From 0e61fb4015c1afc97d089aec0ae2106cda9ea517 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Morgan Hoffman <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 20:14:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Merge branch 'bbooker-platform-2365' into 'master'"

This reverts merge request !66
 Chart.yaml                                    |   2 +-                                     |   2 +
 rego/pss_apparmor/policy.rego                 | 111 +++
 rego/pss_apparmor/policy_test.rego            | 374 ++++++++++
 rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy.rego          | 139 ++++
 rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy_test.rego     | 421 +++++++++++
 rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy.rego         | 109 +++
 rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy_test.rego    | 239 +++++++
 rego/pss_hostports/policy.rego                | 108 +++
 rego/pss_hostports/policy_test.rego           | 345 +++++++++
 rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy.rego         | 111 +++
 rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy_test.rego    | 585 +++++++++++++++
 rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy.rego          | 106 +++
 rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy_test.rego     | 224 ++++++
 rego/pss_procmounts/policy.rego               | 108 +++
 rego/pss_procmounts/policy_test.rego          | 454 ++++++++++++
 rego/pss_seccomp/policy.rego                  | 121 ++++
 rego/pss_seccomp/policy_test.rego             | 671 ++++++++++++++++++
 rego/pss_selinux/policy.rego                  | 142 ++++
 rego/pss_selinux/policy_test.rego             | 663 +++++++++++++++++
 rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy.rego           | 109 +++
 rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy_test.rego      | 268 +++++++
 .../constraint_template_pss_apparmor.yaml     |  13 +
 ...onstraint_template_pss_host_namespace.yaml |  13 +
 ...nstraint_template_pss_hostpath_volume.yaml |  13 +
 .../constraint_template_pss_hostport.yaml     |  13 +
 ...straint_template_pss_pod_capabilities.yaml |  13 +
 .../constraint_template_pss_privileged.yaml   |  13 +
 .../constraint_template_pss_procmount.yaml    |  13 +
 .../constraint_template_pss_seccomp.yaml      |  13 +
 .../constraint_template_pss_selinux.yaml      |  13 +
 ...onstraint_template_pss_sysctl_options.yaml |  13 +
 32 files changed, 5541 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_apparmor/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_apparmor/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_hostports/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_hostports/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_procmounts/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_procmounts/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_seccomp/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_seccomp/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_selinux/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_selinux/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy.rego
 create mode 100644 rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy_test.rego
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_apparmor.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_host_namespace.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_hostpath_volume.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_hostport.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_pod_capabilities.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_privileged.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_procmount.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_seccomp.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_selinux.yaml
 create mode 100644 templates/constraint_template_pss_sysctl_options.yaml

diff --git a/Chart.yaml b/Chart.yaml
index b33aff3..0a01ccf 100644
--- a/Chart.yaml
+++ b/Chart.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 apiVersion: v2
 name: constraint-templates
-version: 2.0.0
+version: 1.5.3
 appVersion: 1.0.0
diff --git a/ b/
index 41fa32f..ffb37cb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ The following policies are defined within this chart:
 - `BlockNodePort` - prevents NodePort Services from being defined
 - `ContainerResourceQuotas` - requires CPU/memory definitions for resource requests and limits
 - `FluxTenant` - ensures the `serviceAccountName` and `targetNamespace` fields are specified and that the `targetNamespace` matches the namespace on Kustomization and HelmRelease objects, preventing namespace escapes
+- `Pss*` - each policy implements one of the policies listed in the [Pod Security Standards](
 ## Development
diff --git a/rego/pss_apparmor/policy.rego b/rego/pss_apparmor/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d40672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_apparmor/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+package pss_apparmor
+apparmor_keys[containerName] = key {
+	containerName := containers[_].name
+	key := sprintf("%s/%s", ["", containerName])
+custom_apparmor_containers[containerName] {
+	key := apparmor_keys[containerName]
+	annotation := annotations[_]
+	val = annotation[key]
+	val != "runtime/default"
+	not startswith(val, "localhost/")
+violation[msg] {
+	failedContainer := custom_apparmor_containers[_]
+	msg := format(sprintf("Container '%s' of %s '%s' should specify an AppArmor profile", [failedContainer, kind, name]))
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+	is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+	is_gatekeeper
+	gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+	kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+	kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+	keys = {"containers", "initContainers"}
+	all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+	pods[pod]
+	all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+	all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+annotations[annotation] {
+	pods[pod]
+	annotation = pod.metadata.annotations
+pods[pod] {
+	is_pod
+	pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+	is_controller
+	pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+	is_cronjob
+	pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+	obj[field]
diff --git a/rego/pss_apparmor/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_apparmor/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e199012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_apparmor/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+package pss_apparmor
+review_pod(annotations) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+        "annotations": annotations,
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "containers": [ {"name" : "hello"}, ],
+      },
+    }
+  }
+review_deployment(annotations) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+       "template": {
+         "metadata": {
+           "annotations": annotations, 
+          },
+          "spec": {
+            "containers": [ {"name" : "hello"}, ],
+          },          
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_daemonset(annotations) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "metadata": {
+            "annotations": annotations, 
+          },
+          "spec": {
+            "containers": [ {"name" : "hello"}, ],
+          },
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_replicaset(annotations) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+         "metadata": {
+           "annotations": annotations, 
+          },
+          "spec": {
+            "containers": [ {"name" : "hello"}, ],
+          },          
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_statefulset(annotations) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+         "metadata": {
+           "annotations": annotations, 
+          },
+          "spec": {
+            "containers": [ {"name" : "hello"}, ],
+          },
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_job(annotations) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+         "metadata": {
+           "annotations": annotations, 
+          },
+         "spec": {
+            "containers": [ {"name" : "hello"}, ],
+          }, 
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_cronjob(annotations) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "metadata": {
+                "annotations": annotations, 
+              },
+              "spec": {
+                "containers": [ {"name" : "hello"}, ],
+              },  
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
+################Container Tests######################
