"""Tests for util.db module.""" import ddt import threading import time import unittest from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import connection, IntegrityError from django.db.transaction import atomic, TransactionManagementError from django.test import TestCase, TransactionTestCase from util.db import commit_on_success, generate_int_id, outer_atomic @ddt.ddt class TransactionManagersTestCase(TransactionTestCase): """ Tests commit_on_success and outer_atomic. Note: This TestCase only works with MySQL. To test do: "./manage.py lms --settings=test_with_mysql test util.tests.test_db" """ @ddt.data( (outer_atomic(), IntegrityError, None, True), (outer_atomic(read_committed=True), type(None), False, True), (commit_on_success(), IntegrityError, None, True), (commit_on_success(read_committed=True), type(None), False, True), ) @ddt.unpack def test_concurrent_requests(self, transaction_decorator, exception_class, created_in_1, created_in_2): """ Test that when isolation level is set to READ COMMITTED get_or_create() for the same row in concurrent requests does not raise an IntegrityError. """ if connection.vendor != 'mysql': raise unittest.SkipTest('Only works on MySQL.') class RequestThread(threading.Thread): """ A thread which runs a dummy view.""" def __init__(self, delay, **kwargs): super(RequestThread, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.delay = delay self.status = {} @transaction_decorator def run(self): """A dummy view.""" try: try: User.objects.get(username='student', email='student@edx.org') except User.DoesNotExist: pass else: raise AssertionError('Did not raise User.DoesNotExist.') if self.delay > 0: time.sleep(self.delay) __, created = User.objects.get_or_create(username='student', email='student@edx.org') except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.status['exception'] = exception else: self.status['created'] = created thread1 = RequestThread(delay=1) thread2 = RequestThread(delay=0) thread1.start() thread2.start() thread2.join() thread1.join() self.assertIsInstance(thread1.status.get('exception'), exception_class) self.assertEqual(thread1.status.get('created'), created_in_1) self.assertIsNone(thread2.status.get('exception')) self.assertEqual(thread2.status.get('created'), created_in_2) def test_outer_atomic_nesting(self): """ Test that outer_atomic raises an error if it is nested inside another atomic. """ if connection.vendor != 'mysql': raise unittest.SkipTest('Only works on MySQL.') def do_nothing(): """Just return.""" return outer_atomic()(do_nothing)() with atomic(): atomic()(do_nothing)() with outer_atomic(): atomic()(do_nothing)() with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TransactionManagementError, 'Cannot be inside an atomic block.'): with atomic(): outer_atomic()(do_nothing)() with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TransactionManagementError, 'Cannot be inside an atomic block.'): with outer_atomic(): outer_atomic()(do_nothing)() def test_commit_on_success_nesting(self): """ Test that commit_on_success raises an error if it is nested inside atomic or if the isolation level is changed when it is nested inside another commit_on_success. """ # pylint: disable=not-callable if connection.vendor != 'mysql': raise unittest.SkipTest('Only works on MySQL.') def do_nothing(): """Just return.""" return commit_on_success(read_committed=True)(do_nothing)() with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TransactionManagementError, 'Cannot change isolation level when nested.'): with commit_on_success(): commit_on_success(read_committed=True)(do_nothing)() with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TransactionManagementError, 'Cannot be inside an atomic block.'): with atomic(): commit_on_success(read_committed=True)(do_nothing)() @ddt.ddt class GenerateIntIdTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for `generate_int_id`""" @ddt.data(10) def test_no_used_ids(self, times): """ Verify that we get a random integer within the specified range when there are no used ids. """ minimum = 1 maximum = times for i in range(times): self.assertIn(generate_int_id(minimum, maximum), range(minimum, maximum + 1)) @ddt.data(10) def test_used_ids(self, times): """ Verify that we get a random integer within the specified range but not in a list of used ids. """ minimum = 1 maximum = times used_ids = {2, 4, 6, 8} for i in range(times): int_id = generate_int_id(minimum, maximum, used_ids) self.assertIn(int_id, list(set(range(minimum, maximum + 1)) - used_ids))