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20001 20002 20003 20004 20005 20006 20007 20008 20009 20010 20011 20012 20013 20014 20015 20016 20017 20018 20019 20020 20021 20022 20023 20024 20025 20026 20027 20028 20029 20030 20031 20032 20033 20034 20035 20036 20037 20038 20039 20040 20041 20042 20043 20044 20045 20046 20047 20048 20049 20050 20051 20052 20053 20054 20055 20056 20057 20058 20059 20060 20061 20062 20063 20064 20065 20066 20067 20068 20069 20070 20071 20072 20073 20074 20075 20076 20077 20078 20079 20080 20081 20082 20083 20084 20085 20086 20087 20088 20089 20090 20091 20092 20093 20094 20095 20096 20097 20098 20099 20100 20101 20102 20103 20104 20105 20106 20107 20108 20109 20110 20111 20112 20113 20114 20115 20116 20117 20118 20119 20120 20121 20122 20123 20124 20125 20126 20127 20128 20129 20130 20131 20132 20133 20134 20135 20136 20137 20138 20139 20140 20141 20142 20143 20144 20145 20146 20147 20148 20149 20150 20151 20152 20153 20154 20155 20156 20157 20158 20159 20160 20161 20162 20163 20164 20165 20166 20167 20168 20169 20170 20171 20172 20173 20174 20175 20176 20177 20178 20179 20180 20181 20182 20183 20184 20185 20186 20187 20188 20189 20190 20191 20192 20193 20194 20195 20196 20197 20198 20199 20200 20201 20202 20203 20204 20205 20206 20207 20208 20209 20210 20211 20212 20213 20214 20215 20216 20217 20218 20219 20220 20221 20222 20223 20224 20225 20226 20227 20228 20229 20230 20231 20232 20233 20234 20235 20236 20237 20238 20239 20240 20241 20242 20243 20244 20245 20246 20247 20248 20249 20250 20251 20252 20253 20254 20255 20256 20257 20258 20259 20260 20261 20262 20263 20264 20265 20266 20267 20268
#. Translators: Please keep the "<del>" and "</del>" tags around your
#. translation of the word "this" in your translation.
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/receipt.html
msgid "Note: items with strikethough like <del>this</del> have been refunded."
msgstr ""
"გაითვალისწინეთ: <del>ამის მსგავს</del> გადახაზული ერთეულებში გადახდილი თანხა"
" უკან ბრუნდება."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid "Confirm Enrollment"
msgstr "ჩარიცხვის დადასტურება"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid "{site_name} -  Confirm Enrollment"
msgstr "{site_name} -  ჩარიცხვის დადასტურება"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid "{course_number} {course_title} Cover Image"
msgstr "{course_number} {course_title} ყდის ფოტო"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid "Confirm your enrollment for: {span_start}course dates{span_end}"
msgstr ""
"დაადასტურეთ თქვენი ჩარიცხვა: {span_start}-ზე, კურსის თარიღები{span_end}"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
msgid "{course_name}"
msgstr "{course_name}"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid ""
"You've clicked a link for an enrollment code that has already been used. "
"Check your {link_start}course dashboard{link_end} to see if you're enrolled "
"in the course, or contact your company's administrator."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ ჩარიცხვის კოდისთვის დააწკაპუნეთ ბმულზე, რომელიც უკვე გამოყენებულია. "
"შეამოწმეთ თქვენი {link_start}-ის კურსის მართვის დაფა{link_end} რათა ნახოთ "
"ჩარიცხული ხართ თუ არა კურსზე, ან დაუკავშირდით თქვენი კომპანიის "

