diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index ad83dbbf3073e4bf49df9107b691636f0259f6d3..94fd2fba0f2d20f1c29aef39553a1ea9457802a2 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ the top.  Include a label indicating the component affected.
 Blades: Create an upload modal for video transcript translations (BLD-751).
+Studio and LMS: Upgrade version of TinyMCE to 4.0.20. Switch from tabbed Visual/HTML
+Editor for HTML modules to showing the code editor as a plugin within TinyMCE (triggered
+from toolbar). STUD-1422
 Studio: Add ability to reorder Pages and hide the Wiki page. STUD-1375
 Blades: Added template for iFrames. BLD-611.
@@ -16,10 +20,6 @@ Studio: Support for viewing built-in tabs on the Pages page. STUD-1193
 Blades: Fixed bug when image mapped input's Show Answer multiplies rectangles on
  many inputtypes. BLD-810.
-Studio and LMS: Upgrade version of TinyMCE to 4.0.16. Switch from tabbed Visual/HTML
-Editor for HTML modules to showing the code editor as a plugin within TinyMCE (triggered
-from toolbar). STUD-1422
 LMS: Enabled screen reader feedback of problem responses.
diff --git a/cms/envs/common.py b/cms/envs/common.py
index 434f534a275f7478ad71c0f105ccdec9beafabe2..a8b2fc12760c47cfaa3623d62c2e2476c794e463 100644
--- a/cms/envs/common.py
+++ b/cms/envs/common.py
@@ -310,10 +310,23 @@ PIPELINE_CSS = {
-            'js/vendor/markitup/sets/wiki/style.css',
+            'js/vendor/markitup/sets/wiki/style.css'
         'output_filename': 'css/cms-style-vendor.css',
+    'style-vendor-tinymce-content': {
+        'source_filenames': [
+            'js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/skins/studio-tmce4/content.min.css',
+            'css/tinymce-studio-content.css'
+        ],
+        'output_filename': 'css/cms-style-vendor-tinymce-content.css',
+    },
+    'style-vendor-tinymce-skin': {
+        'source_filenames': [
+            'js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/skins/studio-tmce4/skin.min.css'
+        ],
+        'output_filename': 'css/cms-style-vendor-tinymce-skin.css',
+    },
     'style-app': {
         'source_filenames': [
diff --git a/cms/static/coffee/spec/main.coffee b/cms/static/coffee/spec/main.coffee
index 1cbc3fc805b989d14598e60c6921dd00d5cf9dbb..4980e86c65f9fdc7de40a46767ee4ee0b935284c 100644
--- a/cms/static/coffee/spec/main.coffee
+++ b/cms/static/coffee/spec/main.coffee
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ requirejs.config({
         "backbone": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone-min",
         "backbone.associations": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone-associations-min",
         "backbone.paginator": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone.paginator.min",
-        "tinymce": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/tiny_mce",
-        "jquery.tinymce": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce",
+        "tinymce": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min",
+        "jquery.tinymce": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce",
         "xmodule": "xmodule_js/src/xmodule",
         "xblock/cms.runtime.v1": "coffee/src/xblock/cms.runtime.v1",
         "xblock": "xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/xblock",
diff --git a/cms/static/coffee/spec/main_squire.coffee b/cms/static/coffee/spec/main_squire.coffee
index c3ce440bcae1aef5ddbd0947144b691edf1a229a..e7e6bef00b45ccf8962924117c82f252dd5c9691 100644
--- a/cms/static/coffee/spec/main_squire.coffee
+++ b/cms/static/coffee/spec/main_squire.coffee
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ requirejs.config({
         "backbone": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone-min",
         "backbone.associations": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone-associations-min",
         "backbone.paginator": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/backbone.paginator.min",
-        "tinymce": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/tiny_mce",
-        "jquery.tinymce": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce",
+        "tinymce": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min",
+        "jquery.tinymce": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce",
         "xmodule": "xmodule_js/src/xmodule",
         "xblock/cms.runtime.v1": "coffee/src/xblock/cms.runtime.v1",
         "xblock": "xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/xblock",
diff --git a/cms/templates/base.html b/cms/templates/base.html
index 579a26f504ea1c4ff959fa16a31fcffa179d99f2..93a3ec4ff7f6ec75f8219011b6d95235ff95e7ce 100644
--- a/cms/templates/base.html
+++ b/cms/templates/base.html
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
     <meta name="path_prefix" content="${EDX_ROOT_URL}">
     <%static:css group='style-vendor'/>
+    <%static:css group='style-vendor-tinymce-content'/>
+    <%static:css group='style-vendor-tinymce-skin'/>
     <%static:css group='style-app'/>
     <%static:css group='style-app-extend1'/>
     <%static:css group='style-xmodule'/>
@@ -70,8 +72,8 @@
             "backbone": "js/vendor/backbone-min",
             "backbone.associations": "js/vendor/backbone-associations-min",
             "backbone.paginator": "js/vendor/backbone.paginator.min",
-            "tinymce": "js/vendor/tiny_mce/tinymce.min",
-            "jquery.tinymce": "js/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.min",
+            "tinymce": "js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min",
+            "jquery.tinymce": "js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.min",
             "xmodule": "/xmodule/xmodule",
             "xblock": "coffee/src/xblock",
             "utility": "js/src/utility",
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/js_test.yml b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/js_test.yml
index 8b251a484287f542f6002c098c1aba5d51d5cf8d..95d4df3e3f454ccbfda5aca6bab3fad22391effd 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/js_test.yml
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/js_test.yml
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ lib_paths:
     - common_static/js/vendor/backbone-min.js
     - common_static/js/vendor/jquery.leanModal.min.js
     - common_static/js/vendor/CodeMirror/codemirror.js
-    - common_static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.min.js
-    - common_static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/tinymce.min.js
+    - common_static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.min.js
+    - common_static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min.js
     - common_static/js/vendor/mathjax-MathJax-c9db6ac/MathJax.js
     - common_static/js/vendor/jquery.timeago.js
     - common_static/js/vendor/sinon-1.7.1.js
diff --git a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/html/edit.coffee b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/html/edit.coffee
index f0ca39f852836779e874f55edc488950ceb6b78c..97e713dad53861744c78f64bfc4c45fb218af4ff 100644
--- a/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/html/edit.coffee
+++ b/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/html/edit.coffee
@@ -6,21 +6,30 @@ class @HTMLEditingDescriptor
     if @base_asset_url == undefined
       @base_asset_url = null
+    # Create an array of all content CSS links to use in and pass to Tiny MCE.
+    # We create this dynamically in order to support hashed files from our Django pipeline.
+    # CSS files that are to be used by Tiny MCE should contain the string "tinymce" so
+    # they can be found by the search below.
+    # We filter for only those files that are "content" files (as opposed to "skin" files).
+    tiny_mce_css_links = []
+    $("link[rel=stylesheet][href*='tinymce']").filter("[href*='content']").each ->
+        tiny_mce_css_links.push $(this).attr("href")
+        return
 #   This is a workaround for the fact that tinyMCE's baseURL property is not getting correctly set on AWS
 #   instances (like sandbox). It is not necessary to explicitly set baseURL when running locally.
-    tinyMCE.baseURL = "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor/tiny_mce"
+    tinyMCE.baseURL = "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce"
 #   This is necessary for the LMS bulk e-mail acceptance test. In that particular scenario,
 #   tinyMCE incorrectly decides that the suffix should be "", which means it fails to load files.
     tinyMCE.suffix = ".min"
     @tiny_mce_textarea = $(".tiny-mce", @element).tinymce({
-      script_url : "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor/tiny_mce/tinymce.min.js",
+      script_url : "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min.js",
       theme : "modern",
       skin: 'studio-tmce4',
       schema: "html5",
       # Necessary to preserve relative URLs to our images.
       convert_urls : false,
-      # TODO: we should share this CSS with studio (and LMS)
-      content_css : "#{baseUrl}/css/tiny-mce.css",
+      content_css : tiny_mce_css_links.join(", "),
       formats : {
         # tinyMCE does block level for code by default
         code: {inline: 'code'}
diff --git a/common/static/css/tiny-mce.css b/common/static/css/tinymce-studio-content.css
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/css/tiny-mce.css
rename to common/static/css/tinymce-studio-content.css
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9221fa9a4fc6b9843e315e638c6f1f61595721c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-!function(e){function t(){function t(e){"remove"===e&&this.each(function(e,t){var n=r(t);n&&n.remove()}),this.find("span.mceEditor,div.mceEditor").each(function(e,t){var n=tinymce.get(t.id.replace(/_parent$/,""));n&&n.remove()})}function i(e){var n,i=this;if(null!=e)t.call(i),i.each(function(t,n){var i;(i=tinymce.get(n.id))&&i.setContent(e)});else if(i.length>0&&(n=tinymce.get(i[0].id)))return n.getContent()}function r(e){var t=null;return e&&e.id&&a.tinymce&&(t=tinymce.get(e.id)),t}function c(e){return!!(e&&e.length&&a.tinymce&&e.is(":tinymce"))}var u={};e.each(["text","html","val"],function(t,a){var o=u[a]=e.fn[a],s="text"===a;e.fn[a]=function(t){var a=this;if(!c(a))return o.apply(a,arguments);if(t!==n)return i.call(a.filter(":tinymce"),t),o.apply(a.not(":tinymce"),arguments),a;var u="",l=arguments;return(s?a:a.eq(0)).each(function(t,n){var i=r(n);u+=i?s?i.getContent().replace(/<(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/g,""):i.getContent({save:!0}):o.apply(e(n),l)}),u}}),e.each(["append","prepend"],function(t,i){var a=u[i]=e.fn[i],o="prepend"===i;e.fn[i]=function(e){var t=this;return c(t)?e!==n?(t.filter(":tinymce").each(function(t,n){var i=r(n);i&&i.setContent(o?e+i.getContent():i.getContent()+e)}),a.apply(t.not(":tinymce"),arguments),t):void 0:a.apply(t,arguments)}}),e.each(["remove","replaceWith","replaceAll","empty"],function(n,i){var r=u[i]=e.fn[i];e.fn[i]=function(){return t.call(this,i),r.apply(this,arguments)}}),u.attr=e.fn.attr,e.fn.attr=function(t,a){var o=this,s=arguments;if(!t||"value"!==t||!c(o))return a!==n?u.attr.apply(o,s):u.attr.apply(o,s);if(a!==n)return i.call(o.filter(":tinymce"),a),u.attr.apply(o.not(":tinymce"),s),o;var l=o[0],m=r(l);return m?m.getContent({save:!0}):u.attr.apply(e(l),s)}}var n,i,r=[],a=window;e.fn.tinymce=function(n){function c(){var i=[],r=0;t&&(t(),t=null),l.each(function(e,t){var a,c=t.id,u=n.oninit;c||(t.id=c=tinymce.DOM.uniqueId()),tinymce.get(c)||(a=new tinymce.Editor(c,n,tinymce.EditorManager),i.push(a),a.on("init",function(){var e,t=u;l.css("visibility",""),u&&++r==i.length&&("string"==typeof t&&(e=-1===t.indexOf(".")?null:tinymce.resolve(t.replace(/\.\w+$/,"")),t=tinymce.resolve(t)),t.apply(e||tinymce,i))}))}),e.each(i,function(e,t){t.render()})}var u,o,s,l=this,m="";if(!l.length)return l;if(!n)return tinymce.get(l[0].id);if(l.css("visibility","hidden"),a.tinymce||i||!(u=n.script_url))1===i?r.push(c):c();else{i=1,o=u.substring(0,u.lastIndexOf("/")),-1!=u.indexOf(".min")&&(m=".min"),a.tinymce=a.tinyMCEPreInit||{base:o,suffix:m},-1!=u.indexOf("gzip")&&(s=n.language||"en",u=u+(/\?/.test(u)?"&":"?")+"js=true&core=true&suffix="+escape(m)+"&themes="+escape(n.theme||"modern")+"&plugins="+escape(n.plugins||"")+"&languages="+(s||""),a.tinyMCE_GZ||(a.tinyMCE_GZ={start:function(){function t(e){tinymce.ScriptLoader.markDone(tinymce.baseURI.toAbsolute(e))}t("langs/"+s+".js"),t("themes/"+n.theme+"/theme"+m+".js"),t("themes/"+n.theme+"/langs/"+s+".js"),e.each(n.plugins.split(","),function(e,n){n&&(t("plugins/"+n+"/plugin"+m+".js"),t("plugins/"+n+"/langs/"+s+".js"))})},end:function(){}}));var p=document.createElement("script");p.type="text/javascript",p.onload=p.onreadystatechange=function(t){t=t||event,2===i||"load"!=t.type&&!/complete|loaded/.test(p.readyState)||(tinymce.dom.Event.domLoaded=1,i=2,n.script_loaded&&n.script_loaded(),c(),e.each(r,function(e,t){t()}))},p.src=u,document.body.appendChild(p)}return l},e.extend(e.expr[":"],{tinymce:function(e){return!!(e.id&&"tinymce"in window&&tinymce.get(e.id))}})}(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/advlist/plugin.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-tinymce.PluginManager.add("advlist",function(t){function e(t,e){var n=[];return tinymce.each(e.split(/[ ,]/),function(t){n.push({text:t.replace(/\-/g," ").replace(/\b\w/g,function(t){return t.toUpperCase()}),data:"default"==t?"":t})}),n}function n(e,n){var i,r=t.dom,a=t.selection;i=r.getParent(a.getNode(),"ol,ul"),i&&i.nodeName==e&&n!==!1||t.execCommand("UL"==e?"InsertUnorderedList":"InsertOrderedList"),n=n===!1?o[e]:n,o[e]=n,i=r.getParent(a.getNode(),"ol,ul"),i&&(r.setStyle(i,"listStyleType",n),i.removeAttribute("data-mce-style")),t.focus()}function i(e){var n=t.dom.getStyle(t.dom.getParent(t.selection.getNode(),"ol,ul"),"listStyleType")||"";e.control.items().each(function(t){t.active(t.settings.data===n)})}var r,a,o={};r=e("OL",t.getParam("advlist_number_styles","default,lower-alpha,lower-greek,lower-roman,upper-alpha,upper-roman")),a=e("UL",t.getParam("advlist_bullet_styles","default,circle,disc,square")),t.addButton("numlist",{type:"splitbutton",tooltip:"Numbered list",menu:r,onshow:i,onselect:function(t){n("OL",t.control.settings.data)},onclick:function(){n("OL",!1)}}),t.addButton("bullist",{type:"splitbutton",tooltip:"Bullet list",menu:a,onshow:i,onselect:function(t){n("UL",t.control.settings.data)},onclick:function(){n("UL",!1)}})});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/anchor/plugin.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/anchor/plugin.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a3fd792d8d6363a14ee933d837688e2985f4ef5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/anchor/plugin.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-tinymce.PluginManager.add("anchor",function(e){function t(){var t=e.selection.getNode();e.windowManager.open({title:"Anchor",body:{type:"textbox",name:"name",size:40,label:"Name",value:t.name||t.id},onsubmit:function(t){e.execCommand("mceInsertContent",!1,e.dom.createHTML("a",{id:t.data.name}))}})}e.addButton("anchor",{icon:"anchor",tooltip:"Anchor",onclick:t,stateSelector:"a:not([href])"}),e.addMenuItem("anchor",{icon:"anchor",text:"Anchor",context:"insert",onclick:t})});
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/autolink/plugin.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-tinymce.PluginManager.add("autolink",function(t){function e(t){o(t,-1,"(",!0)}function n(t){o(t,0,"",!0)}function i(t){o(t,-1,"",!1)}function o(t,e,n){var i,o,r,s,d,a,f,l,c;if(i=t.selection.getRng(!0).cloneRange(),i.startOffset<5){if(l=i.endContainer.previousSibling,!l){if(!i.endContainer.firstChild||!i.endContainer.firstChild.nextSibling)return;l=i.endContainer.firstChild.nextSibling}if(c=l.length,i.setStart(l,c),i.setEnd(l,c),i.endOffset<5)return;o=i.endOffset,s=l}else{if(s=i.endContainer,3!=s.nodeType&&s.firstChild){for(;3!=s.nodeType&&s.firstChild;)s=s.firstChild;3==s.nodeType&&(i.setStart(s,0),i.setEnd(s,s.nodeValue.length))}o=1==i.endOffset?2:i.endOffset-1-e}r=o;do i.setStart(s,o>=2?o-2:0),i.setEnd(s,o>=1?o-1:0),o-=1;while(" "!=i.toString()&&""!==i.toString()&&160!=i.toString().charCodeAt(0)&&o-2>=0&&i.toString()!=n);if(i.toString()==n||160==i.toString().charCodeAt(0)?(i.setStart(s,o),i.setEnd(s,r),o+=1):0===i.startOffset?(i.setStart(s,0),i.setEnd(s,r)):(i.setStart(s,o),i.setEnd(s,r)),a=i.toString(),"."==a.charAt(a.length-1)&&i.setEnd(s,r-1),a=i.toString(),f=a.match(/^(https?:\/\/|ssh:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|file:\/|www\.|(?:mailto:)?[A-Z0-9._%+\-]+@)(.+)$/i),f&&("www."==f[1]?f[1]="http://www.":/@$/.test(f[1])&&!/^mailto:/.test(f[1])&&(f[1]="mailto:"+f[1]),d=t.selection.getBookmark(),t.selection.setRng(i),t.execCommand("createlink",!1,f[1]+f[2]),t.selection.moveToBookmark(d),t.nodeChanged(),tinymce.Env.webkit)){t.selection.collapse(!1);var g=Math.min(s.length,r+1);i.setStart(s,g),i.setEnd(s,g),t.selection.setRng(i)}}return t.on("keydown",function(e){return 13==e.keyCode?i(t):void 0}),tinymce.Env.ie?void t.on("init",function(){try{t.execCommand("AutoUrlDetect",!1,!0)}catch(e){}}):(t.on("keypress",function(n){return 41==n.which?e(t):void 0}),void t.on("keyup",function(e){return 32==e.keyCode?n(t):void 0}))});
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/autoresize/plugin.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-tinymce.PluginManager.add("autoresize",function(e){function t(i){var a,s,g,r,m=e.getDoc(),u=m.body,l=m.documentElement,h=tinymce.DOM,_=n.autoresize_min_height;!u||!i||"setcontent"===i.type&&i.initial||e.plugins.fullscreen&&e.plugins.fullscreen.isFullscreen()||(g=e.dom.getStyle(u,"margin-top",!0),r=e.dom.getStyle(u,"margin-bottom",!0),s=u.offsetHeight+parseInt(g,10)+parseInt(r,10),(isNaN(s)||0>=s)&&(s=tinymce.Env.ie?u.scrollHeight:tinymce.Env.webkit&&0===u.clientHeight?0:u.offsetHeight),s>n.autoresize_min_height&&(_=s),n.autoresize_max_height&&s>n.autoresize_max_height?(_=n.autoresize_max_height,u.style.overflowY="auto",l.style.overflowY="auto"):(u.style.overflowY="hidden",l.style.overflowY="hidden",u.scrollTop=0),_!==o&&(a=_-o,h.setStyle(h.get(e.id+"_ifr"),"height",_+"px"),o=_,tinymce.isWebKit&&0>a&&t(i)))}function i(e,n,o){setTimeout(function(){t({}),e--?i(e,n,o):o&&o()},n)}var n=e.settings,o=0;e.settings.inline||(n.autoresize_min_height=parseInt(e.getParam("autoresize_min_height",e.getElement().offsetHeight),10),n.autoresize_max_height=parseInt(e.getParam("autoresize_max_height",0),10),e.on("init",function(){var t=e.getParam("autoresize_overflow_padding",1);e.dom.setStyles(e.getBody(),{paddingBottom:e.getParam("autoresize_bottom_margin",50),paddingLeft:t,paddingRight:t})}),e.on("change setcontent paste keyup",t),e.getParam("autoresize_on_init",!0)&&e.on("init",function(){i(20,100,function(){i(5,1e3)})}),e.addCommand("mceAutoResize",t))});
\ No newline at end of file
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m&&m.firstChild&&"mcepastebin"===m.firstChild.id&&(f=!0),s(),e!=v&&u||(e=c["text/html"]||c["text/plain"]||v,e!=v)?void(f?o(c["text/plain"]||n.innerText(e)):i(e)):void(u||r.windowManager.alert("Please use Ctrl+V/Cmd+V keyboard shortcuts to paste contents."))},0))}),r.on("dragstart",function(e){if(e.dataTransfer.types)try{e.dataTransfer.setData("mce-internal",r.selection.getContent())}catch(t){}}),r.on("drop",function(e){var t=u(e);if(t&&!e.isDefaultPrevented()){var n=c(e.dataTransfer),a=n["mce-internal"]||n["text/html"]||n["text/plain"];a&&(e.preventDefault(),r.undoManager.transact(function(){n["mce-internal"]&&r.execCommand("Delete"),r.selection.setRng(t),n["text/html"]?i(a):o(a)}))}})}var p=this,m,h,g=0,v="%MCEPASTEBIN%",y;p.pasteHtml=i,p.pasteText=o,r.on("preInit",function(){f(),r.parser.addNodeFilter("img",function(t){if(!r.settings.paste_data_images)for(var n=t.length;n--;){var 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t=e.length,n,r,i;t--;)n=e[t],r=n.attr("href"),i=n.attr("name"),r&&0===r.indexOf("file://")&&(r=r.split("#")[1],r&&(r="#"+r)),r||i?n.attr({href:r,name:i}):n.unwrap()});var y=v.parse(f);d(y),c.content=new r({},g).serialize(y)}})}return s.isWordContent=a,s}),r(y,[p,c,h,l],function(e,t,n,r){return function(i){function o(e){i.on("BeforePastePreProcess",function(t){t.content=e(t.content)})}function a(e){return e=r.filter(e,[/^[\s\S]*<!--StartFragment-->|<!--EndFragment-->[\s\S]*$/g,[/<span class="Apple-converted-space">\u00a0<\/span>/g,"\xa0"],/<br>$/])}function s(e){if(!n.isWordContent(e))return e;var o=[];t.each(i.schema.getBlockElements(),function(e,t){o.push(t)});var a=new RegExp("(?:<br>&nbsp;[\\s\\r\\n]+|<br>)*(<\\/?("+o.join("|")+")[^>]*>)(?:<br>&nbsp;[\\s\\r\\n]+|<br>)*","g");return e=r.filter(e,[[a,"$1"]]),e=r.filter(e,[[/<br><br>/g,"<BR><BR>"],[/<br>/g," "],[/<BR><BR>/g,"<br>"]])}function 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-!function(){function e(e,t,n,a,r){function i(e,t){if(t=t||0,!e[0])throw"findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches";var n=e.index;if(t>0){var a=e[t];if(!a)throw"Invalid capture group";n+=e[0].indexOf(a),e[0]=a}return[n,n+e[0].length,[e[0]]]}function d(e){var t;if(3===e.nodeType)return e.data;if(h[e.nodeName]&&!u[e.nodeName])return"";if(t="",(u[e.nodeName]||m[e.nodeName])&&(t+="\n"),e=e.firstChild)do t+=d(e);while(e=e.nextSibling);return t}function o(e,t,n){var a,r,i,d,o=[],l=0,c=e,s=t.shift(),f=0;e:for(;;){if((u[c.nodeName]||m[c.nodeName])&&l++,3===c.nodeType&&(!r&&c.length+l>=s[1]?(r=c,d=s[1]-l):a&&o.push(c),!a&&c.length+l>s[0]&&(a=c,i=s[0]-l),l+=c.length),a&&r){if(c=n({startNode:a,startNodeIndex:i,endNode:r,endNodeIndex:d,innerNodes:o,match:s[2],matchIndex:f}),l-=r.length-d,a=null,r=null,o=[],s=t.shift(),f++,!s)break}else{if((!h[c.nodeName]||u[c.nodeName])&&c.firstChild){c=c.firstChild;continue}if(c.nextSibling){c=c.nextSibling;continue}}for(;;){if(c.nextSibling){c=c.nextSibling;break}if(c.parentNode===e)break e;c=c.parentNode}}}function l(e){var t;if("function"!=typeof e){var n=e.nodeType?e:f.createElement(e);t=function(e,t){var a=n.cloneNode(!1);return a.setAttribute("data-mce-index",t),e&&a.appendChild(f.createTextNode(e)),a}}else t=e;return function(e){var n,a,r,i=e.startNode,d=e.endNode,o=e.matchIndex;if(i===d){var l=i;r=l.parentNode,e.startNodeIndex>0&&(n=f.createTextNode(l.data.substring(0,e.startNodeIndex)),r.insertBefore(n,l));var c=t(e.match[0],o);return r.insertBefore(c,l),e.endNodeIndex<l.length&&(a=f.createTextNode(l.data.substring(e.endNodeIndex)),r.insertBefore(a,l)),l.parentNode.removeChild(l),c}n=f.createTextNode(i.data.substring(0,e.startNodeIndex)),a=f.createTextNode(d.data.substring(e.endNodeIndex));for(var s=t(i.data.substring(e.startNodeIndex),o),u=[],h=0,m=e.innerNodes.length;m>h;++h){var g=e.innerNodes[h],p=t(g.data,o);g.parentNode.replaceChild(p,g),u.push(p)}var x=t(d.data.substring(0,e.endNodeIndex),o);return r=i.parentNode,r.insertBefore(n,i),r.insertBefore(s,i),r.removeChild(i),r=d.parentNode,r.insertBefore(x,d),r.insertBefore(a,d),r.removeChild(d),x}}var c,s,f,u,h,m,g=[],p=0;if(f=t.ownerDocument,u=r.getBlockElements(),h=r.getWhiteSpaceElements(),m=r.getShortEndedElements(),s=d(t)){if(e.global)for(;c=e.exec(s);)g.push(i(c,a));else c=s.match(e),g.push(i(c,a));return g.length&&(p=g.length,o(t,g,l(n))),p}}function t(t){function n(){function e(){r.statusbar.find("#next").disabled(!d(s+1).length),r.statusbar.find("#prev").disabled(!d(s-1).length)}function n(){tinymce.ui.MessageBox.alert("Could not find the specified string.",function(){r.find("#find")[0].focus()})}var a={},r=tinymce.ui.Factory.create({type:"window",layout:"flex",pack:"center",align:"center",onClose:function(){t.focus(),c.done()},onSubmit:function(t){var i,o,l,f;return t.preventDefault(),o=r.find("#case").checked(),f=r.find("#words").checked(),l=r.find("#find").value(),l.length?a.text==l&&a.caseState==o&&a.wholeWord==f?0===d(s+1).length?(n(),void 0):(c.next(),e(),void 0):(i=c.find(l,o,f),i||n(),r.statusbar.items().slice(1).disabled(0===i),e(),a={text:l,caseState:o,wholeWord:f},void 0):(c.done(!1),r.statusbar.items().slice(1).disabled(!0),void 0)},buttons:[{text:"Find",onclick:function(){r.submit()}},{text:"Replace",disabled:!0,onclick:function(){c.replace(r.find("#replace").value())||(r.statusbar.items().slice(1).disabled(!0),s=-1,a={})}},{text:"Replace all",disabled:!0,onclick:function(){c.replace(r.find("#replace").value(),!0,!0),r.statusbar.items().slice(1).disabled(!0),a={}}},{type:"spacer",flex:1},{text:"Prev",name:"prev",disabled:!0,onclick:function(){c.prev(),e()}},{text:"Next",name:"next",disabled:!0,onclick:function(){c.next(),e()}}],title:"Find and replace",items:{type:"form",padding:20,labelGap:30,spacing:10,items:[{type:"textbox",name:"find",size:40,label:"Find",value:t.selection.getNode().src},{type:"textbox",name:"replace",size:40,label:"Replace with"},{type:"checkbox",name:"case",text:"Match case",label:" "},{type:"checkbox",name:"words",text:"Whole words",label:" "}]}}).renderTo().reflow()}function a(e){var t=e.getAttribute("data-mce-index");return"number"==typeof t?""+t:t}function r(n){var a,r;return r=t.dom.create("span",{"data-mce-bogus":1}),r.className="mce-match-marker",a=t.getBody(),c.done(!1),e(n,a,r,!1,t.schema)}function i(e){var t=e.parentNode;t.insertBefore(e.firstChild,e),e.parentNode.removeChild(e)}function d(e){var n,r=[];if(n=tinymce.toArray(t.getBody().getElementsByTagName("span")),n.length)for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++){var d=a(n[i]);null!==d&&d.length&&d===e.toString()&&r.push(n[i])}return r}function o(e){var n=s,a=t.dom;e=e!==!1,e?n++:n--,a.removeClass(d(s),"mce-match-marker-selected");var r=d(n);return r.length?(a.addClass(d(n),"mce-match-marker-selected"),t.selection.scrollIntoView(r[0]),n):-1}function l(e){e.parentNode.removeChild(e)}var c=this,s=-1;c.init=function(e){e.addMenuItem("searchreplace",{text:"Find and replace",shortcut:"Ctrl+F",onclick:n,separator:"before",context:"edit"}),e.addButton("searchreplace",{tooltip:"Find and replace",shortcut:"Ctrl+F",onclick:n}),e.addCommand("SearchReplace",n),e.shortcuts.add("Ctrl+F","",n)},c.find=function(e,t,n){e=e.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g,"\\$&"),e=n?"\\b"+e+"\\b":e;var a=r(new RegExp(e,t?"g":"gi"));return a&&(s=-1,s=o(!0)),a},c.next=function(){var e=o(!0);-1!==e&&(s=e)},c.prev=function(){var e=o(!1);-1!==e&&(s=e)},c.replace=function(e,n,r){var o,f,u,h,m,g,p=s;for(n=n!==!1,u=t.getBody(),f=tinymce.toArray(u.getElementsByTagName("span")),o=0;o<f.length;o++){var x=a(f[o]);if(null!==x&&x.length)if(h=m=parseInt(x,10),r||h===s){for(e.length?(f[o].firstChild.nodeValue=e,i(f[o])):l(f[o]);f[++o];)if(h=a(f[o]),null!==x&&x.length){if(h!==m){o--;break}l(f[o])}n&&p--}else m>s&&f[o].setAttribute("data-mce-index",m-1)}return t.undoManager.add(),s=p,n?(g=d(p+1).length>0,c.next()):(g=d(p-1).length>0,c.prev()),!r&&g},c.done=function(e){var n,r,d,o;for(r=tinymce.toArray(t.getBody().getElementsByTagName("span")),n=0;n<r.length;n++){var l=a(r[n]);null!==l&&l.length&&(l===s.toString()&&(d||(d=r[n].firstChild),o=r[n].firstChild),i(r[n]))}if(d&&o){var c=t.dom.createRng();return c.setStart(d,0),c.setEnd(o,o.data.length),e!==!1&&t.selection.setRng(c),c}}}tinymce.PluginManager.add("searchreplace",t)}();
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-!function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){for(var n,r=[],i=0;i<e.length;++i){if(n=s[e[i]]||o(e[i]),!n)throw"module definition dependecy not found: "+e[i];r.push(n)}t.apply(null,r)}function r(e,r,i){if("string"!=typeof e)throw"invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string";if(r===t)throw"invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified";if(i===t)throw"invalid module definition, definition function must be specified";n(r,function(){s[e]=i.apply(null,arguments)})}function i(e){return!!s[e]}function o(t){for(var n=e,r=t.split(/[.\/]/),i=0;i<r.length;++i){if(!n[r[i]])return;n=n[r[i]]}return n}function a(n){for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++){for(var i=e,o=n[r],a=o.split(/[.\/]/),l=0;l<a.length-1;++l)i[a[l]]===t&&(i[a[l]]={}),i=i[a[l]];i[a[a.length-1]]=s[o]}}var 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e.start-t.start}),d=t.shift();e:for(;;){if((N[c.nodeName]||E[c.nodeName])&&l++,3===c.nodeType&&(!i&&c.length+l>=d.end?(i=c,a=d.end-l):r&&s.push(c),!r&&c.length+l>d.start&&(r=c,o=d.start-l),l+=c.length),r&&i){if(c=n({startNode:r,startNodeIndex:o,endNode:i,endNodeIndex:a,innerNodes:s,match:d.text,matchIndex:u}),l-=i.length-a,r=null,i=null,s=[],d=t.shift(),u++,!d)break}else{if((!k[c.nodeName]||N[c.nodeName])&&c.firstChild){c=c.firstChild;continue}if(c.nextSibling){c=c.nextSibling;continue}}for(;;){if(c.nextSibling){c=c.nextSibling;break}if(c.parentNode===e)break e;c=c.parentNode}}}function o(e){function t(t,n){var r=x[n];r.stencil||(r.stencil=e(r));var i=r.stencil.cloneNode(!1);return i.setAttribute("data-mce-index",n),t&&i.appendChild(_.doc.createTextNode(t)),i}return function n(e){var n,r,i,o=e.startNode,a=e.endNode,s=e.matchIndex,l=_.doc;if(o===a){var c=o;i=c.parentNode,e.startNodeIndex>0&&(n=l.createTextNode(c.data.substring(0,e.startNodeIndex)),i.insertBefore(n,c));var 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t=x.length;t--;)if(x[t]===e)return t;return-1}function c(e){var t=[];return d(function(n,r){e(n,r)&&t.push(n)}),x=t,this}function d(e){for(var t=0,n=x.length;n>t&&e(x[t],t)!==!1;t++);return this}function u(t){return x.length&&i(e,x,o(t)),this}function f(e,t){if(w&&e.global)for(;C=e.exec(w);)x.push(n(C,t));return this}function p(e){var t,n=s(e?l(e):null);for(t=n.length;t--;)a(n[t]);return this}function m(e){return x[e.getAttribute("data-mce-index")]}function h(e){return s(l(e))[0]}function g(e,t,n){return x.push({start:e,end:e+t,text:w.substr(e,t),data:n}),this}function v(e){var n=s(l(e)),r=t.dom.createRng();return r.setStartBefore(n[0]),r.setEndAfter(n[n.length-1]),r}function y(e,n){var r=v(e);return r.deleteContents(),n.length>0&&r.insertNode(t.dom.doc.createTextNode(n)),r}function b(){return x.splice(0,x.length),p(),this}var C,x=[],w,_=t.dom,N,k,E;return 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a(s).toAbsolute(w.spellchecker_rpc_url),method:e,params:{lang:w.spellchecker_language||"en",words:n},success:function(e){r(e)},error:function(e,n){e="JSON Parse error."==e?"Non JSON response:"+n.responseText:"Error: "+e,t.windowManager.alert(e),t.setProgressState(!1),h()}})}var r=[],i={};if(C)return void h();h(),C=!0;var c=t.getParam("spellchecker_wordchar_pattern")||new RegExp('[^\\s!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}`\xa7\xa9\xab\xae\xb1\xb6\xb7\xb8\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xd7\xf7\xa4\u201d\u201c\u201e]+',"g");l().find(c).each(function(e){var t=e.text;if(!i[t]){if(/^\d+$/.test(t)||1==t.length)return;r.push(t),i[t]=!0}}),t.setProgressState(!0);var u=w.spellchecker_callback||n;u("spellcheck",r,e)}function p(){t.dom.select("span.mce-spellchecker-word").length||h()}function m(e,n){t.selection.collapse(),n?l().each(function(t){t.text==e.text&&l().unwrap(t)}):l().unwrap(e),p()}function h(){l().reset(),y.textMatcher=null,C&&(C=!1,t.fire("SpellcheckEnd"))}function g(e){var t=w.spellchecker_language;e.control.items().each(function(e){e.active(e.settings.data===t)})}var v,y=this,b,C,x,w=t.settings,_=w.spellchecker_languages||"English=en,Danish=da,Dutch=nl,Finnish=fi,French=fr_FR,German=de,Italian=it,Polish=pl,Portuguese=pt_BR,Spanish=es,Swedish=sv";v=c("Language",n.map(_.split(","),function(e){var t=e.split("=");return{name:t[0],value:t[1]}})),t.on("click",function(e){if("mce-spellchecker-word"==e.target.className){e.preventDefault();var n=l().matchFromElement(e.target);t.selection.setRng(l().rangeFromMatch(n)),u(n)}}),t.addMenuItem("spellchecker",{text:"Spellcheck",context:"tools",onclick:f,selectable:!0,onPostRender:function(){var e=this;t.on("SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd",function(){e.active(C)})}});var N={tooltip:"Spellcheck",onclick:f,onPostRender:function(){var e=this;t.on("SpellcheckStart 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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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-!function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){for(var n,r=[],i=0;i<e.length;++i){if(n=s[e[i]]||o(e[i]),!n)throw"module definition dependecy not found: "+e[i];r.push(n)}t.apply(null,r)}function r(e,r,i){if("string"!=typeof e)throw"invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string";if(r===t)throw"invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified";if(i===t)throw"invalid module definition, definition function must be specified";n(r,function(){s[e]=i.apply(null,arguments)})}function i(e){return!!s[e]}function o(t){for(var n=e,r=t.split(/[.\/]/),i=0;i<r.length;++i){if(!n[r[i]])return;n=n[r[i]]}return n}function a(n){for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++){for(var i=e,o=n[r],a=o.split(/[.\/]/),l=0;l<a.length-1;++l)i[a[l]]===t&&(i[a[l]]={}),i=i[a[l]];i[a[a.length-1]]=s[o]}}var 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e&&(H.hasClass(e.elm,"mce-item-selected")||e==L)}function u(){var e=[];return r(o.rows,function(t){r(t.cells,function(n){return H.hasClass(n,"mce-item-selected")||n==L.elm?(e.push(t),!1):void 0})}),e}function f(){var e=H.createRng();e.setStartAfter(o),e.setEndAfter(o),D.setRng(e),H.remove(o)}function p(n){var o,a={};return i.settings.table_clone_elements!==!1&&(a=e.makeMap((i.settings.table_clone_elements||"strong em b i span font h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div").toUpperCase(),/[ ,]/)),e.walk(n,function(e){var i;return 3==e.nodeType?(r(H.getParents(e.parentNode,null,n).reverse(),function(e){a[e.nodeName]&&(e=s(e,!1),o?i&&i.appendChild(e):o=i=e,i=e)}),i&&(i.innerHTML=t.ie?"&nbsp;":'<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'),!1):void 0},"childNodes"),n=s(n,!1),c(n,"rowSpan",1),c(n,"colSpan",1),o?n.appendChild(o):t.ie||(n.innerHTML='<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'),n}function m(){var e=H.createRng(),t;return r(H.select("tr",o),function(e){0===e.cells.length&&H.remove(e)}),0===H.select("tr",o).length?(e.setStartBefore(o),e.setEndBefore(o),D.setRng(e),H.remove(o),void 0):(r(H.select("thead,tbody,tfoot",o),function(e){0===e.rows.length&&H.remove(e)}),a(),t=R[Math.min(R.length-1,A.y)],t&&(D.select(t[Math.min(t.length-1,A.x)].elm,!0),D.collapse(!0)),void 0)}function h(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a,s,l;for(i=R[t][e].elm.parentNode,a=1;n>=a;a++)if(i=H.getNext(i,"tr")){for(o=e;o>=0;o--)if(l=R[t+a][o].elm,l.parentNode==i){for(s=1;r>=s;s++)H.insertAfter(p(l),l);break}if(-1==o)for(s=1;r>=s;s++)i.insertBefore(p(i.cells[0]),i.cells[0])}}function g(){r(R,function(e,t){r(e,function(e,r){var i,o,a;if(d(e)&&(e=e.elm,i=n(e,"colspan"),o=n(e,"rowspan"),i>1||o>1)){for(c(e,"rowSpan",1),c(e,"colSpan",1),a=0;i-1>a;a++)H.insertAfter(p(e),e);h(r,t,o-1,i)}})})}function v(t,n,i){var o,s,u,f,p,h,v,y,b,C,x;if(t?(o=E(t),s=o.x,u=o.y,f=s+(n-1),p=u+(i-1)):(A=B=null,r(R,function(e,t){r(e,function(e,n){d(e)&&(A||(A={x:n,y:t}),B={x:n,y:t})})}),s=A.x,u=A.y,f=B.x,p=B.y),y=l(s,u),b=l(f,p),y&&b&&y.part==b.part){for(g(),a(),y=l(s,u).elm,c(y,"colSpan",f-s+1),c(y,"rowSpan",p-u+1),v=u;p>=v;v++)for(h=s;f>=h;h++)R[v]&&R[v][h]&&(t=R[v][h].elm,t!=y&&(C=e.grep(t.childNodes),r(C,function(e){y.appendChild(e)}),C.length&&(C=e.grep(y.childNodes),x=0,r(C,function(e){"BR"==e.nodeName&&H.getAttrib(e,"data-mce-bogus")&&x++<C.length-1&&y.removeChild(e)})),H.remove(t)));m()}}function y(e){var t,i,o,a,l,u,f,m,h;for(r(R,function(n,i){return r(n,function(n){return d(n)&&(n=n.elm,l=n.parentNode,u=s(l,!1),t=i,e)?!1:void 0}),e?!t:void 0}),a=0;a<R[0].length;a++)if(R[t][a]&&(i=R[t][a].elm,i!=o)){if(e){if(t>0&&R[t-1][a]&&(m=R[t-1][a].elm,h=n(m,"rowSpan"),h>1)){c(m,"rowSpan",h+1);continue}}else if(h=n(i,"rowspan"),h>1){c(i,"rowSpan",h+1);continue}f=p(i),c(f,"colSpan",i.colSpan),u.appendChild(f),o=i}u.hasChildNodes()&&(e?l.parentNode.insertBefore(u,l):H.insertAfter(u,l))}function b(e){var t,i;r(R,function(n){return r(n,function(n,r){return d(n)&&(t=r,e)?!1:void 0}),e?!t:void 0}),r(R,function(r,o){var a,s,l;r[t]&&(a=r[t].elm,a!=i&&(l=n(a,"colspan"),s=n(a,"rowspan"),1==l?e?(a.parentNode.insertBefore(p(a),a),h(t,o,s-1,l)):(H.insertAfter(p(a),a),h(t,o,s-1,l)):c(a,"colSpan",a.colSpan+1),i=a))})}function C(){var t=[];r(R,function(i){r(i,function(i,o){d(i)&&-1===e.inArray(t,o)&&(r(R,function(e){var t=e[o].elm,r;r=n(t,"colSpan"),r>1?c(t,"colSpan",r-1):H.remove(t)}),t.push(o))})}),m()}function x(){function e(e){var t,i,o;t=H.getNext(e,"tr"),r(e.cells,function(e){var t=n(e,"rowSpan");t>1&&(c(e,"rowSpan",t-1),i=E(e),h(i.x,i.y,1,1))}),i=E(e.cells[0]),r(R[i.y],function(e){var t;e=e.elm,e!=o&&(t=n(e,"rowSpan"),1>=t?H.remove(e):c(e,"rowSpan",t-1),o=e)})}var t;t=u(),r(t.reverse(),function(t){e(t)}),m()}function w(){var e=u();return H.remove(e),m(),e}function _(){var e=u();return r(e,function(t,n){e[n]=s(t,!0)}),e}function N(e,t){var n=u(),i=n[t?0:n.length-1],o=i.cells.length;e&&(r(R,function(e){var t;return o=0,r(e,function(e){e.real&&(o+=e.colspan),e.elm.parentNode==i&&(t=1)}),t?!1:void 0}),t||e.reverse(),r(e,function(e){var n,r=e.cells.length,a;for(n=0;r>n;n++)a=e.cells[n],c(a,"colSpan",1),c(a,"rowSpan",1);for(n=r;o>n;n++)e.appendChild(p(e.cells[r-1]));for(n=o;r>n;n++)H.remove(e.cells[n]);t?i.parentNode.insertBefore(e,i):H.insertAfter(e,i)}),H.removeClass(H.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected"),"mce-item-selected"))}function E(e){var t;return r(R,function(n,i){return r(n,function(n,r){return n.elm==e?(t={x:r,y:i},!1):void 0}),!t}),t}function k(e){A=E(e)}function S(){var e,t;return e=t=0,r(R,function(n,i){r(n,function(n,r){var o,a;d(n)&&(n=R[i][r],r>e&&(e=r),i>t&&(t=i),n.real&&(o=n.colspan-1,a=n.rowspan-1,o&&r+o>e&&(e=r+o),a&&i+a>t&&(t=i+a)))})}),{x:e,y:t}}function T(e){var t,n,r,i,o,a,s,l,c,d;if(B=E(e),A&&B){for(t=Math.min(A.x,B.x),n=Math.min(A.y,B.y),r=Math.max(A.x,B.x),i=Math.max(A.y,B.y),o=r,a=i,d=n;a>=d;d++)e=R[d][t],e.real||t-(e.colspan-1)<t&&(t-=e.colspan-1);for(c=t;o>=c;c++)e=R[n][c],e.real||n-(e.rowspan-1)<n&&(n-=e.rowspan-1);for(d=n;i>=d;d++)for(c=t;r>=c;c++)e=R[d][c],e.real&&(s=e.colspan-1,l=e.rowspan-1,s&&c+s>o&&(o=c+s),l&&d+l>a&&(a=d+l));for(H.removeClass(H.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected"),"mce-item-selected"),d=n;a>=d;d++)for(c=t;o>=c;c++)R[d][c]&&H.addClass(R[d][c].elm,"mce-item-selected")}}var 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-		l-82.747-82.745c-2.005-2.005-4.405-2.305-5.657-2.305s-3.652,0.3-5.657,2.305L 82.305,117.050C 80.3,119.055, 80,121.455, 80,122.707
-		s 0.299,3.65, 2.305,5.656l 82.745,82.744c 2.005,2.006, 4.405,2.306, 5.657,2.306s 3.652-0.3, 5.657-2.306l 1.373-1.371l 33.941,33.94
-		l-1.373,1.373c-10.552,10.552-24.615,16.363-39.598,16.363s-29.046-5.812-39.598-16.363l-82.744-82.743
-		C 37.812,151.754, 32,137.689, 32,122.707s 5.812-29.047, 16.363-39.599l 66.745-66.745C 125.661,5.812, 139.724,0, 154.707,0
-		s 29.046,5.812, 39.598,16.363l 82.747,82.746c 10.552,10.552, 16.361,24.615, 16.361,39.598s-5.812,29.047-16.363,39.598
-		L 275.678,179.678zM 400,61c-4.862,0-9.725,1.854-13.435,5.565l-64,63.999c-7.422,7.42-7.422,19.449,0,26.869
-			c 7.42,7.422, 19.448,7.422, 26.868,0l 64-64c 7.422-7.42, 7.422-19.448,0-26.868C 409.725,62.854, 404.862,61, 400,61zM 304,0c-8.837,0-16,7.163-16,16l0,64 c0,8.837, 7.163,16, 16,16s 16-7.163, 16-16l0-64 C 320,7.163, 312.837,0, 304,0zM 464,160l-64,0 c-8.837,0-16,7.163-16,16s 7.163,16, 16,16l 64,0 c 8.837,0, 16-7.163, 16-16S 472.837,160, 464,160zM 112,387c 4.862,0, 9.725-1.854, 13.435-5.565l 64-64c 7.421-7.42, 7.421-19.449,0-26.869c-7.42-7.422-19.449-7.422-26.869,0
-			l-64,64c-7.421,7.42-7.421,19.449,0,26.869C 102.275,385.146, 107.138,387, 112,387zM 208,448c 8.837,0, 16-7.163, 16-16l0-64 c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16s-16,7.163-16,16L 192,432 C 192,440.837, 199.163,448, 208,448zM 48,288l 64,0 c 8.837,0, 16-7.163, 16-16s-7.163-16-16-16L 48,256 c-8.837,0-16,7.163-16,16S 39.163,288, 48,288z" />
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-		c-21.834-21.834-21.834-57.362,0-79.196l 1.373-1.373l 33.941,33.941l-1.373,1.373c-3.066,3.066-3.066,8.247,0,11.313l 82.746,82.746
-		C 353.641,399.7, 356.040,400, 357.292,400s 3.651-0.299, 5.656-2.305l 66.745-66.744c 3.066-3.067, 3.066-8.249, 0.001-11.314l-82.747-82.747
-		c-2.004-2.004-4.403-2.304-5.655-2.304s-3.651,0.3-5.656,2.306l-1.373,1.373l-33.94-33.942l 1.371-1.371
-		c 10.553-10.554, 24.615-16.364, 39.6-16.364s 29.047,5.812, 39.598,16.363l 82.747,82.746C 485.47,307.53, 485.47,343.057, 463.637,364.892
-		zM 275.678,179.678l-33.941-33.941l 1.373-1.373c 2.004-2.004, 2.305-4.403, 2.305-5.655c0-1.253-0.299-3.651-2.303-5.657
-		l-82.747-82.745c-2.005-2.005-4.405-2.305-5.657-2.305s-3.652,0.3-5.657,2.305L 82.305,117.050C 80.3,119.055, 80,121.455, 80,122.707
-		s 0.299,3.65, 2.305,5.656l 82.745,82.744c 2.005,2.006, 4.405,2.306, 5.657,2.306s 3.652-0.3, 5.657-2.306l 1.373-1.371l 33.941,33.94
-		l-1.373,1.373c-10.552,10.552-24.615,16.363-39.598,16.363s-29.046-5.812-39.598-16.363l-82.744-82.743
-		C 37.812,151.754, 32,137.689, 32,122.707s 5.812-29.047, 16.363-39.599l 66.745-66.745C 125.661,5.812, 139.724,0, 154.707,0
-		s 29.046,5.812, 39.598,16.363l 82.747,82.746c 10.552,10.552, 16.361,24.615, 16.361,39.598s-5.812,29.047-16.363,39.598
-		L 275.678,179.678zM 176,125c-4.862,0-9.725,1.855-13.435,5.564c-7.42,7.42-7.42,19.449,0,26.869l 160,160c 7.42,7.42, 19.448,7.42, 26.868,0
-		c 7.422-7.42, 7.422-19.45,0-26.87l-160-160C 185.725,126.855, 180.862,125, 176,125z" />
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-	c-52.901,0-95.786,45.585-95.786,101.818L 32,180.364C 32,292.829, 117.77,384, 223.572,384l0-58.182 c-36.55,0-70.913-15.13-96.758-42.602
-	c-4.977-5.289-9.517-10.917-13.612-16.828C 118.094,267.208, 123.105,267.637, 128.214,267.637zM 384.214,267.637c 52.9,0, 95.786-45.585, 95.786-101.819C 480,109.586, 437.114,64, 384.214,64
-	c-52.901,0-95.786,45.585-95.786,101.818L 288,180.364C 288,292.829, 373.77,384, 479.572,384l0-58.182 c-36.55,0-70.913-15.13-96.758-42.602
-	c-4.978-5.289-9.518-10.917-13.612-16.828C 374.094,267.208, 379.105,267.637, 384.214,267.637z" />
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-	c 19.8,0, 36,16.2, 36,36L 224,192 l 64,0 l0-156 c0-19.8, 16.2-36, 36-36l 120,0 c 19.8,0, 36,16.2, 36,36L 480,252 C 480,271.8, 463.8,288, 444,288z M 174,32L 82,32 
-	c-9.9,0-18,7.2-18,16s 8.1,16, 18,16l 92,0 c 9.9,0, 18-7.2, 18-16S 183.9,32, 174,32z M 272,224l-32,0 c-8.8,0-16,7.2-16,16s 7.2,16, 16,16l 32,0 
-	c 8.8,0, 16-7.2, 16-16S 280.8,224, 272,224z M 430,32l-92,0 c-9.9,0-18,7.2-18,16s 8.1,16, 18,16l 92,0 c 9.9,0, 18-7.2, 18-16S 439.9,32, 430,32z" />
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-	c0-8.8, 7.199-16, 16-16l 112,0 l0-96 l 192,0 l 96,96L 448,288 L 352,288 z M 160,415.943c 0.017,0.019, 0.036,0.039, 0.057,0.057l 63.884,0 
-	c 0.021-0.018, 0.041-0.038, 0.059-0.057L 224,384 l-64,0 L 160,415.943 L 160,415.943z M 96,320l0,32 l 192,0 l0-32 L 96,320 z M 352,45.255L 352,96 l 50.745,0 L 352,45.255z
-	 M 416,128l-96,0 l0-96 L 192,32 L 192,256 l 224,0 L 416,128 z" />
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-	L 224,352 L 224,402.745 z M 64,416l 128,0 l0-96 l 96,0 l0-192 L 64,128 L 64,416 z M 480,32L 256,32 l0,64 l 64,0 L 320,288 l 64,0 l0-96 l 96,0 L 480,32 z" />
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-		c-64-64,0-128,0-128l 96-96l-31.663-31.663c-27.072,2.599-57.305-8.169-80.54-31.403c-37.49-37.49-42.556-93.209-11.313-124.45
-		c 31.241-31.241, 86.96-26.177, 124.45,11.313c 23.235,23.234, 34.001,53.469, 31.403,80.54L 256,144l 31.664-31.664
-		c-2.598-27.072, 8.168-57.305, 31.403-80.539c 37.489-37.49, 93.209-42.556, 124.449-11.313
-		C 474.76,51.725, 469.694,107.443, 432.204,144.934z M 176.562,100.711c-1.106-12.166-7.51-24.913-17.57-34.973
-		C 147.886,54.631, 133.452,48, 120.383,48c-5.262,0-12.649,1.114-17.958,6.424c-10.703,10.702-8.688,36.566, 11.313,56.568
-		c 11.106,11.107, 25.54,17.738, 38.609,17.738c 5.262,0, 12.649-1.114, 17.958-6.424C 176.861,115.751, 177.040,105.962, 176.562,100.711z
-		 M 256,176c-17.673,0-32,14.327-32,32s 14.327,32, 32,32s 32-14.327, 32-32S 273.673,176, 256,176z M 409.576,54.424
-		c-5.31-5.31-12.696-6.424-17.958-6.424c-13.069,0-27.503,6.631-38.609,17.738c-10.061,10.060-16.464,22.807-17.569,34.973
-		c-0.479,5.251-0.3,15.040, 6.257,21.596c 5.309,5.311, 12.695,6.424, 17.958,6.424c 13.068,0, 27.503-6.631, 38.608-17.737
-		C 418.265,90.99, 420.279,65.126, 409.576,54.424z" />
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-	c0,29.735, 37.683,54.857, 82.286,54.857c 37.529,0, 70.154-17.788, 79.56-41.143l 56.508,0 c-3.965,25.322-18.79,48.984-42.029,66.413
-	C 324.599,405.493, 291.201,416, 256,416c-35.202,0-68.598-10.507-94.037-29.587c-27.394-20.545-43.106-49.751-43.106-80.127
-	s 15.712-59.582, 43.106-80.127c 0.978-0.733, 1.971-1.449, 2.973-2.158L 36.571,224.001 L 32,224.001 l0-32 l 256.266,0 c 29.104-8.553, 50.021-28.135, 50.021-50.286
-	c0-29.734-37.684-54.855-82.286-54.855c-37.53,0-70.154,17.787-79.559,41.143l-56.508,0 c 3.965-25.32, 18.791-48.984, 42.030-66.413
-	C 187.402,42.508, 220.798,32, 256,32c 35.201,0, 68.599,10.508, 94.037,29.587c 27.395,20.545, 43.104,49.751, 43.104,80.127
-	c0,17.649-5.327,34.896-15.147,50.286L 480,192 L 480,224 z" />
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-	C 167.35,193.188, 160,208.344, 160,224L 160,416 L 96,416 l0-192 c0-70.691, 64.471-128, 144-128c 79.529,0, 144,57.309, 144,128L 384,416 L 320,416 z" />
-<glyph unicode="&#xe02b;" d="M 416,416l0-32 l-72,0 L 216,64l 72,0 l0-32 L 64,32 l0,32 l 72,0 L 264,384l-72,0 L 192,416 L 416,416 z" />
-<glyph unicode="&#xe02a;" d="M 312.721,232.909C 336.758,251.984, 352,280.337, 352,312c0,57.438-50.145,104-112,104L 128,416 l0-384 l 144,0 
-	c 61.856,0, 112,46.562, 112,104C 384,180.098, 354.441,217.781, 312.721,232.909z M 192,328c0,13.255, 10.745,24, 24,24l 33.602,0 
-	C 270.809,352, 288,330.51, 288,304s-17.191-48-38.398-48L 192,256 L 192,328 z M 273.6,96L 216,96 c-13.255,0-24,10.745-24,24l0,72 l 81.6,0 
-	c 21.209,0, 38.4-21.49, 38.4-48S 294.809,96, 273.6,96z" />
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-	c 17.6,0, 32,14.4, 32,32L 448,304 C 448,321.6, 437.817,346.182, 425.373,358.627z M 402.745,336.001c 3.396-3.398, 6.896-9.581, 9.447-16.001L 320,320 
-	L 320,412.193 c 6.42-2.55, 12.602-6.050, 16-9.448L 402.745,336.001z M 415.942,32L 96.057,32 c-0.020,0.017-0.041,0.038-0.057,0.058L 96,415.943 
-	c 0.017,0.020, 0.038,0.041, 0.057,0.057L 288,416 l0-128 l 128,0 l0-255.942 C 415.983,32.038, 415.962,32.017, 415.942,32z" />
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-	C 462.092,0, 480,17.908, 480,40z M 288,384l 32,0 l0-96 l-32,0 L 288,384 z M 352,64L 160,64 L 160,191.941 c 0.017,0.021, 0.038,0.041, 0.058,0.059l 191.885,0 
-	c 0.020-0.018, 0.041-0.038, 0.058-0.059L 352,64L 352,64z M 416,64l-32,0 L 384,192 c0,17.6-14.4,32-32,32L 160,224 c-17.6,0-32-14.4-32-32l0-128 L 96,64 L 96,384 
-	l 32,0 l0-96 c0-17.6, 14.4-32, 32-32l 160,0 c 17.6,0, 32,14.4, 32,32l0,85.505 l 64-64.036L 416,64 z" />
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-	z M 64,224l 96,0 l0-64 L 64,160 L 64,224 z M 352,224l 96,0 l0-64 l-96,0 L 352,224 z M 352,256l0,64 l 96,0 l0-64 L 352,256 z M 64,128l 96,0 l0-64 L 64,64 L 64,128 z M 352,64l0,64 l 96,0 l0-64 L 352,64 z" />
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-	s-96.391,19.348-131.522,54.479S 70,174.317, 70,224s 19.347,96.391, 54.478,131.522S 206.317,410, 256,410 M 256,448
-	C 132.288,448, 32,347.712, 32,224s 100.288-224, 224-224s 224,100.288, 224,224S 379.712,448, 256,448L 256,448zM 160,288A32,32 2700 1 1 224,288A32,32 2700 1 1 160,288zM 288,288A32,32 2700 1 1 352,288A32,32 2700 1 1 288,288zM 256,152c-50.92,0-96.28,18.437-125.583,47.164C 141.98,140.36, 193.806,96, 256,96c 62.194,0, 114.020,44.36, 125.584,103.164
-	C 352.28,170.437, 306.92,152, 256,152z" />
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-	L 335.113,32L 304,63.113L 368.887,128L 304,192.887L 335.113,224L 400,159.113L 464.887,224L 496,192.887L 431.113,128L 496,63.113
-	L 464.887,32z" />
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-	c 17.6,0, 32,14.4, 32,32L 480,288 C 480,305.6, 465.6,320, 448,320z M 352,64L 160,64 L 160,192 l 192,0 L 352,64 z M 455.2,272c0-12.813-10.387-23.2-23.199-23.2
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-	c-17.601,0-32-14.4-32-32l0-160 c0-17.6, 14.399-32, 32-32l 96,0 l0,32 l-96,0 L 384,448 L 480,448 z M 320,400L 320,448 c0,17.6-14.4,32-32,32l-96,0 l0-224 l 96,0 
-	c 17.6,0, 32,14.4, 32,32l0,48 c0,17.6-4.4,32-22,32C 315.6,368, 320,382.4, 320,400z M 288,288l-64,0 l0,64 l 64,0 L 288,288 z M 288,384l-64,0 L 224,448 l 64,0 L 288,384 zM 416,192 L 208-32 L 96,112 L 137,147 L 208,73 L 384,224 Z"  />
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-		C 512,337.6, 497.6,352, 480,352z M 352,32L 160,32 L 160,192 l 192,0 L 352,32 z M 487.2,304c0-12.813-10.387-23.2-23.199-23.2
-		c-12.813,0-23.201,10.387-23.201,23.2s 10.388,23.2, 23.201,23.2C 476.814,327.2, 487.2,316.813, 487.2,304z"  />
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-	C 472,104.706, 375.295,8, 256,8z M 192,320c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32,14.327-32,32s 14.327,32, 32,32S 192,337.673, 192,320z
-	 M 384,320c0-17.673-14.326-32-32-32s-32,14.327-32,32s 14.326,32, 32,32S 384,337.673, 384,320zM 256,154 C 326.537,154 387.344,182.766 415.231,215.596 C 404.795,129.986 337.087,64 256,64 C 174.941,64 107.251,130.013 96.778,215.584 C 124.671,182.761 185.471,154 256,154 Z"  />
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-	 M 32,256l 128,0 l0-96 L 32,160 L 32,256 z M 352,256l 128,0 l0-96 L 352,160 L 352,256 z M 352,288L 352,384 l 128,0 l0-96 L 352,288 z M 32,128l 128,0 l0-96 L 32,32 L 32,128 z M 352,32l0,96 l 128,0 l0-96 L 352,32 z"  />
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-	L 237.809,320z"  />
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-	C 453.622,269.722, 360.684,320, 256,320z M 224,256c 17.673,0, 32-14.327, 32-32s-14.327-32-32-32s-32,14.327-32,32S 206.327,256, 224,256z
-	 M 386.808,127.352c-19.824-10.129-40.826-17.931-62.423-23.188C 302.141,98.746, 279.134,96, 256,96
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-	c 35.751-18.268, 68.429-42.862, 96.098-72.145L 512,302.1 C 487.325,324.187, 459.846,343.123, 430.459,358.139z"  />
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-		C 90.054,325.202, 122.796,357.945, 162.965,378.069zM 442.067,285.035l 42.939,21.469C 460.24,355.942, 419.943,396.24, 370.504,421.008l-21.472-42.939
-		C 389.201,357.945, 421.944,325.203, 442.067,285.035zM 256,288l-32,0 l0-96 c0-5.055, 2.35-9.555, 6.011-12.486l-0.006-0.008l 80-64l 19.988,24.988L 256,199.689L 256,288 z"  />
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-		 M 480,64l-64,0 l0,64 l 64,0 L 480,64 z M 480,192l-64,0 l0,64 l 64,0 L 480,192 z M 480,320l-64,0 L 416,384 l 64,0 L 480,320 zM 192,320L 192,128L 320,224 	z"  />
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-		c 6.124-6.124, 9.496-14.347, 9.496-23.154c0-8.807-3.372-17.030-9.496-23.154l-81.69-81.691c-6.124-6.124-14.347-9.496-23.154-9.496
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-		s-23.637,8.363-32.971-0.971L 160.971,160.971C 151.637,151.637, 151.2,136.8, 160,128zM 238.444,142.444c 2.28-4.525, 3.495-9.58, 3.495-14.848c0-8.808-3.372-17.030-9.496-23.154l-81.691-81.691
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-		l 81.691,81.691c 6.124,6.124, 14.347,9.497, 23.154,9.497s 17.030-3.373, 23.154-9.497l 49.691-49.691
-		c 6.124-6.124, 9.496-14.347, 9.496-23.154s-3.372-17.030-9.496-23.154l-81.691-81.691c-6.124-6.124-14.347-9.496-23.154-9.496
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-            if (n = s[e[i]] || o(e[i]), !n)throw"module definition dependecy not found: " + e[i];
-            r.push(n)
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-        if (i === t)throw"invalid module definition, definition function must be specified";
-        n(r, function () {
-            s[e] = i.apply(null, arguments)
-        })
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-    function i(e) {
-        return!!s[e]
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-            if (!n[r[i]])return;
-            n = n[r[i]]
-        }
-        return n
-    }
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-            i[a[a.length - 1]] = s[o]
-        }
-    }
-    var s = {}, l = "tinymce/dom/Sizzle", c = "tinymce/html/Styles", d = "tinymce/dom/EventUtils", u = "tinymce/dom/TreeWalker", f = "tinymce/util/Tools", p = "tinymce/dom/Range", m = "tinymce/html/Entities", h = "tinymce/Env", g = "tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader", v = "tinymce/dom/DOMUtils", y = "tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader", b = "tinymce/AddOnManager", C = "tinymce/html/Node", x = "tinymce/html/Schema", w = "tinymce/html/SaxParser", _ = "tinymce/html/DomParser", N = "tinymce/html/Writer", E = "tinymce/html/Serializer", k = "tinymce/dom/Serializer", S = "tinymce/dom/TridentSelection", T = "tinymce/util/VK", R = "tinymce/dom/ControlSelection", A = "tinymce/dom/Selection", B = "tinymce/dom/RangeUtils", L = "tinymce/Formatter", H = "tinymce/UndoManager", M = "tinymce/EnterKey", D = "tinymce/ForceBlocks", P = "tinymce/EditorCommands", O = "tinymce/util/URI", I = "tinymce/util/Class", z = "tinymce/ui/Selector", F = "tinymce/ui/Collection", W = "tinymce/ui/DomUtils", V = "tinymce/ui/Control", U = "tinymce/ui/Factory", q = "tinymce/ui/Container", j = "tinymce/ui/DragHelper", $ = "tinymce/ui/Scrollable", K = "tinymce/ui/Panel", Y = "tinymce/ui/Movable", G = "tinymce/ui/Resizable", X = "tinymce/ui/FloatPanel", J = "tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation", Q = "tinymce/ui/Window", Z = "tinymce/ui/MessageBox", et = "tinymce/WindowManager", tt = "tinymce/util/Quirks", nt = "tinymce/util/Observable", rt = "tinymce/Shortcuts", it = "tinymce/Editor", ot = "tinymce/util/I18n", at = "tinymce/FocusManager", st = "tinymce/EditorManager", lt = "tinymce/LegacyInput", ct = "tinymce/util/XHR", dt = "tinymce/util/JSON", ut = "tinymce/util/JSONRequest", ft = "tinymce/util/JSONP", pt = "tinymce/util/LocalStorage", mt = "tinymce/Compat", ht = "tinymce/ui/Layout", gt = "tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout", vt = "tinymce/ui/Tooltip", yt = "tinymce/ui/Widget", bt = "tinymce/ui/Button", Ct = "tinymce/ui/ButtonGroup", xt = "tinymce/ui/Checkbox", wt = "tinymce/ui/PanelButton", _t = "tinymce/ui/ColorButton", Nt = "tinymce/ui/ComboBox", Et = "tinymce/ui/Path", kt = "tinymce/ui/ElementPath", St = "tinymce/ui/FormItem", Tt = "tinymce/ui/Form", Rt = "tinymce/ui/FieldSet", At = "tinymce/ui/FilePicker", Bt = "tinymce/ui/FitLayout", Lt = "tinymce/ui/FlexLayout", Ht = "tinymce/ui/FlowLayout", Mt = "tinymce/ui/FormatControls", Dt = "tinymce/ui/GridLayout", Pt = "tinymce/ui/Iframe", Ot = "tinymce/ui/Label", It = "tinymce/ui/Toolbar", zt = "tinymce/ui/MenuBar", Ft = "tinymce/ui/MenuButton", Wt = "tinymce/ui/ListBox", Vt = "tinymce/ui/MenuItem", Ut = "tinymce/ui/Menu", qt = "tinymce/ui/Radio", jt = "tinymce/ui/ResizeHandle", $t = "tinymce/ui/Spacer", Kt = "tinymce/ui/SplitButton", Yt = "tinymce/ui/StackLayout", Gt = "tinymce/ui/TabPanel", Xt = "tinymce/ui/TextBox", Jt = "tinymce/ui/Throbber";
-    r(l, [], function () {
-        if (!window.jQuery)throw new Error("Load jQuery first");
-        return jQuery.find
-    }), r(c, [], function () {
-        return function (e, t) {
-            function n(e, t, n, r) {
-                function i(e) {
-                    return e = parseInt(e, 10).toString(16), e.length > 1 ? e : "0" + e
-                }
-                return"#" + i(t) + i(n) + i(r)
-            }
-            var r = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/gi, i = /(?:url(?:(?:\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\))|(?:\(\s*\'([^\']+)\'\s*\))|(?:\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))))|(?:\'([^\']+)\')|(?:\"([^\"]+)\")/gi, o = /\s*([^:]+):\s*([^;]+);?/g, a = /\s+$/, s, l, c = {}, d, u = "\ufeff";
-            for (e = e || {}, d = ("\\\" \\' \\; \\: ; : " + u).split(" "), l = 0; l < d.length; l++)c[d[l]] = u + l, c[u + l] = d[l];
-            return{toHex: function (e) {
-                return e.replace(r, n)
-            }, parse: function (t) {
-                function s(e, t, n) {
-                    var r, i, o, a;
-                    if (r = h[e + "-top" + t], r && (i = h[e + "-right" + t], i && (o = h[e + "-bottom" + t], o && (a = h[e + "-left" + t])))) {
-                        var s = [r, i, o, a];
-                        for (l = s.length - 1; l-- && s[l] === s[l + 1];);
-                        l > -1 && n || (h[e + t] = -1 == l ? s[0] : s.join(" "), delete h[e + "-top" + t], delete h[e + "-right" + t], delete h[e + "-bottom" + t], delete h[e + "-left" + t])
-                    }
-                }
-                function d(e) {
-                    var t = h[e], n;
-                    if (t) {
-                        for (t = t.split(" "), n = t.length; n--;)if (t[n] !== t[0])return!1;
-                        return h[e] = t[0], !0
-                    }
-                }
-                function u(e, t, n, r) {
-                    d(t) && d(n) && d(r) && (h[e] = h[t] + " " + h[n] + " " + h[r], delete h[t], delete h[n], delete h[r])
-                }
-                function f(e) {
-                    return b = !0, c[e]
-                }
-                function p(e, t) {
-                    return b && (e = e.replace(/\uFEFF[0-9]/g, function (e) {
-                        return c[e]
-                    })), t || (e = e.replace(/\\([\'\";:])/g, "$1")), e
-                }
-                function m(t, n, r, i, o, a) {
-                    return(o = o || a) ? (o = p(o), "'" + o.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "'") : (n = p(n || r || i), !e.allow_script_urls && /(java|vb)script:/i.test(n.replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, "")) ? "" : (C && (n = C.call(x, n, "style")), "url('" + n.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "')"))
-                }
-                var h = {}, g, v, y, b, C = e.url_converter, x = e.url_converter_scope || this;
-                if (t) {
-                    for (t = t.replace(/[\u0000-\u001F]/g, ""), t = t.replace(/\\[\"\';:\uFEFF]/g, f).replace(/\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'/g, function (e) {
-                        return e.replace(/[;:]/g, f)
-                    }); g = o.exec(t);) {
-                        if (v = g[1].replace(a, "").toLowerCase(), y = g[2].replace(a, ""), v && y.length > 0) {
-                            if (!e.allow_script_urls && ("behavior" == v || /expression\s*\(/.test(y)))continue;
-                            "font-weight" === v && "700" === y ? y = "bold" : ("color" === v || "background-color" === v) && (y = y.toLowerCase()), y = y.replace(r, n), y = y.replace(i, m), h[v] = b ? p(y, !0) : y
-                        }
-                        o.lastIndex = g.index + g[0].length
-                    }
-                    s("border", "", !0), s("border", "-width"), s("border", "-color"), s("border", "-style"), s("padding", ""), s("margin", ""), u("border", "border-width", "border-style", "border-color"), "medium none" === h.border && delete h.border, "none" === h["border-image"] && delete h["border-image"]
-                }
-                return h
-            }, serialize: function (e, n) {
-                function r(n) {
-                    var r, o, a, l;
-                    if (r = t.styles[n])for (o = 0, a = r.length; a > o; o++)n = r[o], l = e[n], l !== s && l.length > 0 && (i += (i.length > 0 ? " " : "") + n + ": " + l + ";")
-                }
-                var i = "", o, a;
-                if (n && t && t.styles)r("*"), r(n); else for (o in e)a = e[o], a !== s && a.length > 0 && (i += (i.length > 0 ? " " : "") + o + ": " + a + ";");
-                return i
-            }}
-        }
-    }), r(d, [], function () {
-        function e(e, t, n, r) {
-            e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener(t, n, r || !1) : e.attachEvent && e.attachEvent("on" + t, n)
-        }
-        function t(e, t, n, r) {
-            e.removeEventListener ? e.removeEventListener(t, n, r || !1) : e.detachEvent && e.detachEvent("on" + t, n)
-        }
-        function n(e, t) {
-            function n() {
-                return!1
-            }
-            function r() {
-                return!0
-            }
-            var i, o = t || {}, l;
-            for (i in e)s[i] || (o[i] = e[i]);
-            if (o.target || (o.target = o.srcElement || document), e && a.test(e.type) && e.pageX === l && e.clientX !== l) {
-                var c = o.target.ownerDocument || document, d = c.documentElement, u = c.body;
-                o.pageX = e.clientX + (d && d.scrollLeft || u && u.scrollLeft || 0) - (d && d.clientLeft || u && u.clientLeft || 0), o.pageY = e.clientY + (d && d.scrollTop || u && u.scrollTop || 0) - (d && d.clientTop || u && u.clientTop || 0)
-            }
-            return o.preventDefault = function () {
-                o.isDefaultPrevented = r, e && (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1)
-            }, o.stopPropagation = function () {
-                o.isPropagationStopped = r, e && (e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = !0)
-            }, o.stopImmediatePropagation = function () {
-                o.isImmediatePropagationStopped = r, o.stopPropagation()
-            }, o.isDefaultPrevented || (o.isDefaultPrevented = n, o.isPropagationStopped = n, o.isImmediatePropagationStopped = n), o
-        }
-        function r(n, r, i) {
-            function o() {
-                i.domLoaded || (i.domLoaded = !0, r(c))
-            }
-            function a() {
-                ("complete" === l.readyState || "interactive" === l.readyState) && (t(l, "readystatechange", a), o())
-            }
-            function s() {
-                try {
-                    l.documentElement.doScroll("left")
-                } catch (e) {
-                    return void setTimeout(s, 0)
-                }
-                o()
-            }
-            var l = n.document, c = {type: "ready"};
-            return i.domLoaded ? void r(c) : (l.addEventListener ? "complete" === l.readyState ? o() : e(n, "DOMContentLoaded", o) : (e(l, "readystatechange", a), l.documentElement.doScroll && n.self === n.top && s()), void e(n, "load", o))
-        }
-        function i() {
-            function i(e, t) {
-                var n, r, i, o, a = s[t];
-                if (n = a && a[e.type])for (r = 0, i = n.length; i > r; r++)if (o = n[r], o && o.func.call(o.scope, e) === !1 && e.preventDefault(), e.isImmediatePropagationStopped())return
-            }
-            var a = this, s = {}, l, c, d, u, f;
-            c = o + (+new Date).toString(32), u = "onmouseenter"in document.documentElement, d = "onfocusin"in document.documentElement, f = {mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout"}, l = 1, a.domLoaded = !1, a.events = s, a.bind = function (t, o, p, m) {
-                function h(e) {
-                    i(n(e || _.event), g)
-                }
-                var g, v, y, b, C, x, w, _ = window;
-                if (t && 3 !== t.nodeType && 8 !== t.nodeType) {
-                    for (t[c] ? g = t[c] : (g = l++, t[c] = g, s[g] = {}), m = m || t, o = o.split(" "), y = o.length; y--;)b = o[y], x = h, C = w = !1, "DOMContentLoaded" === b && (b = "ready"), a.domLoaded && "ready" === b && "complete" == t.readyState ? p.call(m, n({type: b})) : (u || (C = f[b], C && (x = function (e) {
-                        var t, r;
-                        if (t = e.currentTarget, r = e.relatedTarget, r && t.contains)r = t.contains(r); else for (; r && r !== t;)r = r.parentNode;
-                        r || (e = n(e || _.event), e.type = "mouseout" === e.type ? "mouseleave" : "mouseenter", e.target = t, i(e, g))
-                    })), d || "focusin" !== b && "focusout" !== b || (w = !0, C = "focusin" === b ? "focus" : "blur", x = function (e) {
-                        e = n(e || _.event), e.type = "focus" === e.type ? "focusin" : "focusout", i(e, g)
-                    }), v = s[g][b], v ? "ready" === b && a.domLoaded ? p({type: b}) : v.push({func: p, scope: m}) : (s[g][b] = v = [
-                        {func: p, scope: m}
-                    ], v.fakeName = C, v.capture = w, v.nativeHandler = x, "ready" === b ? r(t, x, a) : e(t, C || b, x, w)));
-                    return t = v = 0, p
-                }
-            }, a.unbind = function (e, n, r) {
-                var i, o, l, d, u, f;
-                if (!e || 3 === e.nodeType || 8 === e.nodeType)return a;
-                if (i = e[c]) {
-                    if (f = s[i], n) {
-                        for (n = n.split(" "), l = n.length; l--;)if (u = n[l], o = f[u]) {
-                            if (r)for (d = o.length; d--;)if (o[d].func === r) {
-                                var p = o.nativeHandler;
-                                o = o.slice(0, d).concat(o.slice(d + 1)), o.nativeHandler = p, f[u] = o
-                            }
-                            r && 0 !== o.length || (delete f[u], t(e, o.fakeName || u, o.nativeHandler, o.capture))
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        for (u in f)o = f[u], t(e, o.fakeName || u, o.nativeHandler, o.capture);
-                        f = {}
-                    }
-                    for (u in f)return a;
-                    delete s[i];
-                    try {
-                        delete e[c]
-                    } catch (m) {
-                        e[c] = null
-                    }
-                }
-                return a
-            }, a.fire = function (e, t, r) {
-                var o;
-                if (!e || 3 === e.nodeType || 8 === e.nodeType)return a;
-                r = n(null, r), r.type = t, r.target = e;
-                do o = e[c], o && i(r, o), e = e.parentNode || e.ownerDocument || e.defaultView || e.parentWindow; while (e && !r.isPropagationStopped());
-                return a
-            }, a.clean = function (e) {
-                var t, n, r = a.unbind;
-                if (!e || 3 === e.nodeType || 8 === e.nodeType)return a;
-                if (e[c] && r(e), e.getElementsByTagName || (e = e.document), e && e.getElementsByTagName)for (r(e), n = e.getElementsByTagName("*"), t = n.length; t--;)e = n[t], e[c] && r(e);
-                return a
-            }, a.destroy = function () {
-                s = {}
-            }, a.cancel = function (e) {
-                return e && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation()), !1
-            }
-        }
-        var o = "mce-data-", a = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, s = {keyLocation: 1, layerX: 1, layerY: 1, returnValue: 1};
-        return i.Event = new i, i.Event.bind(window, "ready", function () {
-        }), i
-    }), r(u, [], function () {
-        return function (e, t) {
-            function n(e, n, r, i) {
-                var o, a;
-                if (e) {
-                    if (!i && e[n])return e[n];
-                    if (e != t) {
-                        if (o = e[r])return o;
-                        for (a = e.parentNode; a && a != t; a = a.parentNode)if (o = a[r])return o
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            var r = e;
-            this.current = function () {
-                return r
-            }, this.next = function (e) {
-                return r = n(r, "firstChild", "nextSibling", e)
-            }, this.prev = function (e) {
-                return r = n(r, "lastChild", "previousSibling", e)
-            }
-        }
-    }), r(f, [], function () {
-        function e(e, n) {
-            return n ? "array" == n && g(e) ? !0 : typeof e == n : e !== t
-        }
-        function n(e) {
-            var t = [], n, r;
-            for (n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n++)t[n] = e[n];
-            return t
-        }
-        function r(e, t, n) {
-            var r;
-            for (e = e || [], t = t || ",", "string" == typeof e && (e = e.split(t)), n = n || {}, r = e.length; r--;)n[e[r]] = {};
-            return n
-        }
-        function i(e, n, r) {
-            var i, o;
-            if (!e)return 0;
-            if (r = r || e, e.length !== t) {
-                for (i = 0, o = e.length; o > i; i++)if (n.call(r, e[i], i, e) === !1)return 0
-            } else for (i in e)if (e.hasOwnProperty(i) && n.call(r, e[i], i, e) === !1)return 0;
-            return 1
-        }
-        function o(e, t) {
-            var n = [];
-            return i(e, function (e) {
-                n.push(t(e))
-            }), n
-        }
-        function a(e, t) {
-            var n = [];
-            return i(e, function (e) {
-                (!t || t(e)) && n.push(e)
-            }), n
-        }
-        function s(e, t, n) {
-            var r = this, i, o, a, s, l, c = 0;
-            if (e = /^((static) )?([\w.]+)(:([\w.]+))?/.exec(e), a = e[3].match(/(^|\.)(\w+)$/i)[2], o = r.createNS(e[3].replace(/\.\w+$/, ""), n), !o[a]) {
-                if ("static" == e[2])return o[a] = t, void(this.onCreate && this.onCreate(e[2], e[3], o[a]));
-                t[a] || (t[a] = function () {
-                }, c = 1), o[a] = t[a], r.extend(o[a].prototype, t), e[5] && (i = r.resolve(e[5]).prototype, s = e[5].match(/\.(\w+)$/i)[1], l = o[a], o[a] = c ? function () {
-                    return i[s].apply(this, arguments)
-                } : function () {
-                    return this.parent = i[s], l.apply(this, arguments)
-                }, o[a].prototype[a] = o[a], r.each(i, function (e, t) {
-                    o[a].prototype[t] = i[t]
-                }), r.each(t, function (e, t) {
-                    i[t] ? o[a].prototype[t] = function () {
-                        return this.parent = i[t], e.apply(this, arguments)
-                    } : t != a && (o[a].prototype[t] = e)
-                })), r.each(t["static"], function (e, t) {
-                    o[a][t] = e
-                })
-            }
-        }
-        function l(e, t) {
-            var n, r;
-            if (e)for (n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n++)if (e[n] === t)return n;
-            return-1
-        }
-        function c(e, n) {
-            var r, i, o, a = arguments, s;
-            for (r = 1, i = a.length; i > r; r++) {
-                n = a[r];
-                for (o in n)n.hasOwnProperty(o) && (s = n[o], s !== t && (e[o] = s))
-            }
-            return e
-        }
-        function d(e, t, n, r) {
-            r = r || this, e && (n && (e = e[n]), i(e, function (e, i) {
-                return t.call(r, e, i, n) === !1 ? !1 : void d(e, t, n, r)
-            }))
-        }
-        function u(e, t) {
-            var n, r;
-            for (t = t || window, e = e.split("."), n = 0; n < e.length; n++)r = e[n], t[r] || (t[r] = {}), t = t[r];
-            return t
-        }
-        function f(e, t) {
-            var n, r;
-            for (t = t || window, e = e.split("."), n = 0, r = e.length; r > n && (t = t[e[n]], t); n++);
-            return t
-        }
-        function p(t, n) {
-            return!t || e(t, "array") ? t : o(t.split(n || ","), h)
-        }
-        var m = /^\s*|\s*$/g, h = function (e) {
-            return null === e || e === t ? "" : ("" + e).replace(m, "")
-        }, g = Array.isArray || function (e) {
-            return"[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)
-        };
-        return{trim: h, isArray: g, is: e, toArray: n, makeMap: r, each: i, map: o, grep: a, inArray: l, extend: c, create: s, walk: d, createNS: u, resolve: f, explode: p}
-    }), r(p, [f], function (e) {
-        function t(n) {
-            function r() {
-                return D.createDocumentFragment()
-            }
-            function i(e, t) {
-                _(z, e, t)
-            }
-            function o(e, t) {
-                _(F, e, t)
-            }
-            function a(e) {
-                i(e.parentNode, $(e))
-            }
-            function s(e) {
-                i(e.parentNode, $(e) + 1)
-            }
-            function l(e) {
-                o(e.parentNode, $(e))
-            }
-            function c(e) {
-                o(e.parentNode, $(e) + 1)
-            }
-            function d(e) {
-                e ? (M[U] = M[V], M[q] = M[W]) : (M[V] = M[U], M[W] = M[q]), M.collapsed = z
-            }
-            function u(e) {
-                a(e), c(e)
-            }
-            function f(e) {
-                i(e, 0), o(e, 1 === e.nodeType ? e.childNodes.length : e.nodeValue.length)
-            }
-            function p(e, t) {
-                var n = M[V], r = M[W], i = M[U], o = M[q], a = t.startContainer, s = t.startOffset, l = t.endContainer, c = t.endOffset;
-                return 0 === e ? w(n, r, a, s) : 1 === e ? w(i, o, a, s) : 2 === e ? w(i, o, l, c) : 3 === e ? w(n, r, l, c) : void 0
-            }
-            function m() {
-                N(I)
-            }
-            function h() {
-                return N(P)
-            }
-            function g() {
-                return N(O)
-            }
-            function v(e) {
-                var t = this[V], r = this[W], i, o;
-                3 !== t.nodeType && 4 !== t.nodeType || !t.nodeValue ? (t.childNodes.length > 0 && (o = t.childNodes[r]), o ? t.insertBefore(e, o) : 3 == t.nodeType ? n.insertAfter(e, t) : t.appendChild(e)) : r ? r >= t.nodeValue.length ? n.insertAfter(e, t) : (i = t.splitText(r), t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, i)) : t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t)
-            }
-            function y(e) {
-                var t = M.extractContents();
-                M.insertNode(e), e.appendChild(t), M.selectNode(e)
-            }
-            function b() {
-                return j(new t(n), {startContainer: M[V], startOffset: M[W], endContainer: M[U], endOffset: M[q], collapsed: M.collapsed, commonAncestorContainer: M.commonAncestorContainer})
-            }
-            function C(e, t) {
-                var n;
-                if (3 == e.nodeType)return e;
-                if (0 > t)return e;
-                for (n = e.firstChild; n && t > 0;)--t, n = n.nextSibling;
-                return n ? n : e
-            }
-            function x() {
-                return M[V] == M[U] && M[W] == M[q]
-            }
-            function w(e, t, r, i) {
-                var o, a, s, l, c, d;
-                if (e == r)return t == i ? 0 : i > t ? -1 : 1;
-                for (o = r; o && o.parentNode != e;)o = o.parentNode;
-                if (o) {
-                    for (a = 0, s = e.firstChild; s != o && t > a;)a++, s = s.nextSibling;
-                    return a >= t ? -1 : 1
-                }
-                for (o = e; o && o.parentNode != r;)o = o.parentNode;
-                if (o) {
-                    for (a = 0, s = r.firstChild; s != o && i > a;)a++, s = s.nextSibling;
-                    return i > a ? -1 : 1
-                }
-                for (l = n.findCommonAncestor(e, r), c = e; c && c.parentNode != l;)c = c.parentNode;
-                for (c || (c = l), d = r; d && d.parentNode != l;)d = d.parentNode;
-                if (d || (d = l), c == d)return 0;
-                for (s = l.firstChild; s;) {
-                    if (s == c)return-1;
-                    if (s == d)return 1;
-                    s = s.nextSibling
-                }
-            }
-            function _(e, t, r) {
-                var i, o;
-                for (e ? (M[V] = t, M[W] = r) : (M[U] = t, M[q] = r), i = M[U]; i.parentNode;)i = i.parentNode;
-                for (o = M[V]; o.parentNode;)o = o.parentNode;
-                o == i ? w(M[V], M[W], M[U], M[q]) > 0 && M.collapse(e) : M.collapse(e), M.collapsed = x(), M.commonAncestorContainer = n.findCommonAncestor(M[V], M[U])
-            }
-            function N(e) {
-                var t, n = 0, r = 0, i, o, a, s, l, c;
-                if (M[V] == M[U])return E(e);
-                for (t = M[U], i = t.parentNode; i; t = i, i = i.parentNode) {
-                    if (i == M[V])return k(t, e);
-                    ++n
-                }
-                for (t = M[V], i = t.parentNode; i; t = i, i = i.parentNode) {
-                    if (i == M[U])return S(t, e);
-                    ++r
-                }
-                for (o = r - n, a = M[V]; o > 0;)a = a.parentNode, o--;
-                for (s = M[U]; 0 > o;)s = s.parentNode, o++;
-                for (l = a.parentNode, c = s.parentNode; l != c; l = l.parentNode, c = c.parentNode)a = l, s = c;
-                return T(a, s, e)
-            }
-            function E(e) {
-                var t, n, i, o, a, s, l, c, d;
-                if (e != I && (t = r()), M[W] == M[q])return t;
-                if (3 == M[V].nodeType) {
-                    if (n = M[V].nodeValue, i = n.substring(M[W], M[q]), e != O && (o = M[V], c = M[W], d = M[q] - M[W], 0 === c && d >= o.nodeValue.length - 1 ? o.parentNode.removeChild(o) : o.deleteData(c, d), M.collapse(z)), e == I)return;
-                    return i.length > 0 && t.appendChild(D.createTextNode(i)), t
-                }
-                for (o = C(M[V], M[W]), a = M[q] - M[W]; o && a > 0;)s = o.nextSibling, l = L(o, e), t && t.appendChild(l), --a, o = s;
-                return e != O && M.collapse(z), t
-            }
-            function k(e, t) {
-                var n, i, o, a, s, l;
-                if (t != I && (n = r()), i = R(e, t), n && n.appendChild(i), o = $(e), a = o - M[W], 0 >= a)return t != O && (M.setEndBefore(e), M.collapse(F)), n;
-                for (i = e.previousSibling; a > 0;)s = i.previousSibling, l = L(i, t), n && n.insertBefore(l, n.firstChild), --a, i = s;
-                return t != O && (M.setEndBefore(e), M.collapse(F)), n
-            }
-            function S(e, t) {
-                var n, i, o, a, s, l;
-                for (t != I && (n = r()), o = A(e, t), n && n.appendChild(o), i = $(e), ++i, a = M[q] - i, o = e.nextSibling; o && a > 0;)s = o.nextSibling, l = L(o, t), n && n.appendChild(l), --a, o = s;
-                return t != O && (M.setStartAfter(e), M.collapse(z)), n
-            }
-            function T(e, t, n) {
-                var i, o, a, s, l, c, d, u;
-                for (n != I && (o = r()), i = A(e, n), o && o.appendChild(i), a = e.parentNode, s = $(e), l = $(t), ++s, c = l - s, d = e.nextSibling; c > 0;)u = d.nextSibling, i = L(d, n), o && o.appendChild(i), d = u, --c;
-                return i = R(t, n), o && o.appendChild(i), n != O && (M.setStartAfter(e), M.collapse(z)), o
-            }
-            function R(e, t) {
-                var n = C(M[U], M[q] - 1), r, i, o, a, s, l = n != M[U];
-                if (n == e)return B(n, l, F, t);
-                for (r = n.parentNode, i = B(r, F, F, t); r;) {
-                    for (; n;)o = n.previousSibling, a = B(n, l, F, t), t != I && i.insertBefore(a, i.firstChild), l = z, n = o;
-                    if (r == e)return i;
-                    n = r.previousSibling, r = r.parentNode, s = B(r, F, F, t), t != I && s.appendChild(i), i = s
-                }
-            }
-            function A(e, t) {
-                var n = C(M[V], M[W]), r = n != M[V], i, o, a, s, l;
-                if (n == e)return B(n, r, z, t);
-                for (i = n.parentNode, o = B(i, F, z, t); i;) {
-                    for (; n;)a = n.nextSibling, s = B(n, r, z, t), t != I && o.appendChild(s), r = z, n = a;
-                    if (i == e)return o;
-                    n = i.nextSibling, i = i.parentNode, l = B(i, F, z, t), t != I && l.appendChild(o), o = l
-                }
-            }
-            function B(e, t, r, i) {
-                var o, a, s, l, c;
-                if (t)return L(e, i);
-                if (3 == e.nodeType) {
-                    if (o = e.nodeValue, r ? (l = M[W], a = o.substring(l), s = o.substring(0, l)) : (l = M[q], a = o.substring(0, l), s = o.substring(l)), i != O && (e.nodeValue = s), i == I)return;
-                    return c = n.clone(e, F), c.nodeValue = a, c
-                }
-                if (i != I)return n.clone(e, F)
-            }
-            function L(e, t) {
-                return t != I ? t == O ? n.clone(e, z) : e : void e.parentNode.removeChild(e)
-            }
-            function H() {
-                return n.create("body", null, g()).outerText
-            }
-            var M = this, D = n.doc, P = 0, O = 1, I = 2, z = !0, F = !1, W = "startOffset", V = "startContainer", U = "endContainer", q = "endOffset", j = e.extend, $ = n.nodeIndex;
-            return j(M, {startContainer: D, startOffset: 0, endContainer: D, endOffset: 0, collapsed: z, commonAncestorContainer: D, START_TO_START: 0, START_TO_END: 1, END_TO_END: 2, END_TO_START: 3, setStart: i, setEnd: o, setStartBefore: a, setStartAfter: s, setEndBefore: l, setEndAfter: c, collapse: d, selectNode: u, selectNodeContents: f, compareBoundaryPoints: p, deleteContents: m, extractContents: h, cloneContents: g, insertNode: v, surroundContents: y, cloneRange: b, toStringIE: H}), M
-        }
-        return t.prototype.toString = function () {
-            return this.toStringIE()
-        }, t
-    }), r(m, [f], function (e) {
-        function t(e) {
-            var t;
-            return t = document.createElement("div"), t.innerHTML = e, t.textContent || t.innerText || e
-        }
-        function n(e, t) {
-            var n, r, i, a = {};
-            if (e) {
-                for (e = e.split(","), t = t || 10, n = 0; n < e.length; n += 2)r = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[n], t)), o[r] || (i = "&" + e[n + 1] + ";", a[r] = i, a[i] = r);
-                return a
-            }
-        }
-        var r = e.makeMap, i, o, a, s = /[&<>\"\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, l = /[<>&\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, c = /[<>&\"\']/g, d = /&(#x|#)?([\w]+);/g, u = {128: "\u20ac", 130: "\u201a", 131: "\u0192", 132: "\u201e", 133: "\u2026", 134: "\u2020", 135: "\u2021", 136: "\u02c6", 137: "\u2030", 138: "\u0160", 139: "\u2039", 140: "\u0152", 142: "\u017d", 145: "\u2018", 146: "\u2019", 147: "\u201c", 148: "\u201d", 149: "\u2022", 150: "\u2013", 151: "\u2014", 152: "\u02dc", 153: "\u2122", 154: "\u0161", 155: "\u203a", 156: "\u0153", 158: "\u017e", 159: "\u0178"};
-        o = {'"': "&quot;", "'": "&#39;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", "&": "&amp;"}, a = {"&lt;": "<", "&gt;": ">", "&amp;": "&", "&quot;": '"', "&apos;": "'"}, i = n("50,nbsp,51,iexcl,52,cent,53,pound,54,curren,55,yen,56,brvbar,57,sect,58,uml,59,copy,5a,ordf,5b,laquo,5c,not,5d,shy,5e,reg,5f,macr,5g,deg,5h,plusmn,5i,sup2,5j,sup3,5k,acute,5l,micro,5m,para,5n,middot,5o,cedil,5p,sup1,5q,ordm,5r,raquo,5s,frac14,5t,frac12,5u,frac34,5v,iquest,60,Agrave,61,Aacute,62,Acirc,63,Atilde,64,Auml,65,Aring,66,AElig,67,Ccedil,68,Egrave,69,Eacute,6a,Ecirc,6b,Euml,6c,Igrave,6d,Iacute,6e,Icirc,6f,Iuml,6g,ETH,6h,Ntilde,6i,Ograve,6j,Oacute,6k,Ocirc,6l,Otilde,6m,Ouml,6n,times,6o,Oslash,6p,Ugrave,6q,Uacute,6r,Ucirc,6s,Uuml,6t,Yacute,6u,THORN,6v,szlig,70,agrave,71,aacute,72,acirc,73,atilde,74,auml,75,aring,76,aelig,77,ccedil,78,egrave,79,eacute,7a,ecirc,7b,euml,7c,igrave,7d,iacute,7e,icirc,7f,iuml,7g,eth,7h,ntilde,7i,ograve,7j,oacute,7k,ocirc,7l,otilde,7m,ouml,7n,divide,7o,oslash,7p,ugrave,7q,uacute,7r,ucirc,7s,uuml,7t,yacute,7u,thorn,7v,yuml,ci,fnof,sh,Alpha,si,Beta,sj,Gamma,sk,Delta,sl,Epsilon,sm,Zeta,sn,Eta,so,Theta,sp,Iota,sq,Kappa,sr,Lambda,ss,Mu,st,Nu,su,Xi,sv,Omicron,t0,Pi,t1,Rho,t3,Sigma,t4,Tau,t5,Upsilon,t6,Phi,t7,Chi,t8,Psi,t9,Omega,th,alpha,ti,beta,tj,gamma,tk,delta,tl,epsilon,tm,zeta,tn,eta,to,theta,tp,iota,tq,kappa,tr,lambda,ts,mu,tt,nu,tu,xi,tv,omicron,u0,pi,u1,rho,u2,sigmaf,u3,sigma,u4,tau,u5,upsilon,u6,phi,u7,chi,u8,psi,u9,omega,uh,thetasym,ui,upsih,um,piv,812,bull,816,hellip,81i,prime,81j,Prime,81u,oline,824,frasl,88o,weierp,88h,image,88s,real,892,trade,89l,alefsym,8cg,larr,8ch,uarr,8ci,rarr,8cj,darr,8ck,harr,8dl,crarr,8eg,lArr,8eh,uArr,8ei,rArr,8ej,dArr,8ek,hArr,8g0,forall,8g2,part,8g3,exist,8g5,empty,8g7,nabla,8g8,isin,8g9,notin,8gb,ni,8gf,prod,8gh,sum,8gi,minus,8gn,lowast,8gq,radic,8gt,prop,8gu,infin,8h0,ang,8h7,and,8h8,or,8h9,cap,8ha,cup,8hb,int,8hk,there4,8hs,sim,8i5,cong,8i8,asymp,8j0,ne,8j1,equiv,8j4,le,8j5,ge,8k2,sub,8k3,sup,8k4,nsub,8k6,sube,8k7,supe,8kl,oplus,8kn,otimes,8l5,perp,8m5,sdot,8o8,lceil,8o9,rceil,8oa,lfloor,8ob,rfloor,8p9,lang,8pa,rang,9ea,loz,9j0,spades,9j3,clubs,9j5,hearts,9j6,diams,ai,OElig,aj,oelig,b0,Scaron,b1,scaron,bo,Yuml,m6,circ,ms,tilde,802,ensp,803,emsp,809,thinsp,80c,zwnj,80d,zwj,80e,lrm,80f,rlm,80j,ndash,80k,mdash,80o,lsquo,80p,rsquo,80q,sbquo,80s,ldquo,80t,rdquo,80u,bdquo,810,dagger,811,Dagger,81g,permil,81p,lsaquo,81q,rsaquo,85c,euro", 32);
-        var f = {encodeRaw: function (e, t) {
-            return e.replace(t ? s : l, function (e) {
-                return o[e] || e
-            })
-        }, encodeAllRaw: function (e) {
-            return("" + e).replace(c, function (e) {
-                return o[e] || e
-            })
-        }, encodeNumeric: function (e, t) {
-            return e.replace(t ? s : l, function (e) {
-                return e.length > 1 ? "&#" + (1024 * (e.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + (e.charCodeAt(1) - 56320) + 65536) + ";" : o[e] || "&#" + e.charCodeAt(0) + ";"
-            })
-        }, encodeNamed: function (e, t, n) {
-            return n = n || i, e.replace(t ? s : l, function (e) {
-                return o[e] || n[e] || e
-            })
-        }, getEncodeFunc: function (e, t) {
-            function a(e, n) {
-                return e.replace(n ? s : l, function (e) {
-                    return o[e] || t[e] || "&#" + e.charCodeAt(0) + ";" || e
-                })
-            }
-            function c(e, n) {
-                return f.encodeNamed(e, n, t)
-            }
-            return t = n(t) || i, e = r(e.replace(/\+/g, ",")), e.named && e.numeric ? a : e.named ? t ? c : f.encodeNamed : e.numeric ? f.encodeNumeric : f.encodeRaw
-        }, decode: function (e) {
-            return e.replace(d, function (e, n, r) {
-                return n ? (r = parseInt(r, 2 === n.length ? 16 : 10), r > 65535 ? (r -= 65536, String.fromCharCode(55296 + (r >> 10), 56320 + (1023 & r))) : u[r] || String.fromCharCode(r)) : a[e] || i[e] || t(e)
-            })
-        }};
-        return f
-    }), r(h, [], function () {
-        var e = navigator, t = e.userAgent, n, r, i, o, a, s, l;
-        n = window.opera && window.opera.buildNumber, r = /WebKit/.test(t), i = !r && !n && /MSIE/gi.test(t) && /Explorer/gi.test(e.appName), i = i && /MSIE (\w+)\./.exec(t)[1], o = -1 == t.indexOf("Trident/") || -1 == t.indexOf("rv:") && -1 == e.appName.indexOf("Netscape") ? !1 : 11, i = i || o, a = !r && !o && /Gecko/.test(t), s = -1 != t.indexOf("Mac"), l = /(iPad|iPhone)/.test(t);
-        var c = !l || t.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d*)/)[1] >= 534;
-        return{opera: n, webkit: r, ie: i, gecko: a, mac: s, iOS: l, contentEditable: c, transparentSrc: "", caretAfter: 8 != i, range: window.getSelection && "Range"in window, documentMode: i ? document.documentMode || 7 : 10}
-    }), r(g, [], function () {
-        return function (e, t) {
-            function n(t) {
-                e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t)
-            }
-            function r(t, r, s) {
-                function l() {
-                    for (var e = v.passed, t = e.length; t--;)e[t]();
-                    v.status = 2, v.passed = [], v.failed = []
-                }
-                function c() {
-                    for (var e = v.failed, t = e.length; t--;)e[t]();
-                    v.status = 3, v.passed = [], v.failed = []
-                }
-                function d() {
-                    var e = navigator.userAgent.match(/WebKit\/(\d*)/);
-                    return!!(e && e[1] < 536)
-                }
-                function u(e, t) {
-                    e() || ((new Date).getTime() - g < a ? window.setTimeout(t, 0) : c())
-                }
-                function f() {
-                    u(function () {
-                        for (var t = e.styleSheets, n, r = t.length, i; r--;)if (n = t[r], i = n.ownerNode ? n.ownerNode : n.owningElement, i && i.id === m.id)return l(), !0
-                    }, f)
-                }
-                function p() {
-                    u(function () {
-                        try {
-                            var e = h.sheet.cssRules;
-                            return l(), !!e
-                        } catch (t) {
-                        }
-                    }, p)
-                }
-                var m, h, g, v;
-                if (o[t] ? v = o[t] : (v = {passed: [], failed: []}, o[t] = v), r && v.passed.push(r), s && v.failed.push(s), 1 != v.status) {
-                    if (2 == v.status)return void l();
-                    if (3 == v.status)return void c();
-                    if (v.status = 1, m = e.createElement("link"), m.rel = "stylesheet", m.type = "text/css", m.id = "u" + i++, m.async = !1, m.defer = !1, g = (new Date).getTime(), "onload"in m && !d())m.onload = f, m.onerror = c; else {
-                        if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0)return h = e.createElement("style"), h.textContent = '@import "' + t + '"', p(), void n(h);
-                        f()
-                    }
-                    n(m), m.href = t
-                }
-            }
-            var i = 0, o = {}, a;
-            t = t || {}, a = t.maxLoadTime || 5e3, this.load = r
-        }
-    }), r(v, [l, c, d, u, p, m, h, f, g], function (e, n, r, i, o, a, s, l, c) {
-        function d(e, t) {
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-                if (!e)return!1;
-                var t = e.nodeType;
-                return t ? !(1 !== t || !o[e.nodeName]) : !!o[e]
-            }
-        }
-        var u = l.each, f = l.is, p = l.grep, m = l.trim, h = l.extend, g = s.webkit, v = s.ie, y = /^([a-z0-9],?)+$/i, b = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/, C = l.makeMap("fillOpacity fontWeight lineHeight opacity orphans widows zIndex zoom", " ");
-        return d.prototype = {root: null, props: {"for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", className: "className", checked: "checked", disabled: "disabled", maxlength: "maxLength", readonly: "readOnly", selected: "selected", value: "value", id: "id", name: "name", type: "type"}, fixDoc: function (e) {
-            var t = this.settings, n;
-            if (v && t.schema) {
-                "abbr article aside audio canvas details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark menu meter nav output progress section summary time video".replace(/\w+/g, function (t) {
-                    e.createElement(t)
-                });
-                for (n in t.schema.getCustomElements())e.createElement(n)
-            }
-        }, clone: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r, i;
-            return!v || 1 !== e.nodeType || t ? e.cloneNode(t) : (i = n.doc, t ? r.firstChild : (r = i.createElement(e.nodeName), u(n.getAttribs(e), function (t) {
-                n.setAttrib(r, t.nodeName, n.getAttrib(e, t.nodeName))
-            }), r))
-        }, getRoot: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.get(e.settings.root_element) || e.doc.body
-        }, getViewPort: function (e) {
-            var t, n;
-            return e = e ? e : this.win, t = e.document, n = this.boxModel ? t.documentElement : t.body, {x: e.pageXOffset || n.scrollLeft, y: e.pageYOffset || n.scrollTop, w: e.innerWidth || n.clientWidth, h: e.innerHeight || n.clientHeight}
-        }, getRect: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n, r;
-            return e = t.get(e), n = t.getPos(e), r = t.getSize(e), {x: n.x, y: n.y, w: r.w, h: r.h}
-        }, getSize: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n, r;
-            return e = t.get(e), n = t.getStyle(e, "width"), r = t.getStyle(e, "height"), -1 === n.indexOf("px") && (n = 0), -1 === r.indexOf("px") && (r = 0), {w: parseInt(n, 10) || e.offsetWidth || e.clientWidth, h: parseInt(r, 10) || e.offsetHeight || e.clientHeight}
-        }, getParent: function (e, t, n) {
-            return this.getParents(e, t, n, !1)
-        }, getParents: function (e, n, r, i) {
-            var o = this, a, s = [];
-            for (e = o.get(e), i = i === t, r = r || ("BODY" != o.getRoot().nodeName ? o.getRoot().parentNode : null), f(n, "string") && (a = n, n = "*" === n ? function (e) {
-                return 1 == e.nodeType
-            } : function (e) {
-                return o.is(e, a)
-            }); e && e != r && e.nodeType && 9 !== e.nodeType;) {
-                if (!n || n(e)) {
-                    if (!i)return e;
-                    s.push(e)
-                }
-                e = e.parentNode
-            }
-            return i ? s : null
-        }, get: function (e) {
-            var t;
-            return e && this.doc && "string" == typeof e && (t = e, e = this.doc.getElementById(e), e && e.id !== t) ? this.doc.getElementsByName(t)[1] : e
-        }, getNext: function (e, t) {
-            return this._findSib(e, t, "nextSibling")
-        }, getPrev: function (e, t) {
-            return this._findSib(e, t, "previousSibling")
-        }, select: function (t, n) {
-            var r = this;
-            return e(t, r.get(n) || r.get(r.settings.root_element) || r.doc, [])
-        }, is: function (n, r) {
-            var i;
-            if (n.length === t) {
-                if ("*" === r)return 1 == n.nodeType;
-                if (y.test(r)) {
-                    for (r = r.toLowerCase().split(/,/), n = n.nodeName.toLowerCase(), i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)if (r[i] == n)return!0;
-                    return!1
-                }
-            }
-            return n.nodeType && 1 != n.nodeType ? !1 : e.matches(r, n.nodeType ? [n] : n).length > 0
-        }, add: function (e, t, n, r, i) {
-            var o = this;
-            return this.run(e, function (e) {
-                var a;
-                return a = f(t, "string") ? o.doc.createElement(t) : t, o.setAttribs(a, n), r && (r.nodeType ? a.appendChild(r) : o.setHTML(a, r)), i ? a : e.appendChild(a)
-            })
-        }, create: function (e, t, n) {
-            return this.add(this.doc.createElement(e), e, t, n, 1)
-        }, createHTML: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = "", i;
-            r += "<" + e;
-            for (i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i) && null !== t[i] && (r += " " + i + '="' + this.encode(t[i]) + '"');
-            return"undefined" != typeof n ? r + ">" + n + "</" + e + ">" : r + " />"
-        }, createFragment: function (e) {
-            var t, n, r = this.doc, i;
-            for (i = r.createElement("div"), t = r.createDocumentFragment(), e && (i.innerHTML = e); n = i.firstChild;)t.appendChild(n);
-            return t
-        }, remove: function (e, t) {
-            return this.run(e, function (e) {
-                var n, r = e.parentNode;
-                if (!r)return null;
-                if (t)for (; n = e.firstChild;)!v || 3 !== n.nodeType || n.nodeValue ? r.insertBefore(n, e) : e.removeChild(n);
-                return r.removeChild(e)
-            })
-        }, setStyle: function (e, t, n) {
-            return this.run(e, function (e) {
-                var r = this, i, o;
-                if (t)if ("string" == typeof t) {
-                    i = e.style, t = t.replace(/-(\D)/g, function (e, t) {
-                        return t.toUpperCase()
-                    }), "number" != typeof n || C[t] || (n += "px"), "opacity" === t && e.runtimeStyle && "undefined" == typeof e.runtimeStyle.opacity && (i.filter = "" === n ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * n + ")"), "float" == t && (t = "cssFloat"in e.style ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat");
-                    try {
-                        i[t] = n
-                    } catch (a) {
-                    }
-                    r.settings.update_styles && e.removeAttribute("data-mce-style")
-                } else for (o in t)r.setStyle(e, o, t[o])
-            })
-        }, getStyle: function (e, n, r) {
-            if (e = this.get(e)) {
-                if (this.doc.defaultView && r) {
-                    n = n.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (e) {
-                        return"-" + e
-                    });
-                    try {
-                        return this.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e, null).getPropertyValue(n)
-                    } catch (i) {
-                        return null
-                    }
-                }
-                return n = n.replace(/-(\D)/g, function (e, t) {
-                    return t.toUpperCase()
-                }), "float" == n && (n = v ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat"), e.currentStyle && r ? e.currentStyle[n] : e.style ? e.style[n] : t
-            }
-        }, setStyles: function (e, t) {
-            this.setStyle(e, t)
-        }, css: function (e, t, n) {
-            this.setStyle(e, t, n)
-        }, removeAllAttribs: function (e) {
-            return this.run(e, function (e) {
-                var t, n = e.attributes;
-                for (t = n.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)e.removeAttributeNode(n.item(t))
-            })
-        }, setAttrib: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this;
-            if (e && t)return this.run(e, function (e) {
-                var i = r.settings, o = e.getAttribute(t);
-                if (null !== n)switch (t) {
-                    case"style":
-                        if (!f(n, "string"))return void u(n, function (t, n) {
-                            r.setStyle(e, n, t)
-                        });
-                        i.keep_values && (n ? e.setAttribute("data-mce-style", n, 2) : e.removeAttribute("data-mce-style", 2)), e.style.cssText = n;
-                        break;
-                    case"class":
-                        e.className = n || "";
-                        break;
-                    case"src":
-                    case"href":
-                        i.keep_values && (i.url_converter && (n = i.url_converter.call(i.url_converter_scope || r, n, t, e)), r.setAttrib(e, "data-mce-" + t, n, 2));
-                        break;
-                    case"shape":
-                        e.setAttribute("data-mce-style", n)
-                }
-                f(n) && null !== n && 0 !== n.length ? e.setAttribute(t, "" + n, 2) : e.removeAttribute(t, 2), o != n && i.onSetAttrib && i.onSetAttrib({attrElm: e, attrName: t, attrValue: n})
-            })
-        }, setAttribs: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this;
-            return this.run(e, function (e) {
-                u(t, function (t, r) {
-                    n.setAttrib(e, r, t)
-                })
-            })
-        }, getAttrib: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r, i = this, o;
-            if (e = i.get(e), !e || 1 !== e.nodeType)return n === o ? !1 : n;
-            if (f(n) || (n = ""), /^(src|href|style|coords|shape)$/.test(t) && (r = e.getAttribute("data-mce-" + t)))return r;
-            if (v && i.props[t] && (r = e[i.props[t]], r = r && r.nodeValue ? r.nodeValue : r), r || (r = e.getAttribute(t, 2)), /^(checked|compact|declare|defer|disabled|ismap|multiple|nohref|noshade|nowrap|readonly|selected)$/.test(t))return e[i.props[t]] === !0 && "" === r ? t : r ? t : "";
-            if ("FORM" === e.nodeName && e.getAttributeNode(t))return e.getAttributeNode(t).nodeValue;
-            if ("style" === t && (r = r || e.style.cssText, r && (r = i.serializeStyle(i.parseStyle(r), e.nodeName), i.settings.keep_values && e.setAttribute("data-mce-style", r))), g && "class" === t && r && (r = r.replace(/(apple|webkit)\-[a-z\-]+/gi, "")), v)switch (t) {
-                case"rowspan":
-                case"colspan":
-                    1 === r && (r = "");
-                    break;
-                case"size":
-                    ("+0" === r || 20 === r || 0 === r) && (r = "");
-                    break;
-                case"width":
-                case"height":
-                case"vspace":
-                case"checked":
-                case"disabled":
-                case"readonly":
-                    0 === r && (r = "");
-                    break;
-                case"hspace":
-                    -1 === r && (r = "");
-                    break;
-                case"maxlength":
-                case"tabindex":
-                    (32768 === r || 2147483647 === r || "32768" === r) && (r = "");
-                    break;
-                case"multiple":
-                case"compact":
-                case"noshade":
-                case"nowrap":
-                    return 65535 === r ? t : n;
-                case"shape":
-                    r = r.toLowerCase();
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    0 === t.indexOf("on") && r && (r = ("" + r).replace(/^function\s+\w+\(\)\s+\{\s+(.*)\s+\}$/, "$1"))
-            }
-            return r !== o && null !== r && "" !== r ? "" + r : n
-        }, getPos: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = 0, i = 0, o, a = n.doc, s;
-            if (e = n.get(e), t = t || a.body, e) {
-                if (t === a.body && e.getBoundingClientRect)return s = e.getBoundingClientRect(), t = n.boxModel ? a.documentElement : a.body, r = s.left + (a.documentElement.scrollLeft || a.body.scrollLeft) - t.clientLeft, i = s.top + (a.documentElement.scrollTop || a.body.scrollTop) - t.clientTop, {x: r, y: i};
-                for (o = e; o && o != t && o.nodeType;)r += o.offsetLeft || 0, i += o.offsetTop || 0, o = o.offsetParent;
-                for (o = e.parentNode; o && o != t && o.nodeType;)r -= o.scrollLeft || 0, i -= o.scrollTop || 0, o = o.parentNode
-            }
-            return{x: r, y: i}
-        }, parseStyle: function (e) {
-            return this.styles.parse(e)
-        }, serializeStyle: function (e, t) {
-            return this.styles.serialize(e, t)
-        }, addStyle: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.doc, r, i;
-            if (t !== d.DOM && n === document) {
-                var o = d.DOM.addedStyles;
-                if (o = o || [], o[e])return;
-                o[e] = !0, d.DOM.addedStyles = o
-            }
-            i = n.getElementById("mceDefaultStyles"), i || (i = n.createElement("style"), i.id = "mceDefaultStyles", i.type = "text/css", r = n.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], r.firstChild ? r.insertBefore(i, r.firstChild) : r.appendChild(i)), i.styleSheet ? i.styleSheet.cssText += e : i.appendChild(n.createTextNode(e))
-        }, loadCSS: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.doc, r;
-            return t !== d.DOM && n === document ? void d.DOM.loadCSS(e) : (e || (e = ""), r = n.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], void u(e.split(","), function (e) {
-                var i;
-                t.files[e] || (t.files[e] = !0, i = t.create("link", {rel: "stylesheet", href: e}), v && n.documentMode && n.recalc && (i.onload = function () {
-                    n.recalc && n.recalc(), i.onload = null
-                }), r.appendChild(i))
-            }))
-        }, addClass: function (e, t) {
-            return this.run(e, function (e) {
-                var n;
-                return t ? this.hasClass(e, t) ? e.className : (n = this.removeClass(e, t), e.className = n = ("" !== n ? n + " " : "") + t, n) : 0
-            })
-        }, removeClass: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r;
-            return n.run(e, function (e) {
-                var i;
-                return n.hasClass(e, t) ? (r || (r = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + t + "(\\s+|$)", "g")), i = e.className.replace(r, " "), i = m(" " != i ? i : ""), e.className = i, i || (e.removeAttribute("class"), e.removeAttribute("className")), i) : e.className
-            })
-        }, hasClass: function (e, t) {
-            return e = this.get(e), e && t ? -1 !== (" " + e.className + " ").indexOf(" " + t + " ") : !1
-        }, toggleClass: function (e, n, r) {
-            r = r === t ? !this.hasClass(e, n) : r, this.hasClass(e, n) !== r && (r ? this.addClass(e, n) : this.removeClass(e, n))
-        }, show: function (e) {
-            return this.setStyle(e, "display", "block")
-        }, hide: function (e) {
-            return this.setStyle(e, "display", "none")
-        }, isHidden: function (e) {
-            return e = this.get(e), !e || "none" == e.style.display || "none" == this.getStyle(e, "display")
-        }, uniqueId: function (e) {
-            return(e ? e : "mce_") + this.counter++
-        }, setHTML: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this;
-            return n.run(e, function (e) {
-                if (v) {
-                    for (; e.firstChild;)e.removeChild(e.firstChild);
-                    try {
-                        e.innerHTML = "<br />" + t, e.removeChild(e.firstChild)
-                    } catch (r) {
-                        var i = n.create("div");
-                        i.innerHTML = "<br />" + t, u(p(i.childNodes), function (t, n) {
-                            n && e.canHaveHTML && e.appendChild(t)
-                        })
-                    }
-                } else e.innerHTML = t;
-                return t
-            })
-        }, getOuterHTML: function (e) {
-            var t, n = this;
-            return(e = n.get(e)) ? 1 === e.nodeType && n.hasOuterHTML ? e.outerHTML : (t = (e.ownerDocument || n.doc).createElement("body"), t.appendChild(e.cloneNode(!0)), t.innerHTML) : null
-        }, setOuterHTML: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this;
-            return r.run(e, function (e) {
-                function i() {
-                    var i, o;
-                    for (o = n.createElement("body"), o.innerHTML = t, i = o.lastChild; i;)r.insertAfter(i.cloneNode(!0), e), i = i.previousSibling;
-                    r.remove(e)
-                }
-                if (1 == e.nodeType)if (n = n || e.ownerDocument || r.doc, v)try {
-                    1 == e.nodeType && r.hasOuterHTML ? e.outerHTML = t : i()
-                } catch (o) {
-                    i()
-                } else i()
-            })
-        }, decode: a.decode, encode: a.encodeAllRaw, insertAfter: function (e, t) {
-            return t = this.get(t), this.run(e, function (e) {
-                var n, r;
-                return n = t.parentNode, r = t.nextSibling, r ? n.insertBefore(e, r) : n.appendChild(e), e
-            })
-        }, replace: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this;
-            return r.run(t, function (t) {
-                return f(t, "array") && (e = e.cloneNode(!0)), n && u(p(t.childNodes), function (t) {
-                    e.appendChild(t)
-                }), t.parentNode.replaceChild(e, t)
-            })
-        }, rename: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r;
-            return e.nodeName != t.toUpperCase() && (r = n.create(t), u(n.getAttribs(e), function (t) {
-                n.setAttrib(r, t.nodeName, n.getAttrib(e, t.nodeName))
-            }), n.replace(r, e, 1)), r || e
-        }, findCommonAncestor: function (e, t) {
-            for (var n = e, r; n;) {
-                for (r = t; r && n != r;)r = r.parentNode;
-                if (n == r)break;
-                n = n.parentNode
-            }
-            return!n && e.ownerDocument ? e.ownerDocument.documentElement : n
-        }, toHex: function (e) {
-            return this.styles.toHex(l.trim(e))
-        }, run: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this, i;
-            return"string" == typeof e && (e = r.get(e)), e ? (n = n || this, e.nodeType || !e.length && 0 !== e.length ? t.call(n, e) : (i = [], u(e, function (e, o) {
-                e && ("string" == typeof e && (e = r.get(e)), i.push(t.call(n, e, o)))
-            }), i)) : !1
-        }, getAttribs: function (e) {
-            var t;
-            if (e = this.get(e), !e)return[];
-            if (v) {
-                if (t = [], "OBJECT" == e.nodeName)return e.attributes;
-                "OPTION" === e.nodeName && this.getAttrib(e, "selected") && t.push({specified: 1, nodeName: "selected"});
-                var n = /<\/?[\w:\-]+ ?|=[\"][^\"]+\"|=\'[^\']+\'|=[\w\-]+|>/gi;
-                return e.cloneNode(!1).outerHTML.replace(n, "").replace(/[\w:\-]+/gi, function (e) {
-                    t.push({specified: 1, nodeName: e})
-                }), t
-            }
-            return e.attributes
-        }, isEmpty: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r, o, a, s, l, c = 0;
-            if (e = e.firstChild) {
-                s = new i(e, e.parentNode), t = t || n.schema ? n.schema.getNonEmptyElements() : null;
-                do {
-                    if (a = e.nodeType, 1 === a) {
-                        if (e.getAttribute("data-mce-bogus"))continue;
-                        if (l = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(), t && t[l]) {
-                            if ("br" === l) {
-                                c++;
-                                continue
-                            }
-                            return!1
-                        }
-                        for (o = n.getAttribs(e), r = e.attributes.length; r--;)if (l = e.attributes[r].nodeName, "name" === l || "data-mce-bookmark" === l)return!1
-                    }
-                    if (8 == a)return!1;
-                    if (3 === a && !b.test(e.nodeValue))return!1
-                } while (e = s.next())
-            }
-            return 1 >= c
-        }, createRng: function () {
-            var e = this.doc;
-            return e.createRange ? e.createRange() : new o(this)
-        }, nodeIndex: function (e, t) {
-            var n = 0, r, i, o;
-            if (e)for (r = e.nodeType, e = e.previousSibling, i = e; e; e = e.previousSibling)o = e.nodeType, (!t || 3 != o || o != r && e.nodeValue.length) && (n++, r = o);
-            return n
-        }, split: function (e, t, n) {
-            function r(e) {
-                function t(e) {
-                    var t = e.previousSibling && "SPAN" == e.previousSibling.nodeName, n = e.nextSibling && "SPAN" == e.nextSibling.nodeName;
-                    return t && n
-                }
-                var n, o = e.childNodes, a = e.nodeType;
-                if (1 != a || "bookmark" != e.getAttribute("data-mce-type")) {
-                    for (n = o.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)r(o[n]);
-                    if (9 != a) {
-                        if (3 == a && e.nodeValue.length > 0) {
-                            var s = m(e.nodeValue).length;
-                            if (!i.isBlock(e.parentNode) || s > 0 || 0 === s && t(e))return
-                        } else if (1 == a && (o = e.childNodes, 1 == o.length && o[0] && 1 == o[0].nodeType && "bookmark" == o[0].getAttribute("data-mce-type") && e.parentNode.insertBefore(o[0], e), o.length || /^(br|hr|input|img)$/i.test(e.nodeName)))return;
-                        i.remove(e)
-                    }
-                    return e
-                }
-            }
-            var i = this, o = i.createRng(), a, s, l;
-            return e && t ? (o.setStart(e.parentNode, i.nodeIndex(e)), o.setEnd(t.parentNode, i.nodeIndex(t)), a = o.extractContents(), o = i.createRng(), o.setStart(t.parentNode, i.nodeIndex(t) + 1), o.setEnd(e.parentNode, i.nodeIndex(e) + 1), s = o.extractContents(), l = e.parentNode, l.insertBefore(r(a), e), n ? l.replaceChild(n, t) : l.insertBefore(t, e), l.insertBefore(r(s), e), i.remove(e), n || t) : void 0
-        }, bind: function (e, t, n, r) {
-            var i = this;
-            if (l.isArray(e)) {
-                for (var o = e.length; o--;)e[o] = i.bind(e[o], t, n, r);
-                return e
-            }
-            return!i.settings.collect || e !== i.doc && e !== i.win || i.boundEvents.push([e, t, n, r]), i.events.bind(e, t, n, r || i)
-        }, unbind: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this, i;
-            if (l.isArray(e)) {
-                for (i = e.length; i--;)e[i] = r.unbind(e[i], t, n);
-                return e
-            }
-            if (r.boundEvents && (e === r.doc || e === r.win))for (i = r.boundEvents.length; i--;) {
-                var o = r.boundEvents[i];
-                e != o[0] || t && t != o[1] || n && n != o[2] || this.events.unbind(o[0], o[1], o[2])
-            }
-            return this.events.unbind(e, t, n)
-        }, fire: function (e, t, n) {
-            return this.events.fire(e, t, n)
-        }, getContentEditable: function (e) {
-            var t;
-            return 1 != e.nodeType ? null : (t = e.getAttribute("data-mce-contenteditable"), t && "inherit" !== t ? t : "inherit" !== e.contentEditable ? e.contentEditable : null)
-        }, destroy: function () {
-            var t = this;
-            if (t.boundEvents) {
-                for (var n = t.boundEvents.length; n--;) {
-                    var r = t.boundEvents[n];
-                    this.events.unbind(r[0], r[1], r[2])
-                }
-                t.boundEvents = null
-            }
-            e.setDocument && e.setDocument(), t.win = t.doc = t.root = t.events = t.frag = null
-        }, dumpRng: function (e) {
-            return"startContainer: " + e.startContainer.nodeName + ", startOffset: " + e.startOffset + ", endContainer: " + e.endContainer.nodeName + ", endOffset: " + e.endOffset
-        }, _findSib: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this, i = t;
-            if (e)for ("string" == typeof i && (i = function (e) {
-                return r.is(e, t)
-            }), e = e[n]; e; e = e[n])if (i(e))return e;
-            return null
-        }}, d.DOM = new d(document), d
-    }), r(y, [v, f], function (e, t) {
-        function n() {
-            function e(e, t) {
-                function n() {
-                    o.remove(s), a && (a.onreadystatechange = a.onload = a = null), t()
-                }
-                function i() {
-                    "undefined" != typeof console && console.log && console.log("Failed to load: " + e)
-                }
-                var o = r, a, s;
-                s = o.uniqueId(), a = document.createElement("script"), a.id = s, a.type = "text/javascript", a.src = e, "onreadystatechange"in a ? a.onreadystatechange = function () {
-                    /loaded|complete/.test(a.readyState) && n()
-                } : a.onload = n, a.onerror = i, (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.body).appendChild(a)
-            }
-            var t = 0, n = 1, a = 2, s = {}, l = [], c = {}, d = [], u = 0, f;
-            this.isDone = function (e) {
-                return s[e] == a
-            }, this.markDone = function (e) {
-                s[e] = a
-            }, this.add = this.load = function (e, n, r) {
-                var i = s[e];
-                i == f && (l.push(e), s[e] = t), n && (c[e] || (c[e] = []), c[e].push({func: n, scope: r || this}))
-            }, this.loadQueue = function (e, t) {
-                this.loadScripts(l, e, t)
-            }, this.loadScripts = function (t, r, l) {
-                function p(e) {
-                    i(c[e], function (e) {
-                        e.func.call(e.scope)
-                    }), c[e] = f
-                }
-                var m;
-                d.push({func: r, scope: l || this}), (m = function () {
-                    var r = o(t);
-                    t.length = 0, i(r, function (t) {
-                        return s[t] == a ? void p(t) : void(s[t] != n && (s[t] = n, u++, e(t, function () {
-                            s[t] = a, u--, p(t), m()
-                        })))
-                    }), u || (i(d, function (e) {
-                        e.func.call(e.scope)
-                    }), d.length = 0)
-                })()
-            }
-        }
-        var r = e.DOM, i = t.each, o = t.grep;
-        return n.ScriptLoader = new n, n
-    }), r(b, [y, f], function (e, n) {
-        function r() {
-            var e = this;
-            e.items = [], e.urls = {}, e.lookup = {}
-        }
-        var i = n.each;
-        return r.prototype = {get: function (e) {
-            return this.lookup[e] ? this.lookup[e].instance : t
-        }, dependencies: function (e) {
-            var t;
-            return this.lookup[e] && (t = this.lookup[e].dependencies), t || []
-        }, requireLangPack: function (t, n) {
-            if (r.language && r.languageLoad !== !1) {
-                if (n && new RegExp("([, ]|\\b)" + r.language + "([, ]|\\b)").test(n) === !1)return;
-                e.ScriptLoader.add(this.urls[t] + "/langs/" + r.language + ".js")
-            }
-        }, add: function (e, t, n) {
-            return this.items.push(t), this.lookup[e] = {instance: t, dependencies: n}, t
-        }, createUrl: function (e, t) {
-            return"object" == typeof t ? t : {prefix: e.prefix, resource: t, suffix: e.suffix}
-        }, addComponents: function (t, n) {
-            var r = this.urls[t];
-            i(n, function (t) {
-                e.ScriptLoader.add(r + "/" + t)
-            })
-        }, load: function (n, o, a, s) {
-            function l() {
-                var r = c.dependencies(n);
-                i(r, function (e) {
-                    var n = c.createUrl(o, e);
-                    c.load(n.resource, n, t, t)
-                }), a && a.call(s ? s : e)
-            }
-            var c = this, d = o;
-            c.urls[n] || ("object" == typeof o && (d = o.prefix + o.resource + o.suffix), 0 !== d.indexOf("/") && -1 == d.indexOf("://") && (d = r.baseURL + "/" + d), c.urls[n] = d.substring(0, d.lastIndexOf("/")), c.lookup[n] ? l() : e.ScriptLoader.add(d, l, s))
-        }}, r.PluginManager = new r, r.ThemeManager = new r, r
-    }), r(C, [], function () {
-        function e(e, t, n) {
-            var r, i, o = n ? "lastChild" : "firstChild", a = n ? "prev" : "next";
-            if (e[o])return e[o];
-            if (e !== t) {
-                if (r = e[a])return r;
-                for (i = e.parent; i && i !== t; i = i.parent)if (r = i[a])return r
-            }
-        }
-        function t(e, t) {
-            this.name = e, this.type = t, 1 === t && (this.attributes = [], this.attributes.map = {})
-        }
-        var n = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/, r = {"#text": 3, "#comment": 8, "#cdata": 4, "#pi": 7, "#doctype": 10, "#document-fragment": 11};
-        return t.prototype = {replace: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return e.parent && e.remove(), t.insert(e, t), t.remove(), t
-        }, attr: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r, i, o;
-            if ("string" != typeof e) {
-                for (i in e)n.attr(i, e[i]);
-                return n
-            }
-            if (r = n.attributes) {
-                if (t !== o) {
-                    if (null === t) {
-                        if (e in r.map)for (delete r.map[e], i = r.length; i--;)if (r[i].name === e)return r = r.splice(i, 1), n;
-                        return n
-                    }
-                    if (e in r.map) {
-                        for (i = r.length; i--;)if (r[i].name === e) {
-                            r[i].value = t;
-                            break
-                        }
-                    } else r.push({name: e, value: t});
-                    return r.map[e] = t, n
-                }
-                return r.map[e]
-            }
-        }, clone: function () {
-            var e = this, n = new t(e.name, e.type), r, i, o, a, s;
-            if (o = e.attributes) {
-                for (s = [], s.map = {}, r = 0, i = o.length; i > r; r++)a = o[r], "id" !== a.name && (s[s.length] = {name: a.name, value: a.value}, s.map[a.name] = a.value);
-                n.attributes = s
-            }
-            return n.value = e.value, n.shortEnded = e.shortEnded, n
-        }, wrap: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return t.parent.insert(e, t), e.append(t), t
-        }, unwrap: function () {
-            var e = this, t, n;
-            for (t = e.firstChild; t;)n = t.next, e.insert(t, e, !0), t = n;
-            e.remove()
-        }, remove: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.parent, n = e.next, r = e.prev;
-            return t && (t.firstChild === e ? (t.firstChild = n, n && (n.prev = null)) : r.next = n, t.lastChild === e ? (t.lastChild = r, r && (r.next = null)) : n.prev = r, e.parent = e.next = e.prev = null), e
-        }, append: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n;
-            return e.parent && e.remove(), n = t.lastChild, n ? (n.next = e, e.prev = n, t.lastChild = e) : t.lastChild = t.firstChild = e, e.parent = t, e
-        }, insert: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r;
-            return e.parent && e.remove(), r = t.parent || this, n ? (t === r.firstChild ? r.firstChild = e : t.prev.next = e, e.prev = t.prev, e.next = t, t.prev = e) : (t === r.lastChild ? r.lastChild = e : t.next.prev = e, e.next = t.next, e.prev = t, t.next = e), e.parent = r, e
-        }, getAll: function (t) {
-            var n = this, r, i = [];
-            for (r = n.firstChild; r; r = e(r, n))r.name === t && i.push(r);
-            return i
-        }, empty: function () {
-            var t = this, n, r, i;
-            if (t.firstChild) {
-                for (n = [], i = t.firstChild; i; i = e(i, t))n.push(i);
-                for (r = n.length; r--;)i = n[r], i.parent = i.firstChild = i.lastChild = i.next = i.prev = null
-            }
-            return t.firstChild = t.lastChild = null, t
-        }, isEmpty: function (t) {
-            var r = this, i = r.firstChild, o, a;
-            if (i)do {
-                if (1 === i.type) {
-                    if (i.attributes.map["data-mce-bogus"])continue;
-                    if (t[i.name])return!1;
-                    for (o = i.attributes.length; o--;)if (a = i.attributes[o].name, "name" === a || 0 === a.indexOf("data-mce-"))return!1
-                }
-                if (8 === i.type)return!1;
-                if (3 === i.type && !n.test(i.value))return!1
-            } while (i = e(i, r));
-            return!0
-        }, walk: function (t) {
-            return e(this, null, t)
-        }}, t.create = function (e, n) {
-            var i, o;
-            if (i = new t(e, r[e] || 1), n)for (o in n)i.attr(o, n[o]);
-            return i
-        }, t
-    }), r(x, [f], function (e) {
-        function t(e, t) {
-            return e ? e.split(t || " ") : []
-        }
-        function n(e) {
-            function n(e, n, r) {
-                function i(e) {
-                    var t = {}, n, r;
-                    for (n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n++)t[e[n]] = {};
-                    return t
-                }
-                var o, l, c, d = arguments;
-                for (r = r || [], n = n || "", "string" == typeof r && (r = t(r)), l = 3; l < d.length; l++)"string" == typeof d[l] && (d[l] = t(d[l])), r.push.apply(r, d[l]);
-                for (e = t(e), o = e.length; o--;)c = [].concat(s, t(n)), a[e[o]] = {attributes: i(c), attributesOrder: c, children: i(r)}
-            }
-            function i(e, n) {
-                var r, i, o, s;
-                for (e = t(e), r = e.length, n = t(n); r--;)for (i = a[e[r]], o = 0, s = n.length; s > o; o++)i.attributes[n[o]] = {}, i.attributesOrder.push(n[o])
-            }
-            var a = {}, s, l, c, d, u, f, p;
-            return r[e] ? r[e] : (s = t("id accesskey class dir lang style tabindex title"), l = t("onabort onblur oncancel oncanplay oncanplaythrough onchange onclick onclose oncontextmenu oncuechange ondblclick ondrag ondragend ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop ondurationchange onemptied onended onerror onfocus oninput oninvalid onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata onloadedmetadata onloadstart onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onmousewheel onpause onplay onplaying onprogress onratechange onreset onscroll onseeked onseeking onseeking onselect onshow onstalled onsubmit onsuspend ontimeupdate onvolumechange onwaiting"), c = t("address blockquote div dl fieldset form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr menu ol p pre table ul"), d = t("a abbr b bdo br button cite code del dfn em embed i iframe img input ins kbd label map noscript object q s samp script select small span strong sub sup textarea u var #text #comment"), "html4" != e && (s.push.apply(s, t("contenteditable contextmenu draggable dropzone hidden spellcheck translate")), c.push.apply(c, t("article aside details dialog figure header footer hgroup section nav")), d.push.apply(d, t("audio canvas command datalist mark meter output progress time wbr video ruby bdi keygen"))), "html5-strict" != e && (s.push("xml:lang"), p = t("acronym applet basefont big font strike tt"), d.push.apply(d, p), o(p, function (e) {
-                n(e, "", d)
-            }), f = t("center dir isindex noframes"), c.push.apply(c, f), u = [].concat(c, d), o(f, function (e) {
-                n(e, "", u)
-            })), u = u || [].concat(c, d), n("html", "manifest", "head body"), n("head", "", "base command link meta noscript script style title"), n("title hr noscript br"), n("base", "href target"), n("link", "href rel media hreflang type sizes hreflang"), n("meta", "name http-equiv content charset"), n("style", "media type scoped"), n("script", "src async defer type charset"), n("body", "onafterprint onbeforeprint onbeforeunload onblur onerror onfocus onhashchange onload onmessage onoffline ononline onpagehide onpageshow onpopstate onresize onscroll onstorage onunload", u), n("address dt dd div caption", "", u), n("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre p abbr code var samp kbd sub sup i b u bdo span legend em strong small s cite dfn", "", d), n("blockquote", "cite", u), n("ol", "reversed start type", "li"), n("ul", "", "li"), n("li", "value", u), n("dl", "", "dt dd"), n("a", "href target rel media hreflang type", d), n("q", "cite", d), n("ins del", "cite datetime", u), n("img", "src alt usemap ismap width height"), n("iframe", "src name width height", u), n("embed", "src type width height"), n("object", "data type typemustmatch name usemap form width height", u, "param"), n("param", "name value"), n("map", "name", u, "area"), n("area", "alt coords shape href target rel media hreflang type"), n("table", "border", "caption colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr" + ("html4" == e ? " col" : "")), n("colgroup", "span", "col"), n("col", "span"), n("tbody thead tfoot", "", "tr"), n("tr", "", "td th"), n("td", "colspan rowspan headers", u), n("th", "colspan rowspan headers scope abbr", u), n("form", "accept-charset action autocomplete enctype method name novalidate target", u), n("fieldset", "disabled form name", u, "legend"), n("label", "form for", d), n("input", "accept alt autocomplete checked dirname disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget height list max maxlength min multiple name pattern readonly required size src step type value width"), n("button", "disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget name type value", "html4" == e ? u : d), n("select", "disabled form multiple name required size", "option optgroup"), n("optgroup", "disabled label", "option"), n("option", "disabled label selected value"), n("textarea", "cols dirname disabled form maxlength name readonly required rows wrap"), n("menu", "type label", u, "li"), n("noscript", "", u), "html4" != e && (n("wbr"), n("ruby", "", d, "rt rp"), n("figcaption", "", u), n("mark rt rp summary bdi", "", d), n("canvas", "width height", u), n("video", "src crossorigin poster preload autoplay mediagroup loop muted controls width height", u, "track source"), n("audio", "src crossorigin preload autoplay mediagroup loop muted controls", u, "track source"), n("source", "src type media"), n("track", "kind src srclang label default"), n("datalist", "", d, "option"), n("article section nav aside header footer", "", u), n("hgroup", "", "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6"), n("figure", "", u, "figcaption"), n("time", "datetime", d), n("dialog", "open", u), n("command", "type label icon disabled checked radiogroup command"), n("output", "for form name", d), n("progress", "value max", d), n("meter", "value min max low high optimum", d), n("details", "open", u, "summary"), n("keygen", "autofocus challenge disabled form keytype name")), "html5-strict" != e && (i("script", "language xml:space"), i("style", "xml:space"), i("object", "declare classid codebase codetype archive standby align border hspace vspace"), i("param", "valuetype type"), i("a", "charset name rev shape coords"), i("br", "clear"), i("applet", "codebase archive code object alt name width height align hspace vspace"), i("img", "name longdesc align border hspace vspace"), i("iframe", "longdesc frameborder marginwidth marginheight scrolling align"), i("font basefont", "size color face"), i("input", "usemap align"), i("select", "onchange"), i("textarea"), i("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div p legend caption", "align"), i("ul", "type compact"), i("li", "type"), i("ol dl menu dir", "compact"), i("pre", "width xml:space"), i("hr", "align noshade size width"), i("isindex", "prompt"), i("table", "summary width frame rules cellspacing cellpadding align bgcolor"), i("col", "width align char charoff valign"), i("colgroup", "width align char charoff valign"), i("thead", "align char charoff valign"), i("tr", "align char charoff valign bgcolor"), i("th", "axis align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height"), i("form", "accept"), i("td", "abbr axis scope align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height"), i("tfoot", "align char charoff valign"), i("tbody", "align char charoff valign"), i("area", "nohref"), i("body", "background bgcolor text link vlink alink")), "html4" != e && (i("input button select textarea", "autofocus"), i("input textarea", "placeholder"), i("a", "download"), i("link script img", "crossorigin"), i("iframe", "srcdoc sandbox seamless allowfullscreen")), o(t("a form meter progress dfn"), function (e) {
-                a[e] && delete a[e].children[e]
-            }), delete a.caption.children.table, r[e] = a, a)
-        }
-        var r = {}, i = e.makeMap, o = e.each, a = e.extend, s = e.explode, l = e.inArray;
-        return function (e) {
-            function c(t, n, o) {
-                var s = e[t];
-                return s ? s = i(s, ",", i(s.toUpperCase(), " ")) : (s = r[t], s || (s = i(n, " ", i(n.toUpperCase(), " ")), s = a(s, o), r[t] = s)), s
-            }
-            function d(e) {
-                return new RegExp("^" + e.replace(/([?+*])/g, ".$1") + "$")
-            }
-            function u(e) {
-                var n, r, o, a, s, c, u, f, p, m, h, g, y, C, x, w, _, N, E, k = /^([#+\-])?([^\[!\/]+)(?:\/([^\[!]+))?(?:(!?)\[([^\]]+)\])?$/, S = /^([!\-])?(\w+::\w+|[^=:<]+)?(?:([=:<])(.*))?$/, T = /[*?+]/;
-                if (e)for (e = t(e, ","), v["@"] && (w = v["@"].attributes, _ = v["@"].attributesOrder), n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n++)if (s = k.exec(e[n])) {
-                    if (C = s[1], p = s[2], x = s[3], f = s[5], g = {}, y = [], c = {attributes: g, attributesOrder: y}, "#" === C && (c.paddEmpty = !0), "-" === C && (c.removeEmpty = !0), "!" === s[4] && (c.removeEmptyAttrs = !0), w) {
-                        for (N in w)g[N] = w[N];
-                        y.push.apply(y, _)
-                    }
-                    if (f)for (f = t(f, "|"), o = 0, a = f.length; a > o; o++)if (s = S.exec(f[o])) {
-                        if (u = {}, h = s[1], m = s[2].replace(/::/g, ":"), C = s[3], E = s[4], "!" === h && (c.attributesRequired = c.attributesRequired || [], c.attributesRequired.push(m), u.required = !0), "-" === h) {
-                            delete g[m], y.splice(l(y, m), 1);
-                            continue
-                        }
-                        C && ("=" === C && (c.attributesDefault = c.attributesDefault || [], c.attributesDefault.push({name: m, value: E}), u.defaultValue = E), ":" === C && (c.attributesForced = c.attributesForced || [], c.attributesForced.push({name: m, value: E}), u.forcedValue = E), "<" === C && (u.validValues = i(E, "?"))), T.test(m) ? (c.attributePatterns = c.attributePatterns || [], u.pattern = d(m), c.attributePatterns.push(u)) : (g[m] || y.push(m), g[m] = u)
-                    }
-                    w || "@" != p || (w = g, _ = y), x && (c.outputName = p, v[x] = c), T.test(p) ? (c.pattern = d(p), b.push(c)) : v[p] = c
-                }
-            }
-            function f(e) {
-                v = {}, b = [], u(e), o(x, function (e, t) {
-                    y[t] = e.children
-                })
-            }
-            function p(e) {
-                var n = /^(~)?(.+)$/;
-                e && o(t(e, ","), function (e) {
-                    var t = n.exec(e), r = "~" === t[1], i = r ? "span" : "div", s = t[2];
-                    if (y[s] = y[i], R[s] = i, r || (k[s.toUpperCase()] = {}, k[s] = {}), !v[s]) {
-                        var l = v[i];
-                        l = a({}, l), delete l.removeEmptyAttrs, delete l.removeEmpty, v[s] = l
-                    }
-                    o(y, function (e) {
-                        e[i] && (e[s] = e[i])
-                    })
-                })
-            }
-            function m(e) {
-                var n = /^([+\-]?)(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]$/;
-                e && o(t(e, ","), function (e) {
-                    var r = n.exec(e), i, a;
-                    r && (a = r[1], i = a ? y[r[2]] : y[r[2]] = {"#comment": {}}, i = y[r[2]], o(t(r[3], "|"), function (e) {
-                        "-" === a ? delete i[e] : i[e] = {}
-                    }))
-                })
-            }
-            function h(e) {
-                var t = v[e], n;
-                if (t)return t;
-                for (n = b.length; n--;)if (t = b[n], t.pattern.test(e))return t
-            }
-            var g = this, v = {}, y = {}, b = [], C, x, w, _, N, E, k, S, T, R = {}, A = {};
-            e = e || {}, x = n(e.schema), e.verify_html === !1 && (e.valid_elements = "*[*]"), e.valid_styles && (C = {}, o(e.valid_styles, function (e, t) {
-                C[t] = s(e)
-            })), w = c("whitespace_elements", "pre script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object"), _ = c("self_closing_elements", "colgroup dd dt li option p td tfoot th thead tr"), N = c("short_ended_elements", "area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr track"), E = c("boolean_attributes", "checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize noshade nowrap readonly selected autoplay loop controls"), S = c("non_empty_elements", "td th iframe video audio object script", N), T = c("text_block_elements", "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div address pre form blockquote center dir fieldset header footer article section hgroup aside nav figure"), k = c("block_elements", "hr table tbody thead tfoot th tr td li ol ul caption dl dt dd noscript menu isindex samp option datalist select optgroup", T), o((e.special || "script noscript style textarea").split(" "), function (e) {
-                A[e] = new RegExp("</" + e + "[^>]*>", "gi")
-            }), e.valid_elements ? f(e.valid_elements) : (o(x, function (e, t) {
-                v[t] = {attributes: e.attributes, attributesOrder: e.attributesOrder}, y[t] = e.children
-            }), "html5" != e.schema && o(t("strong/b em/i"), function (e) {
-                e = t(e, "/"), v[e[1]].outputName = e[0]
-            }), v.img.attributesDefault = [
-                {name: "alt", value: ""}
-            ], o(t("ol ul sub sup blockquote span font a table tbody tr strong em b i"), function (e) {
-                v[e] && (v[e].removeEmpty = !0)
-            }), o(t("p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 th td pre div address caption"), function (e) {
-                v[e].paddEmpty = !0
-            }), o(t("span"), function (e) {
-                v[e].removeEmptyAttrs = !0
-            })), p(e.custom_elements), m(e.valid_children), u(e.extended_valid_elements), m("+ol[ul|ol],+ul[ul|ol]"), e.invalid_elements && o(s(e.invalid_elements), function (e) {
-                v[e] && delete v[e]
-            }), h("span") || u("span[!data-mce-type|*]"), g.children = y, g.styles = C, g.getBoolAttrs = function () {
-                return E
-            }, g.getBlockElements = function () {
-                return k
-            }, g.getTextBlockElements = function () {
-                return T
-            }, g.getShortEndedElements = function () {
-                return N
-            }, g.getSelfClosingElements = function () {
-                return _
-            }, g.getNonEmptyElements = function () {
-                return S
-            }, g.getWhiteSpaceElements = function () {
-                return w
-            }, g.getSpecialElements = function () {
-                return A
-            }, g.isValidChild = function (e, t) {
-                var n = y[e];
-                return!(!n || !n[t])
-            }, g.isValid = function (e, t) {
-                var n, r, i = h(e);
-                if (i) {
-                    if (!t)return!0;
-                    if (i.attributes[t])return!0;
-                    if (n = i.attributePatterns)for (r = n.length; r--;)if (n[r].pattern.test(e))return!0
-                }
-                return!1
-            }, g.getElementRule = h, g.getCustomElements = function () {
-                return R
-            }, g.addValidElements = u, g.setValidElements = f, g.addCustomElements = p, g.addValidChildren = m, g.elements = v
-        }
-    }), r(w, [x, m, f], function (e, t, n) {
-        var r = n.each;
-        return function (i, o) {
-            var a = this, s = function () {
-            };
-            i = i || {}, a.schema = o = o || new e, i.fix_self_closing !== !1 && (i.fix_self_closing = !0), r("comment cdata text start end pi doctype".split(" "), function (e) {
-                e && (a[e] = i[e] || s)
-            }), a.parse = function (e) {
-                function r(e) {
-                    var t, n;
-                    for (t = f.length; t-- && f[t].name !== e;);
-                    if (t >= 0) {
-                        for (n = f.length - 1; n >= t; n--)e = f[n], e.valid && s.end(e.name);
-                        f.length = t
-                    }
-                }
-                function a(e, t, n, r, o) {
-                    var a, s, l = /[\s\u0000-\u001F]+/g;
-                    if (t = t.toLowerCase(), n = t in C ? t : z(n || r || o || ""), w && !v && 0 !== t.indexOf("data-")) {
-                        if (a = S[t], !a && T) {
-                            for (s = T.length; s-- && (a = T[s], !a.pattern.test(t)););
-                            -1 === s && (a = null)
-                        }
-                        if (!a)return;
-                        if (a.validValues && !(n in a.validValues))return
-                    }
-                    if (W[t] && !i.allow_script_urls) {
-                        var c = n.replace(l, "");
-                        try {
-                            if (c = decodeURIComponent(c), V.test(c))return
-                        } catch (d) {
-                            if (c = unescape(c), V.test(c))return
-                        }
-                    }
-                    p.map[t] = n, p.push({name: t, value: n})
-                }
-                var s = this, l, c = 0, d, u, f = [], p, m, h, g, v, y, b, C, x, w, _, N, E, k, S, T, R, A, B, L, H, M, D, P, O, I = 0, z = t.decode, F, W = n.makeMap("src,href"), V = /(java|vb)script:/i;
-                for (M = new RegExp("<(?:(?:!--([\\w\\W]*?)-->)|(?:!\\[CDATA\\[([\\w\\W]*?)\\]\\]>)|(?:!DOCTYPE([\\w\\W]*?)>)|(?:\\?([^\\s\\/<>]+) ?([\\w\\W]*?)[?/]>)|(?:\\/([^>]+)>)|(?:([A-Za-z0-9\\-\\:\\.]+)((?:\\s+[^\"'>]+(?:(?:\"[^\"]*\")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>]*))*|\\/|\\s+)>))", "g"), D = /([\w:\-]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:\"((?:[^\"])*)\")|(?:\'((?:[^\'])*)\')|([^>\s]+)))?/g, b = o.getShortEndedElements(), H = i.self_closing_elements || o.getSelfClosingElements(), C = o.getBoolAttrs(), w = i.validate, y = i.remove_internals, F = i.fix_self_closing, P = o.getSpecialElements(); l = M.exec(e);) {
-                    if (c < l.index && s.text(z(e.substr(c, l.index - c))), d = l[6])d = d.toLowerCase(), ":" === d.charAt(0) && (d = d.substr(1)), r(d); else if (d = l[7]) {
-                        if (d = d.toLowerCase(), ":" === d.charAt(0) && (d = d.substr(1)), x = d in b, F && H[d] && f.length > 0 && f[f.length - 1].name === d && r(d), !w || (_ = o.getElementRule(d))) {
-                            if (N = !0, w && (S = _.attributes, T = _.attributePatterns), (k = l[8]) ? (v = -1 !== k.indexOf("data-mce-type"), v && y && (N = !1), p = [], p.map = {}, k.replace(D, a)) : (p = [], p.map = {}), w && !v) {
-                                if (R = _.attributesRequired, A = _.attributesDefault, B = _.attributesForced, L = _.removeEmptyAttrs, L && !p.length && (N = !1), B)for (m = B.length; m--;)E = B[m], g = E.name, O = E.value, "{$uid}" === O && (O = "mce_" + I++), p.map[g] = O, p.push({name: g, value: O});
-                                if (A)for (m = A.length; m--;)E = A[m], g = E.name, g in p.map || (O = E.value, "{$uid}" === O && (O = "mce_" + I++), p.map[g] = O, p.push({name: g, value: O}));
-                                if (R) {
-                                    for (m = R.length; m-- && !(R[m]in p.map););
-                                    -1 === m && (N = !1)
-                                }
-                                p.map["data-mce-bogus"] && (N = !1)
-                            }
-                            N && s.start(d, p, x)
-                        } else N = !1;
-                        if (u = P[d]) {
-                            u.lastIndex = c = l.index + l[0].length, (l = u.exec(e)) ? (N && (h = e.substr(c, l.index - c)), c = l.index + l[0].length) : (h = e.substr(c), c = e.length), N && (h.length > 0 && s.text(h, !0), s.end(d)), M.lastIndex = c;
-                            continue
-                        }
-                        x || (k && k.indexOf("/") == k.length - 1 ? N && s.end(d) : f.push({name: d, valid: N}))
-                    } else(d = l[1]) ? (">" === d.charAt(0) && (d = " " + d), i.allow_conditional_comments || "[if" !== d.substr(0, 3) || (d = " " + d), s.comment(d)) : (d = l[2]) ? s.cdata(d) : (d = l[3]) ? s.doctype(d) : (d = l[4]) && s.pi(d, l[5]);
-                    c = l.index + l[0].length
-                }
-                for (c < e.length && s.text(z(e.substr(c))), m = f.length - 1; m >= 0; m--)d = f[m], d.valid && s.end(d.name)
-            }
-        }
-    }), r(_, [C, x, w, f], function (e, t, n, r) {
-        var i = r.makeMap, o = r.each, a = r.explode, s = r.extend;
-        return function (r, l) {
-            function c(t) {
-                var n, r, o, a, s, c, u, f, p, m, h, g, v, y;
-                for (h = i("tr,td,th,tbody,thead,tfoot,table"), m = l.getNonEmptyElements(), g = l.getTextBlockElements(), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)if (r = t[n], r.parent && !r.fixed)if (g[r.name] && "li" == r.parent.name) {
-                    for (v = r.next; v && g[v.name];)v.name = "li", v.fixed = !0, r.parent.insert(v, r.parent), v = v.next;
-                    r.unwrap(r)
-                } else {
-                    for (a = [r], o = r.parent; o && !l.isValidChild(o.name, r.name) && !h[o.name]; o = o.parent)a.push(o);
-                    if (o && a.length > 1) {
-                        for (a.reverse(), s = c = d.filterNode(a[0].clone()), p = 0; p < a.length - 1; p++) {
-                            for (l.isValidChild(c.name, a[p].name) ? (u = d.filterNode(a[p].clone()), c.append(u)) : u = c, f = a[p].firstChild; f && f != a[p + 1];)y = f.next, u.append(f), f = y;
-                            c = u
-                        }
-                        s.isEmpty(m) ? o.insert(r, a[0], !0) : (o.insert(s, a[0], !0), o.insert(r, s)), o = a[0], (o.isEmpty(m) || o.firstChild === o.lastChild && "br" === o.firstChild.name) && o.empty().remove()
-                    } else if (r.parent) {
-                        if ("li" === r.name) {
-                            if (v = r.prev, v && ("ul" === v.name || "ul" === v.name)) {
-                                v.append(r);
-                                continue
-                            }
-                            if (v = r.next, v && ("ul" === v.name || "ul" === v.name)) {
-                                v.insert(r, v.firstChild, !0);
-                                continue
-                            }
-                            r.wrap(d.filterNode(new e("ul", 1)));
-                            continue
-                        }
-                        l.isValidChild(r.parent.name, "div") && l.isValidChild("div", r.name) ? r.wrap(d.filterNode(new e("div", 1))) : "style" === r.name || "script" === r.name ? r.empty().remove() : r.unwrap()
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            var d = this, u = {}, f = [], p = {}, m = {};
-            r = r || {}, r.validate = "validate"in r ? r.validate : !0, r.root_name = r.root_name || "body", d.schema = l = l || new t, d.filterNode = function (e) {
-                var t, n, r;
-                n in u && (r = p[n], r ? r.push(e) : p[n] = [e]), t = f.length;
-                for (; t--;)n = f[t].name, n in e.attributes.map && (r = m[n], r ? r.push(e) : m[n] = [e]);
-                return e
-            }, d.addNodeFilter = function (e, t) {
-                o(a(e), function (e) {
-                    var n = u[e];
-                    n || (u[e] = n = []), n.push(t)
-                })
-            }, d.addAttributeFilter = function (e, t) {
-                o(a(e), function (e) {
-                    var n;
-                    for (n = 0; n < f.length; n++)if (f[n].name === e)return void f[n].callbacks.push(t);
-                    f.push({name: e, callbacks: [t]})
-                })
-            }, d.parse = function (t, o) {
-                function a() {
-                    function e(e) {
-                        e && (t = e.firstChild, t && 3 == t.type && (t.value = t.value.replace(R, "")), t = e.lastChild, t && 3 == t.type && (t.value = t.value.replace(L, "")))
-                    }
-                    var t = y.firstChild, n, i;
-                    if (l.isValidChild(y.name, I.toLowerCase())) {
-                        for (; t;)n = t.next, 3 == t.type || 1 == t.type && "p" !== t.name && !T[t.name] && !t.attr("data-mce-type") ? i ? i.append(t) : (i = d(I, 1), i.attr(r.forced_root_block_attrs), y.insert(i, t), i.append(t)) : (e(i), i = null), t = n;
-                        e(i)
-                    }
-                }
-                function d(t, n) {
-                    var r = new e(t, n), i;
-                    return t in u && (i = p[t], i ? i.push(r) : p[t] = [r]), r
-                }
-                function h(e) {
-                    var t, n, r;
-                    for (t = e.prev; t && 3 === t.type;)n = t.value.replace(L, ""), n.length > 0 ? (t.value = n, t = t.prev) : (r = t.prev, t.remove(), t = r)
-                }
-                function g(e) {
-                    var t, n = {};
-                    for (t in e)"li" !== t && "p" != t && (n[t] = e[t]);
-                    return n
-                }
-                var v, y, b, C, x, w, _, N, E, k, S, T, R, A = [], B, L, H, M, D, P, O, I;
-                if (o = o || {}, p = {}, m = {}, T = s(i("script,style,head,html,body,title,meta,param"), l.getBlockElements()), O = l.getNonEmptyElements(), P = l.children, S = r.validate, I = "forced_root_block"in o ? o.forced_root_block : r.forced_root_block, D = l.getWhiteSpaceElements(), R = /^[ \t\r\n]+/, L = /[ \t\r\n]+$/, H = /[ \t\r\n]+/g, M = /^[ \t\r\n]+$/, v = new n({validate: S, allow_script_urls: r.allow_script_urls, allow_conditional_comments: r.allow_conditional_comments, self_closing_elements: g(l.getSelfClosingElements()), cdata: function (e) {
-                    b.append(d("#cdata", 4)).value = e
-                }, text: function (e, t) {
-                    var n;
-                    B || (e = e.replace(H, " "), b.lastChild && T[b.lastChild.name] && (e = e.replace(R, ""))), 0 !== e.length && (n = d("#text", 3), n.raw = !!t, b.append(n).value = e)
-                }, comment: function (e) {
-                    b.append(d("#comment", 8)).value = e
-                }, pi: function (e, t) {
-                    b.append(d(e, 7)).value = t, h(b)
-                }, doctype: function (e) {
-                    var t;
-                    t = b.append(d("#doctype", 10)), t.value = e, h(b)
-                }, start: function (e, t, n) {
-                    var r, i, o, a, s;
-                    if (o = S ? l.getElementRule(e) : {}) {
-                        for (r = d(o.outputName || e, 1), r.attributes = t, r.shortEnded = n, b.append(r), s = P[b.name], s && P[r.name] && !s[r.name] && A.push(r), i = f.length; i--;)a = f[i].name, a in t.map && (E = m[a], E ? E.push(r) : m[a] = [r]);
-                        T[e] && h(r), n || (b = r), !B && D[e] && (B = !0)
-                    }
-                }, end: function (t) {
-                    var n, r, i, o, a;
-                    if (r = S ? l.getElementRule(t) : {}) {
-                        if (T[t] && !B) {
-                            if (n = b.firstChild, n && 3 === n.type)if (i = n.value.replace(R, ""), i.length > 0)n.value = i, n = n.next; else for (o = n.next, n.remove(), n = o; n && 3 === n.type;)i = n.value, o = n.next, (0 === i.length || M.test(i)) && (n.remove(), n = o), n = o;
-                            if (n = b.lastChild, n && 3 === n.type)if (i = n.value.replace(L, ""), i.length > 0)n.value = i, n = n.prev; else for (o = n.prev, n.remove(), n = o; n && 3 === n.type;)i = n.value, o = n.prev, (0 === i.length || M.test(i)) && (n.remove(), n = o), n = o
-                        }
-                        if (B && D[t] && (B = !1), (r.removeEmpty || r.paddEmpty) && b.isEmpty(O))if (r.paddEmpty)b.empty().append(new e("#text", "3")).value = "\xa0"; else if (!b.attributes.map.name && !b.attributes.map.id)return a = b.parent, b.empty().remove(), void(b = a);
-                        b = b.parent
-                    }
-                }}, l), y = b = new e(o.context || r.root_name, 11), v.parse(t), S && A.length && (o.context ? o.invalid = !0 : c(A)), I && ("body" == y.name || o.isRootContent) && a(), !o.invalid) {
-                    for (k in p) {
-                        for (E = u[k], C = p[k], _ = C.length; _--;)C[_].parent || C.splice(_, 1);
-                        for (x = 0, w = E.length; w > x; x++)E[x](C, k, o)
-                    }
-                    for (x = 0, w = f.length; w > x; x++)if (E = f[x], E.name in m) {
-                        for (C = m[E.name], _ = C.length; _--;)C[_].parent || C.splice(_, 1);
-                        for (_ = 0, N = E.callbacks.length; N > _; _++)E.callbacks[_](C, E.name, o)
-                    }
-                }
-                return y
-            }, r.remove_trailing_brs && d.addNodeFilter("br", function (t) {
-                var n, r = t.length, i, o = s({}, l.getBlockElements()), a = l.getNonEmptyElements(), c, d, u, f, p, m;
-                for (o.body = 1, n = 0; r > n; n++)if (i = t[n], c = i.parent, o[i.parent.name] && i === c.lastChild) {
-                    for (u = i.prev; u;) {
-                        if (f = u.name, "span" !== f || "bookmark" !== u.attr("data-mce-type")) {
-                            if ("br" !== f)break;
-                            if ("br" === f) {
-                                i = null;
-                                break
-                            }
-                        }
-                        u = u.prev
-                    }
-                    i && (i.remove(), c.isEmpty(a) && (p = l.getElementRule(c.name), p && (p.removeEmpty ? c.remove() : p.paddEmpty && (c.empty().append(new e("#text", 3)).value = "\xa0"))))
-                } else {
-                    for (d = i; c && c.firstChild === d && c.lastChild === d && (d = c, !o[c.name]);)c = c.parent;
-                    d === c && (m = new e("#text", 3), m.value = "\xa0", i.replace(m))
-                }
-            }), r.allow_html_in_named_anchor || d.addAttributeFilter("id,name", function (e) {
-                for (var t = e.length, n, r, i, o; t--;)if (o = e[t], "a" === o.name && o.firstChild && !o.attr("href")) {
-                    i = o.parent, n = o.lastChild;
-                    do r = n.prev, i.insert(n, o), n = r; while (n)
-                }
-            })
-        }
-    }), r(N, [m, f], function (e, t) {
-        var n = t.makeMap;
-        return function (t) {
-            var r = [], i, o, a, s, l;
-            return t = t || {}, i = t.indent, o = n(t.indent_before || ""), a = n(t.indent_after || ""), s = e.getEncodeFunc(t.entity_encoding || "raw", t.entities), l = "html" == t.element_format, {start: function (e, t, n) {
-                var c, d, u, f;
-                if (i && o[e] && r.length > 0 && (f = r[r.length - 1], f.length > 0 && "\n" !== f && r.push("\n")), r.push("<", e), t)for (c = 0, d = t.length; d > c; c++)u = t[c], r.push(" ", u.name, '="', s(u.value, !0), '"');
-                r[r.length] = !n || l ? ">" : " />", n && i && a[e] && r.length > 0 && (f = r[r.length - 1], f.length > 0 && "\n" !== f && r.push("\n"))
-            }, end: function (e) {
-                var t;
-                r.push("</", e, ">"), i && a[e] && r.length > 0 && (t = r[r.length - 1], t.length > 0 && "\n" !== t && r.push("\n"))
-            }, text: function (e, t) {
-                e.length > 0 && (r[r.length] = t ? e : s(e))
-            }, cdata: function (e) {
-                r.push("<![CDATA[", e, "]]>")
-            }, comment: function (e) {
-                r.push("<!--", e, "-->")
-            }, pi: function (e, t) {
-                t ? r.push("<?", e, " ", t, "?>") : r.push("<?", e, "?>"), i && r.push("\n")
-            }, doctype: function (e) {
-                r.push("<!DOCTYPE", e, ">", i ? "\n" : "")
-            }, reset: function () {
-                r.length = 0
-            }, getContent: function () {
-                return r.join("").replace(/\n$/, "")
-            }}
-        }
-    }), r(E, [N, x], function (e, t) {
-        return function (n, r) {
-            var i = this, o = new e(n);
-            n = n || {}, n.validate = "validate"in n ? n.validate : !0, i.schema = r = r || new t, i.writer = o, i.serialize = function (e) {
-                function t(e) {
-                    var n = i[e.type], s, l, c, d, u, f, p, m, h;
-                    if (n)n(e); else {
-                        if (s = e.name, l = e.shortEnded, c = e.attributes, a && c && c.length > 1) {
-                            for (f = [], f.map = {}, h = r.getElementRule(e.name), p = 0, m = h.attributesOrder.length; m > p; p++)d = h.attributesOrder[p], d in c.map && (u = c.map[d], f.map[d] = u, f.push({name: d, value: u}));
-                            for (p = 0, m = c.length; m > p; p++)d = c[p].name, d in f.map || (u = c.map[d], f.map[d] = u, f.push({name: d, value: u}));
-                            c = f
-                        }
-                        if (o.start(e.name, c, l), !l) {
-                            if (e = e.firstChild)do t(e); while (e = e.next);
-                            o.end(s)
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                var i, a;
-                return a = n.validate, i = {3: function (e) {
-                    o.text(e.value, e.raw)
-                }, 8: function (e) {
-                    o.comment(e.value)
-                }, 7: function (e) {
-                    o.pi(e.name, e.value)
-                }, 10: function (e) {
-                    o.doctype(e.value)
-                }, 4: function (e) {
-                    o.cdata(e.value)
-                }, 11: function (e) {
-                    if (e = e.firstChild)do t(e); while (e = e.next)
-                }}, o.reset(), 1 != e.type || n.inner ? i[11](e) : t(e), o.getContent()
-            }
-        }
-    }), r(k, [v, _, m, E, C, x, h, f], function (e, t, n, r, i, o, a, s) {
-        var l = s.each, c = s.trim, d = e.DOM;
-        return function (e, i) {
-            var s, u, f;
-            return i && (s = i.dom, u = i.schema), s = s || d, u = u || new o(e), e.entity_encoding = e.entity_encoding || "named", e.remove_trailing_brs = "remove_trailing_brs"in e ? e.remove_trailing_brs : !0, f = new t(e, u), f.addAttributeFilter("src,href,style", function (t, n) {
-                for (var r = t.length, i, o, a = "data-mce-" + n, l = e.url_converter, c = e.url_converter_scope, d; r--;)i = t[r], o = i.attributes.map[a], o !== d ? (i.attr(n, o.length > 0 ? o : null), i.attr(a, null)) : (o = i.attributes.map[n], "style" === n ? o = s.serializeStyle(s.parseStyle(o), i.name) : l && (o = l.call(c, o, n, i.name)), i.attr(n, o.length > 0 ? o : null))
-            }), f.addAttributeFilter("class", function (e) {
-                for (var t = e.length, n, r; t--;)n = e[t], r = n.attr("class").replace(/(?:^|\s)mce-item-\w+(?!\S)/g, ""), n.attr("class", r.length > 0 ? r : null)
-            }), f.addAttributeFilter("data-mce-type", function (e, t, n) {
-                for (var r = e.length, i; r--;)i = e[r], "bookmark" !== i.attributes.map["data-mce-type"] || n.cleanup || i.remove()
-            }), f.addAttributeFilter("data-mce-expando", function (e, t) {
-                for (var n = e.length; n--;)e[n].attr(t, null)
-            }), f.addNodeFilter("noscript", function (e) {
-                for (var t = e.length, r; t--;)r = e[t].firstChild, r && (r.value = n.decode(r.value))
-            }), f.addNodeFilter("script,style", function (e, t) {
-                function n(e) {
-                    return e.replace(/(<!--\[CDATA\[|\]\]-->)/g, "\n").replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g, "").replace(/^\s*((<!--)?(\s*\/\/)?\s*<!\[CDATA\[|(<!--\s*)?\/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*\/|(\/\/)?\s*<!--|\/\*\s*<!--\s*\*\/)\s*[\r\n]*/gi, "").replace(/\s*(\/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*\/(-->)?|\s*\/\/\s*\]\]>(-->)?|\/\/\s*(-->)?|\]\]>|\/\*\s*-->\s*\*\/|\s*-->\s*)\s*$/g, "")
-                }
-                for (var r = e.length, i, o; r--;)if (i = e[r], o = i.firstChild ? i.firstChild.value : "", "script" === t) {
-                    var a = (i.attr("type") || "text/javascript").replace(/^mce\-/, "");
-                    i.attr("type", "text/javascript" === a ? null : a), o.length > 0 && (i.firstChild.value = "// <![CDATA[\n" + n(o) + "\n// ]]>")
-                } else o.length > 0 && (i.firstChild.value = "<!--\n" + n(o) + "\n-->")
-            }), f.addNodeFilter("#comment", function (e) {
-                for (var t = e.length, n; t--;)n = e[t], 0 === n.value.indexOf("[CDATA[") ? (n.name = "#cdata", n.type = 4, n.value = n.value.replace(/^\[CDATA\[|\]\]$/g, "")) : 0 === n.value.indexOf("mce:protected ") && (n.name = "#text", n.type = 3, n.raw = !0, n.value = unescape(n.value).substr(14))
-            }), f.addNodeFilter("xml:namespace,input", function (e, t) {
-                for (var n = e.length, r; n--;)r = e[n], 7 === r.type ? r.remove() : 1 === r.type && ("input" !== t || "type"in r.attributes.map || r.attr("type", "text"))
-            }), e.fix_list_elements && f.addNodeFilter("ul,ol", function (e) {
-                for (var t = e.length, n, r; t--;)n = e[t], r = n.parent, ("ul" === r.name || "ol" === r.name) && n.prev && "li" === n.prev.name && n.prev.append(n)
-            }), f.addAttributeFilter("data-mce-src,data-mce-href,data-mce-style,data-mce-selected", function (e, t) {
-                for (var n = e.length; n--;)e[n].attr(t, null)
-            }), {schema: u, addNodeFilter: f.addNodeFilter, addAttributeFilter: f.addAttributeFilter, serialize: function (t, n) {
-                var i = this, o, d, p, m, h;
-                return a.ie && s.select("script,style,select,map").length > 0 ? (h = t.innerHTML, t = t.cloneNode(!1), s.setHTML(t, h)) : t = t.cloneNode(!0), o = t.ownerDocument.implementation, o.createHTMLDocument && (d = o.createHTMLDocument(""), l("BODY" == t.nodeName ? t.childNodes : [t], function (e) {
-                    d.body.appendChild(d.importNode(e, !0))
-                }), t = "BODY" != t.nodeName ? d.body.firstChild : d.body, p = s.doc, s.doc = d), n = n || {}, n.format = n.format || "html", n.selection && (n.forced_root_block = ""), n.no_events || (n.node = t, i.onPreProcess(n)), m = new r(e, u), n.content = m.serialize(f.parse(c(n.getInner ? t.innerHTML : s.getOuterHTML(t)), n)), n.cleanup || (n.content = n.content.replace(/\uFEFF/g, "")), n.no_events || i.onPostProcess(n), p && (s.doc = p), n.node = null, n.content
-            }, addRules: function (e) {
-                u.addValidElements(e)
-            }, setRules: function (e) {
-                u.setValidElements(e)
-            }, onPreProcess: function (e) {
-                i && i.fire("PreProcess", e)
-            }, onPostProcess: function (e) {
-                i && i.fire("PostProcess", e)
-            }}
-        }
-    }), r(S, [], function () {
-        function e(e) {
-            function t(t, n) {
-                var r, i = 0, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = -1, f;
-                if (r = t.duplicate(), r.collapse(n), f = r.parentElement(), f.ownerDocument === e.dom.doc) {
-                    for (; "false" === f.contentEditable;)f = f.parentNode;
-                    if (!f.hasChildNodes())return{node: f, inside: 1};
-                    for (s = f.children, o = s.length - 1; o >= i;)if (d = Math.floor((i + o) / 2), l = s[d], r.moveToElementText(l), u = r.compareEndPoints(n ? "StartToStart" : "EndToEnd", t), u > 0)o = d - 1; else {
-                        if (!(0 > u))return{node: l};
-                        i = d + 1
-                    }
-                    if (0 > u)for (l ? r.collapse(!1) : (r.moveToElementText(f), r.collapse(!0), l = f, a = !0), c = 0; 0 !== r.compareEndPoints(n ? "StartToStart" : "StartToEnd", t) && 0 !== r.move("character", 1) && f == r.parentElement();)c++; else for (r.collapse(!0), c = 0; 0 !== r.compareEndPoints(n ? "StartToStart" : "StartToEnd", t) && 0 !== r.move("character", -1) && f == r.parentElement();)c++;
-                    return{node: l, position: u, offset: c, inside: a}
-                }
-            }
-            function n() {
-                function n(e) {
-                    var n = t(o, e), r, i, s = 0, l, c, d;
-                    if (r = n.node, i = n.offset, n.inside && !r.hasChildNodes())return void a[e ? "setStart" : "setEnd"](r, 0);
-                    if (i === c)return void a[e ? "setStartBefore" : "setEndAfter"](r);
-                    if (n.position < 0) {
-                        if (l = n.inside ? r.firstChild : r.nextSibling, !l)return void a[e ? "setStartAfter" : "setEndAfter"](r);
-                        if (!i)return void(3 == l.nodeType ? a[e ? "setStart" : "setEnd"](l, 0) : a[e ? "setStartBefore" : "setEndBefore"](l));
-                        for (; l;) {
-                            if (d = l.nodeValue, s += d.length, s >= i) {
-                                r = l, s -= i, s = d.length - s;
-                                break
-                            }
-                            l = l.nextSibling
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        if (l = r.previousSibling, !l)return a[e ? "setStartBefore" : "setEndBefore"](r);
-                        if (!i)return void(3 == r.nodeType ? a[e ? "setStart" : "setEnd"](l, r.nodeValue.length) : a[e ? "setStartAfter" : "setEndAfter"](l));
-                        for (; l;) {
-                            if (s += l.nodeValue.length, s >= i) {
-                                r = l, s -= i;
-                                break
-                            }
-                            l = l.previousSibling
-                        }
-                    }
-                    a[e ? "setStart" : "setEnd"](r, s)
-                }
-                var o = e.getRng(), a = i.createRng(), s, l, c, d, u;
-                if (s = o.item ? o.item(0) : o.parentElement(), s.ownerDocument != i.doc)return a;
-                if (l = e.isCollapsed(), o.item)return a.setStart(s.parentNode, i.nodeIndex(s)), a.setEnd(a.startContainer, a.startOffset + 1), a;
-                try {
-                    n(!0), l || n()
-                } catch (f) {
-                    if (-2147024809 != f.number)throw f;
-                    u = r.getBookmark(2), c = o.duplicate(), c.collapse(!0), s = c.parentElement(), l || (c = o.duplicate(), c.collapse(!1), d = c.parentElement(), d.innerHTML = d.innerHTML), s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML, r.moveToBookmark(u), o = e.getRng(), n(!0), l || n()
-                }
-                return a
-            }
-            var r = this, i = e.dom, o = !1;
-            this.getBookmark = function (n) {
-                function r(e) {
-                    var t, n, r, o, a = [];
-                    for (t = e.parentNode, n = i.getRoot().parentNode; t != n && 9 !== t.nodeType;) {
-                        for (r = t.children, o = r.length; o--;)if (e === r[o]) {
-                            a.push(o);
-                            break
-                        }
-                        e = t, t = t.parentNode
-                    }
-                    return a
-                }
-                function o(e) {
-                    var n;
-                    return n = t(a, e), n ? {position: n.position, offset: n.offset, indexes: r(n.node), inside: n.inside} : void 0
-                }
-                var a = e.getRng(), s = {};
-                return 2 === n && (a.item ? s.start = {ctrl: !0, indexes: r(a.item(0))} : (s.start = o(!0), e.isCollapsed() || (s.end = o()))), s
-            }, this.moveToBookmark = function (e) {
-                function t(e) {
-                    var t, n, r, o;
-                    for (t = i.getRoot(), n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)o = t.children, r = e[n], r <= o.length - 1 && (t = o[r]);
-                    return t
-                }
-                function n(n) {
-                    var i = e[n ? "start" : "end"], a, s, l, c;
-                    i && (a = i.position > 0, s = o.createTextRange(), s.moveToElementText(t(i.indexes)), c = i.offset, c !== l ? (s.collapse(i.inside || a), s.moveStart("character", a ? -c : c)) : s.collapse(n), r.setEndPoint(n ? "StartToStart" : "EndToStart", s), n && r.collapse(!0))
-                }
-                var r, o = i.doc.body;
-                e.start && (e.start.ctrl ? (r = o.createControlRange(), r.addElement(t(e.start.indexes)), r.select()) : (r = o.createTextRange(), n(!0), n(), r.select()))
-            }, this.addRange = function (t) {
-                function n(e) {
-                    var t, n, a, u, m;
-                    a = i.create("a"), t = e ? s : c, n = e ? l : d, u = r.duplicate(), (t == f || t == f.documentElement) && (t = p, n = 0), 3 == t.nodeType ? (t.parentNode.insertBefore(a, t), u.moveToElementText(a), u.moveStart("character", n), i.remove(a), r.setEndPoint(e ? "StartToStart" : "EndToEnd", u)) : (m = t.childNodes, m.length ? (n >= m.length ? i.insertAfter(a, m[m.length - 1]) : t.insertBefore(a, m[n]), u.moveToElementText(a)) : t.canHaveHTML && (t.innerHTML = "<span>&#xFEFF;</span>", a = t.firstChild, u.moveToElementText(a), u.collapse(o)), r.setEndPoint(e ? "StartToStart" : "EndToEnd", u), i.remove(a))
-                }
-                var r, a, s, l, c, d, u, f = e.dom.doc, p = f.body, m, h;
-                if (s = t.startContainer, l = t.startOffset, c = t.endContainer, d = t.endOffset, r = p.createTextRange(), s == c && 1 == s.nodeType) {
-                    if (l == d && !s.hasChildNodes()) {
-                        if (s.canHaveHTML)return u = s.previousSibling, u && !u.hasChildNodes() && i.isBlock(u) ? u.innerHTML = "&#xFEFF;" : u = null, s.innerHTML = "<span>&#xFEFF;</span><span>&#xFEFF;</span>", r.moveToElementText(s.lastChild), r.select(), i.doc.selection.clear(), s.innerHTML = "", void(u && (u.innerHTML = ""));
-                        l = i.nodeIndex(s), s = s.parentNode
-                    }
-                    if (l == d - 1)try {
-                        if (h = s.childNodes[l], a = p.createControlRange(), a.addElement(h), a.select(), m = e.getRng(), m.item && h === m.item(0))return
-                    } catch (g) {
-                    }
-                }
-                n(!0), n(), r.select()
-            }, this.getRangeAt = n
-        }
-        return e
-    }), r(T, [h], function (e) {
-        return{BACKSPACE: 8, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, ENTER: 13, LEFT: 37, RIGHT: 39, SPACEBAR: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38, modifierPressed: function (e) {
-            return e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey
-        }, metaKeyPressed: function (t) {
-            return(e.mac ? t.metaKey : t.ctrlKey) && !t.altKey
-        }}
-    }), r(R, [T, f, h], function (e, t, n) {
-        return function (r, i) {
-            function o(e) {
-                return i.settings.object_resizing === !1 ? !1 : /TABLE|IMG|DIV/.test(e.nodeName) ? "false" === e.getAttribute("data-mce-resize") ? !1 : !0 : !1
-            }
-            function a(t) {
-                var n, r;
-                n = t.screenX - k, r = t.screenY - S, M = n * N[2] + A, D = r * N[3] + B, M = 5 > M ? 5 : M, D = 5 > D ? 5 : D, (e.modifierPressed(t) || "IMG" == x.nodeName && N[2] * N[3] !== 0) && (M = Math.round(D / L), D = Math.round(M * L)), b.setStyles(w, {width: M, height: D}), N[2] < 0 && w.clientWidth <= M && b.setStyle(w, "left", T + (A - M)), N[3] < 0 && w.clientHeight <= D && b.setStyle(w, "top", R + (B - D)), H || (i.fire("ObjectResizeStart", {target: x, width: A, height: B}), H = !0)
-            }
-            function s() {
-                function e(e, t) {
-                    t && (x.style[e] || !i.schema.isValid(x.nodeName.toLowerCase(), e) ? b.setStyle(x, e, t) : b.setAttrib(x, e, t))
-                }
-                H = !1, e("width", M), e("height", D), b.unbind(P, "mousemove", a), b.unbind(P, "mouseup", s), O != P && (b.unbind(O, "mousemove", a), b.unbind(O, "mouseup", s)), b.remove(w), I && "TABLE" != x.nodeName || l(x), i.fire("ObjectResized", {target: x, width: M, height: D}), i.nodeChanged()
-            }
-            function l(e, t, n) {
-                var r, l, d, u, f, p = i.getBody();
-                r = b.getPos(e, p), T = r.x, R = r.y, f = e.getBoundingClientRect(), l = f.width || f.right - f.left, d = f.height || f.bottom - f.top, x != e && (h(), x = e, M = D = 0), u = i.fire("ObjectSelected", {target: e}), o(e) && !u.isDefaultPrevented() ? C(_, function (e, r) {
-                    function o(t) {
-                        H = !0, k = t.screenX, S = t.screenY, A = x.clientWidth, B = x.clientHeight, L = B / A, N = e, w = x.cloneNode(!0), b.addClass(w, "mce-clonedresizable"), w.contentEditable = !1, w.unSelectabe = !0, b.setStyles(w, {left: T, top: R, margin: 0}), w.removeAttribute("data-mce-selected"), i.getBody().appendChild(w), b.bind(P, "mousemove", a), b.bind(P, "mouseup", s), O != P && (b.bind(O, "mousemove", a), b.bind(O, "mouseup", s))
-                    }
-                    var c, u;
-                    return t ? void(r == t && o(n)) : (c = b.get("mceResizeHandle" + r), c ? b.show(c) : (u = i.getBody(), c = b.add(u, "div", {id: "mceResizeHandle" + r, "data-mce-bogus": !0, "class": "mce-resizehandle", contentEditable: !1, unSelectabe: !0, style: "cursor:" + r + "-resize; margin:0; padding:0"}), b.bind(c, "mousedown", function (e) {
-                        e.preventDefault(), o(e)
-                    })), void b.setStyles(c, {left: l * e[0] + T - c.offsetWidth / 2, top: d * e[1] + R - c.offsetHeight / 2}))
-                }) : c(), x.setAttribute("data-mce-selected", "1")
-            }
-            function c() {
-                var e, t;
-                x && x.removeAttribute("data-mce-selected");
-                for (e in _)t = b.get("mceResizeHandle" + e), t && (b.unbind(t), b.remove(t))
-            }
-            function d(e) {
-                function t(e, t) {
-                    if (e)do if (e === t)return!0; while (e = e.parentNode)
-                }
-                var n;
-                return C(b.select("img[data-mce-selected],hr[data-mce-selected]"), function (e) {
-                    e.removeAttribute("data-mce-selected")
-                }), n = "mousedown" == e.type ? e.target : r.getNode(), n = b.getParent(n, I ? "table" : "table,img,hr"), t(n, i.getBody()) && (g(), t(r.getStart(), n) && t(r.getEnd(), n) && (!I || n != r.getStart() && "IMG" !== r.getStart().nodeName)) ? void l(n) : void c()
-            }
-            function u(e, t, n) {
-                e && e.attachEvent && e.attachEvent("on" + t, n)
-            }
-            function f(e, t, n) {
-                e && e.detachEvent && e.detachEvent("on" + t, n)
-            }
-            function p(e) {
-                var t = e.srcElement, n, r, o, a, s, c, d;
-                n = t.getBoundingClientRect(), c = E.clientX - n.left, d = E.clientY - n.top;
-                for (r in _)if (o = _[r], a = t.offsetWidth * o[0], s = t.offsetHeight * o[1], Math.abs(a - c) < 8 && Math.abs(s - d) < 8) {
-                    N = o;
-                    break
-                }
-                H = !0, i.getDoc().selection.empty(), l(t, r, E)
-            }
-            function m(e) {
-                var t = e.srcElement;
-                if (t != x) {
-                    if (h(), 0 === t.id.indexOf("mceResizeHandle"))return void(e.returnValue = !1);
-                    ("IMG" == t.nodeName || "TABLE" == t.nodeName) && (c(), x = t, u(t, "resizestart", p))
-                }
-            }
-            function h() {
-                f(x, "resizestart", p)
-            }
-            function g() {
-                try {
-                    i.getDoc().execCommand("enableObjectResizing", !1, !1)
-                } catch (e) {
-                }
-            }
-            function v(e) {
-                var t;
-                if (I) {
-                    t = P.body.createControlRange();
-                    try {
-                        return t.addElement(e), t.select(), !0
-                    } catch (n) {
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            function y() {
-                x = w = null, I && (h(), f(i.getBody(), "controlselect", m))
-            }
-            var b = i.dom, C = t.each, x, w, _, N, E, k, S, T, R, A, B, L, H, M, D, P = i.getDoc(), O = document, I = n.ie && n.ie < 11;
-            _ = {n: [.5, 0, 0, -1], e: [1, .5, 1, 0], s: [.5, 1, 0, 1], w: [0, .5, -1, 0], nw: [0, 0, -1, -1], ne: [1, 0, 1, -1], se: [1, 1, 1, 1], sw: [0, 1, -1, 1]};
-            var z = ".mce-content-body";
-            return i.contentStyles.push(z + " div.mce-resizehandle {position: absolute;border: 1px solid black;background: #FFF;width: 5px;height: 5px;z-index: 10000}" + z + " .mce-resizehandle:hover {background: #000}" + z + " img[data-mce-selected], hr[data-mce-selected] {outline: 1px solid black;resize: none}" + z + " .mce-clonedresizable {position: absolute;" + (n.gecko ? "" : "outline: 1px dashed black;") + "opacity: .5;filter: alpha(opacity=50);z-index: 10000}"), i.on("init", function () {
-                I ? (i.on("ObjectResized", function (e) {
-                    "TABLE" != e.target.nodeName && (c(), v(e.target))
-                }), u(i.getBody(), "controlselect", m), i.on("mousedown", function (e) {
-                    E = e
-                })) : (g(), n.ie >= 11 && (i.on("mouseup", function (e) {
-                    var t = e.target.nodeName;
-                    /^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(t) && (i.selection.select(e.target, "TABLE" == t), i.nodeChanged())
-                }), i.dom.bind(i.getBody(), "mscontrolselect", function (e) {
-                    /^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(e.target.nodeName) && e.preventDefault()
-                }))), i.on("nodechange mousedown mouseup ResizeEditor", d), i.on("keydown keyup", function (e) {
-                    x && "TABLE" == x.nodeName && d(e)
-                })
-            }), {isResizable: o, showResizeRect: l, hideResizeRect: c, updateResizeRect: d, controlSelect: v, destroy: y}
-        }
-    }), r(A, [u, S, R, h, f], function (e, n, r, i, o) {
-        function a(e, t, i, o) {
-            var a = this;
-            a.dom = e, a.win = t, a.serializer = i, a.editor = o, a.controlSelection = new r(a, o), a.win.getSelection || (a.tridentSel = new n(a))
-        }
-        var s = o.each, l = o.grep, c = o.trim, d = i.ie, u = i.opera;
-        return a.prototype = {setCursorLocation: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = n.dom.createRng();
-            e ? (r.setStart(e, t), r.setEnd(e, t), n.setRng(r), n.collapse(!1)) : (n._moveEndPoint(r, n.editor.getBody(), !0), n.setRng(r))
-        }, getContent: function (e) {
-            var n = this, r = n.getRng(), i = n.dom.create("body"), o = n.getSel(), a, s, l;
-            return e = e || {}, a = s = "", e.get = !0, e.format = e.format || "html", e.selection = !0, n.editor.fire("BeforeGetContent", e), "text" == e.format ? n.isCollapsed() ? "" : r.text || (o.toString ? o.toString() : "") : (r.cloneContents ? (l = r.cloneContents(), l && i.appendChild(l)) : r.item !== t || r.htmlText !== t ? (i.innerHTML = "<br>" + (r.item ? r.item(0).outerHTML : r.htmlText), i.removeChild(i.firstChild)) : i.innerHTML = r.toString(), /^\s/.test(i.innerHTML) && (a = " "), /\s+$/.test(i.innerHTML) && (s = " "), e.getInner = !0, e.content = n.isCollapsed() ? "" : a + n.serializer.serialize(i, e) + s, n.editor.fire("GetContent", e), e.content)
-        }, setContent: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = n.getRng(), i, o = n.win.document, a, s;
-            if (t = t || {format: "html"}, t.set = !0, t.selection = !0, e = t.content = e, t.no_events || n.editor.fire("BeforeSetContent", t), e = t.content, r.insertNode) {
-                e += '<span id="__caret">_</span>', r.startContainer == o && r.endContainer == o ? o.body.innerHTML = e : (r.deleteContents(), 0 === o.body.childNodes.length ? o.body.innerHTML = e : r.createContextualFragment ? r.insertNode(r.createContextualFragment(e)) : (a = o.createDocumentFragment(), s = o.createElement("div"), a.appendChild(s), s.outerHTML = e, r.insertNode(a))), i = n.dom.get("__caret"), r = o.createRange(), r.setStartBefore(i), r.setEndBefore(i), n.setRng(r), n.dom.remove("__caret");
-                try {
-                    n.setRng(r)
-                } catch (l) {
-                }
-            } else r.item && (o.execCommand("Delete", !1, null), r = n.getRng()), /^\s+/.test(e) ? (r.pasteHTML('<span id="__mce_tmp">_</span>' + e), n.dom.remove("__mce_tmp")) : r.pasteHTML(e);
-            t.no_events || n.editor.fire("SetContent", t)
-        }, getStart: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.getRng(), n, r, i, o;
-            if (t.duplicate || t.item) {
-                if (t.item)return t.item(0);
-                for (i = t.duplicate(), i.collapse(1), n = i.parentElement(), n.ownerDocument !== e.dom.doc && (n = e.dom.getRoot()), r = o = t.parentElement(); o = o.parentNode;)if (o == n) {
-                    n = r;
-                    break
-                }
-                return n
-            }
-            return n = t.startContainer, 1 == n.nodeType && n.hasChildNodes() && (n = n.childNodes[Math.min(n.childNodes.length - 1, t.startOffset)]), n && 3 == n.nodeType ? n.parentNode : n
-        }, getEnd: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.getRng(), n, r;
-            return t.duplicate || t.item ? t.item ? t.item(0) : (t = t.duplicate(), t.collapse(0), n = t.parentElement(), n.ownerDocument !== e.dom.doc && (n = e.dom.getRoot()), n && "BODY" == n.nodeName ? n.lastChild || n : n) : (n = t.endContainer, r = t.endOffset, 1 == n.nodeType && n.hasChildNodes() && (n = n.childNodes[r > 0 ? r - 1 : r]), n && 3 == n.nodeType ? n.parentNode : n)
-        }, getBookmark: function (e, t) {
-            function n(e, t) {
-                var n = 0;
-                return s(a.select(e), function (e, r) {
-                    e == t && (n = r)
-                }), n
-            }
-            function r(e) {
-                function t(t) {
-                    var n, r, i, o = t ? "start" : "end";
-                    n = e[o + "Container"], r = e[o + "Offset"], 1 == n.nodeType && "TR" == n.nodeName && (i = n.childNodes, n = i[Math.min(t ? r : r - 1, i.length - 1)], n && (r = t ? 0 : n.childNodes.length, e["set" + (t ? "Start" : "End")](n, r)))
-                }
-                return t(!0), t(), e
-            }
-            function i() {
-                function e(e, n) {
-                    var i = e[n ? "startContainer" : "endContainer"], a = e[n ? "startOffset" : "endOffset"], s = [], l, c, d = 0;
-                    if (3 == i.nodeType) {
-                        if (t)for (l = i.previousSibling; l && 3 == l.nodeType; l = l.previousSibling)a += l.nodeValue.length;
-                        s.push(a)
-                    } else c = i.childNodes, a >= c.length && c.length && (d = 1, a = Math.max(0, c.length - 1)), s.push(o.dom.nodeIndex(c[a], t) + d);
-                    for (; i && i != r; i = i.parentNode)s.push(o.dom.nodeIndex(i, t));
-                    return s
-                }
-                var n = o.getRng(!0), r = a.getRoot(), i = {};
-                return i.start = e(n, !0), o.isCollapsed() || (i.end = e(n)), i
-            }
-            var o = this, a = o.dom, l, c, d, u, f, p, m = "&#xFEFF;", h;
-            if (2 == e)return p = o.getNode(), f = p ? p.nodeName : null, "IMG" == f ? {name: f, index: n(f, p)} : o.tridentSel ? o.tridentSel.getBookmark(e) : i();
-            if (e)return{rng: o.getRng()};
-            if (l = o.getRng(), d = a.uniqueId(), u = o.isCollapsed(), h = "overflow:hidden;line-height:0px", l.duplicate || l.item) {
-                if (l.item)return p = l.item(0), f = p.nodeName, {name: f, index: n(f, p)};
-                c = l.duplicate();
-                try {
-                    l.collapse(), l.pasteHTML('<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="' + d + '_start" style="' + h + '">' + m + "</span>"), u || (c.collapse(!1), l.moveToElementText(c.parentElement()), 0 === l.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", c) && c.move("character", -1), c.pasteHTML('<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="' + d + '_end" style="' + h + '">' + m + "</span>"))
-                } catch (g) {
-                    return null
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (p = o.getNode(), f = p.nodeName, "IMG" == f)return{name: f, index: n(f, p)};
-                c = r(l.cloneRange()), u || (c.collapse(!1), c.insertNode(a.create("span", {"data-mce-type": "bookmark", id: d + "_end", style: h}, m))), l = r(l), l.collapse(!0), l.insertNode(a.create("span", {"data-mce-type": "bookmark", id: d + "_start", style: h}, m))
-            }
-            return o.moveToBookmark({id: d, keep: 1}), {id: d}
-        }, moveToBookmark: function (e) {
-            function t(t) {
-                var n = e[t ? "start" : "end"], r, i, o, s;
-                if (n) {
-                    for (o = n[0], i = c, r = n.length - 1; r >= 1; r--) {
-                        if (s = i.childNodes, n[r] > s.length - 1)return;
-                        i = s[n[r]]
-                    }
-                    3 === i.nodeType && (o = Math.min(n[0], i.nodeValue.length)), 1 === i.nodeType && (o = Math.min(n[0], i.childNodes.length)), t ? a.setStart(i, o) : a.setEnd(i, o)
-                }
-                return!0
-            }
-            function n(t) {
-                var n = o.get(e.id + "_" + t), r, i, a, c, d = e.keep;
-                if (n && (r = n.parentNode, "start" == t ? (d ? (r = n.firstChild, i = 1) : i = o.nodeIndex(n), f = p = r, m = h = i) : (d ? (r = n.firstChild, i = 1) : i = o.nodeIndex(n), p = r, h = i), !d)) {
-                    for (c = n.previousSibling, a = n.nextSibling, s(l(n.childNodes), function (e) {
-                        3 == e.nodeType && (e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(/\uFEFF/g, ""))
-                    }); n = o.get(e.id + "_" + t);)o.remove(n, 1);
-                    c && a && c.nodeType == a.nodeType && 3 == c.nodeType && !u && (i = c.nodeValue.length, c.appendData(a.nodeValue), o.remove(a), "start" == t ? (f = p = c, m = h = i) : (p = c, h = i))
-                }
-            }
-            function r(e) {
-                return!o.isBlock(e) || e.innerHTML || d || (e.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'), e
-            }
-            var i = this, o = i.dom, a, c, f, p, m, h;
-            if (e)if (e.start) {
-                if (a = o.createRng(), c = o.getRoot(), i.tridentSel)return i.tridentSel.moveToBookmark(e);
-                t(!0) && t() && i.setRng(a)
-            } else e.id ? (n("start"), n("end"), f && (a = o.createRng(), a.setStart(r(f), m), a.setEnd(r(p), h), i.setRng(a))) : e.name ? i.select(o.select(e.name)[e.index]) : e.rng && i.setRng(e.rng)
-        }, select: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = n.dom, i = r.createRng(), o;
-            if (n.lastFocusBookmark = null, e) {
-                if (!t && n.controlSelection.controlSelect(e))return;
-                o = r.nodeIndex(e), i.setStart(e.parentNode, o), i.setEnd(e.parentNode, o + 1), t && (n._moveEndPoint(i, e, !0), n._moveEndPoint(i, e)), n.setRng(i)
-            }
-            return e
-        }, isCollapsed: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.getRng(), n = e.getSel();
-            return!t || t.item ? !1 : t.compareEndPoints ? 0 === t.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", t) : !n || t.collapsed
-        }, collapse: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.getRng(), r;
-            n.item && (r = n.item(0), n = t.win.document.body.createTextRange(), n.moveToElementText(r)), n.collapse(!!e), t.setRng(n)
-        }, getSel: function () {
-            var e = this.win;
-            return e.getSelection ? e.getSelection() : e.document.selection
-        }, getRng: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n, r, i, o = t.win.document, a;
-            if (!e && t.lastFocusBookmark) {
-                var s = t.lastFocusBookmark;
-                return s.startContainer ? (r = o.createRange(), r.setStart(s.startContainer, s.startOffset), r.setEnd(s.endContainer, s.endOffset)) : r = s, r
-            }
-            if (e && t.tridentSel)return t.tridentSel.getRangeAt(0);
-            try {
-                (n = t.getSel()) && (r = n.rangeCount > 0 ? n.getRangeAt(0) : n.createRange ? n.createRange() : o.createRange())
-            } catch (l) {
-            }
-            if (d && r && r.setStart && o.selection) {
-                try {
-                    a = o.selection.createRange()
-                } catch (l) {
-                }
-                a && a.item && (i = a.item(0), r = o.createRange(), r.setStartBefore(i), r.setEndAfter(i))
-            }
-            return r || (r = o.createRange ? o.createRange() : o.body.createTextRange()), r.setStart && 9 === r.startContainer.nodeType && r.collapsed && (i = t.dom.getRoot(), r.setStart(i, 0), r.setEnd(i, 0)), t.selectedRange && t.explicitRange && (0 === r.compareBoundaryPoints(r.START_TO_START, t.selectedRange) && 0 === r.compareBoundaryPoints(r.END_TO_END, t.selectedRange) ? r = t.explicitRange : (t.selectedRange = null, t.explicitRange = null)), r
-        }, setRng: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r;
-            if (e.select)try {
-                e.select()
-            } catch (i) {
-            } else if (n.tridentSel) {
-                if (e.cloneRange)try {
-                    return void n.tridentSel.addRange(e)
-                } catch (i) {
-                }
-            } else if (r = n.getSel()) {
-                n.explicitRange = e;
-                try {
-                    r.removeAllRanges(), r.addRange(e)
-                } catch (i) {
-                }
-                t === !1 && r.extend && (r.collapse(e.endContainer, e.endOffset), r.extend(e.startContainer, e.startOffset)), n.selectedRange = r.rangeCount > 0 ? r.getRangeAt(0) : null
-            }
-        }, setNode: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return t.setContent(t.dom.getOuterHTML(e)), e
-        }, getNode: function () {
-            function e(e, t) {
-                for (var n = e; e && 3 === e.nodeType && 0 === e.length;)e = t ? e.nextSibling : e.previousSibling;
-                return e || n
-            }
-            var t = this, n = t.getRng(), r, i = n.startContainer, o = n.endContainer, a = n.startOffset, s = n.endOffset, l = t.dom.getRoot();
-            return n ? n.setStart ? (r = n.commonAncestorContainer, !n.collapsed && (i == o && 2 > s - a && i.hasChildNodes() && (r = i.childNodes[a]), 3 === i.nodeType && 3 === o.nodeType && (i = i.length === a ? e(i.nextSibling, !0) : i.parentNode, o = 0 === s ? e(o.previousSibling, !1) : o.parentNode, i && i === o)) ? i : r && 3 == r.nodeType ? r.parentNode : r) : (r = n.item ? n.item(0) : n.parentElement(), r.ownerDocument !== t.win.document && (r = l), r) : l
-        }, getSelectedBlocks: function (t, n) {
-            var r = this, i = r.dom, o, a, s = [];
-            if (a = i.getRoot(), t = i.getParent(t || r.getStart(), i.isBlock), n = i.getParent(n || r.getEnd(), i.isBlock), t && t != a && s.push(t), t && n && t != n) {
-                o = t;
-                for (var l = new e(t, a); (o = l.next()) && o != n;)i.isBlock(o) && s.push(o)
-            }
-            return n && t != n && n != a && s.push(n), s
-        }, isForward: function () {
-            var e = this.dom, t = this.getSel(), n, r;
-            return t && t.anchorNode && t.focusNode ? (n = e.createRng(), n.setStart(t.anchorNode, t.anchorOffset), n.collapse(!0), r = e.createRng(), r.setStart(t.focusNode, t.focusOffset), r.collapse(!0), n.compareBoundaryPoints(n.START_TO_START, r) <= 0) : !0
-        }, normalize: function () {
-            function t(t) {
-                function a(t, n) {
-                    for (var r = new e(t, f.getParent(t.parentNode, f.isBlock) || p); t = r[n ? "prev" : "next"]();)if ("BR" === t.nodeName)return!0
-                }
-                function s(e, t) {
-                    return e.previousSibling && e.previousSibling.nodeName == t
-                }
-                function l(t, n) {
-                    var r, a;
-                    for (n = n || c, r = new e(n, f.getParent(n.parentNode, f.isBlock) || p); m = r[t ? "prev" : "next"]();) {
-                        if (3 === m.nodeType && m.nodeValue.length > 0)return c = m, d = t ? m.nodeValue.length : 0, void(i = !0);
-                        if (f.isBlock(m) || h[m.nodeName.toLowerCase()])return;
-                        a = m
-                    }
-                    o && a && (c = a, i = !0, d = 0)
-                }
-                var c, d, u, f = n.dom, p = f.getRoot(), m, h, g, v;
-                if (c = r[(t ? "start" : "end") + "Container"], d = r[(t ? "start" : "end") + "Offset"], h = f.schema.getNonEmptyElements(), v = t, 1 == c.nodeType && d > c.childNodes.length - 1 && (v = !1), 9 === c.nodeType && (c = f.getRoot(), d = 0), c === p) {
-                    if (v && (m = c.childNodes[d > 0 ? d - 1 : 0], m && (g = m.nodeName.toLowerCase(), h[m.nodeName] || "TABLE" == m.nodeName)))return;
-                    if (c.hasChildNodes() && (d = Math.min(!v && d > 0 ? d - 1 : d, c.childNodes.length - 1), c = c.childNodes[d], d = 0, c.hasChildNodes() && !/TABLE/.test(c.nodeName))) {
-                        m = c, u = new e(c, p);
-                        do {
-                            if (3 === m.nodeType && m.nodeValue.length > 0) {
-                                d = v ? 0 : m.nodeValue.length, c = m, i = !0;
-                                break
-                            }
-                            if (h[m.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
-                                d = f.nodeIndex(m), c = m.parentNode, "IMG" != m.nodeName || v || d++, i = !0;
-                                break
-                            }
-                        } while (m = v ? u.next() : u.prev())
-                    }
-                }
-                o && (3 === c.nodeType && 0 === d && l(!0), 1 === c.nodeType && (m = c.childNodes[d], !m || "BR" !== m.nodeName || s(m, "A") || a(m) || a(m, !0) || l(!0, c.childNodes[d]))), v && !o && 3 === c.nodeType && d === c.nodeValue.length && l(!1), i && r["set" + (t ? "Start" : "End")](c, d)
-            }
-            var n = this, r, i, o;
-            d || (r = n.getRng(), o = r.collapsed, t(!0), o || t(), i && (o && r.collapse(!0), n.setRng(r, n.isForward())))
-        }, selectorChanged: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r;
-            return n.selectorChangedData || (n.selectorChangedData = {}, r = {}, n.editor.on("NodeChange", function (e) {
-                var t = e.element, i = n.dom, o = i.getParents(t, null, i.getRoot()), a = {};
-                s(n.selectorChangedData, function (e, t) {
-                    s(o, function (n) {
-                        return i.is(n, t) ? (r[t] || (s(e, function (e) {
-                            e(!0, {node: n, selector: t, parents: o})
-                        }), r[t] = e), a[t] = e, !1) : void 0
-                    })
-                }), s(r, function (e, n) {
-                    a[n] || (delete r[n], s(e, function (e) {
-                        e(!1, {node: t, selector: n, parents: o})
-                    }))
-                })
-            })), n.selectorChangedData[e] || (n.selectorChangedData[e] = []), n.selectorChangedData[e].push(t), n
-        }, getScrollContainer: function () {
-            for (var e, t = this.dom.getRoot(); t && "BODY" != t.nodeName;) {
-                if (t.scrollHeight > t.clientHeight) {
-                    e = t;
-                    break
-                }
-                t = t.parentNode
-            }
-            return e
-        }, scrollIntoView: function (e) {
-            function t(e) {
-                for (var t = 0, n = 0, r = e; r && r.nodeType;)t += r.offsetLeft || 0, n += r.offsetTop || 0, r = r.offsetParent;
-                return{x: t, y: n}
-            }
-            var n, r, i = this, o = i.dom, a = o.getRoot(), s, l;
-            if ("BODY" != a.nodeName) {
-                var c = i.getScrollContainer();
-                if (c)return n = t(e).y - t(c).y, l = c.clientHeight, s = c.scrollTop, void((s > n || n + 25 > s + l) && (c.scrollTop = s > n ? n : n - l + 25))
-            }
-            r = o.getViewPort(i.editor.getWin()), n = o.getPos(e).y, s = r.y, l = r.h, (n < r.y || n + 25 > s + l) && i.editor.getWin().scrollTo(0, s > n ? n : n - l + 25)
-        }, _moveEndPoint: function (t, n, r) {
-            var o = n, a = new e(n, o), s = this.dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
-            do {
-                if (3 == n.nodeType && 0 !== c(n.nodeValue).length)return void(r ? t.setStart(n, 0) : t.setEnd(n, n.nodeValue.length));
-                if (s[n.nodeName])return void(r ? t.setStartBefore(n) : "BR" == n.nodeName ? t.setEndBefore(n) : t.setEndAfter(n));
-                if (i.ie && i.ie < 11 && this.dom.isBlock(n) && this.dom.isEmpty(n))return void(r ? t.setStart(n, 0) : t.setEnd(n, 0))
-            } while (n = r ? a.next() : a.prev());
-            "BODY" == o.nodeName && (r ? t.setStart(o, 0) : t.setEnd(o, o.childNodes.length))
-        }, destroy: function () {
-            this.win = null, this.controlSelection.destroy()
-        }}, a
-    }), r(B, [f], function (e) {
-        function t(e) {
-            this.walk = function (t, r) {
-                function i(e) {
-                    var t;
-                    return t = e[0], 3 === t.nodeType && t === l && c >= t.nodeValue.length && e.splice(0, 1), t = e[e.length - 1], 0 === u && e.length > 0 && t === d && 3 === t.nodeType && e.splice(e.length - 1, 1), e
-                }
-                function o(e, t, n) {
-                    for (var r = []; e && e != n; e = e[t])r.push(e);
-                    return r
-                }
-                function a(e, t) {
-                    do {
-                        if (e.parentNode == t)return e;
-                        e = e.parentNode
-                    } while (e)
-                }
-                function s(e, t, n) {
-                    var a = n ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling";
-                    for (h = e, g = h.parentNode; h && h != t; h = g)g = h.parentNode, v = o(h == e ? h : h[a], a), v.length && (n || v.reverse(), r(i(v)))
-                }
-                var l = t.startContainer, c = t.startOffset, d = t.endContainer, u = t.endOffset, f, p, m, h, g, v, y;
-                if (y = e.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected"), y.length > 0)return void n(y, function (e) {
-                    r([e])
-                });
-                if (1 == l.nodeType && l.hasChildNodes() && (l = l.childNodes[c]), 1 == d.nodeType && d.hasChildNodes() && (d = d.childNodes[Math.min(u - 1, d.childNodes.length - 1)]), l == d)return r(i([l]));
-                for (f = e.findCommonAncestor(l, d), h = l; h; h = h.parentNode) {
-                    if (h === d)return s(l, f, !0);
-                    if (h === f)break
-                }
-                for (h = d; h; h = h.parentNode) {
-                    if (h === l)return s(d, f);
-                    if (h === f)break
-                }
-                p = a(l, f) || l, m = a(d, f) || d, s(l, p, !0), v = o(p == l ? p : p.nextSibling, "nextSibling", m == d ? m.nextSibling : m), v.length && r(i(v)), s(d, m)
-            }, this.split = function (e) {
-                function t(e, t) {
-                    return e.splitText(t)
-                }
-                var n = e.startContainer, r = e.startOffset, i = e.endContainer, o = e.endOffset;
-                return n == i && 3 == n.nodeType ? r > 0 && r < n.nodeValue.length && (i = t(n, r), n = i.previousSibling, o > r ? (o -= r, n = i = t(i, o).previousSibling, o = i.nodeValue.length, r = 0) : o = 0) : (3 == n.nodeType && r > 0 && r < n.nodeValue.length && (n = t(n, r), r = 0), 3 == i.nodeType && o > 0 && o < i.nodeValue.length && (i = t(i, o).previousSibling, o = i.nodeValue.length)), {startContainer: n, startOffset: r, endContainer: i, endOffset: o}
-            }
-        }
-        var n = e.each;
-        return t.compareRanges = function (e, t) {
-            if (e && t) {
-                if (!e.item && !e.duplicate)return e.startContainer == t.startContainer && e.startOffset == t.startOffset;
-                if (e.item && t.item && e.item(0) === t.item(0))return!0;
-                if (e.isEqual && t.isEqual && t.isEqual(e))return!0
-            }
-            return!1
-        }, t
-    }), r(L, [u, B, f], function (e, t, n) {
-        return function (r) {
-            function i(e) {
-                return e.nodeType && (e = e.nodeName), !!r.schema.getTextBlockElements()[e.toLowerCase()]
-            }
-            function o(e, t) {
-                return I.getParents(e, t, I.getRoot())
-            }
-            function a(e) {
-                return 1 === e.nodeType && "_mce_caret" === e.id
-            }
-            function s() {
-                d({alignleft: [
-                    {selector: "figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li", styles: {textAlign: "left"}, defaultBlock: "div"},
-                    {selector: "img,table", collapsed: !1, styles: {"float": "left"}}
-                ], aligncenter: [
-                    {selector: "figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li", styles: {textAlign: "center"}, defaultBlock: "div"},
-                    {selector: "img", collapsed: !1, styles: {display: "block", marginLeft: "auto", marginRight: "auto"}},
-                    {selector: "table", collapsed: !1, styles: {marginLeft: "auto", marginRight: "auto"}}
-                ], alignright: [
-                    {selector: "figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li", styles: {textAlign: "right"}, defaultBlock: "div"},
-                    {selector: "img,table", collapsed: !1, styles: {"float": "right"}}
-                ], alignjustify: [
-                    {selector: "figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li", styles: {textAlign: "justify"}, defaultBlock: "div"}
-                ], bold: [
-                    {inline: "strong", remove: "all"},
-                    {inline: "span", styles: {fontWeight: "bold"}},
-                    {inline: "b", remove: "all"}
-                ], italic: [
-                    {inline: "em", remove: "all"},
-                    {inline: "span", styles: {fontStyle: "italic"}},
-                    {inline: "i", remove: "all"}
-                ], underline: [
-                    {inline: "span", styles: {textDecoration: "underline"}, exact: !0},
-                    {inline: "u", remove: "all"}
-                ], strikethrough: [
-                    {inline: "span", styles: {textDecoration: "line-through"}, exact: !0},
-                    {inline: "strike", remove: "all"}
-                ], forecolor: {inline: "span", styles: {color: "%value"}, wrap_links: !1}, hilitecolor: {inline: "span", styles: {backgroundColor: "%value"}, wrap_links: !1}, fontname: {inline: "span", styles: {fontFamily: "%value"}}, fontsize: {inline: "span", styles: {fontSize: "%value"}}, fontsize_class: {inline: "span", attributes: {"class": "%value"}}, blockquote: {block: "blockquote", wrapper: 1, remove: "all"}, subscript: {inline: "sub"}, superscript: {inline: "sup"}, code: {inline: "code"}, link: {inline: "a", selector: "a", remove: "all", split: !0, deep: !0, onmatch: function () {
-                    return!0
-                }, onformat: function (e, t, n) {
-                    et(n, function (t, n) {
-                        I.setAttrib(e, n, t)
-                    })
-                }}, removeformat: [
-                    {selector: "b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike,sub,sup", remove: "all", split: !0, expand: !1, block_expand: !0, deep: !0},
-                    {selector: "span", attributes: ["style", "class"], remove: "empty", split: !0, expand: !1, deep: !0},
-                    {selector: "*", attributes: ["style", "class"], split: !1, expand: !1, deep: !0}
-                ]}), et("p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div address pre div dt dd samp".split(/\s/), function (e) {
-                    d(e, {block: e, remove: "all"})
-                }), d(r.settings.formats)
-            }
-            function l() {
-                r.addShortcut("ctrl+b", "bold_desc", "Bold"), r.addShortcut("ctrl+i", "italic_desc", "Italic"), r.addShortcut("ctrl+u", "underline_desc", "Underline");
-                for (var e = 1; 6 >= e; e++)r.addShortcut("ctrl+" + e, "", ["FormatBlock", !1, "h" + e]);
-                r.addShortcut("ctrl+7", "", ["FormatBlock", !1, "p"]), r.addShortcut("ctrl+8", "", ["FormatBlock", !1, "div"]), r.addShortcut("ctrl+9", "", ["FormatBlock", !1, "address"])
-            }
-            function c(e) {
-                return e ? O[e] : O
-            }
-            function d(e, t) {
-                e && ("string" != typeof e ? et(e, function (e, t) {
-                    d(t, e)
-                }) : (t = t.length ? t : [t], et(t, function (e) {
-                    e.deep === X && (e.deep = !e.selector), e.split === X && (e.split = !e.selector || e.inline), e.remove === X && e.selector && !e.inline && (e.remove = "none"), e.selector && e.inline && (e.mixed = !0, e.block_expand = !0), "string" == typeof e.classes && (e.classes = e.classes.split(/\s+/))
-                }), O[e] = t))
-            }
-            function u(e) {
-                var t;
-                return r.dom.getParent(e, function (e) {
-                    return t = r.dom.getStyle(e, "text-decoration"), t && "none" !== t
-                }), t
-            }
-            function f(e) {
-                var t;
-                1 === e.nodeType && e.parentNode && 1 === e.parentNode.nodeType && (t = u(e.parentNode), r.dom.getStyle(e, "color") && t ? r.dom.setStyle(e, "text-decoration", t) : r.dom.getStyle(e, "textdecoration") === t && r.dom.setStyle(e, "text-decoration", null))
-            }
-            function p(t, n, o) {
-                function s(e, t) {
-                    t = t || h, e && (t.onformat && t.onformat(e, t, n, o), et(t.styles, function (t, r) {
-                        I.setStyle(e, r, E(t, n))
-                    }), et(t.attributes, function (t, r) {
-                        I.setAttrib(e, r, E(t, n))
-                    }), et(t.classes, function (t) {
-                        t = E(t, n), I.hasClass(e, t) || I.addClass(e, t)
-                    }))
-                }
-                function l() {
-                    function t(t, n) {
-                        var r = new e(n);
-                        for (o = r.current(); o; o = r.prev())if (o.childNodes.length > 1 || o == t || "BR" == o.tagName)return o
-                    }
-                    var n = r.selection.getRng(), i = n.startContainer, a = n.endContainer;
-                    if (i != a && 0 === n.endOffset) {
-                        var s = t(i, a), l = 3 == s.nodeType ? s.length : s.childNodes.length;
-                        n.setEnd(s, l)
-                    }
-                    return n
-                }
-                function d(e, t, n, r, i) {
-                    var o = [], a = -1, s, l = -1, c = -1, d;
-                    return et(e.childNodes, function (e, t) {
-                        return"UL" === e.nodeName || "OL" === e.nodeName ? (a = t, s = e, !1) : void 0
-                    }), et(e.childNodes, function (e, n) {
-                        "SPAN" === e.nodeName && "bookmark" == I.getAttrib(e, "data-mce-type") && (e.id == t.id + "_start" ? l = n : e.id == t.id + "_end" && (c = n))
-                    }), 0 >= a || a > l && c > a ? (et(tt(e.childNodes), i), 0) : (d = I.clone(n, K), et(tt(e.childNodes), function (e, t) {
-                        (a > l && a > t || l > a && t > a) && (o.push(e), e.parentNode.removeChild(e))
-                    }), a > l ? e.insertBefore(d, s) : l > a && e.insertBefore(d, s.nextSibling), r.push(d), et(o, function (e) {
-                        d.appendChild(e)
-                    }), d)
-                }
-                function u(e, r, o) {
-                    var l = [], c, u, f = !0;
-                    c = h.inline || h.block, u = I.create(c), s(u), F.walk(e, function (e) {
-                        function p(e) {
-                            var y, C, x, _, N;
-                            return N = f, y = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(), C = e.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(), 1 === e.nodeType && J(e) && (N = f, f = "true" === J(e), _ = !0), w(y, "br") ? (v = 0, void(h.block && I.remove(e))) : h.wrapper && g(e, t, n) ? void(v = 0) : f && !_ && h.block && !h.wrapper && i(y) && W(C, c) ? (e = I.rename(e, c), s(e), l.push(e), void(v = 0)) : h.selector && (et(m, function (t) {
-                                "collapsed"in t && t.collapsed !== b || I.is(e, t.selector) && !a(e) && (s(e, t), x = !0)
-                            }), !h.inline || x) ? void(v = 0) : void(!f || _ || !W(c, y) || !W(C, c) || !o && 3 === e.nodeType && 1 === e.nodeValue.length && 65279 === e.nodeValue.charCodeAt(0) || a(e) || h.inline && V(e) ? "li" == y && r ? v = d(e, r, u, l, p) : (v = 0, et(tt(e.childNodes), p), _ && (f = N), v = 0) : (v || (v = I.clone(u, K), e.parentNode.insertBefore(v, e), l.push(v)), v.appendChild(e)))
-                        }
-                        var v;
-                        et(e, p)
-                    }), h.wrap_links === !1 && et(l, function (e) {
-                        function t(e) {
-                            var n, r, i;
-                            if ("A" === e.nodeName) {
-                                for (r = I.clone(u, K), l.push(r), i = tt(e.childNodes), n = 0; n < i.length; n++)r.appendChild(i[n]);
-                                e.appendChild(r)
-                            }
-                            et(tt(e.childNodes), t)
-                        }
-                        t(e)
-                    }), et(l, function (e) {
-                        function r(e) {
-                            var t = 0;
-                            return et(e.childNodes, function (e) {
-                                k(e) || L(e) || t++
-                            }), t
-                        }
-                        function i(e) {
-                            var t, n;
-                            return et(e.childNodes, function (e) {
-                                return 1 != e.nodeType || L(e) || a(e) ? void 0 : (t = e, K)
-                            }), t && x(t, h) && (n = I.clone(t, K), s(n), I.replace(n, e, Y), I.remove(t, 1)), n || e
-                        }
-                        var o;
-                        if (o = r(e), (l.length > 1 || !V(e)) && 0 === o)return void I.remove(e, 1);
-                        if (h.inline || h.wrapper) {
-                            if (h.exact || 1 !== o || (e = i(e)), et(m, function (t) {
-                                et(I.select(t.inline, e), function (e) {
-                                    var r;
-                                    if (t.wrap_links === !1) {
-                                        r = e.parentNode;
-                                        do if ("A" === r.nodeName)return; while (r = r.parentNode)
-                                    }
-                                    R(t, n, e, t.exact ? e : null)
-                                })
-                            }), g(e.parentNode, t, n))return I.remove(e, 1), e = 0, Y;
-                            h.merge_with_parents && I.getParent(e.parentNode, function (r) {
-                                return g(r, t, n) ? (I.remove(e, 1), e = 0, Y) : void 0
-                            }), e && h.merge_siblings !== !1 && (e = H(B(e), e), e = H(e, B(e, Y)))
-                        }
-                    })
-                }
-                var m = c(t), h = m[0], v, y, b = !o && z.isCollapsed();
-                if (h)if (o)o.nodeType ? (y = I.createRng(), y.setStartBefore(o), y.setEndAfter(o), u(T(y, m), null, !0)) : u(o, null, !0); else if (b && h.inline && !I.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected").length)D("apply", t, n); else {
-                    var C = r.selection.getNode();
-                    U || !m[0].defaultBlock || I.getParent(C, I.isBlock) || p(m[0].defaultBlock), r.selection.setRng(l()), v = z.getBookmark(), u(T(z.getRng(Y), m), v), h.styles && (h.styles.color || h.styles.textDecoration) && (nt(C, f, "childNodes"), f(C)), z.moveToBookmark(v), P(z.getRng(Y)), r.nodeChanged()
-                }
-            }
-            function m(e, t, n) {
-                function i(e) {
-                    var n, r, o, a, s;
-                    if (1 === e.nodeType && J(e) && (a = b, b = "true" === J(e), s = !0), n = tt(e.childNodes), b && !s)for (r = 0, o = p.length; o > r && !R(p[r], t, e, e); r++);
-                    if (m.deep && n.length) {
-                        for (r = 0, o = n.length; o > r; r++)i(n[r]);
-                        s && (b = a)
-                    }
-                }
-                function a(n) {
-                    var r;
-                    return et(o(n.parentNode).reverse(), function (n) {
-                        var i;
-                        r || "_start" == n.id || "_end" == n.id || (i = g(n, e, t), i && i.split !== !1 && (r = n))
-                    }), r
-                }
-                function s(e, n, r, i) {
-                    var o, a, s, l, c, d;
-                    if (e) {
-                        for (d = e.parentNode, o = n.parentNode; o && o != d; o = o.parentNode) {
-                            for (a = I.clone(o, K), c = 0; c < p.length; c++)if (R(p[c], t, a, a)) {
-                                a = 0;
-                                break
-                            }
-                            a && (s && a.appendChild(s), l || (l = a), s = a)
-                        }
-                        !i || m.mixed && V(e) || (n = I.split(e, n)), s && (r.parentNode.insertBefore(s, r), l.appendChild(r))
-                    }
-                    return n
-                }
-                function l(e) {
-                    return s(a(e), e, e, !0)
-                }
-                function d(e) {
-                    var t = I.get(e ? "_start" : "_end"), n = t[e ? "firstChild" : "lastChild"];
-                    return L(n) && (n = n[e ? "firstChild" : "lastChild"]), I.remove(t, !0), n
-                }
-                function f(e) {
-                    var t, n, o = e.commonAncestorContainer;
-                    e = T(e, p, Y), m.split && (t = M(e, Y), n = M(e), t != n ? (/^(TR|TH|TD)$/.test(t.nodeName) && t.firstChild && (t = "TR" == t.nodeName ? t.firstChild.firstChild || t : t.firstChild || t), o && /^T(HEAD|BODY|FOOT|R)$/.test(o.nodeName) && /^(TH|TD)$/.test(n.nodeName) && n.firstChild && (n = n.firstChild || n), t = S(t, "span", {id: "_start", "data-mce-type": "bookmark"}), n = S(n, "span", {id: "_end", "data-mce-type": "bookmark"}), l(t), l(n), t = d(Y), n = d()) : t = n = l(t), e.startContainer = t.parentNode, e.startOffset = q(t), e.endContainer = n.parentNode, e.endOffset = q(n) + 1), F.walk(e, function (e) {
-                        et(e, function (e) {
-                            i(e), 1 === e.nodeType && "underline" === r.dom.getStyle(e, "text-decoration") && e.parentNode && "underline" === u(e.parentNode) && R({deep: !1, exact: !0, inline: "span", styles: {textDecoration: "underline"}}, null, e)
-                        })
-                    })
-                }
-                var p = c(e), m = p[0], h, y, b = !0;
-                return n ? void(n.nodeType ? (y = I.createRng(), y.setStartBefore(n), y.setEndAfter(n), f(y)) : f(n)) : void(z.isCollapsed() && m.inline && !I.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected").length ? D("remove", e, t) : (h = z.getBookmark(), f(z.getRng(Y)), z.moveToBookmark(h), m.inline && v(e, t, z.getStart()) && P(z.getRng(!0)), r.nodeChanged()))
-            }
-            function h(e, t, n) {
-                var r = c(e);
-                !v(e, t, n) || "toggle"in r[0] && !r[0].toggle ? p(e, t, n) : m(e, t, n)
-            }
-            function g(e, t, n, r) {
-                function i(e, t, i) {
-                    var o, a, s = t[i], l;
-                    if (t.onmatch)return t.onmatch(e, t, i);
-                    if (s)if (s.length === X) {
-                        for (o in s)if (s.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
-                            if (a = "attributes" === i ? I.getAttrib(e, o) : _(e, o), r && !a && !t.exact)return;
-                            if ((!r || t.exact) && !w(a, N(E(s[o], n), o)))return
-                        }
-                    } else for (l = 0; l < s.length; l++)if ("attributes" === i ? I.getAttrib(e, s[l]) : _(e, s[l]))return t;
-                    return t
-                }
-                var o = c(t), a, s, l;
-                if (o && e)for (s = 0; s < o.length; s++)if (a = o[s], x(e, a) && i(e, a, "attributes") && i(e, a, "styles")) {
-                    if (l = a.classes)for (s = 0; s < l.length; s++)if (!I.hasClass(e, l[s]))return;
-                    return a
-                }
-            }
-            function v(e, t, n) {
-                function r(n) {
-                    var r = I.getRoot();
-                    return n === r ? !1 : (n = I.getParent(n, function (n) {
-                        return n.parentNode === r || !!g(n, e, t, !0)
-                    }), g(n, e, t))
-                }
-                var i;
-                return n ? r(n) : (n = z.getNode(), r(n) ? Y : (i = z.getStart(), i != n && r(i) ? Y : K))
-            }
-            function y(e, t) {
-                var n, r = [], i = {};
-                return n = z.getStart(), I.getParent(n, function (n) {
-                    var o, a;
-                    for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++)a = e[o], !i[a] && g(n, a, t) && (i[a] = !0, r.push(a))
-                }, I.getRoot()), r
-            }
-            function b(e) {
-                var t = c(e), n, r, i, a, s;
-                if (t)for (n = z.getStart(), r = o(n), a = t.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
-                    if (s = t[a].selector, !s || t[a].defaultBlock)return Y;
-                    for (i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)if (I.is(r[i], s))return Y
-                }
-                return K
-            }
-            function C(e, t, n) {
-                var i;
-                return G || (G = {}, i = {}, r.on("NodeChange", function (e) {
-                    var t = o(e.element), n = {};
-                    et(G, function (e, r) {
-                        et(t, function (o) {
-                            return g(o, r, {}, e.similar) ? (i[r] || (et(e, function (e) {
-                                e(!0, {node: o, format: r, parents: t})
-                            }), i[r] = e), n[r] = e, !1) : void 0
-                        })
-                    }), et(i, function (r, o) {
-                        n[o] || (delete i[o], et(r, function (n) {
-                            n(!1, {node: e.element, format: o, parents: t})
-                        }))
-                    })
-                })), et(e.split(","), function (e) {
-                    G[e] || (G[e] = [], G[e].similar = n), G[e].push(t)
-                }), this
-            }
-            function x(e, t) {
-                return w(e, t.inline) ? Y : w(e, t.block) ? Y : t.selector ? 1 == e.nodeType && I.is(e, t.selector) : void 0
-            }
-            function w(e, t) {
-                return e = e || "", t = t || "", e = "" + (e.nodeName || e), t = "" + (t.nodeName || t), e.toLowerCase() == t.toLowerCase()
-            }
-            function _(e, t) {
-                return N(I.getStyle(e, t), t)
-            }
-            function N(e, t) {
-                return("color" == t || "backgroundColor" == t) && (e = I.toHex(e)), "fontWeight" == t && 700 == e && (e = "bold"), "fontFamily" == t && (e = e.replace(/[\'\"]/g, "").replace(/,\s+/g, ",")), "" + e
-            }
-            function E(e, t) {
-                return"string" != typeof e ? e = e(t) : t && (e = e.replace(/%(\w+)/g, function (e, n) {
-                    return t[n] || e
-                })), e
-            }
-            function k(e) {
-                return e && 3 === e.nodeType && /^([\t \r\n]+|)$/.test(e.nodeValue)
-            }
-            function S(e, t, n) {
-                var r = I.create(t, n);
-                return e.parentNode.insertBefore(r, e), r.appendChild(e), r
-            }
-            function T(t, n, a) {
-                function s(e) {
-                    function t(e) {
-                        return"BR" == e.nodeName && e.getAttribute("data-mce-bogus") && !e.nextSibling
-                    }
-                    var r, i, o, a, s;
-                    if (r = i = e ? g : y, a = e ? "previousSibling" : "nextSibling", s = I.getRoot(), 3 == r.nodeType && !k(r) && (e ? v > 0 : b < r.nodeValue.length))return r;
-                    for (; ;) {
-                        if (!n[0].block_expand && V(i))return i;
-                        for (o = i[a]; o; o = o[a])if (!L(o) && !k(o) && !t(o))return i;
-                        if (i.parentNode == s) {
-                            r = i;
-                            break
-                        }
-                        i = i.parentNode
-                    }
-                    return r
-                }
-                function l(e, t) {
-                    for (t === X && (t = 3 === e.nodeType ? e.length : e.childNodes.length); e && e.hasChildNodes();)e = e.childNodes[t], e && (t = 3 === e.nodeType ? e.length : e.childNodes.length);
-                    return{node: e, offset: t}
-                }
-                function c(e) {
-                    for (var t = e; t;) {
-                        if (1 === t.nodeType && J(t))return"false" === J(t) ? t : e;
-                        t = t.parentNode
-                    }
-                    return e
-                }
-                function d(t, n, i) {
-                    function o(e, t) {
-                        var n, r, o = e.nodeValue;
-                        return"undefined" == typeof t && (t = i ? o.length : 0), i ? (n = o.lastIndexOf(" ", t), r = o.lastIndexOf("\xa0", t), n = n > r ? n : r, -1 === n || a || n++) : (n = o.indexOf(" ", t), r = o.indexOf("\xa0", t), n = -1 !== n && (-1 === r || r > n) ? n : r), n
-                    }
-                    var s, l, c, d;
-                    if (3 === t.nodeType) {
-                        if (c = o(t, n), -1 !== c)return{container: t, offset: c};
-                        d = t
-                    }
-                    for (s = new e(t, I.getParent(t, V) || r.getBody()); l = s[i ? "prev" : "next"]();)if (3 === l.nodeType) {
-                        if (d = l, c = o(l), -1 !== c)return{container: l, offset: c}
-                    } else if (V(l))break;
-                    return d ? (n = i ? 0 : d.length, {container: d, offset: n}) : void 0
-                }
-                function u(e, r) {
-                    var i, a, s, l;
-                    for (3 == e.nodeType && 0 === e.nodeValue.length && e[r] && (e = e[r]), i = o(e), a = 0; a < i.length; a++)for (s = 0; s < n.length; s++)if (l = n[s], !("collapsed"in l && l.collapsed !== t.collapsed) && I.is(i[a], l.selector))return i[a];
-                    return e
-                }
-                function f(e, t) {
-                    var r, a = I.getRoot();
-                    if (n[0].wrapper || (r = I.getParent(e, n[0].block, a)), r || (r = I.getParent(3 == e.nodeType ? e.parentNode : e, function (e) {
-                        return e != a && i(e)
-                    })), r && n[0].wrapper && (r = o(r, "ul,ol").reverse()[0] || r), !r)for (r = e; r[t] && !V(r[t]) && (r = r[t], !w(r, "br")););
-                    return r || e
-                }
-                var p, m, h, g = t.startContainer, v = t.startOffset, y = t.endContainer, b = t.endOffset;
-                if (1 == g.nodeType && g.hasChildNodes() && (p = g.childNodes.length - 1, g = g.childNodes[v > p ? p : v], 3 == g.nodeType && (v = 0)), 1 == y.nodeType && y.hasChildNodes() && (p = y.childNodes.length - 1, y = y.childNodes[b > p ? p : b - 1], 3 == y.nodeType && (b = y.nodeValue.length)), g = c(g), y = c(y), (L(g.parentNode) || L(g)) && (g = L(g) ? g : g.parentNode, g = g.nextSibling || g, 3 == g.nodeType && (v = 0)), (L(y.parentNode) || L(y)) && (y = L(y) ? y : y.parentNode, y = y.previousSibling || y, 3 == y.nodeType && (b = y.length)), n[0].inline && (t.collapsed && (h = d(g, v, !0), h && (g = h.container, v = h.offset), h = d(y, b), h && (y = h.container, b = h.offset)), m = l(y, b), m.node)) {
-                    for (; m.node && 0 === m.offset && m.node.previousSibling;)m = l(m.node.previousSibling);
-                    m.node && m.offset > 0 && 3 === m.node.nodeType && " " === m.node.nodeValue.charAt(m.offset - 1) && m.offset > 1 && (y = m.node, y.splitText(m.offset - 1))
-                }
-                return(n[0].inline || n[0].block_expand) && (n[0].inline && 3 == g.nodeType && 0 !== v || (g = s(!0)), n[0].inline && 3 == y.nodeType && b !== y.nodeValue.length || (y = s())), n[0].selector && n[0].expand !== K && !n[0].inline && (g = u(g, "previousSibling"), y = u(y, "nextSibling")), (n[0].block || n[0].selector) && (g = f(g, "previousSibling"), y = f(y, "nextSibling"), n[0].block && (V(g) || (g = s(!0)), V(y) || (y = s()))), 1 == g.nodeType && (v = q(g), g = g.parentNode), 1 == y.nodeType && (b = q(y) + 1, y = y.parentNode), {startContainer: g, startOffset: v, endContainer: y, endOffset: b}
-            }
-            function R(e, t, n, r) {
-                var i, o, a;
-                if (!x(n, e))return K;
-                if ("all" != e.remove)for (et(e.styles, function (e, i) {
-                    e = N(E(e, t), i), "number" == typeof i && (i = e, r = 0), (!r || w(_(r, i), e)) && I.setStyle(n, i, ""), a = 1
-                }), a && "" === I.getAttrib(n, "style") && (n.removeAttribute("style"), n.removeAttribute("data-mce-style")), et(e.attributes, function (e, i) {
-                    var o;
-                    if (e = E(e, t), "number" == typeof i && (i = e, r = 0), !r || w(I.getAttrib(r, i), e)) {
-                        if ("class" == i && (e = I.getAttrib(n, i), e && (o = "", et(e.split(/\s+/), function (e) {
-                            /mce\w+/.test(e) && (o += (o ? " " : "") + e)
-                        }), o)))return void I.setAttrib(n, i, o);
-                        "class" == i && n.removeAttribute("className"), $.test(i) && n.removeAttribute("data-mce-" + i), n.removeAttribute(i)
-                    }
-                }), et(e.classes, function (e) {
-                    e = E(e, t), (!r || I.hasClass(r, e)) && I.removeClass(n, e)
-                }), o = I.getAttribs(n), i = 0; i < o.length; i++)if (0 !== o[i].nodeName.indexOf("_"))return K;
-                return"none" != e.remove ? (A(n, e), Y) : void 0
-            }
-            function A(e, t) {
-                function n(e, t, n) {
-                    return e = B(e, t, n), !e || "BR" == e.nodeName || V(e)
-                }
-                var i = e.parentNode, o;
-                t.block && (U ? i == I.getRoot() && (t.list_block && w(e, t.list_block) || et(tt(e.childNodes), function (e) {
-                    W(U, e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) ? o ? o.appendChild(e) : (o = S(e, U), I.setAttribs(o, r.settings.forced_root_block_attrs)) : o = 0
-                })) : V(e) && !V(i) && (n(e, K) || n(e.firstChild, Y, 1) || e.insertBefore(I.create("br"), e.firstChild), n(e, Y) || n(e.lastChild, K, 1) || e.appendChild(I.create("br")))), t.selector && t.inline && !w(t.inline, e) || I.remove(e, 1)
-            }
-            function B(e, t, n) {
-                if (e)for (t = t ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", e = n ? e : e[t]; e; e = e[t])if (1 == e.nodeType && !k(e))return e
-            }
-            function L(e) {
-                return e && 1 == e.nodeType && "bookmark" == e.getAttribute("data-mce-type")
-            }
-            function H(e, t) {
-                function n(e, t) {
-                    function n(e) {
-                        var t = {};
-                        return et(I.getAttribs(e), function (n) {
-                            var r = n.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-                            0 !== r.indexOf("_") && "style" !== r && "data-mce-style" !== r && (t[r] = I.getAttrib(e, r))
-                        }), t
-                    }
-                    function r(e, t) {
-                        var n, r;
-                        for (r in e)if (e.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
-                            if (n = t[r], n === X)return K;
-                            if (e[r] != n)return K;
-                            delete t[r]
-                        }
-                        for (r in t)if (t.hasOwnProperty(r))return K;
-                        return Y
-                    }
-                    return e.nodeName != t.nodeName ? K : r(n(e), n(t)) ? r(I.parseStyle(I.getAttrib(e, "style")), I.parseStyle(I.getAttrib(t, "style"))) ? Y : K : K
-                }
-                function r(e, t) {
-                    for (i = e; i; i = i[t]) {
-                        if (3 == i.nodeType && 0 !== i.nodeValue.length)return e;
-                        if (1 == i.nodeType && !L(i))return i
-                    }
-                    return e
-                }
-                var i, o;
-                if (e && t && (e = r(e, "previousSibling"), t = r(t, "nextSibling"), n(e, t))) {
-                    for (i = e.nextSibling; i && i != t;)o = i, i = i.nextSibling, e.appendChild(o);
-                    return I.remove(t), et(tt(t.childNodes), function (t) {
-                        e.appendChild(t)
-                    }), e
-                }
-                return t
-            }
-            function M(t, n) {
-                var i, o, a;
-                return i = t[n ? "startContainer" : "endContainer"], o = t[n ? "startOffset" : "endOffset"], 1 == i.nodeType && (a = i.childNodes.length - 1, !n && o && o--, i = i.childNodes[o > a ? a : o]), 3 === i.nodeType && n && o >= i.nodeValue.length && (i = new e(i, r.getBody()).next() || i), 3 !== i.nodeType || n || 0 !== o || (i = new e(i, r.getBody()).prev() || i), i
-            }
-            function D(t, n, o) {
-                function a(e) {
-                    var t = I.create("span", {id: y, "data-mce-bogus": !0, style: b ? "color:red" : ""});
-                    return e && t.appendChild(r.getDoc().createTextNode(j)), t
-                }
-                function s(e, t) {
-                    for (; e;) {
-                        if (3 === e.nodeType && e.nodeValue !== j || e.childNodes.length > 1)return!1;
-                        t && 1 === e.nodeType && t.push(e), e = e.firstChild
-                    }
-                    return!0
-                }
-                function l(e) {
-                    for (; e;) {
-                        if (e.id === y)return e;
-                        e = e.parentNode
-                    }
-                }
-                function d(t) {
-                    var n;
-                    if (t)for (n = new e(t, t), t = n.current(); t; t = n.next())if (3 === t.nodeType)return t
-                }
-                function u(e, t) {
-                    var n, r;
-                    if (e)r = z.getRng(!0), s(e) ? (t !== !1 && (r.setStartBefore(e), r.setEndBefore(e)), I.remove(e)) : (n = d(e), n.nodeValue.charAt(0) === j && (n = n.deleteData(0, 1)), I.remove(e, 1)), z.setRng(r); else if (e = l(z.getStart()), !e)for (; e = I.get(y);)u(e, !1)
-                }
-                function f() {
-                    var e, t, r, i, s, u, f;
-                    e = z.getRng(!0), i = e.startOffset, u = e.startContainer, f = u.nodeValue, t = l(z.getStart()), t && (r = d(t)), f && i > 0 && i < f.length && /\w/.test(f.charAt(i)) && /\w/.test(f.charAt(i - 1)) ? (s = z.getBookmark(), e.collapse(!0), e = T(e, c(n)), e = F.split(e), p(n, o, e), z.moveToBookmark(s)) : (t && r.nodeValue === j ? p(n, o, t) : (t = a(!0), r = t.firstChild, e.insertNode(t), i = 1, p(n, o, t)), z.setCursorLocation(r, i))
-                }
-                function h() {
-                    var e = z.getRng(!0), t, r, s, l, d, u, f = [], p, h;
-                    for (t = e.startContainer, r = e.startOffset, d = t, 3 == t.nodeType && ((r != t.nodeValue.length || t.nodeValue === j) && (l = !0), d = d.parentNode); d;) {
-                        if (g(d, n, o)) {
-                            u = d;
-                            break
-                        }
-                        d.nextSibling && (l = !0), f.push(d), d = d.parentNode
-                    }
-                    if (u)if (l)s = z.getBookmark(), e.collapse(!0), e = T(e, c(n), !0), e = F.split(e), m(n, o, e), z.moveToBookmark(s); else {
-                        for (h = a(), d = h, p = f.length - 1; p >= 0; p--)d.appendChild(I.clone(f[p], !1)), d = d.firstChild;
-                        d.appendChild(I.doc.createTextNode(j)), d = d.firstChild;
-                        var v = I.getParent(u, i);
-                        v && I.isEmpty(v) ? u.parentNode.replaceChild(h, u) : I.insertAfter(h, u), z.setCursorLocation(d, 1), I.isEmpty(u) && I.remove(u)
-                    }
-                }
-                function v() {
-                    var e;
-                    e = l(z.getStart()), e && !I.isEmpty(e) && nt(e, function (e) {
-                        1 != e.nodeType || e.id === y || I.isEmpty(e) || I.setAttrib(e, "data-mce-bogus", null)
-                    }, "childNodes")
-                }
-                var y = "_mce_caret", b = r.settings.caret_debug;
-                r._hasCaretEvents || (Z = function () {
-                    var e = [], t;
-                    if (s(l(z.getStart()), e))for (t = e.length; t--;)I.setAttrib(e[t], "data-mce-bogus", "1")
-                }, Q = function (e) {
-                    var t = e.keyCode;
-                    u(), (8 == t || 37 == t || 39 == t) && u(l(z.getStart())), v()
-                }, r.on("SetContent", function (e) {
-                    e.selection && v()
-                }), r._hasCaretEvents = !0), "apply" == t ? f() : h()
-            }
-            function P(t) {
-                var n = t.startContainer, r = t.startOffset, i, o, a, s, l;
-                if (3 == n.nodeType && r >= n.nodeValue.length && (r = q(n), n = n.parentNode, i = !0), 1 == n.nodeType)for (s = n.childNodes, n = s[Math.min(r, s.length - 1)], o = new e(n, I.getParent(n, I.isBlock)), (r > s.length - 1 || i) && o.next(), a = o.current(); a; a = o.next())if (3 == a.nodeType && !k(a))return l = I.create("a", null, j), a.parentNode.insertBefore(l, a), t.setStart(a, 0), z.setRng(t), void I.remove(l)
-            }
-            var O = {}, I = r.dom, z = r.selection, F = new t(I), W = r.schema.isValidChild, V = I.isBlock, U = r.settings.forced_root_block, q = I.nodeIndex, j = "\ufeff", $ = /^(src|href|style)$/, K = !1, Y = !0, G, X, J = I.getContentEditable, Q, Z, et = n.each, tt = n.grep, nt = n.walk, rt = n.extend;
-            rt(this, {get: c, register: d, apply: p, remove: m, toggle: h, match: v, matchAll: y, matchNode: g, canApply: b, formatChanged: C}), s(), l(), r.on("BeforeGetContent", function () {
-                Z && Z()
-            }), r.on("mouseup keydown", function (e) {
-                Q && Q(e)
-            })
-        }
-    }), r(H, [h, f], function (e, t) {
-        var n = t.trim, r;
-        return r = new RegExp(["<span[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+>[\u200b\ufeff]+<\\/span>", "<div[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+><\\/div>", '\\s?data-mce-selected="[^"]+"'].join("|"), "gi"), function (t) {
-            function i() {
-                return n(t.getContent({format: "raw", no_events: 1}).replace(r, ""))
-            }
-            function o() {
-                a.typing = !1, a.add()
-            }
-            var a, s = 0, l = [], c, d, u;
-            return t.on("init", function () {
-                a.add()
-            }), t.on("BeforeExecCommand", function (e) {
-                var t = e.command;
-                "Undo" != t && "Redo" != t && "mceRepaint" != t && a.beforeChange()
-            }), t.on("ExecCommand", function (e) {
-                var t = e.command;
-                "Undo" != t && "Redo" != t && "mceRepaint" != t && a.add()
-            }), t.on("ObjectResizeStart", function () {
-                a.beforeChange()
-            }), t.on("SaveContent ObjectResized", o), t.dom.bind(t.dom.getRoot(), "dragend", o), t.dom.bind(t.getBody(), "focusout", function () {
-                !t.removed && a.typing && o()
-            }), t.on("KeyUp", function (n) {
-                var r = n.keyCode;
-                (r >= 33 && 36 >= r || r >= 37 && 40 >= r || 45 == r || 13 == r || n.ctrlKey) && (o(), t.nodeChanged()), (46 == r || 8 == r || e.mac && (91 == r || 93 == r)) && t.nodeChanged(), d && a.typing && (t.isDirty() || (t.isNotDirty = !l[0] || i() == l[0].content, t.isNotDirty || t.fire("change", {level: l[0], lastLevel: null})), t.fire("TypingUndo"), d = !1, t.nodeChanged())
-            }), t.on("KeyDown", function (e) {
-                var t = e.keyCode;
-                return t >= 33 && 36 >= t || t >= 37 && 40 >= t || 45 == t ? void(a.typing && o()) : void((16 > t || t > 20) && 224 != t && 91 != t && !a.typing && (a.beforeChange(), a.typing = !0, a.add(), d = !0))
-            }), t.on("MouseDown", function () {
-                a.typing && o()
-            }), t.addShortcut("ctrl+z", "", "Undo"), t.addShortcut("ctrl+y,ctrl+shift+z", "", "Redo"), t.on("AddUndo Undo Redo ClearUndos MouseUp", function (e) {
-                e.isDefaultPrevented() || t.nodeChanged()
-            }), a = {data: l, typing: !1, beforeChange: function () {
-                u || (c = t.selection.getBookmark(2, !0))
-            }, add: function (e) {
-                var n, r = t.settings, o;
-                if (e = e || {}, e.content = i(), u || t.fire("BeforeAddUndo", {level: e}).isDefaultPrevented())return null;
-                if (o = l[s], o && o.content == e.content)return null;
-                if (l[s] && (l[s].beforeBookmark = c), r.custom_undo_redo_levels && l.length > r.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
-                    for (n = 0; n < l.length - 1; n++)l[n] = l[n + 1];
-                    l.length--, s = l.length
-                }
-                e.bookmark = t.selection.getBookmark(2, !0), s < l.length - 1 && (l.length = s + 1), l.push(e), s = l.length - 1;
-                var a = {level: e, lastLevel: o};
-                return t.fire("AddUndo", a), s > 0 && (t.fire("change", a), t.isNotDirty = !1), e
-            }, undo: function () {
-                var e;
-                return a.typing && (a.add(), a.typing = !1), s > 0 && (e = l[--s], 0 === s && (t.isNotDirty = !0), t.setContent(e.content, {format: "raw"}), t.selection.moveToBookmark(e.beforeBookmark), t.fire("undo", {level: e})), e
-            }, redo: function () {
-                var e;
-                return s < l.length - 1 && (e = l[++s], t.setContent(e.content, {format: "raw"}), t.selection.moveToBookmark(e.bookmark), t.fire("redo", {level: e})), e
-            }, clear: function () {
-                l = [], s = 0, a.typing = !1, t.fire("ClearUndos")
-            }, hasUndo: function () {
-                return s > 0 || a.typing && l[0] && i() != l[0].content
-            }, hasRedo: function () {
-                return s < l.length - 1 && !this.typing
-            }, transact: function (e) {
-                a.beforeChange(), u = !0, e(), u = !1, a.add()
-            }}
-        }
-    }), r(M, [u, h], function (e, t) {
-        var n = t.ie && t.ie < 11;
-        return function (r) {
-            function i(i) {
-                function u(e) {
-                    return e && o.isBlock(e) && !/^(TD|TH|CAPTION|FORM)$/.test(e.nodeName) && !/^(fixed|absolute)/i.test(e.style.position) && "true" !== o.getContentEditable(e)
-                }
-                function f(e) {
-                    var t;
-                    o.isBlock(e) && (t = a.getRng(), e.appendChild(o.create("span", null, "\xa0")), a.select(e), e.lastChild.outerHTML = "", a.setRng(t))
-                }
-                function p(e) {
-                    for (var t = e, n = [], r; t = t.firstChild;) {
-                        if (o.isBlock(t))return;
-                        1 != t.nodeType || d[t.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || n.push(t)
-                    }
-                    for (r = n.length; r--;)t = n[r], !t.hasChildNodes() || t.firstChild == t.lastChild && "" === t.firstChild.nodeValue ? o.remove(t) : "A" == t.nodeName && " " === (t.innerText || t.textContent) && o.remove(t)
-                }
-                function m(n) {
-                    function r(e) {
-                        for (; e;) {
-                            if (1 == e.nodeType || 3 == e.nodeType && e.data && /[\r\n\s]/.test(e.data))return e;
-                            e = e.nextSibling
-                        }
-                    }
-                    var i, s, l, c = n, u;
-                    if (t.ie && t.ie < 9 && A && A.firstChild && A.firstChild == A.lastChild && "BR" == A.firstChild.tagName && o.remove(A.firstChild), "LI" == n.nodeName) {
-                        var f = r(n.firstChild);
-                        f && /^(UL|OL)$/.test(f.nodeName) && n.insertBefore(o.doc.createTextNode("\xa0"), n.firstChild)
-                    }
-                    if (l = o.createRng(), n.hasChildNodes()) {
-                        for (i = new e(n, n); s = i.current();) {
-                            if (3 == s.nodeType) {
-                                l.setStart(s, 0), l.setEnd(s, 0);
-                                break
-                            }
-                            if (d[s.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
-                                l.setStartBefore(s), l.setEndBefore(s);
-                                break
-                            }
-                            c = s, s = i.next()
-                        }
-                        s || (l.setStart(c, 0), l.setEnd(c, 0))
-                    } else"BR" == n.nodeName ? n.nextSibling && o.isBlock(n.nextSibling) ? ((!B || 9 > B) && (u = o.create("br"), n.parentNode.insertBefore(u, n)), l.setStartBefore(n), l.setEndBefore(n)) : (l.setStartAfter(n), l.setEndAfter(n)) : (l.setStart(n, 0), l.setEnd(n, 0));
-                    a.setRng(l), o.remove(u), a.scrollIntoView(n)
-                }
-                function h(e) {
-                    var t = s.forced_root_block;
-                    t && t.toLowerCase() === e.tagName.toLowerCase() && o.setAttribs(e, s.forced_root_block_attrs)
-                }
-                function g(e) {
-                    var t = T, r, i, a;
-                    if (e || "TABLE" == P ? (r = o.create(e || I), h(r)) : r = A.cloneNode(!1), a = r, s.keep_styles !== !1)do if (/^(SPAN|STRONG|B|EM|I|FONT|STRIKE|U)$/.test(t.nodeName)) {
-                        if ("_mce_caret" == t.id)continue;
-                        i = t.cloneNode(!1), o.setAttrib(i, "id", ""), r.hasChildNodes() ? (i.appendChild(r.firstChild), r.appendChild(i)) : (a = i, r.appendChild(i))
-                    } while (t = t.parentNode);
-                    return n || (a.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">'), r
-                }
-                function v(t) {
-                    var n, r, i;
-                    if (3 == T.nodeType && (t ? R > 0 : R < T.nodeValue.length))return!1;
-                    if (T.parentNode == A && z && !t)return!0;
-                    if (t && 1 == T.nodeType && T == A.firstChild)return!0;
-                    if ("TABLE" === T.nodeName || T.previousSibling && "TABLE" == T.previousSibling.nodeName)return z && !t || !z && t;
-                    for (n = new e(T, A), 3 == T.nodeType && (t && 0 === R ? n.prev() : t || R != T.nodeValue.length || n.next()); r = n.current();) {
-                        if (1 === r.nodeType) {
-                            if (!r.getAttribute("data-mce-bogus") && (i = r.nodeName.toLowerCase(), d[i] && "br" !== i))return!1
-                        } else if (3 === r.nodeType && !/^[ \t\r\n]*$/.test(r.nodeValue))return!1;
-                        t ? n.prev() : n.next()
-                    }
-                    return!0
-                }
-                function y(e, t) {
-                    var n, i, a, s, l, d, f = I || "P";
-                    if (i = o.getParent(e, o.isBlock), d = r.getBody().nodeName.toLowerCase(), !i || !u(i)) {
-                        if (i = i || S, !i.hasChildNodes())return n = o.create(f), h(n), i.appendChild(n), E.setStart(n, 0), E.setEnd(n, 0), n;
-                        for (s = e; s.parentNode != i;)s = s.parentNode;
-                        for (; s && !o.isBlock(s);)a = s, s = s.previousSibling;
-                        if (a && c.isValidChild(d, f.toLowerCase())) {
-                            for (n = o.create(f), h(n), a.parentNode.insertBefore(n, a), s = a; s && !o.isBlock(s);)l = s.nextSibling, n.appendChild(s), s = l;
-                            E.setStart(e, t), E.setEnd(e, t)
-                        }
-                    }
-                    return e
-                }
-                function b() {
-                    function e(e) {
-                        for (var t = D[e ? "firstChild" : "lastChild"]; t && 1 != t.nodeType;)t = t[e ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling"];
-                        return t === A
-                    }
-                    function t() {
-                        var e = D.parentNode;
-                        return"LI" == e.nodeName ? e : D
-                    }
-                    var n = D.parentNode.nodeName;
-                    /^(OL|UL|LI)$/.test(n) && (I = "LI"), H = I ? g(I) : o.create("BR"), e(!0) && e() ? "LI" == n ? o.insertAfter(H, t()) : o.replace(H, D) : e(!0) ? "LI" == n ? (o.insertAfter(H, t()), H.appendChild(o.doc.createTextNode(" ")), H.appendChild(D)) : D.parentNode.insertBefore(H, D) : e() ? (o.insertAfter(H, t()), f(H)) : (D = t(), k = E.cloneRange(), k.setStartAfter(A), k.setEndAfter(D), M = k.extractContents(), "LI" == I && "LI" == M.firstChild.nodeName ? (H = M.firstChild, o.insertAfter(M, D)) : (o.insertAfter(M, D), o.insertAfter(H, D))), o.remove(A), m(H), l.add()
-                }
-                function C() {
-                    for (var t = new e(T, A), n; n = t.next();)if (d[n.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || n.length > 0)return!0
-                }
-                function x() {
-                    var e, t, r;
-                    T && 3 == T.nodeType && R >= T.nodeValue.length && (n || C() || (e = o.create("br"), E.insertNode(e), E.setStartAfter(e), E.setEndAfter(e), t = !0)), e = o.create("br"), E.insertNode(e), n && "PRE" == P && (!B || 8 > B) && e.parentNode.insertBefore(o.doc.createTextNode("\r"), e), r = o.create("span", {}, "&nbsp;"), e.parentNode.insertBefore(r, e), a.scrollIntoView(r), o.remove(r), t ? (E.setStartBefore(e), E.setEndBefore(e)) : (E.setStartAfter(e), E.setEndAfter(e)), a.setRng(E), l.add()
-                }
-                function w(e) {
-                    do 3 === e.nodeType && (e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, "")), e = e.firstChild; while (e)
-                }
-                function _(e) {
-                    var t = o.getRoot(), n, r;
-                    for (n = e; n !== t && "false" !== o.getContentEditable(n);)"true" === o.getContentEditable(n) && (r = n), n = n.parentNode;
-                    return n !== t ? r : t
-                }
-                function N(e) {
-                    var t;
-                    n || (e.normalize(), t = e.lastChild, (!t || /^(left|right)$/gi.test(o.getStyle(t, "float", !0))) && o.add(e, "br"))
-                }
-                var E = a.getRng(!0), k, S, T, R, A, B, L, H, M, D, P, O, I, z;
-                if (!E.collapsed)return void r.execCommand("Delete");
-                if (!i.isDefaultPrevented() && (T = E.startContainer, R = E.startOffset, I = (s.force_p_newlines ? "p" : "") || s.forced_root_block, I = I ? I.toUpperCase() : "", B = o.doc.documentMode, L = i.shiftKey, 1 == T.nodeType && T.hasChildNodes() && (z = R > T.childNodes.length - 1, T = T.childNodes[Math.min(R, T.childNodes.length - 1)] || T, R = z && 3 == T.nodeType ? T.nodeValue.length : 0), S = _(T))) {
-                    if (l.beforeChange(), !o.isBlock(S) && S != o.getRoot())return void((!I || L) && x());
-                    if ((I && !L || !I && L) && (T = y(T, R)), A = o.getParent(T, o.isBlock), D = A ? o.getParent(A.parentNode, o.isBlock) : null, P = A ? A.nodeName.toUpperCase() : "", O = D ? D.nodeName.toUpperCase() : "", "LI" != O || i.ctrlKey || (A = D, P = O), "LI" == P) {
-                        if (!I && L)return void x();
-                        if (o.isEmpty(A))return void b()
-                    }
-                    if ("PRE" == P && s.br_in_pre !== !1) {
-                        if (!L)return void x()
-                    } else if (!I && !L && "LI" != P || I && L)return void x();
-                    I && A === r.getBody() || (I = I || "P", v() ? (H = /^(H[1-6]|PRE|FIGURE)$/.test(P) && "HGROUP" != O ? g(I) : g(), s.end_container_on_empty_block && u(D) && o.isEmpty(A) ? H = o.split(D, A) : o.insertAfter(H, A), m(H)) : v(!0) ? (H = A.parentNode.insertBefore(g(), A), f(H), m(A)) : (k = E.cloneRange(), k.setEndAfter(A), M = k.extractContents(), w(M), H = M.firstChild, o.insertAfter(M, A), p(H), N(A), m(H)), o.setAttrib(H, "id", ""), r.fire("NewBlock", {newBlock: H}), l.add())
-                }
-            }
-            var o = r.dom, a = r.selection, s = r.settings, l = r.undoManager, c = r.schema, d = c.getNonEmptyElements();
-            r.on("keydown", function (e) {
-                13 == e.keyCode && i(e) !== !1 && e.preventDefault()
-            })
-        }
-    }), r(D, [], function () {
-        return function (e) {
-            function t() {
-                var t = i.getStart(), s = e.getBody(), l, c, d, u, f, p, m, h = -16777215, g, v, y, b, C;
-                if (C = n.forced_root_block, t && 1 === t.nodeType && C) {
-                    for (; t && t != s;) {
-                        if (a[t.nodeName])return;
-                        t = t.parentNode
-                    }
-                    if (l = i.getRng(), l.setStart) {
-                        c = l.startContainer, d = l.startOffset, u = l.endContainer, f = l.endOffset;
-                        try {
-                            v = e.getDoc().activeElement === s
-                        } catch (x) {
-                        }
-                    } else l.item && (t = l.item(0), l = e.getDoc().body.createTextRange(), l.moveToElementText(t)), v = l.parentElement().ownerDocument === e.getDoc(), y = l.duplicate(), y.collapse(!0), d = -1 * y.move("character", h), y.collapsed || (y = l.duplicate(), y.collapse(!1), f = -1 * y.move("character", h) - d);
-                    for (t = s.firstChild, b = s.nodeName.toLowerCase(); t;)if ((3 === t.nodeType || 1 == t.nodeType && !a[t.nodeName]) && o.isValidChild(b, C.toLowerCase())) {
-                        if (3 === t.nodeType && 0 === t.nodeValue.length) {
-                            m = t, t = t.nextSibling, r.remove(m);
-                            continue
-                        }
-                        p || (p = r.create(C, e.settings.forced_root_block_attrs), t.parentNode.insertBefore(p, t), g = !0), m = t, t = t.nextSibling, p.appendChild(m)
-                    } else p = null, t = t.nextSibling;
-                    if (g && v) {
-                        if (l.setStart)l.setStart(c, d), l.setEnd(u, f), i.setRng(l); else try {
-                            l = e.getDoc().body.createTextRange(), l.moveToElementText(s), l.collapse(!0), l.moveStart("character", d), f > 0 && l.moveEnd("character", f), l.select()
-                        } catch (x) {
-                        }
-                        e.nodeChanged()
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            var n = e.settings, r = e.dom, i = e.selection, o = e.schema, a = o.getBlockElements();
-            n.forced_root_block && e.on("NodeChange", t)
-        }
-    }), r(P, [E, h, f], function (e, n, r) {
-        var i = r.each, o = r.extend, a = r.map, s = r.inArray, l = r.explode, c = n.gecko, d = n.ie, u = !0, f = !1;
-        return function (r) {
-            function p(e, t, n) {
-                var r;
-                return e = e.toLowerCase(), (r = N.exec[e]) ? (r(e, t, n), u) : f
-            }
-            function m(e) {
-                var t;
-                return e = e.toLowerCase(), (t = N.state[e]) ? t(e) : -1
-            }
-            function h(e) {
-                var t;
-                return e = e.toLowerCase(), (t = N.value[e]) ? t(e) : f
-            }
-            function g(e, t) {
-                t = t || "exec", i(e, function (e, n) {
-                    i(n.toLowerCase().split(","), function (n) {
-                        N[t][n] = e
-                    })
-                })
-            }
-            function v(e, n, i) {
-                return n === t && (n = f), i === t && (i = null), r.getDoc().execCommand(e, n, i)
-            }
-            function y(e) {
-                return k.match(e)
-            }
-            function b(e, n) {
-                k.toggle(e, n ? {value: n} : t), r.nodeChanged()
-            }
-            function C(e) {
-                S = _.getBookmark(e)
-            }
-            function x() {
-                _.moveToBookmark(S)
-            }
-            var w = r.dom, _ = r.selection, N = {state: {}, exec: {}, value: {}}, E = r.settings, k = r.formatter, S;
-            o(this, {execCommand: p, queryCommandState: m, queryCommandValue: h, addCommands: g}), g({"mceResetDesignMode,mceBeginUndoLevel": function () {
-            }, "mceEndUndoLevel,mceAddUndoLevel": function () {
-                r.undoManager.add()
-            }, "Cut,Copy,Paste": function (e) {
-                var t = r.getDoc(), i;
-                try {
-                    v(e)
-                } catch (o) {
-                    i = u
-                }
-                if (i || !t.queryCommandSupported(e)) {
-                    var a = r.translate("Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead.");
-                    n.mac && (a = a.replace(/Ctrl\+/g, "\u2318+")), r.windowManager.alert(a)
-                }
-            }, unlink: function () {
-                if (_.isCollapsed()) {
-                    var e = _.getNode();
-                    return void("A" == e.tagName && r.dom.remove(e, !0))
-                }
-                k.remove("link")
-            }, "JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull": function (e) {
-                var t = e.substring(7);
-                "full" == t && (t = "justify"), i("left,center,right,justify".split(","), function (e) {
-                    t != e && k.remove("align" + e)
-                }), b("align" + t), p("mceRepaint")
-            }, "InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList": function (e) {
-                var t, n;
-                v(e), t = w.getParent(_.getNode(), "ol,ul"), t && (n = t.parentNode, /^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(n.nodeName) && (C(), w.split(n, t), x()))
-            }, "Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript": function (e) {
-                b(e)
-            }, "ForeColor,HiliteColor,FontName": function (e, t, n) {
-                b(e, n)
-            }, FontSize: function (e, t, n) {
-                var r, i;
-                n >= 1 && 7 >= n && (i = l(E.font_size_style_values), r = l(E.font_size_classes), n = r ? r[n - 1] || n : i[n - 1] || n), b(e, n)
-            }, RemoveFormat: function (e) {
-                k.remove(e)
-            }, mceBlockQuote: function () {
-                b("blockquote")
-            }, FormatBlock: function (e, t, n) {
-                return b(n || "p")
-            }, mceCleanup: function () {
-                var e = _.getBookmark();
-                r.setContent(r.getContent({cleanup: u}), {cleanup: u}), _.moveToBookmark(e)
-            }, mceRemoveNode: function (e, t, n) {
-                var i = n || _.getNode();
-                i != r.getBody() && (C(), r.dom.remove(i, u), x())
-            }, mceSelectNodeDepth: function (e, t, n) {
-                var i = 0;
-                w.getParent(_.getNode(), function (e) {
-                    return 1 == e.nodeType && i++ == n ? (_.select(e), f) : void 0
-                }, r.getBody())
-            }, mceSelectNode: function (e, t, n) {
-                _.select(n)
-            }, mceInsertContent: function (t, n, i) {
-                function o(e) {
-                    function t(e) {
-                        return r[e] && 3 == r[e].nodeType
-                    }
-                    var n, r, i;
-                    return n = _.getRng(!0), r = n.startContainer, i = n.startOffset, 3 == r.nodeType && (i > 0 ? e = e.replace(/^&nbsp;/, " ") : t("previousSibling") || (e = e.replace(/^ /, "&nbsp;")), i < r.length ? e = e.replace(/&nbsp;(<br>|)$/, " ") : t("nextSibling") || (e = e.replace(/(&nbsp;| )(<br>|)$/, "&nbsp;"))), e
-                }
-                var a, s, l, c, u, f, p, m, h, g, v;
-                /^ | $/.test(i) && (i = o(i)), a = r.parser, s = new e({}, r.schema), v = '<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">&#xFEFF;&#200B;</span>', f = {content: i, format: "html", selection: !0}, r.fire("BeforeSetContent", f), i = f.content, -1 == i.indexOf("{$caret}") && (i += "{$caret}"), i = i.replace(/\{\$caret\}/, v), m = _.getRng();
-                var y = m.startContainer || (m.parentElement ? m.parentElement() : null), b = r.getBody();
-                y === b && _.isCollapsed() && w.isBlock(b.firstChild) && w.isEmpty(b.firstChild) && (m = w.createRng(), m.setStart(b.firstChild, 0), m.setEnd(b.firstChild, 0), _.setRng(m)), _.isCollapsed() || r.getDoc().execCommand("Delete", !1, null), l = _.getNode();
-                var C = {context: l.nodeName.toLowerCase()};
-                if (u = a.parse(i, C), h = u.lastChild, "mce_marker" == h.attr("id"))for (p = h, h = h.prev; h; h = h.walk(!0))if (3 == h.type || !w.isBlock(h.name)) {
-                    h.parent.insert(p, h, "br" === h.name);
-                    break
-                }
-                if (C.invalid) {
-                    for (_.setContent(v), l = _.getNode(), c = r.getBody(), 9 == l.nodeType ? l = h = c : h = l; h !== c;)l = h, h = h.parentNode;
-                    i = l == c ? c.innerHTML : w.getOuterHTML(l), i = s.serialize(a.parse(i.replace(/<span (id="mce_marker"|id=mce_marker).+?<\/span>/i, function () {
-                        return s.serialize(u)
-                    }))), l == c ? w.setHTML(c, i) : w.setOuterHTML(l, i)
-                } else i = s.serialize(u), h = l.firstChild, g = l.lastChild, !h || h === g && "BR" === h.nodeName ? w.setHTML(l, i) : _.setContent(i);
-                p = w.get("mce_marker"), _.scrollIntoView(p), m = w.createRng(), h = p.previousSibling, h && 3 == h.nodeType ? (m.setStart(h, h.nodeValue.length), d || (g = p.nextSibling, g && 3 == g.nodeType && (h.appendData(g.data), g.parentNode.removeChild(g)))) : (m.setStartBefore(p), m.setEndBefore(p)), w.remove(p), _.setRng(m), r.fire("SetContent", f), r.addVisual()
-            }, mceInsertRawHTML: function (e, t, n) {
-                _.setContent("tiny_mce_marker"), r.setContent(r.getContent().replace(/tiny_mce_marker/g, function () {
-                    return n
-                }))
-            }, mceToggleFormat: function (e, t, n) {
-                b(n)
-            }, mceSetContent: function (e, t, n) {
-                r.setContent(n)
-            }, "Indent,Outdent": function (e) {
-                var t, n, o;
-                t = E.indentation, n = /[a-z%]+$/i.exec(t), t = parseInt(t, 10), m("InsertUnorderedList") || m("InsertOrderedList") ? v(e) : (E.forced_root_block || w.getParent(_.getNode(), w.isBlock) || k.apply("div"), i(_.getSelectedBlocks(), function (i) {
-                    if ("LI" != i.nodeName) {
-                        var a = r.getParam("indent_use_margin", !1) ? "margin" : "padding";
-                        a += "rtl" == w.getStyle(i, "direction", !0) ? "Right" : "Left", "outdent" == e ? (o = Math.max(0, parseInt(i.style[a] || 0, 10) - t), w.setStyle(i, a, o ? o + n : "")) : (o = parseInt(i.style[a] || 0, 10) + t + n, w.setStyle(i, a, o))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }, mceRepaint: function () {
-                if (c)try {
-                    C(u), _.getSel() && _.getSel().selectAllChildren(r.getBody()), _.collapse(u), x()
-                } catch (e) {
-                }
-            }, InsertHorizontalRule: function () {
-                r.execCommand("mceInsertContent", !1, "<hr />")
-            }, mceToggleVisualAid: function () {
-                r.hasVisual = !r.hasVisual, r.addVisual()
-            }, mceReplaceContent: function (e, t, n) {
-                r.execCommand("mceInsertContent", !1, n.replace(/\{\$selection\}/g, _.getContent({format: "text"})))
-            }, mceInsertLink: function (e, t, n) {
-                var r;
-                "string" == typeof n && (n = {href: n}), r = w.getParent(_.getNode(), "a"), n.href = n.href.replace(" ", "%20"), r && n.href || k.remove("link"), n.href && k.apply("link", n, r)
-            }, selectAll: function () {
-                var e = w.getRoot(), t;
-                _.getRng().setStart ? (t = w.createRng(), t.setStart(e, 0), t.setEnd(e, e.childNodes.length), _.setRng(t)) : (t = _.getRng(), t.item || (t.moveToElementText(e), t.select()))
-            }, "delete": function () {
-                v("Delete");
-                var e = r.getBody();
-                w.isEmpty(e) && (r.setContent(""), e.firstChild && w.isBlock(e.firstChild) ? r.selection.setCursorLocation(e.firstChild, 0) : r.selection.setCursorLocation(e, 0))
-            }, mceNewDocument: function () {
-                r.setContent("")
-            }}), g({"JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull": function (e) {
-                var t = "align" + e.substring(7), n = _.isCollapsed() ? [w.getParent(_.getNode(), w.isBlock)] : _.getSelectedBlocks(), r = a(n, function (e) {
-                    return!!k.matchNode(e, t)
-                });
-                return-1 !== s(r, u)
-            }, "Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript": function (e) {
-                return y(e)
-            }, mceBlockQuote: function () {
-                return y("blockquote")
-            }, Outdent: function () {
-                var e;
-                if (E.inline_styles) {
-                    if ((e = w.getParent(_.getStart(), w.isBlock)) && parseInt(e.style.paddingLeft, 10) > 0)return u;
-                    if ((e = w.getParent(_.getEnd(), w.isBlock)) && parseInt(e.style.paddingLeft, 10) > 0)return u
-                }
-                return m("InsertUnorderedList") || m("InsertOrderedList") || !E.inline_styles && !!w.getParent(_.getNode(), "BLOCKQUOTE")
-            }, "InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList": function (e) {
-                var t = w.getParent(_.getNode(), "ul,ol");
-                return t && ("insertunorderedlist" === e && "UL" === t.tagName || "insertorderedlist" === e && "OL" === t.tagName)
-            }}, "state"), g({"FontSize,FontName": function (e) {
-                var t = 0, n;
-                return(n = w.getParent(_.getNode(), "span")) && (t = "fontsize" == e ? n.style.fontSize : n.style.fontFamily.replace(/, /g, ",").replace(/[\'\"]/g, "").toLowerCase()), t
-            }}, "value"), g({Undo: function () {
-                r.undoManager.undo()
-            }, Redo: function () {
-                r.undoManager.redo()
-            }})
-        }
-    }), r(O, [f], function (e) {
-        function t(e, i) {
-            var o = this, a, s;
-            if (e = r(e), i = o.settings = i || {}, /^([\w\-]+):([^\/]{2})/i.test(e) || /^\s*#/.test(e))return void(o.source = e);
-            var l = 0 === e.indexOf("//");
-            0 !== e.indexOf("/") || l || (e = (i.base_uri ? i.base_uri.protocol || "http" : "http") + "://mce_host" + e), /^[\w\-]*:?\/\//.test(e) || (s = i.base_uri ? i.base_uri.path : new t(location.href).directory, e = "" === i.base_uri.protocol ? "//mce_host" + o.toAbsPath(s, e) : (i.base_uri && i.base_uri.protocol || "http") + "://mce_host" + o.toAbsPath(s, e)), e = e.replace(/@@/g, "(mce_at)"), e = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/.exec(e), n(["source", "protocol", "authority", "userInfo", "user", "password", "host", "port", "relative", "path", "directory", "file", "query", "anchor"], function (t, n) {
-                var r = e[n];
-                r && (r = r.replace(/\(mce_at\)/g, "@@")), o[t] = r
-            }), a = i.base_uri, a && (o.protocol || (o.protocol = a.protocol), o.userInfo || (o.userInfo = a.userInfo), o.port || "mce_host" !== o.host || (o.port = a.port), o.host && "mce_host" !== o.host || (o.host = a.host), o.source = ""), l && (o.protocol = "")
-        }
-        var n = e.each, r = e.trim;
-        return t.prototype = {setPath: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            e = /^(.*?)\/?(\w+)?$/.exec(e), t.path = e[0], t.directory = e[1], t.file = e[2], t.source = "", t.getURI()
-        }, toRelative: function (e) {
-            var n = this, r;
-            if ("./" === e)return e;
-            if (e = new t(e, {base_uri: n}), "mce_host" != e.host && n.host != e.host && e.host || n.port != e.port || n.protocol != e.protocol && "" !== e.protocol)return e.getURI();
-            var i = n.getURI(), o = e.getURI();
-            return i == o || "/" == i.charAt(i.length - 1) && i.substr(0, i.length - 1) == o ? i : (r = n.toRelPath(n.path, e.path), e.query && (r += "?" + e.query), e.anchor && (r += "#" + e.anchor), r)
-        }, toAbsolute: function (e, n) {
-            return e = new t(e, {base_uri: this}), e.getURI(this.host == e.host && this.protocol == e.protocol ? n : 0)
-        }, toRelPath: function (e, t) {
-            var n, r = 0, i = "", o, a;
-            if (e = e.substring(0, e.lastIndexOf("/")), e = e.split("/"), n = t.split("/"), e.length >= n.length)for (o = 0, a = e.length; a > o; o++)if (o >= n.length || e[o] != n[o]) {
-                r = o + 1;
-                break
-            }
-            if (e.length < n.length)for (o = 0, a = n.length; a > o; o++)if (o >= e.length || e[o] != n[o]) {
-                r = o + 1;
-                break
-            }
-            if (1 === r)return t;
-            for (o = 0, a = e.length - (r - 1); a > o; o++)i += "../";
-            for (o = r - 1, a = n.length; a > o; o++)i += o != r - 1 ? "/" + n[o] : n[o];
-            return i
-        }, toAbsPath: function (e, t) {
-            var r, i = 0, o = [], a, s;
-            for (a = /\/$/.test(t) ? "/" : "", e = e.split("/"), t = t.split("/"), n(e, function (e) {
-                e && o.push(e)
-            }), e = o, r = t.length - 1, o = []; r >= 0; r--)0 !== t[r].length && "." !== t[r] && (".." !== t[r] ? i > 0 ? i-- : o.push(t[r]) : i++);
-            return r = e.length - i, s = 0 >= r ? o.reverse().join("/") : e.slice(0, r).join("/") + "/" + o.reverse().join("/"), 0 !== s.indexOf("/") && (s = "/" + s), a && s.lastIndexOf("/") !== s.length - 1 && (s += a), s
-        }, getURI: function (e) {
-            var t, n = this;
-            return(!n.source || e) && (t = "", e || (t += n.protocol ? n.protocol + "://" : "//", n.userInfo && (t += n.userInfo + "@"), n.host && (t += n.host), n.port && (t += ":" + n.port)), n.path && (t += n.path), n.query && (t += "?" + n.query), n.anchor && (t += "#" + n.anchor), n.source = t), n.source
-        }}, t
-    }), r(I, [f], function (e) {
-        function t() {
-        }
-        var n = e.each, r = e.extend, i, o;
-        return t.extend = i = function (e) {
-            function t() {
-                var e, t, n, r;
-                if (!o && (r = this, r.init && r.init.apply(r, arguments), t = r.Mixins))for (e = t.length; e--;)n = t[e], n.init && n.init.apply(r, arguments)
-            }
-            function a() {
-                return this
-            }
-            function s(e, t) {
-                return function () {
-                    var n = this, r = n._super, i;
-                    return n._super = c[e], i = t.apply(n, arguments), n._super = r, i
-                }
-            }
-            var l = this, c = l.prototype, d, u, f;
-            o = !0, d = new l, o = !1, e.Mixins && (n(e.Mixins, function (t) {
-                t = t;
-                for (var n in t)"init" !== n && (e[n] = t[n])
-            }), c.Mixins && (e.Mixins = c.Mixins.concat(e.Mixins))), e.Methods && n(e.Methods.split(","), function (t) {
-                e[t] = a
-            }), e.Properties && n(e.Properties.split(","), function (t) {
-                var n = "_" + t;
-                e[t] = function (e) {
-                    var t = this, r;
-                    return e !== r ? (t[n] = e, t) : t[n]
-                }
-            }), e.Statics && n(e.Statics, function (e, n) {
-                t[n] = e
-            }), e.Defaults && c.Defaults && (e.Defaults = r({}, c.Defaults, e.Defaults));
-            for (u in e)f = e[u], d[u] = "function" == typeof f && c[u] ? s(u, f) : f;
-            return t.prototype = d, t.constructor = t, t.extend = i, t
-        }, t
-    }), r(z, [I], function (e) {
-        function t(e) {
-            for (var t = [], n = e.length, r; n--;)r = e[n], r.__checked || (t.push(r), r.__checked = 1);
-            for (n = t.length; n--;)delete t[n].__checked;
-            return t
-        }
-        var n = /^([\w\\*]+)?(?:#([\w\\]+))?(?:\.([\w\\\.]+))?(?:\[\@?([\w\\]+)([\^\$\*!~]?=)([\w\\]+)\])?(?:\:(.+))?/i, r = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g, i = /^\s*|\s*$/g, o, a = e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            function t(e) {
-                return e ? (e = e.toLowerCase(), function (t) {
-                    return"*" === e || t.type === e
-                }) : void 0
-            }
-            function o(e) {
-                return e ? function (t) {
-                    return t._name === e
-                } : void 0
-            }
-            function a(e) {
-                return e ? (e = e.split("."), function (t) {
-                    for (var n = e.length; n--;)if (!t.hasClass(e[n]))return!1;
-                    return!0
-                }) : void 0
-            }
-            function s(e, t, n) {
-                return e ? function (r) {
-                    var i = r[e] ? r[e]() : "";
-                    return t ? "=" === t ? i === n : "*=" === t ? i.indexOf(n) >= 0 : "~=" === t ? (" " + i + " ").indexOf(" " + n + " ") >= 0 : "!=" === t ? i != n : "^=" === t ? 0 === i.indexOf(n) : "$=" === t ? i.substr(i.length - n.length) === n : !1 : !!n
-                } : void 0
-            }
-            function l(e) {
-                var t;
-                return e ? (e = /(?:not\((.+)\))|(.+)/i.exec(e), e[1] ? (t = d(e[1], []), function (e) {
-                    return!u(e, t)
-                }) : (e = e[2], function (t, n, r) {
-                    return"first" === e ? 0 === n : "last" === e ? n === r - 1 : "even" === e ? n % 2 === 0 : "odd" === e ? n % 2 === 1 : t[e] ? t[e]() : !1
-                })) : void 0
-            }
-            function c(e, r, c) {
-                function d(e) {
-                    e && r.push(e)
-                }
-                var u;
-                return u = n.exec(e.replace(i, "")), d(t(u[1])), d(o(u[2])), d(a(u[3])), d(s(u[4], u[5], u[6])), d(l(u[7])), r.psuedo = !!u[7], r.direct = c, r
-            }
-            function d(e, t) {
-                var n = [], i, o, a;
-                do if (r.exec(""), o = r.exec(e), o && (e = o[3], n.push(o[1]), o[2])) {
-                    i = o[3];
-                    break
-                } while (o);
-                for (i && d(i, t), e = [], a = 0; a < n.length; a++)">" != n[a] && e.push(c(n[a], [], ">" === n[a - 1]));
-                return t.push(e), t
-            }
-            var u = this.match;
-            this._selectors = d(e, [])
-        }, match: function (e, t) {
-            var n, r, i, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, p, m;
-            for (t = t || this._selectors, n = 0, r = t.length; r > n; n++) {
-                for (a = t[n], o = a.length, m = e, p = 0, i = o - 1; i >= 0; i--)for (c = a[i]; m;) {
-                    if (c.psuedo)for (f = m.parent().items(), d = u = f.length; d-- && f[d] !== m;);
-                    for (s = 0, l = c.length; l > s; s++)if (!c[s](m, d, u)) {
-                        s = l + 1;
-                        break
-                    }
-                    if (s === l) {
-                        p++;
-                        break
-                    }
-                    if (i === o - 1)break;
-                    m = m.parent()
-                }
-                if (p === o)return!0
-            }
-            return!1
-        }, find: function (e) {
-            function n(e, t, i) {
-                var o, a, s, l, c, d = t[i];
-                for (o = 0, a = e.length; a > o; o++) {
-                    for (c = e[o], s = 0, l = d.length; l > s; s++)if (!d[s](c, o, a)) {
-                        s = l + 1;
-                        break
-                    }
-                    if (s === l)i == t.length - 1 ? r.push(c) : c.items && n(c.items(), t, i + 1); else if (d.direct)return;
-                    c.items && n(c.items(), t, i)
-                }
-            }
-            var r = [], i, s, l = this._selectors;
-            if (e.items) {
-                for (i = 0, s = l.length; s > i; i++)n(e.items(), l[i], 0);
-                s > 1 && (r = t(r))
-            }
-            return o || (o = a.Collection), new o(r)
-        }});
-        return a
-    }), r(F, [f, z, I], function (e, t, n) {
-        var r, i, o = Array.prototype.push, a = Array.prototype.slice;
-        return i = {length: 0, init: function (e) {
-            e && this.add(e)
-        }, add: function (t) {
-            var n = this;
-            return e.isArray(t) ? o.apply(n, t) : t instanceof r ? n.add(t.toArray()) : o.call(n, t), n
-        }, set: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.length, r;
-            for (t.length = 0, t.add(e), r = t.length; n > r; r++)delete t[r];
-            return t
-        }, filter: function (e) {
-            var n = this, i, o, a = [], s, l;
-            for ("string" == typeof e ? (e = new t(e), l = function (t) {
-                return e.match(t)
-            }) : l = e, i = 0, o = n.length; o > i; i++)s = n[i], l(s) && a.push(s);
-            return new r(a)
-        }, slice: function () {
-            return new r(a.apply(this, arguments))
-        }, eq: function (e) {
-            return-1 === e ? this.slice(e) : this.slice(e, +e + 1)
-        }, each: function (t) {
-            return e.each(this, t), this
-        }, toArray: function () {
-            return e.toArray(this)
-        }, indexOf: function (e) {
-            for (var t = this, n = t.length; n-- && t[n] !== e;);
-            return n
-        }, reverse: function () {
-            return new r(e.toArray(this).reverse())
-        }, hasClass: function (e) {
-            return this[0] ? this[0].hasClass(e) : !1
-        }, prop: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r, i;
-            return t !== r ? (n.each(function (n) {
-                n[e] && n[e](t)
-            }), n) : (i = n[0], i && i[e] ? i[e]() : void 0)
-        }, exec: function (t) {
-            var n = this, r = e.toArray(arguments).slice(1);
-            return n.each(function (e) {
-                e[t] && e[t].apply(e, r)
-            }), n
-        }, remove: function () {
-            for (var e = this.length; e--;)this[e].remove();
-            return this
-        }}, e.each("fire on off show hide addClass removeClass append prepend before after reflow".split(" "), function (t) {
-            i[t] = function () {
-                var n = e.toArray(arguments);
-                return this.each(function (e) {
-                    t in e && e[t].apply(e, n)
-                }), this
-            }
-        }), e.each("text name disabled active selected checked visible parent value data".split(" "), function (e) {
-            i[e] = function (t) {
-                return this.prop(e, t)
-            }
-        }), r = n.extend(i), t.Collection = r, r
-    }), r(W, [f, v], function (e, t) {
-        return{id: function () {
-            return t.DOM.uniqueId()
-        }, createFragment: function (e) {
-            return t.DOM.createFragment(e)
-        }, getWindowSize: function () {
-            return t.DOM.getViewPort()
-        }, getSize: function (e) {
-            var t, n;
-            if (e.getBoundingClientRect) {
-                var r = e.getBoundingClientRect();
-                t = Math.max(r.width || r.right - r.left, e.offsetWidth), n = Math.max(r.height || r.bottom - r.bottom, e.offsetHeight)
-            } else t = e.offsetWidth, n = e.offsetHeight;
-            return{width: t, height: n}
-        }, getPos: function (e, n) {
-            return t.DOM.getPos(e, n)
-        }, getViewPort: function (e) {
-            return t.DOM.getViewPort(e)
-        }, get: function (e) {
-            return document.getElementById(e)
-        }, addClass: function (e, n) {
-            return t.DOM.addClass(e, n)
-        }, removeClass: function (e, n) {
-            return t.DOM.removeClass(e, n)
-        }, hasClass: function (e, n) {
-            return t.DOM.hasClass(e, n)
-        }, toggleClass: function (e, n, r) {
-            return t.DOM.toggleClass(e, n, r)
-        }, css: function (e, n, r) {
-            return t.DOM.setStyle(e, n, r)
-        }, on: function (e, n, r, i) {
-            return t.DOM.bind(e, n, r, i)
-        }, off: function (e, n, r) {
-            return t.DOM.unbind(e, n, r)
-        }, fire: function (e, n, r) {
-            return t.DOM.fire(e, n, r)
-        }, innerHtml: function (e, n) {
-            t.DOM.setHTML(e, n)
-        }}
-    }), r(V, [I, f, F, W], function (e, t, n, r) {
-        var i = t.makeMap("focusin focusout scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave wheel keydown keypress keyup contextmenu", " "), o = {}, a = "onmousewheel"in document, s = !1, l = e.extend({Statics: {elementIdCache: o}, isRtl: function () {
-            return l.rtl
-        }, classPrefix: "mce-", init: function (e) {
-            var n = this, i, o;
-            if (n.settings = e = t.extend({}, n.Defaults, e), n._id = r.id(), n._text = n._name = "", n._width = n._height = 0, n._aria = {role: e.role}, i = e.classes)for (i = i.split(" "), i.map = {}, o = i.length; o--;)i.map[i[o]] = !0;
-            n._classes = i || [], n.visible(!0), t.each("title text width height name classes visible disabled active value".split(" "), function (t) {
-                var r = e[t], i;
-                r !== i ? n[t](r) : n["_" + t] === i && (n["_" + t] = !1)
-            }), n.on("click", function () {
-                return n.disabled() ? !1 : void 0
-            }), e.classes && t.each(e.classes.split(" "), function (e) {
-                n.addClass(e)
-            }), n.settings = e, n._borderBox = n.parseBox(e.border), n._paddingBox = n.parseBox(e.padding), n._marginBox = n.parseBox(e.margin), e.hidden && n.hide()
-        }, Properties: "parent,title,text,width,height,disabled,active,name,value", Methods: "renderHtml", getContainerElm: function () {
-            return document.body
-        }, getParentCtrl: function (e) {
-            for (var t, n = this.getRoot().controlIdLookup; e && n && !(t = n[e.id]);)e = e.parentNode;
-            return t
-        }, parseBox: function (e) {
-            var t, n = 10;
-            if (e)return"number" == typeof e ? (e = e || 0, {top: e, left: e, bottom: e, right: e}) : (e = e.split(" "), t = e.length, 1 === t ? e[1] = e[2] = e[3] = e[0] : 2 === t ? (e[2] = e[0], e[3] = e[1]) : 3 === t && (e[3] = e[1]), {top: parseInt(e[0], n) || 0, right: parseInt(e[1], n) || 0, bottom: parseInt(e[2], n) || 0, left: parseInt(e[3], n) || 0})
-        }, borderBox: function () {
-            return this._borderBox
-        }, paddingBox: function () {
-            return this._paddingBox
-        }, marginBox: function () {
-            return this._marginBox
-        }, measureBox: function (e, t) {
-            function n(t) {
-                var n = document.defaultView;
-                return n ? (t = t.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (e) {
-                    return"-" + e
-                }), n.getComputedStyle(e, null).getPropertyValue(t)) : e.currentStyle[t]
-            }
-            function r(e) {
-                var t = parseFloat(n(e), 10);
-                return isNaN(t) ? 0 : t
-            }
-            return{top: r(t + "TopWidth"), right: r(t + "RightWidth"), bottom: r(t + "BottomWidth"), left: r(t + "LeftWidth")}
-        }, initLayoutRect: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.settings, n, i, o = e.getEl(), a, s, l, c, d, u, f, p;
-            n = e._borderBox = e._borderBox || e.measureBox(o, "border"), e._paddingBox = e._paddingBox || e.measureBox(o, "padding"), e._marginBox = e._marginBox || e.measureBox(o, "margin"), p = r.getSize(o), u = t.minWidth, f = t.minHeight, l = u || p.width, c = f || p.height, a = t.width, s = t.height, d = t.autoResize, d = "undefined" != typeof d ? d : !a && !s, a = a || l, s = s || c;
-            var m = n.left + n.right, h = n.top + n.bottom, g = t.maxWidth || 65535, v = t.maxHeight || 65535;
-            return e._layoutRect = i = {x: t.x || 0, y: t.y || 0, w: a, h: s, deltaW: m, deltaH: h, contentW: a - m, contentH: s - h, innerW: a - m, innerH: s - h, startMinWidth: u || 0, startMinHeight: f || 0, minW: Math.min(l, g), minH: Math.min(c, v), maxW: g, maxH: v, autoResize: d, scrollW: 0}, e._lastLayoutRect = {}, i
-        }, layoutRect: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t._layoutRect, r, i, o, a, s, c;
-            return n || (n = t.initLayoutRect()), e ? (o = n.deltaW, a = n.deltaH, e.x !== s && (n.x = e.x), e.y !== s && (n.y = e.y), e.minW !== s && (n.minW = e.minW), e.minH !== s && (n.minH = e.minH), i = e.w, i !== s && (i = i < n.minW ? n.minW : i, i = i > n.maxW ? n.maxW : i, n.w = i, n.innerW = i - o), i = e.h, i !== s && (i = i < n.minH ? n.minH : i, i = i > n.maxH ? n.maxH : i, n.h = i, n.innerH = i - a), i = e.innerW, i !== s && (i = i < n.minW - o ? n.minW - o : i, i = i > n.maxW - o ? n.maxW - o : i, n.innerW = i, n.w = i + o), i = e.innerH, i !== s && (i = i < n.minH - a ? n.minH - a : i, i = i > n.maxH - a ? n.maxH - a : i, n.innerH = i, n.h = i + a), e.contentW !== s && (n.contentW = e.contentW), e.contentH !== s && (n.contentH = e.contentH), r = t._lastLayoutRect, (r.x !== n.x || r.y !== n.y || r.w !== n.w || r.h !== n.h) && (c = l.repaintControls, c && c.map && !c.map[t._id] && (c.push(t), c.map[t._id] = !0), r.x = n.x, r.y = n.y, r.w = n.w, r.h = n.h), t) : n
-        }, repaint: function () {
-            var e = this, t, n, r, i, o = 0, a = 0, s, l;
-            l = document.createRange ? function (e) {
-                return e
-            } : Math.round, t = e.getEl().style, r = e._layoutRect, s = e._lastRepaintRect || {}, i = e._borderBox, o = i.left + i.right, a = i.top + i.bottom, r.x !== s.x && (t.left = l(r.x) + "px", s.x = r.x), r.y !== s.y && (t.top = l(r.y) + "px", s.y = r.y), r.w !== s.w && (t.width = l(r.w - o) + "px", s.w = r.w), r.h !== s.h && (t.height = l(r.h - a) + "px", s.h = r.h), e._hasBody && r.innerW !== s.innerW && (n = e.getEl("body").style, n.width = l(r.innerW) + "px", s.innerW = r.innerW), e._hasBody && r.innerH !== s.innerH && (n = n || e.getEl("body").style, n.height = l(r.innerH) + "px", s.innerH = r.innerH), e._lastRepaintRect = s, e.fire("repaint", {}, !1)
-        }, on: function (e, t) {
-            function n(e) {
-                var t, n;
-                return function (i) {
-                    return t || r.parents().each(function (r) {
-                        var i = r.settings.callbacks;
-                        return i && (t = i[e]) ? (n = r, !1) : void 0
-                    }), t.call(n, i)
-                }
-            }
-            var r = this, o, a, s, l;
-            if (t)for ("string" == typeof t && (t = n(t)), s = e.toLowerCase().split(" "), l = s.length; l--;)e = s[l], o = r._bindings, o || (o = r._bindings = {}), a = o[e], a || (a = o[e] = []), a.push(t), i[e] && (r._nativeEvents ? r._nativeEvents[e] = !0 : r._nativeEvents = {name: !0}, r._rendered && r.bindPendingEvents());
-            return r
-        }, off: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r, i = n._bindings, o, a, s, l;
-            if (i)if (e)for (s = e.toLowerCase().split(" "), r = s.length; r--;) {
-                if (e = s[r], o = i[e], !e) {
-                    for (a in i)i[a].length = 0;
-                    return n
-                }
-                if (o)if (t)for (l = o.length; l--;)o[l] === t && o.splice(l, 1); else o.length = 0
-            } else n._bindings = [];
-            return n
-        }, fire: function (e, t, n) {
-            function r() {
-                return!1
-            }
-            function i() {
-                return!0
-            }
-            var o = this, a, s, l, c;
-            if (e = e.toLowerCase(), t = t || {}, t.type || (t.type = e), t.control || (t.control = o), t.preventDefault || (t.preventDefault = function () {
-                t.isDefaultPrevented = i
-            }, t.stopPropagation = function () {
-                t.isPropagationStopped = i
-            }, t.stopImmediatePropagation = function () {
-                t.isImmediatePropagationStopped = i
-            }, t.isDefaultPrevented = r, t.isPropagationStopped = r, t.isImmediatePropagationStopped = r), o._bindings && (l = o._bindings[e]))for (a = 0, s = l.length; s > a && (t.isImmediatePropagationStopped() || l[a].call(o, t) !== !1); a++);
-            if (n !== !1)for (c = o.parent(); c && !t.isPropagationStopped();)c.fire(e, t, !1), c = c.parent();
-            return t
-        }, hasEventListeners: function (e) {
-            return e in this._bindings
-        }, parents: function (e) {
-            var t = this, r = new n;
-            for (t = t.parent(); t; t = t.parent())r.add(t);
-            return e && (r = r.filter(e)), r
-        }, next: function () {
-            var e = this.parent().items();
-            return e[e.indexOf(this) + 1]
-        }, prev: function () {
-            var e = this.parent().items();
-            return e[e.indexOf(this) - 1]
-        }, findCommonAncestor: function (e, t) {
-            for (var n; e;) {
-                for (n = t; n && e != n;)n = n.parent();
-                if (e == n)break;
-                e = e.parent()
-            }
-            return e
-        }, hasClass: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this._classes[t || "control"];
-            return e = this.classPrefix + e, n && !!n.map[e]
-        }, addClass: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r, i;
-            return e = this.classPrefix + e, r = n._classes[t || "control"], r || (r = [], r.map = {}, n._classes[t || "control"] = r), r.map[e] || (r.map[e] = e, r.push(e), n._rendered && (i = n.getEl(t), i && (i.className = r.join(" ")))), n
-        }, removeClass: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r, i, o;
-            if (e = this.classPrefix + e, r = n._classes[t || "control"], r && r.map[e])for (delete r.map[e], i = r.length; i--;)r[i] === e && r.splice(i, 1);
-            return n._rendered && (o = n.getEl(t), o && (o.className = r.join(" "))), n
-        }, toggleClass: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this;
-            return t ? r.addClass(e, n) : r.removeClass(e, n), r
-        }, classes: function (e) {
-            var t = this._classes[e || "control"];
-            return t ? t.join(" ") : ""
-        }, innerHtml: function (e) {
-            return r.innerHtml(this.getEl(), e), this
-        }, getEl: function (e, t) {
-            var n, i = e ? this._id + "-" + e : this._id;
-            return n = o[i] = (t === !0 ? null : o[i]) || r.get(i)
-        }, visible: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n;
-            return"undefined" != typeof e ? (t._visible !== e && (t._rendered && (t.getEl().style.display = e ? "" : "none"), t._visible = e, n = t.parent(), n && (n._lastRect = null), t.fire(e ? "show" : "hide")), t) : t._visible
-        }, show: function () {
-            return this.visible(!0)
-        }, hide: function () {
-            return this.visible(!1)
-        }, focus: function () {
-            try {
-                this.getEl().focus()
-            } catch (e) {
-            }
-            return this
-        }, blur: function () {
-            return this.getEl().blur(), this
-        }, aria: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = n.getEl();
-            return"undefined" == typeof t ? n._aria[e] : (n._aria[e] = t, n._rendered && ("label" == e && r.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", n._id), r.setAttribute("role" == e ? e : "aria-" + e, t)), n)
-        }, encode: function (e, t) {
-            return t !== !1 && l.translate && (e = l.translate(e)), (e || "").replace(/[&<>"]/g, function (e) {
-                return"&#" + e.charCodeAt(0) + ";"
-            })
-        }, before: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.parent();
-            return n && n.insert(e, n.items().indexOf(t), !0), t
-        }, after: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.parent();
-            return n && n.insert(e, n.items().indexOf(t)), t
-        }, remove: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.getEl(), n = e.parent(), i, a;
-            if (e.items) {
-                var s = e.items().toArray();
-                for (a = s.length; a--;)s[a].remove()
-            }
-            n && n.items && (i = [], n.items().each(function (t) {
-                t !== e && i.push(t)
-            }), n.items().set(i), n._lastRect = null), e._eventsRoot && e._eventsRoot == e && r.off(t);
-            var l = e.getRoot().controlIdLookup;
-            if (l && delete l[e._id], delete o[e._id], t && t.parentNode) {
-                var c = t.getElementsByTagName("*");
-                for (a = c.length; a--;)delete o[c[a].id];
-                t.parentNode.removeChild(t)
-            }
-            return e._rendered = !1, e
-        }, renderBefore: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return e.parentNode.insertBefore(r.createFragment(t.renderHtml()), e), t.postRender(), t
-        }, renderTo: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return e = e || t.getContainerElm(), e.appendChild(r.createFragment(t.renderHtml())), t.postRender(), t
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.settings, n, i, o, a, s;
-            for (a in t)0 === a.indexOf("on") && e.on(a.substr(2), t[a]);
-            if (e._eventsRoot) {
-                for (o = e.parent(); !s && o; o = o.parent())s = o._eventsRoot;
-                if (s)for (a in s._nativeEvents)e._nativeEvents[a] = !0
-            }
-            e.bindPendingEvents(), t.style && (n = e.getEl(), n && (n.setAttribute("style", t.style), n.style.cssText = t.style)), e._visible || r.css(e.getEl(), "display", "none"), e.settings.border && (i = e.borderBox(), r.css(e.getEl(), {"border-top-width": i.top, "border-right-width": i.right, "border-bottom-width": i.bottom, "border-left-width": i.left}));
-            var l = e.getRoot();
-            l.controlIdLookup || (l.controlIdLookup = {}), l.controlIdLookup[e._id] = e;
-            for (var c in e._aria)e.aria(c, e._aria[c]);
-            e.fire("postrender", {}, !1)
-        }, scrollIntoView: function (e) {
-            function t(e, t) {
-                var n, r, i = e;
-                for (n = r = 0; i && i != t && i.nodeType;)n += i.offsetLeft || 0, r += i.offsetTop || 0, i = i.offsetParent;
-                return{x: n, y: r}
-            }
-            var n = this.getEl(), r = n.parentNode, i, o, a, s, l, c, d = t(n, r);
-            return i = d.x, o = d.y, a = n.offsetWidth, s = n.offsetHeight, l = r.clientWidth, c = r.clientHeight, "end" == e ? (i -= l - a, o -= c - s) : "center" == e && (i -= l / 2 - a / 2, o -= c / 2 - s / 2), r.scrollLeft = i, r.scrollTop = o, this
-        }, bindPendingEvents: function () {
-            function e(e) {
-                var t = o.getParentCtrl(e.target);
-                t && t.fire(e.type, e)
-            }
-            function t() {
-                var e = u._lastHoverCtrl;
-                e && (e.fire("mouseleave", {target: e.getEl()}), e.parents().each(function (e) {
-                    e.fire("mouseleave", {target: e.getEl()})
-                }), u._lastHoverCtrl = null)
-            }
-            function n(e) {
-                var t = o.getParentCtrl(e.target), n = u._lastHoverCtrl, r = 0, i, a, s;
-                if (t !== n) {
-                    if (u._lastHoverCtrl = t, a = t.parents().toArray().reverse(), a.push(t), n) {
-                        for (s = n.parents().toArray().reverse(), s.push(n), r = 0; r < s.length && a[r] === s[r]; r++);
-                        for (i = s.length - 1; i >= r; i--)n = s[i], n.fire("mouseleave", {target: n.getEl()})
-                    }
-                    for (i = r; i < a.length; i++)t = a[i], t.fire("mouseenter", {target: t.getEl()})
-                }
-            }
-            function i(e) {
-                e.preventDefault(), "mousewheel" == e.type ? (e.deltaY = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDelta, e.wheelDeltaX && (e.deltaX = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDeltaX)) : (e.deltaX = 0, e.deltaY = e.detail), e = o.fire("wheel", e)
-            }
-            var o = this, l, c, d, u, f, p;
-            if (o._rendered = !0, f = o._nativeEvents) {
-                for (d = o.parents().toArray(), d.unshift(o), l = 0, c = d.length; !u && c > l; l++)u = d[l]._eventsRoot;
-                for (u || (u = d[d.length - 1] || o), o._eventsRoot = u, c = l, l = 0; c > l; l++)d[l]._eventsRoot = u;
-                for (p in f) {
-                    if (!f)return!1;
-                    "wheel" !== p || s ? ("mouseenter" === p || "mouseleave" === p ? u._hasMouseEnter || (r.on(u.getEl(), "mouseleave", t), r.on(u.getEl(), "mouseover", n), u._hasMouseEnter = 1) : u[p] || (r.on(u.getEl(), p, e), u[p] = !0), f[p] = !1) : a ? r.on(o.getEl(), "mousewheel", i) : r.on(o.getEl(), "DOMMouseScroll", i)
-                }
-            }
-        }, getRoot: function () {
-            for (var e = this, t, n = []; e;) {
-                if (e.rootControl) {
-                    t = e.rootControl;
-                    break
-                }
-                n.push(e), t = e, e = e.parent()
-            }
-            t || (t = this);
-            for (var r = n.length; r--;)n[r].rootControl = t;
-            return t
-        }, reflow: function () {
-            return this.repaint(), this
-        }});
-        return l
-    }), r(U, [], function () {
-        var e = {}, t;
-        return{add: function (t, n) {
-            e[t.toLowerCase()] = n
-        }, has: function (t) {
-            return!!e[t.toLowerCase()]
-        }, create: function (n, r) {
-            var i, o, a;
-            if (!t) {
-                a = tinymce.ui;
-                for (o in a)e[o.toLowerCase()] = a[o];
-                t = !0
-            }
-            if ("string" == typeof n ? (r = r || {}, r.type = n) : (r = n, n = r.type), n = n.toLowerCase(), i = e[n], !i)throw new Error("Could not find control by type: " + n);
-            return i = new i(r), i.type = n, i
-        }}
-    }), r(q, [V, F, z, U, f, W], function (e, t, n, r, i, o) {
-        var a = {};
-        return e.extend({layout: "", innerClass: "container-inner", init: function (e) {
-            var n = this;
-            n._super(e), e = n.settings, n._fixed = e.fixed, n._items = new t, n.isRtl() && n.addClass("rtl"), n.addClass("container"), n.addClass("container-body", "body"), e.containerCls && n.addClass(e.containerCls), n._layout = r.create((e.layout || n.layout) + "layout"), n.settings.items && n.add(n.settings.items), n._hasBody = !0
-        }, items: function () {
-            return this._items
-        }, find: function (e) {
-            return e = a[e] = a[e] || new n(e), e.find(this)
-        }, add: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return t.items().add(t.create(e)).parent(t), t
-        }, focus: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.keyNav ? e.keyNav.focusFirst() : e._super(), e
-        }, replace: function (e, t) {
-            for (var n, r = this.items(), i = r.length; i--;)if (r[i] === e) {
-                r[i] = t;
-                break
-            }
-            i >= 0 && (n = t.getEl(), n && n.parentNode.removeChild(n), n = e.getEl(), n && n.parentNode.removeChild(n)), t.parent(this)
-        }, create: function (t) {
-            var n = this, o, a = [];
-            return i.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), i.each(t, function (t) {
-                t && (t instanceof e || ("string" == typeof t && (t = {type: t}), o = i.extend({}, n.settings.defaults, t), t.type = o.type = o.type || t.type || n.settings.defaultType || (o.defaults ? o.defaults.type : null), t = r.create(o)), a.push(t))
-            }), a
-        }, renderNew: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.items().each(function (t, n) {
-                var r, i;
-                t.parent(e), t._rendered || (r = e.getEl("body"), i = o.createFragment(t.renderHtml()), r.hasChildNodes() && n <= r.childNodes.length - 1 ? r.insertBefore(i, r.childNodes[n]) : r.appendChild(i), t.postRender())
-            }), e._layout.applyClasses(e), e._lastRect = null, e
-        }, append: function (e) {
-            return this.add(e).renderNew()
-        }, prepend: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return t.items().set(t.create(e).concat(t.items().toArray())), t.renderNew()
-        }, insert: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this, i, o, a;
-            return e = r.create(e), i = r.items(), !n && t < i.length - 1 && (t += 1), t >= 0 && t < i.length && (o = i.slice(0, t).toArray(), a = i.slice(t).toArray(), i.set(o.concat(e, a))), r.renderNew()
-        }, fromJSON: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            for (var n in e)t.find("#" + n).value(e[n]);
-            return t
-        }, toJSON: function () {
-            var e = this, t = {};
-            return e.find("*").each(function (e) {
-                var n = e.name(), r = e.value();
-                n && "undefined" != typeof r && (t[n] = r)
-            }), t
-        }, preRender: function () {
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._layout, n = this.settings.role;
-            return e.preRender(), t.preRender(e), '<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '"' + (n ? ' role="' + this.settings.role + '"' : "") + '><div id="' + e._id + '-body" class="' + e.classes("body") + '">' + (e.settings.html || "") + t.renderHtml(e) + "</div></div>"
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this, t;
-            return e.items().exec("postRender"), e._super(), e._layout.postRender(e), e._rendered = !0, e.settings.style && o.css(e.getEl(), e.settings.style), e.settings.border && (t = e.borderBox(), o.css(e.getEl(), {"border-top-width": t.top, "border-right-width": t.right, "border-bottom-width": t.bottom, "border-left-width": t.left})), e
-        }, initLayoutRect: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._super();
-            return e._layout.recalc(e), t
-        }, recalc: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._layoutRect, n = e._lastRect;
-            return n && n.w == t.w && n.h == t.h ? void 0 : (e._layout.recalc(e), t = e.layoutRect(), e._lastRect = {x: t.x, y: t.y, w: t.w, h: t.h}, !0)
-        }, reflow: function () {
-            var t, n;
-            if (this.visible()) {
-                for (e.repaintControls = [], e.repaintControls.map = {}, n = this.recalc(), t = e.repaintControls.length; t--;)e.repaintControls[t].repaint();
-                "flow" !== this.settings.layout && "stack" !== this.settings.layout && this.repaint(), e.repaintControls = []
-            }
-            return this
-        }})
-    }), r(j, [W], function (e) {
-        function t() {
-            var e = document, t, n, r, i, o, a, s, l, c = Math.max;
-            return t = e.documentElement, n = e.body, r = c(t.scrollWidth, n.scrollWidth), i = c(t.clientWidth, n.clientWidth), o = c(t.offsetWidth, n.offsetWidth), a = c(t.scrollHeight, n.scrollHeight), s = c(t.clientHeight, n.clientHeight), l = c(t.offsetHeight, n.offsetHeight), {width: o > r ? i : r, height: l > a ? s : a}
-        }
-        return function (n, r) {
-            function i() {
-                return a.getElementById(r.handle || n)
-            }
-            var o, a = document, s, l, c, d, u, f;
-            r = r || {}, l = function (n) {
-                var l = t(), p, m;
-                n.preventDefault(), s = n.button, p = i(), u = n.screenX, f = n.screenY, m = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(p, null).getPropertyValue("cursor") : p.runtimeStyle.cursor, o = a.createElement("div"), e.css(o, {position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: l.width, height: l.height, zIndex: 2147483647, opacity: 1e-4, background: "red", cursor: m}), a.body.appendChild(o), e.on(a, "mousemove", d), e.on(a, "mouseup", c), r.start(n)
-            }, d = function (e) {
-                return e.button !== s ? c(e) : (e.deltaX = e.screenX - u, e.deltaY = e.screenY - f, e.preventDefault(), void r.drag(e))
-            }, c = function (t) {
-                e.off(a, "mousemove", d), e.off(a, "mouseup", c), o.parentNode.removeChild(o), r.stop && r.stop(t)
-            }, this.destroy = function () {
-                e.off(i())
-            }, e.on(i(), "mousedown", l)
-        }
-    }), r($, [W, j], function (e, t) {
-        return{init: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            e.on("repaint", e.renderScroll)
-        }, renderScroll: function () {
-            function n() {
-                function t(t, a, s, l, c, d) {
-                    var u, f, p, m, h, g, v, y, b;
-                    if (f = i.getEl("scroll" + t)) {
-                        if (y = a.toLowerCase(), b = s.toLowerCase(), i.getEl("absend") && e.css(i.getEl("absend"), y, i.layoutRect()[l] - 1), !c)return void e.css(f, "display", "none");
-                        e.css(f, "display", "block"), u = i.getEl("body"), p = i.getEl("scroll" + t + "t"), m = u["client" + s] - 2 * o, m -= n && r ? f["client" + d] : 0, h = u["scroll" + s], g = m / h, v = {}, v[y] = u["offset" + a] + o, v[b] = m, e.css(f, v), v = {}, v[y] = u["scroll" + a] * g, v[b] = m * g, e.css(p, v)
-                    }
-                }
-                var n, r, a;
-                a = i.getEl("body"), n = a.scrollWidth > a.clientWidth, r = a.scrollHeight > a.clientHeight, t("h", "Left", "Width", "contentW", n, "Height"), t("v", "Top", "Height", "contentH", r, "Width")
-            }
-            function r() {
-                function n(n, r, a, s, l) {
-                    var c, d = i._id + "-scroll" + n, u = i.classPrefix;
-                    i.getEl().appendChild(e.createFragment('<div id="' + d + '" class="' + u + "scrollbar " + u + "scrollbar-" + n + '"><div id="' + d + 't" class="' + u + 'scrollbar-thumb"></div></div>')), i.draghelper = new t(d + "t", {start: function () {
-                        c = i.getEl("body")["scroll" + r], e.addClass(e.get(d), u + "active")
-                    }, drag: function (e) {
-                        var t, d, u, f, p = i.layoutRect();
-                        d = p.contentW > p.innerW, u = p.contentH > p.innerH, f = i.getEl("body")["client" + a] - 2 * o, f -= d && u ? i.getEl("scroll" + n)["client" + l] : 0, t = f / i.getEl("body")["scroll" + a], i.getEl("body")["scroll" + r] = c + e["delta" + s] / t
-                    }, stop: function () {
-                        e.removeClass(e.get(d), u + "active")
-                    }})
-                }
-                i.addClass("scroll"), n("v", "Top", "Height", "Y", "Width"), n("h", "Left", "Width", "X", "Height")
-            }
-            var i = this, o = 2;
-            i.settings.autoScroll && (i._hasScroll || (i._hasScroll = !0, r(), i.on("wheel", function (e) {
-                var t = i.getEl("body");
-                t.scrollLeft += 10 * (e.deltaX || 0), t.scrollTop += 10 * e.deltaY, n()
-            }), e.on(i.getEl("body"), "scroll", n)), n())
-        }}
-    }), r(K, [q, $], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {layout: "fit", containerCls: "panel"}, Mixins: [t], renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._layout, n = e.settings.html;
-            return e.preRender(), t.preRender(e), "undefined" == typeof n ? n = '<div id="' + e._id + '-body" class="' + e.classes("body") + '">' + t.renderHtml(e) + "</div>" : ("function" == typeof n && (n = n.call(e)), e._hasBody = !1), '<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' + (e._preBodyHtml || "") + n + "</div>"
-        }})
-    }), r(Y, [W], function (e) {
-        function t(t, n, r) {
-            var i, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, p;
-            return f = e.getViewPort(), o = e.getPos(n), a = o.x, s = o.y, t._fixed && (a -= f.x, s -= f.y), i = t.getEl(), p = e.getSize(i), l = p.width, c = p.height, p = e.getSize(n), d = p.width, u = p.height, r = (r || "").split(""), "b" === r[0] && (s += u), "r" === r[1] && (a += d), "c" === r[0] && (s += Math.round(u / 2)), "c" === r[1] && (a += Math.round(d / 2)), "b" === r[3] && (s -= c), "r" === r[4] && (a -= l), "c" === r[3] && (s -= Math.round(c / 2)), "c" === r[4] && (a -= Math.round(l / 2)), {x: a, y: s, w: l, h: c}
-        }
-        return{testMoveRel: function (n, r) {
-            for (var i = e.getViewPort(), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
-                var a = t(this, n, r[o]);
-                if (this._fixed) {
-                    if (a.x > 0 && a.x + a.w < i.w && a.y > 0 && a.y + a.h < i.h)return r[o]
-                } else if (a.x > i.x && a.x + a.w < i.w + i.x && a.y > i.y && a.y + a.h < i.h + i.y)return r[o]
-            }
-            return r[0]
-        }, moveRel: function (e, n) {
-            "string" != typeof n && (n = this.testMoveRel(e, n));
-            var r = t(this, e, n);
-            return this.moveTo(r.x, r.y)
-        }, moveBy: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = n.layoutRect();
-            return n.moveTo(r.x + e, r.y + t), n
-        }, moveTo: function (t, n) {
-            function r(e, t, n) {
-                return 0 > e ? 0 : e + n > t ? (e = t - n, 0 > e ? 0 : e) : e
-            }
-            var i = this;
-            if (i.settings.constrainToViewport) {
-                var o = e.getViewPort(window), a = i.layoutRect();
-                t = r(t, o.w + o.x, a.w), n = r(n, o.h + o.y, a.h)
-            }
-            return i._rendered ? i.layoutRect({x: t, y: n}).repaint() : (i.settings.x = t, i.settings.y = n), i.fire("move", {x: t, y: n}), i
-        }}
-    }), r(G, [W], function (e) {
-        return{resizeToContent: function () {
-            this._layoutRect.autoResize = !0, this._lastRect = null, this.reflow()
-        }, resizeTo: function (t, n) {
-            if (1 >= t || 1 >= n) {
-                var r = e.getWindowSize();
-                t = 1 >= t ? t * r.w : t, n = 1 >= n ? n * r.h : n
-            }
-            return this._layoutRect.autoResize = !1, this.layoutRect({minW: t, minH: n, w: t, h: n}).reflow()
-        }, resizeBy: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = n.layoutRect();
-            return n.resizeTo(r.w + e, r.h + t)
-        }}
-    }), r(X, [K, Y, G, W], function (e, t, n, r) {
-        function i(e) {
-            var t;
-            for (t = s.length; t--;)s[t] === e && s.splice(t, 1);
-            for (t = l.length; t--;)l[t] === e && l.splice(t, 1)
-        }
-        var o, a, s = [], l = [], c, d = e.extend({Mixins: [t, n], init: function (e) {
-            function t() {
-                var e, t = d.zIndex || 65535, n;
-                if (l.length)for (e = 0; e < l.length; e++)l[e].modal && (t++, n = l[e]), l[e].getEl().style.zIndex = t, l[e].zIndex = t, t++;
-                var i = document.getElementById(u.classPrefix + "modal-block");
-                n ? r.css(i, "z-index", n.zIndex - 1) : i && (i.parentNode.removeChild(i), c = !1), d.currentZIndex = t
-            }
-            function n(e, t) {
-                for (; e;) {
-                    if (e == t)return!0;
-                    e = e.parent()
-                }
-            }
-            function i(e) {
-                function t(t, n) {
-                    for (var r, i = 0; i < s.length; i++)if (s[i] != e)for (r = s[i].parent(); r && (r = r.parent());)r == e && s[i].fixed(t).moveBy(0, n).repaint()
-                }
-                var n = r.getViewPort().y;
-                e.settings.autofix && (e._fixed ? e._autoFixY > n && (e.fixed(!1).layoutRect({y: e._autoFixY}).repaint(), t(!1, e._autoFixY - n)) : (e._autoFixY = e.layoutRect().y, e._autoFixY < n && (e.fixed(!0).layoutRect({y: 0}).repaint(), t(!0, n - e._autoFixY))))
-            }
-            var u = this;
-            u._super(e), u._eventsRoot = u, u.addClass("floatpanel"), e.autohide && (o || (o = function (e) {
-                for (var t = s.length; t--;) {
-                    var r = s[t], i = r.getParentCtrl(e.target);
-                    if (r.settings.autohide) {
-                        if (i && (n(i, r) || r.parent() === i))continue;
-                        e = r.fire("autohide", {target: e.target}), e.isDefaultPrevented() || r.hide()
-                    }
-                }
-            }, r.on(document, "click", o)), s.push(u)), e.autofix && (a || (a = function () {
-                var e;
-                for (e = s.length; e--;)i(s[e])
-            }, r.on(window, "scroll", a)), u.on("move", function () {
-                i(this)
-            })), u.on("postrender show", function (e) {
-                if (e.control == u) {
-                    var n, i = u.classPrefix;
-                    u.modal && !c && (n = r.createFragment('<div id="' + i + 'modal-block" class="' + i + "reset " + i + 'fade"></div>'), n = n.firstChild, u.getContainerElm().appendChild(n), setTimeout(function () {
-                        r.addClass(n, i + "in"), r.addClass(u.getEl(), i + "in")
-                    }, 0), c = !0), l.push(u), t()
-                }
-            }), u.on("close hide", function (e) {
-                if (e.control == u) {
-                    for (var n = l.length; n--;)l[n] === u && l.splice(n, 1);
-                    t()
-                }
-            }), u.on("show", function () {
-                u.parents().each(function (e) {
-                    return e._fixed ? (u.fixed(!0), !1) : void 0
-                })
-            }), e.popover && (u._preBodyHtml = '<div class="' + u.classPrefix + 'arrow"></div>', u.addClass("popover").addClass("bottom").addClass(u.isRtl() ? "end" : "start"))
-        }, fixed: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            if (t._fixed != e) {
-                if (t._rendered) {
-                    var n = r.getViewPort();
-                    e ? t.layoutRect().y -= n.y : t.layoutRect().y += n.y
-                }
-                t.toggleClass("fixed", e), t._fixed = e
-            }
-            return t
-        }, show: function () {
-            var e = this, t, n = e._super();
-            for (t = s.length; t-- && s[t] !== e;);
-            return-1 === t && s.push(e), n
-        }, hide: function () {
-            return i(this), this._super()
-        }, hideAll: function () {
-            d.hideAll()
-        }, close: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.fire("close"), e.remove()
-        }, remove: function () {
-            i(this), this._super()
-        }});
-        return d.hideAll = function () {
-            for (var e = s.length; e--;) {
-                var t = s[e];
-                t.settings.autohide && (t.fire("cancel", {}, !1), t.hide(), s.splice(e, 1))
-            }
-        }, d
-    }), r(J, [W], function (e) {
-        return function (t) {
-            function n() {
-                if (!m)if (m = [], u.find)u.find("*").each(function (e) {
-                    e.canFocus && m.push(e.getEl())
-                }); else for (var e = u.getEl().getElementsByTagName("*"), t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t].id && e[t] && m.push(e[t])
-            }
-            function r() {
-                return document.getElementById(h)
-            }
-            function i(e) {
-                return e = e || r(), e && e.getAttribute("role")
-            }
-            function o(e) {
-                for (var t, n = e || r(); n = n.parentNode;)if (t = i(n))return t
-            }
-            function a(e) {
-                var t = document.getElementById(h);
-                return t ? t.getAttribute("aria-" + e) : void 0
-            }
-            function s() {
-                var n = r();
-                if (!n || "TEXTAREA" != n.nodeName && "text" != n.type)return t.onAction ? t.onAction(h) : e.fire(r(), "click", {keyboard: !0}), !0
-            }
-            function l() {
-                var e;
-                t.onCancel ? ((e = r()) && e.blur(), t.onCancel()) : t.root.fire("cancel")
-            }
-            function c(e) {
-                function r(e) {
-                    for (var t = u ? u.getEl() : document.body; e && e != t;) {
-                        if ("none" == e.style.display)return!1;
-                        e = e.parentNode
-                    }
-                    return!0
-                }
-                var i = -1, o, a, l = [];
-                for (n(), a = l.length, a = 0; a < m.length; a++)r(m[a]) && l.push(m[a]);
-                for (a = l.length; a--;)if (l[a].id === h) {
-                    i = a;
-                    break
-                }
-                i += e, 0 > i ? i = l.length - 1 : i >= l.length && (i = 0), o = l[i], o.focus(), h = o.id, t.actOnFocus && s()
-            }
-            function d() {
-                var e, r;
-                for (r = i(t.root.getEl()), n(), e = m.length; e--;)if ("toolbar" == r && m[e].id === h)return void m[e].focus();
-                m[0].focus()
-            }
-            var u = t.root, f = t.enableUpDown !== !1, p = t.enableLeftRight !== !1, m = t.items, h;
-            return u.on("keydown", function (e) {
-                var n = 37, r = 39, d = 38, u = 40, m = 27, h = 14, g = 13, v = 32, y = 9, b;
-                switch (e.keyCode) {
-                    case n:
-                        p && (t.leftAction ? t.leftAction() : c(-1), b = !0);
-                        break;
-                    case r:
-                        p && ("menuitem" == i() && "menu" == o() ? a("haspopup") && s() : c(1), b = !0);
-                        break;
-                    case d:
-                        f && (c(-1), b = !0);
-                        break;
-                    case u:
-                        f && ("menuitem" == i() && "menubar" == o() ? s() : "button" == i() && a("haspopup") ? s() : c(1), b = !0);
-                        break;
-                    case y:
-                        b = !0, c(e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1);
-                        break;
-                    case m:
-                        b = !0, l();
-                        break;
-                    case h:
-                    case g:
-                    case v:
-                        b = s()
-                }
-                b && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault())
-            }), u.on("focusin", function (e) {
-                n(), h = e.target.id
-            }), {moveFocus: c, focusFirst: d, cancel: l}
-        }
-    }), r(Q, [X, K, W, J, j], function (e, t, n, r, i) {
-        var o = e.extend({modal: !0, Defaults: {border: 1, layout: "flex", containerCls: "panel", role: "dialog", callbacks: {submit: function () {
-            this.fire("submit", {data: this.toJSON()})
-        }, close: function () {
-            this.close()
-        }}}, init: function (e) {
-            var n = this;
-            n._super(e), n.isRtl() && n.addClass("rtl"), n.addClass("window"), n._fixed = !0, e.buttons && (n.statusbar = new t({layout: "flex", border: "1 0 0 0", spacing: 3, padding: 10, align: "center", pack: n.isRtl() ? "start" : "end", defaults: {type: "button"}, items: e.buttons}), n.statusbar.addClass("foot"), n.statusbar.parent(n)), n.on("click", function (e) {
-                -1 != e.target.className.indexOf(n.classPrefix + "close") && n.close()
-            }), n.aria("label", e.title), n._fullscreen = !1
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-            var e = this, t = e.statusbar, r, i, o, a;
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-        }, initLayoutRect: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._super(), r = 0, i;
-            if (e.settings.title && !e._fullscreen) {
-                i = e.getEl("head");
-                var o = n.getSize(i);
-                t.headerW = o.width, t.headerH = o.height, r += t.headerH
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-            e.statusbar && (r += e.statusbar.layoutRect().h), t.deltaH += r, t.minH += r, t.h += r;
-            var a = n.getWindowSize();
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-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._layout, n = e._id, r = e.classPrefix, i = e.settings, o = "", a = "", s = i.html;
-            return e.preRender(), t.preRender(e), i.title && (o = '<div id="' + n + '-head" class="' + r + 'window-head"><div class="' + r + 'title">' + e.encode(i.title) + '</div><button type="button" class="' + r + 'close" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button><div id="' + n + '-dragh" class="' + r + 'dragh"></div></div>'), i.url && (s = '<iframe src="' + i.url + '" tabindex="-1"></iframe>'), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = t.renderHtml(e)), e.statusbar && (a = e.statusbar.renderHtml()), '<div id="' + n + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' + o + '<div id="' + n + '-body" class="' + e.classes("body") + '">' + s + "</div>" + a + "</div>"
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-            var t = this, r = document.documentElement, i, o = t.classPrefix, a;
-            if (e != t._fullscreen)if (n.on(window, "resize", function () {
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-                if (t._fullscreen)if (i)t._timer || (t._timer = setTimeout(function () {
-                    var e = n.getWindowSize();
-                    t.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(e.w, e.h), t._timer = 0
-                }, 50)); else {
-                    e = (new Date).getTime();
-                    var r = n.getWindowSize();
-                    t.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(r.w, r.h), (new Date).getTime() - e > 50 && (i = !0)
-                }
-            }), a = t.layoutRect(), t._fullscreen = e, e) {
-                t._initial = {x: a.x, y: a.y, w: a.w, h: a.h}, t._borderBox = t.parseBox("0"), t.getEl("head").style.display = "none", a.deltaH -= a.headerH + 2, n.addClass(r, o + "fullscreen"), n.addClass(document.body, o + "fullscreen"), t.addClass("fullscreen");
-                var s = n.getWindowSize();
-                t.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(s.w, s.h)
-            } else t._borderBox = t.parseBox(t.settings.border), t.getEl("head").style.display = "", a.deltaH += a.headerH, n.removeClass(r, o + "fullscreen"), n.removeClass(document.body, o + "fullscreen"), t.removeClass("fullscreen"), t.moveTo(t._initial.x, t._initial.y).resizeTo(t._initial.w, t._initial.h);
-            return t.reflow()
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this, t = [], n, o, a;
-            setTimeout(function () {
-                e.addClass("in")
-            }, 0), e.keyboardNavigation = new r({root: e, enableLeftRight: !1, enableUpDown: !1, items: t, onCancel: function () {
-                e.close()
-            }}), e.find("*").each(function (e) {
-                e.canFocus && (o = o || e.settings.autofocus, n = n || e, e.subinput ? (t.push(e.getEl("inp")), e.getEl("open") && t.push(e.getEl("open"))) : t.push(e.getEl()))
-            }), e.statusbar && e.statusbar.find("*").each(function (e) {
-                e.canFocus && (o = o || e.settings.autofocus, n = n || e, t.push(e.getEl()))
-            }), e._super(), e.statusbar && e.statusbar.postRender(), !o && n && n.focus(), this.dragHelper = new i(e._id + "-dragh", {start: function () {
-                a = {x: e.layoutRect().x, y: e.layoutRect().y}
-            }, drag: function (t) {
-                e.moveTo(a.x + t.deltaX, a.y + t.deltaY)
-            }}), e.on("submit", function (t) {
-                t.isDefaultPrevented() || e.close()
-            })
-        }, submit: function () {
-            return this.fire("submit", {data: this.toJSON()})
-        }, remove: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.classPrefix;
-            e.dragHelper.destroy(), e._super(), e.statusbar && this.statusbar.remove(), e._fullscreen && (n.removeClass(document.documentElement, t + "fullscreen"), n.removeClass(document.body, t + "fullscreen"))
-        }});
-        return o
-    }), r(Z, [Q], function (e) {
-        var t = e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            e = {border: 1, padding: 20, layout: "flex", pack: "center", align: "center", containerCls: "panel", autoScroll: !0, buttons: {type: "button", text: "Ok", action: "ok"}, items: {type: "label", multiline: !0, maxWidth: 500, maxHeight: 200}}, this._super(e)
-        }, Statics: {OK: 1, OK_CANCEL: 2, YES_NO: 3, YES_NO_CANCEL: 4, msgBox: function (n) {
-            var r, i = n.callback || function () {
-            };
-            switch (n.buttons) {
-                case t.OK_CANCEL:
-                    r = [
-                        {type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function (e) {
-                            e.control.parents()[1].close(), i(!0)
-                        }},
-                        {type: "button", text: "Cancel", onClick: function (e) {
-                            e.control.parents()[1].close(), i(!1)
-                        }}
-                    ];
-                    break;
-                case t.YES_NO:
-                    r = [
-                        {type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function (e) {
-                            e.control.parents()[1].close(), i(!0)
-                        }}
-                    ];
-                    break;
-                case t.YES_NO_CANCEL:
-                    r = [
-                        {type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function (e) {
-                            e.control.parents()[1].close()
-                        }}
-                    ];
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    r = [
-                        {type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function (e) {
-                            e.control.parents()[1].close(), i(!0)
-                        }}
-                    ]
-            }
-            return new e({padding: 20, x: n.x, y: n.y, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100, layout: "flex", pack: "center", align: "center", buttons: r, title: n.title, items: {type: "label", multiline: !0, maxWidth: 500, maxHeight: 200, text: n.text}, onClose: n.onClose}).renderTo(document.body).reflow()
-        }, alert: function (e, n) {
-            return"string" == typeof e && (e = {text: e}), e.callback = n, t.msgBox(e)
-        }, confirm: function (e, n) {
-            return"string" == typeof e && (e = {text: e}), e.callback = n, e.buttons = t.OK_CANCEL, t.msgBox(e)
-        }}});
-        return t
-    }), r(et, [Q, Z], function (e, t) {
-        return function (n) {
-            function r() {
-                return o.length ? o[o.length - 1] : void 0
-            }
-            var i = this, o = [];
-            i.windows = o, i.open = function (t, r) {
-                var i;
-                return n.editorManager.activeEditor = n, t.title = t.title || " ", t.url = t.url || t.file, t.url && (t.width = parseInt(t.width || 320, 10), t.height = parseInt(t.height || 240, 10)), t.body && (t.items = {defaults: t.defaults, type: t.bodyType || "form", items: t.body}), t.url || t.buttons || (t.buttons = [
-                    {text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onclick: function () {
-                        i.find("form")[0].submit(), i.close()
-                    }},
-                    {text: "Cancel", onclick: function () {
-                        i.close()
-                    }}
-                ]), i = new e(t), o.push(i), i.on("close", function () {
-                    for (var e = o.length; e--;)o[e] === i && o.splice(e, 1);
-                    n.focus()
-                }), t.data && i.on("postRender", function () {
-                    this.find("*").each(function (e) {
-                        var n = e.name();
-                        n in t.data && e.value(t.data[n])
-                    })
-                }), i.features = t || {}, i.params = r || {}, n.nodeChanged(), i.renderTo(document.body).reflow()
-            }, i.alert = function (e, n, r) {
-                t.alert(e, function () {
-                    n && n.call(r || this)
-                })
-            }, i.confirm = function (e, n, r) {
-                t.confirm(e, function (e) {
-                    n.call(r || this, e)
-                })
-            }, i.close = function () {
-                r() && r().close()
-            }, i.getParams = function () {
-                return r() ? r().params : null
-            }, i.setParams = function (e) {
-                r() && (r().params = e)
-            }
-        }
-    }), r(tt, [T, B, C, m, h, f], function (e, t, n, r, i, o) {
-        return function (a) {
-            function s(e, t) {
-                try {
-                    a.getDoc().execCommand(e, !1, t)
-                } catch (n) {
-                }
-            }
-            function l() {
-                var e = a.getDoc().documentMode;
-                return e ? e : 6
-            }
-            function c(e) {
-                return e.isDefaultPrevented()
-            }
-            function d() {
-                function t(e) {
-                    var t = new MutationObserver(function () {
-                    });
-                    o.each(a.getBody().getElementsByTagName("*"), function (e) {
-                        "SPAN" == e.tagName && e.setAttribute("mce-data-marked", 1), !e.hasAttribute("data-mce-style") && e.hasAttribute("style") && a.dom.setAttrib(e, "style", e.getAttribute("style"))
-                    }), t.observe(a.getDoc(), {childList: !0, attributes: !0, subtree: !0, attributeFilter: ["style"]}), a.getDoc().execCommand(e ? "ForwardDelete" : "Delete", !1, null);
-                    var n = a.selection.getRng(), r = n.startContainer.parentNode;
-                    o.each(t.takeRecords(), function (e) {
-                        if ("style" == e.attributeName) {
-                            var t = e.target.getAttribute("data-mce-style");
-                            t ? e.target.setAttribute("style", t) : e.target.removeAttribute("style")
-                        }
-                        o.each(e.addedNodes, function (e) {
-                            if ("SPAN" == e.nodeName && !e.getAttribute("mce-data-marked")) {
-                                var t, i;
-                                e == r && (t = n.startOffset, i = e.firstChild), W.remove(e, !0), i && (n.setStart(i, t), n.setEnd(i, t), a.selection.setRng(n))
-                            }
-                        })
-                    }), t.disconnect(), o.each(a.dom.select("span[mce-data-marked]"), function (e) {
-                        e.removeAttribute("mce-data-marked")
-                    })
-                }
-                var n = a.getDoc();
-                window.MutationObserver && (a.on("keydown", function (n) {
-                    var r = n.keyCode == F, i = e.metaKeyPressed(n);
-                    if (!c(n) && (r || n.keyCode == z)) {
-                        var o = a.selection.getRng(), s = o.startContainer, l = o.startOffset;
-                        if (!i && o.collapsed && 3 == s.nodeType && (r ? l < s.data.length : l > 0))return;
-                        n.preventDefault(), i && a.selection.getSel().modify("extend", r ? "forward" : "backward", "word"), t(r)
-                    }
-                }), a.on("keypress", function (n) {
-                    c(n) || V.isCollapsed() || !n.charCode || e.metaKeyPressed(n) || (n.preventDefault(), t(!0), a.selection.setContent(String.fromCharCode(n.charCode)))
-                }), a.addCommand("Delete", function () {
-                    t()
-                }), a.addCommand("ForwardDelete", function () {
-                    t(!0)
-                }), a.on("dragstart", function (e) {
-                    e.dataTransfer.setData("mce-internal", a.selection.getContent())
-                }), a.on("drop", function (e) {
-                    if (!c(e)) {
-                        var r = e.dataTransfer.getData("mce-internal");
-                        r && n.caretRangeFromPoint && (e.preventDefault(), t(), a.selection.setRng(n.caretRangeFromPoint(e.x, e.y)), a.insertContent(r))
-                    }
-                }), a.on("cut", function (e) {
-                    !c(e) && e.clipboardData && (e.preventDefault(), e.clipboardData.clearData(), e.clipboardData.setData("text/html", a.selection.getContent()), e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", a.selection.getContent({format: "text"})), t(!0))
-                }))
-            }
-            function u() {
-                function e(e) {
-                    var t = W.create("body"), n = e.cloneContents();
-                    return t.appendChild(n), V.serializer.serialize(t, {format: "html"})
-                }
-                function n(n) {
-                    if (!n.setStart) {
-                        if (n.item)return!1;
-                        var r = n.duplicate();
-                        return r.moveToElementText(a.getBody()), t.compareRanges(n, r)
-                    }
-                    var i = e(n), o = W.createRng();
-                    o.selectNode(a.getBody());
-                    var s = e(o);
-                    return i === s
-                }
-                a.on("keydown", function (e) {
-                    var t = e.keyCode, r, i;
-                    if (!c(e) && (t == F || t == z)) {
-                        if (r = a.selection.isCollapsed(), i = a.getBody(), r && !W.isEmpty(i))return;
-                        if (!r && !n(a.selection.getRng()))return;
-                        e.preventDefault(), a.setContent(""), i.firstChild && W.isBlock(i.firstChild) ? a.selection.setCursorLocation(i.firstChild, 0) : a.selection.setCursorLocation(i, 0), a.nodeChanged()
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            function f() {
-                a.on("keydown", function (t) {
-                    !c(t) && 65 == t.keyCode && e.metaKeyPressed(t) && (t.preventDefault(), a.execCommand("SelectAll"))
-                })
-            }
-            function p() {
-                a.settings.content_editable || (W.bind(a.getDoc(), "focusin", function () {
-                    V.setRng(V.getRng())
-                }), W.bind(a.getDoc(), "mousedown", function (e) {
-                    e.target == a.getDoc().documentElement && (a.getBody().focus(), V.setRng(V.getRng()))
-                }))
-            }
-            function m() {
-                a.on("keydown", function (e) {
-                    if (!c(e) && e.keyCode === z && V.isCollapsed() && 0 === V.getRng(!0).startOffset) {
-                        var t = V.getNode(), n = t.previousSibling;
-                        if ("HR" == t.nodeName)return W.remove(t), void e.preventDefault();
-                        n && n.nodeName && "hr" === n.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (W.remove(n), e.preventDefault())
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            function h() {
-                window.Range.prototype.getClientRects || a.on("mousedown", function (e) {
-                    if (!c(e) && "HTML" === e.target.nodeName) {
-                        var t = a.getBody();
-                        t.blur(), setTimeout(function () {
-                            t.focus()
-                        }, 0)
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            function g() {
-                a.on("click", function (e) {
-                    e = e.target, /^(IMG|HR)$/.test(e.nodeName) && V.getSel().setBaseAndExtent(e, 0, e, 1), "A" == e.nodeName && W.hasClass(e, "mce-item-anchor") && V.select(e), a.nodeChanged()
-                })
-            }
-            function v() {
-                function e() {
-                    var e = W.getAttribs(V.getStart().cloneNode(!1));
-                    return function () {
-                        var t = V.getStart();
-                        t !== a.getBody() && (W.setAttrib(t, "style", null), I(e, function (e) {
-                            t.setAttributeNode(e.cloneNode(!0))
-                        }))
-                    }
-                }
-                function t() {
-                    return!V.isCollapsed() && W.getParent(V.getStart(), W.isBlock) != W.getParent(V.getEnd(), W.isBlock)
-                }
-                a.on("keypress", function (n) {
-                    var r;
-                    return c(n) || 8 != n.keyCode && 46 != n.keyCode || !t() ? void 0 : (r = e(), a.getDoc().execCommand("delete", !1, null), r(), n.preventDefault(), !1)
-                }), W.bind(a.getDoc(), "cut", function (n) {
-                    var r;
-                    !c(n) && t() && (r = e(), setTimeout(function () {
-                        r()
-                    }, 0))
-                })
-            }
-            function y() {
-                var e, n;
-                a.on("selectionchange", function () {
-                    n && (clearTimeout(n), n = 0), n = window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        var n = V.getRng();
-                        e && t.compareRanges(n, e) || (a.nodeChanged(), e = n)
-                    }, 50)
-                })
-            }
-            function b() {
-                document.body.setAttribute("role", "application")
-            }
-            function C() {
-                a.on("keydown", function (e) {
-                    if (!c(e) && e.keyCode === z && V.isCollapsed() && 0 === V.getRng(!0).startOffset) {
-                        var t = V.getNode().previousSibling;
-                        if (t && t.nodeName && "table" === t.nodeName.toLowerCase())return e.preventDefault(), !1
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            function x() {
-                l() > 7 || (s("RespectVisibilityInDesign", !0), a.contentStyles.push(".mceHideBrInPre pre br {display: none}"), W.addClass(a.getBody(), "mceHideBrInPre"), q.addNodeFilter("pre", function (e) {
-                    for (var t = e.length, r, i, o, a; t--;)for (r = e[t].getAll("br"), i = r.length; i--;)o = r[i], a = o.prev, a && 3 === a.type && "\n" != a.value.charAt(a.value - 1) ? a.value += "\n" : o.parent.insert(new n("#text", 3), o, !0).value = "\n"
-                }), j.addNodeFilter("pre", function (e) {
-                    for (var t = e.length, n, r, i, o; t--;)for (n = e[t].getAll("br"), r = n.length; r--;)i = n[r], o = i.prev, o && 3 == o.type && (o.value = o.value.replace(/\r?\n$/, ""))
-                }))
-            }
-            function w() {
-                W.bind(a.getBody(), "mouseup", function () {
-                    var e, t = V.getNode();
-                    "IMG" == t.nodeName && ((e = W.getStyle(t, "width")) && (W.setAttrib(t, "width", e.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, "")), W.setStyle(t, "width", "")), (e = W.getStyle(t, "height")) && (W.setAttrib(t, "height", e.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, "")), W.setStyle(t, "height", "")))
-                })
-            }
-            function _() {
-                a.on("keydown", function (t) {
-                    var n, r, i, o, s;
-                    if (!c(t) && t.keyCode == e.BACKSPACE && (n = V.getRng(), r = n.startContainer, i = n.startOffset, o = W.getRoot(), s = r, n.collapsed && 0 === i)) {
-                        for (; s && s.parentNode && s.parentNode.firstChild == s && s.parentNode != o;)s = s.parentNode;
-                        "BLOCKQUOTE" === s.tagName && (a.formatter.toggle("blockquote", null, s), n = W.createRng(), n.setStart(r, 0), n.setEnd(r, 0), V.setRng(n))
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            function N() {
-                function e() {
-                    a._refreshContentEditable(), s("StyleWithCSS", !1), s("enableInlineTableEditing", !1), U.object_resizing || s("enableObjectResizing", !1)
-                }
-                U.readonly || a.on("BeforeExecCommand MouseDown", e)
-            }
-            function E() {
-                function e() {
-                    I(W.select("a"), function (e) {
-                        var t = e.parentNode, n = W.getRoot();
-                        if (t.lastChild === e) {
-                            for (; t && !W.isBlock(t);) {
-                                if (t.parentNode.lastChild !== t || t === n)return;
-                                t = t.parentNode
-                            }
-                            W.add(t, "br", {"data-mce-bogus": 1})
-                        }
-                    })
-                }
-                a.on("SetContent ExecCommand", function (t) {
-                    ("setcontent" == t.type || "mceInsertLink" === t.command) && e()
-                })
-            }
-            function k() {
-                U.forced_root_block && a.on("init", function () {
-                    s("DefaultParagraphSeparator", U.forced_root_block)
-                })
-            }
-            function S() {
-                a.on("Undo Redo SetContent", function (e) {
-                    e.initial || a.execCommand("mceRepaint")
-                })
-            }
-            function T() {
-                a.on("keydown", function (e) {
-                    var t;
-                    c(e) || e.keyCode != z || (t = a.getDoc().selection.createRange(), t && t.item && (e.preventDefault(), a.undoManager.beforeChange(), W.remove(t.item(0)), a.undoManager.add()))
-                })
-            }
-            function R() {
-                var e;
-                l() >= 10 && (e = "", I("p div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6".split(" "), function (t, n) {
-                    e += (n > 0 ? "," : "") + t + ":empty"
-                }), a.contentStyles.push(e + "{padding-right: 1px !important}"))
-            }
-            function A() {
-                l() < 9 && (q.addNodeFilter("noscript", function (e) {
-                    for (var t = e.length, n, r; t--;)n = e[t], r = n.firstChild, r && n.attr("data-mce-innertext", r.value)
-                }), j.addNodeFilter("noscript", function (e) {
-                    for (var t = e.length, i, o, a; t--;)i = e[t], o = e[t].firstChild, o ? o.value = r.decode(o.value) : (a = i.attributes.map["data-mce-innertext"], a && (i.attr("data-mce-innertext", null), o = new n("#text", 3), o.value = a, o.raw = !0, i.append(o)))
-                }))
-            }
-            function B() {
-                function e(e, t) {
-                    var n = i.createTextRange();
-                    try {
-                        n.moveToPoint(e, t)
-                    } catch (r) {
-                        n = null
-                    }
-                    return n
-                }
-                function t(t) {
-                    var r;
-                    t.button ? (r = e(t.x, t.y), r && (r.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", a) > 0 ? r.setEndPoint("StartToStart", a) : r.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", a), r.select())) : n()
-                }
-                function n() {
-                    var e = r.selection.createRange();
-                    a && !e.item && 0 === e.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", e) && a.select(), W.unbind(r, "mouseup", n), W.unbind(r, "mousemove", t), a = o = 0
-                }
-                var r = W.doc, i = r.body, o, a, s;
-                r.documentElement.unselectable = !0, W.bind(r, "mousedown contextmenu", function (i) {
-                    if ("HTML" === i.target.nodeName) {
-                        if (o && n(), s = r.documentElement, s.scrollHeight > s.clientHeight)return;
-                        o = 1, a = e(i.x, i.y), a && (W.bind(r, "mouseup", n), W.bind(r, "mousemove", t), W.win.focus(), a.select())
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            function L() {
-                a.on("keyup focusin", function (t) {
-                    65 == t.keyCode && e.metaKeyPressed(t) || V.normalize()
-                })
-            }
-            function H() {
-                a.contentStyles.push("img:-moz-broken {-moz-force-broken-image-icon:1;min-width:24px;min-height:24px}")
-            }
-            function M() {
-                a.inline || a.on("keydown", function () {
-                    document.activeElement == document.body && a.getWin().focus()
-                })
-            }
-            function D() {
-                a.inline || (a.contentStyles.push("body {min-height: 150px}"), a.on("click", function (e) {
-                    "HTML" == e.target.nodeName && (a.execCommand("SelectAll"), a.selection.collapse(!0), a.nodeChanged())
-                }))
-            }
-            function P() {
-                i.mac && a.on("keydown", function (t) {
-                    !e.metaKeyPressed(t) || 37 != t.keyCode && 39 != t.keyCode || (t.preventDefault(), a.selection.getSel().modify("move", 37 == t.keyCode ? "backward" : "forward", "word"))
-                })
-            }
-            function O() {
-                s("AutoUrlDetect", !1)
-            }
-            var I = o.each, z = e.BACKSPACE, F = e.DELETE, W = a.dom, V = a.selection, U = a.settings, q = a.parser, j = a.serializer, $ = i.gecko, K = i.ie, Y = i.webkit;
-            C(), _(), u(), L(), Y && (d(), p(), g(), k(), i.iOS ? (y(), M(), D()) : f()), K && i.ie < 11 && (m(), b(), x(), w(), T(), R(), A(), B()), i.ie >= 11 && D(), i.ie && (f(), O()), $ && (m(), h(), v(), N(), E(), S(), H(), P())
-        }
-    }), r(nt, [f], function (e) {
-        function t() {
-            return!1
-        }
-        function n() {
-            return!0
-        }
-        var r = "__bindings", i = e.makeMap("focusin focusout click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover beforepaste paste cut copy selectionchange mouseout mouseenter mouseleave keydown keypress keyup contextmenu dragstart dragend dragover draggesture dragdrop drop drag", " ");
-        return{fire: function (e, i, o) {
-            var a = this, s, l, c, d, u;
-            if (e = e.toLowerCase(), i = i || {}, i.type = e, i.target || (i.target = a), i.preventDefault || (i.preventDefault = function () {
-                i.isDefaultPrevented = n
-            }, i.stopPropagation = function () {
-                i.isPropagationStopped = n
-            }, i.stopImmediatePropagation = function () {
-                i.isImmediatePropagationStopped = n
-            }, i.isDefaultPrevented = t, i.isPropagationStopped = t, i.isImmediatePropagationStopped = t), a[r] && (s = a[r][e]))for (l = 0, c = s.length; c > l && (s[l] = d = s[l], !i.isImmediatePropagationStopped()); l++)if (d.call(a, i) === !1)return i.preventDefault(), i;
-            if (o !== !1 && a.parent)for (u = a.parent(); u && !i.isPropagationStopped();)u.fire(e, i, !1), u = u.parent();
-            return i
-        }, on: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, o, a, s, l;
-            if (t === !1 && (t = function () {
-                return!1
-            }), t)for (s = e.toLowerCase().split(" "), l = s.length; l--;)e = s[l], o = n[r], o || (o = n[r] = {}), a = o[e], a || (a = o[e] = [], n.bindNative && i[e] && n.bindNative(e)), a.push(t);
-            return n
-        }, off: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, o, a = n[r], s, l, c, d;
-            if (a)if (e)for (c = e.toLowerCase().split(" "), o = c.length; o--;) {
-                if (e = c[o], s = a[e], !e) {
-                    for (l in a)a[e].length = 0;
-                    return n
-                }
-                if (s) {
-                    if (t)for (d = s.length; d--;)s[d] === t && s.splice(d, 1); else s.length = 0;
-                    !s.length && n.unbindNative && i[e] && (n.unbindNative(e), delete a[e])
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (n.unbindNative)for (e in a)n.unbindNative(e);
-                n[r] = []
-            }
-            return n
-        }, hasEventListeners: function (e) {
-            var t = this[r];
-            return e = e.toLowerCase(), !(!t || !t[e] || 0 === t[e].length)
-        }}
-    }), r(rt, [f, h], function (e, t) {
-        var n = e.each, r = e.explode, i = {f9: 120, f10: 121, f11: 122};
-        return function (o) {
-            var a = this, s = {};
-            o.on("keyup keypress keydown", function (e) {
-                (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && n(s, function (n) {
-                    var r = t.mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;
-                    if (n.ctrl == r && n.alt == e.altKey && n.shift == e.shiftKey)return e.keyCode == n.keyCode || e.charCode && e.charCode == n.charCode ? (e.preventDefault(), "keydown" == e.type && n.func.call(n.scope), !0) : void 0
-                })
-            }), a.add = function (t, a, l, c) {
-                var d;
-                return d = l, "string" == typeof l ? l = function () {
-                    o.execCommand(d, !1, null)
-                } : e.isArray(d) && (l = function () {
-                    o.execCommand(d[0], d[1], d[2])
-                }), n(r(t.toLowerCase()), function (e) {
-                    var t = {func: l, scope: c || o, desc: o.translate(a), alt: !1, ctrl: !1, shift: !1};
-                    n(r(e, "+"), function (e) {
-                        switch (e) {
-                            case"alt":
-                            case"ctrl":
-                            case"shift":
-                                t[e] = !0;
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                t.charCode = e.charCodeAt(0), t.keyCode = i[e] || e.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)
-                        }
-                    }), s[(t.ctrl ? "ctrl" : "") + "," + (t.alt ? "alt" : "") + "," + (t.shift ? "shift" : "") + "," + t.keyCode] = t
-                }), !0
-            }
-        }
-    }), r(it, [v, b, C, k, E, A, L, H, M, D, P, O, y, d, et, x, _, tt, h, f, nt, rt], function (e, n, r, i, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, p, m, h, g, v, y, b, C, x, w) {
-        function _(e, t) {
-            return"selectionchange" == t ? e.getDoc() : !e.inline && /^mouse|click|contextmenu|drop/.test(t) ? e.getDoc() : e.getBody()
-        }
-        function N(e, t, r) {
-            var i = this, o, a;
-            o = i.documentBaseUrl = r.documentBaseURL, a = r.baseURI, i.settings = t = T({id: e, theme: "modern", delta_width: 0, delta_height: 0, popup_css: "", plugins: "", document_base_url: o, add_form_submit_trigger: !0, submit_patch: !0, add_unload_trigger: !0, convert_urls: !0, relative_urls: !0, remove_script_host: !0, object_resizing: !0, doctype: "<!DOCTYPE html>", visual: !0, font_size_style_values: "xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large", font_size_legacy_values: "xx-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large,300%", forced_root_block: "p", hidden_input: !0, padd_empty_editor: !0, render_ui: !0, indentation: "30px", inline_styles: !0, convert_fonts_to_spans: !0, indent: "simple", indent_before: "p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist", indent_after: "p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist", validate: !0, entity_encoding: "named", url_converter: i.convertURL, url_converter_scope: i, ie7_compat: !0}, t), n.language = t.language || "en", n.languageLoad = t.language_load, n.baseURL = r.baseURL, i.id = t.id = e, i.isNotDirty = !0, i.plugins = {}, i.documentBaseURI = new f(t.document_base_url || o, {base_uri: a}), i.baseURI = a, i.contentCSS = [], i.contentStyles = [], i.shortcuts = new w(i), i.execCommands = {}, i.queryStateCommands = {}, i.queryValueCommands = {}, i.loadedCSS = {}, i.suffix = r.suffix, i.editorManager = r, i.inline = t.inline, r.fire("SetupEditor", i), i.execCallback("setup", i)
-        }
-        var E = e.DOM, k = n.ThemeManager, S = n.PluginManager, T = C.extend, R = C.each, A = C.explode, B = C.inArray, L = C.trim, H = C.resolve, M = m.Event, D = b.gecko, P = b.ie;
-        return N.prototype = {render: function () {
-            function e() {
-                E.unbind(window, "ready", e), n.render()
-            }
-            function t() {
-                var e = p.ScriptLoader;
-                if (r.language && "en" != r.language && !r.language_url && (r.language_url = n.editorManager.baseURL + "/langs/" + r.language + ".js"), r.language_url && e.add(r.language_url), r.theme && "function" != typeof r.theme && "-" != r.theme.charAt(0) && !k.urls[r.theme]) {
-                    var t = r.theme_url;
-                    t = t ? n.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(t) : "themes/" + r.theme + "/theme" + o + ".js", k.load(r.theme, t)
-                }
-                C.isArray(r.plugins) && (r.plugins = r.plugins.join(" ")), R(r.external_plugins, function (e, t) {
-                    S.load(t, e), r.plugins += " " + t
-                }), R(r.plugins.split(/[ ,]/), function (e) {
-                    if (e = L(e), e && !S.urls[e])if ("-" == e.charAt(0)) {
-                        e = e.substr(1, e.length);
-                        var t = S.dependencies(e);
-                        R(t, function (e) {
-                            var t = {prefix: "plugins/", resource: e, suffix: "/plugin" + o + ".js"};
-                            e = S.createUrl(t, e), S.load(e.resource, e)
-                        })
-                    } else S.load(e, {prefix: "plugins/", resource: e, suffix: "/plugin" + o + ".js"})
-                }), e.loadQueue(function () {
-                    n.removed || n.init()
-                })
-            }
-            var n = this, r = n.settings, i = n.id, o = n.suffix;
-            if (!M.domLoaded)return void E.bind(window, "ready", e);
-            if (n.getElement() && b.contentEditable) {
-                r.inline ? n.inline = !0 : (n.orgVisibility = n.getElement().style.visibility, n.getElement().style.visibility = "hidden");
-                var a = n.getElement().form || E.getParent(i, "form");
-                a && (n.formElement = a, r.hidden_input && !/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(n.getElement().nodeName) && (E.insertAfter(E.create("input", {type: "hidden", name: i}), i), n.hasHiddenInput = !0), n.formEventDelegate = function (e) {
-                    n.fire(e.type, e)
-                }, E.bind(a, "submit reset", n.formEventDelegate), n.on("reset", function () {
-                    n.setContent(n.startContent, {format: "raw"})
-                }), !r.submit_patch || a.submit.nodeType || a.submit.length || a._mceOldSubmit || (a._mceOldSubmit = a.submit, a.submit = function () {
-                    return n.editorManager.triggerSave(), n.isNotDirty = !0, a._mceOldSubmit(a)
-                })), n.windowManager = new h(n), "xml" == r.encoding && n.on("GetContent", function (e) {
-                    e.save && (e.content = E.encode(e.content))
-                }), r.add_form_submit_trigger && n.on("submit", function () {
-                    n.initialized && n.save()
-                }), r.add_unload_trigger && (n._beforeUnload = function () {
-                    !n.initialized || n.destroyed || n.isHidden() || n.save({format: "raw", no_events: !0, set_dirty: !1})
-                }, n.editorManager.on("BeforeUnload", n._beforeUnload)), t()
-            }
-        }, init: function () {
-            function e(n) {
-                var r = S.get(n), i, o;
-                i = S.urls[n] || t.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ""), n = L(n), r && -1 === B(m, n) && (R(S.dependencies(n), function (t) {
-                    e(t)
-                }), o = new r(t, i), t.plugins[n] = o, o.init && (o.init(t, i), m.push(n)))
-            }
-            var t = this, n = t.settings, r = t.getElement(), i, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, p, m = [];
-            if (t.rtl = this.editorManager.i18n.rtl, t.editorManager.add(t), n.aria_label = n.aria_label || E.getAttrib(r, "aria-label", t.getLang("aria.rich_text_area")), n.theme && ("function" != typeof n.theme ? (n.theme = n.theme.replace(/-/, ""), l = k.get(n.theme), t.theme = new l(t, k.urls[n.theme]), t.theme.init && t.theme.init(t, k.urls[n.theme] || t.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ""))) : t.theme = n.theme), R(n.plugins.replace(/\-/g, "").split(/[ ,]/), e), n.render_ui && t.theme && (t.orgDisplay = r.style.display, "function" != typeof n.theme ? (i = n.width || r.style.width || r.offsetWidth, o = n.height || r.style.height || r.offsetHeight, a = n.min_height || 100, f = /^[0-9\.]+(|px)$/i, f.test("" + i) && (i = Math.max(parseInt(i, 10) + (l.deltaWidth || 0), 100)), f.test("" + o) && (o = Math.max(parseInt(o, 10) + (l.deltaHeight || 0), a)), l = t.theme.renderUI({targetNode: r, width: i, height: o, deltaWidth: n.delta_width, deltaHeight: n.delta_height}), n.content_editable || (E.setStyles(l.sizeContainer || l.editorContainer, {wi2dth: i, h2eight: o}), o = (l.iframeHeight || o) + ("number" == typeof o ? l.deltaHeight || 0 : ""), a > o && (o = a))) : (l = n.theme(t, r), l.editorContainer.nodeType && (l.editorContainer = l.editorContainer.id = l.editorContainer.id || t.id + "_parent"), l.iframeContainer.nodeType && (l.iframeContainer = l.iframeContainer.id = l.iframeContainer.id || t.id + "_iframecontainer"), o = l.iframeHeight || r.offsetHeight), t.editorContainer = l.editorContainer), n.content_css && R(A(n.content_css), function (e) {
-                t.contentCSS.push(t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(e))
-            }), n.content_style && t.contentStyles.push(n.content_style), n.content_editable)return r = s = l = null, t.initContentBody();
-            for (t.iframeHTML = n.doctype + "<html><head>", n.document_base_url != t.documentBaseUrl && (t.iframeHTML += '<base href="' + t.documentBaseURI.getURI() + '" />'), !b.caretAfter && n.ie7_compat && (t.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />'), t.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />', p = 0; p < t.contentCSS.length; p++) {
-                var h = t.contentCSS[p];
-                t.iframeHTML += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + h + '" />', t.loadedCSS[h] = !0
-            }
-            d = n.body_id || "tinymce", -1 != d.indexOf("=") && (d = t.getParam("body_id", "", "hash"), d = d[t.id] || d), u = n.body_class || "", -1 != u.indexOf("=") && (u = t.getParam("body_class", "", "hash"), u = u[t.id] || ""), t.iframeHTML += '</head><body id="' + d + '" class="mce-content-body ' + u + '" onload="window.parent.tinymce.get(\'' + t.id + "').fire('load');\"><br></body></html>";
-            var g = 'javascript:(function(){document.open();document.domain="' + document.domain + '";var ed = window.parent.tinymce.get("' + t.id + '");document.write(ed.iframeHTML);document.close();ed.initContentBody(true);})()';
-            if (document.domain != location.hostname && (c = g), s = E.add(l.iframeContainer, "iframe", {id: t.id + "_ifr", src: c || 'javascript:""', frameBorder: "0", allowTransparency: "true", title: t.editorManager.translate("Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help"), style: {width: "100%", height: o, display: "block"}}), P)try {
-                t.getDoc()
-            } catch (v) {
-                s.src = c = g
-            }
-            t.contentAreaContainer = l.iframeContainer, l.editorContainer && (E.get(l.editorContainer).style.display = t.orgDisplay), E.get(t.id).style.display = "none", E.setAttrib(t.id, "aria-hidden", !0), c || t.initContentBody(), r = s = l = null
-        }, initContentBody: function (t) {
-            var n = this, o = n.settings, f = E.get(n.id), p = n.getDoc(), m, h;
-            o.inline || (n.getElement().style.visibility = n.orgVisibility), t || o.content_editable || (p.open(), p.write(n.iframeHTML), p.close()), o.content_editable && (n.on("remove", function () {
-                var e = this.getBody();
-                E.removeClass(e, "mce-content-body"), E.removeClass(e, "mce-edit-focus"), E.setAttrib(e, "tabIndex", null), E.setAttrib(e, "contentEditable", null)
-            }), E.addClass(f, "mce-content-body"), f.tabIndex = -1, n.contentDocument = p = o.content_document || document, n.contentWindow = o.content_window || window, n.bodyElement = f, o.content_document = o.content_window = null, o.root_name = f.nodeName.toLowerCase()), m = n.getBody(), m.disabled = !0, o.readonly || (n.inline && "static" == E.getStyle(m, "position", !0) && (m.style.position = "relative"), m.contentEditable = n.getParam("content_editable_state", !0)), m.disabled = !1, n.schema = new g(o), n.dom = new e(p, {keep_values: !0, url_converter: n.convertURL, url_converter_scope: n, hex_colors: o.force_hex_style_colors, class_filter: o.class_filter, update_styles: !0, root_element: o.content_editable ? n.id : null, collect: o.content_editable, schema: n.schema, onSetAttrib: function (e) {
-                n.fire("SetAttrib", e)
-            }}), n.parser = new v(o, n.schema), n.parser.addAttributeFilter("src,href,style", function (e, t) {
-                for (var r = e.length, i, o = n.dom, a, s; r--;)i = e[r], a = i.attr(t), s = "data-mce-" + t, i.attributes.map[s] || ("style" === t ? i.attr(s, o.serializeStyle(o.parseStyle(a), i.name)) : i.attr(s, n.convertURL(a, t, i.name)))
-            }), n.parser.addNodeFilter("script", function (e) {
-                for (var t = e.length, n; t--;)n = e[t], n.attr("type", "mce-" + (n.attr("type") || "text/javascript"))
-            }), n.parser.addNodeFilter("#cdata", function (e) {
-                for (var t = e.length, n; t--;)n = e[t], n.type = 8, n.name = "#comment", n.value = "[CDATA[" + n.value + "]]"
-            }), n.parser.addNodeFilter("p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div", function (e) {
-                for (var t = e.length, i, o = n.schema.getNonEmptyElements(); t--;)i = e[t], i.isEmpty(o) && (i.empty().append(new r("br", 1)).shortEnded = !0)
-            }), n.serializer = new i(o, n), n.selection = new a(n.dom, n.getWin(), n.serializer, n), n.formatter = new s(n), n.undoManager = new l(n), n.forceBlocks = new d(n), n.enterKey = new c(n), n.editorCommands = new u(n), n.fire("PreInit"), o.browser_spellcheck || o.gecko_spellcheck || (p.body.spellcheck = !1, E.setAttrib(m, "spellcheck", "false")), n.fire("PostRender"), n.quirks = y(n), o.directionality && (m.dir = o.directionality), o.nowrap && (m.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"), o.protect && n.on("BeforeSetContent", function (e) {
-                R(o.protect, function (t) {
-                    e.content = e.content.replace(t, function (e) {
-                        return"<!--mce:protected " + escape(e) + "-->"
-                    })
-                })
-            }), n.on("SetContent", function () {
-                n.addVisual(n.getBody())
-            }), o.padd_empty_editor && n.on("PostProcess", function (e) {
-                e.content = e.content.replace(/^(<p[^>]*>(&nbsp;|&#160;|\s|\u00a0|)<\/p>[\r\n]*|<br \/>[\r\n]*)$/, "")
-            }), n.load({initial: !0, format: "html"}), n.startContent = n.getContent({format: "raw"}), n.initialized = !0, R(n._pendingNativeEvents, function (e) {
-                n.dom.bind(_(n, e), e, function (e) {
-                    n.fire(e.type, e)
-                })
-            }), n.fire("init"), n.focus(!0), n.nodeChanged({initial: !0}), n.execCallback("init_instance_callback", n), n.contentStyles.length > 0 && (h = "", R(n.contentStyles, function (e) {
-                h += e + "\r\n"
-            }), n.dom.addStyle(h)), R(n.contentCSS, function (e) {
-                n.loadedCSS[e] || (n.dom.loadCSS(e), n.loadedCSS[e] = !0)
-            }), o.auto_focus && setTimeout(function () {
-                var e = n.editorManager.get(o.auto_focus);
-                e.selection.select(e.getBody(), 1), e.selection.collapse(1), e.getBody().focus(), e.getWin().focus()
-            }, 100), f = p = m = null
-        }, focus: function (e) {
-            var t, n = this, r = n.selection, i = n.settings.content_editable, o, a, s = n.getDoc(), l;
-            e || (o = r.getRng(), o.item && (a = o.item(0)), n._refreshContentEditable(), i || (b.opera || n.getBody().focus(), n.getWin().focus()), (D || i) && (l = n.getBody(), l.setActive && b.ie < 11 ? l.setActive() : l.focus(), i && r.normalize()), a && a.ownerDocument == s && (o = s.body.createControlRange(), o.addElement(a), o.select())), n.editorManager.activeEditor != n && ((t = n.editorManager.activeEditor) && t.fire("deactivate", {relatedTarget: n}), n.fire("activate", {relatedTarget: t})), n.editorManager.activeEditor = n
-        }, execCallback: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.settings[e], r;
-            if (n)return t.callbackLookup && (r = t.callbackLookup[e]) && (n = r.func, r = r.scope), "string" == typeof n && (r = n.replace(/\.\w+$/, ""), r = r ? H(r) : 0, n = H(n), t.callbackLookup = t.callbackLookup || {}, t.callbackLookup[e] = {func: n, scope: r}), n.apply(r || t, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1))
-        }, translate: function (e) {
-            var t = this.settings.language || "en", n = this.editorManager.i18n;
-            return e ? n.data[t + "." + e] || e.replace(/\{\#([^\}]+)\}/g, function (e, r) {
-                return n.data[t + "." + r] || "{#" + r + "}"
-            }) : ""
-        }, getLang: function (e, n) {
-            return this.editorManager.i18n.data[(this.settings.language || "en") + "." + e] || (n !== t ? n : "{#" + e + "}")
-        }, getParam: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = e in this.settings ? this.settings[e] : t, i;
-            return"hash" === n ? (i = {}, "string" == typeof r ? R(r.split(r.indexOf("=") > 0 ? /[;,](?![^=;,]*(?:[;,]|$))/ : ","), function (e) {
-                e = e.split("="), i[L(e[0])] = L(e.length > 1 ? e[1] : e)
-            }) : i = r, i) : r
-        }, nodeChanged: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.selection, n, r, i;
-            e.initialized && !e.settings.disable_nodechange && (i = e.getBody(), n = t.getStart() || i, n = P && n.ownerDocument != e.getDoc() ? e.getBody() : n, "IMG" == n.nodeName && t.isCollapsed() && (n = n.parentNode), r = [], e.dom.getParent(n, function (e) {
-                return e === i ? !0 : void r.push(e)
-            }), e.fire("NodeChange", {element: n, parents: r}))
-        }, addButton: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this;
-            t.cmd && (t.onclick = function () {
-                n.execCommand(t.cmd)
-            }), t.text || t.icon || (t.icon = e), n.buttons = n.buttons || {}, t.tooltip = t.tooltip || t.title, n.buttons[e] = t
-        }, addMenuItem: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this;
-            t.cmd && (t.onclick = function () {
-                n.execCommand(t.cmd)
-            }), n.menuItems = n.menuItems || {}, n.menuItems[e] = t
-        }, addCommand: function (e, t, n) {
-            this.execCommands[e] = {func: t, scope: n || this}
-        }, addQueryStateHandler: function (e, t, n) {
-            this.queryStateCommands[e] = {func: t, scope: n || this}
-        }, addQueryValueHandler: function (e, t, n) {
-            this.queryValueCommands[e] = {func: t, scope: n || this}
-        }, addShortcut: function (e, t, n, r) {
-            this.shortcuts.add(e, t, n, r)
-        }, execCommand: function (e, t, n, r) {
-            var i = this, o = 0, a;
-            return/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint)$/.test(e) || r && r.skip_focus || i.focus(), r = T({}, r), r = i.fire("BeforeExecCommand", {command: e, ui: t, value: n}), r.isDefaultPrevented() ? !1 : (a = i.execCommands[e]) && a.func.call(a.scope, t, n) !== !0 ? (i.fire("ExecCommand", {command: e, ui: t, value: n}), !0) : (R(i.plugins, function (r) {
-                return r.execCommand && r.execCommand(e, t, n) ? (i.fire("ExecCommand", {command: e, ui: t, value: n}), o = !0, !1) : void 0
-            }), o ? o : i.theme && i.theme.execCommand && i.theme.execCommand(e, t, n) ? (i.fire("ExecCommand", {command: e, ui: t, value: n}), !0) : i.editorCommands.execCommand(e, t, n) ? (i.fire("ExecCommand", {command: e, ui: t, value: n}), !0) : (i.getDoc().execCommand(e, t, n), void i.fire("ExecCommand", {command: e, ui: t, value: n})))
-        }, queryCommandState: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n, r;
-            if (!t._isHidden()) {
-                if ((n = t.queryStateCommands[e]) && (r = n.func.call(n.scope), r !== !0))return r;
-                if (r = t.editorCommands.queryCommandState(e), -1 !== r)return r;
-                try {
-                    return t.getDoc().queryCommandState(e)
-                } catch (i) {
-                }
-            }
-        }, queryCommandValue: function (e) {
-            var n = this, r, i;
-            if (!n._isHidden()) {
-                if ((r = n.queryValueCommands[e]) && (i = r.func.call(r.scope), i !== !0))return i;
-                if (i = n.editorCommands.queryCommandValue(e), i !== t)return i;
-                try {
-                    return n.getDoc().queryCommandValue(e)
-                } catch (o) {
-                }
-            }
-        }, show: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            E.show(e.getContainer()), E.hide(e.id), e.load(), e.fire("show")
-        }, hide: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.getDoc();
-            P && t && !e.inline && t.execCommand("SelectAll"), e.save(), E.hide(e.getContainer()), E.setStyle(e.id, "display", e.orgDisplay), e.fire("hide")
-        }, isHidden: function () {
-            return!E.isHidden(this.id)
-        }, setProgressState: function (e, t) {
-            this.fire("ProgressState", {state: e, time: t})
-        }, load: function (e) {
-            var n = this, r = n.getElement(), i;
-            return r ? (e = e || {}, e.load = !0, i = n.setContent(r.value !== t ? r.value : r.innerHTML, e), e.element = r, e.no_events || n.fire("LoadContent", e), e.element = r = null, i) : void 0
-        }, save: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.getElement(), r, i;
-            if (n && t.initialized)return e = e || {}, e.save = !0, e.element = n, r = e.content = t.getContent(e), e.no_events || t.fire("SaveContent", e), r = e.content, /TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(n.nodeName) ? n.value = r : (n.innerHTML = r, (i = E.getParent(t.id, "form")) && R(i.elements, function (e) {
-                return e.name == t.id ? (e.value = r, !1) : void 0
-            })), e.element = n = null, e.set_dirty !== !1 && (t.isNotDirty = !0), r
-        }, setContent: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = n.getBody(), i;
-            return t = t || {}, t.format = t.format || "html", t.set = !0, t.content = e, t.no_events || n.fire("BeforeSetContent", t), e = t.content, 0 === e.length || /^\s+$/.test(e) ? (i = n.settings.forced_root_block, i && n.schema.isValidChild(r.nodeName.toLowerCase(), i.toLowerCase()) ? (e = P && 11 > P ? "" : '<br data-mce-bogus="1">', e = n.dom.createHTML(i, n.settings.forced_root_block_attrs, e)) : (!P || 11 > P) && (e = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">'), r.innerHTML = e, n.fire("SetContent", t)) : ("raw" !== t.format && (e = new o({}, n.schema).serialize(n.parser.parse(e, {isRootContent: !0}))), t.content = L(e), n.dom.setHTML(r, t.content), t.no_events || n.fire("SetContent", t)), t.content
-        }, getContent: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n, r = t.getBody();
-            return e = e || {}, e.format = e.format || "html", e.get = !0, e.getInner = !0, e.no_events || t.fire("BeforeGetContent", e), n = "raw" == e.format ? r.innerHTML : "text" == e.format ? r.innerText || r.textContent : t.serializer.serialize(r, e), e.content = "text" != e.format ? L(n) : n, e.no_events || t.fire("GetContent", e), e.content
-        }, insertContent: function (e) {
-            this.execCommand("mceInsertContent", !1, e)
-        }, isDirty: function () {
-            return!this.isNotDirty
-        }, getContainer: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.container || (e.container = E.get(e.editorContainer || e.id + "_parent")), e.container
-        }, getContentAreaContainer: function () {
-            return this.contentAreaContainer
-        }, getElement: function () {
-            return E.get(this.settings.content_element || this.id)
-        }, getWin: function () {
-            var e = this, t;
-            return e.contentWindow || (t = E.get(e.id + "_ifr"), t && (e.contentWindow = t.contentWindow)), e.contentWindow
-        }, getDoc: function () {
-            var e = this, t;
-            return e.contentDocument || (t = e.getWin(), t && (e.contentDocument = t.document)), e.contentDocument
-        }, getBody: function () {
-            return this.bodyElement || this.getDoc().body
-        }, convertURL: function (e, t, n) {
-            var r = this, i = r.settings;
-            return i.urlconverter_callback ? r.execCallback("urlconverter_callback", e, n, !0, t) : !i.convert_urls || n && "LINK" == n.nodeName || 0 === e.indexOf("file:") || 0 === e.length ? e : i.relative_urls ? r.documentBaseURI.toRelative(e) : e = r.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(e, i.remove_script_host)
-        }, addVisual: function (e) {
-            var n = this, r = n.settings, i = n.dom, o;
-            e = e || n.getBody(), n.hasVisual === t && (n.hasVisual = r.visual), R(i.select("table,a", e), function (e) {
-                var t;
-                switch (e.nodeName) {
-                    case"TABLE":
-                        return o = r.visual_table_class || "mce-item-table", t = i.getAttrib(e, "border"), void(t && "0" != t || (n.hasVisual ? i.addClass(e, o) : i.removeClass(e, o)));
-                    case"A":
-                        return void(i.getAttrib(e, "href", !1) || (t = i.getAttrib(e, "name") || e.id, o = "mce-item-anchor", t && (n.hasVisual ? i.addClass(e, o) : i.removeClass(e, o))))
-                }
-            }), n.fire("VisualAid", {element: e, hasVisual: n.hasVisual})
-        }, remove: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            if (!e.removed) {
-                e.removed = 1, e.hasHiddenInput && E.remove(e.getElement().nextSibling);
-                var t = e.getDoc();
-                P && t && !e.inline && t.execCommand("SelectAll"), e.save(), E.setStyle(e.id, "display", e.orgDisplay), e.settings.content_editable || (M.unbind(e.getWin()), M.unbind(e.getDoc()));
-                var n = e.getContainer();
-                M.unbind(e.getBody()), M.unbind(n), e.fire("remove"), e.editorManager.remove(e), E.remove(n), e.destroy()
-            }
-        }, bindNative: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t.settings.readonly || (t.initialized ? t.dom.bind(_(t, e), e, function (n) {
-                t.fire(e, n)
-            }) : t._pendingNativeEvents ? t._pendingNativeEvents.push(e) : t._pendingNativeEvents = [e])
-        }, unbindNative: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t.initialized && t.dom.unbind(e)
-        }, destroy: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n;
-            if (!t.destroyed) {
-                if (!e && !t.removed)return void t.remove();
-                e && D && (M.unbind(t.getDoc()), M.unbind(t.getWin()), M.unbind(t.getBody())), e || (t.editorManager.off("beforeunload", t._beforeUnload), t.theme && t.theme.destroy && t.theme.destroy(), t.selection.destroy(), t.dom.destroy()), n = t.formElement, n && (n._mceOldSubmit && (n.submit = n._mceOldSubmit, n._mceOldSubmit = null), E.unbind(n, "submit reset", t.formEventDelegate)), t.contentAreaContainer = t.formElement = t.container = null, t.settings.content_element = t.bodyElement = t.contentDocument = t.contentWindow = null, t.selection && (t.selection = t.selection.win = t.selection.dom = t.selection.dom.doc = null), t.destroyed = 1
-            }
-        }, _refreshContentEditable: function () {
-            var e = this, t, n;
-            e._isHidden() && (t = e.getBody(), n = t.parentNode, n.removeChild(t), n.appendChild(t), t.focus())
-        }, _isHidden: function () {
-            var e;
-            return D ? (e = this.selection.getSel(), !e || !e.rangeCount || 0 === e.rangeCount) : 0
-        }}, T(N.prototype, x), N
-    }), r(ot, [], function () {
-        var e = {};
-        return{rtl: !1, add: function (t, n) {
-            for (var r in n)e[r] = n[r];
-            this.rtl = this.rtl || "rtl" === e._dir
-        }, translate: function (t) {
-            if ("undefined" == typeof t)return t;
-            if ("string" != typeof t && t.raw)return t.raw;
-            if (t.push) {
-                var n = t.slice(1);
-                t = (e[t[0]] || t[0]).replace(/\{([^\}]+)\}/g, function (e, t) {
-                    return n[t]
-                })
-            }
-            return e[t] || t
-        }, data: e}
-    }), r(at, [v, h], function (e, t) {
-        function n(r) {
-            function i() {
-                try {
-                    return document.activeElement
-                } catch (e) {
-                    return document.body
-                }
-            }
-            function o(e) {
-                return e && e.startContainer ? {startContainer: e.startContainer, startOffset: e.startOffset, endContainer: e.endContainer, endOffset: e.endOffset} : e
-            }
-            function a(e, t) {
-                var n;
-                return t.startContainer ? (n = e.getDoc().createRange(), n.setStart(t.startContainer, t.startOffset), n.setEnd(t.endContainer, t.endOffset)) : n = t, n
-            }
-            function s(t) {
-                return!!e.DOM.getParent(t, n.isEditorUIElement)
-            }
-            function l(e, t) {
-                for (var n = t.getBody(); e;) {
-                    if (e == n)return!0;
-                    e = e.parentNode
-                }
-            }
-            function c(n) {
-                var c = n.editor, d;
-                c.on("init", function () {
-                    "onbeforedeactivate"in document && t.ie < 11 ? c.dom.bind(c.getBody(), "beforedeactivate", function () {
-                        try {
-                            c.lastRng = c.selection.getRng()
-                        } catch (e) {
-                        }
-                        c.selection.lastFocusBookmark = o(c.lastRng)
-                    }) : (c.inline || t.ie > 10) && (c.on("nodechange keyup", function () {
-                        var e = document.activeElement;
-                        e && e.id == c.id + "_ifr" && (e = c.getBody()), l(e, c) && (c.lastRng = c.selection.getRng())
-                    }), t.webkit && (d = function () {
-                        var e = c.selection.getRng();
-                        e.collapsed || (c.lastRng = e)
-                    }, e.DOM.bind(document, "selectionchange", d), c.on("remove", function () {
-                        e.DOM.unbind(document, "selectionchange", d)
-                    })))
-                }), c.on("setcontent", function () {
-                    c.lastRng = null
-                }), c.on("mousedown", function () {
-                    c.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null
-                }), c.on("focusin", function () {
-                    var e = r.focusedEditor;
-                    c.selection.lastFocusBookmark && (c.selection.setRng(a(c, c.selection.lastFocusBookmark)), c.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null), e != c && (e && e.fire("blur", {focusedEditor: c}), r.activeEditor = c, r.focusedEditor = c, c.fire("focus", {blurredEditor: e}), c.focus(!1)), c.lastRng = null
-                }), c.on("focusout", function () {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        var e = r.focusedEditor;
-                        s(i()) || e != c || (c.fire("blur", {focusedEditor: null}), r.focusedEditor = null, c.selection && (c.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null))
-                    }, 0)
-                })
-            }
-            e.DOM.bind(document, "focusin", function (e) {
-                var t = r.activeEditor;
-                t && e.target.ownerDocument == document && (t.selection && (t.selection.lastFocusBookmark = o(t.lastRng)), s(e.target) || r.focusedEditor != t || (t.fire("blur", {focusedEditor: null}), r.focusedEditor = null))
-            }), r.on("AddEditor", c)
-        }
-        return n.isEditorUIElement = function (e) {
-            return-1 !== e.className.indexOf("mce-")
-        }, n
-    }), r(st, [it, v, O, h, f, nt, ot, at], function (e, n, r, i, o, a, s, l) {
-        var c = n.DOM, d = o.explode, u = o.each, f = o.extend, p = 0, m, h = {majorVersion: "4", minorVersion: "0.16", releaseDate: "2014-01-31", editors: [], i18n: s, activeEditor: null, setup: function () {
-            var e = this, t, n, i = "", o;
-            if (n = document.location.href.replace(/[\?#].*$/, "").replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, ""), /[\/\\]$/.test(n) || (n += "/"), o = window.tinymce || window.tinyMCEPreInit)t = o.base || o.baseURL, i = o.suffix; else for (var a = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
-                var c = a[s].src;
-                if (/tinymce(\.full|\.jquery|)(\.min|\.dev|)\.js/.test(c)) {
-                    -1 != c.indexOf(".min") && (i = ".min"), t = c.substring(0, c.lastIndexOf("/"));
-                    break
-                }
-            }
-            e.baseURL = new r(n).toAbsolute(t), e.documentBaseURL = n, e.baseURI = new r(e.baseURL), e.suffix = i, e.focusManager = new l(e)
-        }, init: function (t) {
-            function n(e) {
-                var t = e.id;
-                return t || (t = e.name, t = t && !c.get(t) ? e.name : c.uniqueId(), e.setAttribute("id", t)), t
-            }
-            function r(e, t, n) {
-                var r = e[t];
-                if (r)return r.apply(n || this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2))
-            }
-            function i(e, t) {
-                return t.constructor === RegExp ? t.test(e.className) : c.hasClass(e, t)
-            }
-            function o() {
-                var m, h;
-                if (c.unbind(window, "ready", o), r(t, "onpageload"), t.types)return void u(t.types, function (r) {
-                    u(c.select(r.selector), function (i) {
-                        var o = new e(n(i), f({}, t, r), a);
-                        s.push(o), o.render(1)
-                    })
-                });
-                if (t.selector)return void u(c.select(t.selector), function (r) {
-                    var i = new e(n(r), t, a);
-                    s.push(i), i.render(1)
-                });
-                switch (t.mode) {
-                    case"exact":
-                        m = t.elements || "", m.length > 0 && u(d(m), function (n) {
-                            c.get(n) ? (l = new e(n, t, a), s.push(l), l.render(!0)) : u(document.forms, function (r) {
-                                u(r.elements, function (r) {
-                                    r.name === n && (n = "mce_editor_" + p++, c.setAttrib(r, "id", n), l = new e(n, t, a), s.push(l), l.render(1))
-                                })
-                            })
-                        });
-                        break;
-                    case"textareas":
-                    case"specific_textareas":
-                        u(c.select("textarea"), function (r) {
-                            t.editor_deselector && i(r, t.editor_deselector) || (!t.editor_selector || i(r, t.editor_selector)) && (l = new e(n(r), t, a), s.push(l), l.render(!0))
-                        })
-                }
-                t.oninit && (m = h = 0, u(s, function (e) {
-                    h++, e.initialized ? m++ : e.on("init", function () {
-                        m++, m == h && r(t, "oninit")
-                    }), m == h && r(t, "oninit")
-                }))
-            }
-            var a = this, s = [], l;
-            a.settings = t, c.bind(window, "ready", o)
-        }, get: function (e) {
-            return e === t ? this.editors : this.editors[e]
-        }, add: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.editors;
-            return n[e.id] = e, n.push(e), t.activeEditor = e, t.fire("AddEditor", {editor: e}), m || (m = function () {
-                t.fire("BeforeUnload")
-            }, c.bind(window, "beforeunload", m)), e
-        }, createEditor: function (t, n) {
-            return this.add(new e(t, n, this))
-        }, remove: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n, r = t.editors, i, o;
-            {
-                if (e) {
-                    if ("string" == typeof e)return e = e.selector || e, void u(c.select(e), function (e) {
-                        t.remove(r[e.id])
-                    });
-                    if (i = e, !r[i.id])return null;
-                    for (delete r[i.id], n = 0; n < r.length; n++)if (r[n] == i) {
-                        r.splice(n, 1), o = !0;
-                        break
-                    }
-                    return t.activeEditor == i && (t.activeEditor = r[0]), o && t.fire("RemoveEditor", {editor: i}), r.length || c.unbind(window, "beforeunload", m), i.remove(), i
-                }
-                for (n = r.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)t.remove(r[n])
-            }
-        }, execCommand: function (t, n, r) {
-            var i = this, o = i.get(r);
-            switch (t) {
-                case"mceAddEditor":
-                    return i.get(r) || new e(r, i.settings, i).render(), !0;
-                case"mceRemoveEditor":
-                    return o && o.remove(), !0;
-                case"mceToggleEditor":
-                    return o ? (o.isHidden() ? o.show() : o.hide(), !0) : (i.execCommand("mceAddEditor", 0, r), !0)
-            }
-            return i.activeEditor ? i.activeEditor.execCommand(t, n, r) : !1
-        }, triggerSave: function () {
-            u(this.editors, function (e) {
-                e.save()
-            })
-        }, addI18n: function (e, t) {
-            s.add(e, t)
-        }, translate: function (e) {
-            return s.translate(e)
-        }};
-        return f(h, a), h.setup(), window.tinymce = window.tinyMCE = h, h
-    }), r(lt, [st, f], function (e, t) {
-        var n = t.each, r = t.explode;
-        e.on("AddEditor", function (e) {
-            var t = e.editor;
-            t.on("preInit", function () {
-                function e(e, t) {
-                    n(t, function (t, n) {
-                        t && s.setStyle(e, n, t)
-                    }), s.rename(e, "span")
-                }
-                function i(e) {
-                    s = t.dom, l.convert_fonts_to_spans && n(s.select("font,u,strike", e.node), function (e) {
-                        o[e.nodeName.toLowerCase()](s, e)
-                    })
-                }
-                var o, a, s, l = t.settings;
-                l.inline_styles && (a = r(l.font_size_legacy_values), o = {font: function (t, n) {
-                    e(n, {backgroundColor: n.style.backgroundColor, color: n.color, fontFamily: n.face, fontSize: a[parseInt(n.size, 10) - 1]})
-                }, u: function (t, n) {
-                    e(n, {textDecoration: "underline"})
-                }, strike: function (t, n) {
-                    e(n, {textDecoration: "line-through"})
-                }}, t.on("PreProcess SetContent", i))
-            })
-        })
-    }), r(ct, [], function () {
-        return{send: function (e) {
-            function t() {
-                !e.async || 4 == n.readyState || r++ > 1e4 ? (e.success && 1e4 > r && 200 == n.status ? e.success.call(e.success_scope, "" + n.responseText, n, e) : e.error && e.error.call(e.error_scope, r > 1e4 ? "TIMED_OUT" : "GENERAL", n, e), n = null) : setTimeout(t, 10)
-            }
-            var n, r = 0;
-            if (e.scope = e.scope || this, e.success_scope = e.success_scope || e.scope, e.error_scope = e.error_scope || e.scope, e.async = e.async === !1 ? !1 : !0, e.data = e.data || "", n = new XMLHttpRequest) {
-                if (n.overrideMimeType && n.overrideMimeType(e.content_type), n.open(e.type || (e.data ? "POST" : "GET"), e.url, e.async), e.content_type && n.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", e.content_type), n.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"), n.send(e.data), !e.async)return t();
-                setTimeout(t, 10)
-            }
-        }}
-    }), r(dt, [], function () {
-        function e(t, n) {
-            var r, i, o, a;
-            if (n = n || '"', null === t)return"null";
-            if (o = typeof t, "string" == o)return i = "\bb	t\nn\ff\rr\"\"''\\\\", n + t.replace(/([\u0080-\uFFFF\x00-\x1f\"\'\\])/g, function (e, t) {
-                return'"' === n && "'" === e ? e : (r = i.indexOf(t), r + 1 ? "\\" + i.charAt(r + 1) : (e = t.charCodeAt().toString(16), "\\u" + "0000".substring(e.length) + e))
-            }) + n;
-            if ("object" == o) {
-                if (t.hasOwnProperty && "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t)) {
-                    for (r = 0, i = "["; r < t.length; r++)i += (r > 0 ? "," : "") + e(t[r], n);
-                    return i + "]"
-                }
-                i = "{";
-                for (a in t)t.hasOwnProperty(a) && (i += "function" != typeof t[a] ? (i.length > 1 ? "," + n : n) + a + n + ":" + e(t[a], n) : "");
-                return i + "}"
-            }
-            return"" + t
-        }
-        return{serialize: e, parse: function (e) {
-            try {
-                return window[String.fromCharCode(101) + "val"]("(" + e + ")")
-            } catch (t) {
-            }
-        }}
-    }), r(ut, [dt, ct, f], function (e, t, n) {
-        function r(e) {
-            this.settings = i({}, e), this.count = 0
-        }
-        var i = n.extend;
-        return r.sendRPC = function (e) {
-            return(new r).send(e)
-        }, r.prototype = {send: function (n) {
-            var r = n.error, o = n.success;
-            n = i(this.settings, n), n.success = function (t, i) {
-                t = e.parse(t), "undefined" == typeof t && (t = {error: "JSON Parse error."}), t.error ? r.call(n.error_scope || n.scope, t.error, i) : o.call(n.success_scope || n.scope, t.result)
-            }, n.error = function (e, t) {
-                r && r.call(n.error_scope || n.scope, e, t)
-            }, n.data = e.serialize({id: n.id || "c" + this.count++, method: n.method, params: n.params}), n.content_type = "application/json", t.send(n)
-        }}, r
-    }), r(ft, [v], function (e) {
-        return{callbacks: {}, count: 0, send: function (n) {
-            var r = this, i = e.DOM, o = n.count !== t ? n.count : r.count, a = "tinymce_jsonp_" + o;
-            r.callbacks[o] = function (e) {
-                i.remove(a), delete r.callbacks[o], n.callback(e)
-            }, i.add(i.doc.body, "script", {id: a, src: n.url, type: "text/javascript"}), r.count++
-        }}
-    }), r(pt, [], function () {
-        function e() {
-            s = [];
-            for (var e in a)s.push(e);
-            i.length = s.length
-        }
-        function n() {
-            function n(e) {
-                var n, r;
-                return r = e !== t ? d + e : i.indexOf(",", d), -1 === r || r > i.length ? null : (n = i.substring(d, r), d = r + 1, n)
-            }
-            var r, i, s, d = 0;
-            if (a = {}, c) {
-                o.load(l), i = o.getAttribute(l) || "";
-                do {
-                    var u = n();
-                    if (null === u)break;
-                    if (r = n(parseInt(u, 32) || 0), null !== r) {
-                        if (u = n(), null === u)break;
-                        s = n(parseInt(u, 32) || 0), r && (a[r] = s)
-                    }
-                } while (null !== r);
-                e()
-            }
-        }
-        function r() {
-            var t, n = "";
-            if (c) {
-                for (var r in a)t = a[r], n += (n ? "," : "") + r.length.toString(32) + "," + r + "," + t.length.toString(32) + "," + t;
-                o.setAttribute(l, n);
-                try {
-                    o.save(l)
-                } catch (i) {
-                }
-                e()
-            }
-        }
-        var i, o, a, s, l, c;
-        try {
-            if (window.localStorage)return localStorage
-        } catch (d) {
-        }
-        return l = "tinymce", o = document.documentElement, c = !!o.addBehavior, c && o.addBehavior("#default#userData"), i = {key: function (e) {
-            return s[e]
-        }, getItem: function (e) {
-            return e in a ? a[e] : null
-        }, setItem: function (e, t) {
-            a[e] = "" + t, r()
-        }, removeItem: function (e) {
-            delete a[e], r()
-        }, clear: function () {
-            a = {}, r()
-        }}, n(), i
-    }), r(mt, [v, d, y, b, f, h], function (e, t, n, r, i, o) {
-        var a = window.tinymce;
-        return a.DOM = e.DOM, a.ScriptLoader = n.ScriptLoader, a.PluginManager = r.PluginManager, a.ThemeManager = r.ThemeManager, a.dom = a.dom || {}, a.dom.Event = t.Event, i.each(i, function (e, t) {
-            a[t] = e
-        }), i.each("isOpera isWebKit isIE isGecko isMac".split(" "), function (e) {
-            a[e] = o[e.substr(2).toLowerCase()]
-        }), {}
-    }), r(ht, [I, f], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {firstControlClass: "first", lastControlClass: "last"}, init: function (e) {
-            this.settings = t.extend({}, this.Defaults, e)
-        }, preRender: function (e) {
-            e.addClass(this.settings.containerClass, "body")
-        }, applyClasses: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.settings, r, i, o;
-            r = e.items().filter(":visible"), i = n.firstControlClass, o = n.lastControlClass, r.each(function (e) {
-                e.removeClass(i).removeClass(o), n.controlClass && e.addClass(n.controlClass)
-            }), r.eq(0).addClass(i), r.eq(-1).addClass(o)
-        }, renderHtml: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.settings, r, i = "";
-            return r = e.items(), r.eq(0).addClass(n.firstControlClass), r.eq(-1).addClass(n.lastControlClass), r.each(function (e) {
-                n.controlClass && e.addClass(n.controlClass), i += e.renderHtml()
-            }), i
-        }, recalc: function () {
-        }, postRender: function () {
-        }})
-    }), r(gt, [ht], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {containerClass: "abs-layout", controlClass: "abs-layout-item"}, recalc: function (e) {
-            e.items().filter(":visible").each(function (e) {
-                var t = e.settings;
-                e.layoutRect({x: t.x, y: t.y, w: t.w, h: t.h}), e.recalc && e.recalc()
-            })
-        }, renderHtml: function (e) {
-            return'<div id="' + e._id + '-absend" class="' + e.classPrefix + 'abs-end"></div>' + this._super(e)
-        }})
-    }), r(vt, [V, Y], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({Mixins: [t], Defaults: {classes: "widget tooltip tooltip-n"}, text: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return"undefined" != typeof e ? (t._value = e, t._rendered && (t.getEl().lastChild.innerHTML = t.encode(e)), t) : t._value
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.classPrefix;
-            return'<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" role="presentation"><div class="' + t + 'tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="' + t + 'tooltip-inner">' + e.encode(e._text) + "</div></div>"
-        }, repaint: function () {
-            var e = this, t, n;
-            t = e.getEl().style, n = e._layoutRect, t.left = n.x + "px", t.top = n.y + "px", t.zIndex = 131070
-        }})
-    }), r(yt, [V, vt], function (e, t) {
-        var n, r = e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t._super(e), t.canFocus = !0, e.tooltip && r.tooltips !== !1 && (t.on("mouseenter", function (n) {
-                var r = t.tooltip().moveTo(-65535);
-                if (n.control == t) {
-                    var i = r.text(e.tooltip).show().testMoveRel(t.getEl(), ["bc-tc", "bc-tl", "bc-tr"]);
-                    r.toggleClass("tooltip-n", "bc-tc" == i), r.toggleClass("tooltip-nw", "bc-tl" == i), r.toggleClass("tooltip-ne", "bc-tr" == i), r.moveRel(t.getEl(), i)
-                } else r.hide()
-            }), t.on("mouseleave mousedown click", function () {
-                t.tooltip().hide()
-            })), t.aria("label", e.tooltip)
-        }, tooltip: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return n || (n = new t({type: "tooltip"}), n.renderTo(e.getContainerElm())), n
-        }, active: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n;
-            return e !== n && (t.aria("pressed", e), t.toggleClass("active", e)), t._super(e)
-        }, disabled: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n;
-            return e !== n && (t.aria("disabled", e), t.toggleClass("disabled", e)), t._super(e)
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.settings;
-            e._rendered = !0, e._super(), e.parent() || !t.width && !t.height || (e.initLayoutRect(), e.repaint()), t.autofocus && setTimeout(function () {
-                e.focus()
-            }, 0)
-        }, remove: function () {
-            this._super(), n && (n.remove(), n = null)
-        }});
-        return r
-    }), r(bt, [yt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {classes: "widget btn", role: "button"}, init: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n;
-            t.on("click mousedown", function (e) {
-                e.preventDefault()
-            }), t._super(e), n = e.size, e.subtype && t.addClass(e.subtype), n && t.addClass("btn-" + n)
-        }, icon: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = t.classPrefix;
-            if ("undefined" == typeof e)return t.settings.icon;
-            if (t.settings.icon = e, e = e ? n + "ico " + n + "i-" + t.settings.icon : "", t._rendered) {
-                var r = t.getEl().firstChild, i = r.getElementsByTagName("i")[0];
-                e ? (i && i == r.firstChild || (i = document.createElement("i"), r.insertBefore(i, r.firstChild)), i.className = e) : i && r.removeChild(i), t.text(t._text)
-            }
-            return t
-        }, repaint: function () {
-            var e = this.getEl().firstChild.style;
-            e.width = e.height = "100%", this._super()
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._id, n = e.classPrefix, r = e.settings.icon, i = "";
-            return e.settings.image && (r = "none", i = " style=\"background-image: url('" + e.settings.image + "')\""), r = e.settings.icon ? n + "ico " + n + "i-" + r : "", '<div id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" tabindex="-1"><button role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">' + (r ? '<i class="' + r + '"' + i + "></i>" : "") + (e._text ? (r ? "\xa0" : "") + e.encode(e._text) : "") + "</button></div>"
-        }})
-    }), r(Ct, [q], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {defaultType: "button", role: "toolbar"}, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._layout;
-            return e.addClass("btn-group"), e.preRender(), t.preRender(e), '<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '"><div id="' + e._id + '-body">' + (e.settings.html || "") + t.renderHtml(e) + "</div></div>"
-        }})
-    }), r(xt, [yt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {classes: "checkbox", role: "checkbox", checked: !1}, init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t._super(e), t.on("click mousedown", function (e) {
-                e.preventDefault()
-            }), t.on("click", function (e) {
-                e.preventDefault(), t.disabled() || t.checked(!t.checked())
-            }), t.checked(t.settings.checked)
-        }, checked: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return"undefined" != typeof e ? (e ? t.addClass("checked") : t.removeClass("checked"), t._checked = e, t.aria("checked", e), t) : t._checked
-        }, value: function (e) {
-            return this.checked(e)
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._id, n = e.classPrefix;
-            return'<div id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" unselectable="on" aria-labelledby="' + t + '-al" tabindex="-1"><i class="' + n + "ico " + n + 'i-checkbox"></i><span id="' + t + '-al" class="' + n + 'label">' + e.encode(e._text) + "</span></div>"
-        }})
-    }), r(wt, [bt, X], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({showPanel: function () {
-            var e = this, n = e.settings;
-            if (e.active(!0), e.panel)e.panel.show(); else {
-                var r = n.panel;
-                r.type && (r = {layout: "grid", items: r}), r.popover = !0, r.autohide = !0, e.panel = new t(r).on("hide",function () {
-                    e.active(!1)
-                }).parent(e).renderTo(e.getContainerElm()), e.panel.fire("show"), e.panel.reflow()
-            }
-            e.panel.moveRel(e.getEl(), n.popoverAlign || (e.isRtl() ? ["bc-tr", "bc-tc"] : ["bc-tl", "bc-tc"]))
-        }, hidePanel: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            e.panel && e.panel.hide()
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.on("click", function (t) {
-                t.control === e && (e.panel && e.panel.visible() ? e.hidePanel() : e.showPanel())
-            }), e._super()
-        }})
-    }), r(_t, [wt, v], function (e, t) {
-        var n = t.DOM;
-        return e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            this._super(e), this.addClass("colorbutton")
-        }, color: function (e) {
-            return e ? (this._color = e, this.getEl("preview").style.backgroundColor = e, this) : this._color
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._id, n = e.classPrefix, r = e.settings.icon ? n + "ico " + n + "i-" + e.settings.icon : "", i = e.settings.image ? " style=\"background-image: url('" + e.settings.image + "')\"" : "";
-            return'<div id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '"><button role="presentation" hidefocus type="button" tabindex="-1">' + (r ? '<i class="' + r + '"' + i + "></i>" : "") + '<span id="' + t + '-preview" class="' + n + 'preview"></span>' + (e._text ? (r ? " " : "") + e._text : "") + '</button><button type="button" class="' + n + 'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1"> <i class="' + n + 'caret"></i></button></div>'
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.settings.onclick;
-            return e.on("click", function (r) {
-                r.control != e || n.getParent(r.target, "." + e.classPrefix + "open") || (r.stopImmediatePropagation(), t.call(e, r))
-            }), delete e.settings.onclick, e._super()
-        }})
-    }), r(Nt, [yt, U, W], function (e, t, n) {
-        return e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t._super(e), t.addClass("combobox"), t.subinput = !0, e = t.settings, e.menu = e.menu || e.values, e.menu && (e.icon = "caret"), t.on("click", function (n) {
-                for (var r = n.target; r;)r.id && -1 != r.id.indexOf("-open") && (t.fire("action"), e.menu && (t.showMenu(), n.keyboard && t.menu.items()[0].focus())), r = r.parentNode
-            }), t.on("keydown", function (e) {
-                "INPUT" == e.target.nodeName && 13 == e.keyCode && t.parents().reverse().each(function (n) {
-                    return e.preventDefault(), t.fire("change"), n.hasEventListeners("submit") && n.toJSON ? (n.fire("submit", {data: n.toJSON()}), !1) : void 0
-                })
-            }), e.placeholder && (t.addClass("placeholder"), t.on("focusin", function () {
-                t._hasOnChange || (n.on(t.getEl("inp"), "change", function () {
-                    t.fire("change")
-                }), t._hasOnChange = !0), t.hasClass("placeholder") && (t.getEl("inp").value = "", t.removeClass("placeholder"))
-            }), t.on("focusout", function () {
-                0 === t.value().length && (t.getEl("inp").value = e.placeholder, t.addClass("placeholder"))
-            }))
-        }, showMenu: function () {
-            var e = this, n = e.settings, r;
-            e.menu || (r = n.menu || [], r.length ? r = {type: "menu", items: r} : r.type = r.type || "menu", e.menu = t.create(r).parent(e).renderTo(e.getContainerElm()), e.fire("createmenu"), e.menu.reflow(), e.menu.on("cancel", function (t) {
-                t.control === e.menu && e.focus()
-            }), e.menu.on("show hide",function (t) {
-                t.control.items().each(function (t) {
-                    t.active(t.value() == e.value())
-                })
-            }).fire("show"), e.menu.on("select", function (t) {
-                e.value(t.control.value())
-            }), e.on("focusin", function (t) {
-                "INPUT" == t.target.tagName && e.menu.hide()
-            }), e.aria("expanded", !0)), e.menu.show(), e.menu.layoutRect({w: e.layoutRect().w}), e.menu.moveRel(e.getEl(), e.isRtl() ? ["br-tr", "tr-br"] : ["bl-tl", "tl-bl"])
-        }, value: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return"undefined" != typeof e ? (t._value = e, t.removeClass("placeholder"), t._rendered && (t.getEl("inp").value = e), t) : t._rendered ? (e = t.getEl("inp").value, e != t.settings.placeholder ? e : "") : t._value
-        }, disabled: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return t._rendered && "undefined" != typeof e && (t.getEl("inp").disabled = e), t._super(e)
-        }, focus: function () {
-            this.getEl("inp").focus()
-        }, repaint: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.getEl(), r = e.getEl("open"), i = e.layoutRect(), o, a;
-            o = r ? i.w - n.getSize(r).width - 10 : i.w - 10;
-            var s = document;
-            return s.all && (!s.documentMode || s.documentMode <= 8) && (a = e.layoutRect().h - 2 + "px"), n.css(t.firstChild, {width: o, lineHeight: a}), e._super(), e
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return n.on(this.getEl("inp"), "change", function () {
-                e.fire("change")
-            }), e._super()
-        }, remove: function () {
-            n.off(this.getEl("inp")), this._super()
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._id, n = e.settings, r = e.classPrefix, i = n.value || n.placeholder || "", o, a, s = "", l = "";
-            return"spellcheck"in n && (l += ' spellcheck="' + n.spellcheck + '"'), n.maxLength && (l += ' maxlength="' + n.maxLength + '"'), n.size && (l += ' size="' + n.size + '"'), n.subtype && (l += ' type="' + n.subtype + '"'), e.disabled() && (l += ' disabled="disabled"'), o = n.icon, o && "caret" != o && (o = r + "ico " + r + "i-" + n.icon), a = e._text, (o || a) && (s = '<div id="' + t + '-open" class="' + r + "btn " + r + 'open" tabIndex="-1"><button id="' + t + '-action" type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' + ("caret" != o ? '<i class="' + o + '"></i>' : '<i class="' + r + 'caret"></i>') + (a ? (o ? " " : "") + a : "") + "</button></div>", e.addClass("has-open")), '<div id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '"><input id="' + t + '-inp" class="' + r + "textbox " + r + 'placeholder" value="' + i + '" hidefocus="true"' + l + ">" + s + "</div>"
-        }})
-    }), r(Et, [yt, J], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            e.delimiter || (e.delimiter = "\xbb"), t._super(e), t.addClass("path"), t.canFocus = !0, t.on("click", function (e) {
-                var n, r = e.target;
-                (n = r.getAttribute("data-index")) && t.fire("select", {value: t.data()[n], index: n})
-            })
-        }, focus: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.keyNav = new t({root: e, enableLeftRight: !0}), e.keyNav.focusFirst(), e
-        }, data: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return"undefined" != typeof e ? (t._data = e, t.update(), t) : t._data
-        }, update: function () {
-            this.innerHtml(this._getPathHtml())
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            e._super(), e.data(e.settings.data)
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return'<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '">' + e._getPathHtml() + "</div>"
-        }, _getPathHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._data || [], n, r, i = "", o = e.classPrefix;
-            for (n = 0, r = t.length; r > n; n++)i += (n > 0 ? '<div class="' + o + 'divider" aria-hidden="true"> ' + e.settings.delimiter + " </div>" : "") + '<div role="button" class="' + o + "path-item" + (n == r - 1 ? " " + o + "last" : "") + '" data-index="' + n + '" tabindex="-1" id="' + e._id + "-" + n + '">' + t[n].name + "</div>";
-            return i || (i = '<div class="' + o + 'path-item">&nbsp;</div>'), i
-        }})
-    }), r(kt, [Et, st], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({postRender: function () {
-            function e(e) {
-                if (1 === e.nodeType) {
-                    if ("BR" == e.nodeName || e.getAttribute("data-mce-bogus"))return!0;
-                    if ("bookmark" === e.getAttribute("data-mce-type"))return!0
-                }
-                return!1
-            }
-            var n = this, r = t.activeEditor;
-            return n.on("select", function (t) {
-                var n = [], i, o = r.getBody();
-                for (r.focus(), i = r.selection.getStart(); i && i != o;)e(i) || n.push(i), i = i.parentNode;
-                r.selection.select(n[n.length - 1 - t.index]), r.nodeChanged()
-            }), r.on("nodeChange", function (t) {
-                for (var i = [], o = t.parents, a = o.length; a--;)if (1 == o[a].nodeType && !e(o[a])) {
-                    var s = r.fire("ResolveName", {name: o[a].nodeName.toLowerCase(), target: o[a]});
-                    i.push({name: s.name})
-                }
-                n.data(i)
-            }), n._super()
-        }})
-    }), r(St, [q], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {layout: "flex", align: "center", defaults: {flex: 1}}, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._layout, n = e.classPrefix;
-            return e.addClass("formitem"), t.preRender(e), '<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' + (e.settings.title ? '<div id="' + e._id + '-title" class="' + n + 'title">' + e.settings.title + "</div>" : "") + '<div id="' + e._id + '-body" class="' + e.classes("body") + '">' + (e.settings.html || "") + t.renderHtml(e) + "</div></div>"
-        }})
-    }), r(Tt, [q, St], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {containerCls: "form", layout: "flex", direction: "column", align: "stretch", flex: 1, padding: 20, labelGap: 30, spacing: 10, callbacks: {submit: function () {
-            this.submit()
-        }}}, preRender: function () {
-            var e = this, n = e.items();
-            n.each(function (n) {
-                var r, i = n.settings.label;
-                i && (r = new t({layout: "flex", autoResize: "overflow", defaults: {flex: 1}, items: [
-                    {type: "label", text: i, flex: 0, forId: n._id, disabled: n.disabled()}
-                ]}), r.type = "formitem", "undefined" == typeof n.settings.flex && (n.settings.flex = 1), e.replace(n, r), r.add(n))
-            })
-        }, recalcLabels: function () {
-            var e = this, t = 0, n = [], r, i;
-            if (e.settings.labelGapCalc !== !1)for (e.items().filter("formitem").each(function (e) {
-                var r = e.items()[0], i = r.getEl().clientWidth;
-                t = i > t ? i : t, n.push(r)
-            }), i = e.settings.labelGap || 0, r = n.length; r--;)n[r].settings.minWidth = t + i
-        }, visible: function (e) {
-            var t = this._super(e);
-            return e === !0 && this._rendered && this.recalcLabels(), t
-        }, submit: function () {
-            return this.fire("submit", {data: this.toJSON()})
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            e._super(), e.recalcLabels(), e.fromJSON(e.settings.data)
-        }})
-    }), r(Rt, [Tt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {containerCls: "fieldset", layout: "flex", direction: "column", align: "stretch", flex: 1, padding: "25 15 5 15", labelGap: 30, spacing: 10, border: 1}, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._layout, n = e.classPrefix;
-            return e.preRender(), t.preRender(e), '<fieldset id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' + (e.settings.title ? '<legend id="' + e._id + '-title" class="' + n + 'fieldset-title">' + e.settings.title + "</legend>" : "") + '<div id="' + e._id + '-body" class="' + e.classes("body") + '">' + (e.settings.html || "") + t.renderHtml(e) + "</div></fieldset>"
-        }})
-    }), r(At, [Nt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n = tinymce.activeEditor, r;
-            e.spellcheck = !1, r = n.settings.file_browser_callback, r && (e.icon = "browse", e.onaction = function () {
-                r(t.getEl("inp").id, t.getEl("inp").value, e.filetype, window)
-            }), t._super(e)
-        }})
-    }), r(Bt, [gt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({recalc: function (e) {
-            var t = e.layoutRect(), n = e.paddingBox();
-            e.items().filter(":visible").each(function (e) {
-                e.layoutRect({x: n.left, y: n.top, w: t.innerW - n.right - n.left, h: t.innerH - n.top - n.bottom}), e.recalc && e.recalc()
-            })
-        }})
-    }), r(Lt, [gt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({recalc: function (e) {
-            var t, n, r, i, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, p, m, h, g, v = [], y, b, C, x, w, _, N, E, k, S, T, R, A, B, L, H, M, D, P, O, I, z, F, W, V = Math.max, U = Math.min;
-            for (r = e.items().filter(":visible"), i = e.layoutRect(), o = e._paddingBox, a = e.settings, f = e.isRtl() ? a.direction || "row-reversed" : a.direction, s = a.align, l = e.isRtl() ? a.pack || "end" : a.pack, c = a.spacing || 0, ("row-reversed" == f || "column-reverse" == f) && (r = r.set(r.toArray().reverse()), f = f.split("-")[0]), "column" == f ? (k = "y", N = "h", E = "minH", S = "maxH", R = "innerH", T = "top", A = "bottom", B = "deltaH", L = "contentH", I = "left", D = "w", H = "x", M = "innerW", P = "minW", O = "maxW", z = "right", F = "deltaW", W = "contentW") : (k = "x", N = "w", E = "minW", S = "maxW", R = "innerW", T = "left", A = "right", B = "deltaW", L = "contentW", I = "top", D = "h", H = "y", M = "innerH", P = "minH", O = "maxH", z = "bottom", F = "deltaH", W = "contentH"), u = i[R] - o[T] - o[T], _ = d = 0, t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++)p = r[t], m = p.layoutRect(), h = p.settings, g = h.flex, u -= n - 1 > t ? c : 0, g > 0 && (d += g, m[S] && v.push(p), m.flex = g), u -= m[E], y = o[I] + m[P] + o[z], y > _ && (_ = y);
-            if (x = {}, x[E] = 0 > u ? i[E] - u + i[B] : i[R] - u + i[B], x[P] = _ + i[F], x[L] = i[R] - u, x[W] = _, x.minW = U(x.minW, i.maxW), x.minH = U(x.minH, i.maxH), x.minW = V(x.minW, i.startMinWidth), x.minH = V(x.minH, i.startMinHeight), !i.autoResize || x.minW == i.minW && x.minH == i.minH) {
-                for (C = u / d, t = 0, n = v.length; n > t; t++)p = v[t], m = p.layoutRect(), b = m[S], y = m[E] + m.flex * C, y > b ? (u -= m[S] - m[E], d -= m.flex, m.flex = 0, m.maxFlexSize = b) : m.maxFlexSize = 0;
-                for (C = u / d, w = o[T], x = {}, 0 === d && ("end" == l ? w = u + o[T] : "center" == l ? (w = Math.round(i[R] / 2 - (i[R] - u) / 2) + o[T], 0 > w && (w = o[T])) : "justify" == l && (w = o[T], c = Math.floor(u / (r.length - 1)))), x[H] = o[I], t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++)p = r[t], m = p.layoutRect(), y = m.maxFlexSize || m[E], "center" === s ? x[H] = Math.round(i[M] / 2 - m[D] / 2) : "stretch" === s ? (x[D] = V(m[P] || 0, i[M] - o[I] - o[z]), x[H] = o[I]) : "end" === s && (x[H] = i[M] - m[D] - o.top), m.flex > 0 && (y += m.flex * C), x[N] = y, x[k] = w, p.layoutRect(x), p.recalc && p.recalc(), w += y + c
-            } else if (x.w = x.minW, x.h = x.minH, e.layoutRect(x), this.recalc(e), null === e._lastRect) {
-                var q = e.parent();
-                q && (q._lastRect = null, q.recalc())
-            }
-        }})
-    }), r(Ht, [ht], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {containerClass: "flow-layout", controlClass: "flow-layout-item", endClass: "break"}, recalc: function (e) {
-            e.items().filter(":visible").each(function (e) {
-                e.recalc && e.recalc()
-            })
-        }})
-    }), r(Mt, [V, yt, X, f, st, h], function (e, t, n, r, i, o) {
-        function a(e) {
-            function t(t) {
-                function n(e) {
-                    return e.replace(/%(\w+)/g, "")
-                }
-                var r, i, o = e.dom, a = "", l, c;
-                return c = e.settings.preview_styles, c === !1 ? "" : (c || (c = "font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow"), (t = e.formatter.get(t)) ? (t = t[0], r = t.block || t.inline || "span", i = o.create(r), s(t.styles, function (e, t) {
-                    e = n(e), e && o.setStyle(i, t, e)
-                }), s(t.attributes, function (e, t) {
-                    e = n(e), e && o.setAttrib(i, t, e)
-                }), s(t.classes, function (e) {
-                    e = n(e), o.hasClass(i, e) || o.addClass(i, e)
-                }), e.fire("PreviewFormats"), o.setStyles(i, {position: "absolute", left: -65535}), e.getBody().appendChild(i), l = o.getStyle(e.getBody(), "fontSize", !0), l = /px$/.test(l) ? parseInt(l, 10) : 0, s(c.split(" "), function (t) {
-                    var n = o.getStyle(i, t, !0);
-                    if (!("background-color" == t && /transparent|rgba\s*\([^)]+,\s*0\)/.test(n) && (n = o.getStyle(e.getBody(), t, !0), "#ffffff" == o.toHex(n).toLowerCase()) || "color" == t && "#000000" == o.toHex(n).toLowerCase())) {
-                        if ("font-size" == t && /em|%$/.test(n)) {
-                            if (0 === l)return;
-                            n = parseFloat(n, 10) / (/%$/.test(n) ? 100 : 1), n = n * l + "px"
-                        }
-                        "border" == t && n && (a += "padding:0 2px;"), a += t + ":" + n + ";"
-                    }
-                }), e.fire("AfterPreviewFormats"), o.remove(i), a) : void 0)
-            }
-            function r(t, n) {
-                return function () {
-                    var r = this;
-                    e.on("nodeChange", function (i) {
-                        var o = e.formatter, a = null;
-                        s(i.parents, function (e) {
-                            return s(t, function (t) {
-                                return n ? o.matchNode(e, n, {value: t.value}) && (a = t.value) : o.matchNode(e, t.value) && (a = t.value), a ? !1 : void 0
-                            }), a ? !1 : void 0
-                        }), r.value(a)
-                    })
-                }
-            }
-            function i(e) {
-                e = e.split(";");
-                for (var t = e.length; t--;)e[t] = e[t].split("=");
-                return e
-            }
-            function o() {
-                function n(e) {
-                    var t = [];
-                    if (e)return s(e, function (e) {
-                        var r = {text: e.title, icon: e.icon};
-                        if (e.items)r.menu = n(e.items); else {
-                            var a = e.format || "custom" + i++;
-                            e.format || (e.name = a, o.push(e)), r.format = a
-                        }
-                        t.push(r)
-                    }), t
-                }
-                function r() {
-                    var t;
-                    return t = n(e.settings.style_formats_merge ? e.settings.style_formats ? a.concat(e.settings.style_formats) : a : e.settings.style_formats || a)
-                }
-                var i = 0, o = [], a = [
-                    {title: "Headers", items: [
-                        {title: "Header 1", format: "h1"},
-                        {title: "Header 2", format: "h2"},
-                        {title: "Header 3", format: "h3"},
-                        {title: "Header 4", format: "h4"},
-                        {title: "Header 5", format: "h5"},
-                        {title: "Header 6", format: "h6"}
-                    ]},
-                    {title: "Inline", items: [
-                        {title: "Bold", icon: "bold", format: "bold"},
-                        {title: "Italic", icon: "italic", format: "italic"},
-                        {title: "Underline", icon: "underline", format: "underline"},
-                        {title: "Strikethrough", icon: "strikethrough", format: "strikethrough"},
-                        {title: "Superscript", icon: "superscript", format: "superscript"},
-                        {title: "Subscript", icon: "subscript", format: "subscript"},
-                        {title: "Code", icon: "code", format: "code"}
-                    ]},
-                    {title: "Blocks", items: [
-                        {title: "Paragraph", format: "p"},
-                        {title: "Blockquote", format: "blockquote"},
-                        {title: "Div", format: "div"},
-                        {title: "Pre", format: "pre"}
-                    ]},
-                    {title: "Alignment", items: [
-                        {title: "Left", icon: "alignleft", format: "alignleft"},
-                        {title: "Center", icon: "aligncenter", format: "aligncenter"},
-                        {title: "Right", icon: "alignright", format: "alignright"},
-                        {title: "Justify", icon: "alignjustify", format: "alignjustify"}
-                    ]}
-                ];
-                return e.on("init", function () {
-                    s(o, function (t) {
-                        e.formatter.register(t.name, t)
-                    })
-                }), {type: "menu", items: r(), onPostRender: function (t) {
-                    e.fire("renderFormatsMenu", {control: t.control})
-                }, itemDefaults: {preview: !0, textStyle: function () {
-                    return this.settings.format ? t(this.settings.format) : void 0
-                }, onPostRender: function () {
-                    var t = this, n = this.settings.format;
-                    n && t.parent().on("show", function () {
-                        t.disabled(!e.formatter.canApply(n)), t.active(e.formatter.match(n))
-                    })
-                }, onclick: function () {
-                    this.settings.format && f(this.settings.format)
-                }}}
-            }
-            function a() {
-                return e.undoManager ? e.undoManager.hasUndo() : !1
-            }
-            function l() {
-                return e.undoManager ? e.undoManager.hasRedo() : !1
-            }
-            function c() {
-                var t = this;
-                t.disabled(!a()), e.on("Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo", function () {
-                    t.disabled(!a())
-                })
-            }
-            function d() {
-                var t = this;
-                t.disabled(!l()), e.on("Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo", function () {
-                    t.disabled(!l())
-                })
-            }
-            function u() {
-                var t = this;
-                e.on("VisualAid", function (e) {
-                    t.active(e.hasVisual)
-                }), t.active(e.hasVisual)
-            }
-            function f(t) {
-                t.control && (t = t.control.value()), t && e.execCommand("mceToggleFormat", !1, t)
-            }
-            var p;
-            p = o(), s({bold: "Bold", italic: "Italic", underline: "Underline", strikethrough: "Strikethrough", subscript: "Subscript", superscript: "Superscript"}, function (t, n) {
-                e.addButton(n, {tooltip: t, onPostRender: function () {
-                    var t = this;
-                    e.formatter ? e.formatter.formatChanged(n, function (e) {
-                        t.active(e)
-                    }) : e.on("init", function () {
-                        e.formatter.formatChanged(n, function (e) {
-                            t.active(e)
-                        })
-                    })
-                }, onclick: function () {
-                    f(n)
-                }})
-            }), s({outdent: ["Decrease indent", "Outdent"], indent: ["Increase indent", "Indent"], cut: ["Cut", "Cut"], copy: ["Copy", "Copy"], paste: ["Paste", "Paste"], help: ["Help", "mceHelp"], selectall: ["Select all", "SelectAll"], hr: ["Insert horizontal rule", "InsertHorizontalRule"], removeformat: ["Clear formatting", "RemoveFormat"], visualaid: ["Visual aids", "mceToggleVisualAid"], newdocument: ["New document", "mceNewDocument"]}, function (t, n) {
-                e.addButton(n, {tooltip: t[0], cmd: t[1]})
-            }), s({blockquote: ["Blockquote", "mceBlockQuote"], numlist: ["Numbered list", "InsertOrderedList"], bullist: ["Bullet list", "InsertUnorderedList"], subscript: ["Subscript", "Subscript"], superscript: ["Superscript", "Superscript"], alignleft: ["Align left", "JustifyLeft"], aligncenter: ["Align center", "JustifyCenter"], alignright: ["Align right", "JustifyRight"], alignjustify: ["Justify", "JustifyFull"]}, function (t, n) {
-                e.addButton(n, {tooltip: t[0], cmd: t[1], onPostRender: function () {
-                    var t = this;
-                    e.formatter ? e.formatter.formatChanged(n, function (e) {
-                        t.active(e)
-                    }) : e.on("init", function () {
-                        e.formatter.formatChanged(n, function (e) {
-                            t.active(e)
-                        })
-                    })
-                }})
-            }), e.addButton("undo", {tooltip: "Undo", onPostRender: c, cmd: "undo"}), e.addButton("redo", {tooltip: "Redo", onPostRender: d, cmd: "redo"}), e.addMenuItem("newdocument", {text: "New document", shortcut: "Ctrl+N", icon: "newdocument", cmd: "mceNewDocument"}), e.addMenuItem("undo", {text: "Undo", icon: "undo", shortcut: "Ctrl+Z", onPostRender: c, cmd: "undo"}), e.addMenuItem("redo", {text: "Redo", icon: "redo", shortcut: "Ctrl+Y", onPostRender: d, cmd: "redo"}), e.addMenuItem("visualaid", {text: "Visual aids", selectable: !0, onPostRender: u, cmd: "mceToggleVisualAid"}), s({cut: ["Cut", "Cut", "Ctrl+X"], copy: ["Copy", "Copy", "Ctrl+C"], paste: ["Paste", "Paste", "Ctrl+V"], selectall: ["Select all", "SelectAll", "Ctrl+A"], bold: ["Bold", "Bold", "Ctrl+B"], italic: ["Italic", "Italic", "Ctrl+I"], underline: ["Underline", "Underline"], strikethrough: ["Strikethrough", "Strikethrough"], subscript: ["Subscript", "Subscript"], superscript: ["Superscript", "Superscript"], removeformat: ["Clear formatting", "RemoveFormat"]}, function (t, n) {
-                e.addMenuItem(n, {text: t[0], icon: n, shortcut: t[2], cmd: t[1]})
-            }), e.on("mousedown", function () {
-                n.hideAll()
-            }), e.addButton("styleselect", {type: "menubutton", text: "Formats", menu: p}), e.addButton("formatselect", function () {
-                var n = [], o = i(e.settings.block_formats || "Paragraph=p;Address=address;Pre=pre;Header 1=h1;Header 2=h2;Header 3=h3;Header 4=h4;Header 5=h5;Header 6=h6");
-                return s(o, function (e) {
-                    n.push({text: e[0], value: e[1], textStyle: function () {
-                        return t(e[1])
-                    }})
-                }), {type: "listbox", text: o[0][0], values: n, fixedWidth: !0, onselect: f, onPostRender: r(n)}
-            }), e.addButton("fontselect", function () {
-                var t = "Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;Book Antiqua=book antiqua,palatino;Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;Courier New=courier new,courier;Georgia=georgia,palatino;Helvetica=helvetica;Impact=impact,chicago;Symbol=symbol;Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Terminal=terminal,monaco;Times New Roman=times new roman,times;Trebuchet MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;Verdana=verdana,geneva;Webdings=webdings;Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats", n = [], o = i(e.settings.font_formats || t);
-                return s(o, function (e) {
-                    n.push({text: {raw: e[0]}, value: e[1], textStyle: -1 == e[1].indexOf("dings") ? "font-family:" + e[1] : ""})
-                }), {type: "listbox", text: "Font Family", tooltip: "Font Family", values: n, fixedWidth: !0, onPostRender: r(n, "fontname"), onselect: function (t) {
-                    t.control.settings.value && e.execCommand("FontName", !1, t.control.settings.value)
-                }}
-            }), e.addButton("fontsizeselect", function () {
-                var t = [], n = "8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt", i = e.settings.fontsize_formats || n;
-                return s(i.split(" "), function (e) {
-                    t.push({text: e, value: e})
-                }), {type: "listbox", text: "Font Sizes", tooltip: "Font Sizes", values: t, fixedWidth: !0, onPostRender: r(t, "fontsize"), onclick: function (t) {
-                    t.control.settings.value && e.execCommand("FontSize", !1, t.control.settings.value)
-                }}
-            }), e.addMenuItem("formats", {text: "Formats", menu: p})
-        }
-        var s = r.each;
-        i.on("AddEditor", function (t) {
-            t.editor.rtl && (e.rtl = !0), a(t.editor)
-        }), e.translate = function (e) {
-            return i.translate(e)
-        }, t.tooltips = !o.iOS
-    }), r(Dt, [gt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({recalc: function (e) {
-            var t = e.settings, n, r, i, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, p, m, h, g, v, y, b, C, x, w, _, N = [], E = [], k, S, T, R, A, B;
-            for (t = e.settings, i = e.items().filter(":visible"), o = e.layoutRect(), r = t.columns || Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(i.length)), n = Math.ceil(i.length / r), y = t.spacingH || t.spacing || 0, b = t.spacingV || t.spacing || 0, C = t.alignH || t.align, x = t.alignV || t.align, g = e._paddingBox, C && "string" == typeof C && (C = [C]), x && "string" == typeof x && (x = [x]), u = 0; r > u; u++)N.push(0);
-            for (f = 0; n > f; f++)E.push(0);
-            for (f = 0; n > f; f++)for (u = 0; r > u && (d = i[f * r + u], d); u++)c = d.layoutRect(), k = c.minW, S = c.minH, N[u] = k > N[u] ? k : N[u], E[f] = S > E[f] ? S : E[f];
-            for (A = o.innerW - g.left - g.right, w = 0, u = 0; r > u; u++)w += N[u] + (u > 0 ? y : 0), A -= (u > 0 ? y : 0) + N[u];
-            for (B = o.innerH - g.top - g.bottom, _ = 0, f = 0; n > f; f++)_ += E[f] + (f > 0 ? b : 0), B -= (f > 0 ? b : 0) + E[f];
-            if (w += g.left + g.right, _ += g.top + g.bottom, l = {}, l.minW = w + (o.w - o.innerW), l.minH = _ + (o.h - o.innerH), l.contentW = l.minW - o.deltaW, l.contentH = l.minH - o.deltaH, l.minW = Math.min(l.minW, o.maxW), l.minH = Math.min(l.minH, o.maxH), l.minW = Math.max(l.minW, o.startMinWidth), l.minH = Math.max(l.minH, o.startMinHeight), !o.autoResize || l.minW == o.minW && l.minH == o.minH) {
-                o.autoResize && (l = e.layoutRect(l), l.contentW = l.minW - o.deltaW, l.contentH = l.minH - o.deltaH);
-                var L;
-                L = "start" == t.packV ? 0 : B > 0 ? Math.floor(B / n) : 0;
-                var H = 0, M = t.flexWidths;
-                if (M)for (u = 0; u < M.length; u++)H += M[u]; else H = r;
-                var D = A / H;
-                for (u = 0; r > u; u++)N[u] += M ? M[u] * D : D;
-                for (m = g.top, f = 0; n > f; f++) {
-                    for (p = g.left, s = E[f] + L, u = 0; r > u && (d = i[f * r + u], d); u++)h = d.settings, c = d.layoutRect(), a = Math.max(N[u], c.startMinWidth), T = R = 0, c.x = p, c.y = m, v = h.alignH || (C ? C[u] || C[0] : null), "center" == v ? c.x = p + a / 2 - c.w / 2 : "right" == v ? c.x = p + a - c.w : "stretch" == v && (c.w = a), v = h.alignV || (x ? x[u] || x[0] : null), "center" == v ? c.y = m + s / 2 - c.h / 2 : "bottom" == v ? c.y = m + s - c.h : "stretch" == v && (c.h = s), d.layoutRect(c), p += a + y, d.recalc && d.recalc();
-                    m += s + b
-                }
-            } else if (l.w = l.minW, l.h = l.minH, e.layoutRect(l), this.recalc(e), null === e._lastRect) {
-                var P = e.parent();
-                P && (P._lastRect = null, P.recalc())
-            }
-        }})
-    }), r(Pt, [yt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.addClass("iframe"), e.canFocus = !1, '<iframe id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" src="' + (e.settings.url || "javascript:''") + '" frameborder="0"></iframe>'
-        }, src: function (e) {
-            this.getEl().src = e
-        }, html: function (e, t) {
-            var n = this, r = this.getEl().contentWindow.document.body;
-            return r ? (r.innerHTML = e, t && t()) : setTimeout(function () {
-                n.html(e)
-            }, 0), this
-        }})
-    }), r(Ot, [yt, W], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t._super(e), t.addClass("widget"), t.addClass("label"), t.canFocus = !1, e.multiline && t.addClass("autoscroll"), e.strong && t.addClass("strong")
-        }, initLayoutRect: function () {
-            var e = this, n = e._super();
-            if (e.settings.multiline) {
-                var r = t.getSize(e.getEl());
-                r.width > n.maxW && (n.minW = n.maxW, e.addClass("multiline")), e.getEl().style.width = n.minW + "px", n.startMinH = n.h = n.minH = Math.min(n.maxH, t.getSize(e.getEl()).height)
-            }
-            return n
-        }, repaint: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.settings.multiline || (e.getEl().style.lineHeight = e.layoutRect().h + "px"), e._super()
-        }, text: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return t._rendered && e && this.innerHtml(t.encode(e)), t._super(e)
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.settings.forId;
-            return'<label id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '"' + (t ? ' for="' + t + '"' : "") + ">" + e.encode(e._text) + "</label>"
-        }})
-    }), r(It, [q, J], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {role: "toolbar", layout: "flow"}, init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t._super(e), t.addClass("toolbar")
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.items().addClass("toolbar-item"), e.keyNav = new t({root: e, enableLeftRight: !0}), e._super()
-        }})
-    }), r(zt, [It], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {role: "menubar", containerCls: "menubar", defaults: {type: "menubutton"}}})
-    }), r(Ft, [bt, U, zt], function (e, t, n) {
-        function r(e, t) {
-            for (; e;) {
-                if (t === e)return!0;
-                e = e.parentNode
-            }
-            return!1
-        }
-        var i = e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t._renderOpen = !0, t._super(e), t.addClass("menubtn"), e.fixedWidth && t.addClass("fixed-width"), t.aria("haspopup", !0), t.hasPopup = !0
-        }, showMenu: function () {
-            var e = this, n = e.settings, r;
-            return e.menu && e.menu.visible() ? e.hideMenu() : (e.menu || (r = n.menu || [], r.length ? r = {type: "menu", items: r} : r.type = r.type || "menu", e.menu = t.create(r).parent(e).renderTo(e.getContainerElm()), e.fire("createmenu"), e.menu.reflow(), e.menu.on("cancel", function (t) {
-                t.control === e.menu && e.focus()
-            }), e.menu.on("show hide",function (t) {
-                t.control == e.menu && e.activeMenu("show" == t.type)
-            }).fire("show"), e.aria("expanded", !0)), e.menu.show(), e.menu.layoutRect({w: e.layoutRect().w}), void e.menu.moveRel(e.getEl(), e.isRtl() ? ["br-tr", "tr-br"] : ["bl-tl", "tl-bl"]))
-        }, hideMenu: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            e.menu && (e.menu.items().each(function (e) {
-                e.hideMenu && e.hideMenu()
-            }), e.menu.hide(), e.aria("expanded", !1))
-        }, activeMenu: function (e) {
-            this.toggleClass("active", e)
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._id, r = e.classPrefix, i = e.settings.icon ? r + "ico " + r + "i-" + e.settings.icon : "";
-            return e.aria("role", e.parent()instanceof n ? "menuitem" : "button"), '<div id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" tabindex="-1"><button id="' + t + '-open" role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">' + (i ? '<i class="' + i + '"></i>' : "") + "<span>" + (e._text ? (i ? "\xa0" : "") + e.encode(e._text) : "") + '</span> <i class="' + r + 'caret"></i></button></div>'
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.on("click", function (t) {
-                t.control === e && r(t.target, e.getEl()) && (e.showMenu(), t.keyboard && e.menu.items()[0].focus())
-            }), e.on("mouseenter", function (t) {
-                var n = t.control, r = e.parent(), o;
-                n && r && n instanceof i && n.parent() == r && (r.items().filter("MenuButton").each(function (e) {
-                    e.hideMenu && e != n && (e.menu && e.menu.visible() && (o = !0), e.hideMenu())
-                }), o && (n.focus(), n.showMenu()))
-            }), e._super()
-        }, text: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n, r;
-            if (t._rendered)for (r = t.getEl("open").getElementsByTagName("span"), n = 0; n < r.length; n++)r[n].innerHTML = (t.settings.icon && e ? "\xa0" : "") + t.encode(e);
-            return this._super(e)
-        }, remove: function () {
-            this._super(), this.menu && this.menu.remove()
-        }});
-        return i
-    }), r(Wt, [Ft], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            var t = this, n, r, i, o, a;
-            if (t._values = n = e.values, n) {
-                for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++)i = n[r].selected || e.value === n[r].value, i && (o = o || n[r].text, t._value = n[r].value);
-                e.menu = n
-            }
-            e.text = e.text || o || n[0].text, t._super(e), t.addClass("listbox"), t.on("select", function (n) {
-                var r = n.control;
-                a && (n.lastControl = a), e.multiple ? r.active(!r.active()) : t.value(n.control.settings.value), a = r
-            })
-        }, value: function (e) {
-            function t(e, n) {
-                e.items().each(function (e) {
-                    r = e.value() === n, r && (i = i || e.text()), e.active(r), e.menu && t(e.menu, n)
-                })
-            }
-            var n = this, r, i, o, a;
-            if ("undefined" != typeof e) {
-                if (n.menu)t(n.menu, e); else for (o = n.settings.menu, a = 0; a < o.length; a++)r = o[a].value == e, r && (i = i || o[a].text), o[a].active = r;
-                n.text(i || this.settings.text)
-            }
-            return n._super(e)
-        }})
-    }), r(Vt, [yt, U, h], function (e, t, n) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {border: 0, role: "menuitem"}, init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t.hasPopup = !0, t._super(e), e = t.settings, t.addClass("menu-item"), e.menu && t.addClass("menu-item-expand"), e.preview && t.addClass("menu-item-preview"), ("-" === t._text || "|" === t._text) && (t.addClass("menu-item-sep"), t.aria("role", "separator"), t.canFocus = !1, t._text = "-"), e.selectable && (t.aria("role", "menuitemcheckbox"), t.aria("checked", !0), t.addClass("menu-item-checkbox"), e.icon = "selected"), e.preview || e.selectable || t.addClass("menu-item-normal"), t.on("mousedown", function (e) {
-                e.preventDefault()
-            }), t.on("mouseenter click", function (n) {
-                n.control === t && (e.menu || "click" !== n.type ? (t.showMenu(), n.keyboard && setTimeout(function () {
-                    t.menu.items()[0].focus()
-                }, 0)) : (t.parent().hideAll(), t.fire("cancel"), t.fire("select")))
-            }), e.menu && t.aria("haspopup", !0)
-        }, hasMenus: function () {
-            return!!this.settings.menu
-        }, showMenu: function () {
-            var e = this, n = e.settings, r, i = e.parent();
-            if (i.items().each(function (t) {
-                t !== e && t.hideMenu()
-            }), n.menu) {
-                r = e.menu, r ? r.show() : (r = n.menu, r.length ? r = {type: "menu", items: r} : r.type = r.type || "menu", i.settings.itemDefaults && (r.itemDefaults = i.settings.itemDefaults), r = e.menu = t.create(r).parent(e).renderTo(e.getContainerElm()), r.reflow(), r.fire("show"), r.on("cancel", function () {
-                    e.focus()
-                }), r.on("hide", function (t) {
-                    t.control === r && e.removeClass("selected")
-                })), r._parentMenu = i, r.addClass("menu-sub");
-                var o = r.testMoveRel(e.getEl(), e.isRtl() ? ["tl-tr", "bl-br", "tr-tl", "br-bl"] : ["tr-tl", "br-bl", "tl-tr", "bl-br"]);
-                r.moveRel(e.getEl(), o), r.rel = o, o = "menu-sub-" + o, r.removeClass(r._lastRel), r.addClass(o), r._lastRel = o, e.addClass("selected"), e.aria("expanded", !0)
-            }
-        }, hideMenu: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.menu && (e.menu.items().each(function (e) {
-                e.hideMenu && e.hideMenu()
-            }), e.menu.hide(), e.aria("expanded", !1)), e
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._id, r = e.settings, i = e.classPrefix, o = e.encode(e._text), a = e.settings.icon, s = "", l = r.shortcut;
-            return a && e.parent().addClass("menu-has-icons"), r.image && (a = "none", s = " style=\"background-image: url('" + r.image + "')\""), l && n.mac && (l = l.replace(/ctrl\+alt\+/i, "&#x2325;&#x2318;"), l = l.replace(/ctrl\+/i, "&#x2318;"), l = l.replace(/alt\+/i, "&#x2325;"), l = l.replace(/shift\+/i, "&#x21E7;")), a = i + "ico " + i + "i-" + (e.settings.icon || "none"), '<div id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" tabindex="-1">' + ("-" !== o ? '<i class="' + a + '"' + s + "></i>&nbsp;" : "") + ("-" !== o ? '<span id="' + t + '-text" class="' + i + 'text">' + o + "</span>" : "") + (l ? '<div id="' + t + '-shortcut" class="' + i + 'menu-shortcut">' + l + "</div>" : "") + (r.menu ? '<div class="' + i + 'caret"></div>' : "") + "</div>"
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.settings, n = t.textStyle;
-            if ("function" == typeof n && (n = n.call(this)), n) {
-                var r = e.getEl("text");
-                r && r.setAttribute("style", n)
-            }
-            return e._super()
-        }, remove: function () {
-            this._super(), this.menu && this.menu.remove()
-        }})
-    }), r(Ut, [X, J, Vt, f], function (e, t, n, r) {
-        var i = e.extend({Defaults: {defaultType: "menuitem", border: 1, layout: "stack", role: "menu"}, init: function (e) {
-            var i = this;
-            if (e.autohide = !0, e.constrainToViewport = !0, e.itemDefaults)for (var o = e.items, a = o.length; a--;)o[a] = r.extend({}, e.itemDefaults, o[a]);
-            i._super(e), i.addClass("menu"), i.keyNav = new t({root: i, enableUpDown: !0, enableLeftRight: !0, leftAction: function () {
-                i.parent()instanceof n && i.keyNav.cancel()
-            }, onCancel: function () {
-                i.fire("cancel", {}, !1), i.hide()
-            }})
-        }, repaint: function () {
-            return this.toggleClass("menu-align", !0), this._super(), this.getEl().style.height = "", this.getEl("body").style.height = "", this
-        }, cancel: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            e.hideAll(), e.fire("cancel"), e.fire("select")
-        }, hideAll: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return this.find("menuitem").exec("hideMenu"), e._super()
-        }, preRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.items().each(function (t) {
-                var n = t.settings;
-                return n.icon || n.selectable ? (e._hasIcons = !0, !1) : void 0
-            }), e._super()
-        }});
-        return i
-    }), r(qt, [xt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {classes: "radio", role: "radio"}})
-    }), r(jt, [yt, j], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.classPrefix;
-            return e.addClass("resizehandle"), "both" == e.settings.direction && e.addClass("resizehandle-both"), e.canFocus = !1, '<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '"><i class="' + t + "ico " + t + 'i-resize"></i></div>'
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            e._super(), e.resizeDragHelper = new t(this._id, {start: function () {
-                e.fire("ResizeStart")
-            }, drag: function (t) {
-                "both" != e.settings.direction && (t.deltaX = 0), e.fire("Resize", t)
-            }, stop: function () {
-                e.fire("ResizeEnd")
-            }})
-        }, remove: function () {
-            return this.resizeDragHelper && this.resizeDragHelper.destroy(), this._super()
-        }})
-    }), r($t, [yt], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return e.addClass("spacer"), e.canFocus = !1, '<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '"></div>'
-        }})
-    }), r(Kt, [Ft, W], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {classes: "widget btn splitbtn", role: "splitbutton"}, repaint: function () {
-            var e = this, n = e.getEl(), r = e.layoutRect(), i, o;
-            return e._super(), i = n.firstChild, o = n.lastChild, t.css(i, {width: r.w - t.getSize(o).width, height: r.h - 2}), t.css(o, {height: r.h - 2}), e
-        }, activeMenu: function (e) {
-            var n = this;
-            t.toggleClass(n.getEl().lastChild, n.classPrefix + "active", e)
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._id, n = e.classPrefix, r = e.settings.icon ? n + "ico " + n + "i-" + e.settings.icon : "";
-            return'<div id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '"><button type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' + (r ? '<i class="' + r + '"></i>' : "") + (e._text ? (r ? " " : "") + e._text : "") + '</button><button type="button" class="' + n + 'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' + (e._menuBtnText ? (r ? "\xa0" : "") + e._menuBtnText : "") + ' <i class="' + n + 'caret"></i></button></div>'
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e.settings.onclick;
-            return e.on("click", function (e) {
-                var n = e.target;
-                if (e.control == this)for (; n;) {
-                    if ("BUTTON" == n.nodeName && -1 == n.className.indexOf("open"))return e.stopImmediatePropagation(), void t.call(this, e);
-                    n = n.parentNode
-                }
-            }), delete e.settings.onclick, e._super()
-        }})
-    }), r(Yt, [Ht], function (e) {
-        return e.extend({Defaults: {containerClass: "stack-layout", controlClass: "stack-layout-item", endClass: "break"}})
-    }), r(Gt, [K, W], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({lastIdx: 0, Defaults: {layout: "absolute", defaults: {type: "panel"}}, activateTab: function (e) {
-            this.activeTabId && t.removeClass(this.getEl(this.activeTabId), this.classPrefix + "active"), this.activeTabId = "t" + e, t.addClass(this.getEl("t" + e), this.classPrefix + "active"), e != this.lastIdx && (this.items()[this.lastIdx].hide(), this.lastIdx = e), this.items()[e].show().fire("showtab"), this.reflow()
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._layout, n = "", r = e.classPrefix;
-            return e.preRender(), t.preRender(e), e.items().each(function (t, i) {
-                n += '<div id="' + e._id + "-t" + i + '" class="' + r + 'tab" unselectable="on">' + e.encode(t.settings.title) + "</div>"
-            }), '<div id="' + e._id + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1"><div id="' + e._id + '-head" class="' + r + 'tabs">' + n + '</div><div id="' + e._id + '-body" class="' + e.classes("body") + '">' + t.renderHtml(e) + "</div></div>"
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            e._super(), e.settings.activeTab = e.settings.activeTab || 0, e.activateTab(e.settings.activeTab), this.on("click", function (t) {
-                var n = t.target.parentNode;
-                if (t.target.parentNode.id == e._id + "-head")for (var r = n.childNodes.length; r--;)n.childNodes[r] == t.target && e.activateTab(r)
-            })
-        }, initLayoutRect: function () {
-            var e = this, n, r, i;
-            r = t.getSize(e.getEl("head")).width, r = 0 > r ? 0 : r, i = 0, e.items().each(function (t, n) {
-                r = Math.max(r, t.layoutRect().minW), i = Math.max(i, t.layoutRect().minH), e.settings.activeTab != n && t.hide()
-            }), e.items().each(function (e) {
-                e.settings.x = 0, e.settings.y = 0, e.settings.w = r, e.settings.h = i, e.layoutRect({x: 0, y: 0, w: r, h: i})
-            });
-            var o = t.getSize(e.getEl("head")).height;
-            return e.settings.minWidth = r, e.settings.minHeight = i + o, n = e._super(), n.deltaH += o, n.innerH = n.h - n.deltaH, n
-        }})
-    }), r(Xt, [yt, W], function (e, t) {
-        return e.extend({init: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            t._super(e), t._value = e.value || "", t.addClass("textbox"), e.multiline ? t.addClass("multiline") : t.on("keydown", function (e) {
-                13 == e.keyCode && t.parents().reverse().each(function (t) {
-                    return e.preventDefault(), t.hasEventListeners("submit") && t.toJSON ? (t.fire("submit", {data: t.toJSON()}), !1) : void 0
-                })
-            })
-        }, disabled: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return t._rendered && "undefined" != typeof e && (t.getEl().disabled = e), t._super(e)
-        }, value: function (e) {
-            var t = this;
-            return"undefined" != typeof e ? (t._value = e, t._rendered && (t.getEl().value = e), t) : t._rendered ? t.getEl().value : t._value
-        }, repaint: function () {
-            var e = this, t, n, r, i = 0, o = 0, a;
-            t = e.getEl().style, n = e._layoutRect, a = e._lastRepaintRect || {};
-            var s = document;
-            return!e.settings.multiline && s.all && (!s.documentMode || s.documentMode <= 8) && (t.lineHeight = n.h - o + "px"), r = e._borderBox, i = r.left + r.right + 8, o = r.top + r.bottom + (e.settings.multiline ? 8 : 0), n.x !== a.x && (t.left = n.x + "px", a.x = n.x), n.y !== a.y && (t.top = n.y + "px", a.y = n.y), n.w !== a.w && (t.width = n.w - i + "px", a.w = n.w), n.h !== a.h && (t.height = n.h - o + "px", a.h = n.h), e._lastRepaintRect = a, e.fire("repaint", {}, !1), e
-        }, renderHtml: function () {
-            var e = this, t = e._id, n = e.settings, r = e.encode(e._value, !1), i = "";
-            return"spellcheck"in n && (i += ' spellcheck="' + n.spellcheck + '"'), n.maxLength && (i += ' maxlength="' + n.maxLength + '"'), n.size && (i += ' size="' + n.size + '"'), n.subtype && (i += ' type="' + n.subtype + '"'), e.disabled() && (i += ' disabled="disabled"'), n.multiline ? '<textarea id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" ' + (n.rows ? ' rows="' + n.rows + '"' : "") + ' hidefocus="true"' + i + ">" + r + "</textarea>" : '<input id="' + t + '" class="' + e.classes() + '" value="' + r + '" hidefocus="true"' + i + ">"
-        }, postRender: function () {
-            var e = this;
-            return t.on(e.getEl(), "change", function (t) {
-                e.fire("change", t)
-            }), e._super()
-        }, remove: function () {
-            t.off(this.getEl()), this._super()
-        }})
-    }), r(Jt, [W], function (e) {
-        return function (t) {
-            var n = this, r;
-            n.show = function (i) {
-                return n.hide(), r = !0, window.setTimeout(function () {
-                    r && t.appendChild(e.createFragment('<div class="mce-throbber"></div>'))
-                }, i || 0), n
-            }, n.hide = function () {
-                var e = t.lastChild;
-                return e && -1 != e.className.indexOf("throbber") && e.parentNode.removeChild(e), r = !1, n
-            }
-        }
-    }), a([l, c, d, u, f, p, m, h, g, v, y, b, C, x, w, _, N, E, k, S, T, R, A, B, L, H, M, D, P, O, I, z, F, W, V, U, q, j, $, K, Y, G, X, J, Q, Z, et, tt, nt, rt, it, ot, at, st, lt, ct, dt, ut, ft, pt, mt, ht, gt, vt, yt, bt, Ct, xt, wt, _t, Nt, Et, kt, St, Tt, Rt, At, Bt, Lt, Ht, Mt, Dt, Pt, Ot, It, zt, Ft, Wt, Vt, Ut, qt, jt, $t, Kt, Yt, Gt, Xt, Jt])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/BUILD_README.txt b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/BUILD_README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b18fb0345150c88b2a037844f540fb2feee12af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/BUILD_README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Instructions for creating js/tinymce.full.min.js
+1. Ensure that the dependencies (NodeJS, Jake, and other dependencies) are installed. If necessary,
+   install them per the directions on https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/tree/4.0.20.
