Change Log
These are notable changes in edx-platform. This is a rolling list of changes,
in roughly chronological order, most recent first. Add your entries at or near
the top. Include a label indicating the component affected.
Studio, LMS: Make ModelTypes more strict about their expected content (for
instance, Boolean, Integer, String), but also allow them to hold either the
typed value, or a String that can be converted to their typed value. For example,
an Integer can contain 3 or '3'. This changed an update to the xblock library.
Blades: Video Alpha bug fix for speed changing to 1.0 in Firefox.
Blades: Additional event tracking added to Video Alpha: fullscreen switch, show/hide
CMS: Allow editors to delete uploaded files/assets
XModules: `XModuleDescriptor.__init__` and `XModule.__init__` dropped the
`location` parameter (and added it as a field), and renamed `system` to `runtime`,
to accord more closely to `XBlock.__init__`
LMS: Some errors handling Non-ASCII data in XML courses have been fixed.
LMS: Add page-load tracking using segment-io (if SEGMENT_IO_LMS_KEY and
SEGMENT_IO_LMS feature flag is on)
Blades: Simplify (which is used for the Numerical/Formula responses); add trig/other functions.
LMS: Background colors on login, register, and courseware have been corrected
back to white.
LMS: Accessibility improvements have been made to several courseware and
navigation elements.
LMS: Small design/presentation changes to login and register views.
LMS: Functionality added to instructor enrollment tab in LMS such that invited
student can be auto-enrolled in course or when activating if not current
Blades: Staff debug info is now accessible for Graphical Slider Tool problems.
Blades: For Video Alpha the events ready, play, pause, seek, and speed change
are logged on the server (in the logs).
Common: Developers can now have private Django settings files.
Common: Safety code added to prevent anything above the vertical level in the
course tree from being marked as version='draft'. It will raise an exception if
the code tries to so mark a node. We need the backtraces to figure out where
this very infrequent intermittent marking was occurring. It was making courses
look different in Studio than in LMS.
Deploy: MKTG_URLS is now read from env.json.
Common: Theming makes it possible to change the look of the site, from
Common: Accessibility UI fixes.
Common: The "duplicate email" error message is more informative.
Studio: Component metadata settings editor.
Studio: Autoplay for Video Alpha is disabled (only in Studio).
Studio: Single-click creation for video and discussion components.
Studio: fixed a bad link in the activation page.
LMS: Changed the help button text.
LMS: Fixed failing numeric response (decimal but no trailing digits).
LMS: XML Error module no longer shows students a stack trace.
Blades: Videoalpha.
XModules: Added partial credit for foldit module.
XModules: Added "randomize" XModule to list of XModule types.
XModules: Show errors with full descriptors.
XQueue: Fixed (hopefully) worker crash when the connection to RabbitMQ is
dropped suddenly.
XQueue: Upload file submissions to a specially named bucket in S3.
Common: Removed request debugger.
Common: Updated Django to version 1.4.5.
Common: Updated CodeJail.
Common: Allow setting of authentication session cookie name.