and metrics
-        try:
-            new_values = set(cls._get_enabled_by_backend_name_new(backend_name))
-            try:
-                if old_values != new_values:
-                    data = "backend[%s]old[%s]new[%s]" % (
-                        backend_name,
-                        ','.join([str(p.id) for p in old_values]),
-                        ','.join([str(p.id) for p in new_values]))
-                    monitoring_utils.set_custom_metric("temp_tpa_by_backend_dark_launch_mismatch", data)
-            except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
-                pass
-        except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
-            monitoring_utils.increment("temp_tpa_by_backend_dark_launch_new_threw")
-        # Could return old_values, but lets keep it a generator for consistency
-        for config in old_values:
-            yield config
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_enabled_by_backend_name_old(cls, backend_name):
-        """Old implementation of get_enabled_by_backend_name"""
         if backend_name in _PSA_OAUTH2_BACKENDS:
             oauth2_backend_names = OAuth2ProviderConfig.key_values('backend_name', flat=True)
             for oauth2_backend_name in oauth2_backend_names:
@@ -257,10 +131,3 @@ class Registry(object):
                 provider = LTIProviderConfig.current(consumer_key)
                 if provider.backend_name == backend_name and provider.enabled_for_current_site:
                     yield provider
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_enabled_by_backend_name_new(cls, backend_name):
-        """New implementation of get_enabled_by_backend_name for dark launch"""
-        for provider in cls._enabled_providers():
-            if provider.backend_name == backend_name:
-                yield provider
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/tests/test_provider.py b/common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/tests/test_provider.py
index b9b2c746f9ce9950b48f38f230e2d32ee98a05bb..b1a3deaa2ca5ad35818102d9ad3f585a163874be 100644
--- a/common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/tests/test_provider.py
+++ b/common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/tests/test_provider.py
@@ -147,48 +147,6 @@ class RegistryTest(testutil.TestCase):
         prov = self.configure_google_provider(visible=True, enabled=True, site=site_b)
         self.assertEqual(prov.enabled_for_current_site, False)
-    @with_site_configuration(SITE_DOMAIN_A)
-    @patch('edx_django_utils.monitoring.set_custom_metric')
-    def test_providers_with_same_key_independent_across_sites(self, mock_set_custom_metric):
-        """
-        Verify that having two providers configured with the same key
-        but for different sites do not shadow each other on retrieval.
-        """
-        site_a = Site.objects.get_or_create(domain=SITE_DOMAIN_A, name=SITE_DOMAIN_A)[0]
-        site_b = Site.objects.get_or_create(domain=SITE_DOMAIN_B, name=SITE_DOMAIN_B)[0]
-        self.enable_saml(site=site_a)
-        self.enable_saml(site=site_b)
-        configs = [
-            self.configure_saml_provider(enabled=True, site=site_b, slug="x", name="Site B first"),
-            self.configure_saml_provider(enabled=True, site=site_a, slug="x", name="Site A first"),
-            self.configure_saml_provider(enabled=True, site=site_a, slug="x", name="Site A second"),
-            self.configure_saml_provider(enabled=True, site=site_b, slug="x", name="Site B second"),
-        ]
-        # If sites are not partitioned in retrieval, a site_b record can appear
-        # to be the "current" config, and then be ignored by site_a (resulting
-        # in zero enabled providers for site_a).
-        # TODO(ARCHBOM-1139) Uncomment when finished with dark launch in provider.py
-        # self.assertEqual([p.name for p in provider.Registry.enabled()], ["Site A second"])
-        # Until then, just run the generator to its end and show that the dark launch would complain here
-        list(provider.Registry.enabled())
-        mock_set_custom_metric.assert_any_call('temp_tpa_enabled_all_dark_launch_mismatch',
-                                               'old[]new[%s]' % configs[2].id)
-    def test_mixed_providers(self):
-        """
-        Verify that multiple providers types can be configured at same time.
-        """
-        self.enable_saml()
-        self.configure_saml_provider(enabled=True, slug="saml-slug", name="Some SAML")
-        self.configure_google_provider(enabled=True)
-        self.configure_lti_provider(enabled=True)
-        configs = provider.Registry.enabled()
-        self.assertEqual({p.backend_name for p in configs}, {'tpa-saml', 'google-oauth2', 'lti'})
     def test_get_returns_enabled_provider(self):
         google_provider = self.configure_google_provider(enabled=True)
         self.assertEqual(google_provider.id, provider.Registry.get(google_provider.provider_id).id)
diff --git a/requirements/edx/base.in b/requirements/edx/base.in
index c6e5aba916f79778b4f7c6a7d54e185f5f99a051..62a806dfb0a2358abd54babbb7a016426639edaf 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/base.in
+++ b/requirements/edx/base.in
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ mailsnake                           # Needed for mailchimp (mailing djangoapp)
 mako==1.0.2                         # Primary template language used for server-side page rendering
 Markdown                            # Convert text markup to HTML; used in capa problems, forums, and course wikis
 mongoengine==0.10.0                 # Object-document mapper for MongoDB, used in the LMS dashboard
-more-itertools                      # Additional utilities for working with iterators
 mysqlclient                         # Driver for the default production relational database
 newrelic                            # New Relic agent for performance monitoring
 nodeenv                             # Utility for managing Node.js environments; we use this for deployments and testing
diff --git a/requirements/edx/base.txt b/requirements/edx/base.txt
index 317a489a8c203d129918fdfa1edfe2c836788d82..d5912f529d088dcab402466fa907aa889c74ac7e 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/base.txt
+++ b/requirements/edx/base.txt
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ maxminddb==1.5.4          # via geoip2
 mock==3.0.5               # via -c requirements/edx/../constraints.txt, -r requirements/edx/paver.txt, xblock-drag-and-drop-v2, xblock-poll
 git+https://github.com/edx/MongoDBProxy.git@d92bafe9888d2940f647a7b2b2383b29c752f35a#egg=MongoDBProxy==0.1.0+edx.2  # via -r requirements/edx/github.in
 mongoengine==0.10.0       # via -r requirements/edx/base.in
-more-itertools==8.2.0     # via -r requirements/edx/base.in, -r requirements/edx/paver.txt, zipp
+more-itertools==8.2.0     # via -r requirements/edx/paver.txt, zipp
 mpmath==1.1.0             # via sympy
 mysqlclient==1.4.6        # via -r requirements/edx/base.in
 newrelic==      # via -r requirements/edx/base.in, edx-django-utils