+test_not_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_when_apparmor_profile_specified_on_nonexisting_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_localhost_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod({"":"localhost/test"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod({"":"runtime/default"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(null))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_when_apparmor_profile_specified_on_nonexisting_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_localhost_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment({"":"localhost/test"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment({"":"runtime/default"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_nill_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(null))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_when_apparmor_profile_specified_on_nonexisting_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_localhost_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset({"":"localhost/test"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset({"":"runtime/default"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_nill_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(null))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_when_apparmor_profile_specified_on_nonexisting_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_localhost_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset({"":"localhost/test"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset({"":"runtime/default"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_nill_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(null))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_when_apparmor_profile_specified_on_nonexisting_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_localhost_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset({"":"localhost/test"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset({"":"runtime/default"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_nill_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(null))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_when_apparmor_profile_specified_on_nonexisting_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_job({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_localhost_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_job({"":"localhost/test"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job({"":"runtime/default"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_nill_container_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(null))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_when_apparmor_profile_specified_on_nonexisting_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob({"":"custom"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_localhost_apparmor_profile_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob({"":"localhost/test"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob({"":"runtime/default"}))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_apparmor_profile_nill_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(null))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy.rego b/rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d6854f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+package pss_hostnamespaces
+violation[msg] {
+    failHostNetwork
+    msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' should not set 'spec.template.spec.hostNetwork' to true", [kind, name]))
+violation[msg] {
+    failHostIPC
+    msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' should not set 'spec.template.spec.hostIPC' to true", [kind, name]))
+violation[msg] {
+    failHostPID
+    msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' should not set 'spec.template.spec.hostPID' to true", [kind, name]))
+# failHostNetwork is true if spec.hostNetwork is set to true (on all controllers)
+failHostNetwork {
+    host_networks[_] == true
+# failHostIPC is true if spec.hostIPC is set to true (on all resources)
+failHostIPC {
+    host_ipcs[_] == true
+# failHostPID is true if spec.hostPID is set to true (on all controllers)
+failHostPID {
+    host_pids[_] == true
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+    is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+    is_gatekeeper
+    gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+    kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+    kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+    kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+    kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+    kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+    kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+    kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+    kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+    keys = {"containers", "initContainers"}
+    all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+    pods[pod]
+    all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+    container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+    all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+    container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+    is_pod
+    pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+    is_controller
+    pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+    is_cronjob
+    pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+    obj[field]
+host_networks[host_network] {
+    pods[pod]
+    host_network = pod.spec.hostNetwork
+host_ipcs[host_ipc] {
+    pods[pod]
+    host_ipc = pod.spec.hostIPC
+host_pids[host_pid] {
+    pods[pod]
+    host_pid = pod.spec.hostPID
diff --git a/rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b89e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+package pss_hostnamespaces
+test_host_network_on_pod {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":true}}
+  input := input_obj(pod_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_network_on_pod {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":false}}
+  input := input_obj(pod_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_ipc_on_pod {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":true}}
+  input := input_obj(pod_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_ipc_on_pod {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":false}}
+  input := input_obj(pod_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_pid_on_pod {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":true}}
+  input := input_obj(pod_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_pid_on_pod {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":false}}
+  input := input_obj(pod_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_network_on_deployment {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":true}}
+  input := input_obj(deployment_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_network_on_deployment {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":false}}
+  input := input_obj(deployment_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_ipc_on_deployment {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":true}}
+  input := input_obj(deployment_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_ipc_on_deployment {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":false}}
+  input := input_obj(deployment_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_pid_on_deployment {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":true}}
+  input := input_obj(deployment_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_pid_on_deployment {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":false}}
+  input := input_obj(deployment_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_network_on_daemonset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":true}}
+  input := input_obj(daemonset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_network_on_daemonset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":false}}
+  input := input_obj(daemonset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_ipc_on_daemonset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":true}}
+  input := input_obj(daemonset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_ipc_on_daemonset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":false}}
+  input := input_obj(daemonset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_pid_on_daemonset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":true}}
+  input := input_obj(daemonset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_pid_on_daemonset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":false}}
+  input := input_obj(daemonset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_network_on_replicaset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":true}}
+  input := input_obj(replicaset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_network_on_replicaset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":false}}
+  input := input_obj(replicaset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_ipc_on_replicaset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":true}}
+  input := input_obj(replicaset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_ipc_on_replicaset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":false}}
+  input := input_obj(replicaset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_pid_on_replicaset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":true}}
+  input := input_obj(replicaset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_pid_on_replicaset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":false}}
+  input := input_obj(replicaset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_network_on_statefulset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":true}}
+  input := input_obj(statefulset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_network_on_statefulset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":false}}
+  input := input_obj(statefulset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_ipc_on_statefulset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":true}}
+  input := input_obj(statefulset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_ipc_on_statefulset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":false}}
+  input := input_obj(statefulset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_pid_on_statefulset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":true}}
+  input := input_obj(statefulset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_pid_on_statefulset {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":false}}
