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#pylint: disable=C0111
#pylint: disable=W0621

# Disable the "wildcard import" warning so we can bring in all methods from
# course helpers and ui helpers
#pylint: disable=W0401

# Disable the "Unused import %s from wildcard import" warning
#pylint: disable=W0614

# Disable the "unused argument" warning because lettuce uses "step"
#pylint: disable=W0613

from lettuce import world, step
from .course_helpers import *
from .ui_helpers import *
from lettuce.django import django_url
from import assert_equals

from logging import getLogger
logger = getLogger(__name__)

Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step(r'I wait (?:for )?"(\d+)" seconds?$')
def wait(step, seconds):
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step('I reload the page$')
def reload_the_page(step):

cahrens's avatar
cahrens committed
@step('I press the browser back button$')
def browser_back(step):

@step('I (?:visit|access|open) the homepage$')
def i_visit_the_homepage(step):
    assert world.is_css_present('')
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

Will Daly's avatar
Will Daly committed

@step(u'I (?:visit|access|open) the dashboard$')
def i_visit_the_dashboard(step):
    assert world.is_css_present('section.container.dashboard')
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

Will Daly's avatar
Will Daly committed

@step('I should be on the dashboard page$')
def i_should_be_on_the_dashboard(step):
    assert world.is_css_present('section.container.dashboard')
    assert world.browser.title == 'Dashboard'

Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step(u'I (?:visit|access|open) the courses page$')
def i_am_on_the_courses_page(step):
    assert world.is_css_present('')
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step(u'I press the "([^"]*)" button$')
def and_i_press_the_button(step, value):
    button_css = 'input[value="%s"]' % value
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step(u'I click the link with the text "([^"]*)"$')
def click_the_link_with_the_text_group1(step, linktext):
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step('I should see that the path is "([^"]*)"$')
def i_should_see_that_the_path_is(step, path):
    assert world.url_equals(path)
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step(u'the page title should be "([^"]*)"$')
def the_page_title_should_be(step, title):
    assert_equals(world.browser.title, title)

Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step(u'the page title should contain "([^"]*)"$')
def the_page_title_should_contain(step, title):
    assert(title in world.browser.title)

@step('I log in$')
def i_log_in(step):
    world.log_in('robot', 'test')
@step('I am a logged in user$')
def i_am_logged_in_user(step):
    world.log_in('robot', 'test')
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step('I am not logged in$')
def i_am_not_logged_in(step):

Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step('I am staff for course "([^"]*)"$')
def i_am_staff_for_course_by_id(step, course_id):
    world.register_by_course_id(course_id, True)
Calen Pennington's avatar
Calen Pennington committed

@step(r'click (?:the|a) link (?:called|with the text) "([^"]*)"$')
def click_the_link_called(step, text):
Will Daly's avatar
Will Daly committed

@step(r'should see that the url is "([^"]*)"$')
def should_have_the_url(step, url):
    assert_equals(world.browser.url, url)

@step(r'should see (?:the|a) link (?:called|with the text) "([^"]*)"$')
def should_see_a_link_called(step, text):
    assert len(world.browser.find_link_by_text(text)) > 0

@step(r'should see (?:the|a) link with the id "([^"]*)" called "([^"]*)"$')
def should_have_link_with_id_and_text(step, link_id, text):
    link = world.browser.find_by_id(link_id)
    assert len(link) > 0
    assert_equals(link.text, text)

@step(r'should( not)? see "(.*)" (?:somewhere|anywhere) (?:in|on) (?:the|this) page')
def should_see_in_the_page(step, doesnt_appear, text):
    if doesnt_appear:
        assert world.browser.is_text_not_present(text, wait_time=5)
        assert world.browser.is_text_present(text, wait_time=5)

@step('I am logged in$')
def i_am_logged_in(step):
    world.log_in('robot', 'test')
    # You should not see the login link
    assert_equals(world.browser.find_by_css('a#login'), [])
@step(u'I am an edX user$')
def i_am_an_edx_user(step):

@step(u'User "([^"]*)" is an edX user$')
def registered_edx_user(step, uname):

@step(u'All dialogs should be closed$')
def dialogs_are_closed(step):
    assert world.dialogs_closed()
JonahStanley's avatar
JonahStanley committed
@step('I will confirm all alerts')
JonahStanley's avatar
JonahStanley committed
def i_confirm_all_alerts(step):
    Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
    Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
    In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
    world.browser.execute_script('window.confirm = function(){return true;} ; window.alert = function(){return;}')

JonahStanley's avatar
JonahStanley committed
@step('I will cancel all alerts')
JonahStanley's avatar
JonahStanley committed
def i_cancel_all_alerts(step):
    Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
    Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
    In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
JonahStanley's avatar
JonahStanley committed
    world.browser.execute_script('window.confirm = function(){return false;} ; window.alert = function(){return;}')
JonahStanley's avatar
JonahStanley committed
@step('I will answer all prompts with "([^"]*)"')
def i_answer_prompts_with(step, prompt):
    Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
    Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
    In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
    world.browser.execute_script('window.prompt = function(){return %s;}') % prompt