From e07635559c4d1fe8c6cdb54fc3e3f0c09127bd67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: atesker <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2019 15:11:57 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] EDUCATOR-4365 - display max score for not started assignment


moved includes

refactor 1

correted properties

update unit test

pep update

cr 2

made failure case a function
 .../grades/rest_api/v1/     | 71 ++++++++++--------
 .../rest_api/v1/tests/ | 72 ++++++++++++++++---
 .../grades/        |  6 +-
 3 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/grades/rest_api/v1/ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/rest_api/v1/
index 3a13719f304..71b61a7a7e8 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/grades/rest_api/v1/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/rest_api/v1/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from contextlib import contextmanager
 from functools import wraps
 import six
+from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
 from django.core.cache import cache
 from django.db.models import Case, Exists, F, OuterRef, When, Q
 from django.urls import reverse
@@ -42,7 +43,9 @@ from lms.djangoapps.grades.rest_api.serializers import (
 from lms.djangoapps.grades.rest_api.v1.utils import USER_MODEL, CourseEnrollmentPagination, GradeViewMixin
 from lms.djangoapps.grades.subsection_grade import CreateSubsectionGrade
+from lms.djangoapps.grades.subsection_grade_factory import SubsectionGradeFactory
 from lms.djangoapps.grades.tasks import recalculate_subsection_grade_v3
+from lms.djangoapps.course_blocks.api import get_course_blocks
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups import cohorts
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.util.forms import to_bool
 from openedx.core.lib.api.view_utils import (
@@ -1044,44 +1047,52 @@ class SubsectionGradeView(GradeViewMixin, APIView):
                 developer_message='Invalid UserID',
-        try:
-            original_grade = PersistentSubsectionGrade.read_grade(user_id, usage_key)
-        except PersistentSubsectionGrade.DoesNotExist:
-            results = SubsectionGradeResponseSerializer({
-                'original_grade': None,
-                'override': None,
-                'history': [],
-                'subsection_id': usage_key,
-                'user_id': user_id,
-                'course_id': None,
-            })
-            return Response(
-        limit_history_request_value = request.GET.get('history_record_limit')
-        if limit_history_request_value is not None:
+        override = None
+        history = []
+        history_record_limit = request.GET.get('history_record_limit')
+        if history_record_limit is not None:
-                history_record_limit = int(limit_history_request_value)
+                history_record_limit = int(history_record_limit)
             except ValueError:
                 history_record_limit = 0
-            override = original_grade.override
-            if limit_history_request_value is not None:
-                history = reversed(list(override.history.all().order_by('-history_date')[:history_record_limit]))
-            else:
-                history = override.history.all().order_by('history_date')
-        except PersistentSubsectionGradeOverride.DoesNotExist:
-            override = None
-            history = []
+            original_grade = PersistentSubsectionGrade.read_grade(user_id, usage_key)
+            if original_grade is not None and hasattr(original_grade, 'override'):
+                override = original_grade.override
+                history = list(original_grade.override.history.all().order_by('history_date')[:history_record_limit])
+            grade_data = {
+                'earned_all': original_grade.earned_all,
+                'possible_all': original_grade.possible_all,
+                'earned_graded': original_grade.earned_graded,
+                'possible_graded': original_grade.possible_graded,
+            }
+        except PersistentSubsectionGrade.DoesNotExist:
+            grade_data = self._get_grade_data_for_not_attempted_assignment(user_id, usage_key)
         results = SubsectionGradeResponseSerializer({
-            'original_grade': original_grade,
+            'original_grade': grade_data,
             'override': override,
             'history': history,
-            'subsection_id': original_grade.usage_key,
-            'user_id': original_grade.user_id,
-            'course_id': original_grade.course_id,
+            'subsection_id': usage_key,
+            'user_id': user_id,
+            'course_id': usage_key.course_key,
         return Response(
+    def _get_grade_data_for_not_attempted_assignment(self, user_id, usage_key):
+        """
+        Return grade for an assignment that wasn't attempted
+        """
+        student = get_user_model().objects.get(id=user_id)
+        course_structure = get_course_blocks(student, usage_key)
+        subsection_grade_factory = SubsectionGradeFactory(student, course_structure=course_structure)
+        grade = subsection_grade_factory.create(course_structure[usage_key], read_only=True, force_calculate=True)
+        grade_data = {
+            'earned_all': grade.all_total.earned,
+            'possible_all': grade.all_total.possible,
+            'earned_graded': grade.graded_total.earned,
+            'possible_graded': grade.graded_total.possible,
+        }
+        return grade_data
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/grades/rest_api/v1/tests/ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/rest_api/v1/tests/
