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Unverified Commit 6ba9cd21 authored by David Ormsbee's avatar David Ormsbee Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #22035 from open-craft/blockstore-assets

APIs for XBlock static asset files in Blockstore
parents 0a0934c9 7dafda61
No related merge requests found
with 713 additions and 174 deletions
Python API for content libraries
Python API for content libraries.
Unless otherwise specified, all APIs in this file deal with the DRAFT version
of the content library.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from uuid import UUID
......@@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ from openedx.core.lib.blockstore_api import (
from openedx.core.djangolib import blockstore_cache
from openedx.core.djangolib.blockstore_cache import BundleCache
from .models import ContentLibrary, ContentLibraryPermission
......@@ -56,6 +60,10 @@ class LibraryBlockAlreadyExists(KeyError):
""" An XBlock with that ID already exists in the library """
class InvalidNameError(ValueError):
""" The specified name/identifier is not valid """
# Models:
......@@ -85,6 +93,21 @@ class LibraryXBlockMetadata(object):
has_unpublished_changes = attr.ib(False)
class LibraryXBlockStaticFile(object):
Class that represents a static file in a content library, associated with
a particular XBlock.
# File path e.g. "diagram.png"
# In some rare cases it might contain a folder part, e.g. "en/"
path = attr.ib("")
# Publicly accessible URL where the file can be downloaded
url = attr.ib("")
# Size in bytes
size = attr.ib(0)
class LibraryXBlockType(object):
......@@ -260,13 +283,11 @@ def get_library_blocks(library_key):
return blocks
def get_library_block(usage_key):
def _lookup_usage_key(usage_key):
Get metadata (LibraryXBlockMetadata) about one specific XBlock in a library
To load the actual XBlock instance, use
Given a LibraryUsageLocatorV2 (usage key for an XBlock in a content library)
return the definition key and LibraryBundle
or raise ContentLibraryBlockNotFound
assert isinstance(usage_key, LibraryUsageLocatorV2)
lib_context = get_learning_context_impl(usage_key)
......@@ -274,6 +295,18 @@ def get_library_block(usage_key):
if def_key is None:
raise ContentLibraryBlockNotFound(usage_key)
lib_bundle = LibraryBundle(usage_key.lib_key, def_key.bundle_uuid, draft_name=DRAFT_NAME)
return def_key, lib_bundle
def get_library_block(usage_key):
Get metadata (LibraryXBlockMetadata) about one specific XBlock in a library
To load the actual XBlock instance, use
def_key, lib_bundle = _lookup_usage_key(usage_key)
return LibraryXBlockMetadata(
......@@ -371,13 +404,7 @@ def delete_library_block(usage_key, remove_from_parent=True):
delete block. This should always be true except when this function
calls itself recursively.
assert isinstance(usage_key, LibraryUsageLocatorV2)
library_context = get_learning_context_impl(usage_key)
library_ref = ContentLibrary.objects.get_by_key(usage_key.context_key)
def_key = library_context.definition_for_usage(usage_key)
if def_key is None:
raise ContentLibraryBlockNotFound(usage_key)
lib_bundle = LibraryBundle(usage_key.context_key, library_ref.bundle_uuid, draft_name=DRAFT_NAME)
def_key, lib_bundle = _lookup_usage_key(usage_key)
# Create a draft:
draft_uuid = get_or_create_bundle_draft(def_key.bundle_uuid, DRAFT_NAME).uuid
# Does this block have a parent?
......@@ -395,7 +422,7 @@ def delete_library_block(usage_key, remove_from_parent=True):
# we're going to delete this block anyways.
delete_library_block(child_usage, remove_from_parent=False)
# Delete the definition:
if def_key.bundle_uuid == library_ref.bundle_uuid:
if def_key.bundle_uuid == lib_bundle.bundle_uuid:
# This definition is in the library, so delete it:
path_prefix = lib_bundle.olx_prefix(def_key)
for bundle_file in get_bundle_files(def_key.bundle_uuid, use_draft=DRAFT_NAME):
......@@ -434,6 +461,74 @@ def create_library_block_child(parent_usage_key, block_type, definition_id):
return metadata
def get_library_block_static_asset_files(usage_key):
Given an XBlock in a content library, list all the static asset files
associated with that XBlock.
Returns a list of LibraryXBlockStaticFile objects.
def_key, lib_bundle = _lookup_usage_key(usage_key)
result = [
LibraryXBlockStaticFile(path=f.path, url=f.url, size=f.size)
for f in lib_bundle.get_static_files_for_definition(def_key)
result.sort(key=lambda f: f.path)
return result
def add_library_block_static_asset_file(usage_key, file_name, file_content):
Upload a static asset file into the library, to be associated with the
specified XBlock. Will silently overwrite an existing file of the same name.
file_name should be a name like "doc.pdf". It may optionally contain slashes
like 'en/doc.pdf'
file_content should be a binary string.
