/* eslint-env node */ 'use strict'; var Merge = require('webpack-merge'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var commonConfig = require('./webpack.common.config.js'); var optimizedConfig = Merge.smart(commonConfig, { output: { filename: '[name].[chunkhash].js' }, devtool: false, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production') }), new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({ // This may not be needed; legacy option for loaders written for webpack 1 minimize: true }), new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(), new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ // If the value below changes, update the render_bundle call in // common/djangoapps/pipeline_mako/templates/static_content.html name: 'commons', filename: 'commons.[chunkhash].js', minChunks: 3 }) ] }); // requireCompatConfig only exists so that you can use RequireJS to require a // Webpack bundle (but try not to do that if you can help it). RequireJS knows // where to find named bundle output files, but doesn't know about // prod-optimized bundles. So we make a redundant Webpack target that exists // only to make a version of all the bundles without the chunkhash in the // filename. That way, RequireJS can always find them. // // To be clear, this is a bad hack that exists to keep RequireJS from breaking // for the short term. We're actively ripping RequireJS out of edx-platform // entirely, and requireCompatConfig can completely disappear after RequireJS is // gone. // Step 1: Alter the bundle output names to omit the chunkhash. var requireCompatConfig = Merge.smart(optimizedConfig, { output: { filename: '[name].js' }, plugins: [ new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ // If the value below changes, update the render_bundle call in // common/djangoapps/pipeline_mako/templates/static_content.html name: 'commons', filename: 'commons.js', minChunks: 3 }) ] }); // Step 2: Remove the plugin entries that generate the webpack-stats.json files // that Django needs to look up resources. We never want to accidentally // overwrite those because it means that we'll be serving assets with shorter // cache times. RequireJS never looks at the webpack-stats.json file. requireCompatConfig.plugins = requireCompatConfig.plugins.filter( function(plugin) { return !plugin.options || (plugin.options && plugin.options.filename !== 'webpack-stats.json'); } ); module.exports = [optimizedConfig, requireCompatConfig];