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Commit 6c2c896e authored by Matthew Piatetsky's avatar Matthew Piatetsky
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allow overriding FBE group access restrictions for problems at the unit level

parent 34a0bd91
Tags release-2020-04-16-15.19
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......@@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ class ContentTypeGatingFieldOverride(FieldOverrideProvider):
if original_group_access is None:
original_group_access = {}
# For Feature Based Enrollments, we want to inherit group access configurations
# from parent blocks. The use case is to allow granting access
# to all graded problems in a unit at the unit level
merged_group_access = block.get_parent().merged_group_access
if merged_group_access and CONTENT_GATING_PARTITION_ID in merged_group_access:
return original_group_access
......@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@ from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from web_fragments.fragment import Fragment
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from courseware.masquerade import (
from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService
from xmodule.partitions.partitions import UserPartition, UserPartitionError, ENROLLMENT_TRACK_PARTITION_ID
from openedx.core.lib.mobile_utils import is_request_from_mobile_app
......@@ -82,8 +77,8 @@ class ContentTypeGatingPartition(UserPartition):
course_key = self._get_course_key_from_course_block(block)
modes = CourseMode.modes_for_course_dict(course_key)
verified_mode = modes.get(CourseMode.VERIFIED)
if (verified_mode is None or not self._is_audit_enrollment(user, course_key) or
user_group == FULL_ACCESS):
if (verified_mode is None or user_group == FULL_ACCESS or
user_group in allowed_groups):
return None
ecommerce_checkout_link = self._get_checkout_link(user, verified_mode.sku)
......@@ -99,8 +94,8 @@ class ContentTypeGatingPartition(UserPartition):
course_key = block_key.course_key
modes = CourseMode.modes_for_course_dict(course_key)
verified_mode = modes.get(CourseMode.VERIFIED)
if (verified_mode is None or not self._is_audit_enrollment(user, course_key) or
user_group == FULL_ACCESS):
if (verified_mode is None or user_group == FULL_ACCESS or
user_group in allowed_groups):
return None
request = crum.get_current_request()
......@@ -109,45 +104,6 @@ class ContentTypeGatingPartition(UserPartition):
return _(u"Graded assessments are available to Verified Track learners. Upgrade to Unlock.")
def _is_audit_enrollment(self, user, course_key):
Checks if user is enrolled in `Audit` track of course or any staff member is
viewing course as in `Audit` enrollment.
if self._is_masquerading_as_generic_student(user, course_key):
return self._is_masquerading_audit_enrollment(user, course_key)
return self._has_active_enrollment_in_audit_mode(user, course_key)
def _is_masquerading_as_generic_student(self, user, course_key):
Checks if user is masquerading as a generic student.
return (
is_masquerading_as_student(user, course_key) and
not is_masquerading_as_specific_student(user, course_key)
def _is_masquerading_audit_enrollment(self, user, course_key):
Checks if user is masquerading as learners in `Audit` enrollment track.
course_masquerade = get_course_masquerade(user, course_key)
if course_masquerade.user_partition_id == ENROLLMENT_TRACK_PARTITION_ID:
audit_mode_id = settings.COURSE_ENROLLMENT_MODES.get(CourseMode.AUDIT, {}).get('id')
return course_masquerade.group_id == audit_mode_id
if course_masquerade.user_partition_id == CONTENT_GATING_PARTITION_ID:
limited_access_group_id =
return course_masquerade.group_id == limited_access_group_id
return False
def _has_active_enrollment_in_audit_mode(self, user, course_key):
Checks if user has an audit and active enrollment in the given course.
course_enrollment = apps.get_model('student.CourseEnrollment')
mode_slug, is_active = course_enrollment.enrollment_mode_for_user(user, course_key)
return mode_slug == CourseMode.AUDIT and is_active
def _get_checkout_link(self, user, sku):
ecomm_service = EcommerceService()
ecommerce_checkout = ecomm_service.is_enabled(user)
......@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@ from mock import Mock, patch
from django.conf import settings
from django.test import RequestFactory
from courseware.masquerade import CourseMasquerade
from course_modes.tests.factories import CourseModeFactory
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.tests.factories import GlobalStaffFactory
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from openedx.core.djangolib.testing.utils import CacheIsolationTestCase
from openedx.features.content_type_gating.helpers import CONTENT_GATING_PARTITION_ID, FULL_ACCESS
from openedx.features.content_type_gating.helpers import CONTENT_GATING_PARTITION_ID, FULL_ACCESS, LIMITED_ACCESS
from openedx.features.content_type_gating.partitions import (
......@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ class TestContentTypeGatingPartition(CacheIsolationTestCase):
def test_access_denied_fragment_for_masquerading(self):
Test that a global staff sees gated content flag when viewing course as `Learner in Audit`
Test that a global staff sees gated content flag when viewing course as `Learner in Limited Access`
Note: Global staff doesn't require to be enrolled in course.
mock_request = RequestFactory().get('/')
......@@ -75,8 +74,8 @@ class TestContentTypeGatingPartition(CacheIsolationTestCase):
mock_block = Mock(scope_ids=Mock(usage_id=Mock(
mock_course_masquerade = Mock(
CourseModeFactory.create(, mode_slug='verified')
......@@ -87,16 +86,10 @@ class TestContentTypeGatingPartition(CacheIsolationTestCase):
partition = create_content_gating_partition(mock_course)
with patch(
), patch(
), patch(
fragment = partition.access_denied_fragment(mock_block, global_staff, GroupFactory(), 'test_allowed_group')
fragment = partition.access_denied_fragment(mock_block, global_staff, LIMITED_ACCESS, [FULL_ACCESS])
......@@ -144,10 +137,7 @@ class TestContentTypeGatingPartition(CacheIsolationTestCase):
with patch(
), patch(
fragment = partition.access_denied_fragment(mock_block, global_staff, GroupFactory(), 'test_allowed_group')
fragment = partition.access_denied_fragment(mock_block, global_staff, LIMITED_ACCESS, [FULL_ACCESS])
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