Returns a LibraryXBlockStaticFile object.
video_block = UsageKey.from_string("lb:VideoTeam:python-intro:video:1")
add_library_block_static_asset_file(video_block, "", subtitles.encode('utf-8'))
assert isinstance(file_content, six.binary_type)
def_key, lib_bundle = _lookup_usage_key(usage_key)
if file_name != file_name.strip().strip('/'):
raise InvalidNameError("file name cannot start/end with / or whitespace.")
if '//' in file_name or '..' in file_name:
raise InvalidNameError("Invalid sequence (// or ..) in filename.")
file_path = lib_bundle.get_static_prefix_for_definition(def_key) + file_name
# Write the new static file into the library bundle's draft
draft = get_or_create_bundle_draft(def_key.bundle_uuid, DRAFT_NAME)
write_draft_file(draft.uuid, file_path, file_content)
# Clear the bundle cache so everyone sees the new file immediately:
file_metadata = blockstore_cache.get_bundle_file_metadata_with_cache(
bundle_uuid=def_key.bundle_uuid, path=file_path, draft_name=DRAFT_NAME,
return LibraryXBlockStaticFile(path=file_metadata.path, url=file_metadata.url, size=file_metadata.size)
def delete_library_block_static_asset_file(usage_key, file_name):
Delete a static asset file from the library.
video_block = UsageKey.from_string("lb:VideoTeam:python-intro:video:1")
delete_library_block_static_asset_file(video_block, "")
def_key, lib_bundle = _lookup_usage_key(usage_key)
if '..' in file_name:
raise InvalidNameError("Invalid .. in file name.")
file_path = lib_bundle.get_static_prefix_for_definition(def_key) + file_name
# Delete the file from the library bundle's draft
draft = get_or_create_bundle_draft(def_key.bundle_uuid, DRAFT_NAME)
write_draft_file(draft.uuid, file_path, contents=None)
# Clear the bundle cache so everyone sees the new file immediately:
def get_allowed_block_types(library_key): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Get a list of XBlock types that can be added to the specified content
......@@ -314,6 +314,34 @@ class LibraryBundle(object):
self.cache.set(('has_changes', ), result)
return result
def get_static_prefix_for_definition(self, definition_key):
Given a definition key, get the path prefix used for all (public) static
asset files.
Example: problem/quiz1/static/
return self.olx_prefix(definition_key) + 'static/'
def get_static_files_for_definition(self, definition_key):
Return a list of the static asset files related with a particular XBlock
If the bundle contains files like:
Then this will return
[BundleFile(path="image1.png", size, url, hash_digest)]
path_prefix = self.get_static_prefix_for_definition(definition_key)
path_prefix_len = len(path_prefix)
return [
blockstore_api.BundleFile(path=f.path[path_prefix_len:], size=f.size, url=f.url, hash_digest=f.hash_digest)
for f in get_bundle_files_cached(self.bundle_uuid, draft_name=self.draft_name)
if f.path.startswith(path_prefix)
def olx_prefix(definition_key):
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_litera
from django.core.validators import validate_unicode_slug
from rest_framework import serializers
from openedx.core.lib import blockstore_api
class ContentLibraryMetadataSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
......@@ -74,3 +76,35 @@ class LibraryXBlockOlxSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
Serializer for representing an XBlock's OLX
olx = serializers.CharField()
class LibraryXBlockStaticFileSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
Serializer representing a static file associated with an XBlock
Serializes a LibraryXBlockStaticFile (or a BundleFile)
path = serializers.CharField()
# Publicly accessible URL where the file can be downloaded.
# Must be an absolute URL.
url = serializers.URLField()
size = serializers.IntegerField(min_value=0)
def to_representation(self, instance):
Generate the serialized representation of this static asset file.
result = super(LibraryXBlockStaticFileSerializer, self).to_representation(instance)
# Make sure the URL is one that will work from the user's browser,
# not one that only works from within a docker container:
result['url'] = blockstore_api.force_browser_url(result['url'])
return result
class LibraryXBlockStaticFilesSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
Serializer representing a static file associated with an XBlock
Serializes a LibraryXBlockStaticFile (or a BundleFile)
files = LibraryXBlockStaticFileSerializer(many=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for Blockstore-based Content Libraries
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import unittest
from django.conf import settings
from organizations.models import Organization
from rest_framework.test import APITestCase
import six
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from openedx.core.djangolib.testing.utils import skip_unless_cms
