From eaf0911e2e36712cdf5fcc13487368043b1298de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marie Verdonck <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2019 18:11:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] 66391: Fixed the valse positive chevron indicating node is

 .../community-list-service.ts                 | 484 +++++++++---------
 .../community-list.component.html             |   2 +-
 .../community-list.component.ts               |  20 +-
 3 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/community-list-page/community-list-service.ts b/src/app/community-list-page/community-list-service.ts
index 6da1bff4e5..3cbb76f79c 100644
--- a/src/app/community-list-page/community-list-service.ts
+++ b/src/app/community-list-page/community-list-service.ts
@@ -1,288 +1,288 @@
-import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
-import { combineLatest as observableCombineLatest } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/combineLatest';
-import { Observable, of as observableOf } from 'rxjs';
-import { CommunityDataService } from '../core/data/community-data.service';
-import { PaginationComponentOptions } from '../shared/pagination/pagination-component-options.model';
-import { SortDirection, SortOptions } from '../core/cache/models/sort-options.model';
-import { catchError, filter, map, switchMap, take, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
-import { Community } from '../core/shared/community.model';
-import { Collection } from '../core/shared/collection.model';
-import { hasValue, isNotEmpty } from '../shared/empty.util';
-import { RemoteData } from '../core/data/remote-data';
-import { PaginatedList } from '../core/data/paginated-list';
-import { getCommunityPageRoute } from '../+community-page/community-page-routing.module';
-import { getCollectionPageRoute } from '../+collection-page/collection-page-routing.module';
-import { CollectionDataService } from '../core/data/collection-data.service';
+import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
+import {combineLatest as observableCombineLatest} from 'rxjs/internal/observable/combineLatest';
+import {Observable, of as observableOf} from 'rxjs';
+import {CommunityDataService} from '../core/data/community-data.service';
+import {PaginationComponentOptions} from '../shared/pagination/pagination-component-options.model';
+import {SortDirection, SortOptions} from '../core/cache/models/sort-options.model';
+import {catchError, filter, map, switchMap, take} from 'rxjs/operators';
+import {Community} from '../core/shared/community.model';
+import {Collection} from '../core/shared/collection.model';
+import {hasValue, isNotEmpty} from '../shared/empty.util';
+import {RemoteData} from '../core/data/remote-data';
+import {PaginatedList} from '../core/data/paginated-list';
+import {getCommunityPageRoute} from '../+community-page/community-page-routing.module';
+import {getCollectionPageRoute} from '../+collection-page/collection-page-routing.module';
+import {CollectionDataService} from '../core/data/collection-data.service';
 export interface FlatNode {
-  isExpandable: boolean;
-  name: string;
-  id: string;
-  level: number;
-  isExpanded?: boolean;
-  parent?: FlatNode;
-  payload: Community | Collection | ShowMoreFlatNode;
-  isShowMoreNode: boolean;
-  route?: string;
-  currentCommunityPage?: number;
-  currentCollectionPage?: number;
+    isExpandable$: Observable<boolean>;
+    name: string;
+    id: string;
+    level: number;
+    isExpanded?: boolean;
+    parent?: FlatNode;
+    payload: Community | Collection | ShowMoreFlatNode;
+    isShowMoreNode: boolean;
+    route?: string;
+    currentCommunityPage?: number;
+    currentCollectionPage?: number;
 export class ShowMoreFlatNode {
 export const combineAndFlatten = (obsList: Array<Observable<FlatNode[]>>): Observable<FlatNode[]> =>
-  observableCombineLatest(...obsList).pipe(
-    map((matrix: FlatNode[][]) =>
-      matrix.reduce((combinedList, currentList: FlatNode[]) => [...combinedList, ...currentList]))
-  );
