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Commit fe6a942b authored by E. Kolpakov's avatar E. Kolpakov Committed by Braden MacDonald
Browse files

[TNL-5001] Import-export issues when importing legacy discussion OLX format

Observed Problems:
1. Discussion categories and targets were missing
2. When imported over existing course Discussion IDs have changed unexpectedly - all posts were missing

* Parsing legacy discussion OLX
* Do not force exporting discussion ID
parent 0438878a
No related merge requests found
......@@ -121,6 +121,9 @@ class CrossStoreXMLRoundtrip(CourseComparisonTest, PartitionTestCase):
self.exclude_field(None, 'wiki_slug')
self.exclude_field(None, 'xml_attributes')
self.exclude_field(None, 'parent')
# discussion_ids are auto-generated based on usage_id, so they should change across
# modulestores - see TNL-5001
self.exclude_field(None, 'discussion_id')
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class XmlParserMixin(object):
# VS[compat] -- just have the url_name lookup, once translation is done
url_name = node.get('url_name', node.get('slug'))
url_name = cls._get_url_name(node)
def_id = id_generator.create_definition(node.tag, url_name)
usage_id = id_generator.create_usage(def_id)
aside_children = []
......@@ -344,8 +344,7 @@ class XmlParserMixin(object):
if is_pointer_tag(node):
# new style:
# read the actual definition file--named using url_name.replace(':','/')
filepath = cls._format_filepath(node.tag, name_to_pathname(url_name))
definition_xml = cls.load_file(filepath, runtime.resources_fs, def_id)
definition_xml, filepath = cls.load_definition_xml(node, runtime, def_id)
aside_children = runtime.parse_asides(definition_xml, def_id, usage_id, id_generator)
filepath = None
......@@ -408,6 +407,23 @@ class XmlParserMixin(object):
return xblock
def _get_url_name(cls, node):
Reads url_name attribute from the node
return node.get('url_name', node.get('slug'))
def load_definition_xml(cls, node, runtime, def_id):
Loads definition_xml stored in a dedicated file
url_name = cls._get_url_name(node)
filepath = cls._format_filepath(node.tag, name_to_pathname(url_name))
definition_xml = cls.load_file(filepath, runtime.resources_fs, def_id)
return definition_xml, filepath
def _format_filepath(cls, category, name):
return u'{category}/{name}.{ext}'.format(category=category,
""" Tests for DiscussionXBLock"""
from collections import namedtuple
import ddt
import itertools
import mock
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
import random
import string
from unittest import TestCase
from safe_lxml import etree
from openedx.core.lib.xblock_builtin.xblock_discussion.xblock_discussion import DiscussionXBlock
from xblock.field_data import DictFieldData
from xblock.fields import ScopeIds, UNIQUE_ID, NO_CACHE_VALUE
from xblock.runtime import Runtime
AttributePair = namedtuple("AttributePair", ["name", "value"])
ID_ATTR_NAMES = ("discussion_id", "id",)
CATEGORY_ATTR_NAMES = ("discussion_category",)
TARGET_ATTR_NAMES = ("discussion_target", "for", )
def _random_string():
Generates random string
return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase, ) for _ in xrange(12))
def _make_attribute_test_cases():
Builds test cases for attribute-dependent tests
attribute_names = itertools.product(ID_ATTR_NAMES, CATEGORY_ATTR_NAMES, TARGET_ATTR_NAMES)
for id_attr, category_attr, target_attr in attribute_names:
yield (
AttributePair(id_attr, _random_string()),
AttributePair(category_attr, _random_string()),
AttributePair(target_attr, _random_string())
class DiscussionXBlockImportExportTests(TestCase):
Import and export tests
DISCUSSION_XBLOCK_LOCATION = "openedx.core.lib.xblock_builtin.xblock_discussion.xblock_discussion.DiscussionXBlock"
def setUp(self):
Set up method
super(DiscussionXBlockImportExportTests, self).setUp()
self.keys = ScopeIds("any_user", "discussion", "def_id", "usage_id")
self.runtime_mock = mock.Mock(spec=Runtime)
self.runtime_mock.construct_xblock_from_class = mock.Mock(side_effect=self._construct_xblock_mock)
self.runtime_mock.get_policy = mock.Mock(return_value={})
self.id_gen_mock = mock.Mock()
def _construct_xblock_mock(self, cls, keys): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Builds target xblock instance (DiscussionXBlock)
Signature-compatible with runtime.construct_xblock_from_class - can be used as a mock side-effect
return DiscussionXBlock(self.runtime_mock, scope_ids=keys, field_data=DictFieldData({}))
@mock.patch(DISCUSSION_XBLOCK_LOCATION + ".load_definition_xml")
def test_xblock_export_format(self, id_pair, category_pair, target_pair, patched_load_definition_xml):
Test that xblock export XML format can be parsed preserving field values
xblock_xml = """
url_name="82bb87a2d22240b1adac2dfcc1e7e5e4" xblock-family="xblock.v1"
""".format(, id_value=id_pair.value,, category_value=category_pair.value,, target_value=target_pair.value,
node = etree.fromstring(xblock_xml)
patched_load_definition_xml.side_effect = Exception("Irrelevant")
block = DiscussionXBlock.parse_xml(node, self.runtime_mock, self.keys, self.id_gen_mock)
self.assertEqual(block.discussion_id, id_pair.value)
self.assertEqual(block.discussion_category, category_pair.value)
self.assertEqual(block.discussion_target, target_pair.value)
except AssertionError:
print xblock_xml
@mock.patch(DISCUSSION_XBLOCK_LOCATION + ".load_definition_xml")
def test_legacy_export_format(self, id_pair, category_pair, target_pair, patched_load_definition_xml):
Test that legacy export XML format can be parsed preserving field values
xblock_xml = """<discussion url_name="82bb87a2d22240b1adac2dfcc1e7e5e4"/>"""
xblock_definition_xml = """
/>""".format(, id_value=id_pair.value,, category_value=category_pair.value,, target_value=target_pair.value,