from openedx.core.lib import blockstore_api
# Define the URLs here - don't use reverse() because we want to detect
# backwards-incompatible changes like changed URLs.
URL_PREFIX = '/api/libraries/v2/'
URL_LIB_DETAIL = URL_PREFIX + '{lib_key}/' # Get data about a library, update or delete library
URL_LIB_BLOCK_TYPES = URL_LIB_DETAIL + 'block_types/' # Get the list of XBlock types that can be added to this library
URL_LIB_COMMIT = URL_LIB_DETAIL + 'commit/' # Commit (POST) or revert (DELETE) all pending changes to this library
URL_LIB_BLOCKS = URL_LIB_DETAIL + 'blocks/' # Get the list of XBlocks in this library, or add a new one
URL_LIB_BLOCK = URL_PREFIX + 'blocks/{block_key}/' # Get data about a block, or delete it
URL_LIB_BLOCK_OLX = URL_LIB_BLOCK + 'olx/' # Get or set the OLX of the specified XBlock
URL_LIB_BLOCK_ASSETS = URL_LIB_BLOCK + 'assets/' # List the static asset files of the specified XBlock
URL_LIB_BLOCK_ASSET_FILE = URL_LIB_BLOCK + 'assets/{file_name}' # Get, delete, or upload a specific static asset file
URL_BLOCK_RENDER_VIEW = '/api/xblock/v2/xblocks/{block_key}/view/{view_name}/'
URL_BLOCK_GET_HANDLER_URL = '/api/xblock/v2/xblocks/{block_key}/handler_url/{handler_name}/'
# Decorator for tests that require blockstore
requires_blockstore = unittest.skipUnless(settings.RUN_BLOCKSTORE_TESTS, "Requires a running Blockstore server")
@skip_unless_cms # Content Libraries REST API is only available in Studio
class ContentLibrariesRestApiTest(APITestCase):
Base class for Blockstore-based Content Libraries test that use the REST API
These tests use the REST API, which in turn relies on the Python API.
Some tests may use the python API directly if necessary to provide
coverage of any code paths not accessible via the REST API.
In general, these tests should
(1) Use public APIs only - don't directly create data using other methods,
which results in a less realistic test and ties the test suite too
closely to specific implementation details.
(Exception: users can be provisioned using a user factory)
(2) Assert that fields are present in responses, but don't assert that the
entire response has some specific shape. That way, things like adding
new fields to an API response, which are backwards compatible, won't
break any tests, but backwards-incompatible API changes will.
WARNING: every test should have a unique library slug, because even though
the django/mysql database gets reset for each test case, the lookup between
library slug and bundle UUID does not because it's assumed to be immutable
and cached forever.
def setUpClass(cls):
super(ContentLibrariesRestApiTest, cls).setUpClass()
cls.user = UserFactory.create(username="Bob", email="", password="edx")
# Create a collection using Blockstore API directly only because there
# is not yet any Studio REST API for doing so:
cls.collection = blockstore_api.create_collection("Content Library Test Collection")
# Create an organization
cls.organization = Organization.objects.create(
name="Content Libraries Tachyon Exploration & Survey Team",
def setUp(self):
super(ContentLibrariesRestApiTest, self).setUp()
self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password="edx")
# API helpers
def _api(self, method, url, data, expect_response):
response = getattr(self.client, method)(url, data, format="json")
response.status_code, expect_response,
"Unexpected response code {}:\n{}".format(response.status_code, getattr(response, 'data', '(no data)')),
def _create_library(self, slug, title, description="", expect_response=200):
""" Create a library """
return self._api('post', URL_LIB_CREATE, {
"org": self.organization.short_name,
"slug": slug,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"collection_uuid": str(self.collection.uuid),
}, expect_response)
def _get_library(self, lib_key, expect_response=200):
""" Get a library """
return self._api('get', URL_LIB_DETAIL.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response)
def _update_library(self, lib_key, **data):
""" Update an existing library """
return self._api('patch', URL_LIB_DETAIL.format(lib_key=lib_key), data=data, expect_response=200)
def _delete_library(self, lib_key, expect_response=200):
""" Delete an existing library """
return self._api('delete', URL_LIB_DETAIL.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response)
def _commit_library_changes(self, lib_key):
""" Commit changes to an existing library """
return self._api('post', URL_LIB_COMMIT.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response=200)
def _revert_library_changes(self, lib_key):
""" Revert pending changes to an existing library """
return self._api('delete', URL_LIB_COMMIT.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response=200)
def _get_library_blocks(self, lib_key):
""" Get the list of XBlocks in the library """
return self._api('get', URL_LIB_BLOCKS.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response=200)
def _add_block_to_library(self, lib_key, block_type, slug, parent_block=None, expect_response=200):
""" Add a new XBlock to the library """
data = {"block_type": block_type, "definition_id": slug}
if parent_block:
data["parent_block"] = parent_block
return self._api('post', URL_LIB_BLOCKS.format(lib_key=lib_key), data, expect_response)
def _get_library_block(self, block_key, expect_response=200):
""" Get a specific block in the library """
return self._api('get', URL_LIB_BLOCK.format(block_key=block_key), None, expect_response)
def _delete_library_block(self, block_key, expect_response=200):
""" Delete a specific block from the library """
self._api('delete', URL_LIB_BLOCK.format(block_key=block_key), None, expect_response)
def _get_library_block_olx(self, block_key, expect_response=200):
""" Get the OLX of a specific block in the library """
result = self._api('get', URL_LIB_BLOCK_OLX.format(block_key=block_key), None, expect_response)
if expect_response == 200:
return result["olx"]
return result
def _set_library_block_olx(self, block_key, new_olx, expect_response=200):
""" Overwrite the OLX of a specific block in the library """
return self._api('post', URL_LIB_BLOCK_OLX.format(block_key=block_key), {"olx": new_olx}, expect_response)
def _get_library_block_assets(self, block_key, expect_response=200):
""" List the static asset files belonging to the specified XBlock """
url = URL_LIB_BLOCK_ASSETS.format(block_key=block_key)
result = self._api('get', url, None, expect_response)
return result["files"] if expect_response == 200 else result
def _get_library_block_asset(self, block_key, file_name, expect_response=200):
Get metadata about one static asset file belonging to the specified
url = URL_LIB_BLOCK_ASSET_FILE.format(block_key=block_key, file_name=file_name)
return self._api('get', url, None, expect_response)
def _set_library_block_asset(self, block_key, file_name, content, expect_response=200):
Set/replace a static asset file belonging to the specified XBlock.