+    observableCombineLatest(...obsList).pipe(
+        map((matrix: FlatNode[][]) =>
+            matrix.reduce((combinedList, currentList: FlatNode[]) => [...combinedList, ...currentList]))
+    );
 export const toFlatNode = (
-  c: Community | Collection,
-  isExpandable: boolean,
-  level: number,
-  isExpanded: boolean,
-  parent?: FlatNode
+    c: Community | Collection,
+    isExpandable: Observable<boolean>,
+    level: number,
+    isExpanded: boolean,
+    parent?: FlatNode
 ): FlatNode => ({
-  isExpandable: isExpandable,
-  name:,
-  id:,
-  level: level,
-  isExpanded,
-  parent,
-  payload: c,
-  isShowMoreNode: false,
-  route: c instanceof Community ? getCommunityPageRoute( : getCollectionPageRoute(,
+    isExpandable$: isExpandable,
+    name:,
+    id:,
+    level: level,
+    isExpanded,
+    parent,
+    payload: c,
+    isShowMoreNode: false,
+    route: c instanceof Community ? getCommunityPageRoute( : getCollectionPageRoute(,
 export const showMoreFlatNode = (
-  id: string,
-  level: number,
-  parent: FlatNode
+    id: string,
+    level: number,
+    parent: FlatNode
 ): FlatNode => ({
-  isExpandable: false,
-  name: 'Show More Flatnode',
-  id: id,
-  level: level,
-  isExpanded: false,
-  parent: parent,
-  payload: new ShowMoreFlatNode(),
-  isShowMoreNode: true,
+    isExpandable$: observableOf(false),
+    name: 'Show More Flatnode',
+    id: id,
+    level: level,
+    isExpanded: false,
+    parent: parent,
+    payload: new ShowMoreFlatNode(),
+    isShowMoreNode: true,
 // tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file
 export class CommunityListService {
-  // page-limited list of top-level communities
-  payloads$: Array<Observable<PaginatedList<Community>>>;
+    // page-limited list of top-level communities
+    payloads$: Array<Observable<PaginatedList<Community>>>;
-  topCommunitiesConfig: PaginationComponentOptions;
-  topCommunitiesSortConfig: SortOptions;
+    topCommunitiesConfig: PaginationComponentOptions;
+    topCommunitiesSortConfig: SortOptions;
-  maxSubCommunitiesPerPage: number;
-  maxCollectionsPerPage: number;
+    maxSubCommunitiesPerPage: number;
+    maxCollectionsPerPage: number;
-  constructor(private communityDataService: CommunityDataService, private collectionDataService: CollectionDataService) {
-    this.topCommunitiesConfig = new PaginationComponentOptions();
- = 'top-level-pagination';
-    this.topCommunitiesConfig.pageSize = 10;
-    this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage = 1;
-    this.topCommunitiesSortConfig = new SortOptions('dc.title', SortDirection.ASC);
-    this.initTopCommunityList();
+    constructor(private communityDataService: CommunityDataService, private collectionDataService: CollectionDataService) {
+        this.topCommunitiesConfig = new PaginationComponentOptions();
+ = 'top-level-pagination';
+        this.topCommunitiesConfig.pageSize = 10;
+        this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage = 1;
+        this.topCommunitiesSortConfig = new SortOptions('dc.title', SortDirection.ASC);
+        this.initTopCommunityList();
-    this.maxSubCommunitiesPerPage = 3;
-    this.maxCollectionsPerPage = 3;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Increases the payload so it contains the next page of top level communities
-   */
-  getNextPageTopCommunities(): void {
-    this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage = this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage + 1;
-    this.payloads$ = [...this.payloads$, this.communityDataService.findTop({
-      currentPage: this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage,
-      elementsPerPage: this.topCommunitiesConfig.pageSize,
-      sort: {
-        field: this.topCommunitiesSortConfig.field,
-        direction: this.topCommunitiesSortConfig.direction
-      }
-    }).pipe(
-      take(1),
-      map((results) => results.payload),
-    )];
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets all top communities, limited by page, and transforms this in a list of flatnodes.
