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Commit 6f6a4517 authored by Felix Sun's avatar Felix Sun Committed by Felix Sun
Browse files

Working prototype of crowdsourced hinting module.

parent 712f17a4
No related branches found
Tags release-2019-07-03-11.16
No related merge requests found
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ setup(
"word_cloud = xmodule.word_cloud_module:WordCloudDescriptor",
"hidden = xmodule.hidden_module:HiddenDescriptor",
"raw = xmodule.raw_module:RawDescriptor",
"crowdsource_hinter = xmodule.crowdsource_hinter:CrowdsourceHinterDescriptor",
'console_scripts': [
'xmodule_assets = xmodule.static_content:main',
import logging
import copy
import json
import os
import re
import string
import random
from pkg_resources import resource_listdir, resource_string, resource_isdir
from lxml import etree
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.xml_module import XmlDescriptor
from xblock.core import XBlock, Scope, String, Integer, Float, Object, Boolean
from django.utils.html import escape
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CrowdsourceHinterFields(object):
has_children = True
hints = Object(help='''A dictionary mapping answers to lists of [hint, number_of_votes] pairs.
''', scope=Scope.content, default= {
[['This is a hint.', 5],
['This is hint 2', 3],
['This is hint 3', 2],
['This is hint 4', 1]]})
Testing data for hints:
previous_answers = Object(help='''A list of previous answers this student made to this problem.
Of the form (answer, (hint_id_1, hint_id_2, hint_id_3)) for each problem. hint_id's are
None if the hint was not given.''',
scope=Scope.user_state, default=[])
user_voted = Boolean(help='Specifies if the user has voted on this problem or not.',
scope=Scope.user_state, default=False)
class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
''' An Xmodule that makes crowdsourced hints.
icon_class = 'crowdsource_hinter'
js = {'coffee': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/crowdsource_hinter/'),
'js': []}
js_module_name = "Hinter"
def __init__(self, system, location, descriptor, model_data):
XModule.__init__(self, system, location, descriptor, model_data)
def get_html(self):
Does a regular expression find and replace to change the AJAX url.
- Dependent on lon-capa problem.
# Reset the user vote, for debugging only! Remove for prod.
self.user_voted = False
for child in self.get_display_items():
out = child.get_html()
# The event listener uses the ajax url to find the child.
child_url = child.system.ajax_url
# Wrap the module in a <section>. This lets us pass data attributes to the javascript.
out += '<section class="crowdsource-wrapper" data-url="' + self.system.ajax_url +\
'" data-child-url = "' + child_url + '"> </section>'
return out
def capa_make_answer_hashable(self, answer):
Capa answer format: dict[problem name] -> [list of answers]
Output format: ((problem name, (answers)))
out = []
for problem, a in answer.items():
out.append((problem, tuple(a)))
return str(tuple(sorted(out)))
def ans_to_text(self, answer):
Converts capa answer format to a string representation
of the answer.
-Lon-capa dependent.
return answer.values()[0][0]
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
This is the landing method for AJAX calls.
if dispatch == 'get_hint':
return self.get_hint(get)
if dispatch == 'get_feedback':
return self.get_feedback(get)
if dispatch == 'vote':
return self.tally_vote(get)
if dispatch == 'submit_hint':
return self.submit_hint(get)
def get_hint(self, get):
The student got the incorrect answer found in get. Give him a hint.
print self.hints
answer = self.ans_to_text(get)
# Look for a hint to give.
if answer not in self.hints:
# No hints to give. Return.
self.previous_answers += [(answer, (None, None, None))]
return json.dumps({'contents': ' '})
