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Unverified Commit 32649f91 authored by Alessandro Roux's avatar Alessandro Roux Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #18440 from edx/roux/multiple-toolbars

EDUCATOR-3042: Fixes bug where inline discussion's comment editor has multiple toolbars.
parents a5c8c9f3 92bd1648
Tags release-2020-10-02-11.03
No related merge requests found
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
// If remove is true, the whitespace disappears.
Chunks.prototype.trimWhitespace = function(remove) {
var beforeReplacer, afterReplacer,
var beforeReplacer, afterReplacer,
that = this;
if (remove) {
beforeReplacer = afterReplacer = '';
......@@ -236,6 +236,19 @@
// end of Chunks
function findAnEmptyToolbar(toolbarClassName) {
var toolbars = doc.getElementsByClassName(toolbarClassName);
for (var i=0; i < toolbars.length; ++i)
var aToolbar = toolbars[i];
if (aToolbar.children.length == 0) {
var anEmptyToolbar = aToolbar;
return anEmptyToolbar;
return null;
// A collection of the important regions on the page.
// Cached so we don't have to keep traversing the DOM.
// Also holds ieCachedRange and ieCachedScrollTop, where necessary; working around
......@@ -253,7 +266,7 @@
// and 8) and ONLY on button clicks. Keyboard shortcuts work
// normally since the focus never leaves the textarea.
function PanelCollection(postfix) {
this.buttonBar = doc.getElementById('wmd-button-bar' + postfix);
this.buttonBar = findAnEmptyToolbar('wmd-button-bar' + postfix);
this.preview = doc.getElementById('wmd-preview' + postfix);
this.input = doc.getElementById('wmd-input' + postfix);
......@@ -647,7 +660,7 @@
inputArea.selectionStart = stateObj.start;
inputArea.selectionEnd = stateObj.end;
inputArea.scrollTop = stateObj.scrollTop;
} else if (doc.selection) {
} else if (doc.selection) {
if (doc.activeElement && doc.activeElement !== inputArea) {
......@@ -666,7 +679,7 @@
if (!panels.ieCachedRange && (inputArea.selectionStart || inputArea.selectionStart === 0)) {
stateObj.start = inputArea.selectionStart;
stateObj.end = inputArea.selectionEnd;
} else if (doc.selection) {
} else if (doc.selection) {
stateObj.text = util.fixEolChars(inputArea.value);
// IE loses the selection in the textarea when buttons are
......@@ -1558,7 +1571,7 @@
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\s?)$/, '');
var whitespace = re.$1;
chunk.before = chunk.before + starsAfter + whitespace;
} else {
} else {
// In most cases, if you don't have any selected text and click the button
// you'll get a selected, marked up region with the default text inserted.
if (!chunk.selection && !starsAfter) {
......@@ -1672,8 +1685,8 @@
if (chunk.endTag.length > 1 && chunk.startTag.length > 0) {
chunk.startTag = chunk.startTag.replace(/!?\[/, '');
chunk.endTag = '';
this.addLinkDef(chunk, null);
} else {
this.addLinkDef(chunk, null);
} else {
// We're moving start and end tag back into the selection, since (as we're in the else block) we're not
// *removing* a link, but *adding* one, so whatever findTags() found is now back to being part of the
// link text. linkEnteredCallback takes care of escaping any brackets.
......@@ -2166,5 +2179,5 @@
chunk.startTag = '----------\n';
chunk.selection = '';
chunk.skipLines(2, 1, true);
......@@ -182,8 +182,27 @@ Mostly adapted from
_append = appended_id || "";
wmdInputId = "wmd-input" + _append;
$wmdPreviewContainer = $("<div>").addClass("wmd-preview-container").attr("role", "region").attr("aria-label", gettext("HTML preview of post")).append($("<div>").addClass("wmd-preview-label").text(gettext("Preview"))).append($("<div>").attr("id", "wmd-preview" + _append).addClass("wmd-panel wmd-preview"));
$wmdPanel = $("<div>").addClass("wmd-panel").append($("<div>").attr("id", "wmd-button-bar" + _append)).append($("<label>").addClass("sr").attr("for", wmdInputId).text(gettext("Your question or idea (required)"))).append($("<textarea>").addClass("wmd-input").attr("id", wmdInputId).html(initialText)).append($wmdPreviewContainer); // xss-lint: disable=javascript-jquery-html
$wmdPreviewContainer = $("<div>").addClass("wmd-preview-container")
.attr("role", "region")
.attr("aria-label", gettext("HTML preview of post"))
.attr("id", "wmd-preview" + _append)
.addClass("wmd-panel wmd-preview"));
$wmdPanel = $("<div>").addClass("wmd-panel")
.addClass("wmd-button-bar" + _append))
.attr("for", wmdInputId)
.text(gettext("Your question or idea (required)")))
.attr("id", wmdInputId)
.append($wmdPreviewContainer); // xss-lint: disable=javascript-jquery-html
converter = Markdown.getMathCompatibleConverter(postProcessor);
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