-   * @param expandedNodes     List of expanded nodes; if a node is not expanded its subcommunities and collections need not be added to the list
-   */
-  loadCommunities(expandedNodes: FlatNode[]): Observable<FlatNode[]> {
-    const res = this.payloads$.map((payload) => {
-      return payload.pipe(
-        take(1),
-        switchMap((result: PaginatedList<Community>) => {
-          return this.transformListOfCommunities(result, 0, null, expandedNodes);
-        }),
-        catchError(() => observableOf([])),
-      );
-    });
-    return combineAndFlatten(res);
-  };
+        this.maxSubCommunitiesPerPage = 3;
+        this.maxCollectionsPerPage = 3;
+    }
-  /**
-   * Puts the initial top level communities in a list to be called upon
-   */
-  private initTopCommunityList(): void {
-    this.payloads$ = [this.communityDataService.findTop({
-      currentPage: this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage,
-      elementsPerPage: this.topCommunitiesConfig.pageSize,
-      sort: {
-        field: this.topCommunitiesSortConfig.field,
-        direction: this.topCommunitiesSortConfig.direction
-      }
-    }).pipe(
-      take(1),
-      map((results) => results.payload),
-    )];
-  }
+    /**
+     * Increases the payload so it contains the next page of top level communities
+     */
+    getNextPageTopCommunities(): void {
+        this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage = this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage + 1;
+        this.payloads$ = [...this.payloads$, this.communityDataService.findTop({
+            currentPage: this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage,
+            elementsPerPage: this.topCommunitiesConfig.pageSize,
+            sort: {
+                field: this.topCommunitiesSortConfig.field,
+                direction: this.topCommunitiesSortConfig.direction
+            }
+        }).pipe(
+            take(1),
+            map((results) => results.payload),
+        )];
+    }
-  /**
-   * Transforms a list of communities to a list of FlatNodes according to the instructions detailed in transformCommunity
-   * @param listOfPaginatedCommunities    Paginated list of communities to be transformed
-   * @param level                         Level the tree is currently at
-   * @param parent                        FlatNode of the parent of this list of communities
-   * @param expandedNodes                 List of expanded nodes; if a node is not expanded its subcommunities and collections need not be added to the list
-   */
-  public transformListOfCommunities(listOfPaginatedCommunities: PaginatedList<Community>,
-                                    level: number,
-                                    parent: FlatNode,
-                                    expandedNodes: FlatNode[]): Observable<FlatNode[]> {
-    if (isNotEmpty( {
-      let currentPage = this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage;
-      if (isNotEmpty(parent)) {
-        currentPage = expandedNodes.find((node: FlatNode) => ===;
-      }
-      const isNotAllCommunities = (listOfPaginatedCommunities.totalElements > (listOfPaginatedCommunities.elementsPerPage * currentPage));
-      let obsList =
-        .map((community: Community) => {
-          return this.transformCommunity(community, level, parent, expandedNodes)
+    /**
+     * Gets all top communities, limited by page, and transforms this in a list of flatnodes.
+     * @param expandedNodes     List of expanded nodes; if a node is not expanded its subcommunities and collections need not be added to the list
+     */
+    loadCommunities(expandedNodes: FlatNode[]): Observable<FlatNode[]> {
+        const res = this.payloads$.map((payload) => {
+            return payload.pipe(
+                take(1),
+                switchMap((result: PaginatedList<Community>) => {
+                    return this.transformListOfCommunities(result, 0, null, expandedNodes);
+                }),
+                catchError(() => observableOf([])),
+            );
-      if (isNotAllCommunities && listOfPaginatedCommunities.currentPage > currentPage) {
-        obsList = [...obsList, observableOf([showMoreFlatNode('community', level, parent)])];
-      }
+        return combineAndFlatten(res);
+    };
-      return combineAndFlatten(obsList);
-    } else {
-      return observableOf([]);
+    /**
+     * Puts the initial top level communities in a list to be called upon
+     */
+    private initTopCommunityList(): void {
+        this.payloads$ = [this.communityDataService.findTop({
+            currentPage: this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage,
+            elementsPerPage: this.topCommunitiesConfig.pageSize,
+            sort: {
+                field: this.topCommunitiesSortConfig.field,
+                direction: this.topCommunitiesSortConfig.direction
+            }
+        }).pipe(
+            take(1),
+            map((results) => results.payload),
+        )];
-  }
-  /**
-   * Transforms a community in a list of FlatNodes containing firstly a flatnode of the community itself,
-   *      followed by flatNodes of its possible subcommunities and collection
-   * It gets called recursively for each subcommunity to add its subcommunities and collections to the list
-   * Number of subcommunities and collections added, is dependant on the current page the parent is at for respectively subcommunities and collections.
