import { hasNoValue, hasValue, isNotEmpty } from '../../shared/empty.util'; import { DSpaceRESTv2Serializer } from '../dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2.serializer'; import { CacheableObject } from '../cache/object-cache.reducer'; import { PageInfo } from '../shared/page-info.model'; import { ObjectCacheService } from '../cache/object-cache.service'; import { GlobalConfig } from '../../../config/global-config.interface'; import { GenericConstructor } from '../shared/generic-constructor'; import { PaginatedList } from './paginated-list'; import { NormalizedObject } from '../cache/models/normalized-object.model'; import { ResourceType } from '../shared/resource-type'; import { RESTURLCombiner } from '../url-combiner/rest-url-combiner'; function isObjectLevel(halObj: any) { return isNotEmpty(halObj._links) && hasValue(halObj._links.self); } function isPaginatedResponse(halObj: any) { return isNotEmpty( && hasValue(halObj._embedded); } /* tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file */ export abstract class BaseResponseParsingService { protected abstract EnvConfig: GlobalConfig; protected abstract objectCache: ObjectCacheService; protected abstract objectFactory: any; protected abstract toCache: boolean; protected process<ObjectDomain, ObjectType>(data: any, requestHref: string): any { if (isNotEmpty(data)) { if (hasNoValue(data) || (typeof data !== 'object')) { return data; } else if (isPaginatedResponse(data)) { return this.processPaginatedList(data, requestHref); } else if (Array.isArray(data)) { return this.processArray(data, requestHref); } else if (isObjectLevel(data)) { data = this.fixBadEPersonRestResponse(data); const object = this.deserialize(data); if (isNotEmpty(data._embedded)) { Object .keys(data._embedded) .filter((property) => data._embedded.hasOwnProperty(property)) .forEach((property) => { const parsedObj = this.process<ObjectDomain, ObjectType>(data._embedded[property], requestHref); if (isNotEmpty(parsedObj)) { if (isPaginatedResponse(data._embedded[property])) { object[property] = parsedObj; object[property].page = => obj.self); } else if (isObjectLevel(data._embedded[property])) { object[property] = parsedObj.self; } else if (Array.isArray(parsedObj)) { object[property] = => obj.self) } } }); } this.cache(object, requestHref); return object; } const result = {}; Object.keys(data) .filter((property) => data.hasOwnProperty(property)) .filter((property) => hasValue(data[property])) .forEach((property) => { const obj = this.process(data[property], requestHref); result[property] = obj; }); return result; } } protected processPaginatedList<ObjectDomain, ObjectType>(data: any, requestHref: string): PaginatedList<ObjectDomain> { const pageInfo: PageInfo = this.processPageInfo(data); let list = data._embedded; // Workaround for inconsistency in rest response. Issue: if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = this.flattenSingleKeyObject(list); } const page: ObjectDomain[] = this.processArray(list, requestHref); return new PaginatedList<ObjectDomain>(pageInfo, page); } protected processArray<ObjectDomain, ObjectType>(data: any, requestHref: string): ObjectDomain[] { let array: ObjectDomain[] = []; data.forEach((datum) => { array = [...array, this.process(datum, requestHref)]; } ); return array; } protected deserialize<ObjectDomain, ObjectType>(obj): any { const type: ObjectType = obj.type; if (hasValue(type)) { const normObjConstructor = this.objectFactory.getConstructor(type) as GenericConstructor<ObjectDomain>; if (hasValue(normObjConstructor)) { const serializer = new DSpaceRESTv2Serializer(normObjConstructor); const res = serializer.deserialize(obj); return res; } else { // TODO: move check to Validator? // throw new Error(`The server returned an object with an unknown a known type: ${type}`); return null; } } else { // TODO: move check to Validator // throw new Error(`The server returned an object without a type: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`); return null; } } protected cache<ObjectDomain, ObjectType>(obj, requestHref) { if (this.toCache) { this.addToObjectCache(obj, requestHref); } } protected addToObjectCache(co: CacheableObject, requestHref: string): void { if (hasNoValue(co) || hasNoValue(co.self)) { throw new Error('The server returned an invalid object'); } this.objectCache.add(co, this.EnvConfig.cache.msToLive, requestHref); } processPageInfo(payload: any): PageInfo { if (isNotEmpty( { const pageObj = Object.assign({},, { _links: payload._links }); const pageInfoObject = new DSpaceRESTv2Serializer(PageInfo).deserialize(pageObj); if (pageInfoObject.currentPage >= 0) { Object.assign(pageInfoObject, { currentPage: pageInfoObject.currentPage + 1 }); } return pageInfoObject } else { return undefined; } } protected flattenSingleKeyObject(obj: any): any { const keys = Object.keys(obj); if (keys.length !== 1) { throw new Error(`Expected an object with a single key, got: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`); } return obj[keys[0]]; } // TODO Remove when is fixed // See private fixBadEPersonRestResponse(obj: any): any { if (obj.type === ResourceType.EPerson) { const groups = obj.groups; const normGroups = []; if (isNotEmpty(groups)) { groups.forEach((group) => { const parts = ['eperson', 'groups', group.uuid]; const href = new RESTURLCombiner(this.EnvConfig,; normGroups.push(href); } ) } return Object.assign({}, obj, { groups: normGroups }); } return obj; } }