import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/internal/Observable'; import { RemoteData } from '../../../core/data/remote-data'; import { Item } from '../../../core/shared/item.model'; import { map, switchMap, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { UploaderOptions } from '../../../shared/uploader/uploader-options.model'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/internal/Subscription'; import { hasValue, isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from '../../../shared/empty.util'; import { ItemDataService } from '../../../core/data/item-data.service'; import { AuthService } from '../../../core/auth/auth.service'; import { NotificationsService } from '../../../shared/notifications/notifications.service'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { getBitstreamModulePath } from '../../../app-routing.module'; import { PaginatedList } from '../../../core/data/paginated-list'; import { Bundle } from '../../../core/shared/bundle.model'; import { BundleDataService } from '../../../core/data/bundle-data.service'; import { getFirstSucceededRemoteDataPayload } from '../../../core/shared/operators'; import { UploaderComponent } from '../../../shared/uploader/uploader.component'; import { getItemEditPath } from '../../item-page-routing.module'; import { RequestService } from '../../../core/data/request.service'; @Component({ selector: 'ds-upload-bitstream', templateUrl: './upload-bitstream.component.html' }) /** * Page component for uploading a bitstream to an item */ export class UploadBitstreamComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { /** * The file uploader component */ @ViewChild(UploaderComponent, {static: false}) uploaderComponent: UploaderComponent; /** * The ID of the item to upload a bitstream to */ itemId: string; /** * The item to upload a bitstream to */ itemRD$: Observable<RemoteData<Item>>; /** * The item's bundles */ bundlesRD$: Observable<RemoteData<PaginatedList<Bundle>>>; /** * The ID of the currently selected bundle to upload a bitstream to */ selectedBundleId: string; /** * The name of the currently selected bundle to upload a bitstream to */ selectedBundleName: string; /** * The uploader configuration options * @type {UploaderOptions} */ uploadFilesOptions: UploaderOptions = Object.assign(new UploaderOptions(), { // URL needs to contain something to not produce any errors. This will be replaced once a bundle has been selected. url: 'placeholder', authToken: null, disableMultipart: false, itemAlias: null }); /** * The prefix for all i18n notification messages within this component */ NOTIFICATIONS_PREFIX = 'item.bitstreams.upload.notifications.'; /** * Array to track all subscriptions and unsubscribe them onDestroy * @type {Array} */ subs: Subscription[] = []; constructor(protected route: ActivatedRoute, protected router: Router, protected itemService: ItemDataService, protected bundleService: BundleDataService, protected authService: AuthService, protected notificationsService: NotificationsService, protected translate: TranslateService, protected requestService: RequestService) { } /** * Initialize component properties: * itemRD$ Fetched from the current route data (populated by BitstreamPageResolver) * bundlesRD$ List of bundles on the item * selectedBundleId Starts off by checking if the route's queryParams contain a "bundle" parameter. If none is found, * the ID of the first bundle in the list is selected. * Calls setUploadUrl after setting the selected bundle */ ngOnInit(): void { this.itemId =; this.itemRD$ = => data.item)); this.bundlesRD$ = this.itemRD$.pipe( switchMap((itemRD: RemoteData<Item>) => itemRD.payload.bundles) ); this.selectedBundleId = this.route.snapshot.queryParams.bundle; if (isNotEmpty(this.selectedBundleId)) { this.bundleService.findById(this.selectedBundleId).pipe( getFirstSucceededRemoteDataPayload() ).subscribe((bundle: Bundle) => { this.selectedBundleName =; }); this.setUploadUrl(); } } /** * Create a new bundle with the filled in name on the current item */ createBundle() { this.itemService.createBundle(this.itemId, this.selectedBundleName).pipe( getFirstSucceededRemoteDataPayload() ).subscribe((bundle: Bundle) => { this.selectedBundleId =; this.notificationsService.success( this.translate.instant(this.NOTIFICATIONS_PREFIX + 'bundle.created.title'), this.translate.instant(this.NOTIFICATIONS_PREFIX + 'bundle.created.content') ); this.setUploadUrl(); }); } /** * The user changed the bundle name * Reset the bundle ID */ bundleNameChange() { this.selectedBundleId = undefined; } /** * Set the upload url to match the selected bundle ID */ setUploadUrl() { this.bundleService.getBitstreamsEndpoint(this.selectedBundleId).pipe(take(1)).subscribe((href: string) => { this.uploadFilesOptions.url = href; if (isEmpty(this.uploadFilesOptions.authToken)) { this.uploadFilesOptions.authToken = this.authService.buildAuthHeader(); } // Re-initialize the uploader component to ensure the latest changes to the options are applied if (this.uploaderComponent) { this.uploaderComponent.ngOnInit(); this.uploaderComponent.ngAfterViewInit(); } }); } /** * The request was successful, redirect the user to the new bitstream's edit page * @param bitstream */ public onCompleteItem(bitstream) { // Clear cached requests for this bundle's bitstreams to ensure lists on all pages are up-to-date this.bundleService.getBitstreamsEndpoint(this.selectedBundleId).pipe(take(1)).subscribe((href: string) => { this.requestService.removeByHrefSubstring(href); }); // Bring over the item ID as a query parameter const queryParams = { itemId: this.itemId }; this.router.navigate([getBitstreamModulePath(),, 'edit'], { queryParams: queryParams }); } /** * The request was unsuccessful, display an error notification */ public onUploadError() { this.notificationsService.error(null, this.translate.get(this.NOTIFICATIONS_PREFIX + 'upload.failed')); } /** * The user selected a bundle from the input suggestions * Set the bundle ID and Name properties, as well as the upload URL * @param bundle */ onClick(bundle: Bundle) { this.selectedBundleId =; this.selectedBundleName =; this.setUploadUrl(); } /** * When cancel is clicked, navigate back to the item's edit bitstreams page */ onCancel() { this.router.navigate([getItemEditPath(this.itemId), 'bitstreams']); } /** * @returns {string} the current URL */ getCurrentUrl() { return this.router.url; } /** * Unsubscribe from all open subscriptions when the component is destroyed */ ngOnDestroy(): void { this.subs .filter((subscription) => hasValue(subscription)) .forEach((subscription) => subscription.unsubscribe()); } }