import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http'; import { createSelector, MemoizedSelector, select, Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { Observable, race as observableRace } from 'rxjs'; import { filter, map, mergeMap, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { cloneDeep, remove } from 'lodash'; import { AppState } from '../../app.reducer'; import { hasValue, isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from '../../shared/empty.util'; import { CacheableObject } from '../cache/object-cache.reducer'; import { ObjectCacheService } from '../cache/object-cache.service'; import { CoreState } from '../core.reducers'; import { IndexName, IndexState, MetaIndexState } from '../index/index.reducer'; import { originalRequestUUIDFromRequestUUIDSelector, requestIndexSelector, uuidFromHrefSelector } from '../index/index.selectors'; import { UUIDService } from '../shared/uuid.service'; import { RequestConfigureAction, RequestExecuteAction, RequestRemoveAction } from './request.actions'; import { GetRequest, RestRequest } from './request.models'; import { RequestEntry, RequestState } from './request.reducer'; import { CommitSSBAction } from '../cache/server-sync-buffer.actions'; import { RestRequestMethod } from './rest-request-method'; import { AddToIndexAction, RemoveFromIndexBySubstringAction } from '../index/index.actions'; import { coreSelector } from '../core.selectors'; /** * The base selector function to select the request state in the store */ const requestCacheSelector = createSelector( coreSelector, (state: CoreState) => state['data/request'] ); /** * Selector function to select a request entry by uuid from the cache * @param uuid The uuid of the request */ const entryFromUUIDSelector = (uuid: string): MemoizedSelector<CoreState, RequestEntry> => createSelector( requestCacheSelector, (state: RequestState) => { return hasValue(state) ? state[uuid] : undefined; } ); /** * Create a selector that fetches a list of request UUIDs from a given index substate of which the request href * contains a given substring * @param selector MemoizedSelector to start from * @param href Substring that the request's href should contain */ const uuidsFromHrefSubstringSelector = (selector: MemoizedSelector<AppState, IndexState>, href: string): MemoizedSelector<AppState, string[]> => createSelector( selector, (state: IndexState) => getUuidsFromHrefSubstring(state, href) ); /** * Fetch a list of request UUIDs from a given index substate of which the request href contains a given substring * @param state The IndexState * @param href Substring that the request's href should contain */ const getUuidsFromHrefSubstring = (state: IndexState, href: string): string[] => { let result = []; if (isNotEmpty(state)) { result = Object.keys(state).filter((key) => key.startsWith(href)).map((key) => state[key]); } return result; }; /** * A service to interact with the request state in the store */ @Injectable() export class RequestService { private requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore: string[] = []; constructor(private objectCache: ObjectCacheService, private uuidService: UUIDService, private store: Store<CoreState>, private indexStore: Store<MetaIndexState>) { } generateRequestId(): string { return `client/${this.uuidService.generate()}`; } /** * Check if a request is currently pending */ isPending(request: GetRequest): boolean { // first check requests that haven't made it to the store yet if (this.requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore.includes(request.href)) { return true; } // then check the store let isPending = false; this.getByHref(request.href).pipe( take(1)) .subscribe((re: RequestEntry) => { isPending = (hasValue(re) && !re.completed) }); return isPending; } /** * Retrieve a RequestEntry based on their uuid */ getByUUID(uuid: string): Observable<RequestEntry> { return observableRace(, select(originalRequestUUIDFromRequestUUIDSelector(uuid)), mergeMap((originalUUID) => { return }, )) ).pipe( map((entry: RequestEntry) => { // Headers break after being retrieved from the store (because of lazy initialization) // Combining them with a new object fixes this issue if (hasValue(entry) && hasValue(entry.request) && hasValue(entry.request.options) && hasValue(entry.request.options.headers)) { entry = cloneDeep(entry); entry.request.options.headers = Object.assign(new HttpHeaders(), entry.request.options.headers) } return entry; }) ); } /** * Retrieve a RequestEntry based on their href */ getByHref(href: string): Observable<RequestEntry> { return select(uuidFromHrefSelector(href)), mergeMap((uuid: string) => this.getByUUID(uuid)) ); } /** * Configure a certain request * Used to make sure a request is in the cache * @param {RestRequest} request The request to send out * @param {boolean} forceBypassCache When true, a new request is always dispatched */ configure<T extends CacheableObject>(request: RestRequest, forceBypassCache: boolean = false): void { const isGetRequest = request.method === RestRequestMethod.GET; if (forceBypassCache) { this.clearRequestsOnTheirWayToTheStore(request); } if (!isGetRequest || (forceBypassCache && !this.isPending(request)) || !this.isCachedOrPending(request)) { this.dispatchRequest(request); if (isGetRequest) { this.trackRequestsOnTheirWayToTheStore(request); } } else { this.getByHref(request.href).pipe( filter((entry) => hasValue(entry)), take(1) ).subscribe((entry) => { return AddToIndexAction(IndexName.UUID_MAPPING, request.uuid, entry.request.uuid)) } ) } } /** * Convert request Payload to a URL-encoded string * * e.g. uriEncodeBody({param: value, param1: value1}) * returns: param=value¶m1=value1 * * @param body * The request Payload to convert * @return string * URL-encoded string */ public uriEncodeBody(body: any) { let queryParams = ''; if (isNotEmpty(body) && typeof body === 'object') { Object.keys(body) .forEach((param) => { const paramValue = `${param}=${body[param]}`; queryParams = isEmpty(queryParams) ? queryParams.concat(paramValue) : queryParams.concat('&', paramValue); }) } return encodeURI(queryParams); } /** * Remove all request cache providing (part of) the href * This also includes href-to-uuid index cache * @param href A substring of the request(s) href */ removeByHrefSubstring(href: string) { select(uuidsFromHrefSubstringSelector(requestIndexSelector, href)), take(1) ).subscribe((uuids: string[]) => { for (const uuid of uuids) { this.removeByUuid(uuid); } }); this.requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore = this.requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore.filter((reqHref: string) => reqHref.indexOf(href) < 0); this.indexStore.dispatch(new RemoveFromIndexBySubstringAction(IndexName.REQUEST, href)); } /** * Remove request cache using the request's UUID * @param uuid */ removeByUuid(uuid: string) { RequestRemoveAction(uuid)); } /** * Check if a request is in the cache or if it's still pending * @param {GetRequest} request The request to check * @returns {boolean} True if the request is cached or still pending */ public isCachedOrPending(request: GetRequest): boolean { const inReqCache = this.hasByHref(request.href); const inObjCache = this.objectCache.hasBySelfLink(request.href); const isCached = inReqCache || inObjCache; const isPending = this.isPending(request); return isCached || isPending; } /** * Configure and execute the request * @param {RestRequest} request to dispatch */ private dispatchRequest(request: RestRequest) { RequestConfigureAction(request)); RequestExecuteAction(request.uuid)); } /** * ngrx action dispatches are asynchronous. But this.isPending needs to return true as soon as the * configure method for a GET request has been executed, otherwise certain requests will happen multiple times. * * This method will store the href of every GET request that gets configured in a local variable, and * remove it as soon as it can be found in the store. */ private trackRequestsOnTheirWayToTheStore(request: GetRequest) { this.requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore = [...this.requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore, request.href]; this.getByHref(request.href).pipe( filter((re: RequestEntry) => hasValue(re)), take(1) ).subscribe((re: RequestEntry) => { this.requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore = this.requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore.filter((pendingHref: string) => pendingHref !== request.href) }); } /** * This method remove requests that are on their way to the store. */ private clearRequestsOnTheirWayToTheStore(request: GetRequest) { this.getByHref(request.href).pipe( filter((re: RequestEntry) => hasValue(re)), take(1) ).subscribe((re: RequestEntry) => { if (!re.responsePending) { remove(this.requestsOnTheirWayToTheStore, (item) => item === request.href); } }); } /** * Dispatch commit action to send all changes (for a certain method) to the server (buffer) * @param {RestRequestMethod} method RestRequestMethod for which the changes should be committed */ commit(method?: RestRequestMethod) { CommitSSBAction(method)) } /** * Check whether a cached response should still be valid * * @param entry * the entry to check * @return boolean * false if the uuid has no value, the response was not successful or its time to * live was exceeded, true otherwise */ private isValid(entry: RequestEntry): boolean { if (hasValue(entry) && entry.completed && entry.response.isSuccessful) { const timeOutdated = entry.response.timeAdded + entry.request.responseMsToLive; const isOutDated = new Date().getTime() > timeOutdated; return !isOutDated; } else { return false; } } /** * Check whether the request with the specified href is cached * * @param href * The link of the request to check * @return boolean * true if the request with the specified href is cached, * false otherwise */ hasByHref(href: string): boolean { let result = false; this.getByHref(href).pipe( take(1) ).subscribe((requestEntry: RequestEntry) => result = this.isValid(requestEntry)); return result; } /** * Create an observable that emits a new value whenever the availability of the cached request changes. * The value it emits is a boolean stating if the request exists in cache or not. * @param href The href of the request to observe */ hasByHrefObservable(href: string): Observable<boolean> { return this.getByHref(href).pipe( map((requestEntry: RequestEntry) => this.isValid(requestEntry)) ); } }