content should be a binary string.
assert isinstance(content, six.binary_type)
file_handle = six.BytesIO(content)
url = URL_LIB_BLOCK_ASSET_FILE.format(block_key=block_key, file_name=file_name)
response = self.client.put(url, data={"content": file_handle})
response.status_code, expect_response,
"Unexpected response code {}:\n{}".format(response.status_code, getattr(response, 'data', '(no data)')),
def _delete_library_block_asset(self, block_key, file_name, expect_response=200):
""" Delete a static asset file. """
url = URL_LIB_BLOCK_ASSET_FILE.format(block_key=block_key, file_name=file_name)
return self._api('delete', url, None, expect_response)
def _render_block_view(self, block_key, view_name, expect_response=200):
Render an XBlock's view in the active application's runtime.
Note that this endpoint has different behavior in Studio (draft mode)
vs. the LMS (published version only).
url = URL_BLOCK_RENDER_VIEW.format(block_key=block_key, view_name=view_name)
return self._api('get', url, None, expect_response)
def _get_block_handler_url(self, block_key, handler_name):
Get the URL to call a specific XBlock's handler.
The URL itself encodes authentication information so can be called
without session authentication or any other kind of authentication.
url = URL_BLOCK_GET_HANDLER_URL.format(block_key=block_key, handler_name=handler_name)
return self._api('get', url, None, expect_response=200)["handler_url"]
......@@ -6,34 +6,12 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_litera
import unittest
from uuid import UUID
from django.conf import settings
from organizations.models import Organization
from rest_framework.test import APITestCase
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_libraries.tests.base import ContentLibrariesRestApiTest
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from openedx.core.djangolib.testing.utils import skip_unless_cms
from openedx.core.lib import blockstore_api
# Define the URLs here - don't use reverse() because we want to detect
# backwards-incompatible changes like changed URLs.
URL_PREFIX = '/api/libraries/v2/'
URL_LIB_DETAIL = URL_PREFIX + '{lib_key}/' # Get data about a library, update or delete library
URL_LIB_BLOCK_TYPES = URL_LIB_DETAIL + 'block_types/' # Get the list of XBlock types that can be added to this library
URL_LIB_COMMIT = URL_LIB_DETAIL + 'commit/' # Commit (POST) or revert (DELETE) all pending changes to this library
URL_LIB_BLOCKS = URL_LIB_DETAIL + 'blocks/' # Get the list of XBlocks in this library, or add a new one
URL_LIB_BLOCK = URL_PREFIX + 'blocks/{block_key}/' # Get data about a block, or delete it
URL_LIB_BLOCK_OLX = URL_LIB_BLOCK + 'olx/' # Get or set the OLX of the specified XBlock
URL_BLOCK_RENDER_VIEW = '/api/xblock/v2/xblocks/{block_key}/view/{view_name}/'
URL_BLOCK_GET_HANDLER_URL = '/api/xblock/v2/xblocks/{block_key}/handler_url/{handler_name}/'
@unittest.skipUnless(settings.RUN_BLOCKSTORE_TESTS, "Requires a running Blockstore server")
@skip_unless_cms # Content Libraries REST API is only available in Studio
class ContentLibrariesTest(APITestCase):
class ContentLibrariesTest(ContentLibrariesRestApiTest):
Test for Blockstore-based Content Libraries
General tests for Blockstore-based Content Libraries
These tests use the REST API, which in turn relies on the Python API.
