import { FormFieldModel } from '../models/form-field.model'; import { OneboxFieldParser } from './onebox-field-parser'; import { DynamicQualdropModel } from '../ds-dynamic-form-ui/models/ds-dynamic-qualdrop.model'; import { DynamicTypeaheadModel } from '../ds-dynamic-form-ui/models/typeahead/dynamic-typeahead.model'; import { DsDynamicInputModel } from '../ds-dynamic-form-ui/models/ds-dynamic-input.model'; describe('OneboxFieldParser test suite', () => { let field1: FormFieldModel; let field2: FormFieldModel; let field3: FormFieldModel; const authorityUuid = 'testScopeUUID'; const initFormValues = {}; const readOnly = false; beforeEach(() => { field1 = { input: {type: 'onebox'}, label: 'Title', mandatory: 'false', repeatable: false, hints: 'Enter the name of the events, if any.', selectableMetadata: [ { metadata: 'title', authority: 'EVENTAuthority', closed: false } ], languageCodes: [] } as FormFieldModel; field2 = { hints: 'If the item has any identification numbers or codes associated withâµ it, please enter the types and the actual numbers or codes.', input: {type: 'onebox'}, label: 'Identifiers', languageCodes: [], mandatory: 'false', repeatable: false, selectableMetadata: [ {metadata: 'dc.identifier.issn', label: 'ISSN'}, {metadata: 'dc.identifier.other', label: 'Other'}, {metadata: 'dc.identifier.ismn', label: 'ISMN'}, {metadata: 'dc.identifier.govdoc', label: 'Gov\'t Doc #'}, {metadata: 'dc.identifier.uri', label: 'URI'}, {metadata: 'dc.identifier.isbn', label: 'ISBN'}, {metadata: 'dc.identifier.doi', label: 'DOI'}, {metadata: 'dc.identifier.pmid', label: 'PubMed ID'}, {metadata: 'dc.identifier.arxiv', label: 'arXiv'} ] } as FormFieldModel; field3 = { input: {type: 'onebox'}, label: 'Title', mandatory: 'false', repeatable: false, hints: 'Enter the name of the events, if any.', selectableMetadata: [ { metadata: 'title', } ], languageCodes: [] } as FormFieldModel; }); it('should init parser properly', () => { const parser = new OneboxFieldParser(field1, initFormValues, readOnly, authorityUuid); expect(parser instanceof OneboxFieldParser).toBe(true); }); it('should return a DynamicQualdropModel object when selectableMetadata is multiple', () => { const parser = new OneboxFieldParser(field2, initFormValues, readOnly, authorityUuid); const fieldModel = parser.parse(); expect(fieldModel instanceof DynamicQualdropModel).toBe(true); }); it('should return a DsDynamicInputModel object when selectableMetadata is not multiple', () => { const parser = new OneboxFieldParser(field3, initFormValues, readOnly, authorityUuid); const fieldModel = parser.parse(); expect(fieldModel instanceof DsDynamicInputModel).toBe(true); }); it('should return a DynamicTypeaheadModel object when selectableMetadata has authority', () => { const parser = new OneboxFieldParser(field1, initFormValues, readOnly, authorityUuid); const fieldModel = parser.parse(); expect(fieldModel instanceof DynamicTypeaheadModel).toBe(true); }); });