+2. Unzip edx-platform/vendor_extra/tinymce/jake_package.zip into this directory (so that Jakefile.js resides in this directory).
+3. Run the following command in the tinymce directory:
+   jake minify bundle[themes:modern,plugins:image,link,codemirror,paste,table,textcolor]
+4. Cleanup by deleting the Unversioned files that were created from unzipping jake_package.zip.
+Instructions for updating tinymce to a newer version:
+1. Download the desired version from https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/releases
+2. Find all the EDX specific changes that were made to the currently used version of tinymce by searching for
+   the string "EDX" in this directory.
+3. Merge the EDX specific changes with the new version.
+4. Follow the instructions above for creating the new version of js/tinymce.full.min.js
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/AddOnManager.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/AddOnManager.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02ae2d9bdd2f866b8482dac1874d5863063cea0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/AddOnManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ * AddOnManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the loading of themes/plugins or other add-ons and their language packs.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.AddOnManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/AddOnManager", [
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(ScriptLoader, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function AddOnManager() {
+		var self = this;
+		self.items = [];
+		self.urls = {};
+		self.lookup = {};
+	}
+	AddOnManager.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified add on by the short name.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String} name Add-on to look for.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} Theme or plugin add-on instance or undefined.
+		 */
+		get: function(name) {
+			if (this.lookup[name]) {
+				return this.lookup[name].instance;
+			} else {
+				return undefined;
+			}
+		},
+		dependencies: function(name) {
+			var result;
+			if (this.lookup[name]) {
+				result = this.lookup[name].dependencies;
+			}
+			return result || [];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads a language pack for the specified add-on.
+		 *
+		 * @method requireLangPack
+		 * @param {String} name Short name of the add-on.
+		 * @param {String} languages Optional comma or space separated list of languages to check if it matches the name.
+		 */
+		requireLangPack: function(name, languages) {
+			if (AddOnManager.language && AddOnManager.languageLoad !== false) {
+				if (languages && new RegExp('([, ]|\\b)' + AddOnManager.language + '([, ]|\\b)').test(languages) === false) {
+					return;
+				}
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(this.urls[name] + '/langs/' + AddOnManager.language + '.js');
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a instance of the add-on by it's short name.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} id Short name/id for the add-on.
+		 * @param {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} addOn Theme or plugin to add.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} The same theme or plugin instance that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Create a simple plugin
+		 * tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin', {
+		 *   TestPlugin: function(ed, url) {
+		 *   ed.on('click', function(e) {
+		 *      ed.windowManager.alert('Hello World!');
+		 *   });
+		 *   }
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Register plugin using the add method
+		 * tinymce.PluginManager.add('test', tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin);
+		 *
+		 * // Initialize TinyMCE
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *  ...
+		 *  plugins: '-test' // Init the plugin but don't try to load it
+		 * });
+		 */
+		add: function(id, addOn, dependencies) {
+			this.items.push(addOn);
+			this.lookup[id] = {instance: addOn, dependencies: dependencies};
+			return addOn;
+		},
+		createUrl: function(baseUrl, dep) {
+			if (typeof dep === "object") {
+				return dep;
+			} else {
+				return {prefix: baseUrl.prefix, resource: dep, suffix: baseUrl.suffix};
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Add a set of components that will make up the add-on. Using the url of the add-on name as the base url.
+		 * This should be used in development mode.  A new compressor/javascript munger process will ensure that the
+		 * components are put together into the plugin.js file and compressed correctly.
+		 *
+		 * @method addComponents
+		 * @param {String} pluginName name of the plugin to load scripts from (will be used to get the base url for the plugins).
+		 * @param {Array} scripts Array containing the names of the scripts to load.
+		 */
+		addComponents: function(pluginName, scripts) {
+			var pluginUrl = this.urls[pluginName];
+			each(scripts, function(script) {
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(pluginUrl + "/" + script);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads an add-on from a specific url.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} name Short name of the add-on that gets loaded.
+		 * @param {String} addOnUrl URL to the add-on that will get loaded.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute ones the add-on is loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Loads a plugin from an external URL
+		 * tinymce.PluginManager.load('myplugin', '/some/dir/someplugin/plugin.js');
+		 *
+		 * // Initialize TinyMCE
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *  ...
+		 *  plugins: '-myplugin' // Don't try to load it again
+		 * });
+		 */
+		load: function(name, addOnUrl, callback, scope) {
+			var self = this, url = addOnUrl;
+			function loadDependencies() {
+				var dependencies = self.dependencies(name);
+				each(dependencies, function(dep) {
+					var newUrl = self.createUrl(addOnUrl, dep);
+					self.load(newUrl.resource, newUrl, undefined, undefined);
+				});
+				if (callback) {
+					if (scope) {
+						callback.call(scope);
+					} else {
+						callback.call(ScriptLoader);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (self.urls[name]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (typeof addOnUrl === "object") {
+				url = addOnUrl.prefix + addOnUrl.resource + addOnUrl.suffix;
+			}
+			if (url.indexOf('/') !== 0 && url.indexOf('://') == -1) {
+				url = AddOnManager.baseURL + '/' + url;
+			}
+			self.urls[name] = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'));
+			if (self.lookup[name]) {
+				loadDependencies();
+			} else {
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(url, loadDependencies, scope);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	AddOnManager.PluginManager = new AddOnManager();
+	AddOnManager.ThemeManager = new AddOnManager();
+	return AddOnManager;
+ * TinyMCE theme class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Theme
+ */
+ * This method is responsible for rendering/generating the overall user interface with toolbars, buttons, iframe containers etc.
+ *
+ * @method renderUI
+ * @param {Object} obj Object parameter containing the targetNode DOM node that will be replaced visually with an editor instance.
+ * @return {Object} an object with items like iframeContainer, editorContainer, sizeContainer, deltaWidth, deltaHeight.
+ */
+ * Plugin base class, this is a pseudo class that describes how a plugin is to be created for TinyMCE. The methods below are all optional.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Plugin
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.PluginManager.add('example', function(editor, url) {
+ *     // Add a button that opens a window
+ *     editor.addButton('example', {
+ *         text: 'My button',
+ *         icon: false,
+ *         onclick: function() {
+ *             // Open window
+ *             editor.windowManager.open({
+ *                 title: 'Example plugin',
+ *                 body: [
+ *                     {type: 'textbox', name: 'title', label: 'Title'}
+ *                 ],
+ *                 onsubmit: function(e) {
+ *                     // Insert content when the window form is submitted
+ *                     editor.insertContent('Title: ' + e.data.title);
+ *                 }
+ *             });
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ *     // Adds a menu item to the tools menu
+ *     editor.addMenuItem('example', {
+ *         text: 'Example plugin',
+ *         context: 'tools',
+ *         onclick: function() {
+ *             // Open window with a specific url
+ *             editor.windowManager.open({
+ *                 title: 'TinyMCE site',
+ *                 url: 'http://www.tinymce.com',
+ *                 width: 800,
+ *                 height: 600,
+ *                 buttons: [{
+ *                     text: 'Close',
+ *                     onclick: 'close'
+ *                 }]
+ *             });
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ * });
+ */
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Compat.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Compat.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eacc64c9cf9486a06bfa1785337e5e9a4cd044d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Compat.js
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Compat.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * TinyMCE core class.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @class tinymce
+ * @borrow-members tinymce.EditorManager
+ * @borrow-members tinymce.util.Tools
+ */
+define("tinymce/Compat", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/AddOnManager",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(DOMUtils, EventUtils, ScriptLoader, AddOnManager, Tools, Env) {
+	var tinymce = window.tinymce;
+	/**
+	 * @property {tinymce.dom.DOMUtils} DOM Global DOM instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader} ScriptLoader Global ScriptLoader instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.AddOnManager} PluginManager Global PluginManager instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.AddOnManager} ThemeManager Global ThemeManager instance.
+	 */
+	tinymce.DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	tinymce.ScriptLoader = ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader;
+	tinymce.PluginManager = AddOnManager.PluginManager;
+	tinymce.ThemeManager = AddOnManager.ThemeManager;
+	tinymce.dom = tinymce.dom || {};
+	tinymce.dom.Event = EventUtils.Event;
+	Tools.each(Tools, function(func, key) {
+		tinymce[key] = func;
+	});
+	Tools.each('isOpera isWebKit isIE isGecko isMac'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		tinymce[name] = Env[name.substr(2).toLowerCase()];
+	});
+	return {};
+// Describe the different namespaces
+ * Root level namespace this contains classes directly releated to the TinyMCE editor.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce
+ */
+ * Contains classes for handling the browsers DOM.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.dom
+ */
+ * Contains html parser and serializer logic.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.html
+ */
+ * Contains the different UI types such as buttons, listboxes etc.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.ui
+ */
+ * Contains various utility classes such as json parser, cookies etc.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.util
+ */
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Editor.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Editor.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..571c4fa32d29a611ba22f6a5cf9e2ba72abaab5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Editor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2168 @@
+ * Editor.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint scripturl:true */
+ * Include the base event class documentation.
+ *
+ * @include ../../../tools/docs/tinymce.Event.js
+ */
+ * This class contains the core logic for a TinyMCE editor.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Editor
+ * @mixes tinymce.util.Observable
+ * @example
+ * // Add a class to all paragraphs in the editor.
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+ *
+ * // Gets the current editors selection as text
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'});
+ *
+ * // Creates a new editor instance
+ * var ed = new tinymce.Editor('textareaid', {
+ *     some_setting: 1
+ * }, tinymce.EditorManager);
+ *
+ * // Select each item the user clicks on
+ * ed.on('click', function(e) {
+ *     ed.selection.select(e.target);
+ * });
+ *
+ * ed.render();
+ */
+define("tinymce/Editor", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/AddOnManager",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/dom/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/dom/Selection",
+	"tinymce/Formatter",
+	"tinymce/UndoManager",
+	"tinymce/EnterKey",
+	"tinymce/ForceBlocks",
+	"tinymce/EditorCommands",
+	"tinymce/util/URI",
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/WindowManager",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/util/Quirks",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/util/Observable",
+	"tinymce/Shortcuts"
+], function(
+	DOMUtils, AddOnManager, Node, DomSerializer, Serializer,
+	Selection, Formatter, UndoManager, EnterKey, ForceBlocks, EditorCommands,
+	URI, ScriptLoader, EventUtils, WindowManager,
+	Schema, DomParser, Quirks, Env, Tools, Observable, Shortcuts
+) {
+	// Shorten these names
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM, ThemeManager = AddOnManager.ThemeManager, PluginManager = AddOnManager.PluginManager;
+	var extend = Tools.extend, each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var inArray = Tools.inArray, trim = Tools.trim, resolve = Tools.resolve;
+	var Event = EventUtils.Event;
+	var isGecko = Env.gecko, ie = Env.ie;
+	function getEventTarget(editor, eventName) {
+		if (eventName == 'selectionchange') {
+			return editor.getDoc();
+		}
+		// Need to bind mousedown/mouseup etc to document not body in iframe mode
+		// Since the user might click on the HTML element not the BODY
+		if (!editor.inline && /^mouse|click|contextmenu|drop/.test(eventName)) {
+			return editor.getDoc();
+		}
+		return editor.getBody();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Include documentation for all the events.
+	 *
+	 * @include ../../../tools/docs/tinymce.Editor.js
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a editor instance by id.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Editor
+	 * @param {String} id Unique id for the editor.
+	 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the editor.
+	 * @param {tinymce.EditorManager} editorManager EditorManager instance.
+	 * @author Moxiecode
+	 */
+	function Editor(id, settings, editorManager) {
+		var self = this, documentBaseUrl, baseUri;
+		documentBaseUrl = self.documentBaseUrl = editorManager.documentBaseURL;
+		baseUri = editorManager.baseURI;
+		/**
+		 * Name/value collection with editor settings.
+		 *
+		 * @property settings
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get the value of the theme setting
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("You are using the " + tinymce.activeEditor.settings.theme + " theme");
+		 */
+		self.settings = settings = extend({
+			id: id,
+			theme: 'modern',
+			delta_width: 0,
+			delta_height: 0,
+			popup_css: '',
+			plugins: '',
+			document_base_url: documentBaseUrl,
+			add_form_submit_trigger: true,
+			submit_patch: true,
+			add_unload_trigger: true,
+			convert_urls: true,
+			relative_urls: true,
+			remove_script_host: true,
+			object_resizing: true,
+			doctype: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
+			visual: true,
+			font_size_style_values: 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large',
+			// See: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#propdef-font-size
+			font_size_legacy_values: 'xx-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large,300%',
+			forced_root_block: 'p',
+			hidden_input: true,
+			padd_empty_editor: true,
+			render_ui: true,
+			indentation: '30px',
+			inline_styles: true,
+			convert_fonts_to_spans: true,
+			indent: 'simple',
+			indent_before: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,' +
+				'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist',
+			indent_after: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,' +
+				'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist',
+			validate: true,
+			entity_encoding: 'named',
+			url_converter: self.convertURL,
+			url_converter_scope: self,
+			ie7_compat: true
+		}, settings);
+		AddOnManager.language = settings.language || 'en';
+		AddOnManager.languageLoad = settings.language_load;
+		AddOnManager.baseURL = editorManager.baseURL;
+		/**
+		 * Editor instance id, normally the same as the div/textarea that was replaced.
+		 *
+		 * @property id
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		self.id = settings.id = id;
+		/**
+		 * State to force the editor to return false on a isDirty call.
+		 *
+		 * @property isNotDirty
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @example
+		 * function ajaxSave() {
+		 *     var ed = tinymce.get('elm1');
+		 *
+		 *     // Save contents using some XHR call
+		 *     alert(ed.getContent());
+		 *
+		 *     ed.isNotDirty = true; // Force not dirty state
+		 * }
+		 */
+		self.isNotDirty = true;
+		/**
+		 * Name/Value object containting plugin instances.
+		 *
+		 * @property plugins
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * // Execute a method inside a plugin directly
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.plugins.someplugin.someMethod();
+		 */
+		self.plugins = {};
+		/**
+		 * URI object to document configured for the TinyMCE instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property documentBaseURI
+		 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get relative URL from the location of document_base_url
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.documentBaseURI.toRelative('/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 *
+		 * // Get absolute URL from the location of document_base_url
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute('somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		self.documentBaseURI = new URI(settings.document_base_url || documentBaseUrl, {
+			base_uri: baseUri
+		});
+		/**
+		 * URI object to current document that holds the TinyMCE editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property baseURI
+		 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get relative URL from the location of the API
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.baseURI.toRelative('/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 *
+		 * // Get absolute URL from the location of the API
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.baseURI.toAbsolute('somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		self.baseURI = baseUri;
+		/**
+		 * Array with CSS files to load into the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentCSS
+		 * @type Array
+		 */
+		self.contentCSS = [];
+		/**
+		 * Array of CSS styles to add to head of document when the editor loads.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentStyles
+		 * @type Array
+		 */
+		self.contentStyles = [];
+		// Creates all events like onClick, onSetContent etc see Editor.Events.js for the actual logic
+		self.shortcuts = new Shortcuts(self);
+		// Internal command handler objects
+		self.execCommands = {};
+		self.queryStateCommands = {};
+		self.queryValueCommands = {};
+		self.loadedCSS = {};
+		self.suffix = editorManager.suffix;
+		self.editorManager = editorManager;
+		self.inline = settings.inline;
+		// Call setup
+		editorManager.fire('SetupEditor', self);
+		self.execCallback('setup', self);
+	}
+	Editor.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Renderes the editor/adds it to the page.
+		 *
+		 * @method render
+		 */
+		render: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, id = self.id, suffix = self.suffix;
+			function readyHandler() {
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				self.render();
+			}
+			// Page is not loaded yet, wait for it
+			if (!Event.domLoaded) {
+				DOM.bind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				return;
+			}
+			// Element not found, then skip initialization
+			if (!self.getElement()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// No editable support old iOS versions etc
+			if (!Env.contentEditable) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Hide target element early to prevent content flashing
+			if (!settings.inline) {
+				self.orgVisibility = self.getElement().style.visibility;
+				self.getElement().style.visibility = 'hidden';
+			} else {
+				self.inline = true;
+			}
+			var form = self.getElement().form || DOM.getParent(id, 'form');
+			if (form) {
+				self.formElement = form;
+				// Add hidden input for non input elements inside form elements
+				if (settings.hidden_input && !/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(self.getElement().nodeName)) {
+					DOM.insertAfter(DOM.create('input', {type: 'hidden', name: id}), id);
+					self.hasHiddenInput = true;
+				}
+				// Pass submit/reset from form to editor instance
+				self.formEventDelegate = function(e) {
+					self.fire(e.type, e);
+				};
+				DOM.bind(form, 'submit reset', self.formEventDelegate);
+				// Reset contents in editor when the form is reset
+				self.on('reset', function() {
+					self.setContent(self.startContent, {format: 'raw'});
+				});
+				// Check page uses id="submit" or name="submit" for it's submit button
+				if (settings.submit_patch && !form.submit.nodeType && !form.submit.length && !form._mceOldSubmit) {
+					form._mceOldSubmit = form.submit;
+					form.submit = function() {
+						self.editorManager.triggerSave();
+						self.isNotDirty = true;
+						return form._mceOldSubmit(form);
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Window manager reference, use this to open new windows and dialogs.
+			 *
+			 * @property windowManager
+			 * @type tinymce.WindowManager
+			 * @example
+			 * // Shows an alert message
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+			 *
+			 * // Opens a new dialog with the file.htm file and the size 320x240
+			 * // It also adds a custom parameter this can be retrieved by using tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg inside the dialog.
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.open({
+			 *    url: 'file.htm',
+			 *    width: 320,
+			 *    height: 240
+			 * }, {
+			 *    custom_param: 1
+			 * });
+			 */
+			self.windowManager = new WindowManager(self);
+			if (settings.encoding == 'xml') {
+				self.on('GetContent', function(e) {
+					if (e.save) {
+						e.content = DOM.encode(e.content);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (settings.add_form_submit_trigger) {
+				self.on('submit', function() {
+					if (self.initialized) {
+						self.save();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (settings.add_unload_trigger) {
+				self._beforeUnload = function() {
+					if (self.initialized && !self.destroyed && !self.isHidden()) {
+						self.save({format: 'raw', no_events: true, set_dirty: false});
+					}
+				};
+				self.editorManager.on('BeforeUnload', self._beforeUnload);
+			}
+			// Load scripts
+			function loadScripts() {
+				var scriptLoader = ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader;
+				if (settings.language && settings.language != 'en' && !settings.language_url) {
+					settings.language_url = self.editorManager.baseURL + '/langs/' + settings.language + '.js';
+				}
+				if (settings.language_url) {
+					scriptLoader.add(settings.language_url);
+				}
+				if (settings.theme && typeof settings.theme != "function" &&
+					settings.theme.charAt(0) != '-' && !ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme]) {
+					var themeUrl = settings.theme_url;
+					if (themeUrl) {
+						themeUrl = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(themeUrl);
+					} else {
+						themeUrl = 'themes/' + settings.theme + '/theme' + suffix + '.js';
+					}
+					ThemeManager.load(settings.theme, themeUrl);
+				}
+				if (Tools.isArray(settings.plugins)) {
+					settings.plugins = settings.plugins.join(' ');
+				}
+				each(settings.external_plugins, function(url, name) {
+					PluginManager.load(name, url);
+					settings.plugins += ' ' + name;
+				});
+				each(settings.plugins.split(/[ ,]/), function(plugin) {
+					plugin = trim(plugin);
+					if (plugin && !PluginManager.urls[plugin]) {
+						if (plugin.charAt(0) == '-') {
+							plugin = plugin.substr(1, plugin.length);
+							var dependencies = PluginManager.dependencies(plugin);
+							each(dependencies, function(dep) {
+								var defaultSettings = {
+									prefix:'plugins/',
+									resource: dep,
+									suffix:'/plugin' + suffix + '.js'
+								};
+								dep = PluginManager.createUrl(defaultSettings, dep);
+								PluginManager.load(dep.resource, dep);
+							});
+						} else {
+							PluginManager.load(plugin, {
+								prefix: 'plugins/',
+								resource: plugin,
+								suffix: '/plugin' + suffix + '.js'
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				scriptLoader.loadQueue(function() {
+					if (!self.removed) {
+						self.init();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			loadScripts();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the editor this will be called automatically when
+		 * all plugins/themes and language packs are loaded by the rendered method.
+		 * This method will setup the iframe and create the theme and plugin instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method init
+		 */
+		init: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, elm = self.getElement();
+			var w, h, minHeight, n, o, Theme, url, bodyId, bodyClass, re, i, initializedPlugins = [];
+			self.rtl = this.editorManager.i18n.rtl;
+			self.editorManager.add(self);
+			settings.aria_label = settings.aria_label || DOM.getAttrib(elm, 'aria-label', self.getLang('aria.rich_text_area'));
+			/**
+			 * Reference to the theme instance that was used to generate the UI.
+			 *
+			 * @property theme
+			 * @type tinymce.Theme
+			 * @example
+			 * // Executes a method on the theme directly
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.theme.someMethod();
+			 */
+			if (settings.theme) {
+				if (typeof settings.theme != "function") {
+					settings.theme = settings.theme.replace(/-/, '');
+					Theme = ThemeManager.get(settings.theme);
+					self.theme = new Theme(self, ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme]);
+					if (self.theme.init) {
+						self.theme.init(self, ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme] || self.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''));
+					}
+				} else {
+					self.theme = settings.theme;
+				}
+			}
+			function initPlugin(plugin) {
+				var Plugin = PluginManager.get(plugin), pluginUrl, pluginInstance;
+				pluginUrl = PluginManager.urls[plugin] || self.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '');
+				plugin = trim(plugin);
+				if (Plugin && inArray(initializedPlugins, plugin) === -1) {
+					each(PluginManager.dependencies(plugin), function(dep){
+						initPlugin(dep);
+					});
+					pluginInstance = new Plugin(self, pluginUrl);
+					self.plugins[plugin] = pluginInstance;
+					if (pluginInstance.init) {
+						pluginInstance.init(self, pluginUrl);
+						initializedPlugins.push(plugin);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Create all plugins
+			each(settings.plugins.replace(/\-/g, '').split(/[ ,]/), initPlugin);
+			// Measure box
+			if (settings.render_ui && self.theme) {
+				self.orgDisplay = elm.style.display;
+				if (typeof settings.theme != "function") {
+					w = settings.width || elm.style.width || elm.offsetWidth;
+					h = settings.height || elm.style.height || elm.offsetHeight;
+					minHeight = settings.min_height || 100;
+					re = /^[0-9\.]+(|px)$/i;
+					if (re.test('' + w)) {
+						w = Math.max(parseInt(w, 10), 100);
+					}
+					if (re.test('' + h)) {
+						h = Math.max(parseInt(h, 10), minHeight);
+					}
+					// Render UI
+					o = self.theme.renderUI({
+						targetNode: elm,
+						width: w,
+						height: h,
+						deltaWidth: settings.delta_width,
+						deltaHeight: settings.delta_height
+					});
+					// Resize editor
+					if (!settings.content_editable) {
+						DOM.setStyles(o.sizeContainer || o.editorContainer, {
+							wi2dth: w,
+							// TODO: Fix this
+							h2eight: h
+						});
+						h = (o.iframeHeight || h) + (typeof(h) == 'number' ? (o.deltaHeight || 0) : '');
+						if (h < minHeight) {
+							h = minHeight;
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					o = settings.theme(self, elm);
+					// Convert element type to id:s
+					if (o.editorContainer.nodeType) {
+						o.editorContainer = o.editorContainer.id = o.editorContainer.id || self.id + "_parent";
+					}
+					// Convert element type to id:s
+					if (o.iframeContainer.nodeType) {
+						o.iframeContainer = o.iframeContainer.id = o.iframeContainer.id || self.id + "_iframecontainer";
+					}
+					// Use specified iframe height or the targets offsetHeight
+					h = o.iframeHeight || elm.offsetHeight;
+				}
+				self.editorContainer = o.editorContainer;
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			if (settings.content_css) {
+				each(explode(settings.content_css), function(u) {
+					self.contentCSS.push(self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(u));
+				});
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			if (settings.content_style) {
+				self.contentStyles.push(settings.content_style);
+			}
+			// Content editable mode ends here
+			if (settings.content_editable) {
+				elm = n = o = null; // Fix IE leak
+				return self.initContentBody();
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML = settings.doctype + '<html><head>';
+			// We only need to override paths if we have to
+			// IE has a bug where it remove site absolute urls to relative ones if this is specified
+			if (settings.document_base_url != self.documentBaseUrl) {
+				self.iframeHTML += '<base href="' + self.documentBaseURI.getURI() + '" />';
+			}
+			// IE8 doesn't support carets behind images setting ie7_compat would force IE8+ to run in IE7 compat mode.
+			if (!Env.caretAfter && settings.ie7_compat) {
+				self.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />';
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />';
+			// Load the CSS by injecting them into the HTML this will reduce "flicker"
+			for (i = 0; i < self.contentCSS.length; i++) {
+				var cssUrl = self.contentCSS[i];
+				self.iframeHTML += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + cssUrl + '" />';
+				self.loadedCSS[cssUrl] = true;
+			}
+			bodyId = settings.body_id || 'tinymce';
+			if (bodyId.indexOf('=') != -1) {
+				bodyId = self.getParam('body_id', '', 'hash');
+				bodyId = bodyId[self.id] || bodyId;
+			}
+			bodyClass = settings.body_class || '';
+			if (bodyClass.indexOf('=') != -1) {
+				bodyClass = self.getParam('body_class', '', 'hash');
+				bodyClass = bodyClass[self.id] || '';
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML += '</head><body id="' + bodyId + '" class="mce-content-body ' + bodyClass + '" ' +
+				'onload="window.parent.tinymce.get(\'' + self.id + '\').fire(\'load\');"><br></body></html>';
+			/*eslint no-script-url:0 */
+			var domainRelaxUrl = 'javascript:(function(){' +
+				'document.open();document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' +
+				'var ed = window.parent.tinymce.get("' + self.id + '");document.write(ed.iframeHTML);' +
+				'document.close();ed.initContentBody(true);})()';
+			// Domain relaxing is required since the user has messed around with document.domain
+			if (document.domain != location.hostname) {
+				url = domainRelaxUrl;
+			}
+			// Create iframe
+			// TODO: ACC add the appropriate description on this.
+			n = DOM.add(o.iframeContainer, 'iframe', {
+				id: self.id + "_ifr",
+				src: url || 'javascript:""', // Workaround for HTTPS warning in IE6/7
+				frameBorder: '0',
+				allowTransparency: "true",
+				title: self.editorManager.translate(
+					"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. " +
+					"Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help"
+				),
+				style: {
+					width: '100%',
+					height: h,
+					display: 'block' // Important for Gecko to render the iframe correctly
+				}
+			});
+			// Try accessing the document this will fail on IE when document.domain is set to the same as location.hostname
+			// Then we have to force domain relaxing using the domainRelaxUrl approach very ugly!!
+			if (ie) {
+				try {
+					self.getDoc();
+				} catch (e) {
+					n.src = url = domainRelaxUrl;
+				}
+			}
+			self.contentAreaContainer = o.iframeContainer;
+			if (o.editorContainer) {
+				DOM.get(o.editorContainer).style.display = self.orgDisplay;
+			}
+			DOM.get(self.id).style.display = 'none';
+			DOM.setAttrib(self.id, 'aria-hidden', true);
+			if (!url) {
+				self.initContentBody();
+			}
+			elm = n = o = null; // Cleanup
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method get called by the init method ones the iframe is loaded.
+		 * It will fill the iframe with contents, setups DOM and selection objects for the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @method initContentBody
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		initContentBody: function(skipWrite) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, targetElm = DOM.get(self.id), doc = self.getDoc(), body, contentCssText;
+			// Restore visibility on target element
+			if (!settings.inline) {
+				self.getElement().style.visibility = self.orgVisibility;
+			}
+			// Setup iframe body
+			if (!skipWrite && !settings.content_editable) {
+				doc.open();
+				doc.write(self.iframeHTML);
+				doc.close();
+			}
+			if (settings.content_editable) {
+				self.on('remove', function() {
+					var bodyEl = this.getBody();
+					DOM.removeClass(bodyEl, 'mce-content-body');
+					DOM.removeClass(bodyEl, 'mce-edit-focus');
+					DOM.setAttrib(bodyEl, 'tabIndex', null);
+					DOM.setAttrib(bodyEl, 'contentEditable', null);
+				});
+				DOM.addClass(targetElm, 'mce-content-body');
+				targetElm.tabIndex = -1;
+				self.contentDocument = doc = settings.content_document || document;
+				self.contentWindow = settings.content_window || window;
+				self.bodyElement = targetElm;
+				// Prevent leak in IE
+				settings.content_document = settings.content_window = null;
+				// TODO: Fix this
+				settings.root_name = targetElm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			}
+			// It will not steal focus while setting contentEditable
+			body = self.getBody();
+			body.disabled = true;
+			if (!settings.readonly) {
+				if (self.inline && DOM.getStyle(body, 'position', true) == 'static') {
+					body.style.position = 'relative';
+				}
+				body.contentEditable = self.getParam('content_editable_state', true);
+			}
+			body.disabled = false;
+			/**
+			 * Schema instance, enables you to validate elements and it's children.
+			 *
+			 * @property schema
+			 * @type tinymce.html.Schema
+			 */
+			self.schema = new Schema(settings);
+			/**
+			 * DOM instance for the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property dom
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+			 * @example
+			 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs within the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+			 */
+			self.dom = new DOMUtils(doc, {
+				keep_values: true,
+				url_converter: self.convertURL,
+				url_converter_scope: self,
+				hex_colors: settings.force_hex_style_colors,
+				class_filter: settings.class_filter,
+				update_styles: true,
+				root_element: settings.content_editable ? self.id : null,
+				collect: settings.content_editable,
+				schema: self.schema,
+				onSetAttrib: function(e) {
+					self.fire('SetAttrib', e);
+				}
+			});
+			/**
+			 * HTML parser will be used when contents is inserted into the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property parser
+			 * @type tinymce.html.DomParser
+			 */
+			self.parser = new DomParser(settings, self.schema);
+			// Convert src and href into data-mce-src, data-mce-href and data-mce-style
+			self.parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function(nodes, name) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, dom = self.dom, value, internalName;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					value = node.attr(name);
+					internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
+					// Add internal attribute if we need to we don't on a refresh of the document
+					if (!node.attributes.map[internalName]) {
+						if (name === "style") {
+							node.attr(internalName, dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name));
+						} else {
+							node.attr(internalName, self.convertURL(value, name, node.name));
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			// Keep scripts from executing
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('script', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.attr('type', 'mce-' + (node.attr('type') || 'text/javascript'));
+				}
+			});
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('#cdata', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.type = 8;
+					node.name = '#comment';
+					node.value = '[CDATA[' + node.value + ']]';
+				}
+			});
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, nonEmptyElements = self.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+						node.empty().append(new Node('br', 1)).shortEnded = true;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			/**
+			 * DOM serializer for the editor. Will be used when contents is extracted from the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property serializer
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.Serializer
+			 * @example
+			 * // Serializes the first paragraph in the editor into a string
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.serializer.serialize(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+			 */
+			self.serializer = new DomSerializer(settings, self);
+			/**
+			 * Selection instance for the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property selection
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.Selection
+			 * @example
+			 * // Sets some contents to the current selection in the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent('Some contents');
+			 *
+			 * // Gets the current selection
+			 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent());
+			 *
+			 * // Selects the first paragraph found
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.select(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+			 */
+			self.selection = new Selection(self.dom, self.getWin(), self.serializer, self);
+			/**
+			 * Formatter instance.
+			 *
+			 * @property formatter
+			 * @type tinymce.Formatter
+			 */
+			self.formatter = new Formatter(self);
+			/**
+			 * Undo manager instance, responsible for handling undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @property undoManager
+			 * @type tinymce.UndoManager
+			 * @example
+			 * // Undoes the last modification to the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.undoManager.undo();
+			 */
+			self.undoManager = new UndoManager(self);
+			self.forceBlocks = new ForceBlocks(self);
+			self.enterKey = new EnterKey(self);
+			self.editorCommands = new EditorCommands(self);
+			self.fire('PreInit');
+			if (!settings.browser_spellcheck && !settings.gecko_spellcheck) {
+				doc.body.spellcheck = false; // Gecko
+				DOM.setAttrib(body, "spellcheck", "false");
+			}
+			self.fire('PostRender');
+			self.quirks = Quirks(self);
+			if (settings.directionality) {
+				body.dir = settings.directionality;
+			}
+			if (settings.nowrap) {
+				body.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+			}
+			if (settings.protect) {
+				self.on('BeforeSetContent', function(e) {
+					each(settings.protect, function(pattern) {
+						e.content = e.content.replace(pattern, function(str) {
+							return '<!--mce:protected ' + escape(str) + '-->';
+						});
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			self.on('SetContent', function() {
+				self.addVisual(self.getBody());
+			});
+			// Remove empty contents
+			if (settings.padd_empty_editor) {
+				self.on('PostProcess', function(e) {
+					e.content = e.content.replace(/^(<p[^>]*>(&nbsp;|&#160;|\s|\u00a0|)<\/p>[\r\n]*|<br \/>[\r\n]*)$/, '');
+				});
+			}
+			self.load({initial: true, format: 'html'});
+			self.startContent = self.getContent({format: 'raw'});
+			/**
+			 * Is set to true after the editor instance has been initialized
+			 *
+			 * @property initialized
+			 * @type Boolean
+			 * @example
+			 * function isEditorInitialized(editor) {
+			 *     return editor && editor.initialized;
+			 * }
+			 */
+			self.initialized = true;
+			each(self._pendingNativeEvents, function(name) {
+				self.dom.bind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, function(e) {
+					self.fire(e.type, e);
+				});
+			});
+			self.fire('init');
+			self.focus(true);
+			self.nodeChanged({initial: true});
+			self.execCallback('init_instance_callback', self);
+			// Add editor specific CSS styles
+			if (self.contentStyles.length > 0) {
+				contentCssText = '';
+				each(self.contentStyles, function(style) {
+					contentCssText += style + "\r\n";
+				});
+				self.dom.addStyle(contentCssText);
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			each(self.contentCSS, function(cssUrl) {
+				if (!self.loadedCSS[cssUrl]) {
+                    self.dom.loadCSS(cssUrl);
+					self.loadedCSS[cssUrl] = true;
+				}
+			});
+			// Handle auto focus
+			if (settings.auto_focus) {
+				setTimeout(function () {
+					var ed = self.editorManager.get(settings.auto_focus);
+					ed.selection.select(ed.getBody(), 1);
+					ed.selection.collapse(1);
+					ed.getBody().focus();
+					ed.getWin().focus();
+				}, 100);
+			}
+			// Clean up references for IE
+			targetElm = doc = body = null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses/activates the editor. This will set this editor as the activeEditor in the tinymce collection
+		 * it will also place DOM focus inside the editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @param {Boolean} skip_focus Skip DOM focus. Just set is as the active editor.
+		 */
+		focus: function(skip_focus) {
+			var oed, self = this, selection = self.selection, contentEditable = self.settings.content_editable, rng;
+			var controlElm, doc = self.getDoc(), body;
+			if (!skip_focus) {
+				// Get selected control element
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				if (rng.item) {
+					controlElm = rng.item(0);
+				}
+				self._refreshContentEditable();
+				// Focus the window iframe
+				if (!contentEditable) {
+					// WebKit needs this call to fire focusin event properly see #5948
+					// But Opera pre Blink engine will produce an empty selection so skip Opera
+					if (!Env.opera) {
+						self.getBody().focus();
+					}
+					self.getWin().focus();
+				}
+				// Focus the body as well since it's contentEditable
+				if (isGecko || contentEditable) {
+					body = self.getBody();
+					// Check for setActive since it doesn't scroll to the element
+					if (body.setActive && Env.ie < 11) {
+						body.setActive();
+					} else {
+						body.focus();
+					}
+					if (contentEditable) {
+						selection.normalize();
+					}
+				}
+				// Restore selected control element
+				// This is needed when for example an image is selected within a
+				// layer a call to focus will then remove the control selection
+				if (controlElm && controlElm.ownerDocument == doc) {
+					rng = doc.body.createControlRange();
+					rng.addElement(controlElm);
+					rng.select();
+				}
+			}
+			if (self.editorManager.activeEditor != self) {
+				if ((oed = self.editorManager.activeEditor)) {
+					oed.fire('deactivate', {relatedTarget: self});
+				}
+				self.fire('activate', {relatedTarget: oed});
+			}
+			self.editorManager.activeEditor = self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a legacy callback. This method is useful to call old 2.x option callbacks.
+		 * There new event model is a better way to add callback so this method might be removed in the future.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCallback
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the callback to execute.
+		 * @return {Object} Return value passed from callback function.
+		 */
+		execCallback: function(name) {
+			var self = this, callback = self.settings[name], scope;
+			if (!callback) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Look through lookup
+			if (self.callbackLookup && (scope = self.callbackLookup[name])) {
+				callback = scope.func;
+				scope = scope.scope;
+			}
+			if (typeof(callback) === 'string') {
+				scope = callback.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
+				scope = scope ? resolve(scope) : 0;
+				callback = resolve(callback);
+				self.callbackLookup = self.callbackLookup || {};
+				self.callbackLookup[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope};
+			}
+			return callback.apply(scope || self, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified string by replacing variables with language pack items it will also check if there is
+		 * a key mathcin the input.
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String} text String to translate by the language pack data.
+		 * @return {String} Translated string.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			var lang = this.settings.language || 'en', i18n = this.editorManager.i18n;
+			if (!text) {
+				return '';
+			}
+			return i18n.data[lang + '.' + text] || text.replace(/\{\#([^\}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
+				return i18n.data[lang + '.' + b] || '{#' + b + '}';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a language pack item by name/key.
+		 *
+		 * @method getLang
+		 * @param {String} name Name/key to get from the language pack.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to retrive.
+		 */
+		getLang: function(name, defaultVal) {
+			return (
+				this.editorManager.i18n.data[(this.settings.language || 'en') + '.' + name] ||
+				(defaultVal !== undefined ? defaultVal : '{#' + name + '}')
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a configuration parameter by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParam
+		 * @param {String} name Configruation parameter to retrive.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to return.
+		 * @param {String} type Optional type parameter.
+		 * @return {String} Configuration parameter value or default value.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Returns a specific config value from the currently active editor
+		 * var someval = tinymce.activeEditor.getParam('myvalue');
+		 *
+		 * // Returns a specific config value from a specific editor instance by id
+		 * var someval2 = tinymce.get('my_editor').getParam('myvalue');
+		 */
+		getParam: function(name, defaultVal, type) {
+			var value = name in this.settings ? this.settings[name] : defaultVal, output;
+			if (type === 'hash') {
+				output = {};
+				if (typeof(value) === 'string') {
+					each(value.indexOf('=') > 0 ? value.split(/[;,](?![^=;,]*(?:[;,]|$))/) : value.split(','), function(value) {
+						value = value.split('=');
+						if (value.length > 1) {
+							output[trim(value[0])] = trim(value[1]);
+						} else {
+							output[trim(value[0])] = trim(value);
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					output = value;
+				}
+				return output;
+			}
+			return value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Distpaches out a onNodeChange event to all observers. This method should be called when you
+		 * need to update the UI states or element path etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method nodeChanged
+		 */
+		nodeChanged: function() {
+			var self = this, selection = self.selection, node, parents, root;
+			// Fix for bug #1896577 it seems that this can not be fired while the editor is loading
+			if (self.initialized && !self.settings.disable_nodechange && !self.settings.readonly) {
+				// Get start node
+				root = self.getBody();
+				node = selection.getStart() || root;
+				node = ie && node.ownerDocument != self.getDoc() ? self.getBody() : node; // Fix for IE initial state
+				// Edge case for <p>|<img></p>
+				if (node.nodeName == 'IMG' && selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Get parents and add them to object
+				parents = [];
+				self.dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
+					if (node === root) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					parents.push(node);
+				});
+				self.fire('NodeChange', {element: node, parents: parents});
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a button that later gets created by the theme in the editors toolbars.
+		 *
+		 * @method addButton
+		 * @param {String} name Button name to add.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object with title, cmd etc.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom button to the editor that inserts contents when clicked
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    toolbar: 'example'
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       ed.addButton('example', {
+		 *          title: 'My title',
+		 *          image: '../js/tinymce/plugins/example/img/example.gif',
+		 *          onclick: function() {
+		 *             ed.insertContent('Hello world!!');
+		 *          }
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addButton: function(name, settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (settings.cmd) {
+				settings.onclick = function() {
+					self.execCommand(settings.cmd);
+				};
+			}
+			if (!settings.text && !settings.icon) {
+				settings.icon = name;
+			}
+			self.buttons = self.buttons || {};
+			settings.tooltip = settings.tooltip || settings.title;
+			self.buttons[name] = settings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a menu item to be used in the menus of the theme. There might be multiple instances
+		 * of this menu item for example it might be used in the main menus of the theme but also in
+		 * the context menu so make sure that it's self contained and supports multiple instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method addMenuItem
+		 * @param {String} name Menu item name to add.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object with title, cmd etc.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom menu item to the editor that inserts contents when clicked
+		 * // The context option allows you to add the menu item to an existing default menu
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       ed.addMenuItem('example', {
+		 *          text: 'My menu item',
+		 *          context: 'tools',
+		 *          onclick: function() {
+		 *             ed.insertContent('Hello world!!');
+		 *          }
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addMenuItem: function(name, settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (settings.cmd) {
+				settings.onclick = function() {
+					self.execCommand(settings.cmd);
+				};
+			}
+			self.menuItems = self.menuItems || {};
+			self.menuItems[name] = settings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with execCommand.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCommand
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addCommandCallback} callback Function to execute when the command occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom command that later can be executed using execCommand
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       // Register example command
+		 *       ed.addCommand('mycommand', function(ui, v) {
+		 *          ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!! Selection: ' + ed.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addCommand: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a command is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addCommandCallback
+			 * @param {Boolean} ui Display UI state true/false.
+			 * @param {Object} value Optional value for command.
+			 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the command was handled or not.
+			 */
+			this.execCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom query state command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with queryCommandState function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addQueryStateHandler
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addQueryStateHandlerCallback} callback Function to execute when the command state retrival occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 */
+		addQueryStateHandler: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a queryCommandState is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addQueryStateHandlerCallback
+			 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the command is enabled or not like is it bold.
+			 */
+			this.queryStateCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom query value command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with queryCommandValue function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addQueryValueHandler
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addQueryValueHandlerCallback} callback Function to execute when the command value retrival occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 */
+		addQueryValueHandler: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a queryCommandValue is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addQueryValueHandlerCallback
+			 * @return {Object} Value of the command or undefined.
+			 */
+			this.queryValueCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a keyboard shortcut for some command or function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addShortcut
+		 * @param {String} pattern Shortcut pattern. Like for example: ctrl+alt+o.
+		 * @param {String} desc Text description for the command.
+		 * @param {String/Function} cmdFunc Command name string or function to execute when the key is pressed.
+		 * @param {Object} sc Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the shortcut was added or not.
+		 */
+		addShortcut: function(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
+			this.shortcuts.add(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a command on the current instance. These commands can be TinyMCE internal commands prefixed with "mce" or
+		 * they can be build in browser commands such as "Bold". A compleate list of browser commands is available on MSDN or Mozilla.org.
+		 * This function will dispatch the execCommand function on each plugin, theme or the execcommand_callback option if none of these
+		 * return true it will handle the command as a internal browser command.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} cmd Command name to execute, for example mceLink or Bold.
+		 * @param {Boolean} ui True/false state if a UI (dialog) should be presented or not.
+		 * @param {mixed} value Optional command value, this can be anything.
+		 * @param {Object} a Optional arguments object.
+		 */
+		execCommand: function(cmd, ui, value, args) {
+			var self = this, state = 0, cmdItem;
+			if (!/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint)$/.test(cmd) && (!args || !args.skip_focus)) {
+				self.focus();
+			}
+			args = extend({}, args);
+			args = self.fire('BeforeExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+			if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((cmdItem = self.execCommands[cmd])) {
+				// Fall through on true
+				if (cmdItem.func.call(cmdItem.scope, ui, value) !== true) {
+					self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Plugin commands
+			each(self.plugins, function(p) {
+				if (p.execCommand && p.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+					self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+					state = true;
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			if (state) {
+				return state;
+			}
+			// Theme commands
+			if (self.theme && self.theme.execCommand && self.theme.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+				self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			if (self.editorCommands.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+				self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			self.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, ui, value);
+			self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a command specific state, for example if bold is enabled or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandState
+		 * @param {string} cmd Command to query state from.
+		 * @return {Boolean} Command specific state, for example if bold is enabled or not.
+		 */
+		queryCommandState: function(cmd) {
+			var self = this, queryItem, returnVal;
+			// Is hidden then return undefined
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((queryItem = self.queryStateCommands[cmd])) {
+				returnVal = queryItem.func.call(queryItem.scope);
+				// Fall though on true
+				if (returnVal !== true) {
+					return returnVal;
+				}
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			returnVal = self.editorCommands.queryCommandState(cmd);
+			if (returnVal !== -1) {
+				return returnVal;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			try {
+				return self.getDoc().queryCommandState(cmd);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a command specific value, for example the current font size.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandValue
+		 * @param {string} cmd Command to query value from.
+		 * @return {Object} Command specific value, for example the current font size.
+		 */
+		queryCommandValue: function(cmd) {
+			var self = this, queryItem, returnVal;
+			// Is hidden then return undefined
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((queryItem = self.queryValueCommands[cmd])) {
+				returnVal = queryItem.func.call(queryItem.scope);
+				// Fall though on true
+				if (returnVal !== true) {
+					return returnVal;
+				}
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			returnVal = self.editorCommands.queryCommandValue(cmd);
+			if (returnVal !== undefined) {
+				return returnVal;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			try {
+				return self.getDoc().queryCommandValue(cmd);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the editor and hides any textarea/div that the editor is supposed to replace.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DOM.show(self.getContainer());
+			DOM.hide(self.id);
+			self.load();
+			self.fire('show');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the editor and shows any textarea/div that the editor is supposed to replace.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			var self = this, doc = self.getDoc();
+			// Fixed bug where IE has a blinking cursor left from the editor
+			if (ie && doc && !self.inline) {
+				doc.execCommand('SelectAll');
+			}
+			// We must save before we hide so Safari doesn't crash
+			self.save();
+			// defer the call to hide to prevent an IE9 crash #4921
+			DOM.hide(self.getContainer());
+			DOM.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
+			self.fire('hide');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the editor is hidden or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isHidden
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the editor is hidden or not.
+		 */
+		isHidden: function() {
+			return !DOM.isHidden(this.id);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the progress state, this will display a throbber/progess for the editor.
+		 * This is ideal for asycronous operations like an AJAX save call.
+		 *
+		 * @method setProgressState
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Boolean state if the progress should be shown or hidden.
+		 * @param {Number} time Optional time to wait before the progress gets shown.
+		 * @return {Boolean} Same as the input state.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Show progress for the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(true);
+		 * 
+		 * // Hide progress for the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(false);
+		 * 
+		 * // Show progress after 3 seconds
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(true, 3000);
+		 */
+		setProgressState: function(state, time) {
+			this.fire('ProgressState', {state: state, time: time});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads contents from the textarea or div element that got converted into an editor instance.
+		 * This method will move the contents from that textarea or div into the editor by using setContent
+		 * so all events etc that method has will get dispatched as well.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole load process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the editor.
+		 */
+		load: function(args) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getElement(), html;
+			if (elm) {
+				args = args || {};
+				args.load = true;
+				html = self.setContent(elm.value !== undefined ? elm.value : elm.innerHTML, args);
+				args.element = elm;
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.fire('LoadContent', args);
+				}
+				args.element = elm = null;
+				return html;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Saves the contents from a editor out to the textarea or div element that got converted into an editor instance.
+		 * This method will move the HTML contents from the editor into that textarea or div by getContent
+		 * so all events etc that method has will get dispatched as well.
+		 *
+		 * @method save
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole save process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the textarea/div.
+		 */
+		save: function(args) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getElement(), html, form;
+			if (!elm || !self.initialized) {
+				return;
+			}
+			args = args || {};
+			args.save = true;
+			args.element = elm;
+			html = args.content = self.getContent(args);
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('SaveContent', args);
+			}
+			html = args.content;
+			if (!/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(elm.nodeName)) {
+				// Update DIV element when not in inline mode
+				if (!self.inline) {
+					elm.innerHTML = html;
+				}
+				// Update hidden form element
+				if ((form = DOM.getParent(self.id, 'form'))) {
+					each(form.elements, function(elm) {
+						if (elm.name == self.id) {
+							elm.value = html;
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			} else {
+				elm.value = html;
+			}
+			args.element = elm = null;
+			if (args.set_dirty !== false) {
+				self.isNotDirty = true;
+			}
+			return html;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified content to the editor instance, this will cleanup the content before it gets set using
+		 * the different cleanup rules options.
+		 *
+		 * @method setContent
+		 * @param {String} content Content to set to editor, normally HTML contents but can be other formats as well.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole set process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the editor.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the HTML contents of the activeEditor editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('<span>some</span> html');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the raw contents of the activeEditor editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('<span>some</span> html', {format: 'raw'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the content of a specific editor (my_editor in this example)
+		 * tinymce.get('my_editor').setContent(data);
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the bbcode contents of the activeEditor editor if the bbcode plugin was added
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('[b]some[/b] html', {format: 'bbcode'});
+		 */
+		setContent: function(content, args) {
+			var self = this, body = self.getBody(), forcedRootBlockName;
+			// Setup args object
+			args = args || {};
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.set = true;
+			args.content = content;
+			// Do preprocessing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+			}
+			content = args.content;
+			// Padd empty content in Gecko and Safari. Commands will otherwise fail on the content
+			// It will also be impossible to place the caret in the editor unless there is a BR element present
+			if (content.length === 0 || /^\s+$/.test(content)) {
+				forcedRootBlockName = self.settings.forced_root_block;
+				// Check if forcedRootBlock is configured and that the block is a valid child of the body
+				if (forcedRootBlockName && self.schema.isValidChild(body.nodeName.toLowerCase(), forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase())) {
+					// Padd with bogus BR elements on modern browsers and IE 7 and 8 since they don't render empty P tags properly
+					content = ie && ie < 11 ? '' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+					content = self.dom.createHTML(forcedRootBlockName, self.settings.forced_root_block_attrs, content);
+				} else if (!ie) {
+					// We need to add a BR when forced_root_block is disabled on non IE browsers to place the caret
+					content = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+				}
+				body.innerHTML = content;
+				self.fire('SetContent', args);
+			} else {
+				// Parse and serialize the html
+				if (args.format !== 'raw') {
+					content = new Serializer({}, self.schema).serialize(
+						self.parser.parse(content, {isRootContent: true})
+					);
+				}
+				// Set the new cleaned contents to the editor
+				args.content = trim(content);
+				self.dom.setHTML(body, args.content);
+				// Do post processing
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.fire('SetContent', args);
+				}
+				// Don't normalize selection if the focused element isn't the body in
+				// content editable mode since it will steal focus otherwise
+				/*if (!self.settings.content_editable || document.activeElement === self.getBody()) {
+					self.selection.normalize();
+				}*/
+			}
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets the content from the editor instance, this will cleanup the content before it gets returned using
+		 * the different cleanup rules options.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContent
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole get process.
+		 * @return {String} Cleaned content string, normally HTML contents.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get the HTML contents of the currently active editor
+		 * console.debug(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent());
+		 *
+		 * // Get the raw contents of the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.getContent({format: 'raw'});
+		 *
+		 * // Get content of a specific editor:
+		 * tinymce.get('content id').getContent()
+		 */
+		getContent: function(args) {
+			var self = this, content, body = self.getBody();
+			// Setup args object
+			args = args || {};
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.get = true;
+			args.getInner = true;
+			// Do preprocessing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('BeforeGetContent', args);
+			}
+			// Get raw contents or by default the cleaned contents
+			if (args.format == 'raw') {
+				content = body.innerHTML;
+			} else if (args.format == 'text') {
+				content = body.innerText || body.textContent;
+			} else {
+				content = self.serializer.serialize(body, args);
+			}
+			// Trim whitespace in beginning/end of HTML
+			if (args.format != 'text') {
+				args.content = trim(content);
+			} else {
+				args.content = content;
+			}
+			// Do post processing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('GetContent', args);
+			}
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts content at caret position.
+		 *
+		 * @method insertContent
+		 * @param {String} content Content to insert.
+		 */
+		insertContent: function(content) {
+			this.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, content);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the editor is dirty or not. It will get dirty if the user has made modifications to the contents.
+		 *
+		 * @method isDirty
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the editor is dirty or not. It will get dirty if the user has made modifications to the contents.
+		 * @example
+		 * if (tinymce.activeEditor.isDirty())
+		 *     alert("You must save your contents.");
+		 */
+		isDirty: function() {
+			return !this.isNotDirty;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the editors container element. The container element wrappes in
+		 * all the elements added to the page for the editor. Such as UI, iframe etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContainer
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the editor container.
+		 */
+		getContainer: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.container) {
+				self.container = DOM.get(self.editorContainer || self.id + '_parent');
+			}
+			return self.container;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the editors content area container element. The this element is the one who
+		 * holds the iframe or the editable element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContentAreaContainer
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the editor area container.
+		 */
+		getContentAreaContainer: function() {
+			return this.contentAreaContainer;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the target element/textarea that got replaced with a TinyMCE editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method getElement
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the replaced element.
+		 */
+		getElement: function() {
+			return DOM.get(this.settings.content_element || this.id);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes window object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getWin
+		 * @return {Window} Iframe DOM window object.
+		 */
+		getWin: function() {
+			var self = this, elm;
+			if (!self.contentWindow) {
+				elm = DOM.get(self.id + "_ifr");
+				if (elm) {
+					self.contentWindow = elm.contentWindow;
+				}
+			}
+			return self.contentWindow;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes document object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getDoc
+		 * @return {Document} Iframe DOM document object.
+		 */
+		getDoc: function() {
+			var self = this, win;
+			if (!self.contentDocument) {
+				win = self.getWin();
+				if (win) {
+					self.contentDocument = win.document;
+				}
+			}
+			return self.contentDocument;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes body element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBody
+		 * @return {Element} Iframe body element.
+		 */
+		getBody: function() {
+			return this.bodyElement || this.getDoc().body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * URL converter function this gets executed each time a user adds an img, a or
+		 * any other element that has a URL in it. This will be called both by the DOM and HTML
+		 * manipulation functions.
+		 *
+		 * @method convertURL
+		 * @param {string} url URL to convert.
+		 * @param {string} name Attribute name src, href etc.
+		 * @param {string/HTMLElement} elm Tag name or HTML DOM element depending on HTML or DOM insert.
+		 * @return {string} Converted URL string.
+		 */
+		convertURL: function(url, name, elm) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			// Use callback instead
+			if (settings.urlconverter_callback) {
+				return self.execCallback('urlconverter_callback', url, elm, true, name);
+			}
+			// Don't convert link href since thats the CSS files that gets loaded into the editor also skip local file URLs
+			if (!settings.convert_urls || (elm && elm.nodeName == 'LINK') || url.indexOf('file:') === 0 || url.length === 0) {
+				return url;
+			}
+			// Convert to relative
+			if (settings.relative_urls) {
+				return self.documentBaseURI.toRelative(url);
+			}
+			// Convert to absolute
+			url = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url, settings.remove_script_host);
+			return url;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds visual aid for tables, anchors etc so they can be more easily edited inside the editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method addVisual
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional root element to loop though to find tables etc that needs the visual aid.
+		 */
+		addVisual: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, dom = self.dom, cls;
+			elm = elm || self.getBody();
+			if (self.hasVisual === undefined) {
+				self.hasVisual = settings.visual;
+			}
+			each(dom.select('table,a', elm), function(elm) {
+				var value;
+				switch (elm.nodeName) {
+					case 'TABLE':
+						cls = settings.visual_table_class || 'mce-item-table';
+						value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'border');
+						if (!value || value == '0') {
+							if (self.hasVisual) {
+								dom.addClass(elm, cls);
+							} else {
+								dom.removeClass(elm, cls);
+							}
+						}
+						return;
+					case 'A':
+						if (!dom.getAttrib(elm, 'href', false)) {
+							value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'name') || elm.id;
+							cls = settings.visual_anchor_class || 'mce-item-anchor';
+							if (value) {
+								if (self.hasVisual) {
+									dom.addClass(elm, cls);
+								} else {
+									dom.removeClass(elm, cls);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return;
+				}
+			});
+			self.fire('VisualAid', {element: elm, hasVisual: self.hasVisual});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the editor from the dom and tinymce collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.removed) {
+				self.save();
+				self.fire('remove');
+				self.off();
+				self.removed = 1; // Cancels post remove event execution
+				// Remove any hidden input
+				if (self.hasHiddenInput) {
+					DOM.remove(self.getElement().nextSibling);
+				}
+				DOM.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
+				// Don't clear the window or document if content editable
+				// is enabled since other instances might still be present
+				if (!self.settings.content_editable) {
+					Event.unbind(self.getWin());
+					Event.unbind(self.getDoc());
+				}
+				var elm = self.getContainer();
+				Event.unbind(self.getBody());
+				Event.unbind(elm);
+				self.editorManager.remove(self);
+				DOM.remove(elm);
+				self.destroy();
+			}
+		},
+		bindNative: function(name) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.settings.readonly) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (self.initialized) {
+				self.dom.bind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, function(e) {
+					self.fire(name, e);
+				});
+			} else {
+				if (!self._pendingNativeEvents) {
+					self._pendingNativeEvents = [name];
+				} else {
+					self._pendingNativeEvents.push(name);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		unbindNative: function(name) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.initialized) {
+				self.dom.unbind(name);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the editor instance by removing all events, element references or other resources
+		 * that could leak memory. This method will be called automatically when the page is unloaded
+		 * but you can also call it directly if you know what you are doing.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 * @param {Boolean} automatic Optional state if the destroy is an automatic destroy or user called one.
+		 */
+		destroy: function(automatic) {
+			var self = this, form;
+			// One time is enough
+			if (self.destroyed) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// If user manually calls destroy and not remove
+			// Users seems to have logic that calls destroy instead of remove
+			if (!automatic && !self.removed) {
+				self.remove();
+				return;
+			}
+			// We must unbind on Gecko since it would otherwise produce the pesky "attempt
+			// to run compile-and-go script on a cleared scope" message
+			if (automatic && isGecko) {
+				Event.unbind(self.getDoc());
+				Event.unbind(self.getWin());
+				Event.unbind(self.getBody());
+			}
+			if (!automatic) {
+				self.editorManager.off('beforeunload', self._beforeUnload);
+				// Manual destroy
+				if (self.theme && self.theme.destroy) {
+					self.theme.destroy();
+				}
+				// Destroy controls, selection and dom
+				self.selection.destroy();
+				self.dom.destroy();
+			}
+			form = self.formElement;
+			if (form) {
+				if (form._mceOldSubmit) {
+					form.submit = form._mceOldSubmit;
+					form._mceOldSubmit = null;
+				}
+				DOM.unbind(form, 'submit reset', self.formEventDelegate);
+			}
+			self.contentAreaContainer = self.formElement = self.container = self.editorContainer = null;
+			self.settings.content_element = self.bodyElement = self.contentDocument = self.contentWindow = null;
+			if (self.selection) {
+				self.selection = self.selection.win = self.selection.dom = self.selection.dom.doc = null;
+			}
+			self.destroyed = 1;
+		},
+		// Internal functions
+		_refreshContentEditable: function() {
+			var self = this, body, parent;
+			// Check if the editor was hidden and the re-initalize contentEditable mode by removing and adding the body again
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				body = self.getBody();
+				parent = body.parentNode;
+				parent.removeChild(body);
+				parent.appendChild(body);
+				body.focus();
+			}
+		},
+		_isHidden: function() {
+			var sel;
+			if (!isGecko) {
+				return 0;
+			}
+			// Weird, wheres that cursor selection?
+			sel = this.selection.getSel();
+			return (!sel || !sel.rangeCount || sel.rangeCount === 0);
+		}
+	};
+	extend(Editor.prototype, Observable);
+	return Editor;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EditorCommands.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EditorCommands.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0192017d46092e17e33e1512b096422a9b516498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EditorCommands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+ * EditorCommands.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to add custom editor commands and it contains
+ * overrides for native browser commands to address various bugs and issues.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.EditorCommands
+ */
+define("tinymce/EditorCommands", [
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Serializer, Env, Tools) {
+	// Added for compression purposes
+	var each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var map = Tools.map, inArray = Tools.inArray, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var isGecko = Env.gecko, isIE = Env.ie;
+	var TRUE = true, FALSE = false;
+	return function(editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom,
+			selection = editor.selection,
+			commands = {state: {}, exec: {}, value: {}},
+			settings = editor.settings,
+			formatter = editor.formatter,
+			bookmark;
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified command.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} command Command to execute.
+		 * @param {Boolean} ui Optional user interface state.
+		 * @param {Object} value Optional value for command.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the command was found or not.
+		 */
+		function execCommand(command, ui, value) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.exec[command])) {
+				func(command, ui, value);
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Queries the current state for a command for example if the current selection is "bold".
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandState
+		 * @param {String} command Command to check the state of.
+		 * @return {Boolean/Number} true/false if the selected contents is bold or not, -1 if it's not found.
+		 */
+		function queryCommandState(command) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.state[command])) {
+				return func(command);
+			}
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Queries the command value for example the current fontsize.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandValue
+		 * @param {String} command Command to check the value of.
+		 * @return {Object} Command value of false if it's not found.
+		 */
+		function queryCommandValue(command) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.value[command])) {
+				return func(command);
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Adds commands to the command collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCommands
+		 * @param {Object} command_list Name/value collection with commands to add, the names can also be comma separated.
+		 * @param {String} type Optional type to add, defaults to exec. Can be value or state as well.
+		 */
+		function addCommands(command_list, type) {
+			type = type || 'exec';
+			each(command_list, function(callback, command) {
+				each(command.toLowerCase().split(','), function(command) {
+					commands[type][command] = callback;
+				});
+			});
+		}
+		// Expose public methods
+		extend(this, {
+			execCommand: execCommand,
+			queryCommandState: queryCommandState,
+			queryCommandValue: queryCommandValue,
+			addCommands: addCommands
+		});
+		// Private methods
+		function execNativeCommand(command, ui, value) {
+			if (ui === undefined) {
+				ui = FALSE;
+			}
+			if (value === undefined) {
+				value = null;
+			}
+			return editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value);
+		}
+		function isFormatMatch(name) {
+			return formatter.match(name);
+		}
+		function toggleFormat(name, value) {
+			formatter.toggle(name, value ? {value: value} : undefined);
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+		}
+		function storeSelection(type) {
+			bookmark = selection.getBookmark(type);
+		}
+		function restoreSelection() {
+			selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+		}
+		// Add execCommand overrides
+		addCommands({
+			// Ignore these, added for compatibility
+			'mceResetDesignMode,mceBeginUndoLevel': function() {},
+			// Add undo manager logic
+			'mceEndUndoLevel,mceAddUndoLevel': function() {
+				editor.undoManager.add();
+			},
+			'Cut,Copy,Paste': function(command) {
+				var doc = editor.getDoc(), failed;
+				// Try executing the native command
+				try {
+					execNativeCommand(command);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Command failed
+					failed = TRUE;
+				}
+				// Present alert message about clipboard access not being available
+				if (failed || !doc.queryCommandSupported(command)) {
+					var msg = editor.translate(
+						"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. " +
+						"Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead."
+					);
+					if (Env.mac) {
+						msg = msg.replace(/Ctrl\+/g, '\u2318+');
+					}
+					editor.windowManager.alert(msg);
+				}
+			},
+			// Override unlink command
+			unlink: function() {
+				if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					var elm = selection.getNode();
+					if (elm.tagName == 'A') {
+						editor.dom.remove(elm, true);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				formatter.remove("link");
+			},
+			// Override justify commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull': function(command) {
+				var align = command.substring(7);
+				if (align == 'full') {
+					align = 'justify';
+				}
+				// Remove all other alignments first
+				each('left,center,right,justify'.split(','), function(name) {
+					if (align != name) {
+						formatter.remove('align' + name);
+					}
+				});
+				toggleFormat('align' + align);
+				execCommand('mceRepaint');
+			},
+			// Override list commands to fix WebKit bug
+			'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function(command) {
+				var listElm, listParent;
+				execNativeCommand(command);
+				// WebKit produces lists within block elements so we need to split them
+				// we will replace the native list creation logic to custom logic later on
+				// TODO: Remove this when the list creation logic is removed
+				listElm = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ol,ul');
+				if (listElm) {
+					listParent = listElm.parentNode;
+					// If list is within a text block then split that block
+					if (/^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(listParent.nodeName)) {
+						storeSelection();
+						dom.split(listParent, listElm);
+						restoreSelection();
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function(command) {
+				toggleFormat(command);
+			},
+			// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'ForeColor,HiliteColor,FontName': function(command, ui, value) {
+				toggleFormat(command, value);
+			},
+			FontSize: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var fontClasses, fontSizes;
+				// Convert font size 1-7 to styles
+				if (value >= 1 && value <= 7) {
+					fontSizes = explode(settings.font_size_style_values);
+					fontClasses = explode(settings.font_size_classes);
+					if (fontClasses) {
+						value = fontClasses[value - 1] || value;
+					} else {
+						value = fontSizes[value - 1] || value;
+					}
+				}
+				toggleFormat(command, value);
+			},
+			RemoveFormat: function(command) {
+				formatter.remove(command);
+			},
+			mceBlockQuote: function() {
+				toggleFormat('blockquote');
+			},
+			FormatBlock: function(command, ui, value) {
+				return toggleFormat(value || 'p');
+			},
+			mceCleanup: function() {
+				var bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+				editor.setContent(editor.getContent({cleanup: TRUE}), {cleanup: TRUE});
+				selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+			},
+			mceRemoveNode: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var node = value || selection.getNode();
+				// Make sure that the body node isn't removed
+				if (node != editor.getBody()) {
+					storeSelection();
+					editor.dom.remove(node, TRUE);
+					restoreSelection();
+				}
+			},
+			mceSelectNodeDepth: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var counter = 0;
+				dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), function(node) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 && counter++ == value) {
+						selection.select(node);
+						return FALSE;
+					}
+				}, editor.getBody());
+			},
+			mceSelectNode: function(command, ui, value) {
+				selection.select(value);
+			},
+			mceInsertContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var parser, serializer, parentNode, rootNode, fragment, args;
+				var marker, rng, node, node2, bookmarkHtml;
+				function trimOrPaddLeftRight(html) {
+					var rng, container, offset;
+					rng = selection.getRng(true);
+					container = rng.startContainer;
+					offset = rng.startOffset;
+					function hasSiblingText(siblingName) {
+						return container[siblingName] && container[siblingName].nodeType == 3;
+					}
+					if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (offset > 0) {
+							html = html.replace(/^&nbsp;/, ' ');
+						} else if (!hasSiblingText('previousSibling')) {
+							html = html.replace(/^ /, '&nbsp;');
+						}
+						if (offset < container.length) {
+							html = html.replace(/&nbsp;(<br>|)$/, ' ');
+						} else if (!hasSiblingText('nextSibling')) {
+							html = html.replace(/(&nbsp;| )(<br>|)$/, '&nbsp;');
+						}
+					}
+					return html;
+				}
+				// Check for whitespace before/after value
+				if (/^ | $/.test(value)) {
+					value = trimOrPaddLeftRight(value);
+				}
+				// Setup parser and serializer
+				parser = editor.parser;
+				serializer = new Serializer({}, editor.schema);
+				bookmarkHtml = '<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">&#xFEFF;&#200B;</span>';
+				// Run beforeSetContent handlers on the HTML to be inserted
+				args = {content: value, format: 'html', selection: true};
+				editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+				value = args.content;
+				// Add caret at end of contents if it's missing
+				if (value.indexOf('{$caret}') == -1) {
+					value += '{$caret}';
+				}
+				// Replace the caret marker with a span bookmark element
+				value = value.replace(/\{\$caret\}/, bookmarkHtml);
+				// If selection is at <body>|<p></p> then move it into <body><p>|</p>
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				var caretElement = rng.startContainer || (rng.parentElement ? rng.parentElement() : null);
+				var body = editor.getBody();
+				if (caretElement === body && selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(body.firstChild) && dom.isEmpty(body.firstChild)) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStart(body.firstChild, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(body.firstChild, 0);
+						selection.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				}
+				// Insert node maker where we will insert the new HTML and get it's parent
+				if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					editor.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null);
+				}
+				parentNode = selection.getNode();
+				// Parse the fragment within the context of the parent node
+				var parserArgs = {context: parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()};
+				fragment = parser.parse(value, parserArgs);
+				// Move the caret to a more suitable location
+				node = fragment.lastChild;
+				if (node.attr('id') == 'mce_marker') {
+					marker = node;
+					for (node = node.prev; node; node = node.walk(true)) {
+						if (node.type == 3 || !dom.isBlock(node.name)) {
+							node.parent.insert(marker, node, node.name === 'br');
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// If parser says valid we can insert the contents into that parent
+				if (!parserArgs.invalid) {
+					value = serializer.serialize(fragment);
+					// Check if parent is empty or only has one BR element then set the innerHTML of that parent
+					node = parentNode.firstChild;
+					node2 = parentNode.lastChild;
+					if (!node || (node === node2 && node.nodeName === 'BR')) {
+						dom.setHTML(parentNode, value);
+					} else {
+						selection.setContent(value);
+					}
+				} else {
+					// If the fragment was invalid within that context then we need
+					// to parse and process the parent it's inserted into
+					// Insert bookmark node and get the parent
+					selection.setContent(bookmarkHtml);
+					parentNode = selection.getNode();
+					rootNode = editor.getBody();
+					// Opera will return the document node when selection is in root
+					if (parentNode.nodeType == 9) {
+						parentNode = node = rootNode;
+					} else {
+						node = parentNode;
+					}
+					// Find the ancestor just before the root element
+					while (node !== rootNode) {
+						parentNode = node;
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+					// Get the outer/inner HTML depending on if we are in the root and parser and serialize that
+					value = parentNode == rootNode ? rootNode.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(parentNode);
+					value = serializer.serialize(
+						parser.parse(
+							// Need to replace by using a function since $ in the contents would otherwise be a problem
+							value.replace(/<span (id="mce_marker"|id=mce_marker).+?<\/span>/i, function() {
+								return serializer.serialize(fragment);
+							})
+						)
+					);
+					// Set the inner/outer HTML depending on if we are in the root or not
+					if (parentNode == rootNode) {
+						dom.setHTML(rootNode, value);
+					} else {
+						dom.setOuterHTML(parentNode, value);
+					}
+				}
+				marker = dom.get('mce_marker');
+				selection.scrollIntoView(marker);
+				// Move selection before marker and remove it
+				rng = dom.createRng();
+				// If previous sibling is a text node set the selection to the end of that node
+				node = marker.previousSibling;
+				if (node && node.nodeType == 3) {
+					rng.setStart(node, node.nodeValue.length);
+					// TODO: Why can't we normalize on IE
+					if (!isIE) {
+						node2 = marker.nextSibling;
+						if (node2 && node2.nodeType == 3) {
+							node.appendData(node2.data);
+							node2.parentNode.removeChild(node2);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// If the previous sibling isn't a text node or doesn't exist set the selection before the marker node
+					rng.setStartBefore(marker);
+					rng.setEndBefore(marker);
+				}
+				// Remove the marker node and set the new range
+				dom.remove(marker);
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				// Dispatch after event and add any visual elements needed
+				editor.fire('SetContent', args);
+				editor.addVisual();
+			},
+			mceInsertRawHTML: function(command, ui, value) {
+				selection.setContent('tiny_mce_marker');
+				editor.setContent(
+					editor.getContent().replace(/tiny_mce_marker/g, function() {
+						return value;
+					})
+				);
+			},
+			mceToggleFormat: function(command, ui, value) {
+				toggleFormat(value);
+			},
+			mceSetContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				editor.setContent(value);
+			},
+			'Indent,Outdent': function(command) {
+				var intentValue, indentUnit, value;
+				// Setup indent level
+				intentValue = settings.indentation;
+				indentUnit = /[a-z%]+$/i.exec(intentValue);
+				intentValue = parseInt(intentValue, 10);
+				if (!queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') && !queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList')) {
+					// If forced_root_blocks is set to false we don't have a block to indent so lets create a div
+					if (!settings.forced_root_block && !dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)) {
+						formatter.apply('div');
+					}
+					each(selection.getSelectedBlocks(), function(element) {
+						if (element.nodeName != "LI") {
+							var indentStyleName = editor.getParam('indent_use_margin', false) ? 'margin' : 'padding';
+							indentStyleName += dom.getStyle(element, 'direction', true) == 'rtl' ? 'Right' : 'Left';
+							if (command == 'outdent') {
+								value = Math.max(0, parseInt(element.style[indentStyleName] || 0, 10) - intentValue);
+								dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, value ? value + indentUnit : '');
+							} else {
+								value = (parseInt(element.style[indentStyleName] || 0, 10) + intentValue) + indentUnit;
+								dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, value);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					execNativeCommand(command);
+				}
+			},
+			mceRepaint: function() {
+				if (isGecko) {
+					try {
+						storeSelection(TRUE);
+						if (selection.getSel()) {
+							selection.getSel().selectAllChildren(editor.getBody());
+						}
+						selection.collapse(TRUE);
+						restoreSelection();
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			InsertHorizontalRule: function() {
+				editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<hr />');
+			},
+			mceToggleVisualAid: function() {
+				editor.hasVisual = !editor.hasVisual;
+				editor.addVisual();
+			},
+			mceReplaceContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, value.replace(/\{\$selection\}/g, selection.getContent({format: 'text'})));
+			},
+			mceInsertLink: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var anchor;
+				if (typeof(value) == 'string') {
+					value = {href: value};
+				}
+				anchor = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'a');
+				// Spaces are never valid in URLs and it's a very common mistake for people to make so we fix it here.
+				value.href = value.href.replace(' ', '%20');
+				// Remove existing links if there could be child links or that the href isn't specified
+				if (!anchor || !value.href) {
+					formatter.remove('link');
+				}
+				// Apply new link to selection
+				if (value.href) {
+					formatter.apply('link', value, anchor);
+				}
+			},
+			selectAll: function() {
+				var root = dom.getRoot(), rng;
+				if (selection.getRng().setStart) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStart(root, 0);
+					rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				} else {
+					// IE will render it's own root level block elements and sometimes
+					// even put font elements in them when the user starts typing. So we need to
+					// move the selection to a more suitable element from this:
+					// <body>|<p></p></body> to this: <body><p>|</p></body>
+					rng = selection.getRng();
+					if (!rng.item) {
+						rng.moveToElementText(root);
+						rng.select();
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			"delete": function() {
+				execNativeCommand("Delete");
+				// Check if body is empty after the delete call if so then set the contents
+				// to an empty string and move the caret to any block produced by that operation
+				// this fixes the issue with root blocks not being properly produced after a delete call on IE
+				var body = editor.getBody();
+				if (dom.isEmpty(body)) {
+					editor.setContent('');
+					if (body.firstChild && dom.isBlock(body.firstChild)) {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body.firstChild, 0);
+					} else {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body, 0);
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			mceNewDocument: function() {
+				editor.setContent('');
+			}
+		});
+		// Add queryCommandState overrides
+		addCommands({
+			// Override justify commands
+			'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull': function(command) {
+				var name = 'align' + command.substring(7);
+				var nodes = selection.isCollapsed() ? [dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)] : selection.getSelectedBlocks();
+				var matches = map(nodes, function(node) {
+					return !!formatter.matchNode(node, name);
+				});
+				return inArray(matches, TRUE) !== -1;
+			},
+			'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function(command) {
+				return isFormatMatch(command);
+			},
+			mceBlockQuote: function() {
+				return isFormatMatch('blockquote');
+			},
+			Outdent: function() {
+				var node;
+				if (settings.inline_styles) {
+					if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt(node.style.paddingLeft, 10) > 0) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+					if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt(node.style.paddingLeft, 10) > 0) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+				}
+				return (
+					queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') ||
+					queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList') ||
+					(!settings.inline_styles && !!dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'BLOCKQUOTE'))
+				);
+			},
+			'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function(command) {
+				var list = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ul,ol');
+				return list &&
+					(
+						command === 'insertunorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'UL' ||
+						command === 'insertorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'OL'
+					);
+			}
+		}, 'state');
+		// Add queryCommandValue overrides
+		addCommands({
+			'FontSize,FontName': function(command) {
+				var value = 0, parent;
+				if ((parent = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'span'))) {
+					if (command == 'fontsize') {
+						value = parent.style.fontSize;
+					} else {
+						value = parent.style.fontFamily.replace(/, /g, ',').replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').toLowerCase();
+					}
+				}
+				return value;
+			}
+		}, 'value');
+		// Add undo manager logic
+		addCommands({
+			Undo: function() {
+				editor.undoManager.undo();
+			},
+			Redo: function() {
+				editor.undoManager.redo();
+			}
+		});
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EditorManager.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EditorManager.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc3294c9764e0f4b46e330dd52afccf1a546b6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EditorManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+ * EditorManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class used as a factory for manager for tinymce.Editor instances.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.EditorManager.init({});
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.EditorManager
+ * @mixes tinymce.util.Observable
+ * @static
+ */
+define("tinymce/EditorManager", [
+	"tinymce/Editor",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/URI",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/util/Observable",
+	"tinymce/util/I18n",
+	"tinymce/FocusManager"
+], function(Editor, DOMUtils, URI, Env, Tools, Observable, I18n, FocusManager) {
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	var explode = Tools.explode, each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var instanceCounter = 0, beforeUnloadDelegate;
+	var EditorManager = {
+		/**
+		 * Major version of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property majorVersion
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		majorVersion : '@@majorVersion@@',
+		/**
+		 * Minor version of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property minorVersion
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		minorVersion : '@@minorVersion@@',
+		/**
+		 * Release date of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property releaseDate
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		releaseDate: '@@releaseDate@@',
+		/**
+		 * Collection of editor instances.
+		 *
+		 * @property editors
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * for (edId in tinymce.editors)
+		 *     tinymce.editors[edId].save();
+		 */
+		editors: [],
+		/**
+		 * Collection of language pack data.
+		 *
+		 * @property i18n
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		i18n: I18n,
+		/**
+		 * Currently active editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property activeEditor
+		 * @type tinymce.Editor
+		 * @example
+		 * tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent();
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor.selection.getContent();
+		 */
+		activeEditor: null,
+		setup: function() {
+			var self = this, baseURL, documentBaseURL, suffix = "", preInit;
+			// Get base URL for the current document
+			documentBaseURL = document.location.href.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, '');
+			if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(documentBaseURL)) {
+				documentBaseURL += '/';
+			}
+			// If tinymce is defined and has a base use that or use the old tinyMCEPreInit
+			preInit = window.tinymce || window.tinyMCEPreInit;
+			if (preInit) {
+				baseURL = preInit.base || preInit.baseURL;
+				suffix = preInit.suffix;
+			} else {
+				// Get base where the tinymce script is located
+				var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+				for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
+					var src = scripts[i].src;
+					// Script types supported:
+					// tinymce.js tinymce.min.js tinymce.dev.js
+					// tinymce.jquery.js tinymce.jquery.min.js tinymce.jquery.dev.js
+					// tinymce.full.js tinymce.full.min.js tinymce.full.dev.js
+					if (/tinymce(\.full|\.jquery|)(\.min|\.dev|)\.js/.test(src)) {
+						if (src.indexOf('.min') != -1) {
+							suffix = '.min';
+						}
+						baseURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Base URL where the root directory if TinyMCE is located.
+			 *
+			 * @property baseURL
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.baseURL = new URI(documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(baseURL);
+			/**
+			 * Document base URL where the current document is located.
+			 *
+			 * @property documentBaseURL
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.documentBaseURL = documentBaseURL;
+			/**
+			 * Absolute baseURI for the installation path of TinyMCE.
+			 *
+			 * @property baseURI
+			 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+			 */
+			self.baseURI = new URI(self.baseURL);
+			/**
+			 * Current suffix to add to each plugin/theme that gets loaded for example ".min".
+			 *
+			 * @property suffix
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.suffix = suffix;
+			self.focusManager = new FocusManager(self);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes a set of editors. This method will create editors based on various settings.
+		 *
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object to be passed to each editor instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Initializes a editor using the longer method
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.init({
+		 *    some_settings : 'some value'
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Initializes a editor instance using the shorter version
+		 * tinyMCE.init({
+		 *    some_settings : 'some value'
+		 * });
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, editors = [], editor;
+			function createId(elm) {
+				var id = elm.id;
+				// Use element id, or unique name or generate a unique id
+				if (!id) {
+					id = elm.name;
+					if (id && !DOM.get(id)) {
+						id = elm.name;
+					} else {
+						// Generate unique name
+						id = DOM.uniqueId();
+					}
+					elm.setAttribute('id', id);
+				}
+				return id;
+			}
+			function execCallback(se, n, s) {
+				var f = se[n];
+				if (!f) {
+					return;
+				}
+				return f.apply(s || this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2));
+			}
+			function hasClass(n, c) {
+				return c.constructor === RegExp ? c.test(n.className) : DOM.hasClass(n, c);
+			}
+			function readyHandler() {
+				var l, co;
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				execCallback(settings, 'onpageload');
+				if (settings.types) {
+					// Process type specific selector
+					each(settings.types, function(type) {
+						each(DOM.select(type.selector), function(elm) {
+							var editor = new Editor(createId(elm), extend({}, settings, type), self);
+							editors.push(editor);
+							editor.render(1);
+						});
+					});
+					return;
+				} else if (settings.selector) {
+					// Process global selector
+					each(DOM.select(settings.selector), function(elm) {
+						var editor = new Editor(createId(elm), settings, self);
+						editors.push(editor);
+						editor.render(1);
+					});
+					return;
+				}
+				// Fallback to old setting
+				switch (settings.mode) {
+					case "exact":
+						l = settings.elements || '';
+						if(l.length > 0) {
+							each(explode(l), function(v) {
+								if (DOM.get(v)) {
+									editor = new Editor(v, settings, self);
+									editors.push(editor);
+									editor.render(true);
+								} else {
+									each(document.forms, function(f) {
+										each(f.elements, function(e) {
+											if (e.name === v) {
+												v = 'mce_editor_' + instanceCounter++;
+												DOM.setAttrib(e, 'id', v);
+												editor = new Editor(v, settings, self);
+												editors.push(editor);
+												editor.render(1);
+											}
+										});
+									});
+								}
+							});
+						}
+						break;
+					case "textareas":
+					case "specific_textareas":
+						each(DOM.select('textarea'), function(elm) {
+							if (settings.editor_deselector && hasClass(elm, settings.editor_deselector)) {
+								return;
+							}
+							if (!settings.editor_selector || hasClass(elm, settings.editor_selector)) {
+								editor = new Editor(createId(elm), settings, self);
+								editors.push(editor);
+								editor.render(true);
+							}
+						});
+						break;
+				}
+				// Call onInit when all editors are initialized
+				if (settings.oninit) {
+					l = co = 0;
+					each(editors, function(ed) {
+						co++;
+						if (!ed.initialized) {
+							// Wait for it
+							ed.on('init', function() {
+								l++;
+								// All done
+								if (l == co) {
+									execCallback(settings, 'oninit');
+								}
+							});
+						} else {
+							l++;
+						}
+						// All done
+						if (l == co) {
+							execCallback(settings, 'oninit');
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			self.settings = settings;
+			DOM.bind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a editor instance by id.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String/Number} id Editor instance id or index to return.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} Editor instance to return.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds an onclick event to an editor by id (shorter version)
+		 * tinymce.get('mytextbox').on('click', function(e) {
+		 *    ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Adds an onclick event to an editor by id (longer version)
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.get('mytextbox').on('click', function(e) {
+		 *    ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 * });
+		 */
+		get: function(id) {
+			if (id === undefined) {
+				return this.editors;
+			}
+			return this.editors[id];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds an editor instance to the editor collection. This will also set it as the active editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Editor instance to add to the collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} The same instance that got passed in.
+		 */
+		add: function(editor) {
+			var self = this, editors = self.editors;
+			// Add named and index editor instance
+			editors[editor.id] = editor;
+			editors.push(editor);
+			self.activeEditor = editor;
+			/**
+			 * Fires when an editor is added to the EditorManager collection.
+			 *
+			 * @event AddEditor
+			 * @param {Object} e Event arguments.
+			 */
+			self.fire('AddEditor', {editor: editor});
+			if (!beforeUnloadDelegate) {
+				beforeUnloadDelegate = function() {
+					self.fire('BeforeUnload');
+				};
+				DOM.bind(window, 'beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate);
+			}
+			return editor;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates an editor instance and adds it to the EditorManager collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method createEditor
+		 * @param {String} id Instance id to use for editor.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Editor instance settings.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} Editor instance that got created.
+		 */
+		createEditor: function(id, settings) {
+			return this.add(new Editor(id, settings, this));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes a editor or editors form page.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * // Remove all editors bound to divs
+		 * tinymce.remove('div');
+		 *
+		 * // Remove all editors bound to textareas
+		 * tinymce.remove('textarea');
+		 *
+		 * // Remove all editors
+		 * tinymce.remove();
+		 *
+		 * // Remove specific instance by id
+		 * tinymce.remove('#id');
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {tinymce.Editor/String/Object} [selector] CSS selector or editor instance to remove.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} The editor that got passed in will be return if it was found otherwise null.
+		 */
+		remove: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, i, editors = self.editors, editor, removedFromList;
+			// Remove all editors
+			if (!selector) {
+				for (i = editors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					self.remove(editors[i]);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Remove editors by selector
+			if (typeof(selector) == "string") {
+				selector = selector.selector || selector;
+				each(DOM.select(selector), function(elm) {
+					self.remove(editors[elm.id]);
+				});
+				return;
+			}
+			// Remove specific editor
+			editor = selector;
+			// Not in the collection
+			if (!editors[editor.id]) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			delete editors[editor.id];
+			for (i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
+				if (editors[i] == editor) {
+					editors.splice(i, 1);
+					removedFromList = true;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Select another editor since the active one was removed
+			if (self.activeEditor == editor) {
+				self.activeEditor = editors[0];
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Fires when an editor is removed from EditorManager collection.
+			 *
+			 * @event RemoveEditor
+			 * @param {Object} e Event arguments.
+			 */
+			if (removedFromList) {
+				self.fire('RemoveEditor', {editor: editor});
+			}
+			if (!editors.length) {
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate);
+			}
+			editor.remove();
+			return editor;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a specific command on the currently active editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} c Command to perform for example Bold.
+		 * @param {Boolean} u Optional boolean state if a UI should be presented for the command or not.
+		 * @param {String} v Optional value parameter like for example an URL to a link.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the command was executed or not.
+		 */
+		execCommand: function(cmd, ui, value) {
+			var self = this, editor = self.get(value);
+			// Manager commands
+			switch (cmd) {
+				case "mceAddEditor":
+					if (!self.get(value)) {
+						new Editor(value, self.settings, self).render();
+					}
+					return true;
+				case "mceRemoveEditor":
+					if (editor) {
+						editor.remove();
+					}
+					return true;
+				case 'mceToggleEditor':
+					if (!editor) {
+						self.execCommand('mceAddEditor', 0, value);
+						return true;
+					}
+					if (editor.isHidden()) {
+						editor.show();
+					} else {
+						editor.hide();
+					}
+					return true;
+			}
+			// Run command on active editor
+			if (self.activeEditor) {
+				return self.activeEditor.execCommand(cmd, ui, value);
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Calls the save method on all editor instances in the collection. This can be useful when a form is to be submitted.
+		 *
+		 * @method triggerSave
+		 * @example
+		 * // Saves all contents
+		 * tinyMCE.triggerSave();
+		 */
+		triggerSave: function() {
+			each(this.editors, function(editor) {
+				editor.save();
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a language pack, this gets called by the loaded language files like en.js.
+		 *
+		 * @method addI18n
+		 * @param {String} code Optional language code.
+		 * @param {Object} items Name/value object with translations.
+		 */
+		addI18n: function(code, items) {
+			I18n.add(code, items);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified string using the language pack items.
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String/Array/Object} text String to translate
+		 * @return {String} Translated string.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			return I18n.translate(text);
+		}
+	};
+	extend(EditorManager, Observable);
+	EditorManager.setup();
+	// Export EditorManager as tinymce/tinymce in global namespace
+	window.tinymce = window.tinyMCE = EditorManager;
+	return EditorManager;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EnterKey.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EnterKey.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..325ab28c00df872832e3a537baf426f93c6931e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/EnterKey.js
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+ * EnterKey.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Contains logic for handling the enter key to split/generate block elements.
+ */
+define("tinymce/EnterKey", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(TreeWalker, RangeUtils, Env) {
+	var isIE = Env.ie && Env.ie < 11;
+	return function(editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, settings = editor.settings;
+		var undoManager = editor.undoManager, schema = editor.schema, nonEmptyElementsMap = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+		function handleEnterKey(evt) {
+			var rng, tmpRng, editableRoot, container, offset, parentBlock, documentMode, shiftKey,
+				newBlock, fragment, containerBlock, parentBlockName, containerBlockName, newBlockName, isAfterLastNodeInContainer;
+			// Returns true if the block can be split into two blocks or not
+			function canSplitBlock(node) {
+				return node &&
+					dom.isBlock(node) &&
+					!/^(TD|TH|CAPTION|FORM)$/.test(node.nodeName) &&
+					!/^(fixed|absolute)/i.test(node.style.position) &&
+					dom.getContentEditable(node) !== "true";
+			}
+			// Renders empty block on IE
+			function renderBlockOnIE(block) {
+				var oldRng;
+				if (dom.isBlock(block)) {
+					oldRng = selection.getRng();
+					block.appendChild(dom.create('span', null, '\u00a0'));
+					selection.select(block);
+					block.lastChild.outerHTML = '';
+					selection.setRng(oldRng);
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove the first empty inline element of the block so this: <p><b><em></em></b>x</p> becomes this: <p>x</p>
+			function trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(block) {
+				var node = block, firstChilds = [], i;
+				// Find inner most first child ex: <p><i><b>*</b></i></p>
+				while ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 && !nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+						firstChilds.push(node);
+					}
+				}
+				i = firstChilds.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = firstChilds[i];
+					if (!node.hasChildNodes() || (node.firstChild == node.lastChild && node.firstChild.nodeValue === '')) {
+						dom.remove(node);
+					} else {
+						// Remove <a> </a> see #5381
+						if (node.nodeName == "A" && (node.innerText || node.textContent) === ' ') {
+							dom.remove(node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Moves the caret to a suitable position within the root for example in the first non
+			// pure whitespace text node or before an image
+			function moveToCaretPosition(root) {
+				var walker, node, rng, lastNode = root, tempElm;
+				function firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling(node) {
+					while (node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1 || (node.nodeType == 3 && node.data && /[\r\n\s]/.test(node.data))) {
+							return node;
+						}
+						node = node.nextSibling;
+					}
+				}
+				// Old IE versions doesn't properly render blocks with br elements in them
+				// For example <p><br></p> wont be rendered correctly in a contentEditable area
+				// until you remove the br producing <p></p>
+				if (Env.ie && Env.ie < 9 && parentBlock && parentBlock.firstChild) {
+					if (parentBlock.firstChild == parentBlock.lastChild && parentBlock.firstChild.tagName == 'BR') {
+						dom.remove(parentBlock.firstChild);
+					}
+				}
+				if (root.nodeName == 'LI') {
+					var firstChild = firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling(root.firstChild);
+					if (firstChild && /^(UL|OL)$/.test(firstChild.nodeName)) {
+						root.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode('\u00a0'), root.firstChild);
+					}
+				}
+				rng = dom.createRng();
+				if (root.hasChildNodes()) {
+					walker = new TreeWalker(root, root);
+					while ((node = walker.current())) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+							rng.setStart(node, 0);
+							rng.setEnd(node, 0);
+							break;
+						}
+						if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+							rng.setStartBefore(node);
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+							break;
+						}
+						lastNode = node;
+						node = walker.next();
+					}
+					if (!node) {
+						rng.setStart(lastNode, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(lastNode, 0);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (root.nodeName == 'BR') {
+						if (root.nextSibling && dom.isBlock(root.nextSibling)) {
+							// Trick on older IE versions to render the caret before the BR between two lists
+							if (!documentMode || documentMode < 9) {
+								tempElm = dom.create('br');
+								root.parentNode.insertBefore(tempElm, root);
+							}
+							rng.setStartBefore(root);
+							rng.setEndBefore(root);
+						} else {
+							rng.setStartAfter(root);
+							rng.setEndAfter(root);
+						}
+					} else {
+						rng.setStart(root, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(root, 0);
+					}
+				}
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				// Remove tempElm created for old IE:s
+				dom.remove(tempElm);
+				selection.scrollIntoView(root);
+			}
+			function setForcedBlockAttrs(node) {
+				var forcedRootBlockName = settings.forced_root_block;
+				if (forcedRootBlockName && forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase() === node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
+					dom.setAttribs(node, settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+				}
+			}
+			// Creates a new block element by cloning the current one or creating a new one if the name is specified
+			// This function will also copy any text formatting from the parent block and add it to the new one
+			function createNewBlock(name) {
+				var node = container, block, clonedNode, caretNode;
+				if (name || parentBlockName == "TABLE") {
+					block = dom.create(name || newBlockName);
+					setForcedBlockAttrs(block);
+				} else {
+					block = parentBlock.cloneNode(false);
+				}
+				caretNode = block;
+				// Clone any parent styles
+				if (settings.keep_styles !== false) {
+					do {
+						if (/^(SPAN|STRONG|B|EM|I|FONT|STRIKE|U|VAR|CITE|DFN|CODE|MARK|Q|SUP|SUB|SAMP)$/.test(node.nodeName)) {
+							// Never clone a caret containers
+							if (node.id == '_mce_caret') {
+								continue;
+							}
+							clonedNode = node.cloneNode(false);
+							dom.setAttrib(clonedNode, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be document unique
+							if (block.hasChildNodes()) {
+								clonedNode.appendChild(block.firstChild);
+								block.appendChild(clonedNode);
+							} else {
+								caretNode = clonedNode;
+								block.appendChild(clonedNode);
+							}
+						}
+					} while ((node = node.parentNode));
+				}
+				// BR is needed in empty blocks on non IE browsers
+				if (!isIE) {
+					caretNode.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+				}
+				return block;
+			}
+			// Returns true/false if the caret is at the start/end of the parent block element
+			function isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(start) {
+				var walker, node, name;
+				// Caret is in the middle of a text node like "a|b"
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && (start ? offset > 0 : offset < container.nodeValue.length)) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				// If after the last element in block node edge case for #5091
+				if (container.parentNode == parentBlock && isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// If the caret if before the first element in parentBlock
+				if (start && container.nodeType == 1 && container == parentBlock.firstChild) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// Caret can be before/after a table
+				if (container.nodeName === "TABLE" || (container.previousSibling && container.previousSibling.nodeName == "TABLE")) {
+					return (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) || (!isAfterLastNodeInContainer && start);
+				}
+				// Walk the DOM and look for text nodes or non empty elements
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock);
+				// If caret is in beginning or end of a text block then jump to the next/previous node
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					if (start && offset === 0) {
+						walker.prev();
+					} else if (!start && offset == container.nodeValue.length) {
+						walker.next();
+					}
+				}
+				while ((node = walker.current())) {
+					if (node.nodeType === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (!node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+							// Keep empty elements like <img /> <input /> but not trailing br:s like <p>text|<br></p>
+							name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+							if (nonEmptyElementsMap[name] && name !== 'br') {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (node.nodeType === 3 && !/^[ \t\r\n]*$/.test(node.nodeValue)) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					if (start) {
+						walker.prev();
+					} else {
+						walker.next();
+					}
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Wraps any text nodes or inline elements in the specified forced root block name
+			function wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(container, offset) {
+				var newBlock, parentBlock, startNode, node, next, rootBlockName, blockName = newBlockName || 'P';
+				// Not in a block element or in a table cell or caption
+				parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
+				rootBlockName = editor.getBody().nodeName.toLowerCase();
+				if (!parentBlock || !canSplitBlock(parentBlock)) {
+					parentBlock = parentBlock || editableRoot;
+					if (!parentBlock.hasChildNodes()) {
+						newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
+						setForcedBlockAttrs(newBlock);
+						parentBlock.appendChild(newBlock);
+						rng.setStart(newBlock, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(newBlock, 0);
+						return newBlock;
+					}
+					// Find parent that is the first child of parentBlock
+					node = container;
+					while (node.parentNode != parentBlock) {
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+					// Loop left to find start node start wrapping at
+					while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						startNode = node;
+						node = node.previousSibling;
+					}
+					if (startNode && schema.isValidChild(rootBlockName, blockName.toLowerCase())) {
+						newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
+						setForcedBlockAttrs(newBlock);
+						startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, startNode);
+						// Start wrapping until we hit a block
+						node = startNode;
+						while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
+							next = node.nextSibling;
+							newBlock.appendChild(node);
+							node = next;
+						}
+						// Restore range to it's past location
+						rng.setStart(container, offset);
+						rng.setEnd(container, offset);
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			// Inserts a block or br before/after or in the middle of a split list of the LI is empty
+			function handleEmptyListItem() {
+				function isFirstOrLastLi(first) {
+					var node = containerBlock[first ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+					// Find first/last element since there might be whitespace there
+					while (node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1) {
+							break;
+						}
+						node = node[first ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling'];
+					}
+					return node === parentBlock;
+				}
+				function getContainerBlock() {
+					var containerBlockParent = containerBlock.parentNode;
+					if (containerBlockParent.nodeName == 'LI') {
+						return containerBlockParent;
+					}
+					return containerBlock;
+				}
+				// Check if we are in an nested list
+				var containerBlockParentName = containerBlock.parentNode.nodeName;
+				if (/^(OL|UL|LI)$/.test(containerBlockParentName)) {
+					newBlockName = 'LI';
+				}
+				newBlock = newBlockName ? createNewBlock(newBlockName) : dom.create('BR');
+				if (isFirstOrLastLi(true) && isFirstOrLastLi()) {
+					if (containerBlockParentName == 'LI') {
+						// Nested list is inside a LI
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+					} else {
+						// Is first and last list item then replace the OL/UL with a text block
+						dom.replace(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				} else if (isFirstOrLastLi(true)) {
+					if (containerBlockParentName == 'LI') {
+						// List nested in an LI then move the list to a new sibling LI
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+						newBlock.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(' ')); // Needed for IE so the caret can be placed
+						newBlock.appendChild(containerBlock);
+					} else {
+						// First LI in list then remove LI and add text block before list
+						containerBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				} else if (isFirstOrLastLi()) {
+					// Last LI in list then remove LI and add text block after list
+					dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+					renderBlockOnIE(newBlock);
+				} else {
+					// Middle LI in list the split the list and insert a text block in the middle
+					// Extract after fragment and insert it after the current block
+					containerBlock = getContainerBlock();
+					tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
+					tmpRng.setStartAfter(parentBlock);
+					tmpRng.setEndAfter(containerBlock);
+					fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
+					if (newBlockName == 'LI' && fragment.firstChild.nodeName == 'LI') {
+						newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
+						dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
+					} else {
+						dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				}
+				dom.remove(parentBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+				undoManager.add();
+			}
+			// Walks the parent block to the right and look for BR elements
+			function hasRightSideContent() {
+				var walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock), node;
+				while ((node = walker.next())) {
+					if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || node.length > 0) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Inserts a BR element if the forced_root_block option is set to false or empty string
+			function insertBr() {
+				var brElm, extraBr, marker;
+				if (container && container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+					// Insert extra BR element at the end block elements
+					if (!isIE && !hasRightSideContent()) {
+						brElm = dom.create('br');
+						rng.insertNode(brElm);
+						rng.setStartAfter(brElm);
+						rng.setEndAfter(brElm);
+						extraBr = true;
+					}
+				}
+				brElm = dom.create('br');
+				rng.insertNode(brElm);
+				// Rendering modes below IE8 doesn't display BR elements in PRE unless we have a \n before it
+				if (isIE && parentBlockName == 'PRE' && (!documentMode || documentMode < 8)) {
+					brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode('\r'), brElm);
+				}
+				// Insert temp marker and scroll to that
+				marker = dom.create('span', {}, '&nbsp;');
+				brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, brElm);
+				selection.scrollIntoView(marker);
+				dom.remove(marker);
+				if (!extraBr) {
+					rng.setStartAfter(brElm);
+					rng.setEndAfter(brElm);
+				} else {
+					rng.setStartBefore(brElm);
+					rng.setEndBefore(brElm);
+				}
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				undoManager.add();
+			}
+			// Trims any linebreaks at the beginning of node user for example when pressing enter in a PRE element
+			function trimLeadingLineBreaks(node) {
+				do {
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, '');
+					}
+					node = node.firstChild;
+				} while (node);
+			}
+			function getEditableRoot(node) {
+				var root = dom.getRoot(), parent, editableRoot;
+				// Get all parents until we hit a non editable parent or the root
+				parent = node;
+				while (parent !== root && dom.getContentEditable(parent) !== "false") {
+					if (dom.getContentEditable(parent) === "true") {
+						editableRoot = parent;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return parent !== root ? editableRoot : root;
+			}
+			// Adds a BR at the end of blocks that only contains an IMG or INPUT since
+			// these might be floated and then they won't expand the block
+			function addBrToBlockIfNeeded(block) {
+				var lastChild;
+				// IE will render the blocks correctly other browsers needs a BR
+				if (!isIE) {
+					block.normalize(); // Remove empty text nodes that got left behind by the extract
+					// Check if the block is empty or contains a floated last child
+					lastChild = block.lastChild;
+					if (!lastChild || (/^(left|right)$/gi.test(dom.getStyle(lastChild, 'float', true)))) {
+						dom.add(block, 'br');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			rng = selection.getRng(true);
+			// Event is blocked by some other handler for example the lists plugin
+			if (evt.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Delete any selected contents
+			if (!rng.collapsed) {
+				editor.execCommand('Delete');
+				return;
+			}
+			// Setup range items and newBlockName
+			new RangeUtils(dom).normalize(rng);
+			container = rng.startContainer;
+			offset = rng.startOffset;
+			newBlockName = (settings.force_p_newlines ? 'p' : '') || settings.forced_root_block;
+			newBlockName = newBlockName ? newBlockName.toUpperCase() : '';
+			documentMode = dom.doc.documentMode;
+			shiftKey = evt.shiftKey;
+			// Resolve node index
+			if (container.nodeType == 1 && container.hasChildNodes()) {
+				isAfterLastNodeInContainer = offset > container.childNodes.length - 1;
+				container = container.childNodes[Math.min(offset, container.childNodes.length - 1)] || container;
+				if (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && container.nodeType == 3) {
+					offset = container.nodeValue.length;
+				} else {
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// Get editable root node normaly the body element but sometimes a div or span
+			editableRoot = getEditableRoot(container);
+			// If there is no editable root then enter is done inside a contentEditable false element
+			if (!editableRoot) {
+				return;
+			}
+			undoManager.beforeChange();
+			// If editable root isn't block nor the root of the editor
+			if (!dom.isBlock(editableRoot) && editableRoot != dom.getRoot()) {
+				if (!newBlockName || shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Wrap the current node and it's sibling in a default block if it's needed.
+			// for example this <td>text|<b>text2</b></td> will become this <td><p>text|<b>text2</p></b></td>
+			// This won't happen if root blocks are disabled or the shiftKey is pressed
+			if ((newBlockName && !shiftKey) || (!newBlockName && shiftKey)) {
+				container = wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(container, offset);
+			}
+			// Find parent block and setup empty block paddings
+			parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
+			containerBlock = parentBlock ? dom.getParent(parentBlock.parentNode, dom.isBlock) : null;
+			// Setup block names
+			parentBlockName = parentBlock ? parentBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; // IE < 9 & HTML5
+			containerBlockName = containerBlock ? containerBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; // IE < 9 & HTML5
+			// Enter inside block contained within a LI then split or insert before/after LI
+			if (containerBlockName == 'LI' && !evt.ctrlKey) {
+				parentBlock = containerBlock;
+				parentBlockName = containerBlockName;
+			}
+			// Handle enter in LI
+			if (parentBlockName == 'LI') {
+				if (!newBlockName && shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+				// Handle enter inside an empty list item
+				if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
+					handleEmptyListItem();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			// Don't split PRE tags but insert a BR instead easier when writing code samples etc
+			if (parentBlockName == 'PRE' && settings.br_in_pre !== false) {
+				if (!shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// If no root block is configured then insert a BR by default or if the shiftKey is pressed
+				if ((!newBlockName && !shiftKey && parentBlockName != 'LI') || (newBlockName && shiftKey)) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			// If parent block is root then never insert new blocks
+			if (newBlockName && parentBlock === editor.getBody()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Default block name if it's not configured
+			newBlockName = newBlockName || 'P';
+			// Insert new block before/after the parent block depending on caret location
+			if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock()) {
+				// If the caret is at the end of a header we produce a P tag after it similar to Word unless we are in a hgroup
+				if (/^(H[1-6]|PRE|FIGURE)$/.test(parentBlockName) && containerBlockName != 'HGROUP') {
+					newBlock = createNewBlock(newBlockName);
+				} else {
+					newBlock = createNewBlock();
+				}
+				// Split the current container block element if enter is pressed inside an empty inner block element
+				if (settings.end_container_on_empty_block && canSplitBlock(containerBlock) && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
+					// Split container block for example a BLOCKQUOTE at the current blockParent location for example a P
+					newBlock = dom.split(containerBlock, parentBlock);
+				} else {
+					dom.insertAfter(newBlock, parentBlock);
+				}
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+			} else if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(true)) {
+				// Insert new block before
+				newBlock = parentBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(createNewBlock(), parentBlock);
+				renderBlockOnIE(newBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(parentBlock);
+			} else {
+				// Extract after fragment and insert it after the current block
+				tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
+				tmpRng.setEndAfter(parentBlock);
+				fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
+				trimLeadingLineBreaks(fragment);
+				newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
+				dom.insertAfter(fragment, parentBlock);
+				trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(newBlock);
+				addBrToBlockIfNeeded(parentBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+			}
+			dom.setAttrib(newBlock, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be document unique
+			// Allow custom handling of new blocks
+			editor.fire('NewBlock', { newBlock: newBlock });
+			undoManager.add();
+		}
+		editor.on('keydown', function(evt) {
+			if (evt.keyCode == 13) {
+				if (handleEnterKey(evt) !== false) {
+					evt.preventDefault();
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Env.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Env.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8bf2c6ef84512c800f835d3c59f69c973504f855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Env.js
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * Env.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains various environment constants like browser versions etc.
+ * Normally you don't want to sniff specific browser versions but sometimes you have
+ * to when it's impossible to feature detect. So use this with care.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Env
+ * @static
+ */
+define("tinymce/Env", [], function() {
+	var nav = navigator, userAgent = nav.userAgent;
+	var opera, webkit, ie, ie11, gecko, mac, iDevice;
+	opera = window.opera && window.opera.buildNumber;
+	webkit = /WebKit/.test(userAgent);
+	ie = !webkit && !opera && (/MSIE/gi).test(userAgent) && (/Explorer/gi).test(nav.appName);
+	ie = ie && /MSIE (\w+)\./.exec(userAgent)[1];
+	ie11 = userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') != -1 && (userAgent.indexOf('rv:') != -1 || nav.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1) ? 11 : false;
+	ie = ie || ie11;
+	gecko = !webkit && !ie11 && /Gecko/.test(userAgent);
+	mac = userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1;
+	iDevice = /(iPad|iPhone)/.test(userAgent);
+	// Is a iPad/iPhone and not on iOS5 sniff the WebKit version since older iOS WebKit versions
+	// says it has contentEditable support but there is no visible caret.
+	var contentEditable = !iDevice || userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d*)/)[1] >= 534;
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is Opera.
+		 *
+		 * @property opera
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		opera: opera,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is WebKit (Safari/Chrome).
+		 *
+		 * @property webKit
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		webkit: webkit,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is more than zero if the browser is IE.
+		 *
+		 * @property ie
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		ie: ie,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is Gecko.
+		 *
+		 * @property gecko
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		gecko: gecko,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the os is Mac OS.
+		 *
+		 * @property mac
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		mac: mac,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the os is iOS.
+		 *
+		 * @property iOS
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		iOS: iDevice,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser supports editing.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentEditable
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		contentEditable: contentEditable,
+		/**
+		 * Transparent image data url.
+		 *
+		 * @property transparentSrc
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		transparentSrc: "",
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the browser can or can't place the caret after a inline block like an image.
+		 *
+		 * @property noCaretAfter
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		caretAfter: ie != 8,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser supports native DOM Ranges. IE 9+.
+		 *
+		 * @property range
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 */
+		range: window.getSelection && "Range" in window,
+		/**
+		 * Returns the IE document mode for non IE browsers this will fake IE 10.
+		 *
+		 * @property documentMode
+		 * @type Number
+		 */
+		documentMode: ie ? (document.documentMode || 7) : 10
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/FocusManager.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/FocusManager.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dca96befc622a2dcbf268d6d42bfb82af8698c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/FocusManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ * FocusManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class manages the focus/blur state of the editor. This class is needed since some
+ * browsers fire false focus/blur states when the selection is moved to a UI dialog or similar.
+ *
+ * This class will fire two events focus and blur on the editor instances that got affected.
+ * It will also handle the restore of selection when the focus is lost and returned.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.FocusManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/FocusManager", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(DOMUtils, Env) {
+	var selectionChangeHandler, documentFocusInHandler, DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new focus manager instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor FocusManager
+	 * @param {tinymce.EditorManager} editorManager Editor manager instance to handle focus for.
+	 */
+	function FocusManager(editorManager) {
+		function getActiveElement() {
+			try {
+				return document.activeElement;
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE sometimes fails to get the activeElement when resizing table
+				// TODO: Investigate this
+				return document.body;
+			}
+		}
+		// We can't store a real range on IE 11 since it gets mutated so we need to use a bookmark object
+		// TODO: Move this to a separate range utils class since it's it's logic is present in Selection as well.
+		function createBookmark(rng) {
+			if (rng && rng.startContainer) {
+				return {
+					startContainer: rng.startContainer,
+					startOffset: rng.startOffset,
+					endContainer: rng.endContainer,
+					endOffset: rng.endOffset
+				};
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		function bookmarkToRng(editor, bookmark) {
+			var rng;
+			if (bookmark.startContainer) {
+				rng = editor.getDoc().createRange();
+				rng.setStart(bookmark.startContainer, bookmark.startOffset);
+				rng.setEnd(bookmark.endContainer, bookmark.endOffset);
+			} else {
+				rng = bookmark;
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		function isUIElement(elm) {
+			return !!DOM.getParent(elm, FocusManager.isEditorUIElement);
+		}
+		function isNodeInBodyOfEditor(node, editor) {
+			var body = editor.getBody();
+			while (node) {
+				if (node == body) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+		}
+		function registerEvents(e) {
+			var editor = e.editor;
+			editor.on('init', function() {
+				// Gecko/WebKit has ghost selections in iframes and IE only has one selection per browser tab
+				if (editor.inline || Env.ie) {
+					// On other browsers take snapshot on nodechange in inline mode since they have Ghost selections for iframes
+					editor.on('nodechange keyup', function() {
+						var node = document.activeElement;
+						// IE 11 reports active element as iframe not body of iframe
+						if (node && node.id == editor.id + '_ifr') {
+							node = editor.getBody();
+						}
+						if (isNodeInBodyOfEditor(node, editor)) {
+							editor.lastRng = editor.selection.getRng();
+						}
+					});
+					// Handles the issue with WebKit not retaining selection within inline document
+					// If the user releases the mouse out side the body since a mouse up event wont occur on the body
+					if (Env.webkit && !selectionChangeHandler) {
+						selectionChangeHandler = function() {
+							var activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor;
+							if (activeEditor && activeEditor.selection) {
+								var rng = activeEditor.selection.getRng();
+								// Store when it's non collapsed
+								if (rng && !rng.collapsed) {
+									editor.lastRng = rng;
+								}
+							}
+						};
+						DOM.bind(document, 'selectionchange', selectionChangeHandler);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('setcontent', function() {
+				editor.lastRng = null;
+			});
+			// Remove last selection bookmark on mousedown see #6305
+			editor.on('mousedown', function() {
+				editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+			});
+			editor.on('focusin', function() {
+				var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
+				if (editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark) {
+					editor.selection.setRng(bookmarkToRng(editor, editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark));
+					editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+				}
+				if (focusedEditor != editor) {
+					if (focusedEditor) {
+						focusedEditor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: editor});
+					}
+					editorManager.activeEditor = editor;
+					editorManager.focusedEditor = editor;
+					editor.fire('focus', {blurredEditor: focusedEditor});
+					editor.focus(true);
+				}
+				editor.lastRng = null;
+			});
+			editor.on('focusout', function() {
+				window.setTimeout(function() {
+					var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
+					// Still the same editor the the blur was outside any editor UI
+					if (!isUIElement(getActiveElement()) && focusedEditor == editor) {
+						editor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: null});
+						editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+						// Make sure selection is valid could be invalid if the editor is blured and removed before the timeout occurs
+						if (editor.selection) {
+							editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+						}
+					}
+				}, 0);
+			});
+			if (!documentFocusInHandler) {
+				documentFocusInHandler = function(e) {
+					var activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor;
+					if (activeEditor && e.target.ownerDocument == document) {
+						// Check to make sure we have a valid selection
+						if (activeEditor.selection) {
+							activeEditor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = createBookmark(activeEditor.lastRng);
+						}
+						// Fire a blur event if the element isn't a UI element
+						if (!isUIElement(e.target) && editorManager.focusedEditor == activeEditor) {
+							activeEditor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: null});
+							editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+						}
+					}
+				};
+				// Check if focus is moved to an element outside the active editor by checking if the target node
+				// isn't within the body of the activeEditor nor a UI element such as a dialog child control
+				DOM.bind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
+			}
+		}
+		function unregisterDocumentEvents(e) {
+			if (editorManager.focusedEditor == e.editor) {
+				editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+			}
+			if (!editorManager.activeEditor) {
+				DOM.unbind(document, 'selectionchange', selectionChangeHandler);
+				DOM.unbind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
+				selectionChangeHandler = documentFocusInHandler = null;
+			}
+		}
+		editorManager.on('AddEditor', registerEvents);
+		editorManager.on('RemoveEditor', unregisterDocumentEvents);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns true if the specified element is part of the UI for example an button or text input.
+	 *
+	 * @method isEditorUIElement
+	 * @param  {Element} elm Element to check if it's part of the UI or not.
+	 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the element is part of the UI or not.
+	 */
+	FocusManager.isEditorUIElement = function(elm) {
+		// Needs to be converted to string since svg can have focus: #6776
+		return elm.className.toString().indexOf('mce-') !== -1;
+	};
+	return FocusManager;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ForceBlocks.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ForceBlocks.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a56b44111792178e1a3fd280c3168129e025e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ForceBlocks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ * ForceBlocks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/ForceBlocks", [], function() {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var settings = editor.settings, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection;
+		var schema = editor.schema, blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
+		function addRootBlocks() {
+			var node = selection.getStart(), rootNode = editor.getBody(), rng;
+			var startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, rootBlockNode;
+			var tempNode, offset = -0xFFFFFF, wrapped, restoreSelection;
+			var tmpRng, rootNodeName, forcedRootBlock;
+			forcedRootBlock = settings.forced_root_block;
+			if (!node || node.nodeType !== 1 || !forcedRootBlock) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Check if node is wrapped in block
+			while (node && node != rootNode) {
+				if (blockElements[node.nodeName]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Get current selection
+			rng = selection.getRng();
+			if (rng.setStart) {
+				startContainer = rng.startContainer;
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset;
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+				try {
+					restoreSelection = editor.getDoc().activeElement === rootNode;
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE throws unspecified error here sometimes
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Force control range into text range
+				if (rng.item) {
+					node = rng.item(0);
+					rng = editor.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
+					rng.moveToElementText(node);
+				}
+				restoreSelection = rng.parentElement().ownerDocument === editor.getDoc();
+				tmpRng = rng.duplicate();
+				tmpRng.collapse(true);
+				startOffset = tmpRng.move('character', offset) * -1;
+				if (!tmpRng.collapsed) {
+					tmpRng = rng.duplicate();
+					tmpRng.collapse(false);
+					endOffset = (tmpRng.move('character', offset) * -1) - startOffset;
+				}
+			}
+			// Wrap non block elements and text nodes
+			node = rootNode.firstChild;
+			rootNodeName = rootNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			while (node) {
+				// TODO: Break this up, too complex
+				if (((node.nodeType === 3 || (node.nodeType == 1 && !blockElements[node.nodeName]))) &&
+					schema.isValidChild(rootNodeName, forcedRootBlock.toLowerCase())) {
+					// Remove empty text nodes
+					if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length === 0) {
+						tempNode = node;
+						node = node.nextSibling;
+						dom.remove(tempNode);
+						continue;
+					}
+					if (!rootBlockNode) {
+						rootBlockNode = dom.create(forcedRootBlock, editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+						node.parentNode.insertBefore(rootBlockNode, node);
+						wrapped = true;
+					}
+					tempNode = node;
+					node = node.nextSibling;
+					rootBlockNode.appendChild(tempNode);
+				} else {
+					rootBlockNode = null;
+					node = node.nextSibling;
+				}
+			}
+			if (wrapped && restoreSelection) {
+				if (rng.setStart) {
+					rng.setStart(startContainer, startOffset);
+					rng.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				} else {
+					// Only select if the previous selection was inside the document to prevent auto focus in quirks mode
+					try {
+						rng = editor.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
+						rng.moveToElementText(rootNode);
+						rng.collapse(true);
+						rng.moveStart('character', startOffset);
+						if (endOffset > 0) {
+							rng.moveEnd('character', endOffset);
+						}
+						rng.select();
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		}
+		// Force root blocks
+		if (settings.forced_root_block) {
+			editor.on('NodeChange', addRootBlocks);
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Formatter.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Formatter.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..baa0b8a4175c0b1d9c07b5d093271a66d9276ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Formatter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2426 @@
+ * Formatter.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Text formatter engine class. This class is used to apply formats like bold, italic, font size
+ * etc to the current selection or specific nodes. This engine was build to replace the browsers
+ * default formatting logic for execCommand due to it's inconsistent and buggy behavior.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Formatter
+ * @example
+ *  tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.register('mycustomformat', {
+ *    inline: 'span',
+ *    styles: {color: '#ff0000'}
+ *  });
+ *
+ *  tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.apply('mycustomformat');
+ */
+define("tinymce/Formatter", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(TreeWalker, RangeUtils, Tools) {
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new formatter instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor Formatter
+	 * @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance to construct the formatter engine to.
+	 */
+	return function(ed) {
+		var formats = {},
+			dom = ed.dom,
+			selection = ed.selection,
+			rangeUtils = new RangeUtils(dom),
+			isValid = ed.schema.isValidChild,
+			isBlock = dom.isBlock,
+			forcedRootBlock = ed.settings.forced_root_block,
+			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex,
+			MCE_ATTR_RE = /^(src|href|style)$/,
+			FALSE = false,
+			TRUE = true,
+			formatChangeData,
+			undef,
+			getContentEditable = dom.getContentEditable,
+			disableCaretContainer,
+			markCaretContainersBogus;
+		var each = Tools.each,
+			grep = Tools.grep,
+			walk = Tools.walk,
+			extend = Tools.extend;
+		function isTextBlock(name) {
+			if (name.nodeType) {
+				name = name.nodeName;
+			}
+			return !!ed.schema.getTextBlockElements()[name.toLowerCase()];
+		}
+		function getParents(node, selector) {
+			return dom.getParents(node, selector, dom.getRoot());
+		}
+		function isCaretNode(node) {
+			return node.nodeType === 1 && node.id === '_mce_caret';
+		}
+		function defaultFormats() {
+			register({
+				alignleft: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'left'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img,table', collapsed: false, styles: {'float': 'left'}}
+				],
+				aligncenter: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'center'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img', collapsed: false, styles: {display: 'block', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}},
+					{selector: 'table', collapsed: false, styles: {marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}}
+				],
+				alignright: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'right'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img,table', collapsed: false, styles: {'float': 'right'}}
+				],
+				alignjustify: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'justify'}, defaultBlock: 'div'}
+				],
+				bold: [
+					{inline: 'strong', remove: 'all'},
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {fontWeight: 'bold'}},
+					{inline: 'b', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				italic: [
+					{inline: 'em', remove: 'all'},
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {fontStyle: 'italic'}},
+					{inline: 'i', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				underline: [
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {textDecoration: 'underline'}, exact: true},
+					{inline: 'u', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				strikethrough: [
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {textDecoration: 'line-through'}, exact: true},
+					{inline: 'strike', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				forecolor: {inline: 'span', styles: {color: '%value'}, wrap_links: false},
+				hilitecolor: {inline: 'span', styles: {backgroundColor: '%value'}, wrap_links: false},
+				fontname: {inline: 'span', styles: {fontFamily: '%value'}},
+				fontsize: {inline: 'span', styles: {fontSize: '%value'}},
+				fontsize_class: {inline: 'span', attributes: {'class': '%value'}},
+				blockquote: {block: 'blockquote', wrapper: 1, remove: 'all'},
+				subscript: {inline: 'sub'},
+				superscript: {inline: 'sup'},
+				code: {inline: 'code'},
+				link: {inline: 'a', selector: 'a', remove: 'all', split: true, deep: true,
+					onmatch: function() {
+						return true;
+					},
+					onformat: function(elm, fmt, vars) {
+						each(vars, function(value, key) {
+							dom.setAttrib(elm, key, value);
+						});
+					}
+				},
+				removeformat: [
+					{
+						selector: 'b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike,sub,sup,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,mark,q',
+						remove: 'all',
+						split: true,
+						expand: false,
+						block_expand: true,
+						deep: true
+					},
+					{selector: 'span', attributes: ['style', 'class'], remove: 'empty', split: true, expand: false, deep: true},
+					{selector: '*', attributes: ['style', 'class'], split: false, expand: false, deep: true}
+				]
+			});
+			// Register default block formats
+			each('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div address pre div dt dd samp'.split(/\s/), function(name) {
+				register(name, {block: name, remove: 'all'});
+			});
+			// Register user defined formats
+			register(ed.settings.formats);
+		}
+		function addKeyboardShortcuts() {
+			// Add some inline shortcuts
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+b', 'bold_desc', 'Bold');
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+i', 'italic_desc', 'Italic');
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+u', 'underline_desc', 'Underline');
+			// BlockFormat shortcuts keys
+			for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
+				ed.addShortcut('ctrl+' + i, '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i]);
+			}
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+7', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'p']);
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+8', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'div']);
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+9', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'address']);
+		}
+		// Public functions
+		/**
+		 * Returns the format by name or all formats if no name is specified.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String} name Optional name to retrive by.
+		 * @return {Array/Object} Array/Object with all registred formats or a specific format.
+		 */
+		function get(name) {
+			return name ? formats[name] : formats;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Registers a specific format by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method register
+		 * @param {Object/String} name Name of the format for example "bold".
+		 * @param {Object/Array} format Optional format object or array of format variants
+		 * can only be omitted if the first arg is an object.
+		 */
+		function register(name, format) {
+			if (name) {
+				if (typeof(name) !== 'string') {
+					each(name, function(format, name) {
+						register(name, format);
+					});
+				} else {
+					// Force format into array and add it to internal collection
+					format = format.length ? format : [format];
+					each(format, function(format) {
+						// Set deep to false by default on selector formats this to avoid removing
+						// alignment on images inside paragraphs when alignment is changed on paragraphs
+						if (format.deep === undef) {
+							format.deep = !format.selector;
+						}
+						// Default to true
+						if (format.split === undef) {
+							format.split = !format.selector || format.inline;
+						}
+						// Default to true
+						if (format.remove === undef && format.selector && !format.inline) {
+							format.remove = 'none';
+						}
+						// Mark format as a mixed format inline + block level
+						if (format.selector && format.inline) {
+							format.mixed = true;
+							format.block_expand = true;
+						}
+						// Split classes if needed
+						if (typeof(format.classes) === 'string') {
+							format.classes = format.classes.split(/\s+/);
+						}
+					});
+					formats[name] = format;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function getTextDecoration(node) {
+			var decoration;
+			ed.dom.getParent(node, function(n) {
+				decoration = ed.dom.getStyle(n, 'text-decoration');
+				return decoration && decoration !== 'none';
+			});
+			return decoration;
+		}
+		function processUnderlineAndColor(node) {
+			var textDecoration;
+			if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeType === 1) {
+				textDecoration = getTextDecoration(node.parentNode);
+				if (ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'color') && textDecoration) {
+					ed.dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', textDecoration);
+				} else if (ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'textdecoration') === textDecoration) {
+					ed.dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', null);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Applies the specified format to the current selection or specified node.
+		 *
+		 * @method apply
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to apply.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before applying it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to apply the format to defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function apply(name, vars, node) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, rng, isCollapsed = !node && selection.isCollapsed();
+			function setElementFormat(elm, fmt) {
+				fmt = fmt || format;
+				if (elm) {
+					if (fmt.onformat) {
+						fmt.onformat(elm, fmt, vars, node);
+					}
+					each(fmt.styles, function(value, name) {
+						dom.setStyle(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
+					});
+					each(fmt.attributes, function(value, name) {
+						dom.setAttrib(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
+					});
+					each(fmt.classes, function(value) {
+						value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+						if (!dom.hasClass(elm, value)) {
+							dom.addClass(elm, value);
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			function adjustSelectionToVisibleSelection() {
+				function findSelectionEnd(start, end) {
+					var walker = new TreeWalker(end);
+					for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.prev()) {
+						if (node.childNodes.length > 1 || node == start || node.tagName == 'BR') {
+							return node;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Adjust selection so that a end container with a end offset of zero is not included in the selection
+				// as this isn't visible to the user.
+				var rng = ed.selection.getRng();
+				var start = rng.startContainer;
+				var end = rng.endContainer;
+				if (start != end && rng.endOffset === 0) {
+					var newEnd = findSelectionEnd(start, end);
+					var endOffset = newEnd.nodeType == 3 ? newEnd.length : newEnd.childNodes.length;
+					rng.setEnd(newEnd, endOffset);
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			function applyStyleToList(node, bookmark, wrapElm, newWrappers, process){
+				var nodes = [], listIndex = -1, list, startIndex = -1, endIndex = -1, currentWrapElm;
+				// find the index of the first child list.
+				each(node.childNodes, function(n, index) {
+					if (n.nodeName === "UL" || n.nodeName === "OL") {
+						listIndex = index;
+						list = n;
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+				// get the index of the bookmarks
+				each(node.childNodes, function(n, index) {
+					if (n.nodeName === "SPAN" && dom.getAttrib(n, "data-mce-type") == "bookmark") {
+						if (n.id == bookmark.id + "_start") {
+							startIndex = index;
+						} else if (n.id == bookmark.id + "_end") {
+							endIndex = index;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				// if the selection spans across an embedded list, or there isn't an embedded list - handle processing normally
+				if (listIndex <= 0 || (startIndex < listIndex && endIndex > listIndex)) {
+					each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+					return 0;
+				} else {
+					currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+					// create a list of the nodes on the same side of the list as the selection
+					each(grep(node.childNodes), function(n, index) {
+						if ((startIndex < listIndex && index < listIndex) || (startIndex > listIndex && index > listIndex)) {
+							nodes.push(n);
+							n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+						}
+					});
+					// insert the wrapping element either before or after the list.
+					if (startIndex < listIndex) {
+						node.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, list);
+					} else if (startIndex > listIndex) {
+						node.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, list.nextSibling);
+					}
+					// add the new nodes to the list.
+					newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+					each(nodes, function(node) {
+						currentWrapElm.appendChild(node);
+					});
+					return currentWrapElm;
+				}
+			}
+			function applyRngStyle(rng, bookmark, node_specific) {
+				var newWrappers = [], wrapName, wrapElm, contentEditable = true;
+				// Setup wrapper element
+				wrapName = format.inline || format.block;
+				wrapElm = dom.create(wrapName);
+				setElementFormat(wrapElm);
+				rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
+					var currentWrapElm;
+					/**
+					 * Process a list of nodes wrap them.
+					 */
+					function process(node) {
+						var nodeName, parentName, found, hasContentEditableState, lastContentEditable;
+						lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+						nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						parentName = node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						// Node has a contentEditable value
+						if (node.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(node)) {
+							lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+							contentEditable = getContentEditable(node) === "true";
+							hasContentEditableState = true; // We don't want to wrap the container only it's children
+						}
+						// Stop wrapping on br elements
+						if (isEq(nodeName, 'br')) {
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							// Remove any br elements when we wrap things
+							if (format.block) {
+								dom.remove(node);
+							}
+							return;
+						}
+						// If node is wrapper type
+						if (format.wrapper && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Can we rename the block
+						// TODO: Break this if up, too complex
+						if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && format.block &&
+							!format.wrapper && isTextBlock(nodeName) && isValid(parentName, wrapName)) {
+							node = dom.rename(node, wrapName);
+							setElementFormat(node);
+							newWrappers.push(node);
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Handle selector patterns
+						if (format.selector) {
+							// Look for matching formats
+							each(formatList, function(format) {
+								// Check collapsed state if it exists
+								if ('collapsed' in format && format.collapsed !== isCollapsed) {
+									return;
+								}
+								if (dom.is(node, format.selector) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
+									setElementFormat(node, format);
+									found = true;
+								}
+							});
+							// Continue processing if a selector match wasn't found and a inline element is defined
+							if (!format.inline || found) {
+								currentWrapElm = 0;
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+						// Is it valid to wrap this item
+						// TODO: Break this if up, too complex
+						if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && isValid(wrapName, nodeName) && isValid(parentName, wrapName) &&
+								!(!node_specific && node.nodeType === 3 &&
+								node.nodeValue.length === 1 &&
+								node.nodeValue.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) &&
+								!isCaretNode(node) &&
+								(!format.inline || !isBlock(node))) {
+							// Start wrapping
+							if (!currentWrapElm) {
+								// Wrap the node
+								currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+								node.parentNode.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, node);
+								newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+							}
+							currentWrapElm.appendChild(node);
+						} else if (nodeName == 'li' && bookmark) {
+							// Start wrapping - if we are in a list node and have a bookmark, then
+							// we will always begin by wrapping in a new element.
+							currentWrapElm = applyStyleToList(node, bookmark, wrapElm, newWrappers, process);
+						} else {
+							// Start a new wrapper for possible children
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+							if (hasContentEditableState) {
+								contentEditable = lastContentEditable; // Restore last contentEditable state from stack
+							}
+							// End the last wrapper
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+						}
+					}
+					// Process siblings from range
+					each(nodes, process);
+				});
+				// Wrap links inside as well, for example color inside a link when the wrapper is around the link
+				if (format.wrap_links === false) {
+					each(newWrappers, function(node) {
+						function process(node) {
+							var i, currentWrapElm, children;
+							if (node.nodeName === 'A') {
+								currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+								newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+								children = grep(node.childNodes);
+								for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+									currentWrapElm.appendChild(children[i]);
+								}
+								node.appendChild(currentWrapElm);
+							}
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+						}
+						process(node);
+					});
+				}
+				// Cleanup
+				each(newWrappers, function(node) {
+					var childCount;
+					function getChildCount(node) {
+						var count = 0;
+						each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
+							if (!isWhiteSpaceNode(node) && !isBookmarkNode(node)) {
+								count++;
+							}
+						});
+						return count;
+					}
+					function mergeStyles(node) {
+						var child, clone;
+						each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
+							if (node.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(node) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
+								child = node;
+								return FALSE; // break loop
+							}
+						});
+						// If child was found and of the same type as the current node
+						if (child && !isBookmarkNode(child) && matchName(child, format)) {
+							clone = dom.clone(child, FALSE);
+							setElementFormat(clone);
+							dom.replace(clone, node, TRUE);
+							dom.remove(child, 1);
+						}
+						return clone || node;
+					}
+					childCount = getChildCount(node);
+					// Remove empty nodes but only if there is multiple wrappers and they are not block
+					// elements so never remove single <h1></h1> since that would remove the
+					// currrent empty block element where the caret is at
+					if ((newWrappers.length > 1 || !isBlock(node)) && childCount === 0) {
+						dom.remove(node, 1);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (format.inline || format.wrapper) {
+						// Merges the current node with it's children of similar type to reduce the number of elements
+						if (!format.exact && childCount === 1) {
+							node = mergeStyles(node);
+						}
+						// Remove/merge children
+						each(formatList, function(format) {
+							// Merge all children of similar type will move styles from child to parent
+							// this: <span style="color:red"><b><span style="color:red; font-size:10px">text</span></b></span>
+							// will become: <span style="color:red"><b><span style="font-size:10px">text</span></b></span>
+							each(dom.select(format.inline, node), function(child) {
+								var parent;
+								if (isBookmarkNode(child)) {
+									return;
+								}
+								// When wrap_links is set to false we don't want
+								// to remove the format on children within links
+								if (format.wrap_links === false) {
+									parent = child.parentNode;
+									do {
+										if (parent.nodeName === 'A') {
+											return;
+										}
+									} while ((parent = parent.parentNode));
+								}
+								removeFormat(format, vars, child, format.exact ? child : null);
+							});
+						});
+						// Remove child if direct parent is of same type
+						if (matchNode(node.parentNode, name, vars)) {
+							dom.remove(node, 1);
+							node = 0;
+							return TRUE;
+						}
+						// Look for parent with similar style format
+						if (format.merge_with_parents) {
+							dom.getParent(node.parentNode, function(parent) {
+								if (matchNode(parent, name, vars)) {
+									dom.remove(node, 1);
+									node = 0;
+									return TRUE;
+								}
+							});
+						}
+						// Merge next and previous siblings if they are similar <b>text</b><b>text</b> becomes <b>texttext</b>
+						if (node && format.merge_siblings !== false) {
+							node = mergeSiblings(getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node), node);
+							node = mergeSiblings(node, getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, TRUE));
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (format) {
+				if (node) {
+					if (node.nodeType) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStartBefore(node);
+						rng.setEndAfter(node);
+						applyRngStyle(expandRng(rng, formatList), null, true);
+					} else {
+						applyRngStyle(node, null, true);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (!isCollapsed || !format.inline || dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected').length) {
+						// Obtain selection node before selection is unselected by applyRngStyle()
+						var curSelNode = ed.selection.getNode();
+						// If the formats have a default block and we can't find a parent block then
+						// start wrapping it with a DIV this is for forced_root_blocks: false
+						// It's kind of a hack but people should be using the default block type P since all desktop editors work that way
+						if (!forcedRootBlock && formatList[0].defaultBlock && !dom.getParent(curSelNode, dom.isBlock)) {
+							apply(formatList[0].defaultBlock);
+						}
+						// Apply formatting to selection
+						ed.selection.setRng(adjustSelectionToVisibleSelection());
+						bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+						applyRngStyle(expandRng(selection.getRng(TRUE), formatList), bookmark);
+						// Colored nodes should be underlined so that the color of the underline matches the text color.
+						if (format.styles && (format.styles.color || format.styles.textDecoration)) {
+							walk(curSelNode, processUnderlineAndColor, 'childNodes');
+							processUnderlineAndColor(curSelNode);
+						}
+						selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+						moveStart(selection.getRng(TRUE));
+						ed.nodeChanged();
+					} else {
+						performCaretAction('apply', name, vars);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified format from the current selection or specified node.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to remove.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before removing it.
+		 * @param {Node/Range} node Optional node or DOM range to remove the format from defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function remove(name, vars, node) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, rng, contentEditable = true;
+			// Merges the styles for each node
+			function process(node) {
+				var children, i, l, lastContentEditable, hasContentEditableState;
+				// Node has a contentEditable value
+				if (node.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(node)) {
+					lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+					contentEditable = getContentEditable(node) === "true";
+					hasContentEditableState = true; // We don't want to wrap the container only it's children
+				}
+				// Grab the children first since the nodelist might be changed
+				children = grep(node.childNodes);
+				// Process current node
+				if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState) {
+					for (i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) {
+						if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, node, node)) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Process the children
+				if (format.deep) {
+					if (children.length) {
+						for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+							process(children[i]);
+						}
+						if (hasContentEditableState) {
+							contentEditable = lastContentEditable; // Restore last contentEditable state from stack
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function findFormatRoot(container) {
+				var formatRoot;
+				// Find format root
+				each(getParents(container.parentNode).reverse(), function(parent) {
+					var format;
+					// Find format root element
+					if (!formatRoot && parent.id != '_start' && parent.id != '_end') {
+						// Is the node matching the format we are looking for
+						format = matchNode(parent, name, vars);
+						if (format && format.split !== false) {
+							formatRoot = parent;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				return formatRoot;
+			}
+			function wrapAndSplit(format_root, container, target, split) {
+				var parent, clone, lastClone, firstClone, i, formatRootParent;
+				// Format root found then clone formats and split it
+				if (format_root) {
+					formatRootParent = format_root.parentNode;
+					for (parent = container.parentNode; parent && parent != formatRootParent; parent = parent.parentNode) {
+						clone = dom.clone(parent, FALSE);
+						for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
+							if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, clone, clone)) {
+								clone = 0;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						// Build wrapper node
+						if (clone) {
+							if (lastClone) {
+								clone.appendChild(lastClone);
+							}
+							if (!firstClone) {
+								firstClone = clone;
+							}
+							lastClone = clone;
+						}
+					}
+					// Never split block elements if the format is mixed
+					if (split && (!format.mixed || !isBlock(format_root))) {
+						container = dom.split(format_root, container);
+					}
+					// Wrap container in cloned formats
+					if (lastClone) {
+						target.parentNode.insertBefore(lastClone, target);
+						firstClone.appendChild(target);
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			function splitToFormatRoot(container) {
+				return wrapAndSplit(findFormatRoot(container), container, container, true);
+			}
+			function unwrap(start) {
+				var node = dom.get(start ? '_start' : '_end'),
+					out = node[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+				// If the end is placed within the start the result will be removed
+				// So this checks if the out node is a bookmark node if it is it
+				// checks for another more suitable node
+				if (isBookmarkNode(out)) {
+					out = out[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+				}
+				dom.remove(node, true);
+				return out;
+			}
+			function removeRngStyle(rng) {
+				var startContainer, endContainer;
+				var commonAncestorContainer = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
+				rng = expandRng(rng, formatList, TRUE);
+				if (format.split) {
+					startContainer = getContainer(rng, TRUE);
+					endContainer = getContainer(rng);
+					if (startContainer != endContainer) {
+						// WebKit will render the table incorrectly if we wrap a TH or TD in a SPAN
+						// so let's see if we can use the first child instead
+						// This will happen if you triple click a table cell and use remove formatting
+						if (/^(TR|TH|TD)$/.test(startContainer.nodeName) && startContainer.firstChild) {
+							if (startContainer.nodeName == "TR") {
+								startContainer = startContainer.firstChild.firstChild || startContainer;
+							} else {
+								startContainer = startContainer.firstChild || startContainer;
+							}
+						}
+						// Try to adjust endContainer as well if cells on the same row were selected - bug #6410
+						if (commonAncestorContainer &&
+							/^T(HEAD|BODY|FOOT|R)$/.test(commonAncestorContainer.nodeName) &&
+							/^(TH|TD)$/.test(endContainer.nodeName) && endContainer.firstChild) {
+							endContainer = endContainer.firstChild || endContainer;
+						}
+						// Wrap start/end nodes in span element since these might be cloned/moved
+						startContainer = wrap(startContainer, 'span', {id: '_start', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'});
+						endContainer = wrap(endContainer, 'span', {id: '_end', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'});
+						// Split start/end
+						splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
+						splitToFormatRoot(endContainer);
+						// Unwrap start/end to get real elements again
+						startContainer = unwrap(TRUE);
+						endContainer = unwrap();
+					} else {
+						startContainer = endContainer = splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
+					}
+					// Update range positions since they might have changed after the split operations
+					rng.startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+					rng.startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
+					rng.endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+					rng.endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
+				}
+				// Remove items between start/end
+				rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
+					each(nodes, function(node) {
+						process(node);
+						// Remove parent span if it only contains text-decoration: underline, yet a parent node is also underlined.
+						if (node.nodeType === 1 && ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'text-decoration') === 'underline' &&
+							node.parentNode && getTextDecoration(node.parentNode) === 'underline') {
+							removeFormat({
+								'deep': false,
+								'exact': true,
+								'inline': 'span',
+								'styles': {
+									'textDecoration': 'underline'
+								}
+							}, null, node);
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Handle node
+			if (node) {
+				if (node.nodeType) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStartBefore(node);
+					rng.setEndAfter(node);
+					removeRngStyle(rng);
+				} else {
+					removeRngStyle(node);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!selection.isCollapsed() || !format.inline || dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected').length) {
+				bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+				removeRngStyle(selection.getRng(TRUE));
+				selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				// Check if start element still has formatting then we are at: "<b>text|</b>text"
+				// and need to move the start into the next text node
+				if (format.inline && match(name, vars, selection.getStart())) {
+					moveStart(selection.getRng(true));
+				}
+				ed.nodeChanged();
+			} else {
+				performCaretAction('remove', name, vars);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified format on/off.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggle
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to apply/remove.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before applying/removing it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to apply the format to or remove from. Defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function toggle(name, vars, node) {
+			var fmt = get(name);
+			if (match(name, vars, node) && (!('toggle' in fmt[0]) || fmt[0].toggle)) {
+				remove(name, vars, node);
+			} else {
+				apply(name, vars, node);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Return true/false if the specified node has the specified format.
+		 *
+		 * @method matchNode
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to check the format on.
+		 * @param {String} name Format name to check.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @param {Boolean} similar Match format that has similar properties.
+		 * @return {Object} Returns the format object it matches or undefined if it doesn't match.
+		 */
+		function matchNode(node, name, vars, similar) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format, i, classes;
+			function matchItems(node, format, item_name) {
+				var key, value, items = format[item_name], i;
+				// Custom match
+				if (format.onmatch) {
+					return format.onmatch(node, format, item_name);
+				}
+				// Check all items
+				if (items) {
+					// Non indexed object
+					if (items.length === undef) {
+						for (key in items) {
+							if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+								if (item_name === 'attributes') {
+									value = dom.getAttrib(node, key);
+								} else {
+									value = getStyle(node, key);
+								}
+								if (similar && !value && !format.exact) {
+									return;
+								}
+								if ((!similar || format.exact) && !isEq(value, normalizeStyleValue(replaceVars(items[key], vars), key))) {
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Only one match needed for indexed arrays
+						for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+							if (item_name === 'attributes' ? dom.getAttrib(node, items[i]) : getStyle(node, items[i])) {
+								return format;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return format;
+			}
+			if (formatList && node) {
+				// Check each format in list
+				for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
+					format = formatList[i];
+					// Name name, attributes, styles and classes
+					if (matchName(node, format) && matchItems(node, format, 'attributes') && matchItems(node, format, 'styles')) {
+						// Match classes
+						if ((classes = format.classes)) {
+							for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+								if (!dom.hasClass(node, classes[i])) {
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return format;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Matches the current selection or specified node against the specified format name.
+		 *
+		 * @method match
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to match.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to check.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the specified selection/node matches the format.
+		 */
+		function match(name, vars, node) {
+			var startNode;
+			function matchParents(node) {
+				var root = dom.getRoot();
+				if (node === root) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				// Find first node with similar format settings
+				node = dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
+					return node.parentNode === root || !!matchNode(node, name, vars, true);
+				});
+				// Do an exact check on the similar format element
+				return matchNode(node, name, vars);
+			}
+			// Check specified node
+			if (node) {
+				return matchParents(node);
+			}
+			// Check selected node
+			node = selection.getNode();
+			if (matchParents(node)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check start node if it's different
+			startNode = selection.getStart();
+			if (startNode != node) {
+				if (matchParents(startNode)) {
+					return TRUE;
+				}
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Matches the current selection against the array of formats and returns a new array with matching formats.
+		 *
+		 * @method matchAll
+		 * @param {Array} names Name of format to match.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with matched formats.
+		 */
+		function matchAll(names, vars) {
+			var startElement, matchedFormatNames = [], checkedMap = {};
+			// Check start of selection for formats
+			startElement = selection.getStart();
+			dom.getParent(startElement, function(node) {
+				var i, name;
+				for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+					name = names[i];
+					if (!checkedMap[name] && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+						checkedMap[name] = true;
+						matchedFormatNames.push(name);
+					}
+				}
+			}, dom.getRoot());
+			return matchedFormatNames;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified format can be applied to the current selection or not. It
+		 * will currently only check the state for selector formats, it returns true on all other format types.
+		 *
+		 * @method canApply
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to check.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the specified format can be applied to the current selection/node.
+		 */
+		function canApply(name) {
+			var formatList = get(name), startNode, parents, i, x, selector;
+			if (formatList) {
+				startNode = selection.getStart();
+				parents = getParents(startNode);
+				for (x = formatList.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
+					selector = formatList[x].selector;
+					// Format is not selector based then always return TRUE
+					// Is it has a defaultBlock then it's likely it can be applied for example align on a non block element line
+					if (!selector || formatList[x].defaultBlock) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+					for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						if (dom.is(parents[i], selector)) {
+							return TRUE;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified callback when the current selection matches the formats or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method formatChanged
+		 * @param {String} formats Comma separated list of formats to check for.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback with state and args when the format is changed/toggled on/off.
+		 * @param {Boolean} similar True/false state if the match should handle similar or exact formats.
+		 */
+		function formatChanged(formats, callback, similar) {
+			var currentFormats;
+			// Setup format node change logic
+			if (!formatChangeData) {
+				formatChangeData = {};
+				currentFormats = {};
+				ed.on('NodeChange', function(e) {
+					var parents = getParents(e.element), matchedFormats = {};
+					// Check for new formats
+					each(formatChangeData, function(callbacks, format) {
+						each(parents, function(node) {
+							if (matchNode(node, format, {}, callbacks.similar)) {
+								if (!currentFormats[format]) {
+									// Execute callbacks
+									each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+										callback(true, {node: node, format: format, parents: parents});
+									});
+									currentFormats[format] = callbacks;
+								}
+								matchedFormats[format] = callbacks;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					});
+					// Check if current formats still match
+					each(currentFormats, function(callbacks, format) {
+						if (!matchedFormats[format]) {
+							delete currentFormats[format];
+							each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+								callback(false, {node: e.element, format: format, parents: parents});
+							});
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Add format listeners
+			each(formats.split(','), function(format) {
+				if (!formatChangeData[format]) {
+					formatChangeData[format] = [];
+					formatChangeData[format].similar = similar;
+				}
+				formatChangeData[format].push(callback);
+			});
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Expose to public
+		extend(this, {
+			get: get,
+			register: register,
+			apply: apply,
+			remove: remove,
+			toggle: toggle,
+			match: match,
+			matchAll: matchAll,
+			matchNode: matchNode,
+			canApply: canApply,
+			formatChanged: formatChanged
+		});
+		// Initialize
+		defaultFormats();
+		addKeyboardShortcuts();
+		ed.on('BeforeGetContent', function() {
+			if (markCaretContainersBogus) {
+				markCaretContainersBogus();
+			}
+		});
+		ed.on('mouseup keydown', function(e) {
+			if (disableCaretContainer) {
+				disableCaretContainer(e);
+			}
+		});
+		// Private functions
+		/**
+		 * Checks if the specified nodes name matches the format inline/block or selector.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to match against the specified format.
+		 * @param {Object} format Format object o match with.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the format matches.
+		 */
+		function matchName(node, format) {
+			// Check for inline match
+			if (isEq(node, format.inline)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check for block match
+			if (isEq(node, format.block)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check for selector match
+			if (format.selector) {
+				return node.nodeType == 1 && dom.is(node, format.selector);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Compares two string/nodes regardless of their case.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String/Node} Node or string to compare.
+		 * @param {String/Node} Node or string to compare.
+		 * @return {boolean} True/false if they match.
+		 */
+		function isEq(str1, str2) {
+			str1 = str1 || '';
+			str2 = str2 || '';
+			str1 = '' + (str1.nodeName || str1);
+			str2 = '' + (str2.nodeName || str2);
+			return str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase();
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the style by name on the specified node. This method modifies the style
+		 * contents to make it more easy to match. This will resolve a few browser issues.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to get.
+		 * @return {String} Style item value.
+		 */
+		function getStyle(node, name) {
+			return normalizeStyleValue(dom.getStyle(node, name), name);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Normalize style value by name. This method modifies the style contents
+		 * to make it more easy to match. This will resolve a few browser issues.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to get.
+		 * @return {String} Style item value.
+		 */
+		function normalizeStyleValue(value, name) {
+			// Force the format to hex
+			if (name == 'color' || name == 'backgroundColor') {
+				value = dom.toHex(value);
+			}
+			// Opera will return bold as 700
+			if (name == 'fontWeight' && value == 700) {
+				value = 'bold';
+			}
+			// Normalize fontFamily so "'Font name', Font" becomes: "Font name,Font"
+			if (name == 'fontFamily') {
+				value = value.replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').replace(/,\s+/g, ',');
+			}
+			return '' + value;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Replaces variables in the value. The variable format is %var.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String} value Value to replace variables in.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Name/value array with variables to replace.
+		 * @return {String} New value with replaced variables.
+		 */
+		function replaceVars(value, vars) {
+			if (typeof(value) != "string") {
+				value = value(vars);
+			} else if (vars) {
+				value = value.replace(/%(\w+)/g, function(str, name) {
+					return vars[name] || str;
+				});
+			}
+			return value;
+		}
+		function isWhiteSpaceNode(node) {
+			return node && node.nodeType === 3 && /^([\t \r\n]+|)$/.test(node.nodeValue);
+		}
+		function wrap(node, name, attrs) {
+			var wrapper = dom.create(name, attrs);
+			node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);
+			wrapper.appendChild(node);
+			return wrapper;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Expands the specified range like object to depending on format.
+		 *
+		 * For example on block formats it will move the start/end position
+		 * to the beginning of the current block.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} rng Range like object.
+		 * @param {Array} formats Array with formats to expand by.
+		 * @return {Object} Expanded range like object.
+		 */
+		function expandRng(rng, format, remove) {
+			var lastIdx, leaf, endPoint,
+				startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			// This function walks up the tree if there is no siblings before/after the node
+			function findParentContainer(start) {
+				var container, parent, sibling, siblingName, root;
+				container = parent = start ? startContainer : endContainer;
+				siblingName = start ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
+				root = dom.getRoot();
+				function isBogusBr(node) {
+					return node.nodeName == "BR" && node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') && !node.nextSibling;
+				}
+				// If it's a text node and the offset is inside the text
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(container)) {
+					if (start ? startOffset > 0 : endOffset < container.nodeValue.length) {
+						return container;
+					}
+				}
+				/*eslint no-constant-condition:0 */
+				while (true) {
+					// Stop expanding on block elements
+					if (!format[0].block_expand && isBlock(parent)) {
+						return parent;
+					}
+					// Walk left/right
+					for (sibling = parent[siblingName]; sibling; sibling = sibling[siblingName]) {
+						if (!isBookmarkNode(sibling) && !isWhiteSpaceNode(sibling) && !isBogusBr(sibling)) {
+							return parent;
+						}
+					}
+					// Check if we can move up are we at root level or body level
+					if (parent.parentNode == root) {
+						container = parent;
+						break;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			// This function walks down the tree to find the leaf at the selection.
+			// The offset is also returned as if node initially a leaf, the offset may be in the middle of the text node.
+			function findLeaf(node, offset) {
+				if (offset === undef) {
+					offset = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
+				}
+				while (node && node.hasChildNodes()) {
+					node = node.childNodes[offset];
+					if (node) {
+						offset = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
+					}
+				}
+				return { node: node, offset: offset };
+			}
+			// If index based start position then resolve it
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				lastIdx = startContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
+				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : startOffset];
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// If index based end position then resolve it
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				lastIdx = endContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
+				endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[endOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : endOffset - 1];
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+				}
+			}
+			// Expands the node to the closes contentEditable false element if it exists
+			function findParentContentEditable(node) {
+				var parent = node;
+				while (parent) {
+					if (parent.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(parent)) {
+						return getContentEditable(parent) === "false" ? parent : node;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function findWordEndPoint(container, offset, start) {
+				var walker, node, pos, lastTextNode;
+				function findSpace(node, offset) {
+					var pos, pos2, str = node.nodeValue;
+					if (typeof(offset) == "undefined") {
+						offset = start ? str.length : 0;
+					}
+					if (start) {
+						pos = str.lastIndexOf(' ', offset);
+						pos2 = str.lastIndexOf('\u00a0', offset);
+						pos = pos > pos2 ? pos : pos2;
+						// Include the space on remove to avoid tag soup
+						if (pos !== -1 && !remove) {
+							pos++;
+						}
+					} else {
+						pos = str.indexOf(' ', offset);
+						pos2 = str.indexOf('\u00a0', offset);
+						pos = pos !== -1 && (pos2 === -1 || pos < pos2) ? pos : pos2;
+					}
+					return pos;
+				}
+				if (container.nodeType === 3) {
+					pos = findSpace(container, offset);
+					if (pos !== -1) {
+						return {container: container, offset: pos};
+					}
+					lastTextNode = container;
+				}
+				// Walk the nodes inside the block
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, isBlock) || ed.getBody());
+				while ((node = walker[start ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						lastTextNode = node;
+						pos = findSpace(node);
+						if (pos !== -1) {
+							return {container: node, offset: pos};
+						}
+					} else if (isBlock(node)) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (lastTextNode) {
+					if (start) {
+						offset = 0;
+					} else {
+						offset = lastTextNode.length;
+					}
+					return {container: lastTextNode, offset: offset};
+				}
+			}
+			function findSelectorEndPoint(container, sibling_name) {
+				var parents, i, y, curFormat;
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && container.nodeValue.length === 0 && container[sibling_name]) {
+					container = container[sibling_name];
+				}
+				parents = getParents(container);
+				for (i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
+					for (y = 0; y < format.length; y++) {
+						curFormat = format[y];
+						// If collapsed state is set then skip formats that doesn't match that
+						if ("collapsed" in curFormat && curFormat.collapsed !== rng.collapsed) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						if (dom.is(parents[i], curFormat.selector)) {
+							return parents[i];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			function findBlockEndPoint(container, sibling_name) {
+				var node, root = dom.getRoot();
+				// Expand to block of similar type
+				if (!format[0].wrapper) {
+					node = dom.getParent(container, format[0].block, root);
+				}
+				// Expand to first wrappable block element or any block element
+				if (!node) {
+					node = dom.getParent(container.nodeType == 3 ? container.parentNode : container, function(node) {
+						// Fixes #6183 where it would expand to editable parent element in inline mode
+						return node != root && isTextBlock(node);
+					});
+				}
+				// Exclude inner lists from wrapping
+				if (node && format[0].wrapper) {
+					node = getParents(node, 'ul,ol').reverse()[0] || node;
+				}
+				// Didn't find a block element look for first/last wrappable element
+				if (!node) {
+					node = container;
+					while (node[sibling_name] && !isBlock(node[sibling_name])) {
+						node = node[sibling_name];
+						// Break on BR but include it will be removed later on
+						// we can't remove it now since we need to check if it can be wrapped
+						if (isEq(node, 'br')) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return node || container;
+			}
+			// Expand to closest contentEditable element
+			startContainer = findParentContentEditable(startContainer);
+			endContainer = findParentContentEditable(endContainer);
+			// Exclude bookmark nodes if possible
+			if (isBookmarkNode(startContainer.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(startContainer)) {
+				startContainer = isBookmarkNode(startContainer) ? startContainer : startContainer.parentNode;
+				startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling || startContainer;
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			if (isBookmarkNode(endContainer.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(endContainer)) {
+				endContainer = isBookmarkNode(endContainer) ? endContainer : endContainer.parentNode;
+				endContainer = endContainer.previousSibling || endContainer;
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					endOffset = endContainer.length;
+				}
+			}
+			if (format[0].inline) {
+				if (rng.collapsed) {
+					// Expand left to closest word boundary
+					endPoint = findWordEndPoint(startContainer, startOffset, true);
+					if (endPoint) {
+						startContainer = endPoint.container;
+						startOffset = endPoint.offset;
+					}
+					// Expand right to closest word boundary
+					endPoint = findWordEndPoint(endContainer, endOffset);
+					if (endPoint) {
+						endContainer = endPoint.container;
+						endOffset = endPoint.offset;
+					}
+				}
+				// Avoid applying formatting to a trailing space.
+				leaf = findLeaf(endContainer, endOffset);
+				if (leaf.node) {
+					while (leaf.node && leaf.offset === 0 && leaf.node.previousSibling) {
+						leaf = findLeaf(leaf.node.previousSibling);
+					}
+					if (leaf.node && leaf.offset > 0 && leaf.node.nodeType === 3 &&
+							leaf.node.nodeValue.charAt(leaf.offset - 1) === ' ') {
+						if (leaf.offset > 1) {
+							endContainer = leaf.node;
+							endContainer.splitText(leaf.offset - 1);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Move start/end point up the tree if the leaves are sharp and if we are in different containers
+			// Example * becomes !: !<p><b><i>*text</i><i>text*</i></b></p>!
+			// This will reduce the number of wrapper elements that needs to be created
+			// Move start point up the tree
+			if (format[0].inline || format[0].block_expand) {
+				if (!format[0].inline || (startContainer.nodeType != 3 || startOffset === 0)) {
+					startContainer = findParentContainer(true);
+				}
+				if (!format[0].inline || (endContainer.nodeType != 3 || endOffset === endContainer.nodeValue.length)) {
+					endContainer = findParentContainer();
+				}
+			}
+			// Expand start/end container to matching selector
+			if (format[0].selector && format[0].expand !== FALSE && !format[0].inline) {
+				// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
+				startContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
+				endContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');
+			}
+			// Expand start/end container to matching block element or text node
+			if (format[0].block || format[0].selector) {
+				// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
+				startContainer = findBlockEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
+				endContainer = findBlockEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');
+				// Non block element then try to expand up the leaf
+				if (format[0].block) {
+					if (!isBlock(startContainer)) {
+						startContainer = findParentContainer(true);
+					}
+					if (!isBlock(endContainer)) {
+						endContainer = findParentContainer();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup index for startContainer
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
+				startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Setup index for endContainer
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
+				endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Return new range like object
+			return {
+				startContainer: startContainer,
+				startOffset: startOffset,
+				endContainer: endContainer,
+				endOffset: endOffset
+			};
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified format for the specified node. It will also remove the node if it doesn't have
+		 * any attributes if the format specifies it to do so.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} format Format object with items to remove from node.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Name/value object with variables to apply to format.
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to remove the format styles on.
+		 * @param {Node} compare_node Optional compare node, if specified the styles will be compared to that node.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the node was removed or not.
+		 */
+		function removeFormat(format, vars, node, compare_node) {
+			var i, attrs, stylesModified;
+			// Check if node matches format
+			if (!matchName(node, format)) {
+				return FALSE;
+			}
+			// Should we compare with format attribs and styles
+			if (format.remove != 'all') {
+				// Remove styles
+				each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
+					value = normalizeStyleValue(replaceVars(value, vars), name);
+					// Indexed array
+					if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
+						name = value;
+						compare_node = 0;
+					}
+					if (!compare_node || isEq(getStyle(compare_node, name), value)) {
+						dom.setStyle(node, name, '');
+					}
+					stylesModified = 1;
+				});
+				// Remove style attribute if it's empty
+				if (stylesModified && dom.getAttrib(node, 'style') === '') {
+					node.removeAttribute('style');
+					node.removeAttribute('data-mce-style');
+				}
+				// Remove attributes
+				each(format.attributes, function(value, name) {
+					var valueOut;
+					value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+					// Indexed array
+					if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
+						name = value;
+						compare_node = 0;
+					}
+					if (!compare_node || isEq(dom.getAttrib(compare_node, name), value)) {
+						// Keep internal classes
+						if (name == 'class') {
+							value = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
+							if (value) {
+								// Build new class value where everything is removed except the internal prefixed classes
+								valueOut = '';
+								each(value.split(/\s+/), function(cls) {
+									if (/mce\w+/.test(cls)) {
+										valueOut += (valueOut ? ' ' : '') + cls;
+									}
+								});
+								// We got some internal classes left
+								if (valueOut) {
+									dom.setAttrib(node, name, valueOut);
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// IE6 has a bug where the attribute doesn't get removed correctly
+						if (name == "class") {
+							node.removeAttribute('className');
+						}
+						// Remove mce prefixed attributes
+						if (MCE_ATTR_RE.test(name)) {
+							node.removeAttribute('data-mce-' + name);
+						}
+						node.removeAttribute(name);
+					}
+				});
+				// Remove classes
+				each(format.classes, function(value) {
+					value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+					if (!compare_node || dom.hasClass(compare_node, value)) {
+						dom.removeClass(node, value);
+					}
+				});
+				// Check for non internal attributes
+				attrs = dom.getAttribs(node);
+				for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
+					if (attrs[i].nodeName.indexOf('_') !== 0) {
+						return FALSE;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove the inline child if it's empty for example <b> or <span>
+			if (format.remove != 'none') {
+				removeNode(node, format);
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the node and wrap it's children in paragraphs before doing so or
+		 * appends BR elements to the beginning/end of the block element if forcedRootBlocks is disabled.
+		 *
+		 * If the div in the node below gets removed:
+		 *  text<div>text</div>text
+		 *
+		 * Output becomes:
+		 *  text<div><br />text<br /></div>text
+		 *
+		 * So when the div is removed the result is:
+		 *  text<br />text<br />text
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to remove + apply BR/P elements to.
+		 * @param {Object} format Format rule.
+		 * @return {Node} Input node.
+		 */
+		function removeNode(node, format) {
+			var parentNode = node.parentNode, rootBlockElm;
+			function find(node, next, inc) {
+				node = getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc);
+				return !node || (node.nodeName == 'BR' || isBlock(node));
+			}
+			if (format.block) {
+				if (!forcedRootBlock) {
+					// Append BR elements if needed before we remove the block
+					if (isBlock(node) && !isBlock(parentNode)) {
+						if (!find(node, FALSE) && !find(node.firstChild, TRUE, 1)) {
+							node.insertBefore(dom.create('br'), node.firstChild);
+						}
+						if (!find(node, TRUE) && !find(node.lastChild, FALSE, 1)) {
+							node.appendChild(dom.create('br'));
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Wrap the block in a forcedRootBlock if we are at the root of document
+					if (parentNode == dom.getRoot()) {
+						if (!format.list_block || !isEq(node, format.list_block)) {
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), function(node) {
+								if (isValid(forcedRootBlock, node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
+									if (!rootBlockElm) {
+										rootBlockElm = wrap(node, forcedRootBlock);
+										dom.setAttribs(rootBlockElm, ed.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+									} else {
+										rootBlockElm.appendChild(node);
+									}
+								} else {
+									rootBlockElm = 0;
+								}
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Never remove nodes that isn't the specified inline element if a selector is specified too
+			if (format.selector && format.inline && !isEq(format.inline, node)) {
+				return;
+			}
+			dom.remove(node, 1);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the next/previous non whitespace node.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to start at.
+		 * @param {boolean} next (Optional) Include next or previous node defaults to previous.
+		 * @param {boolean} inc (Optional) Include the current node in checking. Defaults to false.
+		 * @return {Node} Next or previous node or undefined if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		function getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc) {
+			if (node) {
+				next = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
+				for (node = inc ? node : node[next]; node; node = node[next]) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 || !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Checks if the specified node is a bookmark node or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to check if it's a bookmark node or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is a bookmark node.
+		 */
+		function isBookmarkNode(node) {
+			return node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark';
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Merges the next/previous sibling element if they match.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} prev Previous node to compare/merge.
+		 * @param {Node} next Next node to compare/merge.
+		 * @return {Node} Next node if we didn't merge and prev node if we did.
+		 */
+		function mergeSiblings(prev, next) {
+			var sibling, tmpSibling;
+			/**
+			 * Compares two nodes and checks if it's attributes and styles matches.
+			 * This doesn't compare classes as items since their order is significant.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node1 First node to compare with.
+			 * @param {Node} node2 Second node to compare with.
+			 * @return {boolean} True/false if the nodes are the same or not.
+			 */
+			function compareElements(node1, node2) {
+				// Not the same name
+				if (node1.nodeName != node2.nodeName) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Returns all the nodes attributes excluding internal ones, styles and classes.
+				 *
+				 * @private
+				 * @param {Node} node Node to get attributes from.
+				 * @return {Object} Name/value object with attributes and attribute values.
+				 */
+				function getAttribs(node) {
+					var attribs = {};
+					each(dom.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
+						var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						// Don't compare internal attributes or style
+						if (name.indexOf('_') !== 0 && name !== 'style' && name !== 'data-mce-style') {
+							attribs[name] = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
+						}
+					});
+					return attribs;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Compares two objects checks if it's key + value exists in the other one.
+				 *
+				 * @private
+				 * @param {Object} obj1 First object to compare.
+				 * @param {Object} obj2 Second object to compare.
+				 * @return {boolean} True/false if the objects matches or not.
+				 */
+				function compareObjects(obj1, obj2) {
+					var value, name;
+					for (name in obj1) {
+						// Obj1 has item obj2 doesn't have
+						if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+							value = obj2[name];
+							// Obj2 doesn't have obj1 item
+							if (value === undef) {
+								return FALSE;
+							}
+							// Obj2 item has a different value
+							if (obj1[name] != value) {
+								return FALSE;
+							}
+							// Delete similar value
+							delete obj2[name];
+						}
+					}
+					// Check if obj 2 has something obj 1 doesn't have
+					for (name in obj2) {
+						// Obj2 has item obj1 doesn't have
+						if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+							return FALSE;
+						}
+					}
+					return TRUE;
+				}
+				// Attribs are not the same
+				if (!compareObjects(getAttribs(node1), getAttribs(node2))) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				// Styles are not the same
+				if (!compareObjects(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node1, 'style')), dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node2, 'style')))) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				return !isBookmarkNode(node1) && !isBookmarkNode(node2);
+			}
+			function findElementSibling(node, sibling_name) {
+				for (sibling = node; sibling; sibling = sibling[sibling_name]) {
+					if (sibling.nodeType == 3 && sibling.nodeValue.length !== 0) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					if (sibling.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(sibling)) {
+						return sibling;
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			// Check if next/prev exists and that they are elements
+			if (prev && next) {
+				// If previous sibling is empty then jump over it
+				prev = findElementSibling(prev, 'previousSibling');
+				next = findElementSibling(next, 'nextSibling');
+				// Compare next and previous nodes
+				if (compareElements(prev, next)) {
+					// Append nodes between
+					for (sibling = prev.nextSibling; sibling && sibling != next;) {
+						tmpSibling = sibling;
+						sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+						prev.appendChild(tmpSibling);
+					}
+					// Remove next node
+					dom.remove(next);
+					// Move children into prev node
+					each(grep(next.childNodes), function(node) {
+						prev.appendChild(node);
+					});
+					return prev;
+				}
+			}
+			return next;
+		}
+		function getContainer(rng, start) {
+			var container, offset, lastIdx;
+			container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'];
+			offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'];
+			if (container.nodeType == 1) {
+				lastIdx = container.childNodes.length - 1;
+				if (!start && offset) {
+					offset--;
+				}
+				container = container.childNodes[offset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : offset];
+			}
+			// If start text node is excluded then walk to the next node
+			if (container.nodeType === 3 && start && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+				container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).next() || container;
+			}
+			// If end text node is excluded then walk to the previous node
+			if (container.nodeType === 3 && !start && offset === 0) {
+				container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).prev() || container;
+			}
+			return container;
+		}
+		function performCaretAction(type, name, vars) {
+			var caretContainerId = '_mce_caret', debug = ed.settings.caret_debug;
+			// Creates a caret container bogus element
+			function createCaretContainer(fill) {
+				var caretContainer = dom.create('span', {id: caretContainerId, 'data-mce-bogus': true, style: debug ? 'color:red' : ''});
+				if (fill) {
+					caretContainer.appendChild(ed.getDoc().createTextNode(INVISIBLE_CHAR));
+				}
+				return caretContainer;
+			}
+			function isCaretContainerEmpty(node, nodes) {
+				while (node) {
+					if ((node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue !== INVISIBLE_CHAR) || node.childNodes.length > 1) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Collect nodes
+					if (nodes && node.nodeType === 1) {
+						nodes.push(node);
+					}
+					node = node.firstChild;
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Returns any parent caret container element
+			function getParentCaretContainer(node) {
+				while (node) {
+					if (node.id === caretContainerId) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+			}
+			// Finds the first text node in the specified node
+			function findFirstTextNode(node) {
+				var walker;
+				if (node) {
+					walker = new TreeWalker(node, node);
+					for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
+						if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+							return node;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Removes the caret container for the specified node or all on the current document
+			function removeCaretContainer(node, move_caret) {
+				var child, rng;
+				if (!node) {
+					node = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+					if (!node) {
+						while ((node = dom.get(caretContainerId))) {
+							removeCaretContainer(node, false);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					rng = selection.getRng(true);
+					if (isCaretContainerEmpty(node)) {
+						if (move_caret !== false) {
+							rng.setStartBefore(node);
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+						}
+						dom.remove(node);
+					} else {
+						child = findFirstTextNode(node);
+						if (child.nodeValue.charAt(0) === INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+							child = child.deleteData(0, 1);
+						}
+						dom.remove(node, 1);
+					}
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				}
+			}
+			// Applies formatting to the caret postion
+			function applyCaretFormat() {
+				var rng, caretContainer, textNode, offset, bookmark, container, text;
+				rng = selection.getRng(true);
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				text = container.nodeValue;
+				caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+				if (caretContainer) {
+					textNode = findFirstTextNode(caretContainer);
+				}
+				// Expand to word is caret is in the middle of a text node and the char before/after is a alpha numeric character
+				if (text && offset > 0 && offset < text.length && /\w/.test(text.charAt(offset)) && /\w/.test(text.charAt(offset - 1))) {
+					// Get bookmark of caret position
+					bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+					// Collapse bookmark range (WebKit)
+					rng.collapse(true);
+					// Expand the range to the closest word and split it at those points
+					rng = expandRng(rng, get(name));
+					rng = rangeUtils.split(rng);
+					// Apply the format to the range
+					apply(name, vars, rng);
+					// Move selection back to caret position
+					selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				} else {
+					if (!caretContainer || textNode.nodeValue !== INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+						caretContainer = createCaretContainer(true);
+						textNode = caretContainer.firstChild;
+						rng.insertNode(caretContainer);
+						offset = 1;
+						apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
+					} else {
+						apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
+					}
+					// Move selection to text node
+					selection.setCursorLocation(textNode, offset);
+				}
+			}
+			function removeCaretFormat() {
+				var rng = selection.getRng(true), container, offset, bookmark,
+					hasContentAfter, node, formatNode, parents = [], i, caretContainer;
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				node = container;
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					if (offset != container.nodeValue.length || container.nodeValue === INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+						hasContentAfter = true;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				while (node) {
+					if (matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+						formatNode = node;
+						break;
+					}
+					if (node.nextSibling) {
+						hasContentAfter = true;
+					}
+					parents.push(node);
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Node doesn't have the specified format
+				if (!formatNode) {
+					return;
+				}
+				// Is there contents after the caret then remove the format on the element
+				if (hasContentAfter) {
+					// Get bookmark of caret position
+					bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+					// Collapse bookmark range (WebKit)
+					rng.collapse(true);
+					// Expand the range to the closest word and split it at those points
+					rng = expandRng(rng, get(name), true);
+					rng = rangeUtils.split(rng);
+					// Remove the format from the range
+					remove(name, vars, rng);
+					// Move selection back to caret position
+					selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				} else {
+					caretContainer = createCaretContainer();
+					node = caretContainer;
+					for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						node.appendChild(dom.clone(parents[i], false));
+						node = node.firstChild;
+					}
+					// Insert invisible character into inner most format element
+					node.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(INVISIBLE_CHAR));
+					node = node.firstChild;
+					var block = dom.getParent(formatNode, isTextBlock);
+					if (block && dom.isEmpty(block)) {
+						// Replace formatNode with caretContainer when removing format from empty block like <p><b>|</b></p>
+						formatNode.parentNode.replaceChild(caretContainer, formatNode);
+					} else {
+						// Insert caret container after the formated node
+						dom.insertAfter(caretContainer, formatNode);
+					}
+					// Move selection to text node
+					selection.setCursorLocation(node, 1);
+					// If the formatNode is empty, we can remove it safely. 
+					if (dom.isEmpty(formatNode)) {
+						dom.remove(formatNode);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Checks if the parent caret container node isn't empty if that is the case it
+			// will remove the bogus state on all children that isn't empty
+			function unmarkBogusCaretParents() {
+				var caretContainer;
+				caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+				if (caretContainer && !dom.isEmpty(caretContainer)) {
+					walk(caretContainer, function(node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.id !== caretContainerId && !dom.isEmpty(node)) {
+							dom.setAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bogus', null);
+						}
+					}, 'childNodes');
+				}
+			}
+			// Only bind the caret events once
+			if (!ed._hasCaretEvents) {
+				// Mark current caret container elements as bogus when getting the contents so we don't end up with empty elements
+				markCaretContainersBogus = function() {
+					var nodes = [], i;
+					if (isCaretContainerEmpty(getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart()), nodes)) {
+						// Mark children
+						i = nodes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							dom.setAttrib(nodes[i], 'data-mce-bogus', '1');
+						}
+					}
+				};
+				disableCaretContainer = function(e) {
+					var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+					removeCaretContainer();
+					// Remove caret container on keydown and it's a backspace, enter or left/right arrow keys
+					if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 37 || keyCode == 39) {
+						removeCaretContainer(getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart()));
+					}
+					unmarkBogusCaretParents();
+				};
+				// Remove bogus state if they got filled by contents using editor.selection.setContent
+				ed.on('SetContent', function(e) {
+					if (e.selection) {
+						unmarkBogusCaretParents();
+					}
+				});
+				ed._hasCaretEvents = true;
+			}
+			// Do apply or remove caret format
+			if (type == "apply") {
+				applyCaretFormat();
+			} else {
+				removeCaretFormat();
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the start to the first suitable text node.
+		 */
+		function moveStart(rng) {
+			var container = rng.startContainer,
+					offset = rng.startOffset, isAtEndOfText,
+					walker, node, nodes, tmpNode;
+			// Convert text node into index if possible
+			if (container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+				// Get the parent container location and walk from there
+				offset = nodeIndex(container);
+				container = container.parentNode;
+				isAtEndOfText = true;
+			}
+			// Move startContainer/startOffset in to a suitable node
+			if (container.nodeType == 1) {
+				nodes = container.childNodes;
+				container = nodes[Math.min(offset, nodes.length - 1)];
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock));
+				// If offset is at end of the parent node walk to the next one
+				if (offset > nodes.length - 1 || isAtEndOfText) {
+					walker.next();
+				}
+				for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
+						// IE has a "neat" feature where it moves the start node into the closest element
+						// we can avoid this by inserting an element before it and then remove it after we set the selection
+						tmpNode = dom.create('a', null, INVISIBLE_CHAR);
+						node.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, node);
+						// Set selection and remove tmpNode
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+						selection.setRng(rng);
+						dom.remove(tmpNode);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/LegacyInput.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/LegacyInput.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f3f55985c6679895740cbbb34d6d8fe55c365af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/LegacyInput.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * LegacyInput.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/LegacyInput", [
+	"tinymce/EditorManager",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(EditorManager, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	EditorManager.on('AddEditor', function(e) {
+		var editor = e.editor;
+		editor.on('preInit', function() {
+			var filters, fontSizes, dom, settings = editor.settings;
+			function replaceWithSpan(node, styles) {
+				each(styles, function(value, name) {
+					if (value) {
+						dom.setStyle(node, name, value);
+					}
+				});
+				dom.rename(node, 'span');
+			}
+			function convert(e) {
+				dom = editor.dom;
+				if (settings.convert_fonts_to_spans) {
+					each(dom.select('font,u,strike', e.node), function(node) {
+						filters[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()](dom, node);
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			if (settings.inline_styles) {
+				fontSizes = explode(settings.font_size_legacy_values);
+				filters = {
+					font: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							backgroundColor: node.style.backgroundColor,
+							color: node.color,
+							fontFamily: node.face,
+							fontSize: fontSizes[parseInt(node.size, 10) - 1]
+						});
+					},
+					u: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							textDecoration: 'underline'
+						});
+					},
+					strike: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							textDecoration: 'line-through'
+						});
+					}
+				};
+				editor.on('PreProcess SetContent', convert);
+			}
+		});
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Shortcuts.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Shortcuts.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03051d8e5ef572246a9009af38f416556a795555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/Shortcuts.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Shortcuts.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Contains all logic for handling of keyboard shortcuts.
+ */
+define("tinymce/Shortcuts", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Tools, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var keyCodeLookup = {
+		"f9": 120,
+		"f10": 121,
+		"f11": 122
+	};
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, shortcuts = {};
+		editor.on('keyup keypress keydown', function(e) {
+			if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
+				each(shortcuts, function(shortcut) {
+					var ctrlKey = Env.mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;
+					if (shortcut.ctrl != ctrlKey || shortcut.alt != e.altKey || shortcut.shift != e.shiftKey) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (e.keyCode == shortcut.keyCode || (e.charCode && e.charCode == shortcut.charCode)) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						if (e.type == "keydown") {
+							shortcut.func.call(shortcut.scope);
+						}
+						return true;
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		});
+		/**
+		 * Adds a keyboard shortcut for some command or function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addShortcut
+		 * @param {String} pattern Shortcut pattern. Like for example: ctrl+alt+o.
+		 * @param {String} desc Text description for the command.
+		 * @param {String/Function} cmdFunc Command name string or function to execute when the key is pressed.
+		 * @param {Object} sc Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the shortcut was added or not.
+		 */
+		self.add = function(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
+			var cmd;
+			cmd = cmdFunc;
+			if (typeof(cmdFunc) === 'string') {
+				cmdFunc = function() {
+					editor.execCommand(cmd, false, null);
+				};
+			} else if (Tools.isArray(cmd)) {
+				cmdFunc = function() {
+					editor.execCommand(cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2]);
+				};
+			}
+			each(explode(pattern.toLowerCase()), function(pattern) {
+				var shortcut = {
+					func: cmdFunc,
+					scope: scope || editor,
+					desc: editor.translate(desc),
+					alt: false,
+					ctrl: false,
+					shift: false
+				};
+				each(explode(pattern, '+'), function(value) {
+					switch (value) {
+						case 'alt':
+						case 'ctrl':
+						case 'shift':
+							shortcut[value] = true;
+							break;
+						default:
+							shortcut.charCode = value.charCodeAt(0);
+							shortcut.keyCode = keyCodeLookup[value] || value.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
+					}
+				});
+				shortcuts[
+					(shortcut.ctrl ? 'ctrl' : '') + ',' +
+					(shortcut.alt ? 'alt' : '') + ',' +
+					(shortcut.shift ? 'shift' : '') + ',' +
+					shortcut.keyCode
+				] = shortcut;
+			});
+			return true;
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/UndoManager.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/UndoManager.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebe43b4b83c8f741b25355c206f56b658ae7cdfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/UndoManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ * UndoManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the undo/redo history levels for the editor. Since the build in undo/redo has major drawbacks a custom one was needed.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.UndoManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/UndoManager", [
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Env, Tools) {
+	var trim = Tools.trim, trimContentRegExp;
+	trimContentRegExp = new RegExp([
+		'<span[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+>[\u200B\uFEFF]+<\\/span>', // Trim bogus spans like caret containers
+		'<div[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+><\\/div>', // Trim bogus divs like resize handles
+		'\\s?data-mce-selected="[^"]+"' // Trim temporaty data-mce prefixed attributes like data-mce-selected
+	].join('|'), 'gi');
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, index = 0, data = [], beforeBookmark, isFirstTypedCharacter, lock;
+		// Returns a trimmed version of the current editor contents
+		function getContent() {
+			return trim(editor.getContent({format: 'raw', no_events: 1}).replace(trimContentRegExp, ''));
+		}
+		function addNonTypingUndoLevel(e) {
+			self.typing = false;
+			self.add({}, e);
+		}
+		// Add initial undo level when the editor is initialized
+		editor.on('init', function() {
+			self.add();
+		});
+		// Get position before an execCommand is processed
+		editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', function(e) {
+			var cmd = e.command;
+			if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint') {
+				self.beforeChange();
+			}
+		});
+		// Add undo level after an execCommand call was made
+		editor.on('ExecCommand', function(e) {
+			var cmd = e.command;
+			if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint') {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('ObjectResizeStart', function() {
+			self.beforeChange();
+		});
+		editor.on('SaveContent ObjectResized blur', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
+		editor.dom.bind(editor.dom.getRoot(), 'dragend', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
+		editor.on('KeyUp', function(e) {
+			var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+			if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 45 || keyCode == 13 || e.ctrlKey) {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel();
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+			if (keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 8 || (Env.mac && (keyCode == 91 || keyCode == 93))) {
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+			// Fire a TypingUndo event on the first character entered
+			if (isFirstTypedCharacter && self.typing) {
+				// Make the it dirty if the content was changed after typing the first character
+				if (!editor.isDirty()) {
+					editor.isNotDirty = !data[0] || getContent() == data[0].content;
+					// Fire initial change event
+					if (!editor.isNotDirty) {
+						editor.fire('change', {level: data[0], lastLevel: null});
+					}
+				}
+				editor.fire('TypingUndo');
+				isFirstTypedCharacter = false;
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
+			var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+			// Is caracter positon keys left,right,up,down,home,end,pgdown,pgup,enter
+			if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 45) {
+				if (self.typing) {
+					addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// If key isn't shift,ctrl,alt,capslock,metakey
+			if ((keyCode < 16 || keyCode > 20) && keyCode != 224 && keyCode != 91 && !self.typing) {
+				self.beforeChange();
+				self.typing = true;
+				self.add({}, e);
+				isFirstTypedCharacter = true;
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('MouseDown', function(e) {
+			if (self.typing) {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+			}
+		});
+		// Add keyboard shortcuts for undo/redo keys
+		editor.addShortcut('ctrl+z', '', 'Undo');
+		editor.addShortcut('ctrl+y,ctrl+shift+z', '', 'Redo');
+		editor.on('AddUndo Undo Redo ClearUndos MouseUp', function(e) {
+			if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		});
+		self = {
+			// Explose for debugging reasons
+			data: data,
+			/**
+			 * State if the user is currently typing or not. This will add a typing operation into one undo
+			 * level instead of one new level for each keystroke.
+			 *
+			 * @field {Boolean} typing
+			 */
+			typing: false,
+			/**
+			 * Stores away a bookmark to be used when performing an undo action so that the selection is before
+			 * the change has been made.
+			 *
+			 * @method beforeChange
+			 */
+			beforeChange: function() {
+				if (!lock) {
+					beforeBookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Adds a new undo level/snapshot to the undo list.
+			 *
+			 * @method add
+			 * @param {Object} level Optional undo level object to add.
+			 * @param {DOMEvent} Event Optional event responsible for the creation of the undo level.
+			 * @return {Object} Undo level that got added or null it a level wasn't needed.
+			 */
+			add: function(level, event) {
+				var i, settings = editor.settings, lastLevel;
+				level = level || {};
+				level.content = getContent();
+				if (lock || editor.removed) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				if (editor.fire('BeforeAddUndo', {level: level, originalEvent: event}).isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				// Add undo level if needed
+				lastLevel = data[index];
+				if (lastLevel && lastLevel.content == level.content) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				// Set before bookmark on previous level
+				if (data[index]) {
+					data[index].beforeBookmark = beforeBookmark;
+				}
+				// Time to compress
+				if (settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
+					if (data.length > settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
+						for (i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) {
+							data[i] = data[i + 1];
+						}
+						data.length--;
+						index = data.length;
+					}
+				}
+				// Get a non intrusive normalized bookmark
+				level.bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);
+				// Crop array if needed
+				if (index < data.length - 1) {
+					data.length = index + 1;
+				}
+				data.push(level);
+				index = data.length - 1;
+				var args = {level: level, lastLevel: lastLevel, originalEvent: event};
+				editor.fire('AddUndo', args);
+				if (index > 0) {
+					editor.isNotDirty = false;
+					editor.fire('change', args);
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Undoes the last action.
+			 *
+			 * @method undo
+			 * @return {Object} Undo level or null if no undo was performed.
+			 */
+			undo: function() {
+				var level;
+				if (self.typing) {
+					self.add();
+					self.typing = false;
+				}
+				if (index > 0) {
+					level = data[--index];
+					// Undo to first index then set dirty state to false
+					if (index === 0) {
+						editor.isNotDirty = true;
+					}
+					editor.setContent(level.content, {format: 'raw'});
+					editor.selection.moveToBookmark(level.beforeBookmark);
+					editor.fire('undo', {level: level});
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Redoes the last action.
+			 *
+			 * @method redo
+			 * @return {Object} Redo level or null if no redo was performed.
+			 */
+			redo: function() {
+				var level;
+				if (index < data.length - 1) {
+					level = data[++index];
+					editor.setContent(level.content, {format: 'raw'});
+					editor.selection.moveToBookmark(level.bookmark);
+					editor.fire('redo', {level: level});
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Removes all undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method clear
+			 */
+			clear: function() {
+				data = [];
+				index = 0;
+				self.typing = false;
+				editor.fire('ClearUndos');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns true/false if the undo manager has any undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method hasUndo
+			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the undo manager has any undo levels.
+			 */
+			hasUndo: function() {
+				// Has undo levels or typing and content isn't the same as the initial level
+				return index > 0 || (self.typing && data[0] && getContent() != data[0].content);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns true/false if the undo manager has any redo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method hasRedo
+			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the undo manager has any redo levels.
+			 */
+			hasRedo: function() {
+				return index < data.length - 1 && !this.typing;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Executes the specified function in an undo transation. The selection
+			 * before the modification will be stored to the undo stack and if the DOM changes
+			 * it will add a new undo level. Any methods within the transation that adds undo levels will
+			 * be ignored. So a transation can include calls to execCommand or editor.insertContent.
+			 *
+			 * @method transact
+			 * @param {function} callback Function to execute dom manipulation logic in.
+			 */
+			transact: function(callback) {
+				self.beforeChange();
+				lock = true;
+				callback();
+				lock = false;
+				self.add();
+			}
+		};
+		return self;
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/WindowManager.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/WindowManager.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d864f15cd2b88d12580afb7cdbde2a16ee3045ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/WindowManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ * WindowManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the creation of native windows and dialogs. This class can be extended to provide for example inline dialogs.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.WindowManager
+ * @example
+ * // Opens a new dialog with the file.htm file and the size 320x240
+ * // It also adds a custom parameter this can be retrieved by using tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg inside the dialog.
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.open({
+ *    url: 'file.htm',
+ *    width: 320,
+ *    height: 240
+ * }, {
+ *    custom_param: 1
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Displays an alert box using the active editors window manager instance
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+ *
+ * // Displays an confirm box and an alert message will be displayed depending on what you choose in the confirm
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.confirm("Do you want to do something", function(s) {
+ *    if (s)
+ *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Ok");
+ *    else
+ *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Cancel");
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/WindowManager", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Window",
+	"tinymce/ui/MessageBox"
+], function(Window, MessageBox) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, windows = [];
+		function getTopMostWindow() {
+			if (windows.length) {
+				return windows[windows.length - 1];
+			}
+		}
+		self.windows = windows;
+		/**
+		 * Opens a new window.
+		 *
+		 * @method open
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional name/value settings collection contains things like width/height/url etc.
+		 * @option {String} title Window title.
+		 * @option {String} file URL of the file to open in the window.
+		 * @option {Number} width Width in pixels.
+		 * @option {Number} height Height in pixels.
+		 * @option {Boolean} resizable Specifies whether the popup window is resizable or not.
+		 * @option {Boolean} maximizable Specifies whether the popup window has a "maximize" button and can get maximized or not.
+		 * @option {String/Boolean} scrollbars Specifies whether the popup window can have scrollbars if required (i.e. content
+		 * larger than the popup size specified).
+		 */
+		self.open = function(args, params) {
+			var win;
+			editor.editorManager.activeEditor = editor;
+			args.title = args.title || ' ';
+			// Handle URL
+			args.url = args.url || args.file; // Legacy
+			if (args.url) {
+				args.width = parseInt(args.width || 320, 10);
+				args.height = parseInt(args.height || 240, 10);
+			}
+			// Handle body
+			if (args.body) {
+				args.items = {
+					defaults: args.defaults,
+					type: args.bodyType || 'form',
+					items: args.body
+				};
+			}
+			if (!args.url && !args.buttons) {
+				args.buttons = [
+					{text: 'Ok', subtype: 'primary', onclick: function() {
+						win.find('form')[0].submit();
+					}},
+					{text: 'Cancel', onclick: function() {
+						win.close();
+					}}
+				];
+			}
+			win = new Window(args);
+			windows.push(win);
+			win.on('close', function() {
+				var i = windows.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (windows[i] === win) {
+						windows.splice(i, 1);
+					}
+				}
+				editor.focus();
+			});
+			// Handle data
+			if (args.data) {
+				win.on('postRender', function() {
+					this.find('*').each(function(ctrl) {
+						var name = ctrl.name();
+						if (name in args.data) {
+							ctrl.value(args.data[name]);
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// store args and parameters
+			win.features = args || {};
+			win.params = params || {};
+			// Takes a snapshot in the FocusManager of the selection before focus is lost to dialog
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+			return win.renderTo(document.body).reflow();
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Creates a alert dialog. Please don't use the blocking behavior of this
+		 * native version use the callback method instead then it can be extended.
+		 *
+		 * @method alert
+		 * @param {String} message Text to display in the new alert dialog.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to be executed after the user has selected ok.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Displays an alert box using the active editors window manager instance
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 */
+		self.alert = function(message, callback, scope) {
+			MessageBox.alert(message, function() {
+				if (callback) {
+					callback.call(scope || this);
+				} else {
+					editor.focus();
+				}
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Creates a confirm dialog. Please don't use the blocking behavior of this
+		 * native version use the callback method instead then it can be extended.
+		 *
+		 * @method confirm
+		 * @param {String} messageText to display in the new confirm dialog.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to be executed after the user has selected ok or cancel.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Displays an confirm box and an alert message will be displayed depending on what you choose in the confirm
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.confirm("Do you want to do something", function(s) {
+		 *    if (s)
+		 *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Ok");
+		 *    else
+		 *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Cancel");
+		 * });
+		 */
+		self.confirm = function(message, callback, scope) {
+			MessageBox.confirm(message, function(state) {
+				callback.call(scope || this, state);
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Closes the top most window.
+		 *
+		 * @method close
+		 */
+		self.close = function() {
+			if (getTopMostWindow()) {
+				getTopMostWindow().close();
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns the params of the last window open call. This can be used in iframe based
+		 * dialog to get params passed from the tinymce plugin.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var dialogArguments = top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams();
+		 *
+		 * @method getParams
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value object with parameters passed from windowManager.open call.
+		 */
+		self.getParams = function() {
+			return getTopMostWindow() ? getTopMostWindow().params : null;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Sets the params of the last opened window.
+		 *
+		 * @method setParams
+		 * @param {Object} params Params object to set for the last opened window.
+		 */
+		self.setParams = function(params) {
+			if (getTopMostWindow()) {
+				getTopMostWindow().params = params;
+			}
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/ControlSelection.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/ControlSelection.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e1d6e306b7a928a71e42e4d76757d3826c0c01a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/ControlSelection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+ * ControlSelection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles control selection of elements. Controls are elements
+ * that can be resized and needs to be selected as a whole. It adds custom resize handles
+ * to all browser engines that support properly disabling the built in resize logic.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.ControlSelection
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/ControlSelection", [
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(VK, Tools, Env) {
+	return function(selection, editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom, each = Tools.each;
+		var selectedElm, selectedElmGhost, resizeHandles, selectedHandle, lastMouseDownEvent;
+		var startX, startY, selectedElmX, selectedElmY, startW, startH, ratio, resizeStarted;
+		var width, height, editableDoc = editor.getDoc(), rootDocument = document, isIE = Env.ie && Env.ie < 11;
+		// Details about each resize handle how to scale etc
+		resizeHandles = {
+			// Name: x multiplier, y multiplier, delta size x, delta size y
+			n:  [0.5,   0,     0,   -1],
+			e:  [1,    0.5,    1,    0],
+			s:  [0.5,   1,     0,    1],
+			w:  [0,    0.5,   -1,    0],
+			nw: [0,     0,    -1,   -1],
+			ne: [1,     0,     1,   -1],
+			se: [1,     1,     1,    1],
+			sw: [0,     1,    -1,    1]
+		};
+		// Add CSS for resize handles, cloned element and selected
+		var rootClass = '.mce-content-body';
+		editor.contentStyles.push(
+			rootClass + ' div.mce-resizehandle {' +
+				'position: absolute;' +
+				'border: 1px solid black;' +
+				'background: #FFF;' +
+				'width: 5px;' +
+				'height: 5px;' +
+				'z-index: 10000' +
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' .mce-resizehandle:hover {' +
+				'background: #000' +
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' img[data-mce-selected], hr[data-mce-selected] {' +
+				'outline: 1px solid black;' +
+				'resize: none' + // Have been talks about implementing this in browsers
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' .mce-clonedresizable {' +
+				'position: absolute;' +
+				(Env.gecko ? '' : 'outline: 1px dashed black;') + // Gecko produces trails while resizing
+				'opacity: .5;' +
+				'filter: alpha(opacity=50);' +
+				'z-index: 10000' +
+			'}'
+		);
+		function isResizable(elm) {
+			var selector = editor.settings.object_resizing;
+			if (selector === false || Env.iOS) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (typeof selector != 'string') {
+				selector = 'table,img,div';
+			}
+			if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-resize') === 'false') {
+				return false;
+			}
+			return editor.dom.is(elm, selector);
+		}
+		function resizeGhostElement(e) {
+			var deltaX, deltaY;
+			// Calc new width/height
+			deltaX = e.screenX - startX;
+			deltaY = e.screenY - startY;
+			// Calc new size
+			width = deltaX * selectedHandle[2] + startW;
+			height = deltaY * selectedHandle[3] + startH;
+			// Never scale down lower than 5 pixels
+			width = width < 5 ? 5 : width;
+			height = height < 5 ? 5 : height;
+			// Constrain proportions when modifier key is pressed or if the nw, ne, sw, se corners are moved on an image
+			if (VK.modifierPressed(e) || (selectedElm.nodeName == "IMG" && selectedHandle[2] * selectedHandle[3] !== 0)) {
+				width = Math.round(height / ratio);
+				height = Math.round(width * ratio);
+			}
+			// Update ghost size
+			dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, {
+				width: width,
+				height: height
+			});
+			// Update ghost X position if needed
+			if (selectedHandle[2] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientWidth <= width) {
+				dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'left', selectedElmX + (startW - width));
+			}
+			// Update ghost Y position if needed
+			if (selectedHandle[3] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientHeight <= height) {
+				dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'top', selectedElmY + (startH - height));
+			}
+			if (!resizeStarted) {
+				editor.fire('ObjectResizeStart', {target: selectedElm, width: startW, height: startH});
+				resizeStarted = true;
+			}
+		}
+		function endGhostResize() {
+			resizeStarted = false;
+			function setSizeProp(name, value) {
+				if (value) {
+					// Resize by using style or attribute
+					if (selectedElm.style[name] || !editor.schema.isValid(selectedElm.nodeName.toLowerCase(), name)) {
+						dom.setStyle(selectedElm, name, value);
+					} else {
+						dom.setAttrib(selectedElm, name, value);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set width/height properties
+			setSizeProp('width', width);
+			setSizeProp('height', height);
+			dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+			dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+			if (rootDocument != editableDoc) {
+				dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+				dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+			}
+			// Remove ghost and update resize handle positions
+			dom.remove(selectedElmGhost);
+			if (!isIE || selectedElm.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+				showResizeRect(selectedElm);
+			}
+			editor.fire('ObjectResized', {target: selectedElm, width: width, height: height});
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+		}
+		function showResizeRect(targetElm, mouseDownHandleName, mouseDownEvent) {
+			var position, targetWidth, targetHeight, e, rect, offsetParent = editor.getBody();
+			unbindResizeHandleEvents();
+			// Get position and size of target
+			position = dom.getPos(targetElm, offsetParent);
+			selectedElmX = position.x;
+			selectedElmY = position.y;
+			rect = targetElm.getBoundingClientRect(); // Fix for Gecko offsetHeight for table with caption
+			targetWidth = rect.width || (rect.right - rect.left);
+			targetHeight = rect.height || (rect.bottom - rect.top);
+			// Reset width/height if user selects a new image/table
+			if (selectedElm != targetElm) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				selectedElm = targetElm;
+				width = height = 0;
+			}
+			// Makes it possible to disable resizing
+			e = editor.fire('ObjectSelected', {target: targetElm});
+			if (isResizable(targetElm) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				each(resizeHandles, function(handle, name) {
+					var handleElm, handlerContainerElm;
+					function startDrag(e) {
+						startX = e.screenX;
+						startY = e.screenY;
+						startW = selectedElm.clientWidth;
+						startH = selectedElm.clientHeight;
+						ratio = startH / startW;
+						selectedHandle = handle;
+						selectedElmGhost = selectedElm.cloneNode(true);
+						dom.addClass(selectedElmGhost, 'mce-clonedresizable');
+						selectedElmGhost.contentEditable = false; // Hides IE move layer cursor
+						selectedElmGhost.unSelectabe = true;
+						dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, {
+							left: selectedElmX,
+							top: selectedElmY,
+							margin: 0
+						});
+						selectedElmGhost.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+						editor.getBody().appendChild(selectedElmGhost);
+						dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+						dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+						if (rootDocument != editableDoc) {
+							dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+							dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+						}
+					}
+					if (mouseDownHandleName) {
+						// Drag started by IE native resizestart
+						if (name == mouseDownHandleName) {
+							startDrag(mouseDownEvent);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					// Get existing or render resize handle
+					handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
+					if (!handleElm) {
+						handlerContainerElm = editor.getBody();
+						handleElm = dom.add(handlerContainerElm, 'div', {
+							id: 'mceResizeHandle' + name,
+							'data-mce-bogus': true,
+							'class': 'mce-resizehandle',
+							unselectable: true,
+							style: 'cursor:' + name + '-resize; margin:0; padding:0'
+						});
+						// Hides IE move layer cursor
+						// If we set it on Chrome we get this wounderful bug: #6725
+						if (Env.ie) {
+							handleElm.contentEditable = false;
+						}
+					} else {
+						dom.show(handleElm);
+					}
+					if (!handle.elm) {
+						dom.bind(handleElm, 'mousedown', function(e) {
+							e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+							e.preventDefault();
+							startDrag(e);
+						});
+						handle.elm = handleElm;
+					}
+					/*
+					var halfHandleW = handleElm.offsetWidth / 2;
+					var halfHandleH = handleElm.offsetHeight / 2;
+					// Position element
+					dom.setStyles(handleElm, {
+						left: Math.floor((targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX) - halfHandleW + (handle[2] * halfHandleW)),
+						top: Math.floor((targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY) - halfHandleH + (handle[3] * halfHandleH))
+					});
+					*/
+					// Position element
+					dom.setStyles(handleElm, {
+						left: (targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX) - (handleElm.offsetWidth / 2),
+						top: (targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY) - (handleElm.offsetHeight / 2)
+					});
+				});
+			} else {
+				hideResizeRect();
+			}
+			selectedElm.setAttribute('data-mce-selected', '1');
+		}
+		function hideResizeRect() {
+			var name, handleElm;
+			unbindResizeHandleEvents();
+			if (selectedElm) {
+				selectedElm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+			}
+			for (name in resizeHandles) {
+				handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
+				if (handleElm) {
+					dom.unbind(handleElm);
+					dom.remove(handleElm);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function updateResizeRect(e) {
+			var controlElm;
+			function isChildOrEqual(node, parent) {
+				if (node) {
+					do {
+						if (node === parent) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					} while ((node = node.parentNode));
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove data-mce-selected from all elements since they might have been copied using Ctrl+c/v
+			each(dom.select('img[data-mce-selected],hr[data-mce-selected]'), function(img) {
+				img.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+			});
+			controlElm = e.type == 'mousedown' ? e.target : selection.getNode();
+			controlElm = dom.getParent(controlElm, isIE ? 'table' : 'table,img,hr');
+			if (isChildOrEqual(controlElm, editor.getBody())) {
+				disableGeckoResize();
+				if (isChildOrEqual(selection.getStart(), controlElm) && isChildOrEqual(selection.getEnd(), controlElm)) {
+					if (!isIE || (controlElm != selection.getStart() && selection.getStart().nodeName !== 'IMG')) {
+						showResizeRect(controlElm);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			hideResizeRect();
+		}
+		function attachEvent(elm, name, func) {
+			if (elm && elm.attachEvent) {
+				elm.attachEvent('on' + name, func);
+			}
+		}
+		function detachEvent(elm, name, func) {
+			if (elm && elm.detachEvent) {
+				elm.detachEvent('on' + name, func);
+			}
+		}
+		function resizeNativeStart(e) {
+			var target = e.srcElement, pos, name, corner, cornerX, cornerY, relativeX, relativeY;
+			pos = target.getBoundingClientRect();
+			relativeX = lastMouseDownEvent.clientX - pos.left;
+			relativeY = lastMouseDownEvent.clientY - pos.top;
+			// Figure out what corner we are draging on
+			for (name in resizeHandles) {
+				corner = resizeHandles[name];
+				cornerX = target.offsetWidth * corner[0];
+				cornerY = target.offsetHeight * corner[1];
+				if (Math.abs(cornerX - relativeX) < 8 && Math.abs(cornerY - relativeY) < 8) {
+					selectedHandle = corner;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove native selection and let the magic begin
+			resizeStarted = true;
+			editor.getDoc().selection.empty();
+			showResizeRect(target, name, lastMouseDownEvent);
+		}
+		function nativeControlSelect(e) {
+			var target = e.srcElement;
+			if (target != selectedElm) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				if (target.id.indexOf('mceResizeHandle') === 0) {
+					e.returnValue = false;
+					return;
+				}
+				if (target.nodeName == 'IMG' || target.nodeName == 'TABLE') {
+					hideResizeRect();
+					selectedElm = target;
+					attachEvent(target, 'resizestart', resizeNativeStart);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function detachResizeStartListener() {
+			detachEvent(selectedElm, 'resizestart', resizeNativeStart);
+		}
+		function unbindResizeHandleEvents() {
+			for (var name in resizeHandles) {
+				var handle = resizeHandles[name];
+				if (handle.elm) {
+					dom.unbind(handle.elm);
+					delete handle.elm;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function disableGeckoResize() {
+			try {
+				// Disable object resizing on Gecko
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		function controlSelect(elm) {
+			var ctrlRng;
+			if (!isIE) {
+				return;
+			}
+			ctrlRng = editableDoc.body.createControlRange();
+			try {
+				ctrlRng.addElement(elm);
+				ctrlRng.select();
+				return true;
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore since the element can't be control selected for example a P tag
+			}
+		}
+		editor.on('init', function() {
+			if (isIE) {
+				// Hide the resize rect on resize and reselect the image
+				editor.on('ObjectResized', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.nodeName != 'TABLE') {
+						hideResizeRect();
+						controlSelect(e.target);
+					}
+				});
+				attachEvent(editor.getBody(), 'controlselect', nativeControlSelect);
+				editor.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+					lastMouseDownEvent = e;
+				});
+			} else {
+				disableGeckoResize();
+				if (Env.ie >= 11) {
+					// TODO: Drag/drop doesn't work
+					editor.on('mouseup', function(e) {
+						var nodeName = e.target.nodeName;
+						if (/^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(nodeName)) {
+							editor.selection.select(e.target, nodeName == 'TABLE');
+							editor.nodeChanged();
+						}
+					});
+					editor.dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'mscontrolselect', function(e) {
+						if (/^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(e.target.nodeName)) {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							// This moves the selection from being a control selection to a text like selection like in WebKit #6753
+							// TODO: Fix this the day IE works like other browsers without this nasty native ugly control selections.
+							if (e.target.tagName == 'IMG') {
+								window.setTimeout(function() {
+									editor.selection.select(e.target);
+								}, 0);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			editor.on('nodechange mousedown mouseup ResizeEditor', updateResizeRect);
+			// Update resize rect while typing in a table
+			editor.on('keydown keyup', function(e) {
+				if (selectedElm && selectedElm.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+					updateResizeRect(e);
+				}
+			});
+			// Hide rect on focusout since it would float on top of windows otherwise
+			//editor.on('focusout', hideResizeRect);
+		});
+		editor.on('remove', unbindResizeHandleEvents);
+		function destroy() {
+			selectedElm = selectedElmGhost = null;
+			if (isIE) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				detachEvent(editor.getBody(), 'controlselect', nativeControlSelect);
+			}
+		}
+		return {
+			isResizable: isResizable,
+			showResizeRect: showResizeRect,
+			hideResizeRect: hideResizeRect,
+			updateResizeRect: updateResizeRect,
+			controlSelect: controlSelect,
+			destroy: destroy
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/DOMUtils.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/DOMUtils.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..904d3720fecfd7ace24b12ec730127f00c93c0e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/DOMUtils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2078 @@
+ * DOMUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Utility class for various DOM manipulation and retrieval functions.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+ * @example
+ * // Add a class to an element by id in the page
+ * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+ *
+ * // Add a class to an element by id inside the editor
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/DOMUtils", [
+	"tinymce/dom/Sizzle",
+	"tinymce/html/Styles",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/Range",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader"
+], function(Sizzle, Styles, EventUtils, TreeWalker, Range, Entities, Env, Tools, StyleSheetLoader) {
+	// Shorten names
+	var each = Tools.each, is = Tools.is, grep = Tools.grep, trim = Tools.trim, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var isWebKit = Env.webkit, isIE = Env.ie;
+	var simpleSelectorRe = /^([a-z0-9],?)+$/i;
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/;
+	var numericCssMap = Tools.makeMap('fillOpacity fontWeight lineHeight opacity orphans widows zIndex zoom', ' ');
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DOMUtils instance. Consult the Wiki for more details on settings etc for this class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method DOMUtils
+	 * @param {Document} d Document reference to bind the utility class to.
+	 * @param {settings} s Optional settings collection.
+	 */
+	function DOMUtils(doc, settings) {
+		var self = this, blockElementsMap;
+		self.doc = doc;
+		self.win = window;
+		self.files = {};
+		self.counter = 0;
+		self.stdMode = !isIE || doc.documentMode >= 8;
+		self.boxModel = !isIE || doc.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" || self.stdMode;
+		self.hasOuterHTML = "outerHTML" in doc.createElement("a");
+		self.styleSheetLoader = new StyleSheetLoader(doc);
+		this.boundEvents = [];
+		self.settings = settings = extend({
+			keep_values: false,
+			hex_colors: 1
+		}, settings);
+		self.schema = settings.schema;
+		self.styles = new Styles({
+			url_converter: settings.url_converter,
+			url_converter_scope: settings.url_converter_scope
+		}, settings.schema);
+		self.fixDoc(doc);
+		self.events = settings.ownEvents ? new EventUtils(settings.proxy) : EventUtils.Event;
+		blockElementsMap = settings.schema ? settings.schema.getBlockElements() : {};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element is a block element or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isBlock
+		 * @param {Node/String} node Element/Node to check.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/False state if the node is a block element or not.
+		 */
+		self.isBlock = function(node) {
+			// Fix for #5446
+			if (!node) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// This function is called in module pattern style since it might be executed with the wrong this scope
+			var type = node.nodeType;
+			// If it's a node then check the type and use the nodeName
+			if (type) {
+				return !!(type === 1 && blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]);
+			}
+			return !!blockElementsMap[node];
+		};
+	}
+	DOMUtils.prototype = {
+		root: null,
+		props: {
+			"for": "htmlFor",
+			"class": "className",
+			className: "className",
+			checked: "checked",
+			disabled: "disabled",
+			maxlength: "maxLength",
+			readonly: "readOnly",
+			selected: "selected",
+			value: "value",
+			id: "id",
+			name: "name",
+			type: "type"
+		},
+		fixDoc: function(doc) {
+			var settings = this.settings, name;
+			if (isIE && settings.schema) {
+				// Add missing HTML 4/5 elements to IE
+				('abbr article aside audio canvas ' +
+				'details figcaption figure footer ' +
+				'header hgroup mark menu meter nav ' +
+				'output progress section summary ' +
+				'time video').replace(/\w+/g, function(name) {
+					doc.createElement(name);
+				});
+				// Create all custom elements
+				for (name in settings.schema.getCustomElements()) {
+					doc.createElement(name);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		clone: function(node, deep) {
+			var self = this, clone, doc;
+			// TODO: Add feature detection here in the future
+			if (!isIE || node.nodeType !== 1 || deep) {
+				return node.cloneNode(deep);
+			}
+			doc = self.doc;
+			// Make a HTML5 safe shallow copy
+			if (!deep) {
+				clone = doc.createElement(node.nodeName);
+				// Copy attribs
+				each(self.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
+					self.setAttrib(clone, attr.nodeName, self.getAttrib(node, attr.nodeName));
+				});
+				return clone;
+			}
+			// Setup HTML5 patched document fragment
+			if (!self.frag) {
+				self.frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+				self.fixDoc(self.frag);
+			}
+			// Make a deep copy by adding it to the document fragment then removing it this removed the :section
+			clone = doc.createElement('div');
+			self.frag.appendChild(clone);
+			clone.innerHTML = node.outerHTML;
+			self.frag.removeChild(clone);
+			return clone.firstChild;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the root node of the document. This is normally the body but might be a DIV. Parents like getParent will not
+		 * go above the point of this root node.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRoot
+		 * @return {Element} Root element for the utility class.
+		 */
+		getRoot: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.get(self.settings.root_element) || self.doc.body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the viewport of the window.
+		 *
+		 * @method getViewPort
+		 * @param {Window} win Optional window to get viewport of.
+		 * @return {Object} Viewport object with fields x, y, w and h.
+		 */
+		getViewPort: function(win) {
+			var doc, rootElm;
+			win = !win ? this.win : win;
+			doc = win.document;
+			rootElm = this.boxModel ? doc.documentElement : doc.body;
+			// Returns viewport size excluding scrollbars
+			return {
+				x: win.pageXOffset || rootElm.scrollLeft,
+				y: win.pageYOffset || rootElm.scrollTop,
+				w: win.innerWidth || rootElm.clientWidth,
+				h: win.innerHeight || rootElm.clientHeight
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the rectangle for a specific element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRect
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm Element object or element ID to get rectangle from.
+		 * @return {object} Rectangle for specified element object with x, y, w, h fields.
+		 */
+		getRect: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, pos, size;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			pos = self.getPos(elm);
+			size = self.getSize(elm);
+			return {
+				x: pos.x, y: pos.y,
+				w: size.w, h: size.h
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the size dimensions of the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSize
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm Element object or element ID to get rectangle from.
+		 * @return {object} Rectangle for specified element object with w, h fields.
+		 */
+		getSize: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, w, h;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			w = self.getStyle(elm, 'width');
+			h = self.getStyle(elm, 'height');
+			// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
+			if (w.indexOf('px') === -1) {
+				w = 0;
+			}
+			// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
+			if (h.indexOf('px') === -1) {
+				h = 0;
+			}
+			return {
+				w: parseInt(w, 10) || elm.offsetWidth || elm.clientWidth,
+				h: parseInt(h, 10) || elm.offsetHeight || elm.clientHeight
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a node by the specified selector function. This function will
+		 * loop through all parent nodes and call the specified function for each node.
+		 * If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for, the loop execution will then end
+		 * and the node it found will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParent
+		 * @param {Node/String} node DOM node to search parents on or ID string.
+		 * @param {function} selector Selection function or CSS selector to execute on each node.
+		 * @param {Node} root Optional root element, never go below this point.
+		 * @return {Node} DOM Node or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getParent: function(node, selector, root) {
+			return this.getParents(node, selector, root, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a node list of all parents matching the specified selector function or pattern.
+		 * If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for and that node will be collected.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParents
+		 * @param {Node/String} node DOM node to search parents on or ID string.
+		 * @param {function} selector Selection function to execute on each node or CSS pattern.
+		 * @param {Node} root Optional root element, never go below this point.
+		 * @return {Array} Array of nodes or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getParents: function(node, selector, root, collect) {
+			var self = this, selectorVal, result = [];
+			node = self.get(node);
+			collect = collect === undefined;
+			// Default root on inline mode
+			root = root || (self.getRoot().nodeName != 'BODY' ? self.getRoot().parentNode : null);
+			// Wrap node name as func
+			if (is(selector, 'string')) {
+				selectorVal = selector;
+				if (selector === '*') {
+					selector = function(node) {return node.nodeType == 1;};
+				} else {
+					selector = function(node) {
+						return self.is(node, selectorVal);
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			while (node) {
+				if (node == root || !node.nodeType || node.nodeType === 9) {
+					break;
+				}
+				if (!selector || selector(node)) {
+					if (collect) {
+						result.push(node);
+					} else {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			return collect ? result : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified element by ID or the input element if it isn't a string.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String/Element} n Element id to look for or element to just pass though.
+		 * @return {Element} Element matching the specified id or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		get: function(elm) {
+			var name;
+			if (elm && this.doc && typeof(elm) == 'string') {
+				name = elm;
+				elm = this.doc.getElementById(elm);
+				// IE and Opera returns meta elements when they match the specified input ID, but getElementsByName seems to do the trick
+				if (elm && elm.id !== name) {
+					return this.doc.getElementsByName(name)[1];
+				}
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the next node that matches selector or function
+		 *
+		 * @method getNext
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from.
+		 * @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function.
+		 * @return {Node} Next node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getNext: function(node, selector) {
+			return this._findSib(node, selector, 'nextSibling');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the previous node that matches selector or function
+		 *
+		 * @method getPrev
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from.
+		 * @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function.
+		 * @return {Node} Previous node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getPrev: function(node, selector) {
+			return this._findSib(node, selector, 'previousSibling');
+		},
+		// #ifndef jquery
+		/**
+		 * Selects specific elements by a CSS level 3 pattern. For example "div#a1 p.test".
+		 * This function is optimized for the most common patterns needed in TinyMCE but it also performs well enough
+		 * on more complex patterns.
+		 *
+		 * @method select
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS level 3 pattern to select/find elements by.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional root element/scope element to search in.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with all matched elements.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Adds a class to all spans that have the test class in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('span.test'), 'someclass')
+		 */
+		select: function(selector, scope) {
+			var self = this;
+			//Sizzle.selectors.cacheLength = 0;
+			return Sizzle(selector, self.get(scope) || self.get(self.settings.root_element) || self.doc, []);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element matches the specified css pattern.
+		 *
+		 * @method is
+		 * @param {Node/NodeList} elm DOM node to match or an array of nodes to match.
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS pattern to match the element against.
+		 */
+		is: function(elm, selector) {
+			var i;
+			// If it isn't an array then try to do some simple selectors instead of Sizzle for to boost performance
+			if (elm.length === undefined) {
+				// Simple all selector
+				if (selector === '*') {
+					return elm.nodeType == 1;
+				}
+				// Simple selector just elements
+				if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) {
+					selector = selector.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
+					elm = elm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+					for (i = selector.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						if (selector[i] == elm) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			// Is non element
+			if (elm.nodeType && elm.nodeType != 1) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			var elms = elm.nodeType ? [elm] : elm;
+			return Sizzle(selector, elms[0].ownerDocument || elms[0], null, elms).length > 0;
+		},
+		// #endif
+		/**
+		 * Adds the specified element to another element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} parentElm Element id string, DOM node element or array of ids or elements to add to.
+		 * @param {String/Element} name Name of new element to add or existing element to add.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object collection with arguments to add to the new element(s).
+		 * @param {String} html Optional inner HTML contents to add for each element.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} Element that got created, or an array of created elements if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a new paragraph to the end of the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.add(tinymce.activeEditor.getBody(), 'p', {title: 'my title'}, 'Some content');
+		 */
+		add: function(parentElm, name, attrs, html, create) {
+			var self = this;
+			return this.run(parentElm, function(parentElm) {
+				var newElm;
+				newElm = is(name, 'string') ? self.doc.createElement(name) : name;
+				self.setAttribs(newElm, attrs);
+				if (html) {
+					if (html.nodeType) {
+						newElm.appendChild(html);
+					} else {
+						self.setHTML(newElm, html);
+					}
+				}
+				return !create ? parentElm.appendChild(newElm) : newElm;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new element.
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {String} name Name of new element.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object name/value collection with element attributes.
+		 * @param {String} html Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM node element that got created.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds an element where the caret/selection is in the active editor
+		 * var el = tinymce.activeEditor.dom.create('div', {id: 'test', 'class': 'myclass'}, 'some content');
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setNode(el);
+		 */
+		create: function(name, attrs, html) {
+			return this.add(this.doc.createElement(name), name, attrs, html, 1);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates HTML string for element. The element will be closed unless an empty inner HTML string is passed in.
+		 *
+		 * @method createHTML
+		 * @param {String} name Name of new element.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object name/value collection with element attributes.
+		 * @param {String} html Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @return {String} String with new HTML element, for example: <a href="#">test</a>.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Creates a html chunk and inserts it at the current selection/caret location
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.createHTML('a', {href: 'test.html'}, 'some line'));
+		 */
+		createHTML: function(name, attrs, html) {
+			var outHtml = '', key;
+			outHtml += '<' + name;
+			for (key in attrs) {
+				if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && attrs[key] !== null) {
+					outHtml += ' ' + key + '="' + this.encode(attrs[key]) + '"';
+				}
+			}
+			// A call to tinymce.is doesn't work for some odd reason on IE9 possible bug inside their JS runtime
+			if (typeof(html) != "undefined") {
+				return outHtml + '>' + html + '</' + name + '>';
+			}
+			return outHtml + ' />';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a document fragment out of the specified HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method createFragment
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to create fragment from.
+		 * @return {DocumentFragment} Document fragment node.
+		 */
+		createFragment: function(html) {
+			var frag, node, doc = this.doc, container;
+			container = doc.createElement("div");
+			frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+			if (html) {
+				container.innerHTML = html;
+			}
+			while ((node = container.firstChild)) {
+				frag.appendChild(node);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes/deletes the specified element(s) from the DOM.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} node ID of element or DOM element object or array containing multiple elements/ids.
+		 * @param {Boolean} keep_children Optional state to keep children or not. If set to true all children will be
+		 * placed at the location of the removed element.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} HTML DOM element that got removed, or an array of removed elements if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Removes all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.remove(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'));
+		 *
+		 * // Removes an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.remove('mydiv');
+		 */
+		remove: function(node, keep_children) {
+			return this.run(node, function(node) {
+				var child, parent = node.parentNode;
+				if (!parent) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				if (keep_children) {
+					while ((child = node.firstChild)) {
+						// IE 8 will crash if you don't remove completely empty text nodes
+						if (!isIE || child.nodeType !== 3 || child.nodeValue) {
+							parent.insertBefore(child, node);
+						} else {
+							node.removeChild(child);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return parent.removeChild(node);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the CSS style value on a HTML element. The name can be a camelcase string
+		 * or the CSS style name like background-color.
+		 *
+		 * @method setStyle
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} n HTML element/Element ID or Array of elements/ids to set CSS style value on.
+		 * @param {String} na Name of the style value to set.
+		 * @param {String} v Value to set on the style.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets a style value on all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setStyle(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'background-color', 'red');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets a style value to an element by id in the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setStyle('mydiv', 'background-color', 'red');
+		 */
+		setStyle: function(elm, name, value) {
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var self = this, style, key;
+				if (name) {
+					if (typeof(name) === 'string') {
+						style = elm.style;
+						// Camelcase it, if needed
+						name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
+							return b.toUpperCase();
+						});
+						// Default px suffix on these
+						if (typeof(value) === 'number' && !numericCssMap[name]) {
+							value += 'px';
+						}
+						// IE specific opacity
+						if (name === "opacity" && elm.runtimeStyle && typeof(elm.runtimeStyle.opacity) === "undefined") {
+							style.filter = value === '' ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + (value * 100) + ")";
+						}
+						if (name == "float") {
+							// Old IE vs modern browsers
+							name = "cssFloat" in elm.style ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat";
+						}
+						try {
+							style[name] = value;
+						} catch (ex) {
+							// Ignore IE errors
+						}
+						// Force update of the style data
+						if (self.settings.update_styles) {
+							elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-style');
+						}
+					} else {
+						for (key in name) {
+							self.setStyle(elm, key, name[key]);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current style or runtime/computed value of an element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getStyle
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm HTML element or element id string to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to return.
+		 * @param {Boolean} computed Computed style.
+		 * @return {String} Current style or computed style value of an element.
+		 */
+		getStyle: function(elm, name, computed) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// W3C
+			if (this.doc.defaultView && computed) {
+				// Remove camelcase
+				name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a){
+					return '-' + a;
+				});
+				try {
+					return this.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(name);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Old safari might fail
+					return null;
+				}
+			}
+			// Camelcase it, if needed
+			name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
+				return b.toUpperCase();
+			});
+			if (name == 'float') {
+				name = isIE ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat';
+			}
+			// IE & Opera
+			if (elm.currentStyle && computed) {
+				return elm.currentStyle[name];
+			}
+			return elm.style ? elm.style[name] : undefined;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets multiple styles on the specified element(s).
+		 *
+		 * @method setStyles
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set styles on.
+		 * @param {Object} o Name/Value collection of style items to add to the element(s).
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets styles on all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setStyles(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'green'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets styles to an element by id in the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setStyles('mydiv', {'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'green'});
+		 */
+		setStyles: function(elm, styles) {
+			this.setStyle(elm, styles);
+		},
+		css: function(elm, name, value) {
+			this.setStyle(elm, name, value);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all attributes from an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeAllAttribs
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to remove attributes from.
+		 */
+		removeAllAttribs: function(e) {
+			return this.run(e, function(e) {
+				var i, attrs = e.attributes;
+				for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					e.removeAttributeNode(attrs.item(i));
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified attribute of an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setAttrib
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attribute on.
+		 * @param {String} n Name of attribute to set.
+		 * @param {String} v Value to set on the attribute - if this value is falsy like null, 0 or '' it will remove the attribute instead.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets class attribute on all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setAttrib(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'class', 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets class attribute on a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.dom.setAttrib('mydiv', 'class', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		setAttrib: function(e, n, v) {
+			var self = this;
+			// What's the point
+			if (!e || !n) {
+				return;
+			}
+			return this.run(e, function(e) {
+				var s = self.settings;
+				var originalValue = e.getAttribute(n);
+				if (v !== null) {
+					switch (n) {
+						case "style":
+							if (!is(v, 'string')) {
+								each(v, function(v, n) {
+									self.setStyle(e, n, v);
+								});
+								return;
+							}
+							// No mce_style for elements with these since they might get resized by the user
+							if (s.keep_values) {
+								if (v) {
+									e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v, 2);
+								} else {
+									e.removeAttribute('data-mce-style', 2);
+								}
+							}
+							e.style.cssText = v;
+							break;
+						case "class":
+							e.className = v || ''; // Fix IE null bug
+							break;
+						case "src":
+						case "href":
+							if (s.keep_values) {
+								if (s.url_converter) {
+									v = s.url_converter.call(s.url_converter_scope || self, v, n, e);
+								}
+								self.setAttrib(e, 'data-mce-' + n, v, 2);
+							}
+							break;
+						case "shape":
+							e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v);
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (is(v) && v !== null && v.length !== 0) {
+					e.setAttribute(n, '' + v, 2);
+				} else {
+					e.removeAttribute(n, 2);
+				}
+				// fire onChangeAttrib event for attributes that have changed
+				if (originalValue != v && s.onSetAttrib) {
+					s.onSetAttrib({attrElm: e, attrName: n, attrValue: v});
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets two or more specified attributes of an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setAttribs
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attributes on.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Name/Value collection of attribute items to add to the element(s).
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets class and title attributes on all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setAttribs(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'class': 'myclass', title: 'some title'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets class and title attributes on a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setAttribs('mydiv', {'class': 'myclass', title: 'some title'});
+		 */
+		setAttribs: function(elm, attrs) {
+			var self = this;
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				each(attrs, function(value, name) {
+					self.setAttrib(elm, name, value);
+				});
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified attribute by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAttrib
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm Element string id or DOM element to get attribute from.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of attribute to get.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to return if the attribute didn't exist.
+		 * @return {String} Attribute value string, default value or null if the attribute wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getAttrib: function(elm, name, defaultVal) {
+			var value, self = this, undef;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			if (!elm || elm.nodeType !== 1) {
+				return defaultVal === undef ? false : defaultVal;
+			}
+			if (!is(defaultVal)) {
+				defaultVal = '';
+			}
+			// Try the mce variant for these
+			if (/^(src|href|style|coords|shape)$/.test(name)) {
+				value = elm.getAttribute("data-mce-" + name);
+				if (value) {
+					return value;
+				}
+			}
+			if (isIE && self.props[name]) {
+				value = elm[self.props[name]];
+				value = value && value.nodeValue ? value.nodeValue : value;
+			}
+			if (!value) {
+				value = elm.getAttribute(name, 2);
+			}
+			// Check boolean attribs
+			if (/^(checked|compact|declare|defer|disabled|ismap|multiple|nohref|noshade|nowrap|readonly|selected)$/.test(name)) {
+				if (elm[self.props[name]] === true && value === '') {
+					return name;
+				}
+				return value ? name : '';
+			}
+			// Inner input elements will override attributes on form elements
+			if (elm.nodeName === "FORM" && elm.getAttributeNode(name)) {
+				return elm.getAttributeNode(name).nodeValue;
+			}
+			if (name === 'style') {
+				value = value || elm.style.cssText;
+				if (value) {
+					value = self.serializeStyle(self.parseStyle(value), elm.nodeName);
+					if (self.settings.keep_values) {
+						elm.setAttribute('data-mce-style', value);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove Apple and WebKit stuff
+			if (isWebKit && name === "class" && value) {
+				value = value.replace(/(apple|webkit)\-[a-z\-]+/gi, '');
+			}
+			// Handle IE issues
+			if (isIE) {
+				switch (name) {
+					case 'rowspan':
+					case 'colspan':
+						// IE returns 1 as default value
+						if (value === 1) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'size':
+						// IE returns +0 as default value for size
+						if (value === '+0' || value === 20 || value === 0) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'width':
+					case 'height':
+					case 'vspace':
+					case 'checked':
+					case 'disabled':
+					case 'readonly':
+						if (value === 0) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'hspace':
+						// IE returns -1 as default value
+						if (value === -1) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'maxlength':
+					case 'tabindex':
+						// IE returns default value
+						if (value === 32768 || value === 2147483647 || value === '32768') {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'multiple':
+					case 'compact':
+					case 'noshade':
+					case 'nowrap':
+						if (value === 65535) {
+							return name;
+						}
+						return defaultVal;
+					case 'shape':
+						value = value.toLowerCase();
+						break;
+					default:
+						// IE has odd anonymous function for event attributes
+						if (name.indexOf('on') === 0 && value) {
+							value = ('' + value).replace(/^function\s+\w+\(\)\s+\{\s+(.*)\s+\}$/, '$1');
+						}
+				}
+			}
+			return (value !== undef && value !== null && value !== '') ? '' + value : defaultVal;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the absolute x, y position of a node. The position will be returned in an object with x, y fields.
+		 *
+		 * @method getPos
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm HTML element or element id to get x, y position from.
+		 * @param {Element} rootElm Optional root element to stop calculations at.
+		 * @return {object} Absolute position of the specified element object with x, y fields.
+		 */
+		getPos: function(elm, rootElm) {
+			var self = this, x = 0, y = 0, offsetParent, doc = self.doc, pos;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			rootElm = rootElm || doc.body;
+			if (elm) {
+				// Use getBoundingClientRect if it exists since it's faster than looping offset nodes
+				if (rootElm === doc.body && elm.getBoundingClientRect) {
+					pos = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
+					rootElm = self.boxModel ? doc.documentElement : doc.body;
+					// Add scroll offsets from documentElement or body since IE with the wrong box model will use d.body and so do WebKit
+					// Also remove the body/documentelement clientTop/clientLeft on IE 6, 7 since they offset the position
+					x = pos.left + (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft) - rootElm.clientLeft;
+					y = pos.top + (doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop) - rootElm.clientTop;
+					return {x: x, y: y};
+				}
+				offsetParent = elm;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent != rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x += offsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += offsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				offsetParent = elm.parentNode;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent != rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x -= offsetParent.scrollLeft || 0;
+					y -= offsetParent.scrollTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
+				}
+			}
+			return {x: x, y: y};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also
+		 * merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non-hex
+		 * colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings.
+		 *
+		 * @method parseStyle
+		 * @param {String} cssText Style value to parse, for example: border:1px solid red;.
+		 * @return {Object} Object representation of that style, for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+		 */
+		parseStyle: function(cssText) {
+			return this.styles.parse(cssText);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified style object into a string.
+		 *
+		 * @method serializeStyle
+		 * @param {Object} styles Object to serialize as string, for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+		 * @param {String} name Optional element name.
+		 * @return {String} String representation of the style object, for example: border: 1px solid red.
+		 */
+		serializeStyle: function(styles, name) {
+			return this.styles.serialize(styles, name);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a style element at the top of the document with the specified cssText content.
+		 *
+		 * @method addStyle
+		 * @param {String} cssText CSS Text style to add to top of head of document.
+		 */
+		addStyle: function(cssText) {
+			var self = this, doc = self.doc, head, styleElm;
+			// Prevent inline from loading the same styles twice
+			if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
+				var addedStyles = DOMUtils.DOM.addedStyles;
+				addedStyles = addedStyles || [];
+				if (addedStyles[cssText]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				addedStyles[cssText] = true;
+				DOMUtils.DOM.addedStyles = addedStyles;
+			}
+			// Create style element if needed
+			styleElm = doc.getElementById('mceDefaultStyles');
+			if (!styleElm) {
+				styleElm = doc.createElement('style');
+				styleElm.id = 'mceDefaultStyles';
+				styleElm.type = 'text/css';
+				head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+				if (head.firstChild) {
+					head.insertBefore(styleElm, head.firstChild);
+				} else {
+					head.appendChild(styleElm);
+				}
+			}
+			// Append style data to old or new style element
+			if (styleElm.styleSheet) {
+				styleElm.styleSheet.cssText += cssText;
+			} else {
+				styleElm.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(cssText));
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Imports/loads the specified CSS file into the document bound to the class.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadCSS
+		 * @param {String} u URL to CSS file to load.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Loads a CSS file dynamically into the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads a CSS file into the currently active editor instance
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads a CSS file into an editor instance by id
+		 * tinymce.get('someid').dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads multiple CSS files into the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css,somepath/someother.css');
+		 */
+		loadCSS: function(url) {
+			var self = this, doc = self.doc, head;
+			// Prevent inline from loading the same CSS file twice
+			if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
+                DOMUtils.DOM.loadCSS(url);
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!url) {
+				url = '';
+			}
+			head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+			each(url.split(','), function(url) {
+				var link;
+				if (self.files[url]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				self.files[url] = true;
+				link = self.create('link', {rel: 'stylesheet', href: url});
+				// IE 8 has a bug where dynamically loading stylesheets would produce a 1 item remaining bug
+				// This fix seems to resolve that issue by recalcing the document once a stylesheet finishes loading
+				// It's ugly but it seems to work fine.
+				if (isIE && doc.documentMode && doc.recalc) {
+					link.onload = function() {
+						if (doc.recalc) {
+							doc.recalc();
+						}
+						link.onload = null;
+					};
+				}
+				head.appendChild(link);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a class to the specified element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs.
+		 * @param {String} cls Class name to add to each element.
+		 * @return {String/Array} String with new class value or array with new class values for all elements.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Adds a class to a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.addClass('mydiv', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		addClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var clsVal;
+				if (!cls) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+				if (this.hasClass(elm, cls)) {
+					return elm.className;
+				}
+				clsVal = this.removeClass(elm, cls);
+				elm.className = clsVal = (clsVal !== '' ? (clsVal + ' ') : '') + cls;
+				return clsVal;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes a class from the specified element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs.
+		 * @param {String} cls Class name to remove from each element.
+		 * @return {String/Array} String of remaining class name(s), or an array of strings if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Removes a class from all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.removeClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Removes a class from a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.removeClass('mydiv', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		removeClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			var self = this, re;
+			return self.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var val;
+				if (self.hasClass(elm, cls)) {
+					if (!re) {
+						re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + cls + "(\\s+|$)", "g");
+					}
+					val = elm.className.replace(re, ' ');
+					val = trim(val != ' ' ? val : '');
+					elm.className = val;
+					// Empty class attr
+					if (!val) {
+						elm.removeAttribute('class');
+						elm.removeAttribute('className');
+					}
+					return val;
+				}
+				return elm.className;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true if the specified element has the specified class.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String/Element} n HTML element or element id string to check CSS class on.
+		 * @param {String} c CSS class to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the specified element has the specified class.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm || !cls) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			return (' ' + elm.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') !== -1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified class on/off.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggleClass
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to toggle class on.
+		 * @param {[type]} cls Class to toggle on/off.
+		 * @param {[type]} state Optional state to set.
+		 */
+		toggleClass: function(elm, cls, state) {
+			state = state === undefined ? !this.hasClass(elm, cls) : state;
+			if (this.hasClass(elm, cls) !== state) {
+				if (state) {
+					this.addClass(elm, cls);
+				} else {
+					this.removeClass(elm, cls);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to show.
+		 */
+		show: function(elm) {
+			return this.setStyle(elm, 'display', 'block');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} e ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to hide.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Hides an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.hide('myid');
+		 */
+		hide: function(elm) {
+			return this.setStyle(elm, 'display', 'none');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the element is hidden or not by checking the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method isHidden
+		 * @param {String/Element} e Id or element to check display state on.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the element is hidden or not.
+		 */
+		isHidden: function(elm) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			return !elm || elm.style.display == 'none' || this.getStyle(elm, 'display') == 'none';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a unique id. This can be useful when generating elements on the fly.
+		 * This method will not check if the element already exists.
+		 *
+		 * @method uniqueId
+		 * @param {String} prefix Optional prefix to add in front of all ids - defaults to "mce_".
+		 * @return {String} Unique id.
+		 */
+		uniqueId: function(prefix) {
+			return (!prefix ? 'mce_' : prefix) + (this.counter++);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified HTML content inside the element or elements. The HTML will first be processed. This means
+		 * URLs will get converted, hex color values fixed etc. Check processHTML for details.
+		 *
+		 * @method setHTML
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set HTML inside of.
+		 * @param {String} h HTML content to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the inner HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'some inner html');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the inner HTML of an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setHTML('mydiv', 'some inner html');
+		 */
+		setHTML: function(element, html) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(element, function(element) {
+				if (isIE) {
+					// Remove all child nodes, IE keeps empty text nodes in DOM
+					while (element.firstChild) {
+						element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+					}
+					try {
+						// IE will remove comments from the beginning
+						// unless you padd the contents with something
+						element.innerHTML = '<br />' + html;
+						element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE sometimes produces an unknown runtime error on innerHTML if it's a block element
+						// within a block element for example a div inside a p
+						// This seems to fix this problem
+						// Create new div with HTML contents and a BR in front to keep comments
+						var newElement = self.create('div');
+						newElement.innerHTML = '<br />' + html;
+						// Add all children from div to target
+						each(grep(newElement.childNodes), function(node, i) {
+							// Skip br element
+							if (i && element.canHaveHTML) {
+								element.appendChild(node);
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				} else {
+					element.innerHTML = html;
+				}
+				return html;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the outer HTML of an element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getOuterHTML
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm Element ID or element object to get outer HTML from.
+		 * @return {String} Outer HTML string.
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.DOM.getOuterHTML(editorElement);
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.getOuterHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.getBody());
+		 */
+		getOuterHTML: function(elm) {
+			var doc, self = this;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			if (elm.nodeType === 1 && self.hasOuterHTML) {
+				return elm.outerHTML;
+			}
+			doc = (elm.ownerDocument || self.doc).createElement("body");
+			doc.appendChild(elm.cloneNode(true));
+			return doc.innerHTML;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified outer HTML on an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setOuterHTML
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set outer HTML on.
+		 * @param {Object} html HTML code to set as outer value for the element.
+		 * @param {Document} doc Optional document scope to use in this process - defaults to the document of the DOM class.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the outer HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setOuterHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), '<div>some html</div>');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the outer HTML of an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setOuterHTML('mydiv', '<div>some html</div>');
+		 */
+		setOuterHTML: function(elm, html, doc) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				function set() {
+					var node, tempElm;
+					tempElm = doc.createElement("body");
+					tempElm.innerHTML = html;
+					node = tempElm.lastChild;
+					while (node) {
+						self.insertAfter(node.cloneNode(true), elm);
+						node = node.previousSibling;
+					}
+					self.remove(elm);
+				}
+				// Only set HTML on elements
+				if (elm.nodeType == 1) {
+					doc = doc || elm.ownerDocument || self.doc;
+					if (isIE) {
+						try {
+							// Try outerHTML for IE it sometimes produces an unknown runtime error
+							if (elm.nodeType == 1 && self.hasOuterHTML) {
+								elm.outerHTML = html;
+							} else {
+								set();
+							}
+						} catch (ex) {
+							// Fix for unknown runtime error
+							set();
+						}
+					} else {
+						set();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Entity decodes a string. This method decodes any HTML entities, such as &aring;.
+		 *
+		 * @method decode
+		 * @param {String} s String to decode entities on.
+		 * @return {String} Entity decoded string.
+		 */
+		decode: Entities.decode,
+		/**
+		 * Entity encodes a string. This method encodes the most common entities, such as <>"&.
+		 *
+		 * @method encode
+		 * @param {String} text String to encode with entities.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded string.
+		 */
+		encode: Entities.encodeAllRaw,
+		/**
+		 * Inserts an element after the reference element.
+		 *
+		 * @method insertAfter
+		 * @param {Element} node Element to insert after the reference.
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} reference_node Reference element, element id or array of elements to insert after.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} Element that got added or an array with elements.
+		 */
+		insertAfter: function(node, reference_node) {
+			reference_node = this.get(reference_node);
+			return this.run(node, function(node) {
+				var parent, nextSibling;
+				parent = reference_node.parentNode;
+				nextSibling = reference_node.nextSibling;
+				if (nextSibling) {
+					parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling);
+				} else {
+					parent.appendChild(node);
+				}
+				return node;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the specified element or elements with the new element specified. The new element will
+		 * be cloned if multiple input elements are passed in.
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {Element} newElm New element to replace old ones with.
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} oldELm Element DOM node, element id or array of elements or ids to replace.
+		 * @param {Boolean} k Optional keep children state, if set to true child nodes from the old object will be added to new ones.
+		 */
+		replace: function(newElm, oldElm, keepChildren) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(oldElm, function(oldElm) {
+				if (is(oldElm, 'array')) {
+					newElm = newElm.cloneNode(true);
+				}
+				if (keepChildren) {
+					each(grep(oldElm.childNodes), function(node) {
+						newElm.appendChild(node);
+					});
+				}
+				return oldElm.parentNode.replaceChild(newElm, oldElm);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renames the specified element and keeps its attributes and children.
+		 *
+		 * @method rename
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to rename.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the new element.
+		 * @return {Element} New element or the old element if it needed renaming.
+		 */
+		rename: function(elm, name) {
+			var self = this, newElm;
+			if (elm.nodeName != name.toUpperCase()) {
+				// Rename block element
+				newElm = self.create(name);
+				// Copy attribs to new block
+				each(self.getAttribs(elm), function(attr_node) {
+					self.setAttrib(newElm, attr_node.nodeName, self.getAttrib(elm, attr_node.nodeName));
+				});
+				// Replace block
+				self.replace(newElm, elm, 1);
+			}
+			return newElm || elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find the common ancestor of two elements. This is a shorter method than using the DOM Range logic.
+		 *
+		 * @method findCommonAncestor
+		 * @param {Element} a Element to find common ancestor of.
+		 * @param {Element} b Element to find common ancestor of.
+		 * @return {Element} Common ancestor element of the two input elements.
+		 */
+		findCommonAncestor: function(a, b) {
+			var ps = a, pe;
+			while (ps) {
+				pe = b;
+				while (pe && ps != pe) {
+					pe = pe.parentNode;
+				}
+				if (ps == pe) {
+					break;
+				}
+				ps = ps.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!ps && a.ownerDocument) {
+				return a.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+			}
+			return ps;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color.
+		 *
+		 * @method toHex
+		 * @param {String} rgbVal RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3)
+		 * @return {String} Hex version of that RGB value like #FF00FF.
+		 */
+		toHex: function(rgbVal) {
+			return this.styles.toHex(Tools.trim(rgbVal));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified function on the element by id or dom element node or array of elements/id.
+		 *
+		 * @method run
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} Element ID or DOM element object or array with ids or elements.
+		 * @param {function} f Function to execute for each item.
+		 * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Object/Array} Single object, or an array of objects if multiple input elements were passed in.
+		 */
+		run: function(elm, func, scope) {
+			var self = this, result;
+			if (typeof(elm) === 'string') {
+				elm = self.get(elm);
+			}
+			if (!elm) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			scope = scope || this;
+			if (!elm.nodeType && (elm.length || elm.length === 0)) {
+				result = [];
+				each(elm, function(elm, i) {
+					if (elm) {
+						if (typeof(elm) == 'string') {
+							elm = self.get(elm);
+						}
+						result.push(func.call(scope, elm, i));
+					}
+				});
+				return result;
+			}
+			return func.call(scope, elm);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a NodeList with attributes for the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAttribs
+		 * @param {HTMLElement/string} elm Element node or string id to get attributes from.
+		 * @return {NodeList} NodeList with attributes.
+		 */
+		getAttribs: function(elm) {
+			var attrs;
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return [];
+			}
+			if (isIE) {
+				attrs = [];
+				// Object will throw exception in IE
+				if (elm.nodeName == 'OBJECT') {
+					return elm.attributes;
+				}
+				// IE doesn't keep the selected attribute if you clone option elements
+				if (elm.nodeName === 'OPTION' && this.getAttrib(elm, 'selected')) {
+					attrs.push({specified: 1, nodeName: 'selected'});
+				}
+				// It's crazy that this is faster in IE but it's because it returns all attributes all the time
+				var attrRegExp = /<\/?[\w:\-]+ ?|=[\"][^\"]+\"|=\'[^\']+\'|=[\w\-]+|>/gi;
+				elm.cloneNode(false).outerHTML.replace(attrRegExp, '').replace(/[\w:\-]+/gi, function(a) {
+					attrs.push({specified: 1, nodeName: a});
+				});
+				return attrs;
+			}
+			return elm.attributes;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified node is to be considered empty or not.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.DOM.isEmpty(node, {img: true});
+		 * @method isEmpty
+		 * @param {Object} elements Optional name/value object with elements that are automatically treated as non-empty elements.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is empty or not.
+		 */
+		isEmpty: function(node, elements) {
+			var self = this, i, attributes, type, walker, name, brCount = 0;
+			node = node.firstChild;
+			if (node) {
+				walker = new TreeWalker(node, node.parentNode);
+				elements = elements || self.schema ? self.schema.getNonEmptyElements() : null;
+				do {
+					type = node.nodeType;
+					if (type === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						// Keep empty elements like <img />
+						name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						if (elements && elements[name]) {
+							// Ignore single BR elements in blocks like <p><br /></p> or <p><span><br /></span></p>
+							if (name === 'br') {
+								brCount++;
+								continue;
+							}
+							return false;
+						}
+						// Keep elements with data-bookmark attributes or name attribute like <a name="1"></a>
+						attributes = self.getAttribs(node);
+						i = node.attributes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							name = node.attributes[i].nodeName;
+							if (name === "name" || name === 'data-mce-bookmark') {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Keep comment nodes
+					if (type == 8) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if ((type === 3 && !whiteSpaceRegExp.test(node.nodeValue))) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				} while ((node = walker.next()));
+			}
+			return brCount <= 1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new DOM Range object. This will use the native DOM Range API if it's
+		 * available. If it's not, it will fall back to the custom TinyMCE implementation.
+		 *
+		 * @method createRng
+		 * @return {DOMRange} DOM Range object.
+		 * @example
+		 * var rng = tinymce.DOM.createRng();
+		 * alert(rng.startContainer + "," + rng.startOffset);
+		 */
+		createRng: function() {
+			var doc = this.doc;
+			return doc.createRange ? doc.createRange() : new Range(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the index of the specified node within its parent.
+		 *
+		 * @method nodeIndex
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to look for.
+		 * @param {boolean} normalized Optional true/false state if the index is what it would be after a normalization.
+		 * @return {Number} Index of the specified node.
+		 */
+		nodeIndex: function(node, normalized) {
+			var idx = 0, lastNodeType, nodeType;
+			if (node) {
+				for (lastNodeType = node.nodeType, node = node.previousSibling; node; node = node.previousSibling) {
+					nodeType = node.nodeType;
+					// Normalize text nodes
+					if (normalized && nodeType == 3) {
+						if (nodeType == lastNodeType || !node.nodeValue.length) {
+							continue;
+						}
+					}
+					idx++;
+					lastNodeType = nodeType;
+				}
+			}
+			return idx;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Splits an element into two new elements and places the specified split
+		 * element or elements between the new ones. For example splitting the paragraph at the bold element in
+		 * this example <p>abc<b>abc</b>123</p> would produce <p>abc</p><b>abc</b><p>123</p>.
+		 *
+		 * @method split
+		 * @param {Element} parentElm Parent element to split.
+		 * @param {Element} splitElm Element to split at.
+		 * @param {Element} replacementElm Optional replacement element to replace the split element with.
+		 * @return {Element} Returns the split element or the replacement element if that is specified.
+		 */
+		split: function(parentElm, splitElm, replacementElm) {
+			var self = this, r = self.createRng(), bef, aft, pa;
+			// W3C valid browsers tend to leave empty nodes to the left/right side of the contents - this makes sense
+			// but we don't want that in our code since it serves no purpose for the end user
+			// For example splitting this html at the bold element:
+			//   <p>text 1<span><b>CHOP</b></span>text 2</p>
+			// would produce:
+			//   <p>text 1<span></span></p><b>CHOP</b><p><span></span>text 2</p>
+			// this function will then trim off empty edges and produce:
+			//   <p>text 1</p><b>CHOP</b><p>text 2</p>
+			function trimNode(node) {
+				var i, children = node.childNodes, type = node.nodeType;
+				function surroundedBySpans(node) {
+					var previousIsSpan = node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName == 'SPAN';
+					var nextIsSpan = node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'SPAN';
+					return previousIsSpan && nextIsSpan;
+				}
+				if (type == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') {
+					return;
+				}
+				for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					trimNode(children[i]);
+				}
+				if (type != 9) {
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if (type == 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+						// If parent element isn't a block or there isn't any useful contents for example "<p>   </p>"
+						// Also keep text nodes with only spaces if surrounded by spans.
+						// eg. "<p><span>a</span> <span>b</span></p>" should keep space between a and b
+						var trimmedLength = trim(node.nodeValue).length;
+						if (!self.isBlock(node.parentNode) || trimmedLength > 0 || trimmedLength === 0 && surroundedBySpans(node)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} else if (type == 1) {
+						// If the only child is a bookmark then move it up
+						children = node.childNodes;
+						// TODO fix this complex if
+						if (children.length == 1 && children[0] && children[0].nodeType == 1 &&
+							children[0].getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') {
+							node.parentNode.insertBefore(children[0], node);
+						}
+						// Keep non empty elements or img, hr etc
+						if (children.length || /^(br|hr|input|img)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					self.remove(node);
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			if (parentElm && splitElm) {
+				// Get before chunk
+				r.setStart(parentElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(parentElm));
+				r.setEnd(splitElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(splitElm));
+				bef = r.extractContents();
+				// Get after chunk
+				r = self.createRng();
+				r.setStart(splitElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(splitElm) + 1);
+				r.setEnd(parentElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(parentElm) + 1);
+				aft = r.extractContents();
+				// Insert before chunk
+				pa = parentElm.parentNode;
+				pa.insertBefore(trimNode(bef), parentElm);
+				// Insert middle chunk
+				if (replacementElm) {
+					pa.replaceChild(replacementElm, splitElm);
+				} else {
+					pa.insertBefore(splitElm, parentElm);
+				}
+				// Insert after chunk
+				pa.insertBefore(trimNode(aft), parentElm);
+				self.remove(parentElm);
+				return replacementElm || splitElm;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds an event handler to the specified object.
+		 *
+		 * @method bind
+		 * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array} target Target element to bind events to.
+		 * handler to or an array of elements/ids/documents.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of event handler to add, for example: click.
+		 * @param {function} func Function to execute when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {function} Function callback handler the same as the one passed in.
+		 */
+		bind: function(target, name, func, scope) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (Tools.isArray(target)) {
+				var i = target.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target[i] = self.bind(target[i], name, func, scope);
+				}
+				return target;
+			}
+			// Collect all window/document events bound by editor instance
+			if (self.settings.collect && (target === self.doc || target === self.win)) {
+				self.boundEvents.push([target, name, func, scope]);
+			}
+			return self.events.bind(target, name, func, scope || self);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified event handler by name and function from an element or collection of elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method unbind
+		 * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array} target Target element to unbind events on.
+		 * @param {String} name Event handler name, for example: "click"
+		 * @param {function} func Function to remove.
+		 * @return {bool/Array} Bool state of true if the handler was removed, or an array of states if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 */
+		unbind: function(target, name, func) {
+			var self = this, i;
+			if (Tools.isArray(target)) {
+				i = target.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target[i] = self.unbind(target[i], name, func);
+				}
+				return target;
+			}
+			// Remove any bound events matching the input
+			if (self.boundEvents && (target === self.doc || target === self.win)) {
+				i = self.boundEvents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					var item = self.boundEvents[i];
+					if (target == item[0] && (!name || name == item[1]) && (!func || func == item[2])) {
+						this.events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return this.events.unbind(target, name, func);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event name with object on target.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {Node/Document/Window} target Target element or object to fire event on.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} evt Event object to send.
+		 * @return {Event} Event object.
+		 */
+		fire: function(target, name, evt) {
+			return this.events.fire(target, name, evt);
+		},
+		// Returns the content editable state of a node
+		getContentEditable: function(node) {
+			var contentEditable;
+			// Check type
+			if (node.nodeType != 1) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			// Check for fake content editable
+			contentEditable = node.getAttribute("data-mce-contenteditable");
+			if (contentEditable && contentEditable !== "inherit") {
+				return contentEditable;
+			}
+			// Check for real content editable
+			return node.contentEditable !== "inherit" ? node.contentEditable : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Destroys all internal references to the DOM to solve IE leak issues.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 */
+		destroy: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			// Unbind all events bound to window/document by editor instance
+			if (self.boundEvents) {
+				var i = self.boundEvents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					var item = self.boundEvents[i];
+					this.events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
+				}
+				self.boundEvents = null;
+			}
+			// Restore sizzle document to window.document
+			// Since the current document might be removed producing "Permission denied" on IE see #6325
+			if (Sizzle.setDocument) {
+				Sizzle.setDocument();
+			}
+			self.win = self.doc = self.root = self.events = self.frag = null;
+		},
+		// #ifdef debug
+		dumpRng: function(r) {
+			return (
+				'startContainer: ' + r.startContainer.nodeName +
+				', startOffset: ' + r.startOffset +
+				', endContainer: ' + r.endContainer.nodeName +
+				', endOffset: ' + r.endOffset
+			);
+		},
+		// #endif
+		_findSib: function(node, selector, name) {
+			var self = this, func = selector;
+			if (node) {
+				// If expression make a function of it using is
+				if (typeof(func) == 'string') {
+					func = function(node) {
+						return self.is(node, selector);
+					};
+				}
+				// Loop all siblings
+				for (node = node[name]; node; node = node[name]) {
+					if (func(node)) {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Instance of DOMUtils for the current document.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @property DOM
+	 * @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+	 * @example
+	 * // Example of how to add a class to some element by id
+	 * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+	 */
+	DOMUtils.DOM = new DOMUtils(document);
+	return DOMUtils;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/DomQuery.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/DomQuery.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..838c98256fa2afcc53198c29bd23a3f73c3ceb5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/DomQuery.js
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+ * DomQuery.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ *
+ * Some of this logic is based on jQuery code that is released under
+ * MIT license that grants us to sublicense it under LGPL.
+ *
+ * @ignore-file
+ */
+ * @class tinymce.dom.DomQuery
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/DomQuery", [
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/Sizzle"
+], function(EventUtils, Sizzle) {
+	var doc = document, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+	var rquickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/;
+	var Event = EventUtils.Event;
+	function isDefined(obj) {
+		return typeof obj !== "undefined";
+	}
+	function isString(obj) {
+		return typeof obj === "string";
+	}
+	function createFragment(html) {
+		var frag, node, container;
+		container = doc.createElement("div");
+		frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+		container.innerHTML = html;
+		while ((node = container.firstChild)) {
+			frag.appendChild(node);
+		}
+		return frag;
+	}
+	function domManipulate(targetNodes, sourceItem, callback) {
+		var i;
+		if (typeof sourceItem === "string") {
+			sourceItem = createFragment(sourceItem);
+		} else if (sourceItem.length) {
+			for (i = 0; i < sourceItem.length; i++) {
+				domManipulate(targetNodes, sourceItem[i], callback);
+			}
+			return targetNodes;
+		}
+		i = targetNodes.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			callback.call(targetNodes[i], sourceItem.parentNode ? sourceItem : sourceItem);
+		}
+		return targetNodes;
+	}
+	function hasClass(node, className) {
+		return node && className && (' ' + node.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') !== -1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Makes a map object out of a string that gets separated by a delimiter.
+	 *
+	 * @method makeMap
+	 * @param {String} items Item string to split.
+	 * @param {Object} map Optional object to add items to.
+	 * @return {Object} name/value object with items as keys.
+	 */
+	function makeMap(items, map) {
+		var i;
+		items = items || [];
+		if (typeof(items) == "string") {
+			items = items.split(' ');
+		}
+		map = map || {};
+		i = items.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			map[items[i]] = {};
+		}
+		return map;
+	}
+	var numericCssMap = makeMap('fillOpacity fontWeight lineHeight opacity orphans widows zIndex zoom');
+	function DomQuery(selector, context) {
+		/*eslint new-cap:0 */
+		return new DomQuery.fn.init(selector, context);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Extends the specified object with another object.
+	 *
+	 * @method extend
+	 * @param {Object} target Object to extend.
+	 * @param {Object..} obj Multiple objects to extend with.
+	 * @return {Object} Same as target, the extended object.
+	 */
+	function extend(target) {
+		var args = arguments, arg, i, key;
+		for (i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
+			arg = args[i];
+			for (key in arg) {
+				target[key] = arg[key];
+			}
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts the specified object into a real JavaScript array.
+	 *
+	 * @method toArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to convert into array.
+	 * @return {Array} Array object based in input.
+	 */
+	function toArray(obj) {
+		var array = [], i, l;
+		for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
+			array[i] = obj[i];
+		}
+		return array;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the index of the specified item inside the array.
+	 *
+	 * @method inArray
+	 * @param {Object} item Item to look for.
+	 * @param {Array} array Array to look for item in.
+	 * @return {Number} Index of the item or -1.
+	 */
+	function inArray(item, array) {
+		var i;
+		if (array.indexOf) {
+			return array.indexOf(item);
+		}
+		i = array.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			if (array[i] === item) {
+				return i;
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns true/false if the specified object is an array.
+	 *
+	 * @method isArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to check if it's an array.
+	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the input object is array or not.
+	 */
+	var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
+		return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
+	};
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
+	function trim(str) {
+		return (str === null || str === undefined) ? '' : ("" + str).replace(whiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Executes the callback function for each item in array/object. If you return false in the
+	 * callback it will break the loop.
+	 *
+	 * @method each
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to iterate.
+	 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute for each item.
+	 */
+	function each(obj, callback) {
+		var length, key, i, undef, value;
+		if (obj) {
+			length = obj.length;
+			if (length === undef) {
+				// Loop object items
+				for (key in obj) {
+					if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+						value = obj[key];
+						if (callback.call(value, value, key) === false) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Loop array items
+				for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+					value = obj[i];
+					if (callback.call(value, value, key) === false) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return obj;
+	}
+	DomQuery.fn = DomQuery.prototype = {
+		constructor: DomQuery,
+		selector: "",
+		length: 0,
+		init: function(selector, context) {
+			var self = this, match, node;
+			if (!selector) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (selector.nodeType) {
+				self.context = self[0] = selector;
+				self.length = 1;
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (isString(selector)) {
+				if (selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt(selector.length - 1) === ">" && selector.length >= 3) {
+					match = [null, selector, null];
+				} else {
+					match = rquickExpr.exec(selector);
+				}
+				if (match) {
+					if (match[1]) {
+						node = createFragment(selector).firstChild;
+						while (node) {
+							this.add(node);
+							node = node.nextSibling;
+						}
+					} else {
+						node = doc.getElementById(match[2]);
+						if (node.id !== match[2]) {
+							return self.find(selector);
+						}
+						self.length = 1;
+						self[0] = node;
+					}
+				} else {
+					return DomQuery(context || document).find(selector);
+				}
+			} else {
+				this.add(selector);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		toArray: function() {
+			return toArray(this);
+		},
+		add: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			// Force single item into array
+			if (!isArray(items)) {
+				if (items instanceof DomQuery) {
+					self.add(items.toArray());
+				} else {
+					push.call(self, items);
+				}
+			} else {
+				push.apply(self, items);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		attr: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof name === "object") {
+				each(name, function(value, name) {
+					self.attr(name, value);
+				});
+			} else if (isDefined(value)) {
+				this.each(function() {
+					if (this.nodeType === 1) {
+						this.setAttribute(name, value);
+					}
+				});
+			} else {
+				return self[0] && self[0].nodeType === 1 ? self[0].getAttribute(name) : undefined;
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		css: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof name === "object") {
+				each(name, function(value, name) {
+					self.css(name, value);
+				});
+			} else {
+				// Camelcase it, if needed
+				name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
+					return b.toUpperCase();
+				});
+				if (isDefined(value)) {
+					// Default px suffix on these
+					if (typeof(value) === 'number' && !numericCssMap[name]) {
+						value += 'px';
+					}
+					self.each(function() {
+						var style = this.style;
+						// IE specific opacity
+						if (name === "opacity" && this.runtimeStyle && typeof(this.runtimeStyle.opacity) === "undefined") {
+							style.filter = value === '' ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + (value * 100) + ")";
+						}
+						try {
+							style[name] = value;
+						} catch (ex) {
+							// Ignore
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					return self[0] ? self[0].style[name] : undefined;
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, node, i = this.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = self[i];
+				Event.clean(node);
+				if (node.parentNode) {
+					node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		},
+		empty: function() {
+			var self = this, node, i = this.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = self[i];
+				while (node.firstChild) {
+					node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		},
+		html: function(value) {
+			var self = this, i;
+			if (isDefined(value)) {
+				i = self.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					self[i].innerHTML = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self[0] ? self[0].innerHTML : '';
+		},
+		text: function(value) {
+			var self = this, i;
+			if (isDefined(value)) {
+				i = self.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					self[i].innerText = self[0].textContent = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self[0] ? self[0].innerText || self[0].textContent : '';
+		},
+		append: function() {
+			return domManipulate(this, arguments, function(node) {
+				if (this.nodeType === 1) {
+					this.appendChild(node);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		prepend: function() {
+			return domManipulate(this, arguments, function(node) {
+				if (this.nodeType === 1) {
+					this.insertBefore(node, this.firstChild);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		before: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self[0] && self[0].parentNode) {
+				return domManipulate(self, arguments, function(node) {
+					this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this.nextSibling);
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		after: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self[0] && self[0].parentNode) {
+				return domManipulate(self, arguments, function(node) {
+					this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this);
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		appendTo: function(val) {
+			DomQuery(val).append(this);
+			return this;
+		},
+		addClass: function(className) {
+			return this.toggleClass(className, true);
+		},
+		removeClass: function(className) {
+			return this.toggleClass(className, false);
+		},
+		toggleClass: function(className, state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (className.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
+				each(className.split(' '), function() {
+					self.toggleClass(this, state);
+				});
+			} else {
+				self.each(function(node) {
+					var existingClassName;
+					if (hasClass(node, className) !== state) {
+						existingClassName = node.className;
+						if (state) {
+							node.className += existingClassName ? ' ' + className : className;
+						} else {
+							node.className = trim((" " + existingClassName + " ").replace(' ' + className + ' ', ' '));
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		hasClass: function(className) {
+			return hasClass(this[0], className);
+		},
+		each: function(callback) {
+			return each(this, callback);
+		},
+		on: function(name, callback) {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				Event.bind(this, name, callback);
+			});
+		},
+		off: function(name, callback) {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				Event.unbind(this, name, callback);
+			});
+		},
+		show: function() {
+			return this.css('display', '');
+		},
+		hide: function() {
+			return this.css('display', 'none');
+		},
+		slice: function() {
+			return new DomQuery(slice.apply(this, arguments));
+		},
+		eq: function(index) {
+			return index === -1 ? this.slice(index) : this.slice(index, +index + 1);
+		},
+		first: function() {
+			return this.eq(0);
+		},
+		last: function() {
+			return this.eq(-1);
+		},
+		replaceWith: function(content) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self[0]) {
+				self[0].parentNode.replaceChild(DomQuery(content)[0], self[0]);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		wrap: function(wrapper) {
+			wrapper = DomQuery(wrapper)[0];
+			return this.each(function() {
+				var self = this, newWrapper = wrapper.cloneNode(false);
+				self.parentNode.insertBefore(newWrapper, self);
+				newWrapper.appendChild(self);
+			});
+		},
+		unwrap: function() {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				var self = this, node = self.firstChild, currentNode;
+				while (node) {
+					currentNode = node;
+					node = node.nextSibling;
+					self.parentNode.insertBefore(currentNode, self);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		clone: function() {
+			var result = [];
+			this.each(function() {
+				result.push(this.cloneNode(true));
+			});
+			return DomQuery(result);
+		},
+		find: function(selector) {
+			var i, l, ret = [];
+			for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
+				DomQuery.find(selector, this[i], ret);
+			}
+			return DomQuery(ret);
+		},
+		push: push,
+		sort: [].sort,
+		splice: [].splice
+	};
+	// Static members
+	extend(DomQuery, {
+		extend: extend,
+		toArray: toArray,
+		inArray: inArray,
+		isArray: isArray,
+		each: each,
+		trim: trim,
+		makeMap: makeMap,
+		// Sizzle
+		find: Sizzle,
+		expr: Sizzle.selectors,
+		unique: Sizzle.uniqueSort,
+		text: Sizzle.getText,
+		isXMLDoc: Sizzle.isXML,
+		contains: Sizzle.contains,
+		filter: function(expr, elems, not) {
+			if (not) {
+				expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
+			}
+			if (elems.length === 1) {
+				elems = DomQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [elems[0]] : [];
+			} else {
+				elems = DomQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
+			}
+			return elems;
+		}
+	});
+	function dir(el, prop, until) {
+		var matched = [], cur = el[prop];
+		while (cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !DomQuery(cur).is(until))) {
+			if (cur.nodeType === 1) {
+				matched.push(cur);
+			}
+			cur = cur[prop];
+		}
+		return matched;
+	}
+	function sibling(n, el, siblingName, nodeType) {
+		var r = [];
+		for(; n; n = n[siblingName]) {
+			if ((!nodeType || n.nodeType === nodeType) && n !== el) {
+				r.push(n);
+			}
+		}
+		return r;
+	}
+	each({
+		parent: function(node) {
+			var parent = node.parentNode;
+			return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
+		},
+		parents: function(node) {
+			return dir(node, "parentNode");
+		},
+		parentsUntil: function(node, until) {
+			return dir(node, "parentNode", until);
+		},
+		next: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node, 'nextSibling', 1);
+		},
+		prev: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node, 'previousSibling', 1);
+		},
+		nextNodes: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node, 'nextSibling');
+		},
+		prevNodes: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node, 'previousSibling');
+		},
+		children: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node.firstChild, 'nextSibling', 1);
+		},
+		contents: function(node) {
+			return toArray((node.nodeName === "iframe" ? node.contentDocument || node.contentWindow.document : node).childNodes);
+		}
+	}, function(name, fn){
+		DomQuery.fn[name] = function(selector) {
+			var self = this, result;
+			if (self.length > 1) {
+				throw new Error("DomQuery only supports traverse functions on a single node.");
+			}
+			if (self[0]) {
+				result = fn(self[0], selector);
+			}
+			result = DomQuery(result);
+			if (selector && name !== "parentsUntil") {
+				return result.filter(selector);
+			}
+			return result;
+		};
+	});
+	DomQuery.fn.filter = function(selector) {
+		return DomQuery.filter(selector);
+	};
+	DomQuery.fn.is = function(selector) {
+		return !!selector && this.filter(selector).length > 0;
+	};
+	DomQuery.fn.init.prototype = DomQuery.fn;
+	return DomQuery;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/EventUtils.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/EventUtils.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3a21cdd88ee96ed61e7663b0043dc1e70a44093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/EventUtils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+ * EventUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint loopfunc:true*/
+/*eslint no-loop-func:0 */
+define("tinymce/dom/EventUtils", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var eventExpandoPrefix = "mce-data-";
+	var mouseEventRe = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/;
+	var deprecated = {keyLocation: 1, layerX: 1, layerY: 1, returnValue: 1};
+	/**
+	 * Binds a native event to a callback on the speified target.
+	 */
+	function addEvent(target, name, callback, capture) {
+		if (target.addEventListener) {
+			target.addEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
+		} else if (target.attachEvent) {
+			target.attachEvent('on' + name, callback);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Unbinds a native event callback on the specified target.
+	 */
+	function removeEvent(target, name, callback, capture) {
+		if (target.removeEventListener) {
+			target.removeEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
+		} else if (target.detachEvent) {
+			target.detachEvent('on' + name, callback);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Normalizes a native event object or just adds the event specific methods on a custom event.
+	 */
+	function fix(originalEvent, data) {
+		var name, event = data || {}, undef;
+		// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+		function returnFalse() {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+		function returnTrue() {
+			return true;
+		}
+		// Copy all properties from the original event
+		for (name in originalEvent) {
+			// layerX/layerY is deprecated in Chrome and produces a warning
+			if (!deprecated[name]) {
+				event[name] = originalEvent[name];
+			}
+		}
+		// Normalize target IE uses srcElement
+		if (!event.target) {
+			event.target = event.srcElement || document;
+		}
+		// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
+		if (originalEvent && mouseEventRe.test(originalEvent.type) && originalEvent.pageX === undef && originalEvent.clientX !== undef) {
+			var eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
+			var doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
+			var body = eventDoc.body;
+			event.pageX = originalEvent.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) -
+				( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
+			event.pageY = originalEvent.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0 ) -
+				( doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0);
+		}
+		// Add preventDefault method
+		event.preventDefault = function() {
+			event.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+			// Execute preventDefault on the original event object
+			if (originalEvent) {
+				if (originalEvent.preventDefault) {
+					originalEvent.preventDefault();
+				} else {
+					originalEvent.returnValue = false; // IE
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// Add stopPropagation
+		event.stopPropagation = function() {
+			event.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+			// Execute stopPropagation on the original event object
+			if (originalEvent) {
+				if (originalEvent.stopPropagation) {
+					originalEvent.stopPropagation();
+				} else {
+					originalEvent.cancelBubble = true; // IE
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+		event.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+			event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+			event.stopPropagation();
+		};
+		// Add event delegation states
+		if (!event.isDefaultPrevented) {
+			event.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+			event.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+		}
+		return event;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Bind a DOMContentLoaded event across browsers and executes the callback once the page DOM is initialized.
+	 * It will also set/check the domLoaded state of the event_utils instance so ready isn't called multiple times.
+	 */
+	function bindOnReady(win, callback, eventUtils) {
+		var doc = win.document, event = {type: 'ready'};
+		if (eventUtils.domLoaded) {
+			callback(event);
+			return;
+		}
+		// Gets called when the DOM is ready
+		function readyHandler() {
+			if (!eventUtils.domLoaded) {
+				eventUtils.domLoaded = true;
+				callback(event);
+			}
+		}
+		function waitForDomLoaded() {
+			// Check complete or interactive state if there is a body
+			// element on some iframes IE 8 will produce a null body
+			if (doc.readyState === "complete" || (doc.readyState === "interactive" && doc.body)) {
+				removeEvent(doc, "readystatechange", waitForDomLoaded);
+				readyHandler();
+			}
+		}
+		function tryScroll() {
+			try {
+				// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini licensed under MIT by request to the author.
+				// http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
+				doc.documentElement.doScroll("left");
+			} catch (ex) {
+				setTimeout(tryScroll, 0);
+				return;
+			}
+			readyHandler();
+		}
+		// Use W3C method
+		if (doc.addEventListener) {
+			if (doc.readyState === "complete") {
+				readyHandler();
+			} else {
+				addEvent(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', readyHandler);
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Use IE method
+			addEvent(doc, "readystatechange", waitForDomLoaded);
+			// Wait until we can scroll, when we can the DOM is initialized
+			if (doc.documentElement.doScroll && win.self === win.top) {
+				tryScroll();
+			}
+		}
+		// Fallback if any of the above methods should fail for some odd reason
+		addEvent(win, 'load', readyHandler);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This class enables you to bind/unbind native events to elements and normalize it's behavior across browsers.
+	 */
+	function EventUtils() {
+		var self = this, events = {}, count, expando, hasFocusIn, hasMouseEnterLeave, mouseEnterLeave;
+		expando = eventExpandoPrefix + (+new Date()).toString(32);
+		hasMouseEnterLeave = "onmouseenter" in document.documentElement;
+		hasFocusIn = "onfocusin" in document.documentElement;
+		mouseEnterLeave = {mouseenter: 'mouseover', mouseleave: 'mouseout'};
+		count = 1;
+		// State if the DOMContentLoaded was executed or not
+		self.domLoaded = false;
+		self.events = events;
+		/**
+		 * Executes all event handler callbacks for a specific event.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Event} evt Event object.
+		 * @param {String} id Expando id value to look for.
+		 */
+		function executeHandlers(evt, id) {
+			var callbackList, i, l, callback, container = events[id];
+			callbackList = container && container[evt.type];
+			if (callbackList) {
+				for (i = 0, l = callbackList.length; i < l; i++) {
+					callback = callbackList[i];
+					// Check if callback exists might be removed if a unbind is called inside the callback
+					if (callback && callback.func.call(callback.scope, evt) === false) {
+						evt.preventDefault();
+					}
+					// Should we stop propagation to immediate listeners
+					if (evt.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to an event on the specified target.
+		 *
+		 * @method bind
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} names Name of the event to bind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Scope to call the callback function on, defaults to target.
+		 * @return {function} Callback function that got bound.
+		 */
+		self.bind = function(target, names, callback, scope) {
+			var id, callbackList, i, name, fakeName, nativeHandler, capture, win = window;
+			// Native event handler function patches the event and executes the callbacks for the expando
+			function defaultNativeHandler(evt) {
+				executeHandlers(fix(evt || win.event), id);
+			}
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Create or get events id for the target
+			if (!target[expando]) {
+				id = count++;
+				target[expando] = id;
+				events[id] = {};
+			} else {
+				id = target[expando];
+			}
+			// Setup the specified scope or use the target as a default
+			scope = scope || target;
+			// Split names and bind each event, enables you to bind multiple events with one call
+			names = names.split(' ');
+			i = names.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				name = names[i];
+				nativeHandler = defaultNativeHandler;
+				fakeName = capture = false;
+				// Use ready instead of DOMContentLoaded
+				if (name === "DOMContentLoaded") {
+					name = "ready";
+				}
+				// DOM is already ready
+				if (self.domLoaded && name === "ready" && target.readyState == 'complete') {
+					callback.call(scope, fix({type: name}));
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Handle mouseenter/mouseleaver
+				if (!hasMouseEnterLeave) {
+					fakeName = mouseEnterLeave[name];
+					if (fakeName) {
+						nativeHandler = function(evt) {
+							var current, related;
+							current = evt.currentTarget;
+							related = evt.relatedTarget;
+							// Check if related is inside the current target if it's not then the event should
+							// be ignored since it's a mouseover/mouseout inside the element
+							if (related && current.contains) {
+								// Use contains for performance
+								related = current.contains(related);
+							} else {
+								while (related && related !== current) {
+									related = related.parentNode;
+								}
+							}
+							// Fire fake event
+							if (!related) {
+								evt = fix(evt || win.event);
+								evt.type = evt.type === 'mouseout' ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseenter';
+								evt.target = current;
+								executeHandlers(evt, id);
+							}
+						};
+					}
+				}
+				// Fake bubbeling of focusin/focusout
+				if (!hasFocusIn && (name === "focusin" || name === "focusout")) {
+					capture = true;
+					fakeName = name === "focusin" ? "focus" : "blur";
+					nativeHandler = function(evt) {
+						evt = fix(evt || win.event);
+						evt.type = evt.type === 'focus' ? 'focusin' : 'focusout';
+						executeHandlers(evt, id);
+					};
+				}
+				// Setup callback list and bind native event
+				callbackList = events[id][name];
+				if (!callbackList) {
+					events[id][name] = callbackList = [{func: callback, scope: scope}];
+					callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
+					callbackList.capture = capture;
+					// Add the nativeHandler to the callback list so that we can later unbind it
+					callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
+					// Check if the target has native events support
+					if (name === "ready") {
+						bindOnReady(target, nativeHandler, self);
+					} else {
+						addEvent(target, fakeName || name, nativeHandler, capture);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (name === "ready" && self.domLoaded) {
+						callback({type: name});
+					} else {
+						// If it already has an native handler then just push the callback
+						callbackList.push({func: callback, scope: scope});
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			target = callbackList = 0; // Clean memory for IE
+			return callback;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event by name, name and callback or all events on the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method unbind
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} names Optional event name to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.unbind = function(target, names, callback) {
+			var id, callbackList, i, ci, name, eventMap;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Unbind event or events if the target has the expando
+			id = target[expando];
+			if (id) {
+				eventMap = events[id];
+				// Specific callback
+				if (names) {
+					names = names.split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						callbackList = eventMap[name];
+						// Unbind the event if it exists in the map
+						if (callbackList) {
+							// Remove specified callback
+							if (callback) {
+								ci = callbackList.length;
+								while (ci--) {
+									if (callbackList[ci].func === callback) {
+										var nativeHandler = callbackList.nativeHandler;
+										var fakeName = callbackList.fakeName, capture = callbackList.capture;
+										// Clone callbackList since unbind inside a callback would otherwise break the handlers loop
+										callbackList = callbackList.slice(0, ci).concat(callbackList.slice(ci + 1));
+										callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
+										callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
+										callbackList.capture = capture;
+										eventMap[name] = callbackList;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Remove all callbacks if there isn't a specified callback or there is no callbacks left
+							if (!callback || callbackList.length === 0) {
+								delete eventMap[name];
+								removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// All events for a specific element
+					for (name in eventMap) {
+						callbackList = eventMap[name];
+						removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
+					}
+					eventMap = {};
+				}
+				// Check if object is empty, if it isn't then we won't remove the expando map
+				for (name in eventMap) {
+					return self;
+				}
+				// Delete event object
+				delete events[id];
+				// Remove expando from target
+				try {
+					// IE will fail here since it can't delete properties from window
+					delete target[expando];
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE will set it to null
+					target[expando] = null;
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event on the specified target.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} name Event name to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional arguments to send to the observers.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.fire = function(target, name, args) {
+			var id;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Build event object by patching the args
+			args = fix(null, args);
+			args.type = name;
+			args.target = target;
+			do {
+				// Found an expando that means there is listeners to execute
+				id = target[expando];
+				if (id) {
+					executeHandlers(args, id);
+				}
+				// Walk up the DOM
+				target = target.parentNode || target.ownerDocument || target.defaultView || target.parentWindow;
+			} while (target && !args.isPropagationStopped());
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Removes all bound event listeners for the specified target. This will also remove any bound
+		 * listeners to child nodes within that target.
+		 *
+		 * @method clean
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window object.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.clean = function(target) {
+			var i, children, unbind = self.unbind;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Unbind any element on the specificed target
+			if (target[expando]) {
+				unbind(target);
+			}
+			// Target doesn't have getElementsByTagName it's probably a window object then use it's document to find the children
+			if (!target.getElementsByTagName) {
+				target = target.document;
+			}
+			// Remove events from each child element
+			if (target && target.getElementsByTagName) {
+				unbind(target);
+				children = target.getElementsByTagName('*');
+				i = children.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target = children[i];
+					if (target[expando]) {
+						unbind(target);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the event object. Call this on IE to remove memory leaks.
+		 */
+		self.destroy = function() {
+			events = {};
+		};
+		// Legacy function for canceling events
+		self.cancel = function(e) {
+			if (e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+			}
+			return false;
+		};
+	}
+	EventUtils.Event = new EventUtils();
+	EventUtils.Event.bind(window, 'ready', function() {});
+	return EventUtils;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Range.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Range.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9aab1674f1e8d2f52d3e6ae1963c66dc31abb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Range.js
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+ * Range.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Range", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	// Range constructor
+	function Range(dom) {
+		var self = this,
+			doc = dom.doc,
+			EXTRACT = 0,
+			CLONE = 1,
+			DELETE = 2,
+			TRUE = true,
+			FALSE = false,
+			START_OFFSET = 'startOffset',
+			START_CONTAINER = 'startContainer',
+			END_CONTAINER = 'endContainer',
+			END_OFFSET = 'endOffset',
+			extend = Tools.extend,
+			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex;
+		function createDocumentFragment() {
+			return doc.createDocumentFragment();
+		}
+		function setStart(n, o) {
+			_setEndPoint(TRUE, n, o);
+		}
+		function setEnd(n, o) {
+			_setEndPoint(FALSE, n, o);
+		}
+		function setStartBefore(n) {
+			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));
+		}
+		function setStartAfter(n) {
+			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);
+		}
+		function setEndBefore(n) {
+			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));
+		}
+		function setEndAfter(n) {
+			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);
+		}
+		function collapse(ts) {
+			if (ts) {
+				self[END_OFFSET] = self[START_OFFSET];
+			} else {
+				self[START_OFFSET] = self[END_OFFSET];
+			}
+			self.collapsed = TRUE;
+		}
+		function selectNode(n) {
+			setStartBefore(n);
+			setEndAfter(n);
+		}
+		function selectNodeContents(n) {
+			setStart(n, 0);
+			setEnd(n, n.nodeType === 1 ? n.childNodes.length : n.nodeValue.length);
+		}
+		function compareBoundaryPoints(h, r) {
+			var sc = self[START_CONTAINER], so = self[START_OFFSET], ec = self[END_CONTAINER], eo = self[END_OFFSET],
+			rsc = r.startContainer, rso = r.startOffset, rec = r.endContainer, reo = r.endOffset;
+			// Check START_TO_START
+			if (h === 0) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, rsc, rso);
+			}
+			// Check START_TO_END
+			if (h === 1) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, rsc, rso);
+			}
+			// Check END_TO_END
+			if (h === 2) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, rec, reo);
+			}
+			// Check END_TO_START
+			if (h === 3) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, rec, reo);
+			}
+		}
+		function deleteContents() {
+			_traverse(DELETE);
+		}
+		function extractContents() {
+			return _traverse(EXTRACT);
+		}
+		function cloneContents() {
+			return _traverse(CLONE);
+		}
+		function insertNode(n) {
+			var startContainer = this[START_CONTAINER],
+				startOffset = this[START_OFFSET], nn, o;
+			// Node is TEXT_NODE or CDATA
+			if ((startContainer.nodeType === 3 || startContainer.nodeType === 4) && startContainer.nodeValue) {
+				if (!startOffset) {
+					// At the start of text
+					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, startContainer);
+				} else if (startOffset >= startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					// At the end of text
+					dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
+				} else {
+					// Middle, need to split
+					nn = startContainer.splitText(startOffset);
+					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, nn);
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Insert element node
+				if (startContainer.childNodes.length > 0) {
+					o = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+				}
+				if (o) {
+					startContainer.insertBefore(n, o);
+				} else {
+					if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+						dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
+					} else {
+						startContainer.appendChild(n);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function surroundContents(n) {
+			var f = self.extractContents();
+			self.insertNode(n);
+			n.appendChild(f);
+			self.selectNode(n);
+		}
+		function cloneRange() {
+			return extend(new Range(dom), {
+				startContainer: self[START_CONTAINER],
+				startOffset: self[START_OFFSET],
+				endContainer: self[END_CONTAINER],
+				endOffset: self[END_OFFSET],
+				collapsed: self.collapsed,
+				commonAncestorContainer: self.commonAncestorContainer
+			});
+		}
+		// Private methods
+		function _getSelectedNode(container, offset) {
+			var child;
+			if (container.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				return container;
+			}
+			if (offset < 0) {
+				return container;
+			}
+			child = container.firstChild;
+			while (child && offset > 0) {
+				--offset;
+				child = child.nextSibling;
+			}
+			if (child) {
+				return child;
+			}
+			return container;
+		}
+		function _isCollapsed() {
+			return (self[START_CONTAINER] == self[END_CONTAINER] && self[START_OFFSET] == self[END_OFFSET]);
+		}
+		function _compareBoundaryPoints(containerA, offsetA, containerB, offsetB) {
+			var c, offsetC, n, cmnRoot, childA, childB;
+			// In the first case the boundary-points have the same container. A is before B
+			// if its offset is less than the offset of B, A is equal to B if its offset is
+			// equal to the offset of B, and A is after B if its offset is greater than the
+			// offset of B.
+			if (containerA == containerB) {
+				if (offsetA == offsetB) {
+					return 0; // equal
+				}
+				if (offsetA < offsetB) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the second case a child node C of the container of A is an ancestor
+			// container of B. In this case, A is before B if the offset of A is less than or
+			// equal to the index of the child node C and A is after B otherwise.
+			c = containerB;
+			while (c && c.parentNode != containerA) {
+				c = c.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (c) {
+				offsetC = 0;
+				n = containerA.firstChild;
+				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetA) {
+					offsetC++;
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (offsetA <= offsetC) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the third case a child node C of the container of B is an ancestor container
+			// of A. In this case, A is before B if the index of the child node C is less than
+			// the offset of B and A is after B otherwise.
