import { filter, map, switchMap, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http'; import { HttpOptions } from '../dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2.service'; import { AuthStatus } from './models/auth-status.model'; import { isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from '../../shared/empty.util'; import { AuthService, LOGIN_ROUTE } from './auth.service'; import { AuthTokenInfo } from './models/auth-token-info.model'; import { CheckAuthenticationTokenAction } from './auth.actions'; import { EPerson } from '../eperson/models/eperson.model'; /** * The auth service. */ @Injectable() export class ServerAuthService extends AuthService { /** * Returns the authenticated user * @returns {User} */ public authenticatedUser(token: AuthTokenInfo): Observable<EPerson> { // Determine if the user has an existing auth session on the server const options: HttpOptions = Object.create({}); let headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers = headers.append('Accept', 'application/json'); headers = headers.append('Authorization', `Bearer ${token.accessToken}`); // NB this is used to pass server client IP check. const clientIp = this.req.get('x-forwarded-for') || this.req.connection.remoteAddress; headers = headers.append('X-Forwarded-For', clientIp); options.headers = headers; return this.authRequestService.getRequest('status', options).pipe( map((status) =>, switchMap((status: AuthStatus) => { if (status.authenticated) { return status.eperson.pipe(map((eperson) => eperson.payload)); } else { throw(new Error('Not authenticated')); } })); } /** * Checks if token is present into browser storage and is valid. (NB Check is done only on SSR) */ public checkAuthenticationToken() { CheckAuthenticationTokenAction()) } /** * Redirect to the route navigated before the login */ public redirectAfterLoginSuccess(isStandalonePage: boolean) { this.getRedirectUrl().pipe( take(1)) .subscribe((redirectUrl) => { if (isNotEmpty(redirectUrl)) { // override the route reuse strategy this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => { return false; }; this.router.navigated = false; const url = decodeURIComponent(redirectUrl); this.router.navigateByUrl(url); } else { // If redirectUrl is empty use history. For ssr the history array should contain the requested url. this.routeService.getHistory().pipe( filter((history) => history.length > 0), take(1) ).subscribe((history) => { this.navigateToRedirectUrl(history[history.length - 1] || ''); }); } }) } }