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Commit 32ab5550 authored by Ned Batchelder's avatar Ned Batchelder
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Merge pull request #9095 from solashirai/sola/feature_csh

(WIP) Crowdsource Hinter Prototype
parents 161b8f94 82936a0f
Tags release-2021-03-05-09.07
No related merge requests found
......@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ Daniel Naranjo <>
Vedran Karačić <>
William Ono <>
Dongwook Yoon <>
Sola Shirai <>
Awais Qureshi <>
Eric Fischer <>
Brian Beggs <>
PageObject for Crowdsourcehinter
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
class CrowdsourcehinterProblemPage(PageObject):
A PageObject representing the Crowdsourcehinter xblock.
url = None
def __init__(self, browser):
browser (selenium.webdriver): The Selenium-controlled browser that this page is loaded in.
super(CrowdsourcehinterProblemPage, self).__init__(browser)
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return len(self.browser.find_elements_by_class_name('crowdsourcehinter_block')) > 0
def submit_text_answer(self, text):
Submit an answer to the problem block
self.q(css='.action [data-value="Check"]').click()
def get_hint_text(self):
Return the hint shown to the student
return self.q(css='div.csh_hint_text').text
def get_student_answer_text(self):
Check the student answer is set correctly
return self.q(css='div.csh_hint_text').attrs('student_answer')
def rate_hint(self):
Click the rate_hint button
def submit_new_hint(self, text):
Fill in the textbox and submit a new hint
self.q(css='.csh_student_hint_creation input[type="button"]').click()
self.q(css='.csh_student_text_input input[type="text"]').fill(text)
self.q(css='.csh_submit_new input[type="button"]').click()
Javascript tests for the crowdsourcehinter xblock
from textwrap import dedent
from common.test.acceptance.fixtures.course import CourseFixture, XBlockFixtureDesc
from common.test.acceptance.pages.lms.courseware import CoursewarePage
from common.test.acceptance.pages.xblock.crowdsourcehinter_problem import CrowdsourcehinterProblemPage
from import AutoAuthPage
from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import UniqueCourseTest
class CrowdsourcehinterProblemTest(UniqueCourseTest):
Test scenario for the hinter.
EMAIL = ""
def setUp(self):
super(CrowdsourcehinterProblemTest, self).setUp()
self.courseware_page = CoursewarePage(self.browser, self.course_id)
# Install a course with sections/problems, tabs, updates, and handouts
course_fix = CourseFixture(
self.course_info['org'], self.course_info['number'],
self.course_info['run'], self.course_info['display_name']
problem_data = dedent('''
<p>A text input problem accepts a line of text from the student, and evaluates the input for correctness based on an expected answer.</p>
<p>The answer is correct if it matches every character of the expected answer. This can be a problem with international spelling, dates, or anything where the format of the answer is not clear.</p>
<p>Which US state has Lansing as its capital?</p>
<stringresponse answer="Michigan" type="ci" >
<textline label="Which US state has Lansing as its capital?" size="20"/>
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>Lansing is the capital of Michigan, although it is not Michigan's largest city, or even the seat of the county in which it resides.</p>
children = XBlockFixtureDesc('chapter', 'Test Section').add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('sequential', 'Test Subsection').add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('vertical', 'Test Unit').add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('problem', 'text input problem', data=problem_data),
XBlockFixtureDesc('crowdsourcehinter', 'test crowdsourcehinter')
# Auto-auth register for the course.
AutoAuthPage(self.browser, username=self.USERNAME, email=self.EMAIL,
course_id=self.course_id, staff=False).visit()
def _goto_csh_problem_page(self):
Visit the page courseware page containing the hinter
csh_problem_page = CrowdsourcehinterProblemPage(self.browser)
self.assertGreater(len(self.browser.find_elements_by_class_name('crowdsourcehinter_block')), 0)
return csh_problem_page
def test_student_hint_workflow(self):
Test the basic workflow of a student recieving hints. The student should submit an incorrect answer and
receive a hint (in this case no hint since none are set), be able to rate that hint, see a different UX
after submitting a correct answer, and be capable of contributing a new hint to the system.
csh_problem_page = self._goto_csh_problem_page()
self.assertEqual(csh_problem_page.get_hint_text()[0], u"Hint: Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.")
self.assertGreater(len(self.browser.find_elements_by_class_name('csh_rate_hint')), 0)
self.assertGreater(len(self.browser.find_elements_by_id('show_hint_rating_ux')), 0)
csh_problem_page.submit_new_hint("new hint text")
Test scenarios for the crowdsource hinter xblock.
import json
import unittest
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.tests.helpers import LoginEnrollmentTestCase
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.tests.factories import GlobalStaffFactory
from lms.djangoapps.lms_xblock.runtime import quote_slashes
from django.conf import settings
class TestCrowdsourceHinter(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
Create the test environment with the crowdsourcehinter xblock.