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid ""
"You have successfully enrolled in {course_name}. This course has now been "
"added to your dashboard."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ წარმატებით ჩაირიცხეთ {course_name}-ზე. ეს კურსი ახლა დაემატა თქვენი "
"მართვის დაფას."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid ""
"You're already enrolled for this course. Visit your "
"{link_start}dashboard{link_end} to see the course."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ უკვე ჩაირიცხეთ ამ კურსზე. კურსის სანახავად, ეწვიეთ თქვენს "
"{link_start}-ის მართვის დაფას{link_end}."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
msgid "The course you are enrolling for is full."
msgstr "კურსი რომელზეც ირიცხებით შევსებულია."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
msgid "The course you are enrolling for is closed."
msgstr "კურის რომელზეც ირიცხებით დაიხურა."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid "There was an error processing your redeem code."
msgstr "თქვენი კოდის აღდგენის დამუშავებისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid ""
"You're about to activate an enrollment code for {course_name} by "
"{site_name}. This code can only be used one time, so you should only "
"activate this code if you're its intended recipient."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ აპირებთ გაააქტიუროთ ჩარიცხვის კოდი {course_name}-სთვის {site_name}-ის "
"მეშვეობით. ამ კოდის გამოყენება მხოლოდ ერთხელ შეიძლება, ასე რომ თქვენ ეს კოდი"
" მხოლოდ მაშინ უნდა გაააქტიუროთ თუ მისი გამიზნული მიმღები ხართ."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_receipt.html
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/registration_code_redemption.html
msgid "Activate Course Enrollment"
msgstr "კურსის ჩარიცხვის გააქტიურება"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid ""
"{course_names} has been removed because the enrollment period has closed."
msgid_plural ""
"{course_names} have been removed because the enrollment period has closed."
msgstr[0] "{course_names} წაიშალა რადგან ჩარიცხვის პერიოდი დაიხურა."
msgstr[1] "{course_names} წაიშალა რადგან ჩარიცხვის პერიოდი დაიხურა."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Cover Image"
msgstr "ყდის ფოტოსურათი"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Students:"
msgstr "სტუდენტები:"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Input quantity and press enter."
msgstr "შეყვანეთ რაოდენობა და დააჭირეთ შეყვანას."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Increase"
msgstr "გაზრდა"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Decrease"
msgstr "შემცირება"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "წაშლა"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Discount or activation code"
msgstr "ფასდაკლების ან აქტივაციის კოდი"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "discount or activation code"
msgstr "ფასდაკლების ან აქტივაციის კოდი"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "გამოყენება"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "code has been applied"
msgstr "კოდი გამოყენებულია"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "TOTAL:"
msgstr "ჯამი:"

#. Translators: currency_symbol is a symbol indicating type of currency, ex
#. "$". currency_abbr is
#. an abbreviation for the currency, ex "USD". This string would look like
#. this
#. when all variables are in:
#. "$500.00 USD"
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "{currency_symbol}{price} {currency_abbr}"
msgstr "{currency_symbol}{price} {currency_abbr}"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid ""
"After this purchase is complete, a receipt is generated with relative "
"billing details and registration codes for students."
msgstr ""
"ამ შეძენის დასრულების შემდეგ,  სტუდენტებისათვის დაგენერირდება ქვითარი "
"შესაბამისი გადახდის დეტალებითა და რეგისტრაციის კოდებით."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid ""
"After this purchase is complete, {username} will be enrolled in this course."
msgstr "ამ შეძენის დასრულების შემდეგ, {username} ჩაირიცხება ამ კურსზე."

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart.html
msgid "Empty Cart"
msgstr "ცარიელი კალათა"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart_flow.html
msgid "Shopping cart"
msgstr "საყიდლების კალათა"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart_flow.html
msgid "{platform_name} -  Shopping Cart"
msgstr "{platform_name} - საყიდლების კალათა"

#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/shopping_cart_flow.html
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "დადასტურება"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/404.html
msgid ""
"The page that you were looking for was not found. Go back to the "
"{link_start}homepage{link_end} or let us know about any pages that may have "
"been moved at {email}."
msgstr ""
"გვერდი რომელსაც ეძებდით ვერ მოიძებნა. დაუბრუნდით {link_start}-ის მთავარ "
"გვერდს{link_end} ან გვაცნობეთ ნებისმიერი გვერდის შესახებ რომელიც შესაძლოა "
"გადავიდა {email}-ზე."