+			c = containerA;
+			while (c && c.parentNode != containerB) {
+				c = c.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (c) {
+				offsetC = 0;
+				n = containerB.firstChild;
+				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetB) {
+					offsetC++;
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (offsetC < offsetB) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the fourth case, none of three other cases hold: the containers of A and B
+			// are siblings or descendants of sibling nodes. In this case, A is before B if
+			// the container of A is before the container of B in a pre-order traversal of the
+			// Ranges' context tree and A is after B otherwise.
+			cmnRoot = dom.findCommonAncestor(containerA, containerB);
+			childA = containerA;
+			while (childA && childA.parentNode != cmnRoot) {
+				childA = childA.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!childA) {
+				childA = cmnRoot;
+			}
+			childB = containerB;
+			while (childB && childB.parentNode != cmnRoot) {
+				childB = childB.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!childB) {
+				childB = cmnRoot;
+			}
+			if (childA == childB) {
+				return 0; // equal
+			}
+			n = cmnRoot.firstChild;
+			while (n) {
+				if (n == childA) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				if (n == childB) {
+					return 1; // after
+				}
+				n = n.nextSibling;
+			}
+		}
+		function _setEndPoint(st, n, o) {
+			var ec, sc;
+			if (st) {
+				self[START_CONTAINER] = n;
+				self[START_OFFSET] = o;
+			} else {
+				self[END_CONTAINER] = n;
+				self[END_OFFSET] = o;
+			}
+			// If one boundary-point of a Range is set to have a root container
+			// other than the current one for the Range, the Range is collapsed to
+			// the new position. This enforces the restriction that both boundary-
+			// points of a Range must have the same root container.
+			ec = self[END_CONTAINER];
+			while (ec.parentNode) {
+				ec = ec.parentNode;
+			}
+			sc = self[START_CONTAINER];
+			while (sc.parentNode) {
+				sc = sc.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (sc == ec) {
+				// The start position of a Range is guaranteed to never be after the
+				// end position. To enforce this restriction, if the start is set to
+				// be at a position after the end, the Range is collapsed to that
+				// position.
+				if (_compareBoundaryPoints(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET], self[END_CONTAINER], self[END_OFFSET]) > 0) {
+					self.collapse(st);
+				}
+			} else {
+				self.collapse(st);
+			}
+			self.collapsed = _isCollapsed();
+			self.commonAncestorContainer = dom.findCommonAncestor(self[START_CONTAINER], self[END_CONTAINER]);
+		}
+		function _traverse(how) {
+			var c, endContainerDepth = 0, startContainerDepth = 0, p, depthDiff, startNode, endNode, sp, ep;
+			if (self[START_CONTAINER] == self[END_CONTAINER]) {
+				return _traverseSameContainer(how);
+			}
+			for (c = self[END_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
+				if (p == self[START_CONTAINER]) {
+					return _traverseCommonStartContainer(c, how);
+				}
+				++endContainerDepth;
+			}
+			for (c = self[START_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
+				if (p == self[END_CONTAINER]) {
+					return _traverseCommonEndContainer(c, how);
+				}
+				++startContainerDepth;
+			}
+			depthDiff = startContainerDepth - endContainerDepth;
+			startNode = self[START_CONTAINER];
+			while (depthDiff > 0) {
+				startNode = startNode.parentNode;
+				depthDiff--;
+			}
+			endNode = self[END_CONTAINER];
+			while (depthDiff < 0) {
+				endNode = endNode.parentNode;
+				depthDiff++;
+			}
+			// ascend the ancestor hierarchy until we have a common parent.
+			for (sp = startNode.parentNode, ep = endNode.parentNode; sp != ep; sp = sp.parentNode, ep = ep.parentNode) {
+				startNode = sp;
+				endNode = ep;
+			}
+			return _traverseCommonAncestors(startNode, endNode, how);
+		}
+		function _traverseSameContainer(how) {
+			var frag, s, sub, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode, start, len;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			// If selection is empty, just return the fragment
+			if (self[START_OFFSET] == self[END_OFFSET]) {
+				return frag;
+			}
+			// Text node needs special case handling
+			if (self[START_CONTAINER].nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				// get the substring
+				s = self[START_CONTAINER].nodeValue;
+				sub = s.substring(self[START_OFFSET], self[END_OFFSET]);
+				// set the original text node to its new value
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					n = self[START_CONTAINER];
+					start = self[START_OFFSET];
+					len = self[END_OFFSET] - self[START_OFFSET];
+					if (start === 0 && len >= n.nodeValue.length - 1) {
+						n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+					} else {
+						n.deleteData(start, len);
+					}
+					// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
+					self.collapse(TRUE);
+				}
+				if (how == DELETE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (sub.length > 0) {
+					frag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(sub));
+				}
+				return frag;
+			}
+			// Copy nodes between the start/end offsets.
+			n = _getSelectedNode(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET]);
+			cnt = self[END_OFFSET] - self[START_OFFSET];
+			while (n && cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.nextSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(xferNode);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonStartContainer(endAncestor, how) {
+			var frag, n, endIdx, cnt, sibling, xferNode;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			endIdx = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
+			cnt = endIdx - self[START_OFFSET];
+			if (cnt <= 0) {
+				// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
+				// is partially selected.
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					self.setEndBefore(endAncestor);
+					self.collapse(FALSE);
+				}
+				return frag;
+			}
+			n = endAncestor.previousSibling;
+			while (cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.previousSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.insertBefore(xferNode, frag.firstChild);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
+			// is partially selected.
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setEndBefore(endAncestor);
+				self.collapse(FALSE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonEndContainer(startAncestor, how) {
+			var frag, startIdx, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			startIdx = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
+			++startIdx; // Because we already traversed it
+			cnt = self[END_OFFSET] - startIdx;
+			n = startAncestor.nextSibling;
+			while (n && cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.nextSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(xferNode);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setStartAfter(startAncestor);
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonAncestors(startAncestor, endAncestor, how) {
+			var n, frag, startOffset, endOffset, cnt, sibling, nextSibling;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			startOffset = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
+			endOffset = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
+			++startOffset;
+			cnt = endOffset - startOffset;
+			sibling = startAncestor.nextSibling;
+			while (cnt > 0) {
+				nextSibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+				n = _traverseFullySelected(sibling, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(n);
+				}
+				sibling = nextSibling;
+				--cnt;
+			}
+			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setStartAfter(startAncestor);
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseRightBoundary(root, how) {
+			var next = _getSelectedNode(self[END_CONTAINER], self[END_OFFSET] - 1), parent, clonedParent;
+			var prevSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent, isFullySelected = next != self[END_CONTAINER];
+			if (next == root) {
+				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);
+			}
+			parent = next.parentNode;
+			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);
+			while (parent) {
+				while (next) {
+					prevSibling = next.previousSibling;
+					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);
+					if (how != DELETE) {
+						clonedParent.insertBefore(clonedChild, clonedParent.firstChild);
+					}
+					isFullySelected = TRUE;
+					next = prevSibling;
+				}
+				if (parent == root) {
+					return clonedParent;
+				}
+				next = parent.previousSibling;
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);
+				if (how != DELETE) {
+					clonedGrandParent.appendChild(clonedParent);
+				}
+				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;
+			}
+		}
+		function _traverseLeftBoundary(root, how) {
+			var next = _getSelectedNode(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET]), isFullySelected = next != self[START_CONTAINER];
+			var parent, clonedParent, nextSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent;
+			if (next == root) {
+				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);
+			}
+			parent = next.parentNode;
+			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);
+			while (parent) {
+				while (next) {
+					nextSibling = next.nextSibling;
+					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);
+					if (how != DELETE) {
+						clonedParent.appendChild(clonedChild);
+					}
+					isFullySelected = TRUE;
+					next = nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (parent == root) {
+					return clonedParent;
+				}
+				next = parent.nextSibling;
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);
+				if (how != DELETE) {
+					clonedGrandParent.appendChild(clonedParent);
+				}
+				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;
+			}
+		}
+		function _traverseNode(n, isFullySelected, isLeft, how) {
+			var txtValue, newNodeValue, oldNodeValue, offset, newNode;
+			if (isFullySelected) {
+				return _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+			}
+			if (n.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				txtValue = n.nodeValue;
+				if (isLeft) {
+					offset = self[START_OFFSET];
+					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
+					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
+				} else {
+					offset = self[END_OFFSET];
+					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
+					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
+				}
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					n.nodeValue = oldNodeValue;
+				}
+				if (how == DELETE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				newNode = dom.clone(n, FALSE);
+				newNode.nodeValue = newNodeValue;
+				return newNode;
+			}
+			if (how == DELETE) {
+				return;
+			}
+			return dom.clone(n, FALSE);
+		}
+		function _traverseFullySelected(n, how) {
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				return how == CLONE ? dom.clone(n, TRUE) : n;
+			}
+			n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+		}
+		function toStringIE() {
+			return dom.create('body', null, cloneContents()).outerText;
+		}
+		extend(self, {
+			// Inital states
+			startContainer: doc,
+			startOffset: 0,
+			endContainer: doc,
+			endOffset: 0,
+			collapsed: TRUE,
+			commonAncestorContainer: doc,
+			// Range constants
+			START_TO_END: 1,
+			END_TO_END: 2,
+			END_TO_START: 3,
+			// Public methods
+			setStart: setStart,
+			setEnd: setEnd,
+			setStartBefore: setStartBefore,
+			setStartAfter: setStartAfter,
+			setEndBefore: setEndBefore,
+			setEndAfter: setEndAfter,
+			collapse: collapse,
+			selectNode: selectNode,
+			selectNodeContents: selectNodeContents,
+			compareBoundaryPoints: compareBoundaryPoints,
+			deleteContents: deleteContents,
+			extractContents: extractContents,
+			cloneContents: cloneContents,
+			insertNode: insertNode,
+			surroundContents: surroundContents,
+			cloneRange: cloneRange,
+			toStringIE: toStringIE
+		});
+		return self;
+	}
+	// Older IE versions doesn't let you override toString by it's constructor so we have to stick it in the prototype
+	Range.prototype.toString = function() {
+		return this.toStringIE();
+	};
+	return Range;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/RangeUtils.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/RangeUtils.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42d39f91f8bf9355fb7cb7febdc9c1e6d9f92aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/RangeUtils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ * Range.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * RangeUtils
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.RangeUtils
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/RangeUtils", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker"
+], function(Tools, TreeWalker) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function RangeUtils(dom) {
+		/**
+		 * Walks the specified range like object and executes the callback for each sibling collection it finds.
+		 *
+		 * @method walk
+		 * @param {Object} rng Range like object.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute for each sibling collection.
+		 */
+		this.walk = function(rng, callback) {
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset,
+				ancestor, startPoint,
+				endPoint, node, parent, siblings, nodes;
+			// Handle table cell selection the table plugin enables
+			// you to fake select table cells and perform formatting actions on them
+			nodes = dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected');
+			if (nodes.length > 0) {
+				each(nodes, function(node) {
+					callback([node]);
+				});
+				return;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Excludes start/end text node if they are out side the range
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Array} nodes Nodes to exclude items from.
+			 * @return {Array} Array with nodes excluding the start/end container if needed.
+			 */
+			function exclude(nodes) {
+				var node;
+				// First node is excluded
+				node = nodes[0];
+				if (node.nodeType === 3 && node === startContainer && startOffset >= node.nodeValue.length) {
+					nodes.splice(0, 1);
+				}
+				// Last node is excluded
+				node = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
+				if (endOffset === 0 && nodes.length > 0 && node === endContainer && node.nodeType === 3) {
+					nodes.splice(nodes.length - 1, 1);
+				}
+				return nodes;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Collects siblings
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node Node to collect siblings from.
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the sibling to check for.
+			 * @return {Array} Array of collected siblings.
+			 */
+			function collectSiblings(node, name, end_node) {
+				var siblings = [];
+				for (; node && node != end_node; node = node[name]) {
+					siblings.push(node);
+				}
+				return siblings;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Find an end point this is the node just before the common ancestor root.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node Node to start at.
+			 * @param {Node} root Root/ancestor element to stop just before.
+			 * @return {Node} Node just before the root element.
+			 */
+			function findEndPoint(node, root) {
+				do {
+					if (node.parentNode == root) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				} while(node);
+			}
+			function walkBoundary(start_node, end_node, next) {
+				var siblingName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
+				for (node = start_node, parent = node.parentNode; node && node != end_node; node = parent) {
+					parent = node.parentNode;
+					siblings = collectSiblings(node == start_node ? node : node[siblingName], siblingName);
+					if (siblings.length) {
+						if (!next) {
+							siblings.reverse();
+						}
+						callback(exclude(siblings));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// If index based start position then resolve it
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+			}
+			// If index based end position then resolve it
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[Math.min(endOffset - 1, endContainer.childNodes.length - 1)];
+			}
+			// Same container
+			if (startContainer == endContainer) {
+				return callback(exclude([startContainer]));
+			}
+			// Find common ancestor and end points
+			ancestor = dom.findCommonAncestor(startContainer, endContainer);
+			// Process left side
+			for (node = startContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
+				if (node === endContainer) {
+					return walkBoundary(startContainer, ancestor, true);
+				}
+				if (node === ancestor) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Process right side
+			for (node = endContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
+				if (node === startContainer) {
+					return walkBoundary(endContainer, ancestor);
+				}
+				if (node === ancestor) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Find start/end point
+			startPoint = findEndPoint(startContainer, ancestor) || startContainer;
+			endPoint = findEndPoint(endContainer, ancestor) || endContainer;
+			// Walk left leaf
+			walkBoundary(startContainer, startPoint, true);
+			// Walk the middle from start to end point
+			siblings = collectSiblings(
+				startPoint == startContainer ? startPoint : startPoint.nextSibling,
+				'nextSibling',
+				endPoint == endContainer ? endPoint.nextSibling : endPoint
+			);
+			if (siblings.length) {
+				callback(exclude(siblings));
+			}
+			// Walk right leaf
+			walkBoundary(endContainer, endPoint);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Splits the specified range at it's start/end points.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Range/RangeObject} rng Range to split.
+		 * @return {Object} Range position object.
+		 */
+		this.split = function(rng) {
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			function splitText(node, offset) {
+				return node.splitText(offset);
+			}
+			// Handle single text node
+			if (startContainer == endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+				if (startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					endContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
+					startContainer = endContainer.previousSibling;
+					if (endOffset > startOffset) {
+						endOffset = endOffset - startOffset;
+						startContainer = endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
+						endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+						startOffset = 0;
+					} else {
+						endOffset = 0;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Split startContainer text node if needed
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3 && startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					startContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+				// Split endContainer text node if needed
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3 && endOffset > 0 && endOffset < endContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
+					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+				}
+			}
+			return {
+				startContainer: startContainer,
+				startOffset: startOffset,
+				endContainer: endContainer,
+				endOffset: endOffset
+			};
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Normalizes the specified range by finding the closest best suitable caret location.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Range} rng Range to normalize.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the specified range was normalized or not.
+		 */
+		this.normalize = function(rng) {
+			var normalized, collapsed;
+			function normalizeEndPoint(start) {
+				var container, offset, walker, body = dom.getRoot(), node, nonEmptyElementsMap, nodeName;
+				var directionLeft, isAfterNode;
+				function hasBrBeforeAfter(node, left) {
+					var walker = new TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(node.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body);
+					while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+						if (node.nodeName === "BR") {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				function isPrevNode(node, name) {
+					return node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName == name;
+				}
+				// Walks the dom left/right to find a suitable text node to move the endpoint into
+				// It will only walk within the current parent block or body and will stop if it hits a block or a BR/IMG
+				function findTextNodeRelative(left, startNode) {
+					var walker, lastInlineElement, parentBlockContainer;
+					startNode = startNode || container;
+					parentBlockContainer = dom.getParent(startNode.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body;
+					// Lean left before the BR element if it's the only BR within a block element. Gecko bug: #6680
+					// This: <p><br>|</p> becomes <p>|<br></p>
+					if (left && startNode.nodeName == 'BR' && isAfterNode && dom.isEmpty(parentBlockContainer)) {
+						container = startNode.parentNode;
+						offset = dom.nodeIndex(startNode);
+						normalized = true;
+						return;
+					}
+					// Walk left until we hit a text node we can move to or a block/br/img
+					walker = new TreeWalker(startNode, parentBlockContainer);
+					while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+						// Found text node that has a length
+						if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+							container = node;
+							offset = left ? node.nodeValue.length : 0;
+							normalized = true;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Break if we find a block or a BR/IMG/INPUT etc
+						if (dom.isBlock(node) || nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+							return;
+						}
+						lastInlineElement = node;
+					}
+					// Only fetch the last inline element when in caret mode for now
+					if (collapsed && lastInlineElement) {
+						container = lastInlineElement;
+						normalized = true;
+						offset = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				container = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Container'];
+				offset = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Offset'];
+				isAfterNode = container.nodeType == 1 && offset === container.childNodes.length;
+				nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+				directionLeft = start;
+				if (container.nodeType == 1 && offset > container.childNodes.length - 1) {
+					directionLeft = false;
+				}
+				// If the container is a document move it to the body element
+				if (container.nodeType === 9) {
+					container = dom.getRoot();
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+				// If the container is body try move it into the closest text node or position
+				if (container === body) {
+					// If start is before/after a image, table etc
+					if (directionLeft) {
+						node = container.childNodes[offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0];
+						if (node) {
+							nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+							if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName] || node.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Resolve the index
+					if (container.hasChildNodes()) {
+						offset = Math.min(!directionLeft && offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset, container.childNodes.length - 1);
+						container = container.childNodes[offset];
+						offset = 0;
+						// Don't walk into elements that doesn't have any child nodes like a IMG
+						if (container.hasChildNodes() && !/TABLE/.test(container.nodeName)) {
+							// Walk the DOM to find a text node to place the caret at or a BR
+							node = container;
+							walker = new TreeWalker(container, body);
+							do {
+								// Found a text node use that position
+								if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+									offset = directionLeft ? 0 : node.nodeValue.length;
+									container = node;
+									normalized = true;
+									break;
+								}
+								// Found a BR/IMG element that we can place the caret before
+								if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+									offset = dom.nodeIndex(node);
+									container = node.parentNode;
+									// Put caret after image when moving the end point
+									if (node.nodeName ==  "IMG" && !directionLeft) {
+										offset++;
+									}
+									normalized = true;
+									break;
+								}
+							} while ((node = (directionLeft ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Lean the caret to the left if possible
+				if (collapsed) {
+					// So this: <b>x</b><i>|x</i>
+					// Becomes: <b>x|</b><i>x</i>
+					// Seems that only gecko has issues with this
+					if (container.nodeType === 3 && offset === 0) {
+						findTextNodeRelative(true);
+					}
+					// Lean left into empty inline elements when the caret is before a BR
+					// So this: <i><b></b><i>|<br></i>
+					// Becomes: <i><b>|</b><i><br></i>
+					// Seems that only gecko has issues with this.
+					// Special edge case for <p><a>x</a>|<br></p> since we don't want <p><a>x|</a><br></p>
+					if (container.nodeType === 1) {
+						node = container.childNodes[offset];
+						// Offset is after the containers last child
+						// then use the previous child for normalization
+						if (!node) {
+							node = container.childNodes[offset - 1];
+						}
+						if (node && node.nodeName === 'BR' && !isPrevNode(node, 'A') &&
+							!hasBrBeforeAfter(node) && !hasBrBeforeAfter(node, true)) {
+							findTextNodeRelative(true, node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Lean the start of the selection right if possible
+				// So this: x[<b>x]</b>
+				// Becomes: x<b>[x]</b>
+				if (directionLeft && !collapsed && container.nodeType === 3 && offset === container.nodeValue.length) {
+					findTextNodeRelative(false);
+				}
+				// Set endpoint if it was normalized
+				if (normalized) {
+					rng['set' + (start ? 'Start' : 'End')](container, offset);
+				}
+			}
+			collapsed = rng.collapsed;
+			normalizeEndPoint(true);
+			if (!collapsed) {
+				normalizeEndPoint();
+			}
+			// If it was collapsed then make sure it still is
+			if (normalized && collapsed) {
+				rng.collapse(true);
+			}
+			return normalized;
+		};
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Compares two ranges and checks if they are equal.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method compareRanges
+	 * @param {DOMRange} rng1 First range to compare.
+	 * @param {DOMRange} rng2 First range to compare.
+	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the ranges are equal.
+	 */
+	RangeUtils.compareRanges = function(rng1, rng2) {
+		if (rng1 && rng2) {
+			// Compare native IE ranges
+			if (rng1.item || rng1.duplicate) {
+				// Both are control ranges and the selected element matches
+				if (rng1.item && rng2.item && rng1.item(0) === rng2.item(0)) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// Both are text ranges and the range matches
+				if (rng1.isEqual && rng2.isEqual && rng2.isEqual(rng1)) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Compare w3c ranges
+				return rng1.startContainer == rng2.startContainer && rng1.startOffset == rng2.startOffset;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	};
+	return RangeUtils;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/ScriptLoader.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/ScriptLoader.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89c04669719e8a01de96bbd2253386f4329f4b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/ScriptLoader.js
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * ScriptLoader.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*globals console*/
+ * This class handles asynchronous/synchronous loading of JavaScript files it will execute callbacks
+ * when various items gets loaded. This class is useful to load external JavaScript files.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader
+ * @example
+ * // Load a script from a specific URL using the global script loader
+ * tinymce.ScriptLoader.load('somescript.js');
+ *
+ * // Load a script using a unique instance of the script loader
+ * var scriptLoader = new tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader();
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.load('somescript.js');
+ *
+ * // Load multiple scripts
+ * var scriptLoader = new tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader();
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript1.js');
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript2.js');
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript3.js');
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.loadQueue(function() {
+ *    alert('All scripts are now loaded.');
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(DOMUtils, Tools) {
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	var each = Tools.each, grep = Tools.grep;
+	function ScriptLoader() {
+		var QUEUED = 0,
+			LOADING = 1,
+			LOADED = 2,
+			states = {},
+			queue = [],
+			scriptLoadedCallbacks = {},
+			queueLoadedCallbacks = [],
+			loading = 0,
+			undef;
+		/**
+		 * Loads a specific script directly without adding it to the load queue.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} url Absolute URL to script to add.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to execute ones this script gets loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		function loadScript(url, callback) {
+			var dom = DOM, elm, id;
+			// Execute callback when script is loaded
+			function done() {
+				dom.remove(id);
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.onreadystatechange = elm.onload = elm = null;
+				}
+				callback();
+			}
+			function error() {
+				/*eslint no-console:0 */
+				// Report the error so it's easier for people to spot loading errors
+				if (typeof(console) !== "undefined" && console.log) {
+					console.log("Failed to load: " + url);
+				}
+				// We can't mark it as done if there is a load error since
+				// A) We don't want to produce 404 errors on the server and
+				// B) the onerror event won't fire on all browsers.
+				// done();
+			}
+			id = dom.uniqueId();
+			// Create new script element
+			elm = document.createElement('script');
+			elm.id = id;
+			elm.type = 'text/javascript';
+			elm.src = url;
+			// Seems that onreadystatechange works better on IE 10 onload seems to fire incorrectly
+			if ("onreadystatechange" in elm) {
+				elm.onreadystatechange = function() {
+					if (/loaded|complete/.test(elm.readyState)) {
+						done();
+					}
+				};
+			} else {
+				elm.onload = done;
+			}
+			// Add onerror event will get fired on some browsers but not all of them
+			elm.onerror = error;
+			// Add script to document
+			(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body).appendChild(elm);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if a script has been loaded or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isDone
+		 * @param {String} url URL to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the URL is loaded.
+		 */
+		this.isDone = function(url) {
+			return states[url] == LOADED;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Marks a specific script to be loaded. This can be useful if a script got loaded outside
+		 * the script loader or to skip it from loading some script.
+		 *
+		 * @method markDone
+		 * @param {string} u Absolute URL to the script to mark as loaded.
+		 */
+		this.markDone = function(url) {
+			states[url] = LOADED;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a specific script to the load queue of the script loader.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} url Absolute URL to script to add.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to execute ones this script gets loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		this.add = this.load = function(url, callback, scope) {
+			var state = states[url];
+			// Add url to load queue
+			if (state == undef) {
+				queue.push(url);
+				states[url] = QUEUED;
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				// Store away callback for later execution
+				if (!scriptLoadedCallbacks[url]) {
+					scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = [];
+				}
+				scriptLoadedCallbacks[url].push({
+					func: callback,
+					scope: scope || this
+				});
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Starts the loading of the queue.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadQueue
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute when all queued items are loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 */
+		this.loadQueue = function(callback, scope) {
+			this.loadScripts(queue, callback, scope);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Loads the specified queue of files and executes the callback ones they are loaded.
+		 * This method is generally not used outside this class but it might be useful in some scenarios.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadScripts
+		 * @param {Array} scripts Array of queue items to load.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute ones all items are loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		this.loadScripts = function(scripts, callback, scope) {
+			var loadScripts;
+			function execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url) {
+				// Execute URL callback functions
+				each(scriptLoadedCallbacks[url], function(callback) {
+					callback.func.call(callback.scope);
+				});
+				scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = undef;
+			}
+			queueLoadedCallbacks.push({
+				func: callback,
+				scope: scope || this
+			});
+			loadScripts = function() {
+				var loadingScripts = grep(scripts);
+				// Current scripts has been handled
+				scripts.length = 0;
+				// Load scripts that needs to be loaded
+				each(loadingScripts, function(url) {
+					// Script is already loaded then execute script callbacks directly
+					if (states[url] == LOADED) {
+						execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url);
+						return;
+					}
+					// Is script not loading then start loading it
+					if (states[url] != LOADING) {
+						states[url] = LOADING;
+						loading++;
+						loadScript(url, function() {
+							states[url] = LOADED;
+							loading--;
+							execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url);
+							// Load more scripts if they where added by the recently loaded script
+							loadScripts();
+						});
+					}
+				});
+				// No scripts are currently loading then execute all pending queue loaded callbacks
+				if (!loading) {
+					each(queueLoadedCallbacks, function(callback) {
+						callback.func.call(callback.scope);
+					});
+					queueLoadedCallbacks.length = 0;
+				}
+			};
+			loadScripts();
+		};
+	}
+	ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader = new ScriptLoader();
+	return ScriptLoader;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Selection.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Selection.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa132875d547bea16cacd135afc1f3981c5bc5be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Selection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1259 @@
+ * Selection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles text and control selection it's an crossbrowser utility class.
+ * Consult the TinyMCE Wiki API for more details and examples on how to use this class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.Selection
+ * @example
+ * // Getting the currently selected node for the active editor
+ * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getNode().nodeName);
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Selection", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/TridentSelection",
+	"tinymce/dom/ControlSelection",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(TreeWalker, TridentSelection, ControlSelection, RangeUtils, Env, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, grep = Tools.grep, trim = Tools.trim;
+	var isIE = Env.ie, isOpera = Env.opera;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new selection instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Selection
+	 * @param {tinymce.dom.DOMUtils} dom DOMUtils object reference.
+	 * @param {Window} win Window to bind the selection object to.
+	 * @param {tinymce.dom.Serializer} serializer DOM serialization class to use for getContent.
+	 */
+	function Selection(dom, win, serializer, editor) {
+		var self = this;
+		self.dom = dom;
+		self.win = win;
+		self.serializer = serializer;
+		self.editor = editor;
+		self.controlSelection = new ControlSelection(self, editor);
+		// No W3C Range support
+		if (!self.win.getSelection) {
+			self.tridentSel = new TridentSelection(self);
+		}
+	}
+	Selection.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Move the selection cursor range to the specified node and offset.
+		 * If there is no node specified it will move it to the first suitable location within the body.
+		 *
+		 * @method setCursorLocation
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to put the cursor in.
+		 * @param {Number} offset Optional offset from the start of the node to put the cursor at.
+		 */
+		setCursorLocation: function(node, offset) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.dom.createRng();
+			if (!node) {
+				self._moveEndPoint(rng, self.editor.getBody(), true);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+			} else {
+				rng.setStart(node, offset);
+				rng.setEnd(node, offset);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+				self.collapse(false);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the selected contents using the DOM serializer passed in to this class.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContent
+		 * @param {Object} s Optional settings class with for example output format text or html.
+		 * @return {String} Selected contents in for example HTML format.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected contents
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent());
+		 *
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected contents as plain text
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+		 */
+		getContent: function(args) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), tmpElm = self.dom.create("body");
+			var se = self.getSel(), whiteSpaceBefore, whiteSpaceAfter, fragment;
+			args = args || {};
+			whiteSpaceBefore = whiteSpaceAfter = '';
+			args.get = true;
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.selection = true;
+			self.editor.fire('BeforeGetContent', args);
+			if (args.format == 'text') {
+				return self.isCollapsed() ? '' : (rng.text || (se.toString ? se.toString() : ''));
+			}
+			if (rng.cloneContents) {
+				fragment = rng.cloneContents();
+				if (fragment) {
+					tmpElm.appendChild(fragment);
+				}
+			} else if (rng.item !== undefined || rng.htmlText !== undefined) {
+				// IE will produce invalid markup if elements are present that
+				// it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements.
+				// Adding a BR in front of the contents and then remoiving it seems to fix it though.
+				tmpElm.innerHTML = '<br>' + (rng.item ? rng.item(0).outerHTML : rng.htmlText);
+				tmpElm.removeChild(tmpElm.firstChild);
+			} else {
+				tmpElm.innerHTML = rng.toString();
+			}
+			// Keep whitespace before and after
+			if (/^\s/.test(tmpElm.innerHTML)) {
+				whiteSpaceBefore = ' ';
+			}
+			if (/\s+$/.test(tmpElm.innerHTML)) {
+				whiteSpaceAfter = ' ';
+			}
+			args.getInner = true;
+			args.content = self.isCollapsed() ? '' : whiteSpaceBefore + self.serializer.serialize(tmpElm, args) + whiteSpaceAfter;
+			self.editor.fire('GetContent', args);
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the current selection to the specified content. If any contents is selected it will be replaced
+		 * with the contents passed in to this function. If there is no selection the contents will be inserted
+		 * where the caret is placed in the editor/page.
+		 *
+		 * @method setContent
+		 * @param {String} content HTML contents to set could also be other formats depending on settings.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional settings object with for example data format.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Inserts some HTML contents at the current selection
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent('<strong>Some contents</strong>');
+		 */
+		setContent: function(content, args) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), caretNode, doc = self.win.document, frag, temp;
+			args = args || {format: 'html'};
+			args.set = true;
+			args.selection = true;
+			content = args.content = content;
+			// Dispatch before set content event
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+			}
+			content = args.content;
+			if (rng.insertNode) {
+				// Make caret marker since insertNode places the caret in the beginning of text after insert
+				content += '<span id="__caret">_</span>';
+				// Delete and insert new node
+				if (rng.startContainer == doc && rng.endContainer == doc) {
+					// WebKit will fail if the body is empty since the range is then invalid and it can't insert contents
+					doc.body.innerHTML = content;
+				} else {
+					rng.deleteContents();
+					if (doc.body.childNodes.length === 0) {
+						doc.body.innerHTML = content;
+					} else {
+						// createContextualFragment doesn't exists in IE 9 DOMRanges
+						if (rng.createContextualFragment) {
+							rng.insertNode(rng.createContextualFragment(content));
+						} else {
+							// Fake createContextualFragment call in IE 9
+							frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+							temp = doc.createElement('div');
+							frag.appendChild(temp);
+							temp.outerHTML = content;
+							rng.insertNode(frag);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Move to caret marker
+				caretNode = self.dom.get('__caret');
+				// Make sure we wrap it compleatly, Opera fails with a simple select call
+				rng = doc.createRange();
+				rng.setStartBefore(caretNode);
+				rng.setEndBefore(caretNode);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+				// Remove the caret position
+				self.dom.remove('__caret');
+				try {
+					self.setRng(rng);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Might fail on Opera for some odd reason
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (rng.item) {
+					// Delete content and get caret text selection
+					doc.execCommand('Delete', false, null);
+					rng = self.getRng();
+				}
+				// Explorer removes spaces from the beginning of pasted contents
+				if (/^\s+/.test(content)) {
+					rng.pasteHTML('<span id="__mce_tmp">_</span>' + content);
+					self.dom.remove('__mce_tmp');
+				} else {
+					rng.pasteHTML(content);
+				}
+			}
+			// Dispatch set content event
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.editor.fire('SetContent', args);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the start element of a selection range. If the start is in a text
+		 * node the parent element will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getStart
+		 * @return {Element} Start element of selection range.
+		 */
+		getStart: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), startElement, parentElement, checkRng, node;
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				// Control selection, return first item
+				if (rng.item) {
+					return rng.item(0);
+				}
+				// Get start element
+				checkRng = rng.duplicate();
+				checkRng.collapse(1);
+				startElement = checkRng.parentElement();
+				if (startElement.ownerDocument !== self.dom.doc) {
+					startElement = self.dom.getRoot();
+				}
+				// Check if range parent is inside the start element, then return the inner parent element
+				// This will fix issues when a single element is selected, IE would otherwise return the wrong start element
+				parentElement = node = rng.parentElement();
+				while ((node = node.parentNode)) {
+					if (node == startElement) {
+						startElement = parentElement;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				return startElement;
+			} else {
+				startElement = rng.startContainer;
+				if (startElement.nodeType == 1 && startElement.hasChildNodes()) {
+					startElement = startElement.childNodes[Math.min(startElement.childNodes.length - 1, rng.startOffset)];
+				}
+				if (startElement && startElement.nodeType == 3) {
+					return startElement.parentNode;
+				}
+				return startElement;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the end element of a selection range. If the end is in a text
+		 * node the parent element will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEnd
+		 * @return {Element} End element of selection range.
+		 */
+		getEnd: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), endElement, endOffset;
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				if (rng.item) {
+					return rng.item(0);
+				}
+				rng = rng.duplicate();
+				rng.collapse(0);
+				endElement = rng.parentElement();
+				if (endElement.ownerDocument !== self.dom.doc) {
+					endElement = self.dom.getRoot();
+				}
+				if (endElement && endElement.nodeName == 'BODY') {
+					return endElement.lastChild || endElement;
+				}
+				return endElement;
+			} else {
+				endElement = rng.endContainer;
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+				if (endElement.nodeType == 1 && endElement.hasChildNodes()) {
+					endElement = endElement.childNodes[endOffset > 0 ? endOffset - 1 : endOffset];
+				}
+				if (endElement && endElement.nodeType == 3) {
+					return endElement.parentNode;
+				}
+				return endElement;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a bookmark location for the current selection. This bookmark object
+		 * can then be used to restore the selection after some content modification to the document.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBookmark
+		 * @param {Number} type Optional state if the bookmark should be simple or not. Default is complex.
+		 * @param {Boolean} normalized Optional state that enables you to get a position that it would be after normalization.
+		 * @return {Object} Bookmark object, use moveToBookmark with this object to restore the selection.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Stores a bookmark of the current selection
+		 * var bm = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark();
+		 *
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent() + 'Some new content');
+		 *
+		 * // Restore the selection bookmark
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(bm);
+		 */
+		getBookmark: function(type, normalized) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng, rng2, id, collapsed, name, element, chr = '&#xFEFF;', styles;
+			function findIndex(name, element) {
+				var index = 0;
+				each(dom.select(name), function(node, i) {
+					if (node == element) {
+						index = i;
+					}
+				});
+				return index;
+			}
+			function normalizeTableCellSelection(rng) {
+				function moveEndPoint(start) {
+					var container, offset, childNodes, prefix = start ? 'start' : 'end';
+					container = rng[prefix + 'Container'];
+					offset = rng[prefix + 'Offset'];
+					if (container.nodeType == 1 && container.nodeName == "TR") {
+						childNodes = container.childNodes;
+						container = childNodes[Math.min(start ? offset : offset - 1, childNodes.length - 1)];
+						if (container) {
+							offset = start ? 0 : container.childNodes.length;
+							rng['set' + (start ? 'Start' : 'End')](container, offset);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				moveEndPoint(true);
+				moveEndPoint();
+				return rng;
+			}
+			function getLocation() {
+				var rng = self.getRng(true), root = dom.getRoot(), bookmark = {};
+				function getPoint(rng, start) {
+					var container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'],
+						offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'], point = [], node, childNodes, after = 0;
+					if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (normalized) {
+							for (node = container.previousSibling; node && node.nodeType == 3; node = node.previousSibling) {
+								offset += node.nodeValue.length;
+							}
+						}
+						point.push(offset);
+					} else {
+						childNodes = container.childNodes;
+						if (offset >= childNodes.length && childNodes.length) {
+							after = 1;
+							offset = Math.max(0, childNodes.length - 1);
+						}
+						point.push(self.dom.nodeIndex(childNodes[offset], normalized) + after);
+					}
+					for (; container && container != root; container = container.parentNode) {
+						point.push(self.dom.nodeIndex(container, normalized));
+					}
+					return point;
+				}
+				bookmark.start = getPoint(rng, true);
+				if (!self.isCollapsed()) {
+					bookmark.end = getPoint(rng);
+				}
+				return bookmark;
+			}
+			if (type == 2) {
+				element = self.getNode();
+				name = element ? element.nodeName : null;
+				if (name == 'IMG') {
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+				if (self.tridentSel) {
+					return self.tridentSel.getBookmark(type);
+				}
+				return getLocation();
+			}
+			// Handle simple range
+			if (type) {
+				return {rng: self.getRng()};
+			}
+			rng = self.getRng();
+			id = dom.uniqueId();
+			collapsed = self.isCollapsed();
+			styles = 'overflow:hidden;line-height:0px';
+			// Explorer method
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				// Text selection
+				if (!rng.item) {
+					rng2 = rng.duplicate();
+					try {
+						// Insert start marker
+						rng.collapse();
+						rng.pasteHTML('<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="' + id + '_start" style="' + styles + '">' + chr + '</span>');
+						// Insert end marker
+						if (!collapsed) {
+							rng2.collapse(false);
+							// Detect the empty space after block elements in IE and move the
+							// end back one character <p></p>] becomes <p>]</p>
+							rng.moveToElementText(rng2.parentElement());
+							if (rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng2) === 0) {
+								rng2.move('character', -1);
+							}
+							rng2.pasteHTML('<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="' + id + '_end" style="' + styles + '">' + chr + '</span>');
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE might throw unspecified error so lets ignore it
+						return null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Control selection
+					element = rng.item(0);
+					name = element.nodeName;
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+			} else {
+				element = self.getNode();
+				name = element.nodeName;
+				if (name == 'IMG') {
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+				// W3C method
+				rng2 = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng.cloneRange());
+				// Insert end marker
+				if (!collapsed) {
+					rng2.collapse(false);
+					rng2.insertNode(dom.create('span', {'data-mce-type': "bookmark", id: id + '_end', style: styles}, chr));
+				}
+				rng = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng);
+				rng.collapse(true);
+				rng.insertNode(dom.create('span', {'data-mce-type': "bookmark", id: id + '_start', style: styles}, chr));
+			}
+			self.moveToBookmark({id: id, keep: 1});
+			return {id: id};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Restores the selection to the specified bookmark.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveToBookmark
+		 * @param {Object} bookmark Bookmark to restore selection from.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if it was successful or not.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Stores a bookmark of the current selection
+		 * var bm = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark();
+		 *
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent() + 'Some new content');
+		 *
+		 * // Restore the selection bookmark
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(bm);
+		 */
+		moveToBookmark: function(bookmark) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng, root, startContainer, endContainer, startOffset, endOffset;
+			function setEndPoint(start) {
+				var point = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'], i, node, offset, children;
+				if (point) {
+					offset = point[0];
+					// Find container node
+					for (node = root, i = point.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
+						children = node.childNodes;
+						if (point[i] > children.length - 1) {
+							return;
+						}
+						node = children[point[i]];
+					}
+					// Move text offset to best suitable location
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						offset = Math.min(point[0], node.nodeValue.length);
+					}
+					// Move element offset to best suitable location
+					if (node.nodeType === 1) {
+						offset = Math.min(point[0], node.childNodes.length);
+					}
+					// Set offset within container node
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, offset);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, offset);
+					}
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			function restoreEndPoint(suffix) {
+				var marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix), node, idx, next, prev, keep = bookmark.keep;
+				if (marker) {
+					node = marker.parentNode;
+					if (suffix == 'start') {
+						if (!keep) {
+							idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
+						} else {
+							node = marker.firstChild;
+							idx = 1;
+						}
+						startContainer = endContainer = node;
+						startOffset = endOffset = idx;
+					} else {
+						if (!keep) {
+							idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
+						} else {
+							node = marker.firstChild;
+							idx = 1;
+						}
+						endContainer = node;
+						endOffset = idx;
+					}
+					if (!keep) {
+						prev = marker.previousSibling;
+						next = marker.nextSibling;
+						// Remove all marker text nodes
+						each(grep(marker.childNodes), function(node) {
+							if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+								node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
+							}
+						});
+						// Remove marker but keep children if for example contents where inserted into the marker
+						// Also remove duplicated instances of the marker for example by a
+						// split operation or by WebKit auto split on paste feature
+						while ((marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix))) {
+							dom.remove(marker, 1);
+						}
+						// If siblings are text nodes then merge them unless it's Opera since it some how removes the node
+						// and we are sniffing since adding a lot of detection code for a browser with 3% of the market
+						// isn't worth the effort. Sorry, Opera but it's just a fact
+						if (prev && next && prev.nodeType == next.nodeType && prev.nodeType == 3 && !isOpera) {
+							idx = prev.nodeValue.length;
+							prev.appendData(next.nodeValue);
+							dom.remove(next);
+							if (suffix == 'start') {
+								startContainer = endContainer = prev;
+								startOffset = endOffset = idx;
+							} else {
+								endContainer = prev;
+								endOffset = idx;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function addBogus(node) {
+				// Adds a bogus BR element for empty block elements
+				if (dom.isBlock(node) && !node.innerHTML && !isIE) {
+					node.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />';
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			if (bookmark) {
+				if (bookmark.start) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					root = dom.getRoot();
+					if (self.tridentSel) {
+						return self.tridentSel.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+					}
+					if (setEndPoint(true) && setEndPoint()) {
+						self.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				} else if (bookmark.id) {
+					// Restore start/end points
+					restoreEndPoint('start');
+					restoreEndPoint('end');
+					if (startContainer) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStart(addBogus(startContainer), startOffset);
+						rng.setEnd(addBogus(endContainer), endOffset);
+						self.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				} else if (bookmark.name) {
+					self.select(dom.select(bookmark.name)[bookmark.index]);
+				} else if (bookmark.rng) {
+					self.setRng(bookmark.rng);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Selects the specified element. This will place the start and end of the selection range around the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method select
+		 * @param {Element} node HMTL DOM element to select.
+		 * @param {Boolean} content Optional bool state if the contents should be selected or not on non IE browser.
+		 * @return {Element} Selected element the same element as the one that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Select the first paragraph in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.select(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+		 */
+		select: function(node, content) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng = dom.createRng(), idx;
+			// Clear stored range set by FocusManager
+			self.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+			if (node) {
+				if (!content && self.controlSelection.controlSelect(node)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				idx = dom.nodeIndex(node);
+				rng.setStart(node.parentNode, idx);
+				rng.setEnd(node.parentNode, idx + 1);
+				// Find first/last text node or BR element
+				if (content) {
+					self._moveEndPoint(rng, node, true);
+					self._moveEndPoint(rng, node);
+				}
+				self.setRng(rng);
+			}
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the selection range is collapsed or not. Collapsed means if it's a caret or a larger selection.
+		 *
+		 * @method isCollapsed
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the selection range is collapsed or not.
+		 * Collapsed means if it's a caret or a larger selection.
+		 */
+		isCollapsed: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), sel = self.getSel();
+			if (!rng || rng.item) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (rng.compareEndPoints) {
+				return rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng) === 0;
+			}
+			return !sel || rng.collapsed;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Collapse the selection to start or end of range.
+		 *
+		 * @method collapse
+		 * @param {Boolean} to_start Optional boolean state if to collapse to end or not. Defaults to start.
+		 */
+		collapse: function(to_start) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), node;
+			// Control range on IE
+			if (rng.item) {
+				node = rng.item(0);
+				rng = self.win.document.body.createTextRange();
+				rng.moveToElementText(node);
+			}
+			rng.collapse(!!to_start);
+			self.setRng(rng);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the browsers internal selection object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSel
+		 * @return {Selection} Internal browser selection object.
+		 */
+		getSel: function() {
+			var win = this.win;
+			return win.getSelection ? win.getSelection() : win.document.selection;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the browsers internal range object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRng
+		 * @param {Boolean} w3c Forces a compatible W3C range on IE.
+		 * @return {Range} Internal browser range object.
+		 * @see http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/range_intro.html
+		 * @see http://www.dotvoid.com/2001/03/using-the-range-object-in-mozilla/
+		 */
+		getRng: function(w3c) {
+			var self = this, selection, rng, elm, doc = self.win.document, ieRng;
+			function tryCompareBounderyPoints(how, sourceRange, destinationRange) {
+				try {
+					return sourceRange.compareBoundaryPoints(how, destinationRange);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Gecko throws wrong document exception if the range points
+					// to nodes that where removed from the dom #6690
+					// Browsers should mutate existing DOMRange instances so that they always point
+					// to something in the document this is not the case in Gecko works fine in IE/WebKit/Blink
+					// For performance reasons just return -1
+					return -1;
+				}
+			}
+			// Use last rng passed from FocusManager if it's available this enables
+			// calls to editor.selection.getStart() to work when caret focus is lost on IE
+			if (!w3c && self.lastFocusBookmark) {
+				var bookmark = self.lastFocusBookmark;
+				// Convert bookmark to range IE 11 fix
+				if (bookmark.startContainer) {
+					rng = doc.createRange();
+					rng.setStart(bookmark.startContainer, bookmark.startOffset);
+					rng.setEnd(bookmark.endContainer, bookmark.endOffset);
+				} else {
+					rng = bookmark;
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			// Found tridentSel object then we need to use that one
+			if (w3c && self.tridentSel) {
+				return self.tridentSel.getRangeAt(0);
+			}
+			try {
+				if ((selection = self.getSel())) {
+					if (selection.rangeCount > 0) {
+						rng = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+					} else {
+						rng = selection.createRange ? selection.createRange() : doc.createRange();
+					}
+				}
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE throws unspecified error here if TinyMCE is placed in a frame/iframe
+			}
+			// We have W3C ranges and it's IE then fake control selection since IE9 doesn't handle that correctly yet
+			// IE 11 doesn't support the selection object so we check for that as well
+			if (isIE && rng && rng.setStart && doc.selection) {
+				try {
+					// IE will sometimes throw an exception here
+					ieRng = doc.selection.createRange();
+				} catch (ex) {
+				}
+				if (ieRng && ieRng.item) {
+					elm = ieRng.item(0);
+					rng = doc.createRange();
+					rng.setStartBefore(elm);
+					rng.setEndAfter(elm);
+				}
+			}
+			// No range found then create an empty one
+			// This can occur when the editor is placed in a hidden container element on Gecko
+			// Or on IE when there was an exception
+			if (!rng) {
+				rng = doc.createRange ? doc.createRange() : doc.body.createTextRange();
+			}
+			// If range is at start of document then move it to start of body
+			if (rng.setStart && rng.startContainer.nodeType === 9 && rng.collapsed) {
+				elm = self.dom.getRoot();
+				rng.setStart(elm, 0);
+				rng.setEnd(elm, 0);
+			}
+			if (self.selectedRange && self.explicitRange) {
+				if (tryCompareBounderyPoints(rng.START_TO_START, rng, self.selectedRange) === 0 &&
+					tryCompareBounderyPoints(rng.END_TO_END, rng, self.selectedRange) === 0) {
+					// Safari, Opera and Chrome only ever select text which causes the range to change.
+					// This lets us use the originally set range if the selection hasn't been changed by the user.
+					rng = self.explicitRange;
+				} else {
+					self.selectedRange = null;
+					self.explicitRange = null;
+				}
+			}
+			return rng;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Changes the selection to the specified DOM range.
+		 *
+		 * @method setRng
+		 * @param {Range} rng Range to select.
+		 */
+		setRng: function(rng, forward) {
+			var self = this, sel;
+			// Is IE specific range
+			if (rng.select) {
+				try {
+					rng.select();
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Needed for some odd IE bug #1843306
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!self.tridentSel) {
+				sel = self.getSel();
+				if (sel) {
+					self.explicitRange = rng;
+					try {
+						sel.removeAllRanges();
+						sel.addRange(rng);
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE might throw errors here if the editor is within a hidden container and selection is changed
+					}
+					// Forward is set to false and we have an extend function
+					if (forward === false && sel.extend) {
+						sel.collapse(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
+						sel.extend(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset);
+					}
+					// adding range isn't always successful so we need to check range count otherwise an exception can occur
+					self.selectedRange = sel.rangeCount > 0 ? sel.getRangeAt(0) : null;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Is W3C Range fake range on IE
+				if (rng.cloneRange) {
+					try {
+						self.tridentSel.addRange(rng);
+						return;
+					} catch (ex) {
+						//IE9 throws an error here if called before selection is placed in the editor
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the current selection to the specified DOM element.
+		 *
+		 * @method setNode
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to set as the contents of the selection.
+		 * @return {Element} Returns the element that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Inserts a DOM node at current selection/caret location
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setNode(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.create('img', {src: 'some.gif', title: 'some title'}));
+		 */
+		setNode: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.setContent(self.dom.getOuterHTML(elm));
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the currently selected element or the common ancestor element for both start and end of the selection.
+		 *
+		 * @method getNode
+		 * @return {Element} Currently selected element or common ancestor element.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected elements node name
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getNode().nodeName);
+		 */
+		getNode: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), elm;
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer, endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+			var startOffset = rng.startOffset, endOffset = rng.endOffset, root = self.dom.getRoot();
+			function skipEmptyTextNodes(node, forwards) {
+				var orig = node;
+				while (node && node.nodeType === 3 && node.length === 0) {
+					node = forwards ? node.nextSibling : node.previousSibling;
+				}
+				return node || orig;
+			}
+			// Range maybe lost after the editor is made visible again
+			if (!rng) {
+				return root;
+			}
+			if (rng.setStart) {
+				elm = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
+				// Handle selection a image or other control like element such as anchors
+				if (!rng.collapsed) {
+					if (startContainer == endContainer) {
+						if (endOffset - startOffset < 2) {
+							if (startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+								elm = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// If the anchor node is a element instead of a text node then return this element
+					//if (tinymce.isWebKit && sel.anchorNode && sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1)
+					//	return sel.anchorNode.childNodes[sel.anchorOffset];
+					// Handle cases where the selection is immediately wrapped around a node and return that node instead of it's parent.
+					// This happens when you double click an underlined word in FireFox.
+					if (startContainer.nodeType === 3 && endContainer.nodeType === 3) {
+						if (startContainer.length === startOffset) {
+							startContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(startContainer.nextSibling, true);
+						} else {
+							startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+						}
+						if (endOffset === 0) {
+							endContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(endContainer.previousSibling, false);
+						} else {
+							endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+						}
+						if (startContainer && startContainer === endContainer) {
+							return startContainer;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (elm && elm.nodeType == 3) {
+					return elm.parentNode;
+				}
+				return elm;
+			}
+			elm = rng.item ? rng.item(0) : rng.parentElement();
+			// IE 7 might return elements outside the iframe
+			if (elm.ownerDocument !== self.win.document) {
+				elm = root;
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		getSelectedBlocks: function(startElm, endElm) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, node, root, selectedBlocks = [];
+			root = dom.getRoot();
+			startElm = dom.getParent(startElm || self.getStart(), dom.isBlock);
+			endElm = dom.getParent(endElm || self.getEnd(), dom.isBlock);
+			if (startElm && startElm != root) {
+				selectedBlocks.push(startElm);
+			}
+			if (startElm && endElm && startElm != endElm) {
+				node = startElm;
+				var walker = new TreeWalker(startElm, root);
+				while ((node = walker.next()) && node != endElm) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						selectedBlocks.push(node);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (endElm && startElm != endElm && endElm != root) {
+				selectedBlocks.push(endElm);
+			}
+			return selectedBlocks;
+		},
+		isForward: function() {
+			var dom = this.dom, sel = this.getSel(), anchorRange, focusRange;
+			// No support for selection direction then always return true
+			if (!sel || !sel.anchorNode || !sel.focusNode) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			anchorRange = dom.createRng();
+			anchorRange.setStart(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);
+			anchorRange.collapse(true);
+			focusRange = dom.createRng();
+			focusRange.setStart(sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset);
+			focusRange.collapse(true);
+			return anchorRange.compareBoundaryPoints(anchorRange.START_TO_START, focusRange) <= 0;
+		},
+		normalize: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng();
+			if (!isIE && new RangeUtils(self.dom).normalize(rng)) {
+				self.setRng(rng, self.isForward());
+			}
+			return rng;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes callback of the current selection matches the specified selector or not and passes the state and args to the callback.
+		 *
+		 * @method selectorChanged
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS selector to check for.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback with state and args when the selector is matches or not.
+		 */
+		selectorChanged: function(selector, callback) {
+			var self = this, currentSelectors;
+			if (!self.selectorChangedData) {
+				self.selectorChangedData = {};
+				currentSelectors = {};
+				self.editor.on('NodeChange', function(e) {
+					var node = e.element, dom = self.dom, parents = dom.getParents(node, null, dom.getRoot()), matchedSelectors = {};
+					// Check for new matching selectors
+					each(self.selectorChangedData, function(callbacks, selector) {
+						each(parents, function(node) {
+							if (dom.is(node, selector)) {
+								if (!currentSelectors[selector]) {
+									// Execute callbacks
+									each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+										callback(true, {node: node, selector: selector, parents: parents});
+									});
+									currentSelectors[selector] = callbacks;
+								}
+								matchedSelectors[selector] = callbacks;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					});
+					// Check if current selectors still match
+					each(currentSelectors, function(callbacks, selector) {
+						if (!matchedSelectors[selector]) {
+							delete currentSelectors[selector];
+							each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+								callback(false, {node: node, selector: selector, parents: parents});
+							});
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Add selector listeners
+			if (!self.selectorChangedData[selector]) {
+				self.selectorChangedData[selector] = [];
+			}
+			self.selectorChangedData[selector].push(callback);
+			return self;
+		},
+		getScrollContainer: function() {
+			var scrollContainer, node = this.dom.getRoot();
+			while (node && node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+				if (node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight) {
+					scrollContainer = node;
+					break;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			return scrollContainer;
+		},
+		scrollIntoView: function(elm) {
+			var y, viewPort, self = this, dom = self.dom, root = dom.getRoot(), viewPortY, viewPortH;
+			function getPos(elm) {
+				var x = 0, y = 0;
+				var offsetParent = elm;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x += offsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += offsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				return {x: x, y: y};
+			}
+			if (root.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+				var scrollContainer = self.getScrollContainer();
+				if (scrollContainer) {
+					y = getPos(elm).y - getPos(scrollContainer).y;
+					viewPortH = scrollContainer.clientHeight;
+					viewPortY = scrollContainer.scrollTop;
+					if (y < viewPortY || y + 25 > viewPortY + viewPortH) {
+						scrollContainer.scrollTop = y < viewPortY ? y : y - viewPortH + 25;
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			viewPort = dom.getViewPort(self.editor.getWin());
+			y = dom.getPos(elm).y;
+			viewPortY = viewPort.y;
+			viewPortH = viewPort.h;
+			if (y < viewPort.y || y + 25 > viewPortY + viewPortH) {
+				self.editor.getWin().scrollTo(0, y < viewPortY ? y : y - viewPortH + 25);
+			}
+		},
+		_moveEndPoint: function(rng, node, start) {
+			var root = node, walker = new TreeWalker(node, root);
+			var nonEmptyElementsMap = this.dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			do {
+				// Text node
+				if (node.nodeType == 3 && trim(node.nodeValue).length !== 0) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, node.nodeValue.length);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				// BR/IMG/INPUT elements
+				if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStartBefore(node);
+					} else {
+						if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+						} else {
+							rng.setEndAfter(node);
+						}
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				// Found empty text block old IE can place the selection inside those
+				if (Env.ie && Env.ie < 11 && this.dom.isBlock(node) && this.dom.isEmpty(node)) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, 0);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+			} while ((node = (start ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));
+			// Failed to find any text node or other suitable location then move to the root of body
+			if (root.nodeName == 'BODY') {
+				if (start) {
+					rng.setStart(root, 0);
+				} else {
+					rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		destroy: function() {
+			this.win = null;
+			this.controlSelection.destroy();
+		}
+	};
+	return Selection;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Serializer.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Serializer.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6607497bd364f8d52fffa4b4d0ae4f0a8de4ced4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Serializer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ * Serializer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to serialize DOM trees into a string. Consult the TinyMCE Wiki API for
+ * more details and examples on how to use this class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.Serializer
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Serializer", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(DOMUtils, DomParser, Entities, Serializer, Node, Schema, Env, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, trim = Tools.trim;
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DOM serializer class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Serializer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Serializer settings object.
+	 * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Optional editor to bind events to and get schema/dom from.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, editor) {
+		var dom, schema, htmlParser;
+		if (editor) {
+			dom = editor.dom;
+			schema = editor.schema;
+		}
+		// Default DOM and Schema if they are undefined
+		dom = dom || DOM;
+		schema = schema || new Schema(settings);
+		settings.entity_encoding = settings.entity_encoding || 'named';
+		settings.remove_trailing_brs = "remove_trailing_brs" in settings ? settings.remove_trailing_brs : true;
+		htmlParser = new DomParser(settings, schema);
+		// Convert move data-mce-src, data-mce-href and data-mce-style into nodes or process them if needed
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value, internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
+			var urlConverter = settings.url_converter, urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope, undef;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.attributes.map[internalName];
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					// Set external name to internal value and remove internal
+					node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+					node.attr(internalName, null);
+				} else {
+					// No internal attribute found then convert the value we have in the DOM
+					value = node.attributes.map[name];
+					if (name === "style") {
+						value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name);
+					} else if (urlConverter) {
+						value = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, value, name, node.name);
+					}
+					node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove internal classes mceItem<..> or mceSelected
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('class', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.attr('class').replace(/(?:^|\s)mce-item-\w+(?!\S)/g, '');
+				node.attr('class', value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove bookmark elements
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-type', function(nodes, name, args) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.attributes.map['data-mce-type'] === 'bookmark' && !args.cleanup) {
+					node.remove();
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove expando attributes
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-expando', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				nodes[i].attr(name, null);
+			}
+		});
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i].firstChild;
+				if (node) {
+					node.value = Entities.decode(node.value);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Force script into CDATA sections and remove the mce- prefix also add comments around styles
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('script,style', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value;
+			function trim(value) {
+				/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+				/*eslint max-len:0 */
+				return value.replace(/(<!--\[CDATA\[|\]\]-->)/g, '\n')
+						.replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g, '')
+						.replace(/^\s*((<!--)?(\s*\/\/)?\s*<!\[CDATA\[|(<!--\s*)?\/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*\/|(\/\/)?\s*<!--|\/\*\s*<!--\s*\*\/)\s*[\r\n]*/gi, '')
+						.replace(/\s*(\/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*\/(-->)?|\s*\/\/\s*\]\]>(-->)?|\/\/\s*(-->)?|\]\]>|\/\*\s*-->\s*\*\/|\s*-->\s*)\s*$/g, '');
+			}
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.firstChild ? node.firstChild.value : '';
+				if (name === "script") {
+					// Remove mce- prefix from script elements and remove default text/javascript mime type (HTML5)
+					var type = (node.attr('type') || 'text/javascript').replace(/^mce\-/, '');
+					node.attr('type', type === 'text/javascript' ? null : type);
+					if (value.length > 0) {
+						node.firstChild.value = '// <![CDATA[\n' + trim(value) + '\n// ]]>';
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (value.length > 0) {
+						node.firstChild.value = '<!--\n' + trim(value) + '\n-->';
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Convert comments to cdata and handle protected comments
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('#comment', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.value.indexOf('[CDATA[') === 0) {
+					node.name = '#cdata';
+					node.type = 4;
+					node.value = node.value.replace(/^\[CDATA\[|\]\]$/g, '');
+				} else if (node.value.indexOf('mce:protected ') === 0) {
+					node.name = "#text";
+					node.type = 3;
+					node.raw = true;
+					node.value = unescape(node.value).substr(14);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('xml:namespace,input', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.type === 7) {
+					node.remove();
+				} else if (node.type === 1) {
+					if (name === "input" && !("type" in node.attributes.map)) {
+						node.attr('type', 'text');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Fix list elements, TODO: Replace this later
+		if (settings.fix_list_elements) {
+			htmlParser.addNodeFilter('ul,ol', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, parentNode;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					parentNode = node.parent;
+					if (parentNode.name === 'ul' || parentNode.name === 'ol') {
+						if (node.prev && node.prev.name === 'li') {
+							node.prev.append(node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Remove internal data attributes
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-src,data-mce-href,data-mce-style,data-mce-selected', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				nodes[i].attr(name, null);
+			}
+		});
+		// Return public methods
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Schema instance that was used to when the Serializer was constructed.
+			 *
+			 * @field {tinymce.html.Schema} schema
+			 */
+			schema: schema,
+			/**
+			 * Adds a node filter function to the parser used by the serializer, the parser will collect the specified nodes by name
+			 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+			 *
+			 * @example
+			 * parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1', function(nodes, name) {
+			 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+			 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+			 *		}
+			 * });
+			 * @method addNodeFilter
+			 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+			 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+			 */
+			addNodeFilter: htmlParser.addNodeFilter,
+			/**
+			 * Adds a attribute filter function to the parser used by the serializer, the parser will
+			 * collect nodes that has the specified attributes
+			 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+			 *
+			 * @example
+			 * parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href', function(nodes, name) {
+			 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+			 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+			 *		}
+			 * });
+			 * @method addAttributeFilter
+			 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+			 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+			 */
+			addAttributeFilter: htmlParser.addAttributeFilter,
+			/**
+			 * Serializes the specified browser DOM node into a HTML string.
+			 *
+			 * @method serialize
+			 * @param {DOMNode} node DOM node to serialize.
+			 * @param {Object} args Arguments option that gets passed to event handlers.
+			 */
+			serialize: function(node, args) {
+				var self = this, impl, doc, oldDoc, htmlSerializer, content;
+				// Explorer won't clone contents of script and style and the
+				// selected index of select elements are cleared on a clone operation.
+				if (Env.ie && dom.select('script,style,select,map').length > 0) {
+					content = node.innerHTML;
+					node = node.cloneNode(false);
+					dom.setHTML(node, content);
+				} else {
+					node = node.cloneNode(true);
+				}
+				// Nodes needs to be attached to something in WebKit/Opera
+				// This fix will make DOM ranges and make Sizzle happy!
+				impl = node.ownerDocument.implementation;
+				if (impl.createHTMLDocument) {
+					// Create an empty HTML document
+					doc = impl.createHTMLDocument("");
+					// Add the element or it's children if it's a body element to the new document
+					each(node.nodeName == 'BODY' ? node.childNodes : [node], function(node) {
+						doc.body.appendChild(doc.importNode(node, true));
+					});
+					// Grab first child or body element for serialization
+					if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+						node = doc.body.firstChild;
+					} else {
+						node = doc.body;
+					}
+					// set the new document in DOMUtils so createElement etc works
+					oldDoc = dom.doc;
+					dom.doc = doc;
+				}
+				args = args || {};
+				args.format = args.format || 'html';
+				// Don't wrap content if we want selected html
+				if (args.selection) {
+					args.forced_root_block = '';
+				}
+				// Pre process
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					args.node = node;
+					self.onPreProcess(args);
+				}
+				// Setup serializer
+				htmlSerializer = new Serializer(settings, schema);
+				// Parse and serialize HTML
+				args.content = htmlSerializer.serialize(
+					htmlParser.parse(trim(args.getInner ? node.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(node)), args)
+				);
+				// Replace all BOM characters for now until we can find a better solution
+				if (!args.cleanup) {
+					args.content = args.content.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
+				}
+				// Post process
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.onPostProcess(args);
+				}
+				// Restore the old document if it was changed
+				if (oldDoc) {
+					dom.doc = oldDoc;
+				}
+				args.node = null;
+				return args.content;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Adds valid elements rules to the serializers schema instance this enables you to specify things
+			 * like what elements should be outputted and what attributes specific elements might have.
+			 * Consult the Wiki for more details on this format.
+			 *
+			 * @method addRules
+			 * @param {String} rules Valid elements rules string to add to schema.
+			 */
+			addRules: function(rules) {
+				schema.addValidElements(rules);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Sets the valid elements rules to the serializers schema instance this enables you to specify things
+			 * like what elements should be outputted and what attributes specific elements might have.
+			 * Consult the Wiki for more details on this format.
+			 *
+			 * @method setRules
+			 * @param {String} rules Valid elements rules string.
+			 */
+			setRules: function(rules) {
+				schema.setValidElements(rules);
+			},
+			onPreProcess: function(args) {
+				if (editor) {
+					editor.fire('PreProcess', args);
+				}
+			},
+			onPostProcess: function(args) {
+				if (editor) {
+					editor.fire('PostProcess', args);
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Sizzle.jQuery.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Sizzle.jQuery.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b9e2a16a6521c80717ba653c01ea8d6c2860b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Sizzle.jQuery.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * Sizzle.jQuery.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global jQuery:true */
+ * Fake Sizzle using jQuery.
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Sizzle", [], function() {
+	// Detect if jQuery is loaded
+	if (!window.jQuery) {
+		throw new Error("Load jQuery first");
+	}
+	return jQuery.find;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Sizzle.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Sizzle.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4eaa7bae52568b13068a7a396921af0b95198b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/Sizzle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1928 @@
+ * Sizzle.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ *
+ * @ignore-file
+ */
+/*jshint bitwise:false, expr:true, noempty:false, sub:true, eqnull:true, latedef:false, maxlen:255 */
+/*eslint dot-notation:0, no-empty:0, no-cond-assign:0, no-unused-expressions:0, new-cap:0, no-nested-ternary:0, func-style:0, no-bitwise: 0 */
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine
+ *  Copyright, The Dojo Foundation
+ *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *  More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Sizzle", [], function() {
+var i,
+	cachedruns,
+	Expr,
+	getText,
+	isXML,
+	compile,
+	outermostContext,
+	recompare,
+	sortInput,
+	// Local document vars
+	setDocument,
+	document,
+	docElem,
+	documentIsHTML,
+	rbuggyQSA,
+	rbuggyMatches,
+	matches,
+	contains,
+	// Instance-specific data
+	expando = "sizzle" + -(new Date()),
+	preferredDoc = window.document,
+	support = {},
+	dirruns = 0,
+	done = 0,
+	classCache = createCache(),
+	tokenCache = createCache(),
+	compilerCache = createCache(),
+	hasDuplicate = false,
+	sortOrder = function() { return 0; },
+	// General-purpose constants
+	strundefined = typeof undefined,
+	MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31,
+	// Array methods
+	arr = [],
+	pop = arr.pop,
+	push_native = arr.push,
+	push = arr.push,
+	slice = arr.slice,
+	// Use a stripped-down indexOf if we can't use a native one
+	indexOf = arr.indexOf || function( elem ) {
+		var i = 0,
+			len = this.length;
+		for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+			if ( this[i] === elem ) {
+				return i;
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	},
+	// Regular expressions
+	// Whitespace characters http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#whitespace
+	whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
+	// http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#characters
+	characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",
+	// Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters
+	// An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#attribute-selectors
+	// Proper syntax: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier
+	identifier = characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w#" ),
+	// Acceptable operators http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#attribute-selectors
+	operators = "([*^$|!~]?=)",
+	attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")" + whitespace +
+		"*(?:" + operators + whitespace + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + identifier + ")|)|)" + whitespace + "*\\]",
+	// Prefer arguments quoted,
+	//   then not containing pseudos/brackets,
+	//   then attribute selectors/non-parenthetical expressions,
+	//   then anything else
+	// These preferences are here to reduce the number of selectors
+	//   needing tokenize in the PSEUDO preFilter
+	pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes.replace( 3, 8 ) + ")*)|.*)\\)|)",
+	// Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter
+	rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ),
+	rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ),
+	rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + whitespace + "*" ),
+	rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ),
+	ridentifier = new RegExp( "^" + identifier + "$" ),
+	matchExpr = {
+		"ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
+		"CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
+		"NAME": new RegExp( "^\\[name=['\"]?(" + characterEncoding + ")['\"]?\\]" ),
+		"TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ),
+		"ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ),
+		"PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ),
+		"CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace +
+			"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace +
+			"*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ),
+		// For use in libraries implementing .is()
+		// We use this for POS matching in `select`
+		"needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
+			whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i" )
+	},
+	rsibling = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/,
+	rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native code/,
+	// Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors
+	rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w\-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w\-]+))$/,
+	rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
+	rheader = /^h\d$/i,
+	rescape = /'|\\/g,
+	rattributeQuotes = /\=[\x20\t\r\n\f]*([^'"\]]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\]/g,
+	// CSS escapes http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#escaped-characters
+	runescape = /\\([\da-fA-F]{1,6}[\x20\t\r\n\f]?|.)/g,
+	funescape = function( _, escaped ) {
+		var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000;
+		// NaN means non-codepoint
+		return high !== high ?
+			escaped :
+			// BMP codepoint
+			high < 0 ?
+				String.fromCharCode( high + 0x10000 ) :
+				// Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
+				String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 );
+	};
+// Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList )
+try {
+	push.apply(
+		(arr = slice.call( preferredDoc.childNodes )),
+		preferredDoc.childNodes
+	);
+	// Support: Android<4.0
+	// Detect silently failing push.apply
+	arr[ preferredDoc.childNodes.length ].nodeType;
+} catch ( e ) {
+	push = { apply: arr.length ?
+		// Leverage slice if possible
+		function( target, els ) {
+			push_native.apply( target, slice.call(els) );
+		} :
+		// Support: IE<9
+		// Otherwise append directly
+		function( target, els ) {
+			var j = target.length,
+				i = 0;
+			// Can't trust NodeList.length
+			while ( (target[j++] = els[i++]) ) {}
+			target.length = j - 1;
+		}
+	};
+ * For feature detection
+ * @param {Function} fn The function to test for native support
+ */
+function isNative( fn ) {
+	return rnative.test( fn + "" );
+ * Create key-value caches of limited size
+ * @returns {Function(string, Object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with
+ *	property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength)
+ *	deleting the oldest entry
+ */
+function createCache() {
+	var cache,
+		keys = [];
+	cache = function( key, value ) {
+		// Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157)
+		if ( keys.push( key += " " ) > Expr.cacheLength ) {
+			// Only keep the most recent entries
+			delete cache[ keys.shift() ];
+		}
+		cache[ key ] = value;
+		return value;
+	};
+	return cache;
+ * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle
+ * @param {Function} fn The function to mark
+ */
+function markFunction( fn ) {
+	fn[ expando ] = true;
+	return fn;
+ * Support testing using an element
+ * @param {Function} fn Passed the created div and expects a boolean result
+ */
+function assert( fn ) {
+	var div = document.createElement("div");
+	try {
+		return !!fn( div );
+	} catch (e) {
+		return false;
+	} finally {
+		// release memory in IE
+		div = null;
+	}
+function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+	var match, elem, m, nodeType,
+		// QSA vars
+		i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector;
+	if ( ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( context );
+	}
+	context = context || document;
+	results = results || [];
+	if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+		return results;
+	}
+	if ( (nodeType = context.nodeType) !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 ) {
+		return [];
+	}
+	if ( documentIsHTML && !seed ) {
+		// Shortcuts
+		if ( (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) {
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
+			if ( (m = match[1]) ) {
+				if ( nodeType === 9 ) {
+					elem = context.getElementById( m );
+					// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+					// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+						// Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items
+						// by name instead of ID
+						if ( elem.id === m ) {
+							results.push( elem );
+							return results;
+						}
+					} else {
+						return results;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Context is not a document
+					if ( context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById( m )) &&
+						contains( context, elem ) && elem.id === m ) {
+						results.push( elem );
+						return results;
+					}
+				}
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
+			} else if ( match[2] ) {
+				push.apply( results, context.getElementsByTagName( selector ) );
+				return results;
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
+			} else if ( (m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName && context.getElementsByClassName ) {
+				push.apply( results, context.getElementsByClassName( m ) );
+				return results;
+			}
+		}
+		// QSA path
+		if ( support.qsa && !rbuggyQSA.test(selector) ) {
+			old = true;
+			nid = expando;
+			newContext = context;
+			newSelector = nodeType === 9 && selector;
+			// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
+			// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
+			// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
+			// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
+			if ( nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
+				groups = tokenize( selector );
+				if ( (old = context.getAttribute("id")) ) {
+					nid = old.replace( rescape, "\\$&" );
+				} else {
+					context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
+				}
+				nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] ";
+				i = groups.length;
+				while ( i-- ) {
+					groups[i] = nid + toSelector( groups[i] );
+				}
+				newContext = rsibling.test( selector ) && context.parentNode || context;
+				newSelector = groups.join(",");
+			}
+			if ( newSelector ) {
+				try {
+					push.apply( results,
+						newContext.querySelectorAll( newSelector )
+					);
+					return results;
+				} catch(qsaError) {
+				} finally {
+					if ( !old ) {
+						context.removeAttribute("id");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// All others
+	return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed );
+ * Detect xml
+ * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document
+ */
+isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
+	// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
+	// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
+	var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
+	return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
+ * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document
+ * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document
+ * @returns {Object} Returns the current document
+ */
+setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function( node ) {
+	var doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc;
+	// If no document and documentElement is available, return
+	if ( doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement ) {
+		return document;
+	}
+	// Set our document
+	document = doc;
+	docElem = doc.documentElement;
+	// Support tests
+	documentIsHTML = !isXML( doc );
+	// Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements
+	support.getElementsByTagName = assert(function( div ) {
+		div.appendChild( doc.createComment("") );
+		return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
+	});
+	// Check if attributes should be retrieved by attribute nodes
+	support.attributes = assert(function( div ) {
+		div.innerHTML = "<select></select>";
+		var type = typeof div.lastChild.getAttribute("multiple");
+		// IE8 returns a string for some attributes even when not present
+		return type !== "boolean" && type !== "string";
+	});
+	// Check if getElementsByClassName can be trusted
+	support.getElementsByClassName = assert(function( div ) {
+		// Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
+		div.innerHTML = "<div class='hidden e'></div><div class='hidden'></div>";
+		if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || !div.getElementsByClassName("e").length ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Safari 3.2 caches class attributes and doesn't catch changes
+		div.lastChild.className = "e";
+		return div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 2;
+	});
+	// Check if getElementsByName privileges form controls or returns elements by ID
+	// If so, assume (for broader support) that getElementById returns elements by name
+	support.getByName = assert(function( div ) {
+		// Inject content
+		div.id = expando + 0;
+		// Support: Windows 8 Native Apps
+		// Assigning innerHTML with "name" attributes throws uncatchable exceptions
+		// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh465388.aspx
+		div.appendChild( document.createElement("a") ).setAttribute( "name", expando );
+		div.appendChild( document.createElement("i") ).setAttribute( "name", expando );
+		docElem.appendChild( div );
+		// Test
+		var pass = doc.getElementsByName &&
+			// buggy browsers will return fewer than the correct 2
+			doc.getElementsByName( expando ).length === 2 +
+			// buggy browsers will return more than the correct 0
+			doc.getElementsByName( expando + 0 ).length;
+		// Cleanup
+		docElem.removeChild( div );
+		return pass;
+	});
+	// Support: Webkit<537.32
+	// Detached nodes confoundingly follow *each other*
+	support.sortDetached = assert(function( div1 ) {
+		return div1.compareDocumentPosition &&
+			// Should return 1, but Webkit returns 4 (following)
+			(div1.compareDocumentPosition( document.createElement("div") ) & 1);
+	});
+	// IE6/7 return modified attributes
+	Expr.attrHandle = assert(function( div ) {
+		div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
+		return div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== strundefined &&
+			div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#";
+	}) ?
+		{} :
+		{
+			"href": function( elem ) {
+				return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 );
+			},
+			"type": function( elem ) {
+				return elem.getAttribute("type");
+			}
+		};
+	// ID find and filter
+	if ( support.getByName ) {
+		Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && documentIsHTML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById( id );
+				// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+				// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+				return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
+			}
+		};
+		Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) {
+			var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId;
+			};
+		};
+	} else {
+		Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && documentIsHTML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById( id );
+				return m ?
+					m.id === id || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && m.getAttributeNode("id").value === id ?
+						[m] :
+						undefined :
+					[];
+			}
+		};
+		Expr.filter["ID"] =  function( id ) {
+			var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+				return node && node.value === attrId;
+			};
+		};
+	}
+	// Tag
+	Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ?
+		function( tag, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined ) {
+				return context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
+			}
+		} :
+		function( tag, context ) {
+			var elem,
+				tmp = [],
+				i = 0,
+				results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
+			// Filter out possible comments
+			if ( tag === "*" ) {
+				while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+						tmp.push( elem );
+					}
+				}
+				return tmp;
+			}
+			return results;
+		};
+	// Name
+	Expr.find["NAME"] = support.getByName && function( tag, context ) {
+		if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== strundefined ) {
+			return context.getElementsByName( name );
+		}
+	};
+	// Class
+	Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getElementsByClassName && function( className, context ) {
+		if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== strundefined && documentIsHTML ) {
+			return context.getElementsByClassName( className );
+		}
+	};
+	// QSA and matchesSelector support
+	// matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5)
+	rbuggyMatches = [];
+	// qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21),
+	// no need to also add to buggyMatches since matches checks buggyQSA
+	// A support test would require too much code (would include document ready)
+	rbuggyQSA = [ ":focus" ];
+	if ( (support.qsa = isNative(doc.querySelectorAll)) ) {
+		// Build QSA regex
+		// Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Select is set to empty string on purpose
+			// This is to test IE's treatment of not explicitly
+			// setting a boolean content attribute,
+			// since its presence should be enough
+			// http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12359
+			div.innerHTML = "<select><option selected=''></option></select>";
+			// IE8 - Some boolean attributes are not treated correctly
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( "\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:checked|disabled|ismap|multiple|readonly|selected|value)" );
+			}
+			// Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
+			// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":checked").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push(":checked");
+			}
+		});
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Opera 10-12/IE8 - ^= $= *= and empty values
+			// Should not select anything
+			div.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden' i=''/>";
+			if ( div.querySelectorAll("[i^='']").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( "[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:\"\"|'')" );
+			}
+			// FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled)
+			// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" );
+			}
+			// Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos
+			div.querySelectorAll("*,:x");
+			rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:");
+		});
+	}
+	if ( (support.matchesSelector = isNative( (matches = docElem.matchesSelector ||
+		docElem.mozMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.webkitMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.oMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.msMatchesSelector) )) ) {
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
+			// on a disconnected node (IE 9)
+			support.disconnectedMatch = matches.call( div, "div" );
+			// This should fail with an exception
+			// Gecko does not error, returns false instead
+			matches.call( div, "[s!='']:x" );
+			rbuggyMatches.push( "!=", pseudos );
+		});
+	}
+	rbuggyQSA = new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") );
+	rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") );
+	// Element contains another
+	// Purposefully does not implement inclusive descendant
+	// As in, an element does not contain itself
+	contains = isNative(docElem.contains) || docElem.compareDocumentPosition ?
+		function( a, b ) {
+			var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
+				bup = b && b.parentNode;
+			return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (
+				adown.contains ?
+					adown.contains( bup ) :
+					a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( bup ) & 16
+			));
+		} :
+		function( a, b ) {
+			if ( b ) {
+				while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) {
+					if ( b === a ) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		};
+	// Document order sorting
+	sortOrder = docElem.compareDocumentPosition ?
+	function( a, b ) {
+		// Flag for duplicate removal
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		var compare = b.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( b );
+		if ( compare ) {
+			// Disconnected nodes
+			if ( compare & 1 ||
+				(recompare && b.compareDocumentPosition( a ) === compare) ) {
+				// Choose the first element that is related to our preferred document
+				if ( a === doc || contains(preferredDoc, a) ) {
+					return -1;
+				}
+				if ( b === doc || contains(preferredDoc, b) ) {
+					return 1;
+				}
+				// Maintain original order
+				return sortInput ?
+					( indexOf.call( sortInput, a ) - indexOf.call( sortInput, b ) ) :
+					0;
+			}
+			return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
+		}
+		// Not directly comparable, sort on existence of method
+		return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
+	} :
+	function( a, b ) {
+		var cur,
+			i = 0,
+			aup = a.parentNode,
+			bup = b.parentNode,
+			ap = [ a ],
+			bp = [ b ];
+		// Exit early if the nodes are identical
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		// Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected
+		} else if ( !aup || !bup ) {
+			return a === doc ? -1 :
+				b === doc ? 1 :
+				aup ? -1 :
+				bup ? 1 :
+				0;
+		// If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check
+		} else if ( aup === bup ) {
+			return siblingCheck( a, b );
+		}
+		// Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison
+		cur = a;
+		while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
+			ap.unshift( cur );
+		}
+		cur = b;
+		while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
+			bp.unshift( cur );
+		}
+		// Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy
+		while ( ap[i] === bp[i] ) {
+			i++;
+		}
+		return i ?
+			// Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor
+			siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ) :
+			// Otherwise nodes in our document sort first
+			ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 :
+			bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 :
+			0;
+	};
+	return document;
+Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) {
+	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements );
+Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) {
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( elem );
+	}
+	// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
+	expr = expr.replace( rattributeQuotes, "='$1']" );
+	// rbuggyQSA always contains :focus, so no need for an existence check
+	if ( support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML && (!rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test(expr)) && !rbuggyQSA.test(expr) ) {
+		try {
+			var ret = matches.call( elem, expr );
+			// IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
+			if ( ret || support.disconnectedMatch ||
+					// As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
+					// fragment in IE 9
+					elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
+				return ret;
+			}
+		} catch(e) {}
+	}
+	return Sizzle( expr, document, null, [elem] ).length > 0;
+Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) {
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( context );
+	}
+	return contains( context, elem );
+Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) {
+	var val;
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( elem );
+	}
+	if ( documentIsHTML ) {
+		name = name.toLowerCase();
+	}
+	if ( (val = Expr.attrHandle[ name ]) ) {
+		return val( elem );
+	}
+	if ( !documentIsHTML || support.attributes ) {
+		return elem.getAttribute( name );
+	}
+	return ( (val = elem.getAttributeNode( name )) || elem.getAttribute( name ) ) && elem[ name ] === true ?
+		name :
+		val && val.specified ? val.value : null;
+Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
+	throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
+// Document sorting and removing duplicates
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
+	var elem,
+		duplicates = [],
+		j = 0,
+		i = 0;
+	// Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence
+	hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates;
+	// Compensate for sort limitations
+	recompare = !support.sortDetached;
+	sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice( 0 );
+	results.sort( sortOrder );
+	if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+		while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
+			if ( elem === results[ i ] ) {
+				j = duplicates.push( i );
+			}
+		}
+		while ( j-- ) {
+			results.splice( duplicates[ j ], 1 );
+		}
+	}
+	return results;
+ * Checks document order of two siblings
+ * @param {Element} a
+ * @param {Element} b
+ * @returns Returns -1 if a precedes b, 1 if a follows b
+ */
+function siblingCheck( a, b ) {
+	var cur = b && a,
+		diff = cur && ( ~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ) - ( ~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE );
+	// Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes
+	if ( diff ) {
+		return diff;
+	}
+	// Check if b follows a
+	if ( cur ) {
+		while ( (cur = cur.nextSibling) ) {
+			if ( cur === b ) {
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return a ? 1 : -1;
+// Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types
+function createInputPseudo( type ) {
+	return function( elem ) {
+		var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+		return name === "input" && elem.type === type;
+	};
+// Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons
+function createButtonPseudo( type ) {
+	return function( elem ) {
+		var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+		return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type;
+	};
+// Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals
+function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) {
+	return markFunction(function( argument ) {
+		argument = +argument;
+		return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
+			var j,
+				matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ),
+				i = matchIndexes.length;
+			// Match elements found at the specified indexes
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) {
+					seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+ * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
+ * @param {Array|Element} elem
+ */
+getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
+	var node,
+		ret = "",
+		i = 0,
+		nodeType = elem.nodeType;
+	if ( !nodeType ) {
+		// If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
+		for ( ; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) {
+			// Do not traverse comment nodes
+			ret += getText( node );
+		}
+	} else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
+		// Use textContent for elements
+		// innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (see #11153)
+		if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) {
+			return elem.textContent;
+		} else {
+			// Traverse its children
+			for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
+				ret += getText( elem );
+			}
+		}
+	} else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
+		return elem.nodeValue;
+	}
+	// Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes
+	return ret;
+Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+	// Can be adjusted by the user
+	cacheLength: 50,
+	createPseudo: markFunction,
+	match: matchExpr,
+	find: {},
+	relative: {
+		">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
+		" ": { dir: "parentNode" },
+		"+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
+		"~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
+	},
+	preFilter: {
+		"ATTR": function( match ) {
+			match[1] = match[1].replace( runescape, funescape );
+			// Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted
+			match[3] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( runescape, funescape );
+			if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+				match[3] = " " + match[3] + " ";
+			}
+			return match.slice( 0, 4 );
+		},
+		"CHILD": function( match ) {
+			/* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"]
+				1 type (only|nth|...)
+				2 what (child|of-type)
+				3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...)
+				4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|)
+				5 sign of xn-component
+				6 x of xn-component
+				7 sign of y-component
+				8 y of y-component
+			*/
+			match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();
+			if ( match[1].slice( 0, 3 ) === "nth" ) {
+				// nth-* requires argument
+				if ( !match[3] ) {
+					Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+				}
+				// numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD
+				// remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1
+				match[4] = +( match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * ( match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd" ) );
+				match[5] = +( ( match[7] + match[8] ) || match[3] === "odd" );
+			// other types prohibit arguments
+			} else if ( match[3] ) {
+				Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+			}
+			return match;
+		},
+		"PSEUDO": function( match ) {
+			var excess,
+				unquoted = !match[5] && match[2];
+			if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			// Accept quoted arguments as-is
+			if ( match[4] ) {
+				match[2] = match[4];
+			// Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments
+			} else if ( unquoted && rpseudo.test( unquoted ) &&
+				// Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
+				(excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) &&
+				// advance to the next closing parenthesis
+				(excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) {
+				// excess is a negative index
+				match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess );
+				match[2] = unquoted.slice( 0, excess );
+			}
+			// Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument)
+			return match.slice( 0, 3 );
+		}
+	},
+	filter: {
+		"TAG": function( nodeName ) {
+			if ( nodeName === "*" ) {
+				return function() { return true; };
+			}
+			nodeName = nodeName.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;
+			};
+		},
+		"CLASS": function( className ) {
+			var pattern = classCache[ className + " " ];
+			return pattern ||
+				(pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) &&
+				classCache( className, function( elem ) {
+					return pattern.test( elem.className || (typeof elem.getAttribute !== strundefined && elem.getAttribute("class")) || "" );
+				});
+		},
+		"ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) {
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name );
+				if ( result == null ) {
+					return operator === "!=";
+				}
+				if ( !operator ) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				result += "";
+				return operator === "=" ? result === check :
+					operator === "!=" ? result !== check :
+					operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 :
+					operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 :
+					operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice( -check.length ) === check :
+					operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 :
+					operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" :
+					false;
+			};
+		},
+		"CHILD": function( type, what, argument, first, last ) {
+			var simple = type.slice( 0, 3 ) !== "nth",
+				forward = type.slice( -4 ) !== "last",
+				ofType = what === "of-type";
+			return first === 1 && last === 0 ?
+				// Shortcut for :nth-*(n)
+				function( elem ) {
+					return !!elem.parentNode;
+				} :
+				function( elem, context, xml ) {
+					var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start,
+						dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
+						parent = elem.parentNode,
+						name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+						useCache = !xml && !ofType;
+					if ( parent ) {
+						// :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type)
+						if ( simple ) {
+							while ( dir ) {
+								node = elem;
+								while ( (node = node[ dir ]) ) {
+									if ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+										return false;
+									}
+								}
+								// Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so)
+								start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling";
+							}
+							return true;
+						}
+						start = [ forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild ];
+						// non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent`
+						if ( forward && useCache ) {
+							// Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index
+							outerCache = parent[ expando ] || (parent[ expando ] = {});
+							cache = outerCache[ type ] || [];
+							nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1];
+							diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2];
+							node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[ nodeIndex ];
+							while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
+								// Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start
+								(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
+								// When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break
+								if ( node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem ) {
+									outerCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, nodeIndex, diff ];
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						// Use previously-cached element index if available
+						} else if ( useCache && (cache = (elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}))[ type ]) && cache[0] === dirruns ) {
+							diff = cache[1];
+						// xml :nth-child(...) or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...)
+						} else {
+							// Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start
+							while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
+								(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
+								if ( ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) && ++diff ) {
+									// Cache the index of each encountered element
+									if ( useCache ) {
+										(node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {}))[ type ] = [ dirruns, diff ];
+									}
+									if ( node === elem ) {
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size
+						diff -= last;
+						return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+					}
+				};
+		},
+		"PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) {
+			// pseudo-class names are case-insensitive
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes
+			// Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters
+			// Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos
+			var args,
+				fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] ||
+					Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo );
+			// The user may use createPseudo to indicate that
+			// arguments are needed to create the filter function
+			// just as Sizzle does
+			if ( fn[ expando ] ) {
+				return fn( argument );
+			}
+			// But maintain support for old signatures
+			if ( fn.length > 1 ) {
+				args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ];
+				return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ?
+					markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
+						var idx,
+							matched = fn( seed, argument ),
+							i = matched.length;
+						while ( i-- ) {
+							idx = indexOf.call( seed, matched[i] );
+							seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] );
+						}
+					}) :
+					function( elem ) {
+						return fn( elem, 0, args );
+					};
+			}
+			return fn;
+		}
+	},
+	pseudos: {
+		// Potentially complex pseudos
+		"not": markFunction(function( selector ) {
+			// Trim the selector passed to compile
+			// to avoid treating leading and trailing
+			// spaces as combinators
+			var input = [],
+				results = [],
+				matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) );
+			return matcher[ expando ] ?
+				markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) {
+					var elem,
+						unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ),
+						i = seed.length;
+					// Match elements unmatched by `matcher`
+					while ( i-- ) {
+						if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
+							seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
+						}
+					}
+				}) :
+				function( elem, context, xml ) {
+					input[0] = elem;
+					matcher( input, null, xml, results );
+					return !results.pop();
+				};
+		}),
+		"has": markFunction(function( selector ) {
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0;
+			};
+		}),
+		"contains": markFunction(function( text ) {
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1;
+			};
+		}),
+		// "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector
+		// is based solely on the element's language value
+		// being equal to the identifier C,
+		// or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-".
+		// The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively.
+		// The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name."
+		// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo
+		"lang": markFunction( function( lang ) {
+			// lang value must be a valid identifier
+			if ( !ridentifier.test(lang || "") ) {
+				Sizzle.error( "unsupported lang: " + lang );
+			}
+			lang = lang.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var elemLang;
+				do {
+					if ( (elemLang = documentIsHTML ?
+						elem.lang :
+						elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")) ) {
+						elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
+						return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf( lang + "-" ) === 0;
+					}
+				} while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1 );
+				return false;
+			};
+		}),
+		// Miscellaneous
+		"target": function( elem ) {
+			var hash = window.location && window.location.hash;
+			return hash && hash.slice( 1 ) === elem.id;
+		},
+		"root": function( elem ) {
+			return elem === docElem;
+		},
+		"focus": function( elem ) {
+			return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);
+		},
+		// Boolean properties
+		"enabled": function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === false;
+		},
+		"disabled": function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === true;
+		},
+		"checked": function( elem ) {
+			// In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
+			var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);
+		},
+		"selected": function( elem ) {
+			// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+			// options in Safari work properly
+			if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+				elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+			}
+			return elem.selected === true;
+		},
+		// Contents
+		"empty": function( elem ) {
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo
+			// :empty is only affected by element nodes and content nodes(including text(3), cdata(4)),
+			//   not comment, processing instructions, or others
+			// Thanks to Diego Perini for the nodeName shortcut
+			//   Greater than "@" means alpha characters (specifically not starting with "#" or "?")
+			for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
+				if ( elem.nodeName > "@" || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		"parent": function( elem ) {
+			return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem );
+		},
+		// Element/input types
+		"header": function( elem ) {
+			return rheader.test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		"input": function( elem ) {
+			return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		"button": function( elem ) {
+			var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";
+		},
+		"text": function( elem ) {
+			var attr;
+			// IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc)
+			// use getAttribute instead to test this case
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
+				elem.type === "text" &&
+				( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === elem.type );
+		},
+		// Position-in-collection
+		"first": createPositionalPseudo(function() {
+			return [ 0 ];
+		}),
+		"last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			return [ length - 1 ];
+		}),
+		"eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ];
+		}),
+		"even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			var i = 0;
+			for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			var i = 1;
+			for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
+			for ( ; --i >= 0; ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
+			for ( ; ++i < length; ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		})
+	}
+// Add button/input type pseudos
+for ( i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true } ) {
+	Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createInputPseudo( i );
+for ( i in { submit: true, reset: true } ) {
+	Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createButtonPseudo( i );
+function tokenize( selector, parseOnly ) {
+	var matched, match, tokens, type,
+		soFar, groups, preFilters,
+		cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ];
+	if ( cached ) {
+		return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 );
+	}
+	soFar = selector;
+	groups = [];
+	preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
+	while ( soFar ) {
+		// Comma and first run
+		if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) {
+			if ( match ) {
+				// Don't consume trailing commas as valid
+				soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length ) || soFar;
+			}
+			groups.push( tokens = [] );
+		}
+		matched = false;
+		// Combinators
+		if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) {
+			matched = match.shift();
+			tokens.push( {
+				value: matched,
+				// Cast descendant combinators to space
+				type: match[0].replace( rtrim, " " )
+			} );
+			soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+		}
+		// Filters
+		for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
+			if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] ||
+				(match = preFilters[ type ]( match ))) ) {
+				matched = match.shift();
+				tokens.push( {
+					value: matched,
+					type: type,
+					matches: match
+				} );
+				soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !matched ) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// Return the length of the invalid excess
+	// if we're just parsing
+	// Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens
+	return parseOnly ?
+		soFar.length :
+		soFar ?
+			Sizzle.error( selector ) :
+			// Cache the tokens
+			tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 );
+function toSelector( tokens ) {
+	var i = 0,
+		len = tokens.length,
+		selector = "";
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		selector += tokens[i].value;
+	}
+	return selector;
+function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) {
+	var dir = combinator.dir,
+		checkNonElements = base && dir === "parentNode",
+		doneName = done++;
+	return combinator.first ?
+		// Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+					return matcher( elem, context, xml );
+				}
+			}
+		} :
+		// Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			var data, cache, outerCache,
+				dirkey = dirruns + " " + doneName;
+			// We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching
+			if ( xml ) {
+				while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+						if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+						outerCache = elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {});
+						if ( (cache = outerCache[ dir ]) && cache[0] === dirkey ) {
+							if ( (data = cache[1]) === true || data === cachedruns ) {
+								return data === true;
+							}
+						} else {
+							cache = outerCache[ dir ] = [ dirkey ];
+							cache[1] = matcher( elem, context, xml ) || cachedruns;
+							if ( cache[1] === true ) {
+								return true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		};
+function elementMatcher( matchers ) {
+	return matchers.length > 1 ?
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			var i = matchers.length;
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			return true;
+		} :
+		matchers[0];
+function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) {
+	var elem,
+		newUnmatched = [],
+		i = 0,
+		len = unmatched.length,
+		mapped = map != null;
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
+			if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+				newUnmatched.push( elem );
+				if ( mapped ) {
+					map.push( i );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return newUnmatched;
+function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) {
+	if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) {
+		postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter );
+	}
+	if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) {
+		postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector );
+	}
+	return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) {
+		var temp, i, elem,
+			preMap = [],
+			postMap = [],
+			preexisting = results.length,
+			// Get initial elements from seed or context
+			elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [] ),
+			// Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization
+			matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ?
+				condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) :
+				elems,
+			matcherOut = matcher ?
+				// If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
+				postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ?
+					// ...intermediate processing is necessary
+					[] :
+					// ...otherwise use results directly
+					results :
+				matcherIn;
+		// Find primary matches
+		if ( matcher ) {
+			matcher( matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml );
+		}
+		// Apply postFilter
+		if ( postFilter ) {
+			temp = condense( matcherOut, postMap );
+			postFilter( temp, [], context, xml );
+			// Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn
+			i = temp.length;
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( (elem = temp[i]) ) {
+					matcherOut[ postMap[i] ] = !(matcherIn[ postMap[i] ] = elem);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ( seed ) {
+			if ( postFinder || preFilter ) {
+				if ( postFinder ) {
+					// Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts
+					temp = [];
+					i = matcherOut.length;
+					while ( i-- ) {
+						if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) ) {
+							// Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match
+							temp.push( (matcherIn[i] = elem) );
+						}
+					}
+					postFinder( null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml );
+				}
+				// Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized
+				i = matcherOut.length;
+				while ( i-- ) {
+					if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) &&
+						(temp = postFinder ? indexOf.call( seed, elem ) : preMap[i]) > -1 ) {
+						seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined
+		} else {
+			matcherOut = condense(
+				matcherOut === results ?
+					matcherOut.splice( preexisting, matcherOut.length ) :
+					matcherOut
+			);
+			if ( postFinder ) {
+				postFinder( null, results, matcherOut, xml );
+			} else {
+				push.apply( results, matcherOut );
+			}
+		}
+	});
+function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) {
+	var checkContext, matcher, j,
+		len = tokens.length,
+		leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[0].type ],
+		implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "],
+		i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0,
+		// The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s)
+		matchContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
+			return elem === checkContext;
+		}, implicitRelative, true ),
+		matchAnyContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
+			return indexOf.call( checkContext, elem ) > -1;
+		}, implicitRelative, true ),
+		matchers = [ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			return ( !leadingRelative && ( xml || context !== outermostContext ) ) || (
+				(checkContext = context).nodeType ?
+					matchContext( elem, context, xml ) :
+					matchAnyContext( elem, context, xml ) );
+		} ];
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		if ( (matcher = Expr.relative[ tokens[i].type ]) ) {
+			matchers = [ addCombinator(elementMatcher( matchers ), matcher) ];
+		} else {
+			matcher = Expr.filter[ tokens[i].type ].apply( null, tokens[i].matches );
+			// Return special upon seeing a positional matcher
+			if ( matcher[ expando ] ) {
+				// Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling
+				j = ++i;
+				for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
+					if ( Expr.relative[ tokens[j].type ] ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				return setMatcher(
+					i > 1 && elementMatcher( matchers ),
+					i > 1 && toSelector( tokens.slice( 0, i - 1 ) ).replace( rtrim, "$1" ),
+					matcher,
+					i < j && matcherFromTokens( tokens.slice( i, j ) ),
+					j < len && matcherFromTokens( (tokens = tokens.slice( j )) ),
+					j < len && toSelector( tokens )
+				);
+			}
+			matchers.push( matcher );
+		}
+	}
+	return elementMatcher( matchers );
+function matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) {
+	// A counter to specify which element is currently being matched
+	var matcherCachedRuns = 0,
+		bySet = setMatchers.length > 0,
+		byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0,
+		superMatcher = function( seed, context, xml, results, expandContext ) {
+			var elem, j, matcher,
+				setMatched = [],
+				matchedCount = 0,
+				i = "0",
+				unmatched = seed && [],
+				outermost = expandContext != null,
+				contextBackup = outermostContext,
+				// We must always have either seed elements or context
+				elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]( "*", expandContext && context.parentNode || context ),
+				// Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher
+				dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1);
+			if ( outermost ) {
+				outermostContext = context !== document && context;
+				cachedruns = matcherCachedRuns;
+			}
+			// Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results
+			// Keep `i` a string if there are no elements so `matchedCount` will be "00" below
+			for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( byElement && elem ) {
+					j = 0;
+					while ( (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) ) {
+						if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+							results.push( elem );
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if ( outermost ) {
+						dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
+						cachedruns = ++matcherCachedRuns;
+					}
+				}
+				// Track unmatched elements for set filters
+				if ( bySet ) {
+					// They will have gone through all possible matchers
+					if ( (elem = !matcher && elem) ) {
+						matchedCount--;
+					}
+					// Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not
+					if ( seed ) {
+						unmatched.push( elem );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Apply set filters to unmatched elements
+			matchedCount += i;
+			if ( bySet && i !== matchedCount ) {
+				j = 0;
+				while ( (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) ) {
+					matcher( unmatched, setMatched, context, xml );
+				}
+				if ( seed ) {
+					// Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting
+					if ( matchedCount > 0 ) {
+						while ( i-- ) {
+							if ( !(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]) ) {
+								setMatched[i] = pop.call( results );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches
+					setMatched = condense( setMatched );
+				}
+				// Add matches to results
+				push.apply( results, setMatched );
+				// Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting
+				if ( outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 &&
+					( matchedCount + setMatchers.length ) > 1 ) {
+					Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+				}
+			}
+			// Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers
+			if ( outermost ) {
+				dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
+				outermostContext = contextBackup;
+			}
+			return unmatched;
+		};
+	return bySet ?
+		markFunction( superMatcher ) :
+		superMatcher;
+compile = Sizzle.compile = function( selector, group /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+	var i,
+		setMatchers = [],
+		elementMatchers = [],
+		cached = compilerCache[ selector + " " ];
+	if ( !cached ) {
+		// Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element
+		if ( !group ) {
+			group = tokenize( selector );
+		}
+		i = group.length;
+		while ( i-- ) {
+			cached = matcherFromTokens( group[i] );
+			if ( cached[ expando ] ) {
+				setMatchers.push( cached );
+			} else {
+				elementMatchers.push( cached );
+			}
+		}
+		// Cache the compiled function
+		cached = compilerCache( selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) );
+	}
+	return cached;
+function multipleContexts( selector, contexts, results ) {
+	var i = 0,
+		len = contexts.length;
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		Sizzle( selector, contexts[i], results );
+	}
+	return results;
+function select( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+	var i, tokens, token, type, find,
+		match = tokenize( selector );
+	if ( !seed ) {
+		// Try to minimize operations if there is only one group
+		if ( match.length === 1 ) {
+			// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+			tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 );
+			if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" &&
+					context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML &&
+					Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) {
+				context = ( Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context ) || [] )[0];
+				if ( !context ) {
+					return results;
+				}
+				selector = selector.slice( tokens.shift().value.length );
+			}
+			// Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching
+			i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test( selector ) ? 0 : tokens.length;
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				token = tokens[i];
+				// Abort if we hit a combinator
+				if ( Expr.relative[ (type = token.type) ] ) {
+					break;
+				}
+				if ( (find = Expr.find[ type ]) ) {
+					// Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators
+					if ( (seed = find(
+						token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ),
+						rsibling.test( tokens[0].type ) && context.parentNode || context
+					)) ) {
+						// If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early
+						tokens.splice( i, 1 );
+						selector = seed.length && toSelector( tokens );
+						if ( !selector ) {
+							push.apply( results, seed );
+							return results;
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Compile and execute a filtering function
+	// Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above
+	compile( selector, match )(
+		seed,
+		context,
+		!documentIsHTML,
+		results,
+		rsibling.test( selector )
+	);
+	return results;
+// Deprecated
+Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"];
+// Easy API for creating new setFilters
+function setFilters() {}
+setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
+Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();
+// Check sort stability
+support.sortStable = expando.split("").sort( sortOrder ).join("") === expando;
+// Initialize with the default document
+// Always assume the presence of duplicates if sort doesn't
+// pass them to our comparison function (as in Google Chrome).
+[0, 0].sort( sortOrder );
+support.detectDuplicates = hasDuplicate;
+if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+	define(function() { return Sizzle; });
+} else {
+	window.Sizzle = Sizzle;
+return Sizzle;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/StyleSheetLoader.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/StyleSheetLoader.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf385acb3427c149dd1729c2e71f9c6c160370c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/StyleSheetLoader.js
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ * StyleSheetLoader.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles loading of external stylesheets and fires events when these are loaded.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.StyleSheetLoader
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	return function(document, settings) {
+		var idCount = 0, loadedStates = {}, maxLoadTime;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		maxLoadTime = settings.maxLoadTime || 5000;
+		function appendToHead(node) {
+			document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(node);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Loads the specified css style sheet file and call the loadedCallback once it's finished loading.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} url Url to be loaded.
+		 * @param {Function} loadedCallback Callback to be executed when loaded.
+		 * @param {Function} errorCallback Callback to be executed when failed loading.
+		 */
+		function load(url, loadedCallback, errorCallback) {
+			var link, style, startTime, state;
+			function passed() {
+				var callbacks = state.passed, i = callbacks.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					callbacks[i]();
+				}
+				state.status = 2;
+				state.passed = [];
+				state.failed = [];
+			}
+			function failed() {
+				var callbacks = state.failed, i = callbacks.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					callbacks[i]();
+				}
+				state.status = 3;
+				state.passed = [];
+				state.failed = [];
+			}
+			// Sniffs for older WebKit versions that have the link.onload but a broken one
+			function isOldWebKit() {
+				var webKitChunks = navigator.userAgent.match(/WebKit\/(\d*)/);
+				return !!(webKitChunks && webKitChunks[1] < 536);
+			}
+			// Calls the waitCallback until the test returns true or the timeout occurs
+			function wait(testCallback, waitCallback) {
+				if (!testCallback()) {
+					// Wait for timeout
+					if ((new Date().getTime()) - startTime < maxLoadTime) {
+						window.setTimeout(waitCallback, 0);
+					} else {
+						failed();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Workaround for WebKit that doesn't properly support the onload event for link elements
+			// Or WebKit that fires the onload event before the StyleSheet is added to the document
+			function waitForWebKitLinkLoaded() {
+				wait(function() {
+					var styleSheets = document.styleSheets, styleSheet, i = styleSheets.length, owner;
+					while (i--) {
+						styleSheet = styleSheets[i];
+						owner = styleSheet.ownerNode ? styleSheet.ownerNode : styleSheet.owningElement;
+						if (owner && owner.id === link.id) {
+							passed();
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}, waitForWebKitLinkLoaded);
+			}
+			// Workaround for older Geckos that doesn't have any onload event for StyleSheets
+			function waitForGeckoLinkLoaded() {
+				wait(function() {
+					try {
+						// Accessing the cssRules will throw an exception until the CSS file is loaded
+						var cssRules = style.sheet.cssRules;
+						passed();
+						return !!cssRules;
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}, waitForGeckoLinkLoaded);
+			}
+			if (!loadedStates[url]) {
+				state = {
+					passed: [],
+					failed: []
+				};
+				loadedStates[url] = state;
+			} else {
+				state = loadedStates[url];
+			}
+			if (loadedCallback) {
+				state.passed.push(loadedCallback);
+			}
+			if (errorCallback) {
+				state.failed.push(errorCallback);
+			}
+			// Is loading wait for it to pass
+			if (state.status == 1) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Has finished loading and was success
+			if (state.status == 2) {
+				passed();
+				return;
+			}
+			// Has finished loading and was a failure
+			if (state.status == 3) {
+				failed();
+				return;
+			}
+			// Start loading
+			state.status = 1;
+			link = document.createElement('link');
+			link.rel = 'stylesheet';
+			link.type = 'text/css';
+			link.id = 'u' + (idCount++);
+			link.async = false;
+			link.defer = false;
+			startTime = new Date().getTime();
+			// Feature detect onload on link element and sniff older webkits since it has an broken onload event
+			if ("onload" in link && !isOldWebKit()) {
+				link.onload = waitForWebKitLinkLoaded;
+				link.onerror = failed;
+			} else {
+				// Sniff for old Firefox that doesn't support the onload event on link elements
+				// TODO: Remove this in the future when everyone uses modern browsers
+				if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0) {
+					style = document.createElement('style');
+					style.textContent = '@import "' + url + '"';
+					waitForGeckoLinkLoaded();
+					appendToHead(style);
+					return;
+				} else {
+					// Use the id owner on older webkits
+					waitForWebKitLinkLoaded();
+				}
+			}
+			appendToHead(link);
+			link.href = url;
+		}
+		this.load = load;
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/TreeWalker.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/TreeWalker.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffe8f0439d42e9a1dbe8622bb2cea4725437d9eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/TreeWalker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * TreeWalker.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * TreeWalker class enables you to walk the DOM in a linear manner.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.TreeWalker
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/TreeWalker", [], function() {
+	return function(start_node, root_node) {
+		var node = start_node;
+		function findSibling(node, start_name, sibling_name, shallow) {
+			var sibling, parent;
+			if (node) {
+				// Walk into nodes if it has a start
+				if (!shallow && node[start_name]) {
+					return node[start_name];
+				}
+				// Return the sibling if it has one
+				if (node != root_node) {
+					sibling = node[sibling_name];
+					if (sibling) {
+						return sibling;
+					}
+					// Walk up the parents to look for siblings
+					for (parent = node.parentNode; parent && parent != root_node; parent = parent.parentNode) {
+						sibling = parent[sibling_name];
+						if (sibling) {
+							return sibling;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @method current
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is.
+		 */
+		this.current = function() {
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the next node in tree.
+		 *
+		 * @method next
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is after moving to the next node.
+		 */
+		this.next = function(shallow) {
+			node = findSibling(node, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling', shallow);
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the previous node in tree.
+		 *
+		 * @method prev
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is after moving to the previous node.
+		 */
+		this.prev = function(shallow) {
+			node = findSibling(node, 'lastChild', 'previousSibling', shallow);
+			return node;
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/TridentSelection.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/TridentSelection.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1edb9208c23cb938dcc4ae379777dfe769a679cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/dom/TridentSelection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+ * TridentSelection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Selection class for old explorer versions. This one fakes the
+ * native selection object available on modern browsers.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.TridentSelection
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/TridentSelection", [], function() {
+	function Selection(selection) {
+		var self = this, dom = selection.dom, FALSE = false;
+		function getPosition(rng, start) {
+			var checkRng, startIndex = 0, endIndex, inside,
+				children, child, offset, index, position = -1, parent;
+			// Setup test range, collapse it and get the parent
+			checkRng = rng.duplicate();
+			checkRng.collapse(start);
+			parent = checkRng.parentElement();
+			// Check if the selection is within the right document
+			if (parent.ownerDocument !== selection.dom.doc) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// IE will report non editable elements as it's parent so look for an editable one
+			while (parent.contentEditable === "false") {
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+			}
+			// If parent doesn't have any children then return that we are inside the element
+			if (!parent.hasChildNodes()) {
+				return {node: parent, inside: 1};
+			}
+			// Setup node list and endIndex
+			children = parent.children;
+			endIndex = children.length - 1;
+			// Perform a binary search for the position
+			while (startIndex <= endIndex) {
+				index = Math.floor((startIndex + endIndex) / 2);
+				// Move selection to node and compare the ranges
+				child = children[index];
+				checkRng.moveToElementText(child);
+				position = checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', rng);
+				// Before/after or an exact match
+				if (position > 0) {
+					endIndex = index - 1;
+				} else if (position < 0) {
+					startIndex = index + 1;
+				} else {
+					return {node: child};
+				}
+			}
+			// Check if child position is before or we didn't find a position
+			if (position < 0) {
+				// No element child was found use the parent element and the offset inside that
+				if (!child) {
+					checkRng.moveToElementText(parent);
+					checkRng.collapse(true);
+					child = parent;
+					inside = true;
+				} else {
+					checkRng.collapse(false);
+				}
+				// Walk character by character in text node until we hit the selected range endpoint,
+				// hit the end of document or parent isn't the right one
+				// We need to walk char by char since rng.text or rng.htmlText will trim line endings
+				offset = 0;
+				while (checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'StartToEnd', rng) !== 0) {
+					if (checkRng.move('character', 1) === 0 || parent != checkRng.parentElement()) {
+						break;
+					}
+					offset++;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Child position is after the selection endpoint
+				checkRng.collapse(true);
+				// Walk character by character in text node until we hit the selected range endpoint, hit
+				// the end of document or parent isn't the right one
+				offset = 0;
+				while (checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'StartToEnd', rng) !== 0) {
+					if (checkRng.move('character', -1) === 0 || parent != checkRng.parentElement()) {
+						break;
+					}
+					offset++;
+				}
+			}
+			return {node: child, position: position, offset: offset, inside: inside};
+		}
+		// Returns a W3C DOM compatible range object by using the IE Range API
+		function getRange() {
+			var ieRange = selection.getRng(), domRange = dom.createRng(), element, collapsed, tmpRange, element2, bookmark;
+			// If selection is outside the current document just return an empty range
+			element = ieRange.item ? ieRange.item(0) : ieRange.parentElement();
+			if (element.ownerDocument != dom.doc) {
+				return domRange;
+			}
+			collapsed = selection.isCollapsed();
+			// Handle control selection
+			if (ieRange.item) {
+				domRange.setStart(element.parentNode, dom.nodeIndex(element));
+				domRange.setEnd(domRange.startContainer, domRange.startOffset + 1);
+				return domRange;
+			}
+			function findEndPoint(start) {
+				var endPoint = getPosition(ieRange, start), container, offset, textNodeOffset = 0, sibling, undef, nodeValue;
+				container = endPoint.node;
+				offset = endPoint.offset;
+				if (endPoint.inside && !container.hasChildNodes()) {
+					domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](container, 0);
+					return;
+				}
+				if (offset === undef) {
+					domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndAfter'](container);
+					return;
+				}
+				if (endPoint.position < 0) {
+					sibling = endPoint.inside ? container.firstChild : container.nextSibling;
+					if (!sibling) {
+						domRange[start ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](container);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!offset) {
+						if (sibling.nodeType == 3) {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](sibling, 0);
+						} else {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndBefore'](sibling);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					// Find the text node and offset
+					while (sibling) {
+						nodeValue = sibling.nodeValue;
+						textNodeOffset += nodeValue.length;
+						// We are at or passed the position we where looking for
+						if (textNodeOffset >= offset) {
+							container = sibling;
+							textNodeOffset -= offset;
+							textNodeOffset = nodeValue.length - textNodeOffset;
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Find the text node and offset
+					sibling = container.previousSibling;
+					if (!sibling) {
+						return domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndBefore'](container);
+					}
+					// If there isn't any text to loop then use the first position
+					if (!offset) {
+						if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](sibling, container.nodeValue.length);
+						} else {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](sibling);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					while (sibling) {
+						textNodeOffset += sibling.nodeValue.length;
+						// We are at or passed the position we where looking for
+						if (textNodeOffset >= offset) {
+							container = sibling;
+							textNodeOffset -= offset;
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.previousSibling;
+					}
+				}
+				domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](container, textNodeOffset);
+			}
+			try {
+				// Find start point
+				findEndPoint(true);
+				// Find end point if needed
+				if (!collapsed) {
+					findEndPoint();
+				}
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE has a nasty bug where text nodes might throw "invalid argument" when you
+				// access the nodeValue or other properties of text nodes. This seems to happend when
+				// text nodes are split into two nodes by a delete/backspace call. So lets detect it and try to fix it.
+				if (ex.number == -2147024809) {
+					// Get the current selection
+					bookmark = self.getBookmark(2);
+					// Get start element
+					tmpRange = ieRange.duplicate();
+					tmpRange.collapse(true);
+					element = tmpRange.parentElement();
+					// Get end element
+					if (!collapsed) {
+						tmpRange = ieRange.duplicate();
+						tmpRange.collapse(false);
+						element2 = tmpRange.parentElement();
+						element2.innerHTML = element2.innerHTML;
+					}
+					// Remove the broken elements
+					element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML;
+					// Restore the selection
+					self.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+					// Since the range has moved we need to re-get it
+					ieRange = selection.getRng();
+					// Find start point
+					findEndPoint(true);
+					// Find end point if needed
+					if (!collapsed) {
+						findEndPoint();
+					}
+				} else {
+					throw ex; // Throw other errors
+				}
+			}
+			return domRange;
+		}
+		this.getBookmark = function(type) {
+			var rng = selection.getRng(), bookmark = {};
+			function getIndexes(node) {
+				var parent, root, children, i, indexes = [];
+				parent = node.parentNode;
+				root = dom.getRoot().parentNode;
+				while (parent != root && parent.nodeType !== 9) {
+					children = parent.children;
+					i = children.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (node === children[i]) {
+							indexes.push(i);
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					node = parent;
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return indexes;
+			}
+			function getBookmarkEndPoint(start) {
+				var position;
+				position = getPosition(rng, start);
+				if (position) {
+					return {
+						position: position.position,
+						offset: position.offset,
+						indexes: getIndexes(position.node),
+						inside: position.inside
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			// Non ubstructive bookmark
+			if (type === 2) {
+				// Handle text selection
+				if (!rng.item) {
+					bookmark.start = getBookmarkEndPoint(true);
+					if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
+						bookmark.end = getBookmarkEndPoint();
+					}
+				} else {
+					bookmark.start = {ctrl: true, indexes: getIndexes(rng.item(0))};
+				}
+			}
+			return bookmark;
+		};
+		this.moveToBookmark = function(bookmark) {
+			var rng, body = dom.doc.body;
+			function resolveIndexes(indexes) {
+				var node, i, idx, children;
+				node = dom.getRoot();
+				for (i = indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					children = node.children;
+					idx = indexes[i];
+					if (idx <= children.length - 1) {
+						node = children[idx];
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function setBookmarkEndPoint(start) {
+				var endPoint = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'], moveLeft, moveRng, undef, offset;
+				if (endPoint) {
+					moveLeft = endPoint.position > 0;
+					moveRng = body.createTextRange();
+					moveRng.moveToElementText(resolveIndexes(endPoint.indexes));
+					offset = endPoint.offset;
+					if (offset !== undef) {
+						moveRng.collapse(endPoint.inside || moveLeft);
+						moveRng.moveStart('character', moveLeft ? -offset : offset);
+					} else {
+						moveRng.collapse(start);
+					}
+					rng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToStart', moveRng);
+					if (start) {
+						rng.collapse(true);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (bookmark.start) {
+				if (bookmark.start.ctrl) {
+					rng = body.createControlRange();
+					rng.addElement(resolveIndexes(bookmark.start.indexes));
+					rng.select();
+				} else {
+					rng = body.createTextRange();
+					setBookmarkEndPoint(true);
+					setBookmarkEndPoint();
+					rng.select();
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		this.addRange = function(rng) {
+			var ieRng, ctrlRng, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, sibling,
+				doc = selection.dom.doc, body = doc.body, nativeRng, ctrlElm;
+			function setEndPoint(start) {
+				var container, offset, marker, tmpRng, nodes;
+				marker = dom.create('a');
+				container = start ? startContainer : endContainer;
+				offset = start ? startOffset : endOffset;
+				tmpRng = ieRng.duplicate();
+				if (container == doc || container == doc.documentElement) {
+					container = body;
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					container.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, container);
+					tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+					tmpRng.moveStart('character', offset);
+					dom.remove(marker);
+					ieRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', tmpRng);
+				} else {
+					nodes = container.childNodes;
+					if (nodes.length) {
+						if (offset >= nodes.length) {
+							dom.insertAfter(marker, nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
+						} else {
+							container.insertBefore(marker, nodes[offset]);
+						}
+						tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+					} else if (container.canHaveHTML) {
+						// Empty node selection for example <div>|</div>
+						// Setting innerHTML with a span marker then remove that marker seems to keep empty block elements open
+						container.innerHTML = '<span>&#xFEFF;</span>';
+						marker = container.firstChild;
+						tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+						tmpRng.collapse(FALSE); // Collapse false works better than true for some odd reason
+					}
+					ieRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', tmpRng);
+					dom.remove(marker);
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup some shorter versions
+			startContainer = rng.startContainer;
+			startOffset = rng.startOffset;
+			endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+			endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			ieRng = body.createTextRange();
+			// If single element selection then try making a control selection out of it
+			if (startContainer == endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				// Trick to place the caret inside an empty block element like <p></p>
+				if (startOffset == endOffset && !startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+					if (startContainer.canHaveHTML) {
+						// Check if previous sibling is an empty block if it is then we need to render it
+						// IE would otherwise move the caret into the sibling instead of the empty startContainer see: #5236
+						// Example this: <p></p><p>|</p> would become this: <p>|</p><p></p>
+						sibling = startContainer.previousSibling;
+						if (sibling && !sibling.hasChildNodes() && dom.isBlock(sibling)) {
+							sibling.innerHTML = '&#xFEFF;';
+						} else {
+							sibling = null;
+						}
+						startContainer.innerHTML = '<span>&#xFEFF;</span><span>&#xFEFF;</span>';
+						ieRng.moveToElementText(startContainer.lastChild);
+						ieRng.select();
+						dom.doc.selection.clear();
+						startContainer.innerHTML = '';
+						if (sibling) {
+							sibling.innerHTML = '';
+						}
+						return;
+					} else {
+						startOffset = dom.nodeIndex(startContainer);
+						startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+					}
+				}
+				if (startOffset == endOffset - 1) {
+					try {
+						ctrlElm = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+						ctrlRng = body.createControlRange();
+						ctrlRng.addElement(ctrlElm);
+						ctrlRng.select();
+						// Check if the range produced is on the correct element and is a control range
+						// On IE 8 it will select the parent contentEditable container if you select an inner element see: #5398
+						nativeRng = selection.getRng();
+						if (nativeRng.item && ctrlElm === nativeRng.item(0)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set start/end point of selection
+			setEndPoint(true);
+			setEndPoint();
+			// Select the new range and scroll it into view
+			ieRng.select();
+		};
+		// Expose range method
+		this.getRangeAt = getRange;
+	}
+	return Selection;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/DomParser.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/DomParser.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc494adde32b77cb4fddc317fccb00eb3992f8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/DomParser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+ * DomParser.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class parses HTML code into a DOM like structure of nodes it will remove redundant whitespace and make
+ * sure that the node tree is valid according to the specified schema.
+ * So for example: <p>a<p>b</p>c</p> will become <p>a</p><p>b</p><p>c</p>
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({validate: true}, schema);
+ * var rootNode = parser.parse('<h1>content</h1>');
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.DomParser
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/DomParser", [
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/SaxParser",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Node, Schema, SaxParser, Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap, each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode, extend = Tools.extend;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DomParser instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method DomParser
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value collection of settings. comment, cdata, text, start and end are callbacks.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema HTML Schema class to use when parsing.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this, nodeFilters = {}, attributeFilters = [], matchedNodes = {}, matchedAttributes = {};
+		settings = settings || {};
+		settings.validate = "validate" in settings ? settings.validate : true;
+		settings.root_name = settings.root_name || 'body';
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		function fixInvalidChildren(nodes) {
+			var ni, node, parent, parents, newParent, currentNode, tempNode, childNode, i;
+			var nonEmptyElements, nonSplitableElements, textBlockElements, sibling, nextNode;
+			nonSplitableElements = makeMap('tr,td,th,tbody,thead,tfoot,table');
+			nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			textBlockElements = schema.getTextBlockElements();
+			for (ni = 0; ni < nodes.length; ni++) {
+				node = nodes[ni];
+				// Already removed or fixed
+				if (!node.parent || node.fixed) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// If the invalid element is a text block and the text block is within a parent LI element
+				// Then unwrap the first text block and convert other sibling text blocks to LI elements similar to Word/Open Office
+				if (textBlockElements[node.name] && node.parent.name == 'li') {
+					// Move sibling text blocks after LI element
+					sibling = node.next;
+					while (sibling) {
+						if (textBlockElements[sibling.name]) {
+							sibling.name = 'li';
+							sibling.fixed = true;
+							node.parent.insert(sibling, node.parent);
+						} else {
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.next;
+					}
+					// Unwrap current text block
+					node.unwrap(node);
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Get list of all parent nodes until we find a valid parent to stick the child into
+				parents = [node];
+				for (parent = node.parent; parent && !schema.isValidChild(parent.name, node.name) &&
+					!nonSplitableElements[parent.name]; parent = parent.parent) {
+					parents.push(parent);
+				}
+				// Found a suitable parent
+				if (parent && parents.length > 1) {
+					// Reverse the array since it makes looping easier
+					parents.reverse();
+					// Clone the related parent and insert that after the moved node
+					newParent = currentNode = self.filterNode(parents[0].clone());
+					// Start cloning and moving children on the left side of the target node
+					for (i = 0; i < parents.length - 1; i++) {
+						if (schema.isValidChild(currentNode.name, parents[i].name)) {
+							tempNode = self.filterNode(parents[i].clone());
+							currentNode.append(tempNode);
+						} else {
+							tempNode = currentNode;
+						}
+						for (childNode = parents[i].firstChild; childNode && childNode != parents[i + 1]; ) {
+							nextNode = childNode.next;
+							tempNode.append(childNode);
+							childNode = nextNode;
+						}
+						currentNode = tempNode;
+					}
+					if (!newParent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+						parent.insert(newParent, parents[0], true);
+						parent.insert(node, newParent);
+					} else {
+						parent.insert(node, parents[0], true);
+					}
+					// Check if the element is empty by looking through it's contents and special treatment for <p><br /></p>
+					parent = parents[0];
+					if (parent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements) || parent.firstChild === parent.lastChild && parent.firstChild.name === 'br') {
+						parent.empty().remove();
+					}
+				} else if (node.parent) {
+					// If it's an LI try to find a UL/OL for it or wrap it
+					if (node.name === 'li') {
+						sibling = node.prev;
+						if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ul')) {
+							sibling.append(node);
+							continue;
+						}
+						sibling = node.next;
+						if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ul')) {
+							sibling.insert(node, sibling.firstChild, true);
+							continue;
+						}
+						node.wrap(self.filterNode(new Node('ul', 1)));
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Try wrapping the element in a DIV
+					if (schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'div') && schema.isValidChild('div', node.name)) {
+						node.wrap(self.filterNode(new Node('div', 1)));
+					} else {
+						// We failed wrapping it, then remove or unwrap it
+						if (node.name === 'style' || node.name === 'script') {
+							node.empty().remove();
+						} else {
+							node.unwrap();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Runs the specified node though the element and attributes filters.
+		 *
+		 * @method filterNode
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} Node the node to run filters on.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The passed in node.
+		 */
+		self.filterNode = function(node) {
+			var i, name, list;
+			// Run element filters
+			if (name in nodeFilters) {
+				list = matchedNodes[name];
+				if (list) {
+					list.push(node);
+				} else {
+					matchedNodes[name] = [node];
+				}
+			}
+			// Run attribute filters
+			i = attributeFilters.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				name = attributeFilters[i].name;
+				if (name in node.attributes.map) {
+					list = matchedAttributes[name];
+					if (list) {
+						list.push(node);
+					} else {
+						matchedAttributes[name] = [node];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a node filter function to the parser, the parser will collect the specified nodes by name
+		 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1', function(nodes, name) {
+		 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+		 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+		 *		}
+		 * });
+		 * @method addNodeFilter
+		 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+		 */
+		self.addNodeFilter = function(name, callback) {
+			each(explode(name), function(name) {
+				var list = nodeFilters[name];
+				if (!list) {
+					nodeFilters[name] = list = [];
+				}
+				list.push(callback);
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a attribute filter function to the parser, the parser will collect nodes that has the specified attributes
+		 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href', function(nodes, name) {
+		 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+		 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+		 *		}
+		 * });
+		 * @method addAttributeFilter
+		 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+		 */
+		self.addAttributeFilter = function(name, callback) {
+			each(explode(name), function(name) {
+				var i;
+				for (i = 0; i < attributeFilters.length; i++) {
+					if (attributeFilters[i].name === name) {
+						attributeFilters[i].callbacks.push(callback);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				attributeFilters.push({name: name, callbacks: [callback]});
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified HTML string into a DOM like node tree and returns the result.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var rootNode = new DomParser({...}).parse('<b>text</b>');
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to sax parse.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional args object that gets passed to all filter functions.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Root node containing the tree.
+		 */
+		self.parse = function(html, args) {
+			var parser, rootNode, node, nodes, i, l, fi, fl, list, name, validate;
+			var blockElements, startWhiteSpaceRegExp, invalidChildren = [], isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement;
+			var endWhiteSpaceRegExp, allWhiteSpaceRegExp, isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp, whiteSpaceElements;
+			var children, nonEmptyElements, rootBlockName;
+			args = args || {};
+			matchedNodes = {};
+			matchedAttributes = {};
+			blockElements = extend(makeMap('script,style,head,html,body,title,meta,param'), schema.getBlockElements());
+			nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			children = schema.children;
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			rootBlockName = "forced_root_block" in args ? args.forced_root_block : settings.forced_root_block;
+			whiteSpaceElements = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements();
+			startWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+/;
+			endWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+$/;
+			allWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+/g;
+			isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+$/;
+			function addRootBlocks() {
+				var node = rootNode.firstChild, next, rootBlockNode;
+				// Removes whitespace at beginning and end of block so:
+				// <p> x </p> -> <p>x</p>
+				function trim(rootBlockNode) {
+					if (rootBlockNode) {
+						node = rootBlockNode.firstChild;
+						if (node && node.type == 3) {
+							node.value = node.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+						node = rootBlockNode.lastChild;
+						if (node && node.type == 3) {
+							node.value = node.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Check if rootBlock is valid within rootNode for example if P is valid in H1 if H1 is the contentEditabe root
+				if (!schema.isValidChild(rootNode.name, rootBlockName.toLowerCase())) {
+					return;
+				}
+				while (node) {
+					next = node.next;
+					if (node.type == 3 || (node.type == 1 && node.name !== 'p' &&
+						!blockElements[node.name] && !node.attr('data-mce-type'))) {
+						if (!rootBlockNode) {
+							// Create a new root block element
+							rootBlockNode = createNode(rootBlockName, 1);
+							rootBlockNode.attr(settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+							rootNode.insert(rootBlockNode, node);
+							rootBlockNode.append(node);
+						} else {
+							rootBlockNode.append(node);
+						}
+					} else {
+						trim(rootBlockNode);
+						rootBlockNode = null;
+					}
+					node = next;
+				}
+				trim(rootBlockNode);
+			}
+			function createNode(name, type) {
+				var node = new Node(name, type), list;
+				if (name in nodeFilters) {
+					list = matchedNodes[name];
+					if (list) {
+						list.push(node);
+					} else {
+						matchedNodes[name] = [node];
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function removeWhitespaceBefore(node) {
+				var textNode, textVal, sibling;
+				for (textNode = node.prev; textNode && textNode.type === 3; ) {
+					textVal = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+					if (textVal.length > 0) {
+						textNode.value = textVal;
+						textNode = textNode.prev;
+					} else {
+						sibling = textNode.prev;
+						textNode.remove();
+						textNode = sibling;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function cloneAndExcludeBlocks(input) {
+				var name, output = {};
+				for (name in input) {
+					if (name !== 'li' && name != 'p') {
+						output[name] = input[name];
+					}
+				}
+				return output;
+			}
+			parser = new SaxParser({
+				validate: validate,
+				allow_script_urls: settings.allow_script_urls,
+				allow_conditional_comments: settings.allow_conditional_comments,
+				// Exclude P and LI from DOM parsing since it's treated better by the DOM parser
+				self_closing_elements: cloneAndExcludeBlocks(schema.getSelfClosingElements()),
+				cdata: function(text) {
+					node.append(createNode('#cdata', 4)).value = text;
+				},
+				text: function(text, raw) {
+					var textNode;
+					// Trim all redundant whitespace on non white space elements
+					if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) {
+						text = text.replace(allWhiteSpaceRegExp, ' ');
+						if (node.lastChild && blockElements[node.lastChild.name]) {
+							text = text.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+					}
+					// Do we need to create the node
+					if (text.length !== 0) {
+						textNode = createNode('#text', 3);
+						textNode.raw = !!raw;
+						node.append(textNode).value = text;
+					}
+				},
+				comment: function(text) {
+					node.append(createNode('#comment', 8)).value = text;
+				},
+				pi: function(name, text) {
+					node.append(createNode(name, 7)).value = text;
+					removeWhitespaceBefore(node);
+				},
+				doctype: function(text) {
+					var newNode;
+					newNode = node.append(createNode('#doctype', 10));
+					newNode.value = text;
+					removeWhitespaceBefore(node);
+				},
+				start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+					var newNode, attrFiltersLen, elementRule, attrName, parent;
+					elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {};
+					if (elementRule) {
+						newNode = createNode(elementRule.outputName || name, 1);
+						newNode.attributes = attrs;
+						newNode.shortEnded = empty;
+						node.append(newNode);
+						// Check if node is valid child of the parent node is the child is
+						// unknown we don't collect it since it's probably a custom element
+						parent = children[node.name];
+						if (parent && children[newNode.name] && !parent[newNode.name]) {
+							invalidChildren.push(newNode);
+						}
+						attrFiltersLen = attributeFilters.length;
+						while (attrFiltersLen--) {
+							attrName = attributeFilters[attrFiltersLen].name;
+							if (attrName in attrs.map) {
+								list = matchedAttributes[attrName];
+								if (list) {
+									list.push(newNode);
+								} else {
+									matchedAttributes[attrName] = [newNode];
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Trim whitespace before block
+						if (blockElements[name]) {
+							removeWhitespaceBefore(newNode);
+						}
+						// Change current node if the element wasn't empty i.e not <br /> or <img />
+						if (!empty) {
+							node = newNode;
+						}
+						// Check if we are inside a whitespace preserved element
+						if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) {
+							isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = true;
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				end: function(name) {
+					var textNode, elementRule, text, sibling, tempNode;
+					elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {};
+					if (elementRule) {
+						if (blockElements[name]) {
+							if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) {
+								// Trim whitespace of the first node in a block
+								textNode = node.firstChild;
+								if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+									text = textNode.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+									// Any characters left after trim or should we remove it
+									if (text.length > 0) {
+										textNode.value = text;
+										textNode = textNode.next;
+									} else {
+										sibling = textNode.next;
+										textNode.remove();
+										textNode = sibling;
+										// Remove any pure whitespace siblings
+										while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+											text = textNode.value;
+											sibling = textNode.next;
+											if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) {
+												textNode.remove();
+												textNode = sibling;
+											}
+											textNode = sibling;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								// Trim whitespace of the last node in a block
+								textNode = node.lastChild;
+								if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+									text = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+									// Any characters left after trim or should we remove it
+									if (text.length > 0) {
+										textNode.value = text;
+										textNode = textNode.prev;
+									} else {
+										sibling = textNode.prev;
+										textNode.remove();
+										textNode = sibling;
+										// Remove any pure whitespace siblings
+										while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+											text = textNode.value;
+											sibling = textNode.prev;
+											if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) {
+												textNode.remove();
+												textNode = sibling;
+											}
+											textNode = sibling;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Trim start white space
+							// Removed due to: #5424
+							/*textNode = node.prev;
+							if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+								text = textNode.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+								if (text.length > 0)
+									textNode.value = text;
+								else
+									textNode.remove();
+							}*/
+						}
+						// Check if we exited a whitespace preserved element
+						if (isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) {
+							isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = false;
+						}
+						// Handle empty nodes
+						if (elementRule.removeEmpty || elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+							if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+								if (elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+									node.empty().append(new Node('#text', '3')).value = '\u00a0';
+								} else {
+									// Leave nodes that have a name like <a name="name">
+									if (!node.attributes.map.name && !node.attributes.map.id) {
+										tempNode = node.parent;
+										node.empty().remove();
+										node = tempNode;
+										return;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						node = node.parent;
+					}
+				}
+			}, schema);
+			rootNode = node = new Node(args.context || settings.root_name, 11);
+			parser.parse(html);
+			// Fix invalid children or report invalid children in a contextual parsing
+			if (validate && invalidChildren.length) {
+				if (!args.context) {
+					fixInvalidChildren(invalidChildren);
+				} else {
+					args.invalid = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Wrap nodes in the root into block elements if the root is body
+			if (rootBlockName && (rootNode.name == 'body' || args.isRootContent)) {
+				addRootBlocks();
+			}
+			// Run filters only when the contents is valid
+			if (!args.invalid) {
+				// Run node filters
+				for (name in matchedNodes) {
+					list = nodeFilters[name];
+					nodes = matchedNodes[name];
+					// Remove already removed children
+					fi = nodes.length;
+					while (fi--) {
+						if (!nodes[fi].parent) {
+							nodes.splice(fi, 1);
+						}
+					}
+					for (i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
+						list[i](nodes, name, args);
+					}
+				}
+				// Run attribute filters
+				for (i = 0, l = attributeFilters.length; i < l; i++) {
+					list = attributeFilters[i];
+					if (list.name in matchedAttributes) {
+						nodes = matchedAttributes[list.name];
+						// Remove already removed children
+						fi = nodes.length;
+						while (fi--) {
+							if (!nodes[fi].parent) {
+								nodes.splice(fi, 1);
+							}
+						}
+						for (fi = 0, fl = list.callbacks.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+							list.callbacks[fi](nodes, list.name, args);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return rootNode;
+		};
+		// Remove <br> at end of block elements Gecko and WebKit injects BR elements to
+		// make it possible to place the caret inside empty blocks. This logic tries to remove
+		// these elements and keep br elements that where intended to be there intact
+		if (settings.remove_trailing_brs) {
+			self.addNodeFilter('br', function(nodes) {
+				var i, l = nodes.length, node, blockElements = extend({}, schema.getBlockElements());
+				var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements(), parent, lastParent, prev, prevName;
+				var elementRule, textNode;
+				// Remove brs from body element as well
+				blockElements.body = 1;
+				// Must loop forwards since it will otherwise remove all brs in <p>a<br><br><br></p>
+				for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					parent = node.parent;
+					if (blockElements[node.parent.name] && node === parent.lastChild) {
+						// Loop all nodes to the left of the current node and check for other BR elements
+						// excluding bookmarks since they are invisible
+						prev = node.prev;
+						while (prev) {
+							prevName = prev.name;
+							// Ignore bookmarks
+							if (prevName !== "span" || prev.attr('data-mce-type') !== 'bookmark') {
+								// Found a non BR element
+								if (prevName !== "br") {
+									break;
+								}
+								// Found another br it's a <br><br> structure then don't remove anything
+								if (prevName === 'br') {
+									node = null;
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							prev = prev.prev;
+						}
+						if (node) {
+							node.remove();
+							// Is the parent to be considered empty after we removed the BR
+							if (parent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+								elementRule = schema.getElementRule(parent.name);
+								// Remove or padd the element depending on schema rule
+								if (elementRule) {
+									if (elementRule.removeEmpty) {
+										parent.remove();
+									} else if (elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+										parent.empty().append(new Node('#text', 3)).value = '\u00a0';
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Replaces BR elements inside inline elements like <p><b><i><br></i></b></p>
+						// so they become <p><b><i>&nbsp;</i></b></p>
+						lastParent = node;
+						while (parent && parent.firstChild === lastParent && parent.lastChild === lastParent) {
+							lastParent = parent;
+							if (blockElements[parent.name]) {
+								break;
+							}
+							parent = parent.parent;
+						}
+						if (lastParent === parent) {
+							textNode = new Node('#text', 3);
+							textNode.value = '\u00a0';
+							node.replace(textNode);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Force anchor names closed, unless the setting "allow_html_in_named_anchor" is explicitly included.
+		if (!settings.allow_html_in_named_anchor) {
+			self.addAttributeFilter('id,name', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, sibling, prevSibling, parent, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					if (node.name === 'a' && node.firstChild && !node.attr('href')) {
+						parent = node.parent;
+						// Move children after current node
+						sibling = node.lastChild;
+						do {
+							prevSibling = sibling.prev;
+							parent.insert(sibling, node);
+							sibling = prevSibling;
+						} while (sibling);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Entities.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Entities.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71430a9dfcb12527d025182d360ef34d0056229d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Entities.js
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ * Entities.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint bitwise:false */
+/*eslint no-bitwise:0 */
+ * Entity encoder class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Entities
+ * @static
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Entities", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap;
+	var namedEntities, baseEntities, reverseEntities,
+		attrsCharsRegExp = /[&<>\"\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g,
+		textCharsRegExp = /[<>&\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g,
+		rawCharsRegExp = /[<>&\"\']/g,
+		entityRegExp = /&(#x|#)?([\w]+);/g,
+		asciiMap = {
+			128: "\u20AC", 130: "\u201A", 131: "\u0192", 132: "\u201E", 133: "\u2026", 134: "\u2020",
+			135: "\u2021", 136: "\u02C6", 137: "\u2030", 138: "\u0160", 139: "\u2039", 140: "\u0152",
+			142: "\u017D", 145: "\u2018", 146: "\u2019", 147: "\u201C", 148: "\u201D", 149: "\u2022",
+			150: "\u2013", 151: "\u2014", 152: "\u02DC", 153: "\u2122", 154: "\u0161", 155: "\u203A",
+			156: "\u0153", 158: "\u017E", 159: "\u0178"
+		};
+	// Raw entities
+	baseEntities = {
+		'\"': '&quot;', // Needs to be escaped since the YUI compressor would otherwise break the code
+		"'": '&#39;',
+		'<': '&lt;',
+		'>': '&gt;',
+		'&': '&amp;'
+	};
+	// Reverse lookup table for raw entities
+	reverseEntities = {
+		'&lt;': '<',
+		'&gt;': '>',
+		'&amp;': '&',
+		'&quot;': '"',
+		'&apos;': "'"
+	};
+	// Decodes text by using the browser
+	function nativeDecode(text) {
+		var elm;
+		elm = document.createElement("div");
+		elm.innerHTML = text;
+		return elm.textContent || elm.innerText || text;
+	}
+	// Build a two way lookup table for the entities
+	function buildEntitiesLookup(items, radix) {
+		var i, chr, entity, lookup = {};
+		if (items) {
+			items = items.split(',');
+			radix = radix || 10;
+			// Build entities lookup table
+			for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) {
+				chr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(items[i], radix));
+				// Only add non base entities
+				if (!baseEntities[chr]) {
+					entity = '&' + items[i + 1] + ';';
+					lookup[chr] = entity;
+					lookup[entity] = chr;
+				}
+			}
+			return lookup;
+		}
+	}
+	// Unpack entities lookup where the numbers are in radix 32 to reduce the size
+	namedEntities = buildEntitiesLookup(
+		'50,nbsp,51,iexcl,52,cent,53,pound,54,curren,55,yen,56,brvbar,57,sect,58,uml,59,copy,' +
+		'5a,ordf,5b,laquo,5c,not,5d,shy,5e,reg,5f,macr,5g,deg,5h,plusmn,5i,sup2,5j,sup3,5k,acute,' +
+		'5l,micro,5m,para,5n,middot,5o,cedil,5p,sup1,5q,ordm,5r,raquo,5s,frac14,5t,frac12,5u,frac34,' +
+		'5v,iquest,60,Agrave,61,Aacute,62,Acirc,63,Atilde,64,Auml,65,Aring,66,AElig,67,Ccedil,' +
+		'68,Egrave,69,Eacute,6a,Ecirc,6b,Euml,6c,Igrave,6d,Iacute,6e,Icirc,6f,Iuml,6g,ETH,6h,Ntilde,' +
+		'6i,Ograve,6j,Oacute,6k,Ocirc,6l,Otilde,6m,Ouml,6n,times,6o,Oslash,6p,Ugrave,6q,Uacute,' +
+		'6r,Ucirc,6s,Uuml,6t,Yacute,6u,THORN,6v,szlig,70,agrave,71,aacute,72,acirc,73,atilde,74,auml,' +
+		'75,aring,76,aelig,77,ccedil,78,egrave,79,eacute,7a,ecirc,7b,euml,7c,igrave,7d,iacute,7e,icirc,' +
+		'7f,iuml,7g,eth,7h,ntilde,7i,ograve,7j,oacute,7k,ocirc,7l,otilde,7m,ouml,7n,divide,7o,oslash,' +
+		'7p,ugrave,7q,uacute,7r,ucirc,7s,uuml,7t,yacute,7u,thorn,7v,yuml,ci,fnof,sh,Alpha,si,Beta,' +
+		'sj,Gamma,sk,Delta,sl,Epsilon,sm,Zeta,sn,Eta,so,Theta,sp,Iota,sq,Kappa,sr,Lambda,ss,Mu,' +
+		'st,Nu,su,Xi,sv,Omicron,t0,Pi,t1,Rho,t3,Sigma,t4,Tau,t5,Upsilon,t6,Phi,t7,Chi,t8,Psi,' +
+		't9,Omega,th,alpha,ti,beta,tj,gamma,tk,delta,tl,epsilon,tm,zeta,tn,eta,to,theta,tp,iota,' +
+		'tq,kappa,tr,lambda,ts,mu,tt,nu,tu,xi,tv,omicron,u0,pi,u1,rho,u2,sigmaf,u3,sigma,u4,tau,' +
+		'u5,upsilon,u6,phi,u7,chi,u8,psi,u9,omega,uh,thetasym,ui,upsih,um,piv,812,bull,816,hellip,' +
+		'81i,prime,81j,Prime,81u,oline,824,frasl,88o,weierp,88h,image,88s,real,892,trade,89l,alefsym,' +
+		'8cg,larr,8ch,uarr,8ci,rarr,8cj,darr,8ck,harr,8dl,crarr,8eg,lArr,8eh,uArr,8ei,rArr,8ej,dArr,' +
+		'8ek,hArr,8g0,forall,8g2,part,8g3,exist,8g5,empty,8g7,nabla,8g8,isin,8g9,notin,8gb,ni,8gf,prod,' +
+		'8gh,sum,8gi,minus,8gn,lowast,8gq,radic,8gt,prop,8gu,infin,8h0,ang,8h7,and,8h8,or,8h9,cap,8ha,cup,' +
+		'8hb,int,8hk,there4,8hs,sim,8i5,cong,8i8,asymp,8j0,ne,8j1,equiv,8j4,le,8j5,ge,8k2,sub,8k3,sup,8k4,' +
+		'nsub,8k6,sube,8k7,supe,8kl,oplus,8kn,otimes,8l5,perp,8m5,sdot,8o8,lceil,8o9,rceil,8oa,lfloor,8ob,' +
+		'rfloor,8p9,lang,8pa,rang,9ea,loz,9j0,spades,9j3,clubs,9j5,hearts,9j6,diams,ai,OElig,aj,oelig,b0,' +
+		'Scaron,b1,scaron,bo,Yuml,m6,circ,ms,tilde,802,ensp,803,emsp,809,thinsp,80c,zwnj,80d,zwj,80e,lrm,' +
+		'80f,rlm,80j,ndash,80k,mdash,80o,lsquo,80p,rsquo,80q,sbquo,80s,ldquo,80t,rdquo,80u,bdquo,810,dagger,' +
+		'811,Dagger,81g,permil,81p,lsaquo,81q,rsaquo,85c,euro', 32);
+	var Entities = {
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using raw entities. This means only the required XML base entities will be endoded.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeRaw
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeRaw: function(text, attr) {
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encoded the specified text with both the attributes and text entities. This function will produce larger text contents
+		 * since it doesn't know if the context is within a attribute or text node. This was added for compatibility
+		 * and is exposed as the DOMUtils.encode function.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeAllRaw
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeAllRaw: function(text) {
+			return ('' + text).replace(rawCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using numeric entities. The core entities will be
+		 * encoded as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into numeric entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeNumeric
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeNumeric: function(text, attr) {
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				// Multi byte sequence convert it to a single entity
+				if (chr.length > 1) {
+					return '&#' + (((chr.charCodeAt(0) - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';';
+				}
+				return baseEntities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using named entities. The core entities will be encoded
+		 * as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into named entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeNamed
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @param {Object} entities Optional parameter with entities to use.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeNamed: function(text, attr, entities) {
+			entities = entities || namedEntities;
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns an encode function based on the name(s) and it's optional entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEncodeFunc
+		 * @param {String} name Comma separated list of encoders for example named,numeric.
+		 * @param {String} entities Optional parameter with entities to use instead of the built in set.
+		 * @return {function} Encode function to be used.
+		 */
+		getEncodeFunc: function(name, entities) {
+			entities = buildEntitiesLookup(entities) || namedEntities;
+			function encodeNamedAndNumeric(text, attr) {
+				return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+					return baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';' || chr;
+				});
+			}
+			function encodeCustomNamed(text, attr) {
+				return Entities.encodeNamed(text, attr, entities);
+			}
+			// Replace + with , to be compatible with previous TinyMCE versions
+			name = makeMap(name.replace(/\+/g, ','));
+			// Named and numeric encoder
+			if (name.named && name.numeric) {
+				return encodeNamedAndNumeric;
+			}
+			// Named encoder
+			if (name.named) {
+				// Custom names
+				if (entities) {
+					return encodeCustomNamed;
+				}
+				return Entities.encodeNamed;
+			}
+			// Numeric
+			if (name.numeric) {
+				return Entities.encodeNumeric;
+			}
+			// Raw encoder
+			return Entities.encodeRaw;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Decodes the specified string, this will replace entities with raw UTF characters.
+		 *
+		 * @method decode
+		 * @param {String} text Text to entity decode.
+		 * @return {String} Entity decoded string.
+		 */
+		decode: function(text) {
+			return text.replace(entityRegExp, function(all, numeric, value) {
+				if (numeric) {
+					value = parseInt(value, numeric.length === 2 ? 16 : 10);
+					// Support upper UTF
+					if (value > 0xFFFF) {
+						value -= 0x10000;
+						return String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (value >> 10), 0xDC00 + (value & 0x3FF));
+					} else {
+						return asciiMap[value] || String.fromCharCode(value);
+					}
+				}
+				return reverseEntities[all] || namedEntities[all] || nativeDecode(all);
+			});
+		}
+	};
+	return Entities;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Node.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Node.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acfc57a9fb37fe17ad7f597985495f56c7a3265c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Node.js
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+ * Node.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is a minimalistic implementation of a DOM like node used by the DomParser class.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var node = new tinymce.html.Node('strong', 1);
+ * someRoot.append(node);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Node
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Node", [], function() {
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/, typeLookup = {
+		'#text': 3,
+		'#comment': 8,
+		'#cdata': 4,
+		'#pi': 7,
+		'#doctype': 10,
+		'#document-fragment': 11
+	};
+	// Walks the tree left/right
+	function walk(node, root_node, prev) {
+		var sibling, parent, startName = prev ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild', siblingName = prev ? 'prev' : 'next';
+		// Walk into nodes if it has a start
+		if (node[startName]) {
+			return node[startName];
+		}
+		// Return the sibling if it has one
+		if (node !== root_node) {
+			sibling = node[siblingName];
+			if (sibling) {
+				return sibling;
+			}
+			// Walk up the parents to look for siblings
+			for (parent = node.parent; parent && parent !== root_node; parent = parent.parent) {
+				sibling = parent[siblingName];
+				if (sibling) {
+					return sibling;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Node instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Node
+	 * @param {String} name Name of the node type.
+	 * @param {Number} type Numeric type representing the node.
+	 */
+	function Node(name, type) {
+		this.name = name;
+		this.type = type;
+		if (type === 1) {
+			this.attributes = [];
+			this.attributes.map = {};
+		}
+	}
+	Node.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the current node with the specified one.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * someNode.replace(someNewNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to replace the current node with.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The old node that got replaced.
+		 */
+		replace: function(node) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			self.insert(node, self);
+			self.remove();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets/sets or removes an attribute by name.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * someNode.attr("name", "value"); // Sets an attribute
+		 * console.log(someNode.attr("name")); // Gets an attribute
+		 * someNode.attr("name", null); // Removes an attribute
+		 *
+		 * @method attr
+		 * @param {String} name Attribute name to set or get.
+		 * @param {String} value Optional value to set.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.html.Node} String or undefined on a get operation or the current node on a set operation.
+		 */
+		attr: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, attrs, i, undef;
+			if (typeof name !== "string") {
+				for (i in name) {
+					self.attr(i, name[i]);
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if ((attrs = self.attributes)) {
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					// Remove attribute
+					if (value === null) {
+						if (name in attrs.map) {
+							delete attrs.map[name];
+							i = attrs.length;
+							while (i--) {
+								if (attrs[i].name === name) {
+									attrs = attrs.splice(i, 1);
+									return self;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return self;
+					}
+					// Set attribute
+					if (name in attrs.map) {
+						// Set attribute
+						i = attrs.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (attrs[i].name === name) {
+								attrs[i].value = value;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						attrs.push({name: name, value: value});
+					}
+					attrs.map[name] = value;
+					return self;
+				} else {
+					return attrs.map[name];
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Does a shallow clones the node into a new node. It will also exclude id attributes since
+		 * there should only be one id per document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var clonedNode = node.clone();
+		 *
+		 * @method clone
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} New copy of the original node.
+		 */
+		clone: function() {
+			var self = this, clone = new Node(self.name, self.type), i, l, selfAttrs, selfAttr, cloneAttrs;
+			// Clone element attributes
+			if ((selfAttrs = self.attributes)) {
+				cloneAttrs = [];
+				cloneAttrs.map = {};
+				for (i = 0, l = selfAttrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+					selfAttr = selfAttrs[i];
+					// Clone everything except id
+					if (selfAttr.name !== 'id') {
+						cloneAttrs[cloneAttrs.length] = {name: selfAttr.name, value: selfAttr.value};
+						cloneAttrs.map[selfAttr.name] = selfAttr.value;
+					}
+				}
+				clone.attributes = cloneAttrs;
+			}
+			clone.value = self.value;
+			clone.shortEnded = self.shortEnded;
+			return clone;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Wraps the node in in another node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.wrap(wrapperNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method wrap
+		 */
+		wrap: function(wrapper) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.parent.insert(wrapper, self);
+			wrapper.append(self);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unwraps the node in other words it removes the node but keeps the children.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.unwrap();
+		 *
+		 * @method unwrap
+		 */
+		unwrap: function() {
+			var self = this, node, next;
+			for (node = self.firstChild; node; ) {
+				next = node.next;
+				self.insert(node, self, true);
+				node = next;
+			}
+			self.remove();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the node from it's parent.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.remove();
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Current node that got removed.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent, next = self.next, prev = self.prev;
+			if (parent) {
+				if (parent.firstChild === self) {
+					parent.firstChild = next;
+					if (next) {
+						next.prev = null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					prev.next = next;
+				}
+				if (parent.lastChild === self) {
+					parent.lastChild = prev;
+					if (prev) {
+						prev.next = null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					next.prev = prev;
+				}
+				self.parent = self.next = self.prev = null;
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Appends a new node as a child of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.append(someNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method append
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to append as a child of the current one.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The node that got appended.
+		 */
+		append: function(node) {
+			var self = this, last;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			last = self.lastChild;
+			if (last) {
+				last.next = node;
+				node.prev = last;
+				self.lastChild = node;
+			} else {
+				self.lastChild = self.firstChild = node;
+			}
+			node.parent = self;
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts a node at a specific position as a child of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parentNode.insert(newChildNode, oldChildNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method insert
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to insert as a child of the current node.
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} ref_node Reference node to set node before/after.
+		 * @param {Boolean} before Optional state to insert the node before the reference node.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The node that got inserted.
+		 */
+		insert: function(node, ref_node, before) {
+			var parent;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			parent = ref_node.parent || this;
+			if (before) {
+				if (ref_node === parent.firstChild) {
+					parent.firstChild = node;
+				} else {
+					ref_node.prev.next = node;
+				}
+				node.prev = ref_node.prev;
+				node.next = ref_node;
+				ref_node.prev = node;
+			} else {
+				if (ref_node === parent.lastChild) {
+					parent.lastChild = node;
+				} else {
+					ref_node.next.prev = node;
+				}
+				node.next = ref_node.next;
+				node.prev = ref_node;
+				ref_node.next = node;
+			}
+			node.parent = parent;
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Get all children by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAll
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the child nodes to collect.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with child nodes matchin the specified name.
+		 */
+		getAll: function(name) {
+			var self = this, node, collection = [];
+			for (node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk(node, self)) {
+				if (node.name === name) {
+					collection.push(node);
+				}
+			}
+			return collection;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all children of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @method empty
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The current node that got cleared.
+		 */
+		empty: function() {
+			var self = this, nodes, i, node;
+			// Remove all children
+			if (self.firstChild) {
+				nodes = [];
+				// Collect the children
+				for (node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk(node, self)) {
+					nodes.push(node);
+				}
+				// Remove the children
+				i = nodes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.parent = node.firstChild = node.lastChild = node.next = node.prev = null;
+				}
+			}
+			self.firstChild = self.lastChild = null;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the node is to be considered empty or not.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.isEmpty({img: true});
+		 * @method isEmpty
+		 * @param {Object} elements Name/value object with elements that are automatically treated as non empty elements.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is empty or not.
+		 */
+		isEmpty: function(elements) {
+			var self = this, node = self.firstChild, i, name;
+			if (node) {
+				do {
+					if (node.type === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (node.attributes.map['data-mce-bogus']) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						// Keep empty elements like <img />
+						if (elements[node.name]) {
+							return false;
+						}
+						// Keep elements with data attributes or name attribute like <a name="1"></a>
+						i = node.attributes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							name = node.attributes[i].name;
+							if (name === "name" || name.indexOf('data-mce-') === 0) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Keep comments
+					if (node.type === 8) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if ((node.type === 3 && !whiteSpaceRegExp.test(node.value))) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				} while ((node = walk(node, self)));
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the next or previous node and returns that node or null if it wasn't found.
+		 *
+		 * @method walk
+		 * @param {Boolean} prev Optional previous node state defaults to false.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Node that is next to or previous of the current node.
+		 */
+		walk: function(prev) {
+			return walk(this, null, prev);
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Creates a node of a specific type.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method create
+	 * @param {String} name Name of the node type to create for example "b" or "#text".
+	 * @param {Object} attrs Name/value collection of attributes that will be applied to elements.
+	 */
+	Node.create = function(name, attrs) {
+		var node, attrName;
+		// Create node
+		node = new Node(name, typeLookup[name] || 1);
+		// Add attributes if needed
+		if (attrs) {
+			for (attrName in attrs) {
+				node.attr(attrName, attrs[attrName]);
+			}
+		}
+		return node;
+	};
+	return Node;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/SaxParser.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/SaxParser.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80258fde185d73aa567297ac21fb6d47e7cc259d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/SaxParser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+ * SaxParser.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint max-depth:[2, 9] */
+ * This class parses HTML code using pure JavaScript and executes various events for each item it finds. It will
+ * always execute the events in the right order for tag soup code like <b><p></b></p>. It will also remove elements
+ * and attributes that doesn't fit the schema if the validate setting is enabled.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.SaxParser({
+ *     validate: true,
+ *
+ *     comment: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('Comment:', text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     cdata: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('CDATA:', text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     text: function(text, raw) {
+ *         console.log('Text:', text, 'Raw:', raw);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+ *         console.log('Start:', name, attrs, empty);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     end: function(name) {
+ *         console.log('End:', name);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     pi: function(name, text) {
+ *         console.log('PI:', name, text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     doctype: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('DocType:', text);
+ *     }
+ * }, schema);
+ * @class tinymce.html.SaxParser
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/SaxParser", [
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Schema, Entities, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new SaxParser instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method SaxParser
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value collection of settings. comment, cdata, text, start and end are callbacks.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema HTML Schema class to use when parsing.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this;
+		function noop() {}
+		settings = settings || {};
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		if (settings.fix_self_closing !== false) {
+			settings.fix_self_closing = true;
+		}
+		// Add handler functions from settings and setup default handlers
+		each('comment cdata text start end pi doctype'.split(' '), function(name) {
+			if (name) {
+				self[name] = settings[name] || noop;
+			}
+		});
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified HTML string and executes the callbacks for each item it finds.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * new SaxParser({...}).parse('<b>text</b>');
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to sax parse.
+		 */
+		self.parse = function(html) {
+			var self = this, matches, index = 0, value, endRegExp, stack = [], attrList, i, text, name;
+			var isInternalElement, removeInternalElements, shortEndedElements, fillAttrsMap, isShortEnded;
+			var validate, elementRule, isValidElement, attr, attribsValue, validAttributesMap, validAttributePatterns;
+			var attributesRequired, attributesDefault, attributesForced;
+			var anyAttributesRequired, selfClosing, tokenRegExp, attrRegExp, specialElements, attrValue, idCount = 0;
+			var decode = Entities.decode, fixSelfClosing, filteredUrlAttrs = Tools.makeMap('src,href');
+			var scriptUriRegExp = /(java|vb)script:/i;
+			function processEndTag(name) {
+				var pos, i;
+				// Find position of parent of the same type
+				pos = stack.length;
+				while (pos--) {
+					if (stack[pos].name === name) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				// Found parent
+				if (pos >= 0) {
+					// Close all the open elements
+					for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
+						name = stack[i];
+						if (name.valid) {
+							self.end(name.name);
+						}
+					}
+					// Remove the open elements from the stack
+					stack.length = pos;
+				}
+			}
+			function parseAttribute(match, name, value, val2, val3) {
+				var attrRule, i, trimRegExp = /[\s\u0000-\u001F]+/g;
+				name = name.toLowerCase();
+				value = name in fillAttrsMap ? name : decode(value || val2 || val3 || ''); // Handle boolean attribute than value attribute
+				// Validate name and value pass through all data- attributes
+				if (validate && !isInternalElement && name.indexOf('data-') !== 0) {
+					attrRule = validAttributesMap[name];
+					// Find rule by pattern matching
+					if (!attrRule && validAttributePatterns) {
+						i = validAttributePatterns.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							attrRule = validAttributePatterns[i];
+							if (attrRule.pattern.test(name)) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						// No rule matched
+						if (i === -1) {
+							attrRule = null;
+						}
+					}
+					// No attribute rule found
+					if (!attrRule) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Validate value
+					if (attrRule.validValues && !(value in attrRule.validValues)) {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// Block any javascript: urls
+				if (filteredUrlAttrs[name] && !settings.allow_script_urls) {
+					var uri = value.replace(trimRegExp, '');
+					try {
+						// Might throw malformed URI sequence
+						uri = decodeURIComponent(uri);
+						if (scriptUriRegExp.test(uri)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Fallback to non UTF-8 decoder
+						uri = unescape(uri);
+						if (scriptUriRegExp.test(uri)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Add attribute to list and map
+				attrList.map[name] = value;
+				attrList.push({
+					name: name,
+					value: value
+				});
+			}
+			// Precompile RegExps and map objects
+			tokenRegExp = new RegExp('<(?:' +
+				'(?:!--([\\w\\W]*?)-->)|' + // Comment
+				'(?:!\\[CDATA\\[([\\w\\W]*?)\\]\\]>)|' + // CDATA
+				'(?:!DOCTYPE([\\w\\W]*?)>)|' + // DOCTYPE
+				'(?:\\?([^\\s\\/<>]+) ?([\\w\\W]*?)[?/]>)|' + // PI
+				'(?:\\/([^>]+)>)|' + // End element
+				'(?:([A-Za-z0-9\\-\\:\\.]+)((?:\\s+[^"\'>]+(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\')|[^>]*))*|\\/|\\s+)>)' + // Start element
+			')', 'g');
+			attrRegExp = /([\w:\-]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:\"((?:[^\"])*)\")|(?:\'((?:[^\'])*)\')|([^>\s]+)))?/g;
+			// Setup lookup tables for empty elements and boolean attributes
+			shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
+			selfClosing = settings.self_closing_elements || schema.getSelfClosingElements();
+			fillAttrsMap = schema.getBoolAttrs();
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			removeInternalElements = settings.remove_internals;
+			fixSelfClosing = settings.fix_self_closing;
+			specialElements = schema.getSpecialElements();
+			while ((matches = tokenRegExp.exec(html))) {
+				// Text
+				if (index < matches.index) {
+					self.text(decode(html.substr(index, matches.index - index)));
+				}
+				if ((value = matches[6])) { // End element
+					value = value.toLowerCase();
+					// IE will add a ":" in front of elements it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements
+					if (value.charAt(0) === ':') {
+						value = value.substr(1);
+					}
+					processEndTag(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[7])) { // Start element
+					value = value.toLowerCase();
+					// IE will add a ":" in front of elements it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements
+					if (value.charAt(0) === ':') {
+						value = value.substr(1);
+					}
+					isShortEnded = value in shortEndedElements;
+					// Is self closing tag for example an <li> after an open <li>
+					if (fixSelfClosing && selfClosing[value] && stack.length > 0 && stack[stack.length - 1].name === value) {
+						processEndTag(value);
+					}
+					// Validate element
+					if (!validate || (elementRule = schema.getElementRule(value))) {
+						isValidElement = true;
+						// Grab attributes map and patters when validation is enabled
+						if (validate) {
+							validAttributesMap = elementRule.attributes;
+							validAttributePatterns = elementRule.attributePatterns;
+						}
+						// Parse attributes
+						if ((attribsValue = matches[8])) {
+							isInternalElement = attribsValue.indexOf('data-mce-type') !== -1; // Check if the element is an internal element
+							// If the element has internal attributes then remove it if we are told to do so
+							if (isInternalElement && removeInternalElements) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+							attrList = [];
+							attrList.map = {};
+							attribsValue.replace(attrRegExp, parseAttribute);
+						} else {
+							attrList = [];
+							attrList.map = {};
+						}
+						// Process attributes if validation is enabled
+						if (validate && !isInternalElement) {
+							attributesRequired = elementRule.attributesRequired;
+							attributesDefault = elementRule.attributesDefault;
+							attributesForced = elementRule.attributesForced;
+							anyAttributesRequired = elementRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
+							// Check if any attribute exists
+							if (anyAttributesRequired && !attrList.length) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+							// Handle forced attributes
+							if (attributesForced) {
+								i = attributesForced.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									attr = attributesForced[i];
+									name = attr.name;
+									attrValue = attr.value;
+									if (attrValue === '{$uid}') {
+										attrValue = 'mce_' + idCount++;
+									}
+									attrList.map[name] = attrValue;
+									attrList.push({name: name, value: attrValue});
+								}
+							}
+							// Handle default attributes
+							if (attributesDefault) {
+								i = attributesDefault.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									attr = attributesDefault[i];
+									name = attr.name;
+									if (!(name in attrList.map)) {
+										attrValue = attr.value;
+										if (attrValue === '{$uid}') {
+											attrValue = 'mce_' + idCount++;
+										}
+										attrList.map[name] = attrValue;
+										attrList.push({name: name, value: attrValue});
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Handle required attributes
+							if (attributesRequired) {
+								i = attributesRequired.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									if (attributesRequired[i] in attrList.map) {
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+								// None of the required attributes where found
+								if (i === -1) {
+									isValidElement = false;
+								}
+							}
+							// Invalidate element if it's marked as bogus
+							if (attrList.map['data-mce-bogus']) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+						}
+						if (isValidElement) {
+							self.start(value, attrList, isShortEnded);
+						}
+					} else {
+						isValidElement = false;
+					}
+					// Treat script, noscript and style a bit different since they may include code that looks like elements
+					if ((endRegExp = specialElements[value])) {
+						endRegExp.lastIndex = index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+						if ((matches = endRegExp.exec(html))) {
+							if (isValidElement) {
+								text = html.substr(index, matches.index - index);
+							}
+							index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+						} else {
+							text = html.substr(index);
+							index = html.length;
+						}
+						if (isValidElement) {
+							if (text.length > 0) {
+								self.text(text, true);
+							}
+							self.end(value);
+						}
+						tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Push value on to stack
+					if (!isShortEnded) {
+						if (!attribsValue || attribsValue.indexOf('/') != attribsValue.length - 1) {
+							stack.push({name: value, valid: isValidElement});
+						} else if (isValidElement) {
+							self.end(value);
+						}
+					}
+				} else if ((value = matches[1])) { // Comment
+					// Padd comment value to avoid browsers from parsing invalid comments as HTML
+					if (value.charAt(0) === '>') {
+						value = ' ' + value;
+					}
+					if (!settings.allow_conditional_comments && value.substr(0, 3) === '[if') {
+						value = ' ' + value;
+					}
+					self.comment(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[2])) { // CDATA
+					self.cdata(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[3])) { // DOCTYPE
+					self.doctype(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[4])) { // PI
+					self.pi(value, matches[5]);
+				}
+				index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+			}
+			// Text
+			if (index < html.length) {
+				self.text(decode(html.substr(index)));
+			}
+			// Close any open elements
+			for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+				value = stack[i];
+				if (value.valid) {
+					self.end(value.name);
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Schema.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Schema.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40b44e56d27066c9b2930bb00e3a8495a10a6bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Schema.js
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+ * Schema.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Schema validator class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Schema
+ * @example
+ *  if (tinymce.activeEditor.schema.isValidChild('p', 'span'))
+ *    alert('span is valid child of p.');
+ *
+ *  if (tinymce.activeEditor.schema.getElementRule('p'))
+ *    alert('P is a valid element.');
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Schema
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Schema", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var mapCache = {};
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap, each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend, explode = Tools.explode, inArray = Tools.inArray;
+	function split(items, delim) {
+		return items ? items.split(delim || ' ') : [];
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Builds a schema lookup table
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} type html4, html5 or html5-strict schema type.
+	 * @return {Object} Schema lookup table.
+	 */
+	function compileSchema(type) {
+		var schema = {}, globalAttributes, blockContent;
+		var phrasingContent, flowContent, html4BlockContent, html4PhrasingContent;
+		function add(name, attributes, children) {
+			var ni, i, attributesOrder, args = arguments;
+			function arrayToMap(array) {
+				var map = {}, i, l;
+				for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
+					map[array[i]] = {};
+				}
+				return map;
+			}
+			children = children || [];
+			attributes = attributes || "";
+			if (typeof(children) === "string") {
+				children = split(children);
+			}
+			// Split string children
+			for (i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
+				if (typeof(args[i]) === "string") {
+					args[i] = split(args[i]);
+				}
+				children.push.apply(children, args[i]);
+			}
+			name = split(name);
+			ni = name.length;
+			while (ni--) {
+				attributesOrder = [].concat(globalAttributes, split(attributes));
+				schema[name[ni]] = {
+					attributes: arrayToMap(attributesOrder),
+					attributesOrder: attributesOrder,
+					children: arrayToMap(children)
+				};
+			}
+		}
+		function addAttrs(name, attributes) {
+			var ni, schemaItem, i, l;
+			name = split(name);
+			ni = name.length;
+			attributes = split(attributes);
+			while (ni--) {
+				schemaItem = schema[name[ni]];
+				for (i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++) {
+					schemaItem.attributes[attributes[i]] = {};
+					schemaItem.attributesOrder.push(attributes[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Use cached schema
+		if (mapCache[type]) {
+			return mapCache[type];
+		}
+		// Attributes present on all elements
+		globalAttributes = split("id accesskey class dir lang style tabindex title");
+		// Event attributes can be opt-in/opt-out
+		/*eventAttributes = split("onabort onblur oncancel oncanplay oncanplaythrough onchange onclick onclose oncontextmenu oncuechange " +
+				"ondblclick ondrag ondragend ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop ondurationchange onemptied onended " +
+				"onerror onfocus oninput oninvalid onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata onloadedmetadata onloadstart " +
+				"onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onmousewheel onpause onplay onplaying onprogress onratechange " +
+				"onreset onscroll onseeked onseeking onseeking onselect onshow onstalled onsubmit onsuspend ontimeupdate onvolumechange " +
+				"onwaiting"
+		);*/
+		// Block content elements
+		blockContent = split(
+			"address blockquote div dl fieldset form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr menu ol p pre table ul"
+		);
+		// Phrasing content elements from the HTML5 spec (inline)
+		phrasingContent = split(
+			"a abbr b bdo br button cite code del dfn em embed i iframe img input ins kbd " +
+			"label map noscript object q s samp script select small span strong sub sup " +
+			"textarea u var #text #comment"
+		);
+		// Add HTML5 items to globalAttributes, blockContent, phrasingContent
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			globalAttributes.push.apply(globalAttributes, split("contenteditable contextmenu draggable dropzone " +
+				"hidden spellcheck translate"));
+			blockContent.push.apply(blockContent, split("article aside details dialog figure header footer hgroup section nav"));
+			phrasingContent.push.apply(phrasingContent, split("audio canvas command datalist mark meter output progress time wbr " +
+				"video ruby bdi keygen"));
+		}
+		// Add HTML4 elements unless it's html5-strict
+		if (type != "html5-strict") {
+			globalAttributes.push("xml:lang");
+			html4PhrasingContent = split("acronym applet basefont big font strike tt");
+			phrasingContent.push.apply(phrasingContent, html4PhrasingContent);
+			each(html4PhrasingContent, function(name) {
+				add(name, "", phrasingContent);
+			});
+			html4BlockContent = split("center dir isindex noframes");
+			blockContent.push.apply(blockContent, html4BlockContent);
+			// Flow content elements from the HTML5 spec (block+inline)
+			flowContent = [].concat(blockContent, phrasingContent);
+			each(html4BlockContent, function(name) {
+				add(name, "", flowContent);
+			});
+		}
+		// Flow content elements from the HTML5 spec (block+inline)
+		flowContent = flowContent || [].concat(blockContent, phrasingContent);
+		// HTML4 base schema TODO: Move HTML5 specific attributes to HTML5 specific if statement
+		// Schema items <element name>, <specific attributes>, <children ..>
+		add("html", "manifest", "head body");
+		add("head", "", "base command link meta noscript script style title");
+		add("title hr noscript br");
+		add("base", "href target");
+		add("link", "href rel media hreflang type sizes hreflang");
+		add("meta", "name http-equiv content charset");
+		add("style", "media type scoped");
+		add("script", "src async defer type charset");
+		add("body", "onafterprint onbeforeprint onbeforeunload onblur onerror onfocus " +
+				"onhashchange onload onmessage onoffline ononline onpagehide onpageshow " +
+				"onpopstate onresize onscroll onstorage onunload", flowContent);
+		add("address dt dd div caption", "", flowContent);
+		add("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre p abbr code var samp kbd sub sup i b u bdo span legend em strong small s cite dfn", "", phrasingContent);
+		add("blockquote", "cite", flowContent);
+		add("ol", "reversed start type", "li");
+		add("ul", "", "li");
+		add("li", "value", flowContent);
+		add("dl", "", "dt dd");
+		add("a", "href target rel media hreflang type", phrasingContent);
+		add("q", "cite", phrasingContent);
+		add("ins del", "cite datetime", flowContent);
+		add("img", "src alt usemap ismap width height");
+		add("iframe", "src name width height", flowContent);
+		add("embed", "src type width height");
+		add("object", "data type typemustmatch name usemap form width height", flowContent, "param");
+		add("param", "name value");
+		add("map", "name", flowContent, "area");
+		add("area", "alt coords shape href target rel media hreflang type");
+		add("table", "border", "caption colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr" + (type == "html4" ? " col" : ""));
+		add("colgroup", "span", "col");
+		add("col", "span");
+		add("tbody thead tfoot", "", "tr");
+		add("tr", "", "td th");
+		add("td", "colspan rowspan headers", flowContent);
+		add("th", "colspan rowspan headers scope abbr", flowContent);
+		add("form", "accept-charset action autocomplete enctype method name novalidate target", flowContent);
+		add("fieldset", "disabled form name", flowContent, "legend");
+		add("label", "form for", phrasingContent);
+		add("input", "accept alt autocomplete checked dirname disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate " +
+				"formtarget height list max maxlength min multiple name pattern readonly required size src step type value width"
+		);
+		add("button", "disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget name type value",
+			type == "html4" ? flowContent : phrasingContent);
+		add("select", "disabled form multiple name required size", "option optgroup");
+		add("optgroup", "disabled label", "option");
+		add("option", "disabled label selected value");
+		add("textarea", "cols dirname disabled form maxlength name readonly required rows wrap");
+		add("menu", "type label", flowContent, "li");
+		add("noscript", "", flowContent);
+		// Extend with HTML5 elements
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			add("wbr");
+			add("ruby", "", phrasingContent, "rt rp");
+			add("figcaption", "", flowContent);
+			add("mark rt rp summary bdi", "", phrasingContent);
+			add("canvas", "width height", flowContent);
+			add("video", "src crossorigin poster preload autoplay mediagroup loop " +
+				"muted controls width height", flowContent, "track source");
+			add("audio", "src crossorigin preload autoplay mediagroup loop muted controls", flowContent, "track source");
+			add("source", "src type media");
+			add("track", "kind src srclang label default");
+			add("datalist", "", phrasingContent, "option");
+			add("article section nav aside header footer", "", flowContent);
+			add("hgroup", "", "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6");
+			add("figure", "", flowContent, "figcaption");
+			add("time", "datetime", phrasingContent);
+			add("dialog", "open", flowContent);
+			add("command", "type label icon disabled checked radiogroup command");
+			add("output", "for form name", phrasingContent);
+			add("progress", "value max", phrasingContent);
+			add("meter", "value min max low high optimum", phrasingContent);
+			add("details", "open", flowContent, "summary");
+			add("keygen", "autofocus challenge disabled form keytype name");
+		}
+		// Extend with HTML4 attributes unless it's html5-strict
+		if (type != "html5-strict") {
+			addAttrs("script", "language xml:space");
+			addAttrs("style", "xml:space");
+			addAttrs("object", "declare classid codebase codetype archive standby align border hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("param", "valuetype type");
+			addAttrs("a", "charset name rev shape coords");
+			addAttrs("br", "clear");
+			addAttrs("applet", "codebase archive code object alt name width height align hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("img", "name longdesc align border hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("iframe", "longdesc frameborder marginwidth marginheight scrolling align");
+			addAttrs("font basefont", "size color face");
+			addAttrs("input", "usemap align");
+			addAttrs("select", "onchange");
+			addAttrs("textarea");
+			addAttrs("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div p legend caption", "align");
+			addAttrs("ul", "type compact");
+			addAttrs("li", "type");
+			addAttrs("ol dl menu dir", "compact");
+			addAttrs("pre", "width xml:space");
+			addAttrs("hr", "align noshade size width");
+			addAttrs("isindex", "prompt");
+			addAttrs("table", "summary width frame rules cellspacing cellpadding align bgcolor");
+			addAttrs("col", "width align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("colgroup", "width align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("thead", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("tr", "align char charoff valign bgcolor");
+			addAttrs("th", "axis align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height");
+			addAttrs("form", "accept");
+			addAttrs("td", "abbr axis scope align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height");
+			addAttrs("tfoot", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("tbody", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("area", "nohref");
+			addAttrs("body", "background bgcolor text link vlink alink");
+		}
+		// Extend with HTML5 attributes unless it's html4
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			addAttrs("input button select textarea", "autofocus");
+			addAttrs("input textarea", "placeholder");
+			addAttrs("a", "download");
+			addAttrs("link script img", "crossorigin");
+			addAttrs("iframe", "srcdoc sandbox seamless allowfullscreen");
+		}
+		// Special: iframe, ruby, video, audio, label
+		// Delete children of the same name from it's parent
+		// For example: form can't have a child of the name form
+		each(split('a form meter progress dfn'), function(name) {
+			if (schema[name]) {
+				delete schema[name].children[name];
+			}
+		});
+		// Delete header, footer, sectioning and heading content descendants
+		/*each('dt th address', function(name) {
+			delete schema[name].children[name];
+		});*/
+		// Caption can't have tables
+		delete schema.caption.children.table;
+		// TODO: LI:s can only have value if parent is OL
+		// TODO: Handle transparent elements
+		// a ins del canvas map
+		mapCache[type] = schema;
+		return schema;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Schema instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Schema
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var self = this, elements = {}, children = {}, patternElements = [], validStyles, schemaItems;
+		var whiteSpaceElementsMap, selfClosingElementsMap, shortEndedElementsMap, boolAttrMap;
+		var blockElementsMap, nonEmptyElementsMap, textBlockElementsMap, customElementsMap = {}, specialElements = {};
+		// Creates an lookup table map object for the specified option or the default value
+		function createLookupTable(option, default_value, extendWith) {
+			var value = settings[option];
+			if (!value) {
+				// Get cached default map or make it if needed
+				value = mapCache[option];
+				if (!value) {
+					value = makeMap(default_value, ' ', makeMap(default_value.toUpperCase(), ' '));
+					value = extend(value, extendWith);
+					mapCache[option] = value;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Create custom map
+				value = makeMap(value, ',', makeMap(value.toUpperCase(), ' '));
+			}
+			return value;
+		}
+		settings = settings || {};
+		schemaItems = compileSchema(settings.schema);
+		// Allow all elements and attributes if verify_html is set to false
+		if (settings.verify_html === false) {
+			settings.valid_elements = '*[*]';
+		}
+		// Build styles list
+		if (settings.valid_styles) {
+			validStyles = {};
+			// Convert styles into a rule list
+			each(settings.valid_styles, function(value, key) {
+				validStyles[key] = explode(value);
+			});
+		}
+		// Setup map objects
+		whiteSpaceElementsMap = createLookupTable('whitespace_elements', 'pre script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object');
+		selfClosingElementsMap = createLookupTable('self_closing_elements', 'colgroup dd dt li option p td tfoot th thead tr');
+		shortEndedElementsMap = createLookupTable('short_ended_elements', 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link ' +
+			'meta param embed source wbr track');
+		boolAttrMap = createLookupTable('boolean_attributes', 'checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize ' +
+			'noshade nowrap readonly selected autoplay loop controls');
+		nonEmptyElementsMap = createLookupTable('non_empty_elements', 'td th iframe video audio object script', shortEndedElementsMap);
+		textBlockElementsMap = createLookupTable('text_block_elements', 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div address pre form ' +
+						'blockquote center dir fieldset header footer article section hgroup aside nav figure');
+		blockElementsMap = createLookupTable('block_elements', 'hr table tbody thead tfoot ' +
+						'th tr td li ol ul caption dl dt dd noscript menu isindex option ' +
+						'datalist select optgroup', textBlockElementsMap);
+		each((settings.special || 'script noscript style textarea').split(' '), function(name) {
+			specialElements[name] = new RegExp('<\/' + name + '[^>]*>','gi');
+		});
+		// Converts a wildcard expression string to a regexp for example *a will become /.*a/.
+		function patternToRegExp(str) {
+			return new RegExp('^' + str.replace(/([?+*])/g, '.$1') + '$');
+		}
+		// Parses the specified valid_elements string and adds to the current rules
+		// This function is a bit hard to read since it's heavily optimized for speed
+		function addValidElements(valid_elements) {
+			var ei, el, ai, al, matches, element, attr, attrData, elementName, attrName, attrType, attributes, attributesOrder,
+				prefix, outputName, globalAttributes, globalAttributesOrder, key, value,
+				elementRuleRegExp = /^([#+\-])?([^\[!\/]+)(?:\/([^\[!]+))?(?:(!?)\[([^\]]+)\])?$/,
+				attrRuleRegExp = /^([!\-])?(\w+::\w+|[^=:<]+)?(?:([=:<])(.*))?$/,
+				hasPatternsRegExp = /[*?+]/;
+			if (valid_elements) {
+				// Split valid elements into an array with rules
+				valid_elements = split(valid_elements, ',');
+				if (elements['@']) {
+					globalAttributes = elements['@'].attributes;
+					globalAttributesOrder = elements['@'].attributesOrder;
+				}
+				// Loop all rules
+				for (ei = 0, el = valid_elements.length; ei < el; ei++) {
+					// Parse element rule
+					matches = elementRuleRegExp.exec(valid_elements[ei]);
+					if (matches) {
+						// Setup local names for matches
+						prefix = matches[1];
+						elementName = matches[2];
+						outputName = matches[3];
+						attrData = matches[5];
+						// Create new attributes and attributesOrder
+						attributes = {};
+						attributesOrder = [];
+						// Create the new element
+						element = {
+							attributes: attributes,
+							attributesOrder: attributesOrder
+						};
+						// Padd empty elements prefix
+						if (prefix === '#') {
+							element.paddEmpty = true;
+						}
+						// Remove empty elements prefix
+						if (prefix === '-') {
+							element.removeEmpty = true;
+						}
+						if (matches[4] === '!') {
+							element.removeEmptyAttrs = true;
+						}
+						// Copy attributes from global rule into current rule
+						if (globalAttributes) {
+							for (key in globalAttributes) {
+								attributes[key] = globalAttributes[key];
+							}
+							attributesOrder.push.apply(attributesOrder, globalAttributesOrder);
+						}
+						// Attributes defined
+						if (attrData) {
+							attrData = split(attrData, '|');
+							for (ai = 0, al = attrData.length; ai < al; ai++) {
+								matches = attrRuleRegExp.exec(attrData[ai]);
+								if (matches) {
+									attr = {};
+									attrType = matches[1];
+									attrName = matches[2].replace(/::/g, ':');
+									prefix = matches[3];
+									value = matches[4];
+									// Required
+									if (attrType === '!') {
+										element.attributesRequired = element.attributesRequired || [];
+										element.attributesRequired.push(attrName);
+										attr.required = true;
+									}
+									// Denied from global
+									if (attrType === '-') {
+										delete attributes[attrName];
+										attributesOrder.splice(inArray(attributesOrder, attrName), 1);
+										continue;
+									}
+									// Default value
+									if (prefix) {
+										// Default value
+										if (prefix === '=') {
+											element.attributesDefault = element.attributesDefault || [];
+											element.attributesDefault.push({name: attrName, value: value});
+											attr.defaultValue = value;
+										}
+										// Forced value
+										if (prefix === ':') {
+											element.attributesForced = element.attributesForced || [];
+											element.attributesForced.push({name: attrName, value: value});
+											attr.forcedValue = value;
+										}
+										// Required values
+										if (prefix === '<') {
+											attr.validValues = makeMap(value, '?');
+										}
+									}
+									// Check for attribute patterns
+									if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(attrName)) {
+										element.attributePatterns = element.attributePatterns || [];
+										attr.pattern = patternToRegExp(attrName);
+										element.attributePatterns.push(attr);
+									} else {
+										// Add attribute to order list if it doesn't already exist
+										if (!attributes[attrName]) {
+											attributesOrder.push(attrName);
+										}
+										attributes[attrName] = attr;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Global rule, store away these for later usage
+						if (!globalAttributes && elementName == '@') {
+							globalAttributes = attributes;
+							globalAttributesOrder = attributesOrder;
+						}
+						// Handle substitute elements such as b/strong
+						if (outputName) {
+							element.outputName = elementName;
+							elements[outputName] = element;
+						}
+						// Add pattern or exact element
+						if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(elementName)) {
+							element.pattern = patternToRegExp(elementName);
+							patternElements.push(element);
+						} else {
+							elements[elementName] = element;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function setValidElements(valid_elements) {
+			elements = {};
+			patternElements = [];
+			addValidElements(valid_elements);
+			each(schemaItems, function(element, name) {
+				children[name] = element.children;
+			});
+		}
+		// Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema
+		function addCustomElements(custom_elements) {
+			var customElementRegExp = /^(~)?(.+)$/;
+			if (custom_elements) {
+				// Flush cached items since we are altering the default maps
+				mapCache.text_block_elements = mapCache.block_elements = null;
+				each(split(custom_elements, ','), function(rule) {
+					var matches = customElementRegExp.exec(rule),
+						inline = matches[1] === '~',
+						cloneName = inline ? 'span' : 'div',
+						name = matches[2];
+					children[name] = children[cloneName];
+					customElementsMap[name] = cloneName;
+					// If it's not marked as inline then add it to valid block elements
+					if (!inline) {
+						blockElementsMap[name.toUpperCase()] = {};
+						blockElementsMap[name] = {};
+					}
+					// Add elements clone if needed
+					if (!elements[name]) {
+						var customRule = elements[cloneName];
+						customRule = extend({}, customRule);
+						delete customRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
+						delete customRule.removeEmpty;
+						elements[name] = customRule;
+					}
+					// Add custom elements at span/div positions
+					each(children, function(element, elmName) {
+						if (element[cloneName]) {
+							children[elmName] = element = extend({}, children[elmName]);
+							element[name] = element[cloneName];
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		// Adds valid children to the schema object
+		function addValidChildren(valid_children) {
+			var childRuleRegExp = /^([+\-]?)(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]$/;
+			if (valid_children) {
+				each(split(valid_children, ','), function(rule) {
+					var matches = childRuleRegExp.exec(rule), parent, prefix;
+					if (matches) {
+						prefix = matches[1];
+						// Add/remove items from default
+						if (prefix) {
+							parent = children[matches[2]];
+						} else {
+							parent = children[matches[2]] = {'#comment': {}};
+						}
+						parent = children[matches[2]];
+						each(split(matches[3], '|'), function(child) {
+							if (prefix === '-') {
+								// Clone the element before we delete
+								// things in it to not mess up default schemas
+								children[matches[2]] = parent = extend({}, children[matches[2]]);
+								delete parent[child];
+							} else {
+								parent[child] = {};
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		function getElementRule(name) {
+			var element = elements[name], i;
+			// Exact match found
+			if (element) {
+				return element;
+			}
+			// No exact match then try the patterns
+			i = patternElements.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				element = patternElements[i];
+				if (element.pattern.test(name)) {
+					return element;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (!settings.valid_elements) {
+			// No valid elements defined then clone the elements from the schema spec
+			each(schemaItems, function(element, name) {
+				elements[name] = {
+					attributes: element.attributes,
+					attributesOrder: element.attributesOrder
+				};
+				children[name] = element.children;
+			});
+			// Switch these on HTML4
+			if (settings.schema != "html5") {
+				each(split('strong/b em/i'), function(item) {
+					item = split(item, '/');
+					elements[item[1]].outputName = item[0];
+				});
+			}
+			// Add default alt attribute for images
+			elements.img.attributesDefault = [{name: 'alt', value: ''}];
+			// Remove these if they are empty by default
+			each(split('ol ul sub sup blockquote span font a table tbody tr strong em b i'), function(name) {
+				if (elements[name]) {
+					elements[name].removeEmpty = true;
+				}
+			});
+			// Padd these by default
+			each(split('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 th td pre div address caption'), function(name) {
+				elements[name].paddEmpty = true;
+			});
+			// Remove these if they have no attributes
+			each(split('span'), function(name) {
+				elements[name].removeEmptyAttrs = true;
+			});
+			// Remove these by default
+			// TODO: Reenable in 4.1
+			/*each(split('script style'), function(name) {
+				delete elements[name];
+			});*/
+		} else {
+			setValidElements(settings.valid_elements);
+		}
+		addCustomElements(settings.custom_elements);
+		addValidChildren(settings.valid_children);
+		addValidElements(settings.extended_valid_elements);
+		// Todo: Remove this when we fix list handling to be valid
+		addValidChildren('+ol[ul|ol],+ul[ul|ol]');
+		// Delete invalid elements
+		if (settings.invalid_elements) {
+			each(explode(settings.invalid_elements), function(item) {
+				if (elements[item]) {
+					delete elements[item];
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// If the user didn't allow span only allow internal spans
+		if (!getElementRule('span')) {
+			addValidElements('span[!data-mce-type|*]');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Name/value map object with valid parents and children to those parents.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * children = {
+		 *    div:{p:{}, h1:{}}
+		 * };
+		 * @field children
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		self.children = children;
+		/**
+		 * Name/value map object with valid styles for each element.
+		 *
+		 * @field styles
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		self.styles = validStyles;
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with boolean attributes.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBoolAttrs
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for boolean attributes.
+		 */
+		self.getBoolAttrs = function() {
+			return boolAttrMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with block elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBlockElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for block elements.
+		 */
+		self.getBlockElements = function() {
+			return blockElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with text block elements. Such as: p,h1-h6,div,address
+		 *
+		 * @method getTextBlockElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for block elements.
+		 */
+		self.getTextBlockElements = function() {
+			return textBlockElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with short ended elements such as BR or IMG.
+		 *
+		 * @method getShortEndedElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for short ended elements.
+		 */
+		self.getShortEndedElements = function() {
+			return shortEndedElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with self closing tags such as <li>.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSelfClosingElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for self closing tags elements.
+		 */
+		self.getSelfClosingElements = function() {
+			return selfClosingElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with elements that should be treated as contents regardless if it has text
+		 * content in them or not such as TD, VIDEO or IMG.
+		 *
+		 * @method getNonEmptyElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for non empty elements.
+		 */
+		self.getNonEmptyElements = function() {
+			return nonEmptyElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with elements where white space is to be preserved like PRE or SCRIPT.
+		 *
+		 * @method getWhiteSpaceElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for white space elements.
+		 */
+		self.getWhiteSpaceElements = function() {
+			return whiteSpaceElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with special elements. These are elements that needs to be parsed
+		 * in a special way such as script, style, textarea etc. The map object values
+		 * are regexps used to find the end of the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSpecialElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for special elements.
+		 */
+		self.getSpecialElements = function() {
+			return specialElements;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element and it's child is valid or not
+		 * according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method isValidChild
+		 * @param {String} name Element name to check for.
+		 * @param {String} child Element child to verify.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element is a valid child of the specified parent.
+		 */
+		self.isValidChild = function(name, child) {
+			var parent = children[name];
+			return !!(parent && parent[child]);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element name and optional attribute is
+		 * valid according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method isValid
+		 * @param {String} name Name of element to check.
+		 * @param {String} attr Optional attribute name to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element and attribute is valid.
+		 */
+		self.isValid = function(name, attr) {
+			var attrPatterns, i, rule = getElementRule(name);
+			// Check if it's a valid element
+			if (rule) {
+				if (attr) {
+					// Check if attribute name exists
+					if (rule.attributes[attr]) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					// Check if attribute matches a regexp pattern
+					attrPatterns = rule.attributePatterns;
+					if (attrPatterns) {
+						i = attrPatterns.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (attrPatterns[i].pattern.test(name)) {
+								return true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			// No match
+			return false;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element is valid or not
+		 * according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method getElementRule
+		 * @param {String} name Element name to check for.
+		 * @return {Object} Element object or undefined if the element isn't valid.
+		 */
+		self.getElementRule = getElementRule;
+		/**
+		 * Returns an map object of all custom elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method getCustomElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value map object of all custom elements.
+		 */
+		self.getCustomElements = function() {
+			return customElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid elements string and adds it to the schema. The valid elements
+		 * format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]".
+		 * Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified, so this extends the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method addValidElements
+		 * @param {String} valid_elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed.
+		 */
+		self.addValidElements = addValidElements;
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid elements string and sets it to the schema. The valid elements
+		 * format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]".
+		 * Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified, so this extends the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method setValidElements
+		 * @param {String} valid_elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed.
+		 */
+		self.setValidElements = setValidElements;
+		/**
+		 * Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCustomElements
+		 * @param {String} custom_elements Comma separated list of custom elements to add.
+		 */
+		self.addCustomElements = addCustomElements;
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid children string and adds them to the schema structure. The valid children
+		 * format is for example: "element[child1|child2]".
+		 *
+		 * @method addValidChildren
+		 * @param {String} valid_children Valid children elements string to parse
+		 */
+		self.addValidChildren = addValidChildren;
+		self.elements = elements;
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Serializer.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Serializer.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..041272af76051deed0a74dd01a30b2d3facb0b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Serializer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * Serializer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to serialize down the DOM tree into a string using a Writer instance.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * new tinymce.html.Serializer().serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse('<p>text</p>'));
+ * @class tinymce.html.Serializer
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Serializer", [
+	"tinymce/html/Writer",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema"
+], function(Writer, Schema) {
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Serializer instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Serializer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema Schema instance to use.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this, writer = new Writer(settings);
+		settings = settings || {};
+		settings.validate = "validate" in settings ? settings.validate : true;
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		self.writer = writer;
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified node into a string.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * new tinymce.html.Serializer().serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse('<p>text</p>'));
+		 * @method serialize
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node instance to serialize.
+		 * @return {String} String with HTML based on DOM tree.
+		 */
+		self.serialize = function(node) {
+			var handlers, validate;
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			handlers = {
+				// #text
+				3: function(node) {
+					writer.text(node.value, node.raw);
+				},
+				// #comment
+				8: function(node) {
+					writer.comment(node.value);
+				},
+				// Processing instruction
+				7: function(node) {
+					writer.pi(node.name, node.value);
+				},
+				// Doctype
+				10: function(node) {
+					writer.doctype(node.value);
+				},
+				// CDATA
+				4: function(node) {
+					writer.cdata(node.value);
+				},
+				// Document fragment
+				11: function(node) {
+					if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+						do {
+							walk(node);
+						} while ((node = node.next));
+					}
+				}
+			};
+			writer.reset();
+			function walk(node) {
+				var handler = handlers[node.type], name, isEmpty, attrs, attrName, attrValue, sortedAttrs, i, l, elementRule;
+				if (!handler) {
+					name = node.name;
+					isEmpty = node.shortEnded;
+					attrs = node.attributes;
+					// Sort attributes
+					if (validate && attrs && attrs.length > 1) {
+						sortedAttrs = [];
+						sortedAttrs.map = {};
+						elementRule = schema.getElementRule(node.name);
+						for (i = 0, l = elementRule.attributesOrder.length; i < l; i++) {
+							attrName = elementRule.attributesOrder[i];
+							if (attrName in attrs.map) {
+								attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
+								sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
+								sortedAttrs.push({name: attrName, value: attrValue});
+							}
+						}
+						for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+							attrName = attrs[i].name;
+							if (!(attrName in sortedAttrs.map)) {
+								attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
+								sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
+								sortedAttrs.push({name: attrName, value: attrValue});
+							}
+						}
+						attrs = sortedAttrs;
+					}
+					writer.start(node.name, attrs, isEmpty);
+					if (!isEmpty) {
+						if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+							do {
+								walk(node);
+							} while ((node = node.next));
+						}
+						writer.end(name);
+					}
+				} else {
+					handler(node);
+				}
+			}
+			// Serialize element and treat all non elements as fragments
+			if (node.type == 1 && !settings.inner) {
+				walk(node);
+			} else {
+				handlers[11](node);
+			}
+			return writer.getContent();
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Styles.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Styles.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51b6f4621c3536a52aa89f991eb33d22782db44d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Styles.js
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ * Styles.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to parse CSS styles it also compresses styles to reduce the output size.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var Styles = new tinymce.html.Styles({
+ *    url_converter: function(url) {
+ *       return url;
+ *    }
+ * });
+ *
+ * styles = Styles.parse('border: 1px solid red');
+ * styles.color = 'red';
+ *
+ * console.log(new tinymce.html.StyleSerializer().serialize(styles));
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Styles
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Styles", [], function() {
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+		/*eslint max-len:0 */
+		var rgbRegExp = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/gi,
+			urlOrStrRegExp = /(?:url(?:(?:\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\))|(?:\(\s*\'([^\']+)\'\s*\))|(?:\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))))|(?:\'([^\']+)\')|(?:\"([^\"]+)\")/gi,
+			styleRegExp = /\s*([^:]+):\s*([^;]+);?/g,
+			trimRightRegExp = /\s+$/,
+			undef, i, encodingLookup = {}, encodingItems, invisibleChar = '\uFEFF';
+		settings = settings || {};
+		encodingItems = ('\\" \\\' \\; \\: ; : ' + invisibleChar).split(' ');
+		for (i = 0; i < encodingItems.length; i++) {
+			encodingLookup[encodingItems[i]] = invisibleChar + i;
+			encodingLookup[invisibleChar + i] = encodingItems[i];
+		}
+		function toHex(match, r, g, b) {
+			function hex(val) {
+				val = parseInt(val, 10).toString(16);
+				return val.length > 1 ? val : '0' + val; // 0 -> 00
+			}
+			return '#' + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
+		}
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color.
+			 *
+			 * @method toHex
+			 * @param {String} color RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3)
+			 * @return {String} Hex version of that RGB value like #FF00FF.
+			 */
+			toHex: function(color) {
+				return color.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also
+			 * merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non hex
+			 * colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings.
+			 *
+			 * @method parse
+			 * @param {String} css Style value to parse for example: border:1px solid red;.
+			 * @return {Object} Object representation of that style like {border: '1px solid red'}
+			 */
+			parse: function(css) {
+				var styles = {}, matches, name, value, isEncoded, urlConverter = settings.url_converter;
+				var urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope || this;
+				function compress(prefix, suffix, noJoin) {
+					var top, right, bottom, left;
+					top = styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
+					if (!top) {
+						return;
+					}
+					right = styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
+					if (!right) {
+						return;
+					}
+					bottom = styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
+					if (!bottom) {
+						return;
+					}
+					left = styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
+					if (!left) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var box = [top, right, bottom, left];
+					i = box.length - 1;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (box[i] !== box[i + 1]) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if (i > -1 && noJoin) {
+						return;
+					}
+					styles[prefix + suffix] = i == -1 ? box[0] : box.join(' ');
+					delete styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Checks if the specific style can be compressed in other words if all border-width are equal.
+				 */
+				function canCompress(key) {
+					var value = styles[key], i;
+					if (!value) {
+						return;
+					}
+					value = value.split(' ');
+					i = value.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (value[i] !== value[0]) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					styles[key] = value[0];
+					return true;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Compresses multiple styles into one style.
+				 */
+				function compress2(target, a, b, c) {
+					if (!canCompress(a)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!canCompress(b)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!canCompress(c)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Compress
+					styles[target] = styles[a] + ' ' + styles[b] + ' ' + styles[c];
+					delete styles[a];
+					delete styles[b];
+					delete styles[c];
+				}
+				// Encodes the specified string by replacing all \" \' ; : with _<num>
+				function encode(str) {
+					isEncoded = true;
+					return encodingLookup[str];
+				}
+				// Decodes the specified string by replacing all _<num> with it's original value \" \' etc
+				// It will also decode the \" \' if keep_slashes is set to fale or omitted
+				function decode(str, keep_slashes) {
+					if (isEncoded) {
+						str = str.replace(/\uFEFF[0-9]/g, function(str) {
+							return encodingLookup[str];
+						});
+					}
+					if (!keep_slashes) {
+						str = str.replace(/\\([\'\";:])/g, "$1");
+					}
+					return str;
+				}
+				function processUrl(match, url, url2, url3, str, str2) {
+					str = str || str2;
+					if (str) {
+						str = decode(str);
+						// Force strings into single quote format
+						return "'" + str.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "'";
+					}
+					url = decode(url || url2 || url3);
+					if (!settings.allow_script_urls && /(java|vb)script:/i.test(url.replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, ''))) {
+						return "";
+					}
+					// Convert the URL to relative/absolute depending on config
+					if (urlConverter) {
+						url = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, url, 'style');
+					}
+					// Output new URL format
+					return "url('" + url.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "')";
+				}
+				if (css) {
+					css = css.replace(/[\u0000-\u001F]/g, '');
+					// Encode \" \' % and ; and : inside strings so they don't interfere with the style parsing
+					css = css.replace(/\\[\"\';:\uFEFF]/g, encode).replace(/\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'/g, function(str) {
+						return str.replace(/[;:]/g, encode);
+					});
+					// Parse styles
+					while ((matches = styleRegExp.exec(css))) {
+						name = matches[1].replace(trimRightRegExp, '').toLowerCase();
+						value = matches[2].replace(trimRightRegExp, '');
+						if (name && value.length > 0) {
+							if (!settings.allow_script_urls && (name == "behavior" || /expression\s*\(/.test(value))) {
+								continue;
+							}
+							// Opera will produce 700 instead of bold in their style values
+							if (name === 'font-weight' && value === '700') {
+								value = 'bold';
+							} else if (name === 'color' || name === 'background-color') { // Lowercase colors like RED
+								value = value.toLowerCase();
+							}
+							// Convert RGB colors to HEX
+							value = value.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
+							// Convert URLs and force them into url('value') format
+							value = value.replace(urlOrStrRegExp, processUrl);
+							styles[name] = isEncoded ? decode(value, true) : value;
+						}
+						styleRegExp.lastIndex = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+					}
+					// Compress the styles to reduce it's size for example IE will expand styles
+					compress("border", "", true);
+					compress("border", "-width");
+					compress("border", "-color");
+					compress("border", "-style");
+					compress("padding", "");
+					compress("margin", "");
+					compress2('border', 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color');
+					// Remove pointless border, IE produces these
+					if (styles.border === 'medium none') {
+						delete styles.border;
+					}
+					// IE 11 will produce a border-image: none when getting the style attribute from <p style="border: 1px solid red"></p>
+					// So lets asume it shouldn't be there
+					if (styles['border-image'] === 'none') {
+						delete styles['border-image'];
+					}
+				}
+				return styles;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Serializes the specified style object into a string.
+			 *
+			 * @method serialize
+			 * @param {Object} styles Object to serialize as string for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+			 * @param {String} element_name Optional element name, if specified only the styles that matches the schema will be serialized.
+			 * @return {String} String representation of the style object for example: border: 1px solid red.
+			 */
+			serialize: function(styles, element_name) {
+				var css = '', name, value;
+				function serializeStyles(name) {
+					var styleList, i, l, value;
+					styleList = schema.styles[name];
+					if (styleList) {
+						for (i = 0, l = styleList.length; i < l; i++) {
+							name = styleList[i];
+							value = styles[name];
+							if (value !== undef && value.length > 0) {
+								css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Serialize styles according to schema
+				if (element_name && schema && schema.styles) {
+					// Serialize global styles and element specific styles
+					serializeStyles('*');
+					serializeStyles(element_name);
+				} else {
+					// Output the styles in the order they are inside the object
+					for (name in styles) {
+						value = styles[name];
+						if (value !== undef && value.length > 0) {
+							css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return css;
+			}
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Writer.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Writer.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f9eaaef4bd95c095532fe3d5494550fe0bf1545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/html/Writer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ * Writer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to write HTML tags out it can be used with the Serializer or the SaxParser.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Writer
+ * @example
+ * var writer = new tinymce.html.Writer({indent: true});
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.SaxParser(writer).parse('<p><br></p>');
+ * console.log(writer.getContent());
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Writer
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Writer", [
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Entities, Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Writer instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Writer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var html = [], indent, indentBefore, indentAfter, encode, htmlOutput;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		indent = settings.indent;
+		indentBefore = makeMap(settings.indent_before || '');
+		indentAfter = makeMap(settings.indent_after || '');
+		encode = Entities.getEncodeFunc(settings.entity_encoding || 'raw', settings.entities);
+		htmlOutput = settings.element_format == "html";
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Writes the a start element such as <p id="a">.
+			 *
+			 * @method start
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the element.
+			 * @param {Array} attrs Optional attribute array or undefined if it hasn't any.
+			 * @param {Boolean} empty Optional empty state if the tag should end like <br />.
+			 */
+			start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+				var i, l, attr, value;
+				if (indent && indentBefore[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+				html.push('<', name);
+				if (attrs) {
+					for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+						attr = attrs[i];
+						html.push(' ', attr.name, '="', encode(attr.value, true), '"');
+					}
+				}
+				if (!empty || htmlOutput) {
+					html[html.length] = '>';
+				} else {
+					html[html.length] = ' />';
+				}
+				if (empty && indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes the a end element such as </p>.
+			 *
+			 * @method end
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the element.
+			 */
+			end: function(name) {
+				var value;
+				/*if (indent && indentBefore[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n')
+						html.push('\n');
+				}*/
+				html.push('</', name, '>');
+				if (indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a text node.
+			 *
+			 * @method text
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out.
+			 * @param {Boolean} raw Optional raw state if true the contents wont get encoded.
+			 */
+			text: function(text, raw) {
+				if (text.length > 0) {
+					html[html.length] = raw ? text : encode(text);
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a cdata node such as <![CDATA[data]]>.
+			 *
+			 * @method cdata
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the cdata.
+			 */
+			cdata: function(text) {
+				html.push('<![CDATA[', text, ']]>');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a comment node such as <!-- Comment -->.
+			 *
+			 * @method cdata
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the comment.
+			 */
+			comment: function(text) {
+				html.push('<!--', text, '-->');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a PI node such as <?xml attr="value" ?>.
+			 *
+			 * @method pi
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the pi.
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the pi.
+			 */
+			pi: function(name, text) {
+				if (text) {
+					html.push('<?', name, ' ', text, '?>');
+				} else {
+					html.push('<?', name, '?>');
+				}
+				if (indent) {
+					html.push('\n');
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a doctype node such as <!DOCTYPE data>.
+			 *
+			 * @method doctype
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the doctype.
+			 */
+			doctype: function(text) {
+				html.push('<!DOCTYPE', text, '>', indent ? '\n' : '');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Resets the internal buffer if one wants to reuse the writer.
+			 *
+			 * @method reset
+			 */
+			reset: function() {
+				html.length = 0;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns the contents that got serialized.
+			 *
+			 * @method getContent
+			 * @return {String} HTML contents that got written down.
+			 */
+			getContent: function() {
+				return html.join('').replace(/\n$/, '');
+			}
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/jquery.tinymce.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/jquery.tinymce.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..495e88a8265b1d090427f6cefb12936ea30e97c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/jquery.tinymce.js
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * jquery.tinymce.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true, jQuery */
+(function($) {
+	var undef,
+		lazyLoading,
+		delayedInits = [],
+		win = window;
+	$.fn.tinymce = function(settings) {
+		var self = this, url, base, lang, suffix = "", patchApplied;
+		// No match then just ignore the call
+		if (!self.length) {
+			return self;
+		}
+		// Get editor instance
+		if (!settings) {
+			return window.tinymce ? tinymce.get(self[0].id) : null;
+		}
+		self.css('visibility', 'hidden'); // Hide textarea to avoid flicker
+		function init() {
+			var editors = [], initCount = 0;
+			// Apply patches to the jQuery object, only once
+			if (!patchApplied) {
+				applyPatch();
+				patchApplied = true;
+			}
+			// Create an editor instance for each matched node
+			self.each(function(i, node) {
+				var ed, id = node.id, oninit = settings.oninit;
+				// Generate unique id for target element if needed
+				if (!id) {
+					node.id = id = tinymce.DOM.uniqueId();
+				}
+				// Only init the editor once
+				if (tinymce.get(id)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				// Create editor instance and render it
+				ed = new tinymce.Editor(id, settings, tinymce.EditorManager);
+				editors.push(ed);
+				ed.on('init', function() {
+					var scope, func = oninit;
+					self.css('visibility', '');
+					// Run this if the oninit setting is defined
+					// this logic will fire the oninit callback ones each
+					// matched editor instance is initialized
+					if (oninit) {
+						// Fire the oninit event ones each editor instance is initialized
+						if (++initCount == editors.length) {
+							if (typeof(func) === "string") {
+								scope = (func.indexOf(".") === -1) ? null : tinymce.resolve(func.replace(/\.\w+$/, ""));
+								func = tinymce.resolve(func);
+							}
+							// Call the oninit function with the object
+							func.apply(scope || tinymce, editors);
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			// Render the editor instances in a separate loop since we
+			// need to have the full editors array used in the onInit calls
+			$.each(editors, function(i, ed) {
+				ed.render();
+			});
+		}
+		// Load TinyMCE on demand, if we need to
+		if (!win.tinymce && !lazyLoading && (url = settings.script_url)) {
+			lazyLoading = 1;
+			base = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/"));
+			// Check if it's a dev/src version they want to load then
+			// make sure that all plugins, themes etc are loaded in source mode as well
+			if (url.indexOf('.min') != -1) {
+				suffix = ".min";
+			}
+			// Setup tinyMCEPreInit object this will later be used by the TinyMCE
+			// core script to locate other resources like CSS files, dialogs etc
+			// You can also predefined a tinyMCEPreInit object and then it will use that instead
+			win.tinymce = win.tinyMCEPreInit || {
+				base: base,
+				suffix: suffix
+			};
+			// url contains gzip then we assume it's a compressor
+			if (url.indexOf('gzip') != -1) {
+				lang = settings.language || "en";
+				url = url + (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + "js=true&core=true&suffix=" + escape(suffix) +
+					"&themes=" + escape(settings.theme || 'modern') + "&plugins=" +
+					escape(settings.plugins || '') + "&languages=" + (lang || '');
+				// Check if compressor script is already loaded otherwise setup a basic one
+				if (!win.tinyMCE_GZ) {
+					win.tinyMCE_GZ = {
+						start: function() {
+							function load(url) {
+								tinymce.ScriptLoader.markDone(tinymce.baseURI.toAbsolute(url));
+							}
+							// Add core languages
+							load("langs/" + lang + ".js");
+							// Add themes with languages
+							load("themes/" + settings.theme + "/theme" + suffix + ".js");
+							load("themes/" + settings.theme + "/langs/" + lang + ".js");
+							// Add plugins with languages
+							$.each(settings.plugins.split(","), function(i, name) {
+								if (name) {
+									load("plugins/" + name + "/plugin" + suffix + ".js");
+									load("plugins/" + name + "/langs/" + lang + ".js");
+								}
+							});
+						},
+						end: function() {
+						}
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			var script = document.createElement('script');
+			script.type = 'text/javascript';
+			script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
+				e = e || window.event;
+				if (lazyLoading !== 2 && (e.type == 'load' || /complete|loaded/.test(script.readyState))) {
+					tinymce.dom.Event.domLoaded = 1;
+					lazyLoading = 2;
+					// Execute callback after mainscript has been loaded and before the initialization occurs
+					if (settings.script_loaded) {
+						settings.script_loaded();
+					}
+					init();
+					$.each(delayedInits, function(i, init) {
+						init();
+					});
+				}
+			};
+			script.src = url;
+			document.body.appendChild(script);
+		} else {
+			// Delay the init call until tinymce is loaded
+			if (lazyLoading === 1) {
+				delayedInits.push(init);
+			} else {
+				init();
+			}
+		}
+		return self;
+	};
+	// Add :tinymce psuedo selector this will select elements that has been converted into editor instances
+	// it's now possible to use things like $('*:tinymce') to get all TinyMCE bound elements.
+	$.extend($.expr[":"], {
+		tinymce: function(e) {
+			return !!(e.id && "tinymce" in window && tinymce.get(e.id));
+		}
+	});
+	// This function patches internal jQuery functions so that if
+	// you for example remove an div element containing an editor it's
+	// automatically destroyed by the TinyMCE API
+	function applyPatch() {
+		// Removes any child editor instances by looking for editor wrapper elements
+		function removeEditors(name) {
+			// If the function is remove
+			if (name === "remove") {
+				this.each(function(i, node) {
+					var ed = tinyMCEInstance(node);
+					if (ed) {
+						ed.remove();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			this.find("span.mceEditor,div.mceEditor").each(function(i, node) {
+				var ed = tinymce.get(node.id.replace(/_parent$/, ""));
+				if (ed) {
+					ed.remove();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Loads or saves contents from/to textarea if the value
+		// argument is defined it will set the TinyMCE internal contents
+		function loadOrSave(value) {
+			var self = this, ed;
+			// Handle set value
+			/*jshint eqnull:true */
+			if (value != null) {
+				removeEditors.call(self);
+				// Saves the contents before get/set value of textarea/div
+				self.each(function(i, node) {
+					var ed;
+					if ((ed = tinymce.get(node.id))) {
+						ed.setContent(value);
+					}
+				});
+			} else if (self.length > 0) {
+				// Handle get value
+				if ((ed = tinymce.get(self[0].id))) {
+					return ed.getContent();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Returns tinymce instance for the specified element or null if it wasn't found
+		function tinyMCEInstance(element) {
+			var ed = null;
+			if (element && element.id && win.tinymce) {
+				ed = tinymce.get(element.id);
+			}
+			return ed;
+		}
+		// Checks if the specified set contains tinymce instances
+		function containsTinyMCE(matchedSet) {
+			return !!((matchedSet) && (matchedSet.length) && (win.tinymce) && (matchedSet.is(":tinymce")));
+		}
+		// Patch various jQuery functions
+		var jQueryFn = {};
+		// Patch some setter/getter functions these will
+		// now be able to set/get the contents of editor instances for
+		// example $('#editorid').html('Content'); will update the TinyMCE iframe instance
+		$.each(["text", "html", "val"], function(i, name) {
+			var origFn = jQueryFn[name] = $.fn[name],
+				textProc = (name === "text");
+			$.fn[name] = function(value) {
+				var self = this;
+				if (!containsTinyMCE(self)) {
+					return origFn.apply(self, arguments);
+				}
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					loadOrSave.call(self.filter(":tinymce"), value);
+					origFn.apply(self.not(":tinymce"), arguments);
+					return self; // return original set for chaining
+				} else {
+					var ret = "";
+					var args = arguments;
+					(textProc ? self : self.eq(0)).each(function(i, node) {
+						var ed = tinyMCEInstance(node);
+						if (ed) {
+							ret += textProc ? ed.getContent().replace(/<(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/g, "") : ed.getContent({save: true});
+						} else {
+							ret += origFn.apply($(node), args);
+						}
+					});
+					return ret;
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		// Makes it possible to use $('#id').append("content"); to append contents to the TinyMCE editor iframe
+		$.each(["append", "prepend"], function(i, name) {
+			var origFn = jQueryFn[name] = $.fn[name],
+				prepend = (name === "prepend");
+			$.fn[name] = function(value) {
+				var self = this;
+				if (!containsTinyMCE(self)) {
+					return origFn.apply(self, arguments);
+				}
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					self.filter(":tinymce").each(function(i, node) {
+						var ed = tinyMCEInstance(node);
+						if (ed) {
+							ed.setContent(prepend ? value + ed.getContent() : ed.getContent() + value);
+						}
+					});
+					origFn.apply(self.not(":tinymce"), arguments);
+					return self; // return original set for chaining
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		// Makes sure that the editor instance gets properly destroyed when the parent element is removed
+		$.each(["remove", "replaceWith", "replaceAll", "empty"], function(i, name) {
+			var origFn = jQueryFn[name] = $.fn[name];
+			$.fn[name] = function() {
+				removeEditors.call(this, name);
+				return origFn.apply(this, arguments);
+			};
+		});
+		jQueryFn.attr = $.fn.attr;
+		// Makes sure that $('#tinymce_id').attr('value') gets the editors current HTML contents
+		$.fn.attr = function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, args = arguments;
+			if ((!name) || (name !== "value") || (!containsTinyMCE(self))) {
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					return jQueryFn.attr.apply(self, args);
+				} else {
+					return jQueryFn.attr.apply(self, args);
+				}
+			}
+			if (value !== undef) {
+				loadOrSave.call(self.filter(":tinymce"), value);
+				jQueryFn.attr.apply(self.not(":tinymce"), args);
+				return self; // return original set for chaining
+			} else {
+				var node = self[0], ed = tinyMCEInstance(node);
+				return ed ? ed.getContent({save: true}) : jQueryFn.attr.apply($(node), args);
+			}
+		};
+	}
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/AbsoluteLayout.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/AbsoluteLayout.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d286a13e39d054f468a5b515e549248fbbd50d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/AbsoluteLayout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * AbsoluteLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * LayoutManager for absolute positioning. This layout manager is more of
+ * a base class for other layouts but can be created and used directly.
+ *
+ * @-x-less AbsoluteLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Layout"
+], function(Layout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Layout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'abs-layout',
+			controlClass: 'abs-layout-item'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				var settings = ctrl.settings;
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: settings.x,
+					y: settings.y,
+					w: settings.w,
+					h: settings.h
+				});
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the specified container and any layout specific HTML.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container to render HTML for.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function(container) {
+			return '<div id="' + container._id + '-absend" class="' + container.classPrefix + 'abs-end"></div>' + this._super(container);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Button.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Button.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2ecf347b818b58238bfd0f29c6f093f86a2984b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Button.js
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ * Button.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to create buttons. You can create them directly or through the Factory.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a button to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'button',
+ *     text: 'My button'
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less Button.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Button
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Button", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "widget btn",
+			role: "button"
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new button instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} size Size of the button small|medium|large.
+		 * @setting {String} image Image to use for icon.
+		 * @setting {String} icon Icon to use for button.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, size;
+			self.on('click mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			self._super(settings);
+			size = settings.size;
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				self.addClass(settings.subtype);
+			}
+			if (size) {
+				self.addClass('btn-' + size);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current button icon.
+		 *
+		 * @method icon
+		 * @param {String} [icon] New icon identifier.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.MenuButton} Current icon or current MenuButton instance.
+		 */
+		icon: function(icon) {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			if (typeof(icon) == 'undefined') {
+				return self.settings.icon;
+			}
+			self.settings.icon = icon;
+			icon = icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				var btnElm = self.getEl().firstChild, iconElm = btnElm.getElementsByTagName('i')[0];
+				if (icon) {
+					if (!iconElm || iconElm != btnElm.firstChild) {
+						iconElm = document.createElement('i');
+						btnElm.insertBefore(iconElm, btnElm.firstChild);
+					}
+					iconElm.className = icon;
+				} else if (iconElm) {
+					btnElm.removeChild(iconElm);
+				}
+				self.text(self._text); // Set text again to fix whitespace between icon + text
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the button for example after it's been resizes by a layout engine.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var btnStyle = this.getEl().firstChild.style;
+			btnStyle.width = btnStyle.height = "100%";
+			this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon, image = '';
+			if (self.settings.image) {
+				icon = 'none';
+				image = ' style="background-image: url(\'' + self.settings.image + '\')"';
+			}
+			icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + icon : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="' + id + '">' +
+					'<button role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>' : '') +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(self._text) : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ButtonGroup.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ButtonGroup.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f58fe6ce56e63ced80f9063495b58e0c8df50f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ButtonGroup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * ButtonGroup.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control enables you to put multiple buttons into a group. This is
+ * useful when you want to combine similar toolbar buttons into a group.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a buttongroup with two buttons to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'buttongroup',
+ *     items: [
+ *         {text: 'Button A'},
+ *         {text: 'Button B'}
+ *     ]
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less ButtonGroup.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ButtonGroup
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ButtonGroup", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			defaultType: 'button',
+			role: 'group'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout;
+			self.addClass('btn-group');
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Checkbox.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Checkbox.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1bbdf1f1b6455430dbd7ab4d90f98889809fa868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Checkbox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Checkbox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control creates a custom checkbox.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a checkbox to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'checkbox',
+ *     checked: true,
+ *     text: 'My checkbox'
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less Checkbox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Checkbox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Checkbox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "checkbox",
+			role: "checkbox",
+			checked: false
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new Checkbox instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} checked True if the checkbox should be checked by default.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.on('click mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				if (!self.disabled()) {
+					self.checked(!self.checked());
+				}
+			});
+			self.checked(self.settings.checked);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the checked state.
+		 *
+		 * @method checked
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Checkbox} True/false or checkbox if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		checked: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof state != "undefined") {
+				if (state) {
+					self.addClass('checked');
+				} else {
+					self.removeClass('checked');
+				}
+				self._checked = state;
+				self.aria('checked', state);
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._checked;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the value state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Checkbox} True/false or checkbox if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(state) {
+			return this.checked(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" unselectable="on" aria-labelledby="' + id + '-al" tabindex="-1">' +
+					'<i class="' + prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-checkbox"></i>' +
+					'<span id="' + id + '-al" class="' + prefix + 'label">' + self.encode(self._text) + '</span>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Collection.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Collection.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..285d0c83689baba18f92a01715cf67fbfa6979c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Collection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+ * Collection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Control collection, this class contains control instances and it enables you to
+ * perform actions on all the contained items. This is very similar to how jQuery works.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * someCollection.show().disabled(true);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Collection
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Collection", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/Selector",
+	"tinymce/util/Class"
+], function(Tools, Selector, Class) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Collection, proto, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+	proto = {
+		/**
+		 * Current number of contained control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @field length
+		 * @type Number
+		 */
+		length: 0,
+		/**
+		 * Constructor for the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {Array} items Optional array with items to add.
+		 */
+		init: function(items) {
+			if (items) {
+				this.add(items);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds new items to the control collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {Array} items Array if items to add to collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		add: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			// Force single item into array
+			if (!Tools.isArray(items)) {
+				if (items instanceof Collection) {
+					self.add(items.toArray());
+				} else {
+					push.call(self, items);
+				}
+			} else {
+				push.apply(self, items);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the contents of the collection. This will remove any existing items
+		 * and replace them with the ones specified in the input array.
+		 *
+		 * @method set
+		 * @param {Array} items Array with items to set into the Collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection instance.
+		 */
+		set: function(items) {
+			var self = this, len = self.length, i;
+			self.length = 0;
+			self.add(items);
+			// Remove old entries
+			for (i = self.length; i < len; i++) {
+				delete self[i];
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Filters the collection item based on the specified selector expression or selector function.
+		 *
+		 * @method filter
+		 * @param {String} selector Selector expression to filter items by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection containing the filtered items.
+		 */
+		filter: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, i, l, matches = [], item, match;
+			// Compile string into selector expression
+			if (typeof(selector) === "string") {
+				selector = new Selector(selector);
+				match = function(item) {
+					return selector.match(item);
+				};
+			} else {
+				// Use selector as matching function
+				match = selector;
+			}
+			for (i = 0, l = self.length; i < l; i++) {
+				item = self[i];
+				if (match(item)) {
+					matches.push(item);
+				}
+			}
+			return new Collection(matches);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Slices the items within the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method slice
+		 * @param {Number} index Index to slice at.
+		 * @param {Number} len Optional length to slice.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		slice: function() {
+			return new Collection(slice.apply(this, arguments));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Makes the current collection equal to the specified index.
+		 *
+		 * @method eq
+		 * @param {Number} index Index of the item to set the collection to.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		eq: function(index) {
+			return index === -1 ? this.slice(index) : this.slice(index, +index + 1);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified callback on each item in collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method each
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback to execute for each item in collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		each: function(callback) {
+			Tools.each(this, callback);
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns an JavaScript array object of the contents inside the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method toArray
+		 * @return {Array} Array with all items from collection.
+		 */
+		toArray: function() {
+			return Tools.toArray(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Finds the index of the specified control or return -1 if it isn't in the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method indexOf
+		 * @param {Control} ctrl Control instance to look for.
+		 * @return {Number} Index of the specified control or -1.
+		 */
+		indexOf: function(ctrl) {
+			var self = this, i = self.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				if (self[i] === ctrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return i;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a new collection of the contents in reverse order.
+		 *
+		 * @method reverse
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection instance with reversed items.
+		 */
+		reverse: function() {
+			return new Collection(Tools.toArray(this).reverse());
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the class exists or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the class exists or not.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(cls) {
+			return this[0] ? this[0].hasClass(cls) : false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the specific property on the items in the collection. The same as executing control.<property>(<value>);
+		 *
+		 * @method prop
+		 * @param {String} name Property name to get/set.
+		 * @param {Object} value Optional object value to set.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		prop: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, undef, item;
+			if (value !== undef) {
+				self.each(function(item) {
+					if (item[name]) {
+						item[name](value);
+					}
+				});
+				return self;
+			}
+			item = self[0];
+			if (item && item[name]) {
+				return item[name]();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specific function name with optional arguments an all items in collection if it exists.
+		 *
+		 * @example collection.exec("myMethod", arg1, arg2, arg3);
+		 * @method exec
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the function to execute.
+		 * @param {Object} ... Multiple arguments to pass to each function.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		exec: function(name) {
+			var self = this, args = Tools.toArray(arguments).slice(1);
+			self.each(function(item) {
+				if (item[name]) {
+					item[name].apply(item, args);
+				}
+			});
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Remove all items from collection and DOM.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var i = this.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				this[i].remove();
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name and arguments on the control. This will execute all
+		 * bound event handlers.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional arguments to pass to the event.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// fire: function(event, args) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to the specified event. This event can both be
+		 * native browser events like "click" or custom ones like PostRender.
+		 *
+		 * The callback function will have two parameters the first one being the control that received the event
+		 * the second one will be the event object either the browsers native event object or a custom JS object.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to bind. For example "click".
+		 * @param {String/function} callback Callback function to execute ones the event occurs.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// on: function(name, callback) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event and optionally a specific callback. If you omit the name
+		 * parameter all event handlers will be removed. If you omit the callback all event handles
+		 * by the specified name will be removed.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String} name Optional name for the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// off: function(name, callback) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Shows the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// show: function() {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Hides the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// hide: function() {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the text contents of the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or text value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// text: function(value) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the name contents of the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method name
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or name value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// name: function(value) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or disabled state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// disabled: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or active state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// active: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the selected state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method selected
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or selected state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// selected: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the selected state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or visible state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// visible: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Adds a class to all items in the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to add to each item.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// addClass: function(cls) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified class from all items in collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove from each item.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// removeClass: function(cls) {}, -- Generated by code below
+	};
+	// Extend tinymce.ui.Collection prototype with some generated control specific methods
+	Tools.each('fire on off show hide addClass removeClass append prepend before after reflow'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		proto[name] = function() {
+			var args = Tools.toArray(arguments);
+			this.each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (name in ctrl) {
+					ctrl[name].apply(ctrl, args);
+				}
+			});
+			return this;
+		};
+	});
+	// Extend tinymce.ui.Collection prototype with some property methods
+	Tools.each('text name disabled active selected checked visible parent value data'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		proto[name] = function(value) {
+			return this.prop(name, value);
+		};
+	});
+	// Create class based on the new prototype
+	Collection = Class.extend(proto);
+	// Stick Collection into Selector to prevent circual references
+	Selector.Collection = Collection;
+	return Collection;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ColorButton.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ColorButton.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4b36c3f2d2b3b399e02af9d232f60966a864cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ColorButton.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * ColorButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a color button control. This is a split button in which the main
+ * button has a visual representation of the currently selected color. When clicked 
+ * the caret button displays a color picker, allowing the user to select a new color.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ColorButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ColorButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.PanelButton
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ColorButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/PanelButton",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(PanelButton, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var DOM = DomUtils.DOM;
+	return PanelButton.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new ColorButton instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			this._super(settings);
+			this.addClass('colorbutton');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the current color.
+		 *
+		 * @method color
+		 * @param {String} [color] Color to set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ColorButton} Current color or current instance.
+		 */
+		color: function(color) {
+			if (color) {
+				this._color = color;
+				this.getEl('preview').style.backgroundColor = color;
+				return this;
+			}
+			return this._color;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			var image = self.settings.image ? ' style="background-image: url(\'' + self.settings.image + '\')"' : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="button" tabindex="-1" aria-haspopup="true">' +
+					'<button role="presentation" hidefocus type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>' : '') +
+						'<span id="' + id + '-preview" class="' + prefix + 'preview"></span>' +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + (self._text) : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+					'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, onClickHandler = self.settings.onclick;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.aria && e.aria.key == 'down') {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (e.control == self && !DOM.getParent(e.target, '.' + self.classPrefix + 'open')) {
+					e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+					onClickHandler.call(self, e);
+				}
+			});
+			delete self.settings.onclick;
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ComboBox.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ComboBox.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c174bf67c6d86beec3eb6d6422c006ac510bc1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ComboBox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+ * ComboBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a combobox control. Select box that you select a value from or
+ * type a value into.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ComboBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ComboBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ComboBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, Factory, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} placeholder Placeholder text to display.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('combobox');
+			self.subinput = true;
+			self.ariaTarget = 'inp'; // TODO: Figure out a better way
+			settings = self.settings;
+			settings.menu = settings.menu || settings.values;
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				settings.icon = 'caret';
+			}
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var elm = e.target, root = self.getEl();
+				while (elm && elm != root) {
+					if (elm.id && elm.id.indexOf('-open') != -1) {
+						self.fire('action');
+						if (settings.menu) {
+							self.showMenu();
+							if (e.aria) {
+								self.menu.items()[0].focus();
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					elm = elm.parentNode;
+				}
+			});
+			// TODO: Rework this
+			self.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.nodeName == "INPUT" && e.keyCode == 13) {
+					self.parents().reverse().each(function(ctrl) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						self.fire('change');
+						if (ctrl.hasEventListeners('submit') && ctrl.toJSON) {
+							ctrl.fire('submit', {data: ctrl.toJSON()});
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			});
+			if (settings.placeholder) {
+				self.addClass('placeholder');
+				self.on('focusin', function() {
+					if (!self._hasOnChange) {
+						DomUtils.on(self.getEl('inp'), 'change', function() {
+							self.fire('change');
+						});
+						self._hasOnChange = true;
+					}
+					if (self.hasClass('placeholder')) {
+						self.getEl('inp').value = '';
+						self.removeClass('placeholder');
+					}
+				});
+				self.on('focusout', function() {
+					if (self.value().length === 0) {
+						self.getEl('inp').value = settings.placeholder;
+						self.addClass('placeholder');
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu;
+			if (!self.menu) {
+				menu = settings.menu || [];
+				// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+				if (menu.length) {
+					menu = {
+						type: 'menu',
+						items: menu
+					};
+				} else {
+					menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+				}
+				self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo(self.getContainerElm());
+				self.fire('createmenu');
+				self.menu.reflow();
+				self.menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+					if (e.control === self.menu) {
+						self.focus();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.on('show hide', function(e) {
+					e.control.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+						ctrl.active(ctrl.value() == self.value());
+					});
+				}).fire('show');
+				self.menu.on('select', function(e) {
+					self.value(e.control.value());
+				});
+				self.on('focusin', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.tagName == 'INPUT') {
+						self.menu.hide();
+					}
+				});
+				self.aria('expanded', true);
+			}
+			self.menu.show();
+			self.menu.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().w});
+			self.menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), self.isRtl() ? ['br-tr', 'tr-br'] : ['bl-tl', 'tl-bl']);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				self.removeClass('placeholder');
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl('inp').value = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				value = self.getEl('inp').value;
+				if (value != self.settings.placeholder) {
+					return value;
+				}
+				return '';
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the disabled state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} True/false or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && typeof(state) != 'undefined') {
+				self.getEl('inp').disabled = state;
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the input area of the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			this.getEl('inp').focus();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), openElm = self.getEl('open'), rect = self.layoutRect();
+			var width, lineHeight;
+			if (openElm) {
+				width = rect.w - DomUtils.getSize(openElm).width - 10;
+			} else {
+				width = rect.w - 10;
+			}
+			// Detect old IE 7+8 add lineHeight to align caret vertically in the middle
+			var doc = document;
+			if (doc.all && (!doc.documentMode || doc.documentMode <= 8)) {
+				lineHeight = (self.layoutRect().h - 2) + 'px';
+			}
+			DomUtils.css(elm.firstChild, {
+				width: width,
+				lineHeight: lineHeight
+			});
+			self._super();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.on(this.getEl('inp'), 'change', function() {
+				self.fire('change');
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			DomUtils.off(this.getEl('inp'));
+			this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var value = settings.value || settings.placeholder || '';
+			var icon, text, openBtnHtml = '', extraAttrs = '';
+			if ("spellcheck" in settings) {
+				extraAttrs += ' spellcheck="' + settings.spellcheck + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.maxLength) {
+				extraAttrs += ' maxlength="' + settings.maxLength + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.size) {
+				extraAttrs += ' size="' + settings.size + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				extraAttrs += ' type="' + settings.subtype + '"';
+			}
+			if (self.disabled()) {
+				extraAttrs += ' disabled="disabled"';
+			}
+			icon = settings.icon;
+			if (icon && icon != 'caret') {
+				icon = prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + settings.icon;
+			}
+			text = self._text;
+			if (icon || text) {
+				openBtnHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + id + '-open" class="' + prefix + 'btn ' + prefix + 'open" tabIndex="-1" role="button">' +
+						'<button id="' + id + '-action" type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+							(icon != 'caret' ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '<i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>') +
+							(text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + text : '') +
+						'</button>' +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+				self.addClass('has-open');
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<input id="' + id + '-inp" class="' + prefix + 'textbox ' + prefix + 'placeholder" value="' +
+					value + '" hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>' +
+					openBtnHtml +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Container.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Container.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f47ae9fc66e1881a65d3a0a23a057194d7da15ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Container.js
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ * Container.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Container control. This is extended by all controls that can have
+ * children such as panels etc. You can also use this class directly as an
+ * generic container instance. The container doesn't have any specific role or style.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Container.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Container", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Collection",
+	"tinymce/ui/Selector",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Control, Collection, Selector, Factory, KeyboardNavigation, Tools, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var selectorCache = {};
+	return Control.extend({
+		layout: '',
+		innerClass: 'container-inner',
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Array} items Items to add to container in JSON format or control instances.
+		 * @setting {String} layout Layout manager by name to use.
+		 * @setting {Object} defaults Default settings to apply to all items.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			settings = self.settings;
+			self._fixed = settings.fixed;
+			self._items = new Collection();
+			if (self.isRtl()) {
+				self.addClass('rtl');
+			}
+			self.addClass('container');
+			self.addClass('container-body', 'body');
+			if (settings.containerCls) {
+				self.addClass(settings.containerCls);
+			}
+			self._layout = Factory.create((settings.layout || self.layout) + 'layout');
+			if (self.settings.items) {
+				self.add(self.settings.items);
+			}
+			// TODO: Fix this!
+			self._hasBody = true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a collection of child items that the container currently have.
+		 *
+		 * @method items
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Control collection direct child controls.
+		 */
+		items: function() {
+			return this._items;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find child controls by selector.
+		 *
+		 * @method find
+		 * @param {String} selector Selector CSS pattern to find children by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Control collection with child controls.
+		 */
+		find: function(selector) {
+			selector = selectorCache[selector] = selectorCache[selector] || new Selector(selector);
+			return selector.find(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds one or many items to the current container. This will create instances of
+		 * the object representations if needed.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {Array/Object/tinymce.ui.Control} items Array or item that will be added to the container.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection control.
+		 */
+		add: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().add(self.create(items)).parent(self);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current container instance. This will look
+		 * for the first control in the container and focus that.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @param {Boolean} keyboard Optional true/false if the focus was a keyboard focus or not.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function(keyboard) {
+			var self = this, focusCtrl, keyboardNav, items;
+			if (keyboard) {
+				keyboardNav = self.keyboardNav || self.parents().eq(-1)[0].keyboardNav;
+				if (keyboardNav) {
+					keyboardNav.focusFirst(self);
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			items = self.find('*');
+			// TODO: Figure out a better way to auto focus alert dialog buttons
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				items.add(self.statusbar.items());
+			}
+			items.each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.settings.autofocus) {
+					focusCtrl = null;
+					return false;
+				}
+				if (ctrl.canFocus) {
+					focusCtrl = focusCtrl || ctrl;
+				}
+			});
+			if (focusCtrl) {
+				focusCtrl.focus();
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the specified child control with a new control.
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} oldItem Old item to be replaced.
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} newItem New item to be inserted.
+		 */
+		replace: function(oldItem, newItem) {
+			var ctrlElm, items = this.items(), i = items.length;
+			// Replace the item in collection
+			while (i--) {
+				if (items[i] === oldItem) {
+					items[i] = newItem;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (i >= 0) {
+				// Remove new item from DOM
+				ctrlElm = newItem.getEl();
+				if (ctrlElm) {
+					ctrlElm.parentNode.removeChild(ctrlElm);
+				}
+				// Remove old item from DOM
+				ctrlElm = oldItem.getEl();
+				if (ctrlElm) {
+					ctrlElm.parentNode.removeChild(ctrlElm);
+				}
+			}
+			// Adopt the item
+			newItem.parent(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates the specified items. If any of the items is plain JSON style objects
+		 * it will convert these into real tinymce.ui.Control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {Array} items Array of items to convert into control instances.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with control instances.
+		 */
+		create: function(items) {
+			var self = this, settings, ctrlItems = [];
+			// Non array structure, then force it into an array
+			if (!Tools.isArray(items)) {
+				items = [items];
+			}
+			// Add default type to each child control
+			Tools.each(items, function(item) {
+				if (item) {
+					// Construct item if needed
+					if (!(item instanceof Control)) {
+						// Name only then convert it to an object
+						if (typeof(item) == "string") {
+							item = {type: item};
+						}
+						// Create control instance based on input settings and default settings
+						settings = Tools.extend({}, self.settings.defaults, item);
+						item.type = settings.type = settings.type || item.type || self.settings.defaultType ||
+							(settings.defaults ? settings.defaults.type : null);
+						item = Factory.create(settings);
+					}
+					ctrlItems.push(item);
+				}
+			});
+			return ctrlItems;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders new control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		renderNew: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			// Render any new items
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl, index) {
+				var containerElm, fragment;
+				ctrl.parent(self);
+				if (!ctrl._rendered) {
+					containerElm = self.getEl('body');
+					fragment = DomUtils.createFragment(ctrl.renderHtml());
+					// Insert or append the item
+					if (containerElm.hasChildNodes() && index <= containerElm.childNodes.length - 1) {
+						containerElm.insertBefore(fragment, containerElm.childNodes[index]);
+					} else {
+						containerElm.appendChild(fragment);
+					}
+					ctrl.postRender();
+				}
+			});
+			self._layout.applyClasses(self);
+			self._lastRect = null;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Appends new instances to the current container.
+		 *
+		 * @method append
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to append.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		append: function(items) {
+			return this.add(items).renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Prepends new instances to the current container.
+		 *
+		 * @method prepend
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to prepend.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		prepend: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().set(self.create(items).concat(self.items().toArray()));
+			return self.renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts an control at a specific index.
+		 *
+		 * @method insert
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to insert.
+		 * @param {Number} index Index to insert controls at.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [before=false] Inserts controls before the index.
+		 */
+		insert: function(items, index, before) {
+			var self = this, curItems, beforeItems, afterItems;
+			items = self.create(items);
+			curItems = self.items();
+			if (!before && index < curItems.length - 1) {
+				index += 1;
+			}
+			if (index >= 0 && index < curItems.length) {
+				beforeItems = curItems.slice(0, index).toArray();
+				afterItems = curItems.slice(index).toArray();
+				curItems.set(beforeItems.concat(items, afterItems));
+			}
+			return self.renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Populates the form fields from the specified JSON data object.
+		 *
+		 * Control items in the form that matches the data will have it's value set.
+		 *
+		 * @method fromJSON
+		 * @param {Object} data JSON data object to set control values by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current form instance.
+		 */
+		fromJSON: function(data) {
+			var self = this;
+			for (var name in data) {
+				self.find('#' + name).value(data[name]);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the form into a JSON object by getting all items
+		 * that has a name and a value.
+		 *
+		 * @method toJSON
+		 * @return {Object} JSON object with form data.
+		 */
+		toJSON: function() {
+			var self = this, data = {};
+			self.find('*').each(function(ctrl) {
+				var name = ctrl.name(), value = ctrl.value();
+				if (name && typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+					data[name] = value;
+				}
+			});
+			return data;
+		},
+		preRender: function() {
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, role = this.settings.role;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"' + (role ? ' role="' + this.settings.role + '"' : '') + '>' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, box;
+			self.items().exec('postRender');
+			self._super();
+			self._layout.postRender(self);
+			self._rendered = true;
+			if (self.settings.style) {
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), self.settings.style);
+			}
+			if (self.settings.border) {
+				box = self.borderBox();
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), {
+					'border-top-width': box.top,
+					'border-right-width': box.right,
+					'border-bottom-width': box.bottom,
+					'border-left-width': box.left
+				});
+			}
+			if (!self.parent()) {
+				self.keyboardNav = new KeyboardNavigation({
+					root: self
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super();
+			// Recalc container size by asking layout manager
+			self._layout.recalc(self);
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the current container.
+		 * This is invoked by the reflow method and shouldn't be called directly.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+			var self = this, rect = self._layoutRect, lastRect = self._lastRect;
+			if (!lastRect || lastRect.w != rect.w || lastRect.h != rect.h) {
+				self._layout.recalc(self);
+				rect = self.layoutRect();
+				self._lastRect = {x: rect.x, y: rect.y, w: rect.w, h: rect.h};
+				return true;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Reflows the current container and it's children and possible parents.
+		 * This should be used after you for example append children to the current control so
+		 * that the layout managers know that they need to reposition everything.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * container.append({type: 'button', text: 'My button'}).reflow();
+		 *
+		 * @method reflow
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		reflow: function() {
+			var i;
+			if (this.visible()) {
+				Control.repaintControls = [];
+				Control.repaintControls.map = {};
+				this.recalc();
+				i = Control.repaintControls.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					Control.repaintControls[i].repaint();
+				}
+				// TODO: Fix me!
+				if (this.settings.layout !== "flow" && this.settings.layout !== "stack") {
+					this.repaint();
+				}
+				Control.repaintControls = [];
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Control.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Control.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..599916f22974cc4ad2bbacf97ca3a0aaca1aaf9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Control.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1559 @@
+ * Control.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint consistent-this:0 */
+ * This is the base class for all controls and containers. All UI control instances inherit
+ * from this one as it has the base logic needed by all of them.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Control", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/Collection",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Class, Tools, Collection, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap("focusin focusout scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover" +
+								" mouseout mouseenter mouseleave wheel keydown keypress keyup contextmenu", " ");
+	var elementIdCache = {};
+	var hasMouseWheelEventSupport = "onmousewheel" in document;
+	var hasWheelEventSupport = false;
+	var Control = Class.extend({
+		Statics: {
+			elementIdCache: elementIdCache
+		},
+		isRtl: function() {
+			return Control.rtl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Class/id prefix to use for all controls.
+		 *
+		 * @final
+		 * @field {String} classPrefix
+		 */
+		classPrefix: "mce-",
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} style Style CSS properties to add.
+		 * @setting {String} border Border box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {String} padding Padding box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {String} margin Margin box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {Number} minWidth Minimal width for the control.
+		 * @setting {Number} minHeight Minimal height for the control.
+		 * @setting {String} classes Space separated list of classes to add.
+		 * @setting {String} role WAI-ARIA role to use for control.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} hidden Is the control hidden by default.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} disabled Is the control disabled by default.
+		 * @setting {String} name Name of the control instance.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, classes, i;
+			self.settings = settings = Tools.extend({}, self.Defaults, settings);
+			// Initial states
+			self._id = settings.id || DomUtils.id();
+			self._text = self._name = '';
+			self._width = self._height = 0;
+			self._aria = {role: settings.role};
+			// Setup classes
+			classes = settings.classes;
+			if (classes) {
+				classes = classes.split(' ');
+				classes.map = {};
+				i = classes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					classes.map[classes[i]] = true;
+				}
+			}
+			self._classes = classes || [];
+			self.visible(true);
+			// Set some properties
+			Tools.each('title text width height name classes visible disabled active value'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				var value = settings[name], undef;
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					self[name](value);
+				} else if (self['_' + name] === undef) {
+					self['_' + name] = false;
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('click', function() {
+				if (self.disabled()) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			// TODO: Is this needed duplicate code see above?
+			if (settings.classes) {
+				Tools.each(settings.classes.split(' '), function(cls) {
+					self.addClass(cls);
+				});
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Name/value object with settings for the current control.
+			 *
+			 * @field {Object} settings
+			 */
+			self.settings = settings;
+			self._borderBox = self.parseBox(settings.border);
+			self._paddingBox = self.parseBox(settings.padding);
+			self._marginBox = self.parseBox(settings.margin);
+			if (settings.hidden) {
+				self.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		// Will generate getter/setter methods for these properties
+		Properties: 'parent,title,text,width,height,disabled,active,name,value',
+		// Will generate empty dummy functions for these
+		Methods: 'renderHtml',
+		/**
+		 * Returns the root element to render controls into.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContainerElm
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element to render into.
+		 */
+		getContainerElm: function() {
+			return document.body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a control instance for the current DOM element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParentCtrl
+		 * @param {Element} elm HTML dom element to get parent control from.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Control instance or undefined.
+		 */
+		getParentCtrl: function(elm) {
+			var ctrl, lookup = this.getRoot().controlIdLookup;
+			while (elm && lookup) {
+				ctrl = lookup[elm.id];
+				if (ctrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+				elm = elm.parentNode;
+			}
+			return ctrl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified box value. A box value contains 1-4 properties in clockwise order.
+		 *
+		 * @method parseBox
+		 * @param {String/Number} value Box value "0 1 2 3" or "0" etc.
+		 * @return {Object} Object with top/right/bottom/left properties.
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		parseBox: function(value) {
+			var len, radix = 10;
+			if (!value) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (typeof(value) === "number") {
+				value = value || 0;
+				return {
+					top: value,
+					left: value,
+					bottom: value,
+					right: value
+				};
+			}
+			value = value.split(' ');
+			len = value.length;
+			if (len === 1) {
+				value[1] = value[2] = value[3] = value[0];
+			} else if (len === 2) {
+				value[2] = value[0];
+				value[3] = value[1];
+			} else if (len === 3) {
+				value[3] = value[1];
+			}
+			return {
+				top: parseInt(value[0], radix) || 0,
+				right: parseInt(value[1], radix) || 0,
+				bottom: parseInt(value[2], radix) || 0,
+				left: parseInt(value[3], radix) || 0
+			};
+		},
+		borderBox: function() {
+			return this._borderBox;
+		},
+		paddingBox: function() {
+			return this._paddingBox;
+		},
+		marginBox: function() {
+			return this._marginBox;
+		},
+		measureBox: function(elm, prefix) {
+			function getStyle(name) {
+				var defaultView = document.defaultView;
+				if (defaultView) {
+					// Remove camelcase
+					name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a) {
+						return '-' + a;
+					});
+					return defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(name);
+				}
+				return elm.currentStyle[name];
+			}
+			function getSide(name) {
+				var val = parseFloat(getStyle(name), 10);
+				return isNaN(val) ? 0 : val;
+			}
+			return {
+				top: getSide(prefix + "TopWidth"),
+				right: getSide(prefix + "RightWidth"),
+				bottom: getSide(prefix + "BottomWidth"),
+				left: getSide(prefix + "LeftWidth")
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, borderBox, layoutRect;
+			var elm = self.getEl(), width, height, minWidth, minHeight, autoResize;
+			var startMinWidth, startMinHeight, initialSize;
+			// Measure the current element
+			borderBox = self._borderBox = self._borderBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'border');
+			self._paddingBox = self._paddingBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'padding');
+			self._marginBox = self._marginBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'margin');
+			initialSize = DomUtils.getSize(elm);
+			// Setup minWidth/minHeight and width/height
+			startMinWidth = settings.minWidth;
+			startMinHeight = settings.minHeight;
+			minWidth = startMinWidth || initialSize.width;
+			minHeight = startMinHeight || initialSize.height;
+			width = settings.width;
+			height = settings.height;
+			autoResize = settings.autoResize;
+			autoResize = typeof(autoResize) != "undefined" ? autoResize : !width && !height;
+			width = width || minWidth;
+			height = height || minHeight;
+			var deltaW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right;
+			var deltaH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom;
+			var maxW = settings.maxWidth || 0xFFFF;
+			var maxH = settings.maxHeight || 0xFFFF;
+			// Setup initial layout rect
+			self._layoutRect = layoutRect = {
+				x: settings.x || 0,
+				y: settings.y || 0,
+				w: width,
+				h: height,
+				deltaW: deltaW,
+				deltaH: deltaH,
+				contentW: width - deltaW,
+				contentH: height - deltaH,
+				innerW: width - deltaW,
+				innerH: height - deltaH,
+				startMinWidth: startMinWidth || 0,
+				startMinHeight: startMinHeight || 0,
+				minW: Math.min(minWidth, maxW),
+				minH: Math.min(minHeight, maxH),
+				maxW: maxW,
+				maxH: maxH,
+				autoResize: autoResize,
+				scrollW: 0
+			};
+			self._lastLayoutRect = {};
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the current layout rect.
+		 *
+		 * @method layoutRect
+		 * @param {Object} [newRect] Optional new layout rect.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control/Object} Current control or rect object.
+		 */
+		layoutRect: function(newRect) {
+			var self = this, curRect = self._layoutRect, lastLayoutRect, size, deltaWidth, deltaHeight, undef, repaintControls;
+			// Initialize default layout rect
+			if (!curRect) {
+				curRect = self.initLayoutRect();
+			}
+			// Set new rect values
+			if (newRect) {
+				// Calc deltas between inner and outer sizes
+				deltaWidth = curRect.deltaW;
+				deltaHeight = curRect.deltaH;
+				// Set x position
+				if (newRect.x !== undef) {
+					curRect.x = newRect.x;
+				}
+				// Set y position
+				if (newRect.y !== undef) {
+					curRect.y = newRect.y;
+				}
+				// Set minW
+				if (newRect.minW !== undef) {
+					curRect.minW = newRect.minW;
+				}
+				// Set minH
+				if (newRect.minH !== undef) {
+					curRect.minH = newRect.minH;
+				}
+				// Set new width and calculate inner width
+				size = newRect.w;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minW ? curRect.minW : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxW ? curRect.maxW : size;
+					curRect.w = size;
+					curRect.innerW = size - deltaWidth;
+				}
+				// Set new height and calculate inner height
+				size = newRect.h;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minH ? curRect.minH : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxH ? curRect.maxH : size;
+					curRect.h = size;
+					curRect.innerH = size - deltaHeight;
+				}
+				// Set new inner width and calculate width
+				size = newRect.innerW;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minW - deltaWidth ? curRect.minW - deltaWidth : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxW - deltaWidth ? curRect.maxW - deltaWidth : size;
+					curRect.innerW = size;
+					curRect.w = size + deltaWidth;
+				}
+				// Set new height and calculate inner height
+				size = newRect.innerH;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minH - deltaHeight ? curRect.minH - deltaHeight : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxH - deltaHeight ? curRect.maxH - deltaHeight : size;
+					curRect.innerH = size;
+					curRect.h = size + deltaHeight;
+				}
+				// Set new contentW
+				if (newRect.contentW !== undef) {
+					curRect.contentW = newRect.contentW;
+				}
+				// Set new contentH
+				if (newRect.contentH !== undef) {
+					curRect.contentH = newRect.contentH;
+				}
+				// Compare last layout rect with the current one to see if we need to repaint or not
+				lastLayoutRect = self._lastLayoutRect;
+				if (lastLayoutRect.x !== curRect.x || lastLayoutRect.y !== curRect.y ||
+					lastLayoutRect.w !== curRect.w || lastLayoutRect.h !== curRect.h) {
+					repaintControls = Control.repaintControls;
+					if (repaintControls) {
+						if (repaintControls.map && !repaintControls.map[self._id]) {
+							repaintControls.push(self);
+							repaintControls.map[self._id] = true;
+						}
+					}
+					lastLayoutRect.x = curRect.x;
+					lastLayoutRect.y = curRect.y;
+					lastLayoutRect.w = curRect.w;
+					lastLayoutRect.h = curRect.h;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return curRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, bodyStyle, rect, borderBox, borderW = 0, borderH = 0, lastRepaintRect, round;
+			// Use Math.round on all values on IE < 9
+			round = !document.createRange ? Math.round : function(value) {
+				return value;
+			};
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			lastRepaintRect = self._lastRepaintRect || {};
+			borderBox = self._borderBox;
+			borderW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right;
+			borderH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom;
+			if (rect.x !== lastRepaintRect.x) {
+				style.left = round(rect.x) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.x = rect.x;
+			}
+			if (rect.y !== lastRepaintRect.y) {
+				style.top = round(rect.y) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.y = rect.y;
+			}
+			if (rect.w !== lastRepaintRect.w) {
+				style.width = round(rect.w - borderW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.w = rect.w;
+			}
+			if (rect.h !== lastRepaintRect.h) {
+				style.height = round(rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.h = rect.h;
+			}
+			// Update body if needed
+			if (self._hasBody && rect.innerW !== lastRepaintRect.innerW) {
+				bodyStyle = self.getEl('body').style;
+				bodyStyle.width = round(rect.innerW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.innerW = rect.innerW;
+			}
+			if (self._hasBody && rect.innerH !== lastRepaintRect.innerH) {
+				bodyStyle = bodyStyle || self.getEl('body').style;
+				bodyStyle.height = round(rect.innerH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.innerH = rect.innerH;
+			}
+			self._lastRepaintRect = lastRepaintRect;
+			self.fire('repaint', {}, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to the specified event. This event can both be
+		 * native browser events like "click" or custom ones like PostRender.
+		 *
+		 * The callback function will be passed a DOM event like object that enables yout do stop propagation.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to bind. For example "click".
+		 * @param {String/function} callback Callback function to execute ones the event occurs.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		on: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, bindings, handlers, names, i;
+			function resolveCallbackName(name) {
+				var callback, scope;
+				return function(e) {
+					if (!callback) {
+						self.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+							var callbacks = ctrl.settings.callbacks;
+							if (callbacks && (callback = callbacks[name])) {
+								scope = ctrl;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					return callback.call(scope, e);
+				};
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				if (typeof(callback) == 'string') {
+					callback = resolveCallbackName(callback);
+				}
+				names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+				i = names.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					name = names[i];
+					bindings = self._bindings;
+					if (!bindings) {
+						bindings = self._bindings = {};
+					}
+					handlers = bindings[name];
+					if (!handlers) {
+						handlers = bindings[name] = [];
+					}
+					handlers.push(callback);
+					if (nativeEvents[name]) {
+						if (!self._nativeEvents) {
+							self._nativeEvents = {name: true};
+						} else {
+							self._nativeEvents[name] = true;
+						}
+						if (self._rendered) {
+							self.bindPendingEvents();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event and optionally a specific callback. If you omit the name
+		 * parameter all event handlers will be removed. If you omit the callback all event handles
+		 * by the specified name will be removed.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String} [name] Name for the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} [callback] Callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {mxex.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		off: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, i, bindings = self._bindings, handlers, bindingName, names, hi;
+			if (bindings) {
+				if (name) {
+					names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						handlers = bindings[name];
+						// Unbind all handlers
+						if (!name) {
+							for (bindingName in bindings) {
+								bindings[bindingName].length = 0;
+							}
+							return self;
+						}
+						if (handlers) {
+							// Unbind all by name
+							if (!callback) {
+								handlers.length = 0;
+							} else {
+								// Unbind specific ones
+								hi = handlers.length;
+								while (hi--) {
+									if (handlers[hi] === callback) {
+										handlers.splice(hi, 1);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					self._bindings = [];
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name and arguments on the control. This will execute all
+		 * bound event handlers.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} [args] Arguments to pass to the event.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [bubble] Value to control bubbeling. Defaults to true.
+		 * @return {Object} Current arguments object.
+		 */
+		fire: function(name, args, bubble) {
+			var self = this, i, l, handlers, parentCtrl;
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+			function returnFalse() {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+			function returnTrue() {
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Setup empty object if args is omited
+			args = args || {};
+			// Stick type into event object
+			if (!args.type) {
+				args.type = name;
+			}
+			// Stick control into event
+			if (!args.control) {
+				args.control = self;
+			}
+			// Add event delegation methods if they are missing
+			if (!args.preventDefault) {
+				// Add preventDefault method
+				args.preventDefault = function() {
+					args.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopPropagation
+				args.stopPropagation = function() {
+					args.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+				args.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+					args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add event delegation states
+				args.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+				args.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+				args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			}
+			if (self._bindings) {
+				handlers = self._bindings[name];
+				if (handlers) {
+					for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+						// Execute callback and break if the callback returns a false
+						if (!args.isImmediatePropagationStopped() && handlers[i].call(self, args) === false) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Bubble event up to parent controls
+			if (bubble !== false) {
+				parentCtrl = self.parent();
+				while (parentCtrl && !args.isPropagationStopped()) {
+					parentCtrl.fire(name, args, false);
+					parentCtrl = parentCtrl.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			return args;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified event has any listeners.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasEventListeners
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the event has listeners.
+		 */
+		hasEventListeners: function(name) {
+			return name in this._bindings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a control collection with all parent controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method parents
+		 * @param {String} selector Optional selector expression to find parents.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection with all parent controls.
+		 */
+		parents: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, ctrl, parents = new Collection();
+			// Add each parent to collection
+			for (ctrl = self.parent(); ctrl; ctrl = ctrl.parent()) {
+				parents.add(ctrl);
+			}
+			// Filter away everything that doesn't match the selector
+			if (selector) {
+				parents = parents.filter(selector);
+			}
+			return parents;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control next to the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method next
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Next control instance.
+		 */
+		next: function() {
+			var parentControls = this.parent().items();
+			return parentControls[parentControls.indexOf(this) + 1];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control previous to the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method prev
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Previous control instance.
+		 */
+		prev: function() {
+			var parentControls = this.parent().items();
+			return parentControls[parentControls.indexOf(this) - 1];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find the common ancestor for two control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method findCommonAncestor
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} ctrl1 First control.
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} ctrl2 Second control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Ancestor control instance.
+		 */
+		findCommonAncestor: function(ctrl1, ctrl2) {
+			var parentCtrl;
+			while (ctrl1) {
+				parentCtrl = ctrl2;
+				while (parentCtrl && ctrl1 != parentCtrl) {
+					parentCtrl = parentCtrl.parent();
+				}
+				if (ctrl1 == parentCtrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+				ctrl1 = ctrl1.parent();
+			}
+			return ctrl1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specific control has the specific class.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the control has the specified class.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var classes = this._classes[group || 'control'];
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			return classes && !!classes.map[cls];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds the specified class to the control
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		addClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var self = this, classes, elm;
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			classes = self._classes[group || 'control'];
+			if (!classes) {
+				classes = [];
+				classes.map = {};
+				self._classes[group || 'control'] = classes;
+			}
+			if (!classes.map[cls]) {
+				classes.map[cls] = cls;
+				classes.push(cls);
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					elm = self.getEl(group);
+					if (elm) {
+						elm.className = classes.join(' ');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified class from the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		removeClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var self = this, classes, i, elm;
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			classes = self._classes[group || 'control'];
+			if (classes && classes.map[cls]) {
+				delete classes.map[cls];
+				i = classes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (classes[i] === cls) {
+						classes.splice(i, 1);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				elm = self.getEl(group);
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.className = classes.join(' ');
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified class on the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggleClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove.
+		 * @param {Boolean} state True/false state to add/remove class.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		toggleClass: function(cls, state, group) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (state) {
+				self.addClass(cls, group);
+			} else {
+				self.removeClass(cls, group);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the class string for the specified group name.
+		 *
+		 * @method classes
+		 * @param {String} [group] Group to get clases by.
+		 * @return {String} Classes for the specified group.
+		 */
+		classes: function(group) {
+			var classes = this._classes[group || 'control'];
+			return classes ? classes.join(' ') : '';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the inner HTML of the control element.
+		 *
+		 * @method innerHtml
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to set as inner html.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		innerHtml: function(html) {
+			DomUtils.innerHtml(this.getEl(), html);
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control DOM element or sub element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEl
+		 * @param {String} [suffix] Suffix to get element by.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [dropCache] True if the cache for the element should be dropped.
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the current control or it's children.
+		 */
+		getEl: function(suffix, dropCache) {
+			var elm, id = suffix ? this._id + '-' + suffix : this._id;
+			elm = elementIdCache[id] = (dropCache === true ? null : elementIdCache[id]) || DomUtils.get(id);
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the visible for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		visible: function(state) {
+			var self = this, parentCtrl;
+			if (typeof(state) !== "undefined") {
+				if (self._visible !== state) {
+					if (self._rendered) {
+						self.getEl().style.display = state ? '' : 'none';
+					}
+					self._visible = state;
+					// Parent container needs to reflow
+					parentCtrl = self.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+					}
+					self.fire(state ? 'show' : 'hide');
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._visible;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the visible state to true.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			return this.visible(true);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the visible state to false.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			return this.visible(false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			try {
+				this.getEl().focus();
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore IE error
+			}
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Blurs the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method blur
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		blur: function() {
+			this.getEl().blur();
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified aria property.
+		 *
+		 * @method aria
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the aria property to set.
+		 * @param {String} value Value of the aria property.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		aria: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(self.ariaTarget);
+			if (typeof(value) === "undefined") {
+				return self._aria[name];
+			} else {
+				self._aria[name] = value;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				elm.setAttribute(name == 'role' ? name : 'aria-' + name, value);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string with HTML entities. It will also
+		 * translate the string to different languages.
+		 *
+		 * @method encode
+		 * @param {String/Object/Array} text Text to entity encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [translate=true] False if the contents shouldn't be translated.
+		 * @return {String} Encoded and possible traslated string. 
+		 */
+		encode: function(text, translate) {
+			if (translate !== false && Control.translate) {
+				text = Control.translate(text);
+			}
+			return (text || '').replace(/[&<>"]/g, function(match) {
+				return '&#' + match.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds items before the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method before
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array of items to prepend before this control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		before: function(items) {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent();
+			if (parent) {
+				parent.insert(items, parent.items().indexOf(self), true);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds items after the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method after
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array of items to append after this control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		after: function(items) {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent();
+			if (parent) {
+				parent.insert(items, parent.items().indexOf(self));
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), parent = self.parent(), newItems, i;
+			if (self.items) {
+				var controls = self.items().toArray();
+				i = controls.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					controls[i].remove();
+				}
+			}
+			if (parent && parent.items) {
+				newItems = [];
+				parent.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item !== self) {
+						newItems.push(item);
+					}
+				});
+				parent.items().set(newItems);
+				parent._lastRect = null;
+			}
+			if (self._eventsRoot && self._eventsRoot == self) {
+				DomUtils.off(elm);
+			}
+			var lookup = self.getRoot().controlIdLookup;
+			if (lookup) {
+				delete lookup[self._id];
+			}
+			delete elementIdCache[self._id];
+			if (elm && elm.parentNode) {
+				var nodes = elm.getElementsByTagName('*');
+				i = nodes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					delete elementIdCache[nodes[i].id];
+				}
+				elm.parentNode.removeChild(elm);
+			}
+			self._rendered = false;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control before the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderBefore
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to render before.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		renderBefore: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			elm.parentNode.insertBefore(DomUtils.createFragment(self.renderHtml()), elm);
+			self.postRender();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control to the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderBefore
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to render to.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		renderTo: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			elm = elm || self.getContainerElm();
+			elm.appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment(self.renderHtml()));
+			self.postRender();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, elm, box, parent, name, parentEventsRoot;
+			// Bind on<event> settings
+			for (name in settings) {
+				if (name.indexOf("on") === 0) {
+					self.on(name.substr(2), settings[name]);
+				}
+			}
+			if (self._eventsRoot) {
+				for (parent = self.parent(); !parentEventsRoot && parent; parent = parent.parent()) {
+					parentEventsRoot = parent._eventsRoot;
+				}
+				if (parentEventsRoot) {
+					for (name in parentEventsRoot._nativeEvents) {
+						self._nativeEvents[name] = true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			self.bindPendingEvents();
+			if (settings.style) {
+				elm = self.getEl();
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.setAttribute('style', settings.style);
+					elm.style.cssText = settings.style;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!self._visible) {
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), 'display', 'none');
+			}
+			if (self.settings.border) {
+				box = self.borderBox();
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), {
+					'border-top-width': box.top,
+					'border-right-width': box.right,
+					'border-bottom-width': box.bottom,
+					'border-left-width': box.left
+				});
+			}
+			// Add instance to lookup
+			var root = self.getRoot();
+			if (!root.controlIdLookup) {
+				root.controlIdLookup = {};
+			}
+			root.controlIdLookup[self._id] = self;
+			for (var key in self._aria) {
+				self.aria(key, self._aria[key]);
+			}
+			self.fire('postrender', {}, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Scrolls the current control into view.
+		 *
+		 * @method scrollIntoView
+		 * @param {String} align Alignment in view top|center|bottom.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		scrollIntoView: function(align) {
+			function getOffset(elm, rootElm) {
+				var x, y, parent = elm;
+				x = y = 0;
+				while (parent && parent != rootElm && parent.nodeType) {
+					x += parent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += parent.offsetTop || 0;
+					parent = parent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				return {x: x, y: y};
+			}
+			var elm = this.getEl(), parentElm = elm.parentNode;
+			var x, y, width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight;
+			var pos = getOffset(elm, parentElm);
+			x = pos.x;
+			y = pos.y;
+			width = elm.offsetWidth;
+			height = elm.offsetHeight;
+			parentWidth = parentElm.clientWidth;
+			parentHeight = parentElm.clientHeight;
+			if (align == "end") {
+				x -= parentWidth - width;
+				y -= parentHeight - height;
+			} else if (align == "center") {
+				x -= (parentWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
+				y -= (parentHeight / 2) - (height / 2);
+			}
+			parentElm.scrollLeft = x;
+			parentElm.scrollTop = y;
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds pending DOM events.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		bindPendingEvents: function() {
+			var self = this, i, l, parents, eventRootCtrl, nativeEvents, name;
+			function delegate(e) {
+				var control = self.getParentCtrl(e.target);
+				if (control) {
+					control.fire(e.type, e);
+				}
+			}
+			function mouseLeaveHandler() {
+				var ctrl = eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl;
+				if (ctrl) {
+					ctrl.fire("mouseleave", {target: ctrl.getEl()});
+					ctrl.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+						ctrl.fire("mouseleave", {target: ctrl.getEl()});
+					});
+					eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl = null;
+				}
+			}
+			function mouseEnterHandler(e) {
+				var ctrl = self.getParentCtrl(e.target), lastCtrl = eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl, idx = 0, i, parents, lastParents;
+				// Over on a new control
+				if (ctrl !== lastCtrl) {
+					eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl = ctrl;
+					parents = ctrl.parents().toArray().reverse();
+					parents.push(ctrl);
+					if (lastCtrl) {
+						lastParents = lastCtrl.parents().toArray().reverse();
+						lastParents.push(lastCtrl);
+						for (idx = 0; idx < lastParents.length; idx++) {
+							if (parents[idx] !== lastParents[idx]) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						for (i = lastParents.length - 1; i >= idx; i--) {
+							lastCtrl = lastParents[i];
+							lastCtrl.fire("mouseleave", {
+								target : lastCtrl.getEl()
+							});
+						}
+					}
+					for (i = idx; i < parents.length; i++) {
+						ctrl = parents[i];
+						ctrl.fire("mouseenter", {
+							target : ctrl.getEl()
+						});
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function fixWheelEvent(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				if (e.type == "mousewheel") {
+					e.deltaY = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDelta;
+					if (e.wheelDeltaX) {
+						e.deltaX = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDeltaX;
+					}
+				} else {
+					e.deltaX = 0;
+					e.deltaY = e.detail;
+				}
+				e = self.fire("wheel", e);
+			}
+			self._rendered = true;
+			nativeEvents = self._nativeEvents;
+			if (nativeEvents) {
+				// Find event root element if it exists
+				parents = self.parents().toArray();
+				parents.unshift(self);
+				for (i = 0, l = parents.length; !eventRootCtrl && i < l; i++) {
+					eventRootCtrl = parents[i]._eventsRoot;
+				}
+				// Event root wasn't found the use the root control
+				if (!eventRootCtrl) {
+					eventRootCtrl = parents[parents.length - 1] || self;
+				}
+				// Set the eventsRoot property on children that didn't have it
+				self._eventsRoot = eventRootCtrl;
+				for (l = i, i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+					parents[i]._eventsRoot = eventRootCtrl;
+				}
+				// Bind native event delegates
+				for (name in nativeEvents) {
+					if (!nativeEvents) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					if (name === "wheel" && !hasWheelEventSupport) {
+						if (hasMouseWheelEventSupport) {
+							DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), "mousewheel", fixWheelEvent);
+						} else {
+							DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), "DOMMouseScroll", fixWheelEvent);
+						}
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Special treatment for mousenter/mouseleave since these doesn't bubble
+					if (name === "mouseenter" || name === "mouseleave") {
+						// Fake mousenter/mouseleave
+						if (!eventRootCtrl._hasMouseEnter) {
+							DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), "mouseleave", mouseLeaveHandler);
+							DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), "mouseover", mouseEnterHandler);
+							eventRootCtrl._hasMouseEnter = 1;
+						}
+					} else if (!eventRootCtrl[name]) {
+						DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), name, delegate);
+						eventRootCtrl[name] = true;
+					}
+					// Remove the event once it's bound
+					nativeEvents[name] = false;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		getRoot: function() {
+			var ctrl = this, rootControl, parents = [];
+			while (ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.rootControl) {
+					rootControl = ctrl.rootControl;
+					break;
+				}
+				parents.push(ctrl);
+				rootControl = ctrl;
+				ctrl = ctrl.parent();
+			}
+			if (!rootControl) {
+				rootControl = this;
+			}
+			var i = parents.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				parents[i].rootControl = rootControl;
+			}
+			return rootControl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Reflows the current control and it's parents.
+		 * This should be used after you for example append children to the current control so
+		 * that the layout managers know that they need to reposition everything.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * container.append({type: 'button', text: 'My button'}).reflow();
+		 *
+		 * @method reflow
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		reflow: function() {
+			this.repaint();
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the parent container for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method parent
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} parent Optional parent to set.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Parent control or the current control on a set action.
+		 */
+		// parent: function(parent) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the text for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// text: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the width for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method width
+		 * @param {Number} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Number/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// width: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the height for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method height
+		 * @param {Number} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Number/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// height: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state on the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		// disabled: function(state) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		// active: function(state) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the name for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method name
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// name: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the title for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method title
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// title: function(value) {} -- Generated
+	});
+	return Control;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/DomUtils.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/DomUtils.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbe3d40de9ea18b9490a72bffbdf2c28dae630d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/DomUtils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * DOMUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/DomUtils", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(Tools, DOMUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		id: function() {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.uniqueId();
+		},
+		createFragment: function(html) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.createFragment(html);
+		},
+		getWindowSize: function() {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getViewPort();
+		},
+		getSize: function(elm) {
+			var width, height;
+			if (elm.getBoundingClientRect) {
+				var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
+				width = Math.max(rect.width || (rect.right - rect.left), elm.offsetWidth);
+				height = Math.max(rect.height || (rect.bottom - rect.bottom), elm.offsetHeight);
+			} else {
+				width = elm.offsetWidth;
+				height = elm.offsetHeight;
+			}
+			return {width: width, height: height};
+		},
+		getPos: function(elm, root) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getPos(elm, root);
+		},
+		getViewPort: function(win) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getViewPort(win);
+		},
+		get: function(id) {
+			return document.getElementById(id);
+		},
+		addClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.addClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		removeClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.removeClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		hasClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.hasClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		toggleClass: function(elm, cls, state) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.toggleClass(elm, cls, state);
+		},
+		css: function(elm, name, value) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.setStyle(elm, name, value);
+		},
+		on: function(target, name, callback, scope) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.bind(target, name, callback, scope);
+		},
+		off: function(target, name, callback) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.unbind(target, name, callback);
+		},
+		fire: function(target, name, args) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.fire(target, name, args);
+		},
+		innerHtml: function(elm, html) {
+			// Workaround for <div> in <p> bug on IE 8 #6178
+			DOMUtils.DOM.setHTML(elm, html);
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/DragHelper.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/DragHelper.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7c2850b26846ac3389c485b839342858e01e9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/DragHelper.js
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * DragHelper.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Drag/drop helper class.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var dragHelper = new tinymce.ui.DragHelper('mydiv', {
+ *     start: function(evt) {
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     drag: function(evt) {
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     end: function(evt) {
+ *     }
+ * });
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.DragHelper
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/DragHelper", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	function getDocumentSize() {
+		var doc = document, documentElement, body, scrollWidth, clientWidth;
+		var offsetWidth, scrollHeight, clientHeight, offsetHeight, max = Math.max;
+		documentElement = doc.documentElement;
+		body = doc.body;
+		scrollWidth = max(documentElement.scrollWidth, body.scrollWidth);
+		clientWidth = max(documentElement.clientWidth, body.clientWidth);
+		offsetWidth = max(documentElement.offsetWidth, body.offsetWidth);
+		scrollHeight = max(documentElement.scrollHeight, body.scrollHeight);
+		clientHeight = max(documentElement.clientHeight, body.clientHeight);
+		offsetHeight = max(documentElement.offsetHeight, body.offsetHeight);
+		return {
+			width: scrollWidth < offsetWidth ? clientWidth : scrollWidth,
+			height: scrollHeight < offsetHeight ? clientHeight : scrollHeight
+		};
+	}
+	return function(id, settings) {
+		var eventOverlayElm, doc = document, downButton, start, stop, drag, startX, startY;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		function getHandleElm() {
+			return doc.getElementById(settings.handle || id);
+		}
+		start = function(e) {
+			var docSize = getDocumentSize(), handleElm, cursor;
+			e.preventDefault();
+			downButton = e.button;
+			handleElm = getHandleElm();
+			startX = e.screenX;
+			startY = e.screenY;
+			// Grab cursor from handle
+			if (window.getComputedStyle) {
+				cursor = window.getComputedStyle(handleElm, null).getPropertyValue("cursor");
+			} else {
+				cursor = handleElm.runtimeStyle.cursor;
+			}
+			// Create event overlay and add it to document
+			eventOverlayElm = doc.createElement('div');
+			DomUtils.css(eventOverlayElm, {
+				position: "absolute",
+				top: 0, left: 0,
+				width: docSize.width,
+				height: docSize.height,
+				zIndex: 0x7FFFFFFF,
+				opacity: 0.0001,
+				background: 'red',
+				cursor: cursor
+			});
+			doc.body.appendChild(eventOverlayElm);
+			// Bind mouse events
+			DomUtils.on(doc, 'mousemove', drag);
+			DomUtils.on(doc, 'mouseup', stop);
+			// Begin drag
+			settings.start(e);
+		};
+		drag = function(e) {
+			if (e.button !== downButton) {
+				return stop(e);
+			}
+			e.deltaX = e.screenX - startX;
+			e.deltaY = e.screenY - startY;
+			e.preventDefault();
+			settings.drag(e);
+		};
+		stop = function(e) {
+			DomUtils.off(doc, 'mousemove', drag);
+			DomUtils.off(doc, 'mouseup', stop);
+			eventOverlayElm.parentNode.removeChild(eventOverlayElm);
+			if (settings.stop) {
+				settings.stop(e);
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the drag/drop helper instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 */
+		this.destroy = function() {
+			DomUtils.off(getHandleElm());
+		};
+		DomUtils.on(getHandleElm(), 'mousedown', start);
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ElementPath.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ElementPath.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b9d7fbcecd3076ee44b01f80d673d15af2f56d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ElementPath.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * ElementPath.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control creates an path for the current selections parent elements in TinyMCE.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ElementPath
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Path
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ElementPath", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Path",
+	"tinymce/EditorManager"
+], function(Path, EditorManager) {
+	return Path.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ElementPath} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, editor = EditorManager.activeEditor;
+			function isHidden(elm) {
+				if (elm.nodeType === 1) {
+					if (elm.nodeName == "BR" || !!elm.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark') {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+				return false;
+			}
+			self.on('select', function(e) {
+				var parents = [], node, body = editor.getBody();
+				editor.focus();
+				node = editor.selection.getStart();
+				while (node && node != body) {
+					if (!isHidden(node)) {
+						parents.push(node);
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				editor.selection.select(parents[parents.length - 1 - e.index]);
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			});
+			editor.on('nodeChange', function(e) {
+				var parents = [], selectionParents = e.parents, i = selectionParents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (selectionParents[i].nodeType == 1 && !isHidden(selectionParents[i])) {
+						var args = editor.fire('ResolveName', {
+							name: selectionParents[i].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+							target: selectionParents[i]
+						});
+						parents.push({name: args.name});
+					}
+				}
+				self.data(parents);
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Factory.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Factory.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e4fc1c5139687aa32cc191bf6d116ba0f2e8f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Factory.js
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * Factory.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true */
+ * This class is a factory for control instances. This enables you
+ * to create instances of controls without having to require the UI controls directly.
+ *
+ * It also allow you to override or add new control types.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Factory
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Factory", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var types = {}, namespaceInit;
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Adds a new control instance type to the factory.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} type Type name for example "button".
+		 * @param {function} typeClass Class type function.
+		 */
+		add: function(type, typeClass) {
+			types[type.toLowerCase()] = typeClass;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified type exists or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method has
+		 * @param {String} type Type to look for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the control by name exists.
+		 */
+		has: function(type) {
+			return !!types[type.toLowerCase()];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new control instance based on the settings provided. The instance created will be
+		 * based on the specified type property it can also create whole structures of components out of
+		 * the specified JSON object.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+		 *     type: 'button',
+		 *     text: 'Hello world!'
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {Object/String} settings Name/Value object with items used to create the type.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Control instance based on the specified type.
+		 */
+		create: function(type, settings) {
+			var ControlType, name, namespace;
+			// Build type lookup
+			if (!namespaceInit) {
+				namespace = tinymce.ui;
+				for (name in namespace) {
+					types[name.toLowerCase()] = namespace[name];
+				}
+				namespaceInit = true;
+			}
+			// If string is specified then use it as the type
+			if (typeof(type) == 'string') {
+				settings = settings || {};
+				settings.type = type;
+			} else {
+				settings = type;
+				type = settings.type;
+			}
+			// Find control type
+			type = type.toLowerCase();
+			ControlType = types[type];
+			// #if debug
+			if (!ControlType) {
+				throw new Error("Could not find control by type: " + type);
+			}
+			// #endif
+			ControlType = new ControlType(settings);
+			ControlType.type = type; // Set the type on the instance, this will be used by the Selector engine
+			return ControlType;
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FieldSet.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FieldSet.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4142890cb05d097f3a8ddc0098e66e25c8796edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FieldSet.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * FieldSet.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates fieldset containers.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FieldSet.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FieldSet
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Form
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FieldSet", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Form"
+], function(Form) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Form.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerCls: 'fieldset',
+			layout: 'flex',
+			direction: 'column',
+			align: 'stretch',
+			flex: 1,
+			padding: "25 15 5 15",
+			labelGap: 30,
+			spacing: 10,
+			border: 1
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<fieldset id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					(self.settings.title ? ('<legend id="' + self._id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'fieldset-title">' +
+						self.settings.title + '</legend>') : '') +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</fieldset>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FilePicker.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FilePicker.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b95bf603debf11b6a21d82d9614aa01c792884f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FilePicker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * FilePicker.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true */
+ * This class creates a file picker control.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FilePicker
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.ComboBox
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FilePicker", [
+	"tinymce/ui/ComboBox"
+], function(ComboBox) {
+	"use strict";
+	return ComboBox.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, editor = tinymce.activeEditor, fileBrowserCallback;
+			settings.spellcheck = false;
+			fileBrowserCallback = editor.settings.file_browser_callback;
+			if (fileBrowserCallback) {
+				settings.icon = 'browse';
+				settings.onaction = function() {
+					fileBrowserCallback(
+						self.getEl('inp').id,
+						self.getEl('inp').value,
+						settings.filetype,
+						window
+					);
+				};
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FitLayout.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FitLayout.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6809204441ab5c20d46fbe2d8671400f56eeec8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FitLayout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * FitLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager will resize the control to be the size of it's parent container.
+ * In other words width: 100% and height: 100%.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FitLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FitLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FitLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			var contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect(), paddingBox = container.paddingBox();
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: paddingBox.left,
+					y: paddingBox.top,
+					w: contLayoutRect.innerW - paddingBox.right - paddingBox.left,
+					h: contLayoutRect.innerH - paddingBox.top - paddingBox.bottom
+				});
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlexLayout.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlexLayout.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99761c8068a730faa022e0847b24ab0a007ee1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlexLayout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ * FlexLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager works similar to the CSS flex box.
+ *
+ * @setting {String} direction row|row-reverse|column|column-reverse
+ * @setting {Number} flex A positive-number to flex by.
+ * @setting {String} align start|end|center|stretch
+ * @setting {String} pack start|end|justify
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FlexLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FlexLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			// A ton of variables, needs to be in the same scope for performance
+			var i, l, items, contLayoutRect, contPaddingBox, contSettings, align, pack, spacing, totalFlex, availableSpace, direction;
+			var ctrl, ctrlLayoutRect, ctrlSettings, flex, maxSizeItems = [], size, maxSize, ratio, rect, pos, maxAlignEndPos;
+			var sizeName, minSizeName, posName, maxSizeName, beforeName, innerSizeName, deltaSizeName, contentSizeName;
+			var alignAxisName, alignInnerSizeName, alignSizeName, alignMinSizeName, alignBeforeName, alignAfterName;
+			var alignDeltaSizeName, alignContentSizeName;
+			var max = Math.max, min = Math.min;
+			// Get container items, properties and settings
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect();
+			contPaddingBox = container._paddingBox;
+			contSettings = container.settings;
+			direction = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.direction || 'row-reversed') : contSettings.direction;
+			align = contSettings.align;
+			pack = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.pack || 'end') : contSettings.pack;
+			spacing = contSettings.spacing || 0;
+			if (direction == "row-reversed" || direction == "column-reverse") {
+				items = items.set(items.toArray().reverse());
+				direction = direction.split('-')[0];
+			}
+			// Setup axis variable name for row/column direction since the calculations is the same
+			if (direction == "column") {
+				posName = "y";
+				sizeName = "h";
+				minSizeName = "minH";
+				maxSizeName = "maxH";
+				innerSizeName = "innerH";
+				beforeName = 'top';
+				deltaSizeName = "deltaH";
+				contentSizeName = "contentH";
+				alignBeforeName = "left";
+				alignSizeName = "w";
+				alignAxisName = "x";
+				alignInnerSizeName = "innerW";
+				alignMinSizeName = "minW";
+				alignAfterName = "right";
+				alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaW";
+				alignContentSizeName = "contentW";
+			} else {
+				posName = "x";
+				sizeName = "w";
+				minSizeName = "minW";
+				maxSizeName = "maxW";
+				innerSizeName = "innerW";
+				beforeName = 'left';
+				deltaSizeName = "deltaW";
+				contentSizeName = "contentW";
+				alignBeforeName = "top";
+				alignSizeName = "h";
+				alignAxisName = "y";
+				alignInnerSizeName = "innerH";
+				alignMinSizeName = "minH";
+				alignAfterName = "bottom";
+				alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaH";
+				alignContentSizeName = "contentH";
+			}
+			// Figure out total flex, availableSpace and collect any max size elements
+			availableSpace = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+			maxAlignEndPos = totalFlex = 0;
+			for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = items[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				ctrlSettings = ctrl.settings;
+				flex = ctrlSettings.flex;
+				availableSpace -= (i < l - 1 ? spacing : 0);
+				if (flex > 0) {
+					totalFlex += flex;
+					// Flexed item has a max size then we need to check if we will hit that size
+					if (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName]) {
+						maxSizeItems.push(ctrl);
+					}
+					ctrlLayoutRect.flex = flex;
+				}
+				availableSpace -= ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName];
+				// Calculate the align end position to be used to check for overflow/underflow
+				size = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] + ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] + contPaddingBox[alignAfterName];
+				if (size > maxAlignEndPos) {
+					maxAlignEndPos = size;
+				}
+			}
+			// Calculate minW/minH
+			rect = {};
+			if (availableSpace < 0) {
+				rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[minSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName];
+			} else {
+				rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName];
+			}
+			rect[alignMinSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos + contLayoutRect[alignDeltaSizeName];
+			rect[contentSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace;
+			rect[alignContentSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos;
+			rect.minW = min(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.maxW);
+			rect.minH = min(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.maxH);
+			rect.minW = max(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+			rect.minH = max(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.startMinHeight);
+			// Resize container container if minSize was changed
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize && (rect.minW != contLayoutRect.minW || rect.minH != contLayoutRect.minH)) {
+				rect.w = rect.minW;
+				rect.h = rect.minH;
+				container.layoutRect(rect);
+				this.recalc(container);
+				// Forced recalc for example if items are hidden/shown
+				if (container._lastRect === null) {
+					var parentCtrl = container.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+						parentCtrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Handle max size elements, check if they will become to wide with current options
+			ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex;
+			for (i = 0, l = maxSizeItems.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = maxSizeItems[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				maxSize = ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName];
+				size = ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName] + ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio;
+				if (size > maxSize) {
+					availableSpace -= (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName] - ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName]);
+					totalFlex -= ctrlLayoutRect.flex;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.flex = 0;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = maxSize;
+				} else {
+					ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup new ratio, target layout rect, start position
+			ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex;
+			pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+			rect = {};
+			// Handle pack setting moves the start position to end, center
+			if (totalFlex === 0) {
+				if (pack == "end") {
+					pos = availableSpace + contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+				} else if (pack == "center") {
+					pos = Math.round(
+						(contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] / 2) - ((contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace) / 2)
+					) + contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					if (pos < 0) {
+						pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					}
+				} else if (pack == "justify") {
+					pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					spacing = Math.floor(availableSpace / (items.length - 1));
+				}
+			}
+			// Default aligning (start) the other ones needs to be calculated while doing the layout
+			rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName];
+			// Start laying out controls
+			for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = items[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				size = ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize || ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName];
+				// Align the control on the other axis
+				if (align === "center") {
+					rect[alignAxisName] = Math.round((contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName] / 2));
+				} else if (align === "stretch") {
+					rect[alignSizeName] = max(
+						ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] || 0,
+						contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] - contPaddingBox[alignAfterName]
+					);
+					rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName];
+				} else if (align === "end") {
+					rect[alignAxisName] = contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName]  - ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName]  - contPaddingBox.top;
+				}
+				// Calculate new size based on flex
+				if (ctrlLayoutRect.flex > 0) {
+					size += ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio;
+				}
+				rect[sizeName] = size;
+				rect[posName] = pos;
+				ctrl.layoutRect(rect);
+				// Recalculate containers
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+				// Move x/y position
+				pos += size + spacing;
+			}
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FloatPanel.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FloatPanel.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27457eee0e894f92abec535efe501aaa462f2566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FloatPanel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ * FloatPanel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a floating panel.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FloatPanel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Panel
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Movable
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Resizable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FloatPanel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/Movable",
+	"tinymce/ui/Resizable",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Panel, Movable, Resizable, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var documentClickHandler, documentScrollHandler, visiblePanels = [];
+	var zOrder = [], hasModal;
+	var FloatPanel = Panel.extend({
+		Mixins: [Movable, Resizable],
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} autohide Automatically hide the panel.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			function reorder() {
+				var i, zIndex = FloatPanel.zIndex || 0xFFFF, topModal;
+				if (zOrder.length) {
+					for (i = 0; i < zOrder.length; i++) {
+						if (zOrder[i].modal) {
+							zIndex++;
+							topModal = zOrder[i];
+						}
+						zOrder[i].getEl().style.zIndex = zIndex;
+						zOrder[i].zIndex = zIndex;
+						zIndex++;
+					}
+				}
+				var modalBlockEl = document.getElementById(self.classPrefix + 'modal-block');
+				if (topModal) {
+					DomUtils.css(modalBlockEl, 'z-index', topModal.zIndex - 1);
+				} else if (modalBlockEl) {
+					modalBlockEl.parentNode.removeChild(modalBlockEl);
+					hasModal = false;
+				}
+				FloatPanel.currentZIndex = zIndex;
+			}
+			function isChildOf(ctrl, parent) {
+				while (ctrl) {
+					if (ctrl == parent) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					ctrl = ctrl.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Repositions the panel to the top of page if the panel is outside of the visual viewport. It will
+			 * also reposition all child panels of the current panel.
+			 */
+			function repositionPanel(panel) {
+				var scrollY = DomUtils.getViewPort().y;
+				function toggleFixedChildPanels(fixed, deltaY) {
+					var parent;
+					for (var i = 0; i < visiblePanels.length; i++) {
+						if (visiblePanels[i] != panel) {
+							parent = visiblePanels[i].parent();
+							while (parent && (parent = parent.parent())) {
+								if (parent == panel) {
+									visiblePanels[i].fixed(fixed).moveBy(0, deltaY).repaint();
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (panel.settings.autofix) {
+					if (!panel._fixed) {
+						panel._autoFixY = panel.layoutRect().y;
+						if (panel._autoFixY < scrollY) {
+							panel.fixed(true).layoutRect({y: 0}).repaint();
+							toggleFixedChildPanels(true, scrollY - panel._autoFixY);
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (panel._autoFixY > scrollY) {
+							panel.fixed(false).layoutRect({y: panel._autoFixY}).repaint();
+							toggleFixedChildPanels(false, panel._autoFixY - scrollY);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self._eventsRoot = self;
+			self.addClass('floatpanel');
+			// Hide floatpanes on click out side the root button
+			if (settings.autohide) {
+				if (!documentClickHandler) {
+					documentClickHandler = function(e) {
+						// Hide any float panel when a click is out side that float panel and the
+						// float panels direct parent for example a click on a menu button
+						var i = visiblePanels.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							var panel = visiblePanels[i], clickCtrl = panel.getParentCtrl(e.target);
+							if (panel.settings.autohide) {
+								if (clickCtrl) {
+									if (isChildOf(clickCtrl, panel) || panel.parent() === clickCtrl) {
+										continue;
+									}
+								}
+								e = panel.fire('autohide', {target: e.target});
+								if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+									panel.hide();
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					};
+					DomUtils.on(document, 'click', documentClickHandler);
+				}
+				visiblePanels.push(self);
+			}
+			if (settings.autofix) {
+				if (!documentScrollHandler) {
+					documentScrollHandler = function() {
+						var i;
+						i = visiblePanels.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							repositionPanel(visiblePanels[i]);
+						}
+					};
+					DomUtils.on(window, 'scroll', documentScrollHandler);
+				}
+				self.on('move', function() {
+					repositionPanel(this);
+				});
+			}
+			self.on('postrender show', function(e) {
+				if (e.control == self) {
+					var modalBlockEl, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+					if (self.modal && !hasModal) {
+						modalBlockEl = DomUtils.createFragment('<div id="' + prefix + 'modal-block" class="' +
+							prefix + 'reset ' + prefix + 'fade"></div>');
+						modalBlockEl = modalBlockEl.firstChild;
+						self.getContainerElm().appendChild(modalBlockEl);
+						setTimeout(function() {
+							DomUtils.addClass(modalBlockEl, prefix + 'in');
+							DomUtils.addClass(self.getEl(), prefix + 'in');
+						}, 0);
+						hasModal = true;
+					}
+					zOrder.push(self);
+					reorder();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('close hide', function(e) {
+				if (e.control == self) {
+					var i = zOrder.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (zOrder[i] === self) {
+							zOrder.splice(i, 1);
+						}
+					}
+					reorder();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('show', function() {
+				self.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+					if (ctrl._fixed) {
+						self.fixed(true);
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			if (settings.popover) {
+				self._preBodyHtml = '<div class="' + self.classPrefix + 'arrow"></div>';
+				self.addClass('popover').addClass('bottom').addClass(self.isRtl() ? 'end' : 'start');
+			}
+		},
+		fixed: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._fixed != state) {
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					var viewport = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+					if (state) {
+						self.layoutRect().y -= viewport.y;
+					} else {
+						self.layoutRect().y += viewport.y;
+					}
+				}
+				self.toggleClass('fixed', state);
+				self._fixed = state;
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the current float panel.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.FloatPanel} Current floatpanel instance.
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			var self = this, i, state = self._super();
+			i = visiblePanels.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				if (visiblePanels[i] === self) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (i === -1) {
+				visiblePanels.push(self);
+			}
+			return state;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the current float panel.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.FloatPanel} Current floatpanel instance.
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			removeVisiblePanel(this);
+			return this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides all visible the float panels.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideAll
+		 */
+		hideAll: function() {
+			FloatPanel.hideAll();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Closes the float panel. This will remove the float panel from page and fire the close event.
+		 *
+		 * @method close
+		 */
+		close: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.fire('close');
+			return self.remove();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the float panel from page.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			removeVisiblePanel(this);
+			this._super();
+		},
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.settings.bodyRole) {
+				this.getEl('body').setAttribute('role', self.settings.bodyRole);
+			}
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+	/**
+	 * Hides all visible the float panels.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method hideAll
+	 */
+	FloatPanel.hideAll = function() {
+		var i = visiblePanels.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			var panel = visiblePanels[i];
+			if (panel && panel.settings.autohide) {
+				panel.hide();
+				visiblePanels.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	function removeVisiblePanel(panel) {
+		var i;
+		i = visiblePanels.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			if (visiblePanels[i] === panel) {
+				visiblePanels.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+		i = zOrder.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			if (zOrder[i] === panel) {
+				zOrder.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return FloatPanel;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlowLayout.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlowLayout.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc40c22b749cfb7d85269d8e1879c6828b4aed37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlowLayout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * FlowLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager will place the controls by using the browsers native layout.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FlowLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FlowLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FlowLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Layout"
+], function(Layout) {
+	return Layout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'flow-layout',
+			controlClass: 'flow-layout-item',
+			endClass : 'break'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Form.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Form.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..074ebc2832c9dc8c8924f42feb03c491808ae22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Form.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * Form.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a form container. A form container has the ability
+ * to automatically wrap items in tinymce.ui.FormItem instances.
+ *
+ * Each FormItem instance is a container for the label and the item.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'form',
+ *     items: [
+ *         {type: 'textbox', label: 'My text box'}
+ *     ]
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Form
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Form", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container",
+	"tinymce/ui/FormItem"
+], function(Container, FormItem) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerCls: 'form',
+			layout: 'flex',
+			direction: 'column',
+			align: 'stretch',
+			flex: 1,
+			padding: 20,
+			labelGap: 30,
+			spacing: 10,
+			callbacks: {
+				submit: function() {
+					this.submit();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked before the control is rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 */
+		preRender: function() {
+			var self = this, items = self.items();
+			// Wrap any labeled items in FormItems
+			items.each(function(ctrl) {
+				var formItem, label = ctrl.settings.label;
+				if (label) {
+					formItem = new FormItem({
+						layout: 'flex',
+						autoResize: "overflow",
+						defaults: {flex: 1},
+						items: [
+							{type: 'label', id: ctrl._id + '-l', text: label, flex: 0, forId: ctrl._id, disabled: ctrl.disabled()}
+						]
+					});
+					formItem.type = 'formitem';
+					ctrl.aria('labelledby', ctrl._id + '-l');
+					if (typeof(ctrl.settings.flex) == "undefined") {
+						ctrl.settings.flex = 1;
+					}
+					self.replace(ctrl, formItem);
+					formItem.add(ctrl);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalcs label widths.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		recalcLabels: function() {
+			var self = this, maxLabelWidth = 0, labels = [], i, labelGap;
+			if (self.settings.labelGapCalc === false) {
+				return;
+			}
+			self.items().filter('formitem').each(function(item) {
+				var labelCtrl = item.items()[0], labelWidth = labelCtrl.getEl().clientWidth;
+				maxLabelWidth = labelWidth > maxLabelWidth ? labelWidth : maxLabelWidth;
+				labels.push(labelCtrl);
+			});
+			labelGap = self.settings.labelGap || 0;
+			i = labels.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				labels[i].settings.minWidth = maxLabelWidth + labelGap;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the visibility state.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] True/false state to show/hide.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Form|Boolean} True/false state or current control.
+		 */
+		visible: function(state) {
+			var val = this._super(state);
+			if (state === true && this._rendered) {
+				this.recalcLabels();
+			}
+			return val;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires a submit event with the serialized form.
+		 *
+		 * @method submit
+		 * @return {Object} Event arguments object.
+		 */
+		submit: function() {
+			return this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.recalcLabels();
+			self.fromJSON(self.settings.data);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormItem.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormItem.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56408db8acd2847945f941158312f323750e0a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormItem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * FormItem.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is a container created by the form element with
+ * a label and control item.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FormItem
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @setting {String} label Label to display for the form item.
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FormItem", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'flex',
+			align: 'center',
+			defaults: {
+				flex: 1
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.addClass('formitem');
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					(self.settings.title ? ('<div id="' + self._id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'title">' +
+						self.settings.title + '</div>') : '') +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormatControls.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormatControls.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cce53fbf152e9530f815c2a601c117b743baecc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormatControls.js
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+ * FormatControls.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Internal class containing all TinyMCE specific control types such as
+ * format listboxes, fontlist boxes, toolbar buttons etc.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FormatControls
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FormatControls", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/EditorManager",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Control, Widget, FloatPanel, Tools, EditorManager, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	EditorManager.on('AddEditor', function(e) {
+		if (e.editor.rtl) {
+			Control.rtl = true;
+		}
+		registerControls(e.editor);
+	});
+	Control.translate = function(text) {
+		return EditorManager.translate(text);
+	};
+	Widget.tooltips = !Env.iOS;
+	function registerControls(editor) {
+		var formatMenu;
+		// Generates a preview for a format
+		function getPreviewCss(format) {
+			var name, previewElm, dom = editor.dom;
+			var previewCss = '', parentFontSize, previewStyles;
+			previewStyles = editor.settings.preview_styles;
+			// No preview forced
+			if (previewStyles === false) {
+				return '';
+			}
+			// Default preview
+			if (!previewStyles) {
+				previewStyles = 'font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration ' +
+					'text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow';
+			}
+			// Removes any variables since these can't be previewed
+			function removeVars(val) {
+				return val.replace(/%(\w+)/g, '');
+			}
+			// Create block/inline element to use for preview
+			format = editor.formatter.get(format);
+			if (!format) {
+				return;
+			}
+			format = format[0];
+			name = format.block || format.inline || 'span';
+			previewElm = dom.create(name);
+			// Add format styles to preview element
+			each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (value) {
+					dom.setStyle(previewElm, name, value);
+				}
+			});
+			// Add attributes to preview element
+			each(format.attributes, function(value, name) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (value) {
+					dom.setAttrib(previewElm, name, value);
+				}
+			});
+			// Add classes to preview element
+			each(format.classes, function(value) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (!dom.hasClass(previewElm, value)) {
+					dom.addClass(previewElm, value);
+				}
+			});
+			editor.fire('PreviewFormats');
+			// Add the previewElm outside the visual area
+			dom.setStyles(previewElm, {position: 'absolute', left: -0xFFFF});
+			editor.getBody().appendChild(previewElm);
+			// Get parent container font size so we can compute px values out of em/% for older IE:s
+			parentFontSize = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), 'fontSize', true);
+			parentFontSize = /px$/.test(parentFontSize) ? parseInt(parentFontSize, 10) : 0;
+			each(previewStyles.split(' '), function(name) {
+				var value = dom.getStyle(previewElm, name, true);
+				// If background is transparent then check if the body has a background color we can use
+				if (name == 'background-color' && /transparent|rgba\s*\([^)]+,\s*0\)/.test(value)) {
+					value = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), name, true);
+					// Ignore white since it's the default color, not the nicest fix
+					// TODO: Fix this by detecting runtime style
+					if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() == '#ffffff') {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				if (name == 'color') {
+					// Ignore black since it's the default color, not the nicest fix
+					// TODO: Fix this by detecting runtime style
+					if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() == '#000000') {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// Old IE won't calculate the font size so we need to do that manually
+				if (name == 'font-size') {
+					if (/em|%$/.test(value)) {
+						if (parentFontSize === 0) {
+							return;
+						}
+						// Convert font size from em/% to px
+						value = parseFloat(value, 10) / (/%$/.test(value) ? 100 : 1);
+						value = (value * parentFontSize) + 'px';
+					}
+				}
+				if (name == "border" && value) {
+					previewCss += 'padding:0 2px;';
+				}
+				previewCss += name + ':' + value + ';';
+			});
+			editor.fire('AfterPreviewFormats');
+			//previewCss += 'line-height:normal';
+			dom.remove(previewElm);
+			return previewCss;
+		}
+		function createListBoxChangeHandler(items, formatName) {
+			return function() {
+				var self = this;
+				editor.on('nodeChange', function(e) {
+					var formatter = editor.formatter;
+					var value = null;
+					each(e.parents, function(node) {
+						each(items, function(item) {
+							if (formatName) {
+								if (formatter.matchNode(node, formatName, {value: item.value})) {
+									value = item.value;
+								}
+							} else {
+								if (formatter.matchNode(node, item.value)) {
+									value = item.value;
+								}
+							}
+							if (value) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+						if (value) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					self.value(value);
+				});
+			};
+		}
+		function createFormats(formats) {
+			formats = formats.split(';');
+			var i = formats.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				formats[i] = formats[i].split('=');
+			}
+			return formats;
+		}
+		function createFormatMenu() {
+			var count = 0, newFormats = [];
+			var defaultStyleFormats = [
+				{title: 'Headers', items: [
+					{title: 'Header 1', format: 'h1'},
+					{title: 'Header 2', format: 'h2'},
+					{title: 'Header 3', format: 'h3'},
+					{title: 'Header 4', format: 'h4'},
+					{title: 'Header 5', format: 'h5'},
+					{title: 'Header 6', format: 'h6'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Inline', items: [
+					{title: 'Bold', icon: 'bold', format: 'bold'},
+					{title: 'Italic', icon: 'italic', format: 'italic'},
+					{title: 'Underline', icon: 'underline', format: 'underline'},
+					{title: 'Strikethrough', icon: 'strikethrough', format: 'strikethrough'},
+					{title: 'Superscript', icon: 'superscript', format: 'superscript'},
+					{title: 'Subscript', icon: 'subscript', format: 'subscript'},
+					{title: 'Code', icon: 'code', format: 'code'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Blocks', items: [
+					{title: 'Paragraph', format: 'p'},
+					{title: 'Blockquote', format: 'blockquote'},
+					{title: 'Div', format: 'div'},
+					{title: 'Pre', format: 'pre'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Alignment', items: [
+					{title: 'Left', icon: 'alignleft', format: 'alignleft'},
+					{title: 'Center', icon: 'aligncenter', format: 'aligncenter'},
+					{title: 'Right', icon: 'alignright', format: 'alignright'},
+					{title: 'Justify', icon: 'alignjustify', format: 'alignjustify'}
+				]}
+			];
+			function createMenu(formats) {
+				var menu = [];
+				if (!formats) {
+					return;
+				}
+				each(formats, function(format) {
+					var menuItem = {
+						text: format.title,
+						icon: format.icon
+					};
+					if (format.items) {
+						menuItem.menu = createMenu(format.items);
+					} else {
+						var formatName = format.format || "custom" + count++;
+						if (!format.format) {
+							format.name = formatName;
+							newFormats.push(format);
+						}
+						menuItem.format = formatName;
+					}
+					menu.push(menuItem);
+				});
+				return menu;
+			}
+			function createStylesMenu() {
+				var menu;
+				if (editor.settings.style_formats_merge) {
+					if (editor.settings.style_formats) {
+						menu = createMenu(defaultStyleFormats.concat(editor.settings.style_formats));
+					} else {
+						menu = createMenu(defaultStyleFormats);
+					}
+				} else {
+					menu = createMenu(editor.settings.style_formats || defaultStyleFormats);
+				}
+				return menu;
+			}
+			editor.on('init', function() {
+				each(newFormats, function(format) {
+					editor.formatter.register(format.name, format);
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'menu',
+				items: createStylesMenu(),
+				onPostRender: function(e) {
+					editor.fire('renderFormatsMenu', {control: e.control});
+				},
+				itemDefaults: {
+					preview: true,
+					textStyle: function() {
+						if (this.settings.format) {
+							return getPreviewCss(this.settings.format);
+						}
+					},
+					onPostRender: function() {
+						var self = this, formatName = this.settings.format;
+						if (formatName) {
+							self.parent().on('show', function() {
+								self.disabled(!editor.formatter.canApply(formatName));
+								self.active(editor.formatter.match(formatName));
+							});
+						}
+					},
+					onclick: function() {
+						if (this.settings.format) {
+							toggleFormat(this.settings.format);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		formatMenu = createFormatMenu();
+		// Simple format controls <control/format>:<UI text>
+		each({
+			bold: 'Bold',
+			italic: 'Italic',
+			underline: 'Underline',
+			strikethrough: 'Strikethrough',
+			subscript: 'Subscript',
+			superscript: 'Superscript'
+		}, function(text, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: text,
+				onPostRender: function() {
+					var self = this;
+					// TODO: Fix this
+					if (editor.formatter) {
+						editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+							self.active(state);
+						});
+					} else {
+						editor.on('init', function() {
+							editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+								self.active(state);
+							});
+						});
+					}
+				},
+				onclick: function() {
+					toggleFormat(name);
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		// Simple command controls <control>:[<UI text>,<Command>]
+		each({
+			outdent: ['Decrease indent', 'Outdent'],
+			indent: ['Increase indent', 'Indent'],
+			cut: ['Cut', 'Cut'],
+			copy: ['Copy', 'Copy'],
+			paste: ['Paste', 'Paste'],
+			help: ['Help', 'mceHelp'],
+			selectall: ['Select all', 'SelectAll'],
+			hr: ['Insert horizontal rule', 'InsertHorizontalRule'],
+			removeformat: ['Clear formatting', 'RemoveFormat'],
+			visualaid: ['Visual aids', 'mceToggleVisualAid'],
+			newdocument: ['New document', 'mceNewDocument']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: item[0],
+				cmd: item[1]
+			});
+		});
+		// Simple command controls with format state
+		each({
+			blockquote: ['Blockquote', 'mceBlockQuote'],
+			numlist: ['Numbered list', 'InsertOrderedList'],
+			bullist: ['Bullet list', 'InsertUnorderedList'],
+			subscript: ['Subscript', 'Subscript'],
+			superscript: ['Superscript', 'Superscript'],
+			alignleft: ['Align left', 'JustifyLeft'],
+			aligncenter: ['Align center', 'JustifyCenter'],
+			alignright: ['Align right', 'JustifyRight'],
+			alignjustify: ['Justify', 'JustifyFull']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: item[0],
+				cmd: item[1],
+				onPostRender: function() {
+					var self = this;
+					// TODO: Fix this
+					if (editor.formatter) {
+						editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+							self.active(state);
+						});
+					} else {
+						editor.on('init', function() {
+							editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+								self.active(state);
+							});
+						});
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		function hasUndo() {
+			return editor.undoManager ? editor.undoManager.hasUndo() : false;
+		}
+		function hasRedo() {
+			return editor.undoManager ? editor.undoManager.hasRedo() : false;
+		}
+		function toggleUndoState() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.disabled(!hasUndo());
+			editor.on('Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo', function() {
+				self.disabled(!hasUndo());
+			});
+		}
+		function toggleRedoState() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.disabled(!hasRedo());
+			editor.on('Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo', function() {
+				self.disabled(!hasRedo());
+			});
+		}
+		function toggleVisualAidState() {
+			var self = this;
+			editor.on('VisualAid', function(e) {
+				self.active(e.hasVisual);
+			});
+			self.active(editor.hasVisual);
+		}
+		editor.addButton('undo', {
+			tooltip: 'Undo',
+			onPostRender: toggleUndoState,
+			cmd: 'undo'
+		});
+		editor.addButton('redo', {
+			tooltip: 'Redo',
+			onPostRender: toggleRedoState,
+			cmd: 'redo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('newdocument', {
+			text: 'New document',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+N',
+			icon: 'newdocument',
+			cmd: 'mceNewDocument'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('undo', {
+			text: 'Undo',
+			icon: 'undo',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+Z',
+			onPostRender: toggleUndoState,
+			cmd: 'undo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('redo', {
+			text: 'Redo',
+			icon: 'redo',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+Y',
+			onPostRender: toggleRedoState,
+			cmd: 'redo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('visualaid', {
+			text: 'Visual aids',
+			selectable: true,
+			onPostRender: toggleVisualAidState,
+			cmd: 'mceToggleVisualAid'
+		});
+		each({
+			cut: ['Cut', 'Cut', 'Ctrl+X'],
+			copy: ['Copy', 'Copy', 'Ctrl+C'],
+			paste: ['Paste', 'Paste', 'Ctrl+V'],
+			selectall: ['Select all', 'SelectAll', 'Ctrl+A'],
+			bold: ['Bold', 'Bold', 'Ctrl+B'],
+			italic: ['Italic', 'Italic', 'Ctrl+I'],
+			underline: ['Underline', 'Underline'],
+			strikethrough: ['Strikethrough', 'Strikethrough'],
+			subscript: ['Subscript', 'Subscript'],
+			superscript: ['Superscript', 'Superscript'],
+			removeformat: ['Clear formatting', 'RemoveFormat']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addMenuItem(name, {
+				text: item[0],
+				icon: name,
+				shortcut: item[2],
+				cmd: item[1]
+			});
+		});
+		editor.on('mousedown', function() {
+			FloatPanel.hideAll();
+		});
+		function toggleFormat(fmt) {
+			if (fmt.control) {
+				fmt = fmt.control.value();
+			}
+			if (fmt) {
+				editor.execCommand('mceToggleFormat', false, fmt);
+			}
+		}
+		editor.addButton('styleselect', {
+			type: 'menubutton',
+			text: 'Formats',
+			menu: formatMenu
+		});
+		editor.addButton('formatselect', function() {
+			var items = [], blocks = createFormats(editor.settings.block_formats ||
+				'Paragraph=p;' +
+				'Address=address;' +
+				'Pre=pre;' +
+				'Header 1=h1;' +
+				'Header 2=h2;' +
+				'Header 3=h3;' +
+				'Header 4=h4;' +
+				'Header 5=h5;' +
+				'Header 6=h6'
+			);
+			each(blocks, function(block) {
+				items.push({
+					text: block[0],
+					value: block[1],
+					textStyle: function() {
+						return getPreviewCss(block[1]);
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: blocks[0][0],
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onselect: toggleFormat,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items)
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addButton('fontselect', function() {
+			var defaultFontsFormats =
+				'Andale Mono=andale mono,times;' +
+				'Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' +
+				'Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;' +
+				'Book Antiqua=book antiqua,palatino;' +
+				'Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;' +
+				'Courier New=courier new,courier;' +
+				'Georgia=georgia,palatino;' +
+				'Helvetica=helvetica;' +
+				'Impact=impact,chicago;' +
+				'Symbol=symbol;' +
+				'Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' +
+				'Terminal=terminal,monaco;' +
+				'Times New Roman=times new roman,times;' +
+				'Trebuchet MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;' +
+				'Verdana=verdana,geneva;' +
+				'Webdings=webdings;' +
+				'Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats';
+			var items = [], fonts = createFormats(editor.settings.font_formats || defaultFontsFormats);
+			each(fonts, function(font) {
+				items.push({
+					text: {raw: font[0]},
+					value: font[1],
+					textStyle: font[1].indexOf('dings') == -1 ? 'font-family:' + font[1] : ''
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: 'Font Family',
+				tooltip: 'Font Family',
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items, 'fontname'),
+				onselect: function(e) {
+					if (e.control.settings.value) {
+						editor.execCommand('FontName', false, e.control.settings.value);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addButton('fontsizeselect', function() {
+			var items = [], defaultFontsizeFormats = '8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt';
+			var fontsize_formats = editor.settings.fontsize_formats || defaultFontsizeFormats;
+			each(fontsize_formats.split(' '), function(item) {
+				items.push({text: item, value: item});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: 'Font Sizes',
+				tooltip: 'Font Sizes',
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items, 'fontsize'),
+				onclick: function(e) {
+					if (e.control.settings.value) {
+						editor.execCommand('FontSize', false, e.control.settings.value);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('formats', {
+			text: 'Formats',
+			menu: formatMenu
+		});
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/GridLayout.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/GridLayout.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4289712276c8e74a5d102f108587cc515a4e769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/GridLayout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ * GridLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager places controls in a grid.
+ *
+ * @setting {Number} spacing Spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} spacingH Horizontal spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} spacingV Vertical spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} columns Number of columns to use.
+ * @setting {String/Array} alignH start|end|center|stretch or array of values for each column.
+ * @setting {String/Array} alignV start|end|center|stretch or array of values for each column.
+ * @setting {String} pack start|end
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.GridLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/GridLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			var settings = container.settings, rows, cols, items, contLayoutRect, width, height, rect,
+				ctrlLayoutRect, ctrl, x, y, posX, posY, ctrlSettings, contPaddingBox, align, spacingH, spacingV, alignH, alignV, maxX, maxY,
+				colWidths = [], rowHeights = [], ctrlMinWidth, ctrlMinHeight, availableWidth, availableHeight;
+			// Get layout settings
+			settings = container.settings;
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect();
+			cols = settings.columns || Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(items.length));
+			rows = Math.ceil(items.length / cols);
+			spacingH = settings.spacingH || settings.spacing || 0;
+			spacingV = settings.spacingV || settings.spacing || 0;
+			alignH = settings.alignH || settings.align;
+			alignV = settings.alignV || settings.align;
+			contPaddingBox = container._paddingBox;
+			if (alignH && typeof(alignH) == "string") {
+				alignH = [alignH];
+			}
+			if (alignV && typeof(alignV) == "string") {
+				alignV = [alignV];
+			}
+			// Zero padd columnWidths
+			for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				colWidths.push(0);
+			}
+			// Zero padd rowHeights
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				rowHeights.push(0);
+			}
+			// Calculate columnWidths and rowHeights
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+					ctrl = items[y * cols + x];
+					// Out of bounds
+					if (!ctrl) {
+						break;
+					}
+					ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+					ctrlMinWidth = ctrlLayoutRect.minW;
+					ctrlMinHeight = ctrlLayoutRect.minH;
+					colWidths[x] = ctrlMinWidth > colWidths[x] ? ctrlMinWidth : colWidths[x];
+					rowHeights[y] = ctrlMinHeight > rowHeights[y] ? ctrlMinHeight : rowHeights[y];
+				}
+			}
+			// Calculate maxX
+			availableWidth = contLayoutRect.innerW - contPaddingBox.left - contPaddingBox.right;
+			for (maxX = 0, x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				maxX += colWidths[x] + (x > 0 ? spacingH : 0);
+				availableWidth -= (x > 0 ? spacingH : 0) + colWidths[x];
+			}
+			// Calculate maxY
+			availableHeight = contLayoutRect.innerH - contPaddingBox.top - contPaddingBox.bottom;
+			for (maxY = 0, y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				maxY += rowHeights[y] + (y > 0 ? spacingV : 0);
+				availableHeight -= (y > 0 ? spacingV : 0) + rowHeights[y];
+			}
+			maxX += contPaddingBox.left + contPaddingBox.right;
+			maxY += contPaddingBox.top + contPaddingBox.bottom;
+			// Calculate minW/minH
+			rect = {};
+			rect.minW = maxX + (contLayoutRect.w - contLayoutRect.innerW);
+			rect.minH = maxY + (contLayoutRect.h - contLayoutRect.innerH);
+			rect.contentW = rect.minW - contLayoutRect.deltaW;
+			rect.contentH = rect.minH - contLayoutRect.deltaH;
+			rect.minW = Math.min(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.maxW);
+			rect.minH = Math.min(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.maxH);
+			rect.minW = Math.max(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+			rect.minH = Math.max(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.startMinHeight);
+			// Resize container container if minSize was changed
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize && (rect.minW != contLayoutRect.minW || rect.minH != contLayoutRect.minH)) {
+				rect.w = rect.minW;
+				rect.h = rect.minH;
+				container.layoutRect(rect);
+				this.recalc(container);
+				// Forced recalc for example if items are hidden/shown
+				if (container._lastRect === null) {
+					var parentCtrl = container.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+						parentCtrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Update contentW/contentH so absEnd moves correctly
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize) {
+				rect = container.layoutRect(rect);
+				rect.contentW = rect.minW - contLayoutRect.deltaW;
+				rect.contentH = rect.minH - contLayoutRect.deltaH;
+			}
+			var flexV;
+			if (settings.packV == 'start') {
+				flexV = 0;
+			} else {
+				flexV = availableHeight > 0 ? Math.floor(availableHeight / rows) : 0;
+			}
+			// Calculate totalFlex
+			var totalFlex = 0;
+			var flexWidths = settings.flexWidths;
+			if (flexWidths) {
+				for (x = 0; x < flexWidths.length; x++) {
+					totalFlex += flexWidths[x];
+				}
+			} else {
+				totalFlex = cols;
+			}
+			// Calculate new column widths based on flex values
+			var ratio = availableWidth / totalFlex;
+			for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				colWidths[x] += flexWidths ? flexWidths[x] * ratio : ratio;
+			}
+			// Move/resize controls
+			posY = contPaddingBox.top;
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				posX = contPaddingBox.left;
+				height = rowHeights[y] + flexV;
+				for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+					ctrl = items[y * cols + x];
+					// No more controls to render then break
+					if (!ctrl) {
+						break;
+					}
+					// Get control settings and calculate x, y
+					ctrlSettings = ctrl.settings;
+					ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+					width = Math.max(colWidths[x], ctrlLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+					ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY;
+					// Align control horizontal
+					align = ctrlSettings.alignH || (alignH ? (alignH[x] || alignH[0]) : null);
+					if (align == "center") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX + (width / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect.w / 2);
+					} else if (align == "right") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX + width - ctrlLayoutRect.w;
+					} else if (align == "stretch") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.w = width;
+					}
+					// Align control vertical
+					align = ctrlSettings.alignV || (alignV ? (alignV[x] || alignV[0]) : null);
+					if (align == "center") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY + (height / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect.h / 2);
+					} else  if (align == "bottom") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY + height - ctrlLayoutRect.h;
+					} else if (align == "stretch") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.h = height;
+					}
+					ctrl.layoutRect(ctrlLayoutRect);
+					posX += width + spacingH;
+					if (ctrl.recalc) {
+						ctrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				posY += height + spacingV;
+			}
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Iframe.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Iframe.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93ad3a29a087bb3128dff4afd81cd07ec095beb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Iframe.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Iframe.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint scripturl:true */
+ * This class creates an iframe.
+ *
+ * @setting {String} url Url to open in the iframe.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Iframe.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Iframe
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Iframe", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.addClass('iframe');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return (
+				'<iframe id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" src="' +
+				(self.settings.url || "javascript:\'\'") + '" frameborder="0"></iframe>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Setter for the iframe source.
+		 *
+		 * @method src
+		 * @param {String} src Source URL for iframe.
+		 */
+		src: function(src) {
+			this.getEl().src = src;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inner HTML for the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @method html
+		 * @param {String} html HTML string to set as HTML inside the iframe.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute when the iframe body is filled with contents.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Iframe} Current iframe control.
+		 */
+		html: function(html, callback) {
+			var self = this, body = this.getEl().contentWindow.document.body;
+			// Wait for iframe to initialize IE 10 takes time
+			if (!body) {
+				setTimeout(function() {
+					self.html(html);
+				}, 0);
+			} else {
+				body.innerHTML = html;
+				if (callback) {
+					callback();
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/KeyboardNavigation.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/KeyboardNavigation.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61acb384e1bc947b8a5cdf7fc65f27c430a003ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/KeyboardNavigation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+ * KeyboardNavigation.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles keyboard navigation of controls and elements.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.KeyboardNavigation
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation", [
+], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * This class handles all keyboard navigation for WAI-ARIA support. Each root container
+	 * gets an instance of this class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var root = settings.root, focusedElement, focusedControl;
+		focusedElement = document.activeElement;
+		focusedControl = root.getParentCtrl(focusedElement);
+		/**
+		 * Returns the currently focused elements wai aria role of the currently
+		 * focused element or specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional element to get role from.
+		 * @return {String} Role of specified element.
+		 */
+		function getRole(elm) {
+			elm = elm || focusedElement;
+			return elm && elm.getAttribute('role');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the wai role of the parent element of the currently
+		 * focused element or specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional element to get parent role from.
+		 * @return {String} Role of the first parent that has a role.
+		 */
+		function getParentRole(elm) {
+			var role, parent = elm || focusedElement;
+			while ((parent = parent.parentNode)) {
+				if ((role = getRole(parent))) {
+					return role;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a wai aria property by name for example aria-selected.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the aria property to get for example "disabled".
+		 * @return {String} Aria property value.
+		 */
+		function getAriaProp(name) {
+			var elm = focusedElement;
+			if (elm) {
+				return elm.getAttribute('aria-' + name);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Is the element a text input element or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to check if it's an text input element or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element is a text element or not.
+		 */
+		function isTextInputElement(elm) {
+			// Notice: since type can be "email" etc we don't check the type
+			// So all input elements gets treated as text input elements
+			return elm.tagName == "INPUT" || elm.tagName == "TEXTAREA";
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element can be focused or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm DOM element to check if it can be focused or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element can have focus.
+		 */
+		function canFocus(elm) {
+			if (isTextInputElement(elm) && !elm.hidden) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			if (/^(button|menuitem|checkbox|tab|menuitemcheckbox|option|gridcell)$/.test(getRole(elm))) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns an array of focusable visible elements within the specified container element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm DOM element to find focusable elements within.
+		 * @return {Array} Array of focusable elements.
+		 */
+		function getFocusElements(elm) {
+			var elements = [];
+			function collect(elm) {
+				if (elm.nodeType != 1 || elm.style.display == 'none') {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (canFocus(elm)) {
+					elements.push(elm);
+				}
+				for (var i = 0; i < elm.childNodes.length; i++) {
+					collect(elm.childNodes[i]);
+				}
+			}
+			collect(elm || root.getEl());
+			return elements;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the navigation root control for the specified control. The navigation root
+		 * is the control that the keyboard navigation gets scoped to for example a menubar or toolbar group.
+		 * It will look for parents of the specified target control or the currenty focused control if this option is omitted.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} targetControl Optional target control to find root of.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Navigation root control.
+		 */
+		function getNavigationRoot(targetControl) {
+			var navigationRoot, controls;
+			targetControl = targetControl || focusedControl;
+			controls = targetControl.parents().toArray();
+			controls.unshift(targetControl);
+			for (var i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) {
+				navigationRoot = controls[i];
+				if (navigationRoot.settings.ariaRoot) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return navigationRoot;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the first item in the specified targetControl element or the last aria index if the
+		 * navigation root has the ariaRemember option enabled.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} targetControl Target control to focus the first item in.
+		 */
+		function focusFirst(targetControl) {
+			var navigationRoot = getNavigationRoot(targetControl);
+			var focusElements = getFocusElements(navigationRoot.getEl());
+			if (navigationRoot.settings.ariaRemember && "lastAriaIndex" in navigationRoot) {
+				moveFocusToIndex(navigationRoot.lastAriaIndex, focusElements);
+			} else {
+				moveFocusToIndex(0, focusElements);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the specified index within the elements list.
+		 * This will scope the index to the size of the element list if it changed.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Number} idx Specified index to move to.
+		 * @param {Array} elements Array with dom elements to move focus within.
+		 * @return {Number} Input index or a changed index if it was out of range.
+		 */
+		function moveFocusToIndex(idx, elements) {
+			if (idx < 0) {
+				idx = elements.length - 1;
+			} else if (idx >= elements.length) {
+				idx = 0;
+			}
+			if (elements[idx]) {
+				elements[idx].focus();
+			}
+			return idx;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus forwards or backwards.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Number} dir Direction to move in positive means forward, negative means backwards.
+		 * @param {Array} elements Optional array of elements to move within defaults to the current navigation roots elements.
+		 */
+		function moveFocus(dir, elements) {
+			var idx = -1, navigationRoot = getNavigationRoot();
+			elements = elements || getFocusElements(navigationRoot.getEl());
+			for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+				if (elements[i] === focusedElement) {
+					idx = i;
+				}
+			}
+			idx += dir;
+			navigationRoot.lastAriaIndex = moveFocusToIndex(idx, elements);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the left this is called by the left key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function left() {
+			var parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				moveFocus(-1, getFocusElements(focusedElement.parentNode));
+			} else if (focusedControl.parent().submenu) {
+				cancel();
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(-1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the right this is called by the right key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function right() {
+			var role = getRole(), parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				moveFocus(1, getFocusElements(focusedElement.parentNode));
+			} else if (role == "menuitem" && parentRole == "menu" && getAriaProp('haspopup')) {
+				enter();
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the up this is called by the up key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function up() {
+			moveFocus(-1);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the up this is called by the down key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function down() {
+			var role = getRole(), parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (role == "menuitem" && parentRole == "menubar") {
+				enter();
+			} else if (role == "button" && getAriaProp('haspopup')) {
+				enter({key: 'down'});
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the next item or previous item depending on shift key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {DOMEvent} e DOM event object.
+		 */
+		function tab(e) {
+			var parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				var elm = getFocusElements(focusedControl.getEl('body'))[0];
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.focus();
+				}
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Calls the cancel event on the currently focused control. This is normally done using the Esc key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function cancel() {
+			focusedControl.fire('cancel');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Calls the click event on the currently focused control. This is normally done using the Enter/Space keys.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} aria Optional aria data to pass along with the enter event.
+		 */
+		function enter(aria) {
+			aria = aria || {};
+			focusedControl.fire('click', {target: focusedElement, aria: aria});
+		}
+		root.on('keydown', function(e) {
+			function handleNonTabEvent(e, handler) {
+				// Ignore non tab keys for text elements
+				if (isTextInputElement(focusedElement)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (handler(e) !== false) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+			}
+			if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			switch (e.keyCode) {
+				case 37: // DOM_VK_LEFT
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, left);
+					break;
+				case 39: // DOM_VK_RIGHT
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, right);
+					break;
+				case 38: // DOM_VK_UP
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, up);
+					break;
+				case 40: // DOM_VK_DOWN
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, down);
+					break;
+				case 27: // DOM_VK_ESCAPE
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, cancel);
+					break;
+				case 14: // DOM_VK_ENTER
+				case 13: // DOM_VK_RETURN
+				case 32: // DOM_VK_SPACE
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, enter);
+					break;
+				case 9: // DOM_VK_TAB
+					if (tab(e) !== false) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+					}
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		root.on('focusin', function(e) {
+			focusedElement = e.target;
+			focusedControl = e.control;
+		});
+		return {
+			focusFirst: focusFirst
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Label.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Label.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ecb81081b335f949d3a3eead8ab05451bf683ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Label.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Label.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a label element. A label is a simple text control
+ * that can be bound to other controls.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Label.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Label
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Label", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @param {Boolean} multiline Multiline label.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('widget');
+			self.addClass('label');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				self.addClass('autoscroll');
+			}
+			if (settings.strong) {
+				self.addClass('strong');
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super();
+			if (self.settings.multiline) {
+				var size = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl());
+				// Check if the text fits within maxW if not then try word wrapping it
+				if (size.width > layoutRect.maxW) {
+					layoutRect.minW = layoutRect.maxW;
+					self.addClass('multiline');
+				}
+				self.getEl().style.width = layoutRect.minW + 'px';
+				layoutRect.startMinH = layoutRect.h = layoutRect.minH = Math.min(layoutRect.maxH, DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl()).height);
+			}
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.settings.multiline) {
+				self.getEl().style.lineHeight = self.layoutRect().h + 'px';
+			}
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current label text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New label text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.Label} Current text or current label instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(text) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && text) {
+				this.innerHtml(self.encode(text));
+			}
+			return self._super(text);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, forId = self.settings.forId;
+			return (
+				'<label id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"' + (forId ? ' for="' + forId + '"' : '') + '>' +
+					self.encode(self._text) +
+				'</label>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Layout.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Layout.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7fd3f1d93b3029a9f1532c9be92932d37b5c056e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Layout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Layout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Base layout manager class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Layout", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Class, Tools) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Class.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			firstControlClass: 'first',
+			lastControlClass: 'last'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a layout instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			this.settings = Tools.extend({}, this.Defaults, settings);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked before the layout renders the controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to preRender.
+		 */
+		preRender: function(container) {
+			container.addClass(this.settings.containerClass, 'body');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Applies layout classes to the container.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		applyClasses: function(container) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, items, firstClass, lastClass;
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			firstClass = settings.firstControlClass;
+			lastClass = settings.lastControlClass;
+			items.each(function(item) {
+				item.removeClass(firstClass).removeClass(lastClass);
+				if (settings.controlClass) {
+					item.addClass(settings.controlClass);
+				}
+			});
+			items.eq(0).addClass(firstClass);
+			items.eq(-1).addClass(lastClass);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the specified container and any layout specific HTML.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container to render HTML for.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function(container) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, items, html = '';
+			items = container.items();
+			items.eq(0).addClass(settings.firstControlClass);
+			items.eq(-1).addClass(settings.lastControlClass);
+			items.each(function(item) {
+				if (settings.controlClass) {
+					item.addClass(settings.controlClass);
+				}
+				html += item.renderHtml();
+			});
+			return html;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked after the layout renders the controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to postRender.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ListBox.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ListBox.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d42fc9da3bd348497ff792df8fc1a0c23ee91532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ListBox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * ListBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new list box control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ListBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ListBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.MenuButton
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ListBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuButton"
+], function(MenuButton) {
+	"use strict";
+	return MenuButton.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Array} values Array with values to add to list box.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, values, i, selected, selectedText, lastItemCtrl;
+			self._values = values = settings.values;
+			if (values) {
+				for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
+					selected = values[i].selected || settings.value === values[i].value;
+					if (selected) {
+						selectedText = selectedText || values[i].text;
+						self._value = values[i].value;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				// Default with first item
+				if (!selected && values.length > 0) {
+					selectedText = values[0].text;
+					self._value = values[0].value;
+				}
+				settings.menu = values;
+			}
+			settings.text = settings.text || selectedText || values[0].text;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('listbox');
+			self.on('select', function(e) {
+				var ctrl = e.control;
+				if (lastItemCtrl) {
+					e.lastControl = lastItemCtrl;
+				}
+				if (settings.multiple) {
+					ctrl.active(!ctrl.active());
+				} else {
+					self.value(e.control.settings.value);
+				}
+				lastItemCtrl = ctrl;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.ListBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this, active, selectedText, menu, i;
+			function activateByValue(menu, value) {
+				menu.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+					active = ctrl.value() === value;
+					if (active) {
+						selectedText = selectedText || ctrl.text();
+					}
+					ctrl.active(active);
+					if (ctrl.menu) {
+						activateByValue(ctrl.menu, value);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				if (self.menu) {
+					activateByValue(self.menu, value);
+				} else {
+					menu = self.settings.menu;
+					for (i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
+						active = menu[i].value == value;
+						if (active) {
+							selectedText = selectedText || menu[i].text;
+						}
+						menu[i].active = active;
+					}
+				}
+				self.text(selectedText || this.settings.text);
+			}
+			return self._super(value);
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Menu.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Menu.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5efdd3f7aea729cd2d49b662cb6bcb2414d53f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Menu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Menu.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Menu.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Menu
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Menu", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuItem",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(FloatPanel, MenuItem, Tools) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Menu = FloatPanel.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			defaultType: 'menuitem',
+			border: 1,
+			layout: 'stack',
+			role: 'application',
+			bodyRole: 'menu',
+			ariaRoot: true
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			settings.autohide = true;
+			settings.constrainToViewport = true;
+			if (settings.itemDefaults) {
+				var items = settings.items, i = items.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					items[i] = Tools.extend({}, settings.itemDefaults, items[i]);
+				}
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('menu');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			this.toggleClass('menu-align', true);
+			this._super();
+			this.getEl().style.height = '';
+			this.getEl('body').style.height = '';
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides/closes the menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method cancel
+		 */
+		cancel: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.hideAll();
+			self.fire('select');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hide menu and all sub menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideAll
+		 */
+		hideAll: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			this.find('menuitem').exec('hideMenu');
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		getContainerElm: function() {
+			var doc = document, id = this.classPrefix + 'menucontainer';
+			var elm = doc.getElementById(id);
+			if (!elm) {
+				elm = doc.createElement('div');
+				elm.id = id;
+				elm.setAttribute('role', 'application');
+				elm.className = this.classPrefix + '-reset';
+				elm.style.position = 'absolute';
+				elm.style.top = elm.style.left = '0';
+				elm.style.overflow = 'visible';
+				doc.body.appendChild(elm);
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Invoked before the menu is rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 */
+		preRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				var settings = ctrl.settings;
+				if (settings.icon || settings.selectable) {
+					self._hasIcons = true;
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+	return Menu;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuBar.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuBar.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..385f30984c04c4d5a3a1263a5db5733b61b2bb12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuBar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * MenuBar.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menubar.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuBar.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuBar
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuBar", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Toolbar"
+], function(Toolbar) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Toolbar.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			role: 'menubar',
+			containerCls: 'menubar',
+			ariaRoot: true,
+			defaults: {
+				type: 'menubutton'
+			}
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuButton.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuButton.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..385916e277f5a8109fea86bed1c708d5e5e84c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuButton.js
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ * MenuButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Button",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuBar"
+], function(Button, Factory, MenuBar) {
+	"use strict";
+	// TODO: Maybe add as some global function
+	function isChildOf(node, parent) {
+		while (node) {
+			if (parent === node) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			node = node.parentNode;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	var MenuButton = Button.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._renderOpen = true;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('menubtn');
+			if (settings.fixedWidth) {
+				self.addClass('fixed-width');
+			}
+			self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			self.hasPopup = true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the menu for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method showMenu
+		 */
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu;
+			if (self.menu && self.menu.visible()) {
+				return self.hideMenu();
+			}
+			if (!self.menu) {
+				menu = settings.menu || [];
+				// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+				if (menu.length) {
+					menu = {
+						type: 'menu',
+						items: menu
+					};
+				} else {
+					menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+				}
+				self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo();
+				self.fire('createmenu');
+				self.menu.reflow();
+				self.menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+					if (e.control.parent() === self.menu) {
+						e.stopPropagation();
+						self.focus();
+						self.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				// Move focus to button when a menu item is selected/clicked
+				self.menu.on('select', function() {
+					self.focus();
+				});
+				self.menu.on('show hide', function(e) {
+					if (e.control == self.menu) {
+						self.activeMenu(e.type == 'show');
+					}
+					self.aria('expanded', e.type == 'show');
+				}).fire('show');
+			}
+			self.menu.show();
+			self.menu.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().w});
+			self.menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), self.isRtl() ? ['br-tr', 'tr-br'] : ['bl-tl', 'tl-bl']);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the menu for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideMenu
+		 */
+		hideMenu: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.menu) {
+				self.menu.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item.hideMenu) {
+						item.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the active menu state.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		activeMenu: function(state) {
+			this.toggleClass('active', state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			self.aria('role', self.parent() instanceof MenuBar ? 'menuitem' : 'button');
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="' + id + '">' +
+					'<button id="' + id + '-open" role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						'<span>' + (self._text ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(self._text) : '') + '</span>' +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets invoked after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self && isChildOf(e.target, self.getEl())) {
+					self.showMenu();
+					if (e.aria) {
+						self.menu.items()[0].focus();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
+				var overCtrl = e.control, parent = self.parent(), hasVisibleSiblingMenu;
+				if (overCtrl && parent && overCtrl instanceof MenuButton && overCtrl.parent() == parent) {
+					parent.items().filter('MenuButton').each(function(ctrl) {
+						if (ctrl.hideMenu && ctrl != overCtrl) {
+							if (ctrl.menu && ctrl.menu.visible()) {
+								hasVisibleSiblingMenu = true;
+							}
+							ctrl.hideMenu();
+						}
+					});
+					if (hasVisibleSiblingMenu) {
+						overCtrl.focus(); // Fix for: #5887
+						overCtrl.showMenu();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current button text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New button text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.MenuButton} Current text or current MenuButton instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(text) {
+			var self = this, i, children;
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				children = self.getEl('open').getElementsByTagName('span');
+				for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+					children[i].innerHTML = (self.settings.icon && text ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(text);
+				}
+			}
+			return this._super(text);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the control and it's menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (this.menu) {
+				this.menu.remove();
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return MenuButton;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuItem.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuItem.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dac8af1a7e5af3ca23a5051e982f05540c0b8395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuItem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ * MenuItem.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu item.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuItem.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuItem
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuItem", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Widget, Factory, Env) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			border: 0,
+			role: 'menuitem'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} selectable Selectable menu.
+		 * @setting {Array} menu Submenu array with items.
+		 * @setting {String} shortcut Shortcut to display for menu item. Example: Ctrl+X
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.hasPopup = true;
+			self._super(settings);
+			settings = self.settings;
+			self.addClass('menu-item');
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-expand');
+			}
+			if (settings.preview) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-preview');
+			}
+			if (self._text === '-' || self._text === '|') {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-sep');
+				self.aria('role', 'separator');
+				self._text = '-';
+			}
+			if (settings.selectable) {
+				self.aria('role', 'menuitemcheckbox');
+				self.addClass('menu-item-checkbox');
+				settings.icon = 'selected';
+			}
+			if (!settings.preview && !settings.selectable) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-normal');
+			}
+			self.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the menuitem has sub menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasMenus
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if it has submenu.
+		 */
+		hasMenus: function() {
+			return !!this.settings.menu;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the menu for the menu item.
+		 *
+		 * @method showMenu
+		 */
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu, parent = self.parent();
+			parent.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl !== self) {
+					ctrl.hideMenu();
+				}
+			});
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				menu = self.menu;
+				if (!menu) {
+					menu = settings.menu;
+					// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+					if (menu.length) {
+						menu = {
+							type: 'menu',
+							items: menu
+						};
+					} else {
+						menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+					}
+					if (parent.settings.itemDefaults) {
+						menu.itemDefaults = parent.settings.itemDefaults;
+					}
+					menu = self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo();
+					menu.reflow();
+					menu.fire('show');
+					menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+						e.stopPropagation();
+						self.focus();
+						menu.hide();
+					});
+					menu.on('hide', function(e) {
+						if (e.control === menu) {
+							self.removeClass('selected');
+						}
+					});
+					menu.submenu = true;
+				} else {
+					menu.show();
+				}
+				menu._parentMenu = parent;
+				menu.addClass('menu-sub');
+				var rel = menu.testMoveRel(
+					self.getEl(),
+					self.isRtl() ? ['tl-tr', 'bl-br', 'tr-tl', 'br-bl'] : ['tr-tl', 'br-bl', 'tl-tr', 'bl-br']
+				);
+				menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), rel);
+				menu.rel = rel;
+				rel = 'menu-sub-' + rel;
+				menu.removeClass(menu._lastRel);
+				menu.addClass(rel);
+				menu._lastRel = rel;
+				self.addClass('selected');
+				self.aria('expanded', true);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the menu for the menu item.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideMenu
+		 */
+		hideMenu: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.menu) {
+				self.menu.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item.hideMenu) {
+						item.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.hide();
+				self.aria('expanded', false);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, prefix = self.classPrefix, text = self.encode(self._text);
+			var icon = self.settings.icon, image = '', shortcut = settings.shortcut;
+			if (icon) {
+				self.parent().addClass('menu-has-icons');
+			}
+			if (settings.image) {
+				icon = 'none';
+				image = ' style="background-image: url(\'' + settings.image + '\')"';
+			}
+			if (shortcut && Env.mac) {
+				// format shortcut for Mac
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/ctrl\+alt\+/i, '&#x2325;&#x2318;'); // ctrl+cmd
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/ctrl\+/i, '&#x2318;'); // ctrl symbol
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/alt\+/i, '&#x2325;'); // cmd symbol
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/shift\+/i, '&#x21E7;'); // shift symbol
+			}
+			icon = prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + (self.settings.icon || 'none');
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1">' +
+					(text !== '-' ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>&nbsp;' : '') +
+					(text !== '-' ? '<span id="' + id + '-text" class="' + prefix + 'text">' + text + '</span>' : '') +
+					(shortcut ? '<div id="' + id + '-shortcut" class="' + prefix + 'menu-shortcut">' + shortcut + '</div>' : '') +
+					(settings.menu ? '<div class="' + prefix + 'caret"></div>' : '') +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets invoked after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			var textStyle = settings.textStyle;
+			if (typeof(textStyle) == "function") {
+				textStyle = textStyle.call(this);
+			}
+			if (textStyle) {
+				var textElm = self.getEl('text');
+				if (textElm) {
+					textElm.setAttribute('style', textStyle);
+				}
+			}
+			self.on('mouseenter click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self) {
+					if (!settings.menu && e.type === 'click') {
+						self.fire('select');
+						self.parent().hideAll();
+					} else {
+						self.showMenu();
+						if (e.aria) {
+							self.menu.focus(true);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			self._super();
+			return self;
+		},
+		active: function(state) {
+			if (typeof(state) != "undefined") {
+				this.aria('checked', state);
+			}
+			return this._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the control and it's menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (this.menu) {
+				this.menu.remove();
+			}
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MessageBox.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MessageBox.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5da41817a02fe696da5184cf064581de8e01b82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/MessageBox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * MessageBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to create MessageBoxes like alerts/confirms etc.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Window
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MessageBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Window"
+], function(Window) {
+	"use strict";
+	var MessageBox = Window.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			settings = {
+				border: 1,
+				padding: 20,
+				layout: 'flex',
+				pack: "center",
+				align: "center",
+				containerCls: 'panel',
+				autoScroll: true,
+				buttons: {type: "button", text: "Ok", action: "ok"},
+				items: {
+					type: "label",
+					multiline: true,
+					maxWidth: 500,
+					maxHeight: 200
+				}
+			};
+			this._super(settings);
+		},
+		Statics: {
+			/**
+			 * Ok buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} OK
+			 */
+			OK: 1,
+			/**
+			 * Ok/cancel buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} OK_CANCEL
+			 */
+			OK_CANCEL: 2,
+			/**
+			 * yes/no buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} YES_NO
+			 */
+			YES_NO: 3,
+			/**
+			 * yes/no/cancel buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} YES_NO_CANCEL
+			 */
+			/**
+			 * Constructs a new message box and renders it to the body element.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @method msgBox
+			 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+			 */
+			msgBox: function(settings) {
+				var buttons, callback = settings.callback || function() {};
+				switch (settings.buttons) {
+					case MessageBox.OK_CANCEL:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}},
+							{type: "button", text: "Cancel", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(false);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					case MessageBox.YES_NO:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					case MessageBox.YES_NO_CANCEL:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					default:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+				}
+				return new Window({
+					padding: 20,
+					x: settings.x,
+					y: settings.y,
+					minWidth: 300,
+					minHeight: 100,
+					layout: "flex",
+					pack: "center",
+					align: "center",
+					buttons: buttons,
+					title: settings.title,
+					role: 'alertdialog',
+					items: {
+						type: "label",
+						multiline: true,
+						maxWidth: 500,
+						maxHeight: 200,
+						text: settings.text
+					},
+					onPostRender: function() {
+						this.aria('describedby', this.items()[0]._id);
+					},
+					onClose: settings.onClose,
+					onCancel: function() {
+						callback(false);
+					}
+				}).renderTo(document.body).reflow();
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Creates a new alert dialog.
+			 *
+			 * @method alert
+			 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the alert dialog.
+			 * @param {function} [callback] Callback to execute when the user makes a choice.
+			 */
+			alert: function(settings, callback) {
+				if (typeof(settings) == "string") {
+					settings = {text: settings};
+				}
+				settings.callback = callback;
+				return MessageBox.msgBox(settings);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Creates a new confirm dialog.
+			 *
+			 * @method confirm
+			 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the confirm dialog.
+			 * @param {function} [callback] Callback to execute when the user makes a choice.
+			 */
+			confirm: function(settings, callback) {
+				if (typeof(settings) == "string") {
+					settings = {text: settings};
+				}
+				settings.callback = callback;
+				settings.buttons = MessageBox.OK_CANCEL;
+				return MessageBox.msgBox(settings);
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return MessageBox;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Movable.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Movable.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8370354e2c12c9109867e650f5c38e463a5afe20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Movable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ * Movable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Movable mixin. Makes controls movable absolute and relative to other elements.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Movable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Movable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	function calculateRelativePosition(ctrl, targetElm, rel) {
+		var ctrlElm, pos, x, y, selfW, selfH, targetW, targetH, viewport, size;
+		viewport = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+		// Get pos of target
+		pos = DomUtils.getPos(targetElm);
+		x = pos.x;
+		y = pos.y;
+		if (ctrl._fixed) {
+			x -= viewport.x;
+			y -= viewport.y;
+		}
+		// Get size of self
+		ctrlElm = ctrl.getEl();
+		size = DomUtils.getSize(ctrlElm);
+		selfW = size.width;
+		selfH = size.height;
+		// Get size of target
+		size = DomUtils.getSize(targetElm);
+		targetW = size.width;
+		targetH = size.height;
+		// Parse align string
+		rel = (rel || '').split('');
+		// Target corners
+		if (rel[0] === 'b') {
+			y += targetH;
+		}
+		if (rel[1] === 'r') {
+			x += targetW;
+		}
+		if (rel[0] === 'c') {
+			y += Math.round(targetH / 2);
+		}
+		if (rel[1] === 'c') {
+			x += Math.round(targetW / 2);
+		}
+		// Self corners
+		if (rel[3] === 'b') {
+			y -= selfH;
+		}
+		if (rel[4] === 'r') {
+			x -= selfW;
+		}
+		if (rel[3] === 'c') {
+			y -= Math.round(selfH / 2);
+		}
+		if (rel[4] === 'c') {
+			x -= Math.round(selfW / 2);
+		}
+		return {
+			x: x,
+			y: y,
+			w: selfW,
+			h: selfH
+		};
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Tests various positions to get the most suitable one.
+		 *
+		 * @method testMoveRel
+		 * @param {DOMElement} elm Element to position against.
+		 * @param {Array} rels Array with relative positions.
+		 * @return {String} Best suitable relative position.
+		 */
+		testMoveRel: function(elm, rels) {
+			var viewPortRect = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+			for (var i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) {
+				var pos = calculateRelativePosition(this, elm, rels[i]);
+				if (this._fixed) {
+					if (pos.x > 0 && pos.x + pos.w < viewPortRect.w && pos.y > 0 && pos.y + pos.h < viewPortRect.h) {
+						return rels[i];
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (pos.x > viewPortRect.x && pos.x + pos.w < viewPortRect.w + viewPortRect.x &&
+						pos.y > viewPortRect.y && pos.y + pos.h < viewPortRect.h + viewPortRect.y) {
+						return rels[i];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return rels[0];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move relative to the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveRel
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to move relative to.
+		 * @param {String} rel Relative mode. For example: br-tl.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveRel: function(elm, rel) {
+			if (typeof(rel) != 'string') {
+				rel = this.testMoveRel(elm, rel);
+			}
+			var pos = calculateRelativePosition(this, elm, rel);
+			return this.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move by a relative x, y values.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveBy
+		 * @param {Number} dx Relative x position.
+		 * @param {Number} dy Relative y position.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveBy: function(dx, dy) {
+			var self = this, rect = self.layoutRect();
+			self.moveTo(rect.x + dx, rect.y + dy);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move to absolute position.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveTo
+		 * @param {Number} x Absolute x position.
+		 * @param {Number} y Absolute y position.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveTo: function(x, y) {
+			var self = this;
+			// TODO: Move this to some global class
+			function contrain(value, max, size) {
+				if (value < 0) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+				if (value + size > max) {
+					value = max - size;
+					return value < 0 ? 0 : value;
+				}
+				return value;
+			}
+			if (self.settings.constrainToViewport) {
+				var viewPortRect = DomUtils.getViewPort(window);
+				var layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+				x = contrain(x, viewPortRect.w + viewPortRect.x, layoutRect.w);
+				y = contrain(y, viewPortRect.h + viewPortRect.y, layoutRect.h);
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				self.layoutRect({x: x, y: y}).repaint();
+			} else {
+				self.settings.x = x;
+				self.settings.y = y;
+			}
+			self.fire('move', {x: x, y: y});
+			return self;
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Panel.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Panel.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1420ecd0cc9791064c589e8d90f8368e302be234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Panel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Panel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new panel.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Panel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Panel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Scrollable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Panel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container",
+	"tinymce/ui/Scrollable"
+], function(Container, Scrollable) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'fit',
+			containerCls: 'panel'
+		},
+		Mixins: [Scrollable],
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, innerHtml = self.settings.html;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			if (typeof(innerHtml) == "undefined") {
+				innerHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			} else {
+				if (typeof(innerHtml) == 'function') {
+					innerHtml = innerHtml.call(self);
+				}
+				self._hasBody = false;
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1" role="group">' +
+					(self._preBodyHtml || '') +
+					innerHtml +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/PanelButton.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/PanelButton.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9505d3398f46bb569f7e358e0844546fe9893ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/PanelButton.js
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * PanelButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new panel button.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.PanelButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/PanelButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Button",
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel"
+], function(Button, FloatPanel) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Button.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Shows the panel for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method showPanel
+		 */
+		showPanel: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			self.active(true);
+			if (!self.panel) {
+				var panelSettings = settings.panel;
+				// Wrap panel in grid layout if type if specified
+				// This makes it possible to add forms or other containers directly in the panel option
+				if (panelSettings.type) {
+					panelSettings = {
+						layout: 'grid',
+						items: panelSettings
+					};
+				}
+				panelSettings.role = panelSettings.role || 'dialog';
+				panelSettings.popover = true;
+				panelSettings.autohide = true;
+				panelSettings.ariaRoot = true;
+				self.panel = new FloatPanel(panelSettings).on('hide', function() {
+					self.active(false);
+				}).on('cancel', function(e) {
+					e.stopPropagation();
+					self.focus();
+					self.hidePanel();
+				}).parent(self).renderTo(self.getContainerElm());
+				self.panel.fire('show');
+				self.panel.reflow();
+			} else {
+				self.panel.show();
+			}
+			self.panel.moveRel(self.getEl(), settings.popoverAlign || (self.isRtl() ? ['bc-tr', 'bc-tc'] : ['bc-tl', 'bc-tc']));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the panel for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method hidePanel
+		 */
+		hidePanel: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.panel) {
+				self.panel.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self) {
+					if (self.panel && self.panel.visible()) {
+						self.hidePanel();
+					} else {
+						self.showPanel();
+						self.panel.focus(!!e.aria);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Path.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Path.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edf516304d27de3bd96078d9444bbb74449f605b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Path.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Path.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new path control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Path.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Path
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Path", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} delimiter Delimiter to display between items in path.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!settings.delimiter) {
+				settings.delimiter = '\u00BB';
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('path');
+			self.canFocus = true;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var index, target = e.target;
+				if ((index = target.getAttribute('data-index'))) {
+					self.fire('select', {value: self.data()[index], index: index});
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.getEl().firstChild.focus();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the data to be used for the path.
+		 *
+		 * @method data
+		 * @param {Array} data Array with items name is rendered to path.
+		 */
+		data: function(data) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(data) !== "undefined") {
+				self._data = data;
+				self.update();
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._data;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Updated the path.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		update: function() {
+			this.innerHtml(this._getPathHtml());
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.data(self.settings.data);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					self._getPathHtml() +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		_getPathHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, parts = self._data || [], i, l, html = '', prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			for (i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
+				html += (
+					(i > 0 ? '<div class="' + prefix + 'divider" aria-hidden="true"> ' + self.settings.delimiter + ' </div>' : '') +
+					'<div role="button" class="' + prefix + 'path-item' + (i == l - 1 ? ' ' + prefix + 'last' : '') + '" data-index="' +
+					i + '" tabindex="-1" id="' + self._id + '-' + i + '" aria-level="' + i + '">' + parts[i].name + '</div>'
+				);
+			}
+			if (!html) {
+				html = '<div class="' + prefix + 'path-item">&nbsp;</div>';
+			}
+			return html;
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Radio.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Radio.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..056968c99daee9e9f5f99f3774cf24d9b90ab7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Radio.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Radio.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new radio button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Radio.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Radio
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Checkbox
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Radio", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Checkbox"
+], function(Checkbox) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Checkbox.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "radio",
+			role: "radio"
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Resizable.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Resizable.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5933efbddcc7c510cd387930be9a979c487515db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Resizable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Resizable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Resizable mixin. Enables controls to be resized.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Resizable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Resizable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to contents.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeToContent
+		 */
+		resizeToContent: function() {
+			this._layoutRect.autoResize = true;
+			this._lastRect = null;
+			this.reflow();
+		},
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to a specific width/height.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeTo
+		 * @param {Number} w Control width.
+		 * @param {Number} h Control height.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		resizeTo: function(w, h) {
+			// TODO: Fix hack
+			if (w <= 1 || h <= 1) {
+				var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+				w = w <= 1 ? w * rect.w : w;
+				h = h <= 1 ? h * rect.h : h;
+			}
+			this._layoutRect.autoResize = false;
+			return this.layoutRect({minW: w, minH: h, w: w, h: h}).reflow();
+		},
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to a specific relative width/height.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeBy
+		 * @param {Number} dw Relative control width.
+		 * @param {Number} dh Relative control height.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		resizeBy: function(dw, dh) {
+			var self = this, rect = self.layoutRect();
+			return self.resizeTo(rect.w + dw, rect.h + dh);
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ResizeHandle.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ResizeHandle.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b09c699c69e893e3026dde3384cdfd1fb91fb51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/ResizeHandle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * ResizeHandle.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Renders a resize handle that fires ResizeStart, Resize and ResizeEnd events.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ResizeHandle.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ResizeHandle
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ResizeHandle", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(Widget, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.addClass('resizehandle');
+			if (self.settings.direction == "both") {
+				self.addClass('resizehandle-both');
+			}
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<i class="' + prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-resize"></i>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.resizeDragHelper = new DragHelper(this._id, {
+				start: function() {
+					self.fire('ResizeStart');
+				},
+				drag: function(e) {
+					if (self.settings.direction != "both") {
+						e.deltaX = 0;
+					}
+					self.fire('Resize', e);
+				},
+				stop: function() {
+					self.fire('ResizeEnd');
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			if (this.resizeDragHelper) {
+				this.resizeDragHelper.destroy();
+			}
+			return this._super();
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Scrollable.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Scrollable.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3d375ff6db0eafd1b66aa6cf2fecac0f2559289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Scrollable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * Scrollable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This mixin makes controls scrollable using custom scrollbars.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Scrollable.less
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Scrollable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Scrollable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(DomUtils, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		init: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.on('repaint', self.renderScroll);
+		},
+		renderScroll: function() {
+			var self = this, margin = 2;
+			function repaintScroll() {
+				var hasScrollH, hasScrollV, bodyElm;
+				function repaintAxis(axisName, posName, sizeName, contentSizeName, hasScroll, ax) {
+					var containerElm, scrollBarElm, scrollThumbElm;
+					var containerSize, scrollSize, ratio, rect;
+					var posNameLower, sizeNameLower;
+					scrollBarElm = self.getEl('scroll' + axisName);
+					if (scrollBarElm) {
+						posNameLower = posName.toLowerCase();
+						sizeNameLower = sizeName.toLowerCase();
+						if (self.getEl('absend')) {
+							DomUtils.css(self.getEl('absend'), posNameLower, self.layoutRect()[contentSizeName] - 1);
+						}
+						if (!hasScroll) {
+							DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, 'display', 'none');
+							return;
+						}
+						DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, 'display', 'block');
+						containerElm = self.getEl('body');
+						scrollThumbElm = self.getEl('scroll' + axisName + "t");
+						containerSize = containerElm["client" + sizeName] - (margin * 2);
+						containerSize -= hasScrollH && hasScrollV ? scrollBarElm["client" + ax] : 0;
+						scrollSize = containerElm["scroll" + sizeName];
+						ratio = containerSize / scrollSize;
+						rect = {};
+						rect[posNameLower] = containerElm["offset" + posName] + margin;
+						rect[sizeNameLower] = containerSize;
+						DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, rect);
+						rect = {};
+						rect[posNameLower] = containerElm["scroll" + posName] * ratio;
+						rect[sizeNameLower] = containerSize * ratio;
+						DomUtils.css(scrollThumbElm, rect);
+					}
+				}
+				bodyElm = self.getEl('body');
+				hasScrollH = bodyElm.scrollWidth > bodyElm.clientWidth;
+				hasScrollV = bodyElm.scrollHeight > bodyElm.clientHeight;
+				repaintAxis("h", "Left", "Width", "contentW", hasScrollH, "Height");
+				repaintAxis("v", "Top", "Height", "contentH", hasScrollV, "Width");
+			}
+			function addScroll() {
+				function addScrollAxis(axisName, posName, sizeName, deltaPosName, ax) {
+					var scrollStart, axisId = self._id + '-scroll' + axisName, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+					self.getEl().appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment(
+						'<div id="' + axisId + '" class="' + prefix + 'scrollbar ' + prefix + 'scrollbar-' + axisName + '">' +
+							'<div id="' + axisId + 't" class="' + prefix + 'scrollbar-thumb"></div>' +
+						'</div>'
+					));
+					self.draghelper = new DragHelper(axisId + 't', {
+						start: function() {
+							scrollStart = self.getEl('body')["scroll" + posName];
+							DomUtils.addClass(DomUtils.get(axisId), prefix + 'active');
+						},
+						drag: function(e) {
+							var ratio, hasScrollH, hasScrollV, containerSize, layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+							hasScrollH = layoutRect.contentW > layoutRect.innerW;
+							hasScrollV = layoutRect.contentH > layoutRect.innerH;
+							containerSize = self.getEl('body')["client" + sizeName] - (margin * 2);
+							containerSize -= hasScrollH && hasScrollV ? self.getEl('scroll' + axisName)["client" + ax] : 0;
+							ratio = containerSize / self.getEl('body')["scroll" + sizeName];
+							self.getEl('body')["scroll" + posName] = scrollStart + (e["delta" + deltaPosName] / ratio);
+						},
+						stop: function() {
+							DomUtils.removeClass(DomUtils.get(axisId), prefix + 'active');
+						}
+					});
+					self.on('click', function(e) {
+						if (e.target.id == self._id + '-scrollv') {
+						}
+					});*/
+				}
+				self.addClass('scroll');
+				addScrollAxis("v", "Top", "Height", "Y", "Width");
+				addScrollAxis("h", "Left", "Width", "X", "Height");
+			}
+			if (self.settings.autoScroll) {
+				if (!self._hasScroll) {
+					self._hasScroll = true;
+					addScroll();
+					self.on('wheel', function(e) {
+						var bodyEl = self.getEl('body');
+						bodyEl.scrollLeft += (e.deltaX || 0) * 10;
+						bodyEl.scrollTop += e.deltaY * 10;
+						repaintScroll();
+					});
+					DomUtils.on(self.getEl('body'), "scroll", repaintScroll);
+				}
+				repaintScroll();
+			}
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Selector.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Selector.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63bde042eecf35e75e941b5674c76c7be04b9255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Selector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ * Selector.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint no-nested-ternary:0 */
+ * Selector engine, enables you to select controls by using CSS like expressions.
+ * We currently only support basic CSS expressions to reduce the size of the core
+ * and the ones we support should be enough for most cases.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * Supported expressions:
+ *  element
+ *  element#name
+ *  element.class
+ *  element[attr]
+ *  element[attr*=value]
+ *  element[attr~=value]
+ *  element[attr!=value]
+ *  element[attr^=value]
+ *  element[attr$=value]
+ *  element:<state>
+ *  element:not(<expression>)
+ *  element:first
+ *  element:last
+ *  element:odd
+ *  element:even
+ *  element element
+ *  element > element
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Selector
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Selector", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class"
+], function(Class) {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * Produces an array with a unique set of objects. It will not compare the values
+	 * but the references of the objects.
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @method unqiue
+	 * @param {Array} array Array to make into an array with unique items.
+	 * @return {Array} Array with unique items.
+	 */
+	function unique(array) {
+		var uniqueItems = [], i = array.length, item;
+		while (i--) {
+			item = array[i];
+			if (!item.__checked) {
+				uniqueItems.push(item);
+				item.__checked = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		i = uniqueItems.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			delete uniqueItems[i].__checked;
+		}
+		return uniqueItems;
+	}
+	var expression = /^([\w\\*]+)?(?:#([\w\\]+))?(?:\.([\w\\\.]+))?(?:\[\@?([\w\\]+)([\^\$\*!~]?=)([\w\\]+)\])?(?:\:(.+))?/i;
+	/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+	/*eslint max-len:0 */
+	var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+		whiteSpace = /^\s*|\s*$/g,
+		Collection;
+	var Selector = Class.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new Selector instance.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS like selector expression.
+		 */
+		init: function(selector) {
+			var match = this.match;
+			function compileNameFilter(name) {
+				if (name) {
+					name = name.toLowerCase();
+					return function(item) {
+						return name === '*' || item.type === name;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileIdFilter(id) {
+				if (id) {
+					return function(item) {
+						return item._name === id;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileClassesFilter(classes) {
+				if (classes) {
+					classes = classes.split('.');
+					return function(item) {
+						var i = classes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (!item.hasClass(classes[i])) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+						return true;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileAttrFilter(name, cmp, check) {
+				if (name) {
+					return function(item) {
+						var value = item[name] ? item[name]() : '';
+						return !cmp ? !!check :
+							cmp === "=" ? value === check :
+							cmp === "*=" ? value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+							cmp === "~=" ? (" " + value + " ").indexOf(" " + check + " ") >= 0 :
+							cmp === "!=" ? value != check :
+							cmp === "^=" ? value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+							cmp === "$=" ? value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+							false;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compilePsuedoFilter(name) {
+				var notSelectors;
+				if (name) {
+					name = /(?:not\((.+)\))|(.+)/i.exec(name);
+					if (!name[1]) {
+						name = name[2];
+						return function(item, index, length) {
+							return name === 'first' ? index === 0 :
+								name === 'last' ? index === length - 1 :
+								name === 'even' ? index % 2 === 0 :
+								name === 'odd' ? index % 2 === 1 :
+								item[name] ? item[name]() :
+								false;
+						};
+					} else {
+						// Compile not expression
+						notSelectors = parseChunks(name[1], []);
+						return function(item) {
+							return !match(item, notSelectors);
+						};
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function compile(selector, filters, direct) {
+				var parts;
+				function add(filter) {
+					if (filter) {
+						filters.push(filter);
+					}
+				}
+				// Parse expression into parts
+				parts = expression.exec(selector.replace(whiteSpace, ''));
+				add(compileNameFilter(parts[1]));
+				add(compileIdFilter(parts[2]));
+				add(compileClassesFilter(parts[3]));
+				add(compileAttrFilter(parts[4], parts[5], parts[6]));
+				add(compilePsuedoFilter(parts[7]));
+				// Mark the filter with psuedo for performance
+				filters.psuedo = !!parts[7];
+				filters.direct = direct;
+				return filters;
+			}
+			// Parser logic based on Sizzle by John Resig
+			function parseChunks(selector, selectors) {
+				var parts = [], extra, matches, i;
+				do {
+					chunker.exec("");
+					matches = chunker.exec(selector);
+					if (matches) {
+						selector = matches[3];
+						parts.push(matches[1]);
+						if (matches[2]) {
+							extra = matches[3];
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				} while (matches);
+				if (extra) {
+					parseChunks(extra, selectors);
+				}
+				selector = [];
+				for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+					if (parts[i] != '>') {
+						selector.push(compile(parts[i], [], parts[i - 1] === '>'));
+					}
+				}
+				selectors.push(selector);
+				return selectors;
+			}
+			this._selectors = parseChunks(selector, []);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the selector matches the specified control.
+		 *
+		 * @method match
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} control Control to match agains the selector.
+		 * @param {Array} selectors Optional array of selectors, mostly used internally.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the control matches or not.
+		 */
+		match: function(control, selectors) {
+			var i, l, si, sl, selector, fi, fl, filters, index, length, siblings, count, item;
+			selectors = selectors || this._selectors;
+			for (i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++) {
+				selector = selectors[i];
+				sl = selector.length;
+				item = control;
+				count = 0;
+				for (si = sl - 1; si >= 0; si--) {
+					filters = selector[si];
+					while (item) {
+						// Find the index and length since a psuedo filter like :first needs it
+						if (filters.psuedo) {
+							siblings = item.parent().items();
+							index = length = siblings.length;
+							while (index--) {
+								if (siblings[index] === item) {
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						for (fi = 0, fl = filters.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+							if (!filters[fi](item, index, length)) {
+								fi = fl + 1;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						if (fi === fl) {
+							count++;
+							break;
+						} else {
+							// If it didn't match the right most expression then
+							// break since it's no point looking at the parents
+							if (si === sl - 1) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						item = item.parent();
+					}
+				}
+				// If we found all selectors then return true otherwise continue looking
+				if (count === sl) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a tinymce.ui.Collection with matches of the specified selector inside the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method find
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} container Container to look for items in.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection with matched elements.
