diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/__init__.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/advanced_settings.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/advanced_settings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 63d63d37612f387c87596ffd108b15f06dfbc588..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/advanced_settings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-from lettuce import world
-from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.features.common import press_the_notification_button, type_in_codemirror
-KEY_CSS = '.key h3.title'
-ADVANCED_MODULES_KEY = "Advanced Module List"
-def get_index_of(expected_key):
-    for i, element in enumerate(world.css_find(KEY_CSS)):
-        # Sometimes get stale reference if I hold on to the array of elements
-        key = world.css_value(KEY_CSS, index=i)
-        if key == expected_key:
-            return i
-    return -1
-def change_value(step, key, new_value):
-    index = get_index_of(key)
-    type_in_codemirror(index, new_value)
-    press_the_notification_button(step, "Save")
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/common.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 845d0df56c482d2b094a74c29f8b3a3a167242b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-import os
-from logging import getLogger
-from django.conf import settings
-from lettuce import step, world
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_in  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-from student import auth
-from student.models import get_user
-from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole, GlobalStaff
-from student.tests.factories import AdminFactory
-from terrain.browser import reset_data
-logger = getLogger(__name__)
-@step('I (?:visit|access|open) the Studio homepage$')
-def i_visit_the_studio_homepage(_step):
-    # To make this go to port 8001, put
-    # in your settings.py file.
-    world.visit('/')
-    signin_css = 'a.action-signin'
-    assert world.is_css_present(signin_css)
-@step('I am logged into Studio$')
-def i_am_logged_into_studio(_step):
-    log_into_studio()
-@step('I confirm the alert$')
-def i_confirm_with_ok(_step):
-    world.browser.get_alert().accept()
-@step(u'I press the "([^"]*)" delete icon$')
-def i_press_the_category_delete_icon(_step, category):
-    if category == 'section':
-        css = 'a.action.delete-section-button'
-    elif category == 'subsection':
-        css = 'a.action.delete-subsection-button'
-    else:
-        assert False, u'Invalid category: %s' % category
-    world.css_click(css)
-@step('I have opened a new course in Studio$')
-def i_have_opened_a_new_course(_step):
-    open_new_course()
-@step('I have populated a new course in Studio$')
-def i_have_populated_a_new_course(_step):
-    world.clear_courses()
-    course = world.CourseFactory.create()
-    world.scenario_dict['COURSE'] = course
-    section = world.ItemFactory.create(parent_location=course.location)
-    world.ItemFactory.create(
-        parent_location=section.location,
-        category='sequential',
-        display_name='Subsection One',
-    )
-    user = create_studio_user(is_staff=False)
-    add_course_author(user, course)
-    log_into_studio()
-    world.css_click('a.course-link')
-    world.wait_for_js_to_load()
-@step('(I select|s?he selects) the new course')
-def select_new_course(_step, _whom):
-    course_link_css = 'a.course-link'
-    world.css_click(course_link_css)
-@step(u'I press the "([^"]*)" notification button$')
-def press_the_notification_button(_step, name):
-    # Because the notification uses a CSS transition,
-    # Selenium will always report it as being visible.
-    # This makes it very difficult to successfully click
-    # the "Save" button at the UI level.
-    # Instead, we use JavaScript to reliably click
-    # the button.
-    btn_css = u'div#page-notification button.action-%s' % name.lower()
-    world.trigger_event(btn_css, event='focus')
-    world.browser.execute_script("$('{}').click()".format(btn_css))
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-@step('I change the "(.*)" field to "(.*)"$')
-def i_change_field_to_value(_step, field, value):
-    field_css = '#%s' % '-'.join([s.lower() for s in field.split()])
-    ele = world.css_find(field_css).first
-    ele.fill(value)
-    ele._element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-@step('I reset the database')
-def reset_the_db(_step):
-    """
-    When running Lettuce tests using examples (i.e. "Confirmation is
-    shown on save" in course-settings.feature), the normal hooks
-    aren't called between examples. reset_data should run before each
-    scenario to flush the test database. When this doesn't happen we
-    get errors due to trying to insert a non-unique entry. So instead,
-    we delete the database manually. This has the effect of removing
-    any users and courses that have been created during the test run.
-    """
-    reset_data(None)
-@step('I see a confirmation that my changes have been saved')
-def i_see_a_confirmation(_step):
-    confirmation_css = '#alert-confirmation'
-    assert world.is_css_present(confirmation_css)
-def open_new_course():
-    world.clear_courses()
-    create_studio_user()
-    log_into_studio()
-    create_a_course()
-def create_studio_user(
-        uname='robot',
-        email='robot+studio@edx.org',
-        password='test',
-        is_staff=False):
-    studio_user = world.UserFactory(
-        username=uname,
-        email=email,
-        password=password,
-        is_staff=is_staff)
-    registration = world.RegistrationFactory(user=studio_user)
-    registration.register(studio_user)
-    registration.activate()
-    return studio_user
-def fill_in_course_info(
-        name='Robot Super Course',
-        org='MITx',
-        num='101',
-        run='2013_Spring'):
-    world.css_fill('.new-course-name', name)
-    world.css_fill('.new-course-org', org)
-    world.css_fill('.new-course-number', num)
-    world.css_fill('.new-course-run', run)
-def log_into_studio(
-        uname='robot',
-        email='robot+studio@edx.org',
-        password='test',
-        name='Robot Studio'):
-    world.log_in(username=uname, password=password, email=email, name=name)
-    # Navigate to the studio dashboard
-    world.visit('/')
-    assert_in(uname, world.css_text('span.account-username', timeout=10))
-def add_course_author(user, course):
-    """
-    Add the user to the instructor group of the course
-    so they will have the permissions to see it in studio
-    """
-    global_admin = AdminFactory()
-    for role in (CourseStaffRole, CourseInstructorRole):
-        auth.add_users(global_admin, role(course.id), user)
-def create_a_course():
-    course = world.CourseFactory.create(org='MITx', course='999', display_name='Robot Super Course')
-    world.scenario_dict['COURSE'] = course
-    user = world.scenario_dict.get("USER")
-    if not user:
-        user = get_user('robot+studio@edx.org')
-    add_course_author(user, course)
-    # Navigate to the studio dashboard
-    world.visit('/')
-    course_link_css = 'a.course-link'
-    world.css_click(course_link_css)
-    course_title_css = 'span.course-title'
-    assert world.is_css_present(course_title_css)
-def add_section():
-    world.css_click('.outline .button-new')
-    assert world.is_css_present('.outline-section .xblock-field-value')
-def set_date_and_time(date_css, desired_date, time_css, desired_time, key=None):
-    set_element_value(date_css, desired_date, key)
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-    set_element_value(time_css, desired_time, key)
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-def set_element_value(element_css, element_value, key=None):
-    element = world.css_find(element_css).first
-    element.fill(element_value)
-    # hit TAB or provided key to trigger save content
-    if key is not None:
-        element._element.send_keys(getattr(Keys, key))  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-    else:
-        element._element.send_keys(Keys.TAB)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-@step('I have enabled the (.*) advanced module$')
-def i_enabled_the_advanced_module(step, module):
-    step.given('I have opened a new course section in Studio')
-    world.css_click('.nav-course-settings')
-    world.css_click('.nav-course-settings-advanced a')
-    type_in_codemirror(0, '["%s"]' % module)
-    press_the_notification_button(step, 'Save')
-def create_unit_from_course_outline():
-    """
-    Expands the section and clicks on the New Unit link.
-    The end result is the page where the user is editing the new unit.
-    """
-    css_selectors = [
-        '.outline-subsection .expand-collapse', '.outline-subsection .button-new'
-    ]
-    for selector in css_selectors:
-        world.css_click(selector)
-    world.wait_for_mathjax()
-    world.wait_for_loading()
-    assert world.is_css_present('ul.new-component-type')
-def wait_for_loading():
-    """
-    Waits for the loading indicator to be hidden.
-    """
-    world.wait_for(lambda _driver: len(world.browser.find_by_css('div.ui-loading.is-hidden')) > 0)
-@step('I have clicked the new unit button$')
-@step(u'I am in Studio editing a new unit$')
-def edit_new_unit(step):
-    step.given('I have populated a new course in Studio')
-    create_unit_from_course_outline()
-@step('the save notification button is disabled')
-def save_button_disabled(_step):
-    button_css = '.action-save'
-    disabled = 'is-disabled'
-    assert world.css_has_class(button_css, disabled)
-@step('the "([^"]*)" button is disabled')
-def button_disabled(_step, value):
-    button_css = 'input[value="%s"]' % value
-    assert world.css_has_class(button_css, 'is-disabled')
-def _do_studio_prompt_action(intent, action):
-    """
-    Wait for a studio prompt to appear and press the specified action button
-    See common/js/components/views/feedback_prompt.js for implementation
-    """
-    assert intent in [
-        'warning',
-        'error',
-        'confirmation',
-        'announcement',
-        'step-required',
-        'help',
-        'mini',
-    ]
-    assert action in ['primary', 'secondary']
-    world.wait_for_present('div.wrapper-prompt.is-shown#prompt-{}'.format(intent))
-    action_css = u'li.nav-item > button.action-{}'.format(action)
-    world.trigger_event(action_css, event='focus')
-    world.browser.execute_script("$('{}').click()".format(action_css))
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-    world.wait_for_present('div.wrapper-prompt.is-hiding#prompt-{}'.format(intent))
-def confirm_studio_prompt():
-    _do_studio_prompt_action('warning', 'primary')
-@step('I confirm the prompt')
-def confirm_the_prompt(_step):
-    confirm_studio_prompt()
-@step(u'I am shown a prompt$')
-def i_am_shown_a_notification(_step):
-    assert world.is_css_present('.wrapper-prompt')
-def type_in_codemirror(index, text, find_prefix="$"):
-    script = """
-    var cm = {find_prefix}('div.CodeMirror:eq({index})').get(0).CodeMirror;
-    cm.getInputField().focus();
-    cm.setValue(arguments[0]);
-    cm.getInputField().blur();""".format(index=index, find_prefix=find_prefix)
-    world.browser.driver.execute_script(script, str(text))
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-def get_codemirror_value(index=0, find_prefix="$"):
-    return world.browser.driver.execute_script(
-        u"""
-        return {find_prefix}('div.CodeMirror:eq({index})').get(0).CodeMirror.getValue();
-        """.format(index=index, find_prefix=find_prefix)
-    )
-def attach_file(filename, sub_path):
-    path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, sub_path, filename)
-    world.browser.execute_script("$('input.file-input').css('display', 'block')")
-    assert os.path.exists(path)
-    world.browser.attach_file('file', os.path.abspath(path))
-def upload_file(filename, sub_path=''):
-    # The file upload dialog is a faux modal, a div that takes over the display
-    attach_file(filename, sub_path)
-    modal_css = 'div.wrapper-modal-window-assetupload'
-    button_css = u'{} .action-upload'.format(modal_css)
-    world.css_click(button_css)
-    # Clicking the Upload button triggers an AJAX POST.
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-    # The modal stays up with a "File uploaded succeeded" confirmation message, then goes away.
-    # It should take under 2 seconds, so wait up to 10.
-    # Note that is_css_not_present will return as soon as the element is gone.
-    assert world.is_css_not_present(modal_css, wait_time=10)
-@step(u'"([^"]*)" logs in$')
-def other_user_login(step, name):
-    step.given('I log out')
-    world.visit('/')
-    signin_css = 'a.action-signin'
-    world.is_css_present(signin_css)
-    world.css_click(signin_css)
-    def fill_login_form():
-        login_form = world.browser.find_by_css('form#login_form')
-        login_form.find_by_name('email').fill(name + '@edx.org')
-        login_form.find_by_name('password').fill("test")
-        login_form.find_by_name('submit').click()
-    world.retry_on_exception(fill_login_form)
-    assert world.is_css_present('.new-course-button')
-    world.scenario_dict['USER'] = get_user(name + '@edx.org')
-@step(u'the user "([^"]*)" exists( as a course (admin|staff member|is_staff))?$')
-def create_other_user(_step, name, has_extra_perms, role_name):
-    email = name + '@edx.org'
-    user = create_studio_user(uname=name, password="test", email=email)
-    if has_extra_perms:
-        if role_name == "is_staff":
-            GlobalStaff().add_users(user)
-        else:
-            if role_name == "admin":
-                # admins get staff privileges, as well
-                roles = (CourseStaffRole, CourseInstructorRole)
-            else:
-                roles = (CourseStaffRole,)
-            course_key = world.scenario_dict["COURSE"].id
-            global_admin = AdminFactory()
-            for role in roles:
-                auth.add_users(global_admin, role(course_key), user)
-@step('I log out')
-def log_out(_step):
-    world.visit('logout')
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/component.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/component.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0194f1ca33908ef4edd7b1068285a7f397b2635f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/component.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-# Lettuce formats proposed definitions for unimplemented steps with the
-# argument name "step" instead of "_step" and pylint does not like that.
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-from lettuce import step, world
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_equal, assert_in, assert_true  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-DISPLAY_NAME = "Display Name"
-@step(u'I add this type of single step component:$')
-def add_a_single_step_component(step):
-    for step_hash in step.hashes:
-        component = step_hash['Component']
-        assert_in(component, ['Discussion', 'Video'])
-        world.create_component_instance(
-            step=step,
-            category='{}'.format(component.lower()),
-        )
-@step(u'I see this type of single step component:$')
-def see_a_single_step_component(step):
-    for step_hash in step.hashes:
-        component = step_hash['Component']
-        assert_in(component, ['Discussion', 'Video'])
-        component_css = '.xmodule_{}Module'.format(component)
-        assert_true(world.is_css_present(component_css),
-                    u"{} couldn't be found".format(component))
-@step(u'I add this type of( Advanced)? (HTML|Problem) component:$')
-def add_a_multi_step_component(step, is_advanced, category):
-    for step_hash in step.hashes:
-        world.create_component_instance(
-            step=step,
-            category='{}'.format(category.lower()),
-            component_type=step_hash['Component'],
-            is_advanced=bool(is_advanced),
-        )
-@step(u'I see (HTML|Problem) components in this order:')
-def see_a_multi_step_component(step, category):
-    # Wait for all components to finish rendering
-    if category == 'HTML':
-        selector = 'li.studio-xblock-wrapper div.xblock-student_view'
-    else:
-        selector = 'li.studio-xblock-wrapper div.xblock-author_view'
-    world.wait_for(lambda _: len(world.css_find(selector)) == len(step.hashes))
-    for idx, step_hash in enumerate(step.hashes):
-        if category == 'HTML':
-            html_matcher = {
-                'Text': '\n    \n',
-                'Announcement': '<h3 class="hd hd-2">Announcement Date</h3>',
-                'Zooming Image Tool': '<h3 class="hd hd-2">Zooming Image Tool</h3>',
-                'E-text Written in LaTeX': '<h3 class="hd hd-2">Example: E-text page</h3>',
-                'Raw HTML': '<p>This template is similar to the Text template. The only difference is',
-            }
-            actual_html = world.css_html(selector, index=idx)
-            assert_in(html_matcher[step_hash['Component']].strip(), actual_html.strip())
-        else:
-            actual_text = world.css_text(selector, index=idx)
-            assert_in(step_hash['Component'], actual_text)
-@step(u'I see a "([^"]*)" Problem component$')
-def see_a_problem_component(step, category):
-    component_css = '.xmodule_CapaModule'
-    assert_true(world.is_css_present(component_css),
-                'No problem was added to the unit.')
-    problem_css = '.studio-xblock-wrapper .xblock-student_view'
-    # This view presents the given problem component in uppercase. Assert that the text matches
-    # the component selected
-    assert_true(world.css_contains_text(problem_css, category))
-@step(u'I add a "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" component$')
-def add_component_category(step, component, category):
-    assert category in ('single step', 'HTML', 'Problem', 'Advanced Problem')
-    given_string = u'I add this type of {} component:'.format(category)
-    step.given('{}\n{}\n{}'.format(given_string, '|Component|', '|{}|'.format(component)))
-@step(u'I delete all components$')
-def delete_all_components(step):
-    count = len(world.css_find('.reorderable-container .studio-xblock-wrapper'))
-    step.given('I delete "' + str(count) + '" component')
-@step(u'I delete "([^"]*)" component$')
-def delete_components(step, number):
-    world.wait_for_xmodule()
-    delete_btn_css = '.delete-button'
-    prompt_css = '#prompt-warning'
-    btn_css = u'{} .action-primary'.format(prompt_css)
-    saving_mini_css = '#page-notification .wrapper-notification-mini'
-    for _ in range(int(number)):
-        world.css_click(delete_btn_css)
-        assert_true(
-            world.is_css_present('{}.is-shown'.format(prompt_css)),
-            msg='Waiting for the confirmation prompt to be shown')
-        # Pressing the button via css was not working reliably for the last component
-        # when run in Chrome.
-        if world.browser.driver_name == 'Chrome':
-            world.browser.execute_script("$('{}').click()".format(btn_css))
-        else:
-            world.css_click(btn_css)
-        # Wait for the saving notification to pop up then disappear
-        if world.is_css_present('{}.is-shown'.format(saving_mini_css)):
-            world.css_find('{}.is-hiding'.format(saving_mini_css))
-@step(u'I see no components')
-def see_no_components(steps):
-    assert world.is_css_not_present('li.studio-xblock-wrapper')
-@step(u'I delete a component')
-def delete_one_component(step):
-    world.css_click('.delete-button')
-@step(u'I edit and save a component')
-def edit_and_save_component(step):
-    world.css_click('.edit-button')
-    world.css_click('.save-button')
-@step(u'I duplicate the (first|second|third) component$')
-def duplicated_component(step, ordinal):
-    ord_map = {
-        "first": 0,
-        "second": 1,
-        "third": 2,
-    }
-    index = ord_map[ordinal]
-    duplicate_btn_css = '.duplicate-button'
-    world.css_click(duplicate_btn_css, int(index))
-@step(u'I see a Problem component with display name "([^"]*)" in position "([^"]*)"$')
-def see_component_in_position(step, display_name, index):
-    component_css = '.xmodule_CapaModule'
-    def find_problem(_driver):
-        return world.css_text(component_css, int(index)).startswith(display_name)
-    world.wait_for(find_problem, timeout_msg='Did not find the duplicated problem')
-@step(u'I see the display name is "([^"]*)"')
-def check_component_display_name(step, display_name):
-    # The display name for the unit uses the same structure, must differentiate by level-element.
-    label = world.css_html(".level-element>header>div>div>span.xblock-display-name")
-    assert_equal(display_name, label)
-@step(u'I change the display name to "([^"]*)"')
-def change_display_name(step, display_name):
-    world.edit_component_and_select_settings()
-    index = world.get_setting_entry_index(DISPLAY_NAME)
-    world.set_field_value(index, display_name)
-    world.save_component()
-@step(u'I unset the display name')
-def unset_display_name(step):
-    world.edit_component_and_select_settings()
-    world.revert_setting_entry(DISPLAY_NAME)
-    world.save_component()
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/component_settings_editor_helpers.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/component_settings_editor_helpers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a066fb145f91bc4fd4c6c414b11b0292c168f811..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/component_settings_editor_helpers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# disable missing docstring
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-from lettuce import world
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-from common import type_in_codemirror
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_equal, assert_in  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-from terrain.steps import reload_the_page
-def create_component_instance(step, category, component_type=None, is_advanced=False, advanced_component=None):
-    """
-    Create a new component in a Unit.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    category: component type (discussion, html, problem, video, advanced)
-    component_type: for components with multiple templates, the link text in the menu
-    is_advanced: for problems, is the desired component under the advanced menu?
-    advanced_component: for advanced components, the related value of policy key 'advanced_modules'
-    """
-    assert_in(category, ['advanced', 'problem', 'html', 'video', 'discussion'])
-    component_button_css = 'span.large-{}-icon'.format(category.lower())
-    if category == 'problem':
-        module_css = 'div.xmodule_CapaModule'
-    elif category == 'advanced':
-        module_css = 'div.xmodule_{}Module'.format(advanced_component.title())
-    elif category == 'discussion':
-        module_css = 'div.xblock-author_view-{}'.format(category.lower())
-    else:
-        module_css = 'div.xmodule_{}Module'.format(category.title())
-    # Count how many of that module is on the page. Later we will
-    # assert that one more was added.
-    # We need to use world.browser.find_by_css instead of world.css_find
-    # because it's ok if there are currently zero of them.
-    module_count_before = len(world.browser.find_by_css(module_css))
-    # Disable the jquery animation for the transition to the menus.
-    world.disable_jquery_animations()
-    world.css_click(component_button_css)
-    if category in ('problem', 'html', 'advanced'):
-        world.wait_for_invisible(component_button_css)
-        click_component_from_menu(category, component_type, is_advanced)
-    expected_count = module_count_before + 1
-    world.wait_for(
-        lambda _: len(world.css_find(module_css)) == expected_count,
-        timeout=20
-    )
-def click_new_component_button(step, component_button_css):
-    step.given('I have clicked the new unit button')
-    world.css_click(component_button_css)
-def _click_advanced():
-    css = 'ul.problem-type-tabs a[href="#tab2"]'
-    world.css_click(css)
-    # Wait for the advanced tab items to be displayed
-    tab2_css = 'div.ui-tabs-panel#tab2'
-    world.wait_for_visible(tab2_css)
-def _find_matching_button(category, component_type):
-    """
-    Find the button with the specified text. There should be one and only one.
-    """
-    # The tab shows buttons for the given category
-    buttons = world.css_find(u'div.new-component-{} button'.format(category))
-    # Find the button whose text matches what you're looking for
-    matched_buttons = [btn for btn in buttons if btn.text == component_type]
-    # There should be one and only one
-    assert_equal(len(matched_buttons), 1)
-    return matched_buttons[0]
-def click_component_from_menu(category, component_type, is_advanced):
-    """
-    Creates a component for a category with more
-    than one template, i.e. HTML and Problem.
-    For some problem types, it is necessary to click to
-    the Advanced tab.
-    The component_type is the link text, e.g. "Blank Common Problem"
-    """
-    if is_advanced:
-        # Sometimes this click does not work if you go too fast.
-        world.retry_on_exception(
-            _click_advanced,
-            ignored_exceptions=AssertionError,
-        )
-    # Retry this in case the list is empty because you tried too fast.
-    link = world.retry_on_exception(
-        lambda: _find_matching_button(category, component_type),
-        ignored_exceptions=AssertionError
-    )
-    # Wait for the link to be clickable. If you go too fast it is not.
-    world.retry_on_exception(lambda: link.click())
-def edit_component_and_select_settings():
-    world.edit_component()
-    world.ensure_settings_visible()
-def ensure_settings_visible():
-    # Select the 'settings' tab if there is one (it isn't displayed if it is the only option)
-    settings_button = world.browser.find_by_css('.settings-button')
-    if settings_button:
-        world.css_click('.settings-button')
-def edit_component(index=0):
-    # Verify that the "loading" indication has been hidden.
-    world.wait_for_loading()
-    # Verify that the "edit" button is present.
-    world.wait_for(lambda _driver: world.css_visible('.edit-button'))
-    world.css_click('.edit-button', index)
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-def select_editor_tab(tab_name):
-    editor_tabs = world.browser.find_by_css('.editor-tabs a')
-    expected_tab_text = tab_name.strip().upper()
-    matching_tabs = [tab for tab in editor_tabs if tab.text.upper() == expected_tab_text]
-    assert len(matching_tabs) == 1
-    tab = matching_tabs[0]
-    tab.click()
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-def enter_xml_in_advanced_problem(_step, text):
-    """
-    Edits an advanced problem (assumes only on page),
-    types the provided XML, and saves the component.
-    """
-    world.edit_component()
-    type_in_codemirror(0, text)
-    world.save_component()
-def verify_setting_entry(setting, display_name, value, explicitly_set):
-    """
-    Verify the capa module fields are set as expected in the
-    Advanced Settings editor.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    setting: the WebDriverElement object found in the browser
-    display_name: the string expected as the label
-    html: the expected field value
-    explicitly_set: True if the value is expected to have been explicitly set
-        for the problem, rather than derived from the defaults. This is verified
-        by the existence of a "Clear" button next to the field value.
-    """
-    label_element = setting.find_by_css('.setting-label')[0]
-    assert_equal(display_name, label_element.html.strip())
-    label_for = label_element['for']
-    # Check if the web object is a list type
-    # If so, we use a slightly different mechanism for determining its value
-    if setting.has_class('metadata-list-enum') or setting.has_class('metadata-dict') or setting.has_class('metadata-video-translations'):
-        list_value = ', '.join(ele.value for ele in setting.find_by_css('.list-settings-item'))
-        assert_equal(value, list_value)
-    elif setting.has_class('metadata-videolist-enum'):
-        list_value = ', '.join(ele.find_by_css('input')[0].value for ele in setting.find_by_css('.videolist-settings-item'))
-        assert_equal(value, list_value)
-    else:
-        assert_equal(value, setting.find_by_id(label_for).value)
-    # VideoList doesn't have clear button
-    if not setting.has_class('metadata-videolist-enum'):
-        settingClearButton = setting.find_by_css('.setting-clear')[0]
-        assert_equal(explicitly_set, settingClearButton.has_class('active'))
-        assert_equal(not explicitly_set, settingClearButton.has_class('inactive'))
-def verify_all_setting_entries(expected_entries):
-    settings = world.browser.find_by_css('.wrapper-comp-setting')
-    assert_equal(len(expected_entries), len(settings))
-    for (counter, setting) in enumerate(settings):
-        world.verify_setting_entry(
-            setting, expected_entries[counter][0],
-            expected_entries[counter][1], expected_entries[counter][2]
-        )
-def save_component():
-    world.css_click("a.action-save,a.save-button")
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-def save_component_and_reopen(step):
-    save_component()
-    # We have a known issue that modifications are still shown within the edit window after cancel (though)
-    # they are not persisted. Refresh the browser to make sure the changes WERE persisted after Save.