+  input := input_obj(statefulset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_network_on_job {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":true}}
+  input := input_obj(job_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_network_on_job {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":false}}
+  input := input_obj(job_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_ipc_on_job {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":true}}
+  input := input_obj(job_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_ipc_on_job {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":false}}
+  input := input_obj(job_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_pid_on_job {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":true}}
+  input := input_obj(job_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_pid_on_job {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":false}}
+  input := input_obj(job_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_network_on_cronjob {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":true}}
+  input := input_obj(cronjob_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_network_on_cronjob {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostNetwork":false}}
+  input := input_obj(cronjob_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_ipc_on_cronjob {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":true}}
+  input := input_obj(cronjob_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_ipc_on_cronjob {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostIPC":false}}
+  input := input_obj(cronjob_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_host_pid_on_cronjob {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":true}}
+  input := input_obj(cronjob_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_host_pid_on_cronjob {
+  pod_spec := {"spec":{"hostPID":false}}
+  input := input_obj(cronjob_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+pod_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": pod_spec.spec
+    }
+  }
+deployment_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec.spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+daemonset_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec.spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+replicaset_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec.spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+statefulset_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec.spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+job_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec.spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+cronjob_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": pod_spec.spec
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
diff --git a/rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy.rego b/rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e9ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+package pss_hostpathvolumes
+violation[msg] {
+  failHostPathVolume
+	msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' should not set 'spec.template.volumes.hostPath'", [kind, name]))
+failHostPathVolume {
+  allVolumes := volumes
+  has_key(allVolumes[_], "hostPath")
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+	is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+	is_gatekeeper
+	gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+	kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+	kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+	keys = {"containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"}
+	all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+	pods[pod]
+	all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+	all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+	is_pod
+	pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+	is_controller
+	pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+	is_cronjob
+	pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+volumes[volume] {
+  pods[pod]
+  volume = pod.spec.volumes[_]
+has_field(obj, field) {
+	obj[field]
+has_key(x, k) {
+  _ = x[k]
diff --git a/rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e47b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+package pss_hostpathvolumes
+test_hostpath_on_pod {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}},{"name":"test-volume","hostPath":{"path":"/data","type":"Directory"}}]}
+  input := input_obj(pod_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_hostpath_on_pod {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":"{}"}]}
+  input := input_obj(pod_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_hostpath_on_deployment {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}},{"name":"test-volume","hostPath":{"path":"/data","type":"Directory"}}]}
+  input := input_obj(deployment_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_hostpath_on_deployment {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}}]}
+  input := input_obj(deployment_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_hostpath_on_daemonset {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}},{"name":"test-volume","hostPath":{"path":"/data","type":"Directory"}}]}
+  input := input_obj(daemonset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_hostpath_on_daemonset {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}}]}
+  input := input_obj(daemonset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_hostpath_on_replicaset {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}},{"name":"test-volume","hostPath":{"path":"/data","type":"Directory"}}]}
+  input := input_obj(replicaset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_hostpath_on_replicaset {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}}]}
+  input := input_obj(replicaset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_hostpath_on_statefulset {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}},{"name":"test-volume","hostPath":{"path":"/data","type":"Directory"}}]}
+  input := input_obj(statefulset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_hostpath_on_statefulset {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}}]}
+  input := input_obj(statefulset_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_hostpath_on_job {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}},{"name":"test-volume","hostPath":{"path":"/data","type":"Directory"}}]}
+  input := input_obj(job_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_hostpath_on_job {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}}]}
+  input := input_obj(job_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_hostpath_on_cronjob {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}},{"name":"test-volume","hostPath":{"path":"/data","type":"Directory"}}]}
+  input := input_obj(cronjob_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_hostpath_on_cronjob {
+  pod_spec := {"volumes":[{"name":"cache-volume","emptyDir":{}}]}
+  input := input_obj(cronjob_definition(pod_spec))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+pod_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "volumes": pod_spec.volumes
+      }
+    }
+  }
+deployment_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": {
+            "volumes": pod_spec.volumes
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+daemonset_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": {
+            "volumes": pod_spec.volumes
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+replicaset_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": {
+            "volumes": pod_spec.volumes
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+statefulset_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": {
+            "volumes": pod_spec.volumes
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+job_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": {
+            "volumes": pod_spec.volumes
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+cronjob_definition(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": {
+                "volumes": pod_spec.volumes
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
diff --git a/rego/pss_hostports/policy.rego b/rego/pss_hostports/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5399d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_hostports/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+package pss_hostports
+violation[msg] {
+  failHostPorts := getContainersWithHostPorts
+  count(failHostPorts) > 0
+  msg := format(sprintf("Container '%s' of %s '%s' should not set host ports", [failHostPorts[_], kind, name]))
+getContainersWithHostPorts[container] {
+  allContainers := containers[_]
+  hostport_present := allContainers.ports[_].hostPort
+  container :=
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+  is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+  is_gatekeeper
+  gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+  kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+  kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+  kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+  kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+  kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+  kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+  kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+  kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+  keys = {"containers", "initContainers"}
+  all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+  pods[pod]
+  all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+  container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+  all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+  container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+  is_pod