+		 */
+		find: function(container) {
+			var matches = [], i, l, selectors = this._selectors;
+			function collect(items, selector, index) {
+				var i, l, fi, fl, item, filters = selector[index];
+				for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+					item = items[i];
+					// Run each filter agains the item
+					for (fi = 0, fl = filters.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+						if (!filters[fi](item, i, l)) {
+							fi = fl + 1;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					// All filters matched the item
+					if (fi === fl) {
+						// Matched item is on the last expression like: panel toolbar [button]
+						if (index == selector.length - 1) {
+							matches.push(item);
+						} else {
+							// Collect next expression type
+							if (item.items) {
+								collect(item.items(), selector, index + 1);
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (filters.direct) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Collect child items
+					if (item.items) {
+						collect(item.items(), selector, index);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (container.items) {
+				for (i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++) {
+					collect(container.items(), selectors[i], 0);
+				}
+				// Unique the matches if needed
+				if (l > 1) {
+					matches = unique(matches);
+				}
+			}
+			// Fix for circular reference
+			if (!Collection) {
+				// TODO: Fix me!
+				Collection = Selector.Collection;
+			}
+			return new Collection(matches);
+		}
+	});
+	return Selector;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Spacer.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Spacer.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7536994f8338b0d080e458539274c2abbac25d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Spacer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Spacer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a spacer. This control is used in flex layouts for example.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Spacer.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Spacer
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Spacer", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.addClass('spacer');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return '<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"></div>';
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/SplitButton.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/SplitButton.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9263063d1b2d45136ef8093d88587836522c36f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/SplitButton.js
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * SplitButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a split button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less SplitButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.SplitButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/SplitButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuButton",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(MenuButton, DomUtils) {
+	return MenuButton.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "widget btn splitbtn",
+			role: "button"
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), rect = self.layoutRect(), mainButtonElm, menuButtonElm;
+			self._super();
+			mainButtonElm = elm.firstChild;
+			menuButtonElm = elm.lastChild;
+			DomUtils.css(mainButtonElm, {
+				width: rect.w - DomUtils.getSize(menuButtonElm).width,
+				height: rect.h - 2
+			});
+			DomUtils.css(menuButtonElm, {
+				height: rect.h - 2
+			});
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the active menu state.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		activeMenu: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.toggleClass(self.getEl().lastChild, self.classPrefix + 'active', state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+					'<button type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + self._text : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+					'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						//(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						(self._menuBtnText ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self._menuBtnText : '') +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, onClickHandler = self.settings.onclick;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var node = e.target;
+				if (e.control == this) {
+					// Find clicks that is on the main button
+					while (node) {
+						if ((e.aria && e.aria.key != 'down') || (node.nodeName == 'BUTTON' && node.className.indexOf('open') == -1)) {
+							e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+							onClickHandler.call(this, e);
+							return;
+						}
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			delete self.settings.onclick;
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/StackLayout.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/StackLayout.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32fcbf481c5f1408c24384855a06e60f582269a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/StackLayout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * StackLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout uses the browsers layout when the items are blocks.
+ *
+ * @-x-less StackLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.StackLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FlowLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/StackLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FlowLayout"
+], function(FlowLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return FlowLayout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'stack-layout',
+			controlClass: 'stack-layout-item',
+			endClass : 'break'
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/TabPanel.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/TabPanel.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f379be9695fb50415fc546ffe7c84784dab3254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/TabPanel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ * TabPanel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a tab panel control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less TabPanel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.TabPanel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Panel
+ *
+ * @setting {Number} activeTab Active tab index.
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/TabPanel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Panel, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Panel.extend({
+		lastIdx: 0,
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'absolute',
+			defaults: {
+				type: 'panel'
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Activates the specified tab by index.
+		 *
+		 * @method activateTab
+		 * @param {Number} idx Index of the tab to activate.
+		 */
+		activateTab: function(idx) {
+			var activeTabElm;
+			if (this.activeTabId) {
+				activeTabElm = this.getEl(this.activeTabId);
+				DomUtils.removeClass(activeTabElm, this.classPrefix + 'active');
+				activeTabElm.setAttribute('aria-selected', "false");
+			}
+			this.activeTabId = 't' + idx;
+			activeTabElm = this.getEl('t' + idx);
+			activeTabElm.setAttribute('aria-selected', "true");
+			DomUtils.addClass(activeTabElm, this.classPrefix + 'active');
+			if (idx != this.lastIdx) {
+				this.items()[this.lastIdx].hide();
+				this.lastIdx = idx;
+			}
+			this.items()[idx].show().fire('showtab');
+			this.reflow();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, tabsHtml = '', prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl, i) {
+				var id = self._id + '-t' + i;
+				ctrl.aria('role', 'tabpanel');
+				ctrl.aria('labelledby', id);
+				tabsHtml += (
+					'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + prefix + 'tab" ' +
+						'unselectable="on" role="tab" aria-controls="' + ctrl._id + '" aria-selected="false" tabIndex="-1">' +
+						self.encode(ctrl.settings.title) +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			});
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-head" class="' + prefix + 'tabs" role="tablist">' +
+						tabsHtml +
+					'</div>' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.settings.activeTab = self.settings.activeTab || 0;
+			self.activateTab(self.settings.activeTab);
+			this.on('click', function(e) {
+				var targetParent = e.target.parentNode;
+				if (e.target.parentNode.id == self._id + '-head') {
+					var i = targetParent.childNodes.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (targetParent.childNodes[i] == e.target) {
+							self.activateTab(i);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, rect, minW, minH;
+			minW = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl('head')).width;
+			minW = minW < 0 ? 0 : minW;
+			minH = 0;
+			self.items().each(function(item, i) {
+				minW = Math.max(minW, item.layoutRect().minW);
+				minH = Math.max(minH, item.layoutRect().minH);
+				if (self.settings.activeTab != i) {
+					item.hide();
+				}
+			});
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				ctrl.settings.x = 0;
+				ctrl.settings.y = 0;
+				ctrl.settings.w = minW;
+				ctrl.settings.h = minH;
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: 0,
+					y: 0,
+					w: minW,
+					h: minH
+				});
+			});
+			var headH = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl('head')).height;
+			self.settings.minWidth = minW;
+			self.settings.minHeight = minH + headH;
+			rect = self._super();
+			rect.deltaH += headH;
+			rect.innerH = rect.h - rect.deltaH;
+			return rect;
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/TextBox.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/TextBox.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a11f72de53f09985bf05ffebc94f018044835a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/TextBox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ * TextBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new textbox.
+ *
+ * @-x-less TextBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.TextBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/TextBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} multiline True if the textbox is a multiline control.
+		 * @setting {Number} maxLength Max length for the textbox.
+		 * @setting {Number} size Size of the textbox in characters.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self._value = settings.value || '';
+			self.addClass('textbox');
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				self.addClass('multiline');
+			} else {
+				// TODO: Rework this
+				self.on('keydown', function(e) {
+					if (e.keyCode == 13) {
+						self.parents().reverse().each(function(ctrl) {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							if (ctrl.hasEventListeners('submit') && ctrl.toJSON) {
+								ctrl.fire('submit', {data: ctrl.toJSON()});
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the disabled state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} True/false or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && typeof(state) != 'undefined') {
+				self.getEl().disabled = state;
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl().value = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				return self.getEl().value;
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, rect, borderBox, borderW = 0, borderH = 0, lastRepaintRect;
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			lastRepaintRect = self._lastRepaintRect || {};
+			// Detect old IE 7+8 add lineHeight to align caret vertically in the middle
+			var doc = document;
+			if (!self.settings.multiline && doc.all && (!doc.documentMode || doc.documentMode <= 8)) {
+				style.lineHeight = (rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+			}
+			borderBox = self._borderBox;
+			borderW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right + 8;
+			borderH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom + (self.settings.multiline ? 8 : 0);
+			if (rect.x !== lastRepaintRect.x) {
+				style.left = rect.x + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.x = rect.x;
+			}
+			if (rect.y !== lastRepaintRect.y) {
+				style.top = rect.y + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.y = rect.y;
+			}
+			if (rect.w !== lastRepaintRect.w) {
+				style.width = (rect.w - borderW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.w = rect.w;
+			}
+			if (rect.h !== lastRepaintRect.h) {
+				style.height = (rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.h = rect.h;
+			}
+			self._lastRepaintRect = lastRepaintRect;
+			self.fire('repaint', {}, false);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, value = self.encode(self._value, false), extraAttrs = '';
+			if ("spellcheck" in settings) {
+				extraAttrs += ' spellcheck="' + settings.spellcheck + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.maxLength) {
+				extraAttrs += ' maxlength="' + settings.maxLength + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.size) {
+				extraAttrs += ' size="' + settings.size + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				extraAttrs += ' type="' + settings.subtype + '"';
+			}
+			if (self.disabled()) {
+				extraAttrs += ' disabled="disabled"';
+			}
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				return (
+					'<textarea id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" ' +
+					(settings.rows ? ' rows="' + settings.rows + '"' : '') +
+					' hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>' + value +
+					'</textarea>'
+				);
+			}
+			return '<input id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" value="' + value + '" hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), 'change', function(e) {
+				self.fire('change', e);
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			DomUtils.off(this.getEl());
+			this._super();
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Throbber.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Throbber.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b56e2cc7ca3f488fcbc3a9c0b8032115682ff4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Throbber.js
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Throbber.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to display a Throbber for any element.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Throbber.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Throbber
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Throbber", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new throbber.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @param {Element} elm DOM Html element to display throbber in.
+	 */
+	return function(elm) {
+		var self = this, state;
+		/**
+		 * Shows the throbber.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @param {Number} [time] Time to wait before showing.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Throbber} Current throbber instance.
+		 */
+		self.show = function(time) {
+			self.hide();
+			state = true;
+			window.setTimeout(function() {
+				if (state) {
+					elm.appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment('<div class="mce-throbber"></div>'));
+				}
+			}, time || 0);
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Hides the throbber.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Throbber} Current throbber instance.
+		 */
+		self.hide = function() {
+			var child = elm.lastChild;
+			if (child && child.className.indexOf('throbber') != -1) {
+				child.parentNode.removeChild(child);
+			}
+			state = false;
+			return self;
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Toolbar.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Toolbar.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55b6210e03e6cc0e2f2843e14d239d8eeec182a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Toolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Toolbar.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new toolbar.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Toolbar
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Toolbar", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			role: 'toolbar',
+			layout: 'flow'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('toolbar');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().addClass('toolbar-item');
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Tooltip.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Tooltip.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d01d491201d65e57f808a0e500cd543146009ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Tooltip.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Tooltip.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a tooltip instance.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ToolTip.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ToolTip
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Movable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Tooltip", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Movable"
+], function(Control, Movable) {
+	return Control.extend({
+		Mixins: [Movable],
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: 'widget tooltip tooltip-n'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current label text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New label text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.Tooltip} Current text or current label instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl().lastChild.innerHTML = self.encode(value);
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="presentation">' +
+					'<div class="' + prefix + 'tooltip-arrow"></div>' +
+					'<div class="' + prefix + 'tooltip-inner">' + self.encode(self._text) + '</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, rect;
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			style.left = rect.x + 'px';
+			style.top = rect.y + 'px';
+			style.zIndex = 0xFFFF + 0xFFFF;
+		}
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Widget.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Widget.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..274b937e1c55ea36d6892e64e4be2982e91ac0a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Widget.js
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * Widget.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Widget base class a widget is a control that has a tooltip and some basic states.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Widget
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Widget", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Tooltip"
+], function(Control, Tooltip) {
+	"use strict";
+	var tooltip;
+	var Widget = Control.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} tooltip Tooltip text to display when hovering.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} autofocus True if the control should be focused when rendered.
+		 * @setting {String} text Text to display inside widget.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.canFocus = true;
+			if (settings.tooltip && Widget.tooltips !== false) {
+				self.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
+					var tooltip = self.tooltip().moveTo(-0xFFFF);
+					if (e.control == self) {
+						var rel = tooltip.text(settings.tooltip).show().testMoveRel(self.getEl(), ['bc-tc', 'bc-tl', 'bc-tr']);
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-n', rel == 'bc-tc');
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-nw', rel == 'bc-tl');
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-ne', rel == 'bc-tr');
+						tooltip.moveRel(self.getEl(), rel);
+					} else {
+						tooltip.hide();
+					}
+				});
+				self.on('mouseleave mousedown click', function() {
+					self.tooltip().hide();
+				});
+			}
+			self.aria('label', settings.ariaLabel || settings.tooltip);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current tooltip instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method tooltip
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Tooltip} Tooltip instance.
+		 */
+		tooltip: function() {
+			if (!tooltip) {
+				tooltip = new Tooltip({type: 'tooltip'});
+				tooltip.renderTo();
+			}
+			return tooltip;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active state of the widget.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State if the control is active.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Widget} True/false or current widget instance.
+		 */
+		active: function(state) {
+			var self = this, undef;
+			if (state !== undef) {
+				self.aria('pressed', state);
+				self.toggleClass('active', state);
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state of the widget.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State if the control is disabled.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Widget} True/false or current widget instance.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this, undef;
+			if (state !== undef) {
+				self.aria('disabled', state);
+				self.toggleClass('disabled', state);
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			self._rendered = true;
+			self._super();
+			if (!self.parent() && (settings.width || settings.height)) {
+				self.initLayoutRect();
+				self.repaint();
+			}
+			if (settings.autofocus) {
+				self.focus();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (tooltip) {
+				tooltip.remove();
+				tooltip = null;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return Widget;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Window.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Window.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00d841b09cfbdc6cbe36a9265cac4a2e01ec7126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Window.js
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ * Window.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new window.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Window.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Window
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Window", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(FloatPanel, Panel, DomUtils, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Window = FloatPanel.extend({
+		modal: true,
+		Defaults: {
+			border: 1,
+			layout: 'flex',
+			containerCls: 'panel',
+			role: 'dialog',
+			callbacks: {
+				submit: function() {
+					this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+				},
+				close: function() {
+					this.close();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			if (self.isRtl()) {
+				self.addClass('rtl');
+			}
+			self.addClass('window');
+			self._fixed = true;
+			// Create statusbar
+			if (settings.buttons) {
+				self.statusbar = new Panel({
+					layout: 'flex',
+					border: '1 0 0 0',
+					spacing: 3,
+					padding: 10,
+					align: 'center',
+					pack: self.isRtl() ? 'start' : 'end',
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'button'
+					},
+					items: settings.buttons
+				});
+				self.statusbar.addClass('foot');
+				self.statusbar.parent(self);
+			}
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.className.indexOf(self.classPrefix + 'close') != -1) {
+					self.close();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('cancel', function() {
+				self.close();
+			});
+			self.aria('describedby', self.describedBy || self._id + '-none');
+			self.aria('label', settings.title);
+			self._fullscreen = false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the current container.
+		 * This is invoked by the reflow method and shouldn't be called directly.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+			var self = this, statusbar = self.statusbar, layoutRect, width, x, needsRecalc;
+			if (self._fullscreen) {
+				self.layoutRect(DomUtils.getWindowSize());
+				self.layoutRect().contentH = self.layoutRect().innerH;
+			}
+			self._super();
+			layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+			// Resize window based on title width
+			if (self.settings.title && !self._fullscreen) {
+				width = layoutRect.headerW;
+				if (width > layoutRect.w) {
+					x = layoutRect.x - Math.max(0, width / 2);
+					self.layoutRect({w: width, x: x});
+					needsRecalc = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Resize window based on statusbar width
+			if (statusbar) {
+				statusbar.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().innerW}).recalc();
+				width = statusbar.layoutRect().minW + layoutRect.deltaW;
+				if (width > layoutRect.w) {
+					x = layoutRect.x - Math.max(0, width - layoutRect.w);
+					self.layoutRect({w: width, x: x});
+					needsRecalc = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Recalc body and disable auto resize
+			if (needsRecalc) {
+				self.recalc();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super(), deltaH = 0, headEl;
+			// Reserve vertical space for title
+			if (self.settings.title && !self._fullscreen) {
+				headEl = self.getEl('head');
+				var size = DomUtils.getSize(headEl);
+				layoutRect.headerW = size.width;
+				layoutRect.headerH = size.height;
+				deltaH += layoutRect.headerH;
+			}
+			// Reserve vertical space for statusbar
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				deltaH += self.statusbar.layoutRect().h;
+			}
+			layoutRect.deltaH += deltaH;
+			layoutRect.minH += deltaH;
+			//layoutRect.innerH -= deltaH;
+			layoutRect.h += deltaH;
+			var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+			layoutRect.x = Math.max(0, rect.w / 2 - layoutRect.w / 2);
+			layoutRect.y = Math.max(0, rect.h / 2 - layoutRect.h / 2);
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var settings = self.settings, headerHtml = '', footerHtml = '', html = settings.html;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			if (settings.title) {
+				headerHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + id + '-head" class="' + prefix + 'window-head">' +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'title">' + self.encode(settings.title) + '</div>' +
+						'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'close" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-dragh" class="' + prefix + 'dragh"></div>' +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			}
+			if (settings.url) {
+				html = '<iframe src="' + settings.url + '" tabindex="-1"></iframe>';
+			}
+			if (typeof(html) == "undefined") {
+				html = layout.renderHtml(self);
+			}
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				footerHtml = self.statusbar.renderHtml();
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1">' +
+					'<div class="' + self.classPrefix + 'reset" role="application">' +
+						headerHtml +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+							html +
+						'</div>' +
+						footerHtml +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Switches the window fullscreen mode.
+		 *
+		 * @method fullscreen
+		 * @param {Boolean} state True/false state.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Window} Current window instance.
+		 */
+		fullscreen: function(state) {
+			var self = this, documentElement = document.documentElement, slowRendering, prefix = self.classPrefix, layoutRect;
+			if (state != self._fullscreen) {
+				DomUtils.on(window, 'resize', function() {
+					var time;
+					if (self._fullscreen) {
+						// Time the layout time if it's to slow use a timeout to not hog the CPU
+						if (!slowRendering) {
+							time = new Date().getTime();
+							var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+							self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+							if ((new Date().getTime()) - time > 50) {
+								slowRendering = true;
+							}
+						} else {
+							if (!self._timer) {
+								self._timer = setTimeout(function() {
+									var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+									self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+									self._timer = 0;
+								}, 50);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+				self._fullscreen = state;
+				if (!state) {
+					self._borderBox = self.parseBox(self.settings.border);
+					self.getEl('head').style.display = '';
+					layoutRect.deltaH += layoutRect.headerH;
+					DomUtils.removeClass(documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					DomUtils.removeClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					self.removeClass('fullscreen');
+					self.moveTo(self._initial.x, self._initial.y).resizeTo(self._initial.w, self._initial.h);
+				} else {
+					self._initial = {x: layoutRect.x, y: layoutRect.y, w: layoutRect.w, h: layoutRect.h};
+					self._borderBox = self.parseBox('0');
+					self.getEl('head').style.display = 'none';
+					layoutRect.deltaH -= layoutRect.headerH + 2;
+					DomUtils.addClass(documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					DomUtils.addClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					self.addClass('fullscreen');
+					var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+					self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+				}
+			}
+			return self.reflow();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, startPos;
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				self.addClass('in');
+			}, 0);
+			self._super();
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				self.statusbar.postRender();
+			}
+			self.focus();
+			this.dragHelper = new DragHelper(self._id + '-dragh', {
+				start: function() {
+					startPos = {
+						x: self.layoutRect().x,
+						y: self.layoutRect().y
+					};
+				},
+				drag: function(e) {
+					self.moveTo(startPos.x + e.deltaX, startPos.y + e.deltaY);
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('submit', function(e) {
+				if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					self.close();
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires a submit event with the serialized form.
+		 *
+		 * @method submit
+		 * @return {Object} Event arguments object.
+		 */
+		submit: function() {
+			return this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.dragHelper.destroy();
+			self._super();
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				this.statusbar.remove();
+			}
+			if (self._fullscreen) {
+				DomUtils.removeClass(document.documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+				DomUtils.removeClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return Window;
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diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Class.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Class.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..787c69c77cba135661e10e47911e46b4673d145b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Class.js
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * Class.js
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003-2012, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * This utilitiy class is used for easier inheritage.
+ *
+ * Features:
+ * * Exposed super functions: this._super();
+ * * Mixins
+ * * Dummy functions
+ * * Property functions: var value = object.value(); and object.value(newValue);
+ * * Static functions
+ * * Defaults settings
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Class", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var extendClass, initializing;
+	function Class() {
+	}
+	// Provides classical inheritance, based on code made by John Resig
+	Class.extend = extendClass = function(prop) {
+		var self = this, _super = self.prototype, prototype, name, member;
+		// The dummy class constructor
+		function Class() {
+			var i, mixins, mixin, self = this;
+			// All construction is actually done in the init method
+			if (!initializing) {
+				// Run class constuctor
+				if (self.init) {
+					self.init.apply(self, arguments);
+				}
+				// Run mixin constructors
+				mixins = self.Mixins;
+				if (mixins) {
+					i = mixins.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						mixin = mixins[i];
+						if (mixin.init) {
+							mixin.init.apply(self, arguments);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Dummy function, needs to be extended in order to provide functionality
+		function dummy() {
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Creates a overloaded method for the class
+		// this enables you to use this._super(); to call the super function
+		function createMethod(name, fn) {
+			return function(){
+				var self = this, tmp = self._super, ret;
+				self._super = _super[name];
+				ret = fn.apply(self, arguments);
+				self._super = tmp;
+				return ret;
+			};
+		}
+		// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
+		// don't run the init constructor)
+		initializing = true;
+		prototype = new self();
+		initializing = false;
+		// Add mixins
+		if (prop.Mixins) {
+			each(prop.Mixins, function(mixin) {
+				mixin = mixin;
+				for (var name in mixin) {
+					if (name !== "init") {
+						prop[name] = mixin[name];
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			if (_super.Mixins) {
+				prop.Mixins = _super.Mixins.concat(prop.Mixins);
+			}
+		}
+		// Generate dummy methods
+		if (prop.Methods) {
+			each(prop.Methods.split(','), function(name) {
+				prop[name] = dummy;
+			});
+		}
+		// Generate property methods
+		if (prop.Properties) {
+			each(prop.Properties.split(','), function(name) {
+				var fieldName = '_' + name;
+				prop[name] = function(value) {
+					var self = this, undef;
+					// Set value
+					if (value !== undef) {
+						self[fieldName] = value;
+						return self;
+					}
+					// Get value
+					return self[fieldName];
+				};
+			});
+		}
+		// Static functions
+		if (prop.Statics) {
+			each(prop.Statics, function(func, name) {
+				Class[name] = func;
+			});
+		}
+		// Default settings
+		if (prop.Defaults && _super.Defaults) {
+			prop.Defaults = extend({}, _super.Defaults, prop.Defaults);
+		}
+		// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
+		for (name in prop) {
+			member = prop[name];
+			if (typeof member == "function" && _super[name]) {
+				prototype[name] = createMethod(name, member);
+			} else {
+				prototype[name] = member;
+			}
+		}
+		// Populate our constructed prototype object
+		Class.prototype = prototype;
+		// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
+		Class.constructor = Class;
+		// And make this class extendible
+		Class.extend = extendClass;
+		return Class;
+	};
+	return Class;
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diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/I18n.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/I18n.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27a8dad64a890667d6be79a4f836caadd3955f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/I18n.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * I18n.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * I18n class that handles translation of TinyMCE UI.
+ * Uses po style with csharp style parameters.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.I18n
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/I18n", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var data = {};
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Property gets set to true if a RTL language pack was loaded.
+		 *
+		 * @property rtl
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 */
+		rtl: false,
+		/**
+		 * Adds translations for a specific language code.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} code Language code like sv_SE.
+		 * @param {Array} items Name/value array with English en_US to sv_SE.
+		 */
+		add: function(code, items) {
+			for (var name in items) {
+				data[name] = items[name];
+			}
+			this.rtl = this.rtl || data._dir === 'rtl';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified text.
+		 *
+		 * It has a few formats:
+		 * I18n.translate("Text");
+		 * I18n.translate(["Text {0}/{1}", 0, 1]);
+		 * I18n.translate({raw: "Raw string"});
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String/Object/Array} text Text to translate.
+		 * @return {String} String that got translated.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			if (typeof(text) == "undefined") {
+				return text;
+			}
+			if (typeof(text) != "string" && text.raw) {
+				return text.raw;
+			}
+			if (text.push) {
+				var values = text.slice(1);
+				text = (data[text[0]] || text[0]).replace(/\{([^\}]+)\}/g, function(match1, match2) {
+					return values[match2];
+				});
+			}
+			return data[text] || text;
+		},
+		data: data
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSON.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSON.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..623b5df35e709bf7a60ce7a84da1898e2b603e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSON.js
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * JSON.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * JSON parser and serializer class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.JSON
+ * @static
+ * @example
+ * // JSON parse a string into an object
+ * var obj = tinymce.util.JSON.parse(somestring);
+ *
+ * // JSON serialize a object into an string
+ * var str = tinymce.util.JSON.serialize(obj);
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSON", [], function() {
+	function serialize(o, quote) {
+		var i, v, t, name;
+		quote = quote || '"';
+		if (o === null) {
+			return 'null';
+		}
+		t = typeof o;
+		if (t == 'string') {
+			v = '\bb\tt\nn\ff\rr\""\'\'\\\\';
+			return quote + o.replace(/([\u0080-\uFFFF\x00-\x1f\"\'\\])/g, function(a, b) {
+				// Make sure single quotes never get encoded inside double quotes for JSON compatibility
+				if (quote === '"' && a === "'") {
+					return a;
+				}
+				i = v.indexOf(b);
+				if (i + 1) {
+					return '\\' + v.charAt(i + 1);
+				}
+				a = b.charCodeAt().toString(16);
+				return '\\u' + '0000'.substring(a.length) + a;
+			}) + quote;
+		}
+		if (t == 'object') {
+			if (o.hasOwnProperty && Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]') {
+					for (i = 0, v = '['; i < o.length; i++) {
+						v += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + serialize(o[i], quote);
+					}
+					return v + ']';
+				}
+				v = '{';
+				for (name in o) {
+					if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+						v += typeof o[name] != 'function' ? (v.length > 1 ? ',' + quote : quote) + name +
+							quote + ':' + serialize(o[name], quote) : '';
+					}
+				}
+				return v + '}';
+		}
+		return '' + o;
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified object as a JSON string.
+		 *
+		 * @method serialize
+		 * @param {Object} obj Object to serialize as a JSON string.
+		 * @param {String} quote Optional quote string defaults to ".
+		 * @return {string} JSON string serialized from input.
+		 */
+		serialize: serialize,
+		/**
+		 * Unserializes/parses the specified JSON string into a object.
+		 *
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {string} s JSON String to parse into a JavaScript object.
+		 * @return {Object} Object from input JSON string or undefined if it failed.
+		 */
+		parse: function(text) {
+			try {
+				// Trick uglify JS
+				return window[String.fromCharCode(101) + 'val']('(' + text + ')');
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		/**#@-*/
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONP.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONP.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c0bf67dd66c6f7d723e11139ca9b4a13c28ca16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONP.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * JSONP.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSONP", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(DOMUtils) {
+	return {
+		callbacks: {},
+		count: 0,
+		send: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, dom = DOMUtils.DOM, count = settings.count !== undefined ? settings.count : self.count;
+			var id = 'tinymce_jsonp_' + count;
+			self.callbacks[count] = function(json) {
+				dom.remove(id);
+				delete self.callbacks[count];
+				settings.callback(json);
+			};
+			dom.add(dom.doc.body, 'script', {
+				id: id,
+				src: settings.url,
+				type: 'text/javascript'
+			});
+			self.count++;
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONRequest.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONRequest.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0277a66cb88ffec898013987d7047c252d39933d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONRequest.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * JSONRequest.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to use JSON-RPC to call backend methods.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.JSONRequest
+ * @example
+ * var json = new tinymce.util.JSONRequest({
+ *     url: 'somebackend.php'
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Send RPC call 1
+ * json.send({
+ *     method: 'someMethod1',
+ *     params: ['a', 'b'],
+ *     success: function(result) {
+ *         console.dir(result);
+ *     }
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Send RPC call 2
+ * json.send({
+ *     method: 'someMethod2',
+ *     params: ['a', 'b'],
+ *     success: function(result) {
+ *         console.dir(result);
+ *     }
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSONRequest", [
+	"tinymce/util/JSON",
+	"tinymce/util/XHR",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(JSON, XHR, Tools) {
+	var extend = Tools.extend;
+	function JSONRequest(settings) {
+		this.settings = extend({}, settings);
+		this.count = 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Simple helper function to send a JSON-RPC request without the need to initialize an object.
+	 * Consult the Wiki API documentation for more details on what you can pass to this function.
+	 *
+	 * @method sendRPC
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Object} o Call object where there are three field id, method and params this object should also contain callbacks etc.
+	 */
+	JSONRequest.sendRPC = function(o) {
+		return new JSONRequest().send(o);
+	};
+	JSONRequest.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Sends a JSON-RPC call. Consult the Wiki API documentation for more details on what you can pass to this function.
+		 *
+		 * @method send
+		 * @param {Object} args Call object where there are three field id, method and params this object should also contain callbacks etc.
+		 */
+		send: function(args) {
+			var ecb = args.error, scb = args.success;
+			args = extend(this.settings, args);
+			args.success = function(c, x) {
+				c = JSON.parse(c);
+				if (typeof(c) == 'undefined') {
+					c = {
+						error : 'JSON Parse error.'
+					};
+				}
+				if (c.error) {
+					ecb.call(args.error_scope || args.scope, c.error, x);
+				} else {
+					scb.call(args.success_scope || args.scope, c.result);
+				}
+			};
+			args.error = function(ty, x) {
+				if (ecb) {
+					ecb.call(args.error_scope || args.scope, ty, x);
+				}
+			};
+			args.data = JSON.serialize({
+				id: args.id || 'c' + (this.count++),
+				method: args.method,
+				params: args.params
+			});
+			// JSON content type for Ruby on rails. Bug: #1883287
+			args.content_type = 'application/json';
+			XHR.send(args);
+		}
+	};
+	return JSONRequest;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/LocalStorage.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/LocalStorage.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a6d890c7e71846777561cc8f52a6a122a99ab23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/LocalStorage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * LocalStorage.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class will simulate LocalStorage on IE 7 and return the native version on modern browsers.
+ * Storage is done using userData on IE 7 and a special serialization format. The format is designed
+ * to be as small as possible by making sure that the keys and values doesn't need to be encoded. This
+ * makes it possible to store for example HTML data.
+ *
+ * Storage format for userData:
+ * <base 32 key length>,<key string>,<base 32 value length>,<value>,...
+ *
+ * For example this data key1=value1,key2=value2 would be:
+ * 4,key1,6,value1,4,key2,6,value2
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.LocalStorage
+ * @static
+ * @version 4.0
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.util.LocalStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
+ * var value = tinymce.util.LocalStorage.getItem('key');
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/LocalStorage", [], function() {
+	var LocalStorage, storageElm, items, keys, userDataKey, hasOldIEDataSupport;
+	// Check for native support
+	try {
+		if (window.localStorage) {
+			return localStorage;
+		}
+	} catch (ex) {
+		// Ignore
+	}
+	userDataKey = "tinymce";
+	storageElm = document.documentElement;
+	hasOldIEDataSupport = !!storageElm.addBehavior;
+	if (hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+		storageElm.addBehavior('#default#userData');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets the keys names and updates LocalStorage.length property. Since IE7 doesn't have any getters/setters.
+	 */
+	function updateKeys() {
+		keys = [];
+		for (var key in items) {
+			keys.push(key);
+		}
+		LocalStorage.length = keys.length;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Loads the userData string and parses it into the items structure.
+	 */
+	function load() {
+		var key, data, value, pos = 0;
+		items = {};
+		// localStorage can be disabled on WebKit/Gecko so make a dummy storage
+		if (!hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+			return;
+		}
+		function next(end) {
+			var value, nextPos;
+			nextPos = end !== undefined ? pos + end : data.indexOf(',', pos);
+			if (nextPos === -1 || nextPos > data.length) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			value = data.substring(pos, nextPos);
+			pos = nextPos + 1;
+			return value;
+		}
+		storageElm.load(userDataKey);
+		data = storageElm.getAttribute(userDataKey) || '';
+		do {
+			var offset = next();
+			if (offset === null) {
+				break;
+			}
+			key = next(parseInt(offset, 32) || 0);
+			if (key !== null) {
+				offset = next();
+				if (offset === null) {
+					break;
+				}
+				value = next(parseInt(offset, 32) || 0);
+				if (key) {
+					items[key] = value;
+				}
+			}
+		} while (key !== null);
+		updateKeys();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Saves the items structure into a the userData format.
+	 */
+	function save() {
+		var value, data = '';
+		// localStorage can be disabled on WebKit/Gecko so make a dummy storage
+		if (!hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+			return;
+		}
+		for (var key in items) {
+			value = items[key];
+			data += (data ? ',' : '') + key.length.toString(32) + ',' + key + ',' + value.length.toString(32) + ',' + value;
+		}
+		storageElm.setAttribute(userDataKey, data);
+		try {
+			storageElm.save(userDataKey);
+		} catch (ex) {
+			// Ignore disk full
+		}
+		updateKeys();
+	}
+	LocalStorage = {
+		/**
+		 * Length of the number of items in storage.
+		 *
+		 * @property length
+		 * @type Number
+		 * @return {Number} Number of items in storage.
+		 */
+		//length:0,
+		/**
+		 * Returns the key name by index.
+		 *
+		 * @method key
+		 * @param {Number} index Index of key to return.
+		 * @return {String} Key value or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		key: function(index) {
+			return keys[index];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the value if the specified key or null if it wasn't found.
+		 *
+		 * @method getItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of item to retrive.
+		 * @return {String} Value of the specified item or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getItem: function(key) {
+			return key in items ? items[key] : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the value of the specified item by it's key.
+		 *
+		 * @method setItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of the item to set.
+		 * @param {String} value Value of the item to set.
+		 */
+		setItem: function(key, value) {
+			items[key] = "" + value;
+			save();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified item by key.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of item to remove.
+		 */
+		removeItem: function(key) {
+			delete items[key];
+			save();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all items.
+		 *
+		 * @method clear
+		 */
+		clear: function() {
+			items = {};
+			save();
+		}
+	};
+	load();
+	return LocalStorage;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Observable.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Observable.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca17e677c52e4d63cb4ba107fd0d92f343519e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Observable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ * Observable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This mixin will add event binding logic to classes.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.util.Observable
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Observable", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var bindingsName = "__bindings";
+	var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap(
+		"focusin focusout click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover beforepaste paste cut copy selectionchange" +
+		" mouseout mouseenter mouseleave keydown keypress keyup contextmenu dragstart dragend dragover draggesture dragdrop drop drag", ' '
+	);
+	function returnFalse() {
+		return false;
+	}
+	function returnTrue() {
+		return true;
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {tinymce.Event/Object?} args Event arguments.
+		 * @param {Boolean?} bubble True/false if the event is to be bubbled.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Event} Event instance passed in converted into tinymce.Event instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * instance.fire('event', {...});
+		 */
+		fire: function(name, args, bubble) {
+			var self = this, handlers, i, l, callback, parent;
+			if (self.removed) {
+				return;
+			}
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			args = args || {};
+			args.type = name;
+			// Setup target is there isn't one
+			if (!args.target) {
+				args.target = self;
+			}
+			// Add event delegation methods if they are missing
+			if (!args.preventDefault) {
+				// Add preventDefault method
+				args.preventDefault = function() {
+					args.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopPropagation
+				args.stopPropagation = function() {
+					args.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+				args.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+					args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add event delegation states
+				args.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+				args.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+				args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			}
+			//console.log(name, args);
+			if (self[bindingsName]) {
+				handlers = self[bindingsName][name];
+				if (handlers) {
+					for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+						handlers[i] = callback = handlers[i];
+						// Stop immediate propagation if needed
+						if (args.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
+							break;
+						}
+						// If callback returns false then prevent default and stop all propagation
+						if (callback.call(self, args) === false) {
+							args.preventDefault();
+							return args;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Bubble event up to parents
+			if (bubble !== false && self.parent) {
+				parent = self.parent();
+				while (parent && !args.isPropagationStopped()) {
+					parent.fire(name, args, false);
+					parent = parent.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			return args;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds an event listener to a specific event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Event name or space separated list of events to bind.
+		 * @param {callback} callback Callback to be executed when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Boolean} first Optional flag if the event should be prepended. Use this with care.
+		 * @return {Object} Current class instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * instance.on('event', function(e) {
+		 *     // Callback logic
+		 * });
+		 */
+		on: function(name, callback, prepend) {
+			var self = this, bindings, handlers, names, i;
+			if (callback === false) {
+				callback = function() {
+					return false;
+				};
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+				i = names.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					name = names[i];
+					bindings = self[bindingsName];
+					if (!bindings) {
+						bindings = self[bindingsName] = {};
+					}
+					handlers = bindings[name];
+					if (!handlers) {
+						handlers = bindings[name] = [];
+						if (self.bindNative && nativeEvents[name]) {
+							self.bindNative(name);
+						}
+					}
+					if (prepend) {
+						handlers.unshift(callback);
+					} else {
+						handlers.push(callback);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds an event listener to a specific event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String?} name Name of the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {callback?} callback Callback to unbind.
+		 * @return {Object} Current class instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Unbind specific callback
+		 * instance.off('event', handler);
+		 *
+		 * // Unbind all listeners by name
+		 * instance.off('event');
+		 *
+		 * // Unbind all events
+		 * instance.off();
+		 */
+		off: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, i, bindings = self[bindingsName], handlers, bindingName, names, hi;
+			if (bindings) {
+				if (name) {
+					names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						handlers = bindings[name];
+						// Unbind all handlers
+						if (!name) {
+							for (bindingName in bindings) {
+								bindings[name].length = 0;
+							}
+							return self;
+						}
+						if (handlers) {
+							// Unbind all by name
+							if (!callback) {
+								handlers.length = 0;
+							} else {
+								// Unbind specific ones
+								hi = handlers.length;
+								while (hi--) {
+									if (handlers[hi] === callback) {
+										handlers.splice(hi, 1);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							if (!handlers.length && self.unbindNative && nativeEvents[name]) {
+								self.unbindNative(name);
+								delete bindings[name];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (self.unbindNative) {
+						for (name in bindings) {
+							self.unbindNative(name);
+						}
+					}
+					self[bindingsName] = [];
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		hasEventListeners: function(name) {
+			var bindings = this[bindingsName];
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			return !(!bindings || !bindings[name] || bindings[name].length === 0);
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Quirks.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Quirks.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27b610c5519363c77695789c47aafea44977e1e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Quirks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1139 @@
+ * Quirks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ *
+ * @ignore-file
+ */
+ * This file includes fixes for various browser quirks it's made to make it easy to add/remove browser specific fixes.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.Quirks
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Quirks", [
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(VK, RangeUtils, Node, Entities, Env, Tools) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var each = Tools.each;
+		var BACKSPACE = VK.BACKSPACE, DELETE = VK.DELETE, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection,
+			settings = editor.settings, parser = editor.parser, serializer = editor.serializer;
+		var isGecko = Env.gecko, isIE = Env.ie, isWebKit = Env.webkit;
+		/**
+		 * Executes a command with a specific state this can be to enable/disable browser editing features.
+		 */
+		function setEditorCommandState(cmd, state) {
+			try {
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, state);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns current IE document mode.
+		 */
+		function getDocumentMode() {
+			var documentMode = editor.getDoc().documentMode;
+			return documentMode ? documentMode : 6;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the event is prevented or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Event} e Event object.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the event is prevented or not.
+		 */
+		function isDefaultPrevented(e) {
+			return e.isDefaultPrevented();
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a WebKit bug when deleting contents using backspace or delete key.
+		 * WebKit will produce a span element if you delete across two block elements.
+		 *
+		 * Example:
+		 * <h1>a</h1><p>|b</p>
+		 *
+		 * Will produce this on backspace:
+		 * <h1>a<span style="<all runtime styles>">b</span></p>
+		 *
+		 * This fixes the backspace to produce:
+		 * <h1>a|b</p>
+		 *
+		 * See bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45784
+		 *
+		 * This fixes the following delete scenarios:
+		 *  1. Delete by pressing backspace key.
+		 *  2. Delete by pressing delete key.
+		 *  3. Delete by pressing backspace key with ctrl/cmd (Word delete).
+		 *  4. Delete by pressing delete key with ctrl/cmd (Word delete).
+		 *  5. Delete by drag/dropping contents inside the editor.
+		 *  6. Delete by using Cut Ctrl+X/Cmd+X.
+		 *  7. Delete by selecting contents and writing a character.'
+		 *
+		 * This code is a ugly hack since writing full custom delete logic for just this bug
+		 * fix seemed like a huge task. I hope we can remove this before the year 2030. 
+		 */
+		function cleanupStylesWhenDeleting() {
+			var doc = editor.getDoc(), urlPrefix = 'data:text/mce-internal,';
+			var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver, olderWebKit;
+			// Add mini polyfill for older WebKits
+			// TODO: Remove this when old Safari versions gets updated
+			if (!MutationObserver) {
+				olderWebKit = true;
+				MutationObserver = function() {
+					var records = [], target;
+					function nodeInsert(e) {
+						var target = e.relatedNode || e.target;
+						records.push({target: target, addedNodes: [target]});
+					}
+					function attrModified(e) {
+						var target = e.relatedNode || e.target;
+						records.push({target: target, attributeName: e.attrName});
+					}
+					this.observe = function(node) {
+						target = node;
+						target.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMAttrModified', attrModified, false);
+					};
+					this.disconnect = function() {
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', nodeInsert);
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMAttrModified', attrModified);
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', nodeInsert, false);
+					};
+					this.takeRecords = function() {
+						return records;
+					};
+				};
+			}
+			function customDelete(isForward) {
+				var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function() {});
+				Tools.each(editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('*'), function(elm) {
+					// Mark existing spans
+					if (elm.tagName == 'SPAN') {
+						elm.setAttribute('mce-data-marked', 1);
+					}
+					// Make sure all elements has a data-mce-style attribute
+					if (!elm.hasAttribute('data-mce-style') && elm.hasAttribute('style')) {
+						editor.dom.setAttrib(elm, 'style', elm.getAttribute('style'));
+					}
+				});
+				// Observe added nodes and style attribute changes
+				mutationObserver.observe(editor.getDoc(), {
+					childList: true,
+					attributes: true,
+					subtree: true,
+					attributeFilter: ['style']
+				});
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand(isForward ? 'ForwardDelete' : 'Delete', false, null);
+				var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
+				var caretElement = rng.startContainer.parentNode;
+				Tools.each(mutationObserver.takeRecords(), function(record) {
+					// Restore style attribute to previous value
+					if (record.attributeName == "style") {
+						var oldValue = record.target.getAttribute('data-mce-style');
+						if (oldValue) {
+							record.target.setAttribute("style", oldValue);
+						} else {
+							record.target.removeAttribute("style");
+						}
+					}
+					// Remove all spans that isn't maked and retain selection
+					Tools.each(record.addedNodes, function(node) {
+						if (node.nodeName == "SPAN" && !node.getAttribute('mce-data-marked')) {
+							var offset, container;
+							if (node == caretElement) {
+								offset = rng.startOffset;
+								container = node.firstChild;
+							}
+							dom.remove(node, true);
+							if (container) {
+								rng.setStart(container, offset);
+								rng.setEnd(container, offset);
+								editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				});
+				mutationObserver.disconnect();
+				// Remove any left over marks
+				Tools.each(editor.dom.select('span[mce-data-marked]'), function(span) {
+					span.removeAttribute('mce-data-marked');
+				});
+			}
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var isForward = e.keyCode == DELETE, isMeta = VK.metaKeyPressed(e);
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (isForward || e.keyCode == BACKSPACE)) {
+					var rng = editor.selection.getRng(), container = rng.startContainer, offset = rng.startOffset;
+					// Ignore non meta delete in the where there is text before/after the caret
+					if (!isMeta && rng.collapsed && container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (isForward ? offset < container.data.length : offset > 0) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					e.preventDefault();
+					if (isMeta) {
+						editor.selection.getSel().modify("extend", isForward ? "forward" : "backward", "word");
+					}
+					customDelete(isForward);
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('keypress', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && !selection.isCollapsed() && e.charCode && !VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					customDelete(true);
+					editor.selection.setContent(String.fromCharCode(e.charCode));
+				}
+			});
+			editor.addCommand('Delete', function() {
+				customDelete();
+			});
+			editor.addCommand('ForwardDelete', function() {
+				customDelete(true);
+			});
+			// Older WebKits doesn't properly handle the clipboard so we can't add the rest
+			if (olderWebKit) {
+				return;
+			}
+			editor.on('dragstart', function(e) {
+				// Safari doesn't support custom dataTransfer items so we can only use URL and Text
+				e.dataTransfer.setData('URL', 'data:text/mce-internal,' + escape(editor.selection.getContent()));
+			});
+			editor.on('drop', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e)) {
+					var internalContent = e.dataTransfer.getData('URL');
+					if (!internalContent || internalContent.indexOf(urlPrefix) == -1 || !doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
+						return;
+					}
+					internalContent = unescape(internalContent.substr(urlPrefix.length));
+					if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						customDelete();
+						editor.selection.setRng(doc.caretRangeFromPoint(e.x, e.y));
+						editor.insertContent(internalContent);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('cut', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.clipboardData) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					e.clipboardData.clearData();
+					e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', editor.selection.getContent());
+					e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', editor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+					customDelete(true);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Makes sure that the editor body becomes empty when backspace or delete is pressed in empty editors.
+		 *
+		 * For example:
+		 * <p><b>|</b></p>
+		 *
+		 * Or:
+		 * <h1>|</h1>
+		 *
+		 * Or:
+		 * [<h1></h1>]
+		 */
+		function emptyEditorWhenDeleting() {
+			function serializeRng(rng) {
+				var body = dom.create("body");
+				var contents = rng.cloneContents();
+				body.appendChild(contents);
+				return selection.serializer.serialize(body, {format: 'html'});
+			}
+			function allContentsSelected(rng) {
+				if (!rng.setStart) {
+					if (rng.item) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					var bodyRng = rng.duplicate();
+					bodyRng.moveToElementText(editor.getBody());
+					return RangeUtils.compareRanges(rng, bodyRng);
+				}
+				var selection = serializeRng(rng);
+				var allRng = dom.createRng();
+				allRng.selectNode(editor.getBody());
+				var allSelection = serializeRng(allRng);
+				return selection === allSelection;
+			}
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var keyCode = e.keyCode, isCollapsed, body;
+				// Empty the editor if it's needed for example backspace at <p><b>|</b></p>
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (keyCode == DELETE || keyCode == BACKSPACE)) {
+					isCollapsed = editor.selection.isCollapsed();
+					body = editor.getBody();
+					// Selection is collapsed but the editor isn't empty
+					if (isCollapsed && !dom.isEmpty(body)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Selection isn't collapsed but not all the contents is selected
+					if (!isCollapsed && !allContentsSelected(editor.selection.getRng())) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Manually empty the editor
+					e.preventDefault();
+					editor.setContent('');
+					if (body.firstChild && dom.isBlock(body.firstChild)) {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body.firstChild, 0);
+					} else {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body, 0);
+					}
+					editor.nodeChanged();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit doesn't select all the nodes in the body when you press Ctrl+A.
+		 * IE selects more than the contents <body>[<p>a</p>]</body> instead of <body><p>[a]</p]</body> see bug #6438
+		 * This selects the whole body so that backspace/delete logic will delete everything
+		 */
+		function selectAll() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode == 65 && VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					editor.execCommand('SelectAll');
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit has a weird issue where it some times fails to properly convert keypresses to input method keystrokes.
+		 * The IME on Mac doesn't initialize when it doesn't fire a proper focus event.
+		 *
+		 * This seems to happen when the user manages to click the documentElement element then the window doesn't get proper focus until
+		 * you enter a character into the editor.
+		 *
+		 * It also happens when the first focus in made to the body.
+		 *
+		 * See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83566
+		 */
+		function inputMethodFocus() {
+			if (!editor.settings.content_editable) {
+				// Case 1 IME doesn't initialize if you focus the document
+				dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'focusin', function() {
+					selection.setRng(selection.getRng());
+				});
+				// Case 2 IME doesn't initialize if you click the documentElement it also doesn't properly fire the focusin event
+				dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'mousedown', function(e) {
+					if (e.target == editor.getDoc().documentElement) {
+						editor.getBody().focus();
+						selection.setRng(selection.getRng());
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Backspacing in FireFox/IE from a paragraph into a horizontal rule results in a floating text node because the
+		 * browser just deletes the paragraph - the browser fails to merge the text node with a horizontal rule so it is
+		 * left there. TinyMCE sees a floating text node and wraps it in a paragraph on the key up event (ForceBlocks.js
+		 * addRootBlocks), meaning the action does nothing. With this code, FireFox/IE matche the behaviour of other
+		 * browsers.
+		 *
+		 * It also fixes a bug on Firefox where it's impossible to delete HR elements.
+		 */
+		function removeHrOnBackspace() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) {
+					if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng(true).startOffset === 0) {
+						var node = selection.getNode();
+						var previousSibling = node.previousSibling;
+						if (node.nodeName == 'HR') {
+							dom.remove(node);
+							e.preventDefault();
+							return;
+						}
+						if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "hr") {
+							dom.remove(previousSibling);
+							e.preventDefault();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Firefox 3.x has an issue where the body element won't get proper focus if you click out
+		 * side it's rectangle.
+		 */
+		function focusBody() {
+			// Fix for a focus bug in FF 3.x where the body element
+			// wouldn't get proper focus if the user clicked on the HTML element
+			if (!window.Range.prototype.getClientRects) { // Detect getClientRects got introduced in FF 4
+				editor.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+					if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.target.nodeName === "HTML") {
+						var body = editor.getBody();
+						// Blur the body it's focused but not correctly focused
+						body.blur();
+						// Refocus the body after a little while
+						setTimeout(function() {
+							body.focus();
+						}, 0);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit has a bug where it isn't possible to select image, hr or anchor elements
+		 * by clicking on them so we need to fake that.
+		 */
+		function selectControlElements() {
+			editor.on('click', function(e) {
+				e = e.target;
+				// Workaround for bug, http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12250
+				// WebKit can't even do simple things like selecting an image
+				// Needs tobe the setBaseAndExtend or it will fail to select floated images
+				if (/^(IMG|HR)$/.test(e.nodeName)) {
+					selection.getSel().setBaseAndExtent(e, 0, e, 1);
+				}
+				if (e.nodeName == 'A' && dom.hasClass(e, 'mce-item-anchor')) {
+					selection.select(e);
+				}
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a Gecko bug where the style attribute gets added to the wrong element when deleting between two block elements.
+		 *
+		 * Fixes do backspace/delete on this:
+		 * <p>bla[ck</p><p style="color:red">r]ed</p>
+		 *
+		 * Would become:
+		 * <p>bla|ed</p>
+		 *
+		 * Instead of:
+		 * <p style="color:red">bla|ed</p>
+		 */
+		function removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements() {
+			function getAttributeApplyFunction() {
+				var template = dom.getAttribs(selection.getStart().cloneNode(false));
+				return function() {
+					var target = selection.getStart();
+					if (target !== editor.getBody()) {
+						dom.setAttrib(target, "style", null);
+						each(template, function(attr) {
+							target.setAttributeNode(attr.cloneNode(true));
+						});
+					}
+				};
+			}
+			function isSelectionAcrossElements() {
+				return !selection.isCollapsed() &&
+					dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock) != dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock);
+			}
+			editor.on('keypress', function(e) {
+				var applyAttributes;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) {
+					applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction();
+					editor.getDoc().execCommand('delete', false, null);
+					applyAttributes();
+					e.preventDefault();
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'cut', function(e) {
+				var applyAttributes;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) {
+					applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction();
+					setTimeout(function() {
+						applyAttributes();
+					}, 0);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fire a nodeChanged when the selection is changed on WebKit this fixes selection issues on iOS5. It only fires the nodeChange
+		 * event every 50ms since it would other wise update the UI when you type and it hogs the CPU.
+		 */
+		function selectionChangeNodeChanged() {
+			var lastRng, selectionTimer;
+			editor.on('selectionchange', function() {
+				if (selectionTimer) {
+					clearTimeout(selectionTimer);
+					selectionTimer = 0;
+				}
+				selectionTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
+					if (editor.removed) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var rng = selection.getRng();
+					// Compare the ranges to see if it was a real change or not
+					if (!lastRng || !RangeUtils.compareRanges(rng, lastRng)) {
+						editor.nodeChanged();
+						lastRng = rng;
+					}
+				}, 50);
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Screen readers on IE needs to have the role application set on the body.
+		 */
+		function ensureBodyHasRoleApplication() {
+			document.body.setAttribute("role", "application");
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Backspacing into a table behaves differently depending upon browser type.
+		 * Therefore, disable Backspace when cursor immediately follows a table.
+		 */
+		function disableBackspaceIntoATable() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) {
+					if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng(true).startOffset === 0) {
+						var previousSibling = selection.getNode().previousSibling;
+						if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "table") {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Old IE versions can't properly render BR elements in PRE tags white in contentEditable mode. So this
+		 * logic adds a \n before the BR so that it will get rendered.
+		 */
+		function addNewLinesBeforeBrInPre() {
+			// IE8+ rendering mode does the right thing with BR in PRE
+			if (getDocumentMode() > 7) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Enable display: none in area and add a specific class that hides all BR elements in PRE to
+			// avoid the caret from getting stuck at the BR elements while pressing the right arrow key
+			setEditorCommandState('RespectVisibilityInDesign', true);
+			editor.contentStyles.push('.mceHideBrInPre pre br {display: none}');
+			dom.addClass(editor.getBody(), 'mceHideBrInPre');
+			// Adds a \n before all BR elements in PRE to get them visual
+			parser.addNodeFilter('pre', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, brNodes, j, brElm, sibling;
+				while (i--) {
+					brNodes = nodes[i].getAll('br');
+					j = brNodes.length;
+					while (j--) {
+						brElm = brNodes[j];
+						// Add \n before BR in PRE elements on older IE:s so the new lines get rendered
+						sibling = brElm.prev;
+						if (sibling && sibling.type === 3 && sibling.value.charAt(sibling.value - 1) != '\n') {
+							sibling.value += '\n';
+						} else {
+							brElm.parent.insert(new Node('#text', 3), brElm, true).value = '\n';
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			// Removes any \n before BR elements in PRE since other browsers and in contentEditable=false mode they will be visible
+			serializer.addNodeFilter('pre', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, brNodes, j, brElm, sibling;
+				while (i--) {
+					brNodes = nodes[i].getAll('br');
+					j = brNodes.length;
+					while (j--) {
+						brElm = brNodes[j];
+						sibling = brElm.prev;
+						if (sibling && sibling.type == 3) {
+							sibling.value = sibling.value.replace(/\r?\n$/, '');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves style width/height to attribute width/height when the user resizes an image on IE.
+		 */
+		function removePreSerializedStylesWhenSelectingControls() {
+			dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'mouseup', function() {
+				var value, node = selection.getNode();
+				// Moved styles to attributes on IMG eements
+				if (node.nodeName == 'IMG') {
+					// Convert style width to width attribute
+					if ((value = dom.getStyle(node, 'width'))) {
+						dom.setAttrib(node, 'width', value.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, ''));
+						dom.setStyle(node, 'width', '');
+					}
+					// Convert style height to height attribute
+					if ((value = dom.getStyle(node, 'height'))) {
+						dom.setAttrib(node, 'height', value.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, ''));
+						dom.setStyle(node, 'height', '');
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes a blockquote when backspace is pressed at the beginning of it.
+		 *
+		 * For example:
+		 * <blockquote><p>|x</p></blockquote>
+		 *
+		 * Becomes:
+		 * <p>|x</p>
+		 */
+		function removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace() {
+			// Add block quote deletion handler
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var rng, container, offset, root, parent;
+				if (isDefaultPrevented(e) || e.keyCode != VK.BACKSPACE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				root = dom.getRoot();
+				parent = container;
+				if (!rng.collapsed || offset !== 0) {
+					return;
+				}
+				while (parent && parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode.firstChild == parent && parent.parentNode != root) {
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Is the cursor at the beginning of a blockquote?
+				if (parent.tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
+					// Remove the blockquote
+					editor.formatter.toggle('blockquote', null, parent);
+					// Move the caret to the beginning of container
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStart(container, 0);
+					rng.setEnd(container, 0);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Sets various Gecko editing options on mouse down and before a execCommand to disable inline table editing that is broken etc.
+		 */
+		function setGeckoEditingOptions() {
+			function setOpts() {
+				editor._refreshContentEditable();
+				setEditorCommandState("StyleWithCSS", false);
+				setEditorCommandState("enableInlineTableEditing", false);
+				if (!settings.object_resizing) {
+					setEditorCommandState("enableObjectResizing", false);
+				}
+			}
+			if (!settings.readonly) {
+				editor.on('BeforeExecCommand MouseDown', setOpts);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a gecko link bug, when a link is placed at the end of block elements there is
+		 * no way to move the caret behind the link. This fix adds a bogus br element after the link.
+		 *
+		 * For example this:
+		 * <p><b><a href="#">x</a></b></p>
+		 *
+		 * Becomes this:
+		 * <p><b><a href="#">x</a></b><br></p>
+		 */
+		function addBrAfterLastLinks() {
+			function fixLinks() {
+				each(dom.select('a'), function(node) {
+					var parentNode = node.parentNode, root = dom.getRoot();
+					if (parentNode.lastChild === node) {
+						while (parentNode && !dom.isBlock(parentNode)) {
+							if (parentNode.parentNode.lastChild !== parentNode || parentNode === root) {
+								return;
+							}
+							parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
+						}
+						dom.add(parentNode, 'br', {'data-mce-bogus': 1});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			editor.on('SetContent ExecCommand', function(e) {
+				if (e.type == "setcontent" || e.command === 'mceInsertLink') {
+					fixLinks();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit will produce DIV elements here and there by default. But since TinyMCE uses paragraphs by
+		 * default we want to change that behavior.
+		 */
+		function setDefaultBlockType() {
+			if (settings.forced_root_block) {
+				editor.on('init', function() {
+					setEditorCommandState('DefaultParagraphSeparator', settings.forced_root_block);
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes ghost selections from images/tables on Gecko.
+		 */
+		function removeGhostSelection() {
+			editor.on('Undo Redo SetContent', function(e) {
+				if (!e.initial) {
+					editor.execCommand('mceRepaint');
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Deletes the selected image on IE instead of navigating to previous page.
+		 */
+		function deleteControlItemOnBackSpace() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var rng;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode == BACKSPACE) {
+					rng = editor.getDoc().selection.createRange();
+					if (rng && rng.item) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.undoManager.beforeChange();
+						dom.remove(rng.item(0));
+						editor.undoManager.add();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE10 doesn't properly render block elements with the right height until you add contents to them.
+		 * This fixes that by adding a padding-right to all empty text block elements.
+		 * See: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/743881
+		 */
+		function renderEmptyBlocksFix() {
+			var emptyBlocksCSS;
+			// IE10+
+			if (getDocumentMode() >= 10) {
+				emptyBlocksCSS = '';
+				each('p div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6'.split(' '), function(name, i) {
+					emptyBlocksCSS += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + name + ':empty';
+				});
+				editor.contentStyles.push(emptyBlocksCSS + '{padding-right: 1px !important}');
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Old IE versions can't retain contents within noscript elements so this logic will store the contents
+		 * as a attribute and the insert that value as it's raw text when the DOM is serialized.
+		 */
+		function keepNoScriptContents() {
+			if (getDocumentMode() < 9) {
+				parser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node, textNode;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						textNode = node.firstChild;
+						if (textNode) {
+							node.attr('data-mce-innertext', textNode.value);
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				serializer.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node, textNode, value;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						textNode = nodes[i].firstChild;
+						if (textNode) {
+							textNode.value = Entities.decode(textNode.value);
+						} else {
+							// Old IE can't retain noscript value so an attribute is used to store it
+							value = node.attributes.map['data-mce-innertext'];
+							if (value) {
+								node.attr('data-mce-innertext', null);
+								textNode = new Node('#text', 3);
+								textNode.value = value;
+								textNode.raw = true;
+								node.append(textNode);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE has an issue where you can't select/move the caret by clicking outside the body if the document is in standards mode.
+		 */
+		function fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe() {
+			var doc = dom.doc, body = doc.body, started, startRng, htmlElm;
+			// Return range from point or null if it failed
+			function rngFromPoint(x, y) {
+				var rng = body.createTextRange();
+				try {
+					rng.moveToPoint(x, y);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE sometimes throws and exception, so lets just ignore it
+					rng = null;
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			// Fires while the selection is changing
+			function selectionChange(e) {
+				var pointRng;
+				// Check if the button is down or not
+				if (e.button) {
+					// Create range from mouse position
+					pointRng = rngFromPoint(e.x, e.y);
+					if (pointRng) {
+						// Check if pointRange is before/after selection then change the endPoint
+						if (pointRng.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', startRng) > 0) {
+							pointRng.setEndPoint('StartToStart', startRng);
+						} else {
+							pointRng.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', startRng);
+						}
+						pointRng.select();
+					}
+				} else {
+					endSelection();
+				}
+			}
+			// Removes listeners
+			function endSelection() {
+				var rng = doc.selection.createRange();
+				// If the range is collapsed then use the last start range
+				if (startRng && !rng.item && rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng) === 0) {
+					startRng.select();
+				}
+				dom.unbind(doc, 'mouseup', endSelection);
+				dom.unbind(doc, 'mousemove', selectionChange);
+				startRng = started = 0;
+			}
+			// Make HTML element unselectable since we are going to handle selection by hand
+			doc.documentElement.unselectable = true;
+			// Detect when user selects outside BODY
+			dom.bind(doc, 'mousedown contextmenu', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.nodeName === 'HTML') {
+					if (started) {
+						endSelection();
+					}
+					// Detect vertical scrollbar, since IE will fire a mousedown on the scrollbar and have target set as HTML
+					htmlElm = doc.documentElement;
+					if (htmlElm.scrollHeight > htmlElm.clientHeight) {
+						return;
+					}
+					started = 1;
+					// Setup start position
+					startRng = rngFromPoint(e.x, e.y);
+					if (startRng) {
+						// Listen for selection change events
+						dom.bind(doc, 'mouseup', endSelection);
+						dom.bind(doc, 'mousemove', selectionChange);
+						dom.getRoot().focus();
+						startRng.select();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes selection issues where the caret can be placed between two inline elements like <b>a</b>|<b>b</b>
+		 * this fix will lean the caret right into the closest inline element.
+		 */
+		function normalizeSelection() {
+			// Normalize selection for example <b>a</b><i>|a</i> becomes <b>a|</b><i>a</i> except for Ctrl+A since it selects everything
+			editor.on('keyup focusin mouseup', function(e) {
+				if (e.keyCode != 65 || !VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					selection.normalize();
+				}
+			}, true);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Forces Gecko to render a broken image icon if it fails to load an image.
+		 */
+		function showBrokenImageIcon() {
+			editor.contentStyles.push(
+				'img:-moz-broken {' +
+					'-moz-force-broken-image-icon:1;' +
+					'min-width:24px;' +
+					'min-height:24px' +
+				'}'
+			);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * iOS has a bug where it's impossible to type if the document has a touchstart event
+		 * bound and the user touches the document while having the on screen keyboard visible.
+		 *
+		 * The touch event moves the focus to the parent document while having the caret inside the iframe
+		 * this fix moves the focus back into the iframe document.
+		 */
+		function restoreFocusOnKeyDown() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.on('keydown', function() {
+					if (document.activeElement == document.body) {
+						editor.getWin().focus();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE 11 has an annoying issue where you can't move focus into the editor
+		 * by clicking on the white area HTML element. We used to be able to to fix this with
+		 * the fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe fix. But since M$ removed the selection
+		 * object it's not possible anymore. So we need to hack in a ungly CSS to force the
+		 * body to be at least 150px. If the user clicks the HTML element out side this 150px region
+		 * we simply move the focus into the first paragraph. Not ideal since you loose the
+		 * positioning of the caret but goot enough for most cases.
+		 */
+		function bodyHeight() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.contentStyles.push('body {min-height: 150px}');
+				editor.on('click', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.nodeName == 'HTML') {
+						editor.getBody().focus();
+						editor.selection.normalize();
+						editor.nodeChanged();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Firefox on Mac OS will move the browser back to the previous page if you press CMD+Left arrow.
+		 * You might then loose all your work so we need to block that behavior and replace it with our own.
+		 */
+		function blockCmdArrowNavigation() {
+			if (Env.mac) {
+				editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+					if (VK.metaKeyPressed(e) && (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39)) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.selection.getSel().modify('move', e.keyCode == 37 ? 'backward' : 'forward', 'word');
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Disables the autolinking in IE 9+ this is then re-enabled by the autolink plugin.
+		 */
+		function disableAutoUrlDetect() {
+			setEditorCommandState("AutoUrlDetect", false);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE 11 has a fantastic bug where it will produce two trailing BR elements to iframe bodies when
+		 * the iframe is hidden by display: none on a parent container. The DOM is actually out of sync
+		 * with innerHTML in this case. It's like IE adds shadow DOM BR elements that appears on innerHTML
+		 * but not as the lastChild of the body. However is we add a BR element to the body then remove it
+		 * it doesn't seem to add these BR elements makes sence right?!
+		 *
+		 * Example of what happens: <body>text</body> becomes <body>text<br><br></body>
+		 */
+		function doubleTrailingBrElements() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.on('focus blur', function() {
+					var br = editor.dom.create('br');
+					editor.getBody().appendChild(br);
+					br.parentNode.removeChild(br);
+				}, true);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * iOS 7.1 introduced two new bugs:
+		 * 1) It's possible to open links within a contentEditable area by clicking on them.
+		 * 2) If you hold down the finger it will display the link/image touch callout menu.
+		 */
+		function tapLinksAndImages() {
+			editor.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.tagName === 'A') {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+			});
+			editor.contentStyles.push('.mce-content-body {-webkit-touch-callout: none}');
+		}
+		// All browsers
+		disableBackspaceIntoATable();
+		removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace();
+		emptyEditorWhenDeleting();
+		normalizeSelection();
+		// WebKit
+		if (isWebKit) {
+			cleanupStylesWhenDeleting();
+			inputMethodFocus();
+			selectControlElements();
+			setDefaultBlockType();
+			// iOS
+			if (Env.iOS) {
+				selectionChangeNodeChanged();
+				restoreFocusOnKeyDown();
+				bodyHeight();
+				tapLinksAndImages();
+			} else {
+				selectAll();
+			}
+		}
+		// IE
+		if (isIE && Env.ie < 11) {
+			removeHrOnBackspace();
+			ensureBodyHasRoleApplication();
+			addNewLinesBeforeBrInPre();
+			removePreSerializedStylesWhenSelectingControls();
+			deleteControlItemOnBackSpace();
+			renderEmptyBlocksFix();
+			keepNoScriptContents();
+			fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe();
+		}
+		if (Env.ie >= 11) {
+			bodyHeight();
+			doubleTrailingBrElements();
+		}
+		if (Env.ie) {
+			selectAll();
+			disableAutoUrlDetect();
+		}
+		// Gecko
+		if (isGecko) {
+			removeHrOnBackspace();
+			focusBody();
+			removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements();
+			setGeckoEditingOptions();
+			addBrAfterLastLinks();
+			removeGhostSelection();
+			showBrokenImageIcon();
+			blockCmdArrowNavigation();
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Tools.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Tools.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c30101b5e38e6f62c6a4b9faa6d82d2cc8b27a39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/Tools.js
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+ * Tools.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains various utlity functions. These are also exposed
+ * directly on the tinymce namespace.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.Tools
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Tools", [], function() {
+	/**
+	 * Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
+	 *
+	 * @method trim
+	 * @param {String} s String to remove whitespace from.
+	 * @return {String} New string with removed whitespace.
+	 */
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
+	function trim(str) {
+		return (str === null || str === undefined) ? '' : ("" + str).replace(whiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns true/false if the object is an array or not.
+	 *
+	 * @method isArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to check.
+	 * @return {boolean} true/false state if the object is an array or not.
+	 */
+	var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
+		return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Checks if a object is of a specific type for example an array.
+	 *
+	 * @method is
+	 * @param {Object} o Object to check type of.
+	 * @param {string} t Optional type to check for.
+	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the object is of the specified type.
+	 */
+	function is(o, t) {
+		if (!t) {
+			return o !== undefined;
+		}
+		if (t == 'array' && isArray(o)) {
+			return true;
+		}
+		return typeof(o) == t;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts the specified object into a real JavaScript array.
+	 *
+	 * @method toArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to convert into array.
+	 * @return {Array} Array object based in input.
+	 */
+	function toArray(obj) {
+		var array = [], i, l;
+		for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
+			array[i] = obj[i];
+		}
+		return array;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Makes a name/object map out of an array with names.
+	 *
+	 * @method makeMap
+	 * @param {Array/String} items Items to make map out of.
+	 * @param {String} delim Optional delimiter to split string by.
+	 * @param {Object} map Optional map to add items to.
+	 * @return {Object} Name/value map of items.
+	 */
+	function makeMap(items, delim, map) {
+		var i;
+		items = items || [];
+		delim = delim || ',';
+		if (typeof(items) == "string") {
+			items = items.split(delim);
+		}
+		map = map || {};
+		i = items.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			map[items[i]] = {};
+		}
+		return map;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Performs an iteration of all items in a collection such as an object or array. This method will execure the
+	 * callback function for each item in the collection, if the callback returns false the iteration will terminate.
+	 * The callback has the following format: cb(value, key_or_index).
+	 *
+	 * @method each
+	 * @param {Object} o Collection to iterate.
+	 * @param {function} cb Callback function to execute for each item.
+	 * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Iterate an array
+	 * tinymce.each([1,2,3], function(v, i) {
+	 *     console.debug("Value: " + v + ", Index: " + i);
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Iterate an object
+	 * tinymce.each({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3], function(v, k) {
+	 *     console.debug("Value: " + v + ", Key: " + k);
+	 * });
+	 */
+	function each(o, cb, s) {
+		var n, l;
+		if (!o) {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		s = s || o;
+		if (o.length !== undefined) {
+			// Indexed arrays, needed for Safari
+			for (n = 0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) {
+				if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Hashtables
+			for (n in o) {
+				if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
+					if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
+						return 0;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a new array by the return value of each iteration function call. This enables you to convert
+	 * one array list into another.
+	 *
+	 * @method map
+	 * @param {Array} a Array of items to iterate.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item. It's return value will be the new value.
+	 * @return {Array} Array with new values based on function return values.
+	 */
+	function map(a, f) {
+		var o = [];
+		each(a, function(v) {
+			o.push(f(v));
+		});
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Filters out items from the input array by calling the specified function for each item.
+	 * If the function returns false the item will be excluded if it returns true it will be included.
+	 *
+	 * @method grep
+	 * @param {Array} a Array of items to loop though.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item. Include/exclude depends on it's return value.
+	 * @return {Array} New array with values imported and filtered based in input.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Filter out some items, this will return an array with 4 and 5
+	 * var items = tinymce.grep([1,2,3,4,5], function(v) {return v > 3;});
+	 */
+	function grep(a, f) {
+		var o = [];
+		each(a, function(v) {
+			if (!f || f(v)) {
+				o.push(v);
+			}
+		});
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a class, subclass or static singleton.
+	 * More details on this method can be found in the Wiki.
+	 *
+	 * @method create
+	 * @param {String} s Class name, inheritage and prefix.
+	 * @param {Object} p Collection of methods to add to the class.
+	 * @param {Object} root Optional root object defaults to the global window object.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Creates a basic class
+	 * tinymce.create('tinymce.somepackage.SomeClass', {
+	 *     SomeClass: function() {
+	 *         // Class constructor
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Creates a basic subclass class
+	 * tinymce.create('tinymce.somepackage.SomeSubClass:tinymce.somepackage.SomeClass', {
+	 *     SomeSubClass: function() {
+	 *         // Class constructor
+	 *         this.parent(); // Call parent constructor
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *         this.parent(); // Call parent method
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     'static': {
+	 *         staticMethod: function() {
+	 *             // Static method
+	 *         }
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Creates a singleton/static class
+	 * tinymce.create('static tinymce.somepackage.SomeSingletonClass', {
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 */
+	function create(s, p, root) {
+		var self = this, sp, ns, cn, scn, c, de = 0;
+		// Parse : <prefix> <class>:<super class>
+		s = /^((static) )?([\w.]+)(:([\w.]+))?/.exec(s);
+		cn = s[3].match(/(^|\.)(\w+)$/i)[2]; // Class name
+		// Create namespace for new class
+		ns = self.createNS(s[3].replace(/\.\w+$/, ''), root);
+		// Class already exists
+		if (ns[cn]) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Make pure static class
+		if (s[2] == 'static') {
+			ns[cn] = p;
+			if (this.onCreate) {
+				this.onCreate(s[2], s[3], ns[cn]);
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		// Create default constructor
+		if (!p[cn]) {
+			p[cn] = function() {};
+			de = 1;
+		}
+		// Add constructor and methods
+		ns[cn] = p[cn];
+		self.extend(ns[cn].prototype, p);
+		// Extend
+		if (s[5]) {
+			sp = self.resolve(s[5]).prototype;
+			scn = s[5].match(/\.(\w+)$/i)[1]; // Class name
+			// Extend constructor
+			c = ns[cn];
+			if (de) {
+				// Add passthrough constructor
+				ns[cn] = function() {
+					return sp[scn].apply(this, arguments);
+				};
+			} else {
+				// Add inherit constructor
+				ns[cn] = function() {
+					this.parent = sp[scn];
+					return c.apply(this, arguments);
+				};
+			}
+			ns[cn].prototype[cn] = ns[cn];
+			// Add super methods
+			self.each(sp, function(f, n) {
+				ns[cn].prototype[n] = sp[n];
+			});
+			// Add overridden methods
+			self.each(p, function(f, n) {
+				// Extend methods if needed
+				if (sp[n]) {
+					ns[cn].prototype[n] = function() {
+						this.parent = sp[n];
+						return f.apply(this, arguments);
+					};
+				} else {
+					if (n != cn) {
+						ns[cn].prototype[n] = f;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Add static methods
+		/*jshint sub:true*/
+		self.each(p['static'], function(f, n) {
+			ns[cn][n] = f;
+		});
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the index of a value in an array, this method will return -1 if the item wasn't found.
+	 *
+	 * @method inArray
+	 * @param {Array} a Array/Object to search for value in.
+	 * @param {Object} v Value to check for inside the array.
+	 * @return {Number/String} Index of item inside the array inside an object. Or -1 if it wasn't found.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Get index of value in array this will alert 1 since 2 is at that index
+	 * alert(tinymce.inArray([1,2,3], 2));
+	 */
+	function inArray(a, v) {
+		var i, l;
+		if (a) {
+			for (i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
+				if (a[i] === v) {
+					return i;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	}
+	function extend(obj, ext) {
+		var i, l, name, args = arguments, value;
+		for (i = 1, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+			ext = args[i];
+			for (name in ext) {
+				if (ext.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+					value = ext[name];
+					if (value !== undefined) {
+						obj[name] = value;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return obj;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Executed the specified function for each item in a object tree.
+	 *
+	 * @method walk
+	 * @param {Object} o Object tree to walk though.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item.
+	 * @param {String} n Optional name of collection inside the objects to walk for example childNodes.
+	 * @param {String} s Optional scope to execute the function in.
+	 */
+	function walk(o, f, n, s) {
+		s = s || this;
+		if (o) {
+			if (n) {
+				o = o[n];
+			}
+			each(o, function(o, i) {
+				if (f.call(s, o, i, n) === false) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				walk(o, f, n, s);
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a namespace on a specific object.
+	 *
+	 * @method createNS
+	 * @param {String} n Namespace to create for example a.b.c.d.
+	 * @param {Object} o Optional object to add namespace to, defaults to window.
+	 * @return {Object} New namespace object the last item in path.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Create some namespace
+	 * tinymce.createNS('tinymce.somepackage.subpackage');
+	 *
+	 * // Add a singleton
+	 * var tinymce.somepackage.subpackage.SomeSingleton = {
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * };
+	 */
+	function createNS(n, o) {
+		var i, v;
+		o = o || window;
+		n = n.split('.');
+		for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
+			v = n[i];
+			if (!o[v]) {
+				o[v] = {};
+			}
+			o = o[v];
+		}
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Resolves a string and returns the object from a specific structure.
+	 *
+	 * @method resolve
+	 * @param {String} n Path to resolve for example a.b.c.d.
+	 * @param {Object} o Optional object to search though, defaults to window.
+	 * @return {Object} Last object in path or null if it couldn't be resolved.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Resolve a path into an object reference
+	 * var obj = tinymce.resolve('a.b.c.d');
+	 */
+	function resolve(n, o) {
+		var i, l;
+		o = o || window;
+		n = n.split('.');
+		for (i = 0, l = n.length; i < l; i++) {
+			o = o[n[i]];
+			if (!o) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Splits a string but removes the whitespace before and after each value.
+	 *
+	 * @method explode
+	 * @param {string} s String to split.
+	 * @param {string} d Delimiter to split by.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Split a string into an array with a,b,c
+	 * var arr = tinymce.explode('a, b,   c');
+	 */
+	function explode(s, d) {
+		if (!s || is(s, 'array')) {
+			return s;
+		}
+		return map(s.split(d || ','), trim);
+	}
+	return {
+		trim: trim,
+		isArray: isArray,
+		is: is,
+		toArray: toArray,
+		makeMap: makeMap,
+		each: each,
+		map: map,
+		grep: grep,
+		inArray: inArray,
+		extend: extend,
+		create: create,
+		walk: walk,
+		createNS: createNS,
+		resolve: resolve,
+		explode: explode
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/URI.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/URI.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5529ad02074a6e00c497b155ccf7979472ace542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/URI.js
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ * URI.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles parsing, modification and serialization of URI/URL strings.
+ * @class tinymce.util.URI
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/URI", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, trim = Tools.trim;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new URI instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method URI
+	 * @param {String} url URI string to parse.
+	 * @param {Object} settings Optional settings object.
+	 */
+	function URI(url, settings) {
+		var self = this, baseUri, base_url;
+		// Trim whitespace
+		url = trim(url);
+		// Default settings
+		settings = self.settings = settings || {};
+		// Strange app protocol that isn't http/https or local anchor
+		// For example: mailto,skype,tel etc.
+		if (/^([\w\-]+):([^\/]{2})/i.test(url) || /^\s*#/.test(url)) {
+			self.source = url;
+			return;
+		}
+		var isProtocolRelative = url.indexOf('//') === 0;
+		// Absolute path with no host, fake host and protocol
+		if (url.indexOf('/') === 0 && !isProtocolRelative) {
+			url = (settings.base_uri ? settings.base_uri.protocol || 'http' : 'http') + '://mce_host' + url;
+		}
+		// Relative path http:// or protocol relative //path
+		if (!/^[\w\-]*:?\/\//.test(url)) {
+			base_url = settings.base_uri ? settings.base_uri.path : new URI(location.href).directory;
+			if (settings.base_uri.protocol === "") {
+				url = '//mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(base_url, url);
+			} else {
+				url = ((settings.base_uri && settings.base_uri.protocol) || 'http') + '://mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(base_url, url);
+			}
+		}
+		// Parse URL (Credits goes to Steave, http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/parseuri)
+		url = url.replace(/@@/g, '(mce_at)'); // Zope 3 workaround, they use @@something
+		/*jshint maxlen: 255 */
+		/*eslint max-len: 0 */
+		url = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/.exec(url);
+		each(["source","protocol","authority","userInfo","user","password","host","port","relative","path","directory","file","query","anchor"], function(v, i) {
+			var part = url[i];
+			// Zope 3 workaround, they use @@something
+			if (part) {
+				part = part.replace(/\(mce_at\)/g, '@@');
+			}
+			self[v] = part;
+		});
+		baseUri = settings.base_uri;
+		if (baseUri) {
+			if (!self.protocol) {
+				self.protocol = baseUri.protocol;
+			}
+			if (!self.userInfo) {
+				self.userInfo = baseUri.userInfo;
+			}
+			if (!self.port && self.host === 'mce_host') {
+				self.port = baseUri.port;
+			}
+			if (!self.host || self.host === 'mce_host') {
+				self.host = baseUri.host;
+			}
+			self.source = '';
+		}
+		if (isProtocolRelative) {
+			self.protocol = '';
+		}
+		//t.path = t.path || '/';
+	}
+	URI.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Sets the internal path part of the URI.
+		 *
+		 * @method setPath
+		 * @param {string} path Path string to set.
+		 */
+		setPath: function(path) {
+			var self = this;
+			path = /^(.*?)\/?(\w+)?$/.exec(path);
+			// Update path parts
+			self.path = path[0];
+			self.directory = path[1];
+			self.file = path[2];
+			// Rebuild source
+			self.source = '';
+			self.getURI();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts the specified URI into a relative URI based on the current URI instance location.
+		 *
+		 * @method toRelative
+		 * @param {String} uri URI to convert into a relative path/URI.
+		 * @return {String} Relative URI from the point specified in the current URI instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Converts an absolute URL to an relative URL url will be somedir/somefile.htm
+		 * var url = new tinymce.util.URI('http://www.site.com/dir/').toRelative('http://www.site.com/dir/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		toRelative: function(uri) {
+			var self = this, output;
+			if (uri === "./") {
+				return uri;
+			}
+			uri = new URI(uri, {base_uri: self});
+			// Not on same domain/port or protocol
+			if ((uri.host != 'mce_host' && self.host != uri.host && uri.host) || self.port != uri.port ||
+				(self.protocol != uri.protocol && uri.protocol !== "")) {
+				return uri.getURI();
+			}
+			var tu = self.getURI(), uu = uri.getURI();
+			// Allow usage of the base_uri when relative_urls = true
+			if (tu == uu || (tu.charAt(tu.length - 1) == "/" && tu.substr(0, tu.length - 1) == uu)) {
+				return tu;
+			}
+			output = self.toRelPath(self.path, uri.path);
+			// Add query
+			if (uri.query) {
+				output += '?' + uri.query;
+			}
+			// Add anchor
+			if (uri.anchor) {
+				output += '#' + uri.anchor;
+			}
+			return output;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts the specified URI into a absolute URI based on the current URI instance location.
+		 *
+		 * @method toAbsolute
+		 * @param {String} uri URI to convert into a relative path/URI.
+		 * @param {Boolean} noHost No host and protocol prefix.
+		 * @return {String} Absolute URI from the point specified in the current URI instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Converts an relative URL to an absolute URL url will be http://www.site.com/dir/somedir/somefile.htm
+		 * var url = new tinymce.util.URI('http://www.site.com/dir/').toAbsolute('somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		toAbsolute: function(uri, noHost) {
+			uri = new URI(uri, {base_uri: this});
+			return uri.getURI(this.host == uri.host && this.protocol == uri.protocol ? noHost : 0);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts a absolute path into a relative path.
+		 *
+		 * @method toRelPath
+		 * @param {String} base Base point to convert the path from.
+		 * @param {String} path Absolute path to convert into a relative path.
+		 */
+		toRelPath: function(base, path) {
+			var items, breakPoint = 0, out = '', i, l;
+			// Split the paths
+			base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf('/'));
+			base = base.split('/');
+			items = path.split('/');
+			if (base.length >= items.length) {
+				for (i = 0, l = base.length; i < l; i++) {
+					if (i >= items.length || base[i] != items[i]) {
+						breakPoint = i + 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (base.length < items.length) {
+				for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+					if (i >= base.length || base[i] != items[i]) {
+						breakPoint = i + 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (breakPoint === 1) {
+				return path;
+			}
+			for (i = 0, l = base.length - (breakPoint - 1); i < l; i++) {
+				out += "../";
+			}
+			for (i = breakPoint - 1, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				if (i != breakPoint - 1) {
+					out += "/" + items[i];
+				} else {
+					out += items[i];
+				}
+			}
+			return out;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts a relative path into a absolute path.
+		 *
+		 * @method toAbsPath
+		 * @param {String} base Base point to convert the path from.
+		 * @param {String} path Relative path to convert into an absolute path.
+		 */
+		toAbsPath: function(base, path) {
+			var i, nb = 0, o = [], tr, outPath;
+			// Split paths
+			tr = /\/$/.test(path) ? '/' : '';
+			base = base.split('/');
+			path = path.split('/');
+			// Remove empty chunks
+			each(base, function(k) {
+				if (k) {
+					o.push(k);
+				}
+			});
+			base = o;
+			// Merge relURLParts chunks
+			for (i = path.length - 1, o = []; i >= 0; i--) {
+				// Ignore empty or .
+				if (path[i].length === 0 || path[i] === ".") {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Is parent
+				if (path[i] === '..') {
+					nb++;
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Move up
+				if (nb > 0) {
+					nb--;
+					continue;
+				}
+				o.push(path[i]);
+			}
+			i = base.length - nb;
+			// If /a/b/c or /
+			if (i <= 0) {
+				outPath = o.reverse().join('/');
+			} else {
+				outPath = base.slice(0, i).join('/') + '/' + o.reverse().join('/');
+			}
+			// Add front / if it's needed
+			if (outPath.indexOf('/') !== 0) {
+				outPath = '/' + outPath;
+			}
+			// Add traling / if it's needed
+			if (tr && outPath.lastIndexOf('/') !== outPath.length - 1) {
+				outPath += tr;
+			}
+			return outPath;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the full URI of the internal structure.
+		 *
+		 * @method getURI
+		 * @param {Boolean} noProtoHost Optional no host and protocol part. Defaults to false.
+		 */
+		getURI: function(noProtoHost) {
+			var s, self = this;
+			// Rebuild source
+			if (!self.source || noProtoHost) {
+				s = '';
+				if (!noProtoHost) {
+					if (self.protocol) {
+						s += self.protocol + '://';
+					} else {
+						s += '//';
+					}
+					if (self.userInfo) {
+						s += self.userInfo + '@';
+					}
+					if (self.host) {
+						s += self.host;
+					}
+					if (self.port) {
+						s += ':' + self.port;
+					}
+				}
+				if (self.path) {
+					s += self.path;
+				}
+				if (self.query) {
+					s += '?' + self.query;
+				}
+				if (self.anchor) {
+					s += '#' + self.anchor;
+				}
+				self.source = s;
+			}
+			return self.source;
+		}
+	};
+	return URI;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/VK.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/VK.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9640bc6dc805cb041bee0b4e43607349830f121b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/VK.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * VK.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This file exposes a set of the common KeyCodes for use.  Please grow it as needed.
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/VK", [
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Env) {
+	return {
+		DELETE: 46,
+		DOWN: 40,
+		ENTER: 13,
+		LEFT: 37,
+		RIGHT: 39,
+		SPACEBAR: 32,
+		TAB: 9,
+		UP: 38,
+		modifierPressed: function(e) {
+			return e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey;
+		},
+		metaKeyPressed: function(e) {
+			// Check if ctrl or meta key is pressed also check if alt is false for Polish users
+			return (Env.mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.altKey;
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/XHR.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/XHR.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b87fbc463af4c6279d10484d47126697967278e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/util/XHR.js
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * XHR.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to send XMLHTTPRequests cross browser.
+ * @class tinymce.util.XHR
+ * @static
+ * @example
+ * // Sends a low level Ajax request
+ * tinymce.util.XHR.send({
+ *    url: 'someurl',
+ *    success: function(text) {
+ *       console.debug(text);
+ *    }
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/XHR", [], function() {
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Sends a XMLHTTPRequest.
+		 * Consult the Wiki for details on what settings this method takes.
+		 *
+		 * @method send
+		 * @param {Object} settings Object will target URL, callbacks and other info needed to make the request.
+		 */
+		send: function(settings) {
+			var xhr, count = 0;
+			function ready() {
+				if (!settings.async || xhr.readyState == 4 || count++ > 10000) {
+					if (settings.success && count < 10000 && xhr.status == 200) {
+						settings.success.call(settings.success_scope, '' + xhr.responseText, xhr, settings);
+					} else if (settings.error) {
+						settings.error.call(settings.error_scope, count > 10000 ? 'TIMED_OUT' : 'GENERAL', xhr, settings);
+					}
+					xhr = null;
+				} else {
+					setTimeout(ready, 10);
+				}
+			}
+			// Default settings
+			settings.scope = settings.scope || this;
+			settings.success_scope = settings.success_scope || settings.scope;
+			settings.error_scope = settings.error_scope || settings.scope;
+			settings.async = settings.async === false ? false : true;
+			settings.data = settings.data || '';
+			xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+			if (xhr) {
+				if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
+					xhr.overrideMimeType(settings.content_type);
+				}
+				xhr.open(settings.type || (settings.data ? 'POST' : 'GET'), settings.url, settings.async);
+				if (settings.content_type) {
+					xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', settings.content_type);
+				}
+				xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
+				xhr.send(settings.data);
+				// Syncronous request
+				if (!settings.async) {
+					return ready();
+				}
+				// Wait for response, onReadyStateChange can not be used since it leaks memory in IE
+				setTimeout(ready, 10);
+			}
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17c44e6ae769563d118ca675867a9938d1c9b4ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!function(e){function t(){function t(e){"remove"===e&&this.each(function(e,t){var n=r(t);n&&n.remove()}),this.find("span.mceEditor,div.mceEditor").each(function(e,t){var n=tinymce.get(t.id.replace(/_parent$/,""));n&&n.remove()})}function i(e){var n,i=this;if(null!=e)t.call(i),i.each(function(t,n){var i;(i=tinymce.get(n.id))&&i.setContent(e)});else if(i.length>0&&(n=tinymce.get(i[0].id)))return n.getContent()}function r(e){var t=null;return e&&e.id&&a.tinymce&&(t=tinymce.get(e.id)),t}function c(e){return!!(e&&e.length&&a.tinymce&&e.is(":tinymce"))}var o={};e.each(["text","html","val"],function(t,a){var u=o[a]=e.fn[a],s="text"===a;e.fn[a]=function(t){var a=this;if(!c(a))return u.apply(a,arguments);if(t!==n)return i.call(a.filter(":tinymce"),t),u.apply(a.not(":tinymce"),arguments),a;var o="",l=arguments;return(s?a:a.eq(0)).each(function(t,n){var i=r(n);o+=i?s?i.getContent().replace(/<(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/g,""):i.getContent({save:!0}):u.apply(e(n),l)}),o}}),e.each(["append","prepend"],function(t,i){var a=o[i]=e.fn[i],u="prepend"===i;e.fn[i]=function(e){var t=this;return c(t)?e!==n?(t.filter(":tinymce").each(function(t,n){var i=r(n);i&&i.setContent(u?e+i.getContent():i.getContent()+e)}),a.apply(t.not(":tinymce"),arguments),t):void 0:a.apply(t,arguments)}}),e.each(["remove","replaceWith","replaceAll","empty"],function(n,i){var r=o[i]=e.fn[i];e.fn[i]=function(){return t.call(this,i),r.apply(this,arguments)}}),o.attr=e.fn.attr,e.fn.attr=function(t,a){var u=this,s=arguments;if(!t||"value"!==t||!c(u))return a!==n?o.attr.apply(u,s):o.attr.apply(u,s);if(a!==n)return i.call(u.filter(":tinymce"),a),o.attr.apply(u.not(":tinymce"),s),u;var l=u[0],m=r(l);return m?m.getContent({save:!0}):o.attr.apply(e(l),s)}}var n,i,r=[],a=window;e.fn.tinymce=function(n){function c(){var i=[],r=0;l||(t(),l=!0),m.each(function(e,t){var a,c=t.id,o=n.oninit;c||(t.id=c=tinymce.DOM.uniqueId()),tinymce.get(c)||(a=new tinymce.Editor(c,n,tinymce.EditorManager),i.push(a),a.on("init",function(){var e,t=o;m.css("visibility",""),o&&++r==i.length&&("string"==typeof t&&(e=-1===t.indexOf(".")?null:tinymce.resolve(t.replace(/\.\w+$/,"")),t=tinymce.resolve(t)),t.apply(e||tinymce,i))}))}),e.each(i,function(e,t){t.render()})}var o,u,s,l,m=this,p="";if(!m.length)return m;if(!n)return window.tinymce?tinymce.get(m[0].id):null;if(m.css("visibility","hidden"),a.tinymce||i||!(o=n.script_url))1===i?r.push(c):c();else{i=1,u=o.substring(0,o.lastIndexOf("/")),-1!=o.indexOf(".min")&&(p=".min"),a.tinymce=a.tinyMCEPreInit||{base:u,suffix:p},-1!=o.indexOf("gzip")&&(s=n.language||"en",o=o+(/\?/.test(o)?"&":"?")+"js=true&core=true&suffix="+escape(p)+"&themes="+escape(n.theme||"modern")+"&plugins="+escape(n.plugins||"")+"&languages="+(s||""),a.tinyMCE_GZ||(a.tinyMCE_GZ={start:function(){function t(e){tinymce.ScriptLoader.markDone(tinymce.baseURI.toAbsolute(e))}t("langs/"+s+".js"),t("themes/"+n.theme+"/theme"+p+".js"),t("themes/"+n.theme+"/langs/"+s+".js"),e.each(n.plugins.split(","),function(e,n){n&&(t("plugins/"+n+"/plugin"+p+".js"),t("plugins/"+n+"/langs/"+s+".js"))})},end:function(){}}));var f=document.createElement("script");f.type="text/javascript",f.onload=f.onreadystatechange=function(t){t=t||window.event,2===i||"load"!=t.type&&!/complete|loaded/.test(f.readyState)||(tinymce.dom.Event.domLoaded=1,i=2,n.script_loaded&&n.script_loaded(),c(),e.each(r,function(e,t){t()}))},f.src=o,document.body.appendChild(f)}return m},e.extend(e.expr[":"],{tinymce:function(e){return!!(e.id&&"tinymce"in window&&tinymce.get(e.id))}})}(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/langs/readme.md b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/langs/readme.md
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/langs/readme.md
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/langs/readme.md
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/license.txt b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/license.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/license.txt
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/license.txt
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/LICENSE.txt b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/LICENSE.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/LICENSE.txt
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/LICENSE.txt
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/README.txt b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/README.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/README.txt
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/README.txt
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/langs/en.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/langs/en.js
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/langs/en.js
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/langs/en.js
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/langs/nl.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/langs/nl.js
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/langs/nl.js
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/langs/nl.js
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/plugin.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/plugin.js
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/plugin.js
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/plugin.js
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/source.html b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/source.html
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/codemirror/source.html
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/codemirror/source.html
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/image/plugin.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/image/plugin.min.js
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/image/plugin.min.js
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/image/plugin.min.js
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/link/plugin.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/link/plugin.min.js
similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/plugins/link/plugin.min.js
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/link/plugin.min.js
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Clipboard.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Clipboard.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a447b3d9eca281a87b5c1c1e9e5381796f97f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Clipboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+ * Clipboard.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains logic for getting HTML contents out of the clipboard.
+ *
+ * We need to make a lot of ugly hacks to get the contents out of the clipboard since
+ * the W3C Clipboard API is broken in all browsers that have it: Gecko/WebKit/Blink.
+ * We might rewrite this the way those API:s stabilize. Browsers doesn't handle pasting
+ * from applications like Word the same way as it does when pasting into a contentEditable area
+ * so we need to do lots of extra work to try to get to this clipboard data.
+ *
+ * Current implementation steps:
+ *  1. On keydown with paste keys Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert create
+ *     a paste bin element and move focus to that element.
+ *  2. Wait for the browser to fire a "paste" event and get the contents out of the paste bin.
+ *  3. Check if the paste was successful if true, process the HTML.
+ *  (4). If the paste was unsuccessful use IE execCommand, Clipboard API, document.dataTransfer old WebKit API etc.
+ * 
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Clipboard
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/Clipboard", [
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils"
+], function(Env, VK, Utils) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, pasteBinElm, lastRng, keyboardPasteTimeStamp = 0;
+		var pasteBinDefaultContent = '%MCEPASTEBIN%', keyboardPastePlainTextState;
+		/**
+		 * Pastes the specified HTML. This means that the HTML is filtered and then
+		 * inserted at the current selection in the editor. It will also fire paste events
+		 * for custom user filtering.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} html HTML code to paste into the current selection.
+		 */
+		function pasteHtml(html) {
+			var args, dom = editor.dom;
+			args = editor.fire('BeforePastePreProcess', {content: html}); // Internal event used by Quirks
+			args = editor.fire('PastePreProcess', args);
+			html = args.content;
+			if (!args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				// User has bound PastePostProcess events then we need to pass it through a DOM node
+				// This is not ideal but we don't want to let the browser mess up the HTML for example
+				// some browsers add &nbsp; to P tags etc
+				if (editor.hasEventListeners('PastePostProcess') && !args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					// We need to attach the element to the DOM so Sizzle selectors work on the contents
+					var tempBody = dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'div', {style: 'display:none'}, html);
+					args = editor.fire('PastePostProcess', {node: tempBody});
+					dom.remove(tempBody);
+					html = args.node.innerHTML;
+				}
+				if (!args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					editor.insertContent(html);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Pastes the specified text. This means that the plain text is processed
+		 * and converted into BR and P elements. It will fire paste events for custom filtering.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} text Text to paste as the current selection location.
+		 */
+		function pasteText(text) {
+			text = editor.dom.encode(text).replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
+			var startBlock = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), editor.dom.isBlock);
+			// Create start block html for example <p attr="value">
+			var forcedRootBlockName = editor.settings.forced_root_block;
+			var forcedRootBlockStartHtml;
+			if (forcedRootBlockName) {
+				forcedRootBlockStartHtml = editor.dom.createHTML(forcedRootBlockName, editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+				forcedRootBlockStartHtml = forcedRootBlockStartHtml.substr(0, forcedRootBlockStartHtml.length - 3) + '>';
+			}
+			if ((startBlock && /^(PRE|DIV)$/.test(startBlock.nodeName)) || !forcedRootBlockName) {
+				text = Utils.filter(text, [
+					[/\n/g, "<br>"]
+				]);
+			} else {
+				text = Utils.filter(text, [
+					[/\n\n/g, "</p>" + forcedRootBlockStartHtml],
+					[/^(.*<\/p>)(<p>)$/, forcedRootBlockStartHtml + '$1'],
+					[/\n/g, "<br />"]
+				]);
+				if (text.indexOf('<p>') != -1) {
+					text = forcedRootBlockStartHtml + text;
+				}
+			}
+			pasteHtml(text);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Creates a paste bin element as close as possible to the current caret location and places the focus inside that element
+		 * so that when the real paste event occurs the contents gets inserted into this element
+		 * instead of the current editor selection element.
+		 */
+		function createPasteBin() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, body = editor.getBody();
+			var viewport = editor.dom.getViewPort(editor.getWin()), scrollTop = viewport.y, top = 20;
+			var scrollContainer;
+			lastRng = editor.selection.getRng();
+			if (editor.inline) {
+				scrollContainer = editor.selection.getScrollContainer();
+				if (scrollContainer) {
+					scrollTop = scrollContainer.scrollTop;
+				}
+			}
+			// Calculate top cordinate this is needed to avoid scrolling to top of document
+			// We want the paste bin to be as close to the caret as possible to avoid scrolling
+			if (lastRng.getClientRects) {
+				var rects = lastRng.getClientRects();
+				if (rects.length) {
+					// Client rects gets us closes to the actual
+					// caret location in for example a wrapped paragraph block
+					top = scrollTop + (rects[0].top - dom.getPos(body).y);
+				} else {
+					top = scrollTop;
+					// Check if we can find a closer location by checking the range element
+					var container = lastRng.startContainer;
+					if (container) {
+						if (container.nodeType == 3 && container.parentNode != body) {
+							container = container.parentNode;
+						}
+						if (container.nodeType == 1) {
+							top = dom.getPos(container, scrollContainer || body).y;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Create a pastebin
+			pasteBinElm = dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'div', {
+				id: "mcepastebin",
+				contentEditable: true,
+				"data-mce-bogus": "1",
+				style: 'position: absolute; top: ' + top + 'px;' +
+					'width: 10px; height: 10px; overflow: hidden; opacity: 0'
+			}, pasteBinDefaultContent);
+			// Move paste bin out of sight since the controlSelection rect gets displayed otherwise on IE and Gecko
+			if (Env.ie || Env.gecko) {
+				dom.setStyle(pasteBinElm, 'left', dom.getStyle(body, 'direction', true) == 'rtl' ? 0xFFFF : -0xFFFF);
+			}
+			// Prevent focus events from bubbeling fixed FocusManager issues
+			dom.bind(pasteBinElm, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', function(e) {
+				e.stopPropagation();
+			});
+			pasteBinElm.focus();
+			editor.selection.select(pasteBinElm, true);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the paste bin if it exists.
+		 */
+		function removePasteBin() {
+			if (pasteBinElm) {
+				var pasteBinClone;
+				// WebKit/Blink might clone the div so
+				// lets make sure we remove all clones
+				// TODO: Man o man is this ugly. WebKit is the new IE! Remove this if they ever fix it!
+				while ((pasteBinClone = editor.dom.get('mcepastebin'))) {
+					editor.dom.remove(pasteBinClone);
+					editor.dom.unbind(pasteBinClone);
+				}
+				if (lastRng) {
+					editor.selection.setRng(lastRng);
+				}
+			}
+			keyboardPastePlainTextState = false;
+			pasteBinElm = lastRng = null;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the contents of the paste bin as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @return {String} Get the contents of the paste bin.
+		 */
+		function getPasteBinHtml() {
+			var html = pasteBinDefaultContent, pasteBinClones, i;
+			// Since WebKit/Chrome might clone the paste bin when pasting
+			// for example: <img style="float: right"> we need to check if any of them contains some useful html.
+			// TODO: Man o man is this ugly. WebKit is the new IE! Remove this if they ever fix it!
+			pasteBinClones = editor.dom.select('div[id=mcepastebin]');
+			i = pasteBinClones.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				var cloneHtml = pasteBinClones[i].innerHTML;
+				if (html == pasteBinDefaultContent) {
+					html = '';
+				}
+				if (cloneHtml.length > html.length) {
+					html = cloneHtml;
+				}
+			}
+			return html;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Gets various content types out of a datatransfer object.
+		 *
+		 * @param {DataTransfer} dataTransfer Event fired on paste.
+		 * @return {Object} Object with mime types and data for those mime types.
+		 */
+		function getDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) {
+			var data = {};
+			if (dataTransfer && dataTransfer.types) {
+				// Use old WebKit API
+				var legacyText = dataTransfer.getData('Text');
+				if (legacyText && legacyText.length > 0) {
+					data['text/plain'] = legacyText;
+				}
+				for (var i = 0; i < dataTransfer.types.length; i++) {
+					var contentType = dataTransfer.types[i];
+					data[contentType] = dataTransfer.getData(contentType);
+				}
+			}
+			return data;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Gets various content types out of the Clipboard API. It will also get the
+		 * plain text using older IE and WebKit API:s.
+		 *
+		 * @param {ClipboardEvent} clipboardEvent Event fired on paste.
+		 * @return {Object} Object with mime types and data for those mime types.
+		 */
+		function getClipboardContent(clipboardEvent) {
+			return getDataTransferItems(clipboardEvent.clipboardData || editor.getDoc().dataTransfer);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Checks if the clipboard contains image data if it does it will take that data
+		 * and convert it into a data url image and paste that image at the caret location.
+		 *
+		 * @param  {ClipboardEvent} e Paste event object.
+		 * @param  {Object} clipboardContent Collection of clipboard contents.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the image data was found or not.
+		 */
+		function pasteImageData(e, clipboardContent) {
+			function pasteImage(item) {
+				if (items[i].type == 'image/png') {
+					var reader = new FileReader();
+					reader.onload = function() {
+						pasteHtml('<img src="' + reader.result + '">');
+					};
+					reader.readAsDataURL(item.getAsFile());
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			// If paste data images are disabled or there is HTML or plain text
+			// contents then proceed with the normal paste process
+			if (!editor.settings.paste_data_images || "text/html" in clipboardContent || "text/plain" in clipboardContent) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (e.clipboardData) {
+				var items = e.clipboardData.items;
+				if (items) {
+					for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+						if (pasteImage(items[i])) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function getCaretRangeFromEvent(e) {
+			var doc = editor.getDoc(), rng;
+			if (doc.caretPositionFromPoint) {
+				var point = doc.caretPositionFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
+				rng = doc.createRange();
+				rng.setStart(point.offsetNode, point.offset);
+				rng.collapse(true);
+			} else if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
+				rng = doc.caretRangeFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		function hasContentType(clipboardContent, mimeType) {
+			return mimeType in clipboardContent && clipboardContent[mimeType].length > 0;
+		}
+		function registerEventHandlers() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					return;
+				}
+				// Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert
+				if ((VK.metaKeyPressed(e) && e.keyCode == 86) || (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 45)) {
+					keyboardPastePlainTextState = e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 86;
+					// Prevent undoManager keydown handler from making an undo level with the pastebin in it
+					e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+					keyboardPasteTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
+					// IE doesn't support Ctrl+Shift+V and it doesn't even produce a paste event
+					// so lets fake a paste event and let IE use the execCommand/dataTransfer methods
+					if (Env.ie && keyboardPastePlainTextState) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.fire('paste', {ieFake: true});
+						return;
+					}
+					removePasteBin();
+					createPasteBin();
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('paste', function(e) {
+				var clipboardContent = getClipboardContent(e);
+				var isKeyBoardPaste = new Date().getTime() - keyboardPasteTimeStamp < 1000;
+				var plainTextMode = self.pasteFormat == "text" || keyboardPastePlainTextState;
+				if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					removePasteBin();
+					return;
+				}
+				if (pasteImageData(e, clipboardContent)) {
+					removePasteBin();
+					return;
+				}
+				// Not a keyboard paste prevent default paste and try to grab the clipboard contents using different APIs
+				if (!isKeyBoardPaste) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+				// Try IE only method if paste isn't a keyboard paste
+				if (Env.ie && (!isKeyBoardPaste || e.ieFake)) {
+					createPasteBin();
+					editor.dom.bind(pasteBinElm, 'paste', function(e) {
+						e.stopPropagation();
+					});
+					editor.getDoc().execCommand('Paste', false, null);
+					clipboardContent["text/html"] = getPasteBinHtml();
+				}
+				setTimeout(function() {
+					var html = getPasteBinHtml();
+					// WebKit has a nice bug where it clones the paste bin if you paste from for example notepad
+					if (pasteBinElm && pasteBinElm.firstChild && pasteBinElm.firstChild.id === 'mcepastebin') {
+						plainTextMode = true;
+					}
+					removePasteBin();
+					if (html == pasteBinDefaultContent || !isKeyBoardPaste) {
+						html = clipboardContent['text/html'] || clipboardContent['text/plain'] || pasteBinDefaultContent;
+						if (html == pasteBinDefaultContent) {
+							if (!isKeyBoardPaste) {
+								editor.windowManager.alert('Please use Ctrl+V/Cmd+V keyboard shortcuts to paste contents.');
+							}
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					// Force plain text mode if we only got a text/plain content type
+					if (!hasContentType(clipboardContent, 'text/html') && hasContentType(clipboardContent, 'text/plain')) {
+						plainTextMode = true;
+					}
+					if (plainTextMode) {
+						pasteText(clipboardContent['text/plain'] || Utils.innerText(html));
+					} else {
+						pasteHtml(html);
+					}
+				}, 0);
+			});
+			editor.on('dragstart', function(e) {
+				if (e.dataTransfer.types) {
+					try {
+						e.dataTransfer.setData('mce-internal', editor.selection.getContent());
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE 10 throws an error since it doesn't support custom data items
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('drop', function(e) {
+				var rng = getCaretRangeFromEvent(e);
+				if (rng && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					var dropContent = getDataTransferItems(e.dataTransfer);
+					var content = dropContent['mce-internal'] || dropContent['text/html'] || dropContent['text/plain'];
+					if (content) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+							if (dropContent['mce-internal']) {
+								editor.execCommand('Delete');
+							}
+							editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+							if (!dropContent['text/html']) {
+								pasteText(content);
+							} else {
+								pasteHtml(content);
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		self.pasteHtml = pasteHtml;
+		self.pasteText = pasteText;
+		editor.on('preInit', function() {
+			registerEventHandlers();
+			// Remove all data images from paste for example from Gecko
+			// except internal images like video elements
+			editor.parser.addNodeFilter('img', function(nodes) {
+				if (!editor.settings.paste_data_images) {
+					var i = nodes.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						var src = nodes[i].attributes.map.src;
+						if (src && src.indexOf('data:image') === 0) {
+							if (!nodes[i].attr('data-mce-object') && src !== Env.transparentSrc) {
+								nodes[i].remove();
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		// Fix for #6504 we need to remove the paste bin on IE if the user paste in a file
+		editor.on('PreProcess', function() {
+			editor.dom.remove(editor.dom.get('mcepastebin'));
+		});
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Plugin.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Plugin.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c968b45d7b9bf728a0fff7820d090455d53aae76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * Plugin.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains the tinymce plugin logic for the paste plugin.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Plugin
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/Plugin", [
+	"tinymce/PluginManager",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Clipboard",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/WordFilter",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Quirks"
+], function(PluginManager, Clipboard, WordFilter, Quirks) {
+	var userIsInformed;
+	PluginManager.add('paste', function(editor) {
+		var self = this, clipboard, settings = editor.settings;
+		function togglePlainTextPaste() {
+			if (clipboard.pasteFormat == "text") {
+				this.active(false);
+				clipboard.pasteFormat = "html";
+			} else {
+				clipboard.pasteFormat = "text";
+				this.active(true);
+				if (!userIsInformed) {
+					editor.windowManager.alert(
+						'Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now ' +
+						'be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.'
+					);
+					userIsInformed = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		self.clipboard = clipboard = new Clipboard(editor);
+		self.quirks = new Quirks(editor);
+		self.wordFilter = new WordFilter(editor);
+		if (editor.settings.paste_as_text) {
+			self.clipboard.pasteFormat = "text";
+		}
+		if (settings.paste_preprocess) {
+			editor.on('PastePreProcess', function(e) {
+				settings.paste_preprocess.call(self, self, e);
+			});
+		}
+		if (settings.paste_postprocess) {
+			editor.on('PastePostProcess', function(e) {
+				settings.paste_postprocess.call(self, self, e);
+			});
+		}
+		editor.addCommand('mceInsertClipboardContent', function(ui, value) {
+			if (value.content) {
+				self.clipboard.pasteHtml(value.content);
+			}
+			if (value.text) {
+				self.clipboard.pasteText(value.text);
+			}
+		});
+		// Block all drag/drop events
+		if (editor.paste_block_drop) {
+			editor.on('dragend dragover draggesture dragdrop drop drag', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				e.stopPropagation();
+			});
+		}
+		// Prevent users from dropping data images on Gecko
+		if (!editor.settings.paste_data_images) {
+			editor.on('drop', function(e) {
+				var dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer;
+				if (dataTransfer && dataTransfer.files && dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		editor.addButton('pastetext', {
+			icon: 'pastetext',
+			tooltip: 'Paste as text',
+			onclick: togglePlainTextPaste,
+			active: self.clipboard.pasteFormat == "text"
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('pastetext', {
+			text: 'Paste as text',
+			selectable: true,
+			active: clipboard.pasteFormat,
+			onclick: togglePlainTextPaste
+		});
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Quirks.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Quirks.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48f033cad3c5e8894d4006b2994dc1569d1459c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Quirks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Quirks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains various fixes for browsers. These issues can not be feature
+ * detected since we have no direct control over the clipboard. However we might be able
+ * to remove some of these fixes once the browsers gets updated/fixed.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Quirks
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/Quirks", [
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/WordFilter",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils"
+], function(Env, Tools, WordFilter, Utils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return function(editor) {
+		function addPreProcessFilter(filterFunc) {
+			editor.on('BeforePastePreProcess', function(e) {
+				e.content = filterFunc(e.content);
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes WebKit fragment comments and converted-space spans.
+		 *
+		 * This:
+		 *   <!--StartFragment-->a<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>b<!--EndFragment-->
+		 *
+		 * Becomes:
+		 *   a&nbsp;b
+		 */
+		function removeWebKitFragments(html) {
+			html = Utils.filter(html, [
+				/^[\s\S]*<!--StartFragment-->|<!--EndFragment-->[\s\S]*$/g, // WebKit fragment
+				[/<span class="Apple-converted-space">\u00a0<\/span>/g, '\u00a0'], // WebKit &nbsp;
+				/<br>$/i // Traling BR elements
+			]);
+			return html;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes BR elements after block elements. IE9 has a nasty bug where it puts a BR element after each
+		 * block element when pasting from word. This removes those elements.
+		 *
+		 * This:
+		 *  <p>a</p><br><p>b</p>
+		 *
+		 * Becomes:
+		 *  <p>a</p><p>b</p>
+		 */
+		function removeExplorerBrElementsAfterBlocks(html) {
+			// Only filter word specific content
+			if (!WordFilter.isWordContent(html)) {
+				return html;
+			}
+			// Produce block regexp based on the block elements in schema
+			var blockElements = [];
+			Tools.each(editor.schema.getBlockElements(), function(block, blockName) {
+				blockElements.push(blockName);
+			});
+			var explorerBlocksRegExp = new RegExp(
+				'(?:<br>&nbsp;[\\s\\r\\n]+|<br>)*(<\\/?(' + blockElements.join('|') + ')[^>]*>)(?:<br>&nbsp;[\\s\\r\\n]+|<br>)*',
+				'g'
+			);
+			// Remove BR:s from: <BLOCK>X</BLOCK><BR>
+			html = Utils.filter(html, [
+				[explorerBlocksRegExp, '$1']
+			]);
+			// IE9 also adds an extra BR element for each soft-linefeed and it also adds a BR for each word wrap break
+			html = Utils.filter(html, [
+				[/<br><br>/g, '<BR><BR>'], // Replace multiple BR elements with uppercase BR to keep them intact
+				[/<br>/g, ' '],            // Replace single br elements with space since they are word wrap BR:s
+				[/<BR><BR>/g, '<br>']      // Replace back the double brs but into a single BR
+			]);
+			return html;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit has a nasty bug where the all runtime styles gets added to style attributes when copy/pasting contents.
+		 * This fix solves that by simply removing the whole style attribute.
+		 *
+		 * Todo: This can be made smarter. Keeping styles that override existing ones etc.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} content Content that needs to be processed.
+		 * @return {String} Processed contents.
+		 */
+		function removeWebKitStyles(content) {
+			if (editor.settings.paste_remove_styles || editor.settings.paste_remove_styles_if_webkit !== false) {
+				content = content.replace(/ style=\"[^\"]+\"/g, '');
+			}
+			return content;
+		}
+		// Sniff browsers and apply fixes since we can't feature detect
+		if (Env.webkit) {
+			addPreProcessFilter(removeWebKitStyles);
+			addPreProcessFilter(removeWebKitFragments);
+		}
+		if (Env.ie) {
+			addPreProcessFilter(removeExplorerBrElementsAfterBlocks);
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Utils.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Utils.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c4a80aff8530631891ba5569b305f4157ea3d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * Utils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contails various utility functions for the paste plugin.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Clipboard
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema"
+], function(Tools, DomParser, Schema) {
+	function filter(content, items) {
+		Tools.each(items, function(v) {
+			if (v.constructor == RegExp) {
+				content = content.replace(v, '');
+			} else {
+				content = content.replace(v[0], v[1]);
+			}
+		});
+		return content;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets the innerText of the specified element. It will handle edge cases
+	 * and works better than textContent on Gecko.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} html HTML string to get text from.
+	 * @return {String} String of text with line feeds.
+	 */
+	function innerText(html) {
+		var schema = new Schema(), domParser = new DomParser({}, schema), text = '';
+		var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
+		var ignoreElements = Tools.makeMap('script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object', ' ');
+		var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
+		function walk(node) {
+			var name = node.name, currentNode = node;
+			if (name === 'br') {
+				text += '\n';
+				return;
+			}
+			// img/input/hr
+			if (shortEndedElements[name]) {
+				text += ' ';
+			}
+			// Ingore script, video contents
+			if (ignoreElements[name]) {
+				text += ' ';
+				return;
+			}
+			if (node.type == 3) {
+				text += node.value;
+			}
+			// Walk all children
+			if (!node.shortEnded) {
+				if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+					do {
+						walk(node);
+					} while ((node = node.next));
+				}
+			}
+			// Add \n or \n\n for blocks or P
+			if (blockElements[name] && currentNode.next) {
+				text += '\n';
+				if (name == 'p') {
+					text += '\n';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		walk(domParser.parse(html));
+		return text;
+	}
+	return {
+		filter: filter,
+		innerText: innerText
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/WordFilter.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/WordFilter.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..566fe15af256649b9bf5206297250fc8363c91a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/WordFilter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+ * WordFilter.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class parses word HTML into proper TinyMCE markup.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Quirks
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/WordFilter", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils"
+], function(Tools, DomParser, Schema, Serializer, Node, Utils) {
+	function isWordContent(content) {
+		return (/<font face="Times New Roman"|class="?Mso|style="[^"]*\bmso-|style='[^'']*\bmso-|w:WordDocument/i).test(content);
+	}
+	function WordFilter(editor) {
+		var settings = editor.settings;
+		editor.on('BeforePastePreProcess', function(e) {
+			var content = e.content, retainStyleProperties, validStyles;
+			retainStyleProperties = settings.paste_retain_style_properties;
+			if (retainStyleProperties) {
+				validStyles = Tools.makeMap(retainStyleProperties);
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Converts fake bullet and numbered lists to real semantic OL/UL.
+			 *
+			 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Root node to convert children of.
+			 */
+			function convertFakeListsToProperLists(node) {
+				var currentListNode, prevListNode, lastLevel = 1;
+				function convertParagraphToLi(paragraphNode, listStartTextNode, listName, start) {
+					var level = paragraphNode._listLevel || lastLevel;
+					// Handle list nesting
+					if (level != lastLevel) {
+						if (level < lastLevel) {
+							// Move to parent list
+							if (currentListNode) {
+								currentListNode = currentListNode.parent.parent;
+							}
+						} else {
+							// Create new list
+							prevListNode = currentListNode;
+							currentListNode = null;
+						}
+					}
+					if (!currentListNode || currentListNode.name != listName) {
+						prevListNode = prevListNode || currentListNode;
+						currentListNode = new Node(listName, 1);
+						if (start > 1) {
+							currentListNode.attr('start', '' + start);
+						}
+						paragraphNode.wrap(currentListNode);
+					} else {
+						currentListNode.append(paragraphNode);
+					}
+					paragraphNode.name = 'li';
+					listStartTextNode.value = '';
+					var nextNode = listStartTextNode.next;
+					if (nextNode && nextNode.type == 3) {
+						nextNode.value = nextNode.value.replace(/^\u00a0+/, '');
+					}
+					// Append list to previous list if it exists
+					if (level > lastLevel && prevListNode) {
+						prevListNode.lastChild.append(currentListNode);
+					}
+					lastLevel = level;
+				}
+				var paragraphs = node.getAll('p');
+				for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
+					node = paragraphs[i];
+					if (node.name == 'p' && node.firstChild) {
+						// Find first text node in paragraph
+						var nodeText = '';
+						var listStartTextNode = node.firstChild;
+						while (listStartTextNode) {
+							nodeText = listStartTextNode.value;
+							if (nodeText) {
+								break;
+							}
+							listStartTextNode = listStartTextNode.firstChild;
+						}
+						// Detect unordered lists look for bullets
+						if (/^\s*[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8\u25CF]\s*$/.test(nodeText)) {
+							convertParagraphToLi(node, listStartTextNode, 'ul');
+							continue;
+						}
+						// Detect ordered lists 1., a. or ixv.
+						if (/^\s*\w+\.$/.test(nodeText)) {
+							// Parse OL start number
+							var matches = /([0-9])\./.exec(nodeText);
+							var start = 1;
+							if (matches) {
+								start = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
+							}
+							convertParagraphToLi(node, listStartTextNode, 'ol', start);
+							continue;
+						}
+						currentListNode = null;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function filterStyles(node, styleValue) {
+				// Parse out list indent level for lists
+				if (node.name === 'p') {
+					var matches = /mso-list:\w+ \w+([0-9]+)/.exec(styleValue);
+					if (matches) {
+						node._listLevel = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
+					}
+				}
+				if (editor.getParam("paste_retain_style_properties", "none")) {
+					var outputStyle = "";
+					Tools.each(editor.dom.parseStyle(styleValue), function(value, name) {
+						// Convert various MS styles to W3C styles
+						switch (name) {
+							case "horiz-align":
+								name = "text-align";
+								return;
+							case "vert-align":
+								name = "vertical-align";
+								return;
+							case "font-color":
+							case "mso-foreground":
+								name = "color";
+								return;
+							case "mso-background":
+							case "mso-highlight":
+								name = "background";
+								break;
+						}
+						// Output only valid styles
+						if (retainStyleProperties == "all" || (validStyles && validStyles[name])) {
+							outputStyle += name + ':' + value + ';';
+						}
+					});
+					if (outputStyle) {
+						return outputStyle;
+					}
+				}
+				return null;
+			}
+			if (settings.paste_enable_default_filters === false) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Detect is the contents is Word junk HTML
+			if (isWordContent(e.content)) {
+				e.wordContent = true; // Mark it for other processors
+				// Remove basic Word junk
+				content = Utils.filter(content, [
+					// Word comments like conditional comments etc
+					/<!--[\s\S]+?-->/gi,
+					// Remove comments, scripts (e.g., msoShowComment), XML tag, VML content,
+					// MS Office namespaced tags, and a few other tags
+					/<(!|script[^>]*>.*?<\/script(?=[>\s])|\/?(\?xml(:\w+)?|img|meta|link|style|\w:\w+)(?=[\s\/>]))[^>]*>/gi,
+					// Convert <s> into <strike> for line-though
+					[/<(\/?)s>/gi, "<$1strike>"],
+					// Replace nsbp entites to char since it's easier to handle
+					[/&nbsp;/gi, "\u00a0"],
+					// Convert <span style="mso-spacerun:yes">___</span> to string of alternating
+					// breaking/non-breaking spaces of same length
+					[/<span\s+style\s*=\s*"\s*mso-spacerun\s*:\s*yes\s*;?\s*"\s*>([\s\u00a0]*)<\/span>/gi,
+						function(str, spaces) {
+							return (spaces.length > 0) ?
+								spaces.replace(/./, " ").slice(Math.floor(spaces.length / 2)).split("").join("\u00a0") : "";
+						}
+					]
+				]);
+				var validElements = settings.paste_word_valid_elements;
+				if (!validElements) {
+					validElements = '@[style],-strong/b,-em/i,-span,-p,-ol,-ul,-li,-h1,-h2,-h3,-h4,-h5,-h6,' +
+						'-table[width],-tr,-td[colspan|rowspan|width],-th,-thead,-tfoot,-tbody,-a[href|name],sub,sup,strike,br';
+				}
+				// Setup strict schema
+				var schema = new Schema({
+					valid_elements: validElements
+				});
+				// Parse HTML into DOM structure
+				var domParser = new DomParser({}, schema);
+				domParser.addAttributeFilter('style', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						node.attr('style', filterStyles(node, node.attr('style')));
+						// Remove pointess spans
+						if (node.name == 'span' && !node.attributes.length) {
+							node.unwrap();
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				domParser.addNodeFilter('a', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node, href, name;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						href = node.attr('href');
+						name = node.attr('name');
+						if (href && href.indexOf('file://') === 0) {
+							href = href.split('#')[1];
+							if (href) {
+								href = '#' + href;
+							}
+						}
+						if (!href && !name) {
+							node.unwrap();
+						} else {
+							node.attr({
+								href: href,
+								name: name
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				// Parse into DOM structure
+				var rootNode = domParser.parse(content);
+				// Process DOM
+				convertFakeListsToProperLists(rootNode);
+				// Serialize DOM back to HTML
+				e.content = new Serializer({}, schema).serialize(rootNode);
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	WordFilter.isWordContent = isWordContent;
+	return WordFilter;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.dev.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.dev.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..557269ef75e8b02038a538fa93eb05ed3467b95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.dev.js
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Inline development version. Only to be used while developing since it uses document.write to load scripts.
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports) {
+	"use strict";
+	var html = "", baseDir;
+	var modules = {}, exposedModules = [], moduleCount = 0;
+	var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+	for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
+		var src = scripts[i].src;
+		if (src.indexOf('/plugin.dev.js') != -1) {
+			baseDir = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
+		}
+	}
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function register(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+			if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+				target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+		if (--moduleCount === 0) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < exposedModules.length; i++) {
+				register(exposedModules[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		exposedModules = ids;
+	}
+	function writeScripts() {
+		document.write(html);
+	}
+	function load(path) {
+		html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + baseDir + '/' + path + '"></script>\n';
+		moduleCount++;
+	}
+	// Expose globally
+	exports.define = define;
+	exports.require = require;
+	expose(["tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils","tinymce/pasteplugin/Clipboard","tinymce/pasteplugin/WordFilter","tinymce/pasteplugin/Quirks","tinymce/pasteplugin/Plugin"]);
+	load('classes/Utils.js');
+	load('classes/Clipboard.js');
+	load('classes/WordFilter.js');
+	load('classes/Quirks.js');
+	load('classes/Plugin.js');
+	writeScripts();
+// $hash: d99d9b748c4f7521874d185c37bfd19a
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a038798201c260d485b92ef2ca20b7728a68086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1206 @@
+ * Compiled inline version. (Library mode)
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports, undefined) {
+	"use strict";
+	var modules = {};
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+	}
+	function defined(id) {
+		return !!modules[id];
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+			var target = exports;
+			var id = ids[i];
+			var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+			for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+				if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+					target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+				}
+				target = target[fragments[fi]];
+			}
+			target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+		}
+	}
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Utils.js
+ * Utils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contails various utility functions for the paste plugin.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Clipboard
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema"
+], function(Tools, DomParser, Schema) {
+	function filter(content, items) {
+		Tools.each(items, function(v) {
+			if (v.constructor == RegExp) {
+				content = content.replace(v, '');
+			} else {
+				content = content.replace(v[0], v[1]);
+			}
+		});
+		return content;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets the innerText of the specified element. It will handle edge cases
+	 * and works better than textContent on Gecko.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} html HTML string to get text from.
+	 * @return {String} String of text with line feeds.
+	 */
+	function innerText(html) {
+		var schema = new Schema(), domParser = new DomParser({}, schema), text = '';
+		var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
+		var ignoreElements = Tools.makeMap('script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object', ' ');
+		var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
+		function walk(node) {
+			var name = node.name, currentNode = node;
+			if (name === 'br') {
+				text += '\n';
+				return;
+			}
+			// img/input/hr
+			if (shortEndedElements[name]) {
+				text += ' ';
+			}
+			// Ingore script, video contents
+			if (ignoreElements[name]) {
+				text += ' ';
+				return;
+			}
+			if (node.type == 3) {
+				text += node.value;
+			}
+			// Walk all children
+			if (!node.shortEnded) {
+				if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+					do {
+						walk(node);
+					} while ((node = node.next));
+				}
+			}
+			// Add \n or \n\n for blocks or P
+			if (blockElements[name] && currentNode.next) {
+				text += '\n';
+				if (name == 'p') {
+					text += '\n';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		walk(domParser.parse(html));
+		return text;
+	}
+	return {
+		filter: filter,
+		innerText: innerText
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Clipboard.js
+ * Clipboard.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains logic for getting HTML contents out of the clipboard.
+ *
+ * We need to make a lot of ugly hacks to get the contents out of the clipboard since
+ * the W3C Clipboard API is broken in all browsers that have it: Gecko/WebKit/Blink.
+ * We might rewrite this the way those API:s stabilize. Browsers doesn't handle pasting
+ * from applications like Word the same way as it does when pasting into a contentEditable area
+ * so we need to do lots of extra work to try to get to this clipboard data.
+ *
+ * Current implementation steps:
+ *  1. On keydown with paste keys Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert create
+ *     a paste bin element and move focus to that element.
+ *  2. Wait for the browser to fire a "paste" event and get the contents out of the paste bin.
+ *  3. Check if the paste was successful if true, process the HTML.
+ *  (4). If the paste was unsuccessful use IE execCommand, Clipboard API, document.dataTransfer old WebKit API etc.
+ * 
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Clipboard
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/Clipboard", [
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils"
+], function(Env, VK, Utils) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, pasteBinElm, lastRng, keyboardPasteTimeStamp = 0;
+		var pasteBinDefaultContent = '%MCEPASTEBIN%', keyboardPastePlainTextState;
+		/**
+		 * Pastes the specified HTML. This means that the HTML is filtered and then
+		 * inserted at the current selection in the editor. It will also fire paste events
+		 * for custom user filtering.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} html HTML code to paste into the current selection.
+		 */
+		function pasteHtml(html) {
+			var args, dom = editor.dom;
+			args = editor.fire('BeforePastePreProcess', {content: html}); // Internal event used by Quirks
+			args = editor.fire('PastePreProcess', args);
+			html = args.content;
+			if (!args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				// User has bound PastePostProcess events then we need to pass it through a DOM node
+				// This is not ideal but we don't want to let the browser mess up the HTML for example
+				// some browsers add &nbsp; to P tags etc
+				if (editor.hasEventListeners('PastePostProcess') && !args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					// We need to attach the element to the DOM so Sizzle selectors work on the contents
+					var tempBody = dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'div', {style: 'display:none'}, html);
+					args = editor.fire('PastePostProcess', {node: tempBody});
+					dom.remove(tempBody);
+					html = args.node.innerHTML;
+				}
+				if (!args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					editor.insertContent(html);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Pastes the specified text. This means that the plain text is processed
+		 * and converted into BR and P elements. It will fire paste events for custom filtering.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} text Text to paste as the current selection location.
+		 */
+		function pasteText(text) {
+			text = editor.dom.encode(text).replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
+			var startBlock = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), editor.dom.isBlock);
+			// Create start block html for example <p attr="value">
+			var forcedRootBlockName = editor.settings.forced_root_block;
+			var forcedRootBlockStartHtml;
+			if (forcedRootBlockName) {
+				forcedRootBlockStartHtml = editor.dom.createHTML(forcedRootBlockName, editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+				forcedRootBlockStartHtml = forcedRootBlockStartHtml.substr(0, forcedRootBlockStartHtml.length - 3) + '>';
+			}
+			if ((startBlock && /^(PRE|DIV)$/.test(startBlock.nodeName)) || !forcedRootBlockName) {
+				text = Utils.filter(text, [
+					[/\n/g, "<br>"]
+				]);
+			} else {
+				text = Utils.filter(text, [
+					[/\n\n/g, "</p>" + forcedRootBlockStartHtml],
+					[/^(.*<\/p>)(<p>)$/, forcedRootBlockStartHtml + '$1'],
+					[/\n/g, "<br />"]
+				]);
+				if (text.indexOf('<p>') != -1) {
+					text = forcedRootBlockStartHtml + text;
+				}
+			}
+			pasteHtml(text);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Creates a paste bin element as close as possible to the current caret location and places the focus inside that element
+		 * so that when the real paste event occurs the contents gets inserted into this element
+		 * instead of the current editor selection element.
+		 */
+		function createPasteBin() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, body = editor.getBody();
+			var viewport = editor.dom.getViewPort(editor.getWin()), scrollTop = viewport.y, top = 20;
+			var scrollContainer;
+			lastRng = editor.selection.getRng();
+			if (editor.inline) {
+				scrollContainer = editor.selection.getScrollContainer();
+				if (scrollContainer) {
+					scrollTop = scrollContainer.scrollTop;
+				}
+			}
+			// Calculate top cordinate this is needed to avoid scrolling to top of document
+			// We want the paste bin to be as close to the caret as possible to avoid scrolling
+			if (lastRng.getClientRects) {
+				var rects = lastRng.getClientRects();
+				if (rects.length) {
+					// Client rects gets us closes to the actual
+					// caret location in for example a wrapped paragraph block
+					top = scrollTop + (rects[0].top - dom.getPos(body).y);
+				} else {
+					top = scrollTop;
+					// Check if we can find a closer location by checking the range element
+					var container = lastRng.startContainer;
+					if (container) {
+						if (container.nodeType == 3 && container.parentNode != body) {
+							container = container.parentNode;
+						}
+						if (container.nodeType == 1) {
+							top = dom.getPos(container, scrollContainer || body).y;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Create a pastebin
+			pasteBinElm = dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'div', {
+				id: "mcepastebin",
+				contentEditable: true,
+				"data-mce-bogus": "1",
+				style: 'position: absolute; top: ' + top + 'px;' +
+					'width: 10px; height: 10px; overflow: hidden; opacity: 0'
+			}, pasteBinDefaultContent);
+			// Move paste bin out of sight since the controlSelection rect gets displayed otherwise on IE and Gecko
+			if (Env.ie || Env.gecko) {
+				dom.setStyle(pasteBinElm, 'left', dom.getStyle(body, 'direction', true) == 'rtl' ? 0xFFFF : -0xFFFF);
+			}
+			// Prevent focus events from bubbeling fixed FocusManager issues
+			dom.bind(pasteBinElm, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', function(e) {
+				e.stopPropagation();
+			});
+			pasteBinElm.focus();
+			editor.selection.select(pasteBinElm, true);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the paste bin if it exists.
+		 */
+		function removePasteBin() {
+			if (pasteBinElm) {
+				var pasteBinClone;
+				// WebKit/Blink might clone the div so
+				// lets make sure we remove all clones
+				// TODO: Man o man is this ugly. WebKit is the new IE! Remove this if they ever fix it!
+				while ((pasteBinClone = editor.dom.get('mcepastebin'))) {
+					editor.dom.remove(pasteBinClone);
+					editor.dom.unbind(pasteBinClone);
+				}
+				if (lastRng) {
+					editor.selection.setRng(lastRng);
+				}
+			}
+			keyboardPastePlainTextState = false;
+			pasteBinElm = lastRng = null;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the contents of the paste bin as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @return {String} Get the contents of the paste bin.
+		 */
+		function getPasteBinHtml() {
+			var html = pasteBinDefaultContent, pasteBinClones, i;
+			// Since WebKit/Chrome might clone the paste bin when pasting
+			// for example: <img style="float: right"> we need to check if any of them contains some useful html.
+			// TODO: Man o man is this ugly. WebKit is the new IE! Remove this if they ever fix it!
+			pasteBinClones = editor.dom.select('div[id=mcepastebin]');
+			i = pasteBinClones.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				var cloneHtml = pasteBinClones[i].innerHTML;
+				if (html == pasteBinDefaultContent) {
+					html = '';
+				}
+				if (cloneHtml.length > html.length) {
+					html = cloneHtml;
+				}
+			}
+			return html;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Gets various content types out of a datatransfer object.
+		 *
+		 * @param {DataTransfer} dataTransfer Event fired on paste.
+		 * @return {Object} Object with mime types and data for those mime types.
+		 */
+		function getDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) {
+			var data = {};
+			if (dataTransfer && dataTransfer.types) {
+				// Use old WebKit API
+				var legacyText = dataTransfer.getData('Text');
+				if (legacyText && legacyText.length > 0) {
+					data['text/plain'] = legacyText;
+				}
+				for (var i = 0; i < dataTransfer.types.length; i++) {
+					var contentType = dataTransfer.types[i];
+					data[contentType] = dataTransfer.getData(contentType);
+				}
+			}
+			return data;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Gets various content types out of the Clipboard API. It will also get the
+		 * plain text using older IE and WebKit API:s.
+		 *
+		 * @param {ClipboardEvent} clipboardEvent Event fired on paste.
+		 * @return {Object} Object with mime types and data for those mime types.
+		 */
+		function getClipboardContent(clipboardEvent) {
+			return getDataTransferItems(clipboardEvent.clipboardData || editor.getDoc().dataTransfer);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Checks if the clipboard contains image data if it does it will take that data
+		 * and convert it into a data url image and paste that image at the caret location.
+		 *
+		 * @param  {ClipboardEvent} e Paste event object.
+		 * @param  {Object} clipboardContent Collection of clipboard contents.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the image data was found or not.
+		 */
+		function pasteImageData(e, clipboardContent) {
+			function pasteImage(item) {
+				if (items[i].type == 'image/png') {
+					var reader = new FileReader();
+					reader.onload = function() {
+						pasteHtml('<img src="' + reader.result + '">');
+					};
+					reader.readAsDataURL(item.getAsFile());
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			// If paste data images are disabled or there is HTML or plain text
+			// contents then proceed with the normal paste process
+			if (!editor.settings.paste_data_images || "text/html" in clipboardContent || "text/plain" in clipboardContent) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (e.clipboardData) {
+				var items = e.clipboardData.items;
+				if (items) {
+					for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+						if (pasteImage(items[i])) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function getCaretRangeFromEvent(e) {
+			var doc = editor.getDoc(), rng;
+			if (doc.caretPositionFromPoint) {
+				var point = doc.caretPositionFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
+				rng = doc.createRange();
+				rng.setStart(point.offsetNode, point.offset);
+				rng.collapse(true);
+			} else if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
+				rng = doc.caretRangeFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		function hasContentType(clipboardContent, mimeType) {
+			return mimeType in clipboardContent && clipboardContent[mimeType].length > 0;
+		}
+		function registerEventHandlers() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					return;
+				}
+				// Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert
+				if ((VK.metaKeyPressed(e) && e.keyCode == 86) || (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 45)) {
+					keyboardPastePlainTextState = e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 86;
+					// Prevent undoManager keydown handler from making an undo level with the pastebin in it
+					e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+					keyboardPasteTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
+					// IE doesn't support Ctrl+Shift+V and it doesn't even produce a paste event
+					// so lets fake a paste event and let IE use the execCommand/dataTransfer methods
+					if (Env.ie && keyboardPastePlainTextState) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.fire('paste', {ieFake: true});
+						return;
+					}
+					removePasteBin();
+					createPasteBin();
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('paste', function(e) {
+				var clipboardContent = getClipboardContent(e);
+				var isKeyBoardPaste = new Date().getTime() - keyboardPasteTimeStamp < 1000;
+				var plainTextMode = self.pasteFormat == "text" || keyboardPastePlainTextState;
+				if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					removePasteBin();
+					return;
+				}
+				if (pasteImageData(e, clipboardContent)) {
+					removePasteBin();
+					return;
+				}
+				// Not a keyboard paste prevent default paste and try to grab the clipboard contents using different APIs
+				if (!isKeyBoardPaste) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+				// Try IE only method if paste isn't a keyboard paste
+				if (Env.ie && (!isKeyBoardPaste || e.ieFake)) {
+					createPasteBin();
+					editor.dom.bind(pasteBinElm, 'paste', function(e) {
+						e.stopPropagation();
+					});
+					editor.getDoc().execCommand('Paste', false, null);
+					clipboardContent["text/html"] = getPasteBinHtml();
+				}
+				setTimeout(function() {
+					var html = getPasteBinHtml();
+					// WebKit has a nice bug where it clones the paste bin if you paste from for example notepad
+					if (pasteBinElm && pasteBinElm.firstChild && pasteBinElm.firstChild.id === 'mcepastebin') {
+						plainTextMode = true;
+					}
+					removePasteBin();
+					if (html == pasteBinDefaultContent || !isKeyBoardPaste) {
+						html = clipboardContent['text/html'] || clipboardContent['text/plain'] || pasteBinDefaultContent;
+						if (html == pasteBinDefaultContent) {
+							if (!isKeyBoardPaste) {
+								editor.windowManager.alert('Please use Ctrl+V/Cmd+V keyboard shortcuts to paste contents.');
+							}
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					// Force plain text mode if we only got a text/plain content type
+					if (!hasContentType(clipboardContent, 'text/html') && hasContentType(clipboardContent, 'text/plain')) {
+						plainTextMode = true;
+					}
+					if (plainTextMode) {
+						pasteText(clipboardContent['text/plain'] || Utils.innerText(html));
+					} else {
+						pasteHtml(html);
+					}
+				}, 0);
+			});
+			editor.on('dragstart', function(e) {
+				if (e.dataTransfer.types) {
+					try {
+						e.dataTransfer.setData('mce-internal', editor.selection.getContent());
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE 10 throws an error since it doesn't support custom data items
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('drop', function(e) {
+				var rng = getCaretRangeFromEvent(e);
+				if (rng && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					var dropContent = getDataTransferItems(e.dataTransfer);
+					var content = dropContent['mce-internal'] || dropContent['text/html'] || dropContent['text/plain'];
+					if (content) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+							if (dropContent['mce-internal']) {
+								editor.execCommand('Delete');
+							}
+							editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+							if (!dropContent['text/html']) {
+								pasteText(content);
+							} else {
+								pasteHtml(content);
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		self.pasteHtml = pasteHtml;
+		self.pasteText = pasteText;
+		editor.on('preInit', function() {
+			registerEventHandlers();
+			// Remove all data images from paste for example from Gecko
+			// except internal images like video elements
+			editor.parser.addNodeFilter('img', function(nodes) {
+				if (!editor.settings.paste_data_images) {
+					var i = nodes.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						var src = nodes[i].attributes.map.src;
+						if (src && src.indexOf('data:image') === 0) {
+							if (!nodes[i].attr('data-mce-object') && src !== Env.transparentSrc) {
+								nodes[i].remove();
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		// Fix for #6504 we need to remove the paste bin on IE if the user paste in a file
+		editor.on('PreProcess', function() {
+			editor.dom.remove(editor.dom.get('mcepastebin'));
+		});
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/WordFilter.js
+ * WordFilter.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class parses word HTML into proper TinyMCE markup.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Quirks
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/WordFilter", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils"
+], function(Tools, DomParser, Schema, Serializer, Node, Utils) {
+	function isWordContent(content) {
+		return (/<font face="Times New Roman"|class="?Mso|style="[^"]*\bmso-|style='[^'']*\bmso-|w:WordDocument/i).test(content);
+	}
+	function WordFilter(editor) {
+		var settings = editor.settings;
+		editor.on('BeforePastePreProcess', function(e) {
+			var content = e.content, retainStyleProperties, validStyles;
+			retainStyleProperties = settings.paste_retain_style_properties;
+			if (retainStyleProperties) {
+				validStyles = Tools.makeMap(retainStyleProperties);
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Converts fake bullet and numbered lists to real semantic OL/UL.
+			 *
+			 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Root node to convert children of.
+			 */
+			function convertFakeListsToProperLists(node) {
+				var currentListNode, prevListNode, lastLevel = 1;
+				function convertParagraphToLi(paragraphNode, listStartTextNode, listName, start) {
+					var level = paragraphNode._listLevel || lastLevel;
+					// Handle list nesting
+					if (level != lastLevel) {
+						if (level < lastLevel) {
+							// Move to parent list
+							if (currentListNode) {
+								currentListNode = currentListNode.parent.parent;
+							}
+						} else {
+							// Create new list
+							prevListNode = currentListNode;
+							currentListNode = null;
+						}
+					}
+					if (!currentListNode || currentListNode.name != listName) {
+						prevListNode = prevListNode || currentListNode;
+						currentListNode = new Node(listName, 1);
+						if (start > 1) {
+							currentListNode.attr('start', '' + start);
+						}
+						paragraphNode.wrap(currentListNode);
+					} else {
+						currentListNode.append(paragraphNode);
+					}
+					paragraphNode.name = 'li';
+					listStartTextNode.value = '';
+					var nextNode = listStartTextNode.next;
+					if (nextNode && nextNode.type == 3) {
+						nextNode.value = nextNode.value.replace(/^\u00a0+/, '');
+					}
+					// Append list to previous list if it exists
+					if (level > lastLevel && prevListNode) {
+						prevListNode.lastChild.append(currentListNode);
+					}
+					lastLevel = level;
+				}
+				var paragraphs = node.getAll('p');
+				for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
+					node = paragraphs[i];
+					if (node.name == 'p' && node.firstChild) {
+						// Find first text node in paragraph
+						var nodeText = '';
+						var listStartTextNode = node.firstChild;
+						while (listStartTextNode) {
+							nodeText = listStartTextNode.value;
+							if (nodeText) {
+								break;
+							}
+							listStartTextNode = listStartTextNode.firstChild;
+						}
+						// Detect unordered lists look for bullets
+						if (/^\s*[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8\u25CF]\s*$/.test(nodeText)) {
+							convertParagraphToLi(node, listStartTextNode, 'ul');
+							continue;
+						}
+						// Detect ordered lists 1., a. or ixv.
+						if (/^\s*\w+\.$/.test(nodeText)) {
+							// Parse OL start number
+							var matches = /([0-9])\./.exec(nodeText);
+							var start = 1;
+							if (matches) {
+								start = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
+							}
+							convertParagraphToLi(node, listStartTextNode, 'ol', start);
+							continue;
+						}
+						currentListNode = null;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function filterStyles(node, styleValue) {
+				// Parse out list indent level for lists
+				if (node.name === 'p') {
+					var matches = /mso-list:\w+ \w+([0-9]+)/.exec(styleValue);
+					if (matches) {
+						node._listLevel = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
+					}
+				}
+				if (editor.getParam("paste_retain_style_properties", "none")) {
+					var outputStyle = "";
+					Tools.each(editor.dom.parseStyle(styleValue), function(value, name) {
+						// Convert various MS styles to W3C styles
+						switch (name) {
+							case "horiz-align":
+								name = "text-align";
+								return;
+							case "vert-align":
+								name = "vertical-align";
+								return;
+							case "font-color":
+							case "mso-foreground":
+								name = "color";
+								return;
+							case "mso-background":
+							case "mso-highlight":
+								name = "background";
+								break;
+						}
+						// Output only valid styles
+						if (retainStyleProperties == "all" || (validStyles && validStyles[name])) {
+							outputStyle += name + ':' + value + ';';
+						}
+					});
+					if (outputStyle) {
+						return outputStyle;
+					}
+				}
+				return null;
+			}
+			if (settings.paste_enable_default_filters === false) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Detect is the contents is Word junk HTML
+			if (isWordContent(e.content)) {
+				e.wordContent = true; // Mark it for other processors
+				// Remove basic Word junk
+				content = Utils.filter(content, [
+					// Word comments like conditional comments etc
+					/<!--[\s\S]+?-->/gi,
+					// Remove comments, scripts (e.g., msoShowComment), XML tag, VML content,
+					// MS Office namespaced tags, and a few other tags
+					/<(!|script[^>]*>.*?<\/script(?=[>\s])|\/?(\?xml(:\w+)?|img|meta|link|style|\w:\w+)(?=[\s\/>]))[^>]*>/gi,
+					// Convert <s> into <strike> for line-though
+					[/<(\/?)s>/gi, "<$1strike>"],
+					// Replace nsbp entites to char since it's easier to handle
+					[/&nbsp;/gi, "\u00a0"],
+					// Convert <span style="mso-spacerun:yes">___</span> to string of alternating
+					// breaking/non-breaking spaces of same length
+					[/<span\s+style\s*=\s*"\s*mso-spacerun\s*:\s*yes\s*;?\s*"\s*>([\s\u00a0]*)<\/span>/gi,
+						function(str, spaces) {
+							return (spaces.length > 0) ?
+								spaces.replace(/./, " ").slice(Math.floor(spaces.length / 2)).split("").join("\u00a0") : "";
+						}
+					]
+				]);
+				var validElements = settings.paste_word_valid_elements;
+				if (!validElements) {
+					validElements = '@[style],-strong/b,-em/i,-span,-p,-ol,-ul,-li,-h1,-h2,-h3,-h4,-h5,-h6,' +
+						'-table[width],-tr,-td[colspan|rowspan|width],-th,-thead,-tfoot,-tbody,-a[href|name],sub,sup,strike,br';
+				}
+				// Setup strict schema
+				var schema = new Schema({
+					valid_elements: validElements
+				});
+				// Parse HTML into DOM structure
+				var domParser = new DomParser({}, schema);
+				domParser.addAttributeFilter('style', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						node.attr('style', filterStyles(node, node.attr('style')));
+						// Remove pointess spans
+						if (node.name == 'span' && !node.attributes.length) {
+							node.unwrap();
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				domParser.addNodeFilter('a', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node, href, name;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						href = node.attr('href');
+						name = node.attr('name');
+						if (href && href.indexOf('file://') === 0) {
+							href = href.split('#')[1];
+							if (href) {
+								href = '#' + href;
+							}
+						}
+						if (!href && !name) {
+							node.unwrap();
+						} else {
+							node.attr({
+								href: href,
+								name: name
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				// Parse into DOM structure
+				var rootNode = domParser.parse(content);
+				// Process DOM
+				convertFakeListsToProperLists(rootNode);
+				// Serialize DOM back to HTML
+				e.content = new Serializer({}, schema).serialize(rootNode);
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	WordFilter.isWordContent = isWordContent;
+	return WordFilter;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Quirks.js
+ * Quirks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains various fixes for browsers. These issues can not be feature
+ * detected since we have no direct control over the clipboard. However we might be able
+ * to remove some of these fixes once the browsers gets updated/fixed.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Quirks
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/Quirks", [
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/WordFilter",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils"
+], function(Env, Tools, WordFilter, Utils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return function(editor) {
+		function addPreProcessFilter(filterFunc) {
+			editor.on('BeforePastePreProcess', function(e) {
+				e.content = filterFunc(e.content);
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes WebKit fragment comments and converted-space spans.
+		 *
+		 * This:
+		 *   <!--StartFragment-->a<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>b<!--EndFragment-->
+		 *
+		 * Becomes:
+		 *   a&nbsp;b
+		 */
+		function removeWebKitFragments(html) {
+			html = Utils.filter(html, [
+				/^[\s\S]*<!--StartFragment-->|<!--EndFragment-->[\s\S]*$/g, // WebKit fragment
+				[/<span class="Apple-converted-space">\u00a0<\/span>/g, '\u00a0'], // WebKit &nbsp;
+				/<br>$/i // Traling BR elements
+			]);
+			return html;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes BR elements after block elements. IE9 has a nasty bug where it puts a BR element after each
+		 * block element when pasting from word. This removes those elements.
+		 *
+		 * This:
+		 *  <p>a</p><br><p>b</p>
+		 *
+		 * Becomes:
+		 *  <p>a</p><p>b</p>
+		 */
+		function removeExplorerBrElementsAfterBlocks(html) {
+			// Only filter word specific content
+			if (!WordFilter.isWordContent(html)) {
+				return html;
+			}
+			// Produce block regexp based on the block elements in schema
+			var blockElements = [];
+			Tools.each(editor.schema.getBlockElements(), function(block, blockName) {
+				blockElements.push(blockName);
+			});
+			var explorerBlocksRegExp = new RegExp(
+				'(?:<br>&nbsp;[\\s\\r\\n]+|<br>)*(<\\/?(' + blockElements.join('|') + ')[^>]*>)(?:<br>&nbsp;[\\s\\r\\n]+|<br>)*',
+				'g'
+			);
+			// Remove BR:s from: <BLOCK>X</BLOCK><BR>
+			html = Utils.filter(html, [
+				[explorerBlocksRegExp, '$1']
+			]);
+			// IE9 also adds an extra BR element for each soft-linefeed and it also adds a BR for each word wrap break
+			html = Utils.filter(html, [
+				[/<br><br>/g, '<BR><BR>'], // Replace multiple BR elements with uppercase BR to keep them intact
+				[/<br>/g, ' '],            // Replace single br elements with space since they are word wrap BR:s
+				[/<BR><BR>/g, '<br>']      // Replace back the double brs but into a single BR
+			]);
+			return html;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit has a nasty bug where the all runtime styles gets added to style attributes when copy/pasting contents.
+		 * This fix solves that by simply removing the whole style attribute.
+		 *
+		 * Todo: This can be made smarter. Keeping styles that override existing ones etc.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} content Content that needs to be processed.
+		 * @return {String} Processed contents.
+		 */
+		function removeWebKitStyles(content) {
+			if (editor.settings.paste_remove_styles || editor.settings.paste_remove_styles_if_webkit !== false) {
+				content = content.replace(/ style=\"[^\"]+\"/g, '');
+			}
+			return content;
+		}
+		// Sniff browsers and apply fixes since we can't feature detect
+		if (Env.webkit) {
+			addPreProcessFilter(removeWebKitStyles);
+			addPreProcessFilter(removeWebKitFragments);
+		}
+		if (Env.ie) {
+			addPreProcessFilter(removeExplorerBrElementsAfterBlocks);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/paste/classes/Plugin.js
+ * Plugin.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains the tinymce plugin logic for the paste plugin.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.Plugin
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/pasteplugin/Plugin", [
+	"tinymce/PluginManager",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Clipboard",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/WordFilter",
+	"tinymce/pasteplugin/Quirks"
+], function(PluginManager, Clipboard, WordFilter, Quirks) {
+	var userIsInformed;
+	PluginManager.add('paste', function(editor) {
+		var self = this, clipboard, settings = editor.settings;
+		function togglePlainTextPaste() {
+			if (clipboard.pasteFormat == "text") {
+				this.active(false);
+				clipboard.pasteFormat = "html";
+			} else {
+				clipboard.pasteFormat = "text";
+				this.active(true);
+				if (!userIsInformed) {
+					editor.windowManager.alert(
+						'Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now ' +
+						'be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.'
+					);
+					userIsInformed = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		self.clipboard = clipboard = new Clipboard(editor);
+		self.quirks = new Quirks(editor);
+		self.wordFilter = new WordFilter(editor);
+		if (editor.settings.paste_as_text) {
+			self.clipboard.pasteFormat = "text";
+		}
+		if (settings.paste_preprocess) {
+			editor.on('PastePreProcess', function(e) {
+				settings.paste_preprocess.call(self, self, e);
+			});
+		}
+		if (settings.paste_postprocess) {
+			editor.on('PastePostProcess', function(e) {
+				settings.paste_postprocess.call(self, self, e);
+			});
+		}
+		editor.addCommand('mceInsertClipboardContent', function(ui, value) {
+			if (value.content) {
+				self.clipboard.pasteHtml(value.content);
+			}
+			if (value.text) {
+				self.clipboard.pasteText(value.text);
+			}
+		});
+		// Block all drag/drop events
+		if (editor.paste_block_drop) {
+			editor.on('dragend dragover draggesture dragdrop drop drag', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				e.stopPropagation();
+			});
+		}
+		// Prevent users from dropping data images on Gecko
+		if (!editor.settings.paste_data_images) {
+			editor.on('drop', function(e) {
+				var dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer;
+				if (dataTransfer && dataTransfer.files && dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		editor.addButton('pastetext', {
+			icon: 'pastetext',
+			tooltip: 'Paste as text',
+			onclick: togglePlainTextPaste,
+			active: self.clipboard.pasteFormat == "text"
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('pastetext', {
+			text: 'Paste as text',
+			selectable: true,
+			active: clipboard.pasteFormat,
+			onclick: togglePlainTextPaste
+		});
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a759d034a2b8be08a5fc47f43801816924ad49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){for(var n,r=[],i=0;i<e.length;++i){if(n=s[e[i]]||o(e[i]),!n)throw"module definition dependecy not found: "+e[i];r.push(n)}t.apply(null,r)}function r(e,r,i){if("string"!=typeof e)throw"invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string";if(r===t)throw"invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified";if(i===t)throw"invalid module definition, definition function must be specified";n(r,function(){s[e]=i.apply(null,arguments)})}function i(e){return!!s[e]}function o(t){for(var n=e,r=t.split(/[.\/]/),i=0;i<r.length;++i){if(!n[r[i]])return;n=n[r[i]]}return n}function a(n){for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++){for(var i=e,o=n[r],a=o.split(/[.\/]/),l=0;l<a.length-1;++l)i[a[l]]===t&&(i[a[l]]={}),i=i[a[l]];i[a[a.length-1]]=s[o]}}var s={},l="tinymce/pasteplugin/Utils",c="tinymce/util/Tools",d="tinymce/html/DomParser",u="tinymce/html/Schema",f="tinymce/pasteplugin/Clipboard",p="tinymce/Env",m="tinymce/util/VK",h="tinymce/pasteplugin/WordFilter",g="tinymce/html/Serializer",v="tinymce/html/Node",y="tinymce/pasteplugin/Quirks",b="tinymce/pasteplugin/Plugin",C="tinymce/PluginManager";r(l,[c,d,u],function(e,t,n){function r(t,n){return e.each(n,function(e){t=e.constructor==RegExp?t.replace(e,""):t.replace(e[0],e[1])}),t}function i(r){function i(e){var t=e.name,n=e;if("br"===t)return void(s+="\n");if(l[t]&&(s+=" "),c[t])return void(s+=" ");if(3==e.type&&(s+=e.value),!e.shortEnded&&(e=e.firstChild))do i(e);while(e=e.next);d[t]&&n.next&&(s+="\n","p"==t&&(s+="\n"))}var o=new n,a=new t({},o),s="",l=o.getShortEndedElements(),c=e.makeMap("script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object"," "),d=o.getBlockElements();return i(a.parse(r)),s}return{filter:r,innerText:i}}),r(f,[p,m,l],function(e,t,n){return function(r){function i(e){var t,n=r.dom;if(t=r.fire("BeforePastePreProcess",{content:e}),t=r.fire("PastePreProcess",t),e=t.content,!t.isDefaultPrevented()){if(r.hasEventListeners("PastePostProcess")&&!t.isDefaultPrevented()){var i=n.add(r.getBody(),"div",{style:"display:none"},e);t=r.fire("PastePostProcess",{node:i}),n.remove(i),e=t.node.innerHTML}t.isDefaultPrevented()||r.insertContent(e)}}function o(e){e=r.dom.encode(e).replace(/\r\n/g,"\n");var t=r.dom.getParent(r.selection.getStart(),r.dom.isBlock),o=r.settings.forced_root_block,a;o&&(a=r.dom.createHTML(o,r.settings.forced_root_block_attrs),a=a.substr(0,a.length-3)+">"),t&&/^(PRE|DIV)$/.test(t.nodeName)||!o?e=n.filter(e,[[/\n/g,"<br>"]]):(e=n.filter(e,[[/\n\n/g,"</p>"+a],[/^(.*<\/p>)(<p>)$/,a+"$1"],[/\n/g,"<br />"]]),-1!=e.indexOf("<p>")&&(e=a+e)),i(e)}function a(){var t=r.dom,n=r.getBody(),i=r.dom.getViewPort(r.getWin()),o=i.y,a=20,s;if(v=r.selection.getRng(),r.inline&&(s=r.selection.getScrollContainer(),s&&(o=s.scrollTop)),v.getClientRects){var l=v.getClientRects();if(l.length)a=o+(l[0].top-t.getPos(n).y);else{a=o;var c=v.startContainer;c&&(3==c.nodeType&&c.parentNode!=n&&(c=c.parentNode),1==c.nodeType&&(a=t.getPos(c,s||n).y))}}g=t.add(r.getBody(),"div",{id:"mcepastebin",contentEditable:!0,"data-mce-bogus":"1",style:"position: absolute; top: "+a+"px;width: 10px; height: 10px; overflow: hidden; opacity: 0"},b),(e.ie||e.gecko)&&t.setStyle(g,"left","rtl"==t.getStyle(n,"direction",!0)?65535:-65535),t.bind(g,"beforedeactivate focusin focusout",function(e){e.stopPropagation()}),g.focus(),r.selection.select(g,!0)}function s(){if(g){for(var e;e=r.dom.get("mcepastebin");)r.dom.remove(e),r.dom.unbind(e);v&&r.selection.setRng(v)}C=!1,g=v=null}function l(){var e=b,t,n;for(t=r.dom.select("div[id=mcepastebin]"),n=t.length;n--;){var i=t[n].innerHTML;e==b&&(e=""),i.length>e.length&&(e=i)}return e}function c(e){var t={};if(e&&e.types){var n=e.getData("Text");n&&n.length>0&&(t["text/plain"]=n);for(var r=0;r<e.types.length;r++){var i=e.types[r];t[i]=e.getData(i)}}return t}function d(e){return c(e.clipboardData||r.getDoc().dataTransfer)}function u(e,t){function n(e){if("image/png"==o[a].type){var t=new FileReader;return t.onload=function(){i('<img src="'+t.result+'">')},t.readAsDataURL(e.getAsFile()),!0}}if(!(!r.settings.paste_data_images||"text/html"in t||"text/plain"in t)&&e.clipboardData){var o=e.clipboardData.items;if(o)for(var a=0;a<o.length;a++)if(n(o[a]))return!0}}function f(e){var t=r.getDoc(),n;if(t.caretPositionFromPoint){var i=t.caretPositionFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY);n=t.createRange(),n.setStart(i.offsetNode,i.offset),n.collapse(!0)}else t.caretRangeFromPoint&&(n=t.caretRangeFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY));return n}function p(e,t){return t in e&&e[t].length>0}function m(){r.on("keydown",function(n){if(!n.isDefaultPrevented()&&(t.metaKeyPressed(n)&&86==n.keyCode||n.shiftKey&&45==n.keyCode)){if(C=n.shiftKey&&86==n.keyCode,n.stopImmediatePropagation(),y=(new Date).getTime(),e.ie&&C)return n.preventDefault(),void r.fire("paste",{ieFake:!0});s(),a()}}),r.on("paste",function(t){var c=d(t),f=(new Date).getTime()-y<1e3,m="text"==h.pasteFormat||C;return t.isDefaultPrevented()?void s():u(t,c)?void s():(f||t.preventDefault(),!e.ie||f&&!t.ieFake||(a(),r.dom.bind(g,"paste",function(e){e.stopPropagation()}),r.getDoc().execCommand("Paste",!1,null),c["text/html"]=l()),void setTimeout(function(){var e=l();return g&&g.firstChild&&"mcepastebin"===g.firstChild.id&&(m=!0),s(),e!=b&&f||(e=c["text/html"]||c["text/plain"]||b,e!=b)?(!p(c,"text/html")&&p(c,"text/plain")&&(m=!0),void(m?o(c["text/plain"]||n.innerText(e)):i(e))):void(f||r.windowManager.alert("Please use Ctrl+V/Cmd+V keyboard shortcuts to paste contents."))},0))}),r.on("dragstart",function(e){if(e.dataTransfer.types)try{e.dataTransfer.setData("mce-internal",r.selection.getContent())}catch(t){}}),r.on("drop",function(e){var t=f(e);if(t&&!e.isDefaultPrevented()){var n=c(e.dataTransfer),a=n["mce-internal"]||n["text/html"]||n["text/plain"];a&&(e.preventDefault(),r.undoManager.transact(function(){n["mce-internal"]&&r.execCommand("Delete"),r.selection.setRng(t),n["text/html"]?i(a):o(a)}))}})}var h=this,g,v,y=0,b="%MCEPASTEBIN%",C;h.pasteHtml=i,h.pasteText=o,r.on("preInit",function(){m(),r.parser.addNodeFilter("img",function(t){if(!r.settings.paste_data_images)for(var n=t.length;n--;){var i=t[n].attributes.map.src;i&&0===i.indexOf("data:image")&&(t[n].attr("data-mce-object")||i===e.transparentSrc||t[n].remove())}})}),r.on("PreProcess",function(){r.dom.remove(r.dom.get("mcepastebin"))})}}),r(h,[c,d,u,g,v,l],function(e,t,n,r,i,o){function a(e){return/<font face="Times New Roman"|class="?Mso|style="[^"]*\bmso-|style='[^'']*\bmso-|w:WordDocument/i.test(e)}function s(s){var l=s.settings;s.on("BeforePastePreProcess",function(c){function d(e){function t(e,t,a,s){var l=e._listLevel||o;l!=o&&(o>l?n&&(n=n.parent.parent):(r=n,n=null)),n&&n.name==a?n.append(e):(r=r||n,n=new i(a,1),s>1&&n.attr("start",""+s),e.wrap(n)),e.name="li",t.value="";var c=t.next;c&&3==c.type&&(c.value=c.value.replace(/^\u00a0+/,"")),l>o&&r&&r.lastChild.append(n),o=l}for(var n,r,o=1,a=e.getAll("p"),s=0;s<a.length;s++)if(e=a[s],"p"==e.name&&e.firstChild){for(var l="",c=e.firstChild;c&&!(l=c.value);)c=c.firstChild;if(/^\s*[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8\u25CF]\s*$/.test(l)){t(e,c,"ul");continue}if(/^\s*\w+\.$/.test(l)){var d=/([0-9])\./.exec(l),u=1;d&&(u=parseInt(d[1],10)),t(e,c,"ol",u);continue}n=null}}function u(t,n){if("p"===t.name){var r=/mso-list:\w+ \w+([0-9]+)/.exec(n);r&&(t._listLevel=parseInt(r[1],10))}if(s.getParam("paste_retain_style_properties","none")){var i="";if(e.each(s.dom.parseStyle(n),function(e,t){switch(t){case"horiz-align":return void(t="text-align");case"vert-align":return void(t="vertical-align");case"font-color":case"mso-foreground":return void(t="color");case"mso-background":case"mso-highlight":t="background"}("all"==p||m&&m[t])&&(i+=t+":"+e+";")}),i)return i}return null}var f=c.content,p,m;if(p=l.paste_retain_style_properties,p&&(m=e.makeMap(p)),l.paste_enable_default_filters!==!1&&a(c.content)){c.wordContent=!0,f=o.filter(f,[/<!--[\s\S]+?-->/gi,/<(!|script[^>]*>.*?<\/script(?=[>\s])|\/?(\?xml(:\w+)?|img|meta|link|style|\w:\w+)(?=[\s\/>]))[^>]*>/gi,[/<(\/?)s>/gi,"<$1strike>"],[/&nbsp;/gi,"\xa0"],[/<span\s+style\s*=\s*"\s*mso-spacerun\s*:\s*yes\s*;?\s*"\s*>([\s\u00a0]*)<\/span>/gi,function(e,t){return t.length>0?t.replace(/./," ").slice(Math.floor(t.length/2)).split("").join("\xa0"):""}]]);var h=l.paste_word_valid_elements;h||(h="@[style],-strong/b,-em/i,-span,-p,-ol,-ul,-li,-h1,-h2,-h3,-h4,-h5,-h6,-table[width],-tr,-td[colspan|rowspan|width],-th,-thead,-tfoot,-tbody,-a[href|name],sub,sup,strike,br");var g=new n({valid_elements:h}),v=new t({},g);v.addAttributeFilter("style",function(e){for(var t=e.length,n;t--;)n=e[t],n.attr("style",u(n,n.attr("style"))),"span"!=n.name||n.attributes.length||n.unwrap()}),v.addNodeFilter("a",function(e){for(var t=e.length,n,r,i;t--;)n=e[t],r=n.attr("href"),i=n.attr("name"),r&&0===r.indexOf("file://")&&(r=r.split("#")[1],r&&(r="#"+r)),r||i?n.attr({href:r,name:i}):n.unwrap()});var y=v.parse(f);d(y),c.content=new r({},g).serialize(y)}})}return s.isWordContent=a,s}),r(y,[p,c,h,l],function(e,t,n,r){return function(i){function o(e){i.on("BeforePastePreProcess",function(t){t.content=e(t.content)})}function a(e){return e=r.filter(e,[/^[\s\S]*<!--StartFragment-->|<!--EndFragment-->[\s\S]*$/g,[/<span class="Apple-converted-space">\u00a0<\/span>/g,"\xa0"],/<br>$/i])}function s(e){if(!n.isWordContent(e))return e;var o=[];t.each(i.schema.getBlockElements(),function(e,t){o.push(t)});var a=new RegExp("(?:<br>&nbsp;[\\s\\r\\n]+|<br>)*(<\\/?("+o.join("|")+")[^>]*>)(?:<br>&nbsp;[\\s\\r\\n]+|<br>)*","g");return e=r.filter(e,[[a,"$1"]]),e=r.filter(e,[[/<br><br>/g,"<BR><BR>"],[/<br>/g," "],[/<BR><BR>/g,"<br>"]])}function l(e){return(i.settings.paste_remove_styles||i.settings.paste_remove_styles_if_webkit!==!1)&&(e=e.replace(/ style=\"[^\"]+\"/g,"")),e}e.webkit&&(o(l),o(a)),e.ie&&o(s)}}),r(b,[C,f,h,y],function(e,t,n,r){var i;e.add("paste",function(e){function o(){"text"==s.pasteFormat?(this.active(!1),s.pasteFormat="html"):(s.pasteFormat="text",this.active(!0),i||(e.windowManager.alert("Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off."),i=!0))}var a=this,s,l=e.settings;a.clipboard=s=new t(e),a.quirks=new r(e),a.wordFilter=new n(e),e.settings.paste_as_text&&(a.clipboard.pasteFormat="text"),l.paste_preprocess&&e.on("PastePreProcess",function(e){l.paste_preprocess.call(a,a,e)}),l.paste_postprocess&&e.on("PastePostProcess",function(e){l.paste_postprocess.call(a,a,e)}),e.addCommand("mceInsertClipboardContent",function(e,t){t.content&&a.clipboard.pasteHtml(t.content),t.text&&a.clipboard.pasteText(t.text)}),e.paste_block_drop&&e.on("dragend dragover draggesture dragdrop drop drag",function(e){e.preventDefault(),e.stopPropagation()}),e.settings.paste_data_images||e.on("drop",function(e){var t=e.dataTransfer;t&&t.files&&t.files.length>0&&e.preventDefault()}),e.addButton("pastetext",{icon:"pastetext",tooltip:"Paste as text",onclick:o,active:"text"==a.clipboard.pasteFormat}),e.addMenuItem("pastetext",{text:"Paste as text",selectable:!0,active:s.pasteFormat,onclick:o})})}),a([l,f,h,y,b])}(this);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/DomTextMatcher.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/DomTextMatcher.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6bdf06a48002f27ea180ed2eb4bcad74da5a9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/DomTextMatcher.js
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+ * DomTextMatcher.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint no-labels:0, no-constant-condition: 0 */
+ * This class logic for filtering text and matching words.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.spellcheckerplugin.TextFilter
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher", [], function() {
+	// Based on work developed by: James Padolsey http://james.padolsey.com
+	// released under UNLICENSE that is compatible with LGPL
+	// TODO: Handle contentEditable edgecase:
+	// <p>text<span contentEditable="false">text<span contentEditable="true">text</span>text</span>text</p>
+	return function(node, editor) {
+		var m, matches = [], text, dom = editor.dom;
+		var blockElementsMap, hiddenTextElementsMap, shortEndedElementsMap;
+		blockElementsMap = editor.schema.getBlockElements(); // H1-H6, P, TD etc
+		hiddenTextElementsMap = editor.schema.getWhiteSpaceElements(); // TEXTAREA, PRE, STYLE, SCRIPT
+		shortEndedElementsMap = editor.schema.getShortEndedElements(); // BR, IMG, INPUT
+		function createMatch(m, data) {
+			if (!m[0]) {
+				throw 'findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches';
+			}
+			return {
+				start: m.index,
+				end: m.index + m[0].length,
+				text: m[0],
+				data: data
+			};
+		}
+		function getText(node) {
+			var txt;
+			if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+				return node.data;
+			}
+			if (hiddenTextElementsMap[node.nodeName] && !blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
+				return '';
+			}
+			txt = '';
+			if (blockElementsMap[node.nodeName] || shortEndedElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
+				txt += '\n';
+			}
+			if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+				do {
+					txt += getText(node);
+				} while ((node = node.nextSibling));
+			}
+			return txt;
+		}
+		function stepThroughMatches(node, matches, replaceFn) {
+			var startNode, endNode, startNodeIndex,
+				endNodeIndex, innerNodes = [], atIndex = 0, curNode = node,
+				matchLocation, matchIndex = 0;
+			matches = matches.slice(0);
+			matches.sort(function(a, b) {
+				return a.start - b.start;
+			});
+			matchLocation = matches.shift();
+			out: while (true) {
+				if (blockElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] || shortEndedElementsMap[curNode.nodeName]) {
+					atIndex++;
+				}
+				if (curNode.nodeType === 3) {
+					if (!endNode && curNode.length + atIndex >= matchLocation.end) {
+						// We've found the ending
+						endNode = curNode;
+						endNodeIndex = matchLocation.end - atIndex;
+					} else if (startNode) {
+						// Intersecting node
+						innerNodes.push(curNode);
+					}
+					if (!startNode && curNode.length + atIndex > matchLocation.start) {
+						// We've found the match start
+						startNode = curNode;
+						startNodeIndex = matchLocation.start - atIndex;
+					}
+					atIndex += curNode.length;
+				}
+				if (startNode && endNode) {
+					curNode = replaceFn({
+						startNode: startNode,
+						startNodeIndex: startNodeIndex,
+						endNode: endNode,
+						endNodeIndex: endNodeIndex,
+						innerNodes: innerNodes,
+						match: matchLocation.text,
+						matchIndex: matchIndex
+					});
+					// replaceFn has to return the node that replaced the endNode
+					// and then we step back so we can continue from the end of the
+					// match:
+					atIndex -= (endNode.length - endNodeIndex);
+					startNode = null;
+					endNode = null;
+					innerNodes = [];
+					matchLocation = matches.shift();
+					matchIndex++;
+					if (!matchLocation) {
+						break; // no more matches
+					}
+				} else if ((!hiddenTextElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] || blockElementsMap[curNode.nodeName]) && curNode.firstChild) {
+					// Move down
+					curNode = curNode.firstChild;
+					continue;
+				} else if (curNode.nextSibling) {
+					// Move forward:
+					curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Move forward or up:
+				while (true) {
+					if (curNode.nextSibling) {
+						curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
+						break;
+					} else if (curNode.parentNode !== node) {
+						curNode = curNode.parentNode;
+					} else {
+						break out;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		* Generates the actual replaceFn which splits up text nodes
+		* and inserts the replacement element.
+		*/
+		function genReplacer(callback) {
+			function makeReplacementNode(fill, matchIndex) {
+				var match = matches[matchIndex];
+				if (!match.stencil) {
+					match.stencil = callback(match);
+				}
+				var clone = match.stencil.cloneNode(false);
+				clone.setAttribute('data-mce-index', matchIndex);
+				if (fill) {
+					clone.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(fill));
+				}
+				return clone;
+			}
+			return function(range) {
+				var before, after, parentNode, startNode = range.startNode,
+					endNode = range.endNode, matchIndex = range.matchIndex,
+					doc = dom.doc;
+				if (startNode === endNode) {
+					var node = startNode;
+					parentNode = node.parentNode;
+					if (range.startNodeIndex > 0) {
+						// Add "before" text node (before the match)
+						before = doc.createTextNode(node.data.substring(0, range.startNodeIndex));
+						parentNode.insertBefore(before, node);
+					}
+					// Create the replacement node:
+					var el = makeReplacementNode(range.match, matchIndex);
+					parentNode.insertBefore(el, node);
+					if (range.endNodeIndex < node.length) {
+						// Add "after" text node (after the match)
+						after = doc.createTextNode(node.data.substring(range.endNodeIndex));
+						parentNode.insertBefore(after, node);
+					}
+					node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+					return el;
+				} else {
+					// Replace startNode -> [innerNodes...] -> endNode (in that order)
+					before = doc.createTextNode(startNode.data.substring(0, range.startNodeIndex));
+					after = doc.createTextNode(endNode.data.substring(range.endNodeIndex));
+					var elA = makeReplacementNode(startNode.data.substring(range.startNodeIndex), matchIndex);
+					var innerEls = [];
+					for (var i = 0, l = range.innerNodes.length; i < l; ++i) {
+						var innerNode = range.innerNodes[i];
+						var innerEl = makeReplacementNode(innerNode.data, matchIndex);
+						innerNode.parentNode.replaceChild(innerEl, innerNode);
+						innerEls.push(innerEl);
+					}
+					var elB = makeReplacementNode(endNode.data.substring(0, range.endNodeIndex), matchIndex);
+					parentNode = startNode.parentNode;
+					parentNode.insertBefore(before, startNode);
+					parentNode.insertBefore(elA, startNode);
+					parentNode.removeChild(startNode);
+					parentNode = endNode.parentNode;
+					parentNode.insertBefore(elB, endNode);
+					parentNode.insertBefore(after, endNode);
+					parentNode.removeChild(endNode);
+					return elB;
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		function unwrapElement(element) {
+			var parentNode = element.parentNode;
+			parentNode.insertBefore(element.firstChild, element);
+			element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+		}
+		function getWrappersByIndex(index) {
+			var elements = node.getElementsByTagName('*'), wrappers = [];
+			index = typeof(index) == "number" ? "" + index : null;
+			for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+				var element = elements[i], dataIndex = element.getAttribute('data-mce-index');
+				if (dataIndex !== null && dataIndex.length) {
+					if (dataIndex === index || index === null) {
+						wrappers.push(element);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return wrappers;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the index of a specific match object or -1 if it isn't found.
+		 *
+		 * @param  {Match} match Text match object.
+		 * @return {Number} Index of match or -1 if it isn't found.
+		 */
+		function indexOf(match) {
+			var i = matches.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				if (matches[i] === match) {
+					return i;
+				}
+			}
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Filters the matches. If the callback returns true it stays if not it gets removed.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} callback Callback to execute for each match.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function filter(callback) {
+			var filteredMatches = [];
+			each(function(match, i) {
+				if (callback(match, i)) {
+					filteredMatches.push(match);
+				}
+			});
+			matches = filteredMatches;
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified callback for each match.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} callback  Callback to execute for each match.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function each(callback) {
+			for (var i = 0, l = matches.length; i < l; i++) {
+				if (callback(matches[i], i) === false) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Wraps the current matches with nodes created by the specified callback.
+		 * Multiple clones of these matches might occur on matches that are on multiple nodex.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} callback Callback to execute in order to create elements for matches.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function wrap(callback) {
+			if (matches.length) {
+				stepThroughMatches(node, matches, genReplacer(callback));
+			}
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Finds the specified regexp and adds them to the matches collection.
+		 *
+		 * @param {RegExp} regex Global regexp to search the current node by.
+		 * @param {Object} [data] Optional custom data element for the match.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function find(regex, data) {
+			if (text && regex.global) {
+				while ((m = regex.exec(text))) {
+					matches.push(createMatch(m, data));
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Unwraps the specified match object or all matches if unspecified.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} [match] Optional match object.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function unwrap(match) {
+			var i, elements = getWrappersByIndex(match ? indexOf(match) : null);
+			i = elements.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				unwrapElement(elements[i]);
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a match object by the specified DOM element.
+		 *
+		 * @param {DOMElement} element Element to return match object for.
+		 * @return {Object} Match object for the specified element.
+		 */
+		function matchFromElement(element) {
+			return matches[element.getAttribute('data-mce-index')];
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a DOM element from the specified match element. This will be the first element if it's split
+		 * on multiple nodes.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} match Match element to get first element of.
+		 * @return {DOMElement} DOM element for the specified match object.
+		 */
+		function elementFromMatch(match) {
+			return getWrappersByIndex(indexOf(match))[0];
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Adds match the specified range for example a grammar line.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Number} start Start offset.
+		 * @param {Number} length Length of the text.
+		 * @param {Object} data Custom data object for match.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function add(start, length, data) {
+			matches.push({
+				start: start,
+				end: start + length,
+				text: text.substr(start, length),
+				data: data
+			});
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a DOM range for the specified match.
+		 *
+		 * @param  {Object} match Match object to get range for.
+		 * @return {DOMRange} DOM Range for the specified match.
+		 */
+		function rangeFromMatch(match) {
+			var wrappers = getWrappersByIndex(indexOf(match));
+			var rng = editor.dom.createRng();
+			rng.setStartBefore(wrappers[0]);
+			rng.setEndAfter(wrappers[wrappers.length - 1]);
+			return rng;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the specified match with the specified text.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} match Match object to replace.
+		 * @param {String} text Text to replace the match with.
+		 * @return {DOMRange} DOM range produced after the replace.
+		 */
+		function replace(match, text) {
+			var rng = rangeFromMatch(match);
+			rng.deleteContents();
+			if (text.length > 0) {
+				rng.insertNode(editor.dom.doc.createTextNode(text));
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Resets the DomTextMatcher instance. This will remove any wrapped nodes and remove any matches.
+		 *
+		 * @return {[type]} [description]
+		 */
+		function reset() {
+			matches.splice(0, matches.length);
+			unwrap();
+			return this;
+		}
+		text = getText(node);
+		return {
+			text: text,
+			matches: matches,
+			each: each,
+			filter: filter,
+			reset: reset,
+			matchFromElement: matchFromElement,
+			elementFromMatch: elementFromMatch,
+			find: find,
+			add: add,
+			wrap: wrap,
+			unwrap: unwrap,
+			replace: replace,
+			rangeFromMatch: rangeFromMatch,
+			indexOf: indexOf
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/Plugin.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/Plugin.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fc99cf691c3f9760f3b5a165dd8b5105fa8fa13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/Plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ * Plugin.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint camelcase:false */
+ * This class contains all core logic for the spellchecker plugin.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.spellcheckerplugin.Plugin
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/Plugin", [
+	"tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher",
+	"tinymce/PluginManager",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/Menu",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/JSONRequest",
+	"tinymce/util/URI"
+], function(DomTextMatcher, PluginManager, Tools, Menu, DOMUtils, JSONRequest, URI) {
+	PluginManager.add('spellchecker', function(editor, url) {
+		var languageMenuItems, self = this, lastSuggestions, started, suggestionsMenu, settings = editor.settings;
+		function getTextMatcher() {
+			if (!self.textMatcher) {
+				self.textMatcher = new DomTextMatcher(editor.getBody(), editor);
+			}
+			return self.textMatcher;
+		}
+		function buildMenuItems(listName, languageValues) {
+			var items = [];
+			Tools.each(languageValues, function(languageValue) {
+				items.push({
+					selectable: true,
+					text: languageValue.name,
+					data: languageValue.value
+				});
+			});
+			return items;
+		}
+		var languagesString = settings.spellchecker_languages ||
+			'English=en,Danish=da,Dutch=nl,Finnish=fi,French=fr_FR,' +
+			'German=de,Italian=it,Polish=pl,Portuguese=pt_BR,' +
+			'Spanish=es,Swedish=sv';
+		languageMenuItems = buildMenuItems('Language',
+			Tools.map(languagesString.split(','),
+				function(lang_pair) {
+					var lang = lang_pair.split('=');
+					return {
+						name: lang[0],
+						value: lang[1]
+					};
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		function isEmpty(obj) {
+			/*jshint unused:false*/
+			/*eslint no-unused-vars:0 */
+			for (var name in obj) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
+		function showSuggestions(match) {
+			var items = [], suggestions = lastSuggestions[match.text];
+			Tools.each(suggestions, function(suggestion) {
+				items.push({
+					text: suggestion,
+					onclick: function() {
+						var rng = getTextMatcher().replace(match, suggestion);
+						rng.collapse(false);
+						editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+						checkIfFinished();
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			items.push.apply(items, [
+				{text: '-'},
+				{text: 'Ignore', onclick: function() {
+					ignoreWord(match);
+				}},
+				{text: 'Ignore all', onclick: function() {
+					ignoreWord(match, true);
+				}},
+				{text: 'Finish', onclick: finish}
+			]);
+			// Render menu
+			suggestionsMenu = new Menu({
+				items: items,
+				context: 'contextmenu',
+				onautohide: function(e) {
+					if (e.target.className.indexOf('spellchecker') != -1) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+					}
+				},
+				onhide: function() {
+					suggestionsMenu.remove();
+					suggestionsMenu = null;
+				}
+			});
+			suggestionsMenu.renderTo(document.body);
+			// Position menu
+			var matchNode = getTextMatcher().elementFromMatch(match);
+			var pos = DOMUtils.DOM.getPos(editor.getContentAreaContainer());
+			var targetPos = editor.dom.getPos(matchNode);
+			var root = editor.dom.getRoot();
+			// Adjust targetPos for scrolling in the editor
+			if (root.nodeName == 'BODY') {
+				targetPos.x -= root.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft || root.scrollLeft;
+				targetPos.y -= root.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollTop || root.scrollTop;
+			} else {
+				targetPos.x -= root.scrollLeft;
+				targetPos.y -= root.scrollTop;
+			}
+			pos.x += targetPos.x;
+			pos.y += targetPos.y;
+			suggestionsMenu.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y + matchNode.offsetHeight);
+		}
+		function spellcheck() {
+			var words = [], uniqueWords = {};
+			if (started) {
+				finish();
+				return;
+			} else {
+				finish();
+			}
+			started = true;
+			function doneCallback(suggestions) {
+				editor.setProgressState(false);
+				if (isEmpty(suggestions)) {
+					editor.windowManager.alert('No misspellings found');
+					started = false;
+					return;
+				}
+				lastSuggestions = suggestions;
+				getTextMatcher().filter(function(match) {
+					return !!suggestions[match.text];
+				}).wrap(function() {
+					return editor.dom.create('span', {
+						"class": 'mce-spellchecker-word',
+						"data-mce-bogus": 1
+					});
+				});
+				editor.fire('SpellcheckStart');
+			}
+			// Regexp for finding word specific characters this will split words by
+			// spaces, quotes, copy right characters etc. It's escaped with unicode characters
+			// to make it easier to output scripts on servers using different encodings
+			// so if you add any characters outside the 128 byte range make sure to escape it
+			var nonWordSeparatorCharacters = editor.getParam('spellchecker_wordchar_pattern') || new RegExp("[^" +
+				"\\s!\"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}`" +
+				"\u00a7\u00a9\u00ab\u00ae\u00b1\u00b6\u00b7\u00b8\u00bb" +
+				"\u00bc\u00bd\u00be\u00bf\u00d7\u00f7\u00a4\u201d\u201c\u201e" +
+			"]+", "g");
+			// Find all words and make an unique words array
+			getTextMatcher().find(nonWordSeparatorCharacters).each(function(match) {
+				var word = match.text;
+				// TODO: Fix so it remembers correctly spelled words
+				if (!uniqueWords[word]) {
+					// Ignore numbers and single character words
+					if (/^\d+$/.test(word) || word.length == 1) {
+						return;
+					}
+					words.push(word);
+					uniqueWords[word] = true;
+				}
+			});
+			function defaultSpellcheckCallback(method, words, doneCallback) {
+				JSONRequest.sendRPC({
+					url: new URI(url).toAbsolute(settings.spellchecker_rpc_url),
+					method: method,
+					params: {
+						lang: settings.spellchecker_language || "en",
+						words: words
+					},
+					success: function(result) {
+						doneCallback(result);
+					},
+					error: function(error, xhr) {
+						if (error == "JSON Parse error.") {
+							error = "Non JSON response:" + xhr.responseText;
+						} else {
+							error = "Error: " + error;
+						}
+						editor.windowManager.alert(error);
+						editor.setProgressState(false);
+						finish();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			editor.setProgressState(true);
+			var spellCheckCallback = settings.spellchecker_callback || defaultSpellcheckCallback;
+			spellCheckCallback("spellcheck", words, doneCallback);
+			editor.focus();
+		}
+		function checkIfFinished() {
+			if (!editor.dom.select('span.mce-spellchecker-word').length) {
+				finish();
+			}
+		}
+		function ignoreWord(wordMatch, all) {
+			editor.selection.collapse();
+			if (all) {
+				getTextMatcher().each(function(match) {
+					if (match.text == wordMatch.text) {
+						getTextMatcher().unwrap(match);
+					}
+				});
+			} else {
+				getTextMatcher().unwrap(wordMatch);
+			}
+			checkIfFinished();
+		}
+		function finish() {
+			getTextMatcher().reset();
+			self.textMatcher = null;
+			if (started) {
+				started = false;
+				editor.fire('SpellcheckEnd');
+			}
+		}
+		editor.on('click', function(e) {
+			if (e.target.className == "mce-spellchecker-word") {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				var match = getTextMatcher().matchFromElement(e.target);
+				editor.selection.setRng(getTextMatcher().rangeFromMatch(match));
+				showSuggestions(match);
+			}
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('spellchecker', {
+			text: 'Spellcheck',
+			context: 'tools',
+			onclick: spellcheck,
+			selectable: true,
+			onPostRender: function() {
+				var self = this;
+				editor.on('SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd', function() {
+					self.active(started);
+				});
+			}
+		});
+		function updateSelection(e) {
+			var selectedLanguage = settings.spellchecker_language;
+			e.control.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				ctrl.active(ctrl.settings.data === selectedLanguage);
+			});
+		}
+		var buttonArgs = {
+			tooltip: 'Spellcheck',
+			onclick: spellcheck,
+			onPostRender: function() {
+				var self = this;
+				editor.on('SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd', function() {
+					self.active(started);
+				});
+			}
+		};
+		if (languageMenuItems.length > 1) {
+			buttonArgs.type = 'splitbutton';
+			buttonArgs.menu = languageMenuItems;
+			buttonArgs.onshow = updateSelection;
+			buttonArgs.onselect = function(e) {
+				settings.spellchecker_language = e.control.settings.data;
+			};
+		}
+		editor.addButton('spellchecker', buttonArgs);
+		editor.addCommand('mceSpellCheck', spellcheck);
+		editor.on('remove', function() {
+			if (suggestionsMenu) {
+				suggestionsMenu.remove();
+				suggestionsMenu = null;
+			}
+		});
+		this.getTextMatcher = getTextMatcher;
+		// Set default spellchecker language if it's not specified
+		settings.spellchecker_language = settings.spellchecker_language || settings.language || 'en';
+	});
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.dev.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.dev.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60bd6c7ce4a55ebf87cb3b507b9edf022c20646b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.dev.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Inline development version. Only to be used while developing since it uses document.write to load scripts.
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports) {
+	"use strict";
+	var html = "", baseDir;
+	var modules = {}, exposedModules = [], moduleCount = 0;
+	var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+	for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
+		var src = scripts[i].src;
+		if (src.indexOf('/plugin.dev.js') != -1) {
+			baseDir = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
+		}
+	}
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function register(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+			if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+				target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+		if (--moduleCount === 0) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < exposedModules.length; i++) {
+				register(exposedModules[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		exposedModules = ids;
+	}
+	function writeScripts() {
+		document.write(html);
+	}
+	function load(path) {
+		html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + baseDir + '/' + path + '"></script>\n';
+		moduleCount++;
+	}
+	// Expose globally
+	exports.define = define;
+	exports.require = require;
+	expose(["tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher","tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/Plugin"]);
+	load('classes/DomTextMatcher.js');
+	load('classes/Plugin.js');
+	writeScripts();
+// $hash: 251b042e64f9ee017e1974a6737a818f
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01061c1b3653a619be554c7ba8130ec09cedd4ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+ * Compiled inline version. (Library mode)
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports, undefined) {
+	"use strict";
+	var modules = {};
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+	}
+	function defined(id) {
+		return !!modules[id];
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+			var target = exports;
+			var id = ids[i];
+			var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+			for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+				if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+					target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+				}
+				target = target[fragments[fi]];
+			}
+			target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+		}
+	}
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/DomTextMatcher.js
+ * DomTextMatcher.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint no-labels:0, no-constant-condition: 0 */
+ * This class logic for filtering text and matching words.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.spellcheckerplugin.TextFilter
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher", [], function() {
+	// Based on work developed by: James Padolsey http://james.padolsey.com
+	// released under UNLICENSE that is compatible with LGPL
+	// TODO: Handle contentEditable edgecase:
+	// <p>text<span contentEditable="false">text<span contentEditable="true">text</span>text</span>text</p>
+	return function(node, editor) {
+		var m, matches = [], text, dom = editor.dom;
+		var blockElementsMap, hiddenTextElementsMap, shortEndedElementsMap;
+		blockElementsMap = editor.schema.getBlockElements(); // H1-H6, P, TD etc
+		hiddenTextElementsMap = editor.schema.getWhiteSpaceElements(); // TEXTAREA, PRE, STYLE, SCRIPT
+		shortEndedElementsMap = editor.schema.getShortEndedElements(); // BR, IMG, INPUT
+		function createMatch(m, data) {
+			if (!m[0]) {
+				throw 'findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches';
+			}
+			return {
+				start: m.index,
+				end: m.index + m[0].length,
+				text: m[0],
+				data: data
+			};
+		}
+		function getText(node) {
+			var txt;
+			if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+				return node.data;
+			}
+			if (hiddenTextElementsMap[node.nodeName] && !blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
+				return '';
+			}
+			txt = '';
+			if (blockElementsMap[node.nodeName] || shortEndedElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
+				txt += '\n';
+			}
+			if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+				do {
+					txt += getText(node);
+				} while ((node = node.nextSibling));
+			}
+			return txt;
+		}
+		function stepThroughMatches(node, matches, replaceFn) {
+			var startNode, endNode, startNodeIndex,
+				endNodeIndex, innerNodes = [], atIndex = 0, curNode = node,
+				matchLocation, matchIndex = 0;
+			matches = matches.slice(0);
+			matches.sort(function(a, b) {
+				return a.start - b.start;
+			});
+			matchLocation = matches.shift();
+			out: while (true) {
+				if (blockElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] || shortEndedElementsMap[curNode.nodeName]) {
+					atIndex++;
+				}
+				if (curNode.nodeType === 3) {
+					if (!endNode && curNode.length + atIndex >= matchLocation.end) {
+						// We've found the ending
+						endNode = curNode;
+						endNodeIndex = matchLocation.end - atIndex;
+					} else if (startNode) {
+						// Intersecting node
+						innerNodes.push(curNode);
+					}
+					if (!startNode && curNode.length + atIndex > matchLocation.start) {
+						// We've found the match start
+						startNode = curNode;
+						startNodeIndex = matchLocation.start - atIndex;
+					}
+					atIndex += curNode.length;
+				}
+				if (startNode && endNode) {
+					curNode = replaceFn({
+						startNode: startNode,
+						startNodeIndex: startNodeIndex,
+						endNode: endNode,
+						endNodeIndex: endNodeIndex,
+						innerNodes: innerNodes,
+						match: matchLocation.text,
+						matchIndex: matchIndex
+					});
+					// replaceFn has to return the node that replaced the endNode
+					// and then we step back so we can continue from the end of the
+					// match:
+					atIndex -= (endNode.length - endNodeIndex);
+					startNode = null;
+					endNode = null;
+					innerNodes = [];
+					matchLocation = matches.shift();
+					matchIndex++;
+					if (!matchLocation) {
+						break; // no more matches
+					}
+				} else if ((!hiddenTextElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] || blockElementsMap[curNode.nodeName]) && curNode.firstChild) {
+					// Move down
+					curNode = curNode.firstChild;
+					continue;
+				} else if (curNode.nextSibling) {
+					// Move forward:
+					curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Move forward or up:
+				while (true) {
+					if (curNode.nextSibling) {
+						curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
+						break;
+					} else if (curNode.parentNode !== node) {
+						curNode = curNode.parentNode;
+					} else {
+						break out;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		* Generates the actual replaceFn which splits up text nodes
+		* and inserts the replacement element.
+		*/
+		function genReplacer(callback) {
+			function makeReplacementNode(fill, matchIndex) {
+				var match = matches[matchIndex];
+				if (!match.stencil) {
+					match.stencil = callback(match);
+				}
+				var clone = match.stencil.cloneNode(false);
+				clone.setAttribute('data-mce-index', matchIndex);
+				if (fill) {
+					clone.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(fill));
+				}
+				return clone;
+			}
+			return function(range) {
+				var before, after, parentNode, startNode = range.startNode,
+					endNode = range.endNode, matchIndex = range.matchIndex,
+					doc = dom.doc;
+				if (startNode === endNode) {
+					var node = startNode;
+					parentNode = node.parentNode;
+					if (range.startNodeIndex > 0) {
+						// Add "before" text node (before the match)
+						before = doc.createTextNode(node.data.substring(0, range.startNodeIndex));
+						parentNode.insertBefore(before, node);
+					}
+					// Create the replacement node:
+					var el = makeReplacementNode(range.match, matchIndex);
+					parentNode.insertBefore(el, node);
+					if (range.endNodeIndex < node.length) {
+						// Add "after" text node (after the match)
+						after = doc.createTextNode(node.data.substring(range.endNodeIndex));
+						parentNode.insertBefore(after, node);
+					}
+					node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+					return el;
+				} else {
+					// Replace startNode -> [innerNodes...] -> endNode (in that order)
+					before = doc.createTextNode(startNode.data.substring(0, range.startNodeIndex));
+					after = doc.createTextNode(endNode.data.substring(range.endNodeIndex));
+					var elA = makeReplacementNode(startNode.data.substring(range.startNodeIndex), matchIndex);
+					var innerEls = [];
+					for (var i = 0, l = range.innerNodes.length; i < l; ++i) {
+						var innerNode = range.innerNodes[i];
+						var innerEl = makeReplacementNode(innerNode.data, matchIndex);
+						innerNode.parentNode.replaceChild(innerEl, innerNode);
+						innerEls.push(innerEl);
+					}
+					var elB = makeReplacementNode(endNode.data.substring(0, range.endNodeIndex), matchIndex);
+					parentNode = startNode.parentNode;
+					parentNode.insertBefore(before, startNode);
+					parentNode.insertBefore(elA, startNode);
+					parentNode.removeChild(startNode);
+					parentNode = endNode.parentNode;
+					parentNode.insertBefore(elB, endNode);
+					parentNode.insertBefore(after, endNode);
+					parentNode.removeChild(endNode);
+					return elB;
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		function unwrapElement(element) {
+			var parentNode = element.parentNode;
+			parentNode.insertBefore(element.firstChild, element);
+			element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+		}
+		function getWrappersByIndex(index) {
+			var elements = node.getElementsByTagName('*'), wrappers = [];
+			index = typeof(index) == "number" ? "" + index : null;
+			for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+				var element = elements[i], dataIndex = element.getAttribute('data-mce-index');
+				if (dataIndex !== null && dataIndex.length) {
+					if (dataIndex === index || index === null) {
+						wrappers.push(element);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return wrappers;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the index of a specific match object or -1 if it isn't found.
+		 *
+		 * @param  {Match} match Text match object.
+		 * @return {Number} Index of match or -1 if it isn't found.
+		 */
+		function indexOf(match) {
+			var i = matches.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				if (matches[i] === match) {
+					return i;
+				}
+			}
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Filters the matches. If the callback returns true it stays if not it gets removed.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} callback Callback to execute for each match.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function filter(callback) {
+			var filteredMatches = [];
+			each(function(match, i) {
+				if (callback(match, i)) {
+					filteredMatches.push(match);
+				}
+			});
+			matches = filteredMatches;
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified callback for each match.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} callback  Callback to execute for each match.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function each(callback) {
+			for (var i = 0, l = matches.length; i < l; i++) {
+				if (callback(matches[i], i) === false) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Wraps the current matches with nodes created by the specified callback.
+		 * Multiple clones of these matches might occur on matches that are on multiple nodex.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} callback Callback to execute in order to create elements for matches.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function wrap(callback) {
+			if (matches.length) {
+				stepThroughMatches(node, matches, genReplacer(callback));
+			}
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Finds the specified regexp and adds them to the matches collection.
+		 *
+		 * @param {RegExp} regex Global regexp to search the current node by.
+		 * @param {Object} [data] Optional custom data element for the match.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function find(regex, data) {
+			if (text && regex.global) {
+				while ((m = regex.exec(text))) {
+					matches.push(createMatch(m, data));
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Unwraps the specified match object or all matches if unspecified.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} [match] Optional match object.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function unwrap(match) {
+			var i, elements = getWrappersByIndex(match ? indexOf(match) : null);
+			i = elements.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				unwrapElement(elements[i]);
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a match object by the specified DOM element.
+		 *
+		 * @param {DOMElement} element Element to return match object for.
+		 * @return {Object} Match object for the specified element.
+		 */
+		function matchFromElement(element) {
+			return matches[element.getAttribute('data-mce-index')];
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a DOM element from the specified match element. This will be the first element if it's split
+		 * on multiple nodes.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} match Match element to get first element of.
+		 * @return {DOMElement} DOM element for the specified match object.
+		 */
+		function elementFromMatch(match) {
+			return getWrappersByIndex(indexOf(match))[0];
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Adds match the specified range for example a grammar line.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Number} start Start offset.
+		 * @param {Number} length Length of the text.
+		 * @param {Object} data Custom data object for match.
+		 * @return {DomTextMatcher} Current DomTextMatcher instance.
+		 */
+		function add(start, length, data) {
+			matches.push({
+				start: start,
+				end: start + length,
+				text: text.substr(start, length),
+				data: data
+			});
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a DOM range for the specified match.
+		 *
+		 * @param  {Object} match Match object to get range for.
+		 * @return {DOMRange} DOM Range for the specified match.
+		 */
+		function rangeFromMatch(match) {
+			var wrappers = getWrappersByIndex(indexOf(match));
+			var rng = editor.dom.createRng();
+			rng.setStartBefore(wrappers[0]);
+			rng.setEndAfter(wrappers[wrappers.length - 1]);
+			return rng;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the specified match with the specified text.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} match Match object to replace.
+		 * @param {String} text Text to replace the match with.
+		 * @return {DOMRange} DOM range produced after the replace.
+		 */
+		function replace(match, text) {
+			var rng = rangeFromMatch(match);
+			rng.deleteContents();
+			if (text.length > 0) {
+				rng.insertNode(editor.dom.doc.createTextNode(text));
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Resets the DomTextMatcher instance. This will remove any wrapped nodes and remove any matches.
+		 *
+		 * @return {[type]} [description]
+		 */
+		function reset() {
+			matches.splice(0, matches.length);
+			unwrap();
+			return this;
+		}
+		text = getText(node);
+		return {
+			text: text,
+			matches: matches,
+			each: each,
+			filter: filter,
+			reset: reset,
+			matchFromElement: matchFromElement,
+			elementFromMatch: elementFromMatch,
+			find: find,
+			add: add,
+			wrap: wrap,
+			unwrap: unwrap,
+			replace: replace,
+			rangeFromMatch: rangeFromMatch,
+			indexOf: indexOf
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/Plugin.js
+ * Plugin.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint camelcase:false */
+ * This class contains all core logic for the spellchecker plugin.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.spellcheckerplugin.Plugin
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/Plugin", [
+	"tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher",
+	"tinymce/PluginManager",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/Menu",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/JSONRequest",
+	"tinymce/util/URI"
+], function(DomTextMatcher, PluginManager, Tools, Menu, DOMUtils, JSONRequest, URI) {
+	PluginManager.add('spellchecker', function(editor, url) {
+		var languageMenuItems, self = this, lastSuggestions, started, suggestionsMenu, settings = editor.settings;
+		function getTextMatcher() {
+			if (!self.textMatcher) {
+				self.textMatcher = new DomTextMatcher(editor.getBody(), editor);
+			}
+			return self.textMatcher;
+		}
+		function buildMenuItems(listName, languageValues) {
+			var items = [];
+			Tools.each(languageValues, function(languageValue) {
+				items.push({
+					selectable: true,
+					text: languageValue.name,
+					data: languageValue.value
+				});
+			});
+			return items;
+		}
+		var languagesString = settings.spellchecker_languages ||
+			'English=en,Danish=da,Dutch=nl,Finnish=fi,French=fr_FR,' +
+			'German=de,Italian=it,Polish=pl,Portuguese=pt_BR,' +
+			'Spanish=es,Swedish=sv';
+		languageMenuItems = buildMenuItems('Language',
+			Tools.map(languagesString.split(','),
+				function(lang_pair) {
+					var lang = lang_pair.split('=');
+					return {
+						name: lang[0],
+						value: lang[1]
+					};
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		function isEmpty(obj) {
+			/*jshint unused:false*/
+			/*eslint no-unused-vars:0 */
+			for (var name in obj) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
+		function showSuggestions(match) {
+			var items = [], suggestions = lastSuggestions[match.text];
+			Tools.each(suggestions, function(suggestion) {
+				items.push({
+					text: suggestion,
+					onclick: function() {
+						var rng = getTextMatcher().replace(match, suggestion);
+						rng.collapse(false);
+						editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+						checkIfFinished();
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			items.push.apply(items, [
+				{text: '-'},
+				{text: 'Ignore', onclick: function() {
+					ignoreWord(match);
+				}},
+				{text: 'Ignore all', onclick: function() {
+					ignoreWord(match, true);
+				}},
+				{text: 'Finish', onclick: finish}
+			]);
+			// Render menu
+			suggestionsMenu = new Menu({
+				items: items,
+				context: 'contextmenu',
+				onautohide: function(e) {
+					if (e.target.className.indexOf('spellchecker') != -1) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+					}
+				},
+				onhide: function() {
+					suggestionsMenu.remove();
+					suggestionsMenu = null;
+				}
+			});
+			suggestionsMenu.renderTo(document.body);
+			// Position menu
+			var matchNode = getTextMatcher().elementFromMatch(match);
+			var pos = DOMUtils.DOM.getPos(editor.getContentAreaContainer());
+			var targetPos = editor.dom.getPos(matchNode);
+			var root = editor.dom.getRoot();
+			// Adjust targetPos for scrolling in the editor
+			if (root.nodeName == 'BODY') {
+				targetPos.x -= root.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft || root.scrollLeft;
+				targetPos.y -= root.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollTop || root.scrollTop;
+			} else {
+				targetPos.x -= root.scrollLeft;
+				targetPos.y -= root.scrollTop;
+			}
+			pos.x += targetPos.x;
+			pos.y += targetPos.y;
+			suggestionsMenu.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y + matchNode.offsetHeight);
+		}
+		function spellcheck() {
+			var words = [], uniqueWords = {};
+			if (started) {
+				finish();
+				return;
+			} else {
+				finish();
+			}
+			started = true;
+			function doneCallback(suggestions) {
+				editor.setProgressState(false);
+				if (isEmpty(suggestions)) {
+					editor.windowManager.alert('No misspellings found');
+					started = false;
+					return;
+				}
+				lastSuggestions = suggestions;
+				getTextMatcher().filter(function(match) {
+					return !!suggestions[match.text];
+				}).wrap(function() {
+					return editor.dom.create('span', {
+						"class": 'mce-spellchecker-word',
+						"data-mce-bogus": 1
+					});
+				});
+				editor.fire('SpellcheckStart');
+			}
+			// Regexp for finding word specific characters this will split words by
+			// spaces, quotes, copy right characters etc. It's escaped with unicode characters
+			// to make it easier to output scripts on servers using different encodings
+			// so if you add any characters outside the 128 byte range make sure to escape it
+			var nonWordSeparatorCharacters = editor.getParam('spellchecker_wordchar_pattern') || new RegExp("[^" +
+				"\\s!\"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}`" +
+				"\u00a7\u00a9\u00ab\u00ae\u00b1\u00b6\u00b7\u00b8\u00bb" +
+				"\u00bc\u00bd\u00be\u00bf\u00d7\u00f7\u00a4\u201d\u201c\u201e" +
+			"]+", "g");
+			// Find all words and make an unique words array
+			getTextMatcher().find(nonWordSeparatorCharacters).each(function(match) {
+				var word = match.text;
+				// TODO: Fix so it remembers correctly spelled words
+				if (!uniqueWords[word]) {
+					// Ignore numbers and single character words
+					if (/^\d+$/.test(word) || word.length == 1) {
+						return;
+					}
+					words.push(word);
+					uniqueWords[word] = true;
+				}
+			});
+			function defaultSpellcheckCallback(method, words, doneCallback) {
+				JSONRequest.sendRPC({
+					url: new URI(url).toAbsolute(settings.spellchecker_rpc_url),
+					method: method,
+					params: {
+						lang: settings.spellchecker_language || "en",
+						words: words
+					},
+					success: function(result) {
+						doneCallback(result);
+					},
+					error: function(error, xhr) {
+						if (error == "JSON Parse error.") {
+							error = "Non JSON response:" + xhr.responseText;
+						} else {
+							error = "Error: " + error;
+						}
+						editor.windowManager.alert(error);
+						editor.setProgressState(false);
+						finish();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			editor.setProgressState(true);
+			var spellCheckCallback = settings.spellchecker_callback || defaultSpellcheckCallback;
+			spellCheckCallback("spellcheck", words, doneCallback);
+			editor.focus();
+		}
+		function checkIfFinished() {
+			if (!editor.dom.select('span.mce-spellchecker-word').length) {
+				finish();
+			}
+		}
+		function ignoreWord(wordMatch, all) {
+			editor.selection.collapse();
+			if (all) {
+				getTextMatcher().each(function(match) {
+					if (match.text == wordMatch.text) {
+						getTextMatcher().unwrap(match);
+					}
+				});
+			} else {
+				getTextMatcher().unwrap(wordMatch);
+			}
+			checkIfFinished();
+		}
+		function finish() {
+			getTextMatcher().reset();
+			self.textMatcher = null;
+			if (started) {
+				started = false;
+				editor.fire('SpellcheckEnd');
+			}
+		}
+		editor.on('click', function(e) {
+			if (e.target.className == "mce-spellchecker-word") {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				var match = getTextMatcher().matchFromElement(e.target);
+				editor.selection.setRng(getTextMatcher().rangeFromMatch(match));
+				showSuggestions(match);
+			}
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('spellchecker', {
+			text: 'Spellcheck',
+			context: 'tools',
+			onclick: spellcheck,
+			selectable: true,
+			onPostRender: function() {
+				var self = this;
+				editor.on('SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd', function() {
+					self.active(started);
+				});
+			}
+		});
+		function updateSelection(e) {
+			var selectedLanguage = settings.spellchecker_language;
+			e.control.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				ctrl.active(ctrl.settings.data === selectedLanguage);
+			});
+		}
+		var buttonArgs = {
+			tooltip: 'Spellcheck',
+			onclick: spellcheck,
+			onPostRender: function() {
+				var self = this;
+				editor.on('SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd', function() {
+					self.active(started);
+				});
+			}
+		};
+		if (languageMenuItems.length > 1) {
+			buttonArgs.type = 'splitbutton';
+			buttonArgs.menu = languageMenuItems;
+			buttonArgs.onshow = updateSelection;
+			buttonArgs.onselect = function(e) {
+				settings.spellchecker_language = e.control.settings.data;
+			};
+		}
+		editor.addButton('spellchecker', buttonArgs);
+		editor.addCommand('mceSpellCheck', spellcheck);
+		editor.on('remove', function() {
+			if (suggestionsMenu) {
+				suggestionsMenu.remove();
+				suggestionsMenu = null;
+			}
+		});
+		this.getTextMatcher = getTextMatcher;
+		// Set default spellchecker language if it's not specified
+		settings.spellchecker_language = settings.spellchecker_language || settings.language || 'en';
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a0e1aa8cd68af2ed2938ba1e6e6c852f11f3208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/plugin.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){for(var n,r=[],i=0;i<e.length;++i){if(n=s[e[i]]||o(e[i]),!n)throw"module definition dependecy not found: "+e[i];r.push(n)}t.apply(null,r)}function r(e,r,i){if("string"!=typeof e)throw"invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string";if(r===t)throw"invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified";if(i===t)throw"invalid module definition, definition function must be specified";n(r,function(){s[e]=i.apply(null,arguments)})}function i(e){return!!s[e]}function o(t){for(var n=e,r=t.split(/[.\/]/),i=0;i<r.length;++i){if(!n[r[i]])return;n=n[r[i]]}return n}function a(n){for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++){for(var i=e,o=n[r],a=o.split(/[.\/]/),l=0;l<a.length-1;++l)i[a[l]]===t&&(i[a[l]]={}),i=i[a[l]];i[a[a.length-1]]=s[o]}}var s={},l="tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher",c="tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/Plugin",d="tinymce/PluginManager",u="tinymce/util/Tools",f="tinymce/ui/Menu",p="tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",m="tinymce/util/JSONRequest",h="tinymce/util/URI";r(l,[],function(){return function(e,t){function n(e,t){if(!e[0])throw"findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches";return{start:e.index,end:e.index+e[0].length,text:e[0],data:t}}function r(e){var t;if(3===e.nodeType)return e.data;if(E[e.nodeName]&&!N[e.nodeName])return"";if(t="",(N[e.nodeName]||k[e.nodeName])&&(t+="\n"),e=e.firstChild)do t+=r(e);while(e=e.nextSibling);return t}function i(e,t,n){var r,i,o,a,s=[],l=0,c=e,d,u=0;t=t.slice(0),t.sort(function(e,t){return e.start-t.start}),d=t.shift();e:for(;;){if((N[c.nodeName]||k[c.nodeName])&&l++,3===c.nodeType&&(!i&&c.length+l>=d.end?(i=c,a=d.end-l):r&&s.push(c),!r&&c.length+l>d.start&&(r=c,o=d.start-l),l+=c.length),r&&i){if(c=n({startNode:r,startNodeIndex:o,endNode:i,endNodeIndex:a,innerNodes:s,match:d.text,matchIndex:u}),l-=i.length-a,r=null,i=null,s=[],d=t.shift(),u++,!d)break}else{if((!E[c.nodeName]||N[c.nodeName])&&c.firstChild){c=c.firstChild;continue}if(c.nextSibling){c=c.nextSibling;continue}}for(;;){if(c.nextSibling){c=c.nextSibling;break}if(c.parentNode===e)break e;c=c.parentNode}}}function o(e){function t(t,n){var r=x[n];r.stencil||(r.stencil=e(r));var i=r.stencil.cloneNode(!1);return i.setAttribute("data-mce-index",n),t&&i.appendChild(_.doc.createTextNode(t)),i}return function(e){var n,r,i,o=e.startNode,a=e.endNode,s=e.matchIndex,l=_.doc;if(o===a){var c=o;i=c.parentNode,e.startNodeIndex>0&&(n=l.createTextNode(c.data.substring(0,e.startNodeIndex)),i.insertBefore(n,c));var d=t(e.match,s);return i.insertBefore(d,c),e.endNodeIndex<c.length&&(r=l.createTextNode(c.data.substring(e.endNodeIndex)),i.insertBefore(r,c)),c.parentNode.removeChild(c),d}n=l.createTextNode(o.data.substring(0,e.startNodeIndex)),r=l.createTextNode(a.data.substring(e.endNodeIndex));for(var u=t(o.data.substring(e.startNodeIndex),s),f=[],p=0,m=e.innerNodes.length;m>p;++p){var h=e.innerNodes[p],g=t(h.data,s);h.parentNode.replaceChild(g,h),f.push(g)}var v=t(a.data.substring(0,e.endNodeIndex),s);return i=o.parentNode,i.insertBefore(n,o),i.insertBefore(u,o),i.removeChild(o),i=a.parentNode,i.insertBefore(v,a),i.insertBefore(r,a),i.removeChild(a),v}}function a(e){var t=e.parentNode;t.insertBefore(e.firstChild,e),e.parentNode.removeChild(e)}function s(t){var n=e.getElementsByTagName("*"),r=[];t="number"==typeof t?""+t:null;for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++){var o=n[i],a=o.getAttribute("data-mce-index");null!==a&&a.length&&(a===t||null===t)&&r.push(o)}return r}function l(e){for(var t=x.length;t--;)if(x[t]===e)return t;return-1}function c(e){var t=[];return d(function(n,r){e(n,r)&&t.push(n)}),x=t,this}function d(e){for(var t=0,n=x.length;n>t&&e(x[t],t)!==!1;t++);return this}function u(t){return x.length&&i(e,x,o(t)),this}function f(e,t){if(w&&e.global)for(;C=e.exec(w);)x.push(n(C,t));return this}function p(e){var t,n=s(e?l(e):null);for(t=n.length;t--;)a(n[t]);return this}function m(e){return x[e.getAttribute("data-mce-index")]}function h(e){return s(l(e))[0]}function g(e,t,n){return x.push({start:e,end:e+t,text:w.substr(e,t),data:n}),this}function v(e){var n=s(l(e)),r=t.dom.createRng();return r.setStartBefore(n[0]),r.setEndAfter(n[n.length-1]),r}function y(e,n){var r=v(e);return r.deleteContents(),n.length>0&&r.insertNode(t.dom.doc.createTextNode(n)),r}function b(){return x.splice(0,x.length),p(),this}var C,x=[],w,_=t.dom,N,E,k;return N=t.schema.getBlockElements(),E=t.schema.getWhiteSpaceElements(),k=t.schema.getShortEndedElements(),w=r(e),{text:w,matches:x,each:d,filter:c,reset:b,matchFromElement:m,elementFromMatch:h,find:f,add:g,wrap:u,unwrap:p,replace:y,rangeFromMatch:v,indexOf:l}}}),r(c,[l,d,u,f,p,m,h],function(e,t,n,r,i,o,a){t.add("spellchecker",function(t,s){function l(){return y.textMatcher||(y.textMatcher=new e(t.getBody(),t)),y.textMatcher}function c(e,t){var r=[];return n.each(t,function(e){r.push({selectable:!0,text:e.name,data:e.value})}),r}function d(e){for(var t in e)return!1;return!0}function u(e){var o=[],a=b[e.text];n.each(a,function(n){o.push({text:n,onclick:function(){var r=l().replace(e,n);r.collapse(!1),t.selection.setRng(r),p()}})}),o.push.apply(o,[{text:"-"},{text:"Ignore",onclick:function(){m(e)}},{text:"Ignore all",onclick:function(){m(e,!0)}},{text:"Finish",onclick:h}]),x=new r({items:o,context:"contextmenu",onautohide:function(e){-1!=e.target.className.indexOf("spellchecker")&&e.preventDefault()},onhide:function(){x.remove(),x=null}}),x.renderTo(document.body);var s=l().elementFromMatch(e),c=i.DOM.getPos(t.getContentAreaContainer()),d=t.dom.getPos(s),u=t.dom.getRoot();"BODY"==u.nodeName?(d.x-=u.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft||u.scrollLeft,d.y-=u.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollTop||u.scrollTop):(d.x-=u.scrollLeft,d.y-=u.scrollTop),c.x+=d.x,c.y+=d.y,x.moveTo(c.x,c.y+s.offsetHeight)}function f(){function e(e){return t.setProgressState(!1),d(e)?(t.windowManager.alert("No misspellings found"),void(C=!1)):(b=e,l().filter(function(t){return!!e[t.text]}).wrap(function(){return t.dom.create("span",{"class":"mce-spellchecker-word","data-mce-bogus":1})}),void t.fire("SpellcheckStart"))}function n(e,n,r){o.sendRPC({url:new a(s).toAbsolute(w.spellchecker_rpc_url),method:e,params:{lang:w.spellchecker_language||"en",words:n},success:function(e){r(e)},error:function(e,n){e="JSON Parse error."==e?"Non JSON response:"+n.responseText:"Error: "+e,t.windowManager.alert(e),t.setProgressState(!1),h()}})}var r=[],i={};if(C)return void h();h(),C=!0;var c=t.getParam("spellchecker_wordchar_pattern")||new RegExp('[^\\s!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}`\xa7\xa9\xab\xae\xb1\xb6\xb7\xb8\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xd7\xf7\xa4\u201d\u201c\u201e]+',"g");l().find(c).each(function(e){var t=e.text;if(!i[t]){if(/^\d+$/.test(t)||1==t.length)return;r.push(t),i[t]=!0}}),t.setProgressState(!0);var u=w.spellchecker_callback||n;u("spellcheck",r,e),t.focus()}function p(){t.dom.select("span.mce-spellchecker-word").length||h()}function m(e,n){t.selection.collapse(),n?l().each(function(t){t.text==e.text&&l().unwrap(t)}):l().unwrap(e),p()}function h(){l().reset(),y.textMatcher=null,C&&(C=!1,t.fire("SpellcheckEnd"))}function g(e){var t=w.spellchecker_language;e.control.items().each(function(e){e.active(e.settings.data===t)})}var v,y=this,b,C,x,w=t.settings,_=w.spellchecker_languages||"English=en,Danish=da,Dutch=nl,Finnish=fi,French=fr_FR,German=de,Italian=it,Polish=pl,Portuguese=pt_BR,Spanish=es,Swedish=sv";v=c("Language",n.map(_.split(","),function(e){var t=e.split("=");return{name:t[0],value:t[1]}})),t.on("click",function(e){if("mce-spellchecker-word"==e.target.className){e.preventDefault();var n=l().matchFromElement(e.target);t.selection.setRng(l().rangeFromMatch(n)),u(n)}}),t.addMenuItem("spellchecker",{text:"Spellcheck",context:"tools",onclick:f,selectable:!0,onPostRender:function(){var e=this;t.on("SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd",function(){e.active(C)})}});var N={tooltip:"Spellcheck",onclick:f,onPostRender:function(){var e=this;t.on("SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd",function(){e.active(C)})}};v.length>1&&(N.type="splitbutton",N.menu=v,N.onshow=g,N.onselect=function(e){w.spellchecker_language=e.control.settings.data}),t.addButton("spellchecker",N),t.addCommand("mceSpellCheck",f),t.on("remove",function(){x&&(x.remove(),x=null)}),this.getTextMatcher=l,w.spellchecker_language=w.spellchecker_language||w.language||"en"})}),a([l,c])}(this);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/CellSelection.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/CellSelection.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ec550160ad2426c3514b12575fc28293c1c8cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/CellSelection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ * CellSelection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles table cell selection by faking it using a css class that gets applied
+ * to cells when dragging the mouse from one cell to another.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.CellSelection
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/CellSelection", [
+	"tinymce/tableplugin/TableGrid",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(TableGrid, TreeWalker, Tools) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom, tableGrid, startCell, startTable, hasCellSelection = true;
+		function clear() {
+			// Restore selection possibilities
+			editor.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = '';
+			if (hasCellSelection) {
+				editor.dom.removeClass(
+					editor.dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected'),
+					'mce-item-selected'
+				);
+				hasCellSelection = false;
+			}
+		}
+		function cellSelectionHandler(e) {
+			var sel, table, target = e.target;
+			if (startCell && (tableGrid || target != startCell) && (target.nodeName == 'TD' || target.nodeName == 'TH')) {
+				table = dom.getParent(target, 'table');
+				if (table == startTable) {
+					if (!tableGrid) {
+						tableGrid = new TableGrid(editor, table);
+						tableGrid.setStartCell(startCell);
+						editor.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = 'none';
+					}
+					tableGrid.setEndCell(target);
+					hasCellSelection = true;
+				}
+				// Remove current selection
+				sel = editor.selection.getSel();
+				try {
+					if (sel.removeAllRanges) {
+						sel.removeAllRanges();
+					} else {
+						sel.empty();
+					}
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE9 might throw errors here
+				}
+				e.preventDefault();
+			}
+		}
+		// Add cell selection logic
+		editor.on('MouseDown', function(e) {
+			if (e.button != 2) {
+				clear();
+				startCell = dom.getParent(e.target, 'td,th');
+				startTable = dom.getParent(startCell, 'table');
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('mouseover', cellSelectionHandler);
+		editor.on('remove', function() {
+			dom.unbind(editor.getDoc(), 'mouseover', cellSelectionHandler);
+		});
+		editor.on('MouseUp', function() {
+			var rng, sel = editor.selection, selectedCells, walker, node, lastNode, endNode;
+			function setPoint(node, start) {
+				var walker = new TreeWalker(node, node);
+				do {
+					// Text node
+					if (node.nodeType == 3 && Tools.trim(node.nodeValue).length !== 0) {
+						if (start) {
+							rng.setStart(node, 0);
+						} else {
+							rng.setEnd(node, node.nodeValue.length);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					// BR element
+					if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
+						if (start) {
+							rng.setStartBefore(node);
+						} else {
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+				} while ((node = (start ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));
+			}
+			// Move selection to startCell
+			if (startCell) {
+				if (tableGrid) {
+					editor.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = '';
+				}
+				// Try to expand text selection as much as we can only Gecko supports cell selection
+				selectedCells = dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected');
+				if (selectedCells.length > 0) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					node = selectedCells[0];
+					endNode = selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1];
+					rng.setStartBefore(node);
+					rng.setEndAfter(node);
+					setPoint(node, 1);
+					walker = new TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(selectedCells[0], 'table'));
+					do {
+						if (node.nodeName == 'TD' || node.nodeName == 'TH') {
+							if (!dom.hasClass(node, 'mce-item-selected')) {
+								break;
+							}
+							lastNode = node;
+						}
+					} while ((node = walker.next()));
+					setPoint(lastNode);
+					sel.setRng(rng);
+				}
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+				startCell = tableGrid = startTable = null;
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('KeyUp', function() {
+			clear();
+		});
+		return {
+			clear: clear
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/Plugin.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/Plugin.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a0d87ea578ca69c9f9a1bd117f5b31a9e458c0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/Plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+ * Plugin.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains all core logic for the table plugin.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.Plugin
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/Plugin", [
+	"tinymce/tableplugin/TableGrid",
+	"tinymce/tableplugin/Quirks",
+	"tinymce/tableplugin/CellSelection",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/PluginManager"
+], function(TableGrid, Quirks, CellSelection, Tools, TreeWalker, Env, PluginManager) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function Plugin(editor) {
+		var winMan, clipboardRows, self = this; // Might be selected cells on reload
+		function removePxSuffix(size) {
+			return size ? size.replace(/px$/, '') : "";
+		}
+		function addSizeSuffix(size) {
+			if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(size)) {
+				size += "px";
+			}
+			return size;
+		}
+		function unApplyAlign(elm) {
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				editor.formatter.remove('align' + name, {}, elm);
+			});
+		}
+		function tableDialog() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, data;
+			tableElm = dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
+			data = {
+				width: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'width')),
+				height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'height')),
+				cellspacing: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellspacing'),
+				cellpadding: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellpadding'),
+				border: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'border'),
+				caption: !!dom.select('caption', tableElm)[0]
+			};
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(tableElm, 'align' + name)) {
+					data.align = name;
+				}
+			});
+			editor.windowManager.open({
+				title: "Table properties",
+				items: {
+					type: 'form',
+					layout: 'grid',
+					columns: 2,
+					data: data,
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'textbox',
+						maxWidth: 50
+					},
+					items: [
+						{label: 'Width', name: 'width'},
+						{label: 'Height', name: 'height'},
+						{label: 'Cell spacing', name: 'cellspacing'},
+						{label: 'Cell padding', name: 'cellpadding'},
+						{label: 'Border', name: 'border'},
+						{label: 'Caption', name: 'caption', type: 'checkbox'},
+						{
+							label: 'Alignment',
+							minWidth: 90,
+							name: 'align',
+							type: 'listbox',
+							text: 'None',
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'None', value: ''},
+								{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+								{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+								{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+							]
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON(), captionElm;
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						editor.dom.setAttribs(tableElm, {
+							cellspacing: data.cellspacing,
+							cellpadding: data.cellpadding,
+							border: data.border
+						});
+						editor.dom.setStyles(tableElm, {
+							width: addSizeSuffix(data.width),
+							height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
+						});
+						// Toggle caption on/off
+						captionElm = dom.select('caption', tableElm)[0];
+						if (captionElm && !data.caption) {
+							dom.remove(captionElm);
+						}
+						if (!captionElm && data.caption) {
+							captionElm = dom.create('caption');
+							captionElm.innerHTML = !Env.ie ? '<br data-mce-bogus="1"/>' : '\u00a0';
+							tableElm.insertBefore(captionElm, tableElm.firstChild);
+						}
+						unApplyAlign(tableElm);
+						if (data.align) {
+							editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, tableElm);
+						}
+						editor.focus();
+						editor.addVisual();
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function mergeDialog(grid, cell) {
+			editor.windowManager.open({
+				title: "Merge cells",
+				body: [
+					{label: 'Cols', name: 'cols', type: 'textbox', size: 10},
+					{label: 'Rows', name: 'rows', type: 'textbox', size: 10}
+				],
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON();
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						grid.merge(cell, data.cols, data.rows);
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function cellDialog() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, cellElm, data, cells = [];
+			// Get selected cells or the current cell
+			cells = editor.dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected');
+			cellElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'td,th');
+			if (!cells.length && cellElm) {
+				cells.push(cellElm);
+			}
+			cellElm = cellElm || cells[0];
+			if (!cellElm) {
+				// If this element is null, return now to avoid crashing.
+				return;
+			}
+			data = {
+				width: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(cellElm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'width')),
+				height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(cellElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'height')),
+				scope: dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'scope')
+			};
+			data.type = cellElm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(cellElm, 'align' + name)) {
+					data.align = name;
+				}
+			});
+			editor.windowManager.open({
+				title: "Cell properties",
+				items: {
+					type: 'form',
+					data: data,
+					layout: 'grid',
+					columns: 2,
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'textbox',
+						maxWidth: 50
+					},
+					items: [
+						{label: 'Width', name: 'width'},
+						{label: 'Height', name: 'height'},
+						{
+							label: 'Cell type',
+							name: 'type',
+							type: 'listbox',
+							text: 'None',
+							minWidth: 90,
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'Cell', value: 'td'},
+								{text: 'Header cell', value: 'th'}
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							label: 'Scope',
+							name: 'scope',
+							type: 'listbox',
+							text: 'None',
+							minWidth: 90,
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'None', value: ''},
+								{text: 'Row', value: 'row'},
+								{text: 'Column', value: 'col'},
+								{text: 'Row group', value: 'rowgroup'},
+								{text: 'Column group', value: 'colgroup'}
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							label: 'Alignment',
+							name: 'align',
+							type: 'listbox',
+							text: 'None',
+							minWidth: 90,
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'None', value: ''},
+								{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+								{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+								{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+							]
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON();
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						each(cells, function(cellElm) {
+							editor.dom.setAttrib(cellElm, 'scope', data.scope);
+							editor.dom.setStyles(cellElm, {
+								width: addSizeSuffix(data.width),
+								height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
+							});
+							// Switch cell type
+							if (data.type && cellElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != data.type) {
+								cellElm = dom.rename(cellElm, data.type);
+							}
+							// Apply/remove alignment
+							unApplyAlign(cellElm);
+							if (data.align) {
+								editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, cellElm);
+							}
+						});
+						editor.focus();
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function rowDialog() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, cellElm, rowElm, data, rows = [];
+			tableElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
+			cellElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'td,th');
+			each(tableElm.rows, function(row) {
+				each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+					if (dom.hasClass(cell, 'mce-item-selected') || cell == cellElm) {
+						rows.push(row);
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			rowElm = rows[0];
+			if (!rowElm) {
+				// If this element is null, return now to avoid crashing.
+				return;
+			}
+			data = {
+				height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(rowElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(rowElm, 'height')),
+				scope: dom.getAttrib(rowElm, 'scope')
+			};
+			data.type = rowElm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(rowElm, 'align' + name)) {
+					data.align = name;
+				}
+			});
+			editor.windowManager.open({
+				title: "Row properties",
+				items: {
+					type: 'form',
+					data: data,
+					columns: 2,
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'textbox'
+					},
+					items: [
+						{
+							type: 'listbox',
+							name: 'type',
+							label: 'Row type',
+							text: 'None',
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'Header', value: 'thead'},
+								{text: 'Body', value: 'tbody'},
+								{text: 'Footer', value: 'tfoot'}
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							type: 'listbox',
+							name: 'align',
+							label: 'Alignment',
+							text: 'None',
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'None', value: ''},
+								{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+								{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+								{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+							]
+						},
+						{label: 'Height', name: 'height'}
+					]
+				},
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON(), tableElm, oldParentElm, parentElm;
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						var toType = data.type;
+						each(rows, function(rowElm) {
+							editor.dom.setAttrib(rowElm, 'scope', data.scope);
+							editor.dom.setStyles(rowElm, {
+								height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
+							});
+							if (toType != rowElm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
+								tableElm = dom.getParent(rowElm, 'table');
+								oldParentElm = rowElm.parentNode;
+								parentElm = dom.select(toType, tableElm)[0];
+								if (!parentElm) {
+									parentElm = dom.create(toType);
+									if (tableElm.firstChild) {
+										tableElm.insertBefore(parentElm, tableElm.firstChild);
+									} else {
+										tableElm.appendChild(parentElm);
+									}
+								}
+								parentElm.appendChild(rowElm);
+								if (!oldParentElm.hasChildNodes()) {
+									dom.remove(oldParentElm);
+								}
+							}
+							// Apply/remove alignment
+							unApplyAlign(rowElm);
+							if (data.align) {
+								editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, rowElm);
+							}
+						});
+						editor.focus();
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function cmd(command) {
+			return function() {
+				editor.execCommand(command);
+			};
+		}
+		function insertTable(cols, rows) {
+			var y, x, html;
+			html = '<table><tbody>';
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				html += '<tr>';
+				for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+					html += '<td>' + (Env.ie ? " " : '<br>') + '</td>';
+				}
+				html += '</tr>';
+			}
+			html += '</tbody></table>';
+			editor.insertContent(html);
+		}
+		function handleDisabledState(ctrl, selector) {
+			function bindStateListener() {
+				ctrl.disabled(!editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), selector));
+				editor.selection.selectorChanged(selector, function(state) {
+					ctrl.disabled(!state);
+				});
+			}
+			if (editor.initialized) {
+				bindStateListener();
+			} else {
+				editor.on('init', bindStateListener);
+			}
+		}
+		function postRender() {
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			handleDisabledState(this, 'table');
+		}
+		function postRenderCell() {
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			handleDisabledState(this, 'td,th');
+		}
+		function generateTableGrid() {
+			var html = '';
+			html = '<table role="grid" class="mce-grid mce-grid-border" aria-readonly="true">';
+			for (var y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
+				html += '<tr>';
+				for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
+					html += '<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"><a id="mcegrid' + (y * 10 + x) + '" href="#" ' +
+						'data-mce-x="' + x + '" data-mce-y="' + y + '" ' +
+						'' + (x + y === 0 ? ' class="mce-active"' : '') + '></a></td>';
+				}
+				html += '</tr>';
+			}
+			html += '</table>';
+			html += '<div class="mce-text-center" role="presentation">1 x 1</div>';
+			return html;
+		}
+		function selectGrid(tx, ty, control) {
+			var table = control.getEl().getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
+			var rel = control.parent().rel, x, y, focusCell, cell;
+			if (control.isRtl() || rel == 'tl-tr') {
+				for (y = 9; y >= 0; y--) {
+					for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
+						cell = table.rows[y].childNodes[x].firstChild;
+						editor.dom.toggleClass(
+							cell,
+							'mce-active',
+							x >= tx && y <= ty
+						);
+						if (x >= tx && y <= ty) {
+							focusCell = cell;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				tx = 9 - tx;
+				table.nextSibling.innerHTML = tx + ' x ' + (ty + 1);
+			} else {
+				for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
+					for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
+						cell = table.rows[y].childNodes[x].firstChild;
+						editor.dom.toggleClass(
+							cell,
+							'mce-active',
+							x <= tx && y <= ty
+						);
+						if (x <= tx && y <= ty) {
+							focusCell = cell;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				table.nextSibling.innerHTML = (tx + 1) + ' x ' + (ty + 1);
+			}
+			return focusCell.parentNode;
+		}
+		editor.addMenuItem('inserttable', {
+			text: 'Insert table',
+			icon: 'table',
+			context: 'table',
+			onhide: function() {
+				var elements = this.menu.items()[0].getEl().getElementsByTagName('a');
+				editor.dom.removeClass(elements, 'mce-active');
+				editor.dom.addClass(elements[0], 'mce-active');
+			},
+			menu: [
+				{
+					type: 'container',
+					html: generateTableGrid(),
+					onPostRender: function() {
+						this.lastX = this.lastY = 0;
+					},
+					onmousemove: function(e) {
+						var target = e.target, x, y;
+						if (target.nodeName == 'A') {
+							x = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-mce-x'), 10);
+							y = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-mce-y'), 10);
+							if (x !== this.lastX || y !== this.lastY) {
+								selectGrid(x, y, e.control);
+								this.lastX = x;
+								this.lastY = y;
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					onkeydown: function(e) {
+						var x = this.lastX, y = this.lastY, isHandled;
+						switch (e.keyCode) {
+							case 37: // DOM_VK_LEFT
+								if (x > 0) {
+									x--;
+									isHandled = true;
+								}
+								break;
+							case 39: // DOM_VK_RIGHT
+								isHandled = true;
+								if (x < 9) {
+									x++;
+								}
+								break;
+							case 38: // DOM_VK_UP
+								isHandled = true;
+								if (y > 0) {
+									y--;
+								}
+								break;
+							case 40: // DOM_VK_DOWN
+								isHandled = true;
+								if (y < 9) {
+									y++;
+								}
+								break;
+						}
+						if (isHandled) {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							e.stopPropagation();
+							selectGrid(x, y, e.control).focus();
+							this.lastX = x;
+							this.lastY = y;
+						}
+					},
+					onclick: function(e) {
+						if (e.target.nodeName == 'A') {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							e.stopPropagation();
+							this.parent().cancel();
+							insertTable(this.lastX + 1, this.lastY + 1);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			]
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('tableprops', {
+			text: 'Table properties',
+			context: 'table',
+			onPostRender: postRender,
+			onclick: tableDialog
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('deletetable', {
+			text: 'Delete table',
+			context: 'table',
+			onPostRender: postRender,
+			cmd: 'mceTableDelete'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('cell', {
+			separator: 'before',
+			text: 'Cell',
+			context: 'table',
+			menu: [
+				{text: 'Cell properties', onclick: cmd('mceTableCellProps'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Merge cells', onclick: cmd('mceTableMergeCells'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Split cell', onclick: cmd('mceTableSplitCells'), onPostRender: postRenderCell}
+			]
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('row', {
+			text: 'Row',
+			context: 'table',
+			menu: [
+				{text: 'Insert row before', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertRowBefore'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Insert row after', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertRowAfter'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Delete row', onclick: cmd('mceTableDeleteRow'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Row properties', onclick: cmd('mceTableRowProps'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: '-'},
+				{text: 'Cut row', onclick: cmd('mceTableCutRow'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Copy row', onclick: cmd('mceTableCopyRow'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Paste row before', onclick: cmd('mceTablePasteRowBefore'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Paste row after', onclick: cmd('mceTablePasteRowAfter'), onPostRender: postRenderCell}
+			]
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('column', {
+			text: 'Column',
+			context: 'table',
+			menu: [
+				{text: 'Insert column before', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertColBefore'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Insert column after', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertColAfter'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Delete column', onclick: cmd('mceTableDeleteCol'), onPostRender: postRenderCell}
+			]
+		});
+		var menuItems = [];
+		each("inserttable tableprops deletetable | cell row column".split(' '), function(name) {
+			if (name == '|') {
+				menuItems.push({text: '-'});
+			} else {
+				menuItems.push(editor.menuItems[name]);
+			}
+		});
+		editor.addButton("table", {
+			type: "menubutton",
+			title: "Table",
+			menu: menuItems
+		});
+		// Select whole table is a table border is clicked
+		if (!Env.isIE) {
+			editor.on('click', function(e) {
+				e = e.target;
+				if (e.nodeName === 'TABLE') {
+					editor.selection.select(e);
+					editor.nodeChanged();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		self.quirks = new Quirks(editor);
+		editor.on('Init', function() {
+			winMan = editor.windowManager;
+			self.cellSelection = new CellSelection(editor);
+		});
+		// Register action commands
+		each({
+			mceTableSplitCells: function(grid) {
+				grid.split();
+			},
+			mceTableMergeCells: function(grid) {
+				var rowSpan, colSpan, cell;
+				cell = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'th,td');
+				if (cell) {
+					rowSpan = cell.rowSpan;
+					colSpan = cell.colSpan;
+				}
+				if (!editor.dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected').length) {
+					mergeDialog(grid, cell);
+				} else {
+					grid.merge();
+				}
+			},
+			mceTableInsertRowBefore: function(grid) {
+				grid.insertRow(true);
+			},
+			mceTableInsertRowAfter: function(grid) {
+				grid.insertRow();
+			},
+			mceTableInsertColBefore: function(grid) {
+				grid.insertCol(true);
+			},
+			mceTableInsertColAfter: function(grid) {
+				grid.insertCol();
+			},
+			mceTableDeleteCol: function(grid) {
+				grid.deleteCols();
+			},
+			mceTableDeleteRow: function(grid) {
+				grid.deleteRows();
+			},
+			mceTableCutRow: function(grid) {
+				clipboardRows = grid.cutRows();
+			},
+			mceTableCopyRow: function(grid) {
+				clipboardRows = grid.copyRows();
+			},
+			mceTablePasteRowBefore: function(grid) {
+				grid.pasteRows(clipboardRows, true);
+			},
+			mceTablePasteRowAfter: function(grid) {
+				grid.pasteRows(clipboardRows);
+			},
+			mceTableDelete: function(grid) {
+				grid.deleteTable();
+			}
+		}, function(func, name) {
+			editor.addCommand(name, function() {
+				var grid = new TableGrid(editor);
+				if (grid) {
+					func(grid);
+					editor.execCommand('mceRepaint');
+					self.cellSelection.clear();
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		// Register dialog commands
+		each({
+			mceInsertTable: function() {
+				tableDialog();
+			},
+			mceTableRowProps: rowDialog,
+			mceTableCellProps: cellDialog
+		}, function(func, name) {
+			editor.addCommand(name, function(ui, val) {
+				func(val);
+			});
+		});
+	}
+	PluginManager.add('table', Plugin);
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/Quirks.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/Quirks.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61e2a52553458d2691e046690dc15bfe0e55b85f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/Quirks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ * Quirks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class includes fixes for various browser quirks.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.Quirks
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/Quirks", [
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(VK, Env, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function getSpanVal(td, name) {
+		return parseInt(td.getAttribute(name) || 1, 10);
+	}
+	return function(editor) {
+		/**
+		 * Fixed caret movement around tables on WebKit.
+		 */
+		function moveWebKitSelection() {
+			function eventHandler(e) {
+				var key = e.keyCode;
+				function handle(upBool, sourceNode) {
+					var siblingDirection = upBool ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
+					var currentRow = editor.dom.getParent(sourceNode, 'tr');
+					var siblingRow = currentRow[siblingDirection];
+					if (siblingRow) {
+						moveCursorToRow(editor, sourceNode, siblingRow, upBool);
+						e.preventDefault();
+						return true;
+					} else {
+						var tableNode = editor.dom.getParent(currentRow, 'table');
+						var middleNode = currentRow.parentNode;
+						var parentNodeName = middleNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						if (parentNodeName === 'tbody' || parentNodeName === (upBool ? 'tfoot' : 'thead')) {
+							var targetParent = getTargetParent(upBool, tableNode, middleNode, 'tbody');
+							if (targetParent !== null) {
+								return moveToRowInTarget(upBool, targetParent, sourceNode);
+							}
+						}
+						return escapeTable(upBool, currentRow, siblingDirection, tableNode);
+					}
+				}
+				function getTargetParent(upBool, topNode, secondNode, nodeName) {
+					var tbodies = editor.dom.select('>' + nodeName, topNode);
+					var position = tbodies.indexOf(secondNode);
+					if (upBool && position === 0 || !upBool && position === tbodies.length - 1) {
+						return getFirstHeadOrFoot(upBool, topNode);
+					} else if (position === -1) {
+						var topOrBottom = secondNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'thead' ? 0 : tbodies.length - 1;
+						return tbodies[topOrBottom];
+					} else {
+						return tbodies[position + (upBool ? -1 : 1)];
+					}
+				}
+				function getFirstHeadOrFoot(upBool, parent) {
+					var tagName = upBool ? 'thead' : 'tfoot';
+					var headOrFoot = editor.dom.select('>' + tagName, parent);
+					return headOrFoot.length !== 0 ? headOrFoot[0] : null;
+				}
+				function moveToRowInTarget(upBool, targetParent, sourceNode) {
+					var targetRow = getChildForDirection(targetParent, upBool);
+					if (targetRow) {
+						moveCursorToRow(editor, sourceNode, targetRow, upBool);
+					}
+					e.preventDefault();
+					return true;
+				}
+				function escapeTable(upBool, currentRow, siblingDirection, table) {
+					var tableSibling = table[siblingDirection];
+					if (tableSibling) {
+						moveCursorToStartOfElement(tableSibling);
+						return true;
+					} else {
+						var parentCell = editor.dom.getParent(table, 'td,th');
+						if (parentCell) {
+							return handle(upBool, parentCell, e);
+						} else {
+							var backUpSibling = getChildForDirection(currentRow, !upBool);
+							moveCursorToStartOfElement(backUpSibling);
+							e.preventDefault();
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				function getChildForDirection(parent, up) {
+					var child =  parent && parent[up ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild'];
+					// BR is not a valid table child to return in this case we return the table cell
+					return child && child.nodeName === 'BR' ? editor.dom.getParent(child, 'td,th') : child;
+				}
+				function moveCursorToStartOfElement(n) {
+					editor.selection.setCursorLocation(n, 0);
+				}
+				function isVerticalMovement() {
+					return key == VK.UP || key == VK.DOWN;
+				}
+				function isInTable(editor) {
+					var node = editor.selection.getNode();
+					var currentRow = editor.dom.getParent(node, 'tr');
+					return currentRow !== null;
+				}
+				function columnIndex(column) {
+					var colIndex = 0;
+					var c = column;
+					while (c.previousSibling) {
+						c = c.previousSibling;
+						colIndex = colIndex + getSpanVal(c, "colspan");
+					}
+					return colIndex;
+				}
+				function findColumn(rowElement, columnIndex) {
+					var c = 0, r = 0;
+					each(rowElement.children, function(cell, i) {
+						c = c + getSpanVal(cell, "colspan");
+						r = i;
+						if (c > columnIndex) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					return r;
+				}
+				function moveCursorToRow(ed, node, row, upBool) {
+					var srcColumnIndex = columnIndex(editor.dom.getParent(node, 'td,th'));
+					var tgtColumnIndex = findColumn(row, srcColumnIndex);
+					var tgtNode = row.childNodes[tgtColumnIndex];
+					var rowCellTarget = getChildForDirection(tgtNode, upBool);
+					moveCursorToStartOfElement(rowCellTarget || tgtNode);
+				}
+				function shouldFixCaret(preBrowserNode) {
+					var newNode = editor.selection.getNode();
+					var newParent = editor.dom.getParent(newNode, 'td,th');
+					var oldParent = editor.dom.getParent(preBrowserNode, 'td,th');
+					return newParent && newParent !== oldParent && checkSameParentTable(newParent, oldParent);
+				}
+				function checkSameParentTable(nodeOne, NodeTwo) {
+					return editor.dom.getParent(nodeOne, 'TABLE') === editor.dom.getParent(NodeTwo, 'TABLE');
+				}
+				if (isVerticalMovement() && isInTable(editor)) {
+					var preBrowserNode = editor.selection.getNode();
+					setTimeout(function() {
+						if (shouldFixCaret(preBrowserNode)) {
+							handle(!e.shiftKey && key === VK.UP, preBrowserNode, e);
+						}
+					}, 0);
+				}
+			}
+			editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
+				eventHandler(e);
+			});
+		}
+		function fixBeforeTableCaretBug() {
+			// Checks if the selection/caret is at the start of the specified block element
+			function isAtStart(rng, par) {
+				var doc = par.ownerDocument, rng2 = doc.createRange(), elm;
+				rng2.setStartBefore(par);
+				rng2.setEnd(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
+				elm = doc.createElement('body');
+				elm.appendChild(rng2.cloneContents());
+				// Check for text characters of other elements that should be treated as content
+				return elm.innerHTML.replace(/<(br|img|object|embed|input|textarea)[^>]*>/gi, '-').replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').length === 0;
+			}
+			// Fixes an bug where it's impossible to place the caret before a table in Gecko
+			// this fix solves it by detecting when the caret is at the beginning of such a table
+			// and then manually moves the caret infront of the table
+			editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
+				var rng, table, dom = editor.dom;
+				// On gecko it's not possible to place the caret before a table
+				if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38) {
+					rng = editor.selection.getRng();
+					table = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'table');
+					if (table && editor.getBody().firstChild == table) {
+						if (isAtStart(rng, table)) {
+							rng = dom.createRng();
+							rng.setStartBefore(table);
+							rng.setEndBefore(table);
+							editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+							e.preventDefault();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Fixes an issue on Gecko where it's impossible to place the caret behind a table
+		// This fix will force a paragraph element after the table but only when the forced_root_block setting is enabled
+		function fixTableCaretPos() {
+			editor.on('KeyDown SetContent VisualAid', function() {
+				var last;
+				// Skip empty text nodes from the end
+				for (last = editor.getBody().lastChild; last; last = last.previousSibling) {
+					if (last.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (last.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+							break;
+						}
+					} else if (last.nodeType == 1 && !last.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (last && last.nodeName == 'TABLE') {
+					if (editor.settings.forced_root_block) {
+						editor.dom.add(
+							editor.getBody(),
+							editor.settings.forced_root_block,
+							editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs,
+							Env.ie && Env.ie < 11 ? '&nbsp;' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'
+						);
+					} else {
+						editor.dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'br', {'data-mce-bogus': '1'});
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('PreProcess', function(o) {
+				var last = o.node.lastChild;
+				if (last && (last.nodeName == "BR" || (last.childNodes.length == 1 &&
+					(last.firstChild.nodeName == 'BR' || last.firstChild.nodeValue == '\u00a0'))) &&
+					last.previousSibling && last.previousSibling.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+					editor.dom.remove(last);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// this nasty hack is here to work around some WebKit selection bugs.
+		function fixTableCellSelection() {
+			function tableCellSelected(ed, rng, n, currentCell) {
+				// The decision of when a table cell is selected is somewhat involved.  The fact that this code is
+				// required is actually a pointer to the root cause of this bug. A cell is selected when the start
+				// and end offsets are 0, the start container is a text, and the selection node is either a TR (most cases)
+				// or the parent of the table (in the case of the selection containing the last cell of a table).
+				var TEXT_NODE = 3, table = ed.dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'TABLE');
+				var tableParent, allOfCellSelected, tableCellSelection;
+				if (table) {
+					tableParent = table.parentNode;
+				}
+				allOfCellSelected = rng.startContainer.nodeType == TEXT_NODE &&
+					rng.startOffset === 0 &&
+					rng.endOffset === 0 &&
+					currentCell &&
+					(n.nodeName == "TR" || n == tableParent);
+				tableCellSelection = (n.nodeName == "TD" || n.nodeName == "TH") && !currentCell;
+				return allOfCellSelected || tableCellSelection;
+			}
+			function fixSelection() {
+				var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
+				var n = editor.selection.getNode();
+				var currentCell = editor.dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'TD,TH');
+				if (!tableCellSelected(editor, rng, n, currentCell)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (!currentCell) {
+					currentCell = n;
+				}
+				// Get the very last node inside the table cell
+				var end = currentCell.lastChild;
+				while (end.lastChild) {
+					end = end.lastChild;
+				}
+				// Select the entire table cell. Nothing outside of the table cell should be selected.
+				rng.setEnd(end, end.nodeValue.length);
+				editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+			}
+			editor.on('KeyDown', function() {
+				fixSelection();
+			});
+			editor.on('MouseDown', function(e) {
+				if (e.button != 2) {
+					fixSelection();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Delete table if all cells are selected.
+		 */
+		function deleteTable() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if ((e.keyCode == VK.DELETE || e.keyCode == VK.BACKSPACE) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					var table = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
+					if (table) {
+						var cells = editor.dom.select('td,th', table), i = cells.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (!editor.dom.hasClass(cells[i], 'mce-item-selected')) {
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.execCommand('mceTableDelete');
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		deleteTable();
+		if (Env.webkit) {
+			moveWebKitSelection();
+			fixTableCellSelection();
+		}
+		if (Env.gecko) {
+			fixBeforeTableCaretBug();
+			fixTableCaretPos();
+		}
+		if (Env.ie > 10) {
+			fixBeforeTableCaretBug();
+			fixTableCaretPos();
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/TableGrid.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/TableGrid.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eea3cd23d9326b2bf5a8372de1bc87c85b1fd6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/TableGrid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+ * TableGrid.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a grid out of a table element. This
+ * makes it a whole lot easier to handle complex tables with
+ * col/row spans.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.TableGrid
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/TableGrid", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Tools, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function getSpanVal(td, name) {
+		return parseInt(td.getAttribute(name) || 1, 10);
+	}
+	return function(editor, table) {
+		var grid, startPos, endPos, selectedCell, selection = editor.selection, dom = selection.dom;
+		function buildGrid() {
+			var startY = 0;
+			grid = [];
+			each(['thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot'], function(part) {
+				var rows = dom.select('> ' + part + ' tr', table);
+				each(rows, function(tr, y) {
+					y += startY;
+					each(dom.select('> td, > th', tr), function(td, x) {
+						var x2, y2, rowspan, colspan;
+						// Skip over existing cells produced by rowspan
+						if (grid[y]) {
+							while (grid[y][x]) {
+								x++;
+							}
+						}
+						// Get col/rowspan from cell
+						rowspan = getSpanVal(td, 'rowspan');
+						colspan = getSpanVal(td, 'colspan');
+						// Fill out rowspan/colspan right and down
+						for (y2 = y; y2 < y + rowspan; y2++) {
+							if (!grid[y2]) {
+								grid[y2] = [];
+							}
+							for (x2 = x; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) {
+								grid[y2][x2] = {
+									part: part,
+									real: y2 == y && x2 == x,
+									elm: td,
+									rowspan: rowspan,
+									colspan: colspan
+								};
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				});
+				startY += rows.length;
+			});
+		}
+		function cloneNode(node, children) {
+			node = node.cloneNode(children);
+			node.removeAttribute('id');
+			return node;
+		}
+		function getCell(x, y) {
+			var row;
+			row = grid[y];
+			if (row) {
+				return row[x];
+			}
+		}
+		function setSpanVal(td, name, val) {
+			if (td) {
+				val = parseInt(val, 10);
+				if (val === 1) {
+					td.removeAttribute(name, 1);
+				} else {
+					td.setAttribute(name, val, 1);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function isCellSelected(cell) {
+			return cell && (dom.hasClass(cell.elm, 'mce-item-selected') || cell == selectedCell);
+		}
+		function getSelectedRows() {
+			var rows = [];
+			each(table.rows, function(row) {
+				each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+					if (dom.hasClass(cell, 'mce-item-selected') || (selectedCell && cell == selectedCell.elm)) {
+						rows.push(row);
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			return rows;
+		}
+		function deleteTable() {
+			var rng = dom.createRng();
+			rng.setStartAfter(table);
+			rng.setEndAfter(table);
+			selection.setRng(rng);
+			dom.remove(table);
+		}
+		function cloneCell(cell) {
+			var formatNode, cloneFormats = {};
+			if (editor.settings.table_clone_elements !== false) {
+				cloneFormats = Tools.makeMap(
+					(editor.settings.table_clone_elements || 'strong em b i span font h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div').toUpperCase(),
+					/[ ,]/
+				);
+			}
+			// Clone formats
+			Tools.walk(cell, function(node) {
+				var curNode;
+				if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+					each(dom.getParents(node.parentNode, null, cell).reverse(), function(node) {
+						if (!cloneFormats[node.nodeName]) {
+							return;
+						}
+						node = cloneNode(node, false);
+						if (!formatNode) {
+							formatNode = curNode = node;
+						} else if (curNode) {
+							curNode.appendChild(node);
+						}
+						curNode = node;
+					});
+					// Add something to the inner node
+					if (curNode) {
+						curNode.innerHTML = Env.ie ? '&nbsp;' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />';
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			}, 'childNodes');
+			cell = cloneNode(cell, false);
+			setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1);
+			setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1);
+			if (formatNode) {
+				cell.appendChild(formatNode);
+			} else {
+				if (!Env.ie) {
+					cell.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />';
+				}
+			}
+			return cell;
+		}
+		function cleanup() {
+			var rng = dom.createRng(), row;
+			// Empty rows
+			each(dom.select('tr', table), function(tr) {
+				if (tr.cells.length === 0) {
+					dom.remove(tr);
+				}
+			});
+			// Empty table
+			if (dom.select('tr', table).length === 0) {
+				rng.setStartBefore(table);
+				rng.setEndBefore(table);
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				dom.remove(table);
+				return;
+			}
+			// Empty header/body/footer
+			each(dom.select('thead,tbody,tfoot', table), function(part) {
+				if (part.rows.length === 0) {
+					dom.remove(part);
+				}
+			});
+			// Restore selection to start position if it still exists
+			buildGrid();
+			// If we have a valid startPos object
+			if (startPos) {
+				// Restore the selection to the closest table position
+				row = grid[Math.min(grid.length - 1, startPos.y)];
+				if (row) {
+					selection.select(row[Math.min(row.length - 1, startPos.x)].elm, true);
+					selection.collapse(true);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function fillLeftDown(x, y, rows, cols) {
+			var tr, x2, r, c, cell;
+			tr = grid[y][x].elm.parentNode;
+			for (r = 1; r <= rows; r++) {
+				tr = dom.getNext(tr, 'tr');
+				if (tr) {
+					// Loop left to find real cell
+					for (x2 = x; x2 >= 0; x2--) {
+						cell = grid[y + r][x2].elm;
+						if (cell.parentNode == tr) {
+							// Append clones after
+							for (c = 1; c <= cols; c++) {
+								dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell);
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if (x2 == -1) {
+						// Insert nodes before first cell
+						for (c = 1; c <= cols; c++) {
+							tr.insertBefore(cloneCell(tr.cells[0]), tr.cells[0]);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function split() {
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					var colSpan, rowSpan, i;
+					if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+						cell = cell.elm;
+						colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colspan');
+						rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan');
+						if (colSpan > 1 || rowSpan > 1) {
+							setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1);
+							setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1);
+							// Insert cells right
+							for (i = 0; i < colSpan - 1; i++) {
+								dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell);
+							}
+							fillLeftDown(x, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan);
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			});
+		}
+		function merge(cell, cols, rows) {
+			var pos, startX, startY, endX, endY, x, y, startCell, endCell, children, count;
+			// Use specified cell and cols/rows
+			if (cell) {
+				pos = getPos(cell);
+				startX = pos.x;
+				startY = pos.y;
+				endX = startX + (cols - 1);
+				endY = startY + (rows - 1);
+			} else {
+				startPos = endPos = null;
+				// Calculate start/end pos by checking for selected cells in grid works better with context menu
+				each(grid, function(row, y) {
+					each(row, function(cell, x) {
+						if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+							if (!startPos) {
+								startPos = {x: x, y: y};
+							}
+							endPos = {x: x, y: y};
+						}
+					});
+				});
+				// Use selection, but make sure startPos is valid before accessing
+				if (startPos) {
+					startX = startPos.x;
+					startY = startPos.y;
+					endX = endPos.x;
+					endY = endPos.y;
+				}
+			}
+			// Find start/end cells
+			startCell = getCell(startX, startY);
+			endCell = getCell(endX, endY);
+			// Check if the cells exists and if they are of the same part for example tbody = tbody
+			if (startCell && endCell && startCell.part == endCell.part) {
+				// Split and rebuild grid
+				split();
+				buildGrid();
+				// Set row/col span to start cell
+				startCell = getCell(startX, startY).elm;
+				setSpanVal(startCell, 'colSpan', (endX - startX) + 1);
+				setSpanVal(startCell, 'rowSpan', (endY - startY) + 1);
+				// Remove other cells and add it's contents to the start cell
+				for (y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
+					for (x = startX; x <= endX; x++) {
+						if (!grid[y] || !grid[y][x]) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						cell = grid[y][x].elm;
+						/*jshint loopfunc:true */
+						/*eslint loop-func:0 */
+						if (cell != startCell) {
+							// Move children to startCell
+							children = Tools.grep(cell.childNodes);
+							each(children, function(node) {
+								startCell.appendChild(node);
+							});
+							// Remove bogus nodes if there is children in the target cell
+							if (children.length) {
+								children = Tools.grep(startCell.childNodes);
+								count = 0;
+								each(children, function(node) {
+									if (node.nodeName == 'BR' && dom.getAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bogus') && count++ < children.length - 1) {
+										startCell.removeChild(node);
+									}
+								});
+							}
+							dom.remove(cell);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Remove empty rows etc and restore caret location
+				cleanup();
+			}
+		}
+		function insertRow(before) {
+			var posY, cell, lastCell, x, rowElm, newRow, newCell, otherCell, rowSpan;
+			// Find first/last row
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				each(row, function(cell) {
+					if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+						cell = cell.elm;
+						rowElm = cell.parentNode;
+						newRow = cloneNode(rowElm, false);
+						posY = y;
+						if (before) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				if (before) {
+					return !posY;
+				}
+			});
+			// If posY is undefined there is nothing for us to do here...just return to avoid crashing below
+			if (posY === undefined) {
+				return;
+			}
+			for (x = 0; x < grid[0].length; x++) {
+				// Cell not found could be because of an invalid table structure
+				if (!grid[posY][x]) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				cell = grid[posY][x].elm;
+				if (cell != lastCell) {
+					if (!before) {
+						rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan');
+						if (rowSpan > 1) {
+							setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan + 1);
+							continue;
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Check if cell above can be expanded
+						if (posY > 0 && grid[posY - 1][x]) {
+							otherCell = grid[posY - 1][x].elm;
+							rowSpan = getSpanVal(otherCell, 'rowSpan');
+							if (rowSpan > 1) {
+								setSpanVal(otherCell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan + 1);
+								continue;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Insert new cell into new row
+					newCell = cloneCell(cell);
+					setSpanVal(newCell, 'colSpan', cell.colSpan);
+					newRow.appendChild(newCell);
+					lastCell = cell;
+				}
+			}
+			if (newRow.hasChildNodes()) {
+				if (!before) {
+					dom.insertAfter(newRow, rowElm);
+				} else {
+					rowElm.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, rowElm);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function insertCol(before) {
+			var posX, lastCell;
+			// Find first/last column
+			each(grid, function(row) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+						posX = x;
+						if (before) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				if (before) {
+					return !posX;
+				}
+			});
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				var cell, rowSpan, colSpan;
+				if (!row[posX]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				cell = row[posX].elm;
+				if (cell != lastCell) {
+					colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colspan');
+					rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan');
+					if (colSpan == 1) {
+						if (!before) {
+							dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell);
+							fillLeftDown(posX, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan);
+						} else {
+							cell.parentNode.insertBefore(cloneCell(cell), cell);
+							fillLeftDown(posX, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan);
+						}
+					} else {
+						setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', cell.colSpan + 1);
+					}
+					lastCell = cell;
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function deleteCols() {
+			var cols = [];
+			// Get selected column indexes
+			each(grid, function(row) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					if (isCellSelected(cell) && Tools.inArray(cols, x) === -1) {
+						each(grid, function(row) {
+							var cell = row[x].elm, colSpan;
+							colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan');
+							if (colSpan > 1) {
+								setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', colSpan - 1);
+							} else {
+								dom.remove(cell);
+							}
+						});
+						cols.push(x);
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			cleanup();
+		}
+		function deleteRows() {
+			var rows;
+			function deleteRow(tr) {
+				var nextTr, pos, lastCell;
+				nextTr = dom.getNext(tr, 'tr');
+				// Move down row spanned cells
+				each(tr.cells, function(cell) {
+					var rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan');
+					if (rowSpan > 1) {
+						setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan - 1);
+						pos = getPos(cell);
+						fillLeftDown(pos.x, pos.y, 1, 1);
+					}
+				});
+				// Delete cells
+				pos = getPos(tr.cells[0]);
+				each(grid[pos.y], function(cell) {
+					var rowSpan;
+					cell = cell.elm;
+					if (cell != lastCell) {
+						rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan');
+						if (rowSpan <= 1) {
+							dom.remove(cell);
+						} else {
+							setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan - 1);
+						}
+						lastCell = cell;
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			// Get selected rows and move selection out of scope
+			rows = getSelectedRows();
+			// Delete all selected rows
+			each(rows.reverse(), function(tr) {
+				deleteRow(tr);
+			});
+			cleanup();
+		}
+		function cutRows() {
+			var rows = getSelectedRows();
+			dom.remove(rows);
+			cleanup();
+			return rows;
+		}
+		function copyRows() {
+			var rows = getSelectedRows();
+			each(rows, function(row, i) {
+				rows[i] = cloneNode(row, true);
+			});
+			return rows;
+		}
+		function pasteRows(rows, before) {
+			var selectedRows = getSelectedRows(),
+				targetRow = selectedRows[before ? 0 : selectedRows.length - 1],
+				targetCellCount = targetRow.cells.length;
+			// Nothing to paste
+			if (!rows) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Calc target cell count
+			each(grid, function(row) {
+				var match;
+				targetCellCount = 0;
+				each(row, function(cell) {
+					if (cell.real) {
+						targetCellCount += cell.colspan;
+					}
+					if (cell.elm.parentNode == targetRow) {
+						match = 1;
+					}
+				});
+				if (match) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			if (!before) {
+				rows.reverse();
+			}
+			each(rows, function(row) {
+				var i, cellCount = row.cells.length, cell;
+				// Remove col/rowspans
+				for (i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
+					cell = row.cells[i];
+					setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1);
+					setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1);
+				}
+				// Needs more cells
+				for (i = cellCount; i < targetCellCount; i++) {
+					row.appendChild(cloneCell(row.cells[cellCount - 1]));
+				}
+				// Needs less cells
+				for (i = targetCellCount; i < cellCount; i++) {
+					dom.remove(row.cells[i]);
+				}
+				// Add before/after
+				if (before) {
+					targetRow.parentNode.insertBefore(row, targetRow);
+				} else {
+					dom.insertAfter(row, targetRow);
+				}
+			});
+			// Remove current selection
+			dom.removeClass(dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected'), 'mce-item-selected');
+		}
+		function getPos(target) {
+			var pos;
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					if (cell.elm == target) {
+						pos = {x : x, y : y};
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+				return !pos;
+			});
+			return pos;
+		}
+		function setStartCell(cell) {
+			startPos = getPos(cell);
+		}
+		function findEndPos() {
+			var maxX, maxY;
+			maxX = maxY = 0;
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					var colSpan, rowSpan;
+					if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+						cell = grid[y][x];
+						if (x > maxX) {
+							maxX = x;
+						}
+						if (y > maxY) {
+							maxY = y;
+						}
+						if (cell.real) {
+							colSpan = cell.colspan - 1;
+							rowSpan = cell.rowspan - 1;
+							if (colSpan) {
+								if (x + colSpan > maxX) {
+									maxX = x + colSpan;
+								}
+							}
+							if (rowSpan) {
+								if (y + rowSpan > maxY) {
+									maxY = y + rowSpan;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			return {x : maxX, y : maxY};
+		}
+		function setEndCell(cell) {
+			var startX, startY, endX, endY, maxX, maxY, colSpan, rowSpan, x, y;
+			endPos = getPos(cell);
+			if (startPos && endPos) {
+				// Get start/end positions
+				startX = Math.min(startPos.x, endPos.x);
+				startY = Math.min(startPos.y, endPos.y);
+				endX = Math.max(startPos.x, endPos.x);
+				endY = Math.max(startPos.y, endPos.y);
+				// Expand end positon to include spans
+				maxX = endX;
+				maxY = endY;
+				// Expand startX
+				for (y = startY; y <= maxY; y++) {
+					cell = grid[y][startX];
+					if (!cell.real) {
+						if (startX - (cell.colspan - 1) < startX) {
+							startX -= cell.colspan - 1;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Expand startY
+				for (x = startX; x <= maxX; x++) {
+					cell = grid[startY][x];
+					if (!cell.real) {
+						if (startY - (cell.rowspan - 1) < startY) {
+							startY -= cell.rowspan - 1;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Find max X, Y
+				for (y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
+					for (x = startX; x <= endX; x++) {
+						cell = grid[y][x];
+						if (cell.real) {
+							colSpan = cell.colspan - 1;
+							rowSpan = cell.rowspan - 1;
+							if (colSpan) {
+								if (x + colSpan > maxX) {
+									maxX = x + colSpan;
+								}
+							}
+							if (rowSpan) {
+								if (y + rowSpan > maxY) {
+									maxY = y + rowSpan;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Remove current selection
+				dom.removeClass(dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected'), 'mce-item-selected');
+				// Add new selection
+				for (y = startY; y <= maxY; y++) {
+					for (x = startX; x <= maxX; x++) {
+						if (grid[y][x]) {
+							dom.addClass(grid[y][x].elm, 'mce-item-selected');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		table = table || dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), 'table');
+		buildGrid();
+		selectedCell = dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), 'th,td');
+		if (selectedCell) {
+			startPos = getPos(selectedCell);
+			endPos = findEndPos();
+			selectedCell = getCell(startPos.x, startPos.y);
+		}
+		Tools.extend(this, {
+			deleteTable: deleteTable,
+			split: split,
+			merge: merge,
+			insertRow: insertRow,
+			insertCol: insertCol,
+			deleteCols: deleteCols,
+			deleteRows: deleteRows,
+			cutRows: cutRows,
+			copyRows: copyRows,
+			pasteRows: pasteRows,
+			getPos: getPos,
+			setStartCell: setStartCell,
+			setEndCell: setEndCell
+		});
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.dev.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.dev.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b507f2859503c097e046a78029fc37a4480b0b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.dev.js
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Inline development version. Only to be used while developing since it uses document.write to load scripts.
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports) {
+	"use strict";
+	var html = "", baseDir;
+	var modules = {}, exposedModules = [], moduleCount = 0;
+	var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+	for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
+		var src = scripts[i].src;
+		if (src.indexOf('/plugin.dev.js') != -1) {
+			baseDir = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
+		}
+	}
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function register(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+			if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+				target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+		if (--moduleCount === 0) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < exposedModules.length; i++) {
+				register(exposedModules[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		exposedModules = ids;
+	}
+	function writeScripts() {
+		document.write(html);
+	}
+	function load(path) {
+		html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + baseDir + '/' + path + '"></script>\n';
+		moduleCount++;
+	}
+	// Expose globally
+	exports.define = define;
+	exports.require = require;
+	expose(["tinymce/tableplugin/TableGrid","tinymce/tableplugin/Quirks","tinymce/tableplugin/CellSelection","tinymce/tableplugin/Plugin"]);
+	load('classes/TableGrid.js');
+	load('classes/Quirks.js');
+	load('classes/CellSelection.js');
+	load('classes/Plugin.js');
+	writeScripts();
+// $hash: a7dd468b88f17972bfbd56fb01359c08
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff9bfe82f1e4e8ce52b8b5de6d401eeb72667848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2260 @@
+ * Compiled inline version. (Library mode)
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports, undefined) {
+	"use strict";
+	var modules = {};
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+	}
+	function defined(id) {
+		return !!modules[id];
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+			var target = exports;
+			var id = ids[i];
+			var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+			for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+				if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+					target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+				}
+				target = target[fragments[fi]];
+			}
+			target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+		}
+	}
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/TableGrid.js
+ * TableGrid.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a grid out of a table element. This
+ * makes it a whole lot easier to handle complex tables with
+ * col/row spans.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.TableGrid
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/TableGrid", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Tools, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function getSpanVal(td, name) {
+		return parseInt(td.getAttribute(name) || 1, 10);
+	}
+	return function(editor, table) {
+		var grid, startPos, endPos, selectedCell, selection = editor.selection, dom = selection.dom;
+		function buildGrid() {
+			var startY = 0;
+			grid = [];
+			each(['thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot'], function(part) {
+				var rows = dom.select('> ' + part + ' tr', table);
+				each(rows, function(tr, y) {
+					y += startY;
+					each(dom.select('> td, > th', tr), function(td, x) {
+						var x2, y2, rowspan, colspan;
+						// Skip over existing cells produced by rowspan
+						if (grid[y]) {
+							while (grid[y][x]) {
+								x++;
+							}
+						}
+						// Get col/rowspan from cell
+						rowspan = getSpanVal(td, 'rowspan');
+						colspan = getSpanVal(td, 'colspan');
+						// Fill out rowspan/colspan right and down
+						for (y2 = y; y2 < y + rowspan; y2++) {
+							if (!grid[y2]) {
+								grid[y2] = [];
+							}
+							for (x2 = x; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) {
+								grid[y2][x2] = {
+									part: part,
+									real: y2 == y && x2 == x,
+									elm: td,
+									rowspan: rowspan,
+									colspan: colspan
+								};
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				});
+				startY += rows.length;
+			});
+		}
+		function cloneNode(node, children) {
+			node = node.cloneNode(children);
+			node.removeAttribute('id');
+			return node;
+		}
+		function getCell(x, y) {
+			var row;
+			row = grid[y];
+			if (row) {
+				return row[x];
+			}
+		}
+		function setSpanVal(td, name, val) {
+			if (td) {
+				val = parseInt(val, 10);
+				if (val === 1) {
+					td.removeAttribute(name, 1);
+				} else {
+					td.setAttribute(name, val, 1);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function isCellSelected(cell) {
+			return cell && (dom.hasClass(cell.elm, 'mce-item-selected') || cell == selectedCell);
+		}
+		function getSelectedRows() {
+			var rows = [];
+			each(table.rows, function(row) {
+				each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+					if (dom.hasClass(cell, 'mce-item-selected') || (selectedCell && cell == selectedCell.elm)) {
+						rows.push(row);
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			return rows;
+		}
+		function deleteTable() {
+			var rng = dom.createRng();
+			rng.setStartAfter(table);
+			rng.setEndAfter(table);
+			selection.setRng(rng);
+			dom.remove(table);
+		}
+		function cloneCell(cell) {
+			var formatNode, cloneFormats = {};
+			if (editor.settings.table_clone_elements !== false) {
+				cloneFormats = Tools.makeMap(
+					(editor.settings.table_clone_elements || 'strong em b i span font h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div').toUpperCase(),
+					/[ ,]/
+				);
+			}
+			// Clone formats
+			Tools.walk(cell, function(node) {
+				var curNode;
+				if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+					each(dom.getParents(node.parentNode, null, cell).reverse(), function(node) {
+						if (!cloneFormats[node.nodeName]) {
+							return;
+						}
+						node = cloneNode(node, false);
+						if (!formatNode) {
+							formatNode = curNode = node;
+						} else if (curNode) {
+							curNode.appendChild(node);
+						}
+						curNode = node;
+					});
+					// Add something to the inner node
+					if (curNode) {
+						curNode.innerHTML = Env.ie ? '&nbsp;' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />';
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			}, 'childNodes');
+			cell = cloneNode(cell, false);
+			setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1);
+			setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1);
+			if (formatNode) {
+				cell.appendChild(formatNode);
+			} else {
+				if (!Env.ie) {
+					cell.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />';
+				}
+			}
+			return cell;
+		}
+		function cleanup() {
+			var rng = dom.createRng(), row;
+			// Empty rows
+			each(dom.select('tr', table), function(tr) {
+				if (tr.cells.length === 0) {
+					dom.remove(tr);
+				}
+			});
+			// Empty table
+			if (dom.select('tr', table).length === 0) {
+				rng.setStartBefore(table);
+				rng.setEndBefore(table);
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				dom.remove(table);
+				return;
+			}
+			// Empty header/body/footer
+			each(dom.select('thead,tbody,tfoot', table), function(part) {
+				if (part.rows.length === 0) {
+					dom.remove(part);
+				}
+			});
+			// Restore selection to start position if it still exists
+			buildGrid();
+			// If we have a valid startPos object
+			if (startPos) {
+				// Restore the selection to the closest table position
+				row = grid[Math.min(grid.length - 1, startPos.y)];
+				if (row) {
+					selection.select(row[Math.min(row.length - 1, startPos.x)].elm, true);
+					selection.collapse(true);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function fillLeftDown(x, y, rows, cols) {
+			var tr, x2, r, c, cell;
+			tr = grid[y][x].elm.parentNode;
+			for (r = 1; r <= rows; r++) {
+				tr = dom.getNext(tr, 'tr');
+				if (tr) {
+					// Loop left to find real cell
+					for (x2 = x; x2 >= 0; x2--) {
+						cell = grid[y + r][x2].elm;
+						if (cell.parentNode == tr) {
+							// Append clones after
+							for (c = 1; c <= cols; c++) {
+								dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell);
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if (x2 == -1) {
+						// Insert nodes before first cell
+						for (c = 1; c <= cols; c++) {
+							tr.insertBefore(cloneCell(tr.cells[0]), tr.cells[0]);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function split() {
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					var colSpan, rowSpan, i;
+					if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+						cell = cell.elm;
+						colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colspan');
+						rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan');
+						if (colSpan > 1 || rowSpan > 1) {
+							setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1);
+							setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1);
+							// Insert cells right
+							for (i = 0; i < colSpan - 1; i++) {
+								dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell);
+							}
+							fillLeftDown(x, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan);
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			});
+		}
+		function merge(cell, cols, rows) {
+			var pos, startX, startY, endX, endY, x, y, startCell, endCell, children, count;
+			// Use specified cell and cols/rows
+			if (cell) {
+				pos = getPos(cell);
+				startX = pos.x;
+				startY = pos.y;
+				endX = startX + (cols - 1);
+				endY = startY + (rows - 1);
+			} else {
+				startPos = endPos = null;
+				// Calculate start/end pos by checking for selected cells in grid works better with context menu
+				each(grid, function(row, y) {
+					each(row, function(cell, x) {
+						if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+							if (!startPos) {
+								startPos = {x: x, y: y};
+							}
+							endPos = {x: x, y: y};
+						}
+					});
+				});
+				// Use selection, but make sure startPos is valid before accessing
+				if (startPos) {
+					startX = startPos.x;
+					startY = startPos.y;
+					endX = endPos.x;
+					endY = endPos.y;
+				}
+			}
+			// Find start/end cells
+			startCell = getCell(startX, startY);
+			endCell = getCell(endX, endY);
+			// Check if the cells exists and if they are of the same part for example tbody = tbody
+			if (startCell && endCell && startCell.part == endCell.part) {
+				// Split and rebuild grid
+				split();
+				buildGrid();
+				// Set row/col span to start cell
+				startCell = getCell(startX, startY).elm;
+				setSpanVal(startCell, 'colSpan', (endX - startX) + 1);
+				setSpanVal(startCell, 'rowSpan', (endY - startY) + 1);
+				// Remove other cells and add it's contents to the start cell
+				for (y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
+					for (x = startX; x <= endX; x++) {
+						if (!grid[y] || !grid[y][x]) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						cell = grid[y][x].elm;
+						/*jshint loopfunc:true */
+						/*eslint loop-func:0 */
+						if (cell != startCell) {
+							// Move children to startCell
+							children = Tools.grep(cell.childNodes);
+							each(children, function(node) {
+								startCell.appendChild(node);
+							});
+							// Remove bogus nodes if there is children in the target cell
+							if (children.length) {
+								children = Tools.grep(startCell.childNodes);
+								count = 0;
+								each(children, function(node) {
+									if (node.nodeName == 'BR' && dom.getAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bogus') && count++ < children.length - 1) {
+										startCell.removeChild(node);
+									}
+								});
+							}
+							dom.remove(cell);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Remove empty rows etc and restore caret location
+				cleanup();
+			}
+		}
+		function insertRow(before) {
+			var posY, cell, lastCell, x, rowElm, newRow, newCell, otherCell, rowSpan;
+			// Find first/last row
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				each(row, function(cell) {
+					if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+						cell = cell.elm;
+						rowElm = cell.parentNode;
+						newRow = cloneNode(rowElm, false);
+						posY = y;
+						if (before) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				if (before) {
+					return !posY;
+				}
+			});
+			// If posY is undefined there is nothing for us to do here...just return to avoid crashing below
+			if (posY === undefined) {
+				return;
+			}
+			for (x = 0; x < grid[0].length; x++) {
+				// Cell not found could be because of an invalid table structure
+				if (!grid[posY][x]) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				cell = grid[posY][x].elm;
+				if (cell != lastCell) {
+					if (!before) {
+						rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan');
+						if (rowSpan > 1) {
+							setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan + 1);
+							continue;
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Check if cell above can be expanded
+						if (posY > 0 && grid[posY - 1][x]) {
+							otherCell = grid[posY - 1][x].elm;
+							rowSpan = getSpanVal(otherCell, 'rowSpan');
+							if (rowSpan > 1) {
+								setSpanVal(otherCell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan + 1);
+								continue;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Insert new cell into new row
+					newCell = cloneCell(cell);
+					setSpanVal(newCell, 'colSpan', cell.colSpan);
+					newRow.appendChild(newCell);
+					lastCell = cell;
+				}
+			}
+			if (newRow.hasChildNodes()) {
+				if (!before) {
+					dom.insertAfter(newRow, rowElm);
+				} else {
+					rowElm.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, rowElm);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function insertCol(before) {
+			var posX, lastCell;
+			// Find first/last column
+			each(grid, function(row) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+						posX = x;
+						if (before) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				if (before) {
+					return !posX;
+				}
+			});
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				var cell, rowSpan, colSpan;
+				if (!row[posX]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				cell = row[posX].elm;
+				if (cell != lastCell) {
+					colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colspan');
+					rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan');
+					if (colSpan == 1) {
+						if (!before) {
+							dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell);
+							fillLeftDown(posX, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan);
+						} else {
+							cell.parentNode.insertBefore(cloneCell(cell), cell);
+							fillLeftDown(posX, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan);
+						}
+					} else {
+						setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', cell.colSpan + 1);
+					}
+					lastCell = cell;
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function deleteCols() {
+			var cols = [];
+			// Get selected column indexes
+			each(grid, function(row) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					if (isCellSelected(cell) && Tools.inArray(cols, x) === -1) {
+						each(grid, function(row) {
+							var cell = row[x].elm, colSpan;
+							colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan');
+							if (colSpan > 1) {
+								setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', colSpan - 1);
+							} else {
+								dom.remove(cell);
+							}
+						});
+						cols.push(x);
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			cleanup();
+		}
+		function deleteRows() {
+			var rows;
+			function deleteRow(tr) {
+				var nextTr, pos, lastCell;
+				nextTr = dom.getNext(tr, 'tr');
+				// Move down row spanned cells
+				each(tr.cells, function(cell) {
+					var rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan');
+					if (rowSpan > 1) {
+						setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan - 1);
+						pos = getPos(cell);
+						fillLeftDown(pos.x, pos.y, 1, 1);
+					}
+				});
+				// Delete cells
+				pos = getPos(tr.cells[0]);
+				each(grid[pos.y], function(cell) {
+					var rowSpan;
+					cell = cell.elm;
+					if (cell != lastCell) {
+						rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan');
+						if (rowSpan <= 1) {
+							dom.remove(cell);
+						} else {
+							setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan - 1);
+						}
+						lastCell = cell;
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			// Get selected rows and move selection out of scope
+			rows = getSelectedRows();
+			// Delete all selected rows
+			each(rows.reverse(), function(tr) {
+				deleteRow(tr);
+			});
+			cleanup();
+		}
+		function cutRows() {
+			var rows = getSelectedRows();
+			dom.remove(rows);
+			cleanup();
+			return rows;
+		}
+		function copyRows() {
+			var rows = getSelectedRows();
+			each(rows, function(row, i) {
+				rows[i] = cloneNode(row, true);
+			});
+			return rows;
+		}
+		function pasteRows(rows, before) {
+			var selectedRows = getSelectedRows(),
+				targetRow = selectedRows[before ? 0 : selectedRows.length - 1],
+				targetCellCount = targetRow.cells.length;
+			// Nothing to paste
+			if (!rows) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Calc target cell count
+			each(grid, function(row) {
+				var match;
+				targetCellCount = 0;
+				each(row, function(cell) {
+					if (cell.real) {
+						targetCellCount += cell.colspan;
+					}
+					if (cell.elm.parentNode == targetRow) {
+						match = 1;
+					}
+				});
+				if (match) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			if (!before) {
+				rows.reverse();
+			}
+			each(rows, function(row) {
+				var i, cellCount = row.cells.length, cell;
+				// Remove col/rowspans
+				for (i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
+					cell = row.cells[i];
+					setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1);
+					setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1);
+				}
+				// Needs more cells
+				for (i = cellCount; i < targetCellCount; i++) {
+					row.appendChild(cloneCell(row.cells[cellCount - 1]));
+				}
+				// Needs less cells
+				for (i = targetCellCount; i < cellCount; i++) {
+					dom.remove(row.cells[i]);
+				}
+				// Add before/after
+				if (before) {
+					targetRow.parentNode.insertBefore(row, targetRow);
+				} else {
+					dom.insertAfter(row, targetRow);
+				}
+			});
+			// Remove current selection
+			dom.removeClass(dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected'), 'mce-item-selected');
+		}
+		function getPos(target) {
+			var pos;
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					if (cell.elm == target) {
+						pos = {x : x, y : y};
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+				return !pos;
+			});
+			return pos;
+		}
+		function setStartCell(cell) {
+			startPos = getPos(cell);
+		}
+		function findEndPos() {
+			var maxX, maxY;
+			maxX = maxY = 0;
+			each(grid, function(row, y) {
+				each(row, function(cell, x) {
+					var colSpan, rowSpan;
+					if (isCellSelected(cell)) {
+						cell = grid[y][x];
+						if (x > maxX) {
+							maxX = x;
+						}
+						if (y > maxY) {
+							maxY = y;
+						}
+						if (cell.real) {
+							colSpan = cell.colspan - 1;
+							rowSpan = cell.rowspan - 1;
+							if (colSpan) {
+								if (x + colSpan > maxX) {
+									maxX = x + colSpan;
+								}
+							}
+							if (rowSpan) {
+								if (y + rowSpan > maxY) {
+									maxY = y + rowSpan;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			return {x : maxX, y : maxY};
+		}
+		function setEndCell(cell) {
+			var startX, startY, endX, endY, maxX, maxY, colSpan, rowSpan, x, y;
+			endPos = getPos(cell);
+			if (startPos && endPos) {
+				// Get start/end positions
+				startX = Math.min(startPos.x, endPos.x);
+				startY = Math.min(startPos.y, endPos.y);
+				endX = Math.max(startPos.x, endPos.x);
+				endY = Math.max(startPos.y, endPos.y);
+				// Expand end positon to include spans
+				maxX = endX;
+				maxY = endY;
+				// Expand startX
+				for (y = startY; y <= maxY; y++) {
+					cell = grid[y][startX];
+					if (!cell.real) {
+						if (startX - (cell.colspan - 1) < startX) {
+							startX -= cell.colspan - 1;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Expand startY
+				for (x = startX; x <= maxX; x++) {
+					cell = grid[startY][x];
+					if (!cell.real) {
+						if (startY - (cell.rowspan - 1) < startY) {
+							startY -= cell.rowspan - 1;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Find max X, Y
+				for (y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
+					for (x = startX; x <= endX; x++) {
+						cell = grid[y][x];
+						if (cell.real) {
+							colSpan = cell.colspan - 1;
+							rowSpan = cell.rowspan - 1;
+							if (colSpan) {
+								if (x + colSpan > maxX) {
+									maxX = x + colSpan;
+								}
+							}
+							if (rowSpan) {
+								if (y + rowSpan > maxY) {
+									maxY = y + rowSpan;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Remove current selection
+				dom.removeClass(dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected'), 'mce-item-selected');
+				// Add new selection
+				for (y = startY; y <= maxY; y++) {
+					for (x = startX; x <= maxX; x++) {
+						if (grid[y][x]) {
+							dom.addClass(grid[y][x].elm, 'mce-item-selected');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		table = table || dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), 'table');
+		buildGrid();
+		selectedCell = dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), 'th,td');
+		if (selectedCell) {
+			startPos = getPos(selectedCell);
+			endPos = findEndPos();
+			selectedCell = getCell(startPos.x, startPos.y);
+		}
+		Tools.extend(this, {
+			deleteTable: deleteTable,
+			split: split,
+			merge: merge,
+			insertRow: insertRow,
+			insertCol: insertCol,
+			deleteCols: deleteCols,
+			deleteRows: deleteRows,
+			cutRows: cutRows,
+			copyRows: copyRows,
+			pasteRows: pasteRows,
+			getPos: getPos,
+			setStartCell: setStartCell,
+			setEndCell: setEndCell
+		});
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/Quirks.js
+ * Quirks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class includes fixes for various browser quirks.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.Quirks
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/Quirks", [
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(VK, Env, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function getSpanVal(td, name) {
+		return parseInt(td.getAttribute(name) || 1, 10);
+	}
+	return function(editor) {
+		/**
+		 * Fixed caret movement around tables on WebKit.
+		 */
+		function moveWebKitSelection() {
+			function eventHandler(e) {
+				var key = e.keyCode;
+				function handle(upBool, sourceNode) {
+					var siblingDirection = upBool ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
+					var currentRow = editor.dom.getParent(sourceNode, 'tr');
+					var siblingRow = currentRow[siblingDirection];
+					if (siblingRow) {
+						moveCursorToRow(editor, sourceNode, siblingRow, upBool);
+						e.preventDefault();
+						return true;
+					} else {
+						var tableNode = editor.dom.getParent(currentRow, 'table');
+						var middleNode = currentRow.parentNode;
+						var parentNodeName = middleNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						if (parentNodeName === 'tbody' || parentNodeName === (upBool ? 'tfoot' : 'thead')) {
+							var targetParent = getTargetParent(upBool, tableNode, middleNode, 'tbody');
+							if (targetParent !== null) {
+								return moveToRowInTarget(upBool, targetParent, sourceNode);
+							}
+						}
+						return escapeTable(upBool, currentRow, siblingDirection, tableNode);
+					}
+				}
+				function getTargetParent(upBool, topNode, secondNode, nodeName) {
+					var tbodies = editor.dom.select('>' + nodeName, topNode);
+					var position = tbodies.indexOf(secondNode);
+					if (upBool && position === 0 || !upBool && position === tbodies.length - 1) {
+						return getFirstHeadOrFoot(upBool, topNode);
+					} else if (position === -1) {
+						var topOrBottom = secondNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'thead' ? 0 : tbodies.length - 1;
+						return tbodies[topOrBottom];
+					} else {
+						return tbodies[position + (upBool ? -1 : 1)];
+					}
+				}
+				function getFirstHeadOrFoot(upBool, parent) {
+					var tagName = upBool ? 'thead' : 'tfoot';
+					var headOrFoot = editor.dom.select('>' + tagName, parent);
+					return headOrFoot.length !== 0 ? headOrFoot[0] : null;
+				}
+				function moveToRowInTarget(upBool, targetParent, sourceNode) {
+					var targetRow = getChildForDirection(targetParent, upBool);
+					if (targetRow) {
+						moveCursorToRow(editor, sourceNode, targetRow, upBool);
+					}
+					e.preventDefault();
+					return true;
+				}
+				function escapeTable(upBool, currentRow, siblingDirection, table) {
+					var tableSibling = table[siblingDirection];
+					if (tableSibling) {
+						moveCursorToStartOfElement(tableSibling);
+						return true;
+					} else {
+						var parentCell = editor.dom.getParent(table, 'td,th');
+						if (parentCell) {
+							return handle(upBool, parentCell, e);
+						} else {
+							var backUpSibling = getChildForDirection(currentRow, !upBool);
+							moveCursorToStartOfElement(backUpSibling);
+							e.preventDefault();
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				function getChildForDirection(parent, up) {
+					var child =  parent && parent[up ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild'];
+					// BR is not a valid table child to return in this case we return the table cell
+					return child && child.nodeName === 'BR' ? editor.dom.getParent(child, 'td,th') : child;
+				}
+				function moveCursorToStartOfElement(n) {
+					editor.selection.setCursorLocation(n, 0);
+				}
+				function isVerticalMovement() {
+					return key == VK.UP || key == VK.DOWN;
+				}
+				function isInTable(editor) {
+					var node = editor.selection.getNode();
+					var currentRow = editor.dom.getParent(node, 'tr');
+					return currentRow !== null;
+				}
+				function columnIndex(column) {
+					var colIndex = 0;
+					var c = column;
+					while (c.previousSibling) {
+						c = c.previousSibling;
+						colIndex = colIndex + getSpanVal(c, "colspan");
+					}
+					return colIndex;
+				}
+				function findColumn(rowElement, columnIndex) {
+					var c = 0, r = 0;
+					each(rowElement.children, function(cell, i) {
+						c = c + getSpanVal(cell, "colspan");
+						r = i;
+						if (c > columnIndex) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					return r;
+				}
+				function moveCursorToRow(ed, node, row, upBool) {
+					var srcColumnIndex = columnIndex(editor.dom.getParent(node, 'td,th'));
+					var tgtColumnIndex = findColumn(row, srcColumnIndex);
+					var tgtNode = row.childNodes[tgtColumnIndex];
+					var rowCellTarget = getChildForDirection(tgtNode, upBool);
+					moveCursorToStartOfElement(rowCellTarget || tgtNode);
+				}
+				function shouldFixCaret(preBrowserNode) {
+					var newNode = editor.selection.getNode();
+					var newParent = editor.dom.getParent(newNode, 'td,th');
+					var oldParent = editor.dom.getParent(preBrowserNode, 'td,th');
+					return newParent && newParent !== oldParent && checkSameParentTable(newParent, oldParent);
+				}
+				function checkSameParentTable(nodeOne, NodeTwo) {
+					return editor.dom.getParent(nodeOne, 'TABLE') === editor.dom.getParent(NodeTwo, 'TABLE');
+				}
+				if (isVerticalMovement() && isInTable(editor)) {
+					var preBrowserNode = editor.selection.getNode();
+					setTimeout(function() {
+						if (shouldFixCaret(preBrowserNode)) {
+							handle(!e.shiftKey && key === VK.UP, preBrowserNode, e);
+						}
+					}, 0);
+				}
+			}
+			editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
+				eventHandler(e);
+			});
+		}
+		function fixBeforeTableCaretBug() {
+			// Checks if the selection/caret is at the start of the specified block element
+			function isAtStart(rng, par) {
+				var doc = par.ownerDocument, rng2 = doc.createRange(), elm;
+				rng2.setStartBefore(par);
+				rng2.setEnd(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
+				elm = doc.createElement('body');
+				elm.appendChild(rng2.cloneContents());
+				// Check for text characters of other elements that should be treated as content
+				return elm.innerHTML.replace(/<(br|img|object|embed|input|textarea)[^>]*>/gi, '-').replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').length === 0;
+			}
+			// Fixes an bug where it's impossible to place the caret before a table in Gecko
+			// this fix solves it by detecting when the caret is at the beginning of such a table
+			// and then manually moves the caret infront of the table
+			editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
+				var rng, table, dom = editor.dom;
+				// On gecko it's not possible to place the caret before a table
+				if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38) {
+					rng = editor.selection.getRng();
+					table = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'table');
+					if (table && editor.getBody().firstChild == table) {
+						if (isAtStart(rng, table)) {
+							rng = dom.createRng();
+							rng.setStartBefore(table);
+							rng.setEndBefore(table);
+							editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+							e.preventDefault();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Fixes an issue on Gecko where it's impossible to place the caret behind a table
+		// This fix will force a paragraph element after the table but only when the forced_root_block setting is enabled
+		function fixTableCaretPos() {
+			editor.on('KeyDown SetContent VisualAid', function() {
+				var last;
+				// Skip empty text nodes from the end
+				for (last = editor.getBody().lastChild; last; last = last.previousSibling) {
+					if (last.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (last.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+							break;
+						}
+					} else if (last.nodeType == 1 && !last.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (last && last.nodeName == 'TABLE') {
+					if (editor.settings.forced_root_block) {
+						editor.dom.add(
+							editor.getBody(),
+							editor.settings.forced_root_block,
+							editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs,
+							Env.ie && Env.ie < 11 ? '&nbsp;' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'
+						);
+					} else {
+						editor.dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'br', {'data-mce-bogus': '1'});
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('PreProcess', function(o) {
+				var last = o.node.lastChild;
+				if (last && (last.nodeName == "BR" || (last.childNodes.length == 1 &&
+					(last.firstChild.nodeName == 'BR' || last.firstChild.nodeValue == '\u00a0'))) &&
+					last.previousSibling && last.previousSibling.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+					editor.dom.remove(last);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// this nasty hack is here to work around some WebKit selection bugs.
+		function fixTableCellSelection() {
+			function tableCellSelected(ed, rng, n, currentCell) {
+				// The decision of when a table cell is selected is somewhat involved.  The fact that this code is
+				// required is actually a pointer to the root cause of this bug. A cell is selected when the start
+				// and end offsets are 0, the start container is a text, and the selection node is either a TR (most cases)
+				// or the parent of the table (in the case of the selection containing the last cell of a table).
+				var TEXT_NODE = 3, table = ed.dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'TABLE');
+				var tableParent, allOfCellSelected, tableCellSelection;
+				if (table) {
+					tableParent = table.parentNode;
+				}
+				allOfCellSelected = rng.startContainer.nodeType == TEXT_NODE &&
+					rng.startOffset === 0 &&
+					rng.endOffset === 0 &&
+					currentCell &&
+					(n.nodeName == "TR" || n == tableParent);
+				tableCellSelection = (n.nodeName == "TD" || n.nodeName == "TH") && !currentCell;
+				return allOfCellSelected || tableCellSelection;
+			}
+			function fixSelection() {
+				var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
+				var n = editor.selection.getNode();
+				var currentCell = editor.dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'TD,TH');
+				if (!tableCellSelected(editor, rng, n, currentCell)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (!currentCell) {
+					currentCell = n;
+				}
+				// Get the very last node inside the table cell
+				var end = currentCell.lastChild;
+				while (end.lastChild) {
+					end = end.lastChild;
+				}
+				// Select the entire table cell. Nothing outside of the table cell should be selected.
+				rng.setEnd(end, end.nodeValue.length);
+				editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+			}
+			editor.on('KeyDown', function() {
+				fixSelection();
+			});
+			editor.on('MouseDown', function(e) {
+				if (e.button != 2) {
+					fixSelection();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Delete table if all cells are selected.
+		 */
+		function deleteTable() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if ((e.keyCode == VK.DELETE || e.keyCode == VK.BACKSPACE) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					var table = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
+					if (table) {
+						var cells = editor.dom.select('td,th', table), i = cells.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (!editor.dom.hasClass(cells[i], 'mce-item-selected')) {
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.execCommand('mceTableDelete');
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		deleteTable();
+		if (Env.webkit) {
+			moveWebKitSelection();
+			fixTableCellSelection();
+		}
+		if (Env.gecko) {
+			fixBeforeTableCaretBug();
+			fixTableCaretPos();
+		}
+		if (Env.ie > 10) {
+			fixBeforeTableCaretBug();
+			fixTableCaretPos();
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/CellSelection.js
+ * CellSelection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles table cell selection by faking it using a css class that gets applied
+ * to cells when dragging the mouse from one cell to another.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.CellSelection
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/CellSelection", [
+	"tinymce/tableplugin/TableGrid",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(TableGrid, TreeWalker, Tools) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom, tableGrid, startCell, startTable, hasCellSelection = true;
+		function clear() {
+			// Restore selection possibilities
+			editor.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = '';
+			if (hasCellSelection) {
+				editor.dom.removeClass(
+					editor.dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected'),
+					'mce-item-selected'
+				);
+				hasCellSelection = false;
+			}
+		}
+		function cellSelectionHandler(e) {
+			var sel, table, target = e.target;
+			if (startCell && (tableGrid || target != startCell) && (target.nodeName == 'TD' || target.nodeName == 'TH')) {
+				table = dom.getParent(target, 'table');
+				if (table == startTable) {
+					if (!tableGrid) {
+						tableGrid = new TableGrid(editor, table);
+						tableGrid.setStartCell(startCell);
+						editor.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = 'none';
+					}
+					tableGrid.setEndCell(target);
+					hasCellSelection = true;
+				}
+				// Remove current selection
+				sel = editor.selection.getSel();
+				try {
+					if (sel.removeAllRanges) {
+						sel.removeAllRanges();
+					} else {
+						sel.empty();
+					}
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE9 might throw errors here
+				}
+				e.preventDefault();
+			}
+		}
+		// Add cell selection logic
+		editor.on('MouseDown', function(e) {
+			if (e.button != 2) {
+				clear();
+				startCell = dom.getParent(e.target, 'td,th');
+				startTable = dom.getParent(startCell, 'table');
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('mouseover', cellSelectionHandler);
+		editor.on('remove', function() {
+			dom.unbind(editor.getDoc(), 'mouseover', cellSelectionHandler);
+		});
+		editor.on('MouseUp', function() {
+			var rng, sel = editor.selection, selectedCells, walker, node, lastNode, endNode;
+			function setPoint(node, start) {
+				var walker = new TreeWalker(node, node);
+				do {
+					// Text node
+					if (node.nodeType == 3 && Tools.trim(node.nodeValue).length !== 0) {
+						if (start) {
+							rng.setStart(node, 0);
+						} else {
+							rng.setEnd(node, node.nodeValue.length);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					// BR element
+					if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
+						if (start) {
+							rng.setStartBefore(node);
+						} else {
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+				} while ((node = (start ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));
+			}
+			// Move selection to startCell
+			if (startCell) {
+				if (tableGrid) {
+					editor.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = '';
+				}
+				// Try to expand text selection as much as we can only Gecko supports cell selection
+				selectedCells = dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected');
+				if (selectedCells.length > 0) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					node = selectedCells[0];
+					endNode = selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1];
+					rng.setStartBefore(node);
+					rng.setEndAfter(node);
+					setPoint(node, 1);
+					walker = new TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(selectedCells[0], 'table'));
+					do {
+						if (node.nodeName == 'TD' || node.nodeName == 'TH') {
+							if (!dom.hasClass(node, 'mce-item-selected')) {
+								break;
+							}
+							lastNode = node;
+						}
+					} while ((node = walker.next()));
+					setPoint(lastNode);
+					sel.setRng(rng);
+				}
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+				startCell = tableGrid = startTable = null;
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('KeyUp', function() {
+			clear();
+		});
+		return {
+			clear: clear
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/plugins/table/classes/Plugin.js
+ * Plugin.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains all core logic for the table plugin.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.Plugin
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/Plugin", [
+	"tinymce/tableplugin/TableGrid",
+	"tinymce/tableplugin/Quirks",
+	"tinymce/tableplugin/CellSelection",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/PluginManager"
+], function(TableGrid, Quirks, CellSelection, Tools, TreeWalker, Env, PluginManager) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function Plugin(editor) {
+		var winMan, clipboardRows, self = this; // Might be selected cells on reload
+		function removePxSuffix(size) {
+			return size ? size.replace(/px$/, '') : "";
+		}
+		function addSizeSuffix(size) {
+			if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(size)) {
+				size += "px";
+			}
+			return size;
+		}
+		function unApplyAlign(elm) {
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				editor.formatter.remove('align' + name, {}, elm);
+			});
+		}
+		function tableDialog() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, data;
+			tableElm = dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
+			data = {
+				width: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'width')),
+				height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'height')),
+				cellspacing: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellspacing'),
+				cellpadding: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellpadding'),
+				border: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'border'),
+				caption: !!dom.select('caption', tableElm)[0]
+			};
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(tableElm, 'align' + name)) {
+					data.align = name;
+				}
+			});
+			editor.windowManager.open({
+				title: "Table properties",
+				items: {
+					type: 'form',
+					layout: 'grid',
+					columns: 2,
+					data: data,
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'textbox',
+						maxWidth: 50
+					},
+					items: [
+						{label: 'Width', name: 'width'},
+						{label: 'Height', name: 'height'},
+						{label: 'Cell spacing', name: 'cellspacing'},
+						{label: 'Cell padding', name: 'cellpadding'},
+						{label: 'Border', name: 'border'},
+						{label: 'Caption', name: 'caption', type: 'checkbox'},
+						{
+							label: 'Alignment',
+							minWidth: 90,
+							name: 'align',
+							type: 'listbox',
+							text: 'None',
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'None', value: ''},
+								{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+								{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+								{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+							]
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON(), captionElm;
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						editor.dom.setAttribs(tableElm, {
+							cellspacing: data.cellspacing,
+							cellpadding: data.cellpadding,
+							border: data.border
+						});
+						editor.dom.setStyles(tableElm, {
+							width: addSizeSuffix(data.width),
+							height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
+						});
+						// Toggle caption on/off
+						captionElm = dom.select('caption', tableElm)[0];
+						if (captionElm && !data.caption) {
+							dom.remove(captionElm);
+						}
+						if (!captionElm && data.caption) {
+							captionElm = dom.create('caption');
+							captionElm.innerHTML = !Env.ie ? '<br data-mce-bogus="1"/>' : '\u00a0';
+							tableElm.insertBefore(captionElm, tableElm.firstChild);
+						}
+						unApplyAlign(tableElm);
+						if (data.align) {
+							editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, tableElm);
+						}
+						editor.focus();
+						editor.addVisual();
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function mergeDialog(grid, cell) {
+			editor.windowManager.open({
+				title: "Merge cells",
+				body: [
+					{label: 'Cols', name: 'cols', type: 'textbox', size: 10},
+					{label: 'Rows', name: 'rows', type: 'textbox', size: 10}
+				],
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON();
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						grid.merge(cell, data.cols, data.rows);
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function cellDialog() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, cellElm, data, cells = [];
+			// Get selected cells or the current cell
+			cells = editor.dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected');
+			cellElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'td,th');
+			if (!cells.length && cellElm) {
+				cells.push(cellElm);
+			}
+			cellElm = cellElm || cells[0];
+			if (!cellElm) {
+				// If this element is null, return now to avoid crashing.
+				return;
+			}
+			data = {
+				width: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(cellElm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'width')),
+				height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(cellElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'height')),
+				scope: dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'scope')
+			};
+			data.type = cellElm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(cellElm, 'align' + name)) {
+					data.align = name;
+				}
+			});
+			editor.windowManager.open({
+				title: "Cell properties",
+				items: {
+					type: 'form',
+					data: data,
+					layout: 'grid',
+					columns: 2,
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'textbox',
+						maxWidth: 50
+					},
+					items: [
+						{label: 'Width', name: 'width'},
+						{label: 'Height', name: 'height'},
+						{
+							label: 'Cell type',
+							name: 'type',
+							type: 'listbox',
+							text: 'None',
+							minWidth: 90,
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'Cell', value: 'td'},
+								{text: 'Header cell', value: 'th'}
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							label: 'Scope',
+							name: 'scope',
+							type: 'listbox',
+							text: 'None',
+							minWidth: 90,
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'None', value: ''},
+								{text: 'Row', value: 'row'},
+								{text: 'Column', value: 'col'},
+								{text: 'Row group', value: 'rowgroup'},
+								{text: 'Column group', value: 'colgroup'}
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							label: 'Alignment',
+							name: 'align',
+							type: 'listbox',
+							text: 'None',
+							minWidth: 90,
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'None', value: ''},
+								{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+								{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+								{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+							]
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON();
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						each(cells, function(cellElm) {
+							editor.dom.setAttrib(cellElm, 'scope', data.scope);
+							editor.dom.setStyles(cellElm, {
+								width: addSizeSuffix(data.width),
+								height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
+							});
+							// Switch cell type
+							if (data.type && cellElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != data.type) {
+								cellElm = dom.rename(cellElm, data.type);
+							}
+							// Apply/remove alignment
+							unApplyAlign(cellElm);
+							if (data.align) {
+								editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, cellElm);
+							}
+						});
+						editor.focus();
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function rowDialog() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, cellElm, rowElm, data, rows = [];
+			tableElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
+			cellElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'td,th');
+			each(tableElm.rows, function(row) {
+				each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+					if (dom.hasClass(cell, 'mce-item-selected') || cell == cellElm) {
+						rows.push(row);
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			rowElm = rows[0];
+			if (!rowElm) {
+				// If this element is null, return now to avoid crashing.
+				return;
+			}
+			data = {
+				height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(rowElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(rowElm, 'height')),
+				scope: dom.getAttrib(rowElm, 'scope')
+			};
+			data.type = rowElm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(rowElm, 'align' + name)) {
+					data.align = name;
+				}
+			});
+			editor.windowManager.open({
+				title: "Row properties",
+				items: {
+					type: 'form',
+					data: data,
+					columns: 2,
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'textbox'
+					},
+					items: [
+						{
+							type: 'listbox',
+							name: 'type',
+							label: 'Row type',
+							text: 'None',
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'Header', value: 'thead'},
+								{text: 'Body', value: 'tbody'},
+								{text: 'Footer', value: 'tfoot'}
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							type: 'listbox',
+							name: 'align',
+							label: 'Alignment',
+							text: 'None',
+							maxWidth: null,
+							values: [
+								{text: 'None', value: ''},
+								{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+								{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+								{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+							]
+						},
+						{label: 'Height', name: 'height'}
+					]
+				},
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON(), tableElm, oldParentElm, parentElm;
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						var toType = data.type;
+						each(rows, function(rowElm) {
+							editor.dom.setAttrib(rowElm, 'scope', data.scope);
+							editor.dom.setStyles(rowElm, {
+								height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
+							});
+							if (toType != rowElm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
+								tableElm = dom.getParent(rowElm, 'table');
+								oldParentElm = rowElm.parentNode;
+								parentElm = dom.select(toType, tableElm)[0];
+								if (!parentElm) {
+									parentElm = dom.create(toType);
+									if (tableElm.firstChild) {
+										tableElm.insertBefore(parentElm, tableElm.firstChild);
+									} else {
+										tableElm.appendChild(parentElm);
+									}
+								}
+								parentElm.appendChild(rowElm);
+								if (!oldParentElm.hasChildNodes()) {
+									dom.remove(oldParentElm);
+								}
+							}
+							// Apply/remove alignment
+							unApplyAlign(rowElm);
+							if (data.align) {
+								editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, rowElm);
+							}
+						});
+						editor.focus();
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		function cmd(command) {
+			return function() {
+				editor.execCommand(command);
+			};
+		}
+		function insertTable(cols, rows) {
+			var y, x, html;
+			html = '<table><tbody>';
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				html += '<tr>';
+				for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+					html += '<td>' + (Env.ie ? " " : '<br>') + '</td>';
+				}
+				html += '</tr>';
+			}
+			html += '</tbody></table>';
+			editor.insertContent(html);
+		}
+		function handleDisabledState(ctrl, selector) {
+			function bindStateListener() {
+				ctrl.disabled(!editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), selector));
+				editor.selection.selectorChanged(selector, function(state) {
+					ctrl.disabled(!state);
+				});
+			}
+			if (editor.initialized) {
+				bindStateListener();
+			} else {
+				editor.on('init', bindStateListener);
+			}
+		}
+		function postRender() {
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			handleDisabledState(this, 'table');
+		}
+		function postRenderCell() {
+			/*jshint validthis:true*/
+			handleDisabledState(this, 'td,th');
+		}
+		function generateTableGrid() {
+			var html = '';
+			html = '<table role="grid" class="mce-grid mce-grid-border" aria-readonly="true">';
+			for (var y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
+				html += '<tr>';
+				for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
+					html += '<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"><a id="mcegrid' + (y * 10 + x) + '" href="#" ' +
+						'data-mce-x="' + x + '" data-mce-y="' + y + '" ' +
+						'' + (x + y === 0 ? ' class="mce-active"' : '') + '></a></td>';
+				}
+				html += '</tr>';
+			}
+			html += '</table>';
+			html += '<div class="mce-text-center" role="presentation">1 x 1</div>';
+			return html;
+		}
+		function selectGrid(tx, ty, control) {
+			var table = control.getEl().getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
+			var rel = control.parent().rel, x, y, focusCell, cell;
+			if (control.isRtl() || rel == 'tl-tr') {
+				for (y = 9; y >= 0; y--) {
+					for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
+						cell = table.rows[y].childNodes[x].firstChild;
+						editor.dom.toggleClass(
+							cell,
+							'mce-active',
+							x >= tx && y <= ty
+						);
+						if (x >= tx && y <= ty) {
+							focusCell = cell;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				tx = 9 - tx;
+				table.nextSibling.innerHTML = tx + ' x ' + (ty + 1);
+			} else {
+				for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
+					for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
+						cell = table.rows[y].childNodes[x].firstChild;
+						editor.dom.toggleClass(
+							cell,
+							'mce-active',
+							x <= tx && y <= ty
+						);
+						if (x <= tx && y <= ty) {
+							focusCell = cell;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				table.nextSibling.innerHTML = (tx + 1) + ' x ' + (ty + 1);
+			}
+			return focusCell.parentNode;
+		}
+		editor.addMenuItem('inserttable', {
+			text: 'Insert table',
+			icon: 'table',
+			context: 'table',
+			onhide: function() {
+				var elements = this.menu.items()[0].getEl().getElementsByTagName('a');
+				editor.dom.removeClass(elements, 'mce-active');
+				editor.dom.addClass(elements[0], 'mce-active');
+			},
+			menu: [
+				{
+					type: 'container',
+					html: generateTableGrid(),
+					onPostRender: function() {
+						this.lastX = this.lastY = 0;
+					},
+					onmousemove: function(e) {
+						var target = e.target, x, y;
+						if (target.nodeName == 'A') {
+							x = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-mce-x'), 10);
+							y = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-mce-y'), 10);
+							if (x !== this.lastX || y !== this.lastY) {
+								selectGrid(x, y, e.control);
+								this.lastX = x;
+								this.lastY = y;
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					onkeydown: function(e) {
+						var x = this.lastX, y = this.lastY, isHandled;
+						switch (e.keyCode) {
+							case 37: // DOM_VK_LEFT
+								if (x > 0) {
+									x--;
+									isHandled = true;
+								}
+								break;
+							case 39: // DOM_VK_RIGHT
+								isHandled = true;
+								if (x < 9) {
+									x++;
+								}
+								break;
+							case 38: // DOM_VK_UP
+								isHandled = true;
+								if (y > 0) {
+									y--;
+								}
+								break;
+							case 40: // DOM_VK_DOWN
+								isHandled = true;
+								if (y < 9) {
+									y++;
+								}
+								break;
+						}
+						if (isHandled) {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							e.stopPropagation();
+							selectGrid(x, y, e.control).focus();
+							this.lastX = x;
+							this.lastY = y;
+						}
+					},
+					onclick: function(e) {
+						if (e.target.nodeName == 'A') {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							e.stopPropagation();
+							this.parent().cancel();
+							insertTable(this.lastX + 1, this.lastY + 1);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			]
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('tableprops', {
+			text: 'Table properties',
+			context: 'table',
+			onPostRender: postRender,
+			onclick: tableDialog
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('deletetable', {
+			text: 'Delete table',
+			context: 'table',
+			onPostRender: postRender,
+			cmd: 'mceTableDelete'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('cell', {
+			separator: 'before',
+			text: 'Cell',
+			context: 'table',
+			menu: [
+				{text: 'Cell properties', onclick: cmd('mceTableCellProps'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Merge cells', onclick: cmd('mceTableMergeCells'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Split cell', onclick: cmd('mceTableSplitCells'), onPostRender: postRenderCell}
+			]
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('row', {
+			text: 'Row',
+			context: 'table',
+			menu: [
+				{text: 'Insert row before', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertRowBefore'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Insert row after', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertRowAfter'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Delete row', onclick: cmd('mceTableDeleteRow'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Row properties', onclick: cmd('mceTableRowProps'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: '-'},
+				{text: 'Cut row', onclick: cmd('mceTableCutRow'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Copy row', onclick: cmd('mceTableCopyRow'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Paste row before', onclick: cmd('mceTablePasteRowBefore'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Paste row after', onclick: cmd('mceTablePasteRowAfter'), onPostRender: postRenderCell}
+			]
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('column', {
+			text: 'Column',
+			context: 'table',
+			menu: [
+				{text: 'Insert column before', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertColBefore'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Insert column after', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertColAfter'), onPostRender: postRenderCell},
+				{text: 'Delete column', onclick: cmd('mceTableDeleteCol'), onPostRender: postRenderCell}
+			]
+		});
+		var menuItems = [];
+		each("inserttable tableprops deletetable | cell row column".split(' '), function(name) {
+			if (name == '|') {
+				menuItems.push({text: '-'});
+			} else {
+				menuItems.push(editor.menuItems[name]);
+			}
+		});
+		editor.addButton("table", {
+			type: "menubutton",
+			title: "Table",
+			menu: menuItems
+		});
+		// Select whole table is a table border is clicked
+		if (!Env.isIE) {
+			editor.on('click', function(e) {
+				e = e.target;
+				if (e.nodeName === 'TABLE') {
+					editor.selection.select(e);
+					editor.nodeChanged();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		self.quirks = new Quirks(editor);
+		editor.on('Init', function() {
+			winMan = editor.windowManager;
+			self.cellSelection = new CellSelection(editor);
+		});
+		// Register action commands
+		each({
+			mceTableSplitCells: function(grid) {
+				grid.split();
+			},
+			mceTableMergeCells: function(grid) {
+				var rowSpan, colSpan, cell;
+				cell = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'th,td');
+				if (cell) {
+					rowSpan = cell.rowSpan;
+					colSpan = cell.colSpan;
+				}
+				if (!editor.dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected').length) {
+					mergeDialog(grid, cell);
+				} else {
+					grid.merge();
+				}
+			},
+			mceTableInsertRowBefore: function(grid) {
+				grid.insertRow(true);
+			},
+			mceTableInsertRowAfter: function(grid) {
+				grid.insertRow();
+			},
+			mceTableInsertColBefore: function(grid) {
+				grid.insertCol(true);
+			},
+			mceTableInsertColAfter: function(grid) {
+				grid.insertCol();
+			},
+			mceTableDeleteCol: function(grid) {
+				grid.deleteCols();
+			},
+			mceTableDeleteRow: function(grid) {
+				grid.deleteRows();
+			},
+			mceTableCutRow: function(grid) {
+				clipboardRows = grid.cutRows();
+			},
+			mceTableCopyRow: function(grid) {
+				clipboardRows = grid.copyRows();
+			},
+			mceTablePasteRowBefore: function(grid) {
+				grid.pasteRows(clipboardRows, true);
+			},
+			mceTablePasteRowAfter: function(grid) {
+				grid.pasteRows(clipboardRows);
+			},
+			mceTableDelete: function(grid) {
+				grid.deleteTable();
+			}
+		}, function(func, name) {
+			editor.addCommand(name, function() {
+				var grid = new TableGrid(editor);
+				if (grid) {
+					func(grid);
+					editor.execCommand('mceRepaint');
+					self.cellSelection.clear();
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		// Register dialog commands
+		each({
+			mceInsertTable: function() {
+				tableDialog();
+			},
+			mceTableRowProps: rowDialog,
+			mceTableCellProps: cellDialog
+		}, function(func, name) {
+			editor.addCommand(name, function(ui, val) {
+				func(val);
+			});
+		});
+	}
+	PluginManager.add('table', Plugin);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf5554bb4ee86d75ae36a1edef8c6ea2289012ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){for(var n,r=[],i=0;i<e.length;++i){if(n=s[e[i]]||o(e[i]),!n)throw"module definition dependecy not found: "+e[i];r.push(n)}t.apply(null,r)}function r(e,r,i){if("string"!=typeof e)throw"invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string";if(r===t)throw"invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified";if(i===t)throw"invalid module definition, definition function must be specified";n(r,function(){s[e]=i.apply(null,arguments)})}function i(e){return!!s[e]}function o(t){for(var n=e,r=t.split(/[.\/]/),i=0;i<r.length;++i){if(!n[r[i]])return;n=n[r[i]]}return n}function a(n){for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++){for(var i=e,o=n[r],a=o.split(/[.\/]/),l=0;l<a.length-1;++l)i[a[l]]===t&&(i[a[l]]={}),i=i[a[l]];i[a[a.length-1]]=s[o]}}var s={},l="tinymce/tableplugin/TableGrid",c="tinymce/util/Tools",d="tinymce/Env",u="tinymce/tableplugin/Quirks",f="tinymce/util/VK",p="tinymce/tableplugin/CellSelection",m="tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",h="tinymce/tableplugin/Plugin",g="tinymce/PluginManager";r(l,[c,d],function(e,n){function r(e,t){return parseInt(e.getAttribute(t)||1,10)}var i=e.each;return function(o,a){function s(){var e=0;A=[],i(["thead","tbody","tfoot"],function(t){var n=M.select("> "+t+" tr",a);i(n,function(n,o){o+=e,i(M.select("> td, > th",n),function(e,n){var i,a,s,l;if(A[o])for(;A[o][n];)n++;for(s=r(e,"rowspan"),l=r(e,"colspan"),a=o;o+s>a;a++)for(A[a]||(A[a]=[]),i=n;n+l>i;i++)A[a][i]={part:t,real:a==o&&i==n,elm:e,rowspan:s,colspan:l}})}),e+=n.length})}function l(e,t){return e=e.cloneNode(t),e.removeAttribute("id"),e}function c(e,t){var n;return n=A[t],n?n[e]:void 0}function d(e,t,n){e&&(n=parseInt(n,10),1===n?e.removeAttribute(t,1):e.setAttribute(t,n,1))}function u(e){return e&&(M.hasClass(e.elm,"mce-item-selected")||e==D)}function f(){var e=[];return i(a.rows,function(t){i(t.cells,function(n){return M.hasClass(n,"mce-item-selected")||D&&n==D.elm?(e.push(t),!1):void 0})}),e}function p(){var e=M.createRng();e.setStartAfter(a),e.setEndAfter(a),L.setRng(e),M.remove(a)}function m(t){var r,a={};return o.settings.table_clone_elements!==!1&&(a=e.makeMap((o.settings.table_clone_elements||"strong em b i span font h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div").toUpperCase(),/[ ,]/)),e.walk(t,function(e){var o;return 3==e.nodeType?(i(M.getParents(e.parentNode,null,t).reverse(),function(e){a[e.nodeName]&&(e=l(e,!1),r?o&&o.appendChild(e):r=o=e,o=e)}),o&&(o.innerHTML=n.ie?"&nbsp;":'<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'),!1):void 0},"childNodes"),t=l(t,!1),d(t,"rowSpan",1),d(t,"colSpan",1),r?t.appendChild(r):n.ie||(t.innerHTML='<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'),t}function h(){var e=M.createRng(),t;return i(M.select("tr",a),function(e){0===e.cells.length&&M.remove(e)}),0===M.select("tr",a).length?(e.setStartBefore(a),e.setEndBefore(a),L.setRng(e),void M.remove(a)):(i(M.select("thead,tbody,tfoot",a),function(e){0===e.rows.length&&M.remove(e)}),s(),void(B&&(t=A[Math.min(A.length-1,B.y)],t&&(L.select(t[Math.min(t.length-1,B.x)].elm,!0),L.collapse(!0)))))}function g(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a,s,l;for(i=A[t][e].elm.parentNode,a=1;n>=a;a++)if(i=M.getNext(i,"tr")){for(o=e;o>=0;o--)if(l=A[t+a][o].elm,l.parentNode==i){for(s=1;r>=s;s++)M.insertAfter(m(l),l);break}if(-1==o)for(s=1;r>=s;s++)i.insertBefore(m(i.cells[0]),i.cells[0])}}function v(){i(A,function(e,t){i(e,function(e,n){var i,o,a;if(u(e)&&(e=e.elm,i=r(e,"colspan"),o=r(e,"rowspan"),i>1||o>1)){for(d(e,"rowSpan",1),d(e,"colSpan",1),a=0;i-1>a;a++)M.insertAfter(m(e),e);g(n,t,o-1,i)}})})}function y(t,n,r){var 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t;t=f(),i(t.reverse(),function(t){e(t)}),h()}function _(){var e=f();return M.remove(e),h(),e}function N(){var e=f();return i(e,function(t,n){e[n]=l(t,!0)}),e}function E(e,t){var n=f(),r=n[t?0:n.length-1],o=r.cells.length;e&&(i(A,function(e){var t;return o=0,i(e,function(e){e.real&&(o+=e.colspan),e.elm.parentNode==r&&(t=1)}),t?!1:void 0}),t||e.reverse(),i(e,function(e){var n,i=e.cells.length,a;for(n=0;i>n;n++)a=e.cells[n],d(a,"colSpan",1),d(a,"rowSpan",1);for(n=i;o>n;n++)e.appendChild(m(e.cells[i-1]));for(n=o;i>n;n++)M.remove(e.cells[n]);t?r.parentNode.insertBefore(e,r):M.insertAfter(e,r)}),M.removeClass(M.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected"),"mce-item-selected"))}function k(e){var t;return i(A,function(n,r){return i(n,function(n,i){return n.elm==e?(t={x:i,y:r},!1):void 0}),!t}),t}function S(e){B=k(e)}function T(){var e,t;return e=t=0,i(A,function(n,r){i(n,function(n,i){var o,a;u(n)&&(n=A[r][i],i>e&&(e=i),r>t&&(t=r),n.real&&(o=n.colspan-1,a=n.rowspan-1,o&&i+o>e&&(e=i+o),a&&r+a>t&&(t=r+a)))})}),{x:e,y:t}}function R(e){var t,n,r,i,o,a,s,l,c,d;if(P=k(e),B&&P){for(t=Math.min(B.x,P.x),n=Math.min(B.y,P.y),r=Math.max(B.x,P.x),i=Math.max(B.y,P.y),o=r,a=i,d=n;a>=d;d++)e=A[d][t],e.real||t-(e.colspan-1)<t&&(t-=e.colspan-1);for(c=t;o>=c;c++)e=A[n][c],e.real||n-(e.rowspan-1)<n&&(n-=e.rowspan-1);for(d=n;i>=d;d++)for(c=t;r>=c;c++)e=A[d][c],e.real&&(s=e.colspan-1,l=e.rowspan-1,s&&c+s>o&&(o=c+s),l&&d+l>a&&(a=d+l));for(M.removeClass(M.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected"),"mce-item-selected"),d=n;a>=d;d++)for(c=t;o>=c;c++)A[d][c]&&M.addClass(A[d][c].elm,"mce-item-selected")}}var 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--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/textcolor/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * plugin.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true */
+/*eslint consistent-this:0 */
+tinymce.PluginManager.add('textcolor', function(editor) {
+	function mapColors() {
+		var i, colors = [], colorMap;
+		colorMap = editor.settings.textcolor_map || [
+			"000000", "Black",
+			"993300", "Burnt orange",
+			"333300", "Dark olive",
+			"003300", "Dark green",
+			"003366", "Dark azure",
+			"000080", "Navy Blue",
+			"333399", "Indigo",
+			"333333", "Very dark gray",
+			"800000", "Maroon",
+			"FF6600", "Orange",
+			"808000", "Olive",
+			"008000", "Green",
+			"008080", "Teal",
+			"0000FF", "Blue",
+			"666699", "Grayish blue",
+			"808080", "Gray",
+			"FF0000", "Red",
+			"FF9900", "Amber",
+			"99CC00", "Yellow green",
+			"339966", "Sea green",
+			"33CCCC", "Turquoise",
+			"3366FF", "Royal blue",
+			"800080", "Purple",
+			"999999", "Medium gray",
+			"FF00FF", "Magenta",
+			"FFCC00", "Gold",
+			"FFFF00", "Yellow",
+			"00FF00", "Lime",
+			"00FFFF", "Aqua",
+			"00CCFF", "Sky blue",
+			"993366", "Brown",
+			"C0C0C0", "Silver",
+			"FF99CC", "Pink",
+			"FFCC99", "Peach",
+			"FFFF99", "Light yellow",
+			"CCFFCC", "Pale green",
+			"CCFFFF", "Pale cyan",
+			"99CCFF", "Light sky blue",
+			"CC99FF", "Plum",
+			"FFFFFF", "White"
+		];
+		for (i = 0; i < colorMap.length; i += 2) {
+			colors.push({
+				text: colorMap[i + 1],
+				color: colorMap[i]
+			});
+		}
+		return colors;
+	}
+	function renderColorPicker() {
+		var ctrl = this, colors, color, html, last, rows, cols, x, y, i;
+		colors = mapColors();
+		html = '<table class="mce-grid mce-grid-border mce-colorbutton-grid" role="list" cellspacing="0"><tbody>';
+		last = colors.length - 1;
+		rows = editor.settings.textcolor_rows || 5;
+		cols = editor.settings.textcolor_cols || 8;
+		for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+			html += '<tr>';
+			for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				i = y * cols + x;
+				if (i > last) {
+					html += '<td></td>';
+				} else {
+					color = colors[i];
+					html += (
+						'<td>' +
+							'<div id="' + ctrl._id + '-' + i + '"' +
+								' data-mce-color="' + color.color + '"' +
+								' role="option"' +
+								' tabIndex="-1"' +
+								' style="' + (color ? 'background-color: #' + color.color : '') + '"' +
+								' title="' + color.text + '">' +
+							'</div>' +
+						'</td>'
+					);
+				}
+			}
+			html += '</tr>';
+		}
+		html += '</tbody></table>';
+		return html;
+	}
+	function onPanelClick(e) {
+		var buttonCtrl = this.parent(), value;
+		if ((value = e.target.getAttribute('data-mce-color'))) {
+			if (this.lastId) {
+				document.getElementById(this.lastId).setAttribute('aria-selected', false);
+			}
+			e.target.setAttribute('aria-selected', true);
+			this.lastId = e.target.id;
+			buttonCtrl.hidePanel();
+			value = '#' + value;
+			buttonCtrl.color(value);
+			editor.execCommand(buttonCtrl.settings.selectcmd, false, value);
+		}
+	}
+	function onButtonClick() {
+		var self = this;
+		if (self._color) {
+			editor.execCommand(self.settings.selectcmd, false, self._color);
+		}
+	}
+	editor.addButton('forecolor', {
+		type: 'colorbutton',
+		tooltip: 'Text color',
+		selectcmd: 'ForeColor',
+		panel: {
+			role: 'application',
+			ariaRemember: true,
+			html: renderColorPicker,
+			onclick: onPanelClick
+		},
+		onclick: onButtonClick
+	});
+	editor.addButton('backcolor', {
+		type: 'colorbutton',
+		tooltip: 'Background color',
+		selectcmd: 'HiliteColor',
+		panel: {
+			role: 'application',
+			ariaRemember: true,
+			html: renderColorPicker,
+			onclick: onPanelClick
+		},
+		onclick: onButtonClick
+	});
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+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/textcolor/plugin.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+tinymce.PluginManager.add("textcolor",function(e){function t(){var t,o,r=[];for(o=e.settings.textcolor_map||["000000","Black","993300","Burnt orange","333300","Dark olive","003300","Dark green","003366","Dark azure","000080","Navy Blue","333399","Indigo","333333","Very dark gray","800000","Maroon","FF6600","Orange","808000","Olive","008000","Green","008080","Teal","0000FF","Blue","666699","Grayish blue","808080","Gray","FF0000","Red","FF9900","Amber","99CC00","Yellow green","339966","Sea green","33CCCC","Turquoise","3366FF","Royal blue","800080","Purple","999999","Medium gray","FF00FF","Magenta","FFCC00","Gold","FFFF00","Yellow","00FF00","Lime","00FFFF","Aqua","00CCFF","Sky blue","993366","Brown","C0C0C0","Silver","FF99CC","Pink","FFCC99","Peach","FFFF99","Light yellow","CCFFCC","Pale green","CCFFFF","Pale cyan","99CCFF","Light sky blue","CC99FF","Plum","FFFFFF","White"],t=0;t<o.length;t+=2)r.push({text:o[t+1],color:o[t]});return r}function o(){var o,r,l,a,c,i,n,F,d,s=this;for(o=t(),l='<table class="mce-grid mce-grid-border mce-colorbutton-grid" role="list" cellspacing="0"><tbody>',a=o.length-1,c=e.settings.textcolor_rows||5,i=e.settings.textcolor_cols||8,F=0;c>F;F++){for(l+="<tr>",n=0;i>n;n++)d=F*i+n,d>a?l+="<td></td>":(r=o[d],l+='<td><div id="'+s._id+"-"+d+'" data-mce-color="'+r.color+'" role="option" tabIndex="-1" style="'+(r?"background-color: #"+r.color:"")+'" title="'+r.text+'"></div></td>');l+="</tr>"}return l+="</tbody></table>"}function r(t){var o,r=this.parent();(o=t.target.getAttribute("data-mce-color"))&&(this.lastId&&document.getElementById(this.lastId).setAttribute("aria-selected",!1),t.target.setAttribute("aria-selected",!0),this.lastId=t.target.id,r.hidePanel(),o="#"+o,r.color(o),e.execCommand(r.settings.selectcmd,!1,o))}function l(){var t=this;t._color&&e.execCommand(t.settings.selectcmd,!1,t._color)}e.addButton("forecolor",{type:"colorbutton",tooltip:"Text color",selectcmd:"ForeColor",panel:{role:"application",ariaRemember:!0,html:o,onclick:r},onclick:l}),e.addButton("backcolor",{type:"colorbutton",tooltip:"Background color",selectcmd:"HiliteColor",panel:{role:"application",ariaRemember:!0,html:o,onclick:r},onclick:l})});
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 100%
rename from common/static/js/vendor/tiny_mce/skins/studio-tmce4/skin.min.css
rename to common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/skins/studio-tmce4/skin.min.css
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5334f0259de8cfc271aae854d38690e353295d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.js
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+ * theme.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true */
+tinymce.ThemeManager.add('modern', function(editor) {
+	var self = this, settings = editor.settings, Factory = tinymce.ui.Factory, each = tinymce.each, DOM = tinymce.DOM;
+	// Default menus
+	var defaultMenus = {
+		file: {title: 'File', items: 'newdocument'},
+		edit: {title: 'Edit', items: 'undo redo | cut copy paste pastetext | selectall'},
+		insert: {title: 'Insert', items: '|'},
+		view: {title: 'View', items: 'visualaid |'},
+		format: {title: 'Format', items: 'bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript | formats | removeformat'},
+		table: {title: 'Table'},
+		tools: {title: 'Tools'}
+	};
+	var defaultToolbar = "undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | " +
+		"bullist numlist outdent indent | link image";
+	/**
+	 * Creates the toolbars from config and returns a toolbar array.
+	 *
+	 * @return {Array} Array with toolbars.
+	 */
+	function createToolbars() {
+		var toolbars = [];
+		function addToolbar(items) {
+			var toolbarItems = [], buttonGroup;
+			if (!items) {
+				return;
+			}
+			each(items.split(/[ ,]/), function(item) {
+				var itemName;
+				function bindSelectorChanged() {
+					var selection = editor.selection;
+					if (itemName == "bullist") {
+						selection.selectorChanged('ul > li', function(state, args) {
+							var nodeName, i = args.parents.length;
+							while (i--) {
+								nodeName = args.parents[i].nodeName;
+								if (nodeName == "OL" || nodeName == "UL") {
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							item.active(state && nodeName == "UL");
+						});
+					}
+					if (itemName == "numlist") {
+						selection.selectorChanged('ol > li', function(state, args) {
+							var nodeName, i = args.parents.length;
+							while (i--) {
+								nodeName = args.parents[i].nodeName;
+								if (nodeName == "OL" || nodeName == "UL") {
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							item.active(state && nodeName == "OL");
+						});
+					}
+					if (item.settings.stateSelector) {
+						selection.selectorChanged(item.settings.stateSelector, function(state) {
+							item.active(state);
+						}, true);
+					}
+					if (item.settings.disabledStateSelector) {
+						selection.selectorChanged(item.settings.disabledStateSelector, function(state) {
+							item.disabled(state);
+						});
+					}
+				}
+				if (item == "|") {
+					buttonGroup = null;
+				} else {
+					if (Factory.has(item)) {
+						item = {type: item};
+						if (settings.toolbar_items_size) {
+							item.size = settings.toolbar_items_size;
+						}
+						toolbarItems.push(item);
+						buttonGroup = null;
+					} else {
+						if (!buttonGroup) {
+							buttonGroup = {type: 'buttongroup', items: []};
+							toolbarItems.push(buttonGroup);
+						}
+						if (editor.buttons[item]) {
+							// TODO: Move control creation to some UI class
+							itemName = item;
+							item = editor.buttons[itemName];
+							if (typeof(item) == "function") {
+								item = item();
+							}
+							item.type = item.type || 'button';
+							if (settings.toolbar_items_size) {
+								item.size = settings.toolbar_items_size;
+							}
+							item = Factory.create(item);
+							buttonGroup.items.push(item);
+							if (editor.initialized) {
+								bindSelectorChanged();
+							} else {
+								editor.on('init', bindSelectorChanged);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			toolbars.push({type: 'toolbar', layout: 'flow', items: toolbarItems});
+			return true;
+		}
+		// Generate toolbar<n>
+		for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
+			if (!addToolbar(settings["toolbar" + i])) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		// Generate toolbar or default toolbar
+		if (!toolbars.length) {
+			addToolbar(settings.toolbar || defaultToolbar);
+		}
+		return toolbars;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates the menu buttons based on config.
+	 *
+	 * @return {Array} Menu buttons array.
+	 */
+	function createMenuButtons() {
+		var name, menuButtons = [];
+		function createMenuItem(name) {
+			var menuItem;
+			if (name == '|') {
+				return {text: '|'};
+			}
+			menuItem = editor.menuItems[name];
+			return menuItem;
+		}
+		function createMenu(context) {
+			var menuButton, menu, menuItems, isUserDefined, removedMenuItems;
+			removedMenuItems = tinymce.makeMap((settings.removed_menuitems || '').split(/[ ,]/));
+			// User defined menu
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				menu = settings.menu[context];
+				isUserDefined = true;
+			} else {
+				menu = defaultMenus[context];
+			}
+			if (menu) {
+				menuButton = {text: menu.title};
+				menuItems = [];
+				// Default/user defined items
+				each((menu.items || '').split(/[ ,]/), function(item) {
+					var menuItem = createMenuItem(item);
+					if (menuItem && !removedMenuItems[item]) {
+						menuItems.push(createMenuItem(item));
+					}
+				});
+				// Added though context
+				if (!isUserDefined) {
+					each(editor.menuItems, function(menuItem) {
+						if (menuItem.context == context) {
+							if (menuItem.separator == 'before') {
+								menuItems.push({text: '|'});
+							}
+							if (menuItem.prependToContext) {
+								menuItems.unshift(menuItem);
+							} else {
+								menuItems.push(menuItem);
+							}
+							if (menuItem.separator == 'after') {
+								menuItems.push({text: '|'});
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				}
+				for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
+					if (menuItems[i].text == '|') {
+						if (i === 0 || i == menuItems.length - 1) {
+							menuItems.splice(i, 1);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				menuButton.menu = menuItems;
+				if (!menuButton.menu.length) {
+					return null;
+				}
+			}
+			return menuButton;
+		}
+		var defaultMenuBar = [];
+		if (settings.menu) {
+			for (name in settings.menu) {
+				defaultMenuBar.push(name);
+			}
+		} else {
+			for (name in defaultMenus) {
+				defaultMenuBar.push(name);
+			}
+		}
+		var enabledMenuNames = typeof(settings.menubar) == "string" ? settings.menubar.split(/[ ,]/) : defaultMenuBar;
+		for (var i = 0; i < enabledMenuNames.length; i++) {
+			var menu = enabledMenuNames[i];
+			menu = createMenu(menu);
+			if (menu) {
+				menuButtons.push(menu);
+			}
+		}
+		return menuButtons;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Adds accessibility shortcut keys to panel.
+	 *
+	 * @param {tinymce.ui.Panel} panel Panel to add focus to.
+	 */
+	function addAccessibilityKeys(panel) {
+		function focus(type) {
+			var item = panel.find(type)[0];
+			if (item) {
+				item.focus(true);
+			}
+		}
+		editor.shortcuts.add('Alt+F9', '', function() {
+			focus('menubar');
+		});
+		editor.shortcuts.add('Alt+F10', '', function() {
+			focus('toolbar');
+		});
+		editor.shortcuts.add('Alt+F11', '', function() {
+			focus('elementpath');
+		});
+		panel.on('cancel', function() {
+			editor.focus();
+		});
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Resizes the editor to the specified width, height.
+	 */
+	function resizeTo(width, height) {
+		var containerElm, iframeElm, containerSize, iframeSize;
+		function getSize(elm) {
+			return {
+				width: elm.clientWidth,
+				height: elm.clientHeight
+			};
+		}
+		containerElm = editor.getContainer();
+		iframeElm = editor.getContentAreaContainer().firstChild;
+		containerSize = getSize(containerElm);
+		iframeSize = getSize(iframeElm);
+		if (width !== null) {
+			width = Math.max(settings.min_width || 100, width);
+			width = Math.min(settings.max_width || 0xFFFF, width);
+			DOM.css(containerElm, 'width', width + (containerSize.width - iframeSize.width));
+			DOM.css(iframeElm, 'width', width);
+		}
+		height = Math.max(settings.min_height || 100, height);
+		height = Math.min(settings.max_height || 0xFFFF, height);
+		DOM.css(iframeElm, 'height', height);
+		editor.fire('ResizeEditor');
+	}
+	function resizeBy(dw, dh) {
+		var elm = editor.getContentAreaContainer();
+		self.resizeTo(elm.clientWidth + dw, elm.clientHeight + dh);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Renders the inline editor UI.
+	 *
+	 * @return {Object} Name/value object with theme data.
+	 */
+	function renderInlineUI(args) {
+		var panel, inlineToolbarContainer;
+		if (settings.fixed_toolbar_container) {
+			inlineToolbarContainer = DOM.select(settings.fixed_toolbar_container)[0];
+		}
+		function reposition() {
+			if (panel && panel.moveRel && panel.visible() && !panel._fixed) {
+				// TODO: This is kind of ugly and doesn't handle multiple scrollable elements
+				var scrollContainer = editor.selection.getScrollContainer(), body = editor.getBody();
+				var deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0;
+				if (scrollContainer) {
+					var bodyPos = DOM.getPos(body), scrollContainerPos = DOM.getPos(scrollContainer);
+					deltaX = Math.max(0, scrollContainerPos.x - bodyPos.x);
+					deltaY = Math.max(0, scrollContainerPos.y - bodyPos.y);
+				}
+				panel.fixed(false).moveRel(body, editor.rtl ? ['tr-br', 'br-tr'] : ['tl-bl', 'bl-tl']).moveBy(deltaX, deltaY);
+			}
+		}
+		function show() {
+			if (panel) {
+				panel.show();
+				reposition();
+				DOM.addClass(editor.getBody(), 'mce-edit-focus');
+			}
+		}
+		function hide() {
+			if (panel) {
+				panel.hide();
+				DOM.removeClass(editor.getBody(), 'mce-edit-focus');
+			}
+		}
+		function render() {
+			if (panel) {
+				if (!panel.visible()) {
+					show();
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Render a plain panel inside the inlineToolbarContainer if it's defined
+			panel = self.panel = Factory.create({
+				type: inlineToolbarContainer ? 'panel' : 'floatpanel',
+				role: 'application',
+				classes: 'tinymce tinymce-inline',
+				layout: 'flex',
+				direction: 'column',
+				align: 'stretch',
+				autohide: false,
+				autofix: true,
+				fixed: !!inlineToolbarContainer,
+				border: 1,
+				items: [
+					settings.menubar === false ? null : {type: 'menubar', border: '0 0 1 0', items: createMenuButtons()},
+					settings.toolbar === false ? null : {
+						type: 'panel', layout: 'stack', classes: "toolbar-grp", ariaRoot: true, ariaRemember: true, items: createToolbars()
+					}
+				]
+			});
+			// Add statusbar
+			/*if (settings.statusbar !== false) {
+				panel.add({type: 'panel', classes: 'statusbar', layout: 'flow', border: '1 0 0 0', items: [
+					{type: 'elementpath'}
+				]});
+			}*/
+			editor.fire('BeforeRenderUI');
+			panel.renderTo(inlineToolbarContainer || document.body).reflow();
+			addAccessibilityKeys(panel);
+			show();
+			editor.on('nodeChange', reposition);
+			editor.on('activate', show);
+			editor.on('deactivate', hide);
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+		}
+		settings.content_editable = true;
+		editor.on('focus', function() {
+			// Render only when the CSS file has been loaded
+			if (args.skinUiCss) {
+				tinymce.DOM.styleSheetLoader.load(args.skinUiCss, render, render);
+			} else {
+				render();
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('blur', hide);
+		// Remove the panel when the editor is removed
+		editor.on('remove', function() {
+			if (panel) {
+				panel.remove();
+				panel = null;
+			}
+		});
+		// Preload skin css
+		if (args.skinUiCss) {
+			tinymce.DOM.styleSheetLoader.load(args.skinUiCss);
+		}
+		return {};
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Renders the iframe editor UI.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object} args Details about target element etc.
+	 * @return {Object} Name/value object with theme data.
+	 */
+	function renderIframeUI(args) {
+		var panel, resizeHandleCtrl, startSize;
+		if (args.skinUiCss) {
+			tinymce.DOM.loadCSS(args.skinUiCss);
+		}
+		// Basic UI layout
+		panel = self.panel = Factory.create({
+			type: 'panel',
+			role: 'application',
+			classes: 'tinymce',
+			style: 'visibility: hidden',
+			layout: 'stack',
+			border: 1,
+			items: [
+				settings.menubar === false ? null : {type: 'menubar', border: '0 0 1 0', items: createMenuButtons()},
+				settings.toolbar === false ? null : {
+					type: 'panel', layout: 'stack', classes: "toolbar-grp", ariaRoot: true, ariaRemember: true, items: createToolbars()
+				},
+				{type: 'panel', name: 'iframe', layout: 'stack', classes: 'edit-area', html: '', border: '1 0 0 0'}
+			]
+		});
+		if (settings.resize !== false) {
+			resizeHandleCtrl = {
+				type: 'resizehandle',
+				direction: settings.resize,
+				onResizeStart: function() {
+					var elm = editor.getContentAreaContainer().firstChild;
+					startSize = {
+						width: elm.clientWidth,
+						height: elm.clientHeight
+					};
+				},
+				onResize: function(e) {
+					if (settings.resize == 'both') {
+						resizeTo(startSize.width + e.deltaX, startSize.height + e.deltaY);
+					} else {
+						resizeTo(null, startSize.height + e.deltaY);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		// Add statusbar if needed
+		if (settings.statusbar !== false) {
+			panel.add({type: 'panel', name: 'statusbar', classes: 'statusbar', layout: 'flow', border: '1 0 0 0', ariaRoot: true, items: [
+				{type: 'elementpath'},
+				resizeHandleCtrl
+			]});
+		}
+		if (settings.readonly) {
+			panel.find('*').disabled(true);
+		}
+		editor.fire('BeforeRenderUI');
+		panel.renderBefore(args.targetNode).reflow();
+		if (settings.width) {
+			tinymce.DOM.setStyle(panel.getEl(), 'width', settings.width);
+		}
+		// Remove the panel when the editor is removed
+		editor.on('remove', function() {
+			panel.remove();
+			panel = null;
+		});
+		// Add accesibility shortkuts
+		addAccessibilityKeys(panel);
+		return {
+			iframeContainer: panel.find('#iframe')[0].getEl(),
+			editorContainer: panel.getEl()
+		};
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Renders the UI for the theme. This gets called by the editor.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object} args Details about target element etc.
+	 * @return {Object} Theme UI data items.
+	 */
+	self.renderUI = function(args) {
+		var skin = settings.skin !== false ? settings.skin || 'lightgray' : false;
+		if (skin) {
+			var skinUrl = settings.skin_url;
+			if (skinUrl) {
+				skinUrl = editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(skinUrl);
+			} else {
+				skinUrl = tinymce.baseURL + '/skins/' + skin;
+			}
+			// Load special skin for IE7
+			// TODO: Remove this when we drop IE7 support
+            // EDX - Disable dynamic loading of CSS files in favor of hashed files from our Django pipeline
+//			if (tinymce.Env.documentMode <= 7) {
+//				args.skinUiCss = skinUrl + '/skin.ie7.min.css';
+//			} else {
+//				args.skinUiCss = skinUrl + '/skin.min.css';
+//			}
+			// Load content.min.css or content.inline.min.css
+//			editor.contentCSS.push(skinUrl + '/content' + (editor.inline ? '.inline' : '') + '.min.css');
+		}
+		// Handle editor setProgressState change
+		editor.on('ProgressState', function(e) {
+			self.throbber = self.throbber || new tinymce.ui.Throbber(self.panel.getEl('body'));
+			if (e.state) {
+				self.throbber.show(e.time);
+			} else {
+				self.throbber.hide();
+			}
+		});
+		if (settings.inline) {
+			return renderInlineUI(args);
+		}
+		return renderIframeUI(args);
+	};
+	self.resizeTo = resizeTo;
+	self.resizeBy = resizeBy;
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3997489bcf72b902ccadcda317cd5ceeb16be8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+tinymce.ThemeManager.add("modern",function(e){function t(){function t(t){var n,o=[];if(t)return d(t.split(/[ ,]/),function(t){function i(){var i=e.selection;"bullist"==r&&i.selectorChanged("ul > li",function(e,i){for(var n,o=i.parents.length;o--&&(n=i.parents[o].nodeName,"OL"!=n&&"UL"!=n););t.active(e&&"UL"==n)}),"numlist"==r&&i.selectorChanged("ol > li",function(e,i){for(var n,o=i.parents.length;o--&&(n=i.parents[o].nodeName,"OL"!=n&&"UL"!=n););t.active(e&&"OL"==n)}),t.settings.stateSelector&&i.selectorChanged(t.settings.stateSelector,function(e){t.active(e)},!0),t.settings.disabledStateSelector&&i.selectorChanged(t.settings.disabledStateSelector,function(e){t.disabled(e)})}var r;"|"==t?n=null:c.has(t)?(t={type:t},u.toolbar_items_size&&(t.size=u.toolbar_items_size),o.push(t),n=null):(n||(n={type:"buttongroup",items:[]},o.push(n)),e.buttons[t]&&(r=t,t=e.buttons[r],"function"==typeof t&&(t=t()),t.type=t.type||"button",u.toolbar_items_size&&(t.size=u.toolbar_items_size),t=c.create(t),n.items.push(t),e.initialized?i():e.on("init",i)))}),i.push({type:"toolbar",layout:"flow",items:o}),!0}for(var i=[],n=1;10>n&&t(u["toolbar"+n]);n++);return i.length||t(u.toolbar||f),i}function i(){function t(t){var i;return"|"==t?{text:"|"}:i=e.menuItems[t]}function i(i){var n,o,r,a,s;if(s=tinymce.makeMap((u.removed_menuitems||"").split(/[ ,]/)),u.menu?(o=u.menu[i],a=!0):o=h[i],o){n={text:o.title},r=[],d((o.items||"").split(/[ ,]/),function(e){var i=t(e);i&&!s[e]&&r.push(t(e))}),a||d(e.menuItems,function(e){e.context==i&&("before"==e.separator&&r.push({text:"|"}),e.prependToContext?r.unshift(e):r.push(e),"after"==e.separator&&r.push({text:"|"}))});for(var l=0;l<r.length;l++)"|"==r[l].text&&(0===l||l==r.length-1)&&r.splice(l,1);if(n.menu=r,!n.menu.length)return null}return n}var n,o=[],r=[];if(u.menu)for(n in u.menu)r.push(n);else for(n in h)r.push(n);for(var a="string"==typeof u.menubar?u.menubar.split(/[ ,]/):r,s=0;s<a.length;s++){var l=a[s];l=i(l),l&&o.push(l)}return o}function n(t){function i(e){var i=t.find(e)[0];i&&i.focus(!0)}e.shortcuts.add("Alt+F9","",function(){i("menubar")}),e.shortcuts.add("Alt+F10","",function(){i("toolbar")}),e.shortcuts.add("Alt+F11","",function(){i("elementpath")}),t.on("cancel",function(){e.focus()})}function o(t,i){function n(e){return{width:e.clientWidth,height:e.clientHeight}}var o,r,a,s;o=e.getContainer(),r=e.getContentAreaContainer().firstChild,a=n(o),s=n(r),null!==t&&(t=Math.max(u.min_width||100,t),t=Math.min(u.max_width||65535,t),m.css(o,"width",t+(a.width-s.width)),m.css(r,"width",t)),i=Math.max(u.min_height||100,i),i=Math.min(u.max_height||65535,i),m.css(r,"height",i),e.fire("ResizeEditor")}function r(t,i){var n=e.getContentAreaContainer();l.resizeTo(n.clientWidth+t,n.clientHeight+i)}function a(o){function r(){if(h&&h.moveRel&&h.visible()&&!h._fixed){var 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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.dev.js
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ * Inline development version. Only to be used while developing since it uses document.write to load scripts.
