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CREST-10377: use ECR for all summit-in-a-box container images

Carl Harris requested to merge CREST-10377 into master

This work changes summit-in-a-box so that it uses the same container images that are used by summit-qa-infra, which are located in AWS ECR. Before this can be merged, all developers need to have the ECR credential helper configured on their workstations so that Docker can pull images from ECR.

In addition to changing the image source location, this work also adds a new manifest feature that allows components in the manifest to include the summit-cli configuration (profile name and description). This allows new components to be added to the summit-in-a-box stack without the need to update summit-cli. These additional properties in the manifest are used by the script when building the summit-in-a-box image to include a cli.conf in the resulting container image.

Before merging this request, make note of the image tags in the manifest for master. After merging, revert any changes to image tags that were made by the merge. This will ensure that master has the latest image tags.

When merging this request, be sure to select the option to squash commits so that it will be easy to cherry pick this work into existing branches.

After merging this request, cherry pick the commit into each branch (other than master) that is deployed in K2. Developers will then need to update their local copy of summit-cli.

Edited by Carl Harris

Merge request reports