+  pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+  is_controller
+  pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+  is_cronjob
+  pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+  obj[field]
diff --git a/rego/pss_hostports/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_hostports/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9f47a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_hostports/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+package pss_hostports
+test_container_with_hostport_on_pod {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_hostport_on_pod {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_hostport_on_deployment {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_hostport_on_deployment {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_hostport_on_daemonset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_hostport_on_daemonset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_hostport_on_replicaset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_hostport_on_replicaset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_hostport_on_statefulset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_hostport_on_statefulset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_hostport_on_job {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_hostport_on_job {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_hostport_on_cronjob {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_hostport_on_cronjob {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_hostport_on_pod {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_hostport_on_pod {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_hostport_on_deployment {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_hostport_on_deployment {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_hostport_on_daemonset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_hostport_on_daemonset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_hostport_on_replicaset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_hostport_on_replicaset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_hostport_on_statefulset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_hostport_on_statefulset {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_hostport_on_job {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_hostport_on_job {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_hostport_on_cronjob {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_hostport_on_cronjob {
+  container_ports := {"ports":[{"containerPort": 80}]}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+review_pod(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": pod_spec
+    }
+  }
+review_deployment(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_daemonset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_replicaset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_statefulset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_job(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_cronjob(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": pod_spec
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+pod_spec(container_ports) = out {
+  out = {
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "ports": container_ports.ports
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_init_containers(container_ports) = out {
+  out = {
+    "initContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "ports": container_ports.ports
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
diff --git a/rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy.rego b/rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33c21c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+package pss_podcapabilities
+violation[msg] {
+	failedContainers := getContainersWithDisallowedCaps
+	count(failedContainers) > 0
+	msg := format(sprintf("Container '%s' of %s '%s' should not set 'securityContext.capabilities.add'%s", [failedContainers[_], kind, name, caps_msg]))
+getContainersWithDisallowedCaps[container] {
+	allContainers := containers[_]
+	set_caps := {cap | cap := allContainers.securityContext.capabilities.add[_]}
+	caps_not_allowed := set_caps - allowed_caps
+	count(caps_not_allowed) > 0
+	container :=
+caps_msg = "" {
+	count(allowed_caps) == 0
+} else = msg {
+	msg := sprintf(" or set it to the following allowed values: %s", [concat(", ", allowed_caps)])
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+	is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+	is_gatekeeper
+	gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+	kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+	kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+	keys = {"containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"}
+	all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+	pods[pod]
+	all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+	all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+	is_pod
+	pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+	is_controller
+	pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+	is_cronjob
+	pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+	obj[field]
diff --git a/rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca76c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+package pss_podcapabilities
+review_pod(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": pod_spec
+    }
+  }
+review_deployment(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_daemonset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_replicaset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_statefulset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_job(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_cronjob(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": pod_spec
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+pod_spec(capabilities) = out {
+  out = {
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "capabilities": {
+            "add": capabilities
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_init_container_spec(capabilities) = out {
+  out = {
+    "initContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "capabilities": {
+            "add": capabilities
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_ephemeral_container_spec(capabilities) = out {
+  out = {
+    "ephemeralContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "capabilities": {
+            "add": capabilities
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
+################Container Tests######################
+test_not_allowed_cap_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_deployment {
+  cap_list := ["SYS_TIME"]
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_daemonset {
+  cap_list := ["SYS_TIME"]
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_jobt {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+################Init Container Tests######################
+test_not_allowed_cap_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_init_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_init_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_init_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_deployment {
+  cap_list := ["SYS_TIME"]
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_init_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_init_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_init_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_daemonset {
+  cap_list := ["SYS_TIME"]
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_init_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_init_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_init_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_init_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_init_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_init_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_init_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_init_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_init_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_init_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_jobt {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_init_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_init_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_init_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_init_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_init_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+################Ephemeral Container Tests######################
+test_not_allowed_cap_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_deployment {
+  cap_list := ["SYS_TIME"]
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_daemonset {
+  cap_list := ["SYS_TIME"]
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_jobt {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_cap_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(["SYS_TIME"])))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_cap_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(cap_list)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_cap_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_ephemeral_container_spec(null)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy.rego b/rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8af891a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+package pss_privilegedpods
+violation[msg] {
+    failedContainers := getPrivilegedContainers
+    count(failedContainers) > 0
