From de07b8b345c21905f29982d9af0890caf7210206 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Calen Pennington <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 14:25:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Begin using a Keystore for XML parsing. Still broken:
 sequence icons, custom tags, problems, video js

 common/lib/keystore/                    |  87 ++++++
 common/lib/xmodule/                |  62 ----
 common/lib/xmodule/           |  95 ++++++
 common/lib/xmodule/             |  39 +--
 common/lib/xmodule/           |  10 +
 common/lib/xmodule/             |  73 +----
 common/lib/xmodule/              |  28 +-
 common/lib/xmodule/        |  13 -
 common/lib/xmodule/              | 122 +++-----
 common/lib/xmodule/                   |  17 +-
 common/lib/xmodule/         |  11 +-
 common/lib/xmodule/         |  31 +-
 common/lib/xmodule/            |  38 +--
 common/lib/xmodule/                | 150 ++++-----
 common/lib/xmodule/              |  41 +++
 lms/djangoapps/courseware/   | 171 +++--------
 lms/djangoapps/courseware/           |  48 +--
 lms/djangoapps/courseware/           | 102 ++++---
 lms/djangoapps/courseware/    | 288 +++++++++++-------
 lms/djangoapps/courseware/            | 121 ++------
 .../multicourse/       |  42 ++-
 lms/envs/                            |  15 +
 lms/envs/                               |   2 +-
 lms/lib/dogfood/                      |  22 +-
 lms/static/coffee/src/modules/ |   4 +-
 lms/templates/seq_module.html                 |   4 +-
 lms/templates/vert_module.html                |   6 +-
 27 files changed, 815 insertions(+), 827 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 common/lib/keystore/
 create mode 100644 common/lib/xmodule/
 create mode 100644 common/lib/xmodule/
 create mode 100644 common/lib/xmodule/

diff --git a/common/lib/keystore/ b/common/lib/keystore/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5baefd7877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/lib/keystore/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+from fs.osfs import OSFS
+from importlib import import_module
+from lxml import etree
+from path import path
+from xmodule.x_module import XModuleDescriptor, XMLParsingSystem
+from . import ModuleStore, Location
+from .exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
+class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStore):
+    """
+    An XML backed ModuleStore
+    """
+    def __init__(self, org, course, data_dir, default_class=None):
+        self.data_dir = path(data_dir)
+        self.modules = {}
+        module_path, _, class_name = default_class.rpartition('.')
+        class_ = getattr(import_module(module_path), class_name)
+        self.default_class = class_
+        with open(data_dir / "course.xml") as course_file:
+            class ImportSystem(XMLParsingSystem):
+                def __init__(self, keystore):
+                    self.unnamed_modules = 0
+                    def process_xml(xml):
+                        try:
+                            xml_data = etree.fromstring(xml)
+                        except:
+                            print xml
+                            raise
+                        if xml_data.get('name'):
+                            xml_data.set('slug', Location.clean(xml_data.get('name')))
+                        else:
+                            self.unnamed_modules += 1
+                            xml_data.set('slug', '{tag}_{count}'.format(tag=xml_data.tag, count=self.unnamed_modules))
+                        module = XModuleDescriptor.load_from_xml(etree.tostring(xml_data), self, org, course, keystore.default_class)
+                        keystore.modules[module.url] = module
+                        return module
+                    XMLParsingSystem.__init__(self, keystore.get_item, OSFS(data_dir), process_xml)
+            ImportSystem(self).process_xml(
+    def get_item(self, location):
+        """
+        Returns an XModuleDescriptor instance for the item at location.
+        If location.revision is None, returns the most item with the most
+        recent revision
+        If any segment of the location is None except revision, raises
+            keystore.exceptions.InsufficientSpecificationError
+        If no object is found at that location, raises keystore.exceptions.ItemNotFoundError
+        location: Something that can be passed to Location
+        """
+        location = Location(location)
+        try:
+            return self.modules[location.url()]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ItemNotFoundError(location)
+    def create_item(self, location):
+        raise NotImplementedError("XMLModuleStores are read-only")
+    def update_item(self, location, data):
+        """
+        Set the data in the item specified by the location to
+        data
+        location: Something that can be passed to Location
+        data: A nested dictionary of problem data
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("XMLModuleStores are read-only")
+    def update_children(self, location, children):
+        """
+        Set the children for the item specified by the location to
+        data
+        location: Something that can be passed to Location
+        children: A list of child item identifiers
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("XMLModuleStores are read-only")
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index 307b544b794..e69de29bb2d 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import capa_module
-import html_module
-import schematic_module
-import seq_module
-import template_module
-import vertical_module
-import video_module
-# Import all files in modules directory, excluding backups (# and . in name) 
-# and __init__
-# Stick them in a list
-# modx_module_list = []
-# for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
-#     if f!='' and \
-#             f[-3:] == ".py" and \
-#             "." not in f[:-3] \
-#             and '#' not in f:
-#         mod_path = 'courseware.modules.'+f[:-3]
-#         mod = __import__(mod_path, fromlist = "courseware.modules")
-#         if 'Module' in mod.__dict__:
-#             modx_module_list.append(mod)
-#print modx_module_list
-modx_module_list = [capa_module,  html_module,  schematic_module,  seq_module,  template_module,  vertical_module,  video_module]
-#print modx_module_list
-modx_modules = {}
-# Convert list to a dictionary for lookup by tag
-def update_modules():
-    global modx_modules
-    modx_modules = dict()
-    for module in modx_module_list:
-        for tag in module.Module.get_xml_tags():
-            modx_modules[tag] = module.Module
-def get_module_class(tag):
-    ''' Given an XML tag (e.g. 'video'), return 
-    the associated module (e.g. video_module.Module). 
-    '''
-    if tag not in modx_modules:
-        update_modules()
-    return modx_modules[tag]
-def get_module_id(tag):
-    ''' Given an XML tag (e.g. 'video'), return 
-    the default ID for that module (e.g. 'youtube_id')
-    '''
-    return modx_modules[tag].id_attribute
-def get_valid_tags():
-    return modx_modules.keys()
-def get_default_ids():
-    tags = get_valid_tags()
-    ids = map(get_module_id, tags)
-    return dict(zip(tags, ids))
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dda6a58c994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import json
+import random
+from lxml import etree
+from x_module import XModule, XModuleDescriptor
+class ModuleDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
+    pass
+def group_from_value(groups, v):
+    ''' Given group: (('a',0.3),('b',0.4),('c',0.3)) And random value
+    in [0,1], return the associated group (in the above case, return
+    'a' if v<0.3, 'b' if 0.3<=v<0.7, and 'c' if v>0.7
+    sum = 0
+    for (g, p) in groups:
+        sum = sum + p
+        if sum > v:
+            return g
+    # Round off errors might cause us to run to the end of the list
+    # If the do, return the last element
+    return g
+class Module(XModule):
+    """
+    Implements an A/B test with an aribtrary number of competing groups
+    Format:
+    <abtest>
+        <group name="a" portion=".1"><contenta/></group>
+        <group name="b" portion=".2"><contentb/></group>
+        <default><contentdefault/></default>
+    </abtest>
+    """
+    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, instance_state=None, shared_state=None):
+        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, instance_state, shared_state)
+        self.xmltree = etree.fromstring(xml)
+        target_groups = self.xmltree.findall('group')
+        if shared_state is None:
+            target_values = [
+                (elem.get('name'), float(elem.get('portion')))
+                for elem in target_groups
+            ]
+            default_value = 1 - sum(val for (_, val) in target_values)
+   = group_from_value(
+                target_values + [(None, default_value)],
+                random.uniform(0, 1)
+            )
+        else:
+            shared_state = json.loads(shared_state)
+            # TODO (cpennington): Remove this once we aren't passing in
+            # groups from django groups
+            if 'groups' in shared_state:
+       = None
+                target_names = [elem.get('name') for elem in target_groups]
+                for group in shared_state['groups']:
+                    if group in target_names:
+               = group
+                        break
+            else:
+       = shared_state['group']
+    def get_shared_state(self):
+        return json.dumps({'group':})
+    def _xml_children(self):
+        group = None
+        if is None:
+            group = self.xmltree.find('default')
+        else:
+            for candidate_group in self.xmltree.find('group'):
+                if == candidate_group.get('name'):
+                    group = candidate_group
+                    break
+        if group is None:
+            return []
+        return list(group)
+    def get_children(self):
+        return [self.module_from_xml(child) for child in self._xml_children()]
+    def rendered_children(self):
+        return [self.render_function(child) for child in self._xml_children()]
+    def get_html(self):
+        return '\n'.join(child.get_html() for child in self.get_children())
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index b59bc9de56d..5047b948328 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -81,14 +81,7 @@ class Module(XModule):
-    id_attribute = "filename"
-    @classmethod
-    def get_xml_tags(c):