Some tests may use the python API directly if necessary to provide
......@@ -55,116 +33,6 @@ class ContentLibrariesTest(APITestCase):
and cached forever.
def setUpClass(cls):
super(ContentLibrariesTest, cls).setUpClass()
cls.user = UserFactory.create(username="Bob", email="", password="edx")
# Create a collection using Blockstore API directly only because there
# is not yet any Studio REST API for doing so:
cls.collection = blockstore_api.create_collection("Content Library Test Collection")
# Create an organization
cls.organization = Organization.objects.create(
name="Content Libraries Tachyon Exploration & Survey Team",
def setUp(self):
super(ContentLibrariesTest, self).setUp()
self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password="edx")
# API helpers
def _api(self, method, url, data, expect_response):
response = getattr(self.client, method)(url, data, format="json")
response.status_code, expect_response,
"Unexpected response code {}:\n{}".format(response.status_code, getattr(response, 'data', '(no data)')),
def _create_library(self, slug, title, description="", expect_response=200):
""" Create a library """
return self._api('post', URL_LIB_CREATE, {
"org": self.organization.short_name,
"slug": slug,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"collection_uuid": str(self.collection.uuid),
}, expect_response)
def _get_library(self, lib_key, expect_response=200):
""" Get a library """
return self._api('get', URL_LIB_DETAIL.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response)
def _update_library(self, lib_key, **data):
""" Update an existing library """
return self._api('patch', URL_LIB_DETAIL.format(lib_key=lib_key), data=data, expect_response=200)
def _delete_library(self, lib_key, expect_response=200):
""" Delete an existing library """
return self._api('delete', URL_LIB_DETAIL.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response)
def _commit_library_changes(self, lib_key):
""" Commit changes to an existing library """
return self._api('post', URL_LIB_COMMIT.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response=200)
def _revert_library_changes(self, lib_key):
""" Revert pending changes to an existing library """
return self._api('delete', URL_LIB_COMMIT.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response=200)
def _get_library_blocks(self, lib_key):
""" Get the list of XBlocks in the library """
return self._api('get', URL_LIB_BLOCKS.format(lib_key=lib_key), None, expect_response=200)
def _add_block_to_library(self, lib_key, block_type, slug, parent_block=None, expect_response=200):
""" Add a new XBlock to the library """
data = {"block_type": block_type, "definition_id": slug}
if parent_block:
data["parent_block"] = parent_block
return self._api('post', URL_LIB_BLOCKS.format(lib_key=lib_key), data, expect_response)
def _get_library_block(self, block_key, expect_response=200):
""" Get a specific block in the library """
return self._api('get', URL_LIB_BLOCK.format(block_key=block_key), None, expect_response)
def _delete_library_block(self, block_key, expect_response=200):
""" Delete a specific block from the library """
self._api('delete', URL_LIB_BLOCK.format(block_key=block_key), None, expect_response)
def _get_library_block_olx(self, block_key, expect_response=200):
""" Get the OLX of a specific block in the library """
result = self._api('get', URL_LIB_BLOCK_OLX.format(block_key=block_key), None, expect_response)
if expect_response == 200:
return result["olx"]
return result
def _set_library_block_olx(self, block_key, new_olx, expect_response=200):
""" Overwrite the OLX of a specific block in the library """
return self._api('post', URL_LIB_BLOCK_OLX.format(block_key=block_key), {"olx": new_olx}, expect_response)
def _render_block_view(self, block_key, view_name, expect_response=200):
Render an XBlock's view in the active application's runtime.
Note that this endpoint has different behavior in Studio (draft mode)
vs. the LMS (published version only).
url = URL_BLOCK_RENDER_VIEW.format(block_key=block_key, view_name=view_name)
return self._api('get', url, None, expect_response)
def _get_block_handler_url(self, block_key, handler_name):
Get the URL to call a specific XBlock's handler.
The URL itself encodes authentication information so can be called
without session authentication or any other kind of authentication.
url = URL_BLOCK_GET_HANDLER_URL.format(block_key=block_key, handler_name=handler_name)
return self._api('get', url, None, expect_response=200)["handler_url"]
# General Content Library tests
def test_library_crud(self):
Test Create, Read, Update, and Delete of a Content Library
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import json
import unittest
from completion.test_utils import CompletionWaffleTestMixin
from django.conf import settings
from django.test import TestCase
from organizations.models import Organization
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
......@@ -16,7 +15,8 @@ from xblock import fields
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.model_data import get_score
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_libraries import api as library_api
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_libraries.tests.test_content_libraries import (
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_libraries.tests.base import (
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class ContentLibraryContentTestMixin(object):
@unittest.skipUnless(settings.RUN_BLOCKSTORE_TESTS, "Requires a running Blockstore server")
class ContentLibraryRuntimeTest(ContentLibraryContentTestMixin, TestCase):
Basic tests of the Blockstore-based XBlock runtime using XBlocks in a
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class ContentLibraryRuntimeTest(ContentLibraryContentTestMixin, TestCase):
self.assertEqual(problem_block.has_score, True)
@unittest.skipUnless(settings.RUN_BLOCKSTORE_TESTS, "Requires a running Blockstore server")
# We can remove the line below to enable this in Studio once we implement a session-backed
# field data store which we can use for both studio users and anonymous users
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class ContentLibraryXBlockUserStateTest(ContentLibraryContentTestMixin, TestCase
self.assertEqual(sm.max_grade, 1)
@unittest.skipUnless(settings.RUN_BLOCKSTORE_TESTS, "Requires a running Blockstore server")
@skip_unless_lms # No completion tracking in Studio
class ContentLibraryXBlockCompletionTest(ContentLibraryContentTestMixin, CompletionWaffleTestMixin, TestCase):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for static asset files in Blockstore-based Content Libraries
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import requests
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_libraries.tests.base import ContentLibrariesRestApiTest
# Binary data representing an SVG image file
SVG_DATA = """<svg xmlns="" height="30" width="100">
<text x="0" y="15" fill="red">SVG is 🔥</text>
class ContentLibrariesStaticAssetsTest(ContentLibrariesRestApiTest):
Tests for static asset files in Blockstore-based Content Libraries
WARNING: every test should have a unique library slug, because even though
the django/mysql database gets reset for each test case, the lookup between
library slug and bundle UUID does not because it's assumed to be immutable
and cached forever.