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports) {
+	"use strict";
+	var html = "", baseDir;
+	var modules = {}, exposedModules = [], moduleCount = 0;
+	var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+	for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
+		var src = scripts[i].src;
+		if (src.indexOf('/tinymce.dev.js') != -1) {
+			baseDir = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
+		}
+	}
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function register(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+			if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+				target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+		if (--moduleCount === 0) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < exposedModules.length; i++) {
+				register(exposedModules[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		exposedModules = ids;
+	}
+	function writeScripts() {
+		document.write(html);
+	}
+	function load(path) {
+		html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + baseDir + '/' + path + '"></script>\n';
+		moduleCount++;
+	}
+	// Expose globally
+	exports.define = define;
+	exports.require = require;
+	expose(["tinymce/dom/EventUtils","tinymce/dom/Sizzle","tinymce/dom/DomQuery","tinymce/html/Styles","tinymce/dom/TreeWalker","tinymce/util/Tools","tinymce/dom/Range","tinymce/html/Entities","tinymce/Env","tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader","tinymce/dom/DOMUtils","tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader","tinymce/AddOnManager","tinymce/html/Node","tinymce/html/Schema","tinymce/html/SaxParser","tinymce/html/DomParser","tinymce/html/Writer","tinymce/html/Serializer","tinymce/dom/Serializer","tinymce/dom/TridentSelection","tinymce/util/VK","tinymce/dom/ControlSelection","tinymce/dom/RangeUtils","tinymce/dom/Selection","tinymce/Formatter","tinymce/UndoManager","tinymce/EnterKey","tinymce/ForceBlocks","tinymce/EditorCommands","tinymce/util/URI","tinymce/util/Class","tinymce/ui/Selector","tinymce/ui/Collection","tinymce/ui/DomUtils","tinymce/ui/Control","tinymce/ui/Factory","tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation","tinymce/ui/Container","tinymce/ui/DragHelper","tinymce/ui/Scrollable","tinymce/ui/Panel","tinymce/ui/Movable","tinymce/ui/Resizable","tinymce/ui/FloatPanel","tinymce/ui/Window","tinymce/ui/MessageBox","tinymce/WindowManager","tinymce/util/Quirks","tinymce/util/Observable","tinymce/Shortcuts","tinymce/Editor","tinymce/util/I18n","tinymce/FocusManager","tinymce/EditorManager","tinymce/LegacyInput","tinymce/util/XHR","tinymce/util/JSON","tinymce/util/JSONRequest","tinymce/util/JSONP","tinymce/util/LocalStorage","tinymce/Compat","tinymce/ui/Layout","tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout","tinymce/ui/Tooltip","tinymce/ui/Widget","tinymce/ui/Button","tinymce/ui/ButtonGroup","tinymce/ui/Checkbox","tinymce/ui/PanelButton","tinymce/ui/ColorButton","tinymce/ui/ComboBox","tinymce/ui/Path","tinymce/ui/ElementPath","tinymce/ui/FormItem","tinymce/ui/Form","tinymce/ui/FieldSet","tinymce/ui/FilePicker","tinymce/ui/FitLayout","tinymce/ui/FlexLayout","tinymce/ui/FlowLayout","tinymce/ui/FormatControls","tinymce/ui/GridLayout","tinymce/ui/Iframe","tinymce/ui/Label","tinymce/ui/Toolbar","tinymce/ui/MenuBar","tinymce/ui/MenuButton","tinymce/ui/ListBox","tinymce/ui/MenuItem","tinymce/ui/Menu","tinymce/ui/Radio","tinymce/ui/ResizeHandle","tinymce/ui/Spacer","tinymce/ui/SplitButton","tinymce/ui/StackLayout","tinymce/ui/TabPanel","tinymce/ui/TextBox","tinymce/ui/Throbber"]);
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+	load('classes/dom/Sizzle.js');
+	load('classes/dom/DomQuery.js');
+	load('classes/html/Styles.js');
+	load('classes/dom/TreeWalker.js');
+	load('classes/util/Tools.js');
+	load('classes/dom/Range.js');
+	load('classes/html/Entities.js');
+	load('classes/Env.js');
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+	load('classes/dom/DOMUtils.js');
+	load('classes/dom/ScriptLoader.js');
+	load('classes/AddOnManager.js');
+	load('classes/html/Node.js');
+	load('classes/html/Schema.js');
+	load('classes/html/SaxParser.js');
+	load('classes/html/DomParser.js');
+	load('classes/html/Writer.js');
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+	load('classes/util/VK.js');
+	load('classes/dom/ControlSelection.js');
+	load('classes/dom/RangeUtils.js');
+	load('classes/dom/Selection.js');
+	load('classes/Formatter.js');
+	load('classes/UndoManager.js');
+	load('classes/EnterKey.js');
+	load('classes/ForceBlocks.js');
+	load('classes/EditorCommands.js');
+	load('classes/util/URI.js');
+	load('classes/util/Class.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Selector.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Collection.js');
+	load('classes/ui/DomUtils.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Control.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Factory.js');
+	load('classes/ui/KeyboardNavigation.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Container.js');
+	load('classes/ui/DragHelper.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Scrollable.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Panel.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Movable.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Resizable.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FloatPanel.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Window.js');
+	load('classes/ui/MessageBox.js');
+	load('classes/WindowManager.js');
+	load('classes/util/Quirks.js');
+	load('classes/util/Observable.js');
+	load('classes/Shortcuts.js');
+	load('classes/Editor.js');
+	load('classes/util/I18n.js');
+	load('classes/FocusManager.js');
+	load('classes/EditorManager.js');
+	load('classes/LegacyInput.js');
+	load('classes/util/XHR.js');
+	load('classes/util/JSON.js');
+	load('classes/util/JSONRequest.js');
+	load('classes/util/JSONP.js');
+	load('classes/util/LocalStorage.js');
+	load('classes/Compat.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Layout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/AbsoluteLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Tooltip.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Widget.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Button.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ButtonGroup.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Checkbox.js');
+	load('classes/ui/PanelButton.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ColorButton.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ComboBox.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Path.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ElementPath.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FormItem.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Form.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FieldSet.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FilePicker.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FitLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FlexLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FlowLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FormatControls.js');
+	load('classes/ui/GridLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Iframe.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Label.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Toolbar.js');
+	load('classes/ui/MenuBar.js');
+	load('classes/ui/MenuButton.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ListBox.js');
+	load('classes/ui/MenuItem.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Menu.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Radio.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ResizeHandle.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Spacer.js');
+	load('classes/ui/SplitButton.js');
+	load('classes/ui/StackLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/TabPanel.js');
+	load('classes/ui/TextBox.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Throbber.js');
+	writeScripts();
+// $hash: 05926848bb50eefb8b0a63bc5141644e
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33946a118587ff80fa2f5b6c4aac99811e491fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// 4.0.20 (2014-03-18)
+!function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){for(var n,r=[],i=0;i<e.length;++i){if(n=s[e[i]]||o(e[i]),!n)throw"module definition dependecy not found: "+e[i];r.push(n)}t.apply(null,r)}function r(e,r,i){if("string"!=typeof e)throw"invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string";if(r===t)throw"invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified";if(i===t)throw"invalid module definition, definition function must be specified";n(r,function(){s[e]=i.apply(null,arguments)})}function i(e){return!!s[e]}function o(t){for(var n=e,r=t.split(/[.\/]/),i=0;i<r.length;++i){if(!n[r[i]])return;n=n[r[i]]}return n}function a(n){for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++){for(var i=e,o=n[r],a=o.split(/[.\/]/),l=0;l<a.length-1;++l)i[a[l]]===t&&(i[a[l]]={}),i=i[a[l]];i[a[a.length-1]]=s[o]}}var s={},l="tinymce/dom/EventUtils",c="tinymce/dom/Sizzle",u="tinymce/dom/DomQuery",d="tinymce/html/Styles",f="tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",p="tinymce/util/Tools",m="tinymce/dom/Range",h="tinymce/html/Entities",g="tinymce/Env",v="tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader",y="tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",b="tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",C="tinymce/AddOnManager",x="tinymce/html/Node",w="tinymce/html/Schema",_="tinymce/html/SaxParser",N="tinymce/html/DomParser",E="tinymce/html/Writer",S="tinymce/html/Serializer",k="tinymce/dom/Serializer",T="tinymce/dom/TridentSelection",R="tinymce/util/VK",A="tinymce/dom/ControlSelection",B="tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",L="tinymce/dom/Selection",D="tinymce/Formatter",M="tinymce/UndoManager",H="tinymce/EnterKey",P="tinymce/ForceBlocks",O="tinymce/EditorCommands",I="tinymce/util/URI",F="tinymce/util/Class",z="tinymce/ui/Selector",W="tinymce/ui/Collection",V="tinymce/ui/DomUtils",U="tinymce/ui/Control",q="tinymce/ui/Factory",$="tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation",j="tinymce/ui/Container",K="tinymce/ui/DragHelper",Y="tinymce/ui/Scrollable",G="tinymce/ui/Panel",X="tinymce/ui/Movable",J="tinymce/ui/Resizable",Q="tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",Z="tinymce/ui/Window",et="tinymce/ui/MessageBox",tt="tinymce/WindowManager",nt="tinymce/util/Quirks",rt="tinymce/util/Observable",it="tinymce/Shortcuts",ot="tinymce/Editor",at="tinymce/util/I18n",st="tinymce/FocusManager",lt="tinymce/EditorManager",ct="tinymce/LegacyInput",ut="tinymce/util/XHR",dt="tinymce/util/JSON",ft="tinymce/util/JSONRequest",pt="tinymce/util/JSONP",mt="tinymce/util/LocalStorage",ht="tinymce/Compat",gt="tinymce/ui/Layout",vt="tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout",yt="tinymce/ui/Tooltip",bt="tinymce/ui/Widget",Ct="tinymce/ui/Button",xt="tinymce/ui/ButtonGroup",wt="tinymce/ui/Checkbox",_t="tinymce/ui/PanelButton",Nt="tinymce/ui/ColorButton",Et="tinymce/ui/ComboBox",St="tinymce/ui/Path",kt="tinymce/ui/ElementPath",Tt="tinymce/ui/FormItem",Rt="tinymce/ui/Form",At="tinymce/ui/FieldSet",Bt="tinymce/ui/FilePicker",Lt="tinymce/ui/FitLayout",Dt="tinymce/ui/FlexLayout",Mt="tinymce/ui/FlowLayout",Ht="tinymce/ui/FormatControls",Pt="tinymce/ui/GridLayout",Ot="tinymce/ui/Iframe",It="tinymce/ui/Label",Ft="tinymce/ui/Toolbar",zt="tinymce/ui/MenuBar",Wt="tinymce/ui/MenuButton",Vt="tinymce/ui/ListBox",Ut="tinymce/ui/MenuItem",qt="tinymce/ui/Menu",$t="tinymce/ui/Radio",jt="tinymce/ui/ResizeHandle",Kt="tinymce/ui/Spacer",Yt="tinymce/ui/SplitButton",Gt="tinymce/ui/StackLayout",Xt="tinymce/ui/TabPanel",Jt="tinymce/ui/TextBox",Qt="tinymce/ui/Throbber";r(l,[],function(){function 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c,u,d,f=[],p=[],h=a.length,g=r||y(t||"*",s.nodeType?[s]:s,[]),v=!e||!r&&t?g:m(g,f,e,s,l),b=n?o||(r?e:h||i)?[]:a:v;if(n&&n(v,b,s,l),i)for(c=m(b,p),i(c,[],s,l),u=c.length;u--;)(d=c[u])&&(b[p[u]]=!(v[p[u]]=d));if(r){if(o||e){if(o){for(c=[],u=b.length;u--;)(d=b[u])&&c.push(v[u]=d);o(null,b=[],c,l)}for(u=b.length;u--;)(d=b[u])&&(c=o?tt.call(r,d):f[u])>-1&&(r[c]=!(a[c]=d))}}else b=m(b===a?b.splice(h,b.length):b),o?o(null,a,b,l):Z.apply(a,b)})}function g(e){for(var t,n,r,i=e.length,o=_.relative[e[0].type],a=o||_.relative[" "],s=o?1:0,l=f(function(e){return e===t},a,!0),c=f(function(e){return tt.call(t,e)>-1},a,!0),u=[function(e,n,r){return!o&&(r||n!==k)||((t=n).nodeType?l(e,n,r):c(e,n,r))}];i>s;s++)if(n=_.relative[e[s].type])u=[f(p(u),n)];else{if(n=_.filter[e[s].type].apply(null,e[s].matches),n[I]){for(r=++s;i>r&&!_.relative[e[r].type];r++);return h(s>1&&p(u),s>1&&d(e.slice(0,s-1)).replace(lt,"$1"),n,r>s&&g(e.slice(s,r)),i>r&&g(e=e.slice(r)),i>r&&d(e))}u.push(n)}return p(u)}function v(e,t){var n=0,i=t.length>0,a=e.length>0,s=function(r,s,l,c,u){var d,f,p,h=[],g=0,v="0",y=r&&[],b=null!=u,C=k,x=r||a&&_.find.TAG("*",u&&s.parentNode||s),N=W+=null==C?1:Math.random()||.1;for(b&&(k=s!==B&&s,w=n);null!=(d=x[v]);v++){if(a&&d){for(f=0;p=e[f++];)if(p(d,s,l)){c.push(d);break}b&&(W=N,w=++n)}i&&((d=!p&&d)&&g--,r&&y.push(d))}if(g+=v,i&&v!==g){for(f=0;p=t[f++];)p(y,h,s,l);if(r){if(g>0)for(;v--;)y[v]||h[v]||(h[v]=J.call(c));h=m(h)}Z.apply(c,h),b&&!r&&h.length>0&&g+t.length>1&&o.uniqueSort(c)}return b&&(W=N,k=C),y};return i?r(s):s}function y(e,t,n){for(var r=0,i=t.length;i>r;r++)o(e,t[r],n);return n}function b(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a,s,l,c=u(e);if(!r&&1===c.length){if(o=c[0]=c[0].slice(0),o.length>2&&"ID"===(a=o[0]).type&&9===t.nodeType&&D&&_.relative[o[1].type]){if(t=(_.find.ID(a.matches[0].replace(xt,wt),t)||[])[0],!t)return n;e=e.slice(o.shift().value.length)}for(i=pt.needsContext.test(e)?0:o.length;i--&&(a=o[i],!_.relative[s=a.type]);)if((l=_.find[s])&&(r=l(a.matches[0].replace(xt,wt),mt.test(o[0].type)&&t.parentNode||t))){if(o.splice(i,1),e=r.length&&d(o),!e)return Z.apply(n,r),n;break}}return S(e,c)(r,t,!D,n,mt.test(e)),n}function C(){}var x,w,_,N,E,S,k,T,R,A,B,L,D,M,H,P,O,I="sizzle"+-new Date,F=window.document,z={},W=0,V=0,U=n(),q=n(),$=n(),j=!1,K=function(){return 0},Y=typeof t,G=1<<31,X=[],J=X.pop,Q=X.push,Z=X.push,et=X.slice,tt=X.indexOf||function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.length;n>t;t++)if(this[t]===e)return t;return-1},nt="[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",rt="(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",it=rt.replace("w","w#"),ot="([*^$|!~]?=)",at="\\["+nt+"*("+rt+")"+nt+"*(?:"+ot+nt+"*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|("+it+")|)|)"+nt+"*\\]",st=":("+rt+")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|"+at.replace(3,8)+")*)|.*)\\)|)",lt=new RegExp("^"+nt+"+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)"+nt+"+$","g"),ct=new 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n!==n?t:0>n?String.fromCharCode(n+65536):String.fromCharCode(n>>10|55296,1023&n|56320)};try{Z.apply(X=et.call(F.childNodes),F.childNodes),X[F.childNodes.length].nodeType}catch(_t){Z={apply:X.length?function(e,t){Q.apply(e,et.call(t))}:function(e,t){for(var n=e.length,r=0;e[n++]=t[r++];);e.length=n-1}}}E=o.isXML=function(e){var t=e&&(e.ownerDocument||e).documentElement;return t?"HTML"!==t.nodeName:!1},A=o.setDocument=function(n){var r=n?n.ownerDocument||n:F;return r!==B&&9===r.nodeType&&r.documentElement?(B=r,L=r.documentElement,D=!E(r),z.getElementsByTagName=i(function(e){return e.appendChild(r.createComment("")),!e.getElementsByTagName("*").length}),z.attributes=i(function(e){e.innerHTML="<select></select>";var t=typeof e.lastChild.getAttribute("multiple");return"boolean"!==t&&"string"!==t}),z.getElementsByClassName=i(function(e){return e.innerHTML="<div class='hidden e'></div><div 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s(a(e),e,e,!0)}function u(e){var t=I.get(e?"_start":"_end"),n=t[e?"firstChild":"lastChild"];return L(n)&&(n=n[e?"firstChild":"lastChild"]),I.remove(t,!0),n}function f(e){var t,n,o=e.commonAncestorContainer;e=T(e,p,Y),m.split&&(t=M(e,Y),n=M(e),t!=n?(/^(TR|TH|TD)$/.test(t.nodeName)&&t.firstChild&&(t="TR"==t.nodeName?t.firstChild.firstChild||t:t.firstChild||t),o&&/^T(HEAD|BODY|FOOT|R)$/.test(o.nodeName)&&/^(TH|TD)$/.test(n.nodeName)&&n.firstChild&&(n=n.firstChild||n),t=k(t,"span",{id:"_start","data-mce-type":"bookmark"}),n=k(n,"span",{id:"_end","data-mce-type":"bookmark"}),l(t),l(n),t=u(Y),n=u()):t=n=l(t),e.startContainer=t.parentNode,e.startOffset=q(t),e.endContainer=n.parentNode,e.endOffset=q(n)+1),z.walk(e,function(e){et(e,function(e){i(e),1===e.nodeType&&"underline"===r.dom.getStyle(e,"text-decoration")&&e.parentNode&&"underline"===d(e.parentNode)&&R({deep:!1,exact:!0,inline:"span",styles:{textDecoration:"underline"}},null,e)
+})})}var p=c(e),m=p[0],h,y,b=!0;return n?void(n.nodeType?(y=I.createRng(),y.setStartBefore(n),y.setEndAfter(n),f(y)):f(n)):void(F.isCollapsed()&&m.inline&&!I.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected").length?H("remove",e,t):(h=F.getBookmark(),f(F.getRng(Y)),F.moveToBookmark(h),m.inline&&v(e,t,F.getStart())&&P(F.getRng(!0)),r.nodeChanged()))}function h(e,t,n){var r=c(e);!v(e,t,n)||"toggle"in r[0]&&!r[0].toggle?p(e,t,n):m(e,t,n)}function g(e,t,n,r){function i(e,t,i){var o,a,s=t[i],l;if(t.onmatch)return t.onmatch(e,t,i);if(s)if(s.length===X){for(o in s)if(s.hasOwnProperty(o)){if(a="attributes"===i?I.getAttrib(e,o):_(e,o),r&&!a&&!t.exact)return;if((!r||t.exact)&&!w(a,N(E(s[o],n),o)))return}}else for(l=0;l<s.length;l++)if("attributes"===i?I.getAttrib(e,s[l]):_(e,s[l]))return t;return t}var o=c(t),a,s,l;if(o&&e)for(s=0;s<o.length;s++)if(a=o[s],x(e,a)&&i(e,a,"attributes")&&i(e,a,"styles")){if(l=a.classes)for(s=0;s<l.length;s++)if(!I.hasClass(e,l[s]))return;return a}}function v(e,t,n){function r(n){var r=I.getRoot();return n===r?!1:(n=I.getParent(n,function(n){return n.parentNode===r||!!g(n,e,t,!0)}),g(n,e,t))}var i;return n?r(n):(n=F.getNode(),r(n)?Y:(i=F.getStart(),i!=n&&r(i)?Y:K))}function y(e,t){var n,r=[],i={};return n=F.getStart(),I.getParent(n,function(n){var o,a;for(o=0;o<e.length;o++)a=e[o],!i[a]&&g(n,a,t)&&(i[a]=!0,r.push(a))},I.getRoot()),r}function b(e){var t=c(e),n,r,i,a,s;if(t)for(n=F.getStart(),r=o(n),a=t.length-1;a>=0;a--){if(s=t[a].selector,!s||t[a].defaultBlock)return Y;for(i=r.length-1;i>=0;i--)if(I.is(r[i],s))return Y}return K}function C(e,t,n){var i;return G||(G={},i={},r.on("NodeChange",function(e){var t=o(e.element),n={};et(G,function(e,r){et(t,function(o){return g(o,r,{},e.similar)?(i[r]||(et(e,function(e){e(!0,{node:o,format:r,parents:t})}),i[r]=e),n[r]=e,!1):void 0})}),et(i,function(r,o){n[o]||(delete i[o],et(r,function(n){n(!1,{node:e.element,format:o,parents:t})}))})})),et(e.split(","),function(e){G[e]||(G[e]=[],G[e].similar=n),G[e].push(t)}),this}function x(e,t){return w(e,t.inline)?Y:w(e,t.block)?Y:t.selector?1==e.nodeType&&I.is(e,t.selector):void 0}function w(e,t){return e=e||"",t=t||"",e=""+(e.nodeName||e),t=""+(t.nodeName||t),e.toLowerCase()==t.toLowerCase()}function _(e,t){return N(I.getStyle(e,t),t)}function N(e,t){return("color"==t||"backgroundColor"==t)&&(e=I.toHex(e)),"fontWeight"==t&&700==e&&(e="bold"),"fontFamily"==t&&(e=e.replace(/[\'\"]/g,"").replace(/,\s+/g,",")),""+e}function E(e,t){return"string"!=typeof e?e=e(t):t&&(e=e.replace(/%(\w+)/g,function(e,n){return t[n]||e})),e}function S(e){return e&&3===e.nodeType&&/^([\t \r\n]+|)$/.test(e.nodeValue)}function k(e,t,n){var r=I.create(t,n);return e.parentNode.insertBefore(r,e),r.appendChild(e),r}function T(t,n,a){function s(e){function t(e){return"BR"==e.nodeName&&e.getAttribute("data-mce-bogus")&&!e.nextSibling}var r,i,o,a,s;if(r=i=e?g:y,a=e?"previousSibling":"nextSibling",s=I.getRoot(),3==r.nodeType&&!S(r)&&(e?v>0:b<r.nodeValue.length))return r;for(;;){if(!n[0].block_expand&&V(i))return i;for(o=i[a];o;o=o[a])if(!L(o)&&!S(o)&&!t(o))return i;if(i.parentNode==s){r=i;break}i=i.parentNode}return r}function l(e,t){for(t===X&&(t=3===e.nodeType?e.length:e.childNodes.length);e&&e.hasChildNodes();)e=e.childNodes[t],e&&(t=3===e.nodeType?e.length:e.childNodes.length);return{node:e,offset:t}}function c(e){for(var t=e;t;){if(1===t.nodeType&&J(t))return"false"===J(t)?t:e;t=t.parentNode}return e}function u(t,n,i){function o(e,t){var n,r,o=e.nodeValue;return"undefined"==typeof t&&(t=i?o.length:0),i?(n=o.lastIndexOf(" ",t),r=o.lastIndexOf("\xa0",t),n=n>r?n:r,-1===n||a||n++):(n=o.indexOf(" ",t),r=o.indexOf("\xa0",t),n=-1!==n&&(-1===r||r>n)?n:r),n}var s,l,c,u;if(3===t.nodeType){if(c=o(t,n),-1!==c)return{container:t,offset:c};u=t}for(s=new e(t,I.getParent(t,V)||r.getBody());l=s[i?"prev":"next"]();)if(3===l.nodeType){if(u=l,c=o(l),-1!==c)return{container:l,offset:c}}else if(V(l))break;return u?(n=i?0:u.length,{container:u,offset:n}):void 0}function d(e,r){var i,a,s,l;for(3==e.nodeType&&0===e.nodeValue.length&&e[r]&&(e=e[r]),i=o(e),a=0;a<i.length;a++)for(s=0;s<n.length;s++)if(l=n[s],!("collapsed"in l&&l.collapsed!==t.collapsed)&&I.is(i[a],l.selector))return i[a];return e}function f(e,t){var r,a=I.getRoot();if(n[0].wrapper||(r=I.getParent(e,n[0].block,a)),r||(r=I.getParent(3==e.nodeType?e.parentNode:e,function(e){return e!=a&&i(e)})),r&&n[0].wrapper&&(r=o(r,"ul,ol").reverse()[0]||r),!r)for(r=e;r[t]&&!V(r[t])&&(r=r[t],!w(r,"br")););return r||e}var 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"===m.node.nodeValue.charAt(m.offset-1)&&m.offset>1&&(y=m.node,y.splitText(m.offset-1))}return(n[0].inline||n[0].block_expand)&&(n[0].inline&&3==g.nodeType&&0!==v||(g=s(!0)),n[0].inline&&3==y.nodeType&&b!==y.nodeValue.length||(y=s())),n[0].selector&&n[0].expand!==K&&!n[0].inline&&(g=d(g,"previousSibling"),y=d(y,"nextSibling")),(n[0].block||n[0].selector)&&(g=f(g,"previousSibling"),y=f(y,"nextSibling"),n[0].block&&(V(g)||(g=s(!0)),V(y)||(y=s()))),1==g.nodeType&&(v=q(g),g=g.parentNode),1==y.nodeType&&(b=q(y)+1,y=y.parentNode),{startContainer:g,startOffset:v,endContainer:y,endOffset:b}}function R(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a;if(!x(n,e))return K;if("all"!=e.remove)for(et(e.styles,function(e,i){e=N(E(e,t),i),"number"==typeof i&&(i=e,r=0),(!r||w(_(r,i),e))&&I.setStyle(n,i,""),a=1}),a&&""===I.getAttrib(n,"style")&&(n.removeAttribute("style"),n.removeAttribute("data-mce-style")),et(e.attributes,function(e,i){var o;if(e=E(e,t),"number"==typeof i&&(i=e,r=0),!r||w(I.getAttrib(r,i),e)){if("class"==i&&(e=I.getAttrib(n,i),e&&(o="",et(e.split(/\s+/),function(e){/mce\w+/.test(e)&&(o+=(o?" 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i=t[n?"startContainer":"endContainer"],o=t[n?"startOffset":"endOffset"],1==i.nodeType&&(a=i.childNodes.length-1,!n&&o&&o--,i=i.childNodes[o>a?a:o]),3===i.nodeType&&n&&o>=i.nodeValue.length&&(i=new e(i,r.getBody()).next()||i),3!==i.nodeType||n||0!==o||(i=new e(i,r.getBody()).prev()||i),i}function H(t,n,o){function a(e){var t=I.create("span",{id:y,"data-mce-bogus":!0,style:b?"color:red":""});return e&&t.appendChild(r.getDoc().createTextNode($)),t}function s(e,t){for(;e;){if(3===e.nodeType&&e.nodeValue!==$||e.childNodes.length>1)return!1;t&&1===e.nodeType&&t.push(e),e=e.firstChild}return!0}function l(e){for(;e;){if(e.id===y)return e;e=e.parentNode}}function u(t){var n;if(t)for(n=new e(t,t),t=n.current();t;t=n.next())if(3===t.nodeType)return t}function d(e,t){var n,r;if(e)r=F.getRng(!0),s(e)?(t!==!1&&(r.setStartBefore(e),r.setEndBefore(e)),I.remove(e)):(n=u(e),n.nodeValue.charAt(0)===$&&(n=n.deleteData(0,1)),I.remove(e,1)),F.setRng(r);else 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v=I.getParent(d,i);v&&I.isEmpty(v)?d.parentNode.replaceChild(h,d):I.insertAfter(h,d),F.setCursorLocation(u,1),I.isEmpty(d)&&I.remove(d)}}function v(){var e;e=l(F.getStart()),e&&!I.isEmpty(e)&&nt(e,function(e){1!=e.nodeType||e.id===y||I.isEmpty(e)||I.setAttrib(e,"data-mce-bogus",null)},"childNodes")}var y="_mce_caret",b=r.settings.caret_debug;r._hasCaretEvents||(Z=function(){var e=[],t;if(s(l(F.getStart()),e))for(t=e.length;t--;)I.setAttrib(e[t],"data-mce-bogus","1")},Q=function(e){var t=e.keyCode;d(),(8==t||37==t||39==t)&&d(l(F.getStart())),v()},r.on("SetContent",function(e){e.selection&&v()}),r._hasCaretEvents=!0),"apply"==t?f():h()}function P(t){var n=t.startContainer,r=t.startOffset,i,o,a,s,l;if(3==n.nodeType&&r>=n.nodeValue.length&&(r=q(n),n=n.parentNode,i=!0),1==n.nodeType)for(s=n.childNodes,n=s[Math.min(r,s.length-1)],o=new e(n,I.getParent(n,I.isBlock)),(r>s.length-1||i)&&o.next(),a=o.current();a;a=o.next())if(3==a.nodeType&&!S(a))return 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o,a,l,f,p,m,g,y,b,C,x;if(t?(o=k(t),a=o.x,l=o.y,f=a+(n-1),p=l+(r-1)):(B=P=null,i(A,function(e,t){i(e,function(e,n){u(e)&&(B||(B={x:n,y:t}),P={x:n,y:t})})}),B&&(a=B.x,l=B.y,f=P.x,p=P.y)),y=c(a,l),b=c(f,p),y&&b&&y.part==b.part){for(v(),s(),y=c(a,l).elm,d(y,"colSpan",f-a+1),d(y,"rowSpan",p-l+1),g=l;p>=g;g++)for(m=a;f>=m;m++)A[g]&&A[g][m]&&(t=A[g][m].elm,t!=y&&(C=e.grep(t.childNodes),i(C,function(e){y.appendChild(e)}),C.length&&(C=e.grep(y.childNodes),x=0,i(C,function(e){"BR"==e.nodeName&&M.getAttrib(e,"data-mce-bogus")&&x++<C.length-1&&y.removeChild(e)})),M.remove(t)));h()}}function b(e){var n,o,a,s,c,f,p,h,g;if(i(A,function(t,r){return i(t,function(t){return u(t)&&(t=t.elm,c=t.parentNode,f=l(c,!1),n=r,e)?!1:void 0}),e?!n:void 0}),n!==t){for(s=0;s<A[0].length;s++)if(A[n][s]&&(o=A[n][s].elm,o!=a)){if(e){if(n>0&&A[n-1][s]&&(h=A[n-1][s].elm,g=r(h,"rowSpan"),g>1)){d(h,"rowSpan",g+1);continue}}else 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t;t=f(),i(t.reverse(),function(t){e(t)}),h()}function _(){var e=f();return M.remove(e),h(),e}function N(){var e=f();return i(e,function(t,n){e[n]=l(t,!0)}),e}function E(e,t){var n=f(),r=n[t?0:n.length-1],o=r.cells.length;e&&(i(A,function(e){var t;return o=0,i(e,function(e){e.real&&(o+=e.colspan),e.elm.parentNode==r&&(t=1)}),t?!1:void 0}),t||e.reverse(),i(e,function(e){var n,i=e.cells.length,a;for(n=0;i>n;n++)a=e.cells[n],d(a,"colSpan",1),d(a,"rowSpan",1);for(n=i;o>n;n++)e.appendChild(m(e.cells[i-1]));for(n=o;i>n;n++)M.remove(e.cells[n]);t?r.parentNode.insertBefore(e,r):M.insertAfter(e,r)}),M.removeClass(M.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected"),"mce-item-selected"))}function k(e){var t;return i(A,function(n,r){return i(n,function(n,i){return n.elm==e?(t={x:i,y:r},!1):void 0}),!t}),t}function S(e){B=k(e)}function T(){var e,t;return e=t=0,i(A,function(n,r){i(n,function(n,i){var o,a;u(n)&&(n=A[r][i],i>e&&(e=i),r>t&&(t=r),n.real&&(o=n.colspan-1,a=n.rowspan-1,o&&i+o>e&&(e=i+o),a&&r+a>t&&(t=r+a)))})}),{x:e,y:t}}function R(e){var t,n,r,i,o,a,s,l,c,d;if(P=k(e),B&&P){for(t=Math.min(B.x,P.x),n=Math.min(B.y,P.y),r=Math.max(B.x,P.x),i=Math.max(B.y,P.y),o=r,a=i,d=n;a>=d;d++)e=A[d][t],e.real||t-(e.colspan-1)<t&&(t-=e.colspan-1);for(c=t;o>=c;c++)e=A[n][c],e.real||n-(e.rowspan-1)<n&&(n-=e.rowspan-1);for(d=n;i>=d;d++)for(c=t;r>=c;c++)e=A[d][c],e.real&&(s=e.colspan-1,l=e.rowspan-1,s&&c+s>o&&(o=c+s),l&&d+l>a&&(a=d+l));for(M.removeClass(M.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected"),"mce-item-selected"),d=n;a>=d;d++)for(c=t;o>=c;c++)A[d][c]&&M.addClass(A[d][c].elm,"mce-item-selected")}}var 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new file mode 100755
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+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.dev.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * Inline development version. Only to be used while developing since it uses document.write to load scripts.
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
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+	"use strict";
+	var html = "", baseDir;
+	var modules = {}, exposedModules = [], moduleCount = 0;
+	var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
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+		var src = scripts[i].src;
+		if (src.indexOf('/tinymce.jquery.dev.js') != -1) {
+			baseDir = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
+		}
+	}
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function register(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
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+			if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+				target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+		if (--moduleCount === 0) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < exposedModules.length; i++) {
+				register(exposedModules[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		exposedModules = ids;
+	}
+	function writeScripts() {
+		document.write(html);
+	}
+	function load(path) {
+		html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + baseDir + '/' + path + '"></script>\n';
+		moduleCount++;
+	}
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+	exports.require = require;
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+	load('classes/Env.js');
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+	load('classes/dom/DOMUtils.js');
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+	load('classes/AddOnManager.js');
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+	load('classes/dom/Serializer.js');
+	load('classes/dom/TridentSelection.js');
+	load('classes/util/VK.js');
+	load('classes/dom/ControlSelection.js');
+	load('classes/dom/RangeUtils.js');
+	load('classes/dom/Selection.js');
+	load('classes/Formatter.js');
+	load('classes/UndoManager.js');
+	load('classes/EnterKey.js');
+	load('classes/ForceBlocks.js');
+	load('classes/EditorCommands.js');
+	load('classes/util/URI.js');
+	load('classes/util/Class.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Selector.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Collection.js');
+	load('classes/ui/DomUtils.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Control.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Factory.js');
+	load('classes/ui/KeyboardNavigation.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Container.js');
+	load('classes/ui/DragHelper.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Scrollable.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Panel.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Movable.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Resizable.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FloatPanel.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Window.js');
+	load('classes/ui/MessageBox.js');
+	load('classes/WindowManager.js');
+	load('classes/util/Quirks.js');
+	load('classes/util/Observable.js');
+	load('classes/Shortcuts.js');
+	load('classes/Editor.js');
+	load('classes/util/I18n.js');
+	load('classes/FocusManager.js');
+	load('classes/EditorManager.js');
+	load('classes/LegacyInput.js');
+	load('classes/util/XHR.js');
+	load('classes/util/JSON.js');
+	load('classes/util/JSONRequest.js');
+	load('classes/util/JSONP.js');
+	load('classes/util/LocalStorage.js');
+	load('classes/Compat.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Layout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/AbsoluteLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Tooltip.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Widget.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Button.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ButtonGroup.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Checkbox.js');
+	load('classes/ui/PanelButton.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ColorButton.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ComboBox.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Path.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ElementPath.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FormItem.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Form.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FieldSet.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FilePicker.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FitLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FlexLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FlowLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/FormatControls.js');
+	load('classes/ui/GridLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Iframe.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Label.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Toolbar.js');
+	load('classes/ui/MenuBar.js');
+	load('classes/ui/MenuButton.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ListBox.js');
+	load('classes/ui/MenuItem.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Menu.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Radio.js');
+	load('classes/ui/ResizeHandle.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Spacer.js');
+	load('classes/ui/SplitButton.js');
+	load('classes/ui/StackLayout.js');
+	load('classes/ui/TabPanel.js');
+	load('classes/ui/TextBox.js');
+	load('classes/ui/Throbber.js');
+	writeScripts();
+// $hash: 0987d954549d1d01100987db6426ea5d
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a2a690edb31e20773bba08344e52b3ff93021d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32176 @@
+// 4.0.20 (2014-03-18)
+ * Compiled inline version. (Library mode)
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports, undefined) {
+	"use strict";
+	var modules = {};
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+	}
+	function defined(id) {
+		return !!modules[id];
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+			var target = exports;
+			var id = ids[i];
+			var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+			for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+				if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+					target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+				}
+				target = target[fragments[fi]];
+			}
+			target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+		}
+	}
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/Sizzle.jQuery.js
+ * Sizzle.jQuery.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global jQuery:true */
+ * Fake Sizzle using jQuery.
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Sizzle", [], function() {
+	// Detect if jQuery is loaded
+	if (!window.jQuery) {
+		throw new Error("Load jQuery first");
+	}
+	return jQuery.find;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Styles.js
+ * Styles.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to parse CSS styles it also compresses styles to reduce the output size.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var Styles = new tinymce.html.Styles({
+ *    url_converter: function(url) {
+ *       return url;
+ *    }
+ * });
+ *
+ * styles = Styles.parse('border: 1px solid red');
+ * styles.color = 'red';
+ *
+ * console.log(new tinymce.html.StyleSerializer().serialize(styles));
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Styles
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Styles", [], function() {
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+		/*eslint max-len:0 */
+		var rgbRegExp = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/gi,
+			urlOrStrRegExp = /(?:url(?:(?:\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\))|(?:\(\s*\'([^\']+)\'\s*\))|(?:\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))))|(?:\'([^\']+)\')|(?:\"([^\"]+)\")/gi,
+			styleRegExp = /\s*([^:]+):\s*([^;]+);?/g,
+			trimRightRegExp = /\s+$/,
+			undef, i, encodingLookup = {}, encodingItems, invisibleChar = '\uFEFF';
+		settings = settings || {};
+		encodingItems = ('\\" \\\' \\; \\: ; : ' + invisibleChar).split(' ');
+		for (i = 0; i < encodingItems.length; i++) {
+			encodingLookup[encodingItems[i]] = invisibleChar + i;
+			encodingLookup[invisibleChar + i] = encodingItems[i];
+		}
+		function toHex(match, r, g, b) {
+			function hex(val) {
+				val = parseInt(val, 10).toString(16);
+				return val.length > 1 ? val : '0' + val; // 0 -> 00
+			}
+			return '#' + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
+		}
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color.
+			 *
+			 * @method toHex
+			 * @param {String} color RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3)
+			 * @return {String} Hex version of that RGB value like #FF00FF.
+			 */
+			toHex: function(color) {
+				return color.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also
+			 * merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non hex
+			 * colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings.
+			 *
+			 * @method parse
+			 * @param {String} css Style value to parse for example: border:1px solid red;.
+			 * @return {Object} Object representation of that style like {border: '1px solid red'}
+			 */
+			parse: function(css) {
+				var styles = {}, matches, name, value, isEncoded, urlConverter = settings.url_converter;
+				var urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope || this;
+				function compress(prefix, suffix, noJoin) {
+					var top, right, bottom, left;
+					top = styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
+					if (!top) {
+						return;
+					}
+					right = styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
+					if (!right) {
+						return;
+					}
+					bottom = styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
+					if (!bottom) {
+						return;
+					}
+					left = styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
+					if (!left) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var box = [top, right, bottom, left];
+					i = box.length - 1;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (box[i] !== box[i + 1]) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if (i > -1 && noJoin) {
+						return;
+					}
+					styles[prefix + suffix] = i == -1 ? box[0] : box.join(' ');
+					delete styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Checks if the specific style can be compressed in other words if all border-width are equal.
+				 */
+				function canCompress(key) {
+					var value = styles[key], i;
+					if (!value) {
+						return;
+					}
+					value = value.split(' ');
+					i = value.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (value[i] !== value[0]) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					styles[key] = value[0];
+					return true;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Compresses multiple styles into one style.
+				 */
+				function compress2(target, a, b, c) {
+					if (!canCompress(a)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!canCompress(b)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!canCompress(c)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Compress
+					styles[target] = styles[a] + ' ' + styles[b] + ' ' + styles[c];
+					delete styles[a];
+					delete styles[b];
+					delete styles[c];
+				}
+				// Encodes the specified string by replacing all \" \' ; : with _<num>
+				function encode(str) {
+					isEncoded = true;
+					return encodingLookup[str];
+				}
+				// Decodes the specified string by replacing all _<num> with it's original value \" \' etc
+				// It will also decode the \" \' if keep_slashes is set to fale or omitted
+				function decode(str, keep_slashes) {
+					if (isEncoded) {
+						str = str.replace(/\uFEFF[0-9]/g, function(str) {
+							return encodingLookup[str];
+						});
+					}
+					if (!keep_slashes) {
+						str = str.replace(/\\([\'\";:])/g, "$1");
+					}
+					return str;
+				}
+				function processUrl(match, url, url2, url3, str, str2) {
+					str = str || str2;
+					if (str) {
+						str = decode(str);
+						// Force strings into single quote format
+						return "'" + str.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "'";
+					}
+					url = decode(url || url2 || url3);
+					if (!settings.allow_script_urls && /(java|vb)script:/i.test(url.replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, ''))) {
+						return "";
+					}
+					// Convert the URL to relative/absolute depending on config
+					if (urlConverter) {
+						url = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, url, 'style');
+					}
+					// Output new URL format
+					return "url('" + url.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "')";
+				}
+				if (css) {
+					css = css.replace(/[\u0000-\u001F]/g, '');
+					// Encode \" \' % and ; and : inside strings so they don't interfere with the style parsing
+					css = css.replace(/\\[\"\';:\uFEFF]/g, encode).replace(/\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'/g, function(str) {
+						return str.replace(/[;:]/g, encode);
+					});
+					// Parse styles
+					while ((matches = styleRegExp.exec(css))) {
+						name = matches[1].replace(trimRightRegExp, '').toLowerCase();
+						value = matches[2].replace(trimRightRegExp, '');
+						if (name && value.length > 0) {
+							if (!settings.allow_script_urls && (name == "behavior" || /expression\s*\(/.test(value))) {
+								continue;
+							}
+							// Opera will produce 700 instead of bold in their style values
+							if (name === 'font-weight' && value === '700') {
+								value = 'bold';
+							} else if (name === 'color' || name === 'background-color') { // Lowercase colors like RED
+								value = value.toLowerCase();
+							}
+							// Convert RGB colors to HEX
+							value = value.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
+							// Convert URLs and force them into url('value') format
+							value = value.replace(urlOrStrRegExp, processUrl);
+							styles[name] = isEncoded ? decode(value, true) : value;
+						}
+						styleRegExp.lastIndex = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+					}
+					// Compress the styles to reduce it's size for example IE will expand styles
+					compress("border", "", true);
+					compress("border", "-width");
+					compress("border", "-color");
+					compress("border", "-style");
+					compress("padding", "");
+					compress("margin", "");
+					compress2('border', 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color');
+					// Remove pointless border, IE produces these
+					if (styles.border === 'medium none') {
+						delete styles.border;
+					}
+					// IE 11 will produce a border-image: none when getting the style attribute from <p style="border: 1px solid red"></p>
+					// So lets asume it shouldn't be there
+					if (styles['border-image'] === 'none') {
+						delete styles['border-image'];
+					}
+				}
+				return styles;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Serializes the specified style object into a string.
+			 *
+			 * @method serialize
+			 * @param {Object} styles Object to serialize as string for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+			 * @param {String} element_name Optional element name, if specified only the styles that matches the schema will be serialized.
+			 * @return {String} String representation of the style object for example: border: 1px solid red.
+			 */
+			serialize: function(styles, element_name) {
+				var css = '', name, value;
+				function serializeStyles(name) {
+					var styleList, i, l, value;
+					styleList = schema.styles[name];
+					if (styleList) {
+						for (i = 0, l = styleList.length; i < l; i++) {
+							name = styleList[i];
+							value = styles[name];
+							if (value !== undef && value.length > 0) {
+								css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Serialize styles according to schema
+				if (element_name && schema && schema.styles) {
+					// Serialize global styles and element specific styles
+					serializeStyles('*');
+					serializeStyles(element_name);
+				} else {
+					// Output the styles in the order they are inside the object
+					for (name in styles) {
+						value = styles[name];
+						if (value !== undef && value.length > 0) {
+							css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return css;
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/EventUtils.js
+ * EventUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint loopfunc:true*/
+/*eslint no-loop-func:0 */
+define("tinymce/dom/EventUtils", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var eventExpandoPrefix = "mce-data-";
+	var mouseEventRe = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/;
+	var deprecated = {keyLocation: 1, layerX: 1, layerY: 1, returnValue: 1};
+	/**
+	 * Binds a native event to a callback on the speified target.
+	 */
+	function addEvent(target, name, callback, capture) {
+		if (target.addEventListener) {
+			target.addEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
+		} else if (target.attachEvent) {
+			target.attachEvent('on' + name, callback);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Unbinds a native event callback on the specified target.
+	 */
+	function removeEvent(target, name, callback, capture) {
+		if (target.removeEventListener) {
+			target.removeEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
+		} else if (target.detachEvent) {
+			target.detachEvent('on' + name, callback);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Normalizes a native event object or just adds the event specific methods on a custom event.
+	 */
+	function fix(originalEvent, data) {
+		var name, event = data || {}, undef;
+		// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+		function returnFalse() {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+		function returnTrue() {
+			return true;
+		}
+		// Copy all properties from the original event
+		for (name in originalEvent) {
+			// layerX/layerY is deprecated in Chrome and produces a warning
+			if (!deprecated[name]) {
+				event[name] = originalEvent[name];
+			}
+		}
+		// Normalize target IE uses srcElement
+		if (!event.target) {
+			event.target = event.srcElement || document;
+		}
+		// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
+		if (originalEvent && mouseEventRe.test(originalEvent.type) && originalEvent.pageX === undef && originalEvent.clientX !== undef) {
+			var eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
+			var doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
+			var body = eventDoc.body;
+			event.pageX = originalEvent.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) -
+				( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
+			event.pageY = originalEvent.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0 ) -
+				( doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0);
+		}
+		// Add preventDefault method
+		event.preventDefault = function() {
+			event.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+			// Execute preventDefault on the original event object
+			if (originalEvent) {
+				if (originalEvent.preventDefault) {
+					originalEvent.preventDefault();
+				} else {
+					originalEvent.returnValue = false; // IE
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// Add stopPropagation
+		event.stopPropagation = function() {
+			event.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+			// Execute stopPropagation on the original event object
+			if (originalEvent) {
+				if (originalEvent.stopPropagation) {
+					originalEvent.stopPropagation();
+				} else {
+					originalEvent.cancelBubble = true; // IE
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+		event.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+			event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+			event.stopPropagation();
+		};
+		// Add event delegation states
+		if (!event.isDefaultPrevented) {
+			event.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+			event.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+		}
+		return event;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Bind a DOMContentLoaded event across browsers and executes the callback once the page DOM is initialized.
+	 * It will also set/check the domLoaded state of the event_utils instance so ready isn't called multiple times.
+	 */
+	function bindOnReady(win, callback, eventUtils) {
+		var doc = win.document, event = {type: 'ready'};
+		if (eventUtils.domLoaded) {
+			callback(event);
+			return;
+		}
+		// Gets called when the DOM is ready
+		function readyHandler() {
+			if (!eventUtils.domLoaded) {
+				eventUtils.domLoaded = true;
+				callback(event);
+			}
+		}
+		function waitForDomLoaded() {
+			// Check complete or interactive state if there is a body
+			// element on some iframes IE 8 will produce a null body
+			if (doc.readyState === "complete" || (doc.readyState === "interactive" && doc.body)) {
+				removeEvent(doc, "readystatechange", waitForDomLoaded);
+				readyHandler();
+			}
+		}
+		function tryScroll() {
+			try {
+				// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini licensed under MIT by request to the author.
+				// http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
+				doc.documentElement.doScroll("left");
+			} catch (ex) {
+				setTimeout(tryScroll, 0);
+				return;
+			}
+			readyHandler();
+		}
+		// Use W3C method
+		if (doc.addEventListener) {
+			if (doc.readyState === "complete") {
+				readyHandler();
+			} else {
+				addEvent(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', readyHandler);
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Use IE method
+			addEvent(doc, "readystatechange", waitForDomLoaded);
+			// Wait until we can scroll, when we can the DOM is initialized
+			if (doc.documentElement.doScroll && win.self === win.top) {
+				tryScroll();
+			}
+		}
+		// Fallback if any of the above methods should fail for some odd reason
+		addEvent(win, 'load', readyHandler);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This class enables you to bind/unbind native events to elements and normalize it's behavior across browsers.
+	 */
+	function EventUtils() {
+		var self = this, events = {}, count, expando, hasFocusIn, hasMouseEnterLeave, mouseEnterLeave;
+		expando = eventExpandoPrefix + (+new Date()).toString(32);
+		hasMouseEnterLeave = "onmouseenter" in document.documentElement;
+		hasFocusIn = "onfocusin" in document.documentElement;
+		mouseEnterLeave = {mouseenter: 'mouseover', mouseleave: 'mouseout'};
+		count = 1;
+		// State if the DOMContentLoaded was executed or not
+		self.domLoaded = false;
+		self.events = events;
+		/**
+		 * Executes all event handler callbacks for a specific event.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Event} evt Event object.
+		 * @param {String} id Expando id value to look for.
+		 */
+		function executeHandlers(evt, id) {
+			var callbackList, i, l, callback, container = events[id];
+			callbackList = container && container[evt.type];
+			if (callbackList) {
+				for (i = 0, l = callbackList.length; i < l; i++) {
+					callback = callbackList[i];
+					// Check if callback exists might be removed if a unbind is called inside the callback
+					if (callback && callback.func.call(callback.scope, evt) === false) {
+						evt.preventDefault();
+					}
+					// Should we stop propagation to immediate listeners
+					if (evt.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to an event on the specified target.
+		 *
+		 * @method bind
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} names Name of the event to bind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Scope to call the callback function on, defaults to target.
+		 * @return {function} Callback function that got bound.
+		 */
+		self.bind = function(target, names, callback, scope) {
+			var id, callbackList, i, name, fakeName, nativeHandler, capture, win = window;
+			// Native event handler function patches the event and executes the callbacks for the expando
+			function defaultNativeHandler(evt) {
+				executeHandlers(fix(evt || win.event), id);
+			}
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Create or get events id for the target
+			if (!target[expando]) {
+				id = count++;
+				target[expando] = id;
+				events[id] = {};
+			} else {
+				id = target[expando];
+			}
+			// Setup the specified scope or use the target as a default
+			scope = scope || target;
+			// Split names and bind each event, enables you to bind multiple events with one call
+			names = names.split(' ');
+			i = names.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				name = names[i];
+				nativeHandler = defaultNativeHandler;
+				fakeName = capture = false;
+				// Use ready instead of DOMContentLoaded
+				if (name === "DOMContentLoaded") {
+					name = "ready";
+				}
+				// DOM is already ready
+				if (self.domLoaded && name === "ready" && target.readyState == 'complete') {
+					callback.call(scope, fix({type: name}));
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Handle mouseenter/mouseleaver
+				if (!hasMouseEnterLeave) {
+					fakeName = mouseEnterLeave[name];
+					if (fakeName) {
+						nativeHandler = function(evt) {
+							var current, related;
+							current = evt.currentTarget;
+							related = evt.relatedTarget;
+							// Check if related is inside the current target if it's not then the event should
+							// be ignored since it's a mouseover/mouseout inside the element
+							if (related && current.contains) {
+								// Use contains for performance
+								related = current.contains(related);
+							} else {
+								while (related && related !== current) {
+									related = related.parentNode;
+								}
+							}
+							// Fire fake event
+							if (!related) {
+								evt = fix(evt || win.event);
+								evt.type = evt.type === 'mouseout' ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseenter';
+								evt.target = current;
+								executeHandlers(evt, id);
+							}
+						};
+					}
+				}
+				// Fake bubbeling of focusin/focusout
+				if (!hasFocusIn && (name === "focusin" || name === "focusout")) {
+					capture = true;
+					fakeName = name === "focusin" ? "focus" : "blur";
+					nativeHandler = function(evt) {
+						evt = fix(evt || win.event);
+						evt.type = evt.type === 'focus' ? 'focusin' : 'focusout';
+						executeHandlers(evt, id);
+					};
+				}
+				// Setup callback list and bind native event
+				callbackList = events[id][name];
+				if (!callbackList) {
+					events[id][name] = callbackList = [{func: callback, scope: scope}];
+					callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
+					callbackList.capture = capture;
+					// Add the nativeHandler to the callback list so that we can later unbind it
+					callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
+					// Check if the target has native events support
+					if (name === "ready") {
+						bindOnReady(target, nativeHandler, self);
+					} else {
+						addEvent(target, fakeName || name, nativeHandler, capture);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (name === "ready" && self.domLoaded) {
+						callback({type: name});
+					} else {
+						// If it already has an native handler then just push the callback
+						callbackList.push({func: callback, scope: scope});
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			target = callbackList = 0; // Clean memory for IE
+			return callback;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event by name, name and callback or all events on the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method unbind
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} names Optional event name to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.unbind = function(target, names, callback) {
+			var id, callbackList, i, ci, name, eventMap;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Unbind event or events if the target has the expando
+			id = target[expando];
+			if (id) {
+				eventMap = events[id];
+				// Specific callback
+				if (names) {
+					names = names.split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						callbackList = eventMap[name];
+						// Unbind the event if it exists in the map
+						if (callbackList) {
+							// Remove specified callback
+							if (callback) {
+								ci = callbackList.length;
+								while (ci--) {
+									if (callbackList[ci].func === callback) {
+										var nativeHandler = callbackList.nativeHandler;
+										var fakeName = callbackList.fakeName, capture = callbackList.capture;
+										// Clone callbackList since unbind inside a callback would otherwise break the handlers loop
+										callbackList = callbackList.slice(0, ci).concat(callbackList.slice(ci + 1));
+										callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
+										callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
+										callbackList.capture = capture;
+										eventMap[name] = callbackList;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Remove all callbacks if there isn't a specified callback or there is no callbacks left
+							if (!callback || callbackList.length === 0) {
+								delete eventMap[name];
+								removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// All events for a specific element
+					for (name in eventMap) {
+						callbackList = eventMap[name];
+						removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
+					}
+					eventMap = {};
+				}
+				// Check if object is empty, if it isn't then we won't remove the expando map
+				for (name in eventMap) {
+					return self;
+				}
+				// Delete event object
+				delete events[id];
+				// Remove expando from target
+				try {
+					// IE will fail here since it can't delete properties from window
+					delete target[expando];
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE will set it to null
+					target[expando] = null;
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event on the specified target.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} name Event name to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional arguments to send to the observers.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.fire = function(target, name, args) {
+			var id;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Build event object by patching the args
+			args = fix(null, args);
+			args.type = name;
+			args.target = target;
+			do {
+				// Found an expando that means there is listeners to execute
+				id = target[expando];
+				if (id) {
+					executeHandlers(args, id);
+				}
+				// Walk up the DOM
+				target = target.parentNode || target.ownerDocument || target.defaultView || target.parentWindow;
+			} while (target && !args.isPropagationStopped());
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Removes all bound event listeners for the specified target. This will also remove any bound
+		 * listeners to child nodes within that target.
+		 *
+		 * @method clean
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window object.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.clean = function(target) {
+			var i, children, unbind = self.unbind;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Unbind any element on the specificed target
+			if (target[expando]) {
+				unbind(target);
+			}
+			// Target doesn't have getElementsByTagName it's probably a window object then use it's document to find the children
+			if (!target.getElementsByTagName) {
+				target = target.document;
+			}
+			// Remove events from each child element
+			if (target && target.getElementsByTagName) {
+				unbind(target);
+				children = target.getElementsByTagName('*');
+				i = children.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target = children[i];
+					if (target[expando]) {
+						unbind(target);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the event object. Call this on IE to remove memory leaks.
+		 */
+		self.destroy = function() {
+			events = {};
+		};
+		// Legacy function for canceling events
+		self.cancel = function(e) {
+			if (e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+			}
+			return false;
+		};
+	}
+	EventUtils.Event = new EventUtils();
+	EventUtils.Event.bind(window, 'ready', function() {});
+	return EventUtils;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/TreeWalker.js
+ * TreeWalker.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * TreeWalker class enables you to walk the DOM in a linear manner.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.TreeWalker
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/TreeWalker", [], function() {
+	return function(start_node, root_node) {
+		var node = start_node;
+		function findSibling(node, start_name, sibling_name, shallow) {
+			var sibling, parent;
+			if (node) {
+				// Walk into nodes if it has a start
+				if (!shallow && node[start_name]) {
+					return node[start_name];
+				}
+				// Return the sibling if it has one
+				if (node != root_node) {
+					sibling = node[sibling_name];
+					if (sibling) {
+						return sibling;
+					}
+					// Walk up the parents to look for siblings
+					for (parent = node.parentNode; parent && parent != root_node; parent = parent.parentNode) {
+						sibling = parent[sibling_name];
+						if (sibling) {
+							return sibling;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @method current
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is.
+		 */
+		this.current = function() {
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the next node in tree.
+		 *
+		 * @method next
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is after moving to the next node.
+		 */
+		this.next = function(shallow) {
+			node = findSibling(node, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling', shallow);
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the previous node in tree.
+		 *
+		 * @method prev
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is after moving to the previous node.
+		 */
+		this.prev = function(shallow) {
+			node = findSibling(node, 'lastChild', 'previousSibling', shallow);
+			return node;
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/Tools.js
+ * Tools.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains various utlity functions. These are also exposed
+ * directly on the tinymce namespace.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.Tools
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Tools", [], function() {
+	/**
+	 * Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
+	 *
+	 * @method trim
+	 * @param {String} s String to remove whitespace from.
+	 * @return {String} New string with removed whitespace.
+	 */
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
+	function trim(str) {
+		return (str === null || str === undefined) ? '' : ("" + str).replace(whiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns true/false if the object is an array or not.
+	 *
+	 * @method isArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to check.
+	 * @return {boolean} true/false state if the object is an array or not.
+	 */
+	var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
+		return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Checks if a object is of a specific type for example an array.
+	 *
+	 * @method is
+	 * @param {Object} o Object to check type of.
+	 * @param {string} t Optional type to check for.
+	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the object is of the specified type.
+	 */
+	function is(o, t) {
+		if (!t) {
+			return o !== undefined;
+		}
+		if (t == 'array' && isArray(o)) {
+			return true;
+		}
+		return typeof(o) == t;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts the specified object into a real JavaScript array.
+	 *
+	 * @method toArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to convert into array.
+	 * @return {Array} Array object based in input.
+	 */
+	function toArray(obj) {
+		var array = [], i, l;
+		for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
+			array[i] = obj[i];
+		}
+		return array;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Makes a name/object map out of an array with names.
+	 *
+	 * @method makeMap
+	 * @param {Array/String} items Items to make map out of.
+	 * @param {String} delim Optional delimiter to split string by.
+	 * @param {Object} map Optional map to add items to.
+	 * @return {Object} Name/value map of items.
+	 */
+	function makeMap(items, delim, map) {
+		var i;
+		items = items || [];
+		delim = delim || ',';
+		if (typeof(items) == "string") {
+			items = items.split(delim);
+		}
+		map = map || {};
+		i = items.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			map[items[i]] = {};
+		}
+		return map;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Performs an iteration of all items in a collection such as an object or array. This method will execure the
+	 * callback function for each item in the collection, if the callback returns false the iteration will terminate.
+	 * The callback has the following format: cb(value, key_or_index).
+	 *
+	 * @method each
+	 * @param {Object} o Collection to iterate.
+	 * @param {function} cb Callback function to execute for each item.
+	 * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Iterate an array
+	 * tinymce.each([1,2,3], function(v, i) {
+	 *     console.debug("Value: " + v + ", Index: " + i);
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Iterate an object
+	 * tinymce.each({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3], function(v, k) {
+	 *     console.debug("Value: " + v + ", Key: " + k);
+	 * });
+	 */
+	function each(o, cb, s) {
+		var n, l;
+		if (!o) {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		s = s || o;
+		if (o.length !== undefined) {
+			// Indexed arrays, needed for Safari
+			for (n = 0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) {
+				if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Hashtables
+			for (n in o) {
+				if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
+					if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
+						return 0;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a new array by the return value of each iteration function call. This enables you to convert
+	 * one array list into another.
+	 *
+	 * @method map
+	 * @param {Array} a Array of items to iterate.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item. It's return value will be the new value.
+	 * @return {Array} Array with new values based on function return values.
+	 */
+	function map(a, f) {
+		var o = [];
+		each(a, function(v) {
+			o.push(f(v));
+		});
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Filters out items from the input array by calling the specified function for each item.
+	 * If the function returns false the item will be excluded if it returns true it will be included.
+	 *
+	 * @method grep
+	 * @param {Array} a Array of items to loop though.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item. Include/exclude depends on it's return value.
+	 * @return {Array} New array with values imported and filtered based in input.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Filter out some items, this will return an array with 4 and 5
+	 * var items = tinymce.grep([1,2,3,4,5], function(v) {return v > 3;});
+	 */
+	function grep(a, f) {
+		var o = [];
+		each(a, function(v) {
+			if (!f || f(v)) {
+				o.push(v);
+			}
+		});
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a class, subclass or static singleton.
+	 * More details on this method can be found in the Wiki.
+	 *
+	 * @method create
+	 * @param {String} s Class name, inheritage and prefix.
+	 * @param {Object} p Collection of methods to add to the class.
+	 * @param {Object} root Optional root object defaults to the global window object.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Creates a basic class
+	 * tinymce.create('tinymce.somepackage.SomeClass', {
+	 *     SomeClass: function() {
+	 *         // Class constructor
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Creates a basic subclass class
+	 * tinymce.create('tinymce.somepackage.SomeSubClass:tinymce.somepackage.SomeClass', {
+	 *     SomeSubClass: function() {
+	 *         // Class constructor
+	 *         this.parent(); // Call parent constructor
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *         this.parent(); // Call parent method
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     'static': {
+	 *         staticMethod: function() {
+	 *             // Static method
+	 *         }
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Creates a singleton/static class
+	 * tinymce.create('static tinymce.somepackage.SomeSingletonClass', {
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 */
+	function create(s, p, root) {
+		var self = this, sp, ns, cn, scn, c, de = 0;
+		// Parse : <prefix> <class>:<super class>
+		s = /^((static) )?([\w.]+)(:([\w.]+))?/.exec(s);
+		cn = s[3].match(/(^|\.)(\w+)$/i)[2]; // Class name
+		// Create namespace for new class
+		ns = self.createNS(s[3].replace(/\.\w+$/, ''), root);
+		// Class already exists
+		if (ns[cn]) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Make pure static class
+		if (s[2] == 'static') {
+			ns[cn] = p;
+			if (this.onCreate) {
+				this.onCreate(s[2], s[3], ns[cn]);
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		// Create default constructor
+		if (!p[cn]) {
+			p[cn] = function() {};
+			de = 1;
+		}
+		// Add constructor and methods
+		ns[cn] = p[cn];
+		self.extend(ns[cn].prototype, p);
+		// Extend
+		if (s[5]) {
+			sp = self.resolve(s[5]).prototype;
+			scn = s[5].match(/\.(\w+)$/i)[1]; // Class name
+			// Extend constructor
+			c = ns[cn];
+			if (de) {
+				// Add passthrough constructor
+				ns[cn] = function() {
+					return sp[scn].apply(this, arguments);
+				};
+			} else {
+				// Add inherit constructor
+				ns[cn] = function() {
+					this.parent = sp[scn];
+					return c.apply(this, arguments);
+				};
+			}
+			ns[cn].prototype[cn] = ns[cn];
+			// Add super methods
+			self.each(sp, function(f, n) {
+				ns[cn].prototype[n] = sp[n];
+			});
+			// Add overridden methods
+			self.each(p, function(f, n) {
+				// Extend methods if needed
+				if (sp[n]) {
+					ns[cn].prototype[n] = function() {
+						this.parent = sp[n];
+						return f.apply(this, arguments);
+					};
+				} else {
+					if (n != cn) {
+						ns[cn].prototype[n] = f;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Add static methods
+		/*jshint sub:true*/
+		self.each(p['static'], function(f, n) {
+			ns[cn][n] = f;
+		});
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the index of a value in an array, this method will return -1 if the item wasn't found.
+	 *
+	 * @method inArray
+	 * @param {Array} a Array/Object to search for value in.
+	 * @param {Object} v Value to check for inside the array.
+	 * @return {Number/String} Index of item inside the array inside an object. Or -1 if it wasn't found.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Get index of value in array this will alert 1 since 2 is at that index
+	 * alert(tinymce.inArray([1,2,3], 2));
+	 */
+	function inArray(a, v) {
+		var i, l;
+		if (a) {
+			for (i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
+				if (a[i] === v) {
+					return i;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	}
+	function extend(obj, ext) {
+		var i, l, name, args = arguments, value;
+		for (i = 1, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+			ext = args[i];
+			for (name in ext) {
+				if (ext.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+					value = ext[name];
+					if (value !== undefined) {
+						obj[name] = value;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return obj;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Executed the specified function for each item in a object tree.
+	 *
+	 * @method walk
+	 * @param {Object} o Object tree to walk though.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item.
+	 * @param {String} n Optional name of collection inside the objects to walk for example childNodes.
+	 * @param {String} s Optional scope to execute the function in.
+	 */
+	function walk(o, f, n, s) {
+		s = s || this;
+		if (o) {
+			if (n) {
+				o = o[n];
+			}
+			each(o, function(o, i) {
+				if (f.call(s, o, i, n) === false) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				walk(o, f, n, s);
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a namespace on a specific object.
+	 *
+	 * @method createNS
+	 * @param {String} n Namespace to create for example a.b.c.d.
+	 * @param {Object} o Optional object to add namespace to, defaults to window.
+	 * @return {Object} New namespace object the last item in path.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Create some namespace
+	 * tinymce.createNS('tinymce.somepackage.subpackage');
+	 *
+	 * // Add a singleton
+	 * var tinymce.somepackage.subpackage.SomeSingleton = {
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * };
+	 */
+	function createNS(n, o) {
+		var i, v;
+		o = o || window;
+		n = n.split('.');
+		for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
+			v = n[i];
+			if (!o[v]) {
+				o[v] = {};
+			}
+			o = o[v];
+		}
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Resolves a string and returns the object from a specific structure.
+	 *
+	 * @method resolve
+	 * @param {String} n Path to resolve for example a.b.c.d.
+	 * @param {Object} o Optional object to search though, defaults to window.
+	 * @return {Object} Last object in path or null if it couldn't be resolved.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Resolve a path into an object reference
+	 * var obj = tinymce.resolve('a.b.c.d');
+	 */
+	function resolve(n, o) {
+		var i, l;
+		o = o || window;
+		n = n.split('.');
+		for (i = 0, l = n.length; i < l; i++) {
+			o = o[n[i]];
+			if (!o) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Splits a string but removes the whitespace before and after each value.
+	 *
+	 * @method explode
+	 * @param {string} s String to split.
+	 * @param {string} d Delimiter to split by.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Split a string into an array with a,b,c
+	 * var arr = tinymce.explode('a, b,   c');
+	 */
+	function explode(s, d) {
+		if (!s || is(s, 'array')) {
+			return s;
+		}
+		return map(s.split(d || ','), trim);
+	}
+	return {
+		trim: trim,
+		isArray: isArray,
+		is: is,
+		toArray: toArray,
+		makeMap: makeMap,
+		each: each,
+		map: map,
+		grep: grep,
+		inArray: inArray,
+		extend: extend,
+		create: create,
+		walk: walk,
+		createNS: createNS,
+		resolve: resolve,
+		explode: explode
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/Range.js
+ * Range.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Range", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	// Range constructor
+	function Range(dom) {
+		var self = this,
+			doc = dom.doc,
+			EXTRACT = 0,
+			CLONE = 1,
+			DELETE = 2,
+			TRUE = true,
+			FALSE = false,
+			START_OFFSET = 'startOffset',
+			START_CONTAINER = 'startContainer',
+			END_CONTAINER = 'endContainer',
+			END_OFFSET = 'endOffset',
+			extend = Tools.extend,
+			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex;
+		function createDocumentFragment() {
+			return doc.createDocumentFragment();
+		}
+		function setStart(n, o) {
+			_setEndPoint(TRUE, n, o);
+		}
+		function setEnd(n, o) {
+			_setEndPoint(FALSE, n, o);
+		}
+		function setStartBefore(n) {
+			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));
+		}
+		function setStartAfter(n) {
+			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);
+		}
+		function setEndBefore(n) {
+			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));
+		}
+		function setEndAfter(n) {
+			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);
+		}
+		function collapse(ts) {
+			if (ts) {
+				self[END_OFFSET] = self[START_OFFSET];
+			} else {
+				self[START_OFFSET] = self[END_OFFSET];
+			}
+			self.collapsed = TRUE;
+		}
+		function selectNode(n) {
+			setStartBefore(n);
+			setEndAfter(n);
+		}
+		function selectNodeContents(n) {
+			setStart(n, 0);
+			setEnd(n, n.nodeType === 1 ? n.childNodes.length : n.nodeValue.length);
+		}
+		function compareBoundaryPoints(h, r) {
+			var sc = self[START_CONTAINER], so = self[START_OFFSET], ec = self[END_CONTAINER], eo = self[END_OFFSET],
+			rsc = r.startContainer, rso = r.startOffset, rec = r.endContainer, reo = r.endOffset;
+			// Check START_TO_START
+			if (h === 0) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, rsc, rso);
+			}
+			// Check START_TO_END
+			if (h === 1) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, rsc, rso);
+			}
+			// Check END_TO_END
+			if (h === 2) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, rec, reo);
+			}
+			// Check END_TO_START
+			if (h === 3) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, rec, reo);
+			}
+		}
+		function deleteContents() {
+			_traverse(DELETE);
+		}
+		function extractContents() {
+			return _traverse(EXTRACT);
+		}
+		function cloneContents() {
+			return _traverse(CLONE);
+		}
+		function insertNode(n) {
+			var startContainer = this[START_CONTAINER],
+				startOffset = this[START_OFFSET], nn, o;
+			// Node is TEXT_NODE or CDATA
+			if ((startContainer.nodeType === 3 || startContainer.nodeType === 4) && startContainer.nodeValue) {
+				if (!startOffset) {
+					// At the start of text
+					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, startContainer);
+				} else if (startOffset >= startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					// At the end of text
+					dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
+				} else {
+					// Middle, need to split
+					nn = startContainer.splitText(startOffset);
+					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, nn);
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Insert element node
+				if (startContainer.childNodes.length > 0) {
+					o = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+				}
+				if (o) {
+					startContainer.insertBefore(n, o);
+				} else {
+					if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+						dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
+					} else {
+						startContainer.appendChild(n);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function surroundContents(n) {
+			var f = self.extractContents();
+			self.insertNode(n);
+			n.appendChild(f);
+			self.selectNode(n);
+		}
+		function cloneRange() {
+			return extend(new Range(dom), {
+				startContainer: self[START_CONTAINER],
+				startOffset: self[START_OFFSET],
+				endContainer: self[END_CONTAINER],
+				endOffset: self[END_OFFSET],
+				collapsed: self.collapsed,
+				commonAncestorContainer: self.commonAncestorContainer
+			});
+		}
+		// Private methods
+		function _getSelectedNode(container, offset) {
+			var child;
+			if (container.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				return container;
+			}
+			if (offset < 0) {
+				return container;
+			}
+			child = container.firstChild;
+			while (child && offset > 0) {
+				--offset;
+				child = child.nextSibling;
+			}
+			if (child) {
+				return child;
+			}
+			return container;
+		}
+		function _isCollapsed() {
+			return (self[START_CONTAINER] == self[END_CONTAINER] && self[START_OFFSET] == self[END_OFFSET]);
+		}
+		function _compareBoundaryPoints(containerA, offsetA, containerB, offsetB) {
+			var c, offsetC, n, cmnRoot, childA, childB;
+			// In the first case the boundary-points have the same container. A is before B
+			// if its offset is less than the offset of B, A is equal to B if its offset is
+			// equal to the offset of B, and A is after B if its offset is greater than the
+			// offset of B.
+			if (containerA == containerB) {
+				if (offsetA == offsetB) {
+					return 0; // equal
+				}
+				if (offsetA < offsetB) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the second case a child node C of the container of A is an ancestor
+			// container of B. In this case, A is before B if the offset of A is less than or
+			// equal to the index of the child node C and A is after B otherwise.
+			c = containerB;
+			while (c && c.parentNode != containerA) {
+				c = c.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (c) {
+				offsetC = 0;
+				n = containerA.firstChild;
+				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetA) {
+					offsetC++;
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (offsetA <= offsetC) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the third case a child node C of the container of B is an ancestor container
+			// of A. In this case, A is before B if the index of the child node C is less than
+			// the offset of B and A is after B otherwise.
+			c = containerA;
+			while (c && c.parentNode != containerB) {
+				c = c.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (c) {
+				offsetC = 0;
+				n = containerB.firstChild;
+				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetB) {
+					offsetC++;
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (offsetC < offsetB) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the fourth case, none of three other cases hold: the containers of A and B
+			// are siblings or descendants of sibling nodes. In this case, A is before B if
+			// the container of A is before the container of B in a pre-order traversal of the
+			// Ranges' context tree and A is after B otherwise.
+			cmnRoot = dom.findCommonAncestor(containerA, containerB);
+			childA = containerA;
+			while (childA && childA.parentNode != cmnRoot) {
+				childA = childA.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!childA) {
+				childA = cmnRoot;
+			}
+			childB = containerB;
+			while (childB && childB.parentNode != cmnRoot) {
+				childB = childB.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!childB) {
+				childB = cmnRoot;
+			}
+			if (childA == childB) {
+				return 0; // equal
+			}
+			n = cmnRoot.firstChild;
+			while (n) {
+				if (n == childA) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				if (n == childB) {
+					return 1; // after
+				}
+				n = n.nextSibling;
+			}
+		}
+		function _setEndPoint(st, n, o) {
+			var ec, sc;
+			if (st) {
+				self[START_CONTAINER] = n;
+				self[START_OFFSET] = o;
+			} else {
+				self[END_CONTAINER] = n;
+				self[END_OFFSET] = o;
+			}
+			// If one boundary-point of a Range is set to have a root container
+			// other than the current one for the Range, the Range is collapsed to
+			// the new position. This enforces the restriction that both boundary-
+			// points of a Range must have the same root container.
+			ec = self[END_CONTAINER];
+			while (ec.parentNode) {
+				ec = ec.parentNode;
+			}
+			sc = self[START_CONTAINER];
+			while (sc.parentNode) {
+				sc = sc.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (sc == ec) {
+				// The start position of a Range is guaranteed to never be after the
+				// end position. To enforce this restriction, if the start is set to
+				// be at a position after the end, the Range is collapsed to that
+				// position.
+				if (_compareBoundaryPoints(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET], self[END_CONTAINER], self[END_OFFSET]) > 0) {
+					self.collapse(st);
+				}
+			} else {
+				self.collapse(st);
+			}
+			self.collapsed = _isCollapsed();
+			self.commonAncestorContainer = dom.findCommonAncestor(self[START_CONTAINER], self[END_CONTAINER]);
+		}
+		function _traverse(how) {
+			var c, endContainerDepth = 0, startContainerDepth = 0, p, depthDiff, startNode, endNode, sp, ep;
+			if (self[START_CONTAINER] == self[END_CONTAINER]) {
+				return _traverseSameContainer(how);
+			}
+			for (c = self[END_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
+				if (p == self[START_CONTAINER]) {
+					return _traverseCommonStartContainer(c, how);
+				}
+				++endContainerDepth;
+			}
+			for (c = self[START_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
+				if (p == self[END_CONTAINER]) {
+					return _traverseCommonEndContainer(c, how);
+				}
+				++startContainerDepth;
+			}
+			depthDiff = startContainerDepth - endContainerDepth;
+			startNode = self[START_CONTAINER];
+			while (depthDiff > 0) {
+				startNode = startNode.parentNode;
+				depthDiff--;
+			}
+			endNode = self[END_CONTAINER];
+			while (depthDiff < 0) {
+				endNode = endNode.parentNode;
+				depthDiff++;
+			}
+			// ascend the ancestor hierarchy until we have a common parent.
+			for (sp = startNode.parentNode, ep = endNode.parentNode; sp != ep; sp = sp.parentNode, ep = ep.parentNode) {
+				startNode = sp;
+				endNode = ep;
+			}
+			return _traverseCommonAncestors(startNode, endNode, how);
+		}
+		function _traverseSameContainer(how) {
+			var frag, s, sub, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode, start, len;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			// If selection is empty, just return the fragment
+			if (self[START_OFFSET] == self[END_OFFSET]) {
+				return frag;
+			}
+			// Text node needs special case handling
+			if (self[START_CONTAINER].nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				// get the substring
+				s = self[START_CONTAINER].nodeValue;
+				sub = s.substring(self[START_OFFSET], self[END_OFFSET]);
+				// set the original text node to its new value
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					n = self[START_CONTAINER];
+					start = self[START_OFFSET];
+					len = self[END_OFFSET] - self[START_OFFSET];
+					if (start === 0 && len >= n.nodeValue.length - 1) {
+						n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+					} else {
+						n.deleteData(start, len);
+					}
+					// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
+					self.collapse(TRUE);
+				}
+				if (how == DELETE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (sub.length > 0) {
+					frag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(sub));
+				}
+				return frag;
+			}
+			// Copy nodes between the start/end offsets.
+			n = _getSelectedNode(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET]);
+			cnt = self[END_OFFSET] - self[START_OFFSET];
+			while (n && cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.nextSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(xferNode);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonStartContainer(endAncestor, how) {
+			var frag, n, endIdx, cnt, sibling, xferNode;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			endIdx = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
+			cnt = endIdx - self[START_OFFSET];
+			if (cnt <= 0) {
+				// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
+				// is partially selected.
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					self.setEndBefore(endAncestor);
+					self.collapse(FALSE);
+				}
+				return frag;
+			}
+			n = endAncestor.previousSibling;
+			while (cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.previousSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.insertBefore(xferNode, frag.firstChild);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
+			// is partially selected.
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setEndBefore(endAncestor);
+				self.collapse(FALSE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonEndContainer(startAncestor, how) {
+			var frag, startIdx, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			startIdx = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
+			++startIdx; // Because we already traversed it
+			cnt = self[END_OFFSET] - startIdx;
+			n = startAncestor.nextSibling;
+			while (n && cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.nextSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(xferNode);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setStartAfter(startAncestor);
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonAncestors(startAncestor, endAncestor, how) {
+			var n, frag, startOffset, endOffset, cnt, sibling, nextSibling;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			startOffset = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
+			endOffset = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
+			++startOffset;
+			cnt = endOffset - startOffset;
+			sibling = startAncestor.nextSibling;
+			while (cnt > 0) {
+				nextSibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+				n = _traverseFullySelected(sibling, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(n);
+				}
+				sibling = nextSibling;
+				--cnt;
+			}
+			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setStartAfter(startAncestor);
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseRightBoundary(root, how) {
+			var next = _getSelectedNode(self[END_CONTAINER], self[END_OFFSET] - 1), parent, clonedParent;
+			var prevSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent, isFullySelected = next != self[END_CONTAINER];
+			if (next == root) {
+				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);
+			}
+			parent = next.parentNode;
+			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);
+			while (parent) {
+				while (next) {
+					prevSibling = next.previousSibling;
+					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);
+					if (how != DELETE) {
+						clonedParent.insertBefore(clonedChild, clonedParent.firstChild);
+					}
+					isFullySelected = TRUE;
+					next = prevSibling;
+				}
+				if (parent == root) {
+					return clonedParent;
+				}
+				next = parent.previousSibling;
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);
+				if (how != DELETE) {
+					clonedGrandParent.appendChild(clonedParent);
+				}
+				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;
+			}
+		}
+		function _traverseLeftBoundary(root, how) {
+			var next = _getSelectedNode(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET]), isFullySelected = next != self[START_CONTAINER];
+			var parent, clonedParent, nextSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent;
+			if (next == root) {
+				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);
+			}
+			parent = next.parentNode;
+			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);
+			while (parent) {
+				while (next) {
+					nextSibling = next.nextSibling;
+					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);
+					if (how != DELETE) {
+						clonedParent.appendChild(clonedChild);
+					}
+					isFullySelected = TRUE;
+					next = nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (parent == root) {
+					return clonedParent;
+				}
+				next = parent.nextSibling;
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);
+				if (how != DELETE) {
+					clonedGrandParent.appendChild(clonedParent);
+				}
+				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;
+			}
+		}
+		function _traverseNode(n, isFullySelected, isLeft, how) {
+			var txtValue, newNodeValue, oldNodeValue, offset, newNode;
+			if (isFullySelected) {
+				return _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+			}
+			if (n.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				txtValue = n.nodeValue;
+				if (isLeft) {
+					offset = self[START_OFFSET];
+					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
+					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
+				} else {
+					offset = self[END_OFFSET];
+					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
+					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
+				}
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					n.nodeValue = oldNodeValue;
+				}
+				if (how == DELETE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				newNode = dom.clone(n, FALSE);
+				newNode.nodeValue = newNodeValue;
+				return newNode;
+			}
+			if (how == DELETE) {
+				return;
+			}
+			return dom.clone(n, FALSE);
+		}
+		function _traverseFullySelected(n, how) {
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				return how == CLONE ? dom.clone(n, TRUE) : n;
+			}
+			n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+		}
+		function toStringIE() {
+			return dom.create('body', null, cloneContents()).outerText;
+		}
+		extend(self, {
+			// Inital states
+			startContainer: doc,
+			startOffset: 0,
+			endContainer: doc,
+			endOffset: 0,
+			collapsed: TRUE,
+			commonAncestorContainer: doc,
+			// Range constants
+			START_TO_END: 1,
+			END_TO_END: 2,
+			END_TO_START: 3,
+			// Public methods
+			setStart: setStart,
+			setEnd: setEnd,
+			setStartBefore: setStartBefore,
+			setStartAfter: setStartAfter,
+			setEndBefore: setEndBefore,
+			setEndAfter: setEndAfter,
+			collapse: collapse,
+			selectNode: selectNode,
+			selectNodeContents: selectNodeContents,
+			compareBoundaryPoints: compareBoundaryPoints,
+			deleteContents: deleteContents,
+			extractContents: extractContents,
+			cloneContents: cloneContents,
+			insertNode: insertNode,
+			surroundContents: surroundContents,
+			cloneRange: cloneRange,
+			toStringIE: toStringIE
+		});
+		return self;
+	}
+	// Older IE versions doesn't let you override toString by it's constructor so we have to stick it in the prototype
+	Range.prototype.toString = function() {
+		return this.toStringIE();
+	};
+	return Range;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Entities.js
+ * Entities.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint bitwise:false */
+/*eslint no-bitwise:0 */
+ * Entity encoder class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Entities
+ * @static
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Entities", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap;
+	var namedEntities, baseEntities, reverseEntities,
+		attrsCharsRegExp = /[&<>\"\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g,
+		textCharsRegExp = /[<>&\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g,
+		rawCharsRegExp = /[<>&\"\']/g,
+		entityRegExp = /&(#x|#)?([\w]+);/g,
+		asciiMap = {
+			128: "\u20AC", 130: "\u201A", 131: "\u0192", 132: "\u201E", 133: "\u2026", 134: "\u2020",
+			135: "\u2021", 136: "\u02C6", 137: "\u2030", 138: "\u0160", 139: "\u2039", 140: "\u0152",
+			142: "\u017D", 145: "\u2018", 146: "\u2019", 147: "\u201C", 148: "\u201D", 149: "\u2022",
+			150: "\u2013", 151: "\u2014", 152: "\u02DC", 153: "\u2122", 154: "\u0161", 155: "\u203A",
+			156: "\u0153", 158: "\u017E", 159: "\u0178"
+		};
+	// Raw entities
+	baseEntities = {
+		'\"': '&quot;', // Needs to be escaped since the YUI compressor would otherwise break the code
+		"'": '&#39;',
+		'<': '&lt;',
+		'>': '&gt;',
+		'&': '&amp;'
+	};
+	// Reverse lookup table for raw entities
+	reverseEntities = {
+		'&lt;': '<',
+		'&gt;': '>',
+		'&amp;': '&',
+		'&quot;': '"',
+		'&apos;': "'"
+	};
+	// Decodes text by using the browser
+	function nativeDecode(text) {
+		var elm;
+		elm = document.createElement("div");
+		elm.innerHTML = text;
+		return elm.textContent || elm.innerText || text;
+	}
+	// Build a two way lookup table for the entities
+	function buildEntitiesLookup(items, radix) {
+		var i, chr, entity, lookup = {};
+		if (items) {
+			items = items.split(',');
+			radix = radix || 10;
+			// Build entities lookup table
+			for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) {
+				chr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(items[i], radix));
+				// Only add non base entities
+				if (!baseEntities[chr]) {
+					entity = '&' + items[i + 1] + ';';
+					lookup[chr] = entity;
+					lookup[entity] = chr;
+				}
+			}
+			return lookup;
+		}
+	}
+	// Unpack entities lookup where the numbers are in radix 32 to reduce the size
+	namedEntities = buildEntitiesLookup(
+		'50,nbsp,51,iexcl,52,cent,53,pound,54,curren,55,yen,56,brvbar,57,sect,58,uml,59,copy,' +
+		'5a,ordf,5b,laquo,5c,not,5d,shy,5e,reg,5f,macr,5g,deg,5h,plusmn,5i,sup2,5j,sup3,5k,acute,' +
+		'5l,micro,5m,para,5n,middot,5o,cedil,5p,sup1,5q,ordm,5r,raquo,5s,frac14,5t,frac12,5u,frac34,' +
+		'5v,iquest,60,Agrave,61,Aacute,62,Acirc,63,Atilde,64,Auml,65,Aring,66,AElig,67,Ccedil,' +
+		'68,Egrave,69,Eacute,6a,Ecirc,6b,Euml,6c,Igrave,6d,Iacute,6e,Icirc,6f,Iuml,6g,ETH,6h,Ntilde,' +
+		'6i,Ograve,6j,Oacute,6k,Ocirc,6l,Otilde,6m,Ouml,6n,times,6o,Oslash,6p,Ugrave,6q,Uacute,' +
+		'6r,Ucirc,6s,Uuml,6t,Yacute,6u,THORN,6v,szlig,70,agrave,71,aacute,72,acirc,73,atilde,74,auml,' +
+		'75,aring,76,aelig,77,ccedil,78,egrave,79,eacute,7a,ecirc,7b,euml,7c,igrave,7d,iacute,7e,icirc,' +
+		'7f,iuml,7g,eth,7h,ntilde,7i,ograve,7j,oacute,7k,ocirc,7l,otilde,7m,ouml,7n,divide,7o,oslash,' +
+		'7p,ugrave,7q,uacute,7r,ucirc,7s,uuml,7t,yacute,7u,thorn,7v,yuml,ci,fnof,sh,Alpha,si,Beta,' +
+		'sj,Gamma,sk,Delta,sl,Epsilon,sm,Zeta,sn,Eta,so,Theta,sp,Iota,sq,Kappa,sr,Lambda,ss,Mu,' +
+		'st,Nu,su,Xi,sv,Omicron,t0,Pi,t1,Rho,t3,Sigma,t4,Tau,t5,Upsilon,t6,Phi,t7,Chi,t8,Psi,' +
+		't9,Omega,th,alpha,ti,beta,tj,gamma,tk,delta,tl,epsilon,tm,zeta,tn,eta,to,theta,tp,iota,' +
+		'tq,kappa,tr,lambda,ts,mu,tt,nu,tu,xi,tv,omicron,u0,pi,u1,rho,u2,sigmaf,u3,sigma,u4,tau,' +
+		'u5,upsilon,u6,phi,u7,chi,u8,psi,u9,omega,uh,thetasym,ui,upsih,um,piv,812,bull,816,hellip,' +
+		'81i,prime,81j,Prime,81u,oline,824,frasl,88o,weierp,88h,image,88s,real,892,trade,89l,alefsym,' +
+		'8cg,larr,8ch,uarr,8ci,rarr,8cj,darr,8ck,harr,8dl,crarr,8eg,lArr,8eh,uArr,8ei,rArr,8ej,dArr,' +
+		'8ek,hArr,8g0,forall,8g2,part,8g3,exist,8g5,empty,8g7,nabla,8g8,isin,8g9,notin,8gb,ni,8gf,prod,' +
+		'8gh,sum,8gi,minus,8gn,lowast,8gq,radic,8gt,prop,8gu,infin,8h0,ang,8h7,and,8h8,or,8h9,cap,8ha,cup,' +
+		'8hb,int,8hk,there4,8hs,sim,8i5,cong,8i8,asymp,8j0,ne,8j1,equiv,8j4,le,8j5,ge,8k2,sub,8k3,sup,8k4,' +
+		'nsub,8k6,sube,8k7,supe,8kl,oplus,8kn,otimes,8l5,perp,8m5,sdot,8o8,lceil,8o9,rceil,8oa,lfloor,8ob,' +
+		'rfloor,8p9,lang,8pa,rang,9ea,loz,9j0,spades,9j3,clubs,9j5,hearts,9j6,diams,ai,OElig,aj,oelig,b0,' +
+		'Scaron,b1,scaron,bo,Yuml,m6,circ,ms,tilde,802,ensp,803,emsp,809,thinsp,80c,zwnj,80d,zwj,80e,lrm,' +
+		'80f,rlm,80j,ndash,80k,mdash,80o,lsquo,80p,rsquo,80q,sbquo,80s,ldquo,80t,rdquo,80u,bdquo,810,dagger,' +
+		'811,Dagger,81g,permil,81p,lsaquo,81q,rsaquo,85c,euro', 32);
+	var Entities = {
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using raw entities. This means only the required XML base entities will be endoded.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeRaw
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeRaw: function(text, attr) {
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encoded the specified text with both the attributes and text entities. This function will produce larger text contents
+		 * since it doesn't know if the context is within a attribute or text node. This was added for compatibility
+		 * and is exposed as the DOMUtils.encode function.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeAllRaw
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeAllRaw: function(text) {
+			return ('' + text).replace(rawCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using numeric entities. The core entities will be
+		 * encoded as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into numeric entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeNumeric
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeNumeric: function(text, attr) {
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				// Multi byte sequence convert it to a single entity
+				if (chr.length > 1) {
+					return '&#' + (((chr.charCodeAt(0) - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';';
+				}
+				return baseEntities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using named entities. The core entities will be encoded
+		 * as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into named entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeNamed
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @param {Object} entities Optional parameter with entities to use.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeNamed: function(text, attr, entities) {
+			entities = entities || namedEntities;
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns an encode function based on the name(s) and it's optional entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEncodeFunc
+		 * @param {String} name Comma separated list of encoders for example named,numeric.
+		 * @param {String} entities Optional parameter with entities to use instead of the built in set.
+		 * @return {function} Encode function to be used.
+		 */
+		getEncodeFunc: function(name, entities) {
+			entities = buildEntitiesLookup(entities) || namedEntities;
+			function encodeNamedAndNumeric(text, attr) {
+				return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+					return baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';' || chr;
+				});
+			}
+			function encodeCustomNamed(text, attr) {
+				return Entities.encodeNamed(text, attr, entities);
+			}
+			// Replace + with , to be compatible with previous TinyMCE versions
+			name = makeMap(name.replace(/\+/g, ','));
+			// Named and numeric encoder
+			if (name.named && name.numeric) {
+				return encodeNamedAndNumeric;
+			}
+			// Named encoder
+			if (name.named) {
+				// Custom names
+				if (entities) {
+					return encodeCustomNamed;
+				}
+				return Entities.encodeNamed;
+			}
+			// Numeric
+			if (name.numeric) {
+				return Entities.encodeNumeric;
+			}
+			// Raw encoder
+			return Entities.encodeRaw;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Decodes the specified string, this will replace entities with raw UTF characters.
+		 *
+		 * @method decode
+		 * @param {String} text Text to entity decode.
+		 * @return {String} Entity decoded string.
+		 */
+		decode: function(text) {
+			return text.replace(entityRegExp, function(all, numeric, value) {
+				if (numeric) {
+					value = parseInt(value, numeric.length === 2 ? 16 : 10);
+					// Support upper UTF
+					if (value > 0xFFFF) {
+						value -= 0x10000;
+						return String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (value >> 10), 0xDC00 + (value & 0x3FF));
+					} else {
+						return asciiMap[value] || String.fromCharCode(value);
+					}
+				}
+				return reverseEntities[all] || namedEntities[all] || nativeDecode(all);
+			});
+		}
+	};
+	return Entities;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Env.js
+ * Env.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains various environment constants like browser versions etc.
+ * Normally you don't want to sniff specific browser versions but sometimes you have
+ * to when it's impossible to feature detect. So use this with care.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Env
+ * @static
+ */
+define("tinymce/Env", [], function() {
+	var nav = navigator, userAgent = nav.userAgent;
+	var opera, webkit, ie, ie11, gecko, mac, iDevice;
+	opera = window.opera && window.opera.buildNumber;
+	webkit = /WebKit/.test(userAgent);
+	ie = !webkit && !opera && (/MSIE/gi).test(userAgent) && (/Explorer/gi).test(nav.appName);
+	ie = ie && /MSIE (\w+)\./.exec(userAgent)[1];
+	ie11 = userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') != -1 && (userAgent.indexOf('rv:') != -1 || nav.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1) ? 11 : false;
+	ie = ie || ie11;
+	gecko = !webkit && !ie11 && /Gecko/.test(userAgent);
+	mac = userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1;
+	iDevice = /(iPad|iPhone)/.test(userAgent);
+	// Is a iPad/iPhone and not on iOS5 sniff the WebKit version since older iOS WebKit versions
+	// says it has contentEditable support but there is no visible caret.
+	var contentEditable = !iDevice || userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d*)/)[1] >= 534;
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is Opera.
+		 *
+		 * @property opera
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		opera: opera,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is WebKit (Safari/Chrome).
+		 *
+		 * @property webKit
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		webkit: webkit,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is more than zero if the browser is IE.
+		 *
+		 * @property ie
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		ie: ie,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is Gecko.
+		 *
+		 * @property gecko
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		gecko: gecko,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the os is Mac OS.
+		 *
+		 * @property mac
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		mac: mac,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the os is iOS.
+		 *
+		 * @property iOS
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		iOS: iDevice,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser supports editing.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentEditable
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		contentEditable: contentEditable,
+		/**
+		 * Transparent image data url.
+		 *
+		 * @property transparentSrc
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		transparentSrc: "",
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the browser can or can't place the caret after a inline block like an image.
+		 *
+		 * @property noCaretAfter
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		caretAfter: ie != 8,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser supports native DOM Ranges. IE 9+.
+		 *
+		 * @property range
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 */
+		range: window.getSelection && "Range" in window,
+		/**
+		 * Returns the IE document mode for non IE browsers this will fake IE 10.
+		 *
+		 * @property documentMode
+		 * @type Number
+		 */
+		documentMode: ie ? (document.documentMode || 7) : 10
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/StyleSheetLoader.js
+ * StyleSheetLoader.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles loading of external stylesheets and fires events when these are loaded.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.StyleSheetLoader
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	return function(document, settings) {
+		var idCount = 0, loadedStates = {}, maxLoadTime;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		maxLoadTime = settings.maxLoadTime || 5000;
+		function appendToHead(node) {
+			document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(node);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Loads the specified css style sheet file and call the loadedCallback once it's finished loading.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} url Url to be loaded.
+		 * @param {Function} loadedCallback Callback to be executed when loaded.
+		 * @param {Function} errorCallback Callback to be executed when failed loading.
+		 */
+		function load(url, loadedCallback, errorCallback) {
+			var link, style, startTime, state;
+			function passed() {
+				var callbacks = state.passed, i = callbacks.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					callbacks[i]();
+				}
+				state.status = 2;
+				state.passed = [];
+				state.failed = [];
+			}
+			function failed() {
+				var callbacks = state.failed, i = callbacks.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					callbacks[i]();
+				}
+				state.status = 3;
+				state.passed = [];
+				state.failed = [];
+			}
+			// Sniffs for older WebKit versions that have the link.onload but a broken one
+			function isOldWebKit() {
+				var webKitChunks = navigator.userAgent.match(/WebKit\/(\d*)/);
+				return !!(webKitChunks && webKitChunks[1] < 536);
+			}
+			// Calls the waitCallback until the test returns true or the timeout occurs
+			function wait(testCallback, waitCallback) {
+				if (!testCallback()) {
+					// Wait for timeout
+					if ((new Date().getTime()) - startTime < maxLoadTime) {
+						window.setTimeout(waitCallback, 0);
+					} else {
+						failed();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Workaround for WebKit that doesn't properly support the onload event for link elements
+			// Or WebKit that fires the onload event before the StyleSheet is added to the document
+			function waitForWebKitLinkLoaded() {
+				wait(function() {
+					var styleSheets = document.styleSheets, styleSheet, i = styleSheets.length, owner;
+					while (i--) {
+						styleSheet = styleSheets[i];
+						owner = styleSheet.ownerNode ? styleSheet.ownerNode : styleSheet.owningElement;
+						if (owner && owner.id === link.id) {
+							passed();
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}, waitForWebKitLinkLoaded);
+			}
+			// Workaround for older Geckos that doesn't have any onload event for StyleSheets
+			function waitForGeckoLinkLoaded() {
+				wait(function() {
+					try {
+						// Accessing the cssRules will throw an exception until the CSS file is loaded
+						var cssRules = style.sheet.cssRules;
+						passed();
+						return !!cssRules;
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}, waitForGeckoLinkLoaded);
+			}
+			if (!loadedStates[url]) {
+				state = {
+					passed: [],
+					failed: []
+				};
+				loadedStates[url] = state;
+			} else {
+				state = loadedStates[url];
+			}
+			if (loadedCallback) {
+				state.passed.push(loadedCallback);
+			}
+			if (errorCallback) {
+				state.failed.push(errorCallback);
+			}
+			// Is loading wait for it to pass
+			if (state.status == 1) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Has finished loading and was success
+			if (state.status == 2) {
+				passed();
+				return;
+			}
+			// Has finished loading and was a failure
+			if (state.status == 3) {
+				failed();
+				return;
+			}
+			// Start loading
+			state.status = 1;
+			link = document.createElement('link');
+			link.rel = 'stylesheet';
+			link.type = 'text/css';
+			link.id = 'u' + (idCount++);
+			link.async = false;
+			link.defer = false;
+			startTime = new Date().getTime();
+			// Feature detect onload on link element and sniff older webkits since it has an broken onload event
+			if ("onload" in link && !isOldWebKit()) {
+				link.onload = waitForWebKitLinkLoaded;
+				link.onerror = failed;
+			} else {
+				// Sniff for old Firefox that doesn't support the onload event on link elements
+				// TODO: Remove this in the future when everyone uses modern browsers
+				if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0) {
+					style = document.createElement('style');
+					style.textContent = '@import "' + url + '"';
+					waitForGeckoLinkLoaded();
+					appendToHead(style);
+					return;
+				} else {
+					// Use the id owner on older webkits
+					waitForWebKitLinkLoaded();
+				}
+			}
+			appendToHead(link);
+			link.href = url;
+		}
+		this.load = load;
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/DOMUtils.js
+ * DOMUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Utility class for various DOM manipulation and retrieval functions.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+ * @example
+ * // Add a class to an element by id in the page
+ * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+ *
+ * // Add a class to an element by id inside the editor
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/DOMUtils", [
+	"tinymce/dom/Sizzle",
+	"tinymce/html/Styles",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/Range",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader"
+], function(Sizzle, Styles, EventUtils, TreeWalker, Range, Entities, Env, Tools, StyleSheetLoader) {
+	// Shorten names
+	var each = Tools.each, is = Tools.is, grep = Tools.grep, trim = Tools.trim, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var isWebKit = Env.webkit, isIE = Env.ie;
+	var simpleSelectorRe = /^([a-z0-9],?)+$/i;
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/;
+	var numericCssMap = Tools.makeMap('fillOpacity fontWeight lineHeight opacity orphans widows zIndex zoom', ' ');
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DOMUtils instance. Consult the Wiki for more details on settings etc for this class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method DOMUtils
+	 * @param {Document} d Document reference to bind the utility class to.
+	 * @param {settings} s Optional settings collection.
+	 */
+	function DOMUtils(doc, settings) {
+		var self = this, blockElementsMap;
+		self.doc = doc;
+		self.win = window;
+		self.files = {};
+		self.counter = 0;
+		self.stdMode = !isIE || doc.documentMode >= 8;
+		self.boxModel = !isIE || doc.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" || self.stdMode;
+		self.hasOuterHTML = "outerHTML" in doc.createElement("a");
+		self.styleSheetLoader = new StyleSheetLoader(doc);
+		this.boundEvents = [];
+		self.settings = settings = extend({
+			keep_values: false,
+			hex_colors: 1
+		}, settings);
+		self.schema = settings.schema;
+		self.styles = new Styles({
+			url_converter: settings.url_converter,
+			url_converter_scope: settings.url_converter_scope
+		}, settings.schema);
+		self.fixDoc(doc);
+		self.events = settings.ownEvents ? new EventUtils(settings.proxy) : EventUtils.Event;
+		blockElementsMap = settings.schema ? settings.schema.getBlockElements() : {};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element is a block element or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isBlock
+		 * @param {Node/String} node Element/Node to check.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/False state if the node is a block element or not.
+		 */
+		self.isBlock = function(node) {
+			// Fix for #5446
+			if (!node) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// This function is called in module pattern style since it might be executed with the wrong this scope
+			var type = node.nodeType;
+			// If it's a node then check the type and use the nodeName
+			if (type) {
+				return !!(type === 1 && blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]);
+			}
+			return !!blockElementsMap[node];
+		};
+	}
+	DOMUtils.prototype = {
+		root: null,
+		props: {
+			"for": "htmlFor",
+			"class": "className",
+			className: "className",
+			checked: "checked",
+			disabled: "disabled",
+			maxlength: "maxLength",
+			readonly: "readOnly",
+			selected: "selected",
+			value: "value",
+			id: "id",
+			name: "name",
+			type: "type"
+		},
+		fixDoc: function(doc) {
+			var settings = this.settings, name;
+			if (isIE && settings.schema) {
+				// Add missing HTML 4/5 elements to IE
+				('abbr article aside audio canvas ' +
+				'details figcaption figure footer ' +
+				'header hgroup mark menu meter nav ' +
+				'output progress section summary ' +
+				'time video').replace(/\w+/g, function(name) {
+					doc.createElement(name);
+				});
+				// Create all custom elements
+				for (name in settings.schema.getCustomElements()) {
+					doc.createElement(name);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		clone: function(node, deep) {
+			var self = this, clone, doc;
+			// TODO: Add feature detection here in the future
+			if (!isIE || node.nodeType !== 1 || deep) {
+				return node.cloneNode(deep);
+			}
+			doc = self.doc;
+			// Make a HTML5 safe shallow copy
+			if (!deep) {
+				clone = doc.createElement(node.nodeName);
+				// Copy attribs
+				each(self.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
+					self.setAttrib(clone, attr.nodeName, self.getAttrib(node, attr.nodeName));
+				});
+				return clone;
+			}
+			// Setup HTML5 patched document fragment
+			if (!self.frag) {
+				self.frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+				self.fixDoc(self.frag);
+			}
+			// Make a deep copy by adding it to the document fragment then removing it this removed the :section
+			clone = doc.createElement('div');
+			self.frag.appendChild(clone);
+			clone.innerHTML = node.outerHTML;
+			self.frag.removeChild(clone);
+			return clone.firstChild;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the root node of the document. This is normally the body but might be a DIV. Parents like getParent will not
+		 * go above the point of this root node.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRoot
+		 * @return {Element} Root element for the utility class.
+		 */
+		getRoot: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.get(self.settings.root_element) || self.doc.body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the viewport of the window.
+		 *
+		 * @method getViewPort
+		 * @param {Window} win Optional window to get viewport of.
+		 * @return {Object} Viewport object with fields x, y, w and h.
+		 */
+		getViewPort: function(win) {
+			var doc, rootElm;
+			win = !win ? this.win : win;
+			doc = win.document;
+			rootElm = this.boxModel ? doc.documentElement : doc.body;
+			// Returns viewport size excluding scrollbars
+			return {
+				x: win.pageXOffset || rootElm.scrollLeft,
+				y: win.pageYOffset || rootElm.scrollTop,
+				w: win.innerWidth || rootElm.clientWidth,
+				h: win.innerHeight || rootElm.clientHeight
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the rectangle for a specific element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRect
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm Element object or element ID to get rectangle from.
+		 * @return {object} Rectangle for specified element object with x, y, w, h fields.
+		 */
+		getRect: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, pos, size;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			pos = self.getPos(elm);
+			size = self.getSize(elm);
+			return {
+				x: pos.x, y: pos.y,
+				w: size.w, h: size.h
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the size dimensions of the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSize
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm Element object or element ID to get rectangle from.
+		 * @return {object} Rectangle for specified element object with w, h fields.
+		 */
+		getSize: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, w, h;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			w = self.getStyle(elm, 'width');
+			h = self.getStyle(elm, 'height');
+			// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
+			if (w.indexOf('px') === -1) {
+				w = 0;
+			}
+			// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
+			if (h.indexOf('px') === -1) {
+				h = 0;
+			}
+			return {
+				w: parseInt(w, 10) || elm.offsetWidth || elm.clientWidth,
+				h: parseInt(h, 10) || elm.offsetHeight || elm.clientHeight
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a node by the specified selector function. This function will
+		 * loop through all parent nodes and call the specified function for each node.
+		 * If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for, the loop execution will then end
+		 * and the node it found will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParent
+		 * @param {Node/String} node DOM node to search parents on or ID string.
+		 * @param {function} selector Selection function or CSS selector to execute on each node.
+		 * @param {Node} root Optional root element, never go below this point.
+		 * @return {Node} DOM Node or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getParent: function(node, selector, root) {
+			return this.getParents(node, selector, root, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a node list of all parents matching the specified selector function or pattern.
+		 * If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for and that node will be collected.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParents
+		 * @param {Node/String} node DOM node to search parents on or ID string.
+		 * @param {function} selector Selection function to execute on each node or CSS pattern.
+		 * @param {Node} root Optional root element, never go below this point.
+		 * @return {Array} Array of nodes or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getParents: function(node, selector, root, collect) {
+			var self = this, selectorVal, result = [];
+			node = self.get(node);
+			collect = collect === undefined;
+			// Default root on inline mode
+			root = root || (self.getRoot().nodeName != 'BODY' ? self.getRoot().parentNode : null);
+			// Wrap node name as func
+			if (is(selector, 'string')) {
+				selectorVal = selector;
+				if (selector === '*') {
+					selector = function(node) {return node.nodeType == 1;};
+				} else {
+					selector = function(node) {
+						return self.is(node, selectorVal);
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			while (node) {
+				if (node == root || !node.nodeType || node.nodeType === 9) {
+					break;
+				}
+				if (!selector || selector(node)) {
+					if (collect) {
+						result.push(node);
+					} else {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			return collect ? result : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified element by ID or the input element if it isn't a string.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String/Element} n Element id to look for or element to just pass though.
+		 * @return {Element} Element matching the specified id or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		get: function(elm) {
+			var name;
+			if (elm && this.doc && typeof(elm) == 'string') {
+				name = elm;
+				elm = this.doc.getElementById(elm);
+				// IE and Opera returns meta elements when they match the specified input ID, but getElementsByName seems to do the trick
+				if (elm && elm.id !== name) {
+					return this.doc.getElementsByName(name)[1];
+				}
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the next node that matches selector or function
+		 *
+		 * @method getNext
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from.
+		 * @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function.
+		 * @return {Node} Next node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getNext: function(node, selector) {
+			return this._findSib(node, selector, 'nextSibling');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the previous node that matches selector or function
+		 *
+		 * @method getPrev
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from.
+		 * @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function.
+		 * @return {Node} Previous node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getPrev: function(node, selector) {
+			return this._findSib(node, selector, 'previousSibling');
+		},
+		// #ifndef jquery
+		/**
+		 * Selects specific elements by a CSS level 3 pattern. For example "div#a1 p.test".
+		 * This function is optimized for the most common patterns needed in TinyMCE but it also performs well enough
+		 * on more complex patterns.
+		 *
+		 * @method select
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS level 3 pattern to select/find elements by.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional root element/scope element to search in.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with all matched elements.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Adds a class to all spans that have the test class in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('span.test'), 'someclass')
+		 */
+		select: function(selector, scope) {
+			var self = this;
+			//Sizzle.selectors.cacheLength = 0;
+			return Sizzle(selector, self.get(scope) || self.get(self.settings.root_element) || self.doc, []);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element matches the specified css pattern.
+		 *
+		 * @method is
+		 * @param {Node/NodeList} elm DOM node to match or an array of nodes to match.
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS pattern to match the element against.
+		 */
+		is: function(elm, selector) {
+			var i;
+			// If it isn't an array then try to do some simple selectors instead of Sizzle for to boost performance
+			if (elm.length === undefined) {
+				// Simple all selector
+				if (selector === '*') {
+					return elm.nodeType == 1;
+				}
+				// Simple selector just elements
+				if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) {
+					selector = selector.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
+					elm = elm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+					for (i = selector.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						if (selector[i] == elm) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			// Is non element
+			if (elm.nodeType && elm.nodeType != 1) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			var elms = elm.nodeType ? [elm] : elm;
+			return Sizzle(selector, elms[0].ownerDocument || elms[0], null, elms).length > 0;
+		},
+		// #endif
+		/**
+		 * Adds the specified element to another element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} parentElm Element id string, DOM node element or array of ids or elements to add to.
+		 * @param {String/Element} name Name of new element to add or existing element to add.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object collection with arguments to add to the new element(s).
+		 * @param {String} html Optional inner HTML contents to add for each element.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} Element that got created, or an array of created elements if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a new paragraph to the end of the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.add(tinymce.activeEditor.getBody(), 'p', {title: 'my title'}, 'Some content');
+		 */
+		add: function(parentElm, name, attrs, html, create) {
+			var self = this;
+			return this.run(parentElm, function(parentElm) {
+				var newElm;
+				newElm = is(name, 'string') ? self.doc.createElement(name) : name;
+				self.setAttribs(newElm, attrs);
+				if (html) {
+					if (html.nodeType) {
+						newElm.appendChild(html);
+					} else {
+						self.setHTML(newElm, html);
+					}
+				}
+				return !create ? parentElm.appendChild(newElm) : newElm;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new element.
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {String} name Name of new element.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object name/value collection with element attributes.
+		 * @param {String} html Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM node element that got created.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds an element where the caret/selection is in the active editor
+		 * var el = tinymce.activeEditor.dom.create('div', {id: 'test', 'class': 'myclass'}, 'some content');
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setNode(el);
+		 */
+		create: function(name, attrs, html) {
+			return this.add(this.doc.createElement(name), name, attrs, html, 1);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates HTML string for element. The element will be closed unless an empty inner HTML string is passed in.
+		 *
+		 * @method createHTML
+		 * @param {String} name Name of new element.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object name/value collection with element attributes.
+		 * @param {String} html Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @return {String} String with new HTML element, for example: <a href="#">test</a>.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Creates a html chunk and inserts it at the current selection/caret location
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.createHTML('a', {href: 'test.html'}, 'some line'));
+		 */
+		createHTML: function(name, attrs, html) {
+			var outHtml = '', key;
+			outHtml += '<' + name;
+			for (key in attrs) {
+				if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && attrs[key] !== null) {
+					outHtml += ' ' + key + '="' + this.encode(attrs[key]) + '"';
+				}
+			}
+			// A call to tinymce.is doesn't work for some odd reason on IE9 possible bug inside their JS runtime
+			if (typeof(html) != "undefined") {
+				return outHtml + '>' + html + '</' + name + '>';
+			}
+			return outHtml + ' />';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a document fragment out of the specified HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method createFragment
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to create fragment from.
+		 * @return {DocumentFragment} Document fragment node.
+		 */
+		createFragment: function(html) {
+			var frag, node, doc = this.doc, container;
+			container = doc.createElement("div");
+			frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+			if (html) {
+				container.innerHTML = html;
+			}
+			while ((node = container.firstChild)) {
+				frag.appendChild(node);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes/deletes the specified element(s) from the DOM.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} node ID of element or DOM element object or array containing multiple elements/ids.
+		 * @param {Boolean} keep_children Optional state to keep children or not. If set to true all children will be
+		 * placed at the location of the removed element.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} HTML DOM element that got removed, or an array of removed elements if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Removes all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.remove(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'));
+		 *
+		 * // Removes an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.remove('mydiv');
+		 */
+		remove: function(node, keep_children) {
+			return this.run(node, function(node) {
+				var child, parent = node.parentNode;
+				if (!parent) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				if (keep_children) {
+					while ((child = node.firstChild)) {
+						// IE 8 will crash if you don't remove completely empty text nodes
+						if (!isIE || child.nodeType !== 3 || child.nodeValue) {
+							parent.insertBefore(child, node);
+						} else {
+							node.removeChild(child);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return parent.removeChild(node);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the CSS style value on a HTML element. The name can be a camelcase string
+		 * or the CSS style name like background-color.
+		 *
+		 * @method setStyle
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} n HTML element/Element ID or Array of elements/ids to set CSS style value on.
+		 * @param {String} na Name of the style value to set.
+		 * @param {String} v Value to set on the style.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets a style value on all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setStyle(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'background-color', 'red');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets a style value to an element by id in the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setStyle('mydiv', 'background-color', 'red');
+		 */
+		setStyle: function(elm, name, value) {
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var self = this, style, key;
+				if (name) {
+					if (typeof(name) === 'string') {
+						style = elm.style;
+						// Camelcase it, if needed
+						name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
+							return b.toUpperCase();
+						});
+						// Default px suffix on these
+						if (typeof(value) === 'number' && !numericCssMap[name]) {
+							value += 'px';
+						}
+						// IE specific opacity
+						if (name === "opacity" && elm.runtimeStyle && typeof(elm.runtimeStyle.opacity) === "undefined") {
+							style.filter = value === '' ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + (value * 100) + ")";
+						}
+						if (name == "float") {
+							// Old IE vs modern browsers
+							name = "cssFloat" in elm.style ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat";
+						}
+						try {
+							style[name] = value;
+						} catch (ex) {
+							// Ignore IE errors
+						}
+						// Force update of the style data
+						if (self.settings.update_styles) {
+							elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-style');
+						}
+					} else {
+						for (key in name) {
+							self.setStyle(elm, key, name[key]);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current style or runtime/computed value of an element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getStyle
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm HTML element or element id string to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to return.
+		 * @param {Boolean} computed Computed style.
+		 * @return {String} Current style or computed style value of an element.
+		 */
+		getStyle: function(elm, name, computed) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// W3C
+			if (this.doc.defaultView && computed) {
+				// Remove camelcase
+				name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a){
+					return '-' + a;
+				});
+				try {
+					return this.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(name);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Old safari might fail
+					return null;
+				}
+			}
+			// Camelcase it, if needed
+			name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
+				return b.toUpperCase();
+			});
+			if (name == 'float') {
+				name = isIE ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat';
+			}
+			// IE & Opera
+			if (elm.currentStyle && computed) {
+				return elm.currentStyle[name];
+			}
+			return elm.style ? elm.style[name] : undefined;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets multiple styles on the specified element(s).
+		 *
+		 * @method setStyles
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set styles on.
+		 * @param {Object} o Name/Value collection of style items to add to the element(s).
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets styles on all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setStyles(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'green'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets styles to an element by id in the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setStyles('mydiv', {'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'green'});
+		 */
+		setStyles: function(elm, styles) {
+			this.setStyle(elm, styles);
+		},
+		css: function(elm, name, value) {
+			this.setStyle(elm, name, value);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all attributes from an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeAllAttribs
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to remove attributes from.
+		 */
+		removeAllAttribs: function(e) {
+			return this.run(e, function(e) {
+				var i, attrs = e.attributes;
+				for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					e.removeAttributeNode(attrs.item(i));
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified attribute of an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setAttrib
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attribute on.
+		 * @param {String} n Name of attribute to set.
+		 * @param {String} v Value to set on the attribute - if this value is falsy like null, 0 or '' it will remove the attribute instead.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets class attribute on all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setAttrib(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'class', 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets class attribute on a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.dom.setAttrib('mydiv', 'class', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		setAttrib: function(e, n, v) {
+			var self = this;
+			// What's the point
+			if (!e || !n) {
+				return;
+			}
+			return this.run(e, function(e) {
+				var s = self.settings;
+				var originalValue = e.getAttribute(n);
+				if (v !== null) {
+					switch (n) {
+						case "style":
+							if (!is(v, 'string')) {
+								each(v, function(v, n) {
+									self.setStyle(e, n, v);
+								});
+								return;
+							}
+							// No mce_style for elements with these since they might get resized by the user
+							if (s.keep_values) {
+								if (v) {
+									e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v, 2);
+								} else {
+									e.removeAttribute('data-mce-style', 2);
+								}
+							}
+							e.style.cssText = v;
+							break;
+						case "class":
+							e.className = v || ''; // Fix IE null bug
+							break;
+						case "src":
+						case "href":
+							if (s.keep_values) {
+								if (s.url_converter) {
+									v = s.url_converter.call(s.url_converter_scope || self, v, n, e);
+								}
+								self.setAttrib(e, 'data-mce-' + n, v, 2);
+							}
+							break;
+						case "shape":
+							e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v);
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (is(v) && v !== null && v.length !== 0) {
+					e.setAttribute(n, '' + v, 2);
+				} else {
+					e.removeAttribute(n, 2);
+				}
+				// fire onChangeAttrib event for attributes that have changed
+				if (originalValue != v && s.onSetAttrib) {
+					s.onSetAttrib({attrElm: e, attrName: n, attrValue: v});
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets two or more specified attributes of an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setAttribs
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attributes on.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Name/Value collection of attribute items to add to the element(s).
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets class and title attributes on all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setAttribs(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'class': 'myclass', title: 'some title'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets class and title attributes on a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setAttribs('mydiv', {'class': 'myclass', title: 'some title'});
+		 */
+		setAttribs: function(elm, attrs) {
+			var self = this;
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				each(attrs, function(value, name) {
+					self.setAttrib(elm, name, value);
+				});
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified attribute by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAttrib
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm Element string id or DOM element to get attribute from.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of attribute to get.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to return if the attribute didn't exist.
+		 * @return {String} Attribute value string, default value or null if the attribute wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getAttrib: function(elm, name, defaultVal) {
+			var value, self = this, undef;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			if (!elm || elm.nodeType !== 1) {
+				return defaultVal === undef ? false : defaultVal;
+			}
+			if (!is(defaultVal)) {
+				defaultVal = '';
+			}
+			// Try the mce variant for these
+			if (/^(src|href|style|coords|shape)$/.test(name)) {
+				value = elm.getAttribute("data-mce-" + name);
+				if (value) {
+					return value;
+				}
+			}
+			if (isIE && self.props[name]) {
+				value = elm[self.props[name]];
+				value = value && value.nodeValue ? value.nodeValue : value;
+			}
+			if (!value) {
+				value = elm.getAttribute(name, 2);
+			}
+			// Check boolean attribs
+			if (/^(checked|compact|declare|defer|disabled|ismap|multiple|nohref|noshade|nowrap|readonly|selected)$/.test(name)) {
+				if (elm[self.props[name]] === true && value === '') {
+					return name;
+				}
+				return value ? name : '';
+			}
+			// Inner input elements will override attributes on form elements
+			if (elm.nodeName === "FORM" && elm.getAttributeNode(name)) {
+				return elm.getAttributeNode(name).nodeValue;
+			}
+			if (name === 'style') {
+				value = value || elm.style.cssText;
+				if (value) {
+					value = self.serializeStyle(self.parseStyle(value), elm.nodeName);
+					if (self.settings.keep_values) {
+						elm.setAttribute('data-mce-style', value);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove Apple and WebKit stuff
+			if (isWebKit && name === "class" && value) {
+				value = value.replace(/(apple|webkit)\-[a-z\-]+/gi, '');
+			}
+			// Handle IE issues
+			if (isIE) {
+				switch (name) {
+					case 'rowspan':
+					case 'colspan':
+						// IE returns 1 as default value
+						if (value === 1) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'size':
+						// IE returns +0 as default value for size
+						if (value === '+0' || value === 20 || value === 0) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'width':
+					case 'height':
+					case 'vspace':
+					case 'checked':
+					case 'disabled':
+					case 'readonly':
+						if (value === 0) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'hspace':
+						// IE returns -1 as default value
+						if (value === -1) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'maxlength':
+					case 'tabindex':
+						// IE returns default value
+						if (value === 32768 || value === 2147483647 || value === '32768') {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'multiple':
+					case 'compact':
+					case 'noshade':
+					case 'nowrap':
+						if (value === 65535) {
+							return name;
+						}
+						return defaultVal;
+					case 'shape':
+						value = value.toLowerCase();
+						break;
+					default:
+						// IE has odd anonymous function for event attributes
+						if (name.indexOf('on') === 0 && value) {
+							value = ('' + value).replace(/^function\s+\w+\(\)\s+\{\s+(.*)\s+\}$/, '$1');
+						}
+				}
+			}
+			return (value !== undef && value !== null && value !== '') ? '' + value : defaultVal;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the absolute x, y position of a node. The position will be returned in an object with x, y fields.
+		 *
+		 * @method getPos
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm HTML element or element id to get x, y position from.
+		 * @param {Element} rootElm Optional root element to stop calculations at.
+		 * @return {object} Absolute position of the specified element object with x, y fields.
+		 */
+		getPos: function(elm, rootElm) {
+			var self = this, x = 0, y = 0, offsetParent, doc = self.doc, pos;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			rootElm = rootElm || doc.body;
+			if (elm) {
+				// Use getBoundingClientRect if it exists since it's faster than looping offset nodes
+				if (rootElm === doc.body && elm.getBoundingClientRect) {
+					pos = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
+					rootElm = self.boxModel ? doc.documentElement : doc.body;
+					// Add scroll offsets from documentElement or body since IE with the wrong box model will use d.body and so do WebKit
+					// Also remove the body/documentelement clientTop/clientLeft on IE 6, 7 since they offset the position
+					x = pos.left + (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft) - rootElm.clientLeft;
+					y = pos.top + (doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop) - rootElm.clientTop;
+					return {x: x, y: y};
+				}
+				offsetParent = elm;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent != rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x += offsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += offsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				offsetParent = elm.parentNode;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent != rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x -= offsetParent.scrollLeft || 0;
+					y -= offsetParent.scrollTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
+				}
+			}
+			return {x: x, y: y};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also
+		 * merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non-hex
+		 * colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings.
+		 *
+		 * @method parseStyle
+		 * @param {String} cssText Style value to parse, for example: border:1px solid red;.
+		 * @return {Object} Object representation of that style, for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+		 */
+		parseStyle: function(cssText) {
+			return this.styles.parse(cssText);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified style object into a string.
+		 *
+		 * @method serializeStyle
+		 * @param {Object} styles Object to serialize as string, for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+		 * @param {String} name Optional element name.
+		 * @return {String} String representation of the style object, for example: border: 1px solid red.
+		 */
+		serializeStyle: function(styles, name) {
+			return this.styles.serialize(styles, name);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a style element at the top of the document with the specified cssText content.
+		 *
+		 * @method addStyle
+		 * @param {String} cssText CSS Text style to add to top of head of document.
+		 */
+		addStyle: function(cssText) {
+			var self = this, doc = self.doc, head, styleElm;
+			// Prevent inline from loading the same styles twice
+			if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
+				var addedStyles = DOMUtils.DOM.addedStyles;
+				addedStyles = addedStyles || [];
+				if (addedStyles[cssText]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				addedStyles[cssText] = true;
+				DOMUtils.DOM.addedStyles = addedStyles;
+			}
+			// Create style element if needed
+			styleElm = doc.getElementById('mceDefaultStyles');
+			if (!styleElm) {
+				styleElm = doc.createElement('style');
+				styleElm.id = 'mceDefaultStyles';
+				styleElm.type = 'text/css';
+				head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+				if (head.firstChild) {
+					head.insertBefore(styleElm, head.firstChild);
+				} else {
+					head.appendChild(styleElm);
+				}
+			}
+			// Append style data to old or new style element
+			if (styleElm.styleSheet) {
+				styleElm.styleSheet.cssText += cssText;
+			} else {
+				styleElm.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(cssText));
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Imports/loads the specified CSS file into the document bound to the class.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadCSS
+		 * @param {String} u URL to CSS file to load.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Loads a CSS file dynamically into the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads a CSS file into the currently active editor instance
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads a CSS file into an editor instance by id
+		 * tinymce.get('someid').dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads multiple CSS files into the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css,somepath/someother.css');
+		 */
+		loadCSS: function(url) {
+			var self = this, doc = self.doc, head;
+			// Prevent inline from loading the same CSS file twice
+			if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
+                DOMUtils.DOM.loadCSS(url);
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!url) {
+				url = '';
+			}
+			head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+			each(url.split(','), function(url) {
+				var link;
+				if (self.files[url]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				self.files[url] = true;
+				link = self.create('link', {rel: 'stylesheet', href: url});
+				// IE 8 has a bug where dynamically loading stylesheets would produce a 1 item remaining bug
+				// This fix seems to resolve that issue by recalcing the document once a stylesheet finishes loading
+				// It's ugly but it seems to work fine.
+				if (isIE && doc.documentMode && doc.recalc) {
+					link.onload = function() {
+						if (doc.recalc) {
+							doc.recalc();
+						}
+						link.onload = null;
+					};
+				}
+				head.appendChild(link);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a class to the specified element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs.
+		 * @param {String} cls Class name to add to each element.
+		 * @return {String/Array} String with new class value or array with new class values for all elements.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Adds a class to a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.addClass('mydiv', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		addClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var clsVal;
+				if (!cls) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+				if (this.hasClass(elm, cls)) {
+					return elm.className;
+				}
+				clsVal = this.removeClass(elm, cls);
+				elm.className = clsVal = (clsVal !== '' ? (clsVal + ' ') : '') + cls;
+				return clsVal;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes a class from the specified element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs.
+		 * @param {String} cls Class name to remove from each element.
+		 * @return {String/Array} String of remaining class name(s), or an array of strings if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Removes a class from all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.removeClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Removes a class from a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.removeClass('mydiv', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		removeClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			var self = this, re;
+			return self.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var val;
+				if (self.hasClass(elm, cls)) {
+					if (!re) {
+						re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + cls + "(\\s+|$)", "g");
+					}
+					val = elm.className.replace(re, ' ');
+					val = trim(val != ' ' ? val : '');
+					elm.className = val;
+					// Empty class attr
+					if (!val) {
+						elm.removeAttribute('class');
+						elm.removeAttribute('className');
+					}
+					return val;
+				}
+				return elm.className;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true if the specified element has the specified class.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String/Element} n HTML element or element id string to check CSS class on.
+		 * @param {String} c CSS class to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the specified element has the specified class.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm || !cls) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			return (' ' + elm.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') !== -1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified class on/off.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggleClass
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to toggle class on.
+		 * @param {[type]} cls Class to toggle on/off.
+		 * @param {[type]} state Optional state to set.
+		 */
+		toggleClass: function(elm, cls, state) {
+			state = state === undefined ? !this.hasClass(elm, cls) : state;
+			if (this.hasClass(elm, cls) !== state) {
+				if (state) {
+					this.addClass(elm, cls);
+				} else {
+					this.removeClass(elm, cls);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to show.
+		 */
+		show: function(elm) {
+			return this.setStyle(elm, 'display', 'block');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} e ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to hide.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Hides an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.hide('myid');
+		 */
+		hide: function(elm) {
+			return this.setStyle(elm, 'display', 'none');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the element is hidden or not by checking the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method isHidden
+		 * @param {String/Element} e Id or element to check display state on.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the element is hidden or not.
+		 */
+		isHidden: function(elm) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			return !elm || elm.style.display == 'none' || this.getStyle(elm, 'display') == 'none';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a unique id. This can be useful when generating elements on the fly.
+		 * This method will not check if the element already exists.
+		 *
+		 * @method uniqueId
+		 * @param {String} prefix Optional prefix to add in front of all ids - defaults to "mce_".
+		 * @return {String} Unique id.
+		 */
+		uniqueId: function(prefix) {
+			return (!prefix ? 'mce_' : prefix) + (this.counter++);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified HTML content inside the element or elements. The HTML will first be processed. This means
+		 * URLs will get converted, hex color values fixed etc. Check processHTML for details.
+		 *
+		 * @method setHTML
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set HTML inside of.
+		 * @param {String} h HTML content to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the inner HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'some inner html');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the inner HTML of an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setHTML('mydiv', 'some inner html');
+		 */
+		setHTML: function(element, html) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(element, function(element) {
+				if (isIE) {
+					// Remove all child nodes, IE keeps empty text nodes in DOM
+					while (element.firstChild) {
+						element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+					}
+					try {
+						// IE will remove comments from the beginning
+						// unless you padd the contents with something
+						element.innerHTML = '<br />' + html;
+						element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE sometimes produces an unknown runtime error on innerHTML if it's a block element
+						// within a block element for example a div inside a p
+						// This seems to fix this problem
+						// Create new div with HTML contents and a BR in front to keep comments
+						var newElement = self.create('div');
+						newElement.innerHTML = '<br />' + html;
+						// Add all children from div to target
+						each(grep(newElement.childNodes), function(node, i) {
+							// Skip br element
+							if (i && element.canHaveHTML) {
+								element.appendChild(node);
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				} else {
+					element.innerHTML = html;
+				}
+				return html;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the outer HTML of an element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getOuterHTML
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm Element ID or element object to get outer HTML from.
+		 * @return {String} Outer HTML string.
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.DOM.getOuterHTML(editorElement);
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.getOuterHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.getBody());
+		 */
+		getOuterHTML: function(elm) {
+			var doc, self = this;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			if (elm.nodeType === 1 && self.hasOuterHTML) {
+				return elm.outerHTML;
+			}
+			doc = (elm.ownerDocument || self.doc).createElement("body");
+			doc.appendChild(elm.cloneNode(true));
+			return doc.innerHTML;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified outer HTML on an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setOuterHTML
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set outer HTML on.
+		 * @param {Object} html HTML code to set as outer value for the element.
+		 * @param {Document} doc Optional document scope to use in this process - defaults to the document of the DOM class.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the outer HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setOuterHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), '<div>some html</div>');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the outer HTML of an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setOuterHTML('mydiv', '<div>some html</div>');
+		 */
+		setOuterHTML: function(elm, html, doc) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				function set() {
+					var node, tempElm;
+					tempElm = doc.createElement("body");
+					tempElm.innerHTML = html;
+					node = tempElm.lastChild;
+					while (node) {
+						self.insertAfter(node.cloneNode(true), elm);
+						node = node.previousSibling;
+					}
+					self.remove(elm);
+				}
+				// Only set HTML on elements
+				if (elm.nodeType == 1) {
+					doc = doc || elm.ownerDocument || self.doc;
+					if (isIE) {
+						try {
+							// Try outerHTML for IE it sometimes produces an unknown runtime error
+							if (elm.nodeType == 1 && self.hasOuterHTML) {
+								elm.outerHTML = html;
+							} else {
+								set();
+							}
+						} catch (ex) {
+							// Fix for unknown runtime error
+							set();
+						}
+					} else {
+						set();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Entity decodes a string. This method decodes any HTML entities, such as &aring;.
+		 *
+		 * @method decode
+		 * @param {String} s String to decode entities on.
+		 * @return {String} Entity decoded string.
+		 */
+		decode: Entities.decode,
+		/**
+		 * Entity encodes a string. This method encodes the most common entities, such as <>"&.
+		 *
+		 * @method encode
+		 * @param {String} text String to encode with entities.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded string.
+		 */
+		encode: Entities.encodeAllRaw,
+		/**
+		 * Inserts an element after the reference element.
+		 *
+		 * @method insertAfter
+		 * @param {Element} node Element to insert after the reference.
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} reference_node Reference element, element id or array of elements to insert after.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} Element that got added or an array with elements.
+		 */
+		insertAfter: function(node, reference_node) {
+			reference_node = this.get(reference_node);
+			return this.run(node, function(node) {
+				var parent, nextSibling;
+				parent = reference_node.parentNode;
+				nextSibling = reference_node.nextSibling;
+				if (nextSibling) {
+					parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling);
+				} else {
+					parent.appendChild(node);
+				}
+				return node;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the specified element or elements with the new element specified. The new element will
+		 * be cloned if multiple input elements are passed in.
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {Element} newElm New element to replace old ones with.
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} oldELm Element DOM node, element id or array of elements or ids to replace.
+		 * @param {Boolean} k Optional keep children state, if set to true child nodes from the old object will be added to new ones.
+		 */
+		replace: function(newElm, oldElm, keepChildren) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(oldElm, function(oldElm) {
+				if (is(oldElm, 'array')) {
+					newElm = newElm.cloneNode(true);
+				}
+				if (keepChildren) {
+					each(grep(oldElm.childNodes), function(node) {
+						newElm.appendChild(node);
+					});
+				}
+				return oldElm.parentNode.replaceChild(newElm, oldElm);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renames the specified element and keeps its attributes and children.
+		 *
+		 * @method rename
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to rename.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the new element.
+		 * @return {Element} New element or the old element if it needed renaming.
+		 */
+		rename: function(elm, name) {
+			var self = this, newElm;
+			if (elm.nodeName != name.toUpperCase()) {
+				// Rename block element
+				newElm = self.create(name);
+				// Copy attribs to new block
+				each(self.getAttribs(elm), function(attr_node) {
+					self.setAttrib(newElm, attr_node.nodeName, self.getAttrib(elm, attr_node.nodeName));
+				});
+				// Replace block
+				self.replace(newElm, elm, 1);
+			}
+			return newElm || elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find the common ancestor of two elements. This is a shorter method than using the DOM Range logic.
+		 *
+		 * @method findCommonAncestor
+		 * @param {Element} a Element to find common ancestor of.
+		 * @param {Element} b Element to find common ancestor of.
+		 * @return {Element} Common ancestor element of the two input elements.
+		 */
+		findCommonAncestor: function(a, b) {
+			var ps = a, pe;
+			while (ps) {
+				pe = b;
+				while (pe && ps != pe) {
+					pe = pe.parentNode;
+				}
+				if (ps == pe) {
+					break;
+				}
+				ps = ps.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!ps && a.ownerDocument) {
+				return a.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+			}
+			return ps;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color.
+		 *
+		 * @method toHex
+		 * @param {String} rgbVal RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3)
+		 * @return {String} Hex version of that RGB value like #FF00FF.
+		 */
+		toHex: function(rgbVal) {
+			return this.styles.toHex(Tools.trim(rgbVal));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified function on the element by id or dom element node or array of elements/id.
+		 *
+		 * @method run
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} Element ID or DOM element object or array with ids or elements.
+		 * @param {function} f Function to execute for each item.
+		 * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Object/Array} Single object, or an array of objects if multiple input elements were passed in.
+		 */
+		run: function(elm, func, scope) {
+			var self = this, result;
+			if (typeof(elm) === 'string') {
+				elm = self.get(elm);
+			}
+			if (!elm) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			scope = scope || this;
+			if (!elm.nodeType && (elm.length || elm.length === 0)) {
+				result = [];
+				each(elm, function(elm, i) {
+					if (elm) {
+						if (typeof(elm) == 'string') {
+							elm = self.get(elm);
+						}
+						result.push(func.call(scope, elm, i));
+					}
+				});
+				return result;
+			}
+			return func.call(scope, elm);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a NodeList with attributes for the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAttribs
+		 * @param {HTMLElement/string} elm Element node or string id to get attributes from.
+		 * @return {NodeList} NodeList with attributes.
+		 */
+		getAttribs: function(elm) {
+			var attrs;
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return [];
+			}
+			if (isIE) {
+				attrs = [];
+				// Object will throw exception in IE
+				if (elm.nodeName == 'OBJECT') {
+					return elm.attributes;
+				}
+				// IE doesn't keep the selected attribute if you clone option elements
+				if (elm.nodeName === 'OPTION' && this.getAttrib(elm, 'selected')) {
+					attrs.push({specified: 1, nodeName: 'selected'});
+				}
+				// It's crazy that this is faster in IE but it's because it returns all attributes all the time
+				var attrRegExp = /<\/?[\w:\-]+ ?|=[\"][^\"]+\"|=\'[^\']+\'|=[\w\-]+|>/gi;
+				elm.cloneNode(false).outerHTML.replace(attrRegExp, '').replace(/[\w:\-]+/gi, function(a) {
+					attrs.push({specified: 1, nodeName: a});
+				});
+				return attrs;
+			}
+			return elm.attributes;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified node is to be considered empty or not.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.DOM.isEmpty(node, {img: true});
+		 * @method isEmpty
+		 * @param {Object} elements Optional name/value object with elements that are automatically treated as non-empty elements.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is empty or not.
+		 */
+		isEmpty: function(node, elements) {
+			var self = this, i, attributes, type, walker, name, brCount = 0;
+			node = node.firstChild;
+			if (node) {
+				walker = new TreeWalker(node, node.parentNode);
+				elements = elements || self.schema ? self.schema.getNonEmptyElements() : null;
+				do {
+					type = node.nodeType;
+					if (type === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						// Keep empty elements like <img />
+						name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						if (elements && elements[name]) {
+							// Ignore single BR elements in blocks like <p><br /></p> or <p><span><br /></span></p>
+							if (name === 'br') {
+								brCount++;
+								continue;
+							}
+							return false;
+						}
+						// Keep elements with data-bookmark attributes or name attribute like <a name="1"></a>
+						attributes = self.getAttribs(node);
+						i = node.attributes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							name = node.attributes[i].nodeName;
+							if (name === "name" || name === 'data-mce-bookmark') {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Keep comment nodes
+					if (type == 8) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if ((type === 3 && !whiteSpaceRegExp.test(node.nodeValue))) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				} while ((node = walker.next()));
+			}
+			return brCount <= 1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new DOM Range object. This will use the native DOM Range API if it's
+		 * available. If it's not, it will fall back to the custom TinyMCE implementation.
+		 *
+		 * @method createRng
+		 * @return {DOMRange} DOM Range object.
+		 * @example
+		 * var rng = tinymce.DOM.createRng();
+		 * alert(rng.startContainer + "," + rng.startOffset);
+		 */
+		createRng: function() {
+			var doc = this.doc;
+			return doc.createRange ? doc.createRange() : new Range(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the index of the specified node within its parent.
+		 *
+		 * @method nodeIndex
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to look for.
+		 * @param {boolean} normalized Optional true/false state if the index is what it would be after a normalization.
+		 * @return {Number} Index of the specified node.
+		 */
+		nodeIndex: function(node, normalized) {
+			var idx = 0, lastNodeType, nodeType;
+			if (node) {
+				for (lastNodeType = node.nodeType, node = node.previousSibling; node; node = node.previousSibling) {
+					nodeType = node.nodeType;
+					// Normalize text nodes
+					if (normalized && nodeType == 3) {
+						if (nodeType == lastNodeType || !node.nodeValue.length) {
+							continue;
+						}
+					}
+					idx++;
+					lastNodeType = nodeType;
+				}
+			}
+			return idx;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Splits an element into two new elements and places the specified split
+		 * element or elements between the new ones. For example splitting the paragraph at the bold element in
+		 * this example <p>abc<b>abc</b>123</p> would produce <p>abc</p><b>abc</b><p>123</p>.
+		 *
+		 * @method split
+		 * @param {Element} parentElm Parent element to split.
+		 * @param {Element} splitElm Element to split at.
+		 * @param {Element} replacementElm Optional replacement element to replace the split element with.
+		 * @return {Element} Returns the split element or the replacement element if that is specified.
+		 */
+		split: function(parentElm, splitElm, replacementElm) {
+			var self = this, r = self.createRng(), bef, aft, pa;
+			// W3C valid browsers tend to leave empty nodes to the left/right side of the contents - this makes sense
+			// but we don't want that in our code since it serves no purpose for the end user
+			// For example splitting this html at the bold element:
+			//   <p>text 1<span><b>CHOP</b></span>text 2</p>
+			// would produce:
+			//   <p>text 1<span></span></p><b>CHOP</b><p><span></span>text 2</p>
+			// this function will then trim off empty edges and produce:
+			//   <p>text 1</p><b>CHOP</b><p>text 2</p>
+			function trimNode(node) {
+				var i, children = node.childNodes, type = node.nodeType;
+				function surroundedBySpans(node) {
+					var previousIsSpan = node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName == 'SPAN';
+					var nextIsSpan = node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'SPAN';
+					return previousIsSpan && nextIsSpan;
+				}
+				if (type == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') {
+					return;
+				}
+				for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					trimNode(children[i]);
+				}
+				if (type != 9) {
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if (type == 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+						// If parent element isn't a block or there isn't any useful contents for example "<p>   </p>"
+						// Also keep text nodes with only spaces if surrounded by spans.
+						// eg. "<p><span>a</span> <span>b</span></p>" should keep space between a and b
+						var trimmedLength = trim(node.nodeValue).length;
+						if (!self.isBlock(node.parentNode) || trimmedLength > 0 || trimmedLength === 0 && surroundedBySpans(node)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} else if (type == 1) {
+						// If the only child is a bookmark then move it up
+						children = node.childNodes;
+						// TODO fix this complex if
+						if (children.length == 1 && children[0] && children[0].nodeType == 1 &&
+							children[0].getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') {
+							node.parentNode.insertBefore(children[0], node);
+						}
+						// Keep non empty elements or img, hr etc
+						if (children.length || /^(br|hr|input|img)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					self.remove(node);
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			if (parentElm && splitElm) {
+				// Get before chunk
+				r.setStart(parentElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(parentElm));
+				r.setEnd(splitElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(splitElm));
+				bef = r.extractContents();
+				// Get after chunk
+				r = self.createRng();
+				r.setStart(splitElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(splitElm) + 1);
+				r.setEnd(parentElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(parentElm) + 1);
+				aft = r.extractContents();
+				// Insert before chunk
+				pa = parentElm.parentNode;
+				pa.insertBefore(trimNode(bef), parentElm);
+				// Insert middle chunk
+				if (replacementElm) {
+					pa.replaceChild(replacementElm, splitElm);
+				} else {
+					pa.insertBefore(splitElm, parentElm);
+				}
+				// Insert after chunk
+				pa.insertBefore(trimNode(aft), parentElm);
+				self.remove(parentElm);
+				return replacementElm || splitElm;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds an event handler to the specified object.
+		 *
+		 * @method bind
+		 * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array} target Target element to bind events to.
+		 * handler to or an array of elements/ids/documents.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of event handler to add, for example: click.
+		 * @param {function} func Function to execute when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {function} Function callback handler the same as the one passed in.
+		 */
+		bind: function(target, name, func, scope) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (Tools.isArray(target)) {
+				var i = target.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target[i] = self.bind(target[i], name, func, scope);
+				}
+				return target;
+			}
+			// Collect all window/document events bound by editor instance
+			if (self.settings.collect && (target === self.doc || target === self.win)) {
+				self.boundEvents.push([target, name, func, scope]);
+			}
+			return self.events.bind(target, name, func, scope || self);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified event handler by name and function from an element or collection of elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method unbind
+		 * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array} target Target element to unbind events on.
+		 * @param {String} name Event handler name, for example: "click"
+		 * @param {function} func Function to remove.
+		 * @return {bool/Array} Bool state of true if the handler was removed, or an array of states if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 */
+		unbind: function(target, name, func) {
+			var self = this, i;
+			if (Tools.isArray(target)) {
+				i = target.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target[i] = self.unbind(target[i], name, func);
+				}
+				return target;
+			}
+			// Remove any bound events matching the input
+			if (self.boundEvents && (target === self.doc || target === self.win)) {
+				i = self.boundEvents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					var item = self.boundEvents[i];
+					if (target == item[0] && (!name || name == item[1]) && (!func || func == item[2])) {
+						this.events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return this.events.unbind(target, name, func);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event name with object on target.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {Node/Document/Window} target Target element or object to fire event on.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} evt Event object to send.
+		 * @return {Event} Event object.
+		 */
+		fire: function(target, name, evt) {
+			return this.events.fire(target, name, evt);
+		},
+		// Returns the content editable state of a node
+		getContentEditable: function(node) {
+			var contentEditable;
+			// Check type
+			if (node.nodeType != 1) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			// Check for fake content editable
+			contentEditable = node.getAttribute("data-mce-contenteditable");
+			if (contentEditable && contentEditable !== "inherit") {
+				return contentEditable;
+			}
+			// Check for real content editable
+			return node.contentEditable !== "inherit" ? node.contentEditable : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Destroys all internal references to the DOM to solve IE leak issues.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 */
+		destroy: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			// Unbind all events bound to window/document by editor instance
+			if (self.boundEvents) {
+				var i = self.boundEvents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					var item = self.boundEvents[i];
+					this.events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
+				}
+				self.boundEvents = null;
+			}
+			// Restore sizzle document to window.document
+			// Since the current document might be removed producing "Permission denied" on IE see #6325
+			if (Sizzle.setDocument) {
+				Sizzle.setDocument();
+			}
+			self.win = self.doc = self.root = self.events = self.frag = null;
+		},
+		// #ifdef debug
+		dumpRng: function(r) {
+			return (
+				'startContainer: ' + r.startContainer.nodeName +
+				', startOffset: ' + r.startOffset +
+				', endContainer: ' + r.endContainer.nodeName +
+				', endOffset: ' + r.endOffset
+			);
+		},
+		// #endif
+		_findSib: function(node, selector, name) {
+			var self = this, func = selector;
+			if (node) {
+				// If expression make a function of it using is
+				if (typeof(func) == 'string') {
+					func = function(node) {
+						return self.is(node, selector);
+					};
+				}
+				// Loop all siblings
+				for (node = node[name]; node; node = node[name]) {
+					if (func(node)) {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Instance of DOMUtils for the current document.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @property DOM
+	 * @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+	 * @example
+	 * // Example of how to add a class to some element by id
+	 * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+	 */
+	DOMUtils.DOM = new DOMUtils(document);
+	return DOMUtils;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/ScriptLoader.js
+ * ScriptLoader.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*globals console*/
+ * This class handles asynchronous/synchronous loading of JavaScript files it will execute callbacks
+ * when various items gets loaded. This class is useful to load external JavaScript files.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader
+ * @example
+ * // Load a script from a specific URL using the global script loader
+ * tinymce.ScriptLoader.load('somescript.js');
+ *
+ * // Load a script using a unique instance of the script loader
+ * var scriptLoader = new tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader();
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.load('somescript.js');
+ *
+ * // Load multiple scripts
+ * var scriptLoader = new tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader();
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript1.js');
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript2.js');
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript3.js');
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.loadQueue(function() {
+ *    alert('All scripts are now loaded.');
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(DOMUtils, Tools) {
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	var each = Tools.each, grep = Tools.grep;
+	function ScriptLoader() {
+		var QUEUED = 0,
+			LOADING = 1,
+			LOADED = 2,
+			states = {},
+			queue = [],
+			scriptLoadedCallbacks = {},
+			queueLoadedCallbacks = [],
+			loading = 0,
+			undef;
+		/**
+		 * Loads a specific script directly without adding it to the load queue.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} url Absolute URL to script to add.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to execute ones this script gets loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		function loadScript(url, callback) {
+			var dom = DOM, elm, id;
+			// Execute callback when script is loaded
+			function done() {
+				dom.remove(id);
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.onreadystatechange = elm.onload = elm = null;
+				}
+				callback();
+			}
+			function error() {
+				/*eslint no-console:0 */
+				// Report the error so it's easier for people to spot loading errors
+				if (typeof(console) !== "undefined" && console.log) {
+					console.log("Failed to load: " + url);
+				}
+				// We can't mark it as done if there is a load error since
+				// A) We don't want to produce 404 errors on the server and
+				// B) the onerror event won't fire on all browsers.
+				// done();
+			}
+			id = dom.uniqueId();
+			// Create new script element
+			elm = document.createElement('script');
+			elm.id = id;
+			elm.type = 'text/javascript';
+			elm.src = url;
+			// Seems that onreadystatechange works better on IE 10 onload seems to fire incorrectly
+			if ("onreadystatechange" in elm) {
+				elm.onreadystatechange = function() {
+					if (/loaded|complete/.test(elm.readyState)) {
+						done();
+					}
+				};
+			} else {
+				elm.onload = done;
+			}
+			// Add onerror event will get fired on some browsers but not all of them
+			elm.onerror = error;
+			// Add script to document
+			(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body).appendChild(elm);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if a script has been loaded or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isDone
+		 * @param {String} url URL to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the URL is loaded.
+		 */
+		this.isDone = function(url) {
+			return states[url] == LOADED;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Marks a specific script to be loaded. This can be useful if a script got loaded outside
+		 * the script loader or to skip it from loading some script.
+		 *
+		 * @method markDone
+		 * @param {string} u Absolute URL to the script to mark as loaded.
+		 */
+		this.markDone = function(url) {
+			states[url] = LOADED;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a specific script to the load queue of the script loader.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} url Absolute URL to script to add.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to execute ones this script gets loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		this.add = this.load = function(url, callback, scope) {
+			var state = states[url];
+			// Add url to load queue
+			if (state == undef) {
+				queue.push(url);
+				states[url] = QUEUED;
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				// Store away callback for later execution
+				if (!scriptLoadedCallbacks[url]) {
+					scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = [];
+				}
+				scriptLoadedCallbacks[url].push({
+					func: callback,
+					scope: scope || this
+				});
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Starts the loading of the queue.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadQueue
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute when all queued items are loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 */
+		this.loadQueue = function(callback, scope) {
+			this.loadScripts(queue, callback, scope);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Loads the specified queue of files and executes the callback ones they are loaded.
+		 * This method is generally not used outside this class but it might be useful in some scenarios.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadScripts
+		 * @param {Array} scripts Array of queue items to load.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute ones all items are loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		this.loadScripts = function(scripts, callback, scope) {
+			var loadScripts;
+			function execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url) {
+				// Execute URL callback functions
+				each(scriptLoadedCallbacks[url], function(callback) {
+					callback.func.call(callback.scope);
+				});
+				scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = undef;
+			}
+			queueLoadedCallbacks.push({
+				func: callback,
+				scope: scope || this
+			});
+			loadScripts = function() {
+				var loadingScripts = grep(scripts);
+				// Current scripts has been handled
+				scripts.length = 0;
+				// Load scripts that needs to be loaded
+				each(loadingScripts, function(url) {
+					// Script is already loaded then execute script callbacks directly
+					if (states[url] == LOADED) {
+						execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url);
+						return;
+					}
+					// Is script not loading then start loading it
+					if (states[url] != LOADING) {
+						states[url] = LOADING;
+						loading++;
+						loadScript(url, function() {
+							states[url] = LOADED;
+							loading--;
+							execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url);
+							// Load more scripts if they where added by the recently loaded script
+							loadScripts();
+						});
+					}
+				});
+				// No scripts are currently loading then execute all pending queue loaded callbacks
+				if (!loading) {
+					each(queueLoadedCallbacks, function(callback) {
+						callback.func.call(callback.scope);
+					});
+					queueLoadedCallbacks.length = 0;
+				}
+			};
+			loadScripts();
+		};
+	}
+	ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader = new ScriptLoader();
+	return ScriptLoader;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/AddOnManager.js
+ * AddOnManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the loading of themes/plugins or other add-ons and their language packs.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.AddOnManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/AddOnManager", [
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(ScriptLoader, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function AddOnManager() {
+		var self = this;
+		self.items = [];
+		self.urls = {};
+		self.lookup = {};
+	}
+	AddOnManager.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified add on by the short name.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String} name Add-on to look for.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} Theme or plugin add-on instance or undefined.
+		 */
+		get: function(name) {
+			if (this.lookup[name]) {
+				return this.lookup[name].instance;
+			} else {
+				return undefined;
+			}
+		},
+		dependencies: function(name) {
+			var result;
+			if (this.lookup[name]) {
+				result = this.lookup[name].dependencies;
+			}
+			return result || [];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads a language pack for the specified add-on.
+		 *
+		 * @method requireLangPack
+		 * @param {String} name Short name of the add-on.
+		 * @param {String} languages Optional comma or space separated list of languages to check if it matches the name.
+		 */
+		requireLangPack: function(name, languages) {
+			if (AddOnManager.language && AddOnManager.languageLoad !== false) {
+				if (languages && new RegExp('([, ]|\\b)' + AddOnManager.language + '([, ]|\\b)').test(languages) === false) {
+					return;
+				}
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(this.urls[name] + '/langs/' + AddOnManager.language + '.js');
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a instance of the add-on by it's short name.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} id Short name/id for the add-on.
+		 * @param {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} addOn Theme or plugin to add.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} The same theme or plugin instance that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Create a simple plugin
+		 * tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin', {
+		 *   TestPlugin: function(ed, url) {
+		 *   ed.on('click', function(e) {
+		 *      ed.windowManager.alert('Hello World!');
+		 *   });
+		 *   }
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Register plugin using the add method
+		 * tinymce.PluginManager.add('test', tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin);
+		 *
+		 * // Initialize TinyMCE
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *  ...
+		 *  plugins: '-test' // Init the plugin but don't try to load it
+		 * });
+		 */
+		add: function(id, addOn, dependencies) {
+			this.items.push(addOn);
+			this.lookup[id] = {instance: addOn, dependencies: dependencies};
+			return addOn;
+		},
+		createUrl: function(baseUrl, dep) {
+			if (typeof dep === "object") {
+				return dep;
+			} else {
+				return {prefix: baseUrl.prefix, resource: dep, suffix: baseUrl.suffix};
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Add a set of components that will make up the add-on. Using the url of the add-on name as the base url.
+		 * This should be used in development mode.  A new compressor/javascript munger process will ensure that the
+		 * components are put together into the plugin.js file and compressed correctly.
+		 *
+		 * @method addComponents
+		 * @param {String} pluginName name of the plugin to load scripts from (will be used to get the base url for the plugins).
+		 * @param {Array} scripts Array containing the names of the scripts to load.
+		 */
+		addComponents: function(pluginName, scripts) {
+			var pluginUrl = this.urls[pluginName];
+			each(scripts, function(script) {
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(pluginUrl + "/" + script);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads an add-on from a specific url.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} name Short name of the add-on that gets loaded.
+		 * @param {String} addOnUrl URL to the add-on that will get loaded.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute ones the add-on is loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Loads a plugin from an external URL
+		 * tinymce.PluginManager.load('myplugin', '/some/dir/someplugin/plugin.js');
+		 *
+		 * // Initialize TinyMCE
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *  ...
+		 *  plugins: '-myplugin' // Don't try to load it again
+		 * });
+		 */
+		load: function(name, addOnUrl, callback, scope) {
+			var self = this, url = addOnUrl;
+			function loadDependencies() {
+				var dependencies = self.dependencies(name);
+				each(dependencies, function(dep) {
+					var newUrl = self.createUrl(addOnUrl, dep);
+					self.load(newUrl.resource, newUrl, undefined, undefined);
+				});
+				if (callback) {
+					if (scope) {
+						callback.call(scope);
+					} else {
+						callback.call(ScriptLoader);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (self.urls[name]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (typeof addOnUrl === "object") {
+				url = addOnUrl.prefix + addOnUrl.resource + addOnUrl.suffix;
+			}
+			if (url.indexOf('/') !== 0 && url.indexOf('://') == -1) {
+				url = AddOnManager.baseURL + '/' + url;
+			}
+			self.urls[name] = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'));
+			if (self.lookup[name]) {
+				loadDependencies();
+			} else {
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(url, loadDependencies, scope);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	AddOnManager.PluginManager = new AddOnManager();
+	AddOnManager.ThemeManager = new AddOnManager();
+	return AddOnManager;
+ * TinyMCE theme class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Theme
+ */
+ * This method is responsible for rendering/generating the overall user interface with toolbars, buttons, iframe containers etc.
+ *
+ * @method renderUI
+ * @param {Object} obj Object parameter containing the targetNode DOM node that will be replaced visually with an editor instance.
+ * @return {Object} an object with items like iframeContainer, editorContainer, sizeContainer, deltaWidth, deltaHeight.
+ */
+ * Plugin base class, this is a pseudo class that describes how a plugin is to be created for TinyMCE. The methods below are all optional.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Plugin
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.PluginManager.add('example', function(editor, url) {
+ *     // Add a button that opens a window
+ *     editor.addButton('example', {
+ *         text: 'My button',
+ *         icon: false,
+ *         onclick: function() {
+ *             // Open window
+ *             editor.windowManager.open({
+ *                 title: 'Example plugin',
+ *                 body: [
+ *                     {type: 'textbox', name: 'title', label: 'Title'}
+ *                 ],
+ *                 onsubmit: function(e) {
+ *                     // Insert content when the window form is submitted
+ *                     editor.insertContent('Title: ' + e.data.title);
+ *                 }
+ *             });
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ *     // Adds a menu item to the tools menu
+ *     editor.addMenuItem('example', {
+ *         text: 'Example plugin',
+ *         context: 'tools',
+ *         onclick: function() {
+ *             // Open window with a specific url
+ *             editor.windowManager.open({
+ *                 title: 'TinyMCE site',
+ *                 url: 'http://www.tinymce.com',
+ *                 width: 800,
+ *                 height: 600,
+ *                 buttons: [{
+ *                     text: 'Close',
+ *                     onclick: 'close'
+ *                 }]
+ *             });
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ * });
+ */
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Node.js
+ * Node.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is a minimalistic implementation of a DOM like node used by the DomParser class.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var node = new tinymce.html.Node('strong', 1);
+ * someRoot.append(node);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Node
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Node", [], function() {
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/, typeLookup = {
+		'#text': 3,
+		'#comment': 8,
+		'#cdata': 4,
+		'#pi': 7,
+		'#doctype': 10,
+		'#document-fragment': 11
+	};
+	// Walks the tree left/right
+	function walk(node, root_node, prev) {
+		var sibling, parent, startName = prev ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild', siblingName = prev ? 'prev' : 'next';
+		// Walk into nodes if it has a start
+		if (node[startName]) {
+			return node[startName];
+		}
+		// Return the sibling if it has one
+		if (node !== root_node) {
+			sibling = node[siblingName];
+			if (sibling) {
+				return sibling;
+			}
+			// Walk up the parents to look for siblings
+			for (parent = node.parent; parent && parent !== root_node; parent = parent.parent) {
+				sibling = parent[siblingName];
+				if (sibling) {
+					return sibling;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Node instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Node
+	 * @param {String} name Name of the node type.
+	 * @param {Number} type Numeric type representing the node.
+	 */
+	function Node(name, type) {
+		this.name = name;
+		this.type = type;
+		if (type === 1) {
+			this.attributes = [];
+			this.attributes.map = {};
+		}
+	}
+	Node.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the current node with the specified one.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * someNode.replace(someNewNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to replace the current node with.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The old node that got replaced.
+		 */
+		replace: function(node) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			self.insert(node, self);
+			self.remove();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets/sets or removes an attribute by name.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * someNode.attr("name", "value"); // Sets an attribute
+		 * console.log(someNode.attr("name")); // Gets an attribute
+		 * someNode.attr("name", null); // Removes an attribute
+		 *
+		 * @method attr
+		 * @param {String} name Attribute name to set or get.
+		 * @param {String} value Optional value to set.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.html.Node} String or undefined on a get operation or the current node on a set operation.
+		 */
+		attr: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, attrs, i, undef;
+			if (typeof name !== "string") {
+				for (i in name) {
+					self.attr(i, name[i]);
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if ((attrs = self.attributes)) {
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					// Remove attribute
+					if (value === null) {
+						if (name in attrs.map) {
+							delete attrs.map[name];
+							i = attrs.length;
+							while (i--) {
+								if (attrs[i].name === name) {
+									attrs = attrs.splice(i, 1);
+									return self;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return self;
+					}
+					// Set attribute
+					if (name in attrs.map) {
+						// Set attribute
+						i = attrs.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (attrs[i].name === name) {
+								attrs[i].value = value;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						attrs.push({name: name, value: value});
+					}
+					attrs.map[name] = value;
+					return self;
+				} else {
+					return attrs.map[name];
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Does a shallow clones the node into a new node. It will also exclude id attributes since
+		 * there should only be one id per document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var clonedNode = node.clone();
+		 *
+		 * @method clone
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} New copy of the original node.
+		 */
+		clone: function() {
+			var self = this, clone = new Node(self.name, self.type), i, l, selfAttrs, selfAttr, cloneAttrs;
+			// Clone element attributes
+			if ((selfAttrs = self.attributes)) {
+				cloneAttrs = [];
+				cloneAttrs.map = {};
+				for (i = 0, l = selfAttrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+					selfAttr = selfAttrs[i];
+					// Clone everything except id
+					if (selfAttr.name !== 'id') {
+						cloneAttrs[cloneAttrs.length] = {name: selfAttr.name, value: selfAttr.value};
+						cloneAttrs.map[selfAttr.name] = selfAttr.value;
+					}
+				}
+				clone.attributes = cloneAttrs;
+			}
+			clone.value = self.value;
+			clone.shortEnded = self.shortEnded;
+			return clone;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Wraps the node in in another node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.wrap(wrapperNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method wrap
+		 */
+		wrap: function(wrapper) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.parent.insert(wrapper, self);
+			wrapper.append(self);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unwraps the node in other words it removes the node but keeps the children.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.unwrap();
+		 *
+		 * @method unwrap
+		 */
+		unwrap: function() {
+			var self = this, node, next;
+			for (node = self.firstChild; node; ) {
+				next = node.next;
+				self.insert(node, self, true);
+				node = next;
+			}
+			self.remove();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the node from it's parent.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.remove();
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Current node that got removed.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent, next = self.next, prev = self.prev;
+			if (parent) {
+				if (parent.firstChild === self) {
+					parent.firstChild = next;
+					if (next) {
+						next.prev = null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					prev.next = next;
+				}
+				if (parent.lastChild === self) {
+					parent.lastChild = prev;
+					if (prev) {
+						prev.next = null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					next.prev = prev;
+				}
+				self.parent = self.next = self.prev = null;
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Appends a new node as a child of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.append(someNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method append
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to append as a child of the current one.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The node that got appended.
+		 */
+		append: function(node) {
+			var self = this, last;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			last = self.lastChild;
+			if (last) {
+				last.next = node;
+				node.prev = last;
+				self.lastChild = node;
+			} else {
+				self.lastChild = self.firstChild = node;
+			}
+			node.parent = self;
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts a node at a specific position as a child of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parentNode.insert(newChildNode, oldChildNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method insert
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to insert as a child of the current node.
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} ref_node Reference node to set node before/after.
+		 * @param {Boolean} before Optional state to insert the node before the reference node.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The node that got inserted.
+		 */
+		insert: function(node, ref_node, before) {
+			var parent;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			parent = ref_node.parent || this;
+			if (before) {
+				if (ref_node === parent.firstChild) {
+					parent.firstChild = node;
+				} else {
+					ref_node.prev.next = node;
+				}
+				node.prev = ref_node.prev;
+				node.next = ref_node;
+				ref_node.prev = node;
+			} else {
+				if (ref_node === parent.lastChild) {
+					parent.lastChild = node;
+				} else {
+					ref_node.next.prev = node;
+				}
+				node.next = ref_node.next;
+				node.prev = ref_node;
+				ref_node.next = node;
+			}
+			node.parent = parent;
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Get all children by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAll
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the child nodes to collect.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with child nodes matchin the specified name.
+		 */
+		getAll: function(name) {
+			var self = this, node, collection = [];
+			for (node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk(node, self)) {
+				if (node.name === name) {
+					collection.push(node);
+				}
+			}
+			return collection;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all children of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @method empty
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The current node that got cleared.
+		 */
+		empty: function() {
+			var self = this, nodes, i, node;
+			// Remove all children
+			if (self.firstChild) {
+				nodes = [];
+				// Collect the children
+				for (node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk(node, self)) {
+					nodes.push(node);
+				}
+				// Remove the children
+				i = nodes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.parent = node.firstChild = node.lastChild = node.next = node.prev = null;
+				}
+			}
+			self.firstChild = self.lastChild = null;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the node is to be considered empty or not.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.isEmpty({img: true});
+		 * @method isEmpty
+		 * @param {Object} elements Name/value object with elements that are automatically treated as non empty elements.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is empty or not.
+		 */
+		isEmpty: function(elements) {
+			var self = this, node = self.firstChild, i, name;
+			if (node) {
+				do {
+					if (node.type === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (node.attributes.map['data-mce-bogus']) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						// Keep empty elements like <img />
+						if (elements[node.name]) {
+							return false;
+						}
+						// Keep elements with data attributes or name attribute like <a name="1"></a>
+						i = node.attributes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							name = node.attributes[i].name;
+							if (name === "name" || name.indexOf('data-mce-') === 0) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Keep comments
+					if (node.type === 8) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if ((node.type === 3 && !whiteSpaceRegExp.test(node.value))) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				} while ((node = walk(node, self)));
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the next or previous node and returns that node or null if it wasn't found.
+		 *
+		 * @method walk
+		 * @param {Boolean} prev Optional previous node state defaults to false.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Node that is next to or previous of the current node.
+		 */
+		walk: function(prev) {
+			return walk(this, null, prev);
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Creates a node of a specific type.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method create
+	 * @param {String} name Name of the node type to create for example "b" or "#text".
+	 * @param {Object} attrs Name/value collection of attributes that will be applied to elements.
+	 */
+	Node.create = function(name, attrs) {
+		var node, attrName;
+		// Create node
+		node = new Node(name, typeLookup[name] || 1);
+		// Add attributes if needed
+		if (attrs) {
+			for (attrName in attrs) {
+				node.attr(attrName, attrs[attrName]);
+			}
+		}
+		return node;
+	};
+	return Node;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Schema.js
+ * Schema.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Schema validator class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Schema
+ * @example
+ *  if (tinymce.activeEditor.schema.isValidChild('p', 'span'))
+ *    alert('span is valid child of p.');
+ *
+ *  if (tinymce.activeEditor.schema.getElementRule('p'))
+ *    alert('P is a valid element.');
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Schema
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Schema", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var mapCache = {};
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap, each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend, explode = Tools.explode, inArray = Tools.inArray;
+	function split(items, delim) {
+		return items ? items.split(delim || ' ') : [];
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Builds a schema lookup table
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} type html4, html5 or html5-strict schema type.
+	 * @return {Object} Schema lookup table.
+	 */
+	function compileSchema(type) {
+		var schema = {}, globalAttributes, blockContent;
+		var phrasingContent, flowContent, html4BlockContent, html4PhrasingContent;
+		function add(name, attributes, children) {
+			var ni, i, attributesOrder, args = arguments;
+			function arrayToMap(array) {
+				var map = {}, i, l;
+				for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
+					map[array[i]] = {};
+				}
+				return map;
+			}
+			children = children || [];
+			attributes = attributes || "";
+			if (typeof(children) === "string") {
+				children = split(children);
+			}
+			// Split string children
+			for (i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
+				if (typeof(args[i]) === "string") {
+					args[i] = split(args[i]);
+				}
+				children.push.apply(children, args[i]);
+			}
+			name = split(name);
+			ni = name.length;
+			while (ni--) {
+				attributesOrder = [].concat(globalAttributes, split(attributes));
+				schema[name[ni]] = {
+					attributes: arrayToMap(attributesOrder),
+					attributesOrder: attributesOrder,
+					children: arrayToMap(children)
+				};
+			}
+		}
+		function addAttrs(name, attributes) {
+			var ni, schemaItem, i, l;
+			name = split(name);
+			ni = name.length;
+			attributes = split(attributes);
+			while (ni--) {
+				schemaItem = schema[name[ni]];
+				for (i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++) {
+					schemaItem.attributes[attributes[i]] = {};
+					schemaItem.attributesOrder.push(attributes[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Use cached schema
+		if (mapCache[type]) {
+			return mapCache[type];
+		}
+		// Attributes present on all elements
+		globalAttributes = split("id accesskey class dir lang style tabindex title");
+		// Event attributes can be opt-in/opt-out
+		/*eventAttributes = split("onabort onblur oncancel oncanplay oncanplaythrough onchange onclick onclose oncontextmenu oncuechange " +
+				"ondblclick ondrag ondragend ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop ondurationchange onemptied onended " +
+				"onerror onfocus oninput oninvalid onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata onloadedmetadata onloadstart " +
+				"onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onmousewheel onpause onplay onplaying onprogress onratechange " +
+				"onreset onscroll onseeked onseeking onseeking onselect onshow onstalled onsubmit onsuspend ontimeupdate onvolumechange " +
+				"onwaiting"
+		);*/
+		// Block content elements
+		blockContent = split(
+			"address blockquote div dl fieldset form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr menu ol p pre table ul"
+		);
+		// Phrasing content elements from the HTML5 spec (inline)
+		phrasingContent = split(
+			"a abbr b bdo br button cite code del dfn em embed i iframe img input ins kbd " +
+			"label map noscript object q s samp script select small span strong sub sup " +
+			"textarea u var #text #comment"
+		);
+		// Add HTML5 items to globalAttributes, blockContent, phrasingContent
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			globalAttributes.push.apply(globalAttributes, split("contenteditable contextmenu draggable dropzone " +
+				"hidden spellcheck translate"));
+			blockContent.push.apply(blockContent, split("article aside details dialog figure header footer hgroup section nav"));
+			phrasingContent.push.apply(phrasingContent, split("audio canvas command datalist mark meter output progress time wbr " +
+				"video ruby bdi keygen"));
+		}
+		// Add HTML4 elements unless it's html5-strict
+		if (type != "html5-strict") {
+			globalAttributes.push("xml:lang");
+			html4PhrasingContent = split("acronym applet basefont big font strike tt");
+			phrasingContent.push.apply(phrasingContent, html4PhrasingContent);
+			each(html4PhrasingContent, function(name) {
+				add(name, "", phrasingContent);
+			});
+			html4BlockContent = split("center dir isindex noframes");
+			blockContent.push.apply(blockContent, html4BlockContent);
+			// Flow content elements from the HTML5 spec (block+inline)
+			flowContent = [].concat(blockContent, phrasingContent);
+			each(html4BlockContent, function(name) {
+				add(name, "", flowContent);
+			});
+		}
+		// Flow content elements from the HTML5 spec (block+inline)
+		flowContent = flowContent || [].concat(blockContent, phrasingContent);
+		// HTML4 base schema TODO: Move HTML5 specific attributes to HTML5 specific if statement
+		// Schema items <element name>, <specific attributes>, <children ..>
+		add("html", "manifest", "head body");
+		add("head", "", "base command link meta noscript script style title");
+		add("title hr noscript br");
+		add("base", "href target");
+		add("link", "href rel media hreflang type sizes hreflang");
+		add("meta", "name http-equiv content charset");
+		add("style", "media type scoped");
+		add("script", "src async defer type charset");
+		add("body", "onafterprint onbeforeprint onbeforeunload onblur onerror onfocus " +
+				"onhashchange onload onmessage onoffline ononline onpagehide onpageshow " +
+				"onpopstate onresize onscroll onstorage onunload", flowContent);
+		add("address dt dd div caption", "", flowContent);
+		add("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre p abbr code var samp kbd sub sup i b u bdo span legend em strong small s cite dfn", "", phrasingContent);
+		add("blockquote", "cite", flowContent);
+		add("ol", "reversed start type", "li");
+		add("ul", "", "li");
+		add("li", "value", flowContent);
+		add("dl", "", "dt dd");
+		add("a", "href target rel media hreflang type", phrasingContent);
+		add("q", "cite", phrasingContent);
+		add("ins del", "cite datetime", flowContent);
+		add("img", "src alt usemap ismap width height");
+		add("iframe", "src name width height", flowContent);
+		add("embed", "src type width height");
+		add("object", "data type typemustmatch name usemap form width height", flowContent, "param");
+		add("param", "name value");
+		add("map", "name", flowContent, "area");
+		add("area", "alt coords shape href target rel media hreflang type");
+		add("table", "border", "caption colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr" + (type == "html4" ? " col" : ""));
+		add("colgroup", "span", "col");
+		add("col", "span");
+		add("tbody thead tfoot", "", "tr");
+		add("tr", "", "td th");
+		add("td", "colspan rowspan headers", flowContent);
+		add("th", "colspan rowspan headers scope abbr", flowContent);
+		add("form", "accept-charset action autocomplete enctype method name novalidate target", flowContent);
+		add("fieldset", "disabled form name", flowContent, "legend");
+		add("label", "form for", phrasingContent);
+		add("input", "accept alt autocomplete checked dirname disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate " +
+				"formtarget height list max maxlength min multiple name pattern readonly required size src step type value width"
+		);
+		add("button", "disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget name type value",
+			type == "html4" ? flowContent : phrasingContent);
+		add("select", "disabled form multiple name required size", "option optgroup");
+		add("optgroup", "disabled label", "option");
+		add("option", "disabled label selected value");
+		add("textarea", "cols dirname disabled form maxlength name readonly required rows wrap");
+		add("menu", "type label", flowContent, "li");
+		add("noscript", "", flowContent);
+		// Extend with HTML5 elements
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			add("wbr");
+			add("ruby", "", phrasingContent, "rt rp");
+			add("figcaption", "", flowContent);
+			add("mark rt rp summary bdi", "", phrasingContent);
+			add("canvas", "width height", flowContent);
+			add("video", "src crossorigin poster preload autoplay mediagroup loop " +
+				"muted controls width height", flowContent, "track source");
+			add("audio", "src crossorigin preload autoplay mediagroup loop muted controls", flowContent, "track source");
+			add("source", "src type media");
+			add("track", "kind src srclang label default");
+			add("datalist", "", phrasingContent, "option");
+			add("article section nav aside header footer", "", flowContent);
+			add("hgroup", "", "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6");
+			add("figure", "", flowContent, "figcaption");
+			add("time", "datetime", phrasingContent);
+			add("dialog", "open", flowContent);
+			add("command", "type label icon disabled checked radiogroup command");
+			add("output", "for form name", phrasingContent);
+			add("progress", "value max", phrasingContent);
+			add("meter", "value min max low high optimum", phrasingContent);
+			add("details", "open", flowContent, "summary");
+			add("keygen", "autofocus challenge disabled form keytype name");
+		}
+		// Extend with HTML4 attributes unless it's html5-strict
+		if (type != "html5-strict") {
+			addAttrs("script", "language xml:space");
+			addAttrs("style", "xml:space");
+			addAttrs("object", "declare classid codebase codetype archive standby align border hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("param", "valuetype type");
+			addAttrs("a", "charset name rev shape coords");
+			addAttrs("br", "clear");
+			addAttrs("applet", "codebase archive code object alt name width height align hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("img", "name longdesc align border hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("iframe", "longdesc frameborder marginwidth marginheight scrolling align");
+			addAttrs("font basefont", "size color face");
+			addAttrs("input", "usemap align");
+			addAttrs("select", "onchange");
+			addAttrs("textarea");
+			addAttrs("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div p legend caption", "align");
+			addAttrs("ul", "type compact");
+			addAttrs("li", "type");
+			addAttrs("ol dl menu dir", "compact");
+			addAttrs("pre", "width xml:space");
+			addAttrs("hr", "align noshade size width");
+			addAttrs("isindex", "prompt");
+			addAttrs("table", "summary width frame rules cellspacing cellpadding align bgcolor");
+			addAttrs("col", "width align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("colgroup", "width align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("thead", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("tr", "align char charoff valign bgcolor");
+			addAttrs("th", "axis align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height");
+			addAttrs("form", "accept");
+			addAttrs("td", "abbr axis scope align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height");
+			addAttrs("tfoot", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("tbody", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("area", "nohref");
+			addAttrs("body", "background bgcolor text link vlink alink");
+		}
+		// Extend with HTML5 attributes unless it's html4
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			addAttrs("input button select textarea", "autofocus");
+			addAttrs("input textarea", "placeholder");
+			addAttrs("a", "download");
+			addAttrs("link script img", "crossorigin");
+			addAttrs("iframe", "srcdoc sandbox seamless allowfullscreen");
+		}
+		// Special: iframe, ruby, video, audio, label
+		// Delete children of the same name from it's parent
+		// For example: form can't have a child of the name form
+		each(split('a form meter progress dfn'), function(name) {
+			if (schema[name]) {
+				delete schema[name].children[name];
+			}
+		});
+		// Delete header, footer, sectioning and heading content descendants
+		/*each('dt th address', function(name) {
+			delete schema[name].children[name];
+		});*/
+		// Caption can't have tables
+		delete schema.caption.children.table;
+		// TODO: LI:s can only have value if parent is OL
+		// TODO: Handle transparent elements
+		// a ins del canvas map
+		mapCache[type] = schema;
+		return schema;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Schema instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Schema
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var self = this, elements = {}, children = {}, patternElements = [], validStyles, schemaItems;
+		var whiteSpaceElementsMap, selfClosingElementsMap, shortEndedElementsMap, boolAttrMap;
+		var blockElementsMap, nonEmptyElementsMap, textBlockElementsMap, customElementsMap = {}, specialElements = {};
+		// Creates an lookup table map object for the specified option or the default value
+		function createLookupTable(option, default_value, extendWith) {
+			var value = settings[option];
+			if (!value) {
+				// Get cached default map or make it if needed
+				value = mapCache[option];
+				if (!value) {
+					value = makeMap(default_value, ' ', makeMap(default_value.toUpperCase(), ' '));
+					value = extend(value, extendWith);
+					mapCache[option] = value;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Create custom map
+				value = makeMap(value, ',', makeMap(value.toUpperCase(), ' '));
+			}
+			return value;
+		}
+		settings = settings || {};
+		schemaItems = compileSchema(settings.schema);
+		// Allow all elements and attributes if verify_html is set to false
+		if (settings.verify_html === false) {
+			settings.valid_elements = '*[*]';
+		}
+		// Build styles list
+		if (settings.valid_styles) {
+			validStyles = {};
+			// Convert styles into a rule list
+			each(settings.valid_styles, function(value, key) {
+				validStyles[key] = explode(value);
+			});
+		}
+		// Setup map objects
+		whiteSpaceElementsMap = createLookupTable('whitespace_elements', 'pre script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object');
+		selfClosingElementsMap = createLookupTable('self_closing_elements', 'colgroup dd dt li option p td tfoot th thead tr');
+		shortEndedElementsMap = createLookupTable('short_ended_elements', 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link ' +
+			'meta param embed source wbr track');
+		boolAttrMap = createLookupTable('boolean_attributes', 'checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize ' +
+			'noshade nowrap readonly selected autoplay loop controls');
+		nonEmptyElementsMap = createLookupTable('non_empty_elements', 'td th iframe video audio object script', shortEndedElementsMap);
+		textBlockElementsMap = createLookupTable('text_block_elements', 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div address pre form ' +
+						'blockquote center dir fieldset header footer article section hgroup aside nav figure');
+		blockElementsMap = createLookupTable('block_elements', 'hr table tbody thead tfoot ' +
+						'th tr td li ol ul caption dl dt dd noscript menu isindex option ' +
+						'datalist select optgroup', textBlockElementsMap);
+		each((settings.special || 'script noscript style textarea').split(' '), function(name) {
+			specialElements[name] = new RegExp('<\/' + name + '[^>]*>','gi');
+		});
+		// Converts a wildcard expression string to a regexp for example *a will become /.*a/.
+		function patternToRegExp(str) {
+			return new RegExp('^' + str.replace(/([?+*])/g, '.$1') + '$');
+		}
+		// Parses the specified valid_elements string and adds to the current rules
+		// This function is a bit hard to read since it's heavily optimized for speed
+		function addValidElements(valid_elements) {
+			var ei, el, ai, al, matches, element, attr, attrData, elementName, attrName, attrType, attributes, attributesOrder,
+				prefix, outputName, globalAttributes, globalAttributesOrder, key, value,
+				elementRuleRegExp = /^([#+\-])?([^\[!\/]+)(?:\/([^\[!]+))?(?:(!?)\[([^\]]+)\])?$/,
+				attrRuleRegExp = /^([!\-])?(\w+::\w+|[^=:<]+)?(?:([=:<])(.*))?$/,
+				hasPatternsRegExp = /[*?+]/;
+			if (valid_elements) {
+				// Split valid elements into an array with rules
+				valid_elements = split(valid_elements, ',');
+				if (elements['@']) {
+					globalAttributes = elements['@'].attributes;
+					globalAttributesOrder = elements['@'].attributesOrder;
+				}
+				// Loop all rules
+				for (ei = 0, el = valid_elements.length; ei < el; ei++) {
+					// Parse element rule
+					matches = elementRuleRegExp.exec(valid_elements[ei]);
+					if (matches) {
+						// Setup local names for matches
+						prefix = matches[1];
+						elementName = matches[2];
+						outputName = matches[3];
+						attrData = matches[5];
+						// Create new attributes and attributesOrder
+						attributes = {};
+						attributesOrder = [];
+						// Create the new element
+						element = {
+							attributes: attributes,
+							attributesOrder: attributesOrder
+						};
+						// Padd empty elements prefix
+						if (prefix === '#') {
+							element.paddEmpty = true;
+						}
+						// Remove empty elements prefix
+						if (prefix === '-') {
+							element.removeEmpty = true;
+						}
+						if (matches[4] === '!') {
+							element.removeEmptyAttrs = true;
+						}
+						// Copy attributes from global rule into current rule
+						if (globalAttributes) {
+							for (key in globalAttributes) {
+								attributes[key] = globalAttributes[key];
+							}
+							attributesOrder.push.apply(attributesOrder, globalAttributesOrder);
+						}
+						// Attributes defined
+						if (attrData) {
+							attrData = split(attrData, '|');
+							for (ai = 0, al = attrData.length; ai < al; ai++) {
+								matches = attrRuleRegExp.exec(attrData[ai]);
+								if (matches) {
+									attr = {};
+									attrType = matches[1];
+									attrName = matches[2].replace(/::/g, ':');
+									prefix = matches[3];
+									value = matches[4];
+									// Required
+									if (attrType === '!') {
+										element.attributesRequired = element.attributesRequired || [];
+										element.attributesRequired.push(attrName);
+										attr.required = true;
+									}
+									// Denied from global
+									if (attrType === '-') {
+										delete attributes[attrName];
+										attributesOrder.splice(inArray(attributesOrder, attrName), 1);
+										continue;
+									}
+									// Default value
+									if (prefix) {
+										// Default value
+										if (prefix === '=') {
+											element.attributesDefault = element.attributesDefault || [];
+											element.attributesDefault.push({name: attrName, value: value});
+											attr.defaultValue = value;
+										}
+										// Forced value
+										if (prefix === ':') {
+											element.attributesForced = element.attributesForced || [];
+											element.attributesForced.push({name: attrName, value: value});
+											attr.forcedValue = value;
+										}
+										// Required values
+										if (prefix === '<') {
+											attr.validValues = makeMap(value, '?');
+										}
+									}
+									// Check for attribute patterns
+									if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(attrName)) {
+										element.attributePatterns = element.attributePatterns || [];
+										attr.pattern = patternToRegExp(attrName);
+										element.attributePatterns.push(attr);
+									} else {
+										// Add attribute to order list if it doesn't already exist
+										if (!attributes[attrName]) {
+											attributesOrder.push(attrName);
+										}
+										attributes[attrName] = attr;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Global rule, store away these for later usage
+						if (!globalAttributes && elementName == '@') {
+							globalAttributes = attributes;
+							globalAttributesOrder = attributesOrder;
+						}
+						// Handle substitute elements such as b/strong
+						if (outputName) {
+							element.outputName = elementName;
+							elements[outputName] = element;
+						}
+						// Add pattern or exact element
+						if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(elementName)) {
+							element.pattern = patternToRegExp(elementName);
+							patternElements.push(element);
+						} else {
+							elements[elementName] = element;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function setValidElements(valid_elements) {
+			elements = {};
+			patternElements = [];
+			addValidElements(valid_elements);
+			each(schemaItems, function(element, name) {
+				children[name] = element.children;
+			});
+		}
+		// Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema
+		function addCustomElements(custom_elements) {
+			var customElementRegExp = /^(~)?(.+)$/;
+			if (custom_elements) {
+				// Flush cached items since we are altering the default maps
+				mapCache.text_block_elements = mapCache.block_elements = null;
+				each(split(custom_elements, ','), function(rule) {
+					var matches = customElementRegExp.exec(rule),
+						inline = matches[1] === '~',
+						cloneName = inline ? 'span' : 'div',
+						name = matches[2];
+					children[name] = children[cloneName];
+					customElementsMap[name] = cloneName;
+					// If it's not marked as inline then add it to valid block elements
+					if (!inline) {
+						blockElementsMap[name.toUpperCase()] = {};
+						blockElementsMap[name] = {};
+					}
+					// Add elements clone if needed
+					if (!elements[name]) {
+						var customRule = elements[cloneName];
+						customRule = extend({}, customRule);
+						delete customRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
+						delete customRule.removeEmpty;
+						elements[name] = customRule;
+					}
+					// Add custom elements at span/div positions
+					each(children, function(element, elmName) {
+						if (element[cloneName]) {
+							children[elmName] = element = extend({}, children[elmName]);
+							element[name] = element[cloneName];
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		// Adds valid children to the schema object
+		function addValidChildren(valid_children) {
+			var childRuleRegExp = /^([+\-]?)(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]$/;
+			if (valid_children) {
+				each(split(valid_children, ','), function(rule) {
+					var matches = childRuleRegExp.exec(rule), parent, prefix;
+					if (matches) {
+						prefix = matches[1];
+						// Add/remove items from default
+						if (prefix) {
+							parent = children[matches[2]];
+						} else {
+							parent = children[matches[2]] = {'#comment': {}};
+						}
+						parent = children[matches[2]];
+						each(split(matches[3], '|'), function(child) {
+							if (prefix === '-') {
+								// Clone the element before we delete
+								// things in it to not mess up default schemas
+								children[matches[2]] = parent = extend({}, children[matches[2]]);
+								delete parent[child];
+							} else {
+								parent[child] = {};
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		function getElementRule(name) {
+			var element = elements[name], i;
+			// Exact match found
+			if (element) {
+				return element;
+			}
+			// No exact match then try the patterns
+			i = patternElements.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				element = patternElements[i];
+				if (element.pattern.test(name)) {
+					return element;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (!settings.valid_elements) {
+			// No valid elements defined then clone the elements from the schema spec
+			each(schemaItems, function(element, name) {
+				elements[name] = {
+					attributes: element.attributes,
+					attributesOrder: element.attributesOrder
+				};
+				children[name] = element.children;
+			});
+			// Switch these on HTML4
+			if (settings.schema != "html5") {
+				each(split('strong/b em/i'), function(item) {
+					item = split(item, '/');
+					elements[item[1]].outputName = item[0];
+				});
+			}
+			// Add default alt attribute for images
+			elements.img.attributesDefault = [{name: 'alt', value: ''}];
+			// Remove these if they are empty by default
+			each(split('ol ul sub sup blockquote span font a table tbody tr strong em b i'), function(name) {
+				if (elements[name]) {
+					elements[name].removeEmpty = true;
+				}
+			});
+			// Padd these by default
+			each(split('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 th td pre div address caption'), function(name) {
+				elements[name].paddEmpty = true;
+			});
+			// Remove these if they have no attributes
+			each(split('span'), function(name) {
+				elements[name].removeEmptyAttrs = true;
+			});
+			// Remove these by default
+			// TODO: Reenable in 4.1
+			/*each(split('script style'), function(name) {
+				delete elements[name];
+			});*/
+		} else {
+			setValidElements(settings.valid_elements);
+		}
+		addCustomElements(settings.custom_elements);
+		addValidChildren(settings.valid_children);
+		addValidElements(settings.extended_valid_elements);
+		// Todo: Remove this when we fix list handling to be valid
+		addValidChildren('+ol[ul|ol],+ul[ul|ol]');
+		// Delete invalid elements
+		if (settings.invalid_elements) {
+			each(explode(settings.invalid_elements), function(item) {
+				if (elements[item]) {
+					delete elements[item];
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// If the user didn't allow span only allow internal spans
+		if (!getElementRule('span')) {
+			addValidElements('span[!data-mce-type|*]');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Name/value map object with valid parents and children to those parents.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * children = {
+		 *    div:{p:{}, h1:{}}
+		 * };
+		 * @field children
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		self.children = children;
+		/**
+		 * Name/value map object with valid styles for each element.
+		 *
+		 * @field styles
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		self.styles = validStyles;
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with boolean attributes.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBoolAttrs
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for boolean attributes.
+		 */
+		self.getBoolAttrs = function() {
+			return boolAttrMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with block elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBlockElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for block elements.
+		 */
+		self.getBlockElements = function() {
+			return blockElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with text block elements. Such as: p,h1-h6,div,address
+		 *
+		 * @method getTextBlockElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for block elements.
+		 */
+		self.getTextBlockElements = function() {
+			return textBlockElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with short ended elements such as BR or IMG.
+		 *
+		 * @method getShortEndedElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for short ended elements.
+		 */
+		self.getShortEndedElements = function() {
+			return shortEndedElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with self closing tags such as <li>.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSelfClosingElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for self closing tags elements.
+		 */
+		self.getSelfClosingElements = function() {
+			return selfClosingElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with elements that should be treated as contents regardless if it has text
+		 * content in them or not such as TD, VIDEO or IMG.
+		 *
+		 * @method getNonEmptyElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for non empty elements.
+		 */
+		self.getNonEmptyElements = function() {
+			return nonEmptyElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with elements where white space is to be preserved like PRE or SCRIPT.
+		 *
+		 * @method getWhiteSpaceElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for white space elements.
+		 */
+		self.getWhiteSpaceElements = function() {
+			return whiteSpaceElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with special elements. These are elements that needs to be parsed
+		 * in a special way such as script, style, textarea etc. The map object values
+		 * are regexps used to find the end of the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSpecialElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for special elements.
+		 */
+		self.getSpecialElements = function() {
+			return specialElements;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element and it's child is valid or not
+		 * according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method isValidChild
+		 * @param {String} name Element name to check for.
+		 * @param {String} child Element child to verify.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element is a valid child of the specified parent.
+		 */
+		self.isValidChild = function(name, child) {
+			var parent = children[name];
+			return !!(parent && parent[child]);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element name and optional attribute is
+		 * valid according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method isValid
+		 * @param {String} name Name of element to check.
+		 * @param {String} attr Optional attribute name to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element and attribute is valid.
+		 */
+		self.isValid = function(name, attr) {
+			var attrPatterns, i, rule = getElementRule(name);
+			// Check if it's a valid element
+			if (rule) {
+				if (attr) {
+					// Check if attribute name exists
+					if (rule.attributes[attr]) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					// Check if attribute matches a regexp pattern
+					attrPatterns = rule.attributePatterns;
+					if (attrPatterns) {
+						i = attrPatterns.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (attrPatterns[i].pattern.test(name)) {
+								return true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			// No match
+			return false;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element is valid or not
+		 * according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method getElementRule
+		 * @param {String} name Element name to check for.
+		 * @return {Object} Element object or undefined if the element isn't valid.
+		 */
+		self.getElementRule = getElementRule;
+		/**
+		 * Returns an map object of all custom elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method getCustomElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value map object of all custom elements.
+		 */
+		self.getCustomElements = function() {
+			return customElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid elements string and adds it to the schema. The valid elements
+		 * format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]".
+		 * Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified, so this extends the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method addValidElements
+		 * @param {String} valid_elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed.
+		 */
+		self.addValidElements = addValidElements;
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid elements string and sets it to the schema. The valid elements
+		 * format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]".
+		 * Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified, so this extends the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method setValidElements
+		 * @param {String} valid_elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed.
+		 */
+		self.setValidElements = setValidElements;
+		/**
+		 * Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCustomElements
+		 * @param {String} custom_elements Comma separated list of custom elements to add.
+		 */
+		self.addCustomElements = addCustomElements;
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid children string and adds them to the schema structure. The valid children
+		 * format is for example: "element[child1|child2]".
+		 *
+		 * @method addValidChildren
+		 * @param {String} valid_children Valid children elements string to parse
+		 */
+		self.addValidChildren = addValidChildren;
+		self.elements = elements;
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/SaxParser.js
+ * SaxParser.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint max-depth:[2, 9] */
+ * This class parses HTML code using pure JavaScript and executes various events for each item it finds. It will
+ * always execute the events in the right order for tag soup code like <b><p></b></p>. It will also remove elements
+ * and attributes that doesn't fit the schema if the validate setting is enabled.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.SaxParser({
+ *     validate: true,
+ *
+ *     comment: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('Comment:', text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     cdata: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('CDATA:', text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     text: function(text, raw) {
+ *         console.log('Text:', text, 'Raw:', raw);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+ *         console.log('Start:', name, attrs, empty);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     end: function(name) {
+ *         console.log('End:', name);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     pi: function(name, text) {
+ *         console.log('PI:', name, text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     doctype: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('DocType:', text);
+ *     }
+ * }, schema);
+ * @class tinymce.html.SaxParser
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/SaxParser", [
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Schema, Entities, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new SaxParser instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method SaxParser
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value collection of settings. comment, cdata, text, start and end are callbacks.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema HTML Schema class to use when parsing.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this;
+		function noop() {}
+		settings = settings || {};
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		if (settings.fix_self_closing !== false) {
+			settings.fix_self_closing = true;
+		}
+		// Add handler functions from settings and setup default handlers
+		each('comment cdata text start end pi doctype'.split(' '), function(name) {
+			if (name) {
+				self[name] = settings[name] || noop;
+			}
+		});
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified HTML string and executes the callbacks for each item it finds.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * new SaxParser({...}).parse('<b>text</b>');
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to sax parse.
+		 */
+		self.parse = function(html) {
+			var self = this, matches, index = 0, value, endRegExp, stack = [], attrList, i, text, name;
+			var isInternalElement, removeInternalElements, shortEndedElements, fillAttrsMap, isShortEnded;
+			var validate, elementRule, isValidElement, attr, attribsValue, validAttributesMap, validAttributePatterns;
+			var attributesRequired, attributesDefault, attributesForced;
+			var anyAttributesRequired, selfClosing, tokenRegExp, attrRegExp, specialElements, attrValue, idCount = 0;
+			var decode = Entities.decode, fixSelfClosing, filteredUrlAttrs = Tools.makeMap('src,href');
+			var scriptUriRegExp = /(java|vb)script:/i;
+			function processEndTag(name) {
+				var pos, i;
+				// Find position of parent of the same type
+				pos = stack.length;
+				while (pos--) {
+					if (stack[pos].name === name) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				// Found parent
+				if (pos >= 0) {
+					// Close all the open elements
+					for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
+						name = stack[i];
+						if (name.valid) {
+							self.end(name.name);
+						}
+					}
+					// Remove the open elements from the stack
+					stack.length = pos;
+				}
+			}
+			function parseAttribute(match, name, value, val2, val3) {
+				var attrRule, i, trimRegExp = /[\s\u0000-\u001F]+/g;
+				name = name.toLowerCase();
+				value = name in fillAttrsMap ? name : decode(value || val2 || val3 || ''); // Handle boolean attribute than value attribute
+				// Validate name and value pass through all data- attributes
+				if (validate && !isInternalElement && name.indexOf('data-') !== 0) {
+					attrRule = validAttributesMap[name];
+					// Find rule by pattern matching
+					if (!attrRule && validAttributePatterns) {
+						i = validAttributePatterns.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							attrRule = validAttributePatterns[i];
+							if (attrRule.pattern.test(name)) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						// No rule matched
+						if (i === -1) {
+							attrRule = null;
+						}
+					}
+					// No attribute rule found
+					if (!attrRule) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Validate value
+					if (attrRule.validValues && !(value in attrRule.validValues)) {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// Block any javascript: urls
+				if (filteredUrlAttrs[name] && !settings.allow_script_urls) {
+					var uri = value.replace(trimRegExp, '');
+					try {
+						// Might throw malformed URI sequence
+						uri = decodeURIComponent(uri);
+						if (scriptUriRegExp.test(uri)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Fallback to non UTF-8 decoder
+						uri = unescape(uri);
+						if (scriptUriRegExp.test(uri)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Add attribute to list and map
+				attrList.map[name] = value;
+				attrList.push({
+					name: name,
+					value: value
+				});
+			}
+			// Precompile RegExps and map objects
+			tokenRegExp = new RegExp('<(?:' +
+				'(?:!--([\\w\\W]*?)-->)|' + // Comment
+				'(?:!\\[CDATA\\[([\\w\\W]*?)\\]\\]>)|' + // CDATA
+				'(?:!DOCTYPE([\\w\\W]*?)>)|' + // DOCTYPE
+				'(?:\\?([^\\s\\/<>]+) ?([\\w\\W]*?)[?/]>)|' + // PI
+				'(?:\\/([^>]+)>)|' + // End element
+				'(?:([A-Za-z0-9\\-\\:\\.]+)((?:\\s+[^"\'>]+(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\')|[^>]*))*|\\/|\\s+)>)' + // Start element
+			')', 'g');
+			attrRegExp = /([\w:\-]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:\"((?:[^\"])*)\")|(?:\'((?:[^\'])*)\')|([^>\s]+)))?/g;
+			// Setup lookup tables for empty elements and boolean attributes
+			shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
+			selfClosing = settings.self_closing_elements || schema.getSelfClosingElements();
+			fillAttrsMap = schema.getBoolAttrs();
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			removeInternalElements = settings.remove_internals;
+			fixSelfClosing = settings.fix_self_closing;
+			specialElements = schema.getSpecialElements();
+			while ((matches = tokenRegExp.exec(html))) {
+				// Text
+				if (index < matches.index) {
+					self.text(decode(html.substr(index, matches.index - index)));
+				}
+				if ((value = matches[6])) { // End element
+					value = value.toLowerCase();
+					// IE will add a ":" in front of elements it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements
+					if (value.charAt(0) === ':') {
+						value = value.substr(1);
+					}
+					processEndTag(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[7])) { // Start element
+					value = value.toLowerCase();
+					// IE will add a ":" in front of elements it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements
+					if (value.charAt(0) === ':') {
+						value = value.substr(1);
+					}
+					isShortEnded = value in shortEndedElements;
+					// Is self closing tag for example an <li> after an open <li>
+					if (fixSelfClosing && selfClosing[value] && stack.length > 0 && stack[stack.length - 1].name === value) {
+						processEndTag(value);
+					}
+					// Validate element
+					if (!validate || (elementRule = schema.getElementRule(value))) {
+						isValidElement = true;
+						// Grab attributes map and patters when validation is enabled
+						if (validate) {
+							validAttributesMap = elementRule.attributes;
+							validAttributePatterns = elementRule.attributePatterns;
+						}
+						// Parse attributes
+						if ((attribsValue = matches[8])) {
+							isInternalElement = attribsValue.indexOf('data-mce-type') !== -1; // Check if the element is an internal element
+							// If the element has internal attributes then remove it if we are told to do so
+							if (isInternalElement && removeInternalElements) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+							attrList = [];
+							attrList.map = {};
+							attribsValue.replace(attrRegExp, parseAttribute);
+						} else {
+							attrList = [];
+							attrList.map = {};
+						}
+						// Process attributes if validation is enabled
+						if (validate && !isInternalElement) {
+							attributesRequired = elementRule.attributesRequired;
+							attributesDefault = elementRule.attributesDefault;
+							attributesForced = elementRule.attributesForced;
+							anyAttributesRequired = elementRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
+							// Check if any attribute exists
+							if (anyAttributesRequired && !attrList.length) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+							// Handle forced attributes
+							if (attributesForced) {
+								i = attributesForced.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									attr = attributesForced[i];
+									name = attr.name;
+									attrValue = attr.value;
+									if (attrValue === '{$uid}') {
+										attrValue = 'mce_' + idCount++;
+									}
+									attrList.map[name] = attrValue;
+									attrList.push({name: name, value: attrValue});
+								}
+							}
+							// Handle default attributes
+							if (attributesDefault) {
+								i = attributesDefault.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									attr = attributesDefault[i];
+									name = attr.name;
+									if (!(name in attrList.map)) {
+										attrValue = attr.value;
+										if (attrValue === '{$uid}') {
+											attrValue = 'mce_' + idCount++;
+										}
+										attrList.map[name] = attrValue;
+										attrList.push({name: name, value: attrValue});
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Handle required attributes
+							if (attributesRequired) {
+								i = attributesRequired.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									if (attributesRequired[i] in attrList.map) {
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+								// None of the required attributes where found
+								if (i === -1) {
+									isValidElement = false;
+								}
+							}
+							// Invalidate element if it's marked as bogus
+							if (attrList.map['data-mce-bogus']) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+						}
+						if (isValidElement) {
+							self.start(value, attrList, isShortEnded);
+						}
+					} else {
+						isValidElement = false;
+					}
+					// Treat script, noscript and style a bit different since they may include code that looks like elements
+					if ((endRegExp = specialElements[value])) {
+						endRegExp.lastIndex = index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+						if ((matches = endRegExp.exec(html))) {
+							if (isValidElement) {
+								text = html.substr(index, matches.index - index);
+							}
+							index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+						} else {
+							text = html.substr(index);
+							index = html.length;
+						}
+						if (isValidElement) {
+							if (text.length > 0) {
+								self.text(text, true);
+							}
+							self.end(value);
+						}
+						tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Push value on to stack
+					if (!isShortEnded) {
+						if (!attribsValue || attribsValue.indexOf('/') != attribsValue.length - 1) {
+							stack.push({name: value, valid: isValidElement});
+						} else if (isValidElement) {
+							self.end(value);
+						}
+					}
+				} else if ((value = matches[1])) { // Comment
+					// Padd comment value to avoid browsers from parsing invalid comments as HTML
+					if (value.charAt(0) === '>') {
+						value = ' ' + value;
+					}
+					if (!settings.allow_conditional_comments && value.substr(0, 3) === '[if') {
+						value = ' ' + value;
+					}
+					self.comment(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[2])) { // CDATA
+					self.cdata(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[3])) { // DOCTYPE
+					self.doctype(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[4])) { // PI
+					self.pi(value, matches[5]);
+				}
+				index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+			}
+			// Text
+			if (index < html.length) {
+				self.text(decode(html.substr(index)));
+			}
+			// Close any open elements
+			for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+				value = stack[i];
+				if (value.valid) {
+					self.end(value.name);
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/DomParser.js
+ * DomParser.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class parses HTML code into a DOM like structure of nodes it will remove redundant whitespace and make
+ * sure that the node tree is valid according to the specified schema.
+ * So for example: <p>a<p>b</p>c</p> will become <p>a</p><p>b</p><p>c</p>
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({validate: true}, schema);
+ * var rootNode = parser.parse('<h1>content</h1>');
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.DomParser
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/DomParser", [
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/SaxParser",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Node, Schema, SaxParser, Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap, each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode, extend = Tools.extend;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DomParser instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method DomParser
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value collection of settings. comment, cdata, text, start and end are callbacks.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema HTML Schema class to use when parsing.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this, nodeFilters = {}, attributeFilters = [], matchedNodes = {}, matchedAttributes = {};
+		settings = settings || {};
+		settings.validate = "validate" in settings ? settings.validate : true;
+		settings.root_name = settings.root_name || 'body';
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		function fixInvalidChildren(nodes) {
+			var ni, node, parent, parents, newParent, currentNode, tempNode, childNode, i;
+			var nonEmptyElements, nonSplitableElements, textBlockElements, sibling, nextNode;
+			nonSplitableElements = makeMap('tr,td,th,tbody,thead,tfoot,table');
+			nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			textBlockElements = schema.getTextBlockElements();
+			for (ni = 0; ni < nodes.length; ni++) {
+				node = nodes[ni];
+				// Already removed or fixed
+				if (!node.parent || node.fixed) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// If the invalid element is a text block and the text block is within a parent LI element
+				// Then unwrap the first text block and convert other sibling text blocks to LI elements similar to Word/Open Office
+				if (textBlockElements[node.name] && node.parent.name == 'li') {
+					// Move sibling text blocks after LI element
+					sibling = node.next;
+					while (sibling) {
+						if (textBlockElements[sibling.name]) {
+							sibling.name = 'li';
+							sibling.fixed = true;
+							node.parent.insert(sibling, node.parent);
+						} else {
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.next;
+					}
+					// Unwrap current text block
+					node.unwrap(node);
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Get list of all parent nodes until we find a valid parent to stick the child into
+				parents = [node];
+				for (parent = node.parent; parent && !schema.isValidChild(parent.name, node.name) &&
+					!nonSplitableElements[parent.name]; parent = parent.parent) {
+					parents.push(parent);
+				}
+				// Found a suitable parent
+				if (parent && parents.length > 1) {
+					// Reverse the array since it makes looping easier
+					parents.reverse();
+					// Clone the related parent and insert that after the moved node
+					newParent = currentNode = self.filterNode(parents[0].clone());
+					// Start cloning and moving children on the left side of the target node
+					for (i = 0; i < parents.length - 1; i++) {
+						if (schema.isValidChild(currentNode.name, parents[i].name)) {
+							tempNode = self.filterNode(parents[i].clone());
+							currentNode.append(tempNode);
+						} else {
+							tempNode = currentNode;
+						}
+						for (childNode = parents[i].firstChild; childNode && childNode != parents[i + 1]; ) {
+							nextNode = childNode.next;
+							tempNode.append(childNode);
+							childNode = nextNode;
+						}
+						currentNode = tempNode;
+					}
+					if (!newParent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+						parent.insert(newParent, parents[0], true);
+						parent.insert(node, newParent);
+					} else {
+						parent.insert(node, parents[0], true);
+					}
+					// Check if the element is empty by looking through it's contents and special treatment for <p><br /></p>
+					parent = parents[0];
+					if (parent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements) || parent.firstChild === parent.lastChild && parent.firstChild.name === 'br') {
+						parent.empty().remove();
+					}
+				} else if (node.parent) {
+					// If it's an LI try to find a UL/OL for it or wrap it
+					if (node.name === 'li') {
+						sibling = node.prev;
+						if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ul')) {
+							sibling.append(node);
+							continue;
+						}
+						sibling = node.next;
+						if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ul')) {
+							sibling.insert(node, sibling.firstChild, true);
+							continue;
+						}
+						node.wrap(self.filterNode(new Node('ul', 1)));
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Try wrapping the element in a DIV
+					if (schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'div') && schema.isValidChild('div', node.name)) {
+						node.wrap(self.filterNode(new Node('div', 1)));
+					} else {
+						// We failed wrapping it, then remove or unwrap it
+						if (node.name === 'style' || node.name === 'script') {
+							node.empty().remove();
+						} else {
+							node.unwrap();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Runs the specified node though the element and attributes filters.
+		 *
+		 * @method filterNode
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} Node the node to run filters on.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The passed in node.
+		 */
+		self.filterNode = function(node) {
+			var i, name, list;
+			// Run element filters
+			if (name in nodeFilters) {
+				list = matchedNodes[name];
+				if (list) {
+					list.push(node);
+				} else {
+					matchedNodes[name] = [node];
+				}
+			}
+			// Run attribute filters
+			i = attributeFilters.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				name = attributeFilters[i].name;
+				if (name in node.attributes.map) {
+					list = matchedAttributes[name];
+					if (list) {
+						list.push(node);
+					} else {
+						matchedAttributes[name] = [node];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a node filter function to the parser, the parser will collect the specified nodes by name
+		 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1', function(nodes, name) {
+		 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+		 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+		 *		}
+		 * });
+		 * @method addNodeFilter
+		 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+		 */
+		self.addNodeFilter = function(name, callback) {
+			each(explode(name), function(name) {
+				var list = nodeFilters[name];
+				if (!list) {
+					nodeFilters[name] = list = [];
+				}
+				list.push(callback);
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a attribute filter function to the parser, the parser will collect nodes that has the specified attributes
+		 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href', function(nodes, name) {
+		 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+		 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+		 *		}
+		 * });
+		 * @method addAttributeFilter
+		 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+		 */
+		self.addAttributeFilter = function(name, callback) {
+			each(explode(name), function(name) {
+				var i;
+				for (i = 0; i < attributeFilters.length; i++) {
+					if (attributeFilters[i].name === name) {
+						attributeFilters[i].callbacks.push(callback);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				attributeFilters.push({name: name, callbacks: [callback]});
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified HTML string into a DOM like node tree and returns the result.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var rootNode = new DomParser({...}).parse('<b>text</b>');
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to sax parse.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional args object that gets passed to all filter functions.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Root node containing the tree.
+		 */
+		self.parse = function(html, args) {
+			var parser, rootNode, node, nodes, i, l, fi, fl, list, name, validate;
+			var blockElements, startWhiteSpaceRegExp, invalidChildren = [], isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement;
+			var endWhiteSpaceRegExp, allWhiteSpaceRegExp, isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp, whiteSpaceElements;
+			var children, nonEmptyElements, rootBlockName;
+			args = args || {};
+			matchedNodes = {};
+			matchedAttributes = {};
+			blockElements = extend(makeMap('script,style,head,html,body,title,meta,param'), schema.getBlockElements());
+			nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			children = schema.children;
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			rootBlockName = "forced_root_block" in args ? args.forced_root_block : settings.forced_root_block;
+			whiteSpaceElements = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements();
+			startWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+/;
+			endWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+$/;
+			allWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+/g;
+			isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+$/;
+			function addRootBlocks() {
+				var node = rootNode.firstChild, next, rootBlockNode;
+				// Removes whitespace at beginning and end of block so:
+				// <p> x </p> -> <p>x</p>
+				function trim(rootBlockNode) {
+					if (rootBlockNode) {
+						node = rootBlockNode.firstChild;
+						if (node && node.type == 3) {
+							node.value = node.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+						node = rootBlockNode.lastChild;
+						if (node && node.type == 3) {
+							node.value = node.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Check if rootBlock is valid within rootNode for example if P is valid in H1 if H1 is the contentEditabe root
+				if (!schema.isValidChild(rootNode.name, rootBlockName.toLowerCase())) {
+					return;
+				}
+				while (node) {
+					next = node.next;
+					if (node.type == 3 || (node.type == 1 && node.name !== 'p' &&
+						!blockElements[node.name] && !node.attr('data-mce-type'))) {
+						if (!rootBlockNode) {
+							// Create a new root block element
+							rootBlockNode = createNode(rootBlockName, 1);
+							rootBlockNode.attr(settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+							rootNode.insert(rootBlockNode, node);
+							rootBlockNode.append(node);
+						} else {
+							rootBlockNode.append(node);
+						}
+					} else {
+						trim(rootBlockNode);
+						rootBlockNode = null;
+					}
+					node = next;
+				}
+				trim(rootBlockNode);
+			}
+			function createNode(name, type) {
+				var node = new Node(name, type), list;
+				if (name in nodeFilters) {
+					list = matchedNodes[name];
+					if (list) {
+						list.push(node);
+					} else {
+						matchedNodes[name] = [node];
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function removeWhitespaceBefore(node) {
+				var textNode, textVal, sibling;
+				for (textNode = node.prev; textNode && textNode.type === 3; ) {
+					textVal = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+					if (textVal.length > 0) {
+						textNode.value = textVal;
+						textNode = textNode.prev;
+					} else {
+						sibling = textNode.prev;
+						textNode.remove();
+						textNode = sibling;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function cloneAndExcludeBlocks(input) {
+				var name, output = {};
+				for (name in input) {
+					if (name !== 'li' && name != 'p') {
+						output[name] = input[name];
+					}
+				}
+				return output;
+			}
+			parser = new SaxParser({
+				validate: validate,
+				allow_script_urls: settings.allow_script_urls,
+				allow_conditional_comments: settings.allow_conditional_comments,
+				// Exclude P and LI from DOM parsing since it's treated better by the DOM parser
+				self_closing_elements: cloneAndExcludeBlocks(schema.getSelfClosingElements()),
+				cdata: function(text) {
+					node.append(createNode('#cdata', 4)).value = text;
+				},
+				text: function(text, raw) {
+					var textNode;
+					// Trim all redundant whitespace on non white space elements
+					if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) {
+						text = text.replace(allWhiteSpaceRegExp, ' ');
+						if (node.lastChild && blockElements[node.lastChild.name]) {
+							text = text.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+					}
+					// Do we need to create the node
+					if (text.length !== 0) {
+						textNode = createNode('#text', 3);
+						textNode.raw = !!raw;
+						node.append(textNode).value = text;
+					}
+				},
+				comment: function(text) {
+					node.append(createNode('#comment', 8)).value = text;
+				},
+				pi: function(name, text) {
+					node.append(createNode(name, 7)).value = text;
+					removeWhitespaceBefore(node);
+				},
+				doctype: function(text) {
+					var newNode;
+					newNode = node.append(createNode('#doctype', 10));
+					newNode.value = text;
+					removeWhitespaceBefore(node);
+				},
+				start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+					var newNode, attrFiltersLen, elementRule, attrName, parent;
+					elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {};
+					if (elementRule) {
+						newNode = createNode(elementRule.outputName || name, 1);
+						newNode.attributes = attrs;
+						newNode.shortEnded = empty;
+						node.append(newNode);
+						// Check if node is valid child of the parent node is the child is
+						// unknown we don't collect it since it's probably a custom element
+						parent = children[node.name];
+						if (parent && children[newNode.name] && !parent[newNode.name]) {
+							invalidChildren.push(newNode);
+						}
+						attrFiltersLen = attributeFilters.length;
+						while (attrFiltersLen--) {
+							attrName = attributeFilters[attrFiltersLen].name;
+							if (attrName in attrs.map) {
+								list = matchedAttributes[attrName];
+								if (list) {
+									list.push(newNode);
+								} else {
+									matchedAttributes[attrName] = [newNode];
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Trim whitespace before block
+						if (blockElements[name]) {
+							removeWhitespaceBefore(newNode);
+						}
+						// Change current node if the element wasn't empty i.e not <br /> or <img />
+						if (!empty) {
+							node = newNode;
+						}
+						// Check if we are inside a whitespace preserved element
+						if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) {
+							isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = true;
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				end: function(name) {
+					var textNode, elementRule, text, sibling, tempNode;
+					elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {};
+					if (elementRule) {
+						if (blockElements[name]) {
+							if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) {
+								// Trim whitespace of the first node in a block
+								textNode = node.firstChild;
+								if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+									text = textNode.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+									// Any characters left after trim or should we remove it
+									if (text.length > 0) {
+										textNode.value = text;
+										textNode = textNode.next;
+									} else {
+										sibling = textNode.next;
+										textNode.remove();
+										textNode = sibling;
+										// Remove any pure whitespace siblings
+										while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+											text = textNode.value;
+											sibling = textNode.next;
+											if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) {
+												textNode.remove();
+												textNode = sibling;
+											}
+											textNode = sibling;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								// Trim whitespace of the last node in a block
+								textNode = node.lastChild;
+								if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+									text = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+									// Any characters left after trim or should we remove it
+									if (text.length > 0) {
+										textNode.value = text;
+										textNode = textNode.prev;
+									} else {
+										sibling = textNode.prev;
+										textNode.remove();
+										textNode = sibling;
+										// Remove any pure whitespace siblings
+										while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+											text = textNode.value;
+											sibling = textNode.prev;
+											if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) {
+												textNode.remove();
+												textNode = sibling;
+											}
+											textNode = sibling;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Trim start white space
+							// Removed due to: #5424
+							/*textNode = node.prev;
+							if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+								text = textNode.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+								if (text.length > 0)
+									textNode.value = text;
+								else
+									textNode.remove();
+							}*/
+						}
+						// Check if we exited a whitespace preserved element
+						if (isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) {
+							isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = false;
+						}
+						// Handle empty nodes
+						if (elementRule.removeEmpty || elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+							if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+								if (elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+									node.empty().append(new Node('#text', '3')).value = '\u00a0';
+								} else {
+									// Leave nodes that have a name like <a name="name">
+									if (!node.attributes.map.name && !node.attributes.map.id) {
+										tempNode = node.parent;
+										node.empty().remove();
+										node = tempNode;
+										return;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						node = node.parent;
+					}
+				}
+			}, schema);
+			rootNode = node = new Node(args.context || settings.root_name, 11);
+			parser.parse(html);
+			// Fix invalid children or report invalid children in a contextual parsing
+			if (validate && invalidChildren.length) {
+				if (!args.context) {
+					fixInvalidChildren(invalidChildren);
+				} else {
+					args.invalid = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Wrap nodes in the root into block elements if the root is body
+			if (rootBlockName && (rootNode.name == 'body' || args.isRootContent)) {
+				addRootBlocks();
+			}
+			// Run filters only when the contents is valid
+			if (!args.invalid) {
+				// Run node filters
+				for (name in matchedNodes) {
+					list = nodeFilters[name];
+					nodes = matchedNodes[name];
+					// Remove already removed children
+					fi = nodes.length;
+					while (fi--) {
+						if (!nodes[fi].parent) {
+							nodes.splice(fi, 1);
+						}
+					}
+					for (i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
+						list[i](nodes, name, args);
+					}
+				}
+				// Run attribute filters
+				for (i = 0, l = attributeFilters.length; i < l; i++) {
+					list = attributeFilters[i];
+					if (list.name in matchedAttributes) {
+						nodes = matchedAttributes[list.name];
+						// Remove already removed children
+						fi = nodes.length;
+						while (fi--) {
+							if (!nodes[fi].parent) {
+								nodes.splice(fi, 1);
+							}
+						}
+						for (fi = 0, fl = list.callbacks.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+							list.callbacks[fi](nodes, list.name, args);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return rootNode;
+		};
+		// Remove <br> at end of block elements Gecko and WebKit injects BR elements to
+		// make it possible to place the caret inside empty blocks. This logic tries to remove
+		// these elements and keep br elements that where intended to be there intact
+		if (settings.remove_trailing_brs) {
+			self.addNodeFilter('br', function(nodes) {
+				var i, l = nodes.length, node, blockElements = extend({}, schema.getBlockElements());
+				var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements(), parent, lastParent, prev, prevName;
+				var elementRule, textNode;
+				// Remove brs from body element as well
+				blockElements.body = 1;
+				// Must loop forwards since it will otherwise remove all brs in <p>a<br><br><br></p>
+				for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					parent = node.parent;
+					if (blockElements[node.parent.name] && node === parent.lastChild) {
+						// Loop all nodes to the left of the current node and check for other BR elements
+						// excluding bookmarks since they are invisible
+						prev = node.prev;
+						while (prev) {
+							prevName = prev.name;
+							// Ignore bookmarks
+							if (prevName !== "span" || prev.attr('data-mce-type') !== 'bookmark') {
+								// Found a non BR element
+								if (prevName !== "br") {
+									break;
+								}
+								// Found another br it's a <br><br> structure then don't remove anything
+								if (prevName === 'br') {
+									node = null;
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							prev = prev.prev;
+						}
+						if (node) {
+							node.remove();
+							// Is the parent to be considered empty after we removed the BR
+							if (parent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+								elementRule = schema.getElementRule(parent.name);
+								// Remove or padd the element depending on schema rule
+								if (elementRule) {
+									if (elementRule.removeEmpty) {
+										parent.remove();
+									} else if (elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+										parent.empty().append(new Node('#text', 3)).value = '\u00a0';
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Replaces BR elements inside inline elements like <p><b><i><br></i></b></p>
+						// so they become <p><b><i>&nbsp;</i></b></p>
+						lastParent = node;
+						while (parent && parent.firstChild === lastParent && parent.lastChild === lastParent) {
+							lastParent = parent;
+							if (blockElements[parent.name]) {
+								break;
+							}
+							parent = parent.parent;
+						}
+						if (lastParent === parent) {
+							textNode = new Node('#text', 3);
+							textNode.value = '\u00a0';
+							node.replace(textNode);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Force anchor names closed, unless the setting "allow_html_in_named_anchor" is explicitly included.
+		if (!settings.allow_html_in_named_anchor) {
+			self.addAttributeFilter('id,name', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, sibling, prevSibling, parent, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					if (node.name === 'a' && node.firstChild && !node.attr('href')) {
+						parent = node.parent;
+						// Move children after current node
+						sibling = node.lastChild;
+						do {
+							prevSibling = sibling.prev;
+							parent.insert(sibling, node);
+							sibling = prevSibling;
+						} while (sibling);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Writer.js
+ * Writer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to write HTML tags out it can be used with the Serializer or the SaxParser.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Writer
+ * @example
+ * var writer = new tinymce.html.Writer({indent: true});
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.SaxParser(writer).parse('<p><br></p>');
+ * console.log(writer.getContent());
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Writer
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Writer", [
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Entities, Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Writer instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Writer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var html = [], indent, indentBefore, indentAfter, encode, htmlOutput;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		indent = settings.indent;
+		indentBefore = makeMap(settings.indent_before || '');
+		indentAfter = makeMap(settings.indent_after || '');
+		encode = Entities.getEncodeFunc(settings.entity_encoding || 'raw', settings.entities);
+		htmlOutput = settings.element_format == "html";
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Writes the a start element such as <p id="a">.
+			 *
+			 * @method start
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the element.
+			 * @param {Array} attrs Optional attribute array or undefined if it hasn't any.
+			 * @param {Boolean} empty Optional empty state if the tag should end like <br />.
+			 */
+			start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+				var i, l, attr, value;
+				if (indent && indentBefore[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+				html.push('<', name);
+				if (attrs) {
+					for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+						attr = attrs[i];
+						html.push(' ', attr.name, '="', encode(attr.value, true), '"');
+					}
+				}
+				if (!empty || htmlOutput) {
+					html[html.length] = '>';
+				} else {
+					html[html.length] = ' />';
+				}
+				if (empty && indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes the a end element such as </p>.
+			 *
+			 * @method end
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the element.
+			 */
+			end: function(name) {
+				var value;
+				/*if (indent && indentBefore[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n')
+						html.push('\n');
+				}*/
+				html.push('</', name, '>');
+				if (indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a text node.
+			 *
+			 * @method text
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out.
+			 * @param {Boolean} raw Optional raw state if true the contents wont get encoded.
+			 */
+			text: function(text, raw) {
+				if (text.length > 0) {
+					html[html.length] = raw ? text : encode(text);
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a cdata node such as <![CDATA[data]]>.
+			 *
+			 * @method cdata
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the cdata.
+			 */
+			cdata: function(text) {
+				html.push('<![CDATA[', text, ']]>');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a comment node such as <!-- Comment -->.
+			 *
+			 * @method cdata
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the comment.
+			 */
+			comment: function(text) {
+				html.push('<!--', text, '-->');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a PI node such as <?xml attr="value" ?>.
+			 *
+			 * @method pi
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the pi.
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the pi.
+			 */
+			pi: function(name, text) {
+				if (text) {
+					html.push('<?', name, ' ', text, '?>');
+				} else {
+					html.push('<?', name, '?>');
+				}
+				if (indent) {
+					html.push('\n');
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a doctype node such as <!DOCTYPE data>.
+			 *
+			 * @method doctype
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the doctype.
+			 */
+			doctype: function(text) {
+				html.push('<!DOCTYPE', text, '>', indent ? '\n' : '');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Resets the internal buffer if one wants to reuse the writer.
+			 *
+			 * @method reset
+			 */
+			reset: function() {
+				html.length = 0;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns the contents that got serialized.
+			 *
+			 * @method getContent
+			 * @return {String} HTML contents that got written down.
+			 */
+			getContent: function() {
+				return html.join('').replace(/\n$/, '');
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Serializer.js
+ * Serializer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to serialize down the DOM tree into a string using a Writer instance.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * new tinymce.html.Serializer().serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse('<p>text</p>'));
+ * @class tinymce.html.Serializer
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Serializer", [
+	"tinymce/html/Writer",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema"
+], function(Writer, Schema) {
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Serializer instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Serializer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema Schema instance to use.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this, writer = new Writer(settings);
+		settings = settings || {};
+		settings.validate = "validate" in settings ? settings.validate : true;
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		self.writer = writer;
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified node into a string.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * new tinymce.html.Serializer().serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse('<p>text</p>'));
+		 * @method serialize
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node instance to serialize.
+		 * @return {String} String with HTML based on DOM tree.
+		 */
+		self.serialize = function(node) {
+			var handlers, validate;
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			handlers = {
+				// #text
+				3: function(node) {
+					writer.text(node.value, node.raw);
+				},
+				// #comment
+				8: function(node) {
+					writer.comment(node.value);
+				},
+				// Processing instruction
+				7: function(node) {
+					writer.pi(node.name, node.value);
+				},
+				// Doctype
+				10: function(node) {
+					writer.doctype(node.value);
+				},
+				// CDATA
+				4: function(node) {
+					writer.cdata(node.value);
+				},
+				// Document fragment
+				11: function(node) {
+					if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+						do {
+							walk(node);
+						} while ((node = node.next));
+					}
+				}
+			};
+			writer.reset();
+			function walk(node) {
+				var handler = handlers[node.type], name, isEmpty, attrs, attrName, attrValue, sortedAttrs, i, l, elementRule;
+				if (!handler) {
+					name = node.name;
+					isEmpty = node.shortEnded;
+					attrs = node.attributes;
+					// Sort attributes
+					if (validate && attrs && attrs.length > 1) {
+						sortedAttrs = [];
+						sortedAttrs.map = {};
+						elementRule = schema.getElementRule(node.name);
+						for (i = 0, l = elementRule.attributesOrder.length; i < l; i++) {
+							attrName = elementRule.attributesOrder[i];
+							if (attrName in attrs.map) {
+								attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
+								sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
+								sortedAttrs.push({name: attrName, value: attrValue});
+							}
+						}
+						for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+							attrName = attrs[i].name;
+							if (!(attrName in sortedAttrs.map)) {
+								attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
+								sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
+								sortedAttrs.push({name: attrName, value: attrValue});
+							}
+						}
+						attrs = sortedAttrs;
+					}
+					writer.start(node.name, attrs, isEmpty);
+					if (!isEmpty) {
+						if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+							do {
+								walk(node);
+							} while ((node = node.next));
+						}
+						writer.end(name);
+					}
+				} else {
+					handler(node);
+				}
+			}
+			// Serialize element and treat all non elements as fragments
+			if (node.type == 1 && !settings.inner) {
+				walk(node);
+			} else {
+				handlers[11](node);
+			}
+			return writer.getContent();
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/Serializer.js
+ * Serializer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to serialize DOM trees into a string. Consult the TinyMCE Wiki API for
+ * more details and examples on how to use this class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.Serializer
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Serializer", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(DOMUtils, DomParser, Entities, Serializer, Node, Schema, Env, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, trim = Tools.trim;
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DOM serializer class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Serializer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Serializer settings object.
+	 * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Optional editor to bind events to and get schema/dom from.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, editor) {
+		var dom, schema, htmlParser;
+		if (editor) {
+			dom = editor.dom;
+			schema = editor.schema;
+		}
+		// Default DOM and Schema if they are undefined
+		dom = dom || DOM;
+		schema = schema || new Schema(settings);
+		settings.entity_encoding = settings.entity_encoding || 'named';
+		settings.remove_trailing_brs = "remove_trailing_brs" in settings ? settings.remove_trailing_brs : true;
+		htmlParser = new DomParser(settings, schema);
+		// Convert move data-mce-src, data-mce-href and data-mce-style into nodes or process them if needed
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value, internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
+			var urlConverter = settings.url_converter, urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope, undef;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.attributes.map[internalName];
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					// Set external name to internal value and remove internal
+					node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+					node.attr(internalName, null);
+				} else {
+					// No internal attribute found then convert the value we have in the DOM
+					value = node.attributes.map[name];
+					if (name === "style") {
+						value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name);
+					} else if (urlConverter) {
+						value = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, value, name, node.name);
+					}
+					node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove internal classes mceItem<..> or mceSelected
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('class', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.attr('class').replace(/(?:^|\s)mce-item-\w+(?!\S)/g, '');
+				node.attr('class', value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove bookmark elements
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-type', function(nodes, name, args) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.attributes.map['data-mce-type'] === 'bookmark' && !args.cleanup) {
+					node.remove();
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove expando attributes
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-expando', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				nodes[i].attr(name, null);
+			}
+		});
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i].firstChild;
+				if (node) {
+					node.value = Entities.decode(node.value);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Force script into CDATA sections and remove the mce- prefix also add comments around styles
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('script,style', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value;
+			function trim(value) {
+				/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+				/*eslint max-len:0 */
+				return value.replace(/(<!--\[CDATA\[|\]\]-->)/g, '\n')
+						.replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g, '')
+						.replace(/^\s*((<!--)?(\s*\/\/)?\s*<!\[CDATA\[|(<!--\s*)?\/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*\/|(\/\/)?\s*<!--|\/\*\s*<!--\s*\*\/)\s*[\r\n]*/gi, '')
+						.replace(/\s*(\/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*\/(-->)?|\s*\/\/\s*\]\]>(-->)?|\/\/\s*(-->)?|\]\]>|\/\*\s*-->\s*\*\/|\s*-->\s*)\s*$/g, '');
+			}
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.firstChild ? node.firstChild.value : '';
+				if (name === "script") {
+					// Remove mce- prefix from script elements and remove default text/javascript mime type (HTML5)
+					var type = (node.attr('type') || 'text/javascript').replace(/^mce\-/, '');
+					node.attr('type', type === 'text/javascript' ? null : type);
+					if (value.length > 0) {
+						node.firstChild.value = '// <![CDATA[\n' + trim(value) + '\n// ]]>';
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (value.length > 0) {
+						node.firstChild.value = '<!--\n' + trim(value) + '\n-->';
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Convert comments to cdata and handle protected comments
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('#comment', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.value.indexOf('[CDATA[') === 0) {
+					node.name = '#cdata';
+					node.type = 4;
+					node.value = node.value.replace(/^\[CDATA\[|\]\]$/g, '');
+				} else if (node.value.indexOf('mce:protected ') === 0) {
+					node.name = "#text";
+					node.type = 3;
+					node.raw = true;
+					node.value = unescape(node.value).substr(14);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('xml:namespace,input', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.type === 7) {
+					node.remove();
+				} else if (node.type === 1) {
+					if (name === "input" && !("type" in node.attributes.map)) {
+						node.attr('type', 'text');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Fix list elements, TODO: Replace this later
+		if (settings.fix_list_elements) {
+			htmlParser.addNodeFilter('ul,ol', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, parentNode;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					parentNode = node.parent;
+					if (parentNode.name === 'ul' || parentNode.name === 'ol') {
+						if (node.prev && node.prev.name === 'li') {
+							node.prev.append(node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Remove internal data attributes
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-src,data-mce-href,data-mce-style,data-mce-selected', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				nodes[i].attr(name, null);
+			}
+		});
+		// Return public methods
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Schema instance that was used to when the Serializer was constructed.
+			 *
+			 * @field {tinymce.html.Schema} schema
+			 */
+			schema: schema,
+			/**
+			 * Adds a node filter function to the parser used by the serializer, the parser will collect the specified nodes by name
+			 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+			 *
+			 * @example
+			 * parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1', function(nodes, name) {
+			 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+			 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+			 *		}
+			 * });
+			 * @method addNodeFilter
+			 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+			 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+			 */
+			addNodeFilter: htmlParser.addNodeFilter,
+			/**
+			 * Adds a attribute filter function to the parser used by the serializer, the parser will
+			 * collect nodes that has the specified attributes
+			 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+			 *
+			 * @example
+			 * parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href', function(nodes, name) {
+			 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+			 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+			 *		}
+			 * });
+			 * @method addAttributeFilter
+			 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+			 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+			 */
+			addAttributeFilter: htmlParser.addAttributeFilter,
+			/**
+			 * Serializes the specified browser DOM node into a HTML string.
+			 *
+			 * @method serialize
+			 * @param {DOMNode} node DOM node to serialize.
+			 * @param {Object} args Arguments option that gets passed to event handlers.
+			 */
+			serialize: function(node, args) {
+				var self = this, impl, doc, oldDoc, htmlSerializer, content;
+				// Explorer won't clone contents of script and style and the
+				// selected index of select elements are cleared on a clone operation.
+				if (Env.ie && dom.select('script,style,select,map').length > 0) {
+					content = node.innerHTML;
+					node = node.cloneNode(false);
+					dom.setHTML(node, content);
+				} else {
+					node = node.cloneNode(true);
+				}
+				// Nodes needs to be attached to something in WebKit/Opera
+				// This fix will make DOM ranges and make Sizzle happy!
+				impl = node.ownerDocument.implementation;
+				if (impl.createHTMLDocument) {
+					// Create an empty HTML document
+					doc = impl.createHTMLDocument("");
+					// Add the element or it's children if it's a body element to the new document
+					each(node.nodeName == 'BODY' ? node.childNodes : [node], function(node) {
+						doc.body.appendChild(doc.importNode(node, true));
+					});
+					// Grab first child or body element for serialization
+					if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+						node = doc.body.firstChild;
+					} else {
+						node = doc.body;
+					}
+					// set the new document in DOMUtils so createElement etc works
+					oldDoc = dom.doc;
+					dom.doc = doc;
+				}
+				args = args || {};
+				args.format = args.format || 'html';
+				// Don't wrap content if we want selected html
+				if (args.selection) {
+					args.forced_root_block = '';
+				}
+				// Pre process
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					args.node = node;
+					self.onPreProcess(args);
+				}
+				// Setup serializer
+				htmlSerializer = new Serializer(settings, schema);
+				// Parse and serialize HTML
+				args.content = htmlSerializer.serialize(
+					htmlParser.parse(trim(args.getInner ? node.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(node)), args)
+				);
+				// Replace all BOM characters for now until we can find a better solution
+				if (!args.cleanup) {
+					args.content = args.content.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
+				}
+				// Post process
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.onPostProcess(args);
+				}
+				// Restore the old document if it was changed
+				if (oldDoc) {
+					dom.doc = oldDoc;
+				}
+				args.node = null;
+				return args.content;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Adds valid elements rules to the serializers schema instance this enables you to specify things
+			 * like what elements should be outputted and what attributes specific elements might have.
+			 * Consult the Wiki for more details on this format.
+			 *
+			 * @method addRules
+			 * @param {String} rules Valid elements rules string to add to schema.
+			 */
+			addRules: function(rules) {
+				schema.addValidElements(rules);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Sets the valid elements rules to the serializers schema instance this enables you to specify things
+			 * like what elements should be outputted and what attributes specific elements might have.
+			 * Consult the Wiki for more details on this format.
+			 *
+			 * @method setRules
+			 * @param {String} rules Valid elements rules string.
+			 */
+			setRules: function(rules) {
+				schema.setValidElements(rules);
+			},
+			onPreProcess: function(args) {
+				if (editor) {
+					editor.fire('PreProcess', args);
+				}
+			},
+			onPostProcess: function(args) {
+				if (editor) {
+					editor.fire('PostProcess', args);
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/TridentSelection.js
+ * TridentSelection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Selection class for old explorer versions. This one fakes the
+ * native selection object available on modern browsers.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.TridentSelection
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/TridentSelection", [], function() {
+	function Selection(selection) {
+		var self = this, dom = selection.dom, FALSE = false;
+		function getPosition(rng, start) {
+			var checkRng, startIndex = 0, endIndex, inside,
+				children, child, offset, index, position = -1, parent;
+			// Setup test range, collapse it and get the parent
+			checkRng = rng.duplicate();
+			checkRng.collapse(start);
+			parent = checkRng.parentElement();
+			// Check if the selection is within the right document
+			if (parent.ownerDocument !== selection.dom.doc) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// IE will report non editable elements as it's parent so look for an editable one
+			while (parent.contentEditable === "false") {
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+			}
+			// If parent doesn't have any children then return that we are inside the element
+			if (!parent.hasChildNodes()) {
+				return {node: parent, inside: 1};
+			}
+			// Setup node list and endIndex
+			children = parent.children;
+			endIndex = children.length - 1;
+			// Perform a binary search for the position
+			while (startIndex <= endIndex) {
+				index = Math.floor((startIndex + endIndex) / 2);
+				// Move selection to node and compare the ranges
+				child = children[index];
+				checkRng.moveToElementText(child);
+				position = checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', rng);
+				// Before/after or an exact match
+				if (position > 0) {
+					endIndex = index - 1;
+				} else if (position < 0) {
+					startIndex = index + 1;
+				} else {
+					return {node: child};
+				}
+			}
+			// Check if child position is before or we didn't find a position
+			if (position < 0) {
+				// No element child was found use the parent element and the offset inside that
+				if (!child) {
+					checkRng.moveToElementText(parent);
+					checkRng.collapse(true);
+					child = parent;
+					inside = true;
+				} else {
+					checkRng.collapse(false);
+				}
+				// Walk character by character in text node until we hit the selected range endpoint,
+				// hit the end of document or parent isn't the right one
+				// We need to walk char by char since rng.text or rng.htmlText will trim line endings
+				offset = 0;
+				while (checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'StartToEnd', rng) !== 0) {
+					if (checkRng.move('character', 1) === 0 || parent != checkRng.parentElement()) {
+						break;
+					}
+					offset++;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Child position is after the selection endpoint
+				checkRng.collapse(true);
+				// Walk character by character in text node until we hit the selected range endpoint, hit
+				// the end of document or parent isn't the right one
+				offset = 0;
+				while (checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'StartToEnd', rng) !== 0) {
+					if (checkRng.move('character', -1) === 0 || parent != checkRng.parentElement()) {
+						break;
+					}
+					offset++;
+				}
+			}
+			return {node: child, position: position, offset: offset, inside: inside};
+		}
+		// Returns a W3C DOM compatible range object by using the IE Range API
+		function getRange() {
+			var ieRange = selection.getRng(), domRange = dom.createRng(), element, collapsed, tmpRange, element2, bookmark;
+			// If selection is outside the current document just return an empty range
+			element = ieRange.item ? ieRange.item(0) : ieRange.parentElement();
+			if (element.ownerDocument != dom.doc) {
+				return domRange;
+			}
+			collapsed = selection.isCollapsed();
+			// Handle control selection
+			if (ieRange.item) {
+				domRange.setStart(element.parentNode, dom.nodeIndex(element));
+				domRange.setEnd(domRange.startContainer, domRange.startOffset + 1);
+				return domRange;
+			}
+			function findEndPoint(start) {
+				var endPoint = getPosition(ieRange, start), container, offset, textNodeOffset = 0, sibling, undef, nodeValue;
+				container = endPoint.node;
+				offset = endPoint.offset;
+				if (endPoint.inside && !container.hasChildNodes()) {
+					domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](container, 0);
+					return;
+				}
+				if (offset === undef) {
+					domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndAfter'](container);
+					return;
+				}
+				if (endPoint.position < 0) {
+					sibling = endPoint.inside ? container.firstChild : container.nextSibling;
+					if (!sibling) {
+						domRange[start ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](container);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!offset) {
+						if (sibling.nodeType == 3) {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](sibling, 0);
+						} else {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndBefore'](sibling);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					// Find the text node and offset
+					while (sibling) {
+						nodeValue = sibling.nodeValue;
+						textNodeOffset += nodeValue.length;
+						// We are at or passed the position we where looking for
+						if (textNodeOffset >= offset) {
+							container = sibling;
+							textNodeOffset -= offset;
+							textNodeOffset = nodeValue.length - textNodeOffset;
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Find the text node and offset
+					sibling = container.previousSibling;
+					if (!sibling) {
+						return domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndBefore'](container);
+					}
+					// If there isn't any text to loop then use the first position
+					if (!offset) {
+						if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](sibling, container.nodeValue.length);
+						} else {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](sibling);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					while (sibling) {
+						textNodeOffset += sibling.nodeValue.length;
+						// We are at or passed the position we where looking for
+						if (textNodeOffset >= offset) {
+							container = sibling;
+							textNodeOffset -= offset;
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.previousSibling;
+					}
+				}
+				domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](container, textNodeOffset);
+			}
+			try {
+				// Find start point
+				findEndPoint(true);
+				// Find end point if needed
+				if (!collapsed) {
+					findEndPoint();
+				}
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE has a nasty bug where text nodes might throw "invalid argument" when you
+				// access the nodeValue or other properties of text nodes. This seems to happend when
+				// text nodes are split into two nodes by a delete/backspace call. So lets detect it and try to fix it.
+				if (ex.number == -2147024809) {
+					// Get the current selection
+					bookmark = self.getBookmark(2);
+					// Get start element
+					tmpRange = ieRange.duplicate();
+					tmpRange.collapse(true);
+					element = tmpRange.parentElement();
+					// Get end element
+					if (!collapsed) {
+						tmpRange = ieRange.duplicate();
+						tmpRange.collapse(false);
+						element2 = tmpRange.parentElement();
+						element2.innerHTML = element2.innerHTML;
+					}
+					// Remove the broken elements
+					element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML;
+					// Restore the selection
+					self.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+					// Since the range has moved we need to re-get it
+					ieRange = selection.getRng();
+					// Find start point
+					findEndPoint(true);
+					// Find end point if needed
+					if (!collapsed) {
+						findEndPoint();
+					}
+				} else {
+					throw ex; // Throw other errors
+				}
+			}
+			return domRange;
+		}
+		this.getBookmark = function(type) {
+			var rng = selection.getRng(), bookmark = {};
+			function getIndexes(node) {
+				var parent, root, children, i, indexes = [];
+				parent = node.parentNode;
+				root = dom.getRoot().parentNode;
+				while (parent != root && parent.nodeType !== 9) {
+					children = parent.children;
+					i = children.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (node === children[i]) {
+							indexes.push(i);
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					node = parent;
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return indexes;
+			}
+			function getBookmarkEndPoint(start) {
+				var position;
+				position = getPosition(rng, start);
+				if (position) {
+					return {
+						position: position.position,
+						offset: position.offset,
+						indexes: getIndexes(position.node),
+						inside: position.inside
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			// Non ubstructive bookmark
+			if (type === 2) {
+				// Handle text selection
+				if (!rng.item) {
+					bookmark.start = getBookmarkEndPoint(true);
+					if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
+						bookmark.end = getBookmarkEndPoint();
+					}
+				} else {
+					bookmark.start = {ctrl: true, indexes: getIndexes(rng.item(0))};
+				}
+			}
+			return bookmark;
+		};
+		this.moveToBookmark = function(bookmark) {
+			var rng, body = dom.doc.body;
+			function resolveIndexes(indexes) {
+				var node, i, idx, children;
+				node = dom.getRoot();
+				for (i = indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					children = node.children;
+					idx = indexes[i];
+					if (idx <= children.length - 1) {
+						node = children[idx];
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function setBookmarkEndPoint(start) {
+				var endPoint = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'], moveLeft, moveRng, undef, offset;
+				if (endPoint) {
+					moveLeft = endPoint.position > 0;
+					moveRng = body.createTextRange();
+					moveRng.moveToElementText(resolveIndexes(endPoint.indexes));
+					offset = endPoint.offset;
+					if (offset !== undef) {
+						moveRng.collapse(endPoint.inside || moveLeft);
+						moveRng.moveStart('character', moveLeft ? -offset : offset);
+					} else {
+						moveRng.collapse(start);
+					}
+					rng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToStart', moveRng);
+					if (start) {
+						rng.collapse(true);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (bookmark.start) {
+				if (bookmark.start.ctrl) {
+					rng = body.createControlRange();
+					rng.addElement(resolveIndexes(bookmark.start.indexes));
+					rng.select();
+				} else {
+					rng = body.createTextRange();
+					setBookmarkEndPoint(true);
+					setBookmarkEndPoint();
+					rng.select();
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		this.addRange = function(rng) {
+			var ieRng, ctrlRng, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, sibling,
+				doc = selection.dom.doc, body = doc.body, nativeRng, ctrlElm;
+			function setEndPoint(start) {
+				var container, offset, marker, tmpRng, nodes;
+				marker = dom.create('a');
+				container = start ? startContainer : endContainer;
+				offset = start ? startOffset : endOffset;
+				tmpRng = ieRng.duplicate();
+				if (container == doc || container == doc.documentElement) {
+					container = body;
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					container.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, container);
+					tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+					tmpRng.moveStart('character', offset);
+					dom.remove(marker);
+					ieRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', tmpRng);
+				} else {
+					nodes = container.childNodes;
+					if (nodes.length) {
+						if (offset >= nodes.length) {
+							dom.insertAfter(marker, nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
+						} else {
+							container.insertBefore(marker, nodes[offset]);
+						}
+						tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+					} else if (container.canHaveHTML) {
+						// Empty node selection for example <div>|</div>
+						// Setting innerHTML with a span marker then remove that marker seems to keep empty block elements open
+						container.innerHTML = '<span>&#xFEFF;</span>';
+						marker = container.firstChild;
+						tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+						tmpRng.collapse(FALSE); // Collapse false works better than true for some odd reason
+					}
+					ieRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', tmpRng);
+					dom.remove(marker);
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup some shorter versions
+			startContainer = rng.startContainer;
+			startOffset = rng.startOffset;
+			endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+			endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			ieRng = body.createTextRange();
+			// If single element selection then try making a control selection out of it
+			if (startContainer == endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				// Trick to place the caret inside an empty block element like <p></p>
+				if (startOffset == endOffset && !startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+					if (startContainer.canHaveHTML) {
+						// Check if previous sibling is an empty block if it is then we need to render it
+						// IE would otherwise move the caret into the sibling instead of the empty startContainer see: #5236
+						// Example this: <p></p><p>|</p> would become this: <p>|</p><p></p>
+						sibling = startContainer.previousSibling;
+						if (sibling && !sibling.hasChildNodes() && dom.isBlock(sibling)) {
+							sibling.innerHTML = '&#xFEFF;';
+						} else {
+							sibling = null;
+						}
+						startContainer.innerHTML = '<span>&#xFEFF;</span><span>&#xFEFF;</span>';
+						ieRng.moveToElementText(startContainer.lastChild);
+						ieRng.select();
+						dom.doc.selection.clear();
+						startContainer.innerHTML = '';
+						if (sibling) {
+							sibling.innerHTML = '';
+						}
+						return;
+					} else {
+						startOffset = dom.nodeIndex(startContainer);
+						startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+					}
+				}
+				if (startOffset == endOffset - 1) {
+					try {
+						ctrlElm = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+						ctrlRng = body.createControlRange();
+						ctrlRng.addElement(ctrlElm);
+						ctrlRng.select();
+						// Check if the range produced is on the correct element and is a control range
+						// On IE 8 it will select the parent contentEditable container if you select an inner element see: #5398
+						nativeRng = selection.getRng();
+						if (nativeRng.item && ctrlElm === nativeRng.item(0)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set start/end point of selection
+			setEndPoint(true);
+			setEndPoint();
+			// Select the new range and scroll it into view
+			ieRng.select();
+		};
+		// Expose range method
+		this.getRangeAt = getRange;
+	}
+	return Selection;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/VK.js
+ * VK.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This file exposes a set of the common KeyCodes for use.  Please grow it as needed.
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/VK", [
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Env) {
+	return {
+		DELETE: 46,
+		DOWN: 40,
+		ENTER: 13,
+		LEFT: 37,
+		RIGHT: 39,
+		SPACEBAR: 32,
+		TAB: 9,
+		UP: 38,
+		modifierPressed: function(e) {
+			return e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey;
+		},
+		metaKeyPressed: function(e) {
+			// Check if ctrl or meta key is pressed also check if alt is false for Polish users
+			return (Env.mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.altKey;
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/ControlSelection.js
+ * ControlSelection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles control selection of elements. Controls are elements
+ * that can be resized and needs to be selected as a whole. It adds custom resize handles
+ * to all browser engines that support properly disabling the built in resize logic.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.ControlSelection
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/ControlSelection", [
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(VK, Tools, Env) {
+	return function(selection, editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom, each = Tools.each;
+		var selectedElm, selectedElmGhost, resizeHandles, selectedHandle, lastMouseDownEvent;
+		var startX, startY, selectedElmX, selectedElmY, startW, startH, ratio, resizeStarted;
+		var width, height, editableDoc = editor.getDoc(), rootDocument = document, isIE = Env.ie && Env.ie < 11;
+		// Details about each resize handle how to scale etc
+		resizeHandles = {
+			// Name: x multiplier, y multiplier, delta size x, delta size y
+			n:  [0.5,   0,     0,   -1],
+			e:  [1,    0.5,    1,    0],
+			s:  [0.5,   1,     0,    1],
+			w:  [0,    0.5,   -1,    0],
+			nw: [0,     0,    -1,   -1],
+			ne: [1,     0,     1,   -1],
+			se: [1,     1,     1,    1],
+			sw: [0,     1,    -1,    1]
+		};
+		// Add CSS for resize handles, cloned element and selected
+		var rootClass = '.mce-content-body';
+		editor.contentStyles.push(
+			rootClass + ' div.mce-resizehandle {' +
+				'position: absolute;' +
+				'border: 1px solid black;' +
+				'background: #FFF;' +
+				'width: 5px;' +
+				'height: 5px;' +
+				'z-index: 10000' +
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' .mce-resizehandle:hover {' +
+				'background: #000' +
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' img[data-mce-selected], hr[data-mce-selected] {' +
+				'outline: 1px solid black;' +
+				'resize: none' + // Have been talks about implementing this in browsers
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' .mce-clonedresizable {' +
+				'position: absolute;' +
+				(Env.gecko ? '' : 'outline: 1px dashed black;') + // Gecko produces trails while resizing
+				'opacity: .5;' +
+				'filter: alpha(opacity=50);' +
+				'z-index: 10000' +
+			'}'
+		);
+		function isResizable(elm) {
+			var selector = editor.settings.object_resizing;
+			if (selector === false || Env.iOS) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (typeof selector != 'string') {
+				selector = 'table,img,div';
+			}
+			if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-resize') === 'false') {
+				return false;
+			}
+			return editor.dom.is(elm, selector);
+		}
+		function resizeGhostElement(e) {
+			var deltaX, deltaY;
+			// Calc new width/height
+			deltaX = e.screenX - startX;
+			deltaY = e.screenY - startY;
+			// Calc new size
+			width = deltaX * selectedHandle[2] + startW;
+			height = deltaY * selectedHandle[3] + startH;
+			// Never scale down lower than 5 pixels
+			width = width < 5 ? 5 : width;
+			height = height < 5 ? 5 : height;
+			// Constrain proportions when modifier key is pressed or if the nw, ne, sw, se corners are moved on an image
+			if (VK.modifierPressed(e) || (selectedElm.nodeName == "IMG" && selectedHandle[2] * selectedHandle[3] !== 0)) {
+				width = Math.round(height / ratio);
+				height = Math.round(width * ratio);
+			}
+			// Update ghost size
+			dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, {
+				width: width,
+				height: height
+			});
+			// Update ghost X position if needed
+			if (selectedHandle[2] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientWidth <= width) {
+				dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'left', selectedElmX + (startW - width));
+			}
+			// Update ghost Y position if needed
+			if (selectedHandle[3] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientHeight <= height) {
+				dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'top', selectedElmY + (startH - height));
+			}
+			if (!resizeStarted) {
+				editor.fire('ObjectResizeStart', {target: selectedElm, width: startW, height: startH});
+				resizeStarted = true;
+			}
+		}
+		function endGhostResize() {
+			resizeStarted = false;
+			function setSizeProp(name, value) {
+				if (value) {
+					// Resize by using style or attribute
+					if (selectedElm.style[name] || !editor.schema.isValid(selectedElm.nodeName.toLowerCase(), name)) {
+						dom.setStyle(selectedElm, name, value);
+					} else {
+						dom.setAttrib(selectedElm, name, value);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set width/height properties
+			setSizeProp('width', width);
+			setSizeProp('height', height);
+			dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+			dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+			if (rootDocument != editableDoc) {
+				dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+				dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+			}
+			// Remove ghost and update resize handle positions
+			dom.remove(selectedElmGhost);
+			if (!isIE || selectedElm.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+				showResizeRect(selectedElm);
+			}
+			editor.fire('ObjectResized', {target: selectedElm, width: width, height: height});
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+		}
+		function showResizeRect(targetElm, mouseDownHandleName, mouseDownEvent) {
+			var position, targetWidth, targetHeight, e, rect, offsetParent = editor.getBody();
+			unbindResizeHandleEvents();
+			// Get position and size of target
+			position = dom.getPos(targetElm, offsetParent);
+			selectedElmX = position.x;
+			selectedElmY = position.y;
+			rect = targetElm.getBoundingClientRect(); // Fix for Gecko offsetHeight for table with caption
+			targetWidth = rect.width || (rect.right - rect.left);
+			targetHeight = rect.height || (rect.bottom - rect.top);
+			// Reset width/height if user selects a new image/table
+			if (selectedElm != targetElm) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				selectedElm = targetElm;
+				width = height = 0;
+			}
+			// Makes it possible to disable resizing
+			e = editor.fire('ObjectSelected', {target: targetElm});
+			if (isResizable(targetElm) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				each(resizeHandles, function(handle, name) {
+					var handleElm, handlerContainerElm;
+					function startDrag(e) {
+						startX = e.screenX;
+						startY = e.screenY;
+						startW = selectedElm.clientWidth;
+						startH = selectedElm.clientHeight;
+						ratio = startH / startW;
+						selectedHandle = handle;
+						selectedElmGhost = selectedElm.cloneNode(true);
+						dom.addClass(selectedElmGhost, 'mce-clonedresizable');
+						selectedElmGhost.contentEditable = false; // Hides IE move layer cursor
+						selectedElmGhost.unSelectabe = true;
+						dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, {
+							left: selectedElmX,
+							top: selectedElmY,
+							margin: 0
+						});
+						selectedElmGhost.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+						editor.getBody().appendChild(selectedElmGhost);
+						dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+						dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+						if (rootDocument != editableDoc) {
+							dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+							dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+						}
+					}
+					if (mouseDownHandleName) {
+						// Drag started by IE native resizestart
+						if (name == mouseDownHandleName) {
+							startDrag(mouseDownEvent);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					// Get existing or render resize handle
+					handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
+					if (!handleElm) {
+						handlerContainerElm = editor.getBody();
+						handleElm = dom.add(handlerContainerElm, 'div', {
+							id: 'mceResizeHandle' + name,
+							'data-mce-bogus': true,
+							'class': 'mce-resizehandle',
+							unselectable: true,
+							style: 'cursor:' + name + '-resize; margin:0; padding:0'
+						});
+						// Hides IE move layer cursor
+						// If we set it on Chrome we get this wounderful bug: #6725
+						if (Env.ie) {
+							handleElm.contentEditable = false;
+						}
+					} else {
+						dom.show(handleElm);
+					}
+					if (!handle.elm) {
+						dom.bind(handleElm, 'mousedown', function(e) {
+							e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+							e.preventDefault();
+							startDrag(e);
+						});
+						handle.elm = handleElm;
+					}
+					/*
+					var halfHandleW = handleElm.offsetWidth / 2;
+					var halfHandleH = handleElm.offsetHeight / 2;
+					// Position element
+					dom.setStyles(handleElm, {
+						left: Math.floor((targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX) - halfHandleW + (handle[2] * halfHandleW)),
+						top: Math.floor((targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY) - halfHandleH + (handle[3] * halfHandleH))
+					});
+					*/
+					// Position element
+					dom.setStyles(handleElm, {
+						left: (targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX) - (handleElm.offsetWidth / 2),
+						top: (targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY) - (handleElm.offsetHeight / 2)
+					});
+				});
+			} else {
+				hideResizeRect();
+			}
+			selectedElm.setAttribute('data-mce-selected', '1');
+		}
+		function hideResizeRect() {
+			var name, handleElm;
+			unbindResizeHandleEvents();
+			if (selectedElm) {
+				selectedElm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+			}
+			for (name in resizeHandles) {
+				handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
+				if (handleElm) {
+					dom.unbind(handleElm);
+					dom.remove(handleElm);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function updateResizeRect(e) {
+			var controlElm;
+			function isChildOrEqual(node, parent) {
+				if (node) {
+					do {
+						if (node === parent) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					} while ((node = node.parentNode));
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove data-mce-selected from all elements since they might have been copied using Ctrl+c/v
+			each(dom.select('img[data-mce-selected],hr[data-mce-selected]'), function(img) {
+				img.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+			});
+			controlElm = e.type == 'mousedown' ? e.target : selection.getNode();
+			controlElm = dom.getParent(controlElm, isIE ? 'table' : 'table,img,hr');
+			if (isChildOrEqual(controlElm, editor.getBody())) {
+				disableGeckoResize();
+				if (isChildOrEqual(selection.getStart(), controlElm) && isChildOrEqual(selection.getEnd(), controlElm)) {
+					if (!isIE || (controlElm != selection.getStart() && selection.getStart().nodeName !== 'IMG')) {
+						showResizeRect(controlElm);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			hideResizeRect();
+		}
+		function attachEvent(elm, name, func) {
+			if (elm && elm.attachEvent) {
+				elm.attachEvent('on' + name, func);
+			}
+		}
+		function detachEvent(elm, name, func) {
+			if (elm && elm.detachEvent) {
+				elm.detachEvent('on' + name, func);
+			}
+		}
+		function resizeNativeStart(e) {
+			var target = e.srcElement, pos, name, corner, cornerX, cornerY, relativeX, relativeY;
+			pos = target.getBoundingClientRect();
+			relativeX = lastMouseDownEvent.clientX - pos.left;
+			relativeY = lastMouseDownEvent.clientY - pos.top;
+			// Figure out what corner we are draging on
+			for (name in resizeHandles) {
+				corner = resizeHandles[name];
+				cornerX = target.offsetWidth * corner[0];
+				cornerY = target.offsetHeight * corner[1];
+				if (Math.abs(cornerX - relativeX) < 8 && Math.abs(cornerY - relativeY) < 8) {
+					selectedHandle = corner;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove native selection and let the magic begin
+			resizeStarted = true;
+			editor.getDoc().selection.empty();
+			showResizeRect(target, name, lastMouseDownEvent);
+		}
+		function nativeControlSelect(e) {
+			var target = e.srcElement;
+			if (target != selectedElm) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				if (target.id.indexOf('mceResizeHandle') === 0) {
+					e.returnValue = false;
+					return;
+				}
+				if (target.nodeName == 'IMG' || target.nodeName == 'TABLE') {
+					hideResizeRect();
+					selectedElm = target;
+					attachEvent(target, 'resizestart', resizeNativeStart);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function detachResizeStartListener() {
+			detachEvent(selectedElm, 'resizestart', resizeNativeStart);
+		}
+		function unbindResizeHandleEvents() {
+			for (var name in resizeHandles) {
+				var handle = resizeHandles[name];
+				if (handle.elm) {
+					dom.unbind(handle.elm);
+					delete handle.elm;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function disableGeckoResize() {
+			try {
+				// Disable object resizing on Gecko
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		function controlSelect(elm) {
+			var ctrlRng;
+			if (!isIE) {
+				return;
+			}
+			ctrlRng = editableDoc.body.createControlRange();
+			try {
+				ctrlRng.addElement(elm);
+				ctrlRng.select();
+				return true;
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore since the element can't be control selected for example a P tag
+			}
+		}
+		editor.on('init', function() {
+			if (isIE) {
+				// Hide the resize rect on resize and reselect the image
+				editor.on('ObjectResized', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.nodeName != 'TABLE') {
+						hideResizeRect();
+						controlSelect(e.target);
+					}
+				});
+				attachEvent(editor.getBody(), 'controlselect', nativeControlSelect);
+				editor.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+					lastMouseDownEvent = e;
+				});
+			} else {
+				disableGeckoResize();
+				if (Env.ie >= 11) {
+					// TODO: Drag/drop doesn't work
+					editor.on('mouseup', function(e) {
+						var nodeName = e.target.nodeName;
+						if (/^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(nodeName)) {
+							editor.selection.select(e.target, nodeName == 'TABLE');
+							editor.nodeChanged();
+						}
+					});
+					editor.dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'mscontrolselect', function(e) {
+						if (/^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(e.target.nodeName)) {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							// This moves the selection from being a control selection to a text like selection like in WebKit #6753
+							// TODO: Fix this the day IE works like other browsers without this nasty native ugly control selections.
+							if (e.target.tagName == 'IMG') {
+								window.setTimeout(function() {
+									editor.selection.select(e.target);
+								}, 0);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			editor.on('nodechange mousedown mouseup ResizeEditor', updateResizeRect);
+			// Update resize rect while typing in a table
+			editor.on('keydown keyup', function(e) {
+				if (selectedElm && selectedElm.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+					updateResizeRect(e);
+				}
+			});
+			// Hide rect on focusout since it would float on top of windows otherwise
+			//editor.on('focusout', hideResizeRect);
+		});
+		editor.on('remove', unbindResizeHandleEvents);
+		function destroy() {
+			selectedElm = selectedElmGhost = null;
+			if (isIE) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				detachEvent(editor.getBody(), 'controlselect', nativeControlSelect);
+			}
+		}
+		return {
+			isResizable: isResizable,
+			showResizeRect: showResizeRect,
+			hideResizeRect: hideResizeRect,
+			updateResizeRect: updateResizeRect,
+			controlSelect: controlSelect,
+			destroy: destroy
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/RangeUtils.js
+ * Range.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * RangeUtils
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.RangeUtils
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/RangeUtils", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker"
+], function(Tools, TreeWalker) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function RangeUtils(dom) {
+		/**
+		 * Walks the specified range like object and executes the callback for each sibling collection it finds.
+		 *
+		 * @method walk
+		 * @param {Object} rng Range like object.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute for each sibling collection.
+		 */
+		this.walk = function(rng, callback) {
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset,
+				ancestor, startPoint,
+				endPoint, node, parent, siblings, nodes;
+			// Handle table cell selection the table plugin enables
+			// you to fake select table cells and perform formatting actions on them
+			nodes = dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected');
+			if (nodes.length > 0) {
+				each(nodes, function(node) {
+					callback([node]);
+				});
+				return;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Excludes start/end text node if they are out side the range
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Array} nodes Nodes to exclude items from.
+			 * @return {Array} Array with nodes excluding the start/end container if needed.
+			 */
+			function exclude(nodes) {
+				var node;
+				// First node is excluded
+				node = nodes[0];
+				if (node.nodeType === 3 && node === startContainer && startOffset >= node.nodeValue.length) {
+					nodes.splice(0, 1);
+				}
+				// Last node is excluded
+				node = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
+				if (endOffset === 0 && nodes.length > 0 && node === endContainer && node.nodeType === 3) {
+					nodes.splice(nodes.length - 1, 1);
+				}
+				return nodes;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Collects siblings
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node Node to collect siblings from.
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the sibling to check for.
+			 * @return {Array} Array of collected siblings.
+			 */
+			function collectSiblings(node, name, end_node) {
+				var siblings = [];
+				for (; node && node != end_node; node = node[name]) {
+					siblings.push(node);
+				}
+				return siblings;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Find an end point this is the node just before the common ancestor root.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node Node to start at.
+			 * @param {Node} root Root/ancestor element to stop just before.
+			 * @return {Node} Node just before the root element.
+			 */
+			function findEndPoint(node, root) {
+				do {
+					if (node.parentNode == root) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				} while(node);
+			}
+			function walkBoundary(start_node, end_node, next) {
+				var siblingName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
+				for (node = start_node, parent = node.parentNode; node && node != end_node; node = parent) {
+					parent = node.parentNode;
+					siblings = collectSiblings(node == start_node ? node : node[siblingName], siblingName);
+					if (siblings.length) {
+						if (!next) {
+							siblings.reverse();
+						}
+						callback(exclude(siblings));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// If index based start position then resolve it
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+			}
+			// If index based end position then resolve it
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[Math.min(endOffset - 1, endContainer.childNodes.length - 1)];
+			}
+			// Same container
+			if (startContainer == endContainer) {
+				return callback(exclude([startContainer]));
+			}
+			// Find common ancestor and end points
+			ancestor = dom.findCommonAncestor(startContainer, endContainer);
+			// Process left side
+			for (node = startContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
+				if (node === endContainer) {
+					return walkBoundary(startContainer, ancestor, true);
+				}
+				if (node === ancestor) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Process right side
+			for (node = endContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
+				if (node === startContainer) {
+					return walkBoundary(endContainer, ancestor);
+				}
+				if (node === ancestor) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Find start/end point
+			startPoint = findEndPoint(startContainer, ancestor) || startContainer;
+			endPoint = findEndPoint(endContainer, ancestor) || endContainer;
+			// Walk left leaf
+			walkBoundary(startContainer, startPoint, true);
+			// Walk the middle from start to end point
+			siblings = collectSiblings(
+				startPoint == startContainer ? startPoint : startPoint.nextSibling,
+				'nextSibling',
+				endPoint == endContainer ? endPoint.nextSibling : endPoint
+			);
+			if (siblings.length) {
+				callback(exclude(siblings));
+			}
+			// Walk right leaf
+			walkBoundary(endContainer, endPoint);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Splits the specified range at it's start/end points.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Range/RangeObject} rng Range to split.
+		 * @return {Object} Range position object.
+		 */
+		this.split = function(rng) {
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			function splitText(node, offset) {
+				return node.splitText(offset);
+			}
+			// Handle single text node
+			if (startContainer == endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+				if (startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					endContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
+					startContainer = endContainer.previousSibling;
+					if (endOffset > startOffset) {
+						endOffset = endOffset - startOffset;
+						startContainer = endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
+						endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+						startOffset = 0;
+					} else {
+						endOffset = 0;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Split startContainer text node if needed
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3 && startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					startContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+				// Split endContainer text node if needed
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3 && endOffset > 0 && endOffset < endContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
+					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+				}
+			}
+			return {
+				startContainer: startContainer,
+				startOffset: startOffset,
+				endContainer: endContainer,
+				endOffset: endOffset
+			};
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Normalizes the specified range by finding the closest best suitable caret location.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Range} rng Range to normalize.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the specified range was normalized or not.
+		 */
+		this.normalize = function(rng) {
+			var normalized, collapsed;
+			function normalizeEndPoint(start) {
+				var container, offset, walker, body = dom.getRoot(), node, nonEmptyElementsMap, nodeName;
+				var directionLeft, isAfterNode;
+				function hasBrBeforeAfter(node, left) {
+					var walker = new TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(node.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body);
+					while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+						if (node.nodeName === "BR") {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				function isPrevNode(node, name) {
+					return node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName == name;
+				}
+				// Walks the dom left/right to find a suitable text node to move the endpoint into
+				// It will only walk within the current parent block or body and will stop if it hits a block or a BR/IMG
+				function findTextNodeRelative(left, startNode) {
+					var walker, lastInlineElement, parentBlockContainer;
+					startNode = startNode || container;
+					parentBlockContainer = dom.getParent(startNode.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body;
+					// Lean left before the BR element if it's the only BR within a block element. Gecko bug: #6680
+					// This: <p><br>|</p> becomes <p>|<br></p>
+					if (left && startNode.nodeName == 'BR' && isAfterNode && dom.isEmpty(parentBlockContainer)) {
+						container = startNode.parentNode;
+						offset = dom.nodeIndex(startNode);
+						normalized = true;
+						return;
+					}
+					// Walk left until we hit a text node we can move to or a block/br/img
+					walker = new TreeWalker(startNode, parentBlockContainer);
+					while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+						// Found text node that has a length
+						if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+							container = node;
+							offset = left ? node.nodeValue.length : 0;
+							normalized = true;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Break if we find a block or a BR/IMG/INPUT etc
+						if (dom.isBlock(node) || nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+							return;
+						}
+						lastInlineElement = node;
+					}
+					// Only fetch the last inline element when in caret mode for now
+					if (collapsed && lastInlineElement) {
+						container = lastInlineElement;
+						normalized = true;
+						offset = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				container = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Container'];
+				offset = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Offset'];
+				isAfterNode = container.nodeType == 1 && offset === container.childNodes.length;
+				nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+				directionLeft = start;
+				if (container.nodeType == 1 && offset > container.childNodes.length - 1) {
+					directionLeft = false;
+				}
+				// If the container is a document move it to the body element
+				if (container.nodeType === 9) {
+					container = dom.getRoot();
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+				// If the container is body try move it into the closest text node or position
+				if (container === body) {
+					// If start is before/after a image, table etc
+					if (directionLeft) {
+						node = container.childNodes[offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0];
+						if (node) {
+							nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+							if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName] || node.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Resolve the index
+					if (container.hasChildNodes()) {
+						offset = Math.min(!directionLeft && offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset, container.childNodes.length - 1);
+						container = container.childNodes[offset];
+						offset = 0;
+						// Don't walk into elements that doesn't have any child nodes like a IMG
+						if (container.hasChildNodes() && !/TABLE/.test(container.nodeName)) {
+							// Walk the DOM to find a text node to place the caret at or a BR
+							node = container;
+							walker = new TreeWalker(container, body);
+							do {
+								// Found a text node use that position
+								if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+									offset = directionLeft ? 0 : node.nodeValue.length;
+									container = node;
+									normalized = true;
+									break;
+								}
+								// Found a BR/IMG element that we can place the caret before
+								if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+									offset = dom.nodeIndex(node);
+									container = node.parentNode;
+									// Put caret after image when moving the end point
+									if (node.nodeName ==  "IMG" && !directionLeft) {
+										offset++;
+									}
+									normalized = true;
+									break;
+								}
+							} while ((node = (directionLeft ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Lean the caret to the left if possible
+				if (collapsed) {
+					// So this: <b>x</b><i>|x</i>
+					// Becomes: <b>x|</b><i>x</i>
+					// Seems that only gecko has issues with this
+					if (container.nodeType === 3 && offset === 0) {
+						findTextNodeRelative(true);
+					}
+					// Lean left into empty inline elements when the caret is before a BR
+					// So this: <i><b></b><i>|<br></i>
+					// Becomes: <i><b>|</b><i><br></i>
+					// Seems that only gecko has issues with this.
+					// Special edge case for <p><a>x</a>|<br></p> since we don't want <p><a>x|</a><br></p>
+					if (container.nodeType === 1) {
+						node = container.childNodes[offset];
+						// Offset is after the containers last child
+						// then use the previous child for normalization
+						if (!node) {
+							node = container.childNodes[offset - 1];
+						}
+						if (node && node.nodeName === 'BR' && !isPrevNode(node, 'A') &&
+							!hasBrBeforeAfter(node) && !hasBrBeforeAfter(node, true)) {
+							findTextNodeRelative(true, node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Lean the start of the selection right if possible
+				// So this: x[<b>x]</b>
+				// Becomes: x<b>[x]</b>
+				if (directionLeft && !collapsed && container.nodeType === 3 && offset === container.nodeValue.length) {
+					findTextNodeRelative(false);
+				}
+				// Set endpoint if it was normalized
+				if (normalized) {
+					rng['set' + (start ? 'Start' : 'End')](container, offset);
+				}
+			}
+			collapsed = rng.collapsed;
+			normalizeEndPoint(true);
+			if (!collapsed) {
+				normalizeEndPoint();
+			}
+			// If it was collapsed then make sure it still is
+			if (normalized && collapsed) {
+				rng.collapse(true);
+			}
+			return normalized;
+		};
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Compares two ranges and checks if they are equal.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method compareRanges
+	 * @param {DOMRange} rng1 First range to compare.
+	 * @param {DOMRange} rng2 First range to compare.
+	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the ranges are equal.
+	 */
+	RangeUtils.compareRanges = function(rng1, rng2) {
+		if (rng1 && rng2) {
+			// Compare native IE ranges
+			if (rng1.item || rng1.duplicate) {
+				// Both are control ranges and the selected element matches
+				if (rng1.item && rng2.item && rng1.item(0) === rng2.item(0)) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// Both are text ranges and the range matches
+				if (rng1.isEqual && rng2.isEqual && rng2.isEqual(rng1)) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Compare w3c ranges
+				return rng1.startContainer == rng2.startContainer && rng1.startOffset == rng2.startOffset;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	};
+	return RangeUtils;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/Selection.js
+ * Selection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles text and control selection it's an crossbrowser utility class.
+ * Consult the TinyMCE Wiki API for more details and examples on how to use this class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.Selection
+ * @example
+ * // Getting the currently selected node for the active editor
+ * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getNode().nodeName);
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Selection", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/TridentSelection",
+	"tinymce/dom/ControlSelection",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(TreeWalker, TridentSelection, ControlSelection, RangeUtils, Env, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, grep = Tools.grep, trim = Tools.trim;
+	var isIE = Env.ie, isOpera = Env.opera;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new selection instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Selection
+	 * @param {tinymce.dom.DOMUtils} dom DOMUtils object reference.
+	 * @param {Window} win Window to bind the selection object to.
+	 * @param {tinymce.dom.Serializer} serializer DOM serialization class to use for getContent.
+	 */
+	function Selection(dom, win, serializer, editor) {
+		var self = this;
+		self.dom = dom;
+		self.win = win;
+		self.serializer = serializer;
+		self.editor = editor;
+		self.controlSelection = new ControlSelection(self, editor);
+		// No W3C Range support
+		if (!self.win.getSelection) {
+			self.tridentSel = new TridentSelection(self);
+		}
+	}
+	Selection.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Move the selection cursor range to the specified node and offset.
+		 * If there is no node specified it will move it to the first suitable location within the body.
+		 *
+		 * @method setCursorLocation
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to put the cursor in.
+		 * @param {Number} offset Optional offset from the start of the node to put the cursor at.
+		 */
+		setCursorLocation: function(node, offset) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.dom.createRng();
+			if (!node) {
+				self._moveEndPoint(rng, self.editor.getBody(), true);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+			} else {
+				rng.setStart(node, offset);
+				rng.setEnd(node, offset);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+				self.collapse(false);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the selected contents using the DOM serializer passed in to this class.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContent
+		 * @param {Object} s Optional settings class with for example output format text or html.
+		 * @return {String} Selected contents in for example HTML format.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected contents
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent());
+		 *
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected contents as plain text
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+		 */
+		getContent: function(args) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), tmpElm = self.dom.create("body");
+			var se = self.getSel(), whiteSpaceBefore, whiteSpaceAfter, fragment;
+			args = args || {};
+			whiteSpaceBefore = whiteSpaceAfter = '';
+			args.get = true;
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.selection = true;
+			self.editor.fire('BeforeGetContent', args);
+			if (args.format == 'text') {
+				return self.isCollapsed() ? '' : (rng.text || (se.toString ? se.toString() : ''));
+			}
+			if (rng.cloneContents) {
+				fragment = rng.cloneContents();
+				if (fragment) {
+					tmpElm.appendChild(fragment);
+				}
+			} else if (rng.item !== undefined || rng.htmlText !== undefined) {
+				// IE will produce invalid markup if elements are present that
+				// it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements.
+				// Adding a BR in front of the contents and then remoiving it seems to fix it though.
+				tmpElm.innerHTML = '<br>' + (rng.item ? rng.item(0).outerHTML : rng.htmlText);
+				tmpElm.removeChild(tmpElm.firstChild);
+			} else {
+				tmpElm.innerHTML = rng.toString();
+			}
+			// Keep whitespace before and after
+			if (/^\s/.test(tmpElm.innerHTML)) {
+				whiteSpaceBefore = ' ';
+			}
+			if (/\s+$/.test(tmpElm.innerHTML)) {
+				whiteSpaceAfter = ' ';
+			}
+			args.getInner = true;
+			args.content = self.isCollapsed() ? '' : whiteSpaceBefore + self.serializer.serialize(tmpElm, args) + whiteSpaceAfter;
+			self.editor.fire('GetContent', args);
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the current selection to the specified content. If any contents is selected it will be replaced
+		 * with the contents passed in to this function. If there is no selection the contents will be inserted
+		 * where the caret is placed in the editor/page.
+		 *
+		 * @method setContent
+		 * @param {String} content HTML contents to set could also be other formats depending on settings.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional settings object with for example data format.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Inserts some HTML contents at the current selection
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent('<strong>Some contents</strong>');
+		 */
+		setContent: function(content, args) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), caretNode, doc = self.win.document, frag, temp;
+			args = args || {format: 'html'};
+			args.set = true;
+			args.selection = true;
+			content = args.content = content;
+			// Dispatch before set content event
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+			}
+			content = args.content;
+			if (rng.insertNode) {
+				// Make caret marker since insertNode places the caret in the beginning of text after insert
+				content += '<span id="__caret">_</span>';
+				// Delete and insert new node
+				if (rng.startContainer == doc && rng.endContainer == doc) {
+					// WebKit will fail if the body is empty since the range is then invalid and it can't insert contents
+					doc.body.innerHTML = content;
+				} else {
+					rng.deleteContents();
+					if (doc.body.childNodes.length === 0) {
+						doc.body.innerHTML = content;
+					} else {
+						// createContextualFragment doesn't exists in IE 9 DOMRanges
+						if (rng.createContextualFragment) {
+							rng.insertNode(rng.createContextualFragment(content));
+						} else {
+							// Fake createContextualFragment call in IE 9
+							frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+							temp = doc.createElement('div');
+							frag.appendChild(temp);
+							temp.outerHTML = content;
+							rng.insertNode(frag);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Move to caret marker
+				caretNode = self.dom.get('__caret');
+				// Make sure we wrap it compleatly, Opera fails with a simple select call
+				rng = doc.createRange();
+				rng.setStartBefore(caretNode);
+				rng.setEndBefore(caretNode);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+				// Remove the caret position
+				self.dom.remove('__caret');
+				try {
+					self.setRng(rng);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Might fail on Opera for some odd reason
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (rng.item) {
+					// Delete content and get caret text selection
+					doc.execCommand('Delete', false, null);
+					rng = self.getRng();
+				}
+				// Explorer removes spaces from the beginning of pasted contents
+				if (/^\s+/.test(content)) {
+					rng.pasteHTML('<span id="__mce_tmp">_</span>' + content);
+					self.dom.remove('__mce_tmp');
+				} else {
+					rng.pasteHTML(content);
+				}
+			}
+			// Dispatch set content event
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.editor.fire('SetContent', args);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the start element of a selection range. If the start is in a text
+		 * node the parent element will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getStart
+		 * @return {Element} Start element of selection range.
+		 */
+		getStart: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), startElement, parentElement, checkRng, node;
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				// Control selection, return first item
+				if (rng.item) {
+					return rng.item(0);
+				}
+				// Get start element
+				checkRng = rng.duplicate();
+				checkRng.collapse(1);
+				startElement = checkRng.parentElement();
+				if (startElement.ownerDocument !== self.dom.doc) {
+					startElement = self.dom.getRoot();
+				}
+				// Check if range parent is inside the start element, then return the inner parent element
+				// This will fix issues when a single element is selected, IE would otherwise return the wrong start element
+				parentElement = node = rng.parentElement();
+				while ((node = node.parentNode)) {
+					if (node == startElement) {
+						startElement = parentElement;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				return startElement;
+			} else {
+				startElement = rng.startContainer;
+				if (startElement.nodeType == 1 && startElement.hasChildNodes()) {
+					startElement = startElement.childNodes[Math.min(startElement.childNodes.length - 1, rng.startOffset)];
+				}
+				if (startElement && startElement.nodeType == 3) {
+					return startElement.parentNode;
+				}
+				return startElement;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the end element of a selection range. If the end is in a text
+		 * node the parent element will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEnd
+		 * @return {Element} End element of selection range.
+		 */
+		getEnd: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), endElement, endOffset;
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				if (rng.item) {
+					return rng.item(0);
+				}
+				rng = rng.duplicate();
+				rng.collapse(0);
+				endElement = rng.parentElement();
+				if (endElement.ownerDocument !== self.dom.doc) {
+					endElement = self.dom.getRoot();
+				}
+				if (endElement && endElement.nodeName == 'BODY') {
+					return endElement.lastChild || endElement;
+				}
+				return endElement;
+			} else {
+				endElement = rng.endContainer;
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+				if (endElement.nodeType == 1 && endElement.hasChildNodes()) {
+					endElement = endElement.childNodes[endOffset > 0 ? endOffset - 1 : endOffset];
+				}
+				if (endElement && endElement.nodeType == 3) {
+					return endElement.parentNode;
+				}
+				return endElement;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a bookmark location for the current selection. This bookmark object
+		 * can then be used to restore the selection after some content modification to the document.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBookmark
+		 * @param {Number} type Optional state if the bookmark should be simple or not. Default is complex.
+		 * @param {Boolean} normalized Optional state that enables you to get a position that it would be after normalization.
+		 * @return {Object} Bookmark object, use moveToBookmark with this object to restore the selection.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Stores a bookmark of the current selection
+		 * var bm = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark();
+		 *
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent() + 'Some new content');
+		 *
+		 * // Restore the selection bookmark
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(bm);
+		 */
+		getBookmark: function(type, normalized) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng, rng2, id, collapsed, name, element, chr = '&#xFEFF;', styles;
+			function findIndex(name, element) {
+				var index = 0;
+				each(dom.select(name), function(node, i) {
+					if (node == element) {
+						index = i;
+					}
+				});
+				return index;
+			}
+			function normalizeTableCellSelection(rng) {
+				function moveEndPoint(start) {
+					var container, offset, childNodes, prefix = start ? 'start' : 'end';
+					container = rng[prefix + 'Container'];
+					offset = rng[prefix + 'Offset'];
+					if (container.nodeType == 1 && container.nodeName == "TR") {
+						childNodes = container.childNodes;
+						container = childNodes[Math.min(start ? offset : offset - 1, childNodes.length - 1)];
+						if (container) {
+							offset = start ? 0 : container.childNodes.length;
+							rng['set' + (start ? 'Start' : 'End')](container, offset);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				moveEndPoint(true);
+				moveEndPoint();
+				return rng;
+			}
+			function getLocation() {
+				var rng = self.getRng(true), root = dom.getRoot(), bookmark = {};
+				function getPoint(rng, start) {
+					var container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'],
+						offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'], point = [], node, childNodes, after = 0;
+					if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (normalized) {
+							for (node = container.previousSibling; node && node.nodeType == 3; node = node.previousSibling) {
+								offset += node.nodeValue.length;
+							}
+						}
+						point.push(offset);
+					} else {
+						childNodes = container.childNodes;
+						if (offset >= childNodes.length && childNodes.length) {
+							after = 1;
+							offset = Math.max(0, childNodes.length - 1);
+						}
+						point.push(self.dom.nodeIndex(childNodes[offset], normalized) + after);
+					}
+					for (; container && container != root; container = container.parentNode) {
+						point.push(self.dom.nodeIndex(container, normalized));
+					}
+					return point;
+				}
+				bookmark.start = getPoint(rng, true);
+				if (!self.isCollapsed()) {
+					bookmark.end = getPoint(rng);
+				}
+				return bookmark;
+			}
+			if (type == 2) {
+				element = self.getNode();
+				name = element ? element.nodeName : null;
+				if (name == 'IMG') {
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+				if (self.tridentSel) {
+					return self.tridentSel.getBookmark(type);
+				}
+				return getLocation();
+			}
+			// Handle simple range
+			if (type) {
+				return {rng: self.getRng()};
+			}
+			rng = self.getRng();
+			id = dom.uniqueId();
+			collapsed = self.isCollapsed();
+			styles = 'overflow:hidden;line-height:0px';
+			// Explorer method
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				// Text selection
+				if (!rng.item) {
+					rng2 = rng.duplicate();
+					try {
+						// Insert start marker
+						rng.collapse();
+						rng.pasteHTML('<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="' + id + '_start" style="' + styles + '">' + chr + '</span>');
+						// Insert end marker
+						if (!collapsed) {
+							rng2.collapse(false);
+							// Detect the empty space after block elements in IE and move the
+							// end back one character <p></p>] becomes <p>]</p>
+							rng.moveToElementText(rng2.parentElement());
+							if (rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng2) === 0) {
+								rng2.move('character', -1);
+							}
+							rng2.pasteHTML('<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="' + id + '_end" style="' + styles + '">' + chr + '</span>');
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE might throw unspecified error so lets ignore it
+						return null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Control selection
+					element = rng.item(0);
+					name = element.nodeName;
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+			} else {
+				element = self.getNode();
+				name = element.nodeName;
+				if (name == 'IMG') {
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+				// W3C method
+				rng2 = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng.cloneRange());
+				// Insert end marker
+				if (!collapsed) {
+					rng2.collapse(false);
+					rng2.insertNode(dom.create('span', {'data-mce-type': "bookmark", id: id + '_end', style: styles}, chr));
+				}
+				rng = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng);
+				rng.collapse(true);
+				rng.insertNode(dom.create('span', {'data-mce-type': "bookmark", id: id + '_start', style: styles}, chr));
+			}
+			self.moveToBookmark({id: id, keep: 1});
+			return {id: id};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Restores the selection to the specified bookmark.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveToBookmark
+		 * @param {Object} bookmark Bookmark to restore selection from.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if it was successful or not.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Stores a bookmark of the current selection
+		 * var bm = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark();
+		 *
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent() + 'Some new content');
+		 *
+		 * // Restore the selection bookmark
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(bm);
+		 */
+		moveToBookmark: function(bookmark) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng, root, startContainer, endContainer, startOffset, endOffset;
+			function setEndPoint(start) {
+				var point = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'], i, node, offset, children;
+				if (point) {
+					offset = point[0];
+					// Find container node
+					for (node = root, i = point.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
+						children = node.childNodes;
+						if (point[i] > children.length - 1) {
+							return;
+						}
+						node = children[point[i]];
+					}
+					// Move text offset to best suitable location
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						offset = Math.min(point[0], node.nodeValue.length);
+					}
+					// Move element offset to best suitable location
+					if (node.nodeType === 1) {
+						offset = Math.min(point[0], node.childNodes.length);
+					}
+					// Set offset within container node
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, offset);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, offset);
+					}
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			function restoreEndPoint(suffix) {
+				var marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix), node, idx, next, prev, keep = bookmark.keep;
+				if (marker) {
+					node = marker.parentNode;
+					if (suffix == 'start') {
+						if (!keep) {
+							idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
+						} else {
+							node = marker.firstChild;
+							idx = 1;
+						}
+						startContainer = endContainer = node;
+						startOffset = endOffset = idx;
+					} else {
+						if (!keep) {
+							idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
+						} else {
+							node = marker.firstChild;
+							idx = 1;
+						}
+						endContainer = node;
+						endOffset = idx;
+					}
+					if (!keep) {
+						prev = marker.previousSibling;
+						next = marker.nextSibling;
+						// Remove all marker text nodes
+						each(grep(marker.childNodes), function(node) {
+							if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+								node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
+							}
+						});
+						// Remove marker but keep children if for example contents where inserted into the marker
+						// Also remove duplicated instances of the marker for example by a
+						// split operation or by WebKit auto split on paste feature
+						while ((marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix))) {
+							dom.remove(marker, 1);
+						}
+						// If siblings are text nodes then merge them unless it's Opera since it some how removes the node
+						// and we are sniffing since adding a lot of detection code for a browser with 3% of the market
+						// isn't worth the effort. Sorry, Opera but it's just a fact
+						if (prev && next && prev.nodeType == next.nodeType && prev.nodeType == 3 && !isOpera) {
+							idx = prev.nodeValue.length;
+							prev.appendData(next.nodeValue);
+							dom.remove(next);
+							if (suffix == 'start') {
+								startContainer = endContainer = prev;
+								startOffset = endOffset = idx;
+							} else {
+								endContainer = prev;
+								endOffset = idx;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function addBogus(node) {
+				// Adds a bogus BR element for empty block elements
+				if (dom.isBlock(node) && !node.innerHTML && !isIE) {
+					node.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />';
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			if (bookmark) {
+				if (bookmark.start) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					root = dom.getRoot();
+					if (self.tridentSel) {
+						return self.tridentSel.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+					}
+					if (setEndPoint(true) && setEndPoint()) {
+						self.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				} else if (bookmark.id) {
+					// Restore start/end points
+					restoreEndPoint('start');
+					restoreEndPoint('end');
+					if (startContainer) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStart(addBogus(startContainer), startOffset);
+						rng.setEnd(addBogus(endContainer), endOffset);
+						self.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				} else if (bookmark.name) {
+					self.select(dom.select(bookmark.name)[bookmark.index]);
+				} else if (bookmark.rng) {
+					self.setRng(bookmark.rng);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Selects the specified element. This will place the start and end of the selection range around the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method select
+		 * @param {Element} node HMTL DOM element to select.
+		 * @param {Boolean} content Optional bool state if the contents should be selected or not on non IE browser.
+		 * @return {Element} Selected element the same element as the one that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Select the first paragraph in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.select(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+		 */
+		select: function(node, content) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng = dom.createRng(), idx;
+			// Clear stored range set by FocusManager
+			self.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+			if (node) {
+				if (!content && self.controlSelection.controlSelect(node)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				idx = dom.nodeIndex(node);
+				rng.setStart(node.parentNode, idx);
+				rng.setEnd(node.parentNode, idx + 1);
+				// Find first/last text node or BR element
+				if (content) {
+					self._moveEndPoint(rng, node, true);
+					self._moveEndPoint(rng, node);
+				}
+				self.setRng(rng);
+			}
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the selection range is collapsed or not. Collapsed means if it's a caret or a larger selection.
+		 *
+		 * @method isCollapsed
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the selection range is collapsed or not.
+		 * Collapsed means if it's a caret or a larger selection.
+		 */
+		isCollapsed: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), sel = self.getSel();
+			if (!rng || rng.item) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (rng.compareEndPoints) {
+				return rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng) === 0;
+			}
+			return !sel || rng.collapsed;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Collapse the selection to start or end of range.
+		 *
+		 * @method collapse
+		 * @param {Boolean} to_start Optional boolean state if to collapse to end or not. Defaults to start.
+		 */
+		collapse: function(to_start) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), node;
+			// Control range on IE
+			if (rng.item) {
+				node = rng.item(0);
+				rng = self.win.document.body.createTextRange();
+				rng.moveToElementText(node);
+			}
+			rng.collapse(!!to_start);
+			self.setRng(rng);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the browsers internal selection object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSel
+		 * @return {Selection} Internal browser selection object.
+		 */
+		getSel: function() {
+			var win = this.win;
+			return win.getSelection ? win.getSelection() : win.document.selection;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the browsers internal range object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRng
+		 * @param {Boolean} w3c Forces a compatible W3C range on IE.
+		 * @return {Range} Internal browser range object.
+		 * @see http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/range_intro.html
+		 * @see http://www.dotvoid.com/2001/03/using-the-range-object-in-mozilla/
+		 */
+		getRng: function(w3c) {
+			var self = this, selection, rng, elm, doc = self.win.document, ieRng;
+			function tryCompareBounderyPoints(how, sourceRange, destinationRange) {
+				try {
+					return sourceRange.compareBoundaryPoints(how, destinationRange);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Gecko throws wrong document exception if the range points
+					// to nodes that where removed from the dom #6690
+					// Browsers should mutate existing DOMRange instances so that they always point
+					// to something in the document this is not the case in Gecko works fine in IE/WebKit/Blink
+					// For performance reasons just return -1
+					return -1;
+				}
+			}
+			// Use last rng passed from FocusManager if it's available this enables
+			// calls to editor.selection.getStart() to work when caret focus is lost on IE
+			if (!w3c && self.lastFocusBookmark) {
+				var bookmark = self.lastFocusBookmark;
+				// Convert bookmark to range IE 11 fix
+				if (bookmark.startContainer) {
+					rng = doc.createRange();
+					rng.setStart(bookmark.startContainer, bookmark.startOffset);
+					rng.setEnd(bookmark.endContainer, bookmark.endOffset);
+				} else {
+					rng = bookmark;
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			// Found tridentSel object then we need to use that one
+			if (w3c && self.tridentSel) {
+				return self.tridentSel.getRangeAt(0);
+			}
+			try {
+				if ((selection = self.getSel())) {
+					if (selection.rangeCount > 0) {
+						rng = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+					} else {
+						rng = selection.createRange ? selection.createRange() : doc.createRange();
+					}
+				}
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE throws unspecified error here if TinyMCE is placed in a frame/iframe
+			}
+			// We have W3C ranges and it's IE then fake control selection since IE9 doesn't handle that correctly yet
+			// IE 11 doesn't support the selection object so we check for that as well
+			if (isIE && rng && rng.setStart && doc.selection) {
+				try {
+					// IE will sometimes throw an exception here
+					ieRng = doc.selection.createRange();
+				} catch (ex) {
+				}
+				if (ieRng && ieRng.item) {
+					elm = ieRng.item(0);
+					rng = doc.createRange();
+					rng.setStartBefore(elm);
+					rng.setEndAfter(elm);
+				}
+			}
+			// No range found then create an empty one
+			// This can occur when the editor is placed in a hidden container element on Gecko
+			// Or on IE when there was an exception
+			if (!rng) {
+				rng = doc.createRange ? doc.createRange() : doc.body.createTextRange();
+			}
+			// If range is at start of document then move it to start of body
+			if (rng.setStart && rng.startContainer.nodeType === 9 && rng.collapsed) {
+				elm = self.dom.getRoot();
+				rng.setStart(elm, 0);
+				rng.setEnd(elm, 0);
+			}
+			if (self.selectedRange && self.explicitRange) {
+				if (tryCompareBounderyPoints(rng.START_TO_START, rng, self.selectedRange) === 0 &&
+					tryCompareBounderyPoints(rng.END_TO_END, rng, self.selectedRange) === 0) {
+					// Safari, Opera and Chrome only ever select text which causes the range to change.
+					// This lets us use the originally set range if the selection hasn't been changed by the user.
+					rng = self.explicitRange;
+				} else {
+					self.selectedRange = null;
+					self.explicitRange = null;
+				}
+			}
+			return rng;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Changes the selection to the specified DOM range.
+		 *
+		 * @method setRng
+		 * @param {Range} rng Range to select.
+		 */
+		setRng: function(rng, forward) {
+			var self = this, sel;
+			// Is IE specific range
+			if (rng.select) {
+				try {
+					rng.select();
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Needed for some odd IE bug #1843306
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!self.tridentSel) {
+				sel = self.getSel();
+				if (sel) {
+					self.explicitRange = rng;
+					try {
+						sel.removeAllRanges();
+						sel.addRange(rng);
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE might throw errors here if the editor is within a hidden container and selection is changed
+					}
+					// Forward is set to false and we have an extend function
+					if (forward === false && sel.extend) {
+						sel.collapse(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
+						sel.extend(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset);
+					}
+					// adding range isn't always successful so we need to check range count otherwise an exception can occur
+					self.selectedRange = sel.rangeCount > 0 ? sel.getRangeAt(0) : null;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Is W3C Range fake range on IE
+				if (rng.cloneRange) {
+					try {
+						self.tridentSel.addRange(rng);
+						return;
+					} catch (ex) {
+						//IE9 throws an error here if called before selection is placed in the editor
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the current selection to the specified DOM element.
+		 *
+		 * @method setNode
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to set as the contents of the selection.
+		 * @return {Element} Returns the element that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Inserts a DOM node at current selection/caret location
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setNode(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.create('img', {src: 'some.gif', title: 'some title'}));
+		 */
+		setNode: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.setContent(self.dom.getOuterHTML(elm));
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the currently selected element or the common ancestor element for both start and end of the selection.
+		 *
+		 * @method getNode
+		 * @return {Element} Currently selected element or common ancestor element.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected elements node name
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getNode().nodeName);
+		 */
+		getNode: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), elm;
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer, endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+			var startOffset = rng.startOffset, endOffset = rng.endOffset, root = self.dom.getRoot();
+			function skipEmptyTextNodes(node, forwards) {
+				var orig = node;
+				while (node && node.nodeType === 3 && node.length === 0) {
+					node = forwards ? node.nextSibling : node.previousSibling;
+				}
+				return node || orig;
+			}
+			// Range maybe lost after the editor is made visible again
+			if (!rng) {
+				return root;
+			}
+			if (rng.setStart) {
+				elm = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
+				// Handle selection a image or other control like element such as anchors
+				if (!rng.collapsed) {
+					if (startContainer == endContainer) {
+						if (endOffset - startOffset < 2) {
+							if (startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+								elm = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// If the anchor node is a element instead of a text node then return this element
+					//if (tinymce.isWebKit && sel.anchorNode && sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1)
+					//	return sel.anchorNode.childNodes[sel.anchorOffset];
+					// Handle cases where the selection is immediately wrapped around a node and return that node instead of it's parent.
+					// This happens when you double click an underlined word in FireFox.
+					if (startContainer.nodeType === 3 && endContainer.nodeType === 3) {
+						if (startContainer.length === startOffset) {
+							startContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(startContainer.nextSibling, true);
+						} else {
+							startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+						}
+						if (endOffset === 0) {
+							endContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(endContainer.previousSibling, false);
+						} else {
+							endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+						}
+						if (startContainer && startContainer === endContainer) {
+							return startContainer;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (elm && elm.nodeType == 3) {
+					return elm.parentNode;
+				}
+				return elm;
+			}
+			elm = rng.item ? rng.item(0) : rng.parentElement();
+			// IE 7 might return elements outside the iframe
+			if (elm.ownerDocument !== self.win.document) {
+				elm = root;
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		getSelectedBlocks: function(startElm, endElm) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, node, root, selectedBlocks = [];
+			root = dom.getRoot();
+			startElm = dom.getParent(startElm || self.getStart(), dom.isBlock);
+			endElm = dom.getParent(endElm || self.getEnd(), dom.isBlock);
+			if (startElm && startElm != root) {
+				selectedBlocks.push(startElm);
+			}
+			if (startElm && endElm && startElm != endElm) {
+				node = startElm;
+				var walker = new TreeWalker(startElm, root);
+				while ((node = walker.next()) && node != endElm) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						selectedBlocks.push(node);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (endElm && startElm != endElm && endElm != root) {
+				selectedBlocks.push(endElm);
+			}
+			return selectedBlocks;
+		},
+		isForward: function() {
+			var dom = this.dom, sel = this.getSel(), anchorRange, focusRange;
+			// No support for selection direction then always return true
+			if (!sel || !sel.anchorNode || !sel.focusNode) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			anchorRange = dom.createRng();
+			anchorRange.setStart(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);
+			anchorRange.collapse(true);
+			focusRange = dom.createRng();
+			focusRange.setStart(sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset);
+			focusRange.collapse(true);
+			return anchorRange.compareBoundaryPoints(anchorRange.START_TO_START, focusRange) <= 0;
+		},
+		normalize: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng();
+			if (!isIE && new RangeUtils(self.dom).normalize(rng)) {
+				self.setRng(rng, self.isForward());
+			}
+			return rng;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes callback of the current selection matches the specified selector or not and passes the state and args to the callback.
+		 *
+		 * @method selectorChanged
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS selector to check for.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback with state and args when the selector is matches or not.
+		 */
+		selectorChanged: function(selector, callback) {
+			var self = this, currentSelectors;
+			if (!self.selectorChangedData) {
+				self.selectorChangedData = {};
+				currentSelectors = {};
+				self.editor.on('NodeChange', function(e) {
+					var node = e.element, dom = self.dom, parents = dom.getParents(node, null, dom.getRoot()), matchedSelectors = {};
+					// Check for new matching selectors
+					each(self.selectorChangedData, function(callbacks, selector) {
+						each(parents, function(node) {
+							if (dom.is(node, selector)) {
+								if (!currentSelectors[selector]) {
+									// Execute callbacks
+									each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+										callback(true, {node: node, selector: selector, parents: parents});
+									});
+									currentSelectors[selector] = callbacks;
+								}
+								matchedSelectors[selector] = callbacks;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					});
+					// Check if current selectors still match
+					each(currentSelectors, function(callbacks, selector) {
+						if (!matchedSelectors[selector]) {
+							delete currentSelectors[selector];
+							each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+								callback(false, {node: node, selector: selector, parents: parents});
+							});
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Add selector listeners
+			if (!self.selectorChangedData[selector]) {
+				self.selectorChangedData[selector] = [];
+			}
+			self.selectorChangedData[selector].push(callback);
+			return self;
+		},
+		getScrollContainer: function() {
+			var scrollContainer, node = this.dom.getRoot();
+			while (node && node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+				if (node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight) {
+					scrollContainer = node;
+					break;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			return scrollContainer;
+		},
+		scrollIntoView: function(elm) {
+			var y, viewPort, self = this, dom = self.dom, root = dom.getRoot(), viewPortY, viewPortH;
+			function getPos(elm) {
+				var x = 0, y = 0;
+				var offsetParent = elm;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x += offsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += offsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				return {x: x, y: y};
+			}
+			if (root.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+				var scrollContainer = self.getScrollContainer();
+				if (scrollContainer) {
+					y = getPos(elm).y - getPos(scrollContainer).y;
+					viewPortH = scrollContainer.clientHeight;
+					viewPortY = scrollContainer.scrollTop;
+					if (y < viewPortY || y + 25 > viewPortY + viewPortH) {
+						scrollContainer.scrollTop = y < viewPortY ? y : y - viewPortH + 25;
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			viewPort = dom.getViewPort(self.editor.getWin());
+			y = dom.getPos(elm).y;
+			viewPortY = viewPort.y;
+			viewPortH = viewPort.h;
+			if (y < viewPort.y || y + 25 > viewPortY + viewPortH) {
+				self.editor.getWin().scrollTo(0, y < viewPortY ? y : y - viewPortH + 25);
+			}
+		},
+		_moveEndPoint: function(rng, node, start) {
+			var root = node, walker = new TreeWalker(node, root);
+			var nonEmptyElementsMap = this.dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			do {
+				// Text node
+				if (node.nodeType == 3 && trim(node.nodeValue).length !== 0) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, node.nodeValue.length);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				// BR/IMG/INPUT elements
+				if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStartBefore(node);
+					} else {
+						if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+						} else {
+							rng.setEndAfter(node);
+						}
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				// Found empty text block old IE can place the selection inside those
+				if (Env.ie && Env.ie < 11 && this.dom.isBlock(node) && this.dom.isEmpty(node)) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, 0);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+			} while ((node = (start ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));
+			// Failed to find any text node or other suitable location then move to the root of body
+			if (root.nodeName == 'BODY') {
+				if (start) {
+					rng.setStart(root, 0);
+				} else {
+					rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		destroy: function() {
+			this.win = null;
+			this.controlSelection.destroy();
+		}
+	};
+	return Selection;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Formatter.js
+ * Formatter.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Text formatter engine class. This class is used to apply formats like bold, italic, font size
+ * etc to the current selection or specific nodes. This engine was build to replace the browsers
+ * default formatting logic for execCommand due to it's inconsistent and buggy behavior.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Formatter
+ * @example
+ *  tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.register('mycustomformat', {
+ *    inline: 'span',
+ *    styles: {color: '#ff0000'}
+ *  });
+ *
+ *  tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.apply('mycustomformat');
+ */
+define("tinymce/Formatter", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(TreeWalker, RangeUtils, Tools) {
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new formatter instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor Formatter
+	 * @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance to construct the formatter engine to.
+	 */
+	return function(ed) {
+		var formats = {},
+			dom = ed.dom,
+			selection = ed.selection,
+			rangeUtils = new RangeUtils(dom),
+			isValid = ed.schema.isValidChild,
+			isBlock = dom.isBlock,
+			forcedRootBlock = ed.settings.forced_root_block,
+			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex,
+			MCE_ATTR_RE = /^(src|href|style)$/,
+			FALSE = false,
+			TRUE = true,
+			formatChangeData,
+			undef,
+			getContentEditable = dom.getContentEditable,
+			disableCaretContainer,
+			markCaretContainersBogus;
+		var each = Tools.each,
+			grep = Tools.grep,
+			walk = Tools.walk,
+			extend = Tools.extend;
+		function isTextBlock(name) {
+			if (name.nodeType) {
+				name = name.nodeName;
+			}
+			return !!ed.schema.getTextBlockElements()[name.toLowerCase()];
+		}
+		function getParents(node, selector) {
+			return dom.getParents(node, selector, dom.getRoot());
+		}
+		function isCaretNode(node) {
+			return node.nodeType === 1 && node.id === '_mce_caret';
+		}
+		function defaultFormats() {
+			register({
+				alignleft: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'left'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img,table', collapsed: false, styles: {'float': 'left'}}
+				],
+				aligncenter: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'center'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img', collapsed: false, styles: {display: 'block', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}},
+					{selector: 'table', collapsed: false, styles: {marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}}
+				],
+				alignright: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'right'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img,table', collapsed: false, styles: {'float': 'right'}}
+				],
+				alignjustify: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'justify'}, defaultBlock: 'div'}
+				],
+				bold: [
+					{inline: 'strong', remove: 'all'},
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {fontWeight: 'bold'}},
+					{inline: 'b', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				italic: [
+					{inline: 'em', remove: 'all'},
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {fontStyle: 'italic'}},
+					{inline: 'i', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				underline: [
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {textDecoration: 'underline'}, exact: true},
+					{inline: 'u', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				strikethrough: [
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {textDecoration: 'line-through'}, exact: true},
+					{inline: 'strike', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				forecolor: {inline: 'span', styles: {color: '%value'}, wrap_links: false},
+				hilitecolor: {inline: 'span', styles: {backgroundColor: '%value'}, wrap_links: false},
+				fontname: {inline: 'span', styles: {fontFamily: '%value'}},
+				fontsize: {inline: 'span', styles: {fontSize: '%value'}},
+				fontsize_class: {inline: 'span', attributes: {'class': '%value'}},
+				blockquote: {block: 'blockquote', wrapper: 1, remove: 'all'},
+				subscript: {inline: 'sub'},
+				superscript: {inline: 'sup'},
+				code: {inline: 'code'},
+				link: {inline: 'a', selector: 'a', remove: 'all', split: true, deep: true,
+					onmatch: function() {
+						return true;
+					},
+					onformat: function(elm, fmt, vars) {
+						each(vars, function(value, key) {
+							dom.setAttrib(elm, key, value);
+						});
+					}
+				},
+				removeformat: [
+					{
+						selector: 'b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike,sub,sup,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,mark,q',
+						remove: 'all',
+						split: true,
+						expand: false,
+						block_expand: true,
+						deep: true
+					},
+					{selector: 'span', attributes: ['style', 'class'], remove: 'empty', split: true, expand: false, deep: true},
+					{selector: '*', attributes: ['style', 'class'], split: false, expand: false, deep: true}
+				]
+			});
+			// Register default block formats
+			each('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div address pre div dt dd samp'.split(/\s/), function(name) {
+				register(name, {block: name, remove: 'all'});
+			});
+			// Register user defined formats
+			register(ed.settings.formats);
+		}
+		function addKeyboardShortcuts() {
+			// Add some inline shortcuts
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+b', 'bold_desc', 'Bold');
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+i', 'italic_desc', 'Italic');
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+u', 'underline_desc', 'Underline');
+			// BlockFormat shortcuts keys
+			for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
+				ed.addShortcut('ctrl+' + i, '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i]);
+			}
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+7', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'p']);
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+8', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'div']);
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+9', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'address']);
+		}
+		// Public functions
+		/**
+		 * Returns the format by name or all formats if no name is specified.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String} name Optional name to retrive by.
+		 * @return {Array/Object} Array/Object with all registred formats or a specific format.
+		 */
+		function get(name) {
+			return name ? formats[name] : formats;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Registers a specific format by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method register
+		 * @param {Object/String} name Name of the format for example "bold".
+		 * @param {Object/Array} format Optional format object or array of format variants
+		 * can only be omitted if the first arg is an object.
+		 */
+		function register(name, format) {
+			if (name) {
+				if (typeof(name) !== 'string') {
+					each(name, function(format, name) {
+						register(name, format);
+					});
+				} else {
+					// Force format into array and add it to internal collection
+					format = format.length ? format : [format];
+					each(format, function(format) {
+						// Set deep to false by default on selector formats this to avoid removing
+						// alignment on images inside paragraphs when alignment is changed on paragraphs
+						if (format.deep === undef) {
+							format.deep = !format.selector;
+						}
+						// Default to true
+						if (format.split === undef) {
+							format.split = !format.selector || format.inline;
+						}
+						// Default to true
+						if (format.remove === undef && format.selector && !format.inline) {
+							format.remove = 'none';
+						}
+						// Mark format as a mixed format inline + block level
+						if (format.selector && format.inline) {
+							format.mixed = true;
+							format.block_expand = true;
+						}
+						// Split classes if needed
+						if (typeof(format.classes) === 'string') {
+							format.classes = format.classes.split(/\s+/);
+						}
+					});
+					formats[name] = format;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function getTextDecoration(node) {
+			var decoration;
+			ed.dom.getParent(node, function(n) {
+				decoration = ed.dom.getStyle(n, 'text-decoration');
+				return decoration && decoration !== 'none';
+			});
+			return decoration;
+		}
+		function processUnderlineAndColor(node) {
+			var textDecoration;
+			if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeType === 1) {
+				textDecoration = getTextDecoration(node.parentNode);
+				if (ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'color') && textDecoration) {
+					ed.dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', textDecoration);
+				} else if (ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'textdecoration') === textDecoration) {
+					ed.dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', null);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Applies the specified format to the current selection or specified node.
+		 *
+		 * @method apply
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to apply.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before applying it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to apply the format to defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function apply(name, vars, node) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, rng, isCollapsed = !node && selection.isCollapsed();
+			function setElementFormat(elm, fmt) {
+				fmt = fmt || format;
+				if (elm) {
+					if (fmt.onformat) {
+						fmt.onformat(elm, fmt, vars, node);
+					}
+					each(fmt.styles, function(value, name) {
+						dom.setStyle(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
+					});
+					each(fmt.attributes, function(value, name) {
+						dom.setAttrib(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
+					});
+					each(fmt.classes, function(value) {
+						value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+						if (!dom.hasClass(elm, value)) {
+							dom.addClass(elm, value);
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			function adjustSelectionToVisibleSelection() {
+				function findSelectionEnd(start, end) {
+					var walker = new TreeWalker(end);
+					for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.prev()) {
+						if (node.childNodes.length > 1 || node == start || node.tagName == 'BR') {
+							return node;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Adjust selection so that a end container with a end offset of zero is not included in the selection
+				// as this isn't visible to the user.
+				var rng = ed.selection.getRng();
+				var start = rng.startContainer;
+				var end = rng.endContainer;
+				if (start != end && rng.endOffset === 0) {
+					var newEnd = findSelectionEnd(start, end);
+					var endOffset = newEnd.nodeType == 3 ? newEnd.length : newEnd.childNodes.length;
+					rng.setEnd(newEnd, endOffset);
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			function applyStyleToList(node, bookmark, wrapElm, newWrappers, process){
+				var nodes = [], listIndex = -1, list, startIndex = -1, endIndex = -1, currentWrapElm;
+				// find the index of the first child list.
+				each(node.childNodes, function(n, index) {
+					if (n.nodeName === "UL" || n.nodeName === "OL") {
+						listIndex = index;
+						list = n;
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+				// get the index of the bookmarks
+				each(node.childNodes, function(n, index) {
+					if (n.nodeName === "SPAN" && dom.getAttrib(n, "data-mce-type") == "bookmark") {
+						if (n.id == bookmark.id + "_start") {
+							startIndex = index;
+						} else if (n.id == bookmark.id + "_end") {
+							endIndex = index;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				// if the selection spans across an embedded list, or there isn't an embedded list - handle processing normally
+				if (listIndex <= 0 || (startIndex < listIndex && endIndex > listIndex)) {
+					each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+					return 0;
+				} else {
+					currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+					// create a list of the nodes on the same side of the list as the selection
+					each(grep(node.childNodes), function(n, index) {
+						if ((startIndex < listIndex && index < listIndex) || (startIndex > listIndex && index > listIndex)) {
+							nodes.push(n);
+							n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+						}
+					});
+					// insert the wrapping element either before or after the list.
+					if (startIndex < listIndex) {
+						node.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, list);
+					} else if (startIndex > listIndex) {
+						node.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, list.nextSibling);
+					}
+					// add the new nodes to the list.
+					newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+					each(nodes, function(node) {
+						currentWrapElm.appendChild(node);
+					});
+					return currentWrapElm;
+				}
+			}
+			function applyRngStyle(rng, bookmark, node_specific) {
+				var newWrappers = [], wrapName, wrapElm, contentEditable = true;
+				// Setup wrapper element
+				wrapName = format.inline || format.block;
+				wrapElm = dom.create(wrapName);
+				setElementFormat(wrapElm);
+				rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
+					var currentWrapElm;
+					/**
+					 * Process a list of nodes wrap them.
+					 */
+					function process(node) {
+						var nodeName, parentName, found, hasContentEditableState, lastContentEditable;
+						lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+						nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						parentName = node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						// Node has a contentEditable value
+						if (node.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(node)) {
+							lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+							contentEditable = getContentEditable(node) === "true";
+							hasContentEditableState = true; // We don't want to wrap the container only it's children
+						}
+						// Stop wrapping on br elements
+						if (isEq(nodeName, 'br')) {
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							// Remove any br elements when we wrap things
+							if (format.block) {
+								dom.remove(node);
+							}
+							return;
+						}
+						// If node is wrapper type
+						if (format.wrapper && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Can we rename the block
+						// TODO: Break this if up, too complex
+						if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && format.block &&
+							!format.wrapper && isTextBlock(nodeName) && isValid(parentName, wrapName)) {
+							node = dom.rename(node, wrapName);
+							setElementFormat(node);
+							newWrappers.push(node);
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Handle selector patterns
+						if (format.selector) {
+							// Look for matching formats
+							each(formatList, function(format) {
+								// Check collapsed state if it exists
+								if ('collapsed' in format && format.collapsed !== isCollapsed) {
+									return;
+								}
+								if (dom.is(node, format.selector) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
+									setElementFormat(node, format);
+									found = true;
+								}
+							});
+							// Continue processing if a selector match wasn't found and a inline element is defined
+							if (!format.inline || found) {
+								currentWrapElm = 0;
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+						// Is it valid to wrap this item
+						// TODO: Break this if up, too complex
+						if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && isValid(wrapName, nodeName) && isValid(parentName, wrapName) &&
+								!(!node_specific && node.nodeType === 3 &&
+								node.nodeValue.length === 1 &&
+								node.nodeValue.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) &&
+								!isCaretNode(node) &&
+								(!format.inline || !isBlock(node))) {
+							// Start wrapping
+							if (!currentWrapElm) {
+								// Wrap the node
+								currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+								node.parentNode.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, node);
+								newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+							}
+							currentWrapElm.appendChild(node);
+						} else if (nodeName == 'li' && bookmark) {
+							// Start wrapping - if we are in a list node and have a bookmark, then
+							// we will always begin by wrapping in a new element.
+							currentWrapElm = applyStyleToList(node, bookmark, wrapElm, newWrappers, process);
+						} else {
+							// Start a new wrapper for possible children
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+							if (hasContentEditableState) {
+								contentEditable = lastContentEditable; // Restore last contentEditable state from stack
+							}
+							// End the last wrapper
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+						}
+					}
+					// Process siblings from range
+					each(nodes, process);
+				});
+				// Wrap links inside as well, for example color inside a link when the wrapper is around the link
+				if (format.wrap_links === false) {
+					each(newWrappers, function(node) {
+						function process(node) {
+							var i, currentWrapElm, children;
+							if (node.nodeName === 'A') {
+								currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+								newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+								children = grep(node.childNodes);
+								for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+									currentWrapElm.appendChild(children[i]);
+								}
+								node.appendChild(currentWrapElm);
+							}
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+						}
+						process(node);
+					});
+				}
+				// Cleanup
+				each(newWrappers, function(node) {
+					var childCount;
+					function getChildCount(node) {
+						var count = 0;
+						each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
+							if (!isWhiteSpaceNode(node) && !isBookmarkNode(node)) {
+								count++;
+							}
+						});
+						return count;
+					}
+					function mergeStyles(node) {
+						var child, clone;
+						each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
+							if (node.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(node) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
+								child = node;
+								return FALSE; // break loop
+							}
+						});
+						// If child was found and of the same type as the current node
+						if (child && !isBookmarkNode(child) && matchName(child, format)) {
+							clone = dom.clone(child, FALSE);
+							setElementFormat(clone);
+							dom.replace(clone, node, TRUE);
+							dom.remove(child, 1);
+						}
+						return clone || node;
+					}
+					childCount = getChildCount(node);
+					// Remove empty nodes but only if there is multiple wrappers and they are not block
+					// elements so never remove single <h1></h1> since that would remove the
+					// currrent empty block element where the caret is at
+					if ((newWrappers.length > 1 || !isBlock(node)) && childCount === 0) {
+						dom.remove(node, 1);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (format.inline || format.wrapper) {
+						// Merges the current node with it's children of similar type to reduce the number of elements
+						if (!format.exact && childCount === 1) {
+							node = mergeStyles(node);
+						}
+						// Remove/merge children
+						each(formatList, function(format) {
+							// Merge all children of similar type will move styles from child to parent
+							// this: <span style="color:red"><b><span style="color:red; font-size:10px">text</span></b></span>
+							// will become: <span style="color:red"><b><span style="font-size:10px">text</span></b></span>
+							each(dom.select(format.inline, node), function(child) {
+								var parent;
+								if (isBookmarkNode(child)) {
+									return;
+								}
+								// When wrap_links is set to false we don't want
+								// to remove the format on children within links
+								if (format.wrap_links === false) {
+									parent = child.parentNode;
+									do {
+										if (parent.nodeName === 'A') {
+											return;
+										}
+									} while ((parent = parent.parentNode));
+								}
+								removeFormat(format, vars, child, format.exact ? child : null);
+							});
+						});
+						// Remove child if direct parent is of same type
+						if (matchNode(node.parentNode, name, vars)) {
+							dom.remove(node, 1);
+							node = 0;
+							return TRUE;
+						}
+						// Look for parent with similar style format
+						if (format.merge_with_parents) {
+							dom.getParent(node.parentNode, function(parent) {
+								if (matchNode(parent, name, vars)) {
+									dom.remove(node, 1);
+									node = 0;
+									return TRUE;
+								}
+							});
+						}
+						// Merge next and previous siblings if they are similar <b>text</b><b>text</b> becomes <b>texttext</b>
+						if (node && format.merge_siblings !== false) {
+							node = mergeSiblings(getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node), node);
+							node = mergeSiblings(node, getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, TRUE));
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (format) {
+				if (node) {
+					if (node.nodeType) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStartBefore(node);
+						rng.setEndAfter(node);
+						applyRngStyle(expandRng(rng, formatList), null, true);
+					} else {
+						applyRngStyle(node, null, true);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (!isCollapsed || !format.inline || dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected').length) {
+						// Obtain selection node before selection is unselected by applyRngStyle()
+						var curSelNode = ed.selection.getNode();
+						// If the formats have a default block and we can't find a parent block then
+						// start wrapping it with a DIV this is for forced_root_blocks: false
+						// It's kind of a hack but people should be using the default block type P since all desktop editors work that way
+						if (!forcedRootBlock && formatList[0].defaultBlock && !dom.getParent(curSelNode, dom.isBlock)) {
+							apply(formatList[0].defaultBlock);
+						}
+						// Apply formatting to selection
+						ed.selection.setRng(adjustSelectionToVisibleSelection());
+						bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+						applyRngStyle(expandRng(selection.getRng(TRUE), formatList), bookmark);
+						// Colored nodes should be underlined so that the color of the underline matches the text color.
+						if (format.styles && (format.styles.color || format.styles.textDecoration)) {
+							walk(curSelNode, processUnderlineAndColor, 'childNodes');
+							processUnderlineAndColor(curSelNode);
+						}
+						selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+						moveStart(selection.getRng(TRUE));
+						ed.nodeChanged();
+					} else {
+						performCaretAction('apply', name, vars);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified format from the current selection or specified node.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to remove.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before removing it.
+		 * @param {Node/Range} node Optional node or DOM range to remove the format from defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function remove(name, vars, node) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, rng, contentEditable = true;
+			// Merges the styles for each node
+			function process(node) {
+				var children, i, l, lastContentEditable, hasContentEditableState;
+				// Node has a contentEditable value
+				if (node.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(node)) {
+					lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+					contentEditable = getContentEditable(node) === "true";
+					hasContentEditableState = true; // We don't want to wrap the container only it's children
+				}
+				// Grab the children first since the nodelist might be changed
+				children = grep(node.childNodes);
+				// Process current node
+				if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState) {
+					for (i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) {
+						if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, node, node)) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Process the children
+				if (format.deep) {
+					if (children.length) {
+						for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+							process(children[i]);
+						}
+						if (hasContentEditableState) {
+							contentEditable = lastContentEditable; // Restore last contentEditable state from stack
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function findFormatRoot(container) {
+				var formatRoot;
+				// Find format root
+				each(getParents(container.parentNode).reverse(), function(parent) {
+					var format;
+					// Find format root element
+					if (!formatRoot && parent.id != '_start' && parent.id != '_end') {
+						// Is the node matching the format we are looking for
+						format = matchNode(parent, name, vars);
+						if (format && format.split !== false) {
+							formatRoot = parent;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				return formatRoot;
+			}
+			function wrapAndSplit(format_root, container, target, split) {
+				var parent, clone, lastClone, firstClone, i, formatRootParent;
+				// Format root found then clone formats and split it
+				if (format_root) {
+					formatRootParent = format_root.parentNode;
+					for (parent = container.parentNode; parent && parent != formatRootParent; parent = parent.parentNode) {
+						clone = dom.clone(parent, FALSE);
+						for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
+							if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, clone, clone)) {
+								clone = 0;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						// Build wrapper node
+						if (clone) {
+							if (lastClone) {
+								clone.appendChild(lastClone);
+							}
+							if (!firstClone) {
+								firstClone = clone;
+							}
+							lastClone = clone;
+						}
+					}
+					// Never split block elements if the format is mixed
+					if (split && (!format.mixed || !isBlock(format_root))) {
+						container = dom.split(format_root, container);
+					}
+					// Wrap container in cloned formats
+					if (lastClone) {
+						target.parentNode.insertBefore(lastClone, target);
+						firstClone.appendChild(target);
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			function splitToFormatRoot(container) {
+				return wrapAndSplit(findFormatRoot(container), container, container, true);
+			}
+			function unwrap(start) {
+				var node = dom.get(start ? '_start' : '_end'),
+					out = node[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+				// If the end is placed within the start the result will be removed
+				// So this checks if the out node is a bookmark node if it is it
+				// checks for another more suitable node
+				if (isBookmarkNode(out)) {
+					out = out[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+				}
+				dom.remove(node, true);
+				return out;
+			}
+			function removeRngStyle(rng) {
+				var startContainer, endContainer;
+				var commonAncestorContainer = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
+				rng = expandRng(rng, formatList, TRUE);
+				if (format.split) {
+					startContainer = getContainer(rng, TRUE);
+					endContainer = getContainer(rng);
+					if (startContainer != endContainer) {
+						// WebKit will render the table incorrectly if we wrap a TH or TD in a SPAN
+						// so let's see if we can use the first child instead
+						// This will happen if you triple click a table cell and use remove formatting
+						if (/^(TR|TH|TD)$/.test(startContainer.nodeName) && startContainer.firstChild) {
+							if (startContainer.nodeName == "TR") {
+								startContainer = startContainer.firstChild.firstChild || startContainer;
+							} else {
+								startContainer = startContainer.firstChild || startContainer;
+							}
+						}
+						// Try to adjust endContainer as well if cells on the same row were selected - bug #6410
+						if (commonAncestorContainer &&
+							/^T(HEAD|BODY|FOOT|R)$/.test(commonAncestorContainer.nodeName) &&
+							/^(TH|TD)$/.test(endContainer.nodeName) && endContainer.firstChild) {
+							endContainer = endContainer.firstChild || endContainer;
+						}
+						// Wrap start/end nodes in span element since these might be cloned/moved
+						startContainer = wrap(startContainer, 'span', {id: '_start', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'});
+						endContainer = wrap(endContainer, 'span', {id: '_end', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'});
+						// Split start/end
+						splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
+						splitToFormatRoot(endContainer);
+						// Unwrap start/end to get real elements again
+						startContainer = unwrap(TRUE);
+						endContainer = unwrap();
+					} else {
+						startContainer = endContainer = splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
+					}
+					// Update range positions since they might have changed after the split operations
+					rng.startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+					rng.startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
+					rng.endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+					rng.endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
+				}
+				// Remove items between start/end
+				rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
+					each(nodes, function(node) {
+						process(node);
+						// Remove parent span if it only contains text-decoration: underline, yet a parent node is also underlined.
+						if (node.nodeType === 1 && ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'text-decoration') === 'underline' &&
+							node.parentNode && getTextDecoration(node.parentNode) === 'underline') {
+							removeFormat({
+								'deep': false,
+								'exact': true,
+								'inline': 'span',
+								'styles': {
+									'textDecoration': 'underline'
+								}
+							}, null, node);
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Handle node
+			if (node) {
+				if (node.nodeType) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStartBefore(node);
+					rng.setEndAfter(node);
+					removeRngStyle(rng);
+				} else {
+					removeRngStyle(node);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!selection.isCollapsed() || !format.inline || dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected').length) {
+				bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+				removeRngStyle(selection.getRng(TRUE));
+				selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				// Check if start element still has formatting then we are at: "<b>text|</b>text"
+				// and need to move the start into the next text node
+				if (format.inline && match(name, vars, selection.getStart())) {
+					moveStart(selection.getRng(true));
+				}
+				ed.nodeChanged();
+			} else {
+				performCaretAction('remove', name, vars);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified format on/off.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggle
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to apply/remove.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before applying/removing it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to apply the format to or remove from. Defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function toggle(name, vars, node) {
+			var fmt = get(name);
+			if (match(name, vars, node) && (!('toggle' in fmt[0]) || fmt[0].toggle)) {
+				remove(name, vars, node);
+			} else {
+				apply(name, vars, node);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Return true/false if the specified node has the specified format.
+		 *
+		 * @method matchNode
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to check the format on.
+		 * @param {String} name Format name to check.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @param {Boolean} similar Match format that has similar properties.
+		 * @return {Object} Returns the format object it matches or undefined if it doesn't match.
+		 */
+		function matchNode(node, name, vars, similar) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format, i, classes;
+			function matchItems(node, format, item_name) {
+				var key, value, items = format[item_name], i;
+				// Custom match
+				if (format.onmatch) {
+					return format.onmatch(node, format, item_name);
+				}
+				// Check all items
+				if (items) {
+					// Non indexed object
+					if (items.length === undef) {
+						for (key in items) {
+							if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+								if (item_name === 'attributes') {
+									value = dom.getAttrib(node, key);
+								} else {
+									value = getStyle(node, key);
+								}
+								if (similar && !value && !format.exact) {
+									return;
+								}
+								if ((!similar || format.exact) && !isEq(value, normalizeStyleValue(replaceVars(items[key], vars), key))) {
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Only one match needed for indexed arrays
+						for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+							if (item_name === 'attributes' ? dom.getAttrib(node, items[i]) : getStyle(node, items[i])) {
+								return format;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return format;
+			}
+			if (formatList && node) {
+				// Check each format in list
+				for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
+					format = formatList[i];
+					// Name name, attributes, styles and classes
+					if (matchName(node, format) && matchItems(node, format, 'attributes') && matchItems(node, format, 'styles')) {
+						// Match classes
+						if ((classes = format.classes)) {
+							for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+								if (!dom.hasClass(node, classes[i])) {
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return format;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Matches the current selection or specified node against the specified format name.
+		 *
+		 * @method match
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to match.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to check.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the specified selection/node matches the format.
+		 */
+		function match(name, vars, node) {
+			var startNode;
+			function matchParents(node) {
+				var root = dom.getRoot();
+				if (node === root) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				// Find first node with similar format settings
+				node = dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
+					return node.parentNode === root || !!matchNode(node, name, vars, true);
+				});
+				// Do an exact check on the similar format element
+				return matchNode(node, name, vars);
+			}
+			// Check specified node
+			if (node) {
+				return matchParents(node);
+			}
+			// Check selected node
+			node = selection.getNode();
+			if (matchParents(node)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check start node if it's different
+			startNode = selection.getStart();
+			if (startNode != node) {
+				if (matchParents(startNode)) {
+					return TRUE;
+				}
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Matches the current selection against the array of formats and returns a new array with matching formats.
+		 *
+		 * @method matchAll
+		 * @param {Array} names Name of format to match.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with matched formats.
+		 */
+		function matchAll(names, vars) {
+			var startElement, matchedFormatNames = [], checkedMap = {};
+			// Check start of selection for formats
+			startElement = selection.getStart();
+			dom.getParent(startElement, function(node) {
+				var i, name;
+				for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+					name = names[i];
+					if (!checkedMap[name] && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+						checkedMap[name] = true;
+						matchedFormatNames.push(name);
+					}
+				}
+			}, dom.getRoot());
+			return matchedFormatNames;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified format can be applied to the current selection or not. It
+		 * will currently only check the state for selector formats, it returns true on all other format types.
+		 *
+		 * @method canApply
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to check.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the specified format can be applied to the current selection/node.
+		 */
+		function canApply(name) {
+			var formatList = get(name), startNode, parents, i, x, selector;
+			if (formatList) {
+				startNode = selection.getStart();
+				parents = getParents(startNode);
+				for (x = formatList.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
+					selector = formatList[x].selector;
+					// Format is not selector based then always return TRUE
+					// Is it has a defaultBlock then it's likely it can be applied for example align on a non block element line
+					if (!selector || formatList[x].defaultBlock) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+					for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						if (dom.is(parents[i], selector)) {
+							return TRUE;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified callback when the current selection matches the formats or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method formatChanged
+		 * @param {String} formats Comma separated list of formats to check for.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback with state and args when the format is changed/toggled on/off.
+		 * @param {Boolean} similar True/false state if the match should handle similar or exact formats.
+		 */
+		function formatChanged(formats, callback, similar) {
+			var currentFormats;
+			// Setup format node change logic
+			if (!formatChangeData) {
+				formatChangeData = {};
+				currentFormats = {};
+				ed.on('NodeChange', function(e) {
+					var parents = getParents(e.element), matchedFormats = {};
+					// Check for new formats
+					each(formatChangeData, function(callbacks, format) {
+						each(parents, function(node) {
+							if (matchNode(node, format, {}, callbacks.similar)) {
+								if (!currentFormats[format]) {
+									// Execute callbacks
+									each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+										callback(true, {node: node, format: format, parents: parents});
+									});
+									currentFormats[format] = callbacks;
+								}
+								matchedFormats[format] = callbacks;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					});
+					// Check if current formats still match
+					each(currentFormats, function(callbacks, format) {
+						if (!matchedFormats[format]) {
+							delete currentFormats[format];
+							each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+								callback(false, {node: e.element, format: format, parents: parents});
+							});
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Add format listeners
+			each(formats.split(','), function(format) {
+				if (!formatChangeData[format]) {
+					formatChangeData[format] = [];
+					formatChangeData[format].similar = similar;
+				}
+				formatChangeData[format].push(callback);
+			});
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Expose to public
+		extend(this, {
+			get: get,
+			register: register,
+			apply: apply,
+			remove: remove,
+			toggle: toggle,
+			match: match,
+			matchAll: matchAll,
+			matchNode: matchNode,
+			canApply: canApply,
+			formatChanged: formatChanged
+		});
+		// Initialize
+		defaultFormats();
+		addKeyboardShortcuts();
+		ed.on('BeforeGetContent', function() {
+			if (markCaretContainersBogus) {
+				markCaretContainersBogus();
+			}
+		});
+		ed.on('mouseup keydown', function(e) {
+			if (disableCaretContainer) {
+				disableCaretContainer(e);
+			}
+		});
+		// Private functions
+		/**
+		 * Checks if the specified nodes name matches the format inline/block or selector.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to match against the specified format.
+		 * @param {Object} format Format object o match with.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the format matches.
+		 */
+		function matchName(node, format) {
+			// Check for inline match
+			if (isEq(node, format.inline)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check for block match
+			if (isEq(node, format.block)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check for selector match
+			if (format.selector) {
+				return node.nodeType == 1 && dom.is(node, format.selector);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Compares two string/nodes regardless of their case.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String/Node} Node or string to compare.
+		 * @param {String/Node} Node or string to compare.
+		 * @return {boolean} True/false if they match.
+		 */
+		function isEq(str1, str2) {
+			str1 = str1 || '';
+			str2 = str2 || '';
+			str1 = '' + (str1.nodeName || str1);
+			str2 = '' + (str2.nodeName || str2);
+			return str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase();
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the style by name on the specified node. This method modifies the style
+		 * contents to make it more easy to match. This will resolve a few browser issues.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to get.
+		 * @return {String} Style item value.
+		 */
+		function getStyle(node, name) {
+			return normalizeStyleValue(dom.getStyle(node, name), name);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Normalize style value by name. This method modifies the style contents
+		 * to make it more easy to match. This will resolve a few browser issues.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to get.
+		 * @return {String} Style item value.
+		 */
+		function normalizeStyleValue(value, name) {
+			// Force the format to hex
+			if (name == 'color' || name == 'backgroundColor') {
+				value = dom.toHex(value);
+			}
+			// Opera will return bold as 700
+			if (name == 'fontWeight' && value == 700) {
+				value = 'bold';
+			}
+			// Normalize fontFamily so "'Font name', Font" becomes: "Font name,Font"
+			if (name == 'fontFamily') {
+				value = value.replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').replace(/,\s+/g, ',');
+			}
+			return '' + value;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Replaces variables in the value. The variable format is %var.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String} value Value to replace variables in.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Name/value array with variables to replace.
+		 * @return {String} New value with replaced variables.
+		 */
+		function replaceVars(value, vars) {
+			if (typeof(value) != "string") {
+				value = value(vars);
+			} else if (vars) {
+				value = value.replace(/%(\w+)/g, function(str, name) {
+					return vars[name] || str;
+				});
+			}
+			return value;
+		}
+		function isWhiteSpaceNode(node) {
+			return node && node.nodeType === 3 && /^([\t \r\n]+|)$/.test(node.nodeValue);
+		}
+		function wrap(node, name, attrs) {
+			var wrapper = dom.create(name, attrs);
+			node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);
+			wrapper.appendChild(node);
+			return wrapper;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Expands the specified range like object to depending on format.
+		 *
+		 * For example on block formats it will move the start/end position
+		 * to the beginning of the current block.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} rng Range like object.
+		 * @param {Array} formats Array with formats to expand by.
+		 * @return {Object} Expanded range like object.
+		 */
+		function expandRng(rng, format, remove) {
+			var lastIdx, leaf, endPoint,
+				startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			// This function walks up the tree if there is no siblings before/after the node
+			function findParentContainer(start) {
+				var container, parent, sibling, siblingName, root;
+				container = parent = start ? startContainer : endContainer;
+				siblingName = start ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
+				root = dom.getRoot();
+				function isBogusBr(node) {
+					return node.nodeName == "BR" && node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') && !node.nextSibling;
+				}
+				// If it's a text node and the offset is inside the text
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(container)) {
+					if (start ? startOffset > 0 : endOffset < container.nodeValue.length) {
+						return container;
+					}
+				}
+				/*eslint no-constant-condition:0 */
+				while (true) {
+					// Stop expanding on block elements
+					if (!format[0].block_expand && isBlock(parent)) {
+						return parent;
+					}
+					// Walk left/right
+					for (sibling = parent[siblingName]; sibling; sibling = sibling[siblingName]) {
+						if (!isBookmarkNode(sibling) && !isWhiteSpaceNode(sibling) && !isBogusBr(sibling)) {
+							return parent;
+						}
+					}
+					// Check if we can move up are we at root level or body level
+					if (parent.parentNode == root) {
+						container = parent;
+						break;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			// This function walks down the tree to find the leaf at the selection.
+			// The offset is also returned as if node initially a leaf, the offset may be in the middle of the text node.
+			function findLeaf(node, offset) {
+				if (offset === undef) {
+					offset = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
+				}
+				while (node && node.hasChildNodes()) {
+					node = node.childNodes[offset];
+					if (node) {
+						offset = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
+					}
+				}
+				return { node: node, offset: offset };
+			}
+			// If index based start position then resolve it
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				lastIdx = startContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
+				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : startOffset];
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// If index based end position then resolve it
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				lastIdx = endContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
+				endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[endOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : endOffset - 1];
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+				}
+			}
+			// Expands the node to the closes contentEditable false element if it exists
+			function findParentContentEditable(node) {
+				var parent = node;
+				while (parent) {
+					if (parent.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(parent)) {
+						return getContentEditable(parent) === "false" ? parent : node;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function findWordEndPoint(container, offset, start) {
+				var walker, node, pos, lastTextNode;
+				function findSpace(node, offset) {
+					var pos, pos2, str = node.nodeValue;
+					if (typeof(offset) == "undefined") {
+						offset = start ? str.length : 0;
+					}
+					if (start) {
+						pos = str.lastIndexOf(' ', offset);
+						pos2 = str.lastIndexOf('\u00a0', offset);
+						pos = pos > pos2 ? pos : pos2;
+						// Include the space on remove to avoid tag soup
+						if (pos !== -1 && !remove) {
+							pos++;
+						}
+					} else {
+						pos = str.indexOf(' ', offset);
+						pos2 = str.indexOf('\u00a0', offset);
+						pos = pos !== -1 && (pos2 === -1 || pos < pos2) ? pos : pos2;
+					}
+					return pos;
+				}
+				if (container.nodeType === 3) {
+					pos = findSpace(container, offset);
+					if (pos !== -1) {
+						return {container: container, offset: pos};
+					}
+					lastTextNode = container;
+				}
+				// Walk the nodes inside the block
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, isBlock) || ed.getBody());
+				while ((node = walker[start ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						lastTextNode = node;
+						pos = findSpace(node);
+						if (pos !== -1) {
+							return {container: node, offset: pos};
+						}
+					} else if (isBlock(node)) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (lastTextNode) {
+					if (start) {
+						offset = 0;
+					} else {
+						offset = lastTextNode.length;
+					}
+					return {container: lastTextNode, offset: offset};
+				}
+			}
+			function findSelectorEndPoint(container, sibling_name) {
+				var parents, i, y, curFormat;
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && container.nodeValue.length === 0 && container[sibling_name]) {
+					container = container[sibling_name];
+				}
+				parents = getParents(container);
+				for (i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
+					for (y = 0; y < format.length; y++) {
+						curFormat = format[y];
+						// If collapsed state is set then skip formats that doesn't match that
+						if ("collapsed" in curFormat && curFormat.collapsed !== rng.collapsed) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						if (dom.is(parents[i], curFormat.selector)) {
+							return parents[i];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			function findBlockEndPoint(container, sibling_name) {
+				var node, root = dom.getRoot();
+				// Expand to block of similar type
+				if (!format[0].wrapper) {
+					node = dom.getParent(container, format[0].block, root);
+				}
+				// Expand to first wrappable block element or any block element
+				if (!node) {
+					node = dom.getParent(container.nodeType == 3 ? container.parentNode : container, function(node) {
+						// Fixes #6183 where it would expand to editable parent element in inline mode
+						return node != root && isTextBlock(node);
+					});
+				}
+				// Exclude inner lists from wrapping
+				if (node && format[0].wrapper) {
+					node = getParents(node, 'ul,ol').reverse()[0] || node;
+				}
+				// Didn't find a block element look for first/last wrappable element
+				if (!node) {
+					node = container;
+					while (node[sibling_name] && !isBlock(node[sibling_name])) {
+						node = node[sibling_name];
+						// Break on BR but include it will be removed later on
+						// we can't remove it now since we need to check if it can be wrapped
+						if (isEq(node, 'br')) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return node || container;
+			}
+			// Expand to closest contentEditable element
+			startContainer = findParentContentEditable(startContainer);
+			endContainer = findParentContentEditable(endContainer);
+			// Exclude bookmark nodes if possible
+			if (isBookmarkNode(startContainer.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(startContainer)) {
+				startContainer = isBookmarkNode(startContainer) ? startContainer : startContainer.parentNode;
+				startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling || startContainer;
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			if (isBookmarkNode(endContainer.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(endContainer)) {
+				endContainer = isBookmarkNode(endContainer) ? endContainer : endContainer.parentNode;
+				endContainer = endContainer.previousSibling || endContainer;
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					endOffset = endContainer.length;
+				}
+			}
+			if (format[0].inline) {
+				if (rng.collapsed) {
+					// Expand left to closest word boundary
+					endPoint = findWordEndPoint(startContainer, startOffset, true);
+					if (endPoint) {
+						startContainer = endPoint.container;
+						startOffset = endPoint.offset;
+					}
+					// Expand right to closest word boundary
+					endPoint = findWordEndPoint(endContainer, endOffset);
+					if (endPoint) {
+						endContainer = endPoint.container;
+						endOffset = endPoint.offset;
+					}
+				}
+				// Avoid applying formatting to a trailing space.
+				leaf = findLeaf(endContainer, endOffset);
+				if (leaf.node) {
+					while (leaf.node && leaf.offset === 0 && leaf.node.previousSibling) {
+						leaf = findLeaf(leaf.node.previousSibling);
+					}
+					if (leaf.node && leaf.offset > 0 && leaf.node.nodeType === 3 &&
+							leaf.node.nodeValue.charAt(leaf.offset - 1) === ' ') {
+						if (leaf.offset > 1) {
+							endContainer = leaf.node;
+							endContainer.splitText(leaf.offset - 1);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Move start/end point up the tree if the leaves are sharp and if we are in different containers
+			// Example * becomes !: !<p><b><i>*text</i><i>text*</i></b></p>!
+			// This will reduce the number of wrapper elements that needs to be created
+			// Move start point up the tree
+			if (format[0].inline || format[0].block_expand) {
+				if (!format[0].inline || (startContainer.nodeType != 3 || startOffset === 0)) {
+					startContainer = findParentContainer(true);
+				}
+				if (!format[0].inline || (endContainer.nodeType != 3 || endOffset === endContainer.nodeValue.length)) {
+					endContainer = findParentContainer();
+				}
+			}
+			// Expand start/end container to matching selector
+			if (format[0].selector && format[0].expand !== FALSE && !format[0].inline) {
+				// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
+				startContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
+				endContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');
+			}
+			// Expand start/end container to matching block element or text node
+			if (format[0].block || format[0].selector) {
+				// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
+				startContainer = findBlockEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
+				endContainer = findBlockEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');
+				// Non block element then try to expand up the leaf
+				if (format[0].block) {
+					if (!isBlock(startContainer)) {
+						startContainer = findParentContainer(true);
+					}
+					if (!isBlock(endContainer)) {
+						endContainer = findParentContainer();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup index for startContainer
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
+				startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Setup index for endContainer
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
+				endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Return new range like object
+			return {
+				startContainer: startContainer,
+				startOffset: startOffset,
+				endContainer: endContainer,
+				endOffset: endOffset
+			};
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified format for the specified node. It will also remove the node if it doesn't have
+		 * any attributes if the format specifies it to do so.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} format Format object with items to remove from node.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Name/value object with variables to apply to format.
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to remove the format styles on.
+		 * @param {Node} compare_node Optional compare node, if specified the styles will be compared to that node.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the node was removed or not.
+		 */
+		function removeFormat(format, vars, node, compare_node) {
+			var i, attrs, stylesModified;
+			// Check if node matches format
+			if (!matchName(node, format)) {
+				return FALSE;
+			}
+			// Should we compare with format attribs and styles
+			if (format.remove != 'all') {
+				// Remove styles
+				each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
+					value = normalizeStyleValue(replaceVars(value, vars), name);
+					// Indexed array
+					if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
+						name = value;
+						compare_node = 0;
+					}
+					if (!compare_node || isEq(getStyle(compare_node, name), value)) {
+						dom.setStyle(node, name, '');
+					}
+					stylesModified = 1;
+				});
+				// Remove style attribute if it's empty
+				if (stylesModified && dom.getAttrib(node, 'style') === '') {
+					node.removeAttribute('style');
+					node.removeAttribute('data-mce-style');
+				}
+				// Remove attributes
+				each(format.attributes, function(value, name) {
+					var valueOut;
+					value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+					// Indexed array
+					if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
+						name = value;
+						compare_node = 0;
+					}
+					if (!compare_node || isEq(dom.getAttrib(compare_node, name), value)) {
+						// Keep internal classes
+						if (name == 'class') {
+							value = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
+							if (value) {
+								// Build new class value where everything is removed except the internal prefixed classes
+								valueOut = '';
+								each(value.split(/\s+/), function(cls) {
+									if (/mce\w+/.test(cls)) {
+										valueOut += (valueOut ? ' ' : '') + cls;
+									}
+								});
+								// We got some internal classes left
+								if (valueOut) {
+									dom.setAttrib(node, name, valueOut);
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// IE6 has a bug where the attribute doesn't get removed correctly
+						if (name == "class") {
+							node.removeAttribute('className');
+						}
+						// Remove mce prefixed attributes
+						if (MCE_ATTR_RE.test(name)) {
+							node.removeAttribute('data-mce-' + name);
+						}
+						node.removeAttribute(name);
+					}
+				});
+				// Remove classes
+				each(format.classes, function(value) {
+					value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+					if (!compare_node || dom.hasClass(compare_node, value)) {
+						dom.removeClass(node, value);
+					}
+				});
+				// Check for non internal attributes
+				attrs = dom.getAttribs(node);
+				for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
+					if (attrs[i].nodeName.indexOf('_') !== 0) {
+						return FALSE;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove the inline child if it's empty for example <b> or <span>
+			if (format.remove != 'none') {
+				removeNode(node, format);
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the node and wrap it's children in paragraphs before doing so or
+		 * appends BR elements to the beginning/end of the block element if forcedRootBlocks is disabled.
+		 *
+		 * If the div in the node below gets removed:
+		 *  text<div>text</div>text
+		 *
+		 * Output becomes:
+		 *  text<div><br />text<br /></div>text
+		 *
+		 * So when the div is removed the result is:
+		 *  text<br />text<br />text
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to remove + apply BR/P elements to.
+		 * @param {Object} format Format rule.
+		 * @return {Node} Input node.
+		 */
+		function removeNode(node, format) {
+			var parentNode = node.parentNode, rootBlockElm;
+			function find(node, next, inc) {
+				node = getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc);
+				return !node || (node.nodeName == 'BR' || isBlock(node));
+			}
+			if (format.block) {
+				if (!forcedRootBlock) {
+					// Append BR elements if needed before we remove the block
+					if (isBlock(node) && !isBlock(parentNode)) {
+						if (!find(node, FALSE) && !find(node.firstChild, TRUE, 1)) {
+							node.insertBefore(dom.create('br'), node.firstChild);
+						}
+						if (!find(node, TRUE) && !find(node.lastChild, FALSE, 1)) {
+							node.appendChild(dom.create('br'));
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Wrap the block in a forcedRootBlock if we are at the root of document
+					if (parentNode == dom.getRoot()) {
+						if (!format.list_block || !isEq(node, format.list_block)) {
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), function(node) {
+								if (isValid(forcedRootBlock, node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
+									if (!rootBlockElm) {
+										rootBlockElm = wrap(node, forcedRootBlock);
+										dom.setAttribs(rootBlockElm, ed.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+									} else {
+										rootBlockElm.appendChild(node);
+									}
+								} else {
+									rootBlockElm = 0;
+								}
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Never remove nodes that isn't the specified inline element if a selector is specified too
+			if (format.selector && format.inline && !isEq(format.inline, node)) {
+				return;
+			}
+			dom.remove(node, 1);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the next/previous non whitespace node.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to start at.
+		 * @param {boolean} next (Optional) Include next or previous node defaults to previous.
+		 * @param {boolean} inc (Optional) Include the current node in checking. Defaults to false.
+		 * @return {Node} Next or previous node or undefined if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		function getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc) {
+			if (node) {
+				next = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
+				for (node = inc ? node : node[next]; node; node = node[next]) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 || !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Checks if the specified node is a bookmark node or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to check if it's a bookmark node or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is a bookmark node.
+		 */
+		function isBookmarkNode(node) {
+			return node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark';
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Merges the next/previous sibling element if they match.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} prev Previous node to compare/merge.
+		 * @param {Node} next Next node to compare/merge.
+		 * @return {Node} Next node if we didn't merge and prev node if we did.
+		 */
+		function mergeSiblings(prev, next) {
+			var sibling, tmpSibling;
+			/**
+			 * Compares two nodes and checks if it's attributes and styles matches.
+			 * This doesn't compare classes as items since their order is significant.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node1 First node to compare with.
+			 * @param {Node} node2 Second node to compare with.
+			 * @return {boolean} True/false if the nodes are the same or not.
+			 */
+			function compareElements(node1, node2) {
+				// Not the same name
+				if (node1.nodeName != node2.nodeName) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Returns all the nodes attributes excluding internal ones, styles and classes.
+				 *
+				 * @private
+				 * @param {Node} node Node to get attributes from.
+				 * @return {Object} Name/value object with attributes and attribute values.
+				 */
+				function getAttribs(node) {
+					var attribs = {};
+					each(dom.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
+						var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						// Don't compare internal attributes or style
+						if (name.indexOf('_') !== 0 && name !== 'style' && name !== 'data-mce-style') {
+							attribs[name] = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
+						}
+					});
+					return attribs;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Compares two objects checks if it's key + value exists in the other one.
+				 *
+				 * @private
+				 * @param {Object} obj1 First object to compare.
+				 * @param {Object} obj2 Second object to compare.
+				 * @return {boolean} True/false if the objects matches or not.
+				 */
+				function compareObjects(obj1, obj2) {
+					var value, name;
+					for (name in obj1) {
+						// Obj1 has item obj2 doesn't have
+						if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+							value = obj2[name];
+							// Obj2 doesn't have obj1 item
+							if (value === undef) {
+								return FALSE;
+							}
+							// Obj2 item has a different value
+							if (obj1[name] != value) {
+								return FALSE;
+							}
+							// Delete similar value
+							delete obj2[name];
+						}
+					}
+					// Check if obj 2 has something obj 1 doesn't have
+					for (name in obj2) {
+						// Obj2 has item obj1 doesn't have
+						if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+							return FALSE;
+						}
+					}
+					return TRUE;
+				}
+				// Attribs are not the same
+				if (!compareObjects(getAttribs(node1), getAttribs(node2))) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				// Styles are not the same
+				if (!compareObjects(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node1, 'style')), dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node2, 'style')))) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				return !isBookmarkNode(node1) && !isBookmarkNode(node2);
+			}
+			function findElementSibling(node, sibling_name) {
+				for (sibling = node; sibling; sibling = sibling[sibling_name]) {
+					if (sibling.nodeType == 3 && sibling.nodeValue.length !== 0) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					if (sibling.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(sibling)) {
+						return sibling;
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			// Check if next/prev exists and that they are elements
+			if (prev && next) {
+				// If previous sibling is empty then jump over it
+				prev = findElementSibling(prev, 'previousSibling');
+				next = findElementSibling(next, 'nextSibling');
+				// Compare next and previous nodes
+				if (compareElements(prev, next)) {
+					// Append nodes between
+					for (sibling = prev.nextSibling; sibling && sibling != next;) {
+						tmpSibling = sibling;
+						sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+						prev.appendChild(tmpSibling);
+					}
+					// Remove next node
+					dom.remove(next);
+					// Move children into prev node
+					each(grep(next.childNodes), function(node) {
+						prev.appendChild(node);
+					});
+					return prev;
+				}
+			}
+			return next;
+		}
+		function getContainer(rng, start) {
+			var container, offset, lastIdx;
+			container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'];
+			offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'];
+			if (container.nodeType == 1) {
+				lastIdx = container.childNodes.length - 1;
+				if (!start && offset) {
+					offset--;
+				}
+				container = container.childNodes[offset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : offset];
+			}
+			// If start text node is excluded then walk to the next node
+			if (container.nodeType === 3 && start && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+				container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).next() || container;
+			}
+			// If end text node is excluded then walk to the previous node
+			if (container.nodeType === 3 && !start && offset === 0) {
+				container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).prev() || container;
+			}
+			return container;
+		}
+		function performCaretAction(type, name, vars) {
+			var caretContainerId = '_mce_caret', debug = ed.settings.caret_debug;
+			// Creates a caret container bogus element
+			function createCaretContainer(fill) {
+				var caretContainer = dom.create('span', {id: caretContainerId, 'data-mce-bogus': true, style: debug ? 'color:red' : ''});
+				if (fill) {
+					caretContainer.appendChild(ed.getDoc().createTextNode(INVISIBLE_CHAR));
+				}
+				return caretContainer;
+			}
+			function isCaretContainerEmpty(node, nodes) {
+				while (node) {
+					if ((node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue !== INVISIBLE_CHAR) || node.childNodes.length > 1) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Collect nodes
+					if (nodes && node.nodeType === 1) {
+						nodes.push(node);
+					}
+					node = node.firstChild;
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Returns any parent caret container element
+			function getParentCaretContainer(node) {
+				while (node) {
+					if (node.id === caretContainerId) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+			}
+			// Finds the first text node in the specified node
+			function findFirstTextNode(node) {
+				var walker;
+				if (node) {
+					walker = new TreeWalker(node, node);
+					for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
+						if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+							return node;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Removes the caret container for the specified node or all on the current document
+			function removeCaretContainer(node, move_caret) {
+				var child, rng;
+				if (!node) {
+					node = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+					if (!node) {
+						while ((node = dom.get(caretContainerId))) {
+							removeCaretContainer(node, false);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					rng = selection.getRng(true);
+					if (isCaretContainerEmpty(node)) {
+						if (move_caret !== false) {
+							rng.setStartBefore(node);
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+						}
+						dom.remove(node);
+					} else {
+						child = findFirstTextNode(node);
+						if (child.nodeValue.charAt(0) === INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+							child = child.deleteData(0, 1);
+						}
+						dom.remove(node, 1);
+					}
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				}
+			}
+			// Applies formatting to the caret postion
+			function applyCaretFormat() {
+				var rng, caretContainer, textNode, offset, bookmark, container, text;
+				rng = selection.getRng(true);
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				text = container.nodeValue;
+				caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+				if (caretContainer) {
+					textNode = findFirstTextNode(caretContainer);
+				}
+				// Expand to word is caret is in the middle of a text node and the char before/after is a alpha numeric character
+				if (text && offset > 0 && offset < text.length && /\w/.test(text.charAt(offset)) && /\w/.test(text.charAt(offset - 1))) {
+					// Get bookmark of caret position
+					bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+					// Collapse bookmark range (WebKit)
+					rng.collapse(true);
+					// Expand the range to the closest word and split it at those points
+					rng = expandRng(rng, get(name));
+					rng = rangeUtils.split(rng);
+					// Apply the format to the range
+					apply(name, vars, rng);
+					// Move selection back to caret position
+					selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				} else {
+					if (!caretContainer || textNode.nodeValue !== INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+						caretContainer = createCaretContainer(true);
+						textNode = caretContainer.firstChild;
+						rng.insertNode(caretContainer);
+						offset = 1;
+						apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
+					} else {
+						apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
+					}
+					// Move selection to text node
+					selection.setCursorLocation(textNode, offset);
+				}
+			}
+			function removeCaretFormat() {
+				var rng = selection.getRng(true), container, offset, bookmark,
+					hasContentAfter, node, formatNode, parents = [], i, caretContainer;
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				node = container;
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					if (offset != container.nodeValue.length || container.nodeValue === INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+						hasContentAfter = true;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				while (node) {
+					if (matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+						formatNode = node;
+						break;
+					}
+					if (node.nextSibling) {
+						hasContentAfter = true;
+					}
+					parents.push(node);
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Node doesn't have the specified format
+				if (!formatNode) {
+					return;
+				}
+				// Is there contents after the caret then remove the format on the element
+				if (hasContentAfter) {
+					// Get bookmark of caret position
+					bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+					// Collapse bookmark range (WebKit)
+					rng.collapse(true);
+					// Expand the range to the closest word and split it at those points
+					rng = expandRng(rng, get(name), true);
+					rng = rangeUtils.split(rng);
+					// Remove the format from the range
+					remove(name, vars, rng);
+					// Move selection back to caret position
+					selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				} else {
+					caretContainer = createCaretContainer();
+					node = caretContainer;
+					for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						node.appendChild(dom.clone(parents[i], false));
+						node = node.firstChild;
+					}
+					// Insert invisible character into inner most format element
+					node.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(INVISIBLE_CHAR));
+					node = node.firstChild;
+					var block = dom.getParent(formatNode, isTextBlock);
+					if (block && dom.isEmpty(block)) {
+						// Replace formatNode with caretContainer when removing format from empty block like <p><b>|</b></p>
+						formatNode.parentNode.replaceChild(caretContainer, formatNode);
+					} else {
+						// Insert caret container after the formated node
+						dom.insertAfter(caretContainer, formatNode);
+					}
+					// Move selection to text node
+					selection.setCursorLocation(node, 1);
+					// If the formatNode is empty, we can remove it safely. 
+					if (dom.isEmpty(formatNode)) {
+						dom.remove(formatNode);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Checks if the parent caret container node isn't empty if that is the case it
+			// will remove the bogus state on all children that isn't empty
+			function unmarkBogusCaretParents() {
+				var caretContainer;
+				caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+				if (caretContainer && !dom.isEmpty(caretContainer)) {
+					walk(caretContainer, function(node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.id !== caretContainerId && !dom.isEmpty(node)) {
+							dom.setAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bogus', null);
+						}
+					}, 'childNodes');
+				}
+			}
+			// Only bind the caret events once
+			if (!ed._hasCaretEvents) {
+				// Mark current caret container elements as bogus when getting the contents so we don't end up with empty elements
+				markCaretContainersBogus = function() {
+					var nodes = [], i;
+					if (isCaretContainerEmpty(getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart()), nodes)) {
+						// Mark children
+						i = nodes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							dom.setAttrib(nodes[i], 'data-mce-bogus', '1');
+						}
+					}
+				};
+				disableCaretContainer = function(e) {
+					var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+					removeCaretContainer();
+					// Remove caret container on keydown and it's a backspace, enter or left/right arrow keys
+					if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 37 || keyCode == 39) {
+						removeCaretContainer(getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart()));
+					}
+					unmarkBogusCaretParents();
+				};
+				// Remove bogus state if they got filled by contents using editor.selection.setContent
+				ed.on('SetContent', function(e) {
+					if (e.selection) {
+						unmarkBogusCaretParents();
+					}
+				});
+				ed._hasCaretEvents = true;
+			}
+			// Do apply or remove caret format
+			if (type == "apply") {
+				applyCaretFormat();
+			} else {
+				removeCaretFormat();
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the start to the first suitable text node.
+		 */
+		function moveStart(rng) {
+			var container = rng.startContainer,
+					offset = rng.startOffset, isAtEndOfText,
+					walker, node, nodes, tmpNode;
+			// Convert text node into index if possible
+			if (container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+				// Get the parent container location and walk from there
+				offset = nodeIndex(container);
+				container = container.parentNode;
+				isAtEndOfText = true;
+			}
+			// Move startContainer/startOffset in to a suitable node
+			if (container.nodeType == 1) {
+				nodes = container.childNodes;
+				container = nodes[Math.min(offset, nodes.length - 1)];
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock));
+				// If offset is at end of the parent node walk to the next one
+				if (offset > nodes.length - 1 || isAtEndOfText) {
+					walker.next();
+				}
+				for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
+						// IE has a "neat" feature where it moves the start node into the closest element
+						// we can avoid this by inserting an element before it and then remove it after we set the selection
+						tmpNode = dom.create('a', null, INVISIBLE_CHAR);
+						node.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, node);
+						// Set selection and remove tmpNode
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+						selection.setRng(rng);
+						dom.remove(tmpNode);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/UndoManager.js
+ * UndoManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the undo/redo history levels for the editor. Since the build in undo/redo has major drawbacks a custom one was needed.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.UndoManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/UndoManager", [
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Env, Tools) {
+	var trim = Tools.trim, trimContentRegExp;
+	trimContentRegExp = new RegExp([
+		'<span[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+>[\u200B\uFEFF]+<\\/span>', // Trim bogus spans like caret containers
+		'<div[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+><\\/div>', // Trim bogus divs like resize handles
+		'\\s?data-mce-selected="[^"]+"' // Trim temporaty data-mce prefixed attributes like data-mce-selected
+	].join('|'), 'gi');
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, index = 0, data = [], beforeBookmark, isFirstTypedCharacter, lock;
+		// Returns a trimmed version of the current editor contents
+		function getContent() {
+			return trim(editor.getContent({format: 'raw', no_events: 1}).replace(trimContentRegExp, ''));
+		}
+		function addNonTypingUndoLevel(e) {
+			self.typing = false;
+			self.add({}, e);
+		}
+		// Add initial undo level when the editor is initialized
+		editor.on('init', function() {
+			self.add();
+		});
+		// Get position before an execCommand is processed
+		editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', function(e) {
+			var cmd = e.command;
+			if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint') {
+				self.beforeChange();
+			}
+		});
+		// Add undo level after an execCommand call was made
+		editor.on('ExecCommand', function(e) {
+			var cmd = e.command;
+			if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint') {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('ObjectResizeStart', function() {
+			self.beforeChange();
+		});
+		editor.on('SaveContent ObjectResized blur', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
+		editor.dom.bind(editor.dom.getRoot(), 'dragend', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
+		editor.on('KeyUp', function(e) {
+			var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+			if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 45 || keyCode == 13 || e.ctrlKey) {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel();
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+			if (keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 8 || (Env.mac && (keyCode == 91 || keyCode == 93))) {
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+			// Fire a TypingUndo event on the first character entered
+			if (isFirstTypedCharacter && self.typing) {
+				// Make the it dirty if the content was changed after typing the first character
+				if (!editor.isDirty()) {
+					editor.isNotDirty = !data[0] || getContent() == data[0].content;
+					// Fire initial change event
+					if (!editor.isNotDirty) {
+						editor.fire('change', {level: data[0], lastLevel: null});
+					}
+				}
+				editor.fire('TypingUndo');
+				isFirstTypedCharacter = false;
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
+			var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+			// Is caracter positon keys left,right,up,down,home,end,pgdown,pgup,enter
+			if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 45) {
+				if (self.typing) {
+					addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// If key isn't shift,ctrl,alt,capslock,metakey
+			if ((keyCode < 16 || keyCode > 20) && keyCode != 224 && keyCode != 91 && !self.typing) {
+				self.beforeChange();
+				self.typing = true;
+				self.add({}, e);
+				isFirstTypedCharacter = true;
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('MouseDown', function(e) {
+			if (self.typing) {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+			}
+		});
+		// Add keyboard shortcuts for undo/redo keys
+		editor.addShortcut('ctrl+z', '', 'Undo');
+		editor.addShortcut('ctrl+y,ctrl+shift+z', '', 'Redo');
+		editor.on('AddUndo Undo Redo ClearUndos MouseUp', function(e) {
+			if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		});
+		self = {
+			// Explose for debugging reasons
+			data: data,
+			/**
+			 * State if the user is currently typing or not. This will add a typing operation into one undo
+			 * level instead of one new level for each keystroke.
+			 *
+			 * @field {Boolean} typing
+			 */
+			typing: false,
+			/**
+			 * Stores away a bookmark to be used when performing an undo action so that the selection is before
+			 * the change has been made.
+			 *
+			 * @method beforeChange
+			 */
+			beforeChange: function() {
+				if (!lock) {
+					beforeBookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Adds a new undo level/snapshot to the undo list.
+			 *
+			 * @method add
+			 * @param {Object} level Optional undo level object to add.
+			 * @param {DOMEvent} Event Optional event responsible for the creation of the undo level.
+			 * @return {Object} Undo level that got added or null it a level wasn't needed.
+			 */
+			add: function(level, event) {
+				var i, settings = editor.settings, lastLevel;
+				level = level || {};
+				level.content = getContent();
+				if (lock || editor.removed) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				if (editor.fire('BeforeAddUndo', {level: level, originalEvent: event}).isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				// Add undo level if needed
+				lastLevel = data[index];
+				if (lastLevel && lastLevel.content == level.content) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				// Set before bookmark on previous level
+				if (data[index]) {
+					data[index].beforeBookmark = beforeBookmark;
+				}
+				// Time to compress
+				if (settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
+					if (data.length > settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
+						for (i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) {
+							data[i] = data[i + 1];
+						}
+						data.length--;
+						index = data.length;
+					}
+				}
+				// Get a non intrusive normalized bookmark
+				level.bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);
+				// Crop array if needed
+				if (index < data.length - 1) {
+					data.length = index + 1;
+				}
+				data.push(level);
+				index = data.length - 1;
+				var args = {level: level, lastLevel: lastLevel, originalEvent: event};
+				editor.fire('AddUndo', args);
+				if (index > 0) {
+					editor.isNotDirty = false;
+					editor.fire('change', args);
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Undoes the last action.
+			 *
+			 * @method undo
+			 * @return {Object} Undo level or null if no undo was performed.
+			 */
+			undo: function() {
+				var level;
+				if (self.typing) {
+					self.add();
+					self.typing = false;
+				}
+				if (index > 0) {
+					level = data[--index];
+					// Undo to first index then set dirty state to false
+					if (index === 0) {
+						editor.isNotDirty = true;
+					}
+					editor.setContent(level.content, {format: 'raw'});
+					editor.selection.moveToBookmark(level.beforeBookmark);
+					editor.fire('undo', {level: level});
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Redoes the last action.
+			 *
+			 * @method redo
+			 * @return {Object} Redo level or null if no redo was performed.
+			 */
+			redo: function() {
+				var level;
+				if (index < data.length - 1) {
+					level = data[++index];
+					editor.setContent(level.content, {format: 'raw'});
+					editor.selection.moveToBookmark(level.bookmark);
+					editor.fire('redo', {level: level});
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Removes all undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method clear
+			 */
+			clear: function() {
+				data = [];
+				index = 0;
+				self.typing = false;
+				editor.fire('ClearUndos');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns true/false if the undo manager has any undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method hasUndo
+			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the undo manager has any undo levels.
+			 */
+			hasUndo: function() {
+				// Has undo levels or typing and content isn't the same as the initial level
+				return index > 0 || (self.typing && data[0] && getContent() != data[0].content);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns true/false if the undo manager has any redo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method hasRedo
+			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the undo manager has any redo levels.
+			 */
+			hasRedo: function() {
+				return index < data.length - 1 && !this.typing;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Executes the specified function in an undo transation. The selection
+			 * before the modification will be stored to the undo stack and if the DOM changes
+			 * it will add a new undo level. Any methods within the transation that adds undo levels will
+			 * be ignored. So a transation can include calls to execCommand or editor.insertContent.
+			 *
+			 * @method transact
+			 * @param {function} callback Function to execute dom manipulation logic in.
+			 */
+			transact: function(callback) {
+				self.beforeChange();
+				lock = true;
+				callback();
+				lock = false;
+				self.add();
+			}
+		};
+		return self;
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/EnterKey.js
+ * EnterKey.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Contains logic for handling the enter key to split/generate block elements.
+ */
+define("tinymce/EnterKey", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(TreeWalker, RangeUtils, Env) {
+	var isIE = Env.ie && Env.ie < 11;
+	return function(editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, settings = editor.settings;
+		var undoManager = editor.undoManager, schema = editor.schema, nonEmptyElementsMap = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+		function handleEnterKey(evt) {
+			var rng, tmpRng, editableRoot, container, offset, parentBlock, documentMode, shiftKey,
+				newBlock, fragment, containerBlock, parentBlockName, containerBlockName, newBlockName, isAfterLastNodeInContainer;
+			// Returns true if the block can be split into two blocks or not
+			function canSplitBlock(node) {
+				return node &&
+					dom.isBlock(node) &&
+					!/^(TD|TH|CAPTION|FORM)$/.test(node.nodeName) &&
+					!/^(fixed|absolute)/i.test(node.style.position) &&
+					dom.getContentEditable(node) !== "true";
+			}
+			// Renders empty block on IE
+			function renderBlockOnIE(block) {
+				var oldRng;
+				if (dom.isBlock(block)) {
+					oldRng = selection.getRng();
+					block.appendChild(dom.create('span', null, '\u00a0'));
+					selection.select(block);
+					block.lastChild.outerHTML = '';
+					selection.setRng(oldRng);
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove the first empty inline element of the block so this: <p><b><em></em></b>x</p> becomes this: <p>x</p>
+			function trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(block) {
+				var node = block, firstChilds = [], i;
+				// Find inner most first child ex: <p><i><b>*</b></i></p>
+				while ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 && !nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+						firstChilds.push(node);
+					}
+				}
+				i = firstChilds.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = firstChilds[i];
+					if (!node.hasChildNodes() || (node.firstChild == node.lastChild && node.firstChild.nodeValue === '')) {
+						dom.remove(node);
+					} else {
+						// Remove <a> </a> see #5381
+						if (node.nodeName == "A" && (node.innerText || node.textContent) === ' ') {
+							dom.remove(node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Moves the caret to a suitable position within the root for example in the first non
+			// pure whitespace text node or before an image
+			function moveToCaretPosition(root) {
+				var walker, node, rng, lastNode = root, tempElm;
+				function firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling(node) {
+					while (node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1 || (node.nodeType == 3 && node.data && /[\r\n\s]/.test(node.data))) {
+							return node;
+						}
+						node = node.nextSibling;
+					}
+				}
+				// Old IE versions doesn't properly render blocks with br elements in them
+				// For example <p><br></p> wont be rendered correctly in a contentEditable area
+				// until you remove the br producing <p></p>
+				if (Env.ie && Env.ie < 9 && parentBlock && parentBlock.firstChild) {
+					if (parentBlock.firstChild == parentBlock.lastChild && parentBlock.firstChild.tagName == 'BR') {
+						dom.remove(parentBlock.firstChild);
+					}
+				}
+				if (root.nodeName == 'LI') {
+					var firstChild = firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling(root.firstChild);
+					if (firstChild && /^(UL|OL)$/.test(firstChild.nodeName)) {
+						root.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode('\u00a0'), root.firstChild);
+					}
+				}
+				rng = dom.createRng();
+				if (root.hasChildNodes()) {
+					walker = new TreeWalker(root, root);
+					while ((node = walker.current())) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+							rng.setStart(node, 0);
+							rng.setEnd(node, 0);
+							break;
+						}
+						if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+							rng.setStartBefore(node);
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+							break;
+						}
+						lastNode = node;
+						node = walker.next();
+					}
+					if (!node) {
+						rng.setStart(lastNode, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(lastNode, 0);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (root.nodeName == 'BR') {
+						if (root.nextSibling && dom.isBlock(root.nextSibling)) {
+							// Trick on older IE versions to render the caret before the BR between two lists
+							if (!documentMode || documentMode < 9) {
+								tempElm = dom.create('br');
+								root.parentNode.insertBefore(tempElm, root);
+							}
+							rng.setStartBefore(root);
+							rng.setEndBefore(root);
+						} else {
+							rng.setStartAfter(root);
+							rng.setEndAfter(root);
+						}
+					} else {
+						rng.setStart(root, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(root, 0);
+					}
+				}
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				// Remove tempElm created for old IE:s
+				dom.remove(tempElm);
+				selection.scrollIntoView(root);
+			}
+			function setForcedBlockAttrs(node) {
+				var forcedRootBlockName = settings.forced_root_block;
+				if (forcedRootBlockName && forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase() === node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
+					dom.setAttribs(node, settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+				}
+			}
+			// Creates a new block element by cloning the current one or creating a new one if the name is specified
+			// This function will also copy any text formatting from the parent block and add it to the new one
+			function createNewBlock(name) {
+				var node = container, block, clonedNode, caretNode;
+				if (name || parentBlockName == "TABLE") {
+					block = dom.create(name || newBlockName);
+					setForcedBlockAttrs(block);
+				} else {
+					block = parentBlock.cloneNode(false);
+				}
+				caretNode = block;
+				// Clone any parent styles
+				if (settings.keep_styles !== false) {
+					do {
+						if (/^(SPAN|STRONG|B|EM|I|FONT|STRIKE|U|VAR|CITE|DFN|CODE|MARK|Q|SUP|SUB|SAMP)$/.test(node.nodeName)) {
+							// Never clone a caret containers
+							if (node.id == '_mce_caret') {
+								continue;
+							}
+							clonedNode = node.cloneNode(false);
+							dom.setAttrib(clonedNode, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be document unique
+							if (block.hasChildNodes()) {
+								clonedNode.appendChild(block.firstChild);
+								block.appendChild(clonedNode);
+							} else {
+								caretNode = clonedNode;
+								block.appendChild(clonedNode);
+							}
+						}
+					} while ((node = node.parentNode));
+				}
+				// BR is needed in empty blocks on non IE browsers
+				if (!isIE) {
+					caretNode.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+				}
+				return block;
+			}
+			// Returns true/false if the caret is at the start/end of the parent block element
+			function isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(start) {
+				var walker, node, name;
+				// Caret is in the middle of a text node like "a|b"
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && (start ? offset > 0 : offset < container.nodeValue.length)) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				// If after the last element in block node edge case for #5091
+				if (container.parentNode == parentBlock && isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// If the caret if before the first element in parentBlock
+				if (start && container.nodeType == 1 && container == parentBlock.firstChild) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// Caret can be before/after a table
+				if (container.nodeName === "TABLE" || (container.previousSibling && container.previousSibling.nodeName == "TABLE")) {
+					return (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) || (!isAfterLastNodeInContainer && start);
+				}
+				// Walk the DOM and look for text nodes or non empty elements
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock);
+				// If caret is in beginning or end of a text block then jump to the next/previous node
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					if (start && offset === 0) {
+						walker.prev();
+					} else if (!start && offset == container.nodeValue.length) {
+						walker.next();
+					}
+				}
+				while ((node = walker.current())) {
+					if (node.nodeType === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (!node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+							// Keep empty elements like <img /> <input /> but not trailing br:s like <p>text|<br></p>
+							name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+							if (nonEmptyElementsMap[name] && name !== 'br') {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (node.nodeType === 3 && !/^[ \t\r\n]*$/.test(node.nodeValue)) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					if (start) {
+						walker.prev();
+					} else {
+						walker.next();
+					}
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Wraps any text nodes or inline elements in the specified forced root block name
+			function wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(container, offset) {
+				var newBlock, parentBlock, startNode, node, next, rootBlockName, blockName = newBlockName || 'P';
+				// Not in a block element or in a table cell or caption
+				parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
+				rootBlockName = editor.getBody().nodeName.toLowerCase();
+				if (!parentBlock || !canSplitBlock(parentBlock)) {
+					parentBlock = parentBlock || editableRoot;
+					if (!parentBlock.hasChildNodes()) {
+						newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
+						setForcedBlockAttrs(newBlock);
+						parentBlock.appendChild(newBlock);
+						rng.setStart(newBlock, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(newBlock, 0);
+						return newBlock;
+					}
+					// Find parent that is the first child of parentBlock
+					node = container;
+					while (node.parentNode != parentBlock) {
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+					// Loop left to find start node start wrapping at
+					while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						startNode = node;
+						node = node.previousSibling;
+					}
+					if (startNode && schema.isValidChild(rootBlockName, blockName.toLowerCase())) {
+						newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
+						setForcedBlockAttrs(newBlock);
+						startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, startNode);
+						// Start wrapping until we hit a block
+						node = startNode;
+						while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
+							next = node.nextSibling;
+							newBlock.appendChild(node);
+							node = next;
+						}
+						// Restore range to it's past location
+						rng.setStart(container, offset);
+						rng.setEnd(container, offset);
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			// Inserts a block or br before/after or in the middle of a split list of the LI is empty
+			function handleEmptyListItem() {
+				function isFirstOrLastLi(first) {
+					var node = containerBlock[first ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+					// Find first/last element since there might be whitespace there
+					while (node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1) {
+							break;
+						}
+						node = node[first ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling'];
+					}
+					return node === parentBlock;
+				}
+				function getContainerBlock() {
+					var containerBlockParent = containerBlock.parentNode;
+					if (containerBlockParent.nodeName == 'LI') {
+						return containerBlockParent;
+					}
+					return containerBlock;
+				}
+				// Check if we are in an nested list
+				var containerBlockParentName = containerBlock.parentNode.nodeName;
+				if (/^(OL|UL|LI)$/.test(containerBlockParentName)) {
+					newBlockName = 'LI';
+				}
+				newBlock = newBlockName ? createNewBlock(newBlockName) : dom.create('BR');
+				if (isFirstOrLastLi(true) && isFirstOrLastLi()) {
+					if (containerBlockParentName == 'LI') {
+						// Nested list is inside a LI
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+					} else {
+						// Is first and last list item then replace the OL/UL with a text block
+						dom.replace(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				} else if (isFirstOrLastLi(true)) {
+					if (containerBlockParentName == 'LI') {
+						// List nested in an LI then move the list to a new sibling LI
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+						newBlock.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(' ')); // Needed for IE so the caret can be placed
+						newBlock.appendChild(containerBlock);
+					} else {
+						// First LI in list then remove LI and add text block before list
+						containerBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				} else if (isFirstOrLastLi()) {
+					// Last LI in list then remove LI and add text block after list
+					dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+					renderBlockOnIE(newBlock);
+				} else {
+					// Middle LI in list the split the list and insert a text block in the middle
+					// Extract after fragment and insert it after the current block
+					containerBlock = getContainerBlock();
+					tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
+					tmpRng.setStartAfter(parentBlock);
+					tmpRng.setEndAfter(containerBlock);
+					fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
+					if (newBlockName == 'LI' && fragment.firstChild.nodeName == 'LI') {
+						newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
+						dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
+					} else {
+						dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				}
+				dom.remove(parentBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+				undoManager.add();
+			}
+			// Walks the parent block to the right and look for BR elements
+			function hasRightSideContent() {
+				var walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock), node;
+				while ((node = walker.next())) {
+					if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || node.length > 0) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Inserts a BR element if the forced_root_block option is set to false or empty string
+			function insertBr() {
+				var brElm, extraBr, marker;
+				if (container && container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+					// Insert extra BR element at the end block elements
+					if (!isIE && !hasRightSideContent()) {
+						brElm = dom.create('br');
+						rng.insertNode(brElm);
+						rng.setStartAfter(brElm);
+						rng.setEndAfter(brElm);
+						extraBr = true;
+					}
+				}
+				brElm = dom.create('br');
+				rng.insertNode(brElm);
+				// Rendering modes below IE8 doesn't display BR elements in PRE unless we have a \n before it
+				if (isIE && parentBlockName == 'PRE' && (!documentMode || documentMode < 8)) {
+					brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode('\r'), brElm);
+				}
+				// Insert temp marker and scroll to that
+				marker = dom.create('span', {}, '&nbsp;');
+				brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, brElm);
+				selection.scrollIntoView(marker);
+				dom.remove(marker);
+				if (!extraBr) {
+					rng.setStartAfter(brElm);
+					rng.setEndAfter(brElm);
+				} else {
+					rng.setStartBefore(brElm);
+					rng.setEndBefore(brElm);
+				}
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				undoManager.add();
+			}
+			// Trims any linebreaks at the beginning of node user for example when pressing enter in a PRE element
+			function trimLeadingLineBreaks(node) {
+				do {
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, '');
+					}
+					node = node.firstChild;
+				} while (node);
+			}
+			function getEditableRoot(node) {
+				var root = dom.getRoot(), parent, editableRoot;
+				// Get all parents until we hit a non editable parent or the root
+				parent = node;
+				while (parent !== root && dom.getContentEditable(parent) !== "false") {
+					if (dom.getContentEditable(parent) === "true") {
+						editableRoot = parent;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return parent !== root ? editableRoot : root;
+			}
+			// Adds a BR at the end of blocks that only contains an IMG or INPUT since
+			// these might be floated and then they won't expand the block
+			function addBrToBlockIfNeeded(block) {
+				var lastChild;
+				// IE will render the blocks correctly other browsers needs a BR
+				if (!isIE) {
+					block.normalize(); // Remove empty text nodes that got left behind by the extract
+					// Check if the block is empty or contains a floated last child
+					lastChild = block.lastChild;
+					if (!lastChild || (/^(left|right)$/gi.test(dom.getStyle(lastChild, 'float', true)))) {
+						dom.add(block, 'br');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			rng = selection.getRng(true);
+			// Event is blocked by some other handler for example the lists plugin
+			if (evt.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Delete any selected contents
+			if (!rng.collapsed) {
+				editor.execCommand('Delete');
+				return;
+			}
+			// Setup range items and newBlockName
+			new RangeUtils(dom).normalize(rng);
+			container = rng.startContainer;
+			offset = rng.startOffset;
+			newBlockName = (settings.force_p_newlines ? 'p' : '') || settings.forced_root_block;
+			newBlockName = newBlockName ? newBlockName.toUpperCase() : '';
+			documentMode = dom.doc.documentMode;
+			shiftKey = evt.shiftKey;
+			// Resolve node index
+			if (container.nodeType == 1 && container.hasChildNodes()) {
+				isAfterLastNodeInContainer = offset > container.childNodes.length - 1;
+				container = container.childNodes[Math.min(offset, container.childNodes.length - 1)] || container;
+				if (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && container.nodeType == 3) {
+					offset = container.nodeValue.length;
+				} else {
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// Get editable root node normaly the body element but sometimes a div or span
+			editableRoot = getEditableRoot(container);
+			// If there is no editable root then enter is done inside a contentEditable false element
+			if (!editableRoot) {
+				return;
+			}
+			undoManager.beforeChange();
+			// If editable root isn't block nor the root of the editor
+			if (!dom.isBlock(editableRoot) && editableRoot != dom.getRoot()) {
+				if (!newBlockName || shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Wrap the current node and it's sibling in a default block if it's needed.