-    reload_the_page(step)
-    edit_component_and_select_settings()
-def cancel_component(step):
-    world.css_click("a.action-cancel")
-    # We have a known issue that modifications are still shown within the edit window after cancel (though)
-    # they are not persisted. Refresh the browser to make sure the changes were not persisted.
-    reload_the_page(step)
-def revert_setting_entry(label):
-    get_setting_entry(label).find_by_css('.setting-clear')[0].click()
-def get_setting_entry(label):
-    def get_setting():
-        settings = world.css_find('.wrapper-comp-setting')
-        for setting in settings:
-            if setting.find_by_css('.setting-label')[0].value == label:
-                return setting
-        return None
-    return world.retry_on_exception(get_setting)
-def get_setting_entry_index(label):
-    def get_index():
-        settings = world.css_find('.wrapper-comp-setting')
-        for index, setting in enumerate(settings):
-            if setting.find_by_css('.setting-label')[0].value == label:
-                return index
-        return None
-    return world.retry_on_exception(get_index)
-def set_field_value(index, value):
-    """
-    Set the field to the specified value.
-    Note: we cannot use css_fill here because the value is not set
-    until after you move away from that field.
-    Instead we will find the element, set its value, then hit the Tab key
-    to get to the next field.
-    """
-    elem = world.css_find('div.wrapper-comp-setting input')[index]
-    elem.value = value
-    elem.type(Keys.TAB)
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-settings.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-settings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 54fb036ef621c7f9a9bf9c6937b2e2148fbc42ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course-settings.py
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@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-from django.conf import settings
-from lettuce import step, world
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.features.common import type_in_codemirror
-COURSE_START_DATE_CSS = "#course-start-date"
-COURSE_END_DATE_CSS = "#course-end-date"
-ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS = "#course-enrollment-start-date"
-ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS = "#course-enrollment-end-date"
-COURSE_START_TIME_CSS = "#course-start-time"
-COURSE_END_TIME_CSS = "#course-end-time"
-ENROLLMENT_START_TIME_CSS = "#course-enrollment-start-time"
-ENROLLMENT_END_TIME_CSS = "#course-enrollment-end-time"
-DUMMY_TIME = "15:30"
-DEFAULT_TIME = "00:00"
-############### ACTIONS ####################
-@step('I select Schedule and Details$')
-def test_i_select_schedule_and_details(_step):
-    world.click_course_settings()
-    link_css = 'li.nav-course-settings-schedule a'
-    world.css_click(link_css)
-    world.wait_for_requirejs(
-        ["jquery", "js/models/course",
-         "js/models/settings/course_details", "js/views/settings/main"])
-@step('I have set course dates$')
-def test_i_have_set_course_dates(step):
-    step.given('I have opened a new course in Studio')
-    step.given('I select Schedule and Details')
-    step.given('And I set course dates')
-@step('And I set course dates$')
-def test_and_i_set_course_dates(_step):
-    set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/20/2013')
-    set_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '12/26/2013')
-    set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '12/1/2013')
-    set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '12/10/2013')
-    set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME)
-    set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME)
-@step('And I clear all the dates except start$')
-def test_and_i_clear_all_the_dates_except_start(_step):
-    set_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '')
-    set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '')
-    set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '')
-@step('Then I see cleared dates$')
-def test_then_i_see_cleared_dates(_step):
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '')
-    verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '')
-    verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '')
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_END_TIME_CSS, '')
-    verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_TIME_CSS, '')
-    verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_TIME_CSS, '')
-    # Verify course start date (required) and time still there
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/20/2013')
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME)
-@step('I clear the course start date$')
-def test_i_clear_the_course_start_date(_step):
-    set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '')
-@step('I receive a warning about course start date$')
-def test_i_receive_a_warning_about_course_start_date(_step):
-    assert world.css_has_text('.message-error', 'The course must have an assigned start date.')
-    assert 'error' in world.css_find(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS).first._element.get_attribute('class')  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-    assert 'error' in world.css_find(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS).first._element.get_attribute('class')  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-@step('the previously set start date is shown$')
-def test_the_previously_set_start_date_is_shown(_step):
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/20/2013')
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME)
-@step('Given I have tried to clear the course start$')
-def test_i_have_tried_to_clear_the_course_start(step):
-    step.given("I have set course dates")
-    step.given("I clear the course start date")
-    step.given("I receive a warning about course start date")
-@step('I have entered a new course start date$')
-def test_i_have_entered_a_new_course_start_date(_step):
-    set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/22/2013')
-@step('The warning about course start date goes away$')
-def test_the_warning_about_course_start_date_goes_away(_step):
-    assert world.is_css_not_present('.message-error')
-    assert 'error' not in world.css_find(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS).first._element.get_attribute('class')  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-    assert 'error' not in world.css_find(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS).first._element.get_attribute('class')  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-@step('my new course start date is shown$')
-def new_course_start_date_is_shown(_step):
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/22/2013')
-    # Time should have stayed from before attempt to clear date.
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME)
-@step('I change fields$')
-def test_i_change_fields(_step):
-    set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '7/7/7777')
-    set_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '7/7/7777')
-    set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '7/7/7777')
-    set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '7/7/7777')
-@step('I change the course overview')
-def test_change_course_overview(_step):
-    type_in_codemirror(0, "<h1>Overview</h1>")
-############### HELPER METHODS ####################
-def set_date_or_time(css, date_or_time):
-    """
-    Sets date or time field.
-    """
-    world.css_fill(css, date_or_time)
-    e = world.css_find(css).first
-    # hit Enter to apply the changes
-    e._element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-def verify_date_or_time(css, date_or_time):
-    """
-    Verifies date or time field.
-    """
-    # We need to wait for JavaScript to fill in the field, so we use
-    # css_has_value(), which first checks that the field is not blank
-    assert world.css_has_value(css, date_or_time)
-@step('I do not see the changes')
-@step('I see the set dates')
-def i_see_the_set_dates(_step):
-    """
-    Ensure that each field has the value set in `test_and_i_set_course_dates`.
-    """
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/20/2013')
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '12/26/2013')
-    verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '12/01/2013')
-    verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '12/10/2013')
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME)
-    # Unset times get set to 12 AM once the corresponding date has been set.
-    verify_date_or_time(COURSE_END_TIME_CSS, DEFAULT_TIME)
-    verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME)
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course_import.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course_import.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e75db207bc07bc9845644d6ee7f6f42f1201a00f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/course_import.py
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@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-import os
-from django.conf import settings
-from lettuce import step, world
-def import_file(filename):
-    world.browser.execute_script("$('input.file-input').css('display', 'block')")
-    path = os.path.join(settings.COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT, "imports", filename)
-    world.browser.attach_file('course-data', os.path.abspath(path))
-    world.css_click('input.submit-button')
-    # Go to course outline
-    world.click_course_content()
-    outline_css = 'li.nav-course-courseware-outline a'
-    world.css_click(outline_css)
-@step('I go to the import page$')
-def go_to_import(step):
-    menu_css = 'li.nav-course-tools'
-    import_css = 'li.nav-course-tools-import a'
-    world.css_click(menu_css)
-    world.css_click(import_css)
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.feature b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b7147167971fb8f2a641c2495fc6138d09b795a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
-  As a course author, I want to be able to create HTML blocks.
-  Scenario: User can view metadata
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    And I edit and select Settings
-    Then I see the HTML component settings
-  # Safari doesn't save the name properly
-  @skip_safari
-  Scenario: User can modify display name
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    And I edit and select Settings
-    Then I can modify the display name
-    And my display name change is persisted on save
-  Scenario: TinyMCE link plugin sets urls correctly
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    When I edit the page
-    And I add a link with static link "/static/image.jpg" via the Link Plugin Icon
-    Then the href link is rewritten to the asset link "image.jpg"
-    And the link is shown as "/static/image.jpg" in the Link Plugin
-  Scenario: TinyMCE and CodeMirror preserve style tags
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    When I edit the page
-    And type "<p class='title'>pages</p><style><!-- .title { color: red; } --></style>" in the code editor and press OK
-    And I save the page
-    Then the page text contains:
-      """
-      <p class="title">pages</p>
-      <style><!--
-      .title { color: red; }
-      --></style>
-      """
-  Scenario: TinyMCE and CodeMirror preserve span tags
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    When I edit the page
-    And type "<span>Test</span>" in the code editor and press OK
-    And I save the page
-    Then the page text contains:
-      """
-      <span>Test</span>
-      """
-  Scenario: TinyMCE and CodeMirror preserve math tags
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    When I edit the page
-    And type "<math><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup></math>" in the code editor and press OK
-    And I save the page
-    Then the page text contains:
-      """
-      <math><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup></math>
-      """
-  Scenario: TinyMCE toolbar buttons are as expected
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    When I edit the page
-    Then the expected toolbar buttons are displayed
-  Scenario: Static links are converted when switching between code editor and WYSIWYG views
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    When I edit the page
-    And type "<img src="/static/image.jpg">" in the code editor and press OK
-    Then the src link is rewritten to the asset link "image.jpg"
-    And the code editor displays "<p><img src="/static/image.jpg" /></p>"
-  Scenario: Code format toolbar button wraps text with code tags
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    When I edit the page
-    And I set the text to "display as code" and I select the text
-    And I select the code toolbar button
-    And I save the page
-    Then the page text contains:
-      """
-      <p><code>display as code</code></p>
-      """
-  Scenario: Raw HTML component does not change text
-    Given I have created a raw HTML component
-    When I edit the page
-    And type "<li>zzzz<ol>" into the Raw Editor
-    And I save the page
-    Then the page text contains:
-      """
-      <li>zzzz<ol>
-      """
-    And I edit the page
-    Then the Raw Editor contains exactly:
-      """
-      <li>zzzz<ol>
-      """
-  Scenario: Font selection dropdown contains Default font and tinyMCE builtin fonts
-    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-    When I edit the page
-    And I click font selection dropdown
-    Then I should see a list of available fonts
-    And "Default" option sets the expected font family
-    And all standard tinyMCE fonts should be available
-# Skipping in master due to brittleness JZ 05/22/2014
-#  Scenario: Can switch from Visual Editor to Raw
-#    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
-#    When I edit the component and select the Raw Editor
-#    And I save the page
-#    When I edit the page
-#    And type "fancy html" into the Raw Editor
-#    And I save the page
-#    Then the page text contains:
-#      """
-#      fancy html
-#      """
-# Skipping in master due to brittleness JZ 05/22/2014
-#  Scenario: Can switch from Raw Editor to Visual
-#    Given I have created a raw HTML component
-#    And I edit the component and select the Visual Editor
-#    And I save the page
-#    When I edit the page
-#    And type "less fancy html" in the code editor and press OK
-#    And I save the page
-#    Then the page text contains:
-#      """
-#      less fancy html
-#      """
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 490e7a0efb35bcbef33e9366095fd469b20fadee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# disable missing docstring
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from lettuce import step, world
-from common import get_codemirror_value, type_in_codemirror
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_equal, assert_in  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-CODEMIRROR_SELECTOR_PREFIX = "$('iframe').contents().find"
-@step('I have created a Blank HTML Page$')
-def i_created_blank_html_page(step):
-    step.given('I am in Studio editing a new unit')
-    world.create_component_instance(
-        step=step,
-        category='html',
-        component_type='Text'
-    )
-@step('I have created a raw HTML component')
-def i_created_raw_html(step):
-    step.given('I am in Studio editing a new unit')
-    world.create_component_instance(
-        step=step,
-        category='html',
-        component_type='Raw HTML'
-    )
-@step('I see the HTML component settings$')
-def i_see_only_the_html_display_name(_step):
-    world.verify_all_setting_entries(
-        [
-            ['Display Name', "Text", False],
-            ['Editor', "Visual", False]
-        ]
-    )
-@step('I have created an E-text Written in LaTeX$')
-def i_created_etext_in_latex(step):
-    step.given('I am in Studio editing a new unit')
-    step.given('I have enabled latex compiler')
-    world.create_component_instance(
-        step=step,
-        category='html',
-        component_type='E-text Written in LaTeX'
-    )
-@step('I edit the page$')
-def i_click_on_edit_icon(_step):
-    world.edit_component()
-@step('I add a link with static link "(.*)" via the Link Plugin Icon$')
-def i_click_on_link_plugin_icon(_step, path):
-    def fill_in_link_fields():
-        world.css_fill('.mce-textbox', path, 0)
-        world.css_fill('.mce-textbox', 'picture', 1)
-    use_plugin('.mce-i-link', fill_in_link_fields)
-@step('the link is shown as "(.*)" in the Link Plugin$')
-def check_link_in_link_plugin(_step, path):
-    # Ensure caret position is within the link just created.
-    script = """
-    var editor = tinyMCE.activeEditor;
-    editor.selection.select(editor.dom.select('a')[0]);"""
-    world.browser.driver.execute_script(script)
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-    use_plugin(
-        '.mce-i-link',
-        lambda: assert_equal(path, world.css_find('.mce-textbox')[0].value)
-    )
-@step('type "(.*)" in the code editor and press OK$')
-def type_in_codemirror_plugin(_step, text):
-    # Verify that raw code editor is not visible.
-    assert world.css_has_class('.CodeMirror', 'is-inactive')
-    # Verify that TinyMCE editor is present
-    assert world.is_css_present('.tiny-mce')
-    use_code_editor(
-        lambda: type_in_codemirror(0, text, CODEMIRROR_SELECTOR_PREFIX)
-    )
-@step('and the code editor displays "(.*)"$')
-def verify_code_editor_text(_step, text):
-    use_code_editor(
-        lambda: assert_equal(text, get_codemirror_value(0, CODEMIRROR_SELECTOR_PREFIX))
-    )
-@step('I save the page$')
-def i_click_on_save(_step):
-    world.save_component()
-@step('the page text contains:')
-def check_page_text(step):
-    assert_in(step.multiline, world.css_find('.xmodule_HtmlModule').html)
-@step('the Raw Editor contains exactly:')
-def check_raw_editor_text(step):
-    assert_equal(step.multiline, get_codemirror_value(0))
-@step('the src link is rewritten to the asset link "(.*)"$')
-def image_static_link_is_rewritten(_step, path):
-    # Find the TinyMCE iframe within the main window
-    with world.browser.get_iframe('mce_0_ifr') as tinymce:
-        image = tinymce.find_by_tag('img').first
-        assert_in(unicode(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id.make_asset_key('asset', path)), image['src'])
-@step('the href link is rewritten to the asset link "(.*)"$')
-def link_static_link_is_rewritten(_step, path):
-    # Find the TinyMCE iframe within the main window
-    with world.browser.get_iframe('mce_0_ifr') as tinymce:
-        link = tinymce.find_by_tag('a').first
-        assert_in(unicode(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id.make_asset_key('asset', path)), link['href'])
-@step('the expected toolbar buttons are displayed$')
-def check_toolbar_buttons(_step):
-    dropdowns = world.css_find('.mce-listbox')
-    assert_equal(2, len(dropdowns))
-    # Format dropdown
-    assert_equal('Paragraph', dropdowns[0].text)
-    # Font dropdown
-    assert_equal('Font Family', dropdowns[1].text)
-    buttons = world.css_find('.mce-ico')
-    # Note that the code editor icon is not present because we are now showing text instead of an icon.
-    # However, other test points user the code editor, so we have already verified its presence.
-    expected_buttons = [
-        'bold',
-        'italic',
-        'underline',
-        'forecolor',
-        # This is our custom "code style" button, which uses an image instead of a class.
-        'none',
-        'alignleft',
-        'aligncenter',
-        'alignright',
-        'alignjustify',
-        'bullist',
-        'numlist',
-        'outdent',
-        'indent',
-        'blockquote',
-        'link',
-        'unlink',
-        'image'
-    ]
-    assert_equal(len(expected_buttons), len(buttons))
-    for index, button in enumerate(expected_buttons):
-        class_names = buttons[index]._element.get_attribute('class')  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-        assert_equal("mce-ico mce-i-" + button, class_names)
-@step('I set the text to "(.*)" and I select the text$')
-def set_text_and_select(_step, text):
-    script = """
-    var editor = tinyMCE.activeEditor;
-    editor.setContent(arguments[0]);
-    editor.selection.select(editor.dom.select('p')[0]);"""
-    world.browser.driver.execute_script(script, str(text))
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-@step('I select the code toolbar button$')
-def select_code_button(_step):
-    # This is our custom "code style" button. It uses an image instead of a class.
-    world.css_click(".mce-i-none")
-@step('type "(.*)" into the Raw Editor$')
-def type_in_raw_editor(_step, text):
-    # Verify that CodeMirror editor is not hidden
-    assert not world.css_has_class('.CodeMirror', 'is-inactive')
-    # Verify that TinyMCE Editor is not present
-    assert world.is_css_not_present('.tiny-mce')
-    type_in_codemirror(0, text)
-@step('I edit the component and select the (Raw|Visual) Editor$')
-def select_editor(_step, editor):
-    world.edit_component_and_select_settings()
-    world.browser.select('Editor', editor)
-@step('I click font selection dropdown')
-def click_font_dropdown(_step):
-    dropdowns = [drop for drop in world.css_find('.mce-listbox') if drop.text == 'Font Family']
-    assert_equal(len(dropdowns), 1)
-    dropdowns[0].click()
-@step('I should see a list of available fonts')
-def font_selector_dropdown_is_shown(_step):
-    font_panel = get_fonts_list_panel(world)
-    expected_fonts = list(CUSTOM_FONTS.keys()) + list(TINYMCE_FONTS.keys())
-    actual_fonts = [font.strip() for font in font_panel.text.split('\n')]
-    assert_equal(actual_fonts, expected_fonts)
-@step('"Default" option sets the expected font family')
-def default_options_sets_expected_font_family(step):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument, redefined-outer-name
-    fonts = get_available_fonts(get_fonts_list_panel(world))
-    fonts_found = fonts.get("Default", None)
-    expected_font_family = CUSTOM_FONTS.get('Default')
-    for expected_font in expected_font_family:
-        assert_in(expected_font, fonts_found)
-@step('all standard tinyMCE fonts should be available')
-def check_standard_tinyMCE_fonts(_step):
-    fonts = get_available_fonts(get_fonts_list_panel(world))
-    for label, expected_fonts in TINYMCE_FONTS.items():
-        for expected_font in expected_fonts:
-            assert_in(expected_font, fonts.get(label, None))
-TINYMCE_FONTS = OrderedDict([
-    ("Andale Mono", ['andale mono', 'times']),
-    ("Arial", ['arial', 'helvetica', 'sans-serif']),
-    ("Arial Black", ['arial black', 'avant garde']),
-    ("Book Antiqua", ['book antiqua', 'palatino']),
-    ("Comic Sans MS", ['comic sans ms', 'sans-serif']),
-    ("Courier New", ['courier new', 'courier']),
-    ("Georgia", ['georgia', 'palatino']),
-    ("Helvetica", ['helvetica']),
-    ("Impact", ['impact', 'chicago']),
-    ("Symbol", ['symbol']),
-    ("Tahoma", ['tahoma', 'arial', 'helvetica', 'sans-serif']),
-    ("Terminal", ['terminal', 'monaco']),
-    ("Times New Roman", ['times new roman', 'times']),
-    ("Trebuchet MS", ['trebuchet ms', 'geneva']),
-    ("Verdana", ['verdana', 'geneva']),
-    # tinyMCE does not set font-family on dropdown span for these two fonts
-    ("Webdings", [""]),  # webdings
-    ("Wingdings", [""]),  # wingdings, 'zapf dingbats'
-CUSTOM_FONTS = OrderedDict([
-    ('Default', ['Open Sans', 'Verdana', 'Arial', 'Helvetica', 'sans-serif']),
-def use_plugin(button_class, action):
-    # Click on plugin button
-    world.css_click(button_class)
-    perform_action_in_plugin(action)
-def use_code_editor(action):
-    # Click on plugin button
-    buttons = world.css_find('div.mce-widget>button')
-    code_editor = [button for button in buttons if button.text == 'HTML']
-    assert_equal(1, len(code_editor))
-    code_editor[0].click()
-    perform_action_in_plugin(action)
-def perform_action_in_plugin(action):
-    # Wait for the plugin window to open.
-    world.wait_for_visible('.mce-window')
-    # Trigger the action
-    action()
-    # Click OK
-    world.css_click('.mce-primary')
-def get_fonts_list_panel(world):
-    menus = world.css_find('.mce-menu')
-    return menus[0]
-def get_available_fonts(font_panel):
-    font_spans = font_panel.find_by_css('.mce-text')
-    return {font_span.text: get_font_family(font_span) for font_span in font_spans}
-def get_font_family(font_span):
-    # get_attribute('style').replace('font-family: ', '').replace(';', '') is equivalent to
-    # value_of_css_property('font-family'). However, for reason unknown value_of_css_property fails tests in CI
-    # while works as expected in local development environment
-    return font_span._element.get_attribute('style').replace('font-family: ', '').replace(';', '')  # pylint: disable=protected-access
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/problem-editor.feature b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/problem-editor.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index a239d109012ebfe0b6c307ef59c656f6b3f7f876..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/problem-editor.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Feature: CMS.Problem Editor
-  As a course author, I want to be able to create problems and edit their settings.
-  Scenario: User can revert display name to unset
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    When I edit and select Settings
-    Then I can revert the display name to unset
-    And my display name is unset on save
-  Scenario: User can specify html in display name and it will be escaped
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    When I edit and select Settings
-    Then I can specify html in the display name and save
-    And the problem display name is "<script>alert('test')</script>"
-  # IE will not click the revert button properly
-  @skip_internetexplorer
-  Scenario: User can select values in a Select
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    When I edit and select Settings
-    Then I can select Per Student for Randomization
-    And my change to randomization is persisted
-    And I can revert to the default value for randomization
-  # Safari will input it as 35.
-  @skip_safari
-  Scenario: User can modify float input values
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    When I edit and select Settings
-    Then I can set the weight to "3.5"
-    And my change to weight is persisted
-    And I can revert to the default value of unset for weight
-  Scenario: User cannot type letters in float number field
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    When I edit and select Settings
-    Then if I set the weight to "abc", it remains unset
-  # Safari will input it as 234.
-  @skip_safari
-  Scenario: User cannot type decimal values integer number field
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    When I edit and select Settings
-    Then if I set the max attempts to "2.34", it will persist as a valid integer
-  # Safari will input it incorrectly
-  @skip_safari
-  Scenario: User cannot type out of range values in an integer number field
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    When I edit and select Settings
-    Then if I set the max attempts to "-3", it will persist as a valid integer
-  # Safari will input it as 35.
-  @skip_safari
-  Scenario: Settings changes are not saved on Cancel
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    When I edit and select Settings
-    Then I can set the weight to "3.5"
-    And I can modify the display name
-    Then If I press Cancel my changes are not persisted
-  Scenario: Cheat sheet visible on toggle
-    Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
-    And I can edit the problem
-    Then I can see cheatsheet
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/problem-editor.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/problem-editor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b46a733bf7e78e954ca34c7c5a732e2649b6a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/problem-editor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-# disable missing docstring
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-import json
-from lettuce import step, world
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_equal, assert_true  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.features.advanced_settings import ADVANCED_MODULES_KEY, change_value
-from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.features.common import open_new_course, type_in_codemirror
-from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.features.course_import import import_file
-DISPLAY_NAME = "Display Name"
-MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS = "Maximum Attempts"
-PROBLEM_WEIGHT = "Problem Weight"
-RANDOMIZATION = 'Randomization'
-SHOW_ANSWER = "Show Answer"
-SHOW_ANSWER_AFTER_SOME_NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS = 'Show Answer: Number of Attempts'
-SHOW_RESET_BUTTON = "Show Reset Button"
-TIMER_BETWEEN_ATTEMPTS = "Timer Between Attempts"
-MATLAB_API_KEY = "Matlab API key"
-@step('I have created a Blank Common Problem$')
-def i_created_blank_common_problem(step):
-    step.given('I am in Studio editing a new unit')
-    step.given("I have created another Blank Common Problem")
-@step('I have created a unit with advanced module "(.*)"$')
-def i_created_unit_with_advanced_module(step, advanced_module):
-    step.given('I am in Studio editing a new unit')
-    url = world.browser.url
-    step.given("I select the Advanced Settings")
-    change_value(step, ADVANCED_MODULES_KEY, '["{}"]'.format(advanced_module))
-    world.visit(url)
-    world.wait_for_xmodule()
-@step('I have created an advanced component "(.*)" of type "(.*)"')
-def i_create_new_advanced_component(step, component_type, advanced_component):
-    world.create_component_instance(
-        step=step,
-        category='advanced',
-        component_type=component_type,
-        advanced_component=advanced_component
-    )
-@step('I have created another Blank Common Problem$')
-def i_create_new_common_problem(step):
-    world.create_component_instance(
-        step=step,
-        category='problem',
-        component_type='Blank Common Problem'
-    )
-@step('when I mouseover on "(.*)"')
-def i_mouseover_on_html_component(_step, element_class):
-    action_css = '.{}'.format(element_class)
-    world.trigger_event(action_css, event='mouseover')
-@step(u'I can see Reply to Annotation link$')
-def i_see_reply_to_annotation_link(_step):
-    css_selector = 'a.annotatable-reply'
-    world.wait_for_visible(css_selector)
-@step(u'I see that page has scrolled "(.*)" when I click on "(.*)" link$')
-def i_see_annotation_problem_page_scrolls(_step, scroll_direction, link_css):
-    scroll_js = "$(window).scrollTop();"
-    scroll_height_before = world.browser.evaluate_script(scroll_js)
-    world.css_click("a.{}".format(link_css))
-    scroll_height_after = world.browser.evaluate_script(scroll_js)
-    if scroll_direction == "up":
-        assert scroll_height_after < scroll_height_before
-    elif scroll_direction == "down":
-        assert scroll_height_after > scroll_height_before
-@step('I have created an advanced problem of type "(.*)"$')
-def i_create_new_advanced_problem(step, component_type):
-    world.create_component_instance(
-        step=step,
-        category='problem',
-        component_type=component_type,
-        is_advanced=True
-    )
-@step('I edit and select Settings$')
-def i_edit_and_select_settings(_step):
-    world.edit_component_and_select_settings()
-@step('I see the advanced settings and their expected values$')
-def i_see_advanced_settings_with_values(_step):
-    world.verify_all_setting_entries(
-        [
-            [DISPLAY_NAME, "Blank Common Problem", True],
-            [MATLAB_API_KEY, "", False],
-            [MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, "", False],
-            [PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", False],
-            [RANDOMIZATION, "Never", False],
-            [SHOW_ANSWER, "Finished", False],
-            [SHOW_RESET_BUTTON, "False", False],
-            [TIMER_BETWEEN_ATTEMPTS, "0", False],
-        ])
-@step('I can modify the display name')
-def i_can_modify_the_display_name(_step):
-    # Verifying that the display name can be a string containing a floating point value
-    # (to confirm that we don't throw an error because it is of the wrong type).
