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Michael Terry authored
This is an unused-as-of-yet utility function to generate a bunch of ics files for a user's course schedule. Will be used as part of the calendar_sync feature package. AA-37
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Functions for accessing and displaying courses within the
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
import six
from crum import get_current_request
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Prefetch
from django.http import Http404, QueryDict
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from edx_django_utils.monitoring import function_trace
from edx_when.api import get_dates_for_course
from fs.errors import ResourceNotFound
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
from path import Path as path
from six import text_type
import branding
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.access import has_access
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.access_response import MilestoneAccessError, StartDateError
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.date_summary import (
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.masquerade import check_content_start_date_for_masquerade_user
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.model_data import FieldDataCache
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.module_render import get_module
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string
from lms.djangoapps.certificates import api as certs_api
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.courseware_access_exception import CoursewareAccessException
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.exceptions import CourseAccessRedirect
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview
from openedx.core.djangoapps.enrollments.api import get_course_enrollment_details
from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration import helpers as configuration_helpers
from openedx.core.lib.api.view_utils import LazySequence
from openedx.features.course_duration_limits.access import AuditExpiredError
from openedx.features.course_experience import COURSE_ENABLE_UNENROLLED_ACCESS_FLAG, RELATIVE_DATES_FLAG
from static_replace import replace_static_urls
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from survey.utils import is_survey_required_and_unanswered
from util.date_utils import strftime_localized
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
from xmodule.x_module import STUDENT_VIEW
import lms.djangoapps.course_blocks.api as course_blocks_api
from openedx.features.content_type_gating.helpers import CONTENT_GATING_PARTITION_ID
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Used by get_course_assignments below. You shouldn't need to use this type directly.
_Assignment = namedtuple('Assignment', ['block_key', 'title', 'url', 'date', 'requires_full_access'])
def get_course(course_id, depth=0):
Given a course id, return the corresponding course descriptor.
If the course does not exist, raises a ValueError. This is appropriate
for internal use.
depth: The number of levels of children for the modulestore to cache.
None means infinite depth. Default is to fetch no children.
course = modulestore().get_course(course_id, depth=depth)
if course is None:
raise ValueError(u"Course not found: {0}".format(course_id))
return course
def get_course_by_id(course_key, depth=0):
Given a course id, return the corresponding course descriptor.
If such a course does not exist, raises a 404.
depth: The number of levels of children for the modulestore to cache. None means infinite depth
with modulestore().bulk_operations(course_key):
course = modulestore().get_course(course_key, depth=depth)
if course:
return course
raise Http404(u"Course not found: {}.".format(six.text_type(course_key)))
def get_course_with_access(user, action, course_key, depth=0, check_if_enrolled=False, check_survey_complete=True):
Given a course_key, look up the corresponding course descriptor,
check that the user has the access to perform the specified action
on the course, and return the descriptor.
Raises a 404 if the course_key is invalid, or the user doesn't have access.
depth: The number of levels of children for the modulestore to cache. None means infinite depth
check_if_enrolled: If true, additionally verifies that the user is either enrolled in the course
or has staff access.
check_survey_complete: If true, additionally verifies that the user has either completed the course survey
or has staff access.
Note: We do not want to continually add these optional booleans. Ideally,
these special cases could not only be handled inside has_access, but could
be plugged in as additional callback checks for different actions.
course = get_course_by_id(course_key, depth)
check_course_access(course, user, action, check_if_enrolled, check_survey_complete)
return course
def get_course_overview_with_access(user, action, course_key, check_if_enrolled=False):
Given a course_key, look up the corresponding course overview,
check that the user has the access to perform the specified action
on the course, and return the course overview.
Raises a 404 if the course_key is invalid, or the user doesn't have access.
check_if_enrolled: If true, additionally verifies that the user is either enrolled in the course
or has staff access.
course_overview = CourseOverview.get_from_id(course_key)
except CourseOverview.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404("Course not found.")
check_course_access(course_overview, user, action, check_if_enrolled)
return course_overview
def check_course_access(course, user, action, check_if_enrolled=False, check_survey_complete=True):
Check that the user has the access to perform the specified action
on the course (CourseDescriptor|CourseOverview).
check_if_enrolled: If true, additionally verifies that the user is enrolled.
check_survey_complete: If true, additionally verifies that the user has completed the survey.
