Virginia Tech users with an affiliation of employee, faculty, staff, student, or affiliate can sign in by clicking on the InCommon button on this page and choosing "Virginia Tech."
InCommon .edu members with an affiliation of employee, faculty, staff, or student can sign in by clicking on the InCommon button on this page and choosing your institution. Please note that InCommon .edu members must release the eduPersonScopedAffiliation and eduPersonPrincipalName attributes for sign ins to be successful.
Users from institutions other than Virginia Tech will be marked external in GitLab. These users cannot create projects or groups, but can contribute to projects that they have been invited to.
User Settings / Account / Social sign-in
Do not click on the button to disconnect the InCommon Federation from your account. Doing so will prevent you from logging in and will require admin intervention.
If you see the error message "Sign-in failed because Email has already been taken", you have disconnected your account and will need to contact support.
General Use
Usage questions can be asked on the Middleware list.
Support tickets can be submitted through 4-Help.
Git Command Line
We strongly recommend the use of the SSH protocol with git. The HTTP protocol can be used, but it will require setting a separate password in GitLab. Use of the HTTP protocol is discouraged and may be disabled at some point in the future.
Project Sizes is a shared resource, so please be wary of creating large repositories. Project sizes can vary greatly, so we are being intentionally vague about the definition of "large". If you have doubts, feel free to ask.
SSH Fingerprints
256 09:1f:0d:5b:99:8d:37:5a:bd:f4:6c:6a:7d:a5:a1:5e (ECDSA)
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256 0e:7e:85:c2:cb:62:37:ba:fa:ab:b2:37:d0:ad:94:31 (ED25519)
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2048 fa:16:7a:72:f6:30:7b:ff:5a:c5:53:c8:ce:83:17:09 (RSA)
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
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256 SHA256:MzMQlrH5dxOmdqcYhItRW5JNd1TR1k9ymG3dZze29oc (ECDSA)
+---[ECDSA 256]---+
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2048 SHA256:IvgtWDhT2NeCcYN9wfK3zzlsxMxnIDzpLSDkBqL1bLg (RSA)
+---[RSA 2048]----+
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256 SHA256:u8WxVabpqB6f2ma9+bk/c9y8ewGbcGvGZ4ItwgGIHiM (ED25519)
+--[ED25519 256]--+
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