-    index = world.get_setting_entry_index(DISPLAY_NAME)
-    world.set_field_value(index, '3.4')
-    verify_modified_display_name()
-@step('my display name change is persisted on save')
-def my_display_name_change_is_persisted_on_save(step):
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    verify_modified_display_name()
-@step('the problem display name is "(.*)"$')
-def verify_problem_display_name(_step, name):
-    """
-    name is uppercased because the heading styles are uppercase in css
-    """
-    assert_equal(name, world.browser.find_by_css('.problem-header').text)
-@step('I can specify special characters in the display name')
-def i_can_modify_the_display_name_with_special_chars(_step):
-    index = world.get_setting_entry_index(DISPLAY_NAME)
-    world.set_field_value(index, "updated ' \" &")
-    verify_modified_display_name_with_special_chars()
-@step('I can specify html in the display name and save')
-def i_can_modify_the_display_name_with_html(_step):
-    """
-    If alert appear on save then UnexpectedAlertPresentException
-    will occur and test will fail.
-    """
-    index = world.get_setting_entry_index(DISPLAY_NAME)
-    world.set_field_value(index, "<script>alert('test')</script>")
-    verify_modified_display_name_with_html()
-    world.save_component()
-@step('my special characters and persisted on save')
-def special_chars_persisted_on_save(step):
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    verify_modified_display_name_with_special_chars()
-@step('I can revert the display name to unset')
-def can_revert_display_name_to_unset(_step):
-    world.revert_setting_entry(DISPLAY_NAME)
-    verify_unset_display_name()
-@step('my display name is unset on save')
-def my_display_name_is_persisted_on_save(step):
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    verify_unset_display_name()
-@step('I can select Per Student for Randomization')
-def i_can_select_per_student_for_randomization(_step):
-    world.browser.select(RANDOMIZATION, "Per Student")
-    verify_modified_randomization()
-@step('my change to randomization is persisted')
-def my_change_to_randomization_is_persisted(step):
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    verify_modified_randomization()
-@step('I can revert to the default value for randomization')
-def i_can_revert_to_default_for_randomization(step):
-    world.revert_setting_entry(RANDOMIZATION)
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(RANDOMIZATION), RANDOMIZATION, "Never", False)
-@step('I can set the weight to "(.*)"?')
-def i_can_set_weight(_step, weight):
-    set_weight(weight)
-    verify_modified_weight()
-@step('my change to weight is persisted')
-def my_change_to_weight_is_persisted(step):
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    verify_modified_weight()
-@step('I can revert to the default value of unset for weight')
-def i_can_revert_to_default_for_unset_weight(step):
-    world.revert_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT)
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", False)
-@step('if I set the weight to "(.*)", it remains unset')
-def set_the_weight_to_abc(step, bad_weight):
-    set_weight(bad_weight)
-    # We show the clear button immediately on type, hence the "True" here.
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", True)
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    # But no change was actually ever sent to the model, so on reopen, explicitly_set is False
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", False)
-@step('if I set the max attempts to "(.*)", it will persist as a valid integer$')
-def set_the_max_attempts(step, max_attempts_set):
-    # on firefox with selenium, the behavior is different.
-    # eg 2.34 displays as 2.34 and is persisted as 2
-    index = world.get_setting_entry_index(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS)
-    world.set_field_value(index, max_attempts_set)
-    world.save_component_and_reopen(step)
-    value = world.css_value('input.setting-input', index=index)
-    assert value != "", "max attempts is blank"
-    assert int(value) >= 0
-@step('Edit High Level Source is not visible')
-def edit_high_level_source_not_visible(step):
-    verify_high_level_source_links(step, False)
-@step('Edit High Level Source is visible')
-def edit_high_level_source_links_visible(step):
-    verify_high_level_source_links(step, True)
-@step('If I press Cancel my changes are not persisted')
-def cancel_does_not_save_changes(step):
-    world.cancel_component(step)
-    step.given("I edit and select Settings")
-    step.given("I see the advanced settings and their expected values")
-@step('I have enabled latex compiler')
-def enable_latex_compiler(step):
-    url = world.browser.url
-    step.given("I select the Advanced Settings")
-    change_value(step, 'Enable LaTeX Compiler', 'true')
-    world.visit(url)
-    world.wait_for_xmodule()
-@step('I have created a LaTeX Problem')
-def create_latex_problem(step):
-    step.given('I am in Studio editing a new unit')
-    step.given('I have enabled latex compiler')
-    world.create_component_instance(
-        step=step,
-        category='problem',
-        component_type='Problem Written in LaTeX',
-        is_advanced=True
-    )
-@step('I edit and compile the High Level Source')
-def edit_latex_source(_step):
-    open_high_level_source()
-    type_in_codemirror(1, "hi")
-    world.css_click('.hls-compile')
-@step('my change to the High Level Source is persisted')
-def high_level_source_persisted(_step):
-    def verify_text(_driver):
-        css_sel = '.problem div>span'
-        return world.css_text(css_sel) == 'hi'
-    world.wait_for(verify_text, timeout=10)
-@step('I view the High Level Source I see my changes')
-def high_level_source_in_editor(_step):
-    open_high_level_source()
-    assert_equal('hi', world.css_value('.source-edit-box'))
-@step(u'I have an empty course')
-def i_have_empty_course(_step):
-    open_new_course()
-@step(u'I import the file "([^"]*)"$')
-def i_import_the_file(_step, filename):
-    import_file(filename)
-@step(u'I go to the vertical "([^"]*)"$')
-def i_go_to_vertical(_step, vertical):
-    world.css_click("span:contains('{0}')".format(vertical))
-@step(u'I go to the unit "([^"]*)"$')
-def i_go_to_unit(_step, unit):
-    loc = "window.location = $(\"span:contains('{0}')\").closest('a').attr('href')".format(unit)
-    world.browser.execute_script(loc)
-@step(u'I see a message that says "([^"]*)"$')
-def i_can_see_message(_step, msg):
-    msg = json.dumps(msg)     # escape quotes
-    world.css_has_text("h2.title", msg)
-@step(u'I can edit the problem$')
-def i_can_edit_problem(_step):
-    world.edit_component()
-@step(u'I edit first blank advanced problem for annotation response$')
-def i_edit_blank_problem_for_annotation_response(_step):
-    world.edit_component(1)
-    text = """
-        <problem>
-            <annotationresponse>
-                <annotationinput><text>Text of annotation</text></annotationinput>
-            </annotationresponse>
-        </problem>"""
-    type_in_codemirror(0, text)
-    world.save_component()
-@step(u'I can see cheatsheet$')
-def verify_cheat_sheet_displaying(_step):
-    world.css_click(".cheatsheet-toggle")
-    css_selector = '.simple-editor-cheatsheet'
-    world.wait_for_visible(css_selector)
-def verify_high_level_source_links(step, visible):
-    if visible:
-        assert_true(world.is_css_present('.launch-latex-compiler'),
-                    msg="Expected to find the latex button but it is not present.")
-    else:
-        assert_true(world.is_css_not_present('.launch-latex-compiler'),
-                    msg="Expected not to find the latex button but it is present.")
-    world.cancel_component(step)
-def verify_modified_weight():
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "3.5", True)
-def verify_modified_randomization():
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(RANDOMIZATION), RANDOMIZATION, "Per Student", True)
-def verify_modified_display_name():
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(DISPLAY_NAME), DISPLAY_NAME, '3.4', True)
-def verify_modified_display_name_with_special_chars():
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(DISPLAY_NAME), DISPLAY_NAME, "updated ' \" &", True)
-def verify_modified_display_name_with_html():
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(DISPLAY_NAME),
-                               DISPLAY_NAME, "<script>alert('test')</script>", True)
-def verify_unset_display_name():
-    world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(DISPLAY_NAME), DISPLAY_NAME, 'Blank Advanced Problem', False)
-def set_weight(weight):
-    index = world.get_setting_entry_index(PROBLEM_WEIGHT)
-    world.set_field_value(index, weight)
-def open_high_level_source():
-    world.edit_component()
-    world.css_click('.launch-latex-compiler > a')
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/signup.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/signup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b2ca9349dbf75913317ae21f8de02fbc22eb0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/signup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-from lettuce import step, world
-@step('I fill in the registration form$')
-def i_fill_in_the_registration_form(_step):
-    def fill_in_reg_form():
-        register_form = world.css_find('form#register_form')
-        register_form.find_by_name('email').fill('robot+studio@edx.org')
-        register_form.find_by_name('password').fill('test')
-        register_form.find_by_name('username').fill('robot-studio')
-        register_form.find_by_name('name').fill('Robot Studio')
-        register_form.find_by_name('terms_of_service').click()
-    world.retry_on_exception(fill_in_reg_form)
-@step('I press the Create My Account button on the registration form$')
-def i_press_the_button_on_the_registration_form(_step):
-    submit_css = 'form#register_form button#submit'
-    world.css_click(submit_css)
-@step('I should see an email verification prompt')
-def i_should_see_an_email_verification_prompt(_step):
-    world.css_has_text('h1.page-header', u'Studio Home')
-    world.css_has_text('div.msg h3.title', u'We need to verify your email address')
-@step(u'I fill in and submit the signin form$')
-def i_fill_in_the_signin_form(_step):
-    def fill_login_form():
-        login_form = world.browser.find_by_css('form#login_form')
-        login_form.find_by_name('email').fill('robot+studio@edx.org')
-        login_form.find_by_name('password').fill('test')
-        login_form.find_by_name('submit').click()
-    world.retry_on_exception(fill_login_form)
-@step(u'I should( not)? see a login error message$')
-def i_should_see_a_login_error(_step, should_not_see):
-    if should_not_see:
-        # the login error may be absent or invisible. Check absence first,
-        # because css_visible will throw an exception if the element is not present
-        if world.is_css_present('div#login_error'):
-            assert not world.css_visible('div#login_error')
-    else:
-        assert world.css_visible('div#login_error')
-@step(u'I fill in and submit the signin form incorrectly$')
-def i_goof_in_the_signin_form(_step):
-    def fill_login_form():
-        login_form = world.browser.find_by_css('form#login_form')
-        login_form.find_by_name('email').fill('robot+studio@edx.org')
-        login_form.find_by_name('password').fill('oops')
-        login_form.find_by_name('submit').click()
-    world.retry_on_exception(fill_login_form)
-@step(u'I edit the password field$')
-def i_edit_the_password_field(_step):
-    password_css = 'form#login_form input#password'
-    world.css_fill(password_css, 'test')
-@step(u'I submit the signin form$')
-def i_submit_the_signin_form(_step):
-    submit_css = 'form#login_form button#submit'
-    world.css_click(submit_css)
diff --git a/cms/envs/acceptance.py b/cms/envs/acceptance.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a37cf8d1700741b7e1509b08173c48ed1619b727..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/envs/acceptance.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-This config file extends the test environment configuration
-so that we can run the lettuce acceptance tests.
-# We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and
-# want to import all variables from base settings files
-# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import
-from .test import *
-# You need to start the server in debug mode,
-# otherwise the browser will not render the pages correctly
-DEBUG = True
-# Output Django logs to a file
-import logging
-logging.basicConfig(filename=TEST_ROOT / "log" / "cms_acceptance.log", level=logging.ERROR)
-# set root logger level
-import os
-def seed():
-    return os.getppid()
-# Silence noisy logs
-    ('track.middleware', logging.CRITICAL),
-    ('codejail.safe_exec', logging.ERROR),
-    ('edx.courseware', logging.ERROR),
-    ('edxmako.shortcuts', logging.ERROR),
-    ('audit', logging.ERROR),
-    ('contentstore.views.import_export', logging.CRITICAL),
-    ('xmodule.x_module', logging.CRITICAL),
-for log_name, log_level in LOG_OVERRIDES:
-    logging.getLogger(log_name).setLevel(log_level)
-    doc_store_settings={
-        'db': 'acceptance_xmodule',
-        'collection': 'acceptance_modulestore_%s' % seed(),
-    },
-    module_store_options={
-        'default_class': 'xmodule.raw_module.RawDescriptor',
-        'fs_root': TEST_ROOT / "data",
-    },
-    default_store=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_STORE', 'draft'),
-    'ENGINE': 'xmodule.contentstore.mongo.MongoContentStore',
-        'host': 'localhost',
-        'db': 'acceptance_xcontent_%s' % seed(),
-    },
-    # allow for additional options that can be keyed on a name, e.g. 'trashcan'
-        'trashcan': {
-            'bucket': 'trash_fs'
-        }
-    }
-# Set this up so that 'paver cms --settings=acceptance' and running the
-# harvest command both use the same (test) database
-# which they can flush without messing up your dev db
-    'default': {
-        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
-        'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_edx.db",
-        'OPTIONS': {
-            'timeout': 30,
-        },
-        'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True,
-        'TEST': {
-            'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_edx.db",
-        },
-    },
-    'student_module_history': {
-        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
-        'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_student_module_history.db",
-        'OPTIONS': {
-            'timeout': 30,
-        },
-        'TEST': {
-            'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_student_module_history.db",
-        },
-    }
-# Use the auto_auth workflow for creating users and logging them in
-# Forums are disabled in test.py to speed up unit tests, but we do not have
-# per-test control for lettuce acceptance tests.
-# If you are writing an acceptance test that needs the discussion service enabled,
-# do not write it in lettuce, but instead write it using bok-choy.
-# Setting this flag to false causes imports to not load correctly in the lettuce python files
-# We do not yet understand why this occurs. Setting this to true is a stopgap measure
-USE_I18N = True
-# Include the lettuce app for acceptance testing, including the 'harvest' django-admin command
-# django.contrib.staticfiles used to be loaded by lettuce, now we must add it ourselves
-# django.contrib.staticfiles is not added to lms as there is a ^/static$ route built in to the app
-LETTUCE_APPS = ('contentstore',)
-LETTUCE_BROWSER = os.environ.get('LETTUCE_BROWSER', 'chrome')
-# Where to run: local, saucelabs, or grid
-    'URL': '',
-# Lastly, see if the developer has any local overrides.
-    from .private import *
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-# Point the URL used to test YouTube availability to our stub YouTube server
-YOUTUBE['API'] = "http://{0}:{1}/get_youtube_api/".format(YOUTUBE_HOSTNAME, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-YOUTUBE['METADATA_URL'] = "http://{0}:{1}/test_youtube/".format(YOUTUBE_HOSTNAME, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-YOUTUBE['TEXT_API']['url'] = "{0}:{1}/test_transcripts_youtube/".format(YOUTUBE_HOSTNAME, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-# Generate a random UUID so that different runs of acceptance tests don't break each other
-import uuid
-SECRET_KEY = uuid.uuid4().hex
-############################### PIPELINE #######################################
diff --git a/cms/envs/acceptance_docker.py b/cms/envs/acceptance_docker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b00a94db5f750a16e5dd91ee84c9ee9af8e39f3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cms/envs/acceptance_docker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-This config file extends the test environment configuration
-so that we can run the lettuce acceptance tests.
-# We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and
-# want to import all variables from base settings files
-# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import
-import os
-os.environ['EDXAPP_TEST_MONGO_HOST'] = os.environ.get('EDXAPP_TEST_MONGO_HOST', 'edx.devstack.mongo')
-# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
-from .acceptance import *
-    doc_store_settings={
-        'db': 'acceptance_xmodule',
-        'host': MONGO_HOST,
-        'port': MONGO_PORT_NUM,
-        'collection': 'acceptance_modulestore_%s' % seed(),
-    },
-    module_store_options={
-        'default_class': 'xmodule.raw_module.RawDescriptor',
-        'fs_root': TEST_ROOT / "data",
-    },
-    default_store=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_STORE', 'draft'),
-    'ENGINE': 'xmodule.contentstore.mongo.MongoContentStore',
-        'host': MONGO_HOST,
-        'port': MONGO_PORT_NUM,
-        'db': 'acceptance_xcontent_%s' % seed(),
-    },
-    # allow for additional options that can be keyed on a name, e.g. 'trashcan'
-        'trashcan': {
-            'bucket': 'trash_fs'
-        }
-    }
-# Where to run: local, saucelabs, or grid
-SELENIUM_HOST = 'edx.devstack.{}'.format(LETTUCE_BROWSER)
-SELENIUM_PORT = os.environ.get('SELENIUM_PORT', '4444')
-    'URL': 'http://{}:{}/wd/hub'.format(SELENIUM_HOST, SELENIUM_PORT),
-# Point the URL used to test YouTube availability to our stub YouTube server
-YOUTUBE['API'] = "http://{}:{}/get_youtube_api/".format(LETTUCE_HOST, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-YOUTUBE['METADATA_URL'] = "http://{}:{}/test_youtube/".format(LETTUCE_HOST, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-YOUTUBE['TEXT_API']['url'] = "{}:{}/test_transcripts_youtube/".format(LETTUCE_HOST, YOUTUBE_PORT)
diff --git a/cms/envs/test.py b/cms/envs/test.py
index a4592d6a7bc5b7ae0e202a2120e27accd15adbb8..6b64990c9f7df25bf10980bb0d6dfbfa26c4c40a 100644
--- a/cms/envs/test.py
+++ b/cms/envs/test.py
 # These ports are carefully chosen so that if the browser needs to
 # access them, they will be available through the SauceLabs SSH tunnel
 LTI_PORT = 8765
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/terrain/__init__.py b/common/djangoapps/terrain/__init__.py
index b769c8414c9996e258f1522b93acfe85b99b5f77..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 100644
--- a/common/djangoapps/terrain/__init__.py
+++ b/common/djangoapps/terrain/__init__.py
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Use this as your lettuce terrain file so that the common steps
-# across all lms apps can be put in terrain/common
-# See https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!msg/lettuce-users/5VyU9B4HcX8/USgbGIJdS5QJ
-import lettuce
-from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
-from .browser import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
-from .factories import absorb_factories
-from .steps import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
-from .setup_prereqs import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
-# Delay absorption of factories until the next access,
-# after Django apps have finished initializing
-setattr(lettuce, 'world', SimpleLazyObject(absorb_factories))
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/terrain/browser.py b/common/djangoapps/terrain/browser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 455ba2cf251ad8568b994d58eccdd5802f77bdbb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/djangoapps/terrain/browser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-Browser set up for acceptance tests.
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-from base64 import encodestring
-from json import dumps
-from logging import getLogger
-import requests
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.core.management import call_command
-from lettuce import after, before, world
-from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException
-from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
-from splinter.browser import Browser
-from xmodule.contentstore.django import _CONTENTSTORE
-LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)
-LOGGER.info("Loading the lettuce acceptance testing terrain file...")
-def get_saucelabs_username_and_key():
-    """
-    Returns the Sauce Labs username and access ID as set by environment variables
-    """
-    return {"username": settings.SAUCE.get('USERNAME'), "access-key": settings.SAUCE.get('ACCESS_ID')}
-def set_saucelabs_job_status(jobid, passed=True):
-    """
-    Sets the job status on sauce labs
-    """
-    config = get_saucelabs_username_and_key()
-    url = 'http://saucelabs.com/rest/v1/{}/jobs/{}'.format(config['username'], world.jobid)
-    body_content = dumps({"passed": passed})
-    base64string = encodestring('{}:{}'.format(config['username'], config['access-key']))[:-1]
-    headers = {"Authorization": "Basic {}".format(base64string)}
-    result = requests.put(url, data=body_content, headers=headers)
-    return result.status_code == 200
-def make_saucelabs_desired_capabilities():
-    """
-    Returns a DesiredCapabilities object corresponding to the environment sauce parameters
-    """
-    desired_capabilities = settings.SAUCE.get('BROWSER', DesiredCapabilities.CHROME)
-    desired_capabilities['platform'] = settings.SAUCE.get('PLATFORM')
-    desired_capabilities['version'] = settings.SAUCE.get('VERSION')
-    desired_capabilities['device-type'] = settings.SAUCE.get('DEVICE')
-    desired_capabilities['name'] = settings.SAUCE.get('SESSION')
-    desired_capabilities['build'] = settings.SAUCE.get('BUILD')
-    desired_capabilities['video-upload-on-pass'] = False
-    desired_capabilities['sauce-advisor'] = False
-    desired_capabilities['capture-html'] = True
-    desired_capabilities['record-screenshots'] = True
-    desired_capabilities['selenium-version'] = "2.34.0"
-    desired_capabilities['max-duration'] = 3600
-    desired_capabilities['public'] = 'public restricted'
-    return desired_capabilities
-def initial_setup(server):
-    """
-    Launch the browser once before executing the tests.
-    """
-    if world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'local':
-        browser_driver = getattr(settings, 'LETTUCE_BROWSER', 'chrome')
-        if browser_driver == 'chrome':
-            desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
-            desired_capabilities['loggingPrefs'] = {
-                'browser': 'ALL',
-            }
-        else:
-            desired_capabilities = {}
-        # There is an issue with ChromeDriver2 r195627 on Ubuntu
-        # in which we sometimes get an invalid browser session.
-        # This is a work-around to ensure that we get a valid session.
-        success = False
-        num_attempts = 0
-        while (not success) and num_attempts < MAX_VALID_BROWSER_ATTEMPTS:
-            # Load the browser and try to visit the main page
-            # If the browser couldn't be reached or
-            # the browser session is invalid, this will
-            # raise a WebDriverException
-            try:
-                if browser_driver == 'firefox':
-                    # Lettuce initializes differently for firefox, and sending
-                    # desired_capabilities will not work. So initialize without
-                    # sending desired_capabilities.
-                    world.browser = Browser(browser_driver)
-                else:
-                    world.browser = Browser(browser_driver, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities)
-                world.browser.driver.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT)
-                world.visit('/')
-            except WebDriverException:
-                LOGGER.warn("Error acquiring %s browser, retrying", browser_driver, exc_info=True)
-                if hasattr(world, 'browser'):
-                    world.browser.quit()
-                num_attempts += 1
-            else:
-                success = True
-        # If we were unable to get a valid session within the limit of attempts,
-        # then we cannot run the tests.
-        if not success:
-            raise IOError("Could not acquire valid {driver} browser session.".format(driver=browser_driver))
-        world.absorb(0, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT')
-        world.browser.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024)
-    elif world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'saucelabs':
-        config = get_saucelabs_username_and_key()
-        world.browser = Browser(
-            'remote',
-            url="http://{}:{}@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub".format(config['username'], config['access-key']),
-            **make_saucelabs_desired_capabilities()
-        )
-        world.absorb(30, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT')
-        world.browser.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT)
-    elif world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'grid':
-        world.browser = Browser(
-            'remote',
-            url=settings.SELENIUM_GRID.get('URL'),
-            browser=settings.SELENIUM_GRID.get('BROWSER'),
-        )
-        world.absorb(30, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT')
-        world.browser.driver.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT)
-    else:
-        raise Exception("Unknown selenium client '{}'".format(world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT))
-    world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(world.IMPLICIT_WAIT)
-    world.absorb(world.browser.driver.session_id, 'jobid')
-def reset_data(scenario):
-    """
-    Clean out the django test database defined in the
-    envs/acceptance.py file: edx-platform/db/test_edx.db
-    """
-    LOGGER.debug("Flushing the test database...")
-    call_command('flush', interactive=False, verbosity=0)
-    world.absorb({}, 'scenario_dict')
-def configure_screenshots(scenario):
-    """
-    Before each scenario, turn off automatic screenshots.
-    Args: str, scenario. Name of current scenario.
-    """
-    world.auto_capture_screenshots = False
-def clear_data(scenario):
-    world.spew('scenario_dict')
-def reset_databases(scenario):
-    """
-    After each scenario, all databases are cleared/dropped.  Contentstore data are stored in unique databases
-    whereas modulestore data is in unique collection names.  This data is created implicitly during the scenarios.
-    If no data is created during the test, these lines equivilently do nothing.
-    """
-    import xmodule.modulestore.django
-    xmodule.modulestore.django.modulestore()._drop_database()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-    xmodule.modulestore.django.clear_existing_modulestores()
-    _CONTENTSTORE.clear()
-def capture_screenshot(image_name):
-    """
-    Capture a screenshot outputting it to a defined directory.
-    This function expects only the name of the file. It will generate
-    the full path of the output screenshot.
-    If the name contains spaces, they ill be converted to underscores.
-    """
-    output_dir = '{}/log/auto_screenshots'.format(settings.TEST_ROOT)
-    image_name = '{}/{}.png'.format(output_dir, image_name.replace(' ', '_'))
-    try:
-        world.browser.driver.save_screenshot(image_name)
-    except WebDriverException:
-        LOGGER.error("Could not capture a screenshot '{}'".format(image_name))
-def screenshot_on_error(scenario):
-    """
-    Save a screenshot to help with debugging.
-    """
-    if scenario.failed:
-        try:
-            output_dir = '{}/log'.format(settings.TEST_ROOT)
-            image_name = '{}/{}.png'.format(output_dir, scenario.name.replace(' ', '_'))
-            world.browser.driver.save_screenshot(image_name)
-        except WebDriverException:
-            LOGGER.error('Could not capture a screenshot')
-def capture_console_log(scenario):
-    """
-    Save the console log to help with debugging.