# Allow staff full access to the course even if not enrolled
if has_access(user, 'staff',
request = get_current_request()
check_content_start_date_for_masquerade_user(, user, request, course.start)
access_response = has_access(user, action, course,
if not access_response:
# Redirect if StartDateError
if isinstance(access_response, StartDateError):
start_date = strftime_localized(course.start, 'SHORT_DATE')
params = QueryDict(mutable=True)
params['notlive'] = start_date
raise CourseAccessRedirect('{dashboard_url}?{params}'.format(
), access_response)
# Redirect if AuditExpiredError
if isinstance(access_response, AuditExpiredError):
params = QueryDict(mutable=True)
params['access_response_error'] = access_response.additional_context_user_message
raise CourseAccessRedirect('{dashboard_url}?{params}'.format(
), access_response)
# Redirect if the user must answer a survey before entering the course.
if isinstance(access_response, MilestoneAccessError):
raise CourseAccessRedirect('{dashboard_url}'.format(
), access_response)
# Deliberately return a non-specific error message to avoid
# leaking info about access control settings
raise CoursewareAccessException(access_response)
if check_if_enrolled:
# If the user is not enrolled, redirect them to the about page
if not CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user,
raise CourseAccessRedirect(reverse('about_course', args=[six.text_type(]))
# Redirect if the user must answer a survey before entering the course.
if check_survey_complete and action == 'load':
if is_survey_required_and_unanswered(user, course):
raise CourseAccessRedirect(reverse('course_survey', args=[six.text_type(]))
def can_self_enroll_in_course(course_key):
Returns True if the user can enroll themselves in a course.
Note: an example of a course that a user cannot enroll in directly
is a CCX course. For such courses, a user can only be enrolled by
a CCX coach.
if hasattr(course_key, 'ccx'):
return False
return True
def course_open_for_self_enrollment(course_key):
For a given course_key, determine if the course is available for enrollment
# Check to see if learners can enroll themselves.
if not can_self_enroll_in_course(course_key):
return False
# Check the enrollment start and end dates.
course_details = get_course_enrollment_details(six.text_type(course_key))
now =
start = course_details['enrollment_start']
end = course_details['enrollment_end']
start = start if start is not None else now
end = end if end is not None else now
# If we are not within the start and end date for enrollment.
if now < start or end < now:
return False
return True
def find_file(filesystem, dirs, filename):
Looks for a filename in a list of dirs on a filesystem, in the specified order.
filesystem: an OSFS filesystem
dirs: a list of path objects
filename: a string
Returns d / filename if found in dir d, else raises ResourceNotFound.
for directory in dirs:
filepath = path(directory) / filename
if filesystem.exists(filepath):
return filepath
raise ResourceNotFound(u"Could not find {0}".format(filename))
def get_course_about_section(request, course, section_key):
This returns the snippet of html to be rendered on the course about page,
given the key for the section.
Valid keys:
- overview
- about_sidebar_html
- short_description
- description
- key_dates (includes start, end, exams, etc)
- video
- course_staff_short
- course_staff_extended
- requirements
- syllabus
- textbook
- faq
- effort
- more_info
- ocw_links
# Many of these are stored as html files instead of some semantic
# markup. This can change without effecting this interface when we find a
# good format for defining so many snippets of text/html.
html_sections = {
if section_key in html_sections:
loc = course.location.replace(category='about', name=section_key)
# Use an empty cache
field_data_cache = FieldDataCache([],, request.user)
about_module = get_module(
html = ''
if about_module is not None:
html = about_module.render(STUDENT_VIEW).content
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
html = render_to_string('courseware/error-message.html', None)
u"Error rendering course=%s, section_key=%s",
course, section_key
return html
except ItemNotFoundError:
u"Missing about section %s in course %s",
section_key, text_type(course.location)
return None
raise KeyError("Invalid about key " + str(section_key))
def get_course_info_usage_key(course, section_key):
Returns the usage key for the specified section's course info module.
return'course_info', section_key)
def get_course_info_section_module(request, user, course, section_key):
This returns the course info module for a given section_key.
Valid keys:
- handouts
- guest_handouts
- updates
- guest_updates
usage_key = get_course_info_usage_key(course, section_key)
# Use an empty cache
field_data_cache = FieldDataCache([],, user)
return get_module(
def get_course_info_section(request, user, course, section_key):
This returns the snippet of html to be rendered on the course info page,
given the key for the section.