-        return ["problem"]
-    def get_state(self):
+    def get_instance_state(self):
         state = self.lcp.get_state()
         state['attempts'] = self.attempts
         return json.dumps(state)
@@ -191,8 +184,8 @@ class Module(XModule):
         return html
-    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state=None):
-        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state)
+    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, instance_state=None, shared_state=None):
+        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, instance_state, shared_state)
         self.attempts = 0
         self.max_attempts = None
@@ -232,19 +225,19 @@ class Module(XModule):
             self.show_answer = "closed"
         self.rerandomize = only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@rerandomize'))
-        if self.rerandomize == "" or self.rerandomize=="always" or self.rerandomize=="true":
-            self.rerandomize="always"
-        elif self.rerandomize=="false" or self.rerandomize=="per_student":
-            self.rerandomize="per_student"
-        elif self.rerandomize=="never":
-            self.rerandomize="never"
+        if self.rerandomize == "" or self.rerandomize == "always" or self.rerandomize == "true":
+            self.rerandomize = "always"
+        elif self.rerandomize == "false" or self.rerandomize == "per_student":
+            self.rerandomize = "per_student"
+        elif self.rerandomize == "never":
+            self.rerandomize = "never"
-            raise Exception("Invalid rerandomize attribute "+self.rerandomize)
+            raise Exception("Invalid rerandomize attribute " + self.rerandomize)
-        if state!=None:
-            state=json.loads(state)
-        if state!=None and 'attempts' in state:
-            self.attempts=state['attempts']
+        if instance_state != None:
+            instance_state = json.loads(instance_state)
+        if instance_state != None and 'attempts' in instance_state:
+            self.attempts = instance_state['attempts']
         # TODO: Should be: self.filename=only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@filename'))
         self.filename= "problems/"+only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@filename'))+".xml"
@@ -267,7 +260,7 @@ class Module(XModule):
-            self.lcp=LoncapaProblem(fp, self.item_id, state, seed = seed, system=self.system)
+            self.lcp=LoncapaProblem(fp, self.item_id, instance_state, seed = seed, system=self.system)
         except Exception,err:
             msg = '[courseware.capa.capa_module.Module.init] error %s: cannot create LoncapaProblem %s' % (err,self.filename)
@@ -277,7 +270,7 @@ class Module(XModule):
                 # create a dummy problem with error message instead of failing
                 fp = StringIO.StringIO('<problem><text><font color="red" size="+2">Problem file %s has an error:</font>%s</text></problem>' % (self.filename,msg))
        = "StringIO"
-                self.lcp=LoncapaProblem(fp, self.item_id, state, seed = seed, system=self.system)
+                self.lcp=LoncapaProblem(fp, self.item_id, instance_state, seed = seed, system=self.system)
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4f2a0fa331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from xmodule.x_module import XModule
+from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
+class HiddenModule(XModule):
+    pass
+class HiddenDescriptor(RawDescriptor):
+    module_class = HiddenModule
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index b35549d9718..32963600cdf 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -1,75 +1,34 @@
 import json
 import logging
-from x_module import XModule
-from mako_module import MakoModuleDescriptor
+from xmodule.x_module import XModule
+from xmodule.mako_module import MakoModuleDescriptor
+from xmodule.xml_module import XmlDescriptor
 from lxml import etree
 from pkg_resources import resource_string
 log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
-class HtmlModuleDescriptor(MakoModuleDescriptor):
+class HtmlModule(XModule):
+    def get_html(self):
+        return self.html
+    def __init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
+        XModule.__init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state, shared_state, **kwargs)
+        self.html = self.definition['data']['text']
+class HtmlDescriptor(MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDescriptor):
     Module for putting raw html in a course
     mako_template = "widgets/html-edit.html"
+    module_class = HtmlModule
     js = {'coffee': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/module/')]}
     js_module = 'HTML'
-    def from_xml(cls, xml_data, system, org=None, course=None):
-        """
-        Creates an instance of this descriptor from the supplied xml_data.
-        This may be overridden by subclasses
-        xml_data: A string of xml that will be translated into data and children for
-            this module
-        system: An XModuleSystem for interacting with external resources
-        org and course are optional strings that will be used in the generated modules
-            url identifiers
-        """
-        xml_object = etree.fromstring(xml_data)
-        return cls(
-            system,
-            definition={'data': {'text': xml_data}},
-            location=['i4x',
-                      org,
-                      course,
-                      xml_object.tag,
-                      xml_object.get('name')]
-        )
-class Module(XModule):
-    id_attribute = 'filename'
-    def get_state(self):
-        return json.dumps({ })
-    @classmethod
-    def get_xml_tags(c):
-        return ["html"]
-    def get_html(self):
-        if self.filename==None:
-            xmltree=etree.fromstring(self.xml)
-            textlist=[xmltree.text]+[etree.tostring(i) for i in xmltree]+[xmltree.tail]
-            textlist=[i for i in textlist if type(i)==str]
-            return "".join(textlist)
-        try: 
-            filename="html/"+self.filename
-            return
-        except: # For backwards compatibility. TODO: Remove
-            if self.DEBUG:
-      '[courseware.modules.html_module] filename=%s' % self.filename)
-            return self.system.render_template(self.filename, {'id': self.item_id}, namespace='course')
-    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state=None):
-        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state)
-        xmltree=etree.fromstring(xml)
-        self.filename = None
-        filename_l=xmltree.xpath("/html/@filename")
-        if len(filename_l)>0:
-            self.filename=str(filename_l[0])
+    def definition_from_xml(cls, xml_object, system):
+        return {'data': {'text': etree.tostring(xml_object)}}
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index 7bb94c9b633..43a92303ad1 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 from pkg_resources import resource_string
-from mako_module import MakoModuleDescriptor
 from lxml import etree
+from xmodule.mako_module import MakoModuleDescriptor
+from xmodule.xml_module import XmlDescriptor
-class RawDescriptor(MakoModuleDescriptor):
+class RawDescriptor(MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDescriptor):
     Module that provides a raw editing view of it's data and children
@@ -18,24 +19,5 @@ class RawDescriptor(MakoModuleDescriptor):
-    def from_xml(cls, xml_data, system, org=None, course=None):
-        """
-        Creates an instance of this descriptor from the supplied xml_data.
-        This may be overridden by subclasses
-        xml_data: A string of xml that will be translated into data and children for
-            this module
-        system: An XModuleSystem for interacting with external resources
-        org and course are optional strings that will be used in the generated modules
-            url identifiers
-        """
-        xml_object = etree.fromstring(xml_data)
-        return cls(
-            system,
-            definition={'data': xml_data},
-            location=['i4x',
-                      org,
-                      course,
-                      xml_object.tag,
-                      xml_object.get('name')]
-        )
+    def definition_from_xml(cls, xml_object, system):
+        return {'data': etree.tostring(xml_object)}
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index 30175c16a84..f95729d4abe 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -6,18 +6,5 @@ class ModuleDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
 class Module(XModule):
-    id_attribute = 'id'
-    def get_state(self):
-        return json.dumps({ })
-    @classmethod
-    def get_xml_tags(c):
-        return ["schematic"]
     def get_html(self):
         return '<input type="hidden" class="schematic" name="{item_id}" height="480" width="640">'.format(item_id=self.item_id)
-    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state=None):
-        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state)
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index e3a19c3d60b..b60f0e46567 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ import logging
 from lxml import etree
-from x_module import XModule
-from mako_module import MakoModuleDescriptor
+from xmodule.mako_module import MakoModuleDescriptor
+from xmodule.xml_module import XmlDescriptor
+from xmodule.x_module import XModule
 from xmodule.progress import Progress
 log = logging.getLogger("mitx.common.lib.seq_module")
@@ -13,32 +14,17 @@ log = logging.getLogger("mitx.common.lib.seq_module")
 # OBSOLETE: This obsoletes 'type'
 class_priority = ['video', 'problem']
-class Module(XModule):
+class SequenceModule(XModule):
     ''' Layout module which lays out content in a temporal sequence
-    id_attribute = 'id'
-    def get_state(self):
-        return json.dumps({ 'position':self.position })
+    def get_instance_state(self):
+        return json.dumps({'position': self.position})
-    @classmethod
-    def get_xml_tags(c):
-        obsolete_tags = ["sequential", 'tab']
-        modern_tags = ["videosequence"]
-        return obsolete_tags + modern_tags
     def get_html(self):
         return self.content
-    def get_init_js(self):
-        self.render()
-        return self.init_js
-    def get_destroy_js(self):
-        self.render()
-        return self.destroy_js
     def get_progress(self):
         ''' Return the total progress, adding total done and total available.
         (assumes that each submodule uses the same "units" for progress.)