+			// for example this <td>text|<b>text2</b></td> will become this <td><p>text|<b>text2</p></b></td>
+			// This won't happen if root blocks are disabled or the shiftKey is pressed
+			if ((newBlockName && !shiftKey) || (!newBlockName && shiftKey)) {
+				container = wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(container, offset);
+			}
+			// Find parent block and setup empty block paddings
+			parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
+			containerBlock = parentBlock ? dom.getParent(parentBlock.parentNode, dom.isBlock) : null;
+			// Setup block names
+			parentBlockName = parentBlock ? parentBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; // IE < 9 & HTML5
+			containerBlockName = containerBlock ? containerBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; // IE < 9 & HTML5
+			// Enter inside block contained within a LI then split or insert before/after LI
+			if (containerBlockName == 'LI' && !evt.ctrlKey) {
+				parentBlock = containerBlock;
+				parentBlockName = containerBlockName;
+			}
+			// Handle enter in LI
+			if (parentBlockName == 'LI') {
+				if (!newBlockName && shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+				// Handle enter inside an empty list item
+				if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
+					handleEmptyListItem();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			// Don't split PRE tags but insert a BR instead easier when writing code samples etc
+			if (parentBlockName == 'PRE' && settings.br_in_pre !== false) {
+				if (!shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// If no root block is configured then insert a BR by default or if the shiftKey is pressed
+				if ((!newBlockName && !shiftKey && parentBlockName != 'LI') || (newBlockName && shiftKey)) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			// If parent block is root then never insert new blocks
+			if (newBlockName && parentBlock === editor.getBody()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Default block name if it's not configured
+			newBlockName = newBlockName || 'P';
+			// Insert new block before/after the parent block depending on caret location
+			if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock()) {
+				// If the caret is at the end of a header we produce a P tag after it similar to Word unless we are in a hgroup
+				if (/^(H[1-6]|PRE|FIGURE)$/.test(parentBlockName) && containerBlockName != 'HGROUP') {
+					newBlock = createNewBlock(newBlockName);
+				} else {
+					newBlock = createNewBlock();
+				}
+				// Split the current container block element if enter is pressed inside an empty inner block element
+				if (settings.end_container_on_empty_block && canSplitBlock(containerBlock) && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
+					// Split container block for example a BLOCKQUOTE at the current blockParent location for example a P
+					newBlock = dom.split(containerBlock, parentBlock);
+				} else {
+					dom.insertAfter(newBlock, parentBlock);
+				}
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+			} else if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(true)) {
+				// Insert new block before
+				newBlock = parentBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(createNewBlock(), parentBlock);
+				renderBlockOnIE(newBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(parentBlock);
+			} else {
+				// Extract after fragment and insert it after the current block
+				tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
+				tmpRng.setEndAfter(parentBlock);
+				fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
+				trimLeadingLineBreaks(fragment);
+				newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
+				dom.insertAfter(fragment, parentBlock);
+				trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(newBlock);
+				addBrToBlockIfNeeded(parentBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+			}
+			dom.setAttrib(newBlock, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be document unique
+			// Allow custom handling of new blocks
+			editor.fire('NewBlock', { newBlock: newBlock });
+			undoManager.add();
+		}
+		editor.on('keydown', function(evt) {
+			if (evt.keyCode == 13) {
+				if (handleEnterKey(evt) !== false) {
+					evt.preventDefault();
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ForceBlocks.js
+ * ForceBlocks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/ForceBlocks", [], function() {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var settings = editor.settings, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection;
+		var schema = editor.schema, blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
+		function addRootBlocks() {
+			var node = selection.getStart(), rootNode = editor.getBody(), rng;
+			var startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, rootBlockNode;
+			var tempNode, offset = -0xFFFFFF, wrapped, restoreSelection;
+			var tmpRng, rootNodeName, forcedRootBlock;
+			forcedRootBlock = settings.forced_root_block;
+			if (!node || node.nodeType !== 1 || !forcedRootBlock) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Check if node is wrapped in block
+			while (node && node != rootNode) {
+				if (blockElements[node.nodeName]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Get current selection
+			rng = selection.getRng();
+			if (rng.setStart) {
+				startContainer = rng.startContainer;
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset;
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+				try {
+					restoreSelection = editor.getDoc().activeElement === rootNode;
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE throws unspecified error here sometimes
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Force control range into text range
+				if (rng.item) {
+					node = rng.item(0);
+					rng = editor.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
+					rng.moveToElementText(node);
+				}
+				restoreSelection = rng.parentElement().ownerDocument === editor.getDoc();
+				tmpRng = rng.duplicate();
+				tmpRng.collapse(true);
+				startOffset = tmpRng.move('character', offset) * -1;
+				if (!tmpRng.collapsed) {
+					tmpRng = rng.duplicate();
+					tmpRng.collapse(false);
+					endOffset = (tmpRng.move('character', offset) * -1) - startOffset;
+				}
+			}
+			// Wrap non block elements and text nodes
+			node = rootNode.firstChild;
+			rootNodeName = rootNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			while (node) {
+				// TODO: Break this up, too complex
+				if (((node.nodeType === 3 || (node.nodeType == 1 && !blockElements[node.nodeName]))) &&
+					schema.isValidChild(rootNodeName, forcedRootBlock.toLowerCase())) {
+					// Remove empty text nodes
+					if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length === 0) {
+						tempNode = node;
+						node = node.nextSibling;
+						dom.remove(tempNode);
+						continue;
+					}
+					if (!rootBlockNode) {
+						rootBlockNode = dom.create(forcedRootBlock, editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+						node.parentNode.insertBefore(rootBlockNode, node);
+						wrapped = true;
+					}
+					tempNode = node;
+					node = node.nextSibling;
+					rootBlockNode.appendChild(tempNode);
+				} else {
+					rootBlockNode = null;
+					node = node.nextSibling;
+				}
+			}
+			if (wrapped && restoreSelection) {
+				if (rng.setStart) {
+					rng.setStart(startContainer, startOffset);
+					rng.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				} else {
+					// Only select if the previous selection was inside the document to prevent auto focus in quirks mode
+					try {
+						rng = editor.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
+						rng.moveToElementText(rootNode);
+						rng.collapse(true);
+						rng.moveStart('character', startOffset);
+						if (endOffset > 0) {
+							rng.moveEnd('character', endOffset);
+						}
+						rng.select();
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		}
+		// Force root blocks
+		if (settings.forced_root_block) {
+			editor.on('NodeChange', addRootBlocks);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/EditorCommands.js
+ * EditorCommands.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to add custom editor commands and it contains
+ * overrides for native browser commands to address various bugs and issues.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.EditorCommands
+ */
+define("tinymce/EditorCommands", [
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Serializer, Env, Tools) {
+	// Added for compression purposes
+	var each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var map = Tools.map, inArray = Tools.inArray, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var isGecko = Env.gecko, isIE = Env.ie;
+	var TRUE = true, FALSE = false;
+	return function(editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom,
+			selection = editor.selection,
+			commands = {state: {}, exec: {}, value: {}},
+			settings = editor.settings,
+			formatter = editor.formatter,
+			bookmark;
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified command.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} command Command to execute.
+		 * @param {Boolean} ui Optional user interface state.
+		 * @param {Object} value Optional value for command.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the command was found or not.
+		 */
+		function execCommand(command, ui, value) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.exec[command])) {
+				func(command, ui, value);
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Queries the current state for a command for example if the current selection is "bold".
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandState
+		 * @param {String} command Command to check the state of.
+		 * @return {Boolean/Number} true/false if the selected contents is bold or not, -1 if it's not found.
+		 */
+		function queryCommandState(command) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.state[command])) {
+				return func(command);
+			}
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Queries the command value for example the current fontsize.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandValue
+		 * @param {String} command Command to check the value of.
+		 * @return {Object} Command value of false if it's not found.
+		 */
+		function queryCommandValue(command) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.value[command])) {
+				return func(command);
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Adds commands to the command collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCommands
+		 * @param {Object} command_list Name/value collection with commands to add, the names can also be comma separated.
+		 * @param {String} type Optional type to add, defaults to exec. Can be value or state as well.
+		 */
+		function addCommands(command_list, type) {
+			type = type || 'exec';
+			each(command_list, function(callback, command) {
+				each(command.toLowerCase().split(','), function(command) {
+					commands[type][command] = callback;
+				});
+			});
+		}
+		// Expose public methods
+		extend(this, {
+			execCommand: execCommand,
+			queryCommandState: queryCommandState,
+			queryCommandValue: queryCommandValue,
+			addCommands: addCommands
+		});
+		// Private methods
+		function execNativeCommand(command, ui, value) {
+			if (ui === undefined) {
+				ui = FALSE;
+			}
+			if (value === undefined) {
+				value = null;
+			}
+			return editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value);
+		}
+		function isFormatMatch(name) {
+			return formatter.match(name);
+		}
+		function toggleFormat(name, value) {
+			formatter.toggle(name, value ? {value: value} : undefined);
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+		}
+		function storeSelection(type) {
+			bookmark = selection.getBookmark(type);
+		}
+		function restoreSelection() {
+			selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+		}
+		// Add execCommand overrides
+		addCommands({
+			// Ignore these, added for compatibility
+			'mceResetDesignMode,mceBeginUndoLevel': function() {},
+			// Add undo manager logic
+			'mceEndUndoLevel,mceAddUndoLevel': function() {
+				editor.undoManager.add();
+			},
+			'Cut,Copy,Paste': function(command) {
+				var doc = editor.getDoc(), failed;
+				// Try executing the native command
+				try {
+					execNativeCommand(command);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Command failed
+					failed = TRUE;
+				}
+				// Present alert message about clipboard access not being available
+				if (failed || !doc.queryCommandSupported(command)) {
+					var msg = editor.translate(
+						"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. " +
+						"Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead."
+					);
+					if (Env.mac) {
+						msg = msg.replace(/Ctrl\+/g, '\u2318+');
+					}
+					editor.windowManager.alert(msg);
+				}
+			},
+			// Override unlink command
+			unlink: function() {
+				if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					var elm = selection.getNode();
+					if (elm.tagName == 'A') {
+						editor.dom.remove(elm, true);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				formatter.remove("link");
+			},
+			// Override justify commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull': function(command) {
+				var align = command.substring(7);
+				if (align == 'full') {
+					align = 'justify';
+				}
+				// Remove all other alignments first
+				each('left,center,right,justify'.split(','), function(name) {
+					if (align != name) {
+						formatter.remove('align' + name);
+					}
+				});
+				toggleFormat('align' + align);
+				execCommand('mceRepaint');
+			},
+			// Override list commands to fix WebKit bug
+			'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function(command) {
+				var listElm, listParent;
+				execNativeCommand(command);
+				// WebKit produces lists within block elements so we need to split them
+				// we will replace the native list creation logic to custom logic later on
+				// TODO: Remove this when the list creation logic is removed
+				listElm = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ol,ul');
+				if (listElm) {
+					listParent = listElm.parentNode;
+					// If list is within a text block then split that block
+					if (/^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(listParent.nodeName)) {
+						storeSelection();
+						dom.split(listParent, listElm);
+						restoreSelection();
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function(command) {
+				toggleFormat(command);
+			},
+			// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'ForeColor,HiliteColor,FontName': function(command, ui, value) {
+				toggleFormat(command, value);
+			},
+			FontSize: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var fontClasses, fontSizes;
+				// Convert font size 1-7 to styles
+				if (value >= 1 && value <= 7) {
+					fontSizes = explode(settings.font_size_style_values);
+					fontClasses = explode(settings.font_size_classes);
+					if (fontClasses) {
+						value = fontClasses[value - 1] || value;
+					} else {
+						value = fontSizes[value - 1] || value;
+					}
+				}
+				toggleFormat(command, value);
+			},
+			RemoveFormat: function(command) {
+				formatter.remove(command);
+			},
+			mceBlockQuote: function() {
+				toggleFormat('blockquote');
+			},
+			FormatBlock: function(command, ui, value) {
+				return toggleFormat(value || 'p');
+			},
+			mceCleanup: function() {
+				var bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+				editor.setContent(editor.getContent({cleanup: TRUE}), {cleanup: TRUE});
+				selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+			},
+			mceRemoveNode: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var node = value || selection.getNode();
+				// Make sure that the body node isn't removed
+				if (node != editor.getBody()) {
+					storeSelection();
+					editor.dom.remove(node, TRUE);
+					restoreSelection();
+				}
+			},
+			mceSelectNodeDepth: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var counter = 0;
+				dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), function(node) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 && counter++ == value) {
+						selection.select(node);
+						return FALSE;
+					}
+				}, editor.getBody());
+			},
+			mceSelectNode: function(command, ui, value) {
+				selection.select(value);
+			},
+			mceInsertContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var parser, serializer, parentNode, rootNode, fragment, args;
+				var marker, rng, node, node2, bookmarkHtml;
+				function trimOrPaddLeftRight(html) {
+					var rng, container, offset;
+					rng = selection.getRng(true);
+					container = rng.startContainer;
+					offset = rng.startOffset;
+					function hasSiblingText(siblingName) {
+						return container[siblingName] && container[siblingName].nodeType == 3;
+					}
+					if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (offset > 0) {
+							html = html.replace(/^&nbsp;/, ' ');
+						} else if (!hasSiblingText('previousSibling')) {
+							html = html.replace(/^ /, '&nbsp;');
+						}
+						if (offset < container.length) {
+							html = html.replace(/&nbsp;(<br>|)$/, ' ');
+						} else if (!hasSiblingText('nextSibling')) {
+							html = html.replace(/(&nbsp;| )(<br>|)$/, '&nbsp;');
+						}
+					}
+					return html;
+				}
+				// Check for whitespace before/after value
+				if (/^ | $/.test(value)) {
+					value = trimOrPaddLeftRight(value);
+				}
+				// Setup parser and serializer
+				parser = editor.parser;
+				serializer = new Serializer({}, editor.schema);
+				bookmarkHtml = '<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">&#xFEFF;&#200B;</span>';
+				// Run beforeSetContent handlers on the HTML to be inserted
+				args = {content: value, format: 'html', selection: true};
+				editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+				value = args.content;
+				// Add caret at end of contents if it's missing
+				if (value.indexOf('{$caret}') == -1) {
+					value += '{$caret}';
+				}
+				// Replace the caret marker with a span bookmark element
+				value = value.replace(/\{\$caret\}/, bookmarkHtml);
+				// If selection is at <body>|<p></p> then move it into <body><p>|</p>
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				var caretElement = rng.startContainer || (rng.parentElement ? rng.parentElement() : null);
+				var body = editor.getBody();
+				if (caretElement === body && selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(body.firstChild) && dom.isEmpty(body.firstChild)) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStart(body.firstChild, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(body.firstChild, 0);
+						selection.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				}
+				// Insert node maker where we will insert the new HTML and get it's parent
+				if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					editor.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null);
+				}
+				parentNode = selection.getNode();
+				// Parse the fragment within the context of the parent node
+				var parserArgs = {context: parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()};
+				fragment = parser.parse(value, parserArgs);
+				// Move the caret to a more suitable location
+				node = fragment.lastChild;
+				if (node.attr('id') == 'mce_marker') {
+					marker = node;
+					for (node = node.prev; node; node = node.walk(true)) {
+						if (node.type == 3 || !dom.isBlock(node.name)) {
+							node.parent.insert(marker, node, node.name === 'br');
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// If parser says valid we can insert the contents into that parent
+				if (!parserArgs.invalid) {
+					value = serializer.serialize(fragment);
+					// Check if parent is empty or only has one BR element then set the innerHTML of that parent
+					node = parentNode.firstChild;
+					node2 = parentNode.lastChild;
+					if (!node || (node === node2 && node.nodeName === 'BR')) {
+						dom.setHTML(parentNode, value);
+					} else {
+						selection.setContent(value);
+					}
+				} else {
+					// If the fragment was invalid within that context then we need
+					// to parse and process the parent it's inserted into
+					// Insert bookmark node and get the parent
+					selection.setContent(bookmarkHtml);
+					parentNode = selection.getNode();
+					rootNode = editor.getBody();
+					// Opera will return the document node when selection is in root
+					if (parentNode.nodeType == 9) {
+						parentNode = node = rootNode;
+					} else {
+						node = parentNode;
+					}
+					// Find the ancestor just before the root element
+					while (node !== rootNode) {
+						parentNode = node;
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+					// Get the outer/inner HTML depending on if we are in the root and parser and serialize that
+					value = parentNode == rootNode ? rootNode.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(parentNode);
+					value = serializer.serialize(
+						parser.parse(
+							// Need to replace by using a function since $ in the contents would otherwise be a problem
+							value.replace(/<span (id="mce_marker"|id=mce_marker).+?<\/span>/i, function() {
+								return serializer.serialize(fragment);
+							})
+						)
+					);
+					// Set the inner/outer HTML depending on if we are in the root or not
+					if (parentNode == rootNode) {
+						dom.setHTML(rootNode, value);
+					} else {
+						dom.setOuterHTML(parentNode, value);
+					}
+				}
+				marker = dom.get('mce_marker');
+				selection.scrollIntoView(marker);
+				// Move selection before marker and remove it
+				rng = dom.createRng();
+				// If previous sibling is a text node set the selection to the end of that node
+				node = marker.previousSibling;
+				if (node && node.nodeType == 3) {
+					rng.setStart(node, node.nodeValue.length);
+					// TODO: Why can't we normalize on IE
+					if (!isIE) {
+						node2 = marker.nextSibling;
+						if (node2 && node2.nodeType == 3) {
+							node.appendData(node2.data);
+							node2.parentNode.removeChild(node2);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// If the previous sibling isn't a text node or doesn't exist set the selection before the marker node
+					rng.setStartBefore(marker);
+					rng.setEndBefore(marker);
+				}
+				// Remove the marker node and set the new range
+				dom.remove(marker);
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				// Dispatch after event and add any visual elements needed
+				editor.fire('SetContent', args);
+				editor.addVisual();
+			},
+			mceInsertRawHTML: function(command, ui, value) {
+				selection.setContent('tiny_mce_marker');
+				editor.setContent(
+					editor.getContent().replace(/tiny_mce_marker/g, function() {
+						return value;
+					})
+				);
+			},
+			mceToggleFormat: function(command, ui, value) {
+				toggleFormat(value);
+			},
+			mceSetContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				editor.setContent(value);
+			},
+			'Indent,Outdent': function(command) {
+				var intentValue, indentUnit, value;
+				// Setup indent level
+				intentValue = settings.indentation;
+				indentUnit = /[a-z%]+$/i.exec(intentValue);
+				intentValue = parseInt(intentValue, 10);
+				if (!queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') && !queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList')) {
+					// If forced_root_blocks is set to false we don't have a block to indent so lets create a div
+					if (!settings.forced_root_block && !dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)) {
+						formatter.apply('div');
+					}
+					each(selection.getSelectedBlocks(), function(element) {
+						if (element.nodeName != "LI") {
+							var indentStyleName = editor.getParam('indent_use_margin', false) ? 'margin' : 'padding';
+							indentStyleName += dom.getStyle(element, 'direction', true) == 'rtl' ? 'Right' : 'Left';
+							if (command == 'outdent') {
+								value = Math.max(0, parseInt(element.style[indentStyleName] || 0, 10) - intentValue);
+								dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, value ? value + indentUnit : '');
+							} else {
+								value = (parseInt(element.style[indentStyleName] || 0, 10) + intentValue) + indentUnit;
+								dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, value);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					execNativeCommand(command);
+				}
+			},
+			mceRepaint: function() {
+				if (isGecko) {
+					try {
+						storeSelection(TRUE);
+						if (selection.getSel()) {
+							selection.getSel().selectAllChildren(editor.getBody());
+						}
+						selection.collapse(TRUE);
+						restoreSelection();
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			InsertHorizontalRule: function() {
+				editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<hr />');
+			},
+			mceToggleVisualAid: function() {
+				editor.hasVisual = !editor.hasVisual;
+				editor.addVisual();
+			},
+			mceReplaceContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, value.replace(/\{\$selection\}/g, selection.getContent({format: 'text'})));
+			},
+			mceInsertLink: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var anchor;
+				if (typeof(value) == 'string') {
+					value = {href: value};
+				}
+				anchor = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'a');
+				// Spaces are never valid in URLs and it's a very common mistake for people to make so we fix it here.
+				value.href = value.href.replace(' ', '%20');
+				// Remove existing links if there could be child links or that the href isn't specified
+				if (!anchor || !value.href) {
+					formatter.remove('link');
+				}
+				// Apply new link to selection
+				if (value.href) {
+					formatter.apply('link', value, anchor);
+				}
+			},
+			selectAll: function() {
+				var root = dom.getRoot(), rng;
+				if (selection.getRng().setStart) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStart(root, 0);
+					rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				} else {
+					// IE will render it's own root level block elements and sometimes
+					// even put font elements in them when the user starts typing. So we need to
+					// move the selection to a more suitable element from this:
+					// <body>|<p></p></body> to this: <body><p>|</p></body>
+					rng = selection.getRng();
+					if (!rng.item) {
+						rng.moveToElementText(root);
+						rng.select();
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			"delete": function() {
+				execNativeCommand("Delete");
+				// Check if body is empty after the delete call if so then set the contents
+				// to an empty string and move the caret to any block produced by that operation
+				// this fixes the issue with root blocks not being properly produced after a delete call on IE
+				var body = editor.getBody();
+				if (dom.isEmpty(body)) {
+					editor.setContent('');
+					if (body.firstChild && dom.isBlock(body.firstChild)) {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body.firstChild, 0);
+					} else {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body, 0);
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			mceNewDocument: function() {
+				editor.setContent('');
+			}
+		});
+		// Add queryCommandState overrides
+		addCommands({
+			// Override justify commands
+			'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull': function(command) {
+				var name = 'align' + command.substring(7);
+				var nodes = selection.isCollapsed() ? [dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)] : selection.getSelectedBlocks();
+				var matches = map(nodes, function(node) {
+					return !!formatter.matchNode(node, name);
+				});
+				return inArray(matches, TRUE) !== -1;
+			},
+			'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function(command) {
+				return isFormatMatch(command);
+			},
+			mceBlockQuote: function() {
+				return isFormatMatch('blockquote');
+			},
+			Outdent: function() {
+				var node;
+				if (settings.inline_styles) {
+					if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt(node.style.paddingLeft, 10) > 0) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+					if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt(node.style.paddingLeft, 10) > 0) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+				}
+				return (
+					queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') ||
+					queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList') ||
+					(!settings.inline_styles && !!dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'BLOCKQUOTE'))
+				);
+			},
+			'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function(command) {
+				var list = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ul,ol');
+				return list &&
+					(
+						command === 'insertunorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'UL' ||
+						command === 'insertorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'OL'
+					);
+			}
+		}, 'state');
+		// Add queryCommandValue overrides
+		addCommands({
+			'FontSize,FontName': function(command) {
+				var value = 0, parent;
+				if ((parent = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'span'))) {
+					if (command == 'fontsize') {
+						value = parent.style.fontSize;
+					} else {
+						value = parent.style.fontFamily.replace(/, /g, ',').replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').toLowerCase();
+					}
+				}
+				return value;
+			}
+		}, 'value');
+		// Add undo manager logic
+		addCommands({
+			Undo: function() {
+				editor.undoManager.undo();
+			},
+			Redo: function() {
+				editor.undoManager.redo();
+			}
+		});
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/URI.js
+ * URI.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles parsing, modification and serialization of URI/URL strings.
+ * @class tinymce.util.URI
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/URI", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, trim = Tools.trim;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new URI instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method URI
+	 * @param {String} url URI string to parse.
+	 * @param {Object} settings Optional settings object.
+	 */
+	function URI(url, settings) {
+		var self = this, baseUri, base_url;
+		// Trim whitespace
+		url = trim(url);
+		// Default settings
+		settings = self.settings = settings || {};
+		// Strange app protocol that isn't http/https or local anchor
+		// For example: mailto,skype,tel etc.
+		if (/^([\w\-]+):([^\/]{2})/i.test(url) || /^\s*#/.test(url)) {
+			self.source = url;
+			return;
+		}
+		var isProtocolRelative = url.indexOf('//') === 0;
+		// Absolute path with no host, fake host and protocol
+		if (url.indexOf('/') === 0 && !isProtocolRelative) {
+			url = (settings.base_uri ? settings.base_uri.protocol || 'http' : 'http') + '://mce_host' + url;
+		}
+		// Relative path http:// or protocol relative //path
+		if (!/^[\w\-]*:?\/\//.test(url)) {
+			base_url = settings.base_uri ? settings.base_uri.path : new URI(location.href).directory;
+			if (settings.base_uri.protocol === "") {
+				url = '//mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(base_url, url);
+			} else {
+				url = ((settings.base_uri && settings.base_uri.protocol) || 'http') + '://mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(base_url, url);
+			}
+		}
+		// Parse URL (Credits goes to Steave, http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/parseuri)
+		url = url.replace(/@@/g, '(mce_at)'); // Zope 3 workaround, they use @@something
+		/*jshint maxlen: 255 */
+		/*eslint max-len: 0 */
+		url = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/.exec(url);
+		each(["source","protocol","authority","userInfo","user","password","host","port","relative","path","directory","file","query","anchor"], function(v, i) {
+			var part = url[i];
+			// Zope 3 workaround, they use @@something
+			if (part) {
+				part = part.replace(/\(mce_at\)/g, '@@');
+			}
+			self[v] = part;
+		});
+		baseUri = settings.base_uri;
+		if (baseUri) {
+			if (!self.protocol) {
+				self.protocol = baseUri.protocol;
+			}
+			if (!self.userInfo) {
+				self.userInfo = baseUri.userInfo;
+			}
+			if (!self.port && self.host === 'mce_host') {
+				self.port = baseUri.port;
+			}
+			if (!self.host || self.host === 'mce_host') {
+				self.host = baseUri.host;
+			}
+			self.source = '';
+		}
+		if (isProtocolRelative) {
+			self.protocol = '';
+		}
+		//t.path = t.path || '/';
+	}
+	URI.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Sets the internal path part of the URI.
+		 *
+		 * @method setPath
+		 * @param {string} path Path string to set.
+		 */
+		setPath: function(path) {
+			var self = this;
+			path = /^(.*?)\/?(\w+)?$/.exec(path);
+			// Update path parts
+			self.path = path[0];
+			self.directory = path[1];
+			self.file = path[2];
+			// Rebuild source
+			self.source = '';
+			self.getURI();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts the specified URI into a relative URI based on the current URI instance location.
+		 *
+		 * @method toRelative
+		 * @param {String} uri URI to convert into a relative path/URI.
+		 * @return {String} Relative URI from the point specified in the current URI instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Converts an absolute URL to an relative URL url will be somedir/somefile.htm
+		 * var url = new tinymce.util.URI('http://www.site.com/dir/').toRelative('http://www.site.com/dir/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		toRelative: function(uri) {
+			var self = this, output;
+			if (uri === "./") {
+				return uri;
+			}
+			uri = new URI(uri, {base_uri: self});
+			// Not on same domain/port or protocol
+			if ((uri.host != 'mce_host' && self.host != uri.host && uri.host) || self.port != uri.port ||
+				(self.protocol != uri.protocol && uri.protocol !== "")) {
+				return uri.getURI();
+			}
+			var tu = self.getURI(), uu = uri.getURI();
+			// Allow usage of the base_uri when relative_urls = true
+			if (tu == uu || (tu.charAt(tu.length - 1) == "/" && tu.substr(0, tu.length - 1) == uu)) {
+				return tu;
+			}
+			output = self.toRelPath(self.path, uri.path);
+			// Add query
+			if (uri.query) {
+				output += '?' + uri.query;
+			}
+			// Add anchor
+			if (uri.anchor) {
+				output += '#' + uri.anchor;
+			}
+			return output;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts the specified URI into a absolute URI based on the current URI instance location.
+		 *
+		 * @method toAbsolute
+		 * @param {String} uri URI to convert into a relative path/URI.
+		 * @param {Boolean} noHost No host and protocol prefix.
+		 * @return {String} Absolute URI from the point specified in the current URI instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Converts an relative URL to an absolute URL url will be http://www.site.com/dir/somedir/somefile.htm
+		 * var url = new tinymce.util.URI('http://www.site.com/dir/').toAbsolute('somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		toAbsolute: function(uri, noHost) {
+			uri = new URI(uri, {base_uri: this});
+			return uri.getURI(this.host == uri.host && this.protocol == uri.protocol ? noHost : 0);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts a absolute path into a relative path.
+		 *
+		 * @method toRelPath
+		 * @param {String} base Base point to convert the path from.
+		 * @param {String} path Absolute path to convert into a relative path.
+		 */
+		toRelPath: function(base, path) {
+			var items, breakPoint = 0, out = '', i, l;
+			// Split the paths
+			base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf('/'));
+			base = base.split('/');
+			items = path.split('/');
+			if (base.length >= items.length) {
+				for (i = 0, l = base.length; i < l; i++) {
+					if (i >= items.length || base[i] != items[i]) {
+						breakPoint = i + 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (base.length < items.length) {
+				for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+					if (i >= base.length || base[i] != items[i]) {
+						breakPoint = i + 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (breakPoint === 1) {
+				return path;
+			}
+			for (i = 0, l = base.length - (breakPoint - 1); i < l; i++) {
+				out += "../";
+			}
+			for (i = breakPoint - 1, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				if (i != breakPoint - 1) {
+					out += "/" + items[i];
+				} else {
+					out += items[i];
+				}
+			}
+			return out;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts a relative path into a absolute path.
+		 *
+		 * @method toAbsPath
+		 * @param {String} base Base point to convert the path from.
+		 * @param {String} path Relative path to convert into an absolute path.
+		 */
+		toAbsPath: function(base, path) {
+			var i, nb = 0, o = [], tr, outPath;
+			// Split paths
+			tr = /\/$/.test(path) ? '/' : '';
+			base = base.split('/');
+			path = path.split('/');
+			// Remove empty chunks
+			each(base, function(k) {
+				if (k) {
+					o.push(k);
+				}
+			});
+			base = o;
+			// Merge relURLParts chunks
+			for (i = path.length - 1, o = []; i >= 0; i--) {
+				// Ignore empty or .
+				if (path[i].length === 0 || path[i] === ".") {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Is parent
+				if (path[i] === '..') {
+					nb++;
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Move up
+				if (nb > 0) {
+					nb--;
+					continue;
+				}
+				o.push(path[i]);
+			}
+			i = base.length - nb;
+			// If /a/b/c or /
+			if (i <= 0) {
+				outPath = o.reverse().join('/');
+			} else {
+				outPath = base.slice(0, i).join('/') + '/' + o.reverse().join('/');
+			}
+			// Add front / if it's needed
+			if (outPath.indexOf('/') !== 0) {
+				outPath = '/' + outPath;
+			}
+			// Add traling / if it's needed
+			if (tr && outPath.lastIndexOf('/') !== outPath.length - 1) {
+				outPath += tr;
+			}
+			return outPath;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the full URI of the internal structure.
+		 *
+		 * @method getURI
+		 * @param {Boolean} noProtoHost Optional no host and protocol part. Defaults to false.
+		 */
+		getURI: function(noProtoHost) {
+			var s, self = this;
+			// Rebuild source
+			if (!self.source || noProtoHost) {
+				s = '';
+				if (!noProtoHost) {
+					if (self.protocol) {
+						s += self.protocol + '://';
+					} else {
+						s += '//';
+					}
+					if (self.userInfo) {
+						s += self.userInfo + '@';
+					}
+					if (self.host) {
+						s += self.host;
+					}
+					if (self.port) {
+						s += ':' + self.port;
+					}
+				}
+				if (self.path) {
+					s += self.path;
+				}
+				if (self.query) {
+					s += '?' + self.query;
+				}
+				if (self.anchor) {
+					s += '#' + self.anchor;
+				}
+				self.source = s;
+			}
+			return self.source;
+		}
+	};
+	return URI;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/Class.js
+ * Class.js
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003-2012, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * This utilitiy class is used for easier inheritage.
+ *
+ * Features:
+ * * Exposed super functions: this._super();
+ * * Mixins
+ * * Dummy functions
+ * * Property functions: var value = object.value(); and object.value(newValue);
+ * * Static functions
+ * * Defaults settings
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Class", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var extendClass, initializing;
+	function Class() {
+	}
+	// Provides classical inheritance, based on code made by John Resig
+	Class.extend = extendClass = function(prop) {
+		var self = this, _super = self.prototype, prototype, name, member;
+		// The dummy class constructor
+		function Class() {
+			var i, mixins, mixin, self = this;
+			// All construction is actually done in the init method
+			if (!initializing) {
+				// Run class constuctor
+				if (self.init) {
+					self.init.apply(self, arguments);
+				}
+				// Run mixin constructors
+				mixins = self.Mixins;
+				if (mixins) {
+					i = mixins.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						mixin = mixins[i];
+						if (mixin.init) {
+							mixin.init.apply(self, arguments);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Dummy function, needs to be extended in order to provide functionality
+		function dummy() {
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Creates a overloaded method for the class
+		// this enables you to use this._super(); to call the super function
+		function createMethod(name, fn) {
+			return function(){
+				var self = this, tmp = self._super, ret;
+				self._super = _super[name];
+				ret = fn.apply(self, arguments);
+				self._super = tmp;
+				return ret;
+			};
+		}
+		// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
+		// don't run the init constructor)
+		initializing = true;
+		prototype = new self();
+		initializing = false;
+		// Add mixins
+		if (prop.Mixins) {
+			each(prop.Mixins, function(mixin) {
+				mixin = mixin;
+				for (var name in mixin) {
+					if (name !== "init") {
+						prop[name] = mixin[name];
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			if (_super.Mixins) {
+				prop.Mixins = _super.Mixins.concat(prop.Mixins);
+			}
+		}
+		// Generate dummy methods
+		if (prop.Methods) {
+			each(prop.Methods.split(','), function(name) {
+				prop[name] = dummy;
+			});
+		}
+		// Generate property methods
+		if (prop.Properties) {
+			each(prop.Properties.split(','), function(name) {
+				var fieldName = '_' + name;
+				prop[name] = function(value) {
+					var self = this, undef;
+					// Set value
+					if (value !== undef) {
+						self[fieldName] = value;
+						return self;
+					}
+					// Get value
+					return self[fieldName];
+				};
+			});
+		}
+		// Static functions
+		if (prop.Statics) {
+			each(prop.Statics, function(func, name) {
+				Class[name] = func;
+			});
+		}
+		// Default settings
+		if (prop.Defaults && _super.Defaults) {
+			prop.Defaults = extend({}, _super.Defaults, prop.Defaults);
+		}
+		// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
+		for (name in prop) {
+			member = prop[name];
+			if (typeof member == "function" && _super[name]) {
+				prototype[name] = createMethod(name, member);
+			} else {
+				prototype[name] = member;
+			}
+		}
+		// Populate our constructed prototype object
+		Class.prototype = prototype;
+		// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
+		Class.constructor = Class;
+		// And make this class extendible
+		Class.extend = extendClass;
+		return Class;
+	};
+	return Class;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Selector.js
+ * Selector.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint no-nested-ternary:0 */
+ * Selector engine, enables you to select controls by using CSS like expressions.
+ * We currently only support basic CSS expressions to reduce the size of the core
+ * and the ones we support should be enough for most cases.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * Supported expressions:
+ *  element
+ *  element#name
+ *  element.class
+ *  element[attr]
+ *  element[attr*=value]
+ *  element[attr~=value]
+ *  element[attr!=value]
+ *  element[attr^=value]
+ *  element[attr$=value]
+ *  element:<state>
+ *  element:not(<expression>)
+ *  element:first
+ *  element:last
+ *  element:odd
+ *  element:even
+ *  element element
+ *  element > element
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Selector
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Selector", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class"
+], function(Class) {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * Produces an array with a unique set of objects. It will not compare the values
+	 * but the references of the objects.
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @method unqiue
+	 * @param {Array} array Array to make into an array with unique items.
+	 * @return {Array} Array with unique items.
+	 */
+	function unique(array) {
+		var uniqueItems = [], i = array.length, item;
+		while (i--) {
+			item = array[i];
+			if (!item.__checked) {
+				uniqueItems.push(item);
+				item.__checked = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		i = uniqueItems.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			delete uniqueItems[i].__checked;
+		}
+		return uniqueItems;
+	}
+	var expression = /^([\w\\*]+)?(?:#([\w\\]+))?(?:\.([\w\\\.]+))?(?:\[\@?([\w\\]+)([\^\$\*!~]?=)([\w\\]+)\])?(?:\:(.+))?/i;
+	/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+	/*eslint max-len:0 */
+	var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+		whiteSpace = /^\s*|\s*$/g,
+		Collection;
+	var Selector = Class.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new Selector instance.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS like selector expression.
+		 */
+		init: function(selector) {
+			var match = this.match;
+			function compileNameFilter(name) {
+				if (name) {
+					name = name.toLowerCase();
+					return function(item) {
+						return name === '*' || item.type === name;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileIdFilter(id) {
+				if (id) {
+					return function(item) {
+						return item._name === id;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileClassesFilter(classes) {
+				if (classes) {
+					classes = classes.split('.');
+					return function(item) {
+						var i = classes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (!item.hasClass(classes[i])) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+						return true;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileAttrFilter(name, cmp, check) {
+				if (name) {
+					return function(item) {
+						var value = item[name] ? item[name]() : '';
+						return !cmp ? !!check :
+							cmp === "=" ? value === check :
+							cmp === "*=" ? value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+							cmp === "~=" ? (" " + value + " ").indexOf(" " + check + " ") >= 0 :
+							cmp === "!=" ? value != check :
+							cmp === "^=" ? value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+							cmp === "$=" ? value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+							false;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compilePsuedoFilter(name) {
+				var notSelectors;
+				if (name) {
+					name = /(?:not\((.+)\))|(.+)/i.exec(name);
+					if (!name[1]) {
+						name = name[2];
+						return function(item, index, length) {
+							return name === 'first' ? index === 0 :
+								name === 'last' ? index === length - 1 :
+								name === 'even' ? index % 2 === 0 :
+								name === 'odd' ? index % 2 === 1 :
+								item[name] ? item[name]() :
+								false;
+						};
+					} else {
+						// Compile not expression
+						notSelectors = parseChunks(name[1], []);
+						return function(item) {
+							return !match(item, notSelectors);
+						};
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function compile(selector, filters, direct) {
+				var parts;
+				function add(filter) {
+					if (filter) {
+						filters.push(filter);
+					}
+				}
+				// Parse expression into parts
+				parts = expression.exec(selector.replace(whiteSpace, ''));
+				add(compileNameFilter(parts[1]));
+				add(compileIdFilter(parts[2]));
+				add(compileClassesFilter(parts[3]));
+				add(compileAttrFilter(parts[4], parts[5], parts[6]));
+				add(compilePsuedoFilter(parts[7]));
+				// Mark the filter with psuedo for performance
+				filters.psuedo = !!parts[7];
+				filters.direct = direct;
+				return filters;
+			}
+			// Parser logic based on Sizzle by John Resig
+			function parseChunks(selector, selectors) {
+				var parts = [], extra, matches, i;
+				do {
+					chunker.exec("");
+					matches = chunker.exec(selector);
+					if (matches) {
+						selector = matches[3];
+						parts.push(matches[1]);
+						if (matches[2]) {
+							extra = matches[3];
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				} while (matches);
+				if (extra) {
+					parseChunks(extra, selectors);
+				}
+				selector = [];
+				for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+					if (parts[i] != '>') {
+						selector.push(compile(parts[i], [], parts[i - 1] === '>'));
+					}
+				}
+				selectors.push(selector);
+				return selectors;
+			}
+			this._selectors = parseChunks(selector, []);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the selector matches the specified control.
+		 *
+		 * @method match
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} control Control to match agains the selector.
+		 * @param {Array} selectors Optional array of selectors, mostly used internally.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the control matches or not.
+		 */
+		match: function(control, selectors) {
+			var i, l, si, sl, selector, fi, fl, filters, index, length, siblings, count, item;
+			selectors = selectors || this._selectors;
+			for (i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++) {
+				selector = selectors[i];
+				sl = selector.length;
+				item = control;
+				count = 0;
+				for (si = sl - 1; si >= 0; si--) {
+					filters = selector[si];
+					while (item) {
+						// Find the index and length since a psuedo filter like :first needs it
+						if (filters.psuedo) {
+							siblings = item.parent().items();
+							index = length = siblings.length;
+							while (index--) {
+								if (siblings[index] === item) {
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						for (fi = 0, fl = filters.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+							if (!filters[fi](item, index, length)) {
+								fi = fl + 1;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						if (fi === fl) {
+							count++;
+							break;
+						} else {
+							// If it didn't match the right most expression then
+							// break since it's no point looking at the parents
+							if (si === sl - 1) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						item = item.parent();
+					}
+				}
+				// If we found all selectors then return true otherwise continue looking
+				if (count === sl) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a tinymce.ui.Collection with matches of the specified selector inside the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method find
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} container Container to look for items in.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection with matched elements.
+		 */
+		find: function(container) {
+			var matches = [], i, l, selectors = this._selectors;
+			function collect(items, selector, index) {
+				var i, l, fi, fl, item, filters = selector[index];
+				for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+					item = items[i];
+					// Run each filter agains the item
+					for (fi = 0, fl = filters.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+						if (!filters[fi](item, i, l)) {
+							fi = fl + 1;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					// All filters matched the item
+					if (fi === fl) {
+						// Matched item is on the last expression like: panel toolbar [button]
+						if (index == selector.length - 1) {
+							matches.push(item);
+						} else {
+							// Collect next expression type
+							if (item.items) {
+								collect(item.items(), selector, index + 1);
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (filters.direct) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Collect child items
+					if (item.items) {
+						collect(item.items(), selector, index);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (container.items) {
+				for (i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++) {
+					collect(container.items(), selectors[i], 0);
+				}
+				// Unique the matches if needed
+				if (l > 1) {
+					matches = unique(matches);
+				}
+			}
+			// Fix for circular reference
+			if (!Collection) {
+				// TODO: Fix me!
+				Collection = Selector.Collection;
+			}
+			return new Collection(matches);
+		}
+	});
+	return Selector;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Collection.js
+ * Collection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Control collection, this class contains control instances and it enables you to
+ * perform actions on all the contained items. This is very similar to how jQuery works.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * someCollection.show().disabled(true);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Collection
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Collection", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/Selector",
+	"tinymce/util/Class"
+], function(Tools, Selector, Class) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Collection, proto, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+	proto = {
+		/**
+		 * Current number of contained control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @field length
+		 * @type Number
+		 */
+		length: 0,
+		/**
+		 * Constructor for the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {Array} items Optional array with items to add.
+		 */
+		init: function(items) {
+			if (items) {
+				this.add(items);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds new items to the control collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {Array} items Array if items to add to collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		add: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			// Force single item into array
+			if (!Tools.isArray(items)) {
+				if (items instanceof Collection) {
+					self.add(items.toArray());
+				} else {
+					push.call(self, items);
+				}
+			} else {
+				push.apply(self, items);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the contents of the collection. This will remove any existing items
+		 * and replace them with the ones specified in the input array.
+		 *
+		 * @method set
+		 * @param {Array} items Array with items to set into the Collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection instance.
+		 */
+		set: function(items) {
+			var self = this, len = self.length, i;
+			self.length = 0;
+			self.add(items);
+			// Remove old entries
+			for (i = self.length; i < len; i++) {
+				delete self[i];
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Filters the collection item based on the specified selector expression or selector function.
+		 *
+		 * @method filter
+		 * @param {String} selector Selector expression to filter items by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection containing the filtered items.
+		 */
+		filter: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, i, l, matches = [], item, match;
+			// Compile string into selector expression
+			if (typeof(selector) === "string") {
+				selector = new Selector(selector);
+				match = function(item) {
+					return selector.match(item);
+				};
+			} else {
+				// Use selector as matching function
+				match = selector;
+			}
+			for (i = 0, l = self.length; i < l; i++) {
+				item = self[i];
+				if (match(item)) {
+					matches.push(item);
+				}
+			}
+			return new Collection(matches);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Slices the items within the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method slice
+		 * @param {Number} index Index to slice at.
+		 * @param {Number} len Optional length to slice.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		slice: function() {
+			return new Collection(slice.apply(this, arguments));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Makes the current collection equal to the specified index.
+		 *
+		 * @method eq
+		 * @param {Number} index Index of the item to set the collection to.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		eq: function(index) {
+			return index === -1 ? this.slice(index) : this.slice(index, +index + 1);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified callback on each item in collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method each
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback to execute for each item in collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		each: function(callback) {
+			Tools.each(this, callback);
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns an JavaScript array object of the contents inside the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method toArray
+		 * @return {Array} Array with all items from collection.
+		 */
+		toArray: function() {
+			return Tools.toArray(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Finds the index of the specified control or return -1 if it isn't in the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method indexOf
+		 * @param {Control} ctrl Control instance to look for.
+		 * @return {Number} Index of the specified control or -1.
+		 */
+		indexOf: function(ctrl) {
+			var self = this, i = self.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				if (self[i] === ctrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return i;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a new collection of the contents in reverse order.
+		 *
+		 * @method reverse
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection instance with reversed items.
+		 */
+		reverse: function() {
+			return new Collection(Tools.toArray(this).reverse());
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the class exists or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the class exists or not.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(cls) {
+			return this[0] ? this[0].hasClass(cls) : false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the specific property on the items in the collection. The same as executing control.<property>(<value>);
+		 *
+		 * @method prop
+		 * @param {String} name Property name to get/set.
+		 * @param {Object} value Optional object value to set.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		prop: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, undef, item;
+			if (value !== undef) {
+				self.each(function(item) {
+					if (item[name]) {
+						item[name](value);
+					}
+				});
+				return self;
+			}
+			item = self[0];
+			if (item && item[name]) {
+				return item[name]();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specific function name with optional arguments an all items in collection if it exists.
+		 *
+		 * @example collection.exec("myMethod", arg1, arg2, arg3);
+		 * @method exec
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the function to execute.
+		 * @param {Object} ... Multiple arguments to pass to each function.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		exec: function(name) {
+			var self = this, args = Tools.toArray(arguments).slice(1);
+			self.each(function(item) {
+				if (item[name]) {
+					item[name].apply(item, args);
+				}
+			});
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Remove all items from collection and DOM.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var i = this.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				this[i].remove();
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name and arguments on the control. This will execute all
+		 * bound event handlers.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional arguments to pass to the event.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// fire: function(event, args) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to the specified event. This event can both be
+		 * native browser events like "click" or custom ones like PostRender.
+		 *
+		 * The callback function will have two parameters the first one being the control that received the event
+		 * the second one will be the event object either the browsers native event object or a custom JS object.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to bind. For example "click".
+		 * @param {String/function} callback Callback function to execute ones the event occurs.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// on: function(name, callback) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event and optionally a specific callback. If you omit the name
+		 * parameter all event handlers will be removed. If you omit the callback all event handles
+		 * by the specified name will be removed.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String} name Optional name for the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// off: function(name, callback) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Shows the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// show: function() {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Hides the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// hide: function() {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the text contents of the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or text value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// text: function(value) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the name contents of the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method name
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or name value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// name: function(value) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or disabled state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// disabled: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or active state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// active: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the selected state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method selected
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or selected state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// selected: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the selected state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or visible state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// visible: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Adds a class to all items in the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to add to each item.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// addClass: function(cls) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified class from all items in collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove from each item.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// removeClass: function(cls) {}, -- Generated by code below
+	};
+	// Extend tinymce.ui.Collection prototype with some generated control specific methods
+	Tools.each('fire on off show hide addClass removeClass append prepend before after reflow'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		proto[name] = function() {
+			var args = Tools.toArray(arguments);
+			this.each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (name in ctrl) {
+					ctrl[name].apply(ctrl, args);
+				}
+			});
+			return this;
+		};
+	});
+	// Extend tinymce.ui.Collection prototype with some property methods
+	Tools.each('text name disabled active selected checked visible parent value data'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		proto[name] = function(value) {
+			return this.prop(name, value);
+		};
+	});
+	// Create class based on the new prototype
+	Collection = Class.extend(proto);
+	// Stick Collection into Selector to prevent circual references
+	Selector.Collection = Collection;
+	return Collection;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/DomUtils.js
+ * DOMUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/DomUtils", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(Tools, DOMUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		id: function() {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.uniqueId();
+		},
+		createFragment: function(html) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.createFragment(html);
+		},
+		getWindowSize: function() {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getViewPort();
+		},
+		getSize: function(elm) {
+			var width, height;
+			if (elm.getBoundingClientRect) {
+				var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
+				width = Math.max(rect.width || (rect.right - rect.left), elm.offsetWidth);
+				height = Math.max(rect.height || (rect.bottom - rect.bottom), elm.offsetHeight);
+			} else {
+				width = elm.offsetWidth;
+				height = elm.offsetHeight;
+			}
+			return {width: width, height: height};
+		},
+		getPos: function(elm, root) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getPos(elm, root);
+		},
+		getViewPort: function(win) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getViewPort(win);
+		},
+		get: function(id) {
+			return document.getElementById(id);
+		},
+		addClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.addClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		removeClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.removeClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		hasClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.hasClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		toggleClass: function(elm, cls, state) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.toggleClass(elm, cls, state);
+		},
+		css: function(elm, name, value) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.setStyle(elm, name, value);
+		},
+		on: function(target, name, callback, scope) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.bind(target, name, callback, scope);
+		},
+		off: function(target, name, callback) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.unbind(target, name, callback);
+		},
+		fire: function(target, name, args) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.fire(target, name, args);
+		},
+		innerHtml: function(elm, html) {
+			// Workaround for <div> in <p> bug on IE 8 #6178
+			DOMUtils.DOM.setHTML(elm, html);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Control.js
+ * Control.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint consistent-this:0 */
+ * This is the base class for all controls and containers. All UI control instances inherit
+ * from this one as it has the base logic needed by all of them.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Control", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/Collection",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Class, Tools, Collection, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap("focusin focusout scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover" +
+								" mouseout mouseenter mouseleave wheel keydown keypress keyup contextmenu", " ");
+	var elementIdCache = {};
+	var hasMouseWheelEventSupport = "onmousewheel" in document;
+	var hasWheelEventSupport = false;
+	var Control = Class.extend({
+		Statics: {
+			elementIdCache: elementIdCache
+		},
+		isRtl: function() {
+			return Control.rtl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Class/id prefix to use for all controls.
+		 *
+		 * @final
+		 * @field {String} classPrefix
+		 */
+		classPrefix: "mce-",
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} style Style CSS properties to add.
+		 * @setting {String} border Border box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {String} padding Padding box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {String} margin Margin box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {Number} minWidth Minimal width for the control.
+		 * @setting {Number} minHeight Minimal height for the control.
+		 * @setting {String} classes Space separated list of classes to add.
+		 * @setting {String} role WAI-ARIA role to use for control.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} hidden Is the control hidden by default.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} disabled Is the control disabled by default.
+		 * @setting {String} name Name of the control instance.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, classes, i;
+			self.settings = settings = Tools.extend({}, self.Defaults, settings);
+			// Initial states
+			self._id = settings.id || DomUtils.id();
+			self._text = self._name = '';
+			self._width = self._height = 0;
+			self._aria = {role: settings.role};
+			// Setup classes
+			classes = settings.classes;
+			if (classes) {
+				classes = classes.split(' ');
+				classes.map = {};
+				i = classes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					classes.map[classes[i]] = true;
+				}
+			}
+			self._classes = classes || [];
+			self.visible(true);
+			// Set some properties
+			Tools.each('title text width height name classes visible disabled active value'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				var value = settings[name], undef;
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					self[name](value);
+				} else if (self['_' + name] === undef) {
+					self['_' + name] = false;
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('click', function() {
+				if (self.disabled()) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			// TODO: Is this needed duplicate code see above?
+			if (settings.classes) {
+				Tools.each(settings.classes.split(' '), function(cls) {
+					self.addClass(cls);
+				});
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Name/value object with settings for the current control.
+			 *
+			 * @field {Object} settings
+			 */
+			self.settings = settings;
+			self._borderBox = self.parseBox(settings.border);
+			self._paddingBox = self.parseBox(settings.padding);
+			self._marginBox = self.parseBox(settings.margin);
+			if (settings.hidden) {
+				self.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		// Will generate getter/setter methods for these properties
+		Properties: 'parent,title,text,width,height,disabled,active,name,value',
+		// Will generate empty dummy functions for these
+		Methods: 'renderHtml',
+		/**
+		 * Returns the root element to render controls into.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContainerElm
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element to render into.
+		 */
+		getContainerElm: function() {
+			return document.body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a control instance for the current DOM element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParentCtrl
+		 * @param {Element} elm HTML dom element to get parent control from.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Control instance or undefined.
+		 */
+		getParentCtrl: function(elm) {
+			var ctrl, lookup = this.getRoot().controlIdLookup;
+			while (elm && lookup) {
+				ctrl = lookup[elm.id];
+				if (ctrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+				elm = elm.parentNode;
+			}
+			return ctrl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified box value. A box value contains 1-4 properties in clockwise order.
+		 *
+		 * @method parseBox
+		 * @param {String/Number} value Box value "0 1 2 3" or "0" etc.
+		 * @return {Object} Object with top/right/bottom/left properties.
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		parseBox: function(value) {
+			var len, radix = 10;
+			if (!value) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (typeof(value) === "number") {
+				value = value || 0;
+				return {
+					top: value,
+					left: value,
+					bottom: value,
+					right: value
+				};
+			}
+			value = value.split(' ');
+			len = value.length;
+			if (len === 1) {
+				value[1] = value[2] = value[3] = value[0];
+			} else if (len === 2) {
+				value[2] = value[0];
+				value[3] = value[1];
+			} else if (len === 3) {
+				value[3] = value[1];
+			}
+			return {
+				top: parseInt(value[0], radix) || 0,
+				right: parseInt(value[1], radix) || 0,
+				bottom: parseInt(value[2], radix) || 0,
+				left: parseInt(value[3], radix) || 0
+			};
+		},
+		borderBox: function() {
+			return this._borderBox;
+		},
+		paddingBox: function() {
+			return this._paddingBox;
+		},
+		marginBox: function() {
+			return this._marginBox;
+		},
+		measureBox: function(elm, prefix) {
+			function getStyle(name) {
+				var defaultView = document.defaultView;
+				if (defaultView) {
+					// Remove camelcase
+					name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a) {
+						return '-' + a;
+					});
+					return defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(name);
+				}
+				return elm.currentStyle[name];
+			}
+			function getSide(name) {
+				var val = parseFloat(getStyle(name), 10);
+				return isNaN(val) ? 0 : val;
+			}
+			return {
+				top: getSide(prefix + "TopWidth"),
+				right: getSide(prefix + "RightWidth"),
+				bottom: getSide(prefix + "BottomWidth"),
+				left: getSide(prefix + "LeftWidth")
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, borderBox, layoutRect;
+			var elm = self.getEl(), width, height, minWidth, minHeight, autoResize;
+			var startMinWidth, startMinHeight, initialSize;
+			// Measure the current element
+			borderBox = self._borderBox = self._borderBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'border');
+			self._paddingBox = self._paddingBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'padding');
+			self._marginBox = self._marginBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'margin');
+			initialSize = DomUtils.getSize(elm);
+			// Setup minWidth/minHeight and width/height
+			startMinWidth = settings.minWidth;
+			startMinHeight = settings.minHeight;
+			minWidth = startMinWidth || initialSize.width;
+			minHeight = startMinHeight || initialSize.height;
+			width = settings.width;
+			height = settings.height;
+			autoResize = settings.autoResize;
+			autoResize = typeof(autoResize) != "undefined" ? autoResize : !width && !height;
+			width = width || minWidth;
+			height = height || minHeight;
+			var deltaW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right;
+			var deltaH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom;
+			var maxW = settings.maxWidth || 0xFFFF;
+			var maxH = settings.maxHeight || 0xFFFF;
+			// Setup initial layout rect
+			self._layoutRect = layoutRect = {
+				x: settings.x || 0,
+				y: settings.y || 0,
+				w: width,
+				h: height,
+				deltaW: deltaW,
+				deltaH: deltaH,
+				contentW: width - deltaW,
+				contentH: height - deltaH,
+				innerW: width - deltaW,
+				innerH: height - deltaH,
+				startMinWidth: startMinWidth || 0,
+				startMinHeight: startMinHeight || 0,
+				minW: Math.min(minWidth, maxW),
+				minH: Math.min(minHeight, maxH),
+				maxW: maxW,
+				maxH: maxH,
+				autoResize: autoResize,
+				scrollW: 0
+			};
+			self._lastLayoutRect = {};
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the current layout rect.
+		 *
+		 * @method layoutRect
+		 * @param {Object} [newRect] Optional new layout rect.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control/Object} Current control or rect object.
+		 */
+		layoutRect: function(newRect) {
+			var self = this, curRect = self._layoutRect, lastLayoutRect, size, deltaWidth, deltaHeight, undef, repaintControls;
+			// Initialize default layout rect
+			if (!curRect) {
+				curRect = self.initLayoutRect();
+			}
+			// Set new rect values
+			if (newRect) {
+				// Calc deltas between inner and outer sizes
+				deltaWidth = curRect.deltaW;
+				deltaHeight = curRect.deltaH;
+				// Set x position
+				if (newRect.x !== undef) {
+					curRect.x = newRect.x;
+				}
+				// Set y position
+				if (newRect.y !== undef) {
+					curRect.y = newRect.y;
+				}
+				// Set minW
+				if (newRect.minW !== undef) {
+					curRect.minW = newRect.minW;
+				}
+				// Set minH
+				if (newRect.minH !== undef) {
+					curRect.minH = newRect.minH;
+				}
+				// Set new width and calculate inner width
+				size = newRect.w;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minW ? curRect.minW : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxW ? curRect.maxW : size;
+					curRect.w = size;
+					curRect.innerW = size - deltaWidth;
+				}
+				// Set new height and calculate inner height
+				size = newRect.h;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minH ? curRect.minH : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxH ? curRect.maxH : size;
+					curRect.h = size;
+					curRect.innerH = size - deltaHeight;
+				}
+				// Set new inner width and calculate width
+				size = newRect.innerW;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minW - deltaWidth ? curRect.minW - deltaWidth : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxW - deltaWidth ? curRect.maxW - deltaWidth : size;
+					curRect.innerW = size;
+					curRect.w = size + deltaWidth;
+				}
+				// Set new height and calculate inner height
+				size = newRect.innerH;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minH - deltaHeight ? curRect.minH - deltaHeight : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxH - deltaHeight ? curRect.maxH - deltaHeight : size;
+					curRect.innerH = size;
+					curRect.h = size + deltaHeight;
+				}
+				// Set new contentW
+				if (newRect.contentW !== undef) {
+					curRect.contentW = newRect.contentW;
+				}
+				// Set new contentH
+				if (newRect.contentH !== undef) {
+					curRect.contentH = newRect.contentH;
+				}
+				// Compare last layout rect with the current one to see if we need to repaint or not
+				lastLayoutRect = self._lastLayoutRect;
+				if (lastLayoutRect.x !== curRect.x || lastLayoutRect.y !== curRect.y ||
+					lastLayoutRect.w !== curRect.w || lastLayoutRect.h !== curRect.h) {
+					repaintControls = Control.repaintControls;
+					if (repaintControls) {
+						if (repaintControls.map && !repaintControls.map[self._id]) {
+							repaintControls.push(self);
+							repaintControls.map[self._id] = true;
+						}
+					}
+					lastLayoutRect.x = curRect.x;
+					lastLayoutRect.y = curRect.y;
+					lastLayoutRect.w = curRect.w;
+					lastLayoutRect.h = curRect.h;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return curRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, bodyStyle, rect, borderBox, borderW = 0, borderH = 0, lastRepaintRect, round;
+			// Use Math.round on all values on IE < 9
+			round = !document.createRange ? Math.round : function(value) {
+				return value;
+			};
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			lastRepaintRect = self._lastRepaintRect || {};
+			borderBox = self._borderBox;
+			borderW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right;
+			borderH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom;
+			if (rect.x !== lastRepaintRect.x) {
+				style.left = round(rect.x) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.x = rect.x;
+			}
+			if (rect.y !== lastRepaintRect.y) {
+				style.top = round(rect.y) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.y = rect.y;
+			}
+			if (rect.w !== lastRepaintRect.w) {
+				style.width = round(rect.w - borderW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.w = rect.w;
+			}
+			if (rect.h !== lastRepaintRect.h) {
+				style.height = round(rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.h = rect.h;
+			}
+			// Update body if needed
+			if (self._hasBody && rect.innerW !== lastRepaintRect.innerW) {
+				bodyStyle = self.getEl('body').style;
+				bodyStyle.width = round(rect.innerW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.innerW = rect.innerW;
+			}
+			if (self._hasBody && rect.innerH !== lastRepaintRect.innerH) {
+				bodyStyle = bodyStyle || self.getEl('body').style;
+				bodyStyle.height = round(rect.innerH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.innerH = rect.innerH;
+			}
+			self._lastRepaintRect = lastRepaintRect;
+			self.fire('repaint', {}, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to the specified event. This event can both be
+		 * native browser events like "click" or custom ones like PostRender.
+		 *
+		 * The callback function will be passed a DOM event like object that enables yout do stop propagation.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to bind. For example "click".
+		 * @param {String/function} callback Callback function to execute ones the event occurs.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		on: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, bindings, handlers, names, i;
+			function resolveCallbackName(name) {
+				var callback, scope;
+				return function(e) {
+					if (!callback) {
+						self.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+							var callbacks = ctrl.settings.callbacks;
+							if (callbacks && (callback = callbacks[name])) {
+								scope = ctrl;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					return callback.call(scope, e);
+				};
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				if (typeof(callback) == 'string') {
+					callback = resolveCallbackName(callback);
+				}
+				names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+				i = names.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					name = names[i];
+					bindings = self._bindings;
+					if (!bindings) {
+						bindings = self._bindings = {};
+					}
+					handlers = bindings[name];
+					if (!handlers) {
+						handlers = bindings[name] = [];
+					}
+					handlers.push(callback);
+					if (nativeEvents[name]) {
+						if (!self._nativeEvents) {
+							self._nativeEvents = {name: true};
+						} else {
+							self._nativeEvents[name] = true;
+						}
+						if (self._rendered) {
+							self.bindPendingEvents();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event and optionally a specific callback. If you omit the name
+		 * parameter all event handlers will be removed. If you omit the callback all event handles
+		 * by the specified name will be removed.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String} [name] Name for the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} [callback] Callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {mxex.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		off: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, i, bindings = self._bindings, handlers, bindingName, names, hi;
+			if (bindings) {
+				if (name) {
+					names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						handlers = bindings[name];
+						// Unbind all handlers
+						if (!name) {
+							for (bindingName in bindings) {
+								bindings[bindingName].length = 0;
+							}
+							return self;
+						}
+						if (handlers) {
+							// Unbind all by name
+							if (!callback) {
+								handlers.length = 0;
+							} else {
+								// Unbind specific ones
+								hi = handlers.length;
+								while (hi--) {
+									if (handlers[hi] === callback) {
+										handlers.splice(hi, 1);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					self._bindings = [];
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name and arguments on the control. This will execute all
+		 * bound event handlers.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} [args] Arguments to pass to the event.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [bubble] Value to control bubbeling. Defaults to true.
+		 * @return {Object} Current arguments object.
+		 */
+		fire: function(name, args, bubble) {
+			var self = this, i, l, handlers, parentCtrl;
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+			function returnFalse() {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+			function returnTrue() {
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Setup empty object if args is omited
+			args = args || {};
+			// Stick type into event object
+			if (!args.type) {
+				args.type = name;
+			}
+			// Stick control into event
+			if (!args.control) {
+				args.control = self;
+			}
+			// Add event delegation methods if they are missing
+			if (!args.preventDefault) {
+				// Add preventDefault method
+				args.preventDefault = function() {
+					args.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopPropagation
+				args.stopPropagation = function() {
+					args.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+				args.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+					args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add event delegation states
+				args.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+				args.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+				args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			}
+			if (self._bindings) {
+				handlers = self._bindings[name];
+				if (handlers) {
+					for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+						// Execute callback and break if the callback returns a false
+						if (!args.isImmediatePropagationStopped() && handlers[i].call(self, args) === false) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Bubble event up to parent controls
+			if (bubble !== false) {
+				parentCtrl = self.parent();
+				while (parentCtrl && !args.isPropagationStopped()) {
+					parentCtrl.fire(name, args, false);
+					parentCtrl = parentCtrl.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			return args;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified event has any listeners.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasEventListeners
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the event has listeners.
+		 */
+		hasEventListeners: function(name) {
+			return name in this._bindings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a control collection with all parent controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method parents
+		 * @param {String} selector Optional selector expression to find parents.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection with all parent controls.
+		 */
+		parents: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, ctrl, parents = new Collection();
+			// Add each parent to collection
+			for (ctrl = self.parent(); ctrl; ctrl = ctrl.parent()) {
+				parents.add(ctrl);
+			}
+			// Filter away everything that doesn't match the selector
+			if (selector) {
+				parents = parents.filter(selector);
+			}
+			return parents;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control next to the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method next
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Next control instance.
+		 */
+		next: function() {
+			var parentControls = this.parent().items();
+			return parentControls[parentControls.indexOf(this) + 1];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control previous to the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method prev
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Previous control instance.
+		 */
+		prev: function() {
+			var parentControls = this.parent().items();
+			return parentControls[parentControls.indexOf(this) - 1];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find the common ancestor for two control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method findCommonAncestor
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} ctrl1 First control.
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} ctrl2 Second control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Ancestor control instance.
+		 */
+		findCommonAncestor: function(ctrl1, ctrl2) {
+			var parentCtrl;
+			while (ctrl1) {
+				parentCtrl = ctrl2;
+				while (parentCtrl && ctrl1 != parentCtrl) {
+					parentCtrl = parentCtrl.parent();
+				}
+				if (ctrl1 == parentCtrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+				ctrl1 = ctrl1.parent();
+			}
+			return ctrl1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specific control has the specific class.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the control has the specified class.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var classes = this._classes[group || 'control'];
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			return classes && !!classes.map[cls];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds the specified class to the control
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		addClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var self = this, classes, elm;
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			classes = self._classes[group || 'control'];
+			if (!classes) {
+				classes = [];
+				classes.map = {};
+				self._classes[group || 'control'] = classes;
+			}
+			if (!classes.map[cls]) {
+				classes.map[cls] = cls;
+				classes.push(cls);
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					elm = self.getEl(group);
+					if (elm) {
+						elm.className = classes.join(' ');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified class from the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		removeClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var self = this, classes, i, elm;
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			classes = self._classes[group || 'control'];
+			if (classes && classes.map[cls]) {
+				delete classes.map[cls];
+				i = classes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (classes[i] === cls) {
+						classes.splice(i, 1);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				elm = self.getEl(group);
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.className = classes.join(' ');
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified class on the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggleClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove.
+		 * @param {Boolean} state True/false state to add/remove class.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		toggleClass: function(cls, state, group) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (state) {
+				self.addClass(cls, group);
+			} else {
+				self.removeClass(cls, group);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the class string for the specified group name.
+		 *
+		 * @method classes
+		 * @param {String} [group] Group to get clases by.
+		 * @return {String} Classes for the specified group.
+		 */
+		classes: function(group) {
+			var classes = this._classes[group || 'control'];
+			return classes ? classes.join(' ') : '';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the inner HTML of the control element.
+		 *
+		 * @method innerHtml
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to set as inner html.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		innerHtml: function(html) {
+			DomUtils.innerHtml(this.getEl(), html);
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control DOM element or sub element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEl
+		 * @param {String} [suffix] Suffix to get element by.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [dropCache] True if the cache for the element should be dropped.
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the current control or it's children.
+		 */
+		getEl: function(suffix, dropCache) {
+			var elm, id = suffix ? this._id + '-' + suffix : this._id;
+			elm = elementIdCache[id] = (dropCache === true ? null : elementIdCache[id]) || DomUtils.get(id);
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the visible for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		visible: function(state) {
+			var self = this, parentCtrl;
+			if (typeof(state) !== "undefined") {
+				if (self._visible !== state) {
+					if (self._rendered) {
+						self.getEl().style.display = state ? '' : 'none';
+					}
+					self._visible = state;
+					// Parent container needs to reflow
+					parentCtrl = self.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+					}
+					self.fire(state ? 'show' : 'hide');
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._visible;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the visible state to true.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			return this.visible(true);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the visible state to false.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			return this.visible(false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			try {
+				this.getEl().focus();
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore IE error
+			}
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Blurs the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method blur
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		blur: function() {
+			this.getEl().blur();
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified aria property.
+		 *
+		 * @method aria
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the aria property to set.
+		 * @param {String} value Value of the aria property.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		aria: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(self.ariaTarget);
+			if (typeof(value) === "undefined") {
+				return self._aria[name];
+			} else {
+				self._aria[name] = value;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				elm.setAttribute(name == 'role' ? name : 'aria-' + name, value);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string with HTML entities. It will also
+		 * translate the string to different languages.
+		 *
+		 * @method encode
+		 * @param {String/Object/Array} text Text to entity encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [translate=true] False if the contents shouldn't be translated.
+		 * @return {String} Encoded and possible traslated string. 
+		 */
+		encode: function(text, translate) {
+			if (translate !== false && Control.translate) {
+				text = Control.translate(text);
+			}
+			return (text || '').replace(/[&<>"]/g, function(match) {
+				return '&#' + match.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds items before the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method before
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array of items to prepend before this control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		before: function(items) {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent();
+			if (parent) {
+				parent.insert(items, parent.items().indexOf(self), true);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds items after the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method after
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array of items to append after this control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		after: function(items) {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent();
+			if (parent) {
+				parent.insert(items, parent.items().indexOf(self));
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), parent = self.parent(), newItems, i;
+			if (self.items) {
+				var controls = self.items().toArray();
+				i = controls.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					controls[i].remove();
+				}
+			}
+			if (parent && parent.items) {
+				newItems = [];
+				parent.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item !== self) {
+						newItems.push(item);
+					}
+				});
+				parent.items().set(newItems);
+				parent._lastRect = null;
+			}
+			if (self._eventsRoot && self._eventsRoot == self) {
+				DomUtils.off(elm);
+			}
+			var lookup = self.getRoot().controlIdLookup;
+			if (lookup) {
+				delete lookup[self._id];
+			}
+			delete elementIdCache[self._id];
+			if (elm && elm.parentNode) {
+				var nodes = elm.getElementsByTagName('*');
+				i = nodes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					delete elementIdCache[nodes[i].id];
+				}
+				elm.parentNode.removeChild(elm);
+			}
+			self._rendered = false;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control before the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderBefore
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to render before.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		renderBefore: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			elm.parentNode.insertBefore(DomUtils.createFragment(self.renderHtml()), elm);
+			self.postRender();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control to the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderBefore
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to render to.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		renderTo: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			elm = elm || self.getContainerElm();
+			elm.appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment(self.renderHtml()));
+			self.postRender();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, elm, box, parent, name, parentEventsRoot;
+			// Bind on<event> settings
+			for (name in settings) {
+				if (name.indexOf("on") === 0) {
+					self.on(name.substr(2), settings[name]);
+				}
+			}
+			if (self._eventsRoot) {
+				for (parent = self.parent(); !parentEventsRoot && parent; parent = parent.parent()) {
+					parentEventsRoot = parent._eventsRoot;
+				}
+				if (parentEventsRoot) {
+					for (name in parentEventsRoot._nativeEvents) {
+						self._nativeEvents[name] = true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			self.bindPendingEvents();
+			if (settings.style) {
+				elm = self.getEl();
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.setAttribute('style', settings.style);
+					elm.style.cssText = settings.style;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!self._visible) {
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), 'display', 'none');
+			}
+			if (self.settings.border) {
+				box = self.borderBox();
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), {
+					'border-top-width': box.top,
+					'border-right-width': box.right,
+					'border-bottom-width': box.bottom,
+					'border-left-width': box.left
+				});
+			}
+			// Add instance to lookup
+			var root = self.getRoot();
+			if (!root.controlIdLookup) {
+				root.controlIdLookup = {};
+			}
+			root.controlIdLookup[self._id] = self;
+			for (var key in self._aria) {
+				self.aria(key, self._aria[key]);
+			}
+			self.fire('postrender', {}, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Scrolls the current control into view.
+		 *
+		 * @method scrollIntoView
+		 * @param {String} align Alignment in view top|center|bottom.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		scrollIntoView: function(align) {
+			function getOffset(elm, rootElm) {
+				var x, y, parent = elm;
+				x = y = 0;
+				while (parent && parent != rootElm && parent.nodeType) {
+					x += parent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += parent.offsetTop || 0;
+					parent = parent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				return {x: x, y: y};
+			}
+			var elm = this.getEl(), parentElm = elm.parentNode;
+			var x, y, width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight;
+			var pos = getOffset(elm, parentElm);
+			x = pos.x;
+			y = pos.y;
+			width = elm.offsetWidth;
+			height = elm.offsetHeight;
+			parentWidth = parentElm.clientWidth;
+			parentHeight = parentElm.clientHeight;
+			if (align == "end") {
+				x -= parentWidth - width;
+				y -= parentHeight - height;
+			} else if (align == "center") {
+				x -= (parentWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
+				y -= (parentHeight / 2) - (height / 2);
+			}
+			parentElm.scrollLeft = x;
+			parentElm.scrollTop = y;
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds pending DOM events.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		bindPendingEvents: function() {
+			var self = this, i, l, parents, eventRootCtrl, nativeEvents, name;
+			function delegate(e) {
+				var control = self.getParentCtrl(e.target);
+				if (control) {
+					control.fire(e.type, e);
+				}
+			}
+			function mouseLeaveHandler() {
+				var ctrl = eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl;
+				if (ctrl) {
+					ctrl.fire("mouseleave", {target: ctrl.getEl()});
+					ctrl.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+						ctrl.fire("mouseleave", {target: ctrl.getEl()});
+					});
+					eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl = null;
+				}
+			}
+			function mouseEnterHandler(e) {
+				var ctrl = self.getParentCtrl(e.target), lastCtrl = eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl, idx = 0, i, parents, lastParents;
+				// Over on a new control
+				if (ctrl !== lastCtrl) {
+					eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl = ctrl;
+					parents = ctrl.parents().toArray().reverse();
+					parents.push(ctrl);
+					if (lastCtrl) {
+						lastParents = lastCtrl.parents().toArray().reverse();
+						lastParents.push(lastCtrl);
+						for (idx = 0; idx < lastParents.length; idx++) {
+							if (parents[idx] !== lastParents[idx]) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						for (i = lastParents.length - 1; i >= idx; i--) {
+							lastCtrl = lastParents[i];
+							lastCtrl.fire("mouseleave", {
+								target : lastCtrl.getEl()
+							});
+						}
+					}
+					for (i = idx; i < parents.length; i++) {
+						ctrl = parents[i];
+						ctrl.fire("mouseenter", {
+							target : ctrl.getEl()
+						});
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function fixWheelEvent(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				if (e.type == "mousewheel") {
+					e.deltaY = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDelta;
+					if (e.wheelDeltaX) {
+						e.deltaX = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDeltaX;
+					}
+				} else {
+					e.deltaX = 0;
+					e.deltaY = e.detail;
+				}
+				e = self.fire("wheel", e);
+			}
+			self._rendered = true;
+			nativeEvents = self._nativeEvents;
+			if (nativeEvents) {
+				// Find event root element if it exists
+				parents = self.parents().toArray();
+				parents.unshift(self);
+				for (i = 0, l = parents.length; !eventRootCtrl && i < l; i++) {
+					eventRootCtrl = parents[i]._eventsRoot;
+				}
+				// Event root wasn't found the use the root control
+				if (!eventRootCtrl) {
+					eventRootCtrl = parents[parents.length - 1] || self;
+				}
+				// Set the eventsRoot property on children that didn't have it
+				self._eventsRoot = eventRootCtrl;
+				for (l = i, i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+					parents[i]._eventsRoot = eventRootCtrl;
+				}
+				// Bind native event delegates
+				for (name in nativeEvents) {
+					if (!nativeEvents) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					if (name === "wheel" && !hasWheelEventSupport) {
+						if (hasMouseWheelEventSupport) {
+							DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), "mousewheel", fixWheelEvent);
+						} else {
+							DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), "DOMMouseScroll", fixWheelEvent);
+						}
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Special treatment for mousenter/mouseleave since these doesn't bubble
+					if (name === "mouseenter" || name === "mouseleave") {
+						// Fake mousenter/mouseleave
+						if (!eventRootCtrl._hasMouseEnter) {
+							DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), "mouseleave", mouseLeaveHandler);
+							DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), "mouseover", mouseEnterHandler);
+							eventRootCtrl._hasMouseEnter = 1;
+						}
+					} else if (!eventRootCtrl[name]) {
+						DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), name, delegate);
+						eventRootCtrl[name] = true;
+					}
+					// Remove the event once it's bound
+					nativeEvents[name] = false;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		getRoot: function() {
+			var ctrl = this, rootControl, parents = [];
+			while (ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.rootControl) {
+					rootControl = ctrl.rootControl;
+					break;
+				}
+				parents.push(ctrl);
+				rootControl = ctrl;
+				ctrl = ctrl.parent();
+			}
+			if (!rootControl) {
+				rootControl = this;
+			}
+			var i = parents.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				parents[i].rootControl = rootControl;
+			}
+			return rootControl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Reflows the current control and it's parents.
+		 * This should be used after you for example append children to the current control so
+		 * that the layout managers know that they need to reposition everything.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * container.append({type: 'button', text: 'My button'}).reflow();
+		 *
+		 * @method reflow
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		reflow: function() {
+			this.repaint();
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the parent container for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method parent
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} parent Optional parent to set.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Parent control or the current control on a set action.
+		 */
+		// parent: function(parent) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the text for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// text: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the width for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method width
+		 * @param {Number} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Number/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// width: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the height for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method height
+		 * @param {Number} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Number/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// height: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state on the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		// disabled: function(state) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		// active: function(state) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the name for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method name
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// name: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the title for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method title
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// title: function(value) {} -- Generated
+	});
+	return Control;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Factory.js
+ * Factory.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true */
+ * This class is a factory for control instances. This enables you
+ * to create instances of controls without having to require the UI controls directly.
+ *
+ * It also allow you to override or add new control types.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Factory
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Factory", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var types = {}, namespaceInit;
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Adds a new control instance type to the factory.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} type Type name for example "button".
+		 * @param {function} typeClass Class type function.
+		 */
+		add: function(type, typeClass) {
+			types[type.toLowerCase()] = typeClass;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified type exists or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method has
+		 * @param {String} type Type to look for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the control by name exists.
+		 */
+		has: function(type) {
+			return !!types[type.toLowerCase()];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new control instance based on the settings provided. The instance created will be
+		 * based on the specified type property it can also create whole structures of components out of
+		 * the specified JSON object.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+		 *     type: 'button',
+		 *     text: 'Hello world!'
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {Object/String} settings Name/Value object with items used to create the type.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Control instance based on the specified type.
+		 */
+		create: function(type, settings) {
+			var ControlType, name, namespace;
+			// Build type lookup
+			if (!namespaceInit) {
+				namespace = tinymce.ui;
+				for (name in namespace) {
+					types[name.toLowerCase()] = namespace[name];
+				}
+				namespaceInit = true;
+			}
+			// If string is specified then use it as the type
+			if (typeof(type) == 'string') {
+				settings = settings || {};
+				settings.type = type;
+			} else {
+				settings = type;
+				type = settings.type;
+			}
+			// Find control type
+			type = type.toLowerCase();
+			ControlType = types[type];
+			// #if debug
+			if (!ControlType) {
+				throw new Error("Could not find control by type: " + type);
+			}
+			// #endif
+			ControlType = new ControlType(settings);
+			ControlType.type = type; // Set the type on the instance, this will be used by the Selector engine
+			return ControlType;
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/KeyboardNavigation.js
+ * KeyboardNavigation.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles keyboard navigation of controls and elements.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.KeyboardNavigation
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation", [
+], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * This class handles all keyboard navigation for WAI-ARIA support. Each root container
+	 * gets an instance of this class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var root = settings.root, focusedElement, focusedControl;
+		focusedElement = document.activeElement;
+		focusedControl = root.getParentCtrl(focusedElement);
+		/**
+		 * Returns the currently focused elements wai aria role of the currently
+		 * focused element or specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional element to get role from.
+		 * @return {String} Role of specified element.
+		 */
+		function getRole(elm) {
+			elm = elm || focusedElement;
+			return elm && elm.getAttribute('role');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the wai role of the parent element of the currently
+		 * focused element or specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional element to get parent role from.
+		 * @return {String} Role of the first parent that has a role.
+		 */
+		function getParentRole(elm) {
+			var role, parent = elm || focusedElement;
+			while ((parent = parent.parentNode)) {
+				if ((role = getRole(parent))) {
+					return role;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a wai aria property by name for example aria-selected.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the aria property to get for example "disabled".
+		 * @return {String} Aria property value.
+		 */
+		function getAriaProp(name) {
+			var elm = focusedElement;
+			if (elm) {
+				return elm.getAttribute('aria-' + name);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Is the element a text input element or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to check if it's an text input element or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element is a text element or not.
+		 */
+		function isTextInputElement(elm) {
+			// Notice: since type can be "email" etc we don't check the type
+			// So all input elements gets treated as text input elements
+			return elm.tagName == "INPUT" || elm.tagName == "TEXTAREA";
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element can be focused or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm DOM element to check if it can be focused or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element can have focus.
+		 */
+		function canFocus(elm) {
+			if (isTextInputElement(elm) && !elm.hidden) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			if (/^(button|menuitem|checkbox|tab|menuitemcheckbox|option|gridcell)$/.test(getRole(elm))) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns an array of focusable visible elements within the specified container element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm DOM element to find focusable elements within.
+		 * @return {Array} Array of focusable elements.
+		 */
+		function getFocusElements(elm) {
+			var elements = [];
+			function collect(elm) {
+				if (elm.nodeType != 1 || elm.style.display == 'none') {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (canFocus(elm)) {
+					elements.push(elm);
+				}
+				for (var i = 0; i < elm.childNodes.length; i++) {
+					collect(elm.childNodes[i]);
+				}
+			}
+			collect(elm || root.getEl());
+			return elements;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the navigation root control for the specified control. The navigation root
+		 * is the control that the keyboard navigation gets scoped to for example a menubar or toolbar group.
+		 * It will look for parents of the specified target control or the currenty focused control if this option is omitted.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} targetControl Optional target control to find root of.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Navigation root control.
+		 */
+		function getNavigationRoot(targetControl) {
+			var navigationRoot, controls;
+			targetControl = targetControl || focusedControl;
+			controls = targetControl.parents().toArray();
+			controls.unshift(targetControl);
+			for (var i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) {
+				navigationRoot = controls[i];
+				if (navigationRoot.settings.ariaRoot) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return navigationRoot;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the first item in the specified targetControl element or the last aria index if the
+		 * navigation root has the ariaRemember option enabled.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} targetControl Target control to focus the first item in.
+		 */
+		function focusFirst(targetControl) {
+			var navigationRoot = getNavigationRoot(targetControl);
+			var focusElements = getFocusElements(navigationRoot.getEl());
+			if (navigationRoot.settings.ariaRemember && "lastAriaIndex" in navigationRoot) {
+				moveFocusToIndex(navigationRoot.lastAriaIndex, focusElements);
+			} else {
+				moveFocusToIndex(0, focusElements);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the specified index within the elements list.
+		 * This will scope the index to the size of the element list if it changed.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Number} idx Specified index to move to.
+		 * @param {Array} elements Array with dom elements to move focus within.
+		 * @return {Number} Input index or a changed index if it was out of range.
+		 */
+		function moveFocusToIndex(idx, elements) {
+			if (idx < 0) {
+				idx = elements.length - 1;
+			} else if (idx >= elements.length) {
+				idx = 0;
+			}
+			if (elements[idx]) {
+				elements[idx].focus();
+			}
+			return idx;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus forwards or backwards.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Number} dir Direction to move in positive means forward, negative means backwards.
+		 * @param {Array} elements Optional array of elements to move within defaults to the current navigation roots elements.
+		 */
+		function moveFocus(dir, elements) {
+			var idx = -1, navigationRoot = getNavigationRoot();
+			elements = elements || getFocusElements(navigationRoot.getEl());
+			for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+				if (elements[i] === focusedElement) {
+					idx = i;
+				}
+			}
+			idx += dir;
+			navigationRoot.lastAriaIndex = moveFocusToIndex(idx, elements);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the left this is called by the left key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function left() {
+			var parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				moveFocus(-1, getFocusElements(focusedElement.parentNode));
+			} else if (focusedControl.parent().submenu) {
+				cancel();
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(-1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the right this is called by the right key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function right() {
+			var role = getRole(), parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				moveFocus(1, getFocusElements(focusedElement.parentNode));
+			} else if (role == "menuitem" && parentRole == "menu" && getAriaProp('haspopup')) {
+				enter();
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the up this is called by the up key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function up() {
+			moveFocus(-1);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the up this is called by the down key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function down() {
+			var role = getRole(), parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (role == "menuitem" && parentRole == "menubar") {
+				enter();
+			} else if (role == "button" && getAriaProp('haspopup')) {
+				enter({key: 'down'});
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the next item or previous item depending on shift key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {DOMEvent} e DOM event object.
+		 */
+		function tab(e) {
+			var parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				var elm = getFocusElements(focusedControl.getEl('body'))[0];
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.focus();
+				}
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Calls the cancel event on the currently focused control. This is normally done using the Esc key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function cancel() {
+			focusedControl.fire('cancel');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Calls the click event on the currently focused control. This is normally done using the Enter/Space keys.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} aria Optional aria data to pass along with the enter event.
+		 */
+		function enter(aria) {
+			aria = aria || {};
+			focusedControl.fire('click', {target: focusedElement, aria: aria});
+		}
+		root.on('keydown', function(e) {
+			function handleNonTabEvent(e, handler) {
+				// Ignore non tab keys for text elements
+				if (isTextInputElement(focusedElement)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (handler(e) !== false) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+			}
+			if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			switch (e.keyCode) {
+				case 37: // DOM_VK_LEFT
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, left);
+					break;
+				case 39: // DOM_VK_RIGHT
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, right);
+					break;
+				case 38: // DOM_VK_UP
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, up);
+					break;
+				case 40: // DOM_VK_DOWN
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, down);
+					break;
+				case 27: // DOM_VK_ESCAPE
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, cancel);
+					break;
+				case 14: // DOM_VK_ENTER
+				case 13: // DOM_VK_RETURN
+				case 32: // DOM_VK_SPACE
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, enter);
+					break;
+				case 9: // DOM_VK_TAB
+					if (tab(e) !== false) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+					}
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		root.on('focusin', function(e) {
+			focusedElement = e.target;
+			focusedControl = e.control;
+		});
+		return {
+			focusFirst: focusFirst
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Container.js
+ * Container.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Container control. This is extended by all controls that can have
+ * children such as panels etc. You can also use this class directly as an
+ * generic container instance. The container doesn't have any specific role or style.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Container.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Container", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Collection",
+	"tinymce/ui/Selector",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Control, Collection, Selector, Factory, KeyboardNavigation, Tools, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var selectorCache = {};
+	return Control.extend({
+		layout: '',
+		innerClass: 'container-inner',
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Array} items Items to add to container in JSON format or control instances.
+		 * @setting {String} layout Layout manager by name to use.
+		 * @setting {Object} defaults Default settings to apply to all items.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			settings = self.settings;
+			self._fixed = settings.fixed;
+			self._items = new Collection();
+			if (self.isRtl()) {
+				self.addClass('rtl');
+			}
+			self.addClass('container');
+			self.addClass('container-body', 'body');
+			if (settings.containerCls) {
+				self.addClass(settings.containerCls);
+			}
+			self._layout = Factory.create((settings.layout || self.layout) + 'layout');
+			if (self.settings.items) {
+				self.add(self.settings.items);
+			}
+			// TODO: Fix this!
+			self._hasBody = true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a collection of child items that the container currently have.
+		 *
+		 * @method items
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Control collection direct child controls.
+		 */
+		items: function() {
+			return this._items;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find child controls by selector.
+		 *
+		 * @method find
+		 * @param {String} selector Selector CSS pattern to find children by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Control collection with child controls.
+		 */
+		find: function(selector) {
+			selector = selectorCache[selector] = selectorCache[selector] || new Selector(selector);
+			return selector.find(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds one or many items to the current container. This will create instances of
+		 * the object representations if needed.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {Array/Object/tinymce.ui.Control} items Array or item that will be added to the container.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection control.
+		 */
+		add: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().add(self.create(items)).parent(self);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current container instance. This will look
+		 * for the first control in the container and focus that.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @param {Boolean} keyboard Optional true/false if the focus was a keyboard focus or not.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function(keyboard) {
+			var self = this, focusCtrl, keyboardNav, items;
+			if (keyboard) {
+				keyboardNav = self.keyboardNav || self.parents().eq(-1)[0].keyboardNav;
+				if (keyboardNav) {
+					keyboardNav.focusFirst(self);
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			items = self.find('*');
+			// TODO: Figure out a better way to auto focus alert dialog buttons
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				items.add(self.statusbar.items());
+			}
+			items.each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.settings.autofocus) {
+					focusCtrl = null;
+					return false;
+				}
+				if (ctrl.canFocus) {
+					focusCtrl = focusCtrl || ctrl;
+				}
+			});
+			if (focusCtrl) {
+				focusCtrl.focus();
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the specified child control with a new control.
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} oldItem Old item to be replaced.
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} newItem New item to be inserted.
+		 */
+		replace: function(oldItem, newItem) {
+			var ctrlElm, items = this.items(), i = items.length;
+			// Replace the item in collection
+			while (i--) {
+				if (items[i] === oldItem) {
+					items[i] = newItem;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (i >= 0) {
+				// Remove new item from DOM
+				ctrlElm = newItem.getEl();
+				if (ctrlElm) {
+					ctrlElm.parentNode.removeChild(ctrlElm);
+				}
+				// Remove old item from DOM
+				ctrlElm = oldItem.getEl();
+				if (ctrlElm) {
+					ctrlElm.parentNode.removeChild(ctrlElm);
+				}
+			}
+			// Adopt the item
+			newItem.parent(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates the specified items. If any of the items is plain JSON style objects
+		 * it will convert these into real tinymce.ui.Control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {Array} items Array of items to convert into control instances.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with control instances.
+		 */
+		create: function(items) {
+			var self = this, settings, ctrlItems = [];
+			// Non array structure, then force it into an array
+			if (!Tools.isArray(items)) {
+				items = [items];
+			}
+			// Add default type to each child control
+			Tools.each(items, function(item) {
+				if (item) {
+					// Construct item if needed
+					if (!(item instanceof Control)) {
+						// Name only then convert it to an object
+						if (typeof(item) == "string") {
+							item = {type: item};
+						}
+						// Create control instance based on input settings and default settings
+						settings = Tools.extend({}, self.settings.defaults, item);
+						item.type = settings.type = settings.type || item.type || self.settings.defaultType ||
+							(settings.defaults ? settings.defaults.type : null);
+						item = Factory.create(settings);
+					}
+					ctrlItems.push(item);
+				}
+			});
+			return ctrlItems;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders new control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		renderNew: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			// Render any new items
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl, index) {
+				var containerElm, fragment;
+				ctrl.parent(self);
+				if (!ctrl._rendered) {
+					containerElm = self.getEl('body');
+					fragment = DomUtils.createFragment(ctrl.renderHtml());
+					// Insert or append the item
+					if (containerElm.hasChildNodes() && index <= containerElm.childNodes.length - 1) {
+						containerElm.insertBefore(fragment, containerElm.childNodes[index]);
+					} else {
+						containerElm.appendChild(fragment);
+					}
+					ctrl.postRender();
+				}
+			});
+			self._layout.applyClasses(self);
+			self._lastRect = null;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Appends new instances to the current container.
+		 *
+		 * @method append
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to append.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		append: function(items) {
+			return this.add(items).renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Prepends new instances to the current container.
+		 *
+		 * @method prepend
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to prepend.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		prepend: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().set(self.create(items).concat(self.items().toArray()));
+			return self.renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts an control at a specific index.
+		 *
+		 * @method insert
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to insert.
+		 * @param {Number} index Index to insert controls at.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [before=false] Inserts controls before the index.
+		 */
+		insert: function(items, index, before) {
+			var self = this, curItems, beforeItems, afterItems;
+			items = self.create(items);
+			curItems = self.items();
+			if (!before && index < curItems.length - 1) {
+				index += 1;
+			}
+			if (index >= 0 && index < curItems.length) {
+				beforeItems = curItems.slice(0, index).toArray();
+				afterItems = curItems.slice(index).toArray();
+				curItems.set(beforeItems.concat(items, afterItems));
+			}
+			return self.renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Populates the form fields from the specified JSON data object.
+		 *
+		 * Control items in the form that matches the data will have it's value set.
+		 *
+		 * @method fromJSON
+		 * @param {Object} data JSON data object to set control values by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current form instance.
+		 */
+		fromJSON: function(data) {
+			var self = this;
+			for (var name in data) {
+				self.find('#' + name).value(data[name]);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the form into a JSON object by getting all items
+		 * that has a name and a value.
+		 *
+		 * @method toJSON
+		 * @return {Object} JSON object with form data.
+		 */
+		toJSON: function() {
+			var self = this, data = {};
+			self.find('*').each(function(ctrl) {
+				var name = ctrl.name(), value = ctrl.value();
+				if (name && typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+					data[name] = value;
+				}
+			});
+			return data;
+		},
+		preRender: function() {
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, role = this.settings.role;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"' + (role ? ' role="' + this.settings.role + '"' : '') + '>' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, box;
+			self.items().exec('postRender');
+			self._super();
+			self._layout.postRender(self);
+			self._rendered = true;
+			if (self.settings.style) {
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), self.settings.style);
+			}
+			if (self.settings.border) {
+				box = self.borderBox();
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), {
+					'border-top-width': box.top,
+					'border-right-width': box.right,
+					'border-bottom-width': box.bottom,
+					'border-left-width': box.left
+				});
+			}
+			if (!self.parent()) {
+				self.keyboardNav = new KeyboardNavigation({
+					root: self
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super();
+			// Recalc container size by asking layout manager
+			self._layout.recalc(self);
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the current container.
+		 * This is invoked by the reflow method and shouldn't be called directly.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+			var self = this, rect = self._layoutRect, lastRect = self._lastRect;
+			if (!lastRect || lastRect.w != rect.w || lastRect.h != rect.h) {
+				self._layout.recalc(self);
+				rect = self.layoutRect();
+				self._lastRect = {x: rect.x, y: rect.y, w: rect.w, h: rect.h};
+				return true;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Reflows the current container and it's children and possible parents.
+		 * This should be used after you for example append children to the current control so
+		 * that the layout managers know that they need to reposition everything.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * container.append({type: 'button', text: 'My button'}).reflow();
+		 *
+		 * @method reflow
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		reflow: function() {
+			var i;
+			if (this.visible()) {
+				Control.repaintControls = [];
+				Control.repaintControls.map = {};
+				this.recalc();
+				i = Control.repaintControls.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					Control.repaintControls[i].repaint();
+				}
+				// TODO: Fix me!
+				if (this.settings.layout !== "flow" && this.settings.layout !== "stack") {
+					this.repaint();
+				}
+				Control.repaintControls = [];
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/DragHelper.js
+ * DragHelper.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Drag/drop helper class.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var dragHelper = new tinymce.ui.DragHelper('mydiv', {
+ *     start: function(evt) {
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     drag: function(evt) {
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     end: function(evt) {
+ *     }
+ * });
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.DragHelper
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/DragHelper", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	function getDocumentSize() {
+		var doc = document, documentElement, body, scrollWidth, clientWidth;
+		var offsetWidth, scrollHeight, clientHeight, offsetHeight, max = Math.max;
+		documentElement = doc.documentElement;
+		body = doc.body;
+		scrollWidth = max(documentElement.scrollWidth, body.scrollWidth);
+		clientWidth = max(documentElement.clientWidth, body.clientWidth);
+		offsetWidth = max(documentElement.offsetWidth, body.offsetWidth);
+		scrollHeight = max(documentElement.scrollHeight, body.scrollHeight);
+		clientHeight = max(documentElement.clientHeight, body.clientHeight);
+		offsetHeight = max(documentElement.offsetHeight, body.offsetHeight);
+		return {
+			width: scrollWidth < offsetWidth ? clientWidth : scrollWidth,
+			height: scrollHeight < offsetHeight ? clientHeight : scrollHeight
+		};
+	}
+	return function(id, settings) {
+		var eventOverlayElm, doc = document, downButton, start, stop, drag, startX, startY;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		function getHandleElm() {
+			return doc.getElementById(settings.handle || id);
+		}
+		start = function(e) {
+			var docSize = getDocumentSize(), handleElm, cursor;
+			e.preventDefault();
+			downButton = e.button;
+			handleElm = getHandleElm();
+			startX = e.screenX;
+			startY = e.screenY;
+			// Grab cursor from handle
+			if (window.getComputedStyle) {
+				cursor = window.getComputedStyle(handleElm, null).getPropertyValue("cursor");
+			} else {
+				cursor = handleElm.runtimeStyle.cursor;
+			}
+			// Create event overlay and add it to document
+			eventOverlayElm = doc.createElement('div');
+			DomUtils.css(eventOverlayElm, {
+				position: "absolute",
+				top: 0, left: 0,
+				width: docSize.width,
+				height: docSize.height,
+				zIndex: 0x7FFFFFFF,
+				opacity: 0.0001,
+				background: 'red',
+				cursor: cursor
+			});
+			doc.body.appendChild(eventOverlayElm);
+			// Bind mouse events
+			DomUtils.on(doc, 'mousemove', drag);
+			DomUtils.on(doc, 'mouseup', stop);
+			// Begin drag
+			settings.start(e);
+		};
+		drag = function(e) {
+			if (e.button !== downButton) {
+				return stop(e);
+			}
+			e.deltaX = e.screenX - startX;
+			e.deltaY = e.screenY - startY;
+			e.preventDefault();
+			settings.drag(e);
+		};
+		stop = function(e) {
+			DomUtils.off(doc, 'mousemove', drag);
+			DomUtils.off(doc, 'mouseup', stop);
+			eventOverlayElm.parentNode.removeChild(eventOverlayElm);
+			if (settings.stop) {
+				settings.stop(e);
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the drag/drop helper instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 */
+		this.destroy = function() {
+			DomUtils.off(getHandleElm());
+		};
+		DomUtils.on(getHandleElm(), 'mousedown', start);
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Scrollable.js
+ * Scrollable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This mixin makes controls scrollable using custom scrollbars.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Scrollable.less
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Scrollable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Scrollable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(DomUtils, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		init: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.on('repaint', self.renderScroll);
+		},
+		renderScroll: function() {
+			var self = this, margin = 2;
+			function repaintScroll() {
+				var hasScrollH, hasScrollV, bodyElm;
+				function repaintAxis(axisName, posName, sizeName, contentSizeName, hasScroll, ax) {
+					var containerElm, scrollBarElm, scrollThumbElm;
+					var containerSize, scrollSize, ratio, rect;
+					var posNameLower, sizeNameLower;
+					scrollBarElm = self.getEl('scroll' + axisName);
+					if (scrollBarElm) {
+						posNameLower = posName.toLowerCase();
+						sizeNameLower = sizeName.toLowerCase();
+						if (self.getEl('absend')) {
+							DomUtils.css(self.getEl('absend'), posNameLower, self.layoutRect()[contentSizeName] - 1);
+						}
+						if (!hasScroll) {
+							DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, 'display', 'none');
+							return;
+						}
+						DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, 'display', 'block');
+						containerElm = self.getEl('body');
+						scrollThumbElm = self.getEl('scroll' + axisName + "t");
+						containerSize = containerElm["client" + sizeName] - (margin * 2);
+						containerSize -= hasScrollH && hasScrollV ? scrollBarElm["client" + ax] : 0;
+						scrollSize = containerElm["scroll" + sizeName];
+						ratio = containerSize / scrollSize;
+						rect = {};
+						rect[posNameLower] = containerElm["offset" + posName] + margin;
+						rect[sizeNameLower] = containerSize;
+						DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, rect);
+						rect = {};
+						rect[posNameLower] = containerElm["scroll" + posName] * ratio;
+						rect[sizeNameLower] = containerSize * ratio;
+						DomUtils.css(scrollThumbElm, rect);
+					}
+				}
+				bodyElm = self.getEl('body');
+				hasScrollH = bodyElm.scrollWidth > bodyElm.clientWidth;
+				hasScrollV = bodyElm.scrollHeight > bodyElm.clientHeight;
+				repaintAxis("h", "Left", "Width", "contentW", hasScrollH, "Height");
+				repaintAxis("v", "Top", "Height", "contentH", hasScrollV, "Width");
+			}
+			function addScroll() {
+				function addScrollAxis(axisName, posName, sizeName, deltaPosName, ax) {
+					var scrollStart, axisId = self._id + '-scroll' + axisName, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+					self.getEl().appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment(
+						'<div id="' + axisId + '" class="' + prefix + 'scrollbar ' + prefix + 'scrollbar-' + axisName + '">' +
+							'<div id="' + axisId + 't" class="' + prefix + 'scrollbar-thumb"></div>' +
+						'</div>'
+					));
+					self.draghelper = new DragHelper(axisId + 't', {
+						start: function() {
+							scrollStart = self.getEl('body')["scroll" + posName];
+							DomUtils.addClass(DomUtils.get(axisId), prefix + 'active');
+						},
+						drag: function(e) {
+							var ratio, hasScrollH, hasScrollV, containerSize, layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+							hasScrollH = layoutRect.contentW > layoutRect.innerW;
+							hasScrollV = layoutRect.contentH > layoutRect.innerH;
+							containerSize = self.getEl('body')["client" + sizeName] - (margin * 2);
+							containerSize -= hasScrollH && hasScrollV ? self.getEl('scroll' + axisName)["client" + ax] : 0;
+							ratio = containerSize / self.getEl('body')["scroll" + sizeName];
+							self.getEl('body')["scroll" + posName] = scrollStart + (e["delta" + deltaPosName] / ratio);
+						},
+						stop: function() {
+							DomUtils.removeClass(DomUtils.get(axisId), prefix + 'active');
+						}
+					});
+					self.on('click', function(e) {
+						if (e.target.id == self._id + '-scrollv') {
+						}
+					});*/
+				}
+				self.addClass('scroll');
+				addScrollAxis("v", "Top", "Height", "Y", "Width");
+				addScrollAxis("h", "Left", "Width", "X", "Height");
+			}
+			if (self.settings.autoScroll) {
+				if (!self._hasScroll) {
+					self._hasScroll = true;
+					addScroll();
+					self.on('wheel', function(e) {
+						var bodyEl = self.getEl('body');
+						bodyEl.scrollLeft += (e.deltaX || 0) * 10;
+						bodyEl.scrollTop += e.deltaY * 10;
+						repaintScroll();
+					});
+					DomUtils.on(self.getEl('body'), "scroll", repaintScroll);
+				}
+				repaintScroll();
+			}
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Panel.js
+ * Panel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new panel.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Panel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Panel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Scrollable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Panel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container",
+	"tinymce/ui/Scrollable"
+], function(Container, Scrollable) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'fit',
+			containerCls: 'panel'
+		},
+		Mixins: [Scrollable],
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, innerHtml = self.settings.html;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			if (typeof(innerHtml) == "undefined") {
+				innerHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			} else {
+				if (typeof(innerHtml) == 'function') {
+					innerHtml = innerHtml.call(self);
+				}
+				self._hasBody = false;
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1" role="group">' +
+					(self._preBodyHtml || '') +
+					innerHtml +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Movable.js
+ * Movable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Movable mixin. Makes controls movable absolute and relative to other elements.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Movable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Movable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	function calculateRelativePosition(ctrl, targetElm, rel) {
+		var ctrlElm, pos, x, y, selfW, selfH, targetW, targetH, viewport, size;
+		viewport = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+		// Get pos of target
+		pos = DomUtils.getPos(targetElm);
+		x = pos.x;
+		y = pos.y;
+		if (ctrl._fixed) {
+			x -= viewport.x;
+			y -= viewport.y;
+		}
+		// Get size of self
+		ctrlElm = ctrl.getEl();
+		size = DomUtils.getSize(ctrlElm);
+		selfW = size.width;
+		selfH = size.height;
+		// Get size of target
+		size = DomUtils.getSize(targetElm);
+		targetW = size.width;
+		targetH = size.height;
+		// Parse align string
+		rel = (rel || '').split('');
+		// Target corners
+		if (rel[0] === 'b') {
+			y += targetH;
+		}
+		if (rel[1] === 'r') {
+			x += targetW;
+		}
+		if (rel[0] === 'c') {
+			y += Math.round(targetH / 2);
+		}
+		if (rel[1] === 'c') {
+			x += Math.round(targetW / 2);
+		}
+		// Self corners
+		if (rel[3] === 'b') {
+			y -= selfH;
+		}
+		if (rel[4] === 'r') {
+			x -= selfW;
+		}
+		if (rel[3] === 'c') {
+			y -= Math.round(selfH / 2);
+		}
+		if (rel[4] === 'c') {
+			x -= Math.round(selfW / 2);
+		}
+		return {
+			x: x,
+			y: y,
+			w: selfW,
+			h: selfH
+		};
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Tests various positions to get the most suitable one.
+		 *
+		 * @method testMoveRel
+		 * @param {DOMElement} elm Element to position against.
+		 * @param {Array} rels Array with relative positions.
+		 * @return {String} Best suitable relative position.
+		 */
+		testMoveRel: function(elm, rels) {
+			var viewPortRect = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+			for (var i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) {
+				var pos = calculateRelativePosition(this, elm, rels[i]);
+				if (this._fixed) {
+					if (pos.x > 0 && pos.x + pos.w < viewPortRect.w && pos.y > 0 && pos.y + pos.h < viewPortRect.h) {
+						return rels[i];
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (pos.x > viewPortRect.x && pos.x + pos.w < viewPortRect.w + viewPortRect.x &&
+						pos.y > viewPortRect.y && pos.y + pos.h < viewPortRect.h + viewPortRect.y) {
+						return rels[i];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return rels[0];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move relative to the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveRel
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to move relative to.
+		 * @param {String} rel Relative mode. For example: br-tl.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveRel: function(elm, rel) {
+			if (typeof(rel) != 'string') {
+				rel = this.testMoveRel(elm, rel);
+			}
+			var pos = calculateRelativePosition(this, elm, rel);
+			return this.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move by a relative x, y values.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveBy
+		 * @param {Number} dx Relative x position.
+		 * @param {Number} dy Relative y position.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveBy: function(dx, dy) {
+			var self = this, rect = self.layoutRect();
+			self.moveTo(rect.x + dx, rect.y + dy);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move to absolute position.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveTo
+		 * @param {Number} x Absolute x position.
+		 * @param {Number} y Absolute y position.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveTo: function(x, y) {
+			var self = this;
+			// TODO: Move this to some global class
+			function contrain(value, max, size) {
+				if (value < 0) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+				if (value + size > max) {
+					value = max - size;
+					return value < 0 ? 0 : value;
+				}
+				return value;
+			}
+			if (self.settings.constrainToViewport) {
+				var viewPortRect = DomUtils.getViewPort(window);
+				var layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+				x = contrain(x, viewPortRect.w + viewPortRect.x, layoutRect.w);
+				y = contrain(y, viewPortRect.h + viewPortRect.y, layoutRect.h);
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				self.layoutRect({x: x, y: y}).repaint();
+			} else {
+				self.settings.x = x;
+				self.settings.y = y;
+			}
+			self.fire('move', {x: x, y: y});
+			return self;
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Resizable.js
+ * Resizable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Resizable mixin. Enables controls to be resized.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Resizable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Resizable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to contents.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeToContent
+		 */
+		resizeToContent: function() {
+			this._layoutRect.autoResize = true;
+			this._lastRect = null;
+			this.reflow();
+		},
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to a specific width/height.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeTo
+		 * @param {Number} w Control width.
+		 * @param {Number} h Control height.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		resizeTo: function(w, h) {
+			// TODO: Fix hack
+			if (w <= 1 || h <= 1) {
+				var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+				w = w <= 1 ? w * rect.w : w;
+				h = h <= 1 ? h * rect.h : h;
+			}
+			this._layoutRect.autoResize = false;
+			return this.layoutRect({minW: w, minH: h, w: w, h: h}).reflow();
+		},
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to a specific relative width/height.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeBy
+		 * @param {Number} dw Relative control width.
+		 * @param {Number} dh Relative control height.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		resizeBy: function(dw, dh) {
+			var self = this, rect = self.layoutRect();
+			return self.resizeTo(rect.w + dw, rect.h + dh);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FloatPanel.js
+ * FloatPanel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a floating panel.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FloatPanel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Panel
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Movable
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Resizable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FloatPanel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/Movable",
+	"tinymce/ui/Resizable",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Panel, Movable, Resizable, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var documentClickHandler, documentScrollHandler, visiblePanels = [];
+	var zOrder = [], hasModal;
+	var FloatPanel = Panel.extend({
+		Mixins: [Movable, Resizable],
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} autohide Automatically hide the panel.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			function reorder() {
+				var i, zIndex = FloatPanel.zIndex || 0xFFFF, topModal;
+				if (zOrder.length) {
+					for (i = 0; i < zOrder.length; i++) {
+						if (zOrder[i].modal) {
+							zIndex++;
+							topModal = zOrder[i];
+						}
+						zOrder[i].getEl().style.zIndex = zIndex;
+						zOrder[i].zIndex = zIndex;
+						zIndex++;
+					}
+				}
+				var modalBlockEl = document.getElementById(self.classPrefix + 'modal-block');
+				if (topModal) {
+					DomUtils.css(modalBlockEl, 'z-index', topModal.zIndex - 1);
+				} else if (modalBlockEl) {
+					modalBlockEl.parentNode.removeChild(modalBlockEl);
+					hasModal = false;
+				}
+				FloatPanel.currentZIndex = zIndex;
+			}
+			function isChildOf(ctrl, parent) {
+				while (ctrl) {
+					if (ctrl == parent) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					ctrl = ctrl.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Repositions the panel to the top of page if the panel is outside of the visual viewport. It will
+			 * also reposition all child panels of the current panel.
+			 */
+			function repositionPanel(panel) {
+				var scrollY = DomUtils.getViewPort().y;
+				function toggleFixedChildPanels(fixed, deltaY) {
+					var parent;
+					for (var i = 0; i < visiblePanels.length; i++) {
+						if (visiblePanels[i] != panel) {
+							parent = visiblePanels[i].parent();
+							while (parent && (parent = parent.parent())) {
+								if (parent == panel) {
+									visiblePanels[i].fixed(fixed).moveBy(0, deltaY).repaint();
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (panel.settings.autofix) {
+					if (!panel._fixed) {
+						panel._autoFixY = panel.layoutRect().y;
+						if (panel._autoFixY < scrollY) {
+							panel.fixed(true).layoutRect({y: 0}).repaint();
+							toggleFixedChildPanels(true, scrollY - panel._autoFixY);
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (panel._autoFixY > scrollY) {
+							panel.fixed(false).layoutRect({y: panel._autoFixY}).repaint();
+							toggleFixedChildPanels(false, panel._autoFixY - scrollY);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self._eventsRoot = self;
+			self.addClass('floatpanel');
+			// Hide floatpanes on click out side the root button
+			if (settings.autohide) {
+				if (!documentClickHandler) {
+					documentClickHandler = function(e) {
+						// Hide any float panel when a click is out side that float panel and the
+						// float panels direct parent for example a click on a menu button
+						var i = visiblePanels.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							var panel = visiblePanels[i], clickCtrl = panel.getParentCtrl(e.target);
+							if (panel.settings.autohide) {
+								if (clickCtrl) {
+									if (isChildOf(clickCtrl, panel) || panel.parent() === clickCtrl) {
+										continue;
+									}
+								}
+								e = panel.fire('autohide', {target: e.target});
+								if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+									panel.hide();
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					};
+					DomUtils.on(document, 'click', documentClickHandler);
+				}
+				visiblePanels.push(self);
+			}
+			if (settings.autofix) {
+				if (!documentScrollHandler) {
+					documentScrollHandler = function() {
+						var i;
+						i = visiblePanels.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							repositionPanel(visiblePanels[i]);
+						}
+					};
+					DomUtils.on(window, 'scroll', documentScrollHandler);
+				}
+				self.on('move', function() {
+					repositionPanel(this);
+				});
+			}
+			self.on('postrender show', function(e) {
+				if (e.control == self) {
+					var modalBlockEl, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+					if (self.modal && !hasModal) {
+						modalBlockEl = DomUtils.createFragment('<div id="' + prefix + 'modal-block" class="' +
+							prefix + 'reset ' + prefix + 'fade"></div>');
+						modalBlockEl = modalBlockEl.firstChild;
+						self.getContainerElm().appendChild(modalBlockEl);
+						setTimeout(function() {
+							DomUtils.addClass(modalBlockEl, prefix + 'in');
+							DomUtils.addClass(self.getEl(), prefix + 'in');
+						}, 0);
+						hasModal = true;
+					}
+					zOrder.push(self);
+					reorder();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('close hide', function(e) {
+				if (e.control == self) {
+					var i = zOrder.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (zOrder[i] === self) {
+							zOrder.splice(i, 1);
+						}
+					}
+					reorder();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('show', function() {
+				self.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+					if (ctrl._fixed) {
+						self.fixed(true);
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			if (settings.popover) {
+				self._preBodyHtml = '<div class="' + self.classPrefix + 'arrow"></div>';
+				self.addClass('popover').addClass('bottom').addClass(self.isRtl() ? 'end' : 'start');
+			}
+		},
+		fixed: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._fixed != state) {
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					var viewport = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+					if (state) {
+						self.layoutRect().y -= viewport.y;
+					} else {
+						self.layoutRect().y += viewport.y;
+					}
+				}
+				self.toggleClass('fixed', state);
+				self._fixed = state;
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the current float panel.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.FloatPanel} Current floatpanel instance.
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			var self = this, i, state = self._super();
+			i = visiblePanels.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				if (visiblePanels[i] === self) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (i === -1) {
+				visiblePanels.push(self);
+			}
+			return state;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the current float panel.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.FloatPanel} Current floatpanel instance.
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			removeVisiblePanel(this);
+			return this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides all visible the float panels.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideAll
+		 */
+		hideAll: function() {
+			FloatPanel.hideAll();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Closes the float panel. This will remove the float panel from page and fire the close event.
+		 *
+		 * @method close
+		 */
+		close: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.fire('close');
+			return self.remove();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the float panel from page.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			removeVisiblePanel(this);
+			this._super();
+		},
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.settings.bodyRole) {
+				this.getEl('body').setAttribute('role', self.settings.bodyRole);
+			}
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+	/**
+	 * Hides all visible the float panels.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method hideAll
+	 */
+	FloatPanel.hideAll = function() {
+		var i = visiblePanels.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			var panel = visiblePanels[i];
+			if (panel && panel.settings.autohide) {
+				panel.hide();
+				visiblePanels.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	function removeVisiblePanel(panel) {
+		var i;
+		i = visiblePanels.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			if (visiblePanels[i] === panel) {
+				visiblePanels.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+		i = zOrder.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			if (zOrder[i] === panel) {
+				zOrder.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return FloatPanel;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Window.js
+ * Window.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new window.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Window.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Window
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Window", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(FloatPanel, Panel, DomUtils, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Window = FloatPanel.extend({
+		modal: true,
+		Defaults: {
+			border: 1,
+			layout: 'flex',
+			containerCls: 'panel',
+			role: 'dialog',
+			callbacks: {
+				submit: function() {
+					this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+				},
+				close: function() {
+					this.close();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			if (self.isRtl()) {
+				self.addClass('rtl');
+			}
+			self.addClass('window');
+			self._fixed = true;
+			// Create statusbar
+			if (settings.buttons) {
+				self.statusbar = new Panel({
+					layout: 'flex',
+					border: '1 0 0 0',
+					spacing: 3,
+					padding: 10,
+					align: 'center',
+					pack: self.isRtl() ? 'start' : 'end',
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'button'
+					},
+					items: settings.buttons
+				});
+				self.statusbar.addClass('foot');
+				self.statusbar.parent(self);
+			}
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.className.indexOf(self.classPrefix + 'close') != -1) {
+					self.close();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('cancel', function() {
+				self.close();
+			});
+			self.aria('describedby', self.describedBy || self._id + '-none');
+			self.aria('label', settings.title);
+			self._fullscreen = false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the current container.
+		 * This is invoked by the reflow method and shouldn't be called directly.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+			var self = this, statusbar = self.statusbar, layoutRect, width, x, needsRecalc;
+			if (self._fullscreen) {
+				self.layoutRect(DomUtils.getWindowSize());
+				self.layoutRect().contentH = self.layoutRect().innerH;
+			}
+			self._super();
+			layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+			// Resize window based on title width
+			if (self.settings.title && !self._fullscreen) {
+				width = layoutRect.headerW;
+				if (width > layoutRect.w) {
+					x = layoutRect.x - Math.max(0, width / 2);
+					self.layoutRect({w: width, x: x});
+					needsRecalc = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Resize window based on statusbar width
+			if (statusbar) {
+				statusbar.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().innerW}).recalc();
+				width = statusbar.layoutRect().minW + layoutRect.deltaW;
+				if (width > layoutRect.w) {
+					x = layoutRect.x - Math.max(0, width - layoutRect.w);
+					self.layoutRect({w: width, x: x});
+					needsRecalc = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Recalc body and disable auto resize
+			if (needsRecalc) {
+				self.recalc();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super(), deltaH = 0, headEl;
+			// Reserve vertical space for title
+			if (self.settings.title && !self._fullscreen) {
+				headEl = self.getEl('head');
+				var size = DomUtils.getSize(headEl);
+				layoutRect.headerW = size.width;
+				layoutRect.headerH = size.height;
+				deltaH += layoutRect.headerH;
+			}
+			// Reserve vertical space for statusbar
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				deltaH += self.statusbar.layoutRect().h;
+			}
+			layoutRect.deltaH += deltaH;
+			layoutRect.minH += deltaH;
+			//layoutRect.innerH -= deltaH;
+			layoutRect.h += deltaH;
+			var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+			layoutRect.x = Math.max(0, rect.w / 2 - layoutRect.w / 2);
+			layoutRect.y = Math.max(0, rect.h / 2 - layoutRect.h / 2);
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var settings = self.settings, headerHtml = '', footerHtml = '', html = settings.html;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			if (settings.title) {
+				headerHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + id + '-head" class="' + prefix + 'window-head">' +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'title">' + self.encode(settings.title) + '</div>' +
+						'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'close" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-dragh" class="' + prefix + 'dragh"></div>' +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			}
+			if (settings.url) {
+				html = '<iframe src="' + settings.url + '" tabindex="-1"></iframe>';
+			}
+			if (typeof(html) == "undefined") {
+				html = layout.renderHtml(self);
+			}
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				footerHtml = self.statusbar.renderHtml();
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1">' +
+					'<div class="' + self.classPrefix + 'reset" role="application">' +
+						headerHtml +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+							html +
+						'</div>' +
+						footerHtml +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Switches the window fullscreen mode.
+		 *
+		 * @method fullscreen
+		 * @param {Boolean} state True/false state.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Window} Current window instance.
+		 */
+		fullscreen: function(state) {
+			var self = this, documentElement = document.documentElement, slowRendering, prefix = self.classPrefix, layoutRect;
+			if (state != self._fullscreen) {
+				DomUtils.on(window, 'resize', function() {
+					var time;
+					if (self._fullscreen) {
+						// Time the layout time if it's to slow use a timeout to not hog the CPU
+						if (!slowRendering) {
+							time = new Date().getTime();
+							var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+							self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+							if ((new Date().getTime()) - time > 50) {
+								slowRendering = true;
+							}
+						} else {
+							if (!self._timer) {
+								self._timer = setTimeout(function() {
+									var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+									self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+									self._timer = 0;
+								}, 50);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+				self._fullscreen = state;
+				if (!state) {
+					self._borderBox = self.parseBox(self.settings.border);
+					self.getEl('head').style.display = '';
+					layoutRect.deltaH += layoutRect.headerH;
+					DomUtils.removeClass(documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					DomUtils.removeClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					self.removeClass('fullscreen');
+					self.moveTo(self._initial.x, self._initial.y).resizeTo(self._initial.w, self._initial.h);
+				} else {
+					self._initial = {x: layoutRect.x, y: layoutRect.y, w: layoutRect.w, h: layoutRect.h};
+					self._borderBox = self.parseBox('0');
+					self.getEl('head').style.display = 'none';
+					layoutRect.deltaH -= layoutRect.headerH + 2;
+					DomUtils.addClass(documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					DomUtils.addClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					self.addClass('fullscreen');
+					var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+					self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+				}
+			}
+			return self.reflow();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, startPos;
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				self.addClass('in');
+			}, 0);
+			self._super();
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				self.statusbar.postRender();
+			}
+			self.focus();
+			this.dragHelper = new DragHelper(self._id + '-dragh', {
+				start: function() {
+					startPos = {
+						x: self.layoutRect().x,
+						y: self.layoutRect().y
+					};
+				},
+				drag: function(e) {
+					self.moveTo(startPos.x + e.deltaX, startPos.y + e.deltaY);
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('submit', function(e) {
+				if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					self.close();
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires a submit event with the serialized form.
+		 *
+		 * @method submit
+		 * @return {Object} Event arguments object.
+		 */
+		submit: function() {
+			return this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.dragHelper.destroy();
+			self._super();
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				this.statusbar.remove();
+			}
+			if (self._fullscreen) {
+				DomUtils.removeClass(document.documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+				DomUtils.removeClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return Window;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/MessageBox.js
+ * MessageBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to create MessageBoxes like alerts/confirms etc.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Window
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MessageBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Window"
+], function(Window) {
+	"use strict";
+	var MessageBox = Window.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			settings = {
+				border: 1,
+				padding: 20,
+				layout: 'flex',
+				pack: "center",
+				align: "center",
+				containerCls: 'panel',
+				autoScroll: true,
+				buttons: {type: "button", text: "Ok", action: "ok"},
+				items: {
+					type: "label",
+					multiline: true,
+					maxWidth: 500,
+					maxHeight: 200
+				}
+			};
+			this._super(settings);
+		},
+		Statics: {
+			/**
+			 * Ok buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} OK
+			 */
+			OK: 1,
+			/**
+			 * Ok/cancel buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} OK_CANCEL
+			 */
+			OK_CANCEL: 2,
+			/**
+			 * yes/no buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} YES_NO
+			 */
+			YES_NO: 3,
+			/**
+			 * yes/no/cancel buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} YES_NO_CANCEL
+			 */
+			/**
+			 * Constructs a new message box and renders it to the body element.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @method msgBox
+			 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+			 */
+			msgBox: function(settings) {
+				var buttons, callback = settings.callback || function() {};
+				switch (settings.buttons) {
+					case MessageBox.OK_CANCEL:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}},
+							{type: "button", text: "Cancel", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(false);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					case MessageBox.YES_NO:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					case MessageBox.YES_NO_CANCEL:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					default:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+				}
+				return new Window({
+					padding: 20,
+					x: settings.x,
+					y: settings.y,
+					minWidth: 300,
+					minHeight: 100,
+					layout: "flex",
+					pack: "center",
+					align: "center",
+					buttons: buttons,
+					title: settings.title,
+					role: 'alertdialog',
+					items: {
+						type: "label",
+						multiline: true,
+						maxWidth: 500,
+						maxHeight: 200,
+						text: settings.text
+					},
+					onPostRender: function() {
+						this.aria('describedby', this.items()[0]._id);
+					},
+					onClose: settings.onClose,
+					onCancel: function() {
+						callback(false);
+					}
+				}).renderTo(document.body).reflow();
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Creates a new alert dialog.
+			 *
+			 * @method alert
+			 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the alert dialog.
+			 * @param {function} [callback] Callback to execute when the user makes a choice.
+			 */
+			alert: function(settings, callback) {
+				if (typeof(settings) == "string") {
+					settings = {text: settings};
+				}
+				settings.callback = callback;
+				return MessageBox.msgBox(settings);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Creates a new confirm dialog.
+			 *
+			 * @method confirm
+			 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the confirm dialog.
+			 * @param {function} [callback] Callback to execute when the user makes a choice.
+			 */
+			confirm: function(settings, callback) {
+				if (typeof(settings) == "string") {
+					settings = {text: settings};
+				}
+				settings.callback = callback;
+				settings.buttons = MessageBox.OK_CANCEL;
+				return MessageBox.msgBox(settings);
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return MessageBox;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/WindowManager.js
+ * WindowManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the creation of native windows and dialogs. This class can be extended to provide for example inline dialogs.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.WindowManager
+ * @example
+ * // Opens a new dialog with the file.htm file and the size 320x240
+ * // It also adds a custom parameter this can be retrieved by using tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg inside the dialog.
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.open({
+ *    url: 'file.htm',
+ *    width: 320,
+ *    height: 240
+ * }, {
+ *    custom_param: 1
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Displays an alert box using the active editors window manager instance
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+ *
+ * // Displays an confirm box and an alert message will be displayed depending on what you choose in the confirm
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.confirm("Do you want to do something", function(s) {
+ *    if (s)
+ *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Ok");
+ *    else
+ *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Cancel");
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/WindowManager", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Window",
+	"tinymce/ui/MessageBox"
+], function(Window, MessageBox) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, windows = [];
+		function getTopMostWindow() {
+			if (windows.length) {
+				return windows[windows.length - 1];
+			}
+		}
+		self.windows = windows;
+		/**
+		 * Opens a new window.
+		 *
+		 * @method open
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional name/value settings collection contains things like width/height/url etc.
+		 * @option {String} title Window title.
+		 * @option {String} file URL of the file to open in the window.
+		 * @option {Number} width Width in pixels.
+		 * @option {Number} height Height in pixels.
+		 * @option {Boolean} resizable Specifies whether the popup window is resizable or not.
+		 * @option {Boolean} maximizable Specifies whether the popup window has a "maximize" button and can get maximized or not.
+		 * @option {String/Boolean} scrollbars Specifies whether the popup window can have scrollbars if required (i.e. content
+		 * larger than the popup size specified).
+		 */
+		self.open = function(args, params) {
+			var win;
+			editor.editorManager.activeEditor = editor;
+			args.title = args.title || ' ';
+			// Handle URL
+			args.url = args.url || args.file; // Legacy
+			if (args.url) {
+				args.width = parseInt(args.width || 320, 10);
+				args.height = parseInt(args.height || 240, 10);
+			}
+			// Handle body
+			if (args.body) {
+				args.items = {
+					defaults: args.defaults,
+					type: args.bodyType || 'form',
+					items: args.body
+				};
+			}
+			if (!args.url && !args.buttons) {
+				args.buttons = [
+					{text: 'Ok', subtype: 'primary', onclick: function() {
+						win.find('form')[0].submit();
+					}},
+					{text: 'Cancel', onclick: function() {
+						win.close();
+					}}
+				];
+			}
+			win = new Window(args);
+			windows.push(win);
+			win.on('close', function() {
+				var i = windows.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (windows[i] === win) {
+						windows.splice(i, 1);
+					}
+				}
+				editor.focus();
+			});
+			// Handle data
+			if (args.data) {
+				win.on('postRender', function() {
+					this.find('*').each(function(ctrl) {
+						var name = ctrl.name();
+						if (name in args.data) {
+							ctrl.value(args.data[name]);
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// store args and parameters
+			win.features = args || {};
+			win.params = params || {};
+			// Takes a snapshot in the FocusManager of the selection before focus is lost to dialog
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+			return win.renderTo(document.body).reflow();
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Creates a alert dialog. Please don't use the blocking behavior of this
+		 * native version use the callback method instead then it can be extended.
+		 *
+		 * @method alert
+		 * @param {String} message Text to display in the new alert dialog.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to be executed after the user has selected ok.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Displays an alert box using the active editors window manager instance
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 */
+		self.alert = function(message, callback, scope) {
+			MessageBox.alert(message, function() {
+				if (callback) {
+					callback.call(scope || this);
+				} else {
+					editor.focus();
+				}
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Creates a confirm dialog. Please don't use the blocking behavior of this
+		 * native version use the callback method instead then it can be extended.
+		 *
+		 * @method confirm
+		 * @param {String} messageText to display in the new confirm dialog.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to be executed after the user has selected ok or cancel.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Displays an confirm box and an alert message will be displayed depending on what you choose in the confirm
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.confirm("Do you want to do something", function(s) {
+		 *    if (s)
+		 *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Ok");
+		 *    else
+		 *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Cancel");
+		 * });
+		 */
+		self.confirm = function(message, callback, scope) {
+			MessageBox.confirm(message, function(state) {
+				callback.call(scope || this, state);
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Closes the top most window.
+		 *
+		 * @method close
+		 */
+		self.close = function() {
+			if (getTopMostWindow()) {
+				getTopMostWindow().close();
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns the params of the last window open call. This can be used in iframe based
+		 * dialog to get params passed from the tinymce plugin.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var dialogArguments = top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams();
+		 *
+		 * @method getParams
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value object with parameters passed from windowManager.open call.
+		 */
+		self.getParams = function() {
+			return getTopMostWindow() ? getTopMostWindow().params : null;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Sets the params of the last opened window.
+		 *
+		 * @method setParams
+		 * @param {Object} params Params object to set for the last opened window.
+		 */
+		self.setParams = function(params) {
+			if (getTopMostWindow()) {
+				getTopMostWindow().params = params;
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/Quirks.js
+ * Quirks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ *
+ * @ignore-file
+ */
+ * This file includes fixes for various browser quirks it's made to make it easy to add/remove browser specific fixes.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.Quirks
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Quirks", [
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(VK, RangeUtils, Node, Entities, Env, Tools) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var each = Tools.each;
+		var BACKSPACE = VK.BACKSPACE, DELETE = VK.DELETE, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection,
+			settings = editor.settings, parser = editor.parser, serializer = editor.serializer;
+		var isGecko = Env.gecko, isIE = Env.ie, isWebKit = Env.webkit;
+		/**
+		 * Executes a command with a specific state this can be to enable/disable browser editing features.
+		 */
+		function setEditorCommandState(cmd, state) {
+			try {
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, state);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns current IE document mode.
+		 */
+		function getDocumentMode() {
+			var documentMode = editor.getDoc().documentMode;
+			return documentMode ? documentMode : 6;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the event is prevented or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Event} e Event object.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the event is prevented or not.
+		 */
+		function isDefaultPrevented(e) {
+			return e.isDefaultPrevented();
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a WebKit bug when deleting contents using backspace or delete key.
+		 * WebKit will produce a span element if you delete across two block elements.
+		 *
+		 * Example:
+		 * <h1>a</h1><p>|b</p>
+		 *
+		 * Will produce this on backspace:
+		 * <h1>a<span style="<all runtime styles>">b</span></p>
+		 *
+		 * This fixes the backspace to produce:
+		 * <h1>a|b</p>
+		 *
+		 * See bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45784
+		 *
+		 * This fixes the following delete scenarios:
+		 *  1. Delete by pressing backspace key.
+		 *  2. Delete by pressing delete key.
+		 *  3. Delete by pressing backspace key with ctrl/cmd (Word delete).
+		 *  4. Delete by pressing delete key with ctrl/cmd (Word delete).
+		 *  5. Delete by drag/dropping contents inside the editor.
+		 *  6. Delete by using Cut Ctrl+X/Cmd+X.
+		 *  7. Delete by selecting contents and writing a character.'
+		 *
+		 * This code is a ugly hack since writing full custom delete logic for just this bug
+		 * fix seemed like a huge task. I hope we can remove this before the year 2030. 
+		 */
+		function cleanupStylesWhenDeleting() {
+			var doc = editor.getDoc(), urlPrefix = 'data:text/mce-internal,';
+			var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver, olderWebKit;
+			// Add mini polyfill for older WebKits
+			// TODO: Remove this when old Safari versions gets updated
+			if (!MutationObserver) {
+				olderWebKit = true;
+				MutationObserver = function() {
+					var records = [], target;
+					function nodeInsert(e) {
+						var target = e.relatedNode || e.target;
+						records.push({target: target, addedNodes: [target]});
+					}
+					function attrModified(e) {
+						var target = e.relatedNode || e.target;
+						records.push({target: target, attributeName: e.attrName});
+					}
+					this.observe = function(node) {
+						target = node;
+						target.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMAttrModified', attrModified, false);
+					};
+					this.disconnect = function() {
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', nodeInsert);
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMAttrModified', attrModified);
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', nodeInsert, false);
+					};
+					this.takeRecords = function() {
+						return records;
+					};
+				};
+			}
+			function customDelete(isForward) {
+				var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function() {});
+				Tools.each(editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('*'), function(elm) {
+					// Mark existing spans
+					if (elm.tagName == 'SPAN') {
+						elm.setAttribute('mce-data-marked', 1);
+					}
+					// Make sure all elements has a data-mce-style attribute
+					if (!elm.hasAttribute('data-mce-style') && elm.hasAttribute('style')) {
+						editor.dom.setAttrib(elm, 'style', elm.getAttribute('style'));
+					}
+				});
+				// Observe added nodes and style attribute changes
+				mutationObserver.observe(editor.getDoc(), {
+					childList: true,
+					attributes: true,
+					subtree: true,
+					attributeFilter: ['style']
+				});
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand(isForward ? 'ForwardDelete' : 'Delete', false, null);
+				var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
+				var caretElement = rng.startContainer.parentNode;
+				Tools.each(mutationObserver.takeRecords(), function(record) {
+					// Restore style attribute to previous value
+					if (record.attributeName == "style") {
+						var oldValue = record.target.getAttribute('data-mce-style');
+						if (oldValue) {
+							record.target.setAttribute("style", oldValue);
+						} else {
+							record.target.removeAttribute("style");
+						}
+					}
+					// Remove all spans that isn't maked and retain selection
+					Tools.each(record.addedNodes, function(node) {
+						if (node.nodeName == "SPAN" && !node.getAttribute('mce-data-marked')) {
+							var offset, container;
+							if (node == caretElement) {
+								offset = rng.startOffset;
+								container = node.firstChild;
+							}
+							dom.remove(node, true);
+							if (container) {
+								rng.setStart(container, offset);
+								rng.setEnd(container, offset);
+								editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				});
+				mutationObserver.disconnect();
+				// Remove any left over marks
+				Tools.each(editor.dom.select('span[mce-data-marked]'), function(span) {
+					span.removeAttribute('mce-data-marked');
+				});
+			}
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var isForward = e.keyCode == DELETE, isMeta = VK.metaKeyPressed(e);
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (isForward || e.keyCode == BACKSPACE)) {
+					var rng = editor.selection.getRng(), container = rng.startContainer, offset = rng.startOffset;
+					// Ignore non meta delete in the where there is text before/after the caret
+					if (!isMeta && rng.collapsed && container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (isForward ? offset < container.data.length : offset > 0) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					e.preventDefault();
+					if (isMeta) {
+						editor.selection.getSel().modify("extend", isForward ? "forward" : "backward", "word");
+					}
+					customDelete(isForward);
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('keypress', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && !selection.isCollapsed() && e.charCode && !VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					customDelete(true);
+					editor.selection.setContent(String.fromCharCode(e.charCode));
+				}
+			});
+			editor.addCommand('Delete', function() {
+				customDelete();
+			});
+			editor.addCommand('ForwardDelete', function() {
+				customDelete(true);
+			});
+			// Older WebKits doesn't properly handle the clipboard so we can't add the rest
+			if (olderWebKit) {
+				return;
+			}
+			editor.on('dragstart', function(e) {
+				// Safari doesn't support custom dataTransfer items so we can only use URL and Text
+				e.dataTransfer.setData('URL', 'data:text/mce-internal,' + escape(editor.selection.getContent()));
+			});
+			editor.on('drop', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e)) {
+					var internalContent = e.dataTransfer.getData('URL');
+					if (!internalContent || internalContent.indexOf(urlPrefix) == -1 || !doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
+						return;
+					}
+					internalContent = unescape(internalContent.substr(urlPrefix.length));
+					if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						customDelete();
+						editor.selection.setRng(doc.caretRangeFromPoint(e.x, e.y));
+						editor.insertContent(internalContent);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('cut', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.clipboardData) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					e.clipboardData.clearData();
+					e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', editor.selection.getContent());
+					e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', editor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+					customDelete(true);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Makes sure that the editor body becomes empty when backspace or delete is pressed in empty editors.
+		 *
+		 * For example:
+		 * <p><b>|</b></p>
+		 *
+		 * Or:
+		 * <h1>|</h1>
+		 *
+		 * Or:
+		 * [<h1></h1>]
+		 */
+		function emptyEditorWhenDeleting() {
+			function serializeRng(rng) {
+				var body = dom.create("body");
+				var contents = rng.cloneContents();
+				body.appendChild(contents);
+				return selection.serializer.serialize(body, {format: 'html'});
+			}
+			function allContentsSelected(rng) {
+				if (!rng.setStart) {
+					if (rng.item) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					var bodyRng = rng.duplicate();
+					bodyRng.moveToElementText(editor.getBody());
+					return RangeUtils.compareRanges(rng, bodyRng);
+				}
+				var selection = serializeRng(rng);
+				var allRng = dom.createRng();
+				allRng.selectNode(editor.getBody());
+				var allSelection = serializeRng(allRng);
+				return selection === allSelection;
+			}
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var keyCode = e.keyCode, isCollapsed, body;
+				// Empty the editor if it's needed for example backspace at <p><b>|</b></p>
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (keyCode == DELETE || keyCode == BACKSPACE)) {
+					isCollapsed = editor.selection.isCollapsed();
+					body = editor.getBody();
+					// Selection is collapsed but the editor isn't empty
+					if (isCollapsed && !dom.isEmpty(body)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Selection isn't collapsed but not all the contents is selected
+					if (!isCollapsed && !allContentsSelected(editor.selection.getRng())) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Manually empty the editor
+					e.preventDefault();
+					editor.setContent('');
+					if (body.firstChild && dom.isBlock(body.firstChild)) {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body.firstChild, 0);
+					} else {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body, 0);
+					}
+					editor.nodeChanged();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit doesn't select all the nodes in the body when you press Ctrl+A.
+		 * IE selects more than the contents <body>[<p>a</p>]</body> instead of <body><p>[a]</p]</body> see bug #6438
+		 * This selects the whole body so that backspace/delete logic will delete everything
+		 */
+		function selectAll() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode == 65 && VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					editor.execCommand('SelectAll');
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit has a weird issue where it some times fails to properly convert keypresses to input method keystrokes.
+		 * The IME on Mac doesn't initialize when it doesn't fire a proper focus event.
+		 *
+		 * This seems to happen when the user manages to click the documentElement element then the window doesn't get proper focus until
+		 * you enter a character into the editor.
+		 *
+		 * It also happens when the first focus in made to the body.
+		 *
+		 * See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83566
+		 */
+		function inputMethodFocus() {
+			if (!editor.settings.content_editable) {
+				// Case 1 IME doesn't initialize if you focus the document
+				dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'focusin', function() {
+					selection.setRng(selection.getRng());
+				});
+				// Case 2 IME doesn't initialize if you click the documentElement it also doesn't properly fire the focusin event
+				dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'mousedown', function(e) {
+					if (e.target == editor.getDoc().documentElement) {
+						editor.getBody().focus();
+						selection.setRng(selection.getRng());
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Backspacing in FireFox/IE from a paragraph into a horizontal rule results in a floating text node because the
+		 * browser just deletes the paragraph - the browser fails to merge the text node with a horizontal rule so it is
+		 * left there. TinyMCE sees a floating text node and wraps it in a paragraph on the key up event (ForceBlocks.js
+		 * addRootBlocks), meaning the action does nothing. With this code, FireFox/IE matche the behaviour of other
+		 * browsers.
+		 *
+		 * It also fixes a bug on Firefox where it's impossible to delete HR elements.
+		 */
+		function removeHrOnBackspace() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) {
+					if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng(true).startOffset === 0) {
+						var node = selection.getNode();
+						var previousSibling = node.previousSibling;
+						if (node.nodeName == 'HR') {
+							dom.remove(node);
+							e.preventDefault();
+							return;
+						}
+						if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "hr") {
+							dom.remove(previousSibling);
+							e.preventDefault();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Firefox 3.x has an issue where the body element won't get proper focus if you click out
+		 * side it's rectangle.
+		 */
+		function focusBody() {
+			// Fix for a focus bug in FF 3.x where the body element
+			// wouldn't get proper focus if the user clicked on the HTML element
+			if (!window.Range.prototype.getClientRects) { // Detect getClientRects got introduced in FF 4
+				editor.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+					if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.target.nodeName === "HTML") {
+						var body = editor.getBody();
+						// Blur the body it's focused but not correctly focused
+						body.blur();
+						// Refocus the body after a little while
+						setTimeout(function() {
+							body.focus();
+						}, 0);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit has a bug where it isn't possible to select image, hr or anchor elements
+		 * by clicking on them so we need to fake that.
+		 */
+		function selectControlElements() {
+			editor.on('click', function(e) {
+				e = e.target;
+				// Workaround for bug, http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12250
+				// WebKit can't even do simple things like selecting an image
+				// Needs tobe the setBaseAndExtend or it will fail to select floated images
+				if (/^(IMG|HR)$/.test(e.nodeName)) {
+					selection.getSel().setBaseAndExtent(e, 0, e, 1);
+				}
+				if (e.nodeName == 'A' && dom.hasClass(e, 'mce-item-anchor')) {
+					selection.select(e);
+				}
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a Gecko bug where the style attribute gets added to the wrong element when deleting between two block elements.
+		 *
+		 * Fixes do backspace/delete on this:
+		 * <p>bla[ck</p><p style="color:red">r]ed</p>
+		 *
+		 * Would become:
+		 * <p>bla|ed</p>
+		 *
+		 * Instead of:
+		 * <p style="color:red">bla|ed</p>
+		 */
+		function removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements() {
+			function getAttributeApplyFunction() {
+				var template = dom.getAttribs(selection.getStart().cloneNode(false));
+				return function() {
+					var target = selection.getStart();
+					if (target !== editor.getBody()) {
+						dom.setAttrib(target, "style", null);
+						each(template, function(attr) {
+							target.setAttributeNode(attr.cloneNode(true));
+						});
+					}
+				};
+			}
+			function isSelectionAcrossElements() {
+				return !selection.isCollapsed() &&
+					dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock) != dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock);
+			}
+			editor.on('keypress', function(e) {
+				var applyAttributes;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) {
+					applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction();
+					editor.getDoc().execCommand('delete', false, null);
+					applyAttributes();
+					e.preventDefault();
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'cut', function(e) {
+				var applyAttributes;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) {
+					applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction();
+					setTimeout(function() {
+						applyAttributes();
+					}, 0);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fire a nodeChanged when the selection is changed on WebKit this fixes selection issues on iOS5. It only fires the nodeChange
+		 * event every 50ms since it would other wise update the UI when you type and it hogs the CPU.
+		 */
+		function selectionChangeNodeChanged() {
+			var lastRng, selectionTimer;
+			editor.on('selectionchange', function() {
+				if (selectionTimer) {
+					clearTimeout(selectionTimer);
+					selectionTimer = 0;
+				}
+				selectionTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
+					if (editor.removed) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var rng = selection.getRng();
+					// Compare the ranges to see if it was a real change or not
+					if (!lastRng || !RangeUtils.compareRanges(rng, lastRng)) {
+						editor.nodeChanged();
+						lastRng = rng;
+					}
+				}, 50);
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Screen readers on IE needs to have the role application set on the body.
+		 */
+		function ensureBodyHasRoleApplication() {
+			document.body.setAttribute("role", "application");
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Backspacing into a table behaves differently depending upon browser type.
+		 * Therefore, disable Backspace when cursor immediately follows a table.
+		 */
+		function disableBackspaceIntoATable() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) {
+					if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng(true).startOffset === 0) {
+						var previousSibling = selection.getNode().previousSibling;
+						if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "table") {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Old IE versions can't properly render BR elements in PRE tags white in contentEditable mode. So this
+		 * logic adds a \n before the BR so that it will get rendered.
+		 */
+		function addNewLinesBeforeBrInPre() {
+			// IE8+ rendering mode does the right thing with BR in PRE
+			if (getDocumentMode() > 7) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Enable display: none in area and add a specific class that hides all BR elements in PRE to
+			// avoid the caret from getting stuck at the BR elements while pressing the right arrow key
+			setEditorCommandState('RespectVisibilityInDesign', true);
+			editor.contentStyles.push('.mceHideBrInPre pre br {display: none}');
+			dom.addClass(editor.getBody(), 'mceHideBrInPre');
+			// Adds a \n before all BR elements in PRE to get them visual
+			parser.addNodeFilter('pre', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, brNodes, j, brElm, sibling;
+				while (i--) {
+					brNodes = nodes[i].getAll('br');
+					j = brNodes.length;
+					while (j--) {
+						brElm = brNodes[j];
+						// Add \n before BR in PRE elements on older IE:s so the new lines get rendered
+						sibling = brElm.prev;
+						if (sibling && sibling.type === 3 && sibling.value.charAt(sibling.value - 1) != '\n') {
+							sibling.value += '\n';
+						} else {
+							brElm.parent.insert(new Node('#text', 3), brElm, true).value = '\n';
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			// Removes any \n before BR elements in PRE since other browsers and in contentEditable=false mode they will be visible
+			serializer.addNodeFilter('pre', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, brNodes, j, brElm, sibling;
+				while (i--) {
+					brNodes = nodes[i].getAll('br');
+					j = brNodes.length;
+					while (j--) {
+						brElm = brNodes[j];
+						sibling = brElm.prev;
+						if (sibling && sibling.type == 3) {
+							sibling.value = sibling.value.replace(/\r?\n$/, '');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves style width/height to attribute width/height when the user resizes an image on IE.
+		 */
+		function removePreSerializedStylesWhenSelectingControls() {
+			dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'mouseup', function() {
+				var value, node = selection.getNode();
+				// Moved styles to attributes on IMG eements
+				if (node.nodeName == 'IMG') {
+					// Convert style width to width attribute
+					if ((value = dom.getStyle(node, 'width'))) {
+						dom.setAttrib(node, 'width', value.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, ''));
+						dom.setStyle(node, 'width', '');
+					}
+					// Convert style height to height attribute
+					if ((value = dom.getStyle(node, 'height'))) {
+						dom.setAttrib(node, 'height', value.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, ''));
+						dom.setStyle(node, 'height', '');
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes a blockquote when backspace is pressed at the beginning of it.
+		 *
+		 * For example:
+		 * <blockquote><p>|x</p></blockquote>
+		 *
+		 * Becomes:
+		 * <p>|x</p>
+		 */
+		function removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace() {
+			// Add block quote deletion handler
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var rng, container, offset, root, parent;
+				if (isDefaultPrevented(e) || e.keyCode != VK.BACKSPACE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				root = dom.getRoot();
+				parent = container;
+				if (!rng.collapsed || offset !== 0) {
+					return;
+				}
+				while (parent && parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode.firstChild == parent && parent.parentNode != root) {
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Is the cursor at the beginning of a blockquote?
+				if (parent.tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
+					// Remove the blockquote
+					editor.formatter.toggle('blockquote', null, parent);
+					// Move the caret to the beginning of container
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStart(container, 0);
+					rng.setEnd(container, 0);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Sets various Gecko editing options on mouse down and before a execCommand to disable inline table editing that is broken etc.
+		 */
+		function setGeckoEditingOptions() {
+			function setOpts() {
+				editor._refreshContentEditable();
+				setEditorCommandState("StyleWithCSS", false);
+				setEditorCommandState("enableInlineTableEditing", false);
+				if (!settings.object_resizing) {
+					setEditorCommandState("enableObjectResizing", false);
+				}
+			}
+			if (!settings.readonly) {
+				editor.on('BeforeExecCommand MouseDown', setOpts);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a gecko link bug, when a link is placed at the end of block elements there is
+		 * no way to move the caret behind the link. This fix adds a bogus br element after the link.
+		 *
+		 * For example this:
+		 * <p><b><a href="#">x</a></b></p>
+		 *
+		 * Becomes this:
+		 * <p><b><a href="#">x</a></b><br></p>
+		 */
+		function addBrAfterLastLinks() {
+			function fixLinks() {
+				each(dom.select('a'), function(node) {
+					var parentNode = node.parentNode, root = dom.getRoot();
+					if (parentNode.lastChild === node) {
+						while (parentNode && !dom.isBlock(parentNode)) {
+							if (parentNode.parentNode.lastChild !== parentNode || parentNode === root) {
+								return;
+							}
+							parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
+						}
+						dom.add(parentNode, 'br', {'data-mce-bogus': 1});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			editor.on('SetContent ExecCommand', function(e) {
+				if (e.type == "setcontent" || e.command === 'mceInsertLink') {
+					fixLinks();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit will produce DIV elements here and there by default. But since TinyMCE uses paragraphs by
+		 * default we want to change that behavior.
+		 */
+		function setDefaultBlockType() {
+			if (settings.forced_root_block) {
+				editor.on('init', function() {
+					setEditorCommandState('DefaultParagraphSeparator', settings.forced_root_block);
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes ghost selections from images/tables on Gecko.
+		 */
+		function removeGhostSelection() {
+			editor.on('Undo Redo SetContent', function(e) {
+				if (!e.initial) {
+					editor.execCommand('mceRepaint');
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Deletes the selected image on IE instead of navigating to previous page.
+		 */
+		function deleteControlItemOnBackSpace() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var rng;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode == BACKSPACE) {
+					rng = editor.getDoc().selection.createRange();
+					if (rng && rng.item) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.undoManager.beforeChange();
+						dom.remove(rng.item(0));
+						editor.undoManager.add();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE10 doesn't properly render block elements with the right height until you add contents to them.
+		 * This fixes that by adding a padding-right to all empty text block elements.
+		 * See: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/743881
+		 */
+		function renderEmptyBlocksFix() {
+			var emptyBlocksCSS;
+			// IE10+
+			if (getDocumentMode() >= 10) {
+				emptyBlocksCSS = '';
+				each('p div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6'.split(' '), function(name, i) {
+					emptyBlocksCSS += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + name + ':empty';
+				});
+				editor.contentStyles.push(emptyBlocksCSS + '{padding-right: 1px !important}');
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Old IE versions can't retain contents within noscript elements so this logic will store the contents
+		 * as a attribute and the insert that value as it's raw text when the DOM is serialized.
+		 */
+		function keepNoScriptContents() {
+			if (getDocumentMode() < 9) {
+				parser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node, textNode;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						textNode = node.firstChild;
+						if (textNode) {
+							node.attr('data-mce-innertext', textNode.value);
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				serializer.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node, textNode, value;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						textNode = nodes[i].firstChild;
+						if (textNode) {
+							textNode.value = Entities.decode(textNode.value);
+						} else {
+							// Old IE can't retain noscript value so an attribute is used to store it
+							value = node.attributes.map['data-mce-innertext'];
+							if (value) {
+								node.attr('data-mce-innertext', null);
+								textNode = new Node('#text', 3);
+								textNode.value = value;
+								textNode.raw = true;
+								node.append(textNode);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE has an issue where you can't select/move the caret by clicking outside the body if the document is in standards mode.
+		 */
+		function fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe() {
+			var doc = dom.doc, body = doc.body, started, startRng, htmlElm;
+			// Return range from point or null if it failed
+			function rngFromPoint(x, y) {
+				var rng = body.createTextRange();
+				try {
+					rng.moveToPoint(x, y);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE sometimes throws and exception, so lets just ignore it
+					rng = null;
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			// Fires while the selection is changing
+			function selectionChange(e) {
+				var pointRng;
+				// Check if the button is down or not
+				if (e.button) {
+					// Create range from mouse position
+					pointRng = rngFromPoint(e.x, e.y);
+					if (pointRng) {
+						// Check if pointRange is before/after selection then change the endPoint
+						if (pointRng.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', startRng) > 0) {
+							pointRng.setEndPoint('StartToStart', startRng);
+						} else {
+							pointRng.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', startRng);
+						}
+						pointRng.select();
+					}
+				} else {
+					endSelection();
+				}
+			}
+			// Removes listeners
+			function endSelection() {
+				var rng = doc.selection.createRange();
+				// If the range is collapsed then use the last start range
+				if (startRng && !rng.item && rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng) === 0) {
+					startRng.select();
+				}
+				dom.unbind(doc, 'mouseup', endSelection);
+				dom.unbind(doc, 'mousemove', selectionChange);
+				startRng = started = 0;
+			}
+			// Make HTML element unselectable since we are going to handle selection by hand
+			doc.documentElement.unselectable = true;
+			// Detect when user selects outside BODY
+			dom.bind(doc, 'mousedown contextmenu', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.nodeName === 'HTML') {
+					if (started) {
+						endSelection();
+					}
+					// Detect vertical scrollbar, since IE will fire a mousedown on the scrollbar and have target set as HTML
+					htmlElm = doc.documentElement;
+					if (htmlElm.scrollHeight > htmlElm.clientHeight) {
+						return;
+					}
+					started = 1;
+					// Setup start position
+					startRng = rngFromPoint(e.x, e.y);
+					if (startRng) {
+						// Listen for selection change events
+						dom.bind(doc, 'mouseup', endSelection);
+						dom.bind(doc, 'mousemove', selectionChange);
+						dom.getRoot().focus();
+						startRng.select();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes selection issues where the caret can be placed between two inline elements like <b>a</b>|<b>b</b>
+		 * this fix will lean the caret right into the closest inline element.
+		 */
+		function normalizeSelection() {
+			// Normalize selection for example <b>a</b><i>|a</i> becomes <b>a|</b><i>a</i> except for Ctrl+A since it selects everything
+			editor.on('keyup focusin mouseup', function(e) {
+				if (e.keyCode != 65 || !VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					selection.normalize();
+				}
+			}, true);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Forces Gecko to render a broken image icon if it fails to load an image.
+		 */
+		function showBrokenImageIcon() {
+			editor.contentStyles.push(
+				'img:-moz-broken {' +
+					'-moz-force-broken-image-icon:1;' +
+					'min-width:24px;' +
+					'min-height:24px' +
+				'}'
+			);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * iOS has a bug where it's impossible to type if the document has a touchstart event
+		 * bound and the user touches the document while having the on screen keyboard visible.
+		 *
+		 * The touch event moves the focus to the parent document while having the caret inside the iframe
+		 * this fix moves the focus back into the iframe document.
+		 */
+		function restoreFocusOnKeyDown() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.on('keydown', function() {
+					if (document.activeElement == document.body) {
+						editor.getWin().focus();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE 11 has an annoying issue where you can't move focus into the editor
+		 * by clicking on the white area HTML element. We used to be able to to fix this with
+		 * the fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe fix. But since M$ removed the selection
+		 * object it's not possible anymore. So we need to hack in a ungly CSS to force the
+		 * body to be at least 150px. If the user clicks the HTML element out side this 150px region
+		 * we simply move the focus into the first paragraph. Not ideal since you loose the
+		 * positioning of the caret but goot enough for most cases.
+		 */
+		function bodyHeight() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.contentStyles.push('body {min-height: 150px}');
+				editor.on('click', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.nodeName == 'HTML') {
+						editor.getBody().focus();
+						editor.selection.normalize();
+						editor.nodeChanged();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Firefox on Mac OS will move the browser back to the previous page if you press CMD+Left arrow.
+		 * You might then loose all your work so we need to block that behavior and replace it with our own.
+		 */
+		function blockCmdArrowNavigation() {
+			if (Env.mac) {
+				editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+					if (VK.metaKeyPressed(e) && (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39)) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.selection.getSel().modify('move', e.keyCode == 37 ? 'backward' : 'forward', 'word');
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Disables the autolinking in IE 9+ this is then re-enabled by the autolink plugin.
+		 */
+		function disableAutoUrlDetect() {
+			setEditorCommandState("AutoUrlDetect", false);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE 11 has a fantastic bug where it will produce two trailing BR elements to iframe bodies when
+		 * the iframe is hidden by display: none on a parent container. The DOM is actually out of sync
+		 * with innerHTML in this case. It's like IE adds shadow DOM BR elements that appears on innerHTML
+		 * but not as the lastChild of the body. However is we add a BR element to the body then remove it
+		 * it doesn't seem to add these BR elements makes sence right?!
+		 *
+		 * Example of what happens: <body>text</body> becomes <body>text<br><br></body>
+		 */
+		function doubleTrailingBrElements() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.on('focus blur', function() {
+					var br = editor.dom.create('br');
+					editor.getBody().appendChild(br);
+					br.parentNode.removeChild(br);
+				}, true);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * iOS 7.1 introduced two new bugs:
+		 * 1) It's possible to open links within a contentEditable area by clicking on them.
+		 * 2) If you hold down the finger it will display the link/image touch callout menu.
+		 */
+		function tapLinksAndImages() {
+			editor.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.tagName === 'A') {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+			});
+			editor.contentStyles.push('.mce-content-body {-webkit-touch-callout: none}');
+		}
+		// All browsers
+		disableBackspaceIntoATable();
+		removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace();
+		emptyEditorWhenDeleting();
+		normalizeSelection();
+		// WebKit
+		if (isWebKit) {
+			cleanupStylesWhenDeleting();
+			inputMethodFocus();
+			selectControlElements();
+			setDefaultBlockType();
+			// iOS
+			if (Env.iOS) {
+				selectionChangeNodeChanged();
+				restoreFocusOnKeyDown();
+				bodyHeight();
+				tapLinksAndImages();
+			} else {
+				selectAll();
+			}
+		}
+		// IE
+		if (isIE && Env.ie < 11) {
+			removeHrOnBackspace();
+			ensureBodyHasRoleApplication();
+			addNewLinesBeforeBrInPre();
+			removePreSerializedStylesWhenSelectingControls();
+			deleteControlItemOnBackSpace();
+			renderEmptyBlocksFix();
+			keepNoScriptContents();
+			fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe();
+		}
+		if (Env.ie >= 11) {
+			bodyHeight();
+			doubleTrailingBrElements();
+		}
+		if (Env.ie) {
+			selectAll();
+			disableAutoUrlDetect();
+		}
+		// Gecko
+		if (isGecko) {
+			removeHrOnBackspace();
+			focusBody();
+			removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements();
+			setGeckoEditingOptions();
+			addBrAfterLastLinks();
+			removeGhostSelection();
+			showBrokenImageIcon();
+			blockCmdArrowNavigation();
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/Observable.js
+ * Observable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This mixin will add event binding logic to classes.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.util.Observable
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Observable", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var bindingsName = "__bindings";
+	var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap(
+		"focusin focusout click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover beforepaste paste cut copy selectionchange" +
+		" mouseout mouseenter mouseleave keydown keypress keyup contextmenu dragstart dragend dragover draggesture dragdrop drop drag", ' '
+	);
+	function returnFalse() {
+		return false;
+	}
+	function returnTrue() {
+		return true;
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {tinymce.Event/Object?} args Event arguments.
+		 * @param {Boolean?} bubble True/false if the event is to be bubbled.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Event} Event instance passed in converted into tinymce.Event instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * instance.fire('event', {...});
+		 */
+		fire: function(name, args, bubble) {
+			var self = this, handlers, i, l, callback, parent;
+			if (self.removed) {
+				return;
+			}
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			args = args || {};
+			args.type = name;
+			// Setup target is there isn't one
+			if (!args.target) {
+				args.target = self;
+			}
+			// Add event delegation methods if they are missing
+			if (!args.preventDefault) {
+				// Add preventDefault method
+				args.preventDefault = function() {
+					args.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopPropagation
+				args.stopPropagation = function() {
+					args.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+				args.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+					args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add event delegation states
+				args.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+				args.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+				args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			}
+			//console.log(name, args);
+			if (self[bindingsName]) {
+				handlers = self[bindingsName][name];
+				if (handlers) {
+					for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+						handlers[i] = callback = handlers[i];
+						// Stop immediate propagation if needed
+						if (args.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
+							break;
+						}
+						// If callback returns false then prevent default and stop all propagation
+						if (callback.call(self, args) === false) {
+							args.preventDefault();
+							return args;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Bubble event up to parents
+			if (bubble !== false && self.parent) {
+				parent = self.parent();
+				while (parent && !args.isPropagationStopped()) {
+					parent.fire(name, args, false);
+					parent = parent.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			return args;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds an event listener to a specific event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Event name or space separated list of events to bind.
+		 * @param {callback} callback Callback to be executed when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Boolean} first Optional flag if the event should be prepended. Use this with care.
+		 * @return {Object} Current class instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * instance.on('event', function(e) {
+		 *     // Callback logic
+		 * });
+		 */
+		on: function(name, callback, prepend) {
+			var self = this, bindings, handlers, names, i;
+			if (callback === false) {
+				callback = function() {
+					return false;
+				};
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+				i = names.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					name = names[i];
+					bindings = self[bindingsName];
+					if (!bindings) {
+						bindings = self[bindingsName] = {};
+					}
+					handlers = bindings[name];
+					if (!handlers) {
+						handlers = bindings[name] = [];
+						if (self.bindNative && nativeEvents[name]) {
+							self.bindNative(name);
+						}
+					}
+					if (prepend) {
+						handlers.unshift(callback);
+					} else {
+						handlers.push(callback);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds an event listener to a specific event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String?} name Name of the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {callback?} callback Callback to unbind.
+		 * @return {Object} Current class instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Unbind specific callback
+		 * instance.off('event', handler);
+		 *
+		 * // Unbind all listeners by name
+		 * instance.off('event');
+		 *
+		 * // Unbind all events
+		 * instance.off();
+		 */
+		off: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, i, bindings = self[bindingsName], handlers, bindingName, names, hi;
+			if (bindings) {
+				if (name) {
+					names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						handlers = bindings[name];
+						// Unbind all handlers
+						if (!name) {
+							for (bindingName in bindings) {
+								bindings[name].length = 0;
+							}
+							return self;
+						}
+						if (handlers) {
+							// Unbind all by name
+							if (!callback) {
+								handlers.length = 0;
+							} else {
+								// Unbind specific ones
+								hi = handlers.length;
+								while (hi--) {
+									if (handlers[hi] === callback) {
+										handlers.splice(hi, 1);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							if (!handlers.length && self.unbindNative && nativeEvents[name]) {
+								self.unbindNative(name);
+								delete bindings[name];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (self.unbindNative) {
+						for (name in bindings) {
+							self.unbindNative(name);
+						}
+					}
+					self[bindingsName] = [];
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		hasEventListeners: function(name) {
+			var bindings = this[bindingsName];
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			return !(!bindings || !bindings[name] || bindings[name].length === 0);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Shortcuts.js
+ * Shortcuts.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Contains all logic for handling of keyboard shortcuts.
+ */
+define("tinymce/Shortcuts", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Tools, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var keyCodeLookup = {
+		"f9": 120,
+		"f10": 121,
+		"f11": 122
+	};
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, shortcuts = {};
+		editor.on('keyup keypress keydown', function(e) {
+			if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
+				each(shortcuts, function(shortcut) {
+					var ctrlKey = Env.mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;
+					if (shortcut.ctrl != ctrlKey || shortcut.alt != e.altKey || shortcut.shift != e.shiftKey) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (e.keyCode == shortcut.keyCode || (e.charCode && e.charCode == shortcut.charCode)) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						if (e.type == "keydown") {
+							shortcut.func.call(shortcut.scope);
+						}
+						return true;
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		});
+		/**
+		 * Adds a keyboard shortcut for some command or function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addShortcut
+		 * @param {String} pattern Shortcut pattern. Like for example: ctrl+alt+o.
+		 * @param {String} desc Text description for the command.
+		 * @param {String/Function} cmdFunc Command name string or function to execute when the key is pressed.
+		 * @param {Object} sc Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the shortcut was added or not.
+		 */
+		self.add = function(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
+			var cmd;
+			cmd = cmdFunc;
+			if (typeof(cmdFunc) === 'string') {
+				cmdFunc = function() {
+					editor.execCommand(cmd, false, null);
+				};
+			} else if (Tools.isArray(cmd)) {
+				cmdFunc = function() {
+					editor.execCommand(cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2]);
+				};
+			}
+			each(explode(pattern.toLowerCase()), function(pattern) {
+				var shortcut = {
+					func: cmdFunc,
+					scope: scope || editor,
+					desc: editor.translate(desc),
+					alt: false,
+					ctrl: false,
+					shift: false
+				};
+				each(explode(pattern, '+'), function(value) {
+					switch (value) {
+						case 'alt':
+						case 'ctrl':
+						case 'shift':
+							shortcut[value] = true;
+							break;
+						default:
+							shortcut.charCode = value.charCodeAt(0);
+							shortcut.keyCode = keyCodeLookup[value] || value.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
+					}
+				});
+				shortcuts[
+					(shortcut.ctrl ? 'ctrl' : '') + ',' +
+					(shortcut.alt ? 'alt' : '') + ',' +
+					(shortcut.shift ? 'shift' : '') + ',' +
+					shortcut.keyCode
+				] = shortcut;
+			});
+			return true;
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Editor.js
+ * Editor.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint scripturl:true */
+ * Include the base event class documentation.
+ *
+ * @include ../../../tools/docs/tinymce.Event.js
+ */
+ * This class contains the core logic for a TinyMCE editor.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Editor
+ * @mixes tinymce.util.Observable
+ * @example
+ * // Add a class to all paragraphs in the editor.
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+ *
+ * // Gets the current editors selection as text
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'});
+ *
+ * // Creates a new editor instance
+ * var ed = new tinymce.Editor('textareaid', {
+ *     some_setting: 1
+ * }, tinymce.EditorManager);
+ *
+ * // Select each item the user clicks on
+ * ed.on('click', function(e) {
+ *     ed.selection.select(e.target);
+ * });
+ *
+ * ed.render();
+ */
+define("tinymce/Editor", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/AddOnManager",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/dom/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/dom/Selection",
+	"tinymce/Formatter",
+	"tinymce/UndoManager",
+	"tinymce/EnterKey",
+	"tinymce/ForceBlocks",
+	"tinymce/EditorCommands",
+	"tinymce/util/URI",
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/WindowManager",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/util/Quirks",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/util/Observable",
+	"tinymce/Shortcuts"
+], function(
+	DOMUtils, AddOnManager, Node, DomSerializer, Serializer,
+	Selection, Formatter, UndoManager, EnterKey, ForceBlocks, EditorCommands,
+	URI, ScriptLoader, EventUtils, WindowManager,
+	Schema, DomParser, Quirks, Env, Tools, Observable, Shortcuts
+) {
+	// Shorten these names
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM, ThemeManager = AddOnManager.ThemeManager, PluginManager = AddOnManager.PluginManager;
+	var extend = Tools.extend, each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var inArray = Tools.inArray, trim = Tools.trim, resolve = Tools.resolve;
+	var Event = EventUtils.Event;
+	var isGecko = Env.gecko, ie = Env.ie;
+	function getEventTarget(editor, eventName) {
+		if (eventName == 'selectionchange') {
+			return editor.getDoc();
+		}
+		// Need to bind mousedown/mouseup etc to document not body in iframe mode
+		// Since the user might click on the HTML element not the BODY
+		if (!editor.inline && /^mouse|click|contextmenu|drop/.test(eventName)) {
+			return editor.getDoc();
+		}
+		return editor.getBody();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Include documentation for all the events.
+	 *
+	 * @include ../../../tools/docs/tinymce.Editor.js
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a editor instance by id.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Editor
+	 * @param {String} id Unique id for the editor.
+	 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the editor.
+	 * @param {tinymce.EditorManager} editorManager EditorManager instance.
+	 * @author Moxiecode
+	 */
+	function Editor(id, settings, editorManager) {
+		var self = this, documentBaseUrl, baseUri;
+		documentBaseUrl = self.documentBaseUrl = editorManager.documentBaseURL;
+		baseUri = editorManager.baseURI;
+		/**
+		 * Name/value collection with editor settings.
+		 *
+		 * @property settings
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get the value of the theme setting
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("You are using the " + tinymce.activeEditor.settings.theme + " theme");
+		 */
+		self.settings = settings = extend({
+			id: id,
+			theme: 'modern',
+			delta_width: 0,
+			delta_height: 0,
+			popup_css: '',
+			plugins: '',
+			document_base_url: documentBaseUrl,
+			add_form_submit_trigger: true,
+			submit_patch: true,
+			add_unload_trigger: true,
+			convert_urls: true,
+			relative_urls: true,
+			remove_script_host: true,
+			object_resizing: true,
+			doctype: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
+			visual: true,
+			font_size_style_values: 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large',
+			// See: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#propdef-font-size
+			font_size_legacy_values: 'xx-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large,300%',
+			forced_root_block: 'p',
+			hidden_input: true,
+			padd_empty_editor: true,
+			render_ui: true,
+			indentation: '30px',
+			inline_styles: true,
+			convert_fonts_to_spans: true,
+			indent: 'simple',
+			indent_before: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,' +
+				'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist',
+			indent_after: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,' +
+				'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist',
+			validate: true,
+			entity_encoding: 'named',
+			url_converter: self.convertURL,
+			url_converter_scope: self,
+			ie7_compat: true
+		}, settings);
+		AddOnManager.language = settings.language || 'en';
+		AddOnManager.languageLoad = settings.language_load;
+		AddOnManager.baseURL = editorManager.baseURL;
+		/**
+		 * Editor instance id, normally the same as the div/textarea that was replaced.
+		 *
+		 * @property id
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		self.id = settings.id = id;
+		/**
+		 * State to force the editor to return false on a isDirty call.
+		 *
+		 * @property isNotDirty
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @example
+		 * function ajaxSave() {
+		 *     var ed = tinymce.get('elm1');
+		 *
+		 *     // Save contents using some XHR call
+		 *     alert(ed.getContent());
+		 *
+		 *     ed.isNotDirty = true; // Force not dirty state
+		 * }
+		 */
+		self.isNotDirty = true;
+		/**
+		 * Name/Value object containting plugin instances.
+		 *
+		 * @property plugins
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * // Execute a method inside a plugin directly
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.plugins.someplugin.someMethod();
+		 */
+		self.plugins = {};
+		/**
+		 * URI object to document configured for the TinyMCE instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property documentBaseURI
+		 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get relative URL from the location of document_base_url
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.documentBaseURI.toRelative('/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 *
+		 * // Get absolute URL from the location of document_base_url
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute('somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		self.documentBaseURI = new URI(settings.document_base_url || documentBaseUrl, {
+			base_uri: baseUri
+		});
+		/**
+		 * URI object to current document that holds the TinyMCE editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property baseURI
+		 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get relative URL from the location of the API
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.baseURI.toRelative('/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 *
+		 * // Get absolute URL from the location of the API
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.baseURI.toAbsolute('somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		self.baseURI = baseUri;
+		/**
+		 * Array with CSS files to load into the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentCSS
+		 * @type Array
+		 */
+		self.contentCSS = [];
+		/**
+		 * Array of CSS styles to add to head of document when the editor loads.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentStyles
+		 * @type Array
+		 */
+		self.contentStyles = [];
+		// Creates all events like onClick, onSetContent etc see Editor.Events.js for the actual logic
+		self.shortcuts = new Shortcuts(self);
+		// Internal command handler objects
+		self.execCommands = {};
+		self.queryStateCommands = {};
+		self.queryValueCommands = {};
+		self.loadedCSS = {};
+		self.suffix = editorManager.suffix;
+		self.editorManager = editorManager;
+		self.inline = settings.inline;
+		// Call setup
+		editorManager.fire('SetupEditor', self);
+		self.execCallback('setup', self);
+	}
+	Editor.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Renderes the editor/adds it to the page.
+		 *
+		 * @method render
+		 */
+		render: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, id = self.id, suffix = self.suffix;
+			function readyHandler() {
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				self.render();
+			}
+			// Page is not loaded yet, wait for it
+			if (!Event.domLoaded) {
+				DOM.bind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				return;
+			}
+			// Element not found, then skip initialization
+			if (!self.getElement()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// No editable support old iOS versions etc
+			if (!Env.contentEditable) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Hide target element early to prevent content flashing
+			if (!settings.inline) {
+				self.orgVisibility = self.getElement().style.visibility;
+				self.getElement().style.visibility = 'hidden';
+			} else {
+				self.inline = true;
+			}
+			var form = self.getElement().form || DOM.getParent(id, 'form');
+			if (form) {
+				self.formElement = form;
+				// Add hidden input for non input elements inside form elements
+				if (settings.hidden_input && !/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(self.getElement().nodeName)) {
+					DOM.insertAfter(DOM.create('input', {type: 'hidden', name: id}), id);
+					self.hasHiddenInput = true;
+				}
+				// Pass submit/reset from form to editor instance
+				self.formEventDelegate = function(e) {
+					self.fire(e.type, e);
+				};
+				DOM.bind(form, 'submit reset', self.formEventDelegate);
+				// Reset contents in editor when the form is reset
+				self.on('reset', function() {
+					self.setContent(self.startContent, {format: 'raw'});
+				});
+				// Check page uses id="submit" or name="submit" for it's submit button
+				if (settings.submit_patch && !form.submit.nodeType && !form.submit.length && !form._mceOldSubmit) {
+					form._mceOldSubmit = form.submit;
+					form.submit = function() {
+						self.editorManager.triggerSave();
+						self.isNotDirty = true;
+						return form._mceOldSubmit(form);
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Window manager reference, use this to open new windows and dialogs.
+			 *
+			 * @property windowManager
+			 * @type tinymce.WindowManager
+			 * @example
+			 * // Shows an alert message
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+			 *
+			 * // Opens a new dialog with the file.htm file and the size 320x240
+			 * // It also adds a custom parameter this can be retrieved by using tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg inside the dialog.
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.open({
+			 *    url: 'file.htm',
+			 *    width: 320,
+			 *    height: 240
+			 * }, {
+			 *    custom_param: 1
+			 * });
+			 */
+			self.windowManager = new WindowManager(self);
+			if (settings.encoding == 'xml') {
+				self.on('GetContent', function(e) {
+					if (e.save) {
+						e.content = DOM.encode(e.content);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (settings.add_form_submit_trigger) {
+				self.on('submit', function() {
+					if (self.initialized) {
+						self.save();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (settings.add_unload_trigger) {
+				self._beforeUnload = function() {
+					if (self.initialized && !self.destroyed && !self.isHidden()) {
+						self.save({format: 'raw', no_events: true, set_dirty: false});
+					}
+				};
+				self.editorManager.on('BeforeUnload', self._beforeUnload);
+			}
+			// Load scripts
+			function loadScripts() {
+				var scriptLoader = ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader;
+				if (settings.language && settings.language != 'en' && !settings.language_url) {
+					settings.language_url = self.editorManager.baseURL + '/langs/' + settings.language + '.js';
+				}
+				if (settings.language_url) {
+					scriptLoader.add(settings.language_url);
+				}
+				if (settings.theme && typeof settings.theme != "function" &&
+					settings.theme.charAt(0) != '-' && !ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme]) {
+					var themeUrl = settings.theme_url;
+					if (themeUrl) {
+						themeUrl = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(themeUrl);
+					} else {
+						themeUrl = 'themes/' + settings.theme + '/theme' + suffix + '.js';
+					}
+					ThemeManager.load(settings.theme, themeUrl);
+				}
+				if (Tools.isArray(settings.plugins)) {
+					settings.plugins = settings.plugins.join(' ');
+				}
+				each(settings.external_plugins, function(url, name) {
+					PluginManager.load(name, url);
+					settings.plugins += ' ' + name;
+				});
+				each(settings.plugins.split(/[ ,]/), function(plugin) {
+					plugin = trim(plugin);
+					if (plugin && !PluginManager.urls[plugin]) {
+						if (plugin.charAt(0) == '-') {
+							plugin = plugin.substr(1, plugin.length);
+							var dependencies = PluginManager.dependencies(plugin);
+							each(dependencies, function(dep) {
+								var defaultSettings = {
+									prefix:'plugins/',
+									resource: dep,
+									suffix:'/plugin' + suffix + '.js'
+								};
+								dep = PluginManager.createUrl(defaultSettings, dep);
+								PluginManager.load(dep.resource, dep);
+							});
+						} else {
+							PluginManager.load(plugin, {
+								prefix: 'plugins/',
+								resource: plugin,
+								suffix: '/plugin' + suffix + '.js'
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				scriptLoader.loadQueue(function() {
+					if (!self.removed) {
+						self.init();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			loadScripts();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the editor this will be called automatically when
+		 * all plugins/themes and language packs are loaded by the rendered method.
+		 * This method will setup the iframe and create the theme and plugin instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method init
+		 */
+		init: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, elm = self.getElement();
+			var w, h, minHeight, n, o, Theme, url, bodyId, bodyClass, re, i, initializedPlugins = [];
+			self.rtl = this.editorManager.i18n.rtl;
+			self.editorManager.add(self);
+			settings.aria_label = settings.aria_label || DOM.getAttrib(elm, 'aria-label', self.getLang('aria.rich_text_area'));
+			/**
+			 * Reference to the theme instance that was used to generate the UI.
+			 *
+			 * @property theme
+			 * @type tinymce.Theme
+			 * @example
+			 * // Executes a method on the theme directly
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.theme.someMethod();
+			 */
+			if (settings.theme) {
+				if (typeof settings.theme != "function") {
+					settings.theme = settings.theme.replace(/-/, '');
+					Theme = ThemeManager.get(settings.theme);
+					self.theme = new Theme(self, ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme]);
+					if (self.theme.init) {
+						self.theme.init(self, ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme] || self.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''));
+					}
+				} else {
+					self.theme = settings.theme;
+				}
+			}
+			function initPlugin(plugin) {
+				var Plugin = PluginManager.get(plugin), pluginUrl, pluginInstance;
+				pluginUrl = PluginManager.urls[plugin] || self.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '');
+				plugin = trim(plugin);
+				if (Plugin && inArray(initializedPlugins, plugin) === -1) {
+					each(PluginManager.dependencies(plugin), function(dep){
+						initPlugin(dep);
+					});
+					pluginInstance = new Plugin(self, pluginUrl);
+					self.plugins[plugin] = pluginInstance;
+					if (pluginInstance.init) {
+						pluginInstance.init(self, pluginUrl);
+						initializedPlugins.push(plugin);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Create all plugins
+			each(settings.plugins.replace(/\-/g, '').split(/[ ,]/), initPlugin);
+			// Measure box
+			if (settings.render_ui && self.theme) {
+				self.orgDisplay = elm.style.display;
+				if (typeof settings.theme != "function") {
+					w = settings.width || elm.style.width || elm.offsetWidth;
+					h = settings.height || elm.style.height || elm.offsetHeight;
+					minHeight = settings.min_height || 100;
+					re = /^[0-9\.]+(|px)$/i;
+					if (re.test('' + w)) {
+						w = Math.max(parseInt(w, 10), 100);
+					}
+					if (re.test('' + h)) {
+						h = Math.max(parseInt(h, 10), minHeight);
+					}
+					// Render UI
+					o = self.theme.renderUI({
+						targetNode: elm,
+						width: w,
+						height: h,
+						deltaWidth: settings.delta_width,
+						deltaHeight: settings.delta_height
+					});
+					// Resize editor
+					if (!settings.content_editable) {
+						DOM.setStyles(o.sizeContainer || o.editorContainer, {
+							wi2dth: w,
+							// TODO: Fix this
+							h2eight: h
+						});
+						h = (o.iframeHeight || h) + (typeof(h) == 'number' ? (o.deltaHeight || 0) : '');
+						if (h < minHeight) {
+							h = minHeight;
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					o = settings.theme(self, elm);
+					// Convert element type to id:s
+					if (o.editorContainer.nodeType) {
+						o.editorContainer = o.editorContainer.id = o.editorContainer.id || self.id + "_parent";
+					}
+					// Convert element type to id:s
+					if (o.iframeContainer.nodeType) {
+						o.iframeContainer = o.iframeContainer.id = o.iframeContainer.id || self.id + "_iframecontainer";
+					}
+					// Use specified iframe height or the targets offsetHeight
+					h = o.iframeHeight || elm.offsetHeight;
+				}
+				self.editorContainer = o.editorContainer;
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			if (settings.content_css) {
+				each(explode(settings.content_css), function(u) {
+					self.contentCSS.push(self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(u));
+				});
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			if (settings.content_style) {
+				self.contentStyles.push(settings.content_style);
+			}
+			// Content editable mode ends here
+			if (settings.content_editable) {
+				elm = n = o = null; // Fix IE leak
+				return self.initContentBody();
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML = settings.doctype + '<html><head>';
+			// We only need to override paths if we have to
+			// IE has a bug where it remove site absolute urls to relative ones if this is specified
+			if (settings.document_base_url != self.documentBaseUrl) {
+				self.iframeHTML += '<base href="' + self.documentBaseURI.getURI() + '" />';
+			}
+			// IE8 doesn't support carets behind images setting ie7_compat would force IE8+ to run in IE7 compat mode.
+			if (!Env.caretAfter && settings.ie7_compat) {
+				self.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />';
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />';
+			// Load the CSS by injecting them into the HTML this will reduce "flicker"
+			for (i = 0; i < self.contentCSS.length; i++) {
+				var cssUrl = self.contentCSS[i];
+				self.iframeHTML += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + cssUrl + '" />';
+				self.loadedCSS[cssUrl] = true;
+			}
+			bodyId = settings.body_id || 'tinymce';
+			if (bodyId.indexOf('=') != -1) {
+				bodyId = self.getParam('body_id', '', 'hash');
+				bodyId = bodyId[self.id] || bodyId;
+			}
+			bodyClass = settings.body_class || '';
+			if (bodyClass.indexOf('=') != -1) {
+				bodyClass = self.getParam('body_class', '', 'hash');
+				bodyClass = bodyClass[self.id] || '';
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML += '</head><body id="' + bodyId + '" class="mce-content-body ' + bodyClass + '" ' +
+				'onload="window.parent.tinymce.get(\'' + self.id + '\').fire(\'load\');"><br></body></html>';
+			/*eslint no-script-url:0 */
+			var domainRelaxUrl = 'javascript:(function(){' +
+				'document.open();document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' +
+				'var ed = window.parent.tinymce.get("' + self.id + '");document.write(ed.iframeHTML);' +
+				'document.close();ed.initContentBody(true);})()';
+			// Domain relaxing is required since the user has messed around with document.domain
+			if (document.domain != location.hostname) {
+				url = domainRelaxUrl;
+			}
+			// Create iframe
+			// TODO: ACC add the appropriate description on this.
+			n = DOM.add(o.iframeContainer, 'iframe', {
+				id: self.id + "_ifr",
+				src: url || 'javascript:""', // Workaround for HTTPS warning in IE6/7
+				frameBorder: '0',
+				allowTransparency: "true",
+				title: self.editorManager.translate(
+					"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. " +
+					"Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help"
+				),
+				style: {
+					width: '100%',
+					height: h,
+					display: 'block' // Important for Gecko to render the iframe correctly
+				}
+			});
+			// Try accessing the document this will fail on IE when document.domain is set to the same as location.hostname
+			// Then we have to force domain relaxing using the domainRelaxUrl approach very ugly!!
+			if (ie) {
+				try {
+					self.getDoc();
+				} catch (e) {
+					n.src = url = domainRelaxUrl;
+				}
+			}
+			self.contentAreaContainer = o.iframeContainer;
+			if (o.editorContainer) {
+				DOM.get(o.editorContainer).style.display = self.orgDisplay;
+			}
+			DOM.get(self.id).style.display = 'none';
+			DOM.setAttrib(self.id, 'aria-hidden', true);
+			if (!url) {
+				self.initContentBody();
+			}
+			elm = n = o = null; // Cleanup
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method get called by the init method ones the iframe is loaded.
+		 * It will fill the iframe with contents, setups DOM and selection objects for the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @method initContentBody
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		initContentBody: function(skipWrite) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, targetElm = DOM.get(self.id), doc = self.getDoc(), body, contentCssText;
+			// Restore visibility on target element
+			if (!settings.inline) {
+				self.getElement().style.visibility = self.orgVisibility;
+			}
+			// Setup iframe body
+			if (!skipWrite && !settings.content_editable) {
+				doc.open();
+				doc.write(self.iframeHTML);
+				doc.close();
+			}
+			if (settings.content_editable) {
+				self.on('remove', function() {
+					var bodyEl = this.getBody();
+					DOM.removeClass(bodyEl, 'mce-content-body');
+					DOM.removeClass(bodyEl, 'mce-edit-focus');
+					DOM.setAttrib(bodyEl, 'tabIndex', null);
+					DOM.setAttrib(bodyEl, 'contentEditable', null);
+				});
+				DOM.addClass(targetElm, 'mce-content-body');
+				targetElm.tabIndex = -1;
+				self.contentDocument = doc = settings.content_document || document;
+				self.contentWindow = settings.content_window || window;
+				self.bodyElement = targetElm;
+				// Prevent leak in IE
+				settings.content_document = settings.content_window = null;
+				// TODO: Fix this
+				settings.root_name = targetElm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			}
+			// It will not steal focus while setting contentEditable
+			body = self.getBody();
+			body.disabled = true;
+			if (!settings.readonly) {
+				if (self.inline && DOM.getStyle(body, 'position', true) == 'static') {
+					body.style.position = 'relative';
+				}
+				body.contentEditable = self.getParam('content_editable_state', true);
+			}
+			body.disabled = false;
+			/**
+			 * Schema instance, enables you to validate elements and it's children.
+			 *
+			 * @property schema
+			 * @type tinymce.html.Schema
+			 */
+			self.schema = new Schema(settings);
+			/**
+			 * DOM instance for the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property dom
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+			 * @example
+			 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs within the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+			 */
+			self.dom = new DOMUtils(doc, {
+				keep_values: true,
+				url_converter: self.convertURL,
+				url_converter_scope: self,
+				hex_colors: settings.force_hex_style_colors,
+				class_filter: settings.class_filter,
+				update_styles: true,
+				root_element: settings.content_editable ? self.id : null,
+				collect: settings.content_editable,
+				schema: self.schema,
+				onSetAttrib: function(e) {
+					self.fire('SetAttrib', e);
+				}
+			});
+			/**
+			 * HTML parser will be used when contents is inserted into the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property parser
+			 * @type tinymce.html.DomParser
+			 */
+			self.parser = new DomParser(settings, self.schema);
+			// Convert src and href into data-mce-src, data-mce-href and data-mce-style
+			self.parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function(nodes, name) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, dom = self.dom, value, internalName;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					value = node.attr(name);
+					internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
+					// Add internal attribute if we need to we don't on a refresh of the document
+					if (!node.attributes.map[internalName]) {
+						if (name === "style") {
+							node.attr(internalName, dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name));
+						} else {
+							node.attr(internalName, self.convertURL(value, name, node.name));
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			// Keep scripts from executing
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('script', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.attr('type', 'mce-' + (node.attr('type') || 'text/javascript'));
+				}
+			});
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('#cdata', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.type = 8;
+					node.name = '#comment';
+					node.value = '[CDATA[' + node.value + ']]';
+				}
+			});
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, nonEmptyElements = self.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+						node.empty().append(new Node('br', 1)).shortEnded = true;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			/**
+			 * DOM serializer for the editor. Will be used when contents is extracted from the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property serializer
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.Serializer
+			 * @example
+			 * // Serializes the first paragraph in the editor into a string
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.serializer.serialize(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+			 */
+			self.serializer = new DomSerializer(settings, self);
+			/**
+			 * Selection instance for the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property selection
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.Selection
+			 * @example
+			 * // Sets some contents to the current selection in the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent('Some contents');
+			 *
+			 * // Gets the current selection
+			 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent());
+			 *
+			 * // Selects the first paragraph found
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.select(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+			 */
+			self.selection = new Selection(self.dom, self.getWin(), self.serializer, self);
+			/**
+			 * Formatter instance.
+			 *
+			 * @property formatter
+			 * @type tinymce.Formatter
+			 */
+			self.formatter = new Formatter(self);
+			/**
+			 * Undo manager instance, responsible for handling undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @property undoManager
+			 * @type tinymce.UndoManager
+			 * @example
+			 * // Undoes the last modification to the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.undoManager.undo();
+			 */
+			self.undoManager = new UndoManager(self);
+			self.forceBlocks = new ForceBlocks(self);
+			self.enterKey = new EnterKey(self);
+			self.editorCommands = new EditorCommands(self);
+			self.fire('PreInit');
+			if (!settings.browser_spellcheck && !settings.gecko_spellcheck) {
+				doc.body.spellcheck = false; // Gecko
+				DOM.setAttrib(body, "spellcheck", "false");
+			}
+			self.fire('PostRender');
+			self.quirks = Quirks(self);
+			if (settings.directionality) {
+				body.dir = settings.directionality;
+			}
+			if (settings.nowrap) {
+				body.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+			}
+			if (settings.protect) {
+				self.on('BeforeSetContent', function(e) {
+					each(settings.protect, function(pattern) {
+						e.content = e.content.replace(pattern, function(str) {
+							return '<!--mce:protected ' + escape(str) + '-->';
+						});
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			self.on('SetContent', function() {
+				self.addVisual(self.getBody());
+			});
+			// Remove empty contents
+			if (settings.padd_empty_editor) {
+				self.on('PostProcess', function(e) {
+					e.content = e.content.replace(/^(<p[^>]*>(&nbsp;|&#160;|\s|\u00a0|)<\/p>[\r\n]*|<br \/>[\r\n]*)$/, '');
+				});
+			}
+			self.load({initial: true, format: 'html'});
+			self.startContent = self.getContent({format: 'raw'});
+			/**
+			 * Is set to true after the editor instance has been initialized
+			 *
+			 * @property initialized
+			 * @type Boolean
+			 * @example
+			 * function isEditorInitialized(editor) {
+			 *     return editor && editor.initialized;
+			 * }
+			 */
+			self.initialized = true;
+			each(self._pendingNativeEvents, function(name) {
+				self.dom.bind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, function(e) {
+					self.fire(e.type, e);
+				});
+			});
+			self.fire('init');
+			self.focus(true);
+			self.nodeChanged({initial: true});
+			self.execCallback('init_instance_callback', self);
+			// Add editor specific CSS styles
+			if (self.contentStyles.length > 0) {
+				contentCssText = '';
+				each(self.contentStyles, function(style) {
+					contentCssText += style + "\r\n";
+				});
+				self.dom.addStyle(contentCssText);
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			each(self.contentCSS, function(cssUrl) {
+				if (!self.loadedCSS[cssUrl]) {
+                    self.dom.loadCSS(cssUrl);
+					self.loadedCSS[cssUrl] = true;
+				}
+			});
+			// Handle auto focus
+			if (settings.auto_focus) {
+				setTimeout(function () {
+					var ed = self.editorManager.get(settings.auto_focus);
+					ed.selection.select(ed.getBody(), 1);
+					ed.selection.collapse(1);
+					ed.getBody().focus();
+					ed.getWin().focus();
+				}, 100);
+			}
+			// Clean up references for IE
+			targetElm = doc = body = null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses/activates the editor. This will set this editor as the activeEditor in the tinymce collection
+		 * it will also place DOM focus inside the editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @param {Boolean} skip_focus Skip DOM focus. Just set is as the active editor.
+		 */
+		focus: function(skip_focus) {
+			var oed, self = this, selection = self.selection, contentEditable = self.settings.content_editable, rng;
+			var controlElm, doc = self.getDoc(), body;
+			if (!skip_focus) {
+				// Get selected control element
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				if (rng.item) {
+					controlElm = rng.item(0);
+				}
+				self._refreshContentEditable();
+				// Focus the window iframe
+				if (!contentEditable) {
+					// WebKit needs this call to fire focusin event properly see #5948
+					// But Opera pre Blink engine will produce an empty selection so skip Opera
+					if (!Env.opera) {
+						self.getBody().focus();
+					}
+					self.getWin().focus();
+				}
+				// Focus the body as well since it's contentEditable
+				if (isGecko || contentEditable) {
+					body = self.getBody();
+					// Check for setActive since it doesn't scroll to the element
+					if (body.setActive && Env.ie < 11) {
+						body.setActive();
+					} else {
+						body.focus();
+					}
+					if (contentEditable) {
+						selection.normalize();
+					}
+				}
+				// Restore selected control element
+				// This is needed when for example an image is selected within a
+				// layer a call to focus will then remove the control selection
+				if (controlElm && controlElm.ownerDocument == doc) {
+					rng = doc.body.createControlRange();
+					rng.addElement(controlElm);
+					rng.select();
+				}
+			}
+			if (self.editorManager.activeEditor != self) {
+				if ((oed = self.editorManager.activeEditor)) {
+					oed.fire('deactivate', {relatedTarget: self});
+				}
+				self.fire('activate', {relatedTarget: oed});
+			}
+			self.editorManager.activeEditor = self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a legacy callback. This method is useful to call old 2.x option callbacks.
+		 * There new event model is a better way to add callback so this method might be removed in the future.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCallback
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the callback to execute.
+		 * @return {Object} Return value passed from callback function.
+		 */
+		execCallback: function(name) {
+			var self = this, callback = self.settings[name], scope;
+			if (!callback) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Look through lookup
+			if (self.callbackLookup && (scope = self.callbackLookup[name])) {
+				callback = scope.func;
+				scope = scope.scope;
+			}
+			if (typeof(callback) === 'string') {
+				scope = callback.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
+				scope = scope ? resolve(scope) : 0;
+				callback = resolve(callback);
+				self.callbackLookup = self.callbackLookup || {};
+				self.callbackLookup[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope};
+			}
+			return callback.apply(scope || self, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified string by replacing variables with language pack items it will also check if there is
+		 * a key mathcin the input.
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String} text String to translate by the language pack data.
+		 * @return {String} Translated string.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			var lang = this.settings.language || 'en', i18n = this.editorManager.i18n;
+			if (!text) {
+				return '';
+			}
+			return i18n.data[lang + '.' + text] || text.replace(/\{\#([^\}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
+				return i18n.data[lang + '.' + b] || '{#' + b + '}';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a language pack item by name/key.
+		 *
+		 * @method getLang
+		 * @param {String} name Name/key to get from the language pack.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to retrive.
+		 */
+		getLang: function(name, defaultVal) {
+			return (
+				this.editorManager.i18n.data[(this.settings.language || 'en') + '.' + name] ||
+				(defaultVal !== undefined ? defaultVal : '{#' + name + '}')
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a configuration parameter by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParam
+		 * @param {String} name Configruation parameter to retrive.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to return.
+		 * @param {String} type Optional type parameter.
+		 * @return {String} Configuration parameter value or default value.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Returns a specific config value from the currently active editor
+		 * var someval = tinymce.activeEditor.getParam('myvalue');
+		 *
+		 * // Returns a specific config value from a specific editor instance by id
+		 * var someval2 = tinymce.get('my_editor').getParam('myvalue');
+		 */
+		getParam: function(name, defaultVal, type) {
+			var value = name in this.settings ? this.settings[name] : defaultVal, output;
+			if (type === 'hash') {
+				output = {};
+				if (typeof(value) === 'string') {
+					each(value.indexOf('=') > 0 ? value.split(/[;,](?![^=;,]*(?:[;,]|$))/) : value.split(','), function(value) {
+						value = value.split('=');
+						if (value.length > 1) {
+							output[trim(value[0])] = trim(value[1]);
+						} else {
+							output[trim(value[0])] = trim(value);
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					output = value;
+				}
+				return output;
+			}
+			return value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Distpaches out a onNodeChange event to all observers. This method should be called when you
+		 * need to update the UI states or element path etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method nodeChanged
+		 */
+		nodeChanged: function() {
+			var self = this, selection = self.selection, node, parents, root;
+			// Fix for bug #1896577 it seems that this can not be fired while the editor is loading
+			if (self.initialized && !self.settings.disable_nodechange && !self.settings.readonly) {
+				// Get start node
+				root = self.getBody();
+				node = selection.getStart() || root;
+				node = ie && node.ownerDocument != self.getDoc() ? self.getBody() : node; // Fix for IE initial state
+				// Edge case for <p>|<img></p>
+				if (node.nodeName == 'IMG' && selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Get parents and add them to object
+				parents = [];
+				self.dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
+					if (node === root) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					parents.push(node);
+				});
+				self.fire('NodeChange', {element: node, parents: parents});
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a button that later gets created by the theme in the editors toolbars.
+		 *
+		 * @method addButton
+		 * @param {String} name Button name to add.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object with title, cmd etc.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom button to the editor that inserts contents when clicked
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    toolbar: 'example'
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       ed.addButton('example', {
+		 *          title: 'My title',
+		 *          image: '../js/tinymce/plugins/example/img/example.gif',
+		 *          onclick: function() {
+		 *             ed.insertContent('Hello world!!');
+		 *          }
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addButton: function(name, settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (settings.cmd) {
+				settings.onclick = function() {
+					self.execCommand(settings.cmd);
+				};
+			}
+			if (!settings.text && !settings.icon) {
+				settings.icon = name;
+			}
+			self.buttons = self.buttons || {};
+			settings.tooltip = settings.tooltip || settings.title;
+			self.buttons[name] = settings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a menu item to be used in the menus of the theme. There might be multiple instances
+		 * of this menu item for example it might be used in the main menus of the theme but also in
+		 * the context menu so make sure that it's self contained and supports multiple instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method addMenuItem
+		 * @param {String} name Menu item name to add.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object with title, cmd etc.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom menu item to the editor that inserts contents when clicked
+		 * // The context option allows you to add the menu item to an existing default menu
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       ed.addMenuItem('example', {
+		 *          text: 'My menu item',
+		 *          context: 'tools',
+		 *          onclick: function() {
+		 *             ed.insertContent('Hello world!!');
+		 *          }
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addMenuItem: function(name, settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (settings.cmd) {
+				settings.onclick = function() {
+					self.execCommand(settings.cmd);
+				};
+			}
+			self.menuItems = self.menuItems || {};
+			self.menuItems[name] = settings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with execCommand.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCommand
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addCommandCallback} callback Function to execute when the command occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom command that later can be executed using execCommand
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       // Register example command
+		 *       ed.addCommand('mycommand', function(ui, v) {
+		 *          ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!! Selection: ' + ed.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addCommand: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a command is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addCommandCallback
+			 * @param {Boolean} ui Display UI state true/false.
+			 * @param {Object} value Optional value for command.
+			 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the command was handled or not.
+			 */
+			this.execCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom query state command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with queryCommandState function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addQueryStateHandler
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addQueryStateHandlerCallback} callback Function to execute when the command state retrival occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 */
+		addQueryStateHandler: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a queryCommandState is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addQueryStateHandlerCallback
+			 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the command is enabled or not like is it bold.
+			 */
+			this.queryStateCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom query value command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with queryCommandValue function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addQueryValueHandler
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addQueryValueHandlerCallback} callback Function to execute when the command value retrival occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 */
+		addQueryValueHandler: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a queryCommandValue is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addQueryValueHandlerCallback
+			 * @return {Object} Value of the command or undefined.
+			 */
+			this.queryValueCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a keyboard shortcut for some command or function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addShortcut
+		 * @param {String} pattern Shortcut pattern. Like for example: ctrl+alt+o.
+		 * @param {String} desc Text description for the command.
+		 * @param {String/Function} cmdFunc Command name string or function to execute when the key is pressed.
+		 * @param {Object} sc Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the shortcut was added or not.
+		 */
+		addShortcut: function(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
+			this.shortcuts.add(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a command on the current instance. These commands can be TinyMCE internal commands prefixed with "mce" or
+		 * they can be build in browser commands such as "Bold". A compleate list of browser commands is available on MSDN or Mozilla.org.
+		 * This function will dispatch the execCommand function on each plugin, theme or the execcommand_callback option if none of these
+		 * return true it will handle the command as a internal browser command.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} cmd Command name to execute, for example mceLink or Bold.
+		 * @param {Boolean} ui True/false state if a UI (dialog) should be presented or not.
+		 * @param {mixed} value Optional command value, this can be anything.
+		 * @param {Object} a Optional arguments object.
+		 */
+		execCommand: function(cmd, ui, value, args) {
+			var self = this, state = 0, cmdItem;
+			if (!/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint)$/.test(cmd) && (!args || !args.skip_focus)) {
+				self.focus();
+			}
+			args = extend({}, args);
+			args = self.fire('BeforeExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+			if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((cmdItem = self.execCommands[cmd])) {
+				// Fall through on true
+				if (cmdItem.func.call(cmdItem.scope, ui, value) !== true) {
+					self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Plugin commands
+			each(self.plugins, function(p) {
+				if (p.execCommand && p.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+					self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+					state = true;
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			if (state) {
+				return state;
+			}
+			// Theme commands
+			if (self.theme && self.theme.execCommand && self.theme.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+				self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			if (self.editorCommands.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+				self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			self.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, ui, value);
+			self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a command specific state, for example if bold is enabled or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandState
+		 * @param {string} cmd Command to query state from.
+		 * @return {Boolean} Command specific state, for example if bold is enabled or not.
+		 */
+		queryCommandState: function(cmd) {
+			var self = this, queryItem, returnVal;
+			// Is hidden then return undefined
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((queryItem = self.queryStateCommands[cmd])) {
+				returnVal = queryItem.func.call(queryItem.scope);
+				// Fall though on true
+				if (returnVal !== true) {
+					return returnVal;
+				}
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			returnVal = self.editorCommands.queryCommandState(cmd);
+			if (returnVal !== -1) {
+				return returnVal;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			try {
+				return self.getDoc().queryCommandState(cmd);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a command specific value, for example the current font size.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandValue
+		 * @param {string} cmd Command to query value from.
+		 * @return {Object} Command specific value, for example the current font size.
+		 */
+		queryCommandValue: function(cmd) {
+			var self = this, queryItem, returnVal;
+			// Is hidden then return undefined
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((queryItem = self.queryValueCommands[cmd])) {
+				returnVal = queryItem.func.call(queryItem.scope);
+				// Fall though on true
+				if (returnVal !== true) {
+					return returnVal;
+				}
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			returnVal = self.editorCommands.queryCommandValue(cmd);
+			if (returnVal !== undefined) {
+				return returnVal;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			try {
+				return self.getDoc().queryCommandValue(cmd);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the editor and hides any textarea/div that the editor is supposed to replace.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DOM.show(self.getContainer());
+			DOM.hide(self.id);
+			self.load();
+			self.fire('show');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the editor and shows any textarea/div that the editor is supposed to replace.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			var self = this, doc = self.getDoc();
+			// Fixed bug where IE has a blinking cursor left from the editor
+			if (ie && doc && !self.inline) {
+				doc.execCommand('SelectAll');
+			}
+			// We must save before we hide so Safari doesn't crash
+			self.save();
+			// defer the call to hide to prevent an IE9 crash #4921
+			DOM.hide(self.getContainer());
+			DOM.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
+			self.fire('hide');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the editor is hidden or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isHidden
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the editor is hidden or not.
+		 */
+		isHidden: function() {
+			return !DOM.isHidden(this.id);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the progress state, this will display a throbber/progess for the editor.
+		 * This is ideal for asycronous operations like an AJAX save call.
+		 *
+		 * @method setProgressState
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Boolean state if the progress should be shown or hidden.
+		 * @param {Number} time Optional time to wait before the progress gets shown.
+		 * @return {Boolean} Same as the input state.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Show progress for the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(true);
+		 * 
+		 * // Hide progress for the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(false);
+		 * 
+		 * // Show progress after 3 seconds
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(true, 3000);
+		 */
+		setProgressState: function(state, time) {
+			this.fire('ProgressState', {state: state, time: time});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads contents from the textarea or div element that got converted into an editor instance.
+		 * This method will move the contents from that textarea or div into the editor by using setContent
+		 * so all events etc that method has will get dispatched as well.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole load process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the editor.
+		 */
+		load: function(args) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getElement(), html;
+			if (elm) {
+				args = args || {};
+				args.load = true;
+				html = self.setContent(elm.value !== undefined ? elm.value : elm.innerHTML, args);
+				args.element = elm;
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.fire('LoadContent', args);
+				}
+				args.element = elm = null;
+				return html;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Saves the contents from a editor out to the textarea or div element that got converted into an editor instance.
+		 * This method will move the HTML contents from the editor into that textarea or div by getContent
+		 * so all events etc that method has will get dispatched as well.
+		 *
+		 * @method save
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole save process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the textarea/div.
+		 */
+		save: function(args) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getElement(), html, form;
+			if (!elm || !self.initialized) {
+				return;
+			}
+			args = args || {};
+			args.save = true;
+			args.element = elm;
+			html = args.content = self.getContent(args);
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('SaveContent', args);
+			}
+			html = args.content;
+			if (!/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(elm.nodeName)) {
+				// Update DIV element when not in inline mode
+				if (!self.inline) {
+					elm.innerHTML = html;
+				}
+				// Update hidden form element
+				if ((form = DOM.getParent(self.id, 'form'))) {
+					each(form.elements, function(elm) {
+						if (elm.name == self.id) {
+							elm.value = html;
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			} else {
+				elm.value = html;
+			}
+			args.element = elm = null;
+			if (args.set_dirty !== false) {
+				self.isNotDirty = true;
+			}
+			return html;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified content to the editor instance, this will cleanup the content before it gets set using
+		 * the different cleanup rules options.
+		 *
+		 * @method setContent
+		 * @param {String} content Content to set to editor, normally HTML contents but can be other formats as well.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole set process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the editor.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the HTML contents of the activeEditor editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('<span>some</span> html');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the raw contents of the activeEditor editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('<span>some</span> html', {format: 'raw'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the content of a specific editor (my_editor in this example)
+		 * tinymce.get('my_editor').setContent(data);
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the bbcode contents of the activeEditor editor if the bbcode plugin was added
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('[b]some[/b] html', {format: 'bbcode'});
+		 */
+		setContent: function(content, args) {
+			var self = this, body = self.getBody(), forcedRootBlockName;
+			// Setup args object
+			args = args || {};
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.set = true;
+			args.content = content;
+			// Do preprocessing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+			}
+			content = args.content;
+			// Padd empty content in Gecko and Safari. Commands will otherwise fail on the content
+			// It will also be impossible to place the caret in the editor unless there is a BR element present
+			if (content.length === 0 || /^\s+$/.test(content)) {
+				forcedRootBlockName = self.settings.forced_root_block;
+				// Check if forcedRootBlock is configured and that the block is a valid child of the body
+				if (forcedRootBlockName && self.schema.isValidChild(body.nodeName.toLowerCase(), forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase())) {
+					// Padd with bogus BR elements on modern browsers and IE 7 and 8 since they don't render empty P tags properly
+					content = ie && ie < 11 ? '' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+					content = self.dom.createHTML(forcedRootBlockName, self.settings.forced_root_block_attrs, content);
+				} else if (!ie) {
+					// We need to add a BR when forced_root_block is disabled on non IE browsers to place the caret
+					content = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+				}
+				body.innerHTML = content;
+				self.fire('SetContent', args);
+			} else {
+				// Parse and serialize the html
+				if (args.format !== 'raw') {
+					content = new Serializer({}, self.schema).serialize(
+						self.parser.parse(content, {isRootContent: true})
+					);
+				}
+				// Set the new cleaned contents to the editor
+				args.content = trim(content);
+				self.dom.setHTML(body, args.content);
+				// Do post processing
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.fire('SetContent', args);
+				}
+				// Don't normalize selection if the focused element isn't the body in
+				// content editable mode since it will steal focus otherwise
+				/*if (!self.settings.content_editable || document.activeElement === self.getBody()) {
+					self.selection.normalize();
+				}*/
+			}
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets the content from the editor instance, this will cleanup the content before it gets returned using
+		 * the different cleanup rules options.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContent
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole get process.
+		 * @return {String} Cleaned content string, normally HTML contents.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get the HTML contents of the currently active editor
+		 * console.debug(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent());
+		 *
+		 * // Get the raw contents of the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.getContent({format: 'raw'});
+		 *
+		 * // Get content of a specific editor:
+		 * tinymce.get('content id').getContent()
+		 */
+		getContent: function(args) {
+			var self = this, content, body = self.getBody();
+			// Setup args object
+			args = args || {};
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.get = true;
+			args.getInner = true;
+			// Do preprocessing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('BeforeGetContent', args);
+			}
+			// Get raw contents or by default the cleaned contents
+			if (args.format == 'raw') {
+				content = body.innerHTML;
+			} else if (args.format == 'text') {
+				content = body.innerText || body.textContent;
+			} else {
+				content = self.serializer.serialize(body, args);
+			}
+			// Trim whitespace in beginning/end of HTML
+			if (args.format != 'text') {
+				args.content = trim(content);
+			} else {
+				args.content = content;
+			}
+			// Do post processing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('GetContent', args);
+			}
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts content at caret position.
+		 *
+		 * @method insertContent
+		 * @param {String} content Content to insert.
+		 */
+		insertContent: function(content) {
+			this.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, content);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the editor is dirty or not. It will get dirty if the user has made modifications to the contents.
+		 *
+		 * @method isDirty
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the editor is dirty or not. It will get dirty if the user has made modifications to the contents.
+		 * @example
+		 * if (tinymce.activeEditor.isDirty())
+		 *     alert("You must save your contents.");
+		 */
+		isDirty: function() {
+			return !this.isNotDirty;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the editors container element. The container element wrappes in
+		 * all the elements added to the page for the editor. Such as UI, iframe etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContainer
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the editor container.
+		 */
+		getContainer: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.container) {
+				self.container = DOM.get(self.editorContainer || self.id + '_parent');
+			}
+			return self.container;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the editors content area container element. The this element is the one who
+		 * holds the iframe or the editable element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContentAreaContainer
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the editor area container.
+		 */
+		getContentAreaContainer: function() {
+			return this.contentAreaContainer;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the target element/textarea that got replaced with a TinyMCE editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method getElement
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the replaced element.
+		 */
+		getElement: function() {
+			return DOM.get(this.settings.content_element || this.id);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes window object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getWin
+		 * @return {Window} Iframe DOM window object.
+		 */
+		getWin: function() {
+			var self = this, elm;
+			if (!self.contentWindow) {
+				elm = DOM.get(self.id + "_ifr");
+				if (elm) {
+					self.contentWindow = elm.contentWindow;
+				}
+			}
+			return self.contentWindow;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes document object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getDoc
+		 * @return {Document} Iframe DOM document object.
+		 */
+		getDoc: function() {
+			var self = this, win;
+			if (!self.contentDocument) {
+				win = self.getWin();
+				if (win) {
+					self.contentDocument = win.document;
+				}
+			}
+			return self.contentDocument;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes body element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBody
+		 * @return {Element} Iframe body element.
+		 */
+		getBody: function() {
+			return this.bodyElement || this.getDoc().body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * URL converter function this gets executed each time a user adds an img, a or
+		 * any other element that has a URL in it. This will be called both by the DOM and HTML
+		 * manipulation functions.
+		 *
+		 * @method convertURL
+		 * @param {string} url URL to convert.
+		 * @param {string} name Attribute name src, href etc.
+		 * @param {string/HTMLElement} elm Tag name or HTML DOM element depending on HTML or DOM insert.
+		 * @return {string} Converted URL string.
+		 */
+		convertURL: function(url, name, elm) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			// Use callback instead
+			if (settings.urlconverter_callback) {
+				return self.execCallback('urlconverter_callback', url, elm, true, name);
+			}
+			// Don't convert link href since thats the CSS files that gets loaded into the editor also skip local file URLs
+			if (!settings.convert_urls || (elm && elm.nodeName == 'LINK') || url.indexOf('file:') === 0 || url.length === 0) {
+				return url;
+			}
+			// Convert to relative
+			if (settings.relative_urls) {
+				return self.documentBaseURI.toRelative(url);
+			}
+			// Convert to absolute
+			url = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url, settings.remove_script_host);
+			return url;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds visual aid for tables, anchors etc so they can be more easily edited inside the editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method addVisual
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional root element to loop though to find tables etc that needs the visual aid.
+		 */
+		addVisual: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, dom = self.dom, cls;
+			elm = elm || self.getBody();
+			if (self.hasVisual === undefined) {
+				self.hasVisual = settings.visual;
+			}
+			each(dom.select('table,a', elm), function(elm) {
+				var value;
+				switch (elm.nodeName) {
+					case 'TABLE':
+						cls = settings.visual_table_class || 'mce-item-table';
+						value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'border');
+						if (!value || value == '0') {
+							if (self.hasVisual) {
+								dom.addClass(elm, cls);
+							} else {
+								dom.removeClass(elm, cls);
+							}
+						}
+						return;
+					case 'A':
+						if (!dom.getAttrib(elm, 'href', false)) {
+							value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'name') || elm.id;
+							cls = settings.visual_anchor_class || 'mce-item-anchor';
+							if (value) {
+								if (self.hasVisual) {
+									dom.addClass(elm, cls);
+								} else {
+									dom.removeClass(elm, cls);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return;
+				}
+			});
+			self.fire('VisualAid', {element: elm, hasVisual: self.hasVisual});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the editor from the dom and tinymce collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.removed) {
+				self.save();
+				self.fire('remove');
+				self.off();
+				self.removed = 1; // Cancels post remove event execution
+				// Remove any hidden input
+				if (self.hasHiddenInput) {
+					DOM.remove(self.getElement().nextSibling);
+				}
+				DOM.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
+				// Don't clear the window or document if content editable
+				// is enabled since other instances might still be present
+				if (!self.settings.content_editable) {
+					Event.unbind(self.getWin());
+					Event.unbind(self.getDoc());
+				}
+				var elm = self.getContainer();
+				Event.unbind(self.getBody());
+				Event.unbind(elm);
+				self.editorManager.remove(self);
+				DOM.remove(elm);
+				self.destroy();
+			}
+		},
+		bindNative: function(name) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.settings.readonly) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (self.initialized) {
+				self.dom.bind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, function(e) {
+					self.fire(name, e);
+				});
+			} else {
+				if (!self._pendingNativeEvents) {
+					self._pendingNativeEvents = [name];
+				} else {
+					self._pendingNativeEvents.push(name);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		unbindNative: function(name) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.initialized) {
+				self.dom.unbind(name);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the editor instance by removing all events, element references or other resources
+		 * that could leak memory. This method will be called automatically when the page is unloaded
+		 * but you can also call it directly if you know what you are doing.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 * @param {Boolean} automatic Optional state if the destroy is an automatic destroy or user called one.
+		 */
+		destroy: function(automatic) {
+			var self = this, form;
+			// One time is enough
+			if (self.destroyed) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// If user manually calls destroy and not remove
+			// Users seems to have logic that calls destroy instead of remove
+			if (!automatic && !self.removed) {
+				self.remove();
+				return;
+			}
+			// We must unbind on Gecko since it would otherwise produce the pesky "attempt
+			// to run compile-and-go script on a cleared scope" message
+			if (automatic && isGecko) {
+				Event.unbind(self.getDoc());
+				Event.unbind(self.getWin());
+				Event.unbind(self.getBody());
+			}
+			if (!automatic) {
+				self.editorManager.off('beforeunload', self._beforeUnload);
+				// Manual destroy
+				if (self.theme && self.theme.destroy) {
+					self.theme.destroy();
+				}
+				// Destroy controls, selection and dom
+				self.selection.destroy();
+				self.dom.destroy();
+			}
+			form = self.formElement;
+			if (form) {
+				if (form._mceOldSubmit) {
+					form.submit = form._mceOldSubmit;
+					form._mceOldSubmit = null;
+				}
+				DOM.unbind(form, 'submit reset', self.formEventDelegate);
+			}
+			self.contentAreaContainer = self.formElement = self.container = self.editorContainer = null;
+			self.settings.content_element = self.bodyElement = self.contentDocument = self.contentWindow = null;
+			if (self.selection) {
+				self.selection = self.selection.win = self.selection.dom = self.selection.dom.doc = null;
+			}
+			self.destroyed = 1;
+		},
+		// Internal functions
+		_refreshContentEditable: function() {
+			var self = this, body, parent;
+			// Check if the editor was hidden and the re-initalize contentEditable mode by removing and adding the body again
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				body = self.getBody();
+				parent = body.parentNode;
+				parent.removeChild(body);
+				parent.appendChild(body);
+				body.focus();
+			}
+		},
+		_isHidden: function() {
+			var sel;
+			if (!isGecko) {
+				return 0;
+			}
+			// Weird, wheres that cursor selection?
+			sel = this.selection.getSel();
+			return (!sel || !sel.rangeCount || sel.rangeCount === 0);
+		}
+	};
+	extend(Editor.prototype, Observable);
+	return Editor;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/I18n.js
+ * I18n.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * I18n class that handles translation of TinyMCE UI.
+ * Uses po style with csharp style parameters.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.I18n
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/I18n", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var data = {};
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Property gets set to true if a RTL language pack was loaded.
+		 *
+		 * @property rtl
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 */
+		rtl: false,
+		/**
+		 * Adds translations for a specific language code.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} code Language code like sv_SE.
+		 * @param {Array} items Name/value array with English en_US to sv_SE.
+		 */
+		add: function(code, items) {
+			for (var name in items) {
+				data[name] = items[name];
+			}
+			this.rtl = this.rtl || data._dir === 'rtl';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified text.
+		 *
+		 * It has a few formats:
+		 * I18n.translate("Text");
+		 * I18n.translate(["Text {0}/{1}", 0, 1]);
+		 * I18n.translate({raw: "Raw string"});
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String/Object/Array} text Text to translate.
+		 * @return {String} String that got translated.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			if (typeof(text) == "undefined") {
+				return text;
+			}
+			if (typeof(text) != "string" && text.raw) {
+				return text.raw;
+			}
+			if (text.push) {
+				var values = text.slice(1);
+				text = (data[text[0]] || text[0]).replace(/\{([^\}]+)\}/g, function(match1, match2) {
+					return values[match2];
+				});
+			}
+			return data[text] || text;
+		},
+		data: data
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/FocusManager.js
+ * FocusManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class manages the focus/blur state of the editor. This class is needed since some
+ * browsers fire false focus/blur states when the selection is moved to a UI dialog or similar.
+ *
+ * This class will fire two events focus and blur on the editor instances that got affected.
+ * It will also handle the restore of selection when the focus is lost and returned.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.FocusManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/FocusManager", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(DOMUtils, Env) {
+	var selectionChangeHandler, documentFocusInHandler, DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new focus manager instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor FocusManager
+	 * @param {tinymce.EditorManager} editorManager Editor manager instance to handle focus for.
+	 */
+	function FocusManager(editorManager) {
+		function getActiveElement() {
+			try {
+				return document.activeElement;
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE sometimes fails to get the activeElement when resizing table
+				// TODO: Investigate this
+				return document.body;
+			}
+		}
+		// We can't store a real range on IE 11 since it gets mutated so we need to use a bookmark object
+		// TODO: Move this to a separate range utils class since it's it's logic is present in Selection as well.
+		function createBookmark(rng) {
+			if (rng && rng.startContainer) {
+				return {
+					startContainer: rng.startContainer,
+					startOffset: rng.startOffset,
+					endContainer: rng.endContainer,
+					endOffset: rng.endOffset
+				};
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		function bookmarkToRng(editor, bookmark) {
+			var rng;
+			if (bookmark.startContainer) {
+				rng = editor.getDoc().createRange();
+				rng.setStart(bookmark.startContainer, bookmark.startOffset);
+				rng.setEnd(bookmark.endContainer, bookmark.endOffset);
+			} else {
+				rng = bookmark;
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		function isUIElement(elm) {
+			return !!DOM.getParent(elm, FocusManager.isEditorUIElement);
+		}
+		function isNodeInBodyOfEditor(node, editor) {
+			var body = editor.getBody();
+			while (node) {
+				if (node == body) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+		}
+		function registerEvents(e) {
+			var editor = e.editor;
+			editor.on('init', function() {
+				// Gecko/WebKit has ghost selections in iframes and IE only has one selection per browser tab
+				if (editor.inline || Env.ie) {
+					// On other browsers take snapshot on nodechange in inline mode since they have Ghost selections for iframes
+					editor.on('nodechange keyup', function() {
+						var node = document.activeElement;
+						// IE 11 reports active element as iframe not body of iframe
+						if (node && node.id == editor.id + '_ifr') {
+							node = editor.getBody();
+						}
+						if (isNodeInBodyOfEditor(node, editor)) {
+							editor.lastRng = editor.selection.getRng();
+						}
+					});
+					// Handles the issue with WebKit not retaining selection within inline document
+					// If the user releases the mouse out side the body since a mouse up event wont occur on the body
+					if (Env.webkit && !selectionChangeHandler) {
+						selectionChangeHandler = function() {
+							var activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor;
+							if (activeEditor && activeEditor.selection) {
+								var rng = activeEditor.selection.getRng();
+								// Store when it's non collapsed
+								if (rng && !rng.collapsed) {
+									editor.lastRng = rng;
+								}
+							}
+						};
+						DOM.bind(document, 'selectionchange', selectionChangeHandler);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('setcontent', function() {
+				editor.lastRng = null;
+			});
+			// Remove last selection bookmark on mousedown see #6305
+			editor.on('mousedown', function() {
+				editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+			});
+			editor.on('focusin', function() {
+				var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
+				if (editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark) {
+					editor.selection.setRng(bookmarkToRng(editor, editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark));
+					editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+				}
+				if (focusedEditor != editor) {
+					if (focusedEditor) {
+						focusedEditor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: editor});
+					}
+					editorManager.activeEditor = editor;
+					editorManager.focusedEditor = editor;
+					editor.fire('focus', {blurredEditor: focusedEditor});
+					editor.focus(true);
+				}
+				editor.lastRng = null;
+			});
+			editor.on('focusout', function() {
+				window.setTimeout(function() {
+					var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
+					// Still the same editor the the blur was outside any editor UI
+					if (!isUIElement(getActiveElement()) && focusedEditor == editor) {
+						editor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: null});
+						editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+						// Make sure selection is valid could be invalid if the editor is blured and removed before the timeout occurs
+						if (editor.selection) {
+							editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+						}
+					}
+				}, 0);
+			});
+			if (!documentFocusInHandler) {
+				documentFocusInHandler = function(e) {
+					var activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor;
+					if (activeEditor && e.target.ownerDocument == document) {
+						// Check to make sure we have a valid selection
+						if (activeEditor.selection) {
+							activeEditor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = createBookmark(activeEditor.lastRng);
+						}
+						// Fire a blur event if the element isn't a UI element
+						if (!isUIElement(e.target) && editorManager.focusedEditor == activeEditor) {
+							activeEditor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: null});
+							editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+						}
+					}
+				};
+				// Check if focus is moved to an element outside the active editor by checking if the target node
+				// isn't within the body of the activeEditor nor a UI element such as a dialog child control
+				DOM.bind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
+			}
+		}
+		function unregisterDocumentEvents(e) {
+			if (editorManager.focusedEditor == e.editor) {
+				editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+			}
+			if (!editorManager.activeEditor) {
+				DOM.unbind(document, 'selectionchange', selectionChangeHandler);
+				DOM.unbind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
+				selectionChangeHandler = documentFocusInHandler = null;
+			}
+		}
+		editorManager.on('AddEditor', registerEvents);
+		editorManager.on('RemoveEditor', unregisterDocumentEvents);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns true if the specified element is part of the UI for example an button or text input.
+	 *
+	 * @method isEditorUIElement
+	 * @param  {Element} elm Element to check if it's part of the UI or not.
+	 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the element is part of the UI or not.
+	 */
+	FocusManager.isEditorUIElement = function(elm) {
+		// Needs to be converted to string since svg can have focus: #6776
+		return elm.className.toString().indexOf('mce-') !== -1;
+	};
+	return FocusManager;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/EditorManager.js
+ * EditorManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class used as a factory for manager for tinymce.Editor instances.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.EditorManager.init({});
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.EditorManager
+ * @mixes tinymce.util.Observable
+ * @static
+ */
+define("tinymce/EditorManager", [
+	"tinymce/Editor",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/URI",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/util/Observable",
+	"tinymce/util/I18n",
+	"tinymce/FocusManager"
+], function(Editor, DOMUtils, URI, Env, Tools, Observable, I18n, FocusManager) {
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	var explode = Tools.explode, each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var instanceCounter = 0, beforeUnloadDelegate;
+	var EditorManager = {
+		/**
+		 * Major version of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property majorVersion
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		majorVersion : '4',
+		/**
+		 * Minor version of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property minorVersion
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		minorVersion : '0.20',
+		/**
+		 * Release date of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property releaseDate
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		releaseDate: '2014-03-18',
+		/**
+		 * Collection of editor instances.
+		 *
+		 * @property editors
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * for (edId in tinymce.editors)
+		 *     tinymce.editors[edId].save();
+		 */
+		editors: [],
+		/**
+		 * Collection of language pack data.
+		 *
+		 * @property i18n
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		i18n: I18n,
+		/**
+		 * Currently active editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property activeEditor
+		 * @type tinymce.Editor
+		 * @example
+		 * tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent();
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor.selection.getContent();
+		 */
+		activeEditor: null,
+		setup: function() {
+			var self = this, baseURL, documentBaseURL, suffix = "", preInit;
+			// Get base URL for the current document
+			documentBaseURL = document.location.href.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, '');
+			if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(documentBaseURL)) {
+				documentBaseURL += '/';
+			}
+			// If tinymce is defined and has a base use that or use the old tinyMCEPreInit
+			preInit = window.tinymce || window.tinyMCEPreInit;
+			if (preInit) {
+				baseURL = preInit.base || preInit.baseURL;
+				suffix = preInit.suffix;
+			} else {
+				// Get base where the tinymce script is located
+				var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+				for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
+					var src = scripts[i].src;
+					// Script types supported:
+					// tinymce.js tinymce.min.js tinymce.dev.js
+					// tinymce.jquery.js tinymce.jquery.min.js tinymce.jquery.dev.js
+					// tinymce.full.js tinymce.full.min.js tinymce.full.dev.js
+					if (/tinymce(\.full|\.jquery|)(\.min|\.dev|)\.js/.test(src)) {
+						if (src.indexOf('.min') != -1) {
+							suffix = '.min';
+						}
+						baseURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Base URL where the root directory if TinyMCE is located.
+			 *
+			 * @property baseURL
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.baseURL = new URI(documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(baseURL);
+			/**
+			 * Document base URL where the current document is located.
+			 *
+			 * @property documentBaseURL
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.documentBaseURL = documentBaseURL;
+			/**
+			 * Absolute baseURI for the installation path of TinyMCE.
+			 *
+			 * @property baseURI
+			 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+			 */
+			self.baseURI = new URI(self.baseURL);
+			/**
+			 * Current suffix to add to each plugin/theme that gets loaded for example ".min".
+			 *
+			 * @property suffix
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.suffix = suffix;
+			self.focusManager = new FocusManager(self);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes a set of editors. This method will create editors based on various settings.
+		 *
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object to be passed to each editor instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Initializes a editor using the longer method
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.init({
+		 *    some_settings : 'some value'
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Initializes a editor instance using the shorter version
+		 * tinyMCE.init({
+		 *    some_settings : 'some value'
+		 * });
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, editors = [], editor;
+			function createId(elm) {
+				var id = elm.id;
+				// Use element id, or unique name or generate a unique id
+				if (!id) {
+					id = elm.name;
+					if (id && !DOM.get(id)) {
+						id = elm.name;
+					} else {
+						// Generate unique name
+						id = DOM.uniqueId();
+					}
+					elm.setAttribute('id', id);
+				}
+				return id;
+			}
+			function execCallback(se, n, s) {
+				var f = se[n];
+				if (!f) {
+					return;
+				}
+				return f.apply(s || this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2));
+			}
+			function hasClass(n, c) {
+				return c.constructor === RegExp ? c.test(n.className) : DOM.hasClass(n, c);
+			}
+			function readyHandler() {
+				var l, co;
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				execCallback(settings, 'onpageload');
+				if (settings.types) {
+					// Process type specific selector
+					each(settings.types, function(type) {
+						each(DOM.select(type.selector), function(elm) {
+							var editor = new Editor(createId(elm), extend({}, settings, type), self);
+							editors.push(editor);
+							editor.render(1);
+						});
+					});
+					return;
+				} else if (settings.selector) {
+					// Process global selector
+					each(DOM.select(settings.selector), function(elm) {
+						var editor = new Editor(createId(elm), settings, self);
+						editors.push(editor);
+						editor.render(1);
+					});
+					return;
+				}
+				// Fallback to old setting
+				switch (settings.mode) {
+					case "exact":
+						l = settings.elements || '';
+						if(l.length > 0) {
+							each(explode(l), function(v) {
+								if (DOM.get(v)) {
+									editor = new Editor(v, settings, self);
+									editors.push(editor);
+									editor.render(true);
+								} else {
+									each(document.forms, function(f) {
+										each(f.elements, function(e) {
+											if (e.name === v) {
+												v = 'mce_editor_' + instanceCounter++;
+												DOM.setAttrib(e, 'id', v);
+												editor = new Editor(v, settings, self);
+												editors.push(editor);
+												editor.render(1);
+											}
+										});
+									});
+								}
+							});
+						}
+						break;
+					case "textareas":
+					case "specific_textareas":
+						each(DOM.select('textarea'), function(elm) {
+							if (settings.editor_deselector && hasClass(elm, settings.editor_deselector)) {
+								return;
+							}
+							if (!settings.editor_selector || hasClass(elm, settings.editor_selector)) {
+								editor = new Editor(createId(elm), settings, self);
+								editors.push(editor);
+								editor.render(true);
+							}
+						});
+						break;
+				}
+				// Call onInit when all editors are initialized
+				if (settings.oninit) {
+					l = co = 0;
+					each(editors, function(ed) {
+						co++;
+						if (!ed.initialized) {
+							// Wait for it
+							ed.on('init', function() {
+								l++;
+								// All done
+								if (l == co) {
+									execCallback(settings, 'oninit');
+								}
+							});
+						} else {
+							l++;
+						}
+						// All done
+						if (l == co) {
+							execCallback(settings, 'oninit');
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			self.settings = settings;
+			DOM.bind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a editor instance by id.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String/Number} id Editor instance id or index to return.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} Editor instance to return.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds an onclick event to an editor by id (shorter version)
+		 * tinymce.get('mytextbox').on('click', function(e) {
+		 *    ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Adds an onclick event to an editor by id (longer version)
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.get('mytextbox').on('click', function(e) {
+		 *    ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 * });
+		 */
+		get: function(id) {
+			if (id === undefined) {
+				return this.editors;
+			}
+			return this.editors[id];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds an editor instance to the editor collection. This will also set it as the active editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Editor instance to add to the collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} The same instance that got passed in.
+		 */
+		add: function(editor) {
+			var self = this, editors = self.editors;
+			// Add named and index editor instance
+			editors[editor.id] = editor;
+			editors.push(editor);
+			self.activeEditor = editor;
+			/**
+			 * Fires when an editor is added to the EditorManager collection.
+			 *
+			 * @event AddEditor
+			 * @param {Object} e Event arguments.
+			 */
+			self.fire('AddEditor', {editor: editor});
+			if (!beforeUnloadDelegate) {
+				beforeUnloadDelegate = function() {
+					self.fire('BeforeUnload');
+				};
+				DOM.bind(window, 'beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate);
+			}
+			return editor;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates an editor instance and adds it to the EditorManager collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method createEditor
+		 * @param {String} id Instance id to use for editor.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Editor instance settings.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} Editor instance that got created.
+		 */
+		createEditor: function(id, settings) {
+			return this.add(new Editor(id, settings, this));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes a editor or editors form page.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * // Remove all editors bound to divs
+		 * tinymce.remove('div');
+		 *
+		 * // Remove all editors bound to textareas
+		 * tinymce.remove('textarea');
+		 *
+		 * // Remove all editors
+		 * tinymce.remove();
+		 *
+		 * // Remove specific instance by id
+		 * tinymce.remove('#id');
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {tinymce.Editor/String/Object} [selector] CSS selector or editor instance to remove.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} The editor that got passed in will be return if it was found otherwise null.
+		 */
+		remove: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, i, editors = self.editors, editor, removedFromList;
+			// Remove all editors
+			if (!selector) {
+				for (i = editors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					self.remove(editors[i]);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Remove editors by selector
+			if (typeof(selector) == "string") {
+				selector = selector.selector || selector;
+				each(DOM.select(selector), function(elm) {
+					self.remove(editors[elm.id]);
+				});
+				return;
+			}
+			// Remove specific editor
+			editor = selector;
+			// Not in the collection
+			if (!editors[editor.id]) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			delete editors[editor.id];
+			for (i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
+				if (editors[i] == editor) {
+					editors.splice(i, 1);
+					removedFromList = true;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Select another editor since the active one was removed
+			if (self.activeEditor == editor) {
+				self.activeEditor = editors[0];
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Fires when an editor is removed from EditorManager collection.
+			 *
+			 * @event RemoveEditor
+			 * @param {Object} e Event arguments.
+			 */
+			if (removedFromList) {
+				self.fire('RemoveEditor', {editor: editor});
+			}
+			if (!editors.length) {
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate);
+			}
+			editor.remove();
+			return editor;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a specific command on the currently active editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} c Command to perform for example Bold.
+		 * @param {Boolean} u Optional boolean state if a UI should be presented for the command or not.
+		 * @param {String} v Optional value parameter like for example an URL to a link.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the command was executed or not.
+		 */
+		execCommand: function(cmd, ui, value) {
+			var self = this, editor = self.get(value);
+			// Manager commands
+			switch (cmd) {
+				case "mceAddEditor":
+					if (!self.get(value)) {
+						new Editor(value, self.settings, self).render();
+					}
+					return true;
+				case "mceRemoveEditor":
+					if (editor) {
+						editor.remove();
+					}
+					return true;
+				case 'mceToggleEditor':
+					if (!editor) {
+						self.execCommand('mceAddEditor', 0, value);
+						return true;
+					}
+					if (editor.isHidden()) {
+						editor.show();
+					} else {
+						editor.hide();
+					}
+					return true;
+			}
+			// Run command on active editor
+			if (self.activeEditor) {
+				return self.activeEditor.execCommand(cmd, ui, value);
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Calls the save method on all editor instances in the collection. This can be useful when a form is to be submitted.
+		 *
+		 * @method triggerSave
+		 * @example
+		 * // Saves all contents
+		 * tinyMCE.triggerSave();
+		 */
+		triggerSave: function() {
+			each(this.editors, function(editor) {
+				editor.save();
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a language pack, this gets called by the loaded language files like en.js.
+		 *
+		 * @method addI18n
+		 * @param {String} code Optional language code.
+		 * @param {Object} items Name/value object with translations.
+		 */
+		addI18n: function(code, items) {
+			I18n.add(code, items);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified string using the language pack items.
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String/Array/Object} text String to translate
+		 * @return {String} Translated string.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			return I18n.translate(text);
+		}
+	};
+	extend(EditorManager, Observable);
+	EditorManager.setup();
+	// Export EditorManager as tinymce/tinymce in global namespace
+	window.tinymce = window.tinyMCE = EditorManager;
+	return EditorManager;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/LegacyInput.js
+ * LegacyInput.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/LegacyInput", [
+	"tinymce/EditorManager",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(EditorManager, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	EditorManager.on('AddEditor', function(e) {
+		var editor = e.editor;
+		editor.on('preInit', function() {
+			var filters, fontSizes, dom, settings = editor.settings;
+			function replaceWithSpan(node, styles) {
+				each(styles, function(value, name) {
+					if (value) {
+						dom.setStyle(node, name, value);
+					}
+				});
+				dom.rename(node, 'span');
+			}
+			function convert(e) {
+				dom = editor.dom;
+				if (settings.convert_fonts_to_spans) {
+					each(dom.select('font,u,strike', e.node), function(node) {
+						filters[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()](dom, node);
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			if (settings.inline_styles) {
+				fontSizes = explode(settings.font_size_legacy_values);
+				filters = {
+					font: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							backgroundColor: node.style.backgroundColor,
+							color: node.color,
+							fontFamily: node.face,
+							fontSize: fontSizes[parseInt(node.size, 10) - 1]
+						});
+					},
+					u: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							textDecoration: 'underline'
+						});
+					},
+					strike: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							textDecoration: 'line-through'
+						});
+					}
+				};
+				editor.on('PreProcess SetContent', convert);
+			}
+		});
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/XHR.js
+ * XHR.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to send XMLHTTPRequests cross browser.
+ * @class tinymce.util.XHR
+ * @static
+ * @example
+ * // Sends a low level Ajax request
+ * tinymce.util.XHR.send({
+ *    url: 'someurl',
+ *    success: function(text) {
+ *       console.debug(text);
+ *    }
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/XHR", [], function() {
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Sends a XMLHTTPRequest.
+		 * Consult the Wiki for details on what settings this method takes.
+		 *
+		 * @method send
+		 * @param {Object} settings Object will target URL, callbacks and other info needed to make the request.
+		 */
+		send: function(settings) {
+			var xhr, count = 0;
+			function ready() {
+				if (!settings.async || xhr.readyState == 4 || count++ > 10000) {
+					if (settings.success && count < 10000 && xhr.status == 200) {
+						settings.success.call(settings.success_scope, '' + xhr.responseText, xhr, settings);
+					} else if (settings.error) {
+						settings.error.call(settings.error_scope, count > 10000 ? 'TIMED_OUT' : 'GENERAL', xhr, settings);
+					}
+					xhr = null;
+				} else {
+					setTimeout(ready, 10);
+				}
+			}
+			// Default settings
+			settings.scope = settings.scope || this;
+			settings.success_scope = settings.success_scope || settings.scope;
+			settings.error_scope = settings.error_scope || settings.scope;
+			settings.async = settings.async === false ? false : true;
+			settings.data = settings.data || '';
+			xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+			if (xhr) {
+				if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
+					xhr.overrideMimeType(settings.content_type);
+				}
+				xhr.open(settings.type || (settings.data ? 'POST' : 'GET'), settings.url, settings.async);
+				if (settings.content_type) {
+					xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', settings.content_type);
+				}
+				xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
+				xhr.send(settings.data);
+				// Syncronous request
+				if (!settings.async) {
+					return ready();
+				}
+				// Wait for response, onReadyStateChange can not be used since it leaks memory in IE
+				setTimeout(ready, 10);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/JSON.js
+ * JSON.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * JSON parser and serializer class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.JSON
+ * @static
+ * @example
+ * // JSON parse a string into an object
+ * var obj = tinymce.util.JSON.parse(somestring);
+ *
+ * // JSON serialize a object into an string
+ * var str = tinymce.util.JSON.serialize(obj);
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSON", [], function() {
+	function serialize(o, quote) {
+		var i, v, t, name;
+		quote = quote || '"';
+		if (o === null) {
+			return 'null';
+		}
+		t = typeof o;
+		if (t == 'string') {
+			v = '\bb\tt\nn\ff\rr\""\'\'\\\\';
+			return quote + o.replace(/([\u0080-\uFFFF\x00-\x1f\"\'\\])/g, function(a, b) {
+				// Make sure single quotes never get encoded inside double quotes for JSON compatibility
+				if (quote === '"' && a === "'") {
+					return a;
+				}
+				i = v.indexOf(b);
+				if (i + 1) {
+					return '\\' + v.charAt(i + 1);
+				}
+				a = b.charCodeAt().toString(16);
+				return '\\u' + '0000'.substring(a.length) + a;
+			}) + quote;
+		}
+		if (t == 'object') {
+			if (o.hasOwnProperty && Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]') {
+					for (i = 0, v = '['; i < o.length; i++) {
+						v += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + serialize(o[i], quote);
+					}
+					return v + ']';
+				}
+				v = '{';
+				for (name in o) {
+					if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+						v += typeof o[name] != 'function' ? (v.length > 1 ? ',' + quote : quote) + name +
+							quote + ':' + serialize(o[name], quote) : '';
+					}
+				}
+				return v + '}';
+		}
+		return '' + o;
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified object as a JSON string.
+		 *
+		 * @method serialize
+		 * @param {Object} obj Object to serialize as a JSON string.
+		 * @param {String} quote Optional quote string defaults to ".
+		 * @return {string} JSON string serialized from input.
+		 */
+		serialize: serialize,
+		/**
+		 * Unserializes/parses the specified JSON string into a object.
+		 *
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {string} s JSON String to parse into a JavaScript object.
+		 * @return {Object} Object from input JSON string or undefined if it failed.
+		 */
+		parse: function(text) {
+			try {
+				// Trick uglify JS
+				return window[String.fromCharCode(101) + 'val']('(' + text + ')');
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		/**#@-*/
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONRequest.js
+ * JSONRequest.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to use JSON-RPC to call backend methods.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.JSONRequest
+ * @example
+ * var json = new tinymce.util.JSONRequest({
+ *     url: 'somebackend.php'
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Send RPC call 1
+ * json.send({
+ *     method: 'someMethod1',
+ *     params: ['a', 'b'],
+ *     success: function(result) {
+ *         console.dir(result);
+ *     }
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Send RPC call 2
+ * json.send({
+ *     method: 'someMethod2',
+ *     params: ['a', 'b'],
+ *     success: function(result) {
+ *         console.dir(result);
+ *     }
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSONRequest", [
+	"tinymce/util/JSON",
+	"tinymce/util/XHR",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(JSON, XHR, Tools) {
+	var extend = Tools.extend;
+	function JSONRequest(settings) {
+		this.settings = extend({}, settings);
+		this.count = 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Simple helper function to send a JSON-RPC request without the need to initialize an object.
+	 * Consult the Wiki API documentation for more details on what you can pass to this function.
+	 *
+	 * @method sendRPC
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Object} o Call object where there are three field id, method and params this object should also contain callbacks etc.
+	 */
+	JSONRequest.sendRPC = function(o) {
+		return new JSONRequest().send(o);
+	};
+	JSONRequest.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Sends a JSON-RPC call. Consult the Wiki API documentation for more details on what you can pass to this function.
+		 *
+		 * @method send
+		 * @param {Object} args Call object where there are three field id, method and params this object should also contain callbacks etc.
+		 */
+		send: function(args) {
+			var ecb = args.error, scb = args.success;
+			args = extend(this.settings, args);
+			args.success = function(c, x) {
+				c = JSON.parse(c);
+				if (typeof(c) == 'undefined') {
+					c = {
+						error : 'JSON Parse error.'
+					};
+				}
+				if (c.error) {
+					ecb.call(args.error_scope || args.scope, c.error, x);
+				} else {
+					scb.call(args.success_scope || args.scope, c.result);
+				}
+			};
+			args.error = function(ty, x) {
+				if (ecb) {
+					ecb.call(args.error_scope || args.scope, ty, x);
+				}
+			};
+			args.data = JSON.serialize({
+				id: args.id || 'c' + (this.count++),
+				method: args.method,
+				params: args.params
+			});
+			// JSON content type for Ruby on rails. Bug: #1883287
+			args.content_type = 'application/json';
+			XHR.send(args);
+		}
+	};
+	return JSONRequest;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONP.js
+ * JSONP.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSONP", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(DOMUtils) {
+	return {
+		callbacks: {},
+		count: 0,
+		send: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, dom = DOMUtils.DOM, count = settings.count !== undefined ? settings.count : self.count;
+			var id = 'tinymce_jsonp_' + count;
+			self.callbacks[count] = function(json) {
+				dom.remove(id);
+				delete self.callbacks[count];
+				settings.callback(json);
+			};
+			dom.add(dom.doc.body, 'script', {
+				id: id,
+				src: settings.url,
+				type: 'text/javascript'
+			});
+			self.count++;
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/LocalStorage.js
+ * LocalStorage.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class will simulate LocalStorage on IE 7 and return the native version on modern browsers.
+ * Storage is done using userData on IE 7 and a special serialization format. The format is designed
+ * to be as small as possible by making sure that the keys and values doesn't need to be encoded. This
+ * makes it possible to store for example HTML data.
+ *
+ * Storage format for userData:
+ * <base 32 key length>,<key string>,<base 32 value length>,<value>,...
+ *
+ * For example this data key1=value1,key2=value2 would be:
+ * 4,key1,6,value1,4,key2,6,value2
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.LocalStorage
+ * @static
+ * @version 4.0
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.util.LocalStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
+ * var value = tinymce.util.LocalStorage.getItem('key');
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/LocalStorage", [], function() {
+	var LocalStorage, storageElm, items, keys, userDataKey, hasOldIEDataSupport;
+	// Check for native support
+	try {
+		if (window.localStorage) {
+			return localStorage;
+		}
+	} catch (ex) {
+		// Ignore
+	}
+	userDataKey = "tinymce";
+	storageElm = document.documentElement;
+	hasOldIEDataSupport = !!storageElm.addBehavior;
+	if (hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+		storageElm.addBehavior('#default#userData');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets the keys names and updates LocalStorage.length property. Since IE7 doesn't have any getters/setters.
+	 */
+	function updateKeys() {
+		keys = [];
+		for (var key in items) {
+			keys.push(key);
+		}
+		LocalStorage.length = keys.length;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Loads the userData string and parses it into the items structure.
+	 */
+	function load() {
+		var key, data, value, pos = 0;
+		items = {};
+		// localStorage can be disabled on WebKit/Gecko so make a dummy storage
+		if (!hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+			return;
+		}
+		function next(end) {
+			var value, nextPos;
+			nextPos = end !== undefined ? pos + end : data.indexOf(',', pos);
+			if (nextPos === -1 || nextPos > data.length) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			value = data.substring(pos, nextPos);
+			pos = nextPos + 1;
+			return value;
+		}
+		storageElm.load(userDataKey);
+		data = storageElm.getAttribute(userDataKey) || '';
+		do {
+			var offset = next();
+			if (offset === null) {
+				break;
+			}
+			key = next(parseInt(offset, 32) || 0);
+			if (key !== null) {
+				offset = next();
+				if (offset === null) {
+					break;
+				}
+				value = next(parseInt(offset, 32) || 0);
+				if (key) {
+					items[key] = value;
+				}
+			}
+		} while (key !== null);
+		updateKeys();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Saves the items structure into a the userData format.
+	 */
+	function save() {
+		var value, data = '';
+		// localStorage can be disabled on WebKit/Gecko so make a dummy storage
+		if (!hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+			return;
+		}
+		for (var key in items) {
+			value = items[key];
+			data += (data ? ',' : '') + key.length.toString(32) + ',' + key + ',' + value.length.toString(32) + ',' + value;
+		}
+		storageElm.setAttribute(userDataKey, data);
+		try {
+			storageElm.save(userDataKey);
+		} catch (ex) {
+			// Ignore disk full
+		}
+		updateKeys();
+	}
+	LocalStorage = {
+		/**
+		 * Length of the number of items in storage.
+		 *
+		 * @property length
+		 * @type Number
+		 * @return {Number} Number of items in storage.
+		 */
+		//length:0,
+		/**
+		 * Returns the key name by index.
+		 *
+		 * @method key
+		 * @param {Number} index Index of key to return.
+		 * @return {String} Key value or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		key: function(index) {
+			return keys[index];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the value if the specified key or null if it wasn't found.
+		 *
+		 * @method getItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of item to retrive.
+		 * @return {String} Value of the specified item or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getItem: function(key) {
+			return key in items ? items[key] : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the value of the specified item by it's key.
+		 *
+		 * @method setItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of the item to set.
+		 * @param {String} value Value of the item to set.
+		 */
+		setItem: function(key, value) {
+			items[key] = "" + value;
+			save();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified item by key.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of item to remove.
+		 */
+		removeItem: function(key) {
+			delete items[key];
+			save();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all items.
+		 *
+		 * @method clear
+		 */
+		clear: function() {
+			items = {};
+			save();
+		}
+	};
+	load();
+	return LocalStorage;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Compat.js
+ * Compat.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * TinyMCE core class.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @class tinymce
+ * @borrow-members tinymce.EditorManager
+ * @borrow-members tinymce.util.Tools
+ */
+define("tinymce/Compat", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/AddOnManager",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(DOMUtils, EventUtils, ScriptLoader, AddOnManager, Tools, Env) {
+	var tinymce = window.tinymce;
+	/**
+	 * @property {tinymce.dom.DOMUtils} DOM Global DOM instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader} ScriptLoader Global ScriptLoader instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.AddOnManager} PluginManager Global PluginManager instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.AddOnManager} ThemeManager Global ThemeManager instance.
+	 */
+	tinymce.DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	tinymce.ScriptLoader = ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader;
+	tinymce.PluginManager = AddOnManager.PluginManager;
+	tinymce.ThemeManager = AddOnManager.ThemeManager;
+	tinymce.dom = tinymce.dom || {};
+	tinymce.dom.Event = EventUtils.Event;
+	Tools.each(Tools, function(func, key) {
+		tinymce[key] = func;
+	});
+	Tools.each('isOpera isWebKit isIE isGecko isMac'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		tinymce[name] = Env[name.substr(2).toLowerCase()];
+	});
+	return {};
+// Describe the different namespaces
+ * Root level namespace this contains classes directly releated to the TinyMCE editor.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce
+ */
+ * Contains classes for handling the browsers DOM.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.dom
+ */
+ * Contains html parser and serializer logic.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.html
+ */
+ * Contains the different UI types such as buttons, listboxes etc.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.ui
+ */
+ * Contains various utility classes such as json parser, cookies etc.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.util
+ */
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Layout.js
+ * Layout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Base layout manager class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Layout", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Class, Tools) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Class.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			firstControlClass: 'first',
+			lastControlClass: 'last'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a layout instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			this.settings = Tools.extend({}, this.Defaults, settings);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked before the layout renders the controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to preRender.
+		 */
+		preRender: function(container) {
+			container.addClass(this.settings.containerClass, 'body');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Applies layout classes to the container.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		applyClasses: function(container) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, items, firstClass, lastClass;
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			firstClass = settings.firstControlClass;
+			lastClass = settings.lastControlClass;
+			items.each(function(item) {
+				item.removeClass(firstClass).removeClass(lastClass);
+				if (settings.controlClass) {
+					item.addClass(settings.controlClass);
+				}
+			});
+			items.eq(0).addClass(firstClass);
+			items.eq(-1).addClass(lastClass);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the specified container and any layout specific HTML.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container to render HTML for.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function(container) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, items, html = '';
+			items = container.items();
+			items.eq(0).addClass(settings.firstControlClass);
+			items.eq(-1).addClass(settings.lastControlClass);
+			items.each(function(item) {
+				if (settings.controlClass) {
+					item.addClass(settings.controlClass);
+				}
+				html += item.renderHtml();
+			});
+			return html;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked after the layout renders the controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to postRender.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/AbsoluteLayout.js
+ * AbsoluteLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * LayoutManager for absolute positioning. This layout manager is more of
+ * a base class for other layouts but can be created and used directly.
+ *
+ * @-x-less AbsoluteLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Layout"
+], function(Layout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Layout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'abs-layout',
+			controlClass: 'abs-layout-item'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				var settings = ctrl.settings;
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: settings.x,
+					y: settings.y,
+					w: settings.w,
+					h: settings.h
+				});
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the specified container and any layout specific HTML.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container to render HTML for.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function(container) {
+			return '<div id="' + container._id + '-absend" class="' + container.classPrefix + 'abs-end"></div>' + this._super(container);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Tooltip.js
+ * Tooltip.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a tooltip instance.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ToolTip.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ToolTip
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Movable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Tooltip", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Movable"
+], function(Control, Movable) {
+	return Control.extend({
+		Mixins: [Movable],
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: 'widget tooltip tooltip-n'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current label text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New label text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.Tooltip} Current text or current label instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl().lastChild.innerHTML = self.encode(value);
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="presentation">' +
+					'<div class="' + prefix + 'tooltip-arrow"></div>' +
+					'<div class="' + prefix + 'tooltip-inner">' + self.encode(self._text) + '</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, rect;
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			style.left = rect.x + 'px';
+			style.top = rect.y + 'px';
+			style.zIndex = 0xFFFF + 0xFFFF;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Widget.js
+ * Widget.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Widget base class a widget is a control that has a tooltip and some basic states.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Widget
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Widget", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Tooltip"
+], function(Control, Tooltip) {
+	"use strict";
+	var tooltip;
+	var Widget = Control.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} tooltip Tooltip text to display when hovering.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} autofocus True if the control should be focused when rendered.
+		 * @setting {String} text Text to display inside widget.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.canFocus = true;
+			if (settings.tooltip && Widget.tooltips !== false) {
+				self.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
+					var tooltip = self.tooltip().moveTo(-0xFFFF);
+					if (e.control == self) {
+						var rel = tooltip.text(settings.tooltip).show().testMoveRel(self.getEl(), ['bc-tc', 'bc-tl', 'bc-tr']);
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-n', rel == 'bc-tc');
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-nw', rel == 'bc-tl');
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-ne', rel == 'bc-tr');
+						tooltip.moveRel(self.getEl(), rel);
+					} else {
+						tooltip.hide();
+					}
+				});
+				self.on('mouseleave mousedown click', function() {
+					self.tooltip().hide();
+				});
+			}
+			self.aria('label', settings.ariaLabel || settings.tooltip);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current tooltip instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method tooltip
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Tooltip} Tooltip instance.
+		 */
+		tooltip: function() {
+			if (!tooltip) {
+				tooltip = new Tooltip({type: 'tooltip'});
+				tooltip.renderTo();
+			}
+			return tooltip;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active state of the widget.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State if the control is active.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Widget} True/false or current widget instance.
+		 */
+		active: function(state) {
+			var self = this, undef;
+			if (state !== undef) {
+				self.aria('pressed', state);
+				self.toggleClass('active', state);
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state of the widget.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State if the control is disabled.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Widget} True/false or current widget instance.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this, undef;
+			if (state !== undef) {
+				self.aria('disabled', state);
+				self.toggleClass('disabled', state);
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			self._rendered = true;
+			self._super();
+			if (!self.parent() && (settings.width || settings.height)) {
+				self.initLayoutRect();
+				self.repaint();
+			}
+			if (settings.autofocus) {
+				self.focus();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (tooltip) {
+				tooltip.remove();
+				tooltip = null;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return Widget;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Button.js
+ * Button.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to create buttons. You can create them directly or through the Factory.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a button to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'button',
+ *     text: 'My button'
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less Button.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Button
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Button", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "widget btn",
+			role: "button"
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new button instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} size Size of the button small|medium|large.
+		 * @setting {String} image Image to use for icon.
+		 * @setting {String} icon Icon to use for button.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, size;
+			self.on('click mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			self._super(settings);
+			size = settings.size;
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				self.addClass(settings.subtype);
+			}
+			if (size) {
+				self.addClass('btn-' + size);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current button icon.
+		 *
+		 * @method icon
+		 * @param {String} [icon] New icon identifier.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.MenuButton} Current icon or current MenuButton instance.
+		 */
+		icon: function(icon) {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			if (typeof(icon) == 'undefined') {
+				return self.settings.icon;
+			}
+			self.settings.icon = icon;
+			icon = icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				var btnElm = self.getEl().firstChild, iconElm = btnElm.getElementsByTagName('i')[0];
+				if (icon) {
+					if (!iconElm || iconElm != btnElm.firstChild) {
+						iconElm = document.createElement('i');
+						btnElm.insertBefore(iconElm, btnElm.firstChild);
+					}
+					iconElm.className = icon;
+				} else if (iconElm) {
+					btnElm.removeChild(iconElm);
+				}
+				self.text(self._text); // Set text again to fix whitespace between icon + text
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the button for example after it's been resizes by a layout engine.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var btnStyle = this.getEl().firstChild.style;
+			btnStyle.width = btnStyle.height = "100%";
+			this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon, image = '';
+			if (self.settings.image) {
+				icon = 'none';
+				image = ' style="background-image: url(\'' + self.settings.image + '\')"';
+			}
+			icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + icon : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="' + id + '">' +
+					'<button role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>' : '') +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(self._text) : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ButtonGroup.js
+ * ButtonGroup.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control enables you to put multiple buttons into a group. This is
+ * useful when you want to combine similar toolbar buttons into a group.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a buttongroup with two buttons to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'buttongroup',
+ *     items: [
+ *         {text: 'Button A'},
+ *         {text: 'Button B'}
+ *     ]
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less ButtonGroup.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ButtonGroup
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ButtonGroup", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			defaultType: 'button',
+			role: 'group'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout;
+			self.addClass('btn-group');
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Checkbox.js
+ * Checkbox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control creates a custom checkbox.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a checkbox to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'checkbox',
+ *     checked: true,
+ *     text: 'My checkbox'
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less Checkbox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Checkbox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Checkbox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "checkbox",
+			role: "checkbox",
+			checked: false
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new Checkbox instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} checked True if the checkbox should be checked by default.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.on('click mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				if (!self.disabled()) {
+					self.checked(!self.checked());
+				}
+			});
+			self.checked(self.settings.checked);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the checked state.
+		 *
+		 * @method checked
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Checkbox} True/false or checkbox if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		checked: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof state != "undefined") {
+				if (state) {
+					self.addClass('checked');
+				} else {
+					self.removeClass('checked');
+				}
+				self._checked = state;
+				self.aria('checked', state);
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._checked;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the value state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Checkbox} True/false or checkbox if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(state) {
+			return this.checked(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" unselectable="on" aria-labelledby="' + id + '-al" tabindex="-1">' +
+					'<i class="' + prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-checkbox"></i>' +
+					'<span id="' + id + '-al" class="' + prefix + 'label">' + self.encode(self._text) + '</span>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/PanelButton.js
+ * PanelButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new panel button.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.PanelButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/PanelButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Button",
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel"
+], function(Button, FloatPanel) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Button.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Shows the panel for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method showPanel
+		 */
+		showPanel: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			self.active(true);
+			if (!self.panel) {
+				var panelSettings = settings.panel;
+				// Wrap panel in grid layout if type if specified
+				// This makes it possible to add forms or other containers directly in the panel option
+				if (panelSettings.type) {
+					panelSettings = {
+						layout: 'grid',
+						items: panelSettings
+					};
+				}
+				panelSettings.role = panelSettings.role || 'dialog';
+				panelSettings.popover = true;
+				panelSettings.autohide = true;
+				panelSettings.ariaRoot = true;
+				self.panel = new FloatPanel(panelSettings).on('hide', function() {
+					self.active(false);
+				}).on('cancel', function(e) {
+					e.stopPropagation();
+					self.focus();
+					self.hidePanel();
+				}).parent(self).renderTo(self.getContainerElm());
+				self.panel.fire('show');
+				self.panel.reflow();
+			} else {
+				self.panel.show();
+			}
+			self.panel.moveRel(self.getEl(), settings.popoverAlign || (self.isRtl() ? ['bc-tr', 'bc-tc'] : ['bc-tl', 'bc-tc']));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the panel for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method hidePanel
+		 */
+		hidePanel: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.panel) {
+				self.panel.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self) {
+					if (self.panel && self.panel.visible()) {
+						self.hidePanel();
+					} else {
+						self.showPanel();
+						self.panel.focus(!!e.aria);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ColorButton.js
+ * ColorButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a color button control. This is a split button in which the main
+ * button has a visual representation of the currently selected color. When clicked 
+ * the caret button displays a color picker, allowing the user to select a new color.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ColorButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ColorButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.PanelButton
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ColorButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/PanelButton",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(PanelButton, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var DOM = DomUtils.DOM;
+	return PanelButton.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new ColorButton instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			this._super(settings);
+			this.addClass('colorbutton');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the current color.
+		 *
+		 * @method color
+		 * @param {String} [color] Color to set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ColorButton} Current color or current instance.
+		 */
+		color: function(color) {
+			if (color) {
+				this._color = color;
+				this.getEl('preview').style.backgroundColor = color;
+				return this;
+			}
+			return this._color;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			var image = self.settings.image ? ' style="background-image: url(\'' + self.settings.image + '\')"' : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="button" tabindex="-1" aria-haspopup="true">' +
+					'<button role="presentation" hidefocus type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>' : '') +
+						'<span id="' + id + '-preview" class="' + prefix + 'preview"></span>' +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + (self._text) : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+					'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, onClickHandler = self.settings.onclick;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.aria && e.aria.key == 'down') {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (e.control == self && !DOM.getParent(e.target, '.' + self.classPrefix + 'open')) {
+					e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+					onClickHandler.call(self, e);
+				}
+			});
+			delete self.settings.onclick;
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ComboBox.js
+ * ComboBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a combobox control. Select box that you select a value from or
+ * type a value into.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ComboBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ComboBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ComboBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, Factory, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} placeholder Placeholder text to display.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('combobox');
+			self.subinput = true;
+			self.ariaTarget = 'inp'; // TODO: Figure out a better way
+			settings = self.settings;
+			settings.menu = settings.menu || settings.values;
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				settings.icon = 'caret';
+			}
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var elm = e.target, root = self.getEl();
+				while (elm && elm != root) {
+					if (elm.id && elm.id.indexOf('-open') != -1) {
+						self.fire('action');
+						if (settings.menu) {
+							self.showMenu();
+							if (e.aria) {
+								self.menu.items()[0].focus();
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					elm = elm.parentNode;
+				}
+			});
+			// TODO: Rework this
+			self.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.nodeName == "INPUT" && e.keyCode == 13) {
+					self.parents().reverse().each(function(ctrl) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						self.fire('change');
+						if (ctrl.hasEventListeners('submit') && ctrl.toJSON) {
+							ctrl.fire('submit', {data: ctrl.toJSON()});
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			});
+			if (settings.placeholder) {
+				self.addClass('placeholder');
+				self.on('focusin', function() {
+					if (!self._hasOnChange) {
+						DomUtils.on(self.getEl('inp'), 'change', function() {
+							self.fire('change');
+						});
+						self._hasOnChange = true;
+					}
+					if (self.hasClass('placeholder')) {
+						self.getEl('inp').value = '';
+						self.removeClass('placeholder');
+					}
+				});
+				self.on('focusout', function() {
+					if (self.value().length === 0) {
+						self.getEl('inp').value = settings.placeholder;
+						self.addClass('placeholder');
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu;
+			if (!self.menu) {
+				menu = settings.menu || [];
+				// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+				if (menu.length) {
+					menu = {
+						type: 'menu',
+						items: menu
+					};
+				} else {
+					menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+				}
+				self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo(self.getContainerElm());
+				self.fire('createmenu');
+				self.menu.reflow();
+				self.menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+					if (e.control === self.menu) {
+						self.focus();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.on('show hide', function(e) {
+					e.control.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+						ctrl.active(ctrl.value() == self.value());
+					});
+				}).fire('show');
+				self.menu.on('select', function(e) {
+					self.value(e.control.value());
+				});
+				self.on('focusin', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.tagName == 'INPUT') {
+						self.menu.hide();
+					}
+				});
+				self.aria('expanded', true);
+			}
+			self.menu.show();
+			self.menu.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().w});
+			self.menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), self.isRtl() ? ['br-tr', 'tr-br'] : ['bl-tl', 'tl-bl']);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				self.removeClass('placeholder');
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl('inp').value = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				value = self.getEl('inp').value;
+				if (value != self.settings.placeholder) {
+					return value;
+				}
+				return '';
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the disabled state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} True/false or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && typeof(state) != 'undefined') {
+				self.getEl('inp').disabled = state;
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the input area of the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			this.getEl('inp').focus();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), openElm = self.getEl('open'), rect = self.layoutRect();
+			var width, lineHeight;
+			if (openElm) {
+				width = rect.w - DomUtils.getSize(openElm).width - 10;
+			} else {
+				width = rect.w - 10;
+			}
+			// Detect old IE 7+8 add lineHeight to align caret vertically in the middle
+			var doc = document;
+			if (doc.all && (!doc.documentMode || doc.documentMode <= 8)) {
+				lineHeight = (self.layoutRect().h - 2) + 'px';
+			}
+			DomUtils.css(elm.firstChild, {
+				width: width,
+				lineHeight: lineHeight
+			});
+			self._super();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.on(this.getEl('inp'), 'change', function() {
+				self.fire('change');
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			DomUtils.off(this.getEl('inp'));
+			this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var value = settings.value || settings.placeholder || '';
+			var icon, text, openBtnHtml = '', extraAttrs = '';
+			if ("spellcheck" in settings) {
+				extraAttrs += ' spellcheck="' + settings.spellcheck + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.maxLength) {
+				extraAttrs += ' maxlength="' + settings.maxLength + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.size) {
+				extraAttrs += ' size="' + settings.size + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				extraAttrs += ' type="' + settings.subtype + '"';
+			}
+			if (self.disabled()) {
+				extraAttrs += ' disabled="disabled"';
+			}
+			icon = settings.icon;
+			if (icon && icon != 'caret') {
+				icon = prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + settings.icon;
+			}
+			text = self._text;
+			if (icon || text) {
+				openBtnHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + id + '-open" class="' + prefix + 'btn ' + prefix + 'open" tabIndex="-1" role="button">' +
+						'<button id="' + id + '-action" type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+							(icon != 'caret' ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '<i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>') +
+							(text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + text : '') +
+						'</button>' +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+				self.addClass('has-open');
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<input id="' + id + '-inp" class="' + prefix + 'textbox ' + prefix + 'placeholder" value="' +
+					value + '" hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>' +
+					openBtnHtml +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Path.js
+ * Path.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new path control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Path.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Path
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Path", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} delimiter Delimiter to display between items in path.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!settings.delimiter) {
+				settings.delimiter = '\u00BB';
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('path');
+			self.canFocus = true;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var index, target = e.target;
+				if ((index = target.getAttribute('data-index'))) {
+					self.fire('select', {value: self.data()[index], index: index});
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.getEl().firstChild.focus();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the data to be used for the path.
+		 *
+		 * @method data
+		 * @param {Array} data Array with items name is rendered to path.
+		 */
+		data: function(data) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(data) !== "undefined") {
+				self._data = data;
+				self.update();
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._data;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Updated the path.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		update: function() {
+			this.innerHtml(this._getPathHtml());
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.data(self.settings.data);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					self._getPathHtml() +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		_getPathHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, parts = self._data || [], i, l, html = '', prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			for (i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
+				html += (
+					(i > 0 ? '<div class="' + prefix + 'divider" aria-hidden="true"> ' + self.settings.delimiter + ' </div>' : '') +
+					'<div role="button" class="' + prefix + 'path-item' + (i == l - 1 ? ' ' + prefix + 'last' : '') + '" data-index="' +
+					i + '" tabindex="-1" id="' + self._id + '-' + i + '" aria-level="' + i + '">' + parts[i].name + '</div>'
+				);
+			}
+			if (!html) {
+				html = '<div class="' + prefix + 'path-item">&nbsp;</div>';
+			}
+			return html;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ElementPath.js
+ * ElementPath.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control creates an path for the current selections parent elements in TinyMCE.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ElementPath
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Path
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ElementPath", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Path",
+	"tinymce/EditorManager"
+], function(Path, EditorManager) {
+	return Path.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ElementPath} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, editor = EditorManager.activeEditor;
+			function isHidden(elm) {
+				if (elm.nodeType === 1) {
+					if (elm.nodeName == "BR" || !!elm.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark') {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+				return false;
+			}
+			self.on('select', function(e) {
+				var parents = [], node, body = editor.getBody();
+				editor.focus();
+				node = editor.selection.getStart();
+				while (node && node != body) {
+					if (!isHidden(node)) {
+						parents.push(node);
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				editor.selection.select(parents[parents.length - 1 - e.index]);
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			});
+			editor.on('nodeChange', function(e) {
+				var parents = [], selectionParents = e.parents, i = selectionParents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (selectionParents[i].nodeType == 1 && !isHidden(selectionParents[i])) {
+						var args = editor.fire('ResolveName', {
+							name: selectionParents[i].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+							target: selectionParents[i]
+						});
+						parents.push({name: args.name});
+					}
+				}
+				self.data(parents);
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormItem.js
+ * FormItem.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is a container created by the form element with
+ * a label and control item.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FormItem
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @setting {String} label Label to display for the form item.
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FormItem", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'flex',
+			align: 'center',
+			defaults: {
+				flex: 1
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.addClass('formitem');
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					(self.settings.title ? ('<div id="' + self._id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'title">' +
+						self.settings.title + '</div>') : '') +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Form.js
+ * Form.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a form container. A form container has the ability
+ * to automatically wrap items in tinymce.ui.FormItem instances.
+ *
+ * Each FormItem instance is a container for the label and the item.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'form',
+ *     items: [
+ *         {type: 'textbox', label: 'My text box'}
+ *     ]
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Form
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Form", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container",
+	"tinymce/ui/FormItem"
+], function(Container, FormItem) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerCls: 'form',
+			layout: 'flex',
+			direction: 'column',
+			align: 'stretch',
+			flex: 1,
+			padding: 20,
+			labelGap: 30,
+			spacing: 10,
+			callbacks: {
+				submit: function() {
+					this.submit();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked before the control is rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 */
+		preRender: function() {
+			var self = this, items = self.items();
+			// Wrap any labeled items in FormItems
+			items.each(function(ctrl) {
+				var formItem, label = ctrl.settings.label;
+				if (label) {
+					formItem = new FormItem({
+						layout: 'flex',
+						autoResize: "overflow",
+						defaults: {flex: 1},
+						items: [
+							{type: 'label', id: ctrl._id + '-l', text: label, flex: 0, forId: ctrl._id, disabled: ctrl.disabled()}
+						]
+					});
+					formItem.type = 'formitem';
+					ctrl.aria('labelledby', ctrl._id + '-l');
+					if (typeof(ctrl.settings.flex) == "undefined") {
+						ctrl.settings.flex = 1;
+					}
+					self.replace(ctrl, formItem);
+					formItem.add(ctrl);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalcs label widths.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		recalcLabels: function() {
+			var self = this, maxLabelWidth = 0, labels = [], i, labelGap;
+			if (self.settings.labelGapCalc === false) {
+				return;
+			}
+			self.items().filter('formitem').each(function(item) {
+				var labelCtrl = item.items()[0], labelWidth = labelCtrl.getEl().clientWidth;
+				maxLabelWidth = labelWidth > maxLabelWidth ? labelWidth : maxLabelWidth;
+				labels.push(labelCtrl);
+			});
+			labelGap = self.settings.labelGap || 0;
+			i = labels.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				labels[i].settings.minWidth = maxLabelWidth + labelGap;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the visibility state.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] True/false state to show/hide.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Form|Boolean} True/false state or current control.
+		 */
+		visible: function(state) {
+			var val = this._super(state);
+			if (state === true && this._rendered) {
+				this.recalcLabels();
+			}
+			return val;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires a submit event with the serialized form.
+		 *
+		 * @method submit
+		 * @return {Object} Event arguments object.
+		 */
+		submit: function() {
+			return this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.recalcLabels();
+			self.fromJSON(self.settings.data);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FieldSet.js
+ * FieldSet.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates fieldset containers.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FieldSet.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FieldSet
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Form
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FieldSet", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Form"
+], function(Form) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Form.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerCls: 'fieldset',
+			layout: 'flex',
+			direction: 'column',
+			align: 'stretch',
+			flex: 1,
+			padding: "25 15 5 15",
+			labelGap: 30,
+			spacing: 10,
+			border: 1
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<fieldset id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					(self.settings.title ? ('<legend id="' + self._id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'fieldset-title">' +
+						self.settings.title + '</legend>') : '') +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</fieldset>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FilePicker.js
+ * FilePicker.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true */
+ * This class creates a file picker control.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FilePicker
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.ComboBox
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FilePicker", [
+	"tinymce/ui/ComboBox"
+], function(ComboBox) {
+	"use strict";
+	return ComboBox.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, editor = tinymce.activeEditor, fileBrowserCallback;
+			settings.spellcheck = false;
+			fileBrowserCallback = editor.settings.file_browser_callback;
+			if (fileBrowserCallback) {
+				settings.icon = 'browse';
+				settings.onaction = function() {
+					fileBrowserCallback(
+						self.getEl('inp').id,
+						self.getEl('inp').value,
+						settings.filetype,
+						window
+					);
+				};
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FitLayout.js
+ * FitLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager will resize the control to be the size of it's parent container.
+ * In other words width: 100% and height: 100%.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FitLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FitLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FitLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			var contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect(), paddingBox = container.paddingBox();
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: paddingBox.left,
+					y: paddingBox.top,
+					w: contLayoutRect.innerW - paddingBox.right - paddingBox.left,
+					h: contLayoutRect.innerH - paddingBox.top - paddingBox.bottom
+				});
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlexLayout.js
+ * FlexLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager works similar to the CSS flex box.
+ *
+ * @setting {String} direction row|row-reverse|column|column-reverse
+ * @setting {Number} flex A positive-number to flex by.
+ * @setting {String} align start|end|center|stretch
+ * @setting {String} pack start|end|justify
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FlexLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FlexLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			// A ton of variables, needs to be in the same scope for performance
+			var i, l, items, contLayoutRect, contPaddingBox, contSettings, align, pack, spacing, totalFlex, availableSpace, direction;
+			var ctrl, ctrlLayoutRect, ctrlSettings, flex, maxSizeItems = [], size, maxSize, ratio, rect, pos, maxAlignEndPos;
+			var sizeName, minSizeName, posName, maxSizeName, beforeName, innerSizeName, deltaSizeName, contentSizeName;
+			var alignAxisName, alignInnerSizeName, alignSizeName, alignMinSizeName, alignBeforeName, alignAfterName;
+			var alignDeltaSizeName, alignContentSizeName;
+			var max = Math.max, min = Math.min;
+			// Get container items, properties and settings
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect();
+			contPaddingBox = container._paddingBox;
+			contSettings = container.settings;
+			direction = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.direction || 'row-reversed') : contSettings.direction;
+			align = contSettings.align;
+			pack = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.pack || 'end') : contSettings.pack;
+			spacing = contSettings.spacing || 0;
+			if (direction == "row-reversed" || direction == "column-reverse") {
+				items = items.set(items.toArray().reverse());
+				direction = direction.split('-')[0];
+			}
+			// Setup axis variable name for row/column direction since the calculations is the same
+			if (direction == "column") {
+				posName = "y";
+				sizeName = "h";
+				minSizeName = "minH";
+				maxSizeName = "maxH";
+				innerSizeName = "innerH";
+				beforeName = 'top';
+				deltaSizeName = "deltaH";
+				contentSizeName = "contentH";
+				alignBeforeName = "left";
+				alignSizeName = "w";
+				alignAxisName = "x";
+				alignInnerSizeName = "innerW";
+				alignMinSizeName = "minW";
+				alignAfterName = "right";
+				alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaW";
+				alignContentSizeName = "contentW";
+			} else {
+				posName = "x";
+				sizeName = "w";
+				minSizeName = "minW";
+				maxSizeName = "maxW";
+				innerSizeName = "innerW";
+				beforeName = 'left';
+				deltaSizeName = "deltaW";
+				contentSizeName = "contentW";
+				alignBeforeName = "top";
+				alignSizeName = "h";
+				alignAxisName = "y";
+				alignInnerSizeName = "innerH";
+				alignMinSizeName = "minH";
+				alignAfterName = "bottom";
+				alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaH";
+				alignContentSizeName = "contentH";
+			}
+			// Figure out total flex, availableSpace and collect any max size elements
+			availableSpace = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+			maxAlignEndPos = totalFlex = 0;
+			for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = items[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				ctrlSettings = ctrl.settings;
+				flex = ctrlSettings.flex;
+				availableSpace -= (i < l - 1 ? spacing : 0);
+				if (flex > 0) {
+					totalFlex += flex;
+					// Flexed item has a max size then we need to check if we will hit that size
+					if (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName]) {
+						maxSizeItems.push(ctrl);
+					}
+					ctrlLayoutRect.flex = flex;
+				}
+				availableSpace -= ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName];
+				// Calculate the align end position to be used to check for overflow/underflow
+				size = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] + ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] + contPaddingBox[alignAfterName];
+				if (size > maxAlignEndPos) {
+					maxAlignEndPos = size;
+				}
+			}
+			// Calculate minW/minH
+			rect = {};
+			if (availableSpace < 0) {
+				rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[minSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName];
+			} else {
+				rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName];
+			}
+			rect[alignMinSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos + contLayoutRect[alignDeltaSizeName];
+			rect[contentSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace;
+			rect[alignContentSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos;
+			rect.minW = min(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.maxW);
+			rect.minH = min(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.maxH);
+			rect.minW = max(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+			rect.minH = max(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.startMinHeight);
+			// Resize container container if minSize was changed
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize && (rect.minW != contLayoutRect.minW || rect.minH != contLayoutRect.minH)) {
+				rect.w = rect.minW;
+				rect.h = rect.minH;
+				container.layoutRect(rect);
+				this.recalc(container);
+				// Forced recalc for example if items are hidden/shown
+				if (container._lastRect === null) {
+					var parentCtrl = container.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+						parentCtrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Handle max size elements, check if they will become to wide with current options
+			ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex;
+			for (i = 0, l = maxSizeItems.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = maxSizeItems[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				maxSize = ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName];
+				size = ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName] + ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio;
+				if (size > maxSize) {
+					availableSpace -= (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName] - ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName]);
+					totalFlex -= ctrlLayoutRect.flex;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.flex = 0;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = maxSize;
+				} else {
+					ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup new ratio, target layout rect, start position
+			ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex;
+			pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+			rect = {};
+			// Handle pack setting moves the start position to end, center
+			if (totalFlex === 0) {
+				if (pack == "end") {
+					pos = availableSpace + contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+				} else if (pack == "center") {
+					pos = Math.round(
+						(contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] / 2) - ((contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace) / 2)
+					) + contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					if (pos < 0) {
+						pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					}
+				} else if (pack == "justify") {
+					pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					spacing = Math.floor(availableSpace / (items.length - 1));
+				}
+			}
+			// Default aligning (start) the other ones needs to be calculated while doing the layout
+			rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName];
+			// Start laying out controls
+			for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = items[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				size = ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize || ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName];
+				// Align the control on the other axis
+				if (align === "center") {
+					rect[alignAxisName] = Math.round((contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName] / 2));
+				} else if (align === "stretch") {
+					rect[alignSizeName] = max(
+						ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] || 0,
+						contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] - contPaddingBox[alignAfterName]
+					);
+					rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName];
+				} else if (align === "end") {
+					rect[alignAxisName] = contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName]  - ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName]  - contPaddingBox.top;
+				}
+				// Calculate new size based on flex
+				if (ctrlLayoutRect.flex > 0) {
+					size += ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio;
+				}
+				rect[sizeName] = size;
+				rect[posName] = pos;
+				ctrl.layoutRect(rect);
+				// Recalculate containers
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+				// Move x/y position
+				pos += size + spacing;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlowLayout.js
+ * FlowLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager will place the controls by using the browsers native layout.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FlowLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FlowLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FlowLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Layout"
+], function(Layout) {
+	return Layout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'flow-layout',
+			controlClass: 'flow-layout-item',
+			endClass : 'break'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormatControls.js
+ * FormatControls.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Internal class containing all TinyMCE specific control types such as
+ * format listboxes, fontlist boxes, toolbar buttons etc.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FormatControls
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FormatControls", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/EditorManager",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Control, Widget, FloatPanel, Tools, EditorManager, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	EditorManager.on('AddEditor', function(e) {
+		if (e.editor.rtl) {
+			Control.rtl = true;
+		}
+		registerControls(e.editor);
+	});
+	Control.translate = function(text) {
+		return EditorManager.translate(text);
+	};
+	Widget.tooltips = !Env.iOS;
+	function registerControls(editor) {
+		var formatMenu;
+		// Generates a preview for a format
+		function getPreviewCss(format) {
+			var name, previewElm, dom = editor.dom;
+			var previewCss = '', parentFontSize, previewStyles;
+			previewStyles = editor.settings.preview_styles;
+			// No preview forced
+			if (previewStyles === false) {
+				return '';
+			}
+			// Default preview
+			if (!previewStyles) {
+				previewStyles = 'font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration ' +
+					'text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow';
+			}
+			// Removes any variables since these can't be previewed
+			function removeVars(val) {
+				return val.replace(/%(\w+)/g, '');
+			}
+			// Create block/inline element to use for preview
+			format = editor.formatter.get(format);
+			if (!format) {
+				return;
+			}
+			format = format[0];
+			name = format.block || format.inline || 'span';
+			previewElm = dom.create(name);
+			// Add format styles to preview element
+			each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (value) {
+					dom.setStyle(previewElm, name, value);
+				}
+			});
+			// Add attributes to preview element
+			each(format.attributes, function(value, name) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (value) {
+					dom.setAttrib(previewElm, name, value);
+				}
+			});
+			// Add classes to preview element
+			each(format.classes, function(value) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (!dom.hasClass(previewElm, value)) {
+					dom.addClass(previewElm, value);
+				}
+			});
+			editor.fire('PreviewFormats');
+			// Add the previewElm outside the visual area
+			dom.setStyles(previewElm, {position: 'absolute', left: -0xFFFF});
+			editor.getBody().appendChild(previewElm);
+			// Get parent container font size so we can compute px values out of em/% for older IE:s
+			parentFontSize = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), 'fontSize', true);
+			parentFontSize = /px$/.test(parentFontSize) ? parseInt(parentFontSize, 10) : 0;
+			each(previewStyles.split(' '), function(name) {
+				var value = dom.getStyle(previewElm, name, true);
+				// If background is transparent then check if the body has a background color we can use
+				if (name == 'background-color' && /transparent|rgba\s*\([^)]+,\s*0\)/.test(value)) {
+					value = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), name, true);
+					// Ignore white since it's the default color, not the nicest fix
+					// TODO: Fix this by detecting runtime style
+					if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() == '#ffffff') {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				if (name == 'color') {
+					// Ignore black since it's the default color, not the nicest fix
+					// TODO: Fix this by detecting runtime style
+					if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() == '#000000') {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// Old IE won't calculate the font size so we need to do that manually
+				if (name == 'font-size') {
+					if (/em|%$/.test(value)) {
+						if (parentFontSize === 0) {
+							return;
+						}
+						// Convert font size from em/% to px
+						value = parseFloat(value, 10) / (/%$/.test(value) ? 100 : 1);
+						value = (value * parentFontSize) + 'px';
+					}
+				}
+				if (name == "border" && value) {
+					previewCss += 'padding:0 2px;';
+				}
+				previewCss += name + ':' + value + ';';
+			});
+			editor.fire('AfterPreviewFormats');
+			//previewCss += 'line-height:normal';
+			dom.remove(previewElm);
+			return previewCss;
+		}
+		function createListBoxChangeHandler(items, formatName) {
+			return function() {
+				var self = this;
+				editor.on('nodeChange', function(e) {
+					var formatter = editor.formatter;
+					var value = null;
+					each(e.parents, function(node) {
+						each(items, function(item) {
+							if (formatName) {
+								if (formatter.matchNode(node, formatName, {value: item.value})) {
+									value = item.value;
+								}
+							} else {
+								if (formatter.matchNode(node, item.value)) {
+									value = item.value;
+								}
+							}
+							if (value) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+						if (value) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					self.value(value);
+				});
+			};
+		}
+		function createFormats(formats) {
+			formats = formats.split(';');
+			var i = formats.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				formats[i] = formats[i].split('=');
+			}
+			return formats;
+		}
+		function createFormatMenu() {
+			var count = 0, newFormats = [];
+			var defaultStyleFormats = [
+				{title: 'Headers', items: [
+					{title: 'Header 1', format: 'h1'},
+					{title: 'Header 2', format: 'h2'},
+					{title: 'Header 3', format: 'h3'},
+					{title: 'Header 4', format: 'h4'},
+					{title: 'Header 5', format: 'h5'},
+					{title: 'Header 6', format: 'h6'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Inline', items: [
+					{title: 'Bold', icon: 'bold', format: 'bold'},
+					{title: 'Italic', icon: 'italic', format: 'italic'},
+					{title: 'Underline', icon: 'underline', format: 'underline'},
+					{title: 'Strikethrough', icon: 'strikethrough', format: 'strikethrough'},
+					{title: 'Superscript', icon: 'superscript', format: 'superscript'},
+					{title: 'Subscript', icon: 'subscript', format: 'subscript'},
+					{title: 'Code', icon: 'code', format: 'code'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Blocks', items: [
+					{title: 'Paragraph', format: 'p'},
+					{title: 'Blockquote', format: 'blockquote'},
+					{title: 'Div', format: 'div'},
+					{title: 'Pre', format: 'pre'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Alignment', items: [
+					{title: 'Left', icon: 'alignleft', format: 'alignleft'},
+					{title: 'Center', icon: 'aligncenter', format: 'aligncenter'},
+					{title: 'Right', icon: 'alignright', format: 'alignright'},
+					{title: 'Justify', icon: 'alignjustify', format: 'alignjustify'}
+				]}
+			];
+			function createMenu(formats) {
+				var menu = [];
+				if (!formats) {
+					return;
+				}
+				each(formats, function(format) {
+					var menuItem = {
+						text: format.title,
+						icon: format.icon
+					};
+					if (format.items) {
+						menuItem.menu = createMenu(format.items);
+					} else {
+						var formatName = format.format || "custom" + count++;
+						if (!format.format) {
+							format.name = formatName;
+							newFormats.push(format);
+						}
+						menuItem.format = formatName;
+					}
+					menu.push(menuItem);
+				});
+				return menu;
+			}
+			function createStylesMenu() {
+				var menu;
+				if (editor.settings.style_formats_merge) {
+					if (editor.settings.style_formats) {
+						menu = createMenu(defaultStyleFormats.concat(editor.settings.style_formats));
+					} else {
+						menu = createMenu(defaultStyleFormats);
+					}
+				} else {
+					menu = createMenu(editor.settings.style_formats || defaultStyleFormats);
+				}
+				return menu;
+			}
+			editor.on('init', function() {
+				each(newFormats, function(format) {
+					editor.formatter.register(format.name, format);
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'menu',
+				items: createStylesMenu(),
+				onPostRender: function(e) {
+					editor.fire('renderFormatsMenu', {control: e.control});
+				},
+				itemDefaults: {
+					preview: true,
+					textStyle: function() {
+						if (this.settings.format) {
+							return getPreviewCss(this.settings.format);
+						}
+					},
+					onPostRender: function() {
+						var self = this, formatName = this.settings.format;
+						if (formatName) {
+							self.parent().on('show', function() {
+								self.disabled(!editor.formatter.canApply(formatName));
+								self.active(editor.formatter.match(formatName));
+							});
+						}
+					},
+					onclick: function() {
+						if (this.settings.format) {
+							toggleFormat(this.settings.format);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		formatMenu = createFormatMenu();
+		// Simple format controls <control/format>:<UI text>
+		each({
+			bold: 'Bold',
+			italic: 'Italic',
+			underline: 'Underline',
+			strikethrough: 'Strikethrough',
+			subscript: 'Subscript',
+			superscript: 'Superscript'
+		}, function(text, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: text,
+				onPostRender: function() {
+					var self = this;
+					// TODO: Fix this
+					if (editor.formatter) {
+						editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+							self.active(state);
+						});
+					} else {
+						editor.on('init', function() {
+							editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+								self.active(state);
+							});
+						});
+					}
+				},
+				onclick: function() {
+					toggleFormat(name);
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		// Simple command controls <control>:[<UI text>,<Command>]
+		each({
+			outdent: ['Decrease indent', 'Outdent'],
+			indent: ['Increase indent', 'Indent'],
+			cut: ['Cut', 'Cut'],
+			copy: ['Copy', 'Copy'],
+			paste: ['Paste', 'Paste'],
+			help: ['Help', 'mceHelp'],
+			selectall: ['Select all', 'SelectAll'],
+			hr: ['Insert horizontal rule', 'InsertHorizontalRule'],
+			removeformat: ['Clear formatting', 'RemoveFormat'],
+			visualaid: ['Visual aids', 'mceToggleVisualAid'],
+			newdocument: ['New document', 'mceNewDocument']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: item[0],
+				cmd: item[1]
+			});
+		});
+		// Simple command controls with format state
+		each({
+			blockquote: ['Blockquote', 'mceBlockQuote'],
+			numlist: ['Numbered list', 'InsertOrderedList'],
+			bullist: ['Bullet list', 'InsertUnorderedList'],
+			subscript: ['Subscript', 'Subscript'],
+			superscript: ['Superscript', 'Superscript'],
+			alignleft: ['Align left', 'JustifyLeft'],
+			aligncenter: ['Align center', 'JustifyCenter'],
+			alignright: ['Align right', 'JustifyRight'],
+			alignjustify: ['Justify', 'JustifyFull']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: item[0],
+				cmd: item[1],
+				onPostRender: function() {
+					var self = this;
+					// TODO: Fix this
+					if (editor.formatter) {
+						editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+							self.active(state);
+						});
+					} else {
+						editor.on('init', function() {
+							editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+								self.active(state);
+							});
+						});
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		function hasUndo() {
+			return editor.undoManager ? editor.undoManager.hasUndo() : false;
+		}
+		function hasRedo() {
+			return editor.undoManager ? editor.undoManager.hasRedo() : false;
+		}
+		function toggleUndoState() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.disabled(!hasUndo());
+			editor.on('Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo', function() {
+				self.disabled(!hasUndo());
+			});
+		}
+		function toggleRedoState() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.disabled(!hasRedo());
+			editor.on('Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo', function() {
+				self.disabled(!hasRedo());
+			});
+		}
+		function toggleVisualAidState() {
+			var self = this;
+			editor.on('VisualAid', function(e) {
+				self.active(e.hasVisual);
+			});
+			self.active(editor.hasVisual);
+		}
+		editor.addButton('undo', {
+			tooltip: 'Undo',
+			onPostRender: toggleUndoState,
+			cmd: 'undo'
+		});
+		editor.addButton('redo', {
+			tooltip: 'Redo',
+			onPostRender: toggleRedoState,
+			cmd: 'redo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('newdocument', {
+			text: 'New document',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+N',
+			icon: 'newdocument',
+			cmd: 'mceNewDocument'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('undo', {
+			text: 'Undo',
+			icon: 'undo',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+Z',
+			onPostRender: toggleUndoState,
+			cmd: 'undo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('redo', {
+			text: 'Redo',
+			icon: 'redo',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+Y',
+			onPostRender: toggleRedoState,
+			cmd: 'redo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('visualaid', {
+			text: 'Visual aids',
+			selectable: true,
+			onPostRender: toggleVisualAidState,
+			cmd: 'mceToggleVisualAid'
+		});
+		each({
+			cut: ['Cut', 'Cut', 'Ctrl+X'],
+			copy: ['Copy', 'Copy', 'Ctrl+C'],
+			paste: ['Paste', 'Paste', 'Ctrl+V'],
+			selectall: ['Select all', 'SelectAll', 'Ctrl+A'],
+			bold: ['Bold', 'Bold', 'Ctrl+B'],
+			italic: ['Italic', 'Italic', 'Ctrl+I'],
+			underline: ['Underline', 'Underline'],
+			strikethrough: ['Strikethrough', 'Strikethrough'],
+			subscript: ['Subscript', 'Subscript'],
+			superscript: ['Superscript', 'Superscript'],
+			removeformat: ['Clear formatting', 'RemoveFormat']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addMenuItem(name, {
+				text: item[0],
+				icon: name,
+				shortcut: item[2],
+				cmd: item[1]
+			});
+		});
+		editor.on('mousedown', function() {
+			FloatPanel.hideAll();
+		});
+		function toggleFormat(fmt) {
+			if (fmt.control) {
+				fmt = fmt.control.value();
+			}
+			if (fmt) {
+				editor.execCommand('mceToggleFormat', false, fmt);
+			}
+		}
+		editor.addButton('styleselect', {
+			type: 'menubutton',
+			text: 'Formats',
+			menu: formatMenu
+		});
+		editor.addButton('formatselect', function() {
+			var items = [], blocks = createFormats(editor.settings.block_formats ||
+				'Paragraph=p;' +
+				'Address=address;' +
+				'Pre=pre;' +
+				'Header 1=h1;' +
+				'Header 2=h2;' +
+				'Header 3=h3;' +
+				'Header 4=h4;' +
+				'Header 5=h5;' +
+				'Header 6=h6'
+			);
+			each(blocks, function(block) {
+				items.push({
+					text: block[0],
+					value: block[1],
+					textStyle: function() {
+						return getPreviewCss(block[1]);
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: blocks[0][0],
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onselect: toggleFormat,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items)
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addButton('fontselect', function() {
+			var defaultFontsFormats =
+				'Andale Mono=andale mono,times;' +
+				'Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' +
+				'Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;' +
+				'Book Antiqua=book antiqua,palatino;' +
+				'Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;' +
+				'Courier New=courier new,courier;' +
+				'Georgia=georgia,palatino;' +
+				'Helvetica=helvetica;' +
+				'Impact=impact,chicago;' +
+				'Symbol=symbol;' +
+				'Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' +
+				'Terminal=terminal,monaco;' +
+				'Times New Roman=times new roman,times;' +
+				'Trebuchet MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;' +
+				'Verdana=verdana,geneva;' +
+				'Webdings=webdings;' +
+				'Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats';
+			var items = [], fonts = createFormats(editor.settings.font_formats || defaultFontsFormats);
+			each(fonts, function(font) {
+				items.push({
+					text: {raw: font[0]},
+					value: font[1],
+					textStyle: font[1].indexOf('dings') == -1 ? 'font-family:' + font[1] : ''
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: 'Font Family',
+				tooltip: 'Font Family',
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items, 'fontname'),
+				onselect: function(e) {
+					if (e.control.settings.value) {
+						editor.execCommand('FontName', false, e.control.settings.value);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addButton('fontsizeselect', function() {
+			var items = [], defaultFontsizeFormats = '8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt';
+			var fontsize_formats = editor.settings.fontsize_formats || defaultFontsizeFormats;
+			each(fontsize_formats.split(' '), function(item) {
+				items.push({text: item, value: item});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: 'Font Sizes',
+				tooltip: 'Font Sizes',
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items, 'fontsize'),
+				onclick: function(e) {
+					if (e.control.settings.value) {
+						editor.execCommand('FontSize', false, e.control.settings.value);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('formats', {
+			text: 'Formats',
+			menu: formatMenu
+		});
+	}
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/GridLayout.js
+ * GridLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager places controls in a grid.
+ *
+ * @setting {Number} spacing Spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} spacingH Horizontal spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} spacingV Vertical spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} columns Number of columns to use.
+ * @setting {String/Array} alignH start|end|center|stretch or array of values for each column.
+ * @setting {String/Array} alignV start|end|center|stretch or array of values for each column.
+ * @setting {String} pack start|end
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.GridLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/GridLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			var settings = container.settings, rows, cols, items, contLayoutRect, width, height, rect,
+				ctrlLayoutRect, ctrl, x, y, posX, posY, ctrlSettings, contPaddingBox, align, spacingH, spacingV, alignH, alignV, maxX, maxY,
+				colWidths = [], rowHeights = [], ctrlMinWidth, ctrlMinHeight, availableWidth, availableHeight;
+			// Get layout settings
+			settings = container.settings;
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect();
+			cols = settings.columns || Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(items.length));
+			rows = Math.ceil(items.length / cols);
+			spacingH = settings.spacingH || settings.spacing || 0;
+			spacingV = settings.spacingV || settings.spacing || 0;
+			alignH = settings.alignH || settings.align;
+			alignV = settings.alignV || settings.align;
+			contPaddingBox = container._paddingBox;
+			if (alignH && typeof(alignH) == "string") {
+				alignH = [alignH];
+			}
+			if (alignV && typeof(alignV) == "string") {
+				alignV = [alignV];
+			}
+			// Zero padd columnWidths
+			for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				colWidths.push(0);
+			}
+			// Zero padd rowHeights
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				rowHeights.push(0);
+			}
+			// Calculate columnWidths and rowHeights
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+					ctrl = items[y * cols + x];
+					// Out of bounds
+					if (!ctrl) {
+						break;
+					}
+					ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+					ctrlMinWidth = ctrlLayoutRect.minW;
+					ctrlMinHeight = ctrlLayoutRect.minH;
+					colWidths[x] = ctrlMinWidth > colWidths[x] ? ctrlMinWidth : colWidths[x];
+					rowHeights[y] = ctrlMinHeight > rowHeights[y] ? ctrlMinHeight : rowHeights[y];
+				}
+			}
+			// Calculate maxX
+			availableWidth = contLayoutRect.innerW - contPaddingBox.left - contPaddingBox.right;
+			for (maxX = 0, x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				maxX += colWidths[x] + (x > 0 ? spacingH : 0);
+				availableWidth -= (x > 0 ? spacingH : 0) + colWidths[x];
+			}
+			// Calculate maxY
+			availableHeight = contLayoutRect.innerH - contPaddingBox.top - contPaddingBox.bottom;
+			for (maxY = 0, y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				maxY += rowHeights[y] + (y > 0 ? spacingV : 0);
+				availableHeight -= (y > 0 ? spacingV : 0) + rowHeights[y];
+			}
+			maxX += contPaddingBox.left + contPaddingBox.right;
+			maxY += contPaddingBox.top + contPaddingBox.bottom;
+			// Calculate minW/minH
+			rect = {};
+			rect.minW = maxX + (contLayoutRect.w - contLayoutRect.innerW);
+			rect.minH = maxY + (contLayoutRect.h - contLayoutRect.innerH);
+			rect.contentW = rect.minW - contLayoutRect.deltaW;
+			rect.contentH = rect.minH - contLayoutRect.deltaH;
+			rect.minW = Math.min(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.maxW);
+			rect.minH = Math.min(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.maxH);
+			rect.minW = Math.max(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+			rect.minH = Math.max(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.startMinHeight);
+			// Resize container container if minSize was changed
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize && (rect.minW != contLayoutRect.minW || rect.minH != contLayoutRect.minH)) {
+				rect.w = rect.minW;
+				rect.h = rect.minH;
+				container.layoutRect(rect);
+				this.recalc(container);
+				// Forced recalc for example if items are hidden/shown
+				if (container._lastRect === null) {
+					var parentCtrl = container.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+						parentCtrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Update contentW/contentH so absEnd moves correctly
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize) {
+				rect = container.layoutRect(rect);
+				rect.contentW = rect.minW - contLayoutRect.deltaW;
+				rect.contentH = rect.minH - contLayoutRect.deltaH;
+			}
+			var flexV;
+			if (settings.packV == 'start') {
+				flexV = 0;
+			} else {
+				flexV = availableHeight > 0 ? Math.floor(availableHeight / rows) : 0;
+			}
+			// Calculate totalFlex
+			var totalFlex = 0;
+			var flexWidths = settings.flexWidths;
+			if (flexWidths) {
+				for (x = 0; x < flexWidths.length; x++) {
+					totalFlex += flexWidths[x];
+				}
+			} else {
+				totalFlex = cols;
+			}
+			// Calculate new column widths based on flex values
+			var ratio = availableWidth / totalFlex;
+			for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				colWidths[x] += flexWidths ? flexWidths[x] * ratio : ratio;
+			}
+			// Move/resize controls
+			posY = contPaddingBox.top;
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				posX = contPaddingBox.left;
+				height = rowHeights[y] + flexV;
+				for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+					ctrl = items[y * cols + x];
+					// No more controls to render then break
+					if (!ctrl) {
+						break;
+					}
+					// Get control settings and calculate x, y
+					ctrlSettings = ctrl.settings;
+					ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+					width = Math.max(colWidths[x], ctrlLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+					ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY;
+					// Align control horizontal
+					align = ctrlSettings.alignH || (alignH ? (alignH[x] || alignH[0]) : null);
+					if (align == "center") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX + (width / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect.w / 2);
+					} else if (align == "right") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX + width - ctrlLayoutRect.w;
+					} else if (align == "stretch") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.w = width;
+					}
+					// Align control vertical
+					align = ctrlSettings.alignV || (alignV ? (alignV[x] || alignV[0]) : null);
+					if (align == "center") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY + (height / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect.h / 2);
+					} else  if (align == "bottom") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY + height - ctrlLayoutRect.h;
+					} else if (align == "stretch") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.h = height;
+					}
+					ctrl.layoutRect(ctrlLayoutRect);
+					posX += width + spacingH;
+					if (ctrl.recalc) {
+						ctrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				posY += height + spacingV;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Iframe.js
+ * Iframe.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint scripturl:true */
+ * This class creates an iframe.
+ *
+ * @setting {String} url Url to open in the iframe.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Iframe.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Iframe
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Iframe", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.addClass('iframe');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return (
+				'<iframe id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" src="' +
+				(self.settings.url || "javascript:\'\'") + '" frameborder="0"></iframe>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Setter for the iframe source.
+		 *
+		 * @method src
+		 * @param {String} src Source URL for iframe.
+		 */
+		src: function(src) {
+			this.getEl().src = src;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inner HTML for the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @method html
+		 * @param {String} html HTML string to set as HTML inside the iframe.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute when the iframe body is filled with contents.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Iframe} Current iframe control.
+		 */
+		html: function(html, callback) {
+			var self = this, body = this.getEl().contentWindow.document.body;
+			// Wait for iframe to initialize IE 10 takes time
+			if (!body) {
+				setTimeout(function() {
+					self.html(html);
+				}, 0);
+			} else {
+				body.innerHTML = html;
+				if (callback) {
+					callback();
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Label.js
+ * Label.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a label element. A label is a simple text control
+ * that can be bound to other controls.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Label.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Label
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Label", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @param {Boolean} multiline Multiline label.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('widget');
+			self.addClass('label');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				self.addClass('autoscroll');
+			}
+			if (settings.strong) {
+				self.addClass('strong');
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super();
+			if (self.settings.multiline) {
+				var size = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl());
+				// Check if the text fits within maxW if not then try word wrapping it
+				if (size.width > layoutRect.maxW) {
+					layoutRect.minW = layoutRect.maxW;
+					self.addClass('multiline');
+				}
+				self.getEl().style.width = layoutRect.minW + 'px';
+				layoutRect.startMinH = layoutRect.h = layoutRect.minH = Math.min(layoutRect.maxH, DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl()).height);
+			}
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.settings.multiline) {
+				self.getEl().style.lineHeight = self.layoutRect().h + 'px';
+			}
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current label text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New label text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.Label} Current text or current label instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(text) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && text) {
+				this.innerHtml(self.encode(text));
+			}
+			return self._super(text);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, forId = self.settings.forId;
+			return (
+				'<label id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"' + (forId ? ' for="' + forId + '"' : '') + '>' +
+					self.encode(self._text) +
+				'</label>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Toolbar.js
+ * Toolbar.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new toolbar.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Toolbar
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Toolbar", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			role: 'toolbar',
+			layout: 'flow'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('toolbar');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().addClass('toolbar-item');
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuBar.js
+ * MenuBar.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menubar.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuBar.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuBar
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuBar", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Toolbar"
+], function(Toolbar) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Toolbar.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			role: 'menubar',
+			containerCls: 'menubar',
+			ariaRoot: true,
+			defaults: {
+				type: 'menubutton'
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuButton.js
+ * MenuButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Button",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuBar"
+], function(Button, Factory, MenuBar) {
+	"use strict";
+	// TODO: Maybe add as some global function
+	function isChildOf(node, parent) {
+		while (node) {
+			if (parent === node) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			node = node.parentNode;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	var MenuButton = Button.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._renderOpen = true;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('menubtn');
+			if (settings.fixedWidth) {
+				self.addClass('fixed-width');
+			}
+			self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			self.hasPopup = true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the menu for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method showMenu
+		 */
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu;
+			if (self.menu && self.menu.visible()) {
+				return self.hideMenu();
+			}
+			if (!self.menu) {
+				menu = settings.menu || [];
+				// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+				if (menu.length) {
+					menu = {
+						type: 'menu',
+						items: menu
+					};
+				} else {
+					menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+				}
+				self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo();
+				self.fire('createmenu');
+				self.menu.reflow();
+				self.menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+					if (e.control.parent() === self.menu) {
+						e.stopPropagation();
+						self.focus();
+						self.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				// Move focus to button when a menu item is selected/clicked
+				self.menu.on('select', function() {
+					self.focus();
+				});
+				self.menu.on('show hide', function(e) {
+					if (e.control == self.menu) {
+						self.activeMenu(e.type == 'show');
+					}
+					self.aria('expanded', e.type == 'show');
+				}).fire('show');
+			}
+			self.menu.show();
+			self.menu.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().w});
+			self.menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), self.isRtl() ? ['br-tr', 'tr-br'] : ['bl-tl', 'tl-bl']);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the menu for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideMenu
+		 */
+		hideMenu: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.menu) {
+				self.menu.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item.hideMenu) {
+						item.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the active menu state.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		activeMenu: function(state) {
+			this.toggleClass('active', state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			self.aria('role', self.parent() instanceof MenuBar ? 'menuitem' : 'button');
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="' + id + '">' +
+					'<button id="' + id + '-open" role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						'<span>' + (self._text ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(self._text) : '') + '</span>' +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets invoked after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self && isChildOf(e.target, self.getEl())) {
+					self.showMenu();
+					if (e.aria) {
+						self.menu.items()[0].focus();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
+				var overCtrl = e.control, parent = self.parent(), hasVisibleSiblingMenu;
+				if (overCtrl && parent && overCtrl instanceof MenuButton && overCtrl.parent() == parent) {
+					parent.items().filter('MenuButton').each(function(ctrl) {
+						if (ctrl.hideMenu && ctrl != overCtrl) {
+							if (ctrl.menu && ctrl.menu.visible()) {
+								hasVisibleSiblingMenu = true;
+							}
+							ctrl.hideMenu();
+						}
+					});
+					if (hasVisibleSiblingMenu) {
+						overCtrl.focus(); // Fix for: #5887
+						overCtrl.showMenu();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current button text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New button text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.MenuButton} Current text or current MenuButton instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(text) {
+			var self = this, i, children;
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				children = self.getEl('open').getElementsByTagName('span');
+				for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+					children[i].innerHTML = (self.settings.icon && text ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(text);
+				}
+			}
+			return this._super(text);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the control and it's menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (this.menu) {
+				this.menu.remove();
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return MenuButton;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ListBox.js
+ * ListBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new list box control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ListBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ListBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.MenuButton
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ListBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuButton"
+], function(MenuButton) {
+	"use strict";
+	return MenuButton.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Array} values Array with values to add to list box.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, values, i, selected, selectedText, lastItemCtrl;
+			self._values = values = settings.values;
+			if (values) {
+				for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
+					selected = values[i].selected || settings.value === values[i].value;
+					if (selected) {
+						selectedText = selectedText || values[i].text;
+						self._value = values[i].value;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				// Default with first item
+				if (!selected && values.length > 0) {
+					selectedText = values[0].text;
+					self._value = values[0].value;
+				}
+				settings.menu = values;
+			}
+			settings.text = settings.text || selectedText || values[0].text;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('listbox');
+			self.on('select', function(e) {
+				var ctrl = e.control;
+				if (lastItemCtrl) {
+					e.lastControl = lastItemCtrl;
+				}
+				if (settings.multiple) {
+					ctrl.active(!ctrl.active());
+				} else {
+					self.value(e.control.settings.value);
+				}
+				lastItemCtrl = ctrl;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.ListBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this, active, selectedText, menu, i;
+			function activateByValue(menu, value) {
+				menu.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+					active = ctrl.value() === value;
+					if (active) {
+						selectedText = selectedText || ctrl.text();
+					}
+					ctrl.active(active);
+					if (ctrl.menu) {
+						activateByValue(ctrl.menu, value);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				if (self.menu) {
+					activateByValue(self.menu, value);
+				} else {
+					menu = self.settings.menu;
+					for (i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
+						active = menu[i].value == value;
+						if (active) {
+							selectedText = selectedText || menu[i].text;
+						}
+						menu[i].active = active;
+					}
+				}
+				self.text(selectedText || this.settings.text);
+			}
+			return self._super(value);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuItem.js
+ * MenuItem.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu item.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuItem.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuItem
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuItem", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Widget, Factory, Env) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			border: 0,
+			role: 'menuitem'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} selectable Selectable menu.
+		 * @setting {Array} menu Submenu array with items.
+		 * @setting {String} shortcut Shortcut to display for menu item. Example: Ctrl+X
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.hasPopup = true;
+			self._super(settings);
+			settings = self.settings;
+			self.addClass('menu-item');
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-expand');
+			}
+			if (settings.preview) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-preview');
+			}
+			if (self._text === '-' || self._text === '|') {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-sep');
+				self.aria('role', 'separator');
+				self._text = '-';
+			}
+			if (settings.selectable) {
+				self.aria('role', 'menuitemcheckbox');
+				self.addClass('menu-item-checkbox');
+				settings.icon = 'selected';
+			}
+			if (!settings.preview && !settings.selectable) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-normal');
+			}
+			self.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the menuitem has sub menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasMenus
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if it has submenu.
+		 */
+		hasMenus: function() {
+			return !!this.settings.menu;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the menu for the menu item.
+		 *
+		 * @method showMenu
+		 */
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu, parent = self.parent();
+			parent.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl !== self) {
+					ctrl.hideMenu();
+				}
+			});
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				menu = self.menu;
+				if (!menu) {
+					menu = settings.menu;
+					// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+					if (menu.length) {
+						menu = {
+							type: 'menu',
+							items: menu
+						};
+					} else {
+						menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+					}
+					if (parent.settings.itemDefaults) {
+						menu.itemDefaults = parent.settings.itemDefaults;
+					}
+					menu = self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo();
+					menu.reflow();
+					menu.fire('show');
+					menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+						e.stopPropagation();
+						self.focus();
+						menu.hide();
+					});
+					menu.on('hide', function(e) {
+						if (e.control === menu) {
+							self.removeClass('selected');
+						}
+					});
+					menu.submenu = true;
+				} else {
+					menu.show();
+				}
+				menu._parentMenu = parent;
+				menu.addClass('menu-sub');
+				var rel = menu.testMoveRel(
+					self.getEl(),
+					self.isRtl() ? ['tl-tr', 'bl-br', 'tr-tl', 'br-bl'] : ['tr-tl', 'br-bl', 'tl-tr', 'bl-br']
+				);
+				menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), rel);
+				menu.rel = rel;
+				rel = 'menu-sub-' + rel;
+				menu.removeClass(menu._lastRel);
+				menu.addClass(rel);
+				menu._lastRel = rel;
+				self.addClass('selected');
+				self.aria('expanded', true);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the menu for the menu item.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideMenu
+		 */
+		hideMenu: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.menu) {
+				self.menu.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item.hideMenu) {
+						item.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.hide();
+				self.aria('expanded', false);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, prefix = self.classPrefix, text = self.encode(self._text);
+			var icon = self.settings.icon, image = '', shortcut = settings.shortcut;
+			if (icon) {
+				self.parent().addClass('menu-has-icons');
+			}
+			if (settings.image) {
+				icon = 'none';
+				image = ' style="background-image: url(\'' + settings.image + '\')"';
+			}
+			if (shortcut && Env.mac) {
+				// format shortcut for Mac
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/ctrl\+alt\+/i, '&#x2325;&#x2318;'); // ctrl+cmd
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/ctrl\+/i, '&#x2318;'); // ctrl symbol
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/alt\+/i, '&#x2325;'); // cmd symbol
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/shift\+/i, '&#x21E7;'); // shift symbol
+			}
+			icon = prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + (self.settings.icon || 'none');
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1">' +
+					(text !== '-' ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>&nbsp;' : '') +
+					(text !== '-' ? '<span id="' + id + '-text" class="' + prefix + 'text">' + text + '</span>' : '') +
+					(shortcut ? '<div id="' + id + '-shortcut" class="' + prefix + 'menu-shortcut">' + shortcut + '</div>' : '') +
+					(settings.menu ? '<div class="' + prefix + 'caret"></div>' : '') +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets invoked after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			var textStyle = settings.textStyle;
+			if (typeof(textStyle) == "function") {
+				textStyle = textStyle.call(this);
+			}
+			if (textStyle) {
+				var textElm = self.getEl('text');
+				if (textElm) {
+					textElm.setAttribute('style', textStyle);
+				}
+			}
+			self.on('mouseenter click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self) {
+					if (!settings.menu && e.type === 'click') {
+						self.fire('select');
+						self.parent().hideAll();
+					} else {
+						self.showMenu();
+						if (e.aria) {
+							self.menu.focus(true);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			self._super();
+			return self;
+		},
+		active: function(state) {
+			if (typeof(state) != "undefined") {
+				this.aria('checked', state);
+			}
+			return this._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the control and it's menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (this.menu) {
+				this.menu.remove();
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Menu.js
+ * Menu.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Menu.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Menu
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Menu", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuItem",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(FloatPanel, MenuItem, Tools) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Menu = FloatPanel.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			defaultType: 'menuitem',
+			border: 1,
+			layout: 'stack',
+			role: 'application',
+			bodyRole: 'menu',
+			ariaRoot: true
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			settings.autohide = true;
+			settings.constrainToViewport = true;
+			if (settings.itemDefaults) {
+				var items = settings.items, i = items.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					items[i] = Tools.extend({}, settings.itemDefaults, items[i]);
+				}
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('menu');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			this.toggleClass('menu-align', true);
+			this._super();
+			this.getEl().style.height = '';
+			this.getEl('body').style.height = '';
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides/closes the menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method cancel
+		 */
+		cancel: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.hideAll();
+			self.fire('select');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hide menu and all sub menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideAll
+		 */
+		hideAll: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			this.find('menuitem').exec('hideMenu');
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		getContainerElm: function() {
+			var doc = document, id = this.classPrefix + 'menucontainer';
+			var elm = doc.getElementById(id);
+			if (!elm) {
+				elm = doc.createElement('div');
+				elm.id = id;
+				elm.setAttribute('role', 'application');
+				elm.className = this.classPrefix + '-reset';
+				elm.style.position = 'absolute';
+				elm.style.top = elm.style.left = '0';
+				elm.style.overflow = 'visible';
+				doc.body.appendChild(elm);
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Invoked before the menu is rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 */
+		preRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				var settings = ctrl.settings;
+				if (settings.icon || settings.selectable) {
+					self._hasIcons = true;
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+	return Menu;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Radio.js
+ * Radio.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new radio button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Radio.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Radio
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Checkbox
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Radio", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Checkbox"
+], function(Checkbox) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Checkbox.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "radio",
+			role: "radio"
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ResizeHandle.js
+ * ResizeHandle.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Renders a resize handle that fires ResizeStart, Resize and ResizeEnd events.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ResizeHandle.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ResizeHandle
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ResizeHandle", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(Widget, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.addClass('resizehandle');
+			if (self.settings.direction == "both") {
+				self.addClass('resizehandle-both');
+			}
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<i class="' + prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-resize"></i>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.resizeDragHelper = new DragHelper(this._id, {
+				start: function() {
+					self.fire('ResizeStart');
+				},
+				drag: function(e) {
+					if (self.settings.direction != "both") {
+						e.deltaX = 0;
+					}
+					self.fire('Resize', e);
+				},
+				stop: function() {
+					self.fire('ResizeEnd');
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			if (this.resizeDragHelper) {
+				this.resizeDragHelper.destroy();
+			}
+			return this._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Spacer.js
+ * Spacer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a spacer. This control is used in flex layouts for example.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Spacer.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Spacer
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Spacer", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.addClass('spacer');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return '<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"></div>';
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/SplitButton.js
+ * SplitButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a split button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less SplitButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.SplitButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/SplitButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuButton",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(MenuButton, DomUtils) {
+	return MenuButton.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "widget btn splitbtn",
+			role: "button"
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), rect = self.layoutRect(), mainButtonElm, menuButtonElm;
+			self._super();
+			mainButtonElm = elm.firstChild;
+			menuButtonElm = elm.lastChild;
+			DomUtils.css(mainButtonElm, {
+				width: rect.w - DomUtils.getSize(menuButtonElm).width,
+				height: rect.h - 2
+			});
+			DomUtils.css(menuButtonElm, {
+				height: rect.h - 2
+			});
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the active menu state.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		activeMenu: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.toggleClass(self.getEl().lastChild, self.classPrefix + 'active', state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+					'<button type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + self._text : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+					'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						//(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						(self._menuBtnText ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self._menuBtnText : '') +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, onClickHandler = self.settings.onclick;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var node = e.target;
+				if (e.control == this) {
+					// Find clicks that is on the main button
+					while (node) {
+						if ((e.aria && e.aria.key != 'down') || (node.nodeName == 'BUTTON' && node.className.indexOf('open') == -1)) {
+							e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+							onClickHandler.call(this, e);
+							return;
+						}
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			delete self.settings.onclick;
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/StackLayout.js
+ * StackLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout uses the browsers layout when the items are blocks.
+ *
+ * @-x-less StackLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.StackLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FlowLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/StackLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FlowLayout"
+], function(FlowLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return FlowLayout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'stack-layout',
+			controlClass: 'stack-layout-item',
+			endClass : 'break'
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/TabPanel.js
+ * TabPanel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a tab panel control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less TabPanel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.TabPanel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Panel
+ *
+ * @setting {Number} activeTab Active tab index.
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/TabPanel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Panel, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Panel.extend({
+		lastIdx: 0,
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'absolute',
+			defaults: {
+				type: 'panel'
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Activates the specified tab by index.
+		 *
+		 * @method activateTab
+		 * @param {Number} idx Index of the tab to activate.
+		 */
+		activateTab: function(idx) {
+			var activeTabElm;
+			if (this.activeTabId) {
+				activeTabElm = this.getEl(this.activeTabId);
+				DomUtils.removeClass(activeTabElm, this.classPrefix + 'active');
+				activeTabElm.setAttribute('aria-selected', "false");
+			}
+			this.activeTabId = 't' + idx;
+			activeTabElm = this.getEl('t' + idx);
+			activeTabElm.setAttribute('aria-selected', "true");
+			DomUtils.addClass(activeTabElm, this.classPrefix + 'active');
+			if (idx != this.lastIdx) {
+				this.items()[this.lastIdx].hide();
+				this.lastIdx = idx;
+			}
+			this.items()[idx].show().fire('showtab');
+			this.reflow();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, tabsHtml = '', prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl, i) {
+				var id = self._id + '-t' + i;
+				ctrl.aria('role', 'tabpanel');
+				ctrl.aria('labelledby', id);
+				tabsHtml += (
+					'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + prefix + 'tab" ' +
+						'unselectable="on" role="tab" aria-controls="' + ctrl._id + '" aria-selected="false" tabIndex="-1">' +
+						self.encode(ctrl.settings.title) +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			});
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-head" class="' + prefix + 'tabs" role="tablist">' +
+						tabsHtml +
+					'</div>' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.settings.activeTab = self.settings.activeTab || 0;
+			self.activateTab(self.settings.activeTab);
+			this.on('click', function(e) {
+				var targetParent = e.target.parentNode;
+				if (e.target.parentNode.id == self._id + '-head') {
+					var i = targetParent.childNodes.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (targetParent.childNodes[i] == e.target) {
+							self.activateTab(i);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, rect, minW, minH;
+			minW = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl('head')).width;
+			minW = minW < 0 ? 0 : minW;
+			minH = 0;
+			self.items().each(function(item, i) {
+				minW = Math.max(minW, item.layoutRect().minW);
+				minH = Math.max(minH, item.layoutRect().minH);
+				if (self.settings.activeTab != i) {
+					item.hide();
+				}
+			});
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				ctrl.settings.x = 0;
+				ctrl.settings.y = 0;
+				ctrl.settings.w = minW;
+				ctrl.settings.h = minH;
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: 0,
+					y: 0,
+					w: minW,
+					h: minH
+				});
+			});
+			var headH = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl('head')).height;
+			self.settings.minWidth = minW;
+			self.settings.minHeight = minH + headH;
+			rect = self._super();
+			rect.deltaH += headH;
+			rect.innerH = rect.h - rect.deltaH;
+			return rect;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/TextBox.js
+ * TextBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new textbox.
+ *
+ * @-x-less TextBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.TextBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/TextBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} multiline True if the textbox is a multiline control.
+		 * @setting {Number} maxLength Max length for the textbox.
+		 * @setting {Number} size Size of the textbox in characters.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self._value = settings.value || '';
+			self.addClass('textbox');
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				self.addClass('multiline');
+			} else {
+				// TODO: Rework this
+				self.on('keydown', function(e) {
+					if (e.keyCode == 13) {
+						self.parents().reverse().each(function(ctrl) {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							if (ctrl.hasEventListeners('submit') && ctrl.toJSON) {
+								ctrl.fire('submit', {data: ctrl.toJSON()});
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the disabled state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} True/false or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && typeof(state) != 'undefined') {
+				self.getEl().disabled = state;
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl().value = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				return self.getEl().value;
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, rect, borderBox, borderW = 0, borderH = 0, lastRepaintRect;
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			lastRepaintRect = self._lastRepaintRect || {};
+			// Detect old IE 7+8 add lineHeight to align caret vertically in the middle
+			var doc = document;
+			if (!self.settings.multiline && doc.all && (!doc.documentMode || doc.documentMode <= 8)) {
+				style.lineHeight = (rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+			}
+			borderBox = self._borderBox;
+			borderW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right + 8;
+			borderH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom + (self.settings.multiline ? 8 : 0);
+			if (rect.x !== lastRepaintRect.x) {
+				style.left = rect.x + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.x = rect.x;
+			}
+			if (rect.y !== lastRepaintRect.y) {
+				style.top = rect.y + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.y = rect.y;
+			}
+			if (rect.w !== lastRepaintRect.w) {
+				style.width = (rect.w - borderW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.w = rect.w;
+			}
+			if (rect.h !== lastRepaintRect.h) {
+				style.height = (rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.h = rect.h;
+			}
+			self._lastRepaintRect = lastRepaintRect;
+			self.fire('repaint', {}, false);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, value = self.encode(self._value, false), extraAttrs = '';
+			if ("spellcheck" in settings) {
+				extraAttrs += ' spellcheck="' + settings.spellcheck + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.maxLength) {
+				extraAttrs += ' maxlength="' + settings.maxLength + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.size) {
+				extraAttrs += ' size="' + settings.size + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				extraAttrs += ' type="' + settings.subtype + '"';
+			}
+			if (self.disabled()) {
+				extraAttrs += ' disabled="disabled"';
+			}
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				return (
+					'<textarea id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" ' +
+					(settings.rows ? ' rows="' + settings.rows + '"' : '') +
+					' hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>' + value +
+					'</textarea>'
+				);
+			}
+			return '<input id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" value="' + value + '" hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), 'change', function(e) {
+				self.fire('change', e);
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			DomUtils.off(this.getEl());
+			this._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Throbber.js
+ * Throbber.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to display a Throbber for any element.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Throbber.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Throbber
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Throbber", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new throbber.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @param {Element} elm DOM Html element to display throbber in.
+	 */
+	return function(elm) {
+		var self = this, state;
+		/**
+		 * Shows the throbber.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @param {Number} [time] Time to wait before showing.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Throbber} Current throbber instance.
+		 */
+		self.show = function(time) {
+			self.hide();
+			state = true;
+			window.setTimeout(function() {
+				if (state) {
+					elm.appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment('<div class="mce-throbber"></div>'));
+				}
+			}, time || 0);
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Hides the throbber.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Throbber} Current throbber instance.
+		 */
+		self.hide = function() {
+			var child = elm.lastChild;
+			if (child && child.className.indexOf('throbber') != -1) {
+				child.parentNode.removeChild(child);
+			}
+			state = false;
+			return self;
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2e3ce837728078e5a0dd420712d2cdbb91ed75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// 4.0.20 (2014-03-18)
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n?void(n.nodeType?(y=I.createRng(),y.setStartBefore(n),y.setEndAfter(n),f(y)):f(n)):void(F.isCollapsed()&&m.inline&&!I.select("td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected").length?H("remove",e,t):(h=F.getBookmark(),f(F.getRng(Y)),F.moveToBookmark(h),m.inline&&v(e,t,F.getStart())&&P(F.getRng(!0)),r.nodeChanged()))}function h(e,t,n){var r=c(e);!v(e,t,n)||"toggle"in r[0]&&!r[0].toggle?p(e,t,n):m(e,t,n)}function g(e,t,n,r){function i(e,t,i){var o,a,s=t[i],l;if(t.onmatch)return t.onmatch(e,t,i);if(s)if(s.length===X){for(o in s)if(s.hasOwnProperty(o)){if(a="attributes"===i?I.getAttrib(e,o):_(e,o),r&&!a&&!t.exact)return;if((!r||t.exact)&&!w(a,N(E(s[o],n),o)))return}}else for(l=0;l<s.length;l++)if("attributes"===i?I.getAttrib(e,s[l]):_(e,s[l]))return t;return t}var o=c(t),a,s,l;if(o&&e)for(s=0;s<o.length;s++)if(a=o[s],x(e,a)&&i(e,a,"attributes")&&i(e,a,"styles")){if(l=a.classes)for(s=0;s<l.length;s++)if(!I.hasClass(e,l[s]))return;return a}}function v(e,t,n){function r(n){var r=I.getRoot();return n===r?!1:(n=I.getParent(n,function(n){return n.parentNode===r||!!g(n,e,t,!0)}),g(n,e,t))}var i;return n?r(n):(n=F.getNode(),r(n)?Y:(i=F.getStart(),i!=n&&r(i)?Y:K))}function y(e,t){var n,r=[],i={};return n=F.getStart(),I.getParent(n,function(n){var o,a;for(o=0;o<e.length;o++)a=e[o],!i[a]&&g(n,a,t)&&(i[a]=!0,r.push(a))},I.getRoot()),r}function b(e){var t=c(e),n,r,i,a,s;if(t)for(n=F.getStart(),r=o(n),a=t.length-1;a>=0;a--){if(s=t[a].selector,!s||t[a].defaultBlock)return Y;for(i=r.length-1;i>=0;i--)if(I.is(r[i],s))return Y}return K}function C(e,t,n){var i;return G||(G={},i={},r.on("NodeChange",function(e){var t=o(e.element),n={};et(G,function(e,r){et(t,function(o){return g(o,r,{},e.similar)?(i[r]||(et(e,function(e){e(!0,{node:o,format:r,parents:t})}),i[r]=e),n[r]=e,!1):void 0})}),et(i,function(r,o){n[o]||(delete i[o],et(r,function(n){n(!1,{node:e.element,format:o,parents:t})}))})})),et(e.split(","),function(e){G[e]||(G[e]=[],G[e].similar=n),G[e].push(t)}),this}function x(e,t){return w(e,t.inline)?Y:w(e,t.block)?Y:t.selector?1==e.nodeType&&I.is(e,t.selector):void 0}function w(e,t){return e=e||"",t=t||"",e=""+(e.nodeName||e),t=""+(t.nodeName||t),e.toLowerCase()==t.toLowerCase()}function _(e,t){return N(I.getStyle(e,t),t)}function N(e,t){return("color"==t||"backgroundColor"==t)&&(e=I.toHex(e)),"fontWeight"==t&&700==e&&(e="bold"),"fontFamily"==t&&(e=e.replace(/[\'\"]/g,"").replace(/,\s+/g,",")),""+e}function E(e,t){return"string"!=typeof e?e=e(t):t&&(e=e.replace(/%(\w+)/g,function(e,n){return t[n]||e})),e}function k(e){return e&&3===e.nodeType&&/^([\t \r\n]+|)$/.test(e.nodeValue)}function S(e,t,n){var r=I.create(t,n);return e.parentNode.insertBefore(r,e),r.appendChild(e),r}function T(t,n,a){function s(e){function t(e){return"BR"==e.nodeName&&e.getAttribute("data-mce-bogus")&&!e.nextSibling}var r,i,o,a,s;if(r=i=e?g:y,a=e?"previousSibling":"nextSibling",s=I.getRoot(),3==r.nodeType&&!k(r)&&(e?v>0:b<r.nodeValue.length))return r;for(;;){if(!n[0].block_expand&&V(i))return i;for(o=i[a];o;o=o[a])if(!L(o)&&!k(o)&&!t(o))return i;if(i.parentNode==s){r=i;break}i=i.parentNode}return r}function l(e,t){for(t===X&&(t=3===e.nodeType?e.length:e.childNodes.length);e&&e.hasChildNodes();)e=e.childNodes[t],e&&(t=3===e.nodeType?e.length:e.childNodes.length);return{node:e,offset:t}}function c(e){for(var t=e;t;){if(1===t.nodeType&&J(t))return"false"===J(t)?t:e;t=t.parentNode}return e}function d(t,n,i){function o(e,t){var n,r,o=e.nodeValue;return"undefined"==typeof t&&(t=i?o.length:0),i?(n=o.lastIndexOf(" ",t),r=o.lastIndexOf("\xa0",t),n=n>r?n:r,-1===n||a||n++):(n=o.indexOf(" ",t),r=o.indexOf("\xa0",t),n=-1!==n&&(-1===r||r>n)?n:r),n}var s,l,c,d;if(3===t.nodeType){if(c=o(t,n),-1!==c)return{container:t,offset:c};d=t}for(s=new e(t,I.getParent(t,V)||r.getBody());l=s[i?"prev":"next"]();)if(3===l.nodeType){if(d=l,c=o(l),-1!==c)return{container:l,offset:c}}else if(V(l))break;return d?(n=i?0:d.length,{container:d,offset:n}):void 0}function u(e,r){var i,a,s,l;for(3==e.nodeType&&0===e.nodeValue.length&&e[r]&&(e=e[r]),i=o(e),a=0;a<i.length;a++)for(s=0;s<n.length;s++)if(l=n[s],!("collapsed"in l&&l.collapsed!==t.collapsed)&&I.is(i[a],l.selector))return i[a];return e}function f(e,t){var r,a=I.getRoot();if(n[0].wrapper||(r=I.getParent(e,n[0].block,a)),r||(r=I.getParent(3==e.nodeType?e.parentNode:e,function(e){return e!=a&&i(e)})),r&&n[0].wrapper&&(r=o(r,"ul,ol").reverse()[0]||r),!r)for(r=e;r[t]&&!V(r[t])&&(r=r[t],!w(r,"br")););return r||e}var 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"===m.node.nodeValue.charAt(m.offset-1)&&m.offset>1&&(y=m.node,y.splitText(m.offset-1))}return(n[0].inline||n[0].block_expand)&&(n[0].inline&&3==g.nodeType&&0!==v||(g=s(!0)),n[0].inline&&3==y.nodeType&&b!==y.nodeValue.length||(y=s())),n[0].selector&&n[0].expand!==K&&!n[0].inline&&(g=u(g,"previousSibling"),y=u(y,"nextSibling")),(n[0].block||n[0].selector)&&(g=f(g,"previousSibling"),y=f(y,"nextSibling"),n[0].block&&(V(g)||(g=s(!0)),V(y)||(y=s()))),1==g.nodeType&&(v=q(g),g=g.parentNode),1==y.nodeType&&(b=q(y)+1,y=y.parentNode),{startContainer:g,startOffset:v,endContainer:y,endOffset:b}}function R(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a;if(!x(n,e))return K;if("all"!=e.remove)for(et(e.styles,function(e,i){e=N(E(e,t),i),"number"==typeof i&&(i=e,r=0),(!r||w(_(r,i),e))&&I.setStyle(n,i,""),a=1}),a&&""===I.getAttrib(n,"style")&&(n.removeAttribute("style"),n.removeAttribute("data-mce-style")),et(e.attributes,function(e,i){var o;if(e=E(e,t),"number"==typeof i&&(i=e,r=0),!r||w(I.getAttrib(r,i),e)){if("class"==i&&(e=I.getAttrib(n,i),e&&(o="",et(e.split(/\s+/),function(e){/mce\w+/.test(e)&&(o+=(o?" 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v=I.getParent(u,i);v&&I.isEmpty(v)?u.parentNode.replaceChild(h,u):I.insertAfter(h,u),F.setCursorLocation(d,1),I.isEmpty(u)&&I.remove(u)}}function v(){var e;e=l(F.getStart()),e&&!I.isEmpty(e)&&nt(e,function(e){1!=e.nodeType||e.id===y||I.isEmpty(e)||I.setAttrib(e,"data-mce-bogus",null)},"childNodes")}var y="_mce_caret",b=r.settings.caret_debug;r._hasCaretEvents||(Z=function(){var e=[],t;if(s(l(F.getStart()),e))for(t=e.length;t--;)I.setAttrib(e[t],"data-mce-bogus","1")},Q=function(e){var t=e.keyCode;u(),(8==t||37==t||39==t)&&u(l(F.getStart())),v()},r.on("SetContent",function(e){e.selection&&v()}),r._hasCaretEvents=!0),"apply"==t?f():h()}function P(t){var n=t.startContainer,r=t.startOffset,i,o,a,s,l;if(3==n.nodeType&&r>=n.nodeValue.length&&(r=q(n),n=n.parentNode,i=!0),1==n.nodeType)for(s=n.childNodes,n=s[Math.min(r,s.length-1)],o=new e(n,I.getParent(n,I.isBlock)),(r>s.length-1||i)&&o.next(),a=o.current();a;a=o.next())if(3==a.nodeType&&!k(a))return 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t=this,n,r,i,o,a;if(t._values=n=e.values,n){for(r=0;r<n.length;r++)if(i=n[r].selected||e.value===n[r].value){o=o||n[r].text,t._value=n[r].value;break}!i&&n.length>0&&(o=n[0].text,t._value=n[0].value),e.menu=n}e.text=e.text||o||n[0].text,t._super(e),t.addClass("listbox"),t.on("select",function(n){var r=n.control;a&&(n.lastControl=a),e.multiple?r.active(!r.active()):t.value(n.control.settings.value),a=r})},value:function(e){function t(e,n){e.items().each(function(e){r=e.value()===n,r&&(i=i||e.text()),e.active(r),e.menu&&t(e.menu,n)})}var n=this,r,i,o,a;if("undefined"!=typeof e){if(n.menu)t(n.menu,e);else for(o=n.settings.menu,a=0;a<o.length;a++)r=o[a].value==e,r&&(i=i||o[a].text),o[a].active=r;n.text(i||this.settings.text)}return n._super(e)}})}),r(Vt,[yt,U,h],function(e,t,n){return e.extend({Defaults:{border:0,role:"menuitem"},init:function(e){var t=this;t.hasPopup=!0,t._super(e),e=t.settings,t.addClass("menu-item"),e.menu&&t.addClass("menu-item-expand"),e.preview&&t.addClass("menu-item-preview"),("-"===t._text||"|"===t._text)&&(t.addClass("menu-item-sep"),t.aria("role","separator"),t._text="-"),e.selectable&&(t.aria("role","menuitemcheckbox"),t.addClass("menu-item-checkbox"),e.icon="selected"),e.preview||e.selectable||t.addClass("menu-item-normal"),t.on("mousedown",function(e){e.preventDefault()}),e.menu&&t.aria("haspopup",!0)},hasMenus:function(){return!!this.settings.menu},showMenu:function(){var e=this,n=e.settings,r,i=e.parent();if(i.items().each(function(t){t!==e&&t.hideMenu()}),n.menu){r=e.menu,r?r.show():(r=n.menu,r.length?r={type:"menu",items:r}:r.type=r.type||"menu",i.settings.itemDefaults&&(r.itemDefaults=i.settings.itemDefaults),r=e.menu=t.create(r).parent(e).renderTo(),r.reflow(),r.fire("show"),r.on("cancel",function(t){t.stopPropagation(),e.focus(),r.hide()}),r.on("hide",function(t){t.control===r&&e.removeClass("selected")}),r.submenu=!0),r._parentMenu=i,r.addClass("menu-sub");var o=r.testMoveRel(e.getEl(),e.isRtl()?["tl-tr","bl-br","tr-tl","br-bl"]:["tr-tl","br-bl","tl-tr","bl-br"]);r.moveRel(e.getEl(),o),r.rel=o,o="menu-sub-"+o,r.removeClass(r._lastRel),r.addClass(o),r._lastRel=o,e.addClass("selected"),e.aria("expanded",!0)}},hideMenu:function(){var e=this;return e.menu&&(e.menu.items().each(function(e){e.hideMenu&&e.hideMenu()}),e.menu.hide(),e.aria("expanded",!1)),e},renderHtml:function(){var e=this,t=e._id,r=e.settings,i=e.classPrefix,o=e.encode(e._text),a=e.settings.icon,s="",l=r.shortcut;return a&&e.parent().addClass("menu-has-icons"),r.image&&(a="none",s=" style=\"background-image: url('"+r.image+"')\""),l&&n.mac&&(l=l.replace(/ctrl\+alt\+/i,"&#x2325;&#x2318;"),l=l.replace(/ctrl\+/i,"&#x2318;"),l=l.replace(/alt\+/i,"&#x2325;"),l=l.replace(/shift\+/i,"&#x21E7;")),a=i+"ico "+i+"i-"+(e.settings.icon||"none"),'<div id="'+t+'" class="'+e.classes()+'" tabindex="-1">'+("-"!==o?'<i class="'+a+'"'+s+"></i>&nbsp;":"")+("-"!==o?'<span id="'+t+'-text" class="'+i+'text">'+o+"</span>":"")+(l?'<div id="'+t+'-shortcut" class="'+i+'menu-shortcut">'+l+"</div>":"")+(r.menu?'<div class="'+i+'caret"></div>':"")+"</div>"},postRender:function(){var e=this,t=e.settings,n=t.textStyle;if("function"==typeof n&&(n=n.call(this)),n){var r=e.getEl("text");r&&r.setAttribute("style",n)}return e.on("mouseenter 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e.items().each(function(t){var n=t.settings;return n.icon||n.selectable?(e._hasIcons=!0,!1):void 0}),e._super()}});return r}),r(qt,[xt],function(e){return e.extend({Defaults:{classes:"radio",role:"radio"}})}),r(jt,[yt,$],function(e,t){return e.extend({renderHtml:function(){var e=this,t=e.classPrefix;return e.addClass("resizehandle"),"both"==e.settings.direction&&e.addClass("resizehandle-both"),e.canFocus=!1,'<div id="'+e._id+'" class="'+e.classes()+'"><i class="'+t+"ico "+t+'i-resize"></i></div>'},postRender:function(){var e=this;e._super(),e.resizeDragHelper=new t(this._id,{start:function(){e.fire("ResizeStart")},drag:function(t){"both"!=e.settings.direction&&(t.deltaX=0),e.fire("Resize",t)},stop:function(){e.fire("ResizeEnd")}})},remove:function(){return this.resizeDragHelper&&this.resizeDragHelper.destroy(),this._super()}})}),r($t,[yt],function(e){return e.extend({renderHtml:function(){var e=this;return e.addClass("spacer"),e.canFocus=!1,'<div id="'+e._id+'" class="'+e.classes()+'"></div>'}})}),r(Kt,[zt,W],function(e,t){return e.extend({Defaults:{classes:"widget btn splitbtn",role:"button"},repaint:function(){var e=this,n=e.getEl(),r=e.layoutRect(),i,o;return e._super(),i=n.firstChild,o=n.lastChild,t.css(i,{width:r.w-t.getSize(o).width,height:r.h-2}),t.css(o,{height:r.h-2}),e},activeMenu:function(e){var n=this;t.toggleClass(n.getEl().lastChild,n.classPrefix+"active",e)},renderHtml:function(){var e=this,t=e._id,n=e.classPrefix,r=e.settings.icon?n+"ico "+n+"i-"+e.settings.icon:"";return'<div id="'+t+'" class="'+e.classes()+'" role="button" tabindex="-1"><button type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">'+(r?'<i class="'+r+'"></i>':"")+(e._text?(r?" ":"")+e._text:"")+'</button><button type="button" class="'+n+'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1">'+(e._menuBtnText?(r?"\xa0":"")+e._menuBtnText:"")+' <i class="'+n+'caret"></i></button></div>'},postRender:function(){var e=this,t=e.settings.onclick;return e.on("click",function(e){var n=e.target;if(e.control==this)for(;n;){if(e.aria&&"down"!=e.aria.key||"BUTTON"==n.nodeName&&-1==n.className.indexOf("open"))return e.stopImmediatePropagation(),void t.call(this,e);n=n.parentNode}}),delete e.settings.onclick,e._super()}})}),r(Yt,[Dt],function(e){return e.extend({Defaults:{containerClass:"stack-layout",controlClass:"stack-layout-item",endClass:"break"}})}),r(Gt,[Y,W],function(e,t){return e.extend({lastIdx:0,Defaults:{layout:"absolute",defaults:{type:"panel"}},activateTab:function(e){var n;this.activeTabId&&(n=this.getEl(this.activeTabId),t.removeClass(n,this.classPrefix+"active"),n.setAttribute("aria-selected","false")),this.activeTabId="t"+e,n=this.getEl("t"+e),n.setAttribute("aria-selected","true"),t.addClass(n,this.classPrefix+"active"),e!=this.lastIdx&&(this.items()[this.lastIdx].hide(),this.lastIdx=e),this.items()[e].show().fire("showtab"),this.reflow()},renderHtml:function(){var e=this,t=e._layout,n="",r=e.classPrefix;return e.preRender(),t.preRender(e),e.items().each(function(t,i){var o=e._id+"-t"+i;t.aria("role","tabpanel"),t.aria("labelledby",o),n+='<div id="'+o+'" class="'+r+'tab" unselectable="on" role="tab" aria-controls="'+t._id+'" aria-selected="false" tabIndex="-1">'+e.encode(t.settings.title)+"</div>"}),'<div id="'+e._id+'" class="'+e.classes()+'" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1"><div id="'+e._id+'-head" class="'+r+'tabs" role="tablist">'+n+'</div><div id="'+e._id+'-body" class="'+e.classes("body")+'">'+t.renderHtml(e)+"</div></div>"},postRender:function(){var e=this;e._super(),e.settings.activeTab=e.settings.activeTab||0,e.activateTab(e.settings.activeTab),this.on("click",function(t){var n=t.target.parentNode;if(t.target.parentNode.id==e._id+"-head")for(var r=n.childNodes.length;r--;)n.childNodes[r]==t.target&&e.activateTab(r)})},initLayoutRect:function(){var e=this,n,r,i;r=t.getSize(e.getEl("head")).width,r=0>r?0:r,i=0,e.items().each(function(t,n){r=Math.max(r,t.layoutRect().minW),i=Math.max(i,t.layoutRect().minH),e.settings.activeTab!=n&&t.hide()}),e.items().each(function(e){e.settings.x=0,e.settings.y=0,e.settings.w=r,e.settings.h=i,e.layoutRect({x:0,y:0,w:r,h:i})});var o=t.getSize(e.getEl("head")).height;return e.settings.minWidth=r,e.settings.minHeight=i+o,n=e._super(),n.deltaH+=o,n.innerH=n.h-n.deltaH,n}})}),r(Xt,[yt,W],function(e,t){return e.extend({init:function(e){var t=this;t._super(e),t._value=e.value||"",t.addClass("textbox"),e.multiline?t.addClass("multiline"):t.on("keydown",function(e){13==e.keyCode&&t.parents().reverse().each(function(t){return e.preventDefault(),t.hasEventListeners("submit")&&t.toJSON?(t.fire("submit",{data:t.toJSON()}),!1):void 0
+})})},disabled:function(e){var t=this;return t._rendered&&"undefined"!=typeof e&&(t.getEl().disabled=e),t._super(e)},value:function(e){var t=this;return"undefined"!=typeof e?(t._value=e,t._rendered&&(t.getEl().value=e),t):t._rendered?t.getEl().value:t._value},repaint:function(){var e=this,t,n,r,i=0,o=0,a;t=e.getEl().style,n=e._layoutRect,a=e._lastRepaintRect||{};var s=document;return!e.settings.multiline&&s.all&&(!s.documentMode||s.documentMode<=8)&&(t.lineHeight=n.h-o+"px"),r=e._borderBox,i=r.left+r.right+8,o=r.top+r.bottom+(e.settings.multiline?8:0),n.x!==a.x&&(t.left=n.x+"px",a.x=n.x),n.y!==a.y&&(t.top=n.y+"px",a.y=n.y),n.w!==a.w&&(t.width=n.w-i+"px",a.w=n.w),n.h!==a.h&&(t.height=n.h-o+"px",a.h=n.h),e._lastRepaintRect=a,e.fire("repaint",{},!1),e},renderHtml:function(){var e=this,t=e._id,n=e.settings,r=e.encode(e._value,!1),i="";return"spellcheck"in n&&(i+=' spellcheck="'+n.spellcheck+'"'),n.maxLength&&(i+=' maxlength="'+n.maxLength+'"'),n.size&&(i+=' size="'+n.size+'"'),n.subtype&&(i+=' type="'+n.subtype+'"'),e.disabled()&&(i+=' disabled="disabled"'),n.multiline?'<textarea id="'+t+'" class="'+e.classes()+'" '+(n.rows?' rows="'+n.rows+'"':"")+' hidefocus="true"'+i+">"+r+"</textarea>":'<input id="'+t+'" class="'+e.classes()+'" value="'+r+'" hidefocus="true"'+i+">"},postRender:function(){var e=this;return t.on(e.getEl(),"change",function(t){e.fire("change",t)}),e._super()},remove:function(){t.off(this.getEl()),this._super()}})}),r(Jt,[W],function(e){return function(t){var n=this,r;n.show=function(i){return n.hide(),r=!0,window.setTimeout(function(){r&&t.appendChild(e.createFragment('<div class="mce-throbber"></div>'))},i||0),n},n.hide=function(){var e=t.lastChild;return e&&-1!=e.className.indexOf("throbber")&&e.parentNode.removeChild(e),r=!1,n}}}),a([l,c,d,u,f,p,m,h,g,v,y,b,C,x,w,_,N,E,k,S,T,R,A,B,L,D,M,H,P,O,I,F,z,W,V,U,q,j,$,K,Y,G,X,J,Q,Z,et,tt,nt,rt,it,ot,at,st,lt,ct,dt,ut,ft,pt,mt,ht,gt,vt,yt,bt,Ct,xt,wt,_t,Nt,Et,kt,St,Tt,Rt,At,Bt,Lt,Dt,Mt,Ht,Pt,Ot,It,Ft,zt,Wt,Vt,Ut,qt,jt,$t,Kt,Yt,Gt,Xt,Jt])}(this);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d92519170bc415630e88641f9ae3f136f17ac637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34814 @@
+// 4.0.20 (2014-03-18)
+ * Compiled inline version. (Library mode)
+ */
+/*jshint smarttabs:true, undef:true, latedef:true, curly:true, bitwise:true, camelcase:true */
+/*globals $code */
+(function(exports, undefined) {
+	"use strict";
+	var modules = {};
+	function require(ids, callback) {
+		var module, defs = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+			module = modules[ids[i]] || resolve(ids[i]);
+			if (!module) {
+				throw 'module definition dependecy not found: ' + ids[i];
+			}
+			defs.push(module);
+		}
+		callback.apply(null, defs);
+	}
+	function define(id, dependencies, definition) {
+		if (typeof id !== 'string') {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string';
+		}
+		if (dependencies === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified';
+		}
+		if (definition === undefined) {
+			throw 'invalid module definition, definition function must be specified';
+		}
+		require(dependencies, function() {
+			modules[id] = definition.apply(null, arguments);
+		});
+	}
+	function defined(id) {
+		return !!modules[id];
+	}
+	function resolve(id) {
+		var target = exports;
+		var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+		for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length; ++fi) {
+			if (!target[fragments[fi]]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = target[fragments[fi]];
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	function expose(ids) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+			var target = exports;
+			var id = ids[i];
+			var fragments = id.split(/[.\/]/);
+			for (var fi = 0; fi < fragments.length - 1; ++fi) {
+				if (target[fragments[fi]] === undefined) {
+					target[fragments[fi]] = {};
+				}
+				target = target[fragments[fi]];
+			}
+			target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = modules[id];
+		}
+	}
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/EventUtils.js
+ * EventUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint loopfunc:true*/
+/*eslint no-loop-func:0 */
+define("tinymce/dom/EventUtils", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var eventExpandoPrefix = "mce-data-";
+	var mouseEventRe = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/;
+	var deprecated = {keyLocation: 1, layerX: 1, layerY: 1, returnValue: 1};
+	/**
+	 * Binds a native event to a callback on the speified target.
+	 */
+	function addEvent(target, name, callback, capture) {
+		if (target.addEventListener) {
+			target.addEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
+		} else if (target.attachEvent) {
+			target.attachEvent('on' + name, callback);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Unbinds a native event callback on the specified target.
+	 */
+	function removeEvent(target, name, callback, capture) {
+		if (target.removeEventListener) {
+			target.removeEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
+		} else if (target.detachEvent) {
+			target.detachEvent('on' + name, callback);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Normalizes a native event object or just adds the event specific methods on a custom event.
+	 */
+	function fix(originalEvent, data) {
+		var name, event = data || {}, undef;
+		// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+		function returnFalse() {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+		function returnTrue() {
+			return true;
+		}
+		// Copy all properties from the original event
+		for (name in originalEvent) {
+			// layerX/layerY is deprecated in Chrome and produces a warning
+			if (!deprecated[name]) {
+				event[name] = originalEvent[name];
+			}
+		}
+		// Normalize target IE uses srcElement
+		if (!event.target) {
+			event.target = event.srcElement || document;
+		}
+		// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
+		if (originalEvent && mouseEventRe.test(originalEvent.type) && originalEvent.pageX === undef && originalEvent.clientX !== undef) {
+			var eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
+			var doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
+			var body = eventDoc.body;
+			event.pageX = originalEvent.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) -
+				( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
+			event.pageY = originalEvent.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0 ) -
+				( doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0);
+		}
+		// Add preventDefault method
+		event.preventDefault = function() {
+			event.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+			// Execute preventDefault on the original event object
+			if (originalEvent) {
+				if (originalEvent.preventDefault) {
+					originalEvent.preventDefault();
+				} else {
+					originalEvent.returnValue = false; // IE
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// Add stopPropagation
+		event.stopPropagation = function() {
+			event.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+			// Execute stopPropagation on the original event object
+			if (originalEvent) {
+				if (originalEvent.stopPropagation) {
+					originalEvent.stopPropagation();
+				} else {
+					originalEvent.cancelBubble = true; // IE
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+		event.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+			event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+			event.stopPropagation();
+		};
+		// Add event delegation states
+		if (!event.isDefaultPrevented) {
+			event.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+			event.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+		}
+		return event;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Bind a DOMContentLoaded event across browsers and executes the callback once the page DOM is initialized.
+	 * It will also set/check the domLoaded state of the event_utils instance so ready isn't called multiple times.
+	 */
+	function bindOnReady(win, callback, eventUtils) {
+		var doc = win.document, event = {type: 'ready'};
+		if (eventUtils.domLoaded) {
+			callback(event);
+			return;
+		}
+		// Gets called when the DOM is ready
+		function readyHandler() {
+			if (!eventUtils.domLoaded) {
+				eventUtils.domLoaded = true;
+				callback(event);
+			}
+		}
+		function waitForDomLoaded() {
+			// Check complete or interactive state if there is a body
+			// element on some iframes IE 8 will produce a null body
+			if (doc.readyState === "complete" || (doc.readyState === "interactive" && doc.body)) {
+				removeEvent(doc, "readystatechange", waitForDomLoaded);
+				readyHandler();
+			}
+		}
+		function tryScroll() {
+			try {
+				// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini licensed under MIT by request to the author.
+				// http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
+				doc.documentElement.doScroll("left");
+			} catch (ex) {
+				setTimeout(tryScroll, 0);
+				return;
+			}
+			readyHandler();
+		}
+		// Use W3C method
+		if (doc.addEventListener) {
+			if (doc.readyState === "complete") {
+				readyHandler();
+			} else {
+				addEvent(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', readyHandler);
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Use IE method
+			addEvent(doc, "readystatechange", waitForDomLoaded);
+			// Wait until we can scroll, when we can the DOM is initialized
+			if (doc.documentElement.doScroll && win.self === win.top) {
+				tryScroll();
+			}
+		}
+		// Fallback if any of the above methods should fail for some odd reason
+		addEvent(win, 'load', readyHandler);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This class enables you to bind/unbind native events to elements and normalize it's behavior across browsers.
+	 */
+	function EventUtils() {
+		var self = this, events = {}, count, expando, hasFocusIn, hasMouseEnterLeave, mouseEnterLeave;
+		expando = eventExpandoPrefix + (+new Date()).toString(32);
+		hasMouseEnterLeave = "onmouseenter" in document.documentElement;
+		hasFocusIn = "onfocusin" in document.documentElement;
+		mouseEnterLeave = {mouseenter: 'mouseover', mouseleave: 'mouseout'};
+		count = 1;
+		// State if the DOMContentLoaded was executed or not
+		self.domLoaded = false;
+		self.events = events;
+		/**
+		 * Executes all event handler callbacks for a specific event.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Event} evt Event object.
+		 * @param {String} id Expando id value to look for.
+		 */
+		function executeHandlers(evt, id) {
+			var callbackList, i, l, callback, container = events[id];
+			callbackList = container && container[evt.type];
+			if (callbackList) {
+				for (i = 0, l = callbackList.length; i < l; i++) {
+					callback = callbackList[i];
+					// Check if callback exists might be removed if a unbind is called inside the callback
+					if (callback && callback.func.call(callback.scope, evt) === false) {
+						evt.preventDefault();
+					}
+					// Should we stop propagation to immediate listeners
+					if (evt.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to an event on the specified target.
+		 *
+		 * @method bind
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} names Name of the event to bind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Scope to call the callback function on, defaults to target.
+		 * @return {function} Callback function that got bound.
+		 */
+		self.bind = function(target, names, callback, scope) {
+			var id, callbackList, i, name, fakeName, nativeHandler, capture, win = window;
+			// Native event handler function patches the event and executes the callbacks for the expando
+			function defaultNativeHandler(evt) {
+				executeHandlers(fix(evt || win.event), id);
+			}
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Create or get events id for the target
+			if (!target[expando]) {
+				id = count++;
+				target[expando] = id;
+				events[id] = {};
+			} else {
+				id = target[expando];
+			}
+			// Setup the specified scope or use the target as a default
+			scope = scope || target;
+			// Split names and bind each event, enables you to bind multiple events with one call
+			names = names.split(' ');
+			i = names.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				name = names[i];
+				nativeHandler = defaultNativeHandler;
+				fakeName = capture = false;
+				// Use ready instead of DOMContentLoaded
+				if (name === "DOMContentLoaded") {
+					name = "ready";
+				}
+				// DOM is already ready
+				if (self.domLoaded && name === "ready" && target.readyState == 'complete') {
+					callback.call(scope, fix({type: name}));
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Handle mouseenter/mouseleaver
+				if (!hasMouseEnterLeave) {
+					fakeName = mouseEnterLeave[name];
+					if (fakeName) {
+						nativeHandler = function(evt) {
+							var current, related;
+							current = evt.currentTarget;
+							related = evt.relatedTarget;
+							// Check if related is inside the current target if it's not then the event should
+							// be ignored since it's a mouseover/mouseout inside the element
+							if (related && current.contains) {
+								// Use contains for performance
+								related = current.contains(related);
+							} else {
+								while (related && related !== current) {
+									related = related.parentNode;
+								}
+							}
+							// Fire fake event
+							if (!related) {
+								evt = fix(evt || win.event);
+								evt.type = evt.type === 'mouseout' ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseenter';
+								evt.target = current;
+								executeHandlers(evt, id);
+							}
+						};
+					}
+				}
+				// Fake bubbeling of focusin/focusout
+				if (!hasFocusIn && (name === "focusin" || name === "focusout")) {
+					capture = true;
+					fakeName = name === "focusin" ? "focus" : "blur";
+					nativeHandler = function(evt) {
+						evt = fix(evt || win.event);
+						evt.type = evt.type === 'focus' ? 'focusin' : 'focusout';
+						executeHandlers(evt, id);
+					};
+				}
+				// Setup callback list and bind native event
+				callbackList = events[id][name];
+				if (!callbackList) {
+					events[id][name] = callbackList = [{func: callback, scope: scope}];
+					callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
+					callbackList.capture = capture;
+					// Add the nativeHandler to the callback list so that we can later unbind it
+					callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
+					// Check if the target has native events support
+					if (name === "ready") {
+						bindOnReady(target, nativeHandler, self);
+					} else {
+						addEvent(target, fakeName || name, nativeHandler, capture);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (name === "ready" && self.domLoaded) {
+						callback({type: name});
+					} else {
+						// If it already has an native handler then just push the callback
+						callbackList.push({func: callback, scope: scope});
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			target = callbackList = 0; // Clean memory for IE
+			return callback;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event by name, name and callback or all events on the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method unbind
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} names Optional event name to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.unbind = function(target, names, callback) {
+			var id, callbackList, i, ci, name, eventMap;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Unbind event or events if the target has the expando
+			id = target[expando];
+			if (id) {
+				eventMap = events[id];
+				// Specific callback
+				if (names) {
+					names = names.split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						callbackList = eventMap[name];
+						// Unbind the event if it exists in the map
+						if (callbackList) {
+							// Remove specified callback
+							if (callback) {
+								ci = callbackList.length;
+								while (ci--) {
+									if (callbackList[ci].func === callback) {
+										var nativeHandler = callbackList.nativeHandler;
+										var fakeName = callbackList.fakeName, capture = callbackList.capture;
+										// Clone callbackList since unbind inside a callback would otherwise break the handlers loop
+										callbackList = callbackList.slice(0, ci).concat(callbackList.slice(ci + 1));
+										callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
+										callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
+										callbackList.capture = capture;
+										eventMap[name] = callbackList;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Remove all callbacks if there isn't a specified callback or there is no callbacks left
+							if (!callback || callbackList.length === 0) {
+								delete eventMap[name];
+								removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// All events for a specific element
+					for (name in eventMap) {
+						callbackList = eventMap[name];
+						removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
+					}
+					eventMap = {};
+				}
+				// Check if object is empty, if it isn't then we won't remove the expando map
+				for (name in eventMap) {
+					return self;
+				}
+				// Delete event object
+				delete events[id];
+				// Remove expando from target
+				try {
+					// IE will fail here since it can't delete properties from window
+					delete target[expando];
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE will set it to null
+					target[expando] = null;
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event on the specified target.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window or custom object.
+		 * @param {String} name Event name to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional arguments to send to the observers.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.fire = function(target, name, args) {
+			var id;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Build event object by patching the args
+			args = fix(null, args);
+			args.type = name;
+			args.target = target;
+			do {
+				// Found an expando that means there is listeners to execute
+				id = target[expando];
+				if (id) {
+					executeHandlers(args, id);
+				}
+				// Walk up the DOM
+				target = target.parentNode || target.ownerDocument || target.defaultView || target.parentWindow;
+			} while (target && !args.isPropagationStopped());
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Removes all bound event listeners for the specified target. This will also remove any bound
+		 * listeners to child nodes within that target.
+		 *
+		 * @method clean
+		 * @param {Object} target Target node/window object.
+		 * @return {EventUtils} Event utils instance.
+		 */
+		self.clean = function(target) {
+			var i, children, unbind = self.unbind;
+			// Don't bind to text nodes or comments
+			if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			// Unbind any element on the specificed target
+			if (target[expando]) {
+				unbind(target);
+			}
+			// Target doesn't have getElementsByTagName it's probably a window object then use it's document to find the children
+			if (!target.getElementsByTagName) {
+				target = target.document;
+			}
+			// Remove events from each child element
+			if (target && target.getElementsByTagName) {
+				unbind(target);
+				children = target.getElementsByTagName('*');
+				i = children.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target = children[i];
+					if (target[expando]) {
+						unbind(target);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the event object. Call this on IE to remove memory leaks.
+		 */
+		self.destroy = function() {
+			events = {};
+		};
+		// Legacy function for canceling events
+		self.cancel = function(e) {
+			if (e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+			}
+			return false;
+		};
+	}
+	EventUtils.Event = new EventUtils();
+	EventUtils.Event.bind(window, 'ready', function() {});
+	return EventUtils;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/Sizzle.js
+ * Sizzle.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ *
+ * @ignore-file
+ */
+/*jshint bitwise:false, expr:true, noempty:false, sub:true, eqnull:true, latedef:false, maxlen:255 */
+/*eslint dot-notation:0, no-empty:0, no-cond-assign:0, no-unused-expressions:0, new-cap:0, no-nested-ternary:0, func-style:0, no-bitwise: 0 */
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine
+ *  Copyright, The Dojo Foundation
+ *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *  More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Sizzle", [], function() {
+var i,
+	cachedruns,
+	Expr,
+	getText,
+	isXML,
+	compile,
+	outermostContext,
+	recompare,
+	sortInput,
+	// Local document vars
+	setDocument,
+	document,
+	docElem,
+	documentIsHTML,
+	rbuggyQSA,
+	rbuggyMatches,
+	matches,
+	contains,
+	// Instance-specific data
+	expando = "sizzle" + -(new Date()),
+	preferredDoc = window.document,
+	support = {},
+	dirruns = 0,
+	done = 0,
+	classCache = createCache(),
+	tokenCache = createCache(),
+	compilerCache = createCache(),
+	hasDuplicate = false,
+	sortOrder = function() { return 0; },
+	// General-purpose constants
+	strundefined = typeof undefined,
+	MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31,
+	// Array methods
+	arr = [],
+	pop = arr.pop,
+	push_native = arr.push,
+	push = arr.push,
+	slice = arr.slice,
+	// Use a stripped-down indexOf if we can't use a native one
+	indexOf = arr.indexOf || function( elem ) {
+		var i = 0,
+			len = this.length;
+		for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+			if ( this[i] === elem ) {
+				return i;
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	},
+	// Regular expressions
+	// Whitespace characters http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#whitespace
+	whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
+	// http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#characters
+	characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",
+	// Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters
+	// An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#attribute-selectors
+	// Proper syntax: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier
+	identifier = characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w#" ),
+	// Acceptable operators http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#attribute-selectors
+	operators = "([*^$|!~]?=)",
+	attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")" + whitespace +
+		"*(?:" + operators + whitespace + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + identifier + ")|)|)" + whitespace + "*\\]",
+	// Prefer arguments quoted,
+	//   then not containing pseudos/brackets,
+	//   then attribute selectors/non-parenthetical expressions,
+	//   then anything else
+	// These preferences are here to reduce the number of selectors
+	//   needing tokenize in the PSEUDO preFilter
+	pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes.replace( 3, 8 ) + ")*)|.*)\\)|)",
+	// Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter
+	rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ),
+	rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ),
+	rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + whitespace + "*" ),
+	rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ),
+	ridentifier = new RegExp( "^" + identifier + "$" ),
+	matchExpr = {
+		"ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
+		"CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
+		"NAME": new RegExp( "^\\[name=['\"]?(" + characterEncoding + ")['\"]?\\]" ),
+		"TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ),
+		"ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ),
+		"PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ),
+		"CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace +
+			"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace +
+			"*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ),
+		// For use in libraries implementing .is()
+		// We use this for POS matching in `select`
+		"needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
+			whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i" )
+	},
+	rsibling = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/,
+	rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native code/,
+	// Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors
+	rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w\-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w\-]+))$/,
+	rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
+	rheader = /^h\d$/i,
+	rescape = /'|\\/g,
+	rattributeQuotes = /\=[\x20\t\r\n\f]*([^'"\]]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\]/g,
+	// CSS escapes http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#escaped-characters
+	runescape = /\\([\da-fA-F]{1,6}[\x20\t\r\n\f]?|.)/g,
+	funescape = function( _, escaped ) {
+		var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000;
+		// NaN means non-codepoint
+		return high !== high ?
+			escaped :
+			// BMP codepoint
+			high < 0 ?
+				String.fromCharCode( high + 0x10000 ) :
+				// Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
+				String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 );
+	};
+// Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList )
+try {
+	push.apply(
+		(arr = slice.call( preferredDoc.childNodes )),
+		preferredDoc.childNodes
+	);
+	// Support: Android<4.0
+	// Detect silently failing push.apply
+	arr[ preferredDoc.childNodes.length ].nodeType;
+} catch ( e ) {
+	push = { apply: arr.length ?
+		// Leverage slice if possible
+		function( target, els ) {
+			push_native.apply( target, slice.call(els) );
+		} :
+		// Support: IE<9
+		// Otherwise append directly
+		function( target, els ) {
+			var j = target.length,
+				i = 0;
+			// Can't trust NodeList.length
+			while ( (target[j++] = els[i++]) ) {}
+			target.length = j - 1;
+		}
+	};
+ * For feature detection
+ * @param {Function} fn The function to test for native support
+ */
+function isNative( fn ) {
+	return rnative.test( fn + "" );
+ * Create key-value caches of limited size
+ * @returns {Function(string, Object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with
+ *	property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength)
+ *	deleting the oldest entry
+ */
+function createCache() {
+	var cache,
+		keys = [];
+	cache = function( key, value ) {
+		// Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157)
+		if ( keys.push( key += " " ) > Expr.cacheLength ) {
+			// Only keep the most recent entries
+			delete cache[ keys.shift() ];
+		}
+		cache[ key ] = value;
+		return value;
+	};
+	return cache;
+ * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle
+ * @param {Function} fn The function to mark
+ */
+function markFunction( fn ) {
+	fn[ expando ] = true;
+	return fn;
+ * Support testing using an element
+ * @param {Function} fn Passed the created div and expects a boolean result
+ */
+function assert( fn ) {
+	var div = document.createElement("div");
+	try {
+		return !!fn( div );
+	} catch (e) {
+		return false;
+	} finally {
+		// release memory in IE
+		div = null;
+	}
+function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+	var match, elem, m, nodeType,
+		// QSA vars
+		i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector;
+	if ( ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( context );
+	}
+	context = context || document;
+	results = results || [];
+	if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+		return results;
+	}
+	if ( (nodeType = context.nodeType) !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 ) {
+		return [];
+	}
+	if ( documentIsHTML && !seed ) {
+		// Shortcuts
+		if ( (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) {
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
+			if ( (m = match[1]) ) {
+				if ( nodeType === 9 ) {
+					elem = context.getElementById( m );
+					// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+					// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+						// Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items
+						// by name instead of ID
+						if ( elem.id === m ) {
+							results.push( elem );
+							return results;
+						}
+					} else {
+						return results;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Context is not a document
+					if ( context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById( m )) &&
+						contains( context, elem ) && elem.id === m ) {
+						results.push( elem );
+						return results;
+					}
+				}
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
+			} else if ( match[2] ) {
+				push.apply( results, context.getElementsByTagName( selector ) );
+				return results;
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
+			} else if ( (m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName && context.getElementsByClassName ) {
+				push.apply( results, context.getElementsByClassName( m ) );
+				return results;
+			}
+		}
+		// QSA path
+		if ( support.qsa && !rbuggyQSA.test(selector) ) {
+			old = true;
+			nid = expando;
+			newContext = context;
+			newSelector = nodeType === 9 && selector;
+			// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
+			// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
+			// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
+			// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
+			if ( nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
+				groups = tokenize( selector );
+				if ( (old = context.getAttribute("id")) ) {
+					nid = old.replace( rescape, "\\$&" );
+				} else {
+					context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
+				}
+				nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] ";
+				i = groups.length;
+				while ( i-- ) {
+					groups[i] = nid + toSelector( groups[i] );
+				}
+				newContext = rsibling.test( selector ) && context.parentNode || context;
+				newSelector = groups.join(",");
+			}
+			if ( newSelector ) {
+				try {
+					push.apply( results,
+						newContext.querySelectorAll( newSelector )
+					);
+					return results;
+				} catch(qsaError) {
+				} finally {
+					if ( !old ) {
+						context.removeAttribute("id");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// All others
+	return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed );
+ * Detect xml
+ * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document
+ */
+isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
+	// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
+	// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
+	var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
+	return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
+ * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document
+ * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document
+ * @returns {Object} Returns the current document
+ */
+setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function( node ) {
+	var doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc;
+	// If no document and documentElement is available, return
+	if ( doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement ) {
+		return document;
+	}
+	// Set our document
+	document = doc;
+	docElem = doc.documentElement;
+	// Support tests
+	documentIsHTML = !isXML( doc );
+	// Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements
+	support.getElementsByTagName = assert(function( div ) {
+		div.appendChild( doc.createComment("") );
+		return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
+	});
+	// Check if attributes should be retrieved by attribute nodes
+	support.attributes = assert(function( div ) {
+		div.innerHTML = "<select></select>";
+		var type = typeof div.lastChild.getAttribute("multiple");
+		// IE8 returns a string for some attributes even when not present
+		return type !== "boolean" && type !== "string";
+	});
+	// Check if getElementsByClassName can be trusted
+	support.getElementsByClassName = assert(function( div ) {
+		// Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
+		div.innerHTML = "<div class='hidden e'></div><div class='hidden'></div>";
+		if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || !div.getElementsByClassName("e").length ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Safari 3.2 caches class attributes and doesn't catch changes
+		div.lastChild.className = "e";
+		return div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 2;
+	});
+	// Check if getElementsByName privileges form controls or returns elements by ID
+	// If so, assume (for broader support) that getElementById returns elements by name
+	support.getByName = assert(function( div ) {
+		// Inject content
+		div.id = expando + 0;
+		// Support: Windows 8 Native Apps
+		// Assigning innerHTML with "name" attributes throws uncatchable exceptions
+		// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh465388.aspx
+		div.appendChild( document.createElement("a") ).setAttribute( "name", expando );
+		div.appendChild( document.createElement("i") ).setAttribute( "name", expando );
+		docElem.appendChild( div );
+		// Test
+		var pass = doc.getElementsByName &&
+			// buggy browsers will return fewer than the correct 2
+			doc.getElementsByName( expando ).length === 2 +
+			// buggy browsers will return more than the correct 0
+			doc.getElementsByName( expando + 0 ).length;
+		// Cleanup
+		docElem.removeChild( div );
+		return pass;
+	});
+	// Support: Webkit<537.32
+	// Detached nodes confoundingly follow *each other*
+	support.sortDetached = assert(function( div1 ) {
+		return div1.compareDocumentPosition &&
+			// Should return 1, but Webkit returns 4 (following)
+			(div1.compareDocumentPosition( document.createElement("div") ) & 1);
+	});
+	// IE6/7 return modified attributes
+	Expr.attrHandle = assert(function( div ) {
+		div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
+		return div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== strundefined &&
+			div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#";
+	}) ?