#: lms/templates/static_templates/about.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/blog.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/contact.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/donate.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/faq.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/help.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/honor.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/jobs.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/media-kit.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/news.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/press.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/privacy.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/tos.html
msgid "This page left intentionally blank. Feel free to add your own content."
msgstr ""
"ეს გვერდი შეგნებულად არის დატოვებული ცარიელი. თავისუფლად შეგიძლიათ საკუთარი "
"შინაარსი დაამატოთ."

#: lms/templates/static_templates/embargo.html
msgid ""
"Our system indicates that you are trying to access this {platform_name} "
"course from a country or region currently subject to U.S. economic and trade"
" sanctions.Unfortunately, because {platform_name} is required to comply with"
" export controls,we cannot allow you to access this course at this time."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/static_templates/faq.html
#: themes/red-theme/lms/templates/footer.html
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "ხშირად დასმული კითხვები"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/jobs.html
#: themes/red-theme/lms/templates/footer.html
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "სამუშაოები"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/news.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/press.html
msgid "In the Press"
msgstr "პრესაში"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-down.html
msgid "Currently the {platform_name} servers are down"
msgstr "ამჟამად {platform_name}-ის სერვერები არ მუშაობს"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-down.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-overloaded.html
msgid ""
"Our staff is currently working to get the site back up as soon as possible. "
"Please email us at {tech_support_email} to report any problems or downtime."
msgstr ""
"ჩვენი პერსონალი ამჟამად მუშაობს რაც შეიძლება სწრაფად მოიპოვოს საიტის "
"მხარდაჭერა. გთხოვთ, შეგვატყობინოთ {tech_support_email}-ზე ნებისმიერ "
"პრობლემასთან ან ტექნიკურ გაუმართაობასთან დაკავშირებით."

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-error.html
msgid "There has been a 500 error on the {platform_name} servers"
msgstr " 500 შეცდომა დაფიქსირდა {platform_name}-ის სერვერებზე"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-error.html
msgid ""
"Please wait a few seconds and then reload the page. If the problem persists,"
" please email us at {email}."
msgstr ""
"გთხოვთ, დაელოდეთ რამდენიმე წამი და გადატვირთეთ გვერდი. თუ პრობლემა "
"განმეროდა, გთხოვთ შეგვატყობინეთ {email}-ზე."

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-overloaded.html
msgid "Currently the {platform_name} servers are overloaded"
msgstr "ამჟამად {platform_name}-ის სერვერები გადატვირთულია"

#: lms/templates/student_account/account_settings.html
msgid "Account Settings"
msgstr "ანგარიშის პარამეტრები"

#: lms/templates/student_account/account_settings.html
msgid ""
" and access to private sites offered by MIT Open Learning, Wharton Executive"
" Education, and Harvard Medical School"
msgstr ""