@@ -60,53 +46,51 @@ class Module(XModule):
         if self.rendered:
         ## Returns a set of all types of all sub-children
-        child_classes = [set([i.tag for i in e.iter()]) for e in self.xmltree]
-        titles = ["\n".join([i.get("name").strip() for i in e.iter() if i.get("name") is not None]) \
-                       for e in self.xmltree]
-        children = self.get_children()
-        progresses = [child.get_progress() for child in children]
-        self.contents = self.rendered_children()
-        for contents, title, progress in zip(self.contents, titles, progresses):
-            contents['title'] = title
-            contents['progress_status'] = Progress.to_js_status_str(progress)
-            contents['progress_detail'] = Progress.to_js_detail_str(progress)
-        for (content, element_class) in zip(self.contents, child_classes):
-            new_class = 'other'
-            for c in class_priority:
-                if c in element_class:
-                    new_class = c
-            content['type'] = new_class
+        contents = []
+        for child in self.get_display_items():
+            progress = child.get_progress()
+            contents.append({
+                'content': child.get_html(),
+                'title': "\n".join(
+                    for grand_child in child.get_children()
+                    if is not None
+                ),
+                'progress_status': Progress.to_js_status_str(progress),
+                'progress_detail': Progress.to_js_detail_str(progress),
+                'type': child.get_icon_class(),
+            })
+        print json.dumps(contents, indent=4)
         # Split </script> tags -- browsers handle this as end
         # of script, even if it occurs mid-string. Do this after json.dumps()ing
         # so that we can be sure of the quotations being used
-        params={'items': json.dumps(self.contents).replace('</script>', '<"+"/script>'),
-                'id': self.item_id,
-                'position': self.position,
-                'titles': titles,
-                'tag': self.xmltree.tag}
-        if self.xmltree.tag in ['sequential', 'videosequence']:
-            self.content = self.system.render_template('seq_module.html', params)
-        if self.xmltree.tag == 'tab':
-            self.content = self.system.render_template('tab_module.html', params)
-        log.debug("rendered content: %s", content)
+        params = {'items': json.dumps(contents).replace('</script>', '<"+"/script>'),
+                  'element_id': "-".join(str(v) for v in self.location.list()),
+                  'item_id':,
+                  'position': self.position,
+                  'tag': self.location.category}
+        self.content = self.system.render_template('seq_module.html', params)
         self.rendered = True
-    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state=None):
-        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state)
-        self.xmltree = etree.fromstring(xml)
+    def get_icon_class(self):
+        child_classes = set(child.get_icon_class() for child in self.get_children())
+        new_class = 'other'
+        for c in class_priority:
+            if c in child_classes:
+                new_class = c
+        return new_class
+    def __init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
+        XModule.__init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state, shared_state, **kwargs)
         self.position = 1
-        if state is not None:
-            state = json.loads(state)
-            if 'position' in state: self.position = int(state['position'])
+        if instance_state is not None:
+            state = json.loads(instance_state)
+            if 'position' in state:
+                self.position = int(state['position'])
         # if position is specified in system, then use that instead
         if system.get('position'):
@@ -115,23 +99,13 @@ class Module(XModule):
         self.rendered = False
-class SequenceDescriptor(MakoModuleDescriptor):
+class SequenceDescriptor(MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDescriptor):
     mako_template = 'widgets/sequence-edit.html'
+    module_class = SequenceModule
-    def from_xml(cls, xml_data, system, org=None, course=None):
-        xml_object = etree.fromstring(xml_data)
-        children = [
+    def definition_from_xml(cls, xml_object, system):
+        return {'children': [
             for child_module in xml_object
-        ]
-        return cls(
-            system, {'children': children},
-            location=['i4x',
-                      org,
-                      course,
-                      xml_object.tag,
-                      xml_object.get('name')]
-        )
+        ]}
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index 17d7af50db8..3e3e33805f7 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ setup(
     # for a description of entry_points
         'xmodule.v1': [
-            "chapter = seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
-            "course = seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
-            "html = html_module:HtmlModuleDescriptor",
-            "section = translation_module:SemanticSectionDescriptor",
-            "sequential = seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
-            "vertical = seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
-            "problemset = seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
-            "videosequence = seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
+            "chapter = xmodule.seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
+            "course = xmodule.seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
+            "html = xmodule.html_module:HtmlDescriptor",
+            "section = xmodule.translation_module:SemanticSectionDescriptor",
+            "sequential = xmodule.seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
+            "vertical = xmodule.vertical_module:VerticalDescriptor",
+            "problemset = xmodule.seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
+            "videosequence = xmodule.seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
+            "video = xmodule.video_module:VideoDescriptor",
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index 51f9447c063..ae276737e67 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -31,18 +31,11 @@ class Module(XModule):
     Renders to::
         More information given in <a href="/book/234">the text</a>
-    def get_state(self):
-        return json.dumps({})
-    @classmethod
-    def get_xml_tags(c):
-        return ['customtag']
     def get_html(self):
         return self.html
-    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state=None):
-        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state)
+    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, instance_state=None, shared_state=None):
+        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, instance_state, shared_state)
         xmltree = etree.fromstring(xml)
         filename = xmltree.find('impl').text
         params = dict(xmltree.items())
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index b3feec8baec..d3f4cd6ad37 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -1,23 +1,10 @@
-import json
-from x_module import XModule, XModuleDescriptor
+from xmodule.x_module import XModule
+from xmodule.seq_module import SequenceDescriptor
 from xmodule.progress import Progress
-from lxml import etree
-class ModuleDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
-    pass
-class Module(XModule):
+class VerticalModule(XModule):
     ''' Layout module for laying out submodules vertically.'''
-    id_attribute = 'id'
-    def get_state(self):
-        return json.dumps({ })
-    @classmethod
-    def get_xml_tags(c):
-        return ["vertical", "problemset"]
     def get_html(self):
         return self.system.render_template('vert_module.html', {
             'items': self.contents
@@ -30,8 +17,10 @@ class Module(XModule):
         progress = reduce(Progress.add_counts, progresses)
         return progress
-    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state=None):
-        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state)
-        xmltree=etree.fromstring(xml)
-        self.contents=[(e.get("name"),self.render_function(e)) \
-                      for e in xmltree]
+    def __init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
+        XModule.__init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state, shared_state, **kwargs)
+        self.contents = [child.get_html() for child in self.get_display_items()]
+class VerticalDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
+    module_class = VerticalModule
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index f3d615fd3d9..1585944cc95 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@ import logging
 from lxml import etree
-from x_module import XModule, XModuleDescriptor
-from progress import Progress
+from xmodule.x_module import XModule
+from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
-log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware.modules")
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ModuleDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
-    pass
-class Module(XModule):
-    id_attribute = 'youtube'
+class VideoModule(XModule):
     video_time = 0
     def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
@@ -39,14 +36,9 @@ class Module(XModule):
         return None
-    def get_state(self):
+    def get_instance_state(self):
         log.debug(u"STATE POSITION {0}".format(self.position))
-        return json.dumps({ 'position': self.position })
-    @classmethod
-    def get_xml_tags(c):
-        '''Tags in the courseware file guaranteed to correspond to the module'''
-        return ["video"]
+        return json.dumps({'position': self.position})
     def video_list(self):
@@ -54,27 +46,27 @@ class Module(XModule):
     def get_html(self):
         return self.system.render_template('video.html', {
             'streams': self.video_list(),
-            'id': self.item_id,
+            'id':,
             'position': self.position,
             'annotations': self.annotations,
-    def __init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state=None):
-        XModule.__init__(self, system, xml, item_id, state)
-        xmltree = etree.fromstring(xml)
+    def __init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
+        XModule.__init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state, shared_state, **kwargs)
+        xmltree = etree.fromstring(self.definition['data']) = xmltree.get('youtube') = xmltree.get('name')
         self.position = 0
-        if state is not None:
-            state = json.loads(state)
+        if instance_state is not None:
+            state = json.loads(instance_state)
             if 'position' in state:
                 self.position = int(float(state['position']))
-        self.annotations=[(e.get("name"),self.render_function(e)) \
+        self.annotations = [(e.get("name"), self.render_function(e)) \
                       for e in xmltree]
-class VideoSegmentDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
-    pass
+class VideoDescriptor(RawDescriptor):
+    module_class = VideoModule
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
index aad4dd94dce..3787a76752a 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import pkg_resources
 import logging
 from keystore import Location
+from functools import partial
 log = logging.getLogger('mitx.' + __name__)
@@ -56,85 +57,87 @@ class Plugin(object):
 class XModule(object):
     ''' Implements a generic learning module. 
-        Initialized on access with __init__, first time with state=None, and
-        then with state
+        Initialized on access with __init__, first time with instance_state=None, and
+        shared_state=None. In later instantiations, instance_state will not be None,
+        but shared_state may be
         See the HTML module for a simple example
-    id_attribute='id' # An attribute guaranteed to be unique
+    def __init__(self, system, location, definition, instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        Construct a new xmodule
-    @classmethod
-    def get_xml_tags(c):
-        ''' Tags in the courseware file guaranteed to correspond to the module '''
-        return []
-    @classmethod
-    def get_usage_tags(c):
-        ''' We should convert to a real module system
-            For now, this tells us whether we use this as an xmodule, a CAPA response type
-            or a CAPA input type '''
-        return ['xmodule']
+        system: An I4xSystem allowing access to external resources
+        location: Something Location-like that identifies this xmodule
+        definition: A dictionary containing 'data' and 'children'. Both are optional
+            'data': is a json object specifying the behavior of this xmodule
+            'children': is a list of xmodule urls for child modules that this module depends on
+        '''
+        self.system = system
+        self.location = Location(location)
+        self.definition = definition
+        self.instance_state = instance_state
+        self.shared_state = shared_state
+ = self.location.url()
+ =
+        self.display_name = kwargs.get('display_name', '')
+        self._loaded_children = None
     def get_name(self):
         name = self.__xmltree.get('name')
-        if name: 
+        if name:
             return name
-        else: 
+        else:
             raise "We should iterate through children and find a default name"
     def get_children(self):
         Return module instances for all the children of this module.
-        children = [self.module_from_xml(e) for e in self.__xmltree]
-        return children            
+        if self._loaded_children is None:
+            self._loaded_children = [self.system.get_module(child) for child in self.definition.get('children', [])]
+        return self._loaded_children
-    def rendered_children(self):
+    def get_display_items(self):
-        Render all children. 
