diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/grades/management/commands/tests/test_compute_grades.py b/lms/djangoapps/grades/management/commands/tests/test_compute_grades.py
index 815557b83cea4d065246e63fbeef92399869c146..57d8e9f8ffe4690ba00ae6407df5200178a09240 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/grades/management/commands/tests/test_compute_grades.py
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/management/commands/tests/test_compute_grades.py
@@ -19,13 +19,6 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase
 from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
-def _sorted_by_batch(calls):
-    """
-    Return the list of calls sorted by course_key and batch.
-    """
-    return sorted(calls, key=lambda x: (x[1]['kwargs']['course_key'], x[1]['kwargs']['offset']))
 class TestComputeGrades(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
@@ -38,12 +31,11 @@ class TestComputeGrades(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
     def setUpClass(cls):
         super(TestComputeGrades, cls).setUpClass()
-        User = get_user_model()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
         cls.command = compute_grades.Command()
         cls.courses = [CourseFactory.create() for _ in range(cls.num_courses)]
         cls.course_keys = [six.text_type(course.id) for course in cls.courses]
-        cls.users = [User.objects.create(username='user{}'.format(idx)) for idx in range(cls.num_users)]
+        cls.users = [get_user_model().objects.create(username='user{}'.format(idx)) for idx in range(cls.num_users)]
         for user in cls.users:
             for course in cls.courses:
@@ -51,10 +43,7 @@ class TestComputeGrades(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
     def test_select_all_courses(self):
         courses = self.command._get_course_keys({'all_courses': True})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            sorted(six.text_type(course) for course in courses),
-            self.course_keys,
-        )
+        assert set(six.text_type(course) for course in courses) == set(self.course_keys)
     def test_specify_courses(self):
         courses = self.command._get_course_keys({'courses': [self.course_keys[0], self.course_keys[1], 'd/n/e']})
@@ -70,10 +59,7 @@ class TestComputeGrades(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
     def test_from_settings(self):
         ComputeGradesSetting.objects.create(course_ids=" ".join(self.course_keys))
         courses = self.command._get_course_keys({'from_settings': True})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            sorted(six.text_type(course) for course in courses),
-            self.course_keys,
-        )
+        assert set(six.text_type(course) for course in courses) == set(self.course_keys)
         # test that --from_settings always uses the latest setting
         with self.assertRaises(CommandError):
@@ -103,52 +89,56 @@ class TestComputeGrades(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
             'estimate_first_attempted': estimate_first_attempted,
             'seq_id': ANY,
-        self.assertEqual(
-            _sorted_by_batch(mock_task.apply_async.call_args_list),
-            [
-                ({
-                    'routing_key': 'key',
-                    'kwargs': _kwargs(self.course_keys[0], 0)
-                },),
-                ({
-                    'routing_key': 'key',
-                    'kwargs': _kwargs(self.course_keys[0], 2)
-                },),
-                ({
-                    'routing_key': 'key',
-                    'kwargs': _kwargs(self.course_keys[3], 0)
-                },),
-                ({
-                    'routing_key': 'key',
-                    'kwargs': _kwargs(self.course_keys[3], 2)
-                },),
-            ],
-        )
+        actual = mock_task.apply_async.call_args_list
+        # Order doesn't matter, but can't use a set because dicts aren't hashable
+        expected = [
+            ({
+                'routing_key': 'key',
+                'kwargs': _kwargs(self.course_keys[0], 0)
+            },),
+            ({
+                'routing_key': 'key',
+                'kwargs': _kwargs(self.course_keys[0], 2)
+            },),
+            ({
+                'routing_key': 'key',
+                'kwargs': _kwargs(self.course_keys[3], 0)
+            },),
+            ({
+                'routing_key': 'key',
+                'kwargs': _kwargs(self.course_keys[3], 2)
+            },),
+        ]
+        assert len(expected) == len(actual)
+        for call in expected:
+            assert call in actual
     def test_tasks_fired_from_settings(self, mock_task):
         ComputeGradesSetting.objects.create(course_ids=self.course_keys[1], batch_size=2)
         call_command('compute_grades', '--from_settings')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            _sorted_by_batch(mock_task.apply_async.call_args_list),
-            [
-                ({
-                    'kwargs': {
-                        'course_key': self.course_keys[1],
-                        'batch_size': 2,
-                        'offset': 0,
-                        'estimate_first_attempted': True,
-                        'seq_id': ANY,
-                    },
-                },),
-                ({
-                    'kwargs': {
-                        'course_key': self.course_keys[1],
-                        'batch_size': 2,
-                        'offset': 2,
-                        'estimate_first_attempted': True,
-                        'seq_id': ANY,
-                    },
-                },),
-            ],
-        )
+        actual = mock_task.apply_async.call_args_list
+        # Order doesn't matter, but can't use a set because dicts aren't hashable
+        expected = [
+            ({
+                'kwargs': {
+                    'course_key': self.course_keys[1],
+                    'batch_size': 2,
+                    'offset': 0,
+                    'estimate_first_attempted': True,
+                    'seq_id': ANY,
+                },
+            },),
+            ({
+                'kwargs': {
+                    'course_key': self.course_keys[1],
+                    'batch_size': 2,
+                    'offset': 2,
+                    'estimate_first_attempted': True,
+                    'seq_id': ANY,
+                },
+            },),
+        ]
+        assert len(expected) == len(actual)
+        for call in expected:
+            assert call in actual