# Waffle flag to switch between the 'welcome message' and 'latest update' on the course home page.
# Important Admin Note: This is meant to be configured using waffle_utils course
# override only. Either do not create the actual waffle flag, or be sure to unset the
# flag even for Superusers.
# .. toggle_name: course_experience.latest_update
# .. toggle_implementation: CourseWaffleFlag
# .. toggle_default: False
# .. toggle_description: Used to switch between 'welcome message' and 'latest update' on the course home page.
# .. toggle_category: course_experience
# .. toggle_use_cases: opt_out?
# .. toggle_creation_date: 2017-09-11
# .. toggle_expiration_date: ???
# .. toggle_warnings: This is meant to be configured using waffle_utils course override only. Either do not create the actual waffle flag, or be sure to unset the flag even for Superusers.