+    msg := format(sprintf("Container '%s' of %s '%s' should set 'securityContext.privileged' to false", [failedContainers[_], kind, name]))
+getPrivilegedContainers[container] {
+	allContainers := containers[_]
+	allContainers.securityContext.privileged == true
+	container :=
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+	is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+	is_gatekeeper
+	gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+	kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+	kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+	keys = {"containers", "initContainers"}
+	all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+	pods[pod]
+	all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+	all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+	is_pod
+	pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+	is_controller
+	pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+	is_cronjob
+	pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+	obj[field]
diff --git a/rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29894cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+package pss_privilegedpods
+test_privileged_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(true)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_unprivileged_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(false)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_privileged_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(true)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_unprivileged_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(false)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_privileged_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(true)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_unprivileged_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(false)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_privileged_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(true)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_unprivileged_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(false)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_privileged_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(true)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_unprivileged_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(false)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_privileged_container_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(true)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_unprivileged_container_on_jobt {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(false)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_privileged_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(true)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_unprivileged_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(false)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+review_pod(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": pod_spec
+    }
+  }
+review_deployment(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_daemonset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_replicaset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_statefulset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_job(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_cronjob(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": pod_spec
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+pod_spec(allow_privileged) = out {
+  out = {
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "privileged": allow_privileged
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
diff --git a/rego/pss_procmounts/policy.rego b/rego/pss_procmounts/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1c9ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_procmounts/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+package pss_procmounts
+violation[msg] {
+  failProcMountOpts
+  msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' should not set 'spec.containers[*].securityContext.procMount' or 'spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.procMount'", [kind, name]))
+failProcMountOpts {
+  allContainers := containers[_]
+  has_key(allContainers.securityContext, "procMount")
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+	is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+	is_gatekeeper
+	gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+	kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+	kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+	keys = {"containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"}
+	all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+	pods[pod]
+	all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+	all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+	is_pod
+	pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+	is_controller
+	pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+	is_cronjob
+	pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+	obj[field]
+has_key(x, k) {
+  _ = x[k]
diff --git a/rego/pss_procmounts/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_procmounts/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b99b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_procmounts/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+package pss_procmounts
+test_container_with_procmount_on_pod {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_procmount_on_pod {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_procmount_on_deployment {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_procmount_on_deployment {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_procmount_on_daemonset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_procmount_on_daemonset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_procmount_on_replicaset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_procmount_on_replicaset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_procmount_on_statefulset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_procmount_on_statefulset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_procmount_on_job {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_procmount_on_jobt {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_procmount_on_cronjob {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_procmount_on_cronjob {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_procmount_on_pod {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_procmount_on_pod {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_procmount_on_deployment {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_procmount_on_deployment {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_procmount_on_daemonset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_procmount_on_daemonset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_procmount_on_replicaset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_procmount_on_replicaset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_procmount_on_statefulset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_procmount_on_statefulset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_procmount_on_job {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_procmount_on_jobt {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_procmount_on_cronjob {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_procmount_on_cronjob {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_procmount_on_pod {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_procmount_on_pod {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_procmount_on_deployment {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_procmount_on_deployment {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_procmount_on_daemonset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_procmount_on_daemonset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_procmount_on_replicaset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_procmount_on_replicaset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_procmount_on_statefulset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_procmount_on_statefulset {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_procmount_on_job {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_procmount_on_jobt {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_procmount_on_cronjob {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{"procMount": "Unmasked"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_procmount_on_cronjob {
+  container_securitycontext := {"securityContext":{}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+review_pod(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": pod_spec
+    }
+  }
+review_deployment(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_daemonset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_replicaset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_statefulset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_job(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_cronjob(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": pod_spec
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+pod_spec(container_securitycontext) = out {
+  out = {
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": container_securitycontext.securityContext
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_init_containers(container_securitycontext) = out {
+  out = {
+    "initContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": container_securitycontext.securityContext
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_securitycontext) = out {
+  out = {
+    "ephemeralContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": container_securitycontext.securityContext