{'email': '', 'password': 'foo'},
{'email': '', 'password': 'foo'}
XBLOCK_NAMES = ['crowdsourcehinter']
def setUpClass(cls):
# Nose runs setUpClass methods even if a class decorator says to skip
# the class:
# So, skip the test class here if we are not in the LMS.
if settings.ROOT_URLCONF != 'lms.urls':
raise unittest.SkipTest('Test only valid in lms')
super(TestCrowdsourceHinter, cls).setUpClass()
cls.course = CourseFactory.create(
with, emit_signals=False):
cls.chapter = ItemFactory.create(
parent=cls.course, display_name='Overview'
cls.section = ItemFactory.create(
parent=cls.chapter, display_name='Welcome'
cls.unit = ItemFactory.create(
parent=cls.section, display_name='New Unit'
cls.xblock = ItemFactory.create(
cls.course_url = reverse(
'chapter': 'Overview',
'section': 'Welcome',
def setUp(self):
super(TestCrowdsourceHinter, self).setUp()
for idx, student in enumerate(self.STUDENTS):
username = "u{}".format(idx)
self.create_account(username, student['email'], student['password'])
self.staff_user = GlobalStaffFactory()
def get_handler_url(self, handler, xblock_name=None):
Get url for the specified xblock handler
if xblock_name is None:
xblock_name = TestCrowdsourceHinter.XBLOCK_NAMES[0]
return reverse('xblock_handler', kwargs={
'usage_id': quote_slashes('crowdsourcehinter', xblock_name).
'handler': handler,
'suffix': ''
def enroll_student(self, email, password):
Student login and enroll for the course
self.login(email, password)
self.enroll(self.course, verify=True)
def enroll_staff(self, staff):
Staff login and enroll for the course
email =
password = 'test'
self.login(email, password)
self.enroll(self.course, verify=True)
def initialize_database_by_id(self, handler, resource_id, times, xblock_name=None):
Call a ajax event (vote, delete, endorse) on a resource by its id
several times
if xblock_name is None:
xblock_name = TestCrowdsourceHinter.XBLOCK_NAMES[0]
url = self.get_handler_url(handler, xblock_name)
for _ in range(times):, json.dumps({'id': resource_id}), '')
def call_event(self, handler, resource, xblock_name=None):
Call a ajax event (add, edit, flag, etc.) by specifying the resource
it takes
if xblock_name is None:
xblock_name = TestCrowdsourceHinter.XBLOCK_NAMES[0]
url = self.get_handler_url(handler, xblock_name)
return, json.dumps(resource), '')
def check_event_response_by_element(self, handler, resource, resp_key, resp_val, xblock_name=None):
Call the event specified by the handler with the resource, and check
whether the element (resp_key) in response is as expected (resp_val)
if xblock_name is None:
xblock_name = TestCrowdsourceHinter.XBLOCK_NAMES[0]
resp = self.call_event(handler, resource, xblock_name)
self.assertEqual(resp[resp_key], resp_val)
self.assert_request_status_code(200, self.course_url)
class TestHinterFunctions(TestCrowdsourceHinter):
Check that the essential functions of the hinter work as expected.
Tests cover the basic process of receiving a hint, adding a new hint,
and rating/reporting hints.
def test_get_hint_with_no_hints(self):
Check that a generic statement is returned when no default/specific hints exist
result = self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'}, 'crowdsourcehinter')
expected = {'BestHint': 'Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.', 'StudentAnswer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'HintCategory': False}
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
def test_add_new_hint(self):
Test the ability to add a new specific hint
self.enroll_student(self.STUDENTS[0]['email'], self.STUDENTS[0]['password'])
data = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1', 'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
result = self.call_event('add_new_hint', data)
expected = {'success': True,
'result': 'Hint added'}
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
def test_get_hint(self):
Check that specific hints are returned
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
result = self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
expected = {'BestHint': 'new hint for answer 1', 'StudentAnswer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'HintCategory': 'ErrorResponse'}
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
def test_rate_hint_upvote(self):
Test hint upvoting
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
data = {
'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'hint': 'new hint for answer 1',
'student_rating': 'upvote'
expected = {'success': True}
result = self.call_event('rate_hint', data)
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
def test_rate_hint_downvote(self):
Test hint downvoting
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
data = {
'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'hint': 'new hint for answer 1',
'student_rating': 'downvote'
expected = {'success': True}
result = self.call_event('rate_hint', data)
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
def test_report_hint(self):
Test hint reporting
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
data = {
'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'hint': 'new hint for answer 1',
'student_rating': 'report'
expected = {'rating': 'reported', 'hint': 'new hint for answer 1'}
result = self.call_event('rate_hint', data)
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
def test_dont_show_reported_hint(self):
Check that reported hints are returned
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
data = {
'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'hint': 'new hint for answer 1',
'student_rating': 'report'
self.call_event('rate_hint', data)
result = self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
expected = {'BestHint': 'Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.', 'StudentAnswer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'HintCategory': False}
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
def test_get_used_hint_answer_data(self):
Check that hint/answer information from previous submissions are returned upon correctly
answering the problem
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
self.call_event('get_used_hint_answer_data', "")
submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
result = self.call_event('get_used_hint_answer_data', "")
expected = {'new hint for answer 1': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
def test_show_best_hint(self):
Check that the most upvoted hint is shown
self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
submission1 = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
submission2 = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1 to report',
'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission1)
self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission2)
data_upvote = {
'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'hint': 'new hint for answer 1 to report',
'student_rating': 'upvote'
self.call_event('rate_hint', data_upvote)
data_downvote = {
'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'hint': 'new hint for answer 1 to report',
'student_rating': 'report'
self.call_event('rate_hint', data_downvote)
result = self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
expected = {'BestHint': 'new hint for answer 1', 'StudentAnswer': 'incorrect answer 1',
'HintCategory': 'ErrorResponse'}
self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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