-    """
-    if scenario.failed:
-        log = world.browser.driver.get_log('browser')
-        try:
-            output_dir = '{}/log'.format(settings.TEST_ROOT)
-            file_name = '{}/{}.log'.format(output_dir, scenario.name.replace(' ', '_'))
-            with open(file_name, 'w') as output_file:
-                for line in log:
-                    output_file.write("{}{}".format(dumps(line), '\n'))
-        except WebDriverException:
-            LOGGER.error('Could not capture the console log')
-def capture_screenshot_for_step(step, when):
-    """
-    Useful method for debugging acceptance tests that are run in Vagrant.
-    This method runs automatically before and after each step of an acceptance
-    test scenario. The variable:
-         world.auto_capture_screenshots
-    either enables or disabled the taking of screenshots. To change the
-    variable there is a convenient step defined:
-        I (enable|disable) auto screenshots
-    If you just want to capture a single screenshot at a desired point in code,
-    you should use the method:
-        world.capture_screenshot("image_name")
-    """
-    if world.auto_capture_screenshots:
-        scenario_num = step.scenario.feature.scenarios.index(step.scenario) + 1
-        step_num = step.scenario.steps.index(step) + 1
-        step_func_name = step.defined_at.function.func_name
-        image_name = "{prefix:03d}__{num:03d}__{name}__{postfix}".format(
-            prefix=scenario_num,
-            num=step_num,
-            name=step_func_name,
-            postfix=when
-        )
-        world.capture_screenshot(image_name)
-def before_each_step(step):
-    capture_screenshot_for_step(step, '1_before')
-def after_each_step(step):
-    capture_screenshot_for_step(step, '2_after')
-def saucelabs_status(total):
-    """
-    Collect data for saucelabs.
-    """
-    if world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'saucelabs':
-        set_saucelabs_job_status(world.jobid, total.scenarios_ran == total.scenarios_passed)
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/terrain/course_helpers.py b/common/djangoapps/terrain/course_helpers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 94457a44fd91d58dfb4be5414cb62ecfc32aa2de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/djangoapps/terrain/course_helpers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-import urllib
-from django.apps import apps
-from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
-from lettuce import world
-from xmodule.contentstore.django import _CONTENTSTORE
-def create_user(uname, password):
-    # If the user already exists, don't try to create it again
-    if len(get_user_model().objects.filter(username=uname)) > 0:
-        return
-    portal_user = world.UserFactory.build(username=uname, email=uname + '@edx.org')
-    portal_user.set_password(password)
-    portal_user.save()
-    registration = world.RegistrationFactory(user=portal_user)
-    registration.register(portal_user)
-    registration.activate()
-    world.UserProfileFactory(user=portal_user)
-def log_in(username='robot', password='test', email='robot@edx.org', name="Robot"):
-    """
-    Use the auto_auth feature to programmatically log the user in
-    """
-    url = '/auto_auth'
-    params = {'username': username, 'password': password, 'email': email, 'full_name': name}
-    url += "?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
-    world.visit(url)
-    # Save the user info in the world scenario_dict for use in the tests
-    user = get_user_model().objects.get(username=username)
-    world.scenario_dict['USER'] = user
-def register_by_course_key(course_key, username='robot', password='test', is_staff=False):
-    create_user(username, password)
-    user = get_user_model().objects.get(username=username)
-    # Note: this flag makes the user global staff - that is, an edX employee - not a course staff.
-    # See courseware.tests.factories for StaffFactory and InstructorFactory.
-    if is_staff:
-        user.is_staff = True
-        user.save()
-    apps.get_model('student', 'CourseEnrollment').enroll(user, course_key)
-def enroll_user(user, course_key):
-    # Activate user
-    registration = world.RegistrationFactory(user=user)
-    registration.register(user)
-    registration.activate()
-    # Enroll them in the course
-    apps.get_model('student', 'CourseEnrollment').enroll(user, course_key)
-def clear_courses():
-    # Flush and initialize the module store
-    # Note that if your test module gets in some weird state
-    # (though it shouldn't), do this manually
-    # from the bash shell to drop it:
-    # $ mongo test_xmodule --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
-    from xmodule.modulestore.django import clear_existing_modulestores, modulestore
-    modulestore()._drop_database()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-    _CONTENTSTORE.clear()
-    clear_existing_modulestores()
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/terrain/factories.py b/common/djangoapps/terrain/factories.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8df3f354d876261a79736b03bd7a3d84f4899ce3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/djangoapps/terrain/factories.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Factories are defined in other modules and absorbed here into the
-lettuce world so that they can be used by both unit tests
-and integration / BDD tests.
-from lettuce import world
-def absorb_factories():
-    """
-    Absorb the factories and return the resulting ``world`` object.
-    """
-    import course_modes.tests.factories as cmf
-    import student.tests.factories as sf
-    import xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories as xf
-    # Unlock XBlock factories, because we're randomizing the collection
-    # name above to prevent collisions
-    xf.XMODULE_FACTORY_LOCK.enable()
-    world.absorb(sf.UserFactory)
-    world.absorb(sf.UserProfileFactory)
-    world.absorb(sf.RegistrationFactory)
-    world.absorb(sf.GroupFactory)
-    world.absorb(sf.CourseEnrollmentAllowedFactory)
-    world.absorb(cmf.CourseModeFactory)
-    world.absorb(xf.CourseFactory)
-    world.absorb(xf.ItemFactory)
-    return world
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/terrain/setup_prereqs.py b/common/djangoapps/terrain/setup_prereqs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 62ade0357521f8b078fa726fe49bdbc6013a1628..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/djangoapps/terrain/setup_prereqs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-Set up the prequisites for acceptance tests.
-This includes initialization and teardown for stub and video HTTP services
-and checking for external URLs that need to be accessible and responding.
-import re
-from logging import getLogger
-import requests
-from django.conf import settings
-from lettuce import after, before, world
-from selenium.common.exceptions import NoAlertPresentException
-from terrain.stubs.lti import StubLtiService
-from terrain.stubs.video_source import VideoSourceHttpService
-from terrain.stubs.xqueue import StubXQueueService
-from terrain.stubs.youtube import StubYouTubeService
-LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)
-    "youtube": {"port": settings.YOUTUBE_PORT, "class": StubYouTubeService},
-    "xqueue": {"port": settings.XQUEUE_PORT, "class": StubXQueueService},
-    "lti": {"port": settings.LTI_PORT, "class": StubLtiService},
-    'main': 'https://www.youtube.com/',
-    'player': 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api',
-    # For transcripts, you need to check an actual video, so we will
-    # just specify our default video and see if that one is available.
-    'transcript': 'http://video.google.com/timedtext?lang=en&v=OEoXaMPEzfM',
-@before.all  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def start_video_server():
-    """
-    Serve the HTML5 Video Sources from a local port
-    """
-    video_source_dir = '{}/data/video'.format(settings.TEST_ROOT)
-    video_server = VideoSourceHttpService(port_num=settings.VIDEO_SOURCE_PORT)
-    video_server.config['root_dir'] = video_source_dir
-    world.video_source = video_server
-@after.all  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def stop_video_server(_total):
-    """
-    Stop the HTML5 Video Source server after all tests have executed
-    """
-    video_server = getattr(world, 'video_source', None)
-    if video_server:
-        video_server.shutdown()
-@before.all  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def start_stub_servers():
-    """
-    Start all stub servers
-    """
-    for stub in SERVICES.keys():
-        start_stub(stub)
-@before.each_scenario  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def skip_youtube_if_not_available(scenario):
-    """
-    Scenario tags must be named with this convention:
-    @requires_stub_bar, where 'bar' is the name of the stub service to start
-    if 'bar' is 'youtube'
-        if 'youtube' is not available Then
-            DON'T start youtube stub server
-            ALSO DON'T start any other stub server BECAUSE we will SKIP this Scenario so no need to start any stub
-    else
-        start the stub server
-    """
-    tag_re = re.compile('requires_stub_(?P<server>[^_]+)')
-    for tag in scenario.tags:
-        requires = tag_re.match(tag)
-        if requires:
-            if requires.group('server') == 'youtube':
-                if not is_youtube_available(YOUTUBE_API_URLS):
-                    # A hackish way to skip a test in lettuce as there is no proper way to skip a test conditionally
-                    scenario.steps = []
-                    return
-    return
-def start_stub(name):
-    """
-    Start the required stub service running on a local port.
-    Since these services can be reconfigured on the fly,
-    we start them on a scenario basis when needed and
-    stop them at the end of the scenario.
-    """
-    service = SERVICES.get(name, None)
-    if service:
-        fake_server = service['class'](port_num=service['port'])
-        setattr(world, name, fake_server)
-def is_youtube_available(urls):
-    """
-    Check if the required youtube urls are available.
-    If they are not, then skip the scenario.
-    """
-    for name, url in urls.iteritems():
-        try:
-            response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False)
-        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
-            LOGGER.warning("Connection Error. YouTube {0} service not available. Skipping this test.".format(name))
-            return False
-        status = response.status_code
-        if status >= 300:
-            LOGGER.warning(
-                "YouTube {0} service not available. Status code: {1}. Skipping this test.".format(name, status))
-            # No need to check all the URLs
-            return False
-    return True
-@after.all  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def stop_stubs(_scenario):
-    """
-    Shut down any stub services.
-    """
-    # close browser to ensure no open connections to the stub servers
-    world.browser.quit()
-    for name in SERVICES.keys():
-        stub_server = getattr(world, name, None)
-        if stub_server is not None:
-            stub_server.shutdown()
-@after.each_scenario  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def clear_alerts(_scenario):
-    """
-    Clear any alerts that might still exist, so that
-    the next scenario will not fail due to their existence.
-    Note that the splinter documentation indicates that
-    get_alert should return None if no alert is present,
-    however that is not the case. Instead a
-    NoAlertPresentException is raised.
-    """
-    try:
-        with world.browser.get_alert() as alert:
-            alert.dismiss()
-    except NoAlertPresentException:
-        pass
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/terrain/steps.py b/common/djangoapps/terrain/steps.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e4114ff6b994667e3d7b554fd86c49595f68eaaf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/djangoapps/terrain/steps.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-# Disable the "wildcard import" warning so we can bring in all methods from
-# course helpers and ui helpers
-# pylint: disable=wildcard-import
-# Disable the "Unused import %s from wildcard import" warning
-# pylint: disable=unused-wildcard-import
-# Disable the "unused argument" warning because lettuce uses "step"
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-# django_url is assigned late in the process of loading lettuce,
-from logging import getLogger
-# so we import this as a module, and then read django_url from
-# it to get the correct value
-import lettuce.django
-from lettuce import step, world
-from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_equals  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-from .course_helpers import *
-from .ui_helpers import *
-logger = getLogger(__name__)
-@step(r'I wait (?:for )?"(\d+\.?\d*)" seconds?$')
-def wait_for_seconds(step, seconds):
-    world.wait(seconds)
-@step('I reload the page$')
-def reload_the_page(step):
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-    world.browser.reload()
-    world.wait_for_js_to_load()
-@step('I press the browser back button$')
-def browser_back(step):
-    world.browser.driver.back()
-@step('I (?:visit|access|open) the homepage$')
-def i_visit_the_homepage(step):
-    world.visit('/')
-    assert world.is_css_present('header.global')
-@step(u'I (?:visit|access|open) the dashboard$')
-def i_visit_the_dashboard(step):
-    world.visit('/dashboard')
-    assert world.is_css_present('.dashboard')
-@step('I should be on the dashboard page$')
-def i_should_be_on_the_dashboard(step):
-    assert world.is_css_present('.dashboard')
-    assert 'Dashboard' in world.browser.title
-@step(u'I (?:visit|access|open) the courses page$')
-def i_am_on_the_courses_page(step):
-    world.visit('/courses')
-    assert world.is_css_present('div.courses')
-@step(u'I press the "([^"]*)" button$')
-def and_i_press_the_button(step, value):
-    button_css = 'input[value="%s"]' % value
-    world.css_click(button_css)
-@step(u'I click the link with the text "([^"]*)"$')
-def click_the_link_with_the_text_group1(step, linktext):
-    world.click_link(linktext)
-@step('I should see that the path is "([^"]*)"$')
-def i_should_see_that_the_path_is(step, path):
-    if 'COURSE' in world.scenario_dict:
-        path = path.format(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id)
-    assert world.url_equals(path), (
-        "path should be {!r} but is {!r}".format(path, world.browser.url)
-    )
-@step(u'the page title should be "([^"]*)"$')
-def the_page_title_should_be(step, title):
-    assert_equals(world.browser.title, title)
-@step(u'the page title should contain "([^"]*)"$')
-def the_page_title_should_contain(step, title):
-    assert title in world.browser.title
-@step('I log in$')
-def i_log_in(step):
-    world.log_in(username='robot', password='test')
-@step('I am a logged in user$')
-def i_am_logged_in_user(step):
-    world.create_user('robot', 'test')
-    world.log_in(username='robot', password='test')
-@step('I am not logged in$')
-def i_am_not_logged_in(step):
-    world.visit('logout')
-@step('I am staff for course "([^"]*)"$')
-def i_am_staff_for_course_by_id(step, course_id):
-    course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
-    world.register_by_course_key(course_key, True)
-@step(r'click (?:the|a) link (?:called|with the text) "([^"]*)"$')
-def click_the_link_called(step, text):
-    world.click_link(text)
-@step(r'should see that the url is "([^"]*)"$')
-def should_have_the_url(step, url):
-    assert_equals(world.browser.url, url)
-@step(r'should see (?:the|a) link (?:called|with the text) "([^"]*)"$')
-def should_see_a_link_called(step, text):
-    assert len(world.browser.find_link_by_text(text)) > 0
-@step(r'should see (?:the|a) link with the id "([^"]*)" called "([^"]*)"$')
-def should_have_link_with_id_and_text(step, link_id, text):
-    link = world.browser.find_by_id(link_id)
-    assert len(link) > 0
-    assert_equals(link.text, text)
-@step(r'should see a link to "([^"]*)" with the text "([^"]*)"$')
-def should_have_link_with_path_and_text(step, path, text):
-    link = world.browser.find_link_by_text(text)
-    assert len(link) > 0
-    assert_equals(link.first["href"], lettuce.django.django_url(path))
-@step(r'should( not)? see "(.*)" (?:somewhere|anywhere) (?:in|on) (?:the|this) page')
-def should_see_in_the_page(step, doesnt_appear, text):
-    if world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'saucelabs':
-        multiplier = 2
-    else:
-        multiplier = 1
-    if doesnt_appear:
-        assert world.browser.is_text_not_present(text, wait_time=5 * multiplier)
-    else:
-        assert world.browser.is_text_present(text, wait_time=5 * multiplier)
-@step('I am logged in$')
-def i_am_logged_in(step):
-    world.create_user('robot', 'test')
-    world.log_in(username='robot', password='test')
-    world.browser.visit(lettuce.django.django_url('/'))
-    dash_css = '.dashboard'
-    assert world.is_css_present(dash_css)
-@step(u'I am an edX user$')
-def i_am_an_edx_user(step):
-    world.create_user('robot', 'test')
-@step(u'User "([^"]*)" is an edX user$')
-def registered_edx_user(step, uname):
-    world.create_user(uname, 'test')
-@step(u'All dialogs should be closed$')
-def dialogs_are_closed(step):
-    assert world.dialogs_closed()
-@step(u'visit the url "([^"]*)"')
-def visit_url(step, url):
-    if 'COURSE' in world.scenario_dict:
-        url = url.format(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id)
-    world.browser.visit(lettuce.django.django_url(url))
-@step(u'wait for AJAX to (?:finish|complete)')
-def wait_ajax(_step):
-    wait_for_ajax_complete()
-@step('I will confirm all alerts')
-def i_confirm_all_alerts(step):
-    """
-    Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
-    Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
-    In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
-    """
-    world.browser.execute_script('window.confirm = function(){return true;} ; window.alert = function(){return;}')
-@step('I will cancel all alerts')
-def i_cancel_all_alerts(step):
-    """
-    Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
-    Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
-    In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
-    """
-    world.browser.execute_script('window.confirm = function(){return false;} ; window.alert = function(){return;}')
-@step('I will answer all prompts with "([^"]*)"')
-def i_answer_prompts_with(step, prompt):
-    """
-    Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
-    Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
-    In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
-    """
-    world.browser.execute_script('window.prompt = function(){return %s;}') % prompt
-@step('I run ipdb')
-def run_ipdb(_step):
-    """Run ipdb as step for easy debugging"""
-    import ipdb
-    ipdb.set_trace()
-    assert True
-@step(u'(I am viewing|s?he views) the course team settings$')
-def view_course_team_settings(_step, whom):
-    """ navigates to course team settings page """
-    world.click_course_settings()
-    link_css = 'li.nav-course-settings-team a'
-    world.css_click(link_css)
diff --git a/common/djangoapps/terrain/ui_helpers.py b/common/djangoapps/terrain/ui_helpers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f1a987415adc6ec4d860216dbddc0b6200b487..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/djangoapps/terrain/ui_helpers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-import json
-import platform
-import re
-import time
-from textwrap import dedent
-from urllib import quote_plus
-# django_url is assigned late in the process of loading lettuce,
-# so we import this as a module, and then read django_url from
-# it to get the correct value
-import lettuce.django
-from lettuce import world
-from selenium.common.exceptions import (
-    InvalidElementStateException,
-    StaleElementReferenceException,
-    TimeoutException,
-    WebDriverException
-from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
-from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
-from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_true
-    # Settings - Schedule & Details
-    re.compile(r'^Schedule & Details Settings \|'): [
-        "jquery", "js/base", "js/models/course",
-        "js/models/settings/course_details", "js/views/settings/main"],
-    # Settings - Advanced Settings
-    re.compile(r'^Advanced Settings \|'): [
-        "jquery", "js/base", "js/models/course", "js/models/settings/advanced",
-        "js/views/settings/advanced", "codemirror"],
-    # Content - Outline
-    # Note that calling your org, course number, or display name, 'course' will mess this up
-    re.compile(r'^Course Outline \|'): [
-        "js/base", "js/models/course", "js/models/location", "js/models/section"],
-    # Dashboard
-    re.compile(r'^Studio Home \|'): [
-        "gettext", "js/base",
-        "jquery.ui", "cms/js/main", "underscore"],
-    # Pages
-    re.compile(r'^Pages \|'): [
-        'js/models/explicit_url', 'js/views/tabs', 'cms/js/main', 'xblock/cms.runtime.v1'
-    ],
-    # Pages
-    re.compile(r'^Pages \|'): [
-        'XBlock'
-    ],
-    # Unit page
-    re.compile(r'Unit \|'): [
-        "jQuery", "XBlock", "ContainerFactory"
-    ],
-def wait(seconds):
-    time.sleep(float(seconds))
-def wait_for_js_to_load():
-    for test, req in REQUIREJS_WAIT.items():
-        if test.search(world.browser.title):
-            world.wait_for_requirejs(req)
-            break
-    for test, req in TRUTHY_WAIT.items():
-        if test.search(world.browser.title):
-            for var in req:
-                world.wait_for_js_variable_truthy(var)
-# Selenium's `execute_async_script` function pauses Selenium's execution
-# until the browser calls a specific Javascript callback; in effect,
-# Selenium goes to sleep until the JS callback function wakes it back up again.
-# This callback is passed as the last argument to the script. Any arguments
-# passed to this callback get returned from the `execute_async_script`
-# function, which allows the JS to communicate information back to Python.
-# Ref: https://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/api/dotnet/html/M_OpenQA_Selenium_IJavaScriptExecutor_ExecuteAsyncScript.htm
-def wait_for_js_variable_truthy(variable):
-    """
-    Using Selenium's `execute_async_script` function, poll the Javascript
-    environment until the given variable is defined and truthy. This process
-    guards against page reloads, and seamlessly retries on the next page.
-    """
-    javascript = """
-        var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
-        var unloadHandler = function() {{
-          callback("unload");
-        }}
-        addEventListener("beforeunload", unloadHandler);
-        addEventListener("unload", unloadHandler);
-        var intervalID = setInterval(function() {{
-          try {{
-            if({variable}) {{
-              clearInterval(intervalID);
-              removeEventListener("beforeunload", unloadHandler);
-              removeEventListener("unload", unloadHandler);
-              callback(true);
-            }}
-          }} catch (e) {{}}
-        }}, 10);
-    """.format(variable=variable)
-    for _ in range(5):  # 5 attempts max
-        try:
-            result = world.browser.driver.execute_async_script(dedent(javascript))
-        except WebDriverException as wde:
-            if "document unloaded while waiting for result" in wde.msg:
-                result = "unload"
-            else:
-                raise
-        if result == "unload":
-            # we ran this on the wrong page. Wait a bit, and try again, when the
-            # browser has loaded the next page.
-            world.wait(1)
-            continue
-        else:
-            return result
-def wait_for_xmodule():
-    "Wait until the XModule Javascript has loaded on the page."
-    world.wait_for_js_variable_truthy("XModule")
-    world.wait_for_js_variable_truthy("XBlock")
-def wait_for_mathjax():
-    "Wait until MathJax is loaded and set up on the page."
-    world.wait_for_js_variable_truthy("MathJax")
-class RequireJSError(Exception):
-    """
-    An error related to waiting for require.js. If require.js is unable to load
-    a dependency in the `wait_for_requirejs` function, Python will throw
-    this exception to make sure that the failure doesn't pass silently.
-    """
-    pass
-def load_requrejs_modules(dependencies, callback="callback(true);"):
-    javascript = """
-        var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
-        if(window.require) {{
-          requirejs.onError = callback;
-          var unloadHandler = function() {{
-            callback("unload");
-          }}
-          addEventListener("beforeunload", unloadHandler);
-          addEventListener("unload", unloadHandler);
-          require({deps}, function($) {{
-            var modules = arguments;
-            setTimeout(function() {{
-              removeEventListener("beforeunload", unloadHandler);
-              removeEventListener("unload", unloadHandler);
-              {callback}
-            }}, 50);
-          }});
-        }} else {{
-          callback(false);
-        }}
-    """.format(deps=json.dumps(dependencies), callback=callback)
-    for _ in range(5):  # 5 attempts max
-        try:
-            result = world.browser.driver.execute_async_script(dedent(javascript))
-        except WebDriverException as wde:
-            if "document unloaded while waiting for result" in wde.msg:
-                result = "unload"
-            else:
-                raise
-        if result == "unload":
-            # we ran this on the wrong page. Wait a bit, and try again, when the
-            # browser has loaded the next page.
-            world.wait(1)
-            continue
-        elif result not in (None, True, False):
-            # We got a require.js error
-            # Sometimes requireJS will throw an error with requireType=require
-            # This doesn't seem to cause problems on the page, so we ignore it
-            if result['requireType'] == 'require':
-                world.wait(1)
-                continue
-            # Otherwise, fail and report the error
-            else:
-                msg = "Error loading dependencies: type={0} modules={1}".format(
-                    result['requireType'], result['requireModules'])
-                err = RequireJSError(msg)
-                err.error = result
-                raise err
-        else:
-            return result
-def wait_for_xmodules_to_load():
-    """
-    If requirejs is loaded on the page, this function will pause
-    Selenium until require is finished loading all xmodules.
-    If requirejs is not loaded on the page, this function will return
-    immediately.
-    """
-    callback = """
-        if (modules[0] && modules[0].done) {{
-            modules[0].done(function () {{callback(true)}});
-        }}
-    """
-    return load_requrejs_modules(["xmodule"], callback)
-def wait_for_requirejs(dependencies=None):
-    """
-    If requirejs is loaded on the page, this function will pause
-    Selenium until require is finished loading the given dependencies.
-    If requirejs is not loaded on the page, this function will return
-    immediately.
-    :param dependencies: a list of strings that identify resources that
-        we should wait for requirejs to load. By default, requirejs will only
-        wait for jquery.
-    """
-    if not dependencies:
-        dependencies = ["jquery"]
-    # stick jquery at the front
-    if dependencies[0] != "jquery":
-        dependencies.insert(0, "jquery")
-    result = load_requrejs_modules(dependencies)
-    if result and "xmodule" in dependencies:
-        result = wait_for_xmodules_to_load()
-    return result
-def wait_for_ajax_complete():
-    """
-    Wait until all jQuery AJAX calls have completed. "Complete" means that
-    either the server has sent a response (regardless of whether the response
-    indicates success or failure), or that the AJAX call timed out waiting for
-    a response. For more information about the `jQuery.active` counter that
-    keeps track of this information, go here:
-    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148225/jquery-active-function#3148506
-    """
-    javascript = """
-        var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
-        if(!window.jQuery) {callback(false);}
-        var intervalID = setInterval(function() {
-          if(jQuery.active == 0) {
-            clearInterval(intervalID);
-            callback(true);
-          }
-        }, 100);
-    """
-    # Sometimes the ajax when it returns will make the browser reload
-    # the DOM, and throw a WebDriverException with the message:
-    # 'javascript error: document unloaded while waiting for result'
-    for _ in range(5):  # 5 attempts max
-        try:
-            result = world.browser.driver.execute_async_script(dedent(javascript))
-        except WebDriverException as wde:
-            if "document unloaded while waiting for result" in wde.msg:
-                # Wait a bit, and try again, when the browser has reloaded the page.
-                world.wait(1)
-                continue
-            else:
-                raise
-        return result
-def visit(url):
-    world.browser.visit(lettuce.django.django_url(url))
-    wait_for_js_to_load()
-def url_equals(url):
-    return world.browser.url == lettuce.django.django_url(url)
-def is_css_present(css_selector, wait_time=30):
-    return world.browser.is_element_present_by_css(css_selector, wait_time=wait_time)
-def is_css_not_present(css_selector, wait_time=5):
-    world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(1)
-    try:
-        return world.browser.is_element_not_present_by_css(css_selector, wait_time=wait_time)
-    except:
-        raise
-    finally:
-        world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(world.IMPLICIT_WAIT)
-def css_has_text(css_selector, text, index=0, strip=False):
-    """
-    Return a boolean indicating whether the element with `css_selector`
-    has `text`.
-    If `strip` is True, strip whitespace at beginning/end of both
-    strings before comparing.