Valid keys:
- handouts
- guest_handouts
- updates
- guest_updates
info_module = get_course_info_section_module(request, user, course, section_key)
html = ''
if info_module is not None:
html = info_module.render(STUDENT_VIEW).content.strip()
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
html = render_to_string('courseware/error-message.html', None)
u"Error rendering course_id=%s, section_key=%s",
six.text_type(, section_key
return html
def get_course_date_blocks(course, user, request=None, include_access=False,
include_past_dates=False, num_assignments=None):
Return the list of blocks to display on the course info page,
sorted by date.
block_classes = [
if certs_api.get_active_web_certificate(course):
block_classes.insert(0, CertificateAvailableDate)
blocks = [cls(course, user) for cls in block_classes]
if RELATIVE_DATES_FLAG.is_enabled(
blocks.append(CourseExpiredDate(course, user))
course, user, request, num_return=num_assignments,
include_access=include_access, include_past_dates=include_past_dates,
return sorted((b for b in blocks if and (b.is_enabled or include_past_dates)), key=date_block_key_fn)
def date_block_key_fn(block):
If the block's date is None, return the maximum datetime in order
to force it to the end of the list of displayed blocks.
return or datetime.max.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
def get_course_assignment_date_blocks(course, user, request, num_return=None,
include_past_dates=False, include_access=False):
Returns a list of assignment (at the subsection/sequential level) due date
blocks for the given course. Will return num_return results or all results
if num_return is None in date increasing order.
date_blocks = []
for assignment in get_course_assignments(, user, request, include_access=include_access):
date_block = CourseAssignmentDate(course, user) =
date_block.requires_full_access = assignment.requires_full_access
date_block.set_title(assignment.title, link=assignment.url)
date_blocks = sorted((b for b in date_blocks if b.is_enabled or include_past_dates), key=date_block_key_fn)
if num_return:
return date_blocks[:num_return]
return date_blocks
def get_course_assignments(course_key, user, request, include_access=False):
Returns a list of assignment (at the subsection/sequential level) due dates for the given course.
Each returned object is a namedtuple with fields: block_key, title, url, date, requires_full_access
store = modulestore()
all_course_dates = get_dates_for_course(course_key, user)
assignments = []
for (block_key, date_type), date in all_course_dates.items():
if date_type != 'due' or block_key.block_type != 'sequential':
item = store.get_item(block_key)
except ItemNotFoundError:
if not item.graded:
requires_full_access = include_access and _requires_full_access(store, user, block_key)
title = item.display_name or _('Assignment')
url = None
assignment_released = not item.start or item.start <
if assignment_released:
url = reverse('jump_to', args=[course_key, block_key])
url = request and request.build_absolute_uri(url)
assignments.append(_Assignment(block_key, title, url, date, requires_full_access))
return assignments
def _requires_full_access(store, user, block_key):
Returns a boolean if any child of the block_key specified has a group_access array consisting of just full_access
child_block_keys = course_blocks_api.get_course_blocks(user, block_key)
for child_block_key in child_block_keys:
child_block = store.get_item(child_block_key)
# If group_access is set on the block, and the content gating is
# only full access, set the value on the CourseAssignmentDate object
if(child_block.group_access and child_block.group_access.get(CONTENT_GATING_PARTITION_ID) == [
return True
return False
# TODO: Fix this such that these are pulled in as extra course-specific tabs.
# arjun will address this by the end of October if no one does so prior to
# then.
def get_course_syllabus_section(course, section_key):
This returns the snippet of html to be rendered on the syllabus page,
given the key for the section.
Valid keys:
- syllabus
- guest_syllabus
# Many of these are stored as html files instead of some semantic
# markup. This can change without effecting this interface when we find a
# good format for defining so many snippets of text/html.
if section_key in ['syllabus', 'guest_syllabus']:
filesys = course.system.resources_fs
# first look for a run-specific version
dirs = [path("syllabus") / course.url_name, path("syllabus")]
filepath = find_file(filesys, dirs, section_key + ".html")
with as html_file:
return replace_static_urls('utf-8'),
getattr(course, 'data_dir', None),,
except ResourceNotFound:
u"Missing syllabus section %s in course %s",
section_key, text_type(course.location)
return "! Syllabus missing !"
raise KeyError("Invalid about key " + str(section_key))
def get_courses(user, org=None, filter_=None):
Return a LazySequence of courses available, optionally filtered by org code (case-insensitive).
courses = branding.get_visible_courses(
permission_name = configuration_helpers.get_value(
return LazySequence(
(c for c in courses if has_access(user, permission_name, c)),
def get_permission_for_course_about():
Returns the CourseOverview object for the course after checking for access.
return configuration_helpers.get_value(
def sort_by_announcement(courses):
Sorts a list of courses by their announcement date. If the date is
not available, sort them by their start date.
