import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription'; import { isNumeric } from 'rxjs/util/isNumeric'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import { HostWindowService } from '../host-window.service'; import { HostWindowState } from '../host-window.reducer'; import { PaginationComponentOptions } from './pagination-component-options.model'; import { SortDirection, SortOptions } from '../../core/cache/models/sort-options.model'; import { hasValue, isUndefined } from '../empty.util'; import { PageInfo } from '../../core/shared/page-info.model'; /** * The default pagination controls component. */ @Component({ exportAs: 'paginationComponent', selector: 'ds-pagination', styleUrls: ['pagination.component.scss'], templateUrl: 'pagination.component.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated }) export class PaginationComponent implements OnDestroy, OnInit { /** * Number of items in collection. */ @Input() collectionSize: number; /** * Page state of a Remote paginated objects. */ @Input() pageInfoState: Observable<PageInfo> = undefined; /** * Configuration for the NgbPagination component. */ @Input() paginationOptions: PaginationComponentOptions; /** * Sort configuration for this component. */ @Input() sortOptions: SortOptions; /** * An event fired when the page is changed. * Event's payload equals to the newly selected page. */ @Output() pageChange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>(); /** * An event fired when the page wsize is changed. * Event's payload equals to the newly selected page size. */ @Output() pageSizeChange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>(); /** * An event fired when the sort direction is changed. * Event's payload equals to the newly selected sort direction. */ @Output() sortDirectionChange: EventEmitter<SortDirection> = new EventEmitter<SortDirection>(); /** * An event fired when the sort field is changed. * Event's payload equals to the newly selected sort field. */ @Output() sortFieldChange: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>(); /** * Option for hiding the gear */ @Input() public hideGear = false; /** * Option for hiding the pager when there is less than 2 pages */ @Input() public hidePagerWhenSinglePage = true; /** * Current page. */ public currentPage; /** * Current page in the state of a Remote paginated objects. */ public currentPageState: number = undefined; /** * Current URL query parameters */ public currentQueryParams = {}; /** * An observable of HostWindowState type */ public hostWindow: Observable<HostWindowState>; /** * ID for the pagination instance. Only useful if you wish to * have more than once instance at a time in a given component. */ private id: string; /** * A boolean that indicate if is an extra small devices viewport. */ public isXs: boolean; /** * Number of items per page. */ public pageSize; /** * Declare SortDirection enumeration to use it in the template */ public sortDirections = SortDirection; /** * A number array that represents options for a context pagination limit. */ private pageSizeOptions: number[]; /** * Direction in which to sort: ascending or descending */ public sortDirection: SortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending; /** * Name of the field that's used to sort by */ public sortField = 'id'; /** * Local variable, which can be used in the template to access the paginate controls ngbDropdown methods and properties */ public paginationControls; /** * Array to track all subscriptions and unsubscribe them onDestroy * @type {Array} */ private subs: Subscription[] = []; /** * An object that represents pagination details of the current viewed page */ public showingDetail: any = { range: null, total: null }; /** * Method provided by Angular. Invoked after the constructor. */ ngOnInit() { this.subs.push(this.hostWindowService.isXs() .subscribe((status: boolean) => { this.isXs = status; this.cdRef.markForCheck(); })); this.checkConfig(this.paginationOptions); = || null; this.pageSizeOptions = this.paginationOptions.pageSizeOptions; this.subs.push(this.route.queryParams .filter((queryParams) => hasValue(queryParams)) .subscribe((queryParams) => { this.currentQueryParams = queryParams; if ( === queryParams.pageId && (this.paginationOptions.currentPage !== || this.paginationOptions.pageSize !== +queryParams.pageSize || this.sortOptions.direction !== +queryParams.sortDirection || this.sortOptions.field !