-        This really ought to return a list of xmodules, instead of dictionaries
+        Returns a list of descendent module instances that will display immediately
+        inside this module
-        children = [self.render_function(e) for e in self.__xmltree]
-        return children            
-    def __init__(self, system = None, xml = None, item_id = None, 
-                 json = None, track_url=None, state=None):
-        ''' In most cases, you must pass state or xml'''
-        if not item_id: 
-            raise ValueError("Missing Index")
-        if not xml and not json:
-            raise ValueError("xml or json required")
-        if not system:
-            raise ValueError("System context required")
-        self.xml = xml
-        self.json = json
-        self.item_id = item_id
-        self.state = state
-        self.DEBUG = False
-        self.__xmltree = etree.fromstring(xml) # PRIVATE
-        if system: 
-            ## These are temporary; we really should go 
-            ## through self.system. 
-            self.ajax_url = system.ajax_url
-            self.tracker = system.track_function
-            self.filestore = system.filestore
-            self.render_function = system.render_function
-            self.module_from_xml = system.module_from_xml
-            self.DEBUG = system.DEBUG
-        self.system = system
+        items = []
+        for child in self.get_children():
+            items.extend(child.displayable_items())
+        return items
+    def displayable_items(self):
+        '''
+        Returns list of displayable modules contained by this module. If this module
+        is visible, should return [self]
+        '''
+        return [self]
+    def get_icon_class(self):
+        '''
+        Return a class identifying this module in the context of an icon
+        '''
+        return 'other'
     ### Functions used in the LMS
-    def get_state(self):
-        ''' State of the object, as stored in the database 
+    def get_instance_state(self):
+        ''' State of the object, as stored in the database
-        return ""
+        return '{}'
+    def get_shared_state(self):
+        '''
+        Get state that should be shared with other instances
+        using the same 'shared_state_key' attribute.
+        '''
+        return '{}'
     def get_score(self):
-        ''' Score the student received on the problem. 
+        ''' Score the student received on the problem.
         return None
@@ -281,6 +284,7 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin): = Location(kwargs.get('location')).name
         self.type = Location(kwargs.get('location')).category
         self.url = Location(kwargs.get('location')).url()
+        self.display_name = kwargs.get('display_name')
         # For now, we represent goals as a list of strings, but this
         # is one of the things that we are going to be iterating on heavily
@@ -302,33 +306,13 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin):
         raise NotImplementedError("get_html() must be provided by specific modules")
-    def get_xml(self):
-        ''' For conversions between JSON and legacy XML representations.
-        '''
-        if self.xml:
-            return self.xml
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError("JSON->XML Translation not implemented")
-    def get_json(self):
-        ''' For conversions between JSON and legacy XML representations.
-        '''
-        if self.json:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-            return self.json  # TODO: Return context as well -- files, etc.
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError("XML->JSON Translation not implemented")
-    #def handle_cms_json(self):
-    #    raise NotImplementedError
-    #def render(self, size):
-    #    ''' Size: [thumbnail, small, full] 
-    #    Small ==> what we drag around
-    #    Full ==> what we edit
-    #    '''
-    #    raise NotImplementedError
+    def xmodule_constructor(self, system):
+        """
+        Returns a constructor for an XModule. This constructor takes two arguments:
+        instance_state and shared_state, and returns a fully nstantiated XModule
+        """
+        return partial(self.module_class, system, self.url, self.definition,
+            display_name=self.display_name)
 class DescriptorSystem(object):
     def __init__(self, load_item, resources_fs):
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/ b/common/lib/xmodule/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34881a4d613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from xmodule.x_module import XModuleDescriptor
+from lxml import etree
+class XmlDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
+    """
+    Mixin class for standardized parsing of from xml
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def definition_from_xml(cls, xml_object, system):
+        """
+        Return the definition to be passed to the newly created descriptor
+        during from_xml
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("%s does not implement definition_from_xml" % cls.__class__.__name__)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_xml(cls, xml_data, system, org=None, course=None):
+        """
+        Creates an instance of this descriptor from the supplied xml_data.
+        This may be overridden by subclasses
+        xml_data: A string of xml that will be translated into data and children for
+            this module
+        system: An XModuleSystem for interacting with external resources
+        org and course are optional strings that will be used in the generated modules
+            url identifiers
+        """
+        xml_object = etree.fromstring(xml_data)
+        return cls(
+            system,
+            cls.definition_from_xml(xml_object, system),
+            location=['i4x',
+                      org,
+                      course,
+                      xml_object.tag,
+                      xml_object.get('slug')],
+            display_name=xml_object.get('name')
+        )
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
index 95c3afed8c1..70e5eeeeb62 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ from django.conf import settings
 from student.models import UserProfile
 from student.models import UserTestGroup
+from courseware.models import StudentModuleCache
 from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string
 from util.cache import cache
 from multicourse import multicourse_settings
 import xmodule
+from keystore.django import keystore
 ''' This file will eventually form an abstraction layer between the
 course XML file and the rest of the system. 
@@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ def course_xml_process(tree):
     items without. Propagate due dates, grace periods, etc. to child
+    process_includes(tree)
     propogate_downward_tag(tree, "due")
@@ -113,45 +116,32 @@ def course_xml_process(tree):
     return tree
-def toc_from_xml(dom, active_chapter, active_section):
-    '''
-    Create a table of contents from the course xml.
-    Return format:
-    [ {'name': name, 'sections': SECTIONS, 'active': bool}, ... ]
-    where SECTIONS is a list
-    [ {'name': name, 'format': format, 'due': due, 'active' : bool}, ...]
-    active is set for the section and chapter corresponding to the passed
-    parameters.  Everything else comes from the xml, or defaults to "".
-    chapters with name 'hidden' are skipped.
-    '''
-    name = dom.xpath('//course/@name')[0]
-    chapters = dom.xpath('//course[@name=$name]/chapter', name=name)
-    ch = list()
-    for c in chapters:
-        if c.get('name') == 'hidden':
-            continue
-        sections = list()
-        for s in dom.xpath('//course[@name=$name]/chapter[@name=$chname]/section',
-                           name=name, chname=c.get('name')):
-            format = s.get("subtitle") if s.get("subtitle") else s.get("format") or ""
-            active = (c.get("name") == active_chapter and
-                      s.get("name") == active_section)
-            sections.append({'name': s.get("name") or "", 
-                             'format': format, 
-                             'due': s.get("due") or "",
-                             'active': active})
-        ch.append({'name': c.get("name"), 
-                   'sections': sections,
-                   'active': c.get("name") == active_chapter})
-    return ch
+def process_includes_dir(tree, dir):
+    """
+    Process tree to replace all <include file=""> tags
+    with the contents of the file specified, relative to dir
+    """
+    includes = tree.findall('.//include')
+    for inc in includes:
+        file = inc.get('file')
+        if file is not None:
+            try:
+                ifp = open(os.path.join(dir, file))
+            except Exception:
+                log.exception('Error in problem xml include: %s' % (etree.tostring(inc, pretty_print=True)))
+                log.exception('Cannot find file %s in %s' % (file, dir))
+                raise
+            try:
+                # read in and convert to XML
+                incxml = etree.XML(
+            except Exception:
+                log.exception('Error in problem xml include: %s' % (etree.tostring(inc, pretty_print=True)))
+                log.exception('Cannot parse XML in %s' % (file))
+                raise
+            # insert  new XML into tree in place of inlcude
+            parent = inc.getparent()
+            parent.insert(parent.index(inc), incxml)
+            parent.remove(inc)
 def replace_custom_tags_dir(tree, dir):
@@ -181,78 +171,6 @@ def parse_course_file(filename, options, namespace):
     return course_xml_process(xml)
-def get_section(section, options, dirname):
-    '''
-    Given the name of a section, an options dict containing keys
-    'dev_content' and 'groups', and a directory to look in,
-    returns the xml tree for the section, or None if there's no
-    such section.
-    ''' 
-    filename = section + ".xml"
-    if filename not in os.listdir(dirname):
-        log.error(filename + " not in " + str(os.listdir(dirname)))
-        return None
-    tree = parse_course_file(filename, options, namespace='sections')
-    return tree
-def get_module(tree, module, id_tag, module_id, sections_dirname, options):
-    '''
-    Given the xml tree of the course, get the xml string for a module
-    with the specified module type, id_tag, module_id.  Looks in
-    sections_dirname for sections.
-    id_tag -- use id_tag if the place the module stores its id is not 'id'
-    '''
-        # Sanitize input
-    if not module.isalnum():
-        raise Exception("Module is not alphanumeric")
-    if not module_id.isalnum():
-        raise Exception("Module ID is not alphanumeric")
-    # Generate search
-    xpath_search='//{module}[(@{id_tag} = "{id}") or (@id = "{id}")]'.format(
-        module=module, 
-        id_tag=id_tag,
-        id=module_id)
-    result_set = tree.xpath(xpath_search)
-    if len(result_set) < 1:
-        # Not found in main tree.  Let's look in the section files.