def test_asset_crud(self):
Test create, read, update, and write of a static asset file.
Also tests that the static asset file (an image in this case) can be
used in an HTML block.
library = self._create_library(slug="asset-lib1", title="Static Assets Test Library")
block = self._add_block_to_library(library["id"], "html", "html1")
block_id = block["id"]
file_name = "image.svg"
# A new block has no assets:
self.assertEqual(self._get_library_block_assets(block_id), [])
self._get_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name, expect_response=404)
# Upload an asset file
self._set_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name, SVG_DATA)
# Get metadata about the uploaded asset file
metadata = self._get_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name)
self.assertEqual(metadata["path"], file_name)
self.assertEqual(metadata["size"], len(SVG_DATA))
asset_list = self._get_library_block_assets(block_id)
# We don't just assert that 'asset_list == [metadata]' because that may
# break in the future if the "get asset" view returns more detail than
# the "list assets" view.
self.assertEqual(len(asset_list), 1)
self.assertEqual(asset_list[0]["path"], metadata["path"])
self.assertEqual(asset_list[0]["size"], metadata["size"])
self.assertEqual(asset_list[0]["url"], metadata["url"])
# Download the file and check that it matches what was uploaded.
# We need to download using requests since this is served by Blockstore,
# which the django test client can't interact with.
content_get_result = requests.get(metadata["url"])
self.assertEqual(content_get_result.content, SVG_DATA)
# Set some OLX referencing this asset:
self._set_library_block_olx(block_id, """
<html display_name="HTML with Image"><![CDATA[
<img src="/static/image.svg" alt="An image that says 'SVG is lit' using a fire emoji" />
# Publish the OLX and the new image file, since published data gets
# served differently by Blockstore and we should test that too.
metadata = self._get_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name)
self.assertEqual(metadata["path"], file_name)
self.assertEqual(metadata["size"], len(SVG_DATA))
# Download the file from the new URL:
content_get_result = requests.get(metadata["url"])
self.assertEqual(content_get_result.content, SVG_DATA)
# Check that the URL in the student_view gets rewritten:
fragment = self._render_block_view(block_id, "student_view")
self.assertNotIn("/static/image.svg", fragment["content"])
self.assertIn(metadata["url"], fragment["content"])
def test_asset_filenames(self):
Test various allowed and disallowed filenames
library = self._create_library(slug="asset-lib2", title="Static Assets Test Library")
block = self._add_block_to_library(library["id"], "html", "html1")
block_id = block["id"]
file_size = len(SVG_DATA)
# Unicode names are allowed
file_name = "🏕.svg" # (camping).svg
self._set_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name, SVG_DATA)
self.assertEqual(self._get_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name)["path"], file_name)
self.assertEqual(self._get_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name)["size"], file_size)
# Subfolder names are allowed
file_name = "transcripts/"
self._set_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name, SVG_DATA)
self.assertEqual(self._get_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name)["path"], file_name)
self.assertEqual(self._get_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name)["size"], file_size)
# '../' is definitely not allowed
file_name = "../definition.xml"
self._set_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name, SVG_DATA, expect_response=400)
# 'a////////b' is not allowed
file_name = "a////////b"
self._set_library_block_asset(block_id, file_name, SVG_DATA, expect_response=400)
......@@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.LibraryBlockView.as_view()),
# Get the OLX source code of the specified block:
url(r'^olx/$', views.LibraryBlockOlxView.as_view()),
# TODO: Publish the draft changes made to this block:
# url(r'^commit/$', views.LibraryBlockCommitView.as_view()),
# View todo: discard draft changes
# CRUD for static asset files associated with a block in the library:
url(r'^assets/$', views.LibraryBlockAssetListView.as_view()),
url(r'^assets/(?P<file_path>.+)$', views.LibraryBlockAssetView.as_view()),
# Future: publish/discard changes for just this one block
# Future: set a block's tags (tags are stored in a Tag bundle and linked in)
......@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ import logging
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import LibraryLocatorV2, LibraryUsageLocatorV2
from organizations.models import Organization
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.exceptions import NotFound, ValidationError
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.parsers import MultiPartParser
from rest_framework.response import Response
#from rest_framework import authentication, permissions
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from openedx.core.lib.api.view_utils import view_auth_classes
from . import api
......@@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ from .serializers import (
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -45,6 +48,9 @@ def convert_exceptions(fn):
except api.LibraryBlockAlreadyExists as exc:
raise ValidationError(exc.message)
except api.InvalidNameError as exc:
raise ValidationError(exc.message)
return wrapped_fn
......@@ -261,3 +267,69 @@ class LibraryBlockOlxView(APIView):
except ValueError as err:
raise ValidationError(detail=str(err))
return Response(LibraryXBlockOlxSerializer({"olx": new_olx_str}).data)
class LibraryBlockAssetListView(APIView):
Views to list an existing XBlock's static asset files
def get(self, request, usage_key_str):
List the static asset files belonging to this block.
