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Commit 9542230a authored by Usman Khalid's avatar Usman Khalid
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Added granular permissions for managing wiki articles

parent 39105f76
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These callables are used by django-wiki to check various permissions
a user has on an article.
from course_wiki.utils import user_is_article_course_staff
def CAN_DELETE(article, user): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Is user allowed to soft-delete article?"""
return _is_staff_for_article(article, user)
def CAN_MODERATE(article, user): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Is user allowed to restore or purge article?"""
return _is_staff_for_article(article, user)
def CAN_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS(article, user): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Is user allowed to change permissions on article?"""
return _is_staff_for_article(article, user)
def CAN_ASSIGN(article, user): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Is user allowed to change owner or group of article?"""
return _is_staff_for_article(article, user)
def CAN_ASSIGN_OWNER(article, user): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Is user allowed to change group of article to one of its own groups?"""
return _is_staff_for_article(article, user)
def _is_staff_for_article(article, user):
"""Is the user staff for article's course wiki?"""
return user.is_staff or user.is_superuser or user_is_article_course_staff(user, article)
Tests for wiki permissions
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from courseware.tests.factories import InstructorFactory, StaffFactory
from courseware.tests.modulestore_config import TEST_DATA_MIXED_MODULESTORE
from wiki.models import URLPath
from course_wiki.views import get_or_create_root
from course_wiki.utils import user_is_article_course_staff, course_wiki_slug
from course_wiki import settings
class TestWikiAccessBase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
"""Base class for testing wiki access."""
def setUp(self): = get_or_create_root()
self.course_math101 = CourseFactory.create(org='org', number='math101', display_name='Course')
self.course_math101_staff = [InstructorFactory(self.course_math101), StaffFactory(self.course_math101)]
wiki_math101 = self.create_urlpath(, course_wiki_slug(self.course_math101))
wiki_math101_page = self.create_urlpath(wiki_math101, 'Child')
wiki_math101_page_page = self.create_urlpath(wiki_math101_page, 'Grandchild')
self.wiki_math101_pages = [wiki_math101, wiki_math101_page, wiki_math101_page_page]
def create_urlpath(self, parent, slug):
"""Creates an article at /parent/slug and returns its URLPath"""
return URLPath.create_article(parent, slug, title=slug)
class TestWikiAccess(TestWikiAccessBase):
"""Test wiki access for course staff."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestWikiAccess, self).setUp()
self.course_310b = CourseFactory.create(org='org', number='310b', display_name='Course')
self.course_310b_staff = [InstructorFactory(self.course_310b), StaffFactory(self.course_310b)]
self.course_310b_ = CourseFactory.create(org='org', number='310b_', display_name='Course')
self.course_310b__staff = [InstructorFactory(self.course_310b_), StaffFactory(self.course_310b_)]
self.wiki_310b = self.create_urlpath(, course_wiki_slug(self.course_310b))
self.wiki_310b_ = self.create_urlpath(, course_wiki_slug(self.course_310b_))
def test_no_one_is_root_wiki_staff(self):
all_course_staff = self.course_math101_staff + self.course_310b_staff + self.course_310b__staff
for course_staff in all_course_staff:
def test_course_staff_is_course_wiki_staff(self):
for page in self.wiki_math101_pages:
for course_staff in self.course_math101_staff:
self.assertTrue(user_is_article_course_staff(course_staff, page.article))
def test_settings(self):
for page in self.wiki_math101_pages:
for course_staff in self.course_math101_staff:
self.assertTrue(settings.CAN_DELETE(page.article, course_staff))
self.assertTrue(settings.CAN_MODERATE(page.article, course_staff))
self.assertTrue(settings.CAN_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS(page.article, course_staff))
self.assertTrue(settings.CAN_ASSIGN(page.article, course_staff))