-    If there are multiple elements matching the css selector,
-    use `index` to indicate which one.
-    """
-    # If we're expecting a non-empty string, give the page
-    # a chance to fill in text fields.
-    if text:
-        wait_for(lambda _: css_text(css_selector, index=index))
-    actual_text = css_text(css_selector, index=index)
-    if strip:
-        actual_text = actual_text.strip()
-        text = text.strip()
-    return actual_text == text
-def css_contains_text(css_selector, partial_text, index=0):
-    """
-    Return a boolean indicating whether the element with `css_selector`
-    contains `partial_text`.
-    If there are multiple elements matching the css selector,
-    use `index` to indicate which one.
-    """
-    # If we're expecting a non-empty string, give the page
-    # a chance to fill in text fields.
-    if partial_text:
-        wait_for(lambda _: css_html(css_selector, index=index), timeout=8)
-    actual_text = css_html(css_selector, index=index)
-    return partial_text in actual_text
-def css_has_value(css_selector, value, index=0):
-    """
-    Return a boolean indicating whether the element with
-    `css_selector` has the specified `value`.
-    If there are multiple elements matching the css selector,
-    use `index` to indicate which one.
-    """
-    # If we're expecting a non-empty string, give the page
-    # a chance to fill in values
-    if value:
-        wait_for(lambda _: css_value(css_selector, index=index))
-    return css_value(css_selector, index=index) == value
-def wait_for(func, timeout=5, timeout_msg=None):
-    """
-    Calls the method provided with the driver as an argument until the
-    return value is not False.
-    Throws an error if the WebDriverWait timeout clock expires.
-    Otherwise this method will return None.
-    """
-    msg = timeout_msg or "Timed out after {} seconds.".format(timeout)
-    try:
-        WebDriverWait(
-            driver=world.browser.driver,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            ignored_exceptions=(StaleElementReferenceException)
-        ).until(func)
-    except TimeoutException:
-        raise TimeoutException(msg)
-def wait_for_present(css_selector, timeout=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT):
-    """
-    Wait for the element to be present in the DOM.
-    """
-    wait_for(
-        func=lambda _: EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector,)),
-        timeout=timeout,
-        timeout_msg="Timed out waiting for {} to be present.".format(css_selector)
-    )
-def wait_for_visible(css_selector, index=0, timeout=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT):
-    """
-    Wait for the element to be visible in the DOM.
-    """
-    wait_for(
-        func=lambda _: css_visible(css_selector, index),
-        timeout=timeout,
-        timeout_msg="Timed out waiting for {} to be visible.".format(css_selector)
-    )
-def wait_for_invisible(css_selector, timeout=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT):
-    """
-    Wait for the element to be either invisible or not present on the DOM.
-    """
-    wait_for(
-        func=lambda _: EC.invisibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector,)),
-        timeout=timeout,
-        timeout_msg="Timed out waiting for {} to be invisible.".format(css_selector)
-    )
-def wait_for_clickable(css_selector, timeout=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT):
-    """
-    Wait for the element to be present and clickable.
-    """
-    wait_for(
-        func=lambda _: EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector,)),
-        timeout=timeout,
-        timeout_msg="Timed out waiting for {} to be clickable.".format(css_selector)
-    )
-def css_find(css, wait_time=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT):
-    """
-    Wait for the element(s) as defined by css locator
-    to be present.
-    This method will return a WebDriverElement.
-    """
-    wait_for_present(css_selector=css, timeout=wait_time)
-    return world.browser.find_by_css(css)
-def css_click(css_selector, index=0, wait_time=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT, dismiss_alert=False):
-    """
-    Perform a click on a CSS selector, first waiting for the element
-    to be present and clickable.
-    This method will return True if the click worked.
-    If `dismiss_alert` is true, dismiss any alerts that appear.
-    """
-    wait_for_clickable(css_selector, timeout=wait_time)
-    wait_for_visible(css_selector, index=index, timeout=wait_time)
-    assert_true(
-        css_visible(css_selector, index=index),
-        msg="Element {}[{}] is present but not visible".format(css_selector, index)
-    )
-    retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].click())
-    # Dismiss any alerts that occur.
-    # We need to do this before calling `wait_for_js_to_load()`
-    # to avoid getting an unexpected alert exception
-    if dismiss_alert:
-        world.browser.get_alert().accept()
-    wait_for_js_to_load()
-    return True
-def css_check(css_selector, wait_time=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT):
-    """
-    Checks a check box based on a CSS selector, first waiting for the element
-    to be present and clickable. This is just a wrapper for calling "click"
-    because that's how selenium interacts with check boxes and radio buttons.
-    Then for synchronization purposes, wait for the element to be checked.
-    This method will return True if the check worked.
-    """
-    css_click(css_selector=css_selector, wait_time=wait_time)
-    wait_for(lambda _: css_find(css_selector).selected)
-    return True
-def select_option(name, value, wait_time=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT):
-    '''
-    A method to select an option
-    Then for synchronization purposes, wait for the option to be selected.
-    This method will return True if the selection worked.
-    '''
-    select_css = "select[name='{}']".format(name)
-    option_css = "option[value='{}']".format(value)
-    css_selector = "{} {}".format(select_css, option_css)
-    css_click(css_selector=css_selector, wait_time=wait_time)
-    wait_for(lambda _: css_has_value(select_css, value))
-    return True
-def id_click(elem_id):
-    """
-    Perform a click on an element as specified by its id
-    """
-    css_click('#{}'.format(elem_id))
-def css_fill(css_selector, text, index=0):
-    """
-    Set the value of the element to the specified text.
-    Note that this will replace the current value completely.
-    Then for synchronization purposes, wait for the value on the page.
-    """
-    wait_for_visible(css_selector, index=index)
-    retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].fill(text))
-    wait_for(lambda _: css_has_value(css_selector, text, index=index))
-    return True
-def click_link(partial_text, index=0):
-    retry_on_exception(lambda: world.browser.find_link_by_partial_text(partial_text)[index].click())
-    wait_for_js_to_load()
-def click_button(data_attr, index=0):
-    xpath = '//button[text()="{button_text}"]'.format(
-        button_text=data_attr
-    )
-    world.browser.find_by_xpath(xpath)[index].click()
-def click_link_by_text(text, index=0):
-    retry_on_exception(lambda: world.browser.find_link_by_text(text)[index].click())
-def css_text(css_selector, index=0, timeout=GLOBAL_WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT):
-    # Wait for the css selector to appear
-    if is_css_present(css_selector):
-        return retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector, wait_time=timeout)[index].text)
-    else:
-        return ""
-def css_value(css_selector, index=0):
-    # Wait for the css selector to appear
-    if is_css_present(css_selector):
-        return retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].value)
-    else:
-        return ""
-def css_html(css_selector, index=0):
-    """
-    Returns the HTML of a css_selector
-    """
-    assert is_css_present(css_selector)
-    return retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].html)
-def css_has_class(css_selector, class_name, index=0):
-    return retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].has_class(class_name))
-def css_visible(css_selector, index=0):
-    assert is_css_present(css_selector)
-    return retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].visible)
-def dialogs_closed():
-    def are_dialogs_closed(_driver):
-        '''
-        Return True when no modal dialogs are visible
-        '''
-        return not css_visible('.modal')
-    wait_for(are_dialogs_closed)
-    return not css_visible('.modal')
-def save_the_html(path='/tmp'):
-    url = world.browser.url
-    html = world.browser.html.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
-    filename = "{path}/{name}.html".format(path=path, name=quote_plus(url))
-    with open(filename, "w") as f:
-        f.write(html)
-def click_course_content():
-    world.wait_for_js_to_load()
-    course_content_css = 'li.nav-course-courseware'
-    css_click(course_content_css)
-def click_course_settings():
-    world.wait_for_js_to_load()
-    course_settings_css = 'li.nav-course-settings'
-    css_click(course_settings_css)
-def click_tools():
-    world.wait_for_js_to_load()
-    tools_css = 'li.nav-course-tools'
-    css_click(tools_css)
-def is_mac():
-    return platform.mac_ver()[0] != ''
-def is_firefox():
-    return world.browser.driver_name == 'Firefox'
-def trigger_event(css_selector, event='change', index=0):
-    world.browser.execute_script("$('{}:eq({})').trigger('{}')".format(css_selector, index, event))
-def retry_on_exception(func, max_attempts=5, ignored_exceptions=(StaleElementReferenceException, InvalidElementStateException)):
-    """
-    Retry the interaction, ignoring the passed exceptions.
-    By default ignore StaleElementReferenceException, which happens often in our application
-    when the DOM is being manipulated by client side JS.
-    Note that ignored_exceptions is passed directly to the except block, and as such can be
-    either a single exception or multiple exceptions as a parenthesized tuple.
-    """
-    attempt = 0
-    while attempt < max_attempts:
-        try:
-            return func()
-        except ignored_exceptions:
-            world.wait(1)
-            attempt += 1
-    assert_true(attempt < max_attempts, 'Ran out of attempts to execute {}'.format(func))
-def disable_jquery_animations():
-    """
-    Disable JQuery animations on the page.  Any state changes
-    will occur immediately to the final state.
-    """
-    # Ensure that jquery is loaded
-    world.wait_for_js_to_load()
-    # Disable jQuery animations
-    world.browser.execute_script("jQuery.fx.off = true;")
diff --git a/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_lms_problems.py b/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_lms_problems.py
index 14d9af35635795a9d5a01690fd4ef139721d45db..af0fd9bdf501b6a1aa5473819bb423c48cc0587a 100644
--- a/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_lms_problems.py
+++ b/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_lms_problems.py
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 Bok choy acceptance tests for problems in the LMS
-See also old lettuce tests in lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature
 from textwrap import dedent
 import time
diff --git a/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_problem_types.py b/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_problem_types.py
index bcac5933ed5ad59bab19b9df8076a8757aa6daa6..7bc35f8e3e6a82dba4f9c1a1d4f21e900746d1f4 100644
--- a/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_problem_types.py
+++ b/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/test_problem_types.py
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 Bok choy acceptance and a11y tests for problem types in the LMS
-See also lettuce tests in lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature
 import random
 import textwrap
diff --git a/common/test/db_cache/lettuce.db b/common/test/db_cache/lettuce.db
deleted file mode 100644
index d69768646bccddf31867b63dd9318040f143e3e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/common/test/db_cache/lettuce.db and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/common/test/db_cache/lettuce_student_module_history.db b/common/test/db_cache/lettuce_student_module_history.db
deleted file mode 100644
index 20b9ae9bc68fcd49414a0c2fcbe1c675ef80378c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/common/test/db_cache/lettuce_student_module_history.db and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/testing.rst b/docs/testing.rst
index 6942682513aaad427db92beec12309068a9f9939..8848e7e8e6296509e4811872592dfd32f73db695 100644
--- a/docs/testing.rst
+++ b/docs/testing.rst
@@ -68,13 +68,7 @@ UI Acceptance Tests
 -  We use `Bok Choy`_ to write end-user acceptance tests directly in Python,
    using the framework to maximize reliability and maintainability.
--  We used to use `lettuce`_ to write BDD-style tests but it's now deprecated
-   in favor of Bok Choy for new tests.  Most of these tests simulate user
-   interactions through the browser using `splinter`_.
 .. _Bok Choy: https://bok-choy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorial.html
-.. _lettuce: http://lettuce.it/
-.. _splinter: http://splinter.cobrateam.info/
@@ -101,8 +95,6 @@ Test Locations
    -  Set up and helper methods, and stubs for external services:
-   -  Lettuce Tests: located in ``features`` subpackage within a Django
-      app. For example: ``lms/djangoapps/courseware/features``
    -  Bok Choy Acceptance Tests: located under ``common/test/acceptance/tests``
    -  Bok Choy Accessibility Tests: located under ``common/test/acceptance/tests`` and tagged with ``@attr("a11y")``
    -  Bok Choy PageObjects: located under ``common/test/acceptance/pages``
@@ -431,8 +423,7 @@ Object and Promise design patterns.
 These prerequisites are all automatically installed and available in
 `Devstack`_, the supported development enviornment for the Open edX platform.
-* Chromedriver and Chrome (see `Running Lettuce Acceptance Tests`_ below for
-  the latest tested versions)
+* Chromedriver and Chrome
 * Mongo
@@ -591,65 +582,6 @@ You must run BOTH `--testsonly` and `--fasttest`.
 Control-C. *Warning*: Only hit Control-C one time so the pytest framework can
 properly clean up.
-Running Lettuce Acceptance Tests
-Although it's deprecated now `lettuce`_ acceptance tests still exists in the
-code base. Most of our tests use `Splinter`_ to simulate UI browser
-interactions. Splinter, in turn, uses `Selenium`_ to control the Chrome
-**Prerequisite**: You must have `ChromeDriver`_ installed to run the tests in
-Chrome. The tests are confirmed to run with Chrome (not Chromium) version
-34.0.1847.116 with ChromeDriver version 2.6.232917.
-.. _ChromeDriver: https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/ChromeDriver
-To run all the acceptance tests, run this command::
-    paver test_acceptance
-To run only for lms or cms, run one of these commands::
-    paver test_acceptance -s lms
-    paver test_acceptance -s cms
-For example, this command tests only a specific feature::
-    paver test_acceptance -s lms --extra_args="lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature"
-A command like this tests only a specific scenario::
-    paver test_acceptance -s lms --extra_args="lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature -s 3"
-To start the debugger on failure, pass the ``--pdb`` option to the paver command like this::
-    paver test_acceptance -s lms --pdb --extra_args="lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature"
-To run tests faster by not collecting static files or compiling sass, you can use
-``paver test_acceptance -s lms --fasttest`` and
-``paver test_acceptance -s cms --fasttest``.
-By default, all acceptance tests are run with the 'draft' ModuleStore.
-To override the modulestore that is used, use the default\_store option.
-Currently, the possible stores for acceptance tests are: 'split'
-and 'draft' (xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore). For
-example: paver test\_acceptance --default\_store='draft' Note, however,
-all acceptance tests currently do not pass with 'split'.
-Acceptance tests will run on a randomized port and can be run in the
-background of paver cms and lms or unit tests. To specify the port,
-change the LETTUCE\_SERVER\_PORT constant in cms/envs/acceptance.py and
-lms/envs/acceptance.py as well as the port listed in
-During acceptance test execution, Django log files are written to
-``test_root/log/lms_acceptance.log`` and
-**Note**: The acceptance tests can *not* currently run in parallel.
 Running Tests on Paver Scripts
@@ -685,50 +617,6 @@ can find those in the following locations::
 Do not commit the ``.po``, ``.mo``, ``.js`` files that are generated
 in the above locations during the dummy translation process!
-Debugging Acceptance Tests on Vagrant
-If you are using a local Vagrant dev environment to run acceptance
-tests, then you will only get console text output. To actually see what
-is happening, you can turn on automatic screenshots. For each step two
-screenshots will be taken - before, and after. To do this, simply add
-the step::
-    Given I enable capturing of screenshots before and after each step
-to your scenario. This step can be added anywhere, and will enable
-automatic screenshots for all following steps for that scenario only.
-You can also use the step::
-    Given I disable capturing of screenshots before and after each step
-to turn off auto screenshots for all steps following it.
-Screenshots will be placed in the folder
-``{TEST_ROOT}/log/auto_screenshots``. Each time you launch acceptance
-tests, this folder will be cleaned. Each screenshot will be named
-according to the template string
-If you don't want to have screenshots be captured for all steps, but
-rather want fine grained control, you can use this decorator before any Python function in ``feature_name.py`` file::
-    @capture_screenshot_before_after
-The decorator will capture two screenshots: one before the decorated function runs,
-and one after. Also, this function is available, and can be inserted at any point in code to capture a
-screenshot specifically in that place::
-    from lettuce import world; world.capture_screenshot("image_name")
-In both cases the captured screenshots will go to the same folder as when using the step method: ``{TEST_ROOT}/log/auto_screenshot``.
-A totally different approach to visually seeing acceptance tests run in
-Vagrant is to redirect Vagrant X11 session to your local machine. Please
-see https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/wiki/Test-engineering-FAQ for
-instruction on how to achieve this.
 Viewing Test Coverage
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/__init__.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/common.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f07fa08d93113e02e9a60a440be738c761f47d4c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import time
-from logging import getLogger
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from django.urls import reverse
-from lettuce import step, world
-from lettuce.django import django_url
-from courseware.courses import get_course_by_id
-from student.models import CourseEnrollment
-from xmodule import seq_module, vertical_block
-from xmodule.course_module import CourseDescriptor
-from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
-logger = getLogger(__name__)
-@step('I (.*) capturing of screenshots before and after each step$')
-def configure_screenshots_for_all_steps(_step, action):
-    """
-    A step to be used in *.feature files. Enables/disables
-    automatic saving of screenshots before and after each step in a
-    scenario.
-    """
-    action = action.strip()
-    if action == 'enable':
-        world.auto_capture_screenshots = True
-    elif action == 'disable':
-        world.auto_capture_screenshots = False
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Parameter `action` should be one of "enable" or "disable".')
-def capture_screenshot_before_after(func):
-    """
-    A decorator that will take a screenshot before and after the applied
-    function is run. Use this if you do not want to capture screenshots
-    for each step in a scenario, but rather want to debug a single function.
-    """
-    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
-        prefix = round(time.time() * 1000)
-        world.capture_screenshot("{}_{}_{}".format(
-            prefix, func.func_name, 'before'
-        ))
-        ret_val = func(*args, **kwargs)
-        world.capture_screenshot("{}_{}_{}".format(
-            prefix, func.func_name, 'after'
-        ))
-        return ret_val
-    return inner
-@step(u'The course "([^"]*)" exists$')
-def create_course(_step, course):
-    # First clear the modulestore so we don't try to recreate
-    # the same course twice
-    # This also ensures that the necessary templates are loaded
-    world.clear_courses()
-    # Create the course
-    # We always use the same org and display name,
-    # but vary the course identifier (e.g. 600x or 191x)
-    world.scenario_dict['COURSE'] = world.CourseFactory.create(
-        org='edx',
-        number=course,
-        display_name='Test Course'
-    )
-    # Add a chapter to the course to contain problems
-    world.scenario_dict['CHAPTER'] = world.ItemFactory.create(
-        parent_location=world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].location,
-        category='chapter',
-        display_name='Test Chapter',
-        publish_item=True,  # Not needed for direct-only but I'd rather the test didn't know that
-    )
-    world.scenario_dict['SECTION'] = world.ItemFactory.create(
-        parent_location=world.scenario_dict['CHAPTER'].location,
-        category='sequential',
-        display_name='Test Section',
-        publish_item=True,
-    )
-@step(u'I am registered for the course "([^"]*)"$')
-def i_am_registered_for_the_course(step, course):
-    # Create the course
-    create_course(step, course)
-    # Create the user
-    world.create_user('robot', 'test')
-    user = User.objects.get(username='robot')
-    # If the user is not already enrolled, enroll the user.
-    # TODO: change to factory
-    CourseEnrollment.enroll(user, course_id(course))
-    world.log_in(username='robot', password='test')
-@step(u'The course "([^"]*)" has extra tab "([^"]*)"$')
-def add_tab_to_course(_step, course, extra_tab_name):
-    world.ItemFactory.create(
-        parent_location=course_location(course),
-        category="static_tab",
-        display_name=str(extra_tab_name))
-@step(u'I am in a course$')
-def go_into_course(step):
-    step.given('I am registered for the course "6.002x"')
-    step.given('And I am logged in')
-    step.given('And I click on View Courseware')
-# Do we really use these 3 w/ a different course than is in the scenario_dict? if so, why? If not,
-# then get rid of the override arg
-def course_id(course_num):
-    return world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id.replace(course=course_num)
-def course_location(course_num):
-    return world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].location.replace(course=course_num)
-def section_location(course_num):
-    return world.scenario_dict['SECTION'].location.replace(course=course_num)
-def visit_scenario_item(item_key):
-    """
-    Go to the courseware page containing the item stored in `world.scenario_dict`
-    under the key `item_key`
-    """
-    url = django_url(reverse(
-        'jump_to',
-        kwargs={
-            'course_id': unicode(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id),
-            'location': unicode(world.scenario_dict[item_key].location),
-        }
-    ))
-    world.browser.visit(url)
-def get_courses():
-    '''
-    Returns dict of lists of courses available, keyed by course.org (ie university).
-    Courses are sorted by course.number.
-    '''
-    courses = [c for c in modulestore().get_courses()
-               if isinstance(c, CourseDescriptor)]  # skip error descriptors
-    courses = sorted(courses, key=lambda course: course.location.course)
-    return courses
-def get_courseware_with_tabs(course_id):
-    """
-    Given a course_id (string), return a courseware array of dictionaries for the
-    top three levels of navigation. Same as get_courseware() except include
-    the tabs on the right hand main navigation page.
-    This hides the appropriate courseware as defined by the hide_from_toc field:
-    chapter.hide_from_toc
-    Example:
-    [{
-        'chapter_name': 'Overview',
-        'sections': [{
-            'clickable_tab_count': 0,
-            'section_name': 'Welcome',
-            'tab_classes': []
-        }, {
-            'clickable_tab_count': 1,
-            'section_name': 'System Usage Sequence',
-            'tab_classes': ['VerticalBlock']
-        }, {
-            'clickable_tab_count': 0,
-            'section_name': 'Lab0: Using the tools',
-            'tab_classes': ['HtmlDescriptor', 'HtmlDescriptor', 'CapaDescriptor']
-        }, {
-            'clickable_tab_count': 0,
-            'section_name': 'Circuit Sandbox',
-            'tab_classes': []
-        }]
-    }, {
-        'chapter_name': 'Week 1',
-        'sections': [{
-            'clickable_tab_count': 4,
-            'section_name': 'Administrivia and Circuit Elements',
-            'tab_classes': ['VerticalBlock', 'VerticalBlock', 'VerticalBlock', 'VerticalBlock']
-        }, {
-            'clickable_tab_count': 0,
-            'section_name': 'Basic Circuit Analysis',
-            'tab_classes': ['CapaDescriptor', 'CapaDescriptor', 'CapaDescriptor']
-        }, {
-            'clickable_tab_count': 0,
-            'section_name': 'Resistor Divider',
-            'tab_classes': []
-        }, {
-            'clickable_tab_count': 0,
-            'section_name': 'Week 1 Tutorials',
-            'tab_classes': []
-        }]
-    }, {
-        'chapter_name': 'Midterm Exam',
-        'sections': [{
-            'clickable_tab_count': 2,
-            'section_name': 'Midterm Exam',
-            'tab_classes': ['VerticalBlock', 'VerticalBlock']
-        }]
-    }]
-    """
-    course = get_course_by_id(course_id)
-    chapters = [chapter for chapter in course.get_children() if not chapter.hide_from_toc]
-    courseware = [{
-        'chapter_name': c.display_name_with_default_escaped,
-        'sections': [{
-            'section_name': s.display_name_with_default_escaped,
-            'clickable_tab_count': len(s.get_children()) if isinstance(s, seq_module.SequenceDescriptor) else 0,
-            'tabs': [{
-                'children_count': len(t.get_children()) if isinstance(t, vertical_block.VerticalBlock) else 0,
-                'class': t.__class__.__name__} for t in s.get_children()
-            ]
-        } for s in c.get_children() if not s.hide_from_toc]
-    } for c in chapters]
-    return courseware
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/courseware.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/courseware.py
deleted file mode 100644
index db19fd1970832b1b4b7ce7bdb5b5b3d4adda7821..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/courseware.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-from lettuce import step, world
-from lettuce.django import django_url
-@step('I visit the courseware URL$')
-def i_visit_the_course_info_url(step):
-    url = django_url('/courses/MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall/courseware')
-    world.browser.visit(url)
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/courseware_common.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/courseware_common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2f2193a775b56edf356ff406499f7d479733ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/courseware_common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-from lettuce import step, world
-@step('I click on View Courseware')
-def i_click_on_view_courseware(step):
-    world.css_click('a.enter-course')
-@step('I click on the "([^"]*)" tab$')
-def i_click_on_the_tab(step, tab_text):
-    world.click_link(tab_text)
-@step('I click the "([^"]*)" button$')
-def i_click_on_the_button(step, data_attr):
-    world.click_button(data_attr)
-@step('I click on the "([^"]*)" link$')
-def i_click_on_the_link(step, link_text):
-    world.click_link(link_text)
-@step('I visit the courseware URL$')
-def i_visit_the_course_info_url(step):
-    world.visit('/courses/MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall/courseware')
-@step(u'I am on the dashboard page$')
-def i_am_on_the_dashboard_page(step):
-    assert world.is_css_present('section.courses')
-    assert world.url_equals('/dashboard')
-@step('the "([^"]*)" tab is active$')
-def the_tab_is_active(step, tab_text):
-    assert world.css_text('.course-tabs a.active') == tab_text
-@step('the login dialog is visible$')
-def login_dialog_visible(step):
-    assert world.css_visible('form#login_form.login_form')
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/events.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/events.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3133186fce3bd5ac52ceff009b72b2d311064c77..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/events.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-from django.conf import settings
-from lettuce import before, step, world
-from pymongo import MongoClient
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_equals, assert_in  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-    'agent',
-    'event',
-    'event_source',
-    'event_type',
-    'host',
-    'ip',
-    'page',
-    'time',
-    'username'
-@before.all  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def connect_to_mongodb():
-    world.mongo_client = MongoClient(host=settings.MONGO_HOST, port=settings.MONGO_PORT_NUM)
-    world.event_collection = world.mongo_client['track']['events']
-@before.each_scenario  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def reset_captured_events(_scenario):
-    world.event_collection.drop()
-@before.outline  # pylint: disable=no-member
-def reset_between_outline_scenarios(_scenario, _order, _outline, _reasons_to_fail):
-    world.event_collection.drop()
-@step(r'[aA]n? course url "(.*)" event is emitted$')
-def course_url_event_is_emitted(_step, url_regex):
-    event_type = url_regex.format(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id)  # pylint: disable=no-member
-    n_events_are_emitted(_step, 1, event_type, "server")
-@step(r'([aA]n?|\d+) "(.*)" (server|browser) events? is emitted$')
-def n_events_are_emitted(_step, count, event_type, event_source):
-    # Ensure all events are written out to mongo before querying.