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
diff --git a/rego/pss_seccomp/policy.rego b/rego/pss_seccomp/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66a0a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_seccomp/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+package pss_seccomp
+violation[msg] {
+  failSeccompProfileType
+  msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' should set 'spec.securityContext.seccompProfile.type' to 'RuntimeDefault'", [kind, name]))
+violation[msg] {
+  count(getContainersWithDisallowedSeccompProfileType) > 0
+  msg := format(sprintf("Container '%s' of %s '%s' should set 'spec.containers[*].securityContext.seccompProfile.type' to 'RuntimeDefault'", [getContainersWithDisallowedSeccompProfileType[_], kind, name]))
+failSeccompProfileType {
+  pod := pods[_]
+  type := pod.spec.securityContext.seccompProfile.type
+  not type == "RuntimeDefault"
+getContainersWithDisallowedSeccompProfileType[name] {
+  container := containers[_]
+  type := container.securityContext.seccompProfile.type
+  not type == "RuntimeDefault"
+  name :=
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+	is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+	is_gatekeeper
+	gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+	kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+	kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+	keys = {"containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"}
+	all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+	pods[pod]
+	all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+	all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+	is_pod
+	pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+	is_controller
+	pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+	is_cronjob
+	pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+	obj[field]
+has_key(x, k) {
+  _ = x[k]
diff --git a/rego/pss_seccomp/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_seccomp/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80cb5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_seccomp/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+package pss_seccomp
+test_unconfined_seccomp_on_pod {
+  pod_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_seccomp(pod_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_pod {
+  pod_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_seccomp(pod_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_no_securitycontext_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_pod {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_pod {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_deployment {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_deployment {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_daemonset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_daemonset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_replicaset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_replicaset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_statefulset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_statefulset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_job {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_job {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_cronjob {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_cronjob {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_pod {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_pod {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_deployment {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_deployment {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_daemonset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_daemonset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_replicaset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_replicaset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_statefulset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_statefulset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_job {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_job {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_cronjob {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_cronjob {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_pod {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_pod {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_deployment {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_deployment {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_daemonset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_daemonset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_replicaset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_replicaset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_statefulset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_statefulset {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_job {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_job {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_unconfined_seccomp_on_cronjob {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "Unconfined"}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_unconfined_seccomp_on_cronjob {
+  container_seccomp := {"type": "RuntimeDefault"}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+review_pod(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": pod_spec
+    }
+  }
+review_deployment(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_daemonset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_replicaset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_statefulset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_job(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_cronjob(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": pod_spec
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+pod_spec(container_seccomp) = out {
+  out = {
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "seccompProfile": {
+            "type": container_seccomp.type
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_seccomp(pod_seccomp) = out {
+  out = {
+    "securityContext": {
+      "seccompProfile": {
+        "type": pod_seccomp.type
+      }
+    },
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_no_securitycontext() = out {
+  out = {
+    "securityContext": {},
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext() = out {
+  out = {
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {}
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_init_containers(container_seccomp) = out {
+  out = {
+    "initContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "seccompProfile": {
+            "type": container_seccomp.type
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext() = out {
+  out = {
+    "initContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {}
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_seccomp) = out {
+  out = {
+    "ephemeralContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "seccompProfile": {
+            "type": container_seccomp.type
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext() = out {
+  out = {
+    "ephemeralContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {}
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
diff --git a/rego/pss_selinux/policy.rego b/rego/pss_selinux/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e7bc76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_selinux/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package pss_selinux
+violation[msg] {
+  type := failSELinuxType[_]
+  msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' uses invalid seLinux type '%s'", [kind, name, type]))
+violation[msg] {
+  keys := failForbiddenSELinuxProperties
+  count(keys) > 0
+  msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' uses restricted properties in seLinuxOptions: (%s)", [kind, name, concat(", ", keys)]))
+failSELinuxType[type] {
+  context := getAllSecurityContexts[_]
+  context.seLinuxOptions != null
+  context.seLinuxOptions.type != null
+  type := context.seLinuxOptions.type
+failForbiddenSELinuxProperties[key] {
+  context := getAllSecurityContexts[_]
+  context.seLinuxOptions != null
+  forbiddenProps := getForbiddenSELinuxProperties(context)
+  key := forbiddenProps[_]
+getAllSecurityContexts[context] {
+  context := containers[_].securityContext
+getAllSecurityContexts[context] {
+  context := pods[_].spec.securityContext
+getForbiddenSELinuxProperties(context) = keys {
+  forbiddenProperties = ["role", "user"]
+  keys := {msg |
+          key := forbiddenProperties[_]
+          has_key(context.seLinuxOptions, key)
+          msg := sprintf("'%s'", [key])
+  }
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+	is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+	is_gatekeeper
+	gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+	kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+	kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+	keys = {"containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"}
+	all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+	pods[pod]
+	all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+	all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+	is_pod
+	pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+	is_controller
+	pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+	is_cronjob
+	pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+	obj[field]
+has_key(x, k) {
+  _ = x[k]
diff --git a/rego/pss_selinux/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_selinux/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a73b8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_selinux/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+package pss_selinux