-   * @param community         Community being transformed
-   * @param level             Depth of the community in the list, subcommunities and collections go one level deeper
-   * @param parent            Flatnode of the parent community
-   * @param expandedNodes     List of nodes which are expanded, if node is not expanded, it need not add its page-limited subcommunities or collections
-   */
-  public transformCommunity(community: Community, level: number, parent: FlatNode, expandedNodes: FlatNode[]): Observable<FlatNode[]> {
-    let isExpanded = false;
-    if (isNotEmpty(expandedNodes)) {
-      isExpanded = hasValue(expandedNodes.find((node) => ( ===;
+    /**
+     * Transforms a list of communities to a list of FlatNodes according to the instructions detailed in transformCommunity
+     * @param listOfPaginatedCommunities    Paginated list of communities to be transformed
+     * @param level                         Level the tree is currently at
+     * @param parent                        FlatNode of the parent of this list of communities
+     * @param expandedNodes                 List of expanded nodes; if a node is not expanded its subcommunities and collections need not be added to the list
+     */
+    public transformListOfCommunities(listOfPaginatedCommunities: PaginatedList<Community>,
+                                      level: number,
+                                      parent: FlatNode,
+                                      expandedNodes: FlatNode[]): Observable<FlatNode[]> {
+        if (isNotEmpty( {
+            let currentPage = this.topCommunitiesConfig.currentPage;
+            if (isNotEmpty(parent)) {
+                currentPage = expandedNodes.find((node: FlatNode) => ===;
+            }
+            const isNotAllCommunities = (listOfPaginatedCommunities.totalElements > (listOfPaginatedCommunities.elementsPerPage * currentPage));
+            let obsList =
+                .map((community: Community) => {
+                    return this.transformCommunity(community, level, parent, expandedNodes)
+                });
+            if (isNotAllCommunities && listOfPaginatedCommunities.currentPage > currentPage) {
+                obsList = [...obsList, observableOf([showMoreFlatNode('community', level, parent)])];
+            }
+            return combineAndFlatten(obsList);
+        } else {
+            return observableOf([]);
+        }
-    const isExpandable = this.getIsExpandable(community);
+    /**
+     * Transforms a community in a list of FlatNodes containing firstly a flatnode of the community itself,
+     *      followed by flatNodes of its possible subcommunities and collection
+     * It gets called recursively for each subcommunity to add its subcommunities and collections to the list
+     * Number of subcommunities and collections added, is dependant on the current page the parent is at for respectively subcommunities and collections.
+     * @param community         Community being transformed
+     * @param level             Depth of the community in the list, subcommunities and collections go one level deeper
+     * @param parent            Flatnode of the parent community
+     * @param expandedNodes     List of nodes which are expanded, if node is not expanded, it need not add its page-limited subcommunities or collections
+     */
+    public transformCommunity(community: Community, level: number, parent: FlatNode, expandedNodes: FlatNode[]): Observable<FlatNode[]> {
+        let isExpanded = false;
+        if (isNotEmpty(expandedNodes)) {
+            isExpanded = hasValue(expandedNodes.find((node) => ( ===;
+        }
+        const isExpandable$ = this.getIsExpandable(community);
-    const communityFlatNode = toFlatNode(community, isExpandable, level, isExpanded, parent);
+        const communityFlatNode = toFlatNode(community, isExpandable$, level, isExpanded, parent);
-    let obsList = [observableOf([communityFlatNode])];
+        let obsList = [observableOf([communityFlatNode])];
-    if (isExpanded) {
-      const currentCommunityPage = expandedNodes.find((node: FlatNode) => ===;
-      let subcoms = [];
-      for (let i = 1; i <= currentCommunityPage; i++) {
-        const nextSetOfSubcommunitiesPage = this.communityDataService.findByParent(community.uuid, {
-          elementsPerPage: this.maxSubCommunitiesPerPage,
-          currentPage: i
-        })
-          .pipe(
-            filter((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Community>>) => rd.hasSucceeded),
-            take(1),
-            switchMap((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Community>>) =>
-              this.transformListOfCommunities(rd.payload, level + 1, communityFlatNode, expandedNodes))
-          );
+        if (isExpanded) {
+            const currentCommunityPage = expandedNodes.find((node: FlatNode) => ===;