# Get the top hint, plus two random hints.
n_hints = len(self.hints[answer])
best_hint_index = max(xrange(n_hints), key=lambda i:self.hints[answer][i][1])
best_hint = self.hints[answer][best_hint_index][0]
if len(self.hints[answer]) == 1:
rand_hint_1 = ''
rand_hint_2 = ''
self.previous_answers += [(answer, (0, None, None))]
elif len(self.hints[answer]) == 2:
best_hint = self.hints[answer][0][0]
rand_hint_1 = self.hints[answer][1][0]
rand_hint_2 = ''
self.previous_answers += [(answer, (0, 1, None))]
hint_index_1, hint_index_2 = random.sample(xrange(len(self.hints[answer])), 2)
rand_hint_1 = self.hints[answer][hint_index_1][0]
rand_hint_2 = self.hints[answer][hint_index_2][0]
self.previous_answers += [(answer, (best_hint_index, hint_index_1, hint_index_2))]
hint_text = best_hint + '<br />' + rand_hint_1 + '<br />' + rand_hint_2
return json.dumps({'contents': hint_text})
def get_feedback(self, get):
The student got it correct. Ask him to vote on hints, or submit a hint.
# The student got it right.
# Did he submit at least one wrong answer?
out = ' '
if len(self.previous_answers) == 0:
# No. Nothing to do here.
return json.dumps({'contents': out})
# Make a hint-voting interface for each wrong answer. The student will only
# be allowed to make one vote / submission, but he can choose which wrong answer
# he wants to look at.
pretty_answers = []
for i in xrange(len(self.previous_answers)):
answer, hints_offered = self.previous_answers[i]
# If there are previous hints for this answer, ask the student to vote on one.
if answer in self.hints:
out += '<div class = "previous-answer" id="previous-answer-' + str(i) + \
'" style="display:none"> Which hint was most helpful when you got the wrong answer of '\
+ answer + '?'
# Add each hint to the html string, with a vote button.
for j, hint_id in enumerate(hints_offered):
if hint_id != None:
out += '<br /><input class="vote" data-answer="'+str(i)+'" data-hintno="'+str(j)+\
'" type="button" value="Vote"> ' + self.hints[answer][hint_id][0]
# Or, let the student create his own hint
out += '''<br /> If you didn\'t like any of these, plese submit your own: <br />
<textarea cols="50" id="custom-hint-'''+str(i)+'''">
What would you say to help someone who got this wrong answer?
(Don't give away the answer, please.)
out += '<input class="submit-hint" data-answer="' + str(i) + '" type="button" value="submit">'
# Close the .previous-answer div.
out += '</div>'
# Add preamble.
out2 = '''Help us improve our hinting system by voting on the hint that was most helpful
to you. Start by picking one of your previous incorrect answers from below: <br />
<select id="feedback-select">'''
for i, answer in enumerate(pretty_answers):
out2 += '<option value=' + str(i) + '>' + str(answer) + '</option>'
out2 += '</select><br />'
return json.dumps({'contents': out2 + out})
def tally_vote(self, get):
Tally a user's vote on his favorite hint.
'answer': ans_no (index in previous_answers)
'hint': hint_no
if self.user_voted:
return json.dumps({'contents': 'Sorry, but you have already voted!'})
ans_no = int(get['answer'])
hint_no = int(get['hint'])
answer = self.previous_answers[ans_no][0]
temp_dict = self.hints
temp_dict[answer][hint_no][1] += 1
# Awkward, but you need to do a direct write for the database to update.
self.hints = temp_dict
# Don't let the user vote again!
self.user_voted = True
# Reset self.previous_answers.
self.previous_answers = []
# In the future, return a list of how many votes each hint got, maybe?
return json.dumps({'contents': 'Congrats, you\'ve voted!'})
def submit_hint(self, get):
Take a hint submission and add it to the database.