-    world.mongo_client.fsync()
-    # Note that splinter makes 2 requests when you call browser.visit('/foo')
-    # the first just checks to see if the server responds with a status
-    # code of 200, the next actually uses the browser to submit the request.
-    # We filter out events associated with the status code checks by ignoring
-    # events that come directly from splinter.
-    criteria = {
-        'event_type': event_type,
-        'event_source': event_source,
-        'agent': {
-            '$ne': 'python/splinter'
-        }
-    }
-    cursor = world.event_collection.find(criteria)
-    try:
-        number_events = int(count)
-    except ValueError:
-        number_events = 1
-    assert_equals(cursor.count(), number_events)
-    event = cursor.next()
-    expected_field_values = {
-        "username": world.scenario_dict['USER'].username,  # pylint: disable=no-member
-        "event_type": event_type,
-    }
-    for key, value in expected_field_values.iteritems():
-        assert_equals(event[key], value)
-    for field in REQUIRED_EVENT_FIELDS:
-        assert_in(field, event)
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/lti.feature b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/lti.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 39d9b9bd6df0b34b2f448a5df1e947e61b37b18f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/lti.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-@shard_1 @requires_stub_lti
-Feature: LMS.LTI component
-  As a student, I want to view LTI component in LMS.
-  #1
-  Scenario: LTI component in LMS with no launch_url is not rendered
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with no_launch_url fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page |
-  | False              |
-  Then I view the LTI and error is shown
-  #2
-  Scenario: LTI component in LMS with incorrect lti_id is rendered incorrectly
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with incorrect_lti_id fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page |
-  | False              |
-  Then I view the LTI but incorrect_signature warning is rendered
-  #3
-  Scenario: LTI component in LMS is rendered incorrectly
-  Given the course has incorrect LTI credentials
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page |
-  | False              |
-  Then I view the LTI but incorrect_signature warning is rendered
-  #5
-  Scenario: LTI component in LMS is correctly rendered in iframe
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page |
-  | False              |
-  Then I view the LTI and it is rendered in iframe
-  #6
-  Scenario: Graded LTI component in LMS is correctly works
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page | weight | graded    | has_score |
-  | False              | 10     | True      | True      |
-  And I submit answer to LTI 1 question
-  And I click on the "Progress" tab
-  Then I see text "Problem Scores: 5/10"
-  And I see graph with total progress "5%"
-  Then I click on the "Instructor" tab
-  And I click the "Student Admin" button
-  And I click on the "View Gradebook" link
-  And I see in the gradebook table that "HW" is "50"
-  And I see in the gradebook table that "Total" is "5"
-  #7
-  Scenario: Graded LTI component in LMS role's masquerading correctly works
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page | has_score |
-  | False              | True      |
-  And I view the LTI and it is rendered in iframe
-  And I see in iframe that LTI role is Instructor
-  And I switch to student
-  And I view the LTI and it is rendered in iframe
-  Then I see in iframe that LTI role is Student
-  #8
-  Scenario: Graded LTI component in LMS is correctly works with beta testers
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered BetaTester
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page | weight | graded    | has_score |
-  | False              | 10     | True      | True      |
-  And I submit answer to LTI 1 question
-  And I click on the "Progress" tab
-  Then I see text "Problem Scores: 5/10"
-  And I see graph with total progress "5%"
-  #9
-  Scenario: Graded LTI component in LMS is correctly works with LTI2v0 PUT callback
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page | weight | graded    | has_score |
-  | False              | 10     | True      | True      |
-  And I submit answer to LTI 2 question
-  And I click on the "Progress" tab
-  Then I see text "Problem Scores: 8/10"
-  And I see graph with total progress "8%"
-  Then I click on the "Instructor" tab
-  And I click the "Student Admin" button
-  And I click on the "View Gradebook" link
-  And I see in the gradebook table that "HW" is "80"
-  And I see in the gradebook table that "Total" is "8"
-  And I visit the LTI component
-  Then I see LTI component progress with text "(8.0 / 10.0 points)"
-  Then I see LTI component feedback with text "This is awesome."
-  #10
-  Scenario: Graded LTI component in LMS is correctly works with LTI2v0 PUT delete callback
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page | weight | graded    | has_score |
-  | False              | 10     | True      | True      |
-  And I submit answer to LTI 2 question
-  And I visit the LTI component
-  Then I see LTI component progress with text "(8.0 / 10.0 points)"
-  Then I see LTI component feedback with text "This is awesome."
-  And the LTI provider deletes my grade and feedback
-  And I visit the LTI component (have to reload)
-  Then I see LTI component progress with text "(10.0 points possible)"
-  Then in the LTI component I do not see feedback
-  And I click on the "Progress" tab
-  Then I see text "Problem Scores: 0/10"
-  And I see graph with total progress "0%"
-  Then I click on the "Instructor" tab
-  And I click the "Student Admin" button
-  And I click on the "View Gradebook" link
-  And I see in the gradebook table that "HW" is "0"
-  And I see in the gradebook table that "Total" is "0"
-  #11
-  Scenario: LTI component that set to hide_launch and open_in_a_new_page shows no button
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page | hide_launch |
-  | False              | True        |
-  Then in the LTI component I do not see a launch button
-  Then I see LTI component module title with text "LTI (External resource)"
-  #12
-  Scenario: LTI component that set to hide_launch and not open_in_a_new_page shows no iframe
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | open_in_a_new_page | hide_launch |
-  | True               | True        |
-  Then in the LTI component I do not see an provider iframe
-  Then I see LTI component module title with text "LTI (External resource)"
-  #13
-  Scenario: LTI component button text is correctly displayed
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | button_text        |
-  | Launch Application |
-  Then I see LTI component button with text "Launch Application"
-  #14
-  Scenario: LTI component description is correctly displayed
-  Given the course has correct LTI credentials with registered Instructor
-  And the course has an LTI component with correct fields:
-  | description             |
-  | Application description |
-  Then I see LTI component description with text "Application description"
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/lti.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/lti.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e273802ad91660827edc2297a0093861d8b9f2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/lti.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-import datetime
-import os
-import pytz
-from django.conf import settings
-from lettuce import step, world
-from mock import patch
-from pytz import UTC
-from splinter.exceptions import ElementDoesNotExist
-from common import visit_scenario_item
-from courseware.access import has_access
-from courseware.tests.factories import BetaTesterFactory, InstructorFactory
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_equal, assert_in, assert_true  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
-TEST_COURSE_NAME = "test_course_a"
-@step('I view the LTI and error is shown$')
-def lti_is_not_rendered(_step):
-    # error is shown
-    assert world.is_css_present('.error_message', wait_time=0)
-    # iframe is not presented
-    assert not world.is_css_present('iframe', wait_time=0)
-    # link is not presented
-    assert not world.is_css_present('.link_lti_new_window', wait_time=0)
-def check_lti_iframe_content(text):
-    # inside iframe test content is presented
-    location = world.scenario_dict['LTI'].location.html_id()
-    iframe_name = 'ltiFrame-' + location
-    with world.browser.get_iframe(iframe_name) as iframe:
-        # iframe does not contain functions from terrain/ui_helpers.py
-        assert iframe.is_element_present_by_css('.result', wait_time=0)
-        assert (text == world.retry_on_exception(
-            lambda: iframe.find_by_css('.result')[0].text,
-            max_attempts=5
-        ))
-@step('I view the LTI and it is rendered in iframe$')
-def lti_is_rendered_iframe(_step):
-    world.wait_for_present('iframe')  # pylint: disable=no-member
-    assert world.is_css_present('iframe', wait_time=2)  # pylint: disable=no-member
-    assert not world.is_css_present('.link_lti_new_window', wait_time=0)  # pylint: disable=no-member
-    assert not world.is_css_present('.error_message', wait_time=0)  # pylint: disable=no-member
-    # iframe is visible
-    assert world.css_visible('iframe')  # pylint: disable=no-member
-    check_lti_iframe_content("This is LTI tool. Success.")
-@step('I view the LTI but incorrect_signature warning is rendered$')
-def incorrect_lti_is_rendered(_step):
-    assert world.is_css_present('iframe', wait_time=2)
-    assert not world.is_css_present('.link_lti_new_window', wait_time=0)
-    assert not world.is_css_present('.error_message', wait_time=0)
-    # inside iframe test content is presented
-    check_lti_iframe_content("Wrong LTI signature")
-@step('the course has correct LTI credentials with registered (.*)$')
-def set_correct_lti_passport(_step, user='Instructor'):
-    coursenum = TEST_COURSE_NAME
-    metadata = {
-        'lti_passports': ["correct_lti_id:test_client_key:test_client_secret"]
-    }
-    i_am_registered_for_the_course(coursenum, metadata, user)
-@step('the course has incorrect LTI credentials$')
-def set_incorrect_lti_passport(_step):
-    coursenum = TEST_COURSE_NAME
-    metadata = {
-        'lti_passports': ["test_lti_id:test_client_key:incorrect_lti_secret_key"]
-    }
-    i_am_registered_for_the_course(coursenum, metadata)
-@step(r'the course has an LTI component with (.*) fields(?:\:)?$')  # , new_page is(.*), graded is(.*)
-def add_correct_lti_to_course(_step, fields):
-    category = 'lti'
-    host = getattr(settings, 'LETTUCE_HOST', '')
-    metadata = {
-        'lti_id': 'correct_lti_id',
-        'launch_url': 'http://{}:{}/correct_lti_endpoint'.format(host, settings.LTI_PORT),
-    }
-    if fields.strip() == 'incorrect_lti_id':  # incorrect fields
-        metadata.update({
-            'lti_id': 'incorrect_lti_id'
-        })
-    elif fields.strip() == 'correct':  # correct fields
-        pass
-    elif fields.strip() == 'no_launch_url':
-        metadata.update({
-            'launch_url': u''
-        })
-    else:  # incorrect parameter
-        assert False
-    if _step.hashes:
-        metadata.update(_step.hashes[0])
-    world.scenario_dict['LTI'] = world.ItemFactory.create(
-        parent_location=world.scenario_dict['SECTION'].location,
-        category=category,
-        display_name='LTI',
-        metadata=metadata,
-    )
-    visit_scenario_item('LTI')
-def create_course_for_lti(course, metadata):
-    # First clear the modulestore so we don't try to recreate
-    # the same course twice
-    # This also ensures that the necessary templates are loaded
-    world.clear_courses()
-    weight = 0.1
-    grading_policy = {
-        "GRADER": [
-            {
-                "type": "Homework",
-                "min_count": 1,
-                "drop_count": 0,
-                "short_label": "HW",
-                "weight": weight
-            },
-        ]
-    }
-    # Create the course
-    # We always use the same org and display name,
-    # but vary the course identifier (e.g. 600x or 191x)
-    world.scenario_dict['COURSE'] = world.CourseFactory.create(
-        org='edx',
-        number=course,
-        display_name='Test Course',
-        metadata=metadata,
-        grading_policy=grading_policy,
-    )
-    # Add a section to the course to contain problems
-    world.scenario_dict['CHAPTER'] = world.ItemFactory.create(
-        parent_location=world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].location,
-        category='chapter',
-        display_name='Test Chapter',
-    )
-    world.scenario_dict['SECTION'] = world.ItemFactory.create(
-        parent_location=world.scenario_dict['CHAPTER'].location,
-        category='sequential',
-        display_name='Test Section',
-        metadata={'graded': True, 'format': 'Homework'})
-@patch.dict('courseware.access.settings.FEATURES', {'DISABLE_START_DATES': False})
-def i_am_registered_for_the_course(coursenum, metadata, user='Instructor'):
-    # Create user
-    if user == 'BetaTester':
-        # Create the course
-        now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
-        tomorrow = now + datetime.timedelta(days=5)
-        metadata.update({'days_early_for_beta': 5, 'start': tomorrow})
-        create_course_for_lti(coursenum, metadata)
-        course_descriptor = world.scenario_dict['COURSE']
-        # create beta tester
-        user = BetaTesterFactory(course_key=course_descriptor.id)
-        normal_student = UserFactory()
-        instructor = InstructorFactory(course_key=course_descriptor.id)
-        assert not has_access(normal_student, 'load', course_descriptor)
-        assert has_access(user, 'load', course_descriptor)
-        assert has_access(instructor, 'load', course_descriptor)
-    else:
-        metadata.update({'start': datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=UTC)})
-        create_course_for_lti(coursenum, metadata)
-        course_descriptor = world.scenario_dict['COURSE']
-        user = InstructorFactory(course_key=course_descriptor.id)
-    # Enroll the user in the course and log them in
-    if has_access(user, 'load', course_descriptor):
-        world.enroll_user(user, course_descriptor.id)
-    world.log_in(username=user.username, password='test')
-def check_lti_popup(parent_window):
-    # You should now have 2 browser windows open, the original courseware and the LTI
-    windows = world.browser.windows
-    assert_equal(len(windows), 2)
-    # For verification, iterate through the window titles and make sure that
-    # both are there.
-    tabs = []
-    expected_tabs = [
-        u'LTI | Test Section | {course} Courseware | {platform}'.format(
-            course=TEST_COURSE_NAME,
-            platform=settings.PLATFORM_NAME
-        ),
-        u'TEST TITLE'
-    ]
-    for window in windows:
-        world.browser.switch_to_window(window)
-        tabs.append(world.browser.title)
-    assert_equal(tabs, expected_tabs)
-    # Now verify the contents of the LTI window (which is the 2nd window/tab)
-    # Note: The LTI opens in a new browser window, but Selenium sticks with the
-    # current window until you explicitly switch to the context of the new one.
-    world.browser.switch_to_window(windows[1])
-    url = world.browser.url
-    basename = os.path.basename(url)
-    pathname = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
-    assert_equal(pathname, u'correct_lti_endpoint')
-    result = world.css_find('.result').first.text
-    assert_equal(result, u'This is LTI tool. Success.')
-    world.browser.driver.close()  # Close the pop-up window
-    world.browser.switch_to_window(parent_window)  # Switch to the main window again
-def click_and_check_lti_popup():
-    parent_window = world.browser.current_window  # Save the parent window
-    world.css_find('.link_lti_new_window').first.click()
-    check_lti_popup(parent_window)
-@step('visit the LTI component')
-def visit_lti_component(_step):
-    visit_scenario_item('LTI')
-@step('I see LTI component (.*) with text "([^"]*)"$')
-def see_elem_text(_step, elem, text):
-    selector_map = {
-        'progress': '.problem-progress',
-        'feedback': '.problem-feedback',
-        'module title': '.problem-header',
-        'button': '.link_lti_new_window',
-        'description': '.lti-description'
-    }
-    assert_in(elem, selector_map)
-    assert_true(world.css_has_text(selector_map[elem], text))
-@step('I see text "([^"]*)"$')
-def check_progress(_step, text):
-    assert world.browser.is_text_present(text)
-@step('I see graph with total progress "([^"]*)"$')
-def see_graph(_step, progress):
-    assert_equal(progress, world.css_find('#grade-detail-graph .overallGrade').first.text.split('\n')[1])
-@step('I see in the gradebook table that "([^"]*)" is "([^"]*)"$')
-def see_value_in_the_gradebook(_step, label, text):
-    table_selector = '.grade-table'
-    index = 0
-    table_headers = world.css_find(u'{0} thead th'.format(table_selector))
-    for i, element in enumerate(table_headers):
-        if element.text.strip() == label:
-            index = i
-            break
-    assert_true(world.css_has_text(u'{0} tbody td'.format(table_selector), text, index=index))
-@step('I submit answer to LTI (.*) question$')
-def click_grade(_step, version):
-    version_map = {
-        '1': {'selector': 'submit-button', 'expected_text': 'LTI consumer (edX) responded with XML content'},
-        '2': {'selector': 'submit-lti2-button', 'expected_text': 'LTI consumer (edX) responded with HTTP 200'},
-    }
-    assert_in(version, version_map)
-    location = world.scenario_dict['LTI'].location.html_id()
-    iframe_name = 'ltiFrame-' + location
-    with world.browser.get_iframe(iframe_name) as iframe:
-        css_ele = version_map[version]['selector']
-        css_loc = '#' + css_ele
-        world.wait_for_visible(css_loc)
-        world.css_click(css_loc)
-        assert iframe.is_text_present(version_map[version]['expected_text'])
-@step('LTI provider deletes my grade and feedback$')
-def click_delete_button(_step):
-    with world.browser.get_iframe(get_lti_frame_name()) as iframe:
-        iframe.find_by_name('submit-lti2-delete-button').first.click()
-def get_lti_frame_name():
-    location = world.scenario_dict['LTI'].location.html_id()
-    return 'ltiFrame-' + location
-@step('I see in iframe that LTI role is (.*)$')
-def check_role(_step, role):
-    world.wait_for_present('iframe')
-    location = world.scenario_dict['LTI'].location.html_id()
-    iframe_name = 'ltiFrame-' + location
-    with world.browser.get_iframe(iframe_name) as iframe:
-        expected_role = 'Role: ' + role
-        role = world.retry_on_exception(
-            lambda: iframe.find_by_tag('h5').first.value,
-            max_attempts=5,
-            ignored_exceptions=ElementDoesNotExist
-        )
-        assert_equal(expected_role, role)
-@step('I switch to (.*)$')
-def switch_view(_step, view):
-    staff_status = world.css_find('#action-preview-select').first.value
-    if staff_status != view:
-        world.browser.select("select", view)
-        world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-        assert_equal(world.css_find('#action-preview-select').first.value, view)
-@step("in the LTI component I do not see (.*)$")
-def check_lti_component_no_elem(_step, text):
-    selector_map = {
-        'a launch button': '.link_lti_new_window',
-        'an provider iframe': '.ltiLaunchFrame',
-        'feedback': '.problem-feedback',
-        'progress': '.problem-progress',
-    }
-    assert_in(text, selector_map)
-    assert_true(world.is_css_not_present(selector_map[text]))
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems_setup.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems_setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1713ef0fb1bb6e100203f2e2a82475dc469b3220..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems_setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# -Section in Dictionary containing:
-#   -factory
-#   -kwargs
-#   -(optional metadata)
-#   -Correct, Incorrect and Unanswered CSS selectors
-# -A way to answer the problem correctly and incorrectly
-# -A way to check the problem was answered correctly, incorrectly and blank
-import random
-import textwrap
-from lettuce import world
-from capa.tests.response_xml_factory import (
-    ChoiceResponseXMLFactory,
-    ChoiceTextResponseXMLFactory,
-    CodeResponseXMLFactory,
-    CustomResponseXMLFactory,
-    FormulaResponseXMLFactory,
-    ImageResponseXMLFactory,
-    MultipleChoiceResponseXMLFactory,
-    NumericalResponseXMLFactory,
-    OptionResponseXMLFactory,
-    StringResponseXMLFactory
-from common import section_location
-# Factories from capa.tests.response_xml_factory that we will use
-# to generate the problem XML, with the keyword args used to configure
-# the output.
-# 'correct', 'incorrect', and 'unanswered' keys are lists of CSS selectors
-# the presence of any in the list is sufficient
-    'drop down': {
-        'factory': OptionResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The correct answer is Option 2',
-            'options': ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3', 'Option 4'],
-            'correct_option': 'Option 2'},
-        'correct': ['span.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['span.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['span.unanswered']},
-    'multiple choice': {
-        'factory': MultipleChoiceResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The correct answer is Choice 3',
-            'choices': [False, False, True, False],
-            'choice_names': ['choice_0', 'choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_3']},
-        'correct': ['label.choicegroup_correct', 'span.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['label.choicegroup_incorrect', 'span.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['span.unanswered']},
-    'checkbox': {
-        'factory': ChoiceResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The correct answer is Choices 1 and 3',
-            'choice_type': 'checkbox',
-            'choices': [True, False, True, False, False],
-            'choice_names': ['Choice 1', 'Choice 2', 'Choice 3', 'Choice 4']},
-        'correct': ['span.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['span.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['span.unanswered']},
-    'radio': {
-        'factory': ChoiceResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The correct answer is Choice 3',
-            'choice_type': 'radio',
-            'choices': [False, False, True, False],
-            'choice_names': ['Choice 1', 'Choice 2', 'Choice 3', 'Choice 4']},
-        'correct': ['label.choicegroup_correct', 'span.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['label.choicegroup_incorrect', 'span.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['span.unanswered']},
-    'string': {
-        'factory': StringResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The answer is "correct string"',
-            'case_sensitive': False,
-            'answer': 'correct string'},
-        'correct': ['div.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['div.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['div.unanswered', 'div.unsubmitted']},
-    'numerical': {
-        'factory': NumericalResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The answer is pi + 1',
-            'answer': '4.14159',
-            'tolerance': '0.00001',
-            'math_display': True},
-        'correct': ['div.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['div.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['div.unanswered', 'div.unsubmitted']},
-    'formula': {
-        'factory': FormulaResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The solution is [mathjax]x^2+2x+y[/mathjax]',
-            'sample_dict': {'x': (-100, 100), 'y': (-100, 100)},
-            'num_samples': 10,
-            'tolerance': 0.00001,
-            'math_display': True,
-            'answer': 'x^2+2*x+y'},
-        'correct': ['div.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['div.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['div.unanswered', 'div.unsubmitted']},
-    'script': {
-        'factory': CustomResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'Enter two integers that sum to 10.',
-            'cfn': 'test_add_to_ten',
-            'expect': '10',
-            'num_inputs': 2,
-            'script': textwrap.dedent("""
-                def test_add_to_ten(expect,ans):
-                    try:
-                        a1=int(ans[0])
-                        a2=int(ans[1])
-                    except ValueError:
-                        a1=0
-                        a2=0
-                    return (a1+a2)==int(expect)
-            """)},
-        'correct': ['div.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['div.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['div.unanswered', 'div.unsubmitted']},
-    'code': {
-        'factory': CodeResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'Submit code to an external grader',
-            'initial_display': 'print "Hello world!"',
-            'grader_payload': '{"grader": "ps1/Spring2013/test_grader.py"}', },
-        'correct': ['span.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['span.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['span.unanswered']},
-    'radio_text': {
-        'factory': ChoiceTextResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The correct answer is Choice 0 and input 8',
-            'type': 'radiotextgroup',
-            'choices': [("true", {"answer": "8", "tolerance": "1"}),
-                        ("false", {"answer": "8", "tolerance": "1"})
-                        ]
-        },
-        'correct': ['section.choicetextgroup_correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['section.choicetextgroup_incorrect', 'span.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['span.unanswered']},
-    'checkbox_text': {
-        'factory': ChoiceTextResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'question_text': 'The correct answer is Choice 0 and input 8',
-            'type': 'checkboxtextgroup',
-            'choices': [("true", {"answer": "8", "tolerance": "1"}),
-                        ("false", {"answer": "8", "tolerance": "1"})
-                        ]
-        },
-        'correct': ['span.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['span.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['span.unanswered']},
-    'image': {
-        'factory': ImageResponseXMLFactory(),
-        'kwargs': {
-            'src': '/static/images/placeholder-image.png',
-            'rectangle': '(50,50)-(100,100)'
-        },
-        'correct': ['span.correct'],
-        'incorrect': ['span.incorrect'],
-        'unanswered': ['span.unanswered']}
-def answer_problem(course, problem_type, correctness):
-    # Make sure that the problem has been completely rendered before
-    # starting to input an answer.
-    world.wait_for_ajax_complete()
-    section_loc = section_location(course)
-    if problem_type == "drop down":
-        select_name = "input_{}_2_1".format(
-            section_loc.course_key.make_usage_key('problem', 'drop_down').html_id()
-        )
-        option_text = 'Option 2' if correctness == 'correct' else 'Option 3'
-        world.select_option(select_name, option_text)
-    elif problem_type == "multiple choice":
-        if correctness == 'correct':
-            world.css_check(inputfield(course, 'multiple choice', choice='choice_2'))
-        else:
-            world.css_check(inputfield(course, 'multiple choice', choice='choice_1'))
-    elif problem_type == "checkbox":
-        if correctness == 'correct':
-            world.css_check(inputfield(course, 'checkbox', choice='choice_0'))
-            world.css_check(inputfield(course, 'checkbox', choice='choice_2'))
-        else:
-            world.css_check(inputfield(course, 'checkbox', choice='choice_3'))
-    elif problem_type == 'radio':
-        if correctness == 'correct':
-            world.css_check(inputfield(course, 'radio', choice='choice_2'))
-        else:
-            world.css_check(inputfield(course, 'radio', choice='choice_1'))
-    elif problem_type == 'string':
-        textvalue = 'correct string' if correctness == 'correct' else 'incorrect'
-        world.css_fill(inputfield(course, 'string'), textvalue)
-    elif problem_type == 'numerical':
-        textvalue = "pi + 1" if correctness == 'correct' else str(random.randint(-2, 2))
-        world.css_fill(inputfield(course, 'numerical'), textvalue)
-    elif problem_type == 'formula':
-        textvalue = "x^2+2*x+y" if correctness == 'correct' else 'x^2'
-        world.css_fill(inputfield(course, 'formula'), textvalue)
-    elif problem_type == 'script':
-        # Correct answer is any two integers that sum to 10
-        first_addend = random.randint(-100, 100)
-        second_addend = 10 - first_addend
-        # If we want an incorrect answer, then change
-        # the second addend so they no longer sum to 10
-        if correctness == 'incorrect':
-            second_addend += random.randint(1, 10)
-        world.css_fill(inputfield(course, 'script', input_num=1), str(first_addend))
-        world.css_fill(inputfield(course, 'script', input_num=2), str(second_addend))
-    elif problem_type == 'code':
-        # The fake xqueue server is configured to respond
-        # correct / incorrect no matter what we submit.