+            let subcoms = [];
+            for (let i = 1; i <= currentCommunityPage; i++) {
+                const nextSetOfSubcommunitiesPage = this.communityDataService.findByParent(community.uuid, {
+                    elementsPerPage: this.maxSubCommunitiesPerPage,
+                    currentPage: i
+                })
+                    .pipe(
+                        filter((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Community>>) => rd.hasSucceeded),
+                        take(1),
+                        switchMap((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Community>>) =>
+                            this.transformListOfCommunities(rd.payload, level + 1, communityFlatNode, expandedNodes))
+                    );
-        subcoms = [...subcoms, nextSetOfSubcommunitiesPage];
-      }
+                subcoms = [...subcoms, nextSetOfSubcommunitiesPage];
+            }
-      obsList = [...obsList, combineAndFlatten(subcoms)];
+            obsList = [...obsList, combineAndFlatten(subcoms)];
-      const currentCollectionPage = expandedNodes.find((node: FlatNode) => ===;
-      let collections = [];
-      for (let i = 1; i <= currentCollectionPage; i++) {
-        const nextSetOfCollectionsPage = this.collectionDataService.findByParent(community.uuid, {
-          elementsPerPage: this.maxCollectionsPerPage,
-          currentPage: i
-        })
-          .pipe(
-            filter((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Collection>>) => rd.hasSucceeded),
-            take(1),
-            map((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Collection>>) => {
-              let nodes =
-                .map((collection: Collection) => toFlatNode(collection, false, level + 1, false, communityFlatNode));
-              if ((rd.payload.elementsPerPage * currentCollectionPage) < rd.payload.totalElements && rd.payload.currentPage > currentCollectionPage) {
-                nodes = [...nodes, showMoreFlatNode('collection', level + 1, communityFlatNode)];
-              }
-              return nodes;
-            }),
-          );
-        collections = [...collections, nextSetOfCollectionsPage];
-      }
-      obsList = [...obsList, combineAndFlatten(collections)];
+            const currentCollectionPage = expandedNodes.find((node: FlatNode) => ===;
+            let collections = [];
+            for (let i = 1; i <= currentCollectionPage; i++) {
+                const nextSetOfCollectionsPage = this.collectionDataService.findByParent(community.uuid, {
+                    elementsPerPage: this.maxCollectionsPerPage,
+                    currentPage: i
+                })
+                    .pipe(
+                        filter((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Collection>>) => rd.hasSucceeded),
+                        take(1),
+                        map((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Collection>>) => {
+                            let nodes =
+                                .map((collection: Collection) => toFlatNode(collection, observableOf(false), level + 1, false, communityFlatNode));
+                            if ((rd.payload.elementsPerPage * currentCollectionPage) < rd.payload.totalElements && rd.payload.currentPage > currentCollectionPage) {
+                                nodes = [...nodes, showMoreFlatNode('collection', level + 1, communityFlatNode)];
+                            }
+                            return nodes;
+                        }),
+                    );
+                collections = [...collections, nextSetOfCollectionsPage];
+            }
+            obsList = [...obsList, combineAndFlatten(collections)];
+        }
+        return combineAndFlatten(obsList);
-    return combineAndFlatten(obsList);
-  }
+    /**
+     * Checks if a community has subcommunities or collections by querying the respective services with a pageSize = 0
+     *      Returns an observable that combines the result.payload.totalElements fo the observables that the
+     *          respective services return when queried
+     * @param community     Community being checked whether it is expandable (if it has subcommunities or collections)
+     */
+    public getIsExpandable(community: Community): Observable<boolean> {
+        let hasSubcoms$: Observable<boolean>;
+        let hasColls$: Observable<boolean>;
+        hasSubcoms$ = this.communityDataService.findByParent(community.uuid, {elementsPerPage: 1})
+            .pipe(
+                filter((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Community>>) => rd.hasSucceeded),
+                take(1),
+                map((results) => results.payload.totalElements > 0),
+            );
-  /**
-   * Checks if a community has subcommunities or collections by querying the respective services with a pageSize = 0