+		{} :
+		{
+			"href": function( elem ) {
+				return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 );
+			},
+			"type": function( elem ) {
+				return elem.getAttribute("type");
+			}
+		};
+	// ID find and filter
+	if ( support.getByName ) {
+		Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && documentIsHTML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById( id );
+				// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+				// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+				return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
+			}
+		};
+		Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) {
+			var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId;
+			};
+		};
+	} else {
+		Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && documentIsHTML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById( id );
+				return m ?
+					m.id === id || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && m.getAttributeNode("id").value === id ?
+						[m] :
+						undefined :
+					[];
+			}
+		};
+		Expr.filter["ID"] =  function( id ) {
+			var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+				return node && node.value === attrId;
+			};
+		};
+	}
+	// Tag
+	Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ?
+		function( tag, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined ) {
+				return context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
+			}
+		} :
+		function( tag, context ) {
+			var elem,
+				tmp = [],
+				i = 0,
+				results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
+			// Filter out possible comments
+			if ( tag === "*" ) {
+				while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+						tmp.push( elem );
+					}
+				}
+				return tmp;
+			}
+			return results;
+		};
+	// Name
+	Expr.find["NAME"] = support.getByName && function( tag, context ) {
+		if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== strundefined ) {
+			return context.getElementsByName( name );
+		}
+	};
+	// Class
+	Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getElementsByClassName && function( className, context ) {
+		if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== strundefined && documentIsHTML ) {
+			return context.getElementsByClassName( className );
+		}
+	};
+	// QSA and matchesSelector support
+	// matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5)
+	rbuggyMatches = [];
+	// qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21),
+	// no need to also add to buggyMatches since matches checks buggyQSA
+	// A support test would require too much code (would include document ready)
+	rbuggyQSA = [ ":focus" ];
+	if ( (support.qsa = isNative(doc.querySelectorAll)) ) {
+		// Build QSA regex
+		// Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Select is set to empty string on purpose
+			// This is to test IE's treatment of not explicitly
+			// setting a boolean content attribute,
+			// since its presence should be enough
+			// http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12359
+			div.innerHTML = "<select><option selected=''></option></select>";
+			// IE8 - Some boolean attributes are not treated correctly
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( "\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:checked|disabled|ismap|multiple|readonly|selected|value)" );
+			}
+			// Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
+			// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":checked").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push(":checked");
+			}
+		});
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Opera 10-12/IE8 - ^= $= *= and empty values
+			// Should not select anything
+			div.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden' i=''/>";
+			if ( div.querySelectorAll("[i^='']").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( "[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:\"\"|'')" );
+			}
+			// FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled)
+			// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" );
+			}
+			// Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos
+			div.querySelectorAll("*,:x");
+			rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:");
+		});
+	}
+	if ( (support.matchesSelector = isNative( (matches = docElem.matchesSelector ||
+		docElem.mozMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.webkitMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.oMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.msMatchesSelector) )) ) {
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
+			// on a disconnected node (IE 9)
+			support.disconnectedMatch = matches.call( div, "div" );
+			// This should fail with an exception
+			// Gecko does not error, returns false instead
+			matches.call( div, "[s!='']:x" );
+			rbuggyMatches.push( "!=", pseudos );
+		});
+	}
+	rbuggyQSA = new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") );
+	rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") );
+	// Element contains another
+	// Purposefully does not implement inclusive descendant
+	// As in, an element does not contain itself
+	contains = isNative(docElem.contains) || docElem.compareDocumentPosition ?
+		function( a, b ) {
+			var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
+				bup = b && b.parentNode;
+			return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (
+				adown.contains ?
+					adown.contains( bup ) :
+					a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( bup ) & 16
+			));
+		} :
+		function( a, b ) {
+			if ( b ) {
+				while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) {
+					if ( b === a ) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		};
+	// Document order sorting
+	sortOrder = docElem.compareDocumentPosition ?
+	function( a, b ) {
+		// Flag for duplicate removal
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		var compare = b.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( b );
+		if ( compare ) {
+			// Disconnected nodes
+			if ( compare & 1 ||
+				(recompare && b.compareDocumentPosition( a ) === compare) ) {
+				// Choose the first element that is related to our preferred document
+				if ( a === doc || contains(preferredDoc, a) ) {
+					return -1;
+				}
+				if ( b === doc || contains(preferredDoc, b) ) {
+					return 1;
+				}
+				// Maintain original order
+				return sortInput ?
+					( indexOf.call( sortInput, a ) - indexOf.call( sortInput, b ) ) :
+					0;
+			}
+			return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
+		}
+		// Not directly comparable, sort on existence of method
+		return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
+	} :
+	function( a, b ) {
+		var cur,
+			i = 0,
+			aup = a.parentNode,
+			bup = b.parentNode,
+			ap = [ a ],
+			bp = [ b ];
+		// Exit early if the nodes are identical
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		// Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected
+		} else if ( !aup || !bup ) {
+			return a === doc ? -1 :
+				b === doc ? 1 :
+				aup ? -1 :
+				bup ? 1 :
+				0;
+		// If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check
+		} else if ( aup === bup ) {
+			return siblingCheck( a, b );
+		}
+		// Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison
+		cur = a;
+		while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
+			ap.unshift( cur );
+		}
+		cur = b;
+		while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
+			bp.unshift( cur );
+		}
+		// Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy
+		while ( ap[i] === bp[i] ) {
+			i++;
+		}
+		return i ?
+			// Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor
+			siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ) :
+			// Otherwise nodes in our document sort first
+			ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 :
+			bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 :
+			0;
+	};
+	return document;
+Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) {
+	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements );
+Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) {
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( elem );
+	}
+	// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
+	expr = expr.replace( rattributeQuotes, "='$1']" );
+	// rbuggyQSA always contains :focus, so no need for an existence check
+	if ( support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML && (!rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test(expr)) && !rbuggyQSA.test(expr) ) {
+		try {
+			var ret = matches.call( elem, expr );
+			// IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
+			if ( ret || support.disconnectedMatch ||
+					// As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
+					// fragment in IE 9
+					elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
+				return ret;
+			}
+		} catch(e) {}
+	}
+	return Sizzle( expr, document, null, [elem] ).length > 0;
+Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) {
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( context );
+	}
+	return contains( context, elem );
+Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) {
+	var val;
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( elem );
+	}
+	if ( documentIsHTML ) {
+		name = name.toLowerCase();
+	}
+	if ( (val = Expr.attrHandle[ name ]) ) {
+		return val( elem );
+	}
+	if ( !documentIsHTML || support.attributes ) {
+		return elem.getAttribute( name );
+	}
+	return ( (val = elem.getAttributeNode( name )) || elem.getAttribute( name ) ) && elem[ name ] === true ?
+		name :
+		val && val.specified ? val.value : null;
+Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
+	throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
+// Document sorting and removing duplicates
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
+	var elem,
+		duplicates = [],
+		j = 0,
+		i = 0;
+	// Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence
+	hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates;
+	// Compensate for sort limitations
+	recompare = !support.sortDetached;
+	sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice( 0 );
+	results.sort( sortOrder );
+	if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+		while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
+			if ( elem === results[ i ] ) {
+				j = duplicates.push( i );
+			}
+		}
+		while ( j-- ) {
+			results.splice( duplicates[ j ], 1 );
+		}
+	}
+	return results;
+ * Checks document order of two siblings
+ * @param {Element} a
+ * @param {Element} b
+ * @returns Returns -1 if a precedes b, 1 if a follows b
+ */
+function siblingCheck( a, b ) {
+	var cur = b && a,
+		diff = cur && ( ~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ) - ( ~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE );
+	// Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes
+	if ( diff ) {
+		return diff;
+	}
+	// Check if b follows a
+	if ( cur ) {
+		while ( (cur = cur.nextSibling) ) {
+			if ( cur === b ) {
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return a ? 1 : -1;
+// Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types
+function createInputPseudo( type ) {
+	return function( elem ) {
+		var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+		return name === "input" && elem.type === type;
+	};
+// Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons
+function createButtonPseudo( type ) {
+	return function( elem ) {
+		var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+		return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type;
+	};
+// Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals
+function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) {
+	return markFunction(function( argument ) {
+		argument = +argument;
+		return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
+			var j,
+				matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ),
+				i = matchIndexes.length;
+			// Match elements found at the specified indexes
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) {
+					seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+ * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
+ * @param {Array|Element} elem
+ */
+getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
+	var node,
+		ret = "",
+		i = 0,
+		nodeType = elem.nodeType;
+	if ( !nodeType ) {
+		// If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
+		for ( ; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) {
+			// Do not traverse comment nodes
+			ret += getText( node );
+		}
+	} else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
+		// Use textContent for elements
+		// innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (see #11153)
+		if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) {
+			return elem.textContent;
+		} else {
+			// Traverse its children
+			for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
+				ret += getText( elem );
+			}
+		}
+	} else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
+		return elem.nodeValue;
+	}
+	// Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes
+	return ret;
+Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+	// Can be adjusted by the user
+	cacheLength: 50,
+	createPseudo: markFunction,
+	match: matchExpr,
+	find: {},
+	relative: {
+		">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
+		" ": { dir: "parentNode" },
+		"+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
+		"~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
+	},
+	preFilter: {
+		"ATTR": function( match ) {
+			match[1] = match[1].replace( runescape, funescape );
+			// Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted
+			match[3] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( runescape, funescape );
+			if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+				match[3] = " " + match[3] + " ";
+			}
+			return match.slice( 0, 4 );
+		},
+		"CHILD": function( match ) {
+			/* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"]
+				1 type (only|nth|...)
+				2 what (child|of-type)
+				3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...)
+				4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|)
+				5 sign of xn-component
+				6 x of xn-component
+				7 sign of y-component
+				8 y of y-component
+			*/
+			match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();
+			if ( match[1].slice( 0, 3 ) === "nth" ) {
+				// nth-* requires argument
+				if ( !match[3] ) {
+					Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+				}
+				// numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD
+				// remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1
+				match[4] = +( match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * ( match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd" ) );
+				match[5] = +( ( match[7] + match[8] ) || match[3] === "odd" );
+			// other types prohibit arguments
+			} else if ( match[3] ) {
+				Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+			}
+			return match;
+		},
+		"PSEUDO": function( match ) {
+			var excess,
+				unquoted = !match[5] && match[2];
+			if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			// Accept quoted arguments as-is
+			if ( match[4] ) {
+				match[2] = match[4];
+			// Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments
+			} else if ( unquoted && rpseudo.test( unquoted ) &&
+				// Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
+				(excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) &&
+				// advance to the next closing parenthesis
+				(excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) {
+				// excess is a negative index
+				match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess );
+				match[2] = unquoted.slice( 0, excess );
+			}
+			// Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument)
+			return match.slice( 0, 3 );
+		}
+	},
+	filter: {
+		"TAG": function( nodeName ) {
+			if ( nodeName === "*" ) {
+				return function() { return true; };
+			}
+			nodeName = nodeName.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;
+			};
+		},
+		"CLASS": function( className ) {
+			var pattern = classCache[ className + " " ];
+			return pattern ||
+				(pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) &&
+				classCache( className, function( elem ) {
+					return pattern.test( elem.className || (typeof elem.getAttribute !== strundefined && elem.getAttribute("class")) || "" );
+				});
+		},
+		"ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) {
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name );
+				if ( result == null ) {
+					return operator === "!=";
+				}
+				if ( !operator ) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				result += "";
+				return operator === "=" ? result === check :
+					operator === "!=" ? result !== check :
+					operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 :
+					operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 :
+					operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice( -check.length ) === check :
+					operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 :
+					operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" :
+					false;
+			};
+		},
+		"CHILD": function( type, what, argument, first, last ) {
+			var simple = type.slice( 0, 3 ) !== "nth",
+				forward = type.slice( -4 ) !== "last",
+				ofType = what === "of-type";
+			return first === 1 && last === 0 ?
+				// Shortcut for :nth-*(n)
+				function( elem ) {
+					return !!elem.parentNode;
+				} :
+				function( elem, context, xml ) {
+					var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start,
+						dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
+						parent = elem.parentNode,
+						name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+						useCache = !xml && !ofType;
+					if ( parent ) {
+						// :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type)
+						if ( simple ) {
+							while ( dir ) {
+								node = elem;
+								while ( (node = node[ dir ]) ) {
+									if ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+										return false;
+									}
+								}
+								// Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so)
+								start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling";
+							}
+							return true;
+						}
+						start = [ forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild ];
+						// non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent`
+						if ( forward && useCache ) {
+							// Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index
+							outerCache = parent[ expando ] || (parent[ expando ] = {});
+							cache = outerCache[ type ] || [];
+							nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1];
+							diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2];
+							node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[ nodeIndex ];
+							while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
+								// Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start
+								(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
+								// When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break
+								if ( node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem ) {
+									outerCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, nodeIndex, diff ];
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						// Use previously-cached element index if available
+						} else if ( useCache && (cache = (elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}))[ type ]) && cache[0] === dirruns ) {
+							diff = cache[1];
+						// xml :nth-child(...) or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...)
+						} else {
+							// Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start
+							while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
+								(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
+								if ( ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) && ++diff ) {
+									// Cache the index of each encountered element
+									if ( useCache ) {
+										(node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {}))[ type ] = [ dirruns, diff ];
+									}
+									if ( node === elem ) {
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size
+						diff -= last;
+						return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+					}
+				};
+		},
+		"PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) {
+			// pseudo-class names are case-insensitive
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes
+			// Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters
+			// Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos
+			var args,
+				fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] ||
+					Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo );
+			// The user may use createPseudo to indicate that
+			// arguments are needed to create the filter function
+			// just as Sizzle does
+			if ( fn[ expando ] ) {
+				return fn( argument );
+			}
+			// But maintain support for old signatures
+			if ( fn.length > 1 ) {
+				args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ];
+				return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ?
+					markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
+						var idx,
+							matched = fn( seed, argument ),
+							i = matched.length;
+						while ( i-- ) {
+							idx = indexOf.call( seed, matched[i] );
+							seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] );
+						}
+					}) :
+					function( elem ) {
+						return fn( elem, 0, args );
+					};
+			}
+			return fn;
+		}
+	},
+	pseudos: {
+		// Potentially complex pseudos
+		"not": markFunction(function( selector ) {
+			// Trim the selector passed to compile
+			// to avoid treating leading and trailing
+			// spaces as combinators
+			var input = [],
+				results = [],
+				matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) );
+			return matcher[ expando ] ?
+				markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) {
+					var elem,
+						unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ),
+						i = seed.length;
+					// Match elements unmatched by `matcher`
+					while ( i-- ) {
+						if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
+							seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
+						}
+					}
+				}) :
+				function( elem, context, xml ) {
+					input[0] = elem;
+					matcher( input, null, xml, results );
+					return !results.pop();
+				};
+		}),
+		"has": markFunction(function( selector ) {
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0;
+			};
+		}),
+		"contains": markFunction(function( text ) {
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1;
+			};
+		}),
+		// "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector
+		// is based solely on the element's language value
+		// being equal to the identifier C,
+		// or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-".
+		// The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively.
+		// The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name."
+		// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo
+		"lang": markFunction( function( lang ) {
+			// lang value must be a valid identifier
+			if ( !ridentifier.test(lang || "") ) {
+				Sizzle.error( "unsupported lang: " + lang );
+			}
+			lang = lang.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var elemLang;
+				do {
+					if ( (elemLang = documentIsHTML ?
+						elem.lang :
+						elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")) ) {
+						elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
+						return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf( lang + "-" ) === 0;
+					}
+				} while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1 );
+				return false;
+			};
+		}),
+		// Miscellaneous
+		"target": function( elem ) {
+			var hash = window.location && window.location.hash;
+			return hash && hash.slice( 1 ) === elem.id;
+		},
+		"root": function( elem ) {
+			return elem === docElem;
+		},
+		"focus": function( elem ) {
+			return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);
+		},
+		// Boolean properties
+		"enabled": function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === false;
+		},
+		"disabled": function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === true;
+		},
+		"checked": function( elem ) {
+			// In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
+			var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);
+		},
+		"selected": function( elem ) {
+			// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+			// options in Safari work properly
+			if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+				elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+			}
+			return elem.selected === true;
+		},
+		// Contents
+		"empty": function( elem ) {
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo
+			// :empty is only affected by element nodes and content nodes(including text(3), cdata(4)),
+			//   not comment, processing instructions, or others
+			// Thanks to Diego Perini for the nodeName shortcut
+			//   Greater than "@" means alpha characters (specifically not starting with "#" or "?")
+			for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
+				if ( elem.nodeName > "@" || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		"parent": function( elem ) {
+			return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem );
+		},
+		// Element/input types
+		"header": function( elem ) {
+			return rheader.test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		"input": function( elem ) {
+			return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		"button": function( elem ) {
+			var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";
+		},
+		"text": function( elem ) {
+			var attr;
+			// IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc)
+			// use getAttribute instead to test this case
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
+				elem.type === "text" &&
+				( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === elem.type );
+		},
+		// Position-in-collection
+		"first": createPositionalPseudo(function() {
+			return [ 0 ];
+		}),
+		"last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			return [ length - 1 ];
+		}),
+		"eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ];
+		}),
+		"even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			var i = 0;
+			for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			var i = 1;
+			for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
+			for ( ; --i >= 0; ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
+			for ( ; ++i < length; ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		})
+	}
+// Add button/input type pseudos
+for ( i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true } ) {
+	Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createInputPseudo( i );
+for ( i in { submit: true, reset: true } ) {
+	Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createButtonPseudo( i );
+function tokenize( selector, parseOnly ) {
+	var matched, match, tokens, type,
+		soFar, groups, preFilters,
+		cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ];
+	if ( cached ) {
+		return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 );
+	}
+	soFar = selector;
+	groups = [];
+	preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
+	while ( soFar ) {
+		// Comma and first run
+		if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) {
+			if ( match ) {
+				// Don't consume trailing commas as valid
+				soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length ) || soFar;
+			}
+			groups.push( tokens = [] );
+		}
+		matched = false;
+		// Combinators
+		if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) {
+			matched = match.shift();
+			tokens.push( {
+				value: matched,
+				// Cast descendant combinators to space
+				type: match[0].replace( rtrim, " " )
+			} );
+			soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+		}
+		// Filters
+		for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
+			if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] ||
+				(match = preFilters[ type ]( match ))) ) {
+				matched = match.shift();
+				tokens.push( {
+					value: matched,
+					type: type,
+					matches: match
+				} );
+				soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !matched ) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// Return the length of the invalid excess
+	// if we're just parsing
+	// Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens
+	return parseOnly ?
+		soFar.length :
+		soFar ?
+			Sizzle.error( selector ) :
+			// Cache the tokens
+			tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 );
+function toSelector( tokens ) {
+	var i = 0,
+		len = tokens.length,
+		selector = "";
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		selector += tokens[i].value;
+	}
+	return selector;
+function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) {
+	var dir = combinator.dir,
+		checkNonElements = base && dir === "parentNode",
+		doneName = done++;
+	return combinator.first ?
+		// Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+					return matcher( elem, context, xml );
+				}
+			}
+		} :
+		// Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			var data, cache, outerCache,
+				dirkey = dirruns + " " + doneName;
+			// We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching
+			if ( xml ) {
+				while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+						if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+						outerCache = elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {});
+						if ( (cache = outerCache[ dir ]) && cache[0] === dirkey ) {
+							if ( (data = cache[1]) === true || data === cachedruns ) {
+								return data === true;
+							}
+						} else {
+							cache = outerCache[ dir ] = [ dirkey ];
+							cache[1] = matcher( elem, context, xml ) || cachedruns;
+							if ( cache[1] === true ) {
+								return true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		};
+function elementMatcher( matchers ) {
+	return matchers.length > 1 ?
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			var i = matchers.length;
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			return true;
+		} :
+		matchers[0];
+function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) {
+	var elem,
+		newUnmatched = [],
+		i = 0,
+		len = unmatched.length,
+		mapped = map != null;
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
+			if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+				newUnmatched.push( elem );
+				if ( mapped ) {
+					map.push( i );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return newUnmatched;
+function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) {
+	if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) {
+		postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter );
+	}
+	if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) {
+		postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector );
+	}
+	return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) {
+		var temp, i, elem,
+			preMap = [],
+			postMap = [],
+			preexisting = results.length,
+			// Get initial elements from seed or context
+			elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [] ),
+			// Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization
+			matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ?
+				condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) :
+				elems,
+			matcherOut = matcher ?
+				// If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
+				postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ?
+					// ...intermediate processing is necessary
+					[] :
+					// ...otherwise use results directly
+					results :
+				matcherIn;
+		// Find primary matches
+		if ( matcher ) {
+			matcher( matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml );
+		}
+		// Apply postFilter
+		if ( postFilter ) {
+			temp = condense( matcherOut, postMap );
+			postFilter( temp, [], context, xml );
+			// Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn
+			i = temp.length;
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( (elem = temp[i]) ) {
+					matcherOut[ postMap[i] ] = !(matcherIn[ postMap[i] ] = elem);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ( seed ) {
+			if ( postFinder || preFilter ) {
+				if ( postFinder ) {
+					// Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts
+					temp = [];
+					i = matcherOut.length;
+					while ( i-- ) {
+						if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) ) {
+							// Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match
+							temp.push( (matcherIn[i] = elem) );
+						}
+					}
+					postFinder( null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml );
+				}
+				// Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized
+				i = matcherOut.length;
+				while ( i-- ) {
+					if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) &&
+						(temp = postFinder ? indexOf.call( seed, elem ) : preMap[i]) > -1 ) {
+						seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined
+		} else {
+			matcherOut = condense(
+				matcherOut === results ?
+					matcherOut.splice( preexisting, matcherOut.length ) :
+					matcherOut
+			);
+			if ( postFinder ) {
+				postFinder( null, results, matcherOut, xml );
+			} else {
+				push.apply( results, matcherOut );
+			}
+		}
+	});
+function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) {
+	var checkContext, matcher, j,
+		len = tokens.length,
+		leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[0].type ],
+		implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "],
+		i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0,
+		// The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s)
+		matchContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
+			return elem === checkContext;
+		}, implicitRelative, true ),
+		matchAnyContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
+			return indexOf.call( checkContext, elem ) > -1;
+		}, implicitRelative, true ),
+		matchers = [ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			return ( !leadingRelative && ( xml || context !== outermostContext ) ) || (
+				(checkContext = context).nodeType ?
+					matchContext( elem, context, xml ) :
+					matchAnyContext( elem, context, xml ) );
+		} ];
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		if ( (matcher = Expr.relative[ tokens[i].type ]) ) {
+			matchers = [ addCombinator(elementMatcher( matchers ), matcher) ];
+		} else {
+			matcher = Expr.filter[ tokens[i].type ].apply( null, tokens[i].matches );
+			// Return special upon seeing a positional matcher
+			if ( matcher[ expando ] ) {
+				// Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling
+				j = ++i;
+				for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
+					if ( Expr.relative[ tokens[j].type ] ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				return setMatcher(
+					i > 1 && elementMatcher( matchers ),
+					i > 1 && toSelector( tokens.slice( 0, i - 1 ) ).replace( rtrim, "$1" ),
+					matcher,
+					i < j && matcherFromTokens( tokens.slice( i, j ) ),
+					j < len && matcherFromTokens( (tokens = tokens.slice( j )) ),
+					j < len && toSelector( tokens )
+				);
+			}
+			matchers.push( matcher );
+		}
+	}
+	return elementMatcher( matchers );
+function matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) {
+	// A counter to specify which element is currently being matched
+	var matcherCachedRuns = 0,
+		bySet = setMatchers.length > 0,
+		byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0,
+		superMatcher = function( seed, context, xml, results, expandContext ) {
+			var elem, j, matcher,
+				setMatched = [],
+				matchedCount = 0,
+				i = "0",
+				unmatched = seed && [],
+				outermost = expandContext != null,
+				contextBackup = outermostContext,
+				// We must always have either seed elements or context
+				elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]( "*", expandContext && context.parentNode || context ),
+				// Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher
+				dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1);
+			if ( outermost ) {
+				outermostContext = context !== document && context;
+				cachedruns = matcherCachedRuns;
+			}
+			// Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results
+			// Keep `i` a string if there are no elements so `matchedCount` will be "00" below
+			for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( byElement && elem ) {
+					j = 0;
+					while ( (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) ) {
+						if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+							results.push( elem );
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if ( outermost ) {
+						dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
+						cachedruns = ++matcherCachedRuns;
+					}
+				}
+				// Track unmatched elements for set filters
+				if ( bySet ) {
+					// They will have gone through all possible matchers
+					if ( (elem = !matcher && elem) ) {
+						matchedCount--;
+					}
+					// Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not
+					if ( seed ) {
+						unmatched.push( elem );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Apply set filters to unmatched elements
+			matchedCount += i;
+			if ( bySet && i !== matchedCount ) {
+				j = 0;
+				while ( (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) ) {
+					matcher( unmatched, setMatched, context, xml );
+				}
+				if ( seed ) {
+					// Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting
+					if ( matchedCount > 0 ) {
+						while ( i-- ) {
+							if ( !(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]) ) {
+								setMatched[i] = pop.call( results );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches
+					setMatched = condense( setMatched );
+				}
+				// Add matches to results
+				push.apply( results, setMatched );
+				// Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting
+				if ( outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 &&
+					( matchedCount + setMatchers.length ) > 1 ) {
+					Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+				}
+			}
+			// Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers
+			if ( outermost ) {
+				dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
+				outermostContext = contextBackup;
+			}
+			return unmatched;
+		};
+	return bySet ?
+		markFunction( superMatcher ) :
+		superMatcher;
+compile = Sizzle.compile = function( selector, group /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+	var i,
+		setMatchers = [],
+		elementMatchers = [],
+		cached = compilerCache[ selector + " " ];
+	if ( !cached ) {
+		// Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element
+		if ( !group ) {
+			group = tokenize( selector );
+		}
+		i = group.length;
+		while ( i-- ) {
+			cached = matcherFromTokens( group[i] );
+			if ( cached[ expando ] ) {
+				setMatchers.push( cached );
+			} else {
+				elementMatchers.push( cached );
+			}
+		}
+		// Cache the compiled function
+		cached = compilerCache( selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) );
+	}
+	return cached;
+function multipleContexts( selector, contexts, results ) {
+	var i = 0,
+		len = contexts.length;
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		Sizzle( selector, contexts[i], results );
+	}
+	return results;
+function select( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+	var i, tokens, token, type, find,
+		match = tokenize( selector );
+	if ( !seed ) {
+		// Try to minimize operations if there is only one group
+		if ( match.length === 1 ) {
+			// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+			tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 );
+			if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" &&
+					context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML &&
+					Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) {
+				context = ( Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context ) || [] )[0];
+				if ( !context ) {
+					return results;
+				}
+				selector = selector.slice( tokens.shift().value.length );
+			}
+			// Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching
+			i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test( selector ) ? 0 : tokens.length;
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				token = tokens[i];
+				// Abort if we hit a combinator
+				if ( Expr.relative[ (type = token.type) ] ) {
+					break;
+				}
+				if ( (find = Expr.find[ type ]) ) {
+					// Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators
+					if ( (seed = find(
+						token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ),
+						rsibling.test( tokens[0].type ) && context.parentNode || context
+					)) ) {
+						// If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early
+						tokens.splice( i, 1 );
+						selector = seed.length && toSelector( tokens );
+						if ( !selector ) {
+							push.apply( results, seed );
+							return results;
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Compile and execute a filtering function
+	// Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above
+	compile( selector, match )(
+		seed,
+		context,
+		!documentIsHTML,
+		results,
+		rsibling.test( selector )
+	);
+	return results;
+// Deprecated
+Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"];
+// Easy API for creating new setFilters
+function setFilters() {}
+setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
+Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();
+// Check sort stability
+support.sortStable = expando.split("").sort( sortOrder ).join("") === expando;
+// Initialize with the default document
+// Always assume the presence of duplicates if sort doesn't
+// pass them to our comparison function (as in Google Chrome).
+[0, 0].sort( sortOrder );
+support.detectDuplicates = hasDuplicate;
+if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+	define(function() { return Sizzle; });
+} else {
+	window.Sizzle = Sizzle;
+return Sizzle;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/DomQuery.js
+ * DomQuery.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ *
+ * Some of this logic is based on jQuery code that is released under
+ * MIT license that grants us to sublicense it under LGPL.
+ *
+ * @ignore-file
+ */
+ * @class tinymce.dom.DomQuery
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/DomQuery", [
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/Sizzle"
+], function(EventUtils, Sizzle) {
+	var doc = document, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+	var rquickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/;
+	var Event = EventUtils.Event;
+	function isDefined(obj) {
+		return typeof obj !== "undefined";
+	}
+	function isString(obj) {
+		return typeof obj === "string";
+	}
+	function createFragment(html) {
+		var frag, node, container;
+		container = doc.createElement("div");
+		frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+		container.innerHTML = html;
+		while ((node = container.firstChild)) {
+			frag.appendChild(node);
+		}
+		return frag;
+	}
+	function domManipulate(targetNodes, sourceItem, callback) {
+		var i;
+		if (typeof sourceItem === "string") {
+			sourceItem = createFragment(sourceItem);
+		} else if (sourceItem.length) {
+			for (i = 0; i < sourceItem.length; i++) {
+				domManipulate(targetNodes, sourceItem[i], callback);
+			}
+			return targetNodes;
+		}
+		i = targetNodes.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			callback.call(targetNodes[i], sourceItem.parentNode ? sourceItem : sourceItem);
+		}
+		return targetNodes;
+	}
+	function hasClass(node, className) {
+		return node && className && (' ' + node.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') !== -1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Makes a map object out of a string that gets separated by a delimiter.
+	 *
+	 * @method makeMap
+	 * @param {String} items Item string to split.
+	 * @param {Object} map Optional object to add items to.
+	 * @return {Object} name/value object with items as keys.
+	 */
+	function makeMap(items, map) {
+		var i;
+		items = items || [];
+		if (typeof(items) == "string") {
+			items = items.split(' ');
+		}
+		map = map || {};
+		i = items.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			map[items[i]] = {};
+		}
+		return map;
+	}
+	var numericCssMap = makeMap('fillOpacity fontWeight lineHeight opacity orphans widows zIndex zoom');
+	function DomQuery(selector, context) {
+		/*eslint new-cap:0 */
+		return new DomQuery.fn.init(selector, context);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Extends the specified object with another object.
+	 *
+	 * @method extend
+	 * @param {Object} target Object to extend.
+	 * @param {Object..} obj Multiple objects to extend with.
+	 * @return {Object} Same as target, the extended object.
+	 */
+	function extend(target) {
+		var args = arguments, arg, i, key;
+		for (i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
+			arg = args[i];
+			for (key in arg) {
+				target[key] = arg[key];
+			}
+		}
+		return target;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts the specified object into a real JavaScript array.
+	 *
+	 * @method toArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to convert into array.
+	 * @return {Array} Array object based in input.
+	 */
+	function toArray(obj) {
+		var array = [], i, l;
+		for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
+			array[i] = obj[i];
+		}
+		return array;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the index of the specified item inside the array.
+	 *
+	 * @method inArray
+	 * @param {Object} item Item to look for.
+	 * @param {Array} array Array to look for item in.
+	 * @return {Number} Index of the item or -1.
+	 */
+	function inArray(item, array) {
+		var i;
+		if (array.indexOf) {
+			return array.indexOf(item);
+		}
+		i = array.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			if (array[i] === item) {
+				return i;
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns true/false if the specified object is an array.
+	 *
+	 * @method isArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to check if it's an array.
+	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the input object is array or not.
+	 */
+	var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
+		return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
+	};
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
+	function trim(str) {
+		return (str === null || str === undefined) ? '' : ("" + str).replace(whiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Executes the callback function for each item in array/object. If you return false in the
+	 * callback it will break the loop.
+	 *
+	 * @method each
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to iterate.
+	 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute for each item.
+	 */
+	function each(obj, callback) {
+		var length, key, i, undef, value;
+		if (obj) {
+			length = obj.length;
+			if (length === undef) {
+				// Loop object items
+				for (key in obj) {
+					if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+						value = obj[key];
+						if (callback.call(value, value, key) === false) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Loop array items
+				for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+					value = obj[i];
+					if (callback.call(value, value, key) === false) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return obj;
+	}
+	DomQuery.fn = DomQuery.prototype = {
+		constructor: DomQuery,
+		selector: "",
+		length: 0,
+		init: function(selector, context) {
+			var self = this, match, node;
+			if (!selector) {
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (selector.nodeType) {
+				self.context = self[0] = selector;
+				self.length = 1;
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (isString(selector)) {
+				if (selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt(selector.length - 1) === ">" && selector.length >= 3) {
+					match = [null, selector, null];
+				} else {
+					match = rquickExpr.exec(selector);
+				}
+				if (match) {
+					if (match[1]) {
+						node = createFragment(selector).firstChild;
+						while (node) {
+							this.add(node);
+							node = node.nextSibling;
+						}
+					} else {
+						node = doc.getElementById(match[2]);
+						if (node.id !== match[2]) {
+							return self.find(selector);
+						}
+						self.length = 1;
+						self[0] = node;
+					}
+				} else {
+					return DomQuery(context || document).find(selector);
+				}
+			} else {
+				this.add(selector);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		toArray: function() {
+			return toArray(this);
+		},
+		add: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			// Force single item into array
+			if (!isArray(items)) {
+				if (items instanceof DomQuery) {
+					self.add(items.toArray());
+				} else {
+					push.call(self, items);
+				}
+			} else {
+				push.apply(self, items);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		attr: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof name === "object") {
+				each(name, function(value, name) {
+					self.attr(name, value);
+				});
+			} else if (isDefined(value)) {
+				this.each(function() {
+					if (this.nodeType === 1) {
+						this.setAttribute(name, value);
+					}
+				});
+			} else {
+				return self[0] && self[0].nodeType === 1 ? self[0].getAttribute(name) : undefined;
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		css: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof name === "object") {
+				each(name, function(value, name) {
+					self.css(name, value);
+				});
+			} else {
+				// Camelcase it, if needed
+				name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
+					return b.toUpperCase();
+				});
+				if (isDefined(value)) {
+					// Default px suffix on these
+					if (typeof(value) === 'number' && !numericCssMap[name]) {
+						value += 'px';
+					}
+					self.each(function() {
+						var style = this.style;
+						// IE specific opacity
+						if (name === "opacity" && this.runtimeStyle && typeof(this.runtimeStyle.opacity) === "undefined") {
+							style.filter = value === '' ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + (value * 100) + ")";
+						}
+						try {
+							style[name] = value;
+						} catch (ex) {
+							// Ignore
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					return self[0] ? self[0].style[name] : undefined;
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, node, i = this.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = self[i];
+				Event.clean(node);
+				if (node.parentNode) {
+					node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		},
+		empty: function() {
+			var self = this, node, i = this.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = self[i];
+				while (node.firstChild) {
+					node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		},
+		html: function(value) {
+			var self = this, i;
+			if (isDefined(value)) {
+				i = self.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					self[i].innerHTML = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self[0] ? self[0].innerHTML : '';
+		},
+		text: function(value) {
+			var self = this, i;
+			if (isDefined(value)) {
+				i = self.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					self[i].innerText = self[0].textContent = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self[0] ? self[0].innerText || self[0].textContent : '';
+		},
+		append: function() {
+			return domManipulate(this, arguments, function(node) {
+				if (this.nodeType === 1) {
+					this.appendChild(node);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		prepend: function() {
+			return domManipulate(this, arguments, function(node) {
+				if (this.nodeType === 1) {
+					this.insertBefore(node, this.firstChild);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		before: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self[0] && self[0].parentNode) {
+				return domManipulate(self, arguments, function(node) {
+					this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this.nextSibling);
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		after: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self[0] && self[0].parentNode) {
+				return domManipulate(self, arguments, function(node) {
+					this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this);
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		appendTo: function(val) {
+			DomQuery(val).append(this);
+			return this;
+		},
+		addClass: function(className) {
+			return this.toggleClass(className, true);
+		},
+		removeClass: function(className) {
+			return this.toggleClass(className, false);
+		},
+		toggleClass: function(className, state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (className.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
+				each(className.split(' '), function() {
+					self.toggleClass(this, state);
+				});
+			} else {
+				self.each(function(node) {
+					var existingClassName;
+					if (hasClass(node, className) !== state) {
+						existingClassName = node.className;
+						if (state) {
+							node.className += existingClassName ? ' ' + className : className;
+						} else {
+							node.className = trim((" " + existingClassName + " ").replace(' ' + className + ' ', ' '));
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		hasClass: function(className) {
+			return hasClass(this[0], className);
+		},
+		each: function(callback) {
+			return each(this, callback);
+		},
+		on: function(name, callback) {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				Event.bind(this, name, callback);
+			});
+		},
+		off: function(name, callback) {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				Event.unbind(this, name, callback);
+			});
+		},
+		show: function() {
+			return this.css('display', '');
+		},
+		hide: function() {
+			return this.css('display', 'none');
+		},
+		slice: function() {
+			return new DomQuery(slice.apply(this, arguments));
+		},
+		eq: function(index) {
+			return index === -1 ? this.slice(index) : this.slice(index, +index + 1);
+		},
+		first: function() {
+			return this.eq(0);
+		},
+		last: function() {
+			return this.eq(-1);
+		},
+		replaceWith: function(content) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self[0]) {
+				self[0].parentNode.replaceChild(DomQuery(content)[0], self[0]);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		wrap: function(wrapper) {
+			wrapper = DomQuery(wrapper)[0];
+			return this.each(function() {
+				var self = this, newWrapper = wrapper.cloneNode(false);
+				self.parentNode.insertBefore(newWrapper, self);
+				newWrapper.appendChild(self);
+			});
+		},
+		unwrap: function() {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				var self = this, node = self.firstChild, currentNode;
+				while (node) {
+					currentNode = node;
+					node = node.nextSibling;
+					self.parentNode.insertBefore(currentNode, self);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		clone: function() {
+			var result = [];
+			this.each(function() {
+				result.push(this.cloneNode(true));
+			});
+			return DomQuery(result);
+		},
+		find: function(selector) {
+			var i, l, ret = [];
+			for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
+				DomQuery.find(selector, this[i], ret);
+			}
+			return DomQuery(ret);
+		},
+		push: push,
+		sort: [].sort,
+		splice: [].splice
+	};
+	// Static members
+	extend(DomQuery, {
+		extend: extend,
+		toArray: toArray,
+		inArray: inArray,
+		isArray: isArray,
+		each: each,
+		trim: trim,
+		makeMap: makeMap,
+		// Sizzle
+		find: Sizzle,
+		expr: Sizzle.selectors,
+		unique: Sizzle.uniqueSort,
+		text: Sizzle.getText,
+		isXMLDoc: Sizzle.isXML,
+		contains: Sizzle.contains,
+		filter: function(expr, elems, not) {
+			if (not) {
+				expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
+			}
+			if (elems.length === 1) {
+				elems = DomQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [elems[0]] : [];
+			} else {
+				elems = DomQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
+			}
+			return elems;
+		}
+	});
+	function dir(el, prop, until) {
+		var matched = [], cur = el[prop];
+		while (cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !DomQuery(cur).is(until))) {
+			if (cur.nodeType === 1) {
+				matched.push(cur);
+			}
+			cur = cur[prop];
+		}
+		return matched;
+	}
+	function sibling(n, el, siblingName, nodeType) {
+		var r = [];
+		for(; n; n = n[siblingName]) {
+			if ((!nodeType || n.nodeType === nodeType) && n !== el) {
+				r.push(n);
+			}
+		}
+		return r;
+	}
+	each({
+		parent: function(node) {
+			var parent = node.parentNode;
+			return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
+		},
+		parents: function(node) {
+			return dir(node, "parentNode");
+		},
+		parentsUntil: function(node, until) {
+			return dir(node, "parentNode", until);
+		},
+		next: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node, 'nextSibling', 1);
+		},
+		prev: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node, 'previousSibling', 1);
+		},
+		nextNodes: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node, 'nextSibling');
+		},
+		prevNodes: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node, 'previousSibling');
+		},
+		children: function(node) {
+			return sibling(node.firstChild, 'nextSibling', 1);
+		},
+		contents: function(node) {
+			return toArray((node.nodeName === "iframe" ? node.contentDocument || node.contentWindow.document : node).childNodes);
+		}
+	}, function(name, fn){
+		DomQuery.fn[name] = function(selector) {
+			var self = this, result;
+			if (self.length > 1) {
+				throw new Error("DomQuery only supports traverse functions on a single node.");
+			}
+			if (self[0]) {
+				result = fn(self[0], selector);
+			}
+			result = DomQuery(result);
+			if (selector && name !== "parentsUntil") {
+				return result.filter(selector);
+			}
+			return result;
+		};
+	});
+	DomQuery.fn.filter = function(selector) {
+		return DomQuery.filter(selector);
+	};
+	DomQuery.fn.is = function(selector) {
+		return !!selector && this.filter(selector).length > 0;
+	};
+	DomQuery.fn.init.prototype = DomQuery.fn;
+	return DomQuery;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Styles.js
+ * Styles.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to parse CSS styles it also compresses styles to reduce the output size.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var Styles = new tinymce.html.Styles({
+ *    url_converter: function(url) {
+ *       return url;
+ *    }
+ * });
+ *
+ * styles = Styles.parse('border: 1px solid red');
+ * styles.color = 'red';
+ *
+ * console.log(new tinymce.html.StyleSerializer().serialize(styles));
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Styles
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Styles", [], function() {
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+		/*eslint max-len:0 */
+		var rgbRegExp = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/gi,
+			urlOrStrRegExp = /(?:url(?:(?:\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\))|(?:\(\s*\'([^\']+)\'\s*\))|(?:\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))))|(?:\'([^\']+)\')|(?:\"([^\"]+)\")/gi,
+			styleRegExp = /\s*([^:]+):\s*([^;]+);?/g,
+			trimRightRegExp = /\s+$/,
+			undef, i, encodingLookup = {}, encodingItems, invisibleChar = '\uFEFF';
+		settings = settings || {};
+		encodingItems = ('\\" \\\' \\; \\: ; : ' + invisibleChar).split(' ');
+		for (i = 0; i < encodingItems.length; i++) {
+			encodingLookup[encodingItems[i]] = invisibleChar + i;
+			encodingLookup[invisibleChar + i] = encodingItems[i];
+		}
+		function toHex(match, r, g, b) {
+			function hex(val) {
+				val = parseInt(val, 10).toString(16);
+				return val.length > 1 ? val : '0' + val; // 0 -> 00
+			}
+			return '#' + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
+		}
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color.
+			 *
+			 * @method toHex
+			 * @param {String} color RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3)
+			 * @return {String} Hex version of that RGB value like #FF00FF.
+			 */
+			toHex: function(color) {
+				return color.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also
+			 * merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non hex
+			 * colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings.
+			 *
+			 * @method parse
+			 * @param {String} css Style value to parse for example: border:1px solid red;.
+			 * @return {Object} Object representation of that style like {border: '1px solid red'}
+			 */
+			parse: function(css) {
+				var styles = {}, matches, name, value, isEncoded, urlConverter = settings.url_converter;
+				var urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope || this;
+				function compress(prefix, suffix, noJoin) {
+					var top, right, bottom, left;
+					top = styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
+					if (!top) {
+						return;
+					}
+					right = styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
+					if (!right) {
+						return;
+					}
+					bottom = styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
+					if (!bottom) {
+						return;
+					}
+					left = styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
+					if (!left) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var box = [top, right, bottom, left];
+					i = box.length - 1;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (box[i] !== box[i + 1]) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if (i > -1 && noJoin) {
+						return;
+					}
+					styles[prefix + suffix] = i == -1 ? box[0] : box.join(' ');
+					delete styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
+					delete styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Checks if the specific style can be compressed in other words if all border-width are equal.
+				 */
+				function canCompress(key) {
+					var value = styles[key], i;
+					if (!value) {
+						return;
+					}
+					value = value.split(' ');
+					i = value.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (value[i] !== value[0]) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					styles[key] = value[0];
+					return true;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Compresses multiple styles into one style.
+				 */
+				function compress2(target, a, b, c) {
+					if (!canCompress(a)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!canCompress(b)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!canCompress(c)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Compress
+					styles[target] = styles[a] + ' ' + styles[b] + ' ' + styles[c];
+					delete styles[a];
+					delete styles[b];
+					delete styles[c];
+				}
+				// Encodes the specified string by replacing all \" \' ; : with _<num>
+				function encode(str) {
+					isEncoded = true;
+					return encodingLookup[str];
+				}
+				// Decodes the specified string by replacing all _<num> with it's original value \" \' etc
+				// It will also decode the \" \' if keep_slashes is set to fale or omitted
+				function decode(str, keep_slashes) {
+					if (isEncoded) {
+						str = str.replace(/\uFEFF[0-9]/g, function(str) {
+							return encodingLookup[str];
+						});
+					}
+					if (!keep_slashes) {
+						str = str.replace(/\\([\'\";:])/g, "$1");
+					}
+					return str;
+				}
+				function processUrl(match, url, url2, url3, str, str2) {
+					str = str || str2;
+					if (str) {
+						str = decode(str);
+						// Force strings into single quote format
+						return "'" + str.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "'";
+					}
+					url = decode(url || url2 || url3);
+					if (!settings.allow_script_urls && /(java|vb)script:/i.test(url.replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, ''))) {
+						return "";
+					}
+					// Convert the URL to relative/absolute depending on config
+					if (urlConverter) {
+						url = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, url, 'style');
+					}
+					// Output new URL format
+					return "url('" + url.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "')";
+				}
+				if (css) {
+					css = css.replace(/[\u0000-\u001F]/g, '');
+					// Encode \" \' % and ; and : inside strings so they don't interfere with the style parsing
+					css = css.replace(/\\[\"\';:\uFEFF]/g, encode).replace(/\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'/g, function(str) {
+						return str.replace(/[;:]/g, encode);
+					});
+					// Parse styles
+					while ((matches = styleRegExp.exec(css))) {
+						name = matches[1].replace(trimRightRegExp, '').toLowerCase();
+						value = matches[2].replace(trimRightRegExp, '');
+						if (name && value.length > 0) {
+							if (!settings.allow_script_urls && (name == "behavior" || /expression\s*\(/.test(value))) {
+								continue;
+							}
+							// Opera will produce 700 instead of bold in their style values
+							if (name === 'font-weight' && value === '700') {
+								value = 'bold';
+							} else if (name === 'color' || name === 'background-color') { // Lowercase colors like RED
+								value = value.toLowerCase();
+							}
+							// Convert RGB colors to HEX
+							value = value.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
+							// Convert URLs and force them into url('value') format
+							value = value.replace(urlOrStrRegExp, processUrl);
+							styles[name] = isEncoded ? decode(value, true) : value;
+						}
+						styleRegExp.lastIndex = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+					}
+					// Compress the styles to reduce it's size for example IE will expand styles
+					compress("border", "", true);
+					compress("border", "-width");
+					compress("border", "-color");
+					compress("border", "-style");
+					compress("padding", "");
+					compress("margin", "");
+					compress2('border', 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color');
+					// Remove pointless border, IE produces these
+					if (styles.border === 'medium none') {
+						delete styles.border;
+					}
+					// IE 11 will produce a border-image: none when getting the style attribute from <p style="border: 1px solid red"></p>
+					// So lets asume it shouldn't be there
+					if (styles['border-image'] === 'none') {
+						delete styles['border-image'];
+					}
+				}
+				return styles;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Serializes the specified style object into a string.
+			 *
+			 * @method serialize
+			 * @param {Object} styles Object to serialize as string for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+			 * @param {String} element_name Optional element name, if specified only the styles that matches the schema will be serialized.
+			 * @return {String} String representation of the style object for example: border: 1px solid red.
+			 */
+			serialize: function(styles, element_name) {
+				var css = '', name, value;
+				function serializeStyles(name) {
+					var styleList, i, l, value;
+					styleList = schema.styles[name];
+					if (styleList) {
+						for (i = 0, l = styleList.length; i < l; i++) {
+							name = styleList[i];
+							value = styles[name];
+							if (value !== undef && value.length > 0) {
+								css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Serialize styles according to schema
+				if (element_name && schema && schema.styles) {
+					// Serialize global styles and element specific styles
+					serializeStyles('*');
+					serializeStyles(element_name);
+				} else {
+					// Output the styles in the order they are inside the object
+					for (name in styles) {
+						value = styles[name];
+						if (value !== undef && value.length > 0) {
+							css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return css;
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/TreeWalker.js
+ * TreeWalker.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * TreeWalker class enables you to walk the DOM in a linear manner.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.TreeWalker
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/TreeWalker", [], function() {
+	return function(start_node, root_node) {
+		var node = start_node;
+		function findSibling(node, start_name, sibling_name, shallow) {
+			var sibling, parent;
+			if (node) {
+				// Walk into nodes if it has a start
+				if (!shallow && node[start_name]) {
+					return node[start_name];
+				}
+				// Return the sibling if it has one
+				if (node != root_node) {
+					sibling = node[sibling_name];
+					if (sibling) {
+						return sibling;
+					}
+					// Walk up the parents to look for siblings
+					for (parent = node.parentNode; parent && parent != root_node; parent = parent.parentNode) {
+						sibling = parent[sibling_name];
+						if (sibling) {
+							return sibling;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @method current
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is.
+		 */
+		this.current = function() {
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the next node in tree.
+		 *
+		 * @method next
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is after moving to the next node.
+		 */
+		this.next = function(shallow) {
+			node = findSibling(node, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling', shallow);
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the previous node in tree.
+		 *
+		 * @method prev
+		 * @return {Node} Current node where the walker is after moving to the previous node.
+		 */
+		this.prev = function(shallow) {
+			node = findSibling(node, 'lastChild', 'previousSibling', shallow);
+			return node;
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/Tools.js
+ * Tools.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains various utlity functions. These are also exposed
+ * directly on the tinymce namespace.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.Tools
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Tools", [], function() {
+	/**
+	 * Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
+	 *
+	 * @method trim
+	 * @param {String} s String to remove whitespace from.
+	 * @return {String} New string with removed whitespace.
+	 */
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
+	function trim(str) {
+		return (str === null || str === undefined) ? '' : ("" + str).replace(whiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns true/false if the object is an array or not.
+	 *
+	 * @method isArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to check.
+	 * @return {boolean} true/false state if the object is an array or not.
+	 */
+	var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
+		return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Checks if a object is of a specific type for example an array.
+	 *
+	 * @method is
+	 * @param {Object} o Object to check type of.
+	 * @param {string} t Optional type to check for.
+	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the object is of the specified type.
+	 */
+	function is(o, t) {
+		if (!t) {
+			return o !== undefined;
+		}
+		if (t == 'array' && isArray(o)) {
+			return true;
+		}
+		return typeof(o) == t;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts the specified object into a real JavaScript array.
+	 *
+	 * @method toArray
+	 * @param {Object} obj Object to convert into array.
+	 * @return {Array} Array object based in input.
+	 */
+	function toArray(obj) {
+		var array = [], i, l;
+		for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
+			array[i] = obj[i];
+		}
+		return array;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Makes a name/object map out of an array with names.
+	 *
+	 * @method makeMap
+	 * @param {Array/String} items Items to make map out of.
+	 * @param {String} delim Optional delimiter to split string by.
+	 * @param {Object} map Optional map to add items to.
+	 * @return {Object} Name/value map of items.
+	 */
+	function makeMap(items, delim, map) {
+		var i;
+		items = items || [];
+		delim = delim || ',';
+		if (typeof(items) == "string") {
+			items = items.split(delim);
+		}
+		map = map || {};
+		i = items.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			map[items[i]] = {};
+		}
+		return map;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Performs an iteration of all items in a collection such as an object or array. This method will execure the
+	 * callback function for each item in the collection, if the callback returns false the iteration will terminate.
+	 * The callback has the following format: cb(value, key_or_index).
+	 *
+	 * @method each
+	 * @param {Object} o Collection to iterate.
+	 * @param {function} cb Callback function to execute for each item.
+	 * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Iterate an array
+	 * tinymce.each([1,2,3], function(v, i) {
+	 *     console.debug("Value: " + v + ", Index: " + i);
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Iterate an object
+	 * tinymce.each({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3], function(v, k) {
+	 *     console.debug("Value: " + v + ", Key: " + k);
+	 * });
+	 */
+	function each(o, cb, s) {
+		var n, l;
+		if (!o) {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		s = s || o;
+		if (o.length !== undefined) {
+			// Indexed arrays, needed for Safari
+			for (n = 0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) {
+				if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Hashtables
+			for (n in o) {
+				if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
+					if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
+						return 0;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a new array by the return value of each iteration function call. This enables you to convert
+	 * one array list into another.
+	 *
+	 * @method map
+	 * @param {Array} a Array of items to iterate.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item. It's return value will be the new value.
+	 * @return {Array} Array with new values based on function return values.
+	 */
+	function map(a, f) {
+		var o = [];
+		each(a, function(v) {
+			o.push(f(v));
+		});
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Filters out items from the input array by calling the specified function for each item.
+	 * If the function returns false the item will be excluded if it returns true it will be included.
+	 *
+	 * @method grep
+	 * @param {Array} a Array of items to loop though.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item. Include/exclude depends on it's return value.
+	 * @return {Array} New array with values imported and filtered based in input.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Filter out some items, this will return an array with 4 and 5
+	 * var items = tinymce.grep([1,2,3,4,5], function(v) {return v > 3;});
+	 */
+	function grep(a, f) {
+		var o = [];
+		each(a, function(v) {
+			if (!f || f(v)) {
+				o.push(v);
+			}
+		});
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a class, subclass or static singleton.
+	 * More details on this method can be found in the Wiki.
+	 *
+	 * @method create
+	 * @param {String} s Class name, inheritage and prefix.
+	 * @param {Object} p Collection of methods to add to the class.
+	 * @param {Object} root Optional root object defaults to the global window object.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Creates a basic class
+	 * tinymce.create('tinymce.somepackage.SomeClass', {
+	 *     SomeClass: function() {
+	 *         // Class constructor
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Creates a basic subclass class
+	 * tinymce.create('tinymce.somepackage.SomeSubClass:tinymce.somepackage.SomeClass', {
+	 *     SomeSubClass: function() {
+	 *         // Class constructor
+	 *         this.parent(); // Call parent constructor
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *         this.parent(); // Call parent method
+	 *     },
+	 *
+	 *     'static': {
+	 *         staticMethod: function() {
+	 *             // Static method
+	 *         }
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 *
+	 * // Creates a singleton/static class
+	 * tinymce.create('static tinymce.somepackage.SomeSingletonClass', {
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * });
+	 */
+	function create(s, p, root) {
+		var self = this, sp, ns, cn, scn, c, de = 0;
+		// Parse : <prefix> <class>:<super class>
+		s = /^((static) )?([\w.]+)(:([\w.]+))?/.exec(s);
+		cn = s[3].match(/(^|\.)(\w+)$/i)[2]; // Class name
+		// Create namespace for new class
+		ns = self.createNS(s[3].replace(/\.\w+$/, ''), root);
+		// Class already exists
+		if (ns[cn]) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Make pure static class
+		if (s[2] == 'static') {
+			ns[cn] = p;
+			if (this.onCreate) {
+				this.onCreate(s[2], s[3], ns[cn]);
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		// Create default constructor
+		if (!p[cn]) {
+			p[cn] = function() {};
+			de = 1;
+		}
+		// Add constructor and methods
+		ns[cn] = p[cn];
+		self.extend(ns[cn].prototype, p);
+		// Extend
+		if (s[5]) {
+			sp = self.resolve(s[5]).prototype;
+			scn = s[5].match(/\.(\w+)$/i)[1]; // Class name
+			// Extend constructor
+			c = ns[cn];
+			if (de) {
+				// Add passthrough constructor
+				ns[cn] = function() {
+					return sp[scn].apply(this, arguments);
+				};
+			} else {
+				// Add inherit constructor
+				ns[cn] = function() {
+					this.parent = sp[scn];
+					return c.apply(this, arguments);
+				};
+			}
+			ns[cn].prototype[cn] = ns[cn];
+			// Add super methods
+			self.each(sp, function(f, n) {
+				ns[cn].prototype[n] = sp[n];
+			});
+			// Add overridden methods
+			self.each(p, function(f, n) {
+				// Extend methods if needed
+				if (sp[n]) {
+					ns[cn].prototype[n] = function() {
+						this.parent = sp[n];
+						return f.apply(this, arguments);
+					};
+				} else {
+					if (n != cn) {
+						ns[cn].prototype[n] = f;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Add static methods
+		/*jshint sub:true*/
+		self.each(p['static'], function(f, n) {
+			ns[cn][n] = f;
+		});
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the index of a value in an array, this method will return -1 if the item wasn't found.
+	 *
+	 * @method inArray
+	 * @param {Array} a Array/Object to search for value in.
+	 * @param {Object} v Value to check for inside the array.
+	 * @return {Number/String} Index of item inside the array inside an object. Or -1 if it wasn't found.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Get index of value in array this will alert 1 since 2 is at that index
+	 * alert(tinymce.inArray([1,2,3], 2));
+	 */
+	function inArray(a, v) {
+		var i, l;
+		if (a) {
+			for (i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
+				if (a[i] === v) {
+					return i;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	}
+	function extend(obj, ext) {
+		var i, l, name, args = arguments, value;
+		for (i = 1, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+			ext = args[i];
+			for (name in ext) {
+				if (ext.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+					value = ext[name];
+					if (value !== undefined) {
+						obj[name] = value;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return obj;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Executed the specified function for each item in a object tree.
+	 *
+	 * @method walk
+	 * @param {Object} o Object tree to walk though.
+	 * @param {function} f Function to call for each item.
+	 * @param {String} n Optional name of collection inside the objects to walk for example childNodes.
+	 * @param {String} s Optional scope to execute the function in.
+	 */
+	function walk(o, f, n, s) {
+		s = s || this;
+		if (o) {
+			if (n) {
+				o = o[n];
+			}
+			each(o, function(o, i) {
+				if (f.call(s, o, i, n) === false) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				walk(o, f, n, s);
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a namespace on a specific object.
+	 *
+	 * @method createNS
+	 * @param {String} n Namespace to create for example a.b.c.d.
+	 * @param {Object} o Optional object to add namespace to, defaults to window.
+	 * @return {Object} New namespace object the last item in path.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Create some namespace
+	 * tinymce.createNS('tinymce.somepackage.subpackage');
+	 *
+	 * // Add a singleton
+	 * var tinymce.somepackage.subpackage.SomeSingleton = {
+	 *     method: function() {
+	 *         // Some method
+	 *     }
+	 * };
+	 */
+	function createNS(n, o) {
+		var i, v;
+		o = o || window;
+		n = n.split('.');
+		for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
+			v = n[i];
+			if (!o[v]) {
+				o[v] = {};
+			}
+			o = o[v];
+		}
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Resolves a string and returns the object from a specific structure.
+	 *
+	 * @method resolve
+	 * @param {String} n Path to resolve for example a.b.c.d.
+	 * @param {Object} o Optional object to search though, defaults to window.
+	 * @return {Object} Last object in path or null if it couldn't be resolved.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Resolve a path into an object reference
+	 * var obj = tinymce.resolve('a.b.c.d');
+	 */
+	function resolve(n, o) {
+		var i, l;
+		o = o || window;
+		n = n.split('.');
+		for (i = 0, l = n.length; i < l; i++) {
+			o = o[n[i]];
+			if (!o) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return o;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Splits a string but removes the whitespace before and after each value.
+	 *
+	 * @method explode
+	 * @param {string} s String to split.
+	 * @param {string} d Delimiter to split by.
+	 * @example
+	 * // Split a string into an array with a,b,c
+	 * var arr = tinymce.explode('a, b,   c');
+	 */
+	function explode(s, d) {
+		if (!s || is(s, 'array')) {
+			return s;
+		}
+		return map(s.split(d || ','), trim);
+	}
+	return {
+		trim: trim,
+		isArray: isArray,
+		is: is,
+		toArray: toArray,
+		makeMap: makeMap,
+		each: each,
+		map: map,
+		grep: grep,
+		inArray: inArray,
+		extend: extend,
+		create: create,
+		walk: walk,
+		createNS: createNS,
+		resolve: resolve,
+		explode: explode
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/Range.js
+ * Range.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Range", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	// Range constructor
+	function Range(dom) {
+		var self = this,
+			doc = dom.doc,
+			EXTRACT = 0,
+			CLONE = 1,
+			DELETE = 2,
+			TRUE = true,
+			FALSE = false,
+			START_OFFSET = 'startOffset',
+			START_CONTAINER = 'startContainer',
+			END_CONTAINER = 'endContainer',
+			END_OFFSET = 'endOffset',
+			extend = Tools.extend,
+			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex;
+		function createDocumentFragment() {
+			return doc.createDocumentFragment();
+		}
+		function setStart(n, o) {
+			_setEndPoint(TRUE, n, o);
+		}
+		function setEnd(n, o) {
+			_setEndPoint(FALSE, n, o);
+		}
+		function setStartBefore(n) {
+			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));
+		}
+		function setStartAfter(n) {
+			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);
+		}
+		function setEndBefore(n) {
+			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));
+		}
+		function setEndAfter(n) {
+			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);
+		}
+		function collapse(ts) {
+			if (ts) {
+				self[END_OFFSET] = self[START_OFFSET];
+			} else {
+				self[START_OFFSET] = self[END_OFFSET];
+			}
+			self.collapsed = TRUE;
+		}
+		function selectNode(n) {
+			setStartBefore(n);
+			setEndAfter(n);
+		}
+		function selectNodeContents(n) {
+			setStart(n, 0);
+			setEnd(n, n.nodeType === 1 ? n.childNodes.length : n.nodeValue.length);
+		}
+		function compareBoundaryPoints(h, r) {
+			var sc = self[START_CONTAINER], so = self[START_OFFSET], ec = self[END_CONTAINER], eo = self[END_OFFSET],
+			rsc = r.startContainer, rso = r.startOffset, rec = r.endContainer, reo = r.endOffset;
+			// Check START_TO_START
+			if (h === 0) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, rsc, rso);
+			}
+			// Check START_TO_END
+			if (h === 1) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, rsc, rso);
+			}
+			// Check END_TO_END
+			if (h === 2) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, rec, reo);
+			}
+			// Check END_TO_START
+			if (h === 3) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, rec, reo);
+			}
+		}
+		function deleteContents() {
+			_traverse(DELETE);
+		}
+		function extractContents() {
+			return _traverse(EXTRACT);
+		}
+		function cloneContents() {
+			return _traverse(CLONE);
+		}
+		function insertNode(n) {
+			var startContainer = this[START_CONTAINER],
+				startOffset = this[START_OFFSET], nn, o;
+			// Node is TEXT_NODE or CDATA
+			if ((startContainer.nodeType === 3 || startContainer.nodeType === 4) && startContainer.nodeValue) {
+				if (!startOffset) {
+					// At the start of text
+					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, startContainer);
+				} else if (startOffset >= startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					// At the end of text
+					dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
+				} else {
+					// Middle, need to split
+					nn = startContainer.splitText(startOffset);
+					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, nn);
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Insert element node
+				if (startContainer.childNodes.length > 0) {
+					o = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+				}
+				if (o) {
+					startContainer.insertBefore(n, o);
+				} else {
+					if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+						dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
+					} else {
+						startContainer.appendChild(n);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function surroundContents(n) {
+			var f = self.extractContents();
+			self.insertNode(n);
+			n.appendChild(f);
+			self.selectNode(n);
+		}
+		function cloneRange() {
+			return extend(new Range(dom), {
+				startContainer: self[START_CONTAINER],
+				startOffset: self[START_OFFSET],
+				endContainer: self[END_CONTAINER],
+				endOffset: self[END_OFFSET],
+				collapsed: self.collapsed,
+				commonAncestorContainer: self.commonAncestorContainer
+			});
+		}
+		// Private methods
+		function _getSelectedNode(container, offset) {
+			var child;
+			if (container.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				return container;
+			}
+			if (offset < 0) {
+				return container;
+			}
+			child = container.firstChild;
+			while (child && offset > 0) {
+				--offset;
+				child = child.nextSibling;
+			}
+			if (child) {
+				return child;
+			}
+			return container;
+		}
+		function _isCollapsed() {
+			return (self[START_CONTAINER] == self[END_CONTAINER] && self[START_OFFSET] == self[END_OFFSET]);
+		}
+		function _compareBoundaryPoints(containerA, offsetA, containerB, offsetB) {
+			var c, offsetC, n, cmnRoot, childA, childB;
+			// In the first case the boundary-points have the same container. A is before B
+			// if its offset is less than the offset of B, A is equal to B if its offset is
+			// equal to the offset of B, and A is after B if its offset is greater than the
+			// offset of B.
+			if (containerA == containerB) {
+				if (offsetA == offsetB) {
+					return 0; // equal
+				}
+				if (offsetA < offsetB) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the second case a child node C of the container of A is an ancestor
+			// container of B. In this case, A is before B if the offset of A is less than or
+			// equal to the index of the child node C and A is after B otherwise.
+			c = containerB;
+			while (c && c.parentNode != containerA) {
+				c = c.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (c) {
+				offsetC = 0;
+				n = containerA.firstChild;
+				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetA) {
+					offsetC++;
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (offsetA <= offsetC) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the third case a child node C of the container of B is an ancestor container
+			// of A. In this case, A is before B if the index of the child node C is less than
+			// the offset of B and A is after B otherwise.
+			c = containerA;
+			while (c && c.parentNode != containerB) {
+				c = c.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (c) {
+				offsetC = 0;
+				n = containerB.firstChild;
+				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetB) {
+					offsetC++;
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (offsetC < offsetB) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the fourth case, none of three other cases hold: the containers of A and B
+			// are siblings or descendants of sibling nodes. In this case, A is before B if
+			// the container of A is before the container of B in a pre-order traversal of the
+			// Ranges' context tree and A is after B otherwise.
+			cmnRoot = dom.findCommonAncestor(containerA, containerB);
+			childA = containerA;
+			while (childA && childA.parentNode != cmnRoot) {
+				childA = childA.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!childA) {
+				childA = cmnRoot;
+			}
+			childB = containerB;
+			while (childB && childB.parentNode != cmnRoot) {
+				childB = childB.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!childB) {
+				childB = cmnRoot;
+			}
+			if (childA == childB) {
+				return 0; // equal
+			}
+			n = cmnRoot.firstChild;
+			while (n) {
+				if (n == childA) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				if (n == childB) {
+					return 1; // after
+				}
+				n = n.nextSibling;
+			}
+		}
+		function _setEndPoint(st, n, o) {
+			var ec, sc;
+			if (st) {
+				self[START_CONTAINER] = n;
+				self[START_OFFSET] = o;
+			} else {
+				self[END_CONTAINER] = n;
+				self[END_OFFSET] = o;
+			}
+			// If one boundary-point of a Range is set to have a root container
+			// other than the current one for the Range, the Range is collapsed to
+			// the new position. This enforces the restriction that both boundary-
+			// points of a Range must have the same root container.
+			ec = self[END_CONTAINER];
+			while (ec.parentNode) {
+				ec = ec.parentNode;
+			}
+			sc = self[START_CONTAINER];
+			while (sc.parentNode) {
+				sc = sc.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (sc == ec) {
+				// The start position of a Range is guaranteed to never be after the
+				// end position. To enforce this restriction, if the start is set to
+				// be at a position after the end, the Range is collapsed to that
+				// position.
+				if (_compareBoundaryPoints(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET], self[END_CONTAINER], self[END_OFFSET]) > 0) {
+					self.collapse(st);
+				}
+			} else {
+				self.collapse(st);
+			}
+			self.collapsed = _isCollapsed();
+			self.commonAncestorContainer = dom.findCommonAncestor(self[START_CONTAINER], self[END_CONTAINER]);
+		}
+		function _traverse(how) {
+			var c, endContainerDepth = 0, startContainerDepth = 0, p, depthDiff, startNode, endNode, sp, ep;
+			if (self[START_CONTAINER] == self[END_CONTAINER]) {
+				return _traverseSameContainer(how);
+			}
+			for (c = self[END_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
+				if (p == self[START_CONTAINER]) {
+					return _traverseCommonStartContainer(c, how);
+				}
+				++endContainerDepth;
+			}
+			for (c = self[START_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
+				if (p == self[END_CONTAINER]) {
+					return _traverseCommonEndContainer(c, how);
+				}
+				++startContainerDepth;
+			}
+			depthDiff = startContainerDepth - endContainerDepth;
+			startNode = self[START_CONTAINER];
+			while (depthDiff > 0) {
+				startNode = startNode.parentNode;
+				depthDiff--;
+			}
+			endNode = self[END_CONTAINER];
+			while (depthDiff < 0) {
+				endNode = endNode.parentNode;
+				depthDiff++;
+			}
+			// ascend the ancestor hierarchy until we have a common parent.
+			for (sp = startNode.parentNode, ep = endNode.parentNode; sp != ep; sp = sp.parentNode, ep = ep.parentNode) {
+				startNode = sp;
+				endNode = ep;
+			}
+			return _traverseCommonAncestors(startNode, endNode, how);
+		}
+		function _traverseSameContainer(how) {
+			var frag, s, sub, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode, start, len;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			// If selection is empty, just return the fragment
+			if (self[START_OFFSET] == self[END_OFFSET]) {
+				return frag;
+			}
+			// Text node needs special case handling
+			if (self[START_CONTAINER].nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				// get the substring
+				s = self[START_CONTAINER].nodeValue;
+				sub = s.substring(self[START_OFFSET], self[END_OFFSET]);
+				// set the original text node to its new value
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					n = self[START_CONTAINER];
+					start = self[START_OFFSET];
+					len = self[END_OFFSET] - self[START_OFFSET];
+					if (start === 0 && len >= n.nodeValue.length - 1) {
+						n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+					} else {
+						n.deleteData(start, len);
+					}
+					// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
+					self.collapse(TRUE);
+				}
+				if (how == DELETE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (sub.length > 0) {
+					frag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(sub));
+				}
+				return frag;
+			}
+			// Copy nodes between the start/end offsets.
+			n = _getSelectedNode(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET]);
+			cnt = self[END_OFFSET] - self[START_OFFSET];
+			while (n && cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.nextSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(xferNode);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonStartContainer(endAncestor, how) {
+			var frag, n, endIdx, cnt, sibling, xferNode;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			endIdx = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
+			cnt = endIdx - self[START_OFFSET];
+			if (cnt <= 0) {
+				// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
+				// is partially selected.
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					self.setEndBefore(endAncestor);
+					self.collapse(FALSE);
+				}
+				return frag;
+			}
+			n = endAncestor.previousSibling;
+			while (cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.previousSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.insertBefore(xferNode, frag.firstChild);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
+			// is partially selected.
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setEndBefore(endAncestor);
+				self.collapse(FALSE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonEndContainer(startAncestor, how) {
+			var frag, startIdx, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			startIdx = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
+			++startIdx; // Because we already traversed it
+			cnt = self[END_OFFSET] - startIdx;
+			n = startAncestor.nextSibling;
+			while (n && cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.nextSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(xferNode);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setStartAfter(startAncestor);
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonAncestors(startAncestor, endAncestor, how) {
+			var n, frag, startOffset, endOffset, cnt, sibling, nextSibling;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			startOffset = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
+			endOffset = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
+			++startOffset;
+			cnt = endOffset - startOffset;
+			sibling = startAncestor.nextSibling;
+			while (cnt > 0) {
+				nextSibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+				n = _traverseFullySelected(sibling, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(n);
+				}
+				sibling = nextSibling;
+				--cnt;
+			}
+			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setStartAfter(startAncestor);
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseRightBoundary(root, how) {
+			var next = _getSelectedNode(self[END_CONTAINER], self[END_OFFSET] - 1), parent, clonedParent;
+			var prevSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent, isFullySelected = next != self[END_CONTAINER];
+			if (next == root) {
+				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);
+			}
+			parent = next.parentNode;
+			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);
+			while (parent) {
+				while (next) {
+					prevSibling = next.previousSibling;
+					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);
+					if (how != DELETE) {
+						clonedParent.insertBefore(clonedChild, clonedParent.firstChild);
+					}
+					isFullySelected = TRUE;
+					next = prevSibling;
+				}
+				if (parent == root) {
+					return clonedParent;
+				}
+				next = parent.previousSibling;
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);
+				if (how != DELETE) {
+					clonedGrandParent.appendChild(clonedParent);
+				}
+				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;
+			}
+		}
+		function _traverseLeftBoundary(root, how) {
+			var next = _getSelectedNode(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET]), isFullySelected = next != self[START_CONTAINER];
+			var parent, clonedParent, nextSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent;
+			if (next == root) {
+				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);
+			}
+			parent = next.parentNode;
+			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);
+			while (parent) {
+				while (next) {
+					nextSibling = next.nextSibling;
+					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);
+					if (how != DELETE) {
+						clonedParent.appendChild(clonedChild);
+					}
+					isFullySelected = TRUE;
+					next = nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (parent == root) {
+					return clonedParent;
+				}
+				next = parent.nextSibling;
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);
+				if (how != DELETE) {
+					clonedGrandParent.appendChild(clonedParent);
+				}
+				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;
+			}
+		}
+		function _traverseNode(n, isFullySelected, isLeft, how) {
+			var txtValue, newNodeValue, oldNodeValue, offset, newNode;
+			if (isFullySelected) {
+				return _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+			}
+			if (n.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				txtValue = n.nodeValue;
+				if (isLeft) {
+					offset = self[START_OFFSET];
+					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
+					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
+				} else {
+					offset = self[END_OFFSET];
+					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
+					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
+				}
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					n.nodeValue = oldNodeValue;
+				}
+				if (how == DELETE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				newNode = dom.clone(n, FALSE);
+				newNode.nodeValue = newNodeValue;
+				return newNode;
+			}
+			if (how == DELETE) {
+				return;
+			}
+			return dom.clone(n, FALSE);
+		}
+		function _traverseFullySelected(n, how) {
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				return how == CLONE ? dom.clone(n, TRUE) : n;
+			}
+			n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+		}
+		function toStringIE() {
+			return dom.create('body', null, cloneContents()).outerText;
+		}
+		extend(self, {
+			// Inital states
+			startContainer: doc,
+			startOffset: 0,
+			endContainer: doc,
+			endOffset: 0,
+			collapsed: TRUE,
+			commonAncestorContainer: doc,
+			// Range constants
+			START_TO_END: 1,
+			END_TO_END: 2,
+			END_TO_START: 3,
+			// Public methods
+			setStart: setStart,
+			setEnd: setEnd,
+			setStartBefore: setStartBefore,
+			setStartAfter: setStartAfter,
+			setEndBefore: setEndBefore,
+			setEndAfter: setEndAfter,
+			collapse: collapse,
+			selectNode: selectNode,
+			selectNodeContents: selectNodeContents,
+			compareBoundaryPoints: compareBoundaryPoints,
+			deleteContents: deleteContents,
+			extractContents: extractContents,
+			cloneContents: cloneContents,
+			insertNode: insertNode,
+			surroundContents: surroundContents,
+			cloneRange: cloneRange,
+			toStringIE: toStringIE
+		});
+		return self;
+	}
+	// Older IE versions doesn't let you override toString by it's constructor so we have to stick it in the prototype
+	Range.prototype.toString = function() {
+		return this.toStringIE();
+	};
+	return Range;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Entities.js
+ * Entities.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint bitwise:false */
+/*eslint no-bitwise:0 */
+ * Entity encoder class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Entities
+ * @static
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Entities", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap;
+	var namedEntities, baseEntities, reverseEntities,
+		attrsCharsRegExp = /[&<>\"\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g,
+		textCharsRegExp = /[<>&\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g,
+		rawCharsRegExp = /[<>&\"\']/g,
+		entityRegExp = /&(#x|#)?([\w]+);/g,
+		asciiMap = {
+			128: "\u20AC", 130: "\u201A", 131: "\u0192", 132: "\u201E", 133: "\u2026", 134: "\u2020",
+			135: "\u2021", 136: "\u02C6", 137: "\u2030", 138: "\u0160", 139: "\u2039", 140: "\u0152",
+			142: "\u017D", 145: "\u2018", 146: "\u2019", 147: "\u201C", 148: "\u201D", 149: "\u2022",
+			150: "\u2013", 151: "\u2014", 152: "\u02DC", 153: "\u2122", 154: "\u0161", 155: "\u203A",
+			156: "\u0153", 158: "\u017E", 159: "\u0178"
+		};
+	// Raw entities
+	baseEntities = {
+		'\"': '&quot;', // Needs to be escaped since the YUI compressor would otherwise break the code
+		"'": '&#39;',
+		'<': '&lt;',
+		'>': '&gt;',
+		'&': '&amp;'
+	};
+	// Reverse lookup table for raw entities
+	reverseEntities = {
+		'&lt;': '<',
+		'&gt;': '>',
+		'&amp;': '&',
+		'&quot;': '"',
+		'&apos;': "'"
+	};
+	// Decodes text by using the browser
+	function nativeDecode(text) {
+		var elm;
+		elm = document.createElement("div");
+		elm.innerHTML = text;
+		return elm.textContent || elm.innerText || text;
+	}
+	// Build a two way lookup table for the entities
+	function buildEntitiesLookup(items, radix) {
+		var i, chr, entity, lookup = {};
+		if (items) {
+			items = items.split(',');
+			radix = radix || 10;
+			// Build entities lookup table
+			for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) {
+				chr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(items[i], radix));
+				// Only add non base entities
+				if (!baseEntities[chr]) {
+					entity = '&' + items[i + 1] + ';';
+					lookup[chr] = entity;
+					lookup[entity] = chr;
+				}
+			}
+			return lookup;
+		}
+	}
+	// Unpack entities lookup where the numbers are in radix 32 to reduce the size
+	namedEntities = buildEntitiesLookup(
+		'50,nbsp,51,iexcl,52,cent,53,pound,54,curren,55,yen,56,brvbar,57,sect,58,uml,59,copy,' +
+		'5a,ordf,5b,laquo,5c,not,5d,shy,5e,reg,5f,macr,5g,deg,5h,plusmn,5i,sup2,5j,sup3,5k,acute,' +
+		'5l,micro,5m,para,5n,middot,5o,cedil,5p,sup1,5q,ordm,5r,raquo,5s,frac14,5t,frac12,5u,frac34,' +
+		'5v,iquest,60,Agrave,61,Aacute,62,Acirc,63,Atilde,64,Auml,65,Aring,66,AElig,67,Ccedil,' +
+		'68,Egrave,69,Eacute,6a,Ecirc,6b,Euml,6c,Igrave,6d,Iacute,6e,Icirc,6f,Iuml,6g,ETH,6h,Ntilde,' +
+		'6i,Ograve,6j,Oacute,6k,Ocirc,6l,Otilde,6m,Ouml,6n,times,6o,Oslash,6p,Ugrave,6q,Uacute,' +
+		'6r,Ucirc,6s,Uuml,6t,Yacute,6u,THORN,6v,szlig,70,agrave,71,aacute,72,acirc,73,atilde,74,auml,' +
+		'75,aring,76,aelig,77,ccedil,78,egrave,79,eacute,7a,ecirc,7b,euml,7c,igrave,7d,iacute,7e,icirc,' +
+		'7f,iuml,7g,eth,7h,ntilde,7i,ograve,7j,oacute,7k,ocirc,7l,otilde,7m,ouml,7n,divide,7o,oslash,' +
+		'7p,ugrave,7q,uacute,7r,ucirc,7s,uuml,7t,yacute,7u,thorn,7v,yuml,ci,fnof,sh,Alpha,si,Beta,' +
+		'sj,Gamma,sk,Delta,sl,Epsilon,sm,Zeta,sn,Eta,so,Theta,sp,Iota,sq,Kappa,sr,Lambda,ss,Mu,' +
+		'st,Nu,su,Xi,sv,Omicron,t0,Pi,t1,Rho,t3,Sigma,t4,Tau,t5,Upsilon,t6,Phi,t7,Chi,t8,Psi,' +
+		't9,Omega,th,alpha,ti,beta,tj,gamma,tk,delta,tl,epsilon,tm,zeta,tn,eta,to,theta,tp,iota,' +
+		'tq,kappa,tr,lambda,ts,mu,tt,nu,tu,xi,tv,omicron,u0,pi,u1,rho,u2,sigmaf,u3,sigma,u4,tau,' +
+		'u5,upsilon,u6,phi,u7,chi,u8,psi,u9,omega,uh,thetasym,ui,upsih,um,piv,812,bull,816,hellip,' +
+		'81i,prime,81j,Prime,81u,oline,824,frasl,88o,weierp,88h,image,88s,real,892,trade,89l,alefsym,' +
+		'8cg,larr,8ch,uarr,8ci,rarr,8cj,darr,8ck,harr,8dl,crarr,8eg,lArr,8eh,uArr,8ei,rArr,8ej,dArr,' +
+		'8ek,hArr,8g0,forall,8g2,part,8g3,exist,8g5,empty,8g7,nabla,8g8,isin,8g9,notin,8gb,ni,8gf,prod,' +
+		'8gh,sum,8gi,minus,8gn,lowast,8gq,radic,8gt,prop,8gu,infin,8h0,ang,8h7,and,8h8,or,8h9,cap,8ha,cup,' +
+		'8hb,int,8hk,there4,8hs,sim,8i5,cong,8i8,asymp,8j0,ne,8j1,equiv,8j4,le,8j5,ge,8k2,sub,8k3,sup,8k4,' +
+		'nsub,8k6,sube,8k7,supe,8kl,oplus,8kn,otimes,8l5,perp,8m5,sdot,8o8,lceil,8o9,rceil,8oa,lfloor,8ob,' +
+		'rfloor,8p9,lang,8pa,rang,9ea,loz,9j0,spades,9j3,clubs,9j5,hearts,9j6,diams,ai,OElig,aj,oelig,b0,' +
+		'Scaron,b1,scaron,bo,Yuml,m6,circ,ms,tilde,802,ensp,803,emsp,809,thinsp,80c,zwnj,80d,zwj,80e,lrm,' +
+		'80f,rlm,80j,ndash,80k,mdash,80o,lsquo,80p,rsquo,80q,sbquo,80s,ldquo,80t,rdquo,80u,bdquo,810,dagger,' +
+		'811,Dagger,81g,permil,81p,lsaquo,81q,rsaquo,85c,euro', 32);
+	var Entities = {
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using raw entities. This means only the required XML base entities will be endoded.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeRaw
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeRaw: function(text, attr) {
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encoded the specified text with both the attributes and text entities. This function will produce larger text contents
+		 * since it doesn't know if the context is within a attribute or text node. This was added for compatibility
+		 * and is exposed as the DOMUtils.encode function.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeAllRaw
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeAllRaw: function(text) {
+			return ('' + text).replace(rawCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using numeric entities. The core entities will be
+		 * encoded as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into numeric entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeNumeric
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeNumeric: function(text, attr) {
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				// Multi byte sequence convert it to a single entity
+				if (chr.length > 1) {
+					return '&#' + (((chr.charCodeAt(0) - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';';
+				}
+				return baseEntities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string using named entities. The core entities will be encoded
+		 * as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into named entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method encodeNamed
+		 * @param {String} text Text to encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents.
+		 * @param {Object} entities Optional parameter with entities to use.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded text.
+		 */
+		encodeNamed: function(text, attr, entities) {
+			entities = entities || namedEntities;
+			return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+				return baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || chr;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns an encode function based on the name(s) and it's optional entities.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEncodeFunc
+		 * @param {String} name Comma separated list of encoders for example named,numeric.
+		 * @param {String} entities Optional parameter with entities to use instead of the built in set.
+		 * @return {function} Encode function to be used.
+		 */
+		getEncodeFunc: function(name, entities) {
+			entities = buildEntitiesLookup(entities) || namedEntities;
+			function encodeNamedAndNumeric(text, attr) {
+				return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function(chr) {
+					return baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';' || chr;
+				});
+			}
+			function encodeCustomNamed(text, attr) {
+				return Entities.encodeNamed(text, attr, entities);
+			}
+			// Replace + with , to be compatible with previous TinyMCE versions
+			name = makeMap(name.replace(/\+/g, ','));
+			// Named and numeric encoder
+			if (name.named && name.numeric) {
+				return encodeNamedAndNumeric;
+			}
+			// Named encoder
+			if (name.named) {
+				// Custom names
+				if (entities) {
+					return encodeCustomNamed;
+				}
+				return Entities.encodeNamed;
+			}
+			// Numeric
+			if (name.numeric) {
+				return Entities.encodeNumeric;
+			}
+			// Raw encoder
+			return Entities.encodeRaw;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Decodes the specified string, this will replace entities with raw UTF characters.
+		 *
+		 * @method decode
+		 * @param {String} text Text to entity decode.
+		 * @return {String} Entity decoded string.
+		 */
+		decode: function(text) {
+			return text.replace(entityRegExp, function(all, numeric, value) {
+				if (numeric) {
+					value = parseInt(value, numeric.length === 2 ? 16 : 10);
+					// Support upper UTF
+					if (value > 0xFFFF) {
+						value -= 0x10000;
+						return String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (value >> 10), 0xDC00 + (value & 0x3FF));
+					} else {
+						return asciiMap[value] || String.fromCharCode(value);
+					}
+				}
+				return reverseEntities[all] || namedEntities[all] || nativeDecode(all);
+			});
+		}
+	};
+	return Entities;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Env.js
+ * Env.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class contains various environment constants like browser versions etc.
+ * Normally you don't want to sniff specific browser versions but sometimes you have
+ * to when it's impossible to feature detect. So use this with care.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Env
+ * @static
+ */
+define("tinymce/Env", [], function() {
+	var nav = navigator, userAgent = nav.userAgent;
+	var opera, webkit, ie, ie11, gecko, mac, iDevice;
+	opera = window.opera && window.opera.buildNumber;
+	webkit = /WebKit/.test(userAgent);
+	ie = !webkit && !opera && (/MSIE/gi).test(userAgent) && (/Explorer/gi).test(nav.appName);
+	ie = ie && /MSIE (\w+)\./.exec(userAgent)[1];
+	ie11 = userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') != -1 && (userAgent.indexOf('rv:') != -1 || nav.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1) ? 11 : false;
+	ie = ie || ie11;
+	gecko = !webkit && !ie11 && /Gecko/.test(userAgent);
+	mac = userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1;
+	iDevice = /(iPad|iPhone)/.test(userAgent);
+	// Is a iPad/iPhone and not on iOS5 sniff the WebKit version since older iOS WebKit versions
+	// says it has contentEditable support but there is no visible caret.
+	var contentEditable = !iDevice || userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d*)/)[1] >= 534;
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is Opera.
+		 *
+		 * @property opera
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		opera: opera,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is WebKit (Safari/Chrome).
+		 *
+		 * @property webKit
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		webkit: webkit,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is more than zero if the browser is IE.
+		 *
+		 * @property ie
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		ie: ie,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser is Gecko.
+		 *
+		 * @property gecko
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		gecko: gecko,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the os is Mac OS.
+		 *
+		 * @property mac
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		mac: mac,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the os is iOS.
+		 *
+		 * @property iOS
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		iOS: iDevice,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser supports editing.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentEditable
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		contentEditable: contentEditable,
+		/**
+		 * Transparent image data url.
+		 *
+		 * @property transparentSrc
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		transparentSrc: "",
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the browser can or can't place the caret after a inline block like an image.
+		 *
+		 * @property noCaretAfter
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @final
+		 */
+		caretAfter: ie != 8,
+		/**
+		 * Constant that is true if the browser supports native DOM Ranges. IE 9+.
+		 *
+		 * @property range
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 */
+		range: window.getSelection && "Range" in window,
+		/**
+		 * Returns the IE document mode for non IE browsers this will fake IE 10.
+		 *
+		 * @property documentMode
+		 * @type Number
+		 */
+		documentMode: ie ? (document.documentMode || 7) : 10
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/StyleSheetLoader.js
+ * StyleSheetLoader.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles loading of external stylesheets and fires events when these are loaded.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.StyleSheetLoader
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	return function(document, settings) {
+		var idCount = 0, loadedStates = {}, maxLoadTime;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		maxLoadTime = settings.maxLoadTime || 5000;
+		function appendToHead(node) {
+			document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(node);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Loads the specified css style sheet file and call the loadedCallback once it's finished loading.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} url Url to be loaded.
+		 * @param {Function} loadedCallback Callback to be executed when loaded.
+		 * @param {Function} errorCallback Callback to be executed when failed loading.
+		 */
+		function load(url, loadedCallback, errorCallback) {
+			var link, style, startTime, state;
+			function passed() {
+				var callbacks = state.passed, i = callbacks.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					callbacks[i]();
+				}
+				state.status = 2;
+				state.passed = [];
+				state.failed = [];
+			}
+			function failed() {
+				var callbacks = state.failed, i = callbacks.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					callbacks[i]();
+				}
+				state.status = 3;
+				state.passed = [];
+				state.failed = [];
+			}
+			// Sniffs for older WebKit versions that have the link.onload but a broken one
+			function isOldWebKit() {
+				var webKitChunks = navigator.userAgent.match(/WebKit\/(\d*)/);
+				return !!(webKitChunks && webKitChunks[1] < 536);
+			}
+			// Calls the waitCallback until the test returns true or the timeout occurs
+			function wait(testCallback, waitCallback) {
+				if (!testCallback()) {
+					// Wait for timeout
+					if ((new Date().getTime()) - startTime < maxLoadTime) {
+						window.setTimeout(waitCallback, 0);
+					} else {
+						failed();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Workaround for WebKit that doesn't properly support the onload event for link elements
+			// Or WebKit that fires the onload event before the StyleSheet is added to the document
+			function waitForWebKitLinkLoaded() {
+				wait(function() {
+					var styleSheets = document.styleSheets, styleSheet, i = styleSheets.length, owner;
+					while (i--) {
+						styleSheet = styleSheets[i];
+						owner = styleSheet.ownerNode ? styleSheet.ownerNode : styleSheet.owningElement;
+						if (owner && owner.id === link.id) {
+							passed();
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}, waitForWebKitLinkLoaded);
+			}
+			// Workaround for older Geckos that doesn't have any onload event for StyleSheets
+			function waitForGeckoLinkLoaded() {
+				wait(function() {
+					try {
+						// Accessing the cssRules will throw an exception until the CSS file is loaded
+						var cssRules = style.sheet.cssRules;
+						passed();
+						return !!cssRules;
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}, waitForGeckoLinkLoaded);
+			}
+			if (!loadedStates[url]) {
+				state = {
+					passed: [],
+					failed: []
+				};
+				loadedStates[url] = state;
+			} else {
+				state = loadedStates[url];
+			}
+			if (loadedCallback) {
+				state.passed.push(loadedCallback);
+			}
+			if (errorCallback) {
+				state.failed.push(errorCallback);
+			}
+			// Is loading wait for it to pass
+			if (state.status == 1) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Has finished loading and was success
+			if (state.status == 2) {
+				passed();
+				return;
+			}
+			// Has finished loading and was a failure
+			if (state.status == 3) {
+				failed();
+				return;
+			}
+			// Start loading
+			state.status = 1;
+			link = document.createElement('link');
+			link.rel = 'stylesheet';
+			link.type = 'text/css';
+			link.id = 'u' + (idCount++);
+			link.async = false;
+			link.defer = false;
+			startTime = new Date().getTime();
+			// Feature detect onload on link element and sniff older webkits since it has an broken onload event
+			if ("onload" in link && !isOldWebKit()) {
+				link.onload = waitForWebKitLinkLoaded;
+				link.onerror = failed;
+			} else {
+				// Sniff for old Firefox that doesn't support the onload event on link elements
+				// TODO: Remove this in the future when everyone uses modern browsers
+				if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0) {
+					style = document.createElement('style');
+					style.textContent = '@import "' + url + '"';
+					waitForGeckoLinkLoaded();
+					appendToHead(style);
+					return;
+				} else {
+					// Use the id owner on older webkits
+					waitForWebKitLinkLoaded();
+				}
+			}
+			appendToHead(link);
+			link.href = url;
+		}
+		this.load = load;
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/DOMUtils.js
+ * DOMUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Utility class for various DOM manipulation and retrieval functions.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+ * @example
+ * // Add a class to an element by id in the page
+ * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+ *
+ * // Add a class to an element by id inside the editor
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/DOMUtils", [
+	"tinymce/dom/Sizzle",
+	"tinymce/html/Styles",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/Range",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/StyleSheetLoader"
+], function(Sizzle, Styles, EventUtils, TreeWalker, Range, Entities, Env, Tools, StyleSheetLoader) {
+	// Shorten names
+	var each = Tools.each, is = Tools.is, grep = Tools.grep, trim = Tools.trim, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var isWebKit = Env.webkit, isIE = Env.ie;
+	var simpleSelectorRe = /^([a-z0-9],?)+$/i;
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/;
+	var numericCssMap = Tools.makeMap('fillOpacity fontWeight lineHeight opacity orphans widows zIndex zoom', ' ');
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DOMUtils instance. Consult the Wiki for more details on settings etc for this class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method DOMUtils
+	 * @param {Document} d Document reference to bind the utility class to.
+	 * @param {settings} s Optional settings collection.
+	 */
+	function DOMUtils(doc, settings) {
+		var self = this, blockElementsMap;
+		self.doc = doc;
+		self.win = window;
+		self.files = {};
+		self.counter = 0;
+		self.stdMode = !isIE || doc.documentMode >= 8;
+		self.boxModel = !isIE || doc.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" || self.stdMode;
+		self.hasOuterHTML = "outerHTML" in doc.createElement("a");
+		self.styleSheetLoader = new StyleSheetLoader(doc);
+		this.boundEvents = [];
+		self.settings = settings = extend({
+			keep_values: false,
+			hex_colors: 1
+		}, settings);
+		self.schema = settings.schema;
+		self.styles = new Styles({
+			url_converter: settings.url_converter,
+			url_converter_scope: settings.url_converter_scope
+		}, settings.schema);
+		self.fixDoc(doc);
+		self.events = settings.ownEvents ? new EventUtils(settings.proxy) : EventUtils.Event;
+		blockElementsMap = settings.schema ? settings.schema.getBlockElements() : {};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element is a block element or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isBlock
+		 * @param {Node/String} node Element/Node to check.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/False state if the node is a block element or not.
+		 */
+		self.isBlock = function(node) {
+			// Fix for #5446
+			if (!node) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// This function is called in module pattern style since it might be executed with the wrong this scope
+			var type = node.nodeType;
+			// If it's a node then check the type and use the nodeName
+			if (type) {
+				return !!(type === 1 && blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]);
+			}
+			return !!blockElementsMap[node];
+		};
+	}
+	DOMUtils.prototype = {
+		root: null,
+		props: {
+			"for": "htmlFor",
+			"class": "className",
+			className: "className",
+			checked: "checked",
+			disabled: "disabled",
+			maxlength: "maxLength",
+			readonly: "readOnly",
+			selected: "selected",
+			value: "value",
+			id: "id",
+			name: "name",
+			type: "type"
+		},
+		fixDoc: function(doc) {
+			var settings = this.settings, name;
+			if (isIE && settings.schema) {
+				// Add missing HTML 4/5 elements to IE
+				('abbr article aside audio canvas ' +
+				'details figcaption figure footer ' +
+				'header hgroup mark menu meter nav ' +
+				'output progress section summary ' +
+				'time video').replace(/\w+/g, function(name) {
+					doc.createElement(name);
+				});
+				// Create all custom elements
+				for (name in settings.schema.getCustomElements()) {
+					doc.createElement(name);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		clone: function(node, deep) {
+			var self = this, clone, doc;
+			// TODO: Add feature detection here in the future
+			if (!isIE || node.nodeType !== 1 || deep) {
+				return node.cloneNode(deep);
+			}
+			doc = self.doc;
+			// Make a HTML5 safe shallow copy
+			if (!deep) {
+				clone = doc.createElement(node.nodeName);
+				// Copy attribs
+				each(self.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
+					self.setAttrib(clone, attr.nodeName, self.getAttrib(node, attr.nodeName));
+				});
+				return clone;
+			}
+			// Setup HTML5 patched document fragment
+			if (!self.frag) {
+				self.frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+				self.fixDoc(self.frag);
+			}
+			// Make a deep copy by adding it to the document fragment then removing it this removed the :section
+			clone = doc.createElement('div');
+			self.frag.appendChild(clone);
+			clone.innerHTML = node.outerHTML;
+			self.frag.removeChild(clone);
+			return clone.firstChild;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the root node of the document. This is normally the body but might be a DIV. Parents like getParent will not
+		 * go above the point of this root node.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRoot
+		 * @return {Element} Root element for the utility class.
+		 */
+		getRoot: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.get(self.settings.root_element) || self.doc.body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the viewport of the window.
+		 *
+		 * @method getViewPort
+		 * @param {Window} win Optional window to get viewport of.
+		 * @return {Object} Viewport object with fields x, y, w and h.
+		 */
+		getViewPort: function(win) {
+			var doc, rootElm;
+			win = !win ? this.win : win;
+			doc = win.document;
+			rootElm = this.boxModel ? doc.documentElement : doc.body;
+			// Returns viewport size excluding scrollbars
+			return {
+				x: win.pageXOffset || rootElm.scrollLeft,
+				y: win.pageYOffset || rootElm.scrollTop,
+				w: win.innerWidth || rootElm.clientWidth,
+				h: win.innerHeight || rootElm.clientHeight
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the rectangle for a specific element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRect
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm Element object or element ID to get rectangle from.
+		 * @return {object} Rectangle for specified element object with x, y, w, h fields.
+		 */
+		getRect: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, pos, size;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			pos = self.getPos(elm);
+			size = self.getSize(elm);
+			return {
+				x: pos.x, y: pos.y,
+				w: size.w, h: size.h
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the size dimensions of the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSize
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm Element object or element ID to get rectangle from.
+		 * @return {object} Rectangle for specified element object with w, h fields.
+		 */
+		getSize: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, w, h;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			w = self.getStyle(elm, 'width');
+			h = self.getStyle(elm, 'height');
+			// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
+			if (w.indexOf('px') === -1) {
+				w = 0;
+			}
+			// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
+			if (h.indexOf('px') === -1) {
+				h = 0;
+			}
+			return {
+				w: parseInt(w, 10) || elm.offsetWidth || elm.clientWidth,
+				h: parseInt(h, 10) || elm.offsetHeight || elm.clientHeight
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a node by the specified selector function. This function will
+		 * loop through all parent nodes and call the specified function for each node.
+		 * If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for, the loop execution will then end
+		 * and the node it found will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParent
+		 * @param {Node/String} node DOM node to search parents on or ID string.
+		 * @param {function} selector Selection function or CSS selector to execute on each node.
+		 * @param {Node} root Optional root element, never go below this point.
+		 * @return {Node} DOM Node or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getParent: function(node, selector, root) {
+			return this.getParents(node, selector, root, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a node list of all parents matching the specified selector function or pattern.
+		 * If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for and that node will be collected.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParents
+		 * @param {Node/String} node DOM node to search parents on or ID string.
+		 * @param {function} selector Selection function to execute on each node or CSS pattern.
+		 * @param {Node} root Optional root element, never go below this point.
+		 * @return {Array} Array of nodes or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getParents: function(node, selector, root, collect) {
+			var self = this, selectorVal, result = [];
+			node = self.get(node);
+			collect = collect === undefined;
+			// Default root on inline mode
+			root = root || (self.getRoot().nodeName != 'BODY' ? self.getRoot().parentNode : null);
+			// Wrap node name as func
+			if (is(selector, 'string')) {
+				selectorVal = selector;
+				if (selector === '*') {
+					selector = function(node) {return node.nodeType == 1;};
+				} else {
+					selector = function(node) {
+						return self.is(node, selectorVal);
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			while (node) {
+				if (node == root || !node.nodeType || node.nodeType === 9) {
+					break;
+				}
+				if (!selector || selector(node)) {
+					if (collect) {
+						result.push(node);
+					} else {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			return collect ? result : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified element by ID or the input element if it isn't a string.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String/Element} n Element id to look for or element to just pass though.
+		 * @return {Element} Element matching the specified id or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		get: function(elm) {
+			var name;
+			if (elm && this.doc && typeof(elm) == 'string') {
+				name = elm;
+				elm = this.doc.getElementById(elm);
+				// IE and Opera returns meta elements when they match the specified input ID, but getElementsByName seems to do the trick
+				if (elm && elm.id !== name) {
+					return this.doc.getElementsByName(name)[1];
+				}
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the next node that matches selector or function
+		 *
+		 * @method getNext
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from.
+		 * @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function.
+		 * @return {Node} Next node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getNext: function(node, selector) {
+			return this._findSib(node, selector, 'nextSibling');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the previous node that matches selector or function
+		 *
+		 * @method getPrev
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from.
+		 * @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function.
+		 * @return {Node} Previous node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getPrev: function(node, selector) {
+			return this._findSib(node, selector, 'previousSibling');
+		},
+		// #ifndef jquery
+		/**
+		 * Selects specific elements by a CSS level 3 pattern. For example "div#a1 p.test".
+		 * This function is optimized for the most common patterns needed in TinyMCE but it also performs well enough
+		 * on more complex patterns.
+		 *
+		 * @method select
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS level 3 pattern to select/find elements by.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional root element/scope element to search in.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with all matched elements.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Adds a class to all spans that have the test class in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('span.test'), 'someclass')
+		 */
+		select: function(selector, scope) {
+			var self = this;
+			//Sizzle.selectors.cacheLength = 0;
+			return Sizzle(selector, self.get(scope) || self.get(self.settings.root_element) || self.doc, []);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element matches the specified css pattern.
+		 *
+		 * @method is
+		 * @param {Node/NodeList} elm DOM node to match or an array of nodes to match.
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS pattern to match the element against.
+		 */
+		is: function(elm, selector) {
+			var i;
+			// If it isn't an array then try to do some simple selectors instead of Sizzle for to boost performance
+			if (elm.length === undefined) {
+				// Simple all selector
+				if (selector === '*') {
+					return elm.nodeType == 1;
+				}
+				// Simple selector just elements
+				if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) {
+					selector = selector.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
+					elm = elm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+					for (i = selector.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						if (selector[i] == elm) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			// Is non element
+			if (elm.nodeType && elm.nodeType != 1) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			var elms = elm.nodeType ? [elm] : elm;
+			return Sizzle(selector, elms[0].ownerDocument || elms[0], null, elms).length > 0;
+		},
+		// #endif
+		/**
+		 * Adds the specified element to another element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} parentElm Element id string, DOM node element or array of ids or elements to add to.
+		 * @param {String/Element} name Name of new element to add or existing element to add.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object collection with arguments to add to the new element(s).
+		 * @param {String} html Optional inner HTML contents to add for each element.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} Element that got created, or an array of created elements if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a new paragraph to the end of the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.add(tinymce.activeEditor.getBody(), 'p', {title: 'my title'}, 'Some content');
+		 */
+		add: function(parentElm, name, attrs, html, create) {
+			var self = this;
+			return this.run(parentElm, function(parentElm) {
+				var newElm;
+				newElm = is(name, 'string') ? self.doc.createElement(name) : name;
+				self.setAttribs(newElm, attrs);
+				if (html) {
+					if (html.nodeType) {
+						newElm.appendChild(html);
+					} else {
+						self.setHTML(newElm, html);
+					}
+				}
+				return !create ? parentElm.appendChild(newElm) : newElm;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new element.
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {String} name Name of new element.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object name/value collection with element attributes.
+		 * @param {String} html Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM node element that got created.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds an element where the caret/selection is in the active editor
+		 * var el = tinymce.activeEditor.dom.create('div', {id: 'test', 'class': 'myclass'}, 'some content');
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setNode(el);
+		 */
+		create: function(name, attrs, html) {
+			return this.add(this.doc.createElement(name), name, attrs, html, 1);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates HTML string for element. The element will be closed unless an empty inner HTML string is passed in.
+		 *
+		 * @method createHTML
+		 * @param {String} name Name of new element.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Optional object name/value collection with element attributes.
+		 * @param {String} html Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @return {String} String with new HTML element, for example: <a href="#">test</a>.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Creates a html chunk and inserts it at the current selection/caret location
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.createHTML('a', {href: 'test.html'}, 'some line'));
+		 */
+		createHTML: function(name, attrs, html) {
+			var outHtml = '', key;
+			outHtml += '<' + name;
+			for (key in attrs) {
+				if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && attrs[key] !== null) {
+					outHtml += ' ' + key + '="' + this.encode(attrs[key]) + '"';
+				}
+			}
+			// A call to tinymce.is doesn't work for some odd reason on IE9 possible bug inside their JS runtime
+			if (typeof(html) != "undefined") {
+				return outHtml + '>' + html + '</' + name + '>';
+			}
+			return outHtml + ' />';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a document fragment out of the specified HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method createFragment
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to create fragment from.
+		 * @return {DocumentFragment} Document fragment node.
+		 */
+		createFragment: function(html) {
+			var frag, node, doc = this.doc, container;
+			container = doc.createElement("div");
+			frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+			if (html) {
+				container.innerHTML = html;
+			}
+			while ((node = container.firstChild)) {
+				frag.appendChild(node);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes/deletes the specified element(s) from the DOM.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} node ID of element or DOM element object or array containing multiple elements/ids.
+		 * @param {Boolean} keep_children Optional state to keep children or not. If set to true all children will be
+		 * placed at the location of the removed element.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} HTML DOM element that got removed, or an array of removed elements if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Removes all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.remove(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'));
+		 *
+		 * // Removes an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.remove('mydiv');
+		 */
+		remove: function(node, keep_children) {
+			return this.run(node, function(node) {
+				var child, parent = node.parentNode;
+				if (!parent) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				if (keep_children) {
+					while ((child = node.firstChild)) {
+						// IE 8 will crash if you don't remove completely empty text nodes
+						if (!isIE || child.nodeType !== 3 || child.nodeValue) {
+							parent.insertBefore(child, node);
+						} else {
+							node.removeChild(child);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return parent.removeChild(node);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the CSS style value on a HTML element. The name can be a camelcase string
+		 * or the CSS style name like background-color.
+		 *
+		 * @method setStyle
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} n HTML element/Element ID or Array of elements/ids to set CSS style value on.
+		 * @param {String} na Name of the style value to set.
+		 * @param {String} v Value to set on the style.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets a style value on all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setStyle(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'background-color', 'red');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets a style value to an element by id in the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setStyle('mydiv', 'background-color', 'red');
+		 */
+		setStyle: function(elm, name, value) {
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var self = this, style, key;
+				if (name) {
+					if (typeof(name) === 'string') {
+						style = elm.style;
+						// Camelcase it, if needed
+						name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
+							return b.toUpperCase();
+						});
+						// Default px suffix on these
+						if (typeof(value) === 'number' && !numericCssMap[name]) {
+							value += 'px';
+						}
+						// IE specific opacity
+						if (name === "opacity" && elm.runtimeStyle && typeof(elm.runtimeStyle.opacity) === "undefined") {
+							style.filter = value === '' ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + (value * 100) + ")";
+						}
+						if (name == "float") {
+							// Old IE vs modern browsers
+							name = "cssFloat" in elm.style ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat";
+						}
+						try {
+							style[name] = value;
+						} catch (ex) {
+							// Ignore IE errors
+						}
+						// Force update of the style data
+						if (self.settings.update_styles) {
+							elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-style');
+						}
+					} else {
+						for (key in name) {
+							self.setStyle(elm, key, name[key]);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current style or runtime/computed value of an element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getStyle
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm HTML element or element id string to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to return.
+		 * @param {Boolean} computed Computed style.
+		 * @return {String} Current style or computed style value of an element.
+		 */
+		getStyle: function(elm, name, computed) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// W3C
+			if (this.doc.defaultView && computed) {
+				// Remove camelcase
+				name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a){
+					return '-' + a;
+				});
+				try {
+					return this.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(name);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Old safari might fail
+					return null;
+				}
+			}
+			// Camelcase it, if needed
+			name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
+				return b.toUpperCase();
+			});
+			if (name == 'float') {
+				name = isIE ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat';
+			}
+			// IE & Opera
+			if (elm.currentStyle && computed) {
+				return elm.currentStyle[name];
+			}
+			return elm.style ? elm.style[name] : undefined;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets multiple styles on the specified element(s).
+		 *
+		 * @method setStyles
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set styles on.
+		 * @param {Object} o Name/Value collection of style items to add to the element(s).
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets styles on all paragraphs in the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setStyles(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'green'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets styles to an element by id in the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setStyles('mydiv', {'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'green'});
+		 */
+		setStyles: function(elm, styles) {
+			this.setStyle(elm, styles);
+		},
+		css: function(elm, name, value) {
+			this.setStyle(elm, name, value);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all attributes from an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeAllAttribs
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to remove attributes from.
+		 */
+		removeAllAttribs: function(e) {
+			return this.run(e, function(e) {
+				var i, attrs = e.attributes;
+				for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					e.removeAttributeNode(attrs.item(i));
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified attribute of an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setAttrib
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attribute on.
+		 * @param {String} n Name of attribute to set.
+		 * @param {String} v Value to set on the attribute - if this value is falsy like null, 0 or '' it will remove the attribute instead.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets class attribute on all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setAttrib(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'class', 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets class attribute on a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.dom.setAttrib('mydiv', 'class', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		setAttrib: function(e, n, v) {
+			var self = this;
+			// What's the point
+			if (!e || !n) {
+				return;
+			}
+			return this.run(e, function(e) {
+				var s = self.settings;
+				var originalValue = e.getAttribute(n);
+				if (v !== null) {
+					switch (n) {
+						case "style":
+							if (!is(v, 'string')) {
+								each(v, function(v, n) {
+									self.setStyle(e, n, v);
+								});
+								return;
+							}
+							// No mce_style for elements with these since they might get resized by the user
+							if (s.keep_values) {
+								if (v) {
+									e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v, 2);
+								} else {
+									e.removeAttribute('data-mce-style', 2);
+								}
+							}
+							e.style.cssText = v;
+							break;
+						case "class":
+							e.className = v || ''; // Fix IE null bug
+							break;
+						case "src":
+						case "href":
+							if (s.keep_values) {
+								if (s.url_converter) {
+									v = s.url_converter.call(s.url_converter_scope || self, v, n, e);
+								}
+								self.setAttrib(e, 'data-mce-' + n, v, 2);
+							}
+							break;
+						case "shape":
+							e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v);
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (is(v) && v !== null && v.length !== 0) {
+					e.setAttribute(n, '' + v, 2);
+				} else {
+					e.removeAttribute(n, 2);
+				}
+				// fire onChangeAttrib event for attributes that have changed
+				if (originalValue != v && s.onSetAttrib) {
+					s.onSetAttrib({attrElm: e, attrName: n, attrValue: v});
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets two or more specified attributes of an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setAttribs
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attributes on.
+		 * @param {Object} attrs Name/Value collection of attribute items to add to the element(s).
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets class and title attributes on all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setAttribs(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'class': 'myclass', title: 'some title'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets class and title attributes on a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setAttribs('mydiv', {'class': 'myclass', title: 'some title'});
+		 */
+		setAttribs: function(elm, attrs) {
+			var self = this;
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				each(attrs, function(value, name) {
+					self.setAttrib(elm, name, value);
+				});
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified attribute by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAttrib
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm Element string id or DOM element to get attribute from.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of attribute to get.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to return if the attribute didn't exist.
+		 * @return {String} Attribute value string, default value or null if the attribute wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getAttrib: function(elm, name, defaultVal) {
+			var value, self = this, undef;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			if (!elm || elm.nodeType !== 1) {
+				return defaultVal === undef ? false : defaultVal;
+			}
+			if (!is(defaultVal)) {
+				defaultVal = '';
+			}
+			// Try the mce variant for these
+			if (/^(src|href|style|coords|shape)$/.test(name)) {
+				value = elm.getAttribute("data-mce-" + name);
+				if (value) {
+					return value;
+				}
+			}
+			if (isIE && self.props[name]) {
+				value = elm[self.props[name]];
+				value = value && value.nodeValue ? value.nodeValue : value;
+			}
+			if (!value) {
+				value = elm.getAttribute(name, 2);
+			}
+			// Check boolean attribs
+			if (/^(checked|compact|declare|defer|disabled|ismap|multiple|nohref|noshade|nowrap|readonly|selected)$/.test(name)) {
+				if (elm[self.props[name]] === true && value === '') {
+					return name;
+				}
+				return value ? name : '';
+			}
+			// Inner input elements will override attributes on form elements
+			if (elm.nodeName === "FORM" && elm.getAttributeNode(name)) {
+				return elm.getAttributeNode(name).nodeValue;
+			}
+			if (name === 'style') {
+				value = value || elm.style.cssText;
+				if (value) {
+					value = self.serializeStyle(self.parseStyle(value), elm.nodeName);
+					if (self.settings.keep_values) {
+						elm.setAttribute('data-mce-style', value);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove Apple and WebKit stuff
+			if (isWebKit && name === "class" && value) {
+				value = value.replace(/(apple|webkit)\-[a-z\-]+/gi, '');
+			}
+			// Handle IE issues
+			if (isIE) {
+				switch (name) {
+					case 'rowspan':
+					case 'colspan':
+						// IE returns 1 as default value
+						if (value === 1) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'size':
+						// IE returns +0 as default value for size
+						if (value === '+0' || value === 20 || value === 0) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'width':
+					case 'height':
+					case 'vspace':
+					case 'checked':
+					case 'disabled':
+					case 'readonly':
+						if (value === 0) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'hspace':
+						// IE returns -1 as default value
+						if (value === -1) {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'maxlength':
+					case 'tabindex':
+						// IE returns default value
+						if (value === 32768 || value === 2147483647 || value === '32768') {
+							value = '';
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'multiple':
+					case 'compact':
+					case 'noshade':
+					case 'nowrap':
+						if (value === 65535) {
+							return name;
+						}
+						return defaultVal;
+					case 'shape':
+						value = value.toLowerCase();
+						break;
+					default:
+						// IE has odd anonymous function for event attributes
+						if (name.indexOf('on') === 0 && value) {
+							value = ('' + value).replace(/^function\s+\w+\(\)\s+\{\s+(.*)\s+\}$/, '$1');
+						}
+				}
+			}
+			return (value !== undef && value !== null && value !== '') ? '' + value : defaultVal;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the absolute x, y position of a node. The position will be returned in an object with x, y fields.
+		 *
+		 * @method getPos
+		 * @param {Element/String} elm HTML element or element id to get x, y position from.
+		 * @param {Element} rootElm Optional root element to stop calculations at.
+		 * @return {object} Absolute position of the specified element object with x, y fields.
+		 */
+		getPos: function(elm, rootElm) {
+			var self = this, x = 0, y = 0, offsetParent, doc = self.doc, pos;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			rootElm = rootElm || doc.body;
+			if (elm) {
+				// Use getBoundingClientRect if it exists since it's faster than looping offset nodes
+				if (rootElm === doc.body && elm.getBoundingClientRect) {
+					pos = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
+					rootElm = self.boxModel ? doc.documentElement : doc.body;
+					// Add scroll offsets from documentElement or body since IE with the wrong box model will use d.body and so do WebKit
+					// Also remove the body/documentelement clientTop/clientLeft on IE 6, 7 since they offset the position
+					x = pos.left + (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft) - rootElm.clientLeft;
+					y = pos.top + (doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop) - rootElm.clientTop;
+					return {x: x, y: y};
+				}
+				offsetParent = elm;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent != rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x += offsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += offsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				offsetParent = elm.parentNode;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent != rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x -= offsetParent.scrollLeft || 0;
+					y -= offsetParent.scrollTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
+				}
+			}
+			return {x: x, y: y};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also
+		 * merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non-hex
+		 * colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings.
+		 *
+		 * @method parseStyle
+		 * @param {String} cssText Style value to parse, for example: border:1px solid red;.
+		 * @return {Object} Object representation of that style, for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+		 */
+		parseStyle: function(cssText) {
+			return this.styles.parse(cssText);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified style object into a string.
+		 *
+		 * @method serializeStyle
+		 * @param {Object} styles Object to serialize as string, for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
+		 * @param {String} name Optional element name.
+		 * @return {String} String representation of the style object, for example: border: 1px solid red.
+		 */
+		serializeStyle: function(styles, name) {
+			return this.styles.serialize(styles, name);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a style element at the top of the document with the specified cssText content.
+		 *
+		 * @method addStyle
+		 * @param {String} cssText CSS Text style to add to top of head of document.
+		 */
+		addStyle: function(cssText) {
+			var self = this, doc = self.doc, head, styleElm;
+			// Prevent inline from loading the same styles twice
+			if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
+				var addedStyles = DOMUtils.DOM.addedStyles;
+				addedStyles = addedStyles || [];
+				if (addedStyles[cssText]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				addedStyles[cssText] = true;
+				DOMUtils.DOM.addedStyles = addedStyles;
+			}
+			// Create style element if needed
+			styleElm = doc.getElementById('mceDefaultStyles');
+			if (!styleElm) {
+				styleElm = doc.createElement('style');
+				styleElm.id = 'mceDefaultStyles';
+				styleElm.type = 'text/css';
+				head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+				if (head.firstChild) {
+					head.insertBefore(styleElm, head.firstChild);
+				} else {
+					head.appendChild(styleElm);
+				}
+			}
+			// Append style data to old or new style element
+			if (styleElm.styleSheet) {
+				styleElm.styleSheet.cssText += cssText;
+			} else {
+				styleElm.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(cssText));
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Imports/loads the specified CSS file into the document bound to the class.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadCSS
+		 * @param {String} u URL to CSS file to load.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Loads a CSS file dynamically into the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads a CSS file into the currently active editor instance
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads a CSS file into an editor instance by id
+		 * tinymce.get('someid').dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
+		 *
+		 * // Loads multiple CSS files into the current document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css,somepath/someother.css');
+		 */
+		loadCSS: function(url) {
+			var self = this, doc = self.doc, head;
+			// Prevent inline from loading the same CSS file twice
+			if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
+                DOMUtils.DOM.loadCSS(url);
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!url) {
+				url = '';
+			}
+			head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+			each(url.split(','), function(url) {
+				var link;
+				if (self.files[url]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				self.files[url] = true;
+				link = self.create('link', {rel: 'stylesheet', href: url});
+				// IE 8 has a bug where dynamically loading stylesheets would produce a 1 item remaining bug
+				// This fix seems to resolve that issue by recalcing the document once a stylesheet finishes loading
+				// It's ugly but it seems to work fine.
+				if (isIE && doc.documentMode && doc.recalc) {
+					link.onload = function() {
+						if (doc.recalc) {
+							doc.recalc();
+						}
+						link.onload = null;
+					};
+				}
+				head.appendChild(link);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a class to the specified element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs.
+		 * @param {String} cls Class name to add to each element.
+		 * @return {String/Array} String with new class value or array with new class values for all elements.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Adds a class to a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.addClass('mydiv', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		addClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			return this.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var clsVal;
+				if (!cls) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+				if (this.hasClass(elm, cls)) {
+					return elm.className;
+				}
+				clsVal = this.removeClass(elm, cls);
+				elm.className = clsVal = (clsVal !== '' ? (clsVal + ' ') : '') + cls;
+				return clsVal;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes a class from the specified element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs.
+		 * @param {String} cls Class name to remove from each element.
+		 * @return {String/Array} String of remaining class name(s), or an array of strings if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Removes a class from all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.removeClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass');
+		 *
+		 * // Removes a class from a specific element in the current page
+		 * tinymce.DOM.removeClass('mydiv', 'myclass');
+		 */
+		removeClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			var self = this, re;
+			return self.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				var val;
+				if (self.hasClass(elm, cls)) {
+					if (!re) {
+						re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + cls + "(\\s+|$)", "g");
+					}
+					val = elm.className.replace(re, ' ');
+					val = trim(val != ' ' ? val : '');
+					elm.className = val;
+					// Empty class attr
+					if (!val) {
+						elm.removeAttribute('class');
+						elm.removeAttribute('className');
+					}
+					return val;
+				}
+				return elm.className;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true if the specified element has the specified class.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String/Element} n HTML element or element id string to check CSS class on.
+		 * @param {String} c CSS class to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the specified element has the specified class.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(elm, cls) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm || !cls) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			return (' ' + elm.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') !== -1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified class on/off.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggleClass
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to toggle class on.
+		 * @param {[type]} cls Class to toggle on/off.
+		 * @param {[type]} state Optional state to set.
+		 */
+		toggleClass: function(elm, cls, state) {
+			state = state === undefined ? !this.hasClass(elm, cls) : state;
+			if (this.hasClass(elm, cls) !== state) {
+				if (state) {
+					this.addClass(elm, cls);
+				} else {
+					this.removeClass(elm, cls);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} elm ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to show.
+		 */
+		show: function(elm) {
+			return this.setStyle(elm, 'display', 'block');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} e ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to hide.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Hides an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.hide('myid');
+		 */
+		hide: function(elm) {
+			return this.setStyle(elm, 'display', 'none');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the element is hidden or not by checking the "display" style.
+		 *
+		 * @method isHidden
+		 * @param {String/Element} e Id or element to check display state on.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the element is hidden or not.
+		 */
+		isHidden: function(elm) {
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			return !elm || elm.style.display == 'none' || this.getStyle(elm, 'display') == 'none';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a unique id. This can be useful when generating elements on the fly.
+		 * This method will not check if the element already exists.
+		 *
+		 * @method uniqueId
+		 * @param {String} prefix Optional prefix to add in front of all ids - defaults to "mce_".
+		 * @return {String} Unique id.
+		 */
+		uniqueId: function(prefix) {
+			return (!prefix ? 'mce_' : prefix) + (this.counter++);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified HTML content inside the element or elements. The HTML will first be processed. This means
+		 * URLs will get converted, hex color values fixed etc. Check processHTML for details.
+		 *
+		 * @method setHTML
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set HTML inside of.
+		 * @param {String} h HTML content to set as inner HTML of the element.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the inner HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'some inner html');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the inner HTML of an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setHTML('mydiv', 'some inner html');
+		 */
+		setHTML: function(element, html) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(element, function(element) {
+				if (isIE) {
+					// Remove all child nodes, IE keeps empty text nodes in DOM
+					while (element.firstChild) {
+						element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+					}
+					try {
+						// IE will remove comments from the beginning
+						// unless you padd the contents with something
+						element.innerHTML = '<br />' + html;
+						element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE sometimes produces an unknown runtime error on innerHTML if it's a block element
+						// within a block element for example a div inside a p
+						// This seems to fix this problem
+						// Create new div with HTML contents and a BR in front to keep comments
+						var newElement = self.create('div');
+						newElement.innerHTML = '<br />' + html;
+						// Add all children from div to target
+						each(grep(newElement.childNodes), function(node, i) {
+							// Skip br element
+							if (i && element.canHaveHTML) {
+								element.appendChild(node);
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				} else {
+					element.innerHTML = html;
+				}
+				return html;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the outer HTML of an element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getOuterHTML
+		 * @param {String/Element} elm Element ID or element object to get outer HTML from.
+		 * @return {String} Outer HTML string.
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.DOM.getOuterHTML(editorElement);
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.getOuterHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.getBody());
+		 */
+		getOuterHTML: function(elm) {
+			var doc, self = this;
+			elm = self.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			if (elm.nodeType === 1 && self.hasOuterHTML) {
+				return elm.outerHTML;
+			}
+			doc = (elm.ownerDocument || self.doc).createElement("body");
+			doc.appendChild(elm.cloneNode(true));
+			return doc.innerHTML;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified outer HTML on an element or elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method setOuterHTML
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set outer HTML on.
+		 * @param {Object} html HTML code to set as outer value for the element.
+		 * @param {Document} doc Optional document scope to use in this process - defaults to the document of the DOM class.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the outer HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setOuterHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), '<div>some html</div>');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the outer HTML of an element by id in the document
+		 * tinymce.DOM.setOuterHTML('mydiv', '<div>some html</div>');
+		 */
+		setOuterHTML: function(elm, html, doc) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(elm, function(elm) {
+				function set() {
+					var node, tempElm;
+					tempElm = doc.createElement("body");
+					tempElm.innerHTML = html;
+					node = tempElm.lastChild;
+					while (node) {
+						self.insertAfter(node.cloneNode(true), elm);
+						node = node.previousSibling;
+					}
+					self.remove(elm);
+				}
+				// Only set HTML on elements
+				if (elm.nodeType == 1) {
+					doc = doc || elm.ownerDocument || self.doc;
+					if (isIE) {
+						try {
+							// Try outerHTML for IE it sometimes produces an unknown runtime error
+							if (elm.nodeType == 1 && self.hasOuterHTML) {
+								elm.outerHTML = html;
+							} else {
+								set();
+							}
+						} catch (ex) {
+							// Fix for unknown runtime error
+							set();
+						}
+					} else {
+						set();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Entity decodes a string. This method decodes any HTML entities, such as &aring;.
+		 *
+		 * @method decode
+		 * @param {String} s String to decode entities on.
+		 * @return {String} Entity decoded string.
+		 */
+		decode: Entities.decode,
+		/**
+		 * Entity encodes a string. This method encodes the most common entities, such as <>"&.
+		 *
+		 * @method encode
+		 * @param {String} text String to encode with entities.
+		 * @return {String} Entity encoded string.
+		 */
+		encode: Entities.encodeAllRaw,
+		/**
+		 * Inserts an element after the reference element.
+		 *
+		 * @method insertAfter
+		 * @param {Element} node Element to insert after the reference.
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} reference_node Reference element, element id or array of elements to insert after.
+		 * @return {Element/Array} Element that got added or an array with elements.
+		 */
+		insertAfter: function(node, reference_node) {
+			reference_node = this.get(reference_node);
+			return this.run(node, function(node) {
+				var parent, nextSibling;
+				parent = reference_node.parentNode;
+				nextSibling = reference_node.nextSibling;
+				if (nextSibling) {
+					parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling);
+				} else {
+					parent.appendChild(node);
+				}
+				return node;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the specified element or elements with the new element specified. The new element will
+		 * be cloned if multiple input elements are passed in.
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {Element} newElm New element to replace old ones with.
+		 * @param {Element/String/Array} oldELm Element DOM node, element id or array of elements or ids to replace.
+		 * @param {Boolean} k Optional keep children state, if set to true child nodes from the old object will be added to new ones.
+		 */
+		replace: function(newElm, oldElm, keepChildren) {
+			var self = this;
+			return self.run(oldElm, function(oldElm) {
+				if (is(oldElm, 'array')) {
+					newElm = newElm.cloneNode(true);
+				}
+				if (keepChildren) {
+					each(grep(oldElm.childNodes), function(node) {
+						newElm.appendChild(node);
+					});
+				}
+				return oldElm.parentNode.replaceChild(newElm, oldElm);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renames the specified element and keeps its attributes and children.
+		 *
+		 * @method rename
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to rename.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the new element.
+		 * @return {Element} New element or the old element if it needed renaming.
+		 */
+		rename: function(elm, name) {
+			var self = this, newElm;
+			if (elm.nodeName != name.toUpperCase()) {
+				// Rename block element
+				newElm = self.create(name);
+				// Copy attribs to new block
+				each(self.getAttribs(elm), function(attr_node) {
+					self.setAttrib(newElm, attr_node.nodeName, self.getAttrib(elm, attr_node.nodeName));
+				});
+				// Replace block
+				self.replace(newElm, elm, 1);
+			}
+			return newElm || elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find the common ancestor of two elements. This is a shorter method than using the DOM Range logic.
+		 *
+		 * @method findCommonAncestor
+		 * @param {Element} a Element to find common ancestor of.
+		 * @param {Element} b Element to find common ancestor of.
+		 * @return {Element} Common ancestor element of the two input elements.
+		 */
+		findCommonAncestor: function(a, b) {
+			var ps = a, pe;
+			while (ps) {
+				pe = b;
+				while (pe && ps != pe) {
+					pe = pe.parentNode;
+				}
+				if (ps == pe) {
+					break;
+				}
+				ps = ps.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!ps && a.ownerDocument) {
+				return a.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+			}
+			return ps;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color.
+		 *
+		 * @method toHex
+		 * @param {String} rgbVal RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3)
+		 * @return {String} Hex version of that RGB value like #FF00FF.
+		 */
+		toHex: function(rgbVal) {
+			return this.styles.toHex(Tools.trim(rgbVal));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified function on the element by id or dom element node or array of elements/id.
+		 *
+		 * @method run
+		 * @param {String/Element/Array} Element ID or DOM element object or array with ids or elements.
+		 * @param {function} f Function to execute for each item.
+		 * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Object/Array} Single object, or an array of objects if multiple input elements were passed in.
+		 */
+		run: function(elm, func, scope) {
+			var self = this, result;
+			if (typeof(elm) === 'string') {
+				elm = self.get(elm);
+			}
+			if (!elm) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			scope = scope || this;
+			if (!elm.nodeType && (elm.length || elm.length === 0)) {
+				result = [];
+				each(elm, function(elm, i) {
+					if (elm) {
+						if (typeof(elm) == 'string') {
+							elm = self.get(elm);
+						}
+						result.push(func.call(scope, elm, i));
+					}
+				});
+				return result;
+			}
+			return func.call(scope, elm);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a NodeList with attributes for the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAttribs
+		 * @param {HTMLElement/string} elm Element node or string id to get attributes from.
+		 * @return {NodeList} NodeList with attributes.
+		 */
+		getAttribs: function(elm) {
+			var attrs;
+			elm = this.get(elm);
+			if (!elm) {
+				return [];
+			}
+			if (isIE) {
+				attrs = [];
+				// Object will throw exception in IE
+				if (elm.nodeName == 'OBJECT') {
+					return elm.attributes;
+				}
+				// IE doesn't keep the selected attribute if you clone option elements
+				if (elm.nodeName === 'OPTION' && this.getAttrib(elm, 'selected')) {
+					attrs.push({specified: 1, nodeName: 'selected'});
+				}
+				// It's crazy that this is faster in IE but it's because it returns all attributes all the time
+				var attrRegExp = /<\/?[\w:\-]+ ?|=[\"][^\"]+\"|=\'[^\']+\'|=[\w\-]+|>/gi;
+				elm.cloneNode(false).outerHTML.replace(attrRegExp, '').replace(/[\w:\-]+/gi, function(a) {
+					attrs.push({specified: 1, nodeName: a});
+				});
+				return attrs;
+			}
+			return elm.attributes;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified node is to be considered empty or not.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.DOM.isEmpty(node, {img: true});
+		 * @method isEmpty
+		 * @param {Object} elements Optional name/value object with elements that are automatically treated as non-empty elements.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is empty or not.
+		 */
+		isEmpty: function(node, elements) {
+			var self = this, i, attributes, type, walker, name, brCount = 0;
+			node = node.firstChild;
+			if (node) {
+				walker = new TreeWalker(node, node.parentNode);
+				elements = elements || self.schema ? self.schema.getNonEmptyElements() : null;
+				do {
+					type = node.nodeType;
+					if (type === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						// Keep empty elements like <img />
+						name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						if (elements && elements[name]) {
+							// Ignore single BR elements in blocks like <p><br /></p> or <p><span><br /></span></p>
+							if (name === 'br') {
+								brCount++;
+								continue;
+							}
+							return false;
+						}
+						// Keep elements with data-bookmark attributes or name attribute like <a name="1"></a>
+						attributes = self.getAttribs(node);
+						i = node.attributes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							name = node.attributes[i].nodeName;
+							if (name === "name" || name === 'data-mce-bookmark') {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Keep comment nodes
+					if (type == 8) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if ((type === 3 && !whiteSpaceRegExp.test(node.nodeValue))) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				} while ((node = walker.next()));
+			}
+			return brCount <= 1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new DOM Range object. This will use the native DOM Range API if it's
+		 * available. If it's not, it will fall back to the custom TinyMCE implementation.
+		 *
+		 * @method createRng
+		 * @return {DOMRange} DOM Range object.
+		 * @example
+		 * var rng = tinymce.DOM.createRng();
+		 * alert(rng.startContainer + "," + rng.startOffset);
+		 */
+		createRng: function() {
+			var doc = this.doc;
+			return doc.createRange ? doc.createRange() : new Range(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the index of the specified node within its parent.
+		 *
+		 * @method nodeIndex
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to look for.
+		 * @param {boolean} normalized Optional true/false state if the index is what it would be after a normalization.
+		 * @return {Number} Index of the specified node.
+		 */
+		nodeIndex: function(node, normalized) {
+			var idx = 0, lastNodeType, nodeType;
+			if (node) {
+				for (lastNodeType = node.nodeType, node = node.previousSibling; node; node = node.previousSibling) {
+					nodeType = node.nodeType;
+					// Normalize text nodes
+					if (normalized && nodeType == 3) {
+						if (nodeType == lastNodeType || !node.nodeValue.length) {
+							continue;
+						}
+					}
+					idx++;
+					lastNodeType = nodeType;
+				}
+			}
+			return idx;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Splits an element into two new elements and places the specified split
+		 * element or elements between the new ones. For example splitting the paragraph at the bold element in
+		 * this example <p>abc<b>abc</b>123</p> would produce <p>abc</p><b>abc</b><p>123</p>.
+		 *
+		 * @method split
+		 * @param {Element} parentElm Parent element to split.
+		 * @param {Element} splitElm Element to split at.
+		 * @param {Element} replacementElm Optional replacement element to replace the split element with.
+		 * @return {Element} Returns the split element or the replacement element if that is specified.
+		 */
+		split: function(parentElm, splitElm, replacementElm) {
+			var self = this, r = self.createRng(), bef, aft, pa;
+			// W3C valid browsers tend to leave empty nodes to the left/right side of the contents - this makes sense
+			// but we don't want that in our code since it serves no purpose for the end user
+			// For example splitting this html at the bold element:
+			//   <p>text 1<span><b>CHOP</b></span>text 2</p>
+			// would produce:
+			//   <p>text 1<span></span></p><b>CHOP</b><p><span></span>text 2</p>
+			// this function will then trim off empty edges and produce:
+			//   <p>text 1</p><b>CHOP</b><p>text 2</p>
+			function trimNode(node) {
+				var i, children = node.childNodes, type = node.nodeType;
+				function surroundedBySpans(node) {
+					var previousIsSpan = node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName == 'SPAN';
+					var nextIsSpan = node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'SPAN';
+					return previousIsSpan && nextIsSpan;
+				}
+				if (type == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') {
+					return;
+				}
+				for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					trimNode(children[i]);
+				}
+				if (type != 9) {
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if (type == 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+						// If parent element isn't a block or there isn't any useful contents for example "<p>   </p>"
+						// Also keep text nodes with only spaces if surrounded by spans.
+						// eg. "<p><span>a</span> <span>b</span></p>" should keep space between a and b
+						var trimmedLength = trim(node.nodeValue).length;
+						if (!self.isBlock(node.parentNode) || trimmedLength > 0 || trimmedLength === 0 && surroundedBySpans(node)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} else if (type == 1) {
+						// If the only child is a bookmark then move it up
+						children = node.childNodes;
+						// TODO fix this complex if
+						if (children.length == 1 && children[0] && children[0].nodeType == 1 &&
+							children[0].getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') {
+							node.parentNode.insertBefore(children[0], node);
+						}
+						// Keep non empty elements or img, hr etc
+						if (children.length || /^(br|hr|input|img)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					self.remove(node);
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			if (parentElm && splitElm) {
+				// Get before chunk
+				r.setStart(parentElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(parentElm));
+				r.setEnd(splitElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(splitElm));
+				bef = r.extractContents();
+				// Get after chunk
+				r = self.createRng();
+				r.setStart(splitElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(splitElm) + 1);
+				r.setEnd(parentElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(parentElm) + 1);
+				aft = r.extractContents();
+				// Insert before chunk
+				pa = parentElm.parentNode;
+				pa.insertBefore(trimNode(bef), parentElm);
+				// Insert middle chunk
+				if (replacementElm) {
+					pa.replaceChild(replacementElm, splitElm);
+				} else {
+					pa.insertBefore(splitElm, parentElm);
+				}
+				// Insert after chunk
+				pa.insertBefore(trimNode(aft), parentElm);
+				self.remove(parentElm);
+				return replacementElm || splitElm;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds an event handler to the specified object.
+		 *
+		 * @method bind
+		 * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array} target Target element to bind events to.
+		 * handler to or an array of elements/ids/documents.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of event handler to add, for example: click.
+		 * @param {function} func Function to execute when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {function} Function callback handler the same as the one passed in.
+		 */
+		bind: function(target, name, func, scope) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (Tools.isArray(target)) {
+				var i = target.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target[i] = self.bind(target[i], name, func, scope);
+				}
+				return target;
+			}
+			// Collect all window/document events bound by editor instance
+			if (self.settings.collect && (target === self.doc || target === self.win)) {
+				self.boundEvents.push([target, name, func, scope]);
+			}
+			return self.events.bind(target, name, func, scope || self);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified event handler by name and function from an element or collection of elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method unbind
+		 * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array} target Target element to unbind events on.
+		 * @param {String} name Event handler name, for example: "click"
+		 * @param {function} func Function to remove.
+		 * @return {bool/Array} Bool state of true if the handler was removed, or an array of states if multiple input elements
+		 * were passed in.
+		 */
+		unbind: function(target, name, func) {
+			var self = this, i;
+			if (Tools.isArray(target)) {
+				i = target.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					target[i] = self.unbind(target[i], name, func);
+				}
+				return target;
+			}
+			// Remove any bound events matching the input
+			if (self.boundEvents && (target === self.doc || target === self.win)) {
+				i = self.boundEvents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					var item = self.boundEvents[i];
+					if (target == item[0] && (!name || name == item[1]) && (!func || func == item[2])) {
+						this.events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return this.events.unbind(target, name, func);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event name with object on target.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {Node/Document/Window} target Target element or object to fire event on.
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} evt Event object to send.
+		 * @return {Event} Event object.
+		 */
+		fire: function(target, name, evt) {
+			return this.events.fire(target, name, evt);
+		},
+		// Returns the content editable state of a node
+		getContentEditable: function(node) {
+			var contentEditable;
+			// Check type
+			if (node.nodeType != 1) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			// Check for fake content editable
+			contentEditable = node.getAttribute("data-mce-contenteditable");
+			if (contentEditable && contentEditable !== "inherit") {
+				return contentEditable;
+			}
+			// Check for real content editable
+			return node.contentEditable !== "inherit" ? node.contentEditable : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Destroys all internal references to the DOM to solve IE leak issues.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 */
+		destroy: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			// Unbind all events bound to window/document by editor instance
+			if (self.boundEvents) {
+				var i = self.boundEvents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					var item = self.boundEvents[i];
+					this.events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
+				}
+				self.boundEvents = null;
+			}
+			// Restore sizzle document to window.document
+			// Since the current document might be removed producing "Permission denied" on IE see #6325
+			if (Sizzle.setDocument) {
+				Sizzle.setDocument();
+			}
+			self.win = self.doc = self.root = self.events = self.frag = null;
+		},
+		// #ifdef debug
+		dumpRng: function(r) {
+			return (
+				'startContainer: ' + r.startContainer.nodeName +
+				', startOffset: ' + r.startOffset +
+				', endContainer: ' + r.endContainer.nodeName +
+				', endOffset: ' + r.endOffset
+			);
+		},
+		// #endif
+		_findSib: function(node, selector, name) {
+			var self = this, func = selector;
+			if (node) {
+				// If expression make a function of it using is
+				if (typeof(func) == 'string') {
+					func = function(node) {
+						return self.is(node, selector);
+					};
+				}
+				// Loop all siblings
+				for (node = node[name]; node; node = node[name]) {
+					if (func(node)) {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Instance of DOMUtils for the current document.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @property DOM
+	 * @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+	 * @example
+	 * // Example of how to add a class to some element by id
+	 * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
+	 */
+	DOMUtils.DOM = new DOMUtils(document);
+	return DOMUtils;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/ScriptLoader.js
+ * ScriptLoader.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*globals console*/
+ * This class handles asynchronous/synchronous loading of JavaScript files it will execute callbacks
+ * when various items gets loaded. This class is useful to load external JavaScript files.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader
+ * @example
+ * // Load a script from a specific URL using the global script loader
+ * tinymce.ScriptLoader.load('somescript.js');
+ *
+ * // Load a script using a unique instance of the script loader
+ * var scriptLoader = new tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader();
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.load('somescript.js');
+ *
+ * // Load multiple scripts
+ * var scriptLoader = new tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader();
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript1.js');
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript2.js');
+ * scriptLoader.add('somescript3.js');
+ *
+ * scriptLoader.loadQueue(function() {
+ *    alert('All scripts are now loaded.');
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(DOMUtils, Tools) {
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	var each = Tools.each, grep = Tools.grep;
+	function ScriptLoader() {
+		var QUEUED = 0,
+			LOADING = 1,
+			LOADED = 2,
+			states = {},
+			queue = [],
+			scriptLoadedCallbacks = {},
+			queueLoadedCallbacks = [],
+			loading = 0,
+			undef;
+		/**
+		 * Loads a specific script directly without adding it to the load queue.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} url Absolute URL to script to add.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to execute ones this script gets loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		function loadScript(url, callback) {
+			var dom = DOM, elm, id;
+			// Execute callback when script is loaded
+			function done() {
+				dom.remove(id);
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.onreadystatechange = elm.onload = elm = null;
+				}
+				callback();
+			}
+			function error() {
+				/*eslint no-console:0 */
+				// Report the error so it's easier for people to spot loading errors
+				if (typeof(console) !== "undefined" && console.log) {
+					console.log("Failed to load: " + url);
+				}
+				// We can't mark it as done if there is a load error since
+				// A) We don't want to produce 404 errors on the server and
+				// B) the onerror event won't fire on all browsers.
+				// done();
+			}
+			id = dom.uniqueId();
+			// Create new script element
+			elm = document.createElement('script');
+			elm.id = id;
+			elm.type = 'text/javascript';
+			elm.src = url;
+			// Seems that onreadystatechange works better on IE 10 onload seems to fire incorrectly
+			if ("onreadystatechange" in elm) {
+				elm.onreadystatechange = function() {
+					if (/loaded|complete/.test(elm.readyState)) {
+						done();
+					}
+				};
+			} else {
+				elm.onload = done;
+			}
+			// Add onerror event will get fired on some browsers but not all of them
+			elm.onerror = error;
+			// Add script to document
+			(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body).appendChild(elm);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if a script has been loaded or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isDone
+		 * @param {String} url URL to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the URL is loaded.
+		 */
+		this.isDone = function(url) {
+			return states[url] == LOADED;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Marks a specific script to be loaded. This can be useful if a script got loaded outside
+		 * the script loader or to skip it from loading some script.
+		 *
+		 * @method markDone
+		 * @param {string} u Absolute URL to the script to mark as loaded.
+		 */
+		this.markDone = function(url) {
+			states[url] = LOADED;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a specific script to the load queue of the script loader.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} url Absolute URL to script to add.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to execute ones this script gets loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		this.add = this.load = function(url, callback, scope) {
+			var state = states[url];
+			// Add url to load queue
+			if (state == undef) {
+				queue.push(url);
+				states[url] = QUEUED;
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				// Store away callback for later execution
+				if (!scriptLoadedCallbacks[url]) {
+					scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = [];
+				}
+				scriptLoadedCallbacks[url].push({
+					func: callback,
+					scope: scope || this
+				});
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Starts the loading of the queue.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadQueue
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute when all queued items are loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 */
+		this.loadQueue = function(callback, scope) {
+			this.loadScripts(queue, callback, scope);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Loads the specified queue of files and executes the callback ones they are loaded.
+		 * This method is generally not used outside this class but it might be useful in some scenarios.
+		 *
+		 * @method loadScripts
+		 * @param {Array} scripts Array of queue items to load.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute ones all items are loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute callback in.
+		 */
+		this.loadScripts = function(scripts, callback, scope) {
+			var loadScripts;
+			function execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url) {
+				// Execute URL callback functions
+				each(scriptLoadedCallbacks[url], function(callback) {
+					callback.func.call(callback.scope);
+				});
+				scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = undef;
+			}
+			queueLoadedCallbacks.push({
+				func: callback,
+				scope: scope || this
+			});
+			loadScripts = function() {
+				var loadingScripts = grep(scripts);
+				// Current scripts has been handled
+				scripts.length = 0;
+				// Load scripts that needs to be loaded
+				each(loadingScripts, function(url) {
+					// Script is already loaded then execute script callbacks directly
+					if (states[url] == LOADED) {
+						execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url);
+						return;
+					}
+					// Is script not loading then start loading it
+					if (states[url] != LOADING) {
+						states[url] = LOADING;
+						loading++;
+						loadScript(url, function() {
+							states[url] = LOADED;
+							loading--;
+							execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url);
+							// Load more scripts if they where added by the recently loaded script
+							loadScripts();
+						});
+					}
+				});
+				// No scripts are currently loading then execute all pending queue loaded callbacks
+				if (!loading) {
+					each(queueLoadedCallbacks, function(callback) {
+						callback.func.call(callback.scope);
+					});
+					queueLoadedCallbacks.length = 0;
+				}
+			};
+			loadScripts();
+		};
+	}
+	ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader = new ScriptLoader();
+	return ScriptLoader;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/AddOnManager.js
+ * AddOnManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the loading of themes/plugins or other add-ons and their language packs.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.AddOnManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/AddOnManager", [
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(ScriptLoader, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function AddOnManager() {
+		var self = this;
+		self.items = [];
+		self.urls = {};
+		self.lookup = {};
+	}
+	AddOnManager.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Returns the specified add on by the short name.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String} name Add-on to look for.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} Theme or plugin add-on instance or undefined.
+		 */
+		get: function(name) {
+			if (this.lookup[name]) {
+				return this.lookup[name].instance;
+			} else {
+				return undefined;
+			}
+		},
+		dependencies: function(name) {
+			var result;
+			if (this.lookup[name]) {
+				result = this.lookup[name].dependencies;
+			}
+			return result || [];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads a language pack for the specified add-on.
+		 *
+		 * @method requireLangPack
+		 * @param {String} name Short name of the add-on.
+		 * @param {String} languages Optional comma or space separated list of languages to check if it matches the name.
+		 */
+		requireLangPack: function(name, languages) {
+			if (AddOnManager.language && AddOnManager.languageLoad !== false) {
+				if (languages && new RegExp('([, ]|\\b)' + AddOnManager.language + '([, ]|\\b)').test(languages) === false) {
+					return;
+				}
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(this.urls[name] + '/langs/' + AddOnManager.language + '.js');
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a instance of the add-on by it's short name.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} id Short name/id for the add-on.
+		 * @param {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} addOn Theme or plugin to add.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} The same theme or plugin instance that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Create a simple plugin
+		 * tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin', {
+		 *   TestPlugin: function(ed, url) {
+		 *   ed.on('click', function(e) {
+		 *      ed.windowManager.alert('Hello World!');
+		 *   });
+		 *   }
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Register plugin using the add method
+		 * tinymce.PluginManager.add('test', tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin);
+		 *
+		 * // Initialize TinyMCE
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *  ...
+		 *  plugins: '-test' // Init the plugin but don't try to load it
+		 * });
+		 */
+		add: function(id, addOn, dependencies) {
+			this.items.push(addOn);
+			this.lookup[id] = {instance: addOn, dependencies: dependencies};
+			return addOn;
+		},
+		createUrl: function(baseUrl, dep) {
+			if (typeof dep === "object") {
+				return dep;
+			} else {
+				return {prefix: baseUrl.prefix, resource: dep, suffix: baseUrl.suffix};
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Add a set of components that will make up the add-on. Using the url of the add-on name as the base url.
+		 * This should be used in development mode.  A new compressor/javascript munger process will ensure that the
+		 * components are put together into the plugin.js file and compressed correctly.
+		 *
+		 * @method addComponents
+		 * @param {String} pluginName name of the plugin to load scripts from (will be used to get the base url for the plugins).
+		 * @param {Array} scripts Array containing the names of the scripts to load.
+		 */
+		addComponents: function(pluginName, scripts) {
+			var pluginUrl = this.urls[pluginName];
+			each(scripts, function(script) {
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(pluginUrl + "/" + script);
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads an add-on from a specific url.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {String} name Short name of the add-on that gets loaded.
+		 * @param {String} addOnUrl URL to the add-on that will get loaded.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute ones the add-on is loaded.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Loads a plugin from an external URL
+		 * tinymce.PluginManager.load('myplugin', '/some/dir/someplugin/plugin.js');
+		 *
+		 * // Initialize TinyMCE
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *  ...
+		 *  plugins: '-myplugin' // Don't try to load it again
+		 * });
+		 */
+		load: function(name, addOnUrl, callback, scope) {
+			var self = this, url = addOnUrl;
+			function loadDependencies() {
+				var dependencies = self.dependencies(name);
+				each(dependencies, function(dep) {
+					var newUrl = self.createUrl(addOnUrl, dep);
+					self.load(newUrl.resource, newUrl, undefined, undefined);
+				});
+				if (callback) {
+					if (scope) {
+						callback.call(scope);
+					} else {
+						callback.call(ScriptLoader);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (self.urls[name]) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (typeof addOnUrl === "object") {
+				url = addOnUrl.prefix + addOnUrl.resource + addOnUrl.suffix;
+			}
+			if (url.indexOf('/') !== 0 && url.indexOf('://') == -1) {
+				url = AddOnManager.baseURL + '/' + url;
+			}
+			self.urls[name] = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'));
+			if (self.lookup[name]) {
+				loadDependencies();
+			} else {
+				ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(url, loadDependencies, scope);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	AddOnManager.PluginManager = new AddOnManager();
+	AddOnManager.ThemeManager = new AddOnManager();
+	return AddOnManager;
+ * TinyMCE theme class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Theme
+ */
+ * This method is responsible for rendering/generating the overall user interface with toolbars, buttons, iframe containers etc.
+ *
+ * @method renderUI
+ * @param {Object} obj Object parameter containing the targetNode DOM node that will be replaced visually with an editor instance.
+ * @return {Object} an object with items like iframeContainer, editorContainer, sizeContainer, deltaWidth, deltaHeight.
+ */
+ * Plugin base class, this is a pseudo class that describes how a plugin is to be created for TinyMCE. The methods below are all optional.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Plugin
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.PluginManager.add('example', function(editor, url) {
+ *     // Add a button that opens a window
+ *     editor.addButton('example', {
+ *         text: 'My button',
+ *         icon: false,
+ *         onclick: function() {
+ *             // Open window
+ *             editor.windowManager.open({
+ *                 title: 'Example plugin',
+ *                 body: [
+ *                     {type: 'textbox', name: 'title', label: 'Title'}
+ *                 ],
+ *                 onsubmit: function(e) {
+ *                     // Insert content when the window form is submitted
+ *                     editor.insertContent('Title: ' + e.data.title);
+ *                 }
+ *             });
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ *     // Adds a menu item to the tools menu
+ *     editor.addMenuItem('example', {
+ *         text: 'Example plugin',
+ *         context: 'tools',
+ *         onclick: function() {
+ *             // Open window with a specific url
+ *             editor.windowManager.open({
+ *                 title: 'TinyMCE site',
+ *                 url: 'http://www.tinymce.com',
+ *                 width: 800,
+ *                 height: 600,
+ *                 buttons: [{
+ *                     text: 'Close',
+ *                     onclick: 'close'
+ *                 }]
+ *             });
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ * });
+ */
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Node.js
+ * Node.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is a minimalistic implementation of a DOM like node used by the DomParser class.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var node = new tinymce.html.Node('strong', 1);
+ * someRoot.append(node);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Node
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Node", [], function() {
+	var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/, typeLookup = {
+		'#text': 3,
+		'#comment': 8,
+		'#cdata': 4,
+		'#pi': 7,
+		'#doctype': 10,
+		'#document-fragment': 11
+	};
+	// Walks the tree left/right
+	function walk(node, root_node, prev) {
+		var sibling, parent, startName = prev ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild', siblingName = prev ? 'prev' : 'next';
+		// Walk into nodes if it has a start
+		if (node[startName]) {
+			return node[startName];
+		}
+		// Return the sibling if it has one
+		if (node !== root_node) {
+			sibling = node[siblingName];
+			if (sibling) {
+				return sibling;
+			}
+			// Walk up the parents to look for siblings
+			for (parent = node.parent; parent && parent !== root_node; parent = parent.parent) {
+				sibling = parent[siblingName];
+				if (sibling) {
+					return sibling;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Node instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Node
+	 * @param {String} name Name of the node type.
+	 * @param {Number} type Numeric type representing the node.
+	 */
+	function Node(name, type) {
+		this.name = name;
+		this.type = type;
+		if (type === 1) {
+			this.attributes = [];
+			this.attributes.map = {};
+		}
+	}
+	Node.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the current node with the specified one.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * someNode.replace(someNewNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to replace the current node with.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The old node that got replaced.
+		 */
+		replace: function(node) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			self.insert(node, self);
+			self.remove();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets/sets or removes an attribute by name.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * someNode.attr("name", "value"); // Sets an attribute
+		 * console.log(someNode.attr("name")); // Gets an attribute
+		 * someNode.attr("name", null); // Removes an attribute
+		 *
+		 * @method attr
+		 * @param {String} name Attribute name to set or get.
+		 * @param {String} value Optional value to set.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.html.Node} String or undefined on a get operation or the current node on a set operation.
+		 */
+		attr: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, attrs, i, undef;
+			if (typeof name !== "string") {
+				for (i in name) {
+					self.attr(i, name[i]);
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if ((attrs = self.attributes)) {
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					// Remove attribute
+					if (value === null) {
+						if (name in attrs.map) {
+							delete attrs.map[name];
+							i = attrs.length;
+							while (i--) {
+								if (attrs[i].name === name) {
+									attrs = attrs.splice(i, 1);
+									return self;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return self;
+					}
+					// Set attribute
+					if (name in attrs.map) {
+						// Set attribute
+						i = attrs.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (attrs[i].name === name) {
+								attrs[i].value = value;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						attrs.push({name: name, value: value});
+					}
+					attrs.map[name] = value;
+					return self;
+				} else {
+					return attrs.map[name];
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Does a shallow clones the node into a new node. It will also exclude id attributes since
+		 * there should only be one id per document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var clonedNode = node.clone();
+		 *
+		 * @method clone
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} New copy of the original node.
+		 */
+		clone: function() {
+			var self = this, clone = new Node(self.name, self.type), i, l, selfAttrs, selfAttr, cloneAttrs;
+			// Clone element attributes
+			if ((selfAttrs = self.attributes)) {
+				cloneAttrs = [];
+				cloneAttrs.map = {};
+				for (i = 0, l = selfAttrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+					selfAttr = selfAttrs[i];
+					// Clone everything except id
+					if (selfAttr.name !== 'id') {
+						cloneAttrs[cloneAttrs.length] = {name: selfAttr.name, value: selfAttr.value};
+						cloneAttrs.map[selfAttr.name] = selfAttr.value;
+					}
+				}
+				clone.attributes = cloneAttrs;
+			}
+			clone.value = self.value;
+			clone.shortEnded = self.shortEnded;
+			return clone;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Wraps the node in in another node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.wrap(wrapperNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method wrap
+		 */
+		wrap: function(wrapper) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.parent.insert(wrapper, self);
+			wrapper.append(self);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unwraps the node in other words it removes the node but keeps the children.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.unwrap();
+		 *
+		 * @method unwrap
+		 */
+		unwrap: function() {
+			var self = this, node, next;
+			for (node = self.firstChild; node; ) {
+				next = node.next;
+				self.insert(node, self, true);
+				node = next;
+			}
+			self.remove();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the node from it's parent.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.remove();
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Current node that got removed.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent, next = self.next, prev = self.prev;
+			if (parent) {
+				if (parent.firstChild === self) {
+					parent.firstChild = next;
+					if (next) {
+						next.prev = null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					prev.next = next;
+				}
+				if (parent.lastChild === self) {
+					parent.lastChild = prev;
+					if (prev) {
+						prev.next = null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					next.prev = prev;
+				}
+				self.parent = self.next = self.prev = null;
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Appends a new node as a child of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.append(someNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method append
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to append as a child of the current one.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The node that got appended.
+		 */
+		append: function(node) {
+			var self = this, last;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			last = self.lastChild;
+			if (last) {
+				last.next = node;
+				node.prev = last;
+				self.lastChild = node;
+			} else {
+				self.lastChild = self.firstChild = node;
+			}
+			node.parent = self;
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts a node at a specific position as a child of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parentNode.insert(newChildNode, oldChildNode);
+		 *
+		 * @method insert
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node to insert as a child of the current node.
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} ref_node Reference node to set node before/after.
+		 * @param {Boolean} before Optional state to insert the node before the reference node.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The node that got inserted.
+		 */
+		insert: function(node, ref_node, before) {
+			var parent;
+			if (node.parent) {
+				node.remove();
+			}
+			parent = ref_node.parent || this;
+			if (before) {
+				if (ref_node === parent.firstChild) {
+					parent.firstChild = node;
+				} else {
+					ref_node.prev.next = node;
+				}
+				node.prev = ref_node.prev;
+				node.next = ref_node;
+				ref_node.prev = node;
+			} else {
+				if (ref_node === parent.lastChild) {
+					parent.lastChild = node;
+				} else {
+					ref_node.next.prev = node;
+				}
+				node.next = ref_node.next;
+				node.prev = ref_node;
+				ref_node.next = node;
+			}
+			node.parent = parent;
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Get all children by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getAll
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the child nodes to collect.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with child nodes matchin the specified name.
+		 */
+		getAll: function(name) {
+			var self = this, node, collection = [];
+			for (node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk(node, self)) {
+				if (node.name === name) {
+					collection.push(node);
+				}
+			}
+			return collection;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all children of the current node.
+		 *
+		 * @method empty
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The current node that got cleared.
+		 */
+		empty: function() {
+			var self = this, nodes, i, node;
+			// Remove all children
+			if (self.firstChild) {
+				nodes = [];
+				// Collect the children
+				for (node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk(node, self)) {
+					nodes.push(node);
+				}
+				// Remove the children
+				i = nodes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.parent = node.firstChild = node.lastChild = node.next = node.prev = null;
+				}
+			}
+			self.firstChild = self.lastChild = null;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the node is to be considered empty or not.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * node.isEmpty({img: true});
+		 * @method isEmpty
+		 * @param {Object} elements Name/value object with elements that are automatically treated as non empty elements.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is empty or not.
+		 */
+		isEmpty: function(elements) {
+			var self = this, node = self.firstChild, i, name;
+			if (node) {
+				do {
+					if (node.type === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (node.attributes.map['data-mce-bogus']) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						// Keep empty elements like <img />
+						if (elements[node.name]) {
+							return false;
+						}
+						// Keep elements with data attributes or name attribute like <a name="1"></a>
+						i = node.attributes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							name = node.attributes[i].name;
+							if (name === "name" || name.indexOf('data-mce-') === 0) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Keep comments
+					if (node.type === 8) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
+					if ((node.type === 3 && !whiteSpaceRegExp.test(node.value))) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				} while ((node = walk(node, self)));
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Walks to the next or previous node and returns that node or null if it wasn't found.
+		 *
+		 * @method walk
+		 * @param {Boolean} prev Optional previous node state defaults to false.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Node that is next to or previous of the current node.
+		 */
+		walk: function(prev) {
+			return walk(this, null, prev);
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Creates a node of a specific type.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method create
+	 * @param {String} name Name of the node type to create for example "b" or "#text".
+	 * @param {Object} attrs Name/value collection of attributes that will be applied to elements.
+	 */
+	Node.create = function(name, attrs) {
+		var node, attrName;
+		// Create node
+		node = new Node(name, typeLookup[name] || 1);
+		// Add attributes if needed
+		if (attrs) {
+			for (attrName in attrs) {
+				node.attr(attrName, attrs[attrName]);
+			}
+		}
+		return node;
+	};
+	return Node;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Schema.js
+ * Schema.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Schema validator class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Schema
+ * @example
+ *  if (tinymce.activeEditor.schema.isValidChild('p', 'span'))
+ *    alert('span is valid child of p.');
+ *
+ *  if (tinymce.activeEditor.schema.getElementRule('p'))
+ *    alert('P is a valid element.');
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Schema
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Schema", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var mapCache = {};
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap, each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend, explode = Tools.explode, inArray = Tools.inArray;
+	function split(items, delim) {
+		return items ? items.split(delim || ' ') : [];
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Builds a schema lookup table
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} type html4, html5 or html5-strict schema type.
+	 * @return {Object} Schema lookup table.
+	 */
+	function compileSchema(type) {
+		var schema = {}, globalAttributes, blockContent;
+		var phrasingContent, flowContent, html4BlockContent, html4PhrasingContent;
+		function add(name, attributes, children) {
+			var ni, i, attributesOrder, args = arguments;
+			function arrayToMap(array) {
+				var map = {}, i, l;
+				for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
+					map[array[i]] = {};
+				}
+				return map;
+			}
+			children = children || [];
+			attributes = attributes || "";
+			if (typeof(children) === "string") {
+				children = split(children);
+			}
+			// Split string children
+			for (i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
+				if (typeof(args[i]) === "string") {
+					args[i] = split(args[i]);
+				}
+				children.push.apply(children, args[i]);
+			}
+			name = split(name);
+			ni = name.length;
+			while (ni--) {
+				attributesOrder = [].concat(globalAttributes, split(attributes));
+				schema[name[ni]] = {
+					attributes: arrayToMap(attributesOrder),
+					attributesOrder: attributesOrder,
+					children: arrayToMap(children)
+				};
+			}
+		}
+		function addAttrs(name, attributes) {
+			var ni, schemaItem, i, l;
+			name = split(name);
+			ni = name.length;
+			attributes = split(attributes);
+			while (ni--) {
+				schemaItem = schema[name[ni]];
+				for (i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++) {
+					schemaItem.attributes[attributes[i]] = {};
+					schemaItem.attributesOrder.push(attributes[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Use cached schema
+		if (mapCache[type]) {
+			return mapCache[type];
+		}
+		// Attributes present on all elements
+		globalAttributes = split("id accesskey class dir lang style tabindex title");
+		// Event attributes can be opt-in/opt-out
+		/*eventAttributes = split("onabort onblur oncancel oncanplay oncanplaythrough onchange onclick onclose oncontextmenu oncuechange " +
+				"ondblclick ondrag ondragend ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop ondurationchange onemptied onended " +
+				"onerror onfocus oninput oninvalid onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata onloadedmetadata onloadstart " +
+				"onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onmousewheel onpause onplay onplaying onprogress onratechange " +
+				"onreset onscroll onseeked onseeking onseeking onselect onshow onstalled onsubmit onsuspend ontimeupdate onvolumechange " +
+				"onwaiting"
+		);*/
+		// Block content elements
+		blockContent = split(
+			"address blockquote div dl fieldset form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr menu ol p pre table ul"
+		);
+		// Phrasing content elements from the HTML5 spec (inline)
+		phrasingContent = split(
+			"a abbr b bdo br button cite code del dfn em embed i iframe img input ins kbd " +
+			"label map noscript object q s samp script select small span strong sub sup " +
+			"textarea u var #text #comment"
+		);
+		// Add HTML5 items to globalAttributes, blockContent, phrasingContent
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			globalAttributes.push.apply(globalAttributes, split("contenteditable contextmenu draggable dropzone " +
+				"hidden spellcheck translate"));
+			blockContent.push.apply(blockContent, split("article aside details dialog figure header footer hgroup section nav"));
+			phrasingContent.push.apply(phrasingContent, split("audio canvas command datalist mark meter output progress time wbr " +
+				"video ruby bdi keygen"));
+		}
+		// Add HTML4 elements unless it's html5-strict
+		if (type != "html5-strict") {
+			globalAttributes.push("xml:lang");
+			html4PhrasingContent = split("acronym applet basefont big font strike tt");
+			phrasingContent.push.apply(phrasingContent, html4PhrasingContent);
+			each(html4PhrasingContent, function(name) {
+				add(name, "", phrasingContent);
+			});
+			html4BlockContent = split("center dir isindex noframes");
+			blockContent.push.apply(blockContent, html4BlockContent);
+			// Flow content elements from the HTML5 spec (block+inline)
+			flowContent = [].concat(blockContent, phrasingContent);
+			each(html4BlockContent, function(name) {
+				add(name, "", flowContent);
+			});
+		}
+		// Flow content elements from the HTML5 spec (block+inline)
+		flowContent = flowContent || [].concat(blockContent, phrasingContent);
+		// HTML4 base schema TODO: Move HTML5 specific attributes to HTML5 specific if statement
+		// Schema items <element name>, <specific attributes>, <children ..>
+		add("html", "manifest", "head body");
+		add("head", "", "base command link meta noscript script style title");
+		add("title hr noscript br");
+		add("base", "href target");
+		add("link", "href rel media hreflang type sizes hreflang");
+		add("meta", "name http-equiv content charset");
+		add("style", "media type scoped");
+		add("script", "src async defer type charset");
+		add("body", "onafterprint onbeforeprint onbeforeunload onblur onerror onfocus " +
+				"onhashchange onload onmessage onoffline ononline onpagehide onpageshow " +
+				"onpopstate onresize onscroll onstorage onunload", flowContent);
+		add("address dt dd div caption", "", flowContent);
+		add("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre p abbr code var samp kbd sub sup i b u bdo span legend em strong small s cite dfn", "", phrasingContent);
+		add("blockquote", "cite", flowContent);
+		add("ol", "reversed start type", "li");
+		add("ul", "", "li");
+		add("li", "value", flowContent);
+		add("dl", "", "dt dd");
+		add("a", "href target rel media hreflang type", phrasingContent);
+		add("q", "cite", phrasingContent);
+		add("ins del", "cite datetime", flowContent);
+		add("img", "src alt usemap ismap width height");
+		add("iframe", "src name width height", flowContent);
+		add("embed", "src type width height");
+		add("object", "data type typemustmatch name usemap form width height", flowContent, "param");
+		add("param", "name value");
+		add("map", "name", flowContent, "area");
+		add("area", "alt coords shape href target rel media hreflang type");
+		add("table", "border", "caption colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr" + (type == "html4" ? " col" : ""));
+		add("colgroup", "span", "col");
+		add("col", "span");
+		add("tbody thead tfoot", "", "tr");
+		add("tr", "", "td th");
+		add("td", "colspan rowspan headers", flowContent);
+		add("th", "colspan rowspan headers scope abbr", flowContent);
+		add("form", "accept-charset action autocomplete enctype method name novalidate target", flowContent);
+		add("fieldset", "disabled form name", flowContent, "legend");
+		add("label", "form for", phrasingContent);
+		add("input", "accept alt autocomplete checked dirname disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate " +
+				"formtarget height list max maxlength min multiple name pattern readonly required size src step type value width"
+		);
+		add("button", "disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget name type value",
+			type == "html4" ? flowContent : phrasingContent);
+		add("select", "disabled form multiple name required size", "option optgroup");
+		add("optgroup", "disabled label", "option");
+		add("option", "disabled label selected value");
+		add("textarea", "cols dirname disabled form maxlength name readonly required rows wrap");
+		add("menu", "type label", flowContent, "li");
+		add("noscript", "", flowContent);
+		// Extend with HTML5 elements
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			add("wbr");
+			add("ruby", "", phrasingContent, "rt rp");
+			add("figcaption", "", flowContent);
+			add("mark rt rp summary bdi", "", phrasingContent);
+			add("canvas", "width height", flowContent);
+			add("video", "src crossorigin poster preload autoplay mediagroup loop " +
+				"muted controls width height", flowContent, "track source");
+			add("audio", "src crossorigin preload autoplay mediagroup loop muted controls", flowContent, "track source");
+			add("source", "src type media");
+			add("track", "kind src srclang label default");
+			add("datalist", "", phrasingContent, "option");
+			add("article section nav aside header footer", "", flowContent);
+			add("hgroup", "", "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6");
+			add("figure", "", flowContent, "figcaption");
+			add("time", "datetime", phrasingContent);
+			add("dialog", "open", flowContent);
+			add("command", "type label icon disabled checked radiogroup command");
+			add("output", "for form name", phrasingContent);
+			add("progress", "value max", phrasingContent);
+			add("meter", "value min max low high optimum", phrasingContent);
+			add("details", "open", flowContent, "summary");
+			add("keygen", "autofocus challenge disabled form keytype name");
+		}
+		// Extend with HTML4 attributes unless it's html5-strict
+		if (type != "html5-strict") {
+			addAttrs("script", "language xml:space");
+			addAttrs("style", "xml:space");
+			addAttrs("object", "declare classid codebase codetype archive standby align border hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("param", "valuetype type");
+			addAttrs("a", "charset name rev shape coords");
+			addAttrs("br", "clear");
+			addAttrs("applet", "codebase archive code object alt name width height align hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("img", "name longdesc align border hspace vspace");
+			addAttrs("iframe", "longdesc frameborder marginwidth marginheight scrolling align");
+			addAttrs("font basefont", "size color face");
+			addAttrs("input", "usemap align");
+			addAttrs("select", "onchange");
+			addAttrs("textarea");
+			addAttrs("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div p legend caption", "align");
+			addAttrs("ul", "type compact");
+			addAttrs("li", "type");
+			addAttrs("ol dl menu dir", "compact");
+			addAttrs("pre", "width xml:space");
+			addAttrs("hr", "align noshade size width");
+			addAttrs("isindex", "prompt");
+			addAttrs("table", "summary width frame rules cellspacing cellpadding align bgcolor");
+			addAttrs("col", "width align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("colgroup", "width align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("thead", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("tr", "align char charoff valign bgcolor");
+			addAttrs("th", "axis align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height");
+			addAttrs("form", "accept");
+			addAttrs("td", "abbr axis scope align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height");
+			addAttrs("tfoot", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("tbody", "align char charoff valign");
+			addAttrs("area", "nohref");
+			addAttrs("body", "background bgcolor text link vlink alink");
+		}
+		// Extend with HTML5 attributes unless it's html4
+		if (type != "html4") {
+			addAttrs("input button select textarea", "autofocus");
+			addAttrs("input textarea", "placeholder");
+			addAttrs("a", "download");
+			addAttrs("link script img", "crossorigin");
+			addAttrs("iframe", "srcdoc sandbox seamless allowfullscreen");
+		}
+		// Special: iframe, ruby, video, audio, label
+		// Delete children of the same name from it's parent
+		// For example: form can't have a child of the name form
+		each(split('a form meter progress dfn'), function(name) {
+			if (schema[name]) {
+				delete schema[name].children[name];
+			}
+		});
+		// Delete header, footer, sectioning and heading content descendants
+		/*each('dt th address', function(name) {
+			delete schema[name].children[name];
+		});*/
+		// Caption can't have tables
+		delete schema.caption.children.table;
+		// TODO: LI:s can only have value if parent is OL
+		// TODO: Handle transparent elements
+		// a ins del canvas map
+		mapCache[type] = schema;
+		return schema;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Schema instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Schema
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var self = this, elements = {}, children = {}, patternElements = [], validStyles, schemaItems;
+		var whiteSpaceElementsMap, selfClosingElementsMap, shortEndedElementsMap, boolAttrMap;
+		var blockElementsMap, nonEmptyElementsMap, textBlockElementsMap, customElementsMap = {}, specialElements = {};
+		// Creates an lookup table map object for the specified option or the default value
+		function createLookupTable(option, default_value, extendWith) {
+			var value = settings[option];
+			if (!value) {
+				// Get cached default map or make it if needed
+				value = mapCache[option];
+				if (!value) {
+					value = makeMap(default_value, ' ', makeMap(default_value.toUpperCase(), ' '));
+					value = extend(value, extendWith);
+					mapCache[option] = value;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Create custom map
+				value = makeMap(value, ',', makeMap(value.toUpperCase(), ' '));
+			}
+			return value;
+		}
+		settings = settings || {};
+		schemaItems = compileSchema(settings.schema);
+		// Allow all elements and attributes if verify_html is set to false
+		if (settings.verify_html === false) {
+			settings.valid_elements = '*[*]';
+		}
+		// Build styles list
+		if (settings.valid_styles) {
+			validStyles = {};
+			// Convert styles into a rule list
+			each(settings.valid_styles, function(value, key) {
+				validStyles[key] = explode(value);
+			});
+		}
+		// Setup map objects
+		whiteSpaceElementsMap = createLookupTable('whitespace_elements', 'pre script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object');
+		selfClosingElementsMap = createLookupTable('self_closing_elements', 'colgroup dd dt li option p td tfoot th thead tr');
+		shortEndedElementsMap = createLookupTable('short_ended_elements', 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link ' +
+			'meta param embed source wbr track');
+		boolAttrMap = createLookupTable('boolean_attributes', 'checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize ' +
+			'noshade nowrap readonly selected autoplay loop controls');
+		nonEmptyElementsMap = createLookupTable('non_empty_elements', 'td th iframe video audio object script', shortEndedElementsMap);
+		textBlockElementsMap = createLookupTable('text_block_elements', 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div address pre form ' +
+						'blockquote center dir fieldset header footer article section hgroup aside nav figure');
+		blockElementsMap = createLookupTable('block_elements', 'hr table tbody thead tfoot ' +
+						'th tr td li ol ul caption dl dt dd noscript menu isindex option ' +
+						'datalist select optgroup', textBlockElementsMap);
+		each((settings.special || 'script noscript style textarea').split(' '), function(name) {
+			specialElements[name] = new RegExp('<\/' + name + '[^>]*>','gi');
+		});
+		// Converts a wildcard expression string to a regexp for example *a will become /.*a/.
+		function patternToRegExp(str) {
+			return new RegExp('^' + str.replace(/([?+*])/g, '.$1') + '$');
+		}
+		// Parses the specified valid_elements string and adds to the current rules
+		// This function is a bit hard to read since it's heavily optimized for speed
+		function addValidElements(valid_elements) {
+			var ei, el, ai, al, matches, element, attr, attrData, elementName, attrName, attrType, attributes, attributesOrder,
+				prefix, outputName, globalAttributes, globalAttributesOrder, key, value,
+				elementRuleRegExp = /^([#+\-])?([^\[!\/]+)(?:\/([^\[!]+))?(?:(!?)\[([^\]]+)\])?$/,
+				attrRuleRegExp = /^([!\-])?(\w+::\w+|[^=:<]+)?(?:([=:<])(.*))?$/,
+				hasPatternsRegExp = /[*?+]/;
+			if (valid_elements) {
+				// Split valid elements into an array with rules
+				valid_elements = split(valid_elements, ',');
+				if (elements['@']) {
+					globalAttributes = elements['@'].attributes;
+					globalAttributesOrder = elements['@'].attributesOrder;
+				}
+				// Loop all rules
+				for (ei = 0, el = valid_elements.length; ei < el; ei++) {
+					// Parse element rule
+					matches = elementRuleRegExp.exec(valid_elements[ei]);
+					if (matches) {
+						// Setup local names for matches
+						prefix = matches[1];
+						elementName = matches[2];
+						outputName = matches[3];
+						attrData = matches[5];
+						// Create new attributes and attributesOrder
+						attributes = {};
+						attributesOrder = [];
+						// Create the new element
+						element = {
+							attributes: attributes,
+							attributesOrder: attributesOrder
+						};
+						// Padd empty elements prefix
+						if (prefix === '#') {
+							element.paddEmpty = true;
+						}
+						// Remove empty elements prefix
+						if (prefix === '-') {
+							element.removeEmpty = true;
+						}
+						if (matches[4] === '!') {
+							element.removeEmptyAttrs = true;
+						}
+						// Copy attributes from global rule into current rule
+						if (globalAttributes) {
+							for (key in globalAttributes) {
+								attributes[key] = globalAttributes[key];
+							}
+							attributesOrder.push.apply(attributesOrder, globalAttributesOrder);
+						}
+						// Attributes defined
+						if (attrData) {
+							attrData = split(attrData, '|');
+							for (ai = 0, al = attrData.length; ai < al; ai++) {
+								matches = attrRuleRegExp.exec(attrData[ai]);
+								if (matches) {
+									attr = {};
+									attrType = matches[1];
+									attrName = matches[2].replace(/::/g, ':');
+									prefix = matches[3];
+									value = matches[4];
+									// Required
+									if (attrType === '!') {
+										element.attributesRequired = element.attributesRequired || [];
+										element.attributesRequired.push(attrName);
+										attr.required = true;
+									}
+									// Denied from global
+									if (attrType === '-') {
+										delete attributes[attrName];
+										attributesOrder.splice(inArray(attributesOrder, attrName), 1);
+										continue;
+									}
+									// Default value
+									if (prefix) {
+										// Default value
+										if (prefix === '=') {
+											element.attributesDefault = element.attributesDefault || [];
+											element.attributesDefault.push({name: attrName, value: value});
+											attr.defaultValue = value;
+										}
+										// Forced value
+										if (prefix === ':') {
+											element.attributesForced = element.attributesForced || [];
+											element.attributesForced.push({name: attrName, value: value});
+											attr.forcedValue = value;
+										}
+										// Required values
+										if (prefix === '<') {
+											attr.validValues = makeMap(value, '?');
+										}
+									}
+									// Check for attribute patterns
+									if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(attrName)) {
+										element.attributePatterns = element.attributePatterns || [];
+										attr.pattern = patternToRegExp(attrName);
+										element.attributePatterns.push(attr);
+									} else {
+										// Add attribute to order list if it doesn't already exist
+										if (!attributes[attrName]) {
+											attributesOrder.push(attrName);
+										}
+										attributes[attrName] = attr;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Global rule, store away these for later usage
+						if (!globalAttributes && elementName == '@') {
+							globalAttributes = attributes;
+							globalAttributesOrder = attributesOrder;
+						}
+						// Handle substitute elements such as b/strong
+						if (outputName) {
+							element.outputName = elementName;
+							elements[outputName] = element;
+						}
+						// Add pattern or exact element
+						if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(elementName)) {
+							element.pattern = patternToRegExp(elementName);
+							patternElements.push(element);
+						} else {
+							elements[elementName] = element;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function setValidElements(valid_elements) {
+			elements = {};
+			patternElements = [];
+			addValidElements(valid_elements);
+			each(schemaItems, function(element, name) {
+				children[name] = element.children;
+			});
+		}
+		// Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema
+		function addCustomElements(custom_elements) {
+			var customElementRegExp = /^(~)?(.+)$/;
+			if (custom_elements) {
+				// Flush cached items since we are altering the default maps
+				mapCache.text_block_elements = mapCache.block_elements = null;
+				each(split(custom_elements, ','), function(rule) {
+					var matches = customElementRegExp.exec(rule),
+						inline = matches[1] === '~',
+						cloneName = inline ? 'span' : 'div',
+						name = matches[2];
+					children[name] = children[cloneName];
+					customElementsMap[name] = cloneName;
+					// If it's not marked as inline then add it to valid block elements
+					if (!inline) {
+						blockElementsMap[name.toUpperCase()] = {};
+						blockElementsMap[name] = {};
+					}
+					// Add elements clone if needed
+					if (!elements[name]) {
+						var customRule = elements[cloneName];
+						customRule = extend({}, customRule);
+						delete customRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
+						delete customRule.removeEmpty;
+						elements[name] = customRule;
+					}
+					// Add custom elements at span/div positions
+					each(children, function(element, elmName) {
+						if (element[cloneName]) {
+							children[elmName] = element = extend({}, children[elmName]);
+							element[name] = element[cloneName];
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		// Adds valid children to the schema object
+		function addValidChildren(valid_children) {
+			var childRuleRegExp = /^([+\-]?)(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]$/;
+			if (valid_children) {
+				each(split(valid_children, ','), function(rule) {
+					var matches = childRuleRegExp.exec(rule), parent, prefix;
+					if (matches) {
+						prefix = matches[1];
+						// Add/remove items from default
+						if (prefix) {
+							parent = children[matches[2]];
+						} else {
+							parent = children[matches[2]] = {'#comment': {}};
+						}
+						parent = children[matches[2]];
+						each(split(matches[3], '|'), function(child) {
+							if (prefix === '-') {
+								// Clone the element before we delete
+								// things in it to not mess up default schemas
+								children[matches[2]] = parent = extend({}, children[matches[2]]);
+								delete parent[child];
+							} else {
+								parent[child] = {};
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		function getElementRule(name) {
+			var element = elements[name], i;
+			// Exact match found
+			if (element) {
+				return element;
+			}
+			// No exact match then try the patterns
+			i = patternElements.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				element = patternElements[i];
+				if (element.pattern.test(name)) {
+					return element;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (!settings.valid_elements) {
+			// No valid elements defined then clone the elements from the schema spec
+			each(schemaItems, function(element, name) {
+				elements[name] = {
+					attributes: element.attributes,
+					attributesOrder: element.attributesOrder
+				};
+				children[name] = element.children;
+			});
+			// Switch these on HTML4
+			if (settings.schema != "html5") {
+				each(split('strong/b em/i'), function(item) {
+					item = split(item, '/');
+					elements[item[1]].outputName = item[0];
+				});
+			}
+			// Add default alt attribute for images
+			elements.img.attributesDefault = [{name: 'alt', value: ''}];
+			// Remove these if they are empty by default
+			each(split('ol ul sub sup blockquote span font a table tbody tr strong em b i'), function(name) {
+				if (elements[name]) {
+					elements[name].removeEmpty = true;
+				}
+			});
+			// Padd these by default
+			each(split('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 th td pre div address caption'), function(name) {
+				elements[name].paddEmpty = true;
+			});
+			// Remove these if they have no attributes
+			each(split('span'), function(name) {
+				elements[name].removeEmptyAttrs = true;
+			});
+			// Remove these by default
+			// TODO: Reenable in 4.1
+			/*each(split('script style'), function(name) {
+				delete elements[name];
+			});*/
+		} else {
+			setValidElements(settings.valid_elements);
+		}
+		addCustomElements(settings.custom_elements);
+		addValidChildren(settings.valid_children);
+		addValidElements(settings.extended_valid_elements);
+		// Todo: Remove this when we fix list handling to be valid
+		addValidChildren('+ol[ul|ol],+ul[ul|ol]');
+		// Delete invalid elements
+		if (settings.invalid_elements) {
+			each(explode(settings.invalid_elements), function(item) {
+				if (elements[item]) {
+					delete elements[item];
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// If the user didn't allow span only allow internal spans
+		if (!getElementRule('span')) {
+			addValidElements('span[!data-mce-type|*]');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Name/value map object with valid parents and children to those parents.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * children = {
+		 *    div:{p:{}, h1:{}}
+		 * };
+		 * @field children
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		self.children = children;
+		/**
+		 * Name/value map object with valid styles for each element.
+		 *
+		 * @field styles
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		self.styles = validStyles;
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with boolean attributes.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBoolAttrs
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for boolean attributes.
+		 */
+		self.getBoolAttrs = function() {
+			return boolAttrMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with block elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBlockElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for block elements.
+		 */
+		self.getBlockElements = function() {
+			return blockElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with text block elements. Such as: p,h1-h6,div,address
+		 *
+		 * @method getTextBlockElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for block elements.
+		 */
+		self.getTextBlockElements = function() {
+			return textBlockElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with short ended elements such as BR or IMG.
+		 *
+		 * @method getShortEndedElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for short ended elements.
+		 */
+		self.getShortEndedElements = function() {
+			return shortEndedElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with self closing tags such as <li>.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSelfClosingElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for self closing tags elements.
+		 */
+		self.getSelfClosingElements = function() {
+			return selfClosingElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with elements that should be treated as contents regardless if it has text
+		 * content in them or not such as TD, VIDEO or IMG.
+		 *
+		 * @method getNonEmptyElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for non empty elements.
+		 */
+		self.getNonEmptyElements = function() {
+			return nonEmptyElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with elements where white space is to be preserved like PRE or SCRIPT.
+		 *
+		 * @method getWhiteSpaceElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for white space elements.
+		 */
+		self.getWhiteSpaceElements = function() {
+			return whiteSpaceElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns a map with special elements. These are elements that needs to be parsed
+		 * in a special way such as script, style, textarea etc. The map object values
+		 * are regexps used to find the end of the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSpecialElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for special elements.
+		 */
+		self.getSpecialElements = function() {
+			return specialElements;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element and it's child is valid or not
+		 * according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method isValidChild
+		 * @param {String} name Element name to check for.
+		 * @param {String} child Element child to verify.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element is a valid child of the specified parent.
+		 */
+		self.isValidChild = function(name, child) {
+			var parent = children[name];
+			return !!(parent && parent[child]);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element name and optional attribute is
+		 * valid according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method isValid
+		 * @param {String} name Name of element to check.
+		 * @param {String} attr Optional attribute name to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element and attribute is valid.
+		 */
+		self.isValid = function(name, attr) {
+			var attrPatterns, i, rule = getElementRule(name);
+			// Check if it's a valid element
+			if (rule) {
+				if (attr) {
+					// Check if attribute name exists
+					if (rule.attributes[attr]) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					// Check if attribute matches a regexp pattern
+					attrPatterns = rule.attributePatterns;
+					if (attrPatterns) {
+						i = attrPatterns.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (attrPatterns[i].pattern.test(name)) {
+								return true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			// No match
+			return false;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element is valid or not
+		 * according to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method getElementRule
+		 * @param {String} name Element name to check for.
+		 * @return {Object} Element object or undefined if the element isn't valid.
+		 */
+		self.getElementRule = getElementRule;
+		/**
+		 * Returns an map object of all custom elements.
+		 *
+		 * @method getCustomElements
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value map object of all custom elements.
+		 */
+		self.getCustomElements = function() {
+			return customElementsMap;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid elements string and adds it to the schema. The valid elements
+		 * format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]".
+		 * Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified, so this extends the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method addValidElements
+		 * @param {String} valid_elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed.
+		 */
+		self.addValidElements = addValidElements;
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid elements string and sets it to the schema. The valid elements
+		 * format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]".
+		 * Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified, so this extends the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method setValidElements
+		 * @param {String} valid_elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed.
+		 */
+		self.setValidElements = setValidElements;
+		/**
+		 * Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCustomElements
+		 * @param {String} custom_elements Comma separated list of custom elements to add.
+		 */
+		self.addCustomElements = addCustomElements;
+		/**
+		 * Parses a valid children string and adds them to the schema structure. The valid children
+		 * format is for example: "element[child1|child2]".
+		 *
+		 * @method addValidChildren
+		 * @param {String} valid_children Valid children elements string to parse
+		 */
+		self.addValidChildren = addValidChildren;
+		self.elements = elements;
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/SaxParser.js
+ * SaxParser.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint max-depth:[2, 9] */
+ * This class parses HTML code using pure JavaScript and executes various events for each item it finds. It will
+ * always execute the events in the right order for tag soup code like <b><p></b></p>. It will also remove elements
+ * and attributes that doesn't fit the schema if the validate setting is enabled.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.SaxParser({
+ *     validate: true,
+ *
+ *     comment: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('Comment:', text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     cdata: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('CDATA:', text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     text: function(text, raw) {
+ *         console.log('Text:', text, 'Raw:', raw);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+ *         console.log('Start:', name, attrs, empty);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     end: function(name) {
+ *         console.log('End:', name);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     pi: function(name, text) {
+ *         console.log('PI:', name, text);
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     doctype: function(text) {
+ *         console.log('DocType:', text);
+ *     }
+ * }, schema);
+ * @class tinymce.html.SaxParser
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/SaxParser", [
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Schema, Entities, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new SaxParser instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method SaxParser
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value collection of settings. comment, cdata, text, start and end are callbacks.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema HTML Schema class to use when parsing.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this;
+		function noop() {}
+		settings = settings || {};
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		if (settings.fix_self_closing !== false) {
+			settings.fix_self_closing = true;
+		}
+		// Add handler functions from settings and setup default handlers
+		each('comment cdata text start end pi doctype'.split(' '), function(name) {
+			if (name) {
+				self[name] = settings[name] || noop;
+			}
+		});
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified HTML string and executes the callbacks for each item it finds.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * new SaxParser({...}).parse('<b>text</b>');
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to sax parse.
+		 */
+		self.parse = function(html) {
+			var self = this, matches, index = 0, value, endRegExp, stack = [], attrList, i, text, name;
+			var isInternalElement, removeInternalElements, shortEndedElements, fillAttrsMap, isShortEnded;
+			var validate, elementRule, isValidElement, attr, attribsValue, validAttributesMap, validAttributePatterns;
+			var attributesRequired, attributesDefault, attributesForced;
+			var anyAttributesRequired, selfClosing, tokenRegExp, attrRegExp, specialElements, attrValue, idCount = 0;
+			var decode = Entities.decode, fixSelfClosing, filteredUrlAttrs = Tools.makeMap('src,href');
+			var scriptUriRegExp = /(java|vb)script:/i;
+			function processEndTag(name) {
+				var pos, i;
+				// Find position of parent of the same type
+				pos = stack.length;
+				while (pos--) {
+					if (stack[pos].name === name) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				// Found parent
+				if (pos >= 0) {
+					// Close all the open elements
+					for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
+						name = stack[i];
+						if (name.valid) {
+							self.end(name.name);
+						}
+					}
+					// Remove the open elements from the stack
+					stack.length = pos;
+				}
+			}
+			function parseAttribute(match, name, value, val2, val3) {
+				var attrRule, i, trimRegExp = /[\s\u0000-\u001F]+/g;
+				name = name.toLowerCase();
+				value = name in fillAttrsMap ? name : decode(value || val2 || val3 || ''); // Handle boolean attribute than value attribute
+				// Validate name and value pass through all data- attributes
+				if (validate && !isInternalElement && name.indexOf('data-') !== 0) {
+					attrRule = validAttributesMap[name];
+					// Find rule by pattern matching
+					if (!attrRule && validAttributePatterns) {
+						i = validAttributePatterns.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							attrRule = validAttributePatterns[i];
+							if (attrRule.pattern.test(name)) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						// No rule matched
+						if (i === -1) {
+							attrRule = null;
+						}
+					}
+					// No attribute rule found
+					if (!attrRule) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Validate value
+					if (attrRule.validValues && !(value in attrRule.validValues)) {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// Block any javascript: urls
+				if (filteredUrlAttrs[name] && !settings.allow_script_urls) {
+					var uri = value.replace(trimRegExp, '');
+					try {
+						// Might throw malformed URI sequence
+						uri = decodeURIComponent(uri);
+						if (scriptUriRegExp.test(uri)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Fallback to non UTF-8 decoder
+						uri = unescape(uri);
+						if (scriptUriRegExp.test(uri)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Add attribute to list and map
+				attrList.map[name] = value;
+				attrList.push({
+					name: name,
+					value: value
+				});
+			}
+			// Precompile RegExps and map objects
+			tokenRegExp = new RegExp('<(?:' +
+				'(?:!--([\\w\\W]*?)-->)|' + // Comment
+				'(?:!\\[CDATA\\[([\\w\\W]*?)\\]\\]>)|' + // CDATA
+				'(?:!DOCTYPE([\\w\\W]*?)>)|' + // DOCTYPE
+				'(?:\\?([^\\s\\/<>]+) ?([\\w\\W]*?)[?/]>)|' + // PI
+				'(?:\\/([^>]+)>)|' + // End element
+				'(?:([A-Za-z0-9\\-\\:\\.]+)((?:\\s+[^"\'>]+(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\')|[^>]*))*|\\/|\\s+)>)' + // Start element
+			')', 'g');
+			attrRegExp = /([\w:\-]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:\"((?:[^\"])*)\")|(?:\'((?:[^\'])*)\')|([^>\s]+)))?/g;
+			// Setup lookup tables for empty elements and boolean attributes
+			shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
+			selfClosing = settings.self_closing_elements || schema.getSelfClosingElements();
+			fillAttrsMap = schema.getBoolAttrs();
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			removeInternalElements = settings.remove_internals;
+			fixSelfClosing = settings.fix_self_closing;
+			specialElements = schema.getSpecialElements();
+			while ((matches = tokenRegExp.exec(html))) {
+				// Text
+				if (index < matches.index) {
+					self.text(decode(html.substr(index, matches.index - index)));
+				}
+				if ((value = matches[6])) { // End element
+					value = value.toLowerCase();
+					// IE will add a ":" in front of elements it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements
+					if (value.charAt(0) === ':') {
+						value = value.substr(1);
+					}
+					processEndTag(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[7])) { // Start element
+					value = value.toLowerCase();
+					// IE will add a ":" in front of elements it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements
+					if (value.charAt(0) === ':') {
+						value = value.substr(1);
+					}
+					isShortEnded = value in shortEndedElements;
+					// Is self closing tag for example an <li> after an open <li>
+					if (fixSelfClosing && selfClosing[value] && stack.length > 0 && stack[stack.length - 1].name === value) {
+						processEndTag(value);
+					}
+					// Validate element
+					if (!validate || (elementRule = schema.getElementRule(value))) {
+						isValidElement = true;
+						// Grab attributes map and patters when validation is enabled
+						if (validate) {
+							validAttributesMap = elementRule.attributes;
+							validAttributePatterns = elementRule.attributePatterns;
+						}
+						// Parse attributes
+						if ((attribsValue = matches[8])) {
+							isInternalElement = attribsValue.indexOf('data-mce-type') !== -1; // Check if the element is an internal element
+							// If the element has internal attributes then remove it if we are told to do so
+							if (isInternalElement && removeInternalElements) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+							attrList = [];
+							attrList.map = {};
+							attribsValue.replace(attrRegExp, parseAttribute);
+						} else {
+							attrList = [];
+							attrList.map = {};
+						}
+						// Process attributes if validation is enabled
+						if (validate && !isInternalElement) {
+							attributesRequired = elementRule.attributesRequired;
+							attributesDefault = elementRule.attributesDefault;
+							attributesForced = elementRule.attributesForced;
+							anyAttributesRequired = elementRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
+							// Check if any attribute exists
+							if (anyAttributesRequired && !attrList.length) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+							// Handle forced attributes
+							if (attributesForced) {
+								i = attributesForced.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									attr = attributesForced[i];
+									name = attr.name;
+									attrValue = attr.value;
+									if (attrValue === '{$uid}') {
+										attrValue = 'mce_' + idCount++;
+									}
+									attrList.map[name] = attrValue;
+									attrList.push({name: name, value: attrValue});
+								}
+							}
+							// Handle default attributes
+							if (attributesDefault) {
+								i = attributesDefault.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									attr = attributesDefault[i];
+									name = attr.name;
+									if (!(name in attrList.map)) {
+										attrValue = attr.value;
+										if (attrValue === '{$uid}') {
+											attrValue = 'mce_' + idCount++;
+										}
+										attrList.map[name] = attrValue;
+										attrList.push({name: name, value: attrValue});
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Handle required attributes
+							if (attributesRequired) {
+								i = attributesRequired.length;
+								while (i--) {
+									if (attributesRequired[i] in attrList.map) {
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+								// None of the required attributes where found
+								if (i === -1) {
+									isValidElement = false;
+								}
+							}
+							// Invalidate element if it's marked as bogus
+							if (attrList.map['data-mce-bogus']) {
+								isValidElement = false;
+							}
+						}
+						if (isValidElement) {
+							self.start(value, attrList, isShortEnded);
+						}
+					} else {
+						isValidElement = false;
+					}
+					// Treat script, noscript and style a bit different since they may include code that looks like elements
+					if ((endRegExp = specialElements[value])) {
+						endRegExp.lastIndex = index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+						if ((matches = endRegExp.exec(html))) {
+							if (isValidElement) {
+								text = html.substr(index, matches.index - index);
+							}
+							index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+						} else {
+							text = html.substr(index);
+							index = html.length;
+						}
+						if (isValidElement) {
+							if (text.length > 0) {
+								self.text(text, true);
+							}
+							self.end(value);
+						}
+						tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Push value on to stack
+					if (!isShortEnded) {
+						if (!attribsValue || attribsValue.indexOf('/') != attribsValue.length - 1) {
+							stack.push({name: value, valid: isValidElement});
+						} else if (isValidElement) {
+							self.end(value);
+						}
+					}
+				} else if ((value = matches[1])) { // Comment
+					// Padd comment value to avoid browsers from parsing invalid comments as HTML
+					if (value.charAt(0) === '>') {
+						value = ' ' + value;
+					}
+					if (!settings.allow_conditional_comments && value.substr(0, 3) === '[if') {
+						value = ' ' + value;
+					}
+					self.comment(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[2])) { // CDATA
+					self.cdata(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[3])) { // DOCTYPE
+					self.doctype(value);
+				} else if ((value = matches[4])) { // PI
+					self.pi(value, matches[5]);
+				}
+				index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
+			}
+			// Text
+			if (index < html.length) {
+				self.text(decode(html.substr(index)));
+			}
+			// Close any open elements
+			for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+				value = stack[i];
+				if (value.valid) {
+					self.end(value.name);
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/DomParser.js
+ * DomParser.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class parses HTML code into a DOM like structure of nodes it will remove redundant whitespace and make
+ * sure that the node tree is valid according to the specified schema.
+ * So for example: <p>a<p>b</p>c</p> will become <p>a</p><p>b</p><p>c</p>
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({validate: true}, schema);
+ * var rootNode = parser.parse('<h1>content</h1>');
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.DomParser
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/DomParser", [
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/SaxParser",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Node, Schema, SaxParser, Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap, each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode, extend = Tools.extend;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DomParser instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method DomParser
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value collection of settings. comment, cdata, text, start and end are callbacks.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema HTML Schema class to use when parsing.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this, nodeFilters = {}, attributeFilters = [], matchedNodes = {}, matchedAttributes = {};
+		settings = settings || {};
+		settings.validate = "validate" in settings ? settings.validate : true;
+		settings.root_name = settings.root_name || 'body';
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		function fixInvalidChildren(nodes) {
+			var ni, node, parent, parents, newParent, currentNode, tempNode, childNode, i;
+			var nonEmptyElements, nonSplitableElements, textBlockElements, sibling, nextNode;
+			nonSplitableElements = makeMap('tr,td,th,tbody,thead,tfoot,table');
+			nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			textBlockElements = schema.getTextBlockElements();
+			for (ni = 0; ni < nodes.length; ni++) {
+				node = nodes[ni];
+				// Already removed or fixed
+				if (!node.parent || node.fixed) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// If the invalid element is a text block and the text block is within a parent LI element
+				// Then unwrap the first text block and convert other sibling text blocks to LI elements similar to Word/Open Office
+				if (textBlockElements[node.name] && node.parent.name == 'li') {
+					// Move sibling text blocks after LI element
+					sibling = node.next;
+					while (sibling) {
+						if (textBlockElements[sibling.name]) {
+							sibling.name = 'li';
+							sibling.fixed = true;
+							node.parent.insert(sibling, node.parent);
+						} else {
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.next;
+					}
+					// Unwrap current text block
+					node.unwrap(node);
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Get list of all parent nodes until we find a valid parent to stick the child into
+				parents = [node];
+				for (parent = node.parent; parent && !schema.isValidChild(parent.name, node.name) &&
+					!nonSplitableElements[parent.name]; parent = parent.parent) {
+					parents.push(parent);
+				}
+				// Found a suitable parent
+				if (parent && parents.length > 1) {
+					// Reverse the array since it makes looping easier
+					parents.reverse();
+					// Clone the related parent and insert that after the moved node
+					newParent = currentNode = self.filterNode(parents[0].clone());
+					// Start cloning and moving children on the left side of the target node
+					for (i = 0; i < parents.length - 1; i++) {
+						if (schema.isValidChild(currentNode.name, parents[i].name)) {
+							tempNode = self.filterNode(parents[i].clone());
+							currentNode.append(tempNode);
+						} else {
+							tempNode = currentNode;
+						}
+						for (childNode = parents[i].firstChild; childNode && childNode != parents[i + 1]; ) {
+							nextNode = childNode.next;
+							tempNode.append(childNode);
+							childNode = nextNode;
+						}
+						currentNode = tempNode;
+					}
+					if (!newParent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+						parent.insert(newParent, parents[0], true);
+						parent.insert(node, newParent);
+					} else {
+						parent.insert(node, parents[0], true);
+					}
+					// Check if the element is empty by looking through it's contents and special treatment for <p><br /></p>
+					parent = parents[0];
+					if (parent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements) || parent.firstChild === parent.lastChild && parent.firstChild.name === 'br') {
+						parent.empty().remove();
+					}
+				} else if (node.parent) {
+					// If it's an LI try to find a UL/OL for it or wrap it
+					if (node.name === 'li') {
+						sibling = node.prev;
+						if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ul')) {
+							sibling.append(node);
+							continue;
+						}
+						sibling = node.next;
+						if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ul')) {
+							sibling.insert(node, sibling.firstChild, true);
+							continue;
+						}
+						node.wrap(self.filterNode(new Node('ul', 1)));
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Try wrapping the element in a DIV
+					if (schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'div') && schema.isValidChild('div', node.name)) {
+						node.wrap(self.filterNode(new Node('div', 1)));
+					} else {
+						// We failed wrapping it, then remove or unwrap it
+						if (node.name === 'style' || node.name === 'script') {
+							node.empty().remove();
+						} else {
+							node.unwrap();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Runs the specified node though the element and attributes filters.
+		 *
+		 * @method filterNode
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} Node the node to run filters on.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} The passed in node.
+		 */
+		self.filterNode = function(node) {
+			var i, name, list;
+			// Run element filters
+			if (name in nodeFilters) {
+				list = matchedNodes[name];
+				if (list) {
+					list.push(node);
+				} else {
+					matchedNodes[name] = [node];
+				}
+			}
+			// Run attribute filters
+			i = attributeFilters.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				name = attributeFilters[i].name;
+				if (name in node.attributes.map) {
+					list = matchedAttributes[name];
+					if (list) {
+						list.push(node);
+					} else {
+						matchedAttributes[name] = [node];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return node;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a node filter function to the parser, the parser will collect the specified nodes by name
+		 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1', function(nodes, name) {
+		 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+		 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+		 *		}
+		 * });
+		 * @method addNodeFilter
+		 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+		 */
+		self.addNodeFilter = function(name, callback) {
+			each(explode(name), function(name) {
+				var list = nodeFilters[name];
+				if (!list) {
+					nodeFilters[name] = list = [];
+				}
+				list.push(callback);
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds a attribute filter function to the parser, the parser will collect nodes that has the specified attributes
+		 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href', function(nodes, name) {
+		 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+		 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+		 *		}
+		 * });
+		 * @method addAttributeFilter
+		 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+		 */
+		self.addAttributeFilter = function(name, callback) {
+			each(explode(name), function(name) {
+				var i;
+				for (i = 0; i < attributeFilters.length; i++) {
+					if (attributeFilters[i].name === name) {
+						attributeFilters[i].callbacks.push(callback);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				attributeFilters.push({name: name, callbacks: [callback]});
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified HTML string into a DOM like node tree and returns the result.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var rootNode = new DomParser({...}).parse('<b>text</b>');
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to sax parse.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional args object that gets passed to all filter functions.
+		 * @return {tinymce.html.Node} Root node containing the tree.
+		 */
+		self.parse = function(html, args) {
+			var parser, rootNode, node, nodes, i, l, fi, fl, list, name, validate;
+			var blockElements, startWhiteSpaceRegExp, invalidChildren = [], isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement;
+			var endWhiteSpaceRegExp, allWhiteSpaceRegExp, isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp, whiteSpaceElements;
+			var children, nonEmptyElements, rootBlockName;
+			args = args || {};
+			matchedNodes = {};
+			matchedAttributes = {};
+			blockElements = extend(makeMap('script,style,head,html,body,title,meta,param'), schema.getBlockElements());
+			nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			children = schema.children;
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			rootBlockName = "forced_root_block" in args ? args.forced_root_block : settings.forced_root_block;
+			whiteSpaceElements = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements();
+			startWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+/;
+			endWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+$/;
+			allWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+/g;
+			isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+$/;
+			function addRootBlocks() {
+				var node = rootNode.firstChild, next, rootBlockNode;
+				// Removes whitespace at beginning and end of block so:
+				// <p> x </p> -> <p>x</p>
+				function trim(rootBlockNode) {
+					if (rootBlockNode) {
+						node = rootBlockNode.firstChild;
+						if (node && node.type == 3) {
+							node.value = node.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+						node = rootBlockNode.lastChild;
+						if (node && node.type == 3) {
+							node.value = node.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Check if rootBlock is valid within rootNode for example if P is valid in H1 if H1 is the contentEditabe root
+				if (!schema.isValidChild(rootNode.name, rootBlockName.toLowerCase())) {
+					return;
+				}
+				while (node) {
+					next = node.next;
+					if (node.type == 3 || (node.type == 1 && node.name !== 'p' &&
+						!blockElements[node.name] && !node.attr('data-mce-type'))) {
+						if (!rootBlockNode) {
+							// Create a new root block element
+							rootBlockNode = createNode(rootBlockName, 1);
+							rootBlockNode.attr(settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+							rootNode.insert(rootBlockNode, node);
+							rootBlockNode.append(node);
+						} else {
+							rootBlockNode.append(node);
+						}
+					} else {
+						trim(rootBlockNode);
+						rootBlockNode = null;
+					}
+					node = next;
+				}
+				trim(rootBlockNode);
+			}
+			function createNode(name, type) {
+				var node = new Node(name, type), list;
+				if (name in nodeFilters) {
+					list = matchedNodes[name];
+					if (list) {
+						list.push(node);
+					} else {
+						matchedNodes[name] = [node];
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function removeWhitespaceBefore(node) {
+				var textNode, textVal, sibling;
+				for (textNode = node.prev; textNode && textNode.type === 3; ) {
+					textVal = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+					if (textVal.length > 0) {
+						textNode.value = textVal;
+						textNode = textNode.prev;
+					} else {
+						sibling = textNode.prev;
+						textNode.remove();
+						textNode = sibling;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function cloneAndExcludeBlocks(input) {
+				var name, output = {};
+				for (name in input) {
+					if (name !== 'li' && name != 'p') {
+						output[name] = input[name];
+					}
+				}
+				return output;
+			}
+			parser = new SaxParser({
+				validate: validate,
+				allow_script_urls: settings.allow_script_urls,
+				allow_conditional_comments: settings.allow_conditional_comments,
+				// Exclude P and LI from DOM parsing since it's treated better by the DOM parser
+				self_closing_elements: cloneAndExcludeBlocks(schema.getSelfClosingElements()),
+				cdata: function(text) {
+					node.append(createNode('#cdata', 4)).value = text;
+				},
+				text: function(text, raw) {
+					var textNode;
+					// Trim all redundant whitespace on non white space elements
+					if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) {
+						text = text.replace(allWhiteSpaceRegExp, ' ');
+						if (node.lastChild && blockElements[node.lastChild.name]) {
+							text = text.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+						}
+					}
+					// Do we need to create the node
+					if (text.length !== 0) {
+						textNode = createNode('#text', 3);
+						textNode.raw = !!raw;
+						node.append(textNode).value = text;
+					}
+				},
+				comment: function(text) {
+					node.append(createNode('#comment', 8)).value = text;
+				},
+				pi: function(name, text) {
+					node.append(createNode(name, 7)).value = text;
+					removeWhitespaceBefore(node);
+				},
+				doctype: function(text) {
+					var newNode;
+					newNode = node.append(createNode('#doctype', 10));
+					newNode.value = text;
+					removeWhitespaceBefore(node);
+				},
+				start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+					var newNode, attrFiltersLen, elementRule, attrName, parent;
+					elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {};
+					if (elementRule) {
+						newNode = createNode(elementRule.outputName || name, 1);
+						newNode.attributes = attrs;
+						newNode.shortEnded = empty;
+						node.append(newNode);
+						// Check if node is valid child of the parent node is the child is
+						// unknown we don't collect it since it's probably a custom element
+						parent = children[node.name];
+						if (parent && children[newNode.name] && !parent[newNode.name]) {
+							invalidChildren.push(newNode);
+						}
+						attrFiltersLen = attributeFilters.length;
+						while (attrFiltersLen--) {
+							attrName = attributeFilters[attrFiltersLen].name;
+							if (attrName in attrs.map) {
+								list = matchedAttributes[attrName];
+								if (list) {
+									list.push(newNode);
+								} else {
+									matchedAttributes[attrName] = [newNode];
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Trim whitespace before block
+						if (blockElements[name]) {
+							removeWhitespaceBefore(newNode);
+						}
+						// Change current node if the element wasn't empty i.e not <br /> or <img />
+						if (!empty) {
+							node = newNode;
+						}
+						// Check if we are inside a whitespace preserved element
+						if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) {
+							isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = true;
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				end: function(name) {
+					var textNode, elementRule, text, sibling, tempNode;
+					elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {};
+					if (elementRule) {
+						if (blockElements[name]) {
+							if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) {
+								// Trim whitespace of the first node in a block
+								textNode = node.firstChild;
+								if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+									text = textNode.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+									// Any characters left after trim or should we remove it
+									if (text.length > 0) {
+										textNode.value = text;
+										textNode = textNode.next;
+									} else {
+										sibling = textNode.next;
+										textNode.remove();
+										textNode = sibling;
+										// Remove any pure whitespace siblings
+										while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+											text = textNode.value;
+											sibling = textNode.next;
+											if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) {
+												textNode.remove();
+												textNode = sibling;
+											}
+											textNode = sibling;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								// Trim whitespace of the last node in a block
+								textNode = node.lastChild;
+								if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+									text = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+									// Any characters left after trim or should we remove it
+									if (text.length > 0) {
+										textNode.value = text;
+										textNode = textNode.prev;
+									} else {
+										sibling = textNode.prev;
+										textNode.remove();
+										textNode = sibling;
+										// Remove any pure whitespace siblings
+										while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+											text = textNode.value;
+											sibling = textNode.prev;
+											if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) {
+												textNode.remove();
+												textNode = sibling;
+											}
+											textNode = sibling;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// Trim start white space
+							// Removed due to: #5424
+							/*textNode = node.prev;
+							if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
+								text = textNode.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
+								if (text.length > 0)
+									textNode.value = text;
+								else
+									textNode.remove();
+							}*/
+						}
+						// Check if we exited a whitespace preserved element
+						if (isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) {
+							isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = false;
+						}
+						// Handle empty nodes
+						if (elementRule.removeEmpty || elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+							if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+								if (elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+									node.empty().append(new Node('#text', '3')).value = '\u00a0';
+								} else {
+									// Leave nodes that have a name like <a name="name">
+									if (!node.attributes.map.name && !node.attributes.map.id) {
+										tempNode = node.parent;
+										node.empty().remove();
+										node = tempNode;
+										return;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						node = node.parent;
+					}
+				}
+			}, schema);
+			rootNode = node = new Node(args.context || settings.root_name, 11);
+			parser.parse(html);
+			// Fix invalid children or report invalid children in a contextual parsing
+			if (validate && invalidChildren.length) {
+				if (!args.context) {
+					fixInvalidChildren(invalidChildren);
+				} else {
+					args.invalid = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Wrap nodes in the root into block elements if the root is body
+			if (rootBlockName && (rootNode.name == 'body' || args.isRootContent)) {
+				addRootBlocks();
+			}
+			// Run filters only when the contents is valid
+			if (!args.invalid) {
+				// Run node filters
+				for (name in matchedNodes) {
+					list = nodeFilters[name];
+					nodes = matchedNodes[name];
+					// Remove already removed children
+					fi = nodes.length;
+					while (fi--) {
+						if (!nodes[fi].parent) {
+							nodes.splice(fi, 1);
+						}
+					}
+					for (i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
+						list[i](nodes, name, args);
+					}
+				}
+				// Run attribute filters
+				for (i = 0, l = attributeFilters.length; i < l; i++) {
+					list = attributeFilters[i];
+					if (list.name in matchedAttributes) {
+						nodes = matchedAttributes[list.name];
+						// Remove already removed children
+						fi = nodes.length;
+						while (fi--) {
+							if (!nodes[fi].parent) {
+								nodes.splice(fi, 1);
+							}
+						}
+						for (fi = 0, fl = list.callbacks.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+							list.callbacks[fi](nodes, list.name, args);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return rootNode;
+		};
+		// Remove <br> at end of block elements Gecko and WebKit injects BR elements to
+		// make it possible to place the caret inside empty blocks. This logic tries to remove
+		// these elements and keep br elements that where intended to be there intact
+		if (settings.remove_trailing_brs) {
+			self.addNodeFilter('br', function(nodes) {
+				var i, l = nodes.length, node, blockElements = extend({}, schema.getBlockElements());
+				var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements(), parent, lastParent, prev, prevName;
+				var elementRule, textNode;
+				// Remove brs from body element as well
+				blockElements.body = 1;
+				// Must loop forwards since it will otherwise remove all brs in <p>a<br><br><br></p>
+				for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					parent = node.parent;
+					if (blockElements[node.parent.name] && node === parent.lastChild) {
+						// Loop all nodes to the left of the current node and check for other BR elements
+						// excluding bookmarks since they are invisible
+						prev = node.prev;
+						while (prev) {
+							prevName = prev.name;
+							// Ignore bookmarks
+							if (prevName !== "span" || prev.attr('data-mce-type') !== 'bookmark') {
+								// Found a non BR element
+								if (prevName !== "br") {
+									break;
+								}
+								// Found another br it's a <br><br> structure then don't remove anything
+								if (prevName === 'br') {
+									node = null;
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							prev = prev.prev;
+						}
+						if (node) {
+							node.remove();
+							// Is the parent to be considered empty after we removed the BR
+							if (parent.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+								elementRule = schema.getElementRule(parent.name);
+								// Remove or padd the element depending on schema rule
+								if (elementRule) {
+									if (elementRule.removeEmpty) {
+										parent.remove();
+									} else if (elementRule.paddEmpty) {
+										parent.empty().append(new Node('#text', 3)).value = '\u00a0';
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Replaces BR elements inside inline elements like <p><b><i><br></i></b></p>
+						// so they become <p><b><i>&nbsp;</i></b></p>
+						lastParent = node;
+						while (parent && parent.firstChild === lastParent && parent.lastChild === lastParent) {
+							lastParent = parent;
+							if (blockElements[parent.name]) {
+								break;
+							}
+							parent = parent.parent;
+						}
+						if (lastParent === parent) {
+							textNode = new Node('#text', 3);
+							textNode.value = '\u00a0';
+							node.replace(textNode);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Force anchor names closed, unless the setting "allow_html_in_named_anchor" is explicitly included.
+		if (!settings.allow_html_in_named_anchor) {
+			self.addAttributeFilter('id,name', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, sibling, prevSibling, parent, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					if (node.name === 'a' && node.firstChild && !node.attr('href')) {
+						parent = node.parent;
+						// Move children after current node
+						sibling = node.lastChild;
+						do {
+							prevSibling = sibling.prev;
+							parent.insert(sibling, node);
+							sibling = prevSibling;
+						} while (sibling);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Writer.js
+ * Writer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to write HTML tags out it can be used with the Serializer or the SaxParser.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Writer
+ * @example
+ * var writer = new tinymce.html.Writer({indent: true});
+ * var parser = new tinymce.html.SaxParser(writer).parse('<p><br></p>');
+ * console.log(writer.getContent());
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.html.Writer
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Writer", [
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Entities, Tools) {
+	var makeMap = Tools.makeMap;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Writer instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Writer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var html = [], indent, indentBefore, indentAfter, encode, htmlOutput;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		indent = settings.indent;
+		indentBefore = makeMap(settings.indent_before || '');
+		indentAfter = makeMap(settings.indent_after || '');
+		encode = Entities.getEncodeFunc(settings.entity_encoding || 'raw', settings.entities);
+		htmlOutput = settings.element_format == "html";
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Writes the a start element such as <p id="a">.
+			 *
+			 * @method start
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the element.
+			 * @param {Array} attrs Optional attribute array or undefined if it hasn't any.
+			 * @param {Boolean} empty Optional empty state if the tag should end like <br />.
+			 */
+			start: function(name, attrs, empty) {
+				var i, l, attr, value;
+				if (indent && indentBefore[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+				html.push('<', name);
+				if (attrs) {
+					for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+						attr = attrs[i];
+						html.push(' ', attr.name, '="', encode(attr.value, true), '"');
+					}
+				}
+				if (!empty || htmlOutput) {
+					html[html.length] = '>';
+				} else {
+					html[html.length] = ' />';
+				}
+				if (empty && indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes the a end element such as </p>.
+			 *
+			 * @method end
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the element.
+			 */
+			end: function(name) {
+				var value;
+				/*if (indent && indentBefore[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n')
+						html.push('\n');
+				}*/
+				html.push('</', name, '>');
+				if (indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
+					value = html[html.length - 1];
+					if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
+						html.push('\n');
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a text node.
+			 *
+			 * @method text
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out.
+			 * @param {Boolean} raw Optional raw state if true the contents wont get encoded.
+			 */
+			text: function(text, raw) {
+				if (text.length > 0) {
+					html[html.length] = raw ? text : encode(text);
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a cdata node such as <![CDATA[data]]>.
+			 *
+			 * @method cdata
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the cdata.
+			 */
+			cdata: function(text) {
+				html.push('<![CDATA[', text, ']]>');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a comment node such as <!-- Comment -->.
+			 *
+			 * @method cdata
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the comment.
+			 */
+			comment: function(text) {
+				html.push('<!--', text, '-->');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a PI node such as <?xml attr="value" ?>.
+			 *
+			 * @method pi
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the pi.
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the pi.
+			 */
+			pi: function(name, text) {
+				if (text) {
+					html.push('<?', name, ' ', text, '?>');
+				} else {
+					html.push('<?', name, '?>');
+				}
+				if (indent) {
+					html.push('\n');
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Writes a doctype node such as <!DOCTYPE data>.
+			 *
+			 * @method doctype
+			 * @param {String} text String to write out inside the doctype.
+			 */
+			doctype: function(text) {
+				html.push('<!DOCTYPE', text, '>', indent ? '\n' : '');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Resets the internal buffer if one wants to reuse the writer.
+			 *
+			 * @method reset
+			 */
+			reset: function() {
+				html.length = 0;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns the contents that got serialized.
+			 *
+			 * @method getContent
+			 * @return {String} HTML contents that got written down.
+			 */
+			getContent: function() {
+				return html.join('').replace(/\n$/, '');
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/html/Serializer.js
+ * Serializer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to serialize down the DOM tree into a string using a Writer instance.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * new tinymce.html.Serializer().serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse('<p>text</p>'));
+ * @class tinymce.html.Serializer
+ * @version 3.4
+ */
+define("tinymce/html/Serializer", [
+	"tinymce/html/Writer",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema"
+], function(Writer, Schema) {
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new Serializer instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Serializer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
+	 * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema Schema instance to use.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, schema) {
+		var self = this, writer = new Writer(settings);
+		settings = settings || {};
+		settings.validate = "validate" in settings ? settings.validate : true;
+		self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema();
+		self.writer = writer;
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified node into a string.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * new tinymce.html.Serializer().serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse('<p>text</p>'));
+		 * @method serialize
+		 * @param {tinymce.html.Node} node Node instance to serialize.
+		 * @return {String} String with HTML based on DOM tree.
+		 */
+		self.serialize = function(node) {
+			var handlers, validate;
+			validate = settings.validate;
+			handlers = {
+				// #text
+				3: function(node) {
+					writer.text(node.value, node.raw);
+				},
+				// #comment
+				8: function(node) {
+					writer.comment(node.value);
+				},
+				// Processing instruction
+				7: function(node) {
+					writer.pi(node.name, node.value);
+				},
+				// Doctype
+				10: function(node) {
+					writer.doctype(node.value);
+				},
+				// CDATA
+				4: function(node) {
+					writer.cdata(node.value);
+				},
+				// Document fragment
+				11: function(node) {
+					if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+						do {
+							walk(node);
+						} while ((node = node.next));
+					}
+				}
+			};
+			writer.reset();
+			function walk(node) {
+				var handler = handlers[node.type], name, isEmpty, attrs, attrName, attrValue, sortedAttrs, i, l, elementRule;
+				if (!handler) {
+					name = node.name;
+					isEmpty = node.shortEnded;
+					attrs = node.attributes;
+					// Sort attributes
+					if (validate && attrs && attrs.length > 1) {
+						sortedAttrs = [];
+						sortedAttrs.map = {};
+						elementRule = schema.getElementRule(node.name);
+						for (i = 0, l = elementRule.attributesOrder.length; i < l; i++) {
+							attrName = elementRule.attributesOrder[i];
+							if (attrName in attrs.map) {
+								attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
+								sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
+								sortedAttrs.push({name: attrName, value: attrValue});
+							}
+						}
+						for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
+							attrName = attrs[i].name;
+							if (!(attrName in sortedAttrs.map)) {
+								attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
+								sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
+								sortedAttrs.push({name: attrName, value: attrValue});
+							}
+						}
+						attrs = sortedAttrs;
+					}
+					writer.start(node.name, attrs, isEmpty);
+					if (!isEmpty) {
+						if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+							do {
+								walk(node);
+							} while ((node = node.next));
+						}
+						writer.end(name);
+					}
+				} else {
+					handler(node);
+				}
+			}
+			// Serialize element and treat all non elements as fragments
+			if (node.type == 1 && !settings.inner) {
+				walk(node);
+			} else {
+				handlers[11](node);
+			}
+			return writer.getContent();
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/Serializer.js
+ * Serializer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to serialize DOM trees into a string. Consult the TinyMCE Wiki API for
+ * more details and examples on how to use this class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.Serializer
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Serializer", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(DOMUtils, DomParser, Entities, Serializer, Node, Schema, Env, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, trim = Tools.trim;
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new DOM serializer class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Serializer
+	 * @param {Object} settings Serializer settings object.
+	 * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Optional editor to bind events to and get schema/dom from.
+	 */
+	return function(settings, editor) {
+		var dom, schema, htmlParser;
+		if (editor) {
+			dom = editor.dom;
+			schema = editor.schema;
+		}
+		// Default DOM and Schema if they are undefined
+		dom = dom || DOM;
+		schema = schema || new Schema(settings);
+		settings.entity_encoding = settings.entity_encoding || 'named';
+		settings.remove_trailing_brs = "remove_trailing_brs" in settings ? settings.remove_trailing_brs : true;
+		htmlParser = new DomParser(settings, schema);
+		// Convert move data-mce-src, data-mce-href and data-mce-style into nodes or process them if needed
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value, internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
+			var urlConverter = settings.url_converter, urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope, undef;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.attributes.map[internalName];
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					// Set external name to internal value and remove internal
+					node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+					node.attr(internalName, null);
+				} else {
+					// No internal attribute found then convert the value we have in the DOM
+					value = node.attributes.map[name];
+					if (name === "style") {
+						value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name);
+					} else if (urlConverter) {
+						value = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, value, name, node.name);
+					}
+					node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove internal classes mceItem<..> or mceSelected
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('class', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.attr('class').replace(/(?:^|\s)mce-item-\w+(?!\S)/g, '');
+				node.attr('class', value.length > 0 ? value : null);
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove bookmark elements
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-type', function(nodes, name, args) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.attributes.map['data-mce-type'] === 'bookmark' && !args.cleanup) {
+					node.remove();
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Remove expando attributes
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-expando', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				nodes[i].attr(name, null);
+			}
+		});
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i].firstChild;
+				if (node) {
+					node.value = Entities.decode(node.value);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Force script into CDATA sections and remove the mce- prefix also add comments around styles
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('script,style', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node, value;
+			function trim(value) {
+				/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+				/*eslint max-len:0 */
+				return value.replace(/(<!--\[CDATA\[|\]\]-->)/g, '\n')
+						.replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g, '')
+						.replace(/^\s*((<!--)?(\s*\/\/)?\s*<!\[CDATA\[|(<!--\s*)?\/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*\/|(\/\/)?\s*<!--|\/\*\s*<!--\s*\*\/)\s*[\r\n]*/gi, '')
+						.replace(/\s*(\/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*\/(-->)?|\s*\/\/\s*\]\]>(-->)?|\/\/\s*(-->)?|\]\]>|\/\*\s*-->\s*\*\/|\s*-->\s*)\s*$/g, '');
+			}
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				value = node.firstChild ? node.firstChild.value : '';
+				if (name === "script") {
+					// Remove mce- prefix from script elements and remove default text/javascript mime type (HTML5)
+					var type = (node.attr('type') || 'text/javascript').replace(/^mce\-/, '');
+					node.attr('type', type === 'text/javascript' ? null : type);
+					if (value.length > 0) {
+						node.firstChild.value = '// <![CDATA[\n' + trim(value) + '\n// ]]>';
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (value.length > 0) {
+						node.firstChild.value = '<!--\n' + trim(value) + '\n-->';
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Convert comments to cdata and handle protected comments
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('#comment', function(nodes) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.value.indexOf('[CDATA[') === 0) {
+					node.name = '#cdata';
+					node.type = 4;
+					node.value = node.value.replace(/^\[CDATA\[|\]\]$/g, '');
+				} else if (node.value.indexOf('mce:protected ') === 0) {
+					node.name = "#text";
+					node.type = 3;
+					node.raw = true;
+					node.value = unescape(node.value).substr(14);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		htmlParser.addNodeFilter('xml:namespace,input', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length, node;
+			while (i--) {
+				node = nodes[i];
+				if (node.type === 7) {
+					node.remove();
+				} else if (node.type === 1) {
+					if (name === "input" && !("type" in node.attributes.map)) {
+						node.attr('type', 'text');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// Fix list elements, TODO: Replace this later
+		if (settings.fix_list_elements) {
+			htmlParser.addNodeFilter('ul,ol', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, parentNode;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					parentNode = node.parent;
+					if (parentNode.name === 'ul' || parentNode.name === 'ol') {
+						if (node.prev && node.prev.name === 'li') {
+							node.prev.append(node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// Remove internal data attributes
+		htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-src,data-mce-href,data-mce-style,data-mce-selected', function(nodes, name) {
+			var i = nodes.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				nodes[i].attr(name, null);
+			}
+		});
+		// Return public methods
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Schema instance that was used to when the Serializer was constructed.
+			 *
+			 * @field {tinymce.html.Schema} schema
+			 */
+			schema: schema,
+			/**
+			 * Adds a node filter function to the parser used by the serializer, the parser will collect the specified nodes by name
+			 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+			 *
+			 * @example
+			 * parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1', function(nodes, name) {
+			 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+			 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+			 *		}
+			 * });
+			 * @method addNodeFilter
+			 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+			 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+			 */
+			addNodeFilter: htmlParser.addNodeFilter,
+			/**
+			 * Adds a attribute filter function to the parser used by the serializer, the parser will
+			 * collect nodes that has the specified attributes
+			 * and then execute the callback ones it has finished parsing the document.
+			 *
+			 * @example
+			 * parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href', function(nodes, name) {
+			 *		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+			 *			console.log(nodes[i].name);
+			 *		}
+			 * });
+			 * @method addAttributeFilter
+			 * @method {String} name Comma separated list of nodes to collect.
+			 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute once it has collected nodes.
+			 */
+			addAttributeFilter: htmlParser.addAttributeFilter,
+			/**
+			 * Serializes the specified browser DOM node into a HTML string.
+			 *
+			 * @method serialize
+			 * @param {DOMNode} node DOM node to serialize.
+			 * @param {Object} args Arguments option that gets passed to event handlers.
+			 */
+			serialize: function(node, args) {
+				var self = this, impl, doc, oldDoc, htmlSerializer, content;
+				// Explorer won't clone contents of script and style and the
+				// selected index of select elements are cleared on a clone operation.
+				if (Env.ie && dom.select('script,style,select,map').length > 0) {
+					content = node.innerHTML;
+					node = node.cloneNode(false);
+					dom.setHTML(node, content);
+				} else {
+					node = node.cloneNode(true);
+				}
+				// Nodes needs to be attached to something in WebKit/Opera
+				// This fix will make DOM ranges and make Sizzle happy!
+				impl = node.ownerDocument.implementation;
+				if (impl.createHTMLDocument) {
+					// Create an empty HTML document
+					doc = impl.createHTMLDocument("");
+					// Add the element or it's children if it's a body element to the new document
+					each(node.nodeName == 'BODY' ? node.childNodes : [node], function(node) {
+						doc.body.appendChild(doc.importNode(node, true));
+					});
+					// Grab first child or body element for serialization
+					if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+						node = doc.body.firstChild;
+					} else {
+						node = doc.body;
+					}
+					// set the new document in DOMUtils so createElement etc works
+					oldDoc = dom.doc;
+					dom.doc = doc;
+				}
+				args = args || {};
+				args.format = args.format || 'html';
+				// Don't wrap content if we want selected html
+				if (args.selection) {
+					args.forced_root_block = '';
+				}
+				// Pre process
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					args.node = node;
+					self.onPreProcess(args);
+				}
+				// Setup serializer
+				htmlSerializer = new Serializer(settings, schema);
+				// Parse and serialize HTML
+				args.content = htmlSerializer.serialize(
+					htmlParser.parse(trim(args.getInner ? node.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(node)), args)
+				);
+				// Replace all BOM characters for now until we can find a better solution
+				if (!args.cleanup) {
+					args.content = args.content.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
+				}
+				// Post process
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.onPostProcess(args);
+				}
+				// Restore the old document if it was changed
+				if (oldDoc) {
+					dom.doc = oldDoc;
+				}
+				args.node = null;
+				return args.content;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Adds valid elements rules to the serializers schema instance this enables you to specify things
+			 * like what elements should be outputted and what attributes specific elements might have.
+			 * Consult the Wiki for more details on this format.
+			 *
+			 * @method addRules
+			 * @param {String} rules Valid elements rules string to add to schema.
+			 */
+			addRules: function(rules) {
+				schema.addValidElements(rules);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Sets the valid elements rules to the serializers schema instance this enables you to specify things
+			 * like what elements should be outputted and what attributes specific elements might have.
+			 * Consult the Wiki for more details on this format.
+			 *
+			 * @method setRules
+			 * @param {String} rules Valid elements rules string.
+			 */
+			setRules: function(rules) {
+				schema.setValidElements(rules);
+			},
+			onPreProcess: function(args) {
+				if (editor) {
+					editor.fire('PreProcess', args);
+				}
+			},
+			onPostProcess: function(args) {
+				if (editor) {
+					editor.fire('PostProcess', args);
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/TridentSelection.js
+ * TridentSelection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Selection class for old explorer versions. This one fakes the
+ * native selection object available on modern browsers.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.TridentSelection
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/TridentSelection", [], function() {
+	function Selection(selection) {
+		var self = this, dom = selection.dom, FALSE = false;
+		function getPosition(rng, start) {
+			var checkRng, startIndex = 0, endIndex, inside,
+				children, child, offset, index, position = -1, parent;
+			// Setup test range, collapse it and get the parent
+			checkRng = rng.duplicate();
+			checkRng.collapse(start);
+			parent = checkRng.parentElement();
+			// Check if the selection is within the right document
+			if (parent.ownerDocument !== selection.dom.doc) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// IE will report non editable elements as it's parent so look for an editable one
+			while (parent.contentEditable === "false") {
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+			}
+			// If parent doesn't have any children then return that we are inside the element
+			if (!parent.hasChildNodes()) {
+				return {node: parent, inside: 1};
+			}
+			// Setup node list and endIndex
+			children = parent.children;
+			endIndex = children.length - 1;
+			// Perform a binary search for the position
+			while (startIndex <= endIndex) {
+				index = Math.floor((startIndex + endIndex) / 2);
+				// Move selection to node and compare the ranges
+				child = children[index];
+				checkRng.moveToElementText(child);
+				position = checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', rng);
+				// Before/after or an exact match
+				if (position > 0) {
+					endIndex = index - 1;
+				} else if (position < 0) {
+					startIndex = index + 1;
+				} else {
+					return {node: child};
+				}
+			}
+			// Check if child position is before or we didn't find a position
+			if (position < 0) {
+				// No element child was found use the parent element and the offset inside that
+				if (!child) {
+					checkRng.moveToElementText(parent);
+					checkRng.collapse(true);
+					child = parent;
+					inside = true;
+				} else {
+					checkRng.collapse(false);
+				}
+				// Walk character by character in text node until we hit the selected range endpoint,
+				// hit the end of document or parent isn't the right one
+				// We need to walk char by char since rng.text or rng.htmlText will trim line endings
+				offset = 0;
+				while (checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'StartToEnd', rng) !== 0) {
+					if (checkRng.move('character', 1) === 0 || parent != checkRng.parentElement()) {
+						break;
+					}
+					offset++;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Child position is after the selection endpoint
+				checkRng.collapse(true);
+				// Walk character by character in text node until we hit the selected range endpoint, hit
+				// the end of document or parent isn't the right one
+				offset = 0;
+				while (checkRng.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'StartToEnd', rng) !== 0) {
+					if (checkRng.move('character', -1) === 0 || parent != checkRng.parentElement()) {
+						break;
+					}
+					offset++;
+				}
+			}
+			return {node: child, position: position, offset: offset, inside: inside};
+		}
+		// Returns a W3C DOM compatible range object by using the IE Range API
+		function getRange() {
+			var ieRange = selection.getRng(), domRange = dom.createRng(), element, collapsed, tmpRange, element2, bookmark;
+			// If selection is outside the current document just return an empty range
+			element = ieRange.item ? ieRange.item(0) : ieRange.parentElement();
+			if (element.ownerDocument != dom.doc) {
+				return domRange;
+			}
+			collapsed = selection.isCollapsed();
+			// Handle control selection
+			if (ieRange.item) {
+				domRange.setStart(element.parentNode, dom.nodeIndex(element));
+				domRange.setEnd(domRange.startContainer, domRange.startOffset + 1);
+				return domRange;
+			}
+			function findEndPoint(start) {
+				var endPoint = getPosition(ieRange, start), container, offset, textNodeOffset = 0, sibling, undef, nodeValue;
+				container = endPoint.node;
+				offset = endPoint.offset;
+				if (endPoint.inside && !container.hasChildNodes()) {
+					domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](container, 0);
+					return;
+				}
+				if (offset === undef) {
+					domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndAfter'](container);
+					return;
+				}
+				if (endPoint.position < 0) {
+					sibling = endPoint.inside ? container.firstChild : container.nextSibling;
+					if (!sibling) {
+						domRange[start ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](container);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!offset) {
+						if (sibling.nodeType == 3) {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](sibling, 0);
+						} else {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndBefore'](sibling);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					// Find the text node and offset
+					while (sibling) {
+						nodeValue = sibling.nodeValue;
+						textNodeOffset += nodeValue.length;
+						// We are at or passed the position we where looking for
+						if (textNodeOffset >= offset) {
+							container = sibling;
+							textNodeOffset -= offset;
+							textNodeOffset = nodeValue.length - textNodeOffset;
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Find the text node and offset
+					sibling = container.previousSibling;
+					if (!sibling) {
+						return domRange[start ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndBefore'](container);
+					}
+					// If there isn't any text to loop then use the first position
+					if (!offset) {
+						if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](sibling, container.nodeValue.length);
+						} else {
+							domRange[start ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](sibling);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					while (sibling) {
+						textNodeOffset += sibling.nodeValue.length;
+						// We are at or passed the position we where looking for
+						if (textNodeOffset >= offset) {
+							container = sibling;
+							textNodeOffset -= offset;
+							break;
+						}
+						sibling = sibling.previousSibling;
+					}
+				}
+				domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](container, textNodeOffset);
+			}
+			try {
+				// Find start point
+				findEndPoint(true);
+				// Find end point if needed
+				if (!collapsed) {
+					findEndPoint();
+				}
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE has a nasty bug where text nodes might throw "invalid argument" when you
+				// access the nodeValue or other properties of text nodes. This seems to happend when
+				// text nodes are split into two nodes by a delete/backspace call. So lets detect it and try to fix it.
+				if (ex.number == -2147024809) {
+					// Get the current selection
+					bookmark = self.getBookmark(2);
+					// Get start element
+					tmpRange = ieRange.duplicate();
+					tmpRange.collapse(true);
+					element = tmpRange.parentElement();
+					// Get end element
+					if (!collapsed) {
+						tmpRange = ieRange.duplicate();
+						tmpRange.collapse(false);
+						element2 = tmpRange.parentElement();
+						element2.innerHTML = element2.innerHTML;
+					}
+					// Remove the broken elements
+					element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML;
+					// Restore the selection
+					self.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+					// Since the range has moved we need to re-get it
+					ieRange = selection.getRng();
+					// Find start point
+					findEndPoint(true);
+					// Find end point if needed
+					if (!collapsed) {
+						findEndPoint();
+					}
+				} else {
+					throw ex; // Throw other errors
+				}
+			}
+			return domRange;
+		}
+		this.getBookmark = function(type) {
+			var rng = selection.getRng(), bookmark = {};
+			function getIndexes(node) {
+				var parent, root, children, i, indexes = [];
+				parent = node.parentNode;
+				root = dom.getRoot().parentNode;
+				while (parent != root && parent.nodeType !== 9) {
+					children = parent.children;
+					i = children.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (node === children[i]) {
+							indexes.push(i);
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					node = parent;
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return indexes;
+			}
+			function getBookmarkEndPoint(start) {
+				var position;
+				position = getPosition(rng, start);
+				if (position) {
+					return {
+						position: position.position,
+						offset: position.offset,
+						indexes: getIndexes(position.node),
+						inside: position.inside
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			// Non ubstructive bookmark
+			if (type === 2) {
+				// Handle text selection
+				if (!rng.item) {
+					bookmark.start = getBookmarkEndPoint(true);
+					if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
+						bookmark.end = getBookmarkEndPoint();
+					}
+				} else {
+					bookmark.start = {ctrl: true, indexes: getIndexes(rng.item(0))};
+				}
+			}
+			return bookmark;
+		};
+		this.moveToBookmark = function(bookmark) {
+			var rng, body = dom.doc.body;
+			function resolveIndexes(indexes) {
+				var node, i, idx, children;
+				node = dom.getRoot();
+				for (i = indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					children = node.children;
+					idx = indexes[i];
+					if (idx <= children.length - 1) {
+						node = children[idx];
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function setBookmarkEndPoint(start) {
+				var endPoint = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'], moveLeft, moveRng, undef, offset;
+				if (endPoint) {
+					moveLeft = endPoint.position > 0;
+					moveRng = body.createTextRange();
+					moveRng.moveToElementText(resolveIndexes(endPoint.indexes));
+					offset = endPoint.offset;
+					if (offset !== undef) {
+						moveRng.collapse(endPoint.inside || moveLeft);
+						moveRng.moveStart('character', moveLeft ? -offset : offset);
+					} else {
+						moveRng.collapse(start);
+					}
+					rng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToStart', moveRng);
+					if (start) {
+						rng.collapse(true);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (bookmark.start) {
+				if (bookmark.start.ctrl) {
+					rng = body.createControlRange();
+					rng.addElement(resolveIndexes(bookmark.start.indexes));
+					rng.select();
+				} else {
+					rng = body.createTextRange();
+					setBookmarkEndPoint(true);
+					setBookmarkEndPoint();
+					rng.select();
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		this.addRange = function(rng) {
+			var ieRng, ctrlRng, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, sibling,
+				doc = selection.dom.doc, body = doc.body, nativeRng, ctrlElm;
+			function setEndPoint(start) {
+				var container, offset, marker, tmpRng, nodes;
+				marker = dom.create('a');
+				container = start ? startContainer : endContainer;
+				offset = start ? startOffset : endOffset;
+				tmpRng = ieRng.duplicate();
+				if (container == doc || container == doc.documentElement) {
+					container = body;
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					container.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, container);
+					tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+					tmpRng.moveStart('character', offset);
+					dom.remove(marker);
+					ieRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', tmpRng);
+				} else {
+					nodes = container.childNodes;
+					if (nodes.length) {
+						if (offset >= nodes.length) {
+							dom.insertAfter(marker, nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
+						} else {
+							container.insertBefore(marker, nodes[offset]);
+						}
+						tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+					} else if (container.canHaveHTML) {
+						// Empty node selection for example <div>|</div>
+						// Setting innerHTML with a span marker then remove that marker seems to keep empty block elements open
+						container.innerHTML = '<span>&#xFEFF;</span>';
+						marker = container.firstChild;
+						tmpRng.moveToElementText(marker);
+						tmpRng.collapse(FALSE); // Collapse false works better than true for some odd reason
+					}
+					ieRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', tmpRng);
+					dom.remove(marker);
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup some shorter versions
+			startContainer = rng.startContainer;
+			startOffset = rng.startOffset;
+			endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+			endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			ieRng = body.createTextRange();
+			// If single element selection then try making a control selection out of it
+			if (startContainer == endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				// Trick to place the caret inside an empty block element like <p></p>
+				if (startOffset == endOffset && !startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+					if (startContainer.canHaveHTML) {
+						// Check if previous sibling is an empty block if it is then we need to render it
+						// IE would otherwise move the caret into the sibling instead of the empty startContainer see: #5236
+						// Example this: <p></p><p>|</p> would become this: <p>|</p><p></p>
+						sibling = startContainer.previousSibling;
+						if (sibling && !sibling.hasChildNodes() && dom.isBlock(sibling)) {
+							sibling.innerHTML = '&#xFEFF;';
+						} else {
+							sibling = null;
+						}
+						startContainer.innerHTML = '<span>&#xFEFF;</span><span>&#xFEFF;</span>';
+						ieRng.moveToElementText(startContainer.lastChild);
+						ieRng.select();
+						dom.doc.selection.clear();
+						startContainer.innerHTML = '';
+						if (sibling) {
+							sibling.innerHTML = '';
+						}
+						return;
+					} else {
+						startOffset = dom.nodeIndex(startContainer);
+						startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+					}
+				}
+				if (startOffset == endOffset - 1) {
+					try {
+						ctrlElm = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+						ctrlRng = body.createControlRange();
+						ctrlRng.addElement(ctrlElm);
+						ctrlRng.select();
+						// Check if the range produced is on the correct element and is a control range
+						// On IE 8 it will select the parent contentEditable container if you select an inner element see: #5398
+						nativeRng = selection.getRng();
+						if (nativeRng.item && ctrlElm === nativeRng.item(0)) {
+							return;
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set start/end point of selection
+			setEndPoint(true);
+			setEndPoint();
+			// Select the new range and scroll it into view
+			ieRng.select();
+		};
+		// Expose range method
+		this.getRangeAt = getRange;
+	}
+	return Selection;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/VK.js
+ * VK.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This file exposes a set of the common KeyCodes for use.  Please grow it as needed.
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/VK", [
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Env) {
+	return {
+		DELETE: 46,
+		DOWN: 40,
+		ENTER: 13,
+		LEFT: 37,
+		RIGHT: 39,
+		SPACEBAR: 32,
+		TAB: 9,
+		UP: 38,
+		modifierPressed: function(e) {
+			return e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey;
+		},
+		metaKeyPressed: function(e) {
+			// Check if ctrl or meta key is pressed also check if alt is false for Polish users
+			return (Env.mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.altKey;
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/ControlSelection.js
+ * ControlSelection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles control selection of elements. Controls are elements
+ * that can be resized and needs to be selected as a whole. It adds custom resize handles
+ * to all browser engines that support properly disabling the built in resize logic.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.ControlSelection
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/ControlSelection", [
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(VK, Tools, Env) {
+	return function(selection, editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom, each = Tools.each;
+		var selectedElm, selectedElmGhost, resizeHandles, selectedHandle, lastMouseDownEvent;
+		var startX, startY, selectedElmX, selectedElmY, startW, startH, ratio, resizeStarted;
+		var width, height, editableDoc = editor.getDoc(), rootDocument = document, isIE = Env.ie && Env.ie < 11;
+		// Details about each resize handle how to scale etc
+		resizeHandles = {
+			// Name: x multiplier, y multiplier, delta size x, delta size y
+			n:  [0.5,   0,     0,   -1],
+			e:  [1,    0.5,    1,    0],
+			s:  [0.5,   1,     0,    1],
+			w:  [0,    0.5,   -1,    0],
+			nw: [0,     0,    -1,   -1],
+			ne: [1,     0,     1,   -1],
+			se: [1,     1,     1,    1],
+			sw: [0,     1,    -1,    1]
+		};
+		// Add CSS for resize handles, cloned element and selected
+		var rootClass = '.mce-content-body';
+		editor.contentStyles.push(
+			rootClass + ' div.mce-resizehandle {' +
+				'position: absolute;' +
+				'border: 1px solid black;' +
+				'background: #FFF;' +
+				'width: 5px;' +
+				'height: 5px;' +
+				'z-index: 10000' +
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' .mce-resizehandle:hover {' +
+				'background: #000' +
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' img[data-mce-selected], hr[data-mce-selected] {' +
+				'outline: 1px solid black;' +
+				'resize: none' + // Have been talks about implementing this in browsers
+			'}' +
+			rootClass + ' .mce-clonedresizable {' +
+				'position: absolute;' +
+				(Env.gecko ? '' : 'outline: 1px dashed black;') + // Gecko produces trails while resizing
+				'opacity: .5;' +
+				'filter: alpha(opacity=50);' +
+				'z-index: 10000' +
+			'}'
+		);
+		function isResizable(elm) {
+			var selector = editor.settings.object_resizing;
+			if (selector === false || Env.iOS) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (typeof selector != 'string') {
+				selector = 'table,img,div';
+			}
+			if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-resize') === 'false') {
+				return false;
+			}
+			return editor.dom.is(elm, selector);
+		}
+		function resizeGhostElement(e) {
+			var deltaX, deltaY;
+			// Calc new width/height
+			deltaX = e.screenX - startX;
+			deltaY = e.screenY - startY;
+			// Calc new size
+			width = deltaX * selectedHandle[2] + startW;
+			height = deltaY * selectedHandle[3] + startH;
+			// Never scale down lower than 5 pixels
+			width = width < 5 ? 5 : width;
+			height = height < 5 ? 5 : height;
+			// Constrain proportions when modifier key is pressed or if the nw, ne, sw, se corners are moved on an image
+			if (VK.modifierPressed(e) || (selectedElm.nodeName == "IMG" && selectedHandle[2] * selectedHandle[3] !== 0)) {
+				width = Math.round(height / ratio);
+				height = Math.round(width * ratio);
+			}
+			// Update ghost size
+			dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, {
+				width: width,
+				height: height
+			});
+			// Update ghost X position if needed
+			if (selectedHandle[2] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientWidth <= width) {
+				dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'left', selectedElmX + (startW - width));
+			}
+			// Update ghost Y position if needed
+			if (selectedHandle[3] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientHeight <= height) {
+				dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'top', selectedElmY + (startH - height));
+			}
+			if (!resizeStarted) {
+				editor.fire('ObjectResizeStart', {target: selectedElm, width: startW, height: startH});
+				resizeStarted = true;
+			}
+		}
+		function endGhostResize() {
+			resizeStarted = false;
+			function setSizeProp(name, value) {
+				if (value) {
+					// Resize by using style or attribute
+					if (selectedElm.style[name] || !editor.schema.isValid(selectedElm.nodeName.toLowerCase(), name)) {
+						dom.setStyle(selectedElm, name, value);
+					} else {
+						dom.setAttrib(selectedElm, name, value);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set width/height properties
+			setSizeProp('width', width);
+			setSizeProp('height', height);
+			dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+			dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+			if (rootDocument != editableDoc) {
+				dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+				dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+			}
+			// Remove ghost and update resize handle positions
+			dom.remove(selectedElmGhost);
+			if (!isIE || selectedElm.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+				showResizeRect(selectedElm);
+			}
+			editor.fire('ObjectResized', {target: selectedElm, width: width, height: height});
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+		}
+		function showResizeRect(targetElm, mouseDownHandleName, mouseDownEvent) {
+			var position, targetWidth, targetHeight, e, rect, offsetParent = editor.getBody();
+			unbindResizeHandleEvents();
+			// Get position and size of target
+			position = dom.getPos(targetElm, offsetParent);
+			selectedElmX = position.x;
+			selectedElmY = position.y;
+			rect = targetElm.getBoundingClientRect(); // Fix for Gecko offsetHeight for table with caption
+			targetWidth = rect.width || (rect.right - rect.left);
+			targetHeight = rect.height || (rect.bottom - rect.top);
+			// Reset width/height if user selects a new image/table
+			if (selectedElm != targetElm) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				selectedElm = targetElm;
+				width = height = 0;
+			}
+			// Makes it possible to disable resizing
+			e = editor.fire('ObjectSelected', {target: targetElm});
+			if (isResizable(targetElm) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				each(resizeHandles, function(handle, name) {
+					var handleElm, handlerContainerElm;
+					function startDrag(e) {
+						startX = e.screenX;
+						startY = e.screenY;
+						startW = selectedElm.clientWidth;
+						startH = selectedElm.clientHeight;
+						ratio = startH / startW;
+						selectedHandle = handle;
+						selectedElmGhost = selectedElm.cloneNode(true);
+						dom.addClass(selectedElmGhost, 'mce-clonedresizable');
+						selectedElmGhost.contentEditable = false; // Hides IE move layer cursor
+						selectedElmGhost.unSelectabe = true;
+						dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, {
+							left: selectedElmX,
+							top: selectedElmY,
+							margin: 0
+						});
+						selectedElmGhost.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+						editor.getBody().appendChild(selectedElmGhost);
+						dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+						dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+						if (rootDocument != editableDoc) {
+							dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
+							dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
+						}
+					}
+					if (mouseDownHandleName) {
+						// Drag started by IE native resizestart
+						if (name == mouseDownHandleName) {
+							startDrag(mouseDownEvent);
+						}
+						return;
+					}
+					// Get existing or render resize handle
+					handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
+					if (!handleElm) {
+						handlerContainerElm = editor.getBody();
+						handleElm = dom.add(handlerContainerElm, 'div', {
+							id: 'mceResizeHandle' + name,
+							'data-mce-bogus': true,
+							'class': 'mce-resizehandle',
+							unselectable: true,
+							style: 'cursor:' + name + '-resize; margin:0; padding:0'
+						});
+						// Hides IE move layer cursor
+						// If we set it on Chrome we get this wounderful bug: #6725
+						if (Env.ie) {
+							handleElm.contentEditable = false;
+						}
+					} else {
+						dom.show(handleElm);
+					}
+					if (!handle.elm) {
+						dom.bind(handleElm, 'mousedown', function(e) {
+							e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+							e.preventDefault();
+							startDrag(e);
+						});
+						handle.elm = handleElm;
+					}
+					/*
+					var halfHandleW = handleElm.offsetWidth / 2;
+					var halfHandleH = handleElm.offsetHeight / 2;
+					// Position element
+					dom.setStyles(handleElm, {
+						left: Math.floor((targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX) - halfHandleW + (handle[2] * halfHandleW)),
+						top: Math.floor((targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY) - halfHandleH + (handle[3] * halfHandleH))
+					});
+					*/
+					// Position element
+					dom.setStyles(handleElm, {
+						left: (targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX) - (handleElm.offsetWidth / 2),
+						top: (targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY) - (handleElm.offsetHeight / 2)
+					});
+				});
+			} else {
+				hideResizeRect();
+			}
+			selectedElm.setAttribute('data-mce-selected', '1');
+		}
+		function hideResizeRect() {
+			var name, handleElm;
+			unbindResizeHandleEvents();
+			if (selectedElm) {
+				selectedElm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+			}
+			for (name in resizeHandles) {
+				handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
+				if (handleElm) {
+					dom.unbind(handleElm);
+					dom.remove(handleElm);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function updateResizeRect(e) {
+			var controlElm;
+			function isChildOrEqual(node, parent) {
+				if (node) {
+					do {
+						if (node === parent) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					} while ((node = node.parentNode));
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove data-mce-selected from all elements since they might have been copied using Ctrl+c/v
+			each(dom.select('img[data-mce-selected],hr[data-mce-selected]'), function(img) {
+				img.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
+			});
+			controlElm = e.type == 'mousedown' ? e.target : selection.getNode();
+			controlElm = dom.getParent(controlElm, isIE ? 'table' : 'table,img,hr');
+			if (isChildOrEqual(controlElm, editor.getBody())) {
+				disableGeckoResize();
+				if (isChildOrEqual(selection.getStart(), controlElm) && isChildOrEqual(selection.getEnd(), controlElm)) {
+					if (!isIE || (controlElm != selection.getStart() && selection.getStart().nodeName !== 'IMG')) {
+						showResizeRect(controlElm);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			hideResizeRect();
+		}
+		function attachEvent(elm, name, func) {
+			if (elm && elm.attachEvent) {
+				elm.attachEvent('on' + name, func);
+			}
+		}
+		function detachEvent(elm, name, func) {
+			if (elm && elm.detachEvent) {
+				elm.detachEvent('on' + name, func);
+			}
+		}
+		function resizeNativeStart(e) {
+			var target = e.srcElement, pos, name, corner, cornerX, cornerY, relativeX, relativeY;
+			pos = target.getBoundingClientRect();
+			relativeX = lastMouseDownEvent.clientX - pos.left;
+			relativeY = lastMouseDownEvent.clientY - pos.top;
+			// Figure out what corner we are draging on
+			for (name in resizeHandles) {
+				corner = resizeHandles[name];
+				cornerX = target.offsetWidth * corner[0];
+				cornerY = target.offsetHeight * corner[1];
+				if (Math.abs(cornerX - relativeX) < 8 && Math.abs(cornerY - relativeY) < 8) {
+					selectedHandle = corner;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove native selection and let the magic begin
+			resizeStarted = true;
+			editor.getDoc().selection.empty();
+			showResizeRect(target, name, lastMouseDownEvent);
+		}
+		function nativeControlSelect(e) {
+			var target = e.srcElement;
+			if (target != selectedElm) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				if (target.id.indexOf('mceResizeHandle') === 0) {
+					e.returnValue = false;
+					return;
+				}
+				if (target.nodeName == 'IMG' || target.nodeName == 'TABLE') {
+					hideResizeRect();
+					selectedElm = target;
+					attachEvent(target, 'resizestart', resizeNativeStart);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function detachResizeStartListener() {
+			detachEvent(selectedElm, 'resizestart', resizeNativeStart);
+		}
+		function unbindResizeHandleEvents() {
+			for (var name in resizeHandles) {
+				var handle = resizeHandles[name];
+				if (handle.elm) {
+					dom.unbind(handle.elm);
+					delete handle.elm;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function disableGeckoResize() {
+			try {
+				// Disable object resizing on Gecko
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		function controlSelect(elm) {
+			var ctrlRng;
+			if (!isIE) {
+				return;
+			}
+			ctrlRng = editableDoc.body.createControlRange();
+			try {
+				ctrlRng.addElement(elm);
+				ctrlRng.select();
+				return true;
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore since the element can't be control selected for example a P tag
+			}
+		}
+		editor.on('init', function() {
+			if (isIE) {
+				// Hide the resize rect on resize and reselect the image
+				editor.on('ObjectResized', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.nodeName != 'TABLE') {
+						hideResizeRect();
+						controlSelect(e.target);
+					}
+				});
+				attachEvent(editor.getBody(), 'controlselect', nativeControlSelect);
+				editor.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+					lastMouseDownEvent = e;
+				});
+			} else {
+				disableGeckoResize();
+				if (Env.ie >= 11) {
+					// TODO: Drag/drop doesn't work
+					editor.on('mouseup', function(e) {
+						var nodeName = e.target.nodeName;
+						if (/^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(nodeName)) {
+							editor.selection.select(e.target, nodeName == 'TABLE');
+							editor.nodeChanged();
+						}
+					});
+					editor.dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'mscontrolselect', function(e) {
+						if (/^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(e.target.nodeName)) {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							// This moves the selection from being a control selection to a text like selection like in WebKit #6753
+							// TODO: Fix this the day IE works like other browsers without this nasty native ugly control selections.
+							if (e.target.tagName == 'IMG') {
+								window.setTimeout(function() {
+									editor.selection.select(e.target);
+								}, 0);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			editor.on('nodechange mousedown mouseup ResizeEditor', updateResizeRect);
+			// Update resize rect while typing in a table
+			editor.on('keydown keyup', function(e) {
+				if (selectedElm && selectedElm.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+					updateResizeRect(e);
+				}
+			});
+			// Hide rect on focusout since it would float on top of windows otherwise
+			//editor.on('focusout', hideResizeRect);
+		});
+		editor.on('remove', unbindResizeHandleEvents);
+		function destroy() {
+			selectedElm = selectedElmGhost = null;
+			if (isIE) {
+				detachResizeStartListener();
+				detachEvent(editor.getBody(), 'controlselect', nativeControlSelect);
+			}
+		}
+		return {
+			isResizable: isResizable,
+			showResizeRect: showResizeRect,
+			hideResizeRect: hideResizeRect,
+			updateResizeRect: updateResizeRect,
+			controlSelect: controlSelect,
+			destroy: destroy
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/RangeUtils.js
+ * Range.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * RangeUtils
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.RangeUtils
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/RangeUtils", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker"
+], function(Tools, TreeWalker) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	function RangeUtils(dom) {
+		/**
+		 * Walks the specified range like object and executes the callback for each sibling collection it finds.
+		 *
+		 * @method walk
+		 * @param {Object} rng Range like object.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute for each sibling collection.
+		 */
+		this.walk = function(rng, callback) {
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset,
+				ancestor, startPoint,
+				endPoint, node, parent, siblings, nodes;
+			// Handle table cell selection the table plugin enables
+			// you to fake select table cells and perform formatting actions on them
+			nodes = dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected');
+			if (nodes.length > 0) {
+				each(nodes, function(node) {
+					callback([node]);
+				});
+				return;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Excludes start/end text node if they are out side the range
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Array} nodes Nodes to exclude items from.
+			 * @return {Array} Array with nodes excluding the start/end container if needed.
+			 */
+			function exclude(nodes) {
+				var node;
+				// First node is excluded
+				node = nodes[0];
+				if (node.nodeType === 3 && node === startContainer && startOffset >= node.nodeValue.length) {
+					nodes.splice(0, 1);
+				}
+				// Last node is excluded
+				node = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
+				if (endOffset === 0 && nodes.length > 0 && node === endContainer && node.nodeType === 3) {
+					nodes.splice(nodes.length - 1, 1);
+				}
+				return nodes;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Collects siblings
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node Node to collect siblings from.
+			 * @param {String} name Name of the sibling to check for.
+			 * @return {Array} Array of collected siblings.
+			 */
+			function collectSiblings(node, name, end_node) {
+				var siblings = [];
+				for (; node && node != end_node; node = node[name]) {
+					siblings.push(node);
+				}
+				return siblings;
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Find an end point this is the node just before the common ancestor root.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node Node to start at.
+			 * @param {Node} root Root/ancestor element to stop just before.
+			 * @return {Node} Node just before the root element.
+			 */
+			function findEndPoint(node, root) {
+				do {
+					if (node.parentNode == root) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				} while(node);
+			}
+			function walkBoundary(start_node, end_node, next) {
+				var siblingName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
+				for (node = start_node, parent = node.parentNode; node && node != end_node; node = parent) {
+					parent = node.parentNode;
+					siblings = collectSiblings(node == start_node ? node : node[siblingName], siblingName);
+					if (siblings.length) {
+						if (!next) {
+							siblings.reverse();
+						}
+						callback(exclude(siblings));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// If index based start position then resolve it
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+			}
+			// If index based end position then resolve it
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[Math.min(endOffset - 1, endContainer.childNodes.length - 1)];
+			}
+			// Same container
+			if (startContainer == endContainer) {
+				return callback(exclude([startContainer]));
+			}
+			// Find common ancestor and end points
+			ancestor = dom.findCommonAncestor(startContainer, endContainer);
+			// Process left side
+			for (node = startContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
+				if (node === endContainer) {
+					return walkBoundary(startContainer, ancestor, true);
+				}
+				if (node === ancestor) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Process right side
+			for (node = endContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
+				if (node === startContainer) {
+					return walkBoundary(endContainer, ancestor);
+				}
+				if (node === ancestor) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Find start/end point
+			startPoint = findEndPoint(startContainer, ancestor) || startContainer;
+			endPoint = findEndPoint(endContainer, ancestor) || endContainer;
+			// Walk left leaf
+			walkBoundary(startContainer, startPoint, true);
+			// Walk the middle from start to end point
+			siblings = collectSiblings(
+				startPoint == startContainer ? startPoint : startPoint.nextSibling,
+				'nextSibling',
+				endPoint == endContainer ? endPoint.nextSibling : endPoint
+			);
+			if (siblings.length) {
+				callback(exclude(siblings));
+			}
+			// Walk right leaf
+			walkBoundary(endContainer, endPoint);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Splits the specified range at it's start/end points.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Range/RangeObject} rng Range to split.
+		 * @return {Object} Range position object.
+		 */
+		this.split = function(rng) {
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			function splitText(node, offset) {
+				return node.splitText(offset);
+			}
+			// Handle single text node
+			if (startContainer == endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+				if (startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					endContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
+					startContainer = endContainer.previousSibling;
+					if (endOffset > startOffset) {
+						endOffset = endOffset - startOffset;
+						startContainer = endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
+						endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+						startOffset = 0;
+					} else {
+						endOffset = 0;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Split startContainer text node if needed
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3 && startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					startContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+				// Split endContainer text node if needed
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3 && endOffset > 0 && endOffset < endContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
+					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+				}
+			}
+			return {
+				startContainer: startContainer,
+				startOffset: startOffset,
+				endContainer: endContainer,
+				endOffset: endOffset
+			};
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Normalizes the specified range by finding the closest best suitable caret location.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Range} rng Range to normalize.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the specified range was normalized or not.
+		 */
+		this.normalize = function(rng) {
+			var normalized, collapsed;
+			function normalizeEndPoint(start) {
+				var container, offset, walker, body = dom.getRoot(), node, nonEmptyElementsMap, nodeName;
+				var directionLeft, isAfterNode;
+				function hasBrBeforeAfter(node, left) {
+					var walker = new TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(node.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body);
+					while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+						if (node.nodeName === "BR") {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				function isPrevNode(node, name) {
+					return node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName == name;
+				}
+				// Walks the dom left/right to find a suitable text node to move the endpoint into
+				// It will only walk within the current parent block or body and will stop if it hits a block or a BR/IMG
+				function findTextNodeRelative(left, startNode) {
+					var walker, lastInlineElement, parentBlockContainer;
+					startNode = startNode || container;
+					parentBlockContainer = dom.getParent(startNode.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body;
+					// Lean left before the BR element if it's the only BR within a block element. Gecko bug: #6680
+					// This: <p><br>|</p> becomes <p>|<br></p>
+					if (left && startNode.nodeName == 'BR' && isAfterNode && dom.isEmpty(parentBlockContainer)) {
+						container = startNode.parentNode;
+						offset = dom.nodeIndex(startNode);
+						normalized = true;
+						return;
+					}
+					// Walk left until we hit a text node we can move to or a block/br/img
+					walker = new TreeWalker(startNode, parentBlockContainer);
+					while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+						// Found text node that has a length
+						if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+							container = node;
+							offset = left ? node.nodeValue.length : 0;
+							normalized = true;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Break if we find a block or a BR/IMG/INPUT etc
+						if (dom.isBlock(node) || nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+							return;
+						}
+						lastInlineElement = node;
+					}
+					// Only fetch the last inline element when in caret mode for now
+					if (collapsed && lastInlineElement) {
+						container = lastInlineElement;
+						normalized = true;
+						offset = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				container = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Container'];
+				offset = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Offset'];
+				isAfterNode = container.nodeType == 1 && offset === container.childNodes.length;
+				nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+				directionLeft = start;
+				if (container.nodeType == 1 && offset > container.childNodes.length - 1) {
+					directionLeft = false;
+				}
+				// If the container is a document move it to the body element
+				if (container.nodeType === 9) {
+					container = dom.getRoot();
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+				// If the container is body try move it into the closest text node or position
+				if (container === body) {
+					// If start is before/after a image, table etc
+					if (directionLeft) {
+						node = container.childNodes[offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0];
+						if (node) {
+							nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+							if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName] || node.nodeName == "TABLE") {
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Resolve the index
+					if (container.hasChildNodes()) {
+						offset = Math.min(!directionLeft && offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset, container.childNodes.length - 1);
+						container = container.childNodes[offset];
+						offset = 0;
+						// Don't walk into elements that doesn't have any child nodes like a IMG
+						if (container.hasChildNodes() && !/TABLE/.test(container.nodeName)) {
+							// Walk the DOM to find a text node to place the caret at or a BR
+							node = container;
+							walker = new TreeWalker(container, body);
+							do {
+								// Found a text node use that position
+								if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
+									offset = directionLeft ? 0 : node.nodeValue.length;
+									container = node;
+									normalized = true;
+									break;
+								}
+								// Found a BR/IMG element that we can place the caret before
+								if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+									offset = dom.nodeIndex(node);
+									container = node.parentNode;
+									// Put caret after image when moving the end point
+									if (node.nodeName ==  "IMG" && !directionLeft) {
+										offset++;
+									}
+									normalized = true;
+									break;
+								}
+							} while ((node = (directionLeft ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Lean the caret to the left if possible
+				if (collapsed) {
+					// So this: <b>x</b><i>|x</i>
+					// Becomes: <b>x|</b><i>x</i>
+					// Seems that only gecko has issues with this
+					if (container.nodeType === 3 && offset === 0) {
+						findTextNodeRelative(true);
+					}
+					// Lean left into empty inline elements when the caret is before a BR
+					// So this: <i><b></b><i>|<br></i>
+					// Becomes: <i><b>|</b><i><br></i>
+					// Seems that only gecko has issues with this.
+					// Special edge case for <p><a>x</a>|<br></p> since we don't want <p><a>x|</a><br></p>
+					if (container.nodeType === 1) {
+						node = container.childNodes[offset];
+						// Offset is after the containers last child
+						// then use the previous child for normalization
+						if (!node) {
+							node = container.childNodes[offset - 1];
+						}
+						if (node && node.nodeName === 'BR' && !isPrevNode(node, 'A') &&
+							!hasBrBeforeAfter(node) && !hasBrBeforeAfter(node, true)) {
+							findTextNodeRelative(true, node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Lean the start of the selection right if possible
+				// So this: x[<b>x]</b>
+				// Becomes: x<b>[x]</b>
+				if (directionLeft && !collapsed && container.nodeType === 3 && offset === container.nodeValue.length) {
+					findTextNodeRelative(false);
+				}
+				// Set endpoint if it was normalized
+				if (normalized) {
+					rng['set' + (start ? 'Start' : 'End')](container, offset);
+				}
+			}
+			collapsed = rng.collapsed;
+			normalizeEndPoint(true);
+			if (!collapsed) {
+				normalizeEndPoint();
+			}
+			// If it was collapsed then make sure it still is
+			if (normalized && collapsed) {
+				rng.collapse(true);
+			}
+			return normalized;
+		};
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Compares two ranges and checks if they are equal.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method compareRanges
+	 * @param {DOMRange} rng1 First range to compare.
+	 * @param {DOMRange} rng2 First range to compare.
+	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the ranges are equal.
+	 */
+	RangeUtils.compareRanges = function(rng1, rng2) {
+		if (rng1 && rng2) {
+			// Compare native IE ranges
+			if (rng1.item || rng1.duplicate) {
+				// Both are control ranges and the selected element matches
+				if (rng1.item && rng2.item && rng1.item(0) === rng2.item(0)) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// Both are text ranges and the range matches
+				if (rng1.isEqual && rng2.isEqual && rng2.isEqual(rng1)) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Compare w3c ranges
+				return rng1.startContainer == rng2.startContainer && rng1.startOffset == rng2.startOffset;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	};
+	return RangeUtils;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/dom/Selection.js
+ * Selection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles text and control selection it's an crossbrowser utility class.
+ * Consult the TinyMCE Wiki API for more details and examples on how to use this class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.dom.Selection
+ * @example
+ * // Getting the currently selected node for the active editor
+ * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getNode().nodeName);
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Selection", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/TridentSelection",
+	"tinymce/dom/ControlSelection",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(TreeWalker, TridentSelection, ControlSelection, RangeUtils, Env, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, grep = Tools.grep, trim = Tools.trim;
+	var isIE = Env.ie, isOpera = Env.opera;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new selection instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Selection
+	 * @param {tinymce.dom.DOMUtils} dom DOMUtils object reference.
+	 * @param {Window} win Window to bind the selection object to.
+	 * @param {tinymce.dom.Serializer} serializer DOM serialization class to use for getContent.
+	 */
+	function Selection(dom, win, serializer, editor) {
+		var self = this;
+		self.dom = dom;
+		self.win = win;
+		self.serializer = serializer;
+		self.editor = editor;
+		self.controlSelection = new ControlSelection(self, editor);
+		// No W3C Range support
+		if (!self.win.getSelection) {
+			self.tridentSel = new TridentSelection(self);
+		}
+	}
+	Selection.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Move the selection cursor range to the specified node and offset.
+		 * If there is no node specified it will move it to the first suitable location within the body.
+		 *
+		 * @method setCursorLocation
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to put the cursor in.
+		 * @param {Number} offset Optional offset from the start of the node to put the cursor at.
+		 */
+		setCursorLocation: function(node, offset) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.dom.createRng();
+			if (!node) {
+				self._moveEndPoint(rng, self.editor.getBody(), true);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+			} else {
+				rng.setStart(node, offset);
+				rng.setEnd(node, offset);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+				self.collapse(false);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the selected contents using the DOM serializer passed in to this class.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContent
+		 * @param {Object} s Optional settings class with for example output format text or html.
+		 * @return {String} Selected contents in for example HTML format.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected contents
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent());
+		 *
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected contents as plain text
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+		 */
+		getContent: function(args) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), tmpElm = self.dom.create("body");
+			var se = self.getSel(), whiteSpaceBefore, whiteSpaceAfter, fragment;
+			args = args || {};
+			whiteSpaceBefore = whiteSpaceAfter = '';
+			args.get = true;
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.selection = true;
+			self.editor.fire('BeforeGetContent', args);
+			if (args.format == 'text') {
+				return self.isCollapsed() ? '' : (rng.text || (se.toString ? se.toString() : ''));
+			}
+			if (rng.cloneContents) {
+				fragment = rng.cloneContents();
+				if (fragment) {
+					tmpElm.appendChild(fragment);
+				}
+			} else if (rng.item !== undefined || rng.htmlText !== undefined) {
+				// IE will produce invalid markup if elements are present that
+				// it doesn't understand like custom elements or HTML5 elements.
+				// Adding a BR in front of the contents and then remoiving it seems to fix it though.
+				tmpElm.innerHTML = '<br>' + (rng.item ? rng.item(0).outerHTML : rng.htmlText);
+				tmpElm.removeChild(tmpElm.firstChild);
+			} else {
+				tmpElm.innerHTML = rng.toString();
+			}
+			// Keep whitespace before and after
+			if (/^\s/.test(tmpElm.innerHTML)) {
+				whiteSpaceBefore = ' ';
+			}
+			if (/\s+$/.test(tmpElm.innerHTML)) {
+				whiteSpaceAfter = ' ';
+			}
+			args.getInner = true;
+			args.content = self.isCollapsed() ? '' : whiteSpaceBefore + self.serializer.serialize(tmpElm, args) + whiteSpaceAfter;
+			self.editor.fire('GetContent', args);
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the current selection to the specified content. If any contents is selected it will be replaced
+		 * with the contents passed in to this function. If there is no selection the contents will be inserted
+		 * where the caret is placed in the editor/page.
+		 *
+		 * @method setContent
+		 * @param {String} content HTML contents to set could also be other formats depending on settings.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional settings object with for example data format.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Inserts some HTML contents at the current selection
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent('<strong>Some contents</strong>');
+		 */
+		setContent: function(content, args) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), caretNode, doc = self.win.document, frag, temp;
+			args = args || {format: 'html'};
+			args.set = true;
+			args.selection = true;
+			content = args.content = content;
+			// Dispatch before set content event
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+			}
+			content = args.content;
+			if (rng.insertNode) {
+				// Make caret marker since insertNode places the caret in the beginning of text after insert
+				content += '<span id="__caret">_</span>';
+				// Delete and insert new node
+				if (rng.startContainer == doc && rng.endContainer == doc) {
+					// WebKit will fail if the body is empty since the range is then invalid and it can't insert contents
+					doc.body.innerHTML = content;
+				} else {
+					rng.deleteContents();
+					if (doc.body.childNodes.length === 0) {
+						doc.body.innerHTML = content;
+					} else {
+						// createContextualFragment doesn't exists in IE 9 DOMRanges
+						if (rng.createContextualFragment) {
+							rng.insertNode(rng.createContextualFragment(content));
+						} else {
+							// Fake createContextualFragment call in IE 9
+							frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+							temp = doc.createElement('div');
+							frag.appendChild(temp);
+							temp.outerHTML = content;
+							rng.insertNode(frag);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Move to caret marker
+				caretNode = self.dom.get('__caret');
+				// Make sure we wrap it compleatly, Opera fails with a simple select call
+				rng = doc.createRange();
+				rng.setStartBefore(caretNode);
+				rng.setEndBefore(caretNode);
+				self.setRng(rng);
+				// Remove the caret position
+				self.dom.remove('__caret');
+				try {
+					self.setRng(rng);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Might fail on Opera for some odd reason
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (rng.item) {
+					// Delete content and get caret text selection
+					doc.execCommand('Delete', false, null);
+					rng = self.getRng();
+				}
+				// Explorer removes spaces from the beginning of pasted contents
+				if (/^\s+/.test(content)) {
+					rng.pasteHTML('<span id="__mce_tmp">_</span>' + content);
+					self.dom.remove('__mce_tmp');
+				} else {
+					rng.pasteHTML(content);
+				}
+			}
+			// Dispatch set content event
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.editor.fire('SetContent', args);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the start element of a selection range. If the start is in a text
+		 * node the parent element will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getStart
+		 * @return {Element} Start element of selection range.
+		 */
+		getStart: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), startElement, parentElement, checkRng, node;
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				// Control selection, return first item
+				if (rng.item) {
+					return rng.item(0);
+				}
+				// Get start element
+				checkRng = rng.duplicate();
+				checkRng.collapse(1);
+				startElement = checkRng.parentElement();
+				if (startElement.ownerDocument !== self.dom.doc) {
+					startElement = self.dom.getRoot();
+				}
+				// Check if range parent is inside the start element, then return the inner parent element
+				// This will fix issues when a single element is selected, IE would otherwise return the wrong start element
+				parentElement = node = rng.parentElement();
+				while ((node = node.parentNode)) {
+					if (node == startElement) {
+						startElement = parentElement;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				return startElement;
+			} else {
+				startElement = rng.startContainer;
+				if (startElement.nodeType == 1 && startElement.hasChildNodes()) {
+					startElement = startElement.childNodes[Math.min(startElement.childNodes.length - 1, rng.startOffset)];
+				}
+				if (startElement && startElement.nodeType == 3) {
+					return startElement.parentNode;
+				}
+				return startElement;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the end element of a selection range. If the end is in a text
+		 * node the parent element will be returned.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEnd
+		 * @return {Element} End element of selection range.
+		 */
+		getEnd: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), endElement, endOffset;
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				if (rng.item) {
+					return rng.item(0);
+				}
+				rng = rng.duplicate();
+				rng.collapse(0);
+				endElement = rng.parentElement();
+				if (endElement.ownerDocument !== self.dom.doc) {
+					endElement = self.dom.getRoot();
+				}
+				if (endElement && endElement.nodeName == 'BODY') {
+					return endElement.lastChild || endElement;
+				}
+				return endElement;
+			} else {
+				endElement = rng.endContainer;
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+				if (endElement.nodeType == 1 && endElement.hasChildNodes()) {
+					endElement = endElement.childNodes[endOffset > 0 ? endOffset - 1 : endOffset];
+				}
+				if (endElement && endElement.nodeType == 3) {
+					return endElement.parentNode;
+				}
+				return endElement;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a bookmark location for the current selection. This bookmark object
+		 * can then be used to restore the selection after some content modification to the document.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBookmark
+		 * @param {Number} type Optional state if the bookmark should be simple or not. Default is complex.
+		 * @param {Boolean} normalized Optional state that enables you to get a position that it would be after normalization.
+		 * @return {Object} Bookmark object, use moveToBookmark with this object to restore the selection.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Stores a bookmark of the current selection
+		 * var bm = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark();
+		 *
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent() + 'Some new content');
+		 *
+		 * // Restore the selection bookmark
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(bm);
+		 */
+		getBookmark: function(type, normalized) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng, rng2, id, collapsed, name, element, chr = '&#xFEFF;', styles;
+			function findIndex(name, element) {
+				var index = 0;
+				each(dom.select(name), function(node, i) {
+					if (node == element) {
+						index = i;
+					}
+				});
+				return index;
+			}
+			function normalizeTableCellSelection(rng) {
+				function moveEndPoint(start) {
+					var container, offset, childNodes, prefix = start ? 'start' : 'end';
+					container = rng[prefix + 'Container'];
+					offset = rng[prefix + 'Offset'];
+					if (container.nodeType == 1 && container.nodeName == "TR") {
+						childNodes = container.childNodes;
+						container = childNodes[Math.min(start ? offset : offset - 1, childNodes.length - 1)];
+						if (container) {
+							offset = start ? 0 : container.childNodes.length;
+							rng['set' + (start ? 'Start' : 'End')](container, offset);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				moveEndPoint(true);
+				moveEndPoint();
+				return rng;
+			}
+			function getLocation() {
+				var rng = self.getRng(true), root = dom.getRoot(), bookmark = {};
+				function getPoint(rng, start) {
+					var container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'],
+						offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'], point = [], node, childNodes, after = 0;
+					if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (normalized) {
+							for (node = container.previousSibling; node && node.nodeType == 3; node = node.previousSibling) {
+								offset += node.nodeValue.length;
+							}
+						}
+						point.push(offset);
+					} else {
+						childNodes = container.childNodes;
+						if (offset >= childNodes.length && childNodes.length) {
+							after = 1;
+							offset = Math.max(0, childNodes.length - 1);
+						}
+						point.push(self.dom.nodeIndex(childNodes[offset], normalized) + after);
+					}
+					for (; container && container != root; container = container.parentNode) {
+						point.push(self.dom.nodeIndex(container, normalized));
+					}
+					return point;
+				}
+				bookmark.start = getPoint(rng, true);
+				if (!self.isCollapsed()) {
+					bookmark.end = getPoint(rng);
+				}
+				return bookmark;
+			}
+			if (type == 2) {
+				element = self.getNode();
+				name = element ? element.nodeName : null;
+				if (name == 'IMG') {
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+				if (self.tridentSel) {
+					return self.tridentSel.getBookmark(type);
+				}
+				return getLocation();
+			}
+			// Handle simple range
+			if (type) {
+				return {rng: self.getRng()};
+			}
+			rng = self.getRng();
+			id = dom.uniqueId();
+			collapsed = self.isCollapsed();
+			styles = 'overflow:hidden;line-height:0px';
+			// Explorer method
+			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
+				// Text selection
+				if (!rng.item) {
+					rng2 = rng.duplicate();
+					try {
+						// Insert start marker
+						rng.collapse();
+						rng.pasteHTML('<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="' + id + '_start" style="' + styles + '">' + chr + '</span>');
+						// Insert end marker
+						if (!collapsed) {
+							rng2.collapse(false);
+							// Detect the empty space after block elements in IE and move the
+							// end back one character <p></p>] becomes <p>]</p>
+							rng.moveToElementText(rng2.parentElement());
+							if (rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng2) === 0) {
+								rng2.move('character', -1);
+							}
+							rng2.pasteHTML('<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="' + id + '_end" style="' + styles + '">' + chr + '</span>');
+						}
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE might throw unspecified error so lets ignore it
+						return null;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Control selection
+					element = rng.item(0);
+					name = element.nodeName;
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+			} else {
+				element = self.getNode();
+				name = element.nodeName;
+				if (name == 'IMG') {
+					return {name: name, index: findIndex(name, element)};
+				}
+				// W3C method
+				rng2 = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng.cloneRange());
+				// Insert end marker
+				if (!collapsed) {
+					rng2.collapse(false);
+					rng2.insertNode(dom.create('span', {'data-mce-type': "bookmark", id: id + '_end', style: styles}, chr));
+				}
+				rng = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng);
+				rng.collapse(true);
+				rng.insertNode(dom.create('span', {'data-mce-type': "bookmark", id: id + '_start', style: styles}, chr));
+			}
+			self.moveToBookmark({id: id, keep: 1});
+			return {id: id};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Restores the selection to the specified bookmark.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveToBookmark
+		 * @param {Object} bookmark Bookmark to restore selection from.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if it was successful or not.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Stores a bookmark of the current selection
+		 * var bm = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark();
+		 *
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent() + 'Some new content');
+		 *
+		 * // Restore the selection bookmark
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(bm);
+		 */
+		moveToBookmark: function(bookmark) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng, root, startContainer, endContainer, startOffset, endOffset;
+			function setEndPoint(start) {
+				var point = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'], i, node, offset, children;
+				if (point) {
+					offset = point[0];
+					// Find container node
+					for (node = root, i = point.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
+						children = node.childNodes;
+						if (point[i] > children.length - 1) {
+							return;
+						}
+						node = children[point[i]];
+					}
+					// Move text offset to best suitable location
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						offset = Math.min(point[0], node.nodeValue.length);
+					}
+					// Move element offset to best suitable location
+					if (node.nodeType === 1) {
+						offset = Math.min(point[0], node.childNodes.length);
+					}
+					// Set offset within container node
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, offset);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, offset);
+					}
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			function restoreEndPoint(suffix) {
+				var marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix), node, idx, next, prev, keep = bookmark.keep;
+				if (marker) {
+					node = marker.parentNode;
+					if (suffix == 'start') {
+						if (!keep) {
+							idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
+						} else {
+							node = marker.firstChild;
+							idx = 1;
+						}
+						startContainer = endContainer = node;
+						startOffset = endOffset = idx;
+					} else {
+						if (!keep) {
+							idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
+						} else {
+							node = marker.firstChild;
+							idx = 1;
+						}
+						endContainer = node;
+						endOffset = idx;
+					}
+					if (!keep) {
+						prev = marker.previousSibling;
+						next = marker.nextSibling;
+						// Remove all marker text nodes
+						each(grep(marker.childNodes), function(node) {
+							if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+								node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
+							}
+						});
+						// Remove marker but keep children if for example contents where inserted into the marker
+						// Also remove duplicated instances of the marker for example by a
+						// split operation or by WebKit auto split on paste feature
+						while ((marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix))) {
+							dom.remove(marker, 1);
+						}
+						// If siblings are text nodes then merge them unless it's Opera since it some how removes the node
+						// and we are sniffing since adding a lot of detection code for a browser with 3% of the market
+						// isn't worth the effort. Sorry, Opera but it's just a fact
+						if (prev && next && prev.nodeType == next.nodeType && prev.nodeType == 3 && !isOpera) {
+							idx = prev.nodeValue.length;
+							prev.appendData(next.nodeValue);
+							dom.remove(next);
+							if (suffix == 'start') {
+								startContainer = endContainer = prev;
+								startOffset = endOffset = idx;
+							} else {
+								endContainer = prev;
+								endOffset = idx;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function addBogus(node) {
+				// Adds a bogus BR element for empty block elements
+				if (dom.isBlock(node) && !node.innerHTML && !isIE) {
+					node.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />';
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			if (bookmark) {
+				if (bookmark.start) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					root = dom.getRoot();
+					if (self.tridentSel) {
+						return self.tridentSel.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+					}
+					if (setEndPoint(true) && setEndPoint()) {
+						self.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				} else if (bookmark.id) {
+					// Restore start/end points
+					restoreEndPoint('start');
+					restoreEndPoint('end');
+					if (startContainer) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStart(addBogus(startContainer), startOffset);
+						rng.setEnd(addBogus(endContainer), endOffset);
+						self.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				} else if (bookmark.name) {
+					self.select(dom.select(bookmark.name)[bookmark.index]);
+				} else if (bookmark.rng) {
+					self.setRng(bookmark.rng);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Selects the specified element. This will place the start and end of the selection range around the element.
+		 *
+		 * @method select
+		 * @param {Element} node HMTL DOM element to select.
+		 * @param {Boolean} content Optional bool state if the contents should be selected or not on non IE browser.
+		 * @return {Element} Selected element the same element as the one that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Select the first paragraph in the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.select(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+		 */
+		select: function(node, content) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, rng = dom.createRng(), idx;
+			// Clear stored range set by FocusManager
+			self.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+			if (node) {
+				if (!content && self.controlSelection.controlSelect(node)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				idx = dom.nodeIndex(node);
+				rng.setStart(node.parentNode, idx);
+				rng.setEnd(node.parentNode, idx + 1);
+				// Find first/last text node or BR element
+				if (content) {
+					self._moveEndPoint(rng, node, true);
+					self._moveEndPoint(rng, node);
+				}
+				self.setRng(rng);
+			}
+			return node;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the selection range is collapsed or not. Collapsed means if it's a caret or a larger selection.
+		 *
+		 * @method isCollapsed
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the selection range is collapsed or not.
+		 * Collapsed means if it's a caret or a larger selection.
+		 */
+		isCollapsed: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), sel = self.getSel();
+			if (!rng || rng.item) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (rng.compareEndPoints) {
+				return rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng) === 0;
+			}
+			return !sel || rng.collapsed;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Collapse the selection to start or end of range.
+		 *
+		 * @method collapse
+		 * @param {Boolean} to_start Optional boolean state if to collapse to end or not. Defaults to start.
+		 */
+		collapse: function(to_start) {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), node;
+			// Control range on IE
+			if (rng.item) {
+				node = rng.item(0);
+				rng = self.win.document.body.createTextRange();
+				rng.moveToElementText(node);
+			}
+			rng.collapse(!!to_start);
+			self.setRng(rng);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the browsers internal selection object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getSel
+		 * @return {Selection} Internal browser selection object.
+		 */
+		getSel: function() {
+			var win = this.win;
+			return win.getSelection ? win.getSelection() : win.document.selection;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the browsers internal range object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getRng
+		 * @param {Boolean} w3c Forces a compatible W3C range on IE.
+		 * @return {Range} Internal browser range object.
+		 * @see http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/range_intro.html
+		 * @see http://www.dotvoid.com/2001/03/using-the-range-object-in-mozilla/
+		 */
+		getRng: function(w3c) {
+			var self = this, selection, rng, elm, doc = self.win.document, ieRng;
+			function tryCompareBounderyPoints(how, sourceRange, destinationRange) {
+				try {
+					return sourceRange.compareBoundaryPoints(how, destinationRange);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Gecko throws wrong document exception if the range points
+					// to nodes that where removed from the dom #6690
+					// Browsers should mutate existing DOMRange instances so that they always point
+					// to something in the document this is not the case in Gecko works fine in IE/WebKit/Blink
+					// For performance reasons just return -1
+					return -1;
+				}
+			}
+			// Use last rng passed from FocusManager if it's available this enables
+			// calls to editor.selection.getStart() to work when caret focus is lost on IE
+			if (!w3c && self.lastFocusBookmark) {
+				var bookmark = self.lastFocusBookmark;
+				// Convert bookmark to range IE 11 fix
+				if (bookmark.startContainer) {
+					rng = doc.createRange();
+					rng.setStart(bookmark.startContainer, bookmark.startOffset);
+					rng.setEnd(bookmark.endContainer, bookmark.endOffset);
+				} else {
+					rng = bookmark;
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			// Found tridentSel object then we need to use that one
+			if (w3c && self.tridentSel) {
+				return self.tridentSel.getRangeAt(0);
+			}
+			try {
+				if ((selection = self.getSel())) {
+					if (selection.rangeCount > 0) {
+						rng = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+					} else {
+						rng = selection.createRange ? selection.createRange() : doc.createRange();
+					}
+				}
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE throws unspecified error here if TinyMCE is placed in a frame/iframe
+			}
+			// We have W3C ranges and it's IE then fake control selection since IE9 doesn't handle that correctly yet
+			// IE 11 doesn't support the selection object so we check for that as well
+			if (isIE && rng && rng.setStart && doc.selection) {
+				try {
+					// IE will sometimes throw an exception here
+					ieRng = doc.selection.createRange();
+				} catch (ex) {
+				}
+				if (ieRng && ieRng.item) {
+					elm = ieRng.item(0);
+					rng = doc.createRange();
+					rng.setStartBefore(elm);
+					rng.setEndAfter(elm);
+				}
+			}
+			// No range found then create an empty one
+			// This can occur when the editor is placed in a hidden container element on Gecko
+			// Or on IE when there was an exception
+			if (!rng) {
+				rng = doc.createRange ? doc.createRange() : doc.body.createTextRange();
+			}
+			// If range is at start of document then move it to start of body
+			if (rng.setStart && rng.startContainer.nodeType === 9 && rng.collapsed) {
+				elm = self.dom.getRoot();
+				rng.setStart(elm, 0);
+				rng.setEnd(elm, 0);
+			}
+			if (self.selectedRange && self.explicitRange) {
+				if (tryCompareBounderyPoints(rng.START_TO_START, rng, self.selectedRange) === 0 &&
+					tryCompareBounderyPoints(rng.END_TO_END, rng, self.selectedRange) === 0) {
+					// Safari, Opera and Chrome only ever select text which causes the range to change.
+					// This lets us use the originally set range if the selection hasn't been changed by the user.
+					rng = self.explicitRange;
+				} else {
+					self.selectedRange = null;
+					self.explicitRange = null;
+				}
+			}
+			return rng;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Changes the selection to the specified DOM range.
+		 *
+		 * @method setRng
+		 * @param {Range} rng Range to select.
+		 */
+		setRng: function(rng, forward) {
+			var self = this, sel;
+			// Is IE specific range
+			if (rng.select) {
+				try {
+					rng.select();
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Needed for some odd IE bug #1843306
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!self.tridentSel) {
+				sel = self.getSel();
+				if (sel) {
+					self.explicitRange = rng;
+					try {
+						sel.removeAllRanges();
+						sel.addRange(rng);
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// IE might throw errors here if the editor is within a hidden container and selection is changed
+					}
+					// Forward is set to false and we have an extend function
+					if (forward === false && sel.extend) {
+						sel.collapse(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
+						sel.extend(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset);
+					}
+					// adding range isn't always successful so we need to check range count otherwise an exception can occur
+					self.selectedRange = sel.rangeCount > 0 ? sel.getRangeAt(0) : null;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Is W3C Range fake range on IE
+				if (rng.cloneRange) {
+					try {
+						self.tridentSel.addRange(rng);
+						return;
+					} catch (ex) {
+						//IE9 throws an error here if called before selection is placed in the editor
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the current selection to the specified DOM element.
+		 *
+		 * @method setNode
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to set as the contents of the selection.
+		 * @return {Element} Returns the element that got passed in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Inserts a DOM node at current selection/caret location
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setNode(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.create('img', {src: 'some.gif', title: 'some title'}));
+		 */
+		setNode: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.setContent(self.dom.getOuterHTML(elm));
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the currently selected element or the common ancestor element for both start and end of the selection.
+		 *
+		 * @method getNode
+		 * @return {Element} Currently selected element or common ancestor element.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Alerts the currently selected elements node name
+		 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getNode().nodeName);
+		 */
+		getNode: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng(), elm;
+			var startContainer = rng.startContainer, endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+			var startOffset = rng.startOffset, endOffset = rng.endOffset, root = self.dom.getRoot();
+			function skipEmptyTextNodes(node, forwards) {
+				var orig = node;
+				while (node && node.nodeType === 3 && node.length === 0) {
+					node = forwards ? node.nextSibling : node.previousSibling;
+				}
+				return node || orig;
+			}
+			// Range maybe lost after the editor is made visible again
+			if (!rng) {
+				return root;
+			}
+			if (rng.setStart) {
+				elm = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
+				// Handle selection a image or other control like element such as anchors
+				if (!rng.collapsed) {
+					if (startContainer == endContainer) {
+						if (endOffset - startOffset < 2) {
+							if (startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+								elm = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// If the anchor node is a element instead of a text node then return this element
+					//if (tinymce.isWebKit && sel.anchorNode && sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1)
+					//	return sel.anchorNode.childNodes[sel.anchorOffset];
+					// Handle cases where the selection is immediately wrapped around a node and return that node instead of it's parent.
+					// This happens when you double click an underlined word in FireFox.
+					if (startContainer.nodeType === 3 && endContainer.nodeType === 3) {
+						if (startContainer.length === startOffset) {
+							startContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(startContainer.nextSibling, true);
+						} else {
+							startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+						}
+						if (endOffset === 0) {
+							endContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(endContainer.previousSibling, false);
+						} else {
+							endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+						}
+						if (startContainer && startContainer === endContainer) {
+							return startContainer;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (elm && elm.nodeType == 3) {
+					return elm.parentNode;
+				}
+				return elm;
+			}
+			elm = rng.item ? rng.item(0) : rng.parentElement();
+			// IE 7 might return elements outside the iframe
+			if (elm.ownerDocument !== self.win.document) {
+				elm = root;
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		getSelectedBlocks: function(startElm, endElm) {
+			var self = this, dom = self.dom, node, root, selectedBlocks = [];
+			root = dom.getRoot();
+			startElm = dom.getParent(startElm || self.getStart(), dom.isBlock);
+			endElm = dom.getParent(endElm || self.getEnd(), dom.isBlock);
+			if (startElm && startElm != root) {
+				selectedBlocks.push(startElm);
+			}
+			if (startElm && endElm && startElm != endElm) {
+				node = startElm;
+				var walker = new TreeWalker(startElm, root);
+				while ((node = walker.next()) && node != endElm) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						selectedBlocks.push(node);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (endElm && startElm != endElm && endElm != root) {
+				selectedBlocks.push(endElm);
+			}
+			return selectedBlocks;
+		},
+		isForward: function() {
+			var dom = this.dom, sel = this.getSel(), anchorRange, focusRange;
+			// No support for selection direction then always return true
+			if (!sel || !sel.anchorNode || !sel.focusNode) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			anchorRange = dom.createRng();
+			anchorRange.setStart(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);
+			anchorRange.collapse(true);
+			focusRange = dom.createRng();
+			focusRange.setStart(sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset);
+			focusRange.collapse(true);
+			return anchorRange.compareBoundaryPoints(anchorRange.START_TO_START, focusRange) <= 0;
+		},
+		normalize: function() {
+			var self = this, rng = self.getRng();
+			if (!isIE && new RangeUtils(self.dom).normalize(rng)) {
+				self.setRng(rng, self.isForward());
+			}
+			return rng;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes callback of the current selection matches the specified selector or not and passes the state and args to the callback.
+		 *
+		 * @method selectorChanged
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS selector to check for.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback with state and args when the selector is matches or not.
+		 */
+		selectorChanged: function(selector, callback) {
+			var self = this, currentSelectors;
+			if (!self.selectorChangedData) {
+				self.selectorChangedData = {};
+				currentSelectors = {};
+				self.editor.on('NodeChange', function(e) {
+					var node = e.element, dom = self.dom, parents = dom.getParents(node, null, dom.getRoot()), matchedSelectors = {};
+					// Check for new matching selectors
+					each(self.selectorChangedData, function(callbacks, selector) {
+						each(parents, function(node) {
+							if (dom.is(node, selector)) {
+								if (!currentSelectors[selector]) {
+									// Execute callbacks
+									each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+										callback(true, {node: node, selector: selector, parents: parents});
+									});
+									currentSelectors[selector] = callbacks;
+								}
+								matchedSelectors[selector] = callbacks;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					});
+					// Check if current selectors still match
+					each(currentSelectors, function(callbacks, selector) {
+						if (!matchedSelectors[selector]) {
+							delete currentSelectors[selector];
+							each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+								callback(false, {node: node, selector: selector, parents: parents});
+							});
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Add selector listeners
+			if (!self.selectorChangedData[selector]) {
+				self.selectorChangedData[selector] = [];
+			}
+			self.selectorChangedData[selector].push(callback);
+			return self;
+		},
+		getScrollContainer: function() {
+			var scrollContainer, node = this.dom.getRoot();
+			while (node && node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+				if (node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight) {
+					scrollContainer = node;
+					break;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			return scrollContainer;
+		},
+		scrollIntoView: function(elm) {
+			var y, viewPort, self = this, dom = self.dom, root = dom.getRoot(), viewPortY, viewPortH;
+			function getPos(elm) {
+				var x = 0, y = 0;
+				var offsetParent = elm;
+				while (offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeType) {
+					x += offsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += offsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
+					offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				return {x: x, y: y};
+			}
+			if (root.nodeName != 'BODY') {
+				var scrollContainer = self.getScrollContainer();
+				if (scrollContainer) {
+					y = getPos(elm).y - getPos(scrollContainer).y;
+					viewPortH = scrollContainer.clientHeight;
+					viewPortY = scrollContainer.scrollTop;
+					if (y < viewPortY || y + 25 > viewPortY + viewPortH) {
+						scrollContainer.scrollTop = y < viewPortY ? y : y - viewPortH + 25;
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			viewPort = dom.getViewPort(self.editor.getWin());
+			y = dom.getPos(elm).y;
+			viewPortY = viewPort.y;
+			viewPortH = viewPort.h;
+			if (y < viewPort.y || y + 25 > viewPortY + viewPortH) {
+				self.editor.getWin().scrollTo(0, y < viewPortY ? y : y - viewPortH + 25);
+			}
+		},
+		_moveEndPoint: function(rng, node, start) {
+			var root = node, walker = new TreeWalker(node, root);
+			var nonEmptyElementsMap = this.dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+			do {
+				// Text node
+				if (node.nodeType == 3 && trim(node.nodeValue).length !== 0) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, node.nodeValue.length);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				// BR/IMG/INPUT elements
+				if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStartBefore(node);
+					} else {
+						if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+						} else {
+							rng.setEndAfter(node);
+						}
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				// Found empty text block old IE can place the selection inside those
+				if (Env.ie && Env.ie < 11 && this.dom.isBlock(node) && this.dom.isEmpty(node)) {
+					if (start) {
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+					} else {
+						rng.setEnd(node, 0);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+			} while ((node = (start ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));
+			// Failed to find any text node or other suitable location then move to the root of body
+			if (root.nodeName == 'BODY') {
+				if (start) {
+					rng.setStart(root, 0);
+				} else {
+					rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		destroy: function() {
+			this.win = null;
+			this.controlSelection.destroy();
+		}
+	};
+	return Selection;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Formatter.js
+ * Formatter.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Text formatter engine class. This class is used to apply formats like bold, italic, font size
+ * etc to the current selection or specific nodes. This engine was build to replace the browsers
+ * default formatting logic for execCommand due to it's inconsistent and buggy behavior.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Formatter
+ * @example
+ *  tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.register('mycustomformat', {
+ *    inline: 'span',
+ *    styles: {color: '#ff0000'}
+ *  });
+ *
+ *  tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.apply('mycustomformat');
+ */
+define("tinymce/Formatter", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(TreeWalker, RangeUtils, Tools) {
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new formatter instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor Formatter
+	 * @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance to construct the formatter engine to.
+	 */
+	return function(ed) {
+		var formats = {},
+			dom = ed.dom,
+			selection = ed.selection,
+			rangeUtils = new RangeUtils(dom),
+			isValid = ed.schema.isValidChild,
+			isBlock = dom.isBlock,
+			forcedRootBlock = ed.settings.forced_root_block,
+			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex,
+			MCE_ATTR_RE = /^(src|href|style)$/,
+			FALSE = false,
+			TRUE = true,
+			formatChangeData,
+			undef,
+			getContentEditable = dom.getContentEditable,
+			disableCaretContainer,
+			markCaretContainersBogus;
+		var each = Tools.each,
+			grep = Tools.grep,
+			walk = Tools.walk,
+			extend = Tools.extend;
+		function isTextBlock(name) {
+			if (name.nodeType) {
+				name = name.nodeName;
+			}
+			return !!ed.schema.getTextBlockElements()[name.toLowerCase()];
+		}
+		function getParents(node, selector) {
+			return dom.getParents(node, selector, dom.getRoot());
+		}
+		function isCaretNode(node) {
+			return node.nodeType === 1 && node.id === '_mce_caret';
+		}
+		function defaultFormats() {
+			register({
+				alignleft: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'left'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img,table', collapsed: false, styles: {'float': 'left'}}
+				],
+				aligncenter: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'center'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img', collapsed: false, styles: {display: 'block', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}},
+					{selector: 'table', collapsed: false, styles: {marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}}
+				],
+				alignright: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'right'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
+					{selector: 'img,table', collapsed: false, styles: {'float': 'right'}}
+				],
+				alignjustify: [
+					{selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: {textAlign: 'justify'}, defaultBlock: 'div'}
+				],
+				bold: [
+					{inline: 'strong', remove: 'all'},
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {fontWeight: 'bold'}},
+					{inline: 'b', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				italic: [
+					{inline: 'em', remove: 'all'},
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {fontStyle: 'italic'}},
+					{inline: 'i', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				underline: [
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {textDecoration: 'underline'}, exact: true},
+					{inline: 'u', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				strikethrough: [
+					{inline: 'span', styles: {textDecoration: 'line-through'}, exact: true},
+					{inline: 'strike', remove: 'all'}
+				],
+				forecolor: {inline: 'span', styles: {color: '%value'}, wrap_links: false},
+				hilitecolor: {inline: 'span', styles: {backgroundColor: '%value'}, wrap_links: false},
+				fontname: {inline: 'span', styles: {fontFamily: '%value'}},
+				fontsize: {inline: 'span', styles: {fontSize: '%value'}},
+				fontsize_class: {inline: 'span', attributes: {'class': '%value'}},
+				blockquote: {block: 'blockquote', wrapper: 1, remove: 'all'},
+				subscript: {inline: 'sub'},
+				superscript: {inline: 'sup'},
+				code: {inline: 'code'},
+				link: {inline: 'a', selector: 'a', remove: 'all', split: true, deep: true,
+					onmatch: function() {
+						return true;
+					},
+					onformat: function(elm, fmt, vars) {
+						each(vars, function(value, key) {
+							dom.setAttrib(elm, key, value);
+						});
+					}
+				},
+				removeformat: [
+					{
+						selector: 'b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike,sub,sup,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,mark,q',
+						remove: 'all',
+						split: true,
+						expand: false,
+						block_expand: true,
+						deep: true
+					},
+					{selector: 'span', attributes: ['style', 'class'], remove: 'empty', split: true, expand: false, deep: true},
+					{selector: '*', attributes: ['style', 'class'], split: false, expand: false, deep: true}
+				]
+			});
+			// Register default block formats
+			each('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div address pre div dt dd samp'.split(/\s/), function(name) {
+				register(name, {block: name, remove: 'all'});
+			});
+			// Register user defined formats
+			register(ed.settings.formats);
+		}
+		function addKeyboardShortcuts() {
+			// Add some inline shortcuts
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+b', 'bold_desc', 'Bold');
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+i', 'italic_desc', 'Italic');
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+u', 'underline_desc', 'Underline');
+			// BlockFormat shortcuts keys
+			for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
+				ed.addShortcut('ctrl+' + i, '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i]);
+			}
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+7', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'p']);
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+8', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'div']);
+			ed.addShortcut('ctrl+9', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'address']);
+		}
+		// Public functions
+		/**
+		 * Returns the format by name or all formats if no name is specified.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String} name Optional name to retrive by.
+		 * @return {Array/Object} Array/Object with all registred formats or a specific format.
+		 */
+		function get(name) {
+			return name ? formats[name] : formats;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Registers a specific format by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method register
+		 * @param {Object/String} name Name of the format for example "bold".
+		 * @param {Object/Array} format Optional format object or array of format variants
+		 * can only be omitted if the first arg is an object.
+		 */
+		function register(name, format) {
+			if (name) {
+				if (typeof(name) !== 'string') {
+					each(name, function(format, name) {
+						register(name, format);
+					});
+				} else {
+					// Force format into array and add it to internal collection
+					format = format.length ? format : [format];
+					each(format, function(format) {
+						// Set deep to false by default on selector formats this to avoid removing
+						// alignment on images inside paragraphs when alignment is changed on paragraphs
+						if (format.deep === undef) {
+							format.deep = !format.selector;
+						}
+						// Default to true
+						if (format.split === undef) {
+							format.split = !format.selector || format.inline;
+						}
+						// Default to true
+						if (format.remove === undef && format.selector && !format.inline) {
+							format.remove = 'none';
+						}
+						// Mark format as a mixed format inline + block level
+						if (format.selector && format.inline) {
+							format.mixed = true;
+							format.block_expand = true;
+						}
+						// Split classes if needed
+						if (typeof(format.classes) === 'string') {
+							format.classes = format.classes.split(/\s+/);
+						}
+					});
+					formats[name] = format;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function getTextDecoration(node) {
+			var decoration;
+			ed.dom.getParent(node, function(n) {
+				decoration = ed.dom.getStyle(n, 'text-decoration');
+				return decoration && decoration !== 'none';
+			});
+			return decoration;
+		}
+		function processUnderlineAndColor(node) {
+			var textDecoration;
+			if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeType === 1) {
+				textDecoration = getTextDecoration(node.parentNode);
+				if (ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'color') && textDecoration) {
+					ed.dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', textDecoration);
+				} else if (ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'textdecoration') === textDecoration) {
+					ed.dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', null);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Applies the specified format to the current selection or specified node.
+		 *
+		 * @method apply
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to apply.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before applying it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to apply the format to defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function apply(name, vars, node) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, rng, isCollapsed = !node && selection.isCollapsed();
+			function setElementFormat(elm, fmt) {
+				fmt = fmt || format;
+				if (elm) {
+					if (fmt.onformat) {
+						fmt.onformat(elm, fmt, vars, node);
+					}
+					each(fmt.styles, function(value, name) {
+						dom.setStyle(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
+					});
+					each(fmt.attributes, function(value, name) {
+						dom.setAttrib(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
+					});
+					each(fmt.classes, function(value) {
+						value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+						if (!dom.hasClass(elm, value)) {
+							dom.addClass(elm, value);
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			function adjustSelectionToVisibleSelection() {
+				function findSelectionEnd(start, end) {
+					var walker = new TreeWalker(end);
+					for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.prev()) {
+						if (node.childNodes.length > 1 || node == start || node.tagName == 'BR') {
+							return node;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Adjust selection so that a end container with a end offset of zero is not included in the selection
+				// as this isn't visible to the user.
+				var rng = ed.selection.getRng();
+				var start = rng.startContainer;
+				var end = rng.endContainer;
+				if (start != end && rng.endOffset === 0) {
+					var newEnd = findSelectionEnd(start, end);
+					var endOffset = newEnd.nodeType == 3 ? newEnd.length : newEnd.childNodes.length;
+					rng.setEnd(newEnd, endOffset);
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			function applyStyleToList(node, bookmark, wrapElm, newWrappers, process){
+				var nodes = [], listIndex = -1, list, startIndex = -1, endIndex = -1, currentWrapElm;
+				// find the index of the first child list.
+				each(node.childNodes, function(n, index) {
+					if (n.nodeName === "UL" || n.nodeName === "OL") {
+						listIndex = index;
+						list = n;
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+				// get the index of the bookmarks
+				each(node.childNodes, function(n, index) {
+					if (n.nodeName === "SPAN" && dom.getAttrib(n, "data-mce-type") == "bookmark") {
+						if (n.id == bookmark.id + "_start") {
+							startIndex = index;
+						} else if (n.id == bookmark.id + "_end") {
+							endIndex = index;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				// if the selection spans across an embedded list, or there isn't an embedded list - handle processing normally
+				if (listIndex <= 0 || (startIndex < listIndex && endIndex > listIndex)) {
+					each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+					return 0;
+				} else {
+					currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+					// create a list of the nodes on the same side of the list as the selection
+					each(grep(node.childNodes), function(n, index) {
+						if ((startIndex < listIndex && index < listIndex) || (startIndex > listIndex && index > listIndex)) {
+							nodes.push(n);
+							n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+						}
+					});
+					// insert the wrapping element either before or after the list.
+					if (startIndex < listIndex) {
+						node.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, list);
+					} else if (startIndex > listIndex) {
+						node.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, list.nextSibling);
+					}
+					// add the new nodes to the list.
+					newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+					each(nodes, function(node) {
+						currentWrapElm.appendChild(node);
+					});
+					return currentWrapElm;
+				}
+			}
+			function applyRngStyle(rng, bookmark, node_specific) {
+				var newWrappers = [], wrapName, wrapElm, contentEditable = true;
+				// Setup wrapper element
+				wrapName = format.inline || format.block;
+				wrapElm = dom.create(wrapName);
+				setElementFormat(wrapElm);
+				rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
+					var currentWrapElm;
+					/**
+					 * Process a list of nodes wrap them.
+					 */
+					function process(node) {
+						var nodeName, parentName, found, hasContentEditableState, lastContentEditable;
+						lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+						nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						parentName = node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						// Node has a contentEditable value
+						if (node.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(node)) {
+							lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+							contentEditable = getContentEditable(node) === "true";
+							hasContentEditableState = true; // We don't want to wrap the container only it's children
+						}
+						// Stop wrapping on br elements
+						if (isEq(nodeName, 'br')) {
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							// Remove any br elements when we wrap things
+							if (format.block) {
+								dom.remove(node);
+							}
+							return;
+						}
+						// If node is wrapper type
+						if (format.wrapper && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Can we rename the block
+						// TODO: Break this if up, too complex
+						if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && format.block &&
+							!format.wrapper && isTextBlock(nodeName) && isValid(parentName, wrapName)) {
+							node = dom.rename(node, wrapName);
+							setElementFormat(node);
+							newWrappers.push(node);
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							return;
+						}
+						// Handle selector patterns
+						if (format.selector) {
+							// Look for matching formats
+							each(formatList, function(format) {
+								// Check collapsed state if it exists
+								if ('collapsed' in format && format.collapsed !== isCollapsed) {
+									return;
+								}
+								if (dom.is(node, format.selector) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
+									setElementFormat(node, format);
+									found = true;
+								}
+							});
+							// Continue processing if a selector match wasn't found and a inline element is defined
+							if (!format.inline || found) {
+								currentWrapElm = 0;
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+						// Is it valid to wrap this item
+						// TODO: Break this if up, too complex
+						if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && isValid(wrapName, nodeName) && isValid(parentName, wrapName) &&
+								!(!node_specific && node.nodeType === 3 &&
+								node.nodeValue.length === 1 &&
+								node.nodeValue.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) &&
+								!isCaretNode(node) &&
+								(!format.inline || !isBlock(node))) {
+							// Start wrapping
+							if (!currentWrapElm) {
+								// Wrap the node
+								currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+								node.parentNode.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, node);
+								newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+							}
+							currentWrapElm.appendChild(node);
+						} else if (nodeName == 'li' && bookmark) {
+							// Start wrapping - if we are in a list node and have a bookmark, then
+							// we will always begin by wrapping in a new element.
+							currentWrapElm = applyStyleToList(node, bookmark, wrapElm, newWrappers, process);
+						} else {
+							// Start a new wrapper for possible children
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+							if (hasContentEditableState) {
+								contentEditable = lastContentEditable; // Restore last contentEditable state from stack
+							}
+							// End the last wrapper
+							currentWrapElm = 0;
+						}
+					}
+					// Process siblings from range
+					each(nodes, process);
+				});
+				// Wrap links inside as well, for example color inside a link when the wrapper is around the link
+				if (format.wrap_links === false) {
+					each(newWrappers, function(node) {
+						function process(node) {
+							var i, currentWrapElm, children;
+							if (node.nodeName === 'A') {
+								currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
+								newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
+								children = grep(node.childNodes);
+								for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+									currentWrapElm.appendChild(children[i]);
+								}
+								node.appendChild(currentWrapElm);
+							}
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), process);
+						}
+						process(node);
+					});
+				}
+				// Cleanup
+				each(newWrappers, function(node) {
+					var childCount;
+					function getChildCount(node) {
+						var count = 0;
+						each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
+							if (!isWhiteSpaceNode(node) && !isBookmarkNode(node)) {
+								count++;
+							}
+						});
+						return count;
+					}
+					function mergeStyles(node) {
+						var child, clone;
+						each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
+							if (node.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(node) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
+								child = node;
+								return FALSE; // break loop
+							}
+						});
+						// If child was found and of the same type as the current node
+						if (child && !isBookmarkNode(child) && matchName(child, format)) {
+							clone = dom.clone(child, FALSE);
+							setElementFormat(clone);
+							dom.replace(clone, node, TRUE);
+							dom.remove(child, 1);
+						}
+						return clone || node;
+					}
+					childCount = getChildCount(node);
+					// Remove empty nodes but only if there is multiple wrappers and they are not block
+					// elements so never remove single <h1></h1> since that would remove the
+					// currrent empty block element where the caret is at
+					if ((newWrappers.length > 1 || !isBlock(node)) && childCount === 0) {
+						dom.remove(node, 1);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (format.inline || format.wrapper) {
+						// Merges the current node with it's children of similar type to reduce the number of elements
+						if (!format.exact && childCount === 1) {
+							node = mergeStyles(node);
+						}
+						// Remove/merge children
+						each(formatList, function(format) {
+							// Merge all children of similar type will move styles from child to parent
+							// this: <span style="color:red"><b><span style="color:red; font-size:10px">text</span></b></span>
+							// will become: <span style="color:red"><b><span style="font-size:10px">text</span></b></span>
+							each(dom.select(format.inline, node), function(child) {
+								var parent;
+								if (isBookmarkNode(child)) {
+									return;
+								}
+								// When wrap_links is set to false we don't want
+								// to remove the format on children within links
+								if (format.wrap_links === false) {
+									parent = child.parentNode;
+									do {
+										if (parent.nodeName === 'A') {
+											return;
+										}
+									} while ((parent = parent.parentNode));
+								}
+								removeFormat(format, vars, child, format.exact ? child : null);
+							});
+						});
+						// Remove child if direct parent is of same type
+						if (matchNode(node.parentNode, name, vars)) {
+							dom.remove(node, 1);
+							node = 0;
+							return TRUE;
+						}
+						// Look for parent with similar style format
+						if (format.merge_with_parents) {
+							dom.getParent(node.parentNode, function(parent) {
+								if (matchNode(parent, name, vars)) {
+									dom.remove(node, 1);
+									node = 0;
+									return TRUE;
+								}
+							});
+						}
+						// Merge next and previous siblings if they are similar <b>text</b><b>text</b> becomes <b>texttext</b>
+						if (node && format.merge_siblings !== false) {
+							node = mergeSiblings(getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node), node);
+							node = mergeSiblings(node, getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, TRUE));
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (format) {
+				if (node) {
+					if (node.nodeType) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStartBefore(node);
+						rng.setEndAfter(node);
+						applyRngStyle(expandRng(rng, formatList), null, true);
+					} else {
+						applyRngStyle(node, null, true);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (!isCollapsed || !format.inline || dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected').length) {
+						// Obtain selection node before selection is unselected by applyRngStyle()
+						var curSelNode = ed.selection.getNode();
+						// If the formats have a default block and we can't find a parent block then
+						// start wrapping it with a DIV this is for forced_root_blocks: false
+						// It's kind of a hack but people should be using the default block type P since all desktop editors work that way
+						if (!forcedRootBlock && formatList[0].defaultBlock && !dom.getParent(curSelNode, dom.isBlock)) {
+							apply(formatList[0].defaultBlock);
+						}
+						// Apply formatting to selection
+						ed.selection.setRng(adjustSelectionToVisibleSelection());
+						bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+						applyRngStyle(expandRng(selection.getRng(TRUE), formatList), bookmark);
+						// Colored nodes should be underlined so that the color of the underline matches the text color.
+						if (format.styles && (format.styles.color || format.styles.textDecoration)) {
+							walk(curSelNode, processUnderlineAndColor, 'childNodes');
+							processUnderlineAndColor(curSelNode);
+						}
+						selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+						moveStart(selection.getRng(TRUE));
+						ed.nodeChanged();
+					} else {
+						performCaretAction('apply', name, vars);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified format from the current selection or specified node.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to remove.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before removing it.
+		 * @param {Node/Range} node Optional node or DOM range to remove the format from defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function remove(name, vars, node) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, rng, contentEditable = true;
+			// Merges the styles for each node
+			function process(node) {
+				var children, i, l, lastContentEditable, hasContentEditableState;
+				// Node has a contentEditable value
+				if (node.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(node)) {
+					lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
+					contentEditable = getContentEditable(node) === "true";
+					hasContentEditableState = true; // We don't want to wrap the container only it's children
+				}
+				// Grab the children first since the nodelist might be changed
+				children = grep(node.childNodes);
+				// Process current node
+				if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState) {
+					for (i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) {
+						if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, node, node)) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Process the children
+				if (format.deep) {
+					if (children.length) {
+						for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+							process(children[i]);
+						}
+						if (hasContentEditableState) {
+							contentEditable = lastContentEditable; // Restore last contentEditable state from stack
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function findFormatRoot(container) {
+				var formatRoot;
+				// Find format root
+				each(getParents(container.parentNode).reverse(), function(parent) {
+					var format;
+					// Find format root element
+					if (!formatRoot && parent.id != '_start' && parent.id != '_end') {
+						// Is the node matching the format we are looking for
+						format = matchNode(parent, name, vars);
+						if (format && format.split !== false) {
+							formatRoot = parent;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				return formatRoot;
+			}
+			function wrapAndSplit(format_root, container, target, split) {
+				var parent, clone, lastClone, firstClone, i, formatRootParent;
+				// Format root found then clone formats and split it
+				if (format_root) {
+					formatRootParent = format_root.parentNode;
+					for (parent = container.parentNode; parent && parent != formatRootParent; parent = parent.parentNode) {
+						clone = dom.clone(parent, FALSE);
+						for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
+							if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, clone, clone)) {
+								clone = 0;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						// Build wrapper node
+						if (clone) {
+							if (lastClone) {
+								clone.appendChild(lastClone);
+							}
+							if (!firstClone) {
+								firstClone = clone;
+							}
+							lastClone = clone;
+						}
+					}
+					// Never split block elements if the format is mixed
+					if (split && (!format.mixed || !isBlock(format_root))) {
+						container = dom.split(format_root, container);
+					}
+					// Wrap container in cloned formats
+					if (lastClone) {
+						target.parentNode.insertBefore(lastClone, target);
+						firstClone.appendChild(target);
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			function splitToFormatRoot(container) {
+				return wrapAndSplit(findFormatRoot(container), container, container, true);
+			}
+			function unwrap(start) {
+				var node = dom.get(start ? '_start' : '_end'),
+					out = node[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+				// If the end is placed within the start the result will be removed
+				// So this checks if the out node is a bookmark node if it is it
+				// checks for another more suitable node
+				if (isBookmarkNode(out)) {
+					out = out[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+				}
+				dom.remove(node, true);
+				return out;
+			}
+			function removeRngStyle(rng) {
+				var startContainer, endContainer;
+				var commonAncestorContainer = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
+				rng = expandRng(rng, formatList, TRUE);
+				if (format.split) {
+					startContainer = getContainer(rng, TRUE);
+					endContainer = getContainer(rng);
+					if (startContainer != endContainer) {
+						// WebKit will render the table incorrectly if we wrap a TH or TD in a SPAN
+						// so let's see if we can use the first child instead
+						// This will happen if you triple click a table cell and use remove formatting
+						if (/^(TR|TH|TD)$/.test(startContainer.nodeName) && startContainer.firstChild) {
+							if (startContainer.nodeName == "TR") {
+								startContainer = startContainer.firstChild.firstChild || startContainer;
+							} else {
+								startContainer = startContainer.firstChild || startContainer;
+							}
+						}
+						// Try to adjust endContainer as well if cells on the same row were selected - bug #6410
+						if (commonAncestorContainer &&
+							/^T(HEAD|BODY|FOOT|R)$/.test(commonAncestorContainer.nodeName) &&
+							/^(TH|TD)$/.test(endContainer.nodeName) && endContainer.firstChild) {
+							endContainer = endContainer.firstChild || endContainer;
+						}
+						// Wrap start/end nodes in span element since these might be cloned/moved
+						startContainer = wrap(startContainer, 'span', {id: '_start', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'});
+						endContainer = wrap(endContainer, 'span', {id: '_end', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'});
+						// Split start/end
+						splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
+						splitToFormatRoot(endContainer);
+						// Unwrap start/end to get real elements again
+						startContainer = unwrap(TRUE);
+						endContainer = unwrap();
+					} else {
+						startContainer = endContainer = splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
+					}
+					// Update range positions since they might have changed after the split operations
+					rng.startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+					rng.startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
+					rng.endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+					rng.endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
+				}
+				// Remove items between start/end
+				rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
+					each(nodes, function(node) {
+						process(node);
+						// Remove parent span if it only contains text-decoration: underline, yet a parent node is also underlined.
+						if (node.nodeType === 1 && ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'text-decoration') === 'underline' &&
+							node.parentNode && getTextDecoration(node.parentNode) === 'underline') {
+							removeFormat({
+								'deep': false,
+								'exact': true,
+								'inline': 'span',
+								'styles': {
+									'textDecoration': 'underline'
+								}
+							}, null, node);
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Handle node
+			if (node) {
+				if (node.nodeType) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStartBefore(node);
+					rng.setEndAfter(node);
+					removeRngStyle(rng);
+				} else {
+					removeRngStyle(node);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!selection.isCollapsed() || !format.inline || dom.select('td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected').length) {
+				bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+				removeRngStyle(selection.getRng(TRUE));
+				selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				// Check if start element still has formatting then we are at: "<b>text|</b>text"
+				// and need to move the start into the next text node
+				if (format.inline && match(name, vars, selection.getStart())) {
+					moveStart(selection.getRng(true));
+				}
+				ed.nodeChanged();
+			} else {
+				performCaretAction('remove', name, vars);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified format on/off.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggle
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to apply/remove.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace within format before applying/removing it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to apply the format to or remove from. Defaults to current selection.
+		 */
+		function toggle(name, vars, node) {
+			var fmt = get(name);
+			if (match(name, vars, node) && (!('toggle' in fmt[0]) || fmt[0].toggle)) {
+				remove(name, vars, node);
+			} else {
+				apply(name, vars, node);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Return true/false if the specified node has the specified format.
+		 *
+		 * @method matchNode
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to check the format on.
+		 * @param {String} name Format name to check.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @param {Boolean} similar Match format that has similar properties.
+		 * @return {Object} Returns the format object it matches or undefined if it doesn't match.
+		 */
+		function matchNode(node, name, vars, similar) {
+			var formatList = get(name), format, i, classes;
+			function matchItems(node, format, item_name) {
+				var key, value, items = format[item_name], i;
+				// Custom match
+				if (format.onmatch) {
+					return format.onmatch(node, format, item_name);
+				}
+				// Check all items
+				if (items) {
+					// Non indexed object
+					if (items.length === undef) {
+						for (key in items) {
+							if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+								if (item_name === 'attributes') {
+									value = dom.getAttrib(node, key);
+								} else {
+									value = getStyle(node, key);
+								}
+								if (similar && !value && !format.exact) {
+									return;
+								}
+								if ((!similar || format.exact) && !isEq(value, normalizeStyleValue(replaceVars(items[key], vars), key))) {
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Only one match needed for indexed arrays
+						for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+							if (item_name === 'attributes' ? dom.getAttrib(node, items[i]) : getStyle(node, items[i])) {
+								return format;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return format;
+			}
+			if (formatList && node) {
+				// Check each format in list
+				for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
+					format = formatList[i];
+					// Name name, attributes, styles and classes
+					if (matchName(node, format) && matchItems(node, format, 'attributes') && matchItems(node, format, 'styles')) {
+						// Match classes
+						if ((classes = format.classes)) {
+							for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+								if (!dom.hasClass(node, classes[i])) {
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return format;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Matches the current selection or specified node against the specified format name.
+		 *
+		 * @method match
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to match.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @param {Node} node Optional node to check.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the specified selection/node matches the format.
+		 */
+		function match(name, vars, node) {
+			var startNode;
+			function matchParents(node) {
+				var root = dom.getRoot();
+				if (node === root) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				// Find first node with similar format settings
+				node = dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
+					return node.parentNode === root || !!matchNode(node, name, vars, true);
+				});
+				// Do an exact check on the similar format element
+				return matchNode(node, name, vars);
+			}
+			// Check specified node
+			if (node) {
+				return matchParents(node);
+			}
+			// Check selected node
+			node = selection.getNode();
+			if (matchParents(node)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check start node if it's different
+			startNode = selection.getStart();
+			if (startNode != node) {
+				if (matchParents(startNode)) {
+					return TRUE;
+				}
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Matches the current selection against the array of formats and returns a new array with matching formats.
+		 *
+		 * @method matchAll
+		 * @param {Array} names Name of format to match.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Optional list of variables to replace before checking it.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with matched formats.
+		 */
+		function matchAll(names, vars) {
+			var startElement, matchedFormatNames = [], checkedMap = {};
+			// Check start of selection for formats
+			startElement = selection.getStart();
+			dom.getParent(startElement, function(node) {
+				var i, name;
+				for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+					name = names[i];
+					if (!checkedMap[name] && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+						checkedMap[name] = true;
+						matchedFormatNames.push(name);
+					}
+				}
+			}, dom.getRoot());
+			return matchedFormatNames;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified format can be applied to the current selection or not. It
+		 * will currently only check the state for selector formats, it returns true on all other format types.
+		 *
+		 * @method canApply
+		 * @param {String} name Name of format to check.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the specified format can be applied to the current selection/node.
+		 */
+		function canApply(name) {
+			var formatList = get(name), startNode, parents, i, x, selector;
+			if (formatList) {
+				startNode = selection.getStart();
+				parents = getParents(startNode);
+				for (x = formatList.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
+					selector = formatList[x].selector;
+					// Format is not selector based then always return TRUE
+					// Is it has a defaultBlock then it's likely it can be applied for example align on a non block element line
+					if (!selector || formatList[x].defaultBlock) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+					for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						if (dom.is(parents[i], selector)) {
+							return TRUE;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified callback when the current selection matches the formats or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method formatChanged
+		 * @param {String} formats Comma separated list of formats to check for.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback with state and args when the format is changed/toggled on/off.
+		 * @param {Boolean} similar True/false state if the match should handle similar or exact formats.
+		 */
+		function formatChanged(formats, callback, similar) {
+			var currentFormats;
+			// Setup format node change logic
+			if (!formatChangeData) {
+				formatChangeData = {};
+				currentFormats = {};
+				ed.on('NodeChange', function(e) {
+					var parents = getParents(e.element), matchedFormats = {};
+					// Check for new formats
+					each(formatChangeData, function(callbacks, format) {
+						each(parents, function(node) {
+							if (matchNode(node, format, {}, callbacks.similar)) {
+								if (!currentFormats[format]) {
+									// Execute callbacks
+									each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+										callback(true, {node: node, format: format, parents: parents});
+									});
+									currentFormats[format] = callbacks;
+								}
+								matchedFormats[format] = callbacks;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					});
+					// Check if current formats still match
+					each(currentFormats, function(callbacks, format) {
+						if (!matchedFormats[format]) {
+							delete currentFormats[format];
+							each(callbacks, function(callback) {
+								callback(false, {node: e.element, format: format, parents: parents});
+							});
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// Add format listeners
+			each(formats.split(','), function(format) {
+				if (!formatChangeData[format]) {
+					formatChangeData[format] = [];
+					formatChangeData[format].similar = similar;
+				}
+				formatChangeData[format].push(callback);
+			});
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Expose to public
+		extend(this, {
+			get: get,
+			register: register,
+			apply: apply,
+			remove: remove,
+			toggle: toggle,
+			match: match,
+			matchAll: matchAll,
+			matchNode: matchNode,
+			canApply: canApply,
+			formatChanged: formatChanged
+		});
+		// Initialize
+		defaultFormats();
+		addKeyboardShortcuts();
+		ed.on('BeforeGetContent', function() {
+			if (markCaretContainersBogus) {
+				markCaretContainersBogus();
+			}
+		});
+		ed.on('mouseup keydown', function(e) {
+			if (disableCaretContainer) {
+				disableCaretContainer(e);
+			}
+		});
+		// Private functions
+		/**
+		 * Checks if the specified nodes name matches the format inline/block or selector.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to match against the specified format.
+		 * @param {Object} format Format object o match with.
+		 * @return {boolean} true/false if the format matches.
+		 */
+		function matchName(node, format) {
+			// Check for inline match
+			if (isEq(node, format.inline)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check for block match
+			if (isEq(node, format.block)) {
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			// Check for selector match
+			if (format.selector) {
+				return node.nodeType == 1 && dom.is(node, format.selector);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Compares two string/nodes regardless of their case.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String/Node} Node or string to compare.
+		 * @param {String/Node} Node or string to compare.
+		 * @return {boolean} True/false if they match.
+		 */
+		function isEq(str1, str2) {
+			str1 = str1 || '';
+			str2 = str2 || '';
+			str1 = '' + (str1.nodeName || str1);
+			str2 = '' + (str2.nodeName || str2);
+			return str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase();
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the style by name on the specified node. This method modifies the style
+		 * contents to make it more easy to match. This will resolve a few browser issues.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to get.
+		 * @return {String} Style item value.
+		 */
+		function getStyle(node, name) {
+			return normalizeStyleValue(dom.getStyle(node, name), name);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Normalize style value by name. This method modifies the style contents
+		 * to make it more easy to match. This will resolve a few browser issues.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node to get style from.
+		 * @param {String} name Style name to get.
+		 * @return {String} Style item value.
+		 */
+		function normalizeStyleValue(value, name) {
+			// Force the format to hex
+			if (name == 'color' || name == 'backgroundColor') {
+				value = dom.toHex(value);
+			}
+			// Opera will return bold as 700
+			if (name == 'fontWeight' && value == 700) {
+				value = 'bold';
+			}
+			// Normalize fontFamily so "'Font name', Font" becomes: "Font name,Font"
+			if (name == 'fontFamily') {
+				value = value.replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').replace(/,\s+/g, ',');
+			}
+			return '' + value;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Replaces variables in the value. The variable format is %var.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String} value Value to replace variables in.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Name/value array with variables to replace.
+		 * @return {String} New value with replaced variables.
+		 */
+		function replaceVars(value, vars) {
+			if (typeof(value) != "string") {
+				value = value(vars);
+			} else if (vars) {
+				value = value.replace(/%(\w+)/g, function(str, name) {
+					return vars[name] || str;
+				});
+			}
+			return value;
+		}
+		function isWhiteSpaceNode(node) {
+			return node && node.nodeType === 3 && /^([\t \r\n]+|)$/.test(node.nodeValue);
+		}
+		function wrap(node, name, attrs) {
+			var wrapper = dom.create(name, attrs);
+			node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);
+			wrapper.appendChild(node);
+			return wrapper;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Expands the specified range like object to depending on format.
+		 *
+		 * For example on block formats it will move the start/end position
+		 * to the beginning of the current block.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} rng Range like object.
+		 * @param {Array} formats Array with formats to expand by.
+		 * @return {Object} Expanded range like object.
+		 */
+		function expandRng(rng, format, remove) {
+			var lastIdx, leaf, endPoint,
+				startContainer = rng.startContainer,
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+			// This function walks up the tree if there is no siblings before/after the node
+			function findParentContainer(start) {
+				var container, parent, sibling, siblingName, root;
+				container = parent = start ? startContainer : endContainer;
+				siblingName = start ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
+				root = dom.getRoot();
+				function isBogusBr(node) {
+					return node.nodeName == "BR" && node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') && !node.nextSibling;
+				}
+				// If it's a text node and the offset is inside the text
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(container)) {
+					if (start ? startOffset > 0 : endOffset < container.nodeValue.length) {
+						return container;
+					}
+				}
+				/*eslint no-constant-condition:0 */
+				while (true) {
+					// Stop expanding on block elements
+					if (!format[0].block_expand && isBlock(parent)) {
+						return parent;
+					}
+					// Walk left/right
+					for (sibling = parent[siblingName]; sibling; sibling = sibling[siblingName]) {
+						if (!isBookmarkNode(sibling) && !isWhiteSpaceNode(sibling) && !isBogusBr(sibling)) {
+							return parent;
+						}
+					}
+					// Check if we can move up are we at root level or body level
+					if (parent.parentNode == root) {
+						container = parent;
+						break;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			// This function walks down the tree to find the leaf at the selection.
+			// The offset is also returned as if node initially a leaf, the offset may be in the middle of the text node.
+			function findLeaf(node, offset) {
+				if (offset === undef) {
+					offset = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
+				}
+				while (node && node.hasChildNodes()) {
+					node = node.childNodes[offset];
+					if (node) {
+						offset = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
+					}
+				}
+				return { node: node, offset: offset };
+			}
+			// If index based start position then resolve it
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				lastIdx = startContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
+				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : startOffset];
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// If index based end position then resolve it
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
+				lastIdx = endContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
+				endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[endOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : endOffset - 1];
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
+				}
+			}
+			// Expands the node to the closes contentEditable false element if it exists
+			function findParentContentEditable(node) {
+				var parent = node;
+				while (parent) {
+					if (parent.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(parent)) {
+						return getContentEditable(parent) === "false" ? parent : node;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			function findWordEndPoint(container, offset, start) {
+				var walker, node, pos, lastTextNode;
+				function findSpace(node, offset) {
+					var pos, pos2, str = node.nodeValue;
+					if (typeof(offset) == "undefined") {
+						offset = start ? str.length : 0;
+					}
+					if (start) {
+						pos = str.lastIndexOf(' ', offset);
+						pos2 = str.lastIndexOf('\u00a0', offset);
+						pos = pos > pos2 ? pos : pos2;
+						// Include the space on remove to avoid tag soup
+						if (pos !== -1 && !remove) {
+							pos++;
+						}
+					} else {
+						pos = str.indexOf(' ', offset);
+						pos2 = str.indexOf('\u00a0', offset);
+						pos = pos !== -1 && (pos2 === -1 || pos < pos2) ? pos : pos2;
+					}
+					return pos;
+				}
+				if (container.nodeType === 3) {
+					pos = findSpace(container, offset);
+					if (pos !== -1) {
+						return {container: container, offset: pos};
+					}
+					lastTextNode = container;
+				}
+				// Walk the nodes inside the block
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, isBlock) || ed.getBody());
+				while ((node = walker[start ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						lastTextNode = node;
+						pos = findSpace(node);
+						if (pos !== -1) {
+							return {container: node, offset: pos};
+						}
+					} else if (isBlock(node)) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (lastTextNode) {
+					if (start) {
+						offset = 0;
+					} else {
+						offset = lastTextNode.length;
+					}
+					return {container: lastTextNode, offset: offset};
+				}
+			}
+			function findSelectorEndPoint(container, sibling_name) {
+				var parents, i, y, curFormat;
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && container.nodeValue.length === 0 && container[sibling_name]) {
+					container = container[sibling_name];
+				}
+				parents = getParents(container);
+				for (i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
+					for (y = 0; y < format.length; y++) {
+						curFormat = format[y];
+						// If collapsed state is set then skip formats that doesn't match that
+						if ("collapsed" in curFormat && curFormat.collapsed !== rng.collapsed) {
+							continue;
+						}
+						if (dom.is(parents[i], curFormat.selector)) {
+							return parents[i];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			function findBlockEndPoint(container, sibling_name) {
+				var node, root = dom.getRoot();
+				// Expand to block of similar type
+				if (!format[0].wrapper) {
+					node = dom.getParent(container, format[0].block, root);
+				}
+				// Expand to first wrappable block element or any block element
+				if (!node) {
+					node = dom.getParent(container.nodeType == 3 ? container.parentNode : container, function(node) {
+						// Fixes #6183 where it would expand to editable parent element in inline mode
+						return node != root && isTextBlock(node);
+					});
+				}
+				// Exclude inner lists from wrapping
+				if (node && format[0].wrapper) {
+					node = getParents(node, 'ul,ol').reverse()[0] || node;
+				}
+				// Didn't find a block element look for first/last wrappable element
+				if (!node) {
+					node = container;
+					while (node[sibling_name] && !isBlock(node[sibling_name])) {
+						node = node[sibling_name];
+						// Break on BR but include it will be removed later on
+						// we can't remove it now since we need to check if it can be wrapped
+						if (isEq(node, 'br')) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return node || container;
+			}
+			// Expand to closest contentEditable element
+			startContainer = findParentContentEditable(startContainer);
+			endContainer = findParentContentEditable(endContainer);
+			// Exclude bookmark nodes if possible
+			if (isBookmarkNode(startContainer.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(startContainer)) {
+				startContainer = isBookmarkNode(startContainer) ? startContainer : startContainer.parentNode;
+				startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling || startContainer;
+				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					startOffset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			if (isBookmarkNode(endContainer.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(endContainer)) {
+				endContainer = isBookmarkNode(endContainer) ? endContainer : endContainer.parentNode;
+				endContainer = endContainer.previousSibling || endContainer;
+				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+					endOffset = endContainer.length;
+				}
+			}
+			if (format[0].inline) {
+				if (rng.collapsed) {
+					// Expand left to closest word boundary
+					endPoint = findWordEndPoint(startContainer, startOffset, true);
+					if (endPoint) {
+						startContainer = endPoint.container;
+						startOffset = endPoint.offset;
+					}
+					// Expand right to closest word boundary
+					endPoint = findWordEndPoint(endContainer, endOffset);
+					if (endPoint) {
+						endContainer = endPoint.container;
+						endOffset = endPoint.offset;
+					}
+				}
+				// Avoid applying formatting to a trailing space.
+				leaf = findLeaf(endContainer, endOffset);
+				if (leaf.node) {
+					while (leaf.node && leaf.offset === 0 && leaf.node.previousSibling) {
+						leaf = findLeaf(leaf.node.previousSibling);
+					}
+					if (leaf.node && leaf.offset > 0 && leaf.node.nodeType === 3 &&
+							leaf.node.nodeValue.charAt(leaf.offset - 1) === ' ') {
+						if (leaf.offset > 1) {
+							endContainer = leaf.node;
+							endContainer.splitText(leaf.offset - 1);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Move start/end point up the tree if the leaves are sharp and if we are in different containers
+			// Example * becomes !: !<p><b><i>*text</i><i>text*</i></b></p>!
+			// This will reduce the number of wrapper elements that needs to be created
+			// Move start point up the tree
+			if (format[0].inline || format[0].block_expand) {
+				if (!format[0].inline || (startContainer.nodeType != 3 || startOffset === 0)) {
+					startContainer = findParentContainer(true);
+				}
+				if (!format[0].inline || (endContainer.nodeType != 3 || endOffset === endContainer.nodeValue.length)) {
+					endContainer = findParentContainer();
+				}
+			}
+			// Expand start/end container to matching selector
+			if (format[0].selector && format[0].expand !== FALSE && !format[0].inline) {
+				// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
+				startContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
+				endContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');
+			}
+			// Expand start/end container to matching block element or text node
+			if (format[0].block || format[0].selector) {
+				// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
+				startContainer = findBlockEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
+				endContainer = findBlockEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');
+				// Non block element then try to expand up the leaf
+				if (format[0].block) {
+					if (!isBlock(startContainer)) {
+						startContainer = findParentContainer(true);
+					}
+					if (!isBlock(endContainer)) {
+						endContainer = findParentContainer();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup index for startContainer
+			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
+				startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Setup index for endContainer
+			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1) {
+				endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
+				endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Return new range like object
+			return {
+				startContainer: startContainer,
+				startOffset: startOffset,
+				endContainer: endContainer,
+				endOffset: endOffset
+			};
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified format for the specified node. It will also remove the node if it doesn't have
+		 * any attributes if the format specifies it to do so.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} format Format object with items to remove from node.
+		 * @param {Object} vars Name/value object with variables to apply to format.
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to remove the format styles on.
+		 * @param {Node} compare_node Optional compare node, if specified the styles will be compared to that node.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the node was removed or not.
+		 */
+		function removeFormat(format, vars, node, compare_node) {
+			var i, attrs, stylesModified;
+			// Check if node matches format
+			if (!matchName(node, format)) {
+				return FALSE;
+			}
+			// Should we compare with format attribs and styles
+			if (format.remove != 'all') {
+				// Remove styles
+				each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
+					value = normalizeStyleValue(replaceVars(value, vars), name);
+					// Indexed array
+					if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
+						name = value;
+						compare_node = 0;
+					}
+					if (!compare_node || isEq(getStyle(compare_node, name), value)) {
+						dom.setStyle(node, name, '');
+					}
+					stylesModified = 1;
+				});
+				// Remove style attribute if it's empty
+				if (stylesModified && dom.getAttrib(node, 'style') === '') {
+					node.removeAttribute('style');
+					node.removeAttribute('data-mce-style');
+				}
+				// Remove attributes
+				each(format.attributes, function(value, name) {
+					var valueOut;
+					value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+					// Indexed array
+					if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
+						name = value;
+						compare_node = 0;
+					}
+					if (!compare_node || isEq(dom.getAttrib(compare_node, name), value)) {
+						// Keep internal classes
+						if (name == 'class') {
+							value = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
+							if (value) {
+								// Build new class value where everything is removed except the internal prefixed classes
+								valueOut = '';
+								each(value.split(/\s+/), function(cls) {
+									if (/mce\w+/.test(cls)) {
+										valueOut += (valueOut ? ' ' : '') + cls;
+									}
+								});
+								// We got some internal classes left
+								if (valueOut) {
+									dom.setAttrib(node, name, valueOut);
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// IE6 has a bug where the attribute doesn't get removed correctly
+						if (name == "class") {
+							node.removeAttribute('className');
+						}
+						// Remove mce prefixed attributes
+						if (MCE_ATTR_RE.test(name)) {
+							node.removeAttribute('data-mce-' + name);
+						}
+						node.removeAttribute(name);
+					}
+				});
+				// Remove classes
+				each(format.classes, function(value) {
+					value = replaceVars(value, vars);
+					if (!compare_node || dom.hasClass(compare_node, value)) {
+						dom.removeClass(node, value);
+					}
+				});
+				// Check for non internal attributes
+				attrs = dom.getAttribs(node);
+				for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
+					if (attrs[i].nodeName.indexOf('_') !== 0) {
+						return FALSE;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove the inline child if it's empty for example <b> or <span>
+			if (format.remove != 'none') {
+				removeNode(node, format);
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes the node and wrap it's children in paragraphs before doing so or
+		 * appends BR elements to the beginning/end of the block element if forcedRootBlocks is disabled.
+		 *
+		 * If the div in the node below gets removed:
+		 *  text<div>text</div>text
+		 *
+		 * Output becomes:
+		 *  text<div><br />text<br /></div>text
+		 *
+		 * So when the div is removed the result is:
+		 *  text<br />text<br />text
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to remove + apply BR/P elements to.
+		 * @param {Object} format Format rule.
+		 * @return {Node} Input node.
+		 */
+		function removeNode(node, format) {
+			var parentNode = node.parentNode, rootBlockElm;
+			function find(node, next, inc) {
+				node = getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc);
+				return !node || (node.nodeName == 'BR' || isBlock(node));
+			}
+			if (format.block) {
+				if (!forcedRootBlock) {
+					// Append BR elements if needed before we remove the block
+					if (isBlock(node) && !isBlock(parentNode)) {
+						if (!find(node, FALSE) && !find(node.firstChild, TRUE, 1)) {
+							node.insertBefore(dom.create('br'), node.firstChild);
+						}
+						if (!find(node, TRUE) && !find(node.lastChild, FALSE, 1)) {
+							node.appendChild(dom.create('br'));
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Wrap the block in a forcedRootBlock if we are at the root of document
+					if (parentNode == dom.getRoot()) {
+						if (!format.list_block || !isEq(node, format.list_block)) {
+							each(grep(node.childNodes), function(node) {
+								if (isValid(forcedRootBlock, node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
+									if (!rootBlockElm) {
+										rootBlockElm = wrap(node, forcedRootBlock);
+										dom.setAttribs(rootBlockElm, ed.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+									} else {
+										rootBlockElm.appendChild(node);
+									}
+								} else {
+									rootBlockElm = 0;
+								}
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Never remove nodes that isn't the specified inline element if a selector is specified too
+			if (format.selector && format.inline && !isEq(format.inline, node)) {
+				return;
+			}
+			dom.remove(node, 1);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the next/previous non whitespace node.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to start at.
+		 * @param {boolean} next (Optional) Include next or previous node defaults to previous.
+		 * @param {boolean} inc (Optional) Include the current node in checking. Defaults to false.
+		 * @return {Node} Next or previous node or undefined if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		function getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc) {
+			if (node) {
+				next = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
+				for (node = inc ? node : node[next]; node; node = node[next]) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 || !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
+						return node;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Checks if the specified node is a bookmark node or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} node Node to check if it's a bookmark node or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is a bookmark node.
+		 */
+		function isBookmarkNode(node) {
+			return node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark';
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Merges the next/previous sibling element if they match.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Node} prev Previous node to compare/merge.
+		 * @param {Node} next Next node to compare/merge.
+		 * @return {Node} Next node if we didn't merge and prev node if we did.
+		 */
+		function mergeSiblings(prev, next) {
+			var sibling, tmpSibling;
+			/**
+			 * Compares two nodes and checks if it's attributes and styles matches.
+			 * This doesn't compare classes as items since their order is significant.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @param {Node} node1 First node to compare with.
+			 * @param {Node} node2 Second node to compare with.
+			 * @return {boolean} True/false if the nodes are the same or not.
+			 */
+			function compareElements(node1, node2) {
+				// Not the same name
+				if (node1.nodeName != node2.nodeName) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Returns all the nodes attributes excluding internal ones, styles and classes.
+				 *
+				 * @private
+				 * @param {Node} node Node to get attributes from.
+				 * @return {Object} Name/value object with attributes and attribute values.
+				 */
+				function getAttribs(node) {
+					var attribs = {};
+					each(dom.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
+						var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+						// Don't compare internal attributes or style
+						if (name.indexOf('_') !== 0 && name !== 'style' && name !== 'data-mce-style') {
+							attribs[name] = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
+						}
+					});
+					return attribs;
+				}
+				/**
+				 * Compares two objects checks if it's key + value exists in the other one.
+				 *
+				 * @private
+				 * @param {Object} obj1 First object to compare.
+				 * @param {Object} obj2 Second object to compare.
+				 * @return {boolean} True/false if the objects matches or not.
+				 */
+				function compareObjects(obj1, obj2) {
+					var value, name;
+					for (name in obj1) {
+						// Obj1 has item obj2 doesn't have
+						if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+							value = obj2[name];
+							// Obj2 doesn't have obj1 item
+							if (value === undef) {
+								return FALSE;
+							}
+							// Obj2 item has a different value
+							if (obj1[name] != value) {
+								return FALSE;
+							}
+							// Delete similar value
+							delete obj2[name];
+						}
+					}
+					// Check if obj 2 has something obj 1 doesn't have
+					for (name in obj2) {
+						// Obj2 has item obj1 doesn't have
+						if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+							return FALSE;
+						}
+					}
+					return TRUE;
+				}
+				// Attribs are not the same
+				if (!compareObjects(getAttribs(node1), getAttribs(node2))) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				// Styles are not the same
+				if (!compareObjects(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node1, 'style')), dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node2, 'style')))) {
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				return !isBookmarkNode(node1) && !isBookmarkNode(node2);
+			}
+			function findElementSibling(node, sibling_name) {
+				for (sibling = node; sibling; sibling = sibling[sibling_name]) {
+					if (sibling.nodeType == 3 && sibling.nodeValue.length !== 0) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					if (sibling.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(sibling)) {
+						return sibling;
+					}
+				}
+				return node;
+			}
+			// Check if next/prev exists and that they are elements
+			if (prev && next) {
+				// If previous sibling is empty then jump over it
+				prev = findElementSibling(prev, 'previousSibling');
+				next = findElementSibling(next, 'nextSibling');
+				// Compare next and previous nodes
+				if (compareElements(prev, next)) {
+					// Append nodes between
+					for (sibling = prev.nextSibling; sibling && sibling != next;) {
+						tmpSibling = sibling;
+						sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+						prev.appendChild(tmpSibling);
+					}
+					// Remove next node
+					dom.remove(next);
+					// Move children into prev node
+					each(grep(next.childNodes), function(node) {
+						prev.appendChild(node);
+					});
+					return prev;
+				}
+			}
+			return next;
+		}
+		function getContainer(rng, start) {
+			var container, offset, lastIdx;
+			container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'];
+			offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'];
+			if (container.nodeType == 1) {
+				lastIdx = container.childNodes.length - 1;
+				if (!start && offset) {
+					offset--;
+				}
+				container = container.childNodes[offset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : offset];
+			}
+			// If start text node is excluded then walk to the next node
+			if (container.nodeType === 3 && start && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+				container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).next() || container;
+			}
+			// If end text node is excluded then walk to the previous node
+			if (container.nodeType === 3 && !start && offset === 0) {
+				container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).prev() || container;
+			}
+			return container;
+		}
+		function performCaretAction(type, name, vars) {
+			var caretContainerId = '_mce_caret', debug = ed.settings.caret_debug;
+			// Creates a caret container bogus element
+			function createCaretContainer(fill) {
+				var caretContainer = dom.create('span', {id: caretContainerId, 'data-mce-bogus': true, style: debug ? 'color:red' : ''});
+				if (fill) {
+					caretContainer.appendChild(ed.getDoc().createTextNode(INVISIBLE_CHAR));
+				}
+				return caretContainer;
+			}
+			function isCaretContainerEmpty(node, nodes) {
+				while (node) {
+					if ((node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue !== INVISIBLE_CHAR) || node.childNodes.length > 1) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Collect nodes
+					if (nodes && node.nodeType === 1) {
+						nodes.push(node);
+					}
+					node = node.firstChild;
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Returns any parent caret container element
+			function getParentCaretContainer(node) {
+				while (node) {
+					if (node.id === caretContainerId) {
+						return node;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+			}
+			// Finds the first text node in the specified node
+			function findFirstTextNode(node) {
+				var walker;
+				if (node) {
+					walker = new TreeWalker(node, node);
+					for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
+						if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+							return node;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Removes the caret container for the specified node or all on the current document
+			function removeCaretContainer(node, move_caret) {
+				var child, rng;
+				if (!node) {
+					node = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+					if (!node) {
+						while ((node = dom.get(caretContainerId))) {
+							removeCaretContainer(node, false);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					rng = selection.getRng(true);
+					if (isCaretContainerEmpty(node)) {
+						if (move_caret !== false) {
+							rng.setStartBefore(node);
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+						}
+						dom.remove(node);
+					} else {
+						child = findFirstTextNode(node);
+						if (child.nodeValue.charAt(0) === INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+							child = child.deleteData(0, 1);
+						}
+						dom.remove(node, 1);
+					}
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				}
+			}
+			// Applies formatting to the caret postion
+			function applyCaretFormat() {
+				var rng, caretContainer, textNode, offset, bookmark, container, text;
+				rng = selection.getRng(true);
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				text = container.nodeValue;
+				caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+				if (caretContainer) {
+					textNode = findFirstTextNode(caretContainer);
+				}
+				// Expand to word is caret is in the middle of a text node and the char before/after is a alpha numeric character
+				if (text && offset > 0 && offset < text.length && /\w/.test(text.charAt(offset)) && /\w/.test(text.charAt(offset - 1))) {
+					// Get bookmark of caret position
+					bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+					// Collapse bookmark range (WebKit)
+					rng.collapse(true);
+					// Expand the range to the closest word and split it at those points
+					rng = expandRng(rng, get(name));
+					rng = rangeUtils.split(rng);
+					// Apply the format to the range
+					apply(name, vars, rng);
+					// Move selection back to caret position
+					selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				} else {
+					if (!caretContainer || textNode.nodeValue !== INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+						caretContainer = createCaretContainer(true);
+						textNode = caretContainer.firstChild;
+						rng.insertNode(caretContainer);
+						offset = 1;
+						apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
+					} else {
+						apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
+					}
+					// Move selection to text node
+					selection.setCursorLocation(textNode, offset);
+				}
+			}
+			function removeCaretFormat() {
+				var rng = selection.getRng(true), container, offset, bookmark,
+					hasContentAfter, node, formatNode, parents = [], i, caretContainer;
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				node = container;
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					if (offset != container.nodeValue.length || container.nodeValue === INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
+						hasContentAfter = true;
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				while (node) {
+					if (matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
+						formatNode = node;
+						break;
+					}
+					if (node.nextSibling) {
+						hasContentAfter = true;
+					}
+					parents.push(node);
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Node doesn't have the specified format
+				if (!formatNode) {
+					return;
+				}
+				// Is there contents after the caret then remove the format on the element
+				if (hasContentAfter) {
+					// Get bookmark of caret position
+					bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+					// Collapse bookmark range (WebKit)
+					rng.collapse(true);
+					// Expand the range to the closest word and split it at those points
+					rng = expandRng(rng, get(name), true);
+					rng = rangeUtils.split(rng);
+					// Remove the format from the range
+					remove(name, vars, rng);
+					// Move selection back to caret position
+					selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+				} else {
+					caretContainer = createCaretContainer();
+					node = caretContainer;
+					for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+						node.appendChild(dom.clone(parents[i], false));
+						node = node.firstChild;
+					}
+					// Insert invisible character into inner most format element
+					node.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(INVISIBLE_CHAR));
+					node = node.firstChild;
+					var block = dom.getParent(formatNode, isTextBlock);
+					if (block && dom.isEmpty(block)) {
+						// Replace formatNode with caretContainer when removing format from empty block like <p><b>|</b></p>
+						formatNode.parentNode.replaceChild(caretContainer, formatNode);
+					} else {
+						// Insert caret container after the formated node
+						dom.insertAfter(caretContainer, formatNode);
+					}
+					// Move selection to text node
+					selection.setCursorLocation(node, 1);
+					// If the formatNode is empty, we can remove it safely. 
+					if (dom.isEmpty(formatNode)) {
+						dom.remove(formatNode);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Checks if the parent caret container node isn't empty if that is the case it
+			// will remove the bogus state on all children that isn't empty
+			function unmarkBogusCaretParents() {
+				var caretContainer;
+				caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
+				if (caretContainer && !dom.isEmpty(caretContainer)) {
+					walk(caretContainer, function(node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.id !== caretContainerId && !dom.isEmpty(node)) {
+							dom.setAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bogus', null);
+						}
+					}, 'childNodes');
+				}
+			}
+			// Only bind the caret events once
+			if (!ed._hasCaretEvents) {
+				// Mark current caret container elements as bogus when getting the contents so we don't end up with empty elements
+				markCaretContainersBogus = function() {
+					var nodes = [], i;
+					if (isCaretContainerEmpty(getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart()), nodes)) {
+						// Mark children
+						i = nodes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							dom.setAttrib(nodes[i], 'data-mce-bogus', '1');
+						}
+					}
+				};
+				disableCaretContainer = function(e) {
+					var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+					removeCaretContainer();
+					// Remove caret container on keydown and it's a backspace, enter or left/right arrow keys
+					if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 37 || keyCode == 39) {
+						removeCaretContainer(getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart()));
+					}
+					unmarkBogusCaretParents();
+				};
+				// Remove bogus state if they got filled by contents using editor.selection.setContent
+				ed.on('SetContent', function(e) {
+					if (e.selection) {
+						unmarkBogusCaretParents();
+					}
+				});
+				ed._hasCaretEvents = true;
+			}
+			// Do apply or remove caret format
+			if (type == "apply") {
+				applyCaretFormat();
+			} else {
+				removeCaretFormat();
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the start to the first suitable text node.
+		 */
+		function moveStart(rng) {
+			var container = rng.startContainer,
+					offset = rng.startOffset, isAtEndOfText,
+					walker, node, nodes, tmpNode;
+			// Convert text node into index if possible
+			if (container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+				// Get the parent container location and walk from there
+				offset = nodeIndex(container);
+				container = container.parentNode;
+				isAtEndOfText = true;
+			}
+			// Move startContainer/startOffset in to a suitable node
+			if (container.nodeType == 1) {
+				nodes = container.childNodes;
+				container = nodes[Math.min(offset, nodes.length - 1)];
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock));
+				// If offset is at end of the parent node walk to the next one
+				if (offset > nodes.length - 1 || isAtEndOfText) {
+					walker.next();
+				}
+				for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
+						// IE has a "neat" feature where it moves the start node into the closest element
+						// we can avoid this by inserting an element before it and then remove it after we set the selection
+						tmpNode = dom.create('a', null, INVISIBLE_CHAR);
+						node.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, node);
+						// Set selection and remove tmpNode
+						rng.setStart(node, 0);
+						selection.setRng(rng);
+						dom.remove(tmpNode);
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/UndoManager.js
+ * UndoManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the undo/redo history levels for the editor. Since the build in undo/redo has major drawbacks a custom one was needed.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.UndoManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/UndoManager", [
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Env, Tools) {
+	var trim = Tools.trim, trimContentRegExp;
+	trimContentRegExp = new RegExp([
+		'<span[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+>[\u200B\uFEFF]+<\\/span>', // Trim bogus spans like caret containers
+		'<div[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+><\\/div>', // Trim bogus divs like resize handles
+		'\\s?data-mce-selected="[^"]+"' // Trim temporaty data-mce prefixed attributes like data-mce-selected
+	].join('|'), 'gi');
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, index = 0, data = [], beforeBookmark, isFirstTypedCharacter, lock;
+		// Returns a trimmed version of the current editor contents
+		function getContent() {
+			return trim(editor.getContent({format: 'raw', no_events: 1}).replace(trimContentRegExp, ''));
+		}
+		function addNonTypingUndoLevel(e) {
+			self.typing = false;
+			self.add({}, e);
+		}
+		// Add initial undo level when the editor is initialized
+		editor.on('init', function() {
+			self.add();
+		});
+		// Get position before an execCommand is processed
+		editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', function(e) {
+			var cmd = e.command;
+			if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint') {
+				self.beforeChange();
+			}
+		});
+		// Add undo level after an execCommand call was made
+		editor.on('ExecCommand', function(e) {
+			var cmd = e.command;
+			if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint') {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('ObjectResizeStart', function() {
+			self.beforeChange();
+		});
+		editor.on('SaveContent ObjectResized blur', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
+		editor.dom.bind(editor.dom.getRoot(), 'dragend', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
+		editor.on('KeyUp', function(e) {
+			var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+			if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 45 || keyCode == 13 || e.ctrlKey) {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel();
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+			if (keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 8 || (Env.mac && (keyCode == 91 || keyCode == 93))) {
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+			// Fire a TypingUndo event on the first character entered
+			if (isFirstTypedCharacter && self.typing) {
+				// Make the it dirty if the content was changed after typing the first character
+				if (!editor.isDirty()) {
+					editor.isNotDirty = !data[0] || getContent() == data[0].content;
+					// Fire initial change event
+					if (!editor.isNotDirty) {
+						editor.fire('change', {level: data[0], lastLevel: null});
+					}
+				}
+				editor.fire('TypingUndo');
+				isFirstTypedCharacter = false;
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
+			var keyCode = e.keyCode;
+			// Is caracter positon keys left,right,up,down,home,end,pgdown,pgup,enter
+			if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 45) {
+				if (self.typing) {
+					addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// If key isn't shift,ctrl,alt,capslock,metakey
+			if ((keyCode < 16 || keyCode > 20) && keyCode != 224 && keyCode != 91 && !self.typing) {
+				self.beforeChange();
+				self.typing = true;
+				self.add({}, e);
+				isFirstTypedCharacter = true;
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on('MouseDown', function(e) {
+			if (self.typing) {
+				addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
+			}
+		});
+		// Add keyboard shortcuts for undo/redo keys
+		editor.addShortcut('ctrl+z', '', 'Undo');
+		editor.addShortcut('ctrl+y,ctrl+shift+z', '', 'Redo');
+		editor.on('AddUndo Undo Redo ClearUndos MouseUp', function(e) {
+			if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		});
+		self = {
+			// Explose for debugging reasons
+			data: data,
+			/**
+			 * State if the user is currently typing or not. This will add a typing operation into one undo
+			 * level instead of one new level for each keystroke.
+			 *
+			 * @field {Boolean} typing
+			 */
+			typing: false,
+			/**
+			 * Stores away a bookmark to be used when performing an undo action so that the selection is before
+			 * the change has been made.
+			 *
+			 * @method beforeChange
+			 */
+			beforeChange: function() {
+				if (!lock) {
+					beforeBookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Adds a new undo level/snapshot to the undo list.
+			 *
+			 * @method add
+			 * @param {Object} level Optional undo level object to add.
+			 * @param {DOMEvent} Event Optional event responsible for the creation of the undo level.
+			 * @return {Object} Undo level that got added or null it a level wasn't needed.
+			 */
+			add: function(level, event) {
+				var i, settings = editor.settings, lastLevel;
+				level = level || {};
+				level.content = getContent();
+				if (lock || editor.removed) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				if (editor.fire('BeforeAddUndo', {level: level, originalEvent: event}).isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				// Add undo level if needed
+				lastLevel = data[index];
+				if (lastLevel && lastLevel.content == level.content) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				// Set before bookmark on previous level
+				if (data[index]) {
+					data[index].beforeBookmark = beforeBookmark;
+				}
+				// Time to compress
+				if (settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
+					if (data.length > settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
+						for (i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) {
+							data[i] = data[i + 1];
+						}
+						data.length--;
+						index = data.length;
+					}
+				}
+				// Get a non intrusive normalized bookmark
+				level.bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);
+				// Crop array if needed
+				if (index < data.length - 1) {
+					data.length = index + 1;
+				}
+				data.push(level);
+				index = data.length - 1;
+				var args = {level: level, lastLevel: lastLevel, originalEvent: event};
+				editor.fire('AddUndo', args);
+				if (index > 0) {
+					editor.isNotDirty = false;
+					editor.fire('change', args);
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Undoes the last action.
+			 *
+			 * @method undo
+			 * @return {Object} Undo level or null if no undo was performed.
+			 */
+			undo: function() {
+				var level;
+				if (self.typing) {
+					self.add();
+					self.typing = false;
+				}
+				if (index > 0) {
+					level = data[--index];
+					// Undo to first index then set dirty state to false
+					if (index === 0) {
+						editor.isNotDirty = true;
+					}
+					editor.setContent(level.content, {format: 'raw'});
+					editor.selection.moveToBookmark(level.beforeBookmark);
+					editor.fire('undo', {level: level});
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Redoes the last action.
+			 *
+			 * @method redo
+			 * @return {Object} Redo level or null if no redo was performed.
+			 */
+			redo: function() {
+				var level;
+				if (index < data.length - 1) {
+					level = data[++index];
+					editor.setContent(level.content, {format: 'raw'});
+					editor.selection.moveToBookmark(level.bookmark);
+					editor.fire('redo', {level: level});
+				}
+				return level;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Removes all undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method clear
+			 */
+			clear: function() {
+				data = [];
+				index = 0;
+				self.typing = false;
+				editor.fire('ClearUndos');
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns true/false if the undo manager has any undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method hasUndo
+			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the undo manager has any undo levels.
+			 */
+			hasUndo: function() {
+				// Has undo levels or typing and content isn't the same as the initial level
+				return index > 0 || (self.typing && data[0] && getContent() != data[0].content);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Returns true/false if the undo manager has any redo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @method hasRedo
+			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the undo manager has any redo levels.
+			 */
+			hasRedo: function() {
+				return index < data.length - 1 && !this.typing;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Executes the specified function in an undo transation. The selection
+			 * before the modification will be stored to the undo stack and if the DOM changes
+			 * it will add a new undo level. Any methods within the transation that adds undo levels will
+			 * be ignored. So a transation can include calls to execCommand or editor.insertContent.
+			 *
+			 * @method transact
+			 * @param {function} callback Function to execute dom manipulation logic in.
+			 */
+			transact: function(callback) {
+				self.beforeChange();
+				lock = true;
+				callback();
+				lock = false;
+				self.add();
+			}
+		};
+		return self;
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/EnterKey.js
+ * EnterKey.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Contains logic for handling the enter key to split/generate block elements.