+test_selinux_options_on_pod {
+  pod_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_selinux(pod_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_multiple_selinux_options_on_pod {
+  pod_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_selinux(pod_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_no_securitycontext_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_selinux_options_on_pod {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_pod {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_selinux_options_on_deployment {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_deployment {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_selinux_options_on_daemonset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_daemonset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_selinux_options_on_replicaset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_replicaset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_selinux_options_on_statefulset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_statefulset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_selinux_options_on_job {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_job {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_container_with_selinux_options_on_cronjob {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_cronjob {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_selinux_options_on_pod {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_pod {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_selinux_options_on_deployment {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_deployment {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_selinux_options_on_daemonset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_daemonset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_selinux_options_on_replicaset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_replicaset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_selinux_options_on_statefulset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_statefulset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_selinux_options_on_job {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_job {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_init_container_with_selinux_options_on_cronjob {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_init_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_cronjob {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_init_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_selinux_options_on_pod {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_pod {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_selinux_options_on_deployment {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_deployment {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_selinux_options_on_daemonset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_daemonset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_selinux_options_on_replicaset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_replicaset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_selinux_options_on_statefulset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_statefulset {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_selinux_options_on_job {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_job {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_ephemeral_container_with_selinux_options_on_cronjob {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_multiple_selinux_options_on_cronjob {
+  container_selinux := {"seLinuxOptions":{"type": "custom", "role": "admin"}}
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(container_selinux)))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) > 1
+test_ephemeral_container_with_no_securitycontext_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+review_pod(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": pod_spec
+    }
+  }
+review_deployment(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_daemonset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_replicaset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_statefulset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_job(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_cronjob(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": pod_spec
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+pod_spec(pod_selinux) = out {
+  out = {
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "seLinuxOptions": pod_selinux.seLinuxOptions
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_selinux(pod_selinux) = out {
+  out = {
+    "securityContext": {
+      "seLinuxOptions": pod_selinux.seLinuxOptions
+    },
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_no_securitycontext() = out {
+  out = {
+    "securityContext": {},
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_containers_no_securitycontext() = out {
+  out = {
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {}
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_init_containers(pod_selinux) = out {
+  out = {
+    "initContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "seLinuxOptions": pod_selinux.seLinuxOptions
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_init_containers_no_securitycontext() = out {
+  out = {
+    "initContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {}
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_ephemeral_containers(pod_selinux) = out {
+  out = {
+    "ephemeralContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {
+          "seLinuxOptions": pod_selinux.seLinuxOptions
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+pod_spec_ephemeral_containers_no_securitycontext() = out {
+  out = {
+    "ephemeralContainers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+        "securityContext": {}
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
diff --git a/rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy.rego b/rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b199123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+package pss_sysctloptions
+violation[msg] {
+	failSysctls
+	msg := format(sprintf("%s '%s' should set 'securityContext.sysctl' to the allowed values", [kind, name]))
+allowed_sysctls := {
+	"kernel.shm_rmid_forced",
+	"net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range",
+	"net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start",
+	"net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies",
+	"net.ipv4.ping_group_range",
+failSysctls {
+	pod := pods[_]
+	set_sysctls := {sysctl | sysctl := pod.spec.securityContext.sysctls[_].name}
+	sysctls_not_allowed := set_sysctls - allowed_sysctls
+	count(sysctls_not_allowed) > 0
+################### LIBRARY ###################
+default is_gatekeeper = true
+object = {
+	is_gatekeeper
+format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
+	is_gatekeeper
+	gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
+name =
+kind = object.kind
+is_pod {
+	kind = "Pod"
+is_cronjob {
+	kind = "CronJob"
+default is_controller = false
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Deployment"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "StatefulSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "DaemonSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicaSet"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "ReplicationController"
+is_controller {
+	kind = "Job"
+pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
+	keys = {"containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"}
+	all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
+containers[container] {
+	pods[pod]
+	all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+containers[container] {
+	all_containers = pod_containers(object)
+	container = all_containers[_]
+pods[pod] {
+	is_pod
+	pod = object
+pods[pod] {
+	is_controller
+	pod = object.spec.template
+pods[pod] {
+	is_cronjob
+	pod = object.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template
+has_field(obj, field) {
+	obj[field]
diff --git a/rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy_test.rego b/rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327d413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+package pss_sysctloptions
+review_pod(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Pod",
+      "apiVersion": "v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-pod",
+      },
+      "spec": pod_spec
+    }
+  }
+review_deployment(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Deployment",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-deployment",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_daemonset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "DaemonSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-daemonset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_replicaset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "ReplicaSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-replicaset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_statefulset(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "StatefulSet",
+      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-statefulset",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_job(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "Job",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-job",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "template": {
+          "spec": pod_spec
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+review_cronjob(pod_spec) = out {
+  out = {
+    "object": {
+      "kind": "CronJob",
+      "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
