import {combineLatest as observableCombineLatest, Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { RemoteData } from '../../core/data/remote-data'; import { PaginatedList } from '../../core/data/paginated-list'; import { ItemDataService } from '../../core/data/item-data.service'; import { PaginationComponentOptions } from '../../shared/pagination/pagination-component-options.model'; import { SortDirection, SortOptions } from '../../core/cache/models/sort-options.model'; import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'; import { hasValue, isNotEmpty } from '../../shared/empty.util'; import { BrowseService } from '../../core/browse/browse.service'; import { BrowseEntry } from '../../core/shared/browse-entry.model'; import { Item } from '../../core/shared/item.model'; @Component({ selector: 'ds-browse-by-metadata-page', styleUrls: ['./browse-by-metadata-page.component.scss'], templateUrl: './browse-by-metadata-page.component.html' }) /** * Component for browsing (items) by metadata definition * A metadata definition is a short term used to describe one or multiple metadata fields. * An example would be 'author' for 'dc.contributor.*' */ export class BrowseByMetadataPageComponent implements OnInit { /** * The list of browse-entries to display */ browseEntries$: Observable<RemoteData<PaginatedList<BrowseEntry>>>; /** * The list of items to display when a value is present */ items$: Observable<RemoteData<PaginatedList<Item>>>; /** * The pagination config used to display the values */ paginationConfig: PaginationComponentOptions = Object.assign(new PaginationComponentOptions(), { id: 'browse-by-metadata-pagination', currentPage: 1, pageSize: 20 }); /** * The sorting config used to sort the values (defaults to Ascending) */ sortConfig: SortOptions = new SortOptions('default', SortDirection.ASC); /** * List of subscriptions */ subs: Subscription[] = []; /** * The current URL * used for navigation when clicking values */ currentUrl: string; /** * The default metadata definition to resort to when none is provided */ defaultMetadata = 'author'; /** * The current metadata definition */ metadata = this.defaultMetadata; /** * The value we're browing items for * - When the value is not empty, we're browing items * - When the value is empty, we're browing browse-entries (values for the given metadata definition) */ value = ''; public constructor(private itemDataService: ItemDataService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private browseService: BrowseService) { } ngOnInit(): void { this.currentUrl = this.route.snapshot.pathFromRoot .map((snapshot) => (snapshot.routeConfig) ? snapshot.routeConfig.path : '') .join('/'); this.updatePage({ pagination: this.paginationConfig, sort: this.sortConfig }); this.subs.push( observableCombineLatest( this.route.params, this.route.queryParams, (params, queryParams, ) => { return Object.assign({}, params, queryParams); }) .subscribe((params) => { this.metadata = params.metadata || this.defaultMetadata; const page = || this.paginationConfig.currentPage; const pageSize = +params.pageSize || this.paginationConfig.pageSize; const sortDirection = params.sortDirection || this.sortConfig.direction; const sortField = params.sortField || this.sortConfig.field; const scope = params.scope; this.value = +params.value || params.value || ''; const pagination = Object.assign({}, this.paginationConfig, { currentPage: page, pageSize: pageSize } ); const sort = Object.assign({}, this.sortConfig, { direction: sortDirection, field: sortField } ); const searchOptions = { metadata: this.metadata, pagination: pagination, sort: sort, scope: scope }; if (isNotEmpty(this.value)) { this.updatePageWithItems(searchOptions, this.value); } else { this.updatePage(searchOptions); } })); } /** * Updates the current page with searchOptions * @param searchOptions Options to narrow down your search: * { pagination: PaginationComponentOptions, * sort: SortOptions } */ updatePage(searchOptions) { this.browseEntries$ = this.browseService.getBrowseEntriesFor(searchOptions.metadata, searchOptions); this.items$ = undefined; } /** * Updates the current page with searchOptions and display items linked to author * @param searchOptions Options to narrow down your search: * { pagination: PaginationComponentOptions, * sort: SortOptions } * @param author The author's name for displaying items */ updatePageWithItems(searchOptions, author: string) { this.items$ = this.browseService.getBrowseItemsFor(searchOptions.metadata, author, searchOptions); } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.subs.filter((sub) => hasValue(sub)).forEach((sub) => sub.unsubscribe()); } }