20275 20276 20277 20278 20279 20280 20281 20282 20283 20284 20285 20286 20287 20288 20289 20290 20291 20292 20293 20294 20295 20296 20297 20298 20299 20300 20301 20302 20303 20304 20305 20306 20307 20308 20309 20310 20311 20312 20313 20314 20315 20316 20317 20318 20319 20320 20321 20322 20323 20324 20325 20326 20327 20328 20329 20330 20331 20332 20333 20334 20335 20336 20337 20338 20339 20340 20341 20342 20343 20344 20345 20346 20347 20348 20349 20350 20351 20352 20353 20354 20355 20356 20357 20358 20359 20360 20361 20362 20363 20364 20365 20366 20367 20368 20369 20370 20371 20372 20373 20374 20375 20376 20377 20378 20379 20380 20381 20382 20383 20384 20385 20386 20387 20388 20389 20390 20391 20392 20393 20394 20395 20396 20397 20398 20399 20400 20401 20402 20403 20404 20405 20406 20407 20408 20409 20410 20411 20412 20413 20414 20415 20416 20417 20418 20419 20420 20421 20422 20423 20424 20425 20426 20427 20428 20429 20430 20431 20432 20433 20434 20435 20436 20437 20438 20439 20440 20441 20442 20443 20444 20445 20446 20447 20448 20449 20450 20451 20452 20453 20454 20455 20456 20457 20458 20459 20460 20461 20462 20463 20464 20465 20466 20467 20468 20469 20470 20471 20472 20473 20474 20475 20476 20477 20478 20479 20480 20481 20482 20483 20484 20485 20486 20487 20488 20489 20490 20491 20492 20493 20494 20495 20496 20497 20498 20499 20500 20501 20502 20503 20504 20505 20506 20507 20508 20509 20510 20511 20512 20513 20514 20515 20516 20517 20518 20519 20520 20521 20522 20523 20524 20525 20526 20527 20528 20529 20530 20531 20532 20533 20534 20535 20536 20537 20538 20539 20540 20541 20542 20543 20544 20545 20546 20547 20548 20549 20550 20551 20552 20553 20554 20555 20556 20557 20558 20559 20560 20561 20562 20563 20564 20565 20566 20567 20568 20569 20570 20571 20572 20573 20574 20575 20576 20577 20578 20579 20580 20581 20582 20583 20584 20585 20586 20587 20588 20589 20590 20591 20592 20593 20594 20595 20596 20597 20598 20599 20600 20601 20602 20603 20604 20605 20606 20607 20608 20609 20610 20611 20612 20613 20614 20615 20616 20617 20618 20619 20620 20621 20622 20623 20624 20625 20626 20627 20628 20629 20630 20631 20632 20633 20634 20635 20636 20637 20638 20639 20640 20641 20642 20643 20644 20645 20646 20647 20648 20649 20650 20651 20652 20653 20654 20655 20656 20657 20658 20659 20660 20661 20662 20663 20664 20665 20666 20667 20668 20669 20670 20671 20672 20673 20674 20675 20676 20677 20678 20679 20680 20681 20682 20683 20684 20685 20686 20687 20688 20689 20690 20691 20692 20693 20694 20695 20696 20697 20698 20699 20700 20701 20702 20703 20704 20705 20706 20707 20708 20709 20710 20711 20712 20713 20714 20715 20716 20717 20718 20719 20720 20721 20722 20723 20724 20725 20726 20727 20728 20729 20730 20731 20732 20733 20734 20735 20736 20737 20738 20739 20740 20741 20742 20743 20744 20745 20746 20747 20748 20749 20750 20751 20752 20753 20754 20755 20756 20757 20758 20759 20760 20761 20762 20763 20764 20765 20766 20767 20768 20769 20770 20771 20772 20773 20774 20775 20776 20777 20778 20779 20780 20781 20782 20783 20784 20785 20786 20787 20788 20789 20790 20791 20792 20793 20794 20795 20796 20797 20798 20799 20800 20801 20802 20803 20804 20805 20806 20807 20808 20809 20810 20811 20812 20813 20814 20815 20816 20817 20818 20819 20820 20821 20822 20823 20824 20825 20826 20827 20828 20829 20830 20831 20832
#: lms/templates/student_account/finish_auth.html
msgid "Please Wait"
msgstr "გთხოვთ დაიცადოთ"

#: lms/templates/student_account/login_and_register.html
msgid "Sign in or Register"
msgstr "შედით ან დარეგისტრირდით"

#: lms/templates/support/certificates.html lms/templates/support/index.html
msgid "Student Support"
msgstr "სტუდენტური მხარდაჭერა"

#: lms/templates/support/certificates.html
msgid "Student Support: Certificates"
msgstr "სტუდენტური მხარდაჭერა: სერტიფიკატები"

#: lms/templates/support/contact_us.html
msgid "Contact {platform_name} Support"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/enrollment.html
msgid "Student Support: Enrollment"
msgstr "სტუდენტური მხარდაჭერა: ჩარიცხვა"