-        # Furthermore, since the inline code response uses
-        # JavaScript to make the code display nicely, it's difficult
-        # to programatically input text
-        # (there's not <textarea> we can just fill text into)
-        # For this reason, we submit the initial code in the response
-        # (configured in the problem XML above)
-        pass
-    elif problem_type == 'radio_text' or problem_type == 'checkbox_text':
-        input_value = "8" if correctness == 'correct' else "5"
-        choice = "choiceinput_0bc" if correctness == 'correct' else "choiceinput_1bc"
-        world.css_fill(
-            inputfield(
-                course,
-                problem_type,
-                choice="choiceinput_0_numtolerance_input_0"
-            ),
-            input_value
-        )
-        world.css_check(inputfield(course, problem_type, choice=choice))
-    elif problem_type == 'image':
-        offset = 25 if correctness == "correct" else -25
-        def try_click():
-            problem_html_loc = section_loc.course_key.make_usage_key('problem', 'image').html_id()
-            image_selector = "#imageinput_{}_2_1".format(problem_html_loc)
-            input_selector = "#input_{}_2_1".format(problem_html_loc)
-            world.browser.execute_script('$("body").on("click", function(event) {console.log(event);})')  # pylint: disable=unicode-format-string
-            initial_input = world.css_value(input_selector)
-            world.wait_for_visible(image_selector)
-            image = world.css_find(image_selector).first
-            (image.action_chains
-                .move_to_element(image._element)
-                .move_by_offset(offset, offset)
-                .click()
-                .perform())
-            world.wait_for(lambda _: world.css_value(input_selector) != initial_input)
-        world.retry_on_exception(try_click)
-def problem_has_answer(course, problem_type, answer_class):
-    if problem_type == "drop down":
-        if answer_class == 'blank':
-            assert world.is_css_not_present('option[selected="true"]')
-        else:
-            actual = world.css_value('option[selected="true"]')
-            expected = 'Option 2' if answer_class == 'correct' else 'Option 3'
-            assert actual == expected
-    elif problem_type == "multiple choice":
-        if answer_class == 'correct':
-            assert_submitted(course, 'multiple choice', ['choice_2'])
-        elif answer_class == 'incorrect':
-            assert_submitted(course, 'multiple choice', ['choice_1'])
-        else:
-            assert_submitted(course, 'multiple choice', [])
-    elif problem_type == "checkbox":
-        if answer_class == 'correct':
-            assert_submitted(course, 'checkbox', ['choice_0', 'choice_2'])
-        elif answer_class == 'incorrect':
-            assert_submitted(course, 'checkbox', ['choice_3'])
-        else:
-            assert_submitted(course, 'checkbox', [])
-    elif problem_type == "radio":
-        if answer_class == 'correct':
-            assert_submitted(course, 'radio', ['choice_2'])
-        elif answer_class == 'incorrect':
-            assert_submitted(course, 'radio', ['choice_1'])
-        else:
-            assert_submitted(course, 'radio', [])
-    elif problem_type == 'string':
-        if answer_class == 'blank':
-            expected = ''
-        else:
-            expected = 'correct string' if answer_class == 'correct' else 'incorrect'
-        assert_textfield(course, 'string', expected)
-    elif problem_type == 'formula':
-        if answer_class == 'blank':
-            expected = ''
-        else:
-            expected = "x^2+2*x+y" if answer_class == 'correct' else 'x^2'
-        assert_textfield(course, 'formula', expected)
-    elif problem_type in ("radio_text", "checkbox_text"):
-        if answer_class == 'blank':
-            expected = ('', '')
-            assert_choicetext_values(course, problem_type, (), expected)
-        elif answer_class == 'incorrect':
-            expected = ('5', '')
-            assert_choicetext_values(course, problem_type, ["choiceinput_1bc"], expected)
-        else:
-            expected = ('8', '')
-            assert_choicetext_values(course, problem_type, ["choiceinput_0bc"], expected)
-    else:
-        # The other response types use random data,
-        # which would be difficult to check
-        # We trade input value coverage in the other tests for
-        # input type coverage in this test.
-        pass
-def add_problem_to_course(course, problem_type, extra_meta=None):
-    '''
-    Add a problem to the course we have created using factories.
-    '''
-    assert problem_type in PROBLEM_DICT
-    # Generate the problem XML using capa.tests.response_xml_factory
-    factory_dict = PROBLEM_DICT[problem_type]
-    problem_xml = factory_dict['factory'].build_xml(**factory_dict['kwargs'])
-    metadata = {'rerandomize': 'always'} if 'metadata' not in factory_dict else factory_dict['metadata']
-    if extra_meta:
-        metadata = dict(metadata, **extra_meta)
-    # Create a problem item using our generated XML
-    # We set rerandomize=always in the metadata so that the "Reset" button
-    # will appear.
-    category_name = "problem"
-    return world.ItemFactory.create(
-        parent_location=section_location(course),
-        category=category_name,
-        display_name=str(problem_type),
-        data=problem_xml,
-        metadata=metadata
-    )
-def inputfield(course, problem_type, choice=None, input_num=1):
-    """ Return the css selector for `problem_type`.
-    For example, if problem_type is 'string', return
-    the text field for the string problem in the test course.
-    `choice` is the name of the checkbox input in a group
-    of checkboxes. """
-    section_loc = section_location(course)
-    ptype = problem_type.replace(" ", "_")
-    # this is necessary due to naming requirement for this problem type
-    if problem_type in ("radio_text", "checkbox_text"):
-        selector_template = "input#{}_2_{input}"
-    else:
-        selector_template = "input#input_{}_2_{input}"
-    sel = selector_template.format(
-        section_loc.course_key.make_usage_key('problem', ptype).html_id(),
-        input=input_num,
-    )
-    if choice is not None:
-        base = "_choice_" if problem_type == "multiple choice" else "_"
-        sel = sel + base + str(choice)
-    # If the input element doesn't exist, fail immediately
-    assert world.is_css_present(sel)
-    # Retrieve the input element
-    return sel
-def assert_submitted(course, problem_type, choices):
-    '''
-    Assert that choice names given in *choices* are the only
-    ones submitted.
-    Works for both radio and checkbox problems
-    '''
-    all_choices = ['choice_0', 'choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_3']
-    for this_choice in all_choices:
-        def submit_problem():
-            element = world.css_find(inputfield(course, problem_type, choice=this_choice))
-            if this_choice in choices:
-                assert element.checked
-            else:
-                assert not element.checked
-        world.retry_on_exception(submit_problem)
-def assert_textfield(course, problem_type, expected_text, input_num=1):
-    element_value = world.css_value(inputfield(course, problem_type, input_num=input_num))
-    assert element_value == expected_text
-def assert_choicetext_values(course, problem_type, choices, expected_values):
-    """
-    Asserts that only the given choices are checked, and given
-    text fields have a desired value
-    """
-    # Names of the radio buttons or checkboxes
-    all_choices = ['choiceinput_0bc', 'choiceinput_1bc']
-    # Names of the numtolerance_inputs
-    all_inputs = [
-        "choiceinput_0_numtolerance_input_0",
-        "choiceinput_1_numtolerance_input_0"
-    ]
-    for this_choice in all_choices:
-        element = world.css_find(inputfield(course, problem_type, choice=this_choice))
-        if this_choice in choices:
-            assert element.checked
-        else:
-            assert not element.checked
-    for (name, expected) in zip(all_inputs, expected_values):
-        element = world.css_find(inputfield(course, problem_type, name))
-        # Remove any trailing spaces that may have been added
-        assert element.value.strip() == expected
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/registration.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/registration.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 87e557f19c8e5bcb7d4cd66983bdb4d1cc6c2e95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/registration.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-import time
-from lettuce import step, world
-from lettuce.django import django_url
-from six import text_type
-@step('I register for the course "([^"]*)"$')
-def i_register_for_the_course(_step, course):
-    url = django_url('courses/%s/about' % text_type(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id))
-    world.browser.visit(url)
-    world.css_click('.intro a.register')
-    assert world.is_css_present('.dashboard')
-@step('I register to audit the course$')
-def i_register_to_audit_the_course(_step):
-    url = django_url('courses/%s/about' % text_type(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id))
-    world.browser.visit(url)
-    world.css_click('.intro a.register')
-    # When the page first loads some animation needs to
-    # complete before this button is in a stable location
-    world.retry_on_exception(
-        lambda: world.browser.find_by_name("honor_mode").click(),
-        max_attempts=10,
-        ignored_exceptions=AttributeError
-    )
-    time.sleep(1)
-    assert world.is_css_present('.dashboard')
-@step(u'I should see an empty dashboard message')
-def i_should_see_empty_dashboard(_step):
-    empty_dash_css = '.empty-dashboard-message'
-    assert world.is_css_present(empty_dash_css)
-@step(u'I should( NOT)? see the course numbered "([^"]*)" in my dashboard$')
-def i_should_see_that_course_in_my_dashboard(_step, doesnt_appear, course):
-    course_link_css = '.my-courses a[href*="%s"]' % course
-    if doesnt_appear:
-        assert world.is_css_not_present(course_link_css)
-    else:
-        assert world.is_css_present(course_link_css)
-@step(u'I unenroll from the course numbered "([^"]*)"')
-def i_unenroll_from_that_course(_step, course):
-    more_actions_dropdown_link_selector = '[id*=actions-dropdown-link-0]'
-    assert world.is_css_present(more_actions_dropdown_link_selector)
-    world.css_click(more_actions_dropdown_link_selector)
-    unregister_css = u'li.actions-item a.action-unenroll[data-course-number*="{course_number}"][href*=unenroll-modal]'.format(course_number=course)
-    assert world.is_css_present(unregister_css)
-    world.css_click(unregister_css)
-    button_css = '#unenroll-modal input[value="Unenroll"]'
-    assert world.is_css_present(button_css)
-    world.css_click(button_css)
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/module_render.py b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/module_render.py
index 10acbf9447356e4458f82fd5f7695614223b20c7..3441805245269d1caa0669acacd37820e9b71920 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/module_render.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/module_render.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_exempt
 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
 from edx_django_utils.cache import RequestCache
 from edx_django_utils.monitoring import set_custom_metrics_for_course_key, set_monitoring_transaction_name
+from edx_proctoring.api import get_attempt_status_summary
 from edx_proctoring.services import ProctoringService
 from edx_rest_framework_extensions.auth.jwt.authentication import JwtAuthentication
 from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
@@ -257,28 +258,12 @@ def _add_timed_exam_info(user, course, section, section_context):
         settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_SPECIAL_EXAMS', False)
     if section_is_time_limited:
-        # We need to import this here otherwise Lettuce test
-        # harness fails. When running in 'harvest' mode, the
-        # test service appears to get into trouble with
-        # circular references (not sure which as edx_proctoring.api
-        # doesn't import anything from edx-platform). Odd thing
-        # is that running: manage.py lms runserver --settings=acceptance
-        # works just fine, it's really a combination of Lettuce and the
-        # 'harvest' management command
-        #
-        # One idea is that there is some coupling between
-        # lettuce and the 'terrain' Djangoapps projects in /common
-        # This would need more investigation
-        from edx_proctoring.api import get_attempt_status_summary
-        #
         # call into edx_proctoring subsystem
         # to get relevant proctoring information regarding this
         # level of the courseware
         # This will return None, if (user, course_id, content_id)
         # is not applicable
-        #
         timed_exam_attempt_context = None
             timed_exam_attempt_context = get_attempt_status_summary(
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/__init__.py b/lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/common.py b/lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f191ba1a4695a0e621ff065fab47ac1ccdb22c0d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-Define common steps for instructor dashboard acceptance tests.
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from lettuce import step, world
-from mock import patch
-from courseware.tests.factories import InstructorFactory, StaffFactory
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_in  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-@step(u'Given I am "([^"]*)" for a very large course')
-def make_staff_or_instructor_for_large_course(step, role):
-    make_large_course(step, role)
-@patch.dict('courseware.access.settings.FEATURES', {"MAX_ENROLLMENT_INSTR_BUTTONS": 0})
-def make_large_course(step, role):
-    i_am_staff_or_instructor(step, role)
-@step(u'Given I am "([^"]*)" for a course')
-def i_am_staff_or_instructor(step, role):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    ## In summary: makes a test course, makes a new Staff or Instructor user
-    ## (depending on `role`), and logs that user in to the course
-    # Store the role
-    assert_in(role, ['instructor', 'staff'])
-    # Clear existing courses to avoid conflicts
-    world.clear_courses()
-    # Create a new course
-    course = world.CourseFactory.create(
-        org='edx',
-        number='999',
-        display_name='Test Course'
-    )
-    world.course_key = course.id
-    world.role = 'instructor'
-    # Log in as the an instructor or staff for the course
-    if role == 'instructor':
-        # Make & register an instructor for the course
-        world.instructor = InstructorFactory(course_key=world.course_key)
-        world.enroll_user(world.instructor, world.course_key)
-        world.log_in(
-            username=world.instructor.username,
-            password='test',
-            email=world.instructor.email,
-            name=world.instructor.profile.name
-        )
-    else:
-        world.role = 'staff'
-        # Make & register a staff member
-        world.staff = StaffFactory(course_key=world.course_key)
-        world.enroll_user(world.staff, world.course_key)
-        world.log_in(
-            username=world.staff.username,
-            password='test',
-            email=world.staff.email,
-            name=world.staff.profile.name
-        )
-def go_to_section(section_name):
-    # section name should be one of
-    # course_info, membership, student_admin, data_download, analytics, send_email
-    world.visit(u'/courses/{}'.format(world.course_key))
-    world.css_click(u'a[href="/courses/{}/instructor"]'.format(world.course_key))
-    world.css_click('[data-section="{0}"]'.format(section_name))
-@step(u'I click "([^"]*)"')
-def click_a_button(step, button):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    if button == "Generate Grade Report":
-        # Go to the data download section of the instructor dash
-        go_to_section("data_download")
-        # Click generate grade report button
-        world.css_click('input[name="calculate-grades-csv"]')
-        # Expect to see a message that grade report is being generated
-        expected_msg = "The grade report is being created." \
-                       " To view the status of the report, see" \
-                       " Pending Tasks below."
-        world.wait_for_visible('#report-request-response')
-        assert_in(
-            expected_msg, world.css_text('#report-request-response'),
-            msg="Could not find grade report generation success message."
-        )
-    elif button == "Grading Configuration":
-        # Go to the data download section of the instructor dash
-        go_to_section("data_download")
-        world.css_click('input[name="dump-gradeconf"]')
-    elif button == "List enrolled students' profile information":
-        # Go to the data download section of the instructor dash
-        go_to_section("data_download")
-        world.css_click('input[name="list-profiles"]')
-    elif button == "Download profile information as a CSV":
-        # Go to the data download section of the instructor dash
-        go_to_section("data_download")
-        world.css_click('input[name="list-profiles-csv"]')
-    else:
-        raise ValueError("Unrecognized button option " + button)
-@step(u'I visit the "([^"]*)" tab')
-def click_a_tab(step, tab_name):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    # course_info, membership, student_admin, data_download, analytics, send_email
-    tab_name_dict = {
-        'Course Info': 'course_info',
-        'Membership': 'membership',
-        'Student Admin': 'student_admin',
-        'Data Download': 'data_download',
-        'Analytics': 'analytics',
-        'Email': 'send_email',
-    }
-    go_to_section(tab_name_dict[tab_name])
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/data_download.py b/lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/data_download.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3de43355b71c76ce4cdf0ed7658019384a375e89..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/data_download.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-Define steps for instructor dashboard - data download tab
-acceptance tests.
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-# pylint: disable=no-member
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-from django.utils import http
-from lettuce import step, world
-from terrain.steps import reload_the_page
-from openedx.core.lib.tests.tools import assert_in, assert_regexp_matches  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-@step(u'I see a table of student profiles')
-def find_student_profile_table(step):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    # Find the grading configuration display
-    world.wait_for_visible('#data-student-profiles-table')
-    # Wait for the data table to be populated
-    world.wait_for(lambda _: world.css_text('#data-student-profiles-table') not in [u'', u'Loading'])
-    if world.role == 'instructor':
-        expected_data = [
-            world.instructor.username,
-            world.instructor.email,
-            world.instructor.profile.name,
-            world.instructor.profile.gender,
-            world.instructor.profile.goals
-        ]
-    elif world.role == 'staff':
-        expected_data = [
-            world.staff.username,
-            world.staff.email,
-            world.staff.profile.name,
-            world.staff.profile.gender,
-            world.staff.profile.goals
-        ]
-    for datum in expected_data:
-        assert_in(datum, world.css_text('#data-student-profiles-table'))
-@step(u"I do not see a button to 'List enrolled students' profile information'")
-def no_student_profile_table(step):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    world.is_css_not_present('input[name="list-profiles"]')
-@step(u"I see the grading configuration for the course")
-def find_grading_config(step):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    # Find the grading configuration display
-    world.wait_for_visible('#data-grade-config-text')
-    # expected config is the default grading configuration from common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/course_module.py
-    expected_config = u"""-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Course grader:
-<class 'xmodule.graders.WeightedSubsectionsGrader'>
-Graded sections:
-  subgrader=<class 'xmodule.graders.AssignmentFormatGrader'>, type=Homework, category=Homework, weight=0.15
-  subgrader=<class 'xmodule.graders.AssignmentFormatGrader'>, type=Lab, category=Lab, weight=0.15
-  subgrader=<class 'xmodule.graders.AssignmentFormatGrader'>, type=Midterm Exam, category=Midterm Exam, weight=0.3
-  subgrader=<class 'xmodule.graders.AssignmentFormatGrader'>, type=Final Exam, category=Final Exam, weight=0.4
-Listing grading context for course {}
-graded sections:
-all graded blocks:
-    assert_in(expected_config, world.css_text('#data-grade-config-text'))
-def verify_report_is_generated(report_name_substring):
-    # Need to reload the page to see the reports table updated
-    reload_the_page(step)
-    world.wait_for_visible('#report-downloads-table')
-    # Find table and assert a .csv file is present
-    quoted_id = http.urlquote(world.course_key).replace('/', '_')
-    expected_file_regexp = quoted_id + '_' + report_name_substring + r'_\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}\.csv'
-    assert_regexp_matches(
-        world.css_html('#report-downloads-table'), expected_file_regexp,
-        msg="Expected report filename was not found."
-    )
-@step(u"I see a grade report csv file in the reports table")
-def find_grade_report_csv_link(step):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    verify_report_is_generated('grade_report')
-@step(u"I see a student profile csv file in the reports table")
-def find_student_profile_report_csv_link(step):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    verify_report_is_generated('student_profile_info')
diff --git a/lms/envs/acceptance.py b/lms/envs/acceptance.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f050f955861f92fa7a893aa2466d332d7e872c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/envs/acceptance.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-This config file extends the test environment configuration
-so that we can run the lettuce acceptance tests.
-# We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and
-# want to import all variables from base settings files
-# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import
-from .test import *
-# You need to start the server in debug mode,
-# otherwise the browser will not render the pages correctly
-DEBUG = True
-SITE_NAME = 'localhost:{}'.format(LETTUCE_SERVER_PORT)
-# Output Django logs to a file
-import logging
-logging.basicConfig(filename=TEST_ROOT / "log" / "lms_acceptance.log", level=logging.ERROR)
-# set root logger level
-import os
-from random import choice
-def seed():
-    return os.getppid()
-# Silence noisy logs
-    ('track.middleware', logging.CRITICAL),
-    ('codejail.safe_exec', logging.ERROR),
-    ('edx.courseware', logging.ERROR),
-    ('audit', logging.ERROR),
-    ('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api_helper', logging.ERROR),
-for log_name, log_level in LOG_OVERRIDES:
-    logging.getLogger(log_name).setLevel(log_level)
-    doc_store_settings={
-        'db': 'acceptance_xmodule',
-        'collection': 'acceptance_modulestore_%s' % seed(),
-    },
-    module_store_options={
-        'fs_root': TEST_ROOT / "data",
-    },
-    default_store=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_STORE', 'draft'),
-    'ENGINE': 'xmodule.contentstore.mongo.MongoContentStore',
-        'host': 'localhost',
-        'db': 'acceptance_xcontent_%s' % seed(),
-    }
-# Set this up so that 'paver lms --settings=acceptance' and running the
-# harvest command both use the same (test) database
-# which they can flush without messing up your dev db
-    'default': {
-        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
-        'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_edx.db",
-        'OPTIONS': {
-            'timeout': 30,
-        },
-        'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True,
-        'TEST': {
-            'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_edx.db",
-        },
-    },
-    'student_module_history': {
-        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
-        'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_student_module_history.db",
-        'OPTIONS': {
-            'timeout': 30,
-        },
-        'TEST': {
-            'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_student_module_history.db",
-        },
-    }
-    'mongo': {
-        'ENGINE': 'track.backends.mongodb.MongoBackend'
-    }
-    'mongo': {
-        'ENGINE': 'eventtracking.backends.mongodb.MongoBackend',
-        'OPTIONS': {
-            'database': 'track'
-        }
-    }
-# Forums are disabled in test.py to speed up unit tests, but we do not have
-# per-test control for lettuce acceptance tests.
-# If you are writing an acceptance test that needs the discussion service enabled,
-# do not write it in lettuce, but instead write it using bok-choy.
-# Use the auto_auth workflow for creating users and logging them in
-# Enable third-party authentication
-    "Google": {
-        "SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY": "test",
-    },
-    "Facebook": {
-        "SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY": "test",
-    }
-# Enable fake payment processing page
-# Enable special exams
-# Don't actually send any requests to Software Secure for student identity
-# verification.
-# Setting this flag to false causes imports to not load correctly in the lettuce python files
-# We do not yet understand why this occurs. Setting this to true is a stopgap measure
-USE_I18N = True
-# Include the lettuce app for acceptance testing, including the 'harvest' django-admin command
-LETTUCE_APPS = ('courseware', 'instructor')
-# Lettuce appears to have a bug that causes it to search
-# `instructor_task` when we specify the `instructor` app.
-# This causes some pretty cryptic errors as lettuce tries
-# to parse files in `instructor_task` as features.
-# As a quick workaround, explicitly exclude the `instructor_task` app.
-# The coursewarehistoryextended app also falls prey to this fuzzy
-# for the courseware app.
-LETTUCE_AVOID_APPS = ('instructor_task', 'coursewarehistoryextended')
-LETTUCE_BROWSER = os.environ.get('LETTUCE_BROWSER', 'chrome')
-# Where to run: local, saucelabs, or grid
-    'URL': '',
-# See if the developer has any local overrides.
-    from .private import *
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-# Because an override for where to run will affect which ports to use,
-# set these up after the local overrides.
-# Configure XQueue interface to use our stub XQueue server
-    "url": "{0:d}".format(XQUEUE_PORT),
-    "django_auth": {
-        "username": "lms",
-        "password": "***REMOVED***"
-    },
-    "basic_auth": ('anant', 'agarwal'),
-# Point the URL used to test YouTube availability to our stub YouTube server
-YOUTUBE['API'] = "http://{0}:{1}/get_youtube_api/".format(YOUTUBE_HOSTNAME, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-YOUTUBE['METADATA_URL'] = "http://{0}:{1}/test_youtube/".format(YOUTUBE_HOSTNAME, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-YOUTUBE['TEXT_API']['url'] = "{0}:{1}/test_transcripts_youtube/".format(YOUTUBE_HOSTNAME, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-    # Use MockSearchEngine as the search engine for test scenario
-    SEARCH_ENGINE = "search.tests.mock_search_engine.MockSearchEngine"
-# Generate a random UUID so that different runs of acceptance tests don't break each other
-import uuid
-SECRET_KEY = uuid.uuid4().hex
-############################### PIPELINE #######################################
-# We want to make sure that any new migrations are run
-# see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/django-developers/PWPj3etj3-U/kCl6pMsQYYoJ
diff --git a/lms/envs/acceptance_docker.py b/lms/envs/acceptance_docker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a9aa2da684b5a866c6be93c8f9dbc06654e7f38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lms/envs/acceptance_docker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-This config file extends the test environment configuration
-so that we can run the lettuce acceptance tests.
-# We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and
-# want to import all variables from base settings files
-# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import
-import os
-os.environ['EDXAPP_TEST_MONGO_HOST'] = os.environ.get('EDXAPP_TEST_MONGO_HOST', 'edx.devstack.mongo')
-# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
-from .acceptance import *
-    doc_store_settings={
-        'db': 'acceptance_xmodule',
-        'host': MONGO_HOST,
-        'port': MONGO_PORT_NUM,
-        'collection': 'acceptance_modulestore_%s' % seed(),
-    },
-    module_store_options={
-        'fs_root': TEST_ROOT / "data",
-    },
-    default_store=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_STORE', 'draft'),
-    'ENGINE': 'xmodule.contentstore.mongo.MongoContentStore',
-        'host': MONGO_HOST,
-        'port': MONGO_PORT_NUM,
-        'db': 'acceptance_xcontent_%s' % seed(),
-    }
-    'mongo': {
-        'ENGINE': 'track.backends.mongodb.MongoBackend',
-        'OPTIONS': {
-            'database': 'test',
-            'collection': 'events',
-            'host': [
-                'edx.devstack.mongo'
-            ],
-            'port': 27017
-        }
-    }
-    'mongo': {
-        'ENGINE': 'eventtracking.backends.mongodb.MongoBackend',
-        'OPTIONS': {
-            'database': 'track',
-            'host': [
-                'edx.devstack.mongo'
-            ],
-            'port': 27017
-        }
-    }
-# Where to run: local, saucelabs, or grid
-SELENIUM_HOST = 'edx.devstack.{}'.format(LETTUCE_BROWSER)
-SELENIUM_PORT = os.environ.get('SELENIUM_PORT', '4444')
-    'URL': 'http://{}:{}/wd/hub'.format(SELENIUM_HOST, SELENIUM_PORT),
-# Point the URL used to test YouTube availability to our stub YouTube server
-YOUTUBE['API'] = "http://{}:{}/get_youtube_api/".format(LETTUCE_HOST, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-YOUTUBE['METADATA_URL'] = "http://{}:{}/test_youtube/".format(LETTUCE_HOST, YOUTUBE_PORT)
-YOUTUBE['TEXT_API']['url'] = "{}:{}/test_transcripts_youtube/".format(LETTUCE_HOST, YOUTUBE_PORT)
diff --git a/lms/envs/test.py b/lms/envs/test.py
index 7960c91ad3c0c9f8a06b5619d4b8accb36e1e45e..80754cf12712edd51fbf310a7878fb4a1a5f8a13 100644
--- a/lms/envs/test.py
+++ b/lms/envs/test.py
 # These ports are carefully chosen so that if the browser needs to
 # access them, they will be available through the SauceLabs SSH tunnel
 LTI_PORT = 8765
@@ -551,8 +550,6 @@ COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_LOCALE_PATHS = [REPO_ROOT / "themes/conf/locale", ]
 LMS_ROOT_URL = "http://localhost:8000"
-# TODO (felipemontoya): This key is only needed during lettuce tests.