key = LibraryUsageLocatorV2.from_string(usage_key_str)
files = api.get_library_block_static_asset_files(key)
return Response(LibraryXBlockStaticFilesSerializer({"files": files}).data)
class LibraryBlockAssetView(APIView):
Views to work with an existing XBlock's static asset files
parser_classes = (MultiPartParser, )
def get(self, request, usage_key_str, file_path):
Get a static asset file belonging to this block.
key = LibraryUsageLocatorV2.from_string(usage_key_str)
files = api.get_library_block_static_asset_files(key)
for f in files:
if f.path == file_path:
return Response(LibraryXBlockStaticFileSerializer(f).data)
raise NotFound
def put(self, request, usage_key_str, file_path):
Replace a static asset file belonging to this block.
usage_key = LibraryUsageLocatorV2.from_string(usage_key_str)
file_wrapper =['content']
if file_wrapper.size > 20 * 1024 * 1024: # > 20 MiB
# In the future, we need a way to use file_wrapper.chunks() to read
# the file in chunks and stream that to Blockstore, but Blockstore
# currently lacks an API for streaming file uploads.
raise ValidationError("File too big")
file_content =
result = api.add_library_block_static_asset_file(usage_key, file_path, file_content)
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError("Invalid file path")
return Response(LibraryXBlockStaticFileSerializer(result).data)
def delete(self, request, usage_key_str, file_path): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Delete a static asset file belonging to this block.
usage_key = LibraryUsageLocatorV2.from_string(usage_key_str)
api.delete_library_block_static_asset_file(usage_key, file_path)
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError("Invalid file path")
return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ XBlock field data directly from Blockstore.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
import os.path
from lxml import etree
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import BundleDefinitionLocator
......@@ -14,7 +15,11 @@ from openedx.core.djangoapps.xblock.learning_context.manager import get_learning
from openedx.core.djangoapps.xblock.runtime.runtime import XBlockRuntime
from openedx.core.djangoapps.xblock.runtime.olx_parsing import parse_xblock_include
from openedx.core.djangoapps.xblock.runtime.serializer import serialize_xblock
from openedx.core.djangolib.blockstore_cache import BundleCache, get_bundle_file_data_with_cache
from openedx.core.djangolib.blockstore_cache import (
from openedx.core.lib import blockstore_api
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -148,13 +153,45 @@ class BlockstoreXBlockRuntime(XBlockRuntime):
olx_path = definition_key.olx_path
blockstore_api.write_draft_file(draft_uuid, olx_path, olx_str)
# And the other files, if any:
olx_static_path = os.path.dirname(olx_path) + '/static/'
for fh in static_files:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Need to write static file {} to blockstore but that's not yet implemented yet".format(
new_path = olx_static_path +
blockstore_api.write_draft_file(draft_uuid, new_path,
# Now invalidate the blockstore data cache for the bundle:
BundleCache(definition_key.bundle_uuid, draft_name=definition_key.draft_name).clear()
def _lookup_asset_url(self, block, asset_path):
Return an absolute URL for the specified static asset file that may
belong to this XBlock.