== queryParams.sortField) ) { this.validateParams(, queryParams.pageSize, queryParams.sortDirection, queryParams.sortField); } else if (isUndefined(queryParams.pageId) && !isUndefined(this.currentPage)) { // When moving back from a page with query params to page without them, initialize to the first page this.doPageChange(1); } else { this.currentPage = this.paginationOptions.currentPage; this.pageSize = this.paginationOptions.pageSize; this.sortDirection = this.sortOptions.direction; this.sortField = this.sortOptions.field; } this.setShowingDetail(); })); } /** * Method provided by Angular. Invoked when the instance is destroyed. */ ngOnDestroy() { this.subs .filter((sub) => hasValue(sub)) .forEach((sub) => sub.unsubscribe()); } /** * @param route * Route is a singleton service provided by Angular. * @param router * Router is a singleton service provided by Angular. */ constructor( private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, public hostWindowService: HostWindowService) { } /** * Method to set set new page and update route parameters * * @param page * The page being navigated to. */ public doPageChange(page: number) { this.currentPage = page; this.updateRoute(); this.setShowingDetail(); this.pageChange.emit(page); } /** * Method to set set new page size and update route parameters * * @param pageSize * The new page size. */ public setPageSize(pageSize: number) { this.pageSize = pageSize; this.doPageChange(1); this.updateRoute(); this.setShowingDetail(); this.pageSizeChange.emit(pageSize); } /** * Method to set set new sort direction and update route parameters * * @param sortDirection * The new sort direction. */ public setSortDirection(sortDirection: SortDirection) { this.sortDirection = sortDirection; this.doPageChange(1); this.updateRoute(); this.setShowingDetail(); this.sortDirectionChange.emit(sortDirection); } /** * Method to set set new sort field and update route parameters * * @param sortField * The new sort field. */ public setSortField(field: string) { this.sortField = field; this.doPageChange(1); this.updateRoute(); this.setShowingDetail(); this.sortFieldChange.emit(field); } /** * Method to update the route parameters */ private updateRoute() { this.router.navigate([], { queryParams: Object.assign({}, this.currentQueryParams, { pageId:, page: this.currentPage, pageSize: this.pageSize, sortDirection: this.sortDirection, sortField: this.sortField }) }); } /** * Method to set pagination details of the current viewed page. */ private setShowingDetail() { let firstItem; let lastItem; const pageMax = this.pageSize * this.currentPage; firstItem = this.pageSize * (this.currentPage - 1) + 1; if (this.collectionSize > pageMax) { lastItem = pageMax; } else { lastItem = this.collectionSize; } this.showingDetail = { range: firstItem + ' - ' + lastItem, total: this.collectionSize } } /** * Validate query params * * @param page * The page number to validate * @param pageSize * The page size to validate */ private validateParams(page: any, pageSize: any, sortDirection: any, sortField: any) { // tslint:disable-next-line:triple-equals let filteredPageSize = this.pageSizeOptions.find((x) => x == pageSize); if (!isNumeric(page) || !filteredPageSize) { const filteredPage = isNumeric(page) ? page : this.currentPage; filteredPageSize = (filteredPageSize) ? filteredPageSize : this.pageSize; this.router.navigate([], { queryParams: { pageId:, page: filteredPage, pageSize: filteredPageSize, sortDirection: sortDirection, sortField: sortField } }); } else { // (+) converts string to a number if (this.currentPage !== +page) { this.currentPage = +page; this.pageChange.emit(this.currentPage); } if (this.pageSize !== +pageSize) { this.pageSize = +pageSize; this.pageSizeChange.emit(this.pageSize); } if (this.sortDirection !== +sortDirection) { this.sortDirection = +sortDirection; this.sortDirectionChange.emit(this.sortDirection); } if (this.sortField !== sortField) { this.sortField = sortField; this.sortFieldChange.emit(this.sortField); } this.cdRef.detectChanges(); } } /** * Ensure options passed contains the required properties. * * @param paginateOptions * The paginate options object. */ private checkConfig(paginateOptions: any) { const required = ['id', 'currentPage', 'pageSize', 'pageSizeOptions']; const missing = required.filter((prop) => { return !(prop in paginateOptions); }); if (0 < missing.length) { throw new Error('Paginate: Argument is missing the following required properties: ' + missing.join(', ')); } } get hasMultiplePages(): boolean { return this.collectionSize > this.pageSize; } get shouldShowBottomPager(): boolean { return this.hasMultiplePages || !this.hidePagerWhenSinglePage } }