+      "metadata": {
+        "name": "my-cronjob",
+      },
+      "spec": {
+        "jobTemplate": {
+          "spec" : {
+            "template": {
+              "spec": pod_spec
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+pod_spec(securitycontext) = out {
+  out = {
+    "securityContext" : securitycontext,
+    "containers": [
+      {
+        "name": "container1",
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+input_obj(review) = out {
+  out = {
+    "parameters": {},
+    "review": review
+  }
+################Container Tests######################
+test_not_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "net.core.somaxconn","value": "1024",},{"name": "kernel.msgmax","value": "65536",},]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "kernel.shm_rmid_forced","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range","value": "",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies","value": "1",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ping_group_range","value": "",}]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_nill_container_on_pod {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": null})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "net.core.somaxconn","value": "1024",},{"name": "kernel.msgmax","value": "65536",},]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "kernel.shm_rmid_forced","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range","value": "",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies","value": "1",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ping_group_range","value": "",}]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_nill_container_on_deployment {
+  input := input_obj(review_deployment(pod_spec({"sysctls": null})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "net.core.somaxconn","value": "1024",},{"name": "kernel.msgmax","value": "65536",},]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "kernel.shm_rmid_forced","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range","value": "",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies","value": "1",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ping_group_range","value": "",}]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_nill_container_on_daemonset {
+  input := input_obj(review_daemonset(pod_spec({"sysctls": null})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "net.core.somaxconn","value": "1024",},{"name": "kernel.msgmax","value": "65536",},]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "kernel.shm_rmid_forced","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range","value": "",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies","value": "1",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ping_group_range","value": "",}]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_nill_container_on_replicaset {
+  input := input_obj(review_replicaset(pod_spec({"sysctls": null})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "net.core.somaxconn","value": "1024",},{"name": "kernel.msgmax","value": "65536",},]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "kernel.shm_rmid_forced","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range","value": "",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies","value": "1",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ping_group_range","value": "",}]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_nill_container_on_statefulset {
+  input := input_obj(review_statefulset(pod_spec({"sysctls": null})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "net.core.somaxconn","value": "1024",},{"name": "kernel.msgmax","value": "65536",},]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "kernel.shm_rmid_forced","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range","value": "",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies","value": "1",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ping_group_range","value": "",}]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_nill_container_on_job {
+  input := input_obj(review_job(pod_spec({"sysctls": null})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_not_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "net.core.somaxconn","value": "1024",},{"name": "kernel.msgmax","value": "65536",},]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 1
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_pod(pod_spec({"sysctls": [{"name": "kernel.shm_rmid_forced","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range","value": "",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start","value": "0",},{"name": "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies","value": "1",},{"name": "net.ipv4.ping_group_range","value": "",}]})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
+test_allowed_sysctls_options_nill_container_on_cronjob {
+  input := input_obj(review_cronjob(pod_spec({"sysctls": null})))
+  results := violation with input as input
+  count(results) == 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_apparmor.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_apparmor.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ab93dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_apparmor.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: pssapparmor
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssAppArmor
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_apparmor/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_host_namespace.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_host_namespace.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..835bd31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_host_namespace.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: psshostnamespace
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssHostNamespace
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_host_namespaces/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_hostpath_volume.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_hostpath_volume.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eadb130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_hostpath_volume.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: psshostpathvolume
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssHostpathVolume
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_hostpath_volumes/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_hostport.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_hostport.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f07308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_hostport.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: psshostport
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssHostPort
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_hostports/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_pod_capabilities.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_pod_capabilities.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd73b93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_pod_capabilities.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: psspodcapabilities
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssPodCapabilities
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_pod_capabilities/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_privileged.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_privileged.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dd5d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_privileged.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: pssprivilegedpod
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssPrivilegedPod
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_privileged_pods/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_procmount.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_procmount.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd64bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_procmount.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: pssprocmount
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssProcMount
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_procmounts/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_seccomp.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_seccomp.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e470bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_seccomp.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: pssseccomp
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssSeccomp
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_seccomp/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_selinux.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_selinux.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1cc025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_selinux.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: pssselinux
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssSELinux
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_selinux/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
diff --git a/templates/constraint_template_pss_sysctl_options.yaml b/templates/constraint_template_pss_sysctl_options.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bacca2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/constraint_template_pss_sysctl_options.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+kind: ConstraintTemplate
+  name: psssysctlsoptions
+  crd:
+    spec:
+      names:
+        kind: PssSysctlsOptions
+  targets:
+    - target:
+      rego: |
+{{.Files.Get "rego/pss_sysctl_options/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}