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Student Support: Feature Based Enrollments"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Content Type Gating"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Course Duration Limits"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Is Enabled"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "No results found"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/manage_user.html
msgid "Student Support: Manage User"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "About to refund this order:"
msgstr "ამ შეკვეთის თანხის დაბრუნება:"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "Order Id:"
msgstr "შეკვეთის Id:"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "Enrollment:"
msgstr "ჩარიცხვა:"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "enrolled"
msgstr "ჩარიცხული"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "unenrolled"
msgstr "ამორიცხული"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "Cost:"
msgstr "ღირებულება:"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "CertificateItem Status:"
msgstr "სერტიფიკატის სტატუსი:"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "Order Status:"
msgstr "შეკვეთის სტატუსი:"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "Fulfilled Time:"
msgstr "დასრულებული დრო:"

#: lms/templates/support/refund.html
msgid "Refund Request Time:"
msgstr "დროის ანაზღაურების მოთხოვნა:"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "User Survey"
msgstr "მომხმარებლის კვლევა "

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "Pre-Course Survey"
msgstr "კურსის წინასწარი მიმოხილვა"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid ""
"You can begin your course as soon as you complete the following form. "
"Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). This information is for the"
" use of {platform_name} only. It will not be linked to your public profile "
"in any way."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ შეძლებთ დაიწყოთ კურსი როგორც კი შეავსებთ შემდეგ ფორმას. სავალდებულო "
"ველები მონიშნულია ვარსკვლავით (*). ეს ინფორმაცია მხოლოდ {platform_name}-ის "
"გამოყენებისთვისაა. ის ვერანაირად მიებმება თქვენს საჯარო პროფილს."

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "You are missing the following required fields:"
msgstr "თქვენ გამოტოვეთ შემდეგი სავალდებულო ველები:"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "Cancel and Return to Dashboard"
msgstr "გააუქმება და მართვის დაფასთან დაბრუნება"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "Why do I need to complete this information?"
msgstr "რატომ მჭირდება ამ ინფორმაციის შევსება?"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid ""
"We use the information you provide to improve our course for both current "
"and future students. The more we know about your specific needs, the better "
"we can make your course experience."
msgstr ""
"თქვენგან მოწოდებულ ინფორმაციას ჩვენი კურსის გასაუმჯობესებლად ვიყენებთ, "
"როგორც ახლანდელი ასევე მომავალი სტუდენტებისთვის. რაც მეტი ვიცით თქვენს "
"კონკრეტულ საჭიროებებზე, მით უფრო უკეთესს გავხდით თქვენი კურსის გავლას."

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "Who can I contact if I have questions?"
msgstr "ვის უნდა მივმართო კითხვებთან დაკავშირებით?"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid ""
"If you have any questions about this course or this form, you can contact "
msgstr ""
"მოცემულ კურსთან და ფორმასთან დაკავშირებით ნებისმიერი კითხვის შემთხვევაში, "
"შეგიძლიათ დაუკავშირდეთ {link_start}{mail_to_link}{link_end}-ს."

#: lms/templates/ux/reference/bootstrap/course-skeleton.html
msgid "Skeleton Page"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/ux/reference/bootstrap/course-skeleton.html
#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
#: openedx/features/course_search/templates/course_search/course-search-fragment.html
msgid "Search the course"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/ux/reference/bootstrap/course-skeleton.html
#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Start Course"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/_verification_help.html
msgid "Have questions?"
msgstr "გაქვთ კითხვები?"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/_verification_help.html
msgid ""
"Please read {a_start}our FAQs to view common questions about our "
msgstr ""
"გთხოვთ წაიკითხეთ {a_start}ჩვენი ხშირად დასმული შეკითხვები რათა ნახოთ სზოგადი"
" კითხვები ჩვენი სერტიფიკატების შესახებ{a_end}."

#: lms/templates/verify_student/incourse_reverify.html
msgid "Re-Verify for {course_name}"
msgstr "ხელახლა დამოწმება {course_name}-ისთვის"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/missed_deadline.html
msgid "Verification Deadline Has Passed"
msgstr "დადასტურების ვადა ამოიწურა"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/missed_deadline.html
msgid "Upgrade Deadline Has Passed"
msgstr "განახლების ვადა ამოიწურა"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/missed_deadline.html
msgid ""
"The verification deadline for {course_name} was {{date}}. Verification is no"
" longer available."
msgstr ""
"დადასტურების ვადა ამ {course_name}-თვის იყო {{date}}. დადასტურება აღარ არის "

#: lms/templates/verify_student/missed_deadline.html
msgid ""
"The deadline to upgrade to a verified certificate for this course has "
msgstr ""
"მოცემული კურსისთვის შემოწმებული სერტიფიკატის განახლების ვადა ამოიწურა."

