Jeremy Bowman authored1f3f0e2f
testing.in 3.89 KiB
# This requirements file is only for python packages that need to be installed
# for the edx-platform in testing environments. This includes:
# * Jenkins
# * devstack
# Please do not use this file for packages that are needed in production
# If you open a pull request that adds a new dependency, you should:
# * verify that the dependency has a license compatible with AGPLv3
# * confirm that it has no system requirements beyond what we already install
# * run "make upgrade" to update the detailed requirements files
# * add an appropriate pattern to scripts/dependencies/testing.py
-r base.txt # Core edx-platform production dependencies
-r coverage.txt # Utilities for calculating test coverage
beautifulsoup4==4.1.3 # Library for extracting data from HTML and XML files
before_after==0.1.3 # Syntactic sugar for mock, only used in one test case, not Python 3 compatible
bok-choy # Framework for browser automation tests, based on selenium
cssselect==0.9.1 # Used to extract HTML fragments via CSS selectors in 2 test cases and pyquery
ddt==0.8.0 # Run a test case multiple times with different input; used in many, many of our tests
edx-i18n-tools # Commands for developers and translators to extract, compile and validate translations
edx-lint==0.5.4 # pylint extensions for Open edX repositories
factory_boy==2.8.1 # Library for creating test fixtures, used in many tests
freezegun==0.3.8 # Allows tests to mock the output of assorted datetime module functions
httpretty # Library for mocking HTTP requests, used in many tests
isort==4.2.5 # For checking and fixing the order of imports
moto==0.3.1 # Lets tests mock AWS access via the boto library
nose # Former test runner, we're still using some utility functions from it
pa11ycrawler # Python crawler (using Scrapy) that uses Pa11y to check accessibility of pages as it crawls
pep8==1.5.7 # Checker for compliance with the Python style guide (PEP 8)
polib # Library for manipulating gettext translation files, used to test paver i18n commands
pylint-django==0.7.2 # via edx-lint
pyquery==1.2.9 # jQuery-like API for retrieving fragments of HTML and XML files in tests
pysqlite # DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite 3.x (used as the relational database for most tests)
pytest==3.1.3 # Testing framework
pytest-attrib # Select tests based on attributes
pytest-catchlog # pytest plugin to catch log messages; merged into pytest 3.3.0
pytest-cov # pytest plugin for measuring code coverage
pytest-django==3.1.2 # Django support for pytest
pytest-randomly==1.2.1 # pytest plugin to randomly order tests
pytest-xdist==1.20.0 # Parallel execution of tests on multiple CPU cores or hosts
python-subunit==0.0.16 # via lettuce
radon==1.3.2 # Calculates cyclomatic complexity of Python code (code quality utility)
selenium # Browser automation library, used for acceptance tests
singledispatch # Backport of functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4+, used in tests of XBlock rendering
splinter==0.5.4 # Browser driver used by lettuce
sure==1.2.3 # via lettuce
testfixtures==4.5.0 # Provides a LogCapture utility used by several tests
testtools==0.9.34 # via python-subunit
tox==2.8.2 # virtualenv management for tests
tox-battery # Makes tox aware of requirements file changes
transifex-client==0.12.1 # Command-line interface for the Transifex localization service
xmltodict==0.4.1 # via moto
# Deprecated acceptance testing framework
-e git+https://github.com/edx/lettuce.git@31b0dfd865766243e9b563ec65fae9122edf7975#egg=lettuce==0.2.23+edx.1