'answer': answer index in previous_answers
'hint': text of the new hint that the user is adding
# Do html escaping. Perhaps in the future do profanity filtering, etc. as well.
hint = escape(get['hint'])
answer = self.previous_answers[int(get['answer'])][0]
# Add the new hint to self.hints. (Awkward because a direct write
# is necessary.)
temp_dict = self.hints
temp_dict[answer].append([hint, 1]) # With one vote (the user himself).
self.hints = temp_dict
# Mark the user has having voted; reset previous_answers
self.user_voted = True
self.previous_answers = []
return json.dumps({'contents': 'Thank you for your hint!'})
class CrowdsourceHinterDescriptor(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XmlDescriptor):
module_class = CrowdsourceHinterModule
stores_state = True
def definition_from_xml(cls, xml_object, system):
children = []
for child in xml_object:
children.append(system.process_xml(etree.tostring(child, encoding='unicode')).location.url())
except Exception as e:
log.exception("Unable to load child when parsing CrowdsourceHinter. Continuing...")
if system.error_tracker is not None:
system.error_tracker("ERROR: " + str(e))
return {}, children
def definition_to_xml(self, resource_fs):
xml_object = etree.Element('crowdsource_hinter')
for child in self.get_children():
return xml_object
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ class @Problem
@el.removeClass 'showed'
@gentle_alert response.success
Logger.log 'problem_graded', [@answers, response.contents], @url
reset: =>
Logger.log 'problem_reset', @answers
class @Hinter
constructor: (element) ->
@el = $(element).find('.crowdsource-wrapper')
@url ='url')
Logger.listen('problem_graded','child-url'), @capture_problem)
# The line below will eventually be generated by Python.
capture_problem: (event_type, data, element) =>
# After a problem gets graded, we get the info here.
# We want to send this info to the server in another AJAX
# request.
answers = data[0]
response = data[1]
if"correct "/) == -1
# Incorrect. Get hints.
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/get_hint", answers, (response) =>
# Correct. Get feedback from students.
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/get_feedback", answers, (response) =>
$: (selector) ->
$(selector, @el)
bind: =>
@$('').click @vote
@$('#feedback-select').change @feedback_ui_change
@$('input.submit-hint').click @submit_hint
vote: (eventObj) =>
target = @$(eventObj.currentTarget)
post_json = {'answer':'answer'), 'hint':'hintno')}
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/vote", post_json, (response) =>
submit_hint: (eventObj) =>
target = @$(eventObj.currentTarget)
textarea_id = '#custom-hint-' +'answer')
post_json = {'answer':'answer'), 'hint': @$(textarea_id).val()}
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/submit_hint",post_json, (response) =>
feedback_ui_change: =>
# Make all of the previous-answer divs hidden.
@$('.previous-answer').css('display', 'none')
# But, now find the selected div, and make it visible.
selector = '#previous-answer-' + @$('#feedback-select option:selected').attr('value')
@$(selector).css('display', 'inline')
render: (content) ->
if content
JavascriptLoader.executeModuleScripts @el, () =>
@$('#previous-answer-0').css('display', 'inline')
\ No newline at end of file
class @Logger
# events we want sent to for tracking
SEGMENT_IO_WHITELIST = ["seq_goto", "seq_next", "seq_prev", "problem_check", "problem_reset", "problem_show", "problem_save"]
@log: (event_type, data) ->
# listeners[event_type][element] -> list of callbacks
listeners = {}
@log: (event_type, data, element = null) ->
# event tracking
if event_type in SEGMENT_IO_WHITELIST
# to avoid changing the format of data sent to our servers, we only massage it here
......@@ -11,11 +14,36 @@ class @Logger
analytics.track event_type, data
# Check to see if we're listening for the event type.
if event_type of listeners
# Cool. Do the elements also match?
# null element in the listener dictionary means any element will do.
# null element in the @log call means we don't know the element name.
if null of listeners[event_type]
# Make the callbacks.
for callback in listeners[event_type][null]
callback(event_type, data, element)
else if element of listeners[event_type]
for callback in listeners[event_type][element]
callback(event_type, data, element)
# Regardless of whether any callbacks were made, log this event.
$.getWithPrefix '/event',
event_type: event_type
event: JSON.stringify(data)
page: window.location.href
@listen: (event_type, element, callback) ->
# Add a listener. If you want any element to trigger this listener,
# do element = null
if event_type not of listeners
listeners[event_type] = {}
if element not of listeners[event_type]
listeners[event_type][element] = [callback]
listeners[event_type][element].push callback
@bind: ->
window.onunload = ->
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