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Upgrade Your Enrollment For {course_name}."
msgstr "განაახლეთ თქვენი რეგისტრაცია {course_name}-სთვის."

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Receipt For {course_name}"
msgstr "ქვითარი {course_name}-სთვის"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Verify For {course_name}"
msgstr " {course_name}-ის დამოწმება"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Enroll In {course_name}"
msgstr "{course_name}-ზე ჩარიცხვა"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Technical Requirements"
msgstr "ტექნიკური მოთხოვნები"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid ""
"Please make sure your browser is updated to the {strong_start}{a_start}most "
"recent version possible{a_end}{strong_end}. Also, please make sure your "
"{strong_start}webcam is plugged in, turned on, and allowed to function in "
"your web browser (commonly adjustable in your browser settings).{strong_end}"
msgstr ""
"გთხოვთ, დარწმუნდით, რომ თქვენი ბრაუზერი განახლებულია "
"{strong_start}{a_start}ყველაზე უახლესი ვერსიით{a_end}{strong_end}. ასევე, "
"გთხოვთ, დარწმუნდეთ, რომ თქვენი {strong_start}ვებკამერა მიერთებულია, ჩართულია"
" და თქვენს ვებ ბრაუზერში ფუნქციონირების შესაძლებლობა აქვს (ჩვეულებრივ "
"რეგულირდება თქვენი ბრაუზერის პარამეტრებში).{strong_end}"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify.html
msgid "Re-Verification"
msgstr "ხელახალი დადასტურება"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify_not_allowed.html
msgid "Identity Verification"
msgstr "ვინაობის დადასტურება"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify_not_allowed.html
msgid ""
"You have already submitted your verification information. You will see a "
"message on your dashboard when the verification process is complete (usually"
" within 1-2 days)."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ უკვე გააგზავნეთ ინფორმაცია დადასტურებაზე. როდესაც დადასტურების პროცესი"
" დასრულდება, თქვენს მართვის დაფაზე გამოჩნდება შეტყობინება (ჩვეულებრივ 1-2 "
"დღეში). "

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify_not_allowed.html
msgid "You cannot verify your identity at this time."
msgstr "ამ დროისთვის თქვენი ვიანობის დამოწმებას ვერ შეძლებთ."

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify_not_allowed.html
msgid "Return to Your Dashboard"
msgstr "დაუბრუნდით თქვენს მართვის დაფას"

#: lms/templates/widgets/cookie-consent.html
msgid ""
"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our "
"website. If you continue browsing this site, we understand that you accept "
"the use of cookies."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/widgets/cookie-consent.html
msgid "Got it!"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/widgets/cookie-consent.html
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/article_menu.html
msgid "{span_start}(active){span_end}"
msgstr "{span_start}(მოქმედი){span_end}"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/article_menu.html
msgid "Changes"
msgstr "ცვლილებები"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/article_menu.html
msgid "{span_start}active{span_end}"
msgstr "{span_start}მოქმედი{span_end}"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/breadcrumbs.html
msgid "Course Wiki"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/breadcrumbs.html
msgid "Add article"
msgstr "სტატიის დამატება"

#: openedx/core/djangoapps/dark_lang/templates/dark_lang/preview-language-fragment.html
msgid "Preview Language Setting"
msgstr "ენის პარამეტრების გადათვალიერება"