e.g. if the XBlock settings have a field value like "/static/foo.png"
then this method will be called with asset_path="foo.png" and should
return a URL like https://cdn.none/xblock/f843u89789/static/foo.png
If the asset file is not recognized, return None
if '..' in asset_path:
return None # Illegal path
definition_key = block.scope_ids.def_id
# Compute the full path to the static file in the bundle,
# e.g. "problem/prob1/static/illustration.svg"
expanded_path = os.path.dirname(definition_key.olx_path) + '/static/' + asset_path
metadata = get_bundle_file_metadata_with_cache(
except blockstore_api.BundleFileNotFound:
log.warning("XBlock static file not found: %s for %s", asset_path, block.scope_ids.usage_id)
return None
# Make sure the URL is one that will work from the user's browser,
# not one that only works from within a docker container:
url = blockstore_api.force_browser_url(metadata.url)
return url
def xml_for_definition(definition_key):
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ from lms.djangoapps.grades.api import signals as grades_signals
from openedx.core.djangoapps.xblock.apps import get_xblock_app_config
from openedx.core.djangoapps.xblock.runtime.blockstore_field_data import BlockstoreFieldData
from openedx.core.djangoapps.xblock.runtime.mixin import LmsBlockMixin
from openedx.core.lib.xblock_utils import xblock_local_resource_url
from openedx.core.lib.xblock_utils import wrap_fragment, xblock_local_resource_url
from static_replace import process_static_urls
from xmodule.errortracker import make_error_tracker
from .id_managers import OpaqueKeyReader
from .shims import RuntimeShim, XBlockShim
......@@ -289,8 +290,60 @@ class XBlockRuntime(RuntimeShim, Runtime):
log.debug("-> Relative resource URL: %s", resource['data'])
resource['data'] = get_xblock_app_config().get_site_root_url() + resource['data']
fragment = Fragment.from_dict(frag_data)
# Apply any required transforms to the fragment.
# We could move to doing this in wrap_xblock() and/or use an array of
# wrapper methods like the ConfigurableFragmentWrapper mixin does.
fragment = wrap_fragment(fragment, self.transform_static_paths_to_urls(block, fragment.content))
return fragment
def transform_static_paths_to_urls(self, block, html_str):
Given an HTML string, replace any static file paths like
(which are really pointing to block-specific assets stored in blockstore)
with working absolute URLs like
See common/djangoapps/static_replace/
This is generally done automatically for the HTML rendered by XBlocks,
but if an XBlock wants to have correct URLs in data returned by its
handlers, the XBlock must call this API directly.
Note that the paths are only replaced if they are in "quotes" such as if
they are an HTML attribute or JSON data value. Thus, to transform only a
single path string on its own, you must pass html_str=f'"{path}"'
def replace_static_url(original, prefix, quote, rest): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Replace a single matched url.
original_url = prefix + rest
# Don't mess with things that end in '?raw'
if rest.endswith('?raw'):
new_url = original_url
new_url = self._lookup_asset_url(block, rest) or original_url
return "".join([quote, new_url, quote])
return process_static_urls(html_str, replace_static_url)
def _lookup_asset_url(self, block, asset_path): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Return an absolute URL for the specified static asset file that may
belong to this XBlock.
e.g. if the XBlock settings have a field value like "/static/foo.png"
then this method will be called with asset_path="foo.png" and should
return a URL like https://cdn.none/xblock/f843u89789/static/foo.png
If the asset file is not recognized, return None
# Subclasses should override this
return None
class XBlockRuntimeSystem(object):
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ from django.core.cache import cache
from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS
import six
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string
import six
class RuntimeShim(object):
......@@ -184,17 +184,24 @@ class RuntimeShim(object):
def replace_urls(self, html_str):
Given an HTML string, replace any static file URLs like
Deprecated precursor to transform_static_paths_to_urls
Given an HTML string, replace any static file paths like
with working URLs like
(which are really pointing to block-specific assets stored in blockstore)
with working absolute URLs like
See common/djangoapps/static_replace/
This is generally done automatically for the HTML rendered by XBlocks,
but if an XBlock wants to have correct URLs in data returned by its
handlers, the XBlock must call this API directly.
Note that the paths are only replaced if they are in "quotes" such as if
they are an HTML attribute or JSON data value. Thus, to transform only a
single path string on its own, you must pass html_str=f'"{path}"'
# TODO: implement or deprecate.
# Can we replace this with a filesystem service that has a .get_url
# method on all files? See comments in the 'resources_fs' property.
# See also the version in openedx/core/lib/xblock_utils/
return html_str # For now just return without changes.
return self.transform_static_paths_to_urls(self._active_block, html_str)
def replace_course_urls(self, html_str):
XBlock App Suite Tests
Where are they?
As much of the runtime and XBlock API code depends on a learning context, the
XBlock and XBlock Runtime APIs (both python and REST) in this django app are
tested via tests found in `content_libraries/tests <../../content_libraries/tests>`_.
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ from .methods import (
# Links:
# Misc:
from .exceptions import (
......@@ -390,3 +390,20 @@ def encode_str_for_draft(input_str):
binary = input_str
return base64.b64encode(binary)
def force_browser_url(blockstore_file_url):
Ensure that the given URL Blockstore is a URL accessible from the end user's
# Hack: on some devstacks, we must necessarily use different URLs for
# accessing Blockstore file data from within and outside of docker
# containers, but Blockstore has no way of knowing which case any particular
# request is for. So it always returns a URL suitable for use from within
# the container. Only this edxapp can transform the URL at the last second,
# knowing that in this case it's going to the user's browser and not being
# read by edxapp.
# In production, the same S3 URLs get used for internal and external access
# so this hack is not necessary.
return blockstore_file_url.replace('http://edx.devstack.blockstore:', 'http://localhost:')
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