-        section_list = (s[:-4] for s in os.listdir(sections_dirname) if s.endswith('.xml'))
-        for section in section_list:
-            try: 
-                s = get_section(section, options, sections_dirname)
-            except etree.XMLSyntaxError: 
-                ex = sys.exc_info()
-                raise ContentException("Malformed XML in " + section +
-                                       "(" + str(ex[1].msg) + ")")
-            result_set = s.xpath(xpath_search)
-            if len(result_set) != 0:
-                break
-    if len(result_set) > 1:
-        log.error("WARNING: Potentially malformed course file", module, module_id)
-    if len(result_set)==0:
-        log.error('[content_parser.get_module] cannot find %s in course.xml tree',
-                      xpath_search)
-        log.error('tree = %s' % etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True))
-        return None
-    # log.debug('[courseware.content_parser.module_xml] found %s' % result_set)
-    return etree.tostring(result_set[0])
 # ==== All Django-specific code below =============================================
 def user_groups(user):
@@ -278,6 +196,11 @@ def get_options(user):
             'groups': user_groups(user)}
+def process_includes(tree):
+    '''Replace <include> tags with the contents from the course directory'''
+    process_includes_dir(tree, settings.DATA_DIR)
 def replace_custom_tags(tree):
     '''Replace custom tags defined in our custom_tags dir'''
     replace_custom_tags_dir(tree, settings.DATA_DIR+'/custom_tags')
@@ -337,29 +260,3 @@ def sections_dir(coursename=None):
         xp = multicourse_settings.get_course_xmlpath(coursename)
     return settings.DATA_DIR + xp + '/sections/'
-def section_file(user, section, coursename=None):
-    '''
-    Given a user and the name of a section, return that section.
-    This is done specific to each course.
-    Returns the xml tree for the section, or None if there's no such section.
-    '''
-    dirname = sections_dir(coursename)
-    return get_section(section, options, dirname)
-def module_xml(user, module, id_tag, module_id, coursename=None):
-    ''' Get XML for a module based on module and module_id. Assumes
-        module occurs once in courseware XML file or hidden section.
-    ''' 
-    tree = course_file(user, coursename)
-    sdirname = sections_dir(coursename)
-    options = get_options(user)
-    return get_module(tree, module, id_tag, module_id, sdirname, options)
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
index 00bdffb6977..3c2b6546829 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ def grade_sheet(student,coursename=None):
     course = dom.xpath('//course/@name')[0]
     xmlChapters = dom.xpath('//course[@name=$course]/chapter', course=course)
-    responses=StudentModule.objects.filter(student=student)
+    responses = StudentModule.objects.filter(student=student)
     response_by_id = {}
     for response in responses:
-        response_by_id[response.module_id] = response
+        response_by_id[response.module_state_key] = response
     totaled_scores = {}
     for c in xmlChapters:
@@ -147,27 +147,39 @@ def grade_sheet(student,coursename=None):
             'grade_summary' : grade_summary}
 def get_score(user, problem, cache, coursename=None):
+    """
+    Return the score for a user on a problem
+    user: a Student object
+    problem: the xml for the problem
+    cache: a dictionary mapping module_state_key tuples to instantiated StudentModules
+           module_state_key is either the problem_id, or a key used by the problem
+           to share state across instances
+    """
     ## HACK: assumes max score is fixed per problem
-    id = problem.get('id')
+    module_type = problem.tag
+    module_class = xmodule.get_module_class(module_type)
+    module_id = problem.get('id')
+    module_state_key = problem.get(module_class.state_key, module_id)
     correct = 0.0
     # If the ID is not in the cache, add the item
-    if id not in cache:
-        module = StudentModule(module_type = 'problem',  # TODO: Move into StudentModule.__init__?
-                               module_id = id,
-                               student = user, 
-                               state = None, 
-                               grade = 0,
-                               max_grade = None,
-                               done = 'i')
-        cache[id] = module
+    if module_state_key not in cache:
+        module = StudentModule(module_type='problem',  # TODO: Move into StudentModule.__init__?
+                               module_state_key=id,
+                               student=user,
+                               state=None,
+                               grade=0,
+                               max_grade=None,
+                               done='i')
+        cache[module_id] = module
     # Grab the # correct from cache
     if id in cache:
         response = cache[id]
-        if response.grade!=None:
-            correct=float(response.grade)
+        if response.grade != None:
+            correct = float(response.grade)
     # Grab max grade from cache, or if it doesn't exist, compute and save to DB
     if id in cache and response.max_grade is not None:
         total = response.max_grade
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
index a97b09ae2be..6ca67a84e75 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ ASSUMPTIONS: modules have unique IDs, even across different module_types
 from django.db import models
-from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete
 #from django.core.cache import cache
 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
@@ -21,72 +20,97 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
 #CACHE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 * 4 # Set the cache timeout to be four hours
 class StudentModule(models.Model):
     # For a homework problem, contains a JSON
     # object consisting of state
-    MODULE_TYPES = (('problem','problem'),
-                    ('video','video'),
-                    ('html','html'),
+    MODULE_TYPES = (('problem', 'problem'),
+                    ('video', 'video'),
+                    ('html', 'html'),
     ## These three are the key for the object
     module_type = models.CharField(max_length=32, choices=MODULE_TYPES, default='problem', db_index=True)
-    module_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) # Filename for homeworks, etc. 
+    # Key used to share state. By default, this is the module_id,
+    # but for abtests and the like, this can be set to a shared value
+    # for many instances of the module.
+    # Filename for homeworks, etc.
+    module_state_key = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True, db_column='module_id')
     student = models.ForeignKey(User, db_index=True)
     class Meta:
-        unique_together = (('student', 'module_id'),)
+        unique_together = (('student', 'module_state_key'),)
     ## Internal state of the object
     state = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
-    ## Grade, and are we done? 
+    ## Grade, and are we done?
     grade = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True, db_index=True)
     max_grade = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True)
-                    ('f','FINISHED'),
-                    ('i','INCOMPLETE'),
+    DONE_TYPES = (('na', 'NOT_APPLICABLE'),
+                    ('f', 'FINISHED'),
+                    ('i', 'INCOMPLETE'),
     done = models.CharField(max_length=8, choices=DONE_TYPES, default='na', db_index=True)
-    # DONE_TYPES = (('done','DONE'),          # Finished
-    #               ('incomplete','NOTDONE'), # Not finished
-    #               ('na','NA'))              # Not applicable (e.g. vertical)
-    # done = models.CharField(max_length=16, choices=DONE_TYPES)
     created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True)
     modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, db_index=True)
     def __unicode__(self):
-        return self.module_type+'/'+self.student.username+"/"+self.module_id+'/'+str(self.state)[:20]
+        return '/'.join([self.module_type, self.student.username, self.module_state_key, str(self.state)[:20]])
+# TODO (cpennington): Remove these once the LMS switches to using XModuleDescriptors
-    # @classmethod
-    # def get_with_caching(cls, student, module_id):
-    #     k = cls.key_for(student, module_id)
-    #     student_module = cache.get(k)
-    #     if student_module is None:
-    #         student_module = StudentModule.objects.filter(student=student,
-    #                                                       module_id=module_id)[0]
-    #         # It's possible it really doesn't exist...
-    #         if student_module is not None:
-    #             cache.set(k, student_module, CACHE_TIMEOUT)
+class StudentModuleCache(object):
+    """
+    A cache of StudentModules for a specific student
+    """
+    def __init__(self, user, descriptor, depth=None):
+        '''
+        Find any StudentModule objects that are needed by any child modules of the
+        supplied descriptor. Avoids making multiple queries to the database
+        '''
+        if user.is_authenticated():
+            module_ids = self._get_module_state_keys(descriptor, depth)
+            self.cache = list(StudentModule.objects.filter(student=user,
+                                                           module_state_key__in=module_ids))
+        else:
+            self.cache = []
-    #     return student_module
+    def _get_module_state_keys(self, descriptor, depth):
+        '''
+        Get a list of the state_keys needed for StudentModules
+        required for this chunk of module xml
+        '''
+        keys = [descriptor.url]
-    @classmethod
-    def key_for(cls, student, module_id):
-        return "StudentModule-student_id:{0};module_id:{1}".format(, module_id)
+        shared_state_key = getattr(descriptor, 'shared_state_key', None)
+        if shared_state_key is not None:
+            keys.append(shared_state_key)
+        if depth is None or depth > 0:
+            new_depth = depth - 1 if depth is not None else depth
-# def clear_cache_by_student_and_module_id(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
-#     k = sender.key_for(instance.student, instance.module_id)
-#     cache.delete(k)
+            for child in descriptor.get_children():
+                keys.extend(self._get_module_state_keys(child, new_depth))
-# def update_cache_by_student_and_module_id(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
-#     k = sender.key_for(instance.student, instance.module_id)
-#     cache.set(k, instance, CACHE_TIMEOUT)
+        return keys
+    def lookup(self, module_type, module_state_key):
+        '''
+        Look for a student module with the given type and id in the cache.
-#post_save.connect(update_cache_by_student_and_module_id, sender=StudentModule, weak=False)
-#post_delete.connect(clear_cache_by_student_and_module_id, sender=StudentModule, weak=False)
+        cache -- list of student modules
+        returns first found object, or None
+        '''
+        for o in self.cache:
+            if o.module_type == module_type and o.module_state_key == module_state_key:
+                return o
+        return None
+    def append(self, student_module):
+        self.cache.append(student_module)
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
index 3a6fcbfb45c..d05bdcefab8 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
@@ -12,19 +12,21 @@ from fs.osfs import OSFS
 from django.conf import settings
 from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string, render_to_response
-from models import StudentModule
+from models import StudentModule, StudentModuleCache
 from multicourse import multicourse_settings
 from util.views import accepts
 import courseware.content_parser as content_parser
 import xmodule
+from keystore.django import keystore
 log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
 class I4xSystem(object):
-    This is an abstraction such that x_modules can function independent 
-    of the courseware (e.g. import into other types of courseware, LMS, 
+    This is an abstraction such that x_modules can function independent
+    of the courseware (e.g. import into other types of courseware, LMS,
     or if we want to have a sandbox server for user-contributed content)
     I4xSystem objects are passed to x_modules to provide access to system
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ class I4xSystem(object):
     and user, or other environment-specific info.
     def __init__(self, ajax_url, track_function, render_function,
-                 module_from_xml, render_template, request=None,
+                 get_module, render_template, request=None,
         Create a closure around the system environment.
