# Do things in edx-platform .PHONY: clean extract_translations help pull pull_translations push_translations requirements shell upgrade .PHONY: api-docs docs guides swagger # Careful with mktemp syntax: it has to work on Mac and Ubuntu, which have differences. PRIVATE_FILES := $(shell mktemp -u /tmp/private_files.XXXXXX) help: ## display this help message @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of" @grep '^[a-zA-Z]' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk -F ':.*?## ' 'NF==2 {printf "\033[36m %-25s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' clean: ## archive and delete most git-ignored files # Remove all the git-ignored stuff, but save and restore things marked # by start-noclean/end-noclean. Include Makefile in the tarball so that # there's always at least one file even if there are no private files. sed -n -e '/start-noclean/,/end-noclean/p' < .gitignore > /tmp/private-files -tar cf $(PRIVATE_FILES) Makefile `git ls-files --exclude-from=/tmp/private-files --ignored --others` -git clean -fdX tar xf $(PRIVATE_FILES) rm $(PRIVATE_FILES) SWAGGER = docs/swagger.yaml docs: api-docs guides ## build all the developer documentation for this repository swagger: ## generate the swagger.yaml file DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=docs.docs_settings python manage.py lms generate_swagger --generator-class=openedx.core.apidocs.ApiSchemaGenerator -o $(SWAGGER) api-docs-sphinx: swagger ## generate the sphinx source files for api-docs rm -f docs/api/gen/* python docs/sw2sphinxopenapi.py $(SWAGGER) docs/api/gen api-docs: api-docs-sphinx ## build the REST api docs cd docs/api; make html guides: ## build the developer guide docs cd docs/guides; make clean html extract_translations: ## extract localizable strings from sources i18n_tool extract -v push_translations: ## push source strings to Transifex for translation i18n_tool transifex push pull_translations: ## pull translations from Transifex git clean -fdX conf/locale i18n_tool transifex pull i18n_tool extract i18n_tool dummy i18n_tool generate git clean -fdX conf/locale/rtl git clean -fdX conf/locale/eo i18n_tool validate detect_changed_source_translations: ## check if translation files are up-to-date i18n_tool changed pull: ## update the Docker image used by "make shell" docker pull edxops/edxapp:latest requirements: ## install development environment requirements pip install -qr requirements/edx/development.txt --exists-action w shell: ## launch a bash shell in a Docker container with all edx-platform dependencies installed docker run -it -e "NO_PYTHON_UNINSTALL=1" -e "PIP_INDEX_URL=https://pypi.python.org/simple" -e TERM \ -v `pwd`:/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform:cached \ -v edxapp_lms_assets:/edx/var/edxapp/staticfiles/ \ -v edxapp_node_modules:/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/node_modules \ edxops/edxapp:latest /edx/app/edxapp/devstack.sh open # Order is very important in this list: files must appear after everything they include! REQ_FILES = \ requirements/edx/pip-tools \ requirements/edx/coverage \ requirements/edx/paver \ requirements/edx-sandbox/shared \ requirements/edx-sandbox/base \ requirements/edx/base \ requirements/edx/testing \ requirements/edx/development \ scripts/xblock/requirements upgrade: export CUSTOM_COMPILE_COMMAND=make upgrade upgrade: ## update the pip requirements files to use the latest releases satisfying our constraints pip install -qr requirements/edx/pip-tools.txt @for f in $(REQ_FILES); do \ echo ; \ echo "== $$f ===============================" ; \ pip-compile -v --no-emit-trusted-host --no-index --rebuild --upgrade -o $$f.txt $$f.in || exit 1; \ done # Post process all of the files generated above to work around open pip-tools issues scripts/post-pip-compile.sh $(REQ_FILES:=.txt) # Let tox control the Django version for tests grep "^django==" requirements/edx/base.txt > requirements/edx/django.txt sed '/^[dD]jango==/d' requirements/edx/testing.txt > requirements/edx/testing.tmp mv requirements/edx/testing.tmp requirements/edx/testing.txt