self.assertTrue(settings.CAN_ASSIGN_OWNER(page.article, course_staff))
def test_other_course_staff_is_not_course_wiki_staff(self):
for page in self.wiki_math101_pages:
for course_staff in self.course_310b_staff:
self.assertFalse(user_is_article_course_staff(course_staff, page.article))
for course_staff in self.course_310b_staff:
self.assertFalse(user_is_article_course_staff(course_staff, self.wiki_310b_.article))
for course_staff in self.course_310b__staff:
self.assertFalse(user_is_article_course_staff(course_staff, self.wiki_310b.article))
class TestWikiAccessForStudent(TestWikiAccessBase):
"""Test access for students."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestWikiAccessForStudent, self).setUp()
self.student = UserFactory.create()
def test_student_is_not_root_wiki_staff(self):
def test_student_is_not_course_wiki_staff(self):
for page in self.wiki_math101_pages:
self.assertFalse(user_is_article_course_staff(self.student, page.article))
class TestWikiAccessForNumericalCourseNumber(TestWikiAccessBase):
"""Test staff has access if course number is numerical and wiki slug has an underscore appended."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestWikiAccessForNumericalCourseNumber, self).setUp()
self.course_200 = CourseFactory.create(org='org', number='200', display_name='Course')
self.course_200_staff = [InstructorFactory(self.course_200), StaffFactory(self.course_200)]
wiki_200 = self.create_urlpath(, course_wiki_slug(self.course_200))
wiki_200_page = self.create_urlpath(wiki_200, 'Child')
wiki_200_page_page = self.create_urlpath(wiki_200_page, 'Grandchild')
self.wiki_200_pages = [wiki_200, wiki_200_page, wiki_200_page_page]
def test_course_staff_is_course_wiki_staff_for_numerical_course_number(self): # pylint: disable=C0103
for page in self.wiki_200_pages:
for course_staff in self.course_200_staff:
self.assertTrue(user_is_article_course_staff(course_staff, page.article))
class TestWikiAccessForOldFormatCourseStaffGroups(TestWikiAccessBase):
"""Test staff has access if course group has old format."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestWikiAccessForOldFormatCourseStaffGroups, self).setUp()
self.course_math101c = CourseFactory.create(org='org', number='math101c', display_name='Course')
self.course_math101c_staff = [InstructorFactory(self.course_math101c), StaffFactory(self.course_math101c)]
wiki_math101c = self.create_urlpath(, course_wiki_slug(self.course_math101c))
wiki_math101c_page = self.create_urlpath(wiki_math101c, 'Child')
wiki_math101c_page_page = self.create_urlpath(wiki_math101c_page, 'Grandchild')
self.wiki_math101c_pages = [wiki_math101c, wiki_math101c_page, wiki_math101c_page_page]
def test_course_staff_is_course_wiki_staff(self):
for page in self.wiki_math101c_pages:
for course_staff in self.course_math101c_staff:
self.assertTrue(user_is_article_course_staff(course_staff, page.article))
Utility functions for course_wiki.
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
def user_is_article_course_staff(user, article):
The root of a course wiki is /<course_number>. This means in case there
are two courses which have the same course_number they will end up with
the same course wiki root e.g. MITX/Phy101/Spring and HarvardX/Phy101/Fall
will share /Phy101.
This looks at the course wiki root of the article and returns True if
the user belongs to a group whose name starts with 'instructor_' or
'staff_' and contains '/<course_wiki_root_slug>/'. So if the user is
staff on course MITX/Phy101/Spring they will be in
'instructor_MITX/Phy101/Spring' or 'staff_MITX/Phy101/Spring' groups and
so this will return True.
course_slug = article_course_wiki_root_slug(article)
if course_slug is None:
return False
user_groups = user.groups.all()
# The wiki expects article slugs to contain at least one non-digit so if
# the course number is just a number the course wiki root slug is set to
# be '<course_number>_'. This means slug '202_' can belong to either
# course numbered '202_' or '202' and so we need to consider both.
if user_is_staff_on_course_number(user_groups, course_slug):
return True
if (course_slug.endswith('_') and slug_is_numerical(course_slug[:-1]) and
user_is_staff_on_course_number(user_groups, course_slug[:-1])):
return True
return False
def slug_is_numerical(slug):
"""Returns whether the slug can be interpreted as a number."""