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ class I4xSystem(object):
                          or otherwise tracking the event.
                          TODO: Not used, and has inconsistent args in different
                          files.  Update or remove.
-        module_from_xml - function that takes (module_xml) and returns a corresponding
+        get_module - function that takes (location) and returns a corresponding
                           module instance object.
         render_function - function that takes (module_xml) and renders it,
                           returning a dictionary with a context for rendering the
@@ -58,14 +60,14 @@ class I4xSystem(object):
         self.ajax_url = ajax_url
         self.track_function = track_function
-        if not filestore: 
+        if not filestore:
             self.filestore = OSFS(settings.DATA_DIR)
             self.filestore = filestore
             if settings.DEBUG:
       "[courseware.module_render.I4xSystem] filestore path = %s",
-        self.module_from_xml = module_from_xml
+        self.get_module = get_module
         self.render_function = render_function
         self.render_template = render_template
         self.exception404 = Http404
@@ -75,8 +77,8 @@ class I4xSystem(object):
     def get(self, attr):
         '''	provide uniform access to attributes (like etree).'''
         return self.__dict__.get(attr)
-    def set(self,attr,val):
+    def set(self, attr, val):
         '''provide uniform access to attributes (like etree)'''
         self.__dict__[attr] = val
@@ -86,21 +88,11 @@ class I4xSystem(object):
     def __str__(self):
         return str(self.__dict__)
-def smod_cache_lookup(cache, module_type, module_id):
-    '''
-    Look for a student module with the given type and id in the cache.
-    cache -- list of student modules
-    returns first found object, or None
-    '''
-    for o in cache: 
-        if o.module_type == module_type and o.module_id == module_id:
-            return o
-    return None
 def make_track_function(request):
-    ''' 
+    '''
     Make a tracking function that logs what happened.
     For use in I4xSystem.
@@ -110,8 +102,9 @@ def make_track_function(request):
         return track.views.server_track(request, event_type, event, page='x_module')
     return f
 def grade_histogram(module_id):
-    ''' Print out a histogram of grades on a given problem. 
+    ''' Print out a histogram of grades on a given problem.
         Part of staff member debug info.
     from django.db import connection
@@ -137,13 +130,87 @@ def make_module_from_xml_fn(user, request, student_module_cache, position):
     def module_from_xml(xml):
         '''Modules need a way to convert xml to instance objects.
         Pass the rest of the context through.'''
-        (instance, sm, module_type) = get_module(
+        (instance, _, _, _) = get_module(
             user, request, xml, student_module_cache, position)
         return instance
     return module_from_xml
-def get_module(user, request, module_xml, student_module_cache, position=None):
+def toc_for_course(user, request, course_location, active_chapter, active_section):
+    '''
+    Create a table of contents from the module store
+    Return format:
+    [ {'name': name, 'sections': SECTIONS, 'active': bool}, ... ]
+    where SECTIONS is a list
+    [ {'name': name, 'format': format, 'due': due, 'active' : bool}, ...]
+    active is set for the section and chapter corresponding to the passed
+    parameters.  Everything else comes from the xml, or defaults to "".
+    chapters with name 'hidden' are skipped.
+    '''
+    student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache(user, keystore().get_item(course_location), depth=2)
+    (course, _, _, _) = get_module(user, request, course_location, student_module_cache)
+    chapters = list()
+    for chapter in course.get_display_items():
+        sections = list()
+        for section in chapter.get_display_items():
+            active = (chapter.display_name == active_chapter and
+                      section.display_name == active_section)
+            sections.append({'name': section.display_name,
+                             'format': getattr(section, 'format', ''),
+                             'due': getattr(section, 'due', ''),
+                             'active': active})
+        chapters.append({'name': chapter.display_name,
+                         'sections': sections,
+                         'active': chapter.display_name == active_chapter})
+    return chapters
+def get_section(course, chapter, section):
+    """
+    Returns the xmodule descriptor for the name course > chapter > section,
+    or None if this doesn't specify a valid section
+    course: Course url
+    chapter: Chapter name
+    section: Section name
+    """
+    try:
+        course_module = keystore().get_item(course)
+    except:
+        log.exception("Unable to load course_module")
+        return None
+    if course_module is None:
+        return
+    chapter_module = None
+    for _chapter in course_module.get_children():
+        if _chapter.display_name == chapter:
+            chapter_module = _chapter
+            break
+    if chapter_module is None:
+        return
+    section_module = None
+    for _section in chapter_module.get_children():
+        if _section.display_name == section:
+            section_module = _section
+            break
+    return section_module
+def get_module(user, request, location, student_module_cache, position=None):
     ''' Get an instance of the xmodule class corresponding to module_xml,
     setting the state based on an existing StudentModule, or creating one if none
@@ -152,65 +219,73 @@ def get_module(user, request, module_xml, student_module_cache, position=None):
       - user                  : current django User
       - request               : current django HTTPrequest
       - module_xml            : lxml etree of xml subtree for the requested module
-      - student_module_cache  : list of StudentModule objects, one of which may
-                                match this module type and id
-      - position   	          : extra information from URL for user-specified
+      - student_module_cache  : a StudentModuleCache
+      - position              : extra information from URL for user-specified
                                 position within module
-      - a tuple (xmodule instance, student module, module type).
+      - a tuple (xmodule instance, instance_module, shared_module, module type).
+        instance_module is a StudentModule specific to this module for this student
+        shared_module is a StudentModule specific to all modules with the same 'shared_state_key' attribute, or None if the module doesn't elect to share state
-    module_type = module_xml.tag
-    module_class = xmodule.get_module_class(module_type)
-    module_id = module_xml.get('id')
-    # Grab xmodule state from StudentModule cache
-    smod = smod_cache_lookup(student_module_cache, module_type, module_id)
-    state = smod.state if smod else None
-    # get coursename if present in request
-    coursename = multicourse_settings.get_coursename_from_request(request)
+    descriptor = keystore().get_item(location)
-    if coursename and settings.ENABLE_MULTICOURSE:
-        # path to XML for the course
-        xp = multicourse_settings.get_course_xmlpath(coursename)
-        data_root = settings.DATA_DIR + xp
+    instance_module = student_module_cache.lookup(descriptor.type, descriptor.url)
+    shared_state_key = getattr(descriptor, 'shared_state_key', None)
+    if shared_state_key is not None:
+        shared_module = student_module_cache.lookup(descriptor.type, shared_state_key)
-        data_root = settings.DATA_DIR
+        shared_module = None
+    instance_state = instance_module.state if instance_module is not None else None
+    shared_state = shared_module.state if shared_module is not None else None
     # Setup system context for module instance
-    ajax_url = settings.MITX_ROOT_URL + '/modx/' + module_type + '/' + module_id + '/'
+    ajax_url = settings.MITX_ROOT_URL + '/modx/' + descriptor.type + '/' + descriptor.url + '/'
-    module_from_xml = make_module_from_xml_fn(
-        user, request, student_module_cache, position)
-    system = I4xSystem(track_function = make_track_function(request), 
-                       render_function = lambda xml: render_x_module(
+    def _get_module(location):
+        (module, _, _, _) = get_module(user, request, location, student_module_cache, position)
+        return module
+    system = I4xSystem(track_function=make_track_function(request),
+                       render_function=lambda xml: render_x_module(
                            user, request, xml, student_module_cache, position),
-                       render_template = render_to_string,
-                       ajax_url = ajax_url,
-                       request = request,
-                       filestore = OSFS(data_root),
-                       module_from_xml = module_from_xml,
+                       render_template=render_to_string,
+                       ajax_url=ajax_url,
+                       request=request,
+                       # TODO (cpennington): Figure out how to share info between systems
+                       filestore=descriptor.system.resources_fs,
+                       get_module=_get_module,
     # pass position specified in URL to module through I4xSystem
-    system.set('position', position) 
-    instance = module_class(system, 
-                            etree.tostring(module_xml), 
-                            module_id, 
-                            state=state)
+    system.set('position', position)
+    module = descriptor.xmodule_constructor(system)(instance_state, shared_state)
     # If StudentModule for this instance wasn't already in the database,
     # and this isn't a guest user, create it.
-    if not smod and user.is_authenticated():
-        smod = StudentModule(student=user, module_type = module_type,
-                           module_id=module_id, state=instance.get_state())
-        # Add to cache. The caller and the system context have references
-        # to it, so the change persists past the return
-        student_module_cache.append(smod)
+    if user.is_authenticated():
+        if not instance_module:
+            instance_module = StudentModule(
+                student=user,
+                module_type=descriptor.type,
+      ,
+                state=module.get_instance_state())
+            # Add to cache. The caller and the system context have references
+            # to it, so the change persists past the return
+            student_module_cache.append(instance_module)
+        if not shared_module and shared_state_key is not None:
+            shared_module = StudentModule(
+                student=user,
+                module_type=descriptor.type,
+                module_state_key=shared_state_key,
+                state=module.get_shared_state())
+            student_module_cache.append(shared_module)
+    return (module, instance_module, shared_module, descriptor.type)
-    return (instance, smod, module_type)
 def render_x_module(user, request, module_xml, student_module_cache, position=None):
     ''' Generic module for extensions. This renders to HTML.