-# To be removed during https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/DEPR-19
 ECOMMERCE_API_URL = 'https://ecommerce.example.com/api/v2/'
diff --git a/openedx/core/lib/tests/tools.py b/openedx/core/lib/tests/tools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ec7376c01e638d79c63c610cdc4eecb34110e6d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/openedx/core/lib/tests/tools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Copy of the useful parts of nose.tools.  This is only used for lettuce test
-utility functions, which neither use pytest nor have access to a TestCase
-instance.  This module should be deleted once the last lettuce tests have
-been ported over to bok-choy.
-Tracebacks should not descend into these functions.
-We define the ``__unittest`` symbol in their module namespace so unittest will
-skip them when printing tracebacks, just as it does for their corresponding
-methods in ``unittest`` proper.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import re
-import unittest
-__all__ = []
-# Use the same flag as unittest itself to prevent descent into these functions:
-__unittest = 1
-# Expose assert* from unittest.TestCase
-# - give them pep8 style names
-caps = re.compile('([A-Z])')
-def pep8(name):
-    return caps.sub(lambda m: '_' + m.groups()[0].lower(), name)
-class Dummy(unittest.TestCase):
-    def noop(self):
-        pass
-_t = Dummy('noop')
-for at in [at for at in dir(_t) if at.startswith('assert') and '_' not in at]:
-    pepd = pep8(at)
-    vars()[pepd] = getattr(_t, at)
-    __all__.append(pepd)
-del Dummy
-del _t
-del pep8
diff --git a/pavelib/__init__.py b/pavelib/__init__.py
index 9d5f4845eeb596f0a44c30706ec0f91bf1443718..ee695d55936da5845442b6ad8b2fb1af0a689637 100644
--- a/pavelib/__init__.py
+++ b/pavelib/__init__.py
@@ -2,6 +2,5 @@
 paver commands
 from . import (
-    assets, servers, docs, prereqs, quality, tests, js_test, i18n, bok_choy,
-    acceptance_test, database
+    assets, servers, docs, prereqs, quality, tests, js_test, i18n, bok_choy, database
diff --git a/pavelib/acceptance_test.py b/pavelib/acceptance_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index afa24c56c93975bdd1f92155799b1467b2049d15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pavelib/acceptance_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-Acceptance test tasks
-from __future__ import print_function
-from optparse import make_option
-from paver.easy import cmdopts, needs
-from pavelib.utils.passthrough_opts import PassthroughTask
-from pavelib.utils.test.suites import AcceptanceTestSuite
-from pavelib.utils.timer import timed
-    from pygments.console import colorize
-except ImportError:
-    colorize = lambda color, text: text
-__test__ = False  # do not collect
-    'pavelib.prereqs.install_prereqs',
-    'pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir',
-    ("system=", "s", "System to act on"),
-    ("default-store=", "m", "Default modulestore to use for course creation"),
-    ("fasttest", "a", "Run without collectstatic"),
-    make_option("--verbose", action="store_const", const=2, dest="verbosity"),
-    make_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=0, dest="verbosity"),
-    make_option("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", dest="verbosity"),
-    ("default_store=", None, "deprecated in favor of default-store"),
-    ('extra_args=', 'e', 'deprecated, pass extra options directly in the paver commandline'),
-def test_acceptance(options, passthrough_options):
-    """
-    Run the acceptance tests for either lms or cms
-    """
-    opts = {
-        'fasttest': getattr(options, 'fasttest', False),
-        'system': getattr(options, 'system', None),
-        'default_store': getattr(options, 'default_store', None),
-        'verbosity': getattr(options, 'verbosity', 3),
-        'extra_args': getattr(options, 'extra_args', ''),
-        'pdb': getattr(options, 'pdb', False),
-        'passthrough_options': passthrough_options,
-    }
-    if opts['system'] not in ['cms', 'lms']:
-        msg = colorize(
-            'red',
-            'No system specified, running tests for both cms and lms.'
-        )
-        print(msg)
-    if opts['default_store'] not in ['draft', 'split']:
-        msg = colorize(
-            'red',
-            'No modulestore specified, running tests for both draft and split.'
-        )
-        print(msg)
-    suite = AcceptanceTestSuite(u'{} acceptance'.format(opts['system']), **opts)
-    suite.run()
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/envs.py b/pavelib/utils/envs.py
index 8e7a346403f5df8dedfd6cc96ca272a53c0c2d2e..8746d869920bbb7ed2074152c2fef2f97f41ef78 100644
--- a/pavelib/utils/envs.py
+++ b/pavelib/utils/envs.py
@@ -88,9 +88,8 @@ class Env(object):
         BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR = BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / shard_str
-    # For the time being, stubs are used by both the bok-choy and lettuce acceptance tests
-    # For this reason, the stubs package is currently located in the Django app called "terrain"
-    # where other lettuce configuration is stored.
+    # The stubs package is currently located in the Django app called "terrain"
+    # from when they were used by both the bok-choy and lettuce (deprecated) acceptance tests
     BOK_CHOY_STUB_DIR = REPO_ROOT / "common" / "djangoapps" / "terrain"
     # Directory that videos are served from
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/__init__.py b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/__init__.py
index 70950d7ae05f836261d276f68c3fbee3144adb8c..9a7bcace73022430b3346f2142aa94ca0a6dfd72 100644
--- a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/__init__.py
+++ b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/__init__.py
@@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ from .suite import TestSuite
 from .pytest_suite import PytestSuite, SystemTestSuite, LibTestSuite
 from .python_suite import PythonTestSuite
 from .js_suite import JsTestSuite, JestSnapshotTestSuite
-from .acceptance_suite import AcceptanceTestSuite
 from .bokchoy_suite import BokChoyTestSuite, Pa11yCrawler
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/acceptance_suite.py b/pavelib/utils/test/suites/acceptance_suite.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f1029dbec6f9e29d2aecfa36da8c48848b01ef62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pavelib/utils/test/suites/acceptance_suite.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-Acceptance test suite
-from os import environ
-from paver.easy import sh, call_task, task
-from pavelib.utils.test import utils as test_utils
-from pavelib.utils.test.suites.suite import TestSuite
-from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
-from pavelib.utils.timer import timed
-__test__ = False  # do not collect
-DBS = {
-    'default': Env.REPO_ROOT / 'test_root/db/test_edx.db',
-    'student_module_history': Env.REPO_ROOT / 'test_root/db/test_student_module_history.db'
-    'default': Env.REPO_ROOT / 'common/test/db_cache/lettuce.db',
-    'student_module_history': Env.REPO_ROOT / 'common/test/db_cache/lettuce_student_module_history.db'
-def setup_acceptance_db():
-    """
-    TODO: Improve the following
-    Since the CMS depends on the existence of some database tables
-    that are now in common but used to be in LMS (Role/Permissions for Forums)
-    we need to create/migrate the database tables defined in the LMS.
-    We might be able to address this by moving out the migrations from
-    lms/django_comment_client, but then we'd have to repair all the existing
-    migrations from the upgrade tables in the DB.
-    But for now for either system (lms or cms), use the lms
-    definitions to sync and migrate.
-    """
-    for db in DBS:
-        if DBS[db].isfile():
-            # Since we are using SQLLite, we can reset the database by deleting it on disk.
-            DBS[db].remove()
-    settings = 'acceptance_docker' if Env.USING_DOCKER else 'acceptance'
-    if all(DB_CACHES[cache].isfile() for cache in DB_CACHES):
-        # To speed up migrations, we check for a cached database file and start from that.
-        # The cached database file should be checked into the repo
-        # Copy the cached database to the test root directory
-        for db_alias in DBS:
-            sh(u"cp {db_cache} {db}".format(db_cache=DB_CACHES[db_alias], db=DBS[db_alias]))
-        # Run migrations to update the db, starting from its cached state
-        for db_alias in sorted(DBS):
-            # pylint: disable=line-too-long
-            sh(u"./manage.py lms --settings {} migrate --traceback --noinput --fake-initial --database {}".format(settings, db_alias))
-            sh(u"./manage.py cms --settings {} migrate --traceback --noinput --fake-initial --database {}".format(settings, db_alias))
-    else:
-        # If no cached database exists, migrate then create the cache
-        for db_alias in sorted(DBS.keys()):
-            sh(u"./manage.py lms --settings {} migrate --traceback --noinput --database {}".format(settings, db_alias))
-            sh(u"./manage.py cms --settings {} migrate --traceback --noinput --database {}".format(settings, db_alias))
-        # Create the cache if it doesn't already exist
-        for db_alias in DBS.keys():
-            sh(u"cp {db} {db_cache}".format(db_cache=DB_CACHES[db_alias], db=DBS[db_alias]))
-class AcceptanceTest(TestSuite):
-    """
-    A class for running lettuce acceptance tests.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(AcceptanceTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.report_dir = Env.REPORT_DIR / 'acceptance'
-        self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
-        self.system = kwargs.get('system')
-        self.default_store = kwargs.get('default_store')
-        self.extra_args = kwargs.get('extra_args', '')
-        self.settings = 'acceptance_docker' if Env.USING_DOCKER else 'acceptance'
-    def __enter__(self):
-        super(AcceptanceTest, self).__enter__()
-        self.report_dir.makedirs_p()
-        if not self.fasttest:
-            self._update_assets()
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
-        super(AcceptanceTest, self).__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
-        test_utils.clean_mongo()
-    @property
-    def cmd(self):
-        lettuce_host = ['LETTUCE_HOST={}'.format(Env.SERVER_HOST)] if Env.USING_DOCKER else []
-        report_file = self.report_dir / "{}.xml".format(self.system)
-        report_args = [u"--xunit-file {}".format(report_file)]
-        return lettuce_host + [
-            # set DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS to avoid hangs on Chrome
-            "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=/dev/null",
-            "DEFAULT_STORE={}".format(self.default_store),
-            "./manage.py",
-            self.system,
-            "--settings={}".format(self.settings),
-            "harvest",
-            "--traceback",
-            "--debug-mode",
-            "--verbosity={}".format(self.verbosity),
-        ] + report_args + [
-            self.extra_args
-        ] + self.passthrough_options
-    def _update_assets(self):
-        """
-        Internal helper method to manage asset compilation
-        """
-        args = [self.system, '--settings={}'.format(self.settings)]
-        call_task('pavelib.assets.update_assets', args=args)
-class AcceptanceTestSuite(TestSuite):
-    """
-    A class for running lettuce acceptance tests.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(AcceptanceTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.root = 'acceptance'
-        self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
-        # Set the environment so that webpack understands where to compile its resources.
-        # This setting is expected in other environments, so we are setting it for the
-        # bok-choy test run.
-        environ['EDX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS'] = 'test_static_optimized'
-        if kwargs.get('system'):
-            systems = [kwargs['system']]
-        else:
-            systems = ['lms', 'cms']
-        if kwargs.get('default_store'):
-            stores = [kwargs['default_store']]
-        else:
-            # TODO fix Acceptance tests with Split (LMS-11300)
-            # stores = ['split', 'draft']
-            stores = ['draft']
-        self.subsuites = []
-        for system in systems:
-            for default_store in stores:
-                kwargs['system'] = system
-                kwargs['default_store'] = default_store
-                self.subsuites.append(AcceptanceTest(u'{} acceptance using {}'.format(system, default_store), **kwargs))
-    def __enter__(self):
-        super(AcceptanceTestSuite, self).__enter__()
-        if not (self.fasttest or self.skip_clean):
-            test_utils.clean_test_files()
-        if not self.fasttest:
-            setup_acceptance_db()
diff --git a/requirements/constraints.txt b/requirements/constraints.txt
index 572b7520235493487e67f6588aa9ec09eefb3c89..8338fbe8bcbc467975551e0b86603fe703b747e2 100644
--- a/requirements/constraints.txt
+++ b/requirements/constraints.txt
@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ mysqlclient<1.5
 # Can be removed when we get to Python 3.
-# Browser driver used by lettuce - pinned because splinter==0.10.0 breaks lettuce tests.  EDUCATOR-3795
 # transifex-client 0.13.6 requires urllib3<1.24, but requests will pull in urllib3==1.24 (https://github.com/transifex/transifex-client/pull/241/files)
diff --git a/requirements/edx/base.txt b/requirements/edx/base.txt
index 9df898f572649b2346a18298caee3da9bab85711..6d741701ab488e26c19c5fb7e15a32eef354fe1a 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/base.txt
+++ b/requirements/edx/base.txt
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ edx-django-release-util==0.3.1
diff --git a/requirements/edx/development.txt b/requirements/edx/development.txt
index 78ae2d892dcca46bdd55836048a84fc7bd6ebb83..5baa9b5aedb9a7fa3c60b0fd273d48c9ad8890f4 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/development.txt
+++ b/requirements/edx/development.txt
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ git+https://github.com/edx/django-rest-framework.git@1ceda7c086fddffd1c440cc8685
 -e git+https://github.com/edx/DoneXBlock.git@01a14f3bd80ae47dd08cdbbe2f88f3eb88d00fba#egg=done-xblock
 -e git+https://github.com/jazkarta/edx-jsme.git@690dbf75441fa91c7c4899df0b83d77f7deb5458#egg=edx-jsme
 -e .
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ edx-django-release-util==0.3.1
@@ -155,13 +154,11 @@ entrypoints==0.3
@@ -172,7 +169,6 @@ funcsigs==1.0.2
 functools32==3.2.3.post2 ; python_version == "2.7"
 futures==3.2.0 ; python_version == "2.7"
@@ -199,7 +195,6 @@ lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1
@@ -279,10 +274,8 @@ pytest==4.4.1
 python-openid==2.2.5 ; python_version == "2.7"
@@ -320,25 +313,20 @@ sortedcontainers==2.1.0
 sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.1.0  # via sphinx
diff --git a/requirements/edx/testing.in b/requirements/edx/testing.in
index 45aecbb6f77db46dc4dfeb730d4107a492dbf153..e29993274292fbaf72833f36076fd8d2df1b7764 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/testing.in
+++ b/requirements/edx/testing.in
@@ -45,11 +45,7 @@ pytest-xdist              # Parallel execution of tests on multiple CPU cores or
 radon                     # Calculates cyclomatic complexity of Python code (code quality utility)
 selenium                  # Browser automation library, used for acceptance tests
 singledispatch            # Backport of functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4+, used in tests of XBlock rendering
-splinter                  # Browser driver used by lettuce
 testfixtures              # Provides a LogCapture utility used by several tests
 tox                       # virtualenv management for tests
 tox-battery               # Makes tox aware of requirements file changes
 transifex-client          # Command-line interface for the Transifex localization service
-# Deprecated acceptance testing framework
--e git+https://github.com/edx/lettuce.git@7a04591c78ac56dac3eb3e91ca94b15cce844133#egg=lettuce==0.2.23+edx.1
diff --git a/requirements/edx/testing.txt b/requirements/edx/testing.txt
index 3b33268bc3c0b378bf2ada61973bd493fe042e5c..336c9e61bb2f6603f8d71ed6abb0f5e8542aae1d 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/testing.txt
+++ b/requirements/edx/testing.txt
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ git+https://github.com/edx/django-rest-framework.git@1ceda7c086fddffd1c440cc8685
 -e git+https://github.com/edx/DoneXBlock.git@01a14f3bd80ae47dd08cdbbe2f88f3eb88d00fba#egg=done-xblock
 -e git+https://github.com/jazkarta/edx-jsme.git@690dbf75441fa91c7c4899df0b83d77f7deb5458#egg=edx-jsme
 -e .
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ anyjson==0.3.3
 apipkg==1.5               # via execnet
-argparse==1.4.0           # via caniusepython3, unittest2
+argparse==1.4.0           # via caniusepython3
 astroid==1.5.3            # via pylint, pylint-celery
 atomicwrites==1.3.0       # via pytest
@@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ edx-django-release-util==0.3.1
@@ -150,13 +149,11 @@ entrypoints==0.3          # via flake8
 execnet==1.6.0            # via pytest-xdist
-extras==1.0.0             # via python-subunit, testtools
 faker==1.0.5              # via factory-boy
 filelock==3.0.10          # via tox
-fixtures==3.0.0           # via testtools
 flake8-polyfill==1.0.2    # via radon
 flake8==3.7.7             # via flake8-polyfill
 flask==1.0.2              # via moto
@@ -167,7 +164,6 @@ funcsigs==1.0.2           # via pytest
 functools32==3.2.3.post2 ; python_version == "2.7"  # via flake8, parsel
 futures==3.2.0 ; python_version == "2.7"
@@ -193,7 +189,6 @@ lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1  # via astroid
-linecache2==1.0.0         # via traceback2
@@ -270,10 +265,8 @@ pytest==4.4.1
-python-mimeparse==1.6.0   # via testtools
 python-openid==2.2.5 ; python_version == "2.7"
 python-slugify==1.2.6     # via code-annotations, transifex-client
@@ -307,25 +300,20 @@ social-auth-core==1.7.0
-testtools==2.3.0          # via fixtures, python-subunit
 text-unidecode==1.2       # via faker
 toml==0.10.0              # via tox
-traceback2==1.4.0         # via testtools, unittest2
 twisted==19.2.0           # via scrapy
 typing==3.6.6             # via flake8
 unidecode==1.0.23         # via python-slugify
-unittest2==1.1.0          # via testtools
 urlobject==2.4.3          # via pa11ycrawler
diff --git a/scripts/Jenkinsfiles/lettuce b/scripts/Jenkinsfiles/lettuce
deleted file mode 100644
index a61f7f934b5f05a9a1f5d6589285643177c821bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/Jenkinsfiles/lettuce
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-def runLettuceTests() {
-    // Determine git refspec, branch, and clone type
-    if (env.ghprbActualCommit) {
-        git_branch = "${ghprbActualCommit}"
-        git_refspec = "+refs/pull/${ghprbPullId}/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/${ghprbPullId}/*"
-    } else {
-        git_branch = "${BRANCH_NAME}"
-        git_refspec = "+refs/heads/${BRANCH_NAME}:refs/remotes/origin/${BRANCH_NAME}"
-    }
-    sshagent(credentials: ['jenkins-worker', 'jenkins-worker-pem'], ignoreMissing: true) {
-        checkout changelog: false, poll: false, scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: git_branch]],
-            doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption', honorRefspec: true,
-            noTags: true, shallow: true]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'jenkins-worker',
-            refspec: git_refspec, url: "git@github.com:edx/${REPO_NAME}.git"]]]
-        sh 'bash scripts/all-tests.sh'
-    }
-def lettuceTestCleanup() {
-    archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'test_root/log/**/*.log,*.log'
-    junit '**/reports/acceptance/*.xml'
-pipeline {
-    agent { label "jenkins-worker" }
-    options {
-        timestamps()
-        timeout(60)
-    }
-    stages {
-        stage('Mark build as pending on Github') {
-            when {
-                 // Only run github-build-status for master builds
-                 expression { env.ghprbActualCommit == null }
-            }
-            steps {
-                script {
-                    commit_sha = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()
-                    build job: 'github-build-status',
-                        parameters: [
-                            string(name: 'GIT_SHA', value: commit_sha),
-                            string(name: 'GITHUB_ORG', value: 'edx'),
-                            string(name: 'GITHUB_REPO', value: "${REPO_NAME}"),
-                            string(name: 'TARGET_URL', value: "${BUILD_URL}"),
-                            string(name: 'DESCRIPTION', value: 'Pending'),
-                            string(name: 'CONTEXT', value: "${GITHUB_CONTEXT}"),
-                            string(name: 'CREATE_DEPLOYMENT', value: 'false'),
-                            string(name: 'BUILD_STATUS', value: 'pending')
-                        ],
-                        propagate: false, wait: false
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        stage('Run Tests') {
-            parallel {
-                stage("lms-acceptance") {
-                    agent { label "jenkins-worker" }
-                    environment {
-                        TEST_SUITE = "lms-acceptance"
-                    }
-                    steps {
-                        script {
-                            runLettuceTests()
-                        }
-                    }
-                    post {
-                        always {
-                            script {
-                                lettuceTestCleanup()
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                stage("cms-acceptance") {
-                    agent { label "jenkins-worker" }
-                    environment {
-                        TEST_SUITE = "cms-acceptance"
-                    }
-                    steps {
-                        script {
-                            runLettuceTests()
-                        }
-                    }
-                    post {
-                        always {
-                            script {
-                                lettuceTestCleanup()
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    post {
-        always {
-            script{
-                if (env.ghprbPullId != null) {
-                    // For PR jobs, run the edx-platform-test-notifier for PR reporting
-                    build job: 'edx-platform-test-notifier', parameters: [string(name: 'PR_NUMBER', value: "${ghprbPullId}")], wait: false
-                } else {
-                    // For master jobs run github-build-status and report to slack when necessary
-                    if (currentBuild.currentResult == "SUCCESS") {
-                        create_deployment = "true"
-                        build_status = "success"
-                        build_description = "Build Passed"
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        create_deployment = "false"
-                        build_status = "failure"
-                        build_description = "Build Failed"
-                    }
-                    commit_sha = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()
-                    build job: 'github-build-status',
-                        parameters: [
-                            string(name: 'GIT_SHA', value: commit_sha),
-                            string(name: 'GITHUB_ORG', value: 'edx'),
-                            string(name: 'GITHUB_REPO', value: "${REPO_NAME}"),
-                            string(name: 'TARGET_URL', value: "${BUILD_URL}"),
-                            string(name: 'DESCRIPTION', value: build_description),
-                            string(name: 'CONTEXT', value: "${GITHUB_CONTEXT}"),
-                            string(name: 'CREATE_DEPLOYMENT', value: create_deployment),
-                            string(name: 'BUILD_STATUS', value: build_status)
-                        ],
-                        propagate: false, wait: false
-                    if (currentBuild.currentResult != "SUCCESS"){
-                        slackSend "`${JOB_NAME}` #${BUILD_NUMBER}: ${currentBuild.currentResult} after ${currentBuild.durationString.replace(' and counting', '')}\n${BUILD_URL}"
-                        email_body = "See: <${BUILD_URL}>\n\nChanges:\n"
-                        change_sets = currentBuild.changeSets
-                        for (int j = 0; j < change_sets.size(); j++) {
-                            change_set_items = change_sets[j].items
-                            for (int k = 0; k < change_set_items.length; k++) {
-                                item = change_set_items[k]
-                                email_body = email_body + "\n Commit: ${item.commitId} by ${item.author}: ${item.msg}"
-                            }
-                        }
-                        emailext body: email_body,
-                            subject: "Build failed in Jenkins: ${JOB_NAME} #${BUILD_NUMBER}", to: 'testeng@edx.org'
-                    } else if (currentBuild.currentResult == "SUCCESS" && currentBuild.previousBuild.currentResult != "SUCCESS") {
-                        slackSend "`${JOB_NAME}` #${BUILD_NUMBER}: Back to normal after ${currentBuild.durationString.replace(' and counting', '')}\n${BUILD_URL}"
-                        emailext body: "See <${BUILD_URL}>",
-                            subject: "Jenkins Build is back to normal: ${JOB_NAME} #${BUILD_NUMBER}", to: 'testeng@edx.org'
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/scripts/dependencies/testing.py b/scripts/dependencies/testing.py
index 8d98bc2822d39b0523a019950f56af0950cfaacd..dfd4409d928ec911e020b4f62a29cfa24da5f358 100755
--- a/scripts/dependencies/testing.py
+++ b/scripts/dependencies/testing.py
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ pattern_fragments = [
     r'/testutils\.py',                         # testutils.py
     r'/tests$',                                # tests/__init__.py
     r'conftest\.py',                           # conftest.py
-    r'/envs/acceptance\.py',                   # cms/envs/acceptance.py, lms/envs/acceptance.py
-    r'/envs/acceptance_docker\.py',            # cms/envs/acceptance.py, lms/envs/acceptance.py
     r'/factories\.py',                         # factories.py
     r'^terrain',                               # terrain/*
     r'/setup_models_to_send_test_emails\.py',  # setup_models_to_send_test_emails management command
diff --git a/scripts/generic-ci-tests.sh b/scripts/generic-ci-tests.sh
index 5077b338872ccfc7980e5758ad0833d86a03fb7b..90a9dc17b2dbe6b8f8082b9df2bb40aeb4bdf9e2 100755
--- a/scripts/generic-ci-tests.sh
+++ b/scripts/generic-ci-tests.sh
@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ set -e
 #       - "commonlib-unit": Run Python unit tests from the common/lib directory
 #       - "commonlib-js-unit": Run the JavaScript tests and the Python unit
 #           tests from the common/lib directory
-#       - "lms-acceptance": Run the acceptance (Selenium/Lettuce) tests for
-#           the LMS
-#       - "cms-acceptance": Run the acceptance (Selenium/Lettuce) tests for
-#           Studio
 #       - "bok-choy": Run acceptance tests that use the bok-choy framework
 #   `SHARD` is a number indicating which subset of the tests to build.
@@ -176,14 +172,6 @@ case "$TEST_SUITE" in
         exit $EXIT
-    "lms-acceptance")
-        $TOX paver test_acceptance -s lms -vvv --with-xunit
-        ;;
-    "cms-acceptance")
-        $TOX paver test_acceptance -s cms -vvv --with-xunit
-        ;;