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def course_wiki_slug(course):
"""Returns the slug for the course wiki root."""
slug = course.wiki_slug
# Django-wiki expects article slug to be non-numerical. In case the
# course number is numerical append an underscore.
if slug_is_numerical(slug):
slug = slug + "_"
return slug
def user_is_staff_on_course_number(user_groups, course_number):
"""Returns whether the groups contain a staff group for the course number"""
# Course groups have format 'instructor_<course_id>' and 'staff_<course_id>' where
# course_id = org/course_number/run. So check if user's groups contain a group
# whose name starts with 'instructor_' or 'staff_' and contains '/course_number/'.
course_number_fragment = '/{0}/'.format(course_number)
if [group for group in user_groups if ('instructor_', 'staff_')) and
course_number_fragment in]:
return True
# Old course groups had format 'instructor_<course_number>' and 'staff_<course_number>'
# Check if user's groups contain either of these.
old_instructor_group_name = 'instructor_{0}'.format(course_number)
old_staff_group_name = 'staff_{0}'.format(course_number)
if [group for group in user_groups if ( == old_instructor_group_name or == old_staff_group_name)]:
return True
return False
def article_course_wiki_root_slug(article):
We assume the second level ancestor is the course wiki root. Examples:
/ returns None
/Phy101 returns 'Phy101'
/Phy101/Mechanics returns 'Phy101'
/Chem101/Metals/Iron returns 'Chem101'
Note that someone can create an article /random-article/sub-article on the
wiki. In this case this function will return 'some-random-article' even
if no course with course number 'some-random-article' exists.
urlpath = article.urlpath_set.get()
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return None
# Ancestors of /Phy101/Mechanics/Acceleration/ is a list of URLPaths
# ['Root', 'Phy101', 'Mechanics']
ancestors = urlpath.cached_ancestors
course_wiki_root_urlpath = None
if len(ancestors) == 0: # It is the wiki root article.
course_wiki_root_urlpath = None
elif len(ancestors) == 1: # It is a course wiki root article.
course_wiki_root_urlpath = urlpath
else: # It is an article inside a course wiki.
course_wiki_root_urlpath = ancestors[1]
if course_wiki_root_urlpath is not None:
return course_wiki_root_urlpath.slug
return None
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from wiki.core.exceptions import NoRootURL
from wiki.models import URLPath, Article
from import get_course_by_id
from course_wiki.utils import course_wiki_slug
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -30,21 +31,7 @@ def course_wiki_redirect(request, course_id):
example, "/6.002x") to keep things simple.
course = get_course_by_id(course_id)
course_slug = course.wiki_slug
# cdodge: fix for cases where self.location.course can be interpreted as an number rather than
# a string. We're seeing in Studio created courses that people often will enter in a stright number
# for 'course' (e.g. 201). This Wiki library expects a string to "do the right thing". We haven't noticed this before
# because - to now - 'course' has always had non-numeric characters in them
# if the float() doesn't throw an exception, that means it's a number
course_slug = course_slug + "_"
course_slug = course_wiki_slug(course)
valid_slug = True
if not course_slug:
......@@ -499,12 +499,17 @@ SIMPLE_WIKI_REQUIRE_LOGIN_EDIT = True
################################# WIKI ###################################
from course_wiki import settings as course_wiki_settings
WIKI_EDITOR = 'course_wiki.editors.CodeMirror'
WIKI_SHOW_MAX_CHILDREN = 0 # We don't use the little menu that shows children of an article in the breadcrumb
WIKI_ANONYMOUS = False # Don't allow anonymous access until the styling is figured out
WIKI_CAN_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS = lambda article, user: user.is_staff or user.is_superuser
WIKI_CAN_ASSIGN = lambda article, user: user.is_staff or user.is_superuser
WIKI_CAN_DELETE = course_wiki_settings.CAN_DELETE
WIKI_CAN_MODERATE = course_wiki_settings.CAN_MODERATE
WIKI_CAN_ASSIGN = course_wiki_settings.CAN_ASSIGN
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