@@ -232,20 +307,20 @@ def render_x_module(user, request, module_xml, student_module_cache, position=No
       - dict which is context for HTML rendering of the specified module.  Will have
       key 'content', and will have 'type' key if passed a valid module.
-    if module_xml is None :
+    if module_xml is None:
         return {"content": ""}
-    (instance, smod, module_type) = get_module(
+    (instance, _, _, module_type) = get_module(
         user, request, module_xml, student_module_cache, position)
     content = instance.get_html()
-    # special extra information about each problem, only for users who are staff 
+    # special extra information about each problem, only for users who are staff
     if settings.MITX_FEATURES.get('DISPLAY_HISTOGRAMS_TO_STAFF') and user.is_staff:
         module_id = module_xml.get('id')
         histogram = grade_histogram(module_id)
         render_histogram = len(histogram) > 0
-        staff_context = {'xml': etree.tostring(module_xml), 
+        staff_context = {'xml': etree.tostring(module_xml),
                          'module_id': module_id,
                          'histogram': json.dumps(histogram),
                          'render_histogram': render_histogram}
@@ -254,6 +329,7 @@ def render_x_module(user, request, module_xml, student_module_cache, position=No
     context = {'content': content, 'type': module_type}
     return context
 def modx_dispatch(request, module=None, dispatch=None, id=None):
     ''' Generic view for extensions. This is where AJAX calls go.
@@ -276,24 +352,10 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, module=None, dispatch=None, id=None):
     error_msg = ("We're sorry, this module is temporarily unavailable. "
                  "Our staff is working to fix it as soon as possible")
-    # Grab the student information for the module from the database
-    s = StudentModule.objects.filter(student=request.user, 
-                                     module_id=id)
-    if s is None or len(s) == 0:
-        log.debug("Couldn't find module '%s' for user '%s' and id '%s'",
-                  module, request.user, id)
-        raise Http404
-    s = s[0]
-    oldgrade = s.grade
-    oldstate = s.state
     # If there are arguments, get rid of them
     dispatch, _, _ = dispatch.partition('?')
-    ajax_url = '{root}/modx/{module}/{id}'.format(root = settings.MITX_ROOT_URL,
+    ajax_url = '{root}/modx/{module}/{id}'.format(root=settings.MITX_ROOT_URL,
                                                   module=module, id=id)
     coursename = multicourse_settings.get_coursename_from_request(request)
     if coursename and settings.ENABLE_MULTICOURSE:
@@ -315,26 +377,40 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, module=None, dispatch=None, id=None):
             response = HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': error_msg}))
         return response
-    # TODO: This doesn't have a cache of child student modules.  Just
-    # passing the current one.  If ajax calls end up needing children,
-    # this won't work (but fixing it may cause performance issues...)
-    # Figure out :)
+    module_xml = etree.fromstring(xml)
+    student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache(request.user, module_xml)
+    (instance, instance_state, shared_state, module_type) = get_module(
+            request.user, request, module_xml,
+            student_module_cache, None)
+    if instance_state is None:
+        log.debug("Couldn't find module '%s' for user '%s' and id '%s'",
+                  module, request.user, id)
+        raise Http404
+    oldgrade = instance_state.grade
+    old_instance_state = instance_state.state
+    old_shared_state = shared_state.state if shared_state is not None else None
     module_from_xml = make_module_from_xml_fn(
-        request.user, request, [s], None)
+        request.user, request, student_module_cache, None)
     # Create the module
-    system = I4xSystem(track_function = make_track_function(request), 
-                       render_function = None,
-                       module_from_xml = module_from_xml,
-                       render_template = render_to_string,
-                       ajax_url = ajax_url,
-                       request = request,
-                       filestore = OSFS(data_root),
+    system = I4xSystem(track_function=make_track_function(request),
+                       render_function=None,
+                       module_from_xml=module_from_xml,
+                       render_template=render_to_string,
+                       ajax_url=ajax_url,
+                       request=request,
+                       filestore=OSFS(data_root),
         module_class = xmodule.get_module_class(module)
-        instance = module_class(system, xml, id, state=oldstate)
+        instance = module_class(
+            system, xml, id,
+            instance_state=old_instance_state,
+            shared_state=old_shared_state)
         log.exception("Unable to load module instance during ajax call")
         if accepts(request, 'text/html'):
@@ -351,10 +427,16 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, module=None, dispatch=None, id=None):
     # Save the state back to the database
-    s.state = instance.get_state()
-    if instance.get_score(): 
-        s.grade = instance.get_score()['score']
-    if s.grade != oldgrade or s.state != oldstate:
+    instance_state.state = instance.get_instance_state()
+    if instance.get_score():
+        instance_state.grade = instance.get_score()['score']
+    if instance_state.grade != oldgrade or instance_state.state != old_instance_state:
+    if shared_state is not None:
+        shared_state.state = instance.get_shared_state()
+        if shared_state.state != old_shared_state:
     # Return whatever the module wanted to return to the client/caller
     return HttpResponse(ajax_return)
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
index 5cbbe18d7d1..6e8eb1ab9ef 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/courseware/
@@ -16,11 +16,10 @@ from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control
 from lxml import etree
-from module_render import render_x_module, make_track_function, I4xSystem
-from models import StudentModule
+from module_render import render_x_module, toc_for_course, get_module, get_section
+from models import StudentModuleCache
 from student.models import UserProfile
 from multicourse import multicourse_settings
-import xmodule
 import courseware.content_parser as content_parser
@@ -87,23 +86,20 @@ def render_accordion(request, course, chapter, section):
         If chapter and section are '' or None, renders a default accordion.
         Returns (initialization_javascript, content)'''
-    if not course:
-        course = "6.002 Spring 2012"
-    toc = content_parser.toc_from_xml(
-        content_parser.course_file(request.user, course), chapter, section)
+    course_location = multicourse_settings.get_course_location(course)
+    toc = toc_for_course(request.user, request, course_location, chapter, section)
     active_chapter = 1
     for i in range(len(toc)):
         if toc[i]['active']:
             active_chapter = i
-    context=dict([('active_chapter', active_chapter),
-                  ('toc', toc),
-                  ('course_name', course),
-                  ('format_url_params', content_parser.format_url_params),
-                  ('csrf', csrf(request)['csrf_token'])] +
-                     template_imports.items())
+    context = dict([('active_chapter', active_chapter),
+                    ('toc', toc),
+                    ('course_name', course),
+                    ('format_url_params', content_parser.format_url_params),
+                    ('csrf', csrf(request)['csrf_token'])] + template_imports.items())
     return render_to_string('accordion.html', context)
@@ -125,16 +121,10 @@ def render_section(request, section):
     context = {
         'csrf': csrf(request)['csrf_token'],
-        'accordion': render_accordion(request, '', '', '')
+        'accordion': render_accordion(request, get_course(request), '', '')
-    module_ids = dom.xpath("//@id")
-    if user.is_authenticated():
-        student_module_cache = list(StudentModule.objects.filter(student=user,
-                                                                  module_id__in=module_ids))
-    else:
-        student_module_cache = []
+    student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache(request.user, dom)
         module = render_x_module(user, request, dom, student_module_cache)
@@ -147,13 +137,13 @@ def render_section(request, section):
         return render_to_response('courseware.html', context)
-        'init': module.get('init_js', ''),
         'content': module['content'],
     result = render_to_response('courseware.html', context)
     return result
 def get_course(request, course):
     ''' Figure out what the correct course is.
@@ -161,7 +151,7 @@ def get_course(request, course):
     TODO: Can this go away once multicourse becomes standard?
-    if course==None:
+    if course == None:
         if not settings.ENABLE_MULTICOURSE:
             course = "6.002 Spring 2012"
         elif 'coursename' in request.session:
@@ -170,35 +160,6 @@ def get_course(request, course):
             course = settings.COURSE_DEFAULT
     return course
-def get_module_xml(user, course, chapter, section):
-    ''' Look up the module xml for the given course/chapter/section path.
-    Takes the user to look up the course file.
-    Returns None if there was a problem, or the lxml etree for the module.
-    '''
-    try:
-        # this is the course.xml etree
-        dom = content_parser.course_file(user, course)
-    except:
-        log.exception("Unable to parse courseware xml")
-        return None
-    # this is the module's parent's etree
-    path = "//course[@name=$course]/chapter[@name=$chapter]//section[@name=$section]"
-    dom_module = dom.xpath(path, course=course, chapter=chapter, section=section)
-    module_wrapper = dom_module[0] if len(dom_module) > 0 else None
-    if module_wrapper is None:
-        module = None
-    elif module_wrapper.get("src"):
-        module = content_parser.section_file(
-            user=user, section=module_wrapper.get("src"), coursename=course)
-    else:
-        # Copy the element out of the module's etree
-        module = etree.XML(etree.tostring(module_wrapper[0]))
-    return module
 @cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
@@ -228,55 +189,6 @@ def index(request, course=None, chapter=None, section=None,
         return s.replace('_', ' ') if s is not None else None
-    def get_submodule_ids(module_xml):
-        '''
-        Get a list with ids of the modules within this module.
