Tim McCormack authored
- Reference correct version of Django docs - Updates to LMS envs diagram: - Rename aws.py reference in image (now production.py) - Remove deprecated and deleted environments - Update note on `devstack_docker.py` to explain history
LMS Configuration Settings
The lms.envs module contains project-wide settings, defined in python modules using the standard Django Settings mechanism.
Different python modules are used for different setting configuration options. To prevent duplication of settings, modules import values from other modules, as shown in the diagram below.

YAML Configuration Files
In addition, there is a mechanism for reading and overriding configuration settings from YAML files on-disk. The :file:`/lms/envs/production.py` module loads settings from a YAML file. The location of the YAML file is pulled from the value of the LMS_CFG
environment variable. Except for a limited set of exceptions, if a key exists in the YAML file, it will be injected into the settings module as it is defined in the YAML file.
The YAML file allow open edX operators to configure the Django runtime
without needing to make any changes to source-controlled python files in
edx-platform. Therefore, they are not checked into the edx-platform repo.
Rather, they are generated from the edxapp playbook in the configuration
repo and available in the /edx/etc/
folder on edX servers.
Feature Flags and Settings Guidelines
For guidelines on using Django settings and feature flag mechanisms in the edX platform, please see Feature Flags and Settings.
Derived Settings
In cases where you need to define one or more settings relative to the value of another setting, you can explicitly designate them as derived calculations. This can let you override one setting (such as a path or a feature toggle) and have it automatically propagate to other settings which are defined in terms of that value, without needing to track down all potentially impacted settings and explicitly override them as well. This can be useful for test setting overrides even if you don't anticipate end users customizing the value very often.
For example:
def _make_locale_paths(settings):
locale_paths = [settings.REPO_ROOT + '/conf/locale'] # edx-platform/conf/locale/
# Add locale paths to settings for comprehensive theming.
for locale_path in settings.COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_LOCALE_PATHS:
locale_paths += (path(locale_path), )
return locale_paths
LOCALE_PATHS = _make_locale_paths
In this case, LOCALE_PATHS
will be defined correctly at the end of the
settings module parsing no matter what REPO_ROOT
currently set to. This is true even if the LOCALE_PATHS
calculation was
defined in lms/envs/common.py
and you're using lms/envs/production.py
includes overrides both from that module and the JSON configuration files.
List entries and dictionary values can also be derived from other settings, even when nested within each other:
def _make_mako_template_dirs(settings):
Derives the final Mako template directories list from other settings.
themes_dirs = get_theme_base_dirs_from_settings(settings.COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS)
for theme in get_themes_unchecked(themes_dirs, settings.PROJECT_ROOT):
if theme.themes_base_dir not in settings.MAKO_TEMPLATE_DIRS_BASE:
settings.MAKO_TEMPLATE_DIRS_BASE.insert(0, theme.themes_base_dir)
'NAME': 'django',
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'NAME': 'mako',
'BACKEND': 'edxmako.backend.Mako',
'APP_DIRS': False,
'DIRS': _make_mako_template_dirs,
derived_collection_entry('TEMPLATES', 1, 'DIRS')