-   *      If it does, it is expandable => returns true, false if not
-   * @param community     Community being checked whether it is expandable (if it has subcommunities or collections)
-   */
-  public getIsExpandable(community: Community): boolean {
-    let isExpandable = true;
-    let nrOfSubcoms;
-    let nrOfColl;
-    this.communityDataService.findByParent(community.uuid, { elementsPerPage: 0 })
-      .pipe(
-        filter((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Community>>) => rd.hasSucceeded),
-        take(1),
-      )
-      .subscribe((result) => {
-        if (result.payload.totalElements === 0) {
-          nrOfSubcoms = result.payload.totalElements;
-        }
-        ;
-      });
+        hasColls$ = this.collectionDataService.findByParent(community.uuid, {elementsPerPage: 1})
+            .pipe(
+                filter((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Community>>) => rd.hasSucceeded),
+                take(1),
+                map((results) => results.payload.totalElements > 0),
+            );
-    this.collectionDataService.findByParent(community.uuid, { elementsPerPage: 0 })
-      .pipe(
-        filter((rd: RemoteData<PaginatedList<Collection>>) => rd.hasSucceeded),
-        take(1),
-      )
-      .subscribe((result) => {
-        if (result.payload.totalElements === 0) {
-          nrOfColl = result.payload.totalElements;
-        }
-        ;
-      });
-    if (nrOfSubcoms === 0 && nrOfColl === 0) {
-      isExpandable = false;
+        let hasChildren$: Observable<boolean>;
+        hasChildren$ = observableCombineLatest(hasSubcoms$, hasColls$).pipe(
+            take(1),
+            map((result: [boolean]) => {
+                if (result[0] || result[1]) {
+                    return true;
+                } else {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            })
+        );
+        return hasChildren$;
-    return isExpandable;
-  }
diff --git a/src/app/community-list-page/community-list/community-list.component.html b/src/app/community-list-page/community-list/community-list.component.html
index fdec67d67c..9f8f511b12 100644
--- a/src/app/community-list-page/community-list/community-list.component.html
+++ b/src/app/community-list-page/community-list/community-list.component.html
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
       <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" cdkTreeNodeToggle
               [attr.aria-label]="'toggle ' +"
-              [ngClass]="node.isExpandable ? 'visible' : 'invisible'">
+              [ngClass]="(node.isExpandable$ | async) ? 'visible' : 'invisible'">
         <span class="{{node.isExpanded ? 'fa fa-chevron-down' : 'fa fa-chevron-right'}}"
diff --git a/src/app/community-list-page/community-list/community-list.component.ts b/src/app/community-list-page/community-list/community-list.component.ts
index 622d03237e..c51c4adde8 100644
--- a/src/app/community-list-page/community-list/community-list.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/community-list-page/community-list/community-list.component.ts
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export class CommunityListComponent implements OnInit {
   public loadingNode: FlatNode;
   treeControl = new FlatTreeControl<FlatNode>(
-    (node) => node.level, (node) => node.isExpandable
+    (node) => node.level, (node) => true
   dataSource: CommunityListDatasource;
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export class CommunityListComponent implements OnInit {
   // whether or not this node has children (subcommunities or collections)
   hasChild(_: number, node: FlatNode) {
-    return node.isExpandable;
+    return node.isExpandable$;
   // whether or not it is a show more node (contains no data, but is indication that there are more topcoms, subcoms or collections
@@ -68,15 +68,13 @@ export class CommunityListComponent implements OnInit {
   getNextPage(node: FlatNode): void {
     this.loadingNode = node;
     if (node.parent != null) {
-      if (node.parent.isExpandable) {
-        if ( === 'collection') {
-          const parentNodeInExpandedNodes = this.expandedNodes.find((node2: FlatNode) => ===;
-          parentNodeInExpandedNodes.currentCollectionPage++;
-        }
-        if ( === 'community') {
-          const parentNodeInExpandedNodes = this.expandedNodes.find((node2: FlatNode) => ===;
-          parentNodeInExpandedNodes.currentCommunityPage++;
-        }
+      if ( === 'collection') {
+        const parentNodeInExpandedNodes = this.expandedNodes.find((node2: FlatNode) => ===;
+        parentNodeInExpandedNodes.currentCollectionPage++;
+      }
+      if ( === 'community') {
+        const parentNodeInExpandedNodes = this.expandedNodes.find((node2: FlatNode) => ===;
+        parentNodeInExpandedNodes.currentCommunityPage++;
     } else {