import sys # for command line arguments import numpy as np # for matrix processing from PIL import Image, ImageOps # for image processing import time # to time part of the code # make sure command line arguments are provided if (len(sys.argv) < 4): print ('command usage :',sys.argv[0],'infile','outfile','threshold') exit(1) infile = sys.argv[1] outfile = sys.argv[2] threshold = int(sys.argv[3]) # open the input image, convert to grayscale, # convert to a matrix, and determine the rows and cols input = gray = ImageOps.grayscale(input) carA = np.array(gray).astype(np.int32) rows,cols = carA.shape # pad the perimeter of the image matrix with zeros # and create the E matrix initialized to all zeros carA_pad = np.pad(carA,[1,1],'constant',constant_values = 0) E = np.zeros((rows,cols),dtype='uint8') # time just the Sobel edge detector start = time.process_time() # Sobel Edge Detector for i in range(1,rows+1): for j in range(1,cols+1): P1 = carA_pad[i-1][j-1] P2 = carA_pad[i-1][j] P3 = carA_pad[i-1][j+1] P4 = carA_pad[i][j-1] P6 = carA_pad[i][j+1] P7 = carA_pad[i+1][j-1] P8 = carA_pad[i+1][j] P9 = carA_pad[i+1][j+1] Gx = P3+2*P6+P9-P1-2*P4-P7 Gy = P1+2*P2+P3-P7-2*P8-P9 size = np.abs(Gx)+np.abs(Gy) if (size > threshold): E[i-1][j-1] = 255 # record and print elapsed time elapsed = time.process_time()-start print ('Time to Run The Nested For Loop Sobel Edge Detector in Python =', np.round(elapsed,4),'seconds') # create the edges image edges = Image.fromarray(E)