# Dependencies that are used in development environments.
# Please do not use this file for packages that are needed in production or for test runs.
# These are installed automatically in devstack, and can also be installed manually using:
# pip install -r requirements/edx/development.txt
# When adding a new dependency which is imported from edx-platform code as a library,
# update scripts/dependencies/development.txt accordingly.
-r pip-tools.txt # pip-tools and its dependencies, for managing requirements files
-r testing.txt # Dependencies for running the various test suites
click # Used for perf_tests utilities in modulestore
django-debug-toolbar==1.8 # A set of panels that display debug information about the current request/response
edx-sphinx-theme # Documentation theme
pyinotify # More efficient checking for runserver reload trigger events
sphinx==1.8.5 # Pinned because 2.0.0 release requires Python '>=3.5' but current Python is 2.7.12
vulture # Detects possible dead/unused code, used in scripts/
modernize # Used to make Python 2 code more modern with the intention of eventually porting it over to Python 3.
# Using a github hash because the "include" feature wasn't in the latest release (0.5.0):