<%page expression_filter="h"/>
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
{p_tag}You currently do not have any peer grading to do. In order to have peer grading to do:
{li_tag}You need to have submitted a response to a peer grading problem.{end_li_tag}
{li_tag}The course team needs to score the essays that are used to help you better understand the grading
{li_tag}There must be submissions that are waiting for grading.{end_li_tag}
""")).format(p_tag=HTML("<p>"), end_p_tag=HTML("</p>"),
ul_tag=HTML("<ul>"), end_ul_tag=HTML("</ul>"),
li_tag=HTML("<li>"), end_li_tag=HTML("</li>"))
<div class="peer-grading" data-ajax-url="${ajax_url}" data-use-single-location="${use_single_location}">
<div class="error-container">${error_text}</div>
<div class="peer-grading-tools">
<h1 class="peer-grading-title">${_("Peer Grading")}</h1>
<h2 class="peer-grading-instructions">${_("Instructions")}</h2>
<p>${_("Here is a list of problems that need to be peer graded for this course.")}</p>
% if success:
% if len(problem_list) == 0:
<div class="message-container">
<div class="problem-list-container">
<table class="problem-list">
<th>${_("Problem Name")}</th>
<th>${_("Due date")}</th>
%for problem in problem_list:
<tr data-graded="${problem['num_graded']}" data-required="${problem['num_required']}">
<td class="problem-name">
%if problem['closed']:
<a href="#problem" data-location="${problem['location']}" class="problem-button">${problem['problem_name']}</a>
% if problem['due']:
% else:
${_("No due date")}
% endif
<div class="progress-bar">