+ */
+define("tinymce/EnterKey", [
+	"tinymce/dom/TreeWalker",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(TreeWalker, RangeUtils, Env) {
+	var isIE = Env.ie && Env.ie < 11;
+	return function(editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, settings = editor.settings;
+		var undoManager = editor.undoManager, schema = editor.schema, nonEmptyElementsMap = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+		function handleEnterKey(evt) {
+			var rng, tmpRng, editableRoot, container, offset, parentBlock, documentMode, shiftKey,
+				newBlock, fragment, containerBlock, parentBlockName, containerBlockName, newBlockName, isAfterLastNodeInContainer;
+			// Returns true if the block can be split into two blocks or not
+			function canSplitBlock(node) {
+				return node &&
+					dom.isBlock(node) &&
+					!/^(TD|TH|CAPTION|FORM)$/.test(node.nodeName) &&
+					!/^(fixed|absolute)/i.test(node.style.position) &&
+					dom.getContentEditable(node) !== "true";
+			}
+			// Renders empty block on IE
+			function renderBlockOnIE(block) {
+				var oldRng;
+				if (dom.isBlock(block)) {
+					oldRng = selection.getRng();
+					block.appendChild(dom.create('span', null, '\u00a0'));
+					selection.select(block);
+					block.lastChild.outerHTML = '';
+					selection.setRng(oldRng);
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove the first empty inline element of the block so this: <p><b><em></em></b>x</p> becomes this: <p>x</p>
+			function trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(block) {
+				var node = block, firstChilds = [], i;
+				// Find inner most first child ex: <p><i><b>*</b></i></p>
+				while ((node = node.firstChild)) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 && !nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+						firstChilds.push(node);
+					}
+				}
+				i = firstChilds.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = firstChilds[i];
+					if (!node.hasChildNodes() || (node.firstChild == node.lastChild && node.firstChild.nodeValue === '')) {
+						dom.remove(node);
+					} else {
+						// Remove <a> </a> see #5381
+						if (node.nodeName == "A" && (node.innerText || node.textContent) === ' ') {
+							dom.remove(node);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Moves the caret to a suitable position within the root for example in the first non
+			// pure whitespace text node or before an image
+			function moveToCaretPosition(root) {
+				var walker, node, rng, lastNode = root, tempElm;
+				function firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling(node) {
+					while (node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1 || (node.nodeType == 3 && node.data && /[\r\n\s]/.test(node.data))) {
+							return node;
+						}
+						node = node.nextSibling;
+					}
+				}
+				// Old IE versions doesn't properly render blocks with br elements in them
+				// For example <p><br></p> wont be rendered correctly in a contentEditable area
+				// until you remove the br producing <p></p>
+				if (Env.ie && Env.ie < 9 && parentBlock && parentBlock.firstChild) {
+					if (parentBlock.firstChild == parentBlock.lastChild && parentBlock.firstChild.tagName == 'BR') {
+						dom.remove(parentBlock.firstChild);
+					}
+				}
+				if (root.nodeName == 'LI') {
+					var firstChild = firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling(root.firstChild);
+					if (firstChild && /^(UL|OL)$/.test(firstChild.nodeName)) {
+						root.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode('\u00a0'), root.firstChild);
+					}
+				}
+				rng = dom.createRng();
+				if (root.hasChildNodes()) {
+					walker = new TreeWalker(root, root);
+					while ((node = walker.current())) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+							rng.setStart(node, 0);
+							rng.setEnd(node, 0);
+							break;
+						}
+						if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
+							rng.setStartBefore(node);
+							rng.setEndBefore(node);
+							break;
+						}
+						lastNode = node;
+						node = walker.next();
+					}
+					if (!node) {
+						rng.setStart(lastNode, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(lastNode, 0);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (root.nodeName == 'BR') {
+						if (root.nextSibling && dom.isBlock(root.nextSibling)) {
+							// Trick on older IE versions to render the caret before the BR between two lists
+							if (!documentMode || documentMode < 9) {
+								tempElm = dom.create('br');
+								root.parentNode.insertBefore(tempElm, root);
+							}
+							rng.setStartBefore(root);
+							rng.setEndBefore(root);
+						} else {
+							rng.setStartAfter(root);
+							rng.setEndAfter(root);
+						}
+					} else {
+						rng.setStart(root, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(root, 0);
+					}
+				}
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				// Remove tempElm created for old IE:s
+				dom.remove(tempElm);
+				selection.scrollIntoView(root);
+			}
+			function setForcedBlockAttrs(node) {
+				var forcedRootBlockName = settings.forced_root_block;
+				if (forcedRootBlockName && forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase() === node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
+					dom.setAttribs(node, settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+				}
+			}
+			// Creates a new block element by cloning the current one or creating a new one if the name is specified
+			// This function will also copy any text formatting from the parent block and add it to the new one
+			function createNewBlock(name) {
+				var node = container, block, clonedNode, caretNode;
+				if (name || parentBlockName == "TABLE") {
+					block = dom.create(name || newBlockName);
+					setForcedBlockAttrs(block);
+				} else {
+					block = parentBlock.cloneNode(false);
+				}
+				caretNode = block;
+				// Clone any parent styles
+				if (settings.keep_styles !== false) {
+					do {
+						if (/^(SPAN|STRONG|B|EM|I|FONT|STRIKE|U|VAR|CITE|DFN|CODE|MARK|Q|SUP|SUB|SAMP)$/.test(node.nodeName)) {
+							// Never clone a caret containers
+							if (node.id == '_mce_caret') {
+								continue;
+							}
+							clonedNode = node.cloneNode(false);
+							dom.setAttrib(clonedNode, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be document unique
+							if (block.hasChildNodes()) {
+								clonedNode.appendChild(block.firstChild);
+								block.appendChild(clonedNode);
+							} else {
+								caretNode = clonedNode;
+								block.appendChild(clonedNode);
+							}
+						}
+					} while ((node = node.parentNode));
+				}
+				// BR is needed in empty blocks on non IE browsers
+				if (!isIE) {
+					caretNode.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+				}
+				return block;
+			}
+			// Returns true/false if the caret is at the start/end of the parent block element
+			function isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(start) {
+				var walker, node, name;
+				// Caret is in the middle of a text node like "a|b"
+				if (container.nodeType == 3 && (start ? offset > 0 : offset < container.nodeValue.length)) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				// If after the last element in block node edge case for #5091
+				if (container.parentNode == parentBlock && isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// If the caret if before the first element in parentBlock
+				if (start && container.nodeType == 1 && container == parentBlock.firstChild) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				// Caret can be before/after a table
+				if (container.nodeName === "TABLE" || (container.previousSibling && container.previousSibling.nodeName == "TABLE")) {
+					return (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) || (!isAfterLastNodeInContainer && start);
+				}
+				// Walk the DOM and look for text nodes or non empty elements
+				walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock);
+				// If caret is in beginning or end of a text block then jump to the next/previous node
+				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+					if (start && offset === 0) {
+						walker.prev();
+					} else if (!start && offset == container.nodeValue.length) {
+						walker.next();
+					}
+				}
+				while ((node = walker.current())) {
+					if (node.nodeType === 1) {
+						// Ignore bogus elements
+						if (!node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+							// Keep empty elements like <img /> <input /> but not trailing br:s like <p>text|<br></p>
+							name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+							if (nonEmptyElementsMap[name] && name !== 'br') {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (node.nodeType === 3 && !/^[ \t\r\n]*$/.test(node.nodeValue)) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					if (start) {
+						walker.prev();
+					} else {
+						walker.next();
+					}
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Wraps any text nodes or inline elements in the specified forced root block name
+			function wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(container, offset) {
+				var newBlock, parentBlock, startNode, node, next, rootBlockName, blockName = newBlockName || 'P';
+				// Not in a block element or in a table cell or caption
+				parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
+				rootBlockName = editor.getBody().nodeName.toLowerCase();
+				if (!parentBlock || !canSplitBlock(parentBlock)) {
+					parentBlock = parentBlock || editableRoot;
+					if (!parentBlock.hasChildNodes()) {
+						newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
+						setForcedBlockAttrs(newBlock);
+						parentBlock.appendChild(newBlock);
+						rng.setStart(newBlock, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(newBlock, 0);
+						return newBlock;
+					}
+					// Find parent that is the first child of parentBlock
+					node = container;
+					while (node.parentNode != parentBlock) {
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+					// Loop left to find start node start wrapping at
+					while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
+						startNode = node;
+						node = node.previousSibling;
+					}
+					if (startNode && schema.isValidChild(rootBlockName, blockName.toLowerCase())) {
+						newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
+						setForcedBlockAttrs(newBlock);
+						startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, startNode);
+						// Start wrapping until we hit a block
+						node = startNode;
+						while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
+							next = node.nextSibling;
+							newBlock.appendChild(node);
+							node = next;
+						}
+						// Restore range to it's past location
+						rng.setStart(container, offset);
+						rng.setEnd(container, offset);
+					}
+				}
+				return container;
+			}
+			// Inserts a block or br before/after or in the middle of a split list of the LI is empty
+			function handleEmptyListItem() {
+				function isFirstOrLastLi(first) {
+					var node = containerBlock[first ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
+					// Find first/last element since there might be whitespace there
+					while (node) {
+						if (node.nodeType == 1) {
+							break;
+						}
+						node = node[first ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling'];
+					}
+					return node === parentBlock;
+				}
+				function getContainerBlock() {
+					var containerBlockParent = containerBlock.parentNode;
+					if (containerBlockParent.nodeName == 'LI') {
+						return containerBlockParent;
+					}
+					return containerBlock;
+				}
+				// Check if we are in an nested list
+				var containerBlockParentName = containerBlock.parentNode.nodeName;
+				if (/^(OL|UL|LI)$/.test(containerBlockParentName)) {
+					newBlockName = 'LI';
+				}
+				newBlock = newBlockName ? createNewBlock(newBlockName) : dom.create('BR');
+				if (isFirstOrLastLi(true) && isFirstOrLastLi()) {
+					if (containerBlockParentName == 'LI') {
+						// Nested list is inside a LI
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+					} else {
+						// Is first and last list item then replace the OL/UL with a text block
+						dom.replace(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				} else if (isFirstOrLastLi(true)) {
+					if (containerBlockParentName == 'LI') {
+						// List nested in an LI then move the list to a new sibling LI
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+						newBlock.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(' ')); // Needed for IE so the caret can be placed
+						newBlock.appendChild(containerBlock);
+					} else {
+						// First LI in list then remove LI and add text block before list
+						containerBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				} else if (isFirstOrLastLi()) {
+					// Last LI in list then remove LI and add text block after list
+					dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock());
+					renderBlockOnIE(newBlock);
+				} else {
+					// Middle LI in list the split the list and insert a text block in the middle
+					// Extract after fragment and insert it after the current block
+					containerBlock = getContainerBlock();
+					tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
+					tmpRng.setStartAfter(parentBlock);
+					tmpRng.setEndAfter(containerBlock);
+					fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
+					if (newBlockName == 'LI' && fragment.firstChild.nodeName == 'LI') {
+						newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
+						dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
+					} else {
+						dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
+						dom.insertAfter(newBlock, containerBlock);
+					}
+				}
+				dom.remove(parentBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+				undoManager.add();
+			}
+			// Walks the parent block to the right and look for BR elements
+			function hasRightSideContent() {
+				var walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock), node;
+				while ((node = walker.next())) {
+					if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || node.length > 0) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Inserts a BR element if the forced_root_block option is set to false or empty string
+			function insertBr() {
+				var brElm, extraBr, marker;
+				if (container && container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
+					// Insert extra BR element at the end block elements
+					if (!isIE && !hasRightSideContent()) {
+						brElm = dom.create('br');
+						rng.insertNode(brElm);
+						rng.setStartAfter(brElm);
+						rng.setEndAfter(brElm);
+						extraBr = true;
+					}
+				}
+				brElm = dom.create('br');
+				rng.insertNode(brElm);
+				// Rendering modes below IE8 doesn't display BR elements in PRE unless we have a \n before it
+				if (isIE && parentBlockName == 'PRE' && (!documentMode || documentMode < 8)) {
+					brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode('\r'), brElm);
+				}
+				// Insert temp marker and scroll to that
+				marker = dom.create('span', {}, '&nbsp;');
+				brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, brElm);
+				selection.scrollIntoView(marker);
+				dom.remove(marker);
+				if (!extraBr) {
+					rng.setStartAfter(brElm);
+					rng.setEndAfter(brElm);
+				} else {
+					rng.setStartBefore(brElm);
+					rng.setEndBefore(brElm);
+				}
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				undoManager.add();
+			}
+			// Trims any linebreaks at the beginning of node user for example when pressing enter in a PRE element
+			function trimLeadingLineBreaks(node) {
+				do {
+					if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+						node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, '');
+					}
+					node = node.firstChild;
+				} while (node);
+			}
+			function getEditableRoot(node) {
+				var root = dom.getRoot(), parent, editableRoot;
+				// Get all parents until we hit a non editable parent or the root
+				parent = node;
+				while (parent !== root && dom.getContentEditable(parent) !== "false") {
+					if (dom.getContentEditable(parent) === "true") {
+						editableRoot = parent;
+					}
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				return parent !== root ? editableRoot : root;
+			}
+			// Adds a BR at the end of blocks that only contains an IMG or INPUT since
+			// these might be floated and then they won't expand the block
+			function addBrToBlockIfNeeded(block) {
+				var lastChild;
+				// IE will render the blocks correctly other browsers needs a BR
+				if (!isIE) {
+					block.normalize(); // Remove empty text nodes that got left behind by the extract
+					// Check if the block is empty or contains a floated last child
+					lastChild = block.lastChild;
+					if (!lastChild || (/^(left|right)$/gi.test(dom.getStyle(lastChild, 'float', true)))) {
+						dom.add(block, 'br');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			rng = selection.getRng(true);
+			// Event is blocked by some other handler for example the lists plugin
+			if (evt.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Delete any selected contents
+			if (!rng.collapsed) {
+				editor.execCommand('Delete');
+				return;
+			}
+			// Setup range items and newBlockName
+			new RangeUtils(dom).normalize(rng);
+			container = rng.startContainer;
+			offset = rng.startOffset;
+			newBlockName = (settings.force_p_newlines ? 'p' : '') || settings.forced_root_block;
+			newBlockName = newBlockName ? newBlockName.toUpperCase() : '';
+			documentMode = dom.doc.documentMode;
+			shiftKey = evt.shiftKey;
+			// Resolve node index
+			if (container.nodeType == 1 && container.hasChildNodes()) {
+				isAfterLastNodeInContainer = offset > container.childNodes.length - 1;
+				container = container.childNodes[Math.min(offset, container.childNodes.length - 1)] || container;
+				if (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && container.nodeType == 3) {
+					offset = container.nodeValue.length;
+				} else {
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// Get editable root node normaly the body element but sometimes a div or span
+			editableRoot = getEditableRoot(container);
+			// If there is no editable root then enter is done inside a contentEditable false element
+			if (!editableRoot) {
+				return;
+			}
+			undoManager.beforeChange();
+			// If editable root isn't block nor the root of the editor
+			if (!dom.isBlock(editableRoot) && editableRoot != dom.getRoot()) {
+				if (!newBlockName || shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Wrap the current node and it's sibling in a default block if it's needed.
+			// for example this <td>text|<b>text2</b></td> will become this <td><p>text|<b>text2</p></b></td>
+			// This won't happen if root blocks are disabled or the shiftKey is pressed
+			if ((newBlockName && !shiftKey) || (!newBlockName && shiftKey)) {
+				container = wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(container, offset);
+			}
+			// Find parent block and setup empty block paddings
+			parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
+			containerBlock = parentBlock ? dom.getParent(parentBlock.parentNode, dom.isBlock) : null;
+			// Setup block names
+			parentBlockName = parentBlock ? parentBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; // IE < 9 & HTML5
+			containerBlockName = containerBlock ? containerBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; // IE < 9 & HTML5
+			// Enter inside block contained within a LI then split or insert before/after LI
+			if (containerBlockName == 'LI' && !evt.ctrlKey) {
+				parentBlock = containerBlock;
+				parentBlockName = containerBlockName;
+			}
+			// Handle enter in LI
+			if (parentBlockName == 'LI') {
+				if (!newBlockName && shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+				// Handle enter inside an empty list item
+				if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
+					handleEmptyListItem();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			// Don't split PRE tags but insert a BR instead easier when writing code samples etc
+			if (parentBlockName == 'PRE' && settings.br_in_pre !== false) {
+				if (!shiftKey) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// If no root block is configured then insert a BR by default or if the shiftKey is pressed
+				if ((!newBlockName && !shiftKey && parentBlockName != 'LI') || (newBlockName && shiftKey)) {
+					insertBr();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			// If parent block is root then never insert new blocks
+			if (newBlockName && parentBlock === editor.getBody()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Default block name if it's not configured
+			newBlockName = newBlockName || 'P';
+			// Insert new block before/after the parent block depending on caret location
+			if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock()) {
+				// If the caret is at the end of a header we produce a P tag after it similar to Word unless we are in a hgroup
+				if (/^(H[1-6]|PRE|FIGURE)$/.test(parentBlockName) && containerBlockName != 'HGROUP') {
+					newBlock = createNewBlock(newBlockName);
+				} else {
+					newBlock = createNewBlock();
+				}
+				// Split the current container block element if enter is pressed inside an empty inner block element
+				if (settings.end_container_on_empty_block && canSplitBlock(containerBlock) && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
+					// Split container block for example a BLOCKQUOTE at the current blockParent location for example a P
+					newBlock = dom.split(containerBlock, parentBlock);
+				} else {
+					dom.insertAfter(newBlock, parentBlock);
+				}
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+			} else if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(true)) {
+				// Insert new block before
+				newBlock = parentBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(createNewBlock(), parentBlock);
+				renderBlockOnIE(newBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(parentBlock);
+			} else {
+				// Extract after fragment and insert it after the current block
+				tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
+				tmpRng.setEndAfter(parentBlock);
+				fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
+				trimLeadingLineBreaks(fragment);
+				newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
+				dom.insertAfter(fragment, parentBlock);
+				trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(newBlock);
+				addBrToBlockIfNeeded(parentBlock);
+				moveToCaretPosition(newBlock);
+			}
+			dom.setAttrib(newBlock, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be document unique
+			// Allow custom handling of new blocks
+			editor.fire('NewBlock', { newBlock: newBlock });
+			undoManager.add();
+		}
+		editor.on('keydown', function(evt) {
+			if (evt.keyCode == 13) {
+				if (handleEnterKey(evt) !== false) {
+					evt.preventDefault();
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ForceBlocks.js
+ * ForceBlocks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/ForceBlocks", [], function() {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var settings = editor.settings, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection;
+		var schema = editor.schema, blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
+		function addRootBlocks() {
+			var node = selection.getStart(), rootNode = editor.getBody(), rng;
+			var startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, rootBlockNode;
+			var tempNode, offset = -0xFFFFFF, wrapped, restoreSelection;
+			var tmpRng, rootNodeName, forcedRootBlock;
+			forcedRootBlock = settings.forced_root_block;
+			if (!node || node.nodeType !== 1 || !forcedRootBlock) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Check if node is wrapped in block
+			while (node && node != rootNode) {
+				if (blockElements[node.nodeName]) {
+					return;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Get current selection
+			rng = selection.getRng();
+			if (rng.setStart) {
+				startContainer = rng.startContainer;
+				startOffset = rng.startOffset;
+				endContainer = rng.endContainer;
+				endOffset = rng.endOffset;
+				try {
+					restoreSelection = editor.getDoc().activeElement === rootNode;
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE throws unspecified error here sometimes
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Force control range into text range
+				if (rng.item) {
+					node = rng.item(0);
+					rng = editor.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
+					rng.moveToElementText(node);
+				}
+				restoreSelection = rng.parentElement().ownerDocument === editor.getDoc();
+				tmpRng = rng.duplicate();
+				tmpRng.collapse(true);
+				startOffset = tmpRng.move('character', offset) * -1;
+				if (!tmpRng.collapsed) {
+					tmpRng = rng.duplicate();
+					tmpRng.collapse(false);
+					endOffset = (tmpRng.move('character', offset) * -1) - startOffset;
+				}
+			}
+			// Wrap non block elements and text nodes
+			node = rootNode.firstChild;
+			rootNodeName = rootNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			while (node) {
+				// TODO: Break this up, too complex
+				if (((node.nodeType === 3 || (node.nodeType == 1 && !blockElements[node.nodeName]))) &&
+					schema.isValidChild(rootNodeName, forcedRootBlock.toLowerCase())) {
+					// Remove empty text nodes
+					if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length === 0) {
+						tempNode = node;
+						node = node.nextSibling;
+						dom.remove(tempNode);
+						continue;
+					}
+					if (!rootBlockNode) {
+						rootBlockNode = dom.create(forcedRootBlock, editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
+						node.parentNode.insertBefore(rootBlockNode, node);
+						wrapped = true;
+					}
+					tempNode = node;
+					node = node.nextSibling;
+					rootBlockNode.appendChild(tempNode);
+				} else {
+					rootBlockNode = null;
+					node = node.nextSibling;
+				}
+			}
+			if (wrapped && restoreSelection) {
+				if (rng.setStart) {
+					rng.setStart(startContainer, startOffset);
+					rng.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				} else {
+					// Only select if the previous selection was inside the document to prevent auto focus in quirks mode
+					try {
+						rng = editor.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
+						rng.moveToElementText(rootNode);
+						rng.collapse(true);
+						rng.moveStart('character', startOffset);
+						if (endOffset > 0) {
+							rng.moveEnd('character', endOffset);
+						}
+						rng.select();
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			}
+		}
+		// Force root blocks
+		if (settings.forced_root_block) {
+			editor.on('NodeChange', addRootBlocks);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/EditorCommands.js
+ * EditorCommands.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to add custom editor commands and it contains
+ * overrides for native browser commands to address various bugs and issues.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.EditorCommands
+ */
+define("tinymce/EditorCommands", [
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Serializer, Env, Tools) {
+	// Added for compression purposes
+	var each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var map = Tools.map, inArray = Tools.inArray, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var isGecko = Env.gecko, isIE = Env.ie;
+	var TRUE = true, FALSE = false;
+	return function(editor) {
+		var dom = editor.dom,
+			selection = editor.selection,
+			commands = {state: {}, exec: {}, value: {}},
+			settings = editor.settings,
+			formatter = editor.formatter,
+			bookmark;
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified command.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} command Command to execute.
+		 * @param {Boolean} ui Optional user interface state.
+		 * @param {Object} value Optional value for command.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the command was found or not.
+		 */
+		function execCommand(command, ui, value) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.exec[command])) {
+				func(command, ui, value);
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Queries the current state for a command for example if the current selection is "bold".
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandState
+		 * @param {String} command Command to check the state of.
+		 * @return {Boolean/Number} true/false if the selected contents is bold or not, -1 if it's not found.
+		 */
+		function queryCommandState(command) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.state[command])) {
+				return func(command);
+			}
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Queries the command value for example the current fontsize.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandValue
+		 * @param {String} command Command to check the value of.
+		 * @return {Object} Command value of false if it's not found.
+		 */
+		function queryCommandValue(command) {
+			var func;
+			command = command.toLowerCase();
+			if ((func = commands.value[command])) {
+				return func(command);
+			}
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Adds commands to the command collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCommands
+		 * @param {Object} command_list Name/value collection with commands to add, the names can also be comma separated.
+		 * @param {String} type Optional type to add, defaults to exec. Can be value or state as well.
+		 */
+		function addCommands(command_list, type) {
+			type = type || 'exec';
+			each(command_list, function(callback, command) {
+				each(command.toLowerCase().split(','), function(command) {
+					commands[type][command] = callback;
+				});
+			});
+		}
+		// Expose public methods
+		extend(this, {
+			execCommand: execCommand,
+			queryCommandState: queryCommandState,
+			queryCommandValue: queryCommandValue,
+			addCommands: addCommands
+		});
+		// Private methods
+		function execNativeCommand(command, ui, value) {
+			if (ui === undefined) {
+				ui = FALSE;
+			}
+			if (value === undefined) {
+				value = null;
+			}
+			return editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value);
+		}
+		function isFormatMatch(name) {
+			return formatter.match(name);
+		}
+		function toggleFormat(name, value) {
+			formatter.toggle(name, value ? {value: value} : undefined);
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+		}
+		function storeSelection(type) {
+			bookmark = selection.getBookmark(type);
+		}
+		function restoreSelection() {
+			selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+		}
+		// Add execCommand overrides
+		addCommands({
+			// Ignore these, added for compatibility
+			'mceResetDesignMode,mceBeginUndoLevel': function() {},
+			// Add undo manager logic
+			'mceEndUndoLevel,mceAddUndoLevel': function() {
+				editor.undoManager.add();
+			},
+			'Cut,Copy,Paste': function(command) {
+				var doc = editor.getDoc(), failed;
+				// Try executing the native command
+				try {
+					execNativeCommand(command);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// Command failed
+					failed = TRUE;
+				}
+				// Present alert message about clipboard access not being available
+				if (failed || !doc.queryCommandSupported(command)) {
+					var msg = editor.translate(
+						"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. " +
+						"Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead."
+					);
+					if (Env.mac) {
+						msg = msg.replace(/Ctrl\+/g, '\u2318+');
+					}
+					editor.windowManager.alert(msg);
+				}
+			},
+			// Override unlink command
+			unlink: function() {
+				if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					var elm = selection.getNode();
+					if (elm.tagName == 'A') {
+						editor.dom.remove(elm, true);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				formatter.remove("link");
+			},
+			// Override justify commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull': function(command) {
+				var align = command.substring(7);
+				if (align == 'full') {
+					align = 'justify';
+				}
+				// Remove all other alignments first
+				each('left,center,right,justify'.split(','), function(name) {
+					if (align != name) {
+						formatter.remove('align' + name);
+					}
+				});
+				toggleFormat('align' + align);
+				execCommand('mceRepaint');
+			},
+			// Override list commands to fix WebKit bug
+			'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function(command) {
+				var listElm, listParent;
+				execNativeCommand(command);
+				// WebKit produces lists within block elements so we need to split them
+				// we will replace the native list creation logic to custom logic later on
+				// TODO: Remove this when the list creation logic is removed
+				listElm = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ol,ul');
+				if (listElm) {
+					listParent = listElm.parentNode;
+					// If list is within a text block then split that block
+					if (/^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(listParent.nodeName)) {
+						storeSelection();
+						dom.split(listParent, listElm);
+						restoreSelection();
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function(command) {
+				toggleFormat(command);
+			},
+			// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
+			'ForeColor,HiliteColor,FontName': function(command, ui, value) {
+				toggleFormat(command, value);
+			},
+			FontSize: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var fontClasses, fontSizes;
+				// Convert font size 1-7 to styles
+				if (value >= 1 && value <= 7) {
+					fontSizes = explode(settings.font_size_style_values);
+					fontClasses = explode(settings.font_size_classes);
+					if (fontClasses) {
+						value = fontClasses[value - 1] || value;
+					} else {
+						value = fontSizes[value - 1] || value;
+					}
+				}
+				toggleFormat(command, value);
+			},
+			RemoveFormat: function(command) {
+				formatter.remove(command);
+			},
+			mceBlockQuote: function() {
+				toggleFormat('blockquote');
+			},
+			FormatBlock: function(command, ui, value) {
+				return toggleFormat(value || 'p');
+			},
+			mceCleanup: function() {
+				var bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
+				editor.setContent(editor.getContent({cleanup: TRUE}), {cleanup: TRUE});
+				selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+			},
+			mceRemoveNode: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var node = value || selection.getNode();
+				// Make sure that the body node isn't removed
+				if (node != editor.getBody()) {
+					storeSelection();
+					editor.dom.remove(node, TRUE);
+					restoreSelection();
+				}
+			},
+			mceSelectNodeDepth: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var counter = 0;
+				dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), function(node) {
+					if (node.nodeType == 1 && counter++ == value) {
+						selection.select(node);
+						return FALSE;
+					}
+				}, editor.getBody());
+			},
+			mceSelectNode: function(command, ui, value) {
+				selection.select(value);
+			},
+			mceInsertContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var parser, serializer, parentNode, rootNode, fragment, args;
+				var marker, rng, node, node2, bookmarkHtml;
+				function trimOrPaddLeftRight(html) {
+					var rng, container, offset;
+					rng = selection.getRng(true);
+					container = rng.startContainer;
+					offset = rng.startOffset;
+					function hasSiblingText(siblingName) {
+						return container[siblingName] && container[siblingName].nodeType == 3;
+					}
+					if (container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (offset > 0) {
+							html = html.replace(/^&nbsp;/, ' ');
+						} else if (!hasSiblingText('previousSibling')) {
+							html = html.replace(/^ /, '&nbsp;');
+						}
+						if (offset < container.length) {
+							html = html.replace(/&nbsp;(<br>|)$/, ' ');
+						} else if (!hasSiblingText('nextSibling')) {
+							html = html.replace(/(&nbsp;| )(<br>|)$/, '&nbsp;');
+						}
+					}
+					return html;
+				}
+				// Check for whitespace before/after value
+				if (/^ | $/.test(value)) {
+					value = trimOrPaddLeftRight(value);
+				}
+				// Setup parser and serializer
+				parser = editor.parser;
+				serializer = new Serializer({}, editor.schema);
+				bookmarkHtml = '<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">&#xFEFF;&#200B;</span>';
+				// Run beforeSetContent handlers on the HTML to be inserted
+				args = {content: value, format: 'html', selection: true};
+				editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+				value = args.content;
+				// Add caret at end of contents if it's missing
+				if (value.indexOf('{$caret}') == -1) {
+					value += '{$caret}';
+				}
+				// Replace the caret marker with a span bookmark element
+				value = value.replace(/\{\$caret\}/, bookmarkHtml);
+				// If selection is at <body>|<p></p> then move it into <body><p>|</p>
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				var caretElement = rng.startContainer || (rng.parentElement ? rng.parentElement() : null);
+				var body = editor.getBody();
+				if (caretElement === body && selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					if (dom.isBlock(body.firstChild) && dom.isEmpty(body.firstChild)) {
+						rng = dom.createRng();
+						rng.setStart(body.firstChild, 0);
+						rng.setEnd(body.firstChild, 0);
+						selection.setRng(rng);
+					}
+				}
+				// Insert node maker where we will insert the new HTML and get it's parent
+				if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					editor.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null);
+				}
+				parentNode = selection.getNode();
+				// Parse the fragment within the context of the parent node
+				var parserArgs = {context: parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()};
+				fragment = parser.parse(value, parserArgs);
+				// Move the caret to a more suitable location
+				node = fragment.lastChild;
+				if (node.attr('id') == 'mce_marker') {
+					marker = node;
+					for (node = node.prev; node; node = node.walk(true)) {
+						if (node.type == 3 || !dom.isBlock(node.name)) {
+							node.parent.insert(marker, node, node.name === 'br');
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// If parser says valid we can insert the contents into that parent
+				if (!parserArgs.invalid) {
+					value = serializer.serialize(fragment);
+					// Check if parent is empty or only has one BR element then set the innerHTML of that parent
+					node = parentNode.firstChild;
+					node2 = parentNode.lastChild;
+					if (!node || (node === node2 && node.nodeName === 'BR')) {
+						dom.setHTML(parentNode, value);
+					} else {
+						selection.setContent(value);
+					}
+				} else {
+					// If the fragment was invalid within that context then we need
+					// to parse and process the parent it's inserted into
+					// Insert bookmark node and get the parent
+					selection.setContent(bookmarkHtml);
+					parentNode = selection.getNode();
+					rootNode = editor.getBody();
+					// Opera will return the document node when selection is in root
+					if (parentNode.nodeType == 9) {
+						parentNode = node = rootNode;
+					} else {
+						node = parentNode;
+					}
+					// Find the ancestor just before the root element
+					while (node !== rootNode) {
+						parentNode = node;
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+					// Get the outer/inner HTML depending on if we are in the root and parser and serialize that
+					value = parentNode == rootNode ? rootNode.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(parentNode);
+					value = serializer.serialize(
+						parser.parse(
+							// Need to replace by using a function since $ in the contents would otherwise be a problem
+							value.replace(/<span (id="mce_marker"|id=mce_marker).+?<\/span>/i, function() {
+								return serializer.serialize(fragment);
+							})
+						)
+					);
+					// Set the inner/outer HTML depending on if we are in the root or not
+					if (parentNode == rootNode) {
+						dom.setHTML(rootNode, value);
+					} else {
+						dom.setOuterHTML(parentNode, value);
+					}
+				}
+				marker = dom.get('mce_marker');
+				selection.scrollIntoView(marker);
+				// Move selection before marker and remove it
+				rng = dom.createRng();
+				// If previous sibling is a text node set the selection to the end of that node
+				node = marker.previousSibling;
+				if (node && node.nodeType == 3) {
+					rng.setStart(node, node.nodeValue.length);
+					// TODO: Why can't we normalize on IE
+					if (!isIE) {
+						node2 = marker.nextSibling;
+						if (node2 && node2.nodeType == 3) {
+							node.appendData(node2.data);
+							node2.parentNode.removeChild(node2);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					// If the previous sibling isn't a text node or doesn't exist set the selection before the marker node
+					rng.setStartBefore(marker);
+					rng.setEndBefore(marker);
+				}
+				// Remove the marker node and set the new range
+				dom.remove(marker);
+				selection.setRng(rng);
+				// Dispatch after event and add any visual elements needed
+				editor.fire('SetContent', args);
+				editor.addVisual();
+			},
+			mceInsertRawHTML: function(command, ui, value) {
+				selection.setContent('tiny_mce_marker');
+				editor.setContent(
+					editor.getContent().replace(/tiny_mce_marker/g, function() {
+						return value;
+					})
+				);
+			},
+			mceToggleFormat: function(command, ui, value) {
+				toggleFormat(value);
+			},
+			mceSetContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				editor.setContent(value);
+			},
+			'Indent,Outdent': function(command) {
+				var intentValue, indentUnit, value;
+				// Setup indent level
+				intentValue = settings.indentation;
+				indentUnit = /[a-z%]+$/i.exec(intentValue);
+				intentValue = parseInt(intentValue, 10);
+				if (!queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') && !queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList')) {
+					// If forced_root_blocks is set to false we don't have a block to indent so lets create a div
+					if (!settings.forced_root_block && !dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)) {
+						formatter.apply('div');
+					}
+					each(selection.getSelectedBlocks(), function(element) {
+						if (element.nodeName != "LI") {
+							var indentStyleName = editor.getParam('indent_use_margin', false) ? 'margin' : 'padding';
+							indentStyleName += dom.getStyle(element, 'direction', true) == 'rtl' ? 'Right' : 'Left';
+							if (command == 'outdent') {
+								value = Math.max(0, parseInt(element.style[indentStyleName] || 0, 10) - intentValue);
+								dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, value ? value + indentUnit : '');
+							} else {
+								value = (parseInt(element.style[indentStyleName] || 0, 10) + intentValue) + indentUnit;
+								dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, value);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					execNativeCommand(command);
+				}
+			},
+			mceRepaint: function() {
+				if (isGecko) {
+					try {
+						storeSelection(TRUE);
+						if (selection.getSel()) {
+							selection.getSel().selectAllChildren(editor.getBody());
+						}
+						selection.collapse(TRUE);
+						restoreSelection();
+					} catch (ex) {
+						// Ignore
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			InsertHorizontalRule: function() {
+				editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<hr />');
+			},
+			mceToggleVisualAid: function() {
+				editor.hasVisual = !editor.hasVisual;
+				editor.addVisual();
+			},
+			mceReplaceContent: function(command, ui, value) {
+				editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, value.replace(/\{\$selection\}/g, selection.getContent({format: 'text'})));
+			},
+			mceInsertLink: function(command, ui, value) {
+				var anchor;
+				if (typeof(value) == 'string') {
+					value = {href: value};
+				}
+				anchor = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'a');
+				// Spaces are never valid in URLs and it's a very common mistake for people to make so we fix it here.
+				value.href = value.href.replace(' ', '%20');
+				// Remove existing links if there could be child links or that the href isn't specified
+				if (!anchor || !value.href) {
+					formatter.remove('link');
+				}
+				// Apply new link to selection
+				if (value.href) {
+					formatter.apply('link', value, anchor);
+				}
+			},
+			selectAll: function() {
+				var root = dom.getRoot(), rng;
+				if (selection.getRng().setStart) {
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStart(root, 0);
+					rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				} else {
+					// IE will render it's own root level block elements and sometimes
+					// even put font elements in them when the user starts typing. So we need to
+					// move the selection to a more suitable element from this:
+					// <body>|<p></p></body> to this: <body><p>|</p></body>
+					rng = selection.getRng();
+					if (!rng.item) {
+						rng.moveToElementText(root);
+						rng.select();
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			"delete": function() {
+				execNativeCommand("Delete");
+				// Check if body is empty after the delete call if so then set the contents
+				// to an empty string and move the caret to any block produced by that operation
+				// this fixes the issue with root blocks not being properly produced after a delete call on IE
+				var body = editor.getBody();
+				if (dom.isEmpty(body)) {
+					editor.setContent('');
+					if (body.firstChild && dom.isBlock(body.firstChild)) {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body.firstChild, 0);
+					} else {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body, 0);
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			mceNewDocument: function() {
+				editor.setContent('');
+			}
+		});
+		// Add queryCommandState overrides
+		addCommands({
+			// Override justify commands
+			'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull': function(command) {
+				var name = 'align' + command.substring(7);
+				var nodes = selection.isCollapsed() ? [dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)] : selection.getSelectedBlocks();
+				var matches = map(nodes, function(node) {
+					return !!formatter.matchNode(node, name);
+				});
+				return inArray(matches, TRUE) !== -1;
+			},
+			'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function(command) {
+				return isFormatMatch(command);
+			},
+			mceBlockQuote: function() {
+				return isFormatMatch('blockquote');
+			},
+			Outdent: function() {
+				var node;
+				if (settings.inline_styles) {
+					if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt(node.style.paddingLeft, 10) > 0) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+					if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt(node.style.paddingLeft, 10) > 0) {
+						return TRUE;
+					}
+				}
+				return (
+					queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') ||
+					queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList') ||
+					(!settings.inline_styles && !!dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'BLOCKQUOTE'))
+				);
+			},
+			'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function(command) {
+				var list = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ul,ol');
+				return list &&
+					(
+						command === 'insertunorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'UL' ||
+						command === 'insertorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'OL'
+					);
+			}
+		}, 'state');
+		// Add queryCommandValue overrides
+		addCommands({
+			'FontSize,FontName': function(command) {
+				var value = 0, parent;
+				if ((parent = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'span'))) {
+					if (command == 'fontsize') {
+						value = parent.style.fontSize;
+					} else {
+						value = parent.style.fontFamily.replace(/, /g, ',').replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').toLowerCase();
+					}
+				}
+				return value;
+			}
+		}, 'value');
+		// Add undo manager logic
+		addCommands({
+			Undo: function() {
+				editor.undoManager.undo();
+			},
+			Redo: function() {
+				editor.undoManager.redo();
+			}
+		});
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/URI.js
+ * URI.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles parsing, modification and serialization of URI/URL strings.
+ * @class tinymce.util.URI
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/URI", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, trim = Tools.trim;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new URI instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method URI
+	 * @param {String} url URI string to parse.
+	 * @param {Object} settings Optional settings object.
+	 */
+	function URI(url, settings) {
+		var self = this, baseUri, base_url;
+		// Trim whitespace
+		url = trim(url);
+		// Default settings
+		settings = self.settings = settings || {};
+		// Strange app protocol that isn't http/https or local anchor
+		// For example: mailto,skype,tel etc.
+		if (/^([\w\-]+):([^\/]{2})/i.test(url) || /^\s*#/.test(url)) {
+			self.source = url;
+			return;
+		}
+		var isProtocolRelative = url.indexOf('//') === 0;
+		// Absolute path with no host, fake host and protocol
+		if (url.indexOf('/') === 0 && !isProtocolRelative) {
+			url = (settings.base_uri ? settings.base_uri.protocol || 'http' : 'http') + '://mce_host' + url;
+		}
+		// Relative path http:// or protocol relative //path
+		if (!/^[\w\-]*:?\/\//.test(url)) {
+			base_url = settings.base_uri ? settings.base_uri.path : new URI(location.href).directory;
+			if (settings.base_uri.protocol === "") {
+				url = '//mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(base_url, url);
+			} else {
+				url = ((settings.base_uri && settings.base_uri.protocol) || 'http') + '://mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(base_url, url);
+			}
+		}
+		// Parse URL (Credits goes to Steave, http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/parseuri)
+		url = url.replace(/@@/g, '(mce_at)'); // Zope 3 workaround, they use @@something
+		/*jshint maxlen: 255 */
+		/*eslint max-len: 0 */
+		url = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/.exec(url);
+		each(["source","protocol","authority","userInfo","user","password","host","port","relative","path","directory","file","query","anchor"], function(v, i) {
+			var part = url[i];
+			// Zope 3 workaround, they use @@something
+			if (part) {
+				part = part.replace(/\(mce_at\)/g, '@@');
+			}
+			self[v] = part;
+		});
+		baseUri = settings.base_uri;
+		if (baseUri) {
+			if (!self.protocol) {
+				self.protocol = baseUri.protocol;
+			}
+			if (!self.userInfo) {
+				self.userInfo = baseUri.userInfo;
+			}
+			if (!self.port && self.host === 'mce_host') {
+				self.port = baseUri.port;
+			}
+			if (!self.host || self.host === 'mce_host') {
+				self.host = baseUri.host;
+			}
+			self.source = '';
+		}
+		if (isProtocolRelative) {
+			self.protocol = '';
+		}
+		//t.path = t.path || '/';
+	}
+	URI.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Sets the internal path part of the URI.
+		 *
+		 * @method setPath
+		 * @param {string} path Path string to set.
+		 */
+		setPath: function(path) {
+			var self = this;
+			path = /^(.*?)\/?(\w+)?$/.exec(path);
+			// Update path parts
+			self.path = path[0];
+			self.directory = path[1];
+			self.file = path[2];
+			// Rebuild source
+			self.source = '';
+			self.getURI();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts the specified URI into a relative URI based on the current URI instance location.
+		 *
+		 * @method toRelative
+		 * @param {String} uri URI to convert into a relative path/URI.
+		 * @return {String} Relative URI from the point specified in the current URI instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Converts an absolute URL to an relative URL url will be somedir/somefile.htm
+		 * var url = new tinymce.util.URI('http://www.site.com/dir/').toRelative('http://www.site.com/dir/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		toRelative: function(uri) {
+			var self = this, output;
+			if (uri === "./") {
+				return uri;
+			}
+			uri = new URI(uri, {base_uri: self});
+			// Not on same domain/port or protocol
+			if ((uri.host != 'mce_host' && self.host != uri.host && uri.host) || self.port != uri.port ||
+				(self.protocol != uri.protocol && uri.protocol !== "")) {
+				return uri.getURI();
+			}
+			var tu = self.getURI(), uu = uri.getURI();
+			// Allow usage of the base_uri when relative_urls = true
+			if (tu == uu || (tu.charAt(tu.length - 1) == "/" && tu.substr(0, tu.length - 1) == uu)) {
+				return tu;
+			}
+			output = self.toRelPath(self.path, uri.path);
+			// Add query
+			if (uri.query) {
+				output += '?' + uri.query;
+			}
+			// Add anchor
+			if (uri.anchor) {
+				output += '#' + uri.anchor;
+			}
+			return output;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts the specified URI into a absolute URI based on the current URI instance location.
+		 *
+		 * @method toAbsolute
+		 * @param {String} uri URI to convert into a relative path/URI.
+		 * @param {Boolean} noHost No host and protocol prefix.
+		 * @return {String} Absolute URI from the point specified in the current URI instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Converts an relative URL to an absolute URL url will be http://www.site.com/dir/somedir/somefile.htm
+		 * var url = new tinymce.util.URI('http://www.site.com/dir/').toAbsolute('somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		toAbsolute: function(uri, noHost) {
+			uri = new URI(uri, {base_uri: this});
+			return uri.getURI(this.host == uri.host && this.protocol == uri.protocol ? noHost : 0);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts a absolute path into a relative path.
+		 *
+		 * @method toRelPath
+		 * @param {String} base Base point to convert the path from.
+		 * @param {String} path Absolute path to convert into a relative path.
+		 */
+		toRelPath: function(base, path) {
+			var items, breakPoint = 0, out = '', i, l;
+			// Split the paths
+			base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf('/'));
+			base = base.split('/');
+			items = path.split('/');
+			if (base.length >= items.length) {
+				for (i = 0, l = base.length; i < l; i++) {
+					if (i >= items.length || base[i] != items[i]) {
+						breakPoint = i + 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (base.length < items.length) {
+				for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+					if (i >= base.length || base[i] != items[i]) {
+						breakPoint = i + 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (breakPoint === 1) {
+				return path;
+			}
+			for (i = 0, l = base.length - (breakPoint - 1); i < l; i++) {
+				out += "../";
+			}
+			for (i = breakPoint - 1, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				if (i != breakPoint - 1) {
+					out += "/" + items[i];
+				} else {
+					out += items[i];
+				}
+			}
+			return out;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Converts a relative path into a absolute path.
+		 *
+		 * @method toAbsPath
+		 * @param {String} base Base point to convert the path from.
+		 * @param {String} path Relative path to convert into an absolute path.
+		 */
+		toAbsPath: function(base, path) {
+			var i, nb = 0, o = [], tr, outPath;
+			// Split paths
+			tr = /\/$/.test(path) ? '/' : '';
+			base = base.split('/');
+			path = path.split('/');
+			// Remove empty chunks
+			each(base, function(k) {
+				if (k) {
+					o.push(k);
+				}
+			});
+			base = o;
+			// Merge relURLParts chunks
+			for (i = path.length - 1, o = []; i >= 0; i--) {
+				// Ignore empty or .
+				if (path[i].length === 0 || path[i] === ".") {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Is parent
+				if (path[i] === '..') {
+					nb++;
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Move up
+				if (nb > 0) {
+					nb--;
+					continue;
+				}
+				o.push(path[i]);
+			}
+			i = base.length - nb;
+			// If /a/b/c or /
+			if (i <= 0) {
+				outPath = o.reverse().join('/');
+			} else {
+				outPath = base.slice(0, i).join('/') + '/' + o.reverse().join('/');
+			}
+			// Add front / if it's needed
+			if (outPath.indexOf('/') !== 0) {
+				outPath = '/' + outPath;
+			}
+			// Add traling / if it's needed
+			if (tr && outPath.lastIndexOf('/') !== outPath.length - 1) {
+				outPath += tr;
+			}
+			return outPath;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the full URI of the internal structure.
+		 *
+		 * @method getURI
+		 * @param {Boolean} noProtoHost Optional no host and protocol part. Defaults to false.
+		 */
+		getURI: function(noProtoHost) {
+			var s, self = this;
+			// Rebuild source
+			if (!self.source || noProtoHost) {
+				s = '';
+				if (!noProtoHost) {
+					if (self.protocol) {
+						s += self.protocol + '://';
+					} else {
+						s += '//';
+					}
+					if (self.userInfo) {
+						s += self.userInfo + '@';
+					}
+					if (self.host) {
+						s += self.host;
+					}
+					if (self.port) {
+						s += ':' + self.port;
+					}
+				}
+				if (self.path) {
+					s += self.path;
+				}
+				if (self.query) {
+					s += '?' + self.query;
+				}
+				if (self.anchor) {
+					s += '#' + self.anchor;
+				}
+				self.source = s;
+			}
+			return self.source;
+		}
+	};
+	return URI;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/Class.js
+ * Class.js
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003-2012, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * This utilitiy class is used for easier inheritage.
+ *
+ * Features:
+ * * Exposed super functions: this._super();
+ * * Mixins
+ * * Dummy functions
+ * * Property functions: var value = object.value(); and object.value(newValue);
+ * * Static functions
+ * * Defaults settings
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Class", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var extendClass, initializing;
+	function Class() {
+	}
+	// Provides classical inheritance, based on code made by John Resig
+	Class.extend = extendClass = function(prop) {
+		var self = this, _super = self.prototype, prototype, name, member;
+		// The dummy class constructor
+		function Class() {
+			var i, mixins, mixin, self = this;
+			// All construction is actually done in the init method
+			if (!initializing) {
+				// Run class constuctor
+				if (self.init) {
+					self.init.apply(self, arguments);
+				}
+				// Run mixin constructors
+				mixins = self.Mixins;
+				if (mixins) {
+					i = mixins.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						mixin = mixins[i];
+						if (mixin.init) {
+							mixin.init.apply(self, arguments);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Dummy function, needs to be extended in order to provide functionality
+		function dummy() {
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Creates a overloaded method for the class
+		// this enables you to use this._super(); to call the super function
+		function createMethod(name, fn) {
+			return function(){
+				var self = this, tmp = self._super, ret;
+				self._super = _super[name];
+				ret = fn.apply(self, arguments);
+				self._super = tmp;
+				return ret;
+			};
+		}
+		// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
+		// don't run the init constructor)
+		initializing = true;
+		prototype = new self();
+		initializing = false;
+		// Add mixins
+		if (prop.Mixins) {
+			each(prop.Mixins, function(mixin) {
+				mixin = mixin;
+				for (var name in mixin) {
+					if (name !== "init") {
+						prop[name] = mixin[name];
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			if (_super.Mixins) {
+				prop.Mixins = _super.Mixins.concat(prop.Mixins);
+			}
+		}
+		// Generate dummy methods
+		if (prop.Methods) {
+			each(prop.Methods.split(','), function(name) {
+				prop[name] = dummy;
+			});
+		}
+		// Generate property methods
+		if (prop.Properties) {
+			each(prop.Properties.split(','), function(name) {
+				var fieldName = '_' + name;
+				prop[name] = function(value) {
+					var self = this, undef;
+					// Set value
+					if (value !== undef) {
+						self[fieldName] = value;
+						return self;
+					}
+					// Get value
+					return self[fieldName];
+				};
+			});
+		}
+		// Static functions
+		if (prop.Statics) {
+			each(prop.Statics, function(func, name) {
+				Class[name] = func;
+			});
+		}
+		// Default settings
+		if (prop.Defaults && _super.Defaults) {
+			prop.Defaults = extend({}, _super.Defaults, prop.Defaults);
+		}
+		// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
+		for (name in prop) {
+			member = prop[name];
+			if (typeof member == "function" && _super[name]) {
+				prototype[name] = createMethod(name, member);
+			} else {
+				prototype[name] = member;
+			}
+		}
+		// Populate our constructed prototype object
+		Class.prototype = prototype;
+		// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
+		Class.constructor = Class;
+		// And make this class extendible
+		Class.extend = extendClass;
+		return Class;
+	};
+	return Class;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Selector.js
+ * Selector.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint no-nested-ternary:0 */
+ * Selector engine, enables you to select controls by using CSS like expressions.
+ * We currently only support basic CSS expressions to reduce the size of the core
+ * and the ones we support should be enough for most cases.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * Supported expressions:
+ *  element
+ *  element#name
+ *  element.class
+ *  element[attr]
+ *  element[attr*=value]
+ *  element[attr~=value]
+ *  element[attr!=value]
+ *  element[attr^=value]
+ *  element[attr$=value]
+ *  element:<state>
+ *  element:not(<expression>)
+ *  element:first
+ *  element:last
+ *  element:odd
+ *  element:even
+ *  element element
+ *  element > element
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Selector
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Selector", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class"
+], function(Class) {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * Produces an array with a unique set of objects. It will not compare the values
+	 * but the references of the objects.
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @method unqiue
+	 * @param {Array} array Array to make into an array with unique items.
+	 * @return {Array} Array with unique items.
+	 */
+	function unique(array) {
+		var uniqueItems = [], i = array.length, item;
+		while (i--) {
+			item = array[i];
+			if (!item.__checked) {
+				uniqueItems.push(item);
+				item.__checked = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		i = uniqueItems.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			delete uniqueItems[i].__checked;
+		}
+		return uniqueItems;
+	}
+	var expression = /^([\w\\*]+)?(?:#([\w\\]+))?(?:\.([\w\\\.]+))?(?:\[\@?([\w\\]+)([\^\$\*!~]?=)([\w\\]+)\])?(?:\:(.+))?/i;
+	/*jshint maxlen:255 */
+	/*eslint max-len:0 */
+	var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+		whiteSpace = /^\s*|\s*$/g,
+		Collection;
+	var Selector = Class.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new Selector instance.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {String} selector CSS like selector expression.
+		 */
+		init: function(selector) {
+			var match = this.match;
+			function compileNameFilter(name) {
+				if (name) {
+					name = name.toLowerCase();
+					return function(item) {
+						return name === '*' || item.type === name;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileIdFilter(id) {
+				if (id) {
+					return function(item) {
+						return item._name === id;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileClassesFilter(classes) {
+				if (classes) {
+					classes = classes.split('.');
+					return function(item) {
+						var i = classes.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							if (!item.hasClass(classes[i])) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						}
+						return true;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compileAttrFilter(name, cmp, check) {
+				if (name) {
+					return function(item) {
+						var value = item[name] ? item[name]() : '';
+						return !cmp ? !!check :
+							cmp === "=" ? value === check :
+							cmp === "*=" ? value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+							cmp === "~=" ? (" " + value + " ").indexOf(" " + check + " ") >= 0 :
+							cmp === "!=" ? value != check :
+							cmp === "^=" ? value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+							cmp === "$=" ? value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+							false;
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			function compilePsuedoFilter(name) {
+				var notSelectors;
+				if (name) {
+					name = /(?:not\((.+)\))|(.+)/i.exec(name);
+					if (!name[1]) {
+						name = name[2];
+						return function(item, index, length) {
+							return name === 'first' ? index === 0 :
+								name === 'last' ? index === length - 1 :
+								name === 'even' ? index % 2 === 0 :
+								name === 'odd' ? index % 2 === 1 :
+								item[name] ? item[name]() :
+								false;
+						};
+					} else {
+						// Compile not expression
+						notSelectors = parseChunks(name[1], []);
+						return function(item) {
+							return !match(item, notSelectors);
+						};
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function compile(selector, filters, direct) {
+				var parts;
+				function add(filter) {
+					if (filter) {
+						filters.push(filter);
+					}
+				}
+				// Parse expression into parts
+				parts = expression.exec(selector.replace(whiteSpace, ''));
+				add(compileNameFilter(parts[1]));
+				add(compileIdFilter(parts[2]));
+				add(compileClassesFilter(parts[3]));
+				add(compileAttrFilter(parts[4], parts[5], parts[6]));
+				add(compilePsuedoFilter(parts[7]));
+				// Mark the filter with psuedo for performance
+				filters.psuedo = !!parts[7];
+				filters.direct = direct;
+				return filters;
+			}
+			// Parser logic based on Sizzle by John Resig
+			function parseChunks(selector, selectors) {
+				var parts = [], extra, matches, i;
+				do {
+					chunker.exec("");
+					matches = chunker.exec(selector);
+					if (matches) {
+						selector = matches[3];
+						parts.push(matches[1]);
+						if (matches[2]) {
+							extra = matches[3];
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				} while (matches);
+				if (extra) {
+					parseChunks(extra, selectors);
+				}
+				selector = [];
+				for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+					if (parts[i] != '>') {
+						selector.push(compile(parts[i], [], parts[i - 1] === '>'));
+					}
+				}
+				selectors.push(selector);
+				return selectors;
+			}
+			this._selectors = parseChunks(selector, []);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the selector matches the specified control.
+		 *
+		 * @method match
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} control Control to match agains the selector.
+		 * @param {Array} selectors Optional array of selectors, mostly used internally.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the control matches or not.
+		 */
+		match: function(control, selectors) {
+			var i, l, si, sl, selector, fi, fl, filters, index, length, siblings, count, item;
+			selectors = selectors || this._selectors;
+			for (i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++) {
+				selector = selectors[i];
+				sl = selector.length;
+				item = control;
+				count = 0;
+				for (si = sl - 1; si >= 0; si--) {
+					filters = selector[si];
+					while (item) {
+						// Find the index and length since a psuedo filter like :first needs it
+						if (filters.psuedo) {
+							siblings = item.parent().items();
+							index = length = siblings.length;
+							while (index--) {
+								if (siblings[index] === item) {
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						for (fi = 0, fl = filters.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+							if (!filters[fi](item, index, length)) {
+								fi = fl + 1;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						if (fi === fl) {
+							count++;
+							break;
+						} else {
+							// If it didn't match the right most expression then
+							// break since it's no point looking at the parents
+							if (si === sl - 1) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						item = item.parent();
+					}
+				}
+				// If we found all selectors then return true otherwise continue looking
+				if (count === sl) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a tinymce.ui.Collection with matches of the specified selector inside the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method find
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} container Container to look for items in.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection with matched elements.
+		 */
+		find: function(container) {
+			var matches = [], i, l, selectors = this._selectors;
+			function collect(items, selector, index) {
+				var i, l, fi, fl, item, filters = selector[index];
+				for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+					item = items[i];
+					// Run each filter agains the item
+					for (fi = 0, fl = filters.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
+						if (!filters[fi](item, i, l)) {
+							fi = fl + 1;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					// All filters matched the item
+					if (fi === fl) {
+						// Matched item is on the last expression like: panel toolbar [button]
+						if (index == selector.length - 1) {
+							matches.push(item);
+						} else {
+							// Collect next expression type
+							if (item.items) {
+								collect(item.items(), selector, index + 1);
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (filters.direct) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Collect child items
+					if (item.items) {
+						collect(item.items(), selector, index);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (container.items) {
+				for (i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++) {
+					collect(container.items(), selectors[i], 0);
+				}
+				// Unique the matches if needed
+				if (l > 1) {
+					matches = unique(matches);
+				}
+			}
+			// Fix for circular reference
+			if (!Collection) {
+				// TODO: Fix me!
+				Collection = Selector.Collection;
+			}
+			return new Collection(matches);
+		}
+	});
+	return Selector;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Collection.js
+ * Collection.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Control collection, this class contains control instances and it enables you to
+ * perform actions on all the contained items. This is very similar to how jQuery works.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * someCollection.show().disabled(true);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Collection
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Collection", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/Selector",
+	"tinymce/util/Class"
+], function(Tools, Selector, Class) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Collection, proto, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+	proto = {
+		/**
+		 * Current number of contained control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @field length
+		 * @type Number
+		 */
+		length: 0,
+		/**
+		 * Constructor for the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {Array} items Optional array with items to add.
+		 */
+		init: function(items) {
+			if (items) {
+				this.add(items);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds new items to the control collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {Array} items Array if items to add to collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		add: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			// Force single item into array
+			if (!Tools.isArray(items)) {
+				if (items instanceof Collection) {
+					self.add(items.toArray());
+				} else {
+					push.call(self, items);
+				}
+			} else {
+				push.apply(self, items);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the contents of the collection. This will remove any existing items
+		 * and replace them with the ones specified in the input array.
+		 *
+		 * @method set
+		 * @param {Array} items Array with items to set into the Collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection instance.
+		 */
+		set: function(items) {
+			var self = this, len = self.length, i;
+			self.length = 0;
+			self.add(items);
+			// Remove old entries
+			for (i = self.length; i < len; i++) {
+				delete self[i];
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Filters the collection item based on the specified selector expression or selector function.
+		 *
+		 * @method filter
+		 * @param {String} selector Selector expression to filter items by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection containing the filtered items.
+		 */
+		filter: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, i, l, matches = [], item, match;
+			// Compile string into selector expression
+			if (typeof(selector) === "string") {
+				selector = new Selector(selector);
+				match = function(item) {
+					return selector.match(item);
+				};
+			} else {
+				// Use selector as matching function
+				match = selector;
+			}
+			for (i = 0, l = self.length; i < l; i++) {
+				item = self[i];
+				if (match(item)) {
+					matches.push(item);
+				}
+			}
+			return new Collection(matches);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Slices the items within the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method slice
+		 * @param {Number} index Index to slice at.
+		 * @param {Number} len Optional length to slice.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		slice: function() {
+			return new Collection(slice.apply(this, arguments));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Makes the current collection equal to the specified index.
+		 *
+		 * @method eq
+		 * @param {Number} index Index of the item to set the collection to.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		eq: function(index) {
+			return index === -1 ? this.slice(index) : this.slice(index, +index + 1);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specified callback on each item in collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method each
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback to execute for each item in collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		each: function(callback) {
+			Tools.each(this, callback);
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns an JavaScript array object of the contents inside the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method toArray
+		 * @return {Array} Array with all items from collection.
+		 */
+		toArray: function() {
+			return Tools.toArray(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Finds the index of the specified control or return -1 if it isn't in the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method indexOf
+		 * @param {Control} ctrl Control instance to look for.
+		 * @return {Number} Index of the specified control or -1.
+		 */
+		indexOf: function(ctrl) {
+			var self = this, i = self.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				if (self[i] === ctrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return i;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a new collection of the contents in reverse order.
+		 *
+		 * @method reverse
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection instance with reversed items.
+		 */
+		reverse: function() {
+			return new Collection(Tools.toArray(this).reverse());
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the class exists or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the class exists or not.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(cls) {
+			return this[0] ? this[0].hasClass(cls) : false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the specific property on the items in the collection. The same as executing control.<property>(<value>);
+		 *
+		 * @method prop
+		 * @param {String} name Property name to get/set.
+		 * @param {Object} value Optional object value to set.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		prop: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, undef, item;
+			if (value !== undef) {
+				self.each(function(item) {
+					if (item[name]) {
+						item[name](value);
+					}
+				});
+				return self;
+			}
+			item = self[0];
+			if (item && item[name]) {
+				return item[name]();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes the specific function name with optional arguments an all items in collection if it exists.
+		 *
+		 * @example collection.exec("myMethod", arg1, arg2, arg3);
+		 * @method exec
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the function to execute.
+		 * @param {Object} ... Multiple arguments to pass to each function.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		exec: function(name) {
+			var self = this, args = Tools.toArray(arguments).slice(1);
+			self.each(function(item) {
+				if (item[name]) {
+					item[name].apply(item, args);
+				}
+			});
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Remove all items from collection and DOM.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var i = this.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				this[i].remove();
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name and arguments on the control. This will execute all
+		 * bound event handlers.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional arguments to pass to the event.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// fire: function(event, args) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to the specified event. This event can both be
+		 * native browser events like "click" or custom ones like PostRender.
+		 *
+		 * The callback function will have two parameters the first one being the control that received the event
+		 * the second one will be the event object either the browsers native event object or a custom JS object.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to bind. For example "click".
+		 * @param {String/function} callback Callback function to execute ones the event occurs.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// on: function(name, callback) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event and optionally a specific callback. If you omit the name
+		 * parameter all event handlers will be removed. If you omit the callback all event handles
+		 * by the specified name will be removed.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String} name Optional name for the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// off: function(name, callback) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Shows the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// show: function() {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Hides the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// hide: function() {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the text contents of the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or text value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// text: function(value) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the name contents of the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method name
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or name value of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// name: function(value) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or disabled state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// disabled: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or active state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// active: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the selected state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method selected
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or selected state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// selected: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the selected state on the items in the current collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance or visible state of the first item on a get operation.
+		 */
+		// visible: function(state) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Adds a class to all items in the collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to add to each item.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// addClass: function(cls) {}, -- Generated by code below
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified class from all items in collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove from each item.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection instance.
+		 */
+		// removeClass: function(cls) {}, -- Generated by code below
+	};
+	// Extend tinymce.ui.Collection prototype with some generated control specific methods
+	Tools.each('fire on off show hide addClass removeClass append prepend before after reflow'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		proto[name] = function() {
+			var args = Tools.toArray(arguments);
+			this.each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (name in ctrl) {
+					ctrl[name].apply(ctrl, args);
+				}
+			});
+			return this;
+		};
+	});
+	// Extend tinymce.ui.Collection prototype with some property methods
+	Tools.each('text name disabled active selected checked visible parent value data'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		proto[name] = function(value) {
+			return this.prop(name, value);
+		};
+	});
+	// Create class based on the new prototype
+	Collection = Class.extend(proto);
+	// Stick Collection into Selector to prevent circual references
+	Selector.Collection = Collection;
+	return Collection;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/DomUtils.js
+ * DOMUtils.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/DomUtils", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(Tools, DOMUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		id: function() {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.uniqueId();
+		},
+		createFragment: function(html) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.createFragment(html);
+		},
+		getWindowSize: function() {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getViewPort();
+		},
+		getSize: function(elm) {
+			var width, height;
+			if (elm.getBoundingClientRect) {
+				var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
+				width = Math.max(rect.width || (rect.right - rect.left), elm.offsetWidth);
+				height = Math.max(rect.height || (rect.bottom - rect.bottom), elm.offsetHeight);
+			} else {
+				width = elm.offsetWidth;
+				height = elm.offsetHeight;
+			}
+			return {width: width, height: height};
+		},
+		getPos: function(elm, root) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getPos(elm, root);
+		},
+		getViewPort: function(win) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.getViewPort(win);
+		},
+		get: function(id) {
+			return document.getElementById(id);
+		},
+		addClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.addClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		removeClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.removeClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		hasClass : function(elm, cls) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.hasClass(elm, cls);
+		},
+		toggleClass: function(elm, cls, state) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.toggleClass(elm, cls, state);
+		},
+		css: function(elm, name, value) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.setStyle(elm, name, value);
+		},
+		on: function(target, name, callback, scope) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.bind(target, name, callback, scope);
+		},
+		off: function(target, name, callback) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.unbind(target, name, callback);
+		},
+		fire: function(target, name, args) {
+			return DOMUtils.DOM.fire(target, name, args);
+		},
+		innerHtml: function(elm, html) {
+			// Workaround for <div> in <p> bug on IE 8 #6178
+			DOMUtils.DOM.setHTML(elm, html);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Control.js
+ * Control.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*eslint consistent-this:0 */
+ * This is the base class for all controls and containers. All UI control instances inherit
+ * from this one as it has the base logic needed by all of them.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Control", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/Collection",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Class, Tools, Collection, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap("focusin focusout scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover" +
+								" mouseout mouseenter mouseleave wheel keydown keypress keyup contextmenu", " ");
+	var elementIdCache = {};
+	var hasMouseWheelEventSupport = "onmousewheel" in document;
+	var hasWheelEventSupport = false;
+	var Control = Class.extend({
+		Statics: {
+			elementIdCache: elementIdCache
+		},
+		isRtl: function() {
+			return Control.rtl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Class/id prefix to use for all controls.
+		 *
+		 * @final
+		 * @field {String} classPrefix
+		 */
+		classPrefix: "mce-",
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} style Style CSS properties to add.
+		 * @setting {String} border Border box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {String} padding Padding box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {String} margin Margin box values example: 1 1 1 1
+		 * @setting {Number} minWidth Minimal width for the control.
+		 * @setting {Number} minHeight Minimal height for the control.
+		 * @setting {String} classes Space separated list of classes to add.
+		 * @setting {String} role WAI-ARIA role to use for control.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} hidden Is the control hidden by default.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} disabled Is the control disabled by default.
+		 * @setting {String} name Name of the control instance.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, classes, i;
+			self.settings = settings = Tools.extend({}, self.Defaults, settings);
+			// Initial states
+			self._id = settings.id || DomUtils.id();
+			self._text = self._name = '';
+			self._width = self._height = 0;
+			self._aria = {role: settings.role};
+			// Setup classes
+			classes = settings.classes;
+			if (classes) {
+				classes = classes.split(' ');
+				classes.map = {};
+				i = classes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					classes.map[classes[i]] = true;
+				}
+			}
+			self._classes = classes || [];
+			self.visible(true);
+			// Set some properties
+			Tools.each('title text width height name classes visible disabled active value'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				var value = settings[name], undef;
+				if (value !== undef) {
+					self[name](value);
+				} else if (self['_' + name] === undef) {
+					self['_' + name] = false;
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('click', function() {
+				if (self.disabled()) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			// TODO: Is this needed duplicate code see above?
+			if (settings.classes) {
+				Tools.each(settings.classes.split(' '), function(cls) {
+					self.addClass(cls);
+				});
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Name/value object with settings for the current control.
+			 *
+			 * @field {Object} settings
+			 */
+			self.settings = settings;
+			self._borderBox = self.parseBox(settings.border);
+			self._paddingBox = self.parseBox(settings.padding);
+			self._marginBox = self.parseBox(settings.margin);
+			if (settings.hidden) {
+				self.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		// Will generate getter/setter methods for these properties
+		Properties: 'parent,title,text,width,height,disabled,active,name,value',
+		// Will generate empty dummy functions for these
+		Methods: 'renderHtml',
+		/**
+		 * Returns the root element to render controls into.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContainerElm
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element to render into.
+		 */
+		getContainerElm: function() {
+			return document.body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a control instance for the current DOM element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParentCtrl
+		 * @param {Element} elm HTML dom element to get parent control from.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Control instance or undefined.
+		 */
+		getParentCtrl: function(elm) {
+			var ctrl, lookup = this.getRoot().controlIdLookup;
+			while (elm && lookup) {
+				ctrl = lookup[elm.id];
+				if (ctrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+				elm = elm.parentNode;
+			}
+			return ctrl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Parses the specified box value. A box value contains 1-4 properties in clockwise order.
+		 *
+		 * @method parseBox
+		 * @param {String/Number} value Box value "0 1 2 3" or "0" etc.
+		 * @return {Object} Object with top/right/bottom/left properties.
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		parseBox: function(value) {
+			var len, radix = 10;
+			if (!value) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (typeof(value) === "number") {
+				value = value || 0;
+				return {
+					top: value,
+					left: value,
+					bottom: value,
+					right: value
+				};
+			}
+			value = value.split(' ');
+			len = value.length;
+			if (len === 1) {
+				value[1] = value[2] = value[3] = value[0];
+			} else if (len === 2) {
+				value[2] = value[0];
+				value[3] = value[1];
+			} else if (len === 3) {
+				value[3] = value[1];
+			}
+			return {
+				top: parseInt(value[0], radix) || 0,
+				right: parseInt(value[1], radix) || 0,
+				bottom: parseInt(value[2], radix) || 0,
+				left: parseInt(value[3], radix) || 0
+			};
+		},
+		borderBox: function() {
+			return this._borderBox;
+		},
+		paddingBox: function() {
+			return this._paddingBox;
+		},
+		marginBox: function() {
+			return this._marginBox;
+		},
+		measureBox: function(elm, prefix) {
+			function getStyle(name) {
+				var defaultView = document.defaultView;
+				if (defaultView) {
+					// Remove camelcase
+					name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a) {
+						return '-' + a;
+					});
+					return defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(name);
+				}
+				return elm.currentStyle[name];
+			}
+			function getSide(name) {
+				var val = parseFloat(getStyle(name), 10);
+				return isNaN(val) ? 0 : val;
+			}
+			return {
+				top: getSide(prefix + "TopWidth"),
+				right: getSide(prefix + "RightWidth"),
+				bottom: getSide(prefix + "BottomWidth"),
+				left: getSide(prefix + "LeftWidth")
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, borderBox, layoutRect;
+			var elm = self.getEl(), width, height, minWidth, minHeight, autoResize;
+			var startMinWidth, startMinHeight, initialSize;
+			// Measure the current element
+			borderBox = self._borderBox = self._borderBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'border');
+			self._paddingBox = self._paddingBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'padding');
+			self._marginBox = self._marginBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'margin');
+			initialSize = DomUtils.getSize(elm);
+			// Setup minWidth/minHeight and width/height
+			startMinWidth = settings.minWidth;
+			startMinHeight = settings.minHeight;
+			minWidth = startMinWidth || initialSize.width;
+			minHeight = startMinHeight || initialSize.height;
+			width = settings.width;
+			height = settings.height;
+			autoResize = settings.autoResize;
+			autoResize = typeof(autoResize) != "undefined" ? autoResize : !width && !height;
+			width = width || minWidth;
+			height = height || minHeight;
+			var deltaW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right;
+			var deltaH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom;
+			var maxW = settings.maxWidth || 0xFFFF;
+			var maxH = settings.maxHeight || 0xFFFF;
+			// Setup initial layout rect
+			self._layoutRect = layoutRect = {
+				x: settings.x || 0,
+				y: settings.y || 0,
+				w: width,
+				h: height,
+				deltaW: deltaW,
+				deltaH: deltaH,
+				contentW: width - deltaW,
+				contentH: height - deltaH,
+				innerW: width - deltaW,
+				innerH: height - deltaH,
+				startMinWidth: startMinWidth || 0,
+				startMinHeight: startMinHeight || 0,
+				minW: Math.min(minWidth, maxW),
+				minH: Math.min(minHeight, maxH),
+				maxW: maxW,
+				maxH: maxH,
+				autoResize: autoResize,
+				scrollW: 0
+			};
+			self._lastLayoutRect = {};
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the current layout rect.
+		 *
+		 * @method layoutRect
+		 * @param {Object} [newRect] Optional new layout rect.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control/Object} Current control or rect object.
+		 */
+		layoutRect: function(newRect) {
+			var self = this, curRect = self._layoutRect, lastLayoutRect, size, deltaWidth, deltaHeight, undef, repaintControls;
+			// Initialize default layout rect
+			if (!curRect) {
+				curRect = self.initLayoutRect();
+			}
+			// Set new rect values
+			if (newRect) {
+				// Calc deltas between inner and outer sizes
+				deltaWidth = curRect.deltaW;
+				deltaHeight = curRect.deltaH;
+				// Set x position
+				if (newRect.x !== undef) {
+					curRect.x = newRect.x;
+				}
+				// Set y position
+				if (newRect.y !== undef) {
+					curRect.y = newRect.y;
+				}
+				// Set minW
+				if (newRect.minW !== undef) {
+					curRect.minW = newRect.minW;
+				}
+				// Set minH
+				if (newRect.minH !== undef) {
+					curRect.minH = newRect.minH;
+				}
+				// Set new width and calculate inner width
+				size = newRect.w;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minW ? curRect.minW : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxW ? curRect.maxW : size;
+					curRect.w = size;
+					curRect.innerW = size - deltaWidth;
+				}
+				// Set new height and calculate inner height
+				size = newRect.h;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minH ? curRect.minH : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxH ? curRect.maxH : size;
+					curRect.h = size;
+					curRect.innerH = size - deltaHeight;
+				}
+				// Set new inner width and calculate width
+				size = newRect.innerW;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minW - deltaWidth ? curRect.minW - deltaWidth : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxW - deltaWidth ? curRect.maxW - deltaWidth : size;
+					curRect.innerW = size;
+					curRect.w = size + deltaWidth;
+				}
+				// Set new height and calculate inner height
+				size = newRect.innerH;
+				if (size !== undef) {
+					size = size < curRect.minH - deltaHeight ? curRect.minH - deltaHeight : size;
+					size = size > curRect.maxH - deltaHeight ? curRect.maxH - deltaHeight : size;
+					curRect.innerH = size;
+					curRect.h = size + deltaHeight;
+				}
+				// Set new contentW
+				if (newRect.contentW !== undef) {
+					curRect.contentW = newRect.contentW;
+				}
+				// Set new contentH
+				if (newRect.contentH !== undef) {
+					curRect.contentH = newRect.contentH;
+				}
+				// Compare last layout rect with the current one to see if we need to repaint or not
+				lastLayoutRect = self._lastLayoutRect;
+				if (lastLayoutRect.x !== curRect.x || lastLayoutRect.y !== curRect.y ||
+					lastLayoutRect.w !== curRect.w || lastLayoutRect.h !== curRect.h) {
+					repaintControls = Control.repaintControls;
+					if (repaintControls) {
+						if (repaintControls.map && !repaintControls.map[self._id]) {
+							repaintControls.push(self);
+							repaintControls.map[self._id] = true;
+						}
+					}
+					lastLayoutRect.x = curRect.x;
+					lastLayoutRect.y = curRect.y;
+					lastLayoutRect.w = curRect.w;
+					lastLayoutRect.h = curRect.h;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return curRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, bodyStyle, rect, borderBox, borderW = 0, borderH = 0, lastRepaintRect, round;
+			// Use Math.round on all values on IE < 9
+			round = !document.createRange ? Math.round : function(value) {
+				return value;
+			};
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			lastRepaintRect = self._lastRepaintRect || {};
+			borderBox = self._borderBox;
+			borderW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right;
+			borderH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom;
+			if (rect.x !== lastRepaintRect.x) {
+				style.left = round(rect.x) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.x = rect.x;
+			}
+			if (rect.y !== lastRepaintRect.y) {
+				style.top = round(rect.y) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.y = rect.y;
+			}
+			if (rect.w !== lastRepaintRect.w) {
+				style.width = round(rect.w - borderW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.w = rect.w;
+			}
+			if (rect.h !== lastRepaintRect.h) {
+				style.height = round(rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.h = rect.h;
+			}
+			// Update body if needed
+			if (self._hasBody && rect.innerW !== lastRepaintRect.innerW) {
+				bodyStyle = self.getEl('body').style;
+				bodyStyle.width = round(rect.innerW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.innerW = rect.innerW;
+			}
+			if (self._hasBody && rect.innerH !== lastRepaintRect.innerH) {
+				bodyStyle = bodyStyle || self.getEl('body').style;
+				bodyStyle.height = round(rect.innerH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.innerH = rect.innerH;
+			}
+			self._lastRepaintRect = lastRepaintRect;
+			self.fire('repaint', {}, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds a callback to the specified event. This event can both be
+		 * native browser events like "click" or custom ones like PostRender.
+		 *
+		 * The callback function will be passed a DOM event like object that enables yout do stop propagation.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to bind. For example "click".
+		 * @param {String/function} callback Callback function to execute ones the event occurs.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		on: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, bindings, handlers, names, i;
+			function resolveCallbackName(name) {
+				var callback, scope;
+				return function(e) {
+					if (!callback) {
+						self.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+							var callbacks = ctrl.settings.callbacks;
+							if (callbacks && (callback = callbacks[name])) {
+								scope = ctrl;
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					return callback.call(scope, e);
+				};
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				if (typeof(callback) == 'string') {
+					callback = resolveCallbackName(callback);
+				}
+				names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+				i = names.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					name = names[i];
+					bindings = self._bindings;
+					if (!bindings) {
+						bindings = self._bindings = {};
+					}
+					handlers = bindings[name];
+					if (!handlers) {
+						handlers = bindings[name] = [];
+					}
+					handlers.push(callback);
+					if (nativeEvents[name]) {
+						if (!self._nativeEvents) {
+							self._nativeEvents = {name: true};
+						} else {
+							self._nativeEvents[name] = true;
+						}
+						if (self._rendered) {
+							self.bindPendingEvents();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds the specified event and optionally a specific callback. If you omit the name
+		 * parameter all event handlers will be removed. If you omit the callback all event handles
+		 * by the specified name will be removed.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String} [name] Name for the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {function} [callback] Callback function to unbind.
+		 * @return {mxex.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		off: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, i, bindings = self._bindings, handlers, bindingName, names, hi;
+			if (bindings) {
+				if (name) {
+					names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						handlers = bindings[name];
+						// Unbind all handlers
+						if (!name) {
+							for (bindingName in bindings) {
+								bindings[bindingName].length = 0;
+							}
+							return self;
+						}
+						if (handlers) {
+							// Unbind all by name
+							if (!callback) {
+								handlers.length = 0;
+							} else {
+								// Unbind specific ones
+								hi = handlers.length;
+								while (hi--) {
+									if (handlers[hi] === callback) {
+										handlers.splice(hi, 1);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					self._bindings = [];
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name and arguments on the control. This will execute all
+		 * bound event handlers.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {Object} [args] Arguments to pass to the event.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [bubble] Value to control bubbeling. Defaults to true.
+		 * @return {Object} Current arguments object.
+		 */
+		fire: function(name, args, bubble) {
+			var self = this, i, l, handlers, parentCtrl;
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+			function returnFalse() {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
+			function returnTrue() {
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Setup empty object if args is omited
+			args = args || {};
+			// Stick type into event object
+			if (!args.type) {
+				args.type = name;
+			}
+			// Stick control into event
+			if (!args.control) {
+				args.control = self;
+			}
+			// Add event delegation methods if they are missing
+			if (!args.preventDefault) {
+				// Add preventDefault method
+				args.preventDefault = function() {
+					args.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopPropagation
+				args.stopPropagation = function() {
+					args.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+				args.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+					args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add event delegation states
+				args.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+				args.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+				args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			}
+			if (self._bindings) {
+				handlers = self._bindings[name];
+				if (handlers) {
+					for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+						// Execute callback and break if the callback returns a false
+						if (!args.isImmediatePropagationStopped() && handlers[i].call(self, args) === false) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Bubble event up to parent controls
+			if (bubble !== false) {
+				parentCtrl = self.parent();
+				while (parentCtrl && !args.isPropagationStopped()) {
+					parentCtrl.fire(name, args, false);
+					parentCtrl = parentCtrl.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			return args;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified event has any listeners.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasEventListeners
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to check for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the event has listeners.
+		 */
+		hasEventListeners: function(name) {
+			return name in this._bindings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a control collection with all parent controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method parents
+		 * @param {String} selector Optional selector expression to find parents.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection with all parent controls.
+		 */
+		parents: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, ctrl, parents = new Collection();
+			// Add each parent to collection
+			for (ctrl = self.parent(); ctrl; ctrl = ctrl.parent()) {
+				parents.add(ctrl);
+			}
+			// Filter away everything that doesn't match the selector
+			if (selector) {
+				parents = parents.filter(selector);
+			}
+			return parents;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control next to the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method next
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Next control instance.
+		 */
+		next: function() {
+			var parentControls = this.parent().items();
+			return parentControls[parentControls.indexOf(this) + 1];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control previous to the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method prev
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Previous control instance.
+		 */
+		prev: function() {
+			var parentControls = this.parent().items();
+			return parentControls[parentControls.indexOf(this) - 1];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find the common ancestor for two control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method findCommonAncestor
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} ctrl1 First control.
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} ctrl2 Second control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Ancestor control instance.
+		 */
+		findCommonAncestor: function(ctrl1, ctrl2) {
+			var parentCtrl;
+			while (ctrl1) {
+				parentCtrl = ctrl2;
+				while (parentCtrl && ctrl1 != parentCtrl) {
+					parentCtrl = parentCtrl.parent();
+				}
+				if (ctrl1 == parentCtrl) {
+					break;
+				}
+				ctrl1 = ctrl1.parent();
+			}
+			return ctrl1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specific control has the specific class.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the control has the specified class.
+		 */
+		hasClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var classes = this._classes[group || 'control'];
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			return classes && !!classes.map[cls];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds the specified class to the control
+		 *
+		 * @method addClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to check for.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		addClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var self = this, classes, elm;
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			classes = self._classes[group || 'control'];
+			if (!classes) {
+				classes = [];
+				classes.map = {};
+				self._classes[group || 'control'] = classes;
+			}
+			if (!classes.map[cls]) {
+				classes.map[cls] = cls;
+				classes.push(cls);
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					elm = self.getEl(group);
+					if (elm) {
+						elm.className = classes.join(' ');
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified class from the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		removeClass: function(cls, group) {
+			var self = this, classes, i, elm;
+			cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
+			classes = self._classes[group || 'control'];
+			if (classes && classes.map[cls]) {
+				delete classes.map[cls];
+				i = classes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (classes[i] === cls) {
+						classes.splice(i, 1);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				elm = self.getEl(group);
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.className = classes.join(' ');
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Toggles the specified class on the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method toggleClass
+		 * @param {String} cls Class to remove.
+		 * @param {Boolean} state True/false state to add/remove class.
+		 * @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		toggleClass: function(cls, state, group) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (state) {
+				self.addClass(cls, group);
+			} else {
+				self.removeClass(cls, group);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the class string for the specified group name.
+		 *
+		 * @method classes
+		 * @param {String} [group] Group to get clases by.
+		 * @return {String} Classes for the specified group.
+		 */
+		classes: function(group) {
+			var classes = this._classes[group || 'control'];
+			return classes ? classes.join(' ') : '';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the inner HTML of the control element.
+		 *
+		 * @method innerHtml
+		 * @param {String} html Html string to set as inner html.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
+		 */
+		innerHtml: function(html) {
+			DomUtils.innerHtml(this.getEl(), html);
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the control DOM element or sub element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getEl
+		 * @param {String} [suffix] Suffix to get element by.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [dropCache] True if the cache for the element should be dropped.
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the current control or it's children.
+		 */
+		getEl: function(suffix, dropCache) {
+			var elm, id = suffix ? this._id + '-' + suffix : this._id;
+			elm = elementIdCache[id] = (dropCache === true ? null : elementIdCache[id]) || DomUtils.get(id);
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the visible for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		visible: function(state) {
+			var self = this, parentCtrl;
+			if (typeof(state) !== "undefined") {
+				if (self._visible !== state) {
+					if (self._rendered) {
+						self.getEl().style.display = state ? '' : 'none';
+					}
+					self._visible = state;
+					// Parent container needs to reflow
+					parentCtrl = self.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+					}
+					self.fire(state ? 'show' : 'hide');
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._visible;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the visible state to true.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			return this.visible(true);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the visible state to false.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			return this.visible(false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			try {
+				this.getEl().focus();
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore IE error
+			}
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Blurs the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method blur
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		blur: function() {
+			this.getEl().blur();
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified aria property.
+		 *
+		 * @method aria
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the aria property to set.
+		 * @param {String} value Value of the aria property.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		aria: function(name, value) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(self.ariaTarget);
+			if (typeof(value) === "undefined") {
+				return self._aria[name];
+			} else {
+				self._aria[name] = value;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				elm.setAttribute(name == 'role' ? name : 'aria-' + name, value);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Encodes the specified string with HTML entities. It will also
+		 * translate the string to different languages.
+		 *
+		 * @method encode
+		 * @param {String/Object/Array} text Text to entity encode.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [translate=true] False if the contents shouldn't be translated.
+		 * @return {String} Encoded and possible traslated string. 
+		 */
+		encode: function(text, translate) {
+			if (translate !== false && Control.translate) {
+				text = Control.translate(text);
+			}
+			return (text || '').replace(/[&<>"]/g, function(match) {
+				return '&#' + match.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds items before the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method before
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array of items to prepend before this control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		before: function(items) {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent();
+			if (parent) {
+				parent.insert(items, parent.items().indexOf(self), true);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds items after the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method after
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array of items to append after this control.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		after: function(items) {
+			var self = this, parent = self.parent();
+			if (parent) {
+				parent.insert(items, parent.items().indexOf(self));
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), parent = self.parent(), newItems, i;
+			if (self.items) {
+				var controls = self.items().toArray();
+				i = controls.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					controls[i].remove();
+				}
+			}
+			if (parent && parent.items) {
+				newItems = [];
+				parent.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item !== self) {
+						newItems.push(item);
+					}
+				});
+				parent.items().set(newItems);
+				parent._lastRect = null;
+			}
+			if (self._eventsRoot && self._eventsRoot == self) {
+				DomUtils.off(elm);
+			}
+			var lookup = self.getRoot().controlIdLookup;
+			if (lookup) {
+				delete lookup[self._id];
+			}
+			delete elementIdCache[self._id];
+			if (elm && elm.parentNode) {
+				var nodes = elm.getElementsByTagName('*');
+				i = nodes.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					delete elementIdCache[nodes[i].id];
+				}
+				elm.parentNode.removeChild(elm);
+			}
+			self._rendered = false;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control before the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderBefore
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to render before.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		renderBefore: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			elm.parentNode.insertBefore(DomUtils.createFragment(self.renderHtml()), elm);
+			self.postRender();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control to the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderBefore
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to render to.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		renderTo: function(elm) {
+			var self = this;
+			elm = elm || self.getContainerElm();
+			elm.appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment(self.renderHtml()));
+			self.postRender();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, elm, box, parent, name, parentEventsRoot;
+			// Bind on<event> settings
+			for (name in settings) {
+				if (name.indexOf("on") === 0) {
+					self.on(name.substr(2), settings[name]);
+				}
+			}
+			if (self._eventsRoot) {
+				for (parent = self.parent(); !parentEventsRoot && parent; parent = parent.parent()) {
+					parentEventsRoot = parent._eventsRoot;
+				}
+				if (parentEventsRoot) {
+					for (name in parentEventsRoot._nativeEvents) {
+						self._nativeEvents[name] = true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			self.bindPendingEvents();
+			if (settings.style) {
+				elm = self.getEl();
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.setAttribute('style', settings.style);
+					elm.style.cssText = settings.style;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!self._visible) {
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), 'display', 'none');
+			}
+			if (self.settings.border) {
+				box = self.borderBox();
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), {
+					'border-top-width': box.top,
+					'border-right-width': box.right,
+					'border-bottom-width': box.bottom,
+					'border-left-width': box.left
+				});
+			}
+			// Add instance to lookup
+			var root = self.getRoot();
+			if (!root.controlIdLookup) {
+				root.controlIdLookup = {};
+			}
+			root.controlIdLookup[self._id] = self;
+			for (var key in self._aria) {
+				self.aria(key, self._aria[key]);
+			}
+			self.fire('postrender', {}, false);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Scrolls the current control into view.
+		 *
+		 * @method scrollIntoView
+		 * @param {String} align Alignment in view top|center|bottom.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		scrollIntoView: function(align) {
+			function getOffset(elm, rootElm) {
+				var x, y, parent = elm;
+				x = y = 0;
+				while (parent && parent != rootElm && parent.nodeType) {
+					x += parent.offsetLeft || 0;
+					y += parent.offsetTop || 0;
+					parent = parent.offsetParent;
+				}
+				return {x: x, y: y};
+			}
+			var elm = this.getEl(), parentElm = elm.parentNode;
+			var x, y, width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight;
+			var pos = getOffset(elm, parentElm);
+			x = pos.x;
+			y = pos.y;
+			width = elm.offsetWidth;
+			height = elm.offsetHeight;
+			parentWidth = parentElm.clientWidth;
+			parentHeight = parentElm.clientHeight;
+			if (align == "end") {
+				x -= parentWidth - width;
+				y -= parentHeight - height;
+			} else if (align == "center") {
+				x -= (parentWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
+				y -= (parentHeight / 2) - (height / 2);
+			}
+			parentElm.scrollLeft = x;
+			parentElm.scrollTop = y;
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds pending DOM events.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		bindPendingEvents: function() {
+			var self = this, i, l, parents, eventRootCtrl, nativeEvents, name;
+			function delegate(e) {
+				var control = self.getParentCtrl(e.target);
+				if (control) {
+					control.fire(e.type, e);
+				}
+			}
+			function mouseLeaveHandler() {
+				var ctrl = eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl;
+				if (ctrl) {
+					ctrl.fire("mouseleave", {target: ctrl.getEl()});
+					ctrl.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+						ctrl.fire("mouseleave", {target: ctrl.getEl()});
+					});
+					eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl = null;
+				}
+			}
+			function mouseEnterHandler(e) {
+				var ctrl = self.getParentCtrl(e.target), lastCtrl = eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl, idx = 0, i, parents, lastParents;
+				// Over on a new control
+				if (ctrl !== lastCtrl) {
+					eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl = ctrl;
+					parents = ctrl.parents().toArray().reverse();
+					parents.push(ctrl);
+					if (lastCtrl) {
+						lastParents = lastCtrl.parents().toArray().reverse();
+						lastParents.push(lastCtrl);
+						for (idx = 0; idx < lastParents.length; idx++) {
+							if (parents[idx] !== lastParents[idx]) {
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						for (i = lastParents.length - 1; i >= idx; i--) {
+							lastCtrl = lastParents[i];
+							lastCtrl.fire("mouseleave", {
+								target : lastCtrl.getEl()
+							});
+						}
+					}
+					for (i = idx; i < parents.length; i++) {
+						ctrl = parents[i];
+						ctrl.fire("mouseenter", {
+							target : ctrl.getEl()
+						});
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function fixWheelEvent(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				if (e.type == "mousewheel") {
+					e.deltaY = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDelta;
+					if (e.wheelDeltaX) {
+						e.deltaX = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDeltaX;
+					}
+				} else {
+					e.deltaX = 0;
+					e.deltaY = e.detail;
+				}
+				e = self.fire("wheel", e);
+			}
+			self._rendered = true;
+			nativeEvents = self._nativeEvents;
+			if (nativeEvents) {
+				// Find event root element if it exists
+				parents = self.parents().toArray();
+				parents.unshift(self);
+				for (i = 0, l = parents.length; !eventRootCtrl && i < l; i++) {
+					eventRootCtrl = parents[i]._eventsRoot;
+				}
+				// Event root wasn't found the use the root control
+				if (!eventRootCtrl) {
+					eventRootCtrl = parents[parents.length - 1] || self;
+				}
+				// Set the eventsRoot property on children that didn't have it
+				self._eventsRoot = eventRootCtrl;
+				for (l = i, i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+					parents[i]._eventsRoot = eventRootCtrl;
+				}
+				// Bind native event delegates
+				for (name in nativeEvents) {
+					if (!nativeEvents) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					if (name === "wheel" && !hasWheelEventSupport) {
+						if (hasMouseWheelEventSupport) {
+							DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), "mousewheel", fixWheelEvent);
+						} else {
+							DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), "DOMMouseScroll", fixWheelEvent);
+						}
+						continue;
+					}
+					// Special treatment for mousenter/mouseleave since these doesn't bubble
+					if (name === "mouseenter" || name === "mouseleave") {
+						// Fake mousenter/mouseleave
+						if (!eventRootCtrl._hasMouseEnter) {
+							DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), "mouseleave", mouseLeaveHandler);
+							DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), "mouseover", mouseEnterHandler);
+							eventRootCtrl._hasMouseEnter = 1;
+						}
+					} else if (!eventRootCtrl[name]) {
+						DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), name, delegate);
+						eventRootCtrl[name] = true;
+					}
+					// Remove the event once it's bound
+					nativeEvents[name] = false;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		getRoot: function() {
+			var ctrl = this, rootControl, parents = [];
+			while (ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.rootControl) {
+					rootControl = ctrl.rootControl;
+					break;
+				}
+				parents.push(ctrl);
+				rootControl = ctrl;
+				ctrl = ctrl.parent();
+			}
+			if (!rootControl) {
+				rootControl = this;
+			}
+			var i = parents.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				parents[i].rootControl = rootControl;
+			}
+			return rootControl;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Reflows the current control and it's parents.
+		 * This should be used after you for example append children to the current control so
+		 * that the layout managers know that they need to reposition everything.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * container.append({type: 'button', text: 'My button'}).reflow();
+		 *
+		 * @method reflow
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		reflow: function() {
+			this.repaint();
+			return this;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the parent container for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method parent
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} parent Optional parent to set.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Parent control or the current control on a set action.
+		 */
+		// parent: function(parent) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the text for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// text: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the width for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method width
+		 * @param {Number} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Number/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// width: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the height for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method height
+		 * @param {Number} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Number/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// height: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state on the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		// disabled: function(state) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
+		 */
+		// active: function(state) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the name for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method name
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// name: function(value) {} -- Generated
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the title for the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method title
+		 * @param {String} value Value to set to control.
+		 * @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
+		 */
+		// title: function(value) {} -- Generated
+	});
+	return Control;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Factory.js
+ * Factory.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true */
+ * This class is a factory for control instances. This enables you
+ * to create instances of controls without having to require the UI controls directly.
+ *
+ * It also allow you to override or add new control types.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Factory
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Factory", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var types = {}, namespaceInit;
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Adds a new control instance type to the factory.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} type Type name for example "button".
+		 * @param {function} typeClass Class type function.
+		 */
+		add: function(type, typeClass) {
+			types[type.toLowerCase()] = typeClass;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified type exists or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method has
+		 * @param {String} type Type to look for.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the control by name exists.
+		 */
+		has: function(type) {
+			return !!types[type.toLowerCase()];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new control instance based on the settings provided. The instance created will be
+		 * based on the specified type property it can also create whole structures of components out of
+		 * the specified JSON object.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+		 *     type: 'button',
+		 *     text: 'Hello world!'
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {Object/String} settings Name/Value object with items used to create the type.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Control instance based on the specified type.
+		 */
+		create: function(type, settings) {
+			var ControlType, name, namespace;
+			// Build type lookup
+			if (!namespaceInit) {
+				namespace = tinymce.ui;
+				for (name in namespace) {
+					types[name.toLowerCase()] = namespace[name];
+				}
+				namespaceInit = true;
+			}
+			// If string is specified then use it as the type
+			if (typeof(type) == 'string') {
+				settings = settings || {};
+				settings.type = type;
+			} else {
+				settings = type;
+				type = settings.type;
+			}
+			// Find control type
+			type = type.toLowerCase();
+			ControlType = types[type];
+			// #if debug
+			if (!ControlType) {
+				throw new Error("Could not find control by type: " + type);
+			}
+			// #endif
+			ControlType = new ControlType(settings);
+			ControlType.type = type; // Set the type on the instance, this will be used by the Selector engine
+			return ControlType;
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/KeyboardNavigation.js
+ * KeyboardNavigation.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles keyboard navigation of controls and elements.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.KeyboardNavigation
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation", [
+], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * This class handles all keyboard navigation for WAI-ARIA support. Each root container
+	 * gets an instance of this class.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 */
+	return function(settings) {
+		var root = settings.root, focusedElement, focusedControl;
+		focusedElement = document.activeElement;
+		focusedControl = root.getParentCtrl(focusedElement);
+		/**
+		 * Returns the currently focused elements wai aria role of the currently
+		 * focused element or specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional element to get role from.
+		 * @return {String} Role of specified element.
+		 */
+		function getRole(elm) {
+			elm = elm || focusedElement;
+			return elm && elm.getAttribute('role');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the wai role of the parent element of the currently
+		 * focused element or specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional element to get parent role from.
+		 * @return {String} Role of the first parent that has a role.
+		 */
+		function getParentRole(elm) {
+			var role, parent = elm || focusedElement;
+			while ((parent = parent.parentNode)) {
+				if ((role = getRole(parent))) {
+					return role;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns a wai aria property by name for example aria-selected.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the aria property to get for example "disabled".
+		 * @return {String} Aria property value.
+		 */
+		function getAriaProp(name) {
+			var elm = focusedElement;
+			if (elm) {
+				return elm.getAttribute('aria-' + name);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Is the element a text input element or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to check if it's an text input element or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element is a text element or not.
+		 */
+		function isTextInputElement(elm) {
+			// Notice: since type can be "email" etc we don't check the type
+			// So all input elements gets treated as text input elements
+			return elm.tagName == "INPUT" || elm.tagName == "TEXTAREA";
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the specified element can be focused or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm DOM element to check if it can be focused or not.
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the element can have focus.
+		 */
+		function canFocus(elm) {
+			if (isTextInputElement(elm) && !elm.hidden) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			if (/^(button|menuitem|checkbox|tab|menuitemcheckbox|option|gridcell)$/.test(getRole(elm))) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns an array of focusable visible elements within the specified container element.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Element} elm DOM element to find focusable elements within.
+		 * @return {Array} Array of focusable elements.
+		 */
+		function getFocusElements(elm) {
+			var elements = [];
+			function collect(elm) {
+				if (elm.nodeType != 1 || elm.style.display == 'none') {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (canFocus(elm)) {
+					elements.push(elm);
+				}
+				for (var i = 0; i < elm.childNodes.length; i++) {
+					collect(elm.childNodes[i]);
+				}
+			}
+			collect(elm || root.getEl());
+			return elements;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns the navigation root control for the specified control. The navigation root
+		 * is the control that the keyboard navigation gets scoped to for example a menubar or toolbar group.
+		 * It will look for parents of the specified target control or the currenty focused control if this option is omitted.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} targetControl Optional target control to find root of.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Navigation root control.
+		 */
+		function getNavigationRoot(targetControl) {
+			var navigationRoot, controls;
+			targetControl = targetControl || focusedControl;
+			controls = targetControl.parents().toArray();
+			controls.unshift(targetControl);
+			for (var i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) {
+				navigationRoot = controls[i];
+				if (navigationRoot.settings.ariaRoot) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return navigationRoot;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the first item in the specified targetControl element or the last aria index if the
+		 * navigation root has the ariaRemember option enabled.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} targetControl Target control to focus the first item in.
+		 */
+		function focusFirst(targetControl) {
+			var navigationRoot = getNavigationRoot(targetControl);
+			var focusElements = getFocusElements(navigationRoot.getEl());
+			if (navigationRoot.settings.ariaRemember && "lastAriaIndex" in navigationRoot) {
+				moveFocusToIndex(navigationRoot.lastAriaIndex, focusElements);
+			} else {
+				moveFocusToIndex(0, focusElements);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the specified index within the elements list.
+		 * This will scope the index to the size of the element list if it changed.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Number} idx Specified index to move to.
+		 * @param {Array} elements Array with dom elements to move focus within.
+		 * @return {Number} Input index or a changed index if it was out of range.
+		 */
+		function moveFocusToIndex(idx, elements) {
+			if (idx < 0) {
+				idx = elements.length - 1;
+			} else if (idx >= elements.length) {
+				idx = 0;
+			}
+			if (elements[idx]) {
+				elements[idx].focus();
+			}
+			return idx;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus forwards or backwards.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Number} dir Direction to move in positive means forward, negative means backwards.
+		 * @param {Array} elements Optional array of elements to move within defaults to the current navigation roots elements.
+		 */
+		function moveFocus(dir, elements) {
+			var idx = -1, navigationRoot = getNavigationRoot();
+			elements = elements || getFocusElements(navigationRoot.getEl());
+			for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+				if (elements[i] === focusedElement) {
+					idx = i;
+				}
+			}
+			idx += dir;
+			navigationRoot.lastAriaIndex = moveFocusToIndex(idx, elements);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the left this is called by the left key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function left() {
+			var parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				moveFocus(-1, getFocusElements(focusedElement.parentNode));
+			} else if (focusedControl.parent().submenu) {
+				cancel();
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(-1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the right this is called by the right key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function right() {
+			var role = getRole(), parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				moveFocus(1, getFocusElements(focusedElement.parentNode));
+			} else if (role == "menuitem" && parentRole == "menu" && getAriaProp('haspopup')) {
+				enter();
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the up this is called by the up key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function up() {
+			moveFocus(-1);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the up this is called by the down key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function down() {
+			var role = getRole(), parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (role == "menuitem" && parentRole == "menubar") {
+				enter();
+			} else if (role == "button" && getAriaProp('haspopup')) {
+				enter({key: 'down'});
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves the focus to the next item or previous item depending on shift key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {DOMEvent} e DOM event object.
+		 */
+		function tab(e) {
+			var parentRole = getParentRole();
+			if (parentRole == "tablist") {
+				var elm = getFocusElements(focusedControl.getEl('body'))[0];
+				if (elm) {
+					elm.focus();
+				}
+			} else {
+				moveFocus(e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Calls the cancel event on the currently focused control. This is normally done using the Esc key.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function cancel() {
+			focusedControl.fire('cancel');
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Calls the click event on the currently focused control. This is normally done using the Enter/Space keys.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Object} aria Optional aria data to pass along with the enter event.
+		 */
+		function enter(aria) {
+			aria = aria || {};
+			focusedControl.fire('click', {target: focusedElement, aria: aria});
+		}
+		root.on('keydown', function(e) {
+			function handleNonTabEvent(e, handler) {
+				// Ignore non tab keys for text elements
+				if (isTextInputElement(focusedElement)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (handler(e) !== false) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+			}
+			if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			switch (e.keyCode) {
+				case 37: // DOM_VK_LEFT
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, left);
+					break;
+				case 39: // DOM_VK_RIGHT
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, right);
+					break;
+				case 38: // DOM_VK_UP
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, up);
+					break;
+				case 40: // DOM_VK_DOWN
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, down);
+					break;
+				case 27: // DOM_VK_ESCAPE
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, cancel);
+					break;
+				case 14: // DOM_VK_ENTER
+				case 13: // DOM_VK_RETURN
+				case 32: // DOM_VK_SPACE
+					handleNonTabEvent(e, enter);
+					break;
+				case 9: // DOM_VK_TAB
+					if (tab(e) !== false) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+					}
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		root.on('focusin', function(e) {
+			focusedElement = e.target;
+			focusedControl = e.control;
+		});
+		return {
+			focusFirst: focusFirst
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Container.js
+ * Container.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Container control. This is extended by all controls that can have
+ * children such as panels etc. You can also use this class directly as an
+ * generic container instance. The container doesn't have any specific role or style.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Container.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Container", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Collection",
+	"tinymce/ui/Selector",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/KeyboardNavigation",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Control, Collection, Selector, Factory, KeyboardNavigation, Tools, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var selectorCache = {};
+	return Control.extend({
+		layout: '',
+		innerClass: 'container-inner',
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Array} items Items to add to container in JSON format or control instances.
+		 * @setting {String} layout Layout manager by name to use.
+		 * @setting {Object} defaults Default settings to apply to all items.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			settings = self.settings;
+			self._fixed = settings.fixed;
+			self._items = new Collection();
+			if (self.isRtl()) {
+				self.addClass('rtl');
+			}
+			self.addClass('container');
+			self.addClass('container-body', 'body');
+			if (settings.containerCls) {
+				self.addClass(settings.containerCls);
+			}
+			self._layout = Factory.create((settings.layout || self.layout) + 'layout');
+			if (self.settings.items) {
+				self.add(self.settings.items);
+			}
+			// TODO: Fix this!
+			self._hasBody = true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a collection of child items that the container currently have.
+		 *
+		 * @method items
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Control collection direct child controls.
+		 */
+		items: function() {
+			return this._items;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find child controls by selector.
+		 *
+		 * @method find
+		 * @param {String} selector Selector CSS pattern to find children by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Control collection with child controls.
+		 */
+		find: function(selector) {
+			selector = selectorCache[selector] = selectorCache[selector] || new Selector(selector);
+			return selector.find(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds one or many items to the current container. This will create instances of
+		 * the object representations if needed.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {Array/Object/tinymce.ui.Control} items Array or item that will be added to the container.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection control.
+		 */
+		add: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().add(self.create(items)).parent(self);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current container instance. This will look
+		 * for the first control in the container and focus that.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @param {Boolean} keyboard Optional true/false if the focus was a keyboard focus or not.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function(keyboard) {
+			var self = this, focusCtrl, keyboardNav, items;
+			if (keyboard) {
+				keyboardNav = self.keyboardNav || self.parents().eq(-1)[0].keyboardNav;
+				if (keyboardNav) {
+					keyboardNav.focusFirst(self);
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			items = self.find('*');
+			// TODO: Figure out a better way to auto focus alert dialog buttons
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				items.add(self.statusbar.items());
+			}
+			items.each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.settings.autofocus) {
+					focusCtrl = null;
+					return false;
+				}
+				if (ctrl.canFocus) {
+					focusCtrl = focusCtrl || ctrl;
+				}
+			});
+			if (focusCtrl) {
+				focusCtrl.focus();
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Replaces the specified child control with a new control.
+		 *
+		 * @method replace
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} oldItem Old item to be replaced.
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} newItem New item to be inserted.
+		 */
+		replace: function(oldItem, newItem) {
+			var ctrlElm, items = this.items(), i = items.length;
+			// Replace the item in collection
+			while (i--) {
+				if (items[i] === oldItem) {
+					items[i] = newItem;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (i >= 0) {
+				// Remove new item from DOM
+				ctrlElm = newItem.getEl();
+				if (ctrlElm) {
+					ctrlElm.parentNode.removeChild(ctrlElm);
+				}
+				// Remove old item from DOM
+				ctrlElm = oldItem.getEl();
+				if (ctrlElm) {
+					ctrlElm.parentNode.removeChild(ctrlElm);
+				}
+			}
+			// Adopt the item
+			newItem.parent(this);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates the specified items. If any of the items is plain JSON style objects
+		 * it will convert these into real tinymce.ui.Control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method create
+		 * @param {Array} items Array of items to convert into control instances.
+		 * @return {Array} Array with control instances.
+		 */
+		create: function(items) {
+			var self = this, settings, ctrlItems = [];
+			// Non array structure, then force it into an array
+			if (!Tools.isArray(items)) {
+				items = [items];
+			}
+			// Add default type to each child control
+			Tools.each(items, function(item) {
+				if (item) {
+					// Construct item if needed
+					if (!(item instanceof Control)) {
+						// Name only then convert it to an object
+						if (typeof(item) == "string") {
+							item = {type: item};
+						}
+						// Create control instance based on input settings and default settings
+						settings = Tools.extend({}, self.settings.defaults, item);
+						item.type = settings.type = settings.type || item.type || self.settings.defaultType ||
+							(settings.defaults ? settings.defaults.type : null);
+						item = Factory.create(settings);
+					}
+					ctrlItems.push(item);
+				}
+			});
+			return ctrlItems;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders new control instances.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		renderNew: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			// Render any new items
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl, index) {
+				var containerElm, fragment;
+				ctrl.parent(self);
+				if (!ctrl._rendered) {
+					containerElm = self.getEl('body');
+					fragment = DomUtils.createFragment(ctrl.renderHtml());
+					// Insert or append the item
+					if (containerElm.hasChildNodes() && index <= containerElm.childNodes.length - 1) {
+						containerElm.insertBefore(fragment, containerElm.childNodes[index]);
+					} else {
+						containerElm.appendChild(fragment);
+					}
+					ctrl.postRender();
+				}
+			});
+			self._layout.applyClasses(self);
+			self._lastRect = null;
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Appends new instances to the current container.
+		 *
+		 * @method append
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to append.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		append: function(items) {
+			return this.add(items).renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Prepends new instances to the current container.
+		 *
+		 * @method prepend
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to prepend.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		prepend: function(items) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().set(self.create(items).concat(self.items().toArray()));
+			return self.renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts an control at a specific index.
+		 *
+		 * @method insert
+		 * @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to insert.
+		 * @param {Number} index Index to insert controls at.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [before=false] Inserts controls before the index.
+		 */
+		insert: function(items, index, before) {
+			var self = this, curItems, beforeItems, afterItems;
+			items = self.create(items);
+			curItems = self.items();
+			if (!before && index < curItems.length - 1) {
+				index += 1;
+			}
+			if (index >= 0 && index < curItems.length) {
+				beforeItems = curItems.slice(0, index).toArray();
+				afterItems = curItems.slice(index).toArray();
+				curItems.set(beforeItems.concat(items, afterItems));
+			}
+			return self.renderNew();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Populates the form fields from the specified JSON data object.
+		 *
+		 * Control items in the form that matches the data will have it's value set.
+		 *
+		 * @method fromJSON
+		 * @param {Object} data JSON data object to set control values by.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current form instance.
+		 */
+		fromJSON: function(data) {
+			var self = this;
+			for (var name in data) {
+				self.find('#' + name).value(data[name]);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the form into a JSON object by getting all items
+		 * that has a name and a value.
+		 *
+		 * @method toJSON
+		 * @return {Object} JSON object with form data.
+		 */
+		toJSON: function() {
+			var self = this, data = {};
+			self.find('*').each(function(ctrl) {
+				var name = ctrl.name(), value = ctrl.value();
+				if (name && typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+					data[name] = value;
+				}
+			});
+			return data;
+		},
+		preRender: function() {
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, role = this.settings.role;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"' + (role ? ' role="' + this.settings.role + '"' : '') + '>' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, box;
+			self.items().exec('postRender');
+			self._super();
+			self._layout.postRender(self);
+			self._rendered = true;
+			if (self.settings.style) {
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), self.settings.style);
+			}
+			if (self.settings.border) {
+				box = self.borderBox();
+				DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), {
+					'border-top-width': box.top,
+					'border-right-width': box.right,
+					'border-bottom-width': box.bottom,
+					'border-left-width': box.left
+				});
+			}
+			if (!self.parent()) {
+				self.keyboardNav = new KeyboardNavigation({
+					root: self
+				});
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super();
+			// Recalc container size by asking layout manager
+			self._layout.recalc(self);
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the current container.
+		 * This is invoked by the reflow method and shouldn't be called directly.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+			var self = this, rect = self._layoutRect, lastRect = self._lastRect;
+			if (!lastRect || lastRect.w != rect.w || lastRect.h != rect.h) {
+				self._layout.recalc(self);
+				rect = self.layoutRect();
+				self._lastRect = {x: rect.x, y: rect.y, w: rect.w, h: rect.h};
+				return true;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Reflows the current container and it's children and possible parents.
+		 * This should be used after you for example append children to the current control so
+		 * that the layout managers know that they need to reposition everything.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * container.append({type: 'button', text: 'My button'}).reflow();
+		 *
+		 * @method reflow
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
+		 */
+		reflow: function() {
+			var i;
+			if (this.visible()) {
+				Control.repaintControls = [];
+				Control.repaintControls.map = {};
+				this.recalc();
+				i = Control.repaintControls.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					Control.repaintControls[i].repaint();
+				}
+				// TODO: Fix me!
+				if (this.settings.layout !== "flow" && this.settings.layout !== "stack") {
+					this.repaint();
+				}
+				Control.repaintControls = [];
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/DragHelper.js
+ * DragHelper.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Drag/drop helper class.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var dragHelper = new tinymce.ui.DragHelper('mydiv', {
+ *     start: function(evt) {
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     drag: function(evt) {
+ *     },
+ *
+ *     end: function(evt) {
+ *     }
+ * });
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.DragHelper
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/DragHelper", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	function getDocumentSize() {
+		var doc = document, documentElement, body, scrollWidth, clientWidth;
+		var offsetWidth, scrollHeight, clientHeight, offsetHeight, max = Math.max;
+		documentElement = doc.documentElement;
+		body = doc.body;
+		scrollWidth = max(documentElement.scrollWidth, body.scrollWidth);
+		clientWidth = max(documentElement.clientWidth, body.clientWidth);
+		offsetWidth = max(documentElement.offsetWidth, body.offsetWidth);
+		scrollHeight = max(documentElement.scrollHeight, body.scrollHeight);
+		clientHeight = max(documentElement.clientHeight, body.clientHeight);
+		offsetHeight = max(documentElement.offsetHeight, body.offsetHeight);
+		return {
+			width: scrollWidth < offsetWidth ? clientWidth : scrollWidth,
+			height: scrollHeight < offsetHeight ? clientHeight : scrollHeight
+		};
+	}
+	return function(id, settings) {
+		var eventOverlayElm, doc = document, downButton, start, stop, drag, startX, startY;
+		settings = settings || {};
+		function getHandleElm() {
+			return doc.getElementById(settings.handle || id);
+		}
+		start = function(e) {
+			var docSize = getDocumentSize(), handleElm, cursor;
+			e.preventDefault();
+			downButton = e.button;
+			handleElm = getHandleElm();
+			startX = e.screenX;
+			startY = e.screenY;
+			// Grab cursor from handle
+			if (window.getComputedStyle) {
+				cursor = window.getComputedStyle(handleElm, null).getPropertyValue("cursor");
+			} else {
+				cursor = handleElm.runtimeStyle.cursor;
+			}
+			// Create event overlay and add it to document
+			eventOverlayElm = doc.createElement('div');
+			DomUtils.css(eventOverlayElm, {
+				position: "absolute",
+				top: 0, left: 0,
+				width: docSize.width,
+				height: docSize.height,
+				zIndex: 0x7FFFFFFF,
+				opacity: 0.0001,
+				background: 'red',
+				cursor: cursor
+			});
+			doc.body.appendChild(eventOverlayElm);
+			// Bind mouse events
+			DomUtils.on(doc, 'mousemove', drag);
+			DomUtils.on(doc, 'mouseup', stop);
+			// Begin drag
+			settings.start(e);
+		};
+		drag = function(e) {
+			if (e.button !== downButton) {
+				return stop(e);
+			}
+			e.deltaX = e.screenX - startX;
+			e.deltaY = e.screenY - startY;
+			e.preventDefault();
+			settings.drag(e);
+		};
+		stop = function(e) {
+			DomUtils.off(doc, 'mousemove', drag);
+			DomUtils.off(doc, 'mouseup', stop);
+			eventOverlayElm.parentNode.removeChild(eventOverlayElm);
+			if (settings.stop) {
+				settings.stop(e);
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the drag/drop helper instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 */
+		this.destroy = function() {
+			DomUtils.off(getHandleElm());
+		};
+		DomUtils.on(getHandleElm(), 'mousedown', start);
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Scrollable.js
+ * Scrollable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This mixin makes controls scrollable using custom scrollbars.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Scrollable.less
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Scrollable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Scrollable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(DomUtils, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		init: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.on('repaint', self.renderScroll);
+		},
+		renderScroll: function() {
+			var self = this, margin = 2;
+			function repaintScroll() {
+				var hasScrollH, hasScrollV, bodyElm;
+				function repaintAxis(axisName, posName, sizeName, contentSizeName, hasScroll, ax) {
+					var containerElm, scrollBarElm, scrollThumbElm;
+					var containerSize, scrollSize, ratio, rect;
+					var posNameLower, sizeNameLower;
+					scrollBarElm = self.getEl('scroll' + axisName);
+					if (scrollBarElm) {
+						posNameLower = posName.toLowerCase();
+						sizeNameLower = sizeName.toLowerCase();
+						if (self.getEl('absend')) {
+							DomUtils.css(self.getEl('absend'), posNameLower, self.layoutRect()[contentSizeName] - 1);
+						}
+						if (!hasScroll) {
+							DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, 'display', 'none');
+							return;
+						}
+						DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, 'display', 'block');
+						containerElm = self.getEl('body');
+						scrollThumbElm = self.getEl('scroll' + axisName + "t");
+						containerSize = containerElm["client" + sizeName] - (margin * 2);
+						containerSize -= hasScrollH && hasScrollV ? scrollBarElm["client" + ax] : 0;
+						scrollSize = containerElm["scroll" + sizeName];
+						ratio = containerSize / scrollSize;
+						rect = {};
+						rect[posNameLower] = containerElm["offset" + posName] + margin;
+						rect[sizeNameLower] = containerSize;
+						DomUtils.css(scrollBarElm, rect);
+						rect = {};
+						rect[posNameLower] = containerElm["scroll" + posName] * ratio;
+						rect[sizeNameLower] = containerSize * ratio;
+						DomUtils.css(scrollThumbElm, rect);
+					}
+				}
+				bodyElm = self.getEl('body');
+				hasScrollH = bodyElm.scrollWidth > bodyElm.clientWidth;
+				hasScrollV = bodyElm.scrollHeight > bodyElm.clientHeight;
+				repaintAxis("h", "Left", "Width", "contentW", hasScrollH, "Height");
+				repaintAxis("v", "Top", "Height", "contentH", hasScrollV, "Width");
+			}
+			function addScroll() {
+				function addScrollAxis(axisName, posName, sizeName, deltaPosName, ax) {
+					var scrollStart, axisId = self._id + '-scroll' + axisName, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+					self.getEl().appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment(
+						'<div id="' + axisId + '" class="' + prefix + 'scrollbar ' + prefix + 'scrollbar-' + axisName + '">' +
+							'<div id="' + axisId + 't" class="' + prefix + 'scrollbar-thumb"></div>' +
+						'</div>'
+					));
+					self.draghelper = new DragHelper(axisId + 't', {
+						start: function() {
+							scrollStart = self.getEl('body')["scroll" + posName];
+							DomUtils.addClass(DomUtils.get(axisId), prefix + 'active');
+						},
+						drag: function(e) {
+							var ratio, hasScrollH, hasScrollV, containerSize, layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+							hasScrollH = layoutRect.contentW > layoutRect.innerW;
+							hasScrollV = layoutRect.contentH > layoutRect.innerH;
+							containerSize = self.getEl('body')["client" + sizeName] - (margin * 2);
+							containerSize -= hasScrollH && hasScrollV ? self.getEl('scroll' + axisName)["client" + ax] : 0;
+							ratio = containerSize / self.getEl('body')["scroll" + sizeName];
+							self.getEl('body')["scroll" + posName] = scrollStart + (e["delta" + deltaPosName] / ratio);
+						},
+						stop: function() {
+							DomUtils.removeClass(DomUtils.get(axisId), prefix + 'active');
+						}
+					});
+					self.on('click', function(e) {
+						if (e.target.id == self._id + '-scrollv') {
+						}
+					});*/
+				}
+				self.addClass('scroll');
+				addScrollAxis("v", "Top", "Height", "Y", "Width");
+				addScrollAxis("h", "Left", "Width", "X", "Height");
+			}
+			if (self.settings.autoScroll) {
+				if (!self._hasScroll) {
+					self._hasScroll = true;
+					addScroll();
+					self.on('wheel', function(e) {
+						var bodyEl = self.getEl('body');
+						bodyEl.scrollLeft += (e.deltaX || 0) * 10;
+						bodyEl.scrollTop += e.deltaY * 10;
+						repaintScroll();
+					});
+					DomUtils.on(self.getEl('body'), "scroll", repaintScroll);
+				}
+				repaintScroll();
+			}
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Panel.js
+ * Panel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new panel.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Panel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Panel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Scrollable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Panel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container",
+	"tinymce/ui/Scrollable"
+], function(Container, Scrollable) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'fit',
+			containerCls: 'panel'
+		},
+		Mixins: [Scrollable],
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, innerHtml = self.settings.html;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			if (typeof(innerHtml) == "undefined") {
+				innerHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			} else {
+				if (typeof(innerHtml) == 'function') {
+					innerHtml = innerHtml.call(self);
+				}
+				self._hasBody = false;
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1" role="group">' +
+					(self._preBodyHtml || '') +
+					innerHtml +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Movable.js
+ * Movable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Movable mixin. Makes controls movable absolute and relative to other elements.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Movable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Movable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	function calculateRelativePosition(ctrl, targetElm, rel) {
+		var ctrlElm, pos, x, y, selfW, selfH, targetW, targetH, viewport, size;
+		viewport = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+		// Get pos of target
+		pos = DomUtils.getPos(targetElm);
+		x = pos.x;
+		y = pos.y;
+		if (ctrl._fixed) {
+			x -= viewport.x;
+			y -= viewport.y;
+		}
+		// Get size of self
+		ctrlElm = ctrl.getEl();
+		size = DomUtils.getSize(ctrlElm);
+		selfW = size.width;
+		selfH = size.height;
+		// Get size of target
+		size = DomUtils.getSize(targetElm);
+		targetW = size.width;
+		targetH = size.height;
+		// Parse align string
+		rel = (rel || '').split('');
+		// Target corners
+		if (rel[0] === 'b') {
+			y += targetH;
+		}
+		if (rel[1] === 'r') {
+			x += targetW;
+		}
+		if (rel[0] === 'c') {
+			y += Math.round(targetH / 2);
+		}
+		if (rel[1] === 'c') {
+			x += Math.round(targetW / 2);
+		}
+		// Self corners
+		if (rel[3] === 'b') {
+			y -= selfH;
+		}
+		if (rel[4] === 'r') {
+			x -= selfW;
+		}
+		if (rel[3] === 'c') {
+			y -= Math.round(selfH / 2);
+		}
+		if (rel[4] === 'c') {
+			x -= Math.round(selfW / 2);
+		}
+		return {
+			x: x,
+			y: y,
+			w: selfW,
+			h: selfH
+		};
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Tests various positions to get the most suitable one.
+		 *
+		 * @method testMoveRel
+		 * @param {DOMElement} elm Element to position against.
+		 * @param {Array} rels Array with relative positions.
+		 * @return {String} Best suitable relative position.
+		 */
+		testMoveRel: function(elm, rels) {
+			var viewPortRect = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+			for (var i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) {
+				var pos = calculateRelativePosition(this, elm, rels[i]);
+				if (this._fixed) {
+					if (pos.x > 0 && pos.x + pos.w < viewPortRect.w && pos.y > 0 && pos.y + pos.h < viewPortRect.h) {
+						return rels[i];
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (pos.x > viewPortRect.x && pos.x + pos.w < viewPortRect.w + viewPortRect.x &&
+						pos.y > viewPortRect.y && pos.y + pos.h < viewPortRect.h + viewPortRect.y) {
+						return rels[i];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return rels[0];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move relative to the specified element.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveRel
+		 * @param {Element} elm Element to move relative to.
+		 * @param {String} rel Relative mode. For example: br-tl.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveRel: function(elm, rel) {
+			if (typeof(rel) != 'string') {
+				rel = this.testMoveRel(elm, rel);
+			}
+			var pos = calculateRelativePosition(this, elm, rel);
+			return this.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move by a relative x, y values.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveBy
+		 * @param {Number} dx Relative x position.
+		 * @param {Number} dy Relative y position.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveBy: function(dx, dy) {
+			var self = this, rect = self.layoutRect();
+			self.moveTo(rect.x + dx, rect.y + dy);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move to absolute position.
+		 *
+		 * @method moveTo
+		 * @param {Number} x Absolute x position.
+		 * @param {Number} y Absolute y position.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		moveTo: function(x, y) {
+			var self = this;
+			// TODO: Move this to some global class
+			function contrain(value, max, size) {
+				if (value < 0) {
+					return 0;
+				}
+				if (value + size > max) {
+					value = max - size;
+					return value < 0 ? 0 : value;
+				}
+				return value;
+			}
+			if (self.settings.constrainToViewport) {
+				var viewPortRect = DomUtils.getViewPort(window);
+				var layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+				x = contrain(x, viewPortRect.w + viewPortRect.x, layoutRect.w);
+				y = contrain(y, viewPortRect.h + viewPortRect.y, layoutRect.h);
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				self.layoutRect({x: x, y: y}).repaint();
+			} else {
+				self.settings.x = x;
+				self.settings.y = y;
+			}
+			self.fire('move', {x: x, y: y});
+			return self;
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Resizable.js
+ * Resizable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Resizable mixin. Enables controls to be resized.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.ui.Resizable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Resizable", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return {
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to contents.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeToContent
+		 */
+		resizeToContent: function() {
+			this._layoutRect.autoResize = true;
+			this._lastRect = null;
+			this.reflow();
+		},
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to a specific width/height.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeTo
+		 * @param {Number} w Control width.
+		 * @param {Number} h Control height.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		resizeTo: function(w, h) {
+			// TODO: Fix hack
+			if (w <= 1 || h <= 1) {
+				var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+				w = w <= 1 ? w * rect.w : w;
+				h = h <= 1 ? h * rect.h : h;
+			}
+			this._layoutRect.autoResize = false;
+			return this.layoutRect({minW: w, minH: h, w: w, h: h}).reflow();
+		},
+		/** 
+		 * Resizes the control to a specific relative width/height.
+		 *
+		 * @method resizeBy
+		 * @param {Number} dw Relative control width.
+		 * @param {Number} dh Relative control height.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		resizeBy: function(dw, dh) {
+			var self = this, rect = self.layoutRect();
+			return self.resizeTo(rect.w + dw, rect.h + dh);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FloatPanel.js
+ * FloatPanel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a floating panel.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FloatPanel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Panel
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Movable
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Resizable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FloatPanel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/Movable",
+	"tinymce/ui/Resizable",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Panel, Movable, Resizable, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var documentClickHandler, documentScrollHandler, visiblePanels = [];
+	var zOrder = [], hasModal;
+	var FloatPanel = Panel.extend({
+		Mixins: [Movable, Resizable],
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} autohide Automatically hide the panel.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			function reorder() {
+				var i, zIndex = FloatPanel.zIndex || 0xFFFF, topModal;
+				if (zOrder.length) {
+					for (i = 0; i < zOrder.length; i++) {
+						if (zOrder[i].modal) {
+							zIndex++;
+							topModal = zOrder[i];
+						}
+						zOrder[i].getEl().style.zIndex = zIndex;
+						zOrder[i].zIndex = zIndex;
+						zIndex++;
+					}
+				}
+				var modalBlockEl = document.getElementById(self.classPrefix + 'modal-block');
+				if (topModal) {
+					DomUtils.css(modalBlockEl, 'z-index', topModal.zIndex - 1);
+				} else if (modalBlockEl) {
+					modalBlockEl.parentNode.removeChild(modalBlockEl);
+					hasModal = false;
+				}
+				FloatPanel.currentZIndex = zIndex;
+			}
+			function isChildOf(ctrl, parent) {
+				while (ctrl) {
+					if (ctrl == parent) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					ctrl = ctrl.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Repositions the panel to the top of page if the panel is outside of the visual viewport. It will
+			 * also reposition all child panels of the current panel.
+			 */
+			function repositionPanel(panel) {
+				var scrollY = DomUtils.getViewPort().y;
+				function toggleFixedChildPanels(fixed, deltaY) {
+					var parent;
+					for (var i = 0; i < visiblePanels.length; i++) {
+						if (visiblePanels[i] != panel) {
+							parent = visiblePanels[i].parent();
+							while (parent && (parent = parent.parent())) {
+								if (parent == panel) {
+									visiblePanels[i].fixed(fixed).moveBy(0, deltaY).repaint();
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (panel.settings.autofix) {
+					if (!panel._fixed) {
+						panel._autoFixY = panel.layoutRect().y;
+						if (panel._autoFixY < scrollY) {
+							panel.fixed(true).layoutRect({y: 0}).repaint();
+							toggleFixedChildPanels(true, scrollY - panel._autoFixY);
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (panel._autoFixY > scrollY) {
+							panel.fixed(false).layoutRect({y: panel._autoFixY}).repaint();
+							toggleFixedChildPanels(false, panel._autoFixY - scrollY);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self._eventsRoot = self;
+			self.addClass('floatpanel');
+			// Hide floatpanes on click out side the root button
+			if (settings.autohide) {
+				if (!documentClickHandler) {
+					documentClickHandler = function(e) {
+						// Hide any float panel when a click is out side that float panel and the
+						// float panels direct parent for example a click on a menu button
+						var i = visiblePanels.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							var panel = visiblePanels[i], clickCtrl = panel.getParentCtrl(e.target);
+							if (panel.settings.autohide) {
+								if (clickCtrl) {
+									if (isChildOf(clickCtrl, panel) || panel.parent() === clickCtrl) {
+										continue;
+									}
+								}
+								e = panel.fire('autohide', {target: e.target});
+								if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+									panel.hide();
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					};
+					DomUtils.on(document, 'click', documentClickHandler);
+				}
+				visiblePanels.push(self);
+			}
+			if (settings.autofix) {
+				if (!documentScrollHandler) {
+					documentScrollHandler = function() {
+						var i;
+						i = visiblePanels.length;
+						while (i--) {
+							repositionPanel(visiblePanels[i]);
+						}
+					};
+					DomUtils.on(window, 'scroll', documentScrollHandler);
+				}
+				self.on('move', function() {
+					repositionPanel(this);
+				});
+			}
+			self.on('postrender show', function(e) {
+				if (e.control == self) {
+					var modalBlockEl, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+					if (self.modal && !hasModal) {
+						modalBlockEl = DomUtils.createFragment('<div id="' + prefix + 'modal-block" class="' +
+							prefix + 'reset ' + prefix + 'fade"></div>');
+						modalBlockEl = modalBlockEl.firstChild;
+						self.getContainerElm().appendChild(modalBlockEl);
+						setTimeout(function() {
+							DomUtils.addClass(modalBlockEl, prefix + 'in');
+							DomUtils.addClass(self.getEl(), prefix + 'in');
+						}, 0);
+						hasModal = true;
+					}
+					zOrder.push(self);
+					reorder();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('close hide', function(e) {
+				if (e.control == self) {
+					var i = zOrder.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (zOrder[i] === self) {
+							zOrder.splice(i, 1);
+						}
+					}
+					reorder();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('show', function() {
+				self.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
+					if (ctrl._fixed) {
+						self.fixed(true);
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			if (settings.popover) {
+				self._preBodyHtml = '<div class="' + self.classPrefix + 'arrow"></div>';
+				self.addClass('popover').addClass('bottom').addClass(self.isRtl() ? 'end' : 'start');
+			}
+		},
+		fixed: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._fixed != state) {
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					var viewport = DomUtils.getViewPort();
+					if (state) {
+						self.layoutRect().y -= viewport.y;
+					} else {
+						self.layoutRect().y += viewport.y;
+					}
+				}
+				self.toggleClass('fixed', state);
+				self._fixed = state;
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the current float panel.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.FloatPanel} Current floatpanel instance.
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			var self = this, i, state = self._super();
+			i = visiblePanels.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				if (visiblePanels[i] === self) {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (i === -1) {
+				visiblePanels.push(self);
+			}
+			return state;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the current float panel.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.FloatPanel} Current floatpanel instance.
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			removeVisiblePanel(this);
+			return this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides all visible the float panels.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideAll
+		 */
+		hideAll: function() {
+			FloatPanel.hideAll();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Closes the float panel. This will remove the float panel from page and fire the close event.
+		 *
+		 * @method close
+		 */
+		close: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.fire('close');
+			return self.remove();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the float panel from page.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			removeVisiblePanel(this);
+			this._super();
+		},
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.settings.bodyRole) {
+				this.getEl('body').setAttribute('role', self.settings.bodyRole);
+			}
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+	/**
+	 * Hides all visible the float panels.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @method hideAll
+	 */
+	FloatPanel.hideAll = function() {
+		var i = visiblePanels.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			var panel = visiblePanels[i];
+			if (panel && panel.settings.autohide) {
+				panel.hide();
+				visiblePanels.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	function removeVisiblePanel(panel) {
+		var i;
+		i = visiblePanels.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			if (visiblePanels[i] === panel) {
+				visiblePanels.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+		i = zOrder.length;
+		while (i--) {
+			if (zOrder[i] === panel) {
+				zOrder.splice(i, 1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return FloatPanel;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Window.js
+ * Window.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new window.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Window.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Window
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Window", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(FloatPanel, Panel, DomUtils, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Window = FloatPanel.extend({
+		modal: true,
+		Defaults: {
+			border: 1,
+			layout: 'flex',
+			containerCls: 'panel',
+			role: 'dialog',
+			callbacks: {
+				submit: function() {
+					this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+				},
+				close: function() {
+					this.close();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			if (self.isRtl()) {
+				self.addClass('rtl');
+			}
+			self.addClass('window');
+			self._fixed = true;
+			// Create statusbar
+			if (settings.buttons) {
+				self.statusbar = new Panel({
+					layout: 'flex',
+					border: '1 0 0 0',
+					spacing: 3,
+					padding: 10,
+					align: 'center',
+					pack: self.isRtl() ? 'start' : 'end',
+					defaults: {
+						type: 'button'
+					},
+					items: settings.buttons
+				});
+				self.statusbar.addClass('foot');
+				self.statusbar.parent(self);
+			}
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.className.indexOf(self.classPrefix + 'close') != -1) {
+					self.close();
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('cancel', function() {
+				self.close();
+			});
+			self.aria('describedby', self.describedBy || self._id + '-none');
+			self.aria('label', settings.title);
+			self._fullscreen = false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the current container.
+		 * This is invoked by the reflow method and shouldn't be called directly.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+			var self = this, statusbar = self.statusbar, layoutRect, width, x, needsRecalc;
+			if (self._fullscreen) {
+				self.layoutRect(DomUtils.getWindowSize());
+				self.layoutRect().contentH = self.layoutRect().innerH;
+			}
+			self._super();
+			layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+			// Resize window based on title width
+			if (self.settings.title && !self._fullscreen) {
+				width = layoutRect.headerW;
+				if (width > layoutRect.w) {
+					x = layoutRect.x - Math.max(0, width / 2);
+					self.layoutRect({w: width, x: x});
+					needsRecalc = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Resize window based on statusbar width
+			if (statusbar) {
+				statusbar.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().innerW}).recalc();
+				width = statusbar.layoutRect().minW + layoutRect.deltaW;
+				if (width > layoutRect.w) {
+					x = layoutRect.x - Math.max(0, width - layoutRect.w);
+					self.layoutRect({w: width, x: x});
+					needsRecalc = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Recalc body and disable auto resize
+			if (needsRecalc) {
+				self.recalc();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super(), deltaH = 0, headEl;
+			// Reserve vertical space for title
+			if (self.settings.title && !self._fullscreen) {
+				headEl = self.getEl('head');
+				var size = DomUtils.getSize(headEl);
+				layoutRect.headerW = size.width;
+				layoutRect.headerH = size.height;
+				deltaH += layoutRect.headerH;
+			}
+			// Reserve vertical space for statusbar
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				deltaH += self.statusbar.layoutRect().h;
+			}
+			layoutRect.deltaH += deltaH;
+			layoutRect.minH += deltaH;
+			//layoutRect.innerH -= deltaH;
+			layoutRect.h += deltaH;
+			var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+			layoutRect.x = Math.max(0, rect.w / 2 - layoutRect.w / 2);
+			layoutRect.y = Math.max(0, rect.h / 2 - layoutRect.h / 2);
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var settings = self.settings, headerHtml = '', footerHtml = '', html = settings.html;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			if (settings.title) {
+				headerHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + id + '-head" class="' + prefix + 'window-head">' +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'title">' + self.encode(settings.title) + '</div>' +
+						'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'close" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-dragh" class="' + prefix + 'dragh"></div>' +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			}
+			if (settings.url) {
+				html = '<iframe src="' + settings.url + '" tabindex="-1"></iframe>';
+			}
+			if (typeof(html) == "undefined") {
+				html = layout.renderHtml(self);
+			}
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				footerHtml = self.statusbar.renderHtml();
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1">' +
+					'<div class="' + self.classPrefix + 'reset" role="application">' +
+						headerHtml +
+						'<div id="' + id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+							html +
+						'</div>' +
+						footerHtml +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Switches the window fullscreen mode.
+		 *
+		 * @method fullscreen
+		 * @param {Boolean} state True/false state.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Window} Current window instance.
+		 */
+		fullscreen: function(state) {
+			var self = this, documentElement = document.documentElement, slowRendering, prefix = self.classPrefix, layoutRect;
+			if (state != self._fullscreen) {
+				DomUtils.on(window, 'resize', function() {
+					var time;
+					if (self._fullscreen) {
+						// Time the layout time if it's to slow use a timeout to not hog the CPU
+						if (!slowRendering) {
+							time = new Date().getTime();
+							var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+							self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+							if ((new Date().getTime()) - time > 50) {
+								slowRendering = true;
+							}
+						} else {
+							if (!self._timer) {
+								self._timer = setTimeout(function() {
+									var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+									self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+									self._timer = 0;
+								}, 50);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				layoutRect = self.layoutRect();
+				self._fullscreen = state;
+				if (!state) {
+					self._borderBox = self.parseBox(self.settings.border);
+					self.getEl('head').style.display = '';
+					layoutRect.deltaH += layoutRect.headerH;
+					DomUtils.removeClass(documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					DomUtils.removeClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					self.removeClass('fullscreen');
+					self.moveTo(self._initial.x, self._initial.y).resizeTo(self._initial.w, self._initial.h);
+				} else {
+					self._initial = {x: layoutRect.x, y: layoutRect.y, w: layoutRect.w, h: layoutRect.h};
+					self._borderBox = self.parseBox('0');
+					self.getEl('head').style.display = 'none';
+					layoutRect.deltaH -= layoutRect.headerH + 2;
+					DomUtils.addClass(documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					DomUtils.addClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+					self.addClass('fullscreen');
+					var rect = DomUtils.getWindowSize();
+					self.moveTo(0, 0).resizeTo(rect.w, rect.h);
+				}
+			}
+			return self.reflow();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, startPos;
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				self.addClass('in');
+			}, 0);
+			self._super();
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				self.statusbar.postRender();
+			}
+			self.focus();
+			this.dragHelper = new DragHelper(self._id + '-dragh', {
+				start: function() {
+					startPos = {
+						x: self.layoutRect().x,
+						y: self.layoutRect().y
+					};
+				},
+				drag: function(e) {
+					self.moveTo(startPos.x + e.deltaX, startPos.y + e.deltaY);
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('submit', function(e) {
+				if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+					self.close();
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires a submit event with the serialized form.
+		 *
+		 * @method submit
+		 * @return {Object} Event arguments object.
+		 */
+		submit: function() {
+			return this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.dragHelper.destroy();
+			self._super();
+			if (self.statusbar) {
+				this.statusbar.remove();
+			}
+			if (self._fullscreen) {
+				DomUtils.removeClass(document.documentElement, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+				DomUtils.removeClass(document.body, prefix + 'fullscreen');
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return Window;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/MessageBox.js
+ * MessageBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to create MessageBoxes like alerts/confirms etc.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Window
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MessageBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Window"
+], function(Window) {
+	"use strict";
+	var MessageBox = Window.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			settings = {
+				border: 1,
+				padding: 20,
+				layout: 'flex',
+				pack: "center",
+				align: "center",
+				containerCls: 'panel',
+				autoScroll: true,
+				buttons: {type: "button", text: "Ok", action: "ok"},
+				items: {
+					type: "label",
+					multiline: true,
+					maxWidth: 500,
+					maxHeight: 200
+				}
+			};
+			this._super(settings);
+		},
+		Statics: {
+			/**
+			 * Ok buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} OK
+			 */
+			OK: 1,
+			/**
+			 * Ok/cancel buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} OK_CANCEL
+			 */
+			OK_CANCEL: 2,
+			/**
+			 * yes/no buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} YES_NO
+			 */
+			YES_NO: 3,
+			/**
+			 * yes/no/cancel buttons constant.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @final
+			 * @field {Number} YES_NO_CANCEL
+			 */
+			/**
+			 * Constructs a new message box and renders it to the body element.
+			 *
+			 * @static
+			 * @method msgBox
+			 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+			 */
+			msgBox: function(settings) {
+				var buttons, callback = settings.callback || function() {};
+				switch (settings.buttons) {
+					case MessageBox.OK_CANCEL:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}},
+							{type: "button", text: "Cancel", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(false);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					case MessageBox.YES_NO:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					case MessageBox.YES_NO_CANCEL:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+					default:
+						buttons = [
+							{type: "button", text: "Ok", subtype: "primary", onClick: function(e) {
+								e.control.parents()[1].close();
+								callback(true);
+							}}
+						];
+						break;
+				}
+				return new Window({
+					padding: 20,
+					x: settings.x,
+					y: settings.y,
+					minWidth: 300,
+					minHeight: 100,
+					layout: "flex",
+					pack: "center",
+					align: "center",
+					buttons: buttons,
+					title: settings.title,
+					role: 'alertdialog',
+					items: {
+						type: "label",
+						multiline: true,
+						maxWidth: 500,
+						maxHeight: 200,
+						text: settings.text
+					},
+					onPostRender: function() {
+						this.aria('describedby', this.items()[0]._id);
+					},
+					onClose: settings.onClose,
+					onCancel: function() {
+						callback(false);
+					}
+				}).renderTo(document.body).reflow();
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Creates a new alert dialog.
+			 *
+			 * @method alert
+			 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the alert dialog.
+			 * @param {function} [callback] Callback to execute when the user makes a choice.
+			 */
+			alert: function(settings, callback) {
+				if (typeof(settings) == "string") {
+					settings = {text: settings};
+				}
+				settings.callback = callback;
+				return MessageBox.msgBox(settings);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Creates a new confirm dialog.
+			 *
+			 * @method confirm
+			 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the confirm dialog.
+			 * @param {function} [callback] Callback to execute when the user makes a choice.
+			 */
+			confirm: function(settings, callback) {
+				if (typeof(settings) == "string") {
+					settings = {text: settings};
+				}
+				settings.callback = callback;
+				settings.buttons = MessageBox.OK_CANCEL;
+				return MessageBox.msgBox(settings);
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return MessageBox;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/WindowManager.js
+ * WindowManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class handles the creation of native windows and dialogs. This class can be extended to provide for example inline dialogs.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.WindowManager
+ * @example
+ * // Opens a new dialog with the file.htm file and the size 320x240
+ * // It also adds a custom parameter this can be retrieved by using tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg inside the dialog.
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.open({
+ *    url: 'file.htm',
+ *    width: 320,
+ *    height: 240
+ * }, {
+ *    custom_param: 1
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Displays an alert box using the active editors window manager instance
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+ *
+ * // Displays an confirm box and an alert message will be displayed depending on what you choose in the confirm
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.confirm("Do you want to do something", function(s) {
+ *    if (s)
+ *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Ok");
+ *    else
+ *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Cancel");
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/WindowManager", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Window",
+	"tinymce/ui/MessageBox"
+], function(Window, MessageBox) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, windows = [];
+		function getTopMostWindow() {
+			if (windows.length) {
+				return windows[windows.length - 1];
+			}
+		}
+		self.windows = windows;
+		/**
+		 * Opens a new window.
+		 *
+		 * @method open
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional name/value settings collection contains things like width/height/url etc.
+		 * @option {String} title Window title.
+		 * @option {String} file URL of the file to open in the window.
+		 * @option {Number} width Width in pixels.
+		 * @option {Number} height Height in pixels.
+		 * @option {Boolean} resizable Specifies whether the popup window is resizable or not.
+		 * @option {Boolean} maximizable Specifies whether the popup window has a "maximize" button and can get maximized or not.
+		 * @option {String/Boolean} scrollbars Specifies whether the popup window can have scrollbars if required (i.e. content
+		 * larger than the popup size specified).
+		 */
+		self.open = function(args, params) {
+			var win;
+			editor.editorManager.activeEditor = editor;
+			args.title = args.title || ' ';
+			// Handle URL
+			args.url = args.url || args.file; // Legacy
+			if (args.url) {
+				args.width = parseInt(args.width || 320, 10);
+				args.height = parseInt(args.height || 240, 10);
+			}
+			// Handle body
+			if (args.body) {
+				args.items = {
+					defaults: args.defaults,
+					type: args.bodyType || 'form',
+					items: args.body
+				};
+			}
+			if (!args.url && !args.buttons) {
+				args.buttons = [
+					{text: 'Ok', subtype: 'primary', onclick: function() {
+						win.find('form')[0].submit();
+					}},
+					{text: 'Cancel', onclick: function() {
+						win.close();
+					}}
+				];
+			}
+			win = new Window(args);
+			windows.push(win);
+			win.on('close', function() {
+				var i = windows.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (windows[i] === win) {
+						windows.splice(i, 1);
+					}
+				}
+				editor.focus();
+			});
+			// Handle data
+			if (args.data) {
+				win.on('postRender', function() {
+					this.find('*').each(function(ctrl) {
+						var name = ctrl.name();
+						if (name in args.data) {
+							ctrl.value(args.data[name]);
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			// store args and parameters
+			win.features = args || {};
+			win.params = params || {};
+			// Takes a snapshot in the FocusManager of the selection before focus is lost to dialog
+			editor.nodeChanged();
+			return win.renderTo(document.body).reflow();
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Creates a alert dialog. Please don't use the blocking behavior of this
+		 * native version use the callback method instead then it can be extended.
+		 *
+		 * @method alert
+		 * @param {String} message Text to display in the new alert dialog.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to be executed after the user has selected ok.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Displays an alert box using the active editors window manager instance
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 */
+		self.alert = function(message, callback, scope) {
+			MessageBox.alert(message, function() {
+				if (callback) {
+					callback.call(scope || this);
+				} else {
+					editor.focus();
+				}
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Creates a confirm dialog. Please don't use the blocking behavior of this
+		 * native version use the callback method instead then it can be extended.
+		 *
+		 * @method confirm
+		 * @param {String} messageText to display in the new confirm dialog.
+		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to be executed after the user has selected ok or cancel.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Displays an confirm box and an alert message will be displayed depending on what you choose in the confirm
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.confirm("Do you want to do something", function(s) {
+		 *    if (s)
+		 *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Ok");
+		 *    else
+		 *       tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Cancel");
+		 * });
+		 */
+		self.confirm = function(message, callback, scope) {
+			MessageBox.confirm(message, function(state) {
+				callback.call(scope || this, state);
+			});
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Closes the top most window.
+		 *
+		 * @method close
+		 */
+		self.close = function() {
+			if (getTopMostWindow()) {
+				getTopMostWindow().close();
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns the params of the last window open call. This can be used in iframe based
+		 * dialog to get params passed from the tinymce plugin.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * var dialogArguments = top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams();
+		 *
+		 * @method getParams
+		 * @return {Object} Name/value object with parameters passed from windowManager.open call.
+		 */
+		self.getParams = function() {
+			return getTopMostWindow() ? getTopMostWindow().params : null;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Sets the params of the last opened window.
+		 *
+		 * @method setParams
+		 * @param {Object} params Params object to set for the last opened window.
+		 */
+		self.setParams = function(params) {
+			if (getTopMostWindow()) {
+				getTopMostWindow().params = params;
+			}
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/Quirks.js
+ * Quirks.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ *
+ * @ignore-file
+ */
+ * This file includes fixes for various browser quirks it's made to make it easy to add/remove browser specific fixes.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.Quirks
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Quirks", [
+	"tinymce/util/VK",
+	"tinymce/dom/RangeUtils",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/html/Entities",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(VK, RangeUtils, Node, Entities, Env, Tools) {
+	return function(editor) {
+		var each = Tools.each;
+		var BACKSPACE = VK.BACKSPACE, DELETE = VK.DELETE, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection,
+			settings = editor.settings, parser = editor.parser, serializer = editor.serializer;
+		var isGecko = Env.gecko, isIE = Env.ie, isWebKit = Env.webkit;
+		/**
+		 * Executes a command with a specific state this can be to enable/disable browser editing features.
+		 */
+		function setEditorCommandState(cmd, state) {
+			try {
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, state);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns current IE document mode.
+		 */
+		function getDocumentMode() {
+			var documentMode = editor.getDoc().documentMode;
+			return documentMode ? documentMode : 6;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the event is prevented or not.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @param {Event} e Event object.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the event is prevented or not.
+		 */
+		function isDefaultPrevented(e) {
+			return e.isDefaultPrevented();
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a WebKit bug when deleting contents using backspace or delete key.
+		 * WebKit will produce a span element if you delete across two block elements.
+		 *
+		 * Example:
+		 * <h1>a</h1><p>|b</p>
+		 *
+		 * Will produce this on backspace:
+		 * <h1>a<span style="<all runtime styles>">b</span></p>
+		 *
+		 * This fixes the backspace to produce:
+		 * <h1>a|b</p>
+		 *
+		 * See bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45784
+		 *
+		 * This fixes the following delete scenarios:
+		 *  1. Delete by pressing backspace key.
+		 *  2. Delete by pressing delete key.
+		 *  3. Delete by pressing backspace key with ctrl/cmd (Word delete).
+		 *  4. Delete by pressing delete key with ctrl/cmd (Word delete).
+		 *  5. Delete by drag/dropping contents inside the editor.
+		 *  6. Delete by using Cut Ctrl+X/Cmd+X.
+		 *  7. Delete by selecting contents and writing a character.'
+		 *
+		 * This code is a ugly hack since writing full custom delete logic for just this bug
+		 * fix seemed like a huge task. I hope we can remove this before the year 2030. 
+		 */
+		function cleanupStylesWhenDeleting() {
+			var doc = editor.getDoc(), urlPrefix = 'data:text/mce-internal,';
+			var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver, olderWebKit;
+			// Add mini polyfill for older WebKits
+			// TODO: Remove this when old Safari versions gets updated
+			if (!MutationObserver) {
+				olderWebKit = true;
+				MutationObserver = function() {
+					var records = [], target;
+					function nodeInsert(e) {
+						var target = e.relatedNode || e.target;
+						records.push({target: target, addedNodes: [target]});
+					}
+					function attrModified(e) {
+						var target = e.relatedNode || e.target;
+						records.push({target: target, attributeName: e.attrName});
+					}
+					this.observe = function(node) {
+						target = node;
+						target.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', nodeInsert, false);
+						target.addEventListener('DOMAttrModified', attrModified, false);
+					};
+					this.disconnect = function() {
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', nodeInsert);
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMAttrModified', attrModified);
+						target.removeEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', nodeInsert, false);
+					};
+					this.takeRecords = function() {
+						return records;
+					};
+				};
+			}
+			function customDelete(isForward) {
+				var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function() {});
+				Tools.each(editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('*'), function(elm) {
+					// Mark existing spans
+					if (elm.tagName == 'SPAN') {
+						elm.setAttribute('mce-data-marked', 1);
+					}
+					// Make sure all elements has a data-mce-style attribute
+					if (!elm.hasAttribute('data-mce-style') && elm.hasAttribute('style')) {
+						editor.dom.setAttrib(elm, 'style', elm.getAttribute('style'));
+					}
+				});
+				// Observe added nodes and style attribute changes
+				mutationObserver.observe(editor.getDoc(), {
+					childList: true,
+					attributes: true,
+					subtree: true,
+					attributeFilter: ['style']
+				});
+				editor.getDoc().execCommand(isForward ? 'ForwardDelete' : 'Delete', false, null);
+				var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
+				var caretElement = rng.startContainer.parentNode;
+				Tools.each(mutationObserver.takeRecords(), function(record) {
+					// Restore style attribute to previous value
+					if (record.attributeName == "style") {
+						var oldValue = record.target.getAttribute('data-mce-style');
+						if (oldValue) {
+							record.target.setAttribute("style", oldValue);
+						} else {
+							record.target.removeAttribute("style");
+						}
+					}
+					// Remove all spans that isn't maked and retain selection
+					Tools.each(record.addedNodes, function(node) {
+						if (node.nodeName == "SPAN" && !node.getAttribute('mce-data-marked')) {
+							var offset, container;
+							if (node == caretElement) {
+								offset = rng.startOffset;
+								container = node.firstChild;
+							}
+							dom.remove(node, true);
+							if (container) {
+								rng.setStart(container, offset);
+								rng.setEnd(container, offset);
+								editor.selection.setRng(rng);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				});
+				mutationObserver.disconnect();
+				// Remove any left over marks
+				Tools.each(editor.dom.select('span[mce-data-marked]'), function(span) {
+					span.removeAttribute('mce-data-marked');
+				});
+			}
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var isForward = e.keyCode == DELETE, isMeta = VK.metaKeyPressed(e);
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (isForward || e.keyCode == BACKSPACE)) {
+					var rng = editor.selection.getRng(), container = rng.startContainer, offset = rng.startOffset;
+					// Ignore non meta delete in the where there is text before/after the caret
+					if (!isMeta && rng.collapsed && container.nodeType == 3) {
+						if (isForward ? offset < container.data.length : offset > 0) {
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					e.preventDefault();
+					if (isMeta) {
+						editor.selection.getSel().modify("extend", isForward ? "forward" : "backward", "word");
+					}
+					customDelete(isForward);
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('keypress', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && !selection.isCollapsed() && e.charCode && !VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					customDelete(true);
+					editor.selection.setContent(String.fromCharCode(e.charCode));
+				}
+			});
+			editor.addCommand('Delete', function() {
+				customDelete();
+			});
+			editor.addCommand('ForwardDelete', function() {
+				customDelete(true);
+			});
+			// Older WebKits doesn't properly handle the clipboard so we can't add the rest
+			if (olderWebKit) {
+				return;
+			}
+			editor.on('dragstart', function(e) {
+				// Safari doesn't support custom dataTransfer items so we can only use URL and Text
+				e.dataTransfer.setData('URL', 'data:text/mce-internal,' + escape(editor.selection.getContent()));
+			});
+			editor.on('drop', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e)) {
+					var internalContent = e.dataTransfer.getData('URL');
+					if (!internalContent || internalContent.indexOf(urlPrefix) == -1 || !doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
+						return;
+					}
+					internalContent = unescape(internalContent.substr(urlPrefix.length));
+					if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						customDelete();
+						editor.selection.setRng(doc.caretRangeFromPoint(e.x, e.y));
+						editor.insertContent(internalContent);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('cut', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.clipboardData) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					e.clipboardData.clearData();
+					e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', editor.selection.getContent());
+					e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', editor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+					customDelete(true);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Makes sure that the editor body becomes empty when backspace or delete is pressed in empty editors.
+		 *
+		 * For example:
+		 * <p><b>|</b></p>
+		 *
+		 * Or:
+		 * <h1>|</h1>
+		 *
+		 * Or:
+		 * [<h1></h1>]
+		 */
+		function emptyEditorWhenDeleting() {
+			function serializeRng(rng) {
+				var body = dom.create("body");
+				var contents = rng.cloneContents();
+				body.appendChild(contents);
+				return selection.serializer.serialize(body, {format: 'html'});
+			}
+			function allContentsSelected(rng) {
+				if (!rng.setStart) {
+					if (rng.item) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					var bodyRng = rng.duplicate();
+					bodyRng.moveToElementText(editor.getBody());
+					return RangeUtils.compareRanges(rng, bodyRng);
+				}
+				var selection = serializeRng(rng);
+				var allRng = dom.createRng();
+				allRng.selectNode(editor.getBody());
+				var allSelection = serializeRng(allRng);
+				return selection === allSelection;
+			}
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var keyCode = e.keyCode, isCollapsed, body;
+				// Empty the editor if it's needed for example backspace at <p><b>|</b></p>
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (keyCode == DELETE || keyCode == BACKSPACE)) {
+					isCollapsed = editor.selection.isCollapsed();
+					body = editor.getBody();
+					// Selection is collapsed but the editor isn't empty
+					if (isCollapsed && !dom.isEmpty(body)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Selection isn't collapsed but not all the contents is selected
+					if (!isCollapsed && !allContentsSelected(editor.selection.getRng())) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Manually empty the editor
+					e.preventDefault();
+					editor.setContent('');
+					if (body.firstChild && dom.isBlock(body.firstChild)) {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body.firstChild, 0);
+					} else {
+						editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body, 0);
+					}
+					editor.nodeChanged();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit doesn't select all the nodes in the body when you press Ctrl+A.
+		 * IE selects more than the contents <body>[<p>a</p>]</body> instead of <body><p>[a]</p]</body> see bug #6438
+		 * This selects the whole body so that backspace/delete logic will delete everything
+		 */
+		function selectAll() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode == 65 && VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					editor.execCommand('SelectAll');
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit has a weird issue where it some times fails to properly convert keypresses to input method keystrokes.
+		 * The IME on Mac doesn't initialize when it doesn't fire a proper focus event.
+		 *
+		 * This seems to happen when the user manages to click the documentElement element then the window doesn't get proper focus until
+		 * you enter a character into the editor.
+		 *
+		 * It also happens when the first focus in made to the body.
+		 *
+		 * See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83566
+		 */
+		function inputMethodFocus() {
+			if (!editor.settings.content_editable) {
+				// Case 1 IME doesn't initialize if you focus the document
+				dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'focusin', function() {
+					selection.setRng(selection.getRng());
+				});
+				// Case 2 IME doesn't initialize if you click the documentElement it also doesn't properly fire the focusin event
+				dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'mousedown', function(e) {
+					if (e.target == editor.getDoc().documentElement) {
+						editor.getBody().focus();
+						selection.setRng(selection.getRng());
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Backspacing in FireFox/IE from a paragraph into a horizontal rule results in a floating text node because the
+		 * browser just deletes the paragraph - the browser fails to merge the text node with a horizontal rule so it is
+		 * left there. TinyMCE sees a floating text node and wraps it in a paragraph on the key up event (ForceBlocks.js
+		 * addRootBlocks), meaning the action does nothing. With this code, FireFox/IE matche the behaviour of other
+		 * browsers.
+		 *
+		 * It also fixes a bug on Firefox where it's impossible to delete HR elements.
+		 */
+		function removeHrOnBackspace() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) {
+					if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng(true).startOffset === 0) {
+						var node = selection.getNode();
+						var previousSibling = node.previousSibling;
+						if (node.nodeName == 'HR') {
+							dom.remove(node);
+							e.preventDefault();
+							return;
+						}
+						if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "hr") {
+							dom.remove(previousSibling);
+							e.preventDefault();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Firefox 3.x has an issue where the body element won't get proper focus if you click out
+		 * side it's rectangle.
+		 */
+		function focusBody() {
+			// Fix for a focus bug in FF 3.x where the body element
+			// wouldn't get proper focus if the user clicked on the HTML element
+			if (!window.Range.prototype.getClientRects) { // Detect getClientRects got introduced in FF 4
+				editor.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+					if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.target.nodeName === "HTML") {
+						var body = editor.getBody();
+						// Blur the body it's focused but not correctly focused
+						body.blur();
+						// Refocus the body after a little while
+						setTimeout(function() {
+							body.focus();
+						}, 0);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit has a bug where it isn't possible to select image, hr or anchor elements
+		 * by clicking on them so we need to fake that.
+		 */
+		function selectControlElements() {
+			editor.on('click', function(e) {
+				e = e.target;
+				// Workaround for bug, http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12250
+				// WebKit can't even do simple things like selecting an image
+				// Needs tobe the setBaseAndExtend or it will fail to select floated images
+				if (/^(IMG|HR)$/.test(e.nodeName)) {
+					selection.getSel().setBaseAndExtent(e, 0, e, 1);
+				}
+				if (e.nodeName == 'A' && dom.hasClass(e, 'mce-item-anchor')) {
+					selection.select(e);
+				}
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a Gecko bug where the style attribute gets added to the wrong element when deleting between two block elements.
+		 *
+		 * Fixes do backspace/delete on this:
+		 * <p>bla[ck</p><p style="color:red">r]ed</p>
+		 *
+		 * Would become:
+		 * <p>bla|ed</p>
+		 *
+		 * Instead of:
+		 * <p style="color:red">bla|ed</p>
+		 */
+		function removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements() {
+			function getAttributeApplyFunction() {
+				var template = dom.getAttribs(selection.getStart().cloneNode(false));
+				return function() {
+					var target = selection.getStart();
+					if (target !== editor.getBody()) {
+						dom.setAttrib(target, "style", null);
+						each(template, function(attr) {
+							target.setAttributeNode(attr.cloneNode(true));
+						});
+					}
+				};
+			}
+			function isSelectionAcrossElements() {
+				return !selection.isCollapsed() &&
+					dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock) != dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock);
+			}
+			editor.on('keypress', function(e) {
+				var applyAttributes;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) {
+					applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction();
+					editor.getDoc().execCommand('delete', false, null);
+					applyAttributes();
+					e.preventDefault();
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'cut', function(e) {
+				var applyAttributes;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) {
+					applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction();
+					setTimeout(function() {
+						applyAttributes();
+					}, 0);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fire a nodeChanged when the selection is changed on WebKit this fixes selection issues on iOS5. It only fires the nodeChange
+		 * event every 50ms since it would other wise update the UI when you type and it hogs the CPU.
+		 */
+		function selectionChangeNodeChanged() {
+			var lastRng, selectionTimer;
+			editor.on('selectionchange', function() {
+				if (selectionTimer) {
+					clearTimeout(selectionTimer);
+					selectionTimer = 0;
+				}
+				selectionTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
+					if (editor.removed) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var rng = selection.getRng();
+					// Compare the ranges to see if it was a real change or not
+					if (!lastRng || !RangeUtils.compareRanges(rng, lastRng)) {
+						editor.nodeChanged();
+						lastRng = rng;
+					}
+				}, 50);
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Screen readers on IE needs to have the role application set on the body.
+		 */
+		function ensureBodyHasRoleApplication() {
+			document.body.setAttribute("role", "application");
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Backspacing into a table behaves differently depending upon browser type.
+		 * Therefore, disable Backspace when cursor immediately follows a table.
+		 */
+		function disableBackspaceIntoATable() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) {
+					if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng(true).startOffset === 0) {
+						var previousSibling = selection.getNode().previousSibling;
+						if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "table") {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Old IE versions can't properly render BR elements in PRE tags white in contentEditable mode. So this
+		 * logic adds a \n before the BR so that it will get rendered.
+		 */
+		function addNewLinesBeforeBrInPre() {
+			// IE8+ rendering mode does the right thing with BR in PRE
+			if (getDocumentMode() > 7) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Enable display: none in area and add a specific class that hides all BR elements in PRE to
+			// avoid the caret from getting stuck at the BR elements while pressing the right arrow key
+			setEditorCommandState('RespectVisibilityInDesign', true);
+			editor.contentStyles.push('.mceHideBrInPre pre br {display: none}');
+			dom.addClass(editor.getBody(), 'mceHideBrInPre');
+			// Adds a \n before all BR elements in PRE to get them visual
+			parser.addNodeFilter('pre', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, brNodes, j, brElm, sibling;
+				while (i--) {
+					brNodes = nodes[i].getAll('br');
+					j = brNodes.length;
+					while (j--) {
+						brElm = brNodes[j];
+						// Add \n before BR in PRE elements on older IE:s so the new lines get rendered
+						sibling = brElm.prev;
+						if (sibling && sibling.type === 3 && sibling.value.charAt(sibling.value - 1) != '\n') {
+							sibling.value += '\n';
+						} else {
+							brElm.parent.insert(new Node('#text', 3), brElm, true).value = '\n';
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			// Removes any \n before BR elements in PRE since other browsers and in contentEditable=false mode they will be visible
+			serializer.addNodeFilter('pre', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, brNodes, j, brElm, sibling;
+				while (i--) {
+					brNodes = nodes[i].getAll('br');
+					j = brNodes.length;
+					while (j--) {
+						brElm = brNodes[j];
+						sibling = brElm.prev;
+						if (sibling && sibling.type == 3) {
+							sibling.value = sibling.value.replace(/\r?\n$/, '');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Moves style width/height to attribute width/height when the user resizes an image on IE.
+		 */
+		function removePreSerializedStylesWhenSelectingControls() {
+			dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'mouseup', function() {
+				var value, node = selection.getNode();
+				// Moved styles to attributes on IMG eements
+				if (node.nodeName == 'IMG') {
+					// Convert style width to width attribute
+					if ((value = dom.getStyle(node, 'width'))) {
+						dom.setAttrib(node, 'width', value.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, ''));
+						dom.setStyle(node, 'width', '');
+					}
+					// Convert style height to height attribute
+					if ((value = dom.getStyle(node, 'height'))) {
+						dom.setAttrib(node, 'height', value.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, ''));
+						dom.setStyle(node, 'height', '');
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes a blockquote when backspace is pressed at the beginning of it.
+		 *
+		 * For example:
+		 * <blockquote><p>|x</p></blockquote>
+		 *
+		 * Becomes:
+		 * <p>|x</p>
+		 */
+		function removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace() {
+			// Add block quote deletion handler
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var rng, container, offset, root, parent;
+				if (isDefaultPrevented(e) || e.keyCode != VK.BACKSPACE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				container = rng.startContainer;
+				offset = rng.startOffset;
+				root = dom.getRoot();
+				parent = container;
+				if (!rng.collapsed || offset !== 0) {
+					return;
+				}
+				while (parent && parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode.firstChild == parent && parent.parentNode != root) {
+					parent = parent.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Is the cursor at the beginning of a blockquote?
+				if (parent.tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
+					// Remove the blockquote
+					editor.formatter.toggle('blockquote', null, parent);
+					// Move the caret to the beginning of container
+					rng = dom.createRng();
+					rng.setStart(container, 0);
+					rng.setEnd(container, 0);
+					selection.setRng(rng);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Sets various Gecko editing options on mouse down and before a execCommand to disable inline table editing that is broken etc.
+		 */
+		function setGeckoEditingOptions() {
+			function setOpts() {
+				editor._refreshContentEditable();
+				setEditorCommandState("StyleWithCSS", false);
+				setEditorCommandState("enableInlineTableEditing", false);
+				if (!settings.object_resizing) {
+					setEditorCommandState("enableObjectResizing", false);
+				}
+			}
+			if (!settings.readonly) {
+				editor.on('BeforeExecCommand MouseDown', setOpts);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes a gecko link bug, when a link is placed at the end of block elements there is
+		 * no way to move the caret behind the link. This fix adds a bogus br element after the link.
+		 *
+		 * For example this:
+		 * <p><b><a href="#">x</a></b></p>
+		 *
+		 * Becomes this:
+		 * <p><b><a href="#">x</a></b><br></p>
+		 */
+		function addBrAfterLastLinks() {
+			function fixLinks() {
+				each(dom.select('a'), function(node) {
+					var parentNode = node.parentNode, root = dom.getRoot();
+					if (parentNode.lastChild === node) {
+						while (parentNode && !dom.isBlock(parentNode)) {
+							if (parentNode.parentNode.lastChild !== parentNode || parentNode === root) {
+								return;
+							}
+							parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
+						}
+						dom.add(parentNode, 'br', {'data-mce-bogus': 1});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			editor.on('SetContent ExecCommand', function(e) {
+				if (e.type == "setcontent" || e.command === 'mceInsertLink') {
+					fixLinks();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * WebKit will produce DIV elements here and there by default. But since TinyMCE uses paragraphs by
+		 * default we want to change that behavior.
+		 */
+		function setDefaultBlockType() {
+			if (settings.forced_root_block) {
+				editor.on('init', function() {
+					setEditorCommandState('DefaultParagraphSeparator', settings.forced_root_block);
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Removes ghost selections from images/tables on Gecko.
+		 */
+		function removeGhostSelection() {
+			editor.on('Undo Redo SetContent', function(e) {
+				if (!e.initial) {
+					editor.execCommand('mceRepaint');
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Deletes the selected image on IE instead of navigating to previous page.
+		 */
+		function deleteControlItemOnBackSpace() {
+			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				var rng;
+				if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode == BACKSPACE) {
+					rng = editor.getDoc().selection.createRange();
+					if (rng && rng.item) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.undoManager.beforeChange();
+						dom.remove(rng.item(0));
+						editor.undoManager.add();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE10 doesn't properly render block elements with the right height until you add contents to them.
+		 * This fixes that by adding a padding-right to all empty text block elements.
+		 * See: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/743881
+		 */
+		function renderEmptyBlocksFix() {
+			var emptyBlocksCSS;
+			// IE10+
+			if (getDocumentMode() >= 10) {
+				emptyBlocksCSS = '';
+				each('p div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6'.split(' '), function(name, i) {
+					emptyBlocksCSS += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + name + ':empty';
+				});
+				editor.contentStyles.push(emptyBlocksCSS + '{padding-right: 1px !important}');
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Old IE versions can't retain contents within noscript elements so this logic will store the contents
+		 * as a attribute and the insert that value as it's raw text when the DOM is serialized.
+		 */
+		function keepNoScriptContents() {
+			if (getDocumentMode() < 9) {
+				parser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node, textNode;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						textNode = node.firstChild;
+						if (textNode) {
+							node.attr('data-mce-innertext', textNode.value);
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				serializer.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) {
+					var i = nodes.length, node, textNode, value;
+					while (i--) {
+						node = nodes[i];
+						textNode = nodes[i].firstChild;
+						if (textNode) {
+							textNode.value = Entities.decode(textNode.value);
+						} else {
+							// Old IE can't retain noscript value so an attribute is used to store it
+							value = node.attributes.map['data-mce-innertext'];
+							if (value) {
+								node.attr('data-mce-innertext', null);
+								textNode = new Node('#text', 3);
+								textNode.value = value;
+								textNode.raw = true;
+								node.append(textNode);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE has an issue where you can't select/move the caret by clicking outside the body if the document is in standards mode.
+		 */
+		function fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe() {
+			var doc = dom.doc, body = doc.body, started, startRng, htmlElm;
+			// Return range from point or null if it failed
+			function rngFromPoint(x, y) {
+				var rng = body.createTextRange();
+				try {
+					rng.moveToPoint(x, y);
+				} catch (ex) {
+					// IE sometimes throws and exception, so lets just ignore it
+					rng = null;
+				}
+				return rng;
+			}
+			// Fires while the selection is changing
+			function selectionChange(e) {
+				var pointRng;
+				// Check if the button is down or not
+				if (e.button) {
+					// Create range from mouse position
+					pointRng = rngFromPoint(e.x, e.y);
+					if (pointRng) {
+						// Check if pointRange is before/after selection then change the endPoint
+						if (pointRng.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', startRng) > 0) {
+							pointRng.setEndPoint('StartToStart', startRng);
+						} else {
+							pointRng.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', startRng);
+						}
+						pointRng.select();
+					}
+				} else {
+					endSelection();
+				}
+			}
+			// Removes listeners
+			function endSelection() {
+				var rng = doc.selection.createRange();
+				// If the range is collapsed then use the last start range
+				if (startRng && !rng.item && rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng) === 0) {
+					startRng.select();
+				}
+				dom.unbind(doc, 'mouseup', endSelection);
+				dom.unbind(doc, 'mousemove', selectionChange);
+				startRng = started = 0;
+			}
+			// Make HTML element unselectable since we are going to handle selection by hand
+			doc.documentElement.unselectable = true;
+			// Detect when user selects outside BODY
+			dom.bind(doc, 'mousedown contextmenu', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.nodeName === 'HTML') {
+					if (started) {
+						endSelection();
+					}
+					// Detect vertical scrollbar, since IE will fire a mousedown on the scrollbar and have target set as HTML
+					htmlElm = doc.documentElement;
+					if (htmlElm.scrollHeight > htmlElm.clientHeight) {
+						return;
+					}
+					started = 1;
+					// Setup start position
+					startRng = rngFromPoint(e.x, e.y);
+					if (startRng) {
+						// Listen for selection change events
+						dom.bind(doc, 'mouseup', endSelection);
+						dom.bind(doc, 'mousemove', selectionChange);
+						dom.getRoot().focus();
+						startRng.select();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Fixes selection issues where the caret can be placed between two inline elements like <b>a</b>|<b>b</b>
+		 * this fix will lean the caret right into the closest inline element.
+		 */
+		function normalizeSelection() {
+			// Normalize selection for example <b>a</b><i>|a</i> becomes <b>a|</b><i>a</i> except for Ctrl+A since it selects everything
+			editor.on('keyup focusin mouseup', function(e) {
+				if (e.keyCode != 65 || !VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
+					selection.normalize();
+				}
+			}, true);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Forces Gecko to render a broken image icon if it fails to load an image.
+		 */
+		function showBrokenImageIcon() {
+			editor.contentStyles.push(
+				'img:-moz-broken {' +
+					'-moz-force-broken-image-icon:1;' +
+					'min-width:24px;' +
+					'min-height:24px' +
+				'}'
+			);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * iOS has a bug where it's impossible to type if the document has a touchstart event
+		 * bound and the user touches the document while having the on screen keyboard visible.
+		 *
+		 * The touch event moves the focus to the parent document while having the caret inside the iframe
+		 * this fix moves the focus back into the iframe document.
+		 */
+		function restoreFocusOnKeyDown() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.on('keydown', function() {
+					if (document.activeElement == document.body) {
+						editor.getWin().focus();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE 11 has an annoying issue where you can't move focus into the editor
+		 * by clicking on the white area HTML element. We used to be able to to fix this with
+		 * the fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe fix. But since M$ removed the selection
+		 * object it's not possible anymore. So we need to hack in a ungly CSS to force the
+		 * body to be at least 150px. If the user clicks the HTML element out side this 150px region
+		 * we simply move the focus into the first paragraph. Not ideal since you loose the
+		 * positioning of the caret but goot enough for most cases.
+		 */
+		function bodyHeight() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.contentStyles.push('body {min-height: 150px}');
+				editor.on('click', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.nodeName == 'HTML') {
+						editor.getBody().focus();
+						editor.selection.normalize();
+						editor.nodeChanged();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Firefox on Mac OS will move the browser back to the previous page if you press CMD+Left arrow.
+		 * You might then loose all your work so we need to block that behavior and replace it with our own.
+		 */
+		function blockCmdArrowNavigation() {
+			if (Env.mac) {
+				editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
+					if (VK.metaKeyPressed(e) && (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39)) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						editor.selection.getSel().modify('move', e.keyCode == 37 ? 'backward' : 'forward', 'word');
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Disables the autolinking in IE 9+ this is then re-enabled by the autolink plugin.
+		 */
+		function disableAutoUrlDetect() {
+			setEditorCommandState("AutoUrlDetect", false);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * IE 11 has a fantastic bug where it will produce two trailing BR elements to iframe bodies when
+		 * the iframe is hidden by display: none on a parent container. The DOM is actually out of sync
+		 * with innerHTML in this case. It's like IE adds shadow DOM BR elements that appears on innerHTML
+		 * but not as the lastChild of the body. However is we add a BR element to the body then remove it
+		 * it doesn't seem to add these BR elements makes sence right?!
+		 *
+		 * Example of what happens: <body>text</body> becomes <body>text<br><br></body>
+		 */
+		function doubleTrailingBrElements() {
+			if (!editor.inline) {
+				editor.on('focus blur', function() {
+					var br = editor.dom.create('br');
+					editor.getBody().appendChild(br);
+					br.parentNode.removeChild(br);
+				}, true);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * iOS 7.1 introduced two new bugs:
+		 * 1) It's possible to open links within a contentEditable area by clicking on them.
+		 * 2) If you hold down the finger it will display the link/image touch callout menu.
+		 */
+		function tapLinksAndImages() {
+			editor.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.tagName === 'A') {
+					e.preventDefault();
+				}
+			});
+			editor.contentStyles.push('.mce-content-body {-webkit-touch-callout: none}');
+		}
+		// All browsers
+		disableBackspaceIntoATable();
+		removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace();
+		emptyEditorWhenDeleting();
+		normalizeSelection();
+		// WebKit
+		if (isWebKit) {
+			cleanupStylesWhenDeleting();
+			inputMethodFocus();
+			selectControlElements();
+			setDefaultBlockType();
+			// iOS
+			if (Env.iOS) {
+				selectionChangeNodeChanged();
+				restoreFocusOnKeyDown();
+				bodyHeight();
+				tapLinksAndImages();
+			} else {
+				selectAll();
+			}
+		}
+		// IE
+		if (isIE && Env.ie < 11) {
+			removeHrOnBackspace();
+			ensureBodyHasRoleApplication();
+			addNewLinesBeforeBrInPre();
+			removePreSerializedStylesWhenSelectingControls();
+			deleteControlItemOnBackSpace();
+			renderEmptyBlocksFix();
+			keepNoScriptContents();
+			fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe();
+		}
+		if (Env.ie >= 11) {
+			bodyHeight();
+			doubleTrailingBrElements();
+		}
+		if (Env.ie) {
+			selectAll();
+			disableAutoUrlDetect();
+		}
+		// Gecko
+		if (isGecko) {
+			removeHrOnBackspace();
+			focusBody();
+			removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements();
+			setGeckoEditingOptions();
+			addBrAfterLastLinks();
+			removeGhostSelection();
+			showBrokenImageIcon();
+			blockCmdArrowNavigation();
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/Observable.js
+ * Observable.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This mixin will add event binding logic to classes.
+ *
+ * @mixin tinymce.util.Observable
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Observable", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var bindingsName = "__bindings";
+	var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap(
+		"focusin focusout click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover beforepaste paste cut copy selectionchange" +
+		" mouseout mouseenter mouseleave keydown keypress keyup contextmenu dragstart dragend dragover draggesture dragdrop drop drag", ' '
+	);
+	function returnFalse() {
+		return false;
+	}
+	function returnTrue() {
+		return true;
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Fires the specified event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method fire
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
+		 * @param {tinymce.Event/Object?} args Event arguments.
+		 * @param {Boolean?} bubble True/false if the event is to be bubbled.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Event} Event instance passed in converted into tinymce.Event instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * instance.fire('event', {...});
+		 */
+		fire: function(name, args, bubble) {
+			var self = this, handlers, i, l, callback, parent;
+			if (self.removed) {
+				return;
+			}
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			args = args || {};
+			args.type = name;
+			// Setup target is there isn't one
+			if (!args.target) {
+				args.target = self;
+			}
+			// Add event delegation methods if they are missing
+			if (!args.preventDefault) {
+				// Add preventDefault method
+				args.preventDefault = function() {
+					args.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopPropagation
+				args.stopPropagation = function() {
+					args.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add stopImmediatePropagation
+				args.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
+					args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+				};
+				// Add event delegation states
+				args.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
+				args.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+				args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
+			}
+			//console.log(name, args);
+			if (self[bindingsName]) {
+				handlers = self[bindingsName][name];
+				if (handlers) {
+					for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+						handlers[i] = callback = handlers[i];
+						// Stop immediate propagation if needed
+						if (args.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
+							break;
+						}
+						// If callback returns false then prevent default and stop all propagation
+						if (callback.call(self, args) === false) {
+							args.preventDefault();
+							return args;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Bubble event up to parents
+			if (bubble !== false && self.parent) {
+				parent = self.parent();
+				while (parent && !args.isPropagationStopped()) {
+					parent.fire(name, args, false);
+					parent = parent.parent();
+				}
+			}
+			return args;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Binds an event listener to a specific event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method on
+		 * @param {String} name Event name or space separated list of events to bind.
+		 * @param {callback} callback Callback to be executed when the event occurs.
+		 * @param {Boolean} first Optional flag if the event should be prepended. Use this with care.
+		 * @return {Object} Current class instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * instance.on('event', function(e) {
+		 *     // Callback logic
+		 * });
+		 */
+		on: function(name, callback, prepend) {
+			var self = this, bindings, handlers, names, i;
+			if (callback === false) {
+				callback = function() {
+					return false;
+				};
+			}
+			if (callback) {
+				names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+				i = names.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					name = names[i];
+					bindings = self[bindingsName];
+					if (!bindings) {
+						bindings = self[bindingsName] = {};
+					}
+					handlers = bindings[name];
+					if (!handlers) {
+						handlers = bindings[name] = [];
+						if (self.bindNative && nativeEvents[name]) {
+							self.bindNative(name);
+						}
+					}
+					if (prepend) {
+						handlers.unshift(callback);
+					} else {
+						handlers.push(callback);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unbinds an event listener to a specific event by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method off
+		 * @param {String?} name Name of the event to unbind.
+		 * @param {callback?} callback Callback to unbind.
+		 * @return {Object} Current class instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Unbind specific callback
+		 * instance.off('event', handler);
+		 *
+		 * // Unbind all listeners by name
+		 * instance.off('event');
+		 *
+		 * // Unbind all events
+		 * instance.off();
+		 */
+		off: function(name, callback) {
+			var self = this, i, bindings = self[bindingsName], handlers, bindingName, names, hi;
+			if (bindings) {
+				if (name) {
+					names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
+					i = names.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						name = names[i];
+						handlers = bindings[name];
+						// Unbind all handlers
+						if (!name) {
+							for (bindingName in bindings) {
+								bindings[name].length = 0;
+							}
+							return self;
+						}
+						if (handlers) {
+							// Unbind all by name
+							if (!callback) {
+								handlers.length = 0;
+							} else {
+								// Unbind specific ones
+								hi = handlers.length;
+								while (hi--) {
+									if (handlers[hi] === callback) {
+										handlers.splice(hi, 1);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							if (!handlers.length && self.unbindNative && nativeEvents[name]) {
+								self.unbindNative(name);
+								delete bindings[name];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (self.unbindNative) {
+						for (name in bindings) {
+							self.unbindNative(name);
+						}
+					}
+					self[bindingsName] = [];
+				}
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		hasEventListeners: function(name) {
+			var bindings = this[bindingsName];
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			return !(!bindings || !bindings[name] || bindings[name].length === 0);
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Shortcuts.js
+ * Shortcuts.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Contains all logic for handling of keyboard shortcuts.
+ */
+define("tinymce/Shortcuts", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Tools, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var keyCodeLookup = {
+		"f9": 120,
+		"f10": 121,
+		"f11": 122
+	};
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this, shortcuts = {};
+		editor.on('keyup keypress keydown', function(e) {
+			if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
+				each(shortcuts, function(shortcut) {
+					var ctrlKey = Env.mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;
+					if (shortcut.ctrl != ctrlKey || shortcut.alt != e.altKey || shortcut.shift != e.shiftKey) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (e.keyCode == shortcut.keyCode || (e.charCode && e.charCode == shortcut.charCode)) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						if (e.type == "keydown") {
+							shortcut.func.call(shortcut.scope);
+						}
+						return true;
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		});
+		/**
+		 * Adds a keyboard shortcut for some command or function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addShortcut
+		 * @param {String} pattern Shortcut pattern. Like for example: ctrl+alt+o.
+		 * @param {String} desc Text description for the command.
+		 * @param {String/Function} cmdFunc Command name string or function to execute when the key is pressed.
+		 * @param {Object} sc Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the shortcut was added or not.
+		 */
+		self.add = function(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
+			var cmd;
+			cmd = cmdFunc;
+			if (typeof(cmdFunc) === 'string') {
+				cmdFunc = function() {
+					editor.execCommand(cmd, false, null);
+				};
+			} else if (Tools.isArray(cmd)) {
+				cmdFunc = function() {
+					editor.execCommand(cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2]);
+				};
+			}
+			each(explode(pattern.toLowerCase()), function(pattern) {
+				var shortcut = {
+					func: cmdFunc,
+					scope: scope || editor,
+					desc: editor.translate(desc),
+					alt: false,
+					ctrl: false,
+					shift: false
+				};
+				each(explode(pattern, '+'), function(value) {
+					switch (value) {
+						case 'alt':
+						case 'ctrl':
+						case 'shift':
+							shortcut[value] = true;
+							break;
+						default:
+							shortcut.charCode = value.charCodeAt(0);
+							shortcut.keyCode = keyCodeLookup[value] || value.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
+					}
+				});
+				shortcuts[
+					(shortcut.ctrl ? 'ctrl' : '') + ',' +
+					(shortcut.alt ? 'alt' : '') + ',' +
+					(shortcut.shift ? 'shift' : '') + ',' +
+					shortcut.keyCode
+				] = shortcut;
+			});
+			return true;
+		};
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Editor.js
+ * Editor.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint scripturl:true */
+ * Include the base event class documentation.
+ *
+ * @include ../../../tools/docs/tinymce.Event.js
+ */
+ * This class contains the core logic for a TinyMCE editor.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.Editor
+ * @mixes tinymce.util.Observable
+ * @example
+ * // Add a class to all paragraphs in the editor.
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+ *
+ * // Gets the current editors selection as text
+ * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'});
+ *
+ * // Creates a new editor instance
+ * var ed = new tinymce.Editor('textareaid', {
+ *     some_setting: 1
+ * }, tinymce.EditorManager);
+ *
+ * // Select each item the user clicks on
+ * ed.on('click', function(e) {
+ *     ed.selection.select(e.target);
+ * });
+ *
+ * ed.render();
+ */
+define("tinymce/Editor", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/AddOnManager",
+	"tinymce/html/Node",
+	"tinymce/dom/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/html/Serializer",
+	"tinymce/dom/Selection",
+	"tinymce/Formatter",
+	"tinymce/UndoManager",
+	"tinymce/EnterKey",
+	"tinymce/ForceBlocks",
+	"tinymce/EditorCommands",
+	"tinymce/util/URI",
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/WindowManager",
+	"tinymce/html/Schema",
+	"tinymce/html/DomParser",
+	"tinymce/util/Quirks",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/util/Observable",
+	"tinymce/Shortcuts"
+], function(
+	DOMUtils, AddOnManager, Node, DomSerializer, Serializer,
+	Selection, Formatter, UndoManager, EnterKey, ForceBlocks, EditorCommands,
+	URI, ScriptLoader, EventUtils, WindowManager,
+	Schema, DomParser, Quirks, Env, Tools, Observable, Shortcuts
+) {
+	// Shorten these names
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM, ThemeManager = AddOnManager.ThemeManager, PluginManager = AddOnManager.PluginManager;
+	var extend = Tools.extend, each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	var inArray = Tools.inArray, trim = Tools.trim, resolve = Tools.resolve;
+	var Event = EventUtils.Event;
+	var isGecko = Env.gecko, ie = Env.ie;
+	function getEventTarget(editor, eventName) {
+		if (eventName == 'selectionchange') {
+			return editor.getDoc();
+		}
+		// Need to bind mousedown/mouseup etc to document not body in iframe mode
+		// Since the user might click on the HTML element not the BODY
+		if (!editor.inline && /^mouse|click|contextmenu|drop/.test(eventName)) {
+			return editor.getDoc();
+		}
+		return editor.getBody();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Include documentation for all the events.
+	 *
+	 * @include ../../../tools/docs/tinymce.Editor.js
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a editor instance by id.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @method Editor
+	 * @param {String} id Unique id for the editor.
+	 * @param {Object} settings Settings for the editor.
+	 * @param {tinymce.EditorManager} editorManager EditorManager instance.
+	 * @author Moxiecode
+	 */
+	function Editor(id, settings, editorManager) {
+		var self = this, documentBaseUrl, baseUri;
+		documentBaseUrl = self.documentBaseUrl = editorManager.documentBaseURL;
+		baseUri = editorManager.baseURI;
+		/**
+		 * Name/value collection with editor settings.
+		 *
+		 * @property settings
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get the value of the theme setting
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("You are using the " + tinymce.activeEditor.settings.theme + " theme");
+		 */
+		self.settings = settings = extend({
+			id: id,
+			theme: 'modern',
+			delta_width: 0,
+			delta_height: 0,
+			popup_css: '',
+			plugins: '',
+			document_base_url: documentBaseUrl,
+			add_form_submit_trigger: true,
+			submit_patch: true,
+			add_unload_trigger: true,
+			convert_urls: true,
+			relative_urls: true,
+			remove_script_host: true,
+			object_resizing: true,
+			doctype: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
+			visual: true,
+			font_size_style_values: 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large',
+			// See: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#propdef-font-size
+			font_size_legacy_values: 'xx-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large,300%',
+			forced_root_block: 'p',
+			hidden_input: true,
+			padd_empty_editor: true,
+			render_ui: true,
+			indentation: '30px',
+			inline_styles: true,
+			convert_fonts_to_spans: true,
+			indent: 'simple',
+			indent_before: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,' +
+				'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist',
+			indent_after: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,' +
+				'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist',
+			validate: true,
+			entity_encoding: 'named',
+			url_converter: self.convertURL,
+			url_converter_scope: self,
+			ie7_compat: true
+		}, settings);
+		AddOnManager.language = settings.language || 'en';
+		AddOnManager.languageLoad = settings.language_load;
+		AddOnManager.baseURL = editorManager.baseURL;
+		/**
+		 * Editor instance id, normally the same as the div/textarea that was replaced.
+		 *
+		 * @property id
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		self.id = settings.id = id;
+		/**
+		 * State to force the editor to return false on a isDirty call.
+		 *
+		 * @property isNotDirty
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 * @example
+		 * function ajaxSave() {
+		 *     var ed = tinymce.get('elm1');
+		 *
+		 *     // Save contents using some XHR call
+		 *     alert(ed.getContent());
+		 *
+		 *     ed.isNotDirty = true; // Force not dirty state
+		 * }
+		 */
+		self.isNotDirty = true;
+		/**
+		 * Name/Value object containting plugin instances.
+		 *
+		 * @property plugins
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * // Execute a method inside a plugin directly
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.plugins.someplugin.someMethod();
+		 */
+		self.plugins = {};
+		/**
+		 * URI object to document configured for the TinyMCE instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property documentBaseURI
+		 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get relative URL from the location of document_base_url
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.documentBaseURI.toRelative('/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 *
+		 * // Get absolute URL from the location of document_base_url
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute('somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		self.documentBaseURI = new URI(settings.document_base_url || documentBaseUrl, {
+			base_uri: baseUri
+		});
+		/**
+		 * URI object to current document that holds the TinyMCE editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property baseURI
+		 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get relative URL from the location of the API
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.baseURI.toRelative('/somedir/somefile.htm');
+		 *
+		 * // Get absolute URL from the location of the API
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.baseURI.toAbsolute('somefile.htm');
+		 */
+		self.baseURI = baseUri;
+		/**
+		 * Array with CSS files to load into the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentCSS
+		 * @type Array
+		 */
+		self.contentCSS = [];
+		/**
+		 * Array of CSS styles to add to head of document when the editor loads.
+		 *
+		 * @property contentStyles
+		 * @type Array
+		 */
+		self.contentStyles = [];
+		// Creates all events like onClick, onSetContent etc see Editor.Events.js for the actual logic
+		self.shortcuts = new Shortcuts(self);
+		// Internal command handler objects
+		self.execCommands = {};
+		self.queryStateCommands = {};
+		self.queryValueCommands = {};
+		self.loadedCSS = {};
+		self.suffix = editorManager.suffix;
+		self.editorManager = editorManager;
+		self.inline = settings.inline;
+		// Call setup
+		editorManager.fire('SetupEditor', self);
+		self.execCallback('setup', self);
+	}
+	Editor.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Renderes the editor/adds it to the page.
+		 *
+		 * @method render
+		 */
+		render: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, id = self.id, suffix = self.suffix;
+			function readyHandler() {
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				self.render();
+			}
+			// Page is not loaded yet, wait for it
+			if (!Event.domLoaded) {
+				DOM.bind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				return;
+			}
+			// Element not found, then skip initialization
+			if (!self.getElement()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// No editable support old iOS versions etc
+			if (!Env.contentEditable) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Hide target element early to prevent content flashing
+			if (!settings.inline) {
+				self.orgVisibility = self.getElement().style.visibility;
+				self.getElement().style.visibility = 'hidden';
+			} else {
+				self.inline = true;
+			}
+			var form = self.getElement().form || DOM.getParent(id, 'form');
+			if (form) {
+				self.formElement = form;
+				// Add hidden input for non input elements inside form elements
+				if (settings.hidden_input && !/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(self.getElement().nodeName)) {
+					DOM.insertAfter(DOM.create('input', {type: 'hidden', name: id}), id);
+					self.hasHiddenInput = true;
+				}
+				// Pass submit/reset from form to editor instance
+				self.formEventDelegate = function(e) {
+					self.fire(e.type, e);
+				};
+				DOM.bind(form, 'submit reset', self.formEventDelegate);
+				// Reset contents in editor when the form is reset
+				self.on('reset', function() {
+					self.setContent(self.startContent, {format: 'raw'});
+				});
+				// Check page uses id="submit" or name="submit" for it's submit button
+				if (settings.submit_patch && !form.submit.nodeType && !form.submit.length && !form._mceOldSubmit) {
+					form._mceOldSubmit = form.submit;
+					form.submit = function() {
+						self.editorManager.triggerSave();
+						self.isNotDirty = true;
+						return form._mceOldSubmit(form);
+					};
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Window manager reference, use this to open new windows and dialogs.
+			 *
+			 * @property windowManager
+			 * @type tinymce.WindowManager
+			 * @example
+			 * // Shows an alert message
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+			 *
+			 * // Opens a new dialog with the file.htm file and the size 320x240
+			 * // It also adds a custom parameter this can be retrieved by using tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg inside the dialog.
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.open({
+			 *    url: 'file.htm',
+			 *    width: 320,
+			 *    height: 240
+			 * }, {
+			 *    custom_param: 1
+			 * });
+			 */
+			self.windowManager = new WindowManager(self);
+			if (settings.encoding == 'xml') {
+				self.on('GetContent', function(e) {
+					if (e.save) {
+						e.content = DOM.encode(e.content);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (settings.add_form_submit_trigger) {
+				self.on('submit', function() {
+					if (self.initialized) {
+						self.save();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (settings.add_unload_trigger) {
+				self._beforeUnload = function() {
+					if (self.initialized && !self.destroyed && !self.isHidden()) {
+						self.save({format: 'raw', no_events: true, set_dirty: false});
+					}
+				};
+				self.editorManager.on('BeforeUnload', self._beforeUnload);
+			}
+			// Load scripts
+			function loadScripts() {
+				var scriptLoader = ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader;
+				if (settings.language && settings.language != 'en' && !settings.language_url) {
+					settings.language_url = self.editorManager.baseURL + '/langs/' + settings.language + '.js';
+				}
+				if (settings.language_url) {
+					scriptLoader.add(settings.language_url);
+				}
+				if (settings.theme && typeof settings.theme != "function" &&
+					settings.theme.charAt(0) != '-' && !ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme]) {
+					var themeUrl = settings.theme_url;
+					if (themeUrl) {
+						themeUrl = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(themeUrl);
+					} else {
+						themeUrl = 'themes/' + settings.theme + '/theme' + suffix + '.js';
+					}
+					ThemeManager.load(settings.theme, themeUrl);
+				}
+				if (Tools.isArray(settings.plugins)) {
+					settings.plugins = settings.plugins.join(' ');
+				}
+				each(settings.external_plugins, function(url, name) {
+					PluginManager.load(name, url);
+					settings.plugins += ' ' + name;
+				});
+				each(settings.plugins.split(/[ ,]/), function(plugin) {
+					plugin = trim(plugin);
+					if (plugin && !PluginManager.urls[plugin]) {
+						if (plugin.charAt(0) == '-') {
+							plugin = plugin.substr(1, plugin.length);
+							var dependencies = PluginManager.dependencies(plugin);
+							each(dependencies, function(dep) {
+								var defaultSettings = {
+									prefix:'plugins/',
+									resource: dep,
+									suffix:'/plugin' + suffix + '.js'
+								};
+								dep = PluginManager.createUrl(defaultSettings, dep);
+								PluginManager.load(dep.resource, dep);
+							});
+						} else {
+							PluginManager.load(plugin, {
+								prefix: 'plugins/',
+								resource: plugin,
+								suffix: '/plugin' + suffix + '.js'
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				scriptLoader.loadQueue(function() {
+					if (!self.removed) {
+						self.init();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			loadScripts();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the editor this will be called automatically when
+		 * all plugins/themes and language packs are loaded by the rendered method.
+		 * This method will setup the iframe and create the theme and plugin instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method init
+		 */
+		init: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, elm = self.getElement();
+			var w, h, minHeight, n, o, Theme, url, bodyId, bodyClass, re, i, initializedPlugins = [];
+			self.rtl = this.editorManager.i18n.rtl;
+			self.editorManager.add(self);
+			settings.aria_label = settings.aria_label || DOM.getAttrib(elm, 'aria-label', self.getLang('aria.rich_text_area'));
+			/**
+			 * Reference to the theme instance that was used to generate the UI.
+			 *
+			 * @property theme
+			 * @type tinymce.Theme
+			 * @example
+			 * // Executes a method on the theme directly
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.theme.someMethod();
+			 */
+			if (settings.theme) {
+				if (typeof settings.theme != "function") {
+					settings.theme = settings.theme.replace(/-/, '');
+					Theme = ThemeManager.get(settings.theme);
+					self.theme = new Theme(self, ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme]);
+					if (self.theme.init) {
+						self.theme.init(self, ThemeManager.urls[settings.theme] || self.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''));
+					}
+				} else {
+					self.theme = settings.theme;
+				}
+			}
+			function initPlugin(plugin) {
+				var Plugin = PluginManager.get(plugin), pluginUrl, pluginInstance;
+				pluginUrl = PluginManager.urls[plugin] || self.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '');
+				plugin = trim(plugin);
+				if (Plugin && inArray(initializedPlugins, plugin) === -1) {
+					each(PluginManager.dependencies(plugin), function(dep){
+						initPlugin(dep);
+					});
+					pluginInstance = new Plugin(self, pluginUrl);
+					self.plugins[plugin] = pluginInstance;
+					if (pluginInstance.init) {
+						pluginInstance.init(self, pluginUrl);
+						initializedPlugins.push(plugin);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Create all plugins
+			each(settings.plugins.replace(/\-/g, '').split(/[ ,]/), initPlugin);
+			// Measure box
+			if (settings.render_ui && self.theme) {
+				self.orgDisplay = elm.style.display;
+				if (typeof settings.theme != "function") {
+					w = settings.width || elm.style.width || elm.offsetWidth;
+					h = settings.height || elm.style.height || elm.offsetHeight;
+					minHeight = settings.min_height || 100;
+					re = /^[0-9\.]+(|px)$/i;
+					if (re.test('' + w)) {
+						w = Math.max(parseInt(w, 10), 100);
+					}
+					if (re.test('' + h)) {
+						h = Math.max(parseInt(h, 10), minHeight);
+					}
+					// Render UI
+					o = self.theme.renderUI({
+						targetNode: elm,
+						width: w,
+						height: h,
+						deltaWidth: settings.delta_width,
+						deltaHeight: settings.delta_height
+					});
+					// Resize editor
+					if (!settings.content_editable) {
+						DOM.setStyles(o.sizeContainer || o.editorContainer, {
+							wi2dth: w,
+							// TODO: Fix this
+							h2eight: h
+						});
+						h = (o.iframeHeight || h) + (typeof(h) == 'number' ? (o.deltaHeight || 0) : '');
+						if (h < minHeight) {
+							h = minHeight;
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					o = settings.theme(self, elm);
+					// Convert element type to id:s
+					if (o.editorContainer.nodeType) {
+						o.editorContainer = o.editorContainer.id = o.editorContainer.id || self.id + "_parent";
+					}
+					// Convert element type to id:s
+					if (o.iframeContainer.nodeType) {
+						o.iframeContainer = o.iframeContainer.id = o.iframeContainer.id || self.id + "_iframecontainer";
+					}
+					// Use specified iframe height or the targets offsetHeight
+					h = o.iframeHeight || elm.offsetHeight;
+				}
+				self.editorContainer = o.editorContainer;
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			if (settings.content_css) {
+				each(explode(settings.content_css), function(u) {
+					self.contentCSS.push(self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(u));
+				});
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			if (settings.content_style) {
+				self.contentStyles.push(settings.content_style);
+			}
+			// Content editable mode ends here
+			if (settings.content_editable) {
+				elm = n = o = null; // Fix IE leak
+				return self.initContentBody();
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML = settings.doctype + '<html><head>';
+			// We only need to override paths if we have to
+			// IE has a bug where it remove site absolute urls to relative ones if this is specified
+			if (settings.document_base_url != self.documentBaseUrl) {
+				self.iframeHTML += '<base href="' + self.documentBaseURI.getURI() + '" />';
+			}
+			// IE8 doesn't support carets behind images setting ie7_compat would force IE8+ to run in IE7 compat mode.
+			if (!Env.caretAfter && settings.ie7_compat) {
+				self.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />';
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />';
+			// Load the CSS by injecting them into the HTML this will reduce "flicker"
+			for (i = 0; i < self.contentCSS.length; i++) {
+				var cssUrl = self.contentCSS[i];
+				self.iframeHTML += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + cssUrl + '" />';
+				self.loadedCSS[cssUrl] = true;
+			}
+			bodyId = settings.body_id || 'tinymce';
+			if (bodyId.indexOf('=') != -1) {
+				bodyId = self.getParam('body_id', '', 'hash');
+				bodyId = bodyId[self.id] || bodyId;
+			}
+			bodyClass = settings.body_class || '';
+			if (bodyClass.indexOf('=') != -1) {
+				bodyClass = self.getParam('body_class', '', 'hash');
+				bodyClass = bodyClass[self.id] || '';
+			}
+			self.iframeHTML += '</head><body id="' + bodyId + '" class="mce-content-body ' + bodyClass + '" ' +
+				'onload="window.parent.tinymce.get(\'' + self.id + '\').fire(\'load\');"><br></body></html>';
+			/*eslint no-script-url:0 */
+			var domainRelaxUrl = 'javascript:(function(){' +
+				'document.open();document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' +
+				'var ed = window.parent.tinymce.get("' + self.id + '");document.write(ed.iframeHTML);' +
+				'document.close();ed.initContentBody(true);})()';
+			// Domain relaxing is required since the user has messed around with document.domain
+			if (document.domain != location.hostname) {
+				url = domainRelaxUrl;
+			}
+			// Create iframe
+			// TODO: ACC add the appropriate description on this.
+			n = DOM.add(o.iframeContainer, 'iframe', {
+				id: self.id + "_ifr",
+				src: url || 'javascript:""', // Workaround for HTTPS warning in IE6/7
+				frameBorder: '0',
+				allowTransparency: "true",
+				title: self.editorManager.translate(
+					"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. " +
+					"Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help"
+				),
+				style: {
+					width: '100%',
+					height: h,
+					display: 'block' // Important for Gecko to render the iframe correctly
+				}
+			});
+			// Try accessing the document this will fail on IE when document.domain is set to the same as location.hostname
+			// Then we have to force domain relaxing using the domainRelaxUrl approach very ugly!!
+			if (ie) {
+				try {
+					self.getDoc();
+				} catch (e) {
+					n.src = url = domainRelaxUrl;
+				}
+			}
+			self.contentAreaContainer = o.iframeContainer;
+			if (o.editorContainer) {
+				DOM.get(o.editorContainer).style.display = self.orgDisplay;
+			}
+			DOM.get(self.id).style.display = 'none';
+			DOM.setAttrib(self.id, 'aria-hidden', true);
+			if (!url) {
+				self.initContentBody();
+			}
+			elm = n = o = null; // Cleanup
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method get called by the init method ones the iframe is loaded.
+		 * It will fill the iframe with contents, setups DOM and selection objects for the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @method initContentBody
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		initContentBody: function(skipWrite) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, targetElm = DOM.get(self.id), doc = self.getDoc(), body, contentCssText;
+			// Restore visibility on target element
+			if (!settings.inline) {
+				self.getElement().style.visibility = self.orgVisibility;
+			}
+			// Setup iframe body
+			if (!skipWrite && !settings.content_editable) {
+				doc.open();
+				doc.write(self.iframeHTML);
+				doc.close();
+			}
+			if (settings.content_editable) {
+				self.on('remove', function() {
+					var bodyEl = this.getBody();
+					DOM.removeClass(bodyEl, 'mce-content-body');
+					DOM.removeClass(bodyEl, 'mce-edit-focus');
+					DOM.setAttrib(bodyEl, 'tabIndex', null);
+					DOM.setAttrib(bodyEl, 'contentEditable', null);
+				});
+				DOM.addClass(targetElm, 'mce-content-body');
+				targetElm.tabIndex = -1;
+				self.contentDocument = doc = settings.content_document || document;
+				self.contentWindow = settings.content_window || window;
+				self.bodyElement = targetElm;
+				// Prevent leak in IE
+				settings.content_document = settings.content_window = null;
+				// TODO: Fix this
+				settings.root_name = targetElm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			}
+			// It will not steal focus while setting contentEditable
+			body = self.getBody();
+			body.disabled = true;
+			if (!settings.readonly) {
+				if (self.inline && DOM.getStyle(body, 'position', true) == 'static') {
+					body.style.position = 'relative';
+				}
+				body.contentEditable = self.getParam('content_editable_state', true);
+			}
+			body.disabled = false;
+			/**
+			 * Schema instance, enables you to validate elements and it's children.
+			 *
+			 * @property schema
+			 * @type tinymce.html.Schema
+			 */
+			self.schema = new Schema(settings);
+			/**
+			 * DOM instance for the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property dom
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
+			 * @example
+			 * // Adds a class to all paragraphs within the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
+			 */
+			self.dom = new DOMUtils(doc, {
+				keep_values: true,
+				url_converter: self.convertURL,
+				url_converter_scope: self,
+				hex_colors: settings.force_hex_style_colors,
+				class_filter: settings.class_filter,
+				update_styles: true,
+				root_element: settings.content_editable ? self.id : null,
+				collect: settings.content_editable,
+				schema: self.schema,
+				onSetAttrib: function(e) {
+					self.fire('SetAttrib', e);
+				}
+			});
+			/**
+			 * HTML parser will be used when contents is inserted into the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property parser
+			 * @type tinymce.html.DomParser
+			 */
+			self.parser = new DomParser(settings, self.schema);
+			// Convert src and href into data-mce-src, data-mce-href and data-mce-style
+			self.parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function(nodes, name) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, dom = self.dom, value, internalName;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					value = node.attr(name);
+					internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
+					// Add internal attribute if we need to we don't on a refresh of the document
+					if (!node.attributes.map[internalName]) {
+						if (name === "style") {
+							node.attr(internalName, dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name));
+						} else {
+							node.attr(internalName, self.convertURL(value, name, node.name));
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			// Keep scripts from executing
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('script', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.attr('type', 'mce-' + (node.attr('type') || 'text/javascript'));
+				}
+			});
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('#cdata', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node;
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					node.type = 8;
+					node.name = '#comment';
+					node.value = '[CDATA[' + node.value + ']]';
+				}
+			});
+			self.parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div', function(nodes) {
+				var i = nodes.length, node, nonEmptyElements = self.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
+				while (i--) {
+					node = nodes[i];
+					if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements)) {
+						node.empty().append(new Node('br', 1)).shortEnded = true;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			/**
+			 * DOM serializer for the editor. Will be used when contents is extracted from the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property serializer
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.Serializer
+			 * @example
+			 * // Serializes the first paragraph in the editor into a string
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.serializer.serialize(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+			 */
+			self.serializer = new DomSerializer(settings, self);
+			/**
+			 * Selection instance for the editor.
+			 *
+			 * @property selection
+			 * @type tinymce.dom.Selection
+			 * @example
+			 * // Sets some contents to the current selection in the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent('Some contents');
+			 *
+			 * // Gets the current selection
+			 * alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent());
+			 *
+			 * // Selects the first paragraph found
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.selection.select(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
+			 */
+			self.selection = new Selection(self.dom, self.getWin(), self.serializer, self);
+			/**
+			 * Formatter instance.
+			 *
+			 * @property formatter
+			 * @type tinymce.Formatter
+			 */
+			self.formatter = new Formatter(self);
+			/**
+			 * Undo manager instance, responsible for handling undo levels.
+			 *
+			 * @property undoManager
+			 * @type tinymce.UndoManager
+			 * @example
+			 * // Undoes the last modification to the editor
+			 * tinymce.activeEditor.undoManager.undo();
+			 */
+			self.undoManager = new UndoManager(self);
+			self.forceBlocks = new ForceBlocks(self);
+			self.enterKey = new EnterKey(self);
+			self.editorCommands = new EditorCommands(self);
+			self.fire('PreInit');
+			if (!settings.browser_spellcheck && !settings.gecko_spellcheck) {
+				doc.body.spellcheck = false; // Gecko
+				DOM.setAttrib(body, "spellcheck", "false");
+			}
+			self.fire('PostRender');
+			self.quirks = Quirks(self);
+			if (settings.directionality) {
+				body.dir = settings.directionality;
+			}
+			if (settings.nowrap) {
+				body.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+			}
+			if (settings.protect) {
+				self.on('BeforeSetContent', function(e) {
+					each(settings.protect, function(pattern) {
+						e.content = e.content.replace(pattern, function(str) {
+							return '<!--mce:protected ' + escape(str) + '-->';
+						});
+					});
+				});
+			}
+			self.on('SetContent', function() {
+				self.addVisual(self.getBody());
+			});
+			// Remove empty contents
+			if (settings.padd_empty_editor) {
+				self.on('PostProcess', function(e) {
+					e.content = e.content.replace(/^(<p[^>]*>(&nbsp;|&#160;|\s|\u00a0|)<\/p>[\r\n]*|<br \/>[\r\n]*)$/, '');
+				});
+			}
+			self.load({initial: true, format: 'html'});
+			self.startContent = self.getContent({format: 'raw'});
+			/**
+			 * Is set to true after the editor instance has been initialized
+			 *
+			 * @property initialized
+			 * @type Boolean
+			 * @example
+			 * function isEditorInitialized(editor) {
+			 *     return editor && editor.initialized;
+			 * }
+			 */
+			self.initialized = true;
+			each(self._pendingNativeEvents, function(name) {
+				self.dom.bind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, function(e) {
+					self.fire(e.type, e);
+				});
+			});
+			self.fire('init');
+			self.focus(true);
+			self.nodeChanged({initial: true});
+			self.execCallback('init_instance_callback', self);
+			// Add editor specific CSS styles
+			if (self.contentStyles.length > 0) {
+				contentCssText = '';
+				each(self.contentStyles, function(style) {
+					contentCssText += style + "\r\n";
+				});
+				self.dom.addStyle(contentCssText);
+			}
+			// Load specified content CSS last
+			each(self.contentCSS, function(cssUrl) {
+				if (!self.loadedCSS[cssUrl]) {
+                    self.dom.loadCSS(cssUrl);
+					self.loadedCSS[cssUrl] = true;
+				}
+			});
+			// Handle auto focus
+			if (settings.auto_focus) {
+				setTimeout(function () {
+					var ed = self.editorManager.get(settings.auto_focus);
+					ed.selection.select(ed.getBody(), 1);
+					ed.selection.collapse(1);
+					ed.getBody().focus();
+					ed.getWin().focus();
+				}, 100);
+			}
+			// Clean up references for IE
+			targetElm = doc = body = null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses/activates the editor. This will set this editor as the activeEditor in the tinymce collection
+		 * it will also place DOM focus inside the editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @param {Boolean} skip_focus Skip DOM focus. Just set is as the active editor.
+		 */
+		focus: function(skip_focus) {
+			var oed, self = this, selection = self.selection, contentEditable = self.settings.content_editable, rng;
+			var controlElm, doc = self.getDoc(), body;
+			if (!skip_focus) {
+				// Get selected control element
+				rng = selection.getRng();
+				if (rng.item) {
+					controlElm = rng.item(0);
+				}
+				self._refreshContentEditable();
+				// Focus the window iframe
+				if (!contentEditable) {
+					// WebKit needs this call to fire focusin event properly see #5948
+					// But Opera pre Blink engine will produce an empty selection so skip Opera
+					if (!Env.opera) {
+						self.getBody().focus();
+					}
+					self.getWin().focus();
+				}
+				// Focus the body as well since it's contentEditable
+				if (isGecko || contentEditable) {
+					body = self.getBody();
+					// Check for setActive since it doesn't scroll to the element
+					if (body.setActive && Env.ie < 11) {
+						body.setActive();
+					} else {
+						body.focus();
+					}
+					if (contentEditable) {
+						selection.normalize();
+					}
+				}
+				// Restore selected control element
+				// This is needed when for example an image is selected within a
+				// layer a call to focus will then remove the control selection
+				if (controlElm && controlElm.ownerDocument == doc) {
+					rng = doc.body.createControlRange();
+					rng.addElement(controlElm);
+					rng.select();
+				}
+			}
+			if (self.editorManager.activeEditor != self) {
+				if ((oed = self.editorManager.activeEditor)) {
+					oed.fire('deactivate', {relatedTarget: self});
+				}
+				self.fire('activate', {relatedTarget: oed});
+			}
+			self.editorManager.activeEditor = self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a legacy callback. This method is useful to call old 2.x option callbacks.
+		 * There new event model is a better way to add callback so this method might be removed in the future.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCallback
+		 * @param {String} name Name of the callback to execute.
+		 * @return {Object} Return value passed from callback function.
+		 */
+		execCallback: function(name) {
+			var self = this, callback = self.settings[name], scope;
+			if (!callback) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Look through lookup
+			if (self.callbackLookup && (scope = self.callbackLookup[name])) {
+				callback = scope.func;
+				scope = scope.scope;
+			}
+			if (typeof(callback) === 'string') {
+				scope = callback.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
+				scope = scope ? resolve(scope) : 0;
+				callback = resolve(callback);
+				self.callbackLookup = self.callbackLookup || {};
+				self.callbackLookup[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope};
+			}
+			return callback.apply(scope || self, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified string by replacing variables with language pack items it will also check if there is
+		 * a key mathcin the input.
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String} text String to translate by the language pack data.
+		 * @return {String} Translated string.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			var lang = this.settings.language || 'en', i18n = this.editorManager.i18n;
+			if (!text) {
+				return '';
+			}
+			return i18n.data[lang + '.' + text] || text.replace(/\{\#([^\}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
+				return i18n.data[lang + '.' + b] || '{#' + b + '}';
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a language pack item by name/key.
+		 *
+		 * @method getLang
+		 * @param {String} name Name/key to get from the language pack.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to retrive.
+		 */
+		getLang: function(name, defaultVal) {
+			return (
+				this.editorManager.i18n.data[(this.settings.language || 'en') + '.' + name] ||
+				(defaultVal !== undefined ? defaultVal : '{#' + name + '}')
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a configuration parameter by name.
+		 *
+		 * @method getParam
+		 * @param {String} name Configruation parameter to retrive.
+		 * @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to return.
+		 * @param {String} type Optional type parameter.
+		 * @return {String} Configuration parameter value or default value.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Returns a specific config value from the currently active editor
+		 * var someval = tinymce.activeEditor.getParam('myvalue');
+		 *
+		 * // Returns a specific config value from a specific editor instance by id
+		 * var someval2 = tinymce.get('my_editor').getParam('myvalue');
+		 */
+		getParam: function(name, defaultVal, type) {
+			var value = name in this.settings ? this.settings[name] : defaultVal, output;
+			if (type === 'hash') {
+				output = {};
+				if (typeof(value) === 'string') {
+					each(value.indexOf('=') > 0 ? value.split(/[;,](?![^=;,]*(?:[;,]|$))/) : value.split(','), function(value) {
+						value = value.split('=');
+						if (value.length > 1) {
+							output[trim(value[0])] = trim(value[1]);
+						} else {
+							output[trim(value[0])] = trim(value);
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					output = value;
+				}
+				return output;
+			}
+			return value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Distpaches out a onNodeChange event to all observers. This method should be called when you
+		 * need to update the UI states or element path etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method nodeChanged
+		 */
+		nodeChanged: function() {
+			var self = this, selection = self.selection, node, parents, root;
+			// Fix for bug #1896577 it seems that this can not be fired while the editor is loading
+			if (self.initialized && !self.settings.disable_nodechange && !self.settings.readonly) {
+				// Get start node
+				root = self.getBody();
+				node = selection.getStart() || root;
+				node = ie && node.ownerDocument != self.getDoc() ? self.getBody() : node; // Fix for IE initial state
+				// Edge case for <p>|<img></p>
+				if (node.nodeName == 'IMG' && selection.isCollapsed()) {
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				// Get parents and add them to object
+				parents = [];
+				self.dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
+					if (node === root) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					parents.push(node);
+				});
+				self.fire('NodeChange', {element: node, parents: parents});
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a button that later gets created by the theme in the editors toolbars.
+		 *
+		 * @method addButton
+		 * @param {String} name Button name to add.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object with title, cmd etc.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom button to the editor that inserts contents when clicked
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    toolbar: 'example'
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       ed.addButton('example', {
+		 *          title: 'My title',
+		 *          image: '../js/tinymce/plugins/example/img/example.gif',
+		 *          onclick: function() {
+		 *             ed.insertContent('Hello world!!');
+		 *          }
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addButton: function(name, settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (settings.cmd) {
+				settings.onclick = function() {
+					self.execCommand(settings.cmd);
+				};
+			}
+			if (!settings.text && !settings.icon) {
+				settings.icon = name;
+			}
+			self.buttons = self.buttons || {};
+			settings.tooltip = settings.tooltip || settings.title;
+			self.buttons[name] = settings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a menu item to be used in the menus of the theme. There might be multiple instances
+		 * of this menu item for example it might be used in the main menus of the theme but also in
+		 * the context menu so make sure that it's self contained and supports multiple instances.
+		 *
+		 * @method addMenuItem
+		 * @param {String} name Menu item name to add.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object with title, cmd etc.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom menu item to the editor that inserts contents when clicked
+		 * // The context option allows you to add the menu item to an existing default menu
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       ed.addMenuItem('example', {
+		 *          text: 'My menu item',
+		 *          context: 'tools',
+		 *          onclick: function() {
+		 *             ed.insertContent('Hello world!!');
+		 *          }
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addMenuItem: function(name, settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (settings.cmd) {
+				settings.onclick = function() {
+					self.execCommand(settings.cmd);
+				};
+			}
+			self.menuItems = self.menuItems || {};
+			self.menuItems[name] = settings;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with execCommand.
+		 *
+		 * @method addCommand
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addCommandCallback} callback Function to execute when the command occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds a custom command that later can be executed using execCommand
+		 * tinymce.init({
+		 *    ...
+		 *
+		 *    setup: function(ed) {
+		 *       // Register example command
+		 *       ed.addCommand('mycommand', function(ui, v) {
+		 *          ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!! Selection: ' + ed.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}));
+		 *       });
+		 *    }
+		 * });
+		 */
+		addCommand: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a command is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addCommandCallback
+			 * @param {Boolean} ui Display UI state true/false.
+			 * @param {Object} value Optional value for command.
+			 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the command was handled or not.
+			 */
+			this.execCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom query state command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with queryCommandState function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addQueryStateHandler
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addQueryStateHandlerCallback} callback Function to execute when the command state retrival occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 */
+		addQueryStateHandler: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a queryCommandState is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addQueryStateHandlerCallback
+			 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the command is enabled or not like is it bold.
+			 */
+			this.queryStateCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a custom query value command to the editor, you can also override existing commands with this method.
+		 * The command that you add can be executed with queryCommandValue function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addQueryValueHandler
+		 * @param {String} name Command name to add/override.
+		 * @param {addQueryValueHandlerCallback} callback Function to execute when the command value retrival occurs.
+		 * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 */
+		addQueryValueHandler: function(name, callback, scope) {
+			/**
+			 * Callback function that gets called when a queryCommandValue is executed.
+			 *
+			 * @callback addQueryValueHandlerCallback
+			 * @return {Object} Value of the command or undefined.
+			 */
+			this.queryValueCommands[name] = {func: callback, scope: scope || this};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a keyboard shortcut for some command or function.
+		 *
+		 * @method addShortcut
+		 * @param {String} pattern Shortcut pattern. Like for example: ctrl+alt+o.
+		 * @param {String} desc Text description for the command.
+		 * @param {String/Function} cmdFunc Command name string or function to execute when the key is pressed.
+		 * @param {Object} sc Optional scope to execute the function in.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the shortcut was added or not.
+		 */
+		addShortcut: function(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
+			this.shortcuts.add(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a command on the current instance. These commands can be TinyMCE internal commands prefixed with "mce" or
+		 * they can be build in browser commands such as "Bold". A compleate list of browser commands is available on MSDN or Mozilla.org.
+		 * This function will dispatch the execCommand function on each plugin, theme or the execcommand_callback option if none of these
+		 * return true it will handle the command as a internal browser command.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} cmd Command name to execute, for example mceLink or Bold.
+		 * @param {Boolean} ui True/false state if a UI (dialog) should be presented or not.
+		 * @param {mixed} value Optional command value, this can be anything.
+		 * @param {Object} a Optional arguments object.
+		 */
+		execCommand: function(cmd, ui, value, args) {
+			var self = this, state = 0, cmdItem;
+			if (!/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint)$/.test(cmd) && (!args || !args.skip_focus)) {
+				self.focus();
+			}
+			args = extend({}, args);
+			args = self.fire('BeforeExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+			if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((cmdItem = self.execCommands[cmd])) {
+				// Fall through on true
+				if (cmdItem.func.call(cmdItem.scope, ui, value) !== true) {
+					self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			// Plugin commands
+			each(self.plugins, function(p) {
+				if (p.execCommand && p.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+					self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+					state = true;
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			if (state) {
+				return state;
+			}
+			// Theme commands
+			if (self.theme && self.theme.execCommand && self.theme.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+				self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			if (self.editorCommands.execCommand(cmd, ui, value)) {
+				self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+				return true;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			self.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, ui, value);
+			self.fire('ExecCommand', {command: cmd, ui: ui, value: value});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a command specific state, for example if bold is enabled or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandState
+		 * @param {string} cmd Command to query state from.
+		 * @return {Boolean} Command specific state, for example if bold is enabled or not.
+		 */
+		queryCommandState: function(cmd) {
+			var self = this, queryItem, returnVal;
+			// Is hidden then return undefined
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((queryItem = self.queryStateCommands[cmd])) {
+				returnVal = queryItem.func.call(queryItem.scope);
+				// Fall though on true
+				if (returnVal !== true) {
+					return returnVal;
+				}
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			returnVal = self.editorCommands.queryCommandState(cmd);
+			if (returnVal !== -1) {
+				return returnVal;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			try {
+				return self.getDoc().queryCommandState(cmd);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a command specific value, for example the current font size.
+		 *
+		 * @method queryCommandValue
+		 * @param {string} cmd Command to query value from.
+		 * @return {Object} Command specific value, for example the current font size.
+		 */
+		queryCommandValue: function(cmd) {
+			var self = this, queryItem, returnVal;
+			// Is hidden then return undefined
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Registred commands
+			if ((queryItem = self.queryValueCommands[cmd])) {
+				returnVal = queryItem.func.call(queryItem.scope);
+				// Fall though on true
+				if (returnVal !== true) {
+					return returnVal;
+				}
+			}
+			// Editor commands
+			returnVal = self.editorCommands.queryCommandValue(cmd);
+			if (returnVal !== undefined) {
+				return returnVal;
+			}
+			// Browser commands
+			try {
+				return self.getDoc().queryCommandValue(cmd);
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the editor and hides any textarea/div that the editor is supposed to replace.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 */
+		show: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DOM.show(self.getContainer());
+			DOM.hide(self.id);
+			self.load();
+			self.fire('show');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the editor and shows any textarea/div that the editor is supposed to replace.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 */
+		hide: function() {
+			var self = this, doc = self.getDoc();
+			// Fixed bug where IE has a blinking cursor left from the editor
+			if (ie && doc && !self.inline) {
+				doc.execCommand('SelectAll');
+			}
+			// We must save before we hide so Safari doesn't crash
+			self.save();
+			// defer the call to hide to prevent an IE9 crash #4921
+			DOM.hide(self.getContainer());
+			DOM.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
+			self.fire('hide');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the editor is hidden or not.
+		 *
+		 * @method isHidden
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the editor is hidden or not.
+		 */
+		isHidden: function() {
+			return !DOM.isHidden(this.id);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the progress state, this will display a throbber/progess for the editor.
+		 * This is ideal for asycronous operations like an AJAX save call.
+		 *
+		 * @method setProgressState
+		 * @param {Boolean} state Boolean state if the progress should be shown or hidden.
+		 * @param {Number} time Optional time to wait before the progress gets shown.
+		 * @return {Boolean} Same as the input state.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Show progress for the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(true);
+		 * 
+		 * // Hide progress for the active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(false);
+		 * 
+		 * // Show progress after 3 seconds
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setProgressState(true, 3000);
+		 */
+		setProgressState: function(state, time) {
+			this.fire('ProgressState', {state: state, time: time});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads contents from the textarea or div element that got converted into an editor instance.
+		 * This method will move the contents from that textarea or div into the editor by using setContent
+		 * so all events etc that method has will get dispatched as well.
+		 *
+		 * @method load
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole load process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the editor.
+		 */
+		load: function(args) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getElement(), html;
+			if (elm) {
+				args = args || {};
+				args.load = true;
+				html = self.setContent(elm.value !== undefined ? elm.value : elm.innerHTML, args);
+				args.element = elm;
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.fire('LoadContent', args);
+				}
+				args.element = elm = null;
+				return html;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Saves the contents from a editor out to the textarea or div element that got converted into an editor instance.
+		 * This method will move the HTML contents from the editor into that textarea or div by getContent
+		 * so all events etc that method has will get dispatched as well.
+		 *
+		 * @method save
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole save process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the textarea/div.
+		 */
+		save: function(args) {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getElement(), html, form;
+			if (!elm || !self.initialized) {
+				return;
+			}
+			args = args || {};
+			args.save = true;
+			args.element = elm;
+			html = args.content = self.getContent(args);
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('SaveContent', args);
+			}
+			html = args.content;
+			if (!/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(elm.nodeName)) {
+				// Update DIV element when not in inline mode
+				if (!self.inline) {
+					elm.innerHTML = html;
+				}
+				// Update hidden form element
+				if ((form = DOM.getParent(self.id, 'form'))) {
+					each(form.elements, function(elm) {
+						if (elm.name == self.id) {
+							elm.value = html;
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			} else {
+				elm.value = html;
+			}
+			args.element = elm = null;
+			if (args.set_dirty !== false) {
+				self.isNotDirty = true;
+			}
+			return html;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the specified content to the editor instance, this will cleanup the content before it gets set using
+		 * the different cleanup rules options.
+		 *
+		 * @method setContent
+		 * @param {String} content Content to set to editor, normally HTML contents but can be other formats as well.
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole set process.
+		 * @return {String} HTML string that got set into the editor.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Sets the HTML contents of the activeEditor editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('<span>some</span> html');
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the raw contents of the activeEditor editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('<span>some</span> html', {format: 'raw'});
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the content of a specific editor (my_editor in this example)
+		 * tinymce.get('my_editor').setContent(data);
+		 *
+		 * // Sets the bbcode contents of the activeEditor editor if the bbcode plugin was added
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('[b]some[/b] html', {format: 'bbcode'});
+		 */
+		setContent: function(content, args) {
+			var self = this, body = self.getBody(), forcedRootBlockName;
+			// Setup args object
+			args = args || {};
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.set = true;
+			args.content = content;
+			// Do preprocessing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('BeforeSetContent', args);
+			}
+			content = args.content;
+			// Padd empty content in Gecko and Safari. Commands will otherwise fail on the content
+			// It will also be impossible to place the caret in the editor unless there is a BR element present
+			if (content.length === 0 || /^\s+$/.test(content)) {
+				forcedRootBlockName = self.settings.forced_root_block;
+				// Check if forcedRootBlock is configured and that the block is a valid child of the body
+				if (forcedRootBlockName && self.schema.isValidChild(body.nodeName.toLowerCase(), forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase())) {
+					// Padd with bogus BR elements on modern browsers and IE 7 and 8 since they don't render empty P tags properly
+					content = ie && ie < 11 ? '' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+					content = self.dom.createHTML(forcedRootBlockName, self.settings.forced_root_block_attrs, content);
+				} else if (!ie) {
+					// We need to add a BR when forced_root_block is disabled on non IE browsers to place the caret
+					content = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
+				}
+				body.innerHTML = content;
+				self.fire('SetContent', args);
+			} else {
+				// Parse and serialize the html
+				if (args.format !== 'raw') {
+					content = new Serializer({}, self.schema).serialize(
+						self.parser.parse(content, {isRootContent: true})
+					);
+				}
+				// Set the new cleaned contents to the editor
+				args.content = trim(content);
+				self.dom.setHTML(body, args.content);
+				// Do post processing
+				if (!args.no_events) {
+					self.fire('SetContent', args);
+				}
+				// Don't normalize selection if the focused element isn't the body in
+				// content editable mode since it will steal focus otherwise
+				/*if (!self.settings.content_editable || document.activeElement === self.getBody()) {
+					self.selection.normalize();
+				}*/
+			}
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets the content from the editor instance, this will cleanup the content before it gets returned using
+		 * the different cleanup rules options.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContent
+		 * @param {Object} args Optional content object, this gets passed around through the whole get process.
+		 * @return {String} Cleaned content string, normally HTML contents.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Get the HTML contents of the currently active editor
+		 * console.debug(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent());
+		 *
+		 * // Get the raw contents of the currently active editor
+		 * tinymce.activeEditor.getContent({format: 'raw'});
+		 *
+		 * // Get content of a specific editor:
+		 * tinymce.get('content id').getContent()
+		 */
+		getContent: function(args) {
+			var self = this, content, body = self.getBody();
+			// Setup args object
+			args = args || {};
+			args.format = args.format || 'html';
+			args.get = true;
+			args.getInner = true;
+			// Do preprocessing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('BeforeGetContent', args);
+			}
+			// Get raw contents or by default the cleaned contents
+			if (args.format == 'raw') {
+				content = body.innerHTML;
+			} else if (args.format == 'text') {
+				content = body.innerText || body.textContent;
+			} else {
+				content = self.serializer.serialize(body, args);
+			}
+			// Trim whitespace in beginning/end of HTML
+			if (args.format != 'text') {
+				args.content = trim(content);
+			} else {
+				args.content = content;
+			}
+			// Do post processing
+			if (!args.no_events) {
+				self.fire('GetContent', args);
+			}
+			return args.content;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts content at caret position.
+		 *
+		 * @method insertContent
+		 * @param {String} content Content to insert.
+		 */
+		insertContent: function(content) {
+			this.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, content);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the editor is dirty or not. It will get dirty if the user has made modifications to the contents.
+		 *
+		 * @method isDirty
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the editor is dirty or not. It will get dirty if the user has made modifications to the contents.
+		 * @example
+		 * if (tinymce.activeEditor.isDirty())
+		 *     alert("You must save your contents.");
+		 */
+		isDirty: function() {
+			return !this.isNotDirty;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the editors container element. The container element wrappes in
+		 * all the elements added to the page for the editor. Such as UI, iframe etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContainer
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the editor container.
+		 */
+		getContainer: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.container) {
+				self.container = DOM.get(self.editorContainer || self.id + '_parent');
+			}
+			return self.container;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the editors content area container element. The this element is the one who
+		 * holds the iframe or the editable element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getContentAreaContainer
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the editor area container.
+		 */
+		getContentAreaContainer: function() {
+			return this.contentAreaContainer;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the target element/textarea that got replaced with a TinyMCE editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method getElement
+		 * @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the replaced element.
+		 */
+		getElement: function() {
+			return DOM.get(this.settings.content_element || this.id);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes window object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getWin
+		 * @return {Window} Iframe DOM window object.
+		 */
+		getWin: function() {
+			var self = this, elm;
+			if (!self.contentWindow) {
+				elm = DOM.get(self.id + "_ifr");
+				if (elm) {
+					self.contentWindow = elm.contentWindow;
+				}
+			}
+			return self.contentWindow;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes document object.
+		 *
+		 * @method getDoc
+		 * @return {Document} Iframe DOM document object.
+		 */
+		getDoc: function() {
+			var self = this, win;
+			if (!self.contentDocument) {
+				win = self.getWin();
+				if (win) {
+					self.contentDocument = win.document;
+				}
+			}
+			return self.contentDocument;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the iframes body element.
+		 *
+		 * @method getBody
+		 * @return {Element} Iframe body element.
+		 */
+		getBody: function() {
+			return this.bodyElement || this.getDoc().body;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * URL converter function this gets executed each time a user adds an img, a or
+		 * any other element that has a URL in it. This will be called both by the DOM and HTML
+		 * manipulation functions.
+		 *
+		 * @method convertURL
+		 * @param {string} url URL to convert.
+		 * @param {string} name Attribute name src, href etc.
+		 * @param {string/HTMLElement} elm Tag name or HTML DOM element depending on HTML or DOM insert.
+		 * @return {string} Converted URL string.
+		 */
+		convertURL: function(url, name, elm) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			// Use callback instead
+			if (settings.urlconverter_callback) {
+				return self.execCallback('urlconverter_callback', url, elm, true, name);
+			}
+			// Don't convert link href since thats the CSS files that gets loaded into the editor also skip local file URLs
+			if (!settings.convert_urls || (elm && elm.nodeName == 'LINK') || url.indexOf('file:') === 0 || url.length === 0) {
+				return url;
+			}
+			// Convert to relative
+			if (settings.relative_urls) {
+				return self.documentBaseURI.toRelative(url);
+			}
+			// Convert to absolute
+			url = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url, settings.remove_script_host);
+			return url;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds visual aid for tables, anchors etc so they can be more easily edited inside the editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method addVisual
+		 * @param {Element} elm Optional root element to loop though to find tables etc that needs the visual aid.
+		 */
+		addVisual: function(elm) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, dom = self.dom, cls;
+			elm = elm || self.getBody();
+			if (self.hasVisual === undefined) {
+				self.hasVisual = settings.visual;
+			}
+			each(dom.select('table,a', elm), function(elm) {
+				var value;
+				switch (elm.nodeName) {
+					case 'TABLE':
+						cls = settings.visual_table_class || 'mce-item-table';
+						value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'border');
+						if (!value || value == '0') {
+							if (self.hasVisual) {
+								dom.addClass(elm, cls);
+							} else {
+								dom.removeClass(elm, cls);
+							}
+						}
+						return;
+					case 'A':
+						if (!dom.getAttrib(elm, 'href', false)) {
+							value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'name') || elm.id;
+							cls = settings.visual_anchor_class || 'mce-item-anchor';
+							if (value) {
+								if (self.hasVisual) {
+									dom.addClass(elm, cls);
+								} else {
+									dom.removeClass(elm, cls);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return;
+				}
+			});
+			self.fire('VisualAid', {element: elm, hasVisual: self.hasVisual});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the editor from the dom and tinymce collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.removed) {
+				self.save();
+				self.fire('remove');
+				self.off();
+				self.removed = 1; // Cancels post remove event execution
+				// Remove any hidden input
+				if (self.hasHiddenInput) {
+					DOM.remove(self.getElement().nextSibling);
+				}
+				DOM.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
+				// Don't clear the window or document if content editable
+				// is enabled since other instances might still be present
+				if (!self.settings.content_editable) {
+					Event.unbind(self.getWin());
+					Event.unbind(self.getDoc());
+				}
+				var elm = self.getContainer();
+				Event.unbind(self.getBody());
+				Event.unbind(elm);
+				self.editorManager.remove(self);
+				DOM.remove(elm);
+				self.destroy();
+			}
+		},
+		bindNative: function(name) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.settings.readonly) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (self.initialized) {
+				self.dom.bind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, function(e) {
+					self.fire(name, e);
+				});
+			} else {
+				if (!self._pendingNativeEvents) {
+					self._pendingNativeEvents = [name];
+				} else {
+					self._pendingNativeEvents.push(name);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		unbindNative: function(name) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.initialized) {
+				self.dom.unbind(name);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the editor instance by removing all events, element references or other resources
+		 * that could leak memory. This method will be called automatically when the page is unloaded
+		 * but you can also call it directly if you know what you are doing.
+		 *
+		 * @method destroy
+		 * @param {Boolean} automatic Optional state if the destroy is an automatic destroy or user called one.
+		 */
+		destroy: function(automatic) {
+			var self = this, form;
+			// One time is enough
+			if (self.destroyed) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// If user manually calls destroy and not remove
+			// Users seems to have logic that calls destroy instead of remove
+			if (!automatic && !self.removed) {
+				self.remove();
+				return;
+			}
+			// We must unbind on Gecko since it would otherwise produce the pesky "attempt
+			// to run compile-and-go script on a cleared scope" message
+			if (automatic && isGecko) {
+				Event.unbind(self.getDoc());
+				Event.unbind(self.getWin());
+				Event.unbind(self.getBody());
+			}
+			if (!automatic) {
+				self.editorManager.off('beforeunload', self._beforeUnload);
+				// Manual destroy
+				if (self.theme && self.theme.destroy) {
+					self.theme.destroy();
+				}
+				// Destroy controls, selection and dom
+				self.selection.destroy();
+				self.dom.destroy();
+			}
+			form = self.formElement;
+			if (form) {
+				if (form._mceOldSubmit) {
+					form.submit = form._mceOldSubmit;
+					form._mceOldSubmit = null;
+				}
+				DOM.unbind(form, 'submit reset', self.formEventDelegate);
+			}
+			self.contentAreaContainer = self.formElement = self.container = self.editorContainer = null;
+			self.settings.content_element = self.bodyElement = self.contentDocument = self.contentWindow = null;
+			if (self.selection) {
+				self.selection = self.selection.win = self.selection.dom = self.selection.dom.doc = null;
+			}
+			self.destroyed = 1;
+		},
+		// Internal functions
+		_refreshContentEditable: function() {
+			var self = this, body, parent;
+			// Check if the editor was hidden and the re-initalize contentEditable mode by removing and adding the body again
+			if (self._isHidden()) {
+				body = self.getBody();
+				parent = body.parentNode;
+				parent.removeChild(body);
+				parent.appendChild(body);
+				body.focus();
+			}
+		},
+		_isHidden: function() {
+			var sel;
+			if (!isGecko) {
+				return 0;
+			}
+			// Weird, wheres that cursor selection?
+			sel = this.selection.getSel();
+			return (!sel || !sel.rangeCount || sel.rangeCount === 0);
+		}
+	};
+	extend(Editor.prototype, Observable);
+	return Editor;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/I18n.js
+ * I18n.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * I18n class that handles translation of TinyMCE UI.
+ * Uses po style with csharp style parameters.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.I18n
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/I18n", [], function() {
+	"use strict";
+	var data = {};
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Property gets set to true if a RTL language pack was loaded.
+		 *
+		 * @property rtl
+		 * @type Boolean
+		 */
+		rtl: false,
+		/**
+		 * Adds translations for a specific language code.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {String} code Language code like sv_SE.
+		 * @param {Array} items Name/value array with English en_US to sv_SE.
+		 */
+		add: function(code, items) {
+			for (var name in items) {
+				data[name] = items[name];
+			}
+			this.rtl = this.rtl || data._dir === 'rtl';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified text.
+		 *
+		 * It has a few formats:
+		 * I18n.translate("Text");
+		 * I18n.translate(["Text {0}/{1}", 0, 1]);
+		 * I18n.translate({raw: "Raw string"});
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String/Object/Array} text Text to translate.
+		 * @return {String} String that got translated.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			if (typeof(text) == "undefined") {
+				return text;
+			}
+			if (typeof(text) != "string" && text.raw) {
+				return text.raw;
+			}
+			if (text.push) {
+				var values = text.slice(1);
+				text = (data[text[0]] || text[0]).replace(/\{([^\}]+)\}/g, function(match1, match2) {
+					return values[match2];
+				});
+			}
+			return data[text] || text;
+		},
+		data: data
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/FocusManager.js
+ * FocusManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class manages the focus/blur state of the editor. This class is needed since some
+ * browsers fire false focus/blur states when the selection is moved to a UI dialog or similar.
+ *
+ * This class will fire two events focus and blur on the editor instances that got affected.
+ * It will also handle the restore of selection when the focus is lost and returned.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.FocusManager
+ */
+define("tinymce/FocusManager", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(DOMUtils, Env) {
+	var selectionChangeHandler, documentFocusInHandler, DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new focus manager instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor FocusManager
+	 * @param {tinymce.EditorManager} editorManager Editor manager instance to handle focus for.
+	 */
+	function FocusManager(editorManager) {
+		function getActiveElement() {
+			try {
+				return document.activeElement;
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// IE sometimes fails to get the activeElement when resizing table
+				// TODO: Investigate this
+				return document.body;
+			}
+		}
+		// We can't store a real range on IE 11 since it gets mutated so we need to use a bookmark object
+		// TODO: Move this to a separate range utils class since it's it's logic is present in Selection as well.
+		function createBookmark(rng) {
+			if (rng && rng.startContainer) {
+				return {
+					startContainer: rng.startContainer,
+					startOffset: rng.startOffset,
+					endContainer: rng.endContainer,
+					endOffset: rng.endOffset
+				};
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		function bookmarkToRng(editor, bookmark) {
+			var rng;
+			if (bookmark.startContainer) {
+				rng = editor.getDoc().createRange();
+				rng.setStart(bookmark.startContainer, bookmark.startOffset);
+				rng.setEnd(bookmark.endContainer, bookmark.endOffset);
+			} else {
+				rng = bookmark;
+			}
+			return rng;
+		}
+		function isUIElement(elm) {
+			return !!DOM.getParent(elm, FocusManager.isEditorUIElement);
+		}
+		function isNodeInBodyOfEditor(node, editor) {
+			var body = editor.getBody();
+			while (node) {
+				if (node == body) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				node = node.parentNode;
+			}
+		}
+		function registerEvents(e) {
+			var editor = e.editor;
+			editor.on('init', function() {
+				// Gecko/WebKit has ghost selections in iframes and IE only has one selection per browser tab
+				if (editor.inline || Env.ie) {
+					// On other browsers take snapshot on nodechange in inline mode since they have Ghost selections for iframes
+					editor.on('nodechange keyup', function() {
+						var node = document.activeElement;
+						// IE 11 reports active element as iframe not body of iframe
+						if (node && node.id == editor.id + '_ifr') {
+							node = editor.getBody();
+						}
+						if (isNodeInBodyOfEditor(node, editor)) {
+							editor.lastRng = editor.selection.getRng();
+						}
+					});
+					// Handles the issue with WebKit not retaining selection within inline document
+					// If the user releases the mouse out side the body since a mouse up event wont occur on the body
+					if (Env.webkit && !selectionChangeHandler) {
+						selectionChangeHandler = function() {
+							var activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor;
+							if (activeEditor && activeEditor.selection) {
+								var rng = activeEditor.selection.getRng();
+								// Store when it's non collapsed
+								if (rng && !rng.collapsed) {
+									editor.lastRng = rng;
+								}
+							}
+						};
+						DOM.bind(document, 'selectionchange', selectionChangeHandler);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on('setcontent', function() {
+				editor.lastRng = null;
+			});
+			// Remove last selection bookmark on mousedown see #6305
+			editor.on('mousedown', function() {
+				editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+			});
+			editor.on('focusin', function() {
+				var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
+				if (editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark) {
+					editor.selection.setRng(bookmarkToRng(editor, editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark));
+					editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+				}
+				if (focusedEditor != editor) {
+					if (focusedEditor) {
+						focusedEditor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: editor});
+					}
+					editorManager.activeEditor = editor;
+					editorManager.focusedEditor = editor;
+					editor.fire('focus', {blurredEditor: focusedEditor});
+					editor.focus(true);
+				}
+				editor.lastRng = null;
+			});
+			editor.on('focusout', function() {
+				window.setTimeout(function() {
+					var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
+					// Still the same editor the the blur was outside any editor UI
+					if (!isUIElement(getActiveElement()) && focusedEditor == editor) {
+						editor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: null});
+						editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+						// Make sure selection is valid could be invalid if the editor is blured and removed before the timeout occurs
+						if (editor.selection) {
+							editor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = null;
+						}
+					}
+				}, 0);
+			});
+			if (!documentFocusInHandler) {
+				documentFocusInHandler = function(e) {
+					var activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor;
+					if (activeEditor && e.target.ownerDocument == document) {
+						// Check to make sure we have a valid selection
+						if (activeEditor.selection) {
+							activeEditor.selection.lastFocusBookmark = createBookmark(activeEditor.lastRng);
+						}
+						// Fire a blur event if the element isn't a UI element
+						if (!isUIElement(e.target) && editorManager.focusedEditor == activeEditor) {
+							activeEditor.fire('blur', {focusedEditor: null});
+							editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+						}
+					}
+				};
+				// Check if focus is moved to an element outside the active editor by checking if the target node
+				// isn't within the body of the activeEditor nor a UI element such as a dialog child control
+				DOM.bind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
+			}
+		}
+		function unregisterDocumentEvents(e) {
+			if (editorManager.focusedEditor == e.editor) {
+				editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
+			}
+			if (!editorManager.activeEditor) {
+				DOM.unbind(document, 'selectionchange', selectionChangeHandler);
+				DOM.unbind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
+				selectionChangeHandler = documentFocusInHandler = null;
+			}
+		}
+		editorManager.on('AddEditor', registerEvents);
+		editorManager.on('RemoveEditor', unregisterDocumentEvents);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns true if the specified element is part of the UI for example an button or text input.
+	 *
+	 * @method isEditorUIElement
+	 * @param  {Element} elm Element to check if it's part of the UI or not.
+	 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if the element is part of the UI or not.
+	 */
+	FocusManager.isEditorUIElement = function(elm) {
+		// Needs to be converted to string since svg can have focus: #6776
+		return elm.className.toString().indexOf('mce-') !== -1;
+	};
+	return FocusManager;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/EditorManager.js
+ * EditorManager.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class used as a factory for manager for tinymce.Editor instances.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.EditorManager.init({});
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.EditorManager
+ * @mixes tinymce.util.Observable
+ * @static
+ */
+define("tinymce/EditorManager", [
+	"tinymce/Editor",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/util/URI",
+	"tinymce/Env",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/util/Observable",
+	"tinymce/util/I18n",
+	"tinymce/FocusManager"
+], function(Editor, DOMUtils, URI, Env, Tools, Observable, I18n, FocusManager) {
+	var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	var explode = Tools.explode, each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var instanceCounter = 0, beforeUnloadDelegate;
+	var EditorManager = {
+		/**
+		 * Major version of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property majorVersion
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		majorVersion : '4',
+		/**
+		 * Minor version of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property minorVersion
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		minorVersion : '0.20',
+		/**
+		 * Release date of TinyMCE build.
+		 *
+		 * @property releaseDate
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		releaseDate: '2014-03-18',
+		/**
+		 * Collection of editor instances.
+		 *
+		 * @property editors
+		 * @type Object
+		 * @example
+		 * for (edId in tinymce.editors)
+		 *     tinymce.editors[edId].save();
+		 */
+		editors: [],
+		/**
+		 * Collection of language pack data.
+		 *
+		 * @property i18n
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		i18n: I18n,
+		/**
+		 * Currently active editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property activeEditor
+		 * @type tinymce.Editor
+		 * @example
+		 * tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent();
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor.selection.getContent();
+		 */
+		activeEditor: null,
+		setup: function() {
+			var self = this, baseURL, documentBaseURL, suffix = "", preInit;
+			// Get base URL for the current document
+			documentBaseURL = document.location.href.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, '');
+			if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(documentBaseURL)) {
+				documentBaseURL += '/';
+			}
+			// If tinymce is defined and has a base use that or use the old tinyMCEPreInit
+			preInit = window.tinymce || window.tinyMCEPreInit;
+			if (preInit) {
+				baseURL = preInit.base || preInit.baseURL;
+				suffix = preInit.suffix;
+			} else {
+				// Get base where the tinymce script is located
+				var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+				for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
+					var src = scripts[i].src;
+					// Script types supported:
+					// tinymce.js tinymce.min.js tinymce.dev.js
+					// tinymce.jquery.js tinymce.jquery.min.js tinymce.jquery.dev.js
+					// tinymce.full.js tinymce.full.min.js tinymce.full.dev.js
+					if (/tinymce(\.full|\.jquery|)(\.min|\.dev|)\.js/.test(src)) {
+						if (src.indexOf('.min') != -1) {
+							suffix = '.min';
+						}
+						baseURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Base URL where the root directory if TinyMCE is located.
+			 *
+			 * @property baseURL
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.baseURL = new URI(documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(baseURL);
+			/**
+			 * Document base URL where the current document is located.
+			 *
+			 * @property documentBaseURL
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.documentBaseURL = documentBaseURL;
+			/**
+			 * Absolute baseURI for the installation path of TinyMCE.
+			 *
+			 * @property baseURI
+			 * @type tinymce.util.URI
+			 */
+			self.baseURI = new URI(self.baseURL);
+			/**
+			 * Current suffix to add to each plugin/theme that gets loaded for example ".min".
+			 *
+			 * @property suffix
+			 * @type String
+			 */
+			self.suffix = suffix;
+			self.focusManager = new FocusManager(self);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes a set of editors. This method will create editors based on various settings.
+		 *
+		 * @method init
+		 * @param {Object} settings Settings object to be passed to each editor instance.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Initializes a editor using the longer method
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.init({
+		 *    some_settings : 'some value'
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Initializes a editor instance using the shorter version
+		 * tinyMCE.init({
+		 *    some_settings : 'some value'
+		 * });
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, editors = [], editor;
+			function createId(elm) {
+				var id = elm.id;
+				// Use element id, or unique name or generate a unique id
+				if (!id) {
+					id = elm.name;
+					if (id && !DOM.get(id)) {
+						id = elm.name;
+					} else {
+						// Generate unique name
+						id = DOM.uniqueId();
+					}
+					elm.setAttribute('id', id);
+				}
+				return id;
+			}
+			function execCallback(se, n, s) {
+				var f = se[n];
+				if (!f) {
+					return;
+				}
+				return f.apply(s || this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2));
+			}
+			function hasClass(n, c) {
+				return c.constructor === RegExp ? c.test(n.className) : DOM.hasClass(n, c);
+			}
+			function readyHandler() {
+				var l, co;
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+				execCallback(settings, 'onpageload');
+				if (settings.types) {
+					// Process type specific selector
+					each(settings.types, function(type) {
+						each(DOM.select(type.selector), function(elm) {
+							var editor = new Editor(createId(elm), extend({}, settings, type), self);
+							editors.push(editor);
+							editor.render(1);
+						});
+					});
+					return;
+				} else if (settings.selector) {
+					// Process global selector
+					each(DOM.select(settings.selector), function(elm) {
+						var editor = new Editor(createId(elm), settings, self);
+						editors.push(editor);
+						editor.render(1);
+					});
+					return;
+				}
+				// Fallback to old setting
+				switch (settings.mode) {
+					case "exact":
+						l = settings.elements || '';
+						if(l.length > 0) {
+							each(explode(l), function(v) {
+								if (DOM.get(v)) {
+									editor = new Editor(v, settings, self);
+									editors.push(editor);
+									editor.render(true);
+								} else {
+									each(document.forms, function(f) {
+										each(f.elements, function(e) {
+											if (e.name === v) {
+												v = 'mce_editor_' + instanceCounter++;
+												DOM.setAttrib(e, 'id', v);
+												editor = new Editor(v, settings, self);
+												editors.push(editor);
+												editor.render(1);
+											}
+										});
+									});
+								}
+							});
+						}
+						break;
+					case "textareas":
+					case "specific_textareas":
+						each(DOM.select('textarea'), function(elm) {
+							if (settings.editor_deselector && hasClass(elm, settings.editor_deselector)) {
+								return;
+							}
+							if (!settings.editor_selector || hasClass(elm, settings.editor_selector)) {
+								editor = new Editor(createId(elm), settings, self);
+								editors.push(editor);
+								editor.render(true);
+							}
+						});
+						break;
+				}
+				// Call onInit when all editors are initialized
+				if (settings.oninit) {
+					l = co = 0;
+					each(editors, function(ed) {
+						co++;
+						if (!ed.initialized) {
+							// Wait for it
+							ed.on('init', function() {
+								l++;
+								// All done
+								if (l == co) {
+									execCallback(settings, 'oninit');
+								}
+							});
+						} else {
+							l++;
+						}
+						// All done
+						if (l == co) {
+							execCallback(settings, 'oninit');
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			self.settings = settings;
+			DOM.bind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns a editor instance by id.
+		 *
+		 * @method get
+		 * @param {String/Number} id Editor instance id or index to return.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} Editor instance to return.
+		 * @example
+		 * // Adds an onclick event to an editor by id (shorter version)
+		 * tinymce.get('mytextbox').on('click', function(e) {
+		 *    ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 * });
+		 *
+		 * // Adds an onclick event to an editor by id (longer version)
+		 * tinymce.EditorManager.get('mytextbox').on('click', function(e) {
+		 *    ed.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
+		 * });
+		 */
+		get: function(id) {
+			if (id === undefined) {
+				return this.editors;
+			}
+			return this.editors[id];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds an editor instance to the editor collection. This will also set it as the active editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method add
+		 * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Editor instance to add to the collection.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} The same instance that got passed in.
+		 */
+		add: function(editor) {
+			var self = this, editors = self.editors;
+			// Add named and index editor instance
+			editors[editor.id] = editor;
+			editors.push(editor);
+			self.activeEditor = editor;
+			/**
+			 * Fires when an editor is added to the EditorManager collection.
+			 *
+			 * @event AddEditor
+			 * @param {Object} e Event arguments.
+			 */
+			self.fire('AddEditor', {editor: editor});
+			if (!beforeUnloadDelegate) {
+				beforeUnloadDelegate = function() {
+					self.fire('BeforeUnload');
+				};
+				DOM.bind(window, 'beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate);
+			}
+			return editor;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates an editor instance and adds it to the EditorManager collection.
+		 *
+		 * @method createEditor
+		 * @param {String} id Instance id to use for editor.
+		 * @param {Object} settings Editor instance settings.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} Editor instance that got created.
+		 */
+		createEditor: function(id, settings) {
+			return this.add(new Editor(id, settings, this));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes a editor or editors form page.
+		 *
+		 * @example
+		 * // Remove all editors bound to divs
+		 * tinymce.remove('div');
+		 *
+		 * // Remove all editors bound to textareas
+		 * tinymce.remove('textarea');
+		 *
+		 * // Remove all editors
+		 * tinymce.remove();
+		 *
+		 * // Remove specific instance by id
+		 * tinymce.remove('#id');
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @param {tinymce.Editor/String/Object} [selector] CSS selector or editor instance to remove.
+		 * @return {tinymce.Editor} The editor that got passed in will be return if it was found otherwise null.
+		 */
+		remove: function(selector) {
+			var self = this, i, editors = self.editors, editor, removedFromList;
+			// Remove all editors
+			if (!selector) {
+				for (i = editors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					self.remove(editors[i]);
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Remove editors by selector
+			if (typeof(selector) == "string") {
+				selector = selector.selector || selector;
+				each(DOM.select(selector), function(elm) {
+					self.remove(editors[elm.id]);
+				});
+				return;
+			}
+			// Remove specific editor
+			editor = selector;
+			// Not in the collection
+			if (!editors[editor.id]) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			delete editors[editor.id];
+			for (i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
+				if (editors[i] == editor) {
+					editors.splice(i, 1);
+					removedFromList = true;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Select another editor since the active one was removed
+			if (self.activeEditor == editor) {
+				self.activeEditor = editors[0];
+			}
+			/**
+			 * Fires when an editor is removed from EditorManager collection.
+			 *
+			 * @event RemoveEditor
+			 * @param {Object} e Event arguments.
+			 */
+			if (removedFromList) {
+				self.fire('RemoveEditor', {editor: editor});
+			}
+			if (!editors.length) {
+				DOM.unbind(window, 'beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate);
+			}
+			editor.remove();
+			return editor;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a specific command on the currently active editor.
+		 *
+		 * @method execCommand
+		 * @param {String} c Command to perform for example Bold.
+		 * @param {Boolean} u Optional boolean state if a UI should be presented for the command or not.
+		 * @param {String} v Optional value parameter like for example an URL to a link.
+		 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the command was executed or not.
+		 */
+		execCommand: function(cmd, ui, value) {
+			var self = this, editor = self.get(value);
+			// Manager commands
+			switch (cmd) {
+				case "mceAddEditor":
+					if (!self.get(value)) {
+						new Editor(value, self.settings, self).render();
+					}
+					return true;
+				case "mceRemoveEditor":
+					if (editor) {
+						editor.remove();
+					}
+					return true;
+				case 'mceToggleEditor':
+					if (!editor) {
+						self.execCommand('mceAddEditor', 0, value);
+						return true;
+					}
+					if (editor.isHidden()) {
+						editor.show();
+					} else {
+						editor.hide();
+					}
+					return true;
+			}
+			// Run command on active editor
+			if (self.activeEditor) {
+				return self.activeEditor.execCommand(cmd, ui, value);
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Calls the save method on all editor instances in the collection. This can be useful when a form is to be submitted.
+		 *
+		 * @method triggerSave
+		 * @example
+		 * // Saves all contents
+		 * tinyMCE.triggerSave();
+		 */
+		triggerSave: function() {
+			each(this.editors, function(editor) {
+				editor.save();
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Adds a language pack, this gets called by the loaded language files like en.js.
+		 *
+		 * @method addI18n
+		 * @param {String} code Optional language code.
+		 * @param {Object} items Name/value object with translations.
+		 */
+		addI18n: function(code, items) {
+			I18n.add(code, items);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Translates the specified string using the language pack items.
+		 *
+		 * @method translate
+		 * @param {String/Array/Object} text String to translate
+		 * @return {String} Translated string.
+		 */
+		translate: function(text) {
+			return I18n.translate(text);
+		}
+	};
+	extend(EditorManager, Observable);
+	EditorManager.setup();
+	// Export EditorManager as tinymce/tinymce in global namespace
+	window.tinymce = window.tinyMCE = EditorManager;
+	return EditorManager;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/LegacyInput.js
+ * LegacyInput.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/LegacyInput", [
+	"tinymce/EditorManager",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(EditorManager, Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, explode = Tools.explode;
+	EditorManager.on('AddEditor', function(e) {
+		var editor = e.editor;
+		editor.on('preInit', function() {
+			var filters, fontSizes, dom, settings = editor.settings;
+			function replaceWithSpan(node, styles) {
+				each(styles, function(value, name) {
+					if (value) {
+						dom.setStyle(node, name, value);
+					}
+				});
+				dom.rename(node, 'span');
+			}
+			function convert(e) {
+				dom = editor.dom;
+				if (settings.convert_fonts_to_spans) {
+					each(dom.select('font,u,strike', e.node), function(node) {
+						filters[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()](dom, node);
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			if (settings.inline_styles) {
+				fontSizes = explode(settings.font_size_legacy_values);
+				filters = {
+					font: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							backgroundColor: node.style.backgroundColor,
+							color: node.color,
+							fontFamily: node.face,
+							fontSize: fontSizes[parseInt(node.size, 10) - 1]
+						});
+					},
+					u: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							textDecoration: 'underline'
+						});
+					},
+					strike: function(dom, node) {
+						replaceWithSpan(node, {
+							textDecoration: 'line-through'
+						});
+					}
+				};
+				editor.on('PreProcess SetContent', convert);
+			}
+		});
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/XHR.js
+ * XHR.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to send XMLHTTPRequests cross browser.
+ * @class tinymce.util.XHR
+ * @static
+ * @example
+ * // Sends a low level Ajax request
+ * tinymce.util.XHR.send({
+ *    url: 'someurl',
+ *    success: function(text) {
+ *       console.debug(text);
+ *    }
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/XHR", [], function() {
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Sends a XMLHTTPRequest.
+		 * Consult the Wiki for details on what settings this method takes.
+		 *
+		 * @method send
+		 * @param {Object} settings Object will target URL, callbacks and other info needed to make the request.
+		 */
+		send: function(settings) {
+			var xhr, count = 0;
+			function ready() {
+				if (!settings.async || xhr.readyState == 4 || count++ > 10000) {
+					if (settings.success && count < 10000 && xhr.status == 200) {
+						settings.success.call(settings.success_scope, '' + xhr.responseText, xhr, settings);
+					} else if (settings.error) {
+						settings.error.call(settings.error_scope, count > 10000 ? 'TIMED_OUT' : 'GENERAL', xhr, settings);
+					}
+					xhr = null;
+				} else {
+					setTimeout(ready, 10);
+				}
+			}
+			// Default settings
+			settings.scope = settings.scope || this;
+			settings.success_scope = settings.success_scope || settings.scope;
+			settings.error_scope = settings.error_scope || settings.scope;
+			settings.async = settings.async === false ? false : true;
+			settings.data = settings.data || '';
+			xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+			if (xhr) {
+				if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
+					xhr.overrideMimeType(settings.content_type);
+				}
+				xhr.open(settings.type || (settings.data ? 'POST' : 'GET'), settings.url, settings.async);
+				if (settings.content_type) {
+					xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', settings.content_type);
+				}
+				xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
+				xhr.send(settings.data);
+				// Syncronous request
+				if (!settings.async) {
+					return ready();
+				}
+				// Wait for response, onReadyStateChange can not be used since it leaks memory in IE
+				setTimeout(ready, 10);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/JSON.js
+ * JSON.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * JSON parser and serializer class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.JSON
+ * @static
+ * @example
+ * // JSON parse a string into an object
+ * var obj = tinymce.util.JSON.parse(somestring);
+ *
+ * // JSON serialize a object into an string
+ * var str = tinymce.util.JSON.serialize(obj);
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSON", [], function() {
+	function serialize(o, quote) {
+		var i, v, t, name;
+		quote = quote || '"';
+		if (o === null) {
+			return 'null';
+		}
+		t = typeof o;
+		if (t == 'string') {
+			v = '\bb\tt\nn\ff\rr\""\'\'\\\\';
+			return quote + o.replace(/([\u0080-\uFFFF\x00-\x1f\"\'\\])/g, function(a, b) {
+				// Make sure single quotes never get encoded inside double quotes for JSON compatibility
+				if (quote === '"' && a === "'") {
+					return a;
+				}
+				i = v.indexOf(b);
+				if (i + 1) {
+					return '\\' + v.charAt(i + 1);
+				}
+				a = b.charCodeAt().toString(16);
+				return '\\u' + '0000'.substring(a.length) + a;
+			}) + quote;
+		}
+		if (t == 'object') {
+			if (o.hasOwnProperty && Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]') {
+					for (i = 0, v = '['; i < o.length; i++) {
+						v += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + serialize(o[i], quote);
+					}
+					return v + ']';
+				}
+				v = '{';
+				for (name in o) {
+					if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+						v += typeof o[name] != 'function' ? (v.length > 1 ? ',' + quote : quote) + name +
+							quote + ':' + serialize(o[name], quote) : '';
+					}
+				}
+				return v + '}';
+		}
+		return '' + o;
+	}
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Serializes the specified object as a JSON string.
+		 *
+		 * @method serialize
+		 * @param {Object} obj Object to serialize as a JSON string.
+		 * @param {String} quote Optional quote string defaults to ".
+		 * @return {string} JSON string serialized from input.
+		 */
+		serialize: serialize,
+		/**
+		 * Unserializes/parses the specified JSON string into a object.
+		 *
+		 * @method parse
+		 * @param {string} s JSON String to parse into a JavaScript object.
+		 * @return {Object} Object from input JSON string or undefined if it failed.
+		 */
+		parse: function(text) {
+			try {
+				// Trick uglify JS
+				return window[String.fromCharCode(101) + 'val']('(' + text + ')');
+			} catch (ex) {
+				// Ignore
+			}
+		}
+		/**#@-*/
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONRequest.js
+ * JSONRequest.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to use JSON-RPC to call backend methods.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.JSONRequest
+ * @example
+ * var json = new tinymce.util.JSONRequest({
+ *     url: 'somebackend.php'
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Send RPC call 1
+ * json.send({
+ *     method: 'someMethod1',
+ *     params: ['a', 'b'],
+ *     success: function(result) {
+ *         console.dir(result);
+ *     }
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Send RPC call 2
+ * json.send({
+ *     method: 'someMethod2',
+ *     params: ['a', 'b'],
+ *     success: function(result) {
+ *         console.dir(result);
+ *     }
+ * });
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSONRequest", [
+	"tinymce/util/JSON",
+	"tinymce/util/XHR",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(JSON, XHR, Tools) {
+	var extend = Tools.extend;
+	function JSONRequest(settings) {
+		this.settings = extend({}, settings);
+		this.count = 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Simple helper function to send a JSON-RPC request without the need to initialize an object.
+	 * Consult the Wiki API documentation for more details on what you can pass to this function.
+	 *
+	 * @method sendRPC
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Object} o Call object where there are three field id, method and params this object should also contain callbacks etc.
+	 */
+	JSONRequest.sendRPC = function(o) {
+		return new JSONRequest().send(o);
+	};
+	JSONRequest.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Sends a JSON-RPC call. Consult the Wiki API documentation for more details on what you can pass to this function.
+		 *
+		 * @method send
+		 * @param {Object} args Call object where there are three field id, method and params this object should also contain callbacks etc.
+		 */
+		send: function(args) {
+			var ecb = args.error, scb = args.success;
+			args = extend(this.settings, args);
+			args.success = function(c, x) {
+				c = JSON.parse(c);
+				if (typeof(c) == 'undefined') {
+					c = {
+						error : 'JSON Parse error.'
+					};
+				}
+				if (c.error) {
+					ecb.call(args.error_scope || args.scope, c.error, x);
+				} else {
+					scb.call(args.success_scope || args.scope, c.result);
+				}
+			};
+			args.error = function(ty, x) {
+				if (ecb) {
+					ecb.call(args.error_scope || args.scope, ty, x);
+				}
+			};
+			args.data = JSON.serialize({
+				id: args.id || 'c' + (this.count++),
+				method: args.method,
+				params: args.params
+			});
+			// JSON content type for Ruby on rails. Bug: #1883287
+			args.content_type = 'application/json';
+			XHR.send(args);
+		}
+	};
+	return JSONRequest;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/JSONP.js
+ * JSONP.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/JSONP", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(DOMUtils) {
+	return {
+		callbacks: {},
+		count: 0,
+		send: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, dom = DOMUtils.DOM, count = settings.count !== undefined ? settings.count : self.count;
+			var id = 'tinymce_jsonp_' + count;
+			self.callbacks[count] = function(json) {
+				dom.remove(id);
+				delete self.callbacks[count];
+				settings.callback(json);
+			};
+			dom.add(dom.doc.body, 'script', {
+				id: id,
+				src: settings.url,
+				type: 'text/javascript'
+			});
+			self.count++;
+		}
+	};
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/util/LocalStorage.js
+ * LocalStorage.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class will simulate LocalStorage on IE 7 and return the native version on modern browsers.
+ * Storage is done using userData on IE 7 and a special serialization format. The format is designed
+ * to be as small as possible by making sure that the keys and values doesn't need to be encoded. This
+ * makes it possible to store for example HTML data.
+ *
+ * Storage format for userData:
+ * <base 32 key length>,<key string>,<base 32 value length>,<value>,...
+ *
+ * For example this data key1=value1,key2=value2 would be:
+ * 4,key1,6,value1,4,key2,6,value2
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.util.LocalStorage
+ * @static
+ * @version 4.0
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.util.LocalStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
+ * var value = tinymce.util.LocalStorage.getItem('key');
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/LocalStorage", [], function() {
+	var LocalStorage, storageElm, items, keys, userDataKey, hasOldIEDataSupport;
+	// Check for native support
+	try {
+		if (window.localStorage) {
+			return localStorage;
+		}
+	} catch (ex) {
+		// Ignore
+	}
+	userDataKey = "tinymce";
+	storageElm = document.documentElement;
+	hasOldIEDataSupport = !!storageElm.addBehavior;
+	if (hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+		storageElm.addBehavior('#default#userData');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets the keys names and updates LocalStorage.length property. Since IE7 doesn't have any getters/setters.
+	 */
+	function updateKeys() {
+		keys = [];
+		for (var key in items) {
+			keys.push(key);
+		}
+		LocalStorage.length = keys.length;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Loads the userData string and parses it into the items structure.
+	 */
+	function load() {
+		var key, data, value, pos = 0;
+		items = {};
+		// localStorage can be disabled on WebKit/Gecko so make a dummy storage
+		if (!hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+			return;
+		}
+		function next(end) {
+			var value, nextPos;
+			nextPos = end !== undefined ? pos + end : data.indexOf(',', pos);
+			if (nextPos === -1 || nextPos > data.length) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			value = data.substring(pos, nextPos);
+			pos = nextPos + 1;
+			return value;
+		}
+		storageElm.load(userDataKey);
+		data = storageElm.getAttribute(userDataKey) || '';
+		do {
+			var offset = next();
+			if (offset === null) {
+				break;
+			}
+			key = next(parseInt(offset, 32) || 0);
+			if (key !== null) {
+				offset = next();
+				if (offset === null) {
+					break;
+				}
+				value = next(parseInt(offset, 32) || 0);
+				if (key) {
+					items[key] = value;
+				}
+			}
+		} while (key !== null);
+		updateKeys();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Saves the items structure into a the userData format.
+	 */
+	function save() {
+		var value, data = '';
+		// localStorage can be disabled on WebKit/Gecko so make a dummy storage
+		if (!hasOldIEDataSupport) {
+			return;
+		}
+		for (var key in items) {
+			value = items[key];
+			data += (data ? ',' : '') + key.length.toString(32) + ',' + key + ',' + value.length.toString(32) + ',' + value;
+		}
+		storageElm.setAttribute(userDataKey, data);
+		try {
+			storageElm.save(userDataKey);
+		} catch (ex) {
+			// Ignore disk full
+		}
+		updateKeys();
+	}
+	LocalStorage = {
+		/**
+		 * Length of the number of items in storage.
+		 *
+		 * @property length
+		 * @type Number
+		 * @return {Number} Number of items in storage.
+		 */
+		//length:0,
+		/**
+		 * Returns the key name by index.
+		 *
+		 * @method key
+		 * @param {Number} index Index of key to return.
+		 * @return {String} Key value or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		key: function(index) {
+			return keys[index];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the value if the specified key or null if it wasn't found.
+		 *
+		 * @method getItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of item to retrive.
+		 * @return {String} Value of the specified item or null if it wasn't found.
+		 */
+		getItem: function(key) {
+			return key in items ? items[key] : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the value of the specified item by it's key.
+		 *
+		 * @method setItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of the item to set.
+		 * @param {String} value Value of the item to set.
+		 */
+		setItem: function(key, value) {
+			items[key] = "" + value;
+			save();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the specified item by key.
+		 *
+		 * @method removeItem
+		 * @param {String} key Key of item to remove.
+		 */
+		removeItem: function(key) {
+			delete items[key];
+			save();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes all items.
+		 *
+		 * @method clear
+		 */
+		clear: function() {
+			items = {};
+			save();
+		}
+	};
+	load();
+	return LocalStorage;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/Compat.js
+ * Compat.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * TinyMCE core class.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @class tinymce
+ * @borrow-members tinymce.EditorManager
+ * @borrow-members tinymce.util.Tools
+ */
+define("tinymce/Compat", [
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/EventUtils",
+	"tinymce/dom/ScriptLoader",
+	"tinymce/AddOnManager",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(DOMUtils, EventUtils, ScriptLoader, AddOnManager, Tools, Env) {
+	var tinymce = window.tinymce;
+	/**
+	 * @property {tinymce.dom.DOMUtils} DOM Global DOM instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader} ScriptLoader Global ScriptLoader instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.AddOnManager} PluginManager Global PluginManager instance.
+	 * @property {tinymce.AddOnManager} ThemeManager Global ThemeManager instance.
+	 */
+	tinymce.DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
+	tinymce.ScriptLoader = ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader;
+	tinymce.PluginManager = AddOnManager.PluginManager;
+	tinymce.ThemeManager = AddOnManager.ThemeManager;
+	tinymce.dom = tinymce.dom || {};
+	tinymce.dom.Event = EventUtils.Event;
+	Tools.each(Tools, function(func, key) {
+		tinymce[key] = func;
+	});
+	Tools.each('isOpera isWebKit isIE isGecko isMac'.split(' '), function(name) {
+		tinymce[name] = Env[name.substr(2).toLowerCase()];
+	});
+	return {};
+// Describe the different namespaces
+ * Root level namespace this contains classes directly releated to the TinyMCE editor.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce
+ */
+ * Contains classes for handling the browsers DOM.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.dom
+ */
+ * Contains html parser and serializer logic.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.html
+ */
+ * Contains the different UI types such as buttons, listboxes etc.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.ui
+ */
+ * Contains various utility classes such as json parser, cookies etc.
+ *
+ * @namespace tinymce.util
+ */
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Layout.js
+ * Layout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Base layout manager class.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Layout", [
+	"tinymce/util/Class",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Class, Tools) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Class.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			firstControlClass: 'first',
+			lastControlClass: 'last'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a layout instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			this.settings = Tools.extend({}, this.Defaults, settings);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked before the layout renders the controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to preRender.
+		 */
+		preRender: function(container) {
+			container.addClass(this.settings.containerClass, 'body');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Applies layout classes to the container.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		applyClasses: function(container) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, items, firstClass, lastClass;
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			firstClass = settings.firstControlClass;
+			lastClass = settings.lastControlClass;
+			items.each(function(item) {
+				item.removeClass(firstClass).removeClass(lastClass);
+				if (settings.controlClass) {
+					item.addClass(settings.controlClass);
+				}
+			});
+			items.eq(0).addClass(firstClass);
+			items.eq(-1).addClass(lastClass);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the specified container and any layout specific HTML.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container to render HTML for.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function(container) {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, items, html = '';
+			items = container.items();
+			items.eq(0).addClass(settings.firstControlClass);
+			items.eq(-1).addClass(settings.lastControlClass);
+			items.each(function(item) {
+				if (settings.controlClass) {
+					item.addClass(settings.controlClass);
+				}
+				html += item.renderHtml();
+			});
+			return html;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function() {
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked after the layout renders the controls.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to postRender.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/AbsoluteLayout.js
+ * AbsoluteLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * LayoutManager for absolute positioning. This layout manager is more of
+ * a base class for other layouts but can be created and used directly.
+ *
+ * @-x-less AbsoluteLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Layout"
+], function(Layout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Layout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'abs-layout',
+			controlClass: 'abs-layout-item'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				var settings = ctrl.settings;
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: settings.x,
+					y: settings.y,
+					w: settings.w,
+					h: settings.h
+				});
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the specified container and any layout specific HTML.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container to render HTML for.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function(container) {
+			return '<div id="' + container._id + '-absend" class="' + container.classPrefix + 'abs-end"></div>' + this._super(container);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Tooltip.js
+ * Tooltip.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a tooltip instance.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ToolTip.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ToolTip
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ * @mixes tinymce.ui.Movable
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Tooltip", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Movable"
+], function(Control, Movable) {
+	return Control.extend({
+		Mixins: [Movable],
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: 'widget tooltip tooltip-n'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current label text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New label text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.Tooltip} Current text or current label instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl().lastChild.innerHTML = self.encode(value);
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="presentation">' +
+					'<div class="' + prefix + 'tooltip-arrow"></div>' +
+					'<div class="' + prefix + 'tooltip-inner">' + self.encode(self._text) + '</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, rect;
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			style.left = rect.x + 'px';
+			style.top = rect.y + 'px';
+			style.zIndex = 0xFFFF + 0xFFFF;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Widget.js
+ * Widget.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Widget base class a widget is a control that has a tooltip and some basic states.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Widget
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Widget", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Tooltip"
+], function(Control, Tooltip) {
+	"use strict";
+	var tooltip;
+	var Widget = Control.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} tooltip Tooltip text to display when hovering.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} autofocus True if the control should be focused when rendered.
+		 * @setting {String} text Text to display inside widget.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.canFocus = true;
+			if (settings.tooltip && Widget.tooltips !== false) {
+				self.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
+					var tooltip = self.tooltip().moveTo(-0xFFFF);
+					if (e.control == self) {
+						var rel = tooltip.text(settings.tooltip).show().testMoveRel(self.getEl(), ['bc-tc', 'bc-tl', 'bc-tr']);
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-n', rel == 'bc-tc');
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-nw', rel == 'bc-tl');
+						tooltip.toggleClass('tooltip-ne', rel == 'bc-tr');
+						tooltip.moveRel(self.getEl(), rel);
+					} else {
+						tooltip.hide();
+					}
+				});
+				self.on('mouseleave mousedown click', function() {
+					self.tooltip().hide();
+				});
+			}
+			self.aria('label', settings.ariaLabel || settings.tooltip);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the current tooltip instance.
+		 *
+		 * @method tooltip
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Tooltip} Tooltip instance.
+		 */
+		tooltip: function() {
+			if (!tooltip) {
+				tooltip = new Tooltip({type: 'tooltip'});
+				tooltip.renderTo();
+			}
+			return tooltip;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the active state of the widget.
+		 *
+		 * @method active
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State if the control is active.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Widget} True/false or current widget instance.
+		 */
+		active: function(state) {
+			var self = this, undef;
+			if (state !== undef) {
+				self.aria('pressed', state);
+				self.toggleClass('active', state);
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the disabled state of the widget.
+		 *
+		 * @method disabled
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State if the control is disabled.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Widget} True/false or current widget instance.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this, undef;
+			if (state !== undef) {
+				self.aria('disabled', state);
+				self.toggleClass('disabled', state);
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			self._rendered = true;
+			self._super();
+			if (!self.parent() && (settings.width || settings.height)) {
+				self.initLayoutRect();
+				self.repaint();
+			}
+			if (settings.autofocus) {
+				self.focus();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (tooltip) {
+				tooltip.remove();
+				tooltip = null;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return Widget;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Button.js
+ * Button.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is used to create buttons. You can create them directly or through the Factory.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a button to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'button',
+ *     text: 'My button'
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less Button.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Button
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Button", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "widget btn",
+			role: "button"
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new button instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} size Size of the button small|medium|large.
+		 * @setting {String} image Image to use for icon.
+		 * @setting {String} icon Icon to use for button.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, size;
+			self.on('click mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			self._super(settings);
+			size = settings.size;
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				self.addClass(settings.subtype);
+			}
+			if (size) {
+				self.addClass('btn-' + size);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current button icon.
+		 *
+		 * @method icon
+		 * @param {String} [icon] New icon identifier.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.MenuButton} Current icon or current MenuButton instance.
+		 */
+		icon: function(icon) {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			if (typeof(icon) == 'undefined') {
+				return self.settings.icon;
+			}
+			self.settings.icon = icon;
+			icon = icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				var btnElm = self.getEl().firstChild, iconElm = btnElm.getElementsByTagName('i')[0];
+				if (icon) {
+					if (!iconElm || iconElm != btnElm.firstChild) {
+						iconElm = document.createElement('i');
+						btnElm.insertBefore(iconElm, btnElm.firstChild);
+					}
+					iconElm.className = icon;
+				} else if (iconElm) {
+					btnElm.removeChild(iconElm);
+				}
+				self.text(self._text); // Set text again to fix whitespace between icon + text
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the button for example after it's been resizes by a layout engine.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var btnStyle = this.getEl().firstChild.style;
+			btnStyle.width = btnStyle.height = "100%";
+			this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon, image = '';
+			if (self.settings.image) {
+				icon = 'none';
+				image = ' style="background-image: url(\'' + self.settings.image + '\')"';
+			}
+			icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + icon : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="' + id + '">' +
+					'<button role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>' : '') +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(self._text) : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ButtonGroup.js
+ * ButtonGroup.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control enables you to put multiple buttons into a group. This is
+ * useful when you want to combine similar toolbar buttons into a group.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a buttongroup with two buttons to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'buttongroup',
+ *     items: [
+ *         {text: 'Button A'},
+ *         {text: 'Button B'}
+ *     ]
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less ButtonGroup.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ButtonGroup
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ButtonGroup", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			defaultType: 'button',
+			role: 'group'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout;
+			self.addClass('btn-group');
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Checkbox.js
+ * Checkbox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control creates a custom checkbox.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Create and render a checkbox to the body element
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'checkbox',
+ *     checked: true,
+ *     text: 'My checkbox'
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @-x-less Checkbox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Checkbox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Checkbox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "checkbox",
+			role: "checkbox",
+			checked: false
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new Checkbox instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} checked True if the checkbox should be checked by default.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.on('click mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				if (!self.disabled()) {
+					self.checked(!self.checked());
+				}
+			});
+			self.checked(self.settings.checked);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the checked state.
+		 *
+		 * @method checked
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Checkbox} True/false or checkbox if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		checked: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof state != "undefined") {
+				if (state) {
+					self.addClass('checked');
+				} else {
+					self.removeClass('checked');
+				}
+				self._checked = state;
+				self.aria('checked', state);
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._checked;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the value state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Checkbox} True/false or checkbox if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(state) {
+			return this.checked(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" unselectable="on" aria-labelledby="' + id + '-al" tabindex="-1">' +
+					'<i class="' + prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-checkbox"></i>' +
+					'<span id="' + id + '-al" class="' + prefix + 'label">' + self.encode(self._text) + '</span>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/PanelButton.js
+ * PanelButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new panel button.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.PanelButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/PanelButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Button",
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel"
+], function(Button, FloatPanel) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Button.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Shows the panel for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method showPanel
+		 */
+		showPanel: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			self.active(true);
+			if (!self.panel) {
+				var panelSettings = settings.panel;
+				// Wrap panel in grid layout if type if specified
+				// This makes it possible to add forms or other containers directly in the panel option
+				if (panelSettings.type) {
+					panelSettings = {
+						layout: 'grid',
+						items: panelSettings
+					};
+				}
+				panelSettings.role = panelSettings.role || 'dialog';
+				panelSettings.popover = true;
+				panelSettings.autohide = true;
+				panelSettings.ariaRoot = true;
+				self.panel = new FloatPanel(panelSettings).on('hide', function() {
+					self.active(false);
+				}).on('cancel', function(e) {
+					e.stopPropagation();
+					self.focus();
+					self.hidePanel();
+				}).parent(self).renderTo(self.getContainerElm());
+				self.panel.fire('show');
+				self.panel.reflow();
+			} else {
+				self.panel.show();
+			}
+			self.panel.moveRel(self.getEl(), settings.popoverAlign || (self.isRtl() ? ['bc-tr', 'bc-tc'] : ['bc-tl', 'bc-tc']));
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the panel for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method hidePanel
+		 */
+		hidePanel: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.panel) {
+				self.panel.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self) {
+					if (self.panel && self.panel.visible()) {
+						self.hidePanel();
+					} else {
+						self.showPanel();
+						self.panel.focus(!!e.aria);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ColorButton.js
+ * ColorButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a color button control. This is a split button in which the main
+ * button has a visual representation of the currently selected color. When clicked 
+ * the caret button displays a color picker, allowing the user to select a new color.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ColorButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ColorButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.PanelButton
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ColorButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/PanelButton",
+	"tinymce/dom/DOMUtils"
+], function(PanelButton, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	var DOM = DomUtils.DOM;
+	return PanelButton.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new ColorButton instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			this._super(settings);
+			this.addClass('colorbutton');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the current color.
+		 *
+		 * @method color
+		 * @param {String} [color] Color to set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ColorButton} Current color or current instance.
+		 */
+		color: function(color) {
+			if (color) {
+				this._color = color;
+				this.getEl('preview').style.backgroundColor = color;
+				return this;
+			}
+			return this._color;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			var image = self.settings.image ? ' style="background-image: url(\'' + self.settings.image + '\')"' : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="button" tabindex="-1" aria-haspopup="true">' +
+					'<button role="presentation" hidefocus type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>' : '') +
+						'<span id="' + id + '-preview" class="' + prefix + 'preview"></span>' +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + (self._text) : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+					'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, onClickHandler = self.settings.onclick;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.aria && e.aria.key == 'down') {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (e.control == self && !DOM.getParent(e.target, '.' + self.classPrefix + 'open')) {
+					e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+					onClickHandler.call(self, e);
+				}
+			});
+			delete self.settings.onclick;
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ComboBox.js
+ * ComboBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a combobox control. Select box that you select a value from or
+ * type a value into.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ComboBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ComboBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ComboBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, Factory, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} placeholder Placeholder text to display.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('combobox');
+			self.subinput = true;
+			self.ariaTarget = 'inp'; // TODO: Figure out a better way
+			settings = self.settings;
+			settings.menu = settings.menu || settings.values;
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				settings.icon = 'caret';
+			}
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var elm = e.target, root = self.getEl();
+				while (elm && elm != root) {
+					if (elm.id && elm.id.indexOf('-open') != -1) {
+						self.fire('action');
+						if (settings.menu) {
+							self.showMenu();
+							if (e.aria) {
+								self.menu.items()[0].focus();
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					elm = elm.parentNode;
+				}
+			});
+			// TODO: Rework this
+			self.on('keydown', function(e) {
+				if (e.target.nodeName == "INPUT" && e.keyCode == 13) {
+					self.parents().reverse().each(function(ctrl) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						self.fire('change');
+						if (ctrl.hasEventListeners('submit') && ctrl.toJSON) {
+							ctrl.fire('submit', {data: ctrl.toJSON()});
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			});
+			if (settings.placeholder) {
+				self.addClass('placeholder');
+				self.on('focusin', function() {
+					if (!self._hasOnChange) {
+						DomUtils.on(self.getEl('inp'), 'change', function() {
+							self.fire('change');
+						});
+						self._hasOnChange = true;
+					}
+					if (self.hasClass('placeholder')) {
+						self.getEl('inp').value = '';
+						self.removeClass('placeholder');
+					}
+				});
+				self.on('focusout', function() {
+					if (self.value().length === 0) {
+						self.getEl('inp').value = settings.placeholder;
+						self.addClass('placeholder');
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu;
+			if (!self.menu) {
+				menu = settings.menu || [];
+				// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+				if (menu.length) {
+					menu = {
+						type: 'menu',
+						items: menu
+					};
+				} else {
+					menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+				}
+				self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo(self.getContainerElm());
+				self.fire('createmenu');
+				self.menu.reflow();
+				self.menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+					if (e.control === self.menu) {
+						self.focus();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.on('show hide', function(e) {
+					e.control.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+						ctrl.active(ctrl.value() == self.value());
+					});
+				}).fire('show');
+				self.menu.on('select', function(e) {
+					self.value(e.control.value());
+				});
+				self.on('focusin', function(e) {
+					if (e.target.tagName == 'INPUT') {
+						self.menu.hide();
+					}
+				});
+				self.aria('expanded', true);
+			}
+			self.menu.show();
+			self.menu.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().w});
+			self.menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), self.isRtl() ? ['br-tr', 'tr-br'] : ['bl-tl', 'tl-bl']);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				self.removeClass('placeholder');
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl('inp').value = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				value = self.getEl('inp').value;
+				if (value != self.settings.placeholder) {
+					return value;
+				}
+				return '';
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the disabled state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} True/false or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && typeof(state) != 'undefined') {
+				self.getEl('inp').disabled = state;
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the input area of the control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			this.getEl('inp').focus();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), openElm = self.getEl('open'), rect = self.layoutRect();
+			var width, lineHeight;
+			if (openElm) {
+				width = rect.w - DomUtils.getSize(openElm).width - 10;
+			} else {
+				width = rect.w - 10;
+			}
+			// Detect old IE 7+8 add lineHeight to align caret vertically in the middle
+			var doc = document;
+			if (doc.all && (!doc.documentMode || doc.documentMode <= 8)) {
+				lineHeight = (self.layoutRect().h - 2) + 'px';
+			}
+			DomUtils.css(elm.firstChild, {
+				width: width,
+				lineHeight: lineHeight
+			});
+			self._super();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.on(this.getEl('inp'), 'change', function() {
+				self.fire('change');
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			DomUtils.off(this.getEl('inp'));
+			this._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var value = settings.value || settings.placeholder || '';
+			var icon, text, openBtnHtml = '', extraAttrs = '';
+			if ("spellcheck" in settings) {
+				extraAttrs += ' spellcheck="' + settings.spellcheck + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.maxLength) {
+				extraAttrs += ' maxlength="' + settings.maxLength + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.size) {
+				extraAttrs += ' size="' + settings.size + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				extraAttrs += ' type="' + settings.subtype + '"';
+			}
+			if (self.disabled()) {
+				extraAttrs += ' disabled="disabled"';
+			}
+			icon = settings.icon;
+			if (icon && icon != 'caret') {
+				icon = prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + settings.icon;
+			}
+			text = self._text;
+			if (icon || text) {
+				openBtnHtml = (
+					'<div id="' + id + '-open" class="' + prefix + 'btn ' + prefix + 'open" tabIndex="-1" role="button">' +
+						'<button id="' + id + '-action" type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+							(icon != 'caret' ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '<i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>') +
+							(text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + text : '') +
+						'</button>' +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+				self.addClass('has-open');
+			}
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<input id="' + id + '-inp" class="' + prefix + 'textbox ' + prefix + 'placeholder" value="' +
+					value + '" hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>' +
+					openBtnHtml +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Path.js
+ * Path.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new path control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Path.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Path
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Path", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {String} delimiter Delimiter to display between items in path.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!settings.delimiter) {
+				settings.delimiter = '\u00BB';
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('path');
+			self.canFocus = true;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var index, target = e.target;
+				if ((index = target.getAttribute('data-index'))) {
+					self.fire('select', {value: self.data()[index], index: index});
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Focuses the current control.
+		 *
+		 * @method focus
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.getEl().firstChild.focus();
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the data to be used for the path.
+		 *
+		 * @method data
+		 * @param {Array} data Array with items name is rendered to path.
+		 */
+		data: function(data) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(data) !== "undefined") {
+				self._data = data;
+				self.update();
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._data;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Updated the path.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		update: function() {
+			this.innerHtml(this._getPathHtml());
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.data(self.settings.data);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					self._getPathHtml() +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		_getPathHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, parts = self._data || [], i, l, html = '', prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			for (i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
+				html += (
+					(i > 0 ? '<div class="' + prefix + 'divider" aria-hidden="true"> ' + self.settings.delimiter + ' </div>' : '') +
+					'<div role="button" class="' + prefix + 'path-item' + (i == l - 1 ? ' ' + prefix + 'last' : '') + '" data-index="' +
+					i + '" tabindex="-1" id="' + self._id + '-' + i + '" aria-level="' + i + '">' + parts[i].name + '</div>'
+				);
+			}
+			if (!html) {
+				html = '<div class="' + prefix + 'path-item">&nbsp;</div>';
+			}
+			return html;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ElementPath.js
+ * ElementPath.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This control creates an path for the current selections parent elements in TinyMCE.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ElementPath
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Path
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ElementPath", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Path",
+	"tinymce/EditorManager"
+], function(Path, EditorManager) {
+	return Path.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ElementPath} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, editor = EditorManager.activeEditor;
+			function isHidden(elm) {
+				if (elm.nodeType === 1) {
+					if (elm.nodeName == "BR" || !!elm.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark') {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+				return false;
+			}
+			self.on('select', function(e) {
+				var parents = [], node, body = editor.getBody();
+				editor.focus();
+				node = editor.selection.getStart();
+				while (node && node != body) {
+					if (!isHidden(node)) {
+						parents.push(node);
+					}
+					node = node.parentNode;
+				}
+				editor.selection.select(parents[parents.length - 1 - e.index]);
+				editor.nodeChanged();
+			});
+			editor.on('nodeChange', function(e) {
+				var parents = [], selectionParents = e.parents, i = selectionParents.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					if (selectionParents[i].nodeType == 1 && !isHidden(selectionParents[i])) {
+						var args = editor.fire('ResolveName', {
+							name: selectionParents[i].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+							target: selectionParents[i]
+						});
+						parents.push({name: args.name});
+					}
+				}
+				self.data(parents);
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormItem.js
+ * FormItem.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class is a container created by the form element with
+ * a label and control item.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FormItem
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ * @setting {String} label Label to display for the form item.
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FormItem", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'flex',
+			align: 'center',
+			defaults: {
+				flex: 1
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.addClass('formitem');
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					(self.settings.title ? ('<div id="' + self._id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'title">' +
+						self.settings.title + '</div>') : '') +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Form.js
+ * Form.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a form container. A form container has the ability
+ * to automatically wrap items in tinymce.ui.FormItem instances.
+ *
+ * Each FormItem instance is a container for the label and the item.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
+ *     type: 'form',
+ *     items: [
+ *         {type: 'textbox', label: 'My text box'}
+ *     ]
+ * }).renderTo(document.body);
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Form
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Form", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container",
+	"tinymce/ui/FormItem"
+], function(Container, FormItem) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerCls: 'form',
+			layout: 'flex',
+			direction: 'column',
+			align: 'stretch',
+			flex: 1,
+			padding: 20,
+			labelGap: 30,
+			spacing: 10,
+			callbacks: {
+				submit: function() {
+					this.submit();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * This method gets invoked before the control is rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 */
+		preRender: function() {
+			var self = this, items = self.items();
+			// Wrap any labeled items in FormItems
+			items.each(function(ctrl) {
+				var formItem, label = ctrl.settings.label;
+				if (label) {
+					formItem = new FormItem({
+						layout: 'flex',
+						autoResize: "overflow",
+						defaults: {flex: 1},
+						items: [
+							{type: 'label', id: ctrl._id + '-l', text: label, flex: 0, forId: ctrl._id, disabled: ctrl.disabled()}
+						]
+					});
+					formItem.type = 'formitem';
+					ctrl.aria('labelledby', ctrl._id + '-l');
+					if (typeof(ctrl.settings.flex) == "undefined") {
+						ctrl.settings.flex = 1;
+					}
+					self.replace(ctrl, formItem);
+					formItem.add(ctrl);
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalcs label widths.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		recalcLabels: function() {
+			var self = this, maxLabelWidth = 0, labels = [], i, labelGap;
+			if (self.settings.labelGapCalc === false) {
+				return;
+			}
+			self.items().filter('formitem').each(function(item) {
+				var labelCtrl = item.items()[0], labelWidth = labelCtrl.getEl().clientWidth;
+				maxLabelWidth = labelWidth > maxLabelWidth ? labelWidth : maxLabelWidth;
+				labels.push(labelCtrl);
+			});
+			labelGap = self.settings.labelGap || 0;
+			i = labels.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				labels[i].settings.minWidth = maxLabelWidth + labelGap;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter for the visibility state.
+		 *
+		 * @method visible
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] True/false state to show/hide.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Form|Boolean} True/false state or current control.
+		 */
+		visible: function(state) {
+			var val = this._super(state);
+			if (state === true && this._rendered) {
+				this.recalcLabels();
+			}
+			return val;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Fires a submit event with the serialized form.
+		 *
+		 * @method submit
+		 * @return {Object} Event arguments object.
+		 */
+		submit: function() {
+			return this.fire('submit', {data: this.toJSON()});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Current combobox instance.
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.recalcLabels();
+			self.fromJSON(self.settings.data);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FieldSet.js
+ * FieldSet.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates fieldset containers.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FieldSet.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FieldSet
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Form
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FieldSet", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Form"
+], function(Form) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Form.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerCls: 'fieldset',
+			layout: 'flex',
+			direction: 'column',
+			align: 'stretch',
+			flex: 1,
+			padding: "25 15 5 15",
+			labelGap: 30,
+			spacing: 10,
+			border: 1
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			return (
+				'<fieldset id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					(self.settings.title ? ('<legend id="' + self._id + '-title" class="' + prefix + 'fieldset-title">' +
+						self.settings.title + '</legend>') : '') +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</fieldset>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FilePicker.js
+ * FilePicker.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*global tinymce:true */
+ * This class creates a file picker control.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FilePicker
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.ComboBox
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FilePicker", [
+	"tinymce/ui/ComboBox"
+], function(ComboBox) {
+	"use strict";
+	return ComboBox.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, editor = tinymce.activeEditor, fileBrowserCallback;
+			settings.spellcheck = false;
+			fileBrowserCallback = editor.settings.file_browser_callback;
+			if (fileBrowserCallback) {
+				settings.icon = 'browse';
+				settings.onaction = function() {
+					fileBrowserCallback(
+						self.getEl('inp').id,
+						self.getEl('inp').value,
+						settings.filetype,
+						window
+					);
+				};
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FitLayout.js
+ * FitLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager will resize the control to be the size of it's parent container.
+ * In other words width: 100% and height: 100%.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FitLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FitLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FitLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			var contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect(), paddingBox = container.paddingBox();
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: paddingBox.left,
+					y: paddingBox.top,
+					w: contLayoutRect.innerW - paddingBox.right - paddingBox.left,
+					h: contLayoutRect.innerH - paddingBox.top - paddingBox.bottom
+				});
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlexLayout.js
+ * FlexLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager works similar to the CSS flex box.
+ *
+ * @setting {String} direction row|row-reverse|column|column-reverse
+ * @setting {Number} flex A positive-number to flex by.
+ * @setting {String} align start|end|center|stretch
+ * @setting {String} pack start|end|justify
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FlexLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FlexLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			// A ton of variables, needs to be in the same scope for performance
+			var i, l, items, contLayoutRect, contPaddingBox, contSettings, align, pack, spacing, totalFlex, availableSpace, direction;
+			var ctrl, ctrlLayoutRect, ctrlSettings, flex, maxSizeItems = [], size, maxSize, ratio, rect, pos, maxAlignEndPos;
+			var sizeName, minSizeName, posName, maxSizeName, beforeName, innerSizeName, deltaSizeName, contentSizeName;
+			var alignAxisName, alignInnerSizeName, alignSizeName, alignMinSizeName, alignBeforeName, alignAfterName;
+			var alignDeltaSizeName, alignContentSizeName;
+			var max = Math.max, min = Math.min;
+			// Get container items, properties and settings
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect();
+			contPaddingBox = container._paddingBox;
+			contSettings = container.settings;
+			direction = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.direction || 'row-reversed') : contSettings.direction;
+			align = contSettings.align;
+			pack = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.pack || 'end') : contSettings.pack;
+			spacing = contSettings.spacing || 0;
+			if (direction == "row-reversed" || direction == "column-reverse") {
+				items = items.set(items.toArray().reverse());
+				direction = direction.split('-')[0];
+			}
+			// Setup axis variable name for row/column direction since the calculations is the same
+			if (direction == "column") {
+				posName = "y";
+				sizeName = "h";
+				minSizeName = "minH";
+				maxSizeName = "maxH";
+				innerSizeName = "innerH";
+				beforeName = 'top';
+				deltaSizeName = "deltaH";
+				contentSizeName = "contentH";
+				alignBeforeName = "left";
+				alignSizeName = "w";
+				alignAxisName = "x";
+				alignInnerSizeName = "innerW";
+				alignMinSizeName = "minW";
+				alignAfterName = "right";
+				alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaW";
+				alignContentSizeName = "contentW";
+			} else {
+				posName = "x";
+				sizeName = "w";
+				minSizeName = "minW";
+				maxSizeName = "maxW";
+				innerSizeName = "innerW";
+				beforeName = 'left';
+				deltaSizeName = "deltaW";
+				contentSizeName = "contentW";
+				alignBeforeName = "top";
+				alignSizeName = "h";
+				alignAxisName = "y";
+				alignInnerSizeName = "innerH";
+				alignMinSizeName = "minH";
+				alignAfterName = "bottom";
+				alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaH";
+				alignContentSizeName = "contentH";
+			}
+			// Figure out total flex, availableSpace and collect any max size elements
+			availableSpace = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+			maxAlignEndPos = totalFlex = 0;
+			for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = items[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				ctrlSettings = ctrl.settings;
+				flex = ctrlSettings.flex;
+				availableSpace -= (i < l - 1 ? spacing : 0);
+				if (flex > 0) {
+					totalFlex += flex;
+					// Flexed item has a max size then we need to check if we will hit that size
+					if (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName]) {
+						maxSizeItems.push(ctrl);
+					}
+					ctrlLayoutRect.flex = flex;
+				}
+				availableSpace -= ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName];
+				// Calculate the align end position to be used to check for overflow/underflow
+				size = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] + ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] + contPaddingBox[alignAfterName];
+				if (size > maxAlignEndPos) {
+					maxAlignEndPos = size;
+				}
+			}
+			// Calculate minW/minH
+			rect = {};
+			if (availableSpace < 0) {
+				rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[minSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName];
+			} else {
+				rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName];
+			}
+			rect[alignMinSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos + contLayoutRect[alignDeltaSizeName];
+			rect[contentSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace;
+			rect[alignContentSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos;
+			rect.minW = min(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.maxW);
+			rect.minH = min(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.maxH);
+			rect.minW = max(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+			rect.minH = max(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.startMinHeight);
+			// Resize container container if minSize was changed
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize && (rect.minW != contLayoutRect.minW || rect.minH != contLayoutRect.minH)) {
+				rect.w = rect.minW;
+				rect.h = rect.minH;
+				container.layoutRect(rect);
+				this.recalc(container);
+				// Forced recalc for example if items are hidden/shown
+				if (container._lastRect === null) {
+					var parentCtrl = container.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+						parentCtrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Handle max size elements, check if they will become to wide with current options
+			ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex;
+			for (i = 0, l = maxSizeItems.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = maxSizeItems[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				maxSize = ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName];
+				size = ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName] + ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio;
+				if (size > maxSize) {
+					availableSpace -= (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName] - ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName]);
+					totalFlex -= ctrlLayoutRect.flex;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.flex = 0;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = maxSize;
+				} else {
+					ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// Setup new ratio, target layout rect, start position
+			ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex;
+			pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+			rect = {};
+			// Handle pack setting moves the start position to end, center
+			if (totalFlex === 0) {
+				if (pack == "end") {
+					pos = availableSpace + contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+				} else if (pack == "center") {
+					pos = Math.round(
+						(contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] / 2) - ((contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace) / 2)
+					) + contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					if (pos < 0) {
+						pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					}
+				} else if (pack == "justify") {
+					pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
+					spacing = Math.floor(availableSpace / (items.length - 1));
+				}
+			}
+			// Default aligning (start) the other ones needs to be calculated while doing the layout
+			rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName];
+			// Start laying out controls
+			for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+				ctrl = items[i];
+				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+				size = ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize || ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName];
+				// Align the control on the other axis
+				if (align === "center") {
+					rect[alignAxisName] = Math.round((contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName] / 2));
+				} else if (align === "stretch") {
+					rect[alignSizeName] = max(
+						ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] || 0,
+						contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] - contPaddingBox[alignAfterName]
+					);
+					rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName];
+				} else if (align === "end") {
+					rect[alignAxisName] = contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName]  - ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName]  - contPaddingBox.top;
+				}
+				// Calculate new size based on flex
+				if (ctrlLayoutRect.flex > 0) {
+					size += ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio;
+				}
+				rect[sizeName] = size;
+				rect[posName] = pos;
+				ctrl.layoutRect(rect);
+				// Recalculate containers
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+				// Move x/y position
+				pos += size + spacing;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FlowLayout.js
+ * FlowLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager will place the controls by using the browsers native layout.
+ *
+ * @-x-less FlowLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FlowLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Layout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FlowLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Layout"
+], function(Layout) {
+	return Layout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'flow-layout',
+			controlClass: 'flow-layout-item',
+			endClass : 'break'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			container.items().filter(':visible').each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl.recalc) {
+					ctrl.recalc();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/FormatControls.js
+ * FormatControls.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Internal class containing all TinyMCE specific control types such as
+ * format listboxes, fontlist boxes, toolbar buttons etc.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.FormatControls
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/FormatControls", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Control",
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/EditorManager",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Control, Widget, FloatPanel, Tools, EditorManager, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	EditorManager.on('AddEditor', function(e) {
+		if (e.editor.rtl) {
+			Control.rtl = true;
+		}
+		registerControls(e.editor);
+	});
+	Control.translate = function(text) {
+		return EditorManager.translate(text);
+	};
+	Widget.tooltips = !Env.iOS;
+	function registerControls(editor) {
+		var formatMenu;
+		// Generates a preview for a format
+		function getPreviewCss(format) {
+			var name, previewElm, dom = editor.dom;
+			var previewCss = '', parentFontSize, previewStyles;
+			previewStyles = editor.settings.preview_styles;
+			// No preview forced
+			if (previewStyles === false) {
+				return '';
+			}
+			// Default preview
+			if (!previewStyles) {
+				previewStyles = 'font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration ' +
+					'text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow';
+			}
+			// Removes any variables since these can't be previewed
+			function removeVars(val) {
+				return val.replace(/%(\w+)/g, '');
+			}
+			// Create block/inline element to use for preview
+			format = editor.formatter.get(format);
+			if (!format) {
+				return;
+			}
+			format = format[0];
+			name = format.block || format.inline || 'span';
+			previewElm = dom.create(name);
+			// Add format styles to preview element
+			each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (value) {
+					dom.setStyle(previewElm, name, value);
+				}
+			});
+			// Add attributes to preview element
+			each(format.attributes, function(value, name) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (value) {
+					dom.setAttrib(previewElm, name, value);
+				}
+			});
+			// Add classes to preview element
+			each(format.classes, function(value) {
+				value = removeVars(value);
+				if (!dom.hasClass(previewElm, value)) {
+					dom.addClass(previewElm, value);
+				}
+			});
+			editor.fire('PreviewFormats');
+			// Add the previewElm outside the visual area
+			dom.setStyles(previewElm, {position: 'absolute', left: -0xFFFF});
+			editor.getBody().appendChild(previewElm);
+			// Get parent container font size so we can compute px values out of em/% for older IE:s
+			parentFontSize = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), 'fontSize', true);
+			parentFontSize = /px$/.test(parentFontSize) ? parseInt(parentFontSize, 10) : 0;
+			each(previewStyles.split(' '), function(name) {
+				var value = dom.getStyle(previewElm, name, true);
+				// If background is transparent then check if the body has a background color we can use
+				if (name == 'background-color' && /transparent|rgba\s*\([^)]+,\s*0\)/.test(value)) {
+					value = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), name, true);
+					// Ignore white since it's the default color, not the nicest fix
+					// TODO: Fix this by detecting runtime style
+					if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() == '#ffffff') {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				if (name == 'color') {
+					// Ignore black since it's the default color, not the nicest fix
+					// TODO: Fix this by detecting runtime style
+					if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() == '#000000') {
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// Old IE won't calculate the font size so we need to do that manually
+				if (name == 'font-size') {
+					if (/em|%$/.test(value)) {
+						if (parentFontSize === 0) {
+							return;
+						}
+						// Convert font size from em/% to px
+						value = parseFloat(value, 10) / (/%$/.test(value) ? 100 : 1);
+						value = (value * parentFontSize) + 'px';
+					}
+				}
+				if (name == "border" && value) {
+					previewCss += 'padding:0 2px;';
+				}
+				previewCss += name + ':' + value + ';';
+			});
+			editor.fire('AfterPreviewFormats');
+			//previewCss += 'line-height:normal';
+			dom.remove(previewElm);
+			return previewCss;
+		}
+		function createListBoxChangeHandler(items, formatName) {
+			return function() {
+				var self = this;
+				editor.on('nodeChange', function(e) {
+					var formatter = editor.formatter;
+					var value = null;
+					each(e.parents, function(node) {
+						each(items, function(item) {
+							if (formatName) {
+								if (formatter.matchNode(node, formatName, {value: item.value})) {
+									value = item.value;
+								}
+							} else {
+								if (formatter.matchNode(node, item.value)) {
+									value = item.value;
+								}
+							}
+							if (value) {
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+						if (value) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					self.value(value);
+				});
+			};
+		}
+		function createFormats(formats) {
+			formats = formats.split(';');
+			var i = formats.length;
+			while (i--) {
+				formats[i] = formats[i].split('=');
+			}
+			return formats;
+		}
+		function createFormatMenu() {
+			var count = 0, newFormats = [];
+			var defaultStyleFormats = [
+				{title: 'Headers', items: [
+					{title: 'Header 1', format: 'h1'},
+					{title: 'Header 2', format: 'h2'},
+					{title: 'Header 3', format: 'h3'},
+					{title: 'Header 4', format: 'h4'},
+					{title: 'Header 5', format: 'h5'},
+					{title: 'Header 6', format: 'h6'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Inline', items: [
+					{title: 'Bold', icon: 'bold', format: 'bold'},
+					{title: 'Italic', icon: 'italic', format: 'italic'},
+					{title: 'Underline', icon: 'underline', format: 'underline'},
+					{title: 'Strikethrough', icon: 'strikethrough', format: 'strikethrough'},
+					{title: 'Superscript', icon: 'superscript', format: 'superscript'},
+					{title: 'Subscript', icon: 'subscript', format: 'subscript'},
+					{title: 'Code', icon: 'code', format: 'code'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Blocks', items: [
+					{title: 'Paragraph', format: 'p'},
+					{title: 'Blockquote', format: 'blockquote'},
+					{title: 'Div', format: 'div'},
+					{title: 'Pre', format: 'pre'}
+				]},
+				{title: 'Alignment', items: [
+					{title: 'Left', icon: 'alignleft', format: 'alignleft'},
+					{title: 'Center', icon: 'aligncenter', format: 'aligncenter'},
+					{title: 'Right', icon: 'alignright', format: 'alignright'},
+					{title: 'Justify', icon: 'alignjustify', format: 'alignjustify'}
+				]}
+			];
+			function createMenu(formats) {
+				var menu = [];
+				if (!formats) {
+					return;
+				}
+				each(formats, function(format) {
+					var menuItem = {
+						text: format.title,
+						icon: format.icon
+					};
+					if (format.items) {
+						menuItem.menu = createMenu(format.items);
+					} else {
+						var formatName = format.format || "custom" + count++;
+						if (!format.format) {
+							format.name = formatName;
+							newFormats.push(format);
+						}
+						menuItem.format = formatName;
+					}
+					menu.push(menuItem);
+				});
+				return menu;
+			}
+			function createStylesMenu() {
+				var menu;
+				if (editor.settings.style_formats_merge) {
+					if (editor.settings.style_formats) {
+						menu = createMenu(defaultStyleFormats.concat(editor.settings.style_formats));
+					} else {
+						menu = createMenu(defaultStyleFormats);
+					}
+				} else {
+					menu = createMenu(editor.settings.style_formats || defaultStyleFormats);
+				}
+				return menu;
+			}
+			editor.on('init', function() {
+				each(newFormats, function(format) {
+					editor.formatter.register(format.name, format);
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'menu',
+				items: createStylesMenu(),
+				onPostRender: function(e) {
+					editor.fire('renderFormatsMenu', {control: e.control});
+				},
+				itemDefaults: {
+					preview: true,
+					textStyle: function() {
+						if (this.settings.format) {
+							return getPreviewCss(this.settings.format);
+						}
+					},
+					onPostRender: function() {
+						var self = this, formatName = this.settings.format;
+						if (formatName) {
+							self.parent().on('show', function() {
+								self.disabled(!editor.formatter.canApply(formatName));
+								self.active(editor.formatter.match(formatName));
+							});
+						}
+					},
+					onclick: function() {
+						if (this.settings.format) {
+							toggleFormat(this.settings.format);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		formatMenu = createFormatMenu();
+		// Simple format controls <control/format>:<UI text>
+		each({
+			bold: 'Bold',
+			italic: 'Italic',
+			underline: 'Underline',
+			strikethrough: 'Strikethrough',
+			subscript: 'Subscript',
+			superscript: 'Superscript'
+		}, function(text, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: text,
+				onPostRender: function() {
+					var self = this;
+					// TODO: Fix this
+					if (editor.formatter) {
+						editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+							self.active(state);
+						});
+					} else {
+						editor.on('init', function() {
+							editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+								self.active(state);
+							});
+						});
+					}
+				},
+				onclick: function() {
+					toggleFormat(name);
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		// Simple command controls <control>:[<UI text>,<Command>]
+		each({
+			outdent: ['Decrease indent', 'Outdent'],
+			indent: ['Increase indent', 'Indent'],
+			cut: ['Cut', 'Cut'],
+			copy: ['Copy', 'Copy'],
+			paste: ['Paste', 'Paste'],
+			help: ['Help', 'mceHelp'],
+			selectall: ['Select all', 'SelectAll'],
+			hr: ['Insert horizontal rule', 'InsertHorizontalRule'],
+			removeformat: ['Clear formatting', 'RemoveFormat'],
+			visualaid: ['Visual aids', 'mceToggleVisualAid'],
+			newdocument: ['New document', 'mceNewDocument']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: item[0],
+				cmd: item[1]
+			});
+		});
+		// Simple command controls with format state
+		each({
+			blockquote: ['Blockquote', 'mceBlockQuote'],
+			numlist: ['Numbered list', 'InsertOrderedList'],
+			bullist: ['Bullet list', 'InsertUnorderedList'],
+			subscript: ['Subscript', 'Subscript'],
+			superscript: ['Superscript', 'Superscript'],
+			alignleft: ['Align left', 'JustifyLeft'],
+			aligncenter: ['Align center', 'JustifyCenter'],
+			alignright: ['Align right', 'JustifyRight'],
+			alignjustify: ['Justify', 'JustifyFull']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addButton(name, {
+				tooltip: item[0],
+				cmd: item[1],
+				onPostRender: function() {
+					var self = this;
+					// TODO: Fix this
+					if (editor.formatter) {
+						editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+							self.active(state);
+						});
+					} else {
+						editor.on('init', function() {
+							editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, function(state) {
+								self.active(state);
+							});
+						});
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		function hasUndo() {
+			return editor.undoManager ? editor.undoManager.hasUndo() : false;
+		}
+		function hasRedo() {
+			return editor.undoManager ? editor.undoManager.hasRedo() : false;
+		}
+		function toggleUndoState() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.disabled(!hasUndo());
+			editor.on('Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo', function() {
+				self.disabled(!hasUndo());
+			});
+		}
+		function toggleRedoState() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.disabled(!hasRedo());
+			editor.on('Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo', function() {
+				self.disabled(!hasRedo());
+			});
+		}
+		function toggleVisualAidState() {
+			var self = this;
+			editor.on('VisualAid', function(e) {
+				self.active(e.hasVisual);
+			});
+			self.active(editor.hasVisual);
+		}
+		editor.addButton('undo', {
+			tooltip: 'Undo',
+			onPostRender: toggleUndoState,
+			cmd: 'undo'
+		});
+		editor.addButton('redo', {
+			tooltip: 'Redo',
+			onPostRender: toggleRedoState,
+			cmd: 'redo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('newdocument', {
+			text: 'New document',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+N',
+			icon: 'newdocument',
+			cmd: 'mceNewDocument'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('undo', {
+			text: 'Undo',
+			icon: 'undo',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+Z',
+			onPostRender: toggleUndoState,
+			cmd: 'undo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('redo', {
+			text: 'Redo',
+			icon: 'redo',
+			shortcut: 'Ctrl+Y',
+			onPostRender: toggleRedoState,
+			cmd: 'redo'
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('visualaid', {
+			text: 'Visual aids',
+			selectable: true,
+			onPostRender: toggleVisualAidState,
+			cmd: 'mceToggleVisualAid'
+		});
+		each({
+			cut: ['Cut', 'Cut', 'Ctrl+X'],
+			copy: ['Copy', 'Copy', 'Ctrl+C'],
+			paste: ['Paste', 'Paste', 'Ctrl+V'],
+			selectall: ['Select all', 'SelectAll', 'Ctrl+A'],
+			bold: ['Bold', 'Bold', 'Ctrl+B'],
+			italic: ['Italic', 'Italic', 'Ctrl+I'],
+			underline: ['Underline', 'Underline'],
+			strikethrough: ['Strikethrough', 'Strikethrough'],
+			subscript: ['Subscript', 'Subscript'],
+			superscript: ['Superscript', 'Superscript'],
+			removeformat: ['Clear formatting', 'RemoveFormat']
+		}, function(item, name) {
+			editor.addMenuItem(name, {
+				text: item[0],
+				icon: name,
+				shortcut: item[2],
+				cmd: item[1]
+			});
+		});
+		editor.on('mousedown', function() {
+			FloatPanel.hideAll();
+		});
+		function toggleFormat(fmt) {
+			if (fmt.control) {
+				fmt = fmt.control.value();
+			}
+			if (fmt) {
+				editor.execCommand('mceToggleFormat', false, fmt);
+			}
+		}
+		editor.addButton('styleselect', {
+			type: 'menubutton',
+			text: 'Formats',
+			menu: formatMenu
+		});
+		editor.addButton('formatselect', function() {
+			var items = [], blocks = createFormats(editor.settings.block_formats ||
+				'Paragraph=p;' +
+				'Address=address;' +
+				'Pre=pre;' +
+				'Header 1=h1;' +
+				'Header 2=h2;' +
+				'Header 3=h3;' +
+				'Header 4=h4;' +
+				'Header 5=h5;' +
+				'Header 6=h6'
+			);
+			each(blocks, function(block) {
+				items.push({
+					text: block[0],
+					value: block[1],
+					textStyle: function() {
+						return getPreviewCss(block[1]);
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: blocks[0][0],
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onselect: toggleFormat,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items)
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addButton('fontselect', function() {
+			var defaultFontsFormats =
+				'Andale Mono=andale mono,times;' +
+				'Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' +
+				'Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;' +
+				'Book Antiqua=book antiqua,palatino;' +
+				'Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;' +
+				'Courier New=courier new,courier;' +
+				'Georgia=georgia,palatino;' +
+				'Helvetica=helvetica;' +
+				'Impact=impact,chicago;' +
+				'Symbol=symbol;' +
+				'Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' +
+				'Terminal=terminal,monaco;' +
+				'Times New Roman=times new roman,times;' +
+				'Trebuchet MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;' +
+				'Verdana=verdana,geneva;' +
+				'Webdings=webdings;' +
+				'Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats';
+			var items = [], fonts = createFormats(editor.settings.font_formats || defaultFontsFormats);
+			each(fonts, function(font) {
+				items.push({
+					text: {raw: font[0]},
+					value: font[1],
+					textStyle: font[1].indexOf('dings') == -1 ? 'font-family:' + font[1] : ''
+				});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: 'Font Family',
+				tooltip: 'Font Family',
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items, 'fontname'),
+				onselect: function(e) {
+					if (e.control.settings.value) {
+						editor.execCommand('FontName', false, e.control.settings.value);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addButton('fontsizeselect', function() {
+			var items = [], defaultFontsizeFormats = '8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt';
+			var fontsize_formats = editor.settings.fontsize_formats || defaultFontsizeFormats;
+			each(fontsize_formats.split(' '), function(item) {
+				items.push({text: item, value: item});
+			});
+			return {
+				type: 'listbox',
+				text: 'Font Sizes',
+				tooltip: 'Font Sizes',
+				values: items,
+				fixedWidth: true,
+				onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items, 'fontsize'),
+				onclick: function(e) {
+					if (e.control.settings.value) {
+						editor.execCommand('FontSize', false, e.control.settings.value);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		editor.addMenuItem('formats', {
+			text: 'Formats',
+			menu: formatMenu
+		});
+	}
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/GridLayout.js
+ * GridLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout manager places controls in a grid.
+ *
+ * @setting {Number} spacing Spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} spacingH Horizontal spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} spacingV Vertical spacing between controls.
+ * @setting {Number} columns Number of columns to use.
+ * @setting {String/Array} alignH start|end|center|stretch or array of values for each column.
+ * @setting {String/Array} alignV start|end|center|stretch or array of values for each column.
+ * @setting {String} pack start|end
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.GridLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/GridLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
+], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
+		 *
+		 * @method recalc
+		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
+		 */
+		recalc: function(container) {
+			var settings = container.settings, rows, cols, items, contLayoutRect, width, height, rect,
+				ctrlLayoutRect, ctrl, x, y, posX, posY, ctrlSettings, contPaddingBox, align, spacingH, spacingV, alignH, alignV, maxX, maxY,
+				colWidths = [], rowHeights = [], ctrlMinWidth, ctrlMinHeight, availableWidth, availableHeight;
+			// Get layout settings
+			settings = container.settings;
+			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
+			contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect();
+			cols = settings.columns || Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(items.length));
+			rows = Math.ceil(items.length / cols);
+			spacingH = settings.spacingH || settings.spacing || 0;
+			spacingV = settings.spacingV || settings.spacing || 0;
+			alignH = settings.alignH || settings.align;
+			alignV = settings.alignV || settings.align;
+			contPaddingBox = container._paddingBox;
+			if (alignH && typeof(alignH) == "string") {
+				alignH = [alignH];
+			}
+			if (alignV && typeof(alignV) == "string") {
+				alignV = [alignV];
+			}
+			// Zero padd columnWidths
+			for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				colWidths.push(0);
+			}
+			// Zero padd rowHeights
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				rowHeights.push(0);
+			}
+			// Calculate columnWidths and rowHeights
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+					ctrl = items[y * cols + x];
+					// Out of bounds
+					if (!ctrl) {
+						break;
+					}
+					ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+					ctrlMinWidth = ctrlLayoutRect.minW;
+					ctrlMinHeight = ctrlLayoutRect.minH;
+					colWidths[x] = ctrlMinWidth > colWidths[x] ? ctrlMinWidth : colWidths[x];
+					rowHeights[y] = ctrlMinHeight > rowHeights[y] ? ctrlMinHeight : rowHeights[y];
+				}
+			}
+			// Calculate maxX
+			availableWidth = contLayoutRect.innerW - contPaddingBox.left - contPaddingBox.right;
+			for (maxX = 0, x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				maxX += colWidths[x] + (x > 0 ? spacingH : 0);
+				availableWidth -= (x > 0 ? spacingH : 0) + colWidths[x];
+			}
+			// Calculate maxY
+			availableHeight = contLayoutRect.innerH - contPaddingBox.top - contPaddingBox.bottom;
+			for (maxY = 0, y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				maxY += rowHeights[y] + (y > 0 ? spacingV : 0);
+				availableHeight -= (y > 0 ? spacingV : 0) + rowHeights[y];
+			}
+			maxX += contPaddingBox.left + contPaddingBox.right;
+			maxY += contPaddingBox.top + contPaddingBox.bottom;
+			// Calculate minW/minH
+			rect = {};
+			rect.minW = maxX + (contLayoutRect.w - contLayoutRect.innerW);
+			rect.minH = maxY + (contLayoutRect.h - contLayoutRect.innerH);
+			rect.contentW = rect.minW - contLayoutRect.deltaW;
+			rect.contentH = rect.minH - contLayoutRect.deltaH;
+			rect.minW = Math.min(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.maxW);
+			rect.minH = Math.min(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.maxH);
+			rect.minW = Math.max(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+			rect.minH = Math.max(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.startMinHeight);
+			// Resize container container if minSize was changed
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize && (rect.minW != contLayoutRect.minW || rect.minH != contLayoutRect.minH)) {
+				rect.w = rect.minW;
+				rect.h = rect.minH;
+				container.layoutRect(rect);
+				this.recalc(container);
+				// Forced recalc for example if items are hidden/shown
+				if (container._lastRect === null) {
+					var parentCtrl = container.parent();
+					if (parentCtrl) {
+						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
+						parentCtrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			// Update contentW/contentH so absEnd moves correctly
+			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize) {
+				rect = container.layoutRect(rect);
+				rect.contentW = rect.minW - contLayoutRect.deltaW;
+				rect.contentH = rect.minH - contLayoutRect.deltaH;
+			}
+			var flexV;
+			if (settings.packV == 'start') {
+				flexV = 0;
+			} else {
+				flexV = availableHeight > 0 ? Math.floor(availableHeight / rows) : 0;
+			}
+			// Calculate totalFlex
+			var totalFlex = 0;
+			var flexWidths = settings.flexWidths;
+			if (flexWidths) {
+				for (x = 0; x < flexWidths.length; x++) {
+					totalFlex += flexWidths[x];
+				}
+			} else {
+				totalFlex = cols;
+			}
+			// Calculate new column widths based on flex values
+			var ratio = availableWidth / totalFlex;
+			for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+				colWidths[x] += flexWidths ? flexWidths[x] * ratio : ratio;
+			}
+			// Move/resize controls
+			posY = contPaddingBox.top;
+			for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
+				posX = contPaddingBox.left;
+				height = rowHeights[y] + flexV;
+				for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
+					ctrl = items[y * cols + x];
+					// No more controls to render then break
+					if (!ctrl) {
+						break;
+					}
+					// Get control settings and calculate x, y
+					ctrlSettings = ctrl.settings;
+					ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
+					width = Math.max(colWidths[x], ctrlLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
+					ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX;
+					ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY;
+					// Align control horizontal
+					align = ctrlSettings.alignH || (alignH ? (alignH[x] || alignH[0]) : null);
+					if (align == "center") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX + (width / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect.w / 2);
+					} else if (align == "right") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.x = posX + width - ctrlLayoutRect.w;
+					} else if (align == "stretch") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.w = width;
+					}
+					// Align control vertical
+					align = ctrlSettings.alignV || (alignV ? (alignV[x] || alignV[0]) : null);
+					if (align == "center") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY + (height / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect.h / 2);
+					} else  if (align == "bottom") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.y = posY + height - ctrlLayoutRect.h;
+					} else if (align == "stretch") {
+						ctrlLayoutRect.h = height;
+					}
+					ctrl.layoutRect(ctrlLayoutRect);
+					posX += width + spacingH;
+					if (ctrl.recalc) {
+						ctrl.recalc();
+					}
+				}
+				posY += height + spacingV;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Iframe.js
+ * Iframe.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+/*jshint scripturl:true */
+ * This class creates an iframe.
+ *
+ * @setting {String} url Url to open in the iframe.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Iframe.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Iframe
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Iframe", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.addClass('iframe');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return (
+				'<iframe id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" src="' +
+				(self.settings.url || "javascript:\'\'") + '" frameborder="0"></iframe>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Setter for the iframe source.
+		 *
+		 * @method src
+		 * @param {String} src Source URL for iframe.
+		 */
+		src: function(src) {
+			this.getEl().src = src;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inner HTML for the iframe.
+		 *
+		 * @method html
+		 * @param {String} html HTML string to set as HTML inside the iframe.
+		 * @param {function} callback Optional callback to execute when the iframe body is filled with contents.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Iframe} Current iframe control.
+		 */
+		html: function(html, callback) {
+			var self = this, body = this.getEl().contentWindow.document.body;
+			// Wait for iframe to initialize IE 10 takes time
+			if (!body) {
+				setTimeout(function() {
+					self.html(html);
+				}, 0);
+			} else {
+				body.innerHTML = html;
+				if (callback) {
+					callback();
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Label.js
+ * Label.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class creates a label element. A label is a simple text control
+ * that can be bound to other controls.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Label.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Label
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Label", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @param {Boolean} multiline Multiline label.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('widget');
+			self.addClass('label');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				self.addClass('autoscroll');
+			}
+			if (settings.strong) {
+				self.addClass('strong');
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, layoutRect = self._super();
+			if (self.settings.multiline) {
+				var size = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl());
+				// Check if the text fits within maxW if not then try word wrapping it
+				if (size.width > layoutRect.maxW) {
+					layoutRect.minW = layoutRect.maxW;
+					self.addClass('multiline');
+				}
+				self.getEl().style.width = layoutRect.minW + 'px';
+				layoutRect.startMinH = layoutRect.h = layoutRect.minH = Math.min(layoutRect.maxH, DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl()).height);
+			}
+			return layoutRect;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (!self.settings.multiline) {
+				self.getEl().style.lineHeight = self.layoutRect().h + 'px';
+			}
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current label text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New label text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.Label} Current text or current label instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(text) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && text) {
+				this.innerHtml(self.encode(text));
+			}
+			return self._super(text);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, forId = self.settings.forId;
+			return (
+				'<label id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"' + (forId ? ' for="' + forId + '"' : '') + '>' +
+					self.encode(self._text) +
+				'</label>'
+			);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Toolbar.js
+ * Toolbar.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new toolbar.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Toolbar
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Toolbar", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Container"
+], function(Container) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Container.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			role: 'toolbar',
+			layout: 'flow'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('toolbar');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().addClass('toolbar-item');
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuBar.js
+ * MenuBar.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menubar.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuBar.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuBar
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Container
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuBar", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Toolbar"
+], function(Toolbar) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Toolbar.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			role: 'menubar',
+			containerCls: 'menubar',
+			ariaRoot: true,
+			defaults: {
+				type: 'menubutton'
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuButton.js
+ * MenuButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Button",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuBar"
+], function(Button, Factory, MenuBar) {
+	"use strict";
+	// TODO: Maybe add as some global function
+	function isChildOf(node, parent) {
+		while (node) {
+			if (parent === node) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			node = node.parentNode;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	var MenuButton = Button.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._renderOpen = true;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('menubtn');
+			if (settings.fixedWidth) {
+				self.addClass('fixed-width');
+			}
+			self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			self.hasPopup = true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the menu for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method showMenu
+		 */
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu;
+			if (self.menu && self.menu.visible()) {
+				return self.hideMenu();
+			}
+			if (!self.menu) {
+				menu = settings.menu || [];
+				// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+				if (menu.length) {
+					menu = {
+						type: 'menu',
+						items: menu
+					};
+				} else {
+					menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+				}
+				self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo();
+				self.fire('createmenu');
+				self.menu.reflow();
+				self.menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+					if (e.control.parent() === self.menu) {
+						e.stopPropagation();
+						self.focus();
+						self.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				// Move focus to button when a menu item is selected/clicked
+				self.menu.on('select', function() {
+					self.focus();
+				});
+				self.menu.on('show hide', function(e) {
+					if (e.control == self.menu) {
+						self.activeMenu(e.type == 'show');
+					}
+					self.aria('expanded', e.type == 'show');
+				}).fire('show');
+			}
+			self.menu.show();
+			self.menu.layoutRect({w: self.layoutRect().w});
+			self.menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), self.isRtl() ? ['br-tr', 'tr-br'] : ['bl-tl', 'tl-bl']);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the menu for the button.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideMenu
+		 */
+		hideMenu: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.menu) {
+				self.menu.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item.hideMenu) {
+						item.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.hide();
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the active menu state.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		activeMenu: function(state) {
+			this.toggleClass('active', state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			self.aria('role', self.parent() instanceof MenuBar ? 'menuitem' : 'button');
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="' + id + '">' +
+					'<button id="' + id + '-open" role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						'<span>' + (self._text ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(self._text) : '') + '</span>' +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets invoked after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self && isChildOf(e.target, self.getEl())) {
+					self.showMenu();
+					if (e.aria) {
+						self.menu.items()[0].focus();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			self.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
+				var overCtrl = e.control, parent = self.parent(), hasVisibleSiblingMenu;
+				if (overCtrl && parent && overCtrl instanceof MenuButton && overCtrl.parent() == parent) {
+					parent.items().filter('MenuButton').each(function(ctrl) {
+						if (ctrl.hideMenu && ctrl != overCtrl) {
+							if (ctrl.menu && ctrl.menu.visible()) {
+								hasVisibleSiblingMenu = true;
+							}
+							ctrl.hideMenu();
+						}
+					});
+					if (hasVisibleSiblingMenu) {
+						overCtrl.focus(); // Fix for: #5887
+						overCtrl.showMenu();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets/gets the current button text.
+		 *
+		 * @method text
+		 * @param {String} [text] New button text.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.MenuButton} Current text or current MenuButton instance.
+		 */
+		text: function(text) {
+			var self = this, i, children;
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				children = self.getEl('open').getElementsByTagName('span');
+				for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+					children[i].innerHTML = (self.settings.icon && text ? '\u00a0' : '') + self.encode(text);
+				}
+			}
+			return this._super(text);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the control and it's menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (this.menu) {
+				this.menu.remove();
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	return MenuButton;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ListBox.js
+ * ListBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new list box control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ListBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ListBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.MenuButton
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ListBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuButton"
+], function(MenuButton) {
+	"use strict";
+	return MenuButton.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Array} values Array with values to add to list box.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this, values, i, selected, selectedText, lastItemCtrl;
+			self._values = values = settings.values;
+			if (values) {
+				for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
+					selected = values[i].selected || settings.value === values[i].value;
+					if (selected) {
+						selectedText = selectedText || values[i].text;
+						self._value = values[i].value;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				// Default with first item
+				if (!selected && values.length > 0) {
+					selectedText = values[0].text;
+					self._value = values[0].value;
+				}
+				settings.menu = values;
+			}
+			settings.text = settings.text || selectedText || values[0].text;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('listbox');
+			self.on('select', function(e) {
+				var ctrl = e.control;
+				if (lastItemCtrl) {
+					e.lastControl = lastItemCtrl;
+				}
+				if (settings.multiple) {
+					ctrl.active(!ctrl.active());
+				} else {
+					self.value(e.control.settings.value);
+				}
+				lastItemCtrl = ctrl;
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.ListBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this, active, selectedText, menu, i;
+			function activateByValue(menu, value) {
+				menu.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+					active = ctrl.value() === value;
+					if (active) {
+						selectedText = selectedText || ctrl.text();
+					}
+					ctrl.active(active);
+					if (ctrl.menu) {
+						activateByValue(ctrl.menu, value);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				if (self.menu) {
+					activateByValue(self.menu, value);
+				} else {
+					menu = self.settings.menu;
+					for (i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
+						active = menu[i].value == value;
+						if (active) {
+							selectedText = selectedText || menu[i].text;
+						}
+						menu[i].active = active;
+					}
+				}
+				self.text(selectedText || this.settings.text);
+			}
+			return self._super(value);
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/MenuItem.js
+ * MenuItem.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu item.
+ *
+ * @-x-less MenuItem.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.MenuItem
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Control
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/MenuItem", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/Factory",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Widget, Factory, Env) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			border: 0,
+			role: 'menuitem'
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} selectable Selectable menu.
+		 * @setting {Array} menu Submenu array with items.
+		 * @setting {String} shortcut Shortcut to display for menu item. Example: Ctrl+X
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self.hasPopup = true;
+			self._super(settings);
+			settings = self.settings;
+			self.addClass('menu-item');
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-expand');
+			}
+			if (settings.preview) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-preview');
+			}
+			if (self._text === '-' || self._text === '|') {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-sep');
+				self.aria('role', 'separator');
+				self._text = '-';
+			}
+			if (settings.selectable) {
+				self.aria('role', 'menuitemcheckbox');
+				self.addClass('menu-item-checkbox');
+				settings.icon = 'selected';
+			}
+			if (!settings.preview && !settings.selectable) {
+				self.addClass('menu-item-normal');
+			}
+			self.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+			});
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				self.aria('haspopup', true);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns true/false if the menuitem has sub menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method hasMenus
+		 * @return {Boolean} True/false state if it has submenu.
+		 */
+		hasMenus: function() {
+			return !!this.settings.menu;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shows the menu for the menu item.
+		 *
+		 * @method showMenu
+		 */
+		showMenu: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu, parent = self.parent();
+			parent.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				if (ctrl !== self) {
+					ctrl.hideMenu();
+				}
+			});
+			if (settings.menu) {
+				menu = self.menu;
+				if (!menu) {
+					menu = settings.menu;
+					// Is menu array then auto constuct menu control
+					if (menu.length) {
+						menu = {
+							type: 'menu',
+							items: menu
+						};
+					} else {
+						menu.type = menu.type || 'menu';
+					}
+					if (parent.settings.itemDefaults) {
+						menu.itemDefaults = parent.settings.itemDefaults;
+					}
+					menu = self.menu = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo();
+					menu.reflow();
+					menu.fire('show');
+					menu.on('cancel', function(e) {
+						e.stopPropagation();
+						self.focus();
+						menu.hide();
+					});
+					menu.on('hide', function(e) {
+						if (e.control === menu) {
+							self.removeClass('selected');
+						}
+					});
+					menu.submenu = true;
+				} else {
+					menu.show();
+				}
+				menu._parentMenu = parent;
+				menu.addClass('menu-sub');
+				var rel = menu.testMoveRel(
+					self.getEl(),
+					self.isRtl() ? ['tl-tr', 'bl-br', 'tr-tl', 'br-bl'] : ['tr-tl', 'br-bl', 'tl-tr', 'bl-br']
+				);
+				menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), rel);
+				menu.rel = rel;
+				rel = 'menu-sub-' + rel;
+				menu.removeClass(menu._lastRel);
+				menu.addClass(rel);
+				menu._lastRel = rel;
+				self.addClass('selected');
+				self.aria('expanded', true);
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides the menu for the menu item.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideMenu
+		 */
+		hideMenu: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self.menu) {
+				self.menu.items().each(function(item) {
+					if (item.hideMenu) {
+						item.hideMenu();
+					}
+				});
+				self.menu.hide();
+				self.aria('expanded', false);
+			}
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, prefix = self.classPrefix, text = self.encode(self._text);
+			var icon = self.settings.icon, image = '', shortcut = settings.shortcut;
+			if (icon) {
+				self.parent().addClass('menu-has-icons');
+			}
+			if (settings.image) {
+				icon = 'none';
+				image = ' style="background-image: url(\'' + settings.image + '\')"';
+			}
+			if (shortcut && Env.mac) {
+				// format shortcut for Mac
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/ctrl\+alt\+/i, '&#x2325;&#x2318;'); // ctrl+cmd
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/ctrl\+/i, '&#x2318;'); // ctrl symbol
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/alt\+/i, '&#x2325;'); // cmd symbol
+				shortcut = shortcut.replace(/shift\+/i, '&#x21E7;'); // shift symbol
+			}
+			icon = prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + (self.settings.icon || 'none');
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" tabindex="-1">' +
+					(text !== '-' ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>&nbsp;' : '') +
+					(text !== '-' ? '<span id="' + id + '-text" class="' + prefix + 'text">' + text + '</span>' : '') +
+					(shortcut ? '<div id="' + id + '-shortcut" class="' + prefix + 'menu-shortcut">' + shortcut + '</div>' : '') +
+					(settings.menu ? '<div class="' + prefix + 'caret"></div>' : '') +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets invoked after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, settings = self.settings;
+			var textStyle = settings.textStyle;
+			if (typeof(textStyle) == "function") {
+				textStyle = textStyle.call(this);
+			}
+			if (textStyle) {
+				var textElm = self.getEl('text');
+				if (textElm) {
+					textElm.setAttribute('style', textStyle);
+				}
+			}
+			self.on('mouseenter click', function(e) {
+				if (e.control === self) {
+					if (!settings.menu && e.type === 'click') {
+						self.fire('select');
+						self.parent().hideAll();
+					} else {
+						self.showMenu();
+						if (e.aria) {
+							self.menu.focus(true);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			self._super();
+			return self;
+		},
+		active: function(state) {
+			if (typeof(state) != "undefined") {
+				this.aria('checked', state);
+			}
+			return this._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the control and it's menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method remove
+		 */
+		remove: function() {
+			this._super();
+			if (this.menu) {
+				this.menu.remove();
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Menu.js
+ * Menu.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new menu.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Menu.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Menu
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FloatPanel
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Menu", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FloatPanel",
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuItem",
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(FloatPanel, MenuItem, Tools) {
+	"use strict";
+	var Menu = FloatPanel.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			defaultType: 'menuitem',
+			border: 1,
+			layout: 'stack',
+			role: 'application',
+			bodyRole: 'menu',
+			ariaRoot: true
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			settings.autohide = true;
+			settings.constrainToViewport = true;
+			if (settings.itemDefaults) {
+				var items = settings.items, i = items.length;
+				while (i--) {
+					items[i] = Tools.extend({}, settings.itemDefaults, items[i]);
+				}
+			}
+			self._super(settings);
+			self.addClass('menu');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			this.toggleClass('menu-align', true);
+			this._super();
+			this.getEl().style.height = '';
+			this.getEl('body').style.height = '';
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hides/closes the menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method cancel
+		 */
+		cancel: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.hideAll();
+			self.fire('select');
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Hide menu and all sub menus.
+		 *
+		 * @method hideAll
+		 */
+		hideAll: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			this.find('menuitem').exec('hideMenu');
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		getContainerElm: function() {
+			var doc = document, id = this.classPrefix + 'menucontainer';
+			var elm = doc.getElementById(id);
+			if (!elm) {
+				elm = doc.createElement('div');
+				elm.id = id;
+				elm.setAttribute('role', 'application');
+				elm.className = this.classPrefix + '-reset';
+				elm.style.position = 'absolute';
+				elm.style.top = elm.style.left = '0';
+				elm.style.overflow = 'visible';
+				doc.body.appendChild(elm);
+			}
+			return elm;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Invoked before the menu is rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method preRender
+		 */
+		preRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				var settings = ctrl.settings;
+				if (settings.icon || settings.selectable) {
+					self._hasIcons = true;
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+	return Menu;
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Radio.js
+ * Radio.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new radio button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Radio.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Radio
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Checkbox
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Radio", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Checkbox"
+], function(Checkbox) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Checkbox.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "radio",
+			role: "radio"
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/ResizeHandle.js
+ * ResizeHandle.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Renders a resize handle that fires ResizeStart, Resize and ResizeEnd events.
+ *
+ * @-x-less ResizeHandle.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.ResizeHandle
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/ResizeHandle", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper"
+], function(Widget, DragHelper) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.addClass('resizehandle');
+			if (self.settings.direction == "both") {
+				self.addClass('resizehandle-both');
+			}
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
+					'<i class="' + prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-resize"></i>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.resizeDragHelper = new DragHelper(this._id, {
+				start: function() {
+					self.fire('ResizeStart');
+				},
+				drag: function(e) {
+					if (self.settings.direction != "both") {
+						e.deltaX = 0;
+					}
+					self.fire('Resize', e);
+				},
+				stop: function() {
+					self.fire('ResizeEnd');
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			if (this.resizeDragHelper) {
+				this.resizeDragHelper.destroy();
+			}
+			return this._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Spacer.js
+ * Spacer.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a spacer. This control is used in flex layouts for example.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Spacer.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Spacer
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Spacer", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget"
+], function(Widget) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self.addClass('spacer');
+			self.canFocus = false;
+			return '<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '"></div>';
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/SplitButton.js
+ * SplitButton.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a split button.
+ *
+ * @-x-less SplitButton.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.SplitButton
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Button
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/SplitButton", [
+	"tinymce/ui/MenuButton",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(MenuButton, DomUtils) {
+	return MenuButton.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			classes: "widget btn splitbtn",
+			role: "button"
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), rect = self.layoutRect(), mainButtonElm, menuButtonElm;
+			self._super();
+			mainButtonElm = elm.firstChild;
+			menuButtonElm = elm.lastChild;
+			DomUtils.css(mainButtonElm, {
+				width: rect.w - DomUtils.getSize(menuButtonElm).width,
+				height: rect.h - 2
+			});
+			DomUtils.css(menuButtonElm, {
+				height: rect.h - 2
+			});
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the active menu state.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		activeMenu: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.toggleClass(self.getEl().lastChild, self.classPrefix + 'active', state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			var icon = self.settings.icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="button" tabindex="-1">' +
+					'<button type="button" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						(self._text ? (icon ? ' ' : '') + self._text : '') +
+					'</button>' +
+					'<button type="button" class="' + prefix + 'open" hidefocus tabindex="-1">' +
+						//(icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>' : '') +
+						(self._menuBtnText ? (icon ? '\u00a0' : '') + self._menuBtnText : '') +
+						' <i class="' + prefix + 'caret"></i>' +
+					'</button>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this, onClickHandler = self.settings.onclick;
+			self.on('click', function(e) {
+				var node = e.target;
+				if (e.control == this) {
+					// Find clicks that is on the main button
+					while (node) {
+						if ((e.aria && e.aria.key != 'down') || (node.nodeName == 'BUTTON' && node.className.indexOf('open') == -1)) {
+							e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+							onClickHandler.call(this, e);
+							return;
+						}
+						node = node.parentNode;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			delete self.settings.onclick;
+			return self._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/StackLayout.js
+ * StackLayout.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This layout uses the browsers layout when the items are blocks.
+ *
+ * @-x-less StackLayout.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.StackLayout
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.FlowLayout
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/StackLayout", [
+	"tinymce/ui/FlowLayout"
+], function(FlowLayout) {
+	"use strict";
+	return FlowLayout.extend({
+		Defaults: {
+			containerClass: 'stack-layout',
+			controlClass: 'stack-layout-item',
+			endClass : 'break'
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/TabPanel.js
+ * TabPanel.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a tab panel control.
+ *
+ * @-x-less TabPanel.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.TabPanel
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Panel
+ *
+ * @setting {Number} activeTab Active tab index.
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/TabPanel", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Panel",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Panel, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Panel.extend({
+		lastIdx: 0,
+		Defaults: {
+			layout: 'absolute',
+			defaults: {
+				type: 'panel'
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Activates the specified tab by index.
+		 *
+		 * @method activateTab
+		 * @param {Number} idx Index of the tab to activate.
+		 */
+		activateTab: function(idx) {
+			var activeTabElm;
+			if (this.activeTabId) {
+				activeTabElm = this.getEl(this.activeTabId);
+				DomUtils.removeClass(activeTabElm, this.classPrefix + 'active');
+				activeTabElm.setAttribute('aria-selected', "false");
+			}
+			this.activeTabId = 't' + idx;
+			activeTabElm = this.getEl('t' + idx);
+			activeTabElm.setAttribute('aria-selected', "true");
+			DomUtils.addClass(activeTabElm, this.classPrefix + 'active');
+			if (idx != this.lastIdx) {
+				this.items()[this.lastIdx].hide();
+				this.lastIdx = idx;
+			}
+			this.items()[idx].show().fire('showtab');
+			this.reflow();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, layout = self._layout, tabsHtml = '', prefix = self.classPrefix;
+			self.preRender();
+			layout.preRender(self);
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl, i) {
+				var id = self._id + '-t' + i;
+				ctrl.aria('role', 'tabpanel');
+				ctrl.aria('labelledby', id);
+				tabsHtml += (
+					'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + prefix + 'tab" ' +
+						'unselectable="on" role="tab" aria-controls="' + ctrl._id + '" aria-selected="false" tabIndex="-1">' +
+						self.encode(ctrl.settings.title) +
+					'</div>'
+				);
+			});
+			return (
+				'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" hideFocus="1" tabIndex="-1">' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-head" class="' + prefix + 'tabs" role="tablist">' +
+						tabsHtml +
+					'</div>' +
+					'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">' +
+						layout.renderHtml(self) +
+					'</div>' +
+				'</div>'
+			);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super();
+			self.settings.activeTab = self.settings.activeTab || 0;
+			self.activateTab(self.settings.activeTab);
+			this.on('click', function(e) {
+				var targetParent = e.target.parentNode;
+				if (e.target.parentNode.id == self._id + '-head') {
+					var i = targetParent.childNodes.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						if (targetParent.childNodes[i] == e.target) {
+							self.activateTab(i);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Initializes the current controls layout rect.
+		 * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
+		 * default minWidth/minHeight etc.
+		 *
+		 * @method initLayoutRect
+		 * @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
+		 */
+		initLayoutRect: function() {
+			var self = this, rect, minW, minH;
+			minW = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl('head')).width;
+			minW = minW < 0 ? 0 : minW;
+			minH = 0;
+			self.items().each(function(item, i) {
+				minW = Math.max(minW, item.layoutRect().minW);
+				minH = Math.max(minH, item.layoutRect().minH);
+				if (self.settings.activeTab != i) {
+					item.hide();
+				}
+			});
+			self.items().each(function(ctrl) {
+				ctrl.settings.x = 0;
+				ctrl.settings.y = 0;
+				ctrl.settings.w = minW;
+				ctrl.settings.h = minH;
+				ctrl.layoutRect({
+					x: 0,
+					y: 0,
+					w: minW,
+					h: minH
+				});
+			});
+			var headH = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl('head')).height;
+			self.settings.minWidth = minW;
+			self.settings.minHeight = minH + headH;
+			rect = self._super();
+			rect.deltaH += headH;
+			rect.innerH = rect.h - rect.deltaH;
+			return rect;
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/TextBox.js
+ * TextBox.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * Creates a new textbox.
+ *
+ * @-x-less TextBox.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.TextBox
+ * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/TextBox", [
+	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(Widget, DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	return Widget.extend({
+		/**
+		 * Constructs a instance with the specified settings.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
+		 * @setting {Boolean} multiline True if the textbox is a multiline control.
+		 * @setting {Number} maxLength Max length for the textbox.
+		 * @setting {Number} size Size of the textbox in characters.
+		 */
+		init: function(settings) {
+			var self = this;
+			self._super(settings);
+			self._value = settings.value || '';
+			self.addClass('textbox');
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				self.addClass('multiline');
+			} else {
+				// TODO: Rework this
+				self.on('keydown', function(e) {
+					if (e.keyCode == 13) {
+						self.parents().reverse().each(function(ctrl) {
+							e.preventDefault();
+							if (ctrl.hasEventListeners('submit') && ctrl.toJSON) {
+								ctrl.fire('submit', {data: ctrl.toJSON()});
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the disabled state.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
+		 * @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} True/false or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		disabled: function(state) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (self._rendered && typeof(state) != 'undefined') {
+				self.getEl().disabled = state;
+			}
+			return self._super(state);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Getter/setter function for the control value.
+		 *
+		 * @method value
+		 * @param {String} [value] Value to be set.
+		 * @return {String|tinymce.ui.ComboBox} Value or self if it's a set operation.
+		 */
+		value: function(value) {
+			var self = this;
+			if (typeof(value) != "undefined") {
+				self._value = value;
+				if (self._rendered) {
+					self.getEl().value = value;
+				}
+				return self;
+			}
+			if (self._rendered) {
+				return self.getEl().value;
+			}
+			return self._value;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Repaints the control after a layout operation.
+		 *
+		 * @method repaint
+		 */
+		repaint: function() {
+			var self = this, style, rect, borderBox, borderW = 0, borderH = 0, lastRepaintRect;
+			style = self.getEl().style;
+			rect = self._layoutRect;
+			lastRepaintRect = self._lastRepaintRect || {};
+			// Detect old IE 7+8 add lineHeight to align caret vertically in the middle
+			var doc = document;
+			if (!self.settings.multiline && doc.all && (!doc.documentMode || doc.documentMode <= 8)) {
+				style.lineHeight = (rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+			}
+			borderBox = self._borderBox;
+			borderW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right + 8;
+			borderH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom + (self.settings.multiline ? 8 : 0);
+			if (rect.x !== lastRepaintRect.x) {
+				style.left = rect.x + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.x = rect.x;
+			}
+			if (rect.y !== lastRepaintRect.y) {
+				style.top = rect.y + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.y = rect.y;
+			}
+			if (rect.w !== lastRepaintRect.w) {
+				style.width = (rect.w - borderW) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.w = rect.w;
+			}
+			if (rect.h !== lastRepaintRect.h) {
+				style.height = (rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
+				lastRepaintRect.h = rect.h;
+			}
+			self._lastRepaintRect = lastRepaintRect;
+			self.fire('repaint', {}, false);
+			return self;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
+		 *
+		 * @method renderHtml
+		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
+		 */
+		renderHtml: function() {
+			var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, value = self.encode(self._value, false), extraAttrs = '';
+			if ("spellcheck" in settings) {
+				extraAttrs += ' spellcheck="' + settings.spellcheck + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.maxLength) {
+				extraAttrs += ' maxlength="' + settings.maxLength + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.size) {
+				extraAttrs += ' size="' + settings.size + '"';
+			}
+			if (settings.subtype) {
+				extraAttrs += ' type="' + settings.subtype + '"';
+			}
+			if (self.disabled()) {
+				extraAttrs += ' disabled="disabled"';
+			}
+			if (settings.multiline) {
+				return (
+					'<textarea id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" ' +
+					(settings.rows ? ' rows="' + settings.rows + '"' : '') +
+					' hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>' + value +
+					'</textarea>'
+				);
+			}
+			return '<input id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" value="' + value + '" hidefocus="true"' + extraAttrs + '>';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Called after the control has been rendered.
+		 *
+		 * @method postRender
+		 */
+		postRender: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), 'change', function(e) {
+				self.fire('change', e);
+			});
+			return self._super();
+		},
+		remove: function() {
+			DomUtils.off(this.getEl());
+			this._super();
+		}
+	});
+// Included from: js/tinymce/classes/ui/Throbber.js
+ * Throbber.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
+ * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
+ */
+ * This class enables you to display a Throbber for any element.
+ *
+ * @-x-less Throbber.less
+ * @class tinymce.ui.Throbber
+ */
+define("tinymce/ui/Throbber", [
+	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils"
+], function(DomUtils) {
+	"use strict";
+	/**
+	 * Constructs a new throbber.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 * @param {Element} elm DOM Html element to display throbber in.
+	 */
+	return function(elm) {
+		var self = this, state;
+		/**
+		 * Shows the throbber.
+		 *
+		 * @method show
+		 * @param {Number} [time] Time to wait before showing.
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Throbber} Current throbber instance.
+		 */
+		self.show = function(time) {
+			self.hide();
+			state = true;
+			window.setTimeout(function() {
+				if (state) {
+					elm.appendChild(DomUtils.createFragment('<div class="mce-throbber"></div>'));
+				}
+			}, time || 0);
+			return self;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Hides the throbber.
+		 *
+		 * @method hide
+		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Throbber} Current throbber instance.
+		 */
+		self.hide = function() {
+			var child = elm.lastChild;
+			if (child && child.className.indexOf('throbber') != -1) {
+				child.parentNode.removeChild(child);
+			}
+			state = false;
+			return self;
+		};
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ae335411716a305bb35cc7d642312c32edbea98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// 4.0.20 (2014-03-18)
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s[i];try{delete e[c]}catch(g){e[c]=null}}return a},a.fire=function(e,t,r){var o;if(!e||3===e.nodeType||8===e.nodeType)return a;r=n(null,r),r.type=t,r.target=e;do o=e[c],o&&i(r,o),e=e.parentNode||e.ownerDocument||e.defaultView||e.parentWindow;while(e&&!r.isPropagationStopped());return a},a.clean=function(e){var t,n,r=a.unbind;if(!e||3===e.nodeType||8===e.nodeType)return a;if(e[c]&&r(e),e.getElementsByTagName||(e=e.document),e&&e.getElementsByTagName)for(r(e),n=e.getElementsByTagName("*"),t=n.length;t--;)e=n[t],e[c]&&r(e);return a},a.destroy=function(){s={}},a.cancel=function(e){return e&&(e.preventDefault(),e.stopImmediatePropagation()),!1}}var o="mce-data-",a=/^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/,s={keyLocation:1,layerX:1,layerY:1,returnValue:1};return i.Event=new i,i.Event.bind(window,"ready",function(){}),i}),r(c,[],function(){function e(e){return ht.test(e+"")}function n(){var e,t=[];return e=function(n,r){return t.push(n+=" ")>_.cacheLength&&delete e[t.shift()],e[n]=r,r}}function r(e){return e[I]=!0,e}function i(e){var t=B.createElement("div");try{return!!e(t)}catch(n){return!1}finally{t=null}}function o(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a,s,l,c,f,p,m,h;if((t?t.ownerDocument||t:F)!==B&&A(t),t=t||B,n=n||[],!e||"string"!=typeof e)return n;if(1!==(s=t.nodeType)&&9!==s)return[];if(D&&!r){if(i=gt.exec(e))if(a=i[1]){if(9===s){if(o=t.getElementById(a),!o||!o.parentNode)return n;if(o.id===a)return n.push(o),n}else if(t.ownerDocument&&(o=t.ownerDocument.getElementById(a))&&O(t,o)&&o.id===a)return n.push(o),n}else{if(i[2])return Z.apply(n,t.getElementsByTagName(e)),n;if((a=i[3])&&z.getElementsByClassName&&t.getElementsByClassName)return Z.apply(n,t.getElementsByClassName(a)),n}if(z.qsa&&!M.test(e)){if(f=!0,p=I,m=t,h=9===s&&e,1===s&&"object"!==t.nodeName.toLowerCase()){for(c=u(e),(f=t.getAttribute("id"))?p=f.replace(bt,"\\$&"):t.setAttribute("id",p),p="[id='"+p+"'] ",l=c.length;l--;)c[l]=p+d(c[l]);m=mt.test(e)&&t.parentNode||t,h=c.join(",")}if(h)try{return Z.apply(n,m.querySelectorAll(h)),n}catch(g){}finally{f||t.removeAttribute("id")}}}return b(e.replace(lt,"$1"),t,n,r)}function a(e,t){var n=t&&e,r=n&&(~t.sourceIndex||G)-(~e.sourceIndex||G);if(r)return r;if(n)for(;n=n.nextSibling;)if(n===t)return-1;return e?1:-1}function s(e){return function(t){var n=t.nodeName.toLowerCase();return"input"===n&&t.type===e}}function l(e){return function(t){var n=t.nodeName.toLowerCase();return("input"===n||"button"===n)&&t.type===e}}function c(e){return r(function(t){return t=+t,r(function(n,r){for(var i,o=e([],n.length,t),a=o.length;a--;)n[i=o[a]]&&(n[i]=!(r[i]=n[i]))})})}function u(e,t){var n,r,i,a,s,l,c,u=q[e+" "];if(u)return t?0:u.slice(0);for(s=e,l=[],c=_.preFilter;s;){(!n||(r=ct.exec(s)))&&(r&&(s=s.slice(r[0].length)||s),l.push(i=[])),n=!1,(r=ut.exec(s))&&(n=r.shift(),i.push({value:n,type:r[0].replace(lt," ")}),s=s.slice(n.length));for(a in _.filter)!(r=pt[a].exec(s))||c[a]&&!(r=c[a](r))||(n=r.shift(),i.push({value:n,type:a,matches:r}),s=s.slice(n.length));if(!n)break}return t?s.length:s?o.error(e):q(e,l).slice(0)}function d(e){for(var t=0,n=e.length,r="";n>t;t++)r+=e[t].value;return r}function f(e,t,n){var r=t.dir,i=n&&"parentNode"===r,o=V++;return t.first?function(t,n,o){for(;t=t[r];)if(1===t.nodeType||i)return e(t,n,o)}:function(t,n,a){var s,l,c,u=W+" "+o;if(a){for(;t=t[r];)if((1===t.nodeType||i)&&e(t,n,a))return!0}else for(;t=t[r];)if(1===t.nodeType||i)if(c=t[I]||(t[I]={}),(l=c[r])&&l[0]===u){if((s=l[1])===!0||s===w)return s===!0}else if(l=c[r]=[u],l[1]=e(t,n,a)||w,l[1]===!0)return!0}}function p(e){return e.length>1?function(t,n,r){for(var i=e.length;i--;)if(!e[i](t,n,r))return!1;return!0}:e[0]}function m(e,t,n,r,i){for(var o,a=[],s=0,l=e.length,c=null!=t;l>s;s++)(o=e[s])&&(!n||n(o,r,i))&&(a.push(o),c&&t.push(s));return a}function h(e,t,n,i,o,a){return i&&!i[I]&&(i=h(i)),o&&!o[I]&&(o=h(o,a)),r(function(r,a,s,l){var c,u,d,f=[],p=[],h=a.length,g=r||y(t||"*",s.nodeType?[s]:s,[]),v=!e||!r&&t?g:m(g,f,e,s,l),b=n?o||(r?e:h||i)?[]:a:v;if(n&&n(v,b,s,l),i)for(c=m(b,p),i(c,[],s,l),u=c.length;u--;)(d=c[u])&&(b[p[u]]=!(v[p[u]]=d));if(r){if(o||e){if(o){for(c=[],u=b.length;u--;)(d=b[u])&&c.push(v[u]=d);o(null,b=[],c,l)}for(u=b.length;u--;)(d=b[u])&&(c=o?tt.call(r,d):f[u])>-1&&(r[c]=!(a[c]=d))}}else b=m(b===a?b.splice(h,b.length):b),o?o(null,a,b,l):Z.apply(a,b)})}function g(e){for(var t,n,r,i=e.length,o=_.relative[e[0].type],a=o||_.relative[" "],s=o?1:0,l=f(function(e){return e===t},a,!0),c=f(function(e){return tt.call(t,e)>-1},a,!0),u=[function(e,n,r){return!o&&(r||n!==k)||((t=n).nodeType?l(e,n,r):c(e,n,r))}];i>s;s++)if(n=_.relative[e[s].type])u=[f(p(u),n)];else{if(n=_.filter[e[s].type].apply(null,e[s].matches),n[I]){for(r=++s;i>r&&!_.relative[e[r].type];r++);return h(s>1&&p(u),s>1&&d(e.slice(0,s-1)).replace(lt,"$1"),n,r>s&&g(e.slice(s,r)),i>r&&g(e=e.slice(r)),i>r&&d(e))}u.push(n)}return p(u)}function v(e,t){var n=0,i=t.length>0,a=e.length>0,s=function(r,s,l,c,u){var d,f,p,h=[],g=0,v="0",y=r&&[],b=null!=u,C=k,x=r||a&&_.find.TAG("*",u&&s.parentNode||s),N=W+=null==C?1:Math.random()||.1;for(b&&(k=s!==B&&s,w=n);null!=(d=x[v]);v++){if(a&&d){for(f=0;p=e[f++];)if(p(d,s,l)){c.push(d);break}b&&(W=N,w=++n)}i&&((d=!p&&d)&&g--,r&&y.push(d))}if(g+=v,i&&v!==g){for(f=0;p=t[f++];)p(y,h,s,l);if(r){if(g>0)for(;v--;)y[v]||h[v]||(h[v]=J.call(c));h=m(h)}Z.apply(c,h),b&&!r&&h.length>0&&g+t.length>1&&o.uniqueSort(c)}return b&&(W=N,k=C),y};return i?r(s):s}function y(e,t,n){for(var r=0,i=t.length;i>r;r++)o(e,t[r],n);return n}function b(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a,s,l,c=u(e);if(!r&&1===c.length){if(o=c[0]=c[0].slice(0),o.length>2&&"ID"===(a=o[0]).type&&9===t.nodeType&&D&&_.relative[o[1].type]){if(t=(_.find.ID(a.matches[0].replace(xt,wt),t)||[])[0],!t)return n;e=e.slice(o.shift().value.length)}for(i=pt.needsContext.test(e)?0:o.length;i--&&(a=o[i],!_.relative[s=a.type]);)if((l=_.find[s])&&(r=l(a.matches[0].replace(xt,wt),mt.test(o[0].type)&&t.parentNode||t))){if(o.splice(i,1),e=r.length&&d(o),!e)return Z.apply(n,r),n;break}}return S(e,c)(r,t,!D,n,mt.test(e)),n}function C(){}var x,w,_,N,E,S,k,T,R,A,B,L,D,M,H,P,O,I="sizzle"+-new Date,F=window.document,z={},W=0,V=0,U=n(),q=n(),$=n(),j=!1,K=function(){return 0},Y=typeof t,G=1<<31,X=[],J=X.pop,Q=X.push,Z=X.push,et=X.slice,tt=X.indexOf||function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.length;n>t;t++)if(this[t]===e)return t;return-1},nt="[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",rt="(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",it=rt.replace("w","w#"),ot="([*^$|!~]?=)",at="\\["+nt+"*("+rt+")"+nt+"*(?:"+ot+nt+"*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|("+it+")|)|)"+nt+"*\\]",st=":("+rt+")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|"+at.replace(3,8)+")*)|.*)\\)|)",lt=new RegExp("^"+nt+"+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)"+nt+"+$","g"),ct=new 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t&&t.collapsed!==b||I.is(e,t.selector)&&!a(e)&&(s(e,t),x=!0)}),!h.inline||x)?void(v=0):void(!f||_||!W(c,y)||!W(C,c)||!o&&3===e.nodeType&&1===e.nodeValue.length&&65279===e.nodeValue.charCodeAt(0)||a(e)||h.inline&&V(e)?"li"==y&&r?v=u(e,r,d,l,p):(v=0,et(tt(e.childNodes),p),_&&(f=N),v=0):(v||(v=I.clone(d,K),e.parentNode.insertBefore(v,e),l.push(v)),v.appendChild(e)))}var v;et(e,p)}),h.wrap_links===!1&&et(l,function(e){function t(e){var n,r,i;if("A"===e.nodeName){for(r=I.clone(d,K),l.push(r),i=tt(e.childNodes),n=0;n<i.length;n++)r.appendChild(i[n]);e.appendChild(r)}et(tt(e.childNodes),t)}t(e)}),et(l,function(e){function r(e){var t=0;return et(e.childNodes,function(e){S(e)||L(e)||t++}),t}function i(e){var t,n;return et(e.childNodes,function(e){return 1!=e.nodeType||L(e)||a(e)?void 0:(t=e,K)}),t&&!L(t)&&x(t,h)&&(n=I.clone(t,K),s(n),I.replace(n,e,Y),I.remove(t,1)),n||e}var o;if(o=r(e),(l.length>1||!V(e))&&0===o)return void 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s(a(e),e,e,!0)}function u(e){var t=I.get(e?"_start":"_end"),n=t[e?"firstChild":"lastChild"];return L(n)&&(n=n[e?"firstChild":"lastChild"]),I.remove(t,!0),n}function f(e){var t,n,o=e.commonAncestorContainer;e=T(e,p,Y),m.split&&(t=M(e,Y),n=M(e),t!=n?(/^(TR|TH|TD)$/.test(t.nodeName)&&t.firstChild&&(t="TR"==t.nodeName?t.firstChild.firstChild||t:t.firstChild||t),o&&/^T(HEAD|BODY|FOOT|R)$/.test(o.nodeName)&&/^(TH|TD)$/.test(n.nodeName)&&n.firstChild&&(n=n.firstChild||n),t=k(t,"span",{id:"_start","data-mce-type":"bookmark"}),n=k(n,"span",{id:"_end","data-mce-type":"bookmark"}),l(t),l(n),t=u(Y),n=u()):t=n=l(t),e.startContainer=t.parentNode,e.startOffset=q(t),e.endContainer=n.parentNode,e.endOffset=q(n)+1),z.walk(e,function(e){et(e,function(e){i(e),1===e.nodeType&&"underline"===r.dom.getStyle(e,"text-decoration")&&e.parentNode&&"underline"===d(e.parentNode)&&R({deep:!1,exact:!0,inline:"span",styles:{textDecoration:"underline"}},null,e)
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v(e,t,n){function r(n){var r=I.getRoot();return n===r?!1:(n=I.getParent(n,function(n){return n.parentNode===r||!!g(n,e,t,!0)}),g(n,e,t))}var i;return n?r(n):(n=F.getNode(),r(n)?Y:(i=F.getStart(),i!=n&&r(i)?Y:K))}function y(e,t){var n,r=[],i={};return n=F.getStart(),I.getParent(n,function(n){var o,a;for(o=0;o<e.length;o++)a=e[o],!i[a]&&g(n,a,t)&&(i[a]=!0,r.push(a))},I.getRoot()),r}function b(e){var t=c(e),n,r,i,a,s;if(t)for(n=F.getStart(),r=o(n),a=t.length-1;a>=0;a--){if(s=t[a].selector,!s||t[a].defaultBlock)return Y;for(i=r.length-1;i>=0;i--)if(I.is(r[i],s))return Y}return K}function C(e,t,n){var i;return G||(G={},i={},r.on("NodeChange",function(e){var t=o(e.element),n={};et(G,function(e,r){et(t,function(o){return g(o,r,{},e.similar)?(i[r]||(et(e,function(e){e(!0,{node:o,format:r,parents:t})}),i[r]=e),n[r]=e,!1):void 0})}),et(i,function(r,o){n[o]||(delete 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e(t,I.getParent(t,V)||r.getBody());l=s[i?"prev":"next"]();)if(3===l.nodeType){if(u=l,c=o(l),-1!==c)return{container:l,offset:c}}else if(V(l))break;return u?(n=i?0:u.length,{container:u,offset:n}):void 0}function d(e,r){var i,a,s,l;for(3==e.nodeType&&0===e.nodeValue.length&&e[r]&&(e=e[r]),i=o(e),a=0;a<i.length;a++)for(s=0;s<n.length;s++)if(l=n[s],!("collapsed"in l&&l.collapsed!==t.collapsed)&&I.is(i[a],l.selector))return i[a];return e}function f(e,t){var r,a=I.getRoot();if(n[0].wrapper||(r=I.getParent(e,n[0].block,a)),r||(r=I.getParent(3==e.nodeType?e.parentNode:e,function(e){return e!=a&&i(e)})),r&&n[0].wrapper&&(r=o(r,"ul,ol").reverse()[0]||r),!r)for(r=e;r[t]&&!V(r[t])&&(r=r[t],!w(r,"br")););return r||e}var 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l=I.create("a",null,$),a.parentNode.insertBefore(l,a),t.setStart(a,0),F.setRng(t),void I.remove(l)}var O={},I=r.dom,F=r.selection,z=new t(I),W=r.schema.isValidChild,V=I.isBlock,U=r.settings.forced_root_block,q=I.nodeIndex,$="\ufeff",j=/^(src|href|style)$/,K=!1,Y=!0,G,X,J=I.getContentEditable,Q,Z,et=n.each,tt=n.grep,nt=n.walk,rt=n.extend;rt(this,{get:c,register:u,apply:p,remove:m,toggle:h,match:v,matchAll:y,matchNode:g,canApply:b,formatChanged:C}),s(),l(),r.on("BeforeGetContent",function(){Z&&Z()}),r.on("mouseup keydown",function(e){Q&&Q(e)})}}),r(M,[g,p],function(e,t){var n=t.trim,r;return r=new RegExp(["<span[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+>[\u200b\ufeff]+<\\/span>","<div[^>]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+><\\/div>",'\\s?data-mce-selected="[^"]+"'].join("|"),"gi"),function(t){function i(){return n(t.getContent({format:"raw",no_events:1}).replace(r,""))}function o(e){a.typing=!1,a.add({},e)}var a=this,s=0,l=[],c,u,d;return t.on("init",function(){a.add()}),t.on("BeforeExecCommand",function(e){var 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\ No newline at end of file
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