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Ken Clary authored
We add 'courserun_key' (aka "course_id" though that's technically a misnomer) as an optional parameter to the /event endpoint url. If it is not present, it will still be parsed out of the url, if the url is of the right format. Additionally, Logger.log() in js adds this parameter to its /event call, pulling it from the $$course_id global. This provides opportunity for MFEs to (separately) provide the key without concern about url parsing. TNL-7752
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# lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
from unittest import TestCase
import ddt
from common.djangoapps.track import contexts
class TestContexts(TestCase): # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
COURSE_ID = 'test/course_name/course_run'
SPLIT_COURSE_ID = 'course-v1:test+course_name+course_run'
ORG_ID = 'test'
(COURSE_ID, ''),
(COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(COURSE_ID, '?format=json'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '?format=json')
def test_explicit_course_id(self, course_id, postfix):
url = f'{postfix}'
self.assert_parses_explicit_course_id(url, course_id)
def assert_parses_explicit_course_id(self, url, course_id):
assert contexts.course_context_from_url(url, course_id_string=course_id) ==\
{'course_id': course_id, 'org_id': self.ORG_ID, 'enterprise_uuid': ''}
(COURSE_ID, ''),
(COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(COURSE_ID, '?format=json'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '?format=json')
def test_course_id_from_url(self, course_id, postfix):
url = f'{course_id}{postfix}'
self.assert_parses_course_id_from_url(url, course_id)
def assert_parses_course_id_from_url(self, format_string, course_id):
assert contexts.course_context_from_url(format_string.format(course_id=course_id)) ==\
{'course_id': course_id, 'org_id': self.ORG_ID, 'enterprise_uuid': ''}
def test_no_course_id_in_url(self):
def assert_empty_context_for_url(self, url):
assert contexts.course_context_from_url(url) == {'course_id': '', 'org_id': '', 'enterprise_uuid': ''}'', '/', '/?', '?format=json')
def test_malformed_course_id(self, postfix):
(COURSE_ID, ''),
(COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(COURSE_ID, '?format=json'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '?format=json')
def test_course_id_later_in_url(self, course_id, postfix):
url = f'{course_id}{postfix}'
self.assert_parses_course_id_from_url(url, course_id)
def test_no_url(self):