# Sort courses by how far are they from they start day
key = lambda course: course.sorting_score
courses = sorted(courses, key=key)
return courses
def sort_by_start_date(courses):
Returns a list of courses sorted by their start date, latest first.
courses = sorted(
key=lambda course: (course.has_ended(), course.start is None, course.start),
return courses
def get_cms_course_link(course, page='course'):
Returns a link to course_index for editing the course in cms,
assuming that the course is actually cms-backed.
# This is fragile, but unfortunately the problem is that within the LMS we
# can't use the reverse calls from the CMS
return u"//{}/{}/{}".format(settings.CMS_BASE, page, six.text_type(
def get_cms_block_link(block, page):
Returns a link to block_index for editing the course in cms,
assuming that the block is actually cms-backed.
# This is fragile, but unfortunately the problem is that within the LMS we
# can't use the reverse calls from the CMS
return u"//{}/{}/{}".format(settings.CMS_BASE, page, block.location)
def get_studio_url(course, page):
Get the Studio URL of the page that is passed in.
course (CourseDescriptor)
studio_link = None
if course.course_edit_method == "Studio":
studio_link = get_cms_course_link(course, page)
return studio_link
def get_problems_in_section(section):
This returns a dict having problems in a section.
Returning dict has problem location as keys and problem
descriptor as values.
problem_descriptors = defaultdict()
if not isinstance(section, UsageKey):
section_key = UsageKey.from_string(section)
section_key = section
# it will be a Mongo performance boost, if you pass in a depth=3 argument here
# as it will optimize round trips to the database to fetch all children for the current node
section_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(section_key, depth=3)
# iterate over section, sub-section, vertical
for subsection in section_descriptor.get_children():
for vertical in subsection.get_children():
for component in vertical.get_children():
if component.location.block_type == 'problem' and getattr(component, 'has_score', False):
problem_descriptors[six.text_type(component.location)] = component
return problem_descriptors
def get_current_child(xmodule, min_depth=None, requested_child=None):
Get the xmodule.position's display item of an xmodule that has a position and
children. If xmodule has no position or is out of bounds, return the first
child with children of min_depth.
For example, if chapter_one has no position set, with two child sections,
section-A having no children and section-B having a discussion unit,
`get_current_child(chapter, min_depth=1)` will return section-B.
Returns None only if there are no children at all.
# TODO: convert this method to use the Course Blocks API
def _get_child(children):
Returns either the first or last child based on the value of
the requested_child parameter. If requested_child is None,
returns the first child.
if requested_child == 'first':
return children[0]
elif requested_child == 'last':
return children[-1]
return children[0]
def _get_default_child_module(child_modules):
"""Returns the first child of xmodule, subject to min_depth."""
if min_depth is None or min_depth <= 0:
return _get_child(child_modules)
content_children = [
child for child in child_modules
if child.has_children_at_depth(min_depth - 1) and child.get_display_items()
return _get_child(content_children) if content_children else None
child = None
# In python 3, hasattr() catches AttributeErrors only then returns False.
# All other exceptions bubble up the call stack.
has_position = hasattr(xmodule, 'position') # This conditions returns AssertionError from xblock.fields lib.
except AssertionError:
return child
if has_position:
children = xmodule.get_display_items()
if len(children) > 0:
if xmodule.position is not None and not requested_child:
pos = int(xmodule.position) - 1 # position is 1-indexed
if 0 <= pos < len(children):
child = children[pos]
if min_depth is not None and (min_depth > 0 and not child.has_children_at_depth(min_depth - 1)):
child = None
if child is None:
child = _get_default_child_module(children)
return child
def get_course_chapter_ids(course_key):
Extracts the chapter block keys from a course structure.
course_key (CourseLocator): The course key
list (string): The list of string representations of the chapter block keys in the course.
chapter_keys = modulestore().get_course(course_key).children
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
log.exception('Failed to retrieve course from modulestore.')
return []
return [six.text_type(chapter_key) for chapter_key in chapter_keys if chapter_key.block_type == 'chapter']
def allow_public_access(course, visibilities):
This checks if the unenrolled access waffle flag for the course is set
and the course visibility matches any of the input visibilities.
unenrolled_access_flag = COURSE_ENABLE_UNENROLLED_ACCESS_FLAG.is_enabled(
allow_access = unenrolled_access_flag and course.course_visibility in visibilities
return allow_access