#: openedx/core/djangoapps/dark_lang/templates/dark_lang/preview-language-fragment.html
msgid "Language Code"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/djangoapps/dark_lang/templates/dark_lang/preview-language-fragment.html
msgid "e.g. en for English"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/djangoapps/theming/templates/theming/theming-admin-fragment.html
msgid "Preview Theme"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "All Rights Reserved"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Attribution"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Noncommercial"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "No Derivatives"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Share Alike"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Creative Commons licensed content, with terms as follow:"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Some Rights Reserved"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-dates-fragment.html
msgid "Important Course Dates"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Goal: "
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Edit your course goal:"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Pursue a verified certificate"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Upgrade ({price})"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-outline-fragment.html
msgid "Expand All"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-outline-fragment.html
msgid "Prerequisite: "
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-outline-fragment.html
msgid "{subsection_format} due {{date}}"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Learn About Verified Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "{platform_name} Verified Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Why upgrade?"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Official proof of completion"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Easily shareable certificate"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Proven motivator to complete the course"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid ""
"Certificate purchases help {platform_name} continue to offer free courses"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "How it works"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Pay the Verified Certificate upgrade fee"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Verify your identity with a webcam and government-issued ID"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Study hard and pass the course"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Share your certificate with friends, employers, and others"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "edX Learner Stories"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid ""
"My certificate has helped me showcase my knowledge on my"
"                             resume - I feel like this certificate could "
"really help me land                             my dream job!"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "{learner_name}, edX Learner"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid ""
"I wanted to include a verified certificate on my resume and my profile to"
"                             illustrate that I am working towards this goal "
"I have and that I have                             achieved something while "
"I was unemployed."
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Upgrade ({course_price})"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-updates-fragment.html
msgid "This course does not have any updates."
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/dates-summary.html
msgid "Today is {date}"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/latest-update-fragment.html
msgid "Latest Update"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_search/templates/course_search/course-search-fragment.html
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: this section lists all the third-party authentication
#. providers
#. (for example, Google and LinkedIn) the user can link with or unlink from
#. their edX account.
#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Connected Accounts"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Linked"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Not Linked"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: clicking on this removes the link between a user's edX account
#. and their account with an external authentication provider (like Google or
#. LinkedIn).
#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Unlink"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: clicking on this creates a link between a user's edX account
#. and their account with an external authentication provider (like Google or
#. LinkedIn).
#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Link"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner-achievements-fragment.html
msgid "Completed {completion_date_html}"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner-achievements-fragment.html
msgid "{course_mode} certificate"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner-achievements-fragment.html
msgid "You haven't earned any certificates yet."
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner-achievements-fragment.html
#: themes/
msgid "Explore New Courses"
msgstr "ახალი კურსების გადათვალიერება"

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner_profile.html
msgid "View My Records"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner_profile.html
msgid "My Profile"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner_profile.html
msgid ""
"Build out your profile to personalize your identity on {platform_name}."
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner_profile.html
msgid "An error occurred. Try loading the page again."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"Access Course Staff Support on the Partner Portal to submit or review "
"support tickets"
msgstr ""
"მხარდასაჭერი ბილეთების გასაგზავნად ან განსახილველად შედით კურსის პერსონალის "
"მხარდაჭერაზე პარტნიორ პორტალზე."

#: themes/
msgid "edX Partner Portal"
msgstr "edX პარტნიორი პორტალი"

#: themes/
msgid ""
"Browse recently launched courses and see what's new in your favorite "
msgstr ""
"დაათვალიერეთ ახლახანს დაწყებული კურსები და ნახეთ სიახლეები თქვენს რჩეულ "

#: themes/
msgid "Page Footer"
msgstr "გვერდის ქვედა კოლონტიტული"

#: themes/
msgid "edX Home Page"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "© 2012–{year} edX Inc. "
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "edX, Open edX, and MicroMasters are registered trademarks of edX Inc. "
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "About edX Verified Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"An edX Verified Certificate signifies that the learner has agreed to abide "
"by the edX honor code and completed all of the required tasks of this course"
" under its guidelines, as well as having their photo ID checked to verify "
"their identity."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "About edX"
msgstr "edX-ის შესახებ"