node = etree.fromstring(xblock_xml)
definition_node = etree.fromstring(xblock_definition_xml)
patched_load_definition_xml.return_value = (definition_node, "irrelevant")
block = DiscussionXBlock.parse_xml(node, self.runtime_mock, self.keys, self.id_gen_mock)
self.assertEqual(block.discussion_id, id_pair.value)
self.assertEqual(block.discussion_category, category_pair.value)
self.assertEqual(block.discussion_target, target_pair.value)
except AssertionError:
print xblock_xml, xblock_definition_xml
def test_export_default_discussion_id(self):
Test that default discussion_id values are not exported.
Historically, the OLX format allowed omitting discussion ID values; in such case, the IDs are generated
deterministically based on the course ID and the usage ID. Moreover, Studio does not allow course authors
to edit discussion_id, so all courses authored in Studio have discussion_id omitted in OLX.
Forcing Studio to always export discussion_id can cause data loss when switching between an older and newer
export, in a course with a course ID different from the one from which the export was created - because the
discussion ID would be different.
target_node = etree.Element('dummy')
block = DiscussionXBlock(self.runtime_mock, scope_ids=self.keys, field_data=DictFieldData({}))
discussion_id_field = block.fields['discussion_id']
# precondition checks - discussion_id does not have a value and uses UNIQUE_ID
discussion_id_field._get_cached_value(block), # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(discussion_id_field.default, UNIQUE_ID)
self.assertEqual(target_node.tag, "discussion")
self.assertNotIn("discussion_id", target_node.attrib)"jediwannabe", "iddqd", "itisagooddaytodie")
def test_export_custom_discussion_id(self, discussion_id):
Test that custom discussion_id values are exported
target_node = etree.Element('dummy')
block = DiscussionXBlock(self.runtime_mock, scope_ids=self.keys, field_data=DictFieldData({}))
block.discussion_id = discussion_id
# precondition check
self.assertEqual(block.discussion_id, discussion_id)
self.assertEqual(target_node.tag, "discussion")
self.assertTrue(target_node.attrib["discussion_id"], discussion_id)
......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ import logging
from xblockutils.resources import ResourceLoader
from xblockutils.studio_editable import StudioEditableXBlockMixin
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
from xblock.core import XBlock
from xblock.fields import Scope, String, UNIQUE_ID
from xblock.fragment import Fragment
from xmodule.xml_module import XmlParserMixin
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
loader = ResourceLoader(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
......@@ -24,11 +26,11 @@ def _(text):
class DiscussionXBlock(XBlock, StudioEditableXBlockMixin):
class DiscussionXBlock(XBlock, StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XmlParserMixin):
Provides a discussion forum that is inline with other content in the courseware.
discussion_id = String(scope=Scope.settings, default=UNIQUE_ID, force_export=True)
discussion_id = String(scope=Scope.settings, default=UNIQUE_ID)
display_name = String(
display_name=_("Display Name"),
help=_("Display name for this component"),
......@@ -59,6 +61,11 @@ class DiscussionXBlock(XBlock, StudioEditableXBlockMixin):
has_author_view = True # Tells Studio to use author_view
# support for legacy OLX format - consumed by XmlParserMixin.load_metadata
metadata_translations = dict(RawDescriptor.metadata_translations)
metadata_translations['id'] = 'discussion_id'
metadata_translations['for'] = 'discussion_target'
def course_key(self):
......@@ -134,3 +141,55 @@ class DiscussionXBlock(XBlock, StudioEditableXBlockMixin):
Returns a JSON representation of the student_view of this XBlock.
return {'topic_id': self.discussion_id}
def parse_xml(cls, node, runtime, keys, id_generator):
Parses OLX into XBlock.
This method is overridden here to allow parsing legacy OLX, coming from discussion XModule.
XBlock stores all the associated data, fields and children in a XML element inlined into vertical XML file
XModule stored only minimal data on the element included into vertical XML and used a dedicated "discussion"
folder in OLX to store fields and children. Also, some info was put into "policy.json" file.
If no external data sources are found (file in "discussion" folder), it is exactly equivalent to base method
XBlock.parse_xml. Otherwise this method parses file in "discussion" folder (known as definition_xml), applies
policy.json and updates fields accordingly.
block = super(DiscussionXBlock, cls).parse_xml(node, runtime, keys, id_generator)
cls._apply_translations_to_node_attributes(block, node)
cls._apply_metadata_and_policy(block, node, runtime)
return block
def _apply_translations_to_node_attributes(cls, block, node):
Applies metadata translations for attributes stored on an inlined XML element.
for old_attr, target_attr in cls.metadata_translations.iteritems():
if old_attr in node.attrib and hasattr(block, target_attr):
setattr(block, target_attr, node.attrib[old_attr])
def _apply_metadata_and_policy(cls, block, node, runtime):
Attempt to load definition XML from "discussion" folder in OLX, than parse it and update block fields
definition_xml, _ = cls.load_definition_xml(node, runtime, block.scope_ids.def_id)
except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except
"Exception %s when trying to load definition xml for block %s - assuming XBlock export format",
metadata = cls.load_metadata(definition_xml)
cls.apply_policy(metadata, runtime.get_policy(block.scope_ids.usage_id))
for field_name, value in metadata.iteritems():
if field_name in block.fields:
setattr(block, field_name, value)
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