-        '''
-        return module_xml.xpath("//@id")
-    def preload_student_modules(module_xml):
-        '''
-        Find any StudentModule objects for this user that match
-        one of the given module_ids.  Used as a cache to avoid having
-        each rendered module hit the db separately.
-        Returns the list, or None on error.
-        '''
-        if request.user.is_authenticated():
-            module_ids = get_submodule_ids(module_xml)
-            return list(StudentModule.objects.filter(student=request.user,
-                                                     module_id__in=module_ids))
-        else:
-            return []
-    def get_module_context():
-        '''
-        Look up the module object and render it.  If all goes well, returns
-        {'init': module-init-js, 'content': module-rendered-content}
-        If there's an error, returns
-        {'content': module-error message}
-        '''
-        user = request.user
-        module_xml = get_module_xml(user, course, chapter, section)
-        if module_xml is None:
-            log.exception("couldn't get module_xml: course/chapter/section: '%s/%s/%s'",
-                          course, chapter, section)
-            return {'content' : render_to_string("module-error.html", {})}
-        student_module_cache = preload_student_modules(module_xml)
-        try:
-            module_context = render_x_module(user, request, module_xml,
-                                             student_module_cache, position)
-        except:
-            log.exception("Unable to load module")
-            return {'content' : render_to_string("module-error.html", {})}
-        return {'init': module_context.get('init_js', ''),
-                'content': module_context['content']}
     if not settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED:
         return redirect('/')
@@ -300,11 +212,16 @@ def index(request, course=None, chapter=None, section=None,
     look_for_module = chapter is not None and section is not None
     if look_for_module:
-        context.update(get_module_context())
+        course_location = multicourse_settings.get_course_location(course)
+        section = get_section(course_location, chapter, section)
+        student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache(request.user, section)
+        module, _, _, _ = get_module(request.user, request, section.url, student_module_cache)
+        context['content'] = module.get_html()
     result = render_to_response('courseware.html', context)
     return result
 def jump_to(request, probname=None):
     Jump to viewing a specific problem.  The problem is specified by a
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/multicourse/ b/lms/djangoapps/multicourse/
index 05b05c8ec97..4d568d55a17 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/multicourse/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/multicourse/
@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@ if hasattr(settings,'COURSE_SETTINGS'):    	# in the future, this could be repla
 elif hasattr(settings,'COURSE_NAME'):		# backward compatibility
     COURSE_SETTINGS = {settings.COURSE_NAME: {'number': settings.COURSE_NUMBER,
                                               'title':  settings.COURSE_TITLE,
+                                              'location': settings.COURSE_LOCATION,
 else:						# default to 6.002_Spring_2012
     COURSE_SETTINGS = {'6.002_Spring_2012': {'number': '6.002x',
                                               'title':  'Circuits and Electronics',
+                                              'location': 'i4x://edx/6002xs12/course/6.002 Spring 2012',
@@ -51,31 +53,47 @@ def get_coursename_from_request(request):
 def get_course_settings(coursename):
     if not coursename:
-        if hasattr(settings,'COURSE_DEFAULT'):
+        if hasattr(settings, 'COURSE_DEFAULT'):
             coursename = settings.COURSE_DEFAULT
             coursename = '6.002_Spring_2012'
-    if coursename in COURSE_SETTINGS: return COURSE_SETTINGS[coursename]
-    coursename = coursename.replace(' ','_')
-    if coursename in COURSE_SETTINGS: return COURSE_SETTINGS[coursename]
+    if coursename in COURSE_SETTINGS:
+        return COURSE_SETTINGS[coursename]
+    coursename = coursename.replace(' ', '_')
+    if coursename in COURSE_SETTINGS:
+        return COURSE_SETTINGS[coursename]
     return None
 def is_valid_course(coursename):
     return get_course_settings(coursename) != None
-def get_course_property(coursename,property):
+def get_course_property(coursename, property):
     cs = get_course_settings(coursename)
-    if not cs: return ''	# raise exception instead?
-    if property in cs: return cs[property]
-    return ''	# default
+    # raise exception instead?
+    if not cs:
+        return ''
+    if property in cs:
+        return cs[property]
+    # default
+    return ''
 def get_course_xmlpath(coursename):
-    return get_course_property(coursename,'xmlpath')
+    return get_course_property(coursename, 'xmlpath')
 def get_course_title(coursename):
-    return get_course_property(coursename,'title')
+    return get_course_property(coursename, 'title')
 def get_course_number(coursename):
-    return get_course_property(coursename,'number')
+    return get_course_property(coursename, 'number')
+def get_course_location(coursename):
+    return get_course_property(coursename, 'location')
diff --git a/lms/envs/ b/lms/envs/
index 60834f9d913..8c82b2e8c19 100644
--- a/lms/envs/
+++ b/lms/envs/
@@ -132,10 +132,25 @@ COURSE_DEFAULT = '6.002_Spring_2012'
 COURSE_SETTINGS =  {'6.002_Spring_2012': {'number' : '6.002x',
                                           'title'  :  'Circuits and Electronics',
                                           'xmlpath': '6002x/',
+                                          'location': 'i4x://edx/6002xs12/course/6_002_Spring_2012',
+############################### XModule Store ##################################
+    'default': {
+        'ENGINE': 'keystore.xml.XMLModuleStore',
+        'OPTIONS': {
+            'org': 'edx',
+            'course': '6002xs12',
+            'data_dir': DATA_DIR,
+            'default_class': 'xmodule.hidden_module.HiddenDescriptor',
+        }
+    }
 ############################### DJANGO BUILT-INS ###############################
 # Change DEBUG/TEMPLATE_DEBUG in your environment settings files, not here
 DEBUG = False
diff --git a/lms/envs/ b/lms/envs/
index decd92d136d..f175ca1f533 100644
--- a/lms/envs/
+++ b/lms/envs/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from .common import *
 from .logsettings import get_logger_config
 DEBUG = True
 LOGGING = get_logger_config(ENV_ROOT / "log", 
diff --git a/lms/lib/dogfood/ b/lms/lib/dogfood/
index 17096afc703..a91314d228b 100644
--- a/lms/lib/dogfood/
+++ b/lms/lib/dogfood/
@@ -184,29 +184,29 @@ def quickedit(request, id=None, qetemplate='quickedit.html',coursename=None):
                            filestore = OSFS(settings.DATA_DIR + xp),
                            #role = 'staff' if request.user.is_staff else 'student',		# TODO: generalize this
-        instance=xmodule.get_module_class(module)(system, 
-                                                             xml, 
+        instance = xmodule.get_module_class(module)(system,
+                                                             xml,
                                                              state=None)'ajax_url = ' + instance.ajax_url)
         # create empty student state for this problem, if not previously existing
-        s = StudentModule.objects.filter(student=request.user, 
-                                         module_id=id)
+        s = StudentModule.objects.filter(student=request.user,
+                                         module_state_key=id)
         if len(s) == 0 or s is None:
-            smod=StudentModule(student=request.user, 
-                               module_type = 'problem',
-                               module_id=id, 
-                               state=instance.get_state())
+            smod = StudentModule(student=request.user,
+                                 module_type='problem',
+                                 module_state_key=id,
+                                 state=instance.get_instance_state())
         lcp = instance.lcp
         pxml = lcp.tree
-        pxmls = etree.tostring(pxml,pretty_print=True)
+        pxmls = etree.tostring(pxml, pretty_print=True)
         return instance, pxmls
-    instance, pxmls = get_lcp(coursename,id)
+    instance, pxmls = get_lcp(coursename, id)
     # if there was a POST, then process it
     msg = ''
@@ -246,8 +246,6 @@ def quickedit(request, id=None, qetemplate='quickedit.html',coursename=None):
     # get the rendered problem HTML
     phtml = instance.get_html()
     # phtml = instance.get_problem_html()
-    # init_js = instance.get_init_js()
-    # destory_js = instance.get_destroy_js()
     context = {'id':id,
                'msg' : msg,
diff --git a/lms/static/coffee/src/modules/ b/lms/static/coffee/src/modules/
index 32a90f51a52..a4a80e34078 100644
--- a/lms/static/coffee/src/modules/
+++ b/lms/static/coffee/src/modules/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 class @Sequence
-  constructor: (@id, @elements, @tag, position) ->
-    @element = $("#sequence_#{@id}")
+  constructor: (@id, @element_id, @elements, @tag, position) ->
+    @element = $("#sequence_#{@element_id}")
diff --git a/lms/templates/seq_module.html b/lms/templates/seq_module.html
index ab903457dcd..00221a49513 100644
--- a/lms/templates/seq_module.html
+++ b/lms/templates/seq_module.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<div id="sequence_${id}" class="sequence">
+<div id="sequence_${element_id}" class="sequence">
   <nav aria-label="Section Navigation" class="sequence-nav">
     <ol id="sequence-list">
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 <%block name="js_extra">
 <script type="text/javascript">
-      new Sequence('${id}', ${items}, '${tag}', ${position});
+    new Sequence('${item_id}', '${element_id}', ${items}, '${tag}', ${position});
diff --git a/lms/templates/vert_module.html b/lms/templates/vert_module.html
index c68f4ae60e7..baa432fc933 100644
--- a/lms/templates/vert_module.html
+++ b/lms/templates/vert_module.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <ol class="vert-mod">
-% for t in items:
-  <li id="vert-${items.index(t)}">
-    ${t[1]['content']}
+% for idx, item in enumerate(items):
+  <li id="vert-${idx}">
+    ${item}
 % endfor