#: themes/
msgid ""
"{link_start}edX{link_end} offers interactive online classes and MOOCs from "
"the world's best universities, including MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, University "
"of Texas, and many others. edX is a non-profit online initiative created by "
"founding partners Harvard and MIT."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Congratulations, {user_name}!"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"You worked hard to earn your certificate from "
"{accomplishment_copy_course_org} {dash} share it with colleagues, friends, "
"and family to get the word out about what you mastered in "
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Share this certificate on Facebook (opens a new tab/window)"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Tweet this certificate (opens a new tab/window)"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Add this certificate to your LinkedIn profile (opens a new tab/window)"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Print"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Print this certificate"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "edX Inc."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"All rights reserved except where noted. edX, Open edX and the edX and Open "
"edX logos are registered trademarks of edX Inc."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"{b_start}Support our Mission: {b_end}EdX, a non-profit, relies on verified "
"certificates to help fund affordable education to everyone globally."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"{b_start}Support our Mission: {b_end} EdX, a non-profit, relies on verified "
"certificates to help fund free education for everyone globally"
msgstr ""
"{b_start}მხარი დაუჭირეთ ჩვენს მისიას: {b_end} EdX, არაკომერციული "
"ორგანიზაციაა, ეფუძნება დამოწმებულ სერტიფიკატებს, რათა დაეხმაროს უფასო "
"განათლების დაფინანსებას ყველასთვის მთელს მსოფლიოში. "

#: themes/
msgid "Find Courses"
msgstr "კურსების ძებნა"

#: themes/
msgid "Schools & Partners"
msgstr "უნივერსიტეტები და პატრნიორები"

#: themes/red-theme/lms/templates/footer.html
msgid ""
"{tos_link_start}Terms of Service{tos_link_end} and {honor_link_start}Honor "
msgstr ""
"{tos_link_start}მომსახურების პირობები{tos_link_end} და "
"{honor_link_start}ღირსების კოდექსი{honor_link_end}"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/footer.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/static_templates/tos.html
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "საავტორო უფლება"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/footer.html
msgid "Copyright {year}. All rights reserved."
msgstr "საავტორო უფლება {year}. ყველა უფლება დაცულია."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/index.html
msgid "For anyone, anywhere, anytime"
msgstr "ყველასთვის, ყველგან, ნებისმიერ დროს"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid ""
"We're sorry, but this version of your browser is not supported. Try again "
"using a different browser or a newer version of your browser."
msgstr ""
"ვწუხვართ, მაგრამ თქვენი ბრაუზერის ამ ვერსიის მხარდაჭერა არ გვაქვს. სცადეთ "
"სხვა ბრაუზერის ან თქვენი ბრაუზერის უფრო ახალი ვერსიის გამოყენება."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "The following errors occurred while processing your registration:"
msgstr "თქვენი რეგისტრაციის დამუშავებისას დაფიქსირდა შემდეგი შეცდომები:"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Sign up with {provider_name}"
msgstr "{provider_name}ით შესვლა"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Create your own {platform_name} account below"
msgstr "შექმენით საკუთარი {platform_name} ანგარიში"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid ""
"Required fields are noted by <strong class=\"indicator\">bold text and an "
"asterisk (*)</strong>."
msgstr ""
"სავალდებულო ველები აღნიშნულია <strong class=\"indicator\">გამუქებული "
"ტექსტითა და ვარსკვლავით (*)</strong>."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "You've successfully signed in with {selected_provider}."
msgstr "თქვენ წარმატებით შეხვედით {selected_provider}-ით."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid ""
"We just need a little more information before you start learning with "
msgstr ""
"{platform_name}-ით სწავლის დაწყებამდე, ჩვენ ცოტა მეტი ინფორმაცია გვჭირდება."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Please complete the following fields to register for an account. "
msgstr "ანგარიშის რეგისტრაციისთვის გთხოვთ შეავსოთ შემდეგი ველები."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "example: Jane Doe"
msgstr "მაგალითი: Jane Doe"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Your legal name, used for any certificates you earn."
msgstr ""
"თქვენი ოფიციალური სახელი, რომელიც გამოიყენება თქვენი ნებისმიერი  "