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from re import findall, sub, search
from json import dump
from time import sleep, time
from pprint import pformat

import mysql.connector
from pymongo import MongoClient, DESCENDING
from parse import parse

# Get the root password of the MySQL database
with open("config.yml") as file:
    line = file.readline()
    while "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: " not in line:
        line = file.readline()
    mysql_password = line[21:].strip()

# Connect to the databases
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user="root", password=mysql_password, host="mysql", database="openedx")
mysql_cursor = cnx.cursor()
client = MongoClient("mongodb")
mongodb_collection = client["openedx"]["modulestore.structures"]

while True:
    start_time = time()

    # Get emails, student IDs, and usernames of students (excludes default users and instructors)
    query = ("SELECT id, username, email FROM auth_user WHERE last_login IS NOT NULL AND is_superuser = 0")
    student_dict = {}
    for (id, username, email) in mysql_cursor:
        student_dict[id] = [username, email]

    # Get students overall grades
    query = ("SELECT user_id, percent_grade FROM grades_persistentcoursegrade")
    for (user_id, percent_grade) in mysql_cursor:
        if user_id in student_dict: # In case an instructor took quizzes to test course functionality
            student_dict[user_id].append({}) # This is for storing the grades later

    # Get the last record of the MongoDB database, which is the most recent version of the course
    document = mongodb_collection.find_one(sort=[("$natural", DESCENDING)])
    formatted_document = pformat(document, indent=4)

    # Get names of quizzes and their module IDs
    quiz_names_matches = findall(
        "'fields': {.*\s+.*\s+'display_name': '.*[q|Q]uiz.*',\s+'format': .*\s+'graded': .*\s+'xml_attributes'[^}]+}}",
    quiz_name_to_quiz_id = {}
    quiz_id_to_quiz_name = {}
    for match in quiz_names_matches:
        elems = match.split('\n')
        display_name = elems[2].strip()
        quiz_name = parse("'display_name': '{}',", display_name)[0]
        filename = elems[6].strip()[:-2]
        quiz_id = parse("'sequential/{}.xml']", filename)[0]
        quiz_name_to_quiz_id[quiz_name] = quiz_id
        quiz_id_to_quiz_name[quiz_id] = quiz_name

    # Get module IDs of quiz questions
    quiz_questions_matches = findall(
        "'fields': {[^_]+_name': '.*[q|Q]uiz.*',\s+'xml_attributes': [^}]+}}",
    question_id_to_quiz_id = {}
    question_id_to_question_index = {}
    quiz_id_to_num_questions = {}
    for match in quiz_questions_matches:
        elems = match.split('\n')
        display_name = elems[-3].strip()
        quiz_name = parse("'display_name': '{}',", display_name)[0]
        question_ids = elems[2:-3]
        question_ids_length = len(question_ids)
        i = 1
        question_index = 0
        while i < question_ids_length:
            question_id = sub(r'[^a-f0-9]', "", question_ids[i].strip())
            question_id_to_quiz_id[question_id] = quiz_name_to_quiz_id[quiz_name]
            question_id_to_question_index[question_id] = question_index
            i += 2
            question_index += 1
        quiz_id_to_num_questions[quiz_name_to_quiz_id[quiz_name]] = question_index

    # Get overall grades for quizzes
    query = ("SELECT user_id, usage_key, earned_all, possible_all FROM grades_persistentsubsectiongrade")
    for (user_id, usage_key, earned_all, possible_all) in mysql_cursor:
        quiz_id = search("block@.*", usage_key)[0][6:]
        if quiz_id in quiz_id_to_num_questions: # Check for bogus quiz grades
            if possible_all != 0: # Divide by zero check
                quiz_grade = round(earned_all / possible_all, 2)
                # List of 0s after quiz_grade is for points earned and points possible (in that order) for each possible question
                student_dict[user_id][3][quiz_id] = [quiz_grade, [0] * 2 * quiz_id_to_num_questions[quiz_id]]

    # Get grades for individual questions
    query = ("SELECT module_id, student_id, grade, max_grade FROM courseware_studentmodule WHERE grade IS NOT NULL")
    for (module_id, student_id, grade, max_grade) in mysql_cursor:
        question_id = search("block@.*", module_id)[0][6:]
        if question_id in question_id_to_quiz_id: # Check for bogus question grades
            points_earned = round(grade, 9)
            points_possible = int(max_grade)
            grades = student_dict[student_id][3][question_id_to_quiz_id[question_id]][1]
            question_index = question_id_to_question_index[question_id]
            grades[2 * question_index] = points_earned
            grades[2 * question_index + 1] = points_possible

    # Construct JSON string and write to file
    json_data = []
    index = 0
    for student_id in student_dict:
        json_data[index]["Email"] = student_dict[student_id][1]
        json_data[index]["Username"] = student_dict[student_id][0]
        json_data[index]["Overall Grade"] = str(student_dict[student_id][2])
        grade_data = student_dict[student_id][3]
        quiz_ids_ordered = []
        for quiz_id in grade_data:
            quiz_name = quiz_id_to_quiz_name[quiz_id]
            grades = grade_data[quiz_id]
            json_data[index]["Grade on " + quiz_name] = str(grades[0])
        for quiz_id in quiz_ids_ordered:
            quiz_name = quiz_id_to_quiz_name[quiz_id]
            question_grades = grade_data[quiz_id][1]
            question_grades_length = len(question_grades)
            question_index = 0
            while question_index < question_grades_length:
                question_index_string = str(int(question_index / 2) + 1)
                json_data[index][quiz_name + " - Q" + question_index_string + " (Earned)"] = str(question_grades[question_index])
                json_data[index][quiz_name + " - Q" + question_index_string + " (Possible)"] = str(question_grades[question_index + 1])
                question_index += 2
        index += 1
    with open("csvToPy.json", "w") as json_file:
        dump(json_data, json_file, indent=2)

    end_time = time()

    print(end_time - start_time)

    # Ensure loop runs at a 5 second interval (above script takes less than 1 second to complete with our data)
    sleep(5 - (end_time - start_time))