index 6a5046b52c6..0041547ecc2 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/grades/rest_api/v1/tests/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/rest_api/v1/tests/
@@ -1644,7 +1644,8 @@ class SubsectionGradeViewTest(GradebookViewTestBase):
         cls.record_b = BlockRecord(locator=cls.locator_b, weight=1, raw_possible=10, graded=True)
         cls.block_records = BlockRecordList([cls.record_a, cls.record_b], cls.course_key)
         cls.usage_key = cls.subsections[cls.chapter_1.location][0].location
-        cls.user_id = 12345
+        cls.user = UserFactory.create()
+        cls.user_id =
         cls.params = {
             "user_id": cls.user_id,
             "usage_key": cls.usage_key,
@@ -1671,6 +1672,54 @@ class SubsectionGradeViewTest(GradebookViewTestBase):
         return "{0}?user_id={1}".format(base_url, user_id or self.user_id)
+    @patch('lms.djangoapps.grades.subsection_grade_factory.SubsectionGradeFactory.create')
+        'login_staff',
+        'login_course_admin',
+        'login_course_staff',
+    )
+    def test_no_grade(self, login_method, mocked_factory):
+        getattr(self, login_method)()
+        user_no_grade = UserFactory.create()
+        all_total_mock = MagicMock(
+            earned=1,
+            possible=2,
+        )
+        graded_total_mock = MagicMock(
+            earned=3,
+            possible=4,
+        )
+        mock_return_value = MagicMock(
+            all_total=all_total_mock,
+            graded_total=graded_total_mock
+        )
+        mocked_factory.return_value = mock_return_value
+        with self.assertRaises(PersistentSubsectionGrade.DoesNotExist):
+            PersistentSubsectionGrade.objects.get(
+      ,
+                course_id=self.usage_key.course_key,
+                usage_key=self.usage_key
+            )
+        resp = self.client.get(
+            self.get_url(subsection_id=self.usage_key,
+        )
+        expected_data = {
+            'original_grade': OrderedDict([
+                ('earned_all', 1.0),
+                ('possible_all', 2.0),
+                ('earned_graded', 3.0),
+                ('possible_graded', 4.0)
+            ]),
+            'user_id':,
+            'override': None,
+            'course_id': text_type(self.usage_key.course_key),
+            'subsection_id': text_type(self.usage_key),
+            'history': []
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(expected_data,
@@ -1690,7 +1739,7 @@ class SubsectionGradeViewTest(GradebookViewTestBase):
                 ('earned_graded', 6.0),
                 ('possible_graded', 8.0)
-            'user_id': 12345,
+            'user_id': self.user_id,
             'override': None,
             'course_id': text_type(self.course_key),
             'subsection_id': text_type(self.usage_key),
@@ -1727,7 +1776,7 @@ class SubsectionGradeViewTest(GradebookViewTestBase):
                 ('earned_graded', 6.0),
                 ('possible_graded', 8.0)
-            'user_id': 12345,
+            'user_id': self.user_id,
             'override': OrderedDict([
                 ('earned_all_override', 0.0),
                 ('possible_all_override', 12.0),
@@ -1784,7 +1833,7 @@ class SubsectionGradeViewTest(GradebookViewTestBase):
                 ('earned_graded', 6.0),
                 ('possible_graded', 8.0)
-            'user_id': 12345,
+            'user_id': self.user_id,
             'override': OrderedDict([
                 ('earned_all_override', 0.0),
                 ('possible_all_override', 12.0),
@@ -1874,15 +1923,20 @@ class SubsectionGradeViewTest(GradebookViewTestBase):
+        other_user = UserFactory.create()
         resp = self.client.get(
-            self.get_url(subsection_id=self.usage_key, user_id=6789)
+            self.get_url(subsection_id=self.usage_key,
         expected_data = {
-            'original_grade': None,
-            'user_id': 6789,
+            'original_grade': OrderedDict([
+                ('earned_all', 0.0),
+                ('possible_all', 0.0),
+                ('earned_graded', 0.0),
+                ('possible_graded', 0.0)
+            ]),
+            'user_id':,
             'override': None,
-            'course_id': None,
+            'course_id': text_type(self.usage_key.course_key),
             'subsection_id': text_type(self.usage_key),
             'history': []
diff --git a/lms/djangoapps/grades/ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/
index c7f89b8cc52..8765b503f96 100644
--- a/lms/djangoapps/grades/
+++ b/lms/djangoapps/grades/
@@ -34,11 +34,13 @@ class SubsectionGradeFactory(object):
         self._cached_subsection_grades = None
         self._unsaved_subsection_grades = OrderedDict()
-    def create(self, subsection, read_only=False):
+    def create(self, subsection, read_only=False, force_calculate=False):
         Returns the SubsectionGrade object for the student and subsection.
         If read_only is True, doesn't save any updates to the grades.
+        force_calculate - If true, will cause this function to return a `CreateSubsectionGrade` object if no cached
+        grade currently exists, even if the assume_zero_if_absent flag is enabled for the course.
             log.debug, u"create, read_only: {0}, subsection: {1}".format(read_only, subsection.location), subsection,
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ class SubsectionGradeFactory(object):
         subsection_grade = self._get_bulk_cached_grade(subsection)
         if not subsection_grade:
-            if assume_zero_if_absent(self.course_data.course_key):
+            if assume_zero_if_absent(self.course_data.course_key) and not force_calculate:
                 subsection_grade = ZeroSubsectionGrade(subsection, self.